Friday, June 12, 2009

Las Tontas Thurs 6/11 - No toque mi toque!

After Candy asserts that she loathes Pat with all her soul Art reveals it was he who arranged to have Chava taken away from her; Patricio knew nothing about it. Art did it to win back the love of his son. Jerk. Grrrr! I love the way Pat raises his eyebrow to Candy like "toldja so beeatch".

Candy apologizes to Pat. She wants to denounce the judge but decides she doesn't want to see her son's grandpa in jail. Looks like Art is off the hook again although clearly he's persona non grata in Guadalajara.

Lalo and Horti help Santi pack up his office while Santi attempts to negotiate his new digs.

Santi takes Horti to the instituto and shoehorns her next to Lulu where they will share receptionist duties, he talks really fast and Horti steps on Lulu's toes. Lalo "casually" asks Lulu about Chayo. He steps on Lulu's toes too.

Meanwhile Chayo complains to Ceci about Lalo, that he's always hanging around all day long and now Horti's here to rub salt in the wound. Ceci tells Chayo to ignore Horti and Chayo tells Ceci she filed for divorce.

Candy is finally in a good mood and Chava asks she still mad at papa? No, she acted like a jerk but they made up and are happy. Just another 5 second miracle in Guadalajara.

The inhabitants of the big house sit down to eat. Santi blabs and Rocio keeps trying to ask him something. She asks about her little brother, when they find him will dad return to his office? Santi says "Al palo que a uno le de Dios ya no lo regresa", the stick that God gives you can't be returned, i.e. you can never go back. Yet he is optimistic.

Jaime tells Isa that Santi's problem is bigger than he thought and he feels impotent. "Again my love?" asks Isa. No, impotent because he can't help Santi economically. Isa says it's her son and her problem but Jaime is all "hoo hoo you married a millionaire and never worked a day in your life." Isa tells Jaime he is completely wrong and she'll prove it. He lays down a bet and she accepts.

Pat meets his pal Maxemiliano who is kind of miffed because Pat toted Patito along. Pato says better yet he brought two expert critics for the private kid's film. Chava and Beto are there too!

"Every boy has a hero..." The boys love the beginning of the animated film. Pato's got to dash but he leaves his two experts there to review and critique the film. How very odd, would this happen in real life?

Isa tells Don and Tina that she wants to help Santi by pulling her own weight. Lots of eye rolling by Don and Tina. Don asks Isa what is her specialty? She hems and haws...ah yes!! maybe not...oh perhaps!...not that either, oh darn she's good for nothing! Donato says "Si no sabes hacer una cosa por que no contrates a alguien que lo sepa hacer?" If you don't know how to do a thing hire someone to do it for you. Ummmm...not quite what Isa had in mind.

Jaime visits Sven and Ole to try to get a gig playing at a restaurant. S and O think it's a good idea, and hey what about this place? Meño strolls by and accuses them of too much chit chat (tertulias). Zamora acts like it's in the bag. The three amigos descend on Meño and talk him into letting Jaime play Chopin, whatever. Meño agrees, Jaime had better not bore the patrons or else. Jaime sees Isa arrive and quickly hides.

Pat and Candy (holding Patito) tell the dirty judge that Art told them everything. He (very confidently) warns them that even if they report him he will deny everything and sue them for defamation of character. He agrees to overturn Pato's claim to parental rights. What a guy.

Santi and Lalo converse in Santi's new office. Santi talks a mile a minute and as usual the closed captions can't keep up. Lalo tries to be a friend but he's preoccupied by his own problems.

Isa proposes to Meño that he hire her to renovate the menu. He acts insulted but she insists, give her an opportunity to design more sophisticated meals. "La Maison de Don Meñon" suggests Zamora. Guess what? He reluctantly agrees. Isa starts planning...Mexican cuisine but with a toque.

Candy calls Santi to tell him Arturo admitted his perfidy. Santiago is incensed, "first you protect the son and now..."

Beto and Chava give Pat a debriefing on the movie project. Candy arrives followed by some other guy who has them sign the papers giving Chava back to Candy. Candy gives Pato a huge hug and at that moment Santi arrives. Sinister music indicates Santi is not happy. Pato grins.

