Monday, June 20, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #151 6/20/11 Sweet has Turned Sour; Team Evil Gains Power; Max’s Darkest Hour. Rats!

Come. Come inside the tent, my friends, and partake of the bizarre, the brilliant, the bathetic that is MejíaWorld. ¡Ultimas semanas! You’ll miss it when it’s gone!

Reprise: While Victoria is waiting in the sacristy for Juan Pablo, she gets the fateful call: María has been kidnapped! She must do exactly as she is told or she’ll never see her daughter again.

The Padres – Juan Pablo and Jerónimo – are strolling through the park, Jero doing his best to encourage and console JP. His life trials have made him a more effective and sensitive pastor, he tells him. Small comfort, says JP, if he can’t save his own mother’s soul. He fears she will never repent and the fires of hell await her. Jero is sure that God has heard JP’s prayers and will enlighten him ; he’ll find a way...

They laughed when she sat down to pray...
The other prisoners mock Bernarda when she walks by, collar and nose turned up. One woman takes her aside and warns her to watch out; the prisoner Siniestra is planning to get even (desquitar) with Bernie for making a fool of her. But Bernie’s not afraid of anyone.

The trick is on Vic...
Victoria hurries to keep her rendezvous with the kidnappers, never thinking to ask for help or call the police, natch. She sees a black pick-up truck and then... oh no! It’s María Desamparada and they are forcing her inside. Vic rushes to her defense. She pushes María’s captor aside and leans in to pull her daughter out. The thug then gives Vic a deft push and in she tumbles, like the witch falling into the oven in Hansel and Gretel. And now we see that the girl is a decoy. The María Desamparada impostor steps out and the truck drives away with Vic inside, the second victim.

I don’t do windows
Bernarda is disdainful when ordered to mop the floors. She’s a lady, not a vulgar criminal like the others. Translation: she’s prepared to pay for what she wants. The gnarled little guard pricks up an ear: Why didn’t you say so before? What would you like? Bernie’s reply:
Quiero que esa haga mi trabajo
(I want that woman to do my work.)
And she indicates her latest enemy, Siniestra. The guard, now happy to oblige, orders Sinestra to do la Señora’s cleaning chores (fajina) – unless she wants to miss out on conjugal visiting day.

Max has two mommies...
Sitting at his desk at the Nueva Casa Victoria, Max broods over catching Dr. Voice and Vic smooching. He’s on his way out of the office to look for his father when Osvaldo himself walks in looking for Max. Os needs to talk to him about his mother. Victoria... begins Max. No, Os corrects him. He means Max’s biological mother, Leonela. She got drunk and made a spectacle of herself at Televisa and she’s probably lost her job.

That dress is radioactive – Danger of fallout!
Leonela, still wearing the purple dress bomb, weaves through a liquor store and thought-bubbles to herself that she’s a coward and doesn’t deserve anyone’s love. She picks up a bottle.

Fer rolls into Millie’s place looking for María. Millie sees she’s upset and invites her to stay with her until Cruz gets back. She can help look after little Juan Pablo. Millie’s a little concerned that María isn’t back yet but Fer tells her not to worry – she probably had to stay late at the Casa de Modas.

Something has to be done about Leonela, agree Max and Os. Os has done all he can. What now? Max knows exactly what to do, he says, but right now he just needs to find her. He is almost out the door when Osvaldo stops him to ask if Vic is in her office. Max’s answering expression gives him away and Osvaldo knows something is wrong. Max needs little encouragement to spill the frijoles: He saw Vic and Dr. Ríos smooching.

Towering tacones and all...
Leo makes her way carefully down a steep stairway and staggers over to a park bench. I’m the great Leonela Montenegro! A great actress! she announces to no one in particular. Then she kicks off her shoes and steps up on the bench. Holding the liquor bottle high in one hand she declaims: No one understands me but I am the great Leonela Montenegro!

Two scuzzballs have been watching and now they applaud her. Bravo! We understand you! One of them puts an arm around her. Let go, howls Leo. And she slams him hard, knocking him to the ground. The other scuzz grabs her and she screams for help. Two cops come running. The scuzzballs say she’s a crazy drunk who tried to assault (agredir) them. The cops – ignoring the fact that it was a woman’s screams for help that brought them there in the first place -- get ready to haul Leo into the police station for public use of alcohol.

He saw him hit on Vic at CRIT...
Os isn’t too surprised by Max’s revelation. Vic and Dr. Voice looked pretty cozy at CRIT. Well. If Victoria has found someone to love, he’ll have to accept it. They’re divorced, after all.

Max can’t understand his father’s attitude. Doesn’t he love Victoria anymore? Of course he does, says Os. That’s why he’d sacrifice his own happiness if she found hers with the Voice. But right now they need to focus on finding Leo.

A good walk spoiled.
Jero and Juan Pablo are interrupted in their moral ruminations by the spectacle of Drunk as a Skunk Leonela struggling with the cops. Padre Jero reminds the officers that public drinking isn’t a crime (un delito); it’s just a misdemeanor (falta administrativa). And JP tells them he knows the lady and he’ll take care of the problem. But she has to come in and pay a fine, insist the cops. Jero tries again, this time using the big guns: Allow us to help the lady, he says. And pointing skyward he adds: Heaven will reward you. Here one cop takes off his cap and his partner says: Well only because you are padrecitos.

PJP takes the bottle, Jero takes the purse and along with Leonela, they set off for the parish.

Nati and Juanjo. Oh no.
Yup. They’re back. And Nati is pregnant! Fer touches her own flat belly and tries to look happy about the news while the others – Napo, Chente, Alma and Millie jump up to congratulate the feh-cund couple.

Luci walks down the street, looking a little wistful, cardboard box under her arm. When Fabián calls out her name and runs to catch up to her, she gives him back his keys and thanks him for helping her when she needed it. He tries to convince her to come back to the apartment to talk things over. He’s so... confused. But Luci has had it with words. Love lives in the heart, she tells him, not the mind. You feel it or you don’t. Forgive me, says Fabián. On one condition, answers Luci: That you forget that this foolish woman was ever hopelessly in love with you.

More tsuris for Max...
Juan Pablo has called Max to tell him about Leonela and now the three are back at her suite at Casa Vieja. Leonela has a blanket draped over the purple dress. (It covers her shoulders and frames her impressive cleavage.) She makes for the door and when her protectors hold her back she tells them she feels ashamed and she doesn’t want anyone to see her like this. She just wants to disappear.

Then suddenly she starts to shake uncontrollably and pulls the blanket tightly around her. JP and Max are alarmed. Max steps out to call Dr. Voice. But before he can do so, he gets a call on his cell. An anonymous voice – we can see one of the kidnappers talking on a public phone while Gui stands silently by, arms folded – tells Max: We have your mother and your woman. If you want to see them again, you’ll have to come up with $10 million pesos – and soon!

Fer nurses her hurt feelings...
She tells Millie and Nati she’s not going to have the second operation – the one she hoped would permit her to get pregnant. Even little Juan Pablo looks open-mouthed impactado at this announcement. Then Millie guesses that she and Cruz are quarreling. Fer explains why she’s unhappy with him:
Lo vi besándose con su productora musical.
(I saw him kissing his music producer.)
Millie is indignant. Cruz is gonna get it!

Cruz’s comeuppance will have to wait because right now he is making a training film on sexual harassment in the workplace:
(You have a better explanation for this scene?) Cruz, the picture of domestic innocence, a market bag in each hand, is on his way back home when he hears someone calling his name. It’s his producer, Diana, and she runs up to him. She comes on strong and ignores him when he tells her very clearly that he’s not interested; he’s a married man. Tú me gustas (you turn me on), she tells him. And I always get what I want!

She touches his chest and bends down -- for a moment I wonder if I am watching a different kind of channel – but then she’s back up and biting into an apple that she took from his shopping bag and saying:
Los hombres prohibidos son los más sabrosos.
(Forbidden men are the most delicious.)
Cruz sighs disgustedly and continues on his way home, oblivious to the troubles awaiting him there.

Fer continues to pour her heart out to Nati and Millie. She felt so bad when she saw Cruz and Diana. Then she realized she was standing in the way of his success. That’s why she doesn’t want the operation. But there’s another reason, too. She hates – hates! – Dr. Ríos!

Back at the Casa Vieja, sweet William is like... acting
Max comes back inside and, his face now a mask of anguish, tells Juan Pablo:
María y mi madre están secuestradas.
(María and my mother were kidnapped.)

Leonela is confused. I’m your mother, she protests. I’m your mother and I’m right here. She grabs at Max’s arm and sobs.

JP says they have to verify the story.

Max calls Os and tells him to come at once – it’s an emergency. Then he calls Dr. Voice and asks him to come to Leo’s suite right away – she’s in very bad shape.

And she is. But when she starts crying for a drink, something in Max snaps. No more alcohol, he screams. All you do is drink and drink! You’re destroying yourself! She looks bewildered and just cowers and sobs. Max sits down next to her and puts an arm around her. But he can’t control his desperation. ¿Por qué? ¿Por qué? his voice increasingly ragged. Why?

Televisa rat wranglers gear up for their big scenes
The thugs drag a blindfolded and gagged Vic through the warehouse where María is being held. They tie her to a square pillar. María is bound to the other side. Their hands are tied so they can reach one another. Their hands touch and come together. The thug takes off Vic’s blindfold and gag and leaves mother and daughter alone together.

Victoria hasn’t seen her but she knows it’s María on the other side of the pillar. She knows she is touching her daughter’s hands. Then something scurries close to them. María recoils in horror and tells Vic there are rats in the place and she’s so afraid of them. Vic reassures her. Now that her mother is there, nothing bad will happen. She’ll take care of her. María is silent but thinks: I’m with my mother and nothing is going to happen to me.

This you call merciful?
Max asks again, his voice cracking: Why? Why is God doing this? He paces frantically and dismisses Juan Pablo’s assurances that God is merciful. Now Dr. Voice rushes in, black bag in hand and takes in the scene. He tells Max to calm down and starts to examine Leo. Max tells him how Leo went on a drunk and then got really sick. (Se puso muy mal.)

And then Max drops the bomb: María and Victoria have been kidnapped.

Dr. Voice looks up, shocked, and asks if they called the police. I'm going to, says Max. But right now Leonela needs attention. And he’s going to the vecindad to make sure the story is true.

Bernie gets spooned. And not in a good way.
The prisoners mock Siniestra. Bernie stands idly by, hands steepled. The furious Siniestra confronts her. Bernie tells her smugly that money can buy anything (con dinero, baila el perro) so she can just carry on with her cleaning and leave her in peace. I’ll leave you in peace, says Siniestra, but first I have a little gift for you. She pulls out a prison-made knife – a sharpened spoon. Te voy a matar, infeliz! (I’m going to kill you, sucker!) Bernie struggles but Siniestra manages to drive the weapon home. Bernarda’s face contorts with pain and she sinks to the floor. She holds a bloody hand over a wound in her chest.

This is why no one calls the police...
CSI – DF has completed its investigation. They checked Bernie’s fireplace for fingerprints and the only ones found were Fausto Candela’s. This means he -- and not Bernarda de Iturbide – murdered Tomasa Hernández. Morons.

