Thursday, January 02, 2014
Mentir Para Vivir #61 Thu 1/2/14 Proponer para Conmocionar
Ruben comes home after a long day at work and pulls out some plans to review. He's rudely interrupted by Matilde banging on his door. She screams at him that that "golfa" (ho) Lucina had all her stuff moved into a newly-vacated room. Ruben's cool with that and says it's probably best since he's been to a lawyer to start divorce proceedings. She grabs the plans and shoves them behind her, crumpling them in the process, and says she won't give him a divorce, so there! Ruben tells her that he filed on grounds of incompatibility and mistreatment. Matilde accuses him for the millionth time of having a lover and their shouts of "Yes you do!" "No I don't!" attract Cesar's attention. He tells them everyone can hear them. Matilde keeps insisting she won't "give" him a divorce and as she's leaving Ruben shouts after her that he doesn't care, he's going to tell the judge that she refuses to fulfill her matrimonial duties and rejects him in bed. Ay, Ruben! Did you really need to tell that to the ENTIRE hotel? And your son? Ruben apologizes for letting Matilde get the better of him. He says he's glad he somehow ended up with two good kids out of this mess of a relationship. Cesar encourages him to visit Fabiola and give her his support.
Back to Marilu…will she, or won't she?
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Por siempre mi amor #21 1/2/14: An Episode Where- Minerva Plays The Ice Queen and Aranza Is The Ice Princess, Scary!
Happy New Year to all!! May 2014- bring us health; wealth and large anvils for Sonia and Fernando.
Lo de Ayer
We are at the school festival where Aranza and Esteban “get married”. Aranza returns her ring to a dejected Esteban; it’s only a game to her but not to him.
De Hoy
Daphne menacingly looks on. Daphne’s eyes are like slot machines that continuously roll. She is dying to say something mean. Esteban asks about her little brother, hmm- Liliana spilled the beans. Oh well, he asked her. It’s her half brother.
Daphne breaks down to the group what a half brother is. Her stepmother is pregnant. She believes that her father will love the baby more than her. (with Daphne’s charming personality, what is there to love?) Liliana tries to comfort her but according to Daphne- no one knows anything so they should leave her alone. Aranza fears that the same thing will happen to her.
Andrea grabs a cup of coffee, takes a break and asks Teresa about Mau.
He stepped out for a bit. Teresa asks Andrea if she has spoken to Isa. Teresa shares with Andrea that Feo received 20 years without the possibility of parole. Andrea takes the news a little differently than I would have expected.
I expected her to do cartwheels. She wonders about how her kids who will not know their father.
(What is she worrying about, they don't know him now??)They will be men when he is released.
Teresa wants to know if she still loves Feo.
Tere considers Andrea lucky.
This will speed up her divorce. Andrea’s luck has changed- she breaks it down- he is in jail, you are getting a divorce and you have a good job. Teresa continues, you are young and you deserve to be happy and you have a man that loves you. Andrea, wonders who could love her with two kids? Mauricio, but Andrea thinks that she and Mau are only friends. Andrea needs to look ahead to the future and leave the dark (Feo) past behind.
We are at what looks like Home Depot but the letters are blurred out, with Gaby and Isa. Gaby tells Isa that she is allowing Bruno to get to know her. She is not sure about what she feels, but she likes Bruno. She is not giving it a title as of now but he is a good kisser. The name, Home Depot is blurred out but the salesman says- Welcome to Home Depot. Hmm. They are looking for paint.
Isa is at Art’s house, admiring the décor and Eugenia’s picture. She agrees that Eugenia is gorgeous. Aranza looks just like her mother. Then she meets Lucha. Isa shares that Tita invited them to dinner over the weekend, but Art also wants to invite Osvaldo over. Aranza who was in her room runs in to greet her father and coldly greets Isa as Senora. She always calls her elders, Senora. Art tells Aranza that she can use the less formal tu form with Isa.
Mau invites Andrea to dinner since their “date” was interrupted by Gema last night. Tere looks on approvingly because she was going to accompany Andrea home.
Bruno calls Gaby and tries to find out how Gaby’s day was. She cuts him off at the quick, turns down his dinner invite, and tells Bruno that she had had a long day and wants to go to bed early. Bruno asks- did my mom invite you to dinner tomorrow?? Are you going??? Yes, see you tomorrow. The wall is slowing disintegrating.
At dinner, Art tells Aranza that they are going to Tita’s house to eat. Aranza wants to invite her friend Liliana. Isa suggests that they eat in the garden because they are still renovating the house. Aranza wants to know about a half sibling. Art explains that in this case they have the same father but not the same mother and that Daphne is going to have a half sibling. Isa asks Aranza about Daphne. Aranza says that Daphne doesn’t believe that that the new baby is her sibling and she agrees. Aranza doesn’t want any siblings if they don’t share the same mother. (Art should have checked her, right there and then.)
