Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sortilegio, Tuesday, January 26--Ep #76: "How can I remember things that never happened, arms that never held me, lips I never kissed?"

Easy, SandyJo, do it all over again :)

So, SandyJo and Nicolalex walk through the arboretum (?) and Nico blabs nervously about himself, including such gems as "I like pretty girls, uh, like you." He's so much more comfortable now that he's known her for a whole day. SandyJo falls for Nicolalex, or at least, she falls over. He carries her over to a bench, triggering memories of carrying her up the stairs. Alex tries to ask her what's up, but she brushes him off and asks him to show her how to take pictures, even after he asks if he was in her little fantasy. He starts off taking a bunch of her while she laughs. Then he stands behind her while they pretend to care about the big red stained glass window. I mean, seriously, now it's all "aim in that direction and press the button." Then he takes more pictures of her. She finally gets her hands on the camera and tells him to get his shirt off and pose like Mr. July. Or I might be imagining that. He makes goofy faces.

On the drive home, Paula pretends to be asleep the whole way. I'm really loving Paula lately. SandyJo comments that Ester!Paula is really out. Nicolalex jokes that she sleeps more than a bear. He walks SandyJo to the door. She had a great time. He asks her out for pizza later. She's all excited at the prospect and says it's been years. He asks if they don't have pizza in Spain. Her mumbled answer is "oh, yeah, right." He'll be back for her at 7. He comes in all slow and manly…and kisses her on the cheek. Ha, ha. And you know she totally wouldn't have minded if he tried to kiss her for real. Take that, Bruno! She stands there looking all disappointed.

Mama Elena wants to know how her day was. SandyJo said they went somewhere pretty and she had a good time. And later she's going out for pizza. She says they just get along, that's all. Elena tries to get SandyJo to feel some stranger danger, but SandyJo says they're just getting to know each other. Elena reminds her she's just trying to take care of her, but SandyJo thinks she's old enough to handle herself. "I wouldn't be so sure if I were you," says Mommy Dearest.

Porfirio's blood pressure is up. He's resisting taking Jorge's medicine, so Jorge suggests he call the pharmacy and order the medicine himself, just so he takes it. Porfirio says he's only got a little time left, and he knows Jorge is worried about Sandra needing to get married before he dies. Until her wedding day, Porfirio refuses to sign the will. "What if she doesn't want to get married? It's not the 15th century. Girls nowadays get married when and to whoever they want to," says Jorge. Porfirio says if she doesn't get married, nothing will happen, she just won't get an inheritance. He wants her to get married so she won't be alone, and he likes Fernando as a future husband. Jorge says he's a lousy matchmaker--that guy is his own friend's mother's lover. Porfirio says she can find another guy, then, but he wants her to get married ASAP.

Paula and Alex go for a walk while Paula tries to get Alex to speed up his conquest. Alex says he can't do that and he wants to talk to Hernán.

Hernán answers his office phone. Alex reports that he saw Elena giving MaryJo a pill before bed. Hernán thinks it's part of how they've erased her memory. He really can't say more without knowing about the medication. Alex offers to break into the house and steal some. Hernán thinks he's nuts, especially given that these people have hade the cojones to wipe MaryJo's memory. Who knows what they'd do to Alex if they caught him! Plus he doesn't know what would happen to MaryJo if she quit the medication cold turkey. Alex calms down, but he's still really worried that what they're doing is hurting MaryJo. Paula wants him to ask how Sandra is doing. Hernán says she's getting worse. Pedro came to visit yesterday and the attending doc sent him back to Merida without much hope. Alex thanks him for his help. He reports to Paula that Sandra is worse. He tells her to focus on getting MaryJo back. Paula confirms that she's not invited to go with them to get pizza and Alex makes some crack that I can't hear.

Hernán comes to visit Lisette, who's having a little one-on-one time with a card of the Virgen. Lisette is feeling pretty down, not just because she has cancer, but because she feels more lonely than ever. Hernán tells her to buck up, he's got good news. The chemo and the transplant seem to have worked and her latest tests show no signs of cancerous cells. Hernán says she can't go home just yet, he wants to wait and make sure her body doesn't try to reject the transplant, but he's hopeful. He encourages Lisette to call Maura and give her the news.

Maura is glad, but she just doesn't have the time to come visit or to talk to Hernán so he can give her more details. She tells Lisette that Bruno is back and she's keeping close to him, waiting to hear that MaryJo has gone from coma to death. "And you have no idea what a load off that will be." Um, hi, selfish bitch, party of one? Your table is ready. Nice way to let your sister know you're glad she beat the cancer. Lisette says that Maura is getting what she wanted, MaryJo out of the way. Katia comes creeping in and hears Lisette saying that she supposes that's why Bruno came back, to keep an eye on MaryJo, although he's probably hoping for the opposite of Maura. Katia sneaks back out.

Bruno complains to Elena about his further delays in Merida. He wants her to tell SandyJo to set up a meeting with Grandpa. After she's off the phone, Jorge comes storming in and Elena starts laughing. She says she can tell by his face that he's been to see Porfirio. Jorge complains that the old guy is "insoportable" (insupportable). Elena says she's not having any easier a time with MaryJo. MaryJo is infatuated with her new friend's brother and she's going out to eat with them tonight. Jorge doesn't really care. Bruno will come back, they'll pressure MaryJo to marry him, and the new guy will be out of the game. And then Porfirio will die and quit bothering Jorge once and for all. Elena says she's never liked Bruno. Maybe it would be better for MaryJo to marry this new guy. Now Jorge says no way. She herself just finished saying that the guy is a stranger--how will they know if he's willing to hand over half of the inheritance. Besides, what will they do with Bruno. Elena says just put him to sleep and be done with it. Jorge says that sounds like a good idea, fill the clinic with coma patients and they can specialize in it. Not. I hope Jorge lives long enough to realize that he's the one who's been an idiot here, as much as he loves to throw that word around.

Katia comes to visit Maura. She heard Bruno is back and she wants his cell number. Maura refuses to give it to her, for Katia's own good. She can see that Bruno's not interested in her, and Bruno doesn't need to tell her--anyone can see it was just a passing fling and now it's over. Katia is crushed. For about as long as it takes for her to realize that she has lots of blackmail info on Bruno. She tells Maura to tell Bruno that if he doesn't come see her, she'll tell Alex everything she knows. She storms out and Maura immediately calls Bruno and demands to know what Katia knows about him. She passes on the threat. All she's worried about, though is that Bruno didn't tell Katia anything about the kidnapping. Bruno says he doesn't know what that "maldita esquincla babosa" (damn dimwitted kid) is on about. He asks if Maura is at home. He's on the way over so they can talk.

SandyJo gets ready for her big date. Elena comes in to tell her that Damian!Bruno will be away for a few days. He asked her to schedule a meeting with grandpa. SandyJo thanks her for the message. Elena doesn't want her to go out if it's just going to be her and Nicolalex . SandyJo tells her to chill, he's a nice guy (do I hear an unspoken, "unlike my supposed ex, Damian"?). Elena says she's only known him a few hours, but SandyJo thinks she can take care of herself. Elena rubs Spain in her face again--"Is that what you call taking care of yourself?" As Elena is threatening to talk to Nicolalex , the maid announces his arrival. SandyJo starts out timidly asking Mommy Dearest to please back off and ends up threatening to go live with grandpa if she doesn't.

Bruno tries to sell Maura the story that he went to DR to pay off the judge, but the judge, like an idiot, fell off the waterfall, can you believe it? Maura laughs. "Are you sure you didn't push him?" Bruno denies it and says, anyway, Alex already knows about him being in DR and why he was there. Maura suggests that maybe Katia's planning to tell that she and Bruno did the nasty while Katia was underage. That makes Bruno look nervous. He asks Maura to help him, because they were accomplices in MaryJo's kidnapping. He says when Sandra dies, he and MaryJo will go live in some foreign country and Maura can have Alex all to herself. Bruno thinks Alex will be sad at first, but he'll end up falling for Maura in the end, since he always liked her. Maura, ever delusional, agrees that this will happen. Bruno suggests she get Katia off his back by taking her to one of those wild and crazy parties and getting her to sleep with some other guy. Maura says Ulises would have been the perfect candidate, unfortunately, Bruno says he disappeared…well, actually, "they" killed him. Bruno asks about Mateo, but Maura doesn't know how to get hold of him, plus she doesn't think he'd be into Katia. Bruno says being into her has nothing to do with it, he just needs Mateo to sleep with her. He suggests that there's lots of nasty stuff you can put in a bottle of alcohol.

Nicolalex asks SandyJo why she is upset. She complains that her mom is trying to run her life. Alex guesses the fight was over him. She does her best impression of Elena as she tells him that he might be a psycho. He laughs it off and asks if she's only allowed out with her boyfriend. For the millionth time, she says that he's NOT her boyfriend and she's free to *cough* get to know other people. Mhm, we all know what that means. Alex tells her to wipe that look off her face, cause they're about to go eat the best pizza in the entire world, which just happens to be right there, in Toluca. They leave, laughing.

At the pizza place, SandyJo ribs Nicolalex about eating so much. His excuse is he's a guy. She says she's not exactly a light eater either and takes another slice, even though she still has an unfinished one, just so he doesn't end up eating it all. He says she must have forgotten all about the fight with Mom, but she says she hasn't and she's seriously thinking of living with her grandpa. She talks about her grandpa, how he's like an ogre at first, but really loves her. The only thing she doesn't like about him is his obsession with her getting married. Nicolalex would like to be one of the candidates for Mr. SandyJo. She laughs that she hardly knows anything about him, but you can tell she already likes him more than she likes Bruno. He tries to give her the Cliff's Notes version--single, good job, modest savings…. She cuts him off and reminds him that they just met. He takes her hand and says to get to know each other, they'll have to get closer. She's afraid that if he really knew her, he wouldn't like her. He tells her she's really pretty, with a nice smile, and what's more, he almost feels like he knew her before…maybe in a past life? He feels like in that life they got married and had a son. "Don't you feel the same thing?" She says she doesn't, despite the ringing gong. She says she doesn't think she's had a child. "Why," he asks, "don't you like kids?" She admits to him that she lost her memory and doesn't remember what happened to her before, but she knows she wasn't a good person. Nicolalex assures her he likes her just the way she is.

