Friday, February 11, 2011

Eva Luna #69 Thu 2/10/11 The takeover begins... beginning of doomsday for some, return of happy days for others

Cap. #69
[posted for Martaivett by Jardinera654]

Julio calls Diego (the designer that had the show where Vicky brought Eva to fix her dress a long time ago), Diego tells Julio he had noticed Eva when she came to his earlier show, she is a stunning woman indeed. Julio thanks him and tells him he will be well compensated for his discretion, stresses that everything must be kept in secret until the last moment…

Vicky and Dano are at breakfast, he is reading the paper totally ublivious to her being there… she asks him to put the paper down, he says she was the one who said earlier that breakfast should be done in silence (I don’t doubt it for a second that she had put that rule in there, now she has to EAT IT).. she replies today is the exception, she is very nervous about today’s show… she will be the star of the night and she has to be perfect. He says why are you nervous, you are used to ‘these things’. She lifts her tone of voice saying ‘these things’ are not enchiladas, her image will be on the line with the fragrance of the year. Jackie comes in and Vicky asks where the sugar is. Jackie tells her we don’t have any, she had ordered herself to get rid of it, not to have any around. Vicky shouts at Jackie. Dano does not immediately rebute but after Jackie is on her way out, tells Vicky to take it easy. Vicky goes on and on with her yada yada about it will show in her skin and she cannot allow it. Tonight I will be the star and I have to look perfect. Dano rolls his eyes and nods in disgust/dissappointment?

Marisol is rehearsing singing, seems Giorgio has arranged for her to sing at the event, since we can see the runway for the show. Giorgio tells her the international press will be there. This makes Marisol very nervous. Giorgio tells her he also has arranged an audition for her with a record producing company.

Marce is with Bruno going over last minute details. They comment how Diego has asked things be kept secret, even the name of the fragrance. She gets a note delivered to her from Diego, she is not happy at all with whatever is in the note.

Julio thanks Eva’s teachers (the guy who taught her english and the lady who taugh her etiquete. They also will be well compensated for their work and discretion, since they also get some of the credit for the ‘golpe’ (hmmm how do we translate that? Surprise takover? lol) we will have tonight.

Matilde comes and sees Eva is more assertive and determined than she ever saw her.

Julio: Today begins my great revenge over viper Marcela (he has a satisfied smile)

Laurita arrives home to Dano’s happy face. Laurita greets Vicky very coldly. Vicky had bought her an outfit to go with them to the event tonight, since both of the people she ‘LOVES MOST’ need to be there WITH HER. (its all about her, isn’t it?) Laurita says she had thought of going to visit Adrian. Dano tries to convince her nicely to go with them. Vicky finds a two-faced moment of generosity (NOT!! She just wants to get rid of Laurita and not have her go with them, of course) and says why don’t we let her go see Adrian.

Laurita calls Adrian and tells him she will go see him, he tells her he is going to the event since Marisol will sing there. She says then I will go too.

Tony arrives at NewVille manor and Jackie is surprised to see him. He appologizes for not having contacted her in all this time, had been busy.

Marce/Giorgio are talking. She is mad about Diego’s last minute requests/demands. Diego calls her. She acts nice and tells him she is surprised by his note. She does all she can to convince him that bringing a new model, especially one outside their agency, is a bad idea. Diego won’t give in. Marcela pokes him for the model’s name and the reason for the changes, but he won’t slip any info to her. It is part of his plan, he says.

Marce tells Giorgio that if the account was not worth so much money, she would pull the plug on the whole thing right now. Who does this idiot think he is ordering me around?? (YOUR CLIENT, YOU WITCH!!)

Back to NewVille Manor door… Tony wants to pick it up with Jackie where he left things, wants to go out with her, etc. She says nope, now she is aiming at someone she is interested in. Tony then tells Jackie he is there because he is the agency’s new driver and he is there to pick up Vicky.

Marce is now chatting with Deborah, discussing Diego’s requests some more. Deborah says the mystery is a great strategy so she is glad he is not thinking of launching a line of beauty products, because then he would be HER competition.

Vicky comes down the stairs, acts very upity-nosed to Tony. Tony thinks ‘payback time, Leo!’

Marce (still talking to Deb): the surprise model comes with her own assistants, security, etc, wants a private dressing room and won’t talk to the press until after the event. Who does she think she is?? I just hope that woman is up to par with this event. Vicky will be climbing walls and pulling her hair when she finds out she is not the star model tonite.

In the car, Tony is telling Vicky he knows a back road that can get them there faster. (he is still thinking he will get payback with Leo’s sister for taking his girlfriend)

Tia Tilde and Eva are looking at the baby.

E: He is my life.

Til : Are u ready?

E: Yes.

Til: Tonight begins a new life for u.

E: In a few hours I will face the Arizmendis and Daniel..

Til: Do you feel ready to face them?

E: Yes but I have mixed emotions. Seeing Dan again, the father of my son, the man who killed my father… and some day soon I will accuse him.

Til: After tonight, there is no turning back.

E: I know, After tonight, when I make the announcement noone is waiting for.

Back to NewVille manor, sweet father/daughter scene:

Dan: I am so glad you are here even if only for the weekend.

Lau: Are you sure that it makes you happy?

Dan: of course, don’t doubt it. If it was not for the event, I would personally take you and Adrian to the movies and to eat something good.

Lau: I am going to the event with you.

(Dano texts Vicky that Lau is going with them. Laurita gets sad that he cut off their sweet moment, Vicky gets smoking mad when she gets the text…)

Vicky and Tony do small talk in the car about Tony’s previous girlfriends, Tony says last girlfriend left him for another, now he is alone… looking for love and/or adventure.

Fran is flirting with some maid that was walking her boss’s dog. Jackie comes behind him and stares at him. This gives the maid a clear message and she leaves. Fran turns around

Jackie:how can you go at it again after what happened with Marisol?

Fran: What if I told you I miss her?

Jac: Really?

Marisol is telling Alicia that deep in her heart she still loves Fran (now it is I who asks REALLY??)

Jackie: Didn’t she lie to you? Didn’t she play with you? I am very surprised you still feel things for her.

Fran: I am more surprised…

Vicky turns Tony down when they arrive at the event, she undermines their conversation, he thought she was showing some interest in her, she basically drops him dead as if he was scum trash.

Vi: … I am definitely not interested in drivers.

Ton: I was not talking about jobs, but genders. Female and male (we might need to add two more since these two are not a good example for either)

Vi: I don’t’ deny I love the male gender. But right now I can only think of my work.

Ton: Yes, but beside that you have the right to take your ‘gustitos’ (cravings/treats?)

Vi: Yes, but I assure you my ‘gustitos’ don’t include drivers.

As Vicky comes in the building another model tells her in front of Giorgio about the new model with the private room, hear she will be the star of the night. Vicky is totally taken by surprise and obviously not liking it, says there must be a mistake, but she gets confirmation from Giorgio that it is true.

Marcela delegates Bruno to deal with the details about the new model. He leaves and immediately we see a whole caravan of people led by Bruno and then Eva surrounded by security guards (she is wearing a black cape with huge hoodie and dark sunglasses). Behind the caravan stands Vicky, completely lost in her thoughts ‘who is woman?”

Deborah is leaving to go change. Marcela thanks her for her ‘support’ and friendship.

Vicky has a tantrum with her mom. Marcela demands she respect her as her mother (NOT!)

Vi: You are the owner! Should not have let them impose on you!

Mar: What does it bother you? You will be the one to reveal the name of the fragrance. That woman will just show up later as the face behind the product, that’s all.

Vi: (this obviously shows the size of her brain) you are right. I am still the first, the most beautiful. (I am beginning to feel bad for Vicky, until I remember what she did to that other model and to Eva then that thought flees my mind very quickly)

Leo is flirting with a model, Alicia throws a tantrum. He tells her she can do makeup of that woman later. He tells her she can do makeup for her later. But Aly very disrespectfully shouts that he can do her makeup himself and tries to leave. He sends the model away.

L: Who do you think you are talking to me like that? Next time I will fire you!

A: Don’t worry, I will leave myself.

L: (grabs her arm so she can’t leave) We will talk tomorrow. (this leaves her confused enough that her tantrum goes away (you silly little girl)

Tony comes in after Leo leaves…

T: IT shows he loves you a whole lot. You must be super happy with your rich boyfriend. What else can you ask of life? He treats you great and even roughs you around in public.

A: Don’t butt in (my life)!

T: Congrats my little queen. You made the best trade of your life. It shows that with him you have everything.

At NewVille manor, Fran invites himself to the event with the excuse he can watch Laurita. Dano is more entertained than angry with this request. He asks why do you want to go? Fran says there will be so many pretty models there, who knows… Dano says sure, maybe you will have more fun tonight/

Ali acts very disrespectful with a model who was just complimenting her work (grow up girl!) Bruno comes to summon her. The new model asked for her specifically to do her makeup.

Bru: Does she know you?

