Thursday, September 17, 2009

Un Gancho Wed 9/16 - Monita is liberated from work, Mau is liberated from his brains, and Estre/Aldo are free to do whatever

¡Viva Mexico! ¡Viva la independencia! Today we celebrate el Grito de Dolores, 199 years of Mexico's independence from Spain.

Big thanks to Gancho al Dedos who agreed to swap nights with me.

Fernando de Lorenza...yum!! Suddenly Gabi grows hungry and agrees to meet him for dinner. Sal does not share her enthusiasm.

LeFort tells Mau he has info on Constanza but he wants to talk money first. Geez, this guy is putting the squeeze on everyone. It's a miracle he hasn't been bumped off yet. Instead of buckling like everyone else Mau threatens him to stay away from Coni and everything that is his. Got it? Le Fort finds his patas en la calle.

Friends, tonight was all action and no filler. But that's typical for this TN, no? Let's begin...

Over at the neighborhood Moni asks Beto what in the heck was he doing with Coni, in fact (she gags) he stinks of woman! Poor Beto must be an aroma sponge. No no, Moni is the only woman for him. Doesn't she miss him? They work together, live near each other, yet they are far apart. Sometimes Beto has the soul of a poet, a randy poet, but a poet nonetheless.

Mau bitches to Coni about that horror Le Fort and demands to know the secret. Coni whines that when he broke up with her she, er, contemplated suicide. Yeah, that's it, she felt lost and suicidal. But she knows better now "so let's not speak of it again, OK? I'm off to cook something yummy so we can eat together. " El Cuerpazo sin Cabeza believes this Crapola.

After Coni leaves Mau finds Moni's hankie on the floor and gets all moony-eyed.

Let's get back to some romance. We find Gabi and Fer in a cozy tête-à-tête at the restaurant. He complains a bit about people not taking his business seriously (do we know what he does yet?) and Gabi says Sal's not that bad but he's stubborn and has problems at home. Fer thinks maybe things might have gone better if he'd met with Mauricio and he even wore his lucky socks (los calcetines de la suerta). But he's philosophical, unlucky in business, lucky in love as they say. He talks about Gabi's fab mouth and closes in for a kiss...

But they are interrupted by a chipper Ximena, Hola Gabis! Gabi says kisses and chao, beat it! Ximena is confused, why say chao when she's just arrived? She wants to join Gabi and her guapetón. Fer is interested in Ximena's last name, is she related to Mau? Ximena's says she'll have what they're drinking. "Nothing at the moment," answers Fer. "Yes, that's what I'll have," says Xime, looking even more confused.

Aldo sulks in his room instead of joining the family for dinner. When Mau goes to find him Aldo admits it's because Mau has forbidden him to see Estrella. Blah blah, she's older, blah blah, but she's my friend. Aldo promises that he won't do "anything bad" with Estre so Mau relents. Something tells me that what Mau thinks is "bad" Aldo will define as "good".

Estre and Moni stuff their faces with pizza while Moni gives Estre the skinny about having merengue in her hair and taking a shower at Mau's place. Ooh la la!! Moni's phone rings and it's guess who? It's Mau and he can't sleep. Moni asks if the mummy is still at his place? No, she went home. (That's friggin' unbelievable. Coni is harder to get rid of than the rata that has recently discovered my attic!) Mau asks if Beto is with Moni? No, they're over! Then Moni reminds him about his "goodbye forever" kiss. Well, he DID mean it. She says from this day forward she will only tell the truth. And the truth right now is if she doesn't go to bed she'll be late for work and her odious boss will be mad. They bid a romantic farewell, Moni kisses her phone and Mau stares at his split-screen love.

Back at the restaurant Fer visits the little boys room and Gabi manages to get rid of Ximena with the promise of earrings just like hers. I can't believe Xime leaves without her bright green drink. Gabi tells Fer Xime felt sick and left, the kind of sickness that one gets in bed, get it? (Shame on you Gabi!!) Fer tells Gabi she's absolutely marvelous and Gabi says even though all the guys tell her that it's nice hearing it from him. Don't you just love her?

OK, we're already 20 minutes into this show and we haven't seen Luisa at school yet. The suspense is killing me.

Next morning at Grupo Sermeño (GS) Moni brings Mau his hot cappuchino made especially for him and el jefe is in a lot better mood today. For now. Mau gently scolds her about her habitual tardiness and tendency to escape from the office. If she keeps it up her coworkers will start to do the same. She admits she has a big problem with the hands of a clock (tengo grandes problemas con las manecillas del reloj, cute) and she loves going through doors, but she'll try.

Well, I asked for it. We're at the high school from hell and Luisa gingerly approaches the acned youth. (Honestly, this guy is a complete dweeb. What girl would give up hunkalicious Ivan for this kid? He looks like a Q-Tip!) He tells her he's been looking for her. Does she like him? Good because he likes her too and he wants to show her how much. "Shut your eyes," the little turd coaxes. Poor Luisa shuts her eyes and puckers up for her prince. Meanwhile the Heathers sneak up with a gigantic amphibian and instead of kissing her prince charming Luisa kisses the king of toads. She shrieks and runs away while the hideous Heathers and their bobble-head boy toys giggle like idiots. (Can you tell I have zero tolerance for school bullies?)

Pau finds Moni crying but this time they are tears of joy. The joy is short-lived however, because Luisa calls Moni and, sobbing, tells her what happened at school. Maira humiliated her in front of everyone. "Maira is the kid (la chamaca) from the other day?" asks Moni, steam coming out of her ears. She orders Luisa to wait at school for her. Moni calls Estre and tells her to listen up...

Grand mistake #1: Monita does not tell Mauricio what happened to HIS daughter.

Gabi approaches Mau about Fernando de la Rosa, an entrepeneur with a little business that might be of interest to Mau. Mau wants to pass him along to Sal but Gabi presses. Mau finally agrees to see the guy and he wants Gabi to send Moni to him. "Uh, she left with Paula," Gabi replies. "She escaped? She escaped?!" Mau demands.

Grand mistake #2: Monita escapes.

Monita, Estrella and Pau go to the school and force Maira to apologize, in Spanish, with tears and wringing of hands. Estre thinks maybe Moni was a bit hard on the escuincle. Moni says she's a criminal in the body of an escuincle. Moni tells a smiling Luisa that she can call her any time for help. The tres amigas clap their hands and depart arm-in-arm, their job is done.

Coni goes to GS and discovers that Mau is Mr. Cranky Pants. She doesn't believe he's fretting about work, "you're thinking about the monkey" she accuses. She tells him he's the president of the company and he should fire her. If he doesn't eradicate this mule from his life he is going to end up seriously damaged.

Surprise surprise, they are interrupted by a phone call from the school director. Mau is impactado, what does she mean Valentina threatened one of Luisa's classmates? Coni hisses in victory, "You see? You see?"

Sal is irate at Gabi for negotiating an interview between Fernando de la Rosa and Mau after Sal already rejected the guy. Gabi accuses him of being jealous just because Fer is a lot younger. "Fer? You called him Fer?" demands Sal. Gabi answers the phone and it's guess who? "Oh hi Fer," Gabi coos, tossing her hair flirtatiously.

Moni and Pau return all hyper and happy over their moral victory but the moment they get out of the elevator Gabi tells Moni to see el jefe ASAP. He is very mad about her leaving.

And now comes my favorite scene of the evening...
Estrella waits for Aldo on the lawn outside the classroom. She was going to a casting and happened to see him. No, that's a lie, she came to wait for him, they ended things badly last time and she wants to clear the air. He says it's no big deal, he understands if she doesn't like him. "No that's the problem, I like you too much," she admits. Finally, we get a full-on no-holds-barred kiss between these two! Aldo tells her he loves her. "What can I do, I'm in love with you too," she sighs. Aldo's happiness is palpable and our sweet couple enjoy another bliss kiss. Wow, Estrella smiles even when she kisses. I love that! I had to watch this scene at least three times.

We return to Mau's office where his mummy is talking to La Directora on the phone, "On behalf of MS and myself I beg a thousand pardons and we will do whatever is necessary." Coni bitches to Mau that it was amazing was happened, it seems Moni was a complete naca and beat up the kid. Mau can't believe it. "Oh believe it," says Coni, "it's what La Directora told me, and the kid ended up in the infirmary."

Moni enters the office and is impactada to see Coni in there with Mau. Instead of responding to Moni's comment however, he orders Sal to prepare Monita's final paycheck. Why? Because she's fired!

Looks like the commercial break wasn't long enough for anyone to cool off because they are all still breathing fire. "Why are you firing me?" demands Moni. Coni butts in and say it's because she beat up a 14 year old! Mau pipes up he knows she's a boxer but fighting with a minor? What was she thinking? Moni insists she didn't hit anyone. "Believe me, believe me, I didn't do it," she begs. But Mau's fired up, and he yells that her behavior has seriously jeapordized the adoption and he might lose his kids because of her. Sal suggests that he listen to Moni's explanation. Mau's too furious and says why bother, ever since he's known her all she does is whack people and lie. (Hmmm...the big dummy's got a point.) "Now get out of my company!" he commands.

Oh thank goodness, we're back with Aldo and Estrella who are still kissing and overcome by the mad rush of fresh love. (Sigh...remember when?) Estre promises him she's never felt like this about anyone. Aldo is on a slightly different tack, "what do we do now? Get a hotel?" Uh oh, our Estrella's been around a few corners and is instantly suspicious. She accuses the lovesick cub of wanting one thing and one thing only. She knows how the story goes because it's the story of her life, he only wants to get her in bed and then he'll leave her all alone like always! Aldo tries to back-pedal but it's too late. Estrella leaves in a snit and she sternly commands Aldo not to follow her. Dang, things happen fast in this show!

Moni packs up her things while Pau watches and worries that she, too, will get fired. Beto shows up and asks what did she do to get fired? He gets all macho and tells Pau that the old doll hair (Mau) will listen to him. Pau advises Beto to stay put or he'll get fired too. (Remember when Beto hated to work? Now he's worried about getting fired.)

Sal continues to plead Moni's case to Mau until Coni asks him can he not respect the president's decision? Then Sal asks what about Beto and Paul, are they going to decapitate them too? Nope, Mau doesn't want to fire anyone else because of Monita. (That's big of him, eh?) Gabi interrupts them to announce that Fernando de la Rosa has arrived. Sal starts to pop off again and Mau shuts him down to Coni's utter delight. In fact, when she leaves the room she is fairly jumping up and down in glee. Things are finally going her way.

Coni wastes no time in running to her cohorts Jero and Oski so she can brag that Monita is history. Jero comments that her talent for evil is truly admirable. Coni laughs she did nothing, Moni sunk herself. Jero corrects her, Monita fell into the water and Coni threw her a cement life ring and the poor thing ended up at the bottom of the sea. Si, si Coni sneers, and now what she needs to do is get Mau to marry her and the sooner the better.

Fer leaves Mau's office; he is all smiles and gives the thumbs up to Gabi. He calls her mi amor several times and, under the spying eyes of Oski and Sal, suggests they celebrate over dinner. Gabi agrees and after a couple of kisses they bid adieu. Gabi fans herself as Oski eyes her curiously.

Thankfully our Aldo has never been good at obeying orders. He is at Estrella's door pleading his case, she misunderstood him, everything was perfect, she said she was in love with him. "Then you invited me to a hotel!" she snipes, reminding him that men succumb to their natural urges. (Listen honey, you're with a hormonal youth. What in the heck did you expect? Sorry, I digress...) Aldo explains that he felt so many things he was about to explode. (I'll bet.) He just wants to be with her, to kiss her, to touch her, he wants her to be the last woman in his life. He's so gosh darn sincere that Estre can't resist giving him another kiss. Whew! All better.

