Thursday, October 30, 2014
Mi corazon es tuyo #73 29 Oct 2014 Bruno turns to have a Charlie Chaplin other self... Fanny tells Fernando about Leon's suspicions of Reeky, Nando finally sets Ximena straight
Fernando argues with Diego and Ana outside the house… Diego calls him on his out of control jealousy. Ana steps in between them asking them to ‘behave’. (LOL!) Fernando asks the driver if it shows that he is jealous. Johnny catches Ana and Diego just as they are ready to walk in the house. Just came by to say hi…
Reeky plays a drama queen skid in front of Fernando at hospital, then thinks on Fernando’s shoulder that if his dad dies he will make Fernando’s dad die as well.
Lo Nuevo:
Edna tries to give Ino-Doro a show of pole dancing, but she is way way bad. Ino-Doro says he will ask Ana to teach her. In comes Dana and she goes beserk, heading straight to Edna to have a mud-less girl fight, to Ino-Doro's amusement.
Ana and Diego ask Johnny what he will do with the two girls. Ana says it is not right to hold on to both. Bruno and Manuela come out to living room. Mani tells Ana that Bruno said he is not dying. Ana then accuses Bruno of having some secret dealings at the hospital with Dominica. Ana demands the truth. Diego wonders if Bruno is gay. Bruno is outraged at Manuela for ‘revealing details of their intimacy’ (I did not get what she was saying, other than revealing that the other day she found makeup in his room) Ana insists in Bruno speaking up. Bruno says he will show them all tomorrow what the secret is about.
Alicia and Isa in Isa’s bed. Alicia gets some more brainwashing from Isa, I am hurtin’ because I had a major altercation with Ana… Alicia takes the bait, hook, line and sinker.
Back at hospital, Fern asks Reeky if need anything. Reeky thanks him for coming and shakes his hand goodbye.
At Chicago, USA, more bits of honeymoon… what do we do if Manuela changes her mind? We will find another surrogate. Nico wants to go back right away… mostly about Diego and Fernando’s divorce.
The 4 younger kids are playing with outfits and chairs as if they all are riding a car, maybe a safari?( from the hats on them) but they are also holding guns and end up in a made-up fight with the guns.
Ana and Johnny walk outside. She has a hard time believing he is holding on to both girls. He can’t decide, ‘torn between two lovers, feeling like a fool...’. Ana accuses him of wanting the cake and eating it too. He honestly still feels for Jennifer. Ana says the one she wants to kill is Fernando.
Later on Ana is formally excusing herself in front of 'His Majesty Don Fernando' when her workhours are over… From his facial expression, he seems to be already regretting the arguments of earlier. She tells him that the twins teacher wants to meet Fer again. No idea why. Also that Alicia is still with Isa, and won’t even talk to Ana. Fernando is surprised. Ana looks at her watch, Fernando gets miffed at her being in a hurry and preferring to leave already than to talk with him about Alicia. Ana calls him on his 'rule' of her seeing her boyfriend only outside work hours. Fernando asks her to watch her tone. She apologizes. Then leaves. He again regrets his tone and then remembers their ‘almost’ kiss right before the call about Nando’s accident. Then Fernando has a puppy sad facial expression...
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Wednesday, October 29, 2014
La Malquerida, capitulo 48. 10/29/14
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #52 20141029 The Truth about Prisoneyland and Marty Wonka and Chocolate Factory
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La Malquerida, capitulo 47. 10/28/14. Esteban can't fight his feelings anymore.
Labels: malquerida
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
La Gata #42- Tue 10/28 - La Charada
Pablo's boss continues to be impressed with his work on the mural and invites him to lunch, but…
Pablo has a lunch date with Gisela. AKA sexy art lady. He shows her the paintings/drawings of Esme and she proclaims him "talented." She wants to give the exposition a name and she's sure his work will sell. So, about that model…? Pablo confesses she's his love and his muse. Not the answer Gisela was looking for.
