Monday, September 14, 2009

un Gancho al Corazón Mon 9/14/9 She's Having WHOSE Baby?

From last time M&M are having a serious talk, Mauricio has had enough. A passionate kiss...goodbye. Nieves arrives at the office wishing to see Mauricio Serveño. Gabi offers an appointment for tomorrow. Nieves tells Gabi that Mao is ruining Moni's life; these rich guys always try to get innocent girls into bed. Gaby doesn't know what she's talking about and asks her to leave. "Nieves gracefully exits with, "The poor always stick together." "So they've already slept together?" Gabi muses. Still in his office, Mao informs Monita that he is fed up with her lies and deceptions and therefore this was their last kiss. Moni, devastated, asks for another chance. Then rejected, retreats from Mau's office, her eyes welling up with tears. Gabi recognizes that something is amiss and offers to talk. Moni shrugs her off. She is unconsolable just now. She heads for the coffee room. Mau stops briefly by the reception desk long enough to announce that he is leaving to go home and doesn't want to be bothered. Gabi tries to talk with him, but he too is in no mood. And so our happy little episode continues on this cheerful note.

In the fern bar, Oscar is sipping a brandy as he discusses current events with Connie. So Mauricio's bombón is actually Beto's novia. Connie, having coffee and berries, takes exception to Oscar's low opinion of Beto and Moni is definitely no bombón, when they are joined by Dr Lefort, our favorite shrink. He has stunning news. Beto and Monita aren't siblings, they are a romantic couple. Underwhelmed by this now ancient history, Oscar fires the good doctor. "Well, OK but you'll have to pay me double." "You must be delirious," Oscar notes. Fine, the mind-meddler counters, he'll just share what he knows with Mauricio.

"This time I've lost him forever,"Moni whines to Pau, "he hates me." As she tries to comfort and encourage her they are joined by Gabi who observes the obvious, "It's been a bad day for everyone, but there's work to be done." Moni offers to get busy, stands and moves across the room a bit. As Gabi is still talking, Moni feels bad and collapses into Pau's waiting arms.

Back home, the kids have arrived from school, indulging in some mild adolescent bickering, Aldo hopes Constaza won't be joining them for dinner. Responding to Luisa's rejoicing over the impending wedding of M&M, Aldo notifies the others that Mau and Moni are finito. "It's true that Mau is very sad," Teresa adds and then encourages Aldo to make a phone Estrella.

In the office, Sal and Gabi are puzzling over what could be wrong with Moni. With the weasly Jerry listening from behind the door, Gabi comes up with the logical answer, "Monita must be pregnant." Makes sense to me. Young woman faints. It's a telenovela. Case closed.

Aided by Pau, and flanked by a worried Beto and Nieves, a wobbly Moni, having been to the Dr. is returning home. Estrella joins them in surrounding Moni. A minor tug-of-war ensues as the two factions vie for custody of the increasingly weak Moni, who Beto notes is burning up with fever and dispatches Nieves for onion soup and ice packs. Monita faints again and is swept up in Beto's arms. As they are tucking Moni into her own bed, Estrella get's the call from Aldo, but before they can talk, Mau takes over the phone and informs Estrella that he wants nothing to do with Moni or her friends who he knows have been having a laugh at his expense. Estrella scolds him and informs him that yeah, Moni laughed so hard that she conked out and is burning up with fever... not that he would care.

Connie is worried now about Dr. Lefort will tell Mao. Oscar tries to reassure her that he'll see to it that the Dr. remains quiet. Jerry pops in and announces Monita's pregnancy and Connie spews coffee. Connie then storms off as Oscar and Jerry examine the humor of the situation.

Mau arrives in the barrio and quickly hides in time to overhear Nieves sending Beto to the drugstore for Monita's medicine. He then creeps into Moni's appartment. Moni is asleep but wakes to his gentle kiss. He hides when Beto returns with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medication. He offers her the pills with a glass of water. She sleepily complies and Beto tells her how important she is to him. (This is actually very touching.) When Beto leaves Mauricio resumes his position at her bedside, offers another little kiss. "I love you Monita." In the courtyard, Estrella catches him, fusses at him over Monita, and still angry, he stalks off. "Monita is, and always has been, Beto's novia." Beto walks up and she vents her frustration on him.

Connie is at Mao's. She lights into him as soon as he walks in. She asks about Monita's pregnancy. Well, this is his first news of this. But of course it can't be because they haven't done anything. "It must be Beto's." At first Connie seems shocked at this prospect but walks off with an odd smile. Meanwhile the prospect is devastating to Mau. "No, it just can't be."

Oscar and Jerry begin the day by negotiating Dr. Lefort's fee over glasses of wine. A curiously shaped sculpture occupies the center of the table. He asks for 100 thousand. "Are you crazy?" Jerry errupts. They reluctantly agree, Oscar writes a check and hands it to the doctor. Meño points out the lack of a zero. "You said 100 thousand, "Oscar reminds him. He meant dollars, not pesos. "Go ahead," Jerry urges. Oscar drops the id-extractor's pen and as Lefort leans over to retrieve it, adds some of the magic knockout drops to his wine. They then toast, with Meño draining his drink and complementing the vintage as he turns to leave. The two countdown to his collapse.

Estrella is nourishing the ailing Monita with some soup. Moni tells her of her dream that Mao was there. "That was no dream, he was here," Estrella informs. Heartened, Moni leaps from her sickbed. So Mao still cares. She's going to take a bath.

Ivan is about to leave on a work trip. Teresa blesses him and Luisa cautions him to behave. He leaves, Connie arrives and joins them for breakfast. Shortly after, Mao appears. Dani shuns his kiss. She misses la Monita. The other children likewise give him a cold shoulder and hurry off to school. On the otherhand, Connie gives him a warm welcome.

Oscar and Jerry are bidding their farewells to the comatose brainpicker as Jerry arranges him behind the wheel of his car and loosens his tie. "It'll be warm in Hell." They are ready to send him off on a short the bottom of the cliff. After pushing the car over the edge, they take a well-deserved moment to enjoy the view.

Gabi bursts into the coffee room and inquires of Pau about their pregnant friend. "Moni's not pregnant." "Oh yes, the whole office knows about it."

Moni's up dabbing at her dripping nose and talking with Estrella. Ximena arrives with a plush toy stork with an infant dangling precariously from his little beak. Good news travels fast. Ximena inquires about the new mother-to be. Moni asks Estrella what she is talking about. She shrugs, she almost never understands what Ximy is talking about. Well, Consti told her Monita is pregnant. Oh no. Pau calls. "No I'm not pregnant!" Moni has to talk to Mauricio. As she hurries out, Ximena tells Pau that Moni should be careful for the baby.

In his office, Mao has summoned Beto. As always, Beto enters without knocking. Beto atones by knocking on the door he has just closed, then invites himself in. "Adelante." He offers himself a seat, Mao wants to talk. "¿Lo puedo tutear?" "No." That out of the way, he scolds Beto for all the lies but admits that he can't fire them at this crucial time. Thus Beto learns of Moni's pregnancy. He's shocked. "Chale. Chale. Chale." He mutters as he leaves, bumping into Sal on his way out. Sal finds Mauricio very depressed about Moni's pregnancy.

Moni steps out of the elevator and is greeted by Gabi who is already knitting a tiny jacket. Moni assures her that she is not pregnant and would like to kill whoever started the rumor. Recognizing her guilt, Gabi avows that it wasn't her and offers to stifle the rumor. She also reveals that Mau has already taken it up with Beto, panicked, Monita bolts for the elevator.

Beto catches up with Nieves in the street. He is looking for Monita. He tells her of Moni's pregnancy. She is delighted and congratulates him; but it's not Beto's baby. "Then it must be Mauricio Sermeño's," Nieves calculates. "But he congratulated me Beto whines. Now angry Beto sets out to find Mauricio.

Moni's at Mao's place talking with Teresa who informs her that the kid's are miffed at Mao over his split with Moni, and frankly Teresa doesn't understand either. Well Connie does. She wants to talk to Monita. Monita is not in a mood to talk with Connie and informs her that, by the way, she's not pregnant. No matter Connie, she herself is about to marry Mauricio.

In Jeronimo's office, he and Oscar are toasting to their success and to the late Dr. Lefort. Gabi interrupts to announce a visitor. She steps aside for the guest to enter. With his head in bandages the good Dr. enters and greets them, "Gentlemen..." (Wow, rejected by Satan.)

Aldo is at Estrella's place to talk about Mao and Connie. According to Estrella, things aren't going well, and Mao would kill them both if he knew Aldo was here.

In the coffee room, Cristian presents a bouquet of flowers. She admires them but as he moves in, she resists. She is still put out with him, and besides, there's this thing about people saying that Monita is pregnant and she doesn't want the same to befall her. "¡Ah ha ha ha!" He opens his pad and starts asking questions. He is going to investigate.

I thought that Aldo was on his way to school (he must have missed the President's speech) but he is still at Estrella's. He has brought a little gift. A CD. Now he wants to stay and listen with her. She relents, "But just one, then off to school."

In Jerry's office, the two would-be assassins invite the Dr. to join them in celebration, but the Dr. suspects that they, at the behest of Connie, had a hand in his recent accident and he is seeking revenge. He has every thing recorded. Oscar and Jerry ask if the recording mentions them. Of course it does. Everyone. Oscar grabs him and holds him, but they are interrupted by Cristian who trains a gun on the three and after their complaints, inexplicably arrests Dr. Lefort. Good work Sherlock. He escorts his prisoner through the office. Sal and Gabi are perplexed, but Gabi decides that she doesn't want to know.

Estrella offers up a sweet peck on the cheek, but Aldo wants the real thing. She almost gives it up then hesitates. "¡No, no, no, y no! ¡Y no!" He pleads and she calls him a little puppy (cachorrito) and even a brat(esquincle, ouch). She needs a man, not a boy. He pleads his case, but in doing so, divulges his novice status as a lover. She expresses her astonishment a little too plainly and he flees.

In the parking garage, Beto, enraged and bent on vengeance accosts Mao with a Louisville Slugger. (He bats right-handed.) He is stopped by Moni, who suddenly appears, and is relieved of the bat by Mao. A blow to the abdomen by Moni slows him considerably. He recovers. He refuses to shut up and asks if they love each other. Then, "¿Estan chocando sus carritos? (Are you bumping your little cars?)"



ENDA Friday 9/11/09 - "A Friday Full of Filler"

Rodolfo proposes and Macarena tells him that marriage should be for love, and she doesn’t love him (ouch!). She does tell him that he is appreciated. Rodolfo doesn’t seem put off by these words, he’s rather intent on pleading his case. He tells Mac that at their age the concept of marriage is different from when they were younger. At this stage, it is about finding someone to share life with…someone you can talk to, someone who will be able to share your secrets. Mac acknowledges that he’s privee to one of her deepest secrets. Rod again adds that they can move to the DF and take Paloma along with them. Mac tells him she’s got things she needs to fix from her past. Rod asks her how much time she’ll need. She tells him that she’s not sure. He’s not giving up, he slips the ring onto her finger and asks her to think about it. He reminds her that she’s not alone, he’ll always be there to help her….with Carlota, with Paloma.

