Saturday, August 08, 2009

MEPS, 8/7/09: Those Sleeping Dogs Refuse To Lie Still

Capítulo #123

As we return to Villa Madera, it’s been another long night. Venus returns home late to Las Animas and lies to Fr/Eduardo that things are going swimmingly with Camilo, so well that she thinks she’s falling in love with him despite the warnings he and Estev gave her; Barbara learns from a frantic Santiago that Dominga is dead and that in reality, Aurora never knew her parents.

Speaking of Ah-wah-wah, she’s at it again. Standing by her overly moonlit bedroom window at the convent, she sobs gobs about the mess she’s made of her life by being so foolish and gullible. She tells herself she’ll never in her life manage to make up for the terrible sin she committed with Santiago’s brother, Camilo. She prays that the Lord will give Santi a woman he truly deserves because once he finds out what Cad did to her, she is sure he will think she is trash. She can only hope that Santiago just forgets about her (much the same way many of us wish we could forget about her).

Santi and Babs are still discussing Rory’s possible whereabouts and all the places he went looking for dear Ah-wah-wah in Pueblo Purificación. He tells Babs he lied about his and Ah-wah-wah’s meeting in Guadalajara and that she’d never actually stepped foot out of Purificación till the day he met her. He mentions that he even went to the convent school she attended but that the mother superior hadn’t been any help; and (of course) he doesn’t think the nun would lie to him about it. Babs conveniently gets the name of the convent from him. Then, suddenly, Santi has a flashback to the man who came to Dominga’s house looking for Aurora right after the fire. He puts it all together and realizes that the man, who coincidentally looks like his father he tells Babs, was the same man who sent the money grams for Rory. He is sure that this man followed them back to Villa Madera and was the same one who must have taken her. Once Babs hears this, it’s her turn to begin to put two and two together about Artemio Bravo.

A bit later in Santiago’s studio, Fernanda argues with Santi because he told Barbara the truth about Aurora. She scolds him because they have plenty of reason not to trust Barb’s motives and for all they know, she says, Barbara could have been the one who hired the man to make her disappear. Santi, grasping at straws, naively argues that Babs has changed and feels guilty for supposedly not stopping the man when she had a chance. In fact, he says, Barbara herself left to hire a private detective to look for the man. He then begs Fer not to mention it to their father since he’s already under enough stress because of Lili’s being kidnapped. (Like she would?) Fer says she doesn’t mean to be the bearer of bad news [ave de mal agüero = literally, bird of bad omen] but she has no reason to believe in Barb’s supposed good will. Santi says he’s reached his limits and is clinging to the slim hope, absurd as it may be, that she shows up soon.

Meanwhile, Barb pays a visit to Artemio Bravo to tell him they’ll need some proof that Lili is still alive and well or else Gonzo will get the police involved in the search for her. She suggests they give Gonzo what he wants. Bravo agrees because he believes that it will cause her husband even greater anxiety. He mentions in passing that Lili keeps telling him that Eduardo Juarez will come to rescue her. The Barbot’s antennae go up again.

In another part of the manse, Lili and Ciro the Friendly Phantasm continue reading Ana Gregoria’s diary. Ciro stops to ask Lili if she realizes that her chances of getting out of there continue to be less and less. Lili doesn’t seem to mind and thinks Bravo may not be such a bad man. Ciro answers in cryptic chess terms that The Black King is a solitary person who bases his game on hate and vengeance; but The White Queen’s strength is her love. She asks if The Black King will win the match. Ciro (who by now is giving us all Yoda flashbacks out the wazoo) answers that the game’s barely begun and says that the pieces are all in their places on the board. Lili must be patient and play intelligently.

Ciro reads further into Ana Gregoria’s juicy diary:

“The mistress goes to church seven days a week and prays to Saint Ramon of the Unborn because she wants to have lots of children. The cook, Cristeta, though, says that if the Señora wants to make sure she gets pregnant again, it isn’t praying that she should be doing. Hmph! What do I know? It frightens me plenty because then the patrón eats breakfast alone and sends for me to attend to him.”

We do a little time-travel and see Don Jeronimo eating by himself in the dining room. He asks the shy Ana why she doesn’t go to mass with his wife. Ana says that the Señora, Alta Gracia, doesn’t like her to go with her. DJ tells Ana not to be afraid and then hands her an ink pen (for the diary he gave her we assume). He says it was a gift from his father and now he wants her to have it. He asks where some sort of decorations his wife puts out at Christmas are kept and she says they’re in the store room. Cristeta comes into the dining room at that point with more coffee and gets suspicious when she sees Ana standing there talking to Don Jeronimo. DJ tells Cristeta no, if he needs her he’ll have Ana come get her. Cristeta shoots daggers out of her eyes at Ana and leaves the room.

Jeronimo makes sure Cristeta is out of earshot before speaking again. He tells Ana he’ll meet her in that store room the next morning while his wife is at mass. (Well, now we know where Cad gets it from.) Ana says she can’t close her eyes all that night because all she can do is think about this meeting the next day. Her heart is in her throat [literally, in her mouth / el corazón en la boca]. --Ciro adds as an aside that it seems that Lili’s grandparents only had one child, her daddy, Gonzo.
They continue reading:

Ana says she’s relieved the next morning so see that when she gets to the store room there’s no one there. She’s hoping Don Jeronimo either forgot or overslept [pegársele los sabanas = getting stuck to the sheets]. Ana climbs up the ladder and starts checking inside the baskets conveniently on the top shelf. Don Jeronimo, noticing her bare shins and ankles, can barely control his desire. He speaks to her from behind and startles her. She turns around and her bare knee is sticking out from her jumbled skirts. He stares longingly at that knee and gently helps her down the ladder. He pulls her close to him and the seduction begins. Ana doesn’t fight it….. Let’s just say she enjoys it as much as he does and when it’s over she says she feels safe in his arms. “Everything was fine until the noise. There was Cristeta. I don’t know how long she was there watching.—“

Just then Bitch Barbie appears menacingly at Lili’s door and enters the room. (Crap! Story-time is over.) “I just found out something I want you to explain.” BB pulls Lili by the hair and starts screaming at her. “You miserable, crazy girl! Just where did you get that Eduardo Juarez was going to come rescue you! Where??!!”

Back at the hacienda, Fernanda runs into her father coming downstairs. He asks where Babs is and then says he remembers Babs told him she was going to church for mass. Fer thinks to herself that Barb is such a freekin’ liar, and that no way Barbara went to mass let alone left to interview a detective like she made Santiago think she was. Gonzo asks after Damian and then nearly passes out. (Not quite the “big one”, ‘Lizbeth, but close.) Fer fusses over her daddy and wants him to lie down. Gonzo admits he’s just so upset at what’s happened with Lili and his inability to do anything about it but he refuses to admit to his illness. “Just a little rise in my blood pressure is all.” She tries to calm him down by saying that soon Franco will come to some arrangement with Obregon and Lili will come back home to them.

BB tells Lili that Eduardo is dead. Artemio walks in on them and says obviously Lili doesn’t believe it because she’s waiting for Eduardo to come for her. He suggests that she should not underestimate the girl, but Barb says she’s delusional. ”Look at her. Does she look sane to you?” Bravo asks her again why she thinks Eduardo Juarez is coming to rescue her. Ciro shakes his head not to let on. Lili stares off into space and says nothing.

At Las Animas, Ed warns Estev that it’s time to bring the farce with Cadmilo Elizalde to an end. Estev wonders why. Ed says he’s worried about the turn things are taking. He asks if Estev has spoken with Venus about it lately. Estev says he did the night before and she was perfectly fine with everything and he wants to play it out to the very end. Ed tells him that he better think twice because Venus admitted to him last night that she was falling in love with Camilo. Estev, who has just been hit on the head with anvil numero uno, is muy impactado.

At the same time, Venus stands in front of her mirror and cries, knowing she is too changed to return to the old life and seemingly not pure enough to begin a new one with her true love, Mr. Estev. (Redemption, methinks, is in the air, so near and yet so far, far away.) As violins pull at the heart strings, Viewerville sheds a tear for our dear working girl.

Back in the study, Estev tells Ed that Venus has to have been joking. He says he can’t believe she’d actually fall for trash like Cad Elizalde. Ed seems to believe her and says there’s no reason she couldn’t. So, he warns, it’s time they put the brakes on this game of theirs. Estev bangs the walls with his fist. “It’s incredible! The guy is such a jerk!” Ed answers that they obviously failed in their calculations. Estev spent so much turning Cad into the “perfect boy friend” that now Venus wants to forget her past and to continue being what she has become: Lovely. Estev’s voice cracks a bit. “Did she really tell you she was happy with this parasite?” “—Unfortunately, yes she did… and that she was falling in love.” Ed claps his BFF on the shoulder in a show of sympathy. Just then Gardenia brings them coffee. She hands Ed his with a special come hither look in her eyes which Ed awkwardly ignores.

Once Denia’s gone, Ed explains his problem with Denia. “Estev, I don’t know what to do! She told me last night that if I was going to marry Errika without loving her, I might as well marry her instead.” Estev wants to know what he told her, but Ed says he couldn’t answer her because the conversation got cut short. Ed says he doesn’t know what to do or say to Denia because he truly does not want to hurt her feelings. Estev hasn’t got an answer for him either, but says Ed definitely needs to tell her something and fast, because there’s no telling what a woman will do when she feels rejected. (Spurned women-alert! Spurned women alert! Estev call your office!)

Back at Bravo’s, BB is demanding an answer from Lili. Ciro asks her if she realizes how it drives Barbara mad when she talks about Eduardo Juarez. Bravo pulls Barbara off Lili at that point and tells BB that he now thinks Eduardo Juarez is still alive. Barb says they’ll have to discuss that later on and pulls out a tape recorder to record something from Lili that will pacify Gonzo.

Across town at Damian’s sleezy cousin, Jacobo’s, law office, Rubiel Villasana has angrily accused Jacobo of bribing the court’s secretary to drop his case against Damian. Jacobo asks him what proof he has. Rubiel says he has his sources and warns Jacobo that Dam’s crime will not go unpunished. “That swindler, Damian Gallardo, is to blame for my mother’s death!” Jacobo insists “his client” was free for lack of evidence and says in any event, the fault lies with the company’s legal representative. He tries then to talk Villasana out of wasting his time and money in a case that won’t go anywhere. Jacobo then swears –or bluffs, cuz who knows-- that he has numerous witnesses that have sworn Damian always comported himself efficiently and honestly in his position as financial auditor for the company. Villasana loses his patience and storms out of the office, screaming at Jacobo to tell Damian Gallardo that his crime will not go unpunished.

Speaking of criminal minds, upstairs in Damian’s bedroom Pris mentions to Dam that Fer hasn’t said anything to her about the business with Vladimir yet. Dam says she hasn’t touched on it with him either. Pris gets after Dam for not pushing it and fixing the problem already. He gets upset and snaps at her. It’s not like he can go fishing for gossip openly! --And, if Pris thinks it’s so easy, why doesn’t she go take care of it herself then instead of forcing him to get involved? She whines she’s just very worried and he tells her that doesn’t get anything resolved. Dam changes the subject to the little task he gave her: getting dirt on Nanda and Fr/Ed. Pris says she searched the entire bedroom last night but couldn’t find anything. She was trying to think of a way to get close to Fer that wouldn’t arouse suspicion, but couldn’t. Dam suggests she offer to help her with the local cheese-producers’ fair. Pris should be able to keep track of how many times Nanda and Franco are together and that way eventually get the proof he needs that she is an adulteress. Pris agrees that it just might work.

