Wednesday, April 14, 2010

El Clon #41, 4/13. I Want A Guy Just Like The Guy Who Married Dear Old Mom.

Marisa badgers Lucas about Jade. She accuses him of bringing Jade to Miami. She knows because she saw Jade at TORIM (The Only Restaurant in Miami). She wants to know if he is going to run away with her. He shouts that what he had with her is dead, and he has nothing to do with her. She asks him why he still has her picture in his nightstand, then she brings up the necklace. He says he returned it to her family, but he won’t swear to it. I find myself thinking, if Marisa wasn’t such a hag, maybe Lucas would make more of an effort to be united with her. Then I remember how kind and patient Said is with Jade, and that’s not working either.

Marisa goes to Leo’s office and asks for a piece of her jewelry from the safe. He gets it for her. Soon Lucas shows up, asking for the necklace, intending to send it back to Morocco. Leo says he just gave it to Jade. Marisa sells it at a jewelry store.

Said checks that Jade really wants to return to Morocco. He confesses that he was afraid she’d like Miami better and want to stay. But he sees that she’s not happy there like she was before. His conclusion is that he is beginning to win her love.

Nariza badgers Latifa some more. When she leaves, Latifa says she’d rather live back in the US because it’s against the law to take a second wife there. Nariza enters the women’s chambers and finds Ali’s three wives watching the novela disk. She screeches that they’ll all burn in H@ll for it. They say it’s Zoraida’s just as Zoraida enters. Nariza says she’s taking it to show Ali, but really she sneaks it into Mohamed’s house to watch it. It gets her all excited and she imagines herself belly dancing for Ali. She cries that they ruined her life.

Lucas gets home and Marisa tells him she sold the necklace, but it was only worth ten dollars. They have a big fight. She says she’s fed up with his obsession for Jade. (You ain’t the only one, Sister!) She tells him that if he ever sees Jade again, she (Marisa) will tell Jade’s husband, and Jade and Lucas will both pay dearly for what they’ve done.

Vicky counsels Cristina to start a business that is less complicated than a spa, like a beauty parlor or cake business. Cris is sure that Leo will support her for the rest of her life. If that’s her retirement plan, I hope she has a picture of Dorian Gray in the attic, because sugar daddies don’t spend their money on women who age.

Dora complains that she feels like she is losing her son to Albieri. Meanwhile at his house, Albi writes in his journal that Daniel behaves just like Diego. “Mi Daniel.”

Jade goes to the kitchen and sneaks some of her herb from the pantry. In the with-family room we find Mohamed and Latifa, Ali, Said, and Nariza. They are talking about Latifa’s baby. Jade comes out and the bag of herbs slips out of her pocket. She doesn’t notice but Nariza does. She announces that Jade must be using it to avoid pregnancy. Jade claims ignorance, saying she just likes its aroma in tea. Ali rants at Zoraida for allowing this poison in his house. Then Nariza tattles to Ali that there is an even worse poison in his house, the naughty telenovela that belongs to Zoraida. Z says Nariza has it, and Nariza claims she burned it, but that she never watched it.

Leo is talking to Lucas and Marisa, and he tells them that he thinks it’s time for them to have another child. Brilliant idea! That way, when they split up, which is likely considering the magnitude of their daily fights, each can take one child. Great idea, Pop. Much less messy when you have an even number of children, don’t you think? Rosa chimes in. Yeah, if grandpa has the right to meddle in Lucas and Marisa’s most intimate matters, why not the housekeeper? Marisa answers in that she would like to, but Lucas “avoids” it. He goes to his room and remembers when he and Jade talked about having children. Funny, I don’t remember them ever having much of any conversation. Well, I may not remember the conversation, but Jade does. Said finds her and assumes she’s sad because she hasn’t gotten pregnant because of the herb. He assures her that he’ll ask Allah for children.

At the playground, the nanny tells Marisa that she’s gotten a better job. Marisa whines, “Do you know how horrible it is to be left without a nanny?” Pobrecita, imagine if she had to take care of her own child while she lounges around the house all day. Dora brought Daniel to the same playground. It must be TOPIM (The Only Playground in Miami), right next door to TORIM. Daniel meets Natalia and they become friends. Daniel gives her a kiss on the cheek like Diego would. Natalia bats her eyes like Marisa would. Dora takes a picture of the children together. The nanny thinks that Dora is Daniel’s nanny. Natalia looks glum through the whole episode.

Leo shows Natalia a photo album. She wants to know who Cristina is. Then he turns to a picture of when Diego was young, but Natalia insists that it’s her friend Daniel from the park. Later Rosa tells Lucas that the spirit of Diego must have appeared to Natalia, but Lucas says that all children invent an invisible friend. Meanwhile Cristina asks Daniel about his new friend. Dora says that he doesn’t stop talking about her. Cristina says that Daniel should invite her to play at the house. It’s never too early to learn to “conquistar” a girl. Anyone else find this disturbing?

Cristina presents her next “Entrepreneur Barbie” project to Leo: buy a bar that’s failing because no one’s spending money on going out these days. She babbles on about all her plans. Leo wonders to himself, “Why can I never tell her no? She only causes problems, but she’s the only one who makes me happy.”

Rosa and Enrique are discussing Natalia’s new friend. They conclude that it’s the spirit of Diego, and he must have a message for them. Enrique says that they should have a Mass said (sponsor one), to help them find out. I’m guessing that the reading for that mass will not be I Samuel 28.

Danny shows Albi the picture from the park, and Albi recognizes Natalia. Probably from all the time Albi spends at Leo’s house. Albi tells Danny not to tell Luisa.

Jade and Zoraida go out shopping, so Nariza races to Jade’s room, locks the door, and watches the steamy novela. Now she imagines herself dancing seductively for both Ozzie and the man who offered her a temporary marriage. She has to fan herself because it’s too hot to handle. But Jade forgot her wallet, comes back, and finds her bedroom door locked. Nariza claims she just wanted to use Jade’s mirror. Jade yells at her to stay out of her room. They both screech about how the other will pay for her sins on judgment day. Gee, I wonder what The Judge thinks about them judging and cursing each other? Said comes home and they rehash their fight in front of him.

Dora and Marisa both end up at TORIM, and both the kids are along. Danny and Natalia meet in the ball pit, and Natalia asks about his birthmark. He says he was born with it.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, April 13: Ep 38--History repeats itself. Again.

Heartbroken Juan doesn't make it to the church on time. He cries to the Virgen that love has been ripped from his chest. He says he gives back his heart. He takes off his mom's rosary and leaves it draped over the chair Aimee sat in for the ceremony. That's cold, man. That's your mama's rosary. Eh, he relents and goes back for it. The Virgen's looking at him like, "Mhm, I know you didn't just disrespect your mama!"

Jimena misses an opportunity to tell the truth and says "mi amor" was just some random diarrhea of the mouth. Well, Gabe's cool with it. He's also so stupid he didn't recognize the girl from the kiss. He wants to see Estrella. Jimena says she's off getting treatment, but she sends letters. Gabe comes up with the idea of sending letters through Jimena. "Estrella" liked his goodbye letter. Gabe wants Jime to tell Estrella that he loves her and can't live without her. I don't know who's the bigger dumbass in this scenario.

Regina wants Clemencia to quit worrying about her. She'll get over it. Clem says she needs luuuuuuuurve. Well, here comes Juan galloping through the fields as Reggie drives the carriage. Reg realizes it's Juan and urges the horses on to intercept. Clemencia isn't happy about this. She does manage to get close and almost run him over, but she doesn't quite make it. They argue about who's the bad driver here. Juan tells her he's going to look for Aimee. Regina says Juan swore to leave Aimee alone, but Juan says that was before, and if she came back to him, all bets were off. So all bets are off. Well, she's married and he has no more right over her, so he needs to git. And Reggie's not scared of him, no sir. She'd do anything to keep Aimee and Renato together. Juan says they need to settle accounts and he's going to squeeze the life out of Aimee until all Renato has left is her corpse.

Rod makes a speech welcoming his guests. The newlyweds dance their first dance, accompanied by little girls in matching dresses. We get a nice shot down Aimee's dress. Dancing. Facial expressions.

Juan finally rides off, yelling at Clemencia to get the nun off his case. He makes the mistake of getting off his horse and Reggie goes after him with her puny little fists. Clemencia wants a word with Juan. Juan can't say no to his mother figure.

Jimena and Gabe have a nice walk while he tells her about the adventure in Cuba. Gabe caresses her face, but tells her she's his best friend. Friends with benefits, Gabe? Gabe's even starting to realize that he might like Jime better than Estrella. He awkwardly leaves and Jimena feels sorry for herself.

Clemencia tells Juan not to go killing people. "You're a Montes de Oca too." She reminds him who his mother was, but he insists this is why he needs to get revenge. Clemencia says that won't honor the memory of his parents--they did everything in the name of love, their feelings were pure and noble. Juan remembers that his dad said that Maria del Rosario was love. Clem agrees. She begs him not to do anything to Renato. Juan says he was going to forgive, but this wedding has just pissed him off too much and he can't hold back anymore. Now he gets on his horse and leaves for real. Clem and Reggie get back in the carriage, Reggie at the wheel, to catch up with Juan.

The first dance ends and Aimee leaves to powder her nose. Renato thanks everyone for being there. He hopes they'll have a good time and share in the happiness. "Let's get this party started!" Dancing, little girls in dresses running around. Eloisa can't get Fully to dance with her, but the dumbass sends Fed in his place. Fed even holds back until Raul pushes him into it. And now he's in Eloisa's clutches, and not looking too happy about it. She reminds him they have a date tomorrow. He's freaking out at how public she's being.

Juan keeps riding. The red shirts are coming, the red shirts are coming!