Back in Rat City...
María rejects all of Victoria’s overtures although most of the time, she lets her hold on to her hand. Vic explains how she tried to come to María’s rescue, got tricked and ended up captive. She wants to tell María their whole story – maybe that will affect how she feels. María is uninterested. In fact, she’d prefer if Vic didn’t talk at all. If she can’t talk, then she’ll sing, says Vic. María’s reaction: Sing? That’s absurd! Sing what?

We hear the tinkling notes of “Rockabye Baby”. And Vic replies:
La canción de cuna con la que yo te dormía. Quizá la recuerdes, quizá no, pero en este momento me va a dar mucho paz.
(It’s a lullaby -- I used to sing you to sleep with it. Maybe you remember it, maybe not, but right now it will give me a great deal of peace.)

She begins a heart-breaking recitativo --
Cuántas estrellitas en el cielo están
(How many little stars there are in heaven)
Son cual perlas finas que te da mi amor
(They are the fine pearls my love gives to you)
Mira como brillan
(Look how they shine)
Cuan hermosas son
(How beautiful they are)
Son cual perlas finas que te da mi amor.
(They are the fine pearls my love gives to you.)

María joins very softly, almost inaudibly and a tear rolls down her cheek. The camera pulls back and we see the two women back to back separated by the pillar, their hands tied to the same cord; a fat rat sits in the foreground. Then María’s face tightens and she forms a fist with the hand Vic was holding and tries to pull it away.

Back to the two-legged rats in prison...
Bernie sits on the floor and swears that Siniestra will pay for what she did – she’ll burn in hell! The other prisoners mob Siniestra – the hated cellblock bully -- and attack her. The now bloodied spoon drops to the floor. And when the mob backs away, we see Siniestra is dead. Gnarly guard comes running...

A red electronic eye blinks in the rat-infested warehouse.
María denies remembering the song. [Here Mr. Maven elbows me: What the...? She totally remembers the song!]

Cut the sentimental blather (cursilería), lady, and try to figure out who could have kidnapped us, she says. Vic doesn’t know but she blesses whoever it was for giving her a chance to be with María. Even if she can’t see her, at least she can touch her hand.
[Seriously, ladies. You don’t know who’s to blame? You don’t see the cloven hoof prints all over this? Okay, I get it. You’re both right-brain, creative types. Or morons.]

Not here Not there Not Anywhere
You can’t forgive me... even in circumstances like these? asks Vic. And María replies stonily (although her words have an oddly Seussical lilt):
Ni aquí ni en algún lado.
(Not here nor anywhere.)
And she pulls her hand away.

This time Bernie really didn’t do it...
but the circumstances point to her guilt. The gnarled little guard orders the others to take her to the infirmary and then the Hell Cell. It’s not my fault, protests Bernie, who seems to have escaped almost unscathed by her spooning.

Close-up of a disgusting bug -- in case you were tired of rats...
Don’t call me ‘daughter’ says María. And Vic answers: Deny it all you want, but you carry my blood – and so does your son. And so will all your descendants.

Over María’s protests, Vic tells her about the night she was born; how she gave birth outside, behind a tree in a garden; she reminds her of the indescribable pain of childbirth – she’s a mother now and can understand; she describes how she cut the umbilical cord by biting it (whoa! Very. Disturbing. Detail.) and then put the newborn María on her chest and caressed her little head; she was so fragile; they were so vulnerable (desprotegida).

--Here again we see the red blinking electronic eye.

Victoria continues: She raised her eyes to heaven to thank the Virgin for protecting them; that’s why she named her María – in gratitude to the Virgin.

María interrupts her again: I don’t want you to talk any more. Would you please just shut up? (Cállese por favor)

[Now that is harsh. Maybe we should call you María Desalmada.]

But Victoria goes on with the story: They spent the whole night there -- she lay on the grass, her baby at her breast. Her little girl. Her little María, whose eyes were bigger and more luminous than all the stars. She became a mother with only nature to protect her – a miracle! María was a miracle. A miracle that later she was blind to.

Again María tells her to stop talking about her memories. At this point I’m ready to smack María upside the head but Vic takes her daughter’s downright churlishness with good grace. She intends to keep telling her how much she loves her, how grateful she feels being close to her daughter even under these conditions.

Bernarda is about to be left stewing in the Hell Cell when another guard comes running up with a judge’s order: Bernarda de Iturbide va a quedar en libertad. (Bernarda is going to be released.) Cue the Gregorian chant. Bernarda looks upward, does a quick brow sweep. Her face is bathed in light.

Cruz is back.
Milagros – still holding baby Juan Pablo -- and Nati get up to leave so the couple can have some privacy but Fer stops them. What she has to say isn’t a secret:
Cruz, quiero que nos separemos.
(Cruz, I want us to separate.)
Millie and Nati shake their heads.

Vic remembers
You were such a well-behaved little girl, so calm. You loved your doll and you played with her for hours. And María remembers: Fer gave that doll back to me... my little sister Fer.

Cruz’s heart is broken
He is stung by Fer’s words. And after everything he has done for her -- she never appreciated his love! He has been holding her hands tightly but he drops them abruptly and runs out. Now Millie turns to Fer and tells her: Cruz is right. He does really love you and you don’t appreciate his love. You’re not being fair to him!

We don’t get to hear Fer’s answer because just then there is a knock at the door. Millie is happy to see it’s Max. She hands over little Juan Pablo and tells him his sister needs her ears pulled back. Then she notices the look on his face...

The ear-pulling will have to wait.
Max gives them the terrible news: Victoria and María have been kidnapped!

Kayakless credits roll. Lástima.


Alborada, 6/20/2011. Cap. 15. Knowing a secret can be hazardous to your health.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's new Recap #3 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 15 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's fun picture!


Sunday, June 19, 2011

La Pola - June 16-17, 2011

Readers: This is a very abbreviated recap of Thursday and Friday.


Cata has dreams of Juliano, but when she wakes, Domingo is beside her in unending confusion and conflict. Gertrudis keeps trying to get her to drink the fertility tea and to do her duty. When she realizes that Pola is leaving for sure, Cata tries to get Vivianito to live in the house with her, but even he prefers to live with the slaves in the barn.

Meanwhile, Domingo goes to see the mayor about getting rid of the complaint brought against him by Juliano and Pola. After some discussion, the mayor convinces him to free a slave to make amends. Domingo will allow the firstborn of Juliano and Nicolasa to be born free.

Domingo meets with Juliano and tells him that if he withdraws the complaint, he will allow his first child to be born free. Nicolas, as we know, is taking ruda (rue) to bring on a miscarriage. The slaves are looking for remedies to save Nicolasa. It is as this point that Domingo notices Cata’s interest in Juliano and wonders aloud why this slave is so important to her.

Pola tells Cata that she doesn’t know how she puts up with that beast Domingo. Pola takes a parting shot at Domingo by calling him a coward who hits indefensible women.


Alejo can’t sleep. He wakes Leandro, whom he assumes has more experience that he has with women, and asks Leandro if this can be. Maybe, says Leandro. The thought of Pola is driving him crazy, and he just can’t fathom what is happening to himself.

Iggy continues her crying jag and now claims that she is pregnant, but no one must know. She later tells Francisco that she feels terrible, but Francisco assures her that it is all for a good cause. Fran tells that to Alejo who is shocked, but who, of course will keep the Secret. Francisco is desperate because the dowry is to be delivered this afternoon.

Alejo is very suspicious of Ignacia’s accusation and tries to pin Acacia down as to how much time she left then alone. Alejo sees Ig talking to Fran.

After Fran loses the gold (see below) he returns to the manse and starts drinking. He tells his wife what happened and says that he is celebrating the marriage of my miserable son. He is now mad as he**.


Well muses the gov, it looks like Francisco owes a big debt. The gov knows that Fran is about to receive the dowry and think that maybe he can pay up now.

The receiving of the dowry proceeds. The governor announces that Ignacia and Alejo will be married, and he reads out the dowry – gold, jewelry, clothing, furniture, etc. Francisco receives a bag of gold. There is no turning back now, and Francisco and Gaspar sign the marriage contract.

The governor- when everyone has departed -later tells Francisco that he has real problems and orders the guard to relieve him of the bag of gold.


The priest is caught with too many groceries and the soldiers follow him home. They grab Tonito, but Nariño comes out of the shadows and tells them to set Tonito free. They are headed to Cartagena thinks Nariño. He pleads for his son. Then they are told that they are going to the Castillo de San José in Boca Chica where he will be kept in solitary confinement. Tonito loses it and calls the man an assassin whereupon he is told that they will never leave there alive.


Don Jorge reads a document that is a demand for equal rights. He still thinks that they will prevail before the King of Spain (royalists). The others do not agree with him. For some reason Baraya wants to find a way to persuade the vireina to support them. He can threaten to expose her dalliances to her husband.


Pola decides to stop at the monastery to see her brother, and a good man whom she had accompanied, shows her the way. The long and short of this visit is that her brother is reminded that he cannot be a priest if he is of mixed blood. Although he talks to Pola, he denies that he is her brother.

When Pola arrives in Santa Fé, she has to resort to begging to survive. She tries the house of Doña María Matea, but the maid tells her the doña is not in and later lies to the doña about it, too. She ends up sleeping in the street. She goes to the cemetery where her parents are buried. She tells her father that he was the only person who saw good in her. She promises to fight his fight and she swears to do what he could not do.


Alejo tells Francisco that he doesn’t believe what you have done. You are not my father. He lies and says that María Ignacia told me everything. María is an idiot says Francisco.

No, says Alejo finally, she didn’t tell me anything – I knew it had to be your idea.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

La Pola - June 13-15, 2011 - Lies, Deception and Humilliation


Don Jorge, in a feeble attempt to win Magda back, tells her that he wants to help her and to help his daughters. They are not your daughters she tells him. Jorge tells her that this is our moment. Nariño will never return. A slap to his silly face. She can’t stand him now. You got me pregnant at the same time you impregnated María Tadeo. My husband is an honorable man. Magda is sorry for what she did.

Antonio will return to get rid of you. She now thinks like Don Antonnio who wants equality for all. I am not afraid of him says Don Jorge. Well, you better be, says Magda.

Magda is left on the hacienda to work the land. She is now talking like Nariño about fighting the Spanish. Her sister warns her to be careful about what she says.

Baraya arrives and tells Magda that Antonio has escaped and warns her that soldiers might come looking for him.


Don Antonio wants Tonito to return to the hacienda to help his mother, but Tonito tells his father that she will be OK. You need my help, and an officer makes them stop talking. Tonito expresses his absolute loyalty to his father.

They are in a little boat going down a river. Nariño mentions that girl in Guaduas and how different she is. Then he tells Tonito that they cannot go to Cartagena and be put in jail. They have to try to escape.

When they stop for the night and the guards are asleep, Tonito cuts his father’s handcuffs. Nariño tells Baltasar that if we are found, they will kill us. Nariño writes a message on something and he and Tonito leave in the boat.

When the guards awake and realize the prisoners are gone the officer in charge (Angel) says he knew the boy was trouble. Baltasar tells him to read the message. I am not going to jail and I leave your good company – the company of angels.


