Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Aug. 18, '09 Connie Seethes, Monita Deceives, Beto Heaves (almost), Estrella Leaves and Ximena Grieves

Whew. There's a lot right there in the title but that's not all, folks. Quite a bit happened tonight, plus we heard a whole raft of phrases describing"playing in the other ballpark" or "for the other team" and there was no way I could catch them all on the fly. Maybe I'll go back after this is written and stop and start my tape. (Hoping Santa will bring me a Tivo recorder for Christmas.)

There's a brief review of the hot potato number with the muchachas, thinking the package that arrived is a bomb. And once again we get to hear Ximena drop the real bomb that Connie has the hots for Beto (and evidently no olfactory senses).

Our feisty Monita elects herself the Bomb Squad in the Barrio and dismantles the package to find out it's chocolates. Estrella takes quick ownership and flees...but not without discovering there is also a gold chain inside. And a mash note...."To Estrella, the brightest star in the firmament." Uh oh. No doubt about it. Rolando's been having impure thoughts and even more impure intentions. Estrella is offended...but not so upset as to not eat all the chocolates! (How does she maintain that figure?)

In the meantime, Mauricio and Sal, after checking to make sure the microphone is still in place, fake discuss how they're going to meet an informant in the park and hand over a wad of cash for the info on the betrayers. Oscar and Jeri are primed to check it out, with Oscar adding that if they're caught, he'll wash his hands of the whole affair and leave Jeri holding the bag. Joke, joke, he adds slyly. Jeri looks confused.

Aldo, meanwhile, is phoning Estrella and getting rebuffed once more. You should be studying, working, hanging out with kids your own age, she snaps. Don't call me ANYMORE.

Sal is now hassling Mauricio about bringing Monita into the conspiracy mix. And sure enough, here comes our little Monkey in another I Love Lucy moment, complete with mustache, sideburns, suit and hat, swaggering like a miniature macho male.

While she's in disguise, our favorite "loca" is invading the office once more, scaring the bejesus out of Gaby who hasn't forgotten the very serious knife attack of a few months ago. Lorenza vows she's a new woman, just like a 2009 car... latest model ya know! but Gaby isn't convinced. It's true! and what's more, she knows who Sal is sneaking around with. Lots of monkey, King Kong imitations that baffle Gaby until finally Lorenza screams "It's la Monita". Gaby sets her straight. Her "very good source" Jeri is just stringing her along. Lorenza is sad and then mad. She vows vengeance. Now this is something we can get behind! And off she goes, while the camera pans down to her two different shoes. (This is not that weird. A friend of mine, broken-hearted over a betrayal, often ended up putting on two different shoes. We women are emotional dang it!)

More mayhem with women. (This is an equal opportunity violence show). Connie is suffocating Ximena, screeching that she thought Xime was her best friend. Best and ONLY friend, sniffs Xime when she can catch a breath. All right...I'll tell you who Roby's girlfriend is. Oh my. Of course there's an ad so we don't really know if she's going to spill the beans.

When we come back, we see Rolu swaggering into the neighborhood, ignoring the excited shrieks of the children and then flashing them a look of disgust. Oh yeah, for sure we know he's a bad guy. Even Estrella seems to know it. She hands him back his necklace (the chocolates are long gone) and protests that she's a decent girl and resents his obvious attempts to bed her. Rolu's undeterred and smoothly begs forgiveness on his knees, no less. But wait! we see Aldo watching from afar. This can't bode well.

At the park, Monita is acting out her part but seeming to get the intent confused. In the guise of whispering in Mau's ear (so the bad guys won't hear) she's actually caressing his face. Mauricio, making a valient effort to stay in persona, hands off the briefcase with the "cash" and sends her off. Jeri is sure he recognizes the little guy. It's Carlos Balero! (I tried googling this name and got a couple of different guys on Facebook but nothing else) Does this Carlos look like Charlie Chaplin? 'Cause Monita sure did. And she's staying in persona also, flirting with a couple of girls on her way out of the park.

The muchacha mayhem has intensified. Coni has given up on suffocation and is now threatening to cut off Xime's hair. Alright...Beto's girlfriend is P..., Pau....Paula! The "afanador" (cleaner)!? sniffs Consti. She doesn't even wax off her mustache! You're jealous, sneers Xime. No way!

And now, the famous THREE things Xime has to add to their discussion:

1) Connie, you're putting out a lot of negative energy and it's going to come back to you.

2)That negative energy will become a big ball of excrement!

2) I don't want you near me. You're splashing me (salpique) with it!

Okay, after that colorful exchange, we have a knock-down drag out fight. Aldo confronts Rolu. Rolu pretend to leave, then whirls and sucker punches little Aldo, not once but three times and then kicks him to boot. What a crud! If Estrella had any doubts, they're put to rest now. He's only 17! she rails at Rolu. He's still in full seduction mode. I love your eyes, your mouth, your legs and BAM! Estrella slaps him a good one. And he's gone. So is Aldo. But wait! she follows Rolu out to the sidewalk, he grabs her and forces another kiss on her....just when Xime arrives in a taxi and sees it all. Oh woe is Xime. And Estrella too, for that matter.

Seems that Nieves has organized a little lynch mob and now they're trying to run
Estrella out of the barrio. But I don't look for problems, problems just seem to find me, wails our little redhead. The mob ain't buyin' it.

Let's break this up with a little romance. Monita's in Mau's office and he's helping her take her mustache off. But that brings him close to her lips and well, you know....Our goofy galan wants to tell her something but she more or less says "shut up and kiss me" and he does.

Does the cellphone ring? Nope, something even worse. Beto walks in on them and thinks Mau is gay. We get a veritable flood of words, with Beto trying his darndest to be p.c. and broadminded, but finally excusing himself and saying he's going to vomit. Well, he tried. He really did.

Paula meanwhile, is entranced with the new little guy and is coming on strong until Monita finally clues her in. After that scene, Beto bops in the coffee room saying he's got big news and lays down a lot of slang about Mau's tendencies, one concerning "rice" which I've heard before but didn't catch this time. (Went back and checked the tape. See vocabulary below.)

So Beto's bewildered. So is Pau. And frankly, Mauricio still doesn't have a clue...not about who planted the microphone in his office, anyway. Neither does Gaby. No one will believe Sal when he accuses Oscar and Jeri of the spying. For Gaby, it's strictly sexual jealousy on Sal's part. For Mauricio, I think he's just missing a few cogs. All brawn and no brain, this one.

Lorenza been busy with her car again. This time she not only mowed down Jeri and Oscar (who come limping into the office on crutches) but it seems she also swiped some hapless street merchants in an outdoor market and has gone from jail temporarily and then back to the loco ward. But of course, Oscar is intimating it was all part of a scheme by Sal to assassinate them.

The mob scene is still going hot and heavy back in the neighborhood. Estrella's protesting that she pays rent like everybody else but Nieves reminds her she's a month in arrears. Lots of insults about being a "prostituta" and a "mujerzuela" and then our little Monita shows up and delivers a snappy "let ye who are without sin cast the first stone" sermonette. She rattles off an impressive list of everybody's shortcomings including that Nieves doesn't even know who Beto's daddy is. Chagrin all around and the crowd melts away.

Estrella's still downhearted. They always thought the worst of me, she laments. Paula's not sympathetic. "Te conozco mosco" she snaps. And why do you light up men's water heaters (boilers) and then expect them to take a cold bath! (This brings back memories of Austria. When I lived in an apartment there, we did have to light up the gas heater above the bathtub if we wanted warm water. )Great image though of Estrella's effect on men. She does light fires left and right.

One singed little guy... our Aldo... is in bed, trying to avoid having Mauricio find out he's been beaten to a pulp. But Mau isn't fooled and wants to know who did it. Just a guy. I was defending a girl. He was trying to get fresh. Estrella? Don't pry into my life and I won't pry into yours. Well, they settle with a little male bonding. Mau invites him to come to the racetrack tomorrow where they'll be running some laps. And advises that life is like a race...you have to control your speed so you can take the curves and finish strong. Okay then. Monita sermonette. Mau sermonette. Are there any more to come?

Guess not. Monita's in bed thinking about you know who. You know who calls. Says they have unfinished business. She says they can take up where they left off the next morning. Oh, a little early a.m. romance?! Dang, no, he's coming in late. Gotta go to the racetrack first. No matter. She'll prepare a sumptuous breakfast for him at the office and they'll...take it from there.

From hope to despair. We see Estrella, looking bedraggled and sad, walking slowly away from the barrio, after leaving a note for Monita.

Aldo's at the racetrack. Nasty Rolu shows up and sneers. Want another beating? Mau overhears, accuses him of bribing the doctor to give him a false health report (Rolu looks confused) as well as warning him if he ever touches his son again, he'll kill him! ( Rolu looks amused).

Back in the barrio. Monita's dressed to kill and Beto's worried. Everybody's going to be whistling at you in the bus! That encounter is cut short when they find Estrella's note saying she can't take any more garbage from her neighbors and is leaving....forever.

While at the primo's home, our broken-hearted Xime is in obvious mourning. Sympathetic Jeri says Why are you down on the barrio girls? Did they rob you of your cellphone? No, wails Xime. The Love of my Life! You'll get over it, he smiles. (and no doubt she will).

The coffee room remains a busy place. Paula's now in Monita's disguise trying to pass herself off to Gaby as Rogelio, Paula's twin brother. Gaby says she attracted and wants a French kiss. Paula caves and Gaby says, Now drop that stupid act and get me a cappuchino!

And once more we're back at the racetrack. Mau and Tano are eyeballing a new contender, some little twerp from the US. He's gonna bite the dust says Mau confidently.

Connie walks in on Moni preparing the nifty breakfast for Mau and wants to know what's up. Moni informs her it's a special moment and she's going to share it with him. Connie draws her arm back to slap her and Moni counters effectively. Watch out Coni. You're dealing with a professional here!

And speaking of professionals, Mau is completely flummoxed on the racetrack. Can't get around that pesky little U.S. contender no how no way. Racer steps out, takes off the helmet and oh no, it's Regina ( or evil Paulina from Tontas if you will) and she's back in Mauricio's life and sure to bring trouble. And there we end.


Yep. Here comes trouble. Regina's in the office laying a big fat kiss on Mauricio and Connie and Monita both see it. (As noted on the MEPS line, galans never seem to be able to fend off a kiss. They let considerable time pass before they react. Leading to all kinds of problems!)

Regina's in some kind of meeting at the office and announcing she's thinking of starting a family. Connie goes into a violent coughing spell.

We hear that Mauricio and Regina had some kind of romantic relationship in the past.

