Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Amor Monday, October 12, 2009: Tsumani warning: A massive, crushing wave of tears. Run for your lives!

Friday: Macarena wings her way to a permanently Carlota-free zone. Paloma is in hysterics.

But unfortunately the rest of us are all still stuck here with Carlota. In the waiting room, she tells Dr B that she has the right to go in and hear whatever it is that Mac says to Chris and Paloma. It’s her right, dammit! Camila, Rufi, Orlando and Emiliano are taken aback by her rant. Dr B says no way.

A nurse rushes up to get Dr B and off he runs, Carlota in tow. Those left behind wring their hands.

Dr B and the nurse and Carlota arrive in the hospital room to find the sad scene. No puede ser! exclaims Carlota disingenuously. She puts her arms around Paloma, who is sure Mac is going to revive any minute. Dr B says no, she’s gone. Paloma screams and runs down the hall. Chris wants to follow her, but Carlota catches his arm and says no, Paloma wants to be alone.

Dr B weeps over Mac and says te amo. He leaves. Chris walks in, Carlota following and eyeing him. As he stands at the end of the bed, Carlota says who is standing in front of Macarena, the man or the priest? He says It grieves me that your heart never learned to love, it really does.

Carlota gets down to business. Did she tell you anything? Like what? says Chris. Carlota says, well she wanted to talk to you and Paloma, she must have wanted to tell you something. Canny Chris says if you’re so sure there was something, tell me what it was that she had to say to us. Carlota glares at him and leaves.

Alone now, Chris tenderly looks at Mac and holds her hand.

Paloma rushes into Emiliano’s arms, wailing. Everyone in the waiting room, which also includes Inez and a church lady, weeps. Rufi and Camila are devastated. Carlota comes slowly down the hall and makes a show of leaning on a wall and weeping. Paloma goes from Emiliano’s arms and holds onto Carlota. Rufi thoughtbubbles Why now, when she was just starting to be happy again?

Carlota wails that Mac has left them alone, that it’s just her and Paloma now.

Still at the bedside, Chris wonders why Mac was taken just at this moment. What does it mean? Was it meant as a punishment for him? (Maybe that giant M of light on the church floor meant “murder” instead of “Macarena.” It’s tricky reading signs.) He says when I first thought you were dead, I just about went crazy. And now you’re dead for real. I don’t think I can live without you without the priesthood.

Emiliano is comforting Paloma. She says first my parents, then Inaki and now my mother. Emiliano says they are terrible blows. Paloma says why? I want to understand. Is God testing me? Emiliano tells her she’s not alone, he will always be with her.

Chris is kneeling silently at Mac’s bedside when Dr B comes in and says they have to remove her now. I wish you’d known her better, says Dr B. Her heart was as big as her soul. I know, says Chris, gazing soulfully into the middle distance. Dr B says you do? I guess it was obvious to everyone. I was going to take her away, give her the life she deserved. She and her niña Paloma. It’s all the will of God, I guess. But it’s hard to think she was taken so young.

Chris steps back, tearful, and Dr B says Macarena, we will see each other again in another place. Thank you for helping me to feel again, to love again. Chris blesses her.

It’s really something that Macarena has two fine and handsome men weeping at her deathbed. When I go, I will probably have the company of a gum-chewing nurse reading People magazine. Sigh.

Romina has come and Paloma gives her the news. Romina is surprised and looks genuinely shaken– she had thought it was just another sugar crises. Behind Paloma, Emiliano is watching Romina closely. It’s hard to tell how sincere Romina is, or if she’s just aware of Emiliano’s gaze. Romina says count on me. It’s no fair – first your parents and then your novio and now your aunt. Romina! says Emiliano warningly. It’s true, says Romina, tears falling.

Carlota calls Paloma away. Romina says to Em How long have you been here? All along, he says. Romina dries up and says every time anything happens to Paloma, you’re right there. You know, this just shows that death can grab anyone and that we need to tell the people we love that we love them. Hint hint.

Em says straighten things out with your mother – she misses you. He leaves. Romina huffs.

Camila asks Rufi how it all happened. Rufi talks about how she was making breakfast, how Mac had been looking for papers that Carmen brought, how Carlota had been holed up in her room since the night before, mad about something. Camila asks if maybe Mac and Carlota had been fighting, but Rufi said she didn’t hear anything and besides Mac had been in such a good mood.

Rufi goes on about the missing papers – that they were supposed to change everyone’s life, but mainly Paloma’s. Carlota, approaching from the hall, hears this morsel and stops to eavesdrop. Rufi says maybe she found the papers and read something in them that made her lose her balance and fall.

Camila says we have to find those papers! We have to find out how this happened! Mac was my confidant, my friend. Camila weeps copiously. Rufi says she was like the daughter I never had. Around the corner, Carlota thoughtbubbles that she has to find those papers first.

At Diana’s house, we see Romina getting into a little black dress while Diana, still puffed up and spotty with hives, watches. Romina laments that Em is always around Paloma. Diana says I didn’t want to hurt your feelings, but Em told me he was in love with someone. It figures that it must be Paloma. That little runt must have something attractive about her. The best course would be to be very attentive to her. Romina says I just can’t stand seeing them together. Diana if you’re smart, you’ll put up with it, and stick yourself to her like duct tape.

Dr B offers to Carlota that he will arrange the service, but Carlota says it’s for the family to do. He wants to know how it happened and Paloma says I need to know too.

Coming down the hospital hallway, Orlando has his arm over Chris’s shoulders and says I know what Mac meant to you. They arrive in the waiting room.

Carlota says I was getting dressed, and I heard that Mac got a phone call. I don’t know who it was – she slides her eyes over at Chris. Maybe that call upset her. She was fine before that – we’d just been talking. We’ll never know what might have happened to her, or what she heard, before she fell. Carlota pretends to break down and Paloma runs to her. Sobbing.

Orlando says to Chris are you okay? Chris says no. I don’t know if I can ever be okay again.

Emiliano is at German’s, putting on his tie, and telling German about it all. German says he’ll just finish up his e-mails and he’ll be along. Em leaves.

Paloma, attired in black up to her neck, is in Mac’s room, kneeling at Mac’s little altar. Carlota comes in and says it’s time to go, but Paloma says I don’t know how I’ll live without her. She was my mother. Carlota says she’s so relieved that Paloma knows the truth and that she and Mac were able to embrace one another as mother and child. Carlota asks Did she say anything to you before she died? Paloma says just that I should fight for my happiness.

Carlota says is that all? Paloma says she could hardly speak. Why do you ask? Carlota does the boo-hoo act and says I was hoping she’d have some words for me. Paloma goes to her and hugs her and over Paloma’s shoulder we see Carlota smirking.

Paloma says she will always be here in the house with us. Carlota says no, she’s gone. But this house won’t be the same without her.

They go down the stairs, but Carlota hesitates. Paloma near the bottom spots where her mother’s blood has stained the tiles. Rufi comes out and walks her away. On the stairs, Carlota’s eyes grow wide a second. She looks at the space where the window was, then down, and she sees Mac’s body there, pool of blood and all. She looks disconcerted. I’m wondering how she can fit this into those prayers of hers where she tells God she does everything she does in order to keep the family together.

Padre Mateo comes into a church sitting room and finds Chris staring. He offers his apologies and says you have to be resigned. God knows the reason. Chris leaps up and says how can I be resigned? He bursts into tears. Just give me one reason – one! - why God would take the woman I’ve loved all these years. Padre M says careful, don’t offend God.

Chris says I prayed for a sign, and I got one. And then when I was ready to act, she’s taken from me. Why?? Accept it says Padre M. Chris says He doesn’t seem to like me. Padre M says obviously your mission here isn’t finished yet. Maybe serving a mass would brighten you up a little. Chris wails no! And certainly not her mass. Without her, I can’t serve God. He falls into Padre M’s arms and wails. Padre M, who doesn’t seem to be up to complicated challenges, looks heavenward for guidance.

We’re at the wake. Everyone (read: our characters) is there, in black, weeping or looking appropriately gloomy. Paloma wishes she’d die along with Mac. Em holds her and says what would I do without you? Carlota pulls her aside and says it doesn’t look right, her hanging on her friend’s ex-novio, and Paloma can come to her for comfort.

Mateo comes up to them and gives his condolences and says he’s ready to start the mass. Carlota says you? What about Padre Juan?

JuanChris is sitting alone in a darkened room and remembering, a wine bottle and a glass in front of him. He remembers kissing Mac, and her last moments. Tears run down his face. He agonizes. He pours a glass of wine and stares at it. He lifts it to his lips, hesitates. Someone is pounding on the door. He hesitates again. Wine? Door? Wine? Door? Finally he throws the glass, and goes to open. It’s Orlando, worried about him. Chris says you came just at the right moment. I almost did something stupid. He throws his arms around Orlando. I almost took a drink.

Orlando, who is a bit tone-deaf when it comes to other people’s feelings, is surprised that Chris is that shattered. Chris tells him that he was about to give up the priesthood and marry Mac. Orlando is impactado.

At the wake, Aron approaches Em and says I guess you heard that Pal and I broke up. Em says don’t b.s. – there was never anything between you two. Aron says that’s not true. Em says this isn’t the time or place. Aron hisses threateningly that he’s not giving up.

Romina pulls Em aside and says she’s really worried. Everyone around Paloma seems to keel over. What if she’s next?

Chris tells Orlando he gave up everything for Mac, and now she’s gone. Why couldn’t she live to be happy? Orlando says she was in her last days. Maybe that was the plan, having your history be resolved. People change over the years, maybe things would have been different between you. Chris scoffs. Orlando says you were adults now, not young like you used to be. Old relationships can be romanticized. You became a priest. Chris says but she was alive!

Orlando says but she’s gone! Accept it! You have to decide if you want to continue as a man, or as a priest.

Carlota has taken Rufi aside and tells her that the family secrets have to remain secret. Mac had time to divulge them and didn’t, so we have to respect that. Rufi says maybe she didn’t have enough time. Maybe she wanted to see Chris and Paloma together. She did, says Carlota, and she didn’t say a thing. You’re not a member of the family – I’m the last member who has the right to tell, and I’m not going to say anything. Get my drift? Rufi nods.

