Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Teresa Tue 7/26/11 #104 Sometimes the Facts of Life Just Bite!


As Viewerville peeks in, Teresa is rubbing it in for Ruben, Juana and Cutberto run into each other outside the vecindad as cupids shoot darts and hearts above, and Aurora manages to overhear her mommy and daddy’s conversation as they discuss the rules around Hector’s payment plan and tearfully realizes that Tere wasn’s dishing out her usual B.S. this time around.

Juana grouses at Buttberto for leaving without saying a word.  Buttberto misinterprets everything she says thinking she’s no longer engaged, but Juana clears that up immediately.  Buttberto turns on her and says well then, the two of them won’t be speaking to each other [no cruzar ni una palabra mas] and stomps off. 

Hector marvels at how Vanesssssa can take this state of affairs (oh yeah!) so lightly [frivola] and she corrects him: “--it’s not frivolous, it’s being practical!  I need money and you need me out of your way to clear the road for Juana.”  Aurora sees the money nearly change hands and hears as Vee threatens that the pesos better keep coming if he wants her to keep up the loving mother [madre amarosa] act.  Otherwise she’ll disappear just like before--and she does need a mother! 

Vee manages to guilt Hector with Aurora’s insecurities, as well as her disappearance while our baby doll beauty listens and witnesses all from behind the french doors.  “--I warned you I was too young to have children so soon, to do that to my body--the stretchmarks and all! Aurora confronts her mom and tells her that she doesn’t need her type of insincere affections.  (Harsh words and pretty strong stuff from sweet little Baby Doll.) Vee insists she does love her.  (Yeah, now that she’s all grown up, can dress and feed herself, and she’s long past the stretchmarks.) Aurora isn’t having any.

Back in the vecindad in Johnny’s, Mariano tries convincing Mr. Slow off the Mark that Fito has to be stopped.  Even if he doesn’t get Pati he could threaten anyone else Johnny holds dear.  He has to turn the creep in and make him pay for what he did to Paulo.

At the same time, back in the Alcazar’s, Aurora continues to give Mommy Dearest a long-awaited and very satisfying piece of her made up mind.  She turns to Hector and demands to know why he never told her the truth about his ex and that she was only there for cold hard cash?  Hector says, well heck, he only found out himself and wanted to avoid her getting hurt.  Well, you blew it, Pops!  Now I see what a low-life Mom is and I’m not exactly a naive little girl any longer!  (Couldn’t prove it by me!)  Hector is duly chastened and tells Vee her boots were made for walkin’ and that’s just what she should do, just walk on outta there. (Sorry, Nancy.)  Vee turns to go, but Aurora says she’s still got a bit more to say and kicks Hector out so they can talk.

Mariano continues to explain the facts around drug pushers like Gema and Fito: you just don’t say no to these types.  They force you to do worse and worse things for them.  The best thing for Johnny is to fess up to Pat--honesty being the best policy-- and to report the two of them to the cops.  In any event, if Johnny doesn’t, Mariano sure as heck will.

Aurora continues complaining to Vanessa about what a mistake it was to come back into her life like this when she was just starting to get on with her life.  (I repeat.  Ya couldn’t prove it by me!) Oh, says the shocked Vanesssssa, she had no idea, but she agrees it was a total mistake.  (Oh, spare me!) “--Well, if all you wanted was money, all you had to do was ask me and I’d have given it to you!.”  (Vee!  All that time with Hugo and he never taught you how to read people!  A real shame!  You could ‘a been pumpin’ her for the big bucks the whole time you’ve been there!)  Vee can only cry and look stooopid.

Speaking of looking stoooopid, Pati, Madrina and Padrino from the wedding are in Juana's apartment talking about Johnny's weirdness.  That’s why he’s back, agrees Butty. Does Esperanza know?  Are you crazy, asks Juana?  And risk her pregnancy?  Of course not!

After suffering through all the shaming she can stand, Vee finally admits she left Aurora and Hector because she fell in love with another man!  He was so fine and she was sooo tired of being alone all day long while Hector was spending so much time at the hospital.  Then she found out she was pregnant.  She had less nerve to confront Hec and stayed.  Time went by and she couldn’t stand the thought of all the boredom any longer.  “--How terribly selfish, Mama!  Never once thinking what I might feel growing up?” 

Across the way at the de la Barerra’s, our tiburoncita returns from her “upsetting” visit with poor El Bigote!  Ah, and she did tell him why they couldn’t take his case and had to give it to another lawyer, but he understood and of course, that Arturo had to do an audit of the Foundation’s funds as well.  Now then, my dear, how goes it with the Saenz case?  Tere offers to look at his file and offer what help she can.  Have at it, says Art and heads out the door to court.  With a self-serving grin, Tere heads to the desk and immediately dials the Notaries’ Association to let them know that their president is in jail for defrauding his wife.  (Team Teresa can’t help themselves.  They have the same sh!t-eating grins on their faces as well!  Je, je, je!)  Chomp, chomp!

Aurora says she can understand how as a woman Vee might have wanted to look for her happiness elsewhere, but how could she forget she was a mother?  Well, true, says Vee, she should have put motherhood ahead [anteponer] of her womanly desires [loosely translated, why didn’t you take your little kid with you?].  It just didn’t work out that way, but she’s so proud of the fruit of that love she once held for her father.  Aurora’s a beautiful and kind, learned and accomplished young woman now.  (Yeah, so just get. over. it. already!)  However, she doesn’t feel worthy of calling her daughter any longer, and hopefully she’ll be able to one day.  (Well, I won’t be holding my breath.)

On the other side of Elite Estates, Mayra has a call from a friend telling her that it’s all over television now that the president of the Notaries’ Association is in jail for theft [ladron= theiving].  Team Teresa shares a communal sh1t-eating grin as Aeeeda walks in complaining of the hounding journalists wanting a story.  (Oh how the mighty have fallen!)  Mayra doesn’t know if she can handle it.  Aeeeda says just give her power of attorney and she can take care of things and help with the trial while Mama takes a long, relaxing cruise to get out of the public purview. 

At Juana’s apartment, Pati and Espe tease her about still having a little bit of excitement at seeing Buttberto around there again.  She denies it and says she only has eyes for Hector.  They ain’t so sure and neither is Viewerville.  Pity.

Hector and Aurora now share a few well deserved tears over facing the hard cold facts about Mama Vanessssssa.  He did the wrong thing but for the right reasons and Aurora doesn’t fault him at all. 

Back at Juana’s the gang’s all there when Johnny and Mariano enter to tell Pati and the others about the problem with Fito.   Juana wants to call Tere since she’s a lawyer, but Mar says he and Johnny will go to the police and nobody else.  Johnny’s the one who’s been threatened, so it’s his place to go. 

The next day, at Teresa’s, Aurora apologizes to Tere for having been upset at her for exposing her mama.  Tere says aw shucks, no biggy.  Now at least you know what’s she’s really like and why she left.  Juana hears them talking and walks in to let Aurora know that, rather than putting her love up for sale, she would care for her as her very own, if only she were hers!  The two hug while Tere gives a major eye-roll and jealously fumes in the background. 

Johnny, meanwhile, arrives at Gema’s to wait for the “orders” he’s got to deliver.  She points out which comes with and which comes without.  A man walks in asking for a takeout and while Gema’s back is turned he signals to the man which box is “with”.  The man says he wants the delicious sandwich in the “with” box and takes it out to eat.  He finds the baggy of drugs inside, shows his badge and cuffs her. Gema is OMG-I’m-busted-impactada.  Johnny, though, doesn’t flinch an inch and Gema gives him the I-knowed-it-was-you-who-done-me-in-stink-eye. (Unfortunately, Viewerville is denied the best part: the perp-walk!)

At the hospital, Aurora tells Hec that she wants that check he meant to give to Vanesssssa.  She doesn’t want the woman on her conscience if she really is hurting for cash.  He disagrees with the move but gives her the check because he understands her good intentions.  “--It’s the last thing I’m going to do for her.” 

Genoveva has breakfast with Mayra to plead El Bigote’s case.  (What is Gen doing in a long sweater and tunic getup while Mayra’s in a sleeveless blouse?  Why oh why can’t costuming ever seem to get it together?) He wants to see Mayra.  Mayra’s reply: tough toe-nails. Come on, Gen says, it’s time to tell one and all that it was just a mistake.  Look at you and what a toll it’s taking!  Mayra insists there was no mistake and says the trial will proceed as planned. 

El Bigote is bullied by the other prisoners and learns fast that he needs pesos to  buy “protection” in the Big House. 

Tere stops by the ‘hood to visit with Espe and tells her that she thinks she’s in love with both men in her life now.  Espe says that’s the same way Ruben was and that’s a dangerous game; but Tere says, no she has  true feelings for both of them, unlike Rube.  What counts is that she knows that even though she can’t have Mariano, he still cares for her because he hasn’t moved in with Aeeeeda.  Espe advises her to stick with Art and forget about Mar, because she’s like the dog with two tortas who ends up with neither--the same that’ll happen to her if she doesn’t wise up soon.  Just like Ruben who hasn’t either his wife or her.  Tere adds that yep, it even got him sent to jail, too.  Espe is EXCUSE-me-WTH-impactada.  Tere realizes the slip and tells Espe to stay calm and breathe deep. 

Tere apologizes to Espe for giving her such bad news, but says oh well, better from her than somebody else.  “--He’s in jail for stealing from Mayra.”  Espe can’t believe how low the guy is to even rob from his own wife.  Tere smiles, happy to impart the 411 on Rubigote’s stay at El Bote [bote=informal for clink, slammer].  “--He pocketed [embolsarse] 45 million pesos-worth! Now I understand why he never got divorced.”  Espe agrees and exclaims in total disgust that she doesn’t  know which is worse, not getting divorced because he still loved her or because he was stealing from her.  Tere reminds her to calm herself.  “You’re freed from it all.  Think about it!  He’d have divorced her and then living with you, he’d have still gone to jail because he stole from both Mayra and Aida.” 

A bit later in the day, El Bigote gets a visit from Gen.  Mr. Big is feeling mighty small about now and wheedles Gen into giving him 500 pesos to start with as “insurance money”.  He sweetens the deal by saying he’ll need more to insure he can connect in there with somebody who can snatch Espe’s baby when it’s born.  Genoveva gets that strange look in her eyes and smiles.  How much will he need?

Back at the hospital, Aurora gives Mariano the details about Vanesssssa’s true nature and departure.  Mar says to buck up because despite it all she’s been able to make a success of her life.  Just then Vee peeks in on her and he heads back to his own office.  Aurora gives her a check and suggests she never darken her door--or her papi’s--again. 