Over at Las Animas again, Ed takes a call from Fer asking him to meet her at her office. Eddie starts to tell Estev, just as Denia decides to make her presence known, that Fer sounded pretty worried about something. Denia makes some complaint that if he’s going to be gone and will be a while she won’t know if she’s got to set an extra place at the table or not. She gets frustrated and stomps off again. Ed explains to Estev that it’s a big ruse because Denia wants an answer to her proposal from the night before. (Ok. Ok. I know the guys in Viewerville all wish they could be this lucky, but some of us see Denia as an unnecessary and wacky, tacky nuisance about now.) Estev laughs at Ed’s predicament and advises him to tell her already. (Will somebody tell poor, dear, befuddled Eddie that sometimes you just got to be cruel to be kind so we can get past this pain-in-the-patoot female already?) Ed rolls his gorgeous eyes.

Back at Bravo’s, Artemio is discussing the threat Eduardo Juarez presents to them. The Barbot insists the operative word is “was” since the man is dead. Bravo’s not that sure and says he wants to be absolutely certain. She again insists she confirmed it herself, personally. Even if he weren’t, so what? Bravo suggests that this Eduardo Juarez could be plotting something as dire and complex as their own plan. The Barbot takes a moment to reflect and then thinks to herself with relish, “--something as evil and cruel as I’m planning for you, you despicable wretch!!”

Venus starts to walk outside to wait for Cad to pick her up. Estev stops her in the hallway and asks if he can take a walk or something with her. She says no, she’s got things to do. He notices how down she seems. He asks what’s going on with her, if there is a problem or something and asks if she wants to talk to him about it? She says no, nothing, and she can’t stick around because Cad’s about to arrive. He says just tell Cad she’s busy talking to her er…uncle… for the moment and let him wait. Venus says a little snidely, “That’s right, …“Uncle Estev,” but she’s now Lovely, she says, Camilo’s girlfriend, and that’s how she’s got to behave, so no, she will not make Cad wait. Estev remains hopelessly oblivious to the obvious as Venus walks away to wait on the patio for Cad.

Barb gets off the elevator at Grupo Lactos at the same time Rubiel Villasana rushes out of it. She overhears him trying to find Fernanda. Rubiel says he doesn’t know Fer, but he urgently needs to speak with her. While he’s stuck at the reception desk with Flor, Barb coolly walks into her office and calls Flo to tell her to send him to see her instead. Fr/Ed arrives and walks to the reception desk to greet Flor. Meanwhile, Rubiel enters Barb’s office where she confronts him by name and asks why he’s come. Upset, he races out of her office and runs past Fr/Ed just as Fr/Ed tells Flor he’s there to see Fernanda. Rubiel hears her name and yells over at Fr/Ed that if he sees Fernanda to tell her that her husband is a swindler and that Rubiel Villasana told them so! Eduardo is well-wadda-ya-know-impactado. Barb walks into the reception area just then and keeps Fr/Ed from catching up to Rubiel for an explanation. She coolly ignores the entire situation and takes Fr/Ed into her office. Flor takes it all in and frowns.

In her office with Fr/Ed, Barb tries to brush it all off as a lot of rubbish and just some rude guy’s behavior. Fr/Ed disagrees and says his yelling in the lobby about Fernanda Elizalde’s husband being a swindler sounds like something sensitive and anything but simply some rude behavior. Barb nonchalantly explains that the man’s family was upset and resentful that a bit of business between Damian and them a few years back, which involved their lawyers, was not settled to their liking. “You understand, don’t you? When you lose, you lose.” He says yes. She asks why he’s there. Fr/Eddie explains Fer’s message and says that he thinks Fer probably wants to discuss his plans to get Lili back. Barb hands Fr/Ed the tape recorder and tells him to give it to Fernanda. She tells him that’s the irrefutable proof the family was wanting, what the two of them supposedly were waiting for from Obregon. “That should pacify the Elizalde’s for now.”

Fr/Ed is suspicious and asks how Barbara got it. BB simply says that it was the proof that Obregon sent. Eddie frowns cuz he knows there’s more behind this than she’s telling him, especially with Obregon out of the picture. He passes and asks her what’s on the tape. BB lies and says it’s something that frankly she wasn’t expecting. He asks why she’s giving the tape to him to hand over instead of her giving it to the family instead. BB says since they’re partners in this it’s all the same and it doesn’t matter who tells the Elizalde’s what’s on that tape.

In the meantime, Fernanda walks into the reception area looking for Fr/Ed. Flor shows her the article in the paper announcing the start of the cheese-producers’ project. Fer asks if Franco’s come yet and Flor says that he’s in with Barbara. This raises the hackles on Fer’s neck. Fr/Ed walks back into the reception area just then and says hey. She shoots a nasty look his way and tells him to follow her back to her office. Flor thinks to herself what a great couple Fer and Fr/Ed would have made, and that Franco Santoro is so different from the jerk she’s married to now.

Back at the hacienda at the little family crypt, a grieving Gonzo prays for help from Monserrat in protecting Lili (like a lot of good that will do considering Moansie’s feelings towards her). He needs her to keep him from giving in to his feelings of desperation because he cannot allow himself to fall apart in front of his children. (If I were Moansie I’d be shooting spikes of lightening on the guy’s backside instead.)

In her office, Fernanda tells Fr/Ed that she’s worried her father is becoming ill because of everything that’s happened with Lili and she thinks it’s time to tell him the truth. Fr/Ed looks trapped. He avoids answering and tells her there’s news from Lili; that Barbara found him in the reception area to explain. He pulls out the tape recorder from his jacket pocket. Fer looks on expectantly.

Across the hallway in her office, Bitch Barbie warns Flor to stay deaf, dumb and blind regarding the man that came looking for Fer. As far as Flor is concerned she’s to forget that the man ever came looking for her. If Flor says one word about the incident, BOW will throw her out of the place and this time not even Fernanda will be able to save her. Flor leaves and BB thinks what rotten luck that just now Villasana’s son decides to resurface.

Back in Fernanda’s office Fer and Fr/Ed listen to the tape BB forced Lili to make. On it Lili sounds angry and warns them away from her: “I don’t want to return to the hacienda. I don’t want to see anybody again, either. I have no family! Don’t look for me. Leave me in peace!!”

Fr/Ed is torn as he watches the tears roll down Fernanda’s face.


Gancho Friday August 7th Not a Papa Oo Mau Mau, or Driving Miss Leggy

Beto wastes no time in getting us in a light mood. Summoned to Mauricio’s office, upon Mau asking him to sit, he replies “Thank goodness. I’ve been standing up all day, doing nothing”. Well said. Mauricio has a special mission for him – recover La Monita. Hmmm, thinks Beto, suspiciously, what’s with this “recover” thing, you guys have a history? No, reassures Mau, she’s my employee, she left for no reason, I need her back, she’s very valuable. Okay, says Beto, if we’re talking valuable, maybe she left because she wasn’t making enough money. Mau says he could definitely pay her more, he just needs to talk to her. Don’t you worry, says Beto, I’m a professional.

Another professional (crook, that is), Andy by name (who wanted Moni to throw her fight with La Guerrera), is back at Moni’s house with a business proposition. How about a rematch with La Guerrera, and this one will be clean, you get paid whether you win or lose? Moni wonders why Don Cesar didn’t mention this. He doesn’t need to know, counters sly Andy.

Connie’s conflicted, Jerry wants her to go with the fake pregnancy, but she thinks Mau would kill her if he found out. Jerry keeps trying to convince her, but Ximena strides in, she was all exited about the baby, and now it turns out to be a lie, how could you, amiguita? As Jerry fiddles with a pink, transparent thong, Ximmy moans that she was hoping to get lots of Connie’s clothes when Connie couldn’t fit into them, and since that’s out, she’s going to tell Mau everything. She exits the boutique, Jerry in hot pursuit.

Oscar surprises Gabi from behind again, but this time she’s grossed out, isn’t sure she likes his hand caressing her hair, I mean, where has it been recently? Oscar thinks she’s acting strange, and she starts to explain. To her, black is black, white is white, bread is bread and wine wine (al pan, pan y al vino, vino, or calling a spade a spade).

Moni seems to be packing things for the gym, but Beto enters, exhorts her to return to work. After all, supporting her in the luxurious style she requires (hah!) isn’t easy on his chauffeur salary. She says she’s going to talk to Andy about a rematch with La Guerrera, but Beto doesn’t want her to have anything to do with Andy. Besides, he has a surprise for her. He says “come in”, and Mauricio appears in the doorway, causing Moni to drop her drawers (actually the red boxing shorts she was holding). Moni doesn’t want to talk to Mau (since she thinks he and Connie are going to have a baby), but Beto insists that she quiet down and listen, and leaves the two alone, wishing good luck to his “soul brother” Mauricio.

The first thing he asks about is the boxing gloves hanging next to Moni. Oh, those. A neighbor lent them to me to grab hot things from the oven (yeah, sure).

Outside, Nieves confronts Beto, asking who’s the handsome guy who just went into Moni’s place? That’s our boss, Mauricio Sermeño. Nieves smells trouble, thinks Beto is naïve to trust Moni with such a hunk, who could resist him, as she starts to list his attributes, tall, blues eyes, great body, almost swooning herself, as Beto is shocked at his pure Mom’s impure thoughts.

Jerry and Connie surprise Paula in the coffee room, where is she hiding Ximena? I don’t know, and I never lie, is the response. They exit, and Ximena pops out of the closet, Paula (who never lies) is her new best friend… this office, at least. Great, answers Pau, so you wanna contribute to a gift for Mau’s baby? Well, sure, but I don’t have any change at the moment, says Ximmy. They hear a noise, and Ximmy’s back in the closet. But it’s nothing, so out she comes, requesting a cappuccino. Another noise, back in the closet.

At central casting, Estrella, Dani and Aldo are happy about their TV screentest, but don’t want to get Dani’s hopes up too much, since some others also had good tests. But the director comes out, and both Estrella and Dani are hired!

Mauricio doesn’t understand why Moni’s so upset with him. Since she figures he really does know, it takes a while for her to let it slip out that it’s due to the baby he’s expecting with Connie. What? Where did you hear that? Everybody in the office knows.

Back in said office, they’ve pooled their funds and bought a crib, which is being admired by Paula and the two silent secretaries who always wear matching flowered blouses. Mauricio enters with Moni, and everyone applauds. Words of congrats are offered by all, Moni’s saying I told you so (that everyone in the office knew) but Mau looks a little mad, and demands to speak with Connie, who’s waiting in his office.

Moni and Pau enter the coffee room, and Moni’s surprised to see Ximena. Ximena has no time to talk, needs to explain something to Mau, runs out, only to be chased by Jerry around the circular receptionist station. A few times around and he tricks her, pretending to notice a message for her on the desk. For me? she asks, looking down, only to have him grab her, twist her arm behind her back, and force her into the copy room. She’s going to tell all, so he decides to copy-torture her, pushing her head onto the glass of the photocopier, promising to take photocopies of her until death! She hopes they’re in color, but quickly decides she’s going deaf from the noise and blind from the flashing light. Oh, how low can Jerry sink! Doesn’t he realize we have an energy crisis? And it’s not even Xime’s good side!

Meanwhile, Mauricio asks Connie, are you pregnant or not? Connie pauses to consider her answer.

It’s Moni to the rescue, as she enters the copy room, sees what Jerry is doing, and quickly knocks him out with a right to the jaw. Xime is thankful, Moni saved her life! Moni points out that Xime’s so out of it, she could drown in the shower. How did you know that? confirms Xime.