Ali: I doubt it. I am new at this.. (oopsie! Roll in your tongue, girl!) I mean.. she might not know me but…

Bru: It is strange. I’ll take you there.

Marisol is really nervous right before going on stage. Giorgio is there to try to help her settle down.

Mari: Ay San Antonio, help me out please!

Gio: San Antonio is only good to find you boyfriends.

Mari: No! Right now what I need least is a boyfriend to complicate my life more!

Gio: OF course.

Mari: I don’t want to fail you Giorgio

Gio: You will do great.

Mari: Thank you so much for this opportunity.

Gio: I wish you the best. Go and get them, the stage is yours!

(with this she is announced and off she goes)

Adrian and Ricardo cheer her introduction. She sings very nicely, Dano and Fran arrive. Fran notices who she is and is very impactado.

Alicia is taken to Eva’s room and when she turns around, they have a happy hug.

Fran tells Dano Let me give you some ‘healthy advise’, I would not applaud her. Look who it is, it’s Marisol!

Dano: The proffessor? Your wife?

Fran: Yes (Fran leaves, he needs some air…)

Laurita tells Dano she is Marisol and Adriancito and Don Ricardo are here to see her since she lives with them at the board house. Dano now remembers where he saw her.

Laurita wants to go with Adrian, Dano says first we have to greet Dona Marcela.

Ali wants the whole story from Eva. Eva says don’t worry, , starting tomorrow will tell you everything.

Ali: Do you realize that Marcela, Vicky and Dano are out there?

Eva: Yes, but I am not afraid fo them anymore. Now I have weapons to defend myself with. Now I have power.

Ali(totally confused) I don’t get it.

Eva: You will understand later.

Ali: Those people are evil. If they do anything against you I will kill them.

Eva: Don’t be scared. They can’t do anything to me. From tonight on, our lives will change forever. I promise you. Trust me. And now you will help me with the final step of my transformation.

Marcela and Leo sitting at their table say wonders about the singer. They ask Giorgio where he found her. HE lies and says he found her at a restaurant. They want to hire her for future events.

Leo: Did you know the model arrived with a cape and hoodie?

Marcela thinks it is ridiculous. Deborah says it is great strategy, to increase anticipation. Leo admits he is very curious. Marcela admits she is too.

Dano and Laurita arrive to greet Marcela.

Mar: Let me remind you that you are stockowner in the company and the star of the night is your wife. You could have arrived earlier. Sit down. (I think Dano was too polite taking this in stride and not to respond to her)

Marisol has a photo session, Fran looks on.

Event begins… there is an introduction of the ‘mujer latina’, and then they introduce ‘to reveal the name, here is the ‘top model’ VA… (LOL! The bottle says Eva Luna in handwriting) Vicky is very proud of herself, smiling, truly believing all eyes are on her…

Then the announcer continues…

‘And here is the moment everyone was waiting for! And here she is! The woman who inspired this fragrance! As mysterious as the moon, and the new face of love… Eva Luna!!

Vicky’s face drops, Dano whispers in disbelief “Eva!’, Leo and Marce look at each other totally in disbelief… everyone is stunned, in general…

Marce: It can’t be! Looks a lot like her but its not her!

Leo: Yes, Mom, It is her! It’s Eva!

Deb: Is that her? Eva Gonzalez?

Leo: Yes, and she looks very beautiful.

Dano: More beautiful than ever!

Ric: IT’s’ incredible! It is Eva!

Adri: Yes, I know! She looks beautiful! Like a queen!

Laurita (looks up as in prayer): Thank you! Thank you! I knew she would come back!

Tony: Eva??

Ali: (stares at Leo and notices his face is frozen at the sight of Eva): What’s up with Leo? Why does he look at her like that?

Shortly after, Eva drops the bomb after the courtesy thanking Diego and greeting everyone…

E: They say Eva Luna the fragrance is marvelous. Eva Luna the woman represents all those who fight to succeed in life and in love (staring at Dano, he lowers his face). It is said that the biggest secret of success has four words (in english, three: Never give up) And to get here I had to face many tests and challenges that fate put in my path. And tonight I have great news for you. Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my inmense pleasure to announce that beginning today, I am the new owner fo Arizmendi publishing!!

Previews… Eva takes over the business, says she is the new president, Dano impactado, Marcela is turning her room upside down, even waves a gun and Leo takes a step back when he sees it in her hand… (seems Vicky got the ‘crazy reaction habit’ from her step mom after all) and Eva shows up at the house, says to Vicky and Dano she is there to ‘claim my house’.

I am thinking of a good nickname for the 'president's table folks...

How bout

ALL-powerful- NOMORE Cruella, the nutty evil princess, the cocky evil prince, the unnamed witch (could turn out to be wicket witch of west or good witch of the North, still TBD), and DUMBO (can't think of any other name for this shallow-brain man)


Triunfo del Amor #29 2/10/11 A triumph of loose lips

Bernarda is not liking the looks of her prospective granddaughter. "Um. I just wanted to meet you, that's all." Maria Magdalena sobs "Whaddaya want?!" Bernie goes back to the car, smiling. She tells her crew that she found "her" but they've got to get out of there--she can't stand the smell.

Linda bids the models goodbye. As they're leaving the dressing room, Fer comes rushing in, all excited, to tell Linda that last night was ALL about her (not that she doesn't already think every night is ALL about her) and she had the best makeup and blah, blah, blah, giggle, giggle! Linda tells her that with or without makeup she's beautiful. Fer invites her to lunch and Linda whips off her smock. Yikes! Shoulda kept it on. What decent restaurant's going to let her in the door in that scrap of a top.

Cruz dictates some more love letters to a typist.

Fer admires the way Linda was willing to let herself get run over by an SUV just to get a job. OK, not only is that just a scrap of a tube top, but she also has it zipped down partway. And if she had a decent-looking rack, there might be a point to that, but I do NOT need to see that much sternum. Find a better plastic surgeon to put on retainer, Televisa. Fer asks if Linda has a boyfriend, then she whines that she doesn't get to see her boyfriend much because her parents don't like him. Linda helpfully says she'll help Fer see her loser boyfriend whenever she wants to. Fer is ready to run out right now and buy a "Best Friends" pendant that splits in half. Linda does the cheap version and eats something off of Fer's plate.

Vic is upset that she keeps chickening out on telling Osvaldo the truth and she doesn't want to hear Antonieta criticizing her for it. She wonders how she can tell Osvaldo about Padilla already, damnit! Antonieta says it's not just that, but what's she going to do if JP finds their daughter.

One of the models crows about Osvaldo doing a series that will be broadcast internationally. Linda listens with interest, but I don't know what she's scheming.

Osvaldo daydreams about Linda. Loser. He says he just can't go there! He's got to save his marriage to Vic!

They just keep showing more and more of Linda's outfit and it gets worse the more of it I see! And those abs are just not attractive! That's not muscle! It's loose skin and ribs! When did Skeletor get cast in this show? And why couldn't they just have him wear the damn robe like he always did back in the day? Anyway, she's calling production at Televisa pretending to be a reporter wanting to do an interview with Os. The ever-helpful Televisa production staff tell her where Osvaldo is filming.

Os calls Victoria at work. He's waiting for his call time. She asks how he can be so contemplative. She always has to be doing something. "You don't know how to enjoy the silence." Vic says she's always working. Hey? What are you trying to imply? She tells him that Oscar will be coming over to the house late tonight to work allllll night--wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Os would much rather they just work tomorrow. You know. AT WORK. He asks her for a date that night, but she turns him down. She's just too busy with the Miami show and all. "Don't worry hun. I'll just call up my skank ho girlfriend. No worries." No, he doesn't say that. Just in case you had doubts. And that's COLD when a man asks his own wife for a date and she says no. I would NEVER do that. Especially if Mr. 5ft wanted to take me to Fleming's for steak and chocolate lava cake. Just saying.

Bernarda remembers Maria Magdalena. Fausto asks what her plans are. "I have to think about it. I'm going to consult The Lord."

"The Lord" has apparently agreed with Bernarda (as usual) that Maria needs to be put down. And not verbally. A bright light suddenly shines on Bernarda and it looks like she, at least, believes it to be some kind of sign from "The Lord."

Padre JP goes looking for Maria Magdalena. He gets pointed in the direction of the neighborhood cantina.

Linda tries to convince JuanJo to buy a newer car, but he says cars are too expensive. He says when they get married, they'll see. And he's in a hurry for her to be "la dueña de mis quincenas" (the owner of my every-fifteen-days [referring to a semi-monthly paycheck]). She downgrades her request to a coffee and a big 'ol slice of chocolate cake. This he agrees to.

Max and Maria attend a party with Max's godchildren. It's the bald guy's birthday and he gets his face shoved in the cake. Maria is holding a sleeping Martincito and Max just can't wait for the two of them to have their own kids.

