Wednesday, February 01, 2012

El Talismán #2 Tue 1/31/12 Your Recapper Protests this Super-Violent Episode

Following is an abbreviated recap of Capitulo Dos of 'El Talisman'. I am so upset by the violent content in this episode that I cannot enjoy the recap.  Univision and Venevsion, the violence in this episode was gratuitous and unnecessary. I am truly appalled at your using such unacceptable behavior to enhance your ratings during sweeps.

  • We start out in Fresno with Pedro Ibarra and Camila Najera. She repeats her question of the day before, “What did you feel when you met me yesterday? He answers that the best way to find out is with a kiss. Then we have several minutes of lovely romantic scenes of the two of them kissing in various Fresno beauty spots.

  • Next we are in a hotel room in New York where Mariana Aceves tells Antonio Negrete that she is pregnant. He announces that it is the best news of his life. She is surprised to hear him say that because she has mixed feelings. What about his divorce? He replies with the comment, “Who knows if the papers have arrived at the ranch?”

  • Back at El Talisman Mariana tells Pedro Ibarra she is pregnant. He looks shocked. She also tells her father, Don Bernardo, who tells she and Pedro that he is dying of cancer. He proposes that Pedro marry Mariana and take care of her.

  • At the Negrete ranch next-door Antonio gives the news of Mariana Aceves’ pregnancy to his dad, Gregorio. Antonio points out that he is about to be the father of the heir to El Talisman.

  • Because of the cancer, Don Bernardo has decided to sell El Talisman to Estaban Najera and his family. He goes to Texas to do the deal, sorts the terms with Esteban Najera and they agree to close the deal in three months

  • In the Negrete stables, Antonio messes with some tack as he talks to his sister Lucrezia.  She points that their Dad (Gregorio) says he is still married to Doris. She also says she knows that he doesn’t like Doris but he sure seems to like having sex with her. Antonio tells Lucrezia that El Talisman will be his because of his child-to-be with Mariana.

  • Mariana overhears Antonio boasting of this. Antonio grabs her by the neck, threatens her and tells her he will not be separated from his son.

  • Camila calls Pedro.  Pedro asks Camila to be patient with him. He can’t explain but lots of things are going on.

  • Mariana tells Pedro that Antonio will try to take her baby from her. She is very frightened because his lawyers will tear her to shreds. Pedro says that because of Don Bernardo’s earlier request he will marry Mariana.  She understands that it will be a marriage of convenience.

  • Cut to El Talisman, Don Bernardo’s bedroom, same day, same outfits. Some Justice of the Peace pronounces Pedro and Mariana married. The doctor and a dying Bernardo witness the marriage. Bernardo asks Pedro to get El Talisman back and give it to Marianna and his grandchild.

  • Don Bernardo’s last words are to Pedro, his new son-in-law. “Pedro, get El Talisman back.” Don Bernardo dies.

  • Back in Texas Estaban and the Najeras get the legal papers that tell them they now own El Talisman.  They travel to Cal and take possession of the ranch. Gregorio Negrete comes over to El Talisman looking for Mariana and finds Camila instead. Gregorio and Camila get in to a fight. Camila tells him that her parents just bought the ranch.  She gives him a slap and he leaves swearing he will have El Talisman.

  • Later Gregorio comes back to El Talisman and tries to intimidate the Najeras out of El Talisman. They think he is crazy.  At this point why haven’t we called the police?

  • Gregoio decides to reverse tactics and get El Talisman from the Nejeras’ by being neighborly. He invites the new neighbors to dinner. The Negrete’s scheme on how they will get the ranch through Elvira Najera because she rules the roost.

  • Pedro goes out to catch up with Camila. He and Mariana have moved to another home nearby. While Pedro is gone, Gregorio goes to a pregnant Mariana’s house and beats her up. Yes, he hits, slaps and kicks a pregnant woman. I cannot STAND this. He tells Mariana that regardless of what her father that ‘damned Bernardo’ did he will get the El Talisman back.

  • Meanwhile Pedro meets Camila for five minutes at El Talisman and gives her a red rose. He promises to set up a time when they can get together and talk and he can explain why he has been acting so odd since she returned from Texas and moved into El Talisman. He still hasn’t told her about his marriage of convenience to Mariana.  Just as he gives Camila the rose the phone rings and he is called to Mariana’s side.

  • Mariana is in the hospital, badly injured and she has lost the baby. Pedro harasses a police officer to do something about Mariana’s case. The police officer tells Pedro that they cannot just act on Mariana’s accusation. (This is just wrong. California has some of the toughest domestic violence laws in the US. If Mariana or anybody else named Gregorio as her assailant a case would be put together, no matter how much money Gregorio has.)

  • Immediately after assaulting and beating Mariana, Gregorio changes clothes and hosts Elvira and Estaban Najera for dinner where he charms both of them, especially Elvira. Gross. After dinner, Valentin, Greg’s henchman tells him that Esteban has a fatal weakness— a compulsive gambling problem.

  • Camila hires Tracy to cook for them at El Talisman. Later Elvira is seen by Tracy going out by herself, all dolled up. Camila is also dressed up to go meet Pedro.

  • Pedro is at the hospital visiting Mariana, who has had a psychotic break.  She doesn’t recognize Pedro and she is holding and talking to an invisible baby.


La Que No Podía Amar #24.5-25 Tuesday 1/31/12 Stumbling Toward a Boda

The good news: We get an extra helping every night!
The bad news: It makes it impossible for this recapper to cheat work ahead, so my style may lean toward the crappy slap-dash. Univision's English CC was non-existent for me tonight. Fill in as needed. ¡Gracias!

