Saturday, May 15, 2010

Corazon Salvaje May 14, 2010- Huge Revelations

We start off with flashbacks of pretty much all that happened last episode. It was a pretty charged one, wasn’t it?

Finally someone other than Clemencia shows they have a brain. Noel now knows Juan’s “secret”. Sike. After all those hints Juan kept dropping I'm surprised it took him this long! In any case Noel looks distraught at the thought that his little Juan, the one he almost adopted as the family pet is now planning something so evil. He is of course, speaking in that wonderful voice of his, trying to dissuade Juan. Juan's face is carved in stone.

Jimena storms into the finca looking for Regina. Where is the Butler around here? Leonarda bumps into her. "What are you doing here?" "Looking for Regina. I need to speak with her!" The way she looks and speaks, you'd think its life or death. Nonchalantly, Leo tells her that Regina is not home. Jimena looks close to tears. She tries grabbing Leo’s hand for a hand-reading and stupid fool that Leo is, she sits down to listen. At least Jimena isn’t feeding her a bunch of bull like her aunt.

Dramatically she hovers over her blood stained hand. “The past is coming back. It’s a past you’ve wanted to hide, but now its returning stronger than ever.”

Oh my, I think Leo is going to have another desmayo (fainting spell).

Juan and Noel are still discussing Juan’s plans. Juan says he swore to his father he would avenge his death and all the evil los Montes de Ocas have done to them. This is the first time I hear of this! -snorts-. He did so at his poor father's deathbed. Deathbed promises are sacred right? Juan explains how he went from total-revenge-everyone-dies to no-revenge-at-all-I'm-leaving-with-my-ponytail-between-my-legs to I-will-only-harm-evil-ones. Noel cheers up a bit at that since, well, he isn't one of the bad guys right?

“Do not get in my way and don’t worry about me, I'm not that child anymore. I still see you as a good man even if you hang with them Montes de Oca.” Noel doesn’t know what to reply.

Leonarda tells Jimena to leave after her dire warning. Aimee walks in and she complains about how bored she is alone all the time -huge eye-roll- as Leo tries to kick Jimena out. Jimena hugs Aimee (I hope Aimee’s evilness is not contagious). Jimena tells Aimee she needs advice. Aimee fans herself and smirks.

“I have a love problem…”

Rosenda is at Rodrigo’s townhouse begging him to please, pretty please with sugar on top let her move in with him. “I will be your most loyal servant.” -coughs- yeah right -coughs-. Her bosom is quivering. Rod as usual looks annoyed as he does pretty much all the time. Impossible, he says. Leo wouldn’t allow me. She says oh but I slept with you. He says no way you were the one who threw yourself at me, and here is a shiny coin so you can buy something pretty, go away. What an asshole.

Oh crap, Leonarda decides to visit Rod at that exact moment while Rosenda is still in his chamber. What to do now?

“Do not touch anything,” he warns and goes downstairs. She fumes. Incredible, he thinks I'm a thief? lol

While she waits for the love of her life, Leo asks his housekeeper if he ever receives visits… from girls. Before the poor girl can stutter any further, Rod walks down the stairs and Leo immediately starts complaining about Regina and asks him to marry her off ASAP! Rod looks slightly happy and proudly lets her know Federico just purchased the engagement ring (didn’t Rod sign for it?). Leo looks relieved.

Meanwhile, Clemencia for some reason is telling Regina that Juan was at the finca years ago, but that the rest is Juan’s story to tell. Regina is frustrated as usual with her cryptic responses. I would be too!

Back at the townhouse, Leo cackles and giggles. “Oh I’m so happy!” They speak of planning an intimate party for the engagement Rod concedes he will make an exception for Renato, even though he is still pissed at him. Those two deserve each other. Leonarda gives him a lingering kiss on the cheek and pustules on the pleasures of visiting him even after he not so subtly kicks her out.

Aimee is giving Jimena some really bad advice. Jimena says she doesn’t want Gabriel to suffer. “The worse you treat men, the more they love you. All men deserve to suffer. Use them for your purposes. You’re all that counts. It was Branco’s idea to pursue you, it’s his problem.” What. A. Bitch.

Remigio is notifying Juan that the casino is going to close down. He is upset because he won’t see Malu (Lulu) the cook (lady of the night) anymore. He’s only seen her once but he says he will certainly die.

The girls and Madame Marlene are crying and moaning. In my opinion MM is being too nice to Fifi. They all have something to say about how sad they are. It is actually pretty sad.

In the caves, Federico is gleefully informing Don Fulgencio that he is going to get his money back from the casino or he is going to throw Fifi in jail. Servando raises his enormous eyebrows in the background. Fulgencio says wow, that is amazing, what if I buy the casino from you and I’ll give you double its price? No Federico, don’t do it! Oh well, who cares, he is a bastard.

Rodrigo is back in his room with Rosenda after dealing with Leonarda. “Your mother stole from me before, you know. That’s why she left you and your father.” Wow, break it to her gently won’t you. Rosenda is crying. She did not know this. “She forgot everything, even that she had a daughter.” Poor Rosenda is now going back to Leonarda with her hopes dashed and with the heartache of knowing more about what her mother did. I would feel sorry for her if she wasn't such a double-crosser.

The aforementioned bad mother is in church praying to the virgin pleading for an opportunity to tell her daughter she is indeed her evil mother. Because that is going to go so well.

Rosenda runs into Madame Marlene as she exits the church. MM notices she is crying and asks her if she can be of assistance. Rosenda tells her that she just found out her mother was a whorish thief who left her without looking back. MM says she is also a mother and she wants to tell her her sad story, which Rosenda doesn’t want to hear. Duh.

Sexiness alert:

Jimena somehow found a hot spring the exact size for her to lounge in with a bunch of colorful flowers, strategically placed for “modesty”. She’s wondering what to do about the two guys that love her. Oh, to have such a horrible problem. Gabriel looks down from the over side and whoazers, I think Gabriel just had the peep show of his life. Hahaha, he is stumbling about covering his eyes apologizing and Jimena giggles. She couldn’t have planned that better, lol.

Jimena is wrapped up in some white cloth and Gabriel is still embarrassed as hell. “For God’s sakes Jimena, put some clothes on.” -giggles- He is done stuttering and demands to know what is her relationship with Branco. Jeez, aren’t you just her “friend”. Jimena claims their relationship is purely professional. “Is he your friend or something else?”

“Why do you ask me that?” good question! “Has he kissed you?” “It’s none of your business, you have no right to tell me what to do, you only love Estrella.”

Oh snap!

Branco appears out of the blue, almost scaring me. Was he stalking her? Branko tells Gabriel Jimena doesn’t want to be his “friend” anymore. Jimena also asks him to leave, that they will talk later. Poor Gabriel. “I swear I will return to clear all this up, no matter what.”

-fans face-

Jimena doesn’t look too happy and Branko is ogling her.

Leonarda is talking smack to Jimena. Jimena claims she’s been the perfect servant. Puhleeez. Leo explains she’s giving her a second chance as she mentions Regina’s impending funeral, I mean, wedding. Poor girl, how will Juan save her?

It is now nighttime, apparently. In the casino, Fulgencio and Federico are gossiping like old ladies and smelling the pesos they are about to steal. Juan is here, yay! He looks so handsome all dressed up, although shirtless is not a bad outfit either, tehee. Noel sits next to him and Rodrigo has a hissy fit about it. "Don't you care about the dignity of the los Montes de Oca fammily?" No he doesn't, shut up and have another heart attack horny old man.

Juan and Noel chat about Juan’s life. He has a boat named Luzbel and likes to fish like his father. Noel gazes at him like an indulgent father. Juan excuses himself, he needs to talk to Madame.

Regina and Aimee cross paths in the finca and she lets Aimee know the jig is up. “Ruin your life, do whatever you want. I’m tired of all this. My confessor told me its best to tell the truth and you are on your own now!”

-bites fingernails-

In MM’s office, she tearfully (as usual) notifies Juan she can’t allow Fifi be thrown in jail so she has decided to turn in the casino and leave with her pupils before a big scandal blows up in their faces anyway. Juan offers her a loan. We can’t let that upstart, Fed get away with this. She hesitates for a second but then thrills that he has saved them all! Yay Juan! He then tells her he needs to go.

The fishermen are having a ceremony for Pedro, all wearing white and praying to la virgin del Carmen for Pedro’s safe return. Juan appears. Wow that was quick, I guess the casino must be like next door to the beach... Alas! It’s a miracle. He has washed ashore in a boat. Is it the same boat they used in the first place? Where was he? How did he figure exactly where to land? How did he fix or get that boat? Why doesn’t he look as sick as the other two were when they were rescued? Very anti-climatic. In any case, it’s a miracle. Pedro sobs and hugs everyone. Awww, I guess.

Aimee and Regina continue arguing about Regina’s epiphany. “You can’t leave me now! Please, I need you! You lead me away from temptation. Please don’t say anything, think of Renato.” Oh, dirty and low blow. Aimee cries that she will change her sinful ways. “I love Renato. It’s Renato, I swear, I swear!” Buuuuullllsh*t!! Regina doesn’t believe her while Aimee continues spouting nonsense.

“Do you swear?” asks Reg. Aimee claims its Juan who keeps pursuing her. I’m seriously going to puke. “If you say anything, Renato will end up killing me and he will end up in prison for the end of his life. Is that what you want?!” Damn, you are great at guilting people into your bull, Aimee.

