Thursday, April 14, 2011
La Fea Más Bella #297-298 4/14/11 Title? You want a title?
Lety descends the steps in her wedding dress. Pop cries and apologizes because he realized he caused Lety many problems by overprotecting her and not letting her grow up. Next they’re at the wedding. Why are Fernando’s parents there???
Fernando mourns outside, then he interrupts the ceremony. He tells Aldo that Lety has to marry him. He begs Lety to marry him because she loves him. Four men drag him out shouting “I love you!” The ceremony finishes. Fern breaks free and runs inside again. Seeing the kiss, he screams, “NOOO!!!” and goes to pieces. Aldo kisses Lety again, but she pushes away, saying, “No, no, no.” It was all a dream.
Luigi walks his parents out of the hospital and introduces them to his new novio, Esteban.
Lety whines that if she tells her dream, it won’t come true. She tells about the wedding and Fern likes that. She tells that Fern interrupted the wedding and he says she should’ve kept that to herself. But then he works to convince her that dreams reflect deep desires. He later adds that it’s desires that we don’t dare admit to in our conscience minds. It’s not wise to get married with uncertainties.
Aldo asks why Carmina told Lety she was moving in with Aldo. Carmina figured this was her opportunity.
Capitulo 297B. Read k-Fuego’s original recap.
Alicia cuts the line at the passport office and thinks they should give her a new passport right now.
Fern tells Omar his theory about dreams. Omar wants Fern to interpret his dream. Caro walks in and overhears Fern say that Caro should convince Lety to cancel the wedding because she has doubts.
Marcia type-chats with her secret admirer and debates whether to accept the feo with beautiful words, or Octavio who asked her out. She picks Octavio.
Caro asks Lety if maybe she’s having doubts, and maybe she really loves Fern.
Ali cons Celso into impersonating her doctor again, to call Tom. Tom sees it and realizes the treatment was all a lie. Ali tells her belly how wonderful Tom is, but they deserve to be wealthy. It occurs to Tom that Ali stole the $1M. Then he gets the call that Ali put a plane ticket on his credit card. He says, “She WAS the love of my life.”
Tom tells Ali he knows she stoke the money. Ariel walks in with proof that the transfer was from his computer. Tom tells Ariel that he, Tom, stole the money.
Capitulo 298A. Read Alma’s original recap.
The police arrive to arrest Tom. He and Lety sneak out. Ali hears it, cries, and says, “I need to pay.” She weeps, “He’ll never forgive me. The worst thing that could happen is if Tom stops loving me.” She puts the money back in his account, and figures now there won’t be any problems.
Fern asks Aldo if he’s certain that Lety wants to marry him. The boys scrap.
Ali tells Paco, “I stole $1M. Tom sacrificed himself to save me. He took the blame. He’s a marvelous man, and I love him so much. The worst part is, I didn’t realize it until now. I realized that Tom is more important than all the money in the world. But maybe it’s too late. Just as I’m expecting his child.”
Lety realizes Ali stole the money. She tells Tom, “I told you so” (bless her heart). She’ll have to denounce Ali (the first step in a prosecution). At Paco’s prompting, Ali calls Ariel and tells him the money is in the account; he should inform the police.
Ali finds them. She tells the police the money is in the account. She tries to explain to Tom and he coldly says, “You and I have nothing to talk about.” She tries to explain. He says, “All I ever wanted was to make you happy. You have no idea how much I regret the day I fell in love with you.”
Capitulo 298B. Read Julie’s original recap.
Tom tells Aldo, as much as he loves Alicia, it’s better if he stays away from her forever. Aldo suggests that maybe she has changed, after all, she returned the money. Tom briefly mentions that there’s more to it than that. He chokes out the words, “I should separate from my chiquita.”
Octavio is surprised that Marcia has some depth behind that pretty face. She admits that she has another suitor; she doesn’t want to hide anything. Octavio reveals that he’s the e-suitor, and Marcia thinks he’s making a fool of her. No, he wanted to make sure she cared about more than looks. She says she’s not willing to rush into anything; they need to take things slowly.
Fern tells his diary that when Lety marries, his life will end because all hope will be gone.
Alicia says her papi doesn’t love her anymore. She regrets that she didn’t recognize her love for Tom until it was too late. She cries, “I love you so much.”
Tom weeps in the hall. He gave all he had, but it wasn’t enough. Love was just a fantasy.
Fern walks into Marcia’s office as Octavio is just about to kiss her (payback for all her badly timed phone calls!). He plays the protective Mexican big brother, warning Octavio to treat her right, then telling about her wonderful qualities.
Tom comes home. Ali gives him the jewelry and car keys that she bought with his money. She asks for a hug but his only response is a stone face. She thanks him for loving her, even though she didn’t deserve it. The moment she’s out the door, Tom crumbles to the floor. He bawls, “If you had loved me even a little bit, I swear I would’ve forgiven you.”
Labels: fea-2010
I e-mailed Julie a request to post the link to new recap on the old recaps. Thanks again, Julie.
Pat has some more photos coming. Thank you, Pat!
Octavio really types! He hits the right letters. Whereas Marcia never uses her pinkies and never goes beyond the center of the keyboard, even for p’s, o’s, and a’s.
Ali walks out of the baño and leaves her clown kit behind – does it mean something?
Preview of my Alicia analysis. Two words. Prodigal son.
See ya' tonight when I have time to breath again.
Oh, last thought, comments for yesterday's caps. Maybe Lety can only grow under Fern's influence, either in his presence or absence. She didn't start to grow until she arrive at Conceptos. Grew and grew, then ran to Acapulco. Yes Aldo was there, but her head was full of Fernando. Returned to DF. Fern keeps trying, Lety keeps growing. Until she broke the engagement, and her orientation changed from Fern to Aldo. At that point she descended, became infantile. Never grew again. But if she orients herself to Fern again, she will grow up again.
We know this. Fern never grew up until Lety arrived at Conceptos. He's been growing ever since.
I haven't tested this theory, so maybe I'm full of hot air!
More comments on yesterday's recap:
Paula asked about street tacos in TNs - we've seen them in Heridas de Amor (I don't remember what the point was, I think to show that one girl was less snobby than the other or maybe she liked the guy who was selling them). And street food was actually a plot point in Querida Enemiga - it's how Lorena made a living for a while, and her QE tried to ruin her by putting a rotten egg in one of the sauces, making everyone sick. (As if Lorena and all of her customers wouldn't have smelled that!!)
I think (ICBW) that Saimon tried to buy Jazmin a street taco once.
A question about why Aldo is still insisting on getting married right away - I think he thinks that pushing the wedding on Lety will either anger or scare her into taking a step back to reconsider. He's playing chicken with her, trying to provoke a case of cold feet. This would work on most people, I believe.
Aldo's pushy attitude also highlights Fernando's gentle, no-rush, no-ultimatum approach. But Lety is oblivious. :-(
Diann, something in one of your comments on yesterday's recap gave me a good laugh. I can't tell you what it was yet. Not until after the finale. (Then you'll probably figure it out on your own!)
Lety, while in the presence or with the influence of her parents, can do very little growing and getting to know herself and build self-esteem.
With Fernando she felt needed and protected at the same time... so she found room to grow and thrive. Fernando had always seen women (other than his mother) through the outside beauty rankings... with Lety he found someone who he could not classify/see in those terms so he was able to be himself around her, trusting her even with his fears and his weaknesses, talking about deep things that he could never share with either marcia or his own mother... so they grew for each other...
When Aldo came along there were two phases to it... During their stay at Acapulco he was a great influence, almost a mirror via which she could see herself in a new light, without actually competing with the Fernando memory or influence. However, once Aldo came to Conceptos he became just an extension of her parents, particularly her father, thus inhibiting and even reverting her growth and progress...
You are right, Lety grows in the presence or influence of Fernando while she goes backwards with Aldo.
Does he have any?
Or is every dream just the vision of a series gourmet dishes bobbing in the Acapulco surf?
I'm interested to see your analysis about Alicia, Paula. She brought this on herself, but I still felt so bad for both of them. Poor Tomas, what a blow, and poor Alicia, realizing so late that she loves him. That last scene with them brought a tear to my eye this time around.
You guys are great in your analysis, and I wish I had found this site earlier and gone through the Fea experience with you guys. I feel I can't contribute much, I have to go in to work early today, but I'll be checking back in on my shift, to see what you guys write.
As far as the rest of today's episodes, I remember the first time I saw this show, and when I saw the dream, I was crying. Even the second time around, it was still hard to see Fernando crying and begging her to marry him. Thank goodness it was just a dream. Although, I noticed that Julieta was wearing all black. I like to think of it as more funerary attire, although I know many people wear it just because it looks nice.
By the way, as usual I love to see Fern and Aldo fight. I love their one liners, like when Fer says he was born with a tie on and a very extreme gel in his hair, and then Aldo says his hair looks like a shell. I also love Fer saying that no woman would want to smell like fritangas. I wouldn't mind it if Fer was the one who smelled like fritangas, ha. The motorcycle chase was funny; I love the Pedro Infante references.
Apparently, I have a recurring deep desire to find myself in an unfamiliar school on final exam day. I'm a student in this school - it's just that I procrastinated going to class.
Oh no - now that I've told you all this, it won't come true!!
Doesn't it seem odd that Lety would want (or even claim to want) the dream she had to come true? Would she really like that to happen - to have Fernando crash her wedding and then get thrown out? I wouldn't even joke about that.
Trivia: Back when Fernando was in NY, Carloca spoke to her ex on the phone. His name was Octavio.
That chase scene was hilarious. The fighting between Fernando & Aldo is always fun but that motorcycle acrobatic one-up-manship was classic. Very funny.
I too was crushed when the wedding scene happened. I kept waiting for it to be halted. But then when they went on and said the vows -- in church, not just a civil wedding -- I was horrified. Did that mean that we were wrong all along & that Aldo got the girl? Or did Aldo have to die before Fernando could marry her? What a relief when she woke up screaming.
Speaking of Julietta's black attire, did you hear Luigi outside of the church? As he starts taping the crowd, he tells them all to smile, and says "they all look like they are at a funeral"
Why did Fern lay flat out on his bed like that????
Was it only to drive us crazy?
Boy, visions of jumping right onto him......:) Jajajaja
I hadn't noticed that, until I went back and watched it on YouTube right now (thank goodness it's a quiet day at work, jaja). Good catch, I wasn't even paying attention.
Julie, I also think it'd be weird to have a secret admirer, and I would have been offended that I needed to be tested. What is so difficult about him coming to see her from the beginning? If he's worried she's shallow, he would have figured that out going on dates with her anyway. With the whole dream thing, I think it'd be terrible to have my ex interrupt my wedding, but I guess it's more that in her subconscious she knows Aldo isn't the right choice. So, she dreams that Fernando will come to jolt her out of it at the wedding.
Also, I was wondering why in real life, she would have told Fernando about her dream. Obviously, like Guera said, it advances the plot, but I personally would have probably gone to a woman myself. Certainly not the guy I was blowing off to marry someone else.
I agree with you Paula, but like Marta - I think that Aldo had some positive influence on Lety in Acapulco. I think it's only in DF that he's come out as the 2nd coming of Don Erasmo.
The police chase was so much fun! I now realize why Lety's suits were so big on her - it's so she could lend them to her male friends who need to run away from the police! :) And the wig? I thought the ponytail was supposed to be Lety's hair? hahaha I thought that was hilarious. LOL.
Can't wait to hear the analysis of Alicia. If her father was the one to tell her to take the money (which I don't think he did), then where is he in jail?
Tomas was great today. I really felt so badly for him - the blinders have finally been ripped off! I'm sure he'll forgive her once he hears he has a little baby on the way, but it was really heartbreaking watching him today. I felt less badly for Alicia although Paty Navidad was excellent - I just hate that Alicia's character has been allowed to get away with making mistakes, lying, cheating and stealing with no ramifications or punishment. I guess her losing all of her material belongings was her 'suffering' but I don't think she learned at all from that. It just made her an even worse person!
I'll be back later to comment - I want to read the detailed recaps and I still haven't read yesterday's yet.
I can't believe we only have one more day left. :(
Today - at the beginning of Lety's dream - he's in tears and apologetic for controlling her life. Also very significant I thought - it was almost as if the writers had heard us complaining about him and addressed it. I wonder if it's something Lety hopes he'll eventually do...
Anyhow. According to the old recap, after Lety determines that Aldo and Fernando didn't perish in their fall off the cliff, she basically dumps both of them. THAT is the moment I'd been waiting for... actually, I had forgotten about it, strangely enough, maybe because it's anticlimactic after the driving over the cliff.
And Aldo tells Tomas that he'll talk to Lety "tomorrow when she's calm." Again! Arrrrgh!!! He must be hoping that Lety will elope with Fernando overnight.
thank you Barbara and all the others who knew what was coming for keeping that secret under wraps. It had to be tough for you!
LOL! If only we'd known that they're equally lethal in two-hour installments! I wish we were getting them in half-hour installments now - at least I'd be able to keep up!
Here's my take on this wedding scene. I think it's a wake up call for Lety. She has to realize that Aldo would never go to the extremes that Fernando is willing to go to in order to marry her. If the roles were reversed and Lety was marrying Fernando, Aldo would simply walk away. This tells me that Aldo's love for Lety is not as deep, as passionate, as enduring as the love Fernando has for Lety.
The scenes on the motorbikes were hysterical. You just know there are a lot of outtakes from them. Jaime and Juan looked like they were having a great time. The semi-high-fives across the road were funny. We needed that after the pathos of the beginning of the show today.
So we go from the extremely funny to more pathos with Tomas and Alicia. I really felt for both of them in their last scenes of the day. Up to that point, they and their relationship just seemed a waste of time. But Alicia realizes that she really loves Tomy and that she loves the baby she is carrying. Alicia is happy that she is pregnant with Tomas' baby. Since she has nowhere to go, I suspect that she'll go to Senora Mora. They seemed to have clicked.
Can't wait for tomorrow. On the other hand, I wish tomorrow wasn't the end of the show. They have a lot to wrap up in a two-hour block. Oh how I am going to miss discussing this show with ya'll.
Last point, hard to say, Paula, about that disengaging today. At one point, I thought I saw it but at other times it didn't seem to be there. I did see, though, hesitancy on Lety's part. Being this close to the wedding, having that dream, having Fernando whisper in her ear about her desires, and Aldo's blow hot/cold moods, I think Lety may be having second thoughts. Did you notice how she reacted when Fernando's breath wafted across her ear and neck? She had a gutteral reaction to that. Goodness knows, what red-blooded female wouldn't have a reaction to the perfect man whispering in her ear about her deepest desires. Oh Lety, for all womanhood's sake, stop resisting Fernando!!!!!!!!!
After seeing Lety's dream I was trying to figure out whether I dream like that. I think I only see things as me rather than watching me in a movie. Watching something like Don Fern outside- don't think so. Someone could write a thesis on the dreams in LFMB.
And, I liked Lety's black blouse and pants outfit in the chase scene. Lola had a great looking suit on the other day as well. People wrote about blatant product placement but did they SELL any LFMB merchandise besides the CDs of the show? I can see Tomas and hair color, Fern and hair gel, wigs, Alicia push-up bras, mustache. depilatory, ties and all sorts of fun stuff. Think of the money they could raise by selling Fern and omar's ties to Caray Caray fans
Earlier in LFMB, Lety had a lot of knickknacks around her office with a Moty character mascot on them. Then Moty the dog was introduced a few months later. Moty was actually either Angelica Vale's or Angelica Maria's dog in real life, and Moty stuff was being sold all over the place in Mexico at that time.
I don't know if it was directly related to LFMB, though - it may have come first.
Most bizarrely, during the show's run, Juan Soler was preparing to endorse a line of feminine sanitary supplies. I kid you not. Here's a translation and there is additional, hearty heckling in this post to Caray. But I don't know how it all turned out.
BTW Paula. Title? No, I don't need no stinking title. All I need is your stunning effort to keep us all going for these 300 episodes. Thank you so much. e
I can't wait to see the finale but I'm sad to have it end.
Ewww on the feminine hygiene items for sale. Who thinks that was a good idea? What kind of commercial would Luigi and Conceptos make for that? :-)
LOVED the chase scene, especially the motorcycles. Jaime Camil and Juan Soler are very good riders. I don't think they were stunt doubles, were they? (Except for maybe riding into the chicken truck.)
Poor Tomy and Ali. I think Alicia has finally achieved her quest, to actually love someone who cannot give her material goods. What's Tomy's quest? I think it's that he needs to realize that love isn't something that can be put on a pedestal. To love someone is to accept the whole person including their weaknesses. Alicia has been like a goddess to him, not a real person.
Hee, I remember when Jual Soler was hawking feminine products. That's so wrong. Gah, must stop thinking about it now.
Tomas and Alicia were so sad, both really putting their hearts into those scenes. Loved to see Tomy stand up to Alicia.
La Paloma
Again I want to thank everyone for being so careful about spoilers. What was hardest for you te keep your mouth shut about? For me, it was probably when Fern found Lety's diary. And of course Doomsday. Oh! How could I forget? The day that shall live in infamy, the day Lety broke the engagement. I'm glad they put that on a Monday so everyone had happy thoughts for the weekend.
Sylvia, about the motos. Yes, Jaime and Juan both love to ride. As I'm sure you know, Jaime did the six week motos-across-Mexico show with Javier Poza, "Aventura Por Mexico." Also, I believe it was right after Fea that Jaime and a few buddies (including Omar Chapparo who was the Megatron host on Fea) rode motos across South Africa. He's been riding for a long time, virtually all his life. Check this link.
Sylvia, did you actually SEE Juan do the ads? I only heard about them.
I think they used a stunt double when the motos criss-crossed in front of the car. They cut away just before that, and if you look carefully, I think it's not Camil during the stunt. Of course, the flying motos must've been stuntmen too. But the horsing around was really them.
As for not slipping and spilling the beans I too had to muzzle myself about the diary and there is still one thing to be silent about although some people have come close to figuring it out. To me it is the spot where the writers made a very big mistake.
I also found it hard on analyzing the characters not to take into consideration things that changed them as the show went on. I had to remember to talk about them based only on what had been revealed at the time
So tomorrow I'm turning off the phone and watching as the show airs instead of the tapes at night. Considering some of the tedious filler I might regret it but might as well get in every last bit. Tomorrow's comments and our final posts should be very interesting.
I too found myself really feeling for Ali, the girl who got it but too late. I do wonder where she will go, since she really has no one.
Agreed that Octavio had a nerve testing Marcia especially since he stalked her. He might be good looking but he was no fern. LOL One thin, when Fern was playing big bro he made some comment about Aril that made Marcia laugh and I missed it. Amy body remember?
I too am planning on watching tomorrow live. Just to make it last as long as it can.
Going to be quite strange not to have Fern and Lety stories every weekday!
In order to not fly into withdrawals, I plan on starting on my 60 disc pack with Cap 1.
And this time, I will know when and what to FF! Jajajaja
See you all here mañana!
Todas, te quiero mucho!
When Lety's character development began to stall and people noticed, I had to sit on my hands to avoid saying "just wait - she gets a lot worse!"
There's a couple more things I have to keep under my hat until this afternoon. Actually maybe only one, depending on how something goes in the finale (I don't remember!).
I say it again, but Fern and Aldo (Jaime & Juan) have the best chemistry together and I really always enjoy it when they get silly together. In fact - someone was pointing out how Aldo's character never gets silly with Lety - I think he probably has the capacity to do it because you see it whenever he's with Fern. I think the problem with his character is that he's now a fish out of water...had he stayed in Acapulco he might have had a fighting DF no bueno.
I really love all of the insights you ladies bring. Thank you to Paula for working so hard to keep this board going. You have no idea how happy I was to find it a few months ago. I'll have to find a new telenovela to watch now - I've been watching "Niña de mi Corazon" for a while now but honestly it's not as good and I'm skeeved out by the age difference in the main character and her galans. I tried a little "Teresa" last night, but it's no LFMB. The fact LFMB fostered enough enthusiasm to bring a second round of recaps and comments is amazing. (Even with the lame plot extensions). Thanks again for everyone making my first telenovela such a great experience. :)
PS - love the screenshots - especially the additional flying motorcycles one! haha
Great flying motorcycle shot! Like Lety I was aghast that they went over the side and I thought "Is this how it ends?" Whew, luckily they were just bickering as always.
Diann, I'm glad to hear that when all this is over, you're going back to the beginning. Sometimes I wondered whether you regretted sticking with the show; now I have my answer.
With so many of you watching the finale live, I'll try to get the summary posted by noon, Eastern. At least the text part.
Can you think of anything else you'd like me to post, to fill in background/details, or to enhance the experience? Feel free to ask. I can always say no!!
I had some serious trouble keeping my trap shut at times, but fortunately I had a steam vent. Julie and I swapped e-mails with subjects like, "If they only knew..."
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