Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #16 1/24/11 Psst, Bernarda, your crazy is showing – or – Talk to the hand.

In which Max and María are in love; Linda and Osvaldo are in lust; and Victoria and JP are in despair.
Max and María Desamparada are apart but each is thinking of the other and sighing dreamily.

As Victoria continues her confession to Padre Juan Pablo, he is troubled at how bitter and hard she seems. He never realized how much harm he had done to her…
Not just to me, she interrupts, to me and our innocent daughter!

Whoa! Say what????

She sees that his shock is genuine and realizes that his mother truly never told him about the pregnancy. Victoria sets him straight. When she found out about the pregnancy, Bernarda called her a liar and threw her out of the house. And all that time he was trying to get closer to God and heaven, she was suffering unimaginable hardship.

And where is the child now? he asks. I have no idea, says Victoria with anguish.

(Well we viewers know where she is: She is practicing her runway walk under Pipino’s semi-watchful eye. It’s hard for Pipino to stay on task when Toni is around and there’s juicy gossip.)

You mean -- you abandoned her? asks JP, appalled. (¿Acaso la abandonaste?) And Victoria tells the story of the car in the night, how she woke up in the hospital and realized her daughter was gone. And the worst thing of all: she never knew if the little girl was dead or alive.

The confession moves to the sacristy. Victoria’s husband doesn’t know about her past – yet another reason she has no peace in her life. JP can’t find the words to respond. That’s because there aren’t any, says Victoria bitterly:
Mientras tú has vivido en el paraíso yo he vivido en el infierno.(While you have lived in paradise, I’ve lived in hell.)

When Victoria leaves, JP, now weeping, kneels in prayer and vows to find his daughter and reunite her with her mother.

Back at his office at the Casa de Modas, Max gives his buddy Fabián some sound advice: No te fijes en Fer. (Don’t set your sights on Fer.)

María smiles as she hears Pipino tell Toni that Max wasn’t flirting with any of the girls at Fer’s party. But her smile fades when he adds: Maybe he misses Ximena. Toni scoffs: That girl’s not for him.

Maybe Toni has written her off, but Ximena – we haven’t met her yet, but we already hate her on María D’s behalf – is still in the game. She phones Max from Paris; he dodges her call. Fabián remarks that Ximena’s going to be surprised when she comes back to Mexico and discovers she’s not the star model of the agency and not Max’s main squeeze.

María’s very interested in the next Pipino and Toni tidbit: Max suspected Ximena was cheating on him (le puso el cuerno); that’s why she was shipped off to Paris. Harsh.

Uh oh, St. Bernarda. Looks like the jig is up. She is irritated when JP interrupts her prayers but JP spits out:
¡Quiero saber por qué me ocultaste que Victoria tuvo una hija mia!(I want to know why you didn’t tell me Victoria gave birth to my child!)
She is stunned and wheels around to face him…
and he continues:
…y quiero saberlo ahora mismo!(...and I want to know right now!)

She is shaken a bit but remembers: the best defense is a good offense. She shoots back:
¿A que viene este absurdo interrogatorio?(Where do you get off grilling me like that?)
But JP stands his ground. He won’t listen to her denials or let her take refuge in empty piety. He insists they must help Victoria.

Bernarda snarls and shows a mouthful of teeth (I’m reminded of the Sea Witch, Ursula, from The Little Mermaid). Victoria is the serpent who brought sin into the garden, she raves. She made you bite the apple…

A lesser man would run from this scary mother. But JP insists: Victoria told him everything. Under the seal of the confessional. And we are talking about your grandchild, he reminds her, your own flesh and blood (sangre de tu sangre).

Osvaldo comes home to find that Victoria has taken to her bed, black eyeshade and all. She feels awful and wants to be left alone. He gives her the kiss-off head kiss, and says ominously:
Lo que tú digas, amor.
(As you wish, my love.)

Back at the office, Oscar confesses to Toni that he’s in love with Victoria. (Yeah. Stop the presses.)

Here’s Max -- a soft gray scarf over an argyle sweater and suit jacket, just the right mix of luxe and cool -- oh sorry, where was I? Oh yes, at the Sandoval home, Max comes in to check on Victoria. He assumes she is still upset about Fer and marvels at how someone so strong can be such a pushover when it comes to his sister. Victoria, however, is determined to help Fer back onto the right path. Max is afraid it may be too late.

Poor Juan Pablo is still closeted with that raging raving fiend he calls madre. She thunders:
¡Victoria es el demonio encarnado!(Victoria is the devil incarnate!)
And those of us at home who are not hiding behind our couches, are standing and shouting back: No! You’re the devil! You!

JP is undaunted. Victoria was an innocent girl when I knew her, he says. As innocent as I was. I was the first man in her life.

This reference to JP’s lapse into carnal sin is too much for St Bernarda. How dare he speak like that in her sanctuary! It’s a sacrilege! No, he counters, I’m just telling the truth. And besides:
¿Te das cuenta que con tu silencio eres tan pecadora como yo?(Do you realize that by keeping silent you’re as much a sinner as I am?)

Bernarda is apoplectic:
¡Soy tu madre y me debes respeto!(I’m your mother and you owe me respect!)
And she slaps JP’s face. Wham. She is breathing hard.

But that’s nothing compared to the heavy breathing going on in Osvaldo’s car. LindoHo is prepared to “give” him whatever he needs – understanding, affection, a quick roll in the hay. (Well perhaps “sell” would be a more accurate word than “give”.)

The Mother Superior pops in on María. Holy Shmoley, she’s leading the cheer for Team Max!
Nadie debe desairar un amor tan grande y tan sincero.(No one should snub a love that is so great and so sincere.)

Still have doubts about Max? Check out the big purple shopping bag filled with toy cars and trucks he brings to Martincito, now recovering nicely in the hospital.

At the Casa Sandoval, the maid brings the still prostrate Victoria some pills for her headache and tells her that Osvaldo isn’t home yet.

Osvaldo and Linda. Horizontal mambo. Blech.

At the apartment, María tells Nathy what Sor Clementina said: that Max really loves her.

The softening-up campaign is working. When María sees Max arrive at the Casa de Modas -- splendid in a red scarf today -- she flies into his arms.

Padre JP prays aloud. There must have been so many times, he says, when the girl needed me and I wasn’t there for her. Domingo overhears him and is puzzled. What girl is he talking about?

Max and María are still outside the office making goo goo eyes at each other. He has no words to describe the depth of his feeling for her. She is still afraid. Listen to your heart, he tells her. María tries to explain that she is fragile; she has suffered a lot and needs to feel safe. He promises he’ll always protect her. Right.

Victoria tells Toni about her confession to Juan Pablo. All those years she spent blaming JP for abandoning her and now she finds out that his mother never told him Victoria was pregnant. It is Bernarda who is to blame and not her son.

St. Bernarda is in fact blaming herself. But not for her sins against Victoria. Self-flagellation is no mere metaphor for our Bernie. She whips her hand until it bleeds. The hand must be punished for slapping JP, the person whose prayers will save her from the flames of hell. Not. She vows to destroy Victoria for bringing sin to her house. She is one scary crazy mother.

María reluctantly agrees to keep her relationship with Max a secret for now. He wants to wait until things calm down a bit in his family.

Padre JP prays for guidance in this, his dark night of the soul (noche negra del alma).

Why speak to JP just now, asks Toni. Victoria replies:
La presencia de Padilla y la locura de mi hiji fueron la gota que derramó el vaso.(Padilla’s presence and my daughter’s stunt were the last straw.)
It’s not a question of revenge, explains Victoria, but rather of truth and justice. By now, JP must have gone to his mother and held her accountable for her actions. That’s the only part of all this I’m enjoying, she says:
La rabia y el coraje de Doña Bernarda al enterarse que su hijo ya sabe todo.(Doña B’s rage and fury when she finds out her son knows everything.)
Yup. That is pretty sweet.

Toni finds it hard to believe JP didn’t know about the baby. But Victoria knows he was telling the truth. Toni wonders what Osvaldo will do when he finds out about her past—
Just then Osvaldo enters.

Linda brags to Nathy and María that she had her way with Osvaldo. Double blech.

Victoria hasn’t heard from Osvaldo since yesterday. What gives? He explains that since she wasn’t feeling well, he thought he’d get out of her hair. So he stayed overnight at Guillermo’s. Then he gives her another of those kiss-off kisses, this time on the forehead, and leaves.

Things are going from bad to worse, Toni tells her friend: if she doesn’t change her attitude, she’s gonna lose Ozzie.

She’s not wrong, dude. Ozzie is savoring the memory of his uh… amorous encounter… with LindaHo.

Nathy doesn’t see any harm in María and Max keeping their noviazgo quiet for now. His mother is kind of… well… difficult.

The unluckiest servant in Mexico, Tomasa, notices the big honkin’ bandage wrapped around St. Bernarda’s hand. When Tomasa asks about it, Bernie tells her to shut her piehole. Then she begins to rant about Victoria coming into the church like a ghost. The girl, Victoria? asks the puzzled (but incredibly valiant) Tomasa.