  • Sin begs Rohell to let her stay a few days “to comfort Vanessa and look for another nurse.” Riiight. When she mentions canceling the wedding stuff, Rohell interrupts and tells her no. He’ll take care of that.
  • Tia is so pleased to know Rohell broke his engagement with Nessie. Bruno is surprised to find out Tia is coming to the hacienda, too. Rohell shows up and tells Bruno he’ll be staying in Tuxtla to make sure Fede pays the contractual penalty. He tells VanBruno Sin is staying a couple of days and the two of them need to be back by the 27th (They rarely say actual dates on a TN…this must be important.) Rohell rubs VanBrunos nose in the fact that Sinthia never even accepted VanBruno’s proposal.
  • Tia hurries Cupcake along. Cupcake bids bro a final adiós topped off with a cuídate. Tia reminds everyone to shut up about the boda. Cupcake reminds him to get his sorry ass well so all this sacrifice of hers will be worth it (loose translation.) Tia lays on a little more guilt. Thanks to Cupcake, he’ll never have to go back to that prison where they might have killed him.
  • Sin goes to visit Nessie and gets an earful from Elsie. Mama may never wants to see Rohell’s sister ever again, but Nessie does. Sin feels just awful. Nessie doesn’t want Sin’s pity or help. If Rohell or anyone thinks she’s destroyed because he left her they are wrong!
  • Rohell gives Tia a tour. She says it was worth the long trip (I swear I heard a faint “ka-ching”.) Greetings from Maria who has prepared a Cocido Chiapaneco to welcome everyone home…but they ate on the road. Cupcake introduces Tia. Maria mentions that it’s too bad M-grito is sleeping. He would have loved to see Ana. 
  • Rohell confronts Effer about Paloma. Why did he let the horse die? Effer starts the “the vet came late” song and dance and Rohell starts the “crack the whip menacingly” song and dance. Cupcake intervenes and adds the “don’t beat on people” two-step. Rohell reminds Ana not contradict him or undermine his authority in front of the employees. She won’t allow him to behave like a savage. Rohell asks her how does she know he’s not. Because when he was in Tuxtla he didn’t need to use force at all! She wants to know why he went back to his old self as soon as he got back to the hacienda. What's so  he afraid of that he can't stop brandishing his fuete (whip)?
  • Effer tells Maria about being rescued by Cupcake. He’s pretty pleased with himself. Good for you but bad for her Maria says. Rohell is capable of anything.
  • Rehash of episode 2 convo: People respond to kindness. Life sucks, but don’t let it make you bitter and want to get revenge on everyone (desquitarse.) Sure, not being able to walk after being so robust (recio) did affect him, but he needs to try to enjoy what he has. Rohell interprets that to mean “resign himself.” That’s not what she means. She means accept his condition and stop being a douchebag (Ioose translation.) He asks her about the attitude she'll be bringing to the marriage.
  • Squeaky D, Unibrow and his new play toy Pelota. They blabbity blah about Cupcake’s upcoming nuptials and Bruno conveniently eavesdrops. All he’s missing is an evil black mustache to menacingly twirl while Mwhahahah-ing.
  • Cupcake fights with Rohell. She's gonna be his wife, not slave. She's gonna call him out on his crap. She's not going to stop calling him Usted, either. Who knows when he'll whip out his (literal) whip (no double entendre.)
  • Sin and Nessie check out the headlines in the local gossip rags. Sin reminds Nessie how much the first break up hurt Rohell and she is convinced that really she is the one that has suffered the most (I don’t get her logic.) Some lines. Sin has to be back at the hacienda by the 26th to sign some papers. The “pow” sound affect alerts Viewerville to remember that date.
  • Tia has made herself very comfortable. M-grito runs in. Big hugs and loud-ass “te extraños”. Tia meets M-grito. He offers to show her around. She sashays out to get ready.
  • GusGus talks to Newb and is about to suggest he not continue to work on the project when David sneaks up. 
  • Tia gets the hacienda tour…in heels. She’s an idiot. She thinks M-grito will know how many hectares there are. M-grito tells her to talk to Effer. Tia dreams of becoming a dueña no matter what.
  • David dismisses Newb and I tune out. We know this. David is a lying, cost-cutting ass and GusGus is all about protecting the fisherman. Fill in if I missed anything.
  • Maria and Cupcake talk about the latest confrontation. Maria is worried about Rohell's reaction. Conned tells Cupcake that Rohell wants to see her in her room. Scandalous!! As Cupcake leaves Effer comes in and asks Maria about Sin. Conned hears and asks why. Effer blows some blabbity blab that neither lady believes.
  • Rohell bought Cupcake some new duds. She uses to the familiar form of address and chooses a blue form of a dress.
  • VanBruno calls Tia and he’s pretty annoyed. Tia pretends that she only just found out and almost had a heart attack herself. What.evs. She still tries to keep the VanBruno end of the candle lit. But what can she say? Rohell won.
  • Rohell cow eyes Cupcake in her new dress. He wants the necklace she’s wearing. But it’s an memento that she loves!! It doesn’t go with her dress, though. He wantssss the preciousssss. He says to put it in a box with the rest of her past. She agrees… if agrees to put away the whip. Score one for Cupcake.
  • Rohell hands over the whip. Folks will still obey him...even Cupcake. Cupcake takes off the necklace. Cupcake hides them away in a drawer.
  • Tia thinks the hacienda is a dream. Ana hopes it doesn't become a nightmare. Tia encourages Cupcake to be a tough cookie with the employees and not a cream puff. Cupcake refuses. 
  • Fermin talks about the fishing. GusGus talks about the project and winning over the fishermen. FF>>
  • Ana does the physical therapy things. She hopes when they are married, Rohell will continue with the therapy and won't be a douchebag (loose translation.)
  • Maria finds out the marriage is one of convenience and  only for a year. Wow. Hugo had lines! (He tells Cupcake Rohell has a surprise for her.)
  • Nessie cries. Fede explains the contractual penalty. Nessie is impactada. 
  • Ana gets her wedding gift: A dim-witted brother!!! She's thrilled and kisses Rohell on the cheek. Rohell pulls a Marsha Brady just got kissed by Davy Jones.
  • Nessie and Fede talk penalties.  Fede is more than willing to pay it. She knows Daddy loves her more than anybody (until he finds out the truth about Cupcake), but she refuses to give Rohell that money.
  • Unibrow thanks Rohell. Hugo has more lines. Ana and Rohell take a ride on the helicopter. She's happy. Jorge Salinas' eyes melt my heart. 
  • Sin tells Maria about Rohell publicly dumping Nessie. Maria is relieved, but tells Sin there are impending nuptials, but Rohell asked her not to say to whom. Effer arrives with an envelope for Rohell. Sin crosses the privacy boundaries and opens the envelope to discover plane tickets with Rohell and Ana Pau's names. 
  • Nessie wants revenge on Rohell. Fede clutches his chest. Rohell really makes him mad. Nessie presses her revenge case. She wants Rohell to be the one to pay. Fede asks what she suggests. I'm sure Viewerville will learn the answer in the coming weeks. 
  • Sin accuses Tia of setting Cupcake on Rohell. Tia denies it (*eyeroll*) Sin can't quite understand how Rohell got so interested. Tia insists it's because her niece is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious and understands Rohell. And for him that's enough. Tia makes a grand exit. 
  • Helicopter ride. Pretty sites and hand holding. FF>>
  • Sin tells Nessie about the wedding with Cupcake.
  • Miguel is on parole and won't have to go back to jail. He and Tia argue about Cupcake marrying without love. Tia is convinced Rohell is a sheep in wolf's clothing (I'm not saying I think Rohell redemption is impossible, but an endorsement from Tia is not necessarily a good thing.) Tia reminds him Cyclops will kill him if he returns to jail. 
  • Nessie thinks surely Rohell's marriage to Cupcake is a joke. Sin says everyone is saying he will marry tomorrow and she has plane tickets with both names on them! Nessie finally seems to get how far Rohell will go to hurt her.  She needs Daddy's support for her plan o' vengance. 
  • Rohell wants Cupcake to comport herself like the dueña she'll be. She's thought about his earlier question about what attitude she'll bring to the marriage. She wants the year they are married to be the best they can make of it. Rohell wants that too.
  • Fermin and GusGus. Same spit different scene. Juan is a rabble-rouser (Where the hell have I seen that actor before?) They have to nip it in the bud. FF>>
  • Rohell wants Miguel to stay on after the wedding. 
  • Sin confronts Rohell about the wedding. She feels hoodwinked into planning the wedding for "esa tipa." He's ruining Nessies life and hers! Sin can't believe he's her brother. Rohell insists she'll be one of his witnesses'and she'll keep her trap shut or kiss seeing David goodbye. She hopes he enjoys himself on his honeymoon with that ... gata! Tia gloats from her hiding place. 
  • David and GusGus pissing contest. GusGus is going to get papers to shut down the project. Juan tells David anything to do with the construction is Juan's business. FF>>
  • VanBruno arrives. He is sad Cupcake didn't tell him about the wedding. She can count on him. She knows her heart belongs to GusGus, but he'll contine to wait for her. Bruno haz a Slimy. He better not cut off an ear. 
  • Tia wants to know if there is a beauty parlor nearby. Tia is a be-yotch to Maria. Social standing bologna.
  • Miguel's freedom cost a buttload. Rohell tells VanBruno to keep his distance form Cupcake.
  • Maria thinks Rohell "querer"s the "cherish" sense. She's never seen him like this. Maria asks if Ana Pau could grow to love him. That's a negatory, but she will make him as happy as possible given the situation. Maria thinks deep down he's not a ratfink (I trust her endorsement more than Tía's.)
  • VanBruno congratulates Rohell. Ana arrives to remind Rohell about his therapy. He's glad she's occupying herself with seeing to what he needs. He gives her the tickets for the honeymoon. she looks happy. Rohell leaves. 
  • Sin talks to Cupcake. She tells her all aout the humillación de Nessie. The only reason Rohell wanted to marry was to get his revenge on Nessie. Cupacke cries.
  • Maria is glad Rohell is marrying Cupcake. Sweet scene with Maria and Rohell. Maria is pretty sure Rohell is feeling more for Cupcake than he cares to admit. She advises Rohell to try to be happy (or to make Cupcake happy...I didn't catch it.)
  • Sin tells Cupcake Rohell never stopped loving Nessie. Cupcake can't believe he would plan something so cold. Sin insists Rohell is using Cupcake.
  • GusGus mopes. He can't stop thinking about Ana. Tomorrow is his birthday. FF>>
  • Cupcake confrontation. She can't marry Rohell. She thought he wanted her company because he was alone. (Ah, methinks the lady's ego doth smart.) But he reminds her she signed a contract. 
  • Sin tells David that he has to get to the hacienda tomorrow. Rohell is going to marry Cupcake the oportunista and that Sin might lose her inheritance. David says she can't let that happen. Wuv. Twu Wuv. (*snort*)
  • Rohell reminds Cupcake if she doesn't carry out her part Miguel is going back to jail. She lets him know she will fake being his wife to perfection.
  • Cupcake whines to Tia about it all. Tia thinks it's no biggie. Tia says she still has to marry him.  He used her and vice versa. She has to help her family, right? Tame the beast, ok? Tia says to rest and tomorrow Cupcake will see things differently. Tomorrow is another day (yeah, she really said that.) 