And Monita gets revenge by biting Mauricio when he zeros in for a kiss! Yikes. Whadda gal.

insinuoso = suggestive
afanador = cleaner
salpique = splash, splatter, as with mud
engrudo = paste (for Monita's mustache)
trenzado con el joven = making out with the young guy (Beto describing the kiss he saw)
se chinga las pestañas = more Beto descriptions of what Mauricio was up to
se le gusta el chivito con el precipice= more of the same
el morder la almohada = more of the above
jugar con el ciclope japonés =and still more...
le gusta el arroz con popote = yep, still more
que hace chocolate con los codos = etc. etc.
que trueno al reverso = finito, that's all I got. But it's a lot for just one proclivity
bozal = muzzle
tianguis = street market (where Lorenza mowed down some vendors)
nunca me tragaron = they could never stand me (Estrella talking about neighbors)
desarmador = taking apart, tearing up (Moni talking about somebody tearing up the barrio)
atole = corn or maize drink. One of the things Moni asked if Mauricio wanted for breakfast. What he wanted was her!)
pinta de maleta =looks like a useless heap. Mauricio, underestimating Regina's race car
encamarse = to go to bed together. The usual male reaction to Estrella's charms

Dicho of the Day:

En gustos no hay nada escrito. Each to his own. No accounting for tastes. (Beto trying to be p.c. when he catches Mauricio kissing Monita disguised as a young man.)


Amor Monday, August 17, 2009. Headline: Financial experts scratching their heads over sudden rise in Kleenex stock

Leftovers: Fortunately we don’t have to watch Inaki die again, or Paloma bolt from the church. Now everyone is gathered around the table at Carmen’s wondering what Alonso’s wishes will be. Carmen comes in and says Alonso’s opinions don’t count.

New, but soggy: In another room, Romina is comforting Paloma while Mac stands to one side. Paloma agonizes over why she lost her parents and now Inaki. God doesn’t love her! She wants to die too. Tearful Romina says no, no don’t say that.

Poster child for pinched-lipped town gossips Inez and her nice-guy son discuss what happened. Inez says the women of that family are doomed to remain single, and she tells him to stay away from Paloma– They’re cursed and I don’t want you being friends with her. Aron says that’s up to me, not you, and he walks out.

Back at Carmen’s we see Emiliano and Romina, all in tears. Camila says it’s the worst thing of all to lose a child. Emiliano says And she lost her parents too. Romina says it’s just not normal. In the background, we see Mac slowly walking sobbing Paloma out, Rufi bringing up the rear.

Emiliano looks after them and Romina says ruefully that he always seems to be fixated on Paloma and her family. Emiliano says I wanted to make them happy but now I don’t know what to do.

Mac has brought Paloma back to her room at home and says she’ll help her change into black, but Paloma says she just wants to be alone now. Mac leaves and Paloma remembers the night she and Inaki pretend married, and other lovely moments with him. She slumps to the floor and keens with grief.

Mac prays in her room and asks God why. Carlota comes in and tells her why cry since it was her (Mac’s) fault. After all, she’s the one who put that pearl Necklace of Deception, Lies and Sin on Paloma. Mac says shame isn’t inherited. Carlota strokes Mac’s hair casually and says you brought bad fortune down on us.

Mac says there’s no curse on Paloma and one day she’ll find the happiness she deserves. Carlota says who’d be interested in a girl who keeps having people close to her drop like flies? The best thing you could do for her is to tell her to resign herself to the fact that happiness is just not in the cards for her…before the next victim is you. Oh, and please don’t go blubbering through the wake.

Emiliano is telling his folks what happened. He says and Inaki was so happy and his whole future spread before him. Rafa says maybe Paloma’s youth will help her recover from this. Emiliano wonders why these things happen to Paloma, she’s an incredible young woman. Diana says does Romina know you talk about Paloma like that?

We’re at the funeral home. Alonso is here now, stroking Inaki’s coffin and telling Carmen Inaki never should have come to this town, and that she encouraged him in his foolishness and now look. Natalia is in the background, Sagrario on her lap. It’s your fault, he tells his ex-wife. It’s here that he fell into all this nonsense and started defying me. If he’d done what I wanted, this wouldn’t have happened. (He’s right of course, but only one person at the wake and about 3 million viewers know it.) Carmen says my conscience is clear, but obviously yours isn’t. Maybe you ought to deal with that instead of blaming others.

Natalia thinks maybe she better step in. She says this is a wake, not a court. She goes over to Carmen and says never mind Alonso, he just doesn’t know how to handle this. Probably he feels guilty. Carmen says he always thinks he’s right.

Whoa – it’s the ad break and there’s Inaki with his big smile. Creepy.

Drat, the captions have disappeared. Paloma comes into the living room, dressed in black, head down. Mac and Carlota are there too, also in black. Carlota acts all sorry and says she’s just glad she was able to make peace with Inaki and his family and with Paloma too.

Rufi comes in and Mac tells her to stay home from the wake – surely lots of people will be phoning. Paloma says Rufi is coming with us! Paloma and Rufi walk out and Mac tells Carlota off. Don’t you realize we should support Paloma in whatever she wants? Rufi is part of the family. Carlota rolls her eyes.

Emiliano and Romina are together, reflecting on what happened. Romina says a person could die at any time. If anything happened to him, she would just die. She says she doesn’t want to die without having realized her dreams. They should get married! Emiliano says it isn’t the time to talk about things like that.

Camila comes in, gives her daughter a hug and tells her she loves her. She gives Emiliano a hug, too, since he and Inaki were such good friends.

Arcadia’s granddaughter (niece?) breathlessly tells her about Inaki suddenly dying before his wedding. Arcadia is impactada and remembers having seen Carlota buying belladonna in the market.

Alonso, Natalia and the child are sitting in the room with Inaki’s coffin. Here comes our group of mourners. Paloma spots the coffin, cries and runs to it. Alonso leaps up and says hands off! This whole thing is your fault!

Emiliano goes ballistic. He tells Alonso that Inaki was his friend, and he loved Paloma. He will not allow Alonso or anybody else to talk to her like that. Alonso becomes menacing and says if it weren’t for her, he’d be alive today.

Paloma bawls I never would have done anything to hurt him! Alonso flames back that it was her fault Inaki didn’t go back to Spain, that he stayed here and died. Carmen says you can’t use Paloma to wipe your conscience clean. Thanks to her, he knew what true love is. Paloma thanks her.

Paloma wails over the coffin, while Carmen weeps with her. Paloma says I’m going now, goodbye Carmen, maybe I’ll see you again. Carlota watches, unmoved. Paloma flees and Emiliano follows her. Romina looks upset for a second, but then comforts Mac.

Carlota lets Alonso have it. She spits at him that she’s there to protect her niece and he doesn’t dare smear her like that. This is so scary that little Sagrario runs over and hugs her daddy’s leg.

Emiliano has run after Paloma. He puts her in the car and speeds off. Romina comes out and calls after him, but it’s too late.

Apparently the flower shop has called Camila at home to let her know they want to bring an arrangement by. Camila has to leave and tells them to bring them tomorrow. They read the card – From one flower to another. It’s from Orlando.

She picks up her mail on the way out. One letter catches her attention and she opens it. “Camila – not a day has gone by that I don’t think of you two.” Samuel! she says.

Emiliano and Paloma have arrived at her house. He takes her chin and tells her not to pay attention to what Alonso said. Paloma says it’s true – everyone I love dies on me. But thank you for defending me. Emiliano says I’ll always be there for you. It’s not true that it’s your fault. You’ve just had bad luck. Paloma says no, it’s true and I don’t want to ever love anyone again, or to let anyone love me.

Emiliano says that’s not up to you. People will love you anyway. Don’t give up on smiling, or loving. She says she doesn’t want to live and runs away.

Paloma is in the park and she sees Inaki sitting on a stone wall playing his sax. She can’t believe it. He looks up and smiles his winning smile, then evaporates.

Mac and Rufi are leaving the wake just as Camila comes up. They tell her about Inaki’s father jumping on Paloma.

Camila finds Romina just leaving the wake. Romina says can you believe it? Emiliano drove off with Paloma. Now it’s just Inaki’s family, so there’s no reason for you to go in.

Handsome Dr. Bermudez approaches Camila – he’s looking for Mac. Camila recommends he check by her house in a few days. He wants to show Mac how she can count on him.

Alonso tells Natalia that he doesn’t believe the heart attack thing and he doesn’t agree about skipping the autopsy. Carmen comes in and tells him she can’t believe how he acted with Paloma. It’s your fault, says Alonso. Why did you decide to cremate Inaki without an autopsy, to take his ashes back to Spain? Carmen sobs you have another daughter, but I have only one son.

Alonso suddenly starts chewing the scenery. He sobs, he embraces the coffin. You don’t understand! I can’t grasp that he’s gone. It’s a nightmare and I’ll wake up. Carmen lights into him: It’s your conscience eating at you. Why didn’t you support Inaki to be a musician? To marry Paloma? You wanted him to be just like you.

Natalie begs them not to fight. Carmen says this is our last fight, because it’s the last time I’ll see you Alonso. With Inaki gone, there’s no reason. She stomps out. Alonso sobs on the coffin.

Another break and there’s Inaki smiling again. What’s he got to smile about?

Emiliano has been waiting by his car across the street from Paloma’s. He sees Carlota get out of her appropriately black car and go in to make sure that the level of evil in the house doesn’t fall below acceptable levels. Mac and Rufi are with her. The theme song starts up. Suddenly he spots Paloma sadly returning to the Casa de Spinsters.

Next we see her in her room, stupefied with grief. She looks out the window and he gives a tentative finger-waggle wave. She lifts her hand limply, then turns back into her room and looks at her engagement ring.

Down in the street, Emiliano wonders how he can lift her sorrow. Romina and her mom pull up. Romina reproaches him for running after Paloma. She doesn’t get why he always has to be Paloma’s white knight. He reminds her what Paloma’s just been through. She says okay, but next time you want to rescue her, take me along. It looks fishy.

Carlota is cooking something and Mac and Rufi are commenting that Paloma wants to be alone. They understand. Carlota said you should. It’s amazing how history repeats itself in this family. You know what it’s like to have the man you love just poof! die.

And you know too, says Mac. Because when he died, he died for you too, at least for what you had in your imagination. But for him, as a woman you didn’t even exist. Touché! Mac leaves the room and Rufi thinks Good one! Carlota sends Rufi to go buy some bread.

Carlota gets down the bottle of belladonna and pours it down the sink. She thinks to herself I got rid of him same as I got rid of Inaki. If I can’t be happy, then nobody else in this house can be either.

Arcadia asks the herb lady if she has something to sleep, or relax. The herb lady is very voluble and tells her about belladonna, how if you take to much it’s slow, but then you can’t breathe and finally your heart just stops. Ah, says Arcadia. So you could take it at night and wake up dead the next morning? Yes, says the herb lady.

In her bedroom, Mac is talking to the photo of her lost love. She says maybe it’s true, bad luck can be inherited. But she begs her lost love to help her help Paloma find happiness.

Chris is back from his retreat. He’s decided to go to Real del Monte and face his ghosts.

Paloma has flipped out. She’s having full-on hysterics in her room, tearing at her wedding gown. The aunties and Rufi rush in and can’t contain her. Tranquila! Tranquila! says Carlota who finally slaps her a few time to bring her to her senses. Take me with you, Inaki! raves Paloma. Where is some belladonna when you really need it?