The others are dust and ashes, continues Bernarda with terrifying displays of dentition. It’s my fault, my fault! (Here she beats her breast with the injured hand.) God, we made a deal! I gave you my son – now you have to honor your end of the bargain!

Tomasa is alarmed. Even in a sea of crazy, this is starting to feel like a tsunami. She wants to call JP but Bernarda pushes her out of the room.

Bernarda resumes her raving: She had to slap JP to stop his recriminations. Now it’s time to go after Victoria. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth! Bwahaha!

Cleansing breath. Sweet William in a kayak.


La Verdad Oculta #90: A tale of two sleepers

At Elsa's, Ulises gushes over her jewelry merchandise while she explains that Dante's quite a character; and that he gave her a list of clients to contact. At Campo Real, Gabriela wows the council and shuts up Adolfo by flawlessly repeating from her earphone David's consolidation plans.

When she informs them they're instituting a quality control office to ensure good customer service, she responds pointedly to Adolfo that as a restaurant server, she well learned what good customer service is. Gabriela is a smash hit, and David's super proud she shut down Adolfo.

In closing, "Mario" addresses the Ávila contract, concluding they have only a short time on it left and that at its termination, they'll run an audit and liquidate whatever's necessary to settle their debt with him. Adolfo's simmering but subdued -- and frustrated as he exits ahead of everyone congratulating Gabriela.

At Elsa's, Zaida and Édgar walk in on Caramelo copying out her special letter onto the white board, where Zaida reads "…but the real culprits are Carlos Ávila…" and excitedly interrogates Caramelo loudly enough to alarm approaching Juan José, who objects to the shouting and bullying.

Typically Édgar overreacts, confronting Juan José angrily, earning him a door smashed in his face and subsequent dust up in the hallway. Chicles is digging it; Zaida not so much. And as she intervenes, Caramelo erases the white board. Elsa arrives in time to find Juan José dragging the kids off to her dismay.

In the aftermath, Elsa learns Zaida's the one recommended her to Dante and thanks her. Back at Juan José's, Caramelo gives the salsa-stained letter back to Chicles, it being tainted now by the ugly argument. She couldn't read what she was copying on the board anyway, she tells him.

At Zaida's, she rips Édgar a new one for fighting with the exact guy they are interested in. When she phones to report him to Adolfo, unwise Édgar tries to crush her out of it with a brutal embrace; but he's barking up the wrong virago. She slaps him a hard blow across the face and warns he's going to rue the day he was born.

Back at Juan José's macho Chicles will only clear the table if Juan José promises to help do the dishes; and while the boy disappears, when asked, Caramelo explains about the white board fuss and reminds Juan José she can't read yet. He charges her to always depend on him to stick up for her when someone gives her problems.

In Mario's office, "Mario" effusively congratulates Gabriela on her excellent performance and poignantly assures that her father would be proud of her and that he, "Mario," loves her, too. Zaida visits Alejandra at the studio and manages to do what Juan José insisted, despite Alejandra's yelling at her.

She explains he threatened to break off their business dealings without her apologizing personally, which mollifies Alejandra. What's more, Zaida divulges Juan José loves Alejandra and wants to get back with her. Zaida advises if Alejandra loves him, she should fight for him tooth and nail.

At the tunnel house, while David removes his disguise makeup, he and Abelardo marvel over Gabriela's commanding performance; and David reminds Abelardo he needs to marry her again, because her name was not legal the first time.

Alejandra picks up the phone to call Juan José at home, where he is so happy to hear from her that he makes a date to pick her up immediately; and she eagerly agrees. Back at Mario's living room, "Mario," David and Abelardo toast champagne to smiling Gabriela.

David toasts to the owner of his heart; to the family, including Abelardo; and finally to "Mario" as head of the family -- and privately, glancing heavenward, to the real Mario, his father, RIP. That evening at a romantic restaurant, Juan José and Alejandra make up over dinner; and Alejandra jumps for joy when Juan José gives her a diamond engagement ring.

He missed her terribly while they were apart and wants her to spend the rest of her life with him, if she has nothing better to do. He mentions that Zaida gave Caramelo a problem, which he liked not at all and at which Alejandra is mystified. Meanwhile back in their bedroom suite, David and Gabriela show that married love is no bore fest either.

In Susana's hospital ICU, her fingers move and eyelids flutter, prompting the nurse to shout and run for the doctor. At Juan José's in the bedroom, he and Alejandra make hot love again -- but this time with a huge white rock on her left ring finger.

Next morning, Gabriela regales Julieta and Santiago at their apartment over her triumph at the council meeting, and they are both tickled. Later Santiago visits Leonardo downstairs and reports how things went at Campo Real; that they foiled Adolfo. Before he came in, Leonardo phoned Ramón about a new jewel heist.

Across town, Zaida visits Elsa and learns she sold two jewelry pieces; and she overhears Elsa's ecstatic reaction on the phone to Dante's monstrous commission he's giving her. Elsa reports to him the buyer never asked for provenance, but she assumed it would be forthcoming. Zaida exits, oddly somewhat miffed.

Back at Leonardo's, he gets the idea to have "Mario" invent some pretext for Adolfo to meet at his office and brace him to reveal by hidden camera if Adolfo says anything about the cuff link or reacts somehow. In her condo in bed, sobbing Yolanda feels very bad and places a call to her doctor to come see her right away.

Asunción brings Caramelo home to Elsa's and refuses to stay or even cross the threshold, only repeating his request that the "señorita" ask about his adoption possibilities, which she promises to do the next day. He kisses Caramelo goodbye and exits with a long face.

Yolanda's doctor arrives, where she tearfully explains she's not exactly sure what happened; but after all the years of bottling up all the secrets, she just can't take it any more. He gives her an anti-depressant prescription with the insistence that she visit him first thing next day.

It's a very strong formula she should take one of, twice a day, he says; it might make her drowsy, but it's necessary under these circumstances. Back at Elsa's, Caramelo explains the strange fight in the apartment earlier that neither one can understand.

Yolanda's maid, Juanita, brings the doctor's prescription from the pharmacy to her in bed. Yolanda instructs the maid to let her sleep; and after the maid's exit, Yolanda locks the door. Dumping a handful of pills into her palm, she swallows them all with a glass of water.

Then Yolanda lies back on her pillow to await a deep sleep -- her best friends in attendance all around her; she holds one favorite to her face, pulled from the jewel box tumbled open on the bed.


Monday, January 24, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #181-182 1/24/11 Everybody sings the Marcia Chorus, but Fernando sings counterpoint.

Capitulo 181.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ariel says that a Japanese would’ve committed hari-kari for much less. Teresita tells Marcia maybe they shouldn’t have left Fern alone. Marcia bitterly says, “He’s alone because he wants to be.”

2. Omar repeats The Marcia Taunt and says Lety made him lose the presidency. (NO! Ariel would’ve exposed everything if Lety didn’t.) Fern stands by Lety – she would NOT take the company.

3. Lety tells Caro that she quiere Aldo. She scurries off and Caro asks what made the big change in her.

4. Tom reports to Lety that the board thinks she wants to keep the company, and she needs to return. She says she’s not ready to leave, and it won’t hurt for Fernando to suffer. Let him learn that if he hurts someone that much, he has to suffer the consequences.

5. MamaT wants to talk and Fern says they’ve already told him everything he’s done wrong. She says she’s not going to scold him and he shows a flicker of hope. She’s worried for him. He says he’s paying for his errors. He takes comfort for a moment, but then says he doesn’t want pity. It’s a process and he has to get through it alone. Ed told him you have to lose yourself to find yourself. Then he can be the hero she hoped for.

6. Teresita asks, “When will that be? When she appears? Even if she returned the company, then what? Would you resolve your life, going along with her?” She knows it’s love for Lety that torments him. MamaT says she probably hates him and wants to destroy him, and maybe she’s found someone new.

7. Caro tells Aldo that Lety thought Caro was setting them up. Aldo asks how Lety responded. She was simply uncomfortable, but now he’s on his own. Caro doesn’t want Aldo leading Lety on then breaking her heart again. Maybe he needs to back off.

8. Teresita is on Fern’s side, as long as he corrects his errors. She wants him to go back to Marcia. He puts his foot down. “I don’t love her and I’m not going to marry her!” MamaT asks whether he really loves Lety, but he won’t discuss it. MamaT sings The Marcia Taunt and The Marcia Pitch. Fernando says to himself, “No, Lety’s not like that, Mama.. MY Lety is not like that.”

9. Tom tells Sanchez to halt the embargo. Sanchez says it’s too late; he can’t reverse it. By tomorrow, the court will rule (darán) in favor of FI. Tom says the process must be stopped.

10. Teresita tells Omar he helped get Fernando into this mess, and he has to help get him out. T orders Omar to make Fernando forget about that woman.

Capitulo 182.
Read K-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia tells Alicia that Fernando’s depressed because he loves Lety and he’s lost her. Ali’s sure it’s witchcraft. She should fight for a man like that. Marcia says she’s fought for years, and she’s tired.