Orlando tells Chris maybe you and Mac were meant just to close the circle of your love. She wasn’t healthy, and when she knew that you loved each other, she could die. Now your calling should be even more powerful. Chris says being a priest is no small matter. How can I go back like nothing ever happened? Orlando says you were honest with everyone, yourself included. Your business as a man is finished now. You were lucky to have the opportunity to tell her that you didn’t abandon her.

Chris says the problem is that I’m so angry about her death. You’re the only the second person I’ve told – we even kissed! Orlando says but that’s wonderful! You were able to clarify everything between you. Would you have given up the priesthood for anything else? No no no says Chris. There you are! says Orlando. Accept it. Go to your confessor and talk it out. But just think – you were able to make her happy.

Their theme song starts up and Chris smiles a little. Orlando says decide what you want to do with your life. Chris is still smiling.

Avances: hard to understand. A blond lady goes to the lawyer about Mac. At Mac’s graveside service, Carlota pulls Paloma away from Emiliano again.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon 10/12/9 Rolando Klunder Pays a Steep Price for his Transgressions

We begin tonight with a replay of a tender moment between M&M which is almost spoiled by Mauricio expressing his jealousy of Beto. Sure, he trusts Moni, it's Beto he has no confidence in. He wants her to sever all ties with Beto, even though she considers him as a brother. Changing the subject, Moni is going to need time from work to fight for the Campeonato Nacional. Mao is happy for her. What a guy! Oh, on second thought that'll mean that she'll be hanging around the gym with Beto. Boo, Mauricio you selfish, arrogant, rich prettyboy. Moni points out that he can come watch her train, take her out for dinner...This flirtation is fortuitously intruded upon by Ximena with a message for Moni from...Beto. Nieves has awakened and they are waiting for her in Nieve's hospital room. Now that Nieves is better, she'll go with Mao instead. Ximena remembers that she came to check on Rolu.

We pay a brief visit back to the office where Sal, emerging from the coffee room where as you recall, he had been massaging Gabi's neck. He bumps into Paula who suspects the worst after overhearing Gabi's moans of contentment. Lori Loca appears and reminds Pau that Oscar is awaiting his capuchino. At this opportune moment, Gabi emerges looking radiant and this is not lost on Lori or Pau. Lori comments on her glow and Gabi brushes by them noting that she is quite relaxed. Pau is scandalized by the hypocrisy. Lori goes to fetch Oscar's coffee.

At Mau's place, Tano butters up Teresa with flattery. Charmed, she goes to get him a piece of freshly cooled flan. Now that would be enough to distract me from whatever I came for, but Tano is there for something other than flan. Aldo comes in and tells him that if he's looking for Mao, he's not home yet. Nope, he's there to talk with Aldo.

In the kitchen, Teresa spots a blossoming romance on a bench on the veranda. It's Luisa and Ivan who are billing and cooing. She drops a dish and promptly puts a stop to it, sending Luisa to her room and threatening Ivan with eviction. Ah, young love.

Tano offers Aldo some unsolicited advise, "Estrella's too old for you, stay away from her, she's mine." Not in those exact words, but Aldo gets the message and in a display of unusual restraint and respect, thanks him for the advice and points out that he didn't ask for any. Tano doesn't let it drop and Aldo counters that he is in love with Estrella and even though he is immature and inexperienced he can tell by the way she returns his kisses, she feels the same. Take that, oldtimer.

Speaking of love and billing and cooing, back in the barrio, it looks as though Mao is making progress with Moni, but it's late, they both have to get up early...he gives it one last stab, "Hey, wanna spend a little quality time together?" She weakens, almost yields, then sends him on his way. She immediately regrets her choice, but, too late. he's gone. She's joined by the other two amigas who, especially Estrella, chide her for her rash, but probably prudent decision. The Three Amigas continue chatting with Pau still obsessing over Sal and Gabi when Monita informs them that she has been scheduled to fight for the Campeonato Nacional. Hugs and squeals.

Nieves, looking weak and moving slowly is aided by her attentive adoring son as she returns home from the hospital. They are greeted by Moni, who Beto cooly challenges over her sudden disappearance from the hospital. "Where were you? You left with the doll's hair, didn't you?" "I won't deny it, he is my novio after all." "Uuuh!" Beto sneers. "Besides, with Nieves doing better, Ya'll didn't need me." Nieves, playing her weakness to the hilt and calling upon years of practice being passive-aggressive, wearily says, "We've always needed you, you didn't have to say that." Chastened, Moni takes her arm, with Beto needling her that perhaps now her legs are too sore, and ignoring him, she and Beto help Nieves inside and into her bed, where Nieves clutches the kinda creepy doll to her side. (I'm guessing that this doll has great significance to Nieves). Moni then gives Beto some money and sends him off to purchase Nieves prescriptions. He eyes the money wonders if he'll have enough , and when she glares at him saying, "Beto!" he decides they can get by with generics. She and Nieves share thoughts. Behind Moni is a B&W photo of a beautiful young woman, doubtless, Nieves. Nieves wants her to be with her and Beto, Moni wants to be with Mao, and then there's the matter of Moni's mom. Moni checks her purse, a folded note which she looks at, then leaves on the table, and her coin purse is empty, then leaves Nieves looking helpless, alone, and distraught, clutching that wretched doll. Well played, Nieves!

She bumps into Beto, they exchange thoughts on how he should be caring for Nieves. Beto of course is now a responsible independent man. They are joined by Costeño who breaks the news to Beto that Moni will be battling for the Campeonato Nacional. Moni confirms it. Beto is a bit miffed and hurt that he wasn't informed. They are after all, a team. Well, no, Beto. Sorry. Besides, you have a sick mom. No, no, no. Hey, don't go putting it off on Beto's mom. Well, it looks like for Beto, the dream has died. Moni leaves with a threat, she'll knock out his teeth the next time he tries to kiss her. Beto turns to Costeño, "See, Moni doesn't love me any more." Costeño does the minimum required consoling then invites Beto to join him in the cantina hey'll scare up a game of cubilete (I'm guessing that dice game they were playing with Jero awhile back). Beto likes the idea but first must see to his mom. Well, actually first he must tend to some enteric matters. As Beto hurries off to tend to matters, a vecino (neighbor) in a UCLA jogging suit with a bandana on his head ambles up, and while Costeño is inviting him on their little outing, Nieves, with a small duffelbag, wearing her red mules, slips out behind them. Now where is she going? I mean really, I haven't a clue. Where is she going?

It's breakfast (desayuno) time at Mao's place. He has a glass of orange juice and there is a tempting basket of pastries on the table. The kiddos are at the table with him. There is a bit of breakfast small talk, Luisa asks if Ivan will be joining them and an uncharacteristically snippy Teri says no, that he's already gone to the university. She clearly has a bug up her butt. Trust Dani to cut to the chase, "When are you and Monita going to get married?" Good question, kid. Mao advises patience. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm with you kid . "Well, time to go!" Unfortunately, Luisa lags behind, offers help to Teresa and is rewarded with some strong disapproval of her relationship with Ivan. Seems that if they don't cut it out, it's adiós a Ivan. Harsh!

We catch a glimpse of a weeping Nieves on the bus. Where the heck is she going?
Moni's in training. Lookin' good! Beto spoils it. "¡Se fue! (She's gone!)" Moni steps out of the ring, consoles him with a hug and who should appear on cue? Yes, of course it's Mao. "So you care about Beto more than me?" Well boo frickin' hoo! Mao is once again showing his butt.

I should have guessed, Nieves is seeking out Isabel. She is in Moroleón, Guanajuato. Alicia opens the front door to her. "I need to speak with her," Nieves informs, tilting her head. "Here I am announces Isanel emerging through the door.They spar, turns out that Moni doesn't want anything to do with her, and well...likewise, so why's Nieves here? Isabel asks Alicia to leave her alone with Nieves. Nieves could give a rat's patootie, but Moni needs to see her mom and learn why she was rejected in order to get on with her life.

Moni has chased Mao into the gym parking lot with Beto hot on her heels. Mao can't abide any relationship that she might have with Beto. He splits and Moni turns on Beto. "Are you happy now?" Beto is disgusted by her apparent indifference, promises to dog Monita becoming her worst nightmare. She gives him a jab with her still gloved fist.

Isabel tells Nieves that she has no regrets for what she did and that there will be no apologies. Exhausted by this confrontation, she summons Alicia back announcing that she needs to rest now. Nieves left alone with Alicia asks, "Is she sick?" "Yes. She's dying," is her response.

Now, this looks to be much happier; for us at least. Ximena rolls a fully casted Rolu into her apartment. She fawns over the helpless, immobile chunk of plaster. She instructs him in how they will communicate, "One blink means nopi and two blinks mean sipi, aren't you glad that we're together?" Squeezing his eyes tightly shut with all the strength he can muster, he silently shouts,"¡NOPI!" She is unfazed and by his wink believes that he is flirting (coqueteando) with her. This tender scene is interrupted by Jero who descends the stairs asking, "Who is this mummy?" Well, Coni is the only mummy here, but she identifies it as the injured Rolu and the least they can do after she saved his life is take care of him. Jero, however, doesn't want two lumps in the house. How will she manage getting him to her bedroom upstairs without the wheelchair. She thinks about that for a moment and then decides that she will park him in the little room adjacent to the kitchen where they kept the dog that they picked up off the street but died because they forgot about it. I love dogs but I'm cracking up even as I write this. This show is insidious and corrupting. She rushes off for a moment leaving the two men together. Jerry speculates that Rolu was actually trying to kill her. No blinks indicating sipi, but Rolu's eyes suggest that he might be right. Jero says it would have been a great favor.

Now Nieves is chatting with Alicia and is informed that Isabel, dying, is stubborn and plans to skip any treatment and await death. Alicia feels that she should reunite with her daughter, leaving out the fact that Isabel needs a chunk of Moni, namely some bone marrow, to survive. She believes that Mauricio will prevail on Moni to do the right thing but she really would like Nieves' help. Nieves more or less refuses to get involved.

Estrella is doing her laundry as Beto and Moni walk up. "Have you seen my jefecita (little boss-lady, in this case, mom)? "Nope." Distraught, Beto takes advantage of the opportunity to bury his face between Moni's bubis. "I must find her!" Why she doesn't knock him into tomorrow is beyond me. She instead politely but firmly grabs his hair, repositions it, and informs him that he won't be finding her there. Instead she advises that he should report her missing to the police. He is afraid that if he does, he'll be arrested as a neglectful son. Well, OK if Moni will come with him. he pleads, his pouting almost as heart-rending as mine, refined over years of practice. Estrella sticks her tongue out at Beto as he and Moni depart.