Nariño and Tonito arrive at Santa Marta and seek help from a priest who once was one of his teachers.

The priest goes out for provisions and unfortunately is detained by soldiers. Their freedom is short lived. Nariño realizes that to be returned to prison or to be sent to the prison where he is going is like being put in the mouth of a wolf (meterse en la boca del lobo).


The doctor tells Alejo that he is getting better and that the infection is under control. Alejo wants to go to Quito. The doctor tells his family that he needs rest, and his mother wants to postpone the wedding. Francisco has a fit.

Doña thinks it is a miracle Alejo is alive. Francisco remarks as to why he was the only soldier wounded. Alejo relives the shooting. I was going through the bodies looking for survivors, etc. María Ignacia, forever desperate, gets him to say that he will marry her. Why wouldn’t I want to marry you, says Alejo.

His mother tries to get him to eat since the wedding is two weeks away. Alejo asks Francisco if he is in agreement with a massacre. Francisco warns him to be careful about what he says. Those people weren’t with the French. They tell Alejo the news – the troops from Santa Fe are meeting in Popayan and then they are going to march on Quito. Alejo says the Quiteños are going to think it is the king who is going against them when it is the Viceroy.

Alejo wants to go to the governor and stop them. Francisco – the Viceroy is in agreement. Don Gaspar, says Alejo, you are an influential man. The governor will listen to you. You can avoid another tragedy. After discussion between Francisco, Alejo and Gaspar, Gaspar admits that he agrees with Alejo and he says that he is going to ask for a meeting with the governor.

Francisco says the governor is trying to defend Spain. The governor has power over everything – even Don Gaspar’s gold mines. Don’t worry – I will marry María Ignacia. Francisco tells him that he is running a risk by running around with that Indian. Francisco wants to stop Gaspar.

Alejo’s mom remarks that he has hardly said a word to her since he returned from Spain. Alejo is still annoyed at her because of how they hid news of Pola from him. She tells him that he doesn’t understand the position of a married woman who lives at the whim of her husband. Well, he says, do you want me to be as miserable as you are. Then he ask her forgiveness, but adds that this will never stop hurting me.

Gaspar tells everyone that they are going against Quito. Alejo says that is absurd. There will be blood on our hands. Francisco says that we are sending a message. Alejo wants to join his troop, but is unable to get out of bed.

Alejo makes his way to the lounge because they have to get ready for the wedding. He and Ignacia share a moment together. He asks her what is the matter. Have you forgotten the mestiza? He has not. Have you seen her? Yes. Are you still in love with that mestiza? Alejo says that he cannot help that his thoughts always go back to her. If you do not want to marry me, I will understand.

Ignacia says do you think I am not disgused by your loving this mestiza. You cannot look at a woman like that because you are going to have a señora at your side. I am going to take care of your every need. Alejo says I don’t want to make you unhappy. She will be the unhappy one says Ignacia.

There is some talks about Francisco returning to Honda – but in the end he accepts Gaspar’s offer to stay in the mansion. Alejo announces that he will not live in Popayan. I am a soldier. I might have to go to Spain. Then Francisco pipes in with after Quito, everything will be like nothing happened.

Francisco tells Leandro that your brother is going to kill me and he tells Leandro about the letters. Leandro tells Fran that Pola was living with the campesinos and slaves and that Alejo is going to find her because he thinks she might need his help, but that he was going to comply with the engagement. (With??) Fran wants to know if Alejo and the indian ever shared a bed. Alejo doesn’t know about the letter from Guaduas denouncing him. Pola told Leandro that Alejo would return for her. Well, says, Fran, she is playing dirty, and we will do the same pagar con la misma moneda).

Fran and Ignacia (with a little friendly persuasion) hatch a plan to trick Alejo into thinking that he dishonored her. But, she admits that if she does this, Alejo will know she is lying.

At dinner all the talk is about wedding plans and Alejo could care less. He wants to report to his battalion and get away for a couple of days.

Later Alejo is packing and Leandro asks him what he thinks he is doing. He is going to look for Pola, to help her. He says he has a right to just one last trip and that Leandro can kill him if he wants.

Doña Eusebia found Ignacia crying. Iggy says she committed a sin and that her father will not pardon her. Gaspar overhears this conversation. I lost my honor. Alejo robbed my honor. Gaspar enters in a rage.

Gaspar catches Alejo as he tries to leave and calls him a miserable … The women are crying and of course Alejo is bewildered. Alejo denies it and says that Iggy is not telling the truth. Gaspar goes so far as to offer him a gun for a duel. Alejo knows better. You don’t remember, says Iggy, because you were asleep? He says “moribundo” – what?

Gaspar believes his daughter and Acacia remembers a few minutes when Alejo and Iggy were alone. Alejo remembers his dreaming of Pola and saying that if I can’t be with you, I prefer to die. If I did this, says Alejo, it was not by my free will. Gaspar wants him to pay with death.

Calm down, Gaspar, says Francisco, they are getting married next week. No one has to know. Anyway, for the time being Francisco and Iggy get by with their little trap, and the wedding plans proceed.


Military officers and a nobleman debate the right course to take. The governor wants to send the troops to Quito. The nobleman wants to negotiate. It appears that both the governor and the Viceroy are playing both sides against the middle.

The governor wants to crush the rebellion in the name of Spain.

The governor receives a letter from the archbishop. He reads about the complaint against Alejo on behalf of a girl from Guadas. Well, he says to himself, it looks like Sabarain isn’t all that honorable after all.

Gaspar has gone to see the governor and finds that a nobleman by the name of Gaspar is being taken away by soldiers. We are not against the king, he says. Governor Tacón is on Napoleon’s side.

Gaspar goes in to speak to the governor, but Francisco catches up with him and interrupts. Francisco congratulates the governor on his victory, but, Gaspar adds that it will be a big mistake to march into Quito.

How can it be an error to defend our own lives? Gaspar – but they are on our side, and he leaves.

The governor asks Francisco to stay. Francisco agrees with the governor that the Quiteños are not on their side. The governor then gives Francisco the letter to read. What? She is not honorable. She is a mestiza. The governor tells the guards to leave. She has two letters: 1. A declaration of love and 1. A proposal of marriage. No, it is prohibited. The governor wants to know if she’s pregnant – no. And, Francisco says you aren’t going to pay any attention to this letter. That depends, says the governor. Many people hee think I am on the side of the French. I am not for Napoleon. I am on my own side. You and I as Spaniards have to succeed in Quito. I need the support of influential people like Gaspar. I need his unconditional support. I will forget I ever received this letter. Francisco, of course, assures him that he can count on him.

The governor is thinking of doing a new bando to the people of Popayan – he wants Francisco to read it.

Later, Francisco obliges the governor and Francisco speaks aloud from a balcony with the governor.. The Quiteños are Napoleon’s accomplices. Now – let’s go to Quito and recover the property for Spain. Anyone against this is a traitor. Long live Governor Tacón. Gaspar, who is in the crowd looks bewildered.

Still later Francisco tells Gaspar not to listen to my son. I don’t think the way my son thinks. We must recover Quito, then everything will return to normal.


The Viceroy is worried about a confrontation. More than 500 Quiteños were killed. The people might go against us. The Vicereina is getting bored and wants to get out of the four walls she is in.

Sámano tells him the little group is not planning a botanical expedition and that they are planning an intrigue. Nariño is especially dangerous and we will get him. We note that the vireina is a flirt. Apparently she is having an affair with José Antonio who has bought her a villa. She is spotted by Baraya and some women as she stands outside the villa”Amar es mi Delicia” with her lover.


Juliano can’t find Nicolasa who is in the woods drinking from a gourd and singing. Pola tells Bernarda that she has to leave. Bernarda doesn’t want Nicolas to find out that she is helping Cata with a fertility remedy.

Domingo tells Pola that he wants her to help out with their new guests, the soldiers. She is happy about that, but then she finds out that they are not going south, but to Cartagena with prisoners.

Cata watches Juliano, who in this moment responds and looks back at her. She pretends to look away. Juliano remembers Nicolasa’s words that something strange is happening with Cata and him.

Pola brings sleeping mats to the prisoners, but an officer tells her that they have to sleep on the ground. When she protests that in this posada everyone is equal he gives in and lets her leave the mats. She doesn’t think they look like bandits. She asks the man why he is a prisoner, and he tells her that he doesn’t know why. She remembers him, and she remembers a speech he made attended by her father who asked a question about taxes.

She tells Tonito that thanks to your father I lost my family. My father moved our family to Santa Fe and followed Don Antonio, and they all got smallpox. Your father is terco (stubborn), she says. I am going with him because he is my father, wouldn’t you do the same? I agree with my father. We will all be better off and free.

Later, Pola pulls an old box out of a sack. She sees her mother’s shawl and her father’s hat. Then she remembers Don Antonio telling her that a man was sent to prison in Africa for translating the document that she has also just found. The document is the rights of man from France. She remembers her father telling her that it isn’t right that those who were born here didn’t have the same rights as the Europeans. She remembers her family being humilliated in church. She remembers how Juan Samáno treated her like she was nothing and of little value.

Nariño makes a point of telling the alférez that he will never be a commander because the higher positions are reserved for Spaniards.

Pola asks Nariño to explain the rights of man to her. She tells him her father’s name. Nariño explains to her that all men are equal and that in France the people killed the king, which is shocking to her.

Nariño: All men are born with equal rights – the slaves, the mestizos, everyone. She asks if they can marry people like me – yes, he says, when we break the yoke of Spain.

Nariño tells Pola that she is a very different type of woman. She tells him that she taught the slaves how to read and that they learned very fast. Why is it bad. It is bad, he says, for the owners. It will be harder to dominate them. She tells him how Juliano lost his finger. She has asked for his freedom. She also tells Nariño how she learned to read.

Nariño tells Pola to look for José María Carbonel. The soldieries interrupt them but, he adds that you can count on me to be in Santa Fé soon.

You are Spanish, says Pola. My father was Spanish, says Nariño. The Spaniards from Europe don’t treat us as equals. If we want to be free, we have to take the risk. This is our land. Blood will be spilled. Spain will call us traitors. Every day more and more people like you are changing their minds. Pola now realizes that her father wasn’t wrong. I did something terrible, she says. She flashes back to her father’s deathbed. I refused to forgive him. Nariño tells her that a good father knows that his children love him. Now you understand your father’s side. We have to fight for this land. We have to get the Spaniards out of here.

You are a beautiful woman, says Nariño, and a beautiful woman is a most lethal weapon in a war. I am a prisoner. I went to save my family and the Viceroy accused me of treason. Now I count on the support of my family. I am going to support you, too, says Pola. You are easy to convince says Nariño. I don’t have any place to live. I have nothing to lose. My father was ready to give his life for you. Why not me?

Later Pola talks to Bernarda after the soldiers and Nariño have left. I will be able to do something my father couldn’t – but I better not tell you.

Pola sings as she works. She tries to help Juliano and asks him if he wouldn’t like to fight injustice. He just doesn’t want any problems.

Juliano goes to Nicolasa – do you still love me? Why are you so distant? Are you pregnant? No. My children will be free.