Nicolalex walks SandyJo home. He asks her out again and she agrees. He jokingly says her mom must be waiting for her, and she says "don't doubt it!" He reminds her that at the restaurant they were talking about getting closer. She remembers. He asks for a kiss, just one. She hesitates, but they end up kissing. Both of them, I might add. Unlike when Bruno kisses her and she just puts up with it. She criticizes him for saying it would be a "little" kiss. He apologizes. She still agrees to go out with him again, but she wants Ester to come along this time. He agrees and they say goodnight. She slowly goes inside, grinning that big gummy JB grin (which I oddly don't mind tonight). She leans against the wall, savoring the evening. Cause you know once mama gets hold of her, she's going to twist it into something nasty, as usual. Here comes mama, saying they were very "acaramelados" (huggy and kissy). SandyJo thinks it's no big deal, but mama says she's no innocent miss--behind that face is hiding a ho. "You think just because you lost your memory you wont' do it again? It's your nature." SandyJo says she doesn't want to be that way again, and she won't. Elena keeps pushing--"How do you know you won't sleep with him first chance you get?" Well, that's a fair question, but if sleeping with William Levy when the opportunity presents itself is wrong…you get the picture. SandyJo says her knowing she won't do it is enough and she wants Elena to butt out of her life. Elena says she'll be breaking Damian's heart and throwing away his love…"Is that what you call changing?" SandyJo walks out. Elena is way too good at this to be just starting out.

Alex gets back to the cabin, where Paula is messing with the fireplace. Um, do we want Paula messing with the fireplace? Is burning down the cabin part of their plan? She kind of gripes at him about being out so late and having a good time. Hernán called to say that Sandra is dying. Alex says he's sorry and suggests they go to Mexico. He calls Ezequiel and asks him to get a plane ticket for Pedro for first thing tomorrow morning. He asks Zeke not to say anything to Vicky, for now. Alex tells Paula they'll leave first thing in the morning in the truck. He calls Arturo and tells him to go over to the house where MaryJo is at tomorrow. He and Arturo both realize that he slipped up. Alex tells Arturo the truth. He wants Arturo to tell MaryJo that he had an emergency and had to go to Mexico and that's why he can't see her like they had planned. Arturo is having a really hard time wrapping his head around (a) that being MaryJo and (b) her not recognizing Alex or Paula. Alex warns him not to try to get her to remember anything (but it would be funny if someone minor, like Arturo, jogs her memory, instead of Alex's sexy kisses.) Alex tells him to just keep an eye on her.

Pedro cries and unloads his troubles on Chucho, Gabriel, and Meche. Gabriel is focused on whether Pedro saw Paula. Ezequiel comes over. He tells Pedro that Alex called and wanted him to tell Pedro that his daughter is dying. Zeke gives Pedro the plane ticket. Even Zeke is crying. Chucho tells Pedro that she suffered so much, and now she won't suffer, the usual platitudes about heaven. Gabriel offers that they'll always hold her in their hearts. Pedro's just broken and keeps muttering about how cruel life is.

The next morning, Arturo wishes them a good trip and tells Paula he's sorry about her sister. Arturo tells Alex not to worry about MaryJo and please drive carefully.

Felipa and Vicky are coming downstairs. Felipa thinks Vicky should have stayed in bed another day, since Bruno said he would stay. Vicky says that since he was threatening to go back to Toluca, they need to keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't surprise them with it. She'll go to the board meeting and that way if Bruno plans to go to Toluca right after, she can call Alex and warn him. Ezequiel comes in and Vicky asks him what's up. Zeke tells her that Alex called to say that MaryJo is dying. Vicky is not too upset. She tells Ezequiel that it's really not MaryJo, it's her twin Sandra and Felipa can fill him in on the details later. Poor Zeke, he's going to have a heart attack by the end of this!

Grandpa Porfirio and SandyJo are cracking up laughing. He told her the story of telling Jorge that he won't sign his will until SandyJo gets married. He finds it hilarious that Jorge went so pale, considering it's Porfirio who is the one who's supposed to be dying. SandyJo says that Jorge wants her to marry Damian. Porfirio won't hear of it, until he's had a chance to check this guy out. He's already disposed not to like him, since Jorge likes him. However, SandyJo has met this new guy, Nicolas,a photographer, who is also quite tasty. If she's interested, then Grandpa wants to meet him. Actually, he wants to meet both of them, but certainly not at the same time, cause that would be messy, ja, ja, ja. SandyJo assures him that he'll like Nicolas and he hopes he does. Porfirio goes all giddy again and imitates the look on Jorge's face.

Arturo goes over to SandyJo's house to tell her that Nicolalex has gone to the DF. He gives the message to Elena, since SandyJo is out. Could she be any happier about this?

The babies are out on the Lombardo lawn with the nurse and Roberto. A taxi drops off Raquel. She mocks Roberto for turning into a babysitter. She tells him she's back to live, and also she was called to a board meeting to see if Roberto's new position will be approved so he can start on his projects. Raquel says she couldn't resist showing up so she can vote against it. But at least he has something to do with all the free time he'll have. He tries to dig some maternal sentiment out of her, but she calls the baby ugly. He begs her to let him have the baby. She says "What for? So when she grows up you can rape her?" And she doesn't think Ulises would have made any better of a father. She thinks they're both trash and she doesn't have time to argue with him.

At the meeting, one of the nameless board members calls the meeting to order. As he's commenting that MaryJo and Alex can't be with them, Raquel is grinning. He draws their attention to Roberto's project proposal and the meeting fades out.

A priest prays over Sandra and gives her extreme unction (what used to be called "last rites" http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05716a.htm) as Pedro and Paula look on, tearful.

The board meeting continues as the board member goes over the proposal point by point. Raquel says Roberto will bring the company down. Vicky tries to shut her up, saying she supports him. Hernán also supports him. Bruno doesn't care. Maura supports him because she thinks it's going to get her a good return on her investment. So, by majority approval, Roberto is named Director of International relations. Raquel starts screaming that it's a mistake and Bruno halfheartedly calms her down. He's been looking bored through the whole thing.

Sandra dies. Pedro and Paula cry really ugly. Pedro hugs Sandra's body and screams. Paula starts trying to talk Pedro down--she was really sick, at least you got to say goodbye, I'm sure she felt it. Paula runs out of steam. Alex is upset, but in a kind of remote way.

After the meeting, they come out and announce to Roberto that his project was approved. Maura says she was surprised and she's glad the project was approved. He asks Raquel what she has to say. She says having a job doesn't make him any better of a person and if it were up to her, he wouldn't have it. Well, what did he expect her to say? Fernando comes in and Maura announces that Roberto is the "President" of International Relations. Fernando congratulates him. Alex calls Hernán, who tells Vicky that Sandra is dead and Alex is taking care of the arrangements. Vicky feels sorry for Paula and Pedro. Bruno comes over to say he showed up and now he's going back to continue taking care of his business. He asks Hernán to take care of Vicky for him. Vicky pulls out her cell phone to call Alex.

Looks like Elena just didn't bother telling SandyJo, who is at the place with the plants and the stained glass, waiting in vain for Nicolalex . She wanders around, looking for him, and eventually leaves.

Alex tells Paula and Pedro that he talked to the doctor and the death certificate will be in Sandra's name. Pedro is grateful Alex is there to take care of things. He wonders if they should tell Elena that her daughter is dead. Dude, are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me? Paula says no way. She doesn't deserve to know. Plus it would give away the fact that Team Alex knows who's who. Alex asks if Pedro wants a burial or a cremation. Paula has to repeat the question for him. Pedro doesn't know. Dude, if ever there was a time to man up. But no, he leaves it to Alex, who suggests a small, private cremation and then they can take the ashes with them. As usual, Alex will take care of everything.

This whole thing with Sandra dying is just weird. She wasn't around long enough to be anything but a way to take MaryJo away from Alex and give her amnesia. So, goodbye, our little bleached blonde plot device. Sorry your crummy parents drove you to drugs just so that you could overdose and introduce a little late-in-the-game baby switching. Rest in peace.

Previews: Alex tells SandyJo that she's his wife, lots of people smack each other around, and Bruno and Elena take SandyJo away from Casa Lombardo…however, as we are now in Ultimos Capitulos those things may not necessarily be happening tomorrow. Just more drama for us to look forward to.

Aw, heck, I'll give you the whole song since it seems so appropriate for SandyJo:

How Can I Remember ?
Music by John Williams, Lyrics by Alan & Marilyn Bergman

How can I remember things that never happened ?
Arms that never held me,
lips I've never kissed.
How can I remember ?

Why do I keep seeing someone's face before me,
eyes that say they know me,
shining through the mist
eyes that I remember.

I don't know why or when or where.
I feel suspended in mid-air
somewhere between a dream and a mem'ry.
Where then and now meet somehow ?

Why do I keep hearing some familiar music
half forgotten love songs
running through my mind
why do I remember.

I don't know why or when or where.
I feel suspended in mid-air
somewhere between a dream and a mem'ry.
Where then and now meet somehow ?

There are many things I may not understand,
but somehow I knew that you would take my hand.
I always knew you'd find me,
always knew you'd love me.

Long before I met you
don't ask how I knew
ever since I can remember
I remember you.


Gancho Tuesday January 26, 2010 Love: The Most Dangerous Of All Contact Sports

Yes, children, Love is dangerous. Especially in this telenovela. Jeronimo's getting a chill-inducing lesson from Jacqui's ex on how dangerous love can be. And we see where it's led Rolu into all sorts of physical injuries. And today, we're about to see poor Beto, Mauricio and Monita all sacrificed on the altar of love. And the High Priestess, Constanza? she's still riding high. Guess we have a bunch of episodes to go before she'll be a chastened and redeemed, a sadder but wiser gal. But we must hold out hope for the witch, if only to support our dear Carlos who is still in her corner. (You are still in her corner, aren't you querido?)

So...here's what happened today. Well, first of all what happened is I lost half my notes. Hit something odd on my laptop and presto!, gone. But here's what I remember (and please don't forget I just had my 70th birthday). Connie's papa Marco is explaining what happened to Jacqui's subsequent husbands. The mountain climber fell off a precipice, the next guyhad another kind of accident...burned up, maybe? the third one died of poisoning (bad smoked oysters), the French yachtsman drowned. It's all a bit murky, but you get the picture. Marrying Jacqui is fatal...and not just to your checkbook. Jero's looking like he's having a hot flash. He's so aghast he doesn't even flinch when Dad leaves him to pay the tab. Adios.

