Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #175 Wednesday 12/28/11 ... Saul gets caught ... then slips away?... Berta and Fina celebrate a close call win... Augie's plan is coming apart a tthe seams... Gina and Gonzo happily grin... and Nata's head spins...

 Recap by Marta Ivett

Isidro: Roberta MR is not your daughter.
Antonio: and there is no doubt about it now… your daughter is… Nata.
Gina: I want to hug her as her mother, not as her step mother.
German (to Gema after she slaps him hard): You are misinterpreting things (yeah right!) Between Roberta and I there is only business…
Gema: I got the ‘stupidity’ off me!
German(to Berta) now what is important is for you to make ammends with your family and for me to do the same with my wife!
Berta: why don’t you say you love me and that you promised me you would leave your wife for me.
German: And why would I lie to them?
Sabina: I got his temperature under control, and that is a very good sign
Marina: Idon’t think Saul has any motive to make Gero dissappear… unless it is about money, which is what he loves most in the world.

Tonight’s ep:
Repeat of german and Berta conversation…
Repeat of call between Antonio and Gina…
Repeat of Connie telling Gina and Gonzo where Hono, Matt and Adri are… she reluctantly tells them Berta and German are spending the weekend together, they are lovers.

Gema talks to Adri and Matt, she is not happy that Berta is German’s new conquest… but the commitment of fidelity is by German, not her.
Gema assures Hono, Adri and Matt that the investment German initiated with the MR company will continue, she will arrange for it. Hono and Matt thank her.
German comes out as Gema pulls away in her SUV… and then German finds himself being scanned by all three of Hono, Matt and Adri.. German looks like he would like to be on land of the lost right now instead of there.

At LaB, Anibal is still trying to figure out the password of Augie’s laptop. Mati brings up conversation and tells Anibal that she used to call Anibal ‘el guapo’ and Jeronimo ‘el hermoso’. Anibal tries that and it works, and he proceeds to jump the dance of joy.

At Las Vegas,
Saul is at the slot machines… Nata and Marina are already there… looking for him. They look frustrated, seems they have been walking around for a while (two pregnant women? Take a break, ladies!) 
Saul wins some money and goes beserk very loudly so that works better than a ‘instant sale at kmart’ revolving blue light with pre-recorded announcement. They are behind him in a flash.
Mar: I thought you had left the game/gambling, Saul. (he is frozen at seeing the two of them, as if he has seen a ghost of gamblings past… tries to make a run for it and Nata and Marina are in hot pursuit)

Back at LaB, Anibal is showing Carlos and Lazaro, Allison and Mati the info on Augie’s laptop.
Augie had investigation information on Marina, with info about Saul who is a former boyfriend of hers… also the flight info for Jeronimo on the day of the wedding.
Anibal tells them he heard Augie saying he was going to prevent/stop the wedding, and that all this info confirms he did it. (Lazaro and Carlos signal to each other … of course!)
Mati: And all to get la Senora Renata for himself.
Car: We have to call Nata. Maybe she too is in danger. (Mati agrees)

Back at Las Vegas, Nata and Marina get some guards to stop Saul and also to watch him while Nata questions him. … (Nata with a funny broken english.. I hope I never sounded that way when I first spoke english at college…)
Nata: Why did yo tell me that she had left with Jeronimo?
Saul: for money! I did it for money! I had to pay my gambling debts!
Nata: And who gave you that money?
Saul: Agustin… Agustin Dunant paid me to say that! (Nata impactada… )

Nata: how do you know him?
Saul: I know him because he looked for me! He hired me (me contrato)… One day he called me. His call was a perfect timely fit (me cayo como anillo al dedo). He said he would pay all my debts! I was broke! I owed a lot of money!
Nata: For what? To make Jero dissappear?
Saul: No. Please, no! To look for Marina and to ask her to come back with me.
Mari: You lend yourself to that for money?? Was that the reason you suddenly came back in my life to tell me you loved me and that you had changed into a new man?
Saul: I know you did not deserve that. That you have always been good to me. But if I did not pay all I owed I would be screwed. Marina, understand me, I was desperate! They were going to kill me!
Nata: Enough! What did Augie ask you to do when you two flew to Mexico?
Saul: To go with Marina and then return to tell you that she and your husband had escaped together! That is all!!
Nata: NO, that’s NOT ALL!! My husband is missing! And if you don’t help me find him I swear to you I will drop you in jail! I swear it!

At MR manor,
Matt, Adri, Gina, Gonzo, Hono and Connie are eating together
Matt is wondering if Berta is Fina’s daughter, could they be together?
Adri: Yes, of course, and at Ibarrola’s apartment, right? What place would be better than that?
(they bounce the idea back and forth, Hono and Gonzo say it is worth checking it out) Gonzo gets up to call the police.

At German’s apt, Berta is sleeping, Fina wakes her up, tells her she has to go home.
Berta: Don’t you see that I don’t have a home anymore? I must be the worst of women for all of them.
Fina: Except for your mamacita Gina! She would never turn her back on you.
Berta: I would not be so sure… she says she loves me as her daughter but has never treated me as Nata. You should see how she pampers her, especially now that she is a poor abandoned wife.
Fina: You have to play smarter. You have to play being the poor woman who fell for a married man, and believed in his promise to divorce and gave herself to the man who she thought was the man of her life.
… besides your mamita Regina will understand you since she did the same. She fell in love with MY Gonzo when he was still my husband!  What moral authority would she be able to tell you anything?

At Las Vegas Nata and Marina keep questioning/squeezing Saul for more info.
Mari: I traveled with you, not with Jero.
Saul: Yes, you traveled with me and not Jero, I used his name!
Nata: Can you explain how you can do that? The measures that airports take are very tight, I don’t get how you did that. (I don’t either, but Augie has money and money is a good tune most people dance to)
Saul: Augie had it all planned. He knew of your wedding to Jero and he bought tickets to MC for that same day… one in your name (Marina), one in mine and one in Jero’s.
Augie confirmed Jero’s boarding pass via internet and gave it to me. When we got to the airport, you registered your and my ticket…  I put away the pass and used the one Augie gave me with Jero’s name, with a false id that had Jero’s name on it. That is how the records indicate that it was Jero who boarded the plane.
Nata: I don’t get how someone can manage to do this and I even think it is machiavelic… but I am still confused… (really, Nata?) You called him to arrange a meeting with him. You called him at the hacienda.
Saul: Yes, I called him to arrange the meeting. Augie asked me to do that. To go to the town market.
Marina: Where you and I met?
Saul: Yes. But I never really met with him. (we see split screen where Saul watches Jero walk in and then Marina walk in but he stayed by the car, also we see as Matt and Lazaro watch Jero walk in and then watch Marina walk in) He and I had never met.
(We see as Melesio is watchin everything and signals someone after Jero walks in. We see Jero meet with someone he thinks is Saul but it is not, it is someone Augie sent)
(After Melesio and the guy have guided Jero away, Saul meets with Marina…)
Saul: I swear to you! I have no idea where Jero is! What would I win hiding his location? I don’t know where he is!!
(Nata and Marina force him to come with them to go to MC… they will even go with him to his room to get his bag and passport)

Carlos tries to call Nata, but her cell is off… Lazaro suggests they go to police. Carlos says they should wait for instruction from Nata… better not do anyting that might interfere with her investigations… besides, how do we return the laptop we stole? Anibal says lets copy the files and then we can return the laptop. Carlos gets a usb memory chip. Carlos tells Anibal he is very brave for all this he is doing.  Anibal and Kari are taking Allison to a psychologist (for her weight problem)

At Saul’s hotel room, Nata is smart enough to ask him for his passport. HE has to give it to her.

Antonio arrives back with Padre Seve… Antonio tells him about the investigator Gonzo hired to find Jero, he must be around here.  Antonio tells Seve that Marina and Nata went after Saul who is the only lead to find Jero. They went to Las Vegas to find Saul. Padre impactado.

Sabina continues to care for Jero and is looking frantically for the phone number for LaB to contact Mati and Lazaro. She tells the young man with her, that if she does not find the number he will have to go to Guadalupe valley to find them.

At airport, Saul asks to go to bathroom… Saul tries to convince Marina he does love her and really wants the best for her… She wants nothing to do with him. But he gets to rest room and escapes via the vent…

Fina and Berta at German’s apt… they agree on what Berta has to tell her ‘family’. Fina encourages her, only a few more days to collect your inheritance and then you can send them to kingdom come… Berta tells Fina she will go with her to Switzerland. Fina is ecstatic…  when Berta leaves..
Fina: I knew it!! You are mine… you and I, dear… we will be together always…

Nata calls Gina… tells her they did find Saul, he has no idea where Jero is but he did tell them that Augie is responsible for Jero’s dissappearance. Nata asks Gina not to tell anyone about them finding Saul and that they know everything.

Gonzo and Hono and Matt arrive with a roam of police to German’s apt as Berta is exiting to the street. Fina watches the whole thing from a window and gets nervous.
The men ask Berta for Fina. They swear Berta has been in constant contact with Fina. Matt gets mad at her. Berta again plays the victim, saying after what happened she knew they don’t want to see her so she came here… Hono says how convenient…
Gonzo says he is there for another reason. They will have the police scan the apartment.

At airport, Marina and Nata realize Saul escaped… (Nata’s english accent sounds better now, boy she learns fast!  … is it me or is Marina slimmer now than when she got pregnant? She must have SOME morning sickness)
Nata hopes Saul won’t tell Augie anything. Marina does not think so, Saul is a coward and also an addict. They always look after their own interest.
Nata: Well, if Saul does not know where Jero is, the one that must know is Augie… lets go.

Back at the popular Ibarrola apt…  They don’t find Fina, turns out Berta had told Fina about a staff room upstairs and that is where she hid before the police got up there.
Berta nags about them thinking she is still in contact with Fina… Gonzo won’t let her off so easily, tells her they have to talk, will see you at the house later. Gonzo tells Hono that even though  we didn’t find Fina here, I have a feeling Berta does know where she is. SO we have to keep Berta on our side.

Berta is amused at her mother’s memory and smarts. And you are my favorite person. (so you wrote about her when you had to write about your favorite person in 2nd grade?)

Adri insists to Gina that Berta is a monster, capable of doing anything to hurt her sister. Adri says she thinks she knows who can tell her what type of relationship between Augie and Berta. She will find out. She leaves and Connie tells Gina both Adri and Nata are very impulsive.

At doctor’s office Anibal and Kari manage to get Allison to see the doctor.. esp when the doctor wants to see Allison alone first. Anibal is VERY supportive. Allison admits of her
Problem with anorexia.  (I don’t know about seeing a doctor about an anorexia problem when the doctor is so obviously obese… does Allison want to go from one extreme to the other??)