Paula, quite the metiche (meddlesome busybody) since her split with Cristian, tries to goad Gabi. Today, Gabi, not rising to the bait, says that it's almost Miller Time and no one is going to bug (acongojar) her. Too bad that Moni is all tied up with the boxing thing. She certainly can't count on Pau now that she's aligned with Lori. But that's OK, she's always been alone and alway manages to cope. (Passive-agressivity lessons from Nieves, perhaps?) "No, no, don"t try that on me, you're no perita en dulce (candied pear?)" I've no clue what that means. Enough of this, she picks up her purse and splits...with Lori and Sal. Once more Pau is scandalized. Pau then turns on Mao and tries to share with him what she knows about Gabi. He tells her that if she does her work well, she'll have no problems with Gabi. and Sal. "Not interested." As he heads for the elevator, she observes that,"You'd think now that he is with Monita he'd be friendlier."
He thinks that she was nicer and more respectful when she was with Cristian.

Speaking of, he is at the police station taking a missing person report from B&M (doesn't have quite the same sweetness, huh?). He inquires about Paula and Monita suggests that he try again with her. Cristian remembers Nieves, a good-looking, full-figured woman who still has quite a nice figure (percha). A woman meeting that description has been reported performing public lewd acts (impúdicas). "¿Qué?" "¿Qué?" Say what? Moni thinks that's funny. Beto, not so much.

Meanwhile, back at Ximy's and Jero's casa, The three, Jero, Ximy, and their unfortunate, reluctant guest are sharing breakfast. That is, Jero's eating and like an attentive nurse, Ximy is nourishing the hapless Rolu with orange juice through a straw. Poor Rolu's decorated body cast must be seen to be believed.
Ximy has mercilessly decorated it with colored magic markers and topped it off with a feather boa around his helpless, plaster-encrusted neck. Who knew when he picked on Aldo, the price of retribution would be so steep? Ximy leaves the two alone and Jero explains his motives.Seems as though if Ximy is out of the way, he'll double his allowance getting Ximy's share. No problem, he'll take advantage of Rolu's incommunicative state and propose marriage to his troublesome sister for him. Rolu is about to explode inside his rigid cocoon. Jero fashions a message proposing marriage and wedges it into Rolu's helpless grip. Much to Rou's discomfort, he repositions the wheelchair. He puts his mom's wedding ring on his little finger. Beingthe warrior (guerrero) that he is, he knows that Rolu will understand. Ximena returns and is overwhelmed with joy.

Sharing sodas at the malt shop, Ivan and Luisa resume their courtship. I'm afraid that they are making more progress toward congress than M&M. Slow down kids! Aldo and Katia arrive. Aldo objects.

Back at home, Teri announces to Mauricio that he has a guest. It's the elusive, wayward Nieves. "I need to talk to you." "¿Sí?" "About Monita."



Monday, October 12, 2009

Sortilegio #5, 10/12/09: Alejandro is closing in on the truth. Bruno doesn't knock.

This novela bolted out of the starting gate but it stalled tonight while Alejandro was mulling incessantly over this strange situation: he now remembers almost everything, EXCEPT his sister-in-law Paula and his wife MJ whom he's supposedly known for months. And why did he hide his supposed marriage from everybody, even his best friend Fernando? And why did he tell MJ so many lies?

I am not, readers, going to repeat this conversation, but he did, many times.

Paula tells MJ again and again: (1) he's very pretty; (2) we'll go to jail if you don't string him along; (3) it's not fair I should suffer for the mess you've gotten us into; (4) life here is a dream and (5) he's very pretty. MJ points out that Alejandro is no idiot and she fears he has figured out that something's rotten in the state of Denmark.

Ezekiel the servant keeps seeing Bruno and MJ together.

Bruno confirms the marriage is legit: he met the witnesses and MJ's father, the signature on the marriage certificat is indeed Alejandro's, there is a picture of the loving couple at the girls' hovel.

Bruno yells at his henchman because Alejandro is so alive instead of being dead at the bottom of a ravine. The henchman thoughtbubbles: if it weren't for the good pay I'd be out of here, I'm tired of this guy.

Bruno's sis Raquel rehashes to Maura (Alejandro's erstwhile girlfriend), who is chagrined to hear Alejandro has not been asking for her. "Give up on him," counsels Raquel, "find another one, and find me one too."

Bruno tells Alejandro he should divorce MJ. "But I'm not inclined to give her half my inheritance. And anyway, I'm not going to divorce her until I remember what happened. If she didn't know I was wealthy, then she didn't marry me for money - she must have loved me. What's bothering you, anyway?"

Mother Victoria is puzzled that MJ has shown her supposed husband so little affection and shown so little joy.

Paula scolds MJ for making the bed - what will the servant think? Paula goes down to breakfast while MJ hides in their bedroom.

Meanwhile, over bagels Raquel has been insulting the country girls to mom. "That sister is an idiot, everybody will ridicule her." "If Alejandro married MJ, she must have good qualities." "Well, I don't see them." "Shut up. MJ is your brother's wife and you must treat her as such."

Paula comes in. "Where's your sister?" "She's not coming." "Maybe she'd be more comfortable eating in the kitchen with the servants" snipes Raquel.

MJ should have gone down with sis, because now Bruno comes in and bullies her some more in her bedroom. He tells her to trust him and gives her creepy caresses. She is having none. She says she's only putting up with this for the sake of her sister and her father, and that Bruno must promise to get her out of this, get her far away, or she's squealing. He promises, but that promise is worth the paper it's written on I'd say...

His shirt is unbuttoned like Damian's, it's a characteristic of villains I guess. They both leave the room. Ezekiel is watching.

Alejandro tries to draw her out. He says she's treating him like a stranger, and while he may have lost her memory, surely she hasn't, so nu?

She doesn't know how he takes his coffee.

She again says she's mortified because he lied to her about having money. He interrogates her about the wedding, why were there no friends there? "You didn't want them, you said we'd have a party after the church wedding." "Were you pressured into it? Are you pregnant?" "No, I told you there's been no congress between us."

Again she says she wants a divorce, she runs away and cries.

Raquel's hubby takes Paula for a spin through the city, and to an expensive restaurant for lunch, she likes that. The doctor comes and gives Alejandro a clean bill of health, but Alejandro says he wants to go to the hospital next day and get some studies anyway because of not remembering his wife.

MJ is outside and Bruno sneaks up behind her again. They watch Maura arrive and Bruno says she's one of Alejandro's many lovers, and that the flow of amantes won't slow down now merely because of the marriage. Ezekiel is watching.

Maura, dressed to kill, flirts with Alejandro and asks about the marriage. "I thought WE ..." "Our relationship was agreeable but we never talked about marriage." "I thought it was obvious, I thought our intimacy implied..." "If 'intimacy' always led to marriage you'd have been married long ago." She is huffy.

MJ comes in, doesn't need to be introduced to Maura, is also huffy. There'll be a party to celebrate the marriage. Alex accompanies Maura to her car. She says, "You better buy your wife some clothes if you want our social world to treat her well."

Ezekiel tells Alex he saw Bruno and MJ together in the garden.

Alejandro comes into MJ's room, tells her she's very odd. He moves in for a kiss, she evades it, he gets real close and keeps asking what's going on, he kisses her shoulder, he tells her she's pretty and has a sweet face, she gets up, he says he can see her soul in her eyes, KISS! It's hot! She pulls away, he is very convincing, KISS AGAIN! They're down on the bed! Mmmm, but then -

Bruno busts in! He didn't knock! On the bed, MJ is fearful and mortified. Alex is very annoyed. Bruno says, Fernando's downstairs to see you. Alex says, you could have sent a servant, and never come in here without knocking - and I forbid you to enter my wife's room!

Alex goes downstairs saying "we'll talk later." MJ cries.

Bruno lurks, then goes in and yells at her. "What were you doing in the bed with him?" "Mind your own beeswax." He shakes her and shouts, "You liked it, you whore!"

Talking the situation through with Fernando, Alex remembers the tractor trailer coming right at him, trying to kill him, and reasons that somebody wants him dead, and now he's sure he never married MJ, the marriage scam is connected to the attempted murder. Somebody wanted the widow to inherit. "There must have been an accomplice who knows my movements very well!"

Fernando tells Victoria about his conversation with Alejandro and asks her not to tell that he told her! They have a sweetie-pie moment.

MJ's dad's sleazy friend fishes keys out of the grass and goes into the hovel where the contraband goods are kept. There's MJ's dad, he's been waiting for his sleazy friend for two days. "Are you really smuggling drugs and weapons?" "Jeez no, what are you thinking, well, did you find any?" "Well, no."

Alejandro meets MJ and Paula downstairs. MJ was about to call her dad and catch him up on things, but she asks Paula to do it instead. "Why didn't you want to talk to your father in front of me?" "Paula can do it just as well."

MJ is hesitant to enter Alejandro's room with him. "I'm not in the habit of violating women, don't worry." "You wouldn't have to, they put themselves on the rug for you, especially Maura."

He grins and sends for breakfast for the two of them. He asks if she's a virgin, well yes she is.

"Why do you want a divorce?" "Because you lied and you live in this big house." "Hah, that's the first time I've heard of a woman wanting a divorce because her husband is rich." "I don't love you." "Well, that's not very flattering (halagador). But you did before. Was I bad to you?" "Yes, that's it." "Well, I offer a thousand apologies, because I'm not usually like that. You intrigue me."

"Well, we were in love, but now we're not!" "Don't speak for me! I want to get to the bottom of this. And what about Bruno, how did he convince you to come back for my burial?" He's closing in on the truth, loud and angry and in her face, when, Bruno busts in again!

Tomorrow: MJ tells Bruno it would serve him right if she and Alejandro come to know each other carnally.


Anybody game for recapping Fridays, ENDA?

Hello friends,

Cathy, who currently covers En Nombre de Amor on Fridays, is going to have to quit. Would anybody like to take a shot at it?

Email me (caray@mappamundi.com) if you want to give it a whirl.