Mau asks again, Connie stalls again. She takes out some “results” supplied to her by Jerry, and is just about to say yes, when Xime comes in, Connie chickens out, and says no, I’m NOT pregnant. (and so ends another crisis that we thought would tie up this plot for weeks. We’ve had the shortest coma ever, now the shortest fake pregnancy. What’s next, the shortest baby swap?) Anyway, Connie explains that she was just fainting from the stress, and Xime adds that they just HATE people who invent fake pregnancies, right Connie, right? Ummm, right. But now I have to go to the boutique. And she’s off, leaving a very relieved Mauricio. Xime congratulates him for NOT being a papá, and I’m reminded of a song from the early sixties:

So Connie finally admits that he’s really not
A papa oo mau mau a papa oo mau mau
But the whole oficina thinks he’s really hot
A papa oo mau mau a papa oo mau mau
And maybe one day he can hook up with Moni
And both of them’ll cut out all the phoney meroney
Papa oooooooo, papa papa papa ooooooooooooo!

We now see a cute little “familia”, namely Estrella, Dani and Aldo, walking hand in hand, beaming over their stage triumph, as Aldo says he’ll be their agent, but Dani wants all the money she’s going to earn with the “sweat of her tears”. Good acting, little muffin, says Estrella (she actually calls her enana, which means dwarf, midget, or just little one). Aldo wants to go for tacos, and Dani wants cake and ice cream. Estrella agrees, but warns Dani that TV adds pounds to you. Dani disagrees, she’s going to WATCH TV, not eat it.

We now find out that the boutique is not in the same building as Grupo Sermeño, as Connie gets in a car. Well, who else is the chauffeur but good ol’ Beto, who greets her with a “Qué hay, mamita” (what’s up, babe), and proceeds to ogle Connie’s lovely legs (as do I!) Connie resists, she’s had a bad day, just take her to the boutique, and make it snappy. Beto tells her to chill out, his job is not just to drive, but to make her happy, and you only live once, so let’s go get a bite to eat. Connie tries to get out of the car, but Beto presses the automatic locks, steps on the gas, and they're off and running.

Moni and Mau are making up. It was all just a misunderstanding. Friends? he asks, extending his hand. No, she just wants to keep it boss/employee. Fine, he says, and I’ve approved the raise in salary for your brother and you. She can’t believe Beto got a raise! At this point Mau’s phone rings. Luisa says Aldo and Dani have been missing all day. Mau’s on it, asks Moni to come with him.

Beto is tooling along at a fairly high rate of speed, Connie protesting in the back seat that’s he’s driving like an idiot (cafre). Beto ignores this, tells her he loves her legs, as she squirms. He suggests they go to a romantic love nest (nido), he knows one that’s cheap, the towels aren’t too scratchy, and there are hardly any cockroaches! Disgusting, she answers. He wants her to sit up front, since her legs are distracting him. She tells him to look ahead, not back.

Salvador wants to know what to do with the northerners (some investors). Mau doesn’t care, he has things to do. Moni says take them to Xochimilco, which I understand is a series of lakes and canals in the outskirts of Mexico City, built by the Aztecs, where they have floating gardens and boat rides. In the elevator, Moni observes that Mau looked a little pale when he thought he was going to have a baby. He admits he was scared, but it affected Moni more – she was jealous of Connie. Of course she denies this, but it looks once more as if they might kiss when boom, boom, out go the lights! Moni goes batty, screaming, she can’t breathe, they’re going to die, help us, please!

Oscar asks Gabi if she’s noticed the elevators aren’t working, but she states it’s not her problem, it’s outside of her job description. Oscar thinks she’s acting a little strange lately, but she thinks HE’s strange. Enter Jerry, tells Oscar they have to talk, lightly touches his face (I guess checking about that thing Oscar had in his eye before), gives him a pretend punch to the chin, to which Oscar says “ouch”, and Gabi can’t believe how these two guys can carry on their gay affair right in front of her! As the guys leave, Gabi asks Ximena if she knows about her brother, and Ximmy says sure, she knows he’s an idiot. Sal arrives, Gabi leaves, Paula rushes in to report the elevator’s still stuck, and Sermeño Group and La Monita are trapped inside!

Connie’s moved up (to the front seat), so Beto’s no longer looking at her legs, but he still can’t take his eyes off of her. His driving is making her nervous, but she’s getting him excited too, and he scrunches up his lips, closes his eyes and leans over for a kiss. Look out! yells Connie, as Beto slams on the brakes to avoid a white car, but is too late, and there’s a minor crash. The drivers calmly exchange insurance info…NOT! Beto jumps out of his car, the guy in the other car jumps out (as does his tough looking wife), and they start screaming at each other, the other guy insults Beto’s old lady (vieja, which can mean wife). Beto says don’t call my vieja a vieja, and punches the guy. This turns into a street version of lucha libre, with strangleholds, headbutts, and the respective ladies egging on their guys.

Back in the dark elevator, Moni is still scared to death. Mau tries to calm her, takes out his cell and calls Sal, who informs him that the maintenance guys are working on the problem, just be patient. Mau asks about the kids, and Gabi gets on the line to inform him that they still don’t know where Aldo and Dani are.

Oscar and Jerry are celebrating with champagne the fact that Oscar has gotten the judge to make the adoption conditioned on Mau’s marrying. They decide to do a cruzadito, crossing their arms to drink the toast, along with a brotherly hug. Of course Gabi walks in, outraged at their brazenness, says she could understand if Oscar were with another woman, but with this poor imitation of a man (remedo hombre), pointing at Jerry.…”No, it’s too much”, she says in English, exiting in a huff.

Moni wants to make a confession before she dies. Mau comforts her, they’re not going to die, she’s the bravest woman he’s met, how can she be so afraid of being closed in, could she have some kind of phobia? She thinks maybe she does. She explains that when she was little, her Mom would go to work, and since there was no Dad around, Moni was locked in the house. She’d bang on the door for hours, trying to get out, hearing all the voices of the kids playing outside, desperate and afraid. And now, whenever she’s locked in somewhere, she’s filled with anguish. Mauricio gently wraps his comforting arms around her.

Ximena’s back in the closet, still afraid of Jerry, and Paula tries to get her out, Paula’s been working here for three years and doesn’t want to lose her “entrepreneurial career” (we see 6 spray bottles of all purpose cleaner in the foreground, emphasizing the size of her “business”). Ximena thinks Pau will rise way up in this business, maybe they’ll call it “Mau and Pau”. The whole time, Paula is spinning something around in her hand absentmindedly, something which looks like a raccoon tail, maybe it’s a good luck charm. Xime has another problem, she’s going to a new club opening tonight, and guess who Xime’s inviting? You, Pao (spelled the way she calls Mau Mao), you’ll be a “flash”, she adds, popping out of the closet. Thanks, but no way, and I don’t have anything to wear, says Pau. No prob, says Xime, I’ll lend you something, ‘cause they’re best amigas now, right? Paula lights up, and the two amigas excitedly plan their wardrobe strategy.

Gabi tells Oscar they can’t be novios anymore, but they can still be amigas (emphasizing the feminine form of the noun). But how could he choose Jerónimo, she could think of lots of better guys for him. Oscar tries to ignore this foolishness, moves in, asks if she’s ever felt neglected (desatendido). She softens a bit as he suggests an intimate dinner, followed by a night of unbridled (desenfrenado) passion. He leans over to kiss her, which she reciprocates for a second, before pulling away, wondering where that mouth of his has been. Sal walks in, wants to know what’s up. Nothing, we’re just, well……”with the elevator technicians”, Sal adds. Gabi has no idea, and as Sal exits, Gabi’s doubts are gone, and she and Oscar kiss.

Moni and Mau are sitting now, reminiscing about their bittersweet pasts. Mau talks of his first wife, they went to all the races together, everything was great between them. They lived in England, and he had to go to Italy for a sponsored event (she stayed in London). Before, every time he finished a race, he’d take off his helmet, and he and his wife would gaze at each other in silent communication. Nothing else existed for them. He won the race in Italy, looked around for her, but she wasn’t there, the only face he saw was Salvador’s, and Sal’s face let him know something was wrong. It turns out that while he was zooming around the track, his wife was in an airplane, and the plane was crashing. He’s confides in Moni that he’s never told this to anyone else before now. His wife was coming to Italy to surprise him. The surprise? She was pregnant. He starts to weep, and Moni comforts him.

But enough of this sappy stuff. Let’s get back to comedy! Connie, Beto and company are standing around the cars, where a crowd has gathered, and cops are filling out their reports. Connie thinks the other lady is staring at her. She is, and they start insulting each other. Then they start grabbing each other’s hair, and when the guys try to break it up, THEY start fighting, all right in front of the cops.

It’s night now, and it looks as if they’ll FINALLY get the elevator open. The repairman presses the button, the door opens, and Mau and Moni are on the floor, in each other’s arms. She’s asleep. Everyone is relieved.

Cut to a jail cell, and Connie’s in it! Of course, all the other occupants are hookers, and one of same bugs her for a smoke, suggestively pressing against the horrified Connie. She calls over to the men’s cell, just across the hall, Roberto, help me! Beto’s in the middle of a card game (he told her earlier jail was like a second home for him). The guard has no qualms about letting Beto out of his cell to visit Connie. He tells Connie what’s the problem, just call Mauricio and he’ll get us out. She’s ashamed to do that. Then just relax and enjoy the experience. At this, she grabs his ear, and pulls him close to the bars, he’ll get her out, or she’ll yell and hit him. He LIKES this, presses closer for a kiss.

Moni’s awake now, and feeling fine. Mau instructs Sal to have the elevators fixed, even install a new one if necessary, cost is no object. Sal informs Mau that 1) Oscar got a new judge for the adoption, and there’s a hearing tomorrow, and 2) Aldo and Dani are home, safe and sound. Mau asks Moni to accompany him, and Moni asks Paula to tell the neighbors she’ll be late. Pau begs off, she’s going to a wild party with Ximena, which surprises everybody. Mau and Moni exit, but this time, they’ll use the stairs.

At home, Aldo, Estrella and Dani apologize for being out, but they have good news. Estrella and Dani are going to be on TV! Mau says that’s good for Estrella, but Dani’s not working on TV or anywhere else. Aldo tries to convince him, when Moni’s phone rings. It’s Beto, he crashed the company car, and is in jail. Moni and Mau are off again, he’ll talk about the acting thing later.

At the police station, Moni is upset about Beto, she knew he couldn’t drive, but Mau says it was an accident, could have happened to anyone. The officer comes out, they can release Beto, but he adds that there’s a problem – when picked up, Beto was accompanied by a woman of ill repute (una mujer de vida disipada en plena práctica, literally a woman with a dissipated life, in the middle of her practice, which I guess is police lingo for this sort of thing). Moni is livid that Beto would be fooling around with such a fulana (whore), but Mauricio says calm down, at times, men being men, well, you know….until said “fulana” is marched out, and it’s Connie! She runs into Mau’s arms crying, but Moni is very suspicious. She’s the woman of ill repute? she asks the officer? Yep. LOL!

Previews: Oscar’s installing teeny, tiny microphones in Mau’s office, and it looks as if Moni and Mau are at a bachelorette party, with male strippers! And Mau may have to grin and “bare” it!


Al pan, pan y al vino, vino – bread is bread and wine is wine, or calling a spade a spade
Enano(a) – midget, dwarf, little one
Cafre – an idiot or moron
Remedo – poor imitation of, poor copy of
Desatendido – neglected
Desenfrenado – unbridled, frenzied
Una mujer de vida disipada en plena práctica – cop speak for a hooker on the job


Friday, August 07, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, August 6, 2009, Everybody Loves Franco, Cap. 117

Cam is working on Lovely’s leg when she notices the wound inflicted by Erika. He wants to stay so that she can heal him. She tries to call her uncle while he smooches on her shoulders.
She looks like she may weaken and fall into his trap.