Wedding day!!!!

  • Rohell pouts. He's already regretting it all. Ana Pau doesn't value what he's offering. Maria tells him to behave with her and take advantage of what life is giving him. 
  • Ana Pau pouts
  • Tia encourages her. It's not for the rest of Cupcakes life and she's getting a lot out of it!
  • Maria tells Rohell to forget about revenge. Do right by Ana Pau. Tell her everything is over with Nessie and he wants things to be different with her.  Maria is a romantic! 
  • Squeaky and Miguel share a big smoochie.
  • Cupcake will marry Rohell, but he shouldn't expect respect or affection. She thought he was changing, but he's not. All Rohell cares about is her complying with the wedding and wearing the necklace he bought her. She doesn't want to wear his dog collar! He reminds her she is her property while she's under contract to him. Dude. Not cool. Were you even listening to Maria? Asshat. 


  • Ana Pau is in a better dress!
  • Nessie Crashes the wedding!
  • Ana Pau slaps nessie!


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #103-104 Tue 1/31/12 apocalyptic events including pregnancy and illiquidity

  • I was happy to re-watch Monica pointing out to her dad: "What do you know, the boy you so detested is the very person who is now defending you and who has convinced me to forgive you." She thanks her dad for her life. Beautiful.
  • On the other hand, it was painful to watch Pina laying into Candy in the backyard; her misery and fury extinguish the narcissistic delight Candy has been wallowing in following the previous night's Vince-snogging.

    Pina spits out the news: she's pregnant. Candy narcissistically exclaims: "No, oh no, it can't be! Why, just last night..."

    "You're just one more in a 20 year parade of Vicente's lovers. A vulgar, filthy hussy just like Sandra and all the others. My husband's whore. Or do you prefer bed-friend? Or concubine? Mugrosa!

    "I'm going to bear his child, and the child will need a father. I demand you bring this to an end if you have any of the dignity or integrity your brother has!" !!??

    Candy whines, "Vince loves me!" "A woman as common as you? You've just fallen into his trap, all married men say 'my wife doesn't understand me, I love you.' It's just to get you into bed. Vince loves me and we have never stopped having relations, how do you think I got pregnant?"

    I'm afraid Pina will blow up or have a fury miscarriage. Candy runs away.
  • Blissfully ignorant of the homefront massacre, at Avon Vince boasts and pirouettes on his tippy toes, yelling to his buddies about getting his ashes so roundly hauled by Miau girl! He says he'll divorce Pina.

    Enzzo tells them how extraordinary Chela is and that she gave him wonderful advice.

    Arnoldo says he's disgusted by the cursi way the two of them are gushing. They say he, Arnoldo, must never have been in love.

    The Pesketeers gossip on and on. Do they ever work? Do men really spend hours gossiping about their crushes? Kafka and irony are invoked by Arnold, how would Enzzo and Vince like to have PANCHO as an in-law!?
  • Lupita can't get a moment's peace, everybody is blah blah blah and bear hugs. Pancho's strategy of trying to make Lupe feel better by reminding her he went through the death of a spouse too, I dunno, not so good - let's not forget he had eight sad years of celibacy in consequence. None of this is helpful.

    A sobbing Candy interrupts the scene because she runs past in her radioactively orange jumpsuit. Pancho goes after her and says "We all told you so!" Candy promises to break it off with Vince.
  • Violeta the gigantic shiny Amazon-Barbie visits her daughter Monica. Jeez, those implants are so large and hard they may split her skin.

    Monica wants to know who her biological father is. The mother does not want to tell. Sensing impending reproach, the self-exonerating brain in charge of the mouth located above those shiny knockers cranks up the exculpations: "IT'S NOT MY FAULT!"

    "Not so fast, 'Mama' - you abandoned me. You wanted to abort me. Have you forgotten, 'Mama'?"

    The mother says the guy who knocked her up (ie Monica's dad) is not important and that he disappeared when he found out she was pregnant. Moni: "Neither of my parents wanted me born. It was a car washer who wanted me."

    The mother sighs and says "I should never have left him." Moni sensibly points out: "He was so in love with you, but you despised him for being a car-washer." "But now after all my years of talking about myself with shrinks I know he's the love of my life." "I think he's in love with another woman."
  • Ana and Temo are both polite and even kindly towards Rebeca when she arrives to give Lupe more lectures about tolerating adversity and to dump inspirational books on her.

    Luckily for Lupita the lectures are truncated when Lamberto, who actually works, calls Rebe to say there's suddenly an apocolyptic liquidity problem at Avon. Rebe and Pancho go off to Avon together.
  • Candy sobs on her bed like a teenager. When Vince calls she throws his phone across the room causing him (still gossiping and boasting in his all-male kaffee klatch) incredulous dismay. He can't believe she won't answer, he's even a little suspicious!

    Sobbing, she tells Chela she had sex with Vince because he said he'd divorce Vince. "I want to be married, I want to be his wife, is that a sin?" "No, the sin is to destroy a home." "Well as it happens, I won't be destroying anything - Pina is pregnant. She told me I should make him hate me."
  • Meanwhile, across the greensward Pina sends Adoracion to the market for (a) huge bunches of flowers and (b) Vince's favorite cake. The maid protests: "He doesn't deserve it." Pina whispers: she'll struggle for Vince's love with the powerful weapon of pregnancy.
  • Freddy leaves flowers on Alex's grave, crying and saying: "I am an imbecile and an idiot, I wish you were here to scold me as you always did."

    Karin arrives with flowers and sweetly consoles him; they leave together. Watch out, Ana!

    Karin tells Freddy he's odious and reminds him how badly he behaved. He's embarrassed. "That Freddy you were could never love anyone." He sheepishly agrees but says it's different now. Karin says she's the world's best Cupid and will help him with Ana.
  • At the market, Chato the Narizón (we might say schnozzola) tells Chacho, "women are an enigma." Adoracion arrives and the Schnozz reassumes his reproachful amnesia: "Who is that? I know a Goya, a Chucha, but I don't know this person. Neither of them would have dropped a flowerpot on my head."

    He doesn't believe it wasn't her and bewails his lost neurons. Clearly he has none too many to spare.
  • I can't bear to tell you about the cursi scene between the awful Temo and Meli.
  • At Avon Berto sobs: the business has done badly with its investments and there isn't money for Pancho's project, whatever it is. Pancho cares, but Vince doesn't - in fact, Vince is glad the business is failing because it means Pancho's rising star is now falling.

    The lights go out in the conference room. Chicken Little, I mean Berto, thinks it's the end of the world. The telephones are out too and so, we soon see, is the elevator: it stops and Pancho and Vince are trapped together.

    As always, enjoyable insults fly. "You are vulgar, ordinary and incompetent." "Well you're a vain, overweening adulterer." They take off their coats and commence punching. Blood! Curtain falls.


Una Familia Con Suerte #101-102 Mon 1/30/12

Pepe has invited Enzo to ask about why he hid moni's mom, but chela comes up and now she's willing to tal to him. He wants to place himself at her orders, and begs for help - he needs her.

Moni-Freddy. Fred feels so alone. He confesses that he loves Ana (his vengeance-pepe plan failed). Moni, predictably, says he has to fight for love. Freddy seems genuinely repentant.

