Friday, August 14, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, August 13, 2009, I Want the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But the Truth,

A smiling Franco tells Fer that it will be no inconvenience if Gardenia leaves.

Aurora asks Barbara why she didn’t tell the truth to Santi. Bar says she isn’t capable of telling Santi what happened that night. Aurora wants an explanation, and asks Bar point blank, “What do want of me?” Aurora wants the truth.

Franco sends Bar a text telling her that Gonzo asked him to analyze the Lili tape. Gonzo wants the truth.

Bar tells Aurora that she felt very bad about what happened that night. It affected her so much that she can’t explain anything. Are you serious, says Aurora. Yes, says Bar, that’s why I’m here, to ask your pardon. Tears fall from their four eyes. I’m as shocked as Aurora. Suspenseful music plays.

Anibal calls somebody while Pris gets a massage. No answer, he must have been calling her. Is he looking for some kind of truth, too?

Flor, the doormat, enters and tells Ani that he has a meeting with the accountants. He tells her to cancel it.

Artemio and Lili are in the garden. He tells her he grew up in an orphanage, it was the place he received the diary, and he was taught the catechism and the bible, but the only story for him was his mother’s diary. Even though you are crazy, he tells her, you will understand the infamy. And that’s his truth.

Your grandmother didn’t want Ana Gregoria to be able to go anywhere on earth. She made Ana do whatever she asked and caused Ana terror and anguish. Ana kept all her secrets in the diary and all went well until Altagracia found out about the diary and that Ana Gregoria was pregnant. We see Ana Gregoria looking very pregnant and crying. Altagracia enters Ana’s room and snatches the diary. Ana cries and grabs her belly. Altagracia reads the diary. That’s how she found out about the bastard that was about to be born, that all the servants knew, and even who would be the child’s godmother. But, Altagracia had very different plans for Ana.

As Ana gives birth, Altagracia looks on coldly. Finally, the child is born. It was raining. That same night, Ana Gregoria was kicked out of the Elizalde Hacienda. Don Jeronimo wasn’t there because he was in Europe visiting his son. With her baby and a few things, Ana Gregoria just about died from the weather. Un arriero (a mule driver) found them almost dead. The man gave them a place to stay for a few days and helped them survive. The baby was baptized Artemio a few days later. Lili, “I am your uncle.” Lili shrinks and stares at him.

Bar begs Aurora’s pardon and says she jumped to conclusions. She asks Aurora if she will forgive her. Aurora asks that if she tells all, will Bar help her explain it to Santi. Yes, she says. Bar wants to know about Aurora’s life – from the beginning. BTW, she was on her knees and is now sitting in a chair. (Bar wants to hear it all, the truth, that is to say.)

Fer enters Lactos with Gardenia and tells Flor that from today on (a partir de hoy) Gardenia will be working with her. She will be doing general work until they figure out where she will work. Fer also tells Flor to get a uniform for Gardenia. Flor wants to talk to Fer, but once again Fer is too busy.

Meanwhile, back at the clinic, Ani is there to get the results of his sperm test. The receptionist orders the report from the file room and sends Anibal to an office down the hall. He remembers his conversation with Pris, who told him she had the results and they were fine (that he was un vigoroso semantal). The doctor enters and gives Ani a folder and asks the doc to interpret. The doctor tells Ani that the results of the test indicate that he is infertile. Ani says, that means I cannot have children (procrear). That cat is now out of the bag.

Vlad calls a limping Damian who is no doubt up to more mischief at the plant. Vlad tells Damian not to worry about him. But, he warns Damian that he is going to fix the accounts in his own way and not bother Damian again.

The doctor explains to Ani that his condition could be hereditary or that it could have resulted from an accident. Ani tells the doc that when he was ten, he had a bad fall off a horse.

Flor tells Gardenia how to make coffee, but Gardenia knows already. Flor wants to know why Gardenia is at Lactos because she thought Gardenia was happy at Las Animas. Flor tells Gardenia that Franco is a complete gentleman (todo un caballero). Gardenia is going to work hard, but she tells Flor that things aren’t always the way they seem and that at casa Santorito strange things happen. The phone rings and Flor leaves to answer it before Gardenia can let Flor in on a secret or two. Gardenia talks to herself and tells herself to shut her mouth. Zip it up, she says.

Marg and Jacinto talk as they walk to Las Animas and Jacinto says that Gardenia is an ingrate. Marg is all excited about the projects she has going with Fer. A man comes up, sucking on a lollipop, and asks if this is Franco Santoro’s house. The man tells them to advise Franco that Yako is here. Somehow I get the feeling that this is not one of Franco’s classmates from Harvard.

Bar tells Aurora not to cry and that she believes her. She’s ashamed of Camilo and that she finds it difficult to believe that Camilo drugged Aurora. Liar, liar. Is that why you treated me like a bad woman. Bar says she’s sorry and asks for forgiveness. She was blinded by what pain she thought Santi would feel. Bar says something about the trouble between the brothers and the pain suffered by her and Gonzo.

Barb urges Aurora on. She wants to hear more from Aurora. She wants to know about how the romance between Aurora and Santi began. Aurora had escaped from the house where she lived and was looking for her mother. She tells how Santi picked her up at the toll booth (caseto de pago) and gave her a ride. Flashback to the day they met. She then went to Mexico where she thought she would find her mother.

Marg says she can hardly believe that Gardenia left in this manner. Marg tells Franco that he can count on her. Strange things happen at Las Animas. Marg tells him, for example that a man called Yako is there to see him. Franco tells her to send him in. Franco takes the envelope with the tape out of his desk.

Fer remembers that Franco told her that a man came into the office and said that Damian Gallardo is an estafador (swindler, cheat). Enter Damian right on cue. He’s ready for love again. Enter Gardenia with a cup of coffee. Damian sends daggers to Gardenia and tells her to knock before entering. Fer looks happy and tells Gardenia to get Damian a coffee. A knock on the door – Gardenia wants to know how he wants his coffee. He says, you have a short memory. But Gardenia remembers the night she saw Bar and Damian in the act in that little car. Fer says that Gardenia will work at Lactos until she goes to school. Dear Damian says then she can work at the plant. Fer fields that curve. Damian wants to know why Gardenia left Santoro, and Fer says she doesn’t know.

Franco tells Yako that he has complete confidence in him because he worked for the FBI. Yes, says Yako, ten years. Franco wants to know about the circumstances surrounding the tape and Yako assures Franco he has his complete loyalty. We hear the Lili tape. Yako takes the tape and tells Franco that he will have results today.

Aurora tells Bar that Santi passed her off as his fiancée at Fer’s wedding. About her mother, Aurora didn’t even know her name. Santi was helping her find out her parents names. She found out the name of her mother. Bar begins to shake and Aurora says Rebeca Sanchez. Nobody knows anything about this except Santi. She tells Bar about Dominga and her drunken rages, and that Dominga said something about her father having paid. Bar wants to know if Dominga told her anything else. Only that her mother was bad and had been bad since she was a child because she burned her house down and killed her parents. A tear falls from Bar’s eye.

Editor: But, we don’t know if this is the truth yet. Could Barb have been the only survivor of a bad fire and is she the victim of Artemio’s evil ways. Or, did she intentionally start the fire? I don’t know. She did seem to enjoy snuffing out Montserrat and didn’t hesitate to push Macario down the ravine.

At Lactos Gardenia tells Flor that Fer still doesn’t know about Damian and that she can’t stand it. Flor tells her that they need to mind their own business even though they know what’s going on and that Fer doesn’t. Pris gets off the elevator and is greeted by Ani who wants to talk to her. He looks like a man with a bad case of controlled rage.

Aurora comforts Bar. Bar says she is very moved and wants Aurora to continue. Dominga said terrible things about my mother, scaring me to death and that she slept out on the patio. She had nightmares. Aurora tells Bar about the terrible things that Dominga said. Aurora didn’t know what to believe. But now thinks it must have been true. Aurora says she is confident that a mother is capable of doing anything to protect her child. Why do you say this, asks Bar. Because I’m pregnant, says Aurora.

Ani questions Pris with a little cat and mouse game. She wants to know why he’s interested in her pregnancy. He says it’s because she’s been all alone up to now. He says they are going to spend their days together. She is shocked. He says that from today on (a partir de hoy) he is going to behave like a loving husband who is awaiting the birth of his child. OK, he had me from hello, because I thought he was going to hit her with the news that he knew he wasn’t the father of the child she is carrying.

Aurora wants to know what Bar thinks about what she has just said. Her child is Santi’s. Bar doesn’t know and asks permission to leave, thus confusing and already confused Aurora.

At Lactos again Ani writes something on his calendar while Pris looks on. He’s going to cancel his appointments so that he can go to classes with her. Oh, BTW, Vladimir Pineiro wanted to talk to me. Do you know why?

Gardenia relates to Flor that when she saw Damian, she remembered that fateful night when she saw Bar and Dam in the car. Also they talk about Pris’ infidelity (poniendo la cuerno) with a man who was working here.

Pris asks Ani why would Vlad be important to her. She tells Ani that if Vlad calls again, tell Florecita to tell him that your’re not in. Ani asks her what plans she has for the rest of the day. He smiles as she leaves then he looks crazy. He goes back to his calendar, makes a phone call. Vlad’s phone rings. It’s Anibal who says he has to talk to him. Anibal has to talk to Vlad right away. Vlad will determine the place and the time. Well, Ani, the truth may set you free, but it also hurts.

Editor: Anyone want to wager about the conversation between Ani and Vlad. I say that Ani will want Vlad to keep his mouth shut to protect the Elizalde family name.

Bar laments that if she had known Aurora were hers all the abuse wouldn’t have happened. She blames it all on Artemio Bravo, the liar, who made her believe that Aurora was his lover. Artemio just happens to call her. She tells him that the family is sure that the voice is Lili’s. He tells her that Lili is OK. He’s happy to hear that Gonzo is having the voice analyzed because that’s all Gonzo will get of his beloved Lili for the rest of his life. Bar says the only good thing that happened to her was the birth of her child and that that Artemio will pay for the damage he has done.