Carlos gives Prissy the check and resists one last attempt of hers to kiss him and get him to let her stay… he tells her he likes her as a friend, but his heart and love belong to Mati… Goodbye Prissy.. have a good trip and thank you… (Good for you Carlos!!)

Berta plays her pittiful me script with Gina… Gina tries to show support… Berta dares to compare her relationship with German with Gina’s relationship with Gonzo.. and swears she did not know about there not being an actual contract deal happening.  Gonzo tells Berta that German is a trickster… (yeah right, but good strategy, Gonzo!) Gonzo wants to see Gina in the study… they leave and Berta smiles celebrating her success…  

At the study, Gonzo is mad… he can’t believe a single word of Berta’s babbling… he is irrate about Berta comparing their stories… Gina says we have to continue faking whe believe her, because you did not find Fina with her, did you? No. Gina tells Gonzo Nata called and tells Gonzo that Augie was behind Jero’s dissappearance.

Fina gets out of the staff room and gets back in the apartment, but not before she is seen by Matt’s friend, she wonders how many lovers German has…
Fina calls Berta. Fina asks why did the police come. Berta tells Fina it was Panchita who saw them. Fina is still in building… there is no safer place than the one they already revised. Berta assures Fina that she convinced Gina and Gonzo… I told them all you told me to say and it was so easy, like taking a candy from a kid (yeah Berta, you would use that analogy… nothing more CRUEL than taking a candy from a kid unfairly)

Nata meets with Gina and Gonzo… she is nervous that they should be doing something else, like finding Jero…
Gina: How are you? How do you feel?
Nata: worried… this guy escaped… but at least we know what happened to Jero. Why are you like that? Did the investigator tell you anything?
Gonzo: No, nothing.
Gina: But we discovered something else, something related to the two of us (Gina can’t stop crying and smiling)
Nata: Why are you looking at me like that?
Gina: How?
Nata: That way, like you are looking at me. Forgive me, I think I am more sensitive with Jero missing and the baby… you make me remember things about my infancy with your mom, Dona Cata and… (she remembers her first birthday with Gina, Dona Cata and Roberto, all together happy with Roberto giving Gina the pendant) this is all very strange, don’t cry.. don’t do this to me…
Gina: No, it is not strange… it is all very real. My mother, Roberto, you and I were together in that party as the happy family we were.
Nata: What do you mean like the happy family we were?
Gonzo: Nata, Isidro discovered in an investigation that Gina’s daughter is not Berta.
Gina: The daughter… The daughter that was stripped from me, the one I have been looking for all these years .. and there is no doubt about it… is you, Nata! It is you, my dear!!
(Nata has a clueless facial expression like she was just dropped by a machine into another world)

Carlos and Lazaro enter Sabina’s shack and find Jero…
Lazaro: Augie is behind all these pigster events!
Nata hugs Connie, Gina covers her mouth crying with Gonzo
Augie calls Berta: Before they can find me, Nata and I will be gone very far !! (we see Augie with a sword)
My comments…
Again, Lazaro the hero with his head in the right place..
I am wondering where Nata’s head… poor thing, with a heart condition and a baby in the belly, has had her head spinning and been running around that casino (I was holding my breath) all day! And now this news?? How much can her heart take?? Do they want to burry her before Jero appears?
And Berta… she really thinks she and Fina are home free… even if Gonzo is not able to find them, they are not getting the money for sure since Isidro is the Roberto representative (albacea). They won’t know what hit them… esp if they get caught.


Una Familia Con Suerte #60-61 Wed 12/28/11 Nobody ever knocks.

Pancho wants to give Beto advice about how to tame his shrewish wife.

Arnoldo takes sexy shots of Sandra in her underwear. He tells her she lost Vince the minute Candy showed up.

Candy to her brother: "Behind his ogreish, monstrous facade, he's marvellous." Pancho doesn't buy it - he has no values. And he's married. And he wants to crush me like a cockroach.

Pina is embracing her vacuum cleaner. Dinner for Enzo?? tomas arrives. I fired Adoracion and I don't know how to do anything! He says he can take care of it. Tripe tacos!

Now arnoldo tells Monica she's very sexy and tells Enzo: "you always look like you smell something bad." Enzo tells Moni she has to go to dinner at Vince's - she begs him to let her absent herself. "I need you at my side."

Sandra wants to talk to Candy urgently! Are you having sex with Vicente? "We've been lovers for a long time," Sandra says proudly. "That's nothing to be proud of, sweetie."

Rebe's depressed, not just about her burned apartment, but also because his kids hate her. "I'm nothing in your life." "Liar." He tries to ORDER her to go to his house!

I wont be second - I want to be married, have children."

Lupita tries to build Ana's confidence, they forgive each other. Alex comes to visit and this time Lupe says she'll see him! Ana imagines how horrified her sibs would be to know she wants Freddy.

She tells Alex she feels better. He wants to know if he can hope. He just wants a chance. She says ok and hugs him! He isn't wearing his dumb scarf today.

What strange music! Tomas is in an apron, he's not happy with the mess in the kitchen. She says she can't forgive Adoracion.

Chela cooked a great meal and everybody at home is happy. We're celebrating - that Rebeca is not in the house any more. "last night I met Chela's boyfriend, he's sexy." they want to meet him.

Rebe comes to the door. The atmosphere chills. Rebe wants to leave. Ana comes and is nasty again. rebe is miserable. Then Chela comes in. She's nasty too. Then Pepe comes in - he's nice to her and she's grateful. So Chela's mad at Pepe. She leaves. Lupe is polite. Rebe pulls out the work.

Vince's screensaver is Catgirl! In comes Sandra, pulling down her straps and throwing him to the floor. Then Candy comes and sees Sandrucha on the floor with Vince. She cries. Commercial. He has to go to dinner, she doesn't want to be left with "desires." She tries to strangle him. If you don't bang me tomorrow, I'll tell your wife we were lovers and now you're messing with Candy.

Why are you nice to me when you have troubles with Freddy? Because you treat me with respect. They're both happy. She wants to pretend she cooked it - she can't tell people her plumber made dinner! She tells him this is supposed to be a dinner celebrating the marriage of her "baby" and Monica. She admits Moni doesn't want it - "but we'll see tonight!"

Moni dresses for dinner. Pepe calls. He's sweet as can be, but she is crying and hangs up.

Arnoldo points out Vince stinks of Sandra's perfume. "Pina will kill me!" He sprays himself liberally with something else. He's so late for the dinner at his house. Candy comes in crying! "My brother was right, you can't be trusted." Leaves.

Pancho tells Rebe he wants to improve working conditions at Avon, they can pay for it by cutting expenses and the executive salaries. "But they are on par with the market." "What I earn here in a day took me a month to earn in the grocery business."

Candy comes in crying, sees Rebe, turns around and runs to Ana, who's dreaming of the Fraudster. Candy says she aches to her very marrow because Vince is such a lying cad. Ana says Candy deserves better.

Enzo and Moni arrive for dinner. Neither Freddy or Vince are home when Vince arrives, the atmosphere is funereal. Finally Frauddie arrives. He's happy because he's going to struggle until Moni agrees to marry him and make him father of many Frauddicitos. Meanwhile Tomas has told Pepe about this engagement dinner and Pepe, disbelieving, dials her number. "Do yo know how much I hate you, Freddy?"

Nobody will let Moni say a word. Pina thinks it's too sudden they are too young. Finally Moni stands up and says she will not marry Freddy, she will never marry unless she's in love. Pepe arrives looking extremely good and says he needs a word with her, but we don't hear what it is. Next day Moni arrives at his car shop to thank him for not making a scene. She laughs to hear it was Tomas cooked the dinner.

Lupe and Ana visit the casa popular - all that remains is some plumbing and Lupe will be able to open the nursery. Ana thinks there should be a party (she always needs a venue for her fine accordion band). Alex shows up (scarf and t-shirt, who dresses like this?) and invites himself to the upcoming party; Ana hopes he'll bring Fraud.

Now Temo wants to go with Chela, as well as Ana. Chela's prophecy - that Rebe will destroy the family - is rather self-fulfilling.

Candy sobs and tells Pepe she's in love with Vince. He's watching her through the window when Fraud SKIPS into the room. He's sure he'll win over Pepe and regain Moni. Vince is dubious.

Are the boys in ana's band really talking about tv? Manuel hugs Ana, she isn't that into it, and some other one comes in and looks jealous. He gets mad and tells Ana she's out of tune. He and Manuel gets in a pushing fight and two guys leave.

Candy comes to Avon to see Pancho but is intercepted by a crazed Vince while Sandra watches. He shouts and runs after her. "What did I do?" She belts him with her pocketbook and he passes out. He's glad his profile isn't broken by her blow. "I saw you on the floor giving her the kiss I wanted, I saw it with these eyes that the worms will eat."

Rebe comes to talk about her sentiments. I'm dying of jealousy of Chela. Kiss. Chela comes in AGAIN! How many times are we going to be tortured like this? She doesn't retire, she knocks and comes in! "Pancho and I have to talk about Temo in private." She goes on harping on Rebe as usual and said Temo wants to live with her. "You left him, you're the only mother he's known." She keeps battering him with guilt and then says she loves him. I skipped most of this scene.

Pina wants Snow White's little birds and mice to come clean her house - she's broken a nail trying to mop! Adoracion rings the bell - Pina kneels to her! Adoracion has some gossip. Pina hands her the mop and she starts mopping ("it looks so easy when you do it") but when Pina asks for the gossip, Adoracion says they have to negotiate: her job back in exchange for very delicious news. Vince interrupts this cute scene, makes it clear he doesn't want her, Adoracion leaves.

Pancho gets teary, but at last Rebe admits her love, comforts him and says her jealous is because she fears to lose him.



Wednesday, December 28, 2011

La Que No Podía Amar- El Elenco y Personajes/Cast and Characters

Ana Paula Carmona played by Ana Brenda Contreras
Brave, cheerful and of strong character. She loves her brother Miguel and adores her Aunt Rosaura, who has cared for them since they were young and their mother died. She works hard at her job as a nurse to support her brother and aunt and help get them ahead. She believes in true love and she finds it when she meets Gustavo.

The esmas site did not have anything listed for Miguel, so I did google search so I could include a picture and actor name, but I will not conjecture about his character. Here's a link to an article (in Spanish) about his return to TV.

Miguel Carmona Flores played by Osvaldo Benavides

Rogelio Montero played by Jorge Salinas
Handsome, manly, intelligent and short-tempered. He suffered a terrible accident that changed his life which hardened his temperament even more. He falls selfishly and passionately in love with Ana Paula and tries to keep her at his side at all costs.

