Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #126-127 5/25/11 Cruz and Fer Save This Mess (And His Beard Disappears and Magically Reappears!)

Okie Dokie Artichokies. I'll try to make some sense of all this. (Jeez. It feels like it's been forever since I did a recap.) It doesn't really follow the episode. I hope I can be forgiven.

Well, her cancer is slowly spreading. She needs an operation ASAP. She is confused, afraid and doesn't want to die without finding her hija! Drat her inability to remember what Burnie told her! And drat her soberbia! She won't tell anyone anything, swears Toni to secrecy and even tells Max she's out of danger!

Padilla, Alacrán and Eva
Padilla and Alacrán are in cahoots to get back at Burnie. Eva isn't with them, but she's making plans too! Padilla and Alacrán break in, bonk Burnie in the bean, rob the safe and leave her tied to a chair. Eva sets her free....but Burnie suspects she was in on the robbery.

As is usually the case with thieves, Padilla and Alacrán begin to fight over who gets what. Mistrust ensues. (Methinks it will be their undoing.)

Burnie, PJP and Jer
PJP has gone back to the parroquia. Burnie visits him there and  asks PJP to forgive her. He'll forgive her when she tells Vic who her daughter is. Burnie still manages to wheedle a blessing out of him. Later, (after the robbery) she is railing and screaming and flipping out (and accusing Eva of the crime) when Padre Jer comes in and tells her to Send The Frogs Upstairs. He says all she ever brings PJP is problems and tells her to go away and not come back til she can bring some happy news....but Jer doubts that will ever happen. (PS: awesome line in this scene: "They robbed the mother of a priest!" Really, Burnie?)

PJP, Jer and Alonso
Not real integral to the plot (although who knows with Mejía), but Alonso says tells the holy duo he's going to Chiapas. They discuss his health. Alonso says the nosebleeds are no biggie. He'll come back from Chiapas better than ever. In a later scene, PJP and Jer reminisce about mission trips and rare tropical diseases. They tell each other they will make Alonso visit a doc when he gets back.

Maria and Max (with a dash of Toni)
Maria tells Toni she has a vague memory of a friend of her mother who used to care for her like she was her own child. Toni makes a funny face.

Maria tries to convince Max to forgive his mom...Leonela that is.

They smooch a lot.

Speaking of Leo
She tells Gui that if he doesn't get the theater she's gone.
She fights with Max and says she doesn't want to go back to AA buuuut....she still fights the urge to drink like a fish...especially after Xi has a bottle of booze anonymously delivered to Leo's room.

The Nacos
Take a trip to Guadalajara. I know nothing about fútbol, but apparently they are there for "El Clásico" (Which happens to be Club América contra Chivas.) What.evs. Oh wait, everybody prays while visiting a church. JuanJo thanks God for Nati. Nati thanks God for JuanJo. Cruz prays for Fer. Awwww.

She swears everyone will pay. She tells Maria she can have Max and wishes them happiness. Xi explains she was sick; please forgive her blah blah blahbitty blah. Lying. beech. (And I don't mean the tree.)

Os, Vic and Dr. Voice
So Vic is keeping the whole cancer thing from well, everyone and has asked Toni not to tell. While visiting Fer in the hospital (I'm getting to that) she has chest pains and Dr. Voice insists they go back to his office (which I thought was at CRIT, but apparently he has a satellite office at Sandoval Memorial Hospital) and talk. Meanwhile, Os is pressuring Toni to tell him what's going on. Toni kind of caves and says Vic told her to be quiet. Os busts into Dr. Voice's office and asks Vic what gives. Vic finally confesses she has cáncer de mama. (This is where we really get William in a kayak, but I want to end the recap with the good stuff.)

The reason we all stick with this train wreck: Fer and Cruz
Fer has decided that she will have the operation. Of course everyone worries. They all hope she will walk again. Cruz even bought her some cute shoes in Guadalajara in the hopes she will use them. (My goodness these two are darling together!) Fab finally admits defeat.

Eventually the operation takes place. Hours go by. When it's all over, Dr. Voice is not sure if it worked. Some of the nerves just didn't respond. Mere hours after the delicate spine surgery, Fer is manhandled by Os and Max and they get her out of the bed to have her stand. They have to test to see if the operation worked, you know.

Sadly it did not.

But guess what.

Cruz officially proposes...right there in the hospital. And Fer says YES! And even better, she is genuinely happy. You can tell that she's not that devastated about the failed operation. Cruz gives her the engagement ring and a red rose. (I am NOT doing this justice.) They decide to get married as soon as she's out of the hospital.

Maria visits Fer in the hospital and they share a moment. Fer apologizes for how crappy she was at the beginning. They hug. Os sees and makes a thought bubble comment about them being sisters and all of Viewerville wonders why the hell he doesn't just tell Vic.

Sweet William Levy in a Kayak (see above for actual timing)


  • The wedding!
  • Padilla with a shotgun!
  • Rosendo with a peg leg! (Oh, sorry. Wrong TN)

PS: please fill in any gaps I may have. ¡Gracias!


Cuando Me Enamoro #24 Tuesday 5/24/11 Sick kids, Drunk sisters, and a bonus episode of cheaters!!

So I am posting rather late so let’s just jump in!!!

Inez and her husband are getting the bad news from the Dr, about their son, and his Leukemia and they are asking the Dr, how this could happen, and if there is any hope for their son.

Fina is on the phone with Roberta’s Dr. about her EKG and her test (Telenovela laws state that there is no Dr, Patient confidentiality)., and wants to know if it’s serious, he says he is not an expert but it does not seem serious, but he will talk to her more tomorrow.

Augustin, is consulting about having some jewelry made for his future wife. I wonder if he has checked with Renata about this yet?

Kari, and the Padre are visiting with Mati and Lazaro at the hacienda, they have great news for them. Lazaro is very cold to her, then they tell Mati and Lazaro that they will be able to keep their jobs right there at the hacienda. Lazaro is less than thrilled he is happy for his sister, but he won’t work for her or her husband.

Dr,Creepy (aka Alvaro) is chatting with a hottie who he obviously knows, she is flirting with him and gets his heart racing,before leaving him standing there.

Mati, Kari, and the priest are discussing Lazaro and can’t understand why he is being so difficult and stubborn, Padre says he is arrogant. Matias tell them that she will talk to him, Kari says not to worry he won’t change his mind.

Roberta is at a nightclub with her friend, Roberta says’s that Rafa is no longer a part of her life, but her friend reminds her that he always will be because of the baby. Roberta gets snippy and orders a double tequila, much to the dismay of her friend.

Renata is getting ready to go out and Fina walks in, brrrrr. She wants to give her a bad time about embarrassing Matias at his party, Renata assures her that he is not bothered. She accuses her of making everything about her, Renata rushes out and Fina accuses her of dressing to provocatively and then proceeds to call Gonzalo to complain about Renata and he tells her this is not the time and that he is busy, but she plays the family card and he tells her he will talk to her soon, he hangs up and seems worried about Renata.

Renata’s car has broken down and so she calls Jero to let him know she is stuck, he asks if she needs help and she say’s no she called for roadside and he insists, that she tell him exactly where she is.

Inez and Isidro and talking about their son and he tells her not to forget what the Dr. said there is still a chance.
Roberts shows up in her car drunk, as Jero shows up and Renata signals him to keep driving and he does, but Roberta thinks she saw him, Renata tells he no that she is drunk. She takes her keys and tells her that she will take her home and they will get the other car tomorrow.

Inez and Isidro are telling their son about his illness, that his blood is not okay and that it won’t be easy but they are together and they will be okay!

Renata is trying to get Roberta in the house quietly, but Roberta is not making it easy. Fina sees them and gets mad and sends Roberta to her room, and tells her to drink some coffee.

Carlos is cooking in the kitchen talking to Jero about family and then Jero gets sad about not having a family anymore, Carlos asks about Renata and he says basically he doesn’t know about either of them, he still won’t budge on the hacienda , but Carlos reminds him that they are always friends, no matter what.

Back to the boys room more talk about his illness and how they will get through it. He asks if he will die they say no. He say he does not want to die he loves them very much.They assure him he will recover.

Matis is trying to reason with Lazaro and he is not changing his mind he will not work for Alvaro or his wife, he won’t do it, she begs a little more, but he won’t budge

Fina and Renata put Roberta to bed. Fina stays behind and yells at Roberta about drinking and her condition. Roberta shoos her away.

Renata texts Jero and apologizes for missing their plans and he understands and tell her they can meet tomorrow and and he says yes sends her his address so they can meet at the apartment, then they flirt a little and send kisses through the phone.

Back to Isidro and Inez thanking God for being in this together. They love each other and will get through this

Roberta is apologizing for last night to Fina who is not having it, but Roberta tells her to relax and Fina drops it but starts grilling her about Renata, and what she was doing. She was confused that she was all dressed up,but Matias was in Monterey, then Roberta flashes back to the driver of the car and is sure it was Jero, Roberta is starting to put the pieces back together, Renata walks in and asks how she is doing, they ask her what she was doing last night and she tells them she was with friends, but Roberta is not buying.

Renata is back in her room, and goes to shower and in sneaks Roberta who sees her cell phone on the bed and just has to check it out, she gets a shock when she sees the messages from Jero, about their date. Someone is madddd.

Jero and Carlos are giving there condolences to Isidro about their son, he then talk to them about the hacienda and Jero’s plans to sell, Carlos is still trying to get him to keep it.

Roberta is on the phone with someone, saying she needs to see them right away and that she will be waiting for them. Roberta is thinking about how much she hates Renata, that Jero is hers and that she can’t break up two friends like Matias and Jero.

Adriana is talking to Horario about visiting with her and her mom, he says that her will check with Constanza and then he will stop by.