Mientras tanto, Beto is confronting Connie about her assumed affair with Pedro or Juan Legrado. Jacqui arrives and there are a lot of mother daughter glares and sneers exchanged back and forth while Jacqui explains that Beto is a little vocab-deficient, among other things, and doesn't know that a "legrado" is a curretage,( or D& C in this case, after a miscarriage.) Connie refuses to clarify but manages to temporarily convince Beto that 1) she doesn't know any Legrado and 2) oh yes, she does but it's the assistant of the lawyer handling her divorce case. Beto wonders if she was shagging the assistant to get a better deal on the divorce costs but this is hotly denied. He shuffles off, in search of better food no doubt, but first confides that he and mom are about to get kicked out of the vecindad. No problem, says Connie. I'll take care of it. After he leaves, more mama-daughter wrangling ensues. Why didn't you keep out of it? I'll keep opening my mouth as long as you keep hiding the truth, daughter of mine. With that, Constanza and Katja flounce off to meet Dad for dinner. I love you too, dear, snipes Jacqui as Connie leaves without a word. Cold. Very cold.

Okay now, speaking of hiding the truth...let's look at Xime and Rolu. He's pretending to be crippled; she's pretending to believe him. Arnoldo is about to get the 411. Here's how it goes. Xime's getting ready for yoga class. Cute lime-green velours pants suit. Nice lipstick magenta dot in middle of forehead in order to look truly Hindu. Rolu tries to persuade her to stay home. Nopis. But Arnoldo is here to keep you company. She starts to give him a little kiss. He grabs her and they launch into a big bed-rollin' smooch. Arnoldo looks on aghast. Xime skips out, reminding her cuñis to take good care of Rolu since he has a tummy ache. No wonder, with all the bacteria festering around here, yelps Arnie.

Once our sprite is out the door, Rolu send Arnie off to get something. Then leaps off bed to get the remote control. Arnie comes back. Catches him. Aghast again. How can you do this? You lied to Xime. You lied to me. It's the only way to keep me here, pleads Rolu. I've fallen in love with her. That's how love is. It sneaks up on you. (see, told you it was dangerous) Please don't let Xime know I can walk.

She already knows, sniffs Arnoldo. She said you wouldn't leave here until she was ready for you to leave. She's a lot smarter than people realize. (Amen) Let me compress the various scenes. Arnie thinks our two lovers should go see a psychiatrist. She kidnapped him and held him captive. He deliberately injured himself and is pretending to be paralyzed in order to hang around. Get help! Get medication! Get something.

Sorry, hermano. Rolu's going to plan B. If Ximen really knows he can walk, then she must be up to something. What is it? He wants Arnoldo to cozy up to Lalu (But I'm not gay, squeaks Arnie) so he can find out what's going on with Xime. Do this for me, por favor.

Okay. Not sure if I can work in "por casualidad" but mientras tanto, Xime is ostensibly trying the child's pose in yoga class. In truth, she's checking out the shapely butt of the yoga instructor. And having a heart to heart chat with Lalu. (In a real yoga class, your instructor would never put up with this chit-chat. Trust me.) But here's what you need to know. Xime really does want to unload Rolu now. But she can't break his heart the way Connie would by just dumping the guy. She has to finegle it so he falls out of love with her and goes willingly. Man, this is complicated. Guess she wasn't as forgiving of that little nurse incident as we thought. It's over for her. Now she needs for it to be over for him. Stay tuned.

So what's happening elsewhere? The barrio folks are all gathered to hear the good news from our boring little M&M. In truth, Grupo Sermeño is the mystery new owner. And Mauricio wants to give the deed to Monita. But she says no, give it to everybody. So that's the plan. Each one will be the landlord of his own little piece of the barrio. Lots of cheering, led by the generous bottomed Nieves, who wraps herself around Mauricio. Tere also thanks him, from a respectful distance. Estrella hesitates, then launches herself, climbs up his pelvis, and thanks him in her own special way. Paula attempts to follow in her footsteps by Christian wisely restrains her. Chiquitibum bimbomban and so forth. Yikes...can anvils be far behind?

Back to the apartment where a wildly laughing Xime and Lalu are back, glowing in orange (Lalu) and citrus green (Xime). They do a little twin number "Corto corto, largo, largo, otra mano para detener la corona ." Whatever. Rolu greets them by saying that Arnoldo has been all atwitter wondering where Lalu is. Lalu ecstatic. Arnie, aghast. Lots of teasing and rebuttals. (Did I just say that?) I'm not gay. I have a great pair of skin-tight jeans. I'd love to have you help me put them on. Or take them off! Wild giggling. But I'm not gay! (I'll just let you figure out who said what.) Rolu maintains that Arnie is in the closet, but no matter. Big bro' accepts him just as he is. Arnoldo aghast. More to follow. Somehow it works out that Lalu and Arnie have a date for dinner. Lalu will pick him up. Arnie hastily orders him a taxi (waving his latex-gloved hands in air) and Lalu departs. But he'll be baaaaaackk. There was some joke there about Yolanda. Was Yolanda the name of the female impersonator Lalu played at the party? Help! Final quip: Lalu says he knows Arni's closet has seven padlocks but Lalu has the key to every one of them. Stay tuned.

Now, on to our spectacular dining spot of Papa with his two darlings. There are beautiful "jets d'eau" in the background. This has to be a classy joint. But the girls are sulking like kindergartners. First Dad gushes over Katja and how she's grown while Connie sulls in the background. Then after Connie whines, he gushes over her while Katja grinds her teeth. The sniping and griping continue until Papa loses patiences. The upshot. Katja lets dad know that Connie has something on the side. It wasn't just Mauricio who was at fault in the marriage. Stop it now, let's just spend a pleasant evening together.

Dun de dun dun. In stalks Beto. Cancel that pleasant evening. He's there in all his manly stench to confront the presumed lover of Connie. So this is the old woodworm you're cheating on me with, gasps Beto. Look at those pair of legs, dude.. Those legs are mine. I kill her with pleasure. You can only get it up with those little blue pills! C'mon! That does it. We have one more aghast human being. Papa can't believe that Connie would be pregnant by this caveman.

And Beto, ever nimble, upon learning this is actually Constanza's padre, leaps into his arms, give him a stench-filled hug and calls him suegrito. I love it. But Dad didn't. Beto rubs his shoulder....

And we change scenes and see Monita rubbing Mau's shoulder. Okay. Some boring and pointless talk about how early tomorrow, after the hearing, Mau will be free and life will be happily ever after. We know that won't happen. A few lip-smacking kisses and he's off.

The sun rises. Light streams behind the clouds. A heavenly picture. But more hell to follow.

The kids are in the judge's office testifying as to what a great dad Mauricio is and what an icky stepmother Connie is. Our Constanza manages to look wounded and victimized while Mauricio only looks smug. Dang.

But wait. In walks Beto. Will he save the day? Alas, his testimony is going to be put in doubt. Nevertheless, he's about to regale everybody in the office with his and Connie's affair. You're men, you understand, right? Her husband wasn't taking care of her in THAT way, and we were hot to trot. And now she's having my baby and we're going to get married and be a family.

Connie stiffly proclaims that everything "this man" says is a lie. And the proof? Well, for one thing, she's not pregnant. In comes the gynecologist who whips out his report to show just that. And what's more, she has proof that Mauricio did not honor the pre-nuptial agreement. Roll the cameras, show the tender love chat between Monita in her postage stamp skirt, and Mauricio in his Furia Enmascarada outfit, gloating about how they put one over on la bruja Momia and soon they'll be free to live their grand amor.

Oh my. It looks bad. The judge has seen more than enough.

Outside the courtroom, a broken Beto has collapsed into Monita's arms. Connie lied to him. There's no little Betito on the way. Lies, all lies.

Inside the courtroom, an outraged judge grants our triumphant Connie all of Mauricio's worldly goods. Yesss, adds Connie, and that includes what he just recently acquired--the barrio where Miss Valentina Lopez lives. Oh no. Oh yes. Oh crap. And I'm aghast. How about you?


Monita wants to "take it outside". Well, inside actually. She wants to fight Constanza in the ring. Whoever wins gets the barrio.

And Oscar and Constanza's papa are negotiating Marco's percentage of the shares in Sermeño Group. Forty-five percent!? This can't be good.

enchuecar = to bend, to warp, to become twisted
suerte en el juzgado = good luck in the hearing
mugre vieja = rotten bitch (sorry, sounds a bit harsh but that's pretty much what it means)

no me veas la cara = don't put on over on me, don't mess with me
no la muelas = don't screw this up
naco inculto =uneducated lowlife, dumb doofus
enchilarse = get mad, get all riled up
atrabacando = rash, reckless
pocilga = pigsty
ostiones ahumados = smoked oysters...which poisoned one of Jacqui's husbands
mantenerse al margen = to stay out of it (what Connie wishes her mother would do)
que se la pasen increible = have a really great time
traerse algo entre manos = to be up to something
el alma en un hilo = to be anguished, really worried
una porra = a cheer
candado - padlock

queveres, dando vuelo a la hilacha = some of the colorful ways Beto described how he and Constanza got it on

Dicho of the Day:

La cosa ya no tiene remedio = The fat is in the fire. Sure looks like it. But wait! here's another dicho....

Nunca está más oscuro que cuando va a amanecer. = It's always darkest before the dawn.

So okay, be a little aghast, but keep hoping too.


Sortilegio Monday January 25

Recap from previous episode: Last Friday, of course, Alex and MaríaJose come face to face again. Alex seems almost overcome by emotion whereas MJ looks struck by him and maybe a little puzzled at what she’s feeling, but not nearly as moved. I saw that Jardinera wasn’t able to report all of the scenes, so I’ll add one here that caught my eye: Bruno is talking to Elena about whether or not MaríaJose should be out and about, potentially running into people she knows and re-gaining her memory. As they walk across the portico and into the kitchen Elena reassures Bruno that in fact MJ is remembering less and less each day. They discuss his return to Mérida for the board meeting and Elena shows that she’s got no self-preservation instinct AT ALL by turning her back to Bruno to work at the sink, He snip snips the air with a pair of kitchen shears while looking at her back.