Ines and Hilda are at the church and they gossip about Mac and Rod. They are sure they’ll marry.

Rafael visits Camila. He asks about Joel’s visit earlier in the day. Cami tells Rafa that Joel stopped in to purchase some things, nothing more than that. Rafa presses to find out the nature of their relationship. Cami tells him that she’s got a friendship with Joel, just like she has one with Rafa. Rafa takes offense, the two don’t compare. He brings up their kiss and how it meant a lot to him---it has given new meaning to his life. Must have been some kiss.

Cruelota is still out of town. She’s showing a ring to a jeweler, who admires its craftsmanship. Cruelie wants a copy made. Jeweler guy says he can do it, but it will take at least 4-5 days. Cruelie doesn’t like that timetable and pushes for something shorter. Jeweler says he’ll compromise, 3 days.

Cristobal/Padre Juan walks into the conversation between Hilda and Ines. They tell him that they are giddy with the news of Mac and the doctor’s upcoming nuptials. Cris is visible taken aback. The women question if he thinks it is a poor match. Cris says that Mac is a lovely woman, deserving of happiness and he’s happy for her.

Paloma goes in to check on Mac. She notices the flowers and the ring. She’s happy her tia is engaged. Mac lets her know that she didn’t exactly accept and she doesn’t believe she will. Pal tells her that she likes Rod and that she hopes her aunt will give the idea a chance. Pal leaves and Mac gets weepy thinking of Cris and how he’s Padre Juan now.

Ines runs into Rod out on the street. She flirts with him and it has horrible results. She’s clueless at the art of flirting.

Eric asks Lili if they can be novios. She accepts and they kiss. That is all we see of them in this episode.

Ines has a conversation with Angelica. She’s not feeling sexy, and after that poor attempt at flirting, I can understand why. Angie tells her friend that she thinks she’s a beautiful woman, inside and out. Ines complains that she’s so out of practice (at least she realizes her short comings). Angie tells her that it is like riding a bike, you are wobbly at first, but then things smooth out….and once you learn, you never forget.

Mac cries on Rufi’s shoulder about Cris being a priest now. What cruel tricks destiny plays on people’s lives.

Cami asks Romina if she’d like to help in the gallery. Romi doesn’t want to work, so the answer would be “no”. Romi gets a call from the private investigator she’s hired. He’s got an address and phone number for her father.

Angie and Aron discuss her getting her resume sent out through town.

Rufi walks with Pal and they discuss her artwork. Rufi casually mentions that Pal’s mother was a painter. Pal never knew this. Rufi realizes that she’s slipped and tries to back pedal a bit.

Cami and Monica discuss Mac and Pal—what good people they are. Cami’s worried about Mac’s health and doesn’t want to lose her good friend. She’s a rare find. They turn the discussion to Cruelie how they don’t really care for her. Monica says that life is short and you should enjoy it, Cruelie doesn’t seem to enjoy it all that much.

Dario remembers the encounter he had with Angie after she found out he was two-timing her with Georgina. Angie was willing to believe him if he said nothing was going on, but Dario couldn’t lie to her and he admitted it.

Angie reads some reviews about Dario on-line. She realizes that he’s gotten some criticism for his recent work. I was a little confused her, but I think the gist of this scene was that she believes he’s only been seeking her out to get help with his books. She feels like the fool for thinking that there was more to it.

Padre Juan Cris blesses Lando’s new business. Cris gets into a conversation with Emiliano. E starts to fill him in on what’s been going on with Mac, Cruelie, and Pal.

Lando’s secretary (Vero?) has learned she’s pregnant. It is a high risk pregnancy, so she’s going to need to be off work and be on bed rest. Lando tells her not to worry, the most important thing is the safety of her unborn child. Me thinks that the vacancy created by her leave might make some good temporary work for Paloma and also put her into closer contact with E.

Cris offers up some advice to E, but tells him the doesn’t want him to think he’s meddling. He spouts on some stuff about love…how it is blind and how under its bloom we only see nothing but the good in the other person, and that’s okay. Cris says that love should be fought for, no matter what obstacle is in the way. E takes his word to heart and says that for him, it is important to be near Paloma, whether it is as a friend or as a boyfriend.

Mac makes plans to see Padre Juan Cris. Rufi thinks she shouldn’t do it, especially since she’s just gotten out of the hospital and needs her rest. Mac tells her that she needs answers to so many questions.

Samuel (Romina’s pops) is apparently a lazy bum who is sponging off a friend and bilking some money off of some poor unfortunate woman. What a prize. Romi calls the number she was given, but quickly hangs up when Sam answers the phone. She wonders why he hasn’t come looking for her if he’s been so close all along.

Padre Juan Cris sees Ines crying and asks her what is wrong. Ines is feeling lonely and wonders if it is a punishment from God. Cris tells her that God doesn’t punish us, he loves us and wants us to find happiness. He offers up some sound advice, that before we seek love from others, we need to find it within ourselves. Ines isn’t buying this “new age” speak as she’s pretty convinced she’s being punished. PJC pushes this point and asks her what is it that happened to make her feel as if she should be punished.

Cami asks Angie what happened at the school, why’d she lose her job. Cami comments that it is odd that Romi mentioned nothing about Angie leaving. Angie wisely keeps mum and tells Cami she prefers not to talk about it. Cami offers Ang a place to hang her shingle. Ang says that Ines has given her a small office in her house and from there Angie will conduct her therapy sessions. Lando shows up and Cami introduces him to Angie. Ang seems a little over interested in Lando.
Rafa asks Joel where he went that morning. Joel says he was at the factory. Rafa pushes for more info, just the factory. Joel says “yep, just the factory.” Rafa wonders why Joel didn’t mention going to see Cami, surely this means something’s up.

Cami tells Lando that she doesn’t want to rush their relationship. She tells him that he’s the first man she’s dated since her divorce, 8 years ago, so this is all brand new to her. Lando questions if there is someone else. Cami gets a look on her face. It quickly passes and she assures Lando that she just wants to take time to make the best choice possible…hinting that he’s the best choice. Lando agrees to give her the time she needs, because he knows that they’ll end up together.

Emiliano goes to see Paloma. He asks about Mac. Pal tells E it is probably best if they don’t see each other. E says that he’s got a proposition for Pal.

Romi spots Pal and E talking outside Paloma’s house. Romi dials up Aron to tell him. Aron’s upset that Romi’s called him, but she tells him it is urgent because E is outside that stupid Paloma’s house. Aron doesn’t like Romi dissing Pal. Romi’s frustrated with Aron and tells him they need to act, now.

Dario sends Angie a text message…he’s in Real del Monte and needs to see her before he leaves.

Emiliano tells Paloma that they need to be able to see each other and he’s willing to have it be on whatever terms Paloma wants. END OF EPISODE


Saturday, September 12, 2009


Capítulo #148 (but after tonight who’s counting?)

As Viewerville buckles in for the ride tonight: in one part of the city, Tío ‘Temio has crept into Lili’s room to watch her sleep and considers the tie that binds the two of them together; in another, Vlad begins his date with Destiny and gets into the cab whose driver is actually the hit-man who’s been hired to kill him. At the club, the party’s started, the liquor is flowing, the music’s playing, and the guests are getting’ down. The M.C. asks the conjugal couple to come up to the dais and profess to all (who are forced to listen) why they’ve chosen to spend the rest of their lives with each other. (Viewerville holds its breath in anticipation of the fireworks display. It’s gonna be grand.)

Tomasa and Gardenia talk Flor into stopping for two minutes to listen to the big spiel from the bride and groom to be and to catch the consequent gossip. Natasha sits stone-faced and pouts. (I can’t figure this broad out. Personally, I’d have left already and gone home to scrawl Camilo’s name in black marker on my pillow case and used the pillow for a punching bag.) Priscila, Martina, Estev, Fernanda, and Fr/Eduardo all wait on pins and needles for the inevitable, but for very different reasons.

Vlad wistfully takes out his cell in the cab and begins to dial.

Cadmilo begins by saying that around there they say “that for every turkey [guajalote= fool, turkey] comes his Christmas Eve.” (I cannot resist a “well done, my foul fowl, well done!”) Pris’s cell rings but the other turkey in the Elizalde flock of gobblers, spineless Anyballs, refuses to let her answer. “Don’t answer that! We don’t know what might be happening.” (Three guesses, you jerk.) Vlad can only leave a message on Pris’s voice mail. He tells her he is on his way to meet with Damian and Jacobo to draw up the papers for his paternity suit. “I don’t know why at this moment I feel the need to hear your voice, but, well, anyway, I know you’re busy. You know what? Each time the day gets closer that I can shout from the rooftops what I feel for you and for my child…” He sends her a kiss and all his love then hangs up.

Cad the Clod continues. “Well, surprise, surprise! I’m getting married! --Loafly, je je, I imagine everybody envies you. Je, je. Seriously, I’ll tell you the reason why I’m marrying Loafly.” He whirls her around to show her off. “It’s obvious!” The crowd smiles and chuckles. However, as we all know, charming Cad doesn’t know enough to stop while he’s ahead; he makes a totally obscene comment that Loafly not only has a lovely face but can cook too, so he says, he’s planning on putting a kitchen next to the bedroom so they won’t have to walk far. Bada-boom. A few polite chuckles emanate from the dumbstruck crowd while Gonzo and the gang at the head table hang their heads and start checking for hangnails. Cad, our mental midget of honor, searches his pea-brain and says he is marrying her because… he “adores” her. (Yeah, that’s a good $2 word. It’ll do.) Guffaws and applause are roundly given by all, including Tomasa, who Denia immediately chides for daring to clap for “that woman-beating lazybones.”

Pris slyly sneaks her cell into her purse and plays the pregnant-and-gotta-pee card. She heads off towards the ladies’ room to check her messages. After listening to Vlad’s voice-mail she decides to throw caution to the wind and returns his call. (Viewerville is relieved –you should pardon the pun. Yippee!!!) Vlad asks his “cabby” about a detour (I think) and this gives him a chance to take Pris’ phone call. Pris, tells him to listen and not ask questions and to pass the phone to the cabdriver. “How did you know I was in a cab?” “--Pass the phone to the driver, now!” The driver takes the phone and listens to what she has to say.

Back at the engagement party, Cad gives the mike over to Venus. She smiles to the crowd and quips, “There’s nothing more tedious than a man who’s a bore.” (What happened to Ms. Sweetness and Light all of a sudden? Two atta-girls and a thumbs-up! This is gonna be great!) More polite titters from the crowd. She thanks the guests for coming and says it’s important they be there to witness what takes place this evening. She introduces her “Uncle Estev” and tells the crowd that he knows nothing about what she’s going to tell them tonight. Pris returns to the table at this point and plays the other pregnant card she’s kept hidden: the I-feel-like-puking-and-I’m-leaving one. (Guess that cleavage was good for something after all.) She begs off for the night saying she’s feeling sick, gets the keys for Anyball’s car and leaves the ballroom.