2. Ali’s sure that against someone like Lety, Marcia can win hands down. (Tu servidor recapper wonders, then why does Fernando love Lety despite all Marcia’s efforts?).

3. Lety pushes Aldo to talk to his father. He admits that he’s afraid that his father will not accept him as he is. Aldo shows Lety his house.

4. Fern finds PG (Psychic Guy) and is very worried that Lety is okay. PG says she’s very happy, which bothers Fern because he’s miserable without her. PG says Fern has his process and she has hers.

5. Fern shows off her picture and PG remembers her. PG has to convince Fern that love is based on more than appearance. (What’s up with that?) PG senses that Fern is so angry at himself that he wants to destroy himself. PG advises him to go straight home, and in the morning take care of business.

6. Aldo remembers his advice to Lety: Choose fear and you suffer. Choose love and you find peace. He calls his father and arranges to meet him the next day.

7. Lety dreams that she throws her self portrait into the ocean to free herself, then pulls it out to rescue herself. In the morning she wakes up and realizes she has achieved/accomplished (lograr) her recovery.


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Eva Luna #55 Fri 1/21/11

Marcella is laughing and talking to a picture of Julio about how she is the happy widow. Slimy Bruno shows up and startles her. She asks him what he's doing here. I came to console you replies Bruno.

Tony asks Alicia why she didn’t ask him first about this job. Since when do I have to run things by you asks Alicia? Since you’re by yourself replies Tony. I feel responsible for you says Tony. So tell me how you found this job asks Tony again. Well a friend found it for me replies Alicia. Tony doesn’t like the sound of that. What friend he asks. Your boss, Leonardo says a smiling Alicia.

Marcella tells Bruno that it will not be right to have someone consoling a widow when her husband just died. They laugh. I knew you wouldn’t be sad replies Bruno.

Tony asks Alicia why she had to contact Leonardo. What’s the big deal? He’s the only one important I know replies Alicia. I earned that job on my own. Tony tells her to forget about the job. Are you crazy?! Who do you think you are asks Alicia. Tony tells her that Leonardo undresses her with his eyes. She’s the only one that hasn’t noticed. And anyway I told him you were my girlfriend. And I swear if he tries anything with you, I am capable of ….. Of what shouts Alicia?

Marcella wonders if she’s acting the part of the grieving widow right. You are doing excellent replies Bruno. You should win an Oscar for your performance. They laugh and she tells Bruno to leave. She doesn’t like it when men are indiscreet. Are you afraid of someone catching us asks Bruno. Yes, replies Marcella.

Laurita tells Jackie that she knows that she’s in love with Francisco. She can’t believe he doesn’t know. Jackie begs Laurita not to tell Francisco.

Tony tells Alicia that he doesn’t want to look like an idiot in front of this boss. Alicia tells Tony if that bothers him so much don’t worry about it. Forget it. So your not going back asks Tony. On the contrary, the next time I go I will clarify everything to him that I am nothing to you replies Alicia. Tony gets mad and they argue. Tony tells her he will not allow her to make him a look a fool. (that boat has sailed my friend)

Laurita, in her nativity, tells Jackie that if she tells Francisco she loves him he will discover he loves her. Jackie says that will not happen. If I tell him, he’ll feel pity. And I will die. He doesn’t care for me. They hug and Francisco walks in asking who doesn’t care for her.

Francisco asks Laurita who they are talking about. Her boyfriend says Laurita. What boyfriend are you talking about asks Francisco. Your right there are men who are complete idiots in this world replies Lauita. Don’t tell me she’s talking about that “cara de papel” that you met in the street the other day asks Francisco to Jackie. Yes. Of course replies Jackie. You saw him again questions Francisco. What’s wrong with that pipes in Laurita? Jackie’s a pretty lady and it’s logical that she should have a boyfriend. Or no? Of course agrees Francisco. Just not that one. But that’s not the point. Can you give me a minute? He goes to Jackie and says didn’t I tell you to take care of yourself. Did you have a fight? Without waiting for an answer he goes on to say that if so, thank god. Thank god that he is gone from your life. Are you jealous, Francisco asks Laurita? Jealous? No replies Francisco. I am just trying to protect her. I knew that guy did not have good intentions. So that means you care for her says Laurita. Of course I do replies Francisco. I care for her a lot. Jackie starts to get all hopefully and gushy until Francisco tells them just exactly he cares for Jackie. Like a sister, like a friend, like “mi comadre”. if anyone harms one hair on her head they will have to deal with me.

Eva shows the owner’s wife of the restaurant the bathroom, but she’s not happy with the sink and tells her to do it again.

The loving, caring family are at the dining table. Victoria feels they had the funeral services too quickly. Marcella FFà

Restaurant owner’s wife calls the cops to tell them Eva’s there and not to forget about the reward.

Marcella tells her wonderful children that she has called the attorney to read the will. Why asks Leonardo. It’s necessary so that your dad can rest in peace replies Marcella. (he’s dead. I doubt he’s tossing and turning wondering if his financial matters are settled) (although he’s pretend dead) Victoria doesn’t seem happy about it, but Leonardo is okay.

Julio and doctor are hiding out. Doctor tells Julio that lab results came back and there is a lot of poison in this body. If he keeps pushing himself and not taking care of himself he could have another crisis. If that happens then Marcella would really be happy. Julio says I can’t be still until I find Eva. That poor girl is probably wondering around lost. You will have to wait a couple of days says the doctor. Well the police are looking for her says Julio. I am the only one she has who will help her. He asks the doctor to give him his phone book and suddenly has another mild attack. All the doctor does is stand there nagging at him.

Eva is cleaning the bathroom planning on using the money earned for cleaning the bathroom to head back home to her aunt. She tells herself to forget about Daniel and has a flashback of them together.

Julio asks am I that bad? Yes, replies the doctor. Listen to me or I will admit you to the clinic. Okay resigns Julio. Today I will, but tomorrow I start looking for Eva.

Police enter the restaurant looking for Eva. Owner’s wife says I called you. Eva overhears and owner’s wife gets ready to unlock the bathroom door.

Back from break and Eva climbed out the window.

Victoria is really upset about her dad’s passing. She wanted to tell him how much she loved him, especially after the big fight they had. Marcella tells her he knew. Right now it’s important to show that we are united to everyone. We don’t need to cry over the death of your dad, but instead celebrate his life. Victoria gives her a confused look.

Eva rushes off down the street and finds out that her picture is in the paper.

Justo talks to a picture of Julio and talks about the past. Remembers Renata saying that she never told Julio that Justa was expecting his child. She promised Justa she wouldn’t.

Julio and doctor talk about the surprise Marcella will get when the will is read. So what is your new name asks doctor? Vicente Olmos replies Julio.

Eva is in a church and prays for god to help her.

Jackie tells Daniel how bad she feels over Julio’s passing. Yes, it’s really sad replies Daniel. Laurita says she didn’t see him much, but that he was always nice to her. Do you know who is really sad too? Who asks Daniel? Eva. Daniel gets upset and yells at Laurita to never mention Eva’s name again.

Eva is awaken at the church by the priest. He asks her how he can help. She tells him to pray for her.

Julio calls Eva’s house and Justa answers. He freaks out.

Back from break, Julio couldn’t say a word. Justa hangs up.

Julio says that was Justa’s voice, but it couldn’t be. He thinks that the poison is affecting his mind. Justa died many years ago.

Eva praying again for protection. Where do I go? I can’t go their. It’s too dangerous.

Victoria in her room crying and Daniel shows up with coffee. What a nice surprise replies Victoria. Daniel asks how her night was. Not good says Victoria. If it wasn’t for the lawyer coming I wouldn’t get out of bed. The lawyer is coming asks Daniel. For what? To read the will replies Victoria. My mother wants to get everything done. She is acting so strange. She even got up earlier then usual to go to work. Remember I also turned to work when my wife died and practically neglected by daughter says Daniel. Yes, I remember says Victoria. Do me a favor. Accompany me to the reading of the will today.

Marcella starts issuing orders to JoJo to get this report from this person and that report from this person. JoJo says that she seems so focused. She says working will make her forget about the death of her husband. JoJo the butt kisser tells her he admires her.

Jackie recalls Francisco calling her his friend. She realizes he will never care for her.

Daniel’s secretary tells him that Marcella requested a report. She can’t believe that Marcella came to work.

Alicia is finishing a girl’s makeup. She leaves and in walks Daniel. What are you doing here he asks.

Knock on the servant’s door at Marcella’s house and its Eva. Aurelia let’s her in. You know I didn’t steal anything says Eva. Don’t even mention it. I know you didn’t replies Aurelia. It’s either a big mistake or Marcella invented it all. No, it was Daniel replies Eva. Oh, Eva what are you saying? You know he cares for you very much says Aurelia. Not anymore. He wants to destroy me. So I can’t accuse him. Accuse him of what asks Aurelia. Suddenly it sounds like someone’s coming and Aurelia goes to look while Eva hides.