And on to the show…Bruno and Elena are waiting for MaríaJose to return, and wondering why Maura called. Bruno asks if she’s calling to let them know that Alex is getting suspicious but it’s apparently nothing to be concerned about – Maura didn't sound worried – and Bruno will call her when he gets to Mérida. Bruno is wearing such tight pants he has difficulty bending at the waist to stand up when MJ arrives and does an odd little hop to get himself upright. Once he is vertical it looks like his slacks are about 85% spandex and they don’t hide a thing. Either his topography is astounding or he has enhanced the natural features of the terrain.

MaríaJose/Sandra is returning from her little saunter in the woods to escort Éster/Paula back. Bruno asks her to see him to his car to say goodbye and explains he has to go to Mérida for his family business. He suggests she keep trying to arrange a meeting between her grandfather and him while he’s gone. As they walk to the car they each confide that they’ll miss the other. MaríaJose/S tells Bruno/D it’s because he’s the only who takes her out from time to time. Bruno/Damien wants to know if it couldn’t be because she’s starting to love him a little, but she tells him love doesn’t grow that quickly. Bruno reminds her that they once loved each other but MJ/S is sticking to her guns and says that she doesn’t remember it, and if she doesn’t it’s like it never happened. She allows Bruno/D to kiss her goodbye though she’s clearly uncomfortable with it. She holds her arms down at her sides and bends stiffly at the waste so that their heads come together, but doesn’t respond. You’d think a lady’s man like Bruno would get that she’s barely tolerating him and that that his carefully laid plans are going awry (ick, ick, ick,– she’s obviously so uncomfortable around him, and he is so oily and insistent) but he just seems smug.

From the belltower Alex sees Bruno kissing MJ and damns him (maldito seas Bruno). He grimaces and breathes heavily and leaves the bell tower.

Back at Mengele Manor, Elena interrogates MJ/S about why she was away so long. MJ/S explains about Éster and her asthma and Elena tells her she should stay away from people she doesn’t know who could be a bad influence on her and lead her back into her addictive ways. MJ/S insists that she has no desire for drugs and that Éster seemed really nice, but Elena angrily tells her that people are NEVER what they seem (MJ, please listen to this major psychological insight on your mother’ part!), that she could revert to her old ways at any time, and that if she’s better now it’s all thanks to Jorge. The woman’s cynicism knows no bounds and it’s actually hard to watch her manipulate her own daughter this way. Elena seems like she’s getting panicky and is afraid of losing control of the situation; her voice is rising and she gets angry as she tries to convince a skeptical MJ/S of the danger she’s in if she doesn’t trust her family (i.e., her and Jorge). MJ shoots back that the two of them are more like her jailers than her family. I like this new version of MaríaJose, who is far more sure of herself even though she’s lost her memory and thinks she’s an ex drug-addicted tramp who was rescued by a loving mother.

Don Pedro explains to Chucho that he wants to go to Mexico City to see his daughter, Sandra while she’s still alive. But who will take care of the business? ¡Super-Chucho!

In the casa Lombardo Vicky is once again confronted by the general disaster that is 2/3 of her offspring when Roberto tells her that Raquel is going to take the baby away with her and won’t take care of little Vicky at all. Big Vicky insists that Roberto find Ulises so that he can get legal custody of the baby, but in the meantime she will make sure that the baby doesn’t leave the house. She leaves Roberto to his dire thoughts and goes to greet Fernando, who tells her he can find no record of Bruno’s supposed business, “Hidalgo Development.” Fernando calls his tío Emiliano to ask him to see if he can dig up any information on the company, and Emiliano is delighted to help out. He asks after Katia, chuckles at her escapades behavior– aah the youth of today - and sends her a big hug. Fernando explains to Vicki that he’s still having problems with her, and that they had an argument; she is unable to forget Bruno.

Katia is moaning to a sad, lonely and bald Lisette (yes, that’s Katia complaining to Lisette) about Bruno’s poor treatment of her. Lisette tells her she’s obsessed and Katia, ever gracious, tells her she doesn’t even know what love is because she’s never managed to hook anyone. Lisette tries to inspire some little portion of compassion by telling Katia that no one ever comes to visit her, but Katia assures her that her woes are nothing compared to HER problems. Why, Lisette can’t know what it’s like to have her boyfriend leave her. Lisette sadly agrees that she really can’t, and it’s clear that the only reason she tolerates Katia is because NO ONE else comes to see her. She’s alone and maybe dying, and the result of her life is one snotty friend who tells her she’s got it good compared to her losing her boyfriend. Ouch.

Victoria and Raquel are in Raquel’s love-nest-turned-drinking-den. Vicki insists that Raquel will have to come to the Lombardo house to see her daughter, because she, Vicki, is willing to declare Raquel an unfit (alcoholic) mother in court if she tries to take the baby with her. Raquel insists that the baby is hers and she can do what she wants with her, and that if her mother takes her to court it will only drag her, Vicki, down, also. Vicki rightly points out that all the dirt about her has already been spilled – what more could they say about her? Raquel angrily slaps a cup of coffee out of Meche’s hands when she realizes she’s lost the battle, but she doesn’t protest when Victoria tells Meche they won’t need her anymore because Raquel is moving back into the nuthouse.

Meche is explaining to Gabriel and Chucho why she is so bummed about losing her job: Now she’ll have to go to the Lombardo house to pick up her pay, and she’s afraid she’ll run into Bruno. Chucho is sick and tired of Bruno and his tricks, and offers to go with her - if Bruno tries anything he will attack him with his trusty machete. There is a moment when it seems like Chucho is attempting to look cold and mean but he’s too dang cute to take seriously. What we do get, though, is that Bruno is making so many enemies that people will line up three deep to kill him. Maybe his death will be homicide by multiple assailants?

Bruno arrives at the Casa Lombardo and displays his normal surly manners, shouting at Vicki and insulting Ezequiel (¡mueve tu esqueleto!) Add another one to the list of people who would have a motive for killing Bruno. (That’s Ezequiel, of course. Vicky hasn’t progressed far enough in her own personal development to want to kill her evil spawn.)

Vicki is on the phone telling Alex she’s managed to get Bruno to stay in Mérida another day. Alex and Paula review their plan to get close to MariaJose/Sandra.

Paula/E goes to Mengele Manor to find MJ/S and runs into Elena exercising her horse. Elena has no inkling of who Paula/Éster really is but she invites her in to chat because, she says, she likes to meet her daughter’s friends. She’s doing everything possible to appear warm and welcoming, but Paula/É is having none of it. Elena puts a “friendly” hand on her shoulder and Paula/É jerks away as if she trying to shake off a bug that is crawling up her neck. Later, in the house, Elena asks her about her parents:
Paula: My mother hasn’t been with us for years
Elena: Oh – so she died.
Paula: yes, she’s dead…I practically can't remember her...it’s better this way.

Poor Paula is so bitter and full of hate towards the mother who left her – I really feel for her at this moment. She explains that their mother left them when she was young, and her father was everything to them – he loved them, he took care of them, and for that reason she doesn’t even miss her mother. Elena, who is always having a problem keeping up anyway, seems a little puzzled by the turn in the conversation but keeps her game face on and asks about Paula/É’s brother, who, it turns out, is a professional photographer.

MJ/S returns and she and Paula/É greet each other with cries of happiness. Paula assures MJS her asthma is better and, with a look of disgust, says that she inherited her asthma from her weakling mother, a real “debilucha.” The girls decide to go out for a walk over Elena’s futile objections and admonition not to be gone long.

Paula/É proposes that they go back to her house and MJ protests that they might be interrupting, which Paula rightly interprets as “maybe your brother is with his girlfriend and we shouldn’t interrupt.” She assures MJ/S that her brother is a sought-after bachelor but isn’t going out with anyone, and off they go.

Alex/Nicolas is at the front of the house, looking, waiting, hoping to see MJ/S. When she and Paula/É arrive he seems stunned by his good luck at having her appear in his yard, and Paula invites her in for a drink. He’s so eager to have her with his he can barely talk, but when she protests that maybe he has something else to do he manages to stutter out no, no, no, no, no no – no tengo nada que hacer, no. They walk into the house and within 2-3 sentences he manages to work into the conversation a question about whether or not she has a boyfriend, which she quickly assures him she does not. He can’t stop looking at her and she seems very taken with him – much more so than she did when they met when she was in her right mind and had all her faculties intact. Hmm, why do we have to receive a blow to the head, like Alex after his accident, or a syringe to the neck like MJ/S, to recognize true love when it comes calling?

Later the three of them are talking around the table and it comes out that “Nicolas” has to do all the cooking because “Éster” is such a bad cook. MJ/S is surprised and “Éster” begins to give a rundown of all her brother’s qualities: he’s a first-class cook, a good dancer, athletic, knows how to paint…MJS is seriously impressed, and Alejandro/N is looking stunned at the lies that are piling up. He tries to say his sister is exaggerating but Paula/É insists that not only is it all true, he’s ALSO a professional photographer and would be happy to show MJ/S how to take pictures.

Back at Mengele Manor Jorge is telling Elena not to worry about MJ/S’s outings, that they are good for her. Elena worries that she will meet someone who will distract her from Bruno but Jorge is ten steps ahead of her and sees how they can manipulate her easily with her affection for them and her grandfather. They’ll get her to marry Bruno on the pretext that it’s what the grandfather wants before he dies, and they’ll tell her it’s only temporary. Elena wonders if Bruno will agree to the divorce and Jorge tells her of course he won’t. (Is Elena kind of dumb, or just not evil enough to keep up with Jorge?) Once the old man dies Bruno will refuse to divorce (just say no), and they will all win. Well, except for MJ of course, but Bruno will have MJ and Jorge will have his clinic, so everyone who’s anyone will win.

MJ/S leaves and poor Alex looks so sad to see her go that I feel for him. Alex reproaches Paula for building him up so much: yes, he has a date with MJ/S, but now he has to drive to Toluca, buy a camera, and then figure out how to use it so that he can teach MJ/S photography. Fernando calls and confirms that he’s heard back from his uncle and there’s no such company as “Hidalgo Development,” which proves that Bruno must be in on the kidnapping. Fernando points out that they can’t forget Maura in all of this, and Alex says he’s thought of that, and of the fact that Maura was the one who brought MJ to the house where she was kidnapped. Alex, 30 seconds ago I felt so sad for you because of how much you are suffering, but now I hope to see you suffer much more for your selfishness with Maura. Suffer, suffer, suffer! Think of all you’ve put MJ through just so that you could get the ego strokes of having Maura dandling around you.