They are interrupted by Monita who scolds her friend for being with the baby. I laughed out loud when Aldo tells her it's OK because Mau "gave him permission" to be with her. Estre knows something is up so Moni tells them she was just fired from GS, and in front of the mummy of all humiliations. Moni is on a tear and won't be happy until Aldo leaves, but it's OK because Estre will call him later. Moni tells Estre she'd better not even try to explain whatever idiocy she is doing. Did she say "tell it to the crazy fists"?

Join me in Mauricio's house of horror. Mau and Coni are on the attack and Luisa is on the receiving end. Mau wants to know why she asked Moni for help instead of calling him. Fair question. Coni butts in and starts screaming about the bad influence Monita is yada yada. (Translation = if you think I'm a harpy now just wait until we are married.) Luisa insists that Moni didn't hit anyone, it's all a lie. More shrieking from the mummified harpy until FINALLY Mau tells her to wait in his room.

Luisa tearfully explains to Mau she was interested in a guy. Maira made her believe he was interested in her too and she was stupid for believing it. Luisa cries in her papi's arms.

Now for the kookiest scene of the evening...Beto arrives home and tells Nieves that Monita wouldn't talk to him. Nieves gets on his case and tells him it's time to strike. He should take a bath with smelly soaps then console and seduce Monita. "If you don't want to lose her then fight for her!" she concludes. Oddly, Beto takes umbrage. I can't tell whether he offended that Nieves has suggested he "cuchiplanchar" with Monita or that he needs to bathe first before she will "cuchiplancha" with him. He sniffs his armpits, but Nieves tells him she was, ahem, thinking of the nether regions. (Hey folks, I don't write it, I just report it!) OK enough of this, let's just say that Nieves gets her way. Knowing her she scrubbed him herself.

Luisa insists Monita didn't hit Maira. In fact she gives him Maira's number and tells him to call her himself and ask her. (Do we think Maira will tell the truth? Nah!) Aldo bursts in the room demanding why Mau fired Moni. Luisa chimes in, "You fired her for defending me?" All hell breaks loose, the kids are mad, Mau and Aldo are back on the outs, and our galán can do nothing but furiously clench his well-chiseled jaw.

Well well, guess who used to be a Heather when she was in school? When Mau relates the story to her, Coni laughs and says she wishes she had a picture of Luisa kissing the toad. Thankfully Mau calls her cruel. Mau wants Luisa to change schools but of course Coni tries to talk him out of it. Oh naturally he wants to believe that Moni didn't hit the kid. No really, he says, and he shows her Maira's phone number. Coni decides she will call Maira's mom so that Mau can be with Luisa. He ACTUALLY THANKS HER and agrees it's a good idea. Que the hell?!? OK, he's stupider than Dr. Dumb from QE.

My friends, the plot becomes even more heinous...Coni immediately makes the call and greets her friend Coca who apparently is Maira's mother! Coni says it's horrible what happened and if she has her way Mau will never adopt those brats. So they'll end up in the street, so what? She says the witch who threatened Coca's daughter is a cat who is trying to steal Mau away from her. Now she needs a big favor from Coca. She pretended that the naca actually hit Maira and now Mau wants to talk to them. Oh, Coca, would you really do that for me? You're a love.

Gabi and Fer are in a restaurant complimenting each other profusely and happily celebrating Fer's success. Who should walk into the bar but the unlikely pair of Sal and Oski? Oh wait, they're not together. Sal asks Oski what he's doing there. "The same as you," says Oski, "wondering who is this Mr. Nobody who has stolen Gabi from me." Sal corrects him, Gabi is the love of HIS life.

While the two losers bicker Fer tells Gabi he can't believe what's happened to him, yada yada, eh??? Isn't that Salvador in the bar? Yes, Gabi says, and that's Oskar next to him, but she refuses to get involved or even look at them. Fer notes that they are having a rather heated discussion. We see them point and push each other. Sal tries to strangle then punch Oski. Oski punches back. Sal throws Oski around, Oski throws back. Fer and Gabi kiss and the losers fade to black.

Moni is in bed and recalls the day when she and Mau were in the period telenovela and they shared their passionate kiss, then the day when he asked her to marry him. She hears a knock on her door. Mauricio? Nope, not Mauricio, but instead a clean and no doubt completely sweet-smelling Beto.

Tomorrow: I hate Coni I hate Coni I hate Coni

Cuchiplanchar = To do the horizontal bop, to lay someone out like you're ironing them

Dicen que desafortunado en en los negocios, afortunado en amor = Unlucky in business, lucky in love, as they say.

Los calcetines de la suerte = lucky socks (this link has nothing to do with the telenovela, but it is the story of one of my heroes who believed in his lucky socks)

Tengo grandes problemas con las manecillas del reloj = I'm habitually late (Lit. I have big problems with the hands of the clock)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MEPS - Wednesday, Sept. 16 - Padre and AB debate; Fer has an enchanted dream; Fr/Ed makes a death wish

EPISODE #146 (Mexico #151):
* Venus cries and prays for Steve's life in the hospital chapel.

* Venus, Fr/Ed and Padre Bosco find out from Dr. how Steve is - he is out of surgery but not out of danger or coma. He will be transferred to an ICU room soon. Fr/Ed asks about specific prognosis. Dr. tells him that Steve is really critical.

* Barbie is awake, and thought bubbling about her new wonderful life with Aurora and her grandson.

* In the ICU room, Venus cries at Steve's bedside. She talks about happy dreams for her and Steve. Steve is in a coma. She wants him to wake up and say her name; she can't lose him now. He's the best thing in her life. She promises to learn english - if only he wakes up. Monitor starts to flatline and the alarm rings. Nurse rushes in.

* Fr/Ed and Padre Bosco are grumbling about Steve's beating - they think AB ordered it. Fr/Ed vows revenge but they have to do so without putting Lili's life in jeopardy. Venus is shaking and crying as she runs out to tell them about Steve flatlining.

* In the room, Dr. comes to the rescue and uses the paddles to get Steve's heart beating again.

* In the reception area, Dr. tells Fr/Ed and Venus that Steve is still in a coma and is still extremely critical.

* Miguel is thought bubbling and dreaming about his undying love for Fernanda Elizalde.

* Fer is sleeping and dreaming -- she dreams that she's wearing a white gown in the garden; she sees Fr/Ed in a white suit and runs over towards him; she stops when Erika appears in a white wedding gown and Erika and Fr/Ed walk away; Fer turns and sees Miguel standing there saying her name...

* Fr/Ed continues to talk with Padre Bosco about his plan to have Padre meet with AB - he plans to give himself up in order to end the violence; he doesn't want to lose any more loved ones. Fr/Ed tells Padre to meet with Don Artemio with the deal. Fr/Ed only asks that Steve doesn't die - if anyone should die, it should be him.

* Don Artemio interrogates Lili about the missing diary - AB suspects that Lili gave it to Fr/Ed. Ciro whispers to Lili advice in order to help the "White King" (Fr/Ed). Lili mutters, but it's a secret. Don Artemio has good hearing and questions her about the 'secret'. Lili stays quiet and doesn't answer. He scolds her. She cries that she won't get her trip to Egypt to see the pyramids. AB leaves. Ciro consoles Lili.

* Padre Bosco and Fr/Ed finalize the plan for Padre's meeting with AB. Fr/Ed knows Fer will hate him forever; Padre says he's proud of him and leaves.

* Sister Fidelia meets with Aurora in the bedroom. Aurora wants to meet with Barbie now. Fidelia leaves. Aurora prays for support and forgiveness for the lie she's about to tell Barbie (that she's not leaving the convent).

* Fr/Ed talks with Fer in the reception area about Steve's beating. Lovely comes over crying about Steve still in a coma. Fer walks away. Fr/Ed grumbles to Venus that he suspects someone of the beating. Venus grumbles that she has her own suspicions that the low-life monster Camilo did this. Fr/Ed is stunned, "QUE?!?! CAMILO?!?!?" (Oh, Crap!)

* Barb visits Aurora. Aurora doesn't believe Barbie is sincere and cares about her. Barbie tries to assure Aurora; she can't explain right now since Damian is on his way over now. Barbie shows Aurora the passport and birth certificate she has for Aurora and says that tomorrow she will explain everything, tell the whole truth to Aurora. Tomorrow they will leave the convent and be together forever.

* Fr/Ed tells Fer that they suspect the person who beat up Steve was her monster brother Camilo.

* Padre Bosco arrives at AB's office for the meeting. AB is happy to see him - he's been waiting for the visit.

* Fr/Ed is so angry, he's fuming, and if Camilo was here now, he'd ring Camilo's neck and kill him. Fer has to calm Fr/Ed down, then calls Camilo on her cell phone. Camilo wakes up from his deep sleep to answer the phone. Fer wants him to swear on their mother's grave to tell her the truth, did he beat up Steve and leave him for dead? Camilo laughs and wonders if Steve's still alive then grunts some insults against Steve and hangs up. Fer turns to Fr/Ed and says, it's true, Camilo is responsible.

* AB and Bosco sit down and start their meeting.

* Fr/Ed calls Barbie and asks her to stop the meeting between Padre Bosco and AB. Barbie wants to know what is in it for her. Fr/Ed says he'll promise whatever she wants. She wants him to keep a secret for her. He promises. She agrees to help him out. Fr/Ed prays for divine intervention.

* AB starts to spout about his doubts over the cremains of Eduardo that are supposed to be in Soledad's vault. Padre counters with his arguments that it's true. AB spouts off about his love and devotion to the evil devil and wonders about Padre's teachings in the church. AB thinks all the sermons about good vs. evil are a trap. Padre stands up and defends Jesus and God's love and support. The phone rings and interrupts the philosophical debate. AB tells Barb to call back later, he's busy. She convinces him not to hang up on her - she tells AB that Padre Bosco is there to negotiate for Lili's release and to let her speak with Padre now. AB hands the phone to him. Barbie tells Padre Bosco to leave the house now, that AB thinks he's there to negotiate for Lili's release. They hang up. AB wonders what that was all about. Padre tells him that he wants to negotiate for Lili's release.

* Barbie calls Fr/Ed to tell him that she has completed her part of the deal.

* Fer and Lovely talk in the reception area. Lovely explains to Fer that what she did to Camilo had to be done - he's a despicable low-life and she had no intention to marry him. Lovely leaves. Fr/Ed and Fer talk about Camilo - Fer wants her brother to pay for all his crimes.

* AB and Padre Bosco continue their discussion - about Padre wanting Lili released to his custody. AB wonders about Eduardo Juarez. Padre says Eduardo is dead.

* As Barbie waits in her car outside the convent front entrance, Aurora meets with Damian in the courtyard. Aurora tells Damian what they talked about and she promises not to leave with Barbie.

* Padre Bosco assures AB that he will show him the dead body of Eduardo Juarez Cruz. AB is stunned. What body? I thought you said that Eduardo was cremated and his ashes are with his mother's. Padre Bosco said that's a lie. An unknown man was cremated and placed there instead. So where's the body? asks AB. Bosco says buried in a grave in the church's cemetery, undisturbed and at peace. AB has more questions and suspicions. Padre Bosco silently thought bubbles a prayer, and then tells AB to give Lili to him first. AB says, no, I want to see Eduardo's body first.

* Damian explains again to Aurora not to leave with Barbie, just to find out what Barbie's secret is for him. Damian leaves.