Francisco sees Jackie crying and asks her what’s wrong. I tell you everything and you are obligated to tell me everything. Did the guy do something bad? No, he’s a priest. What?! asks Francisco. Just a joke. She tries to leave, but Francisco says he wanted to tell her something.

Aurelia comes back and asks Eva how she can help her. I need you to tell Julio that I am here and I need to talk to him. Aurelia tells her that Julio can’t help her. I’m sorry to tell you this, but he died.

Tony shows up at a restaurant to meet with Leonardo. Tony tells him that Eva is still in the state. Why didn’t you tell me this over the phone asks Leonardo? Because I want to talk to you about my girlfriend Alicia says Tony.

Francisco wants Jackie’s advice on how to ask Marisol for the money to buy a house. Jackie goes off and says she doesn’t want him to talk to her about Marisol or any woman to her again.

Daniel asks Alicia again what is she doing here. Alicia asks the same thing. Daniel says to get her things and leave. No, I work here says Alicia.

Tony tells Leonardo it bothers him that he offers his girlfriend work. And what does he intend to do with his Alicia?

Eva can’t believe that Julio’s dead. Aurelia says it was quick. Eva wonders why everyone she loves dies. I know you’re sad, but we can’t sit here and talk. Do you need money? Don’t worry. I can take care of myself. Suddenly, Renata calls for Aurelia.

Monday: The will is read.


Mujeres Asesinas 3, Thursday January 20: The case of the sex slave who settled scores.

Tonight, Zuria Vega is "Azucena, Liberada" (Azucena [lily], freed).

A limp body in a chair. Broken crockery.

A young man runs into an office, frightened. He says to someone he calls "Licenciado" (licensed; usually an attorney) that Azucena is gone. The licenciado isn't worried. She probably went somewhere with her husband, Don Gregorio. The young man says Don Gregorio is dead and someone took Azucena. The licenciado asks if he's already checked at her grandfather's house. The two take off.

The licenciado goes into a house and sees an older man slumped over in a chair. Behind him, crouched by a stove is a young woman. He is shocked and goes back out of the house, where the other man asks him what happened. He doesn't answer. A group of people are walking up toward the house and he holds up his hands to stop them, asking them to calm down: "tranquilos, por favor!"

Back at DIEM, Aranda tells Capellan that she has "una llamada" (a call) that sounds "urgente" (urgent). Capellan takes the phone and the licenciado introduces himself as Ramon Morales. Capellan is pleased to hear from him, but he's in trouble and needs her help. He says there's a young woman who apparently killed a man and the townspeople want to "hacer justicia por sus propias manos" (take justice into their own hands) according to "usos y costumbres" (uses and customs--indigenous customary law). Capellan says it doesn't extend so far as allowing lynching. She listens and we can hear the people shouting through the phone. She frowns, nods, and says they (presumably the DIEM crew) are on their way.

In case you've missed it from previous seasons, DIEM, the division that Capellan, Aranda, Moran, and Gerardo work for is "El Departamento de Investigación Especializado en Mujeres" (investigative department specializing in women). Julie asked if we ever get anything about the personal lives of the DIEM crew, so I went back and checked my recaps for season 2, finding the following tidbits about the characters:

• Capellan may or may not be a knitter, though she's not up-to-date on the latest materials, as Gerardo had to clue her in that today's needles are sturdier than they used to be (one was used as a murder weapon).
• Gerardo (the forensics guy) sometimes gets "hunches" and Capellan tends to trust them.
• Gerardo dislikes wearing suits and is more comfortable in scrubs.
• Gerardo has a reputation that precedes him.
• Gerardo tends to roll his eyes at the younger members of the team (Moran and Aranda) a lot.
• Gerardo once hinted that he mixed business and pleasure, in the process of telling Moran not to do the same (Moran and Aranda were making googly eyes at each other). He told him to "do as I say, not as I do."
• Capellan really seems to care about the women, whether they're the victims or the murderers, and has given testimony that affects sentencing.
• I have severe terminal jealousy of Aranda's hair…oh, wait that was about me, not her….

Credits…we're all lost souls.

Four months before…

An older man struggles to tie his tie. A young woman comes up behind him and says "Abuelo, por favor no me obligue." (Grandfather, please don't make me.) His response is to tell her to put on something decent because it's getting late. He keeps fighting with the tie, then gives up and tosses it on the floor, turning around and asking her why she hasn't gone to change. She announces that she's ready. She insists and he backhands her across the face. Oddly, she appears to have acrylic nails.

The old man walks down the road, with the girl behind him, wearing a horrid orange sweater and carrying a suitcase. He motions her to walk in front of him.

In an office, another older man tells someone that the documents are in order. Azucena's grandfather walks in and asks if his "yerno" (son-in-law) is well, indicating the other older man, who I assume is the Don Gregorio earlier referenced. Him being the son-in-law would be funny if it wasn't so grotesque. Azucena huddles with two other young women and Gregorio asks if everything is ok. The grandfather says it is, and calls to Azucena, who stands by Gregorio. The JP, I assume, starts the proceedings to marry Azucena, 18, to Gregorio, 68.

Five months before…

Azucena rides on the back of a boy's bicycle. They get up to her house and notice someone is there. He tells her to hurry up or her grandfather will be upset. She kisses him and runs toward the house, but stops to ask him how many of something in a plastic bag to give her grandfather every day. He says just one, the old guy's diabetic and more would kill him. She says "ay, como crées" (oh, how do you believe; i.e., how could you believe I would do such a thing?; don't be silly; puh-leeze).

Inside the grandfather and Don Gregorio are eating. Azucena is questioned, and admits she came up with Marcelo, the son of the "boticario" (pharmacist), who will come by later to give her grandfather his injection. He keeps insisting she greet Don Gregorio "properly" but she and Don Gregorio both agree that she has. The grandfather tells her to make them coffee. He notices Don Gregorio checking her out. They start having a coded conversation:

"You're going to wear her out by looking at her so much."

"What? You want to look at her?"

"Well, televisions aren't free."

"What televisions are you talking about?"

"Oh, I'm just saying televisions aren't free. To watch them, you've got to pay."

"And to touch them?"

"Well, you've got to pay a lot more."

Both old bastards smile at each other.

Back to the mockery of a wedding ceremony: Azucena barely looks up as she nods her assent. She starts to cry as they both sign the register.

And on the afternoon when Don Gregorio and the grandfather made the deal: Gregorio comments that the grandfather isn't looking too well. The grandfather blames it on his diabetes and on having nothing but one useless girl in the house. He complains about his wife, who was sick all the time, and his daughter, Azucena's mother, who ran off, leaving her daughter behind. He's sold off all his livestock, including his mule, and now Azucena is the last thing he has left to sell off. The grandfather says if he only had enough for his medicines and a little to eat, he'd find a way to get by. "Oh, is that all?" Well, maybe if he also had a mule to carry him back and forth.

The JP declares Azucena and Gregorio man and wife and Gregorio kisses her, perhaps not on the mouth, but it's creepy all the same. Afterwards, they load up Azucena's suitcase in a red truck and she gets in the cab. The other two women rush over. One tells her not to be scared and just shut her eyes. The clasp hands. At the back of the truck, Gregorio tells the grandfather that she looks "rara" (strange). Right, cause she's supposed to look brimming with happiness at being married to you? What the hell universe are you living in? The grandfather says she's fine, but he should keep her on a short leash because sometimes she thinks she's an artist. Gregorio says he'll cut her wings. "Um, but before you do, aren't I supposed to get a fee for the deal?" Gregorio grins and hands him some bills. "I hope she's not going to turn out to be more expensive than a real artist?" The grandfather says not to worry, he's made a good deal. Gregorio gets into the truck and Azucena's grandfather leans into her window and roughly tells her to behave herself and not do anything to get hit. She glares at him, then looks desperately back at the other two women.

The DIEM SUV's roll into town. Ramon Morales waves them over.

Back to the wedding day: Gregorio brings Azucena to her new house. He takes off his jacket while she looks around. She starts to touch a box, but he tells her not to--it's something for his work. He buys things and sells them and she doesn’t need to get involved. He tells her to go put her things away. The whole house appears to be wallpapered with cardboard, and NOT in a Hildi Santo Tomas sort of way. She goes into the bedroom and Gregorio points out something about the window, saying he asked to have them put up, in case of thieves--possibly he's referring to the beams of wood that are nailed across the window. She tries to leave and says she'll go fix something to eat, but first he wants to "quitarme las ganas" (get rid of my desires; satisfy my desires). Mercifully for us, we fade out as he loosens his tie.

When we return, Azucena is crying. She pulls her dress down as Gregorio buttons up. He says she sure was worth it and good thing she didn't turn out like her mom. He orders her to get up and wash the sheets. "Hey, lazy! None of that! You're not going to pull that crap with me! I paid your grandfather a lot of money to have you, so you're not going to be putting on airs. Get up!" He walks out and she sits up, crying.

Present day: Azucena is led out of the house by Aranda, but not cuffed. She's got a busted lip. She and Morales get into the back of the SUV with Aranda. The group of townspeople, along with Marcelo, the young guy who likes Azucena, all watch.