Carmen is at her house, sadly looking at a photo of Inaki and the chain Paloma gave him. Real tears course down her face. She calls Emiliano and tells him she’s about to leave for Spain with Inaki’s ashes, and could he come by and pick up a few things?

Dr. Bermudez is at the house and apparently has given Paloma a sedative. He says he’ll check by every day. Mac says thank you, Doctor, and he says call me Rodolfo. He says I’d like to know you not just as a doctor, but as a friend. Mac demurs and says right now I’m focused on Paloma. Rodolfo says life and time will make things better. I speak from experience.

He asks her to go to a concert at the University of Mexico. He says if Paloma sees that you are trying to re-enter life, maybe she’ll follow your example. Rufi has been listening from the kitchen and she exults, but turns and sees Carlota giving her the snake-eye.

Romina has brought lollipops for Paloma and is sitting on her bed, trying to cheer her up by reminding her of their childhood adventures. Paloma says she’ll never smile again. Romina tells her she’ll get better, like she did after she lost her parents.

Romina says she was thinking all night. It’s weird she says. Your Tia Carlota suddenly changed overnight and was all sweetness and light. What’s up with that? And that dinner where his family asked for your hand? Very weird. You don’t suppose she actually did him in?

Carlota is reading (probably not The Little Prince, but Machiavelli’s The Prince) and gets a phone call. It’s Arcadia who says now that Inaki has died, it’s time for a chat. Carlota looks startled.

Avances: Carmen tells Emiliano that she sees why Inaki said the only fellow he’d trust Paloma to was him. Orlando is at Camila’s shop, asking her out. She says yes and just then Rafa walks up. Emiliano tells Paloma it was all worth it. Best Avance of the Year Award: Romina tells Carlota that she did it just to make it so Paloma had to stay with her, huh?

The singer comes on, clutching her face and looked as flipped out as Paloma was.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon Aug 17 What Did Ximena Know and When Did She Know It?

The chapter opens with our star-crossed lovers, no, not Mao and Moni, Beto and Connie, frantically groping each other in a furtive attempt to fulfill their biological imperative, and what better location than the boss'/ fiancé's office? She is arched back over the desk with him atop smothering her pretty neck with lusty kisses when the spell is broken by the appearance of Sal and Gabi at the door. They are appalled as the tryst becomes an assault. Connie suddenly summons the strength to push Beto away, cries foul, and scurries to seek solace from the stunned witnesses.

Gabi invites Beto outside to cool off a bit and for a little job counseling. Sal remains behind with the shaken Connie, but his gaze suggests more skepticism and disapproval than heart felt sympathy. Oh well, she gave it her best shot.

There is unfinished business in the park. A breathless Mao (maybe a little less weightlifting and a bit more cardio is indicated) has caught up with the fleeing physician and questions him about the fraudulent physical. Dr. Perales, who seems to be in better shape than Mao (maybe a third opinion is in order), confesses that he did it for money (well, duh!) from...Rolando Klunder! Mao scolds him,and then, to Moni's chagrin, sets him free. We chased this guy down for that?

In Mao's office, Sal is politely listening to Connie's account of the incident on the desk. "I'm the victim here!" she insists. He gives her an indulgent "of course you are" look and suggests that Mao needs to know about this." Well, maybe not," she thinks.

Outside, Gabi is having a little chat with Beto about office decorum as they are joined Sal who warns Beto to stay away from Connie. Beto firmly maintains his position. "I didn't do anything!" He is sternly cautioned by Sal and then given an errand by Gabi. "I didn't do anything!" he emphasizes as he leaves to take some documents to Mao's home.

Mao and Moni are sharing an moment of intimate conversation over ice cream as (of course), his cell phone rings. It's Cousin Ximy who by now is quite paranoid as the whole world (well Rolu, Connie, and Jerry) pursues her in quest of her secret. "Necesito tu ayuda, porfis." She desperately needs to see Mao. "OK, where are you?" Moni shrugs , gives him a weak smile, and off they go. Conversation put on hold.

Connie, Jerry, and Oscar are lamenting the failure of their latest plan. At least Mao thinks that Klunder was behind it. Mao and Monita chased down the wayward doc. "Say what?!" erupts Connie. She is not happy. Always Monita. Oscar points out that Moni has the inside track in the stakes race to be the next Señora Mao. "If you say that again and I'll kill you." Oscar rebuts with,"Don't bite the hand that feeds you, save the violence for Monita."

Uh oh, Crazy Curls Lorenza is confronting Gabi. "You're not answering my calls." she chides menacingly. Clearly her meds need adjusting again. Lorenza Loca is counting on Gabi to out Sal's mistress, but Gabi's been too busy to gather clues. Well, when she discovers who it is, she'll simply off her, she announces to anyone who might be listening... Nice.

Mao accompanied by Moni has caught up with Ximy. Mao, vouches for Moni, who Ximena acknowledges as her new best friend, "Well, more or less (más o menos)", corrects Monita. Nevertheless, Ximy needs to see Mao alone. Moni, "annoyed but gracious, offers her apartment.

Mao wants to know what big secret Ximena knows that puts her in such jeopardy with Jerry and Connie. Ximy hesitates and as Mao goes down the list of whom it might involve, Estrella warns Moni that the big secret concerns her and Beto. Oops. "It's very delicate, and you're not gonna like it," Ximy warns Mao as Moni and Estrella rush in. If Ximena doesn't come on she will miss out on the food. As Mao tries to pry the secret out, Estrella furiously gestures for Ximy to zip it. Suddenly, Ximy points and shouts, "look at the divine poster!" With Mao distracted she makes her escape.

Well, this is great, Crazy Lady joins Jerry at an outdoor cafe as Oscar and Jerry are discussing their new plan which is clearly not well-developed. Oscar is just leaving, but lurks nearby. Jerry, after pointing out his high ethics, proceeds anyway to fan the flames of jealousy already full ablaze in this bundle of lunacy. Who is the amante? Surprise! It's Moni! Well played, Jer.

Beto arrives at Mao's place as Aldo is reading a not so age-appropriate story to Dani, which Luisa has put a stop to. Dani is delighted to see el Fantasmo Vengador, Teresa offers Beto a glass of water but he requests something a bit more substantial. As she goes to prepare his snack, Dani asks Beto to read to her and he picks up the book and resumes the same racy story that Aldo had begun. Once more Luisa puts a halt to storytime.

In full flight from her latest pursuers, Ximy accosts a tall bewildered hunk and engages him in a passionate kiss as Mao and Moni run on past, Mao huffing and puffing. He definitely needs a new personal trainer. Ximy invites the hunk to come with her, then offers her number, but heck, wouldn't you know, she can't remember. Drat! Off she goes.

Rolu arrives in the barrio with flowers and knocks on Estrella's door. ""I told you I don't know any Ximena," she lies. "I came to see you."

Beto , enjoying his snack in the kitchen has been joined by the pubertos (as Beto refers to them) Aldo and Ivan. He offers them advise about women and the art of the alpha male. He's out of his depth but the boys are enthralled. Teresa not so much, as he explains that they deserve some adult advise. "Where is the adult?" she wisely inquires.

Meintras tanto (meanwhile,remember?) Rolu is giving it the old college try with Estrella. She weakly resists. "Do you have a sweetheart ?" he asks. "No, but you do, and I have a rule not to mess with my friends' sweethearts." He points out that she doesn't know Ximena. She protests some more but ends up with the flowers. She gently rebukes herself as he leaves.

Back at Mao's big casa, Dani is displaying her artwork to Beto. Turns out one of her masterpieces features Mao and Moni. Uh oh." Why ?" Beto suspiciously asks. "Because they're getting married." Say what?! Impactado.

At the office Gabi is complaining to Sal about his unhinged wife. He needs to take some responsibility, give her a call. He does just that. "Where are you?" She's out for a drive. "On your way home," he asks, hopefully. "Not just yet." She spots Moni and Mao still searching for Xemi. We've been expecting this. She asks Sal's pardon, she has something important to take care of. She puts the car in gear, guns the engine and launches the auto forward toward Moni who is sprinting across the street. "¡Hasta nunca, Monita!" Fortunately, Mao tackles Moni, moving her from the path of the speeding vehicle. He hovers asking if she's OK. She is, but the knee is injured and hurts a bit. He tries to check it but she reproaches him for taking advantage of the situation. "I'll take you to the hospital." "No!" "Then how about some chocolate?" "Ah, you know me," she broadly smiles.

Beto continues grilling Dani about what she knows of Moni and Mao. "Do they kiss on the mouth?" "You mean like on the tele?" Well she hasn't actually seen them do that. She wants to work in the tele but without the kisses. Beto warns her of the drawbacks. You have to get up early , complaining actresses, neurotic directors... Luisa interrupts. Bath time. Beto is not done. He suggests just a change of diaper. "I'm not a baby and I don't wear diapers!" Off for the bath. Beto will just take the incriminating art, then.

Mauricio has phoned Sal to report the near accident. Hidden, Jerry looks on and listens as Sal fills in Gabi. Lori emerges from the elevator looking even more looney than ever. She says that she is a bit troubled and wants to go home with Sal. Well he has lots of work and this raises her suspicions once more. This lady does crazy pretty convincingly. Sal asks Gabi to entertain her while he attends to a few matters.

Jealousy makes Beto hungry so he's back in the kitchen looking for food and pumping Teresa for information about Moni and Mao. He checks the fridge as Teresa tells him basically that Moni doesn't come, stay three hours and make a huge pest of herself. She leaves him alone with some fresh baked bread. Uh oh,, she is replaced by Connie.

At the ice cream shop, Dr. Mao offers to examen Moni's injury. As he advances up the leg she gets nervous and suggests they return to work. He has a better idea. "I'll take you home." Now your talking, cowboy.

Meltdown back in the kitchen. Moni was right. Connie is a cat in heat. She puts up token resistance then yields to Beto's charms and caresses. Dang they're smoldering. Smelling the smoke in the kitchen, Teresa returns to extinguish the blaze. "The gentleman was just leaving," observes Connie. "I didn't do anything," Beto offers as Teresa shows him out. "The lady gave me some forbidden fruit, nothing more." He takes a bite of an apple for emphasis.

Back at Moni's door, Mao is trying to press his advantage when they are confronted with the damning portrait by Dani. Since Dani is of the impressionist school of artists he has to identify the various subjects in the drawing. He points to Moni, Mao, Dani, Aldo, Luisa, and he is especially proud of the rendition of el Fantasma Vengador, nicely muscled. Convincing evidence to be sure, but as Mao points out, "Dani is seven yrs. old and believes in los Reyes Magos... (Hey, I believe in los Reyes Magos! I got the baby Jesús in my piece of rosca de los Reyes this Christmas.

Back at the office, Pau is cleaning and Gabi is carping. Gabi drops papers and as she stoops to retrieve them she spots the bug that Oscar planted beneath the desk. Dumdadummdum.

In the barrio, well, why is Mao here with Moni, then? Simple , she fell at work and (Pau's wet floor) and he brought her home. Mystery solved. Nieves walks up and is less convinced of all this innocence.