Gonzalo calls Regina (to many R names) to check on her and she gets very happy to talk to him. He says they will be meeting soon and that is really looking forward to seeing her, she smiles and says she is too.

Roberta is at the pool and she is complaining about guess what?? Right Renata is responsible for everything, She is talking way to fast and I missed most of it, but basically Renata is not as innocent as everyone thinks, she is coming between Jero and Matias, and Jero and Roberta.

Carlos and Jero are talking at the apartment, Carlos wants to know what what his plans are is he going back to Spain, and what does he feel for Renata, Jero tells him he can’t leave yet and that he doesn’t know what he feels for Renata. His feelings for Renata are much more strong than anything, so Carlos asks him what he is going to do about the necklace and his plans.

Adriana and Renata are talking about Matia’s and Renata asks her if she has feelings for him, she swears she doesn’t because Renata is her friend and she wouldn’t do that. Adariana asks her if she has feelings for Jero, Renata explains that it’s tough because she feels bad for Matias, plus he and Jero are friends.

Jero is holding the necklace, remembering the words of his brother about his bonita, and he can’t believe that of all the women in the world they have to fall for the same one. Why Why Why?

Regina and Antonio are meeting at the church to talk about their future!!!

Horario confronts Diego and tells him that he knows he was the one who dropped the pictures and that he is going to pay for is. Diego tell him that he was not alone and that he had Roberta as an accomplice. Okay that was the most exciting moment tonight!!!

Augustin delivers the jewerly to Renata, after some flirting she looks stunned, and won’t accept it, because they are just friends and it would be confusing.

Matias informs Gonzalo he is returning to Mexico!!

Renata arrives at Jero’s apartment, Jero is drinking his wine and swears that his revenge is for him and he decides that Bonita is Renata, oooops well I guess if he got it right we would not have a show, thank goodness for dumb men who jump to conclusion!! Roberta and Matias show up shortly after Renata and go upstairs. Renata rings the doorbell and as Enrique and Juan Luis serenade them they slowly come together for a kiss, as ding the elevator opens and a very shocked Roberta and Matias are looking on!!! Busted next time get inside the apartment first, then kiss.

Okay that wraps up a fairly boring episode till the end of course!!!! Please fill in anything I missed, because I know I missed a bit!!!


Triunfo del Amor #124-125 5/24/11 Highlights for discussion

Dr. Heri’s message for Victoria:
Get off the self-pity pot! No wonder your daughter is afraid to take a risk on life! (No one but Heri could say this and not get VicSlapped!) The two old telenovela veterans part with a knowing wink to their fans: I have the feeling we’ve met before…

Heri’s backstory is filled in:
His wife died of breast cancer. It might have been treatable if she had told him about her illness early enough.
Just after burying his wife, he lost his two young children in a car crash caused by a drunken driver.

You gotta love your parallels:
Victoria is going to let Osvaldo come to the doctor with her on Monday. But she has a private appointment scheduled today – she wants to be prepared for what lies ahead.

The doctor has troubling news for her. The cancer is beginning to spread, although slowly. Her disease is treatable but time is of the essence. She needs surgery – yesterday.

Nati, who is the last person on earth to be giving relationship advice, convinces MD to go to Get a Life Alonso (just when he is in danger of digesting the truth about MD’s feelings and doing so) and thank him. MD finds him in his apartment cum studio just after he has recovered from another mysterious fainting spell. Her appearance once again raises false hopes on his part. He has another nosebleed but refuses to see a doctor.

Padre JP would be honored to marry M & M but he persuades them to wait long enough to invite family and friends.

M & M spend the whole night canoodling in the vecindad. At least the writers remembered they had moved PJP there and just when we are wondering where the happy couple stashed him, they explain his absence -- Padre Jerónimo took him in.

Bernarda overhears Eva and Fausto talking about vengeance. They tell her they want to get even with Scorpion Guy for attacking PJP. The Demented One applauds their sentiments but tells them they are too late. Then she appoints Fausto as the new super of the vecindad. His particular charge: to keep an eye on MD.

Max is left in charge of little Juan Pablo while MD goes off to see Alonso. As usual, the kid gets regifted like an unwanted Christmas fruitcake:
Max calls Leonela’s hotel and learns she has been out all night. He rushes off leaving the baby with Victoria.
Victoria goes to her doctor’s appointment and leaves the baby with Toni.

Leonela has indeed been out all night.
After her AA meeting, Gui met her, gave her a drink… and boom. Relapse. Self-disgust. Hatred for Gui.

Max follows the trail to Gui and attacks him in his Palace of Pretension and Porn. Gui puts up a surprisingly good fight – has he been working out? – but then Os shows up and he is no match for the Sandoval tag team. Os finds a paper – which Gui was gloating over – that shows his rightful ownership of the theater.

Xi meets Gui at a restaurant.
She’s now large and in-charge she tells him. She’s still a “perra” but she is no longer in his thrall.
She shows up at Casa Bernarda demanding her place as the star model.

Bernarda will oblige as long as Xi is ready to crush MD in the next competition. [Since when, outside of Tyra Banks’s show, do models compete anyway?]

Cruz proposes to Fernanda in front of the live and home tv audience. She accepts. Meanwhile poor frustrated Fabián is reduced to throwing dinner plates on the Sandoval lawn. Then he tidily picks them up and he and Luci retreat to share the romantic dinner that was his surprise for Fer.

It is Semana Santa (I suppose the timing was more realistic when this aired in Mexico) and Millie organizes a procession. Cruz is on the cruz. The guys in the barrio do a surprisingly good reenactment. You’d think they were professional actors.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak


Teresa Tue 5/24/11 #63 "If anyone can show just cause why this couple should not be lawfully married……

Casa Alcazar: Tere’s on the phone with Mariano telling him she’s ready and waiting for the right time to get out by herself. She’ll see him later. Aurora comes back in telling her the hairdresser and make-up artist are both there. It’s time to get ready. She notices something is definitely wrong, she asks if Tere’s having doubts. Tere replies yes, she does. Now Juana rushes in with Art’s latest gift and holds up a car key (I knew it!). Tere’s all smiles and Aurora knows this means Tere’s doubts may have just flown out the window. All three go to check out the car while Juana gushes that Tere has it all, a husband who adores her, dotes on her and will open many doors for her, including her career. Tere agrees she and Arturo have much in common. Juana agrees, saying he also enjoys books, travel and Tere will realize all her dreams, beginning with traveling to Europe as she’s always wanted to. She has everything. Tere agrees, with Arturo she has everything she’s worked for. Aurora differs saying that no matter what you may have or not have, you won’t be happy without love. Buzz kill.

Vecindad: Espe asks if Cutberto and Juana have split. He says yes, his Juana se “tere-so”, meaning she’s become like Teresa and is now dating a rich man. Mariano comes in looking for Johnny. Espe tells him Johnny’s gone to Aurora’s to drop off Refugio and Armando because that’s where Tere and Juana spent the night to prepare for the wedding. Cutberto is clutching his chest in agony knowing his Juanita has spent the night with her rich guy. Mariano is dumbfounded, asking if the wedding is still on. Well, duh, yes!

Aurora’s house: Tere bounces back into Aurora’s room all giddy and happily announces now she’s going to get ready and put on her wedding gown. Juana leaves and Aurora tries to bring her back to their previous conversation regarding her doubts – doesn’t she want to get married? ‘Splain yourself. It’s not too much of a coincidence to Aurora that before finding out about the car, she was having doubts. Tere stammers, um, er, no, one has nothing to do with the other. OMG! She sees Juana walking in with the Vera Chang box. That’s it! She’s having second thoughts about getting married in the dress Arturo bought her. The dress Juana made her is so precious, took hours to make, etc. etc. Juana’s lapping it all up, poor thing. She interrupts and says Tere has to wear the dress Arturo bought her. Just consider how much he’s done for her even buying that car. Tere of course agrees and says she’ll be happy to put on that dress now even though she would much rather have worn the one made by Juana (oh, gag!) Aurora tells her she was a little scared there for a moment, thinking there wasn’t going to be a wedding. Pshaw! How could she think there wasn’t going to be a wedding when Arturo keeps finding ways to make her love him even more. She calls Arturo to thank him for the car. Arturo’s so happy and so nervous, he’s heading to the church even though it’s way too early. She tells him she’ll see him there, she will be there. She looks at the phone, then at the car key as though weighing her options. In the next scene she is in full bridal regalia. She thanks Aurora for always being there for her and for always being such a good amiga. Aurora just wants the best for her. She gave her a little fright for a minute there and thought she possibly still cared for Mariano. She wishes her all the happiness, etc. Tere wishes for Aurora to be happy too and get married soon. They joke about catching the bouquet when in walks Refuse-to-be-silenced, looking very guapa. She wants to speak alone with her daughter. Teresa knew she wasn’t going to be able to avoid the tipico lloro maternal (typical maternal rant). She sarcastically acknowledges she’s starting a new life, needs to be grateful with her new husband. Refusio interrupts her, saying her doubts have been confirmed, Tere loves Mariano and is marrying El Licenciado for his money. Tere wonders if Mariano told her something. Refugio just wants to beg her not to throw away her life—don’t get married. For once, I agree with Refugio.

Mariano is at a park on his cell phone when Johnny drives up asking what’s up? Mariano fills him in, saying Tere was to meet him here but now he understands she’s not going to show up. He needs to go get her, she’s his woman and she can’t marry that imbécil. Johnny tries unsuccessfully to stop him, telling him the wedding is on. Mariano pushes him aside yelling he’s going to go get her and races off in the taxi, leaving Johnny in the dust. (Isn’t this where we’re supposed to hear Simon and Garfunkel?)