Leandro arrives in Guadas. He goes into a cantina and can’t understand how such a miserable place has so many clients. A woman approaches him and asks if he is looking for a girl. He is only looking for one called Pola and learns she lives with the slaves.

When Leandro enters the barn he sees Pola sitting with Juliano and doesn’t miss the opportunity to criticize her for being with campesinos and slaves. She snipes back and he threatens to withhold information about his brother. After teasing her about Alejo being dead, Leandro tells her he was only wounded. And, he says, he going to get married to a very distinguished woman of Popayan.

Later Leandro meets Pola. She says we cannot be together because you your stupid society. But, even the “dirty blood” have rights. You can only be a concubine. Pola slaps Leandro. I am a decent woman. He wants the medal. She refuses – she still has hope. Leave my brother in peace. Are you afraid of me? He feels the same as I do.

Pola found out about the letter of denouncement and asks Gertrudis why she did it. Basically, Gertrudis is looking for a way to save herself, Cata and indirectly Pola by thinking Alejo will be bound to pay something to get rid of Pola.

Pola announces that the laws aren’t for a person like her and that she is leaving. The mayor asks her what does she think a mestiza like herself is going to do. She tells him she is going to Santa Fé to get rid of chapetones like you. The mayor accuses her of treason and threatens to take her prisoner – but, she tells him that he should think about the people of Guaduas, not her.

Nicolasa gets weaker and weaker as each day passes. Bernarda wants to call a doctor, but Nic won’t have it.

Pola writes a letter to Alejo telling him that she did not denounce him – that it was Gertrudis and Cata. She also tells Juliano that she is leaving as there is nothing here for her. She is going to Santa Fé and tells him one day skin color won’t matter.


Baraya, Torres, etc – yes, 500 died. Jorge says it is a message. And what they did to Nariño is a message too – to show us they can do it to us, too. They have to be very careful because Sámano is watching. Speaking of the devil – he wants to know what they are doing. He knows they are planning something and talking about Nariño. They think he is the leader – Jorge says he is not going to return. Sámano wants power, too. Sámano wants to be viceroy and put them in their place.

Our little group of revs supposedly are planning some kind of botanical outing. Don Jorge is handling a plant and announces that he has found a new venomous species. The others chime in that it must be Sámano.

Enter Baraya with news that Nariño has escaped. Jorge’s jaw drops. But, they don’t think it is a good idea to organize a revolution with a fugitive as a leader.

Later – Jorge is at his home when he receives a message and his wife comes out to taunt him that Nariño escaped. But, he brags that news from Spain is good and that they practically have the crown’s blessing to go ahead and form a junta. Now you can be king, she says, isn’t that what you always wanted?


Cuando Me Enamoro #42 Friday 6/17/11 "Revenge is a poison meant for others that we swallow ourselves."

Hola, queridos! I was a a baseball game until the wee hours of the morning, so this one is a day late. The title came from a quote I read years ago that always stuck with me. It's definitely true in this case. Jero is poisoning his own relationship with Renata out of a revenge that will only hurt him in the end. Anyway, on with the show!

We begin with Jero unceremoniously dictating that Lazaro should take Renata's luggage to the guest bedroom. Everyone stares at Jero in disbelief. Nata asks for a minute alone with Jero and the guys oblige.

R: What's wrong with you? First, I have to choose between consoling my best friend at her mother's funeral or coming with you to the hacienda because you have too many things to do. Now you're saying we are not even going to sleep in the same bedroom?!
J: I wanted to respect your space.
R: Why did you send your groundskeeper to pick me up at the airport instead of coming to get me yourself?
J: I couldn't make it.
R: What could be more important than picking up your wife who has only been married to you for two days?!
J: What's the problem? You're here now.
R: There is a problem! On top of all that, you put me in the guest bedroom like I'm a stranger. I am your wife, Jeronimo! This is our honeymoon, I love you and I want us to be together always.
J: We will be. But I like to sleep alone. I am used to it.

Renata doesn't understand Jero at all. Why didn't he tell her about this beforehand? Jero has no excuse. It's just the way things are now. Bleh.

Agustin and Dr. Nesme walk through the fields and chat about the arrival of Jero's wife. Augie is most interested in meeting her.

Honorio hands over some paperwork to Matias. He wants Adriana to go over it before they finish because Hon wants Adri to feel more important within the company. Matias tells his Tio that he and Adriana have a thing for each other. Honorio has no problem with it, though he does tell Mat that he needs to move on from Renata. Mat still loves Nata but promises not to play games with Adri.

Gonzo visits Constanza to talk to her about Adriana. No matter what decision Coni makes, Gonzo will support her. "Just think it through, first. Honorio is a great guy; don't leave him and then regret it later."

Daniel, rather unprofessionally, pours his heart out to Blanca about the huge crush he has on Adriana. Too bad she has a thing for Honorio. Blanca tells him to cool it. Honorio could be Adri's father; there's nothing to worry about there. Adri must be feeling lonely at the moment, which would make this the perfect opportunity for Danny to get close to her. Blanca will happily give Danny Boy lessons on office-seductrism if he really wants to charm Adri.

Adriana steps into Matias's office. She had to come to work because she is so alone in the house without her madre. Mat gives her a hug. Too bad a sweet moment in this episode doesn't last long. Mat suddenly gets snappy and sends Adri to work with Blanca and Daniel.

Jero introduces Renata to all the employees at the hacienda. Everyone receives her very well, except Matilde, who gives Nata the stink eye and leaves the introduction early. Nata asks Manuela to make whatever she would like for dinner; once they get to know each other better, Nata would love to cook with her. Nata thinks the entire staff is fabulous but she could tell that Mati was in a funk. "Mati has a moody disposition; she'll come around soon." Carlos says.

Nata is thrilled when Carlos offers to show her the vineyard and the grape fields. Jero declines to go with them. Nata, visibly hurt, goes off to the guest room to change. Carlos accosts Jero for being such a prig. "You're not only neglecting your wife, you're being very rude."

Jero's thoughts brew once he is alone. "To have her here is going to be very difficult. The hacienda you thought was for her, Rafael. The place where she would be happy by your side. I swear that she will never be happy here or in any other place." Vete al diablo, Jeronimo. You are the most odious galan I have ever seen.

Manuela and Lazaro warn Matilde to cut out the theatrics. The new Patrona could have her fired for behaving so childishly. Mati is sure Jero wouldn't fire her. He is her boss, not Renata. Nata and Jero are a couple but Mati can tell there's trouble in paradise. Plus, Mati has a feeling she has seen Nata somewhere before. Manuela tells her to stop being such a spoilsport by ruining Jero's honeymoon.

Gonzo and Regi's love theme plays as Gonzo opens an invitation to the upcoming gala at Regi's center. He makes a call to confirm that the Monterrubios will certainly be in attendance.

Renata unpacks her suitcase in the guest room. She holds up a silky orange nighty and tosses it in a pile. It seems like she will have no use for it, as far as Jero is concerned. Meanwhile Fina presents Roberta with a bunch of new maternity clothes. Robi complains about getting fat but Fina tells her to shut it. She is excited to be an abuela and tells Robi that babies are perfect for pressuring men.

Regina and Constanza have a heart-to-heart about Adriana. If Regi were in Coni's shoes, she would offer Adriana the chance to live in her home. It would be a gesture of love; if for no other reason than that Coni loves Honorio. He would be so grateful if Coni accepted Adriana into the family. Coni is still conflicted, even though everyone has given her the same advise. Regi takes that as a sign. If they all agree, then it must be for a reason. Regi tells Coni to take advantage of the opportunity to have a daughter in her life.

Honorio asks Adriana if she really wants to be back at work so soon. "It keeps me busy." Adri says. Honorio can't ignore the elephant in the room and wants to have a serious talk.

A dour Coni arrives for work at the centro. She tells Chema about Regi's advice. Chema respects Regi but disagrees. These things take time and having Adri move in might be a little hasty. Coni is happy to have someone understand how she feels but doesn't look as though she's made a decision yet.

Adriana cries as she explains to Honorio that she has always liked him as a boss and appreciates all that he has done for her. But she still can't think of him as a father. It doesn't matter to Honorio. He just wants to be able to help her, protect her, and share his life with her. Honorio wants to give Adri all that he never had the opportunity to in the past. Adri sobs that she misses her mother so much. No one can ever take her place but she does want to be close to her padre. Adriana places a hand on his face as they both cry.

Selene and Robi gossip as they play cards in Robi's room. Selene is still set on snagging Chema, even though he only has eyes for Constanza. Robi's antenna goes up. "What would Tio Honorio say if he knew that Coni had another man? How fun would it be to watch the ideal couple start to break up." Selene doesn't care about that. It would only hurt her quest for Chema if Coni were divorced from Honorio. Robi says forget it, her Tios would never split anyway. They move on to more important topics like how much Robi hates Nata. FFWD...

Dr. Nesme meets with Jero. He wants to buy the doctor's land but it isn't the doctor's to sell anymore. Augie comes out of the shadows to reveal that he is Jero's new partner.

Carlos walks Renata around the fields. She is positively in love with the place. They munch on grapes and Carlos introduces Nata to Alfonsina. Nata asks Alfi how the hacienda got it's name and Alfi has no qualms about telling the truth. "The former owner Rafael named it La Bonita after his girlfriend." Nata asks what La Bonita's real name was but Alfi tells her that no one knows.

Augie will only sell the land when he feels like it. Right now, it isn't for sale. Jero seethes as Augie waltzes out victorious. Conveniently, Renata and Carlos arrive from a horseback ride just in time for Nata to run into Augie. They hug and Nata explains that the hacienda is her new house; she married Jero!

Dr. Show-Me-The-Money compliments Fina on her swindling Gonzo. He totally bought the tumor story. Fina says now is the time for phase two. She cuts him a check so he will tell Gonzo that her cancer has gotten worse and she is meant for the grave. Viewerville can only hope.

Augie recovers from the shock long enough to share a laugh with Nata. She explains to Carlos that she met Augie because Gonzo's company exports Augie's wine. Augie introduces Dr. Nesme, who is probably leaving to soak himself in a bottle of tequila. Carlos excuses himself to speak with Jero. Augie tells Nata that Jero and his employees hate him for business reasons. He had heard about Nata getting married and can't believe he lost his chance. Nata asks what he meant by that and Augie clarifies he "missed the chance to attend the wedding". Uh-huh, sure. Augie invites Nata to visit him at his hacienda any time.

Jero has reached a boiling point after Augie's business deal. Carlos has news that will only make Jero even more angry. Augie and Nata are amigos; they're outside talking this very second.

Renata tells Augie that she fell in love with Jero the moment she saw him. The second Nata tells Augie she will stay friends with him despite his disagreements with Jero, el Jerko himself storms into the yard. He calls Augie an enemy of La Bonita and tells him to get out. Jero gruffly tells Nata that he does not want her near Augie. Renata scoffs at Jero for telling her who she can be friends with.

Jerko follows Nata into the house where their argument can be overheard by practically everyone. Nata does not like it when anyone tells her what she should do or how she should feel. The Augie she knows is an educated gentleman. Jerko says Augie is only playing games with her to irritate him. Nata calls Jero out. "And what exactly is it that you're doing? We've been married two days and I have seen a whole new Jero that I do not like." Jerko drops the attitude and pulls Nata into a hug.

