Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gancho 9-9-09 Wed. Send in the clowns, those with and without makeup accepted....

OK so we start off where we left off with Mao crying to Mona that he lost his kids. She promises to get them back.

Sal seems to be on to Oski and accuses him of wanting Mau’s kids gone, and if he loses them, Sal personally make sure he loses his job and never practices law again. Gabi gets hot at his beastly admonitions.

Oski runs right in and takes out the agression on Jero ripping out the phone from him making “business deals” Os tells him to get off his high horse because Mau is out of jail and will come straight here to oust Jero. Jero thinks Mau is tainted now by having been arrested. Os says he’s stupid and Jero says he’ll fire him. Os tells him not to to step on an animal’s tail without looking at it well, one doesn’t know who one is messing with or something along those lines. He departs.

Estre busts in on Mona kissing and consoling Mau.

Sal calls Mau to tell him where the judge is at his grandson’s b-day party and what’s happening with Jero and Mau gives him full authority to do what is necessary. Not sure then why what happens later happens then.

Jero orders Gabi to get all HIS employees together, that he wants to talk to all of them.

Mau and Mona show up at the kids party to try and talk to the judge, but he wants nothing to do with them and makes his guards throw them away. Mona sees the clown trucks and gets an idea.

Sal tells Beto he’s no longer a fugitive. Jero comes out and makes some staffing decisions. Gabi goes to work under Pau, Xime is the new presidential secretary, and Beto is now the director, leaving Sal to take Beto‘s place. Oh, and Gabi and Sal have another option if they want, to present their resignations. I thought Sal got Mau’s support to do what ever was needed? Maybe he just wants to prove to Mau what an asshat Jero is. Anyway, of course Beto and Xime are the only ones excited, although Pau doesn’t seem to mind being in charge of Gab either.

At the party we are treated to M&M as clowns doeing pretty pathetic hat tricks. The kiddies seem ok with it though. Sebastian Rulli is doing really well, I must say.

Gabi complains about the itchy uniforms and Pau pulls rank. She reminds Gab of all the times she was dismissed when she complained about the same thing. Then Sal shows up and Gabi can’t believe he didn’t do something about this.

The clown show continues.

Beto and Jero have a chat about plans Beto has arranged. Beto wonders where Oski is and Jero says gone, the power went to his head (HA!) so he was dispensable just like any other employee. Beto wonders what it would take to be a partner and Jero gives him a few qualities, Beto says he’ll note that, thinking maybe he’s on his way up (or down depending how you look at it), but a sly look tells us Jero is playing him too.

Connie comes in and learns of all the staff shifting. She is especially impressed with the new director and his "born to conquer" shirt.

The judge compliments Mau for his great skills with children. Mau takes the opportunity to introduce his real self. This of course kind of pisses off the judge that he invaded his privacy.

Jero gives Xime a list of women he wants contacted and told of his new post as president. She thinks he’s nuts and calls him again her hermanolfo (see Hombre’s definition). Enter Gabi with coffee and Xime compliments how everything looks good on her, meaning the uniform. She leaves and Gab and Jero exchange insults, Jero enjoys now but Gab will enjoy when Mau dethrones him. She asks if he needs anything else and he responds mayo for his sandwich. She says oh you don’t need it I put rat poison on instead. For this he calls Xime to come back in to taste the sandwich for him.

The judge accuses Mau of being immature and tells him to get out and basically he’s not doing anything for him.

Estre shows up at school to see how Aldo is doing and of course he is glad to see her. She tells him M&M went to see the judge and to hang in there. He says he’s fine. She asks for a hug and he says what he really wants is this and he smacks one on her. She does not fight.

Back at the office another pair is smackin on each other, this time Coni and Beto in Beto’s new office. She’s sure Mau will kick them all out when he gets back, but Beto keep on with his agenda. Coni fights but not very hard until they are on the desk in missionary position. Just in time for Jero to burst in. Doh! Uh there went his chance at socio.

Coni says it’s not what he thinks and he doesn’t buy it, he calls Beto his ex-director, and Beto blames Coni. Jero kicks Beto out back to cleaning bathrooms and Coni offers Jero money not to talk. Guess what, he doesn’t want money, he wants her and he forces himself upon her.

Estre breaks free from the lip lock with Aldo and says this can’t happen, we can’t be, blah blah…he says he only did what he felt, and he knows she likes it too, and he’s not a kid etc. Luisa walks up and cuts the conversation short.

Gabi and Beto lament their demotions and how everything is unfair. Pau has no sympathy, business is like this, she continues to direct. Gabi scratches Beto’s itch from the uniforms she thinks was made from cat fur.

M&M argue about talking more to the judge. The argue just log enough to rescue the grandson from a speeding car that comes out of nowhere. The judge thanks him profusely, Mona wants to tell him a few things but Mau says let's go. Judge says he owes Mau, so how to pay, Mau says five minutes of your time. He listens.

The cleaning staff continues to lament the situation except for Pau, Beto says he’ll take care of that tyrant once and for all. Sal comes in and Gabi of course exalts Beto for being a man.

Jero is still molesting Coni. She fights and then pow she knees him in the nuts, then smacks him with a ball of some sort. That’s the end of Jero. He falls to the ground unconscious and she worries about him not responding. Beto shows up and calls her a murderer.

The kids return to the house and want to surprise Mau later since he’s not there yet.

Coni and Beto fight about what to do. She inculpates him, if he didn’t horndog on her they wouldn’t be in this. Beto thinks he’s going to jail.

Xime drops calls and screws up. Coni tells her a check is waiting in the safe for her and to go get it. When she does, the duo drag out the corpse across the floor.

M&M clean off their make up and think how cute each looks. They kiss and we are back to the phone rings again. It’s the kids and they want them to come over together.

Gabi runs out and wonders why no one is there answering the phones and she worries that the company is over. Sal follows and tells her to leave it be and let Jero screw up, that is the best strategy. Gabi has no patience for this and decides to resign. She runs around looking for Jero and they don’t find him. They see the blood and Pau faints. Sal tells her to call the police.

In the garage Beto and Coni put Jero in the back of the car. Beto wants to hurl. She wants to go and have him take care of throwing him somewhere, but he’s not letting her off the hook.

He smothers her into submission.

Mau and Mona discuss what the judge said. Turns out he put a few conditions on the return of his kids. He has to marry. Mona says she understands marrying the mummy is for his kids and she’ll be fine. He says he’s not marrying for that reason, he’s found the girl of his life. She realizes he’s not talking about the momia. He says the girl he wants is Valentina Lopez, la Monita and he asks her if she’ll marry him. She turns away and cries and he begs her to say something, well it’s yes. And they kiss.

And why do they show us the previews because we were only happy for about 2.5 seconds because something will destroy this. Sheesh.


MEPS - Wednesday, Sept. 9 - Jacinto tries to rescue a cat; Erika starts to play matchmaker; Gardenia still has a crush on Fr/Ed

EPISODE #141 (mexico #146) - Sept. 9, 2009:
* Jacinto and Margarita are having a delicious enchilada dinner and talk. A cat meows outside - apparently it's from another farm because both Jacinto and Margarita know it from its purr. Jacinto walks over to the sofa and takes out a present. He gives it to Margie. She's stunned by the surprise - it isn't her birthday. He says it isn't for her - just open it. She does. It's a wooden baby rattle. He thinks it's time for the stork to visit them. She thinks so also. They are so happy. He doesn't care if it's a boy or a girl, only that it doesn't have the character of Margie's grandfather. They laugh and hug.

* Franco and Erika have dinner and discuss Fer and Miguel's friendship in Spain, her love for Eduardo, and that Erika knows that Fer's family will never permit her to marry Eduardo, a servant's son.

* Jacinto goes to check on the cat outside. Margie sits and plays with the rattle.

* Barb sits in the home office and mutters to herself about how to convince Aurora to trust her and go away with her - far away from Gonzo and Artemio. Tomasa enters the office and tells Barbie that the police commissioner is there to speak with Gonzo. Barbie will meet with him. Commissioner enters the office - he's reporting about the investigation into Macario (apparently they found his body).

* Fer is intently reading Ana Gregoria's diary in her bedroom. She's at the part where Ana Gregoria describes Gonzo's first communion party and that Soledad (i think) goes to tell Geronimo that Ana Gregoria is in the wood waiting to see him. He looks around and sneaks away. In the woods near the large tree, Geronimo is surprised to see her there and tells her to leave before his wife finds out. Ana Gregoria tells Geronimo that she's very sick and desperate in need of money; she needs him to take care of her baby. She shows him the birth certificate with Artemio's name and her's and that the father's name isn't mentioned. Geronimo isn't interested in the birth certificate or helping with the baby. He throws the paper to the ground; hands her some coins and tells her to vacate the premises immediately. She hysterically cries as she walks away. He looks around and goes back to the party. Fer closes the diary and thought bubbles to self.

* Commissioner shows Barbie the identification that they found out Macario's body. Barbie acts shaken and stirred and cries in empathy. She says that the Elizalde's will handle all the funeral arrangements for the long-time dear employee. The commissioner says that the police are still conducting the autopsy to determine cause of death for Macario. Barbie is stunned and hopes that it will be resolved very quickly (she doesn't want a long drawn out investigation).

* Tomasa goes to Priscilla's room and sees Priscilla hasn't touched the food or drink on the tray. Priscilla isn't hungry. Tomasa talks her into at least drinking some milk for the baby. Priscilla tells her to leave the tray. Tomasa leaves the room. Priscilla thought bubbles and mumbles about her husband vs. Vladimir (does she say something and side with Vladi or does she do nothing and be an accessory to murder).

* Commissioner leaves. Barbie calls Tomasa over and tells her to keep the commissioner's visit to the hacienda a secret from everyone. Tomasa obeys.

* At the house, Erika leads Franco into the sitting room. She pounces on top of him on the sofa - he's very uncomfortable. She offers to fix him a cognac or something. He refuses. He stands and walks to the other side of the room. Erika starts to try and seduce him. He's really uncomfortable. He's saved by the phone ring - it's Margie telling him that Jacinto has been in an accident and he should come to the hospital ASAP. Franco tells Erika that his friend is in the hospital and he has to leave. Erika is adamant and tries everything she can to convince him to stay with her tonight. Franco is frustrated and tells her that he needs to leave - Jacinto is his friend like Miguel is yours. He leaves. Erika grunts with disappointment.

* Fer talks with Santi on the phone about her visit with Aurora. She tells Santi that Barbie set the whole thing up with Aurora. This gets Santi really shaken and angry - so angry that he splashes and scrubs red paint on his art canvas. He mumbles, grumbles and grunts his disgust over Barbie to Fer. He hangs up. Fer mumbles to herself about the rest of the truth about Aurora and the baby and his brother Camilo, and also how to tell daddy without jeopardizing his health.