Morales, Aranda, and Azucena walk into DIEM. Capellan greets them and refuses Morales' thanks, saying this is her job. She introduces herself to Azucena, telling her not to worry, she'll be safe there, and they'll do everything they can to help her. Aranda leads Azucena off, while Capellan tells Morales she's been hearing great things about his work and how he's become the lawyer of the people. He mentions that Capellan was once his teacher. He wants Capellan to help the girl, despite the fact that the murder has already occurred. He wants her to find "atenuantes" (extenuating circumstances), and he's sure there will be several but she objects that this was a "homicidio simple" (a homicide with no aggravating circumstances). Morales says there are some things he needs to tell her. He starts to tell her something we don’t hear and she turns to him audibly and says "What?!"

Rather than being in an interrogation room, Azucena and Morales are sitting opposite Capellan in her office. Azucena says she knows what she did was terrible. Capellan says in order for her to help, she needs to know what happened, and in what order. Does Azucena understand? She asks her to talk about her wedding day. Azucena begins "It was the first time…" she looks down, but inclines her head in Morales' direction. Capellan asks Morales to do her a favor and help Aranda write her report. He leaves and Capellan asks Azucena to continue. "My grandfather, the one who was my grandfather, he kept me locked up. I started to go crazy, and worse when I figured out I was pregnant." I'm sure she's referring to Gregorio, but she says "abuelo," grandfather.

Gregorio sits at a desk, writing in the bedroom. Azucena gets up slowly from the bed. Gregorio says "look who woke up!" He tells her to make coffee, then asks what's wrong, why is she making that face. Azucena says she's not feeling well and he tells her she should make something to eat so she feels better. "Maybe swallowing, you'll get rid of that face!" He says he's got to deal with some merchandise. She asks him if she can go to the doctor, but he says it's not like she's dying. Azucena says she feels really dizzy. Gregorio says when she's done making him some food and she irons his shirts, he'll give her a chance to lie down for a while. But not the doctor--that's a waste of time being out of the house. He complains that he's already paying for her grandfather's medicines, and he's not going to pay for medicine for her as well. He says maybe she does need to go out. She probably needs fresh air and to see the sun--she's looking a little pale. "Estas muy pálida, vieja" (You're looking very pale, "old lady" [wife]). He tells her to get dressed and go to the truck. Azucena keeps looking like she's going to throw up any second.

She carries boxes out to the truck and loads them into the bed. As she stops to throw up, finally, Gregorio tells her to load them up properly. He tells her to clean up her mess and drives off without her.

Azucena goes into town to the health center.

She tells Capellan that she was three months pregnant. "Do you have a child?" Azucena says she doesn't. That she never had it.

Azucena comes back to the house (WHY???!!!) and Gregorio starts in that he knew she would do this to him. She says she went to the doctor, but he accuses her of cheating on him and beats her before she can get out that she's pregnant. He looks horrified.

Azucena sits up in bed, crying. Gregorio tells her she can stay in bed a little longer if she wants. You know, cause now he wants to be nice to his child-bride-slave-rape-victim since she's pregnant. He asks her how far along she is and when she tells him three months he scoffs that she never tells him anything. He says he's going into town for some merchandise and does she want anything. Azucena tells him she just needs the usual groceries. He asks if she's sure. Then he asks if she feels ok and she says it hurts. "Maybe that's normal?" She says it hurts a lot and he suggests she try to lie down for a while so it will pass. He leaves.

Azucena wakes up from her nap and when she pushes the covers off, they've blurred out the space between her legs, where presumably we could have seen that she lost her baby.

The grandfather feeds some hay to his mule. Gregorio and Azucena drive up. Azucena gets slowly out of the truck. Gregorio gives the grandfather a bottle of alcohol. The grandfather says they should hurry up because dinner is already ready. Azucena hobbles slowly toward the porch. The men joke about the añejo (aged tequila). The grandfather tells Azucena to go see if the beans are ready and wash the dishes in the sink since he hasn't been getting around well because of his diabetes. He tells Gregorio that he's getting worse. He asks if Azucena is "mansa" (tamed) and Gregorio says she's still learning, but it's going ok. The grandfather shouts in, asking if the beans are done yet. She says she's on the way. The grandfather congratulates Gregorio, saying he does think she's more tame. Azucena carries out the food and Gregorio asks if the grandfather can really eat it all. Azucena answers that no, he can't or he'll be sick later. "Who asked you?" He tells Gregorio maybe she's not so tamed. Gregorio proudly tells Azucena to tell her grandfather about, you know. He brought over the tequila so they could toast. "Tell him about the kid!" The grandfather asks if he's going to be a "bisabuelo" (great-grandfather). Azucena says there won't be a baby. Gregorio looks confused and the grandfather says that's women for you. "Hey, you paid for Azucena, but the kid thing--that's not my responsibility, right?" Gregorio waves him off, then gets up and goes into the house, where Azucena is standing at the kitchen table. He menacingly asks her what happened with the kid and shakes her when she doesn't answer. Azucena says she lost it two days ago. "Why didn't you tell me?" She says because he doesn't like it when she talks. He says she should have told him and she replies "I just did." The grandfather calls from outside for Gregorio to come have another drink with him. He leaves and Azucena clutches her stomach and goes slowly into her grandfather's room to start cleaning up. She picks up a shawl and inhales the scent.

She remembers her grandmother lying in bed, covered with the shawl. Azucena is giving her the news from town. The grandfather comes in and yells at the grandmother that she's no great lady to be lying around in bed all day. Azucena gets in the way before he can do anything to her and he tells her not to get in the middle. He tells the grandmother that all she's got is laziness and she needs to get out and get some air. Azucena tells her not to pay attention. It's not true that the air is going to do her good--she's really sick, but she'll be better soon. Azucena is lying in bed with her, rubbing her shoulder. She asks if she's warm yet. Her grandmother doesn't answer and Azucena realizes she's dead.

Azucena lies on her grandfather's bed, holding the shawl.

Azucena tells Capellan that her grandmother was the only one who loved her. She took care of her and defended her from her grandfather when he wanted to take his anger at her mother out on Azucena. Her grandmother loved her like she was her own daughter, one who had turned out well. Capellan asks what her husband did when she lost the baby. Azucena says "he got worse."

Azucena is sitting on the bed when Gregorio comes in and tells her to take her clothes off--that they're going to make another kid. She says it's only been two days since she lost the other one. He asks what she wants--for him to put up with a "cuarentena" (quarantine; the forty days after giving birth).

Azucena and Gregorio go to the market. She says they need tomatoes, but she and Marcelo reach for one at the same time and Gregorio comes over and yanks her away. He noticed them looking at each other and she denies that there's anything going on and says she hardly knows him.

When they get home, he tells her to put everything away. She asks him if she can have permission for Chayo and Luz to come visit. He says she's staying locked up today and that's the end of it. He thinks the other women will bring Marcelo to the house so he can have sex with Azucena, and he says he's not stupid enough to allow that. She keeps begging and says she won't go anywhere, she just wants him not to lock the door so they can come in. He tells her to quit "fregando" (bugging me) and leaves. Azucena takes out a screwdriver and starts to open up one of the mystery "merchandise" boxes.

Forense Gerardo tells Capellan that he was sent some pictures of "her" case. She says it's "a" case, not "her" case. "Fine, 'a' case that you're making yours." He says it's going to be difficult to find extenuating circumstances, now that he's seen the pictures and the "saña" (viciousness) with which she committed the crime. Capellan replies that the girl was treated with viciousness every day of her life, for months. Gerardo tells her she's making the case hers. "That's what we're supposed to do! That's the purpose of this division! To find out the Why's!" Gerardo says she already knows the why's and it's all clear. He says he shares her outrage and agrees with her about how it was done. She says "Then you understand what I'm thinking." Gerardo says that one man's head was beaten to a pulp and the other was administered enough insulin to kill an elephant. He spreads his hands and says "She's a murderer." Capellan gives him a look and walks out.

Somehow, Azucena gets together with the other two women--Luz and Chayo. One says it will be Azucena's birthday soon. The other one suggests they have a party and Azucena shushes her because Gregorio is around. "We're not saying anything bad! We just want to celebrate your birthday." "Que festejar ni que nada!" (Celebrating? What celebrating?--The best way to translate "ni que nada" is to change it to "what" and put it in front of whatever came before it. If one of the girls had just said, "We'll get you a car for your birthday!" She would have replied, "Que carro ni que nada!" "What car?" as in "Are you freaking kidding me?") Azucena says he hardly let her come see them today. It's better if they don't celebrate. One of the other girls says they have to celebrate, like they did when they were little. Azucena sits down by them and says she can't. "Come on! I'll organize it. How long do we have, another week?" Azucena shyly admits it's Wednesday. The girls say that all she has to do is get permission to go out. And of course he's give her permission because it's her birthday.

Capellan says she supposes that Gregorio forbid her from seeing her friends. Azucena says not only that, he also beat her. Capellan says she went anyway. "Did I do wrong?" "No. It's just a question." Azucena says she did go with them and she paid dearly for it. Capellan asks her to explain, step by step, what happened yesterday.