Melinama (aka Chapel Hill Fiddler)

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Sunday, October 11, 2009

EDNA: Friday 10/9/2009 - "Macarena Says Good-Bye"

Padre Juan Cristobal visits the hospital and questions a sleeping Macarena, “what happened?” He tells her that he has dreams that they’ll be together and he doesn’t want destiny to separate them. He tells her she has to live, he needs her, he needs their love. He kisses her and whispers that she needs to be strong. Just then an alarm goes off and Mac’s vitals go haywire. The Doctor comes in and starts ordering Epi and charges up the paddles. He asks PJC to leave the room as they administer to Mac.

Out in the waiting room, Rufi, Paloma and Emiliano are all waiting. Liliana comes in and tells Pal that they’ve been worried at school. She asks how Mac is doing and Pal tells her things are pretty grave. Lili says that the nuns and all the students are praying for her to recover. PJC joins their group and tells them that things have taken a bad turn with Mac.

In the chapel, Ines, Cruelota and other women are praying for Mac. Ines questions Cruelota on what happened with Mac, how could she fall? The women comment on how good of a person Mac is and how this is all pretty unbelievable. Cruelota doesn’t like hearing nice things about her sister. She tells them that death is for the good and the bad. She starts to “sob” about her sister, eliciting sympathy from the other women. The camera pans a close up to her and we can see what we’ve already known, there are no tears in her eyes.

Rufi and PJC discuss what could have happened to Mac, why she fell. Rufi starts humming a song and PJC can hear the tune being pulled from a memory. He tells Rufi that was their song. Rufi comments on how Pal and she both know it. Rufi almost lets is slip that Mac is Pal’s mom, but covers at the last moment. The two discuss how Mac kept her secret from Pal.

Germán runs into Lili outside the hospital. He tries to talk to her, but she wants to blow him off. He asks that she be patient with him. He tells her that he’s had a rough family life---his step-mother is his aunt, his mother’s sister. Things are not peachy keen at home. He tells Lili that there is nothing he wouldn’t give to have a family life like hers. Lili is pulled in by his words…..I find it kind of creepy because my mom used to read the “murderer of the month” club books (that’s what we called them) so I know that Ted Bundy used sympathy to lure in his victims. Be careful Lili.

The Doctor comes out to tell the crowd in the waiting room that Mac has gone into a coma. Cruelota has just arrived at the hospital, so she hears this news. She’s the only one happy to hear it. Pal breaks down and Cruelota comforts her. It is hard to stomach.

Romina goes to Emiliano’s office. Angelica tells her he’s not there, he’s at the hospital. Angie lets Ro know that the Mother Superior asked her to come back to her old job. She gives some psycho-babble speech to Ro about things not always going the way she manipulates them (or something similar to that).

We return to the waiting room. Everyone is distraught. Creepy music starts to play and the camera again pans into Cruelota.

Rafael goes to see Camila at her shop. He finds out she’s not there, but at the hospital. He leaves a message that he’s got something important to discuss with her, but he’s leaving town for a few days. He asks the woman to whom he is speaking to make sure she lets Cami know.

Mac’s eyes open and the nurse in the room goes running out to find the Doctor. He comes in and tries to talk to her. She can’t talk, so he tells her to blink once for yes and twice for no. He starts to ask a series of questions and is able to determine that she wants to see Pal and PJC, at the same time. The Doctor professes his love to Mac and then goes to get Pal and PJC.

Cami and Lando suggest that a breath of fresh air might be what they need. Pal and Rufi both tell them they want to stay around for any news. Cami and Lando head outside.

The Doctor comes across Pal and tells her that she’s been requested by Mac. Pal is happy, says it’s a miracle and she rushes off to see her aunt/mother. Cruelota questions what’s going on with Mac. The Doctor tells her that Mac can’t speak. Then he tells her that Mac wants to see the priest. Cruelota doesn’t like the sound of this. She says how can she communicate what she wants if she can’t speak. The Doctor tells her of his nifty little system. Cruelota speculates what would happen if Mac can never speak. She likes the thought of this. Cruelota tries to tell the Doctor she’s Mac’s sister and should be able to go see her. The Doctor tells her that was not Mac’s wishes and what matters now is what Mac wants, not what Cruelota wants.

The Doctor finds PJC and tells him that Mac’s requested him. Oh, by the way, Doctor adds, if she’s willing to marry me when she comes out of this, it would sure be great if you would preside over the ceremony. PJC is disturbed by these words, but doesn’t say anything to the Doctor.

Pal gushes over Mac. They hug. Behind Pal’s back Cruelota holds up an engagement ring. Mac starts to go in distress and Pal runs out to get some help. Cruelota comes in to taunt her sister. She shows her the ring and tells her that she will end up marring PJC, Mac will see. Cruelota undoes Mac’s oxygen and tells her it is best if she remains unable to speak.

Cami and Lando discuss Romina and her feelings for E. Cami says it looks like Pal and E are pretty close and she wishes it weren’t so, since Pal and Ro are friends. Cami does say in a town this small, things like that are bound to happen.

PJC comes in to sleeping Mac. He tells her he loves her and has never loved anyone the way he loves her. He begs her to get well, so he can complete his promises of making her happy. He urges her to be strong and kisses her again.

Germie runs into Ro. He’s still hot for her, but she blows him off. He questions if her plan of staying at Diana’s is working. Ro blows him off some more. He tells her she is difficult to please. Rather than being offended, Ro agrees and walks away.

Mac is awake again, but now she’s speaking. She tells the Doctor that she wants to see Pal and PJC together. The Doctor doesn’t question this, doesn’t even roll his eyes and say “here we go again.” He just tells Mac that he loves her and sends another doctor to go get Pal and PJC.

Pal comes in first. Mac tells her to forgive her. Pal says no need for forgiveness on her part, but that Mac should forgive her because she was an awful brat when she learned the truth about Mac being her momma. Mac warns Pal that it would be best if she continued to guard her secret. Pal seems a little confused by this, but she agrees. Mac urges Pal to fight for her own happiness. PJC comes in and Mac begs him to look after Pal, to care for her always. The three hold hands. Mac closes her eyes and the camera soars over the clouds. Music is playing and people are happy. It looks like a wedding….Mac’s and PJC’s. Mac looks lovely in her white suit. PJC looks handsome in his, too. Javier and Sagario are there, as are many other people from town. Noticeably missing is Cruelota. Even Padre Mateo is there, he’s officiating the ceremony. We are taken up to the balcony of the church. Cruelota is there and she looks ticked. The ceremony continues, everyone but Cruelota looks overjoyed. There is much celebrating and Pal hugs her parents. We fly over the clouds again and are back in the hospital room. Macarena gasps her last breath and flat lines. Paloma screams, “No!” and begs her not to die. PJC tries to comfort her as he tries to grasp the reality that the love of his life is gone. END OF EPISODE


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Sortilegio #4, 10/9/09: Glad I Missed The Funeral, But How Did I Miss The Wedding?

First the video rewind: Mary Jo is mad as H. E. double hockey sticks with Bad Boy Bruno for lying to her and wants to know why he’s pulled such a fast one on her. Our mentally twisted twin tells her that it’s because he loves her. Mary Jo (like the rest of us in Viewerville) knows this does not compute. She throws it right back at him, saying if he loved her he wouldn’t have tried threatening her with throwing her in jail. But the Material Boy says calm down, nobody suspects a thing and so there’s no reason to be worried; in time it will all seem like a bad dream and she will become accustomed to a life of luxury and being pampered. Afterward, they’ll get married and live happily ever after. --It may be a fairytale ending, but MJ verbally flips him off and says to find another Cinderella because he’s no longer her Prince Charming. Bruno backs off to let her cool her jets a bit while he goes down to breakfast.

Paula sees Bruno coming down to eat. “So you’ve done it!” Bruno gives her cheek an affectionate pinch. “I was sure I wouldn’t have a problem with you.” (Could it be that Sissy was in on this from the get-go and is the Material Sis he should have really set his sights on?) Bruno says MJ still worries him. Pau says she’s hoping his little story about sending them all off to jail was just to force her sister to go along. Bruno says not to be so sure; he doesn’t want to hurt them, but he needs Pau to help convince Mary Jo to go with the flow. Pau says she tried to make her sister see reason last night and jail generally would frighten anybody. (She sure had me fooled.) He complains that MJ just has too many scruples. “Whether Alexjandro’s death was an accident or was provoked, it only makes sense to take advantage of it, right?” Pau nods. He mentions that Pau will of course be sharing whatever he and MJ get out of this deal and then bribes the Material Sis a little more with a promised trip to New York to go SHOPPING. (Hey, works for me!) Material Sis doesn’t have to think twice. She’s in it to win it.

Meanwhile, at the Cruz Rojo in Zarco, the doctor (note: we know this because he’s the guy wearing the white lab coat) tells Alex he has a broken rib and some bad blows to the head. Alex doesn’t trust small-town doctors apparently and wants his own private physician and old family friend, Hernan, to take care of him. He asks the doc for a phone to call home and to personally arrange for his trip back to Merida.

Back at the manse in Merida, Pau goes upstairs to find Mary Jo but sees that their room is empty. There’s a note from Mary Jo telling her she split and went back home to Saqui. “Tell them I went crazy.” Pau races off to tell Bruno but he’s left for work already. Sweet ol’ Ezequial, the major domo, tells her to go find Eric, the chauffeur (who, due to his choice taste in rosy red undergarments, I now fondly think of as Baboon Bottoms). Baboon Bottoms makes the call and Pau lets Bruno in on the bad news. He gives him orders to make sure Paula keeps the family from finding out MJ left town and to make sure that Tomas (the guy guarding the gate) doesn’t let Pau leave.

Alex calls home. Doddering ol’ Zeke answers and nearly keels over dead himself from shock. Everybody is happy-happy-joy-joy impactado because of the great news. Zeke runs up to MJ’s room to let her know. Paula lies and tells him that her sister is still asleep but promises to give her the news later. She nearly slams the door in the old guy’s face before hyperventilating from the shock herself.

At the same time, our two sassy-cats, Maura and Raquel, are having hissy-fits trying to figure out why Alex would have gotten hitched to hoi polloi like Mary Jo. They’re certain he wouldn’t have done it unless she was pregnant. Just then Victoria rushes in with the good news that Alex is alive and coming home. (Aha! Maura now has a second chance to make Alex eventually realize the error of his ways dumping her for mousy Mary Jo. Bring it on, babe!)

Pau tries to skip out but guard-dog Tomas refuses to let her leave without permission from Bruno. She races off to find another way off the grounds and eventually gives up. (Dunno. Maybe it was the blisters from hiking in those crappy, cheap 6” platforms.)