Mau has the tickets to take Esteban to the soccer game. Mau asks Andrea to officially be his girlfriend. He knows that Andrea is nervous and he will take it slow as to not pressure her. He wants to make lemonade out of her lemons. (The years of suffering with Feo) The two share a kiss. They are such a clean-cut, cute couple.
Esteban melancholically looks over his “wedding certificate” and rings. He loves his “wedding portrait”. He sighs Aranza’s name. He puts everything away in a little treasure box.
Dinner is over, Isa leaves and compliments Lucha who seems very aloof towards Isa. Gaby asks Lucha, what’s up? Lucha still has the stupid idea that Art was seeing Isa while Eugenia was alive. Gaby tells Lucha that if you have doubts, go straight to the horse’s mouth and ask Art.
Osvaldo, Gaby, Bruno, Art, Aranza, Liliana and Isa share a brunch at Tita’s. Art tells Osvaldo that he and Isa met because of the suitcase mix-up. They were destined to meet. They would have met due to the renovation as well. Art leans into to kiss Isa and suddenly Aranza wants to go to the esquite (a chopped corn snack, served with butter, salt and mayo) cart with Liliana but Art says that she needs an adult to go with her. Isa volunteers. Aranza must eat her dinner if she eats the snack. Osvaldo feels that Isa is a good woman and would make a great stepmother for Aranza. The diabolical music plays.
Stupid Lucha shares with Tita that Art was seeing Isa before Eugenia dies. Caigamos en oracion was gritted through Tita’s teeth. Lies!!! Tita explained that Art met her in Puerto Azul with her son, Bruno. Lucha felt stupid. Tita will have a chat with Aranza.
Bruno steals a kiss from Gaby on the way to the kitchen.
Isa takes Aranza and her friend for a walk to get the esquites and then Aranza runs away from her. Her friend goes to get water and Isa is worried that she could run into the street and then Aranza shows her Sucia colors. She will never like Isa; Isa just wants to be friends with her. (Mental note Isa- adults and children can’t be friends; they are not on the same level) Tita overhears Aranza and is horrified.
Isa can’t understand what she has done to Aranza for her to mistreat her. Tita apologizes for Aranza’s bad behavior. Tita is ashamed. Isa accepts the apology but Tita is not having it, there is no reason for bad behavior. Tita wants the truth from Aranza. She gives Tita the resting bitch face and Tita gives it back to her. Isa shares with Gaby her interaction with Aranza. Isa feels that it is too soon for another woman to be introduced into Aranza’s family. What shocked her was Aranza’s expression. She looked at Isa with such hate. If she can’t win Aranza’s affection then she and Art can’t be a couple.
Sucia’s friend wants to know what is she going to do without her dad’s financial support. She has no idea, she will figure out something. It’s too bad that she and Art didn’t work out becaseu when she puts her mind to something she gets it. Sucia blames Isa for taking Art from her. Her friend gives her good advice- Art is single and will never mingle with her. Leave him alone.
Aranza gives Tita the “silent treatment”, along with the stink face. Tita wants to know who is putting the idea into her head that her dad was dating Isa before her mother died. Tita tells her that Lucha told her because Lucha believes the same stupid idea. Tita is going to guess. She, lets Aranza know that her lying, beyotch of an aunt put the idea into her head. She guessed right, Aranza never answered.
At Mean Minnie’s house a place has been set for Mau. Minnie would have prepared something special if she knew in advance. Meanie guesses that Mau and Andrea are novios. She is happy, I think. She gives her daughter some “advice”. I think that she is suggesting that she get pregnant to “trap/tie” him. I can’t believe my ears. He is our ticket out of the hood.
Tita tries to reason with Aranza and tells her that there are people who are jealous or negative and tell lies like her friend Daphne and downplays what Daphne told her about her father going on a trip and going with Isa. Daphne didn’t lie, but her father did not fall in love to hurt her. Tita explains that loves happens- like in Cinderella. It wasn’t planned, it happened, sometimes with just a look. Tita lets Aranza know that Sucia is a bad woman, very jealous and spews lies. She told you this to put you against Isa. Isa and Art were not a couple while her mother was alive.
At the Big House
Feo and his beady eyes scan the prison yard. Two thugs approach the new guy and tell him to watch his step.
Isa returns and Art asks for Aranza. She is with Tita. Isa is a bit shaken up, but doesn’t have an opportunity to share with Art what happened. Aranza apologizes for speaking badly to Isa. Isa understands that it’s hard for her to see her dad with someone else. But she loves her dad. And she will do everything so that Aranza can get to know her. (Aranza is slowly struggling with herself, she wants to dislike Isa because Sucia said so, but she is not that bad) Tita suggests that the three of them spend a day shopping. The little Ice Princess emerges. Liliana likes Isa and shares that Isa is not a snitch. Aranza is surprised.