* At the hospital, Margie cries on Eduardo's shoulder about Jacinto giving her the baby rattle, and then Jacinto going outside, climbed the tree to rescue the cat and fell out. She's so worried about him - if he has a concussion - what would she do without Jacinto in her life. Eduardo consoles her. Dr. Carlos walks out to the hallway. Margie and Franco both ask him how Jacinto is?

* Martina and Steve are frustrated as they confront Venus about her plans for Camilo and the engagement party. Venus won't
reveal what deviousness she has planned.

* Dr. Carlos tells them there's no concussion but they are still cautious about Jacinto's injuries and takes them into Jacinto's room.

* Steve is really frustrated by Venus not telling him any of her plans. He mumbles about going to the office to send some emails back home to New York. He leaves. Venus and Martina argue about Venus' vagueness with Steve and her attitude. Venus loves Steve but won't tell him because she thinks he's not interested in dating or loving her at all.

* Steve taps out on his laptop an email that he will conclude his report when he arrives back home in New York.

* Dr. Carlos gives Franco and Margie the diagnosis and treatment for Jacinto - he has a few broken ribs and some contusions - they are relieved. Margie is still upset and Eduardo consoles and makes her laugh with the thought bubble about Jacinto's full recovery and going home and joking about Jacinto being the cat rescuer. Before Eduardo leaves, he tells Margie that he thinks of Jacinto as his brother.

* Jacomo and his associate Candido are in the car, waiting and spying on Vladimir's apartment building. Jacomo tells Candido they will plan to kidnap Vladimir that night.

* At the family dinner, Priscilla and Anibal inform Gonzo, Barbie and Fer that they will name their child Anibal after the baby's father. Barbie makes her excuse to leave - she has a massage appointment and has other things to do before Camilo's engagement party. Anibal comments that he wouldn't miss his brother's party for the world and smiles. Gonzo wants to go with her. Barbie tells him that's not necessary. She leaves. Fer thought bubbles to herself that Barbie is lying; she is really planning on visiting Aurora at the convent.

* Eduardo and Margie bring Jacinto back home. Jacinto grunts, grimaces and grumbles as they help him into the bed. Jacinto is upset that Margie called Eduardo. Eduardo explains he wouldn't want to be anywhere else but there to help his brother when he needs him the most.

* Fer waits by the stairs as Barbie leaves and the door closes. She runs upstairs.

* Margie excuses herself to go to the market. Jacinto complains. Eduardo sits on the bed and promises not to leave his side. Jacinto tells Margie don't be gone to long. Margie leaves.

* Fer calls the convent and advises Aurora about Barbie's visit today.

* Eduardo reads Don Quixote story in the paper. Jacinto falls fast asleep.

* Eduardo moves out to the dining table, sits and pours himself a glass of water. He starts to read the paper again as Gardenia enters. She gazes at him with a goofy grin on her face.

* Fer continues reading the diary. This time she at the end when Ana Gregoria is writing about her illness and her prayers for her baby boy. Flashback to Ana Gregoria laying on the street steps, sick and crying a prayer that God watch over her son. Fer closes the book and hugs it before setting it on her bedside table. Erika knocks and asks permission as she enters the room. Erika wants to invite Fer to coffee and to gossip with her about what's happening in their lives.

* Gardenia returns to Eduardo and says Jacinto is sleeping like a newborn baby. Eduardo says that's expected - he just got home from the hospital. Gardenia asks where's Margie? Eduardo says she had to go to the market. Gardenia then asks him a blunt question about his secretive meetings with Fer in her office. He's stunned.

* At the end of the jai lai game, Vladimir answers his cell phone. He's delighted that Priscilla is calling him. She wants to tell him something - he only wants to see her. She's worried about Anibal. He's not worried; he knows the plan is to get the DNA test and to announce to the world that he is really the father, not Anibal. Priscilla says that's why she's worried - she knows Anibal way too well and thinks he may try something. Vladimir is confident about their plan and his moving them to Monterrey to live. She wants him to leave town now. Vladimir tries to calm her. She's still worried.

* Eduardo and Gardenia argue about his wedding to Erika; and all his secret meetings with Fer. He has to explain that they had to meet secretly to figure out how to get Lili away from her kidnapper and not jeopardize Lili's life in the process. That's all. She then asked him if he was in love with Fer, to which he replied "no", leading her to believe maybe she still has a chance with him. He is flustered.

* Erika and Fer discuss her work with Franco. Erika dreams about her fiance and then tells Fer that she wants Fer to join them for a weekend bachelor/bachelorette party at her aunt and uncle's ranch - just the four of them (Fer, Erika, Franco and Miguel). (For those wondering, the actor playing Miguel is Rafael Novoa, who played Eduardo in the Columbian version of this telenovela, called Pura Sangre). Fer is intrigued.

* Eduardo has to explain again to Gardenia that he thinks of her as his little sister and that's all. Gardenia cries and tells Eduardo that her feelings for him are much more than that - she wants to love and care for him like Jacinto and Margie do for each other. Eduardo is really frustrated. Jacinto wakes up with all the shouting from Gardenia as she makes her argument to be with Eduardo. Eduardo tells her NO!! Gardenia wonders if he loves Erika? Eduardo says Yes, he does. Gardenia doesn't believe him.

* Barbie waits outside the convent.

* In the office, MS, Sister Fidelia and Aurora talk. Aurora agrees to meet with Barbie. MS tells Fidelia to take Barbie to Aurora's room. Alone in the office, MS tells Aurora that after talking with Fer, she suspects that Barbie is behind all the evilness done to Aurora at the hacienda. Aurora knows that Fer suspects Barbie for the same reasons. Aurora then tells MS that Barbie ordered the fake italian guy to take her from the convent and meet with Barbie in another location. MS reminds Aurora that she doesn't have to hide the truth from her - she's always on her side.

* Erika and Fer laugh about Fer's old friendship with Miguel. Fer thinks it was just a teenage friendship. Erika tries to play matchmaker and convince Fer to come to the ranch and meet Miguel again. Fer pauses and tries to come up with excuse to refuse to go. Erika is adamant about Fer accepting the invitation - she mentions Damian - Fer says that's officially over - Erika wonders if Fer now has a secret boyfriend.

ADVANCE: Exploding bombshells at Camilo and Lovely's engagement party!


Wednesday, September 09, 2009

ENDA, September 9, 2009

Rodolfo asks Macarena if it's true that she had a daughter and if it's Paloma? Macarena confirms it's true and asks him if he would like to hear her version. The whole truth before condemning her. He tells her that ever since Carlota told him he has had no peace. He never thought that she was such a woman as the way Carlota described her.

German and Romina are walking along the road. He says that he can't believe that her love for Emiliano would cause her to fake killing herself. She tells him she did try to, but German tells her he doesn't believe her. He knows her too well. All she wanted was to make Emiliano feel guilty. But your plan failed. Why are you so obsessed with Emiliano? I can give you so much more. Romina replies that he is the man that she loves. Plain and simple. Feelings do not turn on and off because you want them too. And you should know. I can have relations with you and have a good time, but that is all. German tells her that the best thing about this whole thing is that Emiliano will never get back with her and she will be alone. Romina tells him that a woman like her will never be alone. She kisses him and then says see. I will never be alone and walks away.

Inez tells Angelica that it's best if she doesn't see Dario. Especially after what happened at work. You is just to vulnerable. Angelica agrees. But, says Inez, he could be done with that woman and wants you back. So even if you are scared go see him. Angelica agrees.

Rafael goes to visit Diana. He tells her that he had a couple of things to do and decided to stop by. Diana tells him that this is also his house and he can come anytime. She tells him to sit down, but he doesn't want to take too much of her time. Diana tries to change the subject and asks him if he noticed her new haircut. He tells her that he thought she looked different. Diana asks him if he thinks she looks good. People are complimenting her saying how pretty she looks. Yes, you look more pretty replies Rafael. But I came here for two things. I talked to Emiliano and for the moment he doesn't want to become my associate and he is happy where he is at being Orlando's associate. Diana gets agitated and says that he cannot allow that to happen. He tells her he did what he could do now let's leave it alone. She tries to argue back but he tells her enough. He also wants to know if she signed the divorce papers yet. Diana lashes out saying what's the rush? You come here telling me I look pretty and yet you pressure me for the divorce. Rafael says you have a weird way of spinning things. Diana says that this decision is the hardest I have ever had to make. So quit pressuring me.

Orlando and Camila are having lunch and he tells her that he tried to call her this morning. Where were you? Camila tells him that she went to the factory to speak with Rafael regarding the designs. Orlando asks how it went with him. Camila says I just wanted to see the designs in person off paper. Orlando says that it calls for a celebration and that he wants her to have dinner at his house. He will prepare everything. Camila agrees. Orlando leaves and Camila reminisces about her brief kiss with Rafael.

Carlota is at the jewelers getting the ring appraised. The jeweler writes down a figure which shocks her. He asks her if she is interested in selling it or getting a replica made. She gets a gleam in her evil eye and says that it is exactly what she wanted. He can't do it but can recommend someone who can.

Liliana is dancing in her room and her friend calls. She wants to know if Liliana wants to go out dancing.

Emiliano and Cristobal brings soccer uniforms for the local kids. They are going to start a team. The kids are grateful. Emiliano says we have games on Thursdays and in the evenings we have practice. Cristobal adds that on Tuesdays we meet at the church. Why we can't play there responds Chava. No silly replies Cristobal. We are going to talk about ourselves and what is going on in our lives. Chava comments that it's better if they meet in the park. Emiliano tells him that all the professionals to it. They get together and talk. Cristbal says that the place to do that will be at the church. Chava finally agrees. The local kids leave and Cristobal thanks Emiliano for putting in his two cents. It is the only way he can find out if any of the kids are into drugs or alcohol. Chava sees Aaron and Paloma and runs up to Emiliano and tells him. Emiliano spots them too and gets mad.

Angelica stares at a ring and cries. She thinks back to Dario and remembers correcting a paper for him on the computer. He gives her a ring and says it a thank you for all that she has done for him. She thanks him for the ring and says that she is learning a lot. Perhaps one day I can publish my own book. He tells her that he's happy that he has met her and kisses her. She comes back out of her daydream and asks out loud why he lied to her? Why didn't you tell me that you had another woman?

Dario is in his office and is getting frustrated at some papers he's looking at. A lady comes in and asks him what is wrong? Nothing he replies. She tells him that his father-in-law is waiting for the book. The last one was a disaster. He asks her to talk to him. She'll see what she can do.

Macarena finishes telling Rodolfo her story. She tells him he can believe her or Carlota. Rodolfo says it must be hard to have had to give her up. Yes replies Macarena. I gave her up so that she can have a father and mother, but never gave up the right to be by her. Rodolfo asks Macarena to forgive him. He leaves her to get medicine when her blood pressure goes up. She remembers hearing Cristobal's voice right before fainting. She cries.