Gustavo Durán played by José Ron
An attractive, romantic and talented engineer in hydraulics. He works to conserve water. He is of noble heart and knows how to sacrifice for love and to hold back for the woman he loves. From the moment he sees Ana Paula he recognizes her as the love of his life.

Cinthia Montero Báez played by Susana González
Attractive, sure of her charms, sensual and capricious. She feels like she is wasting her life in the hacienda her brother Rogelio is forcing her to live in. She falls in love with Gustavo who changes her and makes her look at life differently.

Bruno Rey played by Julián Gil
Bruno is seductive and manipulative. An excellent lawyer who uses his talent for negative things. He is calculating and uses people for his benefit. He hates Rogelio as much as he fears him and loves Ana Paula as much as he wants to use her to become a millionaire by swindling Rogelio.

Rosaura Flores Nava played by Ana Bertha Espín
She's cunning, a blackmailer, a liar and very ambitious...capable of even betraying her own niece. She now feels she needs to do something to secure her future since, as she tells her niece and nephew, she will soon become and old, sick woman.

Daniela Gutiérrez played by Ingrid Martz
Best friend and confidante of Ana Paula. She sincerely loves Miguel and it hurts her that he's so immature and doesn't appreciate her.

Vanesa Galván played by Mar Contreras
Beautiful and similar in appearance to Ana Paula. She abandons Rogelio when she finds out about the condition he's left in after the accident. Capricious, arrogant, haughty and superficial she does unjust*  things to get what's hers. *Translation note: the site uses the word "indebidas" which can also mean illegal...we will have to wait and see!

María Gomez played by Ana Martín
A humble, caring, maternal woman and excellent cook who has lived in Hacienca Del Fuerte since she was a girl. There she knew the father of Rogelio and Cinthia and cared for the children as if she were their second mother. As soon as Ana Paula arrives at the hacienda, María becomes her protector.

Efraín Ríos played by Fabián Robles
Poor, tough and very sensual. He's the foreman of Hacienda Del Fuerte. He has a passionate relationship with Cinthia although he knows it won't go very far or lead to anything lasting. He's the right hand man of Rogelio. He's  womanizer who plays with Consuelo's affections.

Ingeniero David Romo played by Jorge Aravena
Civil engineer by trade, he manages his father's construction business. David does everything to win Cinthia but when he discovers she loves another he doesn't give up and finds a way to get even.

Hugo Dueñas played by Uriel del Toro
A worker that Rogelio assigns to take him around, help him dress and other duties. He's always liked Maripaz and doesn't like to get involved in problems because he is discreet. He obeys Rogelio in everything.

Fermín Peña played by Ignacio López Tarso
A simple, kind and wise older gentleman. An expert fisherman who takes Gustavo with him to fish and helps Ana Paula when she arrives in the small pueblo. He advises both Gustavo and Ana Paula.

Federico Galván played by Humberto Elizondo
Successful businessman and owner of the most important meat-packing plant in the southeast. He is serious and formal, but as a youth he fell in love with another woman and left without knowing she was pregnant. For Federico what matters most is his daughter Vanesa and finding his other daughter that he had with Mariana...the love of his life.

Mercedes Durán played by Anaís
The chief of nurses in the hospital in Tuxtla who takes her work seriously.  She adores her brother and wants him to marry a good woman. She's caring, conservative, hard-working and discreet. She has a great relationship with a spinal specialist (Ernesto) since when they were younger, they were novios. Nevertheless, though they have re encountered each other, he is now married.

Consuelo Herrera played by Michelle Ramaglia
A sweet, simple young lady that works at Hacienda Del Fuerte helping her godmother María with kitchen and house duties. Because of love she makes mistakes and her dignity will be trampled.

Maripaz Hernández played by Tania Lizardo
Maripaz isn't sure what she wants to do with her life. She's not much for studies and since she finished high school, she's dedicated herself to helping her parents in their business. As soon as she meets Miguel she falls in love with him.

Margarito played by Bernardo Flores
An orphan abandoned and the Hacienda Del Fuerte. He dreams of finding his parents. He comes to love Ana Paula who protects him, takes care of him and educates him.

Elsa de Galván played by Elizabeth Dupeyron
Federico's wife and Vanesa's mother. She spends her life reproaching her husband for falling in love with another woman, for which she has never forgiven him.

Ulises Hernández played by Germán Gutiérrez
The town shop-keeper. He lives in constant conflict with his wife, who wants to leave the pueblo. Ulises sees no future for them anywhere else.


Fuerza recappers phone home

Urban is switching to Monday; Elvira is on Wednesday; 5 foot and Keri are keeping their Thursday - Friday slots for "La Que No Podia Amar" - this leaves only Tuesday as a question mark. Do we have a taker? Thanks!

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Plot summary: "La que no podia amar" (She who couldn't love)

I think this one is starting January 2 at 9 pm.

The story begins in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas, México, with Ana Paula Carmona, who as a girl had to take care of her sick mother. After the death of Mariana, Ana Paula decided to study nursing so she could always help others.

Ana Paula is now about to graduate. She meets Bruno, lawyer to the fearsom Rogelio Montero. Bruno needs a nurse to take care of his ailing boss. The salary is good and Ana Paula takes the job to help her aunt Rosaura with money. Rosaura has taken care of her and her brother Miguel since they were children.

Rosaura is resentful that she lost chances for love because she was taking care of them; she wants them now to take care of her, that's why she's pretending to be sick.

Miguel's girlfriend is Dany, a lively, enthusiastic girl who tries to change his insecure character. She's Ana Paula's best friend - they studied together in nursing school.

Ana Paula doesn't know she'll be working under very difficult conditions in the hacienda 'Del Fuerte' (of the strong), an isolated, far-away place; Rogelio is a very difficult man, he hasn't gotten over the consequences of an accident that occurred when he was about to marry Vanesa, a frivolous and egotistical woman who dumped him when he was injured.

Rogelio's sister Cinthia also lives at "La hacienda Del Fuerte." She feels trapped because he won't release her part of their inheritance, forcing her to remain at his side to take care of him. In order not to be bored, in secret she gets involved with Efraín, foreman on the estate, who truly loves her; for her sake he evades Consuelo, a servant who loves him innocently and sincerely.

Also living at Del Fuerte: María, Consuelo's godmother, a kind woman who's been like a mother to Rogelio y Cinthia. She was their nanny, now she still takes care of them. The touch of happiness in this strict household is Margarito, an innocent, enchanting little boy who has no family and whom Maria protects.

Ana Paula meets Gustavo Durán, a noble, hard-working engineer who has a sick sister named Mercedes. They fall in love, but their happiness is cut short because Rogelio also falls in love with her. This love triangle has terrible consequences.

When Miguel causes a terrible accident and is about to lose a hand and go to jail for life, Rogelio saves him in exchange for Ana Paula's hand in marriage. She sacrifices herself for her brother but doesn't imagine the hell she will suffer at Rogelio's side when he discovers she loves someone else.

It's only at the end of the story that true love triumps and Ana Paula can choose freely whether to stay with her spouse or with her first love.

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Cuando Me Enamoro #174 Tuesday 12/27/11 “Blood’s Thicker than Mud. . .”

By Lila

“It's a family affair, it's a family affair
It's a family affair, it's a family affair
One child grows up to be
Somebody that just loves to learn
And another child grows up to be
Somebody you'd just love to burn”

Sly and The Family Stone

My friends! I hope everyone had a warm, fuzzy, and awesome Christmas or whatever sacred holiday you cherish. I know you all have been waiting for tonight and I am honored to be your little fly on the wall! I’ve got a lot of places to buzz around to so let’s get to it!

Left Overs

Isidro presses the bank official for final results on Renata’s fingerprints. Renata calling hotels in Vegas looking for Sow-ul and cradling her baby bump, assuring it everything will be all right. Autustin calls and she is brusque and brief with him! Augustin feigns ignorance about Jeronimo’s disappearance and hisses his intention to see her tomorrow, “Mi Amor.”

The painfully swollen Jeronimo deliriously mumbles Lazaro and Matilde’s names and unclogs the cogs in Sabina’s noggin. She’s knows Jero is the Patron missing from La Bonita!

Served up Hot Tonight

At Empresas Monterrubio: Germy and Berta bid farewell to Gonzo, off to “take care of business.” Berta pretends to be concerned about the goings on with Jeronimo and Renata, Gonzo gazes sternly from under his brow at Germy, and instructs him to take good care of his daughter. I’m sure he will, Gonzo.

Over in Hon’s office, he and Matias are joined by Adri who has confirmed that Germy and Berta have an appointment outside the empresas. They speculate about how they’ll be received when they crash the love nest. Adri mocks Roberta’s probable copping of a plea of abuse by Germy. Matias asks about the impact of this illicit rendezvous on the empresa. Hon’s bottom line is no matter how accomplished in business, Ibarrola has abused the confidence of the Monterrubios with his accosting of Beth and his bedding of Bert.

We’re with Gema now, lost in thought and sepia-toned flashbacks of Germy begging off from their spending time together during his weekend business trip. . . her shrug and shake of the head tells us she didn’t buy his story that it’s a boring good ole’ boys weekend.

Now we’re back in Saul’s former office where Marina and the Nurse are rifling through his things looking for evidence of the bastard’s whereabouts. They jimmy open a desk and Marina examines what looks like bills and a matchbook from a hotel.

Ah. . . now we’re in Isidro and Ines’ house where Ines, Connie and Regina chat about how well the women at the Center have recovered from the drama of the previous week. In files Gonzo, Isidro and Tony. Gonzo and Regina are expectant but nervous and want to get to the point. Isidro and Ines share a look of delighted anticipation.

Not yet. . . .Speaking of delight, we cut to Fina sniffing and caressing wads of Euros, Pesos and Dollars informing the cash with a grin that soon she will be far away from here, poised to complete the job she started 25 years ago. She, too, is swept away in a reverie of remembrance of the day she kidnapped baby Regina (Renata). We are forced to relive the day she hired a goon to create a distraction by stealing Regina’s purse as baby Regina/Renata was grabbed. (Yes, writers, stoke the fires of hatred for this miserable, self-centered, psychopathic wretch whose hatred for the woman SHE tortured has not abated in all those twenty five years. Thus we can more completely enjoy her demise!) Fina details her plan, never missing a beat in her counting or cackling: She plans to reveal Renata’s true identity as Regina’s Daughter after she and Roberta have left for Switzerland with the inheritance money but by that time Renata will be dead. Fina cynically pats herself on the back for having “let” Rentata live for many years but now her hour has come: She plans to kill Renata!