Everyone at the Casino is wondering where MM went. Even Rod mentions everyone looks tense. Fed smugly puffs his chest. "That's because something big is going to happen." Dramatically, Madame faces up to Federico along with her posse and announces the Casino will continue being hers. “Here is your money.” She slams a bag I'm guessing full of gold coins into his greedy girly hands. Ok so Juan is at the beach, when did he send over the bag of money? Everyone who is his friend or works for him is at the beach praying for Pedro.

At his townhouse Juan raves about how he is sure la virgin brought Pedro back to them while Gabe daydreams about Jimena. I think he only listens to half of what Juan ever says. “She is getting closer to Branko.” Tehehe. Juan points at him and and tells him he is jealous. He is smirking. Isn't it time someone told this knucklehead the truth?

The next day, I think, Juan is at the finca. “Please reconsider the reasons for your return,” Noel pleads. Juan lowers his head and says no, I can’t. You haven’t lived through what I have. They go back and forth about it. Flashback to the time Noel brought Juan to the finca and Renato was so nice to him. In the background, Renato is eavesdropping. Does no one respect privacy in this novela?

Renato jumps in, all happy to see the childhood friend he never got to have. “This time I will not reengage on my promise.” Leonarda also wanders in and almost pukes when she notices Juan and her son embracing. Noel stands next to her and says, "They are social equals." She scoffs, calling him an idiot. Noel takes a big breath and says the words all of us have been waiting for a while:

“He is no other than Juan de Dios Roman Montes de Oca. The son of your sister Maria del Rosario!”

End scene. End of episode.

AhHHH! And now I have to wait till Monday! Any upcoming scenes? Yes! Renato throwing a book, Ren crying, Renato and Juan facing off, Renato with a gun. Holy smokes. Can't wait!


Friday, May 14, 2010

Dinero #99 & #100, 5/14/10: An Offer He Can’t Refuse

Congrats, folks, we’ve made it to 100! And we have officially covered six weeks worth of episodes in fifteen days. Give yourself a pat on the back for making it this far.

We have a lot of overhang from yesterday so I’ll spare you the leftovers and get to the new meal.

Beltran calls Rafa to ask him to a dinner meeting with a very important business executive. Rafa is anxious to get to the bank with Ale’s check but Beltran insists until Rafa agrees.

Ramriez finally makes his way into Ale’s office for his chat. Ale surprises Ramirez by asking about his book that he has yet to get published. “You can’t give it the time it deserves. How long have you been living in Marino’s shadow?” She is brutally honest with Ramirez and tells him he has not been a good salesman but he does have the potential to be a writer. “Finish your book and call an editor. All the employees will be able to say they had the honor to work for a great author.” Ramirez tears up and asks Ale to write a forward for his book; she thanks him but declines.

Once Ramirez leaves the office, Marino attacks him for being a traitor. Ramirez stands up for himself and won’t let Marino talk down to him. Susana comes to collect Marino but he refuses to talk to Ale. Ramirez talks some sense into Marino and convinces him to talk with Ale.

Rafa meets Beltran in a restaurant. Doña Arcadia joins them at the table but not before sizing Rafa up. She does not mince words. “We want you back at Autos Siglo. You can’t turn us down. Nobody ever tells me no.” Rafa stutters and claims he doesn’t want to return because of the disagreements with Ale. “No problem. We fired her and we did it for you.” Rafa is horrified he is the reason Ale was fired. Arcadia tells him not to feel guilty; he should be proud. “You return and she leaves. It’s the circle of life.”

Marino sits down with Ale. He is jubilant about her departure and is certain he will be her replacement. Things are going to change when she isn’t around. He is going to be better than she ever was because he has the experience, can get results, and bring money to the company. Ale puts her foot down. “You think you know everything about sales? What about profit projections for the month, quarter, or year? Can you tabulate the appropriate discounts to map out a price strategy? What about company economy? The inventory? Company stocks? You know nothing.”

Beltran says Ale caused a hostile environment in the Siglo. Rafa is sure he is better off at Clo Autos. Beltran finally admits he wants Rafa to be the new manager. Rafa is sure they’re playing a joke on him but Arcadia is not the joking type. Beltran gives Rafa the contract, which offers him Ale’s salary and commissions. Rafa is confused why they would think he could handle such an important job. Arcadia wants change in the company and believes Rafa can do it. She even offers to fire Beltran if Rafa wants his job. (Haha!)

Ale admits Marino is one of the best salesmen she has ever seen but his arrogance, ambition, and ego have gotten in the way of his performance. Marino calls Ale obsolete and mocks her. Ale stands her ground but still offers Marino a handshake at the end of their conversation. He rejects it and stalks out.

Rafa respectfully says he can’t be so irresponsible to except such a high profile position. “It wasn’t good business to fire Ale. It is not easy to find a woman like her. You need her. Business and the Siglo are in her blood; she knows them both so well. I am nothing more than a decent salesman.” After a little more persuading, Rafa agrees to accept their offer if Ale stays in the company. Arcadia guesses that Rafa is in love with Ale. Rafa avoids the topic.

Marino totes the fact that he didn’t shed a tear during his chat with Ale. He parades around like a king and rest of the employees dread the idea he could soon be the boss.

Beltran and Arcadia make Rafa swear not to tell anyone about their offer. Rafa promises and downs another tequila to celebrate. “I can’t believe it. I get to be near Ale again!” Rafa’s bubble quickly bursts when he notices the time. He has to get to the bank on the double if he doesn’t want an embargo on his house.

Chavez and Marco meet at a restaurant to discuss the Rafa problem. Marco is certain Rafa and Ale will never be together again. When the clock strikes 6:05, they get ready to attack.

Zetina is worried about being the only employee not called into Ale’s office. His worries turn out to be justified when Beltran orders Ale to fire him. Ale wishes Beltran would give Zetina a chance; she hates firing people and is starting to like the idea of leaving the Siglo.

Rafa gets back to Clo to tell Pepeto about the new offer he accepted at the Siglo. He isn’t looking forward to having to tell the bad news to Lic. Gomez.

Zetina finally gets called into Ale’s office. She refuses to let him close the door because of their previous encounter. Ale gives him his resignation letter. Zetina apologizes for his inappropriate behavior but that is not why he’s being fired; it’s for poor performance. Zetina pleads for a second chance but Ale says it was on Beltran’s orders. Pobre Zetina tries to plead his case to Beltran but no dice. He laments his situation to Ramirez, who tells him the only hope is to talk to the new manager. Zetina grovels to Marino but he has all the sympathy of a parking meter. (Poor guy should go take Rafa’s soon-to-be-empty spot at Clo Autos. At least they would be nicer.)

Rafa gets a nasty reaction out of Gomez when he says he has to quit. “Do want you want, Medina. If you want to go to hell, go. Don’t come crawling back when you realize you made the wrong decision.”

Ale and Susana start packing up Ale’s office; tomorrow she will train the replacement and then be out the door of the Siglo for good.

Bebe rallies the others employees to do something special for Ale. (Excluding Marino, of course.)

Monica is sad to see Rafa leaving Clo. She will miss Rafa and wishes there were more men like him in the world. They agree to be friends. Monica comes clean: she never called Ale or told her about Rafa’s feelings. “She is a very lucky woman.”

Ramiro gets a call from his wife and he stands up for himself once and for all. The employees all cheer him on. Later, Ramiro invites Ale and Susana to a little get-together at his apartment in Ale’s honor. They both respectfully decline. Dandy is depressed Susana won’t be there so he decides not to go either.

Rafa says his goodbyes to the Clo Crew but Marco ruins it when he shows up with the police. Marco demands to see Rafa’s boss. Rafa swears he has the money, with documented proof. Gomez tells Marco that Rafa no longer works for Clo. He doesn’t want the company involved in a scandal. Jaime arrives with the check but Marco wants cash. Marco backs off, however, when Rafa starts to call Ale to personally assure her he has the money.

Marino chews everyone out for having their fiesta booze delivered to the office. Ramiro and Generala get in an argument about the fiesta and Generala ends up accidentally slapping Rosaura instead of Ramiro.

Random: Dolores and her shady, overly affectionate friend Martin chat at the Trancazo. He paws the money in the register when she steps out but puts it back before she sees him.

Ale is crying in her office when Susana comes to cheer her up. Ale tries to convince Susana to go to the employee party with her.

Bebe gives Dandy some advice about getting on with his life. Marco and Chavez regroup at the restaurant about how to squash Rafa. Ale calls to ask Marco to go with her to the party. He claims to be too busy. Chavez does not approve.

Leonor is pacing around the house when Rafa gets home. He assures her that he is paid off for the month. Then Rafa drops the anvil: he quit working at Clo Autos.

Avances: Ale and Marco go to the party, Susana and Dandy kiss (!), and Vicky flips out when Rafa tells her he’s going to work at the Siglo again.


El Clon 63, Fri., May 14 - Would you like milk or lemon in your tea of vengeance?

Said rips off Jade's robe thingy and her lie is exposed, as it were.

Said asks if she went to the market dressed like that. Jade doesn't answer. She runs up to her room with Said in pursuit. When she won't open the door, Said kicks it down. Abdul keeps Ali from interfering. Unwisely, in my opinion, Jade lies and says that she bought the outfit in the market to dance for Said. Said wants to know where her clothes are that she wore to the shop. Jade says that she gave them to a poor person.
Si me vas a mentir, vas a apprender a mentirme bien.
If you're going to lie to me, you are going to learn to lie well, says Said and wants to go to the shop where Jade supposedly bought the outfit. Jade refuses to go and Said accuses her of being with Lucas.
¿Bailaste para él ... como bailabas para mí?
You danced for him (once time, using the preterite) like you dance (many times in the past, using the imperfective) for me? asks Said. Jade denies it. Said says that Lucas is in Morocco and Jade knows it. He accuses her of planning with Lucas in the States to meet him here in Morocco.
He says that she is deceitful (falsa) and this time he won't be merciful. Said says that he himself will inflict the maximum punishment permitted:
¡Te voy a dar azotes hasta que mueras!
I will whip you until you die! He demands that she tell the truth and confess everything but Jade says that she has nothing to confess.
Entonces van a confesar los dos.
Then the both of you will confess, says Said and tells Jade that Lucas is coming to dinner at Ali's house tonight. He orders Jade to make herself pretty and dance for him and Lucas.