Chava is playing ball in the street and two guys are harassing him. They call him a mocoso. He says I am not. Prove it one of the boy replies.

Rufi tells Paloma that Macarena was taking to the hospital because she fainted. They run off.

Rodolfo tells Macarena that he was an idiot to let Carlota manipulate him. I should have asked you about it. Macarena says that it's okay. Life gave them an opportunity to correct it. She just asks that he not tell anyone especially Paloma. Rodolfo says that he has already forgotten it. He also tells her that it's not healthy for her to be with Carlota and that his proposal of marriage still stands. She tells him that she had decided to accept him, but after all that has happened she now cannot. Rodolfo says but I told you that I believe you not Carlota. Macarena says it's not that. It has to do with me... and gets interrupted by Paloma running in. Paloma asks her if she's alright. That she has to always take care of herself. Always. Macarena reassures her all is well.

Chava comes home late drunk. Metiche was worried and asks where he has been. He gets mouthy and she tells him not to talk to her that way.

Cristobal talks to the other priest who name escapes me at the moment. He tells Cristobal that it was a great idea to give the local kids soccer team uniforms. Also inviting them to come to church to talk once a week. Cristobal is happy and answers the phone. He has to go to the hospital. A family needs him.

Angelica is in her room crying and remembering meeting Dario's sister for the first time. Turns out Angelica was his assistant. Anyway she tells her that Dario has told her a lot about Angelica. Angelica is surprised and says you guys talk about me? Sure replies Dario's sister we live together (who by the way was the young girl who had leukemia on FELS). Angelica is shocked that they live together. (okay what am I missing? I thought that was his sister. That's what she said)

Carlota calls the house after returning from shopping, but no one answers. She gets annoyed that no one is answering.

Aaron wants to know if Rufi and Paloma want him to take them home. Paloma wants to stay and take care of Macarena instead. Macarena tells her that it's not necessary, but Paloma insists. She is going to the cafeteria to get a coffee for Rufi and a chocolate for her. As soon as Aaron and Paloma leave, Macarena blurts out that she saw Cristobal too.

Paloma thanks Aaron for bring her to the hospital. They pass Cristobal, but she comes back to greet him. Paloma asks him what he is doing here and he replies that he was baptising a baby that was born premature. And you? My aunt's blood sugar went up and she fainted responds Paloma. Cristobal says I didn't know that your aunt Carlota suffered from diabetes. No says Paloma it's my aunt Macarena. Cristobal is muy impactado.

Paloma asks Cristobal if he knew that she had an aunt named Macarena. Yes, he replies. But I thought that she had died. He sits down. No, she just has diabetes. She is alive and I hope that god let's her live a long time. Why did you think that? Because years ago someone told me, but perhaps I misunderstood replies Cristobal. Is your aunt Carlota here? Paloma informs him that she left for Mexico City for a couple of days. It's just me, Macarena and Rufi here. Cristobal wants to know if he can visit Macarena to say hi. Paloma is excited and says that it would be great. Just come with me to the cafeteria to get a coffee and chocolate.

Rufi tells Macarena that she saw him coming out of church dressed as a priest. Macarena tells that she saw him in regular clothes. Rufi is confused. Is Cristobal real or a ghost? He's real replies Macarena. It was his voice, his body and his face. It was him! And what is he doing here asks Rufi. Why did he pass himself off as dead? Why hasn't he come for you? I don't know replies Macarena. But all those questions will soon be answered. A nurse comes in wanting to take Macarena's pulse.

Paloma is in the cafeteria ordering coffee and chocolae while Cristobal says to himself that Macarena is alive and wonders what really happened long ago. He remembers going to a burial thinking it was for Macarena. Then who was it? I remember the mourning sign outside the house. Why did Carlota call me to tell me that Macarena had died? That she had committed suicide and it was all my fault. Why? Paloma asks Cristobal how he knows so much about her, Carlota, Macarena and Natalia? He tells her he has known Natalia for about 9 or 10 years. He was going to marry her, but god stepped in instead. Paloma is shocked that he was going to marry Natalia. She asks him if he had met he parents since they were good friends with Natalia. Yes replies Cristobal. Paloma tells him perhaps that is why I feel so comfortable with you. It is like I have known you forever. Cristobal says that he feels the same and wants to go see Macarena.

Liliana is at a club with friends. She meets a guy.

Camila is looking at outfits deciding what to wear for her dinner with Orlando. Romina comes in and gets ugly with her mother regarding her relationship with Orlando. Camila wants Romina to support her. Romina cannot see her with another that is not her father. Camila tells her that she can have a relationship with her father, but she (Camila) will never be with him again.

Cristobal and Paloma are going to Macarena's room and come across a nurse. The nurse tells her that Macarena blood pressure is low and that the doctor has restricted visits til tomorrow. Paloma says but I am staying here to take care of her. Well says the nurse, wait til the person in the room with her leaves. Only one person at a time in the room. Paloma agrees and apologizes to Cristobal. Don't worry he replies. I will see her later.

Rufi tells Macarena that Carlota probably lied to her about Cristobal's death.

Diana comes to visit Camila. She needs someone to talk too. Camila tells her that she was about to leave, but if she needs to talk to someone she's all ears. Diana tells Camila that she now knows that Rafael is with another woman. Why do you say that? What happened replies Camila. Well he came over and told me how pretty I looked. Camila agrees. Then he asked me if I had signed the divorce papers yet. He is rushing me and that means there is another woman.

Orlando is preparing the house for Camila's arrival.

Diana says I can't talk to any of my married friends about this. You are the only one that I know who's husband left for another woman. You know how I feel. Camila says you only have suspicions. Diana says that when the river makes noise, it's because it's carrying water. Anyway you had your suspicions and it came true. Yes agrees Camila. Diana responds by saying that a woman in love knows when her man is stepping out on her. Anyway thanks for listening. I know that you are ready to go out. No problem replies Camila. So where are you going asks Diana. Out to dinner with a friend. Diana digs a little and Camila tells her with Orlando Ferrer, Emiliano's boss. Diana is very uncomfortable at the mention of Orlando's name.

Romina calls German. She wants to know if he wants to come over for dinner. He says I'm already eating. Romina tells him that her mother left to go out to dinner and that she is all alone. German finally gets the hint, but says that he doesn't feel like going to see her. Romina gets pissed. He tells her he's not a dog to come running when she calls for him. Romina cannot believe what she is hearing. German tells her that he is going to finish watching his movie and hangs up. Romina throws her phone down.

Camila is at Orlando's house. He opens up a bottle of wine. She tells him that she has been stressed out lately. About Romina asks Orlando. Yes replies Camila. Well just forget all your problems right now and enjoy the evening responds Orlando.

Diana can't believe that Orlando now lives in Real del Monte. Of all the places he could be instead. She calls someone and wants to talk about Orlando. He has found her she says to the mystery person on the other end of the phone.

Paloma tries to feed Macarena jello. Macarena says enough and tells her that she doesn't have to worry about money anymore. Paloma says that sounds nice, but how can that be? Macarena says don't worry. I'll take care of it. I have found out things that will change my destiny along with yours.

Tomorrow: Cristobal and Macarena finally meet up


ENDA Tuesday September 8. When the cat’s away, the mice will finally have some plot progress.

What, do you think they’d play? This is Real del Monte.

Yesterday’s news: Camila swoons over the bourgeois new ceramics line so hard that she swoons right on into Rafael’s arms. Tantalized by the proximity of man-flesh, she pulls back and looks him in the lusty eyes. Their lips hover millimeters apart. Will they or won’t they?

Breaking headlines: Barely. After a moment of lip contact so brief you almost need the instant replay to catch it, Camila asks what they’re doing. Remember, it’s been quite awhile for her (unwanted kisses from Oily Orly don’t count), so she may need the refresher course. Rafa thinks it’s all pretty obvious, but Cami says no way; he’s not free and she’s sort of seeing Orlando. Rafael says he isn’t deceiving anyone as he’s already filed for divorce. Camila stands her ground and says things that start badly end badly, and she just wants to forget the whole thing. Rafa doesn’t want to forget it, just postpone until the timing is better.

Natalia tells her friend Ivonne that Alonso thinks Carlota provoked Iñaki’s heart failure. They both think Alonso is just losing his mind from grief, so Nat wants to send him to Ivonne’s shrink. (Side note: Why is Natalia’s house so old-fashioned looking? The place she had when she was about to marry Cris was much more modern. Did her tastes change that much?)

Orlando has his secretary looking high and low for an address for Gudelia. He thinks back to running into her (Diana) at the restaurant. Back in the privacy of his office, he stands in front of a painting of a horse which I rather like and asks himself how he could have let her go (my theory: survival instinct). Orly calls Camila’s place and is perplexed to hear that she’s gone out so early (how early can it be if everyone at Ferrer’s Fine Silver is already at work?).

In the school courtyard, Romina asks Paloma if she really has no designs on Emiliano. Paloma assures her that she meant what she said, and says she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. Romina fondles a thorny plant with a dastardly look in her eyes.

Angélica shuffles through the courtyard, eyes on the pavement and face all droopy so as to garner more sympathetic attention from the nun she initially ignores. The nun, being a nun and therefore phenomenally patient, asks what’s wrong. Ange is confused, but so hopeful because her old flame might be leaving his other lover! Maybe he wants to be with her! (Didn’t the guy have a wife too? How many of his other women would he have to dump for Ange to be okay with the situation?) The nun gives Ange the gentlest of smackdowns and tries not to roll her eyes.

Emiliano has heard the gossip from secretary Vero that Orlando is still in search of the mysterious dame, so he asks how it’s going. Not well, because Orly doesn’t have a photo or anything. Orlando thinks maybe it’s foolish and he should just forget about her. “But what about your child?” asks Emil. Oh, the IRONY. Orlando doesn’t know if the kid was even born, and says he thinks of Emiliano as the son he always wanted. Oh, the IRONY. Emil says that works for him. Orly decides to forget the whole thing and concentrate on wearing Camila down.

Carlota leaves for the D.F. “Paaaaarrrrrrrteeeeeee!!!!” says Rufi. Actually, she thinks Macarena should take advantage of Cruel’s absence to tell Paloma the truth, the whole truth, and whatever else she’d like to say without Cruelota’s interference. Mac, as usual, is too scared, and thinks she doesn’t have any options if Cruel throws her out, since Carlota won’t sell the house to give her her share of the money and things are kaput with Rodolfo. Rufi is having a no-nonsense Jockey kind of day and says to talk to a lawyer about the house and call Rude-olfo and ask Qué the hell?