Venus tells the crowd that Cad is a very amusing guy. He loves to play annoying jokes, especially on women and poor people, those who work for him. Say what? Cad shoots her a dirty look. “Camilo thinks he’s very genial and amusing. He’s the first to enjoy his own jokes, though you don’t even understand any of them.” The crowd laughs. Venus continues. “Like when as a child he whipped open Jacinto’s back with a riding crop –an employee of the hacienda who still keeps the scars as a memory!!” Fer and Fr/Ed and the rest of the crowd start sitting at attention. “Jacinto Cordero told me this and he still doesn’t understand it because according to you (she turns to Cad) he’s a stupid Indian!” Fr/Ed looks guardedly over at Estev who smiles back like, “Don’t worry. This is great stuff!” Denia tells Flor she’s decided this hooker isn’t such a bad babe after all, considering.

Venus doesn’t stop there. Cad’s obviously pissed but too startled to do much more than listen with the rest of the crowd. “Camilo is a real man’s man and don’t you doubt it; but not for the obvious reasons, not for the reasons you think. No, a few days ago I was able to prove just what kind of little man Camilo really is, but I want to be clear that it wasn’t with me.” Natasha’s all ears now. “No, you don’t know this Camiiiii, but I got out of the house one night because I wanted to surprise you. But, as the saying goes, the surprise was on me. It was just the reverse.” [Salir el tiro por la culata] She turns back to the guests. “When I entered the bedroom I discovered my fiancé in the jacuzzi making love. Do you know who Camilo was with?” She gets ready to lower the boom as Natasha braces for the humiliation of the century. Cad races over to tell Loafly she’s gone too far, but Venus keeps right on truckin’. “I confess it was the greatest surprise of my life.” Cad tries unsuccessfully to grab the mike from her. “But Cami, we can’t leave the guests in doubt about who you were smooching with in the Jacuzzi….” Gonzo wakes up from his senile stupor. “No, you can’t guess. You could never guess. Camilo Elizalde, the most manly playboy in the region was with…was with another man!!” (Viewerville jumps, cackles, guffaws and yes, cheers, at the --dare I say-- cold-cocking Hubby says Venus has just landed him with.) The guests who were politely boozin’ and snoozin’ through this part of the bore-fest are suddenly stopped-in-mid-yawn impactados. Cad has just been branded with the scarlet “H”.

Confused chatter fills the room. Cad looks around in horror. Anibal looks over at Estev wondering what he must think of this family. Estev just shrugs back like “Don’t look at me. What do I know?” then secretly smiles to himself. Eduardo fights the urge to smile it seems while looking on admiringly at Venus. Err enjoys a secret giggle. Martina has a huge grin on her face. Fer looks on and has to remember to breathe. Gonzo cringes and hides his eyes. Barbie drinks in the whole delicious scene.

Meanwhile, the “cabby” pulls in at the airport. Vlad is surprised to see Pris drive up next to them. She orders him to get into the car and then goes over to the driver. She hands the man a bag of jewelry and tells him it’s just like she told him on the phone: she’ll give him double what they would have paid him to kill Vlad. He takes the jewels, bites them to test them (Classy!) and only then agrees to make Dam and Jacobo believe that he did the deed and killed Vlad. The cab drives off. Pris gets back into her car and explains to Vlad what just happened. “They were going to kill you! Anibal hired Damian to bump you off [liquidar]. You have to get far away from here. If you love your child like you say, go to Monterray or wherever, the farther away the better!” Vlad says he refuses to either leave her alone or to run away like some coward. Pris seems to soften. “If you only knew the Hell I was going through the past few hours worrying that they were going to kill you! I don’t want that to happen. I don’t want to have to tell my child once he’s born that his father is dead. I want him with you, Vladimir.” Vlad can’t believe what he’s hearing. “Are you serious?” She says she is.

Pris puts her hand on Vlad’s cheek. “I understood finally that my child couldn’t have a better father than you and because of that we’re going to have to make a few sacrifices, ok?” He smiles and nods. She tells him they’ll have to wait a few months. “You are not to make a single phone call, understand?” He nods again. “As soon as the baby is born I swear I’ll call you and then—only then—will we be able to plan our future together.” She cries tears of relief. He cries tears of happiness. (Viewerville shares a collective “Aw-w-w.”)

Back at the party, Venus races outside and is ready to leave for good. Estev chases after her. She tells him he can calm down because she’s not going to do anything more. He asks her where she intends to go and asks her to wait. He wants her to stay, he says. Venus is in no mood to listen, though.

Inside the circus continues. Cad is screaming desperately at the awestruck guests that it’s all a lie. They know him better than that, he tells them. Natasha gets up to leave but thinks better of it and goes over to him. She tells him never to come looking for her again. He tells everyone that she’s just another sore, pissed off female and not to pay attention to her. He rushes over to Errika and tells them all she’s his ex-girlfriend and she’ll vouch for him. Errika takes the mike and says, well if you’re talking about Jacinto’s scars, yes, I’ve seen them. “If you’re referring, though, to your sexual preferences, I always had my doubts about you, Camilo!” He cringes. She giggles silently. His buddies yell back that there’s no way out of this one. Cad tries to tell his father it isn’t so, but Gonzo only yells back that he’s an embarrassment and he is totally ashamed of him. Barbie thinks to herself that this isn’t anything compared to what’s waiting for you, Camilo. Across the room Flor, Tomasa and Denia can’t stop laughing at the way he got burned and at how much he actually deserved it. [ganarse a pulso]

Outside, Venus explains to Estev that she actually lied about Cad. “I did find him with somebody in the Jacuzzi, but it was a woman. That woman, Natasha. If I’d have told the truth his buddies would have just laughed at him and I’d have been no more than the fuming fiancée!” Estev can’t help laughing. She wants to know what’s so funny. He tries to explain that it’s because he’d spent days and days trying to think of an elaborate plan to teach the guy a lesson and in the end it was Venus who managed to do it. Though, he admits, he has to confess that he was afraid he’d failed somehow because she seemed determined to actually marry Camilo. She doesn’t understand the irony and takes offense. “Oh, so you always thought that being a whore I wasn’t going to lose the chance to bag [pescarse de] that worthless Camilo and his millions?” Estev tells her that it never entered his mind but before he can explain any further, Martina comes running out yelling for the two of them to go back inside. Cad has started kicking up a major ruckus [trifulca].

Back inside the ballroom, Cad’s buddies have to hold him back from jumping Fr/Ed. Cad’s screaming for Loafly and Estev. “If it’s like that then where are your business partner and his lying niece?” Fr/Ed says he doesn’t know. “--I told you already that I haven’t got the slightest idea! I don’t know where they went and I don’t know why Loafly behaved that way. You ought to know!” Cad has to be held back again. “—Are you trying to put one over on me??!!” [verle la cara= make a fool of] Fer jumps in -making a play on the word “cara” --and slaps him royally. “And I’m going to tell you what shameless nerve you have!” [tenir cara = to be shameless]. Thwack!! His friends stop him from slapping her back. “What Loafly said about you being gay is going to seem like praise compared to what I have to say about you, Camilo!!” Cad breaks loose from his friends and motions to Fr/Ed and Estev that it ain’t over till it’s over and walks away.

Gonzo acts like it’s just another night in Dodge City and asks Babs where Pris and AB went cuz it’s time to leave. She tells him Pris went home sick and AB went for their car. Gonzo says well, at least Pris was saved this shamefully embarrassing scene. Babs commiserates and says well, you can assume that as of tonight Loafly has canceled the engagement. (Do ya think?) Gonzo shakes his head. “How embarrassing.” (For him or for her, Gonz?) The first thing he worries about is that it might have wrecked their partnership with Powhere Meelk. Babs says not to take it so hard, that it could just be an act of jealousy on Loafly’s part. Gonzo, though, is worried that their good name is now in question and his fatherly pride has hit rock-bottom. (Translation: they’re now the laughing stock of the county and he’s forever to be seen for the piss-poor papa he really is.)

The hit-man is back at Vlad’s now and Jacobo is eager to hear the details. Dam says he doesn’t want to hear about it; then suddenly, in a sick fit of laughter he says, “The point is that now Good Friend Vladimir has little wings and is playing his harp in heaven.” The two slobs nearly choke on their spit they are laughing so hard. The hit-man thinks soberly to himself, “If they only knew. If they only knew that his fairy godmother managed to save him.” He gets up straight-faced and says he’s tired and he’s going home if it’s all right by them. They say fine and Jacobo gives him his blood-money. Dam tells him to lay low for a while. (Hubby says it’s some racket this guy’s got! He gets paid triple for doing absolutely nothing!) The hit-man, totally disgusted with the scene, leaves. Dam and Jacobo toast each other. Jacobo asks what comes next. Dam thinks a bit and says something like what does he think about skinning La Hiena?

In the meantime, Errika gives Fer a lift home. Fer says she hopes Err doesn’t mind if she doesn’t invite her in but it’s been one of the longest nights in her life and she’s beat. Err says no problem, but before Fer gets out of the car Err asks why Fer changed her mind about coming to the party. Fer tells her that Franco called and asked her to come because he suspected something bad was going to happen and thought she should be there. Err tells Fernanda that Franco is the best thing that happened to her and she wants to thank her since they met at Fer’s wedding. So, she says, she wants to do something really special for Fer. Errika invites her over to supper with her and Franco the next night and won’t accept no for an answer. Fer says fine, obviously figuring that’s going to be the second longest night of her life. Err, though, apparently has something else in mind and licks her lips in anticipation as Fer goes inside for the night.

Over at Las Animas, Estev is upset because Venus is nowhere to be found. He starts to explain to Eddie how he was congratulating Venus on her flawless strategy when Martina showed up. Suddenly Ed says that’s it! Martina! They are both sure to be at Silvestre’s place. Estev tells Ed that he wants to say good-bye to Venus before he leaves. Ed asks him if he plans on leaving without telling her how much he loves her. Estev doesn’t answer.

At Silvestre’s place, Venus is telling him and Martina that she’s got an aunt and uncle in Zacatecas and figures she’ll be able to get a job there. Silvestre says considering what she pulled tonight on the Elizalde’s the further away she gets the better. Martina thinks Venus needs to stick around to let the gringuito make his play for her, but Venus says he’s no different from all the other rich fat cats. Silvestre says that if he’s Santoro’s friend he has got to be a good guy. Venus disagrees. “He’s taking his things and heading for The States [gringolandia] tomorrow since now he’s gotten his revenge. That was all he wanted and so now he’s going to rub my face in it. He doesn’t need me now. I’ve got to take care of myself and after what I did, once they find out I’m not Loafly Norton, if I stick around they’ll lynch me.” Suddenly there’s a knock at the door. Martina thinks it’s got to be Estev coming for Venus. They giggle. Silvestre figures it couldn’t be anybody else. Venus primps and then goes to answer the door. Ruh-Roh! It’s not Mr. Estev. It’s Cad and he’s got smoke coming out of every orifice. He grabs her and drags her outside by the hair. “Come here, you!”