The inane conversation between Steve, Fernanda/Damian and Franco/Erika goes on. I have trouble understanding Steve’s Spanish. Gardenia looks on jealously. Damian asks Franco what he thinks about living in the U.S. Erika really hadn’t thought about it. Fernanda looks on painfully. Damian kisses Fernanda, and she pretends to smile and then looks at Franco. This scene is all about the unsaid. Lucky us, we can read minds.

Meanwhile, back at departmento Camilo, he is in full make-love mode and is trying to convince Lovely to reciprocate. She throws down the phone and they start to get down to business. Cam asks her if she will be his.

Erika suggests that the four of them go on a trip together. Franco looks like he just ate a live bird. She wants to go to Saint Thomas. Damian asks Fernanda’s opinion. She gives him a look. That must be her answer. Dinner is served. The bocaditos on the coffee table look good.

Artemio Bravo is happy that Lili is interested in the diary. He shows her a dried flower that he found in the diary – in the middle of the love story. Even though he is warning her that it is a love story, it is about to turn into a horror story. Lili, he says, I am about to let you know my secrets so why don’t you let me know your secrets. For example why did you say that Eduardo Juarez is alive? She cringes.

The magnificent five remark that the food is delicious. Fer and Franco have eyes only for each other, even though Damian has staked out his territory and Gardenia looks on wistfully. Franco tells them that it is impossible to take a trip now because of Power Milk’s business. He asks the pardon of Damian and Fernanda. She looks like she’s eating bugs. Damian declares that what Franco just said is brilliant. Damian wants to follow Franco’s example. He repeats his earlier wish that he and Fernanda have a baby. There is pain all around the table.

At Casa Wierdo, Artemio asks Lili a question. Ciro tells her everything is OK. She repeats that Eduardo is alive and will come for her. Ciro tells her not to answer the question as to Eduardo’s whereabouts. She just repeats the name Eduardo and looks crazily around the room, confusing Artemio Bravo.

Gonzo is eating breakfast when Barb in her Babe Barbie black dress enters the room and ends a call with Santi who advises her that there is no new news. She asks Gonzo’s permission to help Santi find Aurora. Only one thing – whatever relates to his children, they do together. They will unite forces, fighting shoulder to shoulder. She thought bubbles – “ You old fool, neither you or anybody else will interfere with my plans.”

Aurora is still praying when the Lying Nun enters and asks her if she feels better. She wants to know if the child’s father is Santiago Elizalde – she says Santiago, yes, but not Santiago. He won’t believe that it is his child. Madre is sure Santi won’t abandon her. Aurora insists that what she has done is not pardonable. He is going to reject her because she and Santi’s brother did the deed. Flashback to Camilo disrobing Aurora.

Cam asks Lovely if the wine is ready yet, and how about you, are you ready, too. She says she is preparing the first wedding present. What Abdul Hassan knows. No, she says, you will be the first. She comes in wearing a stripper’s bridal outfit, complete with garter belt, stockings, a short white jacket, bustier and bride’s veil. She throws the bouquet to him.

Aurora can’t explain to the mother superior what happened or why. It happened when she took the drops that Camilo gave her. They made her feel strange and she became dizzy. In that moment she fell into Hell. Madre wants to know if Camilo is the baby’s father. She says, no, madre, I am sure that Santiago is the baby’s father.

Cam can’t keep his hands and eyes off Lovely. She has a question. After we make love, are you going to marry me. What the Hell, he says.

Back at the dull dinner, Steve makes a phone call. He gets Lovely’s voice mail. Steve looks at his watch and looks worried.

Camilo asks Lovely what craziness she is thinking. Cam starts throwing out all kinds of lines of BS, like you don’t believe in me. She is going to be truthful. She’s only interested in getting married and he just wants sex. She wants a wedding and he wants to carry me to bed. She runs her hands up and down her body. She is really working it.

Pris ponders what is to happen if Fer is having anything to do (an affair) with Franco Santoro. She’s looking for anything in Fer’s room. Maybe a letter, anything, a photograph. She feels like a vulgar thief, betraying her friend. What if Fer spills the beans to Anibal, she thinks. The future of her child hangs by a thread (un hilo).

The new improved Gardenia who obviously spent a week in New York as a guest of What Not to Wear is setting up the coffee tray in the kitchen. She looks beautiful. Steve asks her if she received a message from Lovely for him. She says no. She calls them (Camilo and company) facilotas. I assume by the way she said the word, that it they are “easy” people and put out, if you know what I mean.

Gardenia is looking for a big spoon and puts a ladle full of sugar in one of the cups. She stirs it when Steve returns and asks her if something is wrong. She says, no, but he doesn’t believe her.

Erika goes forth on her opinion that marriage is un mortajo. Did I get that right? She said a shroud? Damian says that she and Franco will enjoy life. Gardenia makes sure that Franco gets the cup. He takes a sip and gives her a look.

Camilo is still talking to Lovely. He wants to know what agreement they will have. She says it will be a secret accord. He says – hidden from Steve. She says, yes. She will give him what he wants.

Franco asks Gardenia what is the meaning of the sweetened coffee. He wants to know why she served him that coffee. What do you want me to say. That is your love. Sweetened by force. Go on, she says, to your guests. He wants to know why she thinks that. You are going to marry that woman, making you unhappy. You deserve better, not that Erika. This love isn’t real. She cries.

Dinner is over and the guests are ready to leave. Erika goes to the kitchen to get Franco. At least, says Gardenia, it should be Fernanda. But she’s married. Gardenia says it’s a loveless marriage. Rich people don’t marry for love. He says it’s not always for money. Erika is ready to leave and for them to say good night to Damian and Fernanda. On the way out, Franco embraces Gardenia’s shoulder.

Damian gives thanks to Franco and says he and his wife are happy. Fer says good night to Franco. Surely everyone can feel the heat, except Damian, maybe, because he’s got his mind on a crutch and phone he likes to abuse.

Cam finally asks Lovely what do you want. She says I want to be free. We can marry and she won’t be dependent on her uncle and then they can divorce. She offers him 50% of her fortune. He will get his freedom back when they divorce. The lizard smirks. Finally, Steve gets through to Lovely. Steve wants to know how things are going. She tells him everything is under control. Steve doesn’t want Cam to touch her under any circumstances.

Steve asks Venus not to forget their deal – no sex with Camilo. She tells Steve not to worry. She tells Cam that she has to leave. Some other time she tells Cami. Cami looks like he is in great pain. She lights the fire under the water, but doesn’t take a bath, he thinks.

Erika is so happy that Franco is a gentleman and takes her home. She questions him and says she felt something strange at the dinner. He asks to what does she refer. Didn’t you notice that Fer was very strange.

Damian tells Fer that Franco is in love with Erika. You think that too. Yes, she says. You are wrong. Why. He asks her if something is happening between her and Franco. Please, she says. Peque, come here. I still feel doubt. He wants to show her how much he loves her. He wants her to know that what they said is true. What – that we are going to have a baby.

Franco says to Erika that you have known Fernanda since childhood. She says, yes, you two work together. Didn’t you notice something. No, says he. Erika feels a slight sadness about Fernanda. She then gushes on about how great it would be if Fer and Damian had a baby. That is a painful thought for Franco.

Fer says no to Damian and he wants to know why. She is indisposed. What is it. Making love is for two, and I don’t feel the conditions. When have there been conditions. I told you I married for life. But right now I am worried about many things and she still needs time. Damian tells her he feels like leaving the house and looking for what he wants elsewhere. He is going to wait for her forever. He knows that what is happening will pass. He needs her and loves her.

Aurora flashes back to a time when she and Santi made love. She says that even though she’ll never see him again, he’ll always be the love of her life.

Just at that moment Santi returns home to Barb’s arms or spider web or whatever a hyena’s house is called. She asks him if there is news about Aurora. He tells her that nobody in Purification has seen her. Barb promises to help him in every way. He looks incredulous.

Franco returns to Las Animas and Gardenia is waiting for him. She now wants an answer. He says let’s go to the office. No, here is good enough. You can’t marry someone like Erika. (Si te espere levantada es no mas pa que me digas se es que cuando te las das de recachon no mas te puedes casar con gente de ese rodada.)

Meanwhile, Fer dreams about Franco and their bright and shining afternoon at the country house when they kissed and laughed. She tells herself that she has to forget about Franco and resume her life with Damian.

Franco asks Gardenia not to be so hard on him since she knows what he is trying to do. She understands, but you know I love you and that you can’t be in love with Erika. Marriage with Erika has nothing to do with love. Why don’t you marry me – I love you. Fortunately, Lovely has returned home. Lovely asks about Steve who has probably gone to bed. Lovely says that she’s going to bed too (planchar oreja). Franco asks her how she is doing and how everything is going with Camilo. She says better than they could have imagined. He sounds a little suspicious. She says she is falling in love with Camilo.

Santi says he doesn’t know where to look now. He questions Barb about the man who allegedly took Aurora away. She asks where in the village he looked. He tells her he went to Dominga’s house and nobody was there. Barb says “Dominga.” She wants to know about Aurora’s father. Santi tells her that Aurora has no family and that she never knew her father. Barb asks about Aurora’s mother. He says Aurora knew just a little. Barb starts to cry and looks scared.

Avances: Gardenia’s love for Eduardo becomes more intense and Steve warns him about the dangers of this type of love.

Barb grabs Lili by the hair and wants information about Eduardo Juarez.

Someone please post this for me. Anybody know how many love triangles we have so far?


En Nombre del Amor, August 6, 2009--It’s My Party and I’ll Lie If I Want To

Repeat from yesterday of Macarena fainting at Camila’s house.

New: At the hotel in Pachuca, the clerk informs Inaki and Paloma that he found them a room at another hotel, but there’s only one left. Paloma looks very worried, but Inaki assures her that he’ll sleep on the floor. When Paloma offers to sleep on the sofa, he says no, you sleep on the bed like the princess that you are. She says fine and suggests they get something to eat.

Carlota is on the phone with Arcadia, asking where Inaki is. Arcadia doesn’t know but she saw him leave with a suitcase. Carlota demands that Arcadia find out where he went and call her back immediately. Carmen, who was eavesdropping on the dynamic duo’s confab, comes in and inquires who Arcadia was talking to. Arcadia nervously answers “with my comadre” (godmother), and Carmen, looking very suspicious of Arcadia, asks why she said what she did about the suitcase. Arcadia makes up a story and Carmen says she hopes that’s what it was really about, because she wouldn’t like it if people knew what goes on in her house, because she’d lose trust in Arcadia. Arcadia claims that she doesn’t say anything to anyone. The phone rings and it’s Inaki--Arcadia overhears Carmen saying that she made the plane reservations for him and Paloma and that the flight leaves tomorrow night.

At Romina’s party, Emiliano and Romina are dancing with Romina saying that she’s 18 now and hopes her age won’t be an impediment, wink, wink. German comes up and asks to dance with her. H says she’s driving him crazy. I think he also tells her to sleep with Emiliano tonight already but I don’t get why he would say that. Meanwhile, Emiliano is getting a drink when Inaki calls him and explains that he and Paloma are on their way to Madrid. Emiliano is totally bummed out by this news. Inaki passes the phone to Paloma to talk to Emiliano--you helped us get back together and thanks to you I’m the happiest woman in the world. Bartender, make that a double.