Paloma tells Angélica that Romina bought the story and they’re going to be besties again, good as new. Ange warns her not to trust that conniving Romina. Romi eavesdrops on the entire conversation, in plain sight about four paces behind them.

Mac actually takes the bull by the horns for once and dials Rodolfo’s office. Unfortunately, the receptionist reports that he’s not in yet and says it’s weird he didn’t show up for their date; she knows he was planning to. Right after they hang up, Rude-olfo walks in and gets the message.

Over at the church, Rufi tries to decide whether she’s crazy and wonders whether the ghost priest will appear again. She starts to walk away as Cris comes outside. He sees her and calls her name, but she doesn’t hear him. A lady summons him away for some pressing business in the dispensario.

The Madre Superiora tells Romina she’s so relieved things didn’t end up worse, and she wants Romi to get plenty of counseling from Angélica. “No way, I’m not going near her,” says Romina. MS asks what’s going on, and Romi says Ange has no ethics and has been trash-talking her behind her back. (Actually, right in front of her, too.) Hey, she is not at all wrong. Ange is the worst counselor (except for the one I had in high school, who was a doppelganger for Ursula in The Little Mermaid).

Camila finally arrives at her shop and Meche notices she’s all glowing and trembly and thinks she must be in love; nothing wrong with that.

Apparently the teenage boys in Real del Monte do nothing but play fútbol while the girls are in school. No wonder the girls have no interest in them. Chava’s hoodlum friends call him away and they have a teenage conversation which causes me to have to look up about every other word in the slang dictionary. Seems a pickup ball game is called a cascarita, and the guys want to go have chelas, which can mean either light-colored beer or light-colored girls (hey, maybe they want both). Also, something is a ruca, which can mean either a woman or a home and I’m not sure what they were getting at. Anyway, they go off, and a more clean-cut looking guy on the field watches and shakes his head.

Carlota lounges in the hotel bar in the D.F., drinking booze and chatting with her lawyer. He’s trying to get them an appointment with a judge within a few days, and she’s still pretending to him that she wants to keep Paloma from her inheritance until she’s a more mature 21 years old. The licenciado (in addition to being a noun meaning “lawyer” this also is an adjective meaning “pedantic,” btw) goes off to see about the embezzlement and also a detective to hunt down Cris. Carlota says she’s going to do some shopping (a whole city full of purple stuff!) and revels in the anonymous big-city freedom.

Natalia, wearing a blouse with an insanely long tie thing, calls Misery Manor but gets Mac since Paloma is still at school. Mac tells her what’s up: Paloma wants to go to the D.F. to work and save money for school while she waits for a space in the public university, since she can’t afford private. “The heck you say,” says Nat. “Paloma is rich.” Mac says they don’t have any money, but Natalia says she’s absolutely sure Javier and Sagrario, que en paz descansen, left their daughter a fortune, and Iñaki was going to find out what happened to the money.

Aaron lurks outside the school gates in a baseball cap and sunglasses like the creepy creep he is while Romina pretends to have an appointment with the MS in order to get away from Paloma. When Paloma is gone, Romina walks right past him into the street as he pretends not to notice her.

Ange gets a well-deserved dressing-down from the MS. MS, who I like more and more, is seriously peeved, not only about the multiple ethics breeches, but also apparently they had a specific agreement that Ange would provide counseling during school only and work on her book in her free time, and on top of that MS is fuming about Ange’s speaking negatively about students to other students. The gist of this long-winded rant is that Ange is fired.

Aaron negotiates an unholy alliance with Romina, the aim of which is to get both of them hooked up with the objects of their obsessions. Aaron insists that Paloma come through this dirty business with a clean reputation, but doesn’t mind if Romina takes advantage of her ingenuous nature in the process. Oh, what a catch he is. He says he’s going to get a new mailbox for them to use.

The church lady, whose name is Elisa, shows Padre Cris around the dispensario and raves about that wonderful Carlota, such a great Christian and a pillar of the community, sooooo fabulous, that lady, although frankly Carlota never seems to do anything but snipe at people and Mac is the one who is always at the dispensario. Cris keeps a polite smile carefully frozen onto his face. Padre Mateo joins in the Carlota lovefest and dispensario PSA. Cris stares at them, all, “I know what a dispensario is, duh.”

Angélica cries in the courtyard and gets more sympathy from the young nun. She can’t believe she’s been fired and doesn’t understand what she’s done wrong. Also, now that she doesn’t have a job, how will she keep herself from running back to Dario?

Macarena, having quite the day of assertiveness with the cat away, calls Licenciado Rosas’s office, but learns he is in the D.F. for four or five days. She and Rufi find it veeeeeerrrrrry suspicious that his travel schedule matches Carlota’s. Quick, Mac, start a rumor about their torrid affair so it will be all over town by the time she gets back! Mac is now sure there’s funny business going on regarding Paloma’s inheritance. Rufi agrees but says to go with feet of lead (con pies de plomo), meaning be very careful and don’t do anything hastily.

Paloma returns from school and giddily asks Rufi and Mac whether they’re spying through Carlota’s stuff. Unfortunately, they are not.

Rafael dutifully asks Emiliano whether he’d like to work with him in the ceramics business. Emiliano wonders why he asks; is he jealous of Orlando or something? Rafael says he feels bad that he missed out on so much of Emiliano’s life while he was at school in the U.S. and in Monterrey. Emil assures him that he’s been a great father, and suggests that maybe someday when both their businesses are raging successes, they can team up and have some business together.

Camila tells Mac that she kissed a man and she liked it, but she’s afraid of the implications. Besides, there’s Orlando. “Forget Orlando; go for the real thing!” says Mac. Cami isn’t sure.

A similar locker-room chat happens with Rafa and Joel, but Rafa is more sure.

Carlota gives Licenciado Rosas a description of Cris. He’s 47 years old and his birthday is August 4, in case anyone wants to shop for birthday candles.

Macarena walks past the dispensario and hears Cris’s voice through the open door. She is overwhelmed, but amazingly does not just faint. She actually looks through the door and sees him!!! And then faints.

Wow. I did not expect that to happen so soon. Do we have to have an amnesia plotline now to drag this out awhile?

Cris finally shakes off the dispensario lady and heads back to the church, but unfortunately does not use the door Mac is lying next to. The lady sees her and calls for help.

Clara wants to display some of Paloma’s paintings in an exhibition. She says they won’t sell for much money at first, but gradually she’ll be able to charge more. Paloma is excited about this money-making possibility and asks for suggestions of places to keep studying in the big city.

Germy tells Orlando he’s getting antsy at work. Orlando suggests starting his own firm with a partner or joining another law firm.

Rafael relives the grand kiss with a lot more contact than I remember seeing. He also thinks back over every time he’s touched Camila, and looks thoughtful.

Mac is wheeled into the hospital on a stretcher. The worried dispensario lady (this one’s name is Hilda) phones Rufi and reports the latest.

Angélica instant messages with her pushy demanding loser ex and wonders whether she should go back to him. In a word, Ange: NO. He insists on seeing her, and when she says she isn’t in the D.F. anymore, he replies that he knows exactly where she is. Great. On the plus side, though, I’m happy to report that they don’t type with “k” in place of “qu” like the kids are doing.

Aaron sweet-talks Paloma by saying he would definitely buy one of her paintings. “How do you know you would like it?” asks Paloma. He’s sure he would, because she’s such a sweet gal. She says she’s going to have a hard time leaving Real del Monte, especially leaving Mac, but once she gets established in Mexico City, Mac can come join her there. Aaron starts with the stalker-talk, suggesting that she won’t be getting away from him because they are destined to be together and she’s going to forget all about Emiliano. Paloma does not like the direction this conversation is going.

Macarena is awake in the hospital and Dr. Rude-olfo has even deigned to treat her. She apologizes to Hilda for the scare. The doc says blood sugar surges like this are usually the result of emotional upheaval, and asks what’s up but tries to snit away without hearing the answer. Mac is having none of it and asks why the formerly hot-to-trot doc is suddenly running cold. She thinks she deserves an answer. He thinks that he deserves an explanation. For what, she asks. “Is it true you secretly had a daughter, and that daughter is Paloma?”

Avances: Mac tells Rufi she saw Cristóbal. Paloma tells Cris her aunt is in the hospital. No, not Carlota. Macarena.


Mañana es Para Siempre, Tuesday, September 8--Ep #140: "When a girl marries she exchanges the attentions of many men for the inattention of one."

-Helen Rowland (lucky Erika, then, it's like she's already married to him)

Bienvenidos al recap of Colunga's Jaw es Para Siempre. Let's see how many more unpleasant surprises are in store for Fernanda this evening.

Franco begs Lili to reconsider taking this trip, and if she does go, he wants her not to leave without saying goodbye. They're both choked up. Franco says she's the most screwed-over person he knows and also the best person. Even Ciro's crying.

Barbie has to cover for her unhappiness over Artemio's plan. She says she wants whatever he wants. She does, however want to know what he's going to do with all the money. He says that's on a need to know basis, but he does plan to read Gonzalo the diary. Well, that's going to be a little difficult. Franco comes back into the office. Barbie says she's got to go, Artie invites Franco to have a seat. Artemio wants to know how Lili's doing. Franco says she seems calm. Artie finds it funny that Lili trusts him. Really, really funny.

Fer tells Aurora that she wants her out of there, especially because she's the best person to find out what Barbie wants with her. And also, she doesn't want Aurora to give Damian any information. Aurora trusts her and says she has since the day they met. The Mother Superior knocks on the door, interrupting the pajama party, and is introduced to Fernanda.

Franco and Barbie leave Artemio's office.

Erika cries over Fernanda's betrayal. I mean, screw Franco--Fer is her BFF. She screams at the picture that being separated from Damian doesn't give Fer the right to steal Erika's future husband. "No se vale" (that's just not done; you don't do that; that's not cricket). Erika weeps piteously.

Fer and the Madre (con) Superior(es facultades mentales que la mayoría de los personajes de este novela*) go back to MS's office. They talk about how/why they kept missing each other. MS says she's realized that Fer is the person Aurora trusts most. Fer is worried about all the different people threatening Aurora.

Venus is pissy with Esteve. She says "isn't this what you wanted?" and says they're going to get it, but HER way. She won't tell him what's going to happen at the party, so if he and Franco want to know, then they'll have to show up. Esteve says he won't insist, he just wants to ask her something on Franco's behalf, since he knows she wants nothing to do with him (Esteve) anymore. Esteve tells her to remember that innocent people are going to be harmed by what she's planning--people like Franco and Esteve, and even Venus herself. That's all he wants from her is to think about that. Venus looks upset and walks out.