Isa sneaks into the big house kitchen with Donato, Tina and their secret gourmet ingredients but Jaime catches them. She smugly tells him she got a job. He brags he did too and he's making what she's making but more. She says Ha she's making what he's making but less...oops she means more, much more.

Candy ignores Santi's sour puss, hugs him and shares the good news. Santi can't wait to leave and gags when Candy almost hugs Pat goodbye. Then they leave without Chavo. Eh?

Lalo is aimelessly arranging the art in Santi's office when Barb arrives. Lalo remains distracted and he keeps looking for Chayo; he spies her warmly greeting Osvaldo. Barb drags him away in order to cool off.

Santi and Candy have a rather tame argument about her kissing Pato. She tries to leave and of course he runs after her. "Hey Morales!" They continue their tame and boring disagreement. She leaves, he runs after.

At the restaurant Jaime plays and Zam sings. Toño suggests the music is tasteful as long as Zam doesn't begin singing like an impetuous wolf. Meño's not convinced, he thinks the music is very slow.

Isa is in the restaurant kitchen wearing her toque. Don and Tina try to help Isa cook but frankly she doesn't know the difference between an ant and an elephant says Don. Lulu shows up and is not happy to see the invasion in her kitchen. Isa mollifies Lulu by begging her assistance.

Santi and Candy kiss and make up when he apologizes for being a macho man.

They go to a nice restaurant for dinner and make sweet talk and kissy face. He promises not to be jealous and she promises not to give him reason to be.

Barb counsels Lalo and ends up unpacking his boxes while he lounges on the couch and plots to win back Chava.

Meanwhile Osvaldo is at Chava's door trying to get invited in. She doesn't look happy when he suggests she needs to get used to her new life as a single. She gazes dolefully at her sterile and empty apartment.

Jaime and Zam have jazzed things up with bongo drums. Meño is thrilled to have hired someone with such talent. After their set Meño congratulates Don Jaime. No, not on the music but on the magnificent success of his wife's menu enhancements! No comment on the music and point to Isa.

Santi finally gets Candy to bed and she falls asleep. He tries to wake her but a snore is her reply. Chiste! Just kidding. Next scene is sunrise. Did they?..

Over in man land Pato irons and accidentally burns Chava's only shirt, then he tries to teach the boys how to feed Patito.

Paulina goes to Santi's office and a hunky contractor tells her Santi moved up to the Instituto .

Lulu paints a line down the middle of the desk to mark her territory from Hortensia's. Paulina walks in just as Horti gossips that Candy is putting the horns on Santiago with Patricio. Pau makes her "oh goody goody" face.

Santiago is giving Paulina what for, he wants her to stop being a barrier between him and Candy, stop making things hard, etc. Oops, it's not the real Pau but a frowny face on Santi's punching bag. "I thank you. You helped me resolve many problems. But we’re finished. I’m in love with Candy, I have nothing with you. You helped me in your time, get rid of stress I had in certain areas. I’m happy now. I’ll donate you to a gym."Paulina bursts in to tell him she heard Candy is seeing both Pat and Santiago at the same time! Yawn...dude, consider the source.

The boys play futbol in their room. Pat stops them,! He chases them outside and gives them 5 minutes. He agrees to play with them and promptly hurls himself into the shrubbery. What a climax.

This ending was kind of stupid, but to be fair I missed it and had to fill in from youtube. Did I get it right? Not only do we have last-minute houseguests for a long weekend (that is already busy) but my honey bit a bee while he was cycling, got a swollen tongue, and I had to pick him up from the emergency room tonight, which leads me to the dicho du jour:

Las desgracias nunca vienen solas = misfortune never comes alone, i.e. when it rains it pours.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Las Tontas Wed 6-10 - Green eyed monster and green eggs and ham at Pato's

Sorry, I was at work tonight until almost midnight so I watched super quick and gave you a run down. Not sure if I'll have time to post pics, but I'll try. There were some cute ones for sure. Anyway, hope this is enough for you to keep up. I'm sad this is ending, but I'm just so slammed.

So Issy tells Pau of Santi's mounting deficit.

Santi qvetches to Lalo about Candi...Lalo thinks women are lost causes.