At the cantina, Padre JP is having a hard time with the smell. It's all hazy and red-lit, as are all establishments of ill repute. The barman says Maria is there and he'll send her over to the Padre's table in a little bit. Gross! As she comes over, her last trick tucks payment for her services into her top.

Fer comes home and finds the rose from her lovesick gardener. She goes to speak to him about it. She yells at him for being in her room without permission and asks what he stole. He says he just went up there to leave her the flower to ask forgiveness for stealing a kiss. She accuses him of being afraid she'll run to her parents. He says a stolen kiss isn't a kiss. A kiss should come from the heart and move slowly, until it reaches the lips. He says it's like he never kissed her. "Oh, fine, so you think you can just go around kissing people and then asking them to forget it! No way!" "What? It's not like you liked it." "No! It's the worst kiss I've ever had in my life!" She threatens him with firing if he goes into her room again. He says if he gets fired, she'll miss him. Fer mumbles about him being stupid, but she can't help smiling at him dancing with his rake. Mr. 5ft cracks me up by saying "She just can't help herself. She wants that naco lovin'. Sometimes no other lovin' will do." The whole language, and he's learned "naco" and "tiburones." That's my man.

Padilla brings Fed to "their" new apartment. He also got Fed some nice clothes and rented them a decent car. He wants Fer's parents to think he's made some money so they'll accept Fed as a son-in-law. He wants Fed to stop talking like a naco in front of Fer's parents and he's going to make him get a haircut. It's kind of gonna suck if he cleans up good.

Fer sniffs her rose and reminisces about her gardener talking about kisses.

Padre JP is asked to comply with the one-drink-minimum for chatting with the whores. He orders a "refresco" (a soft drink). Maria Magdalena assumes that the sisters sent him to try to get her to renounce her wicked ways. But, no, you see--she's too smart for that! She's not gonna work as a maid or be chained to a sewing machine when she can be making decent money whoring. "You know how to sew?" Dun, dun, dun!

Gui and Os discuss a two-man play that Gui has just bought the rights to and wants to produce. He wants Os to partner with him, and also act in it.

Linda has convinced JuanJo to take her to a café near the place where Gui and Os are filming. She tells him to get them a table while she goes to see Os.

Linda tells Os she's only with JuanJo because Os turned her down. She came to find him, so she can tell him she's crazy in love with him and she'll wait for him forever if she needs to. She lays a big kiss on him, in front of EVERYBODY, including guys with CAMERAS! (Damn, what's with the all caps? These people are irritating me tonight.)

I am totally gonna watch Bodas Inolvidables.

Maria Magdalena's been sewing since she was little. And now the interview is over, because her clients are waiting. She's not interested in finding out who her parents are, especially not her mother who abandoned her, and her nameless father. Who is this actress? It's gonna bug me. Maria Magdalena moves on to her next trick. A slight fellow whose head can easily rest on her bosoms without stooping.

Padre JP cries to God about the fate he believes has befallen his offspring. His supervisor asks what's up. Padre JP says he's got a lot of guilt. He's found his daughter, and it ain't pretty. He talked to her and it was painful, because she's sunk as low as a woman can sink and it's all his fault. He asks for forgiveness, but I don't think his confessor's blessing makes him feel any better.

Victoria asks Fer to come with her to Miami, but she decides not to. She says Vic has been going around yelling lately and she doesn't want to leave Fed. "You knew his dad before, right?"

Maria D puts her "kid" to bed and tells him a story. Basically, it's about him.

Vic insists that Padilla is mistaken because she never met him before. Fer says she doesn't care if Vic doesn't like Fed, she's keeping the mangy mutt!

Os leaves the filming while Pedro and Gui keep working.

Linda prances around the apartment in her underwear, complaining to Nathy that Pipino was wrong to say she doesn't have the body to be a model. When JuanJo comes a knockin', Skeletor…or perhaps Skele-ho would be more appropriate?...hides behind the door. He's come to give her a little bit of money for the wedding so she can start saving up. He's intrigued at the idea of getting a look at her in her skivvies, but they keep him from coming into the apartment. I was afraid he might be giving her all the wedding money at once, but she sneers at the amount and gives it to Nathy. Nathy tells Linda Osvaldo is NEVER coming back to her, because he loves his WIFE. Linda says soon, Os will be back in her skeletal arms. Nathy doesn't think JuanJo deserves this treatment. Linda gripes.

Vic and Fer are just waiting for Os to come home and have dinner. He's surprised, since he thought they would have eaten without him. "Since you were going to be working ALL night with Oscar." Fer tells her dad he's making a big deal out of nothing. Max won't be coming home for dinner. Fer tells Vic that Max is probably with Maria. Dun, dun, dun!

Max and Maria talk in his plastic car. She describes what she always thought her wedding would be like and says this is far from being her dream. Max promises one day she'll get her wedding. Maria says she can live without her dream wedding, but she can't live without him. Max thinks she's being silly, since she'll never have to live without him. Smoochies.

Fer laughs at Vic for not knowing the company gossip. "The other models think that's why you keep favoring her." Vic says she suspected it, but there's no proof. Os tells her not to intervene. Max is a man and if she tries to run his life, he'll leave home and they'll lose him. "But Max is my son, and she's just…" "Your favorite model, mom, so come off your high horse." Vic says she's just an employee and she can fire her tomorrow. Max HAS to marry Ximena. The maid announces Padre JP, who needs to speak to Vic ASAP.

Bernie tries to beg the Mother Superior not to give Padre JP the address of "that girl." Well, it's a done deal, despite Bernie's objections and she hangs up the phone angrily.

Vic joins Padre JP in the festival of tears. She's pissed he didn't drag her out of there, but he was in shock. She demands the address so she can do the "corazon de madre" (heart of a mother) test. Cause DNA is so passé.

Pipino demands that Antonieta to make a snap decision about which model to put in which dress. He asks Antonieta why Maria is moving up the ranks so quickly. Not that she isn't a good model, but…. Antonieta says maybe Vic wishes her daughter was more like Maria. She lets slip that she wasn't referring to Fer. "Don't tell me the Victoria has another daughter and none of us knew it?"

Maria Magdalena rubs her tired feet after a long night of whoring. She gets up to answer the door, smacking her gum, and Victoria cries and calls her "hija" (daughter).

Padre JP paces in his room and talks to God some more. "Help Victoria. She needs you now more than ever."

Maria M asks if she's crazy. "I'm not your daughter! Why are you all emotional if you don't even know me? What do you want?" Vic tries to get more info out of her. Maria M says the nuns found her walking around alone, crying, and she could barely speak, except for her name, "Maria."

Sweet William Levy in a kayak!

Tomorrow: Ximena declares war on Maria D.


La Verdad Oculta EP103 02/10/2011 – Bromance is in the air

or: The Three Musketeers ruined the Grinch’s wedding

*Fausto quickly explains his slip of the tongue: Mario wantED David and Gaby to marry when he got known she was his daughter. Gaby can’t stop weeping, she’s so confused, she doesn’t want to meet and talk with Don Mario again, who’s her father… and her father-in-law in the meantime? Cheerful Julieta arrives at home and Gaby tells her she isn’t Fausto’s daughter and they are half-sisters. The male version of Adela Noriega starts to cry heartbreakingly again. In the meantime Abelardo and David are talking about Gaby and Mario on phone. She’s a strong woman, she’ll get through this tough time. At Guilléns’ Julieta is devastated but Gaby promises nothing will change, they are sisters and Fausto remains her real daddy.

* In Michoacán Jorge advises to sad Dora’s sadness and advises her to return to DF. But she’s so afraid that the police would oblige her to testify, and Adolfo would accuse her of false testimony. And mark her words: Adolfo is a very bad man! In Mexico City Gaby arrives at home and tells David she needs to be alone, she can’t talk with Mario yet.

* At JJ’s the newlyweds introduce surprisingly humble Carlos to understandably suspicious Asunción, who looks daggers at him and he’s very amused at Carlos’s apology to Juan José. JJ believes Carlos’s regret is true but he defends Limón, too: Asunción instinctively knows who’s good and who’s not, therefore it depends on him if they are going to trust Carlos or not. Then put him to a test, says Carlos. Does JJ want him to kill his father? Adolfo would deserve that! JJ seesm to like the idea, Mommy Ale and Brother Asunción look very worried.

* After being encouraged and consoled by Dr. David, at last devastated Gabriela and her anxious daddy-who-impersonates-her-biological-daddy have a very moving conversation in the study. The tortured girl reproaches “Mario” for not helping her mother, but FaustiMario tells her by that time he didn’t even know Marta was pregnant. He loved her and if he knew she was pregnant he would’ve never left her! By the way, Fausto is her real father, he’s the one who raised her and took care of her. “Mario” apologizes and asks Gaby not to be mad at David, he always begged Mario to tell her the truth.