Avances: Artemio will pay for all the damage done to her. She tells Franco she found her child. Does she mean Lili or Aurora? Damian yells at Fer. So what’s new?


En Nombre del Amor, August 13, 2009--This Episode Brought to You by Anvils R Us

Repeat of Carlota smiling smugly as she finishes making her witches’ brew.

Paloma is on the phone with Inaki explaining that Carlota wants Inaki and his parents to come over for dinner and that he officially ask for Paloma’s hand. Inaki says that he doesn’t think his dad will want to come. Paloma asks Inaki to try to convince him, and he agrees to try, but can’t promise anything. After he hangs up, Carmen says she has no desire to socialize with Carlota but understands that for Paloma’s family this dinner is important, so she’ll talk to his dad. She inquires about the investigation of Paloma’s inheritance--he responds that later he’ll show her what the investigator gave him and she’ll see what people are capable of doing for money. He’s going to tell Paloma about it, but not until after they’re married and she’s 18, so she can request a copy of the will. Carmen also asks what Paloma said about coming to live in her house, and Inaki reports that she was happy about but embarrassed/shy. But why? you’re my only son and I’m going back to Spain, and the house is at your disposal.

Romina’s listening to music in her room when Camilia enters to tell her that the teacher she hired has arrived (this is a loose interpretation but I guess the teacher is there to help Romina make up the classes she’s failed); it was the condition the school put so that she doesn’t have to lose the whole year. Romina doesn’t want a teacher, she thinks she can study on her own. They argue, with Romina pulling out the “I’m 18 and you can’t make me do anything” card and Camila using “as long as you’re living here you have to” card. Romina says fine, if you want I’ll leave whenever you want.

Joel presents Rafa with a budget (presupuesto) for a new ceramics line and informs Rafael that they have a new investor whose only condition was anonymity. Rafael can’t believe it—this couldn’t have come at a better time.

Camila calls Emiliano and asks him to help her--Romina doesn’t want to study and he’s the only one who can convince her to do it.

Diana is talking with Ines about the separation. Ines says that Diana and Rafael were the ones she least expected this of. Then Diana announces that she’s not going to Paloma’s wedding because she’s a hypocrite. Ines agrees and recounts how Paloma ran off with her boyfriend and got into an accident, and Carlota had no choice but to organize a quickie wedding. Diana says that has nothing to do with my situation with Rafael (is she referring to when she married Rafael, or to the separation? I didn’t quite get this scene). Ines is glad Diana cleared that up, because that’s what the gossip is making it out to be. She then advises that Diana try to reconcile with Rafael--you’re not going to find another man like him. Men don’t know how to be alone and Rafa can seek consolation in some woman.

Emiliano visits Romina and asks about the search for her dad (she doesn’t have any news) and then if she’s ready for her exams. No, she doesn’t feel like doing anything. Emiliano says she has to finish what she started, but she wonders what for or for whom, when she’s so alone. Emiliano tells her she can’t depend on others to be happy, she has to have something that motivates her. Romina replies that if he loved her and came back to her she’d be happy, it’d be a motive for her to do things well. She asks him a couple more times to come back and kisses him, and he gives in.

Alonso is on the phone with Carmen, refusing to go to the wedding, much less ask for that girl’s hand. Carmen tells him that Inaki is going to marry with or without his consent--if you don’t come to the dinner don’t complain to me later when you regret it. Natalia is eavesdropping and when he finishes the call says she’s going to the wedding and that this would please Paloma’s mother. He warns that if she goes she’ll be going against him, and that could have serious consequences, and she kind of looks like “oh well, whatever.”

German and Inaki are at a bar and German thinks he should have a bachelor’s party. Emiliano joins them and when he announces that he’s back together with Romina, German looks upset.

Romina tells Paloma about how she’s back with Emiliano and how he (allegedly) said he missed her and couldn’t live without her. Romina somehow manages to talk about something other than herself and mentions the wedding, and asks if Inaki is really the man of Paloma’s life. Paloma answers that she has no doubt he is.

Musical montage of Paloma getting her dress fitted, Inaki showing Em and Orlando the rings, Romina with her tutor (but not really studying) and preparations for the big ask-for-Paloma’s-hand shindig.

Paloma is in her room getting ready when Mac comes in-—she has brought a pearl necklace for Paloma, who flashes back to when she was younger and saw the necklace in Mac’s box o’ memories.

Inaki and Carmen arrive for the dinner and Carlota is all nice and smiley-—she made a special drink for the occasion and goes off to get it. In the kitchen, Rufi has already poured a few drinks, so Carlota tells her to take them in to the living room, and she’ll bring in her and Inaki’s drinks. The drink or cocktail looks like red wine to me, and after Rufi leaves Carlota takes out a bottle hidden on a bottom shelf and pours some in Inaki’s glass, all the while ominous music plays and she grins evilly. I guess that means that it’s not so much a family dinner as it is a very exclusive tasting of Chateau Bruja’s finest wine, La Belladona. She gives Inaki his drink, saying “especially for you,” and then offers a toast to the novios’ happiness.

Inaki thanks the tias but Carlota says there’s nothing to thank them for, as everything they do is because Paloma is the most important thing. Inaki assures them they he’s going to dedicate himself to making her happy. Inaki would have liked his father to be there, and Carmen says that since he’s not, she doesn’t think there will be any objection to her asking on Inaki’s behalf for Paloma’s hand. Carlota says oh no, of course there is no objection, we’re here to support the kids.

To everyone’s surprise, Camila, Romina, and Emiliano arrive--turns out that Carlota invited them because she wanted it to be very special night for Paloma. Geez, she’s laying it on pretty thick tonight, but nobody seems overly concerned. Mac mentions to Camila that she doesn’t understand--she thinks Paloma/Inaki changed her sister and sighs about how different their life would have been if Carlota had always been like she is tonight.

Natalia is packing her bags to go to the wedding and Alonso comes in and says more of the same stuff, how she’s going despite him not agreeing with it. Natalia thinks they should have been at tonight’s dinner and regrets that she didn’t go, so she’s not going to miss the wedding. Alonso says fine, but you’re not taking Sagrario. He threatens to limit her expenses and she tells him to do whatever he wants, she’s going to get a job to earn her own money.

Romina comments to Paloma that she couldn’t believe when Carlota called her, she thought it was a joke. Paloma laughs and says she’s so happy Romina is there. Emiliano is standing in the corner and Inaki notes that he’s looking serious, but Emiliano says it’s nothing, he’s just glad that everything has worked out. Paloma credits him with having a lot to do with that and says he’s like their “hado padrino” (fairy godfather). Then she goes off to get Inaki another drink.

Carlota notices Paloma’s pearl necklace--she explains that Mac gave it to her. Carlota has a flashback of someone putting the necklace on Mac while Carlota looks on from behind the trees. Carmen comments that in some cultures pearls are a symbol for this case they’ll be a sign of tears, but tears of happiness. Then, when Carlota learns that Paloma was on her way to get Inaki another drink, she takes the glass and offers to get it.

Romina sees Paloma & Inaki laughing and talking and glares at them, and when she notices Emiliano watching them rather forlornly she snaps at him and orders him to smile.

Carlota delivers the drink to Inaki. Then Carmen starts talking about how they’re there to officially ask for Paloma’s hand. Inaki is my only son, the love of my life and the reason for everything I do. Inaki & Paloma’s relationship was full of obstacles and the fact that they’ve overcome them is a sign for me that they were made for each other. Carmen also thanks the tias for accepting Inaki as a part of Paloma’s life.

Carlota agrees to the request for Paloma’s hand, but first scares everyone by making it sound like she’s going to wreck the party--Inaki wasn’t what I had in mind for my niece--but the two of them have given me a huge lesson and shown me that love conquers all, etc.

As we go to commercial, Inaki starts to look like he’s dizzy.

Diana goes to Rafael’s office and finds Joel there-—she’s surprised to find him so happy, she thought everyone would be in mourning since the company is closing. He tells her that they have a new investor, which surprises and interests Diana a great deal. Yeah, I guess that Rafa isn't such a loser after all. Joel is sure that the new project will be a success and that they will earn more with than they have with previous projects.

Emiliano calls Orlando for advice again, as he thinks he shouldn’t have come to the dinner party. Orlando thinks it’s a way for Emiliano to accept that Paloma can’t be for him. Maybe you’re right, replies Emiliano. As of tomorrow--SIGHHHHH--she will be completely forbidden to me.

Paloma and Romina go up to her room and Romina comments how strange it is that Carlota has changed so much. Paloma brushes it off with something like “whatever the reason, I’m happy,” then shows Romina her dress. Romina never thought Paloma would get married before her, and Paloma admits that if Carlota had always been like she is now, she wouldn’t be getting married so quickly. They chit-chat about married life and how the wedding night will be Paloma’s first time, and Romina is surprised that nothing happened the time the two lovebirds left town together.

Inaki (still drinking his wine) finds Emiliano outside on the patio and asks again what’s up, as he seems a bit strange tonight; Emiliano answers that it’s just work stuff, he’s fine. He mentions how Inaki “te echaste a la tia a la bolsa” (I think roughly this means he won Carlota over, or got her wrapped her around his little finger) but Inaki says he doesn’t trust Carlota, she’s a wolf in sheep’s clothing and she’s only interested in money. Whose money? asks Emiliano. Just then Carlota comes to tell them dinner is ready. Before going in, Inaki gets dizzy again, and attributes it to his drinking Carlota’s drinks too fast.

Paloma and Romina are still in her room--Romina doesn’t know how she and Inaki could resist sleeping together that night in the hotel. She thinks Emiliano wouldn’t have been able to, he’s so passionate. She reveals that her first time was with Emiliano, it was incredible. She plays coy when Paloma asks her to tell all.