Said goes downstairs. Ali asks what is going on but Said only says that he has things to do and reminds Zoraida that there will be guests for dinner.

Jade begs Ali not to to let anything happen to Lucas.
Desafiaste a tu suerte, Jade.
You defied your luck, Jade, says Ali. He says that she brought the walls of the house down and sowed discord in the family. He tells her that he ignored his beliefs many times to protect her but she threw it all away.
Yo sólo quería ser feliz.
I only wanted to be happy, says Jade. She reminds him that he told her that Allah created human beings to be happy.
Pero Alá no manda a que seamos felices destruyendo la de los demás.
But Allah didn't command that we make ourselves happy by destroying others, retorts Ali. No one can be happy riding roughshod over (pisoteando la cabeza, literally, trampling the head of) other people. He asks if she thought about him, about Jadiyah or Latifa's children. Jade says that she never intended to harm anyone. Ali tells Jade that no one in Fez will unite their name to a house that is stained with shame (manchada por la vergüenza). His children, her child and Latifa's children will not be able to marry because what she did. He says that he covered up her wrongdoing (encubrí tus fechorías) only to protect the name of his family. He hoped that Allah would enlighten her but she rejected the hand that Allah extended. Jade asks what will happen to her.
Sea lo que sea que decida tu esposo.. Lo tienes bien merecido.
Whatever it is that your husband decides, you deserve it.

Jade tells Zoraida that her meeting with Lucas was destiny speaking. It returned Lucas and her pendant to her.

Roberto comes home to pick up some papers and finds Lucia in her dancing girl outfit, ready for love in the afternoon.

Clara walks into the lab where Alicia is stroking Escobar's hand. She is jealous. [I thought she was going to dump the jerk. She should put a bow on him and give him to Alicia.] Alicia tells Clara that she advising 'Raulito' on how to moisturize his hands. Clara warns that it's a slippery slope doing things for Raulito. If she's not careful, she'll end up ironing his clothes and making his meals.
A mí me encantaría.
I would love to, says Alicia, I like to serve people. Then she asks Raulito if he would like his 'special coffee'. Clara gives Raulito a look.

They start to have a fight about Alicia but Luisa comes in and we get confirmation that she and Albeiri are going to Cancun.

At the pool, Fernando [isn't he supposed to be doing his intern job?] asks Andrea where Nati is. Andrea tells him that Nati has a hot boyfriend (un súper mega re contra papacito, hello).

Nati takes Alejandro to the gym where she has a membership but never goes. He is impressed with the facilities. They run into Roberto. Nati introduces Alej as her boyfriend. Alej looks familiar to Roberto and Nati reminds Alej that Roberto was at the party for the Arabs. Nati says that she doesn't want to hide their relationship any longer.

Jade wants to try to warn Lucas but Zoraida tells her not to make the situation worse or Said will kill her and Lucas. She says that Ali will be at the dinner and Said respects him. Ali won't let Said do anything bad.

At their hotel, Lucas tells Enrique that if Said wants things this way, so be it. He believes the best thing is to meet Said face to face. Enrique thinks he is nuts. They are in Morocco. Messing with a married woman here is not the same as in the US. In Morocco, he could be jailed, whipped or killed. 'But Said knows the West,' says Lucas, 'You think that he still holds the same customs of his family?' [This is Lucas the stupid at his finest. With the possible consequences so severe, you might have thought about that ahead of time, boyo.] His stupidity is driving Enrique to drink but Lucas prevents him. He says that he needs Enrique to be sober tonight. [Between them, they might have half a brain.]

Said comes to see Jade. She says that she is afraid (tiene miedo) of him.
Haces bien en tenerlo.
You should (literally, you do well to have that (feeling)).

It's nice that Jadiyah, who is normally very sharp, seems to be totally unaware of what is going on. She is playing in the central fountain of the house when Ali comes to reason with Said. We rehash the penalties for bearing false witness and the four witness requirement for an adultery accusation. Furiously, Said asks Ali where Jade's four witnesses are: those who saw her buy the clothes; those that saw her give her clothes to a poor person. Watching from above, Jade asks Zoraida to get Said.

En route to Ali's house, Lucas tells Enrique that they don't have to say too long. He can say that Enrique isn't feeling well and leave.

Jade tells Said that she wants to confess. She admits that she was with Lucas but it's just another lie to protect Lucas by putting the blame on herself.
Él no quería, yo fui quien lo buscó, él me rechazo, pero yo insistí.
He didn't want it, it was I who sought him out, he rejected me but I insisted.
He hits her. Jade says that she wants a divorce. She repeats that it was all her fault, not Lucas'. It was her temptation that he provoked. She says that her feelings for Lucas were sleeping and he woke them up. Said replies that her feelings for Lucas were never dormant. Jade says that is Said's fault too. Said asks what more he could have done to make her love him. Jade replies that it was more like he was obsessed with her. He didn't just want her to love him, he wanted her to hate Lucas and trample (pisoteara) her memories of him. That was why he would never let her forget Lucas by showing her newspaper articles about him. The worst thing was when he made her go to the States to see Lucas in his house with his family.
Yo no soy de hierro, Said. Ese es un reto demasiado fuerte para una mujer que ama.
I'm not made of iron, Said. This is too much of a temptation (reto means a challenge or a dare) for a woman in love, says Jade.
¿Lo amas? ¿Me estás confesando que lo amas?
You love him? Are you confessing to me that you love him? says Said furiously. Jade won't answer. Now we go way back for accusations. She asks why Said and Ali forced her to marry. Said reminds her that she could have told the witnesses at the wedding that she didn't agree to the marriage and the reason that she didn't was that Lucas has abandoned her, he never had guts to fight for her, that she was only an exotic Moroccan adventure for him. He says that when you really love someone, you don't let any obstacle stand in the way of getting them and Lucas' actions in getting married, etc. show that he didn't really love her. He asks Jade how many times, starting with their wedding night, has he trampled (he pisoteado, this verb is getting a workout in this episode) his pride in the name of the love he feels (siento, he's still using the present tense) for her. Jade asks again for a divorce. She says that Said has admitted how unhappy they are together. She won't go to Lucas. She just wants her freedom.
Ya tomé una decisión.

Más adelante lo sabrás.
I've already made a decision, says Said.
What is it? asks Jade.
In a little while, you will know.

It's the usual party at Ali's: musicians and Jadiyah is dancing. Lucas and Enrique haven't arrived. Said comes in and Ali tries to offer him advice but Said says that he may have committed some errors,
pero lo hecho, hecho está
but what is done is done. He has made a decision. Ali warns Said that in his house, he has to treat guests with respect. No one should raise a hand against guests in his house because it would be like attacking him. He retreats and Abdul comes over. Abdul says that he has never believed anything Jade said. If he were in Said's place, he would have taken another wife a long time ago. He proposes an eligible prospect and Said tells him to make the arrangements. He doesn't even want to meet the woman first.

Lucas and Enrique arrive.

Said is very polite and welcoming but the music is very menacing. Ali is confused. Jade is sent for. The dancing girls perform at the party. Enrique looks like he is having a good time, Said glares at Lucas and Lucas looks like he has a toothache.
Jadiyah dances for the party.

Back in Miami, we edge closer to discovery of Nati and Alejandro's relationship. Leo, Marisa, Roberto and Lucia are having coffee when Nati and Alej come in.
Simpático el novio de Natalia.
Natalia's boyfriend is a nice guy, says Roberto. What? Oh no, that's her driver, says Marisa and everyone laughs at how silly Roberto is. He's thinking to himself that he is pretty sure that is the same guy Nati said was her boyfriend at the gym.

Alej doesn't want to keep lying to Rosa. He is about to tell her the truth about Nati and him when Nati says that they have to leave. Rosa looks thoughtful.

Maybe the old brain cells will start working: handsome guy; Nati very happy; proximity; vulnerability; evasiveness - it shouldn't be that hard to figure out for someone who isn't a finalist in "The Person Most Self-Centered, and Most Oblivious to Everyone Else’s Needs" contest. Those who are finalists in that contest, Marisa and Leo, say that Nati has a boyfriend but they don't know who he is yet. Leo says that he would like to meet Nati's future husband. Lucia says that it's a little early for that.

Lucas tells Said that Enrique isn't feeling well and they have to leave. Said says that on the contrary, Enrique is the only person there who seems to be having a good time sharing the water pipe with Ali.

Said puts some powder into one of the tea glasses and Zoraida sees him do it.

I guess Zoraida can't say anything. She tries to warn Jade silently but she doesn't understand. Zoraida tries to take the tea tray but Said won't let her. Lucas tries to leave again but Said won't let him. He says that in Morocco they have a saying:
Lo que es para uno, finalmente le cae en la mano.
What is yours will eventually fall into your hands.
Said starts to serve the tea to Lucas but Enrique grabs the glass, drinks it and instantly keels over. [That is some fast acting poison.] There are some loooonnng reaction shots and credits roll.


Mujeres Asesinas 2, Thursday, May 13: The case of the twisted sisters.

Tonight, Patricia Navidad, Galilea Montijo, and Ana Brenda Contreras are "Las Garrido, Codiciosas" (the greedy Garrido girls).