* In the neighbouring house Mommy Ale tries to convince the hothead boys that they shouldn’t take justice into their own hands. Talk with Faidella! No way, Carlos and Juan José know there aren’t enough proofs against Adolfo, however, they could pressurize him. Since they don’t have Dora’s letter, the boys ask Alejandra, aka the only woman in the house to write a fake one. Ale hates the idea, and she’s already outraged at the news that her silly sister is going to marry Adolfo, but she agrees to help them. While she’s writing a new letter that says it was Roberto and not Carlos who killed the maid, the boys decide to visit Adolfo in the evening. After Carlos leaves, Alejandra tightly hugs Juan José: she’s so worried about him, she doesn’t want him to be imprisoned again! Don’t worry, mi amor, don’t worry… in the prison… There are conjugal visits.

*David and Abelardo are talking about Gaby and Mario when Blondie gets a phonecall from his fellow musketeers and he runs to meet them. Alejandra calls Bertha to scold her for her marriage plans and to make her change her mind, but her efforts are pointless: Bertha wants to get married with Adolfo’s money and psychosis.

* Adolfo’s and Dante’s Weekly Evil Mastermind Meeting at Sagitario is interrupted by the three reckless, vengeful and… well, handsome musketeers. When the old men try to mock and insult them, JJ knocks out and disarms Dante, then threatens them with a gun. Oh, sweet justice, Adolfo and Dante look just as frightened as their victims. JJ throws the letter on the table orders Adolfo to set Elsa free. Dolphie tries to play the tough guy and scare the boys off with insults, but the musketeers swear he will end up in jail.

* Bertha and Jimena talk about Adolfo’s intentions, Carlos and the ugly quarrel between father and son. Yes, she loves Carlos but one can’t live on love. Adolfo shows up at Yolanda’s flat without invitation and orders her to calm idiot Carlos down. He and his little friends attacked him at Sagitario! But anyway, Adolfo’ll marry Bertha and disinherit Carlos. Yolanda tries to defend Carlos’s interests, but Dolphie tells her it isn’t her job. And look at the letter those idiots gave him! He’s supposed to believe it is the original one, but it couldn’t be, it would’ve been too easy. Victoria would’ve never given him such an important letter just to help his little friend. Anyway, tell Carlos if he ever tries to tell the truth to the police, Adolfo’ll ask David to order an audit, and believe him, there are many financial anomalies in the bookkeeping… which is supervised by Carlos! Never. Ever. Mess. With. Adolfo.

*At JJ’s Mommy Ale is very angry at the musketeers, especially at Juanito for attacking Adolfo and for being so content about it. *Viewerville: we agree with you, Ale, but you should’ve seen Adolfo’s face* She understands his anger and frustration, but he can’t break the law to take vengeance on Adolfo! He has to use his pumpkin brain and think about the people who love him, too! But no, he doesn’t understand her. Or he doesn’t want to understand her, which makes Ale very nervous. At casa Genovés David tells skeptical Gaby that Carlos is on their side from now.

* In Michoacán Dora tells Jorge she’s going back to DF, and Don Jorge, the knight in the shining store decides to accompany his friend. Next morning Carlos and JJ do their best to convince David that they have to pressurize Adolfo, who was so frightened last night, and while David agrees with them, he thinks they should be very careful because Adolfo is way too dangerous. Gaby enters the study and tells them Don Jorge came to talk with David. While Blondie learns from Jorge that Dora is all right but she doesn’t dare meet him in person, in the study gloomy, serious, smoking Carlos is telling gloomy, serious, smoking Juan José that he’s really changed, he’s ashamed of himself because of the sins he committed. At first surprisingly calm JJ gives him a hard time and tells him about his mother who’d died before he left the prison. Moustache is ready to give his life to help JJ clear his name, and JJ believes him. By the way, to his knowledge Carlos doesn’t have a job. Does he want to work as the manager at the restaurant of Mirador? *Viewerville and Carlos: wtf?!* Grateful Carlos gets VERY excited: Juan José, let me hug you!!! What? Wait, no, man, wait, no! No!!! When amused David enters the room he politely asks the hugging men if they want to be alone together, then he tells them about his new plan. He wants to ask Dora to write another letter (this time without a signature), in which she tells it was Roberto who killed the girl.

* While Bertha and Jimena are having great time and spend mucho dinero in the shopping centre, Don Jorge gives Dora, la Escritora the money David sent her, and she agrees to write a new letter. *Viewerville: it was high time, Dorita* An hour later the boys are reading her report in the study and try to figure out how they could convince Adolfo that the letter is original. Abelardo advises them to use her employment application at Mirador which was written by her. All they have to do is to change Dora’s name on it, but Adolfo will know the letter is written by a person who used to work in Mirador.

* The two old goons are sitting in tne condo, and while ill-looking Dolphie is swallowing his medicines, they are talking about the boys’ visit at Sagitario. Adolfo: man, you looked very afraid! Sevilla: oh, STFU, Adolfo, you were pale as a ghost! Dolphie gets a phonecall from very sassy JJ who tells him to check his fax machine, they’ll send him something he’ll surely like. When Adolfo reads the letter and the application, he gets paler than before and quickly puts them into the safe. Outside a dozen guests are waiting for him and his beautiful fiancé, but before they could get married he gets a heart attack. Adolfo! Adolfo, what happened to you?! Adolfo! *Viewerville and the Musketeers: gimme a high five!*



Thursday, February 10, 2011

Llena de Amor #127 (Mex. 132) Thu 2/10/11 Hisses and Kisses, Smirking and Lurking, Defenestration and Emasculation

Ahoy all, I got a last minute invitation to the theatre tonight so here is a PREcap to hold you over until later. I probably won't get the written recap posted until quite late tonight so in the meantime enjoy the screen shots and talk amongst yourselves. UDATE: Got the recap posted, see below. Sorry, too tired to do vocab words and extra stuff but pease feel free to request further clarification or make corrections if something isn't quite right.

Last night we left Ilitia in Brandon’s arms, begging him to make love to her again. Tonight we’ll have Vicky in Eman’s arm begging him to NOT make love to her again. Gretel is searching for her mommy and once again Ilitia and Brandon easily steal the show. But enough with the talking, there will be too much of that tonight anyway. Let’s join our crazy characters...

We start with Mari telling her BFF Doris that she lost herself in Eman’s kisses and hugs. They made love. “No kidding” wisecracks Doris, rolling her eyes. Mari drones on about the magic moment, their bodies were connected, so on and so forth. Never has passion and yearning sounded so drab. Mari doesn’t know if she regrets it but she knows it can’t continue because she doesn’t want to be La Otra (the other woman). This makes me wonder, does she not want to Otra against Ilitia or Otra against herself?

In another room Eman and Jorge are javing a testosterone tête-à-tête. Jorge gripes about the incendiary chemistry between Eman and Vicky (forgetting that he threw them together) and wants to know if their evening ended in a kiss or something else.

Jorge lectures and points his finger and Eman, who has mastered the look of bored innocence, focuses on said finger as if it were an annoying gnat.

Jorge warns Eman not to use Vicky the same way he used Mari.

Meanwhile over at the RydT Manor a roamin’ Romeo (Lowrenzo) lurks outside. He finds a conveniently placed ladder and moves it toward his jumble-headed Juliet’s window.

At La Mala Noche Fedra drinks (que sorpresa) and proudly sneers that Axel has dumped Delicious for Lorena. Bernardo is in the room cracking her whip toy and begging her to let him deal with Lowrenzo. Just give him the order, CRACK!!!

I’ll take care of Lowrenzo and I’m The Queen, she insists to her reflction, swoozily waving her glass around.

The door bursts open and La Sirena de la Luna stumbles in. Fedra yells at Berni to kick her culito cubano out the door but La Sirena demands a private audience with The Queen. Fedra dismisses her lap dog and Gretel removes her mask. “You asked to talk to me and here I am.” Cara muy impactada de Fedra.

Over at the Monster Manse Kristel, lounging on her bed, is surprised to see Lowrenzo walk through her door. Guau! What’s he doing there? He admires his reflection in the mirror and tells her he wanted to see her and couldn’t rest until he got what he wanted.

Back to the battle of huevos and smirking. Eman tells Jorge that since Jorge married Vicky’s best friend he doesn’t exactly understand what Jorge is doing there. Jorge does the annoying finger point again is all “Look dude (majete), I know exactly what kind of garbage you are, you’re a heartbreaker”. They get into a silly discussion about who cheated first. Eman says he married Ilitia long after Mari married Jorge because his gordita hermosa left him forever. His marriage was a serious mistake whereas Jorge’s marriage to Mari is a happy one, no? He wants Jorge to run back to his wife and leave Eman and Vicky in peace, OK? Jorge seems to be making up the rules as he goes along, and he tells Eman that, um, his marriage isn’t working and they are now separated, so there. What if he said he also made a mistake and is here to reclaim (recuperar) Vicky? What does Eman think of that, eh?

Our two stallions (forgive me but I can’t ignore all those pics of the snorting stallions all over the wall) push each other around a bit and take turns out-sneering each other and calling each other names. They are interrupted by Vicky strutting through with her little suitcase. Eman begs her to stay.