Esme shows the babies the first drawing Pablo did of her and remembers him talking about the sparkle in her eyes when he gave her the drawing. She tries to do some PR work with the babies about what a great guy their dad is. Meatball shows up…gross!
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Mi Corazon Es Tuyo #72, 28 Oct 2014... Sibling Wars VIII Return of Don Hielo!! ... Ximena flips again... Isa doesn't need to feed guilt trip/thorn on Ana.. Ana is feeding it all by herself.
Fanny tells Marga and Reina need proof to go against Reeky.
Fernando and Tomas… regret the decision of marrying Isa.
Repeat of confrontation Isa and Ana in hallway. (I want that laundry basket!) ow ow ow!!!
(is it me or is there way more than average yelling in this house considering there are 3 kids under 10? Then again there is a whole crowd there, isn’t there?)
Kids eavesdrop:
Isa : what if I lose the baby?
YoM: Ay cancela! Cancela! Like Ana says
Isa: shut up! What is going on?
YoM: you see and don’t see!
Isa: What are you talking about?
YoM: what the Doctor said!
Isa: what, mom!!
YoM: that issue that vello cariaco could harm your son!
Isa: Vello Carionico, mom.
YoM: and all because of your curiosity! Remember curiosity killed the cat, and in this case, the baby too.
Isa: shut up, Mom. And for whatever you care about the most (por lo que mas quieras), don’t tell anyone about this.
Manu, Bruno and Ana in kitchen. Ana tells them the story of the confrontation with Isa.
Lo Nuevo:
Johnny and another one of his not-so-funny comic relief 30 second skid recording… (he has the Cantinflas style little tiny mustache lines)
Doctor warns Isa that the paternity test… (Ana is approaching in the halway and is about to eavesdrop on the punchline but the twins come and scare a yell out of them. YoMama notices and Ana has to go away. Ana and the twins talk about her lecturing them about eavesdropping on other’s chats.
Isa tries to convince Doctor to lie to Fernando… Isa and YoMama say it’s a little white lie (mentirita piadosa) … Doctor not so easy to convince. Isa did get anxious… YoMama tells Doc that is normal for Isa. Isa tries to convince Doc to tell Fernando that her delicate condition and the baby’s life threat is due to her confrontation with Ana.
Fernando arrives home. Ana tells him the story of what happened. Ana even gets excited with her story. Fernando has to lift his hands up to stop her swing… ok, ok..i get it. Fernando asks Ana why look for trouble with Isa. Ana says she only defended herself. She is human after all, and ‘that woman who stole my guitar and my love…’ (Fernando catches her mid sentence but she won’t repeat what Isa ‘stole’ from her…) Fernando and Ana go upstairs. Just then YoMama tries to give Fernando the other side of the story from HER view. YoMama sends Ana to get Bruno to go on a drug store errand for Isa’s meds. Fernando asks YoMama how is Isa… ‘bad (or actually it would translate to delicate)… very delicate’.
Bruno hears from Manuela that she is afraid he is ‘desahuciado’ (has a terminal illness and little time to live)
Diego arrives at the store where the guitar was bought. Diego tells the owner the story. We’re in luck, the guy has had the store himself for the last 50 yrs.
Ana tells Bruno about the errand… Isa is delicate.
At Televisa, Johnny finally got paid and is jumping for joy. He even kisses Silvia Pinal’s picture on the wall. Meanwhile Edna arrives to see Ino-Doroteo to ask for a job… Ino-Doro examines the merchandise.
Fanny goes to Reeky’s office to rant at him for destroying Margarita’s stand at the school. Reeky plays innocent… then repeats to her Leon is insignificant, just another employee. Then he offers to write her a check for Leon and his mom… how much is that stand worth? ‘what do you care? … Leon won’t accept your money!’ Reeky rants that he already lost her job ‘for your sake!’ Fanny warns him that if he messes with Leon again he will have to deal with her. She leaves. We hear ‘I like you more when you get angry’ from Reeky, with a wicked smile.
