Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Destilando Amor - Tues 10/23: Dumbest. Idea. EVER.

Gaviota is having lunch with her mother and Doña Jose. She breaks up an argument about Frankie by changing the subject to Jose's job - turns out Jose's been promoted. They seize this opportunity for a tequila toast. Gavi mentions that her mother's birthday is the day after tomorrow. They agree to celebrate that, and Doña Jose's promotion, at a nice hotel restaurant. They take another shot of tequila to seal the deal. Clarita squeaks out a feeble "como así."

Elvis and Dani have lunch and she teases him about some drawings he's done of ballerinas. He says he wants to put an ad in the paper for a model - he's going to do a mural on the history of glass. Actually, Dani is the model he wants. Surprised, she agrees.

Isa, Fedra, and Minnie meet at Minnie's to discuss their continued campaign of horror against Gavi. Isa doesn't have the baby with her - she explains that he's slightly feverish (again? wasn't he grippy last week too? should we be concerned, or is he teething or something?), so she left him at home. Smirking, Fedra says he must be growing and changing - does he look like Rodrigo? Isa says no - each time she sees him, he looks more like her father. Minnie warns that Aaron is still there - she urges them to keep there voices down so he doesn't hear what they're planning. They decide to call Sofia.

Frankie and Sofia arrive at Pilar's. Frankie immediately starts complaining about the unpleasant plane ride over, the filthy wine they were served, the chaos at the airport, and the nasty immigrants working there. He says the Montalvos should really have their own plane. As Sofia covers her face, shocked at Frankie's crassness, Pilar tactfully explains that they did have one, and it crashed with Sofia's parents on board. This shuts him up just long enough to mutter an apology and walk Pilar to the door. Then he confides to Sofia that they should buy their own apartment in the DF so they don't have to stay at Pilar's house, because when he's there he feels smothered by her relatives.

"If you want your own apartment, you'll have to wait," she tells him very seriously. She opens her mouth to say more, but just when you think she's gonna give it to him good, Imelda comes in with a phone call from... drum roll please... Isadora!

Frankie suddenly becomes very interested in his wristwatch (or is it his smarm bracelet - I can't tell) as Sofia asks Imelda who the call is for. Why, it's for Sofia, of course! Sensing that he has just dodged a speeding anvil, Frankie excuses himself with a smarmy grin so that the sisters-in-law can speak in peace.

"Hola, Sofia, you could have at least called and let me know you were coming to Mexico." Sofia coldly replies that it was a last-minute decision. Isa asks why Sofia hasn't been calling her all. "Well, why haven't you called me?" Isa brushes this off, saying okay, Sofia's right. She invites Sofia to come over and hear Fedra's latest plan. Sofia says she's tied up right now, but will call or come over later.

Aaron breezes through his living room, greets the brujas, and leaves. Fedra gets down to business and says they're not going to the event. Minnie and Isadora leap out of their chairs in surprise. What? But they've already RSVP'd! (Ha... after all they've done, apparently the one thing that they would be ashamed to do would be to say yes to an invitation and then not show up at the party.) Isa is more concerned about Pilar's reaction. Fedra agrees, but says this is the chance she's been waiting for.

All this time, the CRT has been snubbing them; now they're supposed to just pretend like nothing ever happened. They have pride and dignity, and if the CRT thinks they are just washcloths that they can use and throw them away, well, they're not. Gavi even sent the invites via special messenger because she's so afraid they won't show up to the Don Amador tribute.

Isa points out that Gavi will probably be relieved if they don't show up. Fedra says no, she's wrong. Gavi is playing at being manager; what will the agave union folks think when the Montalvo women aren't there for a tribute to their esteemed relative? When people notice that they're not there, they'll see it as a protest against all the injustices Gaviota has committed against them.

Isa still looks puzzled. You probably do too. No, you didn't miss anything. This plan is so dumb, it's embarrassing. Fedra is beyond BSC if she thinks everyone in the agave/distilling/tequila business doesn't realize by now what a bunch of nuts the Montalvo women are.

Minnie is not sure how they will pitch this to their husbands, since Pilar has pressured them all into going. Fedra says they should just say they're going to go, and then back out at the very last minute.

Isa says Rodrigo's not going, in any case. He's got important plans. Fedra rolls her eyes and says of course he will go. No one dares defy Pilar Montalvo, the Dictator. Minnie and Isa giggle.

The grownups (Pilar, Bruno, and Rodrigo) are having a meeting at the corporativo. Aaron shows up late, and Bruno coldly tells him that they started without him. Aaron snottily hands out his financial reports.

Bruno explains that Patricio isn't with them because he went to Japan. He'll be back in time for the CRT event. Pilar reminds them that the CRT and the National Chamber of the Tequila Industry (CNIT) is honoring her husband and she wants the whole family to be there for it. PLEASE, she says, tell your wives to put aside their grudges with Mariana Franco and comport themselves with altura (i.e. rise above it). "Oh yeah, you bet," the men hastily agree.

Rodrigo shows his own personal report to Aaron. I think he says that Ardiente Pasion has made enough money to offset Aaron's debt to the company. Aaron merrily says he'll answer to that in a moment. Bruno is thrilled with Rodrigo's numbers and congratulates him. (Aaron clears his throat loudly and impatiently.) Pilar is surprised to discover that he's sharing a portion of his profits with Montalvocorp. He says it's only fair, since he used the corporativo for most of his efforts. (In fact, it was a long while before I realized that Ardiente Pasion wasn't an actual Montalvocorp product, myself.) Pilar tells Rodrigo he's just like his granddad.

Bruno then tells Aaron they all know his company is doing well, so he ought to be able to pay back his debt. They don't want to pressure him, but it'd be better if he paid it back now, before he gives in to the temptation of the stock market and loses everything. Offended, Aaron says he's already taken care of that, and shows his bank statement to Bruno. Bruno points out that this money Aaron's paying them was just deposited into Aaron's personal account earlier today. "You didn't just invest YOUR capital - you invested OURS too!"

Aaron tries to throw a tantrum, but having no phone handy to throw, has to settle for making funny faces. He is shocked that Bruno doesn't admire his GIGANTIC transaction. (Aaron is waving his crazy finger indignantly.) Bruno is shocked that Aaron doesn't get why it was not cool to use the company's money for personal benefit - they could have lost everything. Aaron is shocked that his father is so upset about something that didn't even happen.

Pilar mildly tells them to calm down. In a slightly more civilized tone, Aaron reminds his father that he is "a man of risks." (Ha!) Buy low and sell high, that's all he did, and that's what Rodrigo should do too, and not be selling all these puny little boxes of organic tequila.

Rodrigo says "That's funny, because you tried to do that with Tequila Turquesa and failed." And if he, Rodrigo, were going to crash and burn, he wouldn't want to risk taking the family down with him. Aaron crows that the price of agave is going to fall (due to the faster maturation), and then what's Rodrigo going to do to cover his losses?

Bruno says if they don't knock it off, they'll have to end the meeting. Pilar says she doesn't understand why they sound like enemies when they should be cousins working together. Rodrigo says they're not going to be working together, because he's resigning from Montalvocorp. Pilar and Bruno shake their heads in disbelief. Aaron's mood improves considerably.

Rod assures them that Aaron can take over as general director again. Rod wants to start a new business, be independent, have his own office, maybe even start his own distillery. He's left everything in order. He'll still continue to be a member of the family, run the hacienda, attend meetings and such. Aaron sarcastically offers to attend meetings too, to keep up on how Rod is running the hacienda. Rod gamely agrees to this and offers to share all the paperwork with him. Aaron hints that perhaps not all is as straightforward and honest as it could be.

Bruno gets angry and tells Aaron he has to take over Montalvocorp, but he's going to watch him and make sure he doesn't play with the company's money again. "Fine, whatever, old man" Aaron replies like a sulky adolescent. Bruno angrily drinks a glass of water in Aaron's general direction.

The meeting breaks up and Rod tells Pilar he won't be able to stay very long at the Don Amador event. Pilar says all that matters to her is that he shows up and brings his wife.

As Pilar is leaving, Margarita tells Rod that Dr. Robledo is on line 2. Rod and Erika compare notes on their day. They make small talk, he tells her he resigned, and asks to come over and see her.

Back at Pilar's, Frankie is fixin' to visit his cousin Estefan. "You weren't going to tell me?" Frankie says he didn't want to bother her. Sofia says "wait - I'll go with you!" Frankie is taken aback by this, then recovers and says Estefan is bummed because he broke up with his girlfriend, and Sofia doesn't want to hear all about that, it'd be boring. They'll just stay home instead.

Dani and Elvis show up just in time to prevent some grisly crime - not sure whether that would be Sofia killing Frankie, Frankie killing Sofia, or me killing both of them. After a round of warm greetings to Sofia and a reminder of the upcoming reading of the last part of Amador's will, Elvis taunts Frankie not to get his hopes up. Amador never met either of them, so they don't stand to gain so much as a pin. And even if he had met them, he probably wouldn't have left either of them anything. (That's Elvis's way of telling snotty Frankie that Amador wouldn't have held him in any higher esteem than he would Elvis. Actually, I get the impression that Amador would have enjoyed both of them - Elvis for the sincere laughs, and Frankie for the fun of mocking him.)

Frankie haughtily brags that he's here because he was invited to the CRT event. Elvis says he was invited too. "You'll look like a fly in milk," Frankie laughs. (I bet he stayed up all night thinking of that one.) Elvis says he's not sure if he's the fly or the milk, but he's certainly going, even if he is on the council's "blacklist."

Oh my gosh! I just realized something... Elvis is BLACK! Why wasn't this brought to our attention sooner?

The women giggle, and Elvis (who is BLACK!) excuses himself to visit Granny-Fish.

Frankie's cell rings. It's Isa, now alone at home. "What is going on? I'm waiting!" He greets her as Estefan and says okay, we'll get together some other time. He then hangs up and tells Sofia that Estefan and his girlfriend got back together and they'll be too busy for company. Frankie's going to watch a movie. He tells Sofia to get him a glass of dry sherry and some prosciutto. He strides out of the room with a huge smirk on his face.

Sofia tells Dani she knows he's lying. Dani offers to listen if Sofia wants to talk, but it's okay if she doesn't want to talk, except she might get an ulcer. Sofie says she'd like to explain, but she doesn't want to until she has proof. Which is too bad, because if she and Dani were to compare notes on their suspicions about Isa, this telenovela could be wrapped up by the end of the week.

Isa tries to call Frankie back and is angry to find that he's turned off his phone.