Two kids walk along by a river debating what positions to play for baseball. They lose their ball down by the river, where they see a dog holding a severed hand in its mouth. They also see a body all wrapped up in a garbage bag and tape. There's a really twisted Ziploc commercial in there somewhere, I'm sure. Quick, call the ad agency.

Gloria informs me the blood will be flowing tonight. She says so every Thursday. Ah, but tonight we get upgraded--last week was a 2-for-1, this week it's 3-for-1. What have we done to deserve such a delightful buffet of depravity and murderousness? I don't know, but let's get to it!

The cops come to pick up the body. It's a fifty-ish year old guy, he's been there for a while and he's got a lot of bruising. The cop in charge tells the forensics guy to do fingerprints, etc, but the forensics guy complains his lab can't handle it. The head cop calls Sofia Capellan and asks her for a favor.

Patricia Navidad, tonight playing Concha Garrido, walks down a sidewalk and through a gate. "Concha" always makes me think of a breakfast pastry, best dipped in coffee. I also have a Tía Concha. It's short for "Concepción," I believe. Beyond the gate is a large patio. Through a window, we see Marcela Garrido (aka Ana Brenda Contreras) getting her hair did by a woman who's complaining that Marcela always wants her hair done in that flashy color. Marcela says she wants to look like an azalea. I wish they'd either not swear so much on this show or quit muting it out. It makes it even harder to understand what they're saying. And then, sometimes I wonder if the sound is just randomly cutting out and no one's swearing. Very annoying. Plus that's some valuable vocabulary I'm missing out on. Something about someone with a swear-worthy name going to get Marcela's cigarettes, but Lorena (Galilea Montijo) objecting and wishing she'd get them herself. More high-speed mumbly banter that I hope turns out to be inconsequential. Concha finally makes her way in and sadly announces she's been fired. They decided the nurse could answer the phones. She accepts a coffee from her sister. She asks if they've got money for the rent and both have excuses, but basically the answer is "no." Concha is frustrated and can't help them, especially now that she lost her job. Her husband, Juan Antonio, hates giving out money, even to family, and even though she's his wife, she says she's more like a piece of furniture to him.

Concha walks through the courtyard and into the main house. There are paintings missing from the walls and they've left stains.

Juan Antonio walks out of somewhere with a pissed-off face and a skinny guy telling him to just let it go "agua que no has de beber, déjala correr" (if you're not going to drink the water, let it run). He's got his nephew with him. I'm going to bet he just lost money on a dog fight or a race, given that a couple of guys with dogs on leashes are on their way into the place he just left. He's gambling away all his money, perhaps?

Juan Antonio goes home, quietly damning someone. He notices Concha and asks what she's doing home at this hour. She asks him what he's going to take now. There's no more glassware, and no more paintings. She asks how much he lost. "Listen, princess, we've been together for 15 years and you've always known I like to play a little, and that's how you win or lose." She notes he's never gotten around to winning and asks what he's betting on now. Dog fights. He growls in her face. She calls him a pig. He blames it on his nephew, who picked the wrong dog. Juan Antonio finds some candlesticks, but Concha objects, since her mom gave them to her. "Well, thank her for me, and thank your sisters too." He calls them a pair of "mantenidas" (kept, moochers, freeloaders) and accuses her of using some of her pay to help them out. She informs him that's over, since she's been fired. He asks what she's planning to do now, you know, for her expenses. She mentions that he lost the "ferretería" (hardware store) gambling, but he claims he sold it because it was losing money. She yells at him for gambling all their money away and tries to get the candlesticks back. He hits her in the face with one and says the house and everything in it is his. "I'm going to bet you. Maybe I'll get lucky and lose."

Marcela and Lorena notice Concha coming over. She storms in, demanding to know where Lorena's kid Jorge is and Lorena says he's sleeping, he was out working late, etc. Concha wakes him up, drags him out by the ear, and yells at him to tell his mom where he really was last night. He admits it and gets smacked by his mom and his aunt. Concha also informs them that Juan has been paying the kid in marijuana. Now they all start raising their voices to him and he runs for it.

Det. Capellan is welcoming the cops from the opening scene. She and Mario are old friends. Gerardo comes in and tells his fellow forensics guy that the body is ready. Mario tells Sofia that so far they don't have any leads.

Concha drinks coffee and tells her sisters that Juan Antonio took the candlesticks. She swears she's going to leave him, but Lorena says she's been with him for fifteen years already. She won't get anything because they were never really married. Well, Concha says, fifteen years of living as his wife means she'll get what's due a wife. Lorena disagrees. She reminds the other two that the house was never given over to Juan Antonio, but is still in his mother's name, so even though the mother's dead, the house isn't even his. He never paid taxes on it. Concha doesn't care about the house. Lorena says they all need the house. Marcela says something about killing him. Concha sounds like she's into it.

Aranda and Moran present their findings--a crapload of gambling slips, lottery tickets, etc. from various places. Mario declares him a compulsive gambler. Capellan tells Moran to get a digital photo of the dead guy and to look and see if there are any missing persons reported who meet his description. Mario supposes they need to check out all the gambling places to see if anyone knows the guy. Capellan tells Aranda to work on that with Mario. Mario guesses that the guy made too many bets, lost too much money, and when he couldn't pay it back, someone killed him.

Juan Antonio plays cards and drinks with a shady-looking guy named Malpica. For once he wins. Malpica doesn't look to happy.

Juan Antonio comes home, yelling for Concha. The sisters see him going into the big house and Concha reluctantly gets up to see what's going on. Juan Antonio goes into the house, still calling for her, and puts two plastic bags down on the table. Concha comes in and JA accuses her of gossiping with her sisters. He says something about her looking angry. When she goes to leave, he asks her to wait. He proudly takes the candlesticks out of one of the plastic bags, announcing that he won for once. He asks if she made dinner and she seems nervous when she says she hadn't yet. Hey, no problem, tonight he and the missus are eating out. He shows her a big wad of cash. Concha says she'd rather he saved the money in the bank. "I'm not saying you shouldn't gamble, but just remember that I lost my job." She agrees she'd like to go out to dinner, but she wants him to promise they won't spend all the money. Well, he can't promise that because he already spent it on some other things. From another plastic bag, he produces a nice-looking pair of hooker heels and a pretty dress, non-hookerish. She's thrilled with the present and thanks him. He insists on answering the phone when it rings, and sends her off to go get dressed. It's Malpica. It sounds like he's offering Juan Antonio the opportunity to bet on something, for the low, low price of 10,000 pesos. Juan Antonio looks at the wad of cash in his hand and says he's in. Dipshit. He puts the phone down and sneaks out of the house, stopping briefly at his altar to pick up some mojo. As he's leaving, he notices Marcela doing the wash and takes a minute to appreciate the charms of his sister-in-law. Marcela gives him a bit of a come-hither, but Juan Antonio's got bigger fish to fry. He leaves and Lorena tells Marcela "I told you so." She calls her sister something bleep-worthy.

Concha comes out of the bedroom looking for Juan Antonio and realizes he's left. I'd hide those candlesticks right now, if I were her. That and everything else left in the house that isn't nailed down. She sits down on the couch and feels sorry for herself.

She's still there when he comes home. He sits down on the couch and basically bitches about his bad luck. The damn animal tripped and he lost. Concha says she's leaving him, but he's not really listening. She says she's leaving the house tomorrow. Still not listening. And bemoaning the loss of the money he just won yesterday. Not getting the sympathy he feels he deserves, he asks her if she's listening to him. "No. And you're not listening to me either." She gets up and leaves.

The forensics guys do their thing. The body's looking pretty gross. Visiting forensics guy says he was killed rather violently. Capellan asks if there were maybe more than one killer. Gerardo says he'd assume so unless there's someone capable of shooting, stabbing, and doing something else to the guy all at one time. Har, har, har.

Mario and Aranda visit some gambling dens.

Lorena and Marcela play cards for money. Juan Antonio comes in demanding to know what they said to Concha. Lorena has no idea what he's talking about. "She says she's leaving me." Lorena tells him not to listen to her, and Marcela calls her menopausal. JA doesn't care, but if she leaves, the other two are out on their asses too. They get it. JA compliments Marcela's hair color. She offers to let him play, but he's out of money. "There's a lot of things you can bet." Nephew comes up asking if JA is ready for, you know, and JA sends him to bleep land. JA leaves and Jorge asks his mom if there's any food. She, likewise, sends him to bleep land.

Moran tells Capellan that only one person matches the fingerprints--Jorge Lopez Garrido. He's a juvenile delinquent. Moran is going to pass on the info to inspector Mondragon.

Lorena and Marcela bitch that Concha's just so damn selfish, thinking of leaving Juan Antonio without caring what's going to happen to them. Yeah, and Juan Antonio coming to throw it in their faces that they're just a couple of moochers, what's that about? Concha walks up and quietly says they are moochers, but they've never cared about it before. She laughs at them for following Juan Antonio's example and betting on cards. Lorena says they've all at least got a roof over their heads here. Concha replies "I'm suffocating." Lorena advises her that sometimes you've got to make sacrifices. "Oh, look who's talking, the one who left her husband without even telling him." Lorena says he hit her in front of the kid and said the kid wasn't his, "What was I supposed to do? It was a case of life or death!" Concha says her situation is too, "I'm dying in there." She goes back into the big house. Marcela holds up the deck of cards and suggests they play again. Lorena agrees. Bee-yotches!