Bruno is in the White Palace with Maura and she’s complaining about how worried she is that the person dropped in front of the Lombardo house is really MJ, who will wake up and then their geese will be cooked. Bruno tells her to relax – the most logical thing is for it to be Sandra, since she was the one in the coma, and there’s no way she’ll come out of it. Maura isn’t so sure, but Bruno insists that at any rate he will soon be marrying MJ/S. No, he says, she’s not in love with him, but she is under a lot of pressure from her family and her grandfather. Hmm, this must be why he doesn’t care that MJS gets slightly queasy whenever he touches her – he’ll get her to marry him by any means necessary, and if it’s by emotional coercion then so be it.

With Fernanda’s help Vicky pretends to be having an attack of headache/high blood pressure which will keep her in bed for at least a day or two. Alas, she tells Bruno, the board meeting will have to be postponed again. Bruno tries to rage but a lot of hissing from Fernanda about his mother’s condition keeps him quiet. He agrees to wait one more day, and then he’s out of there. Vicky calculates that will give Alex two more days (I guess she’s calculating a travel day?) to get close to MJ/S.

MJ is looking out the window, seemingly waiting or searching for something (Alejandro, wherefore art thou Alejandro) when Elena asks her what she’s doing. She tells her mother about her outing with Paula and gets a little pink-cheeked when she talks about meeting "Ester’s” brother, “Nicolas,” and insists that Damian is not her boyfriend. Elena recognizes the clinker that’s about to be thrown into their plans and tries to scare MJ/S into staying with BrunoD by saying that no one else would have her if they knew about her disreputable past as a slutty drug addict. MJ/S breaks down in tears and tells her to stop throwing the past in her face, but Elena insists she’s only telling her these things for her own good – she needs someone who knows her past and can take care of her, and that person is Damian. I’m again creeped out by this sociopathic mother manipulating her daughter like this. MJ/S clearly doesn’t like the thought of having to accept Damian for her own good and collapses onto Elena’s bosoms, which are modestly covered today. It’s obvious Elena has had no experience comforting or loving a child and doesn’t quite know what to do or where to put her hands to comfort MJS. She pats her akwardly a few times and tries to murmur words of comfort, although they come out sounding more like a hiss.

Fernando comes to Vicky with the news that Bruno is lying about his company. They don’t know if he’s involved with the kidnapping, he lies, but they do know that he’s trying to get MJ to fall in love with him. Vicky is “ill with sadness.” Ok, fine, ill with sadness - but will she react, or will she just continue to wave her hands about futilely and protest Bruno’s innocence.

Pedro goes to see S/MJ in the hospital. He cries, of course, but for once it’s understandable and relevant and I don’t grit my teeth so much. He talks to Sandra and tells her he’s her father, and that no other could ever have missed her more than he did when she was taken away, and that none of this would ever have happened if she had grown up by his side. One small twist of fate – she’s sick one day and can’t go to church with them – and her life is destroyed (that last is my commentary, not his.) He begs her to wake up and return to him, to be with MJ and Paula.

MJ/S is standing in front of the house waiting and watching for Paula/É and Alejandro/N to pick her up. Elena forbids her to go but MJ/S rebels and insists that she is going out no matter what. At that moment “Nicolas” and “Ester” arrive, and “Nicolas” introduces himself to Elena. As they’re leaving he tells Elena to have a good day, though his expression seems to say “I’m here and I’m going to fight you on this. Please start something right now so I can take you on.”

They arrive in front of what looks like a combination stained glass museum and arboretum, and Paula tells the two of them to go ahead, that she will catch up with them (ahorita los alcance). MJ is walking backwards to face Alejandro/Nicolas as they flirt when she trips and twists her ankle. He offers to help her to a bench to sit down and picks her up in his arms to carry her. She is giggling at his unexpected gallantry when she has a flashback to the night he carried her up the stairs after their first date (the one where she wore the gorgeous blue dress and they exchanged hot kisses in his car). She is seriously impactada at the memory.

Scenes from next show:

Porfirio is in bed insisting he wants MJ/S to marry Fernando, but if she doesn’t nothing will happen – she simply won’t get the inheritance. Hernán is talking Alex out of sneaking into the Mengele compound, and Maura is telling a deathly ill Lisette how relieved she’ll be if (when?) S/MJ (who of course she thinks is MJ/S) finally dies.


Amor Monday, January 25, 2010: Don Eugenio rides in on his white steed, wielding his flaming sword of justice

Friday: Paloma tells Lili that the problem with Gabriel being interested in her is that she still loves Emiliano. Romina overhears. Em and Gab circle each other like stags, antlers lowered.

Why, it’s a day like any other day in the pretty little town of Real del Monte. Anguish. Bloodlust. Deceit. The usual.

Camila’s bachelorette party is getting rowdy – they’ve reached the conga line stage. Romina pulls Paloma aside and said she just has to tell somebody – she thinks Em is cheating on her. Paloma says he would never do that. Romina says that’s what I thought, but he didn’t come home last night and I found a message on his cell from some lady saying their time together was hot. Men! They’re all the same. Looks like he was just playing with you and me both.

Padre M is visiting Chris in jail. He tells him that he’s so glad Don E is representing him, not only because he personally wants to see him exonerated, but because when a priest is accused, it affects the faithful. They stop coming to church; they lose faith. Our behavior must be above reproach. Chris says I know.

Padre M tells how happy he was when Madeleine told him Don E was taking over. Chris says my mother? She’s behind it? I don’t want anything to do with anything connected with her. Oops! Padre M realizes he’s said too much. Chris says tell Don E to forget it. Padre M tells him not to be that way – Don E can prove his innocence. Chris would be nuts to reject him.

Good ol’ Gabe points out to Em that they’re acting like enemies, but actually they’re on the same page, they both want to make Paloma happy. Em says but why don’t you ever talk about the future? It’s like a today thing with you.

Gabriel says You planned a future with Paloma and it didn’t happen. The only thing we can really be sure of is the present. Paloma is my present, and Romina is yours. And off he walks down the street.

Em thoughtbubbles that he should never have married Romina.

Paloma isn’t buying that Em is a cheater. Romina asks if she’s heard of Anamar. Paloma says yes, she’s from Monterrey and she’s in town now. She was having lunch with Em when I was having lunch with Gabriel, and he introduced us. Romina says he never told me. Our baby isn’t even out of the hospital, and he’s cheating on me.

Romina tries not to cry. She says her mama was right about not marrying him. But she’s going to pretend she doesn’t know what’s going on. If I say anything, he’ll leave me and my baby won’t have a family.

At the law firm, Nestor is asking German what happened – how could he get taken off Chris’s case? It would have been a career-maker for him, plus he had Carlota hiring him. German says I don’t know what I can do. Nestor says nothing, I guess. German says maybe Don E will lose the case. Nestor doubts it, plus he feels Chris is innocent though he can’t put his finger on why. If Don E wins it, it’s going to leave a big blot on your resume.

The guy in Houston is on the phone telling Orlando that if he doesn’t come to live in Houston, it’s a no-go. The Houston people don’t have the knowledge or materials to successfully deal with the project on their own. Orlando says well, okay. My wife and I will be there in a couple of months. Start the paperwork.

Carlota arrives at German’s office under full sail. She wants to know if German has dug up any dirt on Don E yet. German says I can’t find a thing. He seems to be irreproachable, so I’ve been reviewing Chris’s case to find a way for us to make him lose, even though I’m not his lawyer. I’ll come out smelling like a rose. I just don’t know how to go about it.

Carlota does. She says find a person to say that they just heard about the case in the papers and they remember seeing someone who looked like Chris shoving Alonso under a truck. And then pay them whatever it takes. (I see a hole in this already. A person doesn’t report a murder he says he saw right when Alonso was still warm and flat on the pavement, but is motivated to report it months later just because there’s an article in the Pachuco Daily?)

German gulps and doesn’t think to ask why exactly a truck and not a car? Why exactly shoving him under a truck instead of driving a truck over him? Carlota says just do it.

Now Dr B is visiting Natalia in prison. She can’t figure out why Chris got them a new lawyer. Why not just keep German? Dr B says he’s glad he did – he couldn’t believe that German let them drag all that past history out of Chris on the stand. Dr B says that whole thing about leaving the priesthood to go with Macarena made him look bad. Did you know about his past with her?

Natalia says yes, he told me when he came to Real del Monte. Dr B says Macarena never told me. I realize she wasn’t totally open with me. She just told me that Paloma was her daughter and… Natalia interrupts, saying Paloma is her daughter? Then she must be Chris’s daughter! Dr B says I thought so too when she said Paloma was the child of a great love, but then I thought no, she would have told Paloma before she died. Now that I know she and Chris were going to marry, I’m starting to doubt again.

Natalia says it wasn’t that long ago that he asked me about Sagrario’s pregnancy! He asked if I had seen Sagrario when she was pregnant. You know, he said something that just now seems important. Natalia turns deathly pale, but it’s just because we’re fading into Flashbackland. She whites out and we see Chris asking if Sagrario was just expecting a baby, or was she pregnant. At that time, Natalia said isn’t that the same thing?

Chris said not necessarily. We pop back to the present. Natalia tells Dr B he needs to talk to Chris about it. Because it was Chris who was Mac’s big love. Dr B says I don’t know if he wants to talk about that right now, and Paloma is mad at him. Natalia says you have to.

Luz tells the social worker that she wants to adopt the little girl. The social worker says great – does your husband agree? Luz says she and Rafa aren’t married, and that she wants to adopt her as a single mother. The social worker says it used to be that single women couldn’t adopt, but things have changed. Now she just needs to show that she has the financial means and that she’s emotionally stable and respectable. Then we’re home free, says Luz.

The social worker wants to know if she has a residence and steady work. Luz says no job, but money isn’t a problem. The social worker knits her brows. As for a residence – well, I move around a lot.

The social worker says I think your best plan would be to stabilize your situation with Rafa, and then adopt together. Luz looks doubtful. Bummer, huh, Luz? Reality sucks.

Anamar knocks at Em’s office door and he smiles to see her. And no wonder – she wears a skin-tight micro-mini dress and our eyes (and undoubtedly his) are transfixed by her impressive cantilevered bosom. In a nod to modestly, the dress has a high neckline.