Mati revels in the fight between Nata and Jero. For some silly reason, she takes Jero's side. "The woman should always take her husband's side." Somehow I doubt Mati practices what she preaches.

Dr. Lecherous T. Pervert gropes Alfonsina and forces a few kisses on her. Alfi tells him to get lost. He heads straight for the bar and vows to make Alfi his. Ezequiel chats with Karina at the market. Zeke has no idea how Kari handles the doctor's temper. Kari defends her marriage; she hopes she can get pregnant soon and then things will get better. Zeke and I both agree that a baby won't solve any of their problems.

Jero huffs and puffs in his office while Renata showers. She can't get their wedding night out of her head. "Where is that man I fell in love with?"

Regina looks longingly at the newest picture of her daughter, thinking her usual thoughts. Ines tells Regi to reserve 4 places at the gala for the Monterrubios. Regi thinks it would be too painful for her to have Gonzo present but there's nothing they can do about it now. Regi hopes she can keep her compromiso with Antonio.

Jero and Nata meet near a grape-stomping pit. I would have to guess it's the famous one from the entrada. Renata thinks the vineyard is beautiful. Jero admits that he is happy to have Renata there. He asks how Adriana is doing. Nata fills him in on how difficult it has been for her amiga but the good news is Adri found out that Honorio is her father. Nata can't believe the surprises life has had in store. Jero comments that their love was certainly a surprise. They went through a lot to find each other. Jero and Nata kiss in front of a breath-taking landscape.

Spare-girl-Arely bounds into Augie's office. She asks what he's going to do with the lands now that he's taken them from Jero. Augie says she will find out in time. Arely questions Augie about Jero's new wife and Augie's good mood fades. He calls it a shame that Renata, such an intelligent and beautiful woman, should have married Jero. Arely is offended that Augie seems to think Nata's only flaw is that she's with Jero.

Adriana tries to get Matias to talk about what has him so down in the dumps. He agrees to meet with her later to chat.

Renata tells Jero about Matias striking up a relationship with Adriana. She approves since she loves the both of them so much. Jero hopes that Nata doesn't regret having stayed with him. "Prove it to me that I did make the right decision." Nata says. She admits that her family did not support her but what matters most is that the two of them are happy. Jero stops listening and starts inner-monologuing. "You are so beautiful. How difficult it is to have you close."

Gonzo asks Matias to help him find out who is the father of Robi's baby. Mat lets slip that Robi told him the jerk's identity. Gonzo presses Mat to spill it.

Avances: Renata tries to seduce Jero but ends up sobbing on the floor. Do you really want to know anything else?

arrepentir - to regret (Gonzo to Constanza, and Jero to Nata)
mal humorado/a - moody, bad-tempered.
grosero - rude, nasty, unpleasant. (Jero. That is all.)
aguafiestas - spoilsport, killjoy. (Manuela to Matilde)


Triunfo del Amor #150 6/17/11 If It Weren’t For The Guilt Trips, I’d Never Get To Travel At All!

Tonight handsome Dr. Heriberto makes his play for Victoria and Max feels honor-bound to make the case for his papa. First, here’s the review in two: Victoria is in the visiting room at the prison and suffering through further insults and threats from “Burn-Baby-Burn!” Bernarda, who, it seems, gets Vic’s goat as well as the last gloat. Across town at the bishop’s office, meanwhile, Padre Juan Pablo and his superior discuss the great irony in the way his mama successfully raised him to be a perfect curate and conduit for others’ salvation while breaking every commandment herself along the way; and Maria Desamparada and her kidnappers are racing through the barrio to their fat-rat-infested hideaway in the basement of some abandoned building.

On the Televisa set, the director bawls out Lush-ous Leonela for coming on the set drunk as a skunk for rehearsals. She swears someone substituted vodka in her bottled water, but nobody sympathizes, let alone, believes her. The director fires her while Guillermo takes a call on his cell from the kidnappers informing him that Maria is ready and waiting for him.

Osvaldo takes pity on Leo and asks the director to give her another chance. He says he’ll fill her full of coffee in the cafeteria. The director says Oz can’t because he’s got to tape a scene, so Guillermo offers to do it instead. The director gives in and allows it.

Maria asks if it was Jimena who ordered her kidnapping and who told them not to harm her. The kidnapper tells her it could have been, but he can’t say. He’s only following orders. She asks if they’ll be asking for a ransom. Again he doesn’t know, but he doesn’t think so. They put the blindfold over her eyes again and leave. She worries about JPito.

Fernanda rolls in the front door to her casatita as Cruz is setting out dinner. She’s still angry at him over seeing his producer, Diann, and him in kissus-delicti, but he still doesn’t know she saw them. Fer gives him the cold shoulder, refuses supper, and tells him she’s not having the operation after all. ¿Qué?

PJP tells the archbishop that he’s failed every attempt to save his mother’s soul from perdition. The archbishop says the Church will never pardon her and that will be her worst punishment, because now it will be left up to Dios alone to decide--admittedly, quite a few levels above their pay grade. JP tearfully accepts his earthly defeat and worries over Mama’s immortal soul in the afterlife. (Don’t worry about that old gal, JP. She’ll probably be sitting next to Lucifer, sipping an iced sherry, and ordering him around just daring him to cross her! I’d be more upset knowing that I was her demon spawn.) He bows his head in piously tearful despair.

Max is at the lake and some hunky coach (I’m not familiar with him or the tennis player they were chatting up) is asked to kayak that morning for a women’s cancer benefit. Viewerville gets to salivate over WL’s perfect pecs for a couple of minutes. FF>>


Meanwhile, Ste. Burnarda continues to pray alone in her cell. The prison matron comes to get her for her yard time and to assign her some prison job. Burnie refuses to leave her cell till the matron warns her it’ll be a living Hell if she doesn’t obey. The matron sticks a couple of billy clubs together over her head and uses the shadow it makes—that of a cross--as a threat. (Viewerville figures if they’re threatening to crucify her forget it. She’d hop on and pound the nails in herself!) Anyway, the not so subtle message is understood and she goes out with the guards.

Dr. Heriberto drives Victoria back from the prison. He finds out who it was she visited there. Vic explains how Bernarda de Iturbide is the one person responsible for all the rotten luck in her life and then explains the family connection to PJP and thus to Maria.

A bit later, PJP drops by to visit with Fausto. The padre asks Fausto where they have Tomasa’s body buried so he can go there and pray for her soul to be at rest. Fausto explains how they burned her body in the chimney that morning they first met. PJP remembers it clearly and throws up a little in his mouth.

Over at Casa Bernarda’s, Jimeana is having a great time throwing her weight around and abusing everyone she supervises. She gripes one too many times, though, at Eva. This time it’s about a dress design. When Eva pushes back and disagrees, Ji gets nasty and throws the whole pile of pictures at her. “--Do what I say or be fired!” She can either like it or she can lump it! She doesn’t like it then feel free to walk! Eva resigns and tells Ji that she’s going to make it a point of telling Dona Burnie what’s going on there and says she doubts she’ll be very happy about it! Jimeana threatens Eva, saying that if she dares say a word to Burnie she’ll find out darned quick what Ji is capable of! Eva says she could give a flying flip. Ji would be better off worrying about Dona B.’s reaction once she gets back!

At Burnie’s manse, the CSI-D.F. has now found definite proof that a body was burned in her chimney. They also have fingerprints on something that will prove who actually killed their victim.

In the Televisa cafeteria, Leo is sober again and she tells Gui that she’s certain he was the one who switched the vodka for her bottled water! She wants to know why he would stoop to such a thing! He decries his innocence, but she calls him on it. She tells him she thinks he did it because he couldn’t handle her leaving him for a second time, and he wanted her dependent on him again. She gets panicked now, thinking she’s going to suffer another professional and personal failure like she did twenty years ago--all because of her addiction to alcohol! She tells him she needs him to support her efforts rather than trying to destroy [hundir=lit. sink, destroy, take down] her! He admits he did it because of what she did to him leaving him years ago. He tells her that his life after that was full of bitter disappointments. He wants her back with him or, if not, he'll make sure her life becomes a Hell on Earth!

While Eva cleans out her desk, she gives Burnie’s so-called defense lawyer what for and how to! She warns him that if he doesn’t actually do something to free Burnarda, then some other lawyer will. He tells her to watch her mouth, but she’s like a small dog nipping at his ankles. He insists Ji promised to pay him. Phhhhht! says Eva and gives him the low-down. Ji would have to get approval from the accountant to give him any money; she’s poor as a church mouse and hasn’t got a dime to her name! In fact, she lives in a room at Burnarda’s like a poor relation. So, if he’s paying close attention now, there’s still time to mend his ways. But, it better be fast!

Heri drops Vic off now outside Casa Victoria. Apparently she’s had time to tell him the preamble to her life post-pregnancy. “--It’s been years of disappointments, failures and all punishment from God for getting involved with a man who was off limits.” He tells her she did nothing wrong because, as she says, it was all done so innocently. Heri admits too, that he admires her even more for the great things she’s accomplished in spite of all these obstacles. She’s overcome so much to triumph as she has! Vic whines again that all of it was useless in the scheme of things, since none of it made her happy. In fact, she’s been unhappy for so long and these days she feels she’s surrounded by an ever-deepening darkness.

Heri does an on-the-spot-diagnosis of depression. Yep, she’s been clinically depressed all these years and never knew it! He prescribes (wait for it...wait for it...) getting therapy!! (Now why didn’t Viewerville think of that?) She can, of course, come to his place…er…to him anytime things get to be too much for her, uh, now that she knows where he lives. She thanks him. Suddenly his eyes are like two powerful magnets and she’s mesmer-eyezed. Heri goes in for The Kiss--and…Houston, we!

Max sees Vic and Heri kissing fron the other side of the parking lot and frowns.

Vic pulls back from Dr. Voice and mildly objects. (What a middle-aged tease!) Heri apologizes immediately and profusely. (Vic’s in Seventh heaven now that someone else is again groveling at her feet. It’s that decades-old power-trip/control-freak thing. I’m surprised Heri didn’t diagnose that neurosis along with the depression.) It’s just that he and she clicked, he explains, and they’re so much alike [identificarse= to feel similar, alike, relate to]. Both of them have suffered painful experiences that have marked their lives, he quickly explains. However, he says, she has nothing to be ashamed of (as in you’re a divorcee and I’m a widower). She should just let herself go [dejarse llevar] and--it was marvellous! She says she can’t  discuss it right now and doesn’t want to! She rushes off. Heri is mortified and wants to just kick himself. He tells himself that he can’t deny any longer that he’s fallen in love with Victoria! ¡Ay! Victoria!!

Up in the design studio, Pepino and Antioneta are excited about some new creations. Toni sweet-talks hubby Oscar into laying out some hard to get company cash for them. He agrees to it in hopes of trouncing Casa Bernarda at the gala.