Diana shows up at Rafael’s hotel room; she asks if he really prefers to live there than at home. He says there was no other option. She asks him to come back home, she misses him. She claims she doesn’t know what came over her when she said all those mean things before, he’s the perfect man for her. She kisses him and they’re off to the races. That puts tonight's score at: Money-grubbing harpies, 2; the Saenz men, 0.

At the dinner table Rufi gets weepy about how she’ll miss Paloma a lot. Carlota says let’s not get all sentimental, it’s a wedding, not a funeral (well, not yet, anyway).

After dinner Carmen takes happy pictures of everyone while Carlota goes to get the coffee and puts more of her special concoction into just one cup, complete with more scary music and an evil glare. When she brings it out to Inaki he offers it to his mom, but luckily for Carlota she declines and Carlota laughs nervously.

Ines and Aron are discussing Paloma’s wedding--she didn’t think Paloma would marry so young and to someone so different from her family. Aron says that anyone would want to marry Paloma and Ines looks too? Aron wonders why that’s strange, wasn’t she trying to fix him and Paloma up? Ines says she gave in to Carlota’s request, but isn’t sure about wanting to marry into the Espinosa family--she thinks they are like "aves de mal aguero" (birds of ill omen), they’ve been surrounded by pain, and she prefers a different class of woman for him.

Paloma and Inaki bid each other good night--Inaki promises that as of tomorrow they’re going to be together forever, have a couple of kids, and they’re going to be very happy.

Rafael and Diana are in bed, and he wonders if she’s sure that this is what she wants. He doesn’t want to return and have everything continue like it was before, the separation was very painful for him. For me too, lies Diana. She assures Rafa that everything will be different between them. He tells her about the new investor. If everything goes as expected, I’m sure that you’re going to be proud of me...I’m going to be able to give you everything you’ve dreamed of.

Back at his house Inaki gets dizzy again. He thinks he drank too much so Carmen tells him he should go to bed. Before he leaves he thanks his mom for being at the dinner tonight. She has been the best mother, and he’ll never forget her support and love. She says that a son like him is a blessing in life. They hug and tell each other they love each other.

Paloma is praying, thanking the Virgin for everything, she’s so happy to have Inaki with her. She only would have liked that her parents be there but in some way she feels like they are there.

Poor Inaki is in the bathroom, sick and breathing heavily while clutching his stomach--did they really need to show the barfing? I think we get the picture, after all the close-up shots of him drinking Carlota’s beverages all night, that it’s not looking good for him. Anyway, the episode ends w/him lying on the floor in pain.

The avances show Emiliano learning that his parents have reconciled, Camila telling Orlando that Romina is her daughter, Carlota asking Rufi if anyone has called the house, Carmen going up to Inaki’s bedroom door about to knock but deciding to let him sleep in some more, and Paloma arriving at the church in her wedding dress but Inaki hasn’t arrived yet.


Un Gancho Thurs 8/13 - Salvador rises to the occasion and La Guerrera gets flattened

We find things where we left them last night, Mau on the point of becoming like soft gooey candy or a hard brittle one depending upon his cracking state. Thankfully Nancy Drew and a Hardy Boy are on the case.

Over at Sermeño Group Xime and Tano are feeling each other's hearts gallop like wild horses. She thinks it's tachycardia but he says it's the joy of seeing her and he is at her service. She wants him to be her bodyguard (guardaespaldas). This is a dream come true for him and he'll guard her back and anything else she likes. He suggests he take her home and guard her but she's afraid her sex appeal is too strong (and she's right!) so she suggests a more neutral place. If we're hoping to see more of Xime tonight we're outta luck, that's it for her in this capítulo.

Back at Mau's house Oscar lays it on thick by telling Mau and the mummy they are a beautiful couple. Bleh. Coni tells Mau it's their 4th anniversary and she wants to go eat at the restaurant of their first date. Without kids. If he agrees to this bogus plan he has serious brain damage.

Aldo overhears this and reports back to Nancy Drew and the other Hardy Boy. What to do? Aldo has an idea that involves pen and paper...

Moni and Estrella are gossiping in the communal place where they live when Aldo shows up with his envelope. Estrella scolds him for visiting her, then she scolds again when she finds out he's not there to see her after all. He tells here nothing's up between him and Moni, he's just there to deliver a message from Mau. For once a TN character asks the obvious, why didn't Mau just call her on the phone? Estrella thinks a letter is mucho mas romántico, open it !!

Meanwhile Nancy Drew sneaks around the house, finds Mau's phone and texts someone.

Consti and Rolando Klunder stroll under the trees, she's trying to solicit his help in her little plot of trying to discover the secret surrounding Beto, Monita's brother. He says sure, as long as he gets something in return. He's thinking a night in his apartment; he's not talking anything romantic, just business. (Gee Romeo, who could resist that invitation?) However he's all hot to trot and Consti looks bored as heck. She says yeah sure fine, get the info I need and I'll think about it. Oh dear, she's interrupted by a text from Mau. They can't get a reservation at the restaurant so they'll meet at the same time somewhere else.

In contrast, Monita is so excited by Mau's letter she kisses it. Dinner out with her prince, how thrilling! The girls do a happy dance until Beto shows up and wonders why the party? He tells her that he spoke to that damn meatball Andy and they are to meet at the cantina at 9:00. He leaves to get a longaniza (pork sausage) taco and tells her to get ready.

Moni thinks she should call Mau and cancel but Estrella asks is she crazy? She'll go with them to the cantina and figure out a way for Moni to leave. Moni swears that tonight she will tell Mau the truth about everything. Do we believe her? Julia wondered how many days it would take for Moni to fess up; I'm thinking months here.

The beautiful song plays, the moon rises, and our lively trio goes to the cantina. Beto tries to be romantic but the girls whack him. The girls are alone briefly and Moni says she feels terrible about tricking Beto. Estrella thinks he's a jerk so that justifies things. It's 9:05 and still no sign of Andy. They fretfully surmise that Moni's poor prince is probably smelling great and already waiting for her.

Over at the office Salvador succumbs to desire; he grabs Gabi and plants a big kiss on her kisser. She's shocked, and reminds him she's no longer a free woman. He swears his love will free her, then he recites something dramatic but can't remember the end. No matter, Gabi gets the idea. "Oscar, forgive me," she sighs, before diving into Salvador's embrace.

Meatball Andy has finally arrived with his guardaespaldas. Don Cesar is there too and they are heavily into negotiations. They accuse Andy of playing dirty because he destroyed Monita's house and nearly caused Nieves to have a heart attack. The Meatball says enough talk, let's choose a date for the fight because people are saying La Monita is afraid of La Guerrera. Speak of the king of Rome, La Guerrera shows up and provokes Moni. Cesar is all "cool off you're too high class to fight in a bar". La Guerrera says when she's done with Moni not even her mother will recognize her, but wait that doesn't make sense because Moni's mom abandoned her when she was just a little brat. OK that does it. Moni cold cocks La Guerrera not once but twice and it's Estrella's chance to drag Moni out of there while Beto and the Meatball battle it out Keystone cop style.

Shoot, Mau is at the restaurant but he's talking to Consti on the phone and wondering where she is. Big confusion because they are at different restaurants but Consti figures it out, those damn brats.

Thank goodness someone is getting some action. Sal's got Gabi pinned against the wall. What he lacks in finesse he makes up for in enthusiasm. Back to the wall pinning and who should walk in but odious Oscar. He yells, he searches. Sal tells Gabi it's now or never.

Double shoot, Consti has found Mau at the restaurant. He's glum but she's digging the martinis and decides to give him a kiss...

...just as Monita walks in. Shoot shoot and triple shoot! Mau wipes off the kiss and sees Moni standing there. She starts to run but instead strides toward him. "What are you doing here?" he asks. "Did you invite me here to kiss her in front of my face?" she retorts. She shows him the letter and he says he'll kill that Aldo. She cries that he swore he would never lie to her, but he lied, he lied! (Look at the donkey talking about big ears.)

Moni leaves in a huff just as Consti shows up. Mau looks absolutely tortured. She tries to talk about tomorrow but he shuts her down, tomorrow is very complicated because he has to go get a physical (required of drivers). (Do we hear the anvils lining up? At least he's not going in for an IQ test.) Coni gives him about two seconds of sympathy, "I'll be fine", and then demands a martini.

Sal hides under the desk while Gabi fans herself and pretends to be straightening up his desk. Oscar finds his little kitty and asks her why she's in the office of that old decrepit. Wouldn't it be fun to do it on Sal's desk? Uh no, Gabi's hungry and convinces him to go out for a bite. Sal crawls out of his hidey hole and is incensed. Old? Decrepit? Grandpa?

Mau confronts Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys and the others totally throw Aldo under the bus. This is the last time they agree to any of his stupid plans. Wow, whatever happened to all for one? The Three Musketeers they ain't. Mau scolds Aldo and tells him he has to go over and straighten this mess out with Monita first thing in the morning. Aldo tells Mau he's not stupid, he knows what's going on with the judge and all. Mau kindly reassures Aldo that nobody's going to make him do something he doesn't want to do.

The next morning Moni cries to Estrella about the dirty trick that Mau played on her. They are interrupted by the annoying Beto, himself annoyed because he's going to work and Moni is calling in sick. They finally get rid of him, however he spies Aldo going into Moni's house and is very inerested.

Aldo fesses up to Moni about his stunt from the night before.

When Sal gets to work he asks Gabi about her date with Oscar, how did he take it when she broke up with him? In response Gabi asks Sal how is his wife Lorenza? Gabi informs Sal that she said nothing to Oscar, she'll not be the second dish, not her thank you very much. Go Gabi, way to work it! Sal is vexed.

Mau arrives and tells Pau he wants Moni to serve him his coffee and toast. Not gonna happen, sez Pau, Moni is indisposed because she came home last night absolutely sick about something. Now Mau is vexed. When Sal reminds him the Japanese are arriving Mau just leaves the room. Gabi comments the way the day is going it will surely rain.