Noel wonders where Regina is, but Leo doesn't give a crap. Noel is still, somehow, shocked at her lack of caring.

Regina tries to drive the carriage fast AND question Clemencia about how she knows Juan. Clem tells her to keep her eyes on the road and drive faster.

Night falls. Rod gives a toast. Juan rides into the courtyard on his horse. Rod gets pissed off and Leo falls on her knees grabbing him around the waist to keep him from going after Juan. Juan gets up in Renato's face asking where "s/he" is, but he won't say who, he just keeps saying "you know who you are, get out here!" Juan tells Renato he has nothing to do with this, but he offers to tell him who he's looking for, if Renato really wants to know. Aimee looks on, worried that the jig might finally be up. And we'll find out…after this break. Pfft.

The standoff continues. Rod tries to attack again. Leo slaps Juan across the face. Noel asks everyone to calm the hell down and behave themselves. He demands an explanation from Juan. The sheriff calls for backup. Renato wants an explanation. Regina arrives. Juan looks at Aimee in answer to "Who are you looking for?" Aimee faints and Renato goes to see to her. Clemencia begs him to keep his promise not to hurt the girls. She begs him to leave. He fights his way out past the sheriff's men with his trusty stick. Fulgencio makes note of Juan's prowess. Finally, when it's 10:1 they get Juan subdued. Reggie hugs Clemencia. Rod tells Aimee not to talk. She says she feels dizzy. Leo blames it on the scandal. Aimee pretends not to have seen what was going on. The doc checks her out for about half a second and says she's fine, just too much excitement with the wedding. Raul gripes at Fully that Juan isn't gone like Fully said he was. Fully is suspicious of Raul's reaction. Fully kind of likes Juan, but Eloisa thinks Fully should be scandalized! Fully says he does admire the man--few dare so much. Raul and Fed disagree that admiration is appropriate. Raul is really wigging out, but Fully doesn't think Juan's that dangerous. Fully thinks Juan must have a good reason for what he did.

All the sheriff's men carry Juan out to their cart. Remigio rides up and asks what's up. "I didn't do nothin'" says Juan. I'm going to have to disagree with him on that. Juan swears he'll be back, earning him a further beating. As he's carted off, literally, he screams "Aimee! Aimee! Aimee!" (drink!)

Aimee is still being fussed over. She apologizes for causing a spectacle. She refuses to go to her room and be checked out. Leo tries to insist, but Aimee says she just wants to stay with her new hubby. Rod says if Aimee says she feels fine, they've got to believe her. Noel votes they continue the party. Renato votes that Aimee get checked out. She'll go if Reggie goes with her. Renato carries her upstairs and Reggie follows. Fed comes up and asks if he can help. Rod wants to see what happened to Juan and refuses Noel's offer to take care of it. Leo also tells Noel to keep his nose out of it. Rosenda goes to attend to Leo. She asks for a good strong drink.

Rod tells the sheriff that was the same guy who attacked him outside the church. Rod wants Juan lost indefinitely. For a generous fee, of course.

Regina yells at Aimee to quit pretending she's sleeping. "Quit faking and get up, already! Put on a happy face, princess, and keep lying like you've been doing. And then you'd better pray that that guy forgets about wanting revenge or when the shit hits the fan, it's all your fault!"

Rod asks the sheriff for the full Juan de Dios treatment for Juan Jr. The sheriff says times have changed, but he'll do what he can.

Rod goes back in and asks the crowd to please forget the fuss and keep partying on. Leo shoos Rosenda away when she sees Rod coming over. They toast as Arcadio looks on jealously. Rosenda goes over to gossip with Arcadio. He tells her that Leo treats her like a servant…"Yeah, well, she treats you the same way!" Rosie pretends to be hurt by the way Leo treats Arcadio. Arcadio says it's the same way Renato treats her, like nothing. "Well, I've lost my chance with Renato, but maybe I'll have another chance."

Marlene cries to Frenchie. Yeah, yeah, you were a whore and a thief. Cry me a river.

Arcadio realizes that Rosie is setting her cap at Rod. He so doesn't think that's going to happen. Rosie says they need to stick together. She wonders who that guy was looking for--she has a funny feeling he was looking for one of the girls.

Marlene's still crying. Bad life choices, yadda, yadda, road less taken, blah, blah, blah. She's determined to fight for her daughter.

Arcadio reminds Rosie that secrets kill. Well, Rosenda just needs to find out which girl he was after. Arcadio think it was Reggie, seeing as how the other one's already taken. Aimee and Reggie rejoin the party. Reggie covered for Aimee with Renato, telling him that Aimee did have fainting fits at school. Yeah, cause she's such a fragile little thing. Renato thanks Reggie and Clem for taking care of Aimee. He thinks Reggie's the bestest sister ever. Aimee fishes for information about Juan. Renato says he didn't hurt anyone, but he wasn't looking for Rod this time. He plans to find him later and demand an explanation. He tells Aimee that Juan's the guy he fished out of the river. She begs him not to go looking for that ungrateful wretch! He's probably sick in the head! Renato tells her they need to just keep enjoying their day. Renato asks for the special drinks to be brought out so he and Aimee can toast together. "To you, to me, and so our love will be eternal." I'm glad Renato's called himself "cursi" (cheesy) before, so I don't have to.

Juan tries to argue his rights, but gets nowhere. The sheriff claims disturbing the peace and tells them to go lock Juan up already.

Clem worries to Reggie about what will happen when Juan gets out of prison. Reggie wants to know what their backstory is. Clemencia says it's a long story and now's not the time to tell it. Regina wants as much information as she can get to keep anything bad from happening. Clem says that the past always comes back.

The sheriff gets a visit from Remigio. He wants to see the new prisoner. The sheriff refuses. Remigio begs. The sheriff has his last remaining henchman throw Remigio out. Sheriff's hoping to turn a tidy profit on this latest deal with Rod.

Juan curses the sheriff's men, Renato, Aimee, himself for backing off on his revenge plans. He talks himself back into revenge mode again.

Tomorrow: Jimena and one of the hos plot; the battle for Reggie is on; Juan sits in jail; Gabe brings the smackdown to the sheriff's office.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dinero 4/13: Rafa inhales a fish.

  • Ale in her eensy teensy outfit (hiding ineffectively behind her newspaper) and the happily gawking Rafa take a calandria (horse-drawn cart) on a lovely travel-advertisement trip across the resort town (aww, cute ducklings) and Ale buys Rafa some very snappy clothes suitable for hot climes.

  • They arrive at the scheduled breakfast on the beach where - after reminding each other that their wives aren't arriving until tomorrow and they are free as a bird tonight - the three Refri guys ogle Ale.

    One of them makes up some bull about needing more financing options. He won't be pressured into making a decision - she should get the info and they will all reconvene at dinner, 6:30 pm. Later, he tells his buddies he did it because "The Licenciada is MINE!"

  • The Refri guys leave and Rafa wants to stuff a huge breakfast into his gob (since it was already paid for) but Ale is disappointed that her egg is not organic. She orders a papaya. Then she drags him away from the table (though not before he gets a doggy bag) and calls Auto Siglo, where Beltran has been badgering Susana every five minutes for news about the big sale.

    Ale tells Susana about the holdup. She asks Susana to postpone the meeting with the second-opinion lawyer. She also calls and tells Marco, who's still in bed with his blond bimbo but says he's in a meeting with Urdiales.

    Rafa gets a call from Vicki Vicki Vicki who squeals: "Are you back yet? I'll meet you at the airport." She howls to hear he'll be taking a night plane. "You PROMISED me!" Meanwhile, Ale is eavesdropping and stuffing her face - Rafa catches her with leftover breakfast in her mouth.

  • At Auto Siglo, Susana tells the troops their reports will be due promptly at 6. Marino snarls at Nelson: "You better use your enchantment with her ASAP."

  • Beltran, complaining that anxiety has made him practically a cadaver, he's being eaten up with death from the inside out, gathers the team and tries to motivate them to sell harder by saying he's going to put up a statue of Rafa, our best salesman, who always comes through at the last minute with something spectacular.

    They say that will just depress them, and why would he want them jealous of Medina?

    Beltran impulsively promises a CAR to the best salesman of the month. This lifts their spirits.

    Ramirez whispers to Marino (ridiculous poodle cut, best wig yet) that Rafa's sale is not a done deal and there's a good chance still for Marino to get the prize. Marino snarls he WILL win the car, by any means necessary.

    The team members ooh and aah over the car and variously say they would sell it - to pay debts, for a second honeymoon, etc. The General says she would have to sell it because it wouldn't look good to her comrades. Claudia says she'd buy great clothes and snag the rich guy she deserves. Marino says he'll win for sure, he has a 15-car deal in the works.

    Rosaura, after a little research, finds out the whole story and says Rafa's going to cream them all with his Refri sale. Ramirez, who was able to eavesdrop when Ale called, says Rafa's deal will fall through. Rosaura says the Refri guys wouldn't have invited Rafa to the beach just to say no deal. Marino bangs his head on the dashboard.

  • Pointless scene #1: At the beauty parlor, the two guys bring in a TV - "My mom bought it to watch the American classic." Joshing about America vs Chivas. Turns out, they say, football is a game for MEN - and they like watching the cute guys on the field. Ovidia opines that what's important is what's between the ears not - physical attributes. She likes music and arty types, not troglodytes. Even her female customer, though, likes football. She is outnumbered.

  • Pointless scene #2: those two policemen we keep seeing are eating tacos. The vendor complains when the cops hint they should get their tacos for free. They point out in a mildly threatening manner: the taco guy is obstructing an entrance etc. Taco guy grimaces in defeat. The cops complain, the tacos aren't that good anyway.