Tere’s been doing her research on the Saenz case and tells Art that she’s been steeping [empapar] herself in the file.  She doesn’t understand why he would sell the same condo/apartment to 2 or three different buyers.  Art says it wasn’t his fault.  The builder lied to him.  They hadn’t built all of the structures Saenz had ordered.  She says they could have just built the rest.  Art says he’d planned on that and even compensating the other buyers with better condo’s than what they had paid for, but then the housing crisis happened and the market fell through, and that’s when the suits began to pile up.   

Tere can’t believe the number of suits filed against the man, but says she know’s Art’s worked miracles before.  Unfortunately, for him, all Saenz’ money has gone to pay for the court costs.  Well, at least [cuando menos] it looks like she might have found some technical errors that can help relieve the situation, she says, and she even underlined them for him to scan through.  He’s amazed at her industriousness and her ability cuz he’d been looking for days for things like that but hadn’t been able to find them. Oh, says our tiborancita, nobody but nobody has more desire than I that we win those lawsuits!  Chomp, chomp!

Vee takes the check and slithers out.  Hector and Juana catch up with her in the hallway and give her more grief.  She tells Juana to butt out, but Juana won’t and tells her she can’t understand how a woman like her could leave such a terrific little girl like her daughter, let alone trade her feelings for hard, cold cash.  Again Vee hisses at Juana and calls her a hypocrite since they both know the only reason she’s hanging with Hector is for his money!  Hey, says Juana, they know me and respect and value me just as I am.  How could you not appreciate your daughter? “--What would you know, anyway?  You’ve never had children!”  "--Not through blood, but through affection I have and I hope to appreciate and love those through my whole life long!”  

Tere, meanwhile, comes up with a plan to release Art from being Saenz’ guarantor.  Simply tell the court he lied to him and never told him the whole truth when Art took the case and offered to back him financially.  If Saenz is truly his friend, knowing that his case is lost already, he’d do the right thing and would understand Art’s predicament.  Art says he’s thought the same thing, but really couldn’t do that since Saenz made him fully aware of all the details.  Tere says that he’s got to convince Saenz that at least, if he still has money then he will be able to find a way to help him find a way out of this mess.  Art just can’t so she says she’ll speak with him and she’ll manage to get him to see reason.   (Works for me.  A lot of good any lawyer could do without the proper resources.  She may sound cold and calculating, but we’re talking salvation here and a win-win proposition, while we’re at it!  You go, girl!)  He doesn’t exactly say no.

Vanessa meets Hugo for lunch and hands him the check from Aurora.  It’s a few months of relief, he says. Yes, she says, she’ll get her things and they’ll go back to the apartment and get his paintings ready for the exposition!  He has so many nice things to sell!  (Forgeries by any chance?) They’ll need to find more money somehow because no, she wasn’t able to reconcile with Aurora or Hector.  Hugo throws a fit, tells her what a useless cow she is and he (along with her check) storms out of the restaurant!

Back at the hospital, Hector and Juana comfort Aurora.  She leaves and Hec tells Juana he knows about Cutberto’s return and can’t help being a bit jealous.  She explains about their responsibility as the madrina and padrino for Pati and Johnny.  He nods, but doesn’t look happy.

That evening, Genoveva gets a visit from the only hit-man-in Mexico City: Fito.  She hires Fito to kidnap the baby as soon as it’s born. No problemo. But it’ll cost.  No problemo.  But she wants something to ensure his silence in return.

Aeeeeda meets Mar at a coffee shop.  She’s moaning about the troubles Daddy’s caused her and Mama.  She wants to be alone with him at the apartment to drown her troubles or whatever.  He says no can do since he’s given the apartment over to Pati and Johnnie as a safehouse till Fito is caught.  “--What rotten luck!  Geez!”

Fito sneers at Gen and says in his biz, the one who should be watching somebody closely [balconear] is him!  How does he trust her?  She gives him most of the details and he says once he hands it over not to worry; she’ll never see him again.  (Oh yeah.  I’d like to see him blackmail her while El Bigote is in the bighouse paying protection pesos!  That’d be fun!)  He wants his money up front though and while Gen goes for her wallet in the other room, he looks around and spies the picture of dead Paulo on her coffee table.  Ruh-roh!!


Triunfo del Amor #167 7/26/11 Insert Witty Title Here

  • Millie and crew commiserate.
  • Burnie is berobed.
  • Max exposes himeself.
Hoy por la noche
  • JPito will be Brunie's salvation. He will grow by her side and this time she won't fail because she won't allow it.
  • Big JP is downstairs waiting.
  • Os wants to press charges against Burnie.
  • JP yells at momma B. She had no right to take the baby. She plays innocent. "Who would you rather have taking care of the baby?" JP says he understands but there was a better way to handle it. Burnie claims he taking care of the baby is for just a few days until Maria is better. Now JP can focus all his energies on taking care of Maria. JP reluctantly agrees and leaves. Burnie continues her previous monologue vis a vis the redemptive powers of TCBIM (the cutest baby in Mexico.)
  • In the vecindad Millie and Napo discuss Maria and the virus. Napo says that Max wouldn't leave her side. Both of them could die.
  • At the Sandoval Pavilion (Brilliant, Novela Maven!!), Maria is telling Max he shouldn't be risking his health. Max snuffles and says if she goes (as in kicks the bucket), he will go with her.
  • The comandante is watching the phone confession from Mama Lulu. Afterwards he explains to Os that really it can't be used in court. Burnie's lawyers could argue she doesn't even know Lulu or that Max threatened Lulu. Os is offended. El Comandante knows the Sandovals are honorable, but lawyers gotta do their jobs, right? He suggests Os go get Lulu, the fuzz will pick up Burnie and they can question the two. (Did I catch that right?)
  • Dr. Todo (more brilliance) and Leo talk about love... you know, 'cause he doesn't have anything better to do. All you need to know is that despite thinking he would never find love again, he has in Victoria. Leo is jealous and asks if he lerves her a lot (like Jr. High School...sheesh.) He says yes, but he feels like an intruder.
  • Max and Maria talk the lerve talk.
  • Leo wants to know what's stopping Dr. Todo. Vic can't make up her mind.
  • Os is looking for Mama Lulu. He has been driving randomly, but decides to pull over and try to remember the name of that pueblo Max told him about. A ha! San Somethingorother!
  •  Leo swears to Dr. Todo that he came along right when Vic needed him. Leo yammers about Os and Vic and that they just hadn't realized it was over. They just kept hanging on. Vic and Os just have a long history and this is why it's taking forever for them to cut ties with each other. Leo encourages Doc not to give up. Whatevs. TEAM OS!!!!
  • Os has located Lulu's Lair, but he has just missed her! No puede ser! Where could she have gone?....
  • Toni. Vic. Mi hija's. FFFTL (fast forward for the love)
  • Where is Lulu? Why, at TOBSIAOM (The only bus stop in all of Mexico!) Os begs and continues to beg as we cut to commercial.
  • Aaaaand Os is still begging! Lulu boards and the bus pulls out.
  • Burnie is back in black and still monologuing about about her salvation and JPito remaining clean and pure. He will dedicate himself to....I am distracted by TCBIM. Burnie even smooths JPito's brow!!
  • Jimena is complaining that she had a terrible night's sleep. She kept hearing a baby crying. Rox assures her that isn't possible. No babies here. Al contrario, says Eva and she spills the baby beans. Jimena has a fit.
  • JPito has finally understood Burnie's plan and he is making quite a ruckus! Burnie panics and can't figure out what he wants. She puts him in bed, surrounds him with pillows and leaves.
  • At Sandoval Pavilion, Max and Maria are missing the babies. Maria says she left JPito with Alma and is sure Nati and the vecindad crew are helping take care of him. Maria begins to talk about if "something happens." The babies will need Max. They are so small. Max shushes her. He's sure things will be fine. (BTW--No mention was made of Osvaldito's location.)
  • Ji, Burnie and Rox discuss the loss at the bienal and somehow Rox is offering to leave. Burnie asks where they would go and Ji mentions Gui. Burnie says no way. He is my enemy! Rox tells Burnie they wouldn't live with her enemy. Burnie remembers the baby and tells Ji she needs help with the baby. Ji says she doesn't know about taking care of babies! They are a pain/annoyance (Son latas!) She is dragged away to help anyway.
  • JP and Jer discuss Maria's imminent death and the virus
  • Burnie explains to Ji she's done everything and can't figure out why the baby continues to cry (oo! I know! He knows evil when he sees it!) Ji suggests a diaper change. Of course! Burnie didn't think of that! Burnie leaves to get a diaper (pañal.) While she's gone, Ji considers infanticide. It's the baby's fault she couldn't have happiness with Max. The baby and that mom of his made her lose her happiness. Well, if Ji ain't happy, Maria and Max won't be either. She raises the pillow menacingly. Burnie catches her and screeches. Ji makes up a lame, "trying to prop him so he won't choke" excuse. Burnie says something snotty and they commence with the diaper change.
  • Apparently Lulu has had a change of heart and is now going to to go with Os. She just can't believe that they are talking about the same Burnie. The one she knew was so noble. She raised her son to be a priest. What could have changed her? Os assures Lulu that Burnie is indeed EBIL, but Lulu need not worry. Nothing will happen to her. Some folks just want to chat.
  • Maria awakens from a nightmare in which JPito is in danger. Max assures her the baby is fine. He's going to go get some water. He gets up and his vision is blurry! His nose is bleeding! (QTH? What took WEEKS to manifest in Alonso takes 25 minutes in Max? Ah! Virulence must correlate with stupidity!) Max faints! Maria screams! A nurse gets Dr. Heri! Everyone runs! Heri barks orders! As he leaves the room he barks at Vic and Leo for being in the hall! They cart Max away on a stretcher!
  • Oh, Toni and Pip talk about how unfair this all it. 
Kayak and TFAIAOM (the fastest avances in all of Mexico)


La Fuerza del Destino-index

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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Alborada, 7/26/2011. Cap. 40

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #13, Tuesday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 40 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture. Oh, Noes! Is Hipólita dead? Will the story go on without her? Inquiring minds want to know.

Susanlynn's caption: "I've fallen for Luis and I can't get up!"


Teresa Mon 7/25/11 #103 Rubigote is nabbed and Sharkita is slapped.

When we left our Sharkita Friday, she had just told Aurora about her mother’s money-grubbing ways. Aurora doesn’t want to believe it. Teresa says she found it hard to believe it herself that Vanessa wants to fight for Hector’s assets. Aurora accuses her of wanting to hurt her. Teresa adamantly denies this, saying she advised Vanessa she wouldn’t take the case because Arturo had arranged the divorce and also because of her loyalty (lealtad) to Aurora, her friend. Aurora is now crying and doesn’t know what to think. Super Mariano passes by just then and sees her crying and swiftly flies to her rescue. He immediately asks Teresa, “¿Que le dejiste?” in an accusing tone. Teresa explains she just told her the truth about her snake-in-the-grass mother. (ok, I added the snake part) He takes Aurora away with his arm protectively around her. Teresa is aghast at the sight of Mariano comforting Aurora.