Minnie tells Fedra she's not feeling well. Fedra laughs knowingly and jokes that it must be the pregnancy. The joke is somewhat cheapened by the fact that only Fedra knows why it's funny. Aaron comes home and sarcastically announces that he hasn't lost a penny of the family's money. Plus, he's regaining control of Montalvocorp. Fedra hugs him and says she's proud of him. Then he tells them about Rodrigo's resignation.

Rodrigo meets Erika at her office. They talk about the situation with Ricardo not paying his debt. Nothing new is revealed, except that he's worried that Aaron will find out that the hacienda's earnings are at risk. He wants to solve the problem before he has to report the hacienda's finances. Erika points out that once he solves this problem, he won't need anything from his wife; and after all, none of this is her fault.

Erika senses there is something else on his mind. He admits he's not sure of his wife's fidelity either, but still has no proof. He ponders the divorce, hopes they'll come to a fair arrangement and that he won't have to fight for the right to see his own kid.

Pilar and Sofia interview Dani about Rodrigo's progress with the therapist. Ha. Ha ha. He's trying to make a change in his life, and trying to forget about Gavi. The big test of that will be at tomorrow's CRT event. In other news, Rod and the psychologist aren't dating, but their relationship isn't strictly professional either. They are "friends." Pilar looks hopeful. Sofia looks skeptical.

Rodrigo tries to set up a dinner date tomorrow with Erika. She already has plans with some friends, and she reminds him of the CRT event. He's looking for a reason not to go - she says he can come to this thing with her friends too, if she wants. But she wonders why he's so reluctant to go to the CRT. Is he afraid he'll lose control when he sees Gavi? He admits that he feels more at peace now that he's not seeing her. Not to mention Dr. Blondie. Erika tells him he should take this opportunity to see whether his feelings for Gavi really have changed. He kisses her cheek goodbye and leaves. She seems bemused by the kiss.

Clarita and Gavi talk Dr. Blondie. He hasn't said anything to her directly. Clarita says something folksy about hot salsa and cockfighting. They wonder about Rod's therapy. I think Gavi points out that the psychologist she went to wasn't able to cure her. (Guess what Gavi - Rod's seeing the same exact quack.)

Ofelia and Roman talk about how spring is coming, and with it, the jimadores. They reminisce about Don Amador, and how different things are at the hacienda now. Rodrigo getting married, and Gaviota's face when she found out. According to Mr. James, Rodrigo fell sick with jealousy and had to get away from Gavi; that's why he threw himself into his work. Ofelia says it's like their love was cursed.

The word "cursed" is barely out of Ofelia's lips when SanWanna bursts in. She seems surprised not to get a warm welcome. Actually, they yell at her and tell her that if she came for some type of severance payment, to forget it. She shrugs this off and proudly announces that she's here so they can "resolved things" for her child. They try to kick her out, and she asks if they really want to fire the mother of their future grandchild, since the squirt she's expecting is Hilario's. Hilario didn't take the news well, said nasty things, and said it wasn't his, but she swears it is.

Ofelia doesn't believe her either. She says this is all because Hilario changed his luck and now SanWanna is trying to get a piece of the pie. SanWanna insists there wasn't any other man. Ofelia again tells her to get out.

But Roman sticks up for SanWanna and says that since his son isn't man enough to do it, he'll take responsibility for his grandchild. (Ofelia waves her hands around in disbelief.) SanWanna's gonna stay! Ofelia runs out in a snit. Stunned, SanWanna can only say "Thank you, Roman." But Roman refuses to meet her eyes.

Rodrigo gets home. Henrietta hands him a piece of paper and a phone. The wife and kid are in bed, and the piece of paper is Ricardo Sr.'s new phone number. Rod calls Ricardo Sr., who is in a private poker lounge at this very moment (Ricardo does not know this) and answers in English. He insists that his financial situation has improved considerably, and not to worry. After he hangs up, he jinxes himself by telling the others at his table, "tonight's my night!"

Here is what I've learned from this telenovela so far: gambling is an evil vice that cannot be enjoyed in moderation, but tequila is very sophisticated and mostly harmless. Folk remedies aren't effective in keeping agave plants healthy, but love potions are extremely powerful. And if you're black, you should make lots of jokes about your race, to put others at ease. (Because it's your fault if people are uncomfortable.) What else?

Rodrigo and Gaviota sit alone in their living rooms. Then they both get up and start pacing. Then they each have a tequila. More pacing, couch-sitting, faces in hands, sighing, crying. (This is done on a split screen to make sure that we totally get that they're, like, joined at the soul and junk.) Each turns sideways on the sofa so they're facing each other on the split screen. They gaze into each others' eyes in absentia and murmur each others' name.

The next day: Dr. Blondie is briefing Gavi on the agaves-maturing-too-fast problem. Gavi's old boss (Demetrio Urban) will go to Guadalajara first thing in the morning and Gavi will join him there later. It'll be a super-quick visit, like lightning. Gavi is bummed because she won't be able to take her mom out for her birthday. Dr. B says no problem, he will take Clarita out himself. Gavi reminds him that he's got another event to attend.

He asks if she's made sure the Montalvo women have been invited. Gavi confirms that they have. He leaves her alone for a moment and she makes a quick prayer to Virgencita for protection against the nasty Montalvo crows who will try to pluck out her eyes.

Frankie finally calls Isa. She's angry it's taken so long; he says Sofia wouldn't leave him alone for a minute since they got there. Fortunately she's out shopping now. He scolds her for calling on the house phone, but she says that's what he gets for turning his cell off. He reminds her that it's dangerous to keep calling, and all these "wrong numbers" are making Pilar nervous. She says they'll never know the calls are coming from her, since she's calling from her own new secret phone that nobody else knows the number to. He points out that it's still in her name, and someone could report it (for making harassing hang-up calls, I guess).

Isa wants to see him ASAP. He says they'll see each other at the CRT thing for Don Amador. She says nope, she's not going. And she needs to see him because things are getting very complicated.

While they're talking, Sofia arrives at the lobby of the Basurio (whatever it is called, where Isa lives) and asks Belisario (the concierge) about the night man. The concierge says they recently got a new one. They had to get rid of Pascual because Isadora had some unspecified problem with him. Apparently this happened on the same exact day as Sofia's last visit. She asks if there's some way to contact him. Belisario gives him the business card of the agency that employs Pascual.

Isa is still on the phone with Frankie, saying that she needs to get out of here before all the anvils come crashing down (maybe not in so many words), when the doorbell rings. As Enriqueta lets Sofia in, Isa says "oh, gotta go Mom [the captions incorrectly say "Dani"!], I just saw a ghost, it's my sister in law Sofia, talk to you later, kissies" and hangs up. She tries to act casual, but Sofia is stiff with her. Isa tells Sofia about the brujas' plan to not attend the one and only important CRT event they've ever been invited to, the one that will honor the man whose big bucks allow all of them to live in cushy penthouse luxury.

Meanwhile, Minnie is giving Nancy hell over the phone and retracts the RSVPs on behalf of herself, Fedra, Isa, and Sofia. Nancy tries to clear things up, and Minnie lets her know that there's no confusion. They're going to send an open letter to Av* to explain their reasons. She hangs up and Fedra snickers happily.

"You can't do this!" Sofia tells Isa, because it'd upset Pilar rather than Gaviota. Before she can point out any of the other many fatal flaws in the brujas' plan, or maybe turn the conversation to something much more interesting, the phone rings. It's Minnie, saying she made the call to the CRT. Isa urges Sofie to go to Minnie's with her so they can congratulate one another on how clever and evil they are. Sofia says "count me out." This is about her grandfather - and for her, that's sacred.


  • Frankie catches Sofie on the phone with James. (Sofia, if you were thinking of making an ironic comment, now would be a good time to do it.)
  • Pammy's dad tells Avellaneda about some documents he dug up during his trip to Asia. "You're scaring me," Av* says.
  • The brujas commit the ultimate social faux pas - they attend an event they said they wouldn't.
  • And oh yeah, Rodrigo and Gaviota meet face-to-face.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Call your senators! Wednesday, a Senate vote on the DREAM Act, which would let immigrant children move toward college education and citizenship.

I know this is not a political blog, but - my daughter sent me this announcement, and I called my senators today. I mentor a wonderful seventh-grader, a Latina. Her family came to this country when she was less than one year old. She wants to go to college and become a nurse. Isn't that the sort of citizen we want?
Did you, your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, or any of your friends attend a public college? Did you/your family/friends choose this school because of the chance to get a good education at a reasonable price?

Do you want to give another generation of immigrant students the same chance?
The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and other ask us to call our senators today to express support for the DREAM Act, which allows high school graduates who came to the US more than five years before to attend college as in-state students and to begin a path to legal residency and eventual citizenship.
From the CCIR:
The DREAM Act will likely come up for a vote on the Senate floor this Wednesday.
ALL DREAM ACT SUPPORTERS: CALL YOUR SENATORS, send an e-mail message and fax them, do it all over again on Wednesday morning first thing. Call the senate switchboard 202-224-3121 - They can connect you to your two senators' offices.
The cloture motion will require 60 votes to pass. If it fails, the DREAM Act will be pulled from the floor. If it passes, there will be more votes on the DREAM Act as well as on possible amendments. The outcome of these votes will determine the fate of the DREAM Act for this Congress.
Word is already getting out about the vote on anti-immigrant websites, talk shows, and cable TV who are spreading their usual falsehoods, and there is little doubt that their angry and fearful base will respond.
If you care at all about the future of DREAM Act students who have grown up here, then you must make your calls today and tomorrow, forward this message, and get on the phone to make sure that everyone you know does likewise.


Juan 10/23 Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. *

First, I would like to give a big thank you to Sylvia for doing the re-cap on Tuesday. You’re awesome! Thanks, so much.

Second, I’ve been out of town and unable to keep up with Juan. I apologize if I’m a little behind on some things. I promise to do my best!

Pastor warns CL that he’s about to get caught. Pastor’s sure that the party was a ploy to catch CL with Paula. Pastor knows that Monica’s aware of CL’s interest in Paula and she’s trying to make him mess up. Pastor tells CL to tell the truth because that would be better than Monica finding it out on her own. CL pensively looks to the right of the screen.

Juan calls the Cachon’s to tell them that he’s going to be late. Nidia immediately suspects that his lateness has something to do with a certain woman. Juan won’t talk about it.

CL thinks that Pastor is crazy; telling the truth is last thing that CL wants to do. Pastor insists that telling the truth is the best thing to do. Pastor reminds CL that the whole office knows about it and someone could possibly tell Monica about the affair with out her exerting much influence over the person. CL again glances pensively off to the side of the screen. I think he goes left this time.