Casa de la Barrera. Arturo and Luisa are ready for the wedding. He’s nervously asking about the rings, the lazo, etc. He’s pacing the room. Luisa tries to calm him down. She knows he’ll be happy because he found a woman like Teresa whom she loves as much as he does. They talk of how their parents have always been with them. Luisa knows they send their blessings on this day.

Refugio and Tere: Tere insists she tell him what Mariano told her. She tells her not to waste her time, she’s determined to marry Arturo. Refugio’s convinced they won’t be happy-- she’ll live with the regret of having ruined her life and that of el licenciado’s. He’s a good man and will suffer. But her only interest is Tere and that’s why she’s here to try to convince not to go through with it because the man she loves is Mariano. And he loves her. Tere is astounded that even on her wedding day, she is incapable of controlling herself. Doesn’t she see that insisting that she supposedly loves Mariano bothers her? Refugio: It’s a mother’s obligation to make sure her daughter is happy. Teresa: Then be happy that she’s ok instead of always ruining her life. She should be wishing all the happiness she deserves. Refugio: Hopefully she’ll never regret having been driven by her ambition.

Church: Fernando jokes with Arturo about a last minute escape to the Bahamas. Art tells him not to joke like that – he’s so nervous. Fer assures him he’s just joking and would be the first to chain him to the altar if he thought Arturo was getting cold feet. Arturo quips back wondering if Fernando will be as chistosito (funny) when he marries his sister, Luisa. (If it weren’t so sad, it would be so cute. Arturo is so nervous.)

Aurora’s place: Playing the Teresa/Mariano and now Teresa/Arturo theme, we see Teresa with the bridal veil covering her face (she should be covering her face—out of shame!). She thought bubbles, “La única manera de lograr lo que quieres es dominando los sentimientos" (the only way to achieve what you desire is by controlling your feelings). Then she adds her mantra, of course: Entre ser y no ser, yo soy, as she dramatically lifts her veil.

Back at the church: Arturo is getting very anxious, wondering what’s taking her so long (I’m not liking his tuxedo jacket) . Luisa tells him he needs to go inside the church, it’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding. He’s dying to see her and besides, they love each other so much, nothing can bring them bad luck. Fernando tells her not to worry. He also tells her he just spoke with his father and he’s running late.

The bridal car arrives and Arturo greets her as she gets out of the car. Bad omen #1. She tells him, “Aqui estoy.” (I’m here). She looks beautiful in her Vera Chang original.

Aurora’s house: Ay caramba! Mariano arrives yelling out for Teresa, saying he’s come for her. The maid gives him the bad news that no one is there, they’ve all gone to la boda. He lies to her, saying he was invited but lost his invitation and doesn’t know where the church is. The maid obligingly gives him an extra invitation that has the church’s address on it. He runs off.

Church: Armando tells Refugio to cheer up, she looks as though she’s at a velorio (wake). She just knows this isn’t right. Juana tells her to look at the couple and she’ll see how happy Teresa is. We see Arturo and Teresa laughing. Juana’s convinced Arturo will give her anything she wants and by the way, did she tell her about the coche he bought her. Refugio’s glad she hadn’t told her because that’s another sign that Teresa just wants him for what he can buy her. Juana naturally defends Teresa, saying she loves him for his thoughtfulness, how he spoils her, and how he takes care of her. What woman wouldn’t want to be treated that way, with such attentiveness? Refugio doesn’t know, maybe they should ask Cutberto! SNAP! Boy, the old lady just doesn’t give up. She walks away and Juana is left behind like so much collateral damage. Armando goes to speak to his daughter, telling her she looks like a queen. Teresa tells him she’ll make sure they’re taken care of, bringing them out of debt and having a much better life. He’s so proud of her, finishing the university with her head held high (la frente en alto), dignified, demonstrating the values her mother and he taught her. He knows she’ll be very happy.

Wow, Paloma comes up to Arturo, telling him she hoped until the last minute she’d be able to win him back but she now sees it’s too late. He wonders if she thought he was capable of abandoning Teresa (dejarla plantada). No, Paloma, he’s not like that – he loves Teresa. Tearfully, she tells him she’s convinced if he’s willing to swear this before God, he must really love her. She hugs him close and wishes him happiness. Luisa, who’s been watching, rushes up and tells her to leave, she has nothing to do here. Fernando holds her back, Paloma leaves, and Arturo asks why Luisa can’t forgive like he has. She’ll never forgive her. She can’t believe she had the nerve to show up here. Fernando asks her to understand, Paloma still loves Arturo. Luisa can’t believe Arturo would forgive her after what she did to him. She won’t forgive her. Arturo just says, Luisa por favor, then walks away. Fernando doesn’t like her holding such rancor (bitterness) against someone. If she had been the victim, she might have been able to forgive. But anyone who messes with her bro becomes her peor enemiga (worst enemy).

Vecindad: Cutberto’s telling Johnny she’s stabbed him (clavó un puñal= literally nailed a dagger) where it hurts most. He never thought his Juanita would be capable of this. Me jugó chueco, ya tiene novio (loosely translated= she done me wrong, and now she has a BF). Johnny asks if Juana was giving him hope while she was also dating the other guy. Cutberto thinks so and he also thinks she’s acting as though she were Teresa’s mother, they’re exactly the same (igualitas)
He pulls out a bottle and Johnny stops him saying, “alcohol is the worst advisor, drinking should only be in celebration. If he drinks in sadness, he’s truly lost. They chitchat about Pati’s maid and possibly dating someone to make Juanita jealous.

Church: Refugio asks Teresa if there’s nothing to be done. Teresa calls her stubborn. How can she think she’d do something like that to Arturo. It’s enough that one woman already stranded him at the altar. Look how happy he is laughing and smiling. He’s happy with her. We now go to Arturo talking to Geno and Ruben, wondering where Mayra is. Ruben begins to explain just as Mayra and Aida walk up. Hugs and kisses all around with that hipócrita Ruben saying his two loves have decided to attend. Aida hugs Arturo, wishing him the best and Geno, the other hipócrita, is surprised to see them. Mayra then tells Geno she’s happy to see her and that it’s good to begin having fun little by little. THEN Ruben puts his arms around both Geno and Mayra saying, “the only problem here is that now you’re going to have to share (compartir) me.” He even does a bwa-ha-ha laugh! Ugh he’s such a pig. He laughingly clarifies that they’ll have to share him as a dancing partner, etc.

Aida now walks over to Teresa. Teresa didn’t think she’d come but she’s welcome to join her in her bliss. Aida tells her not to get too excited. She only came to make sure Teresa leaves the path clear for her and Mariano. Teresa’s not very happy with that thought.

Mariano is driving along when his cell rings. He pulls over to answer, good boy! It’s Aida and she’s wondering if he’s still coming because Teresa’s about to walk into the church. Now, why would she call him? He screams into the phone, “¡No! ¡Teresa no va entrar an ningun iglesia!” (Teresa’s not going to enter any church). He speeds off.

Church: Bridal march begins. Arturo walks in with Refusio. He walks up to the altar and Refusio even gives him la bendición! (blessing) then she gives him a look like qué lastima (pity). Bridal procession continues and at last Teresa and Arturo are face to face. She looks beautiful. I really like the Vera “Chang” dress except that the bodice is way too translucent for a church wedding. Fits her beautifully which is more than I can say about his jacket. Looks like he borrowed it from some kid.

Vecindad: Hernán el Galán is visiting with Espe. He’s happy to see her looking so well. She says she’s got him to thank for it. She’s doesn’t know how she’ll ever repay his kindness. He thinks perhaps there may be a way. It’s too beautiful a day for to be spent inside. “Are you asking me out, doc?” she asks. Since it is her day off, he feels it would be great to take in some fresh air. Johnny interjects, “It wouldn’t be such a bad idea to take him up on his offer. There’s no use staying here, bummed about not going to Teresa’s wedding. Besides, that wedding is going down bad.” Espe’s all, “¡¿Que?!” Johnny’s caught in a pickle. Espe demands to know what’s going on. Johnny lets on that Mariano said he wouldn’t let Teresa get married.

Church: the wedding continues. Armando hands over Teresa to Arturo as Ave Maria is sung. Beautiful church. Armando asks Arturo to take care of her and Arturo assures him he won’t disappoint him.

Grumpy’s house: Cutberto is hiding behind a tree as the maid Griselda arrives with a handful of groceries which of course spill all over the sidewalk. Cutbert rushes in to help her and does a play on words telling her not to worry about her “naranjas” he’ll lift them for her. She stands up, a little miffed, he then says not to take it the wrong way, he was referring to the fruit. She starts flirting with him asking who would’ve thought that besides being a mariachi, he’s all gentleman (caballero). Well, he jokes, they’re just getting to know each other. She’ll see that eventually he’ll lose the caballero in him.