* Outside the convent, Barbie sees Damian walk to his car. She calls him on the cell phone and tells him to deliver a load of explosives to another locations in two hours. Damian writes down the address.

* Fer is about to leave - she picks up her purse, and leaves her cell phone on the chair. Fr/Ed asks her about her late night date with Miguel last night. Fer doesn't have too much to say. Fr/Ed is jealous of Miguel. Fer is stunned and tells him that he's engaged to Erika so why is he concerned. He explains how he's dying of jealousy inside, and reveals all his jealous thoughts about her and Miguel. She laughs and tells him to chill out. She reminds him again that he's about to marry Erika. He wants to continue the discussion. Erika hops out of the elevator and interrupts. Erika stays with Fr/Ed as Fer leaves.

* In the hallway, Fer runs into Padre Bosco. Fr/Ed enters the hallway and greets Padre - they very briefly explain how they met to Fer. Fr/Ed gives Fer her cell phone. She leaves.

* Damian is driving in his car, mumbling about how he wants to discover the secrets of the evil Hyena.

* Fr/Ed explains to Padre Bosco that he had to make a deal with the devil to stop the meeting - that Camilo was responsible for Steve's beating not AB as they thought. Padre Bosco tells him the bad news - that AB wants to see Eduardo's body!

* Barbie meets with AB in the office - she tells AB that Gonzo is about to sign his will and all the documents over to her in the name of Barbara Greco. AB seems upset and lunges at her - he wants to know if she's even thinking about double-crossing him.



ENDA, September 16, 2009

Cristobal tells Macarena that she will be talking to Cristobal the man, not the priest. Are you ready to talk? Macarena says she's ready.

Carlota and her lawyer are having drinks at a restaurant. He asks her if Cristobal is really important to her. Carlota says if he wasn't, then why would I be looking him up after all these years? It's just after knowing you all these years I have never seen you transform the way you do when you mention his name. Carlota says that she didn't realize how observant he was. He replies that he had a different opinion of her. He thought that she was a cold woman. I am responds Carlota. Not when Cristobal's name is mentioned. It appears that he is the only man that can make you lose control. Carlota tells him to quit analyzing her.

C: You don't know how happy I am that you are still alive.
M: I feel the same way. I wonder how our life may have been if we had known that we were both still alive.
C: Yes, but who would have thought that your sister could have caused so much damage to us.
M: My sister is full of malice and egoism. I loved you so much but it all got messed up.
C: In the name of love there can be so much good, but also so much bad.
M: She could never understand that you loved me. How could she when she was the one that was the strongest and most beautiful.
C: Like I told Rufi, I never knew. I never gave her any signs that I was interested in her.
M: I believe you. I understand more now what my sister is capable of. She showed me your obituary in the paper saying you had died. So I could accept your death.
C: She called me on the phone and told me that you had committed suicide and that I was to blame.
M: For just a moment I had the intention of doing just that. In believing that you were dead was very hard. But one thing kept me from doing that.
C: I don't know what that was, but I'm glad that it kept you alive.
M: When I was coming over here, I was thinking about everything that I wanted to say to you. I wanted to tell you about the love that I have for you. But now that I have you in front of me, I just can't.
C: Why? Please tell me why. We have kept quiet about this for all these years. We deserve it.
M: Yes, I know. But I can't. How can you talk about feelings with a man who can only love god?

Ines is home excited about her rose and letter. Angelica wonders what's going on. Ines says that someone left her a rose and letter. She wants Angelica to help her to get a new look. Angelica tells her that she looks just fine the way she is. But Ines wants to make sure that she really keeps the mystery man's interest. Angelica tells her that if she changes then maybe he would not want her anymore. He is in love with the real Ines. Ines agrees that she could be right.

The lawyer keeps on commenting to Carlota that she should not feel bad. She is an attractive woman. (the lawyer is blind. can he not see how ugly she is on the inside?) Carlota is getting annoyed with him and says that she is not use to all this attention. This city has loose morals but I don't. He keeps going on about her beauty. He's also surprised that she has never married. Carlota tells him that it's not every girl's destiny to get married. It was also my choice to dedicate my life in taking care of my niece after the awful tragedy happened. I understand, but soon your niece will make her own life and you are still young. Any man would be happy to have you at his side responds the lawyer. Carlota tells him that there is no room in her life for that. Is it because it is taken up with someone else asks the lawyer. (he is so freaking nosy). Carlota tells him it's none of his business and walks away.

C: I understand more then you think. Before I am a priest, I am a man. And I need to know alot of things.
M: So do I. But put yourself in my shoes. How would you feel after all these years you found me as a nun?
C: Yes, I can imagine how you feel. (he touches her cheek). I never thought that life would bring me back here. And never would I have thought of facing the reality of you and of the past. But one thing has not changed. Our love. It was pure, simple and clean.
M: That is why I have never gave my heart to another. You marked my life forever.
C: And you did the same to me. As a man I could not give my heart to another woman.
M: But you were going to marry Natalia.
C: Yes, but I couldn't. It was the day of the wedding when I realized that the love I had for you and the guilt of causing your suicide would always unite us. The presence of Sagario and Javier made me realize that.
M: You saw Sagario and Javier on the day you were going to get married?
C: (he nods yes)
M: Did you know that they died coming back home?
C: Yes. If they had not died, I would have known sooner that you were still alive. I went to look for them at their hotel, but they had already left to come back to Real del Monte.
M: Do you know that not only did Carlota want not want us happy, but something bigger and stronger. It was god or destiny. Or a sign that life did not want us together.
C: And why not? Tell me. Why is it now that life has brought us together again? Why after 18 years apart did he want us back together here? Looking each other in the eyes. Talking about what could have been?

Carlota is in her room and goes to the mirror. Why did you prefer her? I am sure that if you saw us both now, you would want to be with me. I so much desire a kiss from you. (I wondered for a moment if the mirror was like the one in Snow White where it would lie and say that she was the fairest of them all?)

Rufi is at the mercado shopping for fruit. An older gentleman comes up asking for some fruit. The shop lady says that she will be with him in a minute after taking care of Rufi. The older gentlemen says your Rufi? Of course. I'm Rufina Martinez, but they call me Rufi. And who are you? The older gentlemen replies that he is Mundo, her mariachi. She is shocked.

Carlota lies in bed telling herself that if he is still alive she wants to talk to him. She cannot leave this life without being his.

C: Don't you believe that I feel the same way? Don't you believe that I am rejoicing in finding you again?
M: I don't know. But I know that I don't want to be the one to cause you to question your vocation.
C: You were part of my life before I took this particular road. What's more it was your death that brought me to him.
M: That is now your path. A life dedicated to faith and service to god.
C: It was the only thing that gave me peace. And strength to handle your death.
M: I also gave myself to him (god) and Paloma. We found a way to deal with each other's death. But I know one thing. I will not compete with god. I will respect his plans for you.
C: What are you saying?
M: That this is the only time we will talk about our past together. If it was another woman or even if you were married I would try to get you back. Because the love that I have for you is stronger then I. But with god? I have to bow out.
C: But I don't know yet what I am feeling. (don't know what he said after this, my recording acted funny)
M: I will see you at mass and in the street. But you cannot be my confessor. (She turns away and he grabs her.) Don't touch me. Please don't ever touch me again. My mind is respectful of your vows, but my heart does not have that kind of strength. (she leaves)
Cristobal asks god for help. Macarena asks god to forgive her and give her strength. She cannot believe that the man she loves is now a priest.

Joel gets a call from someone who says they want to see him. He agrees to meet up at a cafe.

Elmundo follows Rufi and she tells him to leave her alone. He tells her he's happy to see her after all these years. Rufi says I don't feel the same way. For me you were dead and buried. But I am alive and have returned replies Elmundo. Then go back where you came from responds Rufi. Why asks Elmundo. Don't you remember why asks Rufi. No replies Elmundo. Well there you go replies Rufi. Elmundo wants to ask Rufi to go for a taco or whatever. He want to catch up. Is she married? Have any kids? Did she name any children after him? She tells him that she never married or had children. And if she did have any children she would never name them after him. Well one of my daughters has your name replies Elmundo. And she named one of her daughters after you in your honor.

Angelica takes her resume to Emiliano for a job. There is not a position open replies Emiliano. He can't believe that the school fired her. Angelica keeps mum about it.

Romina tells Paloma that Aaron left her with a good impression. She thinks that Paloma should finalize things with her aunts. Paloma reminds Romina that she wants to leave Real del Monte as soon as she finishes school. But you have plenty of time left replies Romina. Paloma tells Romina that she will think about it. Romina tells her that you only live life once. Perhaps I'll get Emiliano to fall in love with me again.

Angelica is escorted out by Emiliano and comes across Orlando. They say hi and she leaves. Orlando wants to know what Angelica was doing here. Looking for a job replies Emiliano. Orlando looks over her application and tells Emiliano that the current secretary, Veronica, has to leave because she is pregnant. And it's high risk. He wants to find someone that can work temporarily for them for 4 or 5 months. What do you think asks Orlando. Emiliano thinks it's a great idea. He wants to find out if she knows about office stuff. Orlando tells him to ask Angelica to come see him.

Mother Superior asks Paloma how is Macarena doing. Great replies Paloma. MS notices that Paloma is sad. Paloma denies it. MS says it's hard to confide in her because of her role as a disciplinarian. Perhaps when the new psychologist comes she can help. Paloma says that Angelica has helped her a lot. She doesn't think that anyone can replace her. And if MS asked around most people would want her back.

Joel meets the the mystery person who called. It's Sophia. He can't believe that they would ever see each other again. He figured that she would be happy with her husband. Sophia tells him that she did not get married.

Elmundo tells Rufi that had to go to help his brother with his band while his hand healed. Rufi asks why didn't he write her? Because I had every intention of coming back once a month, but things prevented it from happening. Rufi thought that he abandoned her. Elmundo tells her that she was the love of his life. She's not buying it. He swears she was. His nephew sent a letter to him that she had left and he didn't know where. Rufi asks did you think that I was going to wait for you? I have waited my whole life for you to return replies Elmundo.

Sophia tells Joel that she has not stopped thinking about him. Joel wants to know why Sophia has returned. I want to marry you replies Sophia. But you denied me responds Joel. Sophia tells Joel that she will no longer allow her father to run her life. Joel doesn't believe her. Her father wanted to punish him for setting eyes on her. That is why he believes her father wanted to close the factory. To ruin him. Sophia can't believe that her father would do that. Joel tells her to ask Rafael then. Sophia swears that she did not know that her father would do that. Joel promised himself that he would never set his eyes on a higher person again.

Romina tells Aaron (on the phone) that she went out to eat with Emiliano. She told him that she needed him as a friend, yada, yada. How did it go for you? Aaron says he doesn't know. Paloma seemed very distant. Romina tells him to find a way to convince her. He says it's not as easy as I thought it would be. Find a way replies Romina. We will keep trying. Aaron laughs and tells Romina the look on Emiliano's face when he told him that they (Paloma and him) were novios. Even Paloma confirmed it. Romina tells him to keep at it.

Sophia repeats again that she wants to be with Joel and doesn't care what her father says. Joel says you are saying that because he is angry with you for canceling the wedding with the man that he picked for you. Sophia says that he's angry, but will get over it. She wants to marry whomever she wants. Please take me back. I don't want to be with someone that I don't love. She kisses him.

Cristobal talks to Padre Basco about what happened between him and Macarena. Padre Basco tells him that she is in his past. What gives you the most happiness asks Padre. I don't know replies Cristobal. Think about it responds Padre.