  • Back in the hotel, Rafa is bouncing up and down with excitement about going to the beach. Ale cruelly says he can't go, this is a business trip, she doesn't want to lose him to some "bikini." Very silly cute squabble: "Beach beach beach." "No no no." He has a temper tantrum. "Please please please." Finally she says he can go but only if she comes with him.

    So they're on the beach. Ale asks Rafa if he really knows how to swim and turns out, he does, he took lessons. She tells him the ocean is not like the river, it can be dangerous. She settles down in the sand - she won't go swimming in case Susana calls. He runs down the beach, leaps in the water, and swims straight out.

    After a while he disappears. Ale gets worried, shouts his name, and finally flags down a lifeguard who swims in and scoops Rafa up and carries him back and dumps him on the beach. Ale is in anguish over his motionless form. Don't worry, they can't kill him off now, there are hundreds more episodes to go!

  • Tomorrow: Rafa coughs up a fish. Claudia seduces Marco. And at the very last second of the preview it appeared that Ale, in order to deflect the amorous advances of Refri man, says she is Medina's wife!


Gancho Tuesday April 13, 2010 I'll Have What She's Having.....

Remember that scene in When Harry Met Sally? Well, I'd like what our well-rounded, warm-hearted Nieves is having--two ardent males hot on her trail, one tall, well-dressed, charming and muy rico: the other short, stout, outrageously dressed but fabulously romantic and passionate. I'm ready to call 1-800 right now. Short of that, in my younger days, wouldn't have minded having Ximena's difficult choice--hawt and passionate Rolu, or sensitive and romantic Arny. But enough of these fantasies....what happened in today's episode?

Let's skip the rehash (you either saw it, or you read it, or both) and get to the main event. Tano is having one of his unfortunate conversations. After hearing that Mauricio is worried about Lobo sniffing around his girl, Tano helpfully adds that "Sure, they're in the same business, have the same goals, talk the same language..."

Stop! Not helping. But he does promise to get the 411 on Lobo's dealings in Chicago when he goes there to work for NASCAR. Okay. Good friend after all. Just needs a little coaching in conversational empathy. There's some more nattering about Aldo's disappearance, the no-show of the detective, everything's falling apart at once. Tano assures Mau everything will work out. (These bland assurances always annoy the hell out of me. He needs more coaching fer sure.) They finish breakfast, Mauricio walks him to the door. Handshake. Man hug and Tano nestles his head on Mau's shoulder. Sweet. Off he goes to the U.S. to find out the dirt on Lobo.

Next scene: Paula and Christian are dragging back from the all night velorio for Alicia....but not together! as Paula insists on pointing out. Estrella, all excited, is off to her first gynecologist's appointment. Nieves appears on the scene fretting about HER baby, Beto, and just where he might be. No problem. Probably having a hot night with la Momia like you did with Cesarin, you picarona! Well, she's worried about Cesar too. He didn't show up for dinner last night. Christian gives her the grievous news that Cesar is languishing in jail. And all because of Marcos. Nieves Warpath comin' up. With a stuffed Giraffe purse as her scabbard and shield.

Drama time. Mauricio arrives home to find Tere waiting. Grieving for the loss of her friend Alicia ,but also worried about Monita and that skanky Lobo (sorry Julia) hanging around her. Luisa bounds down the steps and adds more worries: Dani is burning up with fever and is calling out constantly for Monita. Time to whip out the wet cloths, ice cubes and wonder of wonders, get a doctor who makes house calls. We break for ads that are mostly about junk food-- Coke, pizza and candy bars. All we need now is a Diabetes Type 2 announcement.

When we come back (lusting after all the wrong food) we're at Jimmy's gym and Lobo is asking Jimmy to fill in for him with Momia because el Jairo is back. Jimmy warns him about how dangerous Jairo is when Lo.!.the devil himself appears. In a really busy, brightly patterned shirt. Shoot the guy for bad fashion sense. His menacing goons are all in black, the better to highlight his bright hues. Our thug is also an accountant and has figured all the interest Lobo owes him on the money he lost years ago. Uh oh.

Back to the apartment. Mauricio decides to head for the vecindad to see if he can bring back Monita. Dani is quite convincing, seeming almost delusional in her sweaty, feverish state. And Andres has taken Luisa to school. Whoops. Not really worried about Dani but definitely worried about Luis in Andres' clutches. Smooth guy. Hot car. Dangerous. I'll have what she's having. Nah. Not really.

Lobo's trying to talk his way out of Jairo's threats. His career in the States is in the toilet, he's got no money, no wife, nuthin'. Jairo gets it, but promises if Lobo plays his cards right, he'll be in the money again. Constanza arrives, looking fine, and wondering who the local talent is. Jimmy quietly fills her in on Jairo's mafioso dirty-dealing secret betting rap sheet. Stay away from him. Yeah, right.

Within two seconds Connie has skipped out to flag down Jairo and offer him a deal. She's going to win that fight with Monita even if she has to do it dirty. So do we have a deal on making some money off this? Jairo's on board. And a bit taken with the chutzpah of this high-class chick.

Now to the vecindad and a creepy scene. Hissabel, overplaying the grieving amiga, has stashed Alicia's ashes in a gaudy pink cookie tin. Ugh. Well, no point in paying for an urn when she's just going to scatter her ashes in the garden of the house in Moreléon. Callous cow indeed. But a practical callous cow. Mau arrives to beg Monita to come console feverish Dani. Mom jumps in to try and prevent it. Lobo backs her up. Mau tells them to butt out. Eventually persuades Monita to come. Mom volunteers Lobo to go with. Not needed sez Monita. Off they go. Time for one of Hissy's signature insults. In my day, the men had more guts, she sneers at Lobo. Poor guy. He's getting it from both sides--Jairo and Isabel. Tal para cual.

Nieves arrives in high dudgeon at the office. The giraffe is bristling. Her earrings are beyond description. And she is mad, mad, mad!!! Marcos, on the other hand, is looking hyper-thyroid. So upset his eyes are bugging out of his head. He can't believe she and Cesar spent the night together. And he really can't believe she wants him to withdraw the charges. After all, she was SE. CUES. TRADA. No way, sniffs Nieves. I was home the next day safe and sound. And during the night!? A little eye-roll and lubricious smile. Well he took me to an hotel, a room filled with carnations, candles, the fragrance of scented soap....and a Jacuzzi! Fortunately she spares him further details but he knows his Nieves and is suffering....Yes, the pains of those horns sticking out of his forehead are grievous indeed.

Well, it seems our Nieves is unashamedly a woman who can love two men (hey, why stop at that number?) and is laying it on the line (as she practically gets bent double over the desk by an ardent and forgiving Marcos). After she rescues the giraffe that got squished in this fit of passion, she announces that she loves Marcos....but she loves Cesar too. So get 'im outta jail. Punto. The winning argument? Cesar's only crime is loving me. And you, Marcos, are guilty of the same crime. Marcos caves. She gives him a quick kiss and scoots out. Our befuddled AARP galan holds out his empty arms and wonders just what the h**l happened. End of scene.

Mientras tanto, Constanza, fresh from deal-making with Jairo, now huddles with Isabel. Seems money needs trump the finer feelings. Although she doesn't really want Monita to die, if heads have to roll, better her than Miss Constanza. She accepts Hissy's deal and promises to help our vile serpent lady with her even viler plans. Oh Connie...we were actually hoping better for you.

And Beto? Fresh from a little menacing by Ocar, and a subsequent bondage fantasy with Connie (yesterday's haven't forgotten have you?) he's now relaxing by playing with his little luchadores figurines. Action Jackson Mexico style. Paula, delivering a cappucino, is outraged. So is he. Why isn't she wearing one of those mini-skirts and a "lift and separate" bra like a good secretary would? She demands the papers he needs to sign. He drops them. She bends over to pick them up and he gets an eyeful. Threats to report him for harassment to the Executive Secretaries Sindicate. Go Paula! Enter Gabriela. Beto informs her about Oscar's threats and how he helped Connie to marry Mauricio and then swindle him out of his money. Gabriela's stunned that she didn't think of this connection. Go Gaby. You're the brightest of the bunch. Do something. We leave Beto with his dolls and hopefully, Gaby with a plan.

Now we're at the cabaña (Nest of Nefariousness) and Sal and Aldo are having a heart to heart. Sal is marveling at the impulsiveness of youth, the lack of considering consequences and Aldo's impending fatherhood. Aldo is wishing he could do it all over and make better choices. Sal's rethinking things and actually wishing he'd been a little more impulsive and less fearful of change. And fear is now the topic. Aldo's very afraid....that they'll never get out, he'll never see his dad and Estrella again, never see his baby born. Well, Sal's afraid too. But there's no harm in that. The only wrong would be not to control that fear. A paternal hug. Sal gently brushes Aldo's hair. Cross your fingers.

Monita has finally arrived at Dani's bedside and our little gal is working it for all she's worth. She's missed Monita. And looking at the doctor, she says, these are my parents. I love them a lot. They're going to get married and we'll all live together, right? Good idea, Dani. I'll have what you're having.

Family matters also at the gynecologist's office. Estrella is moved to tears by the ultrasound pictures of her little baby--his tiny head, his steadily beating heart. But her cachorro isn't with her to see this. She's alone. All alone. Regrets and loneliness. Nope, don't want what she's having. Well, the baby yes! Love 'em. But not the loneliness. Let's keep our fingers crossed for her too.

Doc has checked out Dani, prescribed medications, encouraged Mau to call if there are any other concerns and leaves. Dani is still working her program, reminding Monita that she's her mother and she wants her here. Mau and Monita both try and explain that she's busy training for a fight but Monita promises to come as often as possible. Next our clever minx insists that Mau take Monita home. Tere can watch over her while he's gone. Nuthin' doing. Once they're out of the room, our stubborn monkey insists on taking the microbus home. She wants no time with two-timing Mau, thank you very much. He protests his innocence. She doesn't believe a word and she's off.