Romina comes up to Emiliano as he’s throwing another one back and she exclaims that she’s never seen him drinking like this before. She kisses him and he seems to be really getting into it, but then apparently realizes he’s making a mistake and breaks away. He takes off without saying a word and she tells German that he has to go find out what’s happening.

Inaki and Paloma go into a church and Inaki asks what if they got married right then and there.

German stops Emiliano on his way out of the party and asks him what’s up. Emiliano says nothing’s wrong, it has nothing to do with German or Romina, it has to do with himself. As an ardent "Seinfeld" fan, I love that the writers are borrowing "It's not you, it's me". Anyway, German tries to get Emiliano to talk but he says he’s still not ready and he’s not even sure what’s happening to him. German eventually convinces him to come back in to the party.

Paloma wonders how can they marry? They haven’t done the paperwork and there is no preist--why are we here? Inaki replies “to marry you, swear eternal love to you”...he only needs God as his witness. He kneels to propose to her and recites some vows while putting the ring on her hand--he promises to take care of her, protect her, be her friend and companion, and be at her side in good times and bad. She promises to do everything she can to make him happy.

Carlota arrives at Camila’s to take Mac home, but Camila says not until the doctor checks her first. Just then the doc comes in and after he goes to attend to Mac, Carlota accuses Camila of being a bad influence on Mac, just like Romina is with Paloma. Camila responds that she won’t allow Carlota to talk smack about her or her daughter in her own house...if you’re going to stay here, do it with respect, because if not I’m going to have to ask you to take a flying leap.

The doc doesn’t understand why the medication hasn’t worked, and Mac insists she’s been following his instructions to the letter (al pie de la letra). He asks if she’s had strong emotions in recent days, and she confesses that Pal left and it’s Carlota’s fault.

In Mexico City, Cristobal is walking down the street--he enters a bar but then turns around and leaves.

Rafael is reading in bed--Diana, brushing a hairdo that looks to be too shellacked to even be brushable, wonders how he can do that so calmly when their future is in peril. He needs to fight to keep the factory open. Rafa responds that he will do something, but it’s not the moment for it. She asks when, then? When you confirm that you’re a loser (perdedor)? He explains that he has tried to keep the company afloat. She complains that she’s unhappy, unsatisfied and frustrated, all thanks to him. He never imagined that she’d have so much resentment. Wellllll, now you know...I stopped admiring you a long time ago and realized that the worst of my mistakes was marrying you. He asks if what she wants is a divorce. Her response is that if he doesn’t give her the life she deserves, she’ll have no other alternative. He reminds her that he’s given her a better life than what she had than when they first met, and if she wants, she’s free to leave.

Mac’s doc recommends to Carlota and Camila that Mac stay the night. Carlota tells the doctor she can’t leave Mac in the house of a...neighbor. Camila says Mac is also her friend, and they have to think about what’s best for her. Carlota claims that she can’t let Mac sleep outside of her house--it’s not right, and besides nobody takes care of her like I do. The doc reminds her that Mac isn’t a child and assures her that Mac is in good hands. The doc comments again that it’s very strange that the medicine isn’t working and writes a couple of prescriptions, and the Princess of Darkness of course insists on buying the medicine herself.

Inaki and Pal happily walking and talking. Pal says she’s never felt so happy in her life, and she wants to come back to Mexico to marry in the church. Inaki suggests that they come back to the same church, where they just got (pretend) married.

Camila calls Romina to tell her she can’t come to the party because of Mac being sick and fills her on why Paloma can’t come either.

Rufi offers to go to the pharmacy but Carlota says no, she’ll do it. When Rufi inquires about Paloma Carlota says that if Mac dies Paloma will be the only one at fault. She adds that if Paloma contacts Rufi, please tell her that Mac is muy grave. After Rufi leaves, Carlota takes some glass jars out of the fridge and instead of throwing them in the trash, stomps on them on the floor. Then she tries to open the bird cage, banging it around, saying I’m not going to remain here alone, you (Paloma) are going to come back. Mac can die without you, and you’d never forgive yourself, right? Just like my stupid sister couldn’t forgive herself for her man’s death.

As Emiliano continues drowning his sorrows, Romina’s whining about Paloma not coming to the party, as though Paloma ran off with Inaki solely for the purpose of spoiling the party. The party’s ruined because now Paloma’s story is news, instead of it being all about me and my birthday--tomorrow they’ll all be talking about how she ran off with Inaki like a whore. (Clearly, she has been possessed by Jan Brady--Paloma, Paloma, Paloma!!) Emiliano takes offense and says they had plans to get married, and if they changed them, it must be because something very bad happened. She demands to know why they took off but Emilanio claims not to know anything and adds that instead of making a scene, she should try to be support her friend.

Arcadia approaches Carlota as she’s leaving the house and informs her that she’s leaving Carmen’s house, because she’s sure that Carmen suspects her. And oh yeah, I need money. Carlota says she doesn’t owe Arcadia anything, she’s already paid her. Arcadia points out that she can talk and that she has proof that Carlota wanted to separate Inaki and Paloma--I’ll call you tomorrow to see if you’ve changed your mind. (Ha, take that, Carlota!) Rufi is at the window upstairs watching.

Liliana shows up at Romina’s party and they get into an argument about German and Romina being lovers--Romina denies it, of course, and tells Liliana to get lost.

Inaki and Paloma enter their hotel room with Paloma looking very nervous. Inaki assures her that nothing will happen that she doesn’t want to. She wants to wait until they get married, and he offers to sleep in the chair.

Mac is apologetic with Camila but Camila is happy to have her in her house. Mac thinks that without Paloma in the house, she has no reason to go back there or even to want to live--she feels lost, she only knows how to live with Paloma, with her birds, and even with her sister’s tyranny.

Carlota is putting some new “medicine” in the fridge, and saying “I have to be careful” (or cautious, cautelosa) and “nobody can know.”

Mac and Camila continue their heart-to-heart--after her husband left she realized that one day Romina would also leave home to make her own life, and that she had to do something for herself (which is why she opened her shop). You should do something like that. Mac says it’s too late. No, it’s never too late. To start, you could live here and work with me in the gallery. Mac thanks Camila for making her feel valued and for helping her.

While Paloma takes a shower, Inaki puts a rose on the bed.

Now German and Liliana are arguing--he tells her to leave the party, you and I are over already. She calls him a cynic for pretending to be Emiliano’s friend.

Emiliano is on the phone with Querido Orlando, relating (and lamenting) P’s departure. He’s upset because Paloma deserved to leave her house like a queen, not fleeing in secret. He wants her to be happy but it’s hurting him. Orlando says that sometimes love hurts and the fact that he’s aware of it is a big step. Go home and go to bed, and we’ll talk tomorrow. After Emiliano hangs up Liliana comes up and tells him that German and Romina have been fooling around behind his back.

Paloma has a dream that Mac’s in the hospital and Carlota is berating Paloma--look what you did, Mac couldn’t take it that you ran off. You always end up killing the people you love, first your parents and now Mac. The heart monitor flatlines and Carlota yells that Paloma is a killer. Paloma wakes up crying and Inaki comes in to console her.

German and Romina deny there’s anything going on between them--they dare her to provide proof and Romina makes a scene, screaming and trying to beat up Liliana. Emiliano has to hold her back and Romina says Liliana is just trying to separate them. Liliana admits she doesn’t have any proof, and Romina yells at her some more. After everyone leaves Romina asks Emiliano “you’re not going to believe that crazy girl’s gossip, right?”

Inaki tells Paloma that he didn’t believe in true love until he met her. Because your parents divorced? Maybe, he says. Paloma thinks there are some couples like his parents and Romina’s, but there are some who fall in love for their whole lives, like her parents. She wants what happened with them to happen to her, that is, to share the rest of her life with Inaki, and for them to die at the same time. She and Inaki seem to think that this is really romantic and sweet, but it sounds like a big fat anvil to me.

Emiliano tells Romina to go back in to the party and have fun and that he should go home. But why when you just said you don’t believe anything Liliana said? He thinks he drank too much and doesn’t want to ruin the party (too late--I think Romina took care of that herself). She’s worried that if he leaves now people will think the gossip is true--he says let people think whatever they want...if your conscience is clear, what does it matter what everyone else thinks? He tells her again to go back inside.

Awwwww...Paloma is asleep (with her arm conveniently hanging over the side of the bed) and Inaki puts pillows on the floor next to the bed, lies down, and holds her hand.

Avances: The three girls from school who were hanging out in the courtyard earlier this week when Romina and Liliana were fighting in the fountain have the photos of German and Romina kissing, and talk about selling them to Liliana. German asks Romina to break up with Emiliano already. Carlota confronts Carmen again. Emiliano admits to Romina that he’s not in love with her.


Un Gancho Thurs 8/6 - Oscar and Jero are birds of a feather, Mona flies the coop, Oscar is an odd bird, Consti kills 2 birds with 1 stone

Ahoy all, I'm in a bit of a fret because my Tivo didn't record tonight's Un Gancho! Tivo got wedged which means the hard drive froze up and didn't record a thing. I was able to get the most of it from YouTube which offered up 4 out of the 5 parts, and some of the last bit from piecing together previews and ads and things. Wouldn't you know it, Part 5 was "This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by TELEVISA S.A. DE C.V.. ".

Update: Kris jumped in and recapped the last bit for me, what a relief! Thanks Kris.

Coni tells Mau she needs time to forget him, boo hoo. They are interrupted by a ruckus in the front office and they are not pleased to see Rolando there with Xime. Mau accuses Rolu of trying to murder him. Xime says calm down, Porfis, Rolu is here to apologize. Coni slaps Rolu so hard that she hurts her hand. Ha ha, two birds with one stone.

Moni gives fight advice to El Vengador. It's all about actitud, actitud, actitud (attitude) says Beto. No, aptitud, aptitud, aptitud corrects Mona. Meanwhile, off to the side, Nieves and her little monkey place bets with Costeño on Mr. Tornado. Oh mama, whatcha thinkin?

Mau inspects Coni's hand and she "weeps" for the kiddies, she wants to help protect them. Mau comforts her, the idiot. She says she plans to leave tomorrow and she wants to spend this last nght together. Puhlease, give me a break.

Oscar and Jero celebrate their impending financial success with some champagne and a couple of manly hugs. No Knock Gabi busts in and and wonders QTH (Que the heck) is up with them? "Don't you ever knock?" Jero asks. Finally somebody asks her that question! Gabi reminds Oscar they have plans to go to the concert. Jero says kisses to you both. "To both?" asks Gabi, impactada.

Cut to the ring where our luchadors are going at it. El Fantasma Vengador is getting a right thrashing by the brawny Mr. Tornado. Nieves can't look. Moni shouts encouragement which inspires Beto to get in a few good licks starting with a foot to the groin of the Tornado.

Aldo looks very profesional in a new suit. He is going out but won't tell his sisters with whom. Mau and Coni walk in and Coni tells the kiddies it's very important for them to spend the evening together because she is going away on a trip. "Very, very, VERY far, right?" Dani asks hopefully.

Coni is dining with the Mau family so the mood is glum as it always is when she is around. Poor Aldo has a terrible case of the fidgets because he is late for his date. I remember being that age and this would be absolute torture. Coni asks Teresa to fetch Ivan because she has something to tell them. She wants Ivan to sit with them but Teresa refuses, she knows their place and wants them to eat in the kitchen like always. (This is a little power play going on between Coni and Tere.) Coni wants them to have a glass of wine. Teresa says no thanks and Ivan doesn't drink. Coni presses, she wants to make a toast. Her words are nice enough but ominous music plays in the background and the discomfited family waits for the anvil to fall.