Moni tells Aldo when will he get it through his head that Mau has a girlfriend. Beto sneaks up and listens outside the door. He hears them talking about the letter that she'll destroy and throw in the trash and nobody will see. The second Moni and Aldo leave Beto dashes in and pulls the pieces of paper out of the trash.

I guess Moni decided to go to work after all and today she's wearing pants, not her usual shorty skirt. She blabs to Pau in their little room but it's Mau who walks up behind her. Moni says Aldo told her everything and it's Mau's fault that the kid is so confused, in fact Mau has confused half the world. She wants to get it straight, she is his employee and nothing else. "Then come with me," he orders.

Next scene has Mau, Moni and Sal in a Japanese tea garden. Mau has brought her there to train her in the ways of the Japanese. As his assistant she has to do everything he says, massage, whatever. "You don't say, even help you with your bath?" she asks. OK, not everything. She spies a Geisha and asks why the poor thing is so pale and disguised. Mau explains she's a Geisha and is educated and trained to tend to men's needs. He means, for example, unlike some people she speaks in a low voice and brings coffee when she's asked to. Moni points out that she is spontaneous, that's why she's not a Geisha. It's time for the guys to go and Moni says to herself, "So he likes Geishas eh, why not?"

Over at Coni's pad she and Jero are plotting. They don't know where Xime is and Coni complains that last night was a bust, all Mau could talk about was his physical and the Japanese, blah blah blah. Jero tells her when she needs a night of passion she can call him. Just then Oscar shows up pleased as punch with himself. Guess where he just came from? From the doctor of the Driver's Association where he had a little transaction (bicoca). All he can say is that Coni better be with Mau tomorrow when he gets the bad news, bwahahahahaaaa!

At lunch with the Japanese Sal is eating wasabi like it was guacamole and he's paying the price. His eyes are watering and his nasal passages are in an uproar. The Japanese customers are highly amused.

A gong sounds and the Geishas enter, the Geisha at the end is slightly more animated and monkey-like than the others. Mau mutters he's going to kill her.

Beto has taped the letter together and is trying to figure out who "M" is. I's not "S" for Zorro or "Z" for Superman so who is "M"? He tells Nieves it's proof of Moni's betrayal. Beto says "M" stands for coward because he didn't sign his own name. Nieves figures it out, it's the guapo Mauricio! Beto refuses to believe it. He's going to find out who would dare send such a letter to his Moni and grab him by the neck hairs!

The Japanese love the Geishas while Mau does a slow burn and tortures his chopsticks. Sal points out their customers love it so chill out. Moni starts doing the Monkey (Coincidence? I think not.) and tells the other Geishas to follow her lead, which they do. "Uh, Mexican dance," explains Sal. The customers give the Geishas a standing ovation and Sal has to hold Mau back, promising to help him kill Moni later. She blows kisses to the customers while Mau fumes.

The dancing is over and now the Geisha Monita brings Mau his tea. With a crappy accent she asks the Señol if he would like more alloz. Ouch, that made my head hurt. Mau also has a headache. He tells her to cut it out immediately and she starts to disrobe. No wait wait wait, not in the restaurant! Oh this is just too silly, let's FF to the end. Moni asks the Señol would he like some te de tila to calm down. He orders poison for two and don't bother waiting for him.

Beto has got the other security guard named Marquitos trapped in the room and is accusing him of coming on to Moni. Pau rescues Marqui and says it was her, her name is Maria Paula. He tries to frisk her but she'll have none of that. She warns him to cut it out or she'll put his nightstick where the sun don't shine. They both look like they are about to crack up in this scene.

Lots of silent bowing between the customers and team Mau. It looks like Monita has made too big of an impression because they want to take Moni home to Japan. Uh oh, now what's she to do? She thanks them very much but she is a Geisha exclusive to the Sermeño Group. Mau corrects her, it's not necessarily true and he would be honored to offer up the prize of his collection to go to Japan. Would Mr. Miyaki like her gift-wrapped or sent by boat? The customers are intrigued and delighted. Sal and Moni are impactados.

Mañana: Mau is told he only has a short time to live. Lorenza shows up with bright pink hair. Mau asks Moni to marry him, but have they kissed yet?

Dicho of the Day:

Mira el burro hablando de orejas = That's the pot calling the kettle black (Lit. Look at the donkey talking about ears)


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Un Gancho - Wed Aug 12 - Naconization of High Society and Superfresation of the Vecinidad

We open with Moni about to tell the truth by force. Fijase que no. Mona engineers it so she can get the wife and Cesar away from the rest of the metiches and she tells the boys each she will speak to them later. Cesar follows wife Lorita begging that she listens because Mona is lying to Beto and she’s really going out with that other guy. All of a sudden the music changes, as does the mood. Wife gets it now. You are using my husband as a smokescreen. Mona studders that her boss thinks Beto is her brother. Lori says, eh, use my husband as a smokescreen when ever you want, I‘ll lend him to you, and he‘ll help you because despite his vocation I‘m the one in charge in the home. Said husband says wait a minute…are you crazy? Wife says no and reminds him what they did when they started dating in front of his ex-wife and her ex-husband, almost the same. Whoops…

Wife tells Mona if she had that hunky boss around, she’d do the same thing. Mona thanks her so much and they are instantly best buds. The boys come out and see this and Mona takes Beto off by the ear as wife says nice things to about Mona. Mau is amazed that she will let Mona get away with this and asks her why. Ooops time flies, she has to go, see ya. Mau stands there with his mouth open.

Mona and Beto discuss the whole scene, Beto accuses her of betraying him, she wonders where he got this from. Mau told him to his face, and he was so sure that she was cheating with Don Cesar, the horns she was putting on him were poking him. She explains in circles why and it’s too much for Beto’s little head, he’s getting dizzy, essentially that she had to say he was bro or they wouldn’t have given him work, also there are a bunch of noses in the office and they would be looking over my shoulder all the time. He wants to know who but she says, no one in particular just being careful. he says something about hurting his brain but she tells him he doesn't have a brain. He counters maybe so, but I have an enormous heart that loves you very much, so please do not put the horns on me (cheat).

Mau shows up to the office where the Japanese businessmen are still waiting in the conference room to close a multi-million dollar contract with him. Sal and Gabi try to convince him, they've taken them everywhere, to the Alameda, Chapultepec, went with mariachis in Xochimilco even Pau has sung to them, and she sings pretty well. Gabi has learned how tequila is good for swollen feet and a few beers helps those who can't sleep, anyway they don't know what to do with them anymore, he has to go in.

He doesn’t care he doesn’t want to attend to them now, he has bigger problems, seems his non- girlfriend is lying to him and he just can’t deal, he doesn’t want to see the Monita at all, don’t even mention her. Oh please. Maybe he shouldn’t raise children after all…

Sal screams for Gabi and tells her not to let anyone else but herself go in that room, she must bring in the coffees. We are about to see how well she executes that task.

At teh barrio, Beto is discussing what happened just now with his Ma. He thinks she is a gossip and it‘s her fault he risked his .... and thought Mona was cheatin‘ with Don Cesar.

Mona comes out, coffee tray in hand (I’m always amazed at the job description for secretary or personal assistant, no assistants where I work would serve beverages, imagine!) Anyway, Gabi tries to get her attention by ch ching her. She says she’s not a hen and doesn’t respond to such hen calls (essentially) for some reason Gabi goes in circles about what she whats and they go through this game a few times until Mona says look I was just starting to endear myself to you and now you start with this crap and Gabi tells her to knock of the violence, and anyway finally she tells Mona Mau just doesn’t want to see her so let me take the coffee. Mona says oh yeah, well then he’ll have to listen, and Gabi fails miserably in her one task.

Mona charges in saying Arigatooo and acts all sweet, and Mau jumps on her to leave the coffees and git. Mona, apparently not aware or concerned of the multi-million dollar deal about to take place tells Mau they have to talk…the noive!!

He says we have nothing to talk about and I’m in the middle of a meeting we can’t talk now, and I’m not going to meddle in your life so get out of my sight. She didn’t get the hint yet and asks him why he doesn’t want to see her. Now, he kind of has to throw her out, and actually does, along with the day off so he doesn‘t have to see her anymore. All the while los Japoneses sit quietly by without even twisting their heads at the commotion. Hysterical. The meeting resumes as normal.

Mona, now home, whines to Pau. Xime is with Estre and asks all four to go to dinner, Pau has had enough revelry and says thanks, but she has to rest some time, she‘s tired and has circles under her eyes. Beto then comes out and says dinner is ready. Mona tells him she’ll come when she’s ready. Beto tells the girls to stop gossiping instead read a book. Xime wants to know if Estre is Robbi’s gf. She says hell no not in dreams is that mangy guy (sarnoso) mine, even if they gave her a telenovela award! They all go in to Estre’s apartment.

At the office Sal is cursing Gabi, who happens to come out disheveled from an office with Oscar breathing down her neck. They are laughing and trying to “arrange” themselves. Sal stomps off in disgust.

Beto comes back for Mona but she wants to sleep not eat, yes she is still upset about Cesar, and him practically killing him. He begs her for a goodnight kiss.

As they are smooching Xime comes out and sees them and is impacted proclaiming guacala de perro (yuck of a dog - essentially dog poo)…she’s learning naco expressions well.

Pau and Estre see her shock see what she sees and rush her back into the apartment. Xime says gosh I didn’t see anything, I mean each family has their own way of doing things and…she just wants to leave now. Pau and Estre cut her off that look, they are novios not related, but you have to swear not to tell anyone or you can‘t leave. She says that will be hard because of the mafia that she’s in the middle of what with Coni, her bro and Rolu. The girls promise not to let her leave. Eventually she swears on their friendship and now can she leave? OK, amiguis and they join pinkies on it or something and they all do a solidarity move.

Ciao, Xime exits and Estre wonders if they did the right thing let her leave and Pau responds well she’s just too good a person we can’t kill her. Estre is impactado at Pau‘s murderous thoughts.