Now we're at the park. El Jairo on a bench. Henchmen standing. Lobo arriving and looking stressed. He's got no money to pay Jairo so--go ahead and shoot me! Jairo stands, smiles craftily and reaches in his suit jacket. Lobo gulps. And Jairo pulls out a cigarette case, lights up and makes his proposition. I've got a way to get you out of debt and make a lot of money. All you have to do is arrange for Monita to lose the fight in the third round. That's crazy! No way! Way. Otherwise both you and Monita will pay with your lives.

Ay yi yi. Don't want what they're having. And there we end.


Oscar's having a bad day. Cranky at being stuck in the cabaña. Hoping that Jeronimo may die. Otherwise he might just have to give him a little nudge in that direction.
Monita is busy training for the fight.
But Beto overhears Lobo and el Jairo talking about their plan to throw the fight.
Tune in tomorrow.

En mis dias, los hombres tenian más agallas. Men had more guts in my day.
Le quedo chico el jinete. lit. her rider is small. In other words, you Lobo are a lightweight. (Isabel's further insult to Lobo)
siempre se le suelta la lengua = Nieves telling Marcos that Beto runs off at the mouth (and told her about the marriage proposal before)
Usted no se meta! Tu no te metas! Stay out of this! Mauricio talking to Isabel and Lobo.
esparcir = scatter (as in scattering Alicia's ashes)
ne se le despegaba = he's always around her (lit. he's stuck to her) Mauricio complaining about Lobo's hanging around Monita.
susdicho = aforementioned, aforesaid An example of Christian's legalistic language, talking about Cesar's whereabouts
picarona = rascal, minx Paula, teasing Nieves about her passionate night with Cesar
tal para cual = two of a kind
parlanchin, parlanchina = talkative, motor-mouth

Dicho of the Day

To make no sense No tener ni pies ni cabeza.

Decided on this phrase, because Isabel's pathological hatred still makes no sense to me. I find her cold capacity to murder....even her own daughter.... utterly baffling.


Dinero # 61 4/12/2010: MOTEL PARAISO: rooms available, pay for the night or by the hour

Tonight was lots of fun. Lots of cute little Ale and Rafa moments. I know I will not be able to do such a visual episode justice with mere words but I will attempt to do my best.

We are ready for take off and Ale is attempting to fasten Rafas’ seatbelt. He gets the giggles and tells Ale to be careful. She stops, folds her arms and smiles at Rafa as he fumble to fasten it himself. Ale finally decides it needs a womens’ touch and fastens it for him.

Rafa prays to Santa Claus for help. Ale gives a very amused smile at this. She finally tells Rafa to shut up. Rafa is twitting and twitching as the plane finally takes off and we hear a delightful little shout of glee from Rafa. “I am flying for the first time!” “I feel like a bird.” Ale is telling him to shut up the whole time. Once airborne Rafa peaks out the window with child like wonder.

We are now at the salon. I think this entire scene was a PSA for water conservation. B is washing a clients hair and the water shuts off. We get a long conversation about wasting water and the need to be more careful. They can’t leave the soap in the clients’ hair. V says he will go to the corner market and buy some water. Ovi gives him money and he asks if anyone needs anything else. B wants some salty snacks. V tells him with all of that he will get thirsty. Not to worry says B as he hold up a large bottle of water. Problem solved as V snatches the bottle out of Bs’ hand to use on the client.

Rafa and Ale have landed. Rafa is so grateful they have arrived and are still alive. He stamps the ground and Ale tells him to stop as it looks like he is stomping on cockroaches. Ale tells him to keep walking. Rafa spies the captain and is anxious to thank him. He tells him the flight was as smooth as butter. The only problem was the windows don’t open. Ale is mortified and tries to apologize to the captain. She tells him that Rafa was only joking. Rafa tells Ale he wasn’t joking . If it wasn’t for the air conditioning he would have suffocated, as he makes a gesture. Ale is mocking him and Rafa asks her if she was suffocating as well. (Ale just give it up all ready. ) Again she tells Rafa to get walking.

Ale now tells Rafa they will catch a taxi. Rafa spies a large yellow taxi sign and starts yelling for a taxi. Ale tells him not to be so dumb he needs to go outside to get the taxi. Come on Ale cut the guy some slack. This was his first flight.

We have some more cute antics with the luggage and Ale yells at him to help her out. Rafa is fanning himself and telling Ale he feels the sea breeze. Ale tells him he is just sweating. She tells him to take off his jacket he looks like a roasted chicken. All poor Rafa wants to do is get a look at the ocean. He asks Ale if he can keep the tickets as a souvenir. (So sweet). Ale tells him sure but lets get moving.

They are walking along side the ocean. Rafa wants to know if this is the Ocean. Ale answers yes as if she were talking to a 5 year old. He wants to know if it is the Black Sea. Ale tells him no it is just night time. She tells him it will look much better in daylight. Than she inquires if this is the first time he has ever seen the ocean. He tells her he has never seen the ocean before. Ale then introduces Rafa to the ocean, and the ocean to Rafa. (This was very touching). Rafa greets the ocean and tells it he his pleased to meet it. Ale tells him to get unpleased and move it. Rafa needs a moment longer as he gazes out in wonder. Ale also gives herself a fleeting moment to soak in her surroundings and it is back to business. Rafa tells the ocean goodbye until tomorrow, and they go off in search of a taxi.

Marco is talking to Chavez on the phone telling him that Ale has gone to the Playa Estralla with Rafa. He is all alone. He asks Chavez for the phone number of oh what’s her name? Oh yea Astrid. Chavez chides him for not being faithful. Marco is insulted that Chavez has told him he has never been faithful to anyone. He tells him to not meddle and to give him Astrids’ phone number.

Ale and Rafa are not having very much luck in finding a hotel. The Taxi stops in front of a motel. Ale wants to know what’s up. The Taxi guy says it is the only hotel they are going to find. Ale calls it “un hotel de paso”. Which I think refers to a place that rents rooms by the hour. Ale looks quite disgusted.

Ale is still taken back by the hotels appearance. The taxi driver suggest they can always hang out on the beach, he goes on saying how romantic that would be, with a bottle of wine, the ocean breeze . Rafa is more than sold on this idea. Ale not so much. She decides they will stay at the hotel. She argues with the taxi driver over the price. She tells him they are not tourists but from Mexico. She finally agrees to pay for it but wants a receipt. The taxi driver says receipt? Then Rafa sarcastically explains to him what a receipt is. ( He has been hanging out with Ale too long. ) He tells the driver he doesn’t want to get Ale mad.

Rafa struggles to get the luggage out of the car. Rafa thanks the taxi driver, telling him even though it was a little expensive. They both look exhausted as they head towards the hotel. We see young couples out on the street dancing to music. Rafa is into this. Ale not so much. Rafa stops for a moment to enjoy the music. Ale tells him not to socialize with the natives.

Rafa almost trips over Ale as they stop in front of the Motel Paraiso. They are greeted by an elderly woman. Ale is horrified at the thought of having to spend the night there. As she shouts “Virgin of agarradero”. I don't have a clue what that means.

Once inside the motel Ale asks for two rooms. The clerk repeats two rooms? Ale quips yes don’t you have two rooms? The clerk tells her they have lots of rooms but only one is available, but they will have another one available in two hours. (too funny).

Ale says they will take the one room now. She asks how much and does not seem too bothered by the price and says at least Beltran will be happy. Rafa does a funny little imitation of Beltrans’ “Money money money”. Ale asks for a receipt. The clerk seems puzzled by this. He tells her he doesn’t have receipts. This place is very discreet. (Oh I am very sure of that). Ale does not want him to get the wrong impression and gives a little song and dance about why she needs the receipt. The clerk continues to look confused. Ale finally just tells him to give her a piece of paper with the motels name, date and cost.

As they are ready to leave the clerk whispers to Rafa . I think he was offering him free condoms. Rafa takes a look at one and Ale turns and tells him to get moving. Rafa mumbles something about no parachutes, no party.(What?) And off he goes after Ale.

They walk past a very amorous young couple. Ale puts her jacket over her head as she heads up the stairs. She does not want to ruin her reputation. Rafa chides her. The stairwell is very narrow and blocked by another quite amorous couple. Ale covers her face and walks by quite embarrassed. As Rafa walked past them I think the guy accidentally groped him. They are walking towards their room and Rafa is peaking in all the windows. Ale tells him to stop it. Then Ale peaks for a moment as well.

They finally have arrived at their room. Rafa continues to be excited. Ale mocks him. She calls the room a rat infested horror. Rafa says it is not so bad he has seen worse. Then we have a little grammar lesson on how to say worse in Spanish. Ale goes to wipe off a counter and Rafa cautions her not to touch things. Ale is grumbling and whining and Rafa is over by the window enjoying the music and dancing.

Ale calls the bed disgusting, Rafa thinks it isn’t so bad until he lies down and gets a whiff. Then he agrees it is a little disgusting.(Gag!!) Ale doesn’t even want to think about what was done on the bed. Rafa wouldn’t mind knowing.

Rafa picks up his luggage and gets ready to leave. Ale wants to know where he is going. He tells her to the reception desk to wait until a room becomes available. Ale is suspicious of what he might really be up to. She accuses him of just wanting to go and party. She tells him he isn’t going anywhere. She won’t let him risk loosing the big sale tomorrow. She says he is going to stay put with her. Rafa drops his jaw and gives her an elfish grin . Ale is shocked that he might have the wrong impression. (This was very cute).