Sucia visits an “evil Wizard” looking man, oops the scammer that Feo knows and went to at the beginning of the novela to pay off. He offers Sucia a job with a phantom travel agency through some magazine. Travelers buy packages, airplane tickets to Europe; they pay and get a confirmation number. When they try to board on the plane they find out that the confirmation number was fake. The agency is exists electronically. The money for the tickets will be deposited into an account either by credit card or by bank deposit in the name of the agency; they just need a telephone line to handle the clients. The calls will be transferred to her cell, which will be the agency number, she must speak English and no one is the wiser. They will divide up the money. (I see a problem right there)
Osvaldo had a blast and thanked Tita for inviting him. Tita told him that “mi casa es su casa” and there is not need to wait for an invitation. Osvaldo said that he will take her at her word and Bruno teases them both and says – that your company does well for my mom. Tita gives Bruno- a “ Caigamos en oracion” look. Everyone shares a chuckle. The next time, he will invite them to his house as log as Aranza doesn’t have to eat the “little birds” it will be fine. Before they leave, Tit wants a word with Art. Isa is worried that Tita will share with Art what happened. Gaby shares with Bruno, that there was a little incident with Aranza.
Andrea thanks Mau for a lovely evening. He likes being with her and he thanks her for allowing him to be with her family. Mau would like to take Andrea, her mom and the kids out of the “hood” to a different neighborhood, where that kids could go out and play (and now we see why MeanMin is being so “sweet”.) Andrea thinks that it will be too expensive but they will talk tomorrow and share a more tender kiss, while Minnie watches.
Coming attractions:
The shopping trip with Tita, Isa and Aranza turns into a nightmare. Aranza disappears again, and guess what?? Sucia is behind it yet again, this is getting boring- yawn.
Aranza lies and tells Art that Isa left her alone and gullible Art is not too happy.
Labels: siempre
Por siempre mi amor #20 1/1/2014: Feo Feels the Long Arm of the Law; Gema Fesses Up; Don Hilberto Finally Realizes Sucia is a User; Aranza Isn't Sure About This Love Thing
Recap by J Desde NYC
¡Prospero Año Nuevo 2014 a Todos!
First, a Glossary of Abbreviations I use to make this recap sensible to any newbies reading.
Gabi-Gabriela, Isa's best friend/confidante
Mau-Mauricio, the accountant at Isa's business and Isa's close friend
Andy-Andrea, Feo's soon-to-be ex-wife/first victim; works at Isa's business; Mau's love interest
Grandma/Abuela Meanie/Minnie/MeanMin-Minerva, Andrea's mother, Esteban and Angelito's grandmother and faker extraordinaire
Aggie-Agatha, Andy and Minnie's neighbor
Este-Esteban, Andy's oldest son
Ozzie-Osvaldo, Art's father; Ara's grandfather; Tita's love interest
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Lo Que La Vida Me Robó #34 & #35 1/1/14: The Ricos Get Crazy When Padre Anselmo Gets Too Busy with the Pobres
Happy New Year to All!/¡Feliz Año Nuevo a Todos!
#34: The
Ricos Get Crazy When Padre Anselmo Gets Too Busy with the
Lo Refrito: We begin our new Lo Que La Vida Me Robó year once again at Hacienda Almonte with Dim and Aldolfo talking about forcing Montse to buy their silence regarding J-L/Antonio's real identity; Juventino fondling petulant Maria's feet as she complains about her life and horrible situation with Alejandro and Montserrat; the scene of DIM nearly being strangled by J-L and then DIM pressuring J-L for money, too, in order to save Montse from Alejandro's inevitable wrath, and finally with Montse trying to convince Ale to let DIM stay for a while.
Lo Refrito 2 with some Lo Nuevo. Montse insists she can't kick DIM out--sure everyone knows he's a freeloading, good-for-nothing, ingrate, but, he's FAMILY, and she cares about him. (She doesn't want DIM there, either, and she's only doing this because DIM has threatened to reveal the truth about the new ranch foreman actually being Montse's old/sometimes-still flame José-Luís.) Ale is not cool with DIM staying and doesn't understand until finally Montse gets close, purrs, pleads, and allows him to kiss her and then, feeling the passion burn, she senses he's starting to come around. She initiates a second longer kiss and it sure looks like they're both enjoying it, even if she did have ulterior motives. And it works. During a breather, Ale says fine--if it's what she wants the DIM one and his friend can stay a few days. She thanks him.
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Mentir Para Vivir #60 Wed 1/1/14 Do you have a boyfriend? I need a wife, you wanna get married? oh yeah, Prospero Ano Nuevo!