Back at Isidro’s. . . were Regina is reminded of the process they had to go through to verify that Roberta was indeed the baby she gave birth to and which was stolen from her: Roberta’s fingerprints had to be compared with those on the birth certificate of the child she gave birth to. Regina’s face is frozen in a kind of disbelieving suspense but Ines looks almost radiant as she declares that fingerprints never change from the time we are born. Gonzo gives words to the suspense which has congealed in Regina’s face: “Where are you going with all this?” Thus comes the words we’ve been waiting for:

“The analysis reveals that the fingerprints of Roberta do not correspond to those on the birth certificate of your daughter,” states Isidro.

“Como?” Regina begins to thaw.


Regina protests that this can’t be! The DNA tests confirmed that Roberta is her daughter. Isidro calmly and firmly maintains he doesn’t know how but the DNA test results were wrong: Roberta is NOT the daughter that was stolen from her.

Connie, as jubilant as Ines beams that she knew all along that Roberta couldn’t be her daughter cause she’s nothing like Regina or any of the Monterubbios. Gonzo has picked up the glow now. “If Roberta is not Regina’s daughter then does this mean that Renata is?” With this question Regina begins to allow the shock to melt away. . . until Gonzo suggests maybe it’s neither of them and this is a further lie of Josefina!

Back at Monterrubio Mansion Renata is, of course, oblivious to all the high drama swirling around her identity as she continues her search for Saul and thus clues to the whereabouts of Jeronimo. Panchita announces and then ushers in Marina who gives her the hotel papers from Saul’s desk. Renata immediately begins to call the number on the papers.

Back at Isidro’s. . Antonio speaks: ”Regina, I promised you I wouldn’t rest until I found your Daughter and God has allowed me to complete this mission. It gives me great pleasure to tell you that we found your Daughter and now there is not the least doubt. Regina, the daughter that you have searched for almost twenty four years is no other than Renata, Renata Monterrubio. Renata Monterrubio and Regina Gamba Soberon are the same person and here is the proof.” Antonio’s solemn words are tempered with a soft smile as he hands Regina the documents. Regina gasps and stares at the papers. . . .

Again we’re with Renata as she asks in English if Saul is staying at the hotel. She gets a yes and hands the phone to Marina as it rings. Ugh! I, for one, could have done without this shot of Saul’s hairy gams. . .or, whatever they’re called on guys (notice I’m not calling her Maritata!). When Saul answers Marina completes the ruse by asking in English for Edward Smith. Saul answers, also in English that no, she has the wrong room. “It’s him!” whispers Marina. Renata promptly proposes they take off for Vegas to trap this first third of the Rat Pack. Marina is persuaded by the Velvet Steamroller that is Renata. You go Girl! Her 57 varieties of tears are sooo last week.

“Renata is Regina’s Daughter!” “Say it loud and there’s music playing. Say it soft and it’s almost like praying!” Gonzo fairly sings. “Then, my real Daughter is Renata?” Regina asks, joy struggling to flutter from her heart to her tear-streaked face. “Of course,” Connie joins the chorus: it all makes sense why Fina always treated Renata better, it all makes sense. Ines reminds Regina how Regina herself has always felt a special, inexplicable connection to Renata. “Yes, I always felt the call of the blood,” cries Regina, the smile having made it to her face, to her eyes. “But I thought Roberta was my daughter,” Regina cries. “But the fingerprints don’t lie!” Ines beams. “Renata IS your Daughter!” Ines sings the happy chorus. Gonzo begins putting the pieces together, Renata’s heart defect added to the confusion. (Gonzo gives us insight into how he was able to live under the same roof with Fina and never notice her emotional abuse of Renata and Matias: after two baby abductions, feigned brain tumor and insanity, theft, realized and attempted murder, he attributes this to a failure or confusion, not a deliberate manipulation . . .) Antonio repeats his earlier confirmation of Renata as her Daughter, this time with a smile that brightens even his beady eyes and sweeps around the room.

Phew. After that emotional intensity we’re in the kitchen of La Bonita where Alfonsina, holding her impossibly fat and cute baby discusses the likely murder of Ezekiel with Laz and Kari. Alfie wonders if Mal-icio knows anything. Laz warns her to keep her distance from Melesio, that he is baaad news. The toss of Alfie’s head tells us she’s got other ideas.

The dynamic duo with Jero’s trio in tow make their way down the escalator at the airport.

Gonzo gently explains that this is the answer to the photograph confusion: the first picture Fina sent to Regina was actually her Daughter, Renata. She argues again that she herself took Roberta’s brush which was submitted for the DNA test. Isidro suggests that the hair brush may not have been Roberta’s and Fina may have switched the names on the toothbrushes. Regina rides the emotional pendulum between excitement over knowing Renata is her daughter and back to despair and confusion and then alarm: How will she ever tell Roberta? How will she take it? Regina knows that they all don’t trust Roberta but she has grown to believe her and treat her like a daughter. She is afraid it will break her heart! Ines comes close to Regina and meets her at eye level: “And Renata. What about Renata? Hasn’t she suffered enough thinking her mother was a crazy killer?” Overtaken by a new wave of deliriously joyous tears Regina cries that she is dying to see Renata and hold her in her arms. “I always loved her before I knew she was my Duaghter, now I love her even more!”

. .but she does not want to forget Roberta, she does not want to hurt her. Ines gently delivers a verbal wake up slap that Gonzo feels when she reminds Regina that she herself not only had doubts Roberta was her daughter but thought she may even have been in cahoots with Fina. Gonzo is like “Como?”. Damn straight says Ines (or the equivalent thereof) . . .Ines says she thinks not only has Roberta continued to see Fina but is involved in this whole “error” (Ines punctuates with big air quotes) of DNA results. Gonzo wants someone to explain how they could possibly have these suspicions.

Valle de Bravo, Estado de Mexico. Ahhhh, it’s the “business” meeting and Berty and Germy are just arriving.

I think we’ve been spared the surely arduous task of clueing Gonzo in on Berta’s machinations with mommy. He gets it but Regina denies its possibility. Gonzo agrees with Isidro that before the girls are told about this “new” revelation about their identities, it must be determined if Roberta has been Fina’s accomplice all this time. Regina continues to protest. Connie maintains firmly that Regina must remember that Fina is not only Roberta’s mother but raised her as well imparting all her eeeevil. Regina can’t understand why? Why did Fina do this to her? Ambition and Money offers Brother Antonio. Pepa has been after the money Roberto left his Daughter when she turned twenty five. Gonzo and Isidro want to entrap Roberta by letting her think she is getting her inheritance and then following her as she seeks out Fina as she surely will. Connie is concerned about Renata being left in the dark. She has a right to know Fina is NOT her mother and Regina is. Regina agrees and wants to tell Renata herself and embrace her as her Mother. Gonzo says it’s a plan: They can count on Renata’s discretion but not a word to Roberta! By George! I think he’s got it!.

Back at the airport Renata questions Marina about how well she knows Saul, if she knows if he was capable of hurting Jeronimo. Marina doesn’t have much confidence in him though she doesn’t know what motives he would have for hurting Jeronimo. . .unless it’s for money which he loves more than anything. Who could provide him with that kind of money? Marina muses it must be someone who wanted Renata and Jeronimo separated. Hmmm. Who could that be? Marina says perhaps Augustin. Renata has her Gonzo moment: “How could you possibly think that of Augustin.” Marina spills Augustin’s proposal that she ally herself with him to break Renata and Jero up. A proposal which she, of course, declined. Cara impactada de Renata.

Pissypants knipps at Carlos’ heels, ragging him about Matilde as they walk amongst huge shiny stanless vats of wine. He fires her ass. Nuff said.

Anibal and Alison are sitting in the parlor at La Bonita. Anibal has decided to tell all on Auggie. Alison snags Laz and Carlos to listen as Anibal tells them of Augie contracting Saul to stop Jero and Renata’s wedding.

Alfie follows her boobies through the shiny, plastic, amber beads of a curtain in a cheap little cantina where Melecio sits at a table. She asks to join him in a copita of tequila to drown the sadness that clings to her over that stupid Eziquel who took his own life. She throws the copita back in one quick swig and Melesio inhales the heat rising from her bosom and moves in to retrieve the tequila from her throat but she turns away. “That damned coward, leaving me, leaving his children.” Melesio swallows hard and eyes her breasts as if they each coo as sweetly as does Alfie’s pouting lips.

Back at La Bonita Anibal is on a roll. He tells of how he saw proof on Auggie’s computer that he was investigating Marina and Saul. Alison helps tell how Auggie threatened to kill Anibal for messing with his computer. He told Anibal that he could not abide traitors. Carlos and Laz want to get their hands on the proof!

Regina and Gonzo back at former Hell Hacienda look for Their Daughter but are given a note from Renata saying that she and Marina have gone to Vegas! Say What? Go Gonzo and Regina.

Super Laz, Carlos and Super Anibal in training sneak over to Cruz Sin Amor just as Augustin is leaving. They whisper to each other that Auggie is probably going to Mexico City to look for Renata, so they’re in luck. They tip toe through the blue haze of night into his study and have their hands on his computer when. Doh! Auggie forgot his cell and has come back! They scatter like cucarachas when the light comes on. His maid comes in and hands him his cell and he thankfully leaves right away, barking on his way out. Whew! The Tremendous Trio grab the lap top and high-tail it back to La Bonita.

Now we are with Hon, Matias and Renata as he relays to them from Connie that it is confirmed that Renata is Regina’s Daughter. They grin with glee and hug. Renata will find out that her mother is not a demon but a Saint and finally she is going to have some happiness after so many disgraces. (Ouch! I know there’re only two weeks left but Adri, tempteth not more anvils!) Ok, Hon reminds them to stay focused, that they’re on a mission. Adri whips out her camera and off they go.

Roberta and Germy clad in their post-business attire enjoy glasses of wine and afterglow. Their slurping and stroking shares the screen with the urgent yet quiet strides of the Bod Squad. Busting these two bods, that is. Click, goes the camera as we catch the canoodling duo in the center of the frame. The second click catches Germy wide/wild-eyed impactado. Germy has the nerve to demand what are THEY are doing there? Hon, Mat and Adri take turns ripping in to them: Germy has not only shown a glaring lack of respect for Gonzalo Monterrubio and the entire Empresa but an absolute lack of trustworthiness. Their age difference is cited, that Roberta could be his daughter. But she’s not, she shouts and tries to throw them all out. Adri smiles sweetly that yeah, they’ll leave and take with them the evidence of what kind of people they are. She chides Germy for being a man that likes to extract youth through trysts with young women but lets him know that Roberta would never be with him if she thought she couldn’t extract money from him! Hon parts with you two are birds of a feather and Gonzo is going to know of this right away!