Vicki goes up to the girls’ empty room, sees Raquel’s clothes on the bed, and realizes that the two have probably left. Tomas later explains to Vicki and Zeke that MJ had her suitcase and took a taxi early that morning, but he adds that when Paula tried leaving he refused to let her go on orders of Sr. Bruno. Vicki has Zeke go find Pau.

Bruno arrives back at papi Pedro’s apartment ahead of Mary Jo. From his hammock, Pedro fans himself and asks Bruno whazzup. Bruno is on the warpath and tells him that Mary Jo escaped, but she’s a fool if she thinks she’s going to play games with him, cuz nobody gets the slip on him, ever!

At the clinic, Fernando says Alex was a sly dog for not telling them that he got married. Alex is a bit confused and says he might be suffering from a few holes in his memory right now, but he’d remember something like getting married. ‘Nando tells him he is definitely married and that his wife, Mary Jo, was at the funeral. Everybody met her. Alex asks when and where the wedding was. Nando tells him it was the day before the accident, in her hometown. Alex says no way. It never happened.

Back in Saqui, Bruno warns Pedro that Mary Jo has no choice and if she doesn’t behave herself the three of them are all going to find themselves behind bars. Doña Bernice, the lady who owns the shop MJ worked at, shows up at the apartment at that point to pay her respects. Bruno is introduced as a friend of the family. She sees the photo-shopped picture of Alex and Mary Jo and then comments on how handsome MJ’s hubby was and how distraught MJ must be. Bruno smiles conspiratorially over at Pedro.

Alex says good-bye to Chucho and gives the old peasant his watch as a gift for saving his life before he flies home in the company ‘copter with Hernan and Fernando.

Roberto (guess I’ll just have to try to ignore that fuzzy zit under his lip) gets word from Fernando that the helicopter is on its way. He’s miffed because Alex “seems to have more lives than a cat.” Maura and Raquel are thrilled of course. Mau stops to wonder who they buried yesterday if Alex is actually still alive. Bobo, aka, Roberto, asks who cares. Raqui wonders where Bruno went off to. Bobo says he’s probably off having a tantrum somewhere because The Dead returned from Hell.

Pau returns to the house and asks to speak with Victoria alone.

On the flight back, Alex asks ‘Nando what MJ’s last name is. “Samaniego”. Alex draws a blank. Hernan says not to worry, he’ll probably recognize her once he sees her again, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a few x-rays done once they get back to Merida. Hernan wonders why Alex never bothered to tell anybody about the wedding. Alex can’t understand it either.

Back in Merida, Vicki wonders why Paula didn’t tell her earlier that Mary Jo went back home to Saqui. Pau says because Bruno was against it and then says he’s gone to bring MJ back. Vicki realizes that Mary Jo left before she found out that Alex was still alive and figures it was because it was too hard emotionally to stick it out there with Alex’s family. Pau is desperate and begs to be allowed to leave herself. Vicki doesn’t mind if Pau leaves, but she is certain that once Mary Jo finds out Alex is back among the living she’ll return. Vicki tries calling Bruno to get word to him for Mary Jo. He refuses to answer his cell. Pau calls home and says no one is at the apartment either. Vicki has her go upstairs to clean up and wait for news from Bruno.

The three house cats stretch their legs and hiss a bit as Pau passes by. They pace the living room. Raquel asks her mother what’s happened. Vicki fills them in and Raqui wonders if they didn’t hit it off [simpatiza] or what. Vicki says MJ is Alex’s wife and if he chose her he had his reasons and that’s that. After she’s gone, Bobo notes how extremely obliging Bruno has been with Alex’s widow. That makes Mau want to barf. She says she’ll be back by there tomorrow after things calm down at the house.

Raquel tells Bobo that Mau is really fuming inside and would rather have seen Alex dead before seeing him married to another woman. Bobo says he feels the same way as Maura. (Methinks Bobo swings both ways. He's wired for both AC and DC and at times would be just as happy being Bobbie as Bob.) He teases Raqui about having the hots for her brother. She reminds him he is not her brother. He reminds her that she’s too old for Alex whether he’s related or not.

Mary Jo finally makes it back to the apartment and is unpleasantly surprised to find Bruno there waiting to take her back to Merida. Papi Pedro gripes that her hubby’s been made to wait and she lets it fly. He’s not her husband and he’s not named Alejandro! He’s nothing but a low-life who’s tricked her and gotten her involved in a hellacious mess! MJ tells Bruno she doesn’t give a flying flip for the little game he’s cooked up, jail or no. She has a little money and they’ll hire a lawyer and tell him the whole thing, including that Bruno killed the real Alejandro because she’s certain he did it and had it planned from the start. Bruno swears she’s wrong about that and says again that he loves her. In the same breath, Bruno reminds her that he’s part of the rich and powerful and it’s his word against hers. (Talk about your emotional disconnects.) Besides, didn’t he tell her already that her father sells contraband, he asks. Pedro is forced to admit his dubious dealings. Bruno rubs it in. “Who’ll believe you, huh?” It will be jail for all three of them.

MJ says Bruno will go to jail, too. He says he’s fixed it all to throw off any suspicion of him in any of this. They’ll all be blamed, not him. He shows her the photo-shopped picture then and crows about how it worked like a charm with her old boss, Doña Bernice. MJ realizes she’s stuck and finally gives in.

The helicopter eventually arrives back in Merida at the Lombardo mansion. Alex suddenly remembers about the man with the snakebite and explains to Hernan that they’ll have to find his family and compensate his wife. Hugs all ‘round. Pau watches Alex arrive from behind a tree, probably wondering how she’s going to fake it.

On the flight back to Merida Bruno tells Mary Jo she shouldn’t hold it against him. He loves her and she loves him. She says she hates him and all she wants to know is how long she’s got to stay there. He says as long as necessary.

That night everyone wants to know why Alex got married without telling them. Bobo says Alex was probably on a drunk. (Hey, that would have been my first guess!) Alex says he has no clue. Hernan explains it away with the mental lapses that he’s suffering from. Alex heads off to the study to relax a bit and the others go home.

Victoria walks into the study as Alex is looking over the newspaper article with the write-up about his death. He sees MJ’s picture on the front page and tells Vicki that he’s worried because he has no memory of any of it, not of MJ, or the wedding and even less why he would have hidden it from them all. Vicki explains how Bruno found the marriage certificate there on the desk and Mary Jo’s number in one of his cell phones. Since the document is legit he is legally married. The fact that he can’t remember any of it frightens both of them. He wonders where she is and Vicki fills him in on why she thinks MJ left and how Bruno went to get her. She says she practically had to force her to stay in order to avoid the gossip after having introduced her to all their friends and family during the funeral. “--As my wife?” “—Well, yes.” Nobody wanted to let it get out that the family was caught off guard by the marriage, she says. Vicki is hopeful it will all come back to him once he sees her.

Bruno and Mary Jo arrive back at the mansion. She gets out of the car and races into the house. She starts up the big staircase just as Alex comes out of the study. He recognizes her from the newspaper and calls out to her. They face each other and Mary Jo nearly faints from the shock of seeing him standing there in the flesh. Vicki helps her up and explains how Alex was found alive, etc., etc. Bruno walks in at that point and gets a kick in the ol' gut from the shock. Alex feels a bit awkward that Mary Jo’s not exactly smothering him with kisses. But, Mary Jo is unable to get off the couch, much less fake affection. Alex finally speaks up. “It’s the shock of the surprise, right?” MJ can only nod.

Bruno walks over with a robo-hug and shoots a warning look over at Mary Jo. She gets the message. Alex seems a bit suspicious as he looks from Bruno to MJ and back. He asks if MJ feels like standing and walking him upstairs. As they head upstairs, Bruno pretends not to understand why Alex can’t remember her. Victoria explains the bad bump on the head that’s left Alex with a few holes in his memory. Actually, MJ does a cruddy job of playing the happy and relieved wife and this is not lost on Vicki. She makes a mental note that MJ didn’t seem very happy to see him again. “--She didn’t even kiss him.” (I am sure it’ll take her 94 episodios to figure out why.)

Upstairs in the bedroom, Alex asks Mary Jo to help him undress. “Be careful. I have a broken rib and my back is scraped up.” MJ is obviously freaked. She stutters and asks if he’s going to want p.j.’s. He says, no, he sleeps in the nude. (Ok.Ok. I gotta admit here I’m a sucker for blondes, and Alex’s build, not to mention his being a “man with a slow hand” is pretty darned sexy. He definitely rates a few dings on the sigh-o-meter.) So then, Alex asks her if perhaps she’s never seen him nude. She admits she hasn’t and says it’s because they had never made love before, then adds they were only married in a civil ceremony. The idea he might have found an old-fashioned girl excites Alex. Just then Bruno barges in, purposely trying to interrupt the er... natural flow of events. (Pretty odd, not to mention rude as hell.) Bruno manages to clue MJ in that “Alex is suffering mental lapses and cannot remember getting married.” (Like, who asked you, jack-off?) Alex is not a happy camper having Bruno butt in like this. “--You never fail to surprise me!” He looks back at MJ and stares suggestively into her eyes. “I’d preferred to have told her myself at the proper time.”

Bruno obviously wants to get Mary Jo out of there ASAP and he tells her that Paula is missing. (Magic moment muffed.) Mary Jo is naturally upset. “When? Where to?” Alex is like, man and now there’s even a sister? Bruno tells him to stick his nose out of it and tells MJ it’s been hours since anybody’s seen hide or hair of her. He insists the two of them have to go find her immediately. Alex wonders why Bruno is so in the know but MJ says it’s no time to argue. They’ve got to go find her. Alex says he’ll get somebody to go looking for her sister and Mary Jo can stay there with him. Mary Jo says no, she’s going herself and he’d better not dare try stopping her. Bruno follows her out. Alex calls Tomas with a heads-up and orders him not to let Mary Jo leave the property, even if she’s with Bruno.

Outside Bruno is trying to catch up to MJ. Where does she think she’s going? “Where do you think? I’m going to look for my sister. No doubt Paula took one look at Alejandro and nearly died of fright!” Bruno is sure she hasn’t left the property or his mother would have told him. She starts yelling for Pau.