Doctor tells Fernando Isa is very delicate, but stable. Gives Fernando the prescription of the meds to take. Fernando asks what caused the crisis… Stress and anger. She mentions she had a strong argument a while back. It is very important she is calm, with no alterating circumstances and with no anger episodes.
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Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #51 10/27/14 Damage Control
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La Malquerida, capitulo 46. 10/27/14
Labels: malquerida
La Gata #41 Mon 10/27/14, Esmeralda and Pablo are over,again
Ok from memory here it goes!
- Esmeralda and Pablo are still arguing about Fernando's revenge, Pablo wants her to make Fernando stop, but Esmeralda tells him she has tried but she's had zero luck, she also tells him that his family hurt Fernando- a lot, and that she understands why he is so hell bent on revenge, Pablo takes this to mean that she is okay with Fernando attacking his poor family.
- Esmeralda reminds him of the promise they made to love each other and not to allow anyone to tear them apart, Pablo says sometimes keeping promises is hard, and Esmeralda replies by telling him that only cowards don't keep their word.
- This quickly goes from bad to worse when Monica enters the picture and tells Esme that if Pablo gives her another chance she'll make a play for his affections. Seriously?! HE LEFT YOU AT THE
Labels: gata
Monday, October 27, 2014
Mi Corazón es Tuyo Lunes 10/27/14 #71
Labels: mcet
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS: THE FRONT PAGE — week of October 27, 2014: Señora Acero, Los Miserables, etc.
Labels: acero, miserables, telemundo
TELEMUNDO Y MÁS -- PAGE ONE: La Reina de Corazones - Week of October 27, 2014
Will Grandma Paz remember where Greta has hidden the damning evidence against Victor?
Will Greta ever wake up?
Will Connie ever shut up?
Labels: reina-corazones, telemundo
Quiero Amarte Highlights & Discussion (Weeks 5 & 6 - Oct. 20 & 27)
Horacio is a total slimebag, Amaya admits she's between a rock and a brick wall, Valeria needs to have her hair tamed, Lucrecia needs to shut up, Jorge is the only sane one in the bunch right now, Flavia needs to tame down her lipstick and quit trying to come on to Salvador (Yummy) Romero, Mauro and Juliana are better off staying in Italy, Cipriano is the ugliest kind of macho man on earth, Mariana hasn't lost her spunk, Ivan is smitten, Cesar is despicable, Max is so handsome, but he really needs to shave.
Amaya has an honest friend in Carolina.
Constanza is holding the reins tightly on Max right now.
Anita is back and having to play catch-up. No lengthy recaps, promise, just the highlights. Will start working on last week right away and add to this blog as I go along.
Labels: amarte
Sunday, October 26, 2014
La Malqueria, capitulo 45. 10/24/14.
Labels: malquerida
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Hasta El Fin Del Mundo #50 10/24/14
Manjarres offers Lucas a chance to work with him again to make lots of money. He claims it's legit, but Lucas ain't biting.
Dani cries over Lucas yet again.
Paco and Araceli fight over the lawsuit. He doesn't understand why she would sue the Ripolls without his say-so. She doesn't understand why he is defending Sofia Ripoll and attacking his own daughter. Araceli says she just talked to Sofia. No lawsuit hasn't been filed. But... he might want to give it some thought.
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Mi Corazón Es Tuyo: Let The Walls Come Tumblin' Down!!
Isabela runs into Ana coming back from her chat with Johnny in el naco de “Taco Town”. She threatens Ana that she won’t be leaving the way free with Don Fernando. She’ll discover her weak spot and crush her. (Warning bells. “Danger Will Robinson! Danger!)
On the other side of Naco de Taco Town, Reina prevents Fanny from entering Leon’s apartment complex. She and Fanny are gonna have a little convo first. The talk consists of complaining to Fanny she’s just slumming with Leon and then pulling a guilt trip because Daddy doesn’t pay his employees more than minimum wage, which Reina gripes, essentially gives them less than what it costs for one of her lattes—the bite …plight of the barrio. (Take it up with your union bosses, babe.)