Estrella waits for Aldo at the cine and longingly watches another loving couple. She looks as if her heart is breaking. It sucks to be stood up.

Coni, giving them a bunch of crap compliments and crying croc tears, weepily tells the kids she will miss them and she forces them to drink a toast. Aldo tries to leave but Mau orders him to sit down.

The tide has turned at the ring and El Vengador is kicking booty. He climbs up on the ropes and one gigantic body slam later Mr. Tornado has become Mr. Dead Calm.

Estrella stomps home and Aldo, who has finally escaped, runs after her apologizing. He tries to explain what happened but she is in a rotten mood. He apologizes and she relents a bit saying he looks very handsome in his suit. She suggests it's best if he leaves but she agrees to give him a goodnight kiss...on the cheek. He grabs her and plants a big one on the lips. (He also tries to cop a feel and she calls him picarón.)

Victorious team Beto gets home in time to see this kiss. Nieves is impactada. Mona scolds them, are they crazy? He's way too young for Estrella. Aldo tells Mona it's their own biz and takes the blame, but Estrella tells him to go home and quickly escapes to her room. While Mona bangs on the door Estrella fondly recalls the kiss.

Coni tells Mau goodbye forever, she gives him a longish goodby kiss and promptly faints. Oh dear, I think we all know what this anvil is.

At work the next morning Mau recounts to Sal that Coni was supposed to leave but she ended up staying because she felt sick.

Mona gives Estrella a hard time about kissing Aldo, he's 15 yrs younger. Pshaw, says Estrella, he's only twelve, maybe ten years younger. Anyway, he's in love and she...well she really likes him. Estrella tells Moni at least she's doing what her heart tells her, not turning her back on love like Mona.

Gabi is doing her filing (her nails that is) when best buds Oscar and Jero stroll out of the elevator arms around each other. Oscar teases Gabi by filing his nails and stealing her lima (file). She's thinks something is up with this guy who is acting like a girl. Gabi grabs Paula because Pau tells it like it is. Does Pau think Oscar is a bit odd in his tastes?

Holy cow, Paula talks really fast; I think this is the story she tells...Pau had a neighbor very macho, deep voice, great futbol player, and what a body. Pau prayed every night that he would just look at her. Well one day he finally did look at her but only because she happened to walk by holding hands with a fireman. At least I think that's what she said.

Sal scolds them for gossiping but pulls Gabi aside for a Mau consultion, Mau is going to marry Coni.

Paula the corporate eavesdropper dashes off to tell Moni (who is on the phone saying goodbye to Fausto, going back with his tail between his legs to Gringolandia) that Mau is going to marry the Mummy. Moni thinks Pau is hearing crazy things again. Surely he won't marry that harpy.

Aldo calls Estrella Falcón, actrice. She's down because she's trying out for a part as a mom and she needs a kid about 6 or 7 yrs old. Gee, can Aldo help her? Hell yeah, Dani's just the kid. This didn't make sense to me, wouldn't the studio provide their own kid actress for the tryout? Aldo says he would like to help Estrella and a whole lot more.

Mau glumly asks Coni how she's feeling and what did the doctor say. Oh not much, she answers, just too much stress. The outcome is she has decided to stick around to be close to her friends. Darn. She happily shows him a tiny pair of shoes and a cute little shirt for for Dani. Mau tells her those infant clothes won't fit Dani. Coni replies then she'll just save them for their baby. Of course Moni overhears and jumps to conclusions, such a surprise. Coni drives it home by saying she feels nauseous. Mau is clueless.

We are at Televisa studios for Estrella's try out and Dani is game for the fun as long as she gets to wear a bit of Estrella's lipstick. I wish Kris was here to capture the image of Estre putting lipstick on Dani; "too-doo-doo" Dani says as she puckers her lips.

Gabi overhears Jero helping Oscar get something out of his eye but she thinks they are up to some lovin' as Oscar says "wow it's really huge don't you think?" Jero says indeed it's very impressive. They go on but I think we get the point. For once Gabi doesn't burst through the door.

Pau finds Mona crying in the coffee room. Mona tells her that Coni is expecting Mau's baby. Mau was fooling her and never meant to leave Coni. Pau insists Mau is a good guy. Mona says it's her fault because she did the same to Beto who has loved her. She's nothing more than a stupid fool.

Gabi tells Sal she has a secret to tell him. Jero and Oscar are partners! Not in biz but in that other way. Sal can't believe it. Gabi says it's a huge office scandal. They are interrupted by our metiche Paula who, thinking they are discussing Mau and Coni, tells them they don't have to get silent around her because she already knows the chisme. They mean the pregnancy, right? Gabi says it's impossible for a man to be pregnant. Duh, says Pau, the news is that Coni is pregnant by Mauricio Sermeno Group! Que?!?! All the heads in the secretarial pool turn in unison and Sal and Gabi (and a hidden Jero) are impactados.

Everyone stares as a triumphant Coni sashays out of Mau's office, kisses him goodbye, and tells them all to have a great day! Gabi and Pau think Coni's bubis are definitely getting bigger.

Back at Televisa Estrella Falcón, actrice, and Aldo sign the necessary papers and flirt while Dani runs off to play with some other little girls.

Xime shows up at Sermeño Group and Gabi can't wait to tell her that Mau is going to be a papa and Xime a tia. Xime is a bit confused so Gabi spells it out. Coni is pregnant!

Moni recalls Beto telling her he loves her very much. He busts in and sees her crying, does she have a fever? She asks does he remember when they were kids and always together, does he remember when her mama left? He hugged her hard and said he would never leave her alone. He remembers that she was very sad. She asks him to forgive her and give her another chance. He says he adores her. She loves him too. He asks are we novios again?

Dani has her big moment at "the casting". She asks her pretend mami Estrella why does always come home drunk and beat her with a belt? Dani is acting her little heart out but Estrella cuts it short; the directors tell her not to stop and to take the gum out of her mouth. (Finally!) Estrella, back in her mami role, gives Dani a big hug and says she'll never leave her. They all clap. The directors think Estrella has great legs. So what are we thinking here, that Dani will land the role?

Mau thinks Moni is mad at him and he asks her why. She tells him to leave her in peace and runs out.

Jero visits Coni at the boutique to congratulate her on the pregnancy. She asks what's he talking about? He wonders why didn't she tell him she's preggers? "Because I'm not," she insists. He tells her yes, she IS pregnant. He sits her down and tells her his plan. From today forward she is, doesn't she get it? This will get her to the altar with his cousin.

Mau call Mona and asks why is she so mad? She tells him to go back to his girlfriend because she's gone back her boyfriend!

Nieves finds Mona home early from work and wonders what happened and Mona tells her she asked off but she probably won't be working there long anyway. Nieves worries then about the fall out effect and Beto's job and reminds them that rent is due next week. Right on cue the guy who kidnapped her to have Beto throw the fight shows up and offers Mona a buen negocio she can't refuse.

At Mau's office, Beto is happily eating his torta in the break room and Gabi comes in and tells him he has the same skill as his sister, he can disappear. She tells him the boss is looking for him and is disgusted with his torta de tres reganadas (or maybe torta ahogada) de queso y puerco and tells him he better go see the boss. He will, but if she eats any of his torta he'll cut off her fingers. I thinks she throws it in the trash.

He gets to Mau's office and makes a comment that all executives should have smokes and cognac but Mau doesn't smoke. Anyway, he wants Beto to do him a favor, try to persuade Mona to come back. Beto gets cara impactada and that's the end.

Whoa, should be good tomorrow.

Pájaros de una misma pluma, gente de una calaña = Birds of a feather flock together
El pájaro ha volado = The bird has flown
Es un bicho raro = He's an odd bird
Matar dos pájaros de un tiro = Kill two birds with one stone


Thursday, August 06, 2009

Gancho al Corazon Wed Aug 5 - This body is not a piano - you know? & He's not a thief, he's a fool

Some winner lines in this one, but man I wish there were fewer so it wouldn't take so long! :)

We open with the chicas fighting over their meat. Mona says Coni offered money and Coni claiming Mona asked for it. Mona leaves in a huff figuring it ain’t worth her sweet sweat. Coni tells Mau she’ll stay, he says no thanks I’d rather be alone. Ouch.

Beto is whining over Fausto the big brute to his Mami. Mona comes in and he begs her to save him because he wants to see Vegas one day.

At the neighborhood, Pau asks Estre to borrow shoes and gets an earful about the horrible state of Estre’s world and how she ain‘t lending nothing to noone anymore. She was casting all day and got nothing but “propositions.” Pau tells her she should dress more professionally. Estre gets offended and screams to the whole building, tomorrow she’ll come out all covered up, her body is not a piano. As she walks away Pau jokes, it’s a piano alright but a grand one. (piano de cola). There’s more to this joke but I’m not getting it right now, maybe it’s because she's so dramatic like the presence a grand piano grabs.

Mona is telling Beto that no wonder Fausto wants to smash him if he runs around telling folks Fausto is gay. Ma is like no way is tat true. Beto says they said it about his fight name and that he was in the US so of course I thought it was him. They beg Mona to do something and she agrees but swears this will be the last time she sticks up for Beto. She calls and asks for his room.

Mau shows up at work and immediately gets an apologetic call from Coni. He tells her she should be apologizing to Mona not him. He cuts her off short. Xime is with her in a super cute outfit telling her he wouldn’t hang up on her if she listened to Xime, if Xime tells her to tighten the screw then she should tighten the screw! This pisses Coni off more, of course.

At the office Moan begs Pau to cover for her she has to meet Fausto. Pau says she will but worries about that one who likes her so much (Gabi).

Ma chats with Oscar about trying to hurry the adoption. The important thing here is that Oz tells him he’d be better off if he married. He thinks that’s not so easy, but Oz assures him he’s a young good catch he shouldn’t have trouble, and right on cue Moni shows up with the capuccino. Mau follows her out and wants her to come to a meeting with him, they have pending things anyway. She can’t come because she has to take to the doctor her uncle with hemorrhoids because her aunt with menopause (menospausa pronounced wrong - meaning less pausing) can’t handle him. He stomps off and she who never lies yells at herself for lying more everyday.

Aldo is telling Estre she was right and that girls like to be the center of attention and that’s what happened with Kati; he didn’t call her for a week and she came looking for him and she thinks then of course she kissed you. He said yeah like this the girl’s a vacuum!

Estre loses her cool and all of a sudden is super busy and has to get on her way etc. Aldo just smiles, she’s mad and jealous.

Next we go to the Hotel Emporio Reforma ( I thought I recognized this place) where Mona meets up with Fausto. They chat about old times, and basically that he fights Beto all the time because of her, and she said yes to Beto but not to him, but he wants her to come to Vegas to live with him and that will make him give up fighting Beto. Guess who shows up in the meantime to meet some “northerners’ about business. Mau and Sal, and Mau spies Mona and forgets all about his northerners and wants to know what the hell she’s doing here with a guy. Sal calms him down, but he wants him to find out everything he can about this guy. Sal surmises she’s the one Mau wants to marry but of course he says not with her nor anyone, but man he wants to punch out this guy something fierce. Mona leaves saying there’s no way she’s going to Vegas. He tells her to think about it though, or he’ll see her in the ring.