Macarena tells Rufi about her conversation with Cristobal. She has lost him forever. Rufi says maybe it's time to make a new life with someone else like the doctor. Macarena says that she doesn't have the strength to do that. You have a reason to live replies Rufi. You have to remember Paloma is here. And confront Carlota about her lies.

Camila receives a letter from Samuel. He wants to see her and Romina. Camila becomes upset and asks Metiche were she got the letter. A local boy replies Metiche. Go get him asks Camila. Right away.

Rafael wonders why a deposit from Camila's store was made in his business account.

Ines and Diana are talking about her problem. Diana has decided to leave with Emiliano so that Orlando can never bother her again.

Rodolfo calls to speak with Macarena. Rufi tells him that she's asleep. He asks if she's okay. Rufi tells him that she went to church to talk to Padre Juan (Cristobal) and it seemed to have affected her. But she'll tell Macarena that he called when she wakes up.

Metiche brings the local boy who brought the letter to her. Camila is questioning him on the whereabouts of the man who wanted the letter delivered to her. The local boy doesn't know where he is, but says that the man comes and goes all the time. Camila asks him the next time the man comes back to tell her without the man knowing. The boy agrees and leaves. Metiche wonders what's going on. Camila tells her the man is her ex and wants to see Romina, but she doesn't want him around Romina.

Rodolfo goes to the church to see Cristobal. He wants to talk about Macarena and her bad health. (guess the guy has never heard of HIPPA) He says that Macarena is in bad shape because of Carlota. What do you want me to do asks Cristobal. Help me convince her to accept my marriage proposal asks Rodolfo.

Rufi tells Macarena that Rodolfo called. Macarena tells Rufi that her day has been full of emotional distress. Not just you replies Rufi. She tells Macarena about finding Elmundo at the mercado and their conversation. Macarena asks Rufi, "What if he really still cares for you?" Rufi just brushes it off. She doesn't believe him.

Cristobal tells Rodolfo that he cannot interfere in Macarena's life or for that matter anyone else's. Rodolfo says I'm not asking you too. I just want you to be her confessor, her priest and her friend. You have known her for a long time. Cristobal asks if her health is bad. Rodolfo says that she has suffered from diabetes since she was a child. The last treatment I gave her is not working and I believe that she needs to be in a stable enviroment. You believe Carlota is causing unstablility in her health asks Cristobal. Yes, replies Rodolfo. That is why I want to take her and Paloma away from Carlota. Are you in love with her asks Cristobal. Yes replies Rodolfo. I know she doesn't feel the same way about me though. But I believe that eventually she will. Cristobal tells Rodolfo that the favor he is asking him is very delicate. He feels responsible for Macarena. Why asks Rodolfo. Because I have known her for a long time and I don't want her to suffer. I don't know if she will talk to me about all this. But he will try to talk to her.

Joel goes to see Rafael. He asks why a deposit from Camila was put into his business account. Joel says that it must be a mistake from the bank. Rafael is not buying it. Joel says fine, I'll tell you the truth. Joel says that the one condition the anonymous investor wanted was for Rafael to never find out who that person is. Are you telling me that Camila is our anonymous investor? Yes, replies Joel. It is because she had confidence in you and the new line. Rafael is in shock.

Crisotbal prays to god. He needs help because he is jealous that another man is in love with Macarena. Rodolfo is behind him. He wants to confess something that Carlota told him about Macarena. Cristobal tries to protest, but Rodolfo insists.

Tomorrow: Emiliano thinks about Paloma; Rodolfo wants to confess to Cristobal about a secret that Carlota told him in regards to Macarena.


ENDA Tuesday September 15. The good news is, Carlota didn’t kill anyone today.

That was then: Diana’s 10-watt light bulb flickers dimly and she rather inexplicably demonstrates her fiendish yet stupid plan to Inés using teacups and silverware as props. She wants to use Emiliano’s access to Orlando’s info to steal all Orly’s money and frame some Ignacio person for the theft, said chump being apparently the same person she framed when she stole all Orly’s money 25 years ago. No, I don’t know why she hates him so much, either, or why she doesn’t want him to find her. It’s not like she can lose custody of Emiliano at this point. Inés looks pained at this absurd plot, but will she narc on the narcissist?

Over in the big city, the judge tells Carlota he can keep Paloma from her inheritance for the right price. Carlota smiles fiendishly.

This is now: Macarena is still lounging in bed, telling Rufi how upset she is to find that her beloved Cristóbal is a priest now. Rufi says he must be suffering at least as much. Mac wishes Cruel would come home soon so she could confront her about the whole thing, but Rufi says this will give Mac a chance to talk with Cris before she arrives.

Alonso remembers seeing Carlota in the restaurant, and abandons his secretary in some hotel room and storms away. He goes back to the restaurant and asks whether the solo lady is staying in that hotel, but the hostess doesn’t know because she paid in cash.

Paloma and Mac have a boring chat about how Paloma didn’t like being kissed by Aaron and told him to buzz off (Mac approves) and how Paloma wants to volunteer at the church (Mac thinks she might just want to be near Emiliano, and urges her to consider the consequences).

Romina tells Emiliano that she’s angry and sad because her father has been living in Mexico City and never tried to contact her. Emiliano thinks maybe he’s afraid she’ll reject him. He thinks she should contact him herself. She wonders how Emil manages having separated parents and he says it’s best to just stay out of their marital issues. Romina changes the subject—isn’t it so nice that Paloma and Aaron are novios? Emiliano curdles.

Diana is ransacking Emiliano’s room, looking for the company banking information which I’m sure Emiliano keeps in his underwear drawer, as Inés tries to talk her out of her moronic caper. “It’s the best idea I’ve had in years!” Diana shrieks. You know, somehow I believe that. Inés finally points out the obvious: if all the money disappears, Emiliano will be blamed and go to jail, and if Orlando ever finds out the money is in an account under Ignacio’s name, he’ll know Diana is behind it and tell Emiliano she is ratera (thieving, vile, low-life). Diana freaks out at the thought of her precious baby in jail and Inés convinces her it’s best to do nothing.

Alonso asks the clerk whether Carlota EdlM is staying in that hotel. He confirms it, but has to be bribed into giving up the room number.

Rafael drops by Camila’s house to ask whether it’s true that she and Orlando are a serious item. She says no, they’re just going out…it’s not the same thing. Rafael tells her he hoped he would have a chance with her. She says she’d like to give that a chance, too…someday, if and when his divorce is finalized. He’s happy with that.

Carlota is back in the hotel restaurant, and some guy joins her. Mystery Man invites Carlota out for some fun, but is rejected. He tells her she’s a classy dame, but she should lighten up and live a little. She tells him to get lost or she’ll have him thrown out. Her loss, he says as he swaggers away. After he’s gone, she caresses her hand where he touched her and breathes heavily, looking purple once more.

Paloma is headed to bed and prays for the memory of Aaron’s slimy beso to be erased (I assume, because she flashes back to that and looks disgusted as she kneels). She jumps up and purges that thought with moony remembrances of kissing Emiliano as she tells herself it will never be the same.

Alonso catches Carlota as she returns to her room. She yells at him to leave because a lady of her category would never have a man in her room. “What category is that? The kind where you mistreat and get rid of your niece’s fiancé?” he asks. “Sure, if he doesn’t suit me,” she replies. The pleasantries over with, he accuses her of killing Iñaki. She denies it but looks worried.

Emiliano is glad Paloma agreed to help out with the church program because they’ll get to spend time together. He looks moony about it. I’m not opposed to church youth programs, but running a recreational scheme as a cover to ferret out drug addicts just seems a little dishonest and sketchy to me. Not to mention unlikely to work.

Carlota tells Alonso he’s just trying to blame her because he feels guilty for not supporting his son and being there in his last days. He asks why she’s so flustered if she’s innocent. She says if he wants to destroy her reputation he’d better have proof, and there isn’t any. Because you encouraged cremation, he retorts. Etc., etc. After they go a few rounds of This is not over/Yes, it is, Carlota succeeds in throwing him out. Alonso staggers down the hall and replays in his mind almost the entire conversation we just heard. I guess the script was a little short.

There is no rest for the wicked; Cruelota tosses and turns in bed, and looks over to see Iñaki staring at her! She sits up, dripping sweat.

Alonso is back in his own hotel room, telling Amalia he needs to find proof of Carlota’s guilt. She thinks he’s crazy. He says she’s the same as Natalia. Oddly, the mistress does not like to be compared to the wife.

Dario shows up at Inés’s place to see Angélica. They stare at each other.

Orlando tells Emiliano he wants to have a celebration to announce the new partnership and the expansion plans. They’ll make a big deal of it, and he should invite his parents and friends, and they’ll try to get some press there to get some publicity.

Dario asks Ange to come back to him, because he needs her both as a copy editor and as a muse. She’s not interested in a ghostwriter-with-benefits setup, and says for a moment she hoped he wanted her just for herself, because he loved her. He claims he does. She’ll only consider it if he’s split with Georgina.

Germán talks to some lawyer guy about working with his firm. The guy says they have no openings right now, but Germy should stay in touch because he has great qualifications and the guy isn’t offput by Germy’s weird facial hair situation.

Alonso and Carlota exchange words again in the hotel lobby, but they don’t say anything new or interesting.

At school, Liliana tells Paloma in passing that she should come to her if she ever wants her blindness cured. Then, Romina tells Paloma that Emiliano called the night before and asked her out to dinner, and it was amazing, and she thinks he want to get back together. Paloma just can’t even process that.

Carlota calls Macarena (finally out of bed!) just to ask (without even saying hello) whether Natalia and Alonso are still married. When Mac says she thinks so, Carlota hangs up and smirks. Mac and Rufi puzzle over this.

Ange sobs that Dario never loved her; he just used her. Inés tries to be sympathetic.

Georgina and some other woman are in Dario’s office trying to figure out where he went. Ivonne (Natalia’s friend! Interesting) walks in and asks what’s going on. Georgina thinks Dario’s gone after that Angélica, and if it’s true his life is over.

Alonso calls Natalia from his office in the D.F. and claims he’s still in Monterrey and won’t be back for a few more days. He hangs up before she can ask too many questions. Amalia, who should really spend some time considering how gross and desperate she wants to be, is delighted to hear they’ll be staying in the hotel longer, even though it’s just because Alonso wants to stalk Carlota.

Emiliano and Orlando unpack silver stuff while Emil revels in the success of his latest scheme to be close to Paloma. Orly says way to go. Emiliano says he doesn’t believe she’s really into Aaron, he thinks she’s just trying to throw him off. He declares he won’t give up until he’s tried everything, which would probably make him a stalker if he was not the galán.

Some gentleman named Juancho, who is wearing a hat that looks like a disguise, has brought a lot of new blankets to the dispensario, which pleases Inés. He calls her Inesita. A romantic interest for our sad gossip? Seems to be, because when she steps out of the room he sneaks back in and leaves a rose and a note telling her the rose was red but paled next to her beauty, which is why it is yellow.

Carlota is back in purple, so she must be plotting more evil. She tells her lawyer she’ll be in the city for a few more days, and she wants all the information he can get on Cristóbal.

Mac slips into mass just in time for the very last line, which seems a little rude. As soon as the “amen” passes Cris’s lips, the entire congregation conveniently whisks right out in a very efficient manner, leaving Cris and Mac alone to talk.

Avances: Nothing interesting. I hope something will happen.


Mañana es Para Siempre, Tuesday, September 15--Ep #145: Pobre de Esteve!