GEMMA’S STORE: Johnny’s complaining to Gemma about the package received at his home with the not so veiled threat against his mujercita. He’s already agreed to deliver Fito’s porquerías (garbage) in exchange for Pati’s safety. He warns her to stay away from his wife!

HOSPITAL: Juana arrives at Hector’s office. I sigh as exchange a peck upon seeing each other. She explains she’s not here as his novia, she’s here with some very serious (grave) news. She quickly spills the story about Vanessa going to see Arturo seeking a way to take away half his money. He doesn’t know why he’s surprised but finally he has the answer as to why she suddenly turned up after all this time. He asks Juana not to misinterpret his reaction. His only concern is his daughter. Juana completely understands and told him Arturo wanted to make sure he was notified ASAP and Teresa was wavering on whether or not to tell Aurora. Juana thinks he should handle this in the manner which he thinks is best for his daughter.

EL CLUB: Ruben runs into Teresa. They greet each other warmly enough. She asks how everything is in Rubigote’s world. She starts to twist the knife by asking him if he’s aware Espe is having a boy. He plays it off as though he hadn’t heard and that he’s maintained his distance from Espe per her wishes. Tere’s not done with him and says she’s glad to hear that because now that Esperanza is involved with Dr. Ledesma, it’s best the child see him as his father. Ruben’s smile fades – ah, Sharkita has hit her mark!

GRUMPY GRAMPS and Pati meet and she demands to know what he told Johnny! He tells her to stop her payasadas (clowning/ridiculous) and tell him outright that she’s pregnant and all they want is money from him to support the baby! She can’t believe he’d say that to her. She comes to him with a problem and he turns everything into a TELENOVELA!!! (ha! Love it!). She turns on her heel to leave and he yells after her, “¡Patricia!” Get over here! He wants the truth because Johnny’s come to see him about taking her back and even suggested he take her to her parents in Puebla. Pati’s crushed.

Back at EL CLUB, Teresa tells Ruben she’s surprised to see him there. Have they reconciled and now he and Mayra are here together? He tells her they’re still in mid-divorce but everything is going well. She’s surprised Mayra would have been so agreeable. Ruben smiles (the snake!) as he says she’s depressed but they both know she’s always been so weak (débil). Teresa smiles back and warns him to be careful because women who appear to be weak are the ones who will surprise you. He wonders what she means by that. Well, being a woman, she knows what we’re capable of when we’ve been betrayed. He’s all serious now, wondering what she knows. She says she doesn’t know anything but if it were her, she’d be planning the worst revenge. He knows Tere’s smart enough to plan such a revenge but he arrogantly says Mayra isn’t capable of such things. As he says this, Mayra and Aida walk up behind him, surprising him. He tells her, um, they were just speaking of her. Oh she heard everything, including how she’s too stupid to seek revenge. Is he so sure? Aeeeeeeeeeda just can’t help but ask if Mayra was so stupid, then why did her marry her, for her money? Now she knows why he and Teresa get along so well. Teresa signals her as if to say, leave me out of this, sistah! Mayra speaks up and says that truthfully she was in love with him, but no more. Furthermore, she’s not as stupid as he thinks and he will pay back every centavo he’s stolen from her! WHAAAAA?, asks Ruben. Is she accusing him of stealing from her? She asks if he wants her to show him the results of the audit she ordered. Ruh-roh!

ELSEWHERE AT THE CLUB, Mariano has taken Aurora aside to talk. She feels awful about what she’s just heard about her mother. He tells her he’s been suspicious about the way she turned up as suddenly as she disappeared and asks if she’s been able to confirm what Vanesssssa’s told her about her absence. Her silence says it all. He knows it’s difficult but she must consider the possibility that what Teresa’s told her is true. She should go talk to Arturo. Aurora’s in denial, saying “no puede ser.” She thinks her mother is here just to be with her.

CACERES CONFRONTATION CONTINUES: Teresa is enjoying the show as Mayra confronts Ruben and repeats that he’s stolen from her and she has proof! She leaves to supposedly bring the proof to him. Aeeeeeeda goes into harpy mode and shrieks at him, telling him she didn’t think it possible for him to stoop lower still. Teresa gleefully shushes her telling her, “la ropa sucia se lava en casa” (dirty laundry is washed at home, Spanish version of airing dirty laundry in public). Aeeeeeeda doesn’t care. Her father doesn’t deserve such consideration since he had none when it came to them. She speaks directly to Papá Bigote, telling him this is ADIOS! He’d better mark his calendar cuz this is the day he lost both his wife and his daughter. He asks her not to be so drastic and let him explain before she judges him. Teresa reminds her of Law 101: the accused has the right to defend himself or doesn’t she remember that class? She bids them farewell.

HOSPITAL: Hector’s on the phone cancelling all his appts and is on his way out when Vanesssssa slithers in, insisting they talk. She doesn’t like the idea that he divorced her just like that. He’s heard and assumes it’s because of the money. She sees the gossip has already reached him. He comments that sooner or later the truth would have come out that she didn’t come back for Aurora or for her love. Or is she going to insist that’s the reason she returned? Vanessa claims she came because of Aurora but admits she needs money. She’s in a “delicate” position and has many debts. She’s in urgent need of cash, and lots of it. “¡Esto es el colmo!”, he exclaims. That could be, she says, but she tells him he needs to give her money for all the years she was married to him. He absolutely refuses to give her a single peso after she thoughtlessly abandoned Aurora. She’s observed that he loves her very much and she’s become the center of his life. He admits he adores her. He’s no animal who abandons his children all over the world. It’s obvious to her he wouldn’t abandon his daughter under any circumstances. She tells him to admit that his objection to her being there isn’t only because she’s ruining his relationship with his daughter, but also with his dear costurera de vecindad (seamtress). How much is he willing to give her to leave him alone?

EL CLUB: Mayra’s on the phone with someone telling them she’s told Ruben she’s aware of the fraud and she’ll meet them outside. As she hangs up, she comes face to face with Teresa who sees that she’s had everything arranged. Mayra admits that what Ruben did hurt her very much and the only thing that has helped her through this is making sure he pays. Teresa expresses her sympathy for what she’s going through and about the ensuing scandal she’s sure to be embroiled in. Mayra’s aware of that but nothing will hold her back now. Teresa understands and feels that Ruben is the only one responsible for destroying her family. Ruh-roh, Geno’s just appeared on the scene. Teresa fills her in, telling her Mayra is finally avenging herself for everything that Ruben did. Mayra’s distraught, Geno’s impactada, and Teresa is just plain old loving it!

HOSPITAL: Hector’s enraged, wondering how he could have EVER been in love with her. Vanesssssa takes a deep, cleansing breath and calmly suggests they don’t argue and discuss the matter of money in a civilized manner. If they come to an agreement, she’ll just tell Aurora that she couldn’t get over him and didn’t want to interfere in his relationship with that Juana woman. Really, she just can’t understand how he could have been attracted to such a corriente (low-class) tipa. But, that’s his business. So, how much will he give her to disappear? FUHGET ABOUT IT! He tells her. (big whoop and high-fives all around from Viewerville!) It will never happen! She doesn’t know how much it pains him that she’s returned to fill his daughter’s mind with illusions. Aurora believes she really loves her and he can’t permit her to hurt her again. He agrees to give her money, but on a monthly basis and under very strict stipulations. She will need to fake motherly love for her daughter; she will dutifully call and write, with occasional visits. It’s that or nothing - her decision.

EL CLUB (AKA Rubigote’s Waterloo): Mayra’s walking outside complaining about el desgraciado Ruben with Geno and Teresa trailing her. Geno asks if she’s sure about the fraud and Teresa assures her there is no doubt because of the audit. Mayra tells Geno she would send anyone to jail who robbed from her and doubly so when it comes to Ruben. ¡NO!, cries Geno. Mayra says he supposedly loved her and that their family was important to him yet he still betrayed her! Geno insists she can’t send Ruben to jail. He’s the father of her child! Mayra responds that Aida’s in agreement that he rot behind bars (rejas). Teresa is in the background smiling her big sharkita smile, enjoying the show. Geno continues to state her position, saying Aida’s has been affected by all this drama. Mayra should be reasonable and convince her to change her mind. Mayra says it’s useless (inútil). She knows Geno esteems Ruben but she’s also her friend and needs to support her. Geno claims she is on her side but Ruben’s a lawyer and he’ll arrange it so he’ll remain free but with a damaged reputation which will also end up damaging Mayra and Aida, maybe even more so. Mayra thought Geno was her friend but by her defending that infeliz ladrón (thief)…….Geno backtracks and says she was only thinking of Aida, but, well she’s late for an appointment …. And she rushes back into the club as Teresa protectively comforts Mayra. Oh, brother!

Elsewhere at the club, Aeeeeeeeda continues her rant against her father. She sees nothing wrong with taking money from one fund and injecting it into another business --- but we’re talking about 45 Million! And who knows where that money is!? Or does he? She sees he can’t even answer her because it’s true. It’s a pity she shares his blood, she’s so embarrassed. Geno arrives on the scene telling Ruben they need to talk, now. It’s urgent! He shouts that they can talk later. Right now he needs to talk with Mayra. Aeeeeeda says her mother’s at the car, getting the evidence on the fraud. They should go meet her. She shoves him forward, “¡ANDALE PAPÁ!” Needless to say everyone at El Club is watching this drama unfold.

Ruben walks outside with Geno and Aida trailing him. He sees Mayra standing there surrounded by plainclothes cops. She points him out and they grab him. As he struggles to understand QTH is going on, he’s told he’s under arrest for fraud and abuse of trust (confianza). Ruben is in disbelief as Mayra and Aida look on. A rousing Viewerville cheer for Mayra: MAYRA, MAYRA, RAH, RAH, RAH!!!!

He can only say, “no puede ser”. There must be a mistake. Detective shows him the arrest warrant. He pleads with Mayra, telling her he merely moved funds from one business to the other. He can explain everything. “Tell it to the judge, if you can”, is Mayra’s response. But he can forget about her, the tonta who could do nothing against him, the one that could never find out about you has been awakened. He turns to Aida who can’t believe he’d ask that of her after everything he’s done to them. Mayra asks the commander to please take him away. Ruben resists but they drag him away. Geno can’t believe Mayra has done this and knows she’ll regret this later. Teresa speaks up and praises Mayra for her bravery. Geno looks as though she’s ready to kill Mayra. Whew! So much drama!