At the house Monstranza thinks the whole world is out to hide him from her but really no one knows where Mau is. She tears Tere a new one thinking she is lying. Then the kids come out and she wants to sweet talk Dani and pulls her over to tell her where he is, but she can’t do that for more than two secs when Dani very innocently thins he’s at the office. Poor Dani. Lu tells the monster to back off and Monster leaves.
Aldo has been pounding on Estre’s door forever but she didn’t want to open. He swears she’s jealous, she says of that colorless , odorless (note this can also be a toliet), tasteless girl, - no way she says. She swears it has to do with work and no one calling her or taking her seriously. Aldo says he takes her seriously and is her number one fan. She calms down and realizes he is. She gets a call and asks her fake secretary if she has a free slot. Of course she does and lands an audition. She thanks Aldo that he brought her luck and they get this close. She tells him she cares about him and they get close enough to kiss, but at the last minute she stops herself and hugs him instead. Oh I wanted them to kiss. Is that wrong? :0)

Mona and Pau chat about the whole Vegas offer. Mona thinks maybe she should go to get rid of all her problems. She tells Pau she will. In classic novela mode, Mau is listening in at the puerta. He doesn’t like the sound of this.

Of course when we come back from commercial we learn Mona was just kidding there’s no way she’d run off with him. Naturally Mau has run off in his stupor of anger and didn’t hear this part.

When we come back, Sal got the info Mau was looking for and Pau gets mad at Mona for saying one thing and doing another. Turns out Fausto Goodface lives in Vegas has a chain of Mexican restaurants called the Monkey, and he’s a champion lucha libre fighter who goes by the name Mister Tornado. Gabi comes in and he asks her to bring Mona but she notes that it’s one minute after 7pm so she’s gone. Mau leaves. Gabi thinks he’s a good example of a man who goes after what he wants as opposed to one who wastes his who life on a woman who is deranged and who you don’t love anymore. Sal stares blankly as she walks out. Yeah she’s got some cajones alright.

Beto approaches the girls in the barrio and wants to know if Mona talked with Fausto. She tells him the story and he gets all excited that she was asked to go to Vegas and is surprised she gave that up for him. I guess she gets mad because she wouldn’t give in just to save him and he only sees her as an object that he plays rock paper scissors for - he says no but he did win her that way. She walks off hoping that he gets every bone in his body broken.

Crazy Coni shows up at work demanding to see Mau and making a huge psycho bitch scene that would even shame Gabi.

Mau shows back up at the hotel to meet Fausto, who actually knows Mau is a famous race car driver. He wants to talk about Mona, but Fausto wants to talks about himself and makes Mau sit to hear his tale.

Ma encourages Beto to buck and fight don’t be a coward. She says folks have had enough of his stupidity. She's had it up to here!

He takes offense and says he’s going to the hotel to prove he’s not a coward. Ma feels maybe she did the wrong thing.

Oz and Jero chastize Coni for wandering around whining all the time. They tell her Mau will marry, not with her, but she freaks out wondering why not her. They tell her generally man aren’t going to marry psycopaths like you, so you need to clean up your act.

Fausto continues chewing off Mau’s ear, nose head and half his torso. Poor Mau he wants out soooo bad, but he can’t get a word in edgewise with this guy who goes on about his encounter with the great fighter in Wichita who wanted to break his “ass” in English and yes this was censored. I think it’s hysterical the people outside in the window who are clearly just watching the filming going on…

Nieves prays to Lupita and regrets yelling at her boy. Oh get over it already. She tells Mona Beto does all this for her, and begs her to go after him. She says she will, but only for her.

Beto goes to the Emporio in search of Fausto Goodface. This results in a keystone cops episode when he again imposes his naco self on the doorman, telling him to go look for Fausto. The doorman says not his job, and since Beto won’t let it go, security is called.

Of course Beto escapes them and runs into Mau, his patron, Mau thinks maybe not since he hasn’t seen him around the office lately. Of course then Mona shows up and they go in circles about this whole thing and she wonders why Mau is there until Fau comes back and sees him and a brawl breaks out.

The evil twins begin to program their fembot and Coni steps right in line with the plan to marry Mau.

The police leave Beto alone finally, after Moni's information that he's not a thief, he's a fool, and Mau finally tells Mona he’s there to keep her from going away. She is very important to him. She’s worried about her brother being around to hear this and keeps telling him not to interfere in her life. He ends up taking her advice and walks out mad. She takes Beto angrily away.

Aldo invites Estre to the movies, she fights but then gives in and doesn’t want to go too late and thinks they should meet there so people don’t talk. Oh dear.

Estrella actually comes out looking really cute and more proper and she is all happy. Pau wonders why and doesn’t buy that it’s because she got work.

Beto and Mona come back. Ma thanks Mona, but Beto says for what, he came back for his outfit.

Mona tells them about Mau being Beto’s idol. They tell her not to worry that he still thinks Beto is her brother.

Mau gets all off his chest to Sal. He remind him if someone lies they can’t be trusted.

Coni shows up all sudden and asks to speak with him alone. She’s not going to bug him anymore, tomorrow she’s going away somewhere to forget him.


MEPS - Wednesday, Aug. 5 - Franco and Barbie play let's make a deal; Aurora discovers she's pregnant

* Vladimir cries and throws Damian's crutch into the kitchenette. Damian is frustrated and fed up and yells at Vladimir to give him back the crutch. As Damian stands up with the crutches, Vladimir pushes him and he yells in pain because of his wound. Vladimir wonders what Damian is going to do - Damian says that he will find out what Fey knows about Priscilla and Vladimir's affair, at the risk of his own marriage.

* Franco asks Barbie where Lili is? Barbie wants to know Franco's motives in the search for Lili. They debate making a deal. She balks and hesitates to answer Franco's question. Franco continues to dig and try to find out why Barbie won't tell him. She only proclaims that Lili is safe and sound where she is, and that no one in the Elizalde family or Franco will ever see Lili again. Franco is frustrated and continues to ask about Lili. Barbie finally says the information he wants is classified confidential by someone else in authority. Franco loses patience and starts to choke Barbie to force her to give up the mystery person's name.

* Nun tells Mother Superior that Santi is outside the convent door. Mother Superior informs her that Aurora doesn't want to see him.

* Barbie breaks free from Franco's stranglehold. Franco wants to know the person's name and why he's banned from seeing Lili. Barbie gasps for air and spouts that the person is infinitely powerful and won't permit it. Franco grumbles his continuing frustration and hostility. Barbie says that they really need to be allies now, in order not to lose Lili forever.

* Santi meets with Mother Superior in her office. He asks if Aurora has been to the convent. Mother S thinks about the question.

* Nun visits Aurora in the chapel praying. Aurora asks if the Pastor has arrived.

* Franco grumbles in his thought bubble about his pact with the Hyena, the very devil that made his and his mother's lives heck for many years. Barbie looks at Franco and thought bubbles her own devilish plan to help her own cause (vengeance against Don Artemio for taking her child from her). Barbie hands Franco a glass of water and sits down at her desk. She explains to him how much she despises, hates this mystery person and wants to destroy him. Barbie explains why she needs Franco as an ally in her scheme, then she makes her condition - that Franco has to give up Fey completely.

* Santi finishes with Mother S and starts to leave the office. He turns at the door and tells Mother S to tell Aurora that he was there. Mother S asks him what actually happened? Santi is upset and says that he's looked everywhere for Aurora since she left his family's home. He says that a man took her from the house. Mother S. is impactado (stunned).

* Nun is with Aurora in the chapel. Aurora feels nauseous and faints. Nun panics.

* Santi explains to Mother S that all he knows is that an older man took her from the house. That's all he knows. He's desperate to find Aurora. Mother S apologizes. Santi leaves.

* Franco is curious about Barbie's motives and interests in protecting Fey and Damian's marriage. Barbie explains about her secret plans with destroying the mystery man and their secret pact. Franco is inquisitive about her reasoning. Barbie continues to explain, this time about Fey's need to find her sister. She then asks him again to be her ally. Franco gulps as he turns to put down his glass, then he turns back around, says he accepts her deal, shakes her hand and then stands up.

* Mother S and Nuns pick Aurora up and take her to her bedroom.

* Franco and Barbie finish their agreement discussion.

* Magically, Franco enters Fey's office. He has to explain to Fey about the financial problems with the company. Fey is suspicious about Obregon. Franco continues with explaining that Lili apparently is safe and sound where she is. Fey wonders about Barbie. Franco says that Barbie was indeed behind the kidnapping.

* Damian meets with Priscilla at the hacienda patio. He stuns her with the news that Fey knows about her affair with Vladimir.

* Fey and Franco finish talking about Barbie; Fey restates that he has her promise that she won't tell anyone what they know about Barbie's crimes. Then Fey changes the subject to confessing her thoughts about Santi's search for Aurora. Franco listens quietly as Fey continues to confess her thoughts and problems with her hubby, Vladimir, Jaime Correa, Flor. She apologizes for unloading her family problems on him, and asks if he's uncomfortable about it. He is kind and understanding; he doesn't mind that Fey feels so comfortable with him to trust him like this. He is stunned when Fey reveals Priscilla had an affair with Vladimir.

* Damian tells Priscilla that after Vladimir was fired, Fey revealed that she knows the secret. Priscilla is still stunned. Damian uses the opportunity to solidify his alliance with Priscilla.

* Fey confesses to Franco her idea that when Lili returns, she wants to move with Lili to some place else, to have some peace and tranquility; how much she would love just to escape from her family and all the fights and problems. Franco understands. He listens as she continues to reveal her frustrations and quotes Barbie, her stepmother about family unity.

* Barbie calls Santi on the cell phone. Santi says he has no news or leads about Aurora at the moment. Barbie says she has nothing new to report about Lili either. They hang up. Barbie prays aloud for a chance some day to be with Aurora again.

* Nun brings Aurora tea to her room. As Aurora drinks the tea, the nun sits on her bed. Mother S arrives. Nun leaves. Mother S asks about her illness. Aurora says nothing's wrong. Mother S will call the convent's doctor. Aurora doesn't need to see one. Mother S insists, then asks Aurora when was the last time you saw a doctor? Aurora looks at her confused. Mother then asks when her last cycle was? Aurora is embarrassed. Mother tells her about Santi's visit to the convent today. Aurora gets upset - she doesn't want to see him - she can't see him.

* Santi sits on a park bench, wondering where Aurora is?

* Mother and Aurora continue their discussion about Santi; why Aurora insists that she can't see him. Dr. enters to examine Aurora.

* Franco and Fey have tea in Fey's office. They talk about finding and rescuing Lili. Franco mentions Damian. Fey says that there's no future for her marriage.

* Phantom Ciro reads more entries to Lili from Ana Gregoria's diary. Tonight, Ana Gregoria reveals that this diary has become her very best friend - and that Don Geronimo is the only one who knows she writes in it. (Flashback scene - Ana Gregoria is sweeping in the hallway when Don Gregorio stops her; he wants to read her diary; she refuses to let him, saying it's her secrets; he wonders if they are a secret, too, and says her's a second secret, he kisses her.) Ana Gregoria and Ciro read about her mixed feelings over the kiss. Ciro closes the book and hands it to Lili. He says that her grandpa Don Geronimo had an affair with Ana Gregoria, the mother of Don Artemio, in whose house she is being held. Lili stares at Ciro. ** NOTE: If Don Geronimo looks familiar, it's because it's Anibal with a fake mustache **

* In Villa Madero, Don Silvestre listens as Martina cries about Lili's kidnapping and letting Franco down with her duties. Don Silvestre tries to console his daughter. She really feels horrible about what happened. Don Silvestre repeats that if Franco says don't worry, then there's nothing to worry about. Martina is still shaken and stirred. Don Silvestre tells her to keep the faith.

* At her office, Fey starts to talk about Franco's engagement to Erika and her lousy marriage. Franco thought bubbles how jealous he really is about her marriage to Damian but knows that he has to do this in order to complete his promise to his mom about Lili. Fey sees him silently standing there and thinks he understands everything. Franco states, "Yes, Barbie is going to receive her punishment."