Church: Ceremony continues. Priest talks about their commitment before God. Fernando and Luisa look lervingly at each other as does Ruben and Mayra, with Geno shooting daggers at them. Hector the director looks at Juana with a sparkle in his eye. Man, I like this guy. Priest continues, saying that through the sacrament of marriage, God will be with them and strengthen them throughout the remainder of their lives. Teresa looks scared and Refugio looks very serious. Here it comes! Priest says, “Does anyone present know of any reason that this marriage should not proceed?” Viewerville holds its collective breath and Geno looks at Aida who just shrugs. No one steps forward and the priest continues and proceeds with the vows. Just as he asks Teresa if she takes this man, Arturo de la Barrera… BAM! “¡TERESA!” shouts Mariano as he charges down the aisle. The church echos with his voice. All heads turn and Viewerville takes an even deeper breath. Geno and Aida are smiling. Teresa and Arturo both get up. Mariano continues: “No te puedes casar con el” (You can’t marry him) Aida speaks for all of us when she says, “Esto se está poniendo bueno. Se me hace que ya no hay boda.” (This is getting good. I think there’s no wedding now.) Mariano is looking intensely at Teresa as though he can barely contain himself. She walks toward him as everyone now rises from their seats. There’s a very effective heartbeat sound effect playing in the background. I think my own heart is gonna jump out of my chest as I hold my breath. She strides purposely toward him as he says, “I knew it. You love me.” He starts to say “ not for any commitment….” but doesn’t finish. She slaps him -- hard. He’s stunned, to say the least. Teresa: “How dare you interrupt my wedding with Arturo! Have some respect for this place. Before God and all these witnesses I ask that you understand that I have made my decision!” Arturo: “You’ve heard Teresa, largate (scram)!” He shoves Mariano who starts charging at him. Fernando steps in to hold back Arturo and Martin steps in to hold back Mariano. The priest shouts for everyone to stop, this is not the place for fights or arguments. Teresa tells the priest she’s there to marry Arturo because she loves him. Arturo says this man is here because he’s obsessed with Teresa. The priest pleads that unless Mariano has just cause to stop this wedding, he needs to move on. Mariano wonders if it’s just cause to know that Teresa loves him and yells at Teresa to confirm this. Teresa says she’s already said what she had to say. (oooh, lying in church, she’s going to hell). Aurora steps in and tries to calm Mariano, telling him he needs to leave. Aida and Geno smile gleefully. Aurora and Martin escort Mariano out while Arturo and Teresa look at each other. Do I detect a hint of doubt in Arturo? She holds her hand out to him telling him no one will separate them. She leads him back to the altar (sacrificial lamb, anyone?) She asks the priest to continue but first catches her mother’s look. Refugio sadly shakes her head and Teresa hesitates for a micro second then proceeds up to the altar, with her prize in tow. The priest calls for God to illuminate those that are in the wrong and to protect this couple who is here by their choice, and for love. He again asks if Teresa accepts Arturo as her husband. As a tear falls, she says she accepts him with all her heart.

Outside, Mariano is struggling with Aurora and Martin, hollering “Teresa es mía” Aurora tells him Teresa is now Arturo’s wife. He insists he’s the one she loves. Aurora wonders what manner is this to love Teresa, he needs to forget her. He’s only hurting himself. Mariano: “She swore to me she wasn’t going to get married.” Aurora: “Do you swear she told you that?” He tells of their plan to run away before the ceremony. Aurora is dumbfounded. Aida now arrives on the scene and hugs him. Mariano and Aurora stare at each other, thinking about what he’s just confessed.

Church: Refugio and Juana place the lazo around Teresa and Arturo. Outside Aida is trying to console Mariano, telling him she’s very sorry but she tried to tell him they were going to get married and he didn’t want to believe her. She asks Martin to take Aurora back inside, she is a bridesmaid after all. Aurora is very sad and doesn’t want to leave until Mariano is ok. Aida pleads with her not to make things worse. Martin agrees and takes her back inside. Mariano is pacing. He’s so upset and now looks angry as we return to the ceremony and the priest is blessing the couple. Arturo kisses his bride and they lock eyes. It’s done! She’s married him!

Outside everyone is greeting bride and groom. Teresa comes face to face with her mother who just refuses to leave bad enough alone. She says God gave her another opportunity and sadly she didn’t make the most of it (aprovecharas). Teresa wisely says nothing. Juana comes to her and says she was right in the way she handled Mariano. Teresa feels that was the only way he would understand and now there’s no going back. She starts to cry. Juana tells her it’s over. She knows Teresa is just angry but it’s time to celebrate and enjoy her wedding. Teresa asks Juana to find out where Mariano is. She wants to make sure he doesn’t pop up again. Luisa comforts Arturo telling him he’s married now and they’ll be happy. Fernando says much the same and he should take comfort in knowing that Teresa showed everyone his place is by her side. Aurora asks Teresa if she did the right thing because Mariano told her…..she doesn’t finish. Teresa asks her if he’s still there. Aurora goes to congratulate Arturo. Ruben now comes to Teresa commenting on the fracas. She smiles and says she’s not a woman who is easily forgotten. Ruben points out that Arturo will now make sure that Mariano, let alone any other man, will never come near her. She is now a married woman.

Aurora tells Juana that Aida took Mariano away. Juana’s not happy with the thought of those two being together. No one know what they are capable of (is she now anti-Mariano?). Aurora disagrees. Luisa greets Teresa telling her they’re now truly sisters. They both declare their love for each other. Fernando starts to chant, “beso, beso, beso.” The couple comes together but we don’t see them kiss.

Elsewhere, Mariano and Aida are walking down a street. Mariano is still ranting that yesterday Teresa demonstrated how much she loved him, that he’s the only man in her life. He tells of their plan to run away together. Aida, “Really? Teresa was going to abandon Arturo to run away with you?”

Back at the church, Arturo asks Tere to ‘splain what happened. She tells him Mariano’s loco. As much as she’s asked him to stop bothering her, he doesn’t get the message. He saw how she sent him to the devil and she’s furious. He’s ruined her church wedding but now all she wants to do is enjoy the fiesta but if Arturo continues with this that won’t be possible. She’s right, he says. He’s not going to let that infeliz ruin their wedding. She kisses him.

Aida & Mariano, still on some street: Aida wonders if the runaway bride scheme is the reason he told her they were through. Did Teresa seriously tell him she wasn’t going to get married? Mariano: What’s the use of repeating what she told him. He’s an imbécil. She tells him this should only serve to show just what a rata Teresa is. This is what she was capable of just because she saw them together. What should it matter to her to see them happy together if she’s supposedly so happy with Arturo? Mariano concedes she’s married and that’s not going to change. Aida thinks that at least he should see that Tere belongs to another. He’s so angry, he just can’t accept it. Aida then tells him if he wants another chance, she has an invitation to the reception.

Reception: Mayra, Ruben, and Genoveva arrive arm in arm. Mayra tells Ruben Aida needed to step away. They all think it’s due to her sadness, remembering her plans with Paulo. Ruben attempts to cheer them up by kissing each of them: Mayra on the mouth and his lover, er, Geno on the cheek. Let’s go have a fun time. Yuk.

Espe is in the car with Hernán el Galán. She’s reaches Mariano via cell. He tells her he’s on his way to see Teresa at the reception. She tells Hernán to step on it.

Reception: Aurora confronts Teresa with the Runaway Bride scheme. Teresa denies it all, saying Mariano’s crazy. Aurora presses her to be truthful. Teresa admits she had doubts at the beginning because she didn’t realize she really loved Arturo. She loves him. She didn’t give Mariano renewed hope and is incredulous that Aurora doesn’t believe that Mariano is the one who comes looking for her. Martin interrupts by telling them Arturo is looking for Teresa. He asks Aurora what’s up. She says nothing is wrong, she was just asking Teresa why Mariano showed up. Martin responds, “uh, because he’s necio (stubborn)?”

Fernando wonders now that Teresa will be living at Arturo’s, wouldn’t Luisa like to move in with him? She’s hesitant. He’d love to begin their life as a couple. Luisa whines, what if it doesn’t work out? She doesn’t want to talk about that now. They should celebrate and talk about it later. She introduces him to Refugio and Armando and shows them to their table. Armando clumsily pulls the chair out for Refugio. They’re really trying to do things right but Teresa’s embarrassed when Armando orders a cerveza and when Refugio doesn’t know what a mimosa is. She asks them to join her at their table but Armando says it would be rude to others seated at his table. He then uses the wrong term in referring to el Magistrado, who belongs to the judicial system. He uses the term Magisterio, which has to do with the teaching profession. El Magistrado politely sets him straight. Fernando tries to save Armando further embarrassment and suggests he take Teresa out for the first dance. Arturo then asks Refugio to join him. She refuses but he insists. She makes it a point to ask Luisa to watch her purse. When el Magistrado tells her jokingly they weren’t planning to steal it, she responds “well, the mule wasn’t stubborn (arisca)”. Teresa is really embarrassed by all this and continues to roll her eyes. Give it a rest. Parents always embarrass their kids. As they begin the dance, she starts in on Daddy Dearest, scolding him for embarrassing her not to mention Mom. How can mom say such things. It’s best he keep her quiet. She also complains he always took Mariano’s side and look what happened because of that. He almost ruined her wedding. Meanwhile, Refugio is sincerely apologizing to Arturo if she ever doubted his love for Tesesa. She prays to God that he’ll be happy with her daughter. He asks if she’s serious. She’s very serious and agrees to finally accept him as her son-in-law. Today, she became convinced he will make the best son-in-law. She keeps addressing him as licenciado. She begins to cry. Teresa notices and suggests they switch partners. She tells Arturo she’s really embarrassed with the Madrigal Manriquez and will have to talk to him later.

Casa Grumps: Johnny is on a ladder talking to Pati. They talk about the wedding fracas. She thinks it’s so romantic. He tells her he can’t help her escape cuz he has nowhere to take her.

The Graduate, Part Deux: Ay, Ay, Ay-ida. Mariano and she arrive at the reception. Being ever the alcahueta (procurer, gossip, pimp) she leads Mariano and points him in the direction of Teresa. Mariano to Teresa: “So the love of your life is that imbécil? The one you married instead of me? What would your husband think if he knew that yesterday you said just the opposite after you made love to me?”

High drama and the saga continues tomorrow. Can’t wait!


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Teresa Mon 5/23/11 #62 Our Tiburóncita Is Caught Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea!

Recap by Sandy in TN who is filling in for Jardinera.