Martina walks into Las Animas with the party invitations. Venus pulls one out of the envelope and reads it to Martina. "Lovely Norton y Camilo Elizalde Rivera tienen el honor de invitar a usted y a su apreciable familia a la recepción que se dará con motivo del anuncio de su compromiso matrimonial." A little wordy for my taste, but that's formal invitations for you. It reads: "Lovely Norton and Camilo Elizalde (whose mother's maiden name was Rivera) have the honor of inviting you and your dear family to the reception that will be given for the reason of announcing their wedding engagement." And, seriously, once you've sent invitations saying you're going to be announcing something, then why should people bother showing up? They already read it on the invitation. It's like a rerun. Well, a rerun with an open bar. Venus announces that this particular invitation is going to "la Natacha esa" (that Natacha). Venus is going to get someone (not sure who) to give her Natacha's address by pretending to be a secretary calling from Grupo Lactos. Martina really wants her to cool it, but Venus has had enough of being treated like a washer or a blender-- "something you just turn on and off." To her, that's how Esteve is treating her…he hired her, gave her lessons, she learned it all, then he wants to call the whole thing off. Martina says "donde manda el capitán no gobierno el marinero" which means "Donnie Amanda is the captain not the governor of marinara." No, wait, that's not it…"Where a captain leads, the sailor doesn't ." Or "What the boss says, goes." There's a similar saying on the sidebar (let's see who finds it!). Venus says "yo no me bajo de mi macho!" Meaning she's going to ride that macho man until…oh, no, wait. What is wrong with me tonight! This is a reference to a "macho" being a male animal that one would mount or ride…no, not like that…more like a "high horse"…so Venus is saying that she refuses to stop throwing her tantrum. Martina reminds her that people are going to get hurt, blah, blah, blah. Venus says that's tough because they were planning to tell everyone she was the town ho when it was all over, so what does she care about outing them.

Fer tells the Madre Superior she just found out the truth about what happened with Aurora (that Camilo drugged her and raped her…maybe, I'm still on the fence about whether he actually did the deed). Fer supposes Camilo had some help and she thinks that person not only helped him, but…this is the fault of a terrible woman, her stepmother. The Madre Superior covers her mouth, but come on, she was already thinking it days ago.

Franco fills Barbie in on Artemio's travel plans, but she doubts the reliability of his source, continuing to think that Lili is crazy.

Lili scarfs down her dinner salad and swears (kind of--since she didn't actually say "I swear," just waved her hand in his general direction) to Artemio that she didn't say anything to anyone. Because otherwise she won't get to see the pyramids. Artemio praises her for being intelligent. Sucka!

Barbie thinks its weird that Lili would give Franco this information, but he tells her that's what happens when he flexes his magical jaw muscles and lets glycerine tears of pure dolor roll down his cheeks. Mhm. Ladies Love Cool Franco. Barbie still thinks it's weird. Franco says maybe he reminds her of someone. Barbie still thinks maybe it's a fantasy of Lili's. Franco says if she disappears, their deal is off. He's not going to spare any expense to make sure the Elizaldes get back what's theirs and he'll make sure they know everything she's been responsible for (well, not the old guy down the hill, cause he doesn't know about that). Barbie looks uncomfortable. As she should. Here Artemio's made her bang the old guy for 15 years, bump people off, and wear way too much eye makeup. Now he wants her to hand over all the money and he says she can have Lili, but may actually be planning to take her away. So what's she left with? Well, nothing, as far as Artemio knows. I'm pretty sure nobody from Lactos is going to write her a reference.

Venus is telling someone that it's important to Camilo that this person be at "the meeting". It turns out to be Natacha. Esteve comes in after she gets off the phone. Venus shows him the invitations. He wants to ask her another questions. She reminds him that he and Franco have nothing to worry about. She's not going to "hacer una fregadera" (meaning she's not going to screw them over). Esteve says that's not the question, but thanks for the info. So what's the question. His question is "When this is all over, what are you thinking of doing?" Venus says she's leaving. Why? Esteve says the day after the reception, he's going back home. Would one of you two grow a pair of something already! I'm not asking for a wordy declaration of love in iambic pentameter, I'm just saying…look, you're in a room with a bed, just somebody jump somebody else's bones already!

Franco and Fer run into each other in front of the elevators. She asks to see him in her office after she's heard that he was meeting with Barbie. Fer tells Flor to hold her calls and Gardenia overhears and gets pissy. Has her hair gotten darker? Gardenia assumes they're heading to her office to do it on the desk. Well, sure, just because that's what she would do. Flor tells her to get her mind out of the gutter, people think about other things than romance. Gardenia wonders what else they could be doing in there. Flor tells her to keep her big mouth shut, because she knows what kind of problems it could cause if people find out who he is. Gardenia snits that maybe Fer's already recognized his breath. Flor has had ENOUGH, and in a move I had to go back and watch a couple of times, smacks Gardenia clear across the mouth. Now that was satisfying. Gardenia tells Flor that if she's kept her mouth shut it was out of the kindness of her heart, but she threatens, for about the millionth time, that if they piss her off, so help her, she's going to spill all the frijoles and tell everyone that Franco is really Eduardo.

Fer cries in her office and then apologizes for crying. She tells Franco she's found out something that tops the list of crappy things she's found out about her family. She tells him about Aurora and that Camilo, with Barbie's help, drugged her and raped her. And also that Aurora's pregnant and Barbie's trying to get Aurora to go away with her. And also that somehow Damian is involved in all this. She needs a big hug from him. She begs him not to betray her…"not you, not you!" She does that hyperventilating cry and Franco shakes his head. Not sure how he's going to get himself out of this one.

Erika has decided, in a very Stepford way, that she's not going to cry. Not all is lost. She's going to fight for Franco's love and count on the fact that he's given his word as a gentleman. She'll get her strength from that. And if Fer wants a fight, she'll have it. The extreme closeup was creepy.

Fer whines that she's going to completely lose it if she can't count on anyone. She promises once they've got Lili back, she'll quit bothering him with her problems. Franco's phone rings and he ignores the call from Erika. Fer pretends to be ok and tells him to answer his phone, but Franco says they've got to find a solution. Fer is surprised at the way Barbie is tearing the family to pieces. She's worried Daddy's going to croak when he finds out what Camilo did. And she needs to tell Santi that Aurora is pregnant. Franco thinks they should wait it out until they find out what Damian and Barbie are up to with Aurora. Fer thinks they're trying to get rid of her so that Camilo's crime will go unpunished. Yeah, but doesn't that defeat the purpose of destroying the whole family? Franco thinks she's right, though, but he also thinks Aurora's safe with the nuns. Fer wants to tell Damian she knows all, but Franco tells her not to. He doesn't want to upset Barbie. He tells her that Artemio is thinking of taking Lili out of the country. Franco tells her they're counting on Barbie to keep that from happening. Fer wonders why this is all happening. In reply, Franco pulls out Ana Gregoria's diary.

At the generic bar/restaurant, Damian and Vlad drink to having DNA results soon. Damian has the receipt for the results, which he won't hand over. He says Cousin Jacobo will take on the case and the DNA test and the video will be their proof. Vlad thinks he's the best friend ever and asks him, very sincerely, to be the baby's godfather. Damian says he doesn't deserve it, but he accepts. They drink to it and Vlad calls him "compadre" (literally, "co-parent" as the godparents are responsible for the child's spiritual upbringing; to the child, the godparents are "padrino" and "madrina"; to the godparents, the child is an "ahijado" or "ahijada"; and the parents and godparents are each other's "compadre" or "comadre"; when I was growing up, this was used by my parents and their friends as a way to indicate a close friendship, not necessarily that they were the godparents of each other's children, so it took me a while to figure out the literal meaning). Damian thought bubbles that the weak get devoured in the jungle and now it's Vlad's turn. Oh, that Damian, he's such a sentimental guy.

Erika sits at a restaurant with a pink drink in a martini glass and takes the photo out of the envelope for what I suspect is the hundredth time today at least. Franco shows up and she brushes off his late arrival. She supposes he was busy with the attaché of commerce (and I had to check to make sure, but it was in my last recap that he originally told this lie, so really things aren't moving any faster time-wise, we just have more of it crammed into each costume change). Tee hee. She shows him a travel brochure for a cruise, it sounds like, of some glaciers, Easter Island, and other assorted locations where she'll have to refrain from pushing him over the rail of the cruise ship on their HONEYMOON. Franco looks terrified and I hear the wheel creak as the hamster gets cranking. How is our un-galan-ly galan going to get out of this?

Fer reads all about Ana Gregoria and Abuelo Jeronimo getting it on. She's actually finding it a bit of a turn-on herself, it looks like.

Franco says the trip sounds "fine" and they can make the reservations whenever she wants. The lack of interest is palpable, but as Erika said earlier, she doesn't care. How long will that last before she gets tired of him having a headache every night of the cruise? Come to think of it, do we even suspect that Franco has had sex with anyone? Who? Erika wants to make another suggestion, she says it's silly, but she hopes he'll say "yes." Which, like a dumbass, he does without waiting to hear what it is. She wants a kinda-sorta-joint bachelor and bachelorette party at her family's "finca" (country house) in Tabasco and she wants to invite someone who's vacationed there before…Fer! Ugh.

Fer reads about Soledad being angry at Ana Gregoria because Ana Gregoria wasn't hanging out with her as much. Then she reads about how even Abuela Altagracia noticed that Ana Gregoria wasn't feeling so good and stopped chastising her for not doing such a good job of dusting.

Erika talks about all the fun times she and Fer used to have at the finca…learning to drive a tractor, smoking their first cigarettes, getting drunk for the first time, talking about what the men of their dreams would be like. Erika giggles that every year, her man was different, but Fer always dreamt of the same one. She doesn't remember what the guy was "like" but she knows who the guy was…the cook's son. Erika repeats the story of Fer and Eddie getting busted kissing on the day of Fer's first Communion and Eddie being sent away. Erika laughs that it didn't matter, since Fer wasn't going to marry a servant's son anyway, hahaha! Erika says that Fer sent letters, but Eddie never answered. They toast (Franco is drinking water). Erika offers to show him a picture of a boy they both met in college…Miguel…the only guy Fer would have wanted to be with besides Eddie. He went into economics and is out in Spain working for…I kid you not…Economists Without Borders. Erika suggests they invite Miguel to the finca with them. Franco asks if that's convenient, in the middle of all the problems Fer is having, but Erika says it will be just the thing to cheer Fer up. And, yes, Virginia, there really is an Economistas Sin Fronteras

Damian gives Jacobo all the information about Vlad and tells him he wants a clean job. Jake says his buddy is a pro at this, and not to worry. Damian shows him a bag full of money. Jacobo stalls, saying it's going to take some time to study the target, blah, blah, blah. He's using some medical analogy and now says it's going to be an express healing.