Bela sulks over to Enrique’s to whine about Ferd’s asking her for a divorce. She’s soooooo filled with rage. El Quicky de Ricky advises her to cool her jets and divorce amiably. Bela tries getting the real reason for Reeky’s need for vengeance against Los Lascurain. However, he manages to avoid it and changes the subject back to strategy. Isabraya claims that before she moves out she will get Ana where it hurts her the most!
Fanny’s #2 Friend apparently is riding home via public transportation. She talks to herself about having the hots for Nandito. Move over Ximena. Apparently, she’s from a middle class barrio and tires of its poverty as well. (Cry me a river…..)
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La Gata #40- Friday 10/24 In which the Martinez Negretes crash their own “party”
(Hi, all. Lila here subbing. Please feel free to fill in any blanks or correct/add dialogue I missed or messed up. My respect for all recappers goes up each time I attempt this. What troopers you all are. I don’t have the snark and snap of some but I hope you can figure out what happened!)
We are back at the joyless gala to announce the engagement of Pablo and Esmerlda and Pablo’s refusal to rescue Esme from the cruel barbs hurled down from the ornate wrought-iron catwalk. The invited guests murmur in shock as Augustine addresses the press, waves in Esme’s direction and lifts his glass in a mock toast to her. Esme stands and tells Fer it’s no use, they will never accept her. Fer hisses to Esme that the MN’s have signed their death sentence. Pablo finally appears with his Mom taking up the rear.
“Why?” Pablo asks, “because my parents have shown at the last minute that they are not afraid of you?” “No, “Fer fires back, because they’re dirty rats.” Pablo demands that Fer respects his Parents. Esme tries to head off an argument and in the first show of “courage” during this whole fiasco he puts his hands on his hips and challenges Esme: “What? You know about this humiliation he has planned for my family?” “As aware as you were of what they did to me, kidnapping me and sending compromising photos so you would think the worst of me!” “But I didn’t believe them. I believe in you.” Esme and Fer attempt to leave, Pablo asks her to stay. The hate and rancor is stronger than the both of them she says. Above everything else, Pablo declares, I love you. And I love you Esme answers, but it’s clear love isn’t enough. The reporters want to know if the engagement is still on. Esme hesitates and Pablo asks her to answer the question before she goes. She stares at him. Fer throws the ball back into Pablo’s court: do you really want to marry Esmerelda, the Mother of your children? We await your response. Fernando actually thanks the Lorenza for the party as he, Esme and Blanca take their leave.
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Labels: gata
Friday, October 24, 2014
Blogger/Recapper Update: A Message from Madelaine!
Hello, Y'aLL
Labels: announcements, hasta, malquerida
La Gata #39- Thu 10/23 - La Farsa
Omar busts up some Virginia-Carlos smoochies so Virginia can get back to the house before she gets in trouble. He reminds her of her mother's threat to send her to an institution. Carlos has had enough of her mom and says if Lorenza's threatening her, then he'll have to kidnap her so Lorenza can't send her away. You go, Carlos!
Fela seems to be doing better. She's had a bath and is sporting identical wavy locks to Esme. She happily announces to Esme that she's finally found her family, because not only is Fernando her husband, but…tan, tan, taaaaaaaaan…Esme is her daughter. Esme gives her the patented "Ay, Fela!" look and says that's not possible because her mother is dead, but she's sure Fernando and Fela will find their daughter again. Esme leaves. Fernando comes in to wish his Blanca a good night and marvel over having found her. His kiss wakes her up and she freaks out a little and thinks he's a dream. She seems to recognize him this time as "her" Fernando and tells him she thought she'd never see him again and she loves him. Blanca cries that she never wants to leave him again, but she feels like she's slowly disappearing. Fernando tells her they need to present themselves to Esme as her parents and then they'll be able to be a family.
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Hasta el Fin del Mundo #49 20141023 I was Wrong, the Galan is not Gay!
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