“BUENAS NOCHES!” salutes Gema as she marches in! Time for Germy to swallow hard as Roberta looks off with a “well I’ll be dipped” look.

Back at La Bonita. . .Anibal, Laz and Carlos run in with the lap top and Anibal furiously pounds the keys as Kari, Mati and Alison look on. Oh crap! Auggie changed the password! They start a guessing game.

Gema demands an explanation and Germy stammers, “How did you know we were here?” This is a cue for big mouth Berta to have the nerve to accuse The Bod Squad of telling on them. Gema lets them no that she didn’t need any information from Roberta’s family nor did she know they were there. She had her suspicions and investigated with Beth. Germy had fallen in his usual pattern of being artificially attentive to her. A sure sign that he had another “chippy” on his shoulder. She asks why indeed are they there and Adri shares that they, too, had suspicions and came to unmask them. Adri smiles and waves her camera as Gema turns to Germy and whollops him so hard Adri gasps and grabs her own face! Oh Lord, man, just. shut. up. He tries to say he and Roberta only have a business relationship. Well, it’s the second firing of the night. Gema makes a present of Germy to Roberta, but she can have him as he was a few minutes ago – butt nekkid - and how he was when she met him - without a dime! He’s free to keep seducing young tarts of easy virtue like Roberta. Germy gulps like a guppy but no words come out.

Uh. Help me out here. Who’s bed is Auggie laying on as he calls Renata’s cell phone? Creep-o-lah! This is the second third of the Rat Pack! Panchita answers and tells him Renata isn’t in the Hacienda de los Huevos Grandes. For a minute I though she was going to tell him she went to Las Vegas! Phew! Augustin curses that she’s not at home crying in pain.

The La Bonita hackers have run out of steam. Kari suggests Anibal have at it again after some rest.

Aye. Pobrecito de Jeronimo. (Man! Televisa does hellified makeup no?) Jeronimo is actually doing better than he looks, his temperature is under control. Sabina has been thinking about the things Jeronimo mumbled. Sabina is resolved to look for Matilde’s phone number and call her: she is convinced there is a connection.

Roberta nags Germy as they leave the Luuurv Shack. He’s an imbecile, he should’ve been more discrete and no one would’ve found them. .Germy’s turn: How was he to know her family was on to them and she need not play the innocent with him, she’s certainly done this before. She tries to defend her honor by warming the side of his face Gema didn’t fire up but he catches her hand and wrenches it down. He refuses to let her put all the blame on him. To her question what happens to us he answers you need to try to straighten things out with your family as I try to do the same with my wife. Roberta fires back with her disappointment and anger that Germy did not protect her as he promised. Germy reminds her of how he covered the money she embezzled from the business. This brings Berta down a notch and she tries a different approach. She wants to know why Germy doesn’t go to Gonzo and tell him Roberta did indeed think it was a business meeting but he tricked her. No, Germy is not going to make a fool of himself in front of Gonzo with that cock and bull story. Roberta begins to whine. “Why did you tell me you loved me and would leave your wife for me?” (Need help with his reply): “Como, por que iba a mentirle?” Because I lied to you?

Regina, Connie and Gonzo at Connie’s: Regina is talking to Antonio on the phone who is in the Church. She tells Antonio that Renata and Marina have gone to Las Vegas. Antonio tells her he thinks it best that he return to Valle de Guadelupe, that he may be of some help there to find Jeronimo. She thanks him for keeping his promise to help her find her Daughter. She will never forget him, nor never be able to thank him enough. Antonio looks like a man at peace.

Gonzo and Regina face Connie. Regina asks where Hon, Mat and Adri are? “Well, I won’t hesitate to tell you now that you know Roberta is not your daughter. As a matter of fact this proves that she is the spawn of satan, I mean, Fina, aw, same thing.” Gonzo wants to know what Roberta has to do with the whereabouts of Hon, Mat and Adri. “Because, they went to expose German and Roberta. They were not on a business trip but they were spending the weekend together because THEY ARE LOVERS.” Regina is stunned, Gonzo is stern and turns with pursed lips to look at Connie as the color drains from his face.

Preview: Fina and Roberta kiss and make up and then are surrounded by police; the third member of the Rat Pack, Saul, is confronted in the middle of the casino by Renata and Marina: Jackpot! He spills the truth like a slot machine spilling coins!

Thank you for your attention, my friends! Let the revelations continue as this year and our time of scholarly voyeurism come to an end. I’ll see you in comments but let me take this opportunity to thank you for letting me ramble and rant at you like this, it’s been fun and I hope you enjoyed it too. It’s wee hours so I’ll see you all later in cyberspace! I wish you all a New Year full of Peace, Prosperity and Love!


Una Familia Con Suerte #58-59 Tue 12/27/11 Vince and Beto sweat; Ana yells.

I cooked dozens and dozens of Hanukah doughnuts tonight for a party, then cleaned up, then watched the show, and then blogged it. I don't have time to proofread it, sorry!

Pina rewards Candy with 2 spa passes for finding Abeja. She and Vince tell Adoracion, "Take this devil dog, with hate in his eyes, away!"

Rebeca misses much of Chela's in-the-dark monologue (which she, and we, have heard dozens of times) as she dozes in Pancho's bed ("in MY house" Chela barks). When Rebe sort of wakes up, Chela yells louder. "What an idiotic excuse, that your house burned, right, like I believe that."

Chela stalks out of the house crying. Rebeca staggers into Pancho's room, still dizzy. She knows the kids hate her. She and Pancho kiss. Pepe enters without knocking and grins at them.

In the barrio, Chela cries at Jessenia. She seems ready to move on but Jessenia eggs her on until: "I'll never accept that I've lost Pancho."

Pepe wants to open a auto shop with Tomas.

Adoracion comes to Pancho's house and says the "usurper" (the false Abeja) got her fired.

Vince calls Candy on their new secret cellphones. He's on the roof with binoculars. He reads her more poetry, pretending he wrote it.

Only Pepe stands up for his dad; the other kids say: "she goes or we go." Regardless, Pancho says she stays till the next day.

Pancho dreams: he's kissing Rebe, but suddenly Rebe turns into Chela. Then Rebe kisses Vince, Pancho screams, NO! Beto arrives in the dream saying: "I told you everything in life turns out badly and ends in death!" Pancho wakes up, hears shouting, and opens the door: there's Rebe, bleeding. "Chela stabbed me with a knife." No, it's another dream! He wakes up again and staggers into the next room, waking Rebe. He tells the dreams.

Enzo dreams of Violeta, Monica's mom. Now we find out she didn't die - she left him!

Pina sits alone in the living room. Freddy comes in and nicely asks what she's doing. "Waiting for dawn... That Tasmanian demon wasn't Abeja. But how are you?" "Did I tell you I asked Moni to marry me? And she said no." "Well, you don't like her much." "But wouldn't she make me a good wife?" "She's unstable." Pina thinks they're too young, anyway, then reminds him "You're the most important thing in my life... after the dog. Let her go to the grocer's son, there are lots of pretty girls out there."

Pancho brings Rebe breakfast in bed. She's still sick from the pill, her house is burnt and Chela hates her.

Candy comes and tells Pancho the show Pina Opina will, today, be half her and half Pina for the first time.

Adoracion comes in with the usurpadora. She cries to Ana: "I miss the shouting, I miss my home." Tomas comes in, she throws herself into his arms.

At the dog psychiatrist Pina says her dog has gone crazy. Vince is there, but he's texting Candy. The doc says they will soon be the happy grandparents of six puppies.

Ana, confused as usual, tells Lupe "I like Manuel, sort of, but there's tension with the other guys now."

"Carmen Matahari" (Candy) enters the spa, two VIP passes in hand. Close behind, "Bergerac" (Vince). Both have hats over their eyes. Bergerac says his wife is dead. Matahari: "My husband is not dead." "I am sorry to hear that." "He went off with his taichi master." "Sorry." "I'll get over it." She lets Bergerac have her second pass.

Wait, how did Vicente get into the lady's steam room? Candy: "Tell me a poem." "I didn't bring the book." He tells her about Mesoamerican spa rites: The temascal purifies body and soul...

... naturally, down the hall come Pina and her friend! Candy rushes out and says "Don't go in there, it's cold and there's fungus! It smells bad, like a rotten egg!"

Rebe and Pancho take a meeting with the director of the school Rebe is recommending for Temo. This woman, supposedly German, is scary looking and humorless, maybe a transsexual. She says Temo will have to take an admission exam. "But Temo doesn't know any German." "He'll take a class in the afternoons." When they leave, Pancho derides the director, she's like a badly-paid sergeant, he's not sure about this, he'll have to talk it over with Chela. Rebe starts up with her speech, "you want Chela," Pancho gets pissed and leaves.

Back at the spa: while Candy works hard to convince Cati and Pina not to go in the steam room, Vince gets so well boiled, he faints and the paramedics have to come for him. Mouth-to-mouth, oh no! Only from Candy! Vince goes running through the lady's dressing room; then Candy runs through the men's dressing room. She kisses Vince there and Pina and Cati are about to bust in and see! But they get intercepted by another guy who reminds them it's the men's room.

At Avon the receptionist flirts with Pepe again, and again, Moni sees them and is very jealous.

Uh-oh, Rebe left her cosmetics bag at Pancho's house. She goes back for it and encounters the crying Adoracion. Then Pancho comes in. He tells her, offhandedly, that Chela has a boyfriend. She says that changes things - but then why hasn't Chela come back to the house?

In the barrio, Chela runs into a guy who says he's lost. "You and me both," Chela mutters. As she's giving him directions Ana sees the two together; she runs after the guy to scold him. Then she scolds Chela for having a boyfriend; then she says she wants to stay with Chela in the old neighborhood.

Beto has a wife! He's ironing, so he must be hen-pecked. The wife, Maria, yells: her clothes are old, he mustn't leave a single wrinkle while ironing, he hasn't paid the rent, his love is worth nothing to her.

Pina is having no luck at all making her own breakfast. Everything boils over and burns. "I quit!" She tells Vince the eggs are well cooked, they've been on for 48 minutes. He spits out the coffee, perhaps made from socks. She says, "Then you make breakfast next time! ... I miss Adoracion, I need her!"

Ana yells at Rebe. Yikes, she is so so rude! "You have no business here, leave and never come back. It's your fault our family is a disaster. We will never accept you, never." Lupe comes in and tries to reason with Ana, who turns on her and yells, "You were always dad's favorite."