Rafa says he cant stay there. There is only one bed. Where is he suppose to sleep. Ale tells him the floor. They argue about this for a while and it is settled. Rafa will sleep on the chair. She reminds him they need to get up early in the morning. After all they didn’t come here to party. What would his girlfriend think. Rafa suddenly remembers he needs to call Vicky. Ale wants to know if he is going to tell her she is with him. Rafa says no way she would kill him, then how would he be able to make his sale.

Ale continues chatting as Rafa dials Vickys’ number. Rafa begs her to please shut up. Ales’ little mean streak takes over as she continues to chatter and suppresses a giggle.

Don Gaston answers the phone to an apologetic Rafa. He asks to speak to Vicky. Papa screams a couple of times for Vicky but gets no response. He wonders what the brat is up to now. He approaches her bedroom door and knocks on it. Still no answer. He starts pounding. Now the Brothers Grimm are checking out what all the racket is. They are making all kinds of noise. Rafa seems very concerned. Ale walks over to him and pretends to hang herself with one of her shirts. (Very funny) .

The guys are now pounding and screaming for Vicky, whom we see sitting very calmly on her bed. They finally decide to kick in the door. Rafa is listening to all of this very concerned. Ale leans in to get a listen. Rafa brushes her off.

Vicky wants to know why they kicked the door down. Vicky is in drama overdrive and says she is depressed. Papa tells her Bofe is on the phone. Ale is still eavesdropping and hears this and teases Rafa about being called Bofe.

We have a lot more Vicky drama-rama talking with Rafa. She tells him how much she cares for him and she doesn’t want to loose him and she doesn’t want to keep fighting . (I prefer her knife wielding screaming to this fake syrupy sweetness.) Vicky wants the number of the hotel. Rafa says it doesn’t have a phone. Vicky wants to know if Ale is there too. We see Ale in the background putting all her clothes out on the bed. Rafa finally calms her down and Vicky wants a little song from her love bird. If he doesn’t sing she won’t hang up. Ale continues bugging Rafa. He finally starts to whistle . Ale giggles at him and does a little Rafa whistle imitation with a little Vicky shrill added for kicks.

Now it is Ales’ turn to call. She warns Rafa to be respectful of her call (like she was with his). Well that isn’t going to happen. Rafa wants to know why she has put all the clothes over her bed. It is to protect her from all the fleas and lice on the bed. (So now they are all over her clothes?) .

We see Marco in bed with (I can only assume) Astrid. He is on the phone with Ale. She wants to know what he is up to. He lies and tells her he is watching TV. He asks her about Rafa. When she repeats his name Rafa says here I am. This startles Ale and she almost drops the phone. Marco senses something is up, but Ale is able to fast talk her way around this and hangs up.

Rafa is in the bathroom and Ale is knocking on the door quite impatiently. Rafa exits the bathroom wearing the strangest pajamas I have ever seen. Ale is a little shocked by them as well. Rafa tells her to not even think about asking to borrow them. He sits on the chair to go to sleep and thinks about the beach

Ale comes out of the bathroom. She asks him if he can really sleep in the chair. She is scratching herself like crazy and asks Rafa if he thinks there are lice here. Rafa tells her he doesn’t think so. He says it is probably fleas. Then he teasingly says, “One little flea you will find in your mattress.” Ale tells him to shut up as she continues to itch.

She tells him to turn off the light. He grumbles as he gets up to turn off the light. As he walks back to the chair he starts stumbling around and both of them get the giggles. Then we see them both drift off.

We get a little Dandy and Susana time. They are at her “reunion”. It turn out to be some new-age type little sit in. with every one sitting up on a table. They are all dressed is caftans except for Dandy who is still in his suit and tie. (This was really weird.) I think the topic is about sexual abstinence but got more than a little lost. Dandy is very uncomfortable sitting with his legs crossed and bare foot. He lets out a big yawn as the leader of the group walks by and purposely steps on his foot.

Susana tells him to enjoy this experience because few get to take advantage of the wise one. Dandy can‘t imagine going without sex. Susana seems a little irritated when Dandy continues ranting about how ridiculous that concept is. She leads Dandy out to the lobby to make a call to Ale. He falls off the table making a ruckus and is shushed by everyone. We see him crawling barefoot trailing after Susana.

Now we have Rafa asleep on the chair. The phone rings. It is Susana. Ale tells Susana she will never guess where she is spending the night and who she is spending it with. Rafa awakes and shushes her. He tells her to lower her voice.

Dandy wants to know what the call was. He questions if it was about Ale. Susana prefers not to discuss this with him. She finally admits that Ale is in Puerto Vallarta with Rafa on business. Dandy seems impressed with this. Susana tells him it is not like that. They are only there on business.

Dandy wants to know what they are going to do next. She says they are going back inside to the reunion. Dandy is not thrilled with this. He had other plans and abstaining from sex was not one of them.

It is morning and Ale is dressed in a very fetching sun dress. She sees Rafa asleep on the chair leaning against the wall. She has a little inner struggle. Should she be sweet or should she be herself. She settles for sweet. She leans gently calling out his name to wake him. This isn’t working, so she finally resorts to being herself and starts yelling at him to get up. Poor Rafa wakes startled and confused and grabs his shoe, thinking he is talking on the phone to Ale. He finally wakes up fully, stands and is all surprised to see Ale standing there. He wants to know what she is doing there then finally remembers where he is.

Ale is now totally herself and rags on Rafa to get moving. She grabs his clothes and throws them in he bathroom and tells him to take a bath. He heads to the bathroom with Ale yelling and we don’t see this but I think Ale gets an eyeful of Rafa stripping. He teases her that she just wants to take a peak. This gets her all flustered as she finally gets the door closed. .

We are now at Siglo with Susana telling everyone not to take advantage of Ales’ absence . She reminds them all that the Corporate big wigs are going to be there soon . She leaves. Ramiro remarks that a morning without Ale is like a morning without terror. They all wonder where Rafa is.

We get a look at Marinos’ new wig of the month. It looks like an orphan Annie wanna be only it is black. The crew are all questioning Dandy about his night with Susana . They are not pleased with the outcome. Marino tells him if things continue as they are he is going to turn into a celibate vegetarian.

He does tell them that the night was not a total loss as he got some good gossip. He proceeds to let them know that Rafa is with Ale in Puerto Vallarta doing business. Claudia wants to know if he is certain it is only a business trip. Rosaura assures her that Ale would have nothing to do with the likes of Rafa. The general thinks they are there so Ale can dismember him and throw the body in the ocean.

Marino wants to know why Ale is there with Rafa. They wonder whose sale it really is. They finally decide it is Rafas’ sale and Ale is there as an accessory to close the deal. This suddenly puts Marino in a panic. He is determined to outsell Rafa this month and reclaim his first place standing. And he is off to sell cars.

Rafa is ready for the day. He is in a very bright yellow t-shirt, beach shorts , and sandals with white socks on.(I told you this episode was very visual). Ale wants to know if it is joke. Rafa is offended. This is good enough for his family. She tells him to go put something else more appropriate on. Rafa tells her the only thing he has is his suit. She tells him to go put that on even though he will be all sweaty.

They finally leave the motel. Rafa is out front and we hear a very embarrassed Ale not wanting to be seen leaving the motel with Rafa. He tells her there are no taxis. They duck and weave as not to be seen. They finally approach a horse drawn white carriage. Ale gets in first and as Rafa gets in He notices the Ocean for the first time in daylight. Again we see the wonder and awe on Rafas’ sweet face.


Un Gancho al Corazón Monday 4/12/10 Stress Management

Well OK gang. Some sort of disaster has befallen my laptop so I'm having to begin from scratch and with a minimum of tools or time to work with. I've lost the text that I had typed earlier, so I hope I'm able to provide something of a recap for this episode. Here we go.

In Hombre's ripping recap of Friday we were left with a number of loose ends not the least of which are the fates of three beloved characters, Alicia, Rolu and Jero. If you will indulge me, I'll begin with Hombre's recap which overlaps this episode:

Put down your weapons! demands Jerry of the cops. Arnie says don’t shoot, and Xime agrees, she’s young, and beautiful, right? Jerry makes for the door, when Rolu STANDS UP, lunges out of his chair, and starts pulling Jerry off of Ximena. Jerry stops fighting, this is interesting. Xime’s happy her Rolu defended her. Grab him, yells Gabi, but Jerry punches Rolu, who crashes to the floor, and snatches his sister again, ordering Arnie to open the door. Arnie refuses. Jerry says you’d better if you don’t want to be cleaning Ximena’s brains (sesos) off the floor when these guys fire their guns. Not my brains! pleads Xime. Arnie opens the door, Jerry drags Ximena out, and Arnie and the others run after them. The cops trip over each other, as Rolu rushes ahead. Xime grabs a railing, you never take me anywhere brother, why now? Rolu and Arnie yell to let her go! Jerry throws Xime into Arnie’s shocked arms, and bolts. Xime calls Arnie her hero, as Rolu launches himself OVER THE RAILING, crashing down on top of Jerry, twenty feet below, as both their heads CRACK against the pavement!!!!

There’s blood, and Xime bemoans that she might be a widow and without her hermanolfo, at the same time!

Coni, desperate to get out of her jam, has sought out the only other person who could help, her Daddy. She tearfully tells him that Mom went to Italy, and she took all that money! She needs him to get that money back, but Marcos won’t, it’s time for Coni to take responsibility for her mistakes. He agrees that what her Mom did was bad, but you, daughter, also obtained that money through dirty dealings, blackmailing and tricking Mauricio. Forgive me, daughter, but you deserve what happened to you.

Cut to someone who did NOT deserve it, Alicia, lying lifeless on Moni’s bed, as Nieves calls to Moni from outside. She comes in, sees Alicia, gets increasingly distraught as there’s no response.