Over at Jacinto’s, meanwhile, Denia tells Marge and ‘Cinto about the party. Flor and she are laughing at the way Cadmilo was fuming and then finally left with his tail between his legs. “There was nothing worse than what La Venenosa (her pet name for Venus) yelled in his face!” Jacinto says, well then she lured Camilo there with the wedding. Denia puts all the pieces together and says it has to be that the gringuito must have been behind it all. “He hired La Venenosa to hook cocky Camilo Elizalde, all just to shred the guy’s male pride to bits!” Jacinto is now grinning from ear to ear. The only thing better for him would have been to be there in person.

Back at Silvestre’s Cad screams at Venus that she thought she could escape, but he saw her get into the taxi and followed her there. He throws her against the wall but she gets in a good kick to the groin and races back inside. She tries to shut the door. Cad pushes his way back in and grabs her again. He shoves Silvestre against the wall and knocks him out. Martina comes at him with a chair, but he grabs it out of her hand and hits her across the head and knocks her down onto the floor. He grabs Venus by the hair, drags her outside again and punches her twice in the stomach. She can’t breathe. “You whore! I’m going to brand your face so every time you look in the mirror you’ll really remember the last man in your life you met. You’re going to feel shame, whore!” He pulls up a red hot branding iron and gets ready to shove it in her face. Just then, like Mighty Mouse to save the day ♪♪... Fr/Ed and Estev arrive in the nick of time. (What? No cape?) Fr/Ed grabs Cad’s arm and in famous telenovela last words screams at him, “Don’t you dare!”

Fr/Ed forces the iron into a (very conveniently placed) bucket of water and throws Cad onto the ground. Cad gets up to balance himself against the wall and growls. “This is going to cost you dearly, Santoro!” Fr/Ed shakes his finger at him and warns him off. “I only need one more reason, only one, to unload all the rage and contempt I feel for you, Camilo!” “—And who in the Hell do you think you are to threaten me??” Eddie remembers back to the time he was brushing his pet horse, Amanecer, when the smart-assed, teen-aged Camillo rode by and taunted him, saying it didn’t matter how much he brushed the horse, it’d still be mangy. “—Good question, Camilo Elizalde. Good question!” Before Ed can answer, though, Martina runs out to tell them her father is unconscious and she thinks he’s dead. Ed turns to go in and help. Cad gets up, rushes him from the back, and gives him a kick to the kidney. Venus somehow manages to keep Estev from joining in. (Estev screams a good game, though.) Ed turns around, grabs Cad and manages to knee the s.o.b. a good one in the nuts (Hubby lets out a groan) and drops him to the ground. Cad is finally out cold.

Eddie and Martina manage to bring Silvestre to. Eddie tells her to take him to Dr. Carlos for a good look-see. He goes back outside and asks Estev to help him with “the trash”. Estev takes Venus back inside and checks on everyone. He asks Martina to make sure that Venus doesn’t leave before he gets a chance to talk to her. Venus breaks away from him and says nastily that she’s old enough to take care of herself, thank you very much. Estev loses patience and yells at her. “Venus! I just want to make sure you don’t leave until you and I have a chance to talk. OKAY????” (Maybe in the meantime he can stop by Rosie the Bruja’s for a little Love Potion #9. This guy is about as romantic as rhubarb.) Martina says she’ll make sure she doesn’t go anywhere. He tells them not to go out and not to open the door for anybody. He goes to meet Ed at the car.

At Jacinto’s, Denia is still scheming. “The only thing left is to ruin it between Eduardo and Errika. Then, everyone’s happy.” Margie wonders why she’s got to bring that up again. “Well, after everything that happened tonight, just about anything is possible.” Jacinto warns her not to stick her nose in where it isn’t wanted. She tells him that with the ruckus Venus caused this evening, she pretty much had opened the way for others. Flor wonders what she’s got planned but Denia won’t say because she knows they’re all on Eduardo’s side in this. Margie asks if she’s still set her sights on Eduardo. Denia says she sure has. So, now she’s going to prove to him she’s no dummy and get herself educated and a career. (Yeah, I hear there’s a chef school in the D.F. that used to have one hunk of an instructor there…..) Flor does an eye roll and stares at the wall.

Fr/Ed and Estev drive back to Las Animas with Cad plopped like a bag of manure in the back seat. Fr/Ed’s got Fer on his cell and tells her he needs her to meet them back at Las Animas. It’s urgent. They’ve got her brother with them. She asks him what he’s done now. He tells her they managed to get there in time to stop him from disfiguring Loafly’s face. (I guess she realizes the longest night of her life is gonna seem like a year before it’s over.)

At the hospital Martina gushes at Venus over the way Carlos took such good care of her pa’ and says she’s brimming over with love for the guy. Venus wonders if Martina is really going to keep her from leaving. Martina tells her even if she has to cement all the doors and windows shut and tie her to the chair to keep her from disappearing from the gringuito. Venus asks her since when did she turn out to be such a friend of his? Martina says she’s her friend not his, and wonders if she hasn’t realized yet that if he wants to talk to her so badly that it has to be something really important.

Fer arrives at Las Animas and tells Fr/Ed that this whole thing with Camilo seems like such a nightmare. Fr/Ed says he’s sorry to have to involve her. She asks what happened and he explains how her brother saw Loafly get into a taxi and follow her to Martina’s father’s blacksmith shop. He explains that Martina, Lili’s nurse, is actually Silvestre, the blacksmith’s, daughter. He tells her he has Cad locked in the study because right now he’s still out of control. Fer tells him Cad’s impulsive fits have their limits and she knows what she’s talking about. “Let me speak with him.” He blocks her way and says he’s afraid Cad could hurt her. She tells Fr/Ed that after tonight they aren’t going to have to worry themselves about him any for the rest of their lives. “You’ll see.”

Cad is pacing around the study, growling and grunting, and kicking the furniture. Fr/Ed unlocks the door and he and Fer walk in. Cad sneers. “So! Are Batman and Batgirl going to flip a coin to see which one of you two is going to execute me?” Fer tells Fr/Ed she wants to speak to her brother alone. He says fine, he’ll wait for her outside the door.

Fr/Ed’s cell rings. Errika’s timing is impeccable. He tells her things got complicated this evening and he forgot to call her. She lends a sympathetic ear and leads him on. “Yeah, I guess things got really upsetting with all that happened at the party tonight, huh? So tell me. How are Loafly and Estev?” He says fine, but lies that he’s in the middle of taking a call from him and will talk to her later. She says she can imagine the number of things in his head right now and figures it’s going to be difficult to get to sleep tonight. Fr/Ed says, well actually, it will. She says she thought she’d come over and spend some time with him. He says not to. She wonders if he doesn’t want to see her or what? He fibs and says it’s nothing like that; he just doesn’t want her driving at this time of night. She giggles and says that’s no problem. She’ll just spend the night with him. He says no, that he doesn’t want her to risk coming out this late. She giggles again and says “Don’t tell me everyone’s already gone to bed?” He asks her how about they talk in the morning. She finally gives in and says ok, then. “Sleep tight.” Click.

Errika gets out of her car and walks into the lighted driveway. It happens to be Fr/Ed’s driveway, though. She looks over at the other vehicle parked in his drive. “You are a wicked, two-timing female, Fernanda!” It’s Fer’s yellow FJ. Err fights back her tears and tells herself, “If it’s the last thing I do in my life, Franco Santoro is going to marry me!”

Inside Fr/Ed’s study Cad continues screaming at his sister. “Then what? Are you going to kill me or what?? You finally agreed with that killer, Santoro, right??!! He brought me here by force! He would have beaten me up!” “—And you would have deserved it. Think! You would have disfigured Loafly!! Don’t you realize??” “--And that’s how I’m going to leave her if I ever meet up with her again!!” “—Yes. You are capable of any despicable thing, but from here on out I’m going to make sure that you never harm anybody again, Camilo. Nobody!” Cad yells back, really? Just what are you thinking of doing, huh? Fer gets frightened and yells for Franco. “Oh, so without your bodyguard you can’t move even a finger, can you?” Fer turns to Fr/Ed and says she’s sorry to have to say this in front of him but she has to, okay? She turns back around to Camilo.

Fer gives her brother an ultimatum. “Camilo, you have twenty-four hours to leave the hacienda without saying a word to anybody—absolutely no one, understood?” He sneers at her. “--You don’t say!” Fer stands her ground. “—Somewhere nobody will ever hear from you again. If you don’t, I’m going to bring charges against you for having raped Aurora!” Cad at last is scared to death. Pity-party in 10 minutes…..


Gancho Friday Sepember 11th. Round Two – The Gloves Come Off, and New Rules

In classical music’s sonata form, a symphony begins with the exposition. All the themes are introduced, along with their variations. In Gancho, we’ve completed this process. We know the characters, their motivations, who’s good and bad, who’s annoying or endearing, and who has her own special category (Earth to Ximena – are you listening?) The second part of a symphonic movement is called the development. In this section, the themes are twisted and exposed, new and strange material is introduced, and the composer can take the listener on a voyage to parts hitherto unknown. This is often the place for a musical “storm”. Now that all the secrets are out, I’m beginning to wonder if our happy little novela, where problems seemed to be resolved daily, has entered its development phase, with problems that aren’t resolved quite as easily as before.

El Beto has just received a hook to the heart (Un Gancho Al Corazon) from his beloved Monita, and wants to end it all. The only one who can save him is the esteemed Dr. Lefort, whom Nieves goes to call, but not before locking horns with Estrella, who rightly points out that Beto has only himself to blame.

Connie enters the office sporting some decent cleavage, a delicate bird shaped charm on a thin gold necklace, and a daggers in her eyes. She taps Moni on the shoulder, then slaps her. Twice.

Meanwhile Mauricio, one of the few characters on the show we haven’t seen drunk, is putting that record to rest quite nicely, downing shot after shot of tequila, sitting with Tano as a sounding board, but telling him nada. Tano gives up, gets Mau’s car keys for safety, and leaves.

Moni wants to show Connie who’s boss, but Gabi restrains her, saying it’s not worth going to jail. Gabi warns Connie that Moni’s a professional boxer, and Connie says more like a professional whore. SHE’s going to train as a boxer, and one day defeat Moni in the ring. Now THAT I’d like to see! Connie swears Moni will NEVER marry Mauricio, and marches off. This prompts Gabi to turn to Moni, asking “You’re getting married to Mauricio?”

Estrella arrives at the office to tell Moni that Beto’s not doing so well, Nieves had to call a doctor. Moni feels bad for Beto, and goes to help, Estrella at her side.