Artemio Bravo promises Padre Bosco that if he's lying, he (Artemio) will put Gonzo's daughter's remains ("restos") next to the remains of the artist formerly known as Eduardo Juarez. Lili's life is in Padre Bosco's hands.

Martina happily reports to her McDreamy that Venus and Esteve finally got their shit together. "Well, then, don't you think it's time we started thinking about our future?" he replies. I think he's just pissed that Esteve beat him to the punch. Martina asks if he's suggesting "que nos matrimoniemos" (very slangy for "that we get married"). Martina doesn't have an objection, as such, but she doesn't want to rush things. And she wants to do a "carrera" (degree course) as a nurse first. Mc Dreamy is McPouty about waiting for three years, but Martina think they'll just get to know each other better and besides, she plans to marry for life.

Venus worries that she said "yes" to Esteve too quickly. But she's worrying while draping her arms around his neck, so I don't think he minds. He says he can give her more time to think if she wants it, but he warns her that if she says "no" he'll just keep chasing her until she says "yes." So Venus says she'll give him a permanent "yes," in that case. They fall on the couch together and get all smoochy. That splint on her pinky is really distracting. Especially because they didn't give an in-character reason for it. In the midst of the smooching Venus asks for a favor. Well, that's just dirty pool. The "favor" is that Esteve not give her expensive presents after they're married. Honey, sweetie, you're marrying a rich guy…let him give you whatever kind of presents he wants to! It's what they do! She specifically requests no "alhajas" (gems, jewelry). Plus no sex until marriage. Esteve agrees and tells her he luuuuurves her.

Evil Barbie and Gonzo the meat puppet sit down to dinner. Gonzo happily reminds her that she'll have all his worldly goods soon. He's glad the kids can't leave her out on the street after he's dead. Barbie comes over to hang on Gonzo's neck like the noose she is and thought bubbles that Artemio won't get a cent of that money. It's all going to go to Power Milk and she'll take her daughter and grandchild away to live a life of luxury. Pris and her fabulous boobs, in a lovely blue knit, come into the dining room accompanied by an Anibal smiling so broadly it looks like he's auditioning for the role of Joker. It will just be the four of them for dinner. Camilo doesn't live there anymore and Fer is over at Erika's. Anibal waxes rhapsodic about how their spawn is going to bring so much happiness into the house.

Fer, listens to Erika ooh and aah over her engagement ring, her wedding linens from Spain, and so on. Erika quite insensitively says to Fer "isn't getting married, like, the best thing ever!" Um, yeeah, only second to getting divorced from a sleazebag, I suppose. How Fer refrains from tossing that glass of red wine in her "friend"'s face is beyond me. A guest arrives at the Astorga's house…the long-awaited Miguel?

Padre Bosco pays a visit to Las Animas, looking for Franco. Esteve answers the door, says Franco isn't around, introduces Padre Bosco to Venus, and then offers to give Franco a call while Venus entertains the Padre. No, not like that. A little kid comes up to the door. It's like Grand Central Station around there. The kid has come to tell Esteve that Franco's car broke down out at the road and Franco needs help…NO ESTEVE, DON'T GO!

Fer eats a plum and avoids talking to Franco. Erika announces the arrival of Mr. September from the 2009 Playgirl Latin Lover calendar. I mean, hubba, hubba. Even Franco senses that this is some stiff competition indeed. And my mind just went somewhere entirely different. What? Oh, yeah, MEPS…uh, lots of smiling and uncomfortable giggling, and giddy giggling, and stoic silence and dental-ad smiling. Guess who's who. It's just too much hotness, so we go to commercials.

Fer hugs and kisses Miguel, who tells her she's pretty. Erika introduces Franco. The guys shake hands. Miguel doesn't look the least bit intimidated. Mr. 5ft wonders if Miguel was trying to put the moves on Franco. I must say, that grin is maybe a tad too friendly. Colunga graduates from acting with twitches of the jaw to twitches of the eye. Erika looks like she's imagining a threesome.

Sorry, my mind is just permanently entrenched in the gutter this evening!

Esteve runs along the country road.

Miguel says Fer only replied to one of his letters. Erika hints Fer was busy writing to someone else. Miguel blames himself for Fer's marriage, having not been insistent enough. Yeah, you make him pay…and pay, and pay. Fer tells him she's not married anymore. She thinks she married Damian too soon, so of course their marriage didn't last. Erika says Fer is doing wonderfully…and how is Miguel? Well, he's been suffering from love too. He got his heart broken in Spain. Well, if you've got to get your heart broken somewhere…. And when is this happy couple getting married, Miguel wonders. "In three weeks," says Franco's mouth, "and thank you SO much for asking" says the shake of his head. Miguel wanted to get married and have a family, and maybe even a dog and a cat, but it's hard to find the right woman, so that's why he envies Erika and Franco. Before Erika can invite Miguel to the friendly foursome in the country, Ruthie calls them all to dinner. Miguel escorts Fer and Erika gushes to Franco about how it's all going perfectly.

Esteve is still looking for Franco's car when he's hit from behind with a pipe. We all knew this was coming. It's that orange waste of space with a cat butt for a mouth, Camilo.

Being the little turd he is, he brought his four frat buddies with him. Esteve calls them cowards. Camilo kicks Esteve a few times, then leaves his buddies to finish the job while he watches, like the spineless little worm he is.

Venus suggests that maybe the Padre needs a stronger drink than coffee to calm his nerves. Padre finally accepts a tequila.

Miguel shows Fer a picture of Erika's country house. Now she invites them. Miguel accepts, then Fer does. Franco, looking like he's got a huge wad of food stuffed in his mouth, chews and stews.

The beating of Steve continues.

Erika tells some funny story about her and Fer getting in trouble with her aunt for supposedly breaking a nice piece of porcelain. Fer joins in, reminding Erika that the following year, her aunt locked up all the breakables before they came over. The last time they were at the house was the summer before Fer and Er started college. Miguel was already doing his Masters at the time and they met at the Mexican embassy's party on the 15th to celebrate El Grito ( After that, all three of them were inseperable until Fer left without saying goodbye. Erika crows that this is going to be a very significant trip for all of them. Miguel invites Fer out to dinner tomorrow night, while Franco looks positively offended by the idea. Fer accepts. The foursome toast. Franco mutters under his breath.

Venus leaves the house looking for Esteve, but she doesn't go very far before coming back and telling Padre Bosco she can't find him. PB suggests she call Eduardo, uh, Franco, but Venus doesn't have his cell number. PB asks about Gardenia, but she's not there anymore. Venus calls Steve's cell. PB says he has to speak to Franco urgently.

Steve's phone rings while he lies on the ground bleeding.

PB suggests they both go look for him. Venus grabs a flashlight and they depart.

Artemio asks Lili if she remembers where the diary is. He tells her she knows why she shouldn't have handed it over without his permission. He tells her the trip is cancelled--"no pyramids!"--and Lili cries. Artemio tells her that if she doesn't tell him where the diary is, he'll get very, very angry at her. Lili huddles by her bed and cries.

The double date continues, without audio. Franco looks pissy.

Venus asks the Padre what's going on while they look for Esteve, but Padre doesn't say anything except that they need to keep looking.

Fer thanks Er for a wonderful dinner. Miguel asks her to call a taxi, standing way too close to Fer, but Erika says Fer will take him home. To whose home, she doesn't say. Miguel asks if she doesn't have a problem taking him to the hotel, and she doesn't. Er smiles a lot and hugs Franco.

Venus and PB are getting worried and they've almost gotten to the road. Venus is sure it's the right path to get there, but Padre Bosco sees a "brecha" (gap) and they go to investigate.

Fer gets in the jeep.

Franco disentangles himself from Erika with a promise to call her later (big lie…he never calls, why would he start now?).

Miguel gets in the jeep. He can't believe he's got her there, so close to him. He wonders if she remembered him too. They stare at each other in the jeep. Kiss or drive, people, you can't do both. Franco sits in his car watching them talk and laugh in his rearview mirror. He finally starts his car and peels out. Fer starts the jeep and tells Miguel to buckle up.

Venus and Padre Bosco shuffle along, Venus, oddly, calling for "Don Franco" and Padre Bosco calling for Steve. Did they get a tow truck? Why didn't Steve answer his phone? Venus finally sees a body. She leaves PB behind to run to Steve. She lies on his chest and cries, while PB asks God "Why?" Well, my answer is that that's what happens when you tell rapists to get out of town instead of turning them in to the cops so they can rot in jail where they belong.

Franco pulls over to let Fer pass him so he can follow the jeep. Fer talks to Miguel about how he remembers her. He remembers she left on a Sunday, he didn't have her address. Fer reminds him that he left Spain too at around the same time. He says he got a job in Ginebra (Geneva) and he left with his feelings of a "pretendiente rechazado" (rejected suitor). Fer says he's exaggerating and laughs that they were just good friends. Miguel says he never told her, but he fell in love with her when he met her. Fer can't believe it. Fer wants him to continue his resume…how many years did he live in Geneva? His answer is hilarious: "Viviendo como se dice viviendo, sin sentir una punzada de dolor en el corazon cada vez que pensaba en ti, respirar sin suspirar, recuperando el apetito, durmiendo sin sobresaltarme, a ese estilo de vida te refieres?" Which means "Well, 'living' as in 'living', without feeling a stab of pain in my heart every time I thought of you, breathing without sighing, getting my appetite back, sleeping without being startled…is that the kind of life you were referring to?" Fer says he's exaggerating again. But he insists it's the truth and nothing but the truth.

Meanwhile, in his car, Franco has his phone headset in, but is talking to Fer, telling her not to do this, that he's having an attack of jealousy (celos), that he loves her and she knows it. He talks about how it's such a torment to have her so close and not be able to show her all he feels. And now this "intruso" (intruder) shows up in her life. Yeah, yeah, I know she's supposed to end up with him, but if he really "loves" her, "loves" as in "wants her to be happy", then shouldn't he be happy that a decent not-sleeping-with-her-mother-in-law kind of guy is interested in her? OK, adjusting beanie.

Fer asks about his work, his family. Brief PSA about Economistas Sin Fronteras… they try to develop programs for populations in marginalized areas. Miguel says they're opening an office in Mexico. See what I mean, he's perfect for her…they can be the power couple in Mexican social activism. He's going to be spending some time in Mexico. Fer really, really wants to know more about his "work." And luckily for them, they can talk about it on their trip. She asks again about his family. His mom is living in Columbia. He's still single. He wants to know if that person who was in her heart when he met her is still there or if she's forgotten him.

Actually, he's in the car behind you. Finally getting the call from Steve's cell phone, as a crying Venus says Steve's dying. On a grammatical note, what she says is "se nos muere" which literally means "he's dying on us"--the "nos" makes it reflexive. It's also used in other constructions, such as, "se me rompio el vaso", "the glass broke on me"; "se me descompuso el auto", "my car broke down on me". It's almost as if the speaker is taking the action personally, or at least in this case, Venus is pointing out that Steve "dying" isn't just happening to Steve, it is affecting Venus and Franco. If she didn't give a crap, there wouldn't be the emphasis, it would just be "se muere" or "está muriendo" or "se va a morir".

Fer pulls the jeep up to the Suites International *****. She tells Miguel she's surprised by everything he's said. She never imagined he was in love with her. Miguel says he feels better now that he's told her how he felt. Fer tries to minimize it…we were young, etc. They agree to see each other tomorrow. Miguel wishes her a good night and leans over. He tells her he was really excited to see her again as he strokes her hair. He moves in for a kiss, but Fer gets it on the cheek. Eh, not sure how I'm feeling about his shoes as she pulls away…looks like sneakers. I'll let it slide for now.