Casa de Paloma
Homer gives Ori a choice -- confess all, and she'll end up in jail
and Alina under protective custody (auspicio=protection).
He urges her to accept his plan and avoid prosecution for the identity
theft and in the meantime they can find an adoptive family for Alina. She
can't be adopted by Paloma since they're not related. Ricky offers to
marry someone, anyone, so he can adopt her. Homer suggests they think if over
. Ori is freaking out.
Outside, Ricky wonders if there's really no alternative to Oriana
living with that beast. He won't stand for it. Homer wonders what
it is about the plan that bothers him. (really, Homer?) Ricky lays out the
obvious: #1 - JL will surely harass her (acosar)
#2 - this is dangerous work. JL is sure to kill her if she's found out,
and #3 - how long is this expected to last, months, years? Homer repeats,
“Think it over.” He would have liked to come up with another plan, but
it's either this, or jail. Have a nice day. I think Homer is enjoying this
a teensy bit too much.
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Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, 12/30/13. Capitulo 32 and 33.
This is a joint recap between myself and Urban Anthropologist. It is a bit long. Hope you all enjoy.
Capitulo 32. Oh where, oh where are JL's...avocados.
Juvie the delusional thinks with Maria's help, Ale will give
him the position of capataz. Maria
agrees to talk to Ale for him. As Juvie
is putting on his stinky boot, he knocks over some papers and tells her to pick
it up. Maria finds the letter that JL
wrote to Montse.
Ale tells Victor that he changed his mind about him talking
to his contact at the police station.
This makes Victor happy and asks if that means he can stay longer at the
hacienda. Ale tells him that he found
out about the flowers and thinks that he's playing with fire. Victor reminds Ale that he once told him to
forget about Montse but Ale couldn't.
Well I feel the same way you did back then. I know this isn't right, but I am still going
ahead with my plans. Montse and Nadia
walk in and Montse thought Victor was leaving today. I was replies Victor, but since there is no
capataz here, I offered to stay a bit longer.
Maria interrupts and requests that Ale accompany her. He tells her he's busy, but she insists. It's about Antonio.
They go into Ale's study and she shows him the letter that JL
wrote before leaving. Ale reads the
letter and asks Maria how would she know that JL/Antonio wrote it? Maria brings other papers written in JL's
handwriting to compare. After looking at
the proof, he asks her not to mention this to anyone. He also tells her to never enter the
capataz's house again without permission.
Remember it is no longer your house.
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Por siempre mi amor #19 12/30/2013: Let the Games Begin....
Happy New Year!
I thought it might be fun to look at New Year's superstitions and I found this interesting tidbit about how your choice of undies can affect your New Year:
"Wearing yellow underwear attracts positive energy and a year of prosperity for the new year, while red underwear will bring a year of romance and passion. Blue underwear is said to bring a year of good health, green, a year of better luck than the previous year, white for a year of peace, joy and happiness, and pink for luck in love. In Italy they believe red underwear will bring you luck as well as make you fertile. (In Italy they throw away the underwear on January 2nd.) If you happen to have polka dots or circles on your underwear, even better as the round shape symbolizes coins/money. Oh yes, one more important fact that should go without saying – they need to be clean underwear."
There was no information about what you'll get if you "go commando" (other than discomfort.)
Onward to our story!
Arturo dons his thinking cap and figures out that Sonia has helped Aranza run away from home.
Gaby is still fuming because Nicolas thought she was a Rice-A-Roni* date. (
* both cheap & easy!)
Mauricio is thinking about Andrea who is thinking Mauricio can't possibly be thinking about her.
The Main Course:
Arturo has had enough of Sonia's crapola. He tells her she has to stop lying and filling his daughter's head with nonsense. "We both know you were in Puerto Azul. What's wrong with you?"
Sonia grabs Arturo's arms and sticks to him like gum on a sneaker. She wails, "I was in the hospital. I was
muy infirma." Aranza appears in the bedroom doorway as Arturo peels Sonia off himself and shoves her aside. Sonia spins around and throws herself onto the couch. Arturo gets Aranza's things and herds her toward the door. Sonia sobs to Aranza, "Everything will be okay. I love you." The door shuts behind Arturo and Aranza. Sonia wipes a fake tear and smiles gleefully at her flawless performance.
Still in Puerto Azul, Gabi gets a call from Bruno who tells her Arturo's daughter has run away from home. She tells Isabel the news. Isabel grabs the phone and asks if they should come back and help in the search. Bruno says that's not necessary and he'll keep her informed.
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Monday, December 30, 2013
Mentir Para Vivir #59 Mon 12/30/13 Ric and JL get a makeover that involve their fists and fancy office furniture
Happy New Year!
Some scenes are combined, for a better flow
The old: Raquel and JL are kissing. JL asks Raquel
to find out who Homero really is – if she doesn’t know how, she should maybe try
using her pretty little head.