Back at Beto’s he’s crying so much his Mom thinks he’ll get dehydrated. The wise Doctor Lefort has arrived to work on Beto’s case (and also to work on Nieves’ ass, as he slips in a few sneaky feels). When Lefort calls Nieves Señora Bella, our Snowy melts, fixes her hair a bit, and leaves the Doc to work his magic on her boy. He proceeds to tell Beto they’ll investigate the deepest part of Beto’s unconscious, the depths of the well, understand? Well, no, Beto hasn’t a clue.

Speaking of not having a clue, Ximena has just been told that Connie hit Moni, and is intrigued. Connie says that Moni can’t rob her novio, but Ximena says you’re robbing HER novio. Connie doesn’t get it, so Ximmy lets it slip that Beto and Moni aren’t siblings, they’re novios. Ooooops, she didn’t mean to say that, but oh well! Connie is muy impactada.

Moni and Estrella breathlessly ask Nieves, how is Beto? Handsome, refined, elegant……No, interrupts Moni, I’m talking about Beto! Apparently he’s cured, as he saunters up, wearing a tee shirt reading Simple but Charismatic, proclaiming he now knows that Moni means NOTHING to him. He’s off, leaving Moni a bit deflated, and not picking up on Estrella’s pep talk that this should lift a weight from her shoulders. Nieves warns Moni that when Mau finds out that Beto’s not her brother, she’s going to lose Mau, and would be left like El Perro de Las Dos Tortas.

Nieves bumps into Dr. Lefort, who says there was no charge for curing Beto, but to complete his treatment, he, as a thorough doctor would like to talk to HER now. About what? Oh, about your son, about life, about you, about me (meanwhile, his eyes are meandering a bit lower than they should), about a “psychophysico-mental relation that can transcend and arise between us, you understand, right?” She doesn’t, but invites him into her place.

Estrella convinces Moni to call Mauricio. She should tell him Beto isn’t her brother before he finds out himself (if only). She calls Mau, who answers in the bar, and agrees to talk to her at the office, but is very short with her, which she notices. What’s going on? Estrella doesn’t think there’s anything to worry about, and will help Moni look pretty for her meeting with Mau, when she can tell him the whole truth.

Oscar’s drinking wine in a bar when Jerry shows up. Oscar initially wants nothing to do with the traitor, but eventually agrees to give Jerry one more chance. However, if Jerry betrays Oscar again, Oscar will KILL him. They shake on it – deal.

Beto shows up at Connie’s. He wants revenge! So does she. They’re both mad at La Monita. Let’s stir things up (nos revolcamos – but this also means a roll in the hay). Are you ready, he asks? Ready, she answers. He counts one, two, three, and they start kissing madly, hands all over each other, nothing’s going to stop them this time!

Mauricio arrives at the office drunk, greets Gabi and Sal, goes into his office to await Moni. Ding, elevator door opens, and she walks out, looking ravishing in an off the shoulder scarlet or mauve short dress, hair pulled back like a Spanish flamenco dancer, luxurious earrings with three golden hearts on each side. Gabi thinks she’s finally following her advice as to how to dress for the office. Moni enters Mau’s office full of excitement, sits on his desk, shows a little shoulder…..and is repelled by the pungent smell of alcohol.

Mauricio doesn’t really give Moni the chance to say anything. He tells her he knows she and Beto are novios, and you know why? Because he saw them kissing. Moni’s not feeling so happy anymore.

Neither is Beto. Apparently, his little soldier failed to show up for battle. He’s trudging around in tee shirt, boxers and shoes, swearing to Connie this has never happened before. Everything was going fine, when he started thinking about La Monita. Well, this pisses off Connie royally, and she slaps him, calling him a dummy (tarado) and an imbecile. He wants to try again, but she tells him to try without her, and call her if anything comes up. After she leaves, he looks wistfully at his little soldier, lamenting that even HE’s stabbing him in the back, like all the others.

Meanwhile, Mauricio is on a rant, not giving Moni a chance to talk, he can’t believe she would lie to him when he had such feelings for her. She’s destroyed him, and although she says she was going to tell him the truth, he doesn’t believe her anymore. Before she can get another word in, he walks out and slams the door of his office in her face, leaving her in tears.

Beto’s back home now, sees a big mound of covers on his Mommy’s bed, rips off the blankets, only to find Nieves and Dr. Lefort doing the nasty! Not really, they’re fully clothed, but she was lying on top of him. Nieves insists it was “therapy”, but Beto can’t believe that the two women in his life, Moni and now his Jefa, are both puttin’ the horns on him! He’s gonna kill the doctor. He grabs something off his Mom’s night table (like a comb, or a curling iron), and goes on the attack. Fortunately the doc talks him down, telling him to imagine he’s in a forest, there are little birds, just relax, he was just “exchanging emotions” with Beto’s mother. This backfires, as Beto goes berserk again. Thinking fast, Nieves grabs the ol’ fryin’ pan, and conks Beto from behind. He slumps out on the sofa, giving our two swinging seniors time for some more “therapy”. They both agree it’s their duty to complete the session. Lefort says this time, he’ll be on top.

Our three little women (Estre, Paula and Moni) are sitting on the bed, trying to figure out what to do. Moni feels terrible that she lied to Mauricio, and understands why he was so hurt she hadn’t told him herself that she and Beto were novios. She hates herself. Estre says not to beat herself up about it (no te flageles), you’re a boxer, you have to pick yourself up and fight back. Call her now. Paula agrees. Moni takes the phone, doesn’t know what to say. The truth, says Estrella. He’ll understand. There’s no answer on the cell, so she calls the house. Guess who answers? Connie, sitting in Mau’s bedroom while he’s taking a shower, having barged in without Mau’s knowledge. Moni quickly hangs up, THAT didn’t work.

Mau comes out, what’s Connie doing here, and did he just hear the phone? Well, Connie wanted to see him, and the phone was a wrong number. As Mauricio walks around in just a towel, showing the ladies of the audience his amazing upper body, Connie continues that she knows about Moni’s lie too, having found out from Ximena. She feels Mau is doing the right thing having nothing further to do with Moni, just imagine what it would have been to end up with a pathological liar (una mitómana). She adds a few fake tears, says she’s always there for Mau or his kids, and makes a theatrical exit.

Estrella is still trying to encourage Moni, who’s about ready to throw in the towel. Moni thinks Nieves was right, she was flying too high, and now she’s crashing. She’s lost him forever. Estrella starts again with all the boxing analogies. Don’t let your guard down, it’s the last round, you gotta keep fighting, etc. She wants Moni to go to Mau’s house now.

We see Mauricio suffering, pretty much hitting his head against the wall, but flashing back to the shock of Moni and Beto kissing. Outside the house, although it’s the middle of the night, Moni has taken Estre’s advice, and the two of them pause in front of the doorbell (actually a keypad). Moni chickens out, so Estre presses the button. Mau comes downstairs in a black robe over white pajamas, looking lionlike, but with a stern expression. Moni tells him she’s tired of lying. How nice, answers Mau, because with each lie, you tore my heart to pieces. Why did you do it, for fun, to amuse your amigas? No, of course not, says Moni, shocked. Then why, for my money? Maybe Constanza was right. This is just too much, and Moni slaps Mauricio, adding if he thinks that, he doesn’t know her at all. He agrees, he doesn’t know her. He then lays down the “new rules”. If she quits, he’ll immediately fire Beto and Paula, too. If she stays, she has to be a perfect employee. If she arrives 5 minutes late, or disobeys a single order, they’re all fired. There will be zero tolerance! He turns and walks angrily back inside.

Mau’s back in the kitchen drinking some water, when Aldo comes in to see what’s wrong. He gently touches Mau’s shoulder in sympathy, but Mau pulls away, refuses to explain anything to Aldo, but warns Aldo never to mention Moni’s name again, not to go to the vecindad, and not to have anything to do with anyone connected with Moni. Aldo thinks Mauricio is upset, but Mau says he knows exactly what he’s doing, and this time, Aldo will OBEY.

It’s morning, and Beto’s head hurts, but he doesn’t know why. Conveniently not telling him, Nieves has made him his favorite breakfast, chicharrones in green sauce, soup, milk, he’s enjoying it until he remembers – he caught Mom red-handed (con las manos en la masa – hands in the dough) with the doctor. He calls her a pig! She reminds him to respect his mother, and explains that he’s projecting. Huh? Well, he’s mad at Moni, so he’s taking it out on his mother. Where’d you get that idea, Ma, from that shrink? Well, just from thinking about it, and maybe a little from talking to him, and…, have some more breakfast! This works, and Nieves assures Beto that he’ll get Moni back. She has a plan.

Ivan and Aldo are eating breakfast, stumped as to what’s going on with Mauricio. Connie enters, scolds Aldo for not being in school, and helps herself to some orange juice. Aldo grabs the pitcher, telling Connie that if Mauricio isn’t here (he isn’t), she has no right to be in the house, period.

Gabi arrives at the office, and is surprised that Moni’s already there, and is bringing her coffee. Gabi senses something is wrong, notices that Moni looks pale, her forehead is warm, what’s wrong? Moni just says she didn’t sleep well. Gabi guesses Mau and Moni fought, wants to help. Moni asks if there’s any envelope she can deliver, she really can’t bear to be in the office, she’s afraid of what’ll happen when Mauricio arrives. She’s crying, and Gabi gives her a motherly hug. Gabi then lights up, she’s just remembered, she has to pay her credit card bill. She gives the envelope to Moni, adding that she’ll think of other deliveries, forget about making coffee, she’ll help Moni get through this.

Maybe not. The elevator opens, and Mau and Salvador are right there. Mau asks what “Valentina” is doing, and Gabi says she’s delivering an urgent envelope. No way, responds Mau, from now on, we’re using messenger services. He turns to Moni. “You, bring me a cappuccino right now, that’s what I pay you for, don’t delay, please.” (Ooooh, he’s cold). She trudges off in silence. Mau then informs Gabi of the new office rules. No more concessions, no more gossip, no more complaints, only efficiency, discipline, understood? And whoever doesn’t do his work, fire them, Salvador. He stalks away. Gabi tells Sal she can’t understand why Mau would stress efficiency to her, she’s the epitome of efficiency. Sal tells her the way Mau is suffering now, it’s only going to get worse.

Back in Mau’s place, Connie hasn’t backed down from Aldo’s challenge one bit. She calls him a stupid runt (esquincle majadero), and says he has no say over whether she’s in this house or not. Are you threatening me, asks Aldo? Just advising, she retorts, adding that he should look around at all these nice things, because if he and the kids take Moni’s side, it’ll be the last time they see them, and that IS a threat.

She then calls Mauricio, complaining that Aldo tried to make her leave the house since they’re no longer novios. Mau says he’ll take care of it. Connie says Aldo treats her badly, and Mau says not to worry, he now knows who is who. They’ll talk later. Just then, Moni delivers Mau’s coffee, and he tells her, she can leave now. But she refuses to leave until he listens to her. Fine, talk.