Connie is worried when Sal arrives to fill Mao in on the events at work. It's an emergency and can't wait. Mao comes home and, over Connie's objections, insists on hearing what Sal has to say. Reluctantly Connie relents and leaves the room. The bombshell "Gabriela found a microphone in your office."

The three amigas are winding down in Moni's apartment as Moni fill the other two in on the days events. Who would want to hurt Moni? Who indeed? Well, there's la Guerrera..nah. The Mummy? Someone is outside. It's a man, probably a paid assassin The girls gird their loins so to speak... ready? They open the door and drag in this poor geek standing there with a package. The murderous Pau, holds a table knife to his skinny neck.

Sal and Mao are still discussing the bug. It explains a lot. To Mao's surprise, Sal reports that he replaced it. Why?( Must be residual effects of the accident because Mao is several pages behind.) To catch Klunder? Nope, Jerry and Oscar. "you'll see."

Keeping his cool, the delivery guy says that the package is for Estrella Falcon. Oh, well then, she'll sign for it. He leaves without a tip, but at least he's still alive and did get his pen back.. Once again, panic. They play hot potato with the potential bomb which ends up on the bed.

Teresa ushers Ximy in. Is Mao home? Teresa goes to summon Mau and Connie wanders in. What a surprise. The game of hide and seek is over. Now Connie will learn Ximey's great secret. Connie chases Ximey until Mao breaks it up. "You're crazy," points out Connie, "take your medicine." May I tell you three things, Consti? One, I'm medicated for stress, two, don't play dumb, and three Consti wants to know a secret that I know and she doesn't." Mao encourages Ximy to tell the secret. OK, but only because she wants to. "Robi, that is Beto"; here she hems and haws and finally reveals that Beto is el Fantasma Vengador. "That's it? Even Dani knows that." Gyp! "Oh OK, Connie wants to take Beto to bed. Yep, she wants to feast on his kisses and then sleep with him."

Wow! Did anyone see that coming?



Monday, August 17, 2009

Mañana es para siempre 8/17 - EVERYBODY IS STUPID.

The Cheese Fair! It's so exciting! Everybody is happy and Fer is the belle of the ball! The cheese looks delicious. So does Fer, especially to Fr/Ed. They are making googly eyes at each other - she on the podium being congratulated for all her hard work, he looking dashing in the crowd - but Err dashes up and drapes herself over him and Fer is downcast and Fr/Ed is abashed.

Santi is standing at the door of the convent. The nuns ask Aurora if she wants to see him and she's all happy and says, "Yes, oh yes, if he's here it's because he understands, and Barbara explained everything to him and we're copacetic." "Are you sure you trust Barbara?" "I trust Santi!" Uh-oh, anvil time.

They ask if she'll tell him he's gonna be a daddy and she says yes. You know right then and there that no, she isn't gonna tell. It's telenovela logic.

They fetch him. She's sweet and smiley and offers him water, he gets right down to business: "Who was that guy Barbara caught you in bed with? Say it's a nauseating lie!"

Now I can understand Aurora being flummoxed by that question and needing a moment to collect her thoughts. But she just whimpers and looks stupid until Santi says: "Your silence proves it's true." Now he's the idiot.

And he gets angrier and even shakes her and yells, "Who's the guy?" and then [OH WRITERS HOW CAN YOU PALM THIS OFF ON US?? -- Ed.] she says, "I didn't know him."

What? What?

And now Santi's convinced Barbara was right because that's what SHE reported: that Aurora was having sex in Santi's bed with some guy she didn't even know.

Santi accuses Aurora of being a whore. "When you were out there on the highway, you weren't looking for your mother, you were soliciting Johns. I should never have fallen in love with you, that was my error, I should just -- have had congress with you instead."

He stalks out and goes and sinks against a column and blubbers in a most ridiculous fashion. He spends more time looking at a pink rosebud and crying than he did listening to Aurora. Aurora collapses on her bed, the nuns flock around, she says she wants to die.

I know there are those among you who are thinking: "Go right ahead!"

Totally off-topic as far as I can see: somebody asks Jacinto how it feels to be married to somebody so, was it chipocluda? He says: I feel like a peacock. Nu?

Errorika's dad wants Fr/Ed to eat cheese. Errorika's mother warns her daughter: "Don't keep praising Fer to your fiance, you should be tooting your own horn." Err says (correctly) that would be pretentious. "I don't know, dear, he spends an awful lot of time with her..."

Back at the hacienda, Barb tells Daffy she wasn't surprised to hear that Lili's taped message was not coerced. Daffy is impressed: "How did you know?" "Because after all these years I understand your kids, they're like my own." "But they ARE my own and I don't understand them at all!" he moans. "I must have been a bad parent, why else wouldn't she want to come back? It's so sad and absurd. Lili wants to stay with her kidnapper?"

"She's not normal, my dear, you can't expect reason from her. I'm beginning to wonder if she hasn't fallen in love with Obregon and has colluded with him to do this, to extract your fortune from you."

He goes on a tangent, "But I'm even sadder about you. I called and called and called and you didn't answer! I was dying! Why is my life becoming ruined and solitary? I knew my kids would be leaving, but I'm terrified of losing you, you are the elixir of life! With you, I feel like a whole man - without you, I am just a moribund duffer." They kiss and kiss.

Cad is still turning the puzzle over in his pea brain. Loafly wants to elope. But dear daffy daddy, living font of the folding green, wants Cad to wait till Lili is found. But what if Lili isn't found? If Dad gives so much of his money to Barb, then Loafly's wad looks even more attractive. But if she ticks off her Uncle Steve, maybe HER wad will be endangered. Anyball is not too interested in this conversation.

At the hacienda Daffy continues to turn Barb's theory over in his pinhead. "What? Lili was an autosecuestrada? (A self-kidnapper.)

Barb keeps laying it on till he says: "Well then! All the more reason to hustle ahead and put my money in your name, imagine if Lili married Obregon and then he would get my pile! You need to get what you deserve, not only as my wife but as a vital part of Grupo Lactos!" She strokes his hairy paw.

Fer brings Flor home, they are all "we belong to a mutual admiration society" and laughing together until Fer asks, "Hey, what about that mystery guy at the office the other day?" Flor, remembering Barb's threat to fire her if she blabs about that guy, stammers and stutters and bolts for home.

Uh-oh, Damian is all dressed up nice (he looks good I have to admit) and he spritzes on some cologne and has a bouquet of roses and jumps up when the door opens but it's just Prisila, who says Fer will be along presently and "by the way, I've had enough of spying for you. There's nothing between Fer and Franco, the whole day Err was draped around his neck. And I don't recommend a private detective, you'll just be tossing your money in the garbage."

Fer comes into the bedroom, smells the cologne, sees the flowers - and Damian - and she gets tense, he says: "At last you've come! I'm so sorry, shorty, I was stupid, forgive me." [What did he do this time? I missed it. -Ed.]

She takes the flowers, looks away, tries to leave to put them in water (what an excuse). "You don't need to do that, Tomasa is coming with a vase, and also champagne, to celebrate." "What are we celebrating?" "The success of your cheese fair." "Like you care! You didn't even bother to come. It just proved you don't give a damn. You're an egotist."

"Oh, are we going to begin now?" "No, we're going to end." "What?" "I'm tired." "I'm tired too," he starts to raise his voice, "you think this farce of a marriage is easy for me? That Man is taking what's MINE!" "No, I'm not yours, we haven't had congress. And I won't go on with this."

"When you said there wasn't another man, you lied!" "Even if Franco didn't exist... it was a mistake to marry you." "You said it would be forever." "I tried 20,000 ways, but it's no good." And he finishes with the classic line: "I will never give you a divorce." Readers, you know this means he has to die. Too bad he doesn't realize it. He limps out.

Fr/Ed comes home to find Esteve packing to leave. Esteve has snapped. He knows Loafly is going to Cad's apartment and intends to marry him. Fr/Ed: "But she knows perfectly well he's a worm! Why would she do it?"

[I have to say that, much as I love to look at our hero, his acting in this novela, and this scene as a particular example, is feeble. --Ed.]

"She's not doing it for money, or for love, she's doing it because she's disgusted with me." "She loves you, why are you running away?" "I can't let her be in love with me! What can I offer her? My heart is stone. It was broken once and I spent years picking up the pieces. I can't love. Call me cowardly!"

"Friend, your heart may be stone, but Venus is softening it." "Yes, she's special. How she's suffered! She'll forget this cowardly gringo." "Talk to her!"

Martina rushes in to report what Esteve has already told us - that Loafly is off to Cad's apartment to elope.

And it's true. He's all dressed up. Venus goes straight for the booze and sucks one down in ten seconds flat. He looks surprised. She pours another one. She tries to tell him something but loses her nerve.

At the office, Fer gnaws away at Flor about "the guy the other day." She asks and asks and says, "Flor, we don't just work together, we're friends." (This could be called inappropriate pressure.)

To make a long story short, Flor buckles and admits she heard a guy say: "tell Fer her husband is a swindler, Rubiel Villasana says so!" Then Barb made her shuttle the guy to Barb's office. "And she forbade me to tell." Fer promises Barb won't fire her.

Barb comes in and shoots daggers at Flor. "YOU'RE here!" "Yes, what's it to you?" asks Fer with acid. Barb chews her cheeks.

Tomorrow: Margarita begs Fr/Ed to come clean to Fer.


ENDA; Friday 8/14/09 -"Another One Bites the Dust"

Iñaki collapses. Across town, Paloma slips off to sleep and dreams of a romantic time with Iñaki. She wakes up from her dream and goes to talk to her parents picture. She hopes for their blessing in her upcoming marriage. She hugs her wedding dress and apparently slips back to sleep.

The next day, Iñaki is convulsing on the floor, unable to call out when his mother nears his room to wake him. She decides to let him sleep a little longer and she heads out to the beauty salon.

Macarena wakes Paloma up. They talk about the wedding day and Pal decides she’d like to take some flowers to her parents’ graves/family vault (panteón). Mac likes the idea and Carlota overhears and invites herself along. Cruelota wants to spend the entire day with Pal. Pal is a little reluctant, but unwilling to mar the goodness of the day says the more the merrier. Mac is visibly bothered by it and Cruelota’s words. After this is settled, Cruelota takes a peek at her watch……the poison should have taken affect by now, when will she learn that she can add another kill to her resume.

Emiliano has a conversation with the maid…apparently his mother did not sleep in her bed the evening before (not something that you really want to be discussing with the hired help, IMHO). Before he can get too upset about it, both parents arrive home. Rafael tells his son that Diana came and found him at the hotel and they’ve reconciled. No wink, wink, nudge, nudge needed....E knows what this means and is happy to hear it.

Orlando bumps into Camila as she’s opening her shop. They discuss that they are both going to a wedding later in the day, come to find out it is la misma boda. Lando learns that Cami is Romina’s mother and Cami learns that Lando is E’s boss. She never put it together. Lando compliments her on her blouse and looks forward to seeing her at the wedding later in the day.