Boys will be
At Aresti Breton – Ric is in his office, for once
appearing to be busy with work. Not for long, though, because JL is on his way
to pay him a visit. The secretary announces his presence and Ric allows him in.
JL looks serious, Ric looks serious... This can’t end well.
The talk starts harmless enough. JL wants the two of
them to make a deal, because he needs to find out who Homero really is. But Ric
isn’t willing to help, he thinks JL should go ask for himself.
As both men start to lose their temper (with Ric and
JL this really isn’t all that hard), Oriana becomes the topic of their
JL: “Oriana es
mi mujer.” (Oriana is my wife /or, considering the specimen talking/ Oriana
is my woman)
Ric: No, Oriana is a widow, and I am with Ines.
And so the screaming starts. Ric demands JL to give
Orines her freedom back, especially since she doesn’t love him anymore. JL reminds
Ric of his past mistakes (the supposed rape) and accuses him of having
brainwashed his wife.
This prompts Ric to jump on JL and a real fight
ensues, just as theatrical and choreographed as the one they had a few months
ago, in the rain. Somehow I got to recap that one, too, so I feel I’m an expert
in JL/ Ric brawls.
Anyway, they throw some punches, some in slow
motion, some in fake motion (as in - you can totally see they’re not real
punches); JL falls over Ric’s round bookcase thingy and then it’s Ric’s turn to
lose his balance. He’s on his back, on the desk and JL is trying to choke him.
So Ric pulls out a gun and points it at JL, just as Mariano (sand Plaid, just
Plain) comes to stop the carnage (not really). JL screams “Te vas a repentir, gusano!” (You’ll be sorry, you worm) and leaves.
Mariano looks shocked that Ric would have a gun. Was
he going to use it?
Who knows, Ric honestly answers. This guy won’t stop
until one of us is dead.
Just then Oriana calls Ric to tell him about JL
latest outrageous act: she called her a drug addict in front of Homero. Ric is
for once in no mood to talk to Oriana and appease her poor nerves, so he makes
up an excuse about having to work and hangs up.
He doesn’t look too good, though, so Mariano takes
him to the hospital.
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TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE -- La Reina del Sur, et cetera. Week of December 30, 2013
Happy New Year to all the rest of Telemundo fans. Here is your post.
No programs on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Labels: reina-sur, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Marido en Alquiler -- Week of December 30, 2013
Happy New Year to Marido fans! Here is your post.
No programs on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Labels: marido, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: Santa Diabla -- Week of December 30, 2013
Happy New Year to all Santa Diabla fans. Here is your post.
No programs on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Labels: santa, telemundo
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo #30 and 31- 12/27/13: What Do You Get When You Fall In Love? A Guy With A Pin to Bust Your Bubble That's What!
On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me,
Three French Hens, Two Turtle Doves and a Two Hour
Robo Recap ; )
Ahoy, Amguis! What an episode! Romance, Intrigue, Misunderstandings! The Whole Recap is now up! I have a little ear worm for you all to enjoy! This Masquerade.
We start this episode off with Angie (Angelica), Esme and JL at that choza (hut) in the middle of nowhere, JL wants her to go, she wants to stay, see she knows just what is goin' on with Monse and he, but no matter, someday Angie wants to be his, she goes.
Nadia, Lottie (Carlotta) and Monse are discussing poor Angie, she has cancer, but Monse and Nadia like her and Don Joaquin. Amelia, meh, not so much. Lottie is so on the money when she says Amelia and Gracie are cut from the same cloth. It's funny Gracie has never mentioned Amelia, must have been on a spiritual retreat she met Amelia, yeah, right! Bitch Maria slithers in and Monse asks where her hubby Ale is? Maria tells them at the capataz's cabin, well is Antonio back? Nah, he probably ran away is what Maria says. Lottie tells her to quit with the chismes (gossip) and she goes while Lottie proclaims the bitchy one is a pain, right on Lottie! Nadia even asks if Maria is part of the family. Monse takes a pillow and clutches it.
Victor and Ale, meanwhile, are at the capataz's cabin looking around. Seems JL left his stuff there, so that must mean he is coming back. Ale is messing around with some papers on the desk, but doesn't look at them. Keep that in mind for later. Ale wonders where they could be, Antonio and his assistant, but Victor tells him not to worry, could be in town, Ale is worried something happened to them like what happened to him and Maria's Papa. Victor tells him if they aren't back by tomorrow they will search for them.
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Mentir Para Vivir #58 Fri 12/27/13 Oriana Tells All And Gets Ready For The Ball And Chain
~~Holiday Week's Greetings! ~~
Jose Luis goes into a major meltdown over the phone while griping to his would-be ex, Oriana, aka Ines, because his giving her the gift of the stolen .44 used in Ricardo’s daddy’s murder didn’t impress her in the least. She wasn’t moving back in and to hell with him and the jack-ass he rode in on!