HOSPITAL: Juana asks Hector if Vanessa is still with the man for which she abandoned them. It doesn’t matter to him if she’s alone or not. What matters to him is Aurora. Poor thing, her mother doesn’t care one bit about her. Juana wonders if it wouldn’t be best to tell Aurora everything. Hector vehemently disagrees after seeing the way she defended her mother. She’s been so happy feeling the love of her mother. He can’t imagine how she’d react. He pleads with Juana not to tell Aurora. Let her continue believing her mother loves her. Juana understands. Although she doesn’t agree with him giving in to blackmail (chantaje), she admires him. She sees he’d do anything for his daughter. She cups his face in her hands and they embrace as he begins to cry. They kiss and she caresses his face again. Aw, I have to admit I got a little teary-eyed. Ha! Cutberto who?

Aurora and Mariano are leaving as she’s telling him she must speak to her mother. They come upon the drama unfolding with the Caceres Clan. Mariano fills her in, saying Mayra and Aida pressed charges against him for defrauding them of millions. Aurora confronts Aida about accusing her father. Aida tells her she is filled with so much anger that she herself wanted to condemn (inundir=to flood) him. But thanks to Mariano, Mayra decided to let another attorney handle the case. Ruben is just beginning to pay for everything he’s done to Mayra. When she saw the audit, she felt hatred for him. Mariano advises her not to say that and Aurora can’t think of hating either her father or her mother. Whoa – Aeeeeda fights back, saying that Vanessa’s abandonment was wrong and Aurora took her back with open arms as though nothing had happened. Aeeeeeda’s ranting again, saying she wishes she could be like Aurora but she just can’t! It pains her to know her father has been with another woman and that he’s having a son with her. What hurts her most is how much he’s hurt her mother. She just can’t deal with that! She breaks down. Aurora and Mayra both try to comfort her. Teresa can’t help but put her two centavos in. She understands how Aida must feel. Her family has just come undone (deshacer) and her father has turned out to be a swindler (estafador). Mariano tells her to shut it and goes to comfort Aida. He walks away with his arm around her. Twice in one day, Tere! First Aurora and now Aida. Looks like Mariano is comforting everyone in this town. Teresa and Aurora remain with Mayra and Teresa tries to comfort her. Oh yeah.

ELSEWHERE, Luisa is sharing coffee with her future Monster-in-law, telling her she doesn’t have many friends and has always been the solitary type. Oriana thinks this is due in part to losing her parents at such a young age and Arturo not knowing how to engage her socially but that’s all going to change. To start with, Oriana wants to host an engagement party. She has many more friends in Spain and she wants to introduce her to all of them. Oriana tells her to prepare herself because they will be going to Europe not only for that but also for her trousseau (ajuar). Said ajuar will be beautiful and her wedding will be carefully planned. Luisa timidly says she has some ideas about that. Uh, oh, here it comes. Oriana is happy to hear her ideas, she needs to be more direct with both her and Fernando. Luisa tells her it’s difficult for her. Oriana assures her she’ll rid her of her timidity.

Outside, Mayra and Aida are walking arm in arm. Aida has already spoken to the attorney and she will be in constant contact to keep track of all the details. She offers to go home with her but Mayra prefers to be alone now. She’d prefer it if Aida stayed behind with Mariano, it’ll do her good. Mariano and Aurora follow close behind. They’re talking about how much Aida needs them now. Vanessssssa walks up and tells Aurora they need to talk. Aurora agrees and they walk away to be alone. Mayra leaves and Mariano embraces Aida.

Vanessa informs Aurora she’s been to an attorney. Aurora doesn’t waste time in telling her she knows it was Arturo and she’s hurt to know that she wanted to go after Hector’s money. Is it true?, she asks. Is that the only reason she’s returned? Vanessa can’t believe she’d think that and only says this because she still doesn’t know her well enough. She starts to twist everything around, of course. She says she fights because part of it is Aurora’s. Aurora doesn’t understand and neither do I so Vanessa goes on to explain. She’s only doing this because she’s worried about what Juana can do! After all, what guarantee do they have that Juana isn’t after Hector’s money? Vanessa quotes another dicho: “Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos” (literal: we can see the face, but we don’t know the heart). Besides, she’s only asking for what is rightfully hers and in the future if what she suspects comes true, she’ll leave it all to Aurora, mi amor. Aurora asks what would happen if it’s not true. “Well then, um, we’ll see”, is the forked-toungued response. She then promises not to touch one peso of that money. It’ll all go in the bank and in the future it will all belong to Aurora. She doesn’t want anything to separate them now that they’ve found each other. Aurora assures her that will not happen. She loves her and thinks of her as a friend. Although she had once thought Juana could be like a second mother, there’s nothing like having her true mother with her. After hearing Vanesssssa talk about how she loved her as a baby, the joy she felt to have Aurora in her womb (vientre), how could she stop loving her? It would never happen, just as it would never happen that Juana would do anything to harm her and her father would never abandon her.

Luisa is emboldened to tell Odiosa Oriana that she wants Teresa as her Maid of Honor. hOrroriana quotes an old saying about there always being one black grain of rice, and that will be Teresa at Luisa’s wedding. She can be the MOH if that’s what Luisa wants but it won’t go well. Teresa isn’t worldly and won’t be able to join in the conversation amongst “people like us”. (ugh, what a pompous ass). Luisa defends Teresa, saying she’s a mujer titulada (graduate), she’s cultured, educated. Oriana says that’s up to her if she wants to expose (exponerla) her. She’s promised to make an effort to tolerate her so long as Teresa is discreet and stays in her place. Luisa’s very uncomfortable with the old battleaxe.

Their talk jumps to children: Oriana understands that it isn’t customary any more to have children at her young age; however, Fernando is now a grown man and Oriana herself isn’t getting any younger. She’s anxious to hold a grandson and prepare him for the day when he will take the family surname with pride. Luisa does want to be a young mother but she needs to talk this over with Fernando. Oriana knows she can find the best way to convince him.

Teresa and Aida meet and Teresa starts in telling Aida to take a good look at herself. After she’d criticized Teresa so much, now look at her. Teresa was born and raised in the vecindad and they were poor but always honorable. But Aida? Her father is nothing more than a despicable thief (vil ladrón) WHACK! Aida slaps her hard across the face! She admits her father did them wrong, but neither she nor anyone else will talk trash about him or her family in front of her because she will NOT PERMIT IT!!! We hear clapping. Aida turns to see Oriana walk in congratulating her for her bravery and saying she and her mother needed a lot of bravery for what they did to her father. But that’s expected in a marriage where one of “them” is not of “our class”. She explains that Mayra, from a good family, was attracted to an arribista (social climber). She apologizes to Aida because she’s talking about her father but she told Arturo the same thing with regards to Teresa. Teresa speaks up, saying she will not allow one more insult because she can be one mean cookie. She warns her to stop messing with her because those who mess with her end up paying dearly. Does she think it’s a coincidence about what happened to Ruben? Aida jumps to the conclusion that Teresa might have had something to do with the fraud. Teresa just stares at her. “¡¡¡CONTESTAME!!!”, screams Aida. Teresa backs off by describing it as just “a saying” because life has a way of paying you back for your actions. Aida doesn’t believe that’s what she meant and Teresa comes back by saying the only ones guilty here are Aida and Mayra. (? I’m assuming guilty of Ruben being caught by the law). Oriana doesn’t believe Teresa either. It could be she has the face of an angel, but she’s the devil himself. She then throws in a dicho: “El Diablo sabe más por Viejo que por Diablo.” (literal: the Devil knows more because of his age than because of merely being the Devil). Teresa tells Oriana that time will prove her wrong and instead of worrying about what she does or doesn’t do, she should be worried about Aida’s future. She then goes on to tell Oriana that Mariano is from the same Vecindad and according to Oriana’s Code, he’s not the “ideal” suitor for the Princess Aida. HA-HA. She’s had the last laugh and walks away leaving Aida alone to face la Odiosa Oriana who is clearly not happy about this last little tidbit. She asks Aida if this is true. Aida replies it is but Mariano is very different. He’s noble and is anything but interested (in her money). He’s the only one who came to her aid after her fiancé died. She lists all his virtues and feels he’s the perfect match for her. Oriana admits she has a favorable impression of him but still cautions Aida about formalizing her relationship with him. On the contrary, Aida would love nothing more, but he doesn’t seem too keen on the idea. She’s sure that deep down, he’s still in love with Teresa.

Mariano arrives at Refugio’s apparently at her request. She’s very worried about Johnny and his behavior. She fills him in on what’s been going on and now Johnny’s been gone since early morning and they don’t know where he is. She asks Mariano to help her find Johnny.

Pati’s at Juana’s fretting over Johnny. She doesn’t want to tell Esperanza because of her risky pregnancy. Johnny doesn’t answer his cell, oh, who can possibly talk to Johnny? She wants to make a long distance call…….to Cutberto! (ratz, I knew it was too good to be true he was gone).

THE POKEY!!!! Geno visits Ruben. He’s incredulous that she didn’t know Mayra had uncovered everything. No, Geno says, but she’s worried Mayra may have also discovered the affair. Ruben can’t think about that because it would further complicate his situation. He needs out! He can’t remain jailed and can’t get out unless Mayra grants him a pardon (otorga el perdon). He begs Geno to get close to Mayra to find out what’s going on. He also asks her to see Arturo. He may be able to find a way to get him out. She promises to help him, but let’s talk about that baby! Not much time left for that baby to be born and then the three of them can be happy. He asks her to do whatever she has to and she’ll know his gratitude. She promises she’ll get him out of jail. OOOPSIE! Aida is standing there demanding to know why Geno is so keen on getting him out of jail --- and notices they’re holding hands. Close ups of hands, faces, and oh my!

CASA BARRERA: Teresa tells Arturo she doesn’t think he should defend Ruben. She knows he’s his friend, but so is Mayra. There’s no way he can win the case, Ruben’s guilty and Mayra has all the proof. Arturo can’t believe he’d steal from his own wife. They’ve been friends for years and Ruben trusts him. She brings up the Saenz case. They need to concentrate on what’s more important and refer Ruben to another attorney. Arturo agrees, admitting he can’t lose the Saenz case. She also suggests that he bring back Martin so he can review the books for Paloma’s Foundation. After all, if Ruben was capable of stealing from his wife, what would keep him from skimming from the foundation? She reminds him he’s the one who recommended Ruben to oversee the foundation. It would be horrible if Arturo ends up getting mixed up in this mess.