At the cemetery, Pal places the flowers on her parents’ grave. She wishes that they would be there to share her day. Mac thinks that Javier and Sagario helped guide Iñaki and Paloma to each other. Cruelota thinks that everything she’s done has been to keep Paloma at her side, just as Javier would have wanted it.

Germán asks Liliana to give them another chance. She’s suspicious and thinks he is only interested because Emiliano and Romy have gotten back together. Germie assures Lili it is because they were good together. She doesn’t want to be hurt again. He tells her he doesn’t want to be hurt either. He begs her for another chance.

La casa de los Espinoza de los Monteros is busy with wedding preparations. Cruelota worries that there hasn’t been any news about Iñaki’s untimely death, she's just itching to get her resume updated. Macarena admires Paloma’s dress and thinks about the wedding that she never had. Cruelota tells her that it didn’t happen and that it was for the best. Mac isn’t so sure. Pal walks in on this conversation and wonders who they are speaking about. Cruelota says they are talking about an acquaintance. The phone finally rings and Cruelota has a cruel smile on her face…finally some news (fingers crossed, fingers crossed). Nope, it is just Ines wondering about the time of the service. Cruelota informs her that it may be customary to start the wedding mass ½ hour later than what is stated on the invitation, but today’s wedding will be precisely at the time given. No exceptions.

Carmen discovers Iñaki on the floor of his room. He appears to be alive. She rubs his hair....is there an equivalent of 911 in Mexico? Surely there is some medical help she can call.

Mac and Pal have a little heart to heart as Pal gets into her dress. Mac says that most girls dream of the fancy wedding, living happily ever after, well Paloma is living the dream and it is a beautiful reality. Pal tells Mac that she thinks of her almost as a mother and Mac tells Pal she thinks of her as a daughter. The women hug and Mac puts on the finishing touch, her necklace.

Emiliano spots Pal leaving her house in her wedding dress when he's across the street picking up Romy. He is enthralled at the sight of her. She does look quite beautiful. Romy meets him out front and fishes for a compliment. He doesn't bite, so she fills in the blanks for him. She (Romy) looks guapa.

Outside the church a crowd is gathering. Paloma’s car arrives and everyone wonders why Iñaki hasn’t arrived yet. Emiliano must be a speed racer, because he is there and opens the car door for Pal. Everyone urges Pal to go to the back of the church, to await Iñaki’s arrival. Here in the front of the church, the couples mingle. Romy clings to E to send a message to Germie. Germie is all lovey-dovey with Lili. Cami introduces Lando to Mac and the good doctor. Emiliano decides that someone should call Iñaki. Natalia is in another part of the crowd and she’s thinking the same thing. She gets a busy signal. That’s because E has gotten through and finds out from Carmen that Iñaki is in a grave state.

Mac goes to find Pal. She assures her that she’s not worried about Iñaki not being there, yet. Everything will be okay. Mac leaves Pal and E comes from the other direction. He tells Pal that Iñaki won’t be able to come to the church today.

The next scene we see is Paloma running out of the front of the church, with Emiliano chasing after her. The guests are stunned, but E doesn’t stop to give an explanation, he’s too busy giving chase. Romy is upset to see her boyfriend going after her best friend. Cruelota “wonders” what could be going on. Natalia has finally gotten through to Carmen and she shares the news with Mac and Cruelota. Cruelota asks Cami to tell the guests the wedding is a no go. Mac and Cruelota are heading to Iñaki’s with Natalia. Germie and Romy decide they should head to Iñaki’s house, too.

E catches Paloma, who is hysterical. He tells her they should go to Iñaki’s.

When they arrive, the doctor is already there. Iñaki is laying in his bed. No one has thought to take him to a hospital? Paloma rushes into the room and falls on top of Iñaki. She begs him to wake up. He does. He looks at her, says her name, and says “te amo”. She tells him she loves him too and he smiles….and then he dies. Paloma goes into hysterics again. She begs him to not die. Emiliano and Carmen both are crying. Paloma tells Iñaki that soon she’ll be with him again.

Natalia and the aunts arrive. The doctor tells them it is too late, Iñaki is gone, he died of cardiac arrest (paro cardiaco). Apparently there are no defibrillators in this part of the country. That’s right, the doctors make house calls, but have no emergency equipment. The doctor wonders if Iñaki has been under any great stress lately? Natalia says he has and that seems to solve the whole mystery of why such a young man died. Mac says she needs to be with Paloma. She leaves. The doctor talks to Cruelota and tells her that there will be an autopsy. Cruelota is disturbed to hear this.

Paloma runs to Mac and tells her that Iñaki is gone. Mac comforts her niece. Pal wonders why everyone she loves leaves her.

Natalia calls her hubby. After Alfonso scolds Natalia for being at the wedding, he is upset to learn that his son has died...so upset he bites the phone.

Cruelota places a call. She wants someone to help her family. They’ve suffered so much and to have Iñaki’s body undergo an autopsy would be just too much for them. The licenciado agrees to help her out.

Mac and Carmen decide they need to get Pal out of Iñaki’s room, because they'll need to prepare the body for removal. Pal doesn’t want to go and E helps to get her out. Pal faints and they take her to another room. They are able to revive Pal. She questions Mac, was it all some terrible nightmare? Mac tells her, unfortunately, it is real. Back to the hysterics.

Germie, Emiliano and Romy are downstairs. They discuss the untimely demise of Iñaki. It is hard to lose a friend. Natalia tells them that Alfie is on his way, once he gets there they can begin discussing what to do as far as funeral arrangements.

Rufi is at Iñaki’s house, she’s trying to comfort Carmen. Cruelota shoes Rufi away. She plays all sympathetic to the grieving mother. She urges Carmen to get Iñaki back to Spain, this means no autopsy and a quick cremation. Carmen thinks she should consult Alfie. Cruelota presses a bit more and seems to speak the magic words (Jedi mind tricks, I wonder?). Carmen thinks it would be best to get Iñaki back to Spain, Alfie’s wishes be damned. Carmen goes and tells Natalia she’s made her mind up and since Alfie wasn’t much of a father, no need to consult him. END OF EPISODE.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

MEPS 08/14/09: Achey-Breakie Hearts

Capítulo 128

First the video rewind: Anibal has a strange gleam in his eye and calls Vladimir to arrange a meet. Barbara drives away in tears after her chat with Aurora at the convent. She’s even angrier with Artemio Bravo for leading her to believe that Rory was his lover. While she’s en route to his place, Bravo calls her to see what’s happened regarding the recording Lili made for Gonzalo. They agree that if the Elizalde’s are really worried Lili made the tape under duress, they’ll be sadly mistaken because Lili made it voluntarily. Bravo swears to Barbara that this will be the last message from Lili that Gonzo will ever receive as long as he lives. Barb swears to herself that she’ll make Bravo pay for wrenching away from her the only thing pure and good to have come from her: her long, lost daughter, Aurora.

Lili is playing chess with Ciro as Bravo walks into the room to check on her. (What? Is that a bit of softening around the old bastardo’s crinklin’ eyes?)

The glum and gloomy Gonzo is now in the library of the hacienda consoling himself by knockin’ back a shot or three of some Gran Patrón Platinum when Camilo knocks on the door to introduce him to his betrothed, the lovely Loafly Norton, now dressed in shiny blue mini-chic and spiked ankle boots –not exactly the version of the girl next door Cad’s papi probably had in mind. From the way Gonzo strains to keep that upside-down frown from doing a 180 on his face, it’s pretty obvious that this idealized female stereotype was a bit more than our unhappy papi should have expected from his mental midget of a middle son, Cad. (Oh well, she is supposed to be Norton’s niece and that’s got to be a plus at least.) Gonzo asks them to hold off on the wedding till the situation with Lili is settled, but of course, Cad needs it spelled out for him. Gonzo hisses in his face. “That means your wedding is subject to Lili finally returning home again!” (Duh!) Cad takes an extra minute for the neurons to fire up and the words to process. This was not exactly the response he’d hoped to get from dear ol’ dotin’ Daddy.

In town at the convent meanwhile, Aurora fills in the mother superior on her conversation with la Sra. Barbara. Naïvely, Rory feels la Sra.’s strange reaction to her story and to her pregnancy was because she was angry that Rory and Santiago had been having sex without the benefit of marriage. (Ha! That’s a good one!) The very cloistered mother superior can only sympathize.

Barbara of the bad seed drives towards Bravo’s and continues sniveling over Bravo’s trickery and deceit. She swears that nothing and no one, not even the Elizalde’s, will snatch her daughter or her grandchild away from her now.

Outside the hacienda, Cad apologizes to Loafly, aka Venus, for the way his father acted. He thinks it’s ridiculous to make them wait until his crazy sister returns home since that very likely will never happen. Venus chides him for speaking so rudely about his sister. (Two points for that one, Venus.) She deftly turns the conversation back to the two of them and starts wheedling and cajoling Cad to get him to agree to elope. To Cad’s credit, he seems uncertain about going against his daddy’s wishes.

Across the way at Lili’s ex-abode, Estev asks Martina for help in trying to make Venus see the error of her ways. “Doesn’t she understand she can’t marry Camilo Elizalde?” Martina agrees they have to try to make Venus see reason, but her friend is as stubborn as a mule, she says. Martina is not sure what she can do to stop it, but she’s determined to try.

Back at the hacienda Cad tells “Loafly” that she is not the same little frightened girl he thought he knew. Venus improvises and tells Cad he helped her change by helping her see the truth about her “uncle” not really loving anybody more than he loves himself and she is desperate to be free of him. Cad says he’s now the one who is afraid, but adds that he also feels her uncle appears to really be worried for her. Venus tearfully tells him that it isn’t love, but the fact that she’s only a creation of “her uncle’s”. Her “uncle” is proud of what he’s succeeded in making her, which is something she really is not. It’s unclear if the wheels are actually turning in that tiny blob of Elizalde gray-matter or if it’s just that breakfast didn’t settle well.

Martina finally explains to Estev that Venus’ problem is she fell in love with him and is only marrying Camilo Elizalde out of spite. Estev (gawd knows why) struggles with this.

At Las Animas, the FBI analyst assures Eduardo that the results of the tests he did with the recording from Lili show that she was relaxed and did not make the recording under duress. Nobody forced her to say what she did. This puts a new wrinkle into things for Eddie.

Barb arrives back at Artemio Bravo’s manse. She finds it a bit interesting that Lili is actually managing to get along pretty well with Bravo. He says Lili is doing fine there and is actually pleased with himself over it. He remarks that it’s strange to think that Lili would be the first to know the truth about the Elizalde’s and then informs her that he’s decided he is going to keep Lili with him. Barbara, who wants no part of her, is surprised he actually wants to look after Gonzalo Elizalde’s daughter and says as much. Bravo answers that since God didn’t see fit to give him children he’s going to gladly accept his niece as a gift from the Devil.