We get a little montage of Mau kissing all the kids good night and then going to his bed crying for Mona. In the naco hotel Mona is crying hard about him too, remembering his words.

It’s the next morning and many knocks on the door wake up Mona who thinks it’s Beto and screams at him. It's Mau. She calls him on the mean things he said and he says sorry but that’s what I call people who are liars. She tells him she’s just an employee and he should stay out of her life but he counters that they really need to talk about what’s going on with them, because since they met their lives have changed. He asks her to breakfast. Just then Beto knocks. She wants to hide Mau but he doesn’t understand why. She tells him she’ll go wherever he wants as long as he hides now. Beto in his Will Smith outfit actually bathed for ten minutes and is there to take her to work. She makes up excuses and says she’ll be there later. He goes off. Mau is inside punching the bag when she returns and tells him not to look so she can change. Scary music plays as we see the barrio fight goons descend the stairs.

Conster is looking for Ximensa who apparently doesn’t answer. I really love this chick’s dresses man, she always has new gorgeous ones. Right behind her Xime shows up, and Coni is mad she waited half an hour (say it with me, oooooh) but Xime tells her to chill or she’ll get wrinkles, more. Coni just want to know what she found out in the vecinidad. Xime goes on about the lots of clothes hanging up and all the colors, but Coni wants to know about Beto and Moni. X says nothing, but Coni says she’s lying. She swears not, but Coni refuses to believe her. Xime fakes that a women is stealing merchandise and while Coni goes to check it out, Xime runs off.

Coni calls Jero to complain about Xime and tells him to do something. He’ll take care of it and call her later. He calls Xime and tells her he’s got money for her, that will get her there for sure.

We go to the neighborhood where La Guerrera and her homeys are destroying Mona’s apartment. Ma comes in and they attack her, Estre then comes in and the same. La Guerrera tells them this is a message for the Mona and if she doesn’t fight me, this place will be burned down with you inside. Ma is quite affected, but Estre tells her to breath, irrigue.

At the café Mau is excited he will finally hear the truth. She fudges and is afraid he’ll get mad when he hears. OK, and the phone rings, and if that isn’t enough distraction, some armed robbers enter.

At the office, Estre tells Pau and Beto about the roughing up. Beto worries about his Ma and Estre tells him he should go home because Ma had a nervous breakdown.

Back at the breakfast, Mona takes Mau’s wallet and swears these morons are not going to treat her and she stands up and tells them they should work for a living. Of course they don’t like this attitude and take her hostage, Mau tries to help, but gets whacked on the head. All these whacks on the head, no wonder he’s a little slow gals, take pity on him. They take the two away and warn everyone else who might like to be brave.

At the office Jero is shaking Xime’s head like a rag doll telling her to confess, she appears to be holding up ok and begs for peace.

She thinks (rightly) that Conster called him and the two are in cahoots to warn her. He tells her not to try and be intelligent now. Finally she says she’ll tell everything if he leaves her alone. Jero lets up.

In some abandoned room somewhere, Mona and Mau are tied together and Mona manages to get his mouth tie off using her teeth, almost kissing him of course. Very cute. They work towards try to unbind the rest.

Pau sees that Xime arrives and tells Estre who worries she will let go of the soup and tell all. Pau thinks maybe then they’ll have to kill her. Actually Estre goes in to the office where Jero is yelling at Xime and she greets everyone and attempts to charm Jero, saying how dare he forget her. His ego of course falls for this and he mellizas. She asks him why he didn’t greet her with a kiss and he says he greets like the Russians with a kiss on the lips. Estrella responds, well here is your Perestroika and she head butts him to the floor.

The girls celebrate, and Xime swears she told nothing and wouldn’t betray her best buds.

They come out and Sal wants to know what happened. Gabi introduces Sal to her new friend Estre and he is of course quite impacted. They go off and he admits that Gabi’s friends of now are quite lovely. They chit chat about being jealous.

Back in the unknown lugar, Mau and Mona get free just in time for the crook to come back. He wants to see where Mona’s tongue is since she has gotten her mouth wrap off and when he gets close, Mau kicks him. This doesn’t work well because duh, the guy has a gun. He warns that Mau will die and we hear a shot and see Mona scream.

Commercial of course.

When we come back, the policia have shot the bad guy and Mau and Mona are, well, fine. The cop tells them they triggered the silent alarm and they got everyone else too and they can go. Just like that. No statements or interviews and I just have to wonder at how lucky they are to have such great police. Mona was afraid she lost him, and his only fear was that she might leave him. Anyway, back at the Naco hotel Beto comes upon his Ma laying in her bed and thinks the Virgin took her. He screams out for his ma he’s too young to be an orphan (maybe mentally) and she wakes and yells at him for screaming so loud.

He’s happy she’s alive and she thinks if he keeps startling her like that she won’t be for long. She tells him he should go get her some pills to calm her. He says he will but he needs some energy first and asks for her to warm up the leftover Enchiladas. She can’t believe they almost killed her and he’s asking for food and she yells at him to be off. When he’s gone she gives in and agrees to cook him guaracho con chorizo.

Mona and Mau show up at the house and everyone was worried despite him not wanting Tere to tell them. Luisa comes up and gives him a kiss, glad he’s ok and calls him Papa.

Mau is happy and comments to Mona. She says of course they would call you that, you are the papa, and you shouldn’t worry about the adoption, you are someone who goes after what you want, and you are strong enough to get it. He tells her she gives him that force, and when he’s with her everything is possible. She replies whenever she’s with him her cell phone always rings! Ha!! Even they know it.! Turns out it’s Estre telling her room was trashed. She tells Mau she has to go, of course he wants to go with her, never mind his three kids who were scared about him and are now waiting for him at dinner. She tells him no, she has to go and she promises to tell the truth later. He promises never to lie to her again. He wonders why they invented cell phones. Well….

When Mona gets home she reverts back to childhood and looks for the only gift she received from the Reyes when she was a child, a doll.

Nieves tries to calm her and tells her what they wanted. Beto shows up with the pills and Ma tells him to calm her down. Because he’s not terribly good at following instructions, he ends up riling her up to fight and kill the Guerrera. Nice, Beto, Nice.

Oscar shows up at Mau’s and tells him the judge thinks he’s a bad pa and not interested in the children. Luisa and Aldo are listening in and Luisa blames Aldo for starting all this. Oscar says really what he needs to do is get married, he should think about it. In walks the Monstranza as a perfect example. Dani calls Mau and he goes off to help her. Oscar says she arrived at the right minute and he left Mau at the punto of turron (maybe he’s all sweetened up or softened up?) and that everything depends on her now. She tells him not to worry, she’s got it covered. Thank heavens for a good eavesdropping this time. Aldo and Luisa are still listening and realize these two are setting a trap for Mau and they have to do something!! Onward Nancy Drew and Hardy Boy!!


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

MEPS - Wednesday, Aug. 12 - Franco makes a deal with the devil's associate; more from Ana Gregoria's diary; Aurora stuns Santi

* Damian wakes up and sits on the side of the bed. Fey enters with a breakfast tray for him. He questions why she didn't sleep with him at all last night. She lies and explains that she stayed up working all night in the office - she didn't want to disturb him. She sits on the bed and tells him that she wants to try to work on their marriage. He's content. He then asks her if they can really live as husband and wife now?

* Franco and Barbie have a harsh discussion about their private arrangement - she asks him to agree to her conditions in exchange for Lily. He's not sold on the idea - she wants his word that he'll listen to her conditions and agree to them. He scoffs that this deal is one with the devil. She says the man who has Lily is the devil himself. He's intrigued. She continues to explain that this man, the devil, is the evil shadow that has cursed her and the Elizalde family for years.

* Tomasa informs Gonzo that Barbie left the house really early this morning.

* Santi arrives at Colegio Buena Esperanza. He tells the nun that he is there to see Aurora.

* Franco and Barbie continue their negotiations. She's desperate for an agreement. He demands she tell him the devil's name.

* Mother Superior meets with Santi in her office. She tells him that Aurora is sick and hasn't been eating well. He wants to see her. Mother Superior says Aurora won't see any visitors. He begs. She repeats Aurora's wish. Santi writes a note for Mother S. to give to Aurora. She promises to give it to her. As Santi opens the door to leave, a smiling Aurora appears in the doorway. Santi's in shock.

* Franco wants the name. Barbie explains how her life's been a complete hell, taking orders from the man, she then repeats the danger that she and the family have had to endure. Franco again demands the man's name. She finally spouts, "Don Artemio Bravo!" Franco and Barbie have a staredown.

* Don Artemio looks at the diary page where Lily (and Ciro) stopped reading. Lily wakes up. She stares across the room (at Ciro). AB suspects that Lily has an invisible friend in the room - possibly a product of her years at the sanitarium. He starts to read from his mother's diary. Now Dona Altamira has changed Ana Gregoria's(AG's) position from kitchen staff to laundry - she stays in the back laundry room, ironing Don Geromino's shirts all day long. On her breaks, she sneaks her diary out and starts to write in it. As she starts to write about Don Geronimo's latest visit to her, Cristeta storms in and catches her. Cristeta is mean and has an extreme ego problem. She yells at AG for becoming Don Geronimo's pregnant lover and threatens to tell Altagracia. She fights with AG over the diary, and then starts to celebrate swiping the diary away from AG when Dona Altagracia enters and asks what's going on in here?

* AB is now sitting in a chair in the room as he continues to read that Dona Altagracia took the diary and pen away from AG - and read the diary. She applauds AG for writing such as wonderful love story, then demands to know who gave the diary and pen to her. Don Geronimo confesses that he gave AG the gifts. Dona Altagracia accepts the answer, then hands the diary and pen back to AG. Altagracia orders her to continue writing, all the truth and nothing but the truth, in her diary. She threatens AG that if she writes one single lie in her diary, she will have her thrown off the hacienda quickly and permanently.

* Alone in the convent office, Santi and Aurora kiss. Santi asks Aurora what happened? why'd she disappear like that? Aurora explains that when she tells him, he won't want to see her again.