Beto enters Pancho's office sweating. "My beloved wife has wanted me to ask you to eat with us for a long time..." So Pancho goes to dinner and is assaulted by the bossy wife while Beto cooks and serves in an apron. The wife, Maria, flirts disgustingly and disparages Beto's cooking. Then she presses Pancho hard to give her husband a promotion and raise. Pancho: "Yes, he deserves it, but since we are cutting costs, it would look strange." Beto apologizes later; Pancho says "I'll give you a 20 percent raise since otherwise your wife will kill you!" Now he knows why Beto is so nervous all the time.

Enzo yells at Vince: "You abandoned our 'plans' just to chase a skirt." In fact, Vince had forgotten about their plans (to buy a majority share of Avon) - and anyway he doesn't see what marriage has to do with it. "Why are you so insistent that your daughter marry Freddy?" "Because I don't want Moni to end up doing what my wife did - leaving. I loved Violeta with all my soul." He tells Vince she isn't dead, and cries.


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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Don Francisco Presenta Un Gran Noche de La Fuerza del Destino Lunes 12/26/11. La Fuerza del Destino Wrap Show.

By Urban Anthropologist

There is a Christmas tree in the back of the set and large wrapped gift boxes and poinsetta plants on the floor in front of the guest chairs.

Laisha Wilkins is the first cast member to be introduced, on set with Don F. She talked about how Maripaz' mother taught her to always get what she wants although Lucia turned out differently. She thinks that Ivan was the love of MP's youth. She wanted a man of means and Ivan just wasn't it when they were 19.

David Zepeda is via satellite from Mexico. He thinks that Ivan was attracted to Maripaz and it was a learning time in Ivan's life but that Alex was the light of his life. He was the greatest gift to Ivan. There are many angels that pass through our lives and that Alicia and Tony were his. Meeting Tony changed his destiny in a lot of ways.

DZ will be starring with Angelique Boyer soon. That should be interesting.

Here is where we find out that this program was taped before anyone knew about Pedro Armendáriz' condition.

Gabriel Soto via satellite, sitting on the same couch as DZ. He feels that Camilo was very conflicted. He loved and respected Ivan but saw an open door when he left with Maripaz. Later he merely weakened to Maripaz' sexual advances at a vulnerable time. “We're just men, after all.” However, in the end his friendship with Ivan won the day. Nothing new here.

Laisha thinks Maripaz learned the error of her ways just at the end.

Rosa Maria Bianchi joins them on the set. Speaking as Lucrezia she believes that she raised Maripaz as best she could. She wanted her to have everything (including the education Maripaz rejected). She favored Maripaz because she was more like her while Lucia was more like Gerry. Maripaz and Lucrezia were women “de mucho carácter.” Ambitious, willful, etc.

Delia Casanova via satellite: We were a family of “mujerones” [Will someone please explain that one?] Everyone makes mistakes they don't know are mistakes until later. She was always there for Lucia, who needed her the most. Tony appealed to Carlota because of his love of life. She thinks they did do the trip.

Laisha re the transplant story: Maripaz was desperate for the love of her son after the rejection of everyone else. She was too afraid to lose her mother (the only person who loved her) not to donate the kidney. Neither Laisha nor Rosa Maria would IRL accept a kidney from an offspring because you don't know what can happen to them in the future.

Kika Edgar joins DF on the set. She said that caring for a child makes for the maternal feelings that Carolina had for Alex. Furthermore, it was challenging to care for a child because Carolina was blind. She loved Antolin just as blindly. Her belief in him made him turn his life around.

Marcelo Cordoba via satellite from Mexico: Love changed Antolin, who previously did what he had to for survival. Gorgeous guy, but I prefer him without the beard.

I'm sure none of us agree with Don F's provocative comment on Antolin being the most evil character in the story.

There was a joke about actors feeling nothing during a certain type of scene.

Viewer questions submitted through Facebook: A viewer asks Laisha if she ever knew anyone like Maripaz or if she is anything like her. She answers “Thank God, no” to the second but to the first that she has known people worse than Maripaz, who had no regard for other people. Marcelo says that any person can change in life as Antolin did. Why not? DZ said that the most difficult time during production for him was when he was also doing promotional spots and had to exist on very little sleep and work in cold climates. He also felt he learned responsibility from playing Ivan.

Don F gave New Year's greetings and mentioned that Laisha will be on the New Year's program.

Interesting that the three ladies in DF's studio are all dressed in black with very modest jewelry. Is that because of the white chairs?

This must have been taped more than a week ago and I think the network should have had a disclaimer about Don Pedro's death before the beginning of the show.

More comments to come later.


La Fuerza del Destino #101 Mon 12/26/11 Confessions, revelations, incantations, invocations, and declarations. La Fuerza del Fraternidad, Amor, y Hierbas

Recap by Urban Anthropologist

La Fuerza del Destino Gran Especial Lunes 12/26/11: Los Mejores Momentos

Ivan Crossing the Desert: If he had walked to San Diego we wouldn't have this shot.

Alicia Arriving at Casa Curiel and meeting with Carlota for the first time. Not a comfortable encounter for either, but particularly for Carlota.

Teen Ivan meets Juan Jeil-Me or just bite me.

Ivan asks Alicia about his father and we hold our breath.

Alicia reveals Ivan to JJ as his son and JJ gets insulting, as usual.

Alicia asks JJ for help only to get sexual harassment in return and young Ivan takes a fall defending her.

Young adult Ivan plays with Pipo the Doberman showing us he can raise a loving dog. That usually scores with chicks.

Maripaz flirts with Ivan and coerces a kiss from him as young Lucia looks on and walks away crying. Ivan tells her that he and Maripaz have a thing for each other. Little does he know it won't last.

Maripaz tells Ivan she doesn't want the baby. We knew the second she said the “A” word she would come to no good.

Alicia has the illegal abortion. She didn't deserve this hell.

Lucrazia tells Ivan to get out. Little does she know.

Arcelia gives Ivan the bad news about his mother dying. On her deathbed Alicia tells Ivan she doesn't want him to get revenge for anything. She gives him the crucifix she wears and makes him promise to be a good and honorable man. He kisses her goodbye and she dies.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar..

Lucrazia sics the ranch hands on Ivan and Antolin kills one defending him; the others run off.

Antolin talks to Camilo about not telling anyone who really did the killing. And we wonder about his character.

Antolin convinces Ivan to leave Mexico because he will be accused of the murder. Not that he has to be, as we know.

Maripaz tells Lucia she's going to get an abortion, trying to say that Ivan is a bad person. Lucia isn't buying this. This scene looks even more ominous in retrospect.

Ivan places flowers on Alicia's grave, knocking over the ones left by Gerry.

Camilo and Antolin talk again about the killing, with Antolin telling him to be quiet about what really happened. This is the most selfish we have ever seen him, since he seemed to think himself above the law.

Ivan crosses the desert. He looks both strong and vulnerable here.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for ¡Feliz 2012!.

Ivan meets Benito in California.

Ivan works in the produce field.

Alex is born. Of those receiving the news from the doctor only Lucrezia is miserable.

Ivan saves Tony's life. Their first conversation is in English.

Baby Alex is home, but only for a moment. We knew that would happen.

Tony expresses his gratitude to Ivan.

Tony adopts Ivan.

JJ hears about McGuire and Sons.

Tony and Ivan look over Alamos and Ivan wants to know about Maripaz. Boy, will you ever change your mind about her.

Lucrzeia and Maripaz talk about her pending marriage to David. The anvil was being hoisted and how many of us knew that?

Ivan and Camilo reunite. Maripaz interrupts this meeting and everyone else's lives.

Commercial Break

Ivan and Maripaz talk about loving each other. But he is already on to her in a way he doesn't recognize.

Ivan and Alex meet for the first time as we wonder how Ivan didn't recognize him immediately as his son.

Maripaz accuses Lucia of stealing Ivan and Carlota makes her first threat at tossing Maripaz out on her ramera ass.

The fan and the doves. I think this was somebody's fantasy.

The dolphin pool scene. One of my favorites in the series.

Amusement park scene

Tony and Ivan talk about his feelings.

Maripaz tells Gerry she will get custody of Alex And why didn't Gerry take action here?

The judge gives custody to Maripaz. proving that good men can make bad decisions.

In LA Ivan tells Maripaz like it is and we knew havoc would reign for a while.

In Alamos Alex and Ivan encounter Lucia, Camilo, and baby Perla. and Lucia looked like she wanted to disappear.

Ivan and Camilo fight over Lucia. Maripaz catches a punch and we laughed.

Maripaz in the hospital to donate her kidney to Lucrezia. The last time Alex has to see her alive.

The doctor announces Maripaz' death. Carlota, Lucia, JJ, and the viewers son impactados.

Saul and El Gordo talk about their plot to kidnap Alex. Stupid crooks are biting off more than they can chew.

El Gordo shows up in his clown get-up. We never want to see another clown again.

Commercial Break leading with the promo for the finale.

Antolin fills Tony in on Saul and El Gordo. They discuss Bruno's ability to help and next steps.

El Gordo and Fausto talk about ditching Saul.. El Gordo disables the tracking device in his cell phone.

Ivan calls Lucia. The last call before his dangerous trek into the woods.

Camilo waits outside in his car and El Gordo calls Ivan just after sunrise with instructions.

Camilo watches Ivan's departure and starts to follow him out.

Antolin and Tony discuss next steps

Lucia and Carlota talk over breakfast.

El Gordo calls Ivan and tells him where to go. He and Fausto laugh and talk about meeting half an hour after El Gordo gets the money.

Antolin figures out what the kidnappers are up to and talks to Tony. Bruno is paying attention.

El Gordo calls Ivan who is still walking.

El Gordo walks out of the barn and mention is made of the rich guy with the yacht. Fausto looks like he's going to turn Saul against El Gordo, but that's possibly a trick.

Antolin, Tony, and Bruno rescue Alex and we get the satisfaction of seeing Antolin take Saul down. The second bullet could have shattered the femur.

Alex comes home to the maternal women who love him as everyone worries about Ivan and Camilo.

<b>La Fuerza del Destino Capitulo #101 El Gran Final,  Lunes,  12/26/11:   Confessions, revelations, incantations, invocations, and declarations.  La Fuerza del Fraternidad, Amor, y Hierbas</b>

Please provide any missing details. Gracias.


The kidnap, the plans, Alex's near-escape, the goading, the shootout, and Fausto's temporary getaway with the money and Camilo's cell phone.


Near the edge of the woods, after sunrise. A native mother and her teen daughter find Camilo lying across Ivan. The mother determines that both are alive (although barely) and sends the daughter to get her brother. El Gordo is dismissed as dead. Nobody's sorry about that.