Mariano’s casa: We find Teresa caressing Mariano’s chest as he tells her that she loves him and he loves her, but she has left him for another and he has the right to find happiness with Aida or anyone else. Teresa tells him that he only loves her, and then they begin another “Cuernavaca moment” dropping on the sofa.

Juana’s casa: Hector tells Juana that he doesn’t want to lose time and asks Juana to be his novia. She looks impactada.

We find Teresa and Mariano basking in the after glow of their amor, but this time we have seen real chemistry. They both declare their love, with Mariano telling Teresa how much he has missed the feel of her skin with her replying that her skin has missed his caresses. I don’t know how we have lost so much time together. We have the lilting voice of Marco Antonio Solis singing the words of their theme song, “¿A dónde vamos a parar, con esta hiriente y absurda actitud?” Where are going to stop with this hurtful and absurd attitude?

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo and Luisa are happily discussing the gifts that Arturo plans for Teresa on their wedding day, something that she needs. Luisa can’t imagine what the gift might be, but whatever it is, Teresa deserves it! Arturo says he can’t wait to see her face as she gets her surprise, like a child with a new game! Luisa has an idea of what the gift might be, she leaves with Arturo to help make the selection. (A BMW, a Mercedes, or could it be boatload of raw shrimp for our little shark?)

Martín’s Restaurante: FF>> We have angelic Aurora with her novio Martín helping Refugio, Armando and Cutberto with their table manners for the wedding dinner. Armando is worried about the amount of cutlery (cubiertos). Aurora explains that Martín has placed all the tableware and cutlery on the table that might be there for the wedding dinner. The group discusses the many forks and the need to work from the outside in. Martín seems to enjoy the vecindad innocence of Teresa’s family. Cutberto thinks that this is worse than studying to be an engineer. Aurora says it is better to learn as they eat a meal. Refugio brings out her “manners” book and Aurora reads about the need for a woman to be seated first and for the gentleman to pull out a chair for her, helping her to sit. Cutberto is afraid that he will need to seat all the ladies at the table and is told that he only needs to seat the women close to him. After much discussion Refugio declares that both Martín and Aurora are “good people,” Refugio sees why Aurora likes Martin!

Mariano’s casa: Mariano and Teresa are having a playful moment using his stethoscope. He claims that his heart is beating TERESA, TERESA. She confesses that many nights she has wished that she could return to live a moment just like this one.......Through the stethoscope Mariano lets us hear his heart beating, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU. Her heart returns ME TOO, ME TOO, ME TOO. Teresa is so happy that they could be together again. Mariano says that nothing or nobody can separate them and for that reason they need to talk to Aída and Arturo. Teresa shocks Mariano by saying that this can’t be, “I marry tomorrow.” The beautiful moment dies as quickly as it began with Mariano very impactado.

Juana’s casa: Héctor is telling Juana that he dislikes being alone and now that they have found each he doesn’t want to lose time. Juana agrees saying that she hates solitude as well, but cautions that she doesn’t want to confuse the need for companionship for that of love. Hector has a reason to live and to smile now and just wants to take time to see if their relationship will function, he is willing to try with all his might. He asks Juana if she is willing to try. She glances toward the door where Cutberto usually drops in and then slowly looks into Héctor’s eyes and says, YES! Our kind doctor is delighted.

Mariano’s: Mariano, with anger and disbelief tells Teresa that she can’t get married tomorrow with what has just happened between them! Teresa tells him that she has given her word and he answers saying that she isn’t going to complete that pledge. Mariano drags Teresa into the living room saying that if she isn’t willing to tell, he will, starting with their parents and then Arturo. Teresa tells him that she can’t cancel her wedding the day before......besides that, her mom will have a heart attack. Mariano reminds her that her mother has always wanted them to love each other and he could treat her condition anyway. Teresa says that it is late and she needs to continue with her wedding and Mariano needs to continue with Aída. Mariano objects saying that they must end it with both Arturo and Aída. Mariano wisely reminds Teresa that he has much more work and many more (read social and material) opportunities now. (I need an appointment at the Dispensario because I think that Teresa is truly affected by what he is saying and appears to really care!) She agrees to talk with Arturo!!! Teresa wants to talk with him herself, saying that he is a good man and the only thing is that she hates is hurting him. Mariano says that they are both in love with Teresa, if it weren’t for that, they could have been friends. Arturo just has to accept this! Mariano agrees with Teresa when she says that NO ONE should be told about what is going on.....the subtle shark music rises in the background. The newly reunited couple agree to keep this news under wraps until Teresa has the opportunity to tell Arturo. As they kiss and declare their love we hear the Mariano and Teresa theme song surging upward taking us away.

Martín’s Restaurante: (Combined scenes) FF>> Refugio is saying that there is no greater love than a mother’s. Martin agrees! Armando says that when Teresa was small she was so proud of him, he doesn’t want her to be ashamed of him now. Aurora is lovingly referring to the sacrifices that Refugio and Armando have made for their daughter and wishes that she had her mother around. Héctor and Juana walk in and he introduces her to Martín as his novia, shocking Cutberto and making Juana a little uncomfortable.

Mariano’s: Mariano just wants to leave everything and marry. Teresa asks him to let her talk to Arturo and calm him down and get all the documents that she’ll need for her marriage to him (Mariano) and her documents from the University. “Everything is there, mi amor” (Including her THREE engagement rings!) Mariano doesn’t want her to return to Arturo’s house ever again! Teresa says, “Do things well or don’t do them at all! I must show my face.” The important thing is that they will be husband and wife. Mariano will tell Aída that things have changed and then they’ll go together to tell her parents! They must have patience. They have waited so long, one more day won’t matter.They make more loving plans then Teresa calls Aurora telling her that she wants to sleep at her house that night. Aurora mentions that Teresa’s parents are with her now, but they can meet later!

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo and Luisa enter the house enchanted with the idea of Arturo’s wedding gift and the effect it will have on the bride. It is good that Teresa will receive her surprise on her wedding day! Luisa excuses herself to try and connect with Fernando. Arturo asks if Fernando plans to come to the wedding and she says no!

Mariano’s: Mariano and Teresa are hugging when he says that after she returns, they will never have to be separated again. As they kiss, Teresa says that they’ll meet in the park tomorrow, then turns from Mariano with a devastated look on her face. Mariano, putting his arm around her, tells her that he will be strong with her. They are starting a new life and will finally be happy.

Martín’s: Juana tells Cutberto that is is over and don’t come around again! When she told him it was over, it was over. He points out that things have always been like this, she gets mad and then he makes her content again. She tells him that he isn’t listening, she isn’t playing with him, it is over between them! He accuses her of going with two guys at the same time.....and he gets another big slap from Juana. He curses the one at fault in all this, Aurora’s father, that big, fat, gross guy!

Aída’s casa: While looking at a scrap book, Aída tells her mother that she needs to make new memories. Mayra is doubtful, for example Teresa’s wedding, Rubén, a business associate of Arturo’s, is a witness (testigo). It won’t look good if she doesn’t go to the wedding. Aída tells her mother that they don’t need go to the wedding, no one will care. Besides that, Aída isn’t in the mood for this wedding. They agree to stay home. Aída is still in mourning, but she needs to begin to forget Paulo.

Martín’s: Héctor and Juana celebrate their good news with a fine wine offered by Martín. Juana says she prefers a tequila, but she must be careful, she might end up dancing on the table. Aurora approaches giving the new couple her good wishes and then Juana invites both Martín and Aurora to join them at dinner. The young folks demure, three is a crowd. (All these happy moments have our Dr. Hector the Director giggling like a kid!) They make arrangements for Juana to join Teresa, in the guest room of course, at Aurora’s house this evening for the wedding preparations.

Casa de la Barrera: As Teresa enters the house, Arturo, seeing her, comments that her face has that certain glow, she is more beautiful than must be in anticipation of the wedding. “I feel the same as you do,” he says. (Gulp!) Teresa haltingly tells Arturo that she plans to leave and he is shocked! “Before the wedding you plan to leave. Where?” She explains her plans to get ready for the wedding under a different roof, Aurora’s. He is relieved, he thought history was repeating itself and he would be left at the altar again. She tells him that there are many preparations and the groom must never see the bride before the wedding! There is just no space at her house for everything. According to her Madrina, the groom must not see the bride on the wedding day! I’m just removing your temptation to spy on me she tells him.

Aurora’s: (Combined scenes) It has been a while since Héctor has felt so happy, like an adolescent. Aurora is thrilled but asks her father if Juana knows that his wife is still living. She thinks that he is a widower, he needs to tell her that he isn’t. Also, this is the time to begin looking for his wife. Hector says that he is not prepared for this. He has taught Aurora never to lie and he shouldn’t lie himself, even by omission. Héctor says that this conversation has never come up, Aurora reminds him that it will over time and Martín and Juana mistakenly think he is a widower as the whole world does. He says that the fact that his wife abandoned him hurts no one but himself. Héctor is afraid of Juana’s reaction, says he has never lied to anyone, but plans to contact a lawyer to begin divorce proceedings, Aurora’s mother will NEVER appear again! (Novela rules, she is sitting in a booth at the corner restaurant, with a sappy story to tell! ) Aurora continues to want to know why her mother abandoned them! She needs to know the details, is she with someone, does she have other children, why did she leave? The whole matter pains her very much, she wants to know if she is living or dead. Hector is afraid of the answers, but he’ll search to give Aurora peace. The moment has arrived to have answers.