Chela gently hands Enzo some coffee, and they're looking nicer. BUT he asks her help with a moni issue. She advises that he talk to Violeta. and tell Moni the truth. He keeps laying on the compliments. Tender gaze, strength of character, etc, he's making some headway.

Tomas calls Panch to let him know that lupe wants to die.

Pina and Ado are miserable, going over the betrayals, when some godawful mariachis show up with cha-cha. worst sound ever, says pina. he's bringing her a rooster.

Enzo finally admits to Moni that he's not her Dad. We get a dramatic noise and a zoom-in. He goes on to tell her he doesn't know the real dad. She flounces off, to Pepe, who is very sweet. He has some good advice (Enzo raised you)

Lupe is flash-backing to the wedding death. Pancho bursts in, turns on the lights, wakes her up and says "are you better yet?" Pancho and Rebe are basically yelling at her about how much she has to live for and how young she is and stuff. Not how I'd initiate a suicide watch. Then he grabs her head and makes her promise.

Cha-cha are dancing below ado's window, and Chato yells/sings SO LOUD. Pina continues to grill Ado re: betrayal, but lets her on the balcony when she hits him in the head with a flower-pot to "stop that big-nose dog from barking"

Candi and Vins are getting a suite. He tells her not to believe that he's married.

Chacho rubs his lollipop on Chato's face. He wakes up with another cheap-tv-gag-favorite, amnesia. Chacho tries to wave the lollipop in AdO's face to calm her down.

Enzo calls Violeta, gets frustrated. Chela walks in, and all of a sudden she CARES ABOUT HIM? Didn't she chew him out last time they met?

Fred shows up with a huge bunch of flowers for ana, has an awkward run-in with Chela and Enzo

Vins and Candy are drinking MORE champagne. do they ever wear anything else. She's being a bit selfish. They play cute game of chase around a column, and then smooch. Vins is about to burst. They do it.

Fred/Ana: Fred says he'll be totally honest. Ana says what a miracle, where's the Virgin Mary?

Enz and ridiculous Amazon moni's mom. Enzo is mad... NOW you want this daughter now that's she's mature and cool? She says her mistake was leaving HIM. him: it's been twenty years. are you crazy. she: life's giving us another chance. She moves in, rubs him, and tries for a kiss. She looks kind of intimidating and he looks short and small.

Fred is not having the easiest time convincing Ana that he's telling the truth. He pulls the dead-friend card, and she storms off (not without snagging the flowers: yoink!).

Pancho is in bed with lupita to try comforting her. In the morning she is greeted by the whole gang in her room. A discordant accordion and a dog thrown at her face. But where's Candy?

Vins walks in, Pina smells the perfume, and runs off as he gets in bed. She has a plan.

At Avon, Vins gloats to Naldo.

Moni tells dad that he must have been afraid to let her date because he didn't want her to know the truth. Then she tells him how much Pepe said he must love her. Very sweet.

Candy is back in the dayglo. Pina shows up with proof of pregnancy. WTF?


El Talismán #1 Mon 1/30/12 The Cheese Stands Alone

Ahoy all! Cynderella's recap for last night will be posted a little later today, sorry for the delay. In the meantime I think we can all agree that Elna June's prediction that this would be queso fresco puro turned out to be spot on. This, of course, makes recapping and commenting almost too much fun. Until the recap gets posted feel free to comment amongst yourselves. Possible subject matter...what's up with Antonio's massive silver belt buckle that hovers over his manhood like a gigantic shining beacon?

UPDATE: Poor Cynderella is having a hell day and hasn't been able to get Part One to me yet. I'm going to go ahead and post Part Two and I'm thinking this won't be a problem since the timelines from this episode are so confusing and screwed up anyway. 

UPDATE UPDATE: Presenting the tag team of Cynderella and Sharkbait...

Part One by Cynderella:
I must say, I do like the theme song.  It’s very catchy.
Ranch in the South of Texas

From a distance, we view a woman riding a powerful brown and white stallion across an endless sea of green farmland.  The camera zooms in on a slow motion shot of the galloping horse’s legs, and then fades into a close-up shot of our heroine, the beautiful Camila.   With wild hair, blowing in the manufactured wind of a large industrial fan, our heroine (who now appears to be riding a rocking horse), turns and looks back when she hears her name frantically shouted from a black jeep!  Total beauty shot!  Tyra banks would be so proud! According to her brother, Armando, people are at the house taking their things! 

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

It’s the repo man! How embarrassing!  They are seizing everything at the ranch! Elvira, Camila’s mother, is pleading with the movers to leave her stuff where it is.  While Elvira hysterically chases the movers around, her outwardly remorseful husband follows her around begging for forgiveness.  Out on the front porch, he swears he will never gamble again!  She angry and doesn’t believe him (I don’t either).  Because of the moving truck, Camila and Armando can’t park in the drive way.  The two spring from the jeep and Camila runs over to her temporarily catatonic mother and demands to know why her things are being loaded onto the moving repo truck. Her mother snaps out of her trance and she and Armando run back into the house to save what they can.  Camila asks her father why he returned to gambling?  On his knees, Camila’s father begs her not to hate him.  She assures him that she does not hate him, but this hurts a lot.  In a strange soliloquy, facing away from his daughter and looking in the direction of the moving truck, he swears to get back everything he lost and return it to his family and get them the most beautiful ranch he has ever seen (I think).  

Fresno, CA 

We are now in front of a vine covered a two story, two-car home.  We hear two older gentlemen (one named Raul) speaking while looking out of a second story window.  One of them mentions his wife who is in bad way and never recovered from the fire.  In a flashback scene, we see two men starting a fire at El Talisman in order to force the owner of El Talisman to sell it.  They are throwing gasoline around like its Gatorade and it’s fourth quarter at the Superbowl!    The two men later hide in the bushes and watch the efforts to put out the fire (one Bernardo) say that the fire was set over the love of a woman.  According to one of the men in the window, the fire was started by Gregorio, and everyone knows it, but there is no proof.  I think Matilde was in the fire and got lung damage or something. 

We are now in the bedroom of a gravely ill woman, Maltide, who is obviously about to meet her maker.  At her bedside is her daughter, Marianna, who is tending to her needs.  She tells her Marianna not to cry because she (the mother) is at peace.  She wants her daughter to leave Antonio alone.  He’s just playing with you, she tells her.  

Introducing Antonio and his AMAZING six-pack!

In the next scene, we meet Antonio, a hairy beast with stellar wash-board abs.  He is getting dressed in an almost reversed Chippendale dancer way, while his sister looks on in a disturbing way.  She looks as if she smells something on her upper lip as she plays with her chain.  Side note, this is where I had to stretch my imagination because I don’t believe that Antonio dates women.  The actor doesn’t give off that vibe.  Sorry, I went off on a tangent, but I saw Antonio riding a horse shirtless and it reminded me of something that the Old Spice guy would do.  So, I am going to refer to him as OSG. 

So anyways, we are treated to OSG getting dressed and his sister asks if he is going to see some chick that his father hates.  He temporarily snaps and tries to choke is his sister. 

Camila tells her grandmother that her father is taking them to the most beautiful ranch that he has ever seen.  Grandma tells her to enjoy her youth and find love. 

Orphanage in Tiajuana, Mexico Baja California

We finally meet our hero, Pedro.  He’s not as hot as OSG; but he is masculine (which is a plus and I believe that he could possibly date women in real life).   He’s going to the United States to make money to send back to the monjas (nuns).  Pedro goes walks over to the children to say goodbye, but they don’t seem to care that he’s leaving at that point.  One child appears to try to twist out of Pedro’s grasp when he stoops down to kiss him and anther turns his face away as if he has a strong case of halitosis.  It’s seems as if the children were happy to see him go and would not miss him. A nun stops him on the way out of the orphanage gate and asks him not to leave.  Pedro tells her that he wants to give money to the orphanage that has helped him so much.  The nun blesses him and more hugs.  Someone must have told the children to act enthusiastic and threatened their pay, because a group of them run over to him to say goodbye. 