Evil Barbie talks to Damian via phone about whether he can obtain explosives. He wonders what for…hasn't he learned not to ask? And also, for blowing things up, duh! He asks if she's blowing up Lactos. She assures him it's for a good cause and she wants them by tomorrow. He'll get them for her as long as he gets paid well. She tells him she'll call him tomorrow with the delivery information. They hang up and Damian wonders if she's planning to blow up the convent to get Aurora out. But he supposes she'd be dead if Barbie did that.

At the hospital, a nurse hands over Esteve's personal effects. The doctor will be out to talk to them when she's done operating. Venus cries that she wants to go to the chapel and pray. Padre Bosco approves of that move. I wonder if she'll ask him to hear her confession. That's a whole other novela in and of itself! She heads off. Franco takes Esteve's wallet out of the envelope and notices it's still stuffed with plenty of gringo dollars. He shows Padre Watson the money and says this wasn't a robbery. Padre Bosco finally gets to tell him that Artemio Bravo came to see him. He thinks he was too late and what happened to Esteve is due to Artemio. He says Bravo threatened him that if he can't prove Eduardo is dead, Bravo will kill Lili. How's he supposed to prove that?

Artemio smokes a cigar and reviews the photos of the Elizalde family. He tells the picture of Lili that since she betrayed him, she'll suffer the same fate as her mother. Does anybody remember those Richard Simmons Deal-A-Meal cards? Lili's card just got moved into the "dead" food group.

Franco remembers meeting with Artemio and Artemio saying he had to meet Steve in person or cancel further visits with Lili. Padre Bosco is sure it was Artemio and there's nothing Franco can do about it. Franco says if Artemio is after his friends, he must pay! It's not that simple, Padre Bosco reminds him. The man is powerful and terrible! Padre Bosco says retaliating will only mean handing himself over to Bravo as Eduardo Juarez. Not following the logic on that one. Franco swears that if "anything" happens to Steve (which, come on, it already has, how much more do you need?) he'll tear Bravo to pieces.

Fer sneaks into the house. Erika is waiting for her in the library. Fer sends Tomasa to bed and goes into the library to see what Erika wants. Erika says she couldn't sleep without finding out how it went. "Se te declaro?" (Did he declare his love?) Fer thinks she's moving too fast. What's the hurry to get Fer paired off. Erika says Miguel's way cuter than before. Fer admits they had a nice chat, he used to be in love with her, but that's all. Er wonders if Fer has feelings for him too, but Fer reminds her that animals don't mate in captivity. I mean, she says she's feeling a lot of pressure. Er just wants her not to pass up this prime opportunity. She says that Franco said they made a good looking pair. She even calls up Franco so he can tell Fer himself. She hands over her phone and Franco tells her he's at the hospital in Toluca, Steve had an "accident" and he's in surgery. Fer asks if there's anything she can do to help, but he says there's nothing, so she tells him she hopes everything turns out ok and passes the phone back to Erika.

Venus cries in the chapel. She asks God to save Steve because he's a good guy and deserves to live. She's willing to trade herself for him…having been a sinner and not having parents, while Steve does have family and would be missed. Aw, don't sell yourself short, there. It was just mud wrestling and sex, it's not like you killed anybody. She's pretty far down on the ladder of evil compared to people like Artemio Bravo and Evil Barbie. She's not even evil, more like junior league naughty.

The doctor tells Franco the operation was a success, but that doesn't guarantee Steve's recovery. Venus comes back to the lobby in time to hear the doc say that Esteve had some cranial hemorrhaging that was drained to relieve pressure, but due to the severity of the trauma, he's in a coma. Well, mark that one off on the Telenovela Bingo Card. What are we still missing? Amnesia, fake pregnancy, falling down the stairs…any others? Esteve is in Intensive Care for observation and the next 72 hours are critical. He's in "extremely" serious condition.

Evil Barbie lies in bed with Gonzo and thought bubbles that she's not going to keep catering to Artemio's whims. She doesn't care what happens to the Elizalde family. She's got a reason for living now. She has a family and she's going to devote her life to it.

That's all for today. Tune in tomorrow when we no longer find out exactly what happens, because we're too close to the end. Woo hoo!


Viiiivvvaaaa Mexxxiiicccoooo!!!!!!!!!!

El GRito!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tambien Felicidades a Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua y Chile por su independencia!!!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Gancho Tuesday 9/15/'09 Mama Mia! There Was A Lot Of Sexual Tension Tonight

Jeez...for a while there I was afraid my screen would melt. Things were getting mighty hot between Mauricio and Monita. If any of the female viewers have caveman fantasies, Mauricio really came through for 'em tonight. Verrry interesting.

Alright. Down to business. Here's what happened. Forget yesterday. The new stuff continues with Beto confronting Mauricio in the parking garage. When we start, Beto has the baseball bat and wants to know just what's going on with Mau and Monita. Our little pugilist intervenes, Mau gets the bat (garrote) and starts laying down the law to them both. You'll be on time, do all that I ask, no time off, and if you fail in any way, you're fired! Punto. Mmmm...I know we're supposed to hate it when a guy goes all macho and imperialistic, but I found it rather sexy. I mean, usually Mau is such a mushy little wimp. I liked seeing a little testosterone flare there.

It carries over to his conversation with Constanza. He wants to know if she told Monita they were getting married. She whines around. How many times have I asked you to marry me? he snarls. Well, never...not once, Connie concedes. So you solve your problems and let me solve mine, he continues. Now, are you ready to go to this event this afternoon? Connie pleads off, citing "female problems" (a phrase that guarentees no further questions will be asked!) but of course we know she's planning to waylay Lefort to try and get the incriminating tapes.

Back at the office, Beto is fuming about his "ex-hermano" being such a tyrant. Monita is planning her own revenge ,plus exhorting Paula to spread the word that she's NOT pregnant. Beto is elected messenger boy and fumes some more about having to ride the "pesero" (bus) to deliver it....and evidently it was a rough ride because the envelope, by the time he arrives at Mauricio's house, is ripped, dirty, mangled and who knows what else.?Teresa is horrified...yet somehow charmed when Beto calls her "abuelita" and actually offers him a "taquito", after he washes his hands of course. Good luck with that.

Beto heads off in search of a bathroom and Constanza.

Okay. First smoulder session with Mau and Monita. He demands a cappuchino. She brings it. It's cold. Well, she doesn't have eight hands, and furthermore she's not his slave. So fire me. So quit. Fire me. Quit. Córreme. Renuncia. They keep inching closer and closer while all this is going on. I observe dispassionately that Mau has very kissable lips. You guys are probably noticing the same for Monita. Tension is rippling through the room. It's even spreading through MY family room. Watch out! More to come.

By contrast, the usually hot session between Beto and Constanza seem tame in comparison. Sure, he bends her back over a car or two, does his usual tongue slobbering while she writhes a bit in response, but it doesn't quite match the restrained rumble between our two protagonistas. Beto, of course, is highly upset to think that Connie might marry Mau, so he agrees to go along with her plan to waylay Lefort and get the tapes back.

But look, he reasons, I'm a brute, yes, but not a hired killer. But he slept with your mom! Connie whines. Yeah, but even so. We get that Beto is willing to try and steal the tapes but not actually do Lefort in. Clearly he's not as low-down as Jeronimo and Oscar.

Meanwhile, King Mau has ordered Monita to accompany him to an art auction. But she can't sit with him. She's to wait outside in the lobby. That lasts about one minute and our little monkey hops in, sits behind him, makes ribald remarks about the art being offered for sale, and once she understands the bids are all for a good cause, keeps bidding up in Mauricio's name until he's purchased a dopey looking dog picture for "cien mil". Hope it's pesos and not dollars.

Beto is having a lot more trouble keeping Connie happy. He struggles to scale the wall outside Lefort's house (I'm Fantasma Vengador not Spiderman!) ,suggesting that since Con is more aerobically fit, she should try it. No deal. If he helped her over, he'd see her undies (chones). Well, if she took off her undies, he wouldn't see 'em. Still no deal. So over he goes, and guess what. The four rottweilers who were supposed to be tied up are running loose and ready to take some nips out of our hapless Beto.

And hapless is Mauricio's state as well. His sexy battle with Monita continues with her about to win another round. Happy? he asks, after he hands over the money for the painting. She reminds him that the sum he paid is just a drop in the bucket for him. Are you defying me? Are you threatening me? You can quit. You can fire me. How about if I step on your foot with my heel, she adds. It won't hurt (we see him grimacing) and after Moni flounces off, we see him limping.

Could it get worse? It does. How about if I "embarro este pastelito en la cara?" she asks. Oh no. She does. He staggers over to the table and grabs two cakes himself. She parries the first one and he gets her with the second. Whew! There was just something very hot about that! He licks some off her ear. She shivers. They both laugh. The bystanders are laughing too. I am so ready for dessert!

Things are nearly as much fun outside Lefort's house. Connie tells a battered and dazed Beto not to whine. They gotta get those tapes! "Me pones cachonda" (you turn me on) Beto replies and does his trademark slurp slurp and then pounces on the emerging Lefort. Our brainbender slugs him with his briefcase. Beto screams for the police. (He's really not good at this) and Lefort finally asks "My dear aborigene...why did you attack? Ahh....Connie put you up to it.

Heck, enough of that. Let's get back to Mau and Moni. Now he's saying she has to come back to the house with him while he showers off the cake. And lather you up as well I suppose! Good idea. (This is bringing back some good memories) Oh my.

Lefort has a pretty low opinion of our Connie. "Traidora bipolar psicodiferente "he calls her (Hey, translate that any way you want) and Beto is lamenting his various aches and pains. Lefort vows he'll go to Mauricio's and spill the frijoles.

Ay yi yi. Mau's had his shower and out he comes in just a towel. Truly amazing torso. How does one develop a chest like that? I'd really like to know. And here comes Monita, also in a towel. They stop. They gaze at each other. She tells him to leave the room so she can change. He refuses. It's his room. They're face to face. We both know you're dying to kiss me, she breathes. YOU'RE dying to kiss me, he counters. So........they do. Mmmmmm......dang! Teresa comes in. She's so sorry. So are we. There's a señor (Lefort) waiting for you in the salon. Let 'im wait! sez I. But nobody's listening to me.

But goodness, sexual tension is bubbling away even back at the office. First between Salvador and Gabriela. He's wondering what happened to her interest? Well, she thought he was getting divorced. Now that he's decided to stay married to his psychopathic wife, Gabi's done. And she can't wait forever. After all, he's almost TWICE her age (low blow Gabi) and she doesn't want to take her honeymoon in a geriatric hospital (even lower blow!).

Nope, she's not putting her life on hold for Sal. What she'd like is a bronzed, muscular man with honey-colored eyes and maybe a little goatee for interest and...No way! miracles don't exist, laughs Salvador.

But oh my...yes, they do. In walks Sergio Mayer (he's Fernando de la Rosa in this one) and he fills the bill and then some. He has a project to propose and naturally Salvador turns it down flat. Doesn't let him get a word out. Then peers jealously through the venetian blinds as Fernando bids Gabriela good-bye. But it's a long good-bye. Laced with some scrumptious flirtation. He admits it's a"trillado" (hackneyed, trite) thing to say....but he feels as if he knows Gabi already. And she's the best thing that's happened to him today. A bright light in the darkness of his project rejection. How about dinner? She's hems and haws and finally says "no'....but when he gently bids her "adios" she changes her mind. Yesssss! Meet you at eight. No problem. He kisses her on the cheek, walks slowly to the elevator and sends her an absolutely ravishing the doors close. Well, he's a step up from Oscar....a big step...but I'm still rooting for Salvador. Us old folks gotta stick together.