* Franco and Barbie discuss her relationship with AB and why she stays there? She mentions that right now what's important is rescuing Lily. He wants to know why she's turning against AB. She reveals that AB wants to take Gonzo's entire estate and ruin the family at the same time.

* Santi asks Aurora again, what happened to make her leave like she did. Aurora has a flashback to Barbie finding Camilo and her in bed together. Santi asks again. She panics and asks Santi to tell Barbie she needs to talk with her. She promises Santi that she will run away with him, far away, but first she needs to talk with Barbie. Santi is dumb-founded and impactado.

* Fey tells Priscilla how excited she is about the preparations for the upcoming cheese fair (feria de queso). Priscilla is happy for her, and leaves for her exercise class. Tomasa finds Fey and tells her that daddy Gonzo is in the study alone - apparently Barbie is being rude and obnoxious towards him.

* Damian is shaving and calls Vladimir. Vladimir isn't happy with the message and hangs up. Vladimir turns around and calls Priscilla. Priscilla, driving her car, notes the call from Vladimir and refuses to answer, which really frustrates Vladimir.

* Barbie gets to her office and sends Flor away. She then calls Santi on her cell phone for an update on Aurora. Santi tells her that Aurora wants to see her. Barbie acts surprised and intrigued. Santi is curious. Barbie agrees to go right away. She tells Santi not to wait for her and not to tell his dad anything about this yet.

* Fey and Gonzo are talking in the home office how distant he feels from his wife Barbie. Fey wonders what Gonzo plans to do. He asks Fey to take the tape to Franco for analysis. Fey agrees. Gonzo gives her the tape in an envelope and leaves.

* Fey walks into her bedroom and puts the envelope in her purse. She is pleasantly surprised to see Damian walk from the bathroom, fully dressed in a suit and tie and ready to go to work. He plans to go to the plant, and wants Fey to go with him. Fey says she can't, she has to run an errand for her dad - to take the tape to Franco. Damian is upset by this continuing show of loyalty by her and her family towards Franco Santoro. Fey has to assure him she's committed to working on their marriage.

* Santi drives around town, pondering why Aurora insisted on talking to Barbie? What's up with that? Why Barbie? They are in love and should share all their secrets, so what secrets does she have with Barbie?

* Mother S. and Aurora discuss Aurora's problems dealing with Santi, Barbie and telling the truth. Mother S. suggests that Aurora speak with their Father to find some peace, confidence and direction.

* In the office at Las Animas, Franco meets with Gardenia. Gardenia is crying and frustrated. She is determined to resign from her position with him and move out. Franco tries to convince not to go - she's upset and he tries to console her and convince her not to do it. Steve knocks and interrupts. Fey enters. Franco smiles and welcomes her in. Fey is cold and professional when she sees Franco and Gardenia together. Steve and Gardenia leave. Fey skips the small talk and hands the envelope to Franco to have the tape analyzed, per her dad's request.

* Vladimir stops Anibal in the Grupo Lactos lobby. Anibal asks Flor twice to call security. Vladimir begs him for 5 minutes in his office.

* Fey turns to leave. Franco tries to talk with her, and steps forward. Fey steps backward away from Franco. Franco backs off, suspects something happened to make Fey turn cold towards him. He then mentions the young man and his message for Fey. Fey demands to know the message. Franco blasts, "That your husband is a thief!" Fey storms out.

* In the office, Vladimir runs down the situation around his being hired and fired from the company. Anibal says they have very valid, solid reasons in firing him. Vladimir then stuns Anibal by asking him if he is truly certain that he is the father of Priscilla's baby?

* Outside in the driveway, Gardenia stops Fey. She asks Fey if there are any jobs available with the family business.

* Anibal has had enough of Vladimir's insinuations and tries to throw him out of the company offices. Vladimir tells Anibal to go check his fertility test again, if he has doubts.

* Fey wonders why Gardenia wants to leave her job with Franco Santoro? Gardenia tells her she's not happy, that she really wants to go to school and needs to find a new, decent paying job to do so. Fey is surprised by Gardenia's interest in going to school and wonders what job Gardenia is thinking about doing? Gardenia says anything at the office or plant. Fey says that first they need to talk with Franco.

* Barbie meets with Mother S in the convent school office. Mother S tells her the ground rules for the meeting. Barbie understands and agrees. Aurora enters. Mother S leaves. Barbie starts to cry.

* Fey and Gardenia are back in the office. Fey blasts away at Franco about professional courtesy in this meeting; Franco accepts the courtesy and is professional and calm. She then grumbles her questions about Gardenia's position as his assistant at the ranch. Franco smiles and nods his head as Gardenia responds to the question. Fey blasts if he has a problem with Gardenia leaving. Franco says, No, none. Fey is stunned.

* Barbie and Aurora sit down and talk. Aurora wants to know what Barbie wants from her? Barbie stands up and responds to Franco's text message about receiving the tape from Gonzo for analysis. Then Barbie sits back down and explains to Aurora how guilty she feels about how she ran Aurora off the hacienda. Aurora wonders about her sincerity. Barbie asks for forgiveness.

ADVANCE: Barbie and Aurora continue their heart-to-heart conversation; AB tells Lily, I am your uncle; Gardenia starts work as the office barista (coffee girl).


En Nombre del Amor, August 12, 2009

Carlota recalls comments made by Inaki and Paloma while she is making her special tea.

Impatient Inaki gets checked out by the doctor.

Orlando and Emilano talk about Inaki and Paloma. Orlando can't believe that after running away together that Inaki and Paloma would end up in the hospital. They go into Emiliano's office to continue the conversation. Emilano tells Orlando that his advice about Paloma being far away is for the best in regards to his feelings for her. Having her near by just confuses him. He feels that he is deceiving Inaki when he thinks about Paloma. Orlando asks him if it's love or an obsession that he has with Paloma. He says both. He feels if he can't be with her then it cannot happen with anyone else. Orlando tells Emiliano that he met a woman (Camilla).

Rafael is packing. Diana asks him what he is doing. He tells her that he is leaving. She says that if he leaves the house, he cannot come back. He says that you don't love me anymore perhaps never have, so what's the point in staying. Diana says we are married and have a family. Rafael says that I loved you completely and accepted you without conditions. We got married quickly, but I think I was your only option. Diana says you promised to provide for me and would never leave me. Rafael tells her that he is just giving her freedom. Diana is all concerned about what other people would say. Rafael tells her who cares, you don't have to explain anything. Do you want me to stay? Diana doesn't comment.

Macarena is feeding Paloma jello. Paloma comments that sometimes she thinks that Macarena is her mother. Macarena says why do you say that? Because I love you like one replies Paloma. Inaki shows up and apologizes for the accident. Macarena leaves and Paloma tells him that it wasn't his fault. Inaki offers to stay in Real del Monte if she wants. She tells him that all she wants is to stay with him. He gets up from his wheelchair and kisses her.

Angelica and Romina talk about Paloma and Romina's academic problems. Angelica will have to talk to her mother and Romina cannot attend any classes. Romina runs out and gets into a shoving/shouting match with Liliana. The nuns and Angelica come out to break it up.

Carlota comes into Paloma's room. She tells Paloma and Inaki that she will give her permission for them to get married. Paloma replies that she doesn't believe her. She believes that Carlota is playing a trick on her. Carlota responds that Paloma is insulting her, but Macarena sticks up for her. Paloma tells Carlota that Macarena told her that she was going to have an investigation started in her bad guardian treatment of Paloma and that is why she is doing this. Carlota says that she made a mistake and realizes that nothing will interfere with Inaki and her plans to be together.

Joel and Camila talk about the factory. Camila tells him that her attorney told her it was a bad idea to invest, but she is going to do it anyway. Her only condition is that no one finds out she is the one investing in the company. The phone rings and it's the school about Romina.

Carlota tells Paloma that there is no point in fighting because in a couple of months she would be 18 and can do whatever she wants. She doesn't want Paloma to be completely out of her life. Macarena says I have been telling you this all along. Carlota replies that she has changed her mind about Inaki and Paloma. Inaki tells Carlota that they have plans to move to Madrid. Carlota says that there is no reason, but eventually agrees. She just wants Paloma to finish school here first. She wants things done right without pressure and doesn't want to lose her family. They can get married tomorrow if they want. Paloma asks if she's sure. Carlota pleads for a chance to prove herself.

Rafael looks for a room in a hotel.

Diana calls Emiliano to tell him that his father abandoned her. He asks her what happened. A fight? I don't know he wants a divorce. He probably has another woman replies Diana. Emiliano leaves work to go to her.

Mother Superior, another nun and Angelica are telling Camila what happened. Of course spoiled brat Romina says it's not fair that they let Liliana go without calling her mother. Mother Superior says that if she wasn't in a much trouble as she is in now, then the same would have happened to her as Liliana. Just a suspension. Camila asks what does she mean. Mother Superior says regarding her grades. Camila says that she doesn't get them til the end of the week, but Angelica pipes up and says that they were given out last week. She asked Romina to tell her mother to come talk to her so that she can give it to her personally. But she didn't do it. Camila asks what's wrong with her grades. Angelica says that she is failing 5 classes and Mother Superior adds that with Romina's bad behavior she can no longer come back. Camila is muy impactada.

Liliana goes to see Emiliano to tell him that Romina admitted to her that she slept with German. Emiliano tells her that he doesn't have time for this, he has to go. Liliana says that some girls at school had photos, but Romina bought them first before she could. Emiliano says if you don't have the photos then it means to me that it never existed. You don't have proof and I really don't care.

Macarena and the doctor are meeting up to talk about her test results. Carlota comes up to them asking what the results were. The doctor says that the results did not come back as he thought they would. Are you injecting yourself everyday he asks Macarena. Yes, religiously responds Macarena. Well the results show that one day you do and then 3 days later you do it again. Carlota asks him what can we do? He tells them that he will put her on another medication and hopefully it will give him the results he is looking for.