Oh we’re back at the bed of the dying woman.  She wants her daughter to be as happy as she was with the daughter’s father.  As she fades away, her entire life flashes before her eyes.  Her daughter runs from the room to get her father.   I originally thought she died right then, but mustered the strength to step away from the light and came back long enough to tell her husband that she had a happy life at his side…finally she dies.  He closes her eyelids.  Her husband was one of the two mean standing in the window having a conversation about the arson at El Talisman.  

Now, riding in the back of a sweltering, 18-wheeler packed with other immigrants, Pedro and his friend Margarito are sitting behind a woman who is holding a baby and is strangely dressed like the virgin Mary. They are talking about meeting women when they get to America.  The baby is crying and will not shut-up.  I’m annoyed with the baby and I am not packed in the back of a hot 18-wheeler with 50 other people.  

Apparently, Camila’s father was lying about never gambling again because he is playing cards at a casino.  It looks like he’s winning.

OK now we are at a funeral home.  Daughter and father are at the wake crying over a hunter green casket with white satin lining.  Matilde has only been dead 5 minutes! She’s embalmed, hair done, dressed and in a casket. Obviously she wasn’t that popular, nobody else is at the wake. OSG, wearing dark sunglasses enters the chapel along with his father, Gregorio.   Matilde’s husband promptly tells Gregorio to get the hell out and take his kid with him.  These men have got to be about 102 and they are still fighting over woman who is now dead.  Am I missing something?  She’s in a casket and they are arguing like she’s gonna get up and choose between the two of them.  Maltide’s husband blames Gregorio for Matilde’s death.  Gregorio is adamant that he would have never tried to kill the woman that he loves.  Gregorio offers to pay double or triple whatever El Talisman is worth.  Matilde’s husband says “hell no!”

Camila’s father is still gambling and enjoying every minute of it.

El Talisman

Marianna’s father is sending her off to New York to stay with her aunt Patricia.  Marianna knows it’s to keep her away from OSG.  She believes it’s only because he’s the son of Don Gregorio.  Later behind a barn, Marianna informs OSG that her father is sending her to New York.  OSG tells her that he can’t live without her (I think that’s what he said.  My CC doesn’t work very well).  They embrace, and over her shoulder he gives us a sinister smile and displays those dreamy green eyes.  I still don’t believe he sleeps with Marianna or his wife (no matter how delicious he may look).  

Camila’s Grandma’s House

Camila’s father comes to visit.  He bought a gift of reconciliation.  He’s there to get his family back with his winnings or something.  As Camila father runs into the house to talk to his wife, Grandma gives a hug to Camila and tells her love can’t be bought. 

18-wheeler USA

The truck is parked at a gas station.  That baby is still crying!  Pedro tells Margarito that they are in the US.  The driver opens the door and tells everyone to be quiet while he goes into the gas station to get some snacks.  Judging by what he bought at the counter, he only bought enough snacks for himself.  At the same time, Marianna and her father pull into the station to get gas.  Back in the truck, the Virgin Mary is comforting the baby.  A cop pulls into the station, when he gets out of his vehicle, he immediately hears that obnoxious baby crying.  The cop goes back to the car to call for back up.  The driver runs out to the parking lot and asks the cop if there’s a problem.  The cop demands that he open the trailer and all 400 people including three LA gang members, some yuppies, a couple of farmers, two goats, a chicken, the Virgin Mary, Margarito and Pedro jump out of the back.  Watch the tape again.   I’m not exaggerating (well maybe a little).  Pedro selflessly helps the women down from the trailer before running to save himself.   Well for some reason, Pedro falls over nothing and twists his ankle.  He’s in pain and can barely walk.  Marianna helps him up and pretends that he came with her.  Her father protests, but they take Pedro back to El Talisman and get a doctor to see him. 

Back at Grandma’s

I didn’t get a good look at necklace, but is must have been a hellava necklace because in the next scene, she tells Camila and Armando that she is reconciling with their father.  Side note: I think that the mother might have had Camila when she was 12 years old.  The mother informs the “children” that the family is moving to California.  

Don Gregorio on a Bridge

He’s still upset that Matilde broke up with him.  Other than that my CC was not picking up why he needs El Talisman. 

Part Two by Sylvia: 
Just added: 
After Some Undefined Time...

The fields are dusty but the palm trees sway on the lush Fresno rancho. Mariana tells Pedro he is like the brother she never had. She whines about going to Nuevo York and Pedro asks if she has seen Antonio’s divorce papers yet.

Lucrezia tells Antonio she’s hot for Pedro. Tony’s incensed because Pedro is just a nobody ranch hand while Lucrezia is the slutty daughter of a well-to-do murderer. (OK, I paraphrased) Lucrezia doesn’t care, she’s got an itch that needs scratching.

In Texas 
Elvira decides to forgive hubby so she gathers up the “kids” and rather brusquely says goodbye to her sweet mama and the bratty son says “we need something better than this granny”. Sheesh. At least Camila is sweet about her good-bye. Granny says everything depends on Camila who clearly is the only one with a heart. I think she should stay with Gran and let the others go. But then we wouldn’t have a story so never mind.

Evil Don Gregorio rudely attempts to bribe Pedro but Pedro blows him off, “Dude, everyone needs money but Don Bernardo is my friend so bugger off.”

Don B calls his daughter in New York and wonders about her aunt. Er, Uh, she’s fine lies Mariana the worlds worst liar. The gigantic belt buckle, hanging down around Tony’s nether regions, enters the room. He coos something about some problem with the divorce papers. What a coincidence, she says, just don’t let me down, OK? He hugs her and rolls his eyes. I hate how he keeps calling her mija like she’s some dumb kid. Oh wait, she is.

Pedro reassures Don B that he can always count on him to help keep El Tal away from the odious Gregorio. As these two drive away Los Najera arrive knowing that this rancho isn’t listed but they wanted to look anyway because it’s so gorgeous. Elvira has a mini hissy at Esteban, “I thought you promised to buy me a cool rancho! Everyone has their price.” The kids disappear to let the grownups bicker.

Don B notices the strange truck in front of the door and Pedro catches sight of the lovely Camila. She totally falls in love with place while Pedro turns the truck around. She manages to trip in front of the truck just as Pedro accelerates home. She falls. He breaks. She looks up. He kneels down to help her. Their eyes lock. Their song plays. He raises her up in a half embrace. And POW!! It’s love at first sight.

Over at El Alcatraz crankypants Don Gregorio is such a cad that he pitches a fit because he was served GREEN salsa and he wanted RED. He throws his napkin down and blames Pedro Ibarra for not being able to get El Tal.

Back at El Tal Esteban tries to introduce his family but Elvira interrupts and asks don B if he wants to sell his ranch by any chance. Don B accuses them of being part of evil Don G’s plot to get the rancho. Pedro and Camila are practically oblivious to all this as they circle and ogle each other in wonder.

Camila tells Don B they honestly do not know this don Gregorio. “I believe you,” gushes the smitten Pedro.

We see a rather believable shot of a smoggy Fresno sunset and some post-traffic cars speeding down the freeway.

At the hotel Elvira gripes that the Rancho La Quinta they looked at was much smaller than on the internet. As Esteban attempts to appease her Camila dreams about Pedro. Elsewhere Pedro moons over Camila, “Where could you be Camila, where?”

Next morning Camila calls her Gran to tell her about the hot guy she met the day before, butterflies in the stomach and everything. Gran says it sounds like love so be careful.

Pedro is working alone and Lucrezia, with her own big belt buckle, sashays up to him, “Hey handsome”. He’s suspicious and suggests she’s lost and ended up at the wrong rancho. Nope, she’s looking for him. Does her dad know? Nope. Then she uses one of my favorite lines, “They say it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.” Ha, I wonder if I sound that sleazy when I say it? She tells him how much she LIIIIKES him and moves in for a slutty kiss. “Don’t even try,” he scolds, pushing her away.

Brother Jose overhears and teases Camila about liking Pedro a lot. She calls him crazy and then laughs, is it that obvious? He warns that things could become complicated what with El Tal, mom (rolls eyes), plus what does she know about Pedro? He could have a girlfriend, a lover, a wife. (How about eventually all of the above, LOL!!)