Azucena pulls the "merchandise" boxes away from a window. She starts unscrewing the wooden slat in front of it. She climbs up on a box and starts working on the next one up.

The girls sit outside and toast to Azucena's health. She says she's been dying for a beer. Gregorio doesn't let her drink. She thanks them for everything and says she loves them a lot and doesn't know what she would do without them. They light the candle on the cake, but Azucena is nervous that it's getting late. One of the girls tells her it's her birthday and she should forget about that old man for a while. They tell her to make 3 wishes, but make them good ones because there won't be another cake until next year. Azucena freezes up. She says she can't do it anymore. Gregorio hits her. One of the girls calls him a "desgraciado" (a disgrace; a bastard, asshole, worthless…you get the picture) but she doesn't seem very shocked or outraged. Azucena continues that she lost her baby and she doesn't want to live anymore. Her grandmother was the only one who loved her and she can't take it anymore. The girl tells her they're there for her and she should drink her beer, it will make her feel better.

Azucena goes back to the house with leftover cake. Gregorio is already there. She says she was with her friends, but can't finish before he knocks the cake out of her hands and starts hitting her. He says she smells like beer and who did she get drunk with. He takes off his belt and starts hitting her with it, accusing her of having been with Marcelo and getting drunk to sleep with him. He says he'll kill her and she won't make a fool of him. He grabs a machete, but she grabs one of the pieces of wood that was on the window. She gives him one good whack and the butterfly flies away. She keeps hitting his head. Considering the sound, it wasn't wood that was over the window, it was a metal bar. Azucena's face is covered in blood and she goes into shock.

She tells Capellan that he wouldn't let her explain and he just started hitting her. "What did you want me to do? Either I killed him or he was going to kill me. The bar was right there, it was in my hand and I didn't think of anything. He killed my baby and he was going to kill me." She starts to cry. Capellan gets up and meets Aranda in the hallway. Aranda says she thinks they have "atenuantes" (extenuating circumstances). Capellan's response is that her husband was pathologically jealous, he sexually abused her, he beat her. She thinks the murder could be considered self-defense. Morales is grateful, but she says they can't thank her yet. The problem here is the second murder. She goes back into her office.

Gregorio is dead. Azucena is sitting at the table next to him, rocking back and forth.

Azucena covers Gregorio's head with the tablecloth and walks out the door. She walks slowly down the hill, hands in the pockets of her orange sweater.

She goes to her grandfather's house. He's sitting in the kitchen in a chair, with his hands covered by his jacket, shaking. He asks her if she came alone. He asks if something's going on, but she says since he said he wasn't feeling well, she came to see him. He says it's the diabetes. They were out of insulin at the pharmacy. He's dizzy, he has low blood pressure. He tells her the medicine finally arrived and it's in the box. He complains that Gregorio was supposed to bring him money but he didn't even come. Azucena says Gregorio's his friend and she's got nothing to do with it. The grandfather says she could have at least told him to come. Azucena says she'll fix him some coffee and then she'll give him his insulin. "How long has it been since you've had it?" He says he doesn't even know anymore with the dizziness. Azucena says that she thinks she'll have to give him all of it. "Do you think so? Won't it be too much?" Azucena says one for every day that he didn't have it. He scoffs, but says she'd know. He starts to tell her to tell Gregorio, but she interrupts him and says "I already told you it's nothing to do with me. He's your friend." The grandfather says he must have forgotten and he hopes it's not out of ill will.

Azucena tells Capellan that when she killed her husband she realized that she wasn't being fair. "Why should I kill him and leave my grandfather alive? After all it was he who sold me to Gregorio. He stole my destiny, my happiness. When I gave him the insulin, that happiness came back to me. The same as he took from my grandmother and I. Now we're even."

Her grandfather drinks his coffee as she gives him several injections. She asks him if he knows what day yesterday was. He wishes her a happy birthday. He winces at the injection and says this illness sucks. He always wants to sleep. He asks her to see if there's some juice in the fridge. She gets up and says there isn't. He asks her to bring some next time she visits. "It's not good for you." "Because of the diabetes? Well, that's what they say, but who knows if it's true." She gives him another shot. He says he didn't eat anything the day before, just some stale bread. "Que caray" (aw, gee, that's too bad) she says, with no feeling behind it. He asks her what she did for her birthday. She says her friends made her a cake. He remembers that her grandmother used to bake her a cake on her birthday, does she remember? She does. He says she always bought colored sugar for the top. "Sometimes we didn't even have enough for bread, but there she'd go and get you colored sugar. And I'd tell her she would make you spoiled. The fights we used to have. Do you remember?" He asks if Gregorio gave her a present and calls him a cheapskate when she says he didn't. "I'll have to talk to him. Do you know that all of a sudden my eyes are bothering me. What could it be?" Azucena says she doesn't know. "Why didn't Gregorio come?" Azucena says she killed him. Her grandfather laughs. "Good on you!" "Right? I killed him, just like I killed you." She cries and he looks at her, then slumps over. The butterfly flies away. Azucena gets up, shocked, and looks into the camera.

"Azucena Chávez fue declarada inimputable por la muerte de su esposo, considerándose el hecho como un asesinato en defensa propia. Sin embargo, en juez desestimó los atenuantes presentados en el caso del asesinato de su abuelo, al considerar que la acusada actuó con alevosía y ventaja. Fue condenada a 12 años de prisión. Ramon Morales ha apelado la sentencia. El caso se encuentra en los tribunales superiores y en la comisión nacional de derechos humanos."

Azucena Chávez was declared incompetent in the death of her husband, considering the deed as a murder in self-defense. Nevertheless, the judge disallowed the extenuating circumstances presented in the case of the murder of her grandfather, considering that the accused acted with viciousness and had an advantage. She was condemned to 12 years in prison. Ramon Morales has appealed the sentence. The case is now in the superior courts and the national committee on human rights.

Next week, Kika Edgar plays a pole dancer.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #15 1/21/11 Confessions of a Mad Ex-House Maid

Cap. #15

The party may be nearly over at the Sandoval house, but it’s still going on long and strong for Fernanda and Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy, aka Federico, in some woodsy part of the estate. They are currently breaking in the front seat of Fer’s new Mini-mobile. Once that seat has been thoroughly tested, Scuzzy takes a cigarette break and asks Fer if she liked it and if she has any regrets. Fer guffaws and says she never regrets anything she does.

Dawn has arrived at the Sandoval’s, but Fer still hasn’t. Victoria, Osvaldo, Max and the other notables from the Casa de Modas are still up pacing the floor and tearfully wringing their hands, wondering what could have happened to dear, impetuous, innocent Fer! Antonieta tells Vicky they’ve checked with Locatel, and all the hospitals and police stations in the area but she wasn’t listed with any of them. Vicki is going out of her mind with worry. Oz loses his temper and starts blaming her for giving Fer the car as a present because it wasn’t in the garage, and at this point he’s certain she’s off driving around the city like the wild-child she is. Oscar breaks in and starts giving Oz grief for going off on Vicki. Max and Pepino have to pull him off.  Max tells Oscar to cool his jets. Then it’s Vicki’s turn for recriminations. She starts in on Oz for treating Scuzzy like a regular “official fiance”. She’s certain Fer’s gone off with him somewhere and is up to no good. Oz bitterly refuses to be blamed for every rotten thing that goes wrong in the family, especially since she’s the one who’s never around to spend time with her daughter. If the girl’s rebellious, it’s Vicki’s fault!  Max (Joe Cool) breaks them apart and tells them this isn’t the time to yell, let alone to be so disrespectful with one another. (Damn!  I thought this was All In The Family hour!)  Oz backs off and apologizes. Vicki does likewise. Fabian suggests that they start calling Fer’s guest list of friends to see if she spent the night with one of them.  (He’s been hiding his little light under a bushel for way too long! Intel inside!)

While the men go off to start calling, Vicki cries on Toni’s shoulder. She couldn’t stand to have something awful happen to this daughter after what happened with her other daughter, she mewls.

Meanwhile, Scuzzy tries sneaking in his front door, but Papa Padilla is up and waiting for him. He wants to know where Sonny Boy’s been. With Fer at the party, of course, says Scuzzy. Papa looks stern and has him sit down, but instead of giving him a lecture on respectability he tells the kid to figure a way somehow to get the girl to marry him. When Feddy tells Daddy with a sh!t-eating grin that he spent the night with the brown-haired bombshell and that they even made love, Papa P doesn’t criticize Junior! Not at all! He is elated and even gives the kid an attaboy! "--Perfect!! Perfect!!"

Back at the Sandoval’s, Max tells his mother that no one they called knows where Fer is, either. Oz tries comforting Vicki by reminding her that at least they know there hasn’t been an accident.

Just then Fer walks in the door. Vicki starts scolding and giving her the third degree. Where has she been all night and with who!! Fer acts the innocent (well, acting’s in her genes so I guess she comes by it naturally).  Why, with her boyfriend, driving around in her new car. Vicki looks over at Oz and lays the blame on Scuzzy for her daughter’s increasingly rebellious attitude. Fer gets on her high-horse and asks Vicki if she expects her to stay locked away in the house and become a bitter female like her?