Marely sadly asks Nidia if Juan’s with Paula. Nidia replies that Juan didn’t say that but she’s pretty sure that’s where he was. Nidia reluctantly tells Marely that Juan’s not coming home tonight. Yadira thinks this is the perfect time to suggest that Nidia sleeps in Juan’s room. (Alirio will just love this) Nidia refuses. The daughters think that this is Nidia’s house and she should be able to do what she wants. Nidia doesn’t want to make Alirio too angry.

Paula contentedly sleeps in her bed. Apparently, Juan's Rhett Butler I'm going to take what's mine move really swept Ms. Scarlett off her feet. Juan enters and observes how beautiful and tender his lady looks. He rubs her limbs while she sleeps.

Pastor continues to insist that CL tell the truth. CL continues to look to the left of the screen. Pastor thinks that telling the truth always results in a positive. CL takes a drink and says that he will think about it. CL proceeds to the door but not before he turns to say that his birthday was ruined. Pastor apologizes. CL thanks Pastor for his sincerity.

CL comes home and enters the bedroom to find a sleeping Monica. The present tense Juan gives commentary about that night. He talks about both he and CL being kept awake for very different reasons. CL’s was not so glorious; he had to think about what he would do. What CL would chose would effect CL, Paula, Monica and even Juan.

Juan cuddles with Paula and thinks about how he doesn’t want to sleep because he wants to enjoy each moment, protecting her. He pulls on his eyes to stay awake, but slowly fades. The next morning, the couples cuddle in an uncomfortable embrace. The alarm sounds, but neither wakes.

I can’t be sure, but methinks that Alirio had too much to drink the night before. He’s attending to his headache when Nidia comes storming into the dining room. He can’t even look at her. They reach for the coffee and sugar but Nidia wins both of those races. She also gets the first bun and enjoys eating it in front of Alirio. Alirio grunts and leaves the table.

Juan prepares Paula a breakfast. Love the apron with the watermelon! Paula happily comes down and greets him. She takes over the cooking after observing that he’s burned. They share what looks to be a genuine kiss. The phone rings; it’s Ana. Juan thought bubbles that at first he was hurt that Paula didn’t tell Ana about him being there, but then he just decided it wasn’t the time. The lovers awkwardly smile at each other.

I’m not sure why Marely goes to Juan’s room considering Nidia told her that Juan would not be home that night. Maybe just to drive the nail further into her heart? Nidia must have spotted Marely because she follows Marely into Juan’s room. Marely asks her mother not to say anything. Marely asks about Alirio. Nidia says that he left without saying anything. Nidia does note his strange facial expression. He was also wearing black. Nidia wonders if somebody died.

Monica and CL small talk about the night before. Personally, I would like them to talk about her Mrs. Clause outfit. CL comes out and says that he has something to tell Monica. Unfortunately, Chelo arrives early and interrupts. After conversing with Chelo, Monica asks him to tell her. He plays it off and says that he doesn’t remember what he wanted to say.

Paula and Juan enjoy the breakfast. Juan thinks to himself whether he should say something about the night before. He’s not sure if the same thing happened to her as what happened to him. Paula asks if he’s going home. Juan replies that he has to go and change. Paula mentions that she needs to go pick up the car. Juan says he’ll drop her off before he goes home and then they’ll see each other at work. Paula likes that idea.

Ivonne wakes up in Fernando’s bedroom. She wants to know what she’s doing there. Seriously, Fernando gets more play then any other galan that I’ve seen in a telenovela. Ivonne mentions that Fernando told her that he wasn’t interested in doing that with her anymore. He tells Ivonne that he didn’t want to but she just kept begging, so he had to bring her. The phone rings and it’s Nidia. She wants to know how the party went. He says that it was okay, but it sucked because she wasn’t there. Ivonne swipes at Fernando. He tells Nidia that he misses her. She asks him if they can see each other today. He thinks that they can later. Nidia makes a date for three o’clock. Fernando sends her a kiss. Ivonne accuses Fernando of trying to make her jealous. She wants to know who it was. Fernando will only say that it was a friend.

Chelo and Mrs. Claus discuss what they should have for an afternoon snack. CL enters the room and thinks of Pastor’s warning. Monica wants to leave, but CL stalls. He says they need to talk. They both look a little nervous.

We see Alirio wondering the streets while Juan tells us that he forgot about his chore with Alirio. I guess Alirio waits around thinking of all the offense to his honor that Juan has done.

At that same moment, Juan’s doing better things. He’s dropping off his woman at the car dealership. Paula’s sad that her mother isn’t there to take a ride. Juan tells her to take a picture of the car. Paula won’t but she thanks Juan for the spectacular night. She gives him another genuine looking kiss. Juan is, of course, on cloud nine.

CL warns Monica that he’s about to give her terrible news. Mrs. Claus wants him to get to the point. She asks if he’s going to confess something. He confirms that he is and that it has something to do with Paula. He comes out and says that he and Paula are lovers. Monica appears as though a knife has been stabbed through her heart.

CL starts to give Monica a sob story. Monica can hate him if she wants. CL explains that it began as a simple attraction that grew into something more. He never said anything to Monica because he was confused and scared of losing her. He thinks that all Monica has to forgive is his stupidity. He’s decided to be honest. It’s hurting him more than it’s hurting Monica. Monica replies that his love her must not have been as strong as he supposed. CL responds that he’s sure of what his feelings were. Monica won’t accept that. Things always happen for a reason. CL looked for something that he wasn’t getting in their relationship. He tries to grab her hands and claims to want to save their relationship. She wants to know when the relationship started; was it when Paula came to the house. CL tells Monica that it was over by that time. Monica can’t believe that she’s been made a fool. She asked them both about the relationship and neither told the truth! CL claims that he ordered silence that he and Monica could talk about it at the right time.

Nidia catches Juan entering the house. She observes that he seems extra gleeful and asks where he was the night before. Juan confirms that he was at Paula’s. He says this is proof that the relationship is not just in his imagination. Nidia promises not to say anything more about his relationship. Nidia congratulates him. Juan excuses himself to wash and get ready to go to the office.

Mrs. Claus walks away from CL. CL follows and begs her to say something, anything. She asks him to leave her alone. He keeps pushing, saying this wasn’t easy for him. She begs him to leave her alone to think. She refuses to promise him anything. He insists on telling her that she’s the most important person in his life. After he leaves she falls apart. It’s kind of strange that Chelo doesn’t overhear her wailing. I’m also amazed at how she can manage to get into that position and not have her underwear peek over her pants. That takes skill!

Pastor and Ivonne bond in his office. Ivonne tells Pastor that he’s very lucky; Pastor agrees. He congratulates himself because nothing happened to him. Pastor also tells Ivonne about telling CL to confess the truth. Ivonne’s shocked.

Kike sits alone waiting for some company. CL and Fernando arrive at the office. CL leaves for the office. Kike asks about the night before and Juan’s location. I guess the teacher told Kike that if Juan misses another class he will be expelled. Fernando thinks that the teacher is perfectly within her rights to do so. Kike wishes that Juan was more serious about studying. Fernando scoffs and returns to his car.

Juan thinks that Nidia overdid breakfast, but she won’t hear it. Juan thinks to himself that he’s very full, but he won’t slight Nidia. Alirio enters the room and begins to shout. He wants Juan to come to him and prove that he’s a man. Alirio reminds Juan that they had a pact this morning and that Alirio stood around waiting for Juan. Juan says that he forgot all about it. Alirio says that this confirms Juan is nothing more than a mockingbird. Nidia and Juan try to calm Alirio. Alirio starts to insult Nidia, calling her old and a witch. Juan won’t hear this. Alirio thinks that this would be a good time to taunt Juan. He attacks and is immediately rebuffed by Juan. Juan knocks out Alirio; Nidia doesn’t look too upset about this. They both suddenly realize that Alirio’s not waking.

Paula brings Marely to the garage to look at the car. Paula picks up on Marely’s apathetic tone. Paula asks if Marely’s angry. Marely says no. Paula brings Marely to the other side of the car to show her something else.

Fernando and Kike watch over the women looking at the car. Kike thinks that Paula buying this car will be the end of Paula and Juan. Fernando doesn’t think that Juan needs to be a chauffer in order to see Paula. Kike’s confused. Fernando explains about how Paula and Juan were acting the other night. Fernando knows that Paula’s using Juan to make CL jealous. He could tell from the way CL was acting.

Chelo gives Mrs. Claus some medicine and a drink. Monica says that she wants to sleep and never wake up. She’s in so much pain. She’s feeling a combination of rage and pain. Chelo advises Monica that CL has no reason to do this again and that Monica is not at fault.

The men look over Paula’s car under Juan’s observation. Kike wants to give the car a ride. Juan says that he can ask Paula for the keys in order to take it for a ride. Everything that is hers is his and everything that is his is hers.

Ivonne gives CL the daily report. She wants to talk about him, but he wants to talk about work. Ivonne says that she’s done. Before she goes back to her desk, he tells Ivonne to tell Paula to come to his office. She happily agrees.

Paula walks by Ivonne and she does exactly what CL wanted. Paula sarcastically tells Marely that her favorite thing about this workplace is the friendly employees.

Paula enters CL’s office. CL laughs at Paula’s nickname for Ivonne, Mrs. Sympathy. He asks Paula about her night. She says that it was okay. She asks about him. He says that it was okay. He adds that it was a decisive night for him, for Monica and for Paula. He launches into his little speech about how he hasn’t stop fighting for his and Paula’s relationship. Paula thinks it’s early for this conversation. CL approaches and says that he’s always been in love with Paula. She doesn’t want to hear it. He takes off his wedding ring and places it on the table. He tells Paula that he told Monica everything about him and Paula. Queue the dramatic music and the warning that the story has nothing to do with real life. Seriously, what crazy would want to claim that this story was based on their life?

Apodo - Nickname
Ley de Hielo – To give someone the silent treatment (lit: the Law of Ice)

Monica begins her revenge.
Is it possible that Paula’s starting to fall for Juan? You know that the moment she can't have him she's going to want him.

*Aldous Huxley

This is cheesy and long, but I think it’s a good explanation for why I think CL is going to end up with Paula (other than the fact that we already know that from the first episode)

Choosing a wife...

A man wanted to get married.
He was having trouble choosing
among three likely candidates.
He gives each woman a present of $5,000
and watches to see what they do
with the money.

The first does a total make-over.

She goes to a fancy beauty salon,
gets her hair done, new make-up
and buys several new outfits,
then dresses up very nicely for the man.
She tells him that she has done this
to be more attractive for him
because she loves him so much.

The man was impressed.

The second goes shopping to buy the man gifts.

She gets him a new set of golf clubs,
some new gizmos for his computer,
and some expensive clothes.
As she presents these gifts,
she tells him that she has spent
all the money on him
because she loves him so much

Again, the man is impressed.

The third invests the money in the stock market.