In the outer office, Nieves enters, looking a little like a fish out of water, wearing her usual colorful clothes, having added a lime green furry pocketbook which looks almost like a poodle. She demands to talk to Mauricio Sermeño.

Moni tells Mau that she lied, she lied about Beto and many other things. One lie led to another. But there are some things she never lied about – such as when she told him he had changed her life, when she told him she fell in love with him the minute they met, and everytime they kissed. Those were not lies. And she’s not lying now in telling him that she loves him with all her soul. That beso with Beto was a farewell kiss.

Mauricio is moved. He stands up, walks over to Monita, takes her head in his strong hands, leans down, and kisses her, full of passion. She looks up at him, eyes full of hope, what was that? MY farewell kiss, he answers solemnly, it’s over. What we had is over for ever.

Yes, we’ve entered the development section of our little masterpiece, and we may have stormy seas ahead. But the previews show Moni fainting. If Moni is suffering, can Mauricio continue to deny his true feelings?


Revolcarse – to roll around, to stir things up, also can mean a roll around in the hay, if you know what I mean
Tarado – a moron, or a dummy
Flagelarse – to whip oneself, or flagellate oneself. We would say to beat oneself up
Una Mitómano(a) – pathological liar. Mito means myth, or lie, and there’s also a word mitomanía, which may actually come close to what Moni was doing
Majadero – another word for stupid, can also mean whiny


Friday, September 11, 2009

En Nombre del Amor, September 10, 2009--Reunited and It Feels So. . .Angst-y

(Roughly episode #47 on

Diana’s on the phone with a mystery person, asking for help and for him or her to come to her house.

At the hospital Macarena tells Paloma she’s going to get well, like she’s never seen, and from now on things are going to be different. She promises that Pal isn’t going to have problems with money, she’ll be able to study wherever she wants. Just trust me. . .it’s time for all the lies to be over and for the truth to come out. Paloma doesn’t understand. Macarena says she discovered things that are going to change their destiny.

Cristobal is on the phone with Padre Benito (from his old church) saying that Macarena is alive, there was no suicide, I’m not a killer. Padre Benito hopes it’s clear to Cris now why God sent him to Real del Monte--he wanted you to find peace once and for all. Cris wants to know why did Carlota lie, why didn’t Mac look for him? The padre advises Cris to pray and ask God for guidance to be able confront his past and resolve his doubts.

Liliana is at the dance club dancing with some guy--he tells her that he wants to get to know her better, and she agrees to his suggestion that they go out alone.

Ines and Angelica talk about Ange getting a new job--she needs something with a flexible schedule so she can finish writing her book. Ange thinks maybe she can do some private therapy sessions for awhile to get by.

Orlando and Camila are drinking wine and laughing (she seems kinda giddy), she hadn’t realized how much she needed this evening. They start dancing, he tells her that he loves her, and they kiss.

So, it turns out that the mystery person is Ines, who has arrived at Diana’s house. Diana doesn’t want Emiliano to hear them. . .

Ines: We had agreed that Gudelia would never reappear in either one of our lives.

Diana: And you think I want her to come back? For me Gudelia died, but not for him. And now Orlando is here, he’s Emiliano’s boss.

Ines: I told you that you couldn’t disappear off the face of the earth like you wanted, that sooner or later life was going to make you pay for all that you did.

Diana: What do I do? How do I hide from Orlando? You have to help me.

Ines: How? I don’t even know. I only know what you told me about him. If it wasn’t for that day that we met in that place where you went to drown your sorrows, in order to try to be different, we never would have been friends.

Diana: We kept a secret for a secret. You didn’t want your parents to know that you worked in that nightclub as Diana, the queen of the town. And since I needed to disappear as Gudelia, I took your name when your parents were about to discover you.

Ines: And that favor cost me dearly. I think it would have been better that my parents find out about my real job. In the end it was no sin to sing there. On the other hand, you were about to commit the worst of sins.

Diana: But I didn’t do it.

Ines: Because you couldn’t, it was too late. I can’t help you Gudelia, that man knows you’re here. Why don’t you leave town? The divorce is the perfect pretext for leaving.

Diana: No, I don’t want to leave Emiliano or Rafael.

Ines: It’s the only solution I see. Run away, or confront Orlando, for whom it won’t be hard to put two and two together [atar cabos] and reach a conclusion.

Camila is back at her house wondering why she feels like she’s being unfaithful to Rafael. But she liked being with Orlando last night.

At the hospital, Dr. Rodolfo checks Macarena and says she can go home now; he offers to take her. Rufi leaves to get the house ready for them.

Macarena is getting ready to leave when someone comes in--her back is to the door and she thinks it’s Paloma so she says “Let’s go.” We hear Cris saying, “That’s what we were going to do the last time that we saw each other, remember? Go away together, Macarena.” Mac turns around and they have a tearful embrace.

Mac: You’re here, you’re alive! It’s like a miracle.

Cris: I also thought you were dead.

Mac: Dead, me? no. Only my heart from thinking you were dead.

Cris: They told me you had taken your life because of me. All this time I’ve been tormenting myself believing that I was a killer. And it was all a lie.

Mac: But who told you that I had killed myself?

Cris: Now I know that I should have checked for myself, but everything fit--you didn’t arrive at our meeting place, later I went to your house and there was a black bow over the door, you weren’t at the burial.

Mac: The one who died was my father. He died the night that I was going to go with you. Carlota discovered me and called my father. I tried to explain that if I was running away with you it was because he was never going to accept you.

Cris: You should have let me talk with him. It’s true that I didn’t belong to a well-to-do family, nor did I have money like he had wanted, but I was a man with good intentions.

Mac: I knew it, but neither he nor Carlota understood that. My father became enraged and suddenly got a strong pain in his chest and had a heart attack. All this time I’ve been burdened with his death on my conscience.

Cris: And I with yours.

The reunion is interrupted when Paloma comes in and calls him “Padre”, rendering Mac even more impactada than she already was, so he reveals to her that he’s a priest.

Dr. Rodolfo is in the hospital hallway talking with one of the ladies from church who has come to ask about Mac and why she fainted. He explains that Mac’s health isn’t good, due to the ups and downs in her sugar levels. What can we do to take care of her? Rodolfo says she needs to avoid scares and strong impressions or shocks (too late for that, doc), that they have to do everything possible to make her feel calm and at peace. He talks about sweet Mac is and that loves her not just as a patient, but also as a woman, and the church lady is thrilled to hear it.

Camila knocks at the Espinosa house when Rufi arrives home and gives her the news about Mac being in the hospital. Camila wanted to chat with Mac, and Rufi thinks Mac also has a lot to tell Cami.

Paloma talks away without noticing that Cris and Mac are looking at each other longingly with weepy eyes. She mentions that Cris was going to marry Natalia and he explains that he tried to remake his life with her (after years of agony over thinking he had lost the woman he loved most), but couldn’t. And he decided to dedicate his life to God. Paloma also spills the beans about Rodolfo and how she wants Mac to marry and be happy some day, and Cris is surprised to learn that Mac never married.

Carlota calls home from her hotel room and Rufi reports that Mac is in the hospital, she fainted yesterday. Carlota looks pleased by this and comments that despite Rodolfo’s treating her, she got sick. Rufi thinks Mac is definitely going to get better, forever. Carlota just smirks like Rufi is crazy.

Diana is in the plaza when she sees Orlando coming her way--she ducks behind a newsstand until he leaves. Ines comes up behind her and they hurry off to Diana’s.

Cris sees Mac and Paloma off from the hospital. Mac wants to continue talking with Cris tomorrow, but Rodolfo wants her to stay home and rest. Cris offers to come by the house but Mac thinks it will be better if she seeks him out once she’s recovered. Paloma bids Cris goodbye with another Meaningful Hug.

Diana complains that she can’t even go to the corner without Orly seeing her, she’s going to have to be hide in her house. My new hairdo was all for nothing. What am I going to do, and without Rafael? Ines wants to know what he has to do with this, and Diana wails, “everything!” If they divorce she won’t have anyone to protect her from that madman (energúmeno). She decides she can’t sign the divorce papers as long as Orly lives there, it’s too dangerous.

Romina is talking with a friend at school who asks if she already knows that Angelica was fired.

Orlando and Emiliano are in the office having a little chat about their love lives--Emiliano comments that Romina hasn’t come looking for him; he’d like for her to find someone that makes her happy. And how’s it going with Camila? Orly answers that it’s going well. He thinks maybe Romina is jealous of having to share her mom with him, so he wants to win her over and wonders if Emil can help him with that.

Romina goes to gloat over Angelica as she’s packing up her things. Ange says knows Romi is behind her getting fired. No, it’s your fault for being meddlesome (entremetida). Ange insists that she wasn’t mistaken about Romi, but R doesn’t care what she thinks.

Rodolfo and Paloma bring Macarena home and surprise her with balloons etc. She wonders how Pal was able to buy everything, and Pal confesses that she used some of the money Carlota had left for their expenses.

Emiliano tells Orlando that he thinks Romina hopes her dad comes back so her parents can get back together. German drops by with some paperwork for Emil’s and Orly’s business partnership--I guess he’s the only one who does any work there--to inform them the notary is waiting for them to sign. Orlando invites them out to dinner to celebrate and is going to invite Cristobal too. He comments that at least Emiliano and German don’t compete for any woman, because before Cris was a priest he always got along with (or flirted with, I’m not sure what he was saying) the woman Orly liked. But they had an agreement to never go out with the woman that the other was interested in. German looks uneasy and guilty during all this.

Camila reads the card Orlando sent her—it's been a long time since I’ve had such a wonderful night. From now on we can walk together like the couple that we are.

Rodolfo checks Mac again before leaving the house and declares that she’s doing well. Once he’s gone, Mac actually asks Rufi to shut the door--a first in this show, no?--and fills her in on her meeting with Cris at the hospital. He didn’t abandon me, he left believing I had died. Mac agonizes that now he’s a priest and belongs to God. Rufi thinks they still have a lot to clear up, especially how they came to believe the other had died. Mac believes she has the answer--only one person wanted them apart, Carlota. And Cris’s obituary, you think she made it up? Rufi asks. Mac vows that if she confirms her suspicions, Carlota’s whole world is going to crash down on her, because it’s not just the stuff with Cris, it’s also the issue of Paloma’s inheritance. Rufi warns her to be careful but Mac declares that she doesn’t care and assures herself of an anvil delivery by saying “even if it’s the last thing I do in this life.” If she caused this much harm, she’s going to have to pay.

Cristobal talks with Padre Mateo about the Espinosa family and mentions that he met them (as well as Paloma’s parents) years ago. Mateo says it’s a tragic family; Mac and Carlota are pious and have dedicated themselves to Paloma.

Carlota’s lawyer informs her that the detective found that Cristobal isn’t dead, and she’s very pleased, she wants to talk to Cris.