Inaki tells Paloma that everything that Carlota said sounded good. Although the change in her attitude seems a little strange. Paloma agrees, but makes in convient for them. They don't have to run away. They can do things the proper way. Inaki asks Paloma about the house that she grew up in. What happened. Paloma tells him that Carlota had to sell it because of the mortgage on it. Inaki wants her to show it to him. Why asks Paloma? It's a surprise. Do you remember the attorney how handled your case? Why asks Paloma. It will be easier for you to get a grant for school if we can prove that you have no money. Paloma comments about how excited she is to have a purpose or a road to walk now. Paloma also wants to wait til she is 18 and out of school before getting married now that there is no objection from Carlota in getting married. Then they can go to Spain.

Emiliano asks Diana if his dad said that there was another woman. No replies Diana, but it's obvious. No responds Emiliano. There could be other reasons. I am going to talk to him. Diana says why, he wants nothing to do with me. He needs to explain replies Emiliano. Diana cries on that she doesn't deserve this.

Rafael is hanging up clothes in his room and the phone rings. It's Emiliano. Rafael tells him that they have to talk. They agree to meet up at a restaurant.

Camila and Romina get home with Camila getting onto Romina. You had your grades last week to give me, but didn't because you wanted your party. Romina says that she was going to tell her at the end of the week, but after all that is going with Paloma she never got the chance. Camilla reminds her that she promised to do better in school. Romina says that she tried really hard, but school is not for her. Camila says that she has abused her love and all that she wanted to give her. Now things are going to change. You will now have limits. Your liberty and lies have now ended. If you want anything then you will have to earn them. The first is having to complete school. Romina tells her that she wasn't born to be a student. Then what were you born for? You don't like school and don't like to work. It doesn't matter replies Romina because you are rich. I have just turned 18 and will inherit the money my grandparents left me. I have no problems. Camila replies that in this life money is not forever. You have to learn to manage it and maintain it. You have to be a productive person, understand that! Today you have it and the next it's gone! That is why you have to prepare! Romina tells her mother that she has people to do that and she'll have the same too. Camila replies back that she is not prepared at all! Tomorrow we are going back to the school and you are going to ask for forgiveness. You will go back to school and study hard, because I want you to graduate. I don't want to replies Romina. You have no other choice yells Camila. Romina reminds Camila that she cannot make her do anything now that she is 18. She will contact her attorney to give her her money ASAP. So that she can leave this house and look for her dad and stomps up the stairs to her room. Camila is like oh hell no that little girl didn't just talk to me that way. Or she should be saying that to herself if she isn't.

The doctor says that she can go home and he would be the one taking care of her. He will be there everyday to check on her. Paloma doesn't look happy, but Macarena is happy that she is coming home tomorrow. She tells the doctor that she is in his debt.

Rafael and Emiliano are at a restaurant talking. Rafael can't believe that Diana told Emiliano that all this happened because of another woman. He says things were bad and you knew that. Emiliano says yes, but not so grave. Rafael says that Diana thought by Emiliano returning home all there problems would be fixed. But that did not happened and she finally realizes that. What happened then asks Emiliano. Rafael reminds him that he is there child and the problems are only between the husband and wife. He says that the love died and so did the tranquility. Your mother thinks of me as mediocre a good for nothing. When did she tell you this asks Emiliano. When I told her that the factory will be closing. Emiliano says but you never told me. I was going to tell you at the end of the week, but haven't had the chance. All I have left is dignity. What if my mother asked for your forgiveness replies Emiliano. That would never happened responds Rafael.

Inaki wants to know if Paloma wants to him to stay with her until she gets discharged. Paloma comments that she is scared that Carlota will retract her promise to accept them and their upcoming marriage. Macarena tells Paloma to give Carlota one more chance to prove herself. Inaki says we can always change our plans if we have too.

Natalia is talking to a lady who knew Paloma's parents and she assures Natalia that they had money. One of Javier's sister has all the money. Sorlaio told me that there daughter's future was secured. Natalia says I have to tell Inaki all this.

Inaki is on the phone telling Emiliano that he has suspicions about Carlota's dealings with Paloma inheritance. Emiliano hangs up and Romina runs in saying that she cannot live with her mother anymore.

Carlota is at a store buying belladonna, but wants double this time. Acardia spots her and asks her friend what is Carlota buying. Her friend tells her that it's belladonna. Used for fun and relaxing. But if you use to much you will fall asleep....forever.

Romina tells Emiliano that she swears that she was going to tell her mother everything at the end of the week, but everything with Paloma happened. Emiliano says to Romina that you did the party anyway knowing that you couldn't have it if you did not do good in your exams. I agree with your mother. You need to finish school and afterwards if you don't want to advance your education then it's your decision. Go fix things with her. She is a wonderful mother. It is very sad living with constant fighting. Romina takes the focus off her and asks him if something is going on in his family. Emiliano says that his parents are fighting, but he hopes that it will be resolved soon. Romina thanks Emiliano for listening and says that she is also determined to find her father. Romina asks him to find her a private detective.

Orlando comes to visit Camila who had been crying. They talk about there roles as parents. He tells her not to take it so bad.

Emiliano visits his old nanny and gives her grandson a new soccor outfit. Her grandson wants to know if he can play in a tournament. I can't replies Emiliano. I have to attend my friend's wedding.

Paloma has her wedding gown fitting with Macarena and Rufi doing the adjusting. In comes Carlota with the wedding vail. Paloma tries it on and is so excited. Hugs for everyone. Carlota tells Paloma that it's time for Inaki and his parents to formally ask for Paloma's hand in marriage. Macarena doesn't think it a good idea due the fact that Inaki's parents: a) do not get along well and b) Inaki's dad is against the whole thing and thinks he is making a mistake.
Carlota says it's important for her that things are done properly. Paloma relents and tells Carlota that she will call Inaki and tell him to have his parents come over for dinner so that he can officially offer for her the why Carlota wants.

Inaki and the lawyer sit down in which he finds out from the attorney that the house never had a mortgage on it. And all funds, decisions were made by Carlota. Inaki looks at it all and says she has a fortune. Another thing she also has 2 bank accounts and a life insurance policy. Inaki cannot believed it. Who has the money, asks Inaki. The guardian of her estate, Carlota. Inaki says this whole time Paloma has had money and Carlota has been lying to her. If you have seen what I have seen replies the attorney, family members will do anything for money.

Carlota is making her special tea/drink/malta.

Tomorow: Joel tells Rafael that he has found an investor; Romina begs Emiliano to get back with her; Carlota serves Inaki her special drink/malta


En Nombre del Amor Tuesday August 11. The good guys take the lead, but Carlota plots a comeback.

Carlota glows a murky shade of purple as she tells Paloma she’s been so worried, and soon Paloma will be as good as new. Paloma says she’d rather die than be imprisoned in Carlota’s house again. Carlota actually seems genuinely sad and shaken at this. Paloma says her life is Iñaki now. Auntie Cruel wonders if that means she’s already married him, or even (gasp, choke) slept with him?! “Think whatever you want,” smirks Paloma. “I’ll escape as many times as I have to, but I’ll leave with him.”

Carmen rushes to tell Iñaki the good news of Paloma’s awakening, only to find she has been scooped by Natalia. Iñaki wants a wheelchair so he can go visit his beloved, but they all say no way; he’s got to stay still. So he decides to send Emiliano as his envoy: “Tell her I’m really sorry, and I love her, and give her a kiss for me.” The sort of favor you can only ask of your best friends, I guess. Well, Paloma already has Emiliano’s blood, so what’s a little spit? Iñaki also has his mother remove his crucifix necklace (the medical staff left that on?!) so that Emiliano can give that to Paloma as well.

Macarena is mad at Carlota for going to visit Paloma first. Oh, also because Cruelota wants to send Iñaki to jail.

Camila and Romina find Emiliano in the corridor and confirm with him that Paloma is out of danger. Romina wants to go visit, but Emiliano wants to go first, since he is the bearer of mushy messages. And no, he won’t let Romina take his place as courier. Which is a little unfortunate, because that would surely turn into an amusing game of telephone. Romina leaves with a very strange facial expression which I cannot interpret.

Mac finally visits Paloma. Pal thinks Mac must be upset that she ran away, but Macarena says she understands it was a crisis. Paloma sobs that she doesn’t want to go home; she wants to go to Spain with Iñaki as they had planned. Mac is more interested to hear of the plans than upset.

Natalia and Alonso breakfast in the hospital cafeteria, as Alonso gripes that he hopes this little incident will convince Iñaki to stop being so stupid and change his mind about Paloma. Natalia says there’s no way; doesn’t he remember what it’s like to be in love and care about someone so much that it’s worth any amount of trouble? Alonso grouches that he was never like that. The only stupid crazy thing he’s ever done was marrying Carmen, and he’s regretted it ever since. Carmen overhears this from another table. For rude, Alonso.

Mac tells Paloma that she’s started a legal action to put an end to Cruelota’s abuses of her guardianship over Paloma. She says she’ll free Paloma from Cruel IF IT’S THE LAST THING SHE DOES. That’s anvil bait if I ever heard any.

Alonso continues sweet-talking his wife with pronouncements about how love is stupid; it’s better to be practical. She is touched by that deep romantic sentiment and asks whether he married her for love or for convenience. “Whatever, I’m talking about my idiot son, not us,” he responds. His phone sounds a surprisingly jazzy ring. It’s the lawyer, Ruben, and Alonso heads off to meet him.

After the old crab scuttles off, Carmen sashays on over to Natalia’s table and empathizes about the difficult husband. Then she asks whether Natalia and Alonso were already an item at the time of the divorce.

Ruben tells Alonso that if Iñaki and Paloma weren’t physically intimate, then Carlota won’t have much of a case even though Paloma is a minor.