Pato comes upon Candi bathing the baby with the boys and thinking that this should have been his family.

Charly and Lu talk about his wounds, and that some just don't heal.

A real estate agent and gringo come to look at Santi's office...he touches everything and Santi freaks because he's obsessive compulsive.

Pau calls the bank to find out about Santi's accounts. She learns he has nothing.

Abue chats with Llu about the reality that hurts. Charly still loves her and he's great and she's in conflict with her own feelings.

Charly shows up to the restaurant, everyone worries over him.

Arturo shows up and demands to speak to Greg, Meno calls him el Tunco Maclovia.

Chava calls Candi at home and wants her to come back. He thinks he's sick. She says she'll come back and leaves a note for everyone. Candi leaves a message with Isabel re same.

Turns out Santi is at Patos and the kids are playing. Pato chides him about "checking up" on his novia.

Arturo tells Greg he needs comfort because he can't make up with his son. She demands he tell her what he did.

Santi decides Roci wants to stay overnight with them and gives him all the instructions on her meds.

The kids are hungry and want hot cakes and they force him to cook for them. Pato wants Pizza or sandwiches. What I don't get is that he has this huge house with big money yet no domestic help. No way...

Arturo and Greg keep chatting. He digs about Candi a little. Greg assures him she'll get her son back, despite Art assuring judges never change their opinions.

Social services pays a visit to Pat to make sure Chava is there and fine.

Santi chats with Lu issy interrupts but he doesn't want the message now. Lu can't stand up to Fede and Santi says he doesn't like Fede.

Candy gives Chava medicine Pat comes in and offers her Ali's room, but she wants to stay with the boys.

Lu leaves, Santi tries Candi. Pau comes in to talk to Santi. Candi calls Santi.

Pau says she's worried about the future of her daughter and worries about the money he spends and thinks he'll never find his son.

All the boys go to school. Santi meets up with them and Chava says they are almost a family because his mom stayed over. Uh oh.

Santi goes off on jealous rant.

Lu blasts Fede for his behavior and his drinking.

Back at this institute Candi and Santi continue fighting. She finally calls him jealous, he denies it, but yes he is. He calls her sister Candida that she is responsible for all the orphans of Guad.

Pato chats about the movie with his buddy. He begs him not to bring the baby to the next meeting.

Candi and Barb have another session about the Santi incident. Lulu eavesdrops.

Real estate agent shows up again. She tells him the office is sold, but not for the price he wanted.

Meno and Chayo dance and Lulu interrupts that Candi and Santi need their help to reconcile. Meno gets an idea.

Santi and Lalo muse the selling of the office and wonder how they are going to work. Santi thinks they can volunteer in hospitals and eventually they will get work.

The girls including Meno pray to the Virgin Zapopan. Candi and Santi listen in as they invoke the saints. Santi apologizes. He agrees he's been a tonto, but wants Pato locked in his room when she is there. He asks her for a space to give his consultations. She says he can have the bodega for free. He is happy to be near to her. They kiss a bunch.

Art shows up to see Gogo. She says she's prohibited from talking to her boyfriend. He came to tell her he knows how to fix the Candi and Pato issue, he can't tell what, but requires her to keep on caring for him no matter what.

Candi shows Santi his little space. He makes fun but is grateful. When it comes to Horty sharing reception, Santi says no way she'll kill Lulu, Candi thinks Horty is great and will love being with them. He's not sure which Horty she speaks of.

Candi shows up at Pato's with the kids. He wants to talk but she doesn't want to listen. Just then Art comes in and spills the beans, it was all his doing, Pato knew nothing. Impactado look from Candi.


Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Tontas Tuesday June 9, 09 Could Things Get Any Worse? They Can And They Will...It's Ultimos Días!

Oh boy, there are so many anvils falling, pie carts arriving, storm clouds brewing, ill winds blowing and s**t hitting the fan..... I hardly know where to start. Let's just trudge through from the beginning.

Patricio arrives late to the meeting of potential film investors ( who are already looking cranky and impatient) with baby in tow, à la Mr. Mom. All goes well for about a nanosecond, and then the baby starts to wail, darned near drowning out Patricio's frantic presentation.