The guy that Aranda and Mario picked up at the gambling den is in interrogation. Someone asks him if he recognizes "this guy." It's a partial reconstruction of the dead guy's face. The guy says it's "Juanito Orduña" and he's known him for several years. Mario asks if he used to bet a lot. The guy doesn't know, but he does know that sometimes the guy played with Justino Malpica and they got into an argument about Orduña's wife. The guy has a vague idea of where Orduña lived. Moran interrupts the interrogation with some information for Mario.

Mario and crew show up at the house asking for Jorge. Concha opens the gate for them. She says Jorge isn't there, but he says he needs to ask him some questions. Concha lets them into the house and angrily tells them that she's already told them that Jorge isn't there. Mario picks up a picture of her with Jorge and asks if it's her son. "No, my nephew." Mario asks about her husband, but Concha says he's not home and she doesn't know when he's getting home. Aranda calls for Mario and Mario indicates they should both follow Aranda.

Lorena looks nervously at the cops coming in and tells Jorge to go hide. She opens the door and Mario asks if she's Jorge's mom. "We need to talk to him." Dumbass Jorge kind of darts around the hallway just as Lorena's saying he's not in. Aranda notices him and goes after him, gun out. Smart kid stops trying to climb over the wall and lets Aranda take him in. Lorena cries piteously and is held back by another two of the DIEM crew.

Gerardo fingerprints Concha in his lab.

Jorge is interrogated by Mario. "If you didn't kill him, then who did?" Jorge says he only put the body in the river."

Lorena wipes the fingerprint ink off her fingers in Capellan's office. She asks where they found the body. Capellan asks her why, if he was gone for more than 24 hours, no one called the police. Lorena claims he used to be gone for weeks at a time. "That's how he was. My sister was the only one who could put up with him." Lorena says he used to humiliate her and one day he even bet her.

Juan Antonio and Malpica walk into the house, startling Concha, who is only wearing a housedress. She covers up with a shawl. JA laughs, telling Malpica what he's losing out on for not believing him. "And you, what luck you have, woman! I was going to bet you." Apparently Malpica didn't care to take her in exchange. JA offers him a silver teapot instead. Concha looks on in horror.

Capellan shows Lorena the condition of the body. Stab wounds in the chest, a bullet in the shoulder, and a destroyed cranium. She asks who did what. Lorena claims he was gone and none of them knew where he was. Aranda comes in with a folder and whispers something to Capellan about the accused. Capellan smiles at Lorena and says she does know who did what. She shows her the report that all three of their fingerprints were on the body. Lorena says it was his fault for wanting to leave them all out on the street.

Concha goes over to the little house, crying and banging on the door. She tells Lorena that Jorge bet her. Lorena immediately goes for a knife and says she'll kill him this time. Marcela holds her back. Lorena calms down a little and hugs her sister. Marcela hugs them both.

Lorena says this is her fault for telling Concha to put up with him. Concha tells her that yesterday he won 20 thousand pesos and lost them again. Now they all agree they need to do something. Marcela shows Concha the papers for the house. They actually are in Juan Antonio's name, even though he had once claimed the house wasn't in his name so he couldn't lose it to Malpica. Marcela found it with his little gambling altar. Concha says it doesn't matter, there's nothing she can do. Lorena points out that if something happens the house is hers. Concha doesn't want to go to jail. Marcela says they won't end up in jail, as long as they do it right. Lorena says they'll think of something.

In interrogation, Marcela tells Mario that Lorena had the idea. "She knew he liked me, so we invited him to a party." Lorena and Marcela dance around Juan Antonio while he sits in a chair. They're both all dressed up and drinking beer. Marcela starts making bets with JA. "I bet you my shoes you won't dance with me. I bet you my skirt you won't dance with me. I bet you your ring if I take off my blouse." JA bets his gold necklace if Lorena gets undressed too. Concha looks on, concerned. Lorena takes off her dress and takes the necklace. Lorena sits in his lap and asks what he'll give for…she whispers in his ear. He points at the other sister instead. Marcela kneels down at his feet and asks him what he'll bet for it. Concha says "the house."

Concha is in interrogation with Capellan. She says she's not surprised he's dead. After years of him betting everything, coming home covered in blood because he was at the dog fights or the cock fights or because someone beat the crap out of him for not paying his debts, sooner or later he was bound to end up in the river with his head bashed in and a bullet in him, right? Capellan wonders what's stranger, that Concha never sought help for herself or her husband, or that she seems to know exactly how he died, without Capellan telling her anything. "We have evidence that you and your sisters participated in the murder of Mr. Orduña."

Concha says "the house." JA looks around at the other two sisters. Marcela gives him an encouraging nod. He repeats, "the house?" They all look back and forth at each other. Lorena goes to join Marcela. Thankfully, we are spared the details of what exactly he traded for the house, but I'm sure we can all imagine and are now going to need a thorough brain scrubbing. Concha seethes.

Capellan tells Concha she supposes now she'll claim it was done in self-defense. Concha says "after what we did, I can say anything, can't I."

Lorena and Marcela get up and Lorena says "we beat you." JA takes a minute to get up, adjust, and zip his fly. Marcela hugs Concha. All three sisters toast with beer bottles. They laugh over the ring. JA comes back into the room with a gun. He tells them that for a good gambler, like he is (I'm not even going to touch that one) you have to give him a chance to win back what he lost. He puts one bullet in the gun and says they wanted the house, fine, it's theirs, but now he wants his chance for revenge. "If I die, the house is yours, but if one of you gets the bullet instead the house is mine again." He calls them bitches and says that even so, he'll be a gentleman and start first. He puts the gun in his mouth and pulls the trigger. No bullet. He asks who's next. He tells Marcela to get on her knees. He puts the gun to her temple and pulls the trigger, still no bullet. He tells Lorena to lean over the chair and pulls the trigger with the gun pointed at her head. No bullet. He calls Concha the most useless one and says a number of other uncomplimentary things, all while pointing the gun at her, and eventually pulls the trigger.

Capellan says "there was only you left." Concha says she hates to bet, but he bet her life, and he had to pay with his.

Marcela hits Juan Antonio on the back of the head and he drops the gun. Concha picks up the gun and shoots him in the shoulder with it. JA calls her stupid and Concha loses it and shouts to her sisters to kill him. Lorena stabs him, Marcela keeps hitting him with, maybe, the candlestick, and Concha beats on him with the gun. Jorge walks in and sees them all covered in blood.

"Concha, Lorena, and Marcela Garrido were condemned immediately for conspiracy to commit murder, to 28, 25, and 20 years. Jorge received a sentence of 8 years for complicity."


Corazon Salvaje and STuD recappers lineup

This is what I've got. If I'm wrong let me know. It's gone into the sidebar. New recappers, send pictures if you'd like them up!

Corazon Salvaje
Ivy - Monday
Kat - Tuesday
Jeri - Wednesday
Sarah - Thursday
Connie - Friday

Sarah and Connie, you can switch if you want.

and for STuD I have:

Jody - Monday
Kat - Tuesday
Sue - Wednesady
Connie - Thursday
Keri - Friday

Thanks everybody!
Let me know -

Melinama/Chapel Hill Fiddler

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Corazon salvaje May 13, 2010 The Green-eyed Monster Finally Raises its Ugly Head

Episode 60

Regina is reading what she wrote in her diary.

Aimee is trying to convince Renato what a ho Regina is. Renato says it’s none of their business.

Juan and the crew are out at sea looking for our missing fisher folk. Gabe thinks they might have found an island. Remi has spied something. They found them! They found them!

Rod is grilling Raul about what the heck is going on with Juan showing up at the party.

It’s Santos and the Other Guy. But no Pedro. He wants to get closer but they can’t so he whips off his shirt and dives in. Now that’s my kind of man!

Rod wants to know why he gave his invite to Juan. How is it possible that he could get your invitation. Well, I owe him a special favor. What kind of favor? He takes a big gulp. I was to warn him about something. A light goes off in Rod’s head and he says about the wood? You are so busted dude. Rod is not very happy about it. Well, you are about to lose everything. FF>>

Juan is swimming toward the raft. He pulls them toward the boat. What a man!

Regina is going through her jewelry. How she does that with lace gloves I don’t know. She remembers back to when she made Aimee promise that she would be faithful to Renato. She takes her pendant and leaves.

They get the guys onboard and are trying to give them water. They are moaning and groaning. Juan wants to know what happened. Santos croaks out that there was something wrong with the boat. I think he says something else but there is too much noise. Juan wants to know why they didn’t tell him they were having problems. Curly wants to know where Pedro is. He fell into the ocean. More really bad moaning and groaning.

Aimee is going through her jewelry. Regina walks in holding her pendant. She asks Aimee if she remembers the necklace. Aimee says yes. Renato gave those to us when we were children. Regina says she will keep it always. She asks Aimee if she remembers the night that she swore that she would be faithful to Renato. We are married and you are in love with my husband. My husband. Renato is happy. Very happy at my side. Renato walks in. Aimee hams it up. She wants to ask him a question. Are you happy with me? Renato says immensely. Regina looks like she wants to barf. Hey, welcome to the party.

Servando is giving Gris some coins. She’s not real happy with the amount. Did Servando’s eyebrows get bigger? I’m so distracted by them I can’t focus on what he’s saying. Oh yes, he’s saying that Branco is interested in Jimena. I swear Gris’ eyes are going to pop out of her head. She doesn’t look happy. I’m not going to allow it. We are not going to lose her. Servando cautions her not to be stupid. He thinks it is a way for them to make even more money.

Renato wants to know what Regina has in her hand. He takes it from her and says it is the medallion I gave you. He makes a snide comment about how some gifts are important to Regina. Aimee gets her back up and stomps out. He hands the necklace back to Regina.