Back at La Mala Noche Fedra lunges at Gretel who whips out a giant revolver. “It was you! It IS you! Go ahead and shoot me” hisses Fedra as she kisses the gun.

Gretel invites her mami to take a seat. She wants the truth, who is her real mother?

Eman and Jorge play tug of war with Vicky.
She’s soured on Eman and tells him the only woman in his life is his wife. Jorge yanks Vicky away, calls Eman a youngster (chaval) and punches the smirk of Eman’s face.

When will these characters learn that discretion is the better part of valor? Gretel stupidly tells Fedra everything she knows, that her mami killed uncle Felipe, is having an affair with Lowrenzo, is a burlesque dancer (if you can call it that), was a prostitute, and Eman is another man’s son. Fedra rolls her eyes. Gretel wants to know who she is if not a RydT. Sure you are says Fedra. But I’m very close to the woman, closer than you know. And if you blab then I’ll kill her and then kill you.

Over at the RydT Monster Manse Emiliano expresses his regrets to a smug Mau. In a surprising display of common sense Emiliano states that regretfully his daughter loves him and since there’s no way around it he’s got a pre-nup for Mauricio to sign renouncing Kristel’s fortune. And what if Mau refuses to sign? Well then he can forget about marrying Kristel.

Who is meanwhile freaking out as Low chases her around her room. Her papi and fiancé are nearby in the study! Low says he’s not there for himself but for his daughter Ilitia. What happened between Kristel and Ilitia? They used to be like sisters. (Uh oh.) He tries to make out with Kristel to drive his point home. Kristel tries kinda sorta to resist but unfortunately seems to be falling under his spell.

This is great. We’re back at the cantina and Top Model Ilitia stumbles out of the bano with a streamer of toilet paper stuck to her shoe.

Brandon hauls her over to a table but not before she grabs a bottle of booze. She coos that she wants her polis to make sweet love to her again. Brandon’s tempted but he says he’s a man not a game. Ilitia shoves him around and pounds some shots while she considers her options.

Good Lord Jorge and Eman, now acting like “gentlemen”, are STILL discussing their situation ad nauseum. They finally agree on the obvious, it’s up to Vicky to decide what she wants to do. Welcome to the 21st century guys. Vicky says she’s a professional and will complete the job but she’s leaving with Jorge.

Fedra tells a despondent Gretel she’s not her blood but Gretel is every bit a RydT. Her real mother is close to the family and to Gretel’s father above all. Their love was impossible and doomed. Tia Carlota engineered it all, and grabbed baby Gretel from her mother’s arms at birth making baby mommy think her baby had died.

Bernardo’s loud knocking at the door interrupts this sweet moment with Fedra STILL NOT TELLING Gretel who her real momma is. I hate when telenovelas do this. Gretel runs out the side door hurling threats over her shoulder that Fedra will end up in jail and she’s in league with Marianella to destroy Fedra. Berni busts down the doors and gives chase.

Unbelievably, Mau signs the documents without further discussion and heads toward Kristel’s room. Meanwhile Beni is strolling the grounds and removes the ladder from Kristel’s window. Inside, she is still resisting Low’s octopus caresses but her resistance is fading. I notice there are no tongues, so yep, she could be his kid, but still, eww. She is saved by Mau rapping on her door and she desperately tries to hide Low. He heads for the window but oops, the ladder is gone. Too bad, says our freaked out fresa and defenestrates him. She pulls herself together and opens the door to her beloved rapey snake. Low might have warmed up the engine but if Mau plays his cards right he’ll get to drive the car.

Ilitia is getting maudlin and wants to get a hotel room. Then she changes her mind and wants Brandon to man up (making the naco gesture of holding a pair of huevos she says “ten pantalones”, wear pants) and yell at him to tell Eman that they made whoopee (mochi mochi). After chasing Ilitia around the bar and saving her from offering herself up to the clientele Brandon catches his passed out princess and carries her out of the bar.

A taxi drops off La Sirena at Netty’s perpetually unlocked pension. After Gretel sneaks in the door a large black limousine that could have been spotted a mile away passes slowly in front of the door. Spiderus is at the wheel.

Netty catches Gretel clunking up the stairs. Gretel recalls Fedra’s words, “it’s a woman very close to you and to the family, an impossible, doomed love”; could Netty be her mami? After some questioning by Gretel Nety tells Gretel that she has been in love with Emiliano for years, all her life, but it was an impossible, doomed love. (Oh brother.) Tia Carlota banned her because she was an actress.” “Ay Dios mio, Netty is my mama” thought bubbles Gretel.

They hug and the writers lay it on thick. L-“You’re like my daughter.” G-“Have you always wanted a daughter like me?” L-“My friends are my family and you are too.” G-“I would love to be your family.” Netty was going to meet Muñeca and Gadiola for drinks but since Gretel’s got the weepies she tells Gretel to run upstairs and put her Gman costume back on while she makes some tea.

Oh why do these people not lock their doors? As Gretel clunks around upstairs Bernardo walks (doesn’t even sneak) in and rifles her red sequin purse. He sees the gun and follows Gretel upstairs.

Muñeca and Gladiola are in some high class joint getting drunk on big glasses of red wine and dissing her low-life husband. Muñeca is glad to have Gladi there and she pines that she used to have a friend she could confide in but she doesn’t trust her anymore. Her name is Fedra Curiel. Gladiola chokes that the woman is a viper, a snake, satan, ugly, the worst, Salud! They toast, and Muñeca reveals that she thinks there might have been something between Lowrenzo and Fedra. Gladi chums up and admits that the gossip would support that theory.

Jorge and Vicky are at the hotel and he asks what happened between Eman and her. “The inevitable” she sighs. She couldn’t resist him. Jorge insists that Eman doesn’t love her, like all men it’s physical with him. “He’s confused” she replies, confused. Jorge doesn’t like it when she tells him she loves Eman with all her strength.

Bernardo surprises Gretel and holds her at gunpoint. Her situation is rapidly going from bad to worse. He says Oliver has a debt to pay for locking him in the cellar.
He eyes her lustily and growls that he’s always wanted a woman like her in his bed and they have all night to have fun. If she doesn’t want anything to happen to Nety she’ll stay quiet. Oh please writers, no no no!!

MarVicky tells Jorge in great detail how much she loves Eman. She wants to believe in him and she wants to believe in love blah blah blah. Jorge wishes she felt the same way about him. Maybe it’s just me but knowing how he feels about her isn’t her candor rather cruel? She blathers on that thanks to Jorge her eyes have been opened to her true feelings. In fact she almost told Eman everything. Jorge thinks that would have been a mistake because there are too many things that keep separating MarVick and Eman and foremost among them is Fedra Curiel. She’s ready to renounce all vengeance for love.

Jorge tells her NO, don’t forget everything she’s done against your family.

They hug and Jorge thought bubbles that he’s going to fight for her love. He silently vows that he hasn’t played his last card yet and Eman does not deserve her.


La Fea Más Bella #207-208 2/10/11 Where does everyone stand?

Capitulo 207.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia complains about her job change.

2. Aldo talks to Fern alone. He says it’s so they can know each other better, but it’s really Aldo interrogating Fern. Aldo asks why Fern distrusts him. Does he think Aldo is a liar and uses people? Aldo suggests that maybe Fernando suspects others because he himself deceives people.

3. Aldo asks what is most important to Fern, because to him the most important is love. Fern gets serious and says that love is most important to him too. It wasn’t before, but now it is. The problem is, his love is not being returned. Aldo says he believes him, and now he knows Fern is someone worthy of respect.

4. Lety tells Lola that she has to hire Jaz in order to keep Luigi. Lety tells Jaz that she’ll be the receptionist. Jaz whines, and Lety says no one’s forcing her to take the job. Lety warns her not to cause problems with Lola. Jaz shovels a load of crap about how she’d never want to hurt anyone, and Lety just rolls her eyes. I guess Jazmín’s shtick doesn’t work on people who don’t have “posterior motives.”

5. Fernando disagrees with everything Aldo says, even when he hasn’t said it yet. Omar says he made a fool of himself. Aldo tells Luigi Fern is noble and a nice guy.

6. In Omar’s office, Fern and Omar dive for the big chair. Fern crashes to the floor and hurts his hand. They agree that Lety’s off to a good start, but Marcia doesn’t like it.

7. Saimon packs up Fern’s things from la presidencia, and Lety tells him to take the infamous trash bag too. He takes everything to Omar’s office. Marcia accuses Fern of keeping the trash bag like a treasure. Fern puts it into a trash can and asks if Marcia’s satisfied. Never! She’s decided Lety can’t be allowed to set policy without board approval. Fern suggests that if she can swallow her pride she’ll recognize that Lety’s proposal is sound.

8. Jaz tries to play Luigi against Lety, but Lety pulls her up short. Lety warns that the next time she’ll be fired.

9. Aldo tells Lety about the $2M.

Capitulo 208 & 209.
Read CHF’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it. The recap covers two episodes. The last scene of Cap 209 is when Jazmín flirts with Tom in Reception.