She earns several times the $5,000.
She gives him back his $5,000
and reinvests the remainder
in a joint account.
She tells him that she wants to save
for their future
because she loves him so much.

Obviously, the man was impressed.

The man thought for a long time

about what each woman had done
with the money he'd given her.

Then, he married the one with the biggest boobs.


Amar Sin Limites October 22--Azul and Ceci get played like violins

[Sorry it's late again, folks. Work and home intervened]

We open with the scene of Ceci tripping over the rug after being impactada over Leo’s makeover. (I ran it in slomo on the Tivo and I could not make out any tripping by Leo. It may well be that she did trip her and they’ll show it to us later but for now, it looks like she tripped on her dress or the rug. ) Gaspar made a wry comment about the “strong impression” of seeing Leo with her new makeup clothes and hairdo.

Next it’s over to Eva and Ivan, standing in the forest. Ivan tells Eva that Boris ordered him to kill her. Eva makes a wry comment about history repeating itself—that Boris (her dad) killed her mom. Ivan (who had been pointing the gun at her) says no. He won’t kill her. He would never be able to kill her. He loves her. Eva is doubtful. Boris cannot be disobeyed without consequences. Ivan continues his love declaration. He lives only for her, to do what she wants. They embrace tearfully. Eva gingerly starts to kiss him and then it’s full blown makeout time.

Over at Mo’s new pad, Azul (who is wearing Azul instead of pink for once) is guiding the fake blind Mo around. He tells Azul that he’s decided for safety’s sake to send Katy away to an orphanage to keep her away from Eva and her henchmen. Azul is floored. Next he says that she (Azul) should go away too because he knows that she doesn’t love him. He doesn’t want her to stick around out of pity and to put herself in danger. He only wants a little dignity, now that his end is near. Azul protests that she will stay with him, no matter way. She tells him that she’s decided to accept his proposal of marriage. Mo is elated and embraces her. He says he doesn’t want to be selfish. She’s young and full of life while he is on death’s door and weak. This only makes the self-important Azul more determined to marry him. She tells him that her Daddy will find a cure. He seals the deal by warning her that he is weak and wouldn’t be able to face another betrayal. She urges him to trust her. He goes even further and says that she needs a strong man to protect her but she is all, “we’ll face this together.” In the end he acts like she has convinced him to marry her. “We’ll fight together—for Katy’s sake” he says. It’s an extraordinary exhibition of him playing her like a violin. Mission accomplished.

Over at the boutique, we’re still with NeoLeo, Ceci and Andres. NeoLeo pulls out the cut up shirt. Andres is ticked off and starts shouting at her. NeoLeo complains archly about the way he is treating her. Ceci pulls Andres away. She’s taking Leo’s side! She tells Andres that Leo told her yesterday that Katy cut up the shirt while she was playing. Andres is surprised and just as gullible, apparently. Andres leaves and goes back to apologizes to Leo. (We get a side shot of her, wearing a pair of tight black jeans. Ow, I need brain bleach.) Gaspar hisses to Ceci that she’d better watch out and not let that femme fatal steal her man. Ceci looks confused and spies NeoLeo and Andres in the corner talking. NeoLeo is waving her hands around flirtatiously.

At Anibal’s office, Clemi comes in to the inner office to confirm Anibal’s lunch reservations. There is some to do about this that I couldn’t follow but bottom line is that the lunch with whoever it was is cancelled. Anibal pauses and asks Clemi what she’s doing for lunch. Clemi says she brought her lunch (“it’s healthier and cheaper”). He invites her to lunch. Clemi looks conflicted.

Eva and Ivan are still making out in the woods. Eva suddenly breaks away and says that she won’t let his feelings for her interfere with Boris’ commands. They will both pay the price. She tells him to kill her, or Boris will kill him. He refuses again. He tells her he loves her again. She tells him none of that matters. “You and I are condemned.” He gives a little speech about their growing up in the orphanage and all the horrors that that entailed. In spite of that, she was the only beautiful thing in his life. He begs her not to reject him. He tells her that he will follow her to the ends of the earth. “Until Boris deals death to us both.” More kissing. Ivan drops the gun on the ground and next they drop to the ground.

A quick scene with Anibal gallantly offering his arm to Clemi in the street as they go to lunch. In the distance, Isela spots them while she’s talking to another lady who has some food wrapped in cellophane and a ribbon. Isela abruptly drops that conversation saying that Anibal isn’t there and that she (Isela) is stupid (for believing in Anibal, I guess).

Back at the boutique, Ceci has a replacement shirt for Andres. Ceci says she’s hungry and she’s only got a short time for lunch. NeoLeo makes a big show of saying she should go and leave the two young lovers to have a nice lunch. Ceci falls for the trap. NeoLeo protests but finally pretends to give in. Andres can’t decide if this is a good or bad thing. He is confused.

Back in the woods, Eva and Ivan are après amour. Eva speculates on what their life would have been like if she had fallen in love with him. Ivan suggests that she still could. That they could run away. Eva says no. She won’t let him pay the price for that. Boris will kill him. Ivan mentions to her that he had to lie to Boris, telling him that he would kill her and that he wanted to take her place in the Boris organization. Eva wonders why all of the sudden Boris wanted her dead anyway. Ivan fills her in that Toscano’s memory stick didn’t have the complete results. Eva is impactada. Ivan says there’s more—Boris talked about various “mistakes you’d made that put the operations in Mexico at risk.” Eva is sure that Mo had been poisoning Boris against her. Ivan goes on to relate that while he was with Boris, he took a call and as soon as he put the phone down he asked Ivan about Diego. “I knew that he knew that the documents we needed were for Diego.” Eva is double impactada. She grabs the gun on the ground and hysterically begs Ivan to kill her and to make sure that the documents get to Diego. She stands up (and yes, Chris, she is half nekked) and points the gun at her temple. Ivan cries “NO!”

After the commercial break, she’s still holding the semiautomatic against her temple but her hand is trembling. Ivan says the only thing they should be caring about now is preserving her life. Eva says her life isn’t worth living without Diego (That’s gotta make you feel good, Ivan. Didn’t make much of an impression back there did we…) Ivan starts making plans to try to fake Eva’s death. He’ll take her place in the organization.

Diego finally pops up at the Isela’s chatting with Silvana. He tells her that Mo denied all the charges about selling fake pharmaceuticals to Azul. Silvana says that Mo is good at that sort of thing. She is sure that the fake medicine had something to do with provoking the accident. She reminds him that Katy heard her mom talking on the phone with somebody about medicines that were bad. Diego says it’s too big a coincidence that Eva and the little girl would say the same thing. Diego slams his hand on the table. They need proof!

GSD is at Mo’s new place (BTW, is it just me or is the set of this apartment, at least the living room/dining room identical to Doctor Blondie’s apartment in Destilando? I only watched a few epis of that show but I saw the one where Gaviota goes to his place to cook the dinner featuring Tequila. The lattice and the painting look the same.) Azul and Mo are on the couch like the happy couple. Mo announces that they have decided to get married. GSD starts waving his arms around and then he realizes that Mo is blind. Or so he thinks. GSD is surprised and is not enthusiastic. Azul says that she wants to be by Mo’s side from now on, for the good and the bad. GSD doesn’t look pleased.

Ceci, Andres and NeoLeo are enjoying a pretty nice lunch. Andres and NeoLeo are sipping martinis while Ceci has a glass of red wine. Ceci is feeling like the third wheel and she tells them that they share a lot of memories in common. NeoLeo giggles (is she drunk?) and says she wants to go check out some guys standing by the bar. She swiveles her hips out of her chair and saunters away, telling them to take advantage of her absence. Ceci and Andres make small talk over the din of NeoLeo’s giggles at the bar. Andres of course is distracted by her and Ceci isn’t pleased.

Back in the woods, Eva and Ivan are wrapping up their plans. Eva says if anything goes wrong, to save himself. Ivan smiles and says nothing will go wrong. He reminds her that as much as she would give her life for Diego, he would give his life for her to be happy with Diego. Ivan wants to deal with Dr. Toscano next. He also muses that Eva’s extensive collection of bodyguards has been dispersed by Boris. He wants to get her new bodyguards. Eva says no, it would arouse the suspicion of Boris. She kisses him and leaves.

Silvana walks over to where Isela is sitting at the Bar. Isela is still moping about seeing Clemi and Anibal together. Silvana asks her to tell her what’s bothering her and she does. She thought that she and Anibal might reconcile. Silvana points out for all of her ambivalence about getting together with Anibal, she sure seems jealous. Silvana says she can’t believe that Dona Clemencia would already be dating. “She’s not like that.” Isela is ticked that Clemi seems to be getting all the guys now.

Clemi is telling her life story to Anibal. She says that when she got married, her husband wouldn’t let her work. She volunteered to teach at a free school so that she could feel useful. Dona Clemi catches herself up short and says she’s been blabbing too much. She asks about the client and whether he’s coming or not (I thought we had settled this back at the office, but I guess not). Anibal who has clearly been enthralled by her says “gee, time sure flies…”

Azul is in conference with GSD. GSD is complaining that she’s marrying Mo out of pity or a misplaced sense of guilt. Azul tries to argue that no, it’s because he loves her and she realized that that matters more than her infatuation with Diego, which she has already paid dearly for. And Katy loves her too. They can be happy eventually. GSD tells her to think about her own happiness. They walk on and Jacinto lurks in the background, talking on a cell. “Yes, the target is in sight” he says.

Gaspar is at the boutique eating his sandwich. Julio and Arnie walk in. Gaspar tells them Ceci has gone out and that he doesn’t enjoy eating alone. Arnie invites him out when he has free time. Diego shows up with Chucho and a new commission in a garment bag. Arnie takes Gaspar aside and asks what Diego is doing there. Gaspar explains that Diego and Don Ch. are working as tailors for Julio. Arnie wants to know when it will be convenient to get his clothes and stuff from Gaspar and Efrain’s place. Gaspar makes a fuss about Julio and Arnie getting back together.
Julio is looking over the dress—a silvery chiffon evening gown. Julio is pleased at the execution of his design and the workmanship. He tells Diego and Chucho that the formal presentation of his collection is imminent and that he’ll have a lot of work for them. The guys like this, especially as neither of them have another job now. They can work full time for Julio. Julio says they can work at the store. He’ll install a workshop at the back. Chucho and Diego like the sound of that. Julio is happy that his dresses won’t have to be brought there in a taxi. Julio will supervise the moving of their equipment from home to the shop. All smiles.

Piero is in his office talking to Lucia. He complains that he doesn’t like this distance between them. He says he now knows that it was Eva and not her who instigated all the legal trouble. He wants to go back to the way they were. He walks around the desk and puts his hands on her shoulders. She looks uncomfortable and thought bubbles that maybe Perez Castellar lied to her about Piero still chasing Lidia.