Jimena comes running back with the laundry. Branco is with her. Gris wants Jimena to show him around. Jimena is surprised. Go, go and have fun. Hmmmm.

The sheriff is happy to see Rod and informs him that the fisher folk will no longer be a problem. They are probably dead. Again Rod bitches about the Salvaje.

On the boat of said salvaje, Juan is trying to find out what happened. Apparently there was a hole in the boat. Juan thinks it is very strange. Santos says that the only thing strange that he remembers is the night before when they were all talking and they heard a noise but didn’t see anything. That would explain it says Juan. Of course he blames it on Rodrigo. Well, who wouldn’t?

Back in Noel’s office Noel is reading some kind of letter or telegram. Apparently all the associates are finally going to get together when Juan Aldama De La Cruz gets there. Dun, dun dun! You know this is going to be good. Noel thinks he needs to get in touch with everyone. He grabs his hat and cane and hurries out. He reminds me of the Penguin but a lot cuter.

Raul got a note from Alberto. He thinks to himself he hasn’t heard from him in a long time. He remembers when the little girl disappeared. He’s going to write him right away and let him know that he is welcome in this house. There’s a knock on the door. It’s Noel. This should be good. Noel cuts right to the chase and says he received a cablegram from Don Juan Aldama de la Cruz who will be arriving pretty darn quick. Raul looks uncomfortable.

Abuelo (aka Alberto) is talking to his daughter and wife. Alberto is sure that Raul will be able to help them. Abuela comforts her daughter that they will be seeing Angela soon. The daughter cries and say it has been so many years.

Branco and Jimena are in the market. Branco buys some flowers for Jimena and surprises her with them. She is pleased and doesn’t know what to say. He wants to talk about their future. He leans in for The Kiss but she turns away. Please no. He is frustrated. He apologizes but he says she knows how he feels. He’s only known her for about a week so I’d say he’s pretty optimistic. He promises her that she will forget Gabe. Well, that’s settled then.

Juan and Gabe are working on something. Well, at least Juan is. Gabe is staring off into space mooning over Jimena. Ha, you snooze you lose. That’s what I say. Juan is trying to figure out how to find Pedro. He looks on the map and sees there is a little island. Do you think that?…He notices Gabe is not paying attention. What is your deal Gabe? Are you thinking about Jimena? He’s thinking about Estrella and Jimena. He has dreams about them. Juan looks interested. He laughs. Ok, we’ll talk about this later. You need to listen to your heart. I’ve told you a thousand times that Jimena and I are friends. And besides, she’s a gypsy. Would you rather lose Estrella? Or Jimena? Gabe doesn’t understand. Well, there’s a surprise. Juan says we’ll talk about this later. I need you to help me find Pedro. Remi comes in. Juan asks him if he found anything. He shakes his head. Nothing. He thinks he is lost at sea. Juan disagrees. He is alive and we will find him. Gabe and Juan go back to looking at the map.

At the Finca Orca is pondering what secrets does Rosenda guard. Hmmmmm. He has a much better secret. The letter from Constanza that names Leo as her killer. He opens the drawer and takes out the book where he has hidden the letter. Oh noes! It’s gone. He starts tearing stuff up. Where can it be, where can it be? He thinks Rosenda’s got it. Rosenda looks shaken. She has a drink. Frankly, those dresses look really uncomfortable.

Back on dry land, Juan orders Gabe to go for the doctor. All hell is breaking loose. Noel runs up as the guys are getting our castaways off the boat. As he leans over Juan he recognizes a mark on his neck. My God! He has the birthmark of the family Montes de Oca! Dun, dun, dun! That is much more excitement than I can stand. Out of nowhere, Noel starts screaming that Juan is Juan de Dios San Roman. Uh oh, looks like the cat is out of the bag. Noel looks ecstatic. You are the son of Juan De Dios San Roman and Maria Del Rosario Montes de Oca. Juan looks confused as always. Bless his little heart.No el tells him they need to talk. Juan has to find Pedro first. Noel understands but he wants Juan to come find him.

Orca is manhandling Rosenda again. Where is my letter? What did you do with my letter. Rosenda doesn’t have a clue what he is talking about. He looks like he’s going to punch her and she tries to run away. She pleads with him. She doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He grabs her arm. We almost have another wardrobe malfunction. Dude, he is so creepy and he is definitely BSC. Leo walks in and saves the day. Let her go, let her go. What is going on. He’s looking for something and I don’t know what he’s talking about. He tells Leo that she’s been skulking around down in the basement. Leo does not look happy about that. Rosenda tries to explain but Leo gives her a good smack. She grabs her by the hair and tells her to get out. Orca says that the letter from Constanza is missing. Leo thinks maybe there never was a letter. Orca says, oh yes there was. She thinks maybe he made it up. He says no, I had it in my hand. It looks like he’s not going to be able to blackmail her now is he? Hmmm, I seem to recall you told everyone MdR was your wife. You’ve dug your own hole dumbass. She taunts him some more and leaves.

Jimena is shaking her groove thing with Branco. Oh lookey, there’s Gabe and he looks pissed. As Branco dips her for the finale Gabe intercedes. He demands that Branco let her go. Jimena is surprised. Pushing and shoving ensues. Jimena gets in between them and urges them not to fight in public. Branco gets lippy with him saying she is a gypsy. You have to right to her. He tells Gabe to get lost. Gabe says he’s not going anywhere. Jimena urges him to go. Gabe walks away but comes back to kiss her hand. Branco thinks Gabe is a big looser. Jimena thinks that perhaps Gabe is jealous. You think? It’s about friggin’ time.

Noel is walking along enjoying a nice day when who should he run into but Rodrigo. Great. There goes the day. Rod notices that Noel is all flustered and wants to know what’s up. Noel mysteriously says that the past is about to return. Rod says for once in your life speak plainly. You, know he does have a point there. You better be prepared. Rod doesn’t understand anything. (Good then it will be a surprise.) It will happen sooner than you think. Rod still doesn’t get it. Noel gives him the cablegram and Noel says this is from Juan Aldama de La Cruz. He’ll be here on the next boat.

Juan is helping Santos. He’s ok he says. They went for the doctor. The guys start telling all about the adventure with the sharks. They didn’t tell him however, what a dumbass Other Guy was for jumping in the water with them. Jacinta comes running in looking for Santos. Juan stops her because he doesn’t want him getting all upset. She cries. She was really worried about him. I told you to ask Juan for help. They didn’t want to bother him with their problems. Now they need to find Pedro. Tell me where he is. Think.

Regina went to the priest to tell him that her reputation is in jeopardy because she was protecting another. He wants her to tell the truth. You know Aimee won’t listen to anything. But truth is like the foam on the ocean, always floating. I don’t really get that.

Renato is looking for his dad. Noel has something important to tell him. My son, very soon you will know the truth about this family. And the BIG SECRET. Renato doesn’t understand. There’s a surprise. Noel has called for Clemencia. He tells Renato he needs a moment with Clemencia. Renato leaves. He asks her if she knows the BIG SECRET. She plays dumb for a second. That Juan is the son of Maria Rosario. She smiles at him and says yes, I know. I know that Juan is Juan de Dios San Roman Montes de Oca. Can you imagine being in school and having to write that whole thing? Ack!

The doc is taking care of the two guys. They will be ok. We have to go look for Pedro. Other Guy thinks it will be dangerous. Juan doesn’t care. He’s got to find him. The doc and the Other Guy convince Juan to wait until morning. Juan says they will set out as early as possible. We will look everywhere. We won’t abandon him.

Clemencia is telling the story about Juan. First there were the gardenias on the tomb of MdR. Then one day she went there and saw Juan. When I saw the mark of the Montes de Oca I knew that it was him. We talked. We cried. Noel thinks maybe that he came back for the inheritance of his mother. Clemencia assures him that he doesn’t care about money. He doesn’t want one cent of the Montes de Oca money. He came back for only one reason--vengence. Noel looks stunned. He is after the person he blames for the death of his parents. Noel thinks this can’t be. I won’t permit it. I will make him abandon this idea. Clemencia says well take a number and stand in line. He assures her that he will convince him.

Speaking of MdR, she is holding her new baby which I think is much more realistic than the rag baby. Finally she has found her son. She won’t permit anything else to happen to him. She rocks her baby. FF>>

Juan is telling Remi and Gabe about Noel figuring out who he is. He’s worried. Remi wants to know what he’s going to do. It’s about time that Rod knows who he is. The ruin of Rodrigo Montes de Oca is close. He will know that I ruined him completely. There’s a knock on the door. It’s Noel (big surprise) grinning like a Cheshire cat. Noel needs to talk to him. Gabe and Remi skedaddle out of there to give them some privacy. They are happy to see each other. Noel is upset that Juan didn’t trust him to tell him who he really was. He had to keep it a secret for his own reasons. I have been thinking of you all these years. He wondered if he was a good kid, and a great man. He looks like he’s about to cry. Clemencia ratted you out by telling me what your plans are. Noel can’t believe it. I know. I told Clemencia. It is almost finished. Then it is true. You came back for vengence.


Dinero #97 & 98- 5/13/10: The Head Knows What the Stomach & Heart Don’t and Ale Has Some Heart-to-Heart Talks

It’s obvious that Vicky has had years of practice being an annoying little sister, because she is taunting Rafa with the torn picture of Ale.
“You want it? You miss it? Have it then.”
“Nope. You can throw it in the trash.”
“No. I won’t do that till that woman is definitively out of your life.”