Meanwhile, Zeke brings up Alex’s meal. Alex asks him when his “wife” arrived at the house if she seemed sad over his supposed death. Zeke tells him that she was distraught and his mother had to give her a special tea to settle her nerves and calm her down. “What else?” Zeke mentions the two young women came without proper clothes for the funeral, and then that Bruno was gone the entire day; but when he returned home he immediately asked for her, went straight up to her bedroom and then went in. “Just like that?” (--as in, without knocking first?) “--Just like that.” One last thing, Zeke says. His wife asked to see a photo of Alex and he showed her the album in the study. Alex begins to process. (Ya gotta love that kind of brain when it’s attached to such beautiful brawn.)

Outside Mary Jo and Bruno find Pau hiding in the bushes somewhere close by. Pau admits she was frightened and tried leaving but couldn’t. Then, once she saw Alejandro she knew the jig was up. Bruno tells her there’s nothing to worry about. They’ll just take advantage of the fact that Alex is suffering a little amnesia. MJ isn’t so sure. Bruno reminds her that Alex is a brute and will throw them in jail and throw away the key if they try telling the truth to him. Mary Jo reminds Bruno that it was his idea, not theirs. He reminds her that nobody is going to believe them, not to mention dear, drunk-on-his-duff Daddy. Mary Jo hauls off and tries to hit him. Bruno grabs her arm and tells the two of them that they’ll do what he tells them: treat Alex like they know him and be happy that they’re lucky he’s lost his memory. If he recovers, still no problem because since there was nothing to remember, Alex will just remain a bit doubtful is all. Otherwise, they go to prison with their papi.

MJ insists she still can’t go to bed with the guy. Bruno says for now Alex is still too sick to try sleeping with her. Anyway, she can just tell Alex she’s angry that he lied to her about being a millionaire and so she wants a divorce. (Yeah, that’s a winner—not. Damn! I should have that kind of grief.) Mary Jo tells him how infantile and ridiculous that sounds. He says it’s the best he can think of for now because he’s overwhelmed with everything that’s happened; but eventually something will come to him and he’ll make sure nobody gets hurt from all of this. Just take things easy and do what he says. They say fine and everyone goes back into the house.

Alex watches them come in from his balcony and heads downstairs.

Once they’re all inside, they all act like perfect strangers. MJ introduces Pau to Alex and he says he thought she knew him already. MJ can think on her feet. She says it was because he can’t remember anything. Pau gives a quick, nervous, explanation about where she was and why. Mary Jo says they’re going up to bed. Alex asks where she intends to sleep. She says his mother gave them each their separate rooms. “--But your room is my room,” he reminds her. Bruno butts in again. “Alejandro, you’re still hurt.” Alex glares back at him. “—I didn’t ask your opinion.” Mary Jo says she thinks he’s still too sick and would be better off alone for now. Anyway, she has a headache and really needs to talk to her sister a bit.

Alex starts to chuckle. “So many excuses!” MJ says stubbornly she’s not making excuses. It’s the plain truth. He smiles and his eyes do that sparkle thing. “Now I know why I married you. It’s your personality. [carácter] I like it!” Bruno looks like he’s got ants in his pants. Alex walks over and gives Mary Jo an affectionate chuck on the chin and then smiles. (Nice pearly whites.) “Ok. I don’t want to force you.” Bruno is apparently worried that Alex eventually won’t have to. Neither girl looks convinced about Alex’s good intentions.


Gancho Friday October 9th. Lots of Jealousy, and Rolu gets to play the role for which he was cast

Okay, so Beto and Connie won the family day competition (with a little help from Connie’s well-placed toe, tripping M&M). Moni’s about to let her fists do the talking, but stops herself, knowing a scandal is just what Connie wants. Connie insults Moni, at which point Katia pipes in with what about you? You brought your lover to my school! No way, answers Connie. See this guy? This stinky piece of trash? He smells like manure (estiércol). No one would go with him! Beto has his usual goofy smile, mildly protests that his smell is just maleness. Mau informs Connie that she can go with whomever she wants, he doesn’t care. But Moni DOES. Ahah, you’re JEALOUS, shoots back Connie. Claro que no, it’s just that don’t you think it’s strange that Connie hired Beto? asks Moni. As Connie makes a dismissive gesture of her hand talking away, Moni asserts that she’s taking advantage of poor people, and money doesn’t make one worthy, feelings do, and Connie’s a little short of them, she’s a witch with no heart. SUPER jealous (celosísima), retorts Con. Mau wants to clear this up. He asks Katia directly. What makes you say Connie and Beto are lovers? Turns out she really has no proof, she’s embarrassed to admit. Mau calls it pure speculation (especulaciónes).

Connie coolly explains the “real” reason she hired Beto. Mau fired him, and since she always likes to help the poor, what else could she do but give him a chance? So don’t say that I have no feelings! Nanny nanny boo boo! Moni tells Beto they’ll talk later. He protests it was pure “escupitaciónes”, not quite getting the big word right – what he said means “spitting”!

Back at Mau’s place, it’s quite a bit colder, as everyone’s wearing coats (Moni has a nice purple, belted jacket).
And the weather’s not the only thing that’s cold. Mau is peeved that Moni seems to care so much about Beto and Connie, does Moni still have feelings for Beto? She does, but only as a brother. I’m in love with you, I’m your girlfriend, she says (Yo soy enamorada de usted. Soy su novia – notice this is the formal “you”). Mau notices, too, saying you’re my novia, but you can’t even tutear me.

Teresa enters, makes the mistake of apologizing for calling Moni to take papers to Mau at the school, which causes Moni to realize that Mau didn’t invite her to family day. Mau defends his decision, first saying he was concerned that Moni was upset about her mother, and wouldn’t want to be around families, then adding that he didn’t want Moni to cause problems at the school, which enrages Moni. Why would he assume she’s wild, she may be ignorant (bruta), but she can learn from her mistakes. She accuses Mau (again) of preferring the porcelain faced Connie, who’s from high society. Mau laments, why do they always end up fighting? Moni doesn’t know, but if they keep this up, they’ll end up hating each other. She stalks out. Yes, it’s gotten a little frosty.

Connie reams out Katia for accusing her of being Beto’s lover. Katia doesn’t really back down, when Connie’s phone rings. It’s Ximena, from the hospital. Connie’s on her way.

Nieves has the table all set for baby boy Beto, and when he enters wearing his chauffeur outfit, she’s entranced. But then he says “Good evening, NEIGHBOR”, and her face falls. He informs her he’s rented an apartment on the other side of Paula’s, and has paid 3 months in advance, from his new salary. He grabs his duffel bag, as she begs him to stay, she needs him. Only like a dog nipping at your skirt, wagging its tail, he answers. But he’s independent now, NEIGHBOR. He gives her his keys, then dumps his dirty laundry, letting Mommy know that he expects it washed by tomorrow. But since he’s independent now, he himself will take it off the clothesline. The door slams, and it’s Nieves’ turn to say “me dañas, me dañas (you hurt me), sniffing his shorts, tears in her eyes.

Aldo comes to visit Katia. She guesses he definitely think she’s crazy now, after her unfounded accusations about Connie. But he’s warm and supportive, and promises to check things out to see if he can get some proof.

In the vecindad, Moni sees Nieves crying. Nieves is sad that Beto left, but when it turns out he’s just moving a few apartments away, Moni thinks Nieves is making a mountain out of a molehill. Nieves laments that the family she had with Beto and Moni is broken. Beto enters, still with his attitude, and Nieves says he’ll be crying tears of blood when she’s dead (she’s got that martyr thing down pat). After she leaves, Beto brags to Moni that if she doesn’t want him, he’s got a whole line of chicks waiting in the wings. After warning him about Connie, Moni tells Beto to go get all those in that line he’s got waiting. He thinks to himself, good idea.

At the hospital, we find that Rolu’s in a full body cast, and Ximena’s going to wait on him hand and foot (okay, he fell 25 feet onto solid concrete, but we knew Rolu would make it, he and Ximmy are too funny to let go). Even his nose and mouth are covered (with little holes for breathing).
Ximmy tells Connie her version of Rolu’s fall – he was saving her from falling. What a guy. Mao Tse Tung arrives, is Ximmy okay? She’s better, now that a nice nurse gave her a delicious little pill. Mau observes that Rolu must have broken every bone in his body, but Ximmy’s happy that he didn’t lose a single tooth! Connie wants to talk with Mau, so they take it outside (Ximmy doesn’t want any negative energy). Xime feels inspired, takes out some magic markers, and it’s cast decorating time!

In the hall, Connie wants to assure Mau she has nothing to do with Beto, but he doesn’t care one way or the other. They’ve broken up, and she can do whatever she wants. He leaves. Ximmy comes out, teases Connie about El Fantasma Vengador, and although Connie denies that they did anything, Ximmy knows they’ve come close, they’re like a time bomb, ready to explode. She threatens to tell Mau, but Connie says she better not, adding she’ll kill both Mau and Moni if she loses Mau. So Ximmy, your cousin’s life is in your hands. She leaves, and Ximmy wants another little pill.

Moni’s in her pink robe, thinking. Beto lets himself in, tells her he was kidding about that line of chicks. But Moni says she WANTS him to find another girl, really. He can’t, he loves only Moni. She repeats she loves him, but just as a brother, a friend. He finally says you win. Just friends. But he’ll always be there for her. And she for him. He blesses her and says goodnight. After he leaves, her phone rings. It’s Mauricio. (Can I just say the Nextel beeping was really intrusive in this conversation? Yes, we get it – they have these two way walkie talkies that beep. But these look like ordinary cellphones, and no one’s pushing any talk buttons. Oh well, product placement it is). Mau calls to apologize. Moni does, too, and they both say te amo. Mau’s smile widens as he realizes she used “tú”. She can’t meet him at the office, has to train, but he can meet her at the gym. She says goodnight, boyfriend. He says goodnight, girlfriend, and he thanks her for beginning to tutear. Ahhhh, love is back.

We see the moon, we see the clouds, and we see Moni in the morning, jumping rope at the gym, wearing black boxing boots, low slung workout pants which go to just above the knee, tape on her hands, and a cute short-sleeved workout top which still leaves her midriff bare. Next she’s got on the pink boxing gloves, is hitting the free standing punching bag with gusto, giving us guys some eye candy with her athleticism.
The speed bag completes the workout, and Don Cesar thinks she’s doing great. And he’s got great news. He got her a fight for the national title against Mariana “La Barbie” Juarez. , who really is the flyweight (110 pounds) champion of women’s boxing. The fight’s in two weeks, so Moni’s going to have to take some time off from work, and train hard. She gives Don Cesar a hug, and dashes off joyfully to make the arrangements.