Back at the Boutique, Arnie and Julio are talking. Arnie says that he can come back to work. But, he asks, “why did you hire Diego?” Julio’s cell rings. It’s Eva. She wants him to sign the contract now. She’s at a Chinese restaurant nearby with Burgay. Julio lies to Arnie and says that a supplier has a problem and he has to meet with him. Arnie offers to come with him and Julio says no. He says he’ll see him later.

GSD and Azul are still arguing about her marriage plans. He says that she doesn’t love him. She says she liked him a lot. He gave her a feeling of security. He was generous with her. GSD thinks that this is not a good reason to marry the guy, especially now. Azul brings up the argument that if she marries Mo, Katy’s custody will be assured. GSD is not happy but he accepts her will. They embrace and he walks away a short distance. Several guys in black, with black balaclavas grab him and prepare to throw him in a black SUV. They point their guns at Azul. GSD screams at them not to shoot her. They get him in the SUV and screech off. Azul is beside herself.

Mo is playing with Katy in the yard. He tells her that he and Azul are going to be married soon. Katy is very happy and Mo is all smiles. He returns her to Chulita. Azul comes running, screaming that her father has been kidnapped. Mo says that Eva must have done it because her father didn’t give him all his data. Azul is hysterical and says that they have to save him. Katy is confused and wants to know why Azul is crying. Azul makes a half hearted attempt at reassuring her and tells Mo that she has to talk to Eva. She wants to know where she can find her. Mo says he’ll go with her. Azul says he can’t he’s too weak. Katy gets involved and says that Mo needs to go with her to protect her. Mo tries to calm Katy down—we have a little problem—go play with Chulita. “I promise to take care of Azul.” Instead, Katy has a hissy fit and says “That’s what you said about my mama and she died!” (Score, Katy!) She runs away. Mo yells after her then tells Chulita to go to her. He tells Azul that he’s going with her. Azul says no. The sick/blind act has worked a little too well. He tells her at least take the chauffeured car and stay in touch the whole time.

Ceci, Arnie and Gaspar are at the boutique. Gaspar asks how lunch with Vampiress went. He said he thought that she was going for lunch with her boy Andres, but then his Mamacita showed up. Ceci is not in a joking mood. NeoLeo got drunk at lunch and Andres had to take her home. She’s like a mom to Andres and a bad mother-in-law to her. They turn to Arnie. He’s jealous about Julio taking off to see this mysterious supplier. Ceci noticed a strange matchbook on the table and thinks that that is where Julio went. She asks Arnie if he wants to try to catch Julio in the act (Dicho alert: con sus manos in the masa: with his hands in the dough). Arnie is hot to do it. They start to take off and Gaspar complains about being left alone again. Ceci says that they’ll only be gone a few minutes. Gaspar is not pleased.

Azul is in the chauffeured car crying and screaming to hurry.

Diego’s at home with Chucho and his cell rings.He’s surprised to see it’s Azul and Chucho has to tell him to answer it. He starts in with the nervous small talk when Azul blasts him with the accusation of he and Eva kidnapping her Dad. She says that if anything happens to her Dad, She’ll kill him. Diego is confused and tries to get the information from her. All she does is yell about how she will get revenge if anything happens to him. The conversation is short. Diego puts the phone down and is impactado.

Eva, Burgay and Julio are at the restaurant signing the contract. Eva tells him he’s glad that he’s decided to sign. And she’s decided to sell half her shares. Julio complains that they left him no choice. She says he has nothing to worry about, with Diego as a designer, his sales will increase. Eva’s cell rings. It’s Diego. She gets up with a smile. Now Diego blasts her with the kidnapping accusation. She tells him she doesn’t know anything about it. While she is talking to Diego, Julio and Burgay exchange words about Diego. Something about whether he knows about the contract or not. In the end, Julio says he made an agreement and he’ll stick to it.
Eva comes back and says they have to go. Something has come up. Burgay can wrap up any details. She has to go. After she goes, Burgay remarks that “Love has hit her hard.” “It only takes a call from Diego to make her drop everything and run.”

Anibal and Clemi have arrived back at the Office after their leisurely lunch. Apparently the client finally called when he was getting the check. Anibal says no biggie, he enjoyed the lunch and the small talk as an escape from lunch. It reminds me that the most important thing we have are the people we love. The lady with the food wrapped in cellophane arrives and proffers it to Anibal. She says that it’s from Isela. “She was going to bring it herself—but she saw you leaving for lunch. “ She leaves. Anibal is confused.

Mo is with Katy. He asks her why she talked about her mama in front of Azul. Katy insists that it’s true—he was supposed to protect her mommy and he didn’t. Mo gulps and says that he couldn’t avoid her mommy’s death but he takes care of her (Katy). Katy says that she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to Azul. Mo says well…then if she thinks that the same thing is going to happen to Azul maybe he shouldn’t marry her. Katy doesn’t like this. She asks him to promise to protect Azul. Mo smiles and promises.

Azul is approaching Eva’s hotel and they are waved away by a guy with flags and traffic cones. They have to make a detour.

Ivan is at the hotel and gives the command on his radio that “the passenger can enter.” The guys bring in a knocked out GSD. They tell Ivan that they pretended he was drunk. Ivan tells them—not a word to Eva. Yes, they say, we know about Boris’ orders.

Back at Mo’s pad, A drunken NeoLeo is making advances at Andres. Andres is liking it, that she’s happy and giggly. She wants to dance. She wants to bathe and first, for him to drink with her. She gives him a few swats on the behind.

At the restaurant, Ceci and Arnie have arrived. They are spying around a corner at Julio with Burgay. Arnie is ticked and wants to rush in to accuse him of lying to him. Ceci holds him back. Clutzy Ceci backs into a waiter with a tray who drops it, smashing the glasses. The waiter gets his boss. Arnie pretends that he’s a new chef and he talks his way out of the situation.

At Piero’s office, Lidia arrives, wearing a sexy dress. Before he can say “what the heck are you doing here” she’s taking her top off. She’s tired of waiting around at the apartment for him. He’s ticked because he thinks Lucia could arrive at any moment. Lidia complains some more about how she sees him less now that they are married. She’s practically humping him while he’s putting her top back on. Piero gives her the bad news. Lucia is his new secretary. Lidia is impactada.

Meanwhile, Lucia is having coffee with Perez Castellar. She complains that he lied to her, that Eva Santoro is a real person. Perez Castellar agrees and says that Eva is his boss and she wanted to remain out of it. Lucia isn’t happy. Perez Castellar explains that he has to answer to Eva but he’s trying to help her (Lucia) because she seems like a nice person (me cae bien) plus she’s got to admit that Eva helped her get Piero back. Lucia smiles and admit this. She says that she’s decided to try to rekindle the flame with Piero. But if Eva was the one who set this up, Lidia doesn’t really have a lover who wants her back. (I don’t remember this part of the story PC told her). Lucia wonders how they are going to get rid of Lidia. PC asks about Lidia’s dad and how he offered to help her get Lidia to divorce Piero. Lucia says yes, but he wanted too much money, an apartment, etc. Lucia says she’s unwilling to invest more money in him if she doesn’t see a result.

Isela and Anibal are meeting at Isela’s cantina. He thanks her for the cookies. Isela brings up his lunch date with Dona Clemi. Anibal says that Clemi is now working for him. Isela is surprised. Anibal invites her to have a coffee. Isela is pleased. Anibal says he was pleased that she came to see him.

Ivan is interrogating GSD at the Hotel. He demand to know where the rest of the data is. GSD says that he gave him everything he had. Ivan whips out a big pistol and presses it to GSD’s forhead. He warns him he’d better talk or he and his daughter will die.

Somehow Ceci and Arnie have wound up in the kitchen of the restaurant working. I guess this is because of the excuse he gave the head waiter for them being there. Arnie complains about Julio cheating on him. Ceci cries because she’s chopping onions.

NeoLeo is still putting the moves on Andres. She tells him that she’s accepted that he’s going to go with Ceci. But she wants a farewell roll in the hay. Andres tries to peel her off him.
Julio and Burgay’s food arrives and it’s horrible. Arnie has had his revenge. The scared waiter takes it away.

Ivan is tracing the gun around GSD’s face. GSD who is remarkably calm says that the rest of the data isn’t written down anywhere. It’s in his memory. Ivan tells him he will have to write it down. All of the sudden, who should manage to get through the massive security cordon but DIEGO! He surprises Ivan and struggles with him for the gun. GSD jerks his chair around and screams DIEGO! The gun goes off and hits Diego in the shoulder or arm. Azul comes running in and screams Diego and goes to him. (So much for her being concerned about Dad). Eva brings up the rear and screams at Ivan. “Imbecile!” Ivan is none too pleased.

Back at the restaurant, Arnie isn’t finished yet. He arrives at Julio and Burgay’s table. Julio is impactado. Before he can say more than “Arnoldo” Arnie is presenting Julio with his desert. An iced cake, right in the kisser. Julio runs after him, his face full of cake.

Ceci comes up to Burgay and says that she remembers him from ….Burgay says that she has the wrong idea. The wait staff come up and say that she will be responsible for the mess and if they can’t pay, they are taking her to the cops.

Back a the hotel, Diego’s injury turns out to only be a flesh wound. Azul and Eva start getting into it. Azul threatens to denounce her to the police, the media, etc. Eva says that if she tries, she and her Dad will be dead. GSD tries to rip Azul away. He says he’ll give Eva what she wants. They walk away. Now it’s Diego’s turn to yell at Eva.

--tivo cut off here--


Destilando 10/20/07 "The Fact that So Many Stupid People are in One Location and I'm Not, Makes Me Smarter by Default"

The title is true..I won't go into the statistics behind it, but trust me, there are only so many people and with all of them on the left side of the bell curve, Well?

Before I go any further…I apologize ahead of time, cause I am way sketchy on any details, I changed hours at work & can’t stay up late. Oh who am I trying to kid? The thrill is gone. I have a serious hate-on for each and every one of the people. With the possible exception of Margarita, Nancy, Elvis & Dani, but Dani you too are skating on thin ice. Get more assertive with your “Special Brother”.

When start out with the whirlwind “Japanese Dinner” at Erika’s fine departmento. The three Geishas are shuffling out in their little wooden shoes and Erika is confused. It’s dinner Erika not Pearl Harbor. She quickly recovers when Dick Slick, better known as Rod comes thru the door. He is quite the charmer. He has a fine bottle of white wine to go with their Sushi or whatever the hell they are eating. Rod slams a couple of wineglasses down on the table and let’s eat drink and merry. There is some flirting back and forth. Once again Erika is the best thing since those little pine air fresheners you hang in cars. I bet Rod has a trunk full of them. Rod is no longer “Timid” around women. Great Swell, this is one for the annuals.