1. Aldo tells Lety, “Everything will go perfectly because you need me here and I need you with me.” Lety gets nervous and claustrophobic, and she disengages. He starts to seductively invite her to lunch but Tom interrupts, hollering that he’s hungry. He doesn’t like Aldo. There is lots of tension between everybody. When Aldo’s gone, Tom and Lety talk. Tom says Aldo is interested in Alicia.

2. Pop reports to MamaJ that many people at Conceptos treat Lety badly, but she’s setting them straight. MamaJ starts to tell Pop about Aldo but thinks better of it.

3. Tom tells Lety she should hook up with Aldo. Then Aldo wouldn’t pursue Ali, and Lety would be able to forget about Fernando. See the transcript.

4. Aldo tells Caro that Lety painted a seascape in her bedroom, so she must’ve missed him. But she introduced him as her close friend, almost like a brother, and that’s not what he was hoping for.

5. Fernando finds his love note napkin in his wallet, “Lety, only God knows how much I love you.”

6. Lety calls Caro and asks her to organize the food expo.

7. Tom tries to smooth things out with Alicia but she slaps him. He tries to apologize but she says she hates him and will never forgive him. When Jazmín finds out he’s a VP and he’s no longer Lety’s novio, she decides he’s the hottest man in Conceptos.

Spanish Lesson. Lety's Heart Condition.
Tom: Aldo likes you. Don’t deny it. Besides, if you go out with him, you’ll get Fernando out of your head. Because that’s not doing you any good.
L: You make it sound so easy. I still adore him.
T: One nail takes out another (un clavo saca otro clavo). It’s a law of life. Do you want to spend the rest of your life, dying for love for a traitor?
L: The heart doesn’t do what’s convenient. Not even for a neighbor who’s my best friend. The heart’s gonna’ love who it chooses, and that’s that.
T: Aldo’s a galán! Just a minute ago you said Alicia was right to take notice of him. I believe you do like him. Even if it’s just a little. Don’t deny it.
L: We kissed in Acapulco. Twice (she’s not counting the kiss when she fantasized Fernando).
T: There you have it. That means that you like him, too.
L: No, Aldo is different from anyone else I’ve met. He’s so profound. He gives me so much peace. Calm.
T: (paraphrased) Then what’s the problem now?
L: We met because I was drowning. He saved me.We became like brother and sister. He said it himself. We’ve been friends since then. Close friends.
T: And the kisses?
L: They were beautiful. The second time, I kissed him. During that time in Aca, I had decided to forget Fernando and I thought I’d never see him again, so I allowed myself a romance with Aldo.
T: Temporary/fleeting? (Pasajero?)
L: Yes. I came back to DF and saw Don Fernando again. I’m very clear that I won’t trust him ever again. He’s a traitor and I need to keep my distance. But something very strange happened. I feel like Fernando sees me with love. And the other time, when he told me he loves me..
T: You sent him to the devil?
L: Yes, but I have his image here, and when he said it to me, it confirmed to me, with the passage of time, that something is felt at this moment. Something very strong, Tom. Fern said it, as if it was from the depths of his soul.
But no, I’m only fooling myself because I want to believe that Fernando could actually be in love with me. Do you see why I can’t think (that way) about Aldo? He’s delightful. Not just because he’s so guapo, but the kind of person he is. He’s an exceptional man.
T: And Don Fernando?
L: (The idea of) Don Fernando is very strong inside me. I believe a long time will have to pass before my heart stops beating for his.


Eva Luna #68 Wed 2/9/11 “A year in the life”

I am still having some heavy duty head spinning with all that went on tonight. So if this turns out to be a long one I apologize ahead of time. We have an entire years worth of events to cover so lets get right to it.

We left off with Victoria going nuts on Laurita. She is just about to slap her when Dan walks in grabbing her wrist telling her “don’t even think about it.”

Victoria doesn’t skip a beat when she instantly turns demure as Daniel asks her if she was going to hit his daughter. She tells Daniel that Laurita put a frog in her purse and it just about scared her to death. (If only we were so lucky.) Dan now with hands on his hips turns to Laurita and asks if it is true. Laurita denies it until Daniel sternly tells her to speak the truth. Laurita tells him yes but pointing to Victoria says “But she deserves it.” Dan tells her to stop trying to justify it. There are no excuses for what she did. He tells her that they need to have a serious talk about this. Laurita tries the old sad eyes “pappito routine” and Dan is not having any of this. He says her punishment is no TV for a month.

Laurita protests in vain, as Victoria standing with arms crossed looks at her and says “it is at least what you deserve.” Dan than turns to Victoria and tells her to never even think about touching a hair on his daughter’s head. Now Victoria starts to protest and starts shouting to Dan that this child needs discipline. She needs to start to respect people and something has to be done. He angrily tells her “You leave that up to me!!” Victoria shoots an ugly look at Dan and walks out. Dan and Laurita are left exchanging very hurt and said looks.

We quickly go over to Marcella’s where she is having diner with Deb. She tells her the Hispanic portion of the agency is going well, but what she is loosing sleep over is the new modeling agency. This is where she has invested what little money she had left into. Deb seems surprised because Marcella told her Bruno is quite smart and handsome. Renata enters and is treated very pleasantly by Deb but curtly dismissed by Marcella.

Victoria and Dan are now in “their bedroom.” She says “I am sorry my love, I lost my head but what she did scarred me. I didn’t even know what it was. I could have had a heart attack.” Daniel replies “Believe me, I understand, but there is no way I will permit you to hit my child!” Victoria turns to him and says “I am sorry to say this but all the concessions you allow her are causing her harm.” Dan looks at her surprised and says “What did you say?” Victoria now sitting on the bed tells him “You are turning her into a brat. Some one that enjoys hurting other people, and this isn’t good. Laurita is at the point where she needs discipline 24 hours a day. She needs professional people that will help turn her into an educated young women.”

Dan looking very frustrated says “And what is your solution? Would you have me send her away.” (He literally said “internarla” which means to send to an asylum. I think in Novela lingo it means boarding school.) Victoria says “Yes but I am not saying this for me but for her well being.” We see a very sad Laurita standing at the door hearing all that is being said.

Deb is now pumping Marcella for more information about Eva. Marcella is curious as to why Deb would be so interested. She tells Marcella so she could help her. She starts quizzing her more with feign disinterest. Marcella tells her Leo convinced her to give her a job and she is still repenting that move.

Sweet scene with Julio and his new found caring family. He is telling Eva that he is really touched that she considers her child his grandson. She tells him how could she think any other way when god put him in her path when her father died. She gently is stroking his hand and tells him her child will have the best grandfather in the world and he will teach him many things. Julio smiles with modesty and tells her he will value this child like crazy.

Deb is still trying to get information about Eva. “Parents, siblings, dates,” Marcella tells her she doesn’t know anything, but if she has parents they certainly would be thieves just like her. Deb looks pensive at hearing this. She asks how she could be a thieve and Marcella fills her in on her version of the truth. She falsified a check and robbed them and disappeared. Deb asks her how she found that out. Marcella tells her about the video and the pictures from the bank. Then she tells her that she had to dismiss the charges for reasons that she can’t talk about, but she is still a thief. Deb seems to be having a hard time believing this.

Fran goes looking for Marisol at the penthouse. Horacio tells him if you are looking for her she doesn’t live here. He tells him he knows. He wants to talk to him.

Laurita is still outside Daniels bedroom door and is crying as she hears Dan saying harshly to Victoria “I am sorry but I don’t want my child far away from me!!” Victoria tells him “You want to keep her close with out being responsible and let her do what ever she wants? If that is what you want for your daughter well go ahead. But I am telling you her behavior will end up making you very unhappy and will destroy our happiness.” Laurita is still at the door and crying harder.

Stalker alert. Alicia and Leo enter a car and become passionate with one another. Old Tony is in the bushes with a gun and murder on his mind. He stops short realizing that he really loves Alicia and can’t hurt her. He tells himself he has to be a lot smarter. Leo took Alicia away from him and now he has to find away to get revenge. (This kid just climbed up a few rungs from the bottom of the disgusting ladder and I wish him luck with this.)

Fran and Horacio are having a couple of drinks. He informs Fran that he can stop calling him Horacio. His name is Anibal. Fran chalks it up to more lies from Marisol. Anibal reminds him that he warned him about her. Fran laments about all the lies Marisol told him. Anibal tells him he lied to her as well. Fran says “Well that’s a different case.” What Fran really wants to know is the name of the cabaret where Marisol works. Horacio/Anibal tells him that is not the only thing she does there. Fran looks a bit surprised to hear this. Anibal tells him when he first saw him with her he thought he was one of her clients. He gives Fran the address.