BACK AT THE SLAMMER: Geno thinks fast and rises up to get Aida’s hand as she holds Ruben’s with the other. She tells Aida to speak to her father and forgive him, as should Mayra. They’ve been a family for so many years. “Years, yes”, says Aida, “during which we were BETRAYED.” Geno continues, saying they carry the same blood. She can’t stop loving her father. That’s why she’s here, she cares for all three of them. She also admits she has another reason for being there: Luna Turqueza. It wouldn’t do anyone any good to know that one of the principle investors is behind bars. Ruben thanks Geno and asks to be left alone with his daughter. Geno agrees but not before asking Aida to think about what she’s said. Aida sits across her father and says she only came by to find out if Teresa had anything to do with the fraud because if she did, there’s even less of a chance that she’ll ever forgive him. Ruben tells her Teresa had nothing to do with it. He talks to her again about the transfers of money being legit. The audit came to the wrong conclusion. He only moved the money around as a way to avoid taxes. She reminds him that’s also fraud, fraud against the treasury (fisco), so don’t go making matters worse. She’s said all she came to say. ADIOS!

FITO EL MALDITO walks with Gemma as she explains about the not so veiled threat against Johnny’s mujercita. She knows he understood because he came by to confront her about it. But he did agree to continue delivering. She tested him by having him deliver some sandwiches without drugs and he completed the deliveries. That’s good Fito says but still thinks they should be careful around him. Gemma agrees because who knows how much pressure he can handle. They both laugh their evil laugh. BWA-HA-HA!

JUANA’S APT: Juana asks if Hector has reconsidered about telling Aurora the whole truth, it’s not too late. He says no and he needs to leave to catch Aurora at the hospital. He doesn’t want Juana to come with him; he prefers to do this himself. She asks him to stay calm. He thanks her for her support and for loving his daughter as if she were her own. He tells her she’s marvelous and tells her he loves her before kissing her. Touching scene.

HOOSEGOW : Now Tere’s come for a visit with Ruben. She tells him Arturo won’t be defending him. Ruben is angry Arturo would turn his back on him at a time like this. He needs the best attorney. Teresa says he’ll gladly recommend a colleague (colega) but as he himself should agree, Arturo can’t get involved in this. Ruben’s convinced she talked Arturo out of representing him. She denies it but says it wouldn’t be good for Arturo to get involved with him. Arturo put Ruben in charge of the foundation. Who’s to say he didn’t do the same with the foundation that he did with Mayra’s money. Ruben asks if Arturo has lost confidence in him. Teresa replies by saying she suggested Arturo conduct an audit for the time that Ruben was in charge of the foundation.

JOHNNY’S APT: Johnny’s tells Mariano that Pati’s accustomed to a different lifestyle. He prefers that she return to her Grandfather. Mariano tells him to stop with the lies. They love each other. His poverty doesn’t bother Pati. How he wishes Teresa had been the same. They would’ve been very happy. Johnny can’t face him as he repeats that Pati is better off without him. It’s very clear to Mariano that Johnny wants to get Pati away from here but he doesn’t understand why. He walks up to Johnny who’s crying now. Mariano wants to help him and tells him that the first thing he needs to do to resolve whatever problem he’s facing is to think of a solution. (duh) If he can’t do that alone, he can count on Super Mariano, that’s why he’s here. Johnny begins by saying it’s a grande broncota (slang for big problem) having to do with his deliveries for Gemma. He spills about the drugs, Fito, and Gemma. Mariano scolds him for having seen Fito and not telling him. He wants to go to the police and press charges against him right now!

BACK AT THE SLAMMER, “Who the Devil do you think you are,” Ruben tells Teresa. “Moi? Just little ol’ me, but the difference between me and Mayra is I know how to take care of my interests. Although you gotta hand it to the little lady, she didn’t appear so dumb or weak when she had you arrested.” Ruben sees that she’s enjoying this but tells her not to claim victory so quickly. He’s sure Arturo will help him and she will be the one to convince Arturo. And why should she do that?, she asks. He should accept what’s happened. Not only will he not make bail (fianza), he also faces up to 12 years in jail. DUN-DUN-DUNNNN!


Monday, July 25, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #69 Monday 7/25/11 Not All Storms End, Some Loves And At Least One Lover Are Still On The Rocks

Review: Augie tries to defend his “rich guys do-nothing attitude,” which isn’t making Renata’s breakfast go down any easier. Adriana advises Matias that he is the most optimistic person she knows of to be marrying someone he doesn’t love or even know well for the sake of a baby.

Chema and Cons plan by phone that they will meet to clarify a few things, Honorio comes in wanting to ask questions, He can’t sleep and not because his infidelity but because of his jealousy over Consta’s interest in another man. Go figure, hmmm?

Gonzo says it isn’t convenient for Balaaaaanca to stay until the end of the month and he has decided that she must go by the end of the month. She can’t believe they don’t Waaaant her for the rest of the month

Renata gets an earful about the valiant gestures by Jeronimo. Ezekiel has to tell Renata that the village all helped each other at the church and Jero was a true hero even though it is now too late for Renata to make up for ignoring the alarm bells and spending the night as Ms. RichBeach in Augie’s snug mansion. The crisis is now past.

Regina takes over Carlos' care and orders him to bed or she will strap him down. Matilde echos the command to cooperate or else. Jero has had a thump on the head and decides that Renata must have been telling the truth and he just can’t be without her. He doesn’t know why he didn’t believe her at first but now he needs to bath and go tell her.

Blanca calls Honorio a coward for letting Gonzo be the one to tell her that this is her last day. She can’t believe he didn’t defend her so she can stay. I can’t believe she is continuing with this loco line of thinking. She sure does a good ugly scowl.

Chema tells Consta that the photos of them greeting each other in the park were sent to Honorio by Roberta and Selene probably helped even though she denies all of it. Chema says he has no proof but is sure they did it to hurt her and Honorio and to pressure him.

The doctor tells Fina that Roberta glowers from the bed that Roberta is a bit better considering she lost so much blood. Fina menaces, “and the other (now would that would be DEAD BABY or ETERNAL STERILITY??). Let’s see, Doc picks the later and says she’s not sure yet. It’s not looking good however. Roberta, who by the way is looking so much more innocent without all the power-to-the-sluts makeup, (I’m just sayin’ here folks. Sorry, where was I) Roberta says it is all Fina’s fault that she may be sterile. Fina makes sure Roberta appreciates her genius that will deliver Roberta a rich husband and a life of luxury, only her, how about a little gratitude for super mom here, snotnose. . While Roberta acknowledges that she doesn’t want to forgo this pleasant future (lying out by the club pool, reapplying makeup, avoiding toil and thought) is so sad that she may never be able to be a mother. Fina who finally shows what great mothering is all about, says she is sorry. Roberta rejects her attempted maternal kiss.

Regina brings Carlos clean sheets (for bandages?) and they discuss that Jero has dashed off on a tear. Jero is indeed off on a tear and we see small parts of the river bank breaking off into the turbulent river while Renata and Augie drive and argue about having not helped the pueblo in the storm. (This has got to be some kind of foreshadowing of one of Renata’s future thought process). Renata tells Augie how the village now adores Jero for his kind offer of housing and help to all who were devastated by the storm. Claws gripping the steering wheel, Augie can’t believe she has any feelings for that rat Jero.

The big cars approach on opposite sides of the rivercreek and Jero tries to come down the river bank Augie is not going to stop the car but Renata insists. She get out. Jero screams that he loves her. As she listens to what he is screaming to her, they see a big waterfall, mudslide sweep Jero away. Augie’s only reaction is to keep Renata from rushing to Jero’s side. Renata tries to run down the slope to a quickly vanishing Jero but is stopped by Ezekiel and Augie both grabbing at her arms, idiots.

Dr. Drinkmuch surveys his swamp of an office with chagrin. He postures for nurse Elsa, We have to keep appointments and attend to the people. We’ll have to get a new clinic space. She says after last night there isn’t much of a practice. Jero and Regina were saving everyone so for his drunkenness the whole town will reject him. He argues in ever so slurred voice, what’s one night of a little drinking? It’s not only one night, further the rumor in town is that you operated on Rafael drunk and therefore he died. Elsa is ordered out. But, she says you can’t kick me out, I quit. He upturns the desk, flings papers and office supplies to further enhance the swamp decor. He sits down to drink a big swig from the bottomless hip flask.

At the hospital, Inez and Andrecito have cell phones to use as walky-talkies for a mother and child reunion through the observation glass sending kisses. Inez’ game face is much more cheerful now. Andrecito wants out he doesn’t want to be here, he is afraid. (maybe he smells Fina’s evil) Dad assures him he will be there but Adrecito repeats, no I want out of here. Mom says you have to stay here until the crisis is past. Don’t surrender and Dad repeats the family refrain, here no one surrenders. They look hopeful. I’m worried now.

Antonio with his bull face on is not looking so hopeful. He sits in his clothes but is still in his hospital room (what time is check out anyway) he and Doña Cata worry about having not heard from Regina after the storm. He worries that he sent her out of town to get her out of danger and yet has sent her into worse dangers perhaps. Doña Cata isn’t sure if the assassination threat is worse. Should we be worried that she calls him son all the time?

Back at the church, Kari has decided to look for room at the Alfonsina Inn and begs to be taken in while she figures out what to do. Dr. Drinky isn’t going to reform after all she concludes. Alfonsina worries about whether Augie will permit her to stay. Kari doesn’t want more rejection form Lazaro who is standing right next to them and seems to ignore the conversation. Alfonsina will ask Augie. She wants to be a better friend even though she hasn’t been a good one. In spite of everything she love her. Kari puzzles, in spite of what? Just as Kari probes for what Alfonsina means, a man arrives to announce that Jero has been swept away. End of confession hour at the church… Kari, Alfonsina, Lazaro and the Padre all surge out toward the missing Jero.

Augie and Ezek are busy holding Renata back, as they scream, she sees Jero, Augie is more concerned about controlling her (this isn’t a good precedent dude, trust me). Augie orders Ezek to go get a rope. Jero is on the rocks but above water. Augie just holds Renata back some more without even looking toward Jero much as he bobbles in the rushing water like a fishing lure.

Inez talks with the Doctor that Andrecito has to stay intent on his improvement and survival but is pressing to go home. The doctor agrees to examine him again. His improved determination is a good sign. And leaves Inez just as she sees Fina in the lobby looking for coffee. She casually asks a passing nurse, who is that woman, I know her but just can’t think of her name… The young nurse offers, she is Sra. Monterrubio. Oh yes, Inez has probably seen her in the society pages She then asks the nurse why is she here, is she sick, no her daughter lost a baby. Inez pumps for more but the nurse says excuse me I committed an indiscretion. Such a convenient one though, that Inez is so smooth suddenly.