Now for artistic comparison, we see Gavi and Clarita, sitting in their modest apartment, a vinyl tablecloth on the table. This too stokes my Fires of Rod Hatred. Rod is so proud of his Doctor, she is attractive, classy, someone the family would approve of, especially if they got a discount. Gavi is lamenting her suck day to Clarita. Blondie is bound for London, Rod hasn’t called. The entire coven of Brujas are coming to the big CRT Shindig. She tells Clarita how they have to come cause Don Amador is getting some special Dead Guy Award. Tears run in a virtual torrent down Clarita’s face. Now then if that was your mother would you not wonder? Every time his name is mentioned Clarita goes all rainforest on her. I mean sure he was a great boss, he let you cut his Agave. Seriously, like that was the best job you ever had? I guess Gavi is far too depressed to notice, of course I guess each and everytime this has happened for the past four years, Gavi has been too depressed to notice.

Aaron is still day trading, he won’t let anyone leave. I really don’t know what is going on. I guess he was heavily invested in Lettuce futures and there was a report that it was contaminated. Prices are plummeting or maybe he was involved in Hidden Valley and this would have an effect on him? Maybe he was making some kind of alcohol out of lettuce. I am so lost. Anyway he gets to act all pissy and push people around which is fine with me.

Hil comes home to find the buxom SanMama on his couch. She does not hear him come in and he wakes her up. Hil is mad that she is there. She tells him that he is going to be a father, as she in true soap opera form rubs her belly. Hil says he doesn’t believe the kid is his, plus he had to be drunk to do her, plus she smells like a barn. Way Harsh Hil, I am glad to see you too are a bit of an ass. I guess in the next couple of episodes we will get to see Elvis bitch slap Pilar down the steps, really it would be a bad thing kind of.
SanMama says you’ll be sorry. She leaves.

How weird his Mom is sitting on the bed writing a letter to her beloved son. Roman comes in and chides her. They get into it. Roman will never forgive Hil for falling in lust with the Patron’s wife. Ofelia rants at Roman. Now then, why in the hell doesn’t Ofelia take some of that money Roman has been squirreling away for years and hop a bus to the city? Really buses run to Mexico City daily. Shut the Hell up and do something about it.

Rod has further conversation with Erika, she says he still loves Gavi. That roles right off Rod, it does not appear to me that he is thinking of Gavi right now. I’m not really sure what Erika is trying to pull right now, cause she keeps the Gavi thing going, which I don’t get cause hey he is in your house, feeding you sushi, fine wine & he gave you his 4-H trophy. The most Gavi ever got was some free samples of Tequila, some guava juice and her socks knocked off in a crappy island hut. Sorry I forgot about the one of ten thousand silver agave necklace.

Later Rod is at home, terrorizing his NotBaby with some kind of space invader thing, that made loud noise. I think it was for ages 3 and up. Isa comes in and is like How goes it? Rod whips out the bills, like it could be anything else. Rod starts yelling about where in the hell is she spending all this money. Isa takes Rod’s NotBaby and leaves the room.

Erika is talking to I guess her shrink on the phone. She tells him she can’t continue to see Rod cause it is very dangerous. Not cause he is a maniac sociopath, crazed garment sniffin stalking thief, but because he is in love with another woman. Gee your loss move on. Sadly Erika is in love with Rod.

Gavi is in bed crying to herself, Rod has forgotten her. Well yeah Gavi kinda.

Say this would be a good time for a song: What could say it better than Tainted Love
Sometimes I feel I've got to
Run away I've got to
Get away
From the pain that you drive into the heart of me
The love we share
Seems to go nowhere
I've lost my lights
I toss and turn I can't sleep at night

Ed….if you get a chance check our Tainted Love on YouTube
The SoftCell was voted the gayest video of the eighties…wow who knew?

Rod meanwhile tossing and turning he can’t sleep at night, gets Isa all wound up. He starts saying he can’t find Isa’s Pa. He doesn’t return his phone calls and he only pays the interest not the principal. Yeah you gave a huge loan to a chronic gambler. Is it too late to say bad choice. What’s next Rod free Tequila samples at the AA meetings.

Finally Finally it is the next day….

Margarita is talking to Rod, Gee has the CRT called, he asks. “Well no”, says Margarita, “Not since you sent the e-mail telling them to go screw themselves”.

Now we get to see Rod talking to his cell phone..are you happy that I have left you alone.
Gavi talks to her cell phone..just eight never call.

Gavi is in talking to Dr. Dull. Blondie is saying that yes he has to go to London, I think the Agave is ripening too early due to global warning. Maybe Blondie the airbag will go to the cooler climes and blow some cool air down. Gavi will be very sorry to see him go. My Gawd this girl so needs a night out. 20 million people in Mexico City, and you are stuck with these two AssHats. Gavi is so desperate she is drinking his coffee. It starts like that, the first couple of cups are free…then

Av* wants to see Dr AssHat in his office, but before he goes he makes some of that could be taken two ways small talk. Insisting she call him Alonso. He leaves and Gavi has that deer in the headlight, muy impacted look. Stop Stop Stop, I have been far too generous with you up until now. Just because a guy isn’t pouring shooters down your throat, admiring your form as you work in his fields & knocking your workboots off under the only shade tree in a hundred miles, does not mean he is not coming on to you. He told you he loved you before he went to Japan, did he stutter?

Av* is rounding up Blondie for a trip to Guadalajara, the only reason I can think of is that Av* wants to commit suicide and just can’t bring himself to do it. Trusting that spending time with Blondie will probably stiffen his spine right up. Anyhow I think this too has to do with the mysterious Global Warming.
Av* asks if Blondie has asks Gavi to throw caution to the wind and run off to London. No he is waiting, waiting to see how she & Rod react when they see each other. Like if a bottle of Tequila was missing and strange noises were coming from the coat room, why the noble Blondie would just raise a cup of java and salute the fates. As if, he’d have his big head right in there, but hey why waste the calories it would burn to ask her a question. He who hesitates is lost.

Roman is dragging a couple of suitcases around the hacienda, Sofie is standing there and gives him instructions. Ofelia is too watch for Frankie’s cell phone bill. James comes in and starts to talk to Sofie, here comes Frankie in his best Tennesse William’s, big southern planter guy white suit. It is time to go to see Granny. Frankie wants to wash the Sulfate crap off his hands. I forgot he was doing a deal with the watered down chemicals earlier with Basilo, who really is not as hawt as I once thought. Just another childish dream of mine shattered. While Frankie is gone, Sofie feels James in on the phone bill idea. What says James, are you not trying to work things out? Aren’t you having his hijo? Sofie answers no it was “Una Falsa Alarma”, how cute is that? “Una Falsa Alarma”, see these people could speak English if they would just try. James is like Yipppppeeee. Frankie comes back down. James gives Sofie a kiss on the cheek before she leaves. Frankie looks all concerned…As If. They leave and young James sits on the steps with a big old “Pleasantville” smile on his face. Sofie isn’t pregnant and it looks like Acacia is a permanent resident at “Loco Acres”, geez could life get any better?

Av* calls Gavi in to meet some artist guy, I have seen him in other TeleNovelas. They have some fine muy magnifico, modern painting to express that Mexico is a totally hip happening place. I think it is part of the Dead Guy party.

Dani meets Elvis and tells him she is tracking down Sperm Doctor, I think he was out of the country and had his appendix out. Please I had mine out two years ago and I was back a work in a week. I was out of the hospital the next day. It is just done with a scope thing now. I would indeed volunteer to grow it back though for the morphine and a paid week off from work.

Isa is on the phone screaming at her Ma trying to track Pa down. She wants him to make good on the debt pronto.

Aaron is still watching the markets..sell sell, no no, suddenly the price of lettuce goes through ceiling, sell sell, Aaron is rich, he is a genius, he makes all his trader slaves clap for him.

Rod & Bruno sit and talk about the state of Agave, the plague is back in the area. Ya think? What till they find out the Hacienda is the epicenter. Oooooopppppsss, leaving Frankie in charge, Bad Rod Decision #482. They want a meeting with Aaron, but he is gone home. Bruno shows his disgust over the day trading.

Aaron runs in and tells Minnie, we’re rich, we’re rich, it’s just like when Jed told Granny about the Texas-T, only Aaron is a lot more snotty and self congratulating, then Jed was when to his and the opossum’s good fortune he missed his shot. Minnie is thrilled. You can see she is proud of her boy, she has a “He is all mine” look on her face.

Clarita, Gavi & Jose (Frankie’s Ma) are sitting around eating some pretty yuck looking food. Whatever it is, they like it. Jose says Frankie doesn’t like food like that. This leads to another argument between Jose & Clarita. Jose got a promotion at work. Gavi says it is Clarita’s birthday tomorrow, Clarita has a funny look on her face, what is it? Oh yeah, now I recognize it, it is the same look I had on my face when I was seven, “I never get nothin good for my birthday”. Gavi says they will go to Jose’s hotel and celebrate & guess what Jose gets to go as a guest. Sweet.

This is all I can stand…Also Hil came to see SanMama at Cassandra of the scary eyebrows, he lamented about Isa. But for the life of me I don’t know what he said. I just didn’t want to go down that road with Benjamin & Mrs. Robinson.

Stay tuned tomorrow for more of the same.


Monday, October 22, 2007

Juan Q Friday 10/19 Where Monica has a plan and Juan doesn't have a clue

Monica invites Juan to lunch. CL insinuates that maybe Juan is busy and can’t go. Juan says nope, not busy. Paula says that maybe Juan will be bored, since is a business lunch. Juan says nope, I’ll be ok. I’ll just sit there and won’t say a thing, unless you don’t want me to go?. Paula and CL have to concede defeat, and Juan enjoys his small victory with one of his silly sayings “Pica, pica y califica” (something like saying: “check mate”)

CL dismisses Fer and tells him he’ll take the car. Nidia is very happy and tells Fer that they (Nidia and Fer) don’t need the others to have fun. Fer just smiles remembering the kind of “fun” that Nidia likes.

In the office Yadi is tired of waiting for her mom to come back from the bathroom. –Where did she go, to Pachuca? Marely says that knowing their mother, it is a possibility, but right now she is even more upset at Yadi. She (Marely) did not like that Yadi and Kike asked Mr. And Mrs Farell to be their wedding godparents. Marely says that she is embarrassed because her family only goes to the office when they need something. Yadi doesn’t care; she only wants to know how big the Farrel’s wedding present will be, and since she is bored with their conversation, she’ll wait for her mother downstairs, in the garage.