Paloma’s: (Combined scenes) Martín is explaining the extreme difference between Teresa’s humble parents and Teresa. Paloma says that Teresa is a social climber (trepadora), but she never realized that she comes from such a humble family. Martín says that is is hard to believe with the royal airs that Teresa puts on. Paloma wants to know all the details, is Martín sure that Teresa’s parents are “good people”? He says yes, they have values and principles and aren’t interested in marrying their daughter to someone for money. Martín feels that he needs to tell Paloma that Teresa is Aurora’s best friend. Paloma is very impactada that Aurora is the friend of this opportunist (arribista). “Que horror!” Martín explains that he has promised Aurora to treat Teresa well, he appreciates Paloma so, enjoys working with her and hopes she understands. She doesn’t hide her unhappiness. He feels that he is between rock and a hard place. (In Spanish, entre la espada y la pared, “sword and wall.”) Paloma says they will look for a way to handle his, and he asks if she feels well, she says yes, but her face says no. She tells Martín to run along!

Casa de la Barrera: (Combined scenes) As Teresa packs up EVERYTHING of hers in the house, Arturo enters and wonders aloud at all the preparations, it looks as though she is leaving for good. When questioned about the quantity of suitcases and clothes, Teresa tells Arturo that she need plenty of things for two months in Europe, certainly more than a beach trip to Cancun. He just wants her to relax before the wedding. He jokingly asks if she plans to escape and she answers no. Juana saves the day by entering and covering up the (Vera Chang!) wedding dress which is in an open box on the bed. This maneuver distracts him.

The Dispensario: As a happy Aída enters with two big paint brushes, Mariano calmly breaks it off with her saying that “he loves Teresa.” Aída can’t believe what she is hearing saying that Teresa is about to MARRY and she and Mariano are content together. Mariano still continues to give her her walking papers, but she just can’t understand what this is all about, Teresa is marrying TOMORROW! Mariano tells her that Teresa isn’t going to marry Arturo, she loves me! Aída wants to know where he got his information and he just says that their relationship can’t be, he continues to love Teresa. Aída is dumfounded.

Vecindad sidewalk: (Combined scenes) FF>> Cutberto is telling Johnny that he is going to miss his green eyed girlfriend, Juana killed the relationship and is going with a fat, gross man. Johnny points out that the guy is smart and cultured, something that Juana has always wanted. Cutberto wants to get even with that cucaracha by finding a new girlfriend. Voila! Enters Paty’s guardian maid into the area, posturing, to show off her sexy figure for the boys. Cutberto goes in for the kill offering ranchero music, etc. and she being weaker than Juana, doesn’t have to ability to resist Cutberto’s cute smile and charming, yet rascally Mariachi ways for very long.....they leave walking down the sidewalk going to el parque or God knows where!

At Genoveva’s: Aída has taken her disbelief to Genoveva telling her about Mariano’s turn around. Genoveva is very impactada to learn that Aída is having anything to do with Mariano. “ After having dated Paulo, how could you possible have anything to do with someone from the vecindad?!?!” Aída reminds Genoveva that it was her plan to get close to Mariano, “ to annoy (fastidar) Teresa.” Genoveva interrupts, “Has something else happened?.....continue with your plan.” Aída says that Mariano is sure Teresa is not marrying Arturo and “I am going to find out (averiguar) why!” ( Our Aída has the ability to “averiguar” anything. They could really use her on the cable show, “The Killing.”)

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo and Luisa are enjoying their last day as sister and single brother. They agree that everything will be better with Teresa in their lives. (A muffled snort from viewerville) Everyone will live together in Arturo’s beautiful house, no need for Luisa to go to the apartment, she is like a sister to Teresa. Arturo always wants his family together!

Aurora’s casa: Aurora asks Teresa, “What is wrong with you, you seem VERY nervous to me!” Teresa, crying says, “It’s just that..........”

The Chavez casa: Refugio so wants the wedding to go well, but there are many things to learn, referring to all the table manners that they have to conquest. She admits that Arturo is a good guy, then they both fret about all the new words they must master. Refugio is happy about the wedding and hopes that Teresa comes to visit them. Armando tries to convince Refugio to let go of her anger, as they leave the church with her on his arm, he wants her to be his wife. He asks her pardon again, Refugio rejects his conciliatory offer, saying that she is still in pain and sad. Armando tells her now that Teresa is marrying, everything will be fine. Refugio, with a dreamy look, says that she has always wanted Teresa’s baby. Armando persists trying for Refugio’s forgiveness and she finally acquiesces saying that he must always respect her! (“Darme mi lugar”----as we learned before with Jarocha’s help, we mustn’t use the exact English translation,”give me my place”, but “give me respect!”) Refugio and Armando are finally happily united. (Viewerville is thrilled for the couple as well, but is left with a tiny concern about the genetic makeup of Refugio’s little tiburón-nieta-cita and want to be safely in the US when it is born.)

Aurora’s casa: Teresa is a basket case with worry telling Aurora that the wedding is the cause. Aurora agrees, yes, it must be nerves and starting a new life with someone. Teresa says that she is feeling so many things at the same time it is like she is standing on a roller coaster (Russian mountain). Aurora tries to calm her saying that she has no doubt that Teresa loves Arturo and he loves her. Teresa asks if Aurora thinks that she will be happy and is told “Sure, you are marrying a man that you love, there is no better happiness than this!” (Viewerville, in on the happenings at Mariano’s, isn’t so sure!) When Teresa hugs Aurora we see her pained, tearful face resting on Aurora’s shoulder.

Casa de la Barrera: FF>> (Combined scenes) Luisa is worried because she is unable to contact Fernando by computer or by cell. Reina announces the arrival of someone and in the room pops Fernando with a big wedding present. Mi Amor! After the discussion of some minor lovers’ concerns, they embrace with Fernando saying that no way would he miss his best friend’s wedding. Fernando’s mother, being in delicate health, won’t be able to come to the wedding. When Arturo enters he is given his wedding gift, a beautiful antique gold clock (reloj) from Fernando’s father’s house, a favorite of Arturo’s.

Aurora’s casa: Aída drops by, seeing the wedding dress, asks if the wedding is still on.....”Yes it is!” says Juana. Aída regrets the wedding ceremony and abruptly leaves. (Mission accomplished, piece of cake!)

Paloma’s casa: Looking at a picture of herself and Arturo in happier days, Paloma deeply regrets her decision not to marry him. “Why? Why? I have lost you, I have lost you.” At this exact moment, we are taken to a parallel universe and see Arturo’s dreamy face re-living that same moment in history. He sees himself arguing with a younger Paloma, defending his parents. She is saying that it is her parents who are stopping the wedding. In the dream sequence, she slams his engagement ring on his desk and says, “I’m sorry Arturo, I’m not going to marry you!” (Some of the women in viewerville are wondering if Teresa’s first ring is Paloma’s ring, reworked! We’d like to get a closer look!) Back to the present, Arturo wears out the carpet behind his desk saying, “All will be well, all will be well!”

Aurora’s casa: We have Teresa in bed holding Mariano’s ring, dreaming of their loving encounter of that day, the caresses and kisses, and then crying as their theme song plays, hearing in particular the words, “Where are we going to stop with this hurtful and absurd attitude.” As luck would have it, Mariano is dreaming the same dream about Teresa saying, “tomorrow you will be mine forever.” Next we see Teresa in extreme emotional pain in a flood of tears saying, “What am I going to do? What am I going to do?” (I kinda hear, “Oh fiddly dee, what SHALL I do?” in the recesses of my brain!) Then Teresa goes to another dreamy place hearing Arturo say, “Teresa, I want to stay with you tonight,” as she remembers his warm embrace and passionate kiss. We leave this scene with Arturo in this same cloudy space thinking about his (unrequited) love for Teresa! (This has to be one of the top ten biggest telenovela messes of all time!)

Aurora’s casa: Morning of the wedding.....Aurora, hair washed and in a towel awakes a sleepy and sad Teresa. “Don’t you want to get up, it is the beautiful day of your wedding!” At that moment Arturo calls and we see him in formal wedding attire. “This is our wedding day, after this, we will be together forever!” he says to an unenthusiastic Teresa. “How did your sleep,?” he asks....”More or less, I’m still nervous,!” she answers. “ I didn’t sleep well either, but no dream will supersede the reality that we are having with our wedding, Teresa, I love you and want you to be my wife,” he says.

Casa Genoveva: FF>> We have Ruben working his sexy (!) magic on Genoveva, she asks why he is asking her to the wedding. He tells her that it is the attitude of Myra who wants to play the role of victim, and he is tired of this. She tells him to have patience, and they fall on the sofa in a big (ugly) smooch!

Aída’s casa: Mayra is looking at a photo of herself with Rubén in happier times when Aída hurries in telling her to get herself ready and QUICK, they are going to Teresa’s wedding! Mayra asks if Aída feels well and she says that she feels perfectly fine! Hurry, hurry, hurry we are going to the wedding of Teresa and Arturo!!!

La Vecindad: Esperanza is telling Johnny that she doesn’t plan to go to Teresa’s wedding, she needs to rest, she feels nauseated. Espe, taking a taking a page from Cutberto’s chisme book, tells Johnny that she can’t sleep because Teresa has told her that she continues loving Mariano. She tells Johnny not to say one word about this, but.....woops, Refugio hears her and then asks urgently to be taken to Aurora’s house, immediately!!! “Has something happened, Doña Refugio, why the rush?” asks Johnny. (Duh!) Armando blunders in mumbling something and Refugio says, “ For the love on God, I have to talk to Teresa BEFORE the wedding, let’s go!”

Casa de la Barrera: Luisa is trying to help a fidgety Arturo with his tie. Arturo tells her that he is very nervous and Luisa reminds him that it is just a wedding, no one is going to die! Arturo repeats himself saying that in these last few day he has felt so very nervous! Luisa must think that he is going crazy, but he can’t stop thinking about what happened to him the last time. He tells her that last night he was remembering when Paloma........”Relax,” Luisa interrupts, “In a few hours you will be married to Teresa for....forever!”