Barbara changes the subject to tell him that they’ve got something else they need to do right away. She explains that Franco Santoro has turned into a valuable ally and has helped them keep the Elizalde’s right where they need them. Bravo is intrigued by this. She says it’s because Santoro is ambitious. “We need to keep him on our side. Santoro, apart from winning over Fernanda Elizalde, also gained Gonzalo Elizalde’s trust and managed to convince the old fool not to bring the police in on Lili’s disappearance.” She lies to Bravo and tells him that as a condition to continue his alliance with them that Santoro has made the demand to see Lili. This immediately throws Bravo for a loop.

Venus finally returns home to Lili’s and tells Martina she’s still determined to marry Cad. Martina says she cannot understand why Venus insists on getting married “to such a louse.” Even if Venus wants to, Martina reminds her, she’d need to have documents proving she was really Lovely Norton and she doesn’t. Once Camilo caught her in the lie all Hell would break loose. Venus admits she hadn’t thought about that but says it doesn’t matter. She’s going to marry him anyway and tell him the truth, all of it, down to the very last detail. Martina knows that nothin’ good’s gonna come from that kind of idiocy but Venus refuses to listen any further.

On the drive back to the hacienda Barbara calls Fr/Ed to let him know about the meeting she set up for him with the man who has Lili; she admits she did it because she wants Fr/Ed to meet her enemy and says no, the man didn’t raise a single objection. “When do I meet him?” “—Very soon. I will tell you when you must go to meet Artemio Bravo.” Eduardo is breath-sucking impactado to hear that name because, as we all know, he has wanted this for so long he can taste it. He licks his lips in anticipation. (Note to director: This anticipatory lip-licking seems a bit bizarre. Next time maybe consider a little macho fist-balling and knuckle-cracking, huh?)

When Barb finally returns to the hacienda, Santi runs out to get the rundown on the meet between her and Aurora. Viewerville shares a collective skin crawl as Babs oh-so-sympathetically grabs Santiago’s hand and they walk out back to discuss it privately. (Ugh! A firm hand on the arm would have done nicely, thank you very much!)

A bit later, Martina tells Venus she has the feeling that one day Lili will finally return to the house. Venus says hopefully Martina’s hunch is right. Martina can’t stand it any longer and tries to make Venus see the forest in those trees. She warns her friend that if she opens up with the truth to Camilo Elizalde she’ll be hanging herself. Venus says the only way she’s going to be able to marry him is if she tells him the truth. Martina says he’s expecting to marry “Loafly Norton”, the American millionaire’s niece, not Venus (as in the manhandled merchandise of multitudinous muddied male inebriates). Martina tries to make her see that the minute Camilo Elizalde learns the truth he’s going to look at her like she’s a piece of trash (and with the buzzsaw that Viewerville assumes will come after—being called trash will be the least of it). Venus is defiantly adamant. “You wanna bet?”

Babs finally admits to Santiago that she lied about Aurora leaving the hacienda with an older man, and that she lied about that in order to protect him. (Uh…yeah. Riiiight. Viewerville straps in.)

Fr/Ed, meanwhile, arrives at Grupo Lactos with the results of the analysis of Lili’s recording. Speaking of buzzsaws, he runs into Gardenia at Reception and asks if Fer’s in. Denia makes a big to do saying that Fer just got back from eating and is now in her office with her husband before putting a call through to Fer to let her know he’s there. Fer takes the call and Damian gets extremely testy when she explains that Santoro needs to speak with her. He limps out of the office in a big jealous huff. In the reception area testosterone fills the air. Like a couple of Siamese fighting fish Dam glares at Fr/Ed and Fr/Ed, standing his ground, glares right back at Dam, though he does seem to be a bit puzzled at the suddenly open hostility. (I thought BB was supposed to take care of that male ego of Dam’s. The gal is definitely slippin'.)

Back at the hacienda Babs helps steel Santiago’s jumbled nerves with a shot or two of the Gran Patrón before she lets him have it between the eyes.

In Fernanda’s office Fr/Ed gives Fer the results of the analysis. He tells her it shows Lili was not forced to say what she did on the tape. “There was no coercion. It was spontaneous. ” Fernanda is shattered. “—Then, she hates us. She really hates us. She really doesn’t want to see us again.” Fer immediately blames herself. (It’s just her nature I guess.) Fr/Eduardo runs over to comfort her but she cringes and screams at him not to touch her. Whoa!! Fr/ed cannot understand the change in her and asks what’s going on. Fernanda blows off at Fr/Ed and spouts something like proving Lili can’t stand them any longer is apparently no big deal for him but it certainly is to her. He says that he can understand, but he wonders why she’s so angry with him.

Like any jealous, smarting, self-respecting female, Nanda side-steps the truth and pretends she doesn’t know what Fr/Ed’s talking about just so she can egg him on into stumbling over his…er… oversized appendage before beating him over the head with it over what she assumes happened and allowing him to tumble into the abyss of sexual consequence. Fr/Ed is totally clueless and ventures dangerously close to the edge. “I may be wrong, but since the last time I saw you I have the distinct impression that something happened and that you’re really upset with me.” (Why are these alpha-males so slow on the uptake when female hormones are involved?) Fernanda just stares at that third eye in the middle of his forehead and fumes.

Once Santiago has downed enough tequila, Barb tells him that she found Rory in bed with another man. Santi is heart-in-his-mouth-impactado. Silent rage begins to eat at him.

Back in Fer’s office, she circles around Fr/Ed and tells him she’s incensed at his lack of tact. She admonishes him for the sly way he’s taking liberties with her (she wishes) with these little meetings of his just because Damian’s walked out of the office for a bit. He takes two steps further forward “to clarify that “these little meetings” of theirs in no way were meant to harm her marriage. This just gets Fernanda even angrier. He clams up. (Dunno. Maybe Fr/Ed’s sense of survival in the business world in the era of harassment law-suits probably kicked in.) Fer goes into this lengthy explanation of how these meetings can’t help but make the problems she’s having with her marriage even worse.

Now it’s Fr/Ed’s turn to get snippy and he sarcastically tells Fernanda that she doesn’t know how sorry that makes him because like it or not, they’ll have to continue meeting with one another until her sister’s rescued and they decide to make public everything that they’ve been keeping secret up to now. Fer says she understands that perfectly. Fr/Ed says great, and if it’s all the same to her, he’ll just head for her daddy’s and give him the results of the recording himself. (Of course, the two of them would really rather be going at it like a couple of minks right then and there and the Devil take the hindmost.) He leaves. She throws the chair at the door in utter frustration and then paces a few times while cursing him –if not her own suffocating and hopeless situation with that albatross, Damian --under her breath.

Meanwhile, Santiago demands the name of the man Babs caught Rory with in bed. Babs toys with him and refuses to say. She claims she won’t say because she wants to protect Santi. Santi loses his temper (finally!) and sneers that this is just another one of the shady things she’s cooked up to separate him from Aurora. He’s sure Barbara took advantage of his being out of the house to run Rory off and says that’s why Rory took refuge at the convent. (Trust your instincts, Santi Boy!) Babs sweetly says he’s got it all wrong. He counters that he knows her better than that and he knows what she’s capable of. That face of the understanding stepmother she’s wearing is not going to work this time on him. “They call you La Hiena for a reason!!” Babs acts hurt. She replies ever so meekly. “—This is the way you repay me for all I’ve done for you?” “--You’re not going to continue to manipulate me! I’m not like my father or my brothers who believe all your tricks!”

Bitch Barbie has had enough. She slams her fist on the table and tries to string him along with another pack of lies. (Really makes you wonder if the woman simply cannot help herself or just refuses to take the blame. Probably a bit of both.) “Enough insults! If I don’t tell you his name it’s because I don’t know it and neither does Aurora. He was some farmer she met in the town square. She took advantage of the hacienda being empty and brought him back.” He screams at her now that he’s had enough! “—No Santiago! Now you’re going to listen to me! It’s not right for you to continue suffering for a woman who was shameless enough to cheat on you in our own house. (Arghh! Now it’s Viewerville’s turn at screaming “Enough!” Cats and dogs everywhere go scampering for the nearest chair or table to hide under.) --That’s why I myself threw her out!” Santiago yells back that he doesn’t believe her because it’s the third story she’s given him about Aurora and each time it’s different! BB says then the only solution is to go ask Rory himself and he obviously knows where to find her! He races off to take her up on it. She tells herself that whatever it takes she’s going to get Santiago Elizalde out of the picture.

Fer gets ready to leave Grupo. Dam asks her what happened with Santoro. She tells him he left for the hacienda to take the results of the recording’s analysis to her father. She didn’t go with him because she’s going to the cheese fair. Dam asks if he can go with her to the fair and she, rather impressed and surprised, says sure. He lies and ingratiatingly offers that he didn’t want to let her go alone when this event was so important for her.

Meanwhile, Anyballs (whom we now know really doesn’t have any to speak of, thanks to a boyhood mishap consisting of an unfortunate encounter with a log) shows up at Vlad’s apartment and demands to know everything about the affair in detail. (Lordy, is this guy the kind who only gets his kicks vicariously?) Vlad asks if Prissy said anything about it to him or if AB complained to her about it at all. AB says no so Vlad asks why he wants to bother with details then. Anyballs says he wants to have a reason to kill the both of them. (Viewerville sucks in its breath.) Vlad doesn’t quite know whether to take that threat literally or not.

Back at the Elizalde’s, Santi peels out of the driveway in his jeep just as Fr/Ed shows up with the results of the voice analysis. BB makes a snide remark about it and then tells Fr/Ed she’s supposes that Lili no doubt turned out sounding very happy. Fr/Ed says warily, “Not happy, but they definitely did not force her.” She tells him he can find Gonzo in the library. “You know the way.” She walks off.

Back at Vlad’s, Anyballs starts peppering poor Vladi with questions. “When did you meet Priscila? --How many times did you see each other? --Didn’t it matter that she was married? --When did you suggest that you sleep together? --Where did you do it? Here? “ Vlad hardly has time to answer and he refuses to give AB the intimate details of their relationship. (Two points, Vladi.) Anyballs grabs Vlad by the collar then and demands to know how Vlad is so sure Pris’s kid is his. Vlad explains about the fertility clinic test results Pris dropped on the floor the first time she was there. Anibal tries to buy him off but Vlad says he loves Pris, who is the most marvelous woman he’s ever known, and vows that neither his love for her nor his son are for sale. (Sentiments and notions totally alien to the likes of Anyballs who is nothing more than a neutered dog in a manger at this point, but isn’t bright enough to have figure that out yet, perhaps.)

Fr/Ed hands Don Gonzo the results just as Fer and Dam enter the house. Gonzo says they show that Lili’s message wasn’t forced. Dam tries to get into a pissin’ contest over the results with Fr/Ed and challenges the ex-FBI agent Fr/Ed used. Dam wonders how sure they can be of his results. Fr/Ed tells him there is only a 3% margin of error. Gonzo is upset with the results and leaves, a broken man. Fr/Ed tells Fer if she needs anything else she can count on him and then leaves the two of them alone. Dam tries to get Fer to get another opinion using one of his own contacts in the state police. Fer refuses and says it’s up to her father to decide what to do with the results. Dam snarls that Gonzo now only listens to Santoro but that Santoro doesn’t give a flip about her sister. (Like we all know Damian really does….) He insists that he wants to call his friend but again Fer refuses. Dam loses his temper at her and screams back at her that the only one the family listens to for advice anymore seems to be Franco Santoro! He starts to limp off, his male ego battered, bleeding and soaked in piss. Fer calls him back, saying that they need to talk. He looks over his shoulder at her like he’d rather use that cane on her than talk to her.