In the garage Nidia and Fernando are remembering the good times, when Yadi sees them in a compromised position. Nidia tries to explain it by saying that she was just telling Fer that he needs to change dry cleaners. Yadi doesn’t buy what Nidia is selling. She wants to know where Kike is. Fer doesn’t know.

Juan, CL, Monica and Paula arrive to the restaurant. Juan refuses to open the door for CL. Today he is not his employee, he is his guest. He is happy making CL feel uncomfortable, but when they get to the restaurant is payback time. Juan doesn’t understand the menu (it is in French) and CL enjoys making him squirm. At the end Juan orders the same as Paula, just a lobster salad (?). Juan is not too happy with the selection, but decides to eat again later. He tells to CL it is good to eat little, that way he’ll be fit, not like so many old men that are all flabby, and he’ll be able to pose again for his mother in law when she comes back from her trip. CL clasps on to this info. –Trip? Is your mother in a trip Paula? Why didn’t you tell me before? Paula says, back off, it is none of your business. (Not really, but that was what she meant) Juan is happy with Paula’s answer.

On their way home, Yadi and Nidia talk. Yadi maybe a lot of things, but she is no dummy. She tells her mother to come clean. Does she like Fer? Nidia denies it. –Mom, tell me the true, Fernando drives you crazy right? Nidia gets offended and tells Yadi that a decent woman loves her husband. Yadi points out that she (Nidia) doesn’t love her husband. –At least I respect him! Yadi doesn’t believe it.

Juan narrates the rest of the day; he says that everything went as well as possible; Paula convinced Monica to make CL’s birthday party at the office, both women were doing their best to win CL. Juan also says that CL was very tense, because Paula and Monica were working together. He thought bubbles that CL deserved “pobar de su propia medicina” to have a taste of his own medicine (He deserved to suffer like they suffered because of him). The day came to an end and we see Juan dropping Paula at her house and apologizing for letting it slip that Paula’s mom wasn’t in the city. Paula forgives Juan and when he is about to leave, she asks him what kind of present would he want for his birthday (If it was his birthday). Juan, who doesn’t have a clue, thinks that Paula is trying to give him a present, and sheepishly tells her that a wristwatch would be nice. He is happy, and thinks that Paula wants to give him a present. He is, once more, setting himself for disappointment. Poor Juan!

Yadi tells Marely that their mother has a lover, Fernando! Marely doesn’t believe it. She thinks that Yadi is making it up, but Yadi insist that she saw them. She tells Marely that she is afraid that Fernando is going to hurt their mother the same way he hurt her. Yadi wants Marely to investigate. Marely refuses and tells Yadira to do her own investigating.

Alirio went to visit Guti at jail. Guti is worried because he is being taken to “el reclusorio” It seems that Guti is not allowed to post bail, because Alirio says: “I’m sorry I already had the money” Guti wants Alirio to find him a good lawyer because he is innocent. He doesn’t want Yadi to find out he is in jail. Alirio says not to worry he’ll take care of everything.

Monica goes in a fishing trip and tells CL that she realizes that CL was right, Paula needs a real man; somebody like… CL! Of course this is none of their business, and they should leave Paula to take her own decisions. CL makes a good impactado face.

At school Juan is telling kike his own version of what happened at the French restaurant. He tells him, that he even had to translate for CL. Kike is very gullible, but this fib is too big and not even gullible Kike can believe it. Juan tries to prove that he knows French by repeating a verse of a song he heard. Veut-il être couché avec moi ce soir? (I think this is what he said) Kike is very impressed. Their math teacher walks in and wants to hear Juan speaking French. Juan obliges and repeats the same phrase. The teacher thinks Juan wants to sleep with her.

Juan and Kike arrive to the Cachon residence. Nidia is waiting for Juan; she wants to talk to him about Fernando. She wants to ask him to be discrete and not to tell anybody about their (Fernando and Nidia’s) relationship. Juan says not to worry his lips are sealed “soy una tumba”

In the morning, Monica and Consuelo wake CL up with a “Happy Birthday!”, and a cake. CL is delighted and answers, when questioned abut his age that he is only 23, but he feels 15 when he sees Monica. Monica says that she has the perfect present for a 23 years old young man. She gives him a box and tells him to open it. It’s a wrist watch (I think we know what is going to happen) CL says he loves it, but he loves Monica more, and he is willing to show her. Monica says she is leaving, but she is coming back and won’t leave his side. He wants her at his side right now.

At the Cachon residence, Nidia is asking Alirio about Gutierrez. He says that he has taken care of him, he won’t bother them again. Alirio wants to know if Nidia slept well. “Like an angel” is her answer.

Juan went to pick up Paula and sees her coming with a little box. Juan thinks is a present for him. He decides he will forgive her, but he is going to play hard to get (just a little). She gets in the car and Juan wonders that maybe she didn’t give him his present because she wants to do it in a restaurant just like he did.

In the office Yvonne gives CL his present (three guesses of what the present is? yes girls and boys it is a ….wrist watch) Un reloj! CL thanks Yvonne and tells her it is very nice. She promises she’ll give him his other present in private. CL declines, he is busy today, he’ll take a rain check.

Juan and Paula arrive to the office. Paula, the ice queen, hardly talks to Juan. Juan wants to ask her about the present, but at the last minute stops himself. He is starting to suspect that maybe the present is not for him “aqui hay gato encerrado” (Something is wrong. Lit. There is a locked cat) Fer comes and asks Juan about “his” Licenciada. Juan remembers what Nidia told him and manhandles him. Fer wants to know what the promblem is. Juan tells him he knows what he did with Nidia and he is gone to far. Juan tells Fer to respect Nidia, because she is like a mother to him. If Fer hurts Nidia he’ll have to respond to him (Juan). Alirio comes to the garage and yells “I want to talk to you” Impactado face from Fern and Juan.

Monica asks Paula if the party is ready. Paula says yes and CL doesn’t suspect a thing!

Alirio yells at Juan –Do you think I’m an idiot or what! Juan doesn’t understand what is happening Alirio tells Juan he wants to challenge Juan to a duel, because his honor has been damaged. Juan thinks Alirio has finally gone completely crazy.

At the office, Yvonne asks pastor why Monica is doing a party for CL here in the office. Pastor thinks it is a set up. Yvonne wants Monica to find out about Paula. Pastor thinks that once Monica moves one of the cards the whole castle of lies will fall. Yvonne is worried; she doesn’t want to be discovered. Pastor doesn’t think that is going to happen. Pastor is also worried about his mom. We see Pastora in bed calling somebody, and telling him (or her) that she loves him (or her), and that she won’t be able to go today.

In the garage Alirio is still yelling at Juan. Juan is very patiently trying to explain to him that he doesn’t have anything to do with Nidia. He (Juan) tells him (Alirio), that Nidia is like a mother to him. Alirio suggests that Juan doesn’t respect his mother and that he is sure he is capable of “hacer cochinadas” do dirty things even with his mother. This is too much for Juan; he has to be restrained, because he has that crazy look that he gets when he is mad. Alirio tells him that he’ll wait for him in the back patio of the Cachon residence. Juan says he’ll be there.

Later Fernando tells Juan that they are expected upstairs. Juan is very happy he thinks that Paula is summoning him to give him his present. On his way to the office he sees Marely and asks her what the meaning of all the decorations is. Marely tells him that today is the big chief’s birthday. Juan demands from Paula the true. Did she ask for what he wanted so that she could give it to CL? Impactada face from Paula.


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amar Oct 19 - Eva is losing her grip

Yesterday Morticia found one of the buttons from her son’s shirt in Katy’s toys. Today she is groaning to Diego at the billar about it.

Some other things from yesterday (Karen has unfortunately been unable to post the last couple weeks, hope all is well Karen) – Ivan was summoned to Prague and Boris demands that Ivan show his loyalty to Boris by killing Eva. Boris was convinced by Mo that Eva is acting outside the interests of their gang, and Ivan manages to slip up enough to confirm to Boris that Eva wants out. All due to her completely improbable love for Diego. Whatever. Azul tricked Arnaldo and GSD into Ines’s room at the same time so they can talk, they do start talking but accomplish nothing really. Leo cuts up one of Andres’s shirts, then goes to the boutique and tells Ceci that Katy did it trying to make doll clothes, she cozies up to Ceci and manages to make friends with her, just to stick around and be a pain later. Big dumb move by Ceci here, accepting Leo’s manipulations here. I’ll fill in anything else as it comes up, that’s all I remember at the moment.

Diego shows up at Azul’s place and they argue again, he tells her to get away from Mo. She gets all pissed off and tells Diego that in a couple days she is getting married to Mo. He begs for time to prove that Mo is a louse. She acts really bitchy and tells him to leave.

Boris tells Ivan that he can take over Eva’s place after he kills her. Ivan says that especially since Eva is Boris’s blood, she doesn’t deserve pardon.

Lidia is rolling around on her bed holding a little girl’s pillow covered with hearts, talking to Piero on the phone. He is back in the big empty white house. They are discussing their setup, Piero is talking in the biggest room of the house to make sure his voice carries throughout the house. He is telling her to be patient, she wants him to get some money in a hurry. Lucia walks close enough to hear him as he talks about taking her money, she gets all bug-eyed and impactada. Why should she be surprised?

Mo interrogates Katy about what Silvana was asking her about. He hints that she doesn’t have to keep seeing Silvana, but Katy wants to. Azul arrives and interrupts them, Katy runs off. She tells Mo that she told Diego that she and Mo were going to get married. Mo takes it as an invitation and gets all emotional. Azul says no, she just told Diego that, she didn’t mean for it to happen. Mo tries to talk her into it anyway. She balks, he backs off but at the same time wants her to say yes or no right now. She asks for time and he looks all grumpy about it.

Diego talks to Lidia and Manuel. They are talking in circles, they all repeat different lies and truths that they have heard or told or been told. Manuel thinks he’s about to go back to work. If Lidia and Piero are working it out, he’s getting his job back, right?

Lucia makes nice with Piero. They rehash his history and immigration options again. She finishes by saying that the only reason he isn’t still in jail is because she is helping him. She asks him to bring her a new coffee because this one is cold, like him. Oh, burn.

Diego tells Manuel to talk to his mom and straighten it out. Manuel says fine, when I see her. Diego reproaches him (since he’s such an expert on love) and says he has to go look for her to show proper interest. He left out that they should fight and break up and lie to each other, like he does.

Andres and Ceci show up at Mo’s to find Andres’s new room. Mo is very nice to Ceci and offers his hospitality. After the girls leave, Mo tells Andres that Diego says he has proof from Eva about Mo’s bad medicine (cue Bon Jovi). Mo tells Andres that they are going to use Ceci to get rid of Eva. How? That will wait until later, says the background music.