Marisol and her friend Violet are discussing her woes in life. She asks her what she is doing there. She thought she would be in Europe. She tells her that plane never arrived and she fell from the cloud she was on. Violet asks her what happened. Did she get married? Marisol tells her she got married all right. Her dream turned into a nightmare. Violet begs for the scoop.

Fran and Horacio continue their chat. He wants to know why women are liars and he was so stupid to fall for it. Horacio then hands him the address where he can find Marisol to see for himself. He tells him to ask for Damien, the owner. He was the one who gave her the keys to his apartment. He tells Horacio as he takes the card “My mother was right. There is nothing worse than a blind man who doesn’t want to see.” Horacio adds “You only have to see her to know she is tramp” Fran is not pleased at this remark and tells him to leave the insults to him. Horacio starts to say well if you married a prostitute and Fran quickly cuts him off and tells him he is talking about his wife and this is his problem. He leaves in a huff.

Violet and Marisol continue their lament. She tells her friend the only reason she came to work tonight is because she can’t afford to loose her job. Violet tells her, “well you lost your millionaire but don’t tell me you were in love with him?” She tells her no, but he made her feel good and made her laugh, but she did not fall in love with him, as she wipes away a tear. Violet wants to know how long it will take to get rid of the sad face. Marisol tells her probably 15 or 30 days. Violet tells her not to waste so much time. She has an idea. Divorce him and forget about it.

This scene broke my heart. Laurita is sitting on her bed talking with Chico. She tells him that Victoria the witch may be right as she replays Victoria words to Daniel in her mind. She tells Chico that she doesn’t want her father to be unhappy. She doesn’t want him to suffer because of her.

Deb is telling Marcella that everything she has told her seems incredible, that Eva caused so much harm. Marcella tells her not only did she work in the house but she also had a room there. Only God knows what she did in that room. Marcella tells her if she dares to return she will end her because she is an ungrateful witch. Now Marcella is all revved up as she goes for a drink and fills Deb in on everything she did while she was there. “She messed with Daniel, she messed with Leo, she messed with Julio, and probably in her room. Who knows what all she did.” Deb now truly concerned stops Marcella and tells her she is worried about her tone. Marcella turns to her and tells her “My tone is the least part of what I feel for Eva. I hate her!! This tramp has a death sentence from me.”

Marisol is dancing and prancing at the pole but her heart isn’t in it. All the clients are complaining. She slowly starts to get into her routine and as she takes her jacket off and throws it into the crowd it lands on Fran. A fight ensues. I didn’t catch much of it. I am going to condense what I caught. Fran gets beat up, he yells that he is Marisol’s husband. Damian gets involved and Fran says with disgust he’s leaving. He saw what he came to see. Marisol is all bent out of shape and leaves as well.

Marcella is now all worked up and a bit crazed as she continues to drink and pleads with Deb to help her destroy Eva. She offers her a drink and Deb wisely declines and tells her it is late and she has to go. Marcella tells her she will walk her out and Deb tells her that isn’t necessary. Now pleading like a crazy woman she makes Deb promise she will help her destroy Eva. Deb quietly and calmly assures her she will as if she were reassuring a crazy woman.

They are interrupted by Renata telling Marcella she has a phone call from Victoria. She has a problem with Daniel and his child. Marcella quickly takes the phone and starts talking to Victoria as we see Deb grabbing her purse in the background and shaking her head in a combination of disgust and disbelieve.

Deb has snuck into Eva’s old room looking for a clue. She finds a small note book but realizes it has no information. Renata comes barging in ranting about Aurelia who can’t even close a door. She is startled to see Deb walking out of the closet asking her what she is doing there. She apologizes and tells her Marcella told her about Eva. She tells her she is there to look for clues so she can help Marcella find Eva. Renata tells her not to bother because she personally went over everything and Eva didn’t leave a single clue. Deb tells her she was told that Eva was awful. Renata repeats everything that Marcella just told her.
Deb still not quite believing all this looks at Renata and says “She talked about her as if she were a monster.” Renata gives a dead pan look back at her and says “She is.” Deb says “okay it’s probably best we don’t talk about this anymore” and takes her leave.

Eva is standing in front of a mirror talking to her unborn child. She looks quite elegant in a black dress with a white front panel as she rubs her stomach and tells her baby “ Baby inside here, even though it seems incredible, this ‘pancetta’ is your ‘casita’. (Is that like saying there is a bun in the oven?)

She goes on to say she would have liked for her father to have known her baby. And her mother. She starts to sniffle now as she says “what mother. You abandoned us. You left us. You didn’t teach me how to care. Nor feel love. Now all I feel is profound anger. The truth is now it isn’t important to me whether you are dead or alive. You caused me a lot of damage by abandoning us.” She is now sitting on the bed crying.

We see Deb leaving Marcella’s house. She is telling herself that this monster can’t possibly be her daughter. She hopes to God that this Eva that everyone hates can’t be her daughter.

Lame scenes of Leo and Alicia in bed. She can’t believe that she is with him. He feeds her some line. Then slyly asks her about Eva. Alicia assures him she has not heard form her.

Laurita is having a nightmare. She is standing next to a bandaged unconscious Daniel and weeping. Victoria is standing behind her and telling her he is dying and it is her fault because she isn’t obedient. Laurita is draping herself over Daniel telling him he can’t die. She wakes screaming that she doesn’t want him to die. The light is suddenly turned on and Victoria walks in. Laurita sits up and asks Victoria what she is doing there. She tells her she was walking by and heard her screams. She asks her if she is okay and if she had a bad dream. Laurita tells her yes. Victoria wants to know what kind of dream she had that would upset her so much. She tells her “That my papa was dying because I wouldn’t let him be happy with you.” Victoria “sweetly” sits down on her bed and says “My love this is exactly what could happen .” Laurita is now sobbing and says “I promise from now on I won’t cause any more problems. I swear it.” Victoria tells her to calm down. She continues “ This is fine but it won’t be enough to keep your father from suffering.” Laurita looking to Victoria for guidance (Gulp!!!) asks her what she should do. Victoria tells her “If you sincerely don’t want anything bad to happen to him and want him to be totally happy at my side you have to listen to me carefully. When I tell you something it is for your well being. It is so that we can all be happy. Do you understand my love?” Tears are following from Laurita’s eyes as she shakes her sad little head in agreement. Victoria continues “Everything will be fine but you have to do everything I tell you too.” We see our little brave heart sobbing and submissively shaking her head in agreement.

New day. Marcella is grabbing at her black glove saying “this damned glove won’t let me forget. It won’t let me get rid of my faults.” Then looking in the mirror she adds “but some faults are necessary We all have them. We all hide them in this manner. Daniels parents died because it was their destiny. I had to kill them and make it look like an accident.” Her insane babbling is interrupted by a knock on the door.

It is Renata carrying a small box with a bright red bow. She politely asks Marcella if she slept well. She growls back at her “Did you come to see me to wish me well?” Renata humbly replies no and tells her she came to give her a package. Marcella wants to know who sent it. Renata doesn’t have a clue. Marcella is now outraged as she snatches the box from Renata. She tells Renata she can go as she starts to open the package. She rips the paper off and then slowly opens the box. She gasps and steps back in a panic as she pulls out a small brown medicine bottle.

She looks at it in disbelief and pulls out a small card reads it out load “The poison that is missing form here are the doses that you gave Julio.” She stammers and stumbles and grabs onto the bed as she looks panic stricken.

Your going down Marcella!!!!!

Our happy little blended family is having breakfast. Victoria is asking Daniel if he is sure he feels well enough to go to work. Daniel assures her he is. Victoria smiling and looking at Laurita tells him she is glad because there is nothing better than to see him healthy. Then adds “Right Laurita?” Laurita docilely answers yes. Then she looks at Daniel and meekly says “Poppy I want to ask you something. I have been thinking and I decided I want to “go to boarding school.” Well that’s not the words she used exactly but that is what she meant. (I think) Daniel looks shocked but old Victoria looks pleased as punch and Laurita just looks defeated.

Marcella is now all freaked out as she stumbles around in her bedroom. She is muttering “They want me to go crazy again. I won’t go crazy again.” she is muttering and pulling at that glove and continues as she almost has it off “they won’t make you go crazy. I am stronger then they are. I am stronger than everyone. I can do this. Nothing is going to happen because I am the strongest. “ And our psychotic break down continues as Marcella screams loudly and we fade away.

More days have passed. We see Eva knitting something blue. We see sad little Laurita telling Adrian goodbye. Fran has returned to his job as chauffer as we see him waiting for Laurita. Adriane tells her not to forget about him. She tells him of course not he is her best friend. We get a sweet little hug as Fran is motioning for her to hurry up. Laurita walks away towards Fran leaving Adrian standing alone. We breifly see a women in the bushes.

(I missed this the first time around.) She quickly crouches and seems surprised to see Adrian standing there.

Marcella now at the office is handed a letter by her secretary. She opens it and we see Assassin spelled out in brightly colored letter. Marcella grabs at her desk to keep herself from falling as her panic envelopes her.