Natalia says that although she had already met Alonso when he and Carmen divorced, they didn’t begin their…(I’m searching for a word here. Romantic? Intimate? Friendly? Passionate? None of those seem possible with Alonso. Carnal? Maybe closer)…whatever relationship until well after the divorce. At the time, Natalia herself was too distraught over having been left at the altar by Cristóbal. Carmen then rudely pries into Natalia’s personal life with question after question about whether Nat really loves Alonso, would do anything for him, etc., and whether Nat traded all the deep passion she had with Cris for a merely comfortable existence.

Mac has finished her visit with Paloma, so it’s Emiliano’s turn. Romina wants to tag along, but Mac helpfully says only one visitor at a time is permitted; Romina will have to wait her turn. He heads off and Romina is petulant and pouty, and Mac and Camila rave about what a good boy Emiliano is. Mac says Ro must be so proud of her novio, and Ro says yep, so proud, and so in love. Camila goes wide-eyed but says nothing. After Mac leaves, Camila reproaches Romina for having lied. Romina says it wasn’t the time to mention the breakup, but I don’t know why not. Camila, ever the wearer of rose-colored glasses, changes the subject by saying how nice it is that Romina is so concerned and affectionate toward Paloma even though they’ve had their differences lately. Ro says it’s all Paloma’s fault they’ve drifted apart, since she has a boyfriend now and wants to spend time with him. Cami says that doesn’t mean she doesn’t still care about you, too. Romina snarls.

Carlota finds the doctor and instructs him that he is only to talk to her about Paloma’s recovery, and to tell no one but herself when Paloma is going to be released. “Sure, and the patient herself, of course,” says the doc. Carlota says no, because Paloma is a minor. “And in full control of her faculties,” responds the long-suffering doctor. Carlota tries to intimidate him but he’s having none of it and tells her his only priority is Paloma’s recovery, and he’ll prevent Carlota from visiting her if that’s what his patient wants. Carlota threatens to go to his superiors, but he calmly replies that he’s the director of the hospital and she’s welcome to take it up with the law if she wishes. Carlota and her purple eyelids are foiled again.

Emiliano stands and stares swoonily at a sleeping Paloma while the theme song plays. She wakes up and thanks him for the blood. He says anytime, and now she has something of his forever. She asks about Iñaki, and he carefully releases her hand in order to give her a Deep Meaningful affectionate kiss on the forehead. She looks a tad confused, and he clarifies that Iñaki asked him to give her the kiss, and also to tell her that (slow and schmaltzy here) he loves her. “Wow, you’re a really good messenger,” says Paloma. He also passes on the disculpas about the accident and all. He puts Iñaki’s crucifix on Paloma’s wrist.

Paloma asks Emiliano to tell Iñaki that she loves him and is dying to see him (but not actually dying), and she gives him her Virgen medallion to take to Iñaki. He holds her hand for a long time as he takes it, and she gets him to promise that they will always be friends. He kisses her hand With Great Feeling.

Iñaki tells his nosy father that it’s none of his business; that’s between him and Paloma. Alonso reminds him that if Carlota gets her case to court, he and Paloma will have to testify about their personal life in front of a judge, and that will be even more embarrassing. So Iñaki says no, he and Paloma never had relations. All the parents breathe a sigh of relief. Iñaki can’t just leave it at that, he has to go on a bit about how they might have expected more to happen, but it didn’t, and he’s not going to get into details. Carmen stops him by saying, “well, that’s great! Now Carlota doesn’t have a case!” and he says he feels ridiculous talking about such things with them. “And we feel ridiculous asking,” replies Carmen, although Alonso doesn’t feel ridiculous because he doesn’t have feelings.

Emiliano is in the men’s room dousing his head with cold water, a full shower not being available. He thanks God for saving Paloma and Iñaki.

Carmen sits at Paloma’s bedside, trying to make idle friendly chitchat but accidentally mentioning Carlota’s attempt at a case against Iñaki, so then she has to explain the whole hassle. Paloma assures her she would never testify against Iñaki, and Carmen says she’s sure they’ll overcome this obstacle.

Macarena tells Camila that she’s got to stop Carlota’s perverse lawsuit, and she thinks the time has come to reveal her big secret, even though it might mean losing Paloma’s affection. Camila doesn’t think any secret could make Paloma not love her. Romina listens in.

Carlota slithers in and asks whether Mac did what she asked. “No. I’m going to do something better and definitive,” says Mac.

Before she can, however, Alonso and Natalia join them and introduce themselves. Mac is friendly, Carlota is rude. Alonso advises Carlota to give up on the legal proceedings; she isn’t going to get far because Paloma isn’t about to testify that Iñaki tried to kill her, and the two of them were never intimate. Emiliano returns from the gents’ just in time to hear that, of course. He tries to hide his delight. Romina does not try to hide her shock, and is shushed by Camila. Mac tells Carlota she guesses there’s no need to do anything definitive, at least for the moment.

Even though he dumped her, Emiliano is still compelled to explain his behavior to Romina. He says he had to go visit Paloma; Iñaki asked him to. Romina coerces him into going to the cafeteria with her.

Carlota paces toward Iñaki’s room, deciding to tell him that she doesn’t believe his claims, but stops outside the door to eavesdrop. Carmen is telling Iñaki that Carlota is up in arms and thinks she has the right to trample (atropellar) other people’s lives. Natalia chimes in to say that Carlota has always been like that. In fact, Sagrario wanted to move to the D.F. to get away from Carlota, but Javier was so grateful to Carlota for taking care of him after their mother died that he let her dominate him, which really bugged Sagrario. They all wonder why Sagrario would have named Carlota as her daughter’s guardian, when the logical solution would have been to make Macarena the guardian and Carlota the executor (albacea) of the estate. “What estate?,” asks Iñaki. “Paloma doesn’t have any money.” Natalia says she must have a big inheritance because Sagrario and Javier were quite wealthy. They decide Carlota must be hiding the money in order to manipulate and blackmail (chantajear) Paloma. Iñaki says he’s going to investigate the matter, and Natalia says she’ll help. Carlota looks stricken. She thinks to herself that they are NOT going to take what’s hers. No, dearie, they’re going to take what’s Paloma’s.

Romina tells Emiliano that according to Evil Auntie, Paloma has brought scandal and shame on the family. Em says that’s ridiculous. Romina would rather gossip about Paloma’s and Iñaki’s lack of action, but Emiliano says it’s none of their business.

Emiliano and Romina go to visit Iñaki, and Emiliano passes along Paloma’s messages and medallion, but without the accompanying emotion and smooches this time. Romina hints around at the only thing on her mind with remarks about the besmirching of Paloma’s reputation and what everyone at the party was saying, while Emiliano shoots hostile looks at her. Iñaki says he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. He’s in love with Paloma and he’s going to marry her, and Emiliano and Romina will probably feel the same when they decide to marry. Emiliano says they are, in fact, already splitsville, and Romina throws a little fit and flounces out. “Why?,” asks Iñaki. “I don’t love her like Paloma…umm…I mean, like you love Paloma,” fumbles Emiliano. Iñaki, sweet and naïve as he is, agrees that Emiliano would be much happier with someone like Paloma.

Camila asks Mac what the big secret is. Mac doesn’t want to tell. Camila says she really should, because you can’t change the past; the best you can do is accept it and move on, and it would be such a relief to get it over with. Mac still isn’t ready.

Alonso tells Iñaki that Ruben says there’s nothing to worry about, but to forget about Paloma and go back to Madrid and pretend he never met her. Nothing doing, says Iñaki. Alonso tells his son with all the affection he can muster, which is none, that he’s an idiot and that girl will be his downfall. Since he can’t get Iñaki to agree with him, Alonso says he’s done there and he takes off.

Paloma gets wheeled into a room after her x-rays or scans or whatever and the nurse asks her fan club to let her rest. Macarena decides to stay with Paloma, but Camila is going to go home, so Mac asks her to get the results of her tests. Camila says she will, and she’ll also tell Dr. Bermúdez what’s going on. Mac thanks her for being such a good friend, and Camila says it’s a privilege.

Back in Real del Monte, Rufi asks Carlota about Paloma’s state and gets the most cursory of reports. The lawyer arrives, so Carlota gives Rufi money and sends her to the pharmacy for aspirin to get rid of her.

Emiliano catches Romina at the elevator and says he doesn’t like to see her so upset. She whines about how awful her life has been, losing him and nearly losing Paloma. He still wants to be friends, but she thinks it will be too hard to be near him and not be able to touch him and kiss him. She wants another chance, but he seems to have a little more spine now and denies her. “You will never find someone else who loves you like I do!,” she threatens. He can only hope. “I love you!,” she says passionately as the elevator doors close, and he stands there and stares at her and I hope makes plans to preview the scripts and cut this scene out should the writers recycle it any more.

Carlota tells Licenciado Rojas that the icky musician is trying to inveigle (engatusar) Paloma and get her inheritance. They’ve got to stop him. The lawyer thinks they can try to keep the contents of the will secret so Paloma won’t know she’s entitled to money, but if Paloma gets it into her head to ask for a copy of the will after she’s 18, they won’t be able to stop her. Carlota is still pretending to him that she’s trying to protect her niece, so he suggests that she have a talk with Paloma about what that young man is up to. Carlota obviously doesn’t think that will work, and the lawyer says there’s not much he can do.

Emiliano says goodbye to Paloma, and Mac thanks him for his help and says he’s like a guardian angel. After he goes, Paloma swoons about Iñaki a bit and asks Mac whether she’s ever felt that way about anyone. Mac doesn’t want to talk about it. She didn’t have Paloma’s strong character, so it didn’t work out, but she’s sure Paloma and Iñaki will overcome.

Carlota messes with stuff on the Shelf of Mysteries and gets all twitchy-jawed thinking about Iñaki and his vow to find out about Paloma’s inheritance. She adds something to her cauldron and glares.
Avances: Diana tells Rafael if he leaves the house, he’s not coming back. Paloma and Iñaki kiss and hurt their damaged faces. Carlota gives her authorization for the marriage. Romina is suspended from school. Some lady tells Arcadia about belladonna, which makes you sleep forever. Carlota buys something. Belladonna?


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