She lets him know she will be there the next day with her camera to take a picture of him with his shiny new trophy. And if he won’t man up and send the picture to the folks at Siglo to rub it in their faces, she will. She storms out just after Jaime has come in. With some quick thinking, Jaime almost manages to not be seen by Vicky. She does, but is too annoyed with Rafa to torture Jaime tonight and leaves. Jaime heads to Rafa’s room where he sees the trophy and celebrates in the way Rafa should be, yelling “goal!” and striking Rafa’s happy pose. Rafa’s not happy that this win came at the expense of Alejandra’s job. Jaime reminds Rafa of the embargo Ale put on his house and sarcastically offers Rafa a hanky to cry into. He psychs Rafa up by telling him this is the start of a great battle!

Marco has meanwhile come back from the brink of madness and is apologizing to Ale for freaking out about her seeing Medina. “I don’t want to lose you over a stupid argument. I’m sorry. Forgive me. His name coming out of your mouth drives me crazy. Alejandra, te amo.” A few more te amos, and a kiss (which she hesitantly accepts) later, and Ale seems willing to accept Marco’s apology. But she’s happy to see him leave so that she can sneak the photo of her and Rafa out of her drawer and stare at it lovingly. “I don’t know why I can’t stop thinking about you.”

The next morning, Jorge is too depressed about Rubi to eat. He admits that his head wants to return to normal, but his stomach obviously hasn’t gotten the memo and he has no appetite. He locks himself in his room, and Rosario and Ale realize that in order to assure he stays in good spirits and therefore in good health, the White Monster (aka The Love Nurse) will have to be brought back. Ale makes the call to Marco and Marco calls Rubi. When he gets off the phone with Rubi, Chavez wonders if he’s not playing with fire bringing Rubi back, given what she and Marco almost did in his apartment. “She could blackmail you.” (He really doesn’t know our Rubi). Marco wants to know if Chavez prefers that the old man kick the bucket. Chavez does not, but he does want to know how things went with Marco and Ale the night before (obviously having one of his little Ale fantasies again). Marco admits that they had a little argument about her seeing Rafa and Chavez chews him out for being so stupid. Everything that Ale says Marco needs to agree with. “Even if Ale asks, would it bother you if she slept with Medina? You say, no.”

Chavez barely gets this scenario out of his mouth before Marco jumps on him, choking him in a crazy jealous rage. He’s obviously not going to be able to follow Chavez’s advice. After prying Marco off him, Chavez asks if Ale mentioned the embargo on Rafa’s house. The fact that she didn’t means that Rafa didn’t tell her, and they can do it again this month when Rafa surely doesn’t show up with the payment at 6pm. The thought of throwing Rafa and his family out of their home brings Marco out of his funk.

Over at Siglo, Marino (why do I always want to write Moron?) is already acting like the lord and master and is after the sales team for coming in late. Once he’s the boss, he wants them in by 7:50 so that they can start working promptly at 8 am. He starts yelling at all of them, but his yelling is even less effective than Ale’s. They all look at him dubiously, except Zetina, who is taking Marino seriously. Ramirez orders him to bow to his new master (literally) and Zetina almost does until Bebe puts a stop to the madness and pulls Zetina away.

Bebe is so incensed by all this Marino nonsense that he vows to make sure that Ale isn’t fired. He goes to talk to Beltran and waits patiently for him outside his office. Ale sees him and can’t convince him to let it go, but Beltran is too busy to speak to him right now. He’s close to securing Ale’s replacement. Bebe decides to wait for as long as it will take. Ale looks on sadly, goes into her office with Susana, and proceeds to freak out in usual Ale fashion. Susana doesn’t understand why she’s losing it, as she knew this was coming. Ale explains that her head knew this was coming, but her heart wasn’t prepared. She admits what an important role Siglo has played in her life and that she’s going to miss it. “I want to cry”, she tells Susana. “Cry then. Get it out.” Ale bawls.

Outside of Ale's office, Marino and Ramirez continue to count their chickens before they hatch and plot their reign of terror over the Siglo Sales Team; the Team continues to be horrified at the thought of being managed by Marino and his toady Ramirez; and Dandy can only think of possibly losing his Nonita (his little noni- Susana). He stares at a picture of her and caresses it.

Back in Ale’s office, Susana is shocked that not one of Ale’s colleagues in the car sales business have called her to wish her well in this time of need. Ale assures her that that’s how this business is. There are no friends; only competitors. And it’s all about money. She is sure no one is thinking of her. Which is completely wrong, because at just that moment Rafa is thinking of her. He asks his boss if he can get his paycheck in two separate checks. One in the amount he owes Ale, and the rest for himself and his expenses. His boss is shocked to see how much Rafa will be putting aside to pay off a debt, and wonders if Rafa is maintaining a luxury home in Acapulco!

Before Rafa can get his checks, go to the bank, and pay Ale before six, he has to get through a meeting with his boss and an important Japanese client, and survive a call from Vicky where she demands that he get home early to take that photo with the trophy like he promised. (I have a feeling he’s going to be cutting it really close with his 6 o’clock payment and the embargo.)

Susana continues to comfort Ale, saying that even if she doesn’t find work right away, she has the man she’s going to marry who will gladly support her financially. Ale doesn’t look thrilled at the idea. She does get riled up at the idea of giving each of the sales team members a piece of her mind before she leaves. Susana does believe that she should speak to each of them and close the circle, but not in anger. She asks why Ale wants to fight with the whole world. Ale argues that it’s not her fighting the whole world, it’s the whole world fighting her! She has Susana call the sales crew in one by one. It looks like Ale’s decided to take Susana’s advice, because here’s the basics of what she said to everyone (I’m paraphrasing):

Claudia: “Look, we’ve never been friends, but it’s never been personal. I admire your talent for sales. What I never approved of was the way you dress and the way you comport yourself with clients. You mix your business and your personal life too much. You’re a great salesperson, a valiant woman. You should not just be a sexual object.” Claudia cries and apologizes for everything she has ever done to Ale, but still doesn’t fess up to what exactly she’s done. She looks truly repentant though and leaves the office sobbing. She tells a concerned Rosaura that she has regrets about things she can’t change.

Ramiro Jimenez: “How’s your new apartment? When are you going to go back to your true career and dream of being an architect? Much of what’s gone wrong with you and your wife is due to you not going back to your true career. You’ve maintained your dignity and you’ve been a good salesman. And when you were able to get that apartment for your wife and kids and move out of your mother in law’s house, I was proud of you. If you can see in yourself the grand man that you are, then your next boss will be as proud of you as I have been.” Ramiro cries, from the truth Ale has been telling him about himself- letting his dream of being an architect die and affect his marriage. But also about what he has accomplished. He invites her to visit his new apartment. She promises to do so and they end in hugs and tears and wishes of god luck.

Ale comes out to get Bebe, who is still waiting for Beltran. Beltran passes by and tries to brush Bebe off, but he makes himself be heard this time. “You can’t fire her. Give her another chance!” Beltran says that Ale is not the same Ale she used to be. Bebe agrees and says she’s better, more experienced. Beltran’s not having it. He announces that he’s already made the decision about her replacement. He walks away, leaving a crying Bebe. Ale gently brings him into her office. He tells her that he refuses to stay at Siglo without her. Ale tells him he has to stay a while longer so that he can get his retirement benefits. His obligation isn’t to her, it’s to that wonderful wife of his. Bebe doesn’t want to go without seeing Ale. Ale assures him she will come to his house and have coffee with him and his wife. He let’s her know the coffee will be waiting for her anytime. They are both weeping and so am I.

We have to take a comedy break to counter alls these tears, although this is a tender moment as well. Rubi is back in her uniform, and after being warned by Marco to say nothing of their tryst in his apartment (Rubi can’t understand what the fuss is about since nothing did happen), she and Jorge are reunited. Or should I say that Jorge and Rubi’s boobies are reunited? Either way, everybody (except Rosario) is happy.

Back at Siglo, Marino continues to lord his presumed new status as boss over everyone. He tells Claudia, Rosaura and the General that they’ll need to start wearing shorter skirts, tells Rosaura that she needs to get a tan (she’s too white for his tastes), and threatens to fire everyone else. (I am so ready to see that grin knocked off his face.) Ale’s heart-to-hearts with the sales team continue.

Rosaura: “We’ll never be friends, but we will see each other. And when we do, I hope to encounter someone who knows she’s a salesperson. Once you accept that that’s who you are, then things will get better for you. You’ve had the strength to survive so far (her husband losing his job and money and her needing to go to work). You have the strength to proudly tell all your rich friends that you’re a saleswoman.” Rosaura asks if Ale will ever visit her at her house. Ale says maybe, when she sees the Rosaura she hopes to see.

Susana can’t bear to speak to Dandy, so she has Trapito go get him for the talk with Ale. Dandy can’t seem to focus on anything or anyone and needs to be dragged from his desk and shoved towards Ale’s office. He comes to life though when he sees Susana. She springs up from her chair and he collapses into it. He stares at her back, she knows he’s looking at her, and an impish smile appears on her face. She backs up and falls into her chair without looking back, landing right onto a delighted Dandy’s lap (an accident???). Susana immediately springs up, runs to hide behind a wall, and watches Dandy secretly as he heads into Ale’s office. (Hmmm….)

Dandy/Nelson: Dandy’s still in the dog house, so Ale makes it brief. “When you came here I saw a handsome man; a good salesman; and a good person. But you’ve turned into a professional con man (estafador). You’re not the man we thought.” Dandy tries to defend himself, but Ale’s not hearing it. He assures her that he will show her and his Nonita that he is the man they thought he was. He’s more determined than ever to be a better person. Ale’s done listening. She lets him know that Susana won’t stay long at Siglo after she goes. Dandy leaves Ale’s office distressed by this news; and Susana enters through another door wanting to know everything that he said (hmmm…). Ale discounts it as basically the same old Dandy bs, and makes Susana promise to follow her as soon as Ale’s secured another job and can get her a position.