Inez averts her face while Fina gathers her coffee and comes back into Roberta’s room saying everyone in the hospital has such tragic faces but not with a drop of kindness in her soul.

What are you telling Papa? Lets see, Fina dials Gonzo to surprise him with, Oh we are at a Spa so that our daughter can recuperate a little and will stay both stay here overnight to get spa treatments. It’s a package deal for brides with manicures, pedicures, and all. Gonzo says fine. He gives in to girly stuff with a shrug adding, spoil our dear daughter. Fina says sweetly, we will see you first thing tomorrow, all ready and precious for the big day. Spa special for brides, scoffs Roberta from her bed. Will papa swallow that we are in a spa for brides? Fina notes, better than him thinking you are recovering from a miscarriage in a hospital. He isn’t going to hear that.

Constanza shows up at the Monterubbio mansion to tell the maid to have Roberta call her immediately. The maid simply tells her that she isn’t home even though her car is, Roberta and Fina left the house really early.

The rescue continues with Lazaro rappelling down the bank while on the other side, Ezek comes finally with a rope. Lazaro reaches Jero first. While Kari, Alfonsina and the Padre help Augie hold Renata back. (Can you tell this annoys the snot out of me?) Renata yells, is Jero alive, is he alive? They all hurry along the bank and Lazaro swims to reach his master.

Blaanca packs spare sex toys or whatever while clueless Daniel tells her he is surprised that she is leaving early. She wants to stay to the end of the month but those Monterubbios are so volatile. He will miss her friendship and she says his friendship isn’t important, then catches herself saying now she will need his friendship more than ever and they will not lose contact because she needs him to agree to be her eyes and ears reporting EVERYTHING that goes on here. Still clueless, Daniel can’t understand why she would care what happens here after she goes. She offers him to become a prince with a huge bank account if he helps her. He loves Adriana and doesn’t want to trash the family of the woman he loves. She builds his confidence, telling him he better realize he will be an insignificant employee to Adriana so he’s better performing treachery with her. So he can at least be rich.

The rescue ensues, mouth to mouth and chest presses are applied by Renata and Lazaro so Jero finally spits water much to everyone’s relief (except Augie me thinks).

Madrina and Matilde talk in the kitchen. Madrina is hopeful there won’t be any more dead people. Matilde says yeah, but they were so close to sending poor Carlos to the other world. Madrina pumps her to admit that she is happy Carlos survived and she really loves him. Carlos listens in the door way so Madrina and Carlos signal and wink while Madrina does her magic, prompting Matilde to admit that what she felt for Jero was just admiration. She asks what she feels for Carlos she is stlll afraid of the curse on her and she doesn’t want anyth to happen to HER Carlos. She will love him forever but she can’t risk having him die from her bad karma.

They river crew argue over Jero’s slumped but breathing body that they should go to a hospital but that is too far, Augie suggest his place, and Lazaros says no way, but Regina is at the Bonita and will know how to care for him. Renata is surprise Regina is there.

Matias and Gonzo go another round about no news from Baja Napa and why Jero can’t come to the wedding. Gonzo says what is it, for once tell me what you have against Jero. Constanza come in at that moment and tells Matias it is time to spill the beans to Gonzo about why he is really mad at Jero. And why he is marrying Roberta.

Adriana writes an e-mail to Renata that she is worried so Renata is to write her or call as soon as she can. Daniel comes to the door. Adriana thinks he wants to discuss accounts but no he says this is about you and me.

Gonzo is bouncing off the walls, This is inconceivable, It can’t be! that Jero is papa to Roberta’s baby. You mean he did this with his wife’s own sister? Matias says I only want to protect Renata . Constanza chimes in that Matias has been more noble than Gonzo can imagine. Matias says he agreed with Roberta no one is to know, but Consta adds that Matias has prepared the prenuptial agreement is that no one will know and the arrangement is only for one year. (No one knows what Fina has done. The clock is ticking.) Gonzo can’t believe his so misjudged Jero and Matias rubs in a bit that he agreed not to interfere per Gonzos demands. When Matias leaves, Gonz wants to know what else Consta came for and she hesitates then says to hear about Regina. Gonzo has no news.

Daniele can’t believe that Adriana has no interest in him after all Matias is going to marry Roberta tomorrow. Clueless Daniel acts on the corollary to the Blanca argument that now Adriana is so big and important she has no interest him. Adriana reminds him ever so gently that she knows what it is to love someone and not have them love you back in the same way. She never intended anything romantic. But didn’t you love me? Only as friends. The fumes of treachery waft in the hallway. He leaves in a self inflicted huff.

Jero and his resucuers arrive noisily at La Bonita. Regina takes command telling Renata to get his clothes off and get his body warm while she goes to look for antibiotics. Fueling the “too many antibiotics argument here in telenovela land and lets review the mouth-to-mouth resusitation guidelines? Okay let’s not). Renata dutifully takes his clothes then takes off her own adds a terry robe then jumps into bed to warm his half drowned body the old fashioned way. She kisses his partial consciousness and he vows his love to Renata. They kiss with passion and foggy sweetness. Whew, we all needed that. Now on with la Guerra..

Next Time; we review the Jero’s coming to find Renata to forgive her, and Renata throws a fit to find out from Regina that Jero originally married her for vengeance She asks who poisoned Jero with lies about me? Regina takes the bull by the horns and says it was your MOTHER.


Triunfo del Amor #166 7/25/11 Oops! She Did it Again!

Heading into the final stretch All That is Good and Holy takes the lead...Now Forces of Evil comes from behind... All That Is Good And Holy and Forces Of Evil are neck and neck... and ladies and gentlemen, you won’t believe this, they’re just seconds from the finish line and Forces Of Evil is pressing for the lead ... Now Forces of Evil pulls out in front...

Reprise: María comes forward to join Victoria on stage and collect her prize as best model. Vic is alarmed by María’s sudden nosebleed. An instant later, María, still holding a red rose, falls in a dead faint at her feet.

Blood and Roses
María lies unconscious, her skin pale against the red of vividly painted lips, fresh blood and rose petals. The shocked Casa Victoria gang rushes forward and Max gathers her up in his arms.

Of course not everyone is upset. Ximena brays to Rox that she’s glad that whore fainted – now she won’t even be able to enjoy her prize!

Max sets María’s still unconscious form on a white couch backstage. The family crowds around, nearly hysterical. Give us some space, barks Dr. Sabelotodo, and he begins a perfunctory examination.

The vecindad folks watch uneasily from the audience. Is this a pregnancy thing? Should they go to María? Juanjo and Leonela convince them to stay out of the way and wait to hear what the doctor says.

Dr. Todo doesn’t have the equipment he needs to examine María properly. Then let’s not waste any time, says Juan Pablo. Let’s take her to the hospital. Max once again sweeps up the alarmingly unresponsive María and he, Todo, Vic, JP and Fer set off. Luci, Pipino and Fabián will stay behind and pack up after the show.

Curses! Foiled!
Bernarda rides through the city night brooding over her defeat and blaming her incompetent staff: ¡una bola de ineptos! ¡estúpidos! She should never have trusted Ximena... The sound of her cell phone ringing interrupts her blame rant. It’s Eva with the latest about María: Hah! The winners didn’t even get a chance to celebrate! One way or another, the scandal is going to end up hurting Casa Victoria.

To the tune of Edelweiss: ♪Schadenfreude, Schadenfreude♪
María’s – and of course, Victoria’s – sorrows are more delicious to Bernie than the finest sherry. Eva’s tidings have just confirmed that, as always, divine justice is on Bernarda’s side.

Osvaldo, a Lear-like figure in his lonely room, figures the fashion competition must be over by now and wonders about the outcome. He switches on the tv and sure enough, there’s a reporter announcing TONIM (The Only News in Mexico): Casa Victoria has won the biennial! Os jumps up happily but his joy fades as the reporter continues: The winning model, María Desamparada, fainted right on the stage (en pleno escenario) and was taken to the hospital. Os grabs his jacket and rushes to TOHIM (The Only Hospital in Mexico).

The vecindad gang gathers at Mili’s place. Napo saw María’s nosebleed. Ah, caray, says Chente, unwittingly delighting everyone who reads this blog. He remembers very well:
Así se ponía Alonso cuando se daba una de sus crisis.
(That’s what used to happen to Alonso when he had one of his attacks.)
Maybe she caught what Alonso had, suggests Juanjo. Don’t even say that, says Nati, horrified. Mili voices everyone’s fear: Is she going to die like Alonso? Noooooooo!

At the hospital, Max sets María on a stretcher and as the attendants escort her to the treatment area, Dr. Todo tries to get everyone to calm down. This might be simple exhaustion or stress. He tells Victoria – hands clasped, eyeball to eyeball -- she has to show strength and the others will follow her example.

The vecindad gang continue to wring their collective hands. Alma had been watching little Juan Pablo during the show but now Nati takes charge of him. All the gang can do is wait for news. And when the Jarochas get up to make coffee for everyone, we learn – crash! – that in Spanish, you don’t have butterfingers, you have butterhands (manos de mantequilla). They talk about Cruz’s father’s illness. He never smoked, he tells them, but breathing in the smoke of a coal-burning stove all those years was probably what made him sick.

Finally Cruz gets a call from Fer. María is in the exam room (area de exploración), she tells him. Fer hopes there are no problems with this pregnancy...
....Cruz tells the waiting group: She thinks it’s a complication of the pregnancy.

Cruz tells Fer he’s on his way to the hospital. And don’t worry about your nephew, he says. Nati and Alma will take good care of him.

In the waiting room of the Sandoval Pavilion
Max paces restlessly. He wants to press the staff for news but Juan Pablo prevails on him to be patient. After all, Dr. Todo did promise he’d talk to them as soon as he knew anything.

Victoria, flanked by Toni and Fer, encourages them all to pray that the doctors are on their A game (que Dios ilumine a los médicos, that God enlighten the doctors). Not a bad prayer.

Next on the scene is Osvaldo. He does his best to reassure Victoria. Max and PJP fill him in on what is happening and then PJP heads off to the chapel.

Now Leonela makes her entrance. She explains carefully that she has no intention of getting in anyone’s way. She just wants to be there for her son. Then she turns to Fer and asks for two minutes alone with her. Fer refuses at first but when Os nods his encouragement, she follows Leonela out.

In the chapel, PJP prays for his daughter.

Fer and Leo make nice
In case you’ve lost track of snits, Fer has been in one ever since she caught Leonela stealing a kiss from Osvaldo some time back. Now Leo pleads ... er ... confusion. When she kissed Osvaldo, she was feeling alone and unprotected; in her confused emotional state, she thought she was in love with Os. But Os immediately set her straight: he loves Victoria more than anything in the world. And ever since that time, she has only looked at him as a dear friend and the father of her son. Nothing more.