Silvana tells Emilia the same deal about finding her son’s button in Katy’s toys and getting no information from Katy about it. Emilia, from her office and not having talked to the little girl, nevertheless manages to diagnose Katy with post traumatic shock. She tells Silvana that even if Katy can’t remember when she’s awake, she probably remembers in dreams. So… -

We immediately see Katy sleeping and having a bad dream. How convenient. She remembers her mother getting run off the road, lots of screaming. Then Mo shows up, the mama is still alive begging for Mo, he just gets Katy out of the car. Katy takes Nico’s button on the way out of the car. Leo and Andres are there to help Mo, they see that Nico is still alive but Mo just drives off with Katy anyway. Finally she makes enough noise in her dream, screaming for her mommy, that Azul comes in and wants to know what she dreamed about. She starts to tell Azul about it, then Mo walks in and Katy clam up. Mo asks what she dreamed about, Katy says nothing. I think Katy’s eyes have been opened a bit about her ‘loving’ father. She wants Azul to stay with her, Mo jumps in and says ‘we’ll both stay.” Neither girl looks thrilled at that.

Diego has told his mom the truth about Manuel’s excellent adventure at the billar, she doesn’t understand why he would act like such an ass. And if any of you out there say ‘because he’s a man’ then I will violently disagree. Because he’s an idiot, sure. Sorry, I hear my fair share of man bashing at work and it makes me crazy. I don’t pull any of that crap. Anyway. Clemencia agrees to talk to Manuel since they have been married for so long, etc etc. Diego tells her that Lidia and Piero are going to live together like they should. Yeah right. Being a Moran must make you a MorOn. They act like fools and believe anything anybody tells them. Not Clemencia, but she doesn’t have any of Manuel’s mentally challenged blood in her veins, just the kids.

Now that they are alone, Andres gets all over Ceci and wants some action. I’m guessing somebody is about to walk in without knocking. Ah yes, Leo drifts in through the open door. And I mean open, it wasn’t just unlocked, it was hanging wide open. The happy couple jumps off the bed like teenagers getting caught making out. Cripes this whole thing is going to get old fast, the ‘Let’s pretend to not be together around Leo so we don’t hurt her feelings’ or whatever it is.

Azul and Mo have already abandoned Katy, who they promised to stay with, as they are talking in another room. Azul says Katy needs some therapy, Mo says she doesn’t. Azul wants her to remember the accident to work through it, Mo angrily says he doesn’t want her to remember. Now we know why of course. He immediately starts badgering Azul to marry him so that he can die in peace and Katy can have a mom. How romantic, how can she say no to that? “Please commit to being someone’s mother for no reason other than giving me peace of mind while I die.” Wow how can you say no to that. Then he fakes falling down so that she will go help him and he can try and kiss her. She doesn’t let him. I’m sure that he’ll kiss her eventually, and it will happen where Diego can see it, and make the show another month longer. Dammit, wasn’t I the one defending this show a few weeks ago? I was saying how even if some of the people were dumb at least stuff HAPPENED? How wrong I was. They hired all the Heridas and Duelo writers that couldn’t get any other work after those shows went on the air and now we’re being treated to more of the same. If someone accidentally says ‘Bertha’ instead of ‘Eva’ or Azul yells at “Emilioooo” by accident, my theory will be proven correct. Now this show is a slowly dying dog and I couldn’t be more disappointed. I can see the ‘twists’ and ‘surprises’ before they happen because we’re falling into the same old routines as other shows. Bah. At least I have something to complain about.

Diego whines to his mom about Azul.

GSD is still NOT finding a cure, he comes to see Emilia. He wants to know about Diego and Azul and Silvana or whatever and Emilia says she can’t tell him. They agree that Diego is a loser and they were both wrong about him. She says she met Arny and she liked him. GSD harrumphs and says they talked today and didn’t kiss and make up but made some progress. He admits that Azul set it up, he didn’t go looking for him.

Andres and Ceci are alone again, eating the food that Leo brought them. They didn’t worry that it was poisoned? I wouldn’t eat anything that woman has touched. After begging her to not tell anyone and Ceci saying she is a tomb and nothing will be told to anyone ever, Andres tells Ceci that Mo hired Diego because he saved Mo’s life, Ceci knew that. Andres says Mo only has one enemy, Eva. So they think it was Eva that tried to shoot him and it was all a setup and Diego was in on it. All an elaborate scheme to trick Mo into hiring Diego. Suuuure. Well it makes sense in novelaland.

Ivan arrives in Mexico, calls Eva, and tells her he needs to see her alone, as per orders from Boris.

The next morning Ceci tells Azul the whole thing she talked about with Andres the night before. So much for being a tomb. They are eating breakfast, perhaps the key to her vault is cereal, the same way that Elaine from Seinfeld spills her guts after a few drinks. So Ceci spills the whole theory and Azul believes it, of course. She gets all weepy and dramatic. Now she thinks Diego was working for Eva the entire time he was after her. Azul has some orange flashbacks about dreamy Diego and gets even more weepy. The two girls can’t believe that Diego would play with her love that way. More crying. Azul swear she won’t be so stupid any more. Sure.

Andres walks into his room in a towel, you ladies are all pleased, Leo is sitting on a chair in the room admiring him. He yells at her for not giving him any privacy. I agree with him. She isn’t even dressed, she’s in a robe. He wants her to respect his relationship with Ceci, Leo says she deserves respect too, he shouldn’t bring Ceci here. He tells her to butt out. She says he’s taking his job, given to him by Mo, of being with Ceci just to get info very seriously. She pulls his towel off, he still tells her to get out. Finally someone does something I can agree with. If that scary woman tried putting the moves on me, I’d be screaming for help. She leaves, finally.

Diego is at his morning training, Efrain (that’s Gaspar’s dad, right?) sees the guy that was arrested for killing Abuelo and starts to freak out, Diego talks him down with the news that Eva sprung him, he wasn’t the killer. Diego explains that Mo is trying to exert control over him.

Eva yells at the sleazy lawyer. Something about proving to Diego that she isn’t as bad as Mo.

Andres comes back to Leo’s room to get his belt. He finds the cut up shirt. He blames her, jut like the bleached jacket. Leo says neither was her. She blames Katy. Andres yells at her that he’s young and doesn’t want to be with an old hag like her. Well that was the message, if not the actual words. After he leaves she gets an envelope out of the side table and takes a picture out of it, must be some old picture of Andres or something.

Azul is whining to Emilia about Diego and about the whole thing Ceci told her. Azul then says she wants to help Katy like a shrink. I’m sure that will work out well.

Isela and Silvana have dinner. Silvana was out walking and being morbid, Isela tries to comfort her. Isela tells her she’ll get married again, Silvana says maybe Isela will get married first? Isela says with who? Maybe Anibal, or maybe (she gets a goofy voice) one of Gloria’s hotline clients? Ha that was actually pretty funny. Silvana says she’s going to cancel the hotline. So, if that happens, the entire hotline story was pretty much all about nothing. Or did Gloria run off with a hotline customer? I can’t remember.

Clemencia tells Diego that she talked with Manuel. I guess we didn’t get to see that part. Oh, she just talked to him briefly and they agreed to talk later. Diego says he’s going to make her some special clothes.

Azul and Emilia now discuss GSD and Arny. These two are the biggest metiches I have ever seen. Cripes. They sit there and decide who is right and wrong, then decide what they are going to do about it. Azul starts crying about Ines still being in a coma.

GSD talks to a comatose Ines at the hospital, filling her in on current events. How’s that cure coming, doc? We go back and forth between Azul/Emilia and GSD/Ines. He is talking about Azul, she is talking about him and Ines. Then she goes on about Mo. Nothing new. Just weepy tortured BS.

Diego reports to Eva. Hasn’t Ivan arrived yet? Eva shows Diego the listening station where they can listen to Mo’s house. Just then, coincidentally, sleazy lawyer is talking to Mo about some bad medicine (cue Bon Jovi). This is what she set up with the lawyer in that previous scene. Mo knows he is being listened to I guess, he claims to not know what the guy is talking about. He goes on about how Eva wants to control the Moran family, he completely flips it all around on Eva, who is quite impactada. He pulled that off quite well. Eva says Mo must suspect something, something is wrong. Diego says to quit lying to him. Eva makes excuses. Diego says when she has proof on paper to give him, call him, otherwise, leave him alone.

Eva is walking outside somewhere, maybe this is where she is supposed to meet Ivan. Ah yes, there he is. He says that they had to meet here and alone because Boris sent a bullet for her! He raises his gun and of course doesn’t just shoot her, he stands there and gives her a chance to act all impactada. Ivan’s hand gets shaky.

Julio leaves to see Arny, Ceci and Gaspar are happy. Andres shows up, Ceci is happy even more. Gaspar is jealous as Julio leaves happy and Ceci and Andres kiss, he says “don’t eat in front of someone on a diet!” Nice way to put it. Of course, leo shows up. She is all done up in younger looking clothes and her hair done like a younger woman. She tells Ceci to get what they were looking at yesterday. Going back to my rant earlier about borrowing Heridas and Duelo writers, doesn’t this smack of when Bertha went and got plastic surgery to look younger? Leo obviously has ALREADY had plenty of plastic surgery, but now she is trying the look younger part. Ceci starts to walk away and Leo trips her and acts like it was an accident. Leo tries to act all seductive to Andres. She is even scarier than before.

Eva gets all weepy and tells Ivan to get on with it. Ivan says no, he would never kill her. He couldn’t. He tells her he loves her. He only lives for her. She hugs him. I expect that she will just continue to completely use him and not return his feelings. She gives him a kiss but doesn’t look like she is enjoying it. Ivan sure is, though. Eva starts to get into it a little bit more but I still don’t believe anything has changed with her. People do strange things when they narrowly escape death.

Mo tells Azul he is going to send Katy to an orphanage to keep her away from Eva and her people. Azul says no, but Mo says that he knows that Azul doesn’t love him, he wants her away from him too, for her safety. Of course, she says no way, she is going to stay close to him, and she accepts his marriage proposal. Jeez Azul can’t you even make it difficult to manipulate you? I’m surprised Mo can contain his smug smile at how easily his plan worked.

Monday – Still in the woods, Eva is telling Ivan again to shoot her. She is half or more undressed, did they just get busy in the woods? She tells Ivan that after he kills her, he needs to take documents to Diego so he knows Eva never lied to him. That’s what I would want to hear after finally nailing the woman I have lusted after forever, how much she cares about some other dude. Also, Isela tells Silvana that she’s going to get all dolled up and go try and get Anibal back. GSD gets jumped by a bunch of guys in ski masks and taken away. That all looks like a lot of action, but I expect the other 99% of the show to be talking/crying/whining/lying. Enjoy.


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