Back to Pedro, he advises Little Miss Screw-Loosecrecia that she should clean up her act before she gets a bad reputation. Men like decent women. Alone, she tells his retreating back, “You will be mine.”

Earlier Don B’s doctor got the unfortunate report on his patient’s health. The doc has wasted no time in coming to tell Don B the test results. “You have terminal cancer, maybe a few months left to live.” Don B is distraught, mostly about leaving his daughter alone at the mercy of evil Don Gregorio. Pedro is a good guy and could handle the ranch but Don G plays dirty and Pedro could wind up in jail or deported. Nope, he has no option but to sell El Talismán. But never to Gregorio, Never!!

Outside one of the workers tells Pedro he’s got a female visitor. “Aw geez, it’s not Lucrezia is it?” he asks. This time it’s the perky, Spanglish-speaking Tracy looking for work. She’s got papers, she’s from there. She’s gringa AND Mexicana, get it?

This is Pedro’s busy day for visitors. He sees Camila approach, hires Tracy on the spot to get rid of her, and stares at Camila while trying to find his tongue. They verbally stumble over a few words of introduction before she gets right to it. She blows him away by telling him she wants to know what it was they felt yesterday when they met.

In Nuevo York Antonio is enjoying his mid-morning whiskey when Mariana arrives looking more concerned than usual. “Don’t tell me you’re going to leave again,” he coos. “I’m pregnant,” she reveals. Antonio doesn’t actually look surprised so I’m thinking, mission accomplished?

Pedro, still frozen with cara impactada, listens while Camila insists, “You think I’m crazy but I want to know what happened yesterday when we met.” Pedro laughs nervously and says he almost ran her down. “Come on,” she says, “you didn’t feel anything?” He’s charmed by her way with words and they continue to ogle each other into the closing credits.

A few fun phrases:
ni lo intentes = don’t even try
no me falles = don’t let me down
que casualidad = what a coincidence
te movió el tapete = you really like him/her (lit. you moved the table)


La Que No Podía Amar #23-24.5 Monday 1/30/12 Do not Assume, because when you Assume....

With apologies for the style, but this episode doesn't lend itself to the gothic manner of prose. Please provide any missing elements. Gracias.

Ana Paula and Dany share coffee with Rogelio in the hospital as they talk about Miguel and who will care for him later. Ana Paula insists that she and Tia MentiRosa will take care of him at the hacienda. Rogelio reminds her that her aunt is ill (in a tone of voice that reminds us that he knows otherwise) and suggests that Dani talk to her boss.
Casa Durán: Gustavo insists that Esteban tell him everything he knows. He tells her that she and her friend came to his office worried because Gustavo didn't answer his cell. Mercedes' friend arrives, interrupting the whole thing.
Hospital Corridor: Dany tries to get Ana Paula interested in her own wedding.
Casa Durán: Gustavo is still not getting it as in “How could she be worried about me but still get involved with someone else?” Mercedes' friend asks about why she never told him about Ana Paula's enquiry, but she tells her “what's the use”. Gustavo begins drinking heavily.
Hospital Corridor: Ana Paula and Dany talk about Gustavo briefly, how Ana Paula would have wanted a small wedding just with their families and the priest. Finally Ana Paula brings up visiting the grave, taking out the address given her by Bruno.
Casa Durán: Gustavo is getting depressed. Esteban commiserates, but tells him he will get over it. The ladies cancel their plan for the four of them to have dinner; the two friends leave..
Hospital Chapel: Ana Paula prays for the strength to do what she must do, which she is Doing To Help Her Brother.
Casa Durán: Gustavo gets borracho. He thinks about kissing Ana Paula for the first time, asking why why why?
Restaurant, the next morning: Bruno and Rogelio talk about Sin-thia. Rogelio apparently doesn't approve of her relationship with David, but isn't doing anything about it for the moment. He is convinced that sooner or later she will realize she belongs at his side.
La Calle: Sin-thia talks to Efrain on her cell phone and he tries to get her to admit she misses him.
Hospital Room: Miguel and Rogelio talk about Miguel's misgivings about Ana Paula marrying him. He's grateful for what Rogelio's done for him, but doesn't think that Ana Paula will be happy married to him. He points out
Miguel: I'm grateful for all you've done for me but I don't want my sister to marry someone she doesn't love.
Rogelio: Miguel, we know that the love of her life died and there is no remedy for that. For the year she will be in the role of my wife I will give her all she needs.
Miguel: If you don't love each other you won't be happy.
Rogelio: Happiness? I have to tell you that happiness does not exist for me.
Miguel: Therefore why do you want to marry my sister?
Rogelio: That's my business. But don't worry. If she complies with the deal it will solve all your problems and after a year, who knows? She could look for the man of her dreams.
Casa Carmona, la nueva: Ana Paula is having doubts about the house. She thinks it's too large and too expensive.
Ana Paula: The house is very pretty, but I'm going to speak with Señor Montero.
Rosaura: Why, hija?
Ana Paula: To tell him that it's too much house for us. We can't pay for this.
Rosaura: According to the agreement if you marry him –
Ana Paula: I know, I know. But I don't want to [accept it?]
Rosaura: Ana Paula, I know you don't get this because we never had anything. But a millionaire like this [something about taking the dog away from the cat]
Ana Paula: I don't like this. I don't want this. No.
Rosaura: Something tells me that you need to learn how to appreciate money. To use it [gastar]. How do I explain it? To live in luxury. (Ana Paula looks at her incredulously) No. Don't look at me like that; I'm not crazy. It's appropriate for the wife of a man like that.
Ana Paula: Did he seriously say that?
Rosaura: Yes. But I didn't comment on it because of the secrecy. Let me give you a hand with that.
Ana Paula: No, no. I don't know...
Rosaura: Believe me. The older the devil is the more he knows. It will please you. You deserve all the beautiful things in life. I want you to have everything. And thanks to your brother and me... well, now he doesn't have to go back to the prison. If I hadn't had a heart attack I'd still be working.. (hugs her) You have to be happy.
Of course, both their facial expressions say neither is.
Casa Durán: Gustavo has spoken to his boss about a transfer outside of the city. He still loves Ana Paula but wants to go as far away from her as he can to forget her and her betrayal.
Hospital Room: Miguel tells Ana Paula about his conversation with Rogelio. She tells him she will try to be happy with Rogelio. Viewers know that this has nothing to do with money.
David's Office: David briefly mentions talking to his lawyer about Miguel and the truck. This leaves Rogelio with nothing to hold over Ana Paula, which doesn't please him. David quickly changes the subject to Sin-thia and how he couldn't reach her at the ranch. Rogelio reminds him that cell phone service isn't reliable there and David tells him he wants to be closer to Sin-thia. This gets his interest, but [I think] he wonders whether Sin-thia feels the same way.
Hospital Room: Ana Paula tries to explain her reasons to Miguel, including the fact that she is probably the only nurse who can help Rogelio.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Sin-thia goes home to plan her brother's wedding. She tells Maria she's not hungry [for food] and goes off to her room with the hungry eyes of Efrain watching. Lady Chatterley goes to her room to have a cry about Paloma. Oliver Mellors enters and she asks him what happened.
Efrain: Don't cry. Don't cry, Sin-thia. I'm here to console you.
Sin-thia: You know what happened, don't you? My Paloma. My poor Paloma.
Efrain: I missed your flesh. So white. So soft. I missed you so much. I want to stay in your bed all night with you.
The only beast he can think about is the one with two backs as he backs her up into the bed.
As the cattle cross the lawn and the gallo crows, Lady Chatterley wakes up with Mellors in her bed.

Sin-thia: Efrain, get up. You need to get out to the ranch. I don't want to take chances.
Efrain: The boss isn't here.
Sin-thia: Someone could see you. Get up.
Efrain: And I thought I could stay a little later. (kisses her) You love me.
Sin-thia: Why do you say that?
Efrain: You love me as much as I love you.
He has fooled himself into believing she loves him. Methinks she is less capable of love than her brother.
Casa Durán: Gustavo and Esteban commiserate.
Casa Carmona: Tia MentiRosa informs Ana Paula she plans to accompany her to the hacienda. Little does she realize that Maria will have her number as quickly as her boss did.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Sin-thia is dressed in a far more modest – and sloppy – manner than we're accustomed to seeing her. Margarito tells Sin-thia that Efrain rode Paloma hard and never let her rest. She realizes that Efrain killed her horse.