Vicki starts back through the gate and runs into Max who’s seen all and calls a time out. Once the two of them are in the privacy of her office, he wants to know where his father fits into all of this, and whether she’s in love with Heriberto. Vic says hey, it was just a kiss and, yes, he’s brought a lot of light back into her life recently. As for his father, the two of them are divorced, remember? Yeah, he says, but the poor shmuck has spent the past gawd knows how long now begging her to forgive him. After all these years of marriage is she saying she doesn’t love his father? Vic isn’t sure, she says. The one thing she does know is that she did love Osvaldo intensely, but now whenever they get together she can’t get the picture of him pawing another—a younger--woman out of her mind. Max reminds her that she’s the one to blame for that because when his dad needed her most she was A.W.O.L.!!

Back in the bowels of the barrio, Cruz and Fernanda are still in the middle of a tiff. He wants to know why she’s being so stand-offish [arisco/a=gruff, unsociable] with him. (Hmmm. It’s like this, Big Guy. If you want to have a conversation, take off that idiotic, beat-up straw hat and those shirt and jeans that are probably rank enough to stand on their own, and then bury ‘em! Next take a shower and get a shave. Then, if you can approach her downwind without her knowing it from twenty feet away, she might consider it! –Oh, that’s just me. Sorry.) Fer admits feeling that Mama used being with her during her therapy sessions just to make time with her doctor. So she’s refusing to have anything more to do with Dr. Heri and, if Mama continues going out with him, she won’t see her again either. Cruz (like the rest of us in Viewerville) considers that a bit short-sighted as well as (pardon the pun) LAME! He says her mama has a right to start over with her personal life. Just then there’s a knock at their door. It’s Dr. Heri wanting to talk some sense into his lame-brain patient.

Back in Vicki’s office, Max reminds her how his daddy stuck with her for veinte anos through thick and thin (not to mention her bout with breast cancer and her resultant disfigurement). Vic says she’s grateful, but gratefulness does not a marriage make. Besides, she wasn’t the one who went on the prowl. He did! Max can’t argue with that. All he can say is that nobody’s perfect. There are oodles of divorced couples, he reasons, who reconcile and get remarried after a while. Why won’t she consider that? Max then adds that he doesn’t believe he can ever accept her with a man other than his father, period.

Back at the vecindad and once they’re alone, Dr. Heri admits to Fer that he’s fallen in love with her mother.

Upstairs, in Milagros’ apartment, Millie notes it’s gotten pretty late. She’s still looking after JPito and starts to get worried because Maria hasn’t come back yet or called.

At the kidnapper’s hide-out, Maria’s still blindfolded and tied up. Guillermo arrives. (OMG! Retch alert!!) He walks over and (skin-crawl alert!) paws lasciviously at Maria all the while keeping quiet so she’s unable to identify him by the sound of his voice. (I need a shower!) The head kidnapper tells her right before the men leave that soon she’ll have some enjoyable company.

Back at Fer’s place, she and Heri are still having it out. How does he dare come there to talk to her about her mama? He loses his temper and angrily says it’s because he’s the kind of guy who takes responsibility, not that he has anything to be ashamed of! (Whatever he’s got, this guy needs to bottle it and sell it!) Fer backs off and tearfully admits that she’d hoped her parents would reconcile. Too bad, says hubba-hubba-Heri, cuz her mama doesn’t seem to want that. How childish of Fer, he adds, to insist on punishing Vic by refusing to have her operation! And, who does Fer really think she’s punishing in the end? Certainly not her mother! Why does Fer really want to condemn herself to a lifetime in a wheelchair and her mother to a lifetime without luuhhhv? What kind of cowardly, miserable behavior is this? (Atta-boy, Heri!)

Vicki is eager to tell Toni about her new admirer and the yummy kiss he gave her. Toni asks if she’s in love with Heri. Vicki won’t deny there’s definitely a spark there. Well, then what about Ozzie? Vic won’t ever forgive him. She can’t. Toni asks if that doesn’t seem a bit selfish on her part. Vic admits it is and says it’s really no different from the way Maria is acting in refusing to forgive her. Both Max and Fer are opposed to the new relationship, but she’s drawn to him, she says; they’re connected in some way because they’ve both suffered throughout their lifetime. (Sorry, but that seems the sickest reason to be emotionally attracted to somebody!) Vic admits she feels conflicted. She thinks she wants to talk to Padre JP about it. (Oh that makes a lot of sense now that the guy’s up to his neck in emotional alligators since finding out he’s got a homicidal maniac for a mother!)

We beam back to Fer and Heri. So does Dr. Heri think he can make Mama happy? He’s certainly gonna try! Vic has a right to happiness like anybody else! How can Fer ask Maria Desamparada to forgive and forget, he asks her, when she herself can’t and chooses to condemn her mother to a different kind of pain? Fer says she is certain her parents still can reconcile if given the chance. Dr. Heri says fine. If he sees that’s the case then he will back off. However, if it isn’t, then let her mother decide for herself, ok?

Meanwhile, back in the abandoned building, Maria is still blindfolded, still wondering who ordered the kidnapping, and still guessing about who it is they’re going to put there with her. She prays to the virgencita to protect her and JPito.

A bit later, while waiting for PJP to return to the sacristy, Vic takes a call on her cell. The menacing voice at the other end of the line tells her they have kidnapped “la pequena Maria”! If she ever wants to see her again she must do what they order her to do and keep quiet about it! Vic gasps. However, we are spared another “M’ijaaaaaaaa!!” from Meh-jiaaaaa since Uni mercifully ends the episodio at that point.   Cue the credits!


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of June 20, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

¡Hóla a todos! Happy midsummer! It seems like the folks that are watching Casa and Corazon are enjoying them. Thanks for the recapettes. I'm only watching Herederos right now. Let the discussion begin!

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Teresa Fri 6/17/11 #81 You Had Me at “Hola”

No Puede Ser (combo scenes): Teresa’s just dropped the D-bomb on Arturo and he can’t believe it. She assures him she’s capable of making it on her own. Her worth as a woman isn’t based on her marital status. If she’s forced to, she will begin anew. He didn’t appreciate her worth and doesn’t deserve her. Arturo’s begging her not to leave him like this. It’s all his doing she says. He’s the one who left her alone in Cuernavaca to sleep with another woman! She’s made her decision. He’s crying now and begging her PLEASE to reconsider. He asks her to understand he felt betrayed when she lied to him. She wonders why he didn’t speak to her about it then and there. No, he had to go running to Paloma! In his defense he says the pain was killing him so much that he couldn’t think. Oh, he’s just digging himself deeper cuz she counters by saying he alleviated the pain by consoling himself with Paloma! No matter what he says, there is no justification for what he’s done. Arturo says she can’t imagine the hell he went through imagining her in Mariano’s arms. She sticks to her lie that what happened between Mariano and her was long, long, before she hooked up with Arturo. Therefore, Arturo is the only unfaithful one. He was with another woman while he was married. He needs to accept the blame and not make this more difficult. He chases after her telling her he loves her. His betrayal demonstrated the opposite to her. She no longer believes him. He doesn’t want to lose her and although she says he’s already lost her, he won’t let her leave. He pulls her to him and kisses her and she surprisingly (or not) kisses him back.

Dr. Ledesma/Mariano’s office: Mariano tells Aida he’s happy to see her. She tells him she’s aware of what Arturo did and begins her harpy act, saying it’s all because of Teresa. Thankfully, he shushes her and tells her Arturo has relented and asked Mariano to return. She thinks he should have taken the opportunity to quit and dedicate himself to his clinics. He tells her that designing and implementing the pediatric ward is very important to him. Besides, he doesn’t like leaving things half finished (a medias). She points out their relationship is currently a medias. He clarifies he was referring to his profession and says he doesn’t like leaving projects unfinished. She thinks he’s very proud.

Casa Genoveva (channeling vintage Cher): Ruben is skeptical about Geno wanting to raise his child. Sure, she says, he no longer wants anything to do with Espe, right? Right, he’s already taking steps to send her to live in a province far, far away and give her what she needs for el bebé. Geno doesn’t think it wise to continue to deal with that woman and beside she’d like nothing more than to raise a child. She sees it as a second chance. Ruben can’t believe she’d actually do that. She feels that since she can no longer give him a child, he should consider the life she could give his child. He’d be able to see him without any problems. Mayra would never suspect. After all, Geno’s her best friend. He’s not convinced but looks like he’s gonna cave. He doesn’t think Espe will go for the idea. Geno keeps pushing, saying the child will have a sad life with Espe. Everyone has a price, the key is finding out what Espe’s price is.

Casa de la Barrera: They’re on the couch now. She pushes him away, telling him this is not the way to convince her. She tells him not to touch her again. He won’t let her leave because he loves her. She struggles with him asking if he thinks he can forcibly keep her there. They continue to struggle.

Casa Geno (combo scenes): Ruben again says he’s finished with Espe. Geno feels he needs to stop all contact with Espe because Mayra won’t stand for it if she finds he’s still involved with her. He could lose everything. His bebé is another matter. She can help so he can have him close by. Ruben thinks he can find a way but it has to be done carefully. The important thing now is Espe’s well being until the baby comes. When that time comes, Geno says, they can talk about how they can have the baby with them. Ruben now tells Geno he’s going to need some cash. He can’t get any more money from Mayra’s holdings to pay for Espe’s silence. She thinks about it for a nano-second then tells him she’ll help him, she’ll always be there to help him.

Casa de la Barrera: The struggle continues and Arturo is now yelling at her, telling her she can’t leave. Luisa looks on from the balcony. Teresa’s intent on proving she can leave with nothing more than what she has on, just as she did when she entered this house! (show of hands: who out there in Viewerville believes this?) She tearfully tells him the only thing she wanted from him was love, understanding, the support of a partner and she hasn’t had any of it. She turns toward the door and he tries to stop her again. This time she screams at him to stop (BASTA) and not to follow her or she swears she’ll call the police. She leaves. Oh goodness. Arturo starts to lose it and Luisa comes to him as he begins to sob. I cry.

Teresa’s at the gate of the house and I’m surprised to actually see her crying when no one’s around. (As Rhett once said, “Can it be? Has she finally grown a woman’s heart?”) She walks away, crying wondering why it is that she can’t be happy. Just then someone taps her on the shoulder and it’s…..Fito! Scares the bejesus out of her. He wonders if it’s her conscience that caused such a (semejante) jump (brinco). She can’t believe he’s had the nerve to show up here. He thanks her for her considerate suggestion that he hide out somewhere but that takes money (lana – slang). She doesn’t have any money. Plus, she’s angry with her husband right now and can’t ask him for money. He mocks her grief and knows she must have something she can give him – her ring, perhaps. She refuses to give that up. We hear Arturo call out to her.

Juana’s apt: She’s contemplating the two men in her life as someone knocks on her door. I laugh when we see Hector act uncharacteristically silly standing behind a floral arrangement. He tells her he delivered the flowers himself because they have much to talk about. He blurts out a kind of marriage proposal, asking Juana what she would think about getting married. He’s so nervous, it’s cute.

Teresa urges Fito to leave. He acts as though he’ll stay and she promises to give him something but he needs to leave ASAP. He agrees but warns her if she doesn’t come through, he’ll have a talk with Arturo. She pretends to give him directions as Arturo comes to the gate. Arturo asks about the stranger and she sarcastically asks if he’s going to attempt to control who she talks to. He just doesn’t think it’s a good idea to talk to a stranger; he’s concerned for her. If he were truly worried, they wouldn’t have had a falling out. She turns to leave yet again and again he stops her, asking her not to leave. This is her home. If she doesn’t wish to see him, that’s fine but she needs to come inside.