Oriana, in her bathrobe and ABS (anything but sexy) terry-fuzz slippers, is seen by Martin heading in the same direction as Ricardo—towards Palomita’s old “playroom” --and he mentions it to the staff. He thinks that Dona Paloma needs to know that the two of them have apparently been getting it on late at night in some obscure part of the manse.
At the same time, Oriana is no longer in “the mood”. She is too worried and upset by Jose Luis’s renewed phone threats to reopen her case in Columbia and to have her “cleared” signature questioned and reviewed by a different expert because she refuses to return to Ft. Fakecisco with Alina. Bummer for Ric. He’d had high hopes for a night of nookie. All he can do is to watch over her sleep from his place on the floor by the playroom door.
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Friday, December 27, 2013
Por siempre mi amor #18 12/27/13: Farmer Sonia and Farmer Minerva Sow the Seeds of Distrust and Hate
Caigamos en oración count: 11 (Though not a one was uttered tonight.)
El Refrito
- Tita ruminates in an empty closet.
- Edgar and Mau accompany Andrea a la delegación to press charges agains Feo.
- Tita notes a new gleam in Bruno's eyes. He confesses he's falling in love.
- Arturo arrives at Aranza's school. He spends the rest of the episode ignoring the counselor's advice that he find professional help for his daughter.
Lo Nuevo
Some scenes are, as always, combined and condensed.
Sonia arrives at Gilberto's house. Surprisingly she does not ask for money (even Gilberto was shocked) and she forgets to ask about the lawyer for Feo. Gilberto totally has Sonia's number. He was glad that she was in the hospital for a virus and not some accident or because she had meterse en un lío (got herself in a spot of trouble.) Gilberto informs her (and Viewerville) that her brother is doing fine at boarding school (or are they step siblings? And he gets mentioned enough that I think we will eventually meet him.)
Arturo and Dafne's mamá diabla (nombre de Belinda de Quintana) leave the school. I don't like the kind of starving hungry looks she's giving Arturo. When Arturo and Aranza arrive home he tries to talk to her and she gives him the silent treatment. He asks what's going on. He knows that it's hard since her mother died, but he wants to help and for her to go back to being the good girl she once was (*cough*therapyyoudunce*cough*.) Aranza tells him she doesn't trust him and that he and everyone in the house are lying liars who lie. He went on that trip because he doesn't love her and Tita and Lucha are telling lies about Tía Sonia. Arturo is all "whoa, chica!" Sonia is the lying liar who's lying and he's not going to let her talk to him like that. She is not to forget that he is her father...and she tells him that he's the one that needs to remember he's her father (*cough*therapyyoudunce*cough*.) She flounces into the house and treats Lucha like crap. Arturo informs Lucha that Aranza is grounded. He heads to his study.
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Weekend Discussion: New Stars? New Stories? Or Both?
I've been seeing posts over the last
year or so about “We need new young stars” and we've had
discussions in the past about developing new stories for our maturing
favorites. I don't see this as an either/or, but perhaps as being a
dual issue.
Televisa stopped producing stories
directed at teens due to lowered ratings a few years ago. I'd
personally love to know whether that was because of outdated story
types or declining attention spans among teens, which is a subject
that comes up all the time and is probably a worldwide problem. At the same time we've discussed how
remaking the same stories again and again is both lazy production and
evidence of risk-adversity.
There are some changes happening now,
as we see with Mentir Para Vivir and Por Siempre
Mi Amor, whose lead characters are a little more mature than
usual. They start out with spouses, children, other family members,
and more secrets than usual. Their lives are already complicated
before the curtain goes up on the opening episode. We are seeing
more teens and more children in these stories; I suspect that this is
to provide employment for the child and teen actors that would have
been in the teen and kid programs that aren't being produced. It's
one of the reasons that many series are now longer than they would have been fifteen years ago.
I'm not a kid anymore myself and it
sickens me that the entertainment industry already targets youth
often at the expense of adults who have more discretionary income to
attend movies and spend money on cars advertised on TV. We all want
to see ourselves in television characters and we want to see something that's realistic. What we don't want is a
world where someone's acting career is over because they're over 35 and
overexposed (in the sense of being hyped) young stars with minimal
experience and less talent.
Sound off, amigos.