She reports that she has been walking around town (not to be confused with street walking) and it’s a lovely place. Oh, and she met his wife. She tells about how they met at the hotel. She doesn’t seem right for you, she says. She seems cranky, frustrated. I don’t think we took to each other.

She says I came by to ask if you want to go to a movie. Em says I can’t – I’m working on some proposals. She says let me help you. You know I’m good at things like that. If we get done in time, we’ll go to a movie, and if not we’ll have spent some time together. Where do we start? She coyly cuts her eyes and him and smiles widely.

Now Madeleine is visiting tight-lipped Chris in prison, and she’s telling him that when she was at church, Padre M told her how mad Chris was that she’s behind Don E taking his case. She begs him to understand, that he has always been important to her. I know I have no right she says, but I can pay for my mistakes.

Chris wants to know how she knows Don E. She tells him that her family, which is to say his too, and the Lizardes have known each other forever. She called him for advice, and it turned out that he was right here in Real del Monte visiting his son. It’s the hand of God.

Chris says I don’t want anything to do with you and I don’t want to be beholden to you. But at this time, I can’t afford to refuse Don E’s help. Madeleine says you don’t owe me anything, it’s I who owe you so much. And Don E is a fine and honest man. I trust him completely, and trust in his ability to prove your innocence and to get you out of here.

If you are so sure of the outcome, says Chris, why don’t you just get along back to Paris now? Madeleine says I told you I’m staying until the trial is over. I want to see you happy. Then I’ll go back to Paris and die alone.

Paloma and Rufi have come home from the party, but it’s still daylight out. Paloma says she just doesn’t feel comfortable in that house, even though she likes Camila. And she says now that the whole thing of leaving town with Dr B may not happen, she’s extra uncomfortable.

Rufi says I was thinking about that, and about what Gabriel offered you, and I have an idea about money for you. She takes Paloma out into the little patio and says You remember Inaki’s ring? How Aron told you it was valuable? Paloma says yes, but my tia said it was worthless. Rufi says she might not have been telling the truth. Like now we know that she wasn’t telling you about your inheritance from your parents. Why don’t you have Gabriel take you to Pachuco and have a jeweler look at it?

Paloma doubtfully says Ay, Rufi! But Rufi says do it for me. Okay, says Paloma.

At the office, Rafa is staring out the window. Joel has trouble getting his attention. He notes that Rafa looks worried. Rafa says it’s Luz – she’s so impulsive. She got it into her head that she wants to adopt that little girl, on her own. I have no idea if she is planning on including me in all this.

While Rufi and Paloma are chatting, Dr B has let himself in, as the front door was open. After some polite pleasantries, Paloma tells him she feels bad for him about what happened. He says I know you do, but don’t. And I want you to know that my offer is still open.

Really? says Paloma, amazed. Rufi kisses his hand. He says you need me, and I need you too. You are part of my present and my future too. I would be very honored if you two would come with me. Will you? Paloma throws her arms around him. Rufi too. Group hug!

Angelica comes home and tells Miriam that Orlando has a job for her. Miriam thanks her excitedly. Angelica says there’s no need to thank me – I owe you one. When you came to me, telling me that Dario had stolen your characters, I didn’t support you. But when I called you, you supported me. I’ve learned my lesson. Miriam says I knew you were blinded by Dario. Please forget about it. Girlfriends? Girlfriends! agrees Angelica.

In his studio, Gabriel is cleaning his brushes while Don E has a nice laugh thinking about how Carlota’s power is slipping out her hands. Gabriel says the whole thing makes him uncomfortable. Don E laughs his rumbly laugh some more and says there’s something about her that attracts me – she’s very interesting.

In what way? says Gabriel. Don E says I don’t know – she’s full of contradictions, and will do anything and everything not to lose control. I think she’s a woman who wants to be rescued from the crazy world she’s created. Underneath she needs love, tenderness.

Gabriel, looking grossed out, says I see you’re in full psychologist mode. Don E laughs and says And how did you do with Paloma?

I think I overwhelmed her. She’s still in love with Emiliano, and now she feels uncomfortable with me. Don E says are you guessing, or are you sure? I’m sure, says Gabriel. She couldn’t paint any more. And I can’t loose sight of the fact that I was looking for someone to pass all my knowledge, my legacy on to.

Don E says that’s a goal you imposed upon yourself. A legacy of love is just as important as a professional legacy. Gabriel says but she doesn’t return my feelings and now I maybe have lost her as a student.

Don E says maybe you’re exaggerating. Paloma may have lost her flow state, as you call it, when you told her, but probably she was just surprised by what you told her. But tomorrow you can see her, maybe she’ll think about what it was that made you say that.(At least, I think that’s what Don E said.) It’s just part of our being human.

Gabriel says I hope you’re right, because I don’t have time to find another person who has the sensitivity to receive what I have to give her.

Don E says give her your love along with your lessons. What she does with it is her responsibility, not yours.

Rufi and Paloma are walking arm-in-arm in the house when Carlota walks through. Paloma wants to know why she didn’t come to the Camila’s bachelorette party. Carlota says Why do you think I’d accept an invitation like that, to that kind of party after the scandalous life that she’s led?

Rufi says she didn’t lead a scandalous life – quite the opposite. Que? says Carlota. Living with a guy before marrying him isn’t scandalous? Where are your standards? And then to throw herself a bachelorette party! Paloma says I’m glad she’s marrying and I wish her every happiness. Por favor! says Carlota.

You take everything the bad way, says Paloma. I’m glad I went to the party, because it served as a going-away party for me. Carlota turns and says What? Paloma says when I turn 18, Rufi and I are going to Mexico City to live with Dr. Bermudez.

Still with that stupid idea? says Carlota. Yes, says Paloma. And we won’t see each other for three years, when I’ll return to collect the inheritance that my parents left me. Carlota narrows her eyes.

We’re back in the courtroom. No dialog, but split-screen scenes of Don E questioning Orlando, Natalia, a lady I think is the statue-makers wife, Padre M, Lili, the angry statue maker. Cameos of various people in the courtroom. Don E is self-assured, Madeleine is starting to smile, our team of good guys is starting to brighten up and the prosecutor is looking ever more serious.

That’s all for now, Chris informs the judge.

Gabriel is at the church, working on his restoration. Paloma comes in – he’s glad to see her. I accept, she says with a smile. Gabriel looks happy and hopeful. Accept what? The party for my 18th, she says. He jumps down from the low scaffold and says it’ll be wonderful.

She asks him how much longer he has to go on his restoration. He says he doesn’t know exactly. She says she will have to break off her lessons for now, because she’s going to Mexico City to live with Dr B. Gabriel looks puzzled and unhappy.

In her office, Carlota is talking to herself. She says I can’t let Paloma leave to live with Dr B. Everything I’ve done will have been for nothing. Maybe Dr B should pass into a better life?

It’s breakfast time and Em says he’s going to work but first he’s going to stop by to see the baby. Does Romina want to go with him? She says no, she’s going to shop for a dress for the wedding. She’s almost gotten her figure back! Em says Don’t you think it’s more important to see the baby, and then go shopping afterwards?

Romina says You just don’t understand how much work it is to get ready for a wedding, and it’s tomorrow. I want to look dazzling for you. I’ll go see the baby this afternoon. Give him some kisses for me, okay?

Don’t look at me that way! While you’re at work I’m going to be with the baby the whole time. It’s not going to hurt that I don’t go right now. Em angrily says If I weren’t working, I’d be with the baby all the time. (In his righteousness, he is handily forgetting the time spent with his ex yesterday.)

Romina says I knew you were going to be a great father, and I was right. I’ve really won the lottery with you.

Em looks like feh. He goes to leave and Romina says By the way, I met your girlfriend yesterday. Em says I know, she told me. Romina jumps up from the table and says You saw her again? Yes, says Em. She came to Real del Monte to see me so I’m spending time with her.

I’m you’re wife, don’t forget, Romina throws at him. Em says I’m not forgetting, but that doesn’t mean I can’t have friends. And just so you know, I’ve invited her to the wedding. Romina says She’s not coming to my mother’s wedding! She’s coming to my father’s wedding, he snarls. He stomps out.

Okay, we know Romina is no prize, but seriously Em, you don’t have a leg to stand on here.

In court, Don E rests his case and addresses the jury. He says this trial has changed course and that he has shown that Chris has led an honorable life. The prosecutor says he has nothing more to add. A baliff hands him a note. The judge says In that case… He raises his gavel and the prosecutor looks at the note and says Wait! I have something else. I call Leopardo Perez to the stand.

The crowd looks amazed, Don E too.

Leopardo swears on the bible. He then recounts that he lives in Pachuco and the day Alonso was killed, he saw a priest. The prosecutor asks if he can point him out, and he points dramatically at Chris. It’s him. German, lurking in the back of the courtroom, nods in satisfaction.

Leopardo tells how Chris shoved Alonso under a truck and ran away. Chris leaps to his feet and stares at him. German and the guy exchange glances and German nods.

Don E asks to approach the bench. He and the prosecutor address the judge in low voices. Don E says that guy wasn’t on the list of witnesses. I just found out about him, says the prosecutor. I don’t believe him, says Don E, and I’m going to prove it. The judge calls for a recess.

Don E picks up his papers from his desk and Chris says to him It’s all a lie. Don E says stay calm. He heads for chambers.

The well-dressed jury are discussing the case in the jury room. Are they allowed to do this? They take a straw vote and all but one think that Chris is guilty.

In another room, Chris and Natalia in handcuffs wonder where that fake witness came from.

German has called Carlota.
G ;You would have loved it!
C: No doubt. It wasn’t enough to supply all that information on Chris’s past.
G: That was you? You didn’t trust me?
C: Did you think I had 100% confidence in you? I don’t like to take unnecessary risks. G: (laying it on thick) You never cease to amaze me
C: (sighing) You have so much to learn.
G: If you will be my teacher, I’d be so happy. You would get unconditional loyalty
C: If I pay your conscience well enough. Your loyalty has a price. But don’t worry, I’m well aware of that.
G: (buttering her up) It’s not just that. I’ll never forget that kiss we had.
C: Well, wipe it from your brain if you don’t want me to forget to pay for your loyalty.
G: No! There’s no need to take things that far!
C: Call me when they find him guilty.
She hangs up.

In the judge’s chambers, the judge says the testimony is important. Don E shakes his head. The prosecutor says the guy saw it! How about we settle for 10 years instead of 20? Agreed? Don E says no.