These days Leo is struggling hard with her recovery. She has no desire to cause suffering or break a family apart.

Fer listens, believes Leo’s words, accepts her apology and offers her forgiveness.

Cruz arrives and joins the family in the waiting room. When Dr. Todo walks up, everyone starts talking at once but Os quiets them so Todo can speak. He gives them the grim news: It looks like María is infected with a virus. And according to their tests, it’s the very same one that Alonso had.
Vic buries her face in her hand and looses a handful of restrained “Mi hija nooooo’s

I’m as surprised as you are, folks. Who knew an infection could be infectious?
What can we do? Os asks Dr. Todo. Todo -- or maybe we should call him “CasiLoTodo”? -- doesn’t really have an answer for Os. He acknowledges he is also surprised and worried by this turn of events. There’s no question that María has the same symptoms Alonso did. Their tests have confirmed the diagnosis. The one good thing he can say is that María is just in the first stage of the illness.

So how many stages are there? asks PJP. Three, answers CasiLoTodo. And it is essential for her to be kept in isolation. The virus is poorly understood and there is no cure. The only thing they can do is try to control it. We want to keep the illness from progressing to the second stage. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on her body’s own defenses, as well as on her desire to live, on her faith and on her love. [And most of all – on the will of the writers.]

[Apparently we are the only ones wondering why CasiLoTodo never considered that Alonso’s illness might be contagious. But I bet if he were here, clasping our hands, fixing us with his hypnotic gaze, lulling us with his basso profundo, we wouldn’t be asking any questions either.]

The Wicked Queen is at the Door
In María’s apartment, only little Juan Pablo, in his whimsical white polka-dotted jammies, seems unconcerned. Nati and Alma are worried sick about their friend. Well at least they can take care of her son until she is well again. Suddenly, the door opens and a gust of evil fills the small space – it’s Bernie! And she has different childcare arrangements in mind. She demands that Nati hand over Juan Pablo at once.

Alma rushes out for help. When she comes back with reinforcements a moment later, somehow it is Bernie, not Nati, who holds the baby. What the...! How did tough, smart Nati let that happen? Have her pregnancy hormones turned her soft and stupid?

The vecindad gang lose their collective mind
Bernie claims that as a blood relative, as his great grandmother, she has a legal right to the child. When Milagros objects quite reasonably that María Desamparada wouldn’t want her son in the hands of a murderous psychopath, it is Napo who dismisses her objection. Bernie is right, he says. She may be a crazy psycho bitch but she is family. [Are you sure you want to marry this guy, Mili?]

Bernie marches out triumphantly, babe in arms, leaving them all staring stupidly after her.

The only thing we can do is call Padre Juan Pablo, says Juanjo.

Once more Bernarda rides through the city night but this time, with little Juan Pablo settled in her lap, she is gloating. You’re mine, she tells him, and I’ll fight to keep you forever. God has given me a chance to raise another Juan Pablo Iturbide!

Pause to cue the chant.

Now we have a glimpse of the driver. Is he listening? Will he have a role to play later?

Bernie rants on: A pure soul and body to save my soul! Your only destiny is to save me!

From the hospital, Toni calls Pip and tells him they’re still not sure of anything. Pip’s face, notwithstanding the giant pink feather hat which frames it, shows his concern. He and Luci and Fabián will be at the hospital as soon as they are done at the show.

Isolation Shmisolation
Dr. Sabecasilotodo pleads with Max to understand: since María is in isolation, only members of the medical team wearing adequate protective clothing can be near her. Meanwhile they are continuing to do tests in the hope of keeping her illness from progressing to stage two. Isolation, shmisolation, says Max. I need to be with her regardless of the danger.

For Triunfo fans ... when the tinfoil beanie isn’t enuf: I find the discussion of isolation very muddled. Sometimes CasiLoTodo seems to be talking about protective isolation, for María’s sake; and other times he seems to be talking about protecting the people who come in contact with her. And if this virus is SO contagious and SO virulent, why isn’t Todo ordering tests on all María’s (and Alonso’s) contacts?

We did the best we could
Napo tells Mili not to be upset. There was no way she could have kept Bernie from taking the baby. Nati says María will be worried to death when she finds out Bernarda has her son. So far no one has been able to reach Juan Pablo.

Now the super comes by to say Cruz is on the phone.

Back at the Sandoval Pavilion, Fer begs her brother not to make things worse. If he goes to María’s bedside, the family will have two people to worry about instead of just one. Victoria and Leo chime in with their agreement. Max, whose beard seems to be growing along with his anguish, tells them he doesn’t want to cause them suffering. But this is something he has to do.

Then he takes Leo, Vic and Os aside and asks them to look after his children in case anything happens ...

I’m her mother! Let me be with María, begs Vic tearfully. Max pleads with her not to deny him the chance to be with the woman he loves. Now Leo advocates for him. Let him follow the dictates of his love, she says. Victoria and Leonela look to Osvaldo and he nods his approval.

Chente, Juanjo and Napo come back to the apartment after their phone call from the hospital and share the glum news: María isn’t pregnant. She is sick with the virus that killed Alonso. They’re keeping her in isolation but Max wants to be with her.

They also report that Napo was finally able to tell PJP that his mother took the baby. What did the Padre say? Nothing. He was strangely silent for the longest time. Then he said he’d go to his mother’s place right away. He’ll most likely take care of the problem, don’t you think?

Victoria won’t stand in Max’s way. He is the one who deserves to be with María. Max thanks her and asks for a moment with Osvaldo.

Max slips Osvaldo the cell phone with the video testimony proving Bernie was behind little Juan Pablo’s kidnapping and asks him to get it to the authorities as soon as possible. He’s afraid the woman who testified might get cold feet and run away. Os understands the urgency and he’ll see that the video gets in the right hands. He wants Bernarda to get the punishment she deserves. Victoria is watching father and son. Does she hear their words?

Victoria gives Max her blessing and then CasiLoTodo takes him to suit up for the isolation room.

The mood in the vecindad is mournful. Mili is sure Bernie will take good care of the baby but Bernarda is such a fanatic, she’s afraid she wants him for “religious practices”...

Did somebody say fanatic?
Right on cue, there she stands before her giant crucifix, little JP in her arms. She is a vision in white wearing either a) a hooded bathrobe she stole from the Hilton; b) her KKK costume from last halloween or c) a monk’s habit. She offers up the baby to the priesthood and to God. Just like the lamb of God, he will save her soul. Little Juan Pablo spits up placidly and studies Bernie’s fingers and his own.

Cut to the isolation room where the white infection control suits are a visual echo of Bernie’s habit. Max suits up in bulky coveralls, hat, mask, and gloves and then joins María in the confines of her plastic tent. María, with her lovely dark hair spread out on the pillow, looks a bit like Snow White in her glass coffin. Well, if Snow White had a tube in her nose. Then her eyes open, she looks around and asks, in confusion: What happened? Where am I? Why are you dressed like that?

A doctor, not CasiLoTodo (And is it too much to hope that this guy is actually an infectious disease specialist? Well yeah, it probably is.) answers from outside the plastic tent: You most likely have Alonso’s virus and you need to be in isolation.

But my son needs me, says María.

Don’t worry, says Max. Everything will be fine.

Max defies the doctors
He steps outside the plastic tent and under the doctor’s disapproving eye, he removes his mask and hood. He is sweating and his hair is matted down. His face is a mix of despair and resolve. He continues to strip off the protective clothing, stepping out of the coveralls and peeling off the gloves. Finally, now in shirt sleeves, he lifts the plastic barrier and steps back into the tent with María. He takes her in his arms and kisses her.

Sweet William Levy in a kayak. Ah. Those were the days.


Alborada, 7/25/2011. Cap. 39

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #13, Monday segment, at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 38 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture.


Saturday, July 23, 2011

La Pola - July18-22, 2011 - Some Things Never Change

It seems that Nariño’s possessions were auctioned off for less than they were worth. The junta’s advisors tell them to pay what he is asking. If we don’t give him his money, where do you think he will go? Jorge continues his campaign to destroy and discredit Nariño. He reminds his friends that resources are scarce. Nariño, they fear, will be back like a crazy wolf.

Pola looks very pretty in a green dress. Gertrudis and Cata have been styling her hair and applying rice power to her skin to make her look less mestiza. Do you know how to eat with flatware (cubiertos), asks Gertudis. Why are we doing this, asks Pola. It won’t matter to him (Francisco). Pola looks at herself in a mirror. Do I really look OK?

Carbonel tells Nariño that a girl from Guaduas called Pola helped them during the uprising. Nariño tells Carbonel he met her and that she is going to get married. Too bad, he says. Carbonel is happy that only 6 provinces are going to join the junta. They thought Popayan would join, but it appears that Gov. Tacón fooled them.

Nariño figures out why they sent Baraya away.
Taking the land away from the indigenous people is very cruel. The people think the 20th of July was a joke. Things haven’t improved. They have gotten worse. We are going to do it, says Nariño. Are we going to raise arms, asks Carbonel? We are not going to spill our brothers’ blood, replies Nariño.

Francisco is greeted by Cata as he enters Domingo’s hacienda. He barely acknowledges her. The first thing Alejo asks is where is the document? Francisco tells him he will get it when needed. He also asks how Domingo has done so well. Alejo tells him it was by working hard. Domingo laments the loss of three slaves in three days. But, he says, we are expecting a baby. Francisco slips in a comment that children are a blessing from God and must honor their parents according to the Fourth Commandment. Gertrudis asks him if he is going to authorize Alejo and Pola to marry. Yes, he lies. It is a difficult decision. There is a problem with the church when there is a mixture of the races, but he is always looking out for the best for his children.

Alejo tells Pola to come here. She trips and admits that this is the first time she has worn shoes with heels. She doesn’t understand why women of society want these things. Do you remember my father. You have already seen her, asks Alejo. Was it was very pleasant (grato). You were dressed another way, says Francisco.

Domingo invites his guests to go in for dinner and tells Francisco that Pola was involved in the revolt in Santa Fé. Against the king? Asks Francisco. Are you in favor of an American government? No. Are you against Spain. Pola: No.

Nariño appears before the junta again. He asks about Baraya and finds out he has been promoted to the rank of colonel. They sent him to Popayan. Nariño tells them that he should be getting an army together to fight against the European threat, both France and Spain. Camilo tells him that they don’t want to fight Spain. Why would Spain attack us, asks Don Jorge. Because we took control by force, replies Nariño. Your lives are in danger, he tells them. You are exaggerating is the reply.

The junta tells him they are protecting the country for Fernando VII. If you had everything under control, you would not have sent Baraya to Santa Marta and Popayan. This is a joke says Nariño. It is just to get the land away from the indigenous people. The junta thinks Nariño is creating conflicts.