Commercial Break leading with a promo for Premio lo Nuestro.
Federico's Office: Dany and Ana Paula talk about her taking time off. Dani is worried about how much unpaid time off she can have and still be able to be Ana Paula's madrina de bodas. Also that with her and MentiRosa being at the hacienda Miguel would be alone in the hospital and getting depressed. The doctors say he has to get out of the depression if he's to improve at all. Ana Paula tells Dani that she'd rather she stay with Miguel and take care of him than come to her wedding despite this. Federico overhears some of this, including the word “hacienda.”
Casa Carmona: Helena sees the place for the first time. MentiRosa tells her that it's rented for the moment but that it will be in her name after the wedding. Helena pulls out a photo of a much younger Federico with Mariana, MentiRosa's sister. She tells Helena that Federico was the man who had promised to marry her, but jilted her for her sister.
Federico's Office: Dany introduces Ana Paula to her boss, who comments that her smile reminds him of his daughter's. They shake hands. The close-up of the handshake obviously means what we think it means.
Casa Carmona: MentiRosa once was Federico's secretary and Mariana the receptionist. One day MentiRosa was out ill and Mariana filled in for her and was subsequently promoted. That was how she stole Federico's corazón from MentiRosa despite Federico being married at the time. MentiRosa is sure that Mariana was after Federico's dinero. Fed, who was going to divorce Elsa la Vaca for her. Her, la MentiRosa. Mariana quit the job to save her own marriage. A month later they discovered Mariana had fallen pregnant. Now we have confirmation that Federico is Ana Paula's biological father.
Federico's Office: Ana Paula takes her leave so as not to take up any more of Dani's time. Fed tells her that as long as Dani gets her work done it's OK for her to have visitors. He gives her the time off they talked about, saying he'll be taking time off because his daughter is getting married. Dani looks a little confused here, but says nothing. Ana Paula looks at her hands as though trying to understand something.
Hacienda de Fuerte: Efrain is grooming his next victim. Sin-thia yells his name from out of our sight.
Efrain: Now you're ready to be mounted. I've prepared the [breed name?]
Sin-thia: It's your fault Paloma died! You killed my mare!
Efrain: Who told you this?
Sin-thia: What difference does that make? You knew she was ill. And you drove her to heart failure.
Efrain: I didn't do anything!
Sin-thia (slapping him again): Liar!
Efrain (rubbing his chin): Yes. I did it. I did it to be closer to you.
Sin-thia (hitting again): You beast! (various other minor insults as she continues to hit. He grabs her wrists and imprisons her in an embrace) You are nothing more than a peon.
Efrain: But I'm the peon who gets into your bed. And that's better than any other one here.
Sin-thia (still fighting): Let me go! (He forces a kiss) Let me go. (gets free) That's the last time you ever touch me. I'm going to tell Rogelio what you did. (turns to leave, but he grabs her around the waist from behind)
Efrain: You won't tell him. (turns her around to face him)
Sin-thia (knocking off his hat): Why not?
He grabs her hair and stars on her neck as though he were preparing to become a vampire. Which considering his day job would be most inconvenient.
Federico's Office: Dany and Ana Paula talk about Vainessa and who will finally be the bride of Rogelio Montero. Ana Paula only cares about this because of Miguel.
Casa Carmona: Helena and MentiRosa speculate that Miguel will end up like his father, Drunk. Such a fool that Mariana could fool him into thinking that Ana Paula was his. We get a flashback of Mariana with the young Federico and with her husband as MentiRosa continues explaining that her cuñado was a useless man and a poor example for Miguel. Unable to hold a job, always drunk, undependable.
Federico's Office: He looks at Mariana's photo and remembers her as the love of his life.
Casa Carmona: MentiRosa finishes the story. Her cuñado was such a jerk compared to Fed the gent. She looked for Federico when Ana Paula was born but couldn't find him. Possibly he was on a foreign vacation. Mariana threw her husband out and later told her children he died in an accident. However, he actually died from alcohol abuse. Now if only Federico had known about Ana Paula then...
Jewelry Store: Ana Paula and Rogelio go to buy wedding rings. He invites her to choose the ones that please her.

Commercial Break leading with a promo for Aqui y Ahora.

Hospital Room: Dany gives Miguel the good news that she got time off to take care of him. He's happy but says that she should be helping Ana Paula for the occasion.
Jewelry Store: He picks out a pair of wedding bands and asks if she likes them. We don't know but it looks like

Rogelio: Choose whichever ones you like.
Ana Paula: But those are for marriages in the church.
Rogelio: There are others... or are you afraid we'll be married for the rest of our lives? Stop with that face, woman. We know this isn't forever, just for one year. (chooses a pair of wedding bands and hands one to her. They try them on.) This records our promise.
They look at each other significantly during the ♪♫ Has asi me siento tu calor ♫♪. We know she does just as much as he.
Mexico City: Vainessa and La Vaca walk down the street with various shopping bags. Vainessa is talking to Sin-thia about an engagement ring. La Vaca thought it was too soon to present one (for once she shows some sense) but Sin-thia says “You know my brother, though” which could mean anything. They start discussing Ana Paula and how intolerable the situation would be. Vainessa thinks she can get Rogelio to agree to anything. Elsa la Vaca watches skeptically.
Jewelry Store: He insists on buying her an engagement ring as well.

Rogelio: What about an engagement ring?
Ana Paula: This will do very well for me (hands back the wedding band and he returns it to the box).
Rogelio: Then we will buy this one. (to the clerk) Do you have engagement rings?
Ana Paula: Senor, it's too much.
Rogelio: Paula, as I've said before, with me there is no “too much.” You are going to be my wife and you need to conduct yourself accordingly. Do you understand?
Ana Paula: Yes, I understand. But I'm not used to these things.
Rogelio: Then you will learn. Come on. Choose one; we don't have all day.
Ana Paula: No, Senor. It's that I can't choose well.
David's Office: Gustavo and David talk about the situation with the fishermen. David wants to hire Gustavo back because he's the best and he's willing to meet at least some of his terms.
Jewelry Store: The engagement ring purchase.

Rogelio: Choose one. (She picks out a fairly modest one with a sigh and tries it on)
Ana Paula (looking, then taking it off and gesturing with it): As I said before an engagement ring is supposed to be chosen with love. Without that there is no engagement. (puts it back in the display)
Rogelio: Supposed to be –
Ana Paula: It's the truth.
Rogelio (choosing one with a much bigger rock and showing it to her): If you'll permit me – (She extends her hand during ♪♫ Corre, corre, corre corazón ♫♪ and he puts the ring on it) I think this suits you well.
Ana Paula: Very well. But don't worry. At the end of the contract I will return it to you.
We all know that by all the rules of this game at the end of the year she will be embarazada.

David's Office: David tries to tell Gustavo that he fired Miguel over the truck, then tries to get him to come back to work for him. But Gustavo shows his badge with the water commission and says that David must comply with requirements regarding the protection of the fishing waters. David doesn't look happy about this.

Commercial Break
Jewelry Store: Ana Paula doesn't want him to buy her any more jewelry.