Labels: mentir, siempre, telenovelas, weekend
Lo Que La Vida Me Robo, Capitulos 28 + 29, 12/26/13 - All Roads Lead To Hacienda Almonte
All Roads Lead To
Hacienda Almonte
Cast of characters at
or arriving at Hacienda Almonte and their current motivations
The Rich Bastard - Alejandro
Handsome and conflicted Alejandro, nouveau riche bastard
that he is, has been channeling his inner beast—again. After purchasing Montserrat by paying her family debts, he takes her to his isolated
hacienda and treats her as though she was a piece of chattel. Although he
‘loves’ Montserrat, he tends to treat her very harshly. Recently he reminded
Montserrat that she was all HIS, and that he would never give her a divorce.
The Poor Wife - Montserrat
Montserrat is a confused, very confused young woman.
Recently, after listening to her gossipy Aunt Carlota, she made a nearly
impossible cognitive leap to the idea that Alejandro has been lying to her—about
everything. He is AGAIN perceived by Montserrat to be a murderer and the person
who framed her ex-lover Jose Luis. She has a strong moral belief that lying is
WRONG. Montserrat herself is suffering from a small problem with hypocrisy—she
is lying through her teeth about the identity and role of her ex-novio Jose
Luis/Antonio on the estate.
The Ex-Novio – Jose
JL/Antonio is on the estate under false pretenses—he is
playing at being the new Hacienda manager and his inexperience is beginning to
show. He is still trying to get Montserrat to run away with him but his
incompetence as an estate manager has attracted the attention of the evil and
beautiful housekeeper, Maria. He was also just spotted— swimming naked in the
local river—by a mysterious, young blond artiste.
The Evil Housekeeper -
Beautiful Maria is suspicious of ‘Antonio’ and his
connection with her enemy and rival for Alejandro’s affection, Montserrat. She
conspired with her evil uncle Juventino to get rid of Montserrat, but her uncle
is double crossing her. He wants to kill Alejandro, take the estate and
Montserrat for his wife.
The Navy Captain
Alejandro has invited the Navy Captain and old family friend
of the Mendoza family, Capitan Robledo, to the Hacienda for dinner. Capitan
Robledo is hunting for JL/Antonio and his companion Refugio Solares/Renato
Garcia as escaped fugitives. They are AWOL from the Navy and on the run for
murdering a Navy Lieutenant.
The Man of Business
and the Pole Dancer – Victor and Esmeralda
Alejandro has called his friend Victor, former business
manager of the Hacienda but now employed as manager of Alejandro’s ‘town’
enterprises, to complete two tasks. Bring Esmeralda the pole dancer to the
estate for the weekend for the purpose of getting her to speak to Montserrat;
and to befriend young Nadia, wife of the corrupt town Mayor Pedro Medina, to
discover why the mayor is so interested acquiring a certain piece of land from
Alejandro. Victor’s first awkward efforts to befriend Nadia ended with her
throwing a glass of wine in his face.
The Poor Wife’s Best
Nadia Medina has defied her husband to make a trip out to
Hacienda to spend some time with her best friend Montserrat. She does not
expect to meet Victor there, or to see Esmeralda, the woman she suspects of
being her husband Pedro’s lover.
Introducing a New
Family – The Archigas
Joaquin Archiga, former good friend of Alejandro’s deceased
father Don Benjamin, has returned with his wife and two daughters—Angelica
and Virginia—to the rancho neighboring Hacienda Almonte. Archiga’s older
daughter, Angelica, is the young blond artiste who caught Jl/Antonio swimming
naked in a river as she was out drawing. She also made an excellent (naked)
likeness of JL/Antonio. Angelica’s mother worries about her daughter’s health.
The Good Priest and
Father Anselmo tries to convince everyone at Hacienda
Almonte to do the right thing. Rosario, who is secretly Alejandro’s mother, is
his friend and the ally of both Montserrat and Alejandro.
In The Campeche
Countryside at Hacienda Almonte
Alejandro is up and about with a sling on his arm and a limp
in his step after the recent failed attempt on his life. Maria is there to fuss
over him and get him seated. Montserrat watches this and walks away while Maria
imposes herself in the place of Alejandro’s wife.
Montse goes to the kitchen but Ale does not want Maria’s
company. He wants his wife and orders Maria to go fetch her. Maria finds
Montserrat and sullenly tells her that Ale wants to see her. Rosario is in the
kitchen as well, and as soon as Montserrat is out of earshot, Maria begins to
abuse the older house worker, but Rosario informs her that Dominga told her to
keep an eye on what was cooking on the stove—does Maria want to take over that
task for her? When snotty Maria answers “No,” then newly spunky Rosario tells
her to get out of her way in the kitchen! Score one for good Rosario, but Maria
mutters the general threat in Rosario’s direction, “One day…”
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Mentir Para Vivir #57 Thu 12/26/13 Comer para Festejar
At the rooftop bar of Francisco's hotel, Sebastian meets with Francisco, who calls him an idiot for arguing with Leonardo in front of his godfather. Francisco still wants him to act like a decent human being, and clearly, fighting with the figurehead president's godson isn't the way to do it. As Sebastian goes to the potty and asks Antonio and Francisco to order him another drink, Francisco comments to Antonio that they've made a mistake with him. Antonio agrees, but says he now knows too much for them to be able to fire him. Antonio has the accountant on the hook, but he won't tell him what the business is really about until he's got a fat check in front of him. He doesn't think Escalona will back out, though, because he's got money problems. As for Sebastian, it would be difficult to get rid of him. Ricardo would get upset. It's Sebastian who hates Ricardo, but Ricardo doesn't feel the same way. As far as Leonardo goes, Antonio has found out relatively nothing, except that the armored car didn't come from Hermosillo. He has no idea who Leo's grandfather is and he figures only Ricardo or Inésiana could tell him.