Coni begs her Dad, I’ll sell the house, can’t you just give me a loan? Marcos is firm, she had to lose everything to learn her lesson, to give up her hate and desire for vengeance. She sinks to her knees, implores him, she really needs to pay a debt, the situation is very, very serious, please, Daddy, please! Marcos takes a deep breath, points a stern fatherly finger at her. Tell me to my face, you’ll change, you’ll return the ownership of the vecindad, you’ll cancel the fight with Valentina. Coni jumps up, I can’t do that Dad, I just won’t! In that case, daughter, there’s nothing I can do for you.

The heavy burden of this fatherly admonishment is writ large on Coni’s face,

Coni remains steadfastly stubborn even in the face of the threat of personal disaster. One must admire her resolve if not her wisdom. It looks as though this is a clash of indomitable wills, Coni and Maros. Unfortunately for Coni, in this game, Marcos holds all the trump cards.

As Lobo and Moni enter the patio, they are discussing the various interpersonal relationships of our story. Lobo tells Moni that Beto was very upset to see him with Coni and he wants to know why Moni insisted that he train Coni to fight against her. Moni doesn't care to go into detail but does share with him that Coni and Mao were once married. They are joined by Sneaky Snake who is exhausted from spending the entire morning submitting to tests at the hospital. Say what? You've been busy murdering the only true friend that you have in the world you callous cow. She suggests that they all go eat together. Moni needs to pop into her apartment and change clothes. Isabel suggests that she and Lobo get to know each other better over a cup of coffee while Moni changes.

Mientras tanto, Nieves is bent over Alicia, who is strangely silent for a change, pleading with her not to be dead. Moni, Lobo and Isabel enter. Seeing Nieves pleading with Alicia, Lobo rushes over, inspects Alicia's face, briefly passes his hand over her nose and mouth, gravely looks up with furrowed brow, and pronounces Alicia dead, "Está muerta." Gee, I must have missed the part that revealed Lobo's medical credentials. Isabel is stunned.

Three figures clad in blue paper surgical gowns, masks and caps are peering solemnly at a body in a bed just out of view. It is, from left to right, Arnie, Ximy, and Gabi. Gabi is sorry that her actions resulted in this. Ximy is philosophical, "Don't feel guilty, Gabiru, it was bound to happen sooner or later." However, it does make her sad to see him lying there in that bed unable to move. Gabi notes that even though there were many problems between the two, he was still important to Ximy. Arnie suggests that it might be a good time for Ximena to say three things. Ximy agrees. "Una. How unfortunate that we always argue over stupid things you say. Dos. It trouble me to see you like this but you deserve it for the way you treat me. Tres. Does it smell like a hospital in here?" Gabi reminds her that's because they are in a hospital. A third figure in blue joins them. It's Rolu. "How is Jerónimo?" It is now that we are allowed to see that indeed it is Jero occupying the hospital bed. He doesn't look all that bad although he is unconscious. He has a small butterfly strip over his right eye and a pronged oxygen cannula in his nose. Gabi, not overflowing with sympathy observes that the only bad thing is that now Jero can't give them the location of Oscar. Ximena echos that concern. She and Rolu then sweetly nuzzle through their masks.

Back at Moni's place, Isabel, turning to Moni, is feigning grief and disbelief, "She can't be dead!" Sorry, Dr. Wolf has declared it so and sadly shakes his head in verification of the fact. Not missing the opportunity to chew a little scenery, She turns on Nieves, accusing her of murdering Alicia. Not to be outdone, Nieves turns the tables on her accusing Isabel of murder. Too much for Moni who orders Nieves out. Lobo gently but firmly escorts Nieves out with her protesting all the way and even threatening to off the awful Serpent Lady. With Nieves out of the way, Issy throws herself hysterically over Alicia's lifeless body. Jeez! This lady truly has no shame.

In his office at Groupo Sermeño, like a lot of executives, Beto busies himself playing with his dolls. Coni sits across the room pulling the arms off of one of the dolls. He sees that she's troubled. He suggests that a little game of boss and randy secretary with her on his lap taking dictation. When she tells him that she's not in the mood he is really worried and asks what's bothering her. She tells him about her mother robbing the money and taking off for Italy with Costeño. Beto tells her that she's mistaken, that she returned the money to Mao and that he in turn gave it to the children's refuge. She is speechless.

At school, a still miffed Luisa whines to a sympathetic Andres about the insults of her maturity by Alejandra at the party. Of course the horny Andres likes how she looks just fine and besides it's her inner beauty that he admires most. Gotta give the little bastard credit, he knows how to play the game.

Speaking of games, said Alejandra has cornered Iván and is explaining to him that he needs a grown woman, not an immature brat (escuincle) like Luisa. Turns out, she happens to be just what the Dr. ordered and to prove it, she gets up, locks the door (a very nice as well as mature touch), pulls him out of his chair by his shirt collar, and proceeds to examine his oral cavity with her tongue. He doesn't resist. Uh oh!

Back in the 'hood Mao is chatting with Estre as they stroll onto the patio. They are worried about Aldo since there's been no more word from the detective. They encounter a grieving Nieves who informs them that Alicia is an ex-parrot and that she is blamed. She tells them that Moni, Isabel, and Lobo are still with the body and that the medics are there as well. Estre consoles Nieves as Mao goes to check.

A young doctory type in white lab coat with a stethoscope draped around his neck is pulling a sheet over Alicia's face. Well that certainly makes it official, she's dead. I've never seen anyone recovery once that sheet is pulled over the face. He says it looks like she suffered an infarct. "Well, she has felt suffocated lately, but thought it was from menopause." Mao meekly offers condolences.

On the patio, Nieves asks Estre who beat up Mao. "Lobo." Nieves thinks that they are all cursed and performs a quickie mini-exorcism.

Back inside, The ever helpful Mao offers to take care of the arrangements and is rudely informed by Lobo that his help is not needed or wanted. Isabel confirms this. Mao looks like a whipped puppy as he glumly brings up the rear of the procession wheeling out Alicia's corpse. They file past the denizens of the project who respectfully watch as they pass. Poor Isabel has endured all she can take an instructs Moni and Lobo to take care of the arrangement while she goes back inside to rest. She and Mao exchange grim glares as she ducks inside. Mao looks as though he could be thinking as he clenches his teeth. Hard to tell... could be gas.

Back home, Ximy is clinging to Rolu and gushing over the fact that he risked his life to save her. She was worried that he would end up pureed, but of course he's had a lot of experience with falls. Now, here he is already with his cervical collar. Seething, Arnie brings up the uncomfortable fact that Rolu is suddenly able to walk and would like to discuss this further. Bad timing Arnie, wait till later. This is simply too much information for Ximy to process right now. Arnie won't let it rest. He points out that Rolu must have been lying all this time and thinks Ximy should proceed with her plan to kick him out once he is able to walk. Do I hear any Arnie supporters wavering?

Gabi expresses her sympathy for Jero as she stands by his bed and tells him that she hopes that he will be able to open his eyes and talk. Not because she cares about him, but so he can give up Oscar. She calls him un pedazo de imbécil (a piece of an imbecile). Cold.

Ximy points out to Arnie that she is surrounded by evil, Coni and Oski. Who would protect her if her super-hero left. Arnie suggests that he would but Rolu reminds him that he is too pre-occupied with germs to be useful. Ximy chides Rolu. While he is her super-hero, she is Arnie's super-heroine who will protect him from bugs (bichos). Arnie is not prepared to face the world without her. Ouch! Then to unwittingly dump a bit of salt in the wound she opened, she thinks that now she should retire to the bedroom with Rolu to see what other abilities he has recovered. Double ouch.

On the lawn of Beelzebub's Bed and Breakfast, Loriloca is dancing. She sees it as the perfect spot for her upcoming wedding to Sal. Oscar comes out and invites her back inside. Much to the amusement of Oscar's goons she begins telling him of her plans. The tables, the orchestra, her giant cake, three hundred forty seven guests... "Three hundred forty seven burros are going to run over (corretear) you if you continue to pester me (atosigarme), now get inside."

Inside Hotel Hell, Sal and Aldo, both looking healthy and functional are wondering what has become of Jero. Lori enters and cautions Aldo not to talk to her about Oscar who has the disposition of a hundred devils. She tells Sal that She has been planning their wedding and that all they need is to come up with a date.

Isabel tells Moni that they are lucky to have Lobo. "Yes, he's arranging the funeral." Issy's Snakephone rings. It's Oscar. He wants his money. Lobo returns. There's a place he wants to take Moni before the wake (velorio). OK with Viper she's got business to take care of on the phone. She tells Oscar that she couldn't talk before. He understands but wants his money. She gives him the bad news, "That stupid Coni gave it to Jerónimo." Oscar is not pleased.

Back at Oscar's Oasis of Odio, Lori looks out the window and announces Oscar's return. She instructs Aldo to sit next to her and Sal so Oscar won't bother (fastidiar). Oscar is followed into the room by Tweedledum and Tweedldee. He is on his cell phone leaving a message for Jero, "I want my money or you are a dead man." Precise and to the point.

On the patio, Nieves an Estre are reminiscing about Alicia. Estre Recalls that she invited her to stay with her in Moroleón for the duration of her pregnancy. Nieves admits that sure they fought, but that was their custom. They were really very close friends. A frantic Marcos joins them. He's concerned about Nieves. Was she injured? Well, not exactly. He invites her for dinner. She can't, Alicia has died. "¿Qué?"