We're biologically programmed to be VERY DISTURBED by a baby's cry so that we'll desperately try all kinds of things (eventually the right one) to meet the little Majesty's needs. However, the programming isn't working for the investors. They're impactados but not in a good way. And no one tries to help.

Patricio finally hands Patito off to a horrified macho type near him, sticks a baby bottle in his hand and tells him to feed the little mite. Meeting the needs of hungry children is important, he adds. As well as making this wonderful film he has in mind with a superhero and also a villain (Nemesis). It's a great project, you won't regret investing in it, Patricio adds hopefully. The potential investors look less than convinced. But at least the baby has stopped crying.

And of course, a baby segué...Santiago is on the phone with that sketchy Ambrosini who's asking for additional money and sounding more like a con artist every minute. Santiago's money is tied up in investments (even if he wanted to throw good money after bad...and that's what this looks like) so he needs sell property or whatever to finance the deal. Ambrosini keeps insisting he needs the money now. Very suspicious.

Alright then...on to our AIDS theme. Charlie's about to give his presentation (which Candy, in her current stress situation has forgotten). He wonders if she's going to wish him luck. She replies that when work is done with "amor y fuerzo" (love and strength) no luck is needed. Big smiles all 'round. Lucia arrives and she and Charlie agree that they won't fight every time they meet and Charlie promises not to let Fede push his buttons. That promise is about to be put to a very big test.

Next is what the French call "un dialogue de sourds" (literally a dialogue of the deaf...but refers to two people talking and neither one actually listening to the other) Lalo's lamenting his marital situation and Santiago's trying to figure out how he's going to pay for more detecting. They're both talking but not hearing each other. Sound familiar? The upshot though is Santiago is considering selling part of the clinic.

Back at the office, Candy is phoning the Institute's lawyer, this time for herself....she wants help getting back custody of Chava. Out in the main room, Charlie's video presentation is going well. A couple of young men are "sharing their hope and experience" and stressing that if you value yourself, you'll take care of yourself. Prevent AIDS by using condoms, or live with AIDS by taking medication, living a healthy lifestyle, and going after your goals. You can LIVE with AIDS, but it's better to live without use those condoms! is the ultimate message. And people with AIDS have a right to health care and respect from others....also part of the message.

Now back to our Mr. Mom. The deflated organizer is telling Patricio he must have "nervios de acero" (nerves of steel) but clearly the message did not go over with the cranky audience. Patricio is undeterred. Who needs these hypocrites?...I'm looking for people who really like kids to invest in this project. Gotta say, our boy is pretty unflappable.

Charlie's presentation went over much better than Patricio's but then our snake-in-the-grass Fede jumps to his feet shouting "It's all lies. He found people in the street and paid them to make those videos!" At this pseudo dramatic moment, we break for an ad and those annoying bee-beeps signalling "ultimos capitulos" starts blasting. Ugh. Getting on my last nerve.

When we come back Lucia is reaming out Fede. (at last!) Telling him "no es manera" (that's no way to act) but the little vermin nevertheless persuades her to come out to eat with him and gives Charlie a snotty victory sign to indicate he's winning the skirt war. Ugh and double ugh.

Santiago has popped down from his clinic to talk with Candy about his financial dilemma. As usual, she doesn't really listen to him but wants to talk about HER problem...getting Chava back. She's leading up to giving him the news that she's decided to help Patricio out by going to the house and taking care of Patito, Chava and Beto. She actually brings up the idea of a nanny and dismisses it, saying no nanny can match the care of a mother. (Just an aside, one of my daughter's acquaintances in Charlotte, a stay-at-home mom has THREE nannies, one for each of her children. Good God!) Anyway, Miss Candy wants none of that. She tells Santiago her plan and then makes a big" whoops-I Love Lucy" face. (Have you noticed she does have a wide mouth like Lucille Ball? Just sayin')

Santiago is horrified by the idea. Naturally. She ripostes by saying, We're only been engaged a short time and you're already telling me what I can and cannot do!? Uh no...uh yes! he stammers. Poor guy. Wish he'd just ditch her and find someone else. But their discussion continues. He's worried, yes, he admits to being a little macho and possessive. Sure. Plus "donde hubo fuego cenizas quedan" and he's worried she'll get involved again. No way! "No lo quiero ver ni en pintura" (I can't stand him!) but I do want to be there for Chava and yada yada yada. He proposes a little Red Riding Hood visit with baskets of food and then vamoose but of course our sweet Candy has something more sustained in mind.