Rogelio: Of course you shouldn't return rings or anything that belongs to you. (She takes it off) No; put it back on. You should get used to it. I imagine you need more stuff. Earrings, or – [aretes]
Ana Paula: No, no, no. ( holding her shell necklace) I have everything I need.
Rogelio (to the clerk): We'd like you to show us some necklaces, please. [gargantilla] (Clerk hands him a display stand with several and he chooses one, handing it back to her) This one, please. (to Ana Paula) I will also give you a check to buy whatever else you need. (She doesn't take it) Take it. If you don't use it you can return it. After the rings. (She puts the check in her purse as Rogelio pays the sales clerk).
Ana Paula: Know what? I need something.
Rogelio: What?
Ana Paula: An ice cream. They're selling them outside.
They continue along the sidewalk. He seems to enjoy watching her licking the ice cream cone. She gives him a taste. Is it significant that the ice cream is pink?
Lady Chatterley's Bedchamber: Milady is bedded down with the gamekeeper.
DF: Vainessa tries on her dress in front of Elsa la Vaca. “It will be unforgettable, mother.” Do not assume....
Casa Carmona: Ana Paula is prepared; Tia MentiRosa is the only one smiling.
Casa Galván: Vainessa's parents are giving her an engagement party. Elsa la Vaca is wearing a pink glittery dress that's not only too young for her but incorrect at this hour of the day. Sin-thia and David arrive. She's wearing a short dress that is somehow more modest than Elsa's. Vainessa is wearing a grey and black number that still looks pintado. Federico welcomes Rogelio to the family and shakes his hand. Ominous music begins as Rogelio looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. He tells Vainessa he wants to talk to her privately; Sin-thia thinks he wants to give her the engagement ring and mentions having seen the jeweler's box. Do not assume ...
Boca de Cielo: Gustavo walks on the beach remembering when he and Ana Paula released the doves. Fermin approaches and they continue talking.
Casa Galván: Bruno and Rogelio talk about how all the most important locals are there, including the press. Bruno wonders whether this will be the joke of the century... and who the joke will be on. Vainessa comes back as he walks away and tells Rogelio that anything he wants to say to her he should say to her in front of her parents...and everyone else. She calls for everyone's attention and everything stops. Do not Assume...
Vainessa: Attention, por favor! Rogelio wants to tell me something and I want you all to hear.
Rogelio: As you all know, you're all here to share a very special moment. All the time I was with Vanessa comes down to one memory, perhaps the saddest one of my life. The day when Vanessa broke our engagement because I became paralyzed.
Vainessa: What are you doing? Why are you bringing this up now?
Rogelio: Then you don't understand. I was humiliated. I felt like una poca cosa to you. But now, after all this time, I understand you. I see everything now. Because of this I am breaking our engagement. I am not going to marry you.
We know from his facial expressions earlier that this isn't how he planned to do this.
Commercial Break leading with the promo for Don Francisco Presenta.
Capitulo 24, Part 1?
Casa Carmona: Dany asks Ana Paula whether there will be a luna de miel. Ana Paula says no; she doesn't want to be far away until Miguel is better. Dany asks about the beach, but Ana Paula doesn't want to be near what reminds her of Gustavo.
Casa Galván: Vainessa starts whining to her dad. Rogelio tells her he can't marry her and she starts getting hysterical, grabbing his lapels, having a tantrum in public.
Boca de Cielo: Gustavo tells Fermin he is looking to forget Ana Paula. Fermin is sure that something major happened in Ana Paula's life because he was sure of her goodness.
Casa Galván: Federico confronts Rogelio as the guests all watch.
Federico: What's up with you, Rogelio? Have you gone mad?
Rogelio: I'm sorry, Federico, but years ago Vanessa showed she didn't love me. Or didn't love me enough to marry me after I was paralyzed. (to Vainessa) Now you understand how much I loved you and wanted to spend the rest of my life with you.
Vainessa: I don't understand.
Rogelio: It's the truth. I can't marry you.
Vainessa (starting to hit his shoulders): Desgraciado! Maldito desgraciado! Why?
Federico and Elsa restrain Vainessa who then begins shouting at the guests to leave. The guests depart. Sin-thia goes to comfort her, only to be told to leave. Federico is not pleased.
Boca de Cielo: Gustavo vents to Don Fermin, who still doesn't believe this. In the meantime he intends to help Don Fermin's community.
Casa Galván: The confrontation continues.
Federico: What you did has no name. Was this a whim or did you plan this?
Rogelio: Federico, it's important that you know this matter. You are a good person and I understand your feelings.
Federico: No, you don't understand! What you did to my daughter was bad enough, but this! The guests, the press...
Rogelio: Vanessa wanted that; I didn't.
Federico: This is a disgrace. You are muy poco hombre. Coward! Never did I imagine you'd break an engagement in front of everyone.
Rogelio: Uno moment. She wanted me to talk to her in front of everyone. I didn't want to. I'm sorry, Federico. For an offense this big I will understand if you never want to see me again.
Federico: Of course I never want to see you again. I never want to do business with you again.
Rogelio: You have that right. I will tell Bruno that deal is dust. But you know that you will have to pay the penalty.
Federico: What?
Rogelio: The penalty is the millions we agreed to. Pay that and there will be no social liability.
La Calle: Sin-thia walks away in disbelief, David following her. She's freaking out over having to go back to the status quo. David proposes, catching her a little off-guard.
Casa Galván: Federico refuses to pay the penalty for breaking the contract.
Federico: I'm not going to pay over millions of pesos after what you did to my daughter.
Rogelio: I agree, I agree; it's your right. Therefore our business relationship continues.
Federico: You are a wretch. Get out of my house!
Vanessa: You won't leave before you hear me. I will get even with you.
Federico: If you weren't in a wheelchair, I'd – (grabs his lapels. Bruno has to break this up) Take this garbage out of here! Out of my house! (Bruno wheels Rogelio out)
Vainessa cries. Federico coddles his spoiled brat.
Casa Carmona: Ana Paula refuses to cash the check to buy anything more for the wedding. No more jewelry either for herself or for Tia MentiRosa. She clearly intends to wear the shell necklace from Gustavo.
Boca de Cielo: Gustavo promises to go to bat for the fishermen, but asks for their cooperation. Fermin later talks to Gustavo about this. His daughter and granddaughter enter, happy to see Gustavo. The little girl asks for Ana Paula, but Gustavo tells her that she is no longer his novia. One is now wondering whether Gustavo will end up with Fermin's daughter.
Casa Carmona: Rogelio explains that all his business is resolved and now they are going to the hacienda. Ana Paula just wants to visit Miguel once more before they leave. Rogelio agrees. He finally tells her to stop addressing him as Señor and begin calling him by his name. She agrees to comply. Tia MentiRosa tells her to hurry up.
Casa Galván: The phone is ringing and Elsa refuses to answer. She wants to get the hell out of Dodge because of the shame. Federico is annoyed that his wife worries first about other people's opinion and not about Vainessa.
Casa Carmona: Ana Paula is still apprehensive; Dany tells her that she still has time to back out.
Casa Galván: Vainessa stares at the Valentine's Day cake that was never cut. Federico tries to comfort her. Vainessa wants him to break the contract. Vainessa swears revenge. Her dad looks horrified.
Hotel: Sin-thia and Rogelio argue about Vainessa. She wants to go to her but Rogelio reminds her that Vainessa has a mother to comfort her. He's her brother and he needs her. She is upset because she thought everything would change after the wedding. He reminds her that she was thinking of herself. Now pack because we're going home. She resentfully starts packing.
Hospital Room: Miguel begs his sister one more time not to marry Rogelio. She tells him she will, punto. Dany comes in to get her and the three hug for a moment.

Miguel arrives at the hacienda via helicopter for the boda. Sin-thia calls Vainessa to tell her that Rogelio is getting married and we see premonition of a future catfight with Ana Paula.

anillo de compromiso engagement ring
aretes earringsgargantilla necklace
gastar to use


Monday, January 30, 2012

Scheduling alert for LQNPA Monday, Tuesday (and maybe the rest of the week)?

Hello everyone, based on a preview for a show on Univision, it looks like La que no podía amar is going to end late (and maybe start early?) on Monday (TONIGHT), as well as Tuesday 1-31-12, and I'd assume that this screwed up schedule might apply to the rest of the week. Make sure to set your recorders for 30 minutes over (just to be sure!) for a while, so you don't miss anything this week! (Tonight the episode went 15 minutes over, but last week it went a little longer than that; it was arbitrary. I'd advise setting your timers at least 20 minutes over and 5 minutes early, just to be on the safe side.)

While I'm here, here are some screenshots from an interview with Jorge Salinas on Primer Impacto today. Apparently it was an exclusive. I did a video capture of the whole thing but the recording kept on dropping out. Tomorrow apparently they're going to interview Ana Brenda.

Rogelio walks!
Salinas seems fond of Rogelio.



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