Oz grabs Fer and gives her (finally!) a well-deserved shaking. He smells alcohol on her and immediately wants to know if something happened between her and the scuzz ball. (Ok. Ok. Time for a reality check here, Dad. You don’t really expect your kid to tell you the truth, especially in front of a house-full of her mom’s employees?) Fer denies anything else happened. She might be rebellious and impulsive, she says, but she has her moral standards! And with that, she manages to turn the tables again and lay the guilt-trip on both parental units. She is hurt to the quick that they distrust her!  Fer then makes her Premio-winning dramatic exit by racing up to her room in a phony fit of wounded dignity.

At the Padilla Pigsty, Rudy tells Feddy he knew that there was some tiny ember [chispa] that might spark in that empty skull of his. All the better to hitch themselves up to Sra. Victoria’s wagon. Feddy asks his papa why he seems so attached to [apegado] Sra. Victoria? Papa gives him a slap across the mouth. "--What’s it to you? Follow my instructions and nix the questions!"

Back in Fer’s room, Vicki is laying down the law. Fer is grounded. No privileges, no amenities, no visitors, no leaving her room! Bad behavior has its consequences, she scolds. (Unfortunately, I’d say it’s at least 5 to 8 years overdue, but better late than never, I guess.) Fer asks if she expects her to be a nun or something. After all, she didn’t do anything wrong! Vicki tells her she wasn’t born yesterday and if Fer spent the entire night with a boy, obviously something happened.  She prays to gawd there won’t be any unfortunate consequences. Like what? asks Fer. Vicki gets a distant look in her eyes and says that when you’re young it’s easy to let yourself get carried away by passion and the results can mark your life forever. “--They will fill your soul with regret and burden you.”  Fer’s attitude softens a bit. "--What happened to you, Mama? Why are you talking like that?" Vicki won’t explain further. She walks out of the bedroom and shuts Fer in.

In the barrio, Milagros is anxious to know how it went between Juanjo after she left him and the suggestively negligéed Linda alone at dinner. (Still having problems with Millie allowing that at her dinnertable.)  He’s on cloud 9 and tingling all over, he says. Matchmaker Millie tries to give her naive little JJ a nudge towards impassioned prowess and says well they must be novios, then! Really, Ma??  (This whole situation is just way too over the top for me.  My beanie can’t be adjusted any more than it already is!)  FF>>

Upstairs in Maria’s apartment, the girls are discussing the results of Martincito’s operation. Nathy changes the subject to mention that Juanjo and Linda kissed last night and even discussed her getting a loan from him. Linda doesn’t see the harm in any of it, she says. She simply decided he has other attributes. Maria looks over at Linda. Those "attributes" have to do with money, right? Linda says more or less. "--You have to learn to always leave a little candle lit, and your foot in the door" is Linda’s sage reply.

Back at Millie’s, she’s giving her son a major pep talk. JJ says they haven’t declared themselves formally yet. Mille says he shouldn’t be so old-fashioned.  "--These days a man has to take the initiative and be aggressive with women! Take them by surprise and they’ll fall at your feet!"  (I’d say who’s she to talk, anyway?  She tries bagging Don Naco every chance she gets!)  Juanjo takes Mama at her word, though,  and immediately goes up to Linda’s on his way out to play.  Linda opens the door.  JJ grabs her and kisses her smack dab on the lips. He looks her in the eyes.  "--When a couple kiss it means they’re engaged. I’m off to play soccer with the guys. I’ll make every goal for you, my love." He makes his dramatic exit. Linda doesn’t know what to think, but she seems to like what just happened. (Anything in pants with loose change in the pocket is all right by Linda!)  FF>>

At the fashion studio, Vicki and Max are discussing his sister’s situation. Max insists that nothing happened if Fer says it didn’t and so she should trust Fer. Vicki is just as adamant and says again that she wasn’t born yesterday. "--I know what the young of this generation are like! They are irresponsible and wild [alocado]! They never think of the consequences!" (Like Vicki, Viewerville wonders if Scuzzy might have left Fer with an extra birthday present.)  Max still thinks she’s exaggerating things. Vicki says, well, he doesn’t know what it’s like to lose a child or the anguish a mother feels, nor the years of crying over their absence. Max wonders what she’s talking about. She’s never lost a child. Vicki catches herself and dodges a bullet. No, she hasn’t, but she can imagine it. If she’d lost Fer she’d be part of the walking dead. Her life would have lost all meaning.

Up in her bedroom, Fer’s playing the sympathy card with Daddy over being grounded by Mommie. It’s not fair! Oz tells her she brought it on herself. Fer can’t believe Daddy’s taking  Mommie’s side in this! Oz drops the curtain on her little act and demands the truth from her. “--What really happened between you and that boy??”   She puts on a pretty pout and lies again about only driving around and having an innocent time watching the sun rise. Oz suddenly flies into a raging temper. He tells her doesn’t believe a word and he’s going to find out the truth! He puts on his jacket to leave and Fer notices the gun he’s got tucked in the back of his belt She’s scared and this time it’s no act! "--Where are you going? What are you going to do???" Oz says he’s going to have a little interview with Scuzzy Tattoo-Boy and get to the bottom of things. It’s not going to be pretty, either! Fer runs after him. "--I’m going to get at the truth and your little boyfriend is going to clear it all up for me!" She grabs his arm and Oz notices she’s not wearing her gold (uber-diamond encrusted) watch he gave her. He asks her where the watch is. (Rather refreshing to see Brat-Baby get a good scare from Papi for once!) She thinks back quickly and remembers leaving it in the bathroom. Oz tells her she’d better have it on when he gets back because if she doesn’t, she can be certain it’ll get really nasty between the two of them. (Viewerville has all its fingers and toes crossed that it’s a promise and not a threat.) He races out the door leaving Fer in Ruh-roh! mode.

Meanwhile, Max has made a visit to the orphanage to speak with the Mother Superior, apparently to get her to mediate for him with Maria. She tells Max they knew Maria had a boyfriend but they never imagined he would be Sra. Victoria’s son!  She asks if his mother is aware of them dating. He admits she doesn’t but says that doesn’t stop him from loving Maria with all his heart. MS doesn’t know if he’s really being truthful since Maria has come crying to them many times because of all the lies he’s told her. Max agrees 100%, he says, and says he understands her scorn. But he won’t give up on Maria. He’s going to fight to win her back whatever the cost.

Back at Vicki’s office, she confesses to Toni that she almost gave away her secret to Max. Fortunately for her, he didn’t understand and left confused about everything. Toni insists she has to come clean about all of it with her family. She can’t continue bearing the burden alone. Toni begs her to tell her family about her past. Vicki agrees that the moment to tell them has come. (Duhn-duhn-dunnnn!)

In Madre Superior’s office again, MS tells Max that Padre Juan Pablo was upset at his mother for the treatment towards Maria, but she’s learned that she had reconsidered and things were going better. Max admits his mother has a rather harsh personality but knows when she’s done wrong and is in fact very happy with Maria. She’s even told him she’s going to take her on tour with her to model. MS is ecstatic. She tells Max that she promised Maria she’d look out for her and is not inclined to see her suffer. That means him. She wants him to swear before Dios that he truly loves Maria. Max takes the pledge and swears before the crucifix that he loves Maria with all his heart.

Fer, meanwhile, is frantically searching every crack and cranny of the bathroom for her watch. It’s not there! She wonders if she’ll be grounded for life now! (Works for me!)

Maria is practicing her turns on the runway when Max appears and wants to talk. She says she's busy right now and can't be distracted. He says sorry, but she promised to listen to him and a promise is a promise. Maria says bad choice of topics since he doesn't know how to keep his promises. Max says he believes he has a right to defend himself. “--Even a condemned man has the right to defend himself, so don't be this way.” She says all right. I forgive you. I forgive you for having lied to me, for making me your good-time gal, for your having tricked me and all the rest of it. Now that I've forgiven you, leave me in peace, ok? He jumps up onto the runway and grabs her. He smiles hopefully. "--So now that I'm pardoned can we continue with things like always?" She tells him not to touch her. Dumbfounded, he asks her if she forgave him or not? Yes, she forgave him but she wants him to stop bothering her. There's nothing that keeps them together now. Really? Better to just leave her in peace, she says. No. He won't. Max grabs her and turns her to face him. "--Look me in the eyes. Look me in the eyes and swear to me that you don't love me and I swear I'll leave you in peace." She looks up but before anything is resolved, Uni decides to leave us all hang out to dry while its sponsors hawk their goodies.

When we return, Max is in the middle of said prior conversation.   “--You see? You don't know how to lie.”  Maria looks sorrowfully up at him and says sure I love you because you're here in my heart. But your like a thorn stuck in me and tearing at me because you've fooled me and destroyed my illusions, my hopes. That's why I don't want to see you again. Because you're going to end up destroying me!" She walks away and lets him consider the consequences.