Aldo has promised to try to get info to help Katia find out if Beto and Connie are an item. First stop – Estrella’s house. She comes out in her kimono. He asks about Beto. Estrella knows Beto has the hots for a lot of girls in the neighborhood, but she never saw him with Connie. She will, however, keep her eyes open. That done, Aldo shows a little jealousness about Tano (who’s inside). He still has feelings for Estre. Estre tells him to forget it, he’s got a novia now, she has a novio, and falling in love with him was a mistake, thank goodness they only had a few kisses, and didn’t make a bigger mistake. She tells him goodbye, goes back inside, where Tano is sitting, having heard everything. He could understand how Aldo could be dazzled (deslumbrado) with her, as a teenager he had crushes on his teachers, but how could she love HIM? Estrella assures him there was nothing more than a few kisses. She likes Aldo, sure, but Tano’s different. She likes being with him, he makes her feel happy, he respects her, and he doesn’t judge her the way so many do. She pleads with him not to leave her, she’s not a bad woman. The tears are streaming down her face as Tano, moved, hugs her tight, he’s not going anywhere.

Beto runs into Moni on her way home from the gym, she doesn’t want him following her everywhere, he jokes that they’re buddies now (carnales), so they can stick together. They turn around, and someone’s lying on the ground. It’s Nieves, who’s fainted!

At Semeño Group, Paula’s wearing her recepcionista outfit (turns out the cleaning crew has matching outfits, and so do the receptionists. I thought it was some running joke with two ladies always dressing alike, but it’s actually a uniform). Paula brusquely informs some clients that Mauricio isn’t in, they can stay or leave, whatever they like, she doesn’t care, but don’t say anything more to her, because she’s really busy. (!!) As the clients sulk off, offended, Gabi tells Paula one has to greet the clients with a cheerful smile, treat them with respect. Well, says Paula, maybe that hypocrisy works for you, but not for me, I say what I feel, so deal with it.

Salvador tries to calm down stressed out Gabi. Gabi’s upset about Paula, but that’s nothing compared to how upset she is about Lorenza. Gabi’s being discredited (desprestigiando) by everyone, and the accountant lady (contadura) who brings her chocolates every Tuesday isn’t even talking to her anymore. Enter Lorenza, eating said chocolates. She offers one to Sal who declines. Gabi wants one, but Lorenza says no, maybe you should watch your diet, maybe that’s why you don’t have a husband. Crestfallen, Gabi walks away.

Mauricio arrives, his phone rings (and beeps), Moni tells him about Nieves, he’ll meet her at the hospital, and don’t worry about the medical bill, he’ll cover it.

In the hospital waiting room, Beto asks Moni with whom she was talking and she answers “with my novio” (good for her!). Beto thinks his Mom’s going to die, and if so, who’ll do his laundry? Well, YOU will. And you have to be strong, be a man about this. He asks if men can cry. Moni says of course they can, and Beto does, as she consoles him.

In Rolu’s room (same hospital, of course), a nice nurse is pleased to see Rolu’s awake. His cast is decorated with a red heart and the words “I love Xime”.
The nurse tells him he broke his jaw (quijada), so he won’t be able to talk for a while. But isn’t it nice he has an angel girlfriend to take care of him? Enter said angel, again disproving the fashion no-no of horizontal stripes, as her red, white and black striped top fits her to a T. The nurse says the patient has nice eyes, and Xime agrees, ignoring the somewhat angry look behind those nice eyes.

The Delegation of Underachieving Mau Bashers (DUMB) has a short meeting to discuss strategy. As Connie absentmindedly fondles an accordion-like pile of post-it notes, Oscar relates that since the idea of Mau having to marry ASAP won’t work anymore (because he’d marry the “wrong” woman), they’ve come up with a new idea. Jerry lays it out - Connie should tell the judge SHE wants to adopt the three little varmints. Oscar reassures her that with enough dinero, the judge will go along with it. Connie likes this plan.

The Doctor tells Beto his mother is stable, but the diagnosis is reserved. Some studies are needed to determine the cause of her fainting. She has to stay the night. What did he say? Beto asks Moni. “That your mother is stable, but the diagnosis is reserved, some studies are needed to determine the cause of the fainting, and that she has to spend the night here”. Beto is still despondent, feels like a bad son, is hyperventilating, wants them to transplant his heart into his Mom, needs a hug (which Moni gives). Beto’s grateful, he doesn’t deserve Moni, he still loves her, with all his soul. He strokes her hair, and just as Mauricio arrives in the background, suddenly KISSES her! Even though Moni immediately pushes him away, Mau’s jealousy meter is lighting up. Ximmy arrives to greet Mau loudly, and Moni goes to greet him, not noticing his scowl. Things aren’t helped when Beto says we don’t need any help from this so and so, I’m independent, I’ll pay for all the bills. Yeah, how much is the mummy paying you? It costs 10,000 pesos ($750.00) per day here. Beto swallows his pride, quietly thanks Mauricio.

Oscar thinks it’s funny that Connie will be adopting those runts she hates. Connie’s willing to pay the judge’s bribe, she’s willing to do or pay anything, with some exceptions (shooting a look at Jerry). The key is that Mau can’t know what’s going on, so Jerry says they’ll get Mau out of the office for a few days, and Sal’s so obessesd with Gabi and Lorenza that he won’t be a problem. Pretty soon, says Connie, Mauricio will pay for everything he’s done.

In the deserted coffee room, we see some abandoned cleaning bottles in the foreground. Gabi enters, fumbles around in her purse, finally dumps it all out on the table. With shaking hands, she finds a cigarette, lights it, and takes a few puffs. Sal enters, since when do you smoke? Between coughs, Gabi says since Lorenza made life unbearable here, since Paula got her promotion and became insufferable, and what can she say, how else is she going to lose those kilos? Sal takes the cigarette, stamps it out, reminding her smoking isn’t allowed here, you’ve always been opposed to smoking, and what’s more, you don’t need to lose weight. You’re a beautiful woman just as you are, I wouldn’t change a thing. Gabi thanks him, but how’s she going to relieve her stress, she’s tired of tea, tea and more tea. Sal guides her to a chair, stands behind her, asks her to relax, and starts massaging her shoulders. Just forget everything. Ah, that’s working.
He’s on the neck, now, want me to continue? Yes, yes, she says, as his hands stray lower, to her back, gentle fingers having the desired effect.

As Paula yawns, playing absentmindedly with her raccoon tail keychain, Jerry wants to talk to Lorenza in his office. Oscar wakes Paula from her reverie, wants some cappuccino. She informs him she’s no cappuccinista, she’s a recepcionista now (weakly struggling to put her earphones on). Oscar reminds her that getting coffee is still part of her job, so go to it. She reluctantly drags herself out of the comfy chair, and is just about to enter the coffee room, when she hears moans of pleasure coming from within. Ahah, she thinks. I’ll get Lorenza to catch them! (Paula, Paula, please don’t go to the dark side).

Back at the hospital, Mau wants an explanation as to why Moni was kissing Beto. She explains that Beto kissed HER, took her by surprise, and is just very upset about his Mom. Mau is still seeing red, doesn’t understand why Moni has to be so close to him. Moni reassures him (still using tú) that he’s the man of her life. She cares for Beto, but not the way she cares for Mau, the man who awakened deep feelings in her, the man who takes her breath away, her ideal man. They kiss, and she reminds him how they promised that before they’d overreact to something, they’d talk about it. They kiss again.

However, he then lays down the law. For their relationship to work, she can’t be friends with Beto anymore. She can’t have any type of relationship with him. Moni doesn’t know what to say (until Monday, when I’m sure she’ll come up with some zingers!)

And Monday, it looks as if she must have said something good, because they kiss VERY PASSIONATELY, and did he just ask her to spend the night?!


Estiércol – manure, dung
Carnales – mates, buddies
Desprestigiar – to discredit
La quijada – the jaw, the jawbone


Friday, October 09, 2009

Sortilegio #3, October 8: And Now for Something Completely Different...or Maybe Not. And Hey Man, where's my watch?

Buenos Dias a todos.

From yesterday:
Roberto walks in and asks Raquel where everyone is. They are at the funeral home she replies. And the wife? Have you seen her? What kind of woman is she? Raquel says she hasn't met her yet but she had to borrow clothes. Roberto makes some kind of snotty remark that I didn't catch.

Victoria, MJ and Paula come down the staircase and everyone jumps up to meet MJ. This is MJ the wife of Alex and her sister Paola. Mucho gustos all around. Raquel asks where Bruno is and Victoria says he is at the funeral home. She then explains to MJ that Bruno is her oldest son. The cars leave the estate for the funeral with the press, uh, buzzards circling in for the kill.

We beam over to Alex in the little hut looking like he fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. Sobrino walks up with a load of firewood. Tio and Sobrino have a discussion about the watch and Tio says he needed it. Sobrino says maybe they should go out to the highway (carretera) and Tio is worried about being blamed for the accident.. Sobrino wants to know what they are going to do? He can't die alone.

Read more »


En Nombre del Amor, October 8, 2009 (#66)—What This Show Really Needs Is a Purple People Eater

That is, someone or something that gets rid of purple people, because that seems to be the only way to put a stop to Carlota.

Carlota tells Paloma to be more discreet, she doesn’t think Macarena wants the truth to be known. Carlota’s sure now more than ever that her telling Paloma the truth about her birth was because God arranged it. Otherwise Mac and Paloma wouldn’t have been able to talk and forgive each other as mother and daughter. She’s also sure that Mac would have carried that secret to the grave.

At school, Liliana asks about Paloma and the nun informs her that Mac is in the hospital and asks everyone to pray for her. Romina approaches Lili and remarks that one would think that it’s Lili and not her who is Paloma’s best friend, but she doesn’t know Pal or her aunt--Mac gets sick every 5 minutes, so it’s just one more time and nothing will happen. Romi laughs at Lili for wanting to go to the hospital. Romi says she doesn’t need to do things to make people love her (I think she’s hinting that Mac always gets sick to get attention).