More annoying beeping and flashing lights for ultimos días.

Time for a little Lalo-Chayo action. He comes looking for her at the Institute and Lulu brushes him off. So he nuzzles her ear and whispers his request and bingo, she tells him where Chayo is. But to no avail. Chayo wants a divorce "y punto". He won't give her one "y punto". And that's it for our lovebirds.

Icky stuff going on meanwhile at the restaurant. Fede and his degenerate groups of friends are slugging down tequilas and he literally pours one down Lucia's throat. Scary music throbs in the background and all I could think of was date-rape drugs. Although tequila on an empty stomach is probably the equivalent. Let's just compress these scenes...Lucia keeps trying to phone home but Fede keeps the phone away from her. Granny and Santiago are fretting because she hasn't shown up for dinner and hasn't phoned. Santiago finally phones Charlie and asks him to go look for Lucia and tell her to come home. . Charlie does. Fede punches him out. Blood is shed. Fede's friends are worried he's contracted AIDS by getting Charlie's blood on him. The punks continue to insult Charlie in the bathroom, where they're all trying to clean up, calling him a "mariquita" ( in "gay") Lucia tries to help him but he doesn't want her to touch his blood. Finally they get home, Granny and Lucia both put latex gloves on and tenderly clean him up, while castigating Fede as a "salvaje" (savage). Indeed. Okay, thank God that's over.

Back to our other simmering dramas. Gogo is asking Candy why she's going over to help Patricio.... Is she still hesitating between her two suitors? No way, Candy replies. She's definitely in love with Santiago and feels nothing for Patricio...but she MUST be with her son.

Meanwhile, a smirking Arturo (Think he might be related to Fede? They're both repulsive.) is greeting Beto and Chava and asking for a hug. Demanding a hug rather... that's more his style. When he crows over the custody decision, the dime drops for Patricio and he realizes his dad was behind the fateful court decision. Dad thinks it's great and it will bring Candy back. Patricio thinks it stinks and now Candy hates him big-time. They start to get into a battle royale but first Pato sends the boys off to change out of their school uniforms.

Father and son are still disputing whether having custody of Chava will bring Candy back when....voilà, our heroine appears. She looks at them both like they're roadkill and flounces off to be with the children.

Chava and Beto are in their bedrooms having a mini heart-to-heart. Chava misses his mom because she makes yummy breakfasts and sings him little songs to go to sleep. Beto decides he misses his mom too....even though life with Patricio is super-fun.

Candy is still acting like the Snow Queen. Refusing to sit down with Patricio and the boys for lunch, claiming she's already eaten. (Which we KNOW isn't true. Not with that figure). And then more flouncing as she leaves the room with Patito. (Man, I'd put in a call to a nanny agency right then and there!)

Now our favorite father figure, Arturo, has brought his charm to the restaurant, looking for Gregoria. Meño's not having any. Gregoria's working. No one to take over for her. She'll get off when she's finished. Not saying when that is. And who is Arturo to order him around!? This is HIS restaurant. We don't like dictators in Mexico. Goodbye! Arturo backs down a little (not much) and asks him to tell Gogo he'd like to see her.)

Back to the boys. They're slurping down ice cream parfaits. (Did they have an actual lunch or is this it?) Anyway, Candy flounces IN this time, tells them to park the parfaits in the fridge 'cause it's time to study for their geography test. They can eat the ice cream later. (Wow. It's great to have mom here.)

The study session is rather cute. The baby looks fascinated. The boys less so, but they more or less answer all the questions. (We have a twin scene with Rocio going over her geography with Paulina and our little senorita knows ALL the answers without any prodding. Definitely a better student than our little rascals.) But Chava has a question for his mom. Is she going to keep on treating Dad so badly? Candy hems and haws and says she's angry but.....Anyway, the fellas persuade her to stay and tell them bedtime stories. And HERE COMES THE ANVIL. Get ready folks.