While Mauricio and Monita are frantically pulling on their clothes (isn't that a picture?) Beto and Connie are out in the salon trying to negotiate with Lefort. She'll pay double, triple! but gimmee the tapes. And Beto's ready to kill him when the psych cavalierly dismisses his tumble with Nieves as "just passing the time". Swine! Mauricio arrives and asks Lefort what he was going to tell him. "Bueno...." mumbles our puerco psych and boom...we have an ad.

When we come back, Connie is trying to explain why she's with Beto (and Monita and Mau are trying to explain why they're obviously just out of the shower) and it's all very confused so Lefort asks to speak to Mauricio in private. Moni jumps Coni when our high hat makes a snide remark about working in the jacuzzi and Beto frantically separates them, yelping that's no way for ladies to act.

So the episode ends with lots of questions. Will Mauricio find out about Connie and Beto? Will Gabi and Sal ever get together? If not, will we see lots more of Fernando? And will Mau and Moni kiss again? (I'm betting on that one). But the previews include a really nasty kiss. Ugh. A setup for poor Luisa.

In an earlier scene, we saw icky blonde girl setting Luisa up for humiliation with one of the guys at school. They carry this out by persuading her to close her eyes, expecting a kiss from her young prince, and instead getting smacked on the lips by an enormous toad.

Monita to the rescue, arrives at school and threatens the blonde brat. Connie rats her out to Mauricio and he decides Moni should be fired.

Beto, in a pensive moment, shows us that he's not ready to let Monita go.

desubicado = confused, clueless (Teresa telling Beto that's what he is...)
el pelo de muñeca vieja = lit. the hair of an old doll. Beto's characterization of Mauricio when he hears that Connie's going to marry him. Doesn't sound good.
¡chis! = Jeez! Beto getting attacked by the rottweilers.
venido en balde = came in vain, came for nothing. Salvador pretending to commiserate with Fernando.
trillado = hackneyed, trite
percance = mishap, minor accident. Connie and Beto trying to explain his tattered appearance. sapo prieto = affectionate? Lefort term for Beto. (dark toad, black frog?...your guess is as good as mine)
me pones cachonda = you're making me hot
garrote = stick, bat
pesero = bus
embarro este pastelito en la cara = smear this cake in your face
chones = undies, panties
Dicho of the Day

Quien pega primero, pega dos veces. = He who strikes first strikes twice. Which explains why Monita got the best of Mauricio in this go-round.


Amor Monday, September 14, 2009: Luchar o no luchar, that is the question

A little walk down memory lane: Romina sees Emiliano outside Paloma’s talking to her and she quick dials up Aaron. Skunky Dario seems to be waiting in a restaurant, maybe for Angelica who doesn’t show. He e-mails her that he wants to see her before she leaves town and gives the name of his hotel. Better store this last plot point in long-term memory because nothing happens with this thread tonight.

And on to the new: Emiliano, looking even more moony than usual, tells Paloma since they’re friends, there are lots of things they can do together. Recently Paloma told him she didn’t want to see him, but for some reason she now says okay and lets him in. Across the street, Romina’s jaw drops. She phones Aaron again and says now they’ve gone inside, can you believe it? Aaron is hotfooting it over. Romina says if you want to hang out with that loser Paloma, help yourself, but Emiliano’s all mine.

Aaron needs a pretext to go see Paloma, and he tells Romina to quick buy a bouquet of roses. She protests that she doesn’t want to be the one buying flowers for Paloma, but Aaron says get me some red ones and white ones.

Inez is all weepy and Chris says you can tell me all about it, hija. She looks old enough to be his mother, but I guess hija is what priests have to say to the female members of their flocks. Inez says when she was in her early 20s, she loved to sing and hoped to succeed at it, maybe even be on TV and wear beautiful gowns and have her hair done up all gorgeous. She had a lovely voice, she says. The padre says that’s a blessing. Inez said you’d think so, but my mother didn’t want me pursuing it as a profession. I got a job singing – just singing - in a cabaret. I loved the applause. But even though I used a stage name, my mother found out and was furious and said I was sinning big time. Sob.

Chris said that’s no sin. Inez says my mother took sick from shame. Chris says that’s not right. She was using any means to get you to stop. You can’t feel guilty about that, though you shouldn’t have done it secretly. Besides, those were the old days, and your mother has already wafted up to heaven, so forget all that and decide for yourself what you want to do with the rest of your life.

Paloma is so reserved with Emiliano her eyes are downcast and she’s practically melting into the couch. In fact, she hugs a big couch pillow protectively on her lap. It should be noted that she’s wearing a shapeless short dress that looks appropriate for a little girl, with layers of ruffles. Emiliano chit chats and then comes to the point. He and Padre JuanChris need somebody to figure out some activities for the girls at the church, like he’s doing with the boys. The point is to keep an eye out for alcohol or drug abuse. Emiliano says do you want to do it together? Paloma smiles a small smile.

Romina has the flowers and is standing around on the curb. She calls Aaron and says hurry up. Real del Monte must be bigger than it looks.

Emiliano says you could give art classes. Paloma says how did you know I paint? Emiliano says I know everything about you. Maybe he should know she’s had like maybe four lessons. Because he’s Our Hero, he doesn’t come across stalkerish. The doorbell rings and it’s Aaron with a bouquet in each hand. He comes in and gloats in Emiliano’s direction.

Inez says it’s God’s will that I’m all alone. Chris says don’t blame Him - your mother is long gone, but yet you stay at home. Inez says it’s all I know. Chris says change is hard, but you have to do it. Inez, putting on her hideous glasses, says there are some things I don’t want to change. (Oh change those, Inez! Do it! Start from there!) Chris tells her to look at all she has – friends who love her, her community, the nephew that she’s been like a mother to. Inez hugs him gratefully.

Carlota dials up Mac, who is in bed listening to her bones decalcifying from lack of exercise. Carlota says I hear you were in the hospital. Too bad you’re such a weakling. Mac says things are going to change, and weaklings can be very surprising. Har, says Carlota. What could you do to surprise me? Die? They have to run some more tests, so I’m going to be back in 4-5 days. Mac is bummed it’s so long. (Why?)

Chris is talking to Rufi and wants to know when he can see Mac. Rufi says she’d like to see you now, but the doctor says she can’t have any stress for 2-3 days. Chris says it’s stressful for me too, so I understand. Why did Carlota want to separate us? What did we do that was wrong?

Rufi says Carlota was in love with you and she couldn’t stand for her sister to have you. Chris is taken aback. He casts his eyes heavenward. Rufi says jealousy made her crazy. She’d rather see you two dead than together. Chris says but I never led her on or gave her any indication that I was interested in her. Rufi says maybe in her imagination you did. And she ended up destroying Mac’s life, yours and her own. Chris casts his eyes heavenward yet again. If he keeps doing that, they’re going to get stuck that way.

Aaron explains the white flowers are for Mac and the red ones for her, Paloma. He tells Emiliano that he never expected to see him there. Emiliano says it’s work related, for the kids at the church. Aaron says I’ll help! Anything to do good and to be with my novia at the same time.

Romina is hanging out on the sidewalk, watching Paloma’s house and Camila walks up and says ¿Qué haces aquí? Romina says Nuthin. Camila asks why she didn’t tell her that Angie had been let go. Romina says she forgot. Camila says I was talking to her about starting therapy with her and she told me. She’s going to recommend someone for you too.

Romina follows her mother to Paloma’s house. Camila wants to see Mac. Romina fakes surprise that Paloma has company. She gives Emiliano a peck and sits on the couch by him. Aaron says he’s visiting his novia. Romina says wow, you guys are novios?

At his office, Alonso’s secretary is being seductive and he caves. He calls Natalia and tells her he has to run to Monterrey overnight for a business meeting. She hangs up and looks skeptical. Alonso and the secretary start right in necking.

Chris is in church and it looks like he’s praying, but he’s actually thoughtbubbling that he should have gone to Mac’s father instead of trying to run away with her. What a price they both have paid for that mistake!

Camila comes up to see Mac, who is tearful. Camila says I have news, but you tell yours first. Mac says she found the love of her life, Chris! Camila says and I made love with Orlando!

Romina and Paloma are talking alone in another room. Romina says woo-hoo, why didn’t you tell me that you and Aaron are novios? Paloma says because we aren’t, really. Romina says he’s hot for you, I can tell! Boy, was I surprised to see Emiliano here – what’s up with that? Paloma explains about the work for the church girls. Romina says he could have just called, or had the padre talk to you. It really bugs me – you promised not to see him. And if Aaron thinks Emiliano likes you, he’s going to be mad. Paloma says Aaron doesn’t have any sayso about who I have for friends, and besides, I’ve been friends with Emiliano since Inaki. Romina says I know. But if you and Inaki had done it, he (Emiliano? Aaron?) wouldn’t be interested in you. But I trust you completely. Which is what hurts, she adds.

In the living room, Emiliano and Aaron are getting into it. Aaron tells him not to see Paloma, but Em says he was friends with her before she met Aaron. Aaron says that whole church thing is just a pretext. Emiliano says it’s none of your business if Paloma likes me. Aaron says forget it, she’d never be interested in someone who’s slept with her best friend. Touché! Emiliano doesn’t have a comeback.

Camila says to Mac it’s amazing how our lives can change so suddenly. Mac says but at least you can live your love. Camila says she doesn’t know – she’s confundida. She’s drawn to two men. Rafa and she have so much in common and he brings out her love of life and her creativity. Orlando is romantic and fun and can make her forget all her problems for a while.

Camila says the problem is that Rafa is just going through his divorce and isn’t free yet. Mac says have you thought about what Diana would say, what Real del Monte would say? Camila says if he’s the man I’ve been waiting for I don’t give a rat’s patoot what other people think. Mac says in that case, lucha! Don’t let anybody keep you from what your heart tells you.

And you? says Camila. What are you going to do?

Mac says Chris is a priest now. And I still feel just the same as I did all those years ago. Camila says then marry Rodolfo and get free and live a new life. Lucha por ser feliz!

Now Romina and Paloma are back in the living room with the guys. Romina thinks she’d like to help out with the kids. Em says but they’re kids like Chava and I remember you didn’t like being around him. Romina says but I’ve changed since I tried to commit suicide. I’ve discovered a mission in life.

Uncomfortable, Paloma goes to the kitchen and Aron follows. Romina pats the couch and tells Em to sit with her a minute. She says I found my father! She gets a little tearful. She says I can’t tell you about it now because my mother might come down. She throws her arms around Emiliano.

Paloma asks Aaron why he said they were novios. He said we agreed on that! Paloma says only for Emiliano, not in front of Romina. Aaron says Em wants your help at church just to get next to you.

Em announces he’s going now and that they can work it out with Padre Chris. Paloma says she’ll talk to the padre at the church. Paloma walks Em out and Aaron gives Romina a conspiratorial wink.

Rufi comes home just then and Aaron makes a huge point of effusively greeting her.

Camila is leaving Mac and says Romina is downstairs with Paloma, Aaron and Emiliano. Mac is surprised Em is there. Camila asks if there’s anything between Paloma and Emiliano. She wants to know just to be prepared, even though Romina seems to have realized there’s no chance with him. Mac says there’s nothing and Paloma would never betray a friend like that.