Domingo makes a mess trying to eat with knife and fork. Pola asks Francisco if he knows how to eat with his hands. So, they all start to eat with their hands, much to Domingo’s relief. Where are you going to live, asks Francisco. In Honda, says Alejo, and he will leave the army. Francisco is very disappointed to hear this. You chose the army for me. Pola adds that everything he learned in the military will be very useful. To confront his own country, asks Francisco.

His uncles have offered him work, and he has to pay family debts (that Francisco owes). If you had paid more attention to me and not to your mother, we wouldn’t have these problems, replies Francisco. What problems. Me, says Pola. You are not the right wife for my son. The inevitable happens. Francisco recites his list of social classes with Indians, negros and mestizos at the bottom of the ladder. She is offended and dumps a plate on him. That damned woman never changes – nothing does, says Francisco. Neither do you, father, says Alejo

Don Jorge tells Nariño that he appreciates his concern but tells him to stay as far away as possible. When are you going to return my property? The value of your property is less than what you are asking. How am I going to survive with my family, asks Nariño. My family has asked me to collaborate with you. He will do whatever they offer. He is advised that the big positions are already filled. I need to eat, says Nariño.

Alejo gets to Pola who ran out of the house. Forgive me, she says, I should not have done that. It is me who should be asking your forgiveness. He will give you permission? What about the fourth commandment? We will never have to see him again. My father isn’t like yours, says Alejo. I love you, he says. You are making a big sacrifice. One thing, says Pola, when I marry you do I have to wear these shoes. We will have some made in your size, says Alejo.

The junta realizes that they have received a warning from Nariño. If we let him in here, he will do away with all of us. He is a friend that they prefer to keep at a distance. We should put him in a job without power. They conspire to keep him from being employed in the junta.

You should be the new president, says Tonito. Won’t the people support you, asks Magda. Are you giving up, says Mercedes. No, replies Nariño.

Pola goes to see Francisco. My, what else? She is ready to deliver her life to make his son the happiest man. If a father holds his child in esteem, he will not renege on a promise. Will you keep your promise? Francisco tells her it is impossible. What do I have to say. He is going to be sincere. You will not understand. The only thing you are going to get is the ruin of my son. He will renounce his beliefs. It is not just a change of opinion. It is a renunciation of his country, king and God. The king is God’s emissary. To renounce the king is to renounce God. And, the worst is that you are a mestiza and that is an offense to God. You come in sin.

Has he taken you to bed? It would solve the problem. He would get over his obsession.

You will have mixed children and be poor, and you will go against the king. This is the future of the man you love. But, it should be what he wants, says Pola. What if he had married María Ignacia. He got to the altar, says Francisco. Her father stopped it. Did he tell you that. If he had married her, says Pola, it would have been to help you.

He will not authorize a marriage with a woman who will only provide shame. Alejo should have the life that he deserves – not a life with someone like you filled with shame.

At the convent, the door opens to María Ignacia’s cell. Did Alejo arrive? You ask me the same question every day. No, replies the nun. When will he return. Please let me know so that I can fix myself up. I don’t want him to see me like this (dressed as a novitiate). I am going to marry him and never return to this horrible place. That is not entirely sure, says the nun.

Tonito tells his family that they have to fix up the hacienda. Aren’t they going to return your money? Nariño tells them that his family is the priority. They will work the farm. Without equipment? Yes. And, they still have to return the money they borrowed to get him back from Cartagena.

Pola tells Cata that she didn’t know that Alejo got as far as the altar with María Ignacia and that he agreed to accept her in God’s house. What is important, says Cata, is that they did not marry. I would have given my life for him, and I thought he would do the same. I don’t want to just be the person he loves. Cata says she thought the same about Juliano. Are you still thinking about him, asks Pola. He was married, says Pola. I forgot that.

People on the street in Santa Fé note that Nariño is back. The junta also notes his presence again. He asks Don Camilo if he has found anything for him. No, is the reply. I need to maintain my family. Why are you closing the doors. Don Jorge tells him that there is a law that prevents them from hiring someone who has been in prison. You know perfectly well why I was in prison. It is the law, says Camilo. It is the law of Spain, not ours. Until we have our own laws, it is the law. If I cannot serve my country here, I will find someplace else to serve.

Acacia tells Pola that Francisco is going to sell her. Why don’t you escape? She doesn’t know anybody here. She doesn’t know what she will do, but she recognizes that Pola has her own problems. But, yours are worse, says Pola.

The junta has released an edict and invites all people to the installation of the Congress of New Granada. Jorge asks Camilo if that wasn’t an exaggeration that five small provinces will decide the destiny of Nueva Granada.

Manuel Bernard Álvaro, Nariño’s uncle, will be president. Nariño asks him how they are going to have a Congress with only five provinces? The other provinces don’t want to be inferior to Santa Fé. They don’t think they will get equal representation. You have to find the way. He doesn’t know how to do this. Have you gotten work. No – I am an ex-prisoner. They cannot be that miserable, says his uncle.

Francisco calls Acacia to get ready to go to the market – get cleaned up and wash your teeth, he tells her. Pola has hidden from him and hears this. Finally, she asks Acacia if she is interested in staying there.

Pola asks Domingo about buying another slave to help Cata because she is going to Santa Fé. He reminds her that Cata didn’t get along with Nicolasa. That was different because she needs help now. Domingo is so happy to have this baby who will look just like him. Pola tries to let him down gently by suggesting that it might be a girl.

Pola is desolate. She flashes back to when she and Alejo were children. I am going to marry a woman of noble origin. Then we will never marry, says little Pola. What things you say, says Alejo. She remembers a similar conversation with him as a young adult. Then she remembers the painful conversation she had with Francisco.

She remembers her father telling her that it is impossible to be together until the day that we are no longer second class citizens. On that day it will be possible. When? Never.

Alejo tells her he has the papers ready for his father to sign. It is not necessary because I will not marry you. I am going to Santa Fé. Don’t say that, he says. It is not that I don’t want to, it is that I cannot. This life you offer me is your dream. My dream is different. In my dream we share everything. He offers her books and to do other things. I am not spending my life reading books, says Pola.

He doesn’t understand what has happened. As much as we want, we cannot avoid this damned reality. We are different. Together it will be a disgrace, and I don’t want to make you unhappy. You love me. I love you remember

Then, what do you want to do? I don’t want to stop being me for you. And I don’t want you to stop being you for me.


El Mundo de Telemundo, Week of July 25, 2011: Discuss Amongst Yourselves

Hola, Telemundo fans. Last week we said goodbye – or maybe good riddance – to Herederos. One week from next Tuesday, we’ll be welcoming the latest primetime novela, Flor Salvaje. This August 2 debut is no accident. Univisión starts its latest 9pm/8C novela, La Fuerza del Destino, on that date as well. (Interestingly, La Fuerza’s protagonista, Sandra Echeverría, is a Telemundo actor – Jade, from El Clon) Clearly, they want us to pick a team. Me, I’m going to watch a few episodes of each and then decide...

Blog del Escritor
Telemundo definitely has some hidden treasures on its website. [And I do mean hidden. Have you tried navigating this thing?] Anyway, Telemundo has these little writer interviews tucked away among its “Videos Exclusivos de La Casa de al Lado”. Here are links to the three I found:

Boyishly engaging, wild-haired Chilean writer José Ignacio Valenzuela talks about his creative process and discusses his cinematic and literary inspirations for the novela. Among other things, he tells us:

He intends La Casa as an homage to Alfred Hitchcock.

He is a great fan of detective novels, especially Agatha Christie’s.

The culprit in La Casa is obvious from the beginning but presented in a way that throws the viewer off track. Well. That’s a challenge if I ever heard one. I’m definitely going to watch the first episode again to see if I can pick up on what I missed the first time around.

Oh, and since the story is loosely based on the Agatha Christie classic, And Then There Were None, here’s a link to a free PDF of a Spanish translation of the original:
[Caution: Here, unlike in later versions, the shameful racial and ethnic epithets are exactly as Dame Agatha wrote them]

Fans of Mi Corazon Insiste – There’s a writer’s video blog of your novela too, I think. Good luck finding it!

LA CASA DE AL LADO – as of Friday
Carola and Emilio figure out that Eva is somehow involved with Matías. Girl Detective Carola sneaks a look at Matías’s driver’s license and feeds the demographic info to Boy Detective, Emilio. Conclusion: Matías is NOT the third brother. He must be Eva’s lover!

When Ignacia shows up for her meeting with the fortune-teller expecting to learn the identity of her pursuer, she discovers the woman has been murdered. Then an anonymous caller tells her the third “hermano” is a sister, not a brother.

Gonzalo is still in bad shape. Even so, he manages to croak out to Renato that he can’t name his attacker, but he knows the intended target was Ignacia because her name was called out just before the shot was fired. Gonzalo also confirms to Renato that Eva has a lover.

Yolanda, who saw how viciously Javier treated Pilar in the hospital, tells Nibaldo she’s worried about her. If Javier behaves like that in public, imagine what he’s capable of in private.

Carola has another Leo and company nightmare and calls Pilar who promises to come right over. Javier insists on tagging along.

Diego and Andrea – yes, Andrea the brat – encourage their mother in her plans to set up an office for her practice. They just want her to be happy. Pilar is overcome with emotion. She flashes back to Javier trashing the office she used to have.

Hilda and Eva go toe to toe and it’s Eva who backs down.

Ignacia comes home in her usual hysterical state, rushes upstairs screeching for Emilio, completely ignoring Hilda, of course. The three little Conde’s compare notes: The bruja knew the truth and now she is dead. The third sibling is a sister, not a brother. The wheels in Carola’s alcohol-addled brain are turning: Of course! Everyone involved in Adolfo’s past is dying! That’s it!

Javier challenges Matías. He must have had an ulterior motive for taking the job as Javier’s assistant. Matías feeds him the story he and Renato prepared, that he wants a shortcut to power and money, that Javier is his hero and he can imagine the two of them pulling off a job together, a seamless embezzlement. Having confessed what a bad boy he really is, Matías offers to resign. Now that Javier knows the truth, of course he won’t want him around. Quédate, says Javier sharkily. Todavía no hemos terminado de hablar...

Later, Javier walks in on Renato, Matías and Rebeca just in time to hear Renato say they don’t want Javier to find out. Find out what? asks Javier.

Then Eva walks in on Matías and Rebeca just in time to see them kissing. (Eva doesn’t know that Matías is forcing himself on Rebeca but we do.) Se puede saber, asks the ever-imperious Eva, ¿qué significa esto?

Mi Corazón Insiste – The page is yours.

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