Back at the manse, Fer is tearing her bedroom apart looking for her watch. Apparently she's called Peppy to help her look for it. (Why? Who knows?) She's sure that somebody stole it but when Peppy suggests it was one of the guests she refuses to believe it. She imagines what her father will say when he finds out. "--You're so careless, Fer! You lose everything!" Peppy says he's right. She is careless about everything. Fer says it's not her fault! Why is he always giving her things she doesn't even want? Always expensive stuff too!

Back at Slime Central, Papa Padilla is on the phone trying to buy something from a contact. Yeah, he'll have the money for him today. Scuzzy wonders how he's supposed to pay for it if he spent all his money on his bail.

Back at Fer's, Peppy suggests she could have lost the watch while she was "practicing Love with Lover-Boy". What's he mean by that??? “--Well, a little kiss here, a little tickle there and ... frivolous behavior! It falls off and nobody realizes it. In the middle of loving anything can happen....” Fer tries to remember.

Rudy tells Feddy to can the stupid questions and instead thank the Lord that he has a father like himself. He's going to buy himself a brand new car, as if he hadn't noticed!  Scuzzy wants to know if there'll be a bit of the take for him. Papa yells at him not to be so stupid and to just do what he says! Just then Oz bursts in and starts waiving his gun around like a take from one of his gangsta flicks. (Sorry, but watching a grown man hold a gun like that gives me the giggles. It can’t be taken seriously.  Oh well.....) Oz wants answers and fast!! "--Ok, you piece of trash! Tell me how you spent the night with my daughter! TELL ME! TALK! Or I swear I'll make you talk, you piece of garbage!!"

We beam to the park and pleasanter pastimes. JJ is playing soccer and making GOL! GOL! GOL! for sweet, skimpily clad Lindacita. Don Naco tells JJ now that he's got a girlfriend he's going to be the odd man out. JJ tries to get him to date Mama. Naco says her big problem is that she's so forward about things. He's a man's man and doesn't go for that pushy stuff. FF>>

Back at Rudy's, Oz keeps knocking Scuzzy around like Juanjo's soccer ball and demanding answers. Tattoo-Boy swears all they did was drive around and watch the sunrise together. (Yeah, sounds to me like he and Fer got their story straight before the final adios this morning.) Rudy swears that his kid's a blockhead, but he never ever lies! Really? (Oz would rather hear what he wants to, it seems.  Don’t be such a freakin' pushover!)  Like his father, leading him to believe that he was some big-shot businessman?  Now he sees the pigsty place he lives and works out of.  They’re nothing but a couple of con-artists!!  Ozzie warns them to steer clear of him and his family and for Scuzzy to back off his daughter [bajar de cuarta = literally, put it in fourth gear]. He won't be responsible for what comes next if he ever sees Scuzzy near his daughter again! Got it??? Scuzzy whimpers in his wet didies. "--Yeah, yeah! All right!" Oz leaves. Rudy slaps the back of Scuzzy's head and curses. "--You idiot!" "--Calm down, Pops! This doesn't finish off our little gold mine for us." Rudy tells him to nix the commentary. He's got plenty of weapons of his own to deal with Sra. Victoria.  "--Her idiot husband doesn’t even imagine!"

We beam over to JP's church where he's sitting for confession. A veiled woman walks in and takes her seat in the confessional. JP goes through the motions. How long has it been since she last confessed? "--More than twenty years ago." Why did she forget about God? Because God forgot about her. “--God tests us all,” he says proforma, but He never forgets us.  Has it been a while since she's been to church? No, she almost always comes to pray at this church, she says. "--You have a very bad memory for voices, Padre." He wonders why and if he's supposed to know her. "--Much more than you think! We saw each other a bit ago, but you knew me years ago and you shared very important moments in my life with me." Where? “--In your parents' home.” JP finally gets it. "--Victoria! It's you, Victoria????" She lifts her veil. “--Yes, I am Victoria, that humble girl who not only gave you that crucifix the last night you spent at your parents' home before returning to the seminary, but I also also gave my innocence to you, my will, and my virginity!" JP is UH-OH-impactada and suddenly it looks like he needs to be the one confessing.

Maria gets back to her apartment and Nat wants to know how it went today. Maria says that Max came back, apologized, and forced her to kiss him. (Guess Uni accidentally edited that nifty scene out, or my cable did.) She still loves him with all her heart despite everything and doesn't know how long she'll be able to stand the torture.  Nathy gives her a maternal shoulder.

At the same time, Fer's on the phone with Scuzzy and griping about being grounded. She's only able to talk to him on the phone because nobody's around right now. Scuzzy tells her about the little scene her dad put on for them and how his father backed him up. Feddy adds that her Papa backed up his threats not to see her again with his gun and then left. She tells him that's not going to happen cuz nobody is going to separate them. Nobody! Scuzzy's fine with sneaking around to see her. She mentions that to top it off, she's lost the watch Daddy gave her. She can't find it anywhere! A light goes off in Scuzzy's pea-sized brain. He looks over at Rudy and realizes that's where the cash for the new car must be coming from.

Back at Maria's, Nat is telling her that Max deserves another chance. Maria would like to do that, but she's afraid he'll lie again and she just couldn't handle it. Linda walks out with the society pages and tells them there's a terrific spread on Ozvaldo's daughter's birthday party. Maria's a fool for missing out on the good life. If only she were as lucky as Maria is, she opines. Maria says really? You'd rather be an orphan abandoned by your parents? That is my lucky reality. She walks out of the room. Nat clucks at Linda.

Feddy asks his dad if by any chance he saw the gold watch Fer was just given. Rudy straightens up and looks his son in the eye and then hedges. "--What would I know about your little girlfriend's gold watch? What are you hinting at, eh? What are you hinting at??? Now get out of my chair!! How many times have I told you not to sit in my chair! Now scram!! I don't want to look at you!!" Feddy hides around the pillar and thinks to himself that he is certain he stole it. No doubt about it!

Oz is BAAAAAck and he barges into Fer's bedroom. She hides the phone behind her back. "--You get it straight! I don't ever want you to see that lazy good-for-nothing hood [vago malviviente] you call a boyfriend ever again!! Understand?? NEVER!!" She scoots around the room, terrified, and starts to object. He catches a glimpse of the phone from the reflection in the mirror and grabs it out of her hands. He extends the Bony Finger of Fate at her.  "--Don't you ever disobey me again, Fernanda!" (Oooooweeeey! He has got to be boiling mad. Even used her full name!) I promise you I will never spoil you again like I have until now!! You understand??" "--Yes, Daddy." He slams the door shut.

Back at the confessional, JP tells Vicki that he thought the past would return, but he never dreamed it would be like this. Vicki replies, "Indeed [efecto]! But I'm not that ignorant, insignificant little woman. Now I have power and wealth. Do you want to know how I managed it?" JP supposes it was by hard work and lots of effort. "--Saying it that way it sounds easy, but it wasn't. I got it through hate, rage and vengeance because I knew that some day we would come face to face again. I knew I would enjoy not only this but something else even more important." "--More important?" "--Can't you guess?" JP is all out of good guesses about now. He draws a blank.

Maria, meanwhile, is in her room staring at the picture she and Max took at the amusement park and tearfully remembering back to all the times--good and bad-- they shared together. "Ah Max, my love, my only love."

Back at the fashion studio, Fab tells Max he better get used to the fact that Maria will never truly forgive him for not being honest with her from the start. Max thinks otherwise and isn't giving up hope. He knows that she still loves him. They love each other and that's all that counts, he says.

At the confessional again, JP asks if Vicki would rather continue talking in his office. She asks why? Is he afraid his parishioners might find out what kind of man he really is? She admits how much she loved him back then. It was a love she couldn't hide, even though it was forbidden. He asks her not to talk about it or to remember it. She says of course, for him, it's more comfortable to imagine that that moment never happened! But it did! She could never be the same afterwards. That's when her transformation began from a simple, sweet girl to the hard and inflexible woman she is now: a woman who feels pity for no one because no one felt pity for her! He tells her that he prayed often for her to hope that she could forgive him and find peace. Well, she says, I never could. Your own mother saw to that! She made sure my life would be Hell! She ran me off and that's when I began my painful tortuous ordeal [calvario] trying to find work. I suffered greatly until I swore to myself that I would not any longer [ya, no más]! Mistreatment and slights took care of changing me!"

JP tells Vicki he never imagined he'd caused her so much harm. She says it wasn't just her but an innocent as well. He isn't following. She tells him he knows very well, so why ask? He insists he doesn't and swears before the Holy Altar that he really doesn't know what she's talking about. Vicki tells him that his mother told her herself, laughing and mocking her the whole way, that she'd told him and what his answer had been: that what happened to her meant nothing, that she was lying and that she was only trying to slander [difamar] him. JP tells her he had never discussed the subject with his mother. "--Then, you never knew?" "--For God's sake, what are you talking about?" "--I got pregnant! I had a daughter! Your daughter!!" JP is OMG! impactado as the words bounce around the confessional and ring in his ears.

Time to cue the kayak.......


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