Lobo has brought Moni to the gym. She tells him that nothing is going right for her. Mao and her best friend in bed together, she has to fight Coni... "Have to? Cancel it." "Can't." She has Alicia's funeral today and soon her mother's (can't come soon enough for me). He has the answer... box. "Box?" "Always works for me." I'm liking this guy less and less. He convinces Moni to put on the gloves, get up in the ring, and box away her cares and woes. Uh... OK. Now Moni is wearing a little shot black dress with spaghetti straps, precariously high-heeled shoes, and now boxing gloves. To make things worse, I don't have the ability at the moment to provide a snapshot of this. And Moni thinks that she has troubles. Sheesh!

Back at Tres Picos (caught the name as Rolu flew off the balcony) Arnie is furiously scribbling in his diary. Ximy looks over the upstairs balcony and calls to him. Could he get her some ice? Rolu strained his neck when he took off the collar in order to kiss her better. Ouch again. He obediently complies and she creeps down the stairs to get a peak at the diary. She reads what he has just written. It is written as a poem expressing his impossible love for Ximena. She looks sadly thoughtful. He returns with the ice and seeing her ith his diary, drops it. They gaze at each other.

Beto has found a way to jolly Coni out of hr blue funk. They are back at her place (formerly Mao's place. He is backing her into the room as she furtively unbuttons his lavender shirt (Once more, no macho hangups for our Beto). She falls back onto the bed and orders him, "I'm tired, de-stress me!" The mood, however is broken when the light switches on and they are joined by Oscar and a pistol, "Buenas noches."

Well here she is, little black dress, high-heels, and boxing gloves. I think I like Coni's stress reduction better, although this is certainly quite a sight. Lobo holds up mitts to field her punches as she goes at it with a vengeance. He shouts encouragement. She quickly tires and he's ready with a warm embrace as she collapses in his arms. Tranquila monita. Tranquila." He promises to allow nothing to harm her as he kisses away her tears. Next!

Crap, he's still at it as we return from commercials. She's even responding a bit until he grabs her butt. Bad Wolf! She knocks his hand away. "¡No!" "You can blindly trust me, Monita. I'm incapable (incapaz) of lying to you. I would never betray you." Yes, and my farts smell like Chanel #5. Fortunately this little charade is interrupted by a gangster-looking guy with a bad eye job and his two toadies. "Incapable of lying Lobo? Of all the traitors I know, you are the worst." Jairo, I presume?

Dang, and me without photos. Coni is affixing Beto spread-eagled to the wall at the head of the bed. Oscar gestures with his pistol, "Hurry up! I don't have much time." Beto thinks that it's not so bad if Oscar wants to watch them. When he hears Oscar demanding money he suggests recording them and selling the video on the Internet. Then Beto wonders, "This one too?" Coni denies that and has no idea why Oscar is in her house. Oscar assures him that he just wants to talk with his lover and that she will explain it all to him later. "Come on, Beautiful (primor)." He pulls her toward the door. "Beautiful?" Now Beto is really worried. He warns Oscar that if he does anything with her he will finish him off. Oscar points the gun at Beto. "Sí, sí, sí, sí! ¡Está bien!"

Ximy tell Arnie to leave the ice where it is. "Arnie you (tupi) and I (yopi) need to talk." She gestures with his diary, telling him to take a seat. He admits that he wrote the letters from Rolu and that little by little he has fallen in love with her. At the top of the stars, Rolu listens.

Yep, it's Jairo. He hates to interrupt such a tender moment but he and Lobo have unfinished business. Lobo says not now, he'll look Jairo up later. Jairo recognizes Valentina la Monita López and offers to be her manager. He is the best. "I don't work with Mafiosos."He assures her that he is not Mafia, "However i if you'll kiss those..." Moni's ready to take on all three. Lobo seems agitated, "It's not worth the trouble."

In the other room, Coni tells Oscar that she thought that he and Jero were partners. He came looking for the money. She doesn't have the money. She sold her boutique and will sell the house. She accuses Oscar of being stupid for aligning with Jero. Oscar wants his money and if he doesn't get it she's going to jail for Sal's murder. He ends up giving her a few more days and calls her Beautiful again. Uh oh.

Ximy is now wondering in what kind of love has Arnie fallen into with her. Platonic love or love love. He admits that indeed it's love love. Rolu can take it no longer. He comes out of hiding. It's all a joke. Boy, Ximy almost fell for it. She looks for the hidden cameras. Her friends, all but Coni, will enjoy it. She tells them that soon she will pull a good joke on them. She goes upstairs and Rolu turns on Arnie telling him to get it straight, Ximena doesn't care for him the way he wishes. And now he's going back upstairs to join HIS wife in THEIR bed.

Beto is still bound to the wall. He wants some answers. "Está bien, Bizcocho, I'll tell you the truth."

Moni's upset by what happened. She wants to know if Lobo's keeping anything from her. He tells her it's just as he had said, Jairo lost all his bets because he refused to throw a fight. Lobo's just upset that such a special moment was interrupted. Moni thinks that's for the best. It was wrong. She's not ready. "I need time. Thanks for everything you're doing for me." As she walks away Lobo scowls, "I'm not so patient, Monita, much less now that el Jairo has found me."



Corazon Salvaje: Monday April 12, 2010

Regina comes in and sees Aimee in her bridal attire. She comments on how beautiful Aimee is.

Juan is sailing as quickly as he can back to Veracruz.

Aimee comes down the stairs to her dad. You look beautiful he says. Aimee asks him to give her a blessing before heading to the church. He blesses her and asks her if she is happy. Of course replies Aimee. So am I responds Rodrigo. Now you must dedicate your life to your husband. You will be his wife until death separates you. Aimee recalls Juan on the ship asking her to allow him to talk to her dad about them marrying. She wonders how things would be if she had allowed Juan to do what he wanted. Would she feel the same way as she does now? Completely sad?

Juan asks Gabe to get the boat fixed while he goes and gets his woman.

Renato asks Leonarda and Noel for their blessing before heading to the church. They grant him his request. Clemencia comes in and Noel asks if she has a way to get to the church. No replies Clemencia. Noel invites her to join them in their buggy. Leonarda throws a fit. She will not allow a servant to ride with them. Noel has grown a set today and tells her he didn't ask for her permission.

Marlene tells Philippe that she's going to the wedding so that she can get a glimpse of her daughter. She knows Rosenda will be there today.

Santo and company flirting with local girls.

Remigio recalls Renato giving him an invitation for him to come to the wedding. He recalls Renato gushing about his intended bride. Thank god Juan left he says out loud. I don't know what would have happened if he found out.

Carriage is drawing up to the church with Aimee waving at the crowd like she just won the Miss America pageant. The crowd goes wild with happiness and little girls dressed up running around the carriage throwing flower petals all around. Aimee basking in all the attention.

More carriages drawing up to the church with various close friends and family.

Juan has brought the little guy with him. He asks him to knock on the door of the Montes de Oca house. No answer. So he has him run up to some ladies in the street and ask where the family is.

Renato rides up on a horse to the church. He spots Aimee and all in slow-mo gazes at her and smiles. Regina teary at the display. Hugs from Rodrigo, Leonarda and Noel. Dr. Pablo comes up.

Little guy tells Juan that the Montes de Oca are at the finca. Duh says Juan. Why didn’t I think of that? He tells little guy to go to the fisherman. He’s going to get Aimee.

Noel asks Regina if she’s okay. I’m fine replies Regina. He tells her that he understands she’s suffering and just wanted to let her know that he will be at her side today and always. I know and thank you says Regina.

Dr. Pablo gazes at Regina and recalls Rodrigo’s words to him about only being allowed in their home as a doctor. Dr. Pablo tips his hat to her and turns away. Renato turns around and looks at Regina. Regina looks at the priest who tells her with his hand to be strong. The priest welcomes everyone to the house of God. He invites them all in to start the ceremony. Marlene and Philippe run up.

Juan goes to see Remigio and says that he’s back because he cannot live without Aimee. He has come back for her. Remigio drops the invitation on the floor.

The wedding ceremony starts and the narrator comments on the pain that Regina is feeling watching Renato marry her sister.

Juan swears to Remigio that he has tried to take Aimee out of his head but can’t. That is why I came back and will do anything. I will talk to Renato. I will explain who I am and tell him the whole truth. I know that he will understand. Remigio tries to stop him from talking, but is having a hard time getting a word in edgewise. Juan keeps going on that he knows once Renato knows the truth he will give them his blessing. Finally Remigio says “Enough!” Everything that you just said will not happen. No one will understand or accept what you will say. What’s wrong asks Juan. Aimee and Renato are getting married.

The ceremony continues.

Juan reads the wedding invitation and can’t believe his Aimee is getting married. But I came back for her! She cannot marry another. How long have you known about this shouts Juan. Since you left replies Remigio. Juan says I have to stop the wedding. Remigio says it’s too late. At this moment she is probably already his wife. No! No! No! shouts Juan. You are lying!

The priest asks Renato if he accepts Aimee as his wife. To love her, respect her and to be faithful all the days of your life. Yes, I accept replies Renato. The priest asks Aimee the same question. Aimee glances at Renato who smiles then at her sister, Clemencia, her father then at the door and finally accepts. He pronounces them husband and wife. Narrator again comments on Regina’s feelings. She asks God to give her strength. Marlene asks God for forgiveness and says she never should have left her daughter. She asks for strength and that Rosenda will one day forgive her. Rosenda sees her and shakes her head. The priest tells Renato that he can kiss his bride.

Juan is riding hard to the church.

The married couple walks out to a crowd shouting congratulations. More kissing from the newlyweds. Flowers being thrown. Aimee and Renato get into the carriage and leave.

Jimena recalls Griselda’s words that a gentleman would never fall in love with a gypsy. She says to herself that her aunt is right. A love between her and Gabe will be impossible.