A business friend, Roberto, is visiting Alonso at his office and asks him why he’s messing around with his secretary who we find out is named Amalia. Alonso says he loves Natalia, but he needs some times in which he doesn’t think of Inaki. The friend says that sounds like an excuse. Alonso says I just can’t do it with Natalia – all the pain comes back. The friend says you’re blaming her for supporting Inaki. It was his choice, you know. C’mon, be fair to your wife.

Alonso says it’s not just that. I don’t think his death was from natural causes. I’m going to get revenge. Por Dios, says Roberto, exasperated. Forget that stuff and get back to life and to Natalia and forget Amalia.

The office door opens and Amalia struts in. She goes to Alonso and hangs on his neck.

Back at Paloma’s Romina and Camila leave. Outside Romina says see? Did you see Emiliano and Paloma’s faces when we walked in? There’s something going on with them. Camila says Paloma would never do anything to hurt you. Romina says that’s what she says, but a bunch of big fat arrows are pointing the opposite way.

Inside, Aaron advises Paloma not to trust Romina. She’s crazy about Emiliano and won’t stop at anything. He says why don’t we quit pretending and really be novios? Paloma sputters. Aaron says I know you’re not in love with me, but you won’t be sorry. He leans in to kiss her.

Inez is staking out Plata de Calidad and sure enough here comes Orlando. She hides behind a bush. We know this is a produccion de calidad because the bush is large enough to actually conceal her. In fact, it might even be a pillar with some vine on it. She sees Rafa come up and greet Orlando and go in with him. She dials Diana and gives her a breathless report. Diana is horrified.

Orlando and Rafa are having coffee in his office and Rafa thanks him for all he’s done for Emiliano. Orlando says Em’s been a huge help. He says in the past he’s been such workaholic, but that’s about to change. He’ll have more time to spend with Camila. To his credit, Rafa doesn’t do a spit take. He steadily asks if things are developing with Camila and Orlando says seems like.

Paloma turns away from the kiss and wipes her mouth like Yuck! She tells Aaron there’s no way she wants them to be novios. It was just to throw Em off the scent. Aaron says it’s not working. If we’re novios for real, it’ll be more convincing. Paloma apologizes for her idea and says forget it.

Diana has a nail-biting fit in her house. What to do?

Romina calls Emiliano and begs him to take her out for coffee in the evening. She has something she has to tell him and she needs his advice. He says okay.

Aaron is home and is telling Angelica that it’s not working out. He was just trying to help Paloma out and the next thing he knew, he’d fallen in love with her. And he started to hope she’d fall in love with him. Angelica says you’ve created a fantasy, and it’s best you don’t see her because you could easily develop an obsession.

Carlota goes to a fine restaurant and as she’s shown to the table, she spots Alonso acting all lovey dovey with his secretary at another table. She exclaims Isn’t that Inaki’s father with somebody who isn’t his wife? The hostess says Pardon? Carlota says oops, sorry, I was thinking out loud. After that, she sticks with thoughtbubbling and remembers how dismissive he was with her and look at him now! Good thing Paloma didn’t get mixed up with such an immoral family. She sniffs haughtily. Maybe everyone else in this show is suffering, but by golly, it’s fun to be Carlota.

When Alonso stands up to leave for his lovenest, he thinks he spots Carlota reading a menu. She quick hides behind it. He wants to go check, but his secretary drags him away.

Inez is over at Diana’s and Diana is bouncing off the walls, she’s so upset about Emiliano working for Orlando. She has to do something to estrange them! Inez says do you think he’ll find out that he’s Orlando’s… Diana cuts her off. Shhhh. You never know who’s listening. Now, there’s a telenovela veteran.

Diana wails that Em thinks Orlando is a god. Why do these things happen to meeeee? Inez says everything happens for a reason. Diana says don’t play pure with me. I know your secrets. Inez says okay, don’t get mad. Diana says I have to do something! Something! She grabs Inez by the shoulders and shakes her.

After the ad, Diana still hasn’t come up with a plan and she’s annoyed with Inez that she doesn’t have any good ideas either. Diana says I know! I’ll do what I did 25 years ago. Inez says you mean fall in love with Orlando again? No! says Diana. I’m going to ruin him! I’d do anything for my son. He’s the one blessing in my life. Inez says at least you haven’t changed over the years.

Inez says I’m sure he doesn’t keep his money in a box at the office. Diana says Em has the keys. I’ll get into his bank books. Inez says it’s a bad idea. Diana says I’ll open an account in the name of Ignacio, funnel the money into there. And when he discovers it, he’ll think it’s the same person who robbed him years ago. Isn’t that a great idea?

Carlota and her lawyer are talking to another guy who probably is another lawyer. The guy says it’s expensive to change a will. Carlota says I know, but it’s for a noble purpose. The guy says there’s nothing noble about changing the wishes of the dear departed. It’s really more for you than for your niece. Carlota’s lawyer says we need to know if it’s doable. The guy says doable, yes, legal, no.

Carlota says okay, we’ll pay, but your price is very high. The guy says it’ll take a few months, but don’t worry. When your niece turns 18, it’ll be in the works and can’t be acted on. Carlota smiles.

Avances: Emiliano is stoked that he can work alongside Paloma. Alonso hunts down Carlota in her hotel room and accuses her of killing Inaki.


Monday, September 14, 2009

MEPS finale: recappers, phone home.


Argh, I've lost the email, but Jody pointed out that Mañana... is ending soon and she thinks there may be a 3-1/2 hour finale. Do I have that right? Which Monday is it? Anyway, do you MEPS recappers want to do a tag-team final night?

Also, please check in with me and let me know if you are continuing on into the next show. Is it Sortilegio?


MEPS 9/14: Esteve brings roses. Flor was zarandeada, not stirred.

Tonight, much pointless rehashing. Read this summary twice if you crave redundancy.

Previouslys: Errika lives up to her name by perversely vowing to herself to continue on the wrong path and make Fr/Ed marry her "if it's the last thing I do." Yes, you'll have a happy life that way, you nutball. Also, we get to re-enjoy Fer's showdown with her sleaze brother Cam - if he doesn't get the hell out of Dodge, forever, she's going to tell everyone he raped Aurora.

Cam: "I did Santi a favor!" Fer: "You drugged her!" Cam: "You can't prove that!"

That useless waste of floorspace, Daffy, is crying in his bedroom. The phone rings, Barb sees it's Fr/Ed. "My dear, I will get you some of your special brew, uh, milk and honey," she says as she leaves the room. [Maybe that stuff she's been giving him for a quarter century eroded his IQ.]

Fr/Ed tells Barb he kept Cam from branding Loafly and that after what's happened, he and Esteve and all of Power Milk will eschew the Elizaldes unless they throw Cam out on his ass. Barb sez fine. Fr/Ed passes the phone to Cam who commences whining but Barb orders him to do as he was told and disappear. He throws the phone. Golllll! We love phone-wreckers.

Cam insults his sister, calling her Fr/Ed's rag doll. Fr/Ed goes after him, bloodies his lip, and shouts "Get out of here you garbage you!" Cam staggers out into the dark and I was hoping for a crocodile to come out of the night and eat him, but instead Cam just steals Fer's jeep and goes crawling to Barb. And threatens her: "Keep Fer from blowing the whistle on me, or I'm going to squeal on you." Barb tells him Daffy is just about to write Cam out of the will entirely, she'll try to smooth things over if Cam obeys her completely...

Gardenia gets the bed and Flor sleeps on the floor. Gardenia nags her, why hasn't she told about being zarandeada (shaken, knocked around) by Cam? Flor says he'll get what's coming to him. Jacinto and Margarita enjoy the story of the night's circus.

Artemio realizes his mother's diary is gone.

Just when you think Daffy can't get any more useless and pathetic, he does. He weeps as he transfers his considerable worldly goods to his saintly wife.

Fer comes in. Daffy delivers a honking big lecture: "The birth of each of you made me proud. What happened last night, it was a mortal blow to my fatherhood! As an only child, I wanted a big family full of love, solidarity, security, decency, honesty. When did my dream get lost? I didn't notice! Here I am with all my stuff - why aren't we happy, we're as miserable as indigents, nothing can repair our suffering. I worked for the future, so did my father and grandfather, and now the future is here, and look at it! I should have spent less time making money and more time working on your spiritual development."

Fer says she'll try to get Lili back, Daffy says it's what HE should have done. Blah, blah. As Fer's coming down the stairs (nobody's fallen down this staircase yet, no puede ser!!!), Barb crosses from stage right. Fer: "He's writing over all his stuff to you at this very moment."

Barb breaks into a sunny smile and murmurs blandishments to Fer, who ignores them and says: "Just promise you'll leave as soon as you get the dough." Barb says she will, no worries. Rrrring! It's Artemio, he demands her presence. She says she can't right now, she'll come later, and hangs up on him.

Artemio yells at Lili about giving the diary to Franco.

Anibal shows up at Damian's, dumps the hit money, and leaves saying (I love this phrase) "Hasta nunca." (It means, until never!) Damian mutters to himself, "I'll be deciding about that."

At Silvestre's place, Martina and Loafly aka Venus are gabbing a mile a minute when there's a loud knock on the door. They think it's Cam come back to finish the job, as he'd promised. Silvester and the girls pick up weapons and then throw the door open, it's Esteve! quite surprised by this hostile reception.

Martina drags her dad out the door to go shopping so Esteve can give Venus the big bunch of red roses he's brought and, with not too much hemming and hawing, he tells her he's in love with her. She has a hissy fit, imagining that he's making fun of her, but he tells her to look him in the eye. "I love you, I don't care about your past. Marry me." After he goes through it a few more times there is kissing and she accepts. And Martina and her Dad come back and all rejoice.

Esteve asks if she minds leaving to go live in the U.S., she says she doesn't know a bit of English, he says he'll teach her, she asks, are you going to desert Fr/Ed? He says, no Fr/Ed will return to the U.S. as soon as he's done here.

"But what about everybody thinking you're my uncle?" "Yes, that's a problem, we'll just have to keep being relatives for the Elizaldes..."

Fer and Fr/Ed have a poorly written, boring rehash. She presses him to tell her much more about what's going on, he refuses. She just has to keep trusting him. They agree they must find out what's up with Barb and Aurora. They hatch a plan to pit Damian and Barb against each other, divide and conquer. Fer calls Aurora to tell her about it.

Damian visits Aurora again, asks what gives with Barb? "I still don't know - but she's coming to see me again tomorrow." "Then I'll come afterwards and you can tell me what she says."

Barb tries to reassure Artemio that all is square with Fr/Ed but Artemio doesn't trust him any more and decides to investigate on his own.

When Barb shows up at the convent with chocolates, Aurora deploys the divide and conquer plan; she says, "There's something I haven't been telling you. Damian threatened me, he said he'd bring me back here only if I promised not to leave without his permission." Barb is impactada. "When you see him, Aurora, tell him I'm coming back tomorrow but just to say goodbye." [Remember, the plan is for her to high-tail it now that she'll have all the dough.] "That way, he'll leave you alone."

Aurora presses hard, asking why Barb is treating her so nicely. "I'm dying to tell you, but I can't until we leave together." Aurora says she won't leave with Barb unless Barb tells her! Barb promises to tell her everything when she comes tomorrow morning.

Artemio visits Father Bosco and threatens him again. "I don't believe Eduardo Juarez is dead. I study my enemies carefully, as does any man who has nothing BUT enemies. Eduardo would have been too tough after his rotten childhood to commit suicide, and besides, he was well taught by you yourself that suicide is a sin."

Bosco feebly sticks to his story. Artemio: "If this is a lie I'll kill all the Elizaldes, it will be on your head."


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