Erika goes on and on about how Miguel is just soooo hot and sooooo smart and yet mysteriously single. Miguel and Fer never hooked up, despite Miguel's repeated advances. But Erika's hoping that now the time is ripe, Miguel is coming to Mexico and she thinks he's the perfect guy for Fer. OK, let me get this straight…that photoshopped hottie was into Fer in college, then she came back to Mexico and gave Franco 1 year to come claim her. When he didn't, she instead went for Damian, who she'd just met, instead of looking up Miguel? What. Ever.

Erika is all excited about getting Miguel and Fer together. Franco says it sounds like she's thought it all out. He agrees to inviting Fer and Miguel to join them at the finca. He wonders if Fer will be interested in Miguel. Erika doesn't know, but she's looking forward to playing cupid.

Fer reads about Abuela Altagracia throwing Ana Gregoria and baby Artemio out in a rainstorm. And if this wasn't written down in Ana Gregoria's diary, it would be one of those stories that gets worse every time she tells it…"I was in labor with you for 36 hours and five minutes after I had you my patrona threw me out of the house in sleeting rain with a flash flood warning and lightning strikes every two seconds, and I had to shield you from falling tree branches with nothing by my skinny shoulders while walked barefoot, uphill, and cried my eyes out, so don't you sass me, young man!"

At Margie and Jacinto's house, they eat some tostadas and talk about how Gardenia is soooo stubborn. Margie thinks Gardenia takes after her Abuelo Pantaleon, who was not just stubborn, but also a loudmouth. Margie and Jacinto hear a cat meowing outside, but they ignore it. Jacinto pulls a wrapped present out from the middle of the couch cushions. Margie says it's not her birthday, but Jacinto says it's not really for her. It's a rattle. This is his way of saying he'd like to procreate now. Margie's down with the plan. Jacinto says he just hopes the baby doesn't come out like her Abuelo Pantaleon. They hug. I nominate Jacinto and Margie for Prom King and Queen.

Franco asks what would have happened if Eddie had come back. Erika doesn't think anything would have happened, it was just a childhood crush. And the Elizaldes never would have permitted it. Erika says Fer would have realized eventually the futility of her romance with a hired hand. "Imagine!" says Erika, "It would have been like marrying a country boy like Jacinto!" Lady, you could do worse on this show. A lot worse. And you will. That's where we end it for tonight.

Tomorrow: Erika works on getting rid of Fernanda and Gardenia wants to know what's going on between Franco and Fer.

*Mother with Superior mental faculties than most of the characters in this novela


Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Gancho Tuesday Sept. 8, '09 Yowza...Another Wild Romp With Our Favorite Bunch of Crazies

Yep, and not only that...there were some juicy love scenes. Beto and Connie clamped down on each other with passion and flipped off the chaise lounge; whereas back in the barrio, Mauricio and Moni wrapped around each other, kissing deeply and sweetly and dadgummit.... thoroughly! All in all, a quite satisfactory night, viewer-wise.

Oh yeah, and some other stuff happened too. I'll get to that. And do I need to remind you what happened last night? Luisa has transformed herself into a blonde valley girl, Mauricio and Beto are going to be arrested for assaulting Rolu (the actor playing Salvador couldn't keep a straight face when the pompous little policeguy Cris gave him the news) and treacherous Connie (sorry Carlos, I know you have a soft spot for her) has led Mauricio to the fight ring...and the truth...about Moni's other life.

Okay. So now we're up to speed. Mau catches sight of Moni in the ring. She catches sight of him....and freezes. La Guerrera knocks her out. Ohhhh nooooo.....We'd worry except we all know it will work out in record time. And we're not complaining, right?

At home, Mauricio finds out Aldo and the girls knew all along that Moni was a boxer. Coni jumps in and says, not only does she lie but she gets your kids to lie to you as well! She also pretends to love Luisa's new hair color but Mauricio is appalled and we trust that Teresa will take charge of that little number....and she does.

Back in the barrio, the police arrive for Beto and for once he's surprised. But I'm innocent, he protests as they haul him off, Monita trailing behind. But his last words are to order his "jefa" (mom) to start making some sandwiches for him in prison. Love how even under pressure, Beto stays on top of his priorities.

Mauricio has been arrested also and Oscar, instead of helping, is finagling it so Mau will have to stay in jail overnight. "Equal justice for the rich and poor"...well, luckily Mau will be with Beto who knows the ropes. Before he gets behind bars, though, Mau confronts a tearful Moni with "I thought I knew you but I didn't at all.' Pobrecita. No time to grieve though...Beto packs her off to pick up mom's picnic lunch.

Our bad boys Oscar and Jeri, are back scheming at the office and Sal threatens Oscar to get Mau out now or suffer the consequences. Jeri thinks the consequence should be getting rid of Sal who's "chocheando" (getting ga-ga) Actually, except for that regrettable lapse with Anastacia, Sal is the smartest one in the bunch. Coni's upset with Mau's arrest until Jeri explains (with hands firmly planted on her derriere) that if they portray Mau as a violent man, the judge will surely rescind the adoption request and presto! the brats are out of the will. Coni sees the wisdom of this but still wants his hands off her butt. S.l.o.w.l.y he withdraws them.

Some quick scenes. Teresa's restoring Luisa's brown tresses. Aldo tells her to pack her and Dani's bags because they're getting out of there. Beto, at the station, asks Mau if he can "hablar de tu". "No is the reply. Our funny refrain coming back again. Undeterred, our favorite naco plows on and explains that Moni is a world-class fighter, Don Cesar is her trainer, and she's soooo good she could go to Vegas. We see light slowly dawning in Mauricio's dim but attractive eyes. And then our two galans are whisked off to their cell where an old buddy "Abrelatas" (Can opener) awaits. I'm thinking this guy must be a safecracker but can't say for sure. Any thoughts, readers?

Well, the kids didn't run far. They all end up at a tearful Monita's and propose to spend the night in her tiny room. Well heck, I can remember back in slumber party days that sleeping on the floor in limited space was no big deal. Everyone seems happy with the arrangements......well, not so much back at the jail. Mau and Beto are playing dominos with Abrelatas and el Jaivo. Mau doesn't get Beto's hysterically funny facial signals and makes the wrong move. Things get dicey all the way around, with the two other fellas accusing them of being "a couple" and pretty soon Beto and Mau are wrapped around the bars yelling for the guards. Over the rest of the night, well...we'll just pass a veil.

Next day, a cranky Nieves is in high dudgeon over the kids being around Estrella, whom she brands a "nalga prontas" (believe me, this one is not in ANY dictionary that I've got but I'll settle for "hot buns") I'm thinking Nieves must be going through menopause....her mood swings are pretty wild (been there, done that) and she really goes on a tear when Aldo appears, in all his adolescent glory, wrapped in a towel, fresh and clean from the shower. Of course Nieves assumes he's hot and dirty from a romp with Estrella....and honestly, the flirting between those two in this episode was so cute, I'm ready to give my stamp of approval to this lopsided romance.
Anyway, Nieves is an equal opportunity critic. She castigates Moni for putting other people's kids, her boss and friends ahead of Beto and promptly sends her off with Beto's lunch box. Her baby has to eat!

Actually her baby right now is planning to escape the jail. Mau has learned from Sal that his kids are not at the house and he's frantic to get out. Beto warns him that the poli aim at the head when shooting escaping prisoners but that's no deterrant. So he counsels Mau to look like he's going to "dar portazo la rata" (just a wild guess, but given the bathroom component of this tele, I figure he's advising Mau to look like he's got to dash for the john) and off they go... and... just like that! they're free.

More quick scenes. They learn of the escape at the office and Gabriela's doing a little "told you so" number on Sal for alarming Mau about the kids. Guess she's already forgotten about that nice candy he brought her. Jeri is lording it over everyone, claiming he's large and in charge now that Mau's in the clink (or was) and soon heads will roll." Mientras tanto" , Connie's having hysterics at the jailhouse insisting they they can't incarcerate her fiancé...why, he was NASCAR champion twice! She and Moni trade insults. Moni knocks her out (hooray!) and deftly avoids trouble by telling our policeguy Chris that Connie fainted.

Another quickie...Mau and Beto are in the bushes. Beto says they'll have a better chance if they split up....but first he explains that Moni kept her boxing career a secret for fear of being labeled a "marimacho" (tomboy, lesbian) by the folks at Sermeño Group.

So where does Beto head after he takes off? know it... right to Connie, who's conveniently reclining on a chaise lounge at her lingerie boutique. Whew...she starts wriggling the minute she sees him...all the while protesting "no" and then wriggling and writhing some more. Sizzling stuff. Beto's thought exactly. Eat me like a bun hot from the oven! he implores. (wouldn't you know his pillow talk would involve food!). They flip off the chaise and the rest is left to our imagination. Mine's rolling along pretty well. How about yours?

A more decorous scene at Monita's room. She finds Mauricio waiting for her, tender and accepting. Of course it's fine that she's a boxer! She could be an astronaut, a fireperson, a whatever!...she's the most incredible woman he knows. He loves her. And seals it with a very fine kiss. She shudders a little in his arms and he wraps her in close. fine. Thorough, complete, uninterrupted by cellphones. Gotta say, I love the height differential here. She's a lot shorter than Mr. Mau. I'm tall and the best kisses of my life came from a fella who was a good 8 inches taller. Nothing like being lifted up and.....but I digress. Back to business.

The kisses start travling and he hits a tender part of her cheek where la Guerrera planted the knockout punch. He kisses it again and it feels better. Well then, where else does it hurt? he asks. My lips, ALL OVER MY LIPS, Monita assures him so he dives in for more kisses but then....we ARE interrupted. (sorry, not "we"...I'm really getting into this..) THEY are interrupted by Dani...who looks like pleased to see they're so chummy. They both sweep her up into a hug and look like quite the happy family. Shades of things to come? Sure hope so.

Yikes. But things seem to be fizzling twixt Beto and Connie. She's determined to marry Mau so can't have an "aventura" (affair) with Beto. He's outraged. He's just an AFFAIR!? Hey, maybe the problem is I'm not in my Vengadora outfit he reaons (gotta love this guy's confidence) but no matter, he'll strip off his clothes and get down to business. An AFFAIR...just an AFFAIR!? Nevah.

Alright. In keeping with our instant resolutions, all charges against Beto and Mau have been dropped (don't know how, don't care). The kids are happy and headed home with Mau. Estrella bids a fond and flirtateous farewell to Aldo (man, these two are cute together!) and Estrella reminds Moni that now that Mau's okay with her being a boxer, the next best thing she has to do is break up with Beto. Uh oh.

The news hasn't hit the office yet and Jeri and Oscar, our inept villanos, are exulting over the kids heading back to "la coladera" (drain, gutter if you will) where they belong. Our recently minted career gal, Ximena, arrives in the office and they send her off for coffee. She tells 'em she'll bring it "light" and without sugar since they're both looking a little "pesadito de pesa" (overweight).