Marlene is back home crying with Philippe attending to her. She thanks him for his support. She knows Rosenda will never forgive her and she doesn’t blame her. Philippe says she has to find a way to get close to her. How asks Marlene. He tells her to confess to her who she really is. No, not that says Marlene. She will definitely reject me. (I’m confused. I thought Rosenda knew who she is?) Marlene says she will do anything to get close to her daughter.

Jimena is looking at a ladies palm on the beach. She stops and runs into the ocean.

Noel halts the carriage and remembers that Regina did not leave the church. Rodrigo says she probably stayed to pray. He’s not concerned. She will probably come home with Federico.

Regina is at the church praying and asks God not to abandon her. She is more alone then ever. She feels that all the lights have been turned off by force. She feels she has lost everything forever. She pleads for God to illuminate her. Call to me because I feel so alone.

Federico glares at Eloisa who giggles like an idiot. Fulgencio oblivious. The carriage hit’s a rut and he complains about his bones. He tells Eloisa that he doesn’t want to stay at the party to long. He has pending business tomorrow and is tired. Eloisa complains. I will not miss the party. I want to have fun. Fulgencio says please understand. Eloisa asks Federico for help. Sorry, but I do not get involved in married couples affairs replies Federico. (Just sleeps with them instead)

Regina says they left me. Alone. Clemencia says no. I am here accompanying you in your misery. I knew you would need me. Regina cries that she has lost him forever. Clemencia says be happy for your sister. Your right replies Regina. I should be happy that we have pulled her out of the arms of Juan del Diablo.

Juan riding hard to the church.

Jimena in the ocean running around and spots Gabe. She calls out to him and they run into each others arms. Jimena can’t believe that he has returned. She hugs him and calls him “Mi Amor”. He gets a strange look on his face when he hears her say that.

Juan walks into the church and realizes that they are married. He’s too late. He stands before God crying and says I am here in front of you. I have asked for nothing. You have yanked out the love out of my heart. I give you back my heart. He falls to his knees crying.

Manana: Gabe tells Jimena to tell Estrella that he loves her; Juan goes looking for Renato at the finca


Monday, April 12, 2010

El Clon, Mon., April 12 - Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the witchiest (yes, and the b***iest) of them all?

Marisa follows Jade into the Ladies room. Jade is impactada to see Marisa.

[I couldn't remember where Jade had seen Marisa before until I remembered all the newspaper articles that Jade has seen with pictures of Marisa.] Jade leaves the bathroom but Marisa is prevented momentarily from following by a cleaning person. Jade tells Said she has a headache and they leave the restaurant before Marisa returns. Outside, Said is trying to bargain with the cabdriver like they do in Morocco when up drives Lucas. He doesn't see Jade but she sees him.

Jade flashes back to when she told Lucas that they would never be apart.

In the restaurant, Lucas, Adriana and Enrique are discussing Leo and Cristina. Adriana says that Leo loves Cristina and they ought to get together. Lucas replies that there are things about Cristina that his father can never deal with. Meanwhile, the witch has concluded that Jade being in the restaurant can't be a coincidence - she must have told Lucas she would be there. Marisa just comes out and asks Lucas if Jade is in Miami. Lucas is surprised, of course. When Lucas wants to know why she asking that out of the blue, Marisa claims that she has an intuition. Lucas' answer doesn't satisfy her and she is sure that he is lying.

Daniel runs to Albieri when he comes out of school, tells his buddies that Al is his father and pretends his mother isn't there. Nice kid. Dora tells Cristina and Vicki that she is afraid that Daniel doesn't love her anymore. She says that even though Albieri seems to be stealing her child's affection from her she can't deny Daniel the happiness that Albieiri's money brings him. When she leaves the room, Vicki tells Cristina that if Dora's mother were here, she would have scratched Albieri's eyes out.

Leo tells Enrique that he is going to lend Cristina money to pay her bills and start a business. Leo says that he is paying for peace. Cristina will start her own business and leave him alone. Enrique see it differently. He says that Leo is paying to control Cristina's life so that he can keep in contact with her.

Jade is distracted while Said talks to her. She claims that she is thinking about her mother and what would have happened if she hadn't died. Said says that she wouldn't have come to Morocco and met him, Ali and Zoraida. And Lucas, Jade says to herself. Said says that he would do anything for her if she would let him. She asks him to take her to visit Cristina who knows the name of the fertility doctor.

Jade comes to see Cristina and tells her what happened with Lucas in Morocco. Cristina calls Jade, 'mi bella genio,' which the English subtitles translate as 'Jeanne' in 'I dream of Jeanne.' Cristina assumes that Jade wants to meet Lucas but she says that she just wants to see him from afar. Cristina says that is like eating the orange with the peel. She says that she knows when Lucas plays tennis. She and Jade go to the tennis place. Jade sees Lucas and he sees her. She runs away and Lucas decides he was seeing things.

Lucas asks Marisa why she asked him if Jade was in Miami at the restaurant. Marisa refuses to give a straight answer and Lucas leaves the room in disgust. Marisa is sure that he and Jade have been together.

In spite of what Jade asked, Cristina thinks that Lucas should know that Jade is in Miami. She says that Jade will regret it later if she doesn't get to see Lucas. She calls Lucas' house, gets Marisa and hangs up without saying anything. Marisa asks Lucas if her voice causes people to hang up when they call. He just gets up and leaves the room. [Her dress is one of the ugliest broccoli rubber bands that she has.]

Said asks Jade if she called the fertility doctor. She replies that he just went on vacation and she can't remember his name. She asks Said to take her to New York or back to Morocco. Said tells Jade that this has been a test. He knows that she doesn't know the name of any doctors and that she isn't interested in getting pregnant. But not to worry, he has found out the name of a fertility doctor in Miami and she has an appointment with him tomorrow.

Latifa is reading the Koran out loud so that her baby will know the word of the Lord while he is being formed. Latifa tells Zoraida that she feels nauseous and doesn't want anything to eat.

The rest of the family are downstairs, eating. Nariza starts to put the moves on Ali. When Ali says that he always follows the Koran, Nariza says not so much because the Prophet abhors single women. Ali looks at her like a scorpion crawled out from under a rock.

Said asks Jade why the sudden change of mind. First, she was desperate to go to the States, now she wants to go to Morocco. Is she hiding something? She replies that coming to the states was a mistake and she wants to go back. Said says that they are in no rush and as long as they are here, she can see the fertility doctor.

Cristina finally gets Lucas on the phone. She says that Jade is in town and staying at a hotel in South Beach but she doesn't know which one. Lucas tells Marisa that he has to go to the office and scoots out. Marisa asks Rosa what Jade looks like but Rosa has never seen her. [Marisa does not find out who called by using the memory on the cordless phone. I guess the Ferrer's cordless phones don't record the numbers of the calls it receives like all the rest of them do.]

Lucas starts calling the hotels in South Beach.

At the doctor's office, Jade sees photos of Lucas and Marisa in a magazine and starts to cry. Said asks her what is wrong but she is called to see the doctor.

Marisa is ransacking Lucas' stuff. Rosa is present but not helping. Eventually, Marisa finds a photo of Jade and recognizes the woman in the restaurant. She says that she is sure that Jade is in Miami and that Lucas is seeing her.

Finally, Lucas finds the hotel where Said is staying. He heads for the door.

Said is ecstatic. The doctors have found no reason that Jade can't have children. He takes Jade back to the hotel and says that he wants to call Mohamed and everyone in Morocco. Jade asks to stay on the beach for a while. Up drives Lucas.

Lucas drags Jade onto the mysteriously empty beach. He asks why she pretended to be in love with him. Was it to escape her uncle or her marriage? He says that he was ready to leave his wife. He told Marisa that he loved Jade and Marisa will never forgive him for that. He says that he will never forgive Jade. She had him thrown out of her house like a dog. Jade tells him to forget her. Lucas says that he has but he is here to tell her the things that he didn't get a chance to say when she had him kicked out of the house in Morocco. Lucas and Jade get a little too close and lip magnetism grabs them and makes them kiss.

Nobody in Lucas' house knows where he is. Marisa is sure he is with Jade.

Post kiss, Lucas asks Jade why she lied, why she pretended that she loved him when she didn't.

Jade says that she doesn't love him. He asks why she went to the tennis club to find him. She says that it was a mistake. Lucas tells Jade that this is going to be the last time that he asks her. He gets on his knees and asks her to run away with him.

She replies that it wasn't written. It won't happen.

She gets up and leaves. She runs into Said's arms and begs him to take her away from here before she does something she doesn't want to.

Said calls Morocco and Ali tells Jade how happy he is about her ability to have children. Nariza tells Zoraida that Jade's body may be ok but Allah doesn't like her.

Albieri speaks to Daniel on the phone and then refers to him as Diego in front of Luisa. When Luisa asks why Albieri referred to Daniel as Diego, he changes the subject and asks about Julio, saying that he as been very distant for the last three years. Luisa denies it. She says that Albieri made one mistake but he is a very special man who overcame his mistake and that is why she loves him. Albieri ignores her declaration and asks her to get his stuff so they can go pick up Daniel.

Dora tells Daniel that he can't go out with Albieri. She has taken the day off to be with him. Daniel says that he doesn't want to go the mall with Dora because she doesn't ever have any money. Dora calls and cancels Albieri's visit. Albieri is upset. He says that he wanted to create the same physical conditions for Daniel that Diego had but he wonders if their spirits are the same.

Daniel refuses to eat what Dora made for him.

When she starts to cry, he comforts her. The phone rings. It's Leo calling for Cristina. Daniel says that Cristina isn't home. Leo tells his secretary that Daniel sounded just like his children when they were little.

Lucas comes home and Marisa says that she knows the truth - that he has been getting it on with Jade.

The credits roll.


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