As Angelica sadly leaves the school she runs into Paloma, so she explains why she was fired. She warns Pal to be careful with respect to Romina, but Pal doesn’t believe Romi is a bad person. Paloma asks if they can continue to see each other, not as teacher and student but as friends. Of course, replies Ange. Romina was spying on them the whole time.

Orlando and Emiliano finish signing the paperwork, and Emiliano thanks him. Orly says he sees in him the son he never knew, and E wants to be deserving of that honor. As Julia said the other day, oh the IRONY.

Romina and Paloma briefly discuss Angelica’s departure, then Romi changes the subject to ask if Emiliano was worried about her when she was in the hospital, and if Paloma thinks that E is in love with her (Paloma). Paloma insists that she doesn’t care what he feels and that she would never go out with him. I know, because that would be betrayal, Romina replies, and among sisters, we don’t do that to each other.

Cris tells Orlando he thinks he’s going to need his friend more than ever now--he found Macarena, but he wasn’t ready for this revelation. Orly is amazed that Cris has found her here when he had just decided to bury his past. Cris is very nervous about talking with Mac again, as doesn’t know what other surprises he’s going to find. Sigh, the irony (and agony) of it all.

Rafa watches Camila walk Joel out from her store and give him a goodbye hug; he looks confused/annoyed.

Rodolfo brings a huge boquet of roses to Macarena. He’s ready to leave Real del Monte for the capital so Paloma can live with them while she studies, and so Mac can get away from Carlota forever. He asks her to marry him.

Previews: Mac says she has to resolve things from her past, things that can’t be postponed.


Mañana es Para Siempre, Thursday, September 10--Ep #142: Yeah, they totally faked us out.

Erika reminds Fer about all the good times with Miguel: the flowers he sent; the parties they danced with; the serenade he sang for her on her 20th birthday in the dorm courtyard. I'm sorry Franco, but you are no longer my telenovio. Miguel has replaced you in my affections and I haven't even met him yet. He had me at serenata. Fer says what happened in Spain stays in Spain. Erika, on the other hand, thinks it's time for Fer to get back into circulation, unless she's interested in someone else….

Aurora acts uncomfortable around Barbie, who acts overly affectionate with Aurora. Barbie notices the strangeness, but Aurora brushes it off as being surprise about Barbie's coming to visit. Barbie says she'll do what she has to do to get Aurora's forgiveness and trust.

Fer says she's confused, but Erika just wants her to come on the trip and have a good time. Fer won't commit to a trip. Well, we all saw what happened the last time she made a commitment…can you blame her? Erika says it would be the best wedding present ever, so Fer agrees.

Gardenia wonders if Fernanda really is clueless about Franco's real identity. He supposes she would have let him have it already if she knew the truth. Gardenia, for the two millionth time, threatens to tell and they start to have an argument about it as Margie walks in. Gardenia gets her boobs all up in Franco's grill and suggests he come on up and see her sometime when he's at Lactos before she sashays away. Margie wants an update on Jacinto, who has had his meds and is sleeping. Margie hassles Gardenia about not being at work, but she had to come over and get her shoes, since Barbie "ordered" her, Tomasa, and Flor to help out at the party. She suggestively eats a peeled fruit of some kind. We suspect it's a mango, but I don't think it's colorful enough.

Erika calls Franco to tell him the good news about the weekend trip…"Just like we planned it!" He's pissed, but she hears it as happiness and excitement. She says she'll see him tonight and sends him more magical kisses. Fer has to go to the window for a breath of fresh air before she vomits.

Aurora asks where Santi is and is told he's in Florence. Barbie says she wants them to reconcile and be together. Aurora is doubtful. Barbie says she came to get Aurora and take her to Santi, right now if Aurora wants.

Jacobo tells his secretary to hold all his appointments until Friday. The accomplice points out Vlad coming home with a couple of buddies. They watch him walk inside his apartment building. Jacobo tells him to enjoy his last few hours of life.

The desk clerk gives Vlad his mail and Vlad tells him to give Damian the keys to his car when he comes over.

Aurora stalls Barbie by saying she doesn't know how to tell the sisters she's going. Barbie doesn't see the problem--she's going to see Santi, the love of her life. Aurora wants to put off the trip…until tomorrow? She still thinks that's too soon and asks Barbie for a favor: more time to think about things. She wants a few days and then she'll tell Barbie when they'll leave. Barbie agrees that when Aurora decides to leave, she'll take her straight to Santiago.

Pris comes over to see Damian. Has she looked this pregnant before? Pris' conscience is weighing on her. Knowing about Anibal's plans makes her an accomplice. Damian suggests confession. Pris wants Damian to talk Vlad into backing down, but he breaks it to her that he has, in fact, been hired to have Vlad liquidated. Pris is impactada. Dam tells her it's all arranged, and for tonight. Pris is upset about his cavalier attitude, but Dam blames it on Vlad: "I told him to get out of town and he wouldn't listen to me." Damian says it will be quick and efficient and Vlad won't know what's happening. He reveals that he's going to summon Vlad to see him, and Vlad will have to take a taxi, in which his "verdugo" (executioner) will be riding. He leaves the rest to her imagination, which doesn't seem to be good for her mental state. And probably isn't good for the baby's health either. She cries and looks angrily at Damian. It's a little late for that, lady. Before the commercials, we see Vlad papering Pris' car with Post-its of love. Ah, those were the good times. All those wardrobe changes ago.

Venus is all dolled up in a blue and green print halter dress. She adjusts and primps as Esteve knocks. He wants to talk, so she invites him in. They make eyes at each other. Venus is almost ready. Esteve asks if she still won't tell him what she's doing "after," and she says it's her business. He wants to help her, but she thinks he's helped enough. Esteve says he's worried about her, but Venus tells him to worry about himself. Esteve caves and leaves to wait for her downstairs. Venus cries that Esteve is leaving tomorrow and she'll never see him again and he'll never know she loves him. Because they're both stupid.

Party guests arrive at the club. Four of Camilo's friends roll up in a convertible making bad jokes about going to Cami's funeral.

Anibal and Pris' boobs walk in and are greeted by Cami and Lovely. Lovely comments the pregnancy really suits Pris. Gonzo and Barbie come up and Lovely thanks Barbie for arranging the party. Cami gets a hug from his dad. The four friends walk in and are introduced to Lovely. They're his friends from college, he says. One whispers, asking where Camilo got the "cromo" (picture…maybe he's comparing her to a pinup?) and Cami replies "los tres reyes" (the three kings; the wise men--they're the ones who bring gifts at Christmas, not Santa). They enter now. Lovely smiles big as Natacha walks in. Natacha isn't as happy. She greets Camilo and Lovely asks for an introduction. Cami calls her a friend from college. Natacha says Lovely is as pretty as Camilo's other girlfriends. Lovely wants to know what her basis for comparison is. The ladies trade barbs. Lovely wants to trade stories. Camilo looks sick to his stomach.

Inside, the buffet table has a shrimp ice sculpture. Various familiar characters come in, sit down, and mill about. Natacha looks like she wants to do something, but she doesn't know what. Martina looks nervous. Franco walks in and finds Esteve, who says he still doesn't know what's going down tonight. Franco decides he'll talk to her, but Esteve says he's wasting his time. And don't ask Martina, either, because she was sworn to secrecy. Franco says he has to tell Fer what's going on. Because of Lili. He makes a semi-decent argument about everything affecting her, but it sounds like an excuse to me. Franco thinks Gonzalo will withdraw his support and he needs to give Fer the heads up so she can intervene. But Fer isn't there.

She's on the phone with Erika, lying in bed, begging off because she feels bad. She doesn't want to talk about exactly why and is amazed that Erika is there. Erika says it's just because she's Franco's date. Erika says she had a big surprise for Fer, but she'll give it to her later. Fer's phone rings after she hangs up. It's Franco this time. She tells him she's not going, especially now that she knows what Camilo did to Aurora. Franco says she has to be there because of Lili and something might happen and she has to be there. Again, sounds like an excuse to me. He begs and says he'll explain, so she agrees. Erika gives him a hard time about working while he's at the party. Erika passes on the news that Fer isn't coming, then gives a standard TN lie that her battery is dying and asks to borrow Franco's phone. She dials home, pretends Ruthie can't hear her so she can get farther away from Franco and Esteve, and then checks his call log and finds out he was talking to Fer. She looks angry, but doesn't do anything. Yet, I assume.

Cami excuses himself from Lovely to "go to the bathroom," which is slang for "sneak out of here before I can be humiliated." Venus may or may not have seen him sneak out. Actually, he snuck around to another ballroom entrance, apparently looking for Natacha. He calls her on his cell when he doesn't see her. She's up by the dance floor and he wants her to meet him in front of the bathrooms. She apparently agrees.

For his last meal, Vlad is eating…cereal with a banana? Well, he could do worse. Damian asks him to come to his apartment in an hour to meet with Jacobo to do the papers for the paternity stuff. Vlad agrees. When he hangs up, Jacobo tells Damian that the accomplice is waiting in the taxi. Dam suggests they toast to Vlad's final voyage. Jacobo giddily agrees.

At the entrance to the bathrooms Cami tries to make this Natacha's fault for being there. She says it's his fault for not telling her he was engaged and using her all this time. She asks about their love, their plans. She tells him he's worthless and she isn't going to make a scene. If Camilo's secretary had told her what was going on tonight, she wouldn't have come. She walks off as Camilo mutters, "secretary?"

In the kitchens, Gardenia instructs one of the servers about how to arrange a platter. Flor talks to somebody about the drinks. Camilo walks in and yanks Flor away by the arm, assuming she's the "secretary" Natacha was referring to. We can all guess how this is going to go down. Cami yanks her by the hair and says she'll pay like Jacinto did and also he'll have her fired. He throws her into a table. Gardenia finds her crying.

Margie dries Jacinto's hair after his sponge bath and re-adjusts the straps on his, uh, corset? She jokes that if he hadn't fallen out of a tree, they'd be out dancing at Cami's party. Jacinto has to beg her not to make him laugh because it hurts. He wonders what would take longer--for them to get in or for Cami to have them thrown out? She gives him his meds and then starts complaining about Gardenia and her threats. Jacinto says she'd do it, if she were pissed off enough. Margie doesn't want Fer to find out and then be mad at them for not telling her.

Flor won't say what happened, but Gardenia guesses it was Camilo. Before she can run off, Flor stops her, but that only means the servers all hear Gardenia loudly complaining about how Camilo can't treat them like this, etc., etc. Flor promises to tell Fer in order to stop Gardenia from making a scene. Gardenia says if Flor doesn't do it soon, she beat the crap out of Camilo herself. Tickets, tickets, get your tickets!

More partying. Natacha has come back onto the dance floor. Fer has arrived in an awesome purple satin dress. Camilo tries to sass her, but she's not having any of it. He tries to joke with her that she should pick up another guy while she's there. She tells him not to call her little sister ever again, she's no longer his sister from that moment forward.