Aurora’s: Teresa, making no progress in her wedding preparations rebuffs Aurora’s offer of the makeup artist and stylist that have arrived. “Why, what happened?” asks Aurora. She is interrupted by the ring of Teresa’s cell which she answers with, “mi amor.” Teresa tells Aurora that she has gotten a call from the “love of her life.” Aurora excuses herself and then Teresa begins talking with........Mariano. He asks her if they still have their plan in place and then she asks him if he regrets it. He says, “No, I just can’t yet believe what is happening. I feel better than ever, don’t forget our date.” Teresa replies, “Of course not, I’m just waiting for the hour, I have prepared everything to leave here ALONE.” “Yes, my love, we will see each other very soon,” says Mariano. We watch Mariano’s side by side photo fade from the screen leaving Teresa clutching her phone, their theme song playing. Aurora rushes in with more wedding preparations and seeing a confused Teresa, asks if something is the matter, telling her that since “yesterday”, she seems very nervous and insecure and then asks the $64,000 question, “Do you have doubts?”

Teresa answers, “Yes, I am having doubts.”

Advances: Mariano drives up in his taxi and tries to stop the wedding!


Triunfo del Amor #122-123 5/23/11 Alonso rescues a baby and prevents a murder but still can’t get a date. Cruz cruises to victory.

Queridos amigos,

The Committee to Keep NovelaMaven Sane, spearheaded by Mr. Maven and the Maven yerno and language consultant, Heriberto, (seriously) has spoken. As long as Loonivisión keeps dishing out two-hour shows, NovelaMaven will follow Sgt. Friday’s dictum: Just the facts, Ma’am. So.

Part One

Alonso’s balloon idea has paid off.
Lulu’s grandsons take the bait and lead Alonso right to the apartment where el pequeño Juan Pablo has been hidden. When she realizes Bernarda was deceiving her, Mama Lulu hands over the baby meekly. Alonso gives her a wad of bills so she and the little boys can get away safely – Bernarda will be furious when she finds out Lulu gave the baby back -- and then hotfoots it back to the vecindad with JPito.

Word spreads of the attack on Padre Juan Pablo.

Fausto tells the gang in the vecindad.

Osvaldo finds out from Padre Jerónimo when he stops by the church looking for PJP. And where is PJP now? At Doña Demente’s. At the thought, both Jero and Os look like they are smelling something unpleasant.

Os phones Victoria and the two arrange to visit PJP together.

Demente fusses over PJP in her creepy, quasi-incestuous fashion.

Then we see her downstairs with Padilla, demanding to know what he has done about Alacrán’s little mistake – you know, stabbing the wrong padre. The ever loyal Padilla tells his mistress: I killed him! Bernarda is only sorry she didn’t get to kill him herself.

Now Demente and Padilla go on a little field trip to Mama Lulu’s. When Demente sees the apartment is empty, she orders Padilla to kill Max, if possible before he has the joy of seeing his baby returned.

When Heri met Leo
Leonela rages at the desk clerk at the boutique hotel, Casa Vieja, for not providing her with booze. Somewhat spitefully, she plucks flowers from an elaborate planting in the lobby. We hear the marvelous, mellow voice before we see the face: You’re not allowed to pick the flowers. And then, when he lowers his newspaper, we see Dr. Heriberto. Leo switches from fiera to flirt. She’s surprised that he turns down her suggestion of “una copa” – coffee or a soda, perhaps, but he hasn’t drunk alcohol in many years, he tells her.

Doña Demente is back and blocking the palace gates when Os and Vic appear on her doorstep. Demente has no intention of letting them see her son. But when she lets loose her usual invective against Victoria, Vic slaps her hard. She and Os have her number and they’re not leaving without seeing PJP. Demente tells them their presence soils her house. Os promises they’ll wipe their feet before entering. Then they stroll around The Demented One who is left hitting her forehead in the universal “I coulda’ had a V8” gesture. Her only comfort -- the pain they will feel when Padilla kills Max.

Alonso: Hero Schmuck Hero
The incredibly annoying Alonso hides little Juan Pablo behind a huge floral display and watches while Max and MD go through disappointment, anger, and heartache before the poor kid leads them to him with his cry.

Padilla lurks on the upper level of the vecindad. He aims his gun at Max. Somehow, Alonso catches sight of the weapon but not the shooter, and pushes M & M & baby out of the way. The bullet grazes Alonso but does no damage. Max and Fausto chase after the shooter. Max realizes the attempt has Doña Demente de Iturbide written all over it.

At Casa Sandoval, Cruz is working in the garden, too broken up over little Juan Pablo’s disappearance to think about singing. But then Fer gets the good news from Max – the baby has been returned unharmed.

Fer and Cruz and a Contrived Fight
Fer tells Cruz she’s going to have an operation. She may be able to walk again! Then she’ll be able to tell him whether she wants to be his girlfriend. She can’t give him an answer now because she’s sure that what he feels for her is pity, not love. Cruz has heard this too often and now he flies off the handle. He tells Fer it’s she who feels sorry for herself. He has shown his love for her over and over ever since they met. Well this is the end. She doesn’t deserve to have him kiss her again! [Maybe I missed something here but this seems pretty lame – none of the usual snap, crackle and pop of their scenes together. ]

The gang in the vecindad thanks Alonso because even if he’s a jerk, he does get it done. Then Juanjo and Nati make the announcement that Nati has agreed to tie herself to this charmless lout for the rest of her life. They ask M&M to be their godparents (padrinos) at the wedding; only if you’ll do the same for us, they say.

When Alonso slips out quietly, Nati follows him and offers her sympathy. She knows he’s in love with M ya no D, but it’s time to forget her. (Ya think?) Alonso asks Nati to come by his studio later but won’t say why.

PJP, Vic and Os are all smiles at Bernie’s house after the Sandovals have delivered the news about the baby’s homecoming. “Our grandson” says Vic happily -- “because he’s Max’s son”. PJP swallows uncomfortably.

Back in the vecindad, Max says it’s time to put an end to all the wickedness – they should get married and show their enemies the strength of their love. Sounds good to M ya no D. Smoochie sandwich with little JP in the middle. ♪♪A partir de hoy…♪♪

Part Two

Ximena sits before her mirror like the Wicked Queen after a self-esteem workshop: I’m Ok – You, Not So Much. She’s well, she’s taking her meds, she’s gonna be beautiful, and successful. She’s gonna vanquish her enemies.

Padilla turns the other cheek
Slam Bam goes the heavy hand of Demente on Padilla’s face, first on one side, then the other. He is “un inepto”, “un imbécil”. But Padilla, thin greasy hair falling on his sweaty face, has had enough. After everything he’s done for her and she treats him like a slave, a lackey (lacayo). He’s sure Victoria would pay plenty to know the name of her daughter… Unless Demente is ready to treat him differently, starting with an apology. Bernarda backs down and apologizes. Padilla kisses her hand and leaves her shaking with fury.

Holy Sandoval!
Before the Virgen de Guadaloupe --
Vic gives thanks for returning little JP and pleads for a chance to see her daughter now that her life may be cut short by cancer.
M ya no D gives thanks and prays for Vic to find her daughter soon.
Os gives thanks and asks for forgiveness for not keeping it in his pants.
Max gives thanks and prays for Vic in her illness.

Fer and Cruz continue their unconvincing quarrel – he, who always played the simple gardener is anything but humble. And he’s a sore loser to boot! He stalks off leaving her sadly calling after him: Cruz! Cruz!

Fabián is on the phone with Max asking for his help in “Operation Fer”. He just has to ask the maid, Micaela, to let Fabián in the house. [Why? He has been to the house many times and the staff know him.] Fabián is delighted to hear that Cruz and Fer have quarreled [How does Max know this?]. After hanging up the phone, Fabián whirls the waiting Luci around, unable to contain his happiness.

M & M want to visit PJP but Demente tries to send them away. After a nasty exchange of words, Demente tells them to leave saying menacingly, “You don’t know what I’m capable of doing…”

She is startled by the sudden appearance of PJP, fully dressed and collar in place. [Yeah, it’s nice that he’s feeling well enough to put on his priest clothes, but we were kind of enjoying the PJP’s pjs.] He asks: “Just what are you capable of doing to keep my daughter and grandson from seeing me?”

If his mother insists on preapproving his visitors, he’ll have to leave her house. M ya no D offers her place and Max agrees; it would be preferable to Bernie’s jailhouse.

And off they go leaving Bernarda alone, apparently stricken. She kneels and offers one of her crazy-ass prayers – “Yo soy la cúspide, Señor” (♪I’m the Top, I’m the Coliseum♪)

Micaela comes looking for Cruz to cut a bouquet of roses for Victoria and sad Fer tells him Cruz isn’t around – and she doubts he’s coming back.

Meanwhile Cruz laments to Napo that Fer told him to get lost (“Me mandó a volar”) and he answered that he’d never come back again.

Osvaldo is surprised to find Fer still at home. Wasn’t Cruz going to take her to her therapy session at CRIT? Fer tells her daddy about the spat they had. His advice – If you love him, set aside your pride and go see him. Fer explains that Cruz is probably at Televisa right now – he’s a finalist in a singing contest. Osvaldo has an idea. He makes a call, speaks to someone at Televisa, and he leaves the house with Fer.

At CRIT, Dr. Heri the Heartbreaker is concerned that Fer missed her appointment.

Max, now back in the vecindad with M ya no D and PJP, gets a call from Leonela. She needs to see him right away.

Mating ritual in the vecindad. Don Joel shows off his verbal plumage. Chente seems to be trying to escape from the Jarochas by hiding behind Millie.