More days go by. We see young uniformed school girls in the fore ground as Daniel, Laurita and Victoria are greeted by a nun. Laurita has a suitcase. Daniel is gently stroking her hair as they hug. We see a smile across Victoria’s face.

Our next scene was a hanky bender as Laurita walks away with the nun and Daniel is woefully waving goodbye as his heart is breaking. Then we are left with Daniels sad face and evil smiling Victoria.

Our time continues to pass by quickly. Deb is congratulating Marcella on the successful Launching of the new Arismendi Modeling company. Victoria is tossing her tresses in her very blue dress as she smiles for the photographers. Marcella tells Deb that Bruno is the best thing that has happened to her in a very long time. Deb smiles and says “That’s the truth. He is one handsome smart man.” We see Bruno next to his cousin with champagne flute in hand and he smiles and waves to Marcella across the way. His cousin says to him, “every day we are taking more money away from Marcella.” He continues smiling and waving at Marcella as he tells his cousin “In a year and a half we will be able to retire.” Then he holds his glass up to a smiling Marcella. Daniel is standing alone shaking his head with a dubious look on his face.

More celebration as Justa cuts the wedding cake and Adrian claps with delight. The newly weds kiss as all look on with smiles.

Thomas breaks up the happy scene as he drags Adrian away. Ricardo attempts to go after them but is stopped by Justa. The happy scene has ended.

Tia Matilda is measuring Eva’s very pronounced stomach.

Daniel is sitting alone on the sofa remembering happier days with Eva. Our scenes are intertwined now with flash backs of Daniel and Eva on the beech and then with Eva standing alone by a tree looking quite pregnant.

Now we are in Daniel’s bedroom and Victoria is ragging at Daniel who is sitting on the bed. She is protesting that he would want to bring Laurita home. This will only hurt their marriage. She continues to nag and says she can’t take any more of this and a disgusted Daniel stands up and walks away from her then sits down on the sofa with hand to head as Victoria continues to nag. She brings up the frog story again saying she is going to go crazy with all the gross things that child has done to her.

Happier scene. Eva is on her bed surrounded by new baby things as Julio comes bursting in carting a lovely white baby carriage.

More forlorn Daniel scenes drinking and reminiscing about Eva and the night he gave her the engagement ring. He also is remembering looking at the pictures that Leo had.

Eva is giving birth and we hear her screams. We change quickly to Daniel who is in a car as he looks about and we hear his voice saying. “I can’t forget you Eva.” More labor screams from Eva and it’s a boy as Dr. Garcia holds him up for all to see.

Daniel is now alone on the sofa holding the ring he gave Eva. He is looking at it and asking himself why he still feels the need to see her. In walks Victoria and asks him what he is doing. He quickly closes the ring box and looks up at her trying to hide the box. She asks him what he has.

We are back with the new mama and proud aunt and “grandfather.” Eva is proudly holding the baby Dr. Garcia is remarking on the kids great sets of lungs. Tia is asking what she will name him. She imagines it will be her father’s name. Eva tells her no. She will name him Pablo. Then she tells Julio she doesn’t want Daniel to find out about him. Julio looks a bit bugged at this as he continues to coo at the baby and tells her to quit fussing about that.

Victoria now sits down beside Daniel and says “I asked you a question.” Daniel has placed the ring in a desk drawer and slides it shut. Victoria asks again what he was holding. Daniel tells her it is nothing important. Just a memory that people save for no reason. Victoria doesn’t seem to accepting of this answer, as Daniel asks her what she wanted. She tells him she was waiting for him. He apologizes and tells her he was just trying to disconnect from a few things. She tells him “And in the meantime I am left waiting for you?” Daniel appears broken as he tells her he isn’t up for any of her nagging. (I’m thinking that’s what he said.) Victoria than sweetly apologizes and tell him she didn’t mean to nag. She then “sweetly” says as long as you don’t try and disconnect from me. “ I am your wife and the only woman you should be thinking about.”

Marisol is at the stripper place and we see wads of cash stuffed in her “outfit.” Giorgio is asking her how the divorce is coming along. She tells him she is waiting to see what Fran is going to do. Giorgio says “Don’t tell me deep down you don’t really want to divorce him?” She tells him she isn’t going to deny the fact that she still loves him but their love is impossible.

Giorgio tells her nothing is impossible and to prove it to her he has brought her good news. He has her sit down. He asks her if she remembers the time she told him about her dreams to become a singer. She dismisses this and says that was another one of her dreams. He tells her this could become reality and to listen to him. He tells her he has made a few calls and has gotten her a very important interview for someone who arranges singers for concerts and fiesta’s and such. Marisol is very grateful and thanks him. He tells her not so fast you know how these things are but maybe this will be the beginning of good things for her. She smiles and calls him an angel. An angel in a suit (traje/ could also mean costume or suit.) but an angel none the less. They both smile and he tells her from now on he will do what ever he can to get her out of the stripper bar. She smiles at him and tells him if it wasn’t so complicated he could be the love of her life and gives him a sweet hug as they both laugh.

Morose Daniel is sitting on the bed and Jacky comes by. She says “You really miss Laurita a lot, right.” He tells her yes. She says she misses her too. He tells Jacky he will never understand why she asked him to send her to that school. Jacky tells him she believes she did it so that he could be happy with the Mrs. Daniel tells Jacky “If that is the reason she should have never left.” He continues saying, “every day that passes I realize that happiness will never happen.” And he walks sadly away.

Leo is chatting with Marcella. He asks her how things are going. She tells him good and then has him sit down. She asks him if he has heard anything from the detective regarding Eva. He tells her the idiot still hasn’t found her. She then asks if he was able to get any information out of Alicia. He tells her Eva hasn’t contacted Alicia. She wants to know if he is sure that Alicia isn’t lying to him. He assures her that Alicia is telling the truth and hasn’t had any contact with Eva. Marcella than asks where in the devil is that woman and when will she return. Leo tells her it is same thing he is wondering.

Victoria is kissing Daniel and he really doesn’t seem interested as he pulls her away. He tells her he is tired. She wants to know what is wrong. He seems really distanced. He tells her he has lots of things going on in his head. She feigns support as she tells him to tell her what’s bothering him. After all she is there to help him forget those things. She realizes however that recently all they do is argue (I think that’s what she said.) And they don’t have the perfect marriage but they could have it. Daniel asks her what she is referring to. She tells him she is willing to give him a son. Dan looks very spooked at this suggestion

She continues smiling and says “that‘s what we need to have a happy marriage and while we are trying, we can enjoy ourselves.” Daniel is just laying their like a dead log. Victoria goes in for a kiss and Dan stops her telling her he is very tired and all he wants to go to sleep. Victoria tells herself she will find a way to get pregnant by him. And the wheels of scheme are set in motion.

Leo asks Tony to be his personal assistant. Tony agrees. He figures this will be his great opportunity to get even with him for stealing Alicia.

Vanessa and Deb are chatting. She asks if she has heard any thing about her daughters. She tells her no but she feels she is very close to seeing them again. She doesn’t know how or when but she believes it will be very soon. Vanessa tells her she has heard it said many times that the voice of a mother’s heart is never wrong. Vanessa than asks her if she still thinks that Marcella’s Eva Gonzales is her Eva. Deb tells her, “I hope not. With all the atrocity’s she has heard about that Eva, she can’t imagine it would be her sweet child. It can’t be her.

Eva is leaving the hospital with her new baby. She tells Tia that her son will be her motivation. Her reason for living. Tia tells her she will always be at her side to help her. She tells Tia she wishes she could have shared this moment with Alicia. Tia smiles and tells her she will be very happy when she finds out. She tells Tia that very soon they will be together foe ever.

“Months later” we see a much bigger Pablo with Tia tending lovingly after him. We see Eva in front of the mirror again. Julio is on the phone talking to Diego. He tells him he hopes he wasn’t wrong in confiding his secret to him. He asks him if he understands how dangerous it would be if anyone found out he was still alive.

We see a young man in what looks like a huge private plane, telling Julio not to worry. He can trust him. He treasures him greatly and was very happy to hear he was alive. Julio thanks him for his understanding and for being his accomplice. He tells him he won’t be sorry. He will be well compensated. Then he says “And about Eva. I am sure it will be the event of the year. We see a shot of Eva with a towel around her head and lots of eye shadow.

Diego tells Julio it is him who should be thankful for being introduced to this beautiful women. He tells him he can be assured that he had his eyes on Eva when he first saw her as a seamstress at one of his shows. (Is this the guy way back when Victoria was modeling and Eva was helping out as a seamstress?)

He continues to tell Julio that Eva and her perfume will be the revelation of the year. Julio tells him “I know that for sure.” Diego says that Eva is a great discovery. Julio reminds him that absolute discretion is needed until the finale. He tells Julio not to worry about this. Julio tells him he wishes he could be there spying and to see everyone’s face when they see Eva again. Julio’s leaves us on that note with one of his million dollar smiles. And some pretty great previews.


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