Thanks to Oscar's call to the judge, his male secretary (assistent) has arrived to say the kids will have to leave the house for now but Mauricio can schedule a meeting with the family court judge to explain why they should still be with him. Mau's about to fly off the handle but Aldo...get this! the one to calm him down, remind him not to do anything that would jeopardize the custody arrangements, and reassures him that he will take care of his sisters.

Our Aldo is growing up. Really acting a lot more mature than most of the adults. Good stuff. And just in time too.

Mientras tanto (ya, ya!, Carlos) our eternal adolescent Beto, is about to get dumped for the second time today. Monita, looking very serious (compungida) has just uttered the most terrifying words in any language. WE NEED TO TALK. (This is far worse than the other most dreaded phrase "some assembly required" or even "batteries not included") Beto thinks he should have a sandwich first but Monita plows ahead. What if I told you we were over? Beto laughs...then looks stunned...then slowly understands and the tears start to roll down his grungy cheeks. You mean I'm getting dumped again today? he blurts out.

What do you mean "again" snaps Monita. Are you cheating on me? Beto obfuscates with a lot of palaver and attacks of his own....accusing Monita of kicking him like a dog (me pateas como perro) and how could she think of him cheating on her?! She's known him for 8 years...but doesn't really know him if she thinks that!! Okay. He's a liar. But so is she. So is everybody from what I can tell. 'em all. They're bad but they're so good at being bad, you just have to cut 'em some slack....even the loathsome Oscar and reprehensible Rolu.

And let's face it....the bad guys are inept. Like Connie. She waltzes in with an "Hola Guapo" and pretends to be surprised about the kids being removed from Mau's custody. Just when I was getting so fond of them, she sighs. But time and distance will heal your grief, she continues, so how about we go away somewhere for a few weeks.

You're right, snarls Mau. Time and distance are what I need.....from you! That's your idea of consoling me for the loss of my take a vacation!!!??? Pobrecita. She's blown it again. Moni, on the other hand, says just the right thing. When Mau collapses in her arms, weeping over his loss, she wraps him up tight in her arms and says I swear that as long as I live, that judge won't take your kids.

And on that hopeful note, we end.

Previews: Mauricio is all dressed up like a clown, surrounded by balloons and impressing the judge with his dedication to his kids.

Jeronimo is mad with power, reducing Gabriela to coffee room quarters and a job as Paula's assistent. And Sal's job will go to Beto Ochoa. Qué!?

And Beto celebrates his new position by clambering on top of a willing Connie desktop...and Jeri interrupts them!

la coladera = drain
la mula = domino piece, mula de seises = double six
tienes un tino = have a gift for, have sound judgment, good sense
nalgapronta or nalga pronta = my guess? hot buns, easy pickins'
rugiendo las tripas = my stomach's growling, lit. my guts are roaring (guess who said this)
dar portazo la rata = just a guess...really need to "go"
alzadas = stuckup bitches, arrogant females
alcantarilla = drain
esperelo sentada = lit. wait for it sitting other words, not likely, you've got another think coming
enana, enano = dwarf, midget, affectionate term for little kid
pasar de lanza = getting forward, taking liberties
cara de compungida = sad, remorseful, contrite face
me estás cortando = you're breaking up with me, dumping me
un poco pasadito (a) de peso = a little bit overweight

Dicho of the Day

Nunca está más oscuro que cuando va a amanecer. It's always darkest before the dawn. (And fortunately we seem to have a new "dawn" every episode with this one. We like these quick resolutions!)


MEPS Monday Labor Day

Oooops - first off, I forgot yesterday was even a Monday. I asked my wife if she wanted to watch an episode of Monk we recorded and hadn't watched yet, she said "what, the novela wasn't on today?" So I thought oh duh, it's Monday. So we watched the show. Then, this morning in the shower, I thought "oh crap I think it was my turn to recap this week!" So basically I have failed. Here's a rundown of what happened last night, the best I can remember -

Damian convinces Bladimir that he is his friend and really wants to help him. Bladimir records a video spilling his guts about everything that has happened for them to use as blackmail.

We don't see Anibal, Priscilla, Camilo, Venus, Esteve, or Martina at all this episode.

Fernanda and Madre Superiora both travel to see each other, so of course neither one is where they are supposed to be for the other to find them. Finally, for the first time in novela history, someone uses a cell phone in a situation that so clearly calls for a cell phone. Flor calls Fernanda to tell her that MS is there for her, Fer tells her to wait and she'll be right back. Oh and hide her so Barbara doesn't see her. Flor the dutiful soldier does all as ordered.

Aurora wants to go catch Fernanda before she leaves but one of the nuns won't let her out, it's against the rules. Eventually Aurora talks her way out and catches Fernanda. She invites her in, also against the rules, Fernanda calls Flor back and says she'll wait at the nunnery for MS to come back. A second good use of cell phone. During the conversation, Fernanda is able to straighten out a bunch of misconceptions Aurora has - 1) Barbara is the devil, don't trust her. 2) Santiago knows nothing about anything, he has no idea that Barbara is visiting Aurora, etc. He's in Italy and in the dark.
Aurora then tells Fernanda that she is pregnant and that it's Santiago's, with no more proof than "I just know it's his, I was with him first." They didn't teach sex ed at her school I guess. Then, finally, she tells how Camilo drugged her and took advantage of her. My wife still believes that Camilo didn't actually rape her, but just got in the bed. I guess we'll see if that's what Camilo claims in the end, but why should we believe him?
Meanwhile Flor has to wrap up MS like a statue, covered in paper, to sneak her out of the office. Gardenia tries her best to screw it all up like usual but Flor wins this battle.

Erika has frappucinos with her friend who isn't really a friend. She really enjoys asking her are you SURE Franco is so perfect 50 times before showing her the picture and breaking her heart. She revels in it and then says she is just being a good friend by telling her because she loves her like a sister. Yeah right bitch.

Fr/Ed goes to visit Lily with Barbara, Lily isn't supposed to tell that she and Artemio are leaving but Fr/Ed gets it out of her. He talks and they cry about how he and her family don't want her to leave, he basically uses her emotional state to get her to give him the diary as something to remember her by.

I hope I covered all the major points - please chime in with anything I have forgotten. My apologies for the late recap. We are in for a good week of shows, or week and a half, whatever is left, now that things are finally happening. I can't wait until Camilo gets what is coming to him.


Amor Monday, September 07, 2009: Long night’s journey into day

The subtitles for another show are running under our show! Names are being mentioned that I’ve never heard before. Funny.

Old: Carlota has stopped by Camila’s to refuse her offer of paying for Paloma’s university.

Brand spanking new: German comes by Emiliano’s office and says he has to tell him the whole truth about how things were before he came to Real del Monte. Then he thoughtbubbles to himself How can I tell him Romina and were lovers? Emiliano says what? Is it about Orlando, or what? German says that’s it. Then he says mumble mumble mumble coward mumble mumble. The subtitles say And did you come with your wife? Somebody who understood, please fill us in.

Romina is on the phone yelling at her private investigator. I already know he’s in Mexico! What’s his phone number? His address? I’ll give you one more week and if you can’t find him, I’m hiring someone else.

It’s nighttime in Real del Monte. With creepy music following, Aron comes home and sits down at his computer. He looks at someone’s calling card, then starts an e-mail. He starts off “hola…”

Oh good, now the correct captions have come on.

Mexico City. Alonso is at his office, working and looking very cranky. He gets up and looks at a framed photo of Inaki and some lovely guitar music starts up. Why not sax? He remembers playing chess with Inaki, asking about Inaki’s love life and music and studies, how he and laughing Inaki agreed they should spend more time together.

Alonso tearfully tells the photo if you’d only listened to me and stayed away from that family! You’d be with me. He breaks down. How I miss you! His secretary comes in and stands behind him and begins to rub his shoulders. Can I offer you anything else? she asks embracing his neck. He smiles and rubs her arm. The music is shocked.

Back to Aron’s e-mail which turns out to be an IM to Romina. Oops, I see he spells his name Aaron. Romina IMs back how did you get my e-mail address? He says you’ll see. I’d like to make a deal in which you get what you want and I get what I want. Romina smiles at the screen. He says he’ll wait for her outside school.

Alonso comes home and finds Natalie waiting up. She is kind to him, but he’s cool and distant. She suggests a vacation and he says you know why I’m in not mood for that. She says he’s in such bad shape, maybe he should get some professional help. He doesn’t tell her he just came from getting some professional help. Oh, wrong profession, I guess.

Alonso says he can’t get over Inaki’s death because it never should have happened and she’s partly at fault for aiding and abetting him. He says he doesn’t think Inaki died of natural causes. Natalia is taken aback. Alonso says that aunt of Paloma’s - she was totally against their marriage and then suddenly she was all sweetness and light. Don’t you think that’s fishy? And then Inaki is found dead the very day of their wedding?

Natalia says do you really think Carlota did him in? Alonso says yes, and I ‘m not going to rest until I prove it. (Here we might imagine him strapping on his superhero cape and flying off to fight for truth, justice and the Mexican way, but heck, he’s become a cheating ratbastard, so so much for that.)

Diana is frantically telling Emiliano not to sign a partnership with Orlando until he’s talked to his father. Em says that his father completely supports it, but as she gets more agitated, he says okay I’ll talk to him first.

He admires Diana’s new look. She starts to mention Romina but his cell rings and he takes the call, saying he doesn’t want to talk about Romina. Diana says to herself that he’s going to listen to her no matter what.

Angelica has fallen asleep on her laptop and Inez wakes her up. Inez says she’s been thinking about Angelica’s history with that college professor that didn’t work out. Does she still love him? Angelica says she still has feelings, but she was probably just a fling for him and he stayed with the other woman.

Inez wistfully says I envy you. I wish I’d had a love experience. At least you’ve lived. Angelica says maybe one day. I think this is telenovelaspeak for yes, you absolutely will have a love adventure before this show is done, so go buy some new glasses. Angelica has to rush off to see Paloma.

Paloma has gone to a nighttime mass just to ask Padre JuanChris if he has Natalia’s phone number. He says he’ll look it up. She gives him her number so he can call her later with it. He says remember I’m always here for you.

Rufi and Mac are still talking about Rufi thinking she saw Chris. Rufi apologizes and says I shouldn’t have brought it up while you’re getting ready to have the first man since him over for dinner. Mac says don’t apologize, not one day has passed in almost 20 years that I don’t think of him.

Rufi says you told me you just tore up all your remembrances and now I’ve brought him up again. Mac says maybe now that my life is taking a new path, I need to be honest and loyal to Rodolfo.

Rodolfo has had a bouquet of red roses delivered to his office. He smells them and we watch his face. He smiles a small smile – does that mean we can hope he wasn’t brainwashed by Carlota?