Shack: The native mother – hereafter referred to as La Curandera – sterilizes a knife in a candle flame. Her son is paranoid about being accused of shooting the two white men, but his mother points out that he doesn't have a firearm. She gets her daughter to pour cold water, then gets Ivan to drink it. The woman chants as she removes the bullet from Ivan's stomach . [panza] Ivan screams out his pain.

Alamos Police Station: Commandante Aguilar informs Antolin and Tony that Saul has been found in Hermosillo. He mentions the three bullet wounds. Antolin said he had to do it and Tony backs him up.

Shack: The curandera's son isn't happy that Ivan and Camilo are there. Camilo has a high fever.

Hacienda Curiel: Tony tells Carlota what they found out from Saul. Alex's doctor has told them that nothing had happened to him (i.e., he hasn't been abused). Lucia is worried about Ivan and Camilo.

Casa McGuire: Tony comforts Alex without telling him what's really happening. He tells Alex that Ivan is on a business trip. I wonder how Alex will react when he learns the truth.

Casa Galvan: Arcelia prays to la Virgencita as Carmen sits at the table crying.

Shore: The curandera's children argue about what will happen when the police get there. Apparently they have been exiled because of something that happened on the Isla de Tiburón. The brother expresses the wish that the two injured men die.

Shack:: The curandera chants and uses maggots (ewww!) to help Ivan, and that they may have to gather more. The maggots [gusanos] will eat any dessicating flesh but may not work for everyone.

Hacienda Curiel: Tony tells the ladies that El Gordo has been found dead and Camilo's rented car has been found. When Lucia leaves the room Tony tells Carlota that there was other blood at the scene.

Casa Carolina: Antolin is trying not to lose it when Carolina asks about what's happening. She sounds more and more like a little girl.

Shore: We find out that the curandera's son killed someone defending his sister and he's afraid someone will find out. The curandera tries to make her son understand that his violent tendencies aren't good. Her daughter comes out to tell her that Ivan's fever is going down. Ivan wakes up and asks about Camilo. The curandera tells him that Camilo is alive but unconscious. She and the girl try to help Camilo as Ivan starts asking about Alex.

Casa McGuire: Alex talks about what happened to him. The kidnappers held him for ransom, they gave him food, and did not sexually abuse him. Lucia is on board with Tony about telling him that Ivan is on a business trip. Alex had a nightmare about a dark place. Later she tells Tony and Carlota that she thinks Alex will get over this with time. Carlota says that what the kidnappers did is unforgivable. Tony had gotten no news yet about Ivan and Camilo.

Casa Galvan: Antolin has heard about El Gordo's death, but that there was blood from two other people at the scene. That this means that Ivan and Camilo are alive but injured. He tells his mother and Carmen he will go to find out what he can. Arcelia cries as she blesses him and he tells her to take care of Carolina. Uh oh.

Hacienda Curiel: It's been four days and Lucia is starting to panic. Carlota and Lucrezia try to get her to calm down.

Police Station: Antolin argues with Aguilar. He wants to join the search party in Hermosillo but Aguilar tells him the local police don't allow civilians to do this.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.and tonight's cast reunion show on Don Francisco Presenta.

Casa Mondragon: Esther and David arrive to find JJ drinking tequila. He's in a sarcastic mood.

JJ: Ah, the traitors. Have you come to get more money out of me after leaving me in la miseria? Why have you come?
David: Have you heard much about Saul?
JJ: No. The newspapers and TV don't have much to say. Now I have a son who is a kidnapper of children besides being a rapist. Now I can't set foot outside the house.
Esther: Juan Jaime, David and I think that if you can use your influence –
JJ: What influence? I don't influence, money. Nothing. Where is this imbecile?
David: In the prison hospital.
JJ: I hope he dies. That will wipe out the family shame.
David: I agree that my brother is the worst. But if you talk to the governor, perhaps –
JJ: I thought I taught him to be smart, worthy of my name. But he's turned out a porqueria. Delinquent of the worst kind. Imbecile. I don't want to know any more about him. Damn Saul. OK. Are you going to defend him?
David: Let's go, Mama.
JJ: Go. Leave me alone. I want to be alone.

David and Esther leave. We know JJ is in for lots of solitary time.

Casa McGuire: Alex is having trouble sleeping. Tony tries to tell him Ivan is on a business trip in L.A. He reads to him from the pirate story book.

Shack: Ivan and Camilo are alive. The curandera's daughter talks about getting them to a hospital where the doctors can help.

Casa Carolina: She doesn't want to let Antolin go to resolve this. But he can't sit around with crossed arms because he can't sleep and his mother won't stop crying.

Prison Infirmary, the next day: Esther and David visit Saul, who knows he will face 40 to 60 years in prison. He hopes that Ivan died in the desert and ridicules his mother praying to God. Pendejo. God will get you for that.

Casa McGuire: Still no news. Tony is preparing to go out and search. Antolin will go with him. Alex talks to Carolina on the phone, telling her that he will be going back to school in a few days. Tony asks him if he wants to spend a few days with the Curiels.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia insists on accompanying Tony. He agrees. Carlota assures Lucia that Perlita will be well cared-for. Lucrezia looks forward to Alex staying with them.

Shack: Ivan is awake and struggling to get up.

Ivan: Camilo, brother, it's me. Camilo, open your eyes. Camilo... listen to me.
Camilo: Ivan, I thought I was lost.
Ivan: No.
Camilo: Where are we?

La curandera and her daughter return with plants and roots.

Ivan: The house of a native healer. She took the bullets out of both of us.
Camilo: I don't remember. Alex?
Ivan: I don't know. I don't know where he is. (tries to get up, but slumps back in pain)
Curandera: Don't move.
Ivan: Where is my cell phone?
Girl (helping him lie down): We didn't find one. Just your clothes.
Ivan: I need to make a phone call. My friend is dying. Is there a town near here?
Curandera: It's very far.
Ivan: How far is Hermosillo?
Curandera: Many hours' walk.
Ivan: Señora, I can't let my friend die. I can't let that happen. You have family. Mother, siblings. You know how that is, don't you?
Curandera: Yes, we know.
Ivan: Besides, I have a lost child. A little boy. Help me, please. Help me.

The woman's son throws something down on the floor and exits. She notices.

Curandera: Yes. I will help you. (pats daughter's shoulder to get her attention) Take care of him. (exits and talks to her son) Hijo, I want you to go to the authorities to help these men.
Hijo: Ay, Madre. I will not go. (gets up and walks away)
Curandera: If you don't, I will.
Ivan: Save yourself, brother. Aunque la cueste la vida.
Camilo: No. Your life is worth a lot. You have a woman, a child –
Ivan: You have your mother, Camilo. You have a life ahead of you.
Camilo: An empty life. With nothing.
Ivan: Camilo, we've both made mistakes. I abandoned Lucia and you dreamed of her. That was for the best if I had never returned.
Camilo: She married me but kept loving you. I didn't count for anything. It's better this way. (The wise woman enters and listens.) I suffered my whole life for her love.
Ivan: You're thinking like that because you're weak, Camilo. You aren't thinking of other possibilities. You have to live, Camilo. You have to live to find them.
Camilo: I don't want to.

The music swells.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar.

Hermosillo: Tony sends Antolin and Lucia into the hotel to register while he talks to the police chief, who gives advice about dealing with the local natives.

Hotel Room: Tony shows a map to Antolin, Lucia, and Benito, pointing out where El Gordo's body was found. He lays out the plan. Antolin and Benito will go on foot in that area while he and Lucia will take the copter.

Hacienda Curiel: Carlota and Lucia talk on the phone. Lucrezia is playing with Alex. Lucia tells her they will search in the morning. Carlota tells her to have faith. If Ivan could survive days in the desert in the US he's got a strong spirit. Lucia todavia is worried.

Shack: La curandera chants over Ivan, then tells him he has a strong spirit. She points out to Ivan that his bullet came out easily but that she had to work hard to get the two bullets out of Camilo's back and that he's lost a lot of blood. She is sure that Camilo can't be saved because he doesn't want to live and that nobody can save him because of that. She leaves the two alone. Ivan crawls over to Camilo and props himself up.

Ivan: Camilo, listen to me. You want to live, don't you? Camilo.
Camilo: I'm too tired. Leave me.
Ivan: Think of your mother, your people.
Camilo: I've lost them.
Ivan: You have to live for them.
Camilo: Ivan, when you went to the US, I got your letters, but I tore them up.
Ivan: Why?
Camilo: Because I felt guilty. [something about Antolin] When you came back rich and powerful I was envious.
Ivan: That's in the past, Camilo. It's over.
Camilo: It's over for you. But not me. It always stayed in my soul, this guilt.
Ivan: Don't say that. Things like this are part of destiny.
Camilo: On top of everything, you have Lucia.
Ivan: It's better not to talk, Camilo. You're too weak.
Camilo: But I want to tell you because I may not have another opportunity. Ivan, I won't get out of this.
Ivan: Don't say that, Camilo. We will. Do you hear me? We will both get out of this.

Edge of the woods: A local man leads Antolin and Benito to the spot where El Gordo, Camilo, and Ivan were found. They talk about what is in which direction. The helicopter hovers overhead.

Shack: Camilo tells Ivan how he came to marry Lucia.

Camilo: Dona Carlota suggested that I propose marriage to Lucia because she was pregnant. It was your child but that didn't matter to me. I was in love with her but she never was mine. She always belonged to you, Ivan.

Ivan hears the helicopter and runs outside.

Ivan (waving): Aqui, aqui! Aqui, por favor!

Of course, anyone with common sense realizes that nobody in a helicopter can hear anyone yelling on the ground because of the motor noise.

Ivan yells at the curandera that Camilo needs help and why doesn't she do something. The woman is amazingly understanding (by TN standards of general behavior).

The helicopter turns back. Both Tony and Lucia have binoculars but they don't seem to be close enough to see.

Hotel: Tony has words with the authorities and talks about going to Isla de Tiburón.

Hacienda Curiel: Arcelia cries about the possibility of losing her sons. Carlota tries to animarla. They embrace as the phone rings. Carlota answers and asks Lucia what's up.

Commercial Break This break includes the news report about the death of Pedro Armendáriz, Jr. Descanses in pax, Don Pedro. We will miss you big time.

Casa Carolina: After some suspense music, Antolin calls to let Carolina know he's alright, but that they aren't giving up.

Shack, a noche: Ivan tells Camilo he needs to get help for him.