Now the gang – Millie, Nati, JJ, Napo and Chente -- is anxious to leave for a trip downtown but no one has heard from Cruz. Fausto tells them not to bother waiting. Cruz is a Mexican Idol finalist and is probably at Televisa right now.

Now we get an exterior shot of Gui’s house followed by an interior that seems to be Leo’s hotel. Oops. Leo and Max are joined by Guillermo. The urgent issue? Leonela wants Max’s permission to act in a play in Gui’s theater. [This is urgent? And she needs his permission? Really?] Max isn’t happy about his mother having anything to do with Gui, but reluctantly consents with one condition: She has to enter Alcoholics Anonymous.

Millie, Nati and Napo browse at the bridal gown store. Clearly, Nati is going to be more tractable than the late LindaHo.

As part of his plan to win Fer over, Fabián is setting up some crap on the Sandoval lawn. Whatever it is, it has loser written all over it.

The wardrobe lady at Televisa can barely keep her hands to herself when she sees Cruz all gotten up in his pale blue traje de charro.

What a surprise. Alonso wants to take photos of Nati as a gift for Juanjo.

Luciano is watching his models walk the runway at Casa Bernarda when he is ambushed by Pipino. Pip cuts up a dress – while the model is wearing it -- and he and Luciano fight chipmunk style. But when a new and improved Ximena walks down the runway, they are so dazzled, they forget their squabbling. The Queen is back!

Juanjo likes Alonso’s pictures of Nati. Very glam.

Can This Mother be Saved?
Max brings Leonela to her first AA meeting. She has switched from black to red nail polish. Probably a good sign. She comes forward and speaks, taking responsibility for the harm she has done in life and the losses she has sustained. The group supports her. Max nods his approval.

Now the semifinalists are onstage at the Televisa competition and the nacos are there to cheer their boy on. The audience has narrowed the field to five. The host narrows it down to four, three, two – and now “el ídolo de la canción ranchera” – Cruz Robles!

Cruz steps forward and dedicates his song to the love of his life – even though she doesn’t love him back – Fernanda Sandoval! And now we see what Osvaldo arranged: at that precise moment, Os wheels Fer front and center. We hear the first notes of the song (mercifully, instrumental only)…

Alonso, alone in his apartment, collapses.

M & M are back in the vecindad with PJP. They want to ask a favor of him: Will he marry them? Right now? [Like before one of the crazy ladies in Max’s life can make impossible demand on him?]

The news of Alacrán’s death has been greatly exaggerated.
Padilla and Scorpion guy are hunkered down together. Padilla has had it with Bernarda. He can’t wait any more – it’s time to get rid of her.

Fausto has come to Bernarda’s house looking for Padre Juan Pablo but Eva tells him the padre has gone to stay at María’s. Then she adds meanly: “Just hearing her name makes your eyes shine!” She warns him again that María would never look at him. He can’t allow himself to be distracted by her. There’s only one reason they are staying in this house – to get revenge!

Bernarda suddenly materializes. “Get revenge on whom, Eva?”

Uh oh.

At Casa Sandoval, Victoria walks down the stairs and addresses a man’s back: ¿Qué se le ofrece? (What can I do for you? Can I help you?) The man turns to face her. It’s Dr. Heri the Heartbreaker. Is that mutual recognition we see?

Sweet William Levy in a kayak


Monday, May 23, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #23 Monday 5/23/11 All About Matters of the Heart or Doctor, Doctor Give Me the News

Amigos mios, I apologize for abandoning my obligation Monday night but unexpected plan changes from my out of town guests and an old TV and VCR choosing to betray me at that same moment made life harried. BUT, our wonderful Cap'n Sylvia came to the resscue and here is her recap below: I am of course so grateful, as I am sure you are. CherylNewMex:

Here is the first half:

Fina slaps Rob and tells her she’s on board with Rob getting rid of the escuincle. Mom says Rob is a complete dumbass and from now on Rob had better do exactly what mommy dearest says or else. Renata overhears them talking about how much they hate Gonzo and Renata who is just like him.

Dr D has midnight fantasies about the bodacious Alfonsina.

Renata waits for Fina in her bedroom because she brought dinner up for her sick/slashed mom. Nata asks if everything is OK with Rob and mom says she never has any problems with Roberta. Nata finally leaves and Fina gives her an epic stink eye.

Lots of crying between Ines and Regina over Andrecito having leukemia. Regina tells Ines to hang tough and they will all stand by her side.

Nata tells Adriana that Matias needs a good woman, someone like Adri for example.

Antonio goes to a joyeria to purchase a special ring. He seems impacted by the fetching saleswoman, but then later he tells the air that both his and Regina’s lives are about to change.

Augie brings a huge bouquet of flowers to Nata at work and asks her out to lunch. Somebody watches her get into her car. As she drives to lunch a big white SUV cuts her off and Jero steps out of the car. He doesn’t look happy like “oh my love I cancelled my trip for you”, instead he looks pithed off.

After the commercial he looks happier. Sez he couldn’t get her out of his mind, she changed his life. She: Roberta is my sister. He: Matias is my friend. They kiss, not terribly thrilling but it was sweet. He sez he’ll call her and he drives off. Gosh she looks happy.

Sele and Rob are guess where? I’m not even gonna say it. Rob bitches about having to have an ECG before her procedure. Rob still can’t seem to forget Rafa, boo hoo.

Honorio and Adri have a special bonding moment at work, then he shows her a sketch of the guy who rented the helicopter. Does she recognize him? Yep, it’s Diego! Adri fills Don H in on the background of Diego and Nata, basically she never led him on and he's a creep.

Speaking of which, Diego the Dud has joined Rob at The Club and they snicker a lot about everyone thinking Nata is a slut.

Augie is getting impatient and he calls Nata at work. She finally shows up and I just noticed her blouse is very sexy. He has more flowers for her, also some good wine, but she’s preoccupied. He wonders what’s up?

Part two will come later unless someone else does it.
Permalink posted by Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait : Tue May 24, 12:03:00 AM EDT

OK here is part two:

Jero visits Regina and wonders why she’s holding her side. He tells her he came back because he wanted to take care of Rafa’s biz. Gina calls bulls**t on him and he admits he came back for Nata. Love or hate? Love he sez. Toldja so she sez.

Matias frets about Nata so Gonzo sez he’ll call her. OMG, she has such good manners; her phone rings and she asks Augie if he minds if she answers, it’s dad. Nata blabs that mom cut herself in a kitchen accident (hee) and then she asks about Matias. Dad sez he and Mat love her.

Nata tells Augie that she dumped Mat because she met someone else. I’ll bet Augie thinks he’s the one, LOL. He excuses himself to make a call and she texts Jero to meet her at 9:00 that night.

A present arrives for Regina. It’s a box with a ring, then Tony walks in, he wants her by his side for life. Is she up for it? Oops, her look says no. She tells him she can’t accept it, she’s not ready. He tells her just accept it as a ring then, signifying the possibility that they could “be”. Sounds lame to me.

Alfonsina is in the vineyard giving a pruning tutorial. I think she says something like only women are capable of pruning the vines gently. Dr D shows up to leer at her bodacious ta-tas. She tells him she wants Matilde and Lazaro to stay at la Bonita. He looks all put out but since he’s totally kitty-whipped I imagine he’ll put in a good word to Augie for them.

Yep, sho nuff Regina agrees to keep the ring. She gives Tony a platonic peck.

Fina takes a pistol out of the family safe and thought bubbles that she failed the first time but now she’s going to send Gina to the tomb.

We get some great overhead shots of Ensenada and then FrankenDoc runs into his house to tell Kari that because she asked he’s decided to keep Lazaro and Matilde at La Bonita. In fact she can tell them personally. Just one thing, she’s got to make it clear he’s the new boss and they have to respect him. I didn’t think I could hate that jerk any more than I did but I do.

Augie tells Nata he doesn’t have a lot of friends but he sure likes her. She sez she’s got one friend, Adriana, and now Augie too. What an odd conversation.

Isidro and Inez visit the doctor about Andresito. Something about a bone marrow transplant I think.

Jero recalls the passion that is Renata. He’s kind of a dud though. Where’s the passion dude?

Fina calls some doctor and unfortunately Tivo cut off the rest so I don’t know what happened. Did anyone else get it?
Permalink posted by Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait : Tue May 24, 01:21:00 AM EDT


You gonna' watch Alborada? You wanna' have a board?

Do you long for the “good old days” of telenovelas when Colunga was young, the time period was old, and novelas ran for less than 100 episodes? Well, here’s your chance! Alborada starts next Tuesday, 10 PM, on Telefutura, and it has it all! I might host a rerun board for it, but I want to know if there is enough interest.

  • Fernando Colunga, TBLMOE, is in his prime. I know, it was only six years ago; but to me he looked younger. The “sweet young thing” is Lucero, probably sweeter and younger than you’re used to.
  • It’s set in the early 1800’s, so if you’ve never seen a period novela, you’re in for a treat.
  • Produced by Carla Estrada, it’s a good, tight 90 episodes. If you’re accustomed to current novelas stretched to the breaking point with filler, you deserve a novela with good, quick plot progress.

    Alborada was the novela that launched the Caray board*, in fact “Caray! Caray!” was taken from a favorite phrase of one of the characters. Board Mom Melinama wrote most of the recaps. For many, it’s their favorite novela. It ran in the US in 2006, so most on Caray have never seen it.

    So, are you in? If enough people plan to watch, I would be willing to host a rerun board. It would have a daily link to the old recap, and we could come together and discuss it afresh. I just need to know how many people expect to watch and post comments on the board (lurking doesn’t count), so I know whether it’s worthwhile to create a board. Are you in?

    *Alb. was actually recapped on the Board Mom’s other blog, Pratie Place, but it’s considered the TN that launched Caray. I’m a little fuzzy on the details.
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