Lurking outside, Fito calls Gemma and tells her what he heard is true and they need to suspend the business for a short while.

Inside, Teresa agrees to stay only to avoid worrying her parents or her godmother but she doesn’t want to see him. He agrees to leave but plans on doing everything possible to win her back because he loves her. He gently kisses her then leaves. She’s actually crying as she goes to the door to watch him leave. She appears to be puzzled by her feelings. Truthfully, so am I.

Vecindad: Cutberto asks Johnny about that “friend” who was willing to let him use his apt. Johnny went looking for him but he wasn’t in. Cutberto doesn’t think it would be a good idea to bring Pati to the vecindad. Johnny wonders. I yawn.

Juana’s apt: Juana agrees the flowers are beautiful and she’s only watering them so they won’t die. She still not speaking to him especially at this hour. It would be unseemly for them to be seen here together at this hour. (oh, please) She refuses his invitation to breakfast because she doesn’t step out with married men. She’s made it very clear that she will not see him until he’s divorced. He knows that but couldn’t help himself, he couldn’t stand being away from her and looking into those green eyes. He starts to break into “Ojos Verdes” but she stops him, asking him to leave before she kicks him out.

Outside, Johnny and Cutberto are still at it when Cutberto sees Hector leaving Juana’s. He’s sad and wonders what it will take to get over his Juanita. Johnny suggests they go over tomorrow’s plans to distract him.

Casa de la Barrera: Teresa’s in the bedroom and talks to Arturo via Giant Teddy, saying she thought they would have lasted longer. She thought they’d travel, he’d introduce her to more important people and even though she’d never love him as she loves Mariano, she’d still love him in a different way forever. But he betrayed her! She throws aside Giant Teddy. Her phone rings. It’s Fito. He’s waiting for her outside. She tells him to get away from the house and she’ll be right down. She gets her first engagement ring from Arturo out of the nightstand (you know, the one that’s at the bottom of the ocean) and laments she wanted to keep that one for herself because it was her first piece of fine jewelry. She has a flashback of the moment Arturo gave it to her. Luisa walks in and Teresa hurriedly puts in on her finger. She tells Luisa she’s in a bad state. Luisa hopes they’ll be able to patch things up.

Casa Caceres (combo scenes) : Mayra demands to know where Ruben has been at this hour of the night. Or should she ask with whom? He pleads with her to trust him and swears he was working. Mayra just came from his office and he wasn’t there! He was at Geno’s, didn’t she call to tell her? Just then her phone rings and it’s Geno calling to tell her she had a real estate issue and asked Ruben to come help her etc, etc. Mayra thanks her and Ruben agrees she can’t trust him right away but he will continue to work on earning her trust.

Hunk Haüs: Arturo’s arrived at Fernando’s telling him Teresa’s asked for a divorce. (Need I point out Fer is dressed only in pajama bottoms? Caramba!) Arturo acknowledges the grave error he committed but he also feels Paloma was the not person he thought she was. She’s the one who told Teresa about their Night of Passion.

Hospital: Espe tells Mariano that Ruben set up healthcare for her and BebéBigote. Mariano’s glad he’s taking responsibility but that doesn’t mean she should go back to him. He’s still a married man. Is Ruben planning to tell Mayra and Aida about the baby? She tells him Ruben wants to reconcile but he also cannot get a divorce and doesn’t want further problems with his daughter. She’s very confused. She loves him, he’s the father of her child and he’s offering all his support for their baby. Mariano adamantly feels that he should show his support by openly supporting this baby or is he planning to keep him in hiding as he did with Espe? He’s caused her so much damage already. He didn’t appreciate her before. Now it’s up to her to have him do so now or let him continue to trample (pisotear) on her dignity.

Hunk Haüs: (bummer, Fer has donned a t-shirt) Fer doesn’t think it’s important how Tersa found out. Arturo disagrees saying he never should have trusted Paloma again and Teresa warned him! She told him more than once Paloma was looking to come between them and that’s just what’s happened. Fer thinks what’s important here is whether or not Arturo truly loves Teresa. Arturo declares his undying love for her, saying he can’t envision his life without her. He will not grant her a divorce. He needs her by his side and do those things they planned together. He loves her and he’ll do whatever he has to in order to win her back. He just needs her to give him a chance.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere meets Fito outside and gives him the engagement ring. He’s not satisfied. He knows she has much more. She tells him to scat. This is not a good time for them, they’re estranged. He gives her his card in case she needs to get a hold of him, telling her she knows he can help her. She’s not interested. She wants him to disappear and she heads back to the house. Fito eyeballs the ring and says to himself Teresa’s not as bright as she seems because she has no idea what she’s just given him.

Inside, Teresa goes back to her room and Luisa’s still there. Tere picks up Giant Teddy and admits she misses him. Luisa hopes she’ll give him a chance. She doesn’t want to pressure her about Arturo so she decides to talk about Fer instead. She tells her of his invitation to return Cancún to relive the beginning of their romance. Teresa seems shocked to think Fer would still be interested in Luisa after what almost happened between them. She starts pumping Luisa for details, asking if they’ve become distant lately. Luisa says he’s been tired and working so much lately but she’s happy that he asked her to go to Cancún, just the two of them. She thought of inviting Art&Tere but he insisted they go alone. So romantic. After Luisa leaves, Tere tosses aside the Arturo Bear telling it to go sleep with Paloma. She reclines on the bed with Mariano Bear and kisses it.

Meanwhile, Fito is still lurking outside. Eyeing the ring she gave him, he says “Pride (soberbia)comes at such a high cost, Teresa.” He’s so sleazy.

Hunk Haüs: Fernando offers Arturo his place until Teresa and he work things out. Arturo reluctantly agrees.

Morning dawns at Casa de la Barrera: Aurora has come calling, thinking they had patched things up since she didn’t show up at her house as planned. No way, Teresa says, she can’t forgive his betrayal. Aurora asks again if Teresa is in love with Arturo and Teresa insists she is. Paloma’s dead, Aurora says. Teresa either has to fight for him or let him go, she needs to think very carefully what’s she’s about to do. Teresa hasn’t decided which decision is in her best interest. What does she mean by “best interest”? Aurora thought they were talking about her feelings of betrayal by the man she loves. What Teresa meant was that she’s not sure it would be best for her to forgive him, leaving open the possibility that he’ll do the same thing again. No, Aurora says, she had spoken with such vehemence that it scared her. Teresa tells her she’s the one who’s afraid. She never had the nerve to tell Mariano she loved him and now she’s settling for Martin. This bothers Aurora and she turns to leave. Teresa immediately apologizes saying she’s her friend and just wonders if things might have turned out differently with Mariano had she expressed her true feelings. Teresa wonders if Aurora is ready to close that chapter. She can’t go through life like this. She hopes what happened to Arturo and Paloma doesn’t happen to Aurora. Arturo married her and he hadn’t forgotten Paloma. Aurora leaves and Teresa calls her Miedosa! (fearful)

Grumpy Gramps House: The day’s arrived! It’s Pati’s 18th birthday and it’s the last day she’ll set eyes on Gramps. She gets a text from Johnny expressing his love and that he will liberate her. She dances around the room. Later, Grumps and Gris come to Pati’s room singing “Las Maňanitas”. He tells her as soon as she’s finished with classes today, they’re going to pack her off with her father. She’s surprised to hear her father’s coming.

Casa de la Barrera: Arturo surprises Teresa by walking in while her back is turned, carrying a single rose. He tells her he didn’t want to send a floral arrangement or jewelry (she makes a face) but preferred to see her face to face and talk about the mistakes they’ve both made. She with Mariano and he with Paloma. She reminds him she wasn’t with him at the time she slept with Mariano. He agrees but he asks in the name of their love that they begin anew. He knows she’s hurt but also knows she loves him very much. If they both try, he knows they can be happy. She’s not sure, she’s very hurt. He knows but he also knows if they work together they can put this behind them. He’s not going to leave without fighting for her. She asks him to leave the bedroom and reminds him they agreed she would stay there and wouldn’t have to see him. He asks that she at least allow him to visit. It’s still hurtful to see him so she asks that he please leave. I’m sad for Arturo.

Dead Pati Walking: Gramps and Gris are walking on either side of Pati as though she’s on her way to the death chamber. Suddenly Cutberto jumps in front of them and the slapstick ensues. Gris beats on him with her trusty umbrella. Johnny grabs a cop and tells him there’s a scuffle (bronca) up the street. Cop arrives, Gris and Gramps are distracted, Pati flees and runs to Johnny.

Casa de la Barrera: Juana’s come by. She’s worried about Art&Tere. She’s aware Arturo slept elsewhere and that is very serious. Teresa says it is very serious but doesn’t want to go into detail in the event that they’re able to work it out.

Ruben’s office: Arturo mysteriously tells Ruben he’s sure this is what he wants to do. Ruben’s sorry to hear that and notes he doesn’t look well. Arturo hopes this will solve part of the problem. Ruben’s sure Arturo will find a way to convince Teresa to return to his side. Arturo thanks him and leaves as Aida enters the office and we discover what the mysterious transaction is. Arturo has given Ruben authorization over Paloma’s foundation. Apparently the foundation has caused a rift in the Barrera household. Aida’s pleased to hear about the rift.

Aurora’s home: Mariano’s come by to return a reference book. He notices Aurora seems preoccupied and she comes out with it. She asks if he ever thought of her as more than a friend. She wants to know if he ever realized that she had fallen in love with him. Ay, caray!

Vecindad: Gris has come in search of the elusive Pati

Aurora & Mariano: He seems surprised to learn of Aurora’s love for him. He’s surprised to learn she fell for him on that first day they ran into each other at the university. (He had her at “hola”). That’s why she went to France, because she loved him but he loved her BFF. The trip to France did nothing to change her feelings for him and when she returned Tere and he seemed so happy. When they broke up she waited and waited for him to come around but he didn’t. He thinks she’s a wonderful, beautiful woman but he did see her as Tere’s BFF and felt it would be impossible for their relationship to be anything more. She asks again if he ever thought of her as a “woman”. Of course he has but he was an idiot because he didn’t realize how much until she started dating Martin. For her part, she began dating Martin because she thought Mariano would never notice her. If he had just said something, anything when she started dating Martin. Then he started dating Aida and she just couldn’t go on. He comes near her but she pushes him away, saying she’s now decided to give it a go with Martin. There’s no more room in her heart for Mariano, at least not in that way. She needed to tell him how she felt and what she’s been keeping inside for years. She mentions having discussed it with Teresa and Menso Mariano right away wants to know what Teresa had to say. Aurora doesn’t skip a beat and points out that it’s always this way. He only cares about Teresa, Teresa, Teresa! He tries to apologize and she tells him that fortunately she’s discovered life goes on. She only hopes that someday he realizes the same thing. She leaves and Mariano is muy impactado.