Back at the apartment again, Anibal gets into his own macho match with Vlad and claims they can’t be sure Pris didn’t go to bed with somebody else besides him. Vlad struggles a moment with self-doubt, then recovers and says he doesn’t believe that for an instant. AB says she was only interested in getting what she wanted and it didn’t matter who the father was. All Pris wanted was for the bastard to have the Elizalde family name. Vlad isn’t quite sure what to believe at this point. Anibal smiles. (This guy has learned to machinate from years observing a master. Guess she taught him pretty well, but then Moansie’s boys would sort o' be naturals, wouldn’t they?)

Back in the living room of the hacienda Fer tries reasoning with Dam. He’s tired of trying to be understanding. He’s also tired of being married to a woman who’s refused to let him touch her since the day they got married. (Whoa!! Hubby’s showing a little male solidarity here. It’s the principle of the thing, of course.) “What? Do you think I should ask Santoro if it’s okay with him if we make love?” His sarcastic remark hits a bulls-eye. Fernanda reacts like a disappointing goody two-shoes. “—Damian, we aren’t going to have a relationship this way.” Dam loses it again. “—Of course we aren’t going to have a relationship!! It’s not possible for a solution if a wife refuses a husband the right to live as man and wife!” She says she’s not suggesting a “solution” (huh?) but he insists that he is. “—And I assure you that I’m going to assert my rights!” He turns his back on her and walks away. (Fish or cut bait, Fernanda. This situation is gettin’ out of hand and you’re on the losing end.) Fer looks queezy after this heated little exchange.

We bounce back to Vladimir’s apartment in media res. Vlad’s telling Anyballs he’s got to be demented to ask him what he’s asking him to do. “Just go home.” AB smiles evilly and say Vlad doesn’t have a choice and suggests that they keep this little visit between the two of them till he has a chance to figure things out in detail and comes back with something specific that would allow the both of them to come out benefitting. “I repeat that the success or failure of this deal is based on keeping Prisicila out of it.” Vlad tells AB that the only thing he wants is to get Pris back and to give his child a happy home. With that same crazy gleam in his eyes, AB tells him to consider it done.

Back at the hacienda, BB now looks on from the doorway to the library as Gonzo stares wretchedly out the window. She allows herself a smug smile before the mask goes back on. “Vida, do you want to talk?” Babs is dripping with sappy sympathy. He wants to know where she’s been. She answers she went for a drive to get her thoughts in order and then spent forever in the chapel praying. (What a layup.) Gonzo responds on cue. “Forgive me my love. I’ve been going through hell because of your coldness.” “--No. You must forgive me.” She hugs him and coolly thinks to herself, “Very shortly I’m going to be free of your revolting soppiness, you doddering old man!”

A bit later everybody who is anybody in Villa Madero is at the local cheese producers’ fair. Eddie and Estev explain to Martina and Venus (in a painfully obvious PSA) the value of supporting the small local producers who otherwise cannot afford to compete with the larger brands. Dr. Carlos and Silvestre show up and join them. Martina introduces Carlos to everyone as her fiancé. Silvestre notes the change in Venus. (Yawn.) FF>>

Ed then looks around and notices Fernanda as she excitedly prepares for her presentation to the crowd. He is obviously mesmerized by her. She looks up and smiles back broadly, apparently happy to be the apple of his eye again. Suddenly she sees Errika and her parents walking up behind Fr/Ed. She watches as Err grabs Fr/Ed by surprise and they kiss “hello.” Fernanda’s smile fades and the magic of the moment is lost.


Gancho Friday August 14th. The Shortest Fraudulent Doctor Report on Record

In the continuing game of cat and mouse between our two strong-willed heroes, Moni had gotten the idea (not dispelled at all by Mauricio) that Mauricio really likes submissive women, such as geishas, who speak quietly and are totally subservient to their men. Moni was offended, of course, so she somehow dressed up as a geisha to spice up Mau’s meeting with the Japanese investors. She ended up teaching the other geishas some ghetto moves, and the investors liked her so much, now they want to take her back to Japan. Moni protests, but Mau starts toying with Moni, to pay her back for her stunt. He tells the investors they can have Moni as a souvenir, tells Moni she could learn to be a sumo wrestler, and don’t forget to send postcards. Moni’s distraught, it was only a joke, and you, Mau always take everything I say so seriously, would you really send me to Japan, don’t you care about me? Mau reassures her that she knows how much he cares about her, and they again move close for a possible kiss. Moni says she’s shaking, and Mau thinks it’s his charm, but it’s actually his cell, in Moni’s pocket, set on vibrate! It’s Doctor Perales, Mau has to go for the results of his exam, so he leaves, and Moni and Sal also skeedaddle, leaving the befuddled investors muy confundidos.

Jerry’s counting his millions, but Oscar counsels caution, saying “No te me aloques que te necesito cuerdo” (Don’t make yourself crazy when I need you sane), which his father used to say when he locked him in his room. Seems Oscar’s father was quite strict, and Oscar says he was a good man, at least he never touched Oscar when he was sober (!! ) - so here we get an insight into the roots of Oscar’s evil). He then hints that if Jerry’s in such a rush for his money, well, brakes have been known to fail, and Mau likes to drive, hint, hint. Jerry’s a little shocked, he doesn’t want to kill Mau, he’s family, just take away his company, his girlfriend, his money, his house, his desk….Oh, is that all? asks Oscar. Oscar says he was just joking about the killing, you get it, right, buddy? He playfully slaps Jero on the arm, but Jero’s not laughing anymore.

Remember how Ximena’s in hiding from the baddies, since she knows the truth about Moni/Beto, but doesn’t want to betray her amigas? Tano took her to his Mom’s house, and Ximmy’s appreciative. She asked Tano’s Mom for a bulletproof vest (un chaleco antibalas), and the Mom lent her a nice plaid overcoat. Tano wants to keep guarding her, and invites her to lunch, when Ximmy’s phone rings, and she remarks it’s just like a telenovela! Which it is, as Rolu’s calling, and Ximmy, without thinking, tells HIM she has a secret. Of course, Rolu will now help protect her, leaving Tano out in the cold again.

Connie has secured some school uniforms for the kids, and they don’t like them one bit. Luisa has to wear a gray pleated Heidi-type dress over a white, short-sleeved puffed blouse, white knee socks and plain black flats, and it looks very childish. Also, the shoes are too tight. Connie says tough, that’s your uniform. Aldo comes in, and his white shirt and gray pants are three sizes too big. Not only does he hate the outfit, but he doesn’t want to go to the new school, and might not even get in, due to the exam. Connie hints that the kids are already admitted (she has pull) and says the clothes look great. Okay, you like them, take them, says Aldo, and he strips off his shirt and pants, leaving him in his boxers. Of course Mauricio shows up on cue, so that when Aldo goes to his room, Connie says Aldo’s crazy, they’ll have to get a specialist. Speaking of doctors, Mau says his doctor wants to see him personally.

Cut to the coffee room, as Beto is forcing Paula to list all the people whose names start with “M”, in an attempt to track down whomever wrote the letter to Moni. Jerry enters, remarks that Beto and Moni, if they’re siblings, they sure don’t resemble each other, and boy, is that Monita hot! This immediately infuriates Beto, who grabs Jerry by the hair and twists his arm behind his back. Paula rushes out to tell Gabi, who says call security. Paula reminds her that Beto IS security. Well, of course Moni shows up, and immediately separates the boys (without even having to knock them out this time!).

At Mauricio’s house, Doctor Perales has arrived to give Mau the results personally. Connie’s at Mau’s side, and Teresa is secretly eavesdropping. The results are a little discouraging (desalentador). Señor Sermeño, you have very little time left to live! Impactados all around.

Beto explains that he was upset about Moni’s “crime”. He holds up the letter, taped together, with the mysterious letter “M”. Who sent it? Well, Gabriela, of course, says Paula. Beto’s no dummy. He knows Gabriela begins with a “J”. Paula saves the day, explaining that Gabi’s real name is Marcela, she just doesn’t like that name. Right, adds Moni, it was just a party for the receptionists, and look how you overreacted, Beto. Beto starts to protest as to why Paula was making the list of people with the names starting with “M” when Salvador comes in. Beto’s mistreatment of the company Vice-President is not going to cost him his job. However, he’s back to cleaning crew, scratchy suit and all.

The doctor confirms Mau’s problem (never defined, I guess it’s some kind of tumor), and they’re going to do more studies, but it doesn’t look good.

Rolu and Ximmy, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Well, actually, they’re in his car, and the music is smokin’, too. She breathlessly starts to tell her secret, bringing up Moni and Beto, but before she actually spills the beans, she flashes 38 spy movies, realizes that Rolu is allied with Connie and Jerry, and she wanted their relationship to be transparent, clear like the waters off Cancun, but his dirty dealings are muddying the waters, so she can’t tell, and Adiós! she’s gone. Yes, Rolu has just received the Ximena treatment.

Gabi and Paula have some words, basically a power play, after which we see some feet approaching Gabi’s desk. In high heels. Topped by a red dress, big gold necklaces, and a shocking red wig, it’s Lorenza, with her new look! She’s quite scary, and Gabi is indeed scared, stutters that Sal’s out at the moment. But Lorenza came to see Gabi! Uh oh.

Ximmy’s on the run again, arriving at the vecindad she begs Estrella to hide her. It’s just like a movie, she tells Estre. The pretty heroine knows this big “Top Secret” information, and the whole world is after her, wanting to kill her. And then she’s kissing her handsome boyfriend, when she realizes, he wants to kill her, too! Yes, Ximmy is living her own movie, and we’re enjoying every minute of it. Estre stashes her in her apartment. Rolu arrives two seconds later, but our clever actress bats her eyes, figuring Rolu will be putty in her hands.

Lorenza smelled perfume on Salvador’s clothes the other night, he must have a lover! And she must work in this office. Well, says Gabi, everyone here already has a lover, I do, Paula does, etc. Fine, but you’ll have to be my eyes and ears and find out who Sal’s lover is. We’ll be working together, okay? Sure, fine, assures Gabi weakly, ushering our loca roja into the elevator, then reminding herself to change perfumes pronto.

Well, Rolu’s not really putty, in fact he’s throwing a few zingers of his own, trying to charm Estrella. When she says he’s moving too fast, he says he’s a race driver, and he likes curves. After she denies knowing any Ximena, he says to call if Ximena does show up, and he’ll arrive without brake fluid, so nothing will stop him. He leaves, but we see that Estrella’s pheremones have once again been activated, and when Ximena comes out, Estre admits that Rolu was tempting her more than a little, which amuses Ximmy.