Santiago, having completed his afternoon surgery, calls to invite Candy to dinner. Can't go. Has to wait for Patricio to get home. He's at work. Santiago goes into a little riff about how they're like husband and wife and just what is going on.....Excuse me? asks Candy. Er, no, the lines just got crossed, Santiago stammers. But you see where this is going don't you? His fiancée is too busy bailing our her former husband to have dinner with her current novio. Not good. Not good at all. Ill winds blowing for sure.

Meanwhile, Patricio is at the office wheeling and dealing and taking a break to glance at Candy's picture and sigh that "even angry, she looks beautiful". Meddling Arturo arrives at this moment (What a shame he's retired. Now he's free to be a full-time "metiche".) Patricio keeps trying to explain that Candy won't believe he didn't betray her and ask for custody. Arturo wants to tell her himself but Patricio tells him to stay out of it. We'll work it out, he adds. (Now that's Patricio to a "t". He really is quite an optimist and incredibly persistent. These can be good qualities or crazy-making ones. Just depends.)

Our final scene was downright delicious. I love it when Isabella confronts Paulina and this scene definitely seemed to go Chabelli's way. You'll soon be able to stop pretending to be a "good mother" she sneers, after Paulina's little geography study session with Rocio. And why? Because Santiago is going to have to sell this house and all his properties in order to finance the search for his baby son. He'll no doubt be left without a penny. Still interested in getting him back?

Impactado look from Paulina. And that's it for tonight folks. The one thing I like about ultimos capitulos is that there are no previews. You get what you get. No teasers. But look what we got! yucky scene after another. And more to come, no doubt. Still the end is in sight. Hang on for those few minutes of happy ending we all are awaiting.


y punto = and that's it
cruzar palabras = (lit. to cross words. but meaning to talk, to chat...what Lalo wanted to do with Chayo...but it degenerated into a slanging match)
no es manera = that's no way to go about it
donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan = where there was fire (passion) ashes remain. "where there's smoke, there's fire" is a similar, though not exactly equivalent saying in English.
no lo quiero ver ni en pintura = I want nothing to do with him, I can't stand him
nervios de acero = nerves of steel
estan bien atendidas? Is everything alright? Are you being well taken care of? Meño asking some of his diners at a table
tocar una regañiza a alguien = ream somebody out, give somebody a good scolding. (What Rocio was afraid Lucia would get from Santiago)
se va a armar = there's going to be a fight (what Isabella predicted would happen if Santiago sent Charlie to check on Lucia and Fede)
la jalas de los pelos = drag her out by her hair (what Santiago wanted Charlie to do if necessary)
mariquita = derogatory word for a gay man

Dicho of the Day

Con dinero baila el perro. (lit. with money you can even make a dog dance) Money makes the world go round.

Well, it worked for Arturo. He bribed the judge. And it was motivating Paulina to try and get Santiago back. We shall see.


Las tontas no van #128, Mon 6/8, A Raft of Goodbyes on a River of Tears

Where do we stand? The wedding is postponed and everything has been thrown into chaos because the bribed judge is forcing Pat to take custody. As Hombre de Misterio observed Friday, the premise is ludicrous. “A hearing the same day? Ignoring the wishes of both parents? Threatening to put the father in jail and the kid in an institution? Give me a break!”

Well, my mama always taught me, “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.” So here is my recap.
Alicia leaves with Mario.
Chayo leaves Ed.
Chava leaves to move in with Pat. Candy cries a lot. No one believes Pat when he says he dropped the case.
Margarita leaves.
Pat is left alone caring for his three sons.
Santiago imagines how he should be spending his wedding night.
Roll credits.

What? You want more detail than that? Okay, you twisted my arm.

Pat shows Ali’s note to Margarita. Marg can’t believe Ali would just leave like that and abandon her baby. Pat is fed up with the way she did it, but he’s glad she’s gone and that she left Patito with him. He says, “I’d die if I didn’t have Patito.” Dangerous words in a telenovela.

Meanwhile at the airport, Ali tells Mario that Pat is probably glad that she’s gone. Mario says that if Pat never loved her, it’s good that she left him. Ali says she can’t stand babies, and that’s just fine with Mario because he doesn’t want to share her attention. They agree they are tal para cual - made for each other, or two of a kind.