Maria's memorial mass is being said. Everyone looks sad.
Leonardo tells Homero that Sebastian is nuts and the only reason he didn't put him in his place is that his godfather was there. He's found out that the investors are Caribbean Investments Company, but that Francisco Castro only set up the partnership--he doesn't have a position in the company. Homero says that was smart of him. As president of the company, it's Trejo Bonfil who will be going down for any shady business. He doesn't think there's anything to warn him about yet--they have no proof that CIC is going to be using the company to launder money. They'll have to wait.
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Por siempre mi amor #17 12/26/13: A Romance Blossoms, Another Romance is Blooming, One More Schoolyard Brawl and Gema is Still Easy
Good evening, and Happy Holidays to all.
Ayer- Tita is not happy that Sucia picked Aranza up from school, when she has been caring for Aranza in her father’s absence. Aranza says that Sucia called Lucha but Tita let’s Aranza know that is not the way that you do things. Aranza calls Tita and Lucha liars, says that Sonia didn’t cause a ruckus at the beach, she was hospitalized, she is not crazy and has the IV marks to prove it. She was not with her father and they want to keep Sucia and Aranza apart. Tita is done and can’t believe how Aranza is speaking to her (neither can I, if I spoke like that to any adult as a child I would have found either myself or my teeth on the floor) and tells Aranza, that she doesn’t lie; if she doesn’t believe her, ask her grandfather or father, what really happened.
Art explains to Isa, his relationship with Sucia and how manipulative Sucia is. Art is appreciative of Sucia’s “love” for Aranza but he doesn’t want Aranza to be used in Sucia’s little game. Art let Sucia know that under no certain terms was he ever interested in her and she left on the first flight this morning. Isa confesses that she is a little scared becaseu they seem to be moving fast. She can’t believe that she was so in love with Feo and no she feels something stronger for him. He liked the- something stronger piece. Art says, - let’s give us a chance. They kiss and the sparklers light up the beach.
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Lo que la vida me robo #26 & 27 12/25/13: A tale of misunderstandings and wasted wine
Update: I've now watched the episode and the recap is down below, I can't go into much detail with it beause it's a super long episode but I hope to cover everything so that no one is lost when watching tonight's episode, I'm going to group scenes together in order to make things faster for myself. Enjoy!
Santa, please give Montse a brain....a working brain
Okay, I know that's a lot to ask for but I had to try! Montse, after talking to Carlota and finding out that her husband went to visit her mother a few days before she and Alejandro went back to Agua Azul for a visit jumps to all sorts of crazy conclusions. She now believes that Alejandro forced her mother to make up a story about Dimibrow killing Gamboa, and that Alejandro really was behind all the bad things that happened to Jose Luis. She cries and says that she will never be able to forgive Alejandro for what he has done, she hates him.
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Por siempre mi amor #16 12/25/2013: Art and Isa Heat Up; Sucia is Still a Lying Liar
Recap by J Desde NYC
Lo Refrito: Art asks Isa out on a date.
Lo Nuevo
Depa Isa
Totally unprofessional and should be fired Gema wakes up out of her drunken stupor in her boss's bed after defiling it with Dante. She has enough sense to check the safe to see if it's open and seeing it closed exclaims "At least nothing happened" (menos mal). Of course, she doesn't realize el ladron de Dante already robbed the safe while she was sleeping. Dante shows up and shows his romantic side as he brings in breakfast to spoil (consentir) his princesa--chilaques and juice to raise the dead. How sweet...NOT! Gema gets enough sense in between bites to tell Dante they shouldn't be fornicating in her boss's bed or drinking her boss's good liquor. Dante is all "while the cat's away the mice will play" and suggests that Gema even wear one of Isa's formal gowns since he's gonna take her out to dinner at a fancy place. And this is where I go "Have you learned nothing from Isa, Gema?" because this sounds like Dante is doing a Fernando where he robs a woman blind and then wines and dines her on the proceeds and makes out like a bandit. Gema thinks this is crazy but Dante distracts her by continuing to spoonfeed her.
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