* At the convent, Mother returns to the room and announces to Aurora that she's pregnant. Aurora is stunned.

* In her home office, Barbie thought bubbles how she hyperventilated when Rosenda telling her that the handkerchief was Aurora's only thing she had of her mother. Then she thought bubbles about how she kicked Aurora out of the house, calling her a cheap tramp. Tomasa enters the office to go over the menu for dinner; Barbie asks her to have Fey do it; Tomasa tells her that Fey and Damian will be eating dinner with Franco and Erika tonight.

* At Las Animas, Franco finishes putting on his shoes in his bedroom. He talks with Steve about his deal with the devil Hyena. Steve warns him about the dangers of making a deal with her. Franco knows all that but he can't go back on his word now. Steve continues to warn him, especially about Fey. Franco knows and understands, but insists it's too late to turn back now. Gardenia interrupts - says the guests have arrived. Steve leaves. Gardenia is upset that Franco isn't wearing the shirt she placed on his bed (and sprayed with her herbal cologne). Franco didn't want to wear it, it doesn't go with the pants; she says then she'll find some other pants; he says then he'll have to change his jacket; he says it's too late now, his guests have arrived. He leaves. Gardenia grumbles her frustration about Erika and the engagement.

* At the apartment, Camilo is dreamily enchanted by Lovely. She says that she promised her uncle they would have dinner and go to the movies tonight. He sits her on the couch - he has other ideas for them tonight (he wants to hug and kiss her). She backs out of his reach and starts to call Steve - Camilo continues to try to kiss and hold her. Lovely stands there on the cell phone as he asks about their love life after they are married. She stares at him.

* Steve tells a funny story about Franco at work to Fey, Damian and Erika. Erika is an airhead; Damian has to explain business; Franco has to add his own details to the story. Damian wonders about them living in the U.S. Then he gets the surprise 'light bulb' idea that maybe he and Fey can plan a cruise for the two couples to take together. Fey looks at him, stunned beyond belief.

ADVANCE: The drama continues at the engagement party!


Wednesday, August 05, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, August 5, 2009

Macarena tells Carlota that if she sends Paloma to boarding school then she will initiate an investigation into Carlota’s abuses. Carlota is pissed and tries to guilt trip her by saying if my father was alive now and saw what you are doing he would die with shame. Macarena has finally grown a pair and does not back down and says if he saw how you treated Paloma, our parents would not be in agreement. She is fighting for Paloma's liberty. If Carlota forgets about sending Paloma to boarding school then she will not file the paperwork. But if she keeps insisting on sending Paloma then she will file and doesn't care that it will be made public.

Paloma tells Inaki that Carlota was in the room when he called and that's why she couldn't pick up. He tells her to go to the balcony. He is on the street looking up and tells her that he will not allow her aunt to send her to the boarding school. She tells him that she can go to her mother's best friend's house who she knows will hide her until she reaches legal age. (never mind that you haven't seen her in 10 years) Anyway Inaki asks if she knows her last name, but she doesn't remember. But knows that she can ask around for her.

Macarena tells Rufi how nervous she was telling Carlota that she cannot and will not send Paloma to boarding school. Or otherwise she will face the an investigation into her abuses. She tells Rufi that Camila has been a good friend to her and gave her great advice. Rufi asks if she will tell Paloma about her threat to Carlota. Macarena doesn't want her to know the ugliness that is going on. She will tell her that Carlota just changed her mind.

Inaki tells Paloma to find out Natalia's last name and he will help her out.

Rufi starts to make herself a tea that Carlota uses herself. Rufi says when Paloma marries Inaki then you can go out with the doctor. Then we can all leave this house.

Romina tells Emiliano that she is sorry for the way she acted. She felt left out when everything was going down with Paloma and Inaki. But anyway let's talk about my party. Emiliano asks her if she has everything she needs. Romina says everything except my dad. If he would come then the party would be perfect. I had a dream about him and that he came to my party. My dream seemed so real. Emiliano says that he thought she was going to look him up on the Internet. She tells him that she wanted too, but didn't know how to go about it. So she has decided to hire a private detective to do it. Her mother's grandparents left her some money and will get it when she turns 18.

Inaki comes home to find his mother. She acts if everything is okay with Paloma and that she wanted to be with him on his wedding day. She also has something for him. She gives him an engagement ring that belonged to his grandmother. Since he is her only child and Paloma will be part of the family, it just felt right to give it too him. Inaki is moved and says that if you are giving me this then that means you have finally accepted her. Yes she responds. And I will love her like a daughter.

Macarena prays to the virgincita for strength in defending Paloma. She has always wanted to do the best for her.

Cristobal dreams of a funeral with Carlota's voice telling him that he is the only one responsible for the death. He wakes up and says over and over that he is responsible for her death. He prays to god to help him.

Macarena prays that god opens up Carlota's heart.

Carlota is in the kitchen injecting some type of fluid into Macarena's diabetic medicine bottle.

Paloma asks Macarena if she can go to Romina's party. Carlota comes in and Macarena takes the opportunity to tell them both that Carlota has changed her mind and will allow her (Paloma) to go to the party. And of course to set Carlota's mind at ease will accompany Paloma to the party. Paloma is so excited and happy that she hugs them both and off she goes to school. Macarena tells Carlota that she hopes tomorrow she will tell Paloma that she will not be going to the boarding school.

Noel comes to see Camila and brings her the paperwork she requested regarding the factory.

Romina writes a letter to the girl blackmailing her and says that the photos are not real. Find someone else to get money from.

Inaki tells Emiliano that Paloma will be coming to the party tonight. Emiliano finds it odd that Carlota has changed her mind. Inaki says that a package came for him. Emiliano opens it up and shows Inaki the braclet that he had made for Romina.

Romina asks Liliana if she is ready for her party. Liliana tells her she wouldn't be caught dead at her party. A fight starts and Liliana tells Romina that she blames her for German dumping her. Romina says is isn't her fault that men fall in love with her and if German dumped her it's her fault. They keep fighting. A nun comes out asking what's going on. Romina says that Liliana fell in the fountain.

Paloma comes home from school and overhears Carlota on the phone with the boarding school assuring them that she will be there with Paloma in the morning. Carlota demands that Paloma have no contact with anyone outside of the school except for her.

Paloma runs up to Macarena's room to tell her what she heard, but Macarena's sleeping. Rufi will not let her wake up Macarena no matter how much she protests.

Cristobal tells Padre Benito that he cannot go to Real de Monte. He will quit the priesthood.

Emiliano gives Romina her birthday gift. Camila tells Romina to come outside with her eyes closed. Surprise Camila gives her a car. Romina spoiled little brat that she is, is not too happy with it. She thought that she would get a convertible. Camila is crushed and says when she gets more experience she'll get her one. Romina says whatever and tells Emiliano it's time to leave. Camila says don't you want to drive, but Romina says tomorrow. Camila tells them to go ahead and she will follow in a bit. Romina reminds her that the party is for the young crowd and not to stay too long.

Macarena goes into Paloma's room to tell her it's time for the party. She finds a letter from Paloma saying that she has left the house. She overheard Carlota on the phone confirming her appearence tomorrow at the boarding school.

Paloma and Inaki are driving away.

Macarena shows Carlota the letter from Paloma. They argue with Macarena blaming Carlota for Paloma leaving. Carlota says it's not my fault, but that musician. Macarena tells Carlota that you tried to fool us, but this time it did not work. Are you saying that you agree with what she did asks Carlota. No, but I understand responds Macarena. I admire her determination to defend her love for him. Although it has destroyed me. So you are not going to look for her asks Carlota. No, I will respect her decision responds Macarena. And don't you dare contact the police, because I will tell them that I gave her permission to go. Or whatever, as long as you don't find them. Carlota tells her not to even try it. Macarena tells her don't you even try it. I have nothing else to lose.

Inaki asks Paloma what's wrong. Paloma says that she's thinking about all that she left behind, but hopefully one day she can come back. Inaki promises to bring her back once she has turned 18. Paloma wonders what will happen if Carlota calls the police. Inaki says by that time we will be far away. Paloma can't believe that she will be on a plane for the first time and asks Inaki what Madrid is like. Beautiful he replies. And he has an apartment close to the university where he has a job as a music teacher. So don't worry, you will not want for nothing. Paloma tells him that she would love to work. He tells her that she will be busy studying whatever she wants. Paloma says that she is more convinced that her decision to leave with him is for the best. Inaki tells her that she will never regret it and will dedicate his life to make her happy.

Macarena is in her room crying. Rufi tries to comfort her.

Cristobal is praying and Padre Benito joins him. Cristobal tells him that he still wants to leave the priesthood.

Rafael tells Diana that he has 3 months to save the factory or it closes. His business partner wants to close it and that means they have to live off his liquidation until he finds another job. Diana tells Rafael how can he do this to her. Rafael says he has no choice. It is not in his hands. Diana says you cannot be without a job. What are we going to do? Rafael tells her he needs her support right now. Diana says I have done my part. I keep a clean house and have been a perfect mother and wife. Now you have to complete your part. You need to bring money into this house. And I expect that you to keep doing that.

Romina and Emiliano are at the party. Romina asks him what's wrong. Emiliano tells her that he didn't like her attitude towards her mother. What she gave you was nice and you acted like you didn't care. Because I did not like it responds Romina. My mother is rich and she could have bought me the best. I deserve it don't I? Emiliano changes the subject and asks where is Inaki and Paloma? Romina says who knows what happened between Paloma and her aunts. German goes up to them and gives Romina a hug whispering that he wants to caress her and kiss her. He gives her a watch for her birthday. Emiliano asks German where Liliana is. He says they broke up. Emiliano tries to call Inaki, but ends up leaving a message. German wants to work the room.

Macarena goes to Camila and tells her that Paloma and Inaki have run away. She shows Camila the letter from Paloma. They talk about what happened. Macarena wishes that she told Paloma the threat that she told Carlota if she took Paloma to the boarding school. Camila tells her not to blame herself. Inaki is a good man and he will bring her back to you.

Romina stands on the stage and introduces a band to sing at her party. Is this a famous band or made up? I only listen to salsa, so I don't know.

Inaki and Paloma walk into a very nice hotel. She feels weird. He tells her that she will be in one room and he will be in another. He goes up to reception asking for 2 rooms, but the guy tells them that a convention is in town and there are no rooms available. Inaki says that they can sleep in the car and he'll hold her to keep away the cold.

Carlota is rummaging in Paloma's room looking for evidence on her whereabouts.

Camila tries to reassure Macarena that Paloma will be okay. They stand up to say goodbye and Macarena faints. Camila calls the house and asks them to call the doctor.

Tomorrow: Rafael asks Diana if she wants to divorce him; Carlota tells Paloma that she ends up killing everyone she loves; Inaki asks Paloma how she would feel if they got married right away.


You had so many great ideas I made a second "lens" on squidoo!

Oh wonderful readers,

You poured out so much great stuff it was too much for one lens, so I made another one, and if there's more, I can make yet another! Here's the second:

Telenovela Fun
The first one:
Telenovelas: a fun, painless way to learn Spanish

(On each lens, the link to the other one is just above the guestbook.)

If you want attribution on something I forgot, let me know. I also may have mis-translated some dichos.

Also, I vaguely remember there was some great discussion on "what is a naco" but I don't remember where. Anybody?

I think squidoo may turn out to be a wonderful place to store peoples lists of interesting stuff that gets lost here at the blog now that it is so huge.

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