Why is this happening to ME? These are the kind words by which caring Connie comforts morose Mauricio. She’s frantic, he’s quiet. She wants to wake up from this nightmare. And what about the kids, just when they’re starting to behave (could she be any worse?). Mau’s not paying attention, but when she mentions the niños, he says, right, I HAVE to adopt them, right away. Our sensitive lady says don’t think about them now, but by the way, if you want it, I’m ready to get married to you whenever you say the word. And there’s no time to lose. HUH? says Mau, looking at Connie as if she’s from another planeta (maybe Urananus, is that how you spell it? :). She runs out, a little flustered as to how poorly she’s handling this.

Teresa is muy triste, and Luisa asks what’s wrong. Terry says don’t worry, it’s grown-up things, and Luisa goes to check on lunch. Mauricio sees Terry crying. She admits that she heard everything, and he comforts her, asking her to keep the matter quiet. He wants to be alone, to think. He goes back to his room, and she clasps her hands in silent prayer.

After the commercial, it’s Beto time! He’s back to the cleaning uniform which matches Paula’s, but the pants itch so much that they’re down around his ankles, and we get to admire his blue and white boxers. When he complains to Paula, she says he should be happy he doesn’t have to clean the bathroom of the accountants, because then they’d be “counting” on him, and he couldn’t hide and slack off, as he’s able to do here. His job now is to clean Mauricio’s office, and Paula warns him not to touch anything. He goes grumbling off, as Pau hopes he won’t cost her to lose her business career.

Mauricio is walking along in a random park in Mexico City, deep in contemplation. Monita is also walking along in some park, and surprise, it’s the same one, she sees him, and they hug. Coincidence? I think not.

Connie’s having second thoughts. Remember how she was reluctant to go along with the fake pregnancy? Well, she’s reluctant about the fake doctor’s report, too, and calls Jerry to lament as to how sad it’s making Maury. This farce has gone beyond (superado) what she wanted, she feels like a bitch. You ARE a bitch, but a pretty one, replies Jerry, handing the phone to Oscar. Oscar tells her to shut up and do her job, or they’ll tell Mau. This makes her indignant, she’ll tell him first, and we’ll see who comes out worse. She calls out “Mauricio”, not knowing that he’s not home, having gone to a random park, and randomly having run into La Monita.

Okay, it wasn’t all THAT random. Teresa told Moni that when Mau gets sad, he goes to this park, so…..okay, I’ll buy it. By the way, Moni’s wearing pants today, wonder if there’s a reason. Mau says his Dad took him here as a kid, and this place calms him down. But he doesn’t want to die. Moni’s optimistic, don’t listen to those doctors, one guy in her neighborhood was told by doctors he had three months left to live, and you know what? Next day, he went out in the street and was hit by a bus! This brings a smile to Mau’s face. However, what really worries him is what will happen to the kids. Just adopt them, says Moni. But I’d have to get married. Then get married. Mau looks her in the eyes, says “Monita, marry me”. Her hands come to her face as she looks at him with a mixture of surprise, hope and love, and his warm gaze returns the love, and gets all our hearts a thumpin’.

So, does she say yes? Well, of course, before she can say a word, Mau’s cell rings, and he thinks Moni has a deal with the cell phone companies. It’s Salvador, Terry told him the news, and he advises Mau to get a second opinion (which to me, is a telenovela first, I mean what’s that gonna do to all the hardworking corrupt doctors? Speaking of which, it’s amazing how badly novelas portray doctors. In my first novela, Destilando Amor, a doc agreed to tell the hero his wife was pregnant by artificial insemination, when really, she’d had an affair. Then we had Matasanos in FELS, ready with any diagnosis requested by the evil Crabiela, all for the right price, of course. And over on MEPS, Dr. Obregon had no problem consigning a young girl to the manicomio, although he’s a little repentent now. And when the doctors aren’t corrupt, they’re inept. But they can learn fast, such as Alonso on Querida Enemiga (gastric bypass learned in Canada in a few months) or Juan Miguel on Cuidado con el Angel, who learned eye surgery pretty fast (for a psychiatrist!).

Anyway, Salvador insists that Mau see Doctor Camarena, and has already made the appointment, get over there NOW. Mau tells Moni, and she’s totally in agreement, get a second opinion, some lady in her neighborhood was told by a doctor she was in bad shape, and a “healer” cured her the next day! (Hmmm. See my rant above). They’re off to his appointment.

Connie sees Salvador talking to Teresa, and demands to know where Mauricio is. They’re not telling, and Connie wants to know why he’s against her. He’s not against her, he’s FOR Mauricio, and will be ‘til the end. Terry smiles, and when Connie questions this, she says she’s glad Mauricio is now surrounded by people who REALLY care for him.

In the GOOD doctor’s office, he says they’ll do a lab study (estudio de gabinete, literally “cabinet”, but it means laboratory in this instance), and we have a montage, accompanied by “hopeful” sounding piano chords, with them taking blood, Mau on the table with a lot of electrodes attached for an EKG, Sal and Moni concerned, arms around each other in support, Mau’s dressed now, back in the office, as the doc must be giving him the results, and his face breaks out in a smile – everything’s okay!

And just like that, they’re back in Mau’s office, and another problem is solved in one episode. He tells Sal and Moni there’s not one thing wrong with him. Sal wants to pursue why Perales was such an alarmist, something doesn’t add up, but Mau is sort of grateful, he now feels rejuvenated, and wants to remake his life. He starts to tell Moni how he feels, but she interrupts, says she knows what he said in the park doesn’t count now, things have changed, and he doesn’t quite get the chance to clear this up, as she says he should call Terry to relieve her anguish, which he does. After Terry is reassured, Moni, Mau and Sal again wonder how such a renowned doctor as Perales could have been so wrong, and Sal thinks it was no accident. He has his suspicions, and again, thinks it has something to do with the adoption.

In Jerry’s office, Oscar is holding up the earphone receiver, and he and Jerry, listening to every word from Mau’s office, realize the jig is up. Jerry wants to flee, but Oscar wants to hear more. They listen in, and hear Mau say he has a pending appointment with Dr. Perales, he’ll go, see what Perales says, and confront him. Sal wants to call the police, but Moni goes with Mau’s plan, and she’ll go with him, who needs police, she’ll handle the Doctor herself. Jerry tries to call Perales to warn him, but he doesn’t answer, so the race is on – who’ll get to Perales first?

The bad guys, of course, as we cut to the parking lot of a medical center, said Perales walks up the steps toward his office, and is met by Jerry and Oscar, who tell him Mauricio is on to him, he’d better come with them. Perales says he knew this was crazy, now he wants double. You’ll get a double kick in the rear if you don’t come with us now, says Jero. No way, says the Doc, as he headbutts both Jerry and Oscar, and rushes back to the parking lot. Mau and Moni zoom into the lot in Mau’s car, screeching to a stop to avoid hitting a pedestrian, but it’s the Doc! They jump out of the car, as Mau yells Run, Moni, Run! The chase is on, and now I see why Moni wore pants today.

Meanwhile, back at the office, we hear an uncensored fart, as Beto exits the bathroom (of Mau’s office), complaining why can’t he read his wrestling mag in peace, and Paula says he’s stinking up (apestando) the whole office. It took her a year to be allowed to clean this office, so he shouldn’t complain, now get this office clean and shiny. She leaves, and he diligently cleans the entire office….NOT. He drops the mop, drops the mag, and drops himself down into Mauricio’s chair. With his sneaker-clad feet on the desk, he dreams of being a bigwig, presses the intercom, says “take a memo, double the salary of Roberto Ochoa. Make that triple! Or better yet, what comes after triple?” He’s rudely interrupted by Gabi’s voice, remove your hands from that apparatus, or I’ll cut off your fingers with my fingernail clippers! Beto looks around, where’d that voice come from?

Estrella is warning Ximmy about Rolu. He doesn’t play clean. You mean he doesn’t bathe? asks our hiding heroine. No, he’s a vivales (someone only looking out for himself), or at least he looks (pinta) like one. Ximmy thinks he looks like a hunk (un cuero – literally a piece of leather), and has some cool, dark secrets, one of which she proceeds to whisper in Estre’s ear. Estre really wants Ximmy to think twice about Rolu, Ximmy can’t keep running forever. But for now, go back to the apartment, watch TV, try on some clothes, whatever, we’ll figure this out. Ximmy hugs her amiguita.

Speaking of running forever, Doctor Perales, who’s a big guy, is running through a park (same one they used for the Mau-Moni scene?), hiding behind some little trees, as the keystone cop music plays. Okay, now what’s wrong with this scene? Perales is going pretty fast, Moni’s zipping along in pursuit, and Mauricio (there’s nothing wrong with him, remember?), a tall young man in excellent shape, is the one who’s out of breath. Anyway, Perales ducks behind a tree, Moni runs right past (we also see she’s not wearing heels today, how convenient), but Mau catches up with the Doc, and demands to know who paid him. Talk!

Meanwhile back in the office, Gabi answers the phone, and it’s Lorenza. Again. She’s been calling every 15 minutes to find out who Sal’s seeing, and Gabi’s fed up. She tells Sal to do something. She tells Lorzena she can’t talk now, the lazy bum (zanguango) is here, and hangs up. Sal wonders, who’s the zanguango? It’s you, your wife said to use that code name for you, so as not to arouse suspicions. But you have to do something. Sal says they changed Lorenza’s meds, now she’s less psychotic, but more paranoid, which do you think is better? Why not just lock her up? replies Gabi.

Connie arrives, where’s Mau? They’re not telling, so she’ll wait in the office. She enters, and there’s Beto asleep in the chair, feet on the desk. She scolds him, but he wakes up, and immediately turns the tables. When she asks what’s with the uniform he’s wearing, he says he hopes she’ll take it off him, he stands up, pulls her close, starts stroking her hips. She pushes him away, don’t start. He can’t resist, you start me up, kisses her neck, lifts her off her feet, putting her down on the desk on her back, and starts kissing her neck again, going lower and lower! You’re like an octopus, she moans, please, no! He starts licking her neck, you say no, but your body says YES! The door opens, it’s Gabi and Sal, and this time, Connie and Beto are caught in flagrante delicto!

Previews: Lorenza’s back to her old hairstyle, demands Jerry tell her who’s the hussy. La Monita, he answers, and we see Lor’s car bearing down on an unsuspecting Moni. Look out!


No te me aloques que te necesito cuerdo – Don’t make yourself crazy when I need you sane
Un chaleco antibalas – a bulletproof vest
Desalentador – discouraging, disheartening
Superar – to go beyond, exceed something
Estudio de gabinete – laboratory study, gabinete can mean cabinet, office or laboratory
Vivales- someone who’s only looking out for himself
Un cuero – slang word for a hunk, also means leather
Zanguango – a lazy bum
BTW, when I couldn’t find some of these terms in the big Oxford dictionary, I was able to find them in El Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado, a Spanish-Spanish dictionary/encyclopedia, with lots of pictures, which I highly recommend.


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