Pati and Johnny: They’re picnicking and she’s grateful he has rescued her. He lights a candle on her cupcake to celebrate her birthday. She’s already had her birthday wish – her rescue – and now she just wants this: she kisses him. I gag.

Gris is still looking for Pati and finds her way to Refugio’s home. She frantically tells her about Pati, Gramps, and Johnny. Refugio offers her help but Gris is already out the door, calling Gramps on her cell. She runs into Juana who has nothing to say to her. Gris quickly tells her she’s looking for Cutberto because he’s run off with her charge. She rushes off when it appears that Juana can’t help her, leaving Juana to think Cutberto has kidnapped “una muchachita”.

Hospital: Dario is giving Mariano a good dose of “I told you so.” Magda chimes in as they both take turns telling him how obvious it was that Aurora was hot for him. Mariano agrees he is an imbécil, not being able to stop thinking of Aurora as Tere’s BFF. Now he’s all confused. He doesn’t know why Aurora didn’t tell him sooner. Magda goes into a long speech about how women are like that, not wanting to risk rejection and preferring to suffer in silence.

Casa de la Barrera: Tere is yelling at the butler about dry cleaning (tintoteria). Clearly, tiburoncita is taking out her frustration on the hired help. This is when Aida comes to visit.

Hospital: Magda abruptly leaves and Mariano and Dario look at each other like, “whaaaat?” Dario clarifies that Magda is another one of his victims. Mariano thinks that’s silly then wonders aloud again about why Aurora didn’t tell him sooner. Dario knows why Mariano hadn’t figured out why Martin was so jealous -- his head was filled with all matters Teresa. That’s why he’s told him to get moving (pongas las pilas) with Aida so that the same thing doesn’t happen again. Mariano is left alone and has flashbacks of the many times Aurora gave him clues about her true feelings toward him. True to her name, she has awakened in Mariano a new dawn. I sigh.

Please TN gods, hear my plea and let Mariano end up with Aurora. Amen.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Alborada, 6/17/2011. Cap. 14. Your web of lies will ensnare you.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's new Recap #3 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 14 start at this link.

Now that the original recaps cover only 2-3 episodes, I won't be writing the Plot Development summaries anymore.

Thank you, Carlos, for providing another great screenshot!


Triunfo del Amor #149 6/16/11 A triumph of same old, same old.

Alonso hangs out with bikini clad models at the pool. Mr. 5ft wants him to fall in and drown, but there's a waist-high wall between him and the water. Sorry, sweetie. His assistant bugs him about working too hard and needing to chillax. Al says he will, but for now, it's time for the models to work it some more. What's up with those gratuitous shots of the assistant's tight-jean-clad ass? Al is still having headaches.

Gui hangs out in a warehousy place rigging something. Mr. 5ft: "Who knew he was a recycler?" But the green bags hold the equipment he needs for his nefarious and probably stupidly useless doings. Gui thinks he'll have fun.

Rox and Xi come to hang out at Casa Burnie. Xi walks in like she owns the place. She gives Team Burnie the news that she's the Queen Bitch now. The complain that they're supposed to vote. Too bad, Burnie owns 51% of the shares, so she makes the decisions…unless they want to sell off the company…? Xi tells Luciano to do more daring designs, then dismisses everyone so she can talk to the lawyer. He wants to talk about Burnie's appeal. Xi and Rox pretend they know how to read, then tell him they're not appealing, at least not for the moment. Xi says they're going to let Burnie extend her vacation just a bit.

Luci hangs out at Nueva Casa Vic and molests a picture of Fabian…BUSTED! She tries to walk out after leaving him a copy of the budget, but he wants to know why she moved out of his place. Luci says she doesn't think it's ever going to happen with the two of them, so she figured she'd go find a man who actually…um…is a man and is going to make a play for her instead of pining after a girl who barely gave him the time of day before she had her major attitude adjustment. Or something like that.

Maria D fills Max in on her convo with PJP. He's not in the mood to talk about Al right now. Maria D is worried Al will find out she's faking. Riiiiight, because refusing to kiss him isn't a dead giveaway. Max tells her about Fausto saying that Linda's killer was Xi. MD can't believe she's just sooooo evil. What's up with all these evil people doing bad, bad things while she obsesses over telling little white lies (like…I love you and want to marry you and no, you're not dying of some exotic nameless disease), wonders Maria D. Smoochies. Fabian busts them.

Gui and Burnie hang out in the visiting room in jail. Burnie says this little stint in the pokey won't disrupt their plans. She won't be there long. She promises him payment. She thinks he has a thing for Vic and encourages him to do whatever he wants with her, but that MD shouldn't suffer. Um, isn't he supposed to be killing her?

Cruz gives a press conference. These are the nicest, most well-behaved reporters ever. His bitch of a producer lies and tells them that Cruz doesn't have a girlfriend and won't have one for a long time because he wants to dedicate himself to his music.

Meanwhile his WIFE (who is totally either going to kick the producer's ass when she can walk again or is going to kick her ass by running it over with her wheelchair) is at physical therapy with Mama Vic. Dr. Cesar tells her they'll perform the surgery next week. Vic is grateful to him for everything he's done for Fer. Doc flirts. Os walks in and wants to know what's going on and if she's just coming to Fer's therapy to flirt.

Fabian is now in on Operation Let's Not Tell Alonso He's Dying and he is not happy about it. He tries to be the voice of reason, but ends up saying if Max wants to screw up his life, it's his own business. Max swears him to secrecy and they joke about Fab being "chismoso" (a gossip). Fab tells him Luci moved out and he's bummed about it.

Antonieta tells Luci that if she really wants Fab, she can't give up. Toni, seriously, SHUT UP! You spent years pining after a guy who was hopelessly in love with your best friend and couldn't be bothered to marry you until someone else set up a shotgun surprise wedding. You're the last one I'd be taking love advice from! Luci has too much self respect to keep pining after Fab. I hope she sticks to that. Luci won't follow Toni's path. She's happy it all worked out for Toni, but she's just not that patient. She's also decided to quit and go work somewhere else.

Max tells Fab not to go after Luci unless he really wants her. Women want men who know what they want (a woman wants a man who knows what he wants…not what she wants…though that would probably be useful too, but it's not what he meant).

Os thinks Vic and Dr. Cesar have a thing going on. Plus he has no right to ask what's going on. Fer comes up and hears the tail end of his jealous scene. Os says if she likes Doc better, he'll step aside. And so he does. Fer wants to go after him, but Doc wants to talk schedule. Fer won't let him operate because she thinks he's taking advantage of her to get to her mom. Dr. Cesar consoles an upset Vic.

Maria D wants Xi to pay for killing Linda.

Some shady dudes hang out in an alley. I'm ignoring them. Oh, someone has footage of Linda's death on his cell phone. The dude wants to turn Xi in for killing Linda.

Luciano's designs are not pleasing Xi. Who despite acting like she owns the place answers her own phone. She dismisses Luciano, who tells her to watch herself…"No one talks to Luciano Ferreti like that!" Then quit, you dumbass! He struts out of the office and lets Max in on his way out. Max asks her about selling the ring he gave Maria. She claims to remember the letter, but she didn't sell the ring…it was her mom. Max wants to sue. Xi tells him he's got no proof, so he should just chill. The ring's back with the bitch and they're broken up, so who cares?! She sucks on Max long enough for Maria to walk in. Oh, great, another stupid break up.

Gui sneaks around and puts something into a water bottle.

MD thinks something was going on. Max reminds her bitch crazy. Max and Maria can't properly argue with Xi because they can't tell her that they haven't really broken up. Maria tells Xi that she's going to turn her in for killing Linda. She bitches at Max and says she'll leave him there to kiss Xi some more. They both leave and Xi calls them stupid. Oh, shit, I just agreed with Ximena about something.

Prison ladies gossip about Burnie. She's going to get free sooner than expected because her son is a priest who has influence with the bishop. "Siniestra" the goth prisoner says she'll sure as hell be leaving sooner than expected, cause she'll be DEAD, muahahahaha. What. Ever.

Doc thinks Fer's reaction was perfectly natural. Vic says it's her fault for neglecting Fer while she was growing up. She wants to talk to Fer, but Doc says he'll do it.

Oh, shit. Gui was doctoring Leonela's water with booze. She undresses way too slowly to be doing it only for herself. Gross!

The producer takes Cruz home. She explains that if all the chicks think he's single, he'll be a bigger hit. Then she hits on him. Fer catches them.

Leonela gets dressed again way too slowly. No, wait, I figured it out! The mirror is a 2-way mirror and there's a guy on the other side who's paying some exorbitant fee per minute to watch, right? She drinks from the vodka-ed bottle and freaks out.

Cruz lays down the law to his producer and refuses to let her talk smack about Fer. He throws her out. Of course Fer didn't hear that part.

Producer Bitch runs into Fer outside and tells her that Cruz loves her and would sacrifice his singing career for her, but she doesn't think it's fair. "If you really love him, you should convince him to continue." Fer agrees and says she'll talk to him, but she doesn't promise anything. She ducks a kiss on the cheek and cries.

Leo starts to leave the room and has to give herself a pep talk. Sealed bottles only from now on, Leo, and don't trust any drink that leaves your custody. Aw, shit, she convinces herself she can take just one more drink.

Os and Gui get ready to film the scene, but Os is distracted. The producer starts yelling for Leonela. She shows up drunk. And half falling out of the top of her dress. Os asks if she's been drinking. "Shh! Just a little!"

Vic comes to visit Burnie in jail. "Asesina!" Yeah, Vic, I think you're going to have to be just a little more specific.

Oh, Tomasa. Burnie denies. Then she says she's just punishing sinners. "Tomasa was a sinner?" Burnie says it was Vic's fault. "You're the one responsible for her death. I killed her for betraying me. The money you gave her made her brave. I'll tell you how it happened, but if you tell anyone else, I'll deny it. She threatened me…." Burnie flashes back to Tomasa threatening to tell PJP that she kept Vic's pregnancy a secret from him. "I killed her because she deserved it. See how it was your fault? You made her disobey me. You fed her rebelliousness." Vic says she'll pay for her crimes. Burnie doubts it. They won't find a body. She needles Vic some more about how MD will never forgive her.

Two dumbasses in a truck with ski masks chase after Maria D.

Vic needles Burnie about her son the priest knowing his mother is a murderer. "Do you think your son will forgive you?"

The bishop feels sorry for PJP, who is very confused and wonders what he did wrong. Why he never realized his mom was batshit crazy. The bishop says he's not the boss of Burnie. "Don't get confused. You don't have anything to do with her behavior. It's the parents who have to raise the children, not the other way around."

MD gets shoved in the back of the truck by the guys in ski masks.

PJP doesn't know how he can ask his parishioners to follow the rules when his mother is such a big 'ol sinner!

Burnie says it's her son's job to forgive, so she's off the hook. He'll pray for the salvation of her soul. Vic thinks it's waaaay too late for that. But Burnie says they'll just see who suffers more. She smoothes her 'do and struts out.

The guys take off their ski masks since MD is blindfolded. They tell MD that her worst enemy sent them.

No Sweet William Levy in a Kayak? What the hell did I watch this episode for?

Tomorrow: MD is kidnapped, Burnie's still in jail. I guess that's it.


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