Ivan: I need to get help for you. You've lost a lot of blood, but I can't leave you alone either.
Camilo: Why are you doing this for me? Better go. You saw a helicopter which I hope was looking for us. If you save yourself you might save me.
Ivan: I'm saying we're getting out of this together, brother.
Camilo: I don't follow in your footsteps, bro. If you find help you can come back for me. For all that you love, go. Go Ivan. And forgive me. Forgive me for everything I've done.
Ivan: The same has happened to me. We won't talk like this again. I love you, brother. I've always loved you.
Camilo: Go, Ivan. Go. You are our only hope.
Ivan: You're right. (He gets up)

The music swells as the curandera persuades him to stay until morning so she can give him another herbal treatment and get some medicines together to take with him. She tells him her son will accompany him because he knows the way. Furthermore that her son will obey her.

Shore: The curandera's son is paranoid as she tells him to accompany Ivan to the town.

Shack: Sad cello music underscores Ivan's leave-taking.

Ivan: Brother, I'm going.
Camilo: Tell my mother I love her.
Ivan: You will tell her that yourself.
Camilo: Kiss your family for me. Lucia. Perlita. Tell Lucia to forgive my selfishness and lack of understanding.
Ivan: No. She loves you (te quiere). She always did and you know that.

The curandera tells Ivan it's time. Ivan places Alicia's crucifix in Camilo's open right hand.

Ivan: Camilo, promise you'll get up and we'll see each other again. (kisses him and gets up. Camilo's hand closes over the crucifix.)

Outside the curandera and her daughter give the son and Ivan food, water, and herbs for the journey. She assures Ivan that her son is only a wounded soul who will be healed. She blesses him and they leave.

Casa de Vega: Fausto and his wife laugh over the money as the police enter to arrest him.

Police Station: The chief calls Tony to inform him that the leader of the native people has given permission for Tony to go to la Isla de Tiburón. Furthermore that Fausto has been caught.

Edge of desert: Ivan collapses in need of rest. The curandera's son gives him something to drink. Ivan gets him to talk about his behavior. He admits to having killed a man who attempted to rape his sister. Ivan promises he will not turn him in for this. We know Ivan understands him now.

Shack: The curandera chants over Camilo as her daughter enters.

Hija: Will he die?
Curandera: He has a powerful spirit watching over him.

Alamos, en Iglesia: Arcelia prays for her sons, saying she will die if anything happens to them. She also invokes her husband's spirit to look after them and Ivan.

Shore: The curandera and her daughter enter the rowboat.

Edge of desert: Tony's helicopter flies overhead; Ivan tries to get its attention. The boy rejects the idea of starting a fire and they walk on despite the pain Ivan is starting to feel.

Isla de Tiburón: The curandera and her daughter arrive to see El Jefe, who doesn't want to see them. She reminds him that according to their ways a person who takes a life earns a pardon by saving one. She is there about her son.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for La Que No Podia Amar..

Isla de Tiburón: The two curanderas argue the points of their ways. El Jefe says that saving white men's lives doesn't count, but the wise woman tells him that all humans are children of Madre Tierra. The helicopter approaches and lands. Tony and Lucia come out and approach.

Shore: Antolin and Benito are headed to the wise woman's shack.

Isla de Tiburón: Tony explains about Ivan's disappearance. La curandera explains the bullet wounds and why they didn't alert the police.

Shack: Antolin and Benito arrive. Camilo's hand opens. He tells Antolin Ivan went for help.

Isla de Tiburón: The curandera tells Lucia that she and Ivan will have many years of happiness and will have children. Antolin calls Tony to tell him that they found Camilo and the ambulance is en route.

Shore: The boy tells Ivan they are near the road (carretera). Ivan starts bleeding again. The boy takes something out, but we can't be sure he can be trusted.

Hospital in Hermosillo: Camilo is rushed into the emergency room. The crucifix hangs from his hand.

Road: How did Ivan and the boy hitch a ride in this isolated area? The boy leaves Ivan in the back of the pick-up as it slowly heads for town.

Hospital: Antolin calls Arcelia to tell her he's found Camilo but that it doesn't look like he will live. Both cry as Arcelia insists on being there. Antolin tells her it's four hours away, but Tony has called David to arrange for his private plane to bring her there. A handsome young doctor enters to tell Tony and Lucia that Ivan has arrived. Also that he's bleeding, the wound is infected, and he has a fever.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucia calls Carlota to tell her that Ivan has been found. She tells the family. Alex is confused about this, but Carlota manages to not reveal much as they hug.

Hospital: The doctor tells Tony and Lucia that both patients are stable, but that Camilo is in very serious condition despite the blood transfusions.

Hospital, Ivan's Room: Lucia and Tony enter.

Lucia: Mi amor! (they kiss)
Ivan: Lucia.
Lucia: Welcome back to life.
Ivan: Alex?
Tony: Alex is saved. He's well. (They clasp hands)
Ivan: Thank God. And Camilo?
Tony: Camilo's condition is grave.
Ivan: Dad, they have to do everything to save him. Save him, save him please. I can't be calm if they don't.

Hospital, Camilo's Room: Ominous music as Arcelia and Antolin enter. Camilo is clutching the crucifix in the same hand.

Antolin: Be calm, mother. Be calm. (They stand at the foot of the bed as a nurse closes the door)
Arcelia: Son, here I am.
Camilo: Mama.
Antolin: Animo, carnal.
Camilo: Energy? I have no energy.
Arcelia: Son, don't say stupid things or I'll hit you. You have so much to live for. You're young, you have your lands, you have a family that loves you, and many people who respect you. Because you are Camilo Galvan. El Señor Camilo Galvan!
Camilo: What good is that without happiness?
Arcelia: Do it. Do it for us. You will get out of here. You know your brother did the impossible to find you.
Camilo: Thanks Antolin. I asked Ivan to forgive me.
Antolin: For what?
Camilo: You know. For envying him. For the way I tried to take Lucia from him.
Antolin: Ivan always loved you.
Camilo: They found him?
Arcelia: Yes.
Camilo: And Alex?
Arcelia: He's home.
Camilo: Therefore it was worth it. (he takes Arcelia's hand in his left). I love you, mother. I love all of you.

He flatlines as Arcelia keeps crying his name. The doctors rush in as Antolin restrains her.

Commercial Break

Isla de Tiburón: El Jefe pardons the boy and his family and they can return to their community.

Hacienda Curiel: Lucrezia and Carlota look at bridal magazines to plan Lucia's wedding. Carlota mentions that Lucia and Ivan are visiting Carolina and her baby girl in the hospital. We must have skipped six months without being told.

Hospital: Carolina and Antolin admire their baby girl. They agree that Ivan and Lucia will be her godparents. Lucia and Ivan come to visit, bringing a medallion of the Virgen as a gift. Antolin mentions being in the delivery room. Fatherhood looks good on him. All appear to be happy.

Prison: Ominous music plays as Saul prepares a noose. Excellent close-up showing a single tear falling from his right eye. He hangs himself. Good riddance.

Casa Mondragon: JJ looks at family photos as he takes a call from the prison. There must be an edit in here because the next part is too quick. He then calls David to tell him.

David: Yes, Papa. Tell me.
JJ (voice breaking and he starts to cry in the middle of the next line): I'm calling to tell you that your brother committed suicide in prison.
David: How did he do it?
JJ: Hanged himself. [colgar]
David: My god.
JJ: Call your mother and make the arrangements for the burial. I can't do it.
David: Yes, Papa.

JJ ends the call and we get shots of both men crying. JJ looks at formal family photos on the table while David stands still with his cell phone in hand.

Casa McGuire: Benito tells JJ he will get Ivan.

Ivan: What can I offer you?
JJ: Saul committed suicide. Hanged himself in the prison.
Ivan: I'm sorry.
JJ: It's my fault. I didn't know how to raise my children. I treated my wife worse than an animal. So they all left me. And you know what? That was just as well. I deceived and stole; the whole world knows I ruined my own family name. I've lost everything. I'm paying for everything I've done. You believe it's possible to start over? I don't. I know you're about to get married.
Ivan: Yes. In a few days.
JJ: I know you will be happy. Treat your wife and children well. (turns to leave, but changes his mind) A few days ago I visited your mother. I asked her forgiveness. It didn't help. How do they say it? Ask the son? And for what, really? (turns to leave)
Ivan: Señor Mondragon? (JJ stops and turns) Yo lo perdono.

JJ exits with a slightly ironic smile. Tony enters; he and Ivan embrace.

Commercial Break that leads with a promo for Don Francisco Presenta. The cast reunion show.

Iglesia: Ivan (suited in white) is escorted down the aisle by Arcelia, who looks very upscale dressed to the nines. Camilo awaits as best man and they do the man-hug. Lucia walks down the aisle in a strapless gown with a train. She and Ivan kneel before the priest.

Casa Mondragon: JJ sits alone looking at the photos. The maid tells him that Ivan and Lucia are being married.

Maid: They didn't invite you?
JJ: No.

The maid exits and JJ pours himself a shot of tequila.

JJ (raising the glass): To your happiness, son.

Iglesia: Ivan and Lucia kiss and walk back down the aisle to the Mendelssohn recessional and the applause of all their guests. Quick shots of some of the couples.

Wedding Reception: Everyone dances. Camilo holds Lichita. Lucrezia holds Perla, who looks bigger than when we last saw her. Alex is with them. Antolin dances with Carolina. David dances with Berenice, Judith with Carlos and without her bangs; Carlos proposes and Judith accepts. Carmen and Ezekiel encounter each other. It looks like she will get him. Tony dances with Carlota and they talk about taking a long trip. Benito with a plump lady whom we think is his wife. Camilo finally looks up and approaches an attractive woman with light brown hair. They introduce themselves to each other; she works for the McGuires. Yes, Camilo; there is a woman for you!

Shore: La curandera gives a prayer of thanks to her spirits for her son's salvation and the happiness of the others. To heal others is a great gift but the greatest of all gifts is love. Love and forgiveness are life itself. Did this speech come from an old episode of La Rosa de Guadalupe?

Another shore: Ivan and Lucia look out over the ocean.

Lucia: I never thought this day would come.
Ivan: But it did. We were destined for each other since a long time ago.
Lucia: You think it was destiny?
Ivan: Call it what you want. I love you. I desire you. I need you.
Lucia: I want to start every day of my life in your arms.

El beso final.


We break the fourth wall with production shots with the last time we hear this great theme song.


carnal mate, buddy
carretera highway
colgar to hang
gusano maggot
panza belly, paunch

Thus ends my stint on this series. It's been a pleasure and a privilege and I hope you guys want me back for La Que No Podia Amar


CME Monday 12/26/11 No Cuando Me Enamoro Tonight Either

See you all Tuesday night. Fuerza's Gran Finale is tonight.


Monday, December 26, 2011

No familia con suerte tonight...

... just two hours of the rather unlucky-looking family of Fuerzo. Tomorrow, Familia runs two hours from 8-10.


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