Don E says I have a question. How is it that you came to know so much about Chris’s past? The prosecutor brags that he has a great team. (We should note that his crack investigation team didn’t check out Leopardo, whether that’s even his name and whether he even comes from Pachuco, etc.) Maybe, says Don E, but it’s too much intimate detail – it would have to come from someone who knew him very well, someone who wanted him to found guilty. Maybe, says the prosecutor. I don’t reveal sources.

The judge tells them to wrap up, because the day after tomorrow is the final day. (Why? Is the courtroom reserved for someone else?)

Rufi is at the kitchen table and Carlota comes in to make tea. She asks Rufi if she’s going with Dr B. Rufi says yes. Carlota says even after all the years I’ve supported you? Rufi says you’ve paid me for my work, and I’ve earned every cent honestly. Carlota says I don’t know about that. Not many people would keep on an old lady like you. I’ve just let you stay out of compassion and because of your long service.

Rufi pointedly notes she could have had a younger woman, like the one she hired while she was gone. Carlota says at least you could convince Paloma to stay at least until she’s 21. Rufi says Dr B is such a wonderful man – he loved Macarena so much and he’s doing it for her.

Carlota reaches for a big jar on a shelf over the stove. She freezes mid-reach and has a sudden idea. Rufi, she says. Invite Dr B for dinner. I want to thank him for all he’s done for Paloma. Really? says Rufi, amazed. Carlota says it’s better to keep your enemies close, they say.

It’s not going to be easy for any of you to adapt to life in the big city, she observes. But I can’t intervene now that she’s reached 18, even if it would be for her own good. She taps the jar she’s holding and smiles to herself. Uh oh. Dr B will be familiar with the concept of heart-attack-on-a-plate, but I don’t think Carlota’s thinking fettuccine alfredo.

Avances: Chris tells Leopardo, who’s on the stand, that he’s lying. Em tells Romina he wants a divorce.


un Gancho al Corazón Mon. 1/25/10 el Mundo es un Pañuelo

Deep in the bowels of the Bat Cave, Monita is thrilled. She is about to ride the Bug Scooter with Furia Enmascarada himself. Woohoo! And so as the great iron doors concealing the Bat Cave creak open, a ludicrous masked apparition in green and gold astride a dirt bike with his faithful little monkey in a scandalous minifalda perched behind him swings onto the road. His faithful understudy and scion strolls out behind them and gazes proudly as this stunning sight disappears, blending un-noticed into the busy DF traffic. He fails to spot the mummy parked across the street, spying as she hunkers down to avoid detection He steps into a cab and heads off in the opposite direction. A self-satisfied momia engages the engine of her unmarked car and pulls away as the game, once more, is afoot.

Marcos is meeting with Isabel in an outdoor restaurant. So, Coni's and Katia's daddy, por casualidad (remember?), is Nieve's runaway groom, the love of her life, and Isabel's heart throb as well? ¡Canicas! El mundo sí es un pañuelo (small world, literally, the world is one handkerchief). Marcos is played by Eric del Castillo, a revered Mexican actor who is also the father of the gorgeous and talented Kate del Castillo, my very first telenovia (Ramona). He is apparently helping Isabel cope with an as yet unidentified momia, whom Isabel recently bumped into, who is causing problems for Monita, Isabel's daughter ,and a miscarriage for Coni, said mummy. The momia identified Isabel as Monita's difunto mom. Those two seemingly came to an agreement to unite efforts against Moni, yet here she is apparently plotting against the momia with Marcos who wants to meet and destroy la momia. At this moment his cell phone rings and he is talking with his daughter Coni (la momia) arranging a dinner date with her. He clearly adores her. I understand. She also enlists him to arrange to have someone open a door for her. No problema, he'll put one of his people on it. Meanwhile, Isabel's hard drive is collating factoids which may help her quickly to the realization that Constanza = la Momia. Marcos doesn't however mention his princesa's name. Completing his call, he stands and says that he will prevent la momia from harming Monita. "Perhaps Monita means nothing to you, but for me, is very important."(¿Qué?) Is everyone all clear on all this now? If you are, then you haven't been paying attention. Let's soldier on. As he leaves he says, "I'll be waiting for your call."

Beto is lying on the couch talking to himself, "¡Sufro (I suffer), sufro, sufro! ¡Duermo (I dream), duermo, duermo!" as Jaqui brings him a sandwich that she has lovingly constructed with her own little hands (someone dismissed Teri, the housekeeper, without careful consideration). He critically examines it, enumerating the ingredients, noting the components it lacks as well as discovering an unwanted component, then tentatively takes a bite. He declares it ... horrible. He proceeds to consume it anyway. He asks if she's not aware that the way to conquer a man is through his stomach. She asks what makes him think that she would try to win him over. "Well, since I'm your nuero (nuera is daughter-in-law, there is no such word as nuero)." "Mi yerno (son-in-law)." Beto looks around, "¿Donde?" "You're my yerno, not my nuero, tarado (dumbutt)," she replies, though he's not officially that either.He decides not to finish the sandwich, it even has a hair in it he says. Then he says," No, I've always said, for sure, there is only the one mother, the others, a ball of fodongas (filth). "You're calling me filth?" "No Señora, but with all due respect..." I love watching these two go at it. They are like Abbott and Costello.

And now, domestic bliss in the 'hood. It's Nieves and Cesar, and as usual, their attire is color coordinated; this time in various shades of Merlot. Cesar reminds her that Beto has forgiven her deception about his daddy, but she is not pleased that he may marry Coni, but Cesar reminds her that it will likely come to pass so she might as well get used to the idea. The conversation turns to Nieves past love. Cesar inquires whether he might show up. "Not a chance." This of course means that he'll be showing up very soon. She has even forgotten his face, which is for the best, for Cesar threatens to murder anyone who attempts to tear her from his arms. "I'll fight for you, because you see, I love you." She smiles broadly. Awww.

Estrella, Paula, Moni, Cristian, and a large green insect we recognize as Furia Enmascarada, are cooling their heels awaiting the arrival to his office of Señor Fausto Pineda, the toad who served the eviction notice for the inhabitants of the naco condo. Careful Mao, toads consume insects. The vecinas are restless and testy. Paula seems especially agitated. She tends to embrace violence as the best approach. Mao, like a wise, hyper-pituitary Jiminy Cricket counsels calm and restraint. Easy to do if you're not the evictee. "Let Monita do the talking." Cristian also tries to be a voice of reason, he doesn't want to have to remove Pau by force. but Paula is particularly flammable today, as she lashes out at her novio just as the smarmy, unctuous lawyer appears."What are you people doing here?" He enters as distrusting hostile eyes follow him to his desk.

Let's check back and see how Beto is doing with his future suegra (momma-in-law). They continue to bond. He is musing about how his dietary needs will be met in his new life with Coni, as Jaqui wonders aloud what Coni sees in Beto. He offers to show her, adding to her disgust. She calls him corriente (common). He explains that his primary attraction is his enormous corazón as well as his manly aroma. He then begins to tell her about Betito's conception in Nuevo York on Broadway. She is loath to hear these intimate details and changes the direction of the conversation. "Then Constanza hasn't told you the news?" She then announces to Beto, "Constanza tuvó un legrado (had a currettage)." Beto looks as though he doesn't quite understand.

Things are heating up in the shyster's office."How did you get in?" "No importa," Moni then voices a perfectly reasonable, legitimate question, "Who?" Now here's a surprise. "That's confidential information." Paula speaks less calmly. Fausto observes that they are backed up with muscle, a luchador. Furia strikes a ready pose. "And Valentina Lopez," Estrella adds. Cristian cautions against threats, especially in front of a policeman.. Paula responds by asking Cristian for his apparatus. Fausto does share that the new owner is very powerful and completely backed up by the law. "Yes well we just want to talk to him," Monita snaps.Paula suggests that Cristian torture the information out of him. Ya gotta like this girl's pragmatism. Losing both patience and courage, he orders them out. Mauricio sees that there is not much they can accomplish there and suggests that they leave. Each has a parting gesture for the legal lizard, including Big Bug who encores his predatory pose.Beto, unfamiliar with medical terminology wants to know about this Legrado Hombre. "What is his name? ¿Juan Legrado? ¿"Pedro Legrado?" Jaqui suggests that he look up Legrado in the dictionary. Poor Beto is feeling like Job. First he discovers that he has no father, then, that he has no palce to live, and now this guy Legrado. "Why me?" Jaqui excuses herself to relax in a salt baño. Beto offers to help; he has the salt shaker. She orders him to stay right where he is. He grumbles that the daughter has her mother's style.

On the patio in the barrio Aldo is talking with Teri and Ivan. They hope that the delegation led by Mao is successful. They have confidence. Teri admits that as much as she misses the kids and Mao's place she is very happy here in the warmth of the 'hood. Suddenly she remembers that she's not started dinner. Ivan offers to go for takeout roast chicken, leaving Teri free to ask Aldo about rumors she's heard about his serious troubles with Estrella. Yes, they've split up. His heart aches. 'Yes, that's the way it is, one never forgets his first love." Teri's deep thought for today.

Hurrying down the street, Ivan bumps into Nieves. Por casualidad, she also is on her way to get roast chicken for Cesar and her. "Why don't we all eat together?" He gives her some money and off she waddles. (A very sexy waddle, to be sure.) Observing from a distance, sitting in the backseat of his black Mercedes, Marcos looks on, no doubt sharing my opinion of his one true love's curious gait. Didn't I warn that it wouldn't be long before he appears in their life?

Emerging from the office building of the lawyer is the committee delegated from the barrio to negotiate. For the moment they appear stymied. Estrella doesn't know about the rest, but she is defeated. Mao is going to sic his lawyers on Fausto Pineda. Paula clutches her head and says, "I most theenk." Her English is improving. Monita has a plan. "He had the papers in a folder, let's steal it." Cristian doesn't want to hear this kind of talk. Pau says,"Cristian, shoatup!" He quibbles, Pao tells him to get with the program or it's his neck. She makes a slashing gesture across her own neck. "You choose." She tells him to follow orders. He salutes, "Sí, mi comandanta."