Camilo is surprised by her anger, but he gets over it in about a second and a half. Franco thanks Fer for being there. He says he's going to give her the quick and dirty version of what's going down tonight. He says that Lovely isn't going to marry Camilo, but before he can explain, Erika comes over to attach herself to Franco and marvel over Fer's quick recovery.

Vlad prepares to leave his apartment. He smiles as he turns out the lights to leave.

Party. Dancing. Drinking. Pris hassles Anibal about how much he's drinking, then gives up. He tells her to relax because the nightmare's over tonight. Gonzalo grins at Ani and Pris and puts his arm around Barbie.

Vlad comes out the door to his apartment and then starts walking down the sidewalk. The accomplice checks in, then gets in his taxi and heads down the street towards Vlad.

Party. Dancing. Bitter, jealous crying (Natacha). Waving around of napkins (college buds). Toasting. Anxiety (Martina). Nausea (Esteve). Gonzo is happy for Camilo. Fer doesn't give a crap. Gonzo brings up Lili and his occasional desperation. Barbie talks him down…she's with Obregon of her own free will, Stockholm Syndrome, blah, blah, blah. Gonzo says it hurts that he'll never see her again, but Franco says before he leaves the country, Lili will be back with them. Gonzo wonders what's going on with Lili.

She's sleeping. Artemio comes into her room. He marvels that the daughter of his enemy is now under his protection. Lili, "la loca, la despreciada, la incomprendida" (crazy, unappreciated, misunderstood) He thinks they're not so different. They're tied together by "soledad" (loneliness; but also, quite literally, Soledad--very poetic of him!) but they're not alone anymore. They have each other.

Vlad continues walking down the street and hails a taxi, which doesn't stop. But the Death Taxi does, and he gets in.

Party. Dancing to one of those songs where the words describe the steps. Pris checks her phone, but is busted by Anibal and puts it down. The MC asks for applause for the happy couple. Natacha stews. The MC announces the happy couple will be making speeches about why they chose each other, in accordance with "English" custom. Camilo takes a shot of champagne for courage. Barbie and Gonzo beam. Martina, Fer, and Natacha look displeased, indifferent, and bitter. As Cami reaches into his jacket for…his notes (?) the episode ends.

Tomorrow: looks like Fer and Cami get into a fistfight and Cami, Esteve, and Franco get into a fistfight. Now that sounds more like a par-tay!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Un Gancho #58, Thurs 9/10 - Tonight's guest directors are Alfred Hitchcock and Clint Eastwood

Look folks, let's not get all bent out of shape just because happily ever after ain't happening tonight. We all KNOW we've got to wait until the bitter end, so let's take a load off and chill...

Redux: We get a replay of our favorite wordplay B: "Estas conmigo o sinmigo?" C: "Conmigo." B: "Por Eso." Un beso.

Moni accepts Mau's proprosal. Happy music, but we'll not hold our collective breaths, sigh.

Coni and Beto try to ditch Jeri's body and Beto gets heart palpitations and wants to barf. Then they argue about killing him and what to do with the body. Throw it under a train? Let a bus run over it? They turn back to the car and Yaaaaaaahhhh!! The body is gone!

Moni and Estre are super happy jumping up and down with Moni's news. Estre's slightly bummed cause Moni's got a prince and Estre's not even hooked up with a toad. Moni admits she still has not told Mau that she and Beto are not siblings.

Mau arrives home to his kids singing a welcome home papa song. Everyone is happy at last. Mau has news, he has decided to marry to help grease the adoption skids. "Not to the mummy?" the kids ask dolefully. No, to the monkey! Wheee!

Apparently some time passes and Chris is over at Grupo Sermeño pontificating to Mau and company about what could have happened to Jeronimo. Gabi tells Mau his cousin had a mountain of enemies and si, he is likely dead. Xime paces and weeps, sort of. Chris starts analyzing who is the most likely culprit and asks if anyone heard anyone else threatening to kill Sr. Jeronimo? Gabi quickly raises her hand and looks at Sal.

Beto and Coni run along the road trying to find the body but no luck. Did somebody steal the body for extortion? Beto accuses her, she's a murderer! Tasty, but a murderer!

Chris cross examines Ximena and guess what, he gets nowhere, except she admits that her brother always beat her up. Ah ha ha, a motive! He cross examines Sal who somehow diverts suspicion to...Gabi who, scratching, says she had no relationship with Jero (esas pulgas no brincan en mi petate = those fleas don't jump in my backpack) and leads suspicion to...Paula. Chris calls Pau mi amor which gets her excited, but then he warns her he must do his job.

Mau surprises Moni at the barrio and tells Moni that Beto is wanted for Jero's murder. Moni frets and Mau sez he doesn't really think Jeri is dead.

Chris gathers the employees together to discuss the murder of Jeronimo Sermeño. He says, in summary, that Sal denounces Oscar as the murderer, however Gabi says the murderer is Sal, and Pau says the murderer is Gabi; Xime says...actually she says nothing.

The accused start arguing and blaming each other and suppose that perhaps la Loca Lorenza could be the culprit. And didn't Paula wave a knife around one day? Cacaphony erupts and Chris calls for backup and an ambulance.

It's nightfall and raining and Beto comes sneaking home to mami. Moni joins them to tell him the police are after him. "I'm innocent!" he repeats his mantra before fleeing.

I think Alfred Hitchcock is directing this next scene. Xime is busy arranging the apartment the way SHE likes it. She thanks her bro for kicking the bucket and leaving her alone. The thunder booms and she thinks it's a sign of an angry Jero. "Don't be mad Jero, knock twice if you're here." She hears a knocking and almost faints. The camera shoots from a high angle making Xime appear as if she is trapped or observed from above. She answers and screams, "Aaaaaayyyyyyy!!" Plop! It's her bloody brother back from the grave. "What an idiot you are," he says to his unconscious sis, "and shut the door." (Que tarada eres.)

Moni and Pau discuss the Jero situation and Moni is interrupted by a call from her prince. Camera angle switches to Mau, he says he couldn't go to bed without telling her that very soon they will be together forever. (Them's anvil words.) His happy sigh is interrupted by Play Misty For Me, i.e. Coni who busts in all wet and bedraggled looking. "Ayyyyyy!!!! Yes it was I who killed Jeronimo!"

Xime thinks Jero has returned as a zombie or spirit to haunt her. I would think that too because he keeps talking with his eyes closed and scary zombie music plays. She says if he drinks coffee it will leak out of his holes. He says things will leak out of the holes in her head then suddenly opens his eyes and glares at her. She jumps back and says he's the first ghost she's ever seen and he should rest in peace. He says she is soing to die too, in three seconds. She counts to three and...nada. He chases her with a pillow muttering tarada, tarada.

Next morning at Casa Mauricio Coni explains to Chris with wide gestures and sobbing that it was an accident, she gave Jero a little push he slipped and hit his head and then the body disappeared. She weeps she doesn't want to go to jail.

Sal and Gabi are back in their regular positions and Sal tells Gabi that Coni admitted everything. A crazed and messy Xime stumbles in and tells them the ghost of Jero, thirsting for vengeance, tried to attack her. Another interruption, this time Jero saunters in, dressed for work acting all casual and whistling, and asks them what are they looking at, a ghost? Gabi throws the book at him, literally, and bonks him on the head. "You're not a ghost," she accuses.

The weepy Coni tries to wrap herself around Mau just because he acts a little sympathetic. He gets rid of her and Tere arrives with a bouquet of flowers she bought from a vendor, his mom's favorites, they are for Moni.

Jero gathers the key staff to apologize to them for his vile behavior. They think he's full of it but are willing to negotiate some deals with him for keeping quiet about it to Mauricio. (At least I think that's what's going on.)

Coni does a quick blush touch up while Dani watches and mimics just like kids really do. Dani asks Moni is she sad? No, just tired, sez Coni. No, you're sad because Mau is going to marry Monita sez the little tyke. What did you say, demands Coni? Dani nods her head impishly. Gotta love that kid.

Moni finds Beto running around disguised in a hood on and happily tells him that Jero showed up alive and well. Beto keeps trying to kiss her but Moni pushes back. She loves him as a bro nothing more. They are over. He tells her not to give him a hook to the heart. She sez she can't be with him because she's in love with someone else.

That someone else drives up and, hidden behind a tree, watches them. What does he see? He sees Beto convince Moni to give him a goodbye kiss, their last. To say that Mau is impactado is an understatement.

Moni pushes Beto away and he demands to know who the other man is. She says that wretched thing, "It's me not you," but admits what they have isn't true love. Beto flees in anguish and Moni follows.

Mau kinda sorta tries to follow them when Xime strolls up, sees his face and tells him three truths. 1) Robi and Moni are not siblings, 2) they are novios, and 3) she sees a lot of hate in Mau's face and it scares her. Mau is re-impactado.

Coni shakes Dani and accuses her of lying and her nose will grow like an elephant's! Shake shake yell yell. The older kids rescue their little sis. Tere joins them and confirms yes M&M are going to get married. Coni mocks Aldo, grabs her purse and runs.

Mau beats up his car because he is such a stupid dumbass. Then he beats up the flowers. He orders Xime to guard the secret though she knows she is no good at that sort of thing.

Mau goes home and Tere tells him that Coni was very aggresive with the kids. Said kids enter on cue and wonder where is the monkey? They are super excited to become a family. Poor Mau can't stand it and escapes "everything will be fine." Aldo repeats it but doesn't believe it.

Another scene with Moni crying to her friend, this time Paula. She says she feels awful about Beto and this time for sure she'll tell Mau the truth.

Now we have another crying scene, this time it's Beto holding his luchador action figures while mami comforts him. I'm obsessing on Nieves' banana bunch earrings and wishing I had them. Beto jumps up and tries to kill himself by drinking bleach. He accuses Nieves of telling Moni about Constancia. "Who?" asks Nieves. Next he sticks his head in the oven and mami pulls him out. Beto sez the only thing that will help him is to talk to his shrink and he gives a piece of paper with Dr. Lefort's number to Nieves.

Nieves runs out of her house, sees Estre and of course blames her for everything. Estre tells Nieves to shut it because Beto's no saint anyway. Beto's probs are his fault and nobody elses. It's time for him to wear pants. Is he sad to lose Monita or sad to lose the chicken with the golden eggs? Estre really lets Nieves have it this time. After Estrella stomps off Nieves mutters if Estre weren't correct she would cleave her head into four pieces.

Over at Grupo Sermeño Moni keeps asking Gabi where is Mau. Uh oh, enter Coni and I think I hear the theme to the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.

Coni walks up behind Moni, turns her around and gives Moni two hard slaps, forehand and backhand. Oh come on Gabi, why are you holding Moni back? Well, I guess Coni owes Moni at least one for the other night but I still don't like it.

Manana: Xime tells Coni that Moni and Beto are novios, Beto finds Nieves in bed with Dr. Lefort, Beto threatens Consti, and Mau tells Moni what he saw.


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