Mac is waiting – Rodolfo is 15 minutes late. Carlota comes in and says so you’ve been stood up? Mac says you can’t get me stirred up. I plan to accept him. Carlota says just for money. Mac says no, and I want the half of our inheritance. I want it for Paloma. Carlota says for what? Mac says so she can live her dreams. I’m fighting for her – I’m fighting for my daughter. I am her one and only true mother! Ta DUMMMMMM says the music.

Chris has called Natalia. She is very happy to hear that he has connected with Paloma. He says he didn’t want to give out her number without consulting her first because he didn’t want it to create problems with Alonso. Natalia says if she needs me, I will always be here for her. Chris gives her Paloma’s number.

Okay, here’s the big scene we’ve been waiting for. Carlota and Mac are having an explosive fight, and hidden truths are flying around like shrapnel.

Carlota: You gave Paloma up! Nobody made you.

Mac: Circumstances did. Our father died and then he (meaning Chris, no doubt) died… I couldn’t provide her with a father or a proper last name. I didn’t want her to go through life with that burden.

C: It was your disgraceful behavior that created the situation. It would have been a disaster for her to have you as a mother.

M: Yes, but now it’s a disaster for her that she doesn’t have a mother who supports her, who helps her spread her wings and fly.

C: You have never been a mother to her. A real mother fights for her child tooth and nail.
You are so weak. To cover up your shame you gave her over to Javier and Sagrario.

M: It broke my heart to give her up, but I did it because you talked me into it.

C: Well, aren’t you just the obedient little thing? If Paloma had been my child, I would have fought to the very death to keep her. You agreed because it was what you wanted to hear.Don’t play the victim. It’s your own fault. You abandoned her, you gave her away.

M: (tearfully) It’s true, but because I wasn’t brave or strong enough. I never abandoned her - I was always close to her.

C: Oh yeah right.. An aunt with no authority. Even Javier had no faith in you and named me as guardian. Paloma is the result of a sin.

M: It was the sin of love.

C: A sin is a sin. And I very strongly suggest you keep your secret for your own good and for Paloma’s good. If you tell she’ll think you’re weak and you abandoned her.

M: I’m going to tell her anyway.

C: I wonder if you’re going to be as brave as now when you’re face to face with her. What is she going to think of her mommy, huh? And as for the house, forget it. I’m not selling it until one of dies. And if you keep up with this, I’ll tell Paloma myself what a tramp she has for a mother.

Carlota sweeps off, her cape swirling like a Disney villainess's, and Mac is left crying.

Rodolfo we can’t help but notice, has not showed.

Paloma is having coffee with Angelica. She reports that Mac is furious about her wanting to leave town and doesn’t like any of her plans. For a second there, she had thought maybe she and Emiliano… Angelica says why not? Romina told you she’s step out of the way. Why eliminate possibilities? Paloma says but Romina would be sacrificing herself for me. Angelica says she’s probably just testing you. Paloma is confundida.

Angelica says is it that she attempted suicide, or that they slept together? Paloma says both – if she slept with him it would be because she loved him so deeply. Angelica says I don’t think Romina’s motives are always so pure and direct. Paloma says but I trust her. Angelica says even after that girlfight thing? Paloma says she was afraid to get kicked out of school.

It’s 8:35 and Mac is still waiting. Violins play a dirge. Mac has an audio flashback of her telling Carlota that she is pregnant and how glad she is to be carrying his child, a memory of their love. Shut up! says Carlota’s voice. That child cannot be born. Mac’s voice says of course it will be. Carlota says you’ve brought shame down on our house. First you cause our father’s death and now this. I won’t let you make us the laughingstock of the city.

Rufi in the background sees Mac in sorrowful thought and shakes her head sadly.

Paloma is slowly walking home at night, thinking. She remembers various sweet moments with Emiliano. She sits on a curb and thinks to herself why did I have to fall in love with you?

Now Mac is thoughtbubbling out loud. She says I should have been braver. I should have taken Paloma and run away to where nobody knew us and had her all to myself, with the memory of a father who died before she was born. Sob.

Padre M and Chris are having dinner. Padre M tells him that Paloma has had a hard life but he believes she will land on her feet. He’s glad Chris has taken an interest in her. Chris he just feels like he’d like to stay close to her and support her. Padre M says she’s not alone, you know. She has her aunt Carlota who takes good care of her. Chris says but I don’t think she’s happy- she has such an air of sadness. Padre M looks startled, apparently having forgotten that she recently lost her almost husband.

Carlota is on the phone with her lawyer. She says she’ll meet up with him in Mexico City. He says he’ll be in the same hotel and he’ll meet her in the bar. Oddly, this is okay with her. She asks him if he knows a good P.I. She wants to try to find someone she hasn’t seen in over 18 years. He wants to know if she has any information about this guy, maybe a photo. She says she doesn’t think so. She needs to know if he’s dead or alive.

Mac is still waiting for no-show Rodolfo when Paloma walks in. Mac quickly dries her tears. Paloma urges her to call him – maybe he had an emergency. Mac says you think so?

Meantime, Carlota is rooting around Mac’s room. She finds the Box of Memories, but it’s empty. Drat.

Carlota comes down and says still waiting? Oh, and didn’t you have something you wanted to tell Paloma here? Mac says um, yes. Paloma guesses that she has decided to accept Rodolfo’s proposal. Mac says, yes, that’s what it is. Paloma goes on up to bed.

Carlota says see? You don’t have the nerve. Mac says don’t provoke me or one day I will have too much nerve.

Rodolfo is in his office sadly drinking wine and fiddling with the telephone. He is remembering what Carlota told him. Sure enough, we hear her telling him that Mac abandoned her child, who is Paloma. She slept with this guy for money and when he got tired of her, he dumped her. My brother and I tried to talk her into keeping Paloma, but she was determined to give her away. Rodolfo looks like he might dial the phone. Carlota’s voice goes on: That’s why our brother raised Paloma and named me guardian in case anything happened.

We see Mac sadly clearing the unused dishes from the table.

Carlota continued: That’s why I wonder about my sister’s way of thinking, and why I felt obligated to inform you. It’s a secret we’ve kept for Paloma’s good. But is this the class of woman you want to marry? Rodolfo sadly closes the little ring box.

Mac turns out the lights, blows out the candles, and slowly goes on up to bed.

Yeah, it’s sad that she’s going to lose this real nice gentleman suitor who looks a little like Omar Sharif. But, call me middle-aged, the big tragedy is that she’s going to lose a really good doctor.

Emiliano is having pizza and watching TV. Diana comes in and wants to talk about Romina. He can’t stave her off. She says it’s not right for a man to run away from a situation like this. You have to marry her! Don’t be so self-centered. Em says I’m not, I’m being realistic. I don’t love her. Why do you want me to marry someone I don’t love? Diana says love comes with time. She gorgeous, rich, comes from a good family, and she is crazy about you. Em says I don’t love her.

Diana says so it’s Paloma? Em says why do you bring her up? Di says gossip flies fast. That girl isn’t up to your level. Em says every day I’m noticing that you and I have a totally different way of looking at the world. He stomps off to his room.

Rafa in his office holds up an ugly modern orange and white dinner plate and is thrilled. He tells Joel that Camila’s going to come by to check out the samples. He’s stoked that she’s part of the project. Joel says so you can be closer, wink wink? Rafa smiles.

Romina is in bed and Camila tells her she’s going to leave her door open in case she needs anything. She wants Romina to know that she can always count on her. Romina says not always. It seems like I see things one way and you see them another way. But I’m trying to understand your way of looking at things. Camila says When we’re young we can make the wrong decisions. If I had supported you in wanting to marry Emiliano, one day you’d be regretting it.

Romina says I’ll never know because you didn’t support me, and neither did Emiliano. Camila says a marriage needs love. We’re past the days where people married for money or social position. Romina says you married for love and it didn’t work. Camila says if there hadn’t been love at first, believe me, it would have been much worse.

Romina says I found out Paloma is in love with Em. Camila is impactada. Romina says I’ve listened to you and realized it won’t work without love, so I told Paloma she can go ahead. Camila says that’s very noble of you. Romina says just so you can believe I’m being honest, you can ask her.

But I’ll never be in love again like I am with Em. The same as with you and Papa. You have never felt that again, have you? Or do you have some feelings for that Orlando guy? Camila says I’m much older. There’s no reason you should repeat my history. You’re young and other loves will come along. Romina says you know it doesn’t work like that. You’re just telling me that to make me feel better. Camila looks defeated and heads to bed. Romina looks sulky.

Finally that tortuous night is over and now it’s the next morning. Camila has come by Rafa’s office early since she has to go on to her shop. She’s never been there and says how nice is place of business is. We see a more traditional set of dishes on display, so her design must be a radical change for the company. He’s glad he didn’t have to close, since his workers will all keep their jobs. Whadda guy! He offers her a tour.

Back in the DF, Alonso is reading his paper and little Sagrario has to get to school. She comes over and asks him why he’s mad. He says he isn’t. Natalia gives her a loving send-off, then tells Alonso that his daughter needs him. Inaki wasn’t his only child, even if he seems to have forgotten that fact.

Paloma is off to school. She gives Carlota a peck and wishes her a good trip and does she have the ring. Carlota says what ring? Paloma says the one you’re going to sell. Carlota says oh, of course. Paloma begs her to get as much as she can for it and Carlota says I will. Rufi comes back from the bakery and Mac comes down in her jammies.

Rufi says she got held up by all the gossip. Everyone’s still talking about Arcadia, she reports. We can tell that Carlota’s blood pressure just shot up, but she pretends to be only mildly interested. The police want to close the case, but Arcadia’s niece insists they find the person who ran her over with a car. The police say they don’t have enough clues, so they’re giving up. Carlota smiles, probably at their stupidity in not checking all two car repair places in their small town.

In her jammies, Angelica is checking her e-mail and gets a shock. Inez comes in and Angelica shows her. It’s from Dario, that professor, and it says I want to see you. Angelica doesn’t know what to respond. Inez says if he cheated on you once, he’ll do it again.

Rafa shows Camila samples of the plates she helped to design. She’s thrilled – they look so much better than they did on paper. He’s very pleased with how modern and stylish they are. She says congratulations and throws her arms around him. Suddenly she looks stunned, like she’s been stabbed in the back. But it’s okay, it’s just cupid. She backs her face up a bit and they look one another in the eyes, their love song gushes, he leans in for a kiss, and freeze frame.

Avances: Carlota leaves home. She makes a phone call from her hotel room. Mac gets a phone call about Paloma but I couldn’t understand it, maybe something about an inheritance. Paloma looks smug with Romina, Romina feels the giant thorns on a flower and looks smug too, Aaron hides behind a corner spying on Paloma.


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