Paloma freaks out, yelling why don’t they tell us anything? Then she demands that Carlota tell her everything, where were you when Mac fell, what happened? Carlota the Terrible pretends to cry some more and Camila tries to console Paloma and suggests she not think about that now, better to think that soon you’ll talk with her and look back on this as if it was just a nightmare. Carlota says something like hopefully God wants that, and this makes Rufi yell “Dios!” really loud--apparently she was reminded of Cristobal because she leaves, saying she’s going for a walk. Carlota eavesdrops on Paloma telling Camila that it can’t be that this is happening now, Mac was so happy, although she doesn’t know why.

Emiliano talks business with Orlando, who then informs him about Mac being in the hospital. Orlando doesn’t think Emil should go because he might not be well received--Camila asked Orly not to come, and Emiliano guesses that it must be because of Carlota. Emiliano doesn’t care what Carlota says, he has to be with Paloma.

In the operating room Mac’s blood pressure starts to drop. Dr. Rodolfo says we can’t lose her and they try to revive her with the defibrilator. Rodolfo yells for her to fight for her life but she flatlines.

Padre Mateo comes in to chat with Cris who says he has something very important to tell him. They are interrupted by Rufi’s arrival with the news about Mac being in the hospital.

(From here on out my closed captions disappeared, so there may be a few spots ahead where I’m not sure what is being said.)

Camila is on the phone with Orlando--he asks doesn’t she want him to come to the hospital? and points out that it’s a public place, Carlota can’t stop other people from coming to see Macarena. Camila tells him to come when he can, she really needs him.

Paloma prays in the church chapel, please don’t take my mother. She promises to love her aunt as she is--as her mother--without rancor, without questions. I think Paloma offers to never ever eat ice cream in her life again (not sure I heard that right) and she promises to do whatever God wants, just don’t take her (Macarena).

Angelica calls Joel to thank him for the flowers he sent. He invites her out to dinner and she agrees. Rafael comes in as Joel hangs up and Joel asks where he should take her. Rafa is glad to see Joel with someone. Then he laments that he can’t offer Camila the relationship that she wants and deserves. He doesn’t know if Camila is in love with him or Orlando, but he’s at a disadvantage because Orly is free and he isn’t. Rafa has made a decision to stop pursuing Camila, he’s going to step aside.

Emiliano goes to the church chapel to comfort Paloma and tells her not to lose faith. She cries that “she can’t die, she can’t.” She wonders why is this happening to me, why?

Cristobal rushes into the hospital and asks the Purple One, how is Macarena? He wants to see her. Carlota asks how he wants to see her--as priest or man? Cris replies that he doesn’t have to give her any explanations. What happens to Mac matters to him more than his own life, and it will always be that way. Carlota hisses that Mac is a sinner and Cris tells her to shut it. If there is any sinner here, it’s you. (I couldn’t catch the next couple sentences except for Cris saying “there are many ways to kill someone”.) Cris vows that he’s going to stay there, at the side of the only woman in the world who’s important to him, until he sees her, and there’s nothing you can do about it. Carlota thinks those aren’t the words of a man who’s with God. Cris replies that God is with people of good faith, with people that suffer, with people that have compassion--and you don’t know what any of those words mean. Cris is positive that God is with Macarena and with him.

Ines visits Diana, who is still in bed with hives. She wants to know the gossip about Emiliano’s and Orlando’s party and is looking at pictures of the party in the paper. Diana thinks Orly looks very taken with Camila in one of the pictures but Ines believes that Orly is more interested in Cami than she is in him. Diana wonders if Cami could be interested in someone else, but Ines asks who? There isn’t much here to choose from, unless it’s a husband from one of the families in Real del Monte, but she doesn’t see anyone that could be an option for Cami.

Back at the hospital, Dr. Rodolfo comes out to the waiting room. Mac is in very grave condition and her diabetes is putting her even more at risk. They’re trying to do everything they can. He asks for Paloma to come--he's putting Mac in intensive care and he’s arranged for Pal to see her . . . aunt. Carlota pretends some more to be upset, she wants to see Mac and to be with her and Paloma as much as possible. Cris gives her the stink eye. Sigh, if only looks could kill.

Rufi goes to the chapel to fetch Paloma.

While in the waiting area, Carlota stares at Cris and thinks about how he’s a very attractive priest and it’s a waste that he hides it (I couldn’t catch what she said, but my guess is that she was talking about him hiding behind his vocation or priest uniform), but it won’t be for much longer. Paloma’s arrival interrupts this creepy reverie. She addresses Cris as “padre” and requests that he ask God to save Macarena. Carlota then ushers Pal off to see Mac.

Rodolfo is in Mac’s room looking anguished; he gives her a kiss on the forehead.

In the church chapel, Cristobal prays--Mac has suffered all her life and you sent me to her to change that, so that together we could live a relationship full of love. He asks God to have compassion for Mac. Meanwhile, Emiliano stands behind him, also praying--he knows that it will be very hard if Paloma loses her mother, but he knows that God can make Mac recover from this accident.

Paloma goes into Mac’s room while Darth Carlota skulks outside with her face practically pressed against the window. Pal tells Mac, you have to live, we have a lot of plans, a lot of things to do together as mother and daughter. She asks Mac for forgiveness for being hard on her when she found out Mac was her mother. But now she doesn’t care if the whole world knows. Mama, don’t leave me, I don’t know what I’d do without you . . . I love you so much, Mamita. Meanwhile, Carlota’s looking on, thinking “you have to die. Nobody can know what happened between us. Die already!”

Diana is looking in the newspaper at the pictures of the party and comments that Emiliano and Romina look very handsome together, what a cute couple. Ines says yeah, but that girl is a bit forward (?)--she planted a kiss on Emiliano that left us all with our mouths hanging open, and I don’t think he appreciated it. Diana says he’s just shy. Before leaving Ines gossips that she’s off to the hospital to see Mac. Diana isn’t surprised because that family is tragic--everything bad happens to them. That’s why she hates that her son is so close to those people. Ines wonders why he’s so close, is he Paloma’s friend? Diana answers no, but it was through his friendship with Inaki that he was near them.

Carlota enters Mac’s hospital room and Paloma leaves but stands outside the window. Her Royal Purpleness the Princess of Darkness stands in between Mac and the window so that Paloma can’t see that she has taken Mac’s oxygen mask off and is smirking while Mac looks like she’s starting to have trouble breathing. Unfortunately for Carlota the nurse comes in so she hurriedly puts the mask back on. The nurse tells her she has to leave, doctor’s orders.

Rufi and Camila weep some more in the waiting room. Cami doesn’t want to imagine Paloma’s life if something happens to Mac. Rufi worries that Carlota is mad at her for telling Cami, Paloma and Cristobal about the accident. Cami replies, so she gets mad, who cares, you did the right thing. Mac needs Cris here. Cami explains to Rufi that Mac told her everything about how Cris is the man she loves. Rufi thinks it’s odd that Mac told Cami about that, but not about the other thing. Camila asks, What other thing? Rufi covers up with something about other things that Mac keeps secret (I think). Paloma comes and cries to Rufi about seeing Mac and Cami cries, but you saw her, she’s alive, she felt your presence and that’s going to help her, you’ll see.

Carlota stands outside Mac’s window and glares at her some more.

Paloma and Emiliano are in front of the hospital--she's upset about seeing Mac like that, immobile, it reminded her of when her parents died (those who she thought were her parents). Emiliano tries to console Pal when she gets hysterical thinking that Macarena might die.

Outside Mac’s room, Carlota whines to Dr. Rodolfo that she only had 1 minute with Macarena. He explains that they had to do some stuff (I’m not sure exactly what, as I couldn’t understand him). Carlota asks, couldn’t he have waited? Rodolfo points out that Mac’s in very bad shape and she can’t wait. The Purple One, apparently itching to check a certain item off her to-do list, then declares that when it’s ok for Mac to have visitors, she wants to be the one to go in again. No can do, replies doc, you can’t come here and give orders. He’ll allow visits with people who he feels are appropriate. After he leaves Carlota wonders how Mac got two men to fall in love with her when she has no personality or beauty.

Romina visits Diana, who wants to know all about how things went last night at the party. Romi wonders if Emil was mad that it was her instead of Diana who went to the party, and Diana says of course not. Her phone rings and it’s Camila--she asks if Romi is coming to the hospital. Romi scoffs, “me, why?” Camila explains that Mac is dying and she should come to support Paloma, but Romi just rolls her eyes. She doesn’t know if she’ll come, but give Pal a kiss and a hug for her, bye. Click. Diana says something about Cami blackmailing Romi to be near her.

Orlando arrives at the hospital and, although Camila is clearly distraught and crying, asks if she’s allright. She asks him to hug her, saying she feels very alone. Her friend is dying and it hurts a lot.

Ines and the other church ladies arrive at the hospital.

Camila, Orlando and Cristobal talk in the church chapel. Cami tells Cris that she knows how important he is to Mac and asks to him to do what he can to see her (Mac), as his presence will help her a lot. He thanks Cami and says he’ll keep insisting that the doctors let him see Mac. After he leaves Cami and Orlando discuss the history between Mac and Cris--Orly muses that it’s sad to see this love story never had a happy ending despite them loving each other so much.

Ines and company come to the waiting room; Ines suggests they say a rosary together. Carlota, after seeing them and rolling her eyes, “Just what I didn’t want, all those old gossips here”, says she’ll go to the chapel with them. As they’re about to leave Rodolfo comes over and tells Cris he can go see Mac. Carlota stops to ask if Mac regained consciousness. No, but he has authorized Cris and then Rufi to visit Macarena. Cris leaves while Carlota tries to get Rufi to go with the church ladies, but Rufi wants to wait for her turn to see Mac. Carlota reluctantly accompanies the ladies to the chapel.

Cristobal asks Macarena, “What happened? What happened with what you told me in the morning? You were so happy. We have many dreams together. We can’t allow adversity and destiny to separate us again. Don’t give up, you have to live. I need you, my heart needs you, our love needs you.” He gives her a kiss on the lips (which seems kinda risky to me given that he’s wearing his collar and they’re right next to the window), accompanied by a magical twinkly sound--I guess we’re meant to think that this is like Prince Charming bringing Snow White (or Sleeping Beauty) back to life with a kiss? Anyway, he continues, saying something along the lines of Macarena, please, seize life, grab the new opportunity that God gave us. Then the heart monitor starts beeping and she flatlines again.

Previews: Mac wakes up and wants to see Paloma.


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