Isabel/The General: “I knew between us there would only ever be a working relationship.” The General lets her know the repulsion is mutual (lol!). “You’re a woman without hypocrisies. You’ve always been one of my best salespeople. Thank you for working by my side. All the best.” The General salutes her and says, “Same to you. See you in hell.” (Now here’s a woman you want by your side in battle. But maybe not by your side during an emotional crisis or at a party.)

Marino is starting to worry that everyone is starting to take Ale’s side. The General assures him that she’s not on Ale’s side, but she’s not on his either. This doesn’t quell his fears about Ale winning everyone over, and when Susana calls Ramirez in to see Ale, he tries to stop him. But Ale is still the boss, and could fire Ramirez, so he goes tout de suite.

Random scene of the night: Chavez gets stopped by our two hapless cops for driving drunk and erratically. He’s not willing to take a breathalyzer, line walking test, or blood test. But he is willing to share his fine tequila with the two cops. They decline but decide they need to “confiscate” the bottle. They offer to take him home in the squad car, and he offers to drive (so nice of him), and I don’t notice the red lacy bra hanging over his neck until the end of the scene. (lol!)

We end the evening with Rafa rushing out the doors of CloAutos to get to the bank. Before he makes it out, he gets a call. Not from VickyVickyVicky as expected, but from Beltran! (duhn, duhn, duhn!)

Tomorrow: Those of you who predicted that Beltran is going to offer Rafa Ale’s job were right because Rafa meets with Betran and Doña Arcadia for a business meal.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

El Clon Thursday May 13: In which the coffee grounds talk but nobody quite gets what they are saying

This 30 minute episode, remarkable for the complete absence of the odious Marisa and Karla, zipped along nicely. To save some time they cut out the usual recap at the beginning. Not sure what else they left out. The important thing is that 12 Corazones had its full hour and presumably the game was shown on time.

So – we are back at the beach café where Andrea catches Alej and Naty smooching. It turns out our little airhead really is a good friend. She protects Naty by shooing away Fernando and the gang, telling them the place is full, don’t even try to get a table.

The king is in his counting house…
Leo to his secretary: ¿Nadie me ha llamado? Nobody called me? (It’s so sad having no one to reject)

A rey muerto rey puesto The king is dead. Long live the king! (To the dead king, a king is placed/crowned)
Cris is telling Vicki she is soooo over Leo.

And in Morocco…
While little Jadiya dances, Jade tells tío Ali that she wants to go back to the US to be near Said. She worries that Lucas’s wife is trying to get too close to him. Ali is thrilled to hear that Jade is thinking like this and agrees to get the tickets cuanto antes (right away).

Hasta me dan ganas de llorar… It makes me want to cry!
Alicia is verklempt (choked up with emotion) at the sweetness of Albi and Luisa going away together for a week and trusting her with filling in for Luisa. Randy old Escobar couldn’t be happier about it; Julio’s pleasure is a bit more restrained.

And in the ruins, Lucas paces and waits… Romantic piano accompaniment.

Said strides angrily through the Medina. Warrior drumbeats sound.

Jade, swathed in head-to-toe black, arrives for her tryst with Lucas. She reveals her silvery, shimmery dance costume under her sober robes and as ‘Amor Amor’ sounds, she begins to dance for Lucas.

Allah, que nadie se de cuenta de la ausencia de Jade
May no one notice Jade’s absence, prays Zoraida, handily using the third person subjunctive of dar, but alas to no avail. There is a pounding on the door. It’s Said and he wants to know where Jade is. Upstairs in her room, fibs Zoraida. Jadiya greets her daddy happily, telling him that she and mom were just getting ready to go back to the US to see him. Mommy left very early, she tells him. So why didn’t you go with her Zoraida? he demands to know. Zoraida babbles something about her leaving so early to buy lamb. (Apparently everyone knows Jade hasn’t earned her lamb-buying merit badge yet and needs extra time for this errand)

And while poor Zoraida is spinning ineffectually, Jade is twirling and shimmying to much greater effect as a blissed out Lucas looks on…

See here, she was getting ready to go to you, here’s her luggage (equipaje) says Zoraida to Said. He’s not interested. Get me a phone book, he barks and then dismisses her. He calls Lucas’s hotel room, gets a nonplussed Enrique. Said invites – or should I say summons -- Lucas and Enrique to dinner that night at Ali’s house and makes it clear he won’t take no for an answer.

Allah, el destino de Jade está escrito en esta taza.
Allah, Jade’s destiny is written in this cup. Yes, Zoraida is reading the coffee grounds and here is what they tell her:
Son dos hombres, dos tiempos…
They are two men, two times...
A uno le veo claramente el rostro, es Lucas
One’s face I see clearly, it’s Lucas
El otro es como si fuera su sombra.
The other, it’s as if he were his shadow.

¿Pero porqué no consigo descifrarlo? But why can't I manage to decipher it?
How, muses Zoraida, can a person be separate from his shadow? (despegarse, literally, to become unstuck). It’s very confusing, she thinks, but it is about to happen.

And at the ruins, Lucas is finally returning The Necklace to Jade. We hear Zoraida’s voice repeating the prophecy about the stone:
Cuando la piedra vuelva a ella, el pasado y el futuro van a correr uno a la dirección del otro y se van a cruzar como si fueran dos ríos.
When the stone returns to her, the past and the future will run, each in the direction of the other and they will cross as if they were two rivers.

Jade and Lucas are sure that the miracle of recovering the necklace is a sign that their destiny is being fulfilled, that nothing can come between them, that they will live happily ever after. He unfastens her bra and the camera discretely looks away.

In Miami, Alej asks Naty if Andrea knows about them. She does, but it’s cool. Besides my mother knows I’m seeing someone and she’s really happy about it (se puso muy contenta) although she doesn’t know it’s you.

And in Little Morocco, the hand-picked computer tech is putting the finishing touches on the kids’ new laptop. Samira wins the obligatory me-first contest with Amin, but her pleasure turns to disappointment when she learns that the parental units have blocked internet use with a contraseña known only to them. This means the kids can only go online under the direct supervision of a parent. Bummer. And no games for Amin either.

So who’s this mysterious boyfriend of Natalia’s, Mama Rosa asks Alej, startling him so much that he drops a plate. He feigns ignorance but even Rosa can tell he’s fibbing. Ah well, she says, Haces bien en ser discreto (you do well to be discreet); it speaks well of you.

You can fool some of the people…
Albi confides to Julio that he doesn’t think Alicia is prepared to do Luisa’s work: No creo que Alicia esté preparada para hacer el trabajo de Luisa. Tell me, says Albi, what do you think of Alicia. Julio replies:
A veces veo que es tan servicial que se pasa. (Sometimes she’s so helpful that she goes too far.) Yes, agrees Albi, that’s what makes me uncomfortable about her. Well, just make sure you supervise her closely and label all the specimens yourself.

And meanwhile Luisa is pressing Alicia to accept her credit card which she does after a girlish show of reluctance. Me hubiera encantado tener una madre como tú, she gushes (I would have loved having a mother like you). And I a daughter like you, replies Luisa (only when she says it her nose doesn’t grow five inches!)

Chismoso Ramon lurks in the background while Dora tells Vicki that Daniel is working and right now is in Mexico, in Cancún. Más parece una sombra buscando su cuerpo que un niño de veinte años. (He seems more like a shadow looking for his body than a boy of 20).

Jade and Lucas say goodbye and she heads back to tío Ali’s house. The couple are thinking that now nothing can stand in the way of their love. The musical director knows better, however, and the strains of “lloran y lloran y lloran” (they weep and they weep and they weep) acccompany her on her way.

In Miami, Naty, Andrea and Alej are at a café. They speculate on how the Ferrer family will react to their relationship. They decide that Lucas will support them because he’s open-minded, he’s more like them. Marisa and Leo? Never. The talk turns to living together. You guys are so cute, coos Andrea.

Gloria grills Pablo about Alej’s business. Ramoncito tells me my son is in love with a girl so rich her pores give off money instead of sweat (en vez de sudor le salen billetes por los poros). Well let’s hope she’s not going to take advantage of him like that Karla did.

Ramon is delivering the news to the Naz that Osvaldo’s novia has a grown son although Ramon’s not sure who the father is. The Naz does her drama queen thing, raving that if she had been allowed to marry Ozzie when he first asked her, she wouldn’t be alone now, woe is the Naz. Well that’s all very well but my pay? says Ramon. She grudgingly gives him one gold earring. And the other? he asks. She explodes at him, telling him to ask for it when he’s got something worthwhile to tell her.

Jade all in black makes her way back through the Medina. Ali reaches home before her and is greeted by a frantic Zoraida who tells him Said is back and Jade has gone who knows where. Said’s glowering face appears and it seems he has heard this conversation.

¡No puede ser!
And Enrique is telling Lucas about Said’s presence in Morocco -- oh no, that can’t be! -- and his insistence that they both come to dinner at Ali’s house. To refuse would be an admission of guilt. What do you think he’s up to? asks Lucas. I don’t know, replies Enrique, but prepare yourself for the worst: Prepárate por lo peor.

¿Dónde estabas Jade? or The Jig is Up
Where were you Jade? asks the furious Said as soon as she appears at the door. I went to the market to buy some things… she begins to say. He forces open her robes to reveal the silvery shimmery outfit beneath. ¿Fuiste al mercado vestida así como una odalisca??? You went to the market like dressed like a harem slave?

Credits roll.


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