Meintras tanto, Coni is doing a little breaking and entering of her own. Marcos has sent a locksmith who is cheerfully picking the lock to the Bat Cave. Coni effusively thanks him. She stupidly left her keys inside. Huh?"No need to justify, anything for el Señor Lerdo de Tejada." She checks the street then ducks inside. She seems impressed as she leisurely inspects the luchador's lair. Take your time sweetie. I'll take a little break for a shot of Tequila, el Gran Centenario Añejo, riquísimo, gracias a mi hermosa profesora, Adriana. She takes video of the closet contents, consisting of damning proof, including a spare mask. She deposits the camera in her purse an browses languidly about the secret headquarters. She looks out a window, takes her camera out and films some more. The moon is almost full.

Moni, in miniskirt and high heels, and Bug, in full insectual regalia, cape billowing inconspicuously behind, creep up to the entrance of the office building, just as Fausto and the night watchman appear at the door. The two ordinary-appearing burglars duck out of sight. Cristian, Estrella, and Pau anxiously observe from across the street. Seeing the lawyer drive away, Pau (who knew she had such effective leadership skills?) orders Estrella into action. Her job... distract the guard. Summoning her thespian talents, Estrella springs to action. She hurries up to the watchman and complains that some medrigos mondrigos (help!) chipped (descochar) the paint on her truck parked around the corner. She is persuasive, and he goes with her, leaving the way clear for our larcenous luchador and his faithful simian companion. They scurry in through the revolving door. "¡Ay, perfect!" gushes Pau. Cristian whines and complains bitterly that they are becoming criminals. Suddenly alarms go off. Oh no! Oh yes! Oh crap! The guard hurries back followed by Estrella, hampered by heels. Cristian hurries up, reporting for duty. Fury and Moni hurry to the entrance then pause, unobtrusively at the glass door, awaiting assistance. The resourceful Estrella sprains an ankle and while the attentive guard kneels to offer assistance, Moni and Furia emerge un-noticed. Directed by Cristian, they exit stage left. "Know what? It's all better. Thanks. Adios." And off goes Estrella. Do I smell an Oscar in her future? No! Hopefully not that Oscar. Cristian draws his pistol and urges the security guard into action. He'll provide cover. Estrella and Pau celebrate from across the street. Well done, you delightful delinquents.

Speaking of Oscar, he arrives, roses in hand, just as Gabriela is heading out for the airport to catch her plane for Venezuela. "Going on a trip?" "You noticed?" She doesn't have time for this.

Having successfully burgled the office of bad barrister, a giddy Moni and Mao have returned to the Bat Cave. Uh oh! Coni has secreted herself in the apartment and with a sad look on her face is filming (in High Definition) as Moni lifts Furia's mask revealing the countenance of our not so bright but oh so lovable hero...Mauricio! Oh no! Oh yes! Oh... never mind. We are now treated to one of those incomparably borrrring M&M conversations, mercifully cut short as we return to...

Gabi and Oscar! She is in no mood. He promises she won't be late and even offers her a lift to the aeropuerto. "Do you have everything?' he asks, helpfully. She checks. Dang almost forgot the cellphone. Good thing O dropped by, huh? She goes to get it and Oscar makes a phone call. It's to his people in Venezuela. "Things have to move forward. When Gabriela arrives she is to find that Salvador has suffered a tragic accident. Dead. Body not recoverable. Handle it." Gabi's back. "Ready? Vamanos."

Oh no! Oh yes! Oh crap! More Moni and Mao. Coni's getting it all on video so let's get to the nut of the matter. They look at the papers they have purloined. Mao announces the evil new owner of the naco neighborhood complex is... ¡Soy yo!!! That's right amigos, Groupo Sermeño is the new slumlord that is going to evict the barrio.¡¿Qué?!

Well, el mundo en verdad es un pañuelo. Jero is joined in a restaurant by none other than Marcos Lerdo de Tejada. You could knock me over with a feather. And they already know each other. "It's always a pleasure to close a business deal with you, Jerónimo." Turns out the developer of the project utilizing the land on which sits our happy 'hood is Coni's dad. He is amazed things are proceeding at such a rapid pace. "Well, that's how business is with Jerónimo Sermeño. Quick and effective. " Yessir, I see a delightful future for this transaction. Next!

Well you asked for it, Carlos. More boring banter between M&M. The shortened version:

"Don't know. Couldn't have been Sal."
"Then who?"
"I have a plan."
"You're the new owner."
"Qué? ¡No!"

Works for me. Coni, did you get all that on video? I don't want to go through this again. Next!

More Marcos and Jero. Now Marcos wants to know what went wrong in the marriage of his princess and Mauricio. "She made the gravest error of her life marrying Mao. Then he cheated on her with another man." Marcos is livid and wants revenge. No need Jero assures him, Coni has it under control. She is divorcing him and will end up with everything he has. Marcos is amused. "Just like Jaqueline did me. Left me in the street with nothing." He turns bitter, calling her a remola (help again!), a harpy. Jero chokes on his brandy. Nevertheless, he wants an even worse fate for Mauricio. All this signals wonderful times ahead for us here at Club Gancho.

Moni's reluctant. Coni's filming. Mao's certain. Let' go tell the neighbors the good news. Coni emerges from hiding and takes one last look. She got even more than she came for.

Beto has fallen asleep on the sectional couch. Dani, Luisa, and Katia are watching amused seated on the opposite section. "He's like a lion," Dani observes. "No, un cavernicola (caveman)," Katia corrects her. Their speculation is abruptly interrupted and terminated by a well timed and delicately pungent fart by our leonine Neanderthal. The kids scatter just as Coni shows up. She spies him, "¿Roberto?... What's going on here?" She smell him, "What smells?" "Ask your amante," Katia suggests. "Roberto," she tries to rouse him, "¡Roberto!" He slumbers on. She pinches his nostrils closed and he stirs, "I didn't do anything," he protests, clearly shaken. "Precioso," She coos. He is wide awake and demands, "¿Por Qué me siempre jueges chueco? (play twisted with me, why is she always deceiving him?)"

Marcos is telling Jero that Mao will pay for his transgressions against his daughter when Jero's cell phone rings. It's Jaqui and she wants to see him... now! He says he can't maybe tomorrow. She reminds him that is no way for a slave to respond to his mistress' demand. Jero is having second and third thoughts about his budding relationship with Jaqui. She is puzzled, but remains firm. "Then don't come bothering to look for me 'cause I just might not be there." She hangs up abruptly. "¿Una mujer?" Marcos gentle inquires. He cautions Jero to be careful, but our Jero is accustomed to being pursued by women. Now Marcos turns bitter, expressing his hate for Jaqui and how she treated him. At least he ended up better off than her subsequent four husbands. He arranged that she will never find happiness with another man. "You know where they are?" Jero gulps, "Below the earth?""Exacto. Todos están muertos." Jero gulps again. Looks like he may have broken a light sweat. Oh yes, things are shaping up nicely.

Connie is confused. Beto confronts her with Señor Legrado. Her mother told Beto about him. QTF is he talking about? Well, here's Jaqui to clear matters up. "I told him you had a legrado. Want to explain to your lover what a legrado is?"



Monday, January 25, 2010

Dinero 1/25: When you owe 5 million pesos, it's time to PARTY!

Rehash - 5 million pesos, owed by Rafael for the ruined wedding, = a lot of money. He can't get a loan, so Ale is going to have to be his debt-holder. She doesn't want to have to talk to the man who "tried to kill me" - Marco will be the go-between.

Rafael basically signs away three years of his life - and if he doesn't pay his huge monthly bill, his mom loses the house and he goes back to jail. AND if anything happens to Ale in the future (Marco inserts this) related in any way to the accident, Rafael is responsible for that too.

He's getting out of jail. His cellmates will miss him, they give him their phone numbers. His mom, sis, and girlfriend come to get him.
The big fat boss gives a pep talk to the crew - he's sorry for the absence of Ale, but more, for the loss of money. He drools over Claudia, his new bonbon of an employee, her legs were her resume. He asks her into his office, sits next to her, strokes her thigh, tells her to call him "Francisco," says she'll be his best employee, wheezes, "I'm not as old as you might think." Then: "here in my office, I'm yours - but outside the office, I'm your boss. The others won't understand our grand friendship..."

Rafael asks after his car - it's still in custody. Back home, the neighbors are happy to see him. In the house: a huge birthday cake, flowers, expensive food, they don't even know what some of it is, expensive booze... he decides to throw a big party.

In the box of stuff rescued from his impounded car: one of Ale's shoes. He cradles it dreamily.

Party! They drink a 10,000 peso bottle of French champagne ("if it's that expensive, we shouldn't pee ever again!" crows a friend) and then Rafa begs his mom to let him celebrate before he embarks on his dreary three years - he wants to break out the expensive whiskey. She doesn't mind their eating the food but thinks he shouldn't waste the booze. Wasted words. Another guy asks, where are the presents? We should get them too!

Rafa's girlfriend is very excited about the cake and many pictures are taken of the two of them with flowers, champagne, cutting the cake. Almost like they were actually getting married... Rafa dances with another girl, Pajarita sulks so brother #1 plucks the other girl out of Rafa's arms and carries her away while brother #2 announces the party's over and removes the music (it was his player).

The guests leave with souvenirs. Rafa sighs about Ale: "She's very sexy, but she detests me." "The only way you're going to get hold of so much money is by being a counterfeiter." He asks Pepeto for help.

Rafa goes through the Help Wanted ads with his friend Jaime, who tries to discourage him from fixating on a position available for an International Executive. He says they'll be expecting advanced degrees and experience, but Rafa insists he has so much experience selling - even door to door! - that he's anybody's equal. he goes to the interview, is dissed by the secretary, and has to borrow a pen to fill out the forms. Needless to say, the interview doesn't go well - he doesn't even know what a stock market is... On the way out he tries to sell some really good whiskey to the interviewer.

At the hospital: while they wait for a wheelchair, the doc orders Ale to rest (and sit) a lot. She groans and is incensed all over again to find out Rafa posed as her husband. And even more so to realize one of her shoes is probably in his car! Those were expensive shoes! The get her into the car and then back out and into her house with the help of several people and lots of complaining and moaning. She's sarcastic to the kindly servant about what a wonderful honeymoon this is.

Her dad offers her the deed to the house - unaware that she's already signed it away.


Sidebar pics from new recappers ... two have arrived!

If you want to see what our wonderful recappers Vivi and Hombre de Misterio look like, they've joined our sidebar. Other recappers without pictures - please send to me at caray@mappamundi.com!!!


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