Pau arrives home and is delighted that Mario left. She reads his note. “I’m going back to New York but not alone. I’m taking a delightful woman who is much more attractive, intelligent, and sensual than you. I wish you luck with Chanti but I don’t think you’ll have any luck there. With the small love I have left for you, Mario.”

At their apartment, Chayo is dividing their belongings into His and Hers while Ed tries to convince her that they are a pair and belong together. He asks, “Don’t you feel bad at all, just leaving me like this?” She answers, “Well, didn’t you feel bad at all, cheating on me with every woman who crossed your path for years and years?”

Meño and Gregoria say tearful goodbyes to Chava. Candy tells Chava how much she will miss him. More tears. The doorbell rings. Santiago tells her that Pat has arrived with the court official. She begs Santi to do something. He tells her it’s the law, but he will work to get Chava back. I have to wonder how Candy got that turtleneck over that hairstyle. Maybe she had a beanie to protect it. They go downstairs. More tears. The official warns, if Chava doesn’t go to live with Pat, she is instructed to take him to an orphanage. Would you permit me one little rant? They pour on the tears so we’ll feel the pain of the situation. All I feel is that the whole contrived situation is preposterous. Done! I rant quickly.

Ed and Chayo fight over the fry pan. Did you see that, Emilia? I’m sure you could give her some suggestions.
Chayo: You don’t need this. You can’t boil water.
Ed: No, but I can learn. I can find recipes on the internet.
Chayo: You don’t know how to use the internet either.
Chayo watches the last chair go onto the moving truck. Ed secretly watches too, and he follows as they drive away.

Paulina shows up at the big house. Vultures don’t wait long, do they? Roc tells her she’s sad because Pat took Chava. She wants Chava to live with them.

Santi implores Pat, “Don’t do this. Don’t you see the harm you’re causing?” Pat says he didn’t do it. He halted the custody action. No one believes him, and Santi is disgusted that he doesn’t even have the calzones to own up to what he did. Pat promises he will fight this. Candy says, “I don’t believe you. I can’t trust you.” More goodbyes, more tears. In her room, Meño consoles Candy. More tears. Candy takes a call from Alicia. She has moved to New York with her new boyfriend.

At Pat’s house, Beto tries to cheer up Chava. Didn’t he want to live with his dad? No, not when he saw his mom crying. Pat spills his frustration to Margarita. He doesn’t want to do this to Candy. But if he doesn’t take Chava, the court will take him. He’s sure someone else interfered, but who? Margarita gets a call, her sister is dying. More tears. She needs to go be with her. It strikes Pat that he’ll be left alone with his three sons. Gee, too bad that in a place like Mexico, a man with a Ferrari can’t afford to hire a cook, housekeeper, nanny, etc. In fact Marg suggests that but Pat refuses. Do we see a contrived situation on the horizon?

Art the weasel is having dinner with Gregoria. He minimizes Candy’s problem. He’s sure Pat will do something to make Candy happy.

Paulina the weasel is at Santi’s house when he gets home. She tries to sound compassionate. Roc is worried for Chava, and Pau says that of course children are only happy when their parents are together. Santi politely boots her sorry butt out of the house.

Candy is amazed that Ali could just leave like that with someone she just met. Meño’s dicho: Genio y figura hasta la sepultura (a strong personality until the grave, or a leopard never changes his spots). He says she’s always been frivolous and casco ligero (flighty or fickle, literally thin of hull or helmet). He says people don’t change their nature. She wonders how she’ll survive without Chava. More tears. All I can think is, at a time like this, shouldn’t she be leaning on her near-husband? He tried to stick around to support her and she said she wanted to be alone. Now she’s “alone” crying on Meño’s shoulder. Women, if you had a life crisis days before your wedding, who would you talk to?

Pat says goodbye to his mother. He turns around, tells the boys it’s pizza for supper, they yell their approval, and the baby wakes up crying. Pat struggles to get him back to sleep.

Ed spies while Chayo moves in to her new apartment, and he sees Osvaldo making some moves too. Osvaldo helps her unpack, and sitting beside her, he asks what her plans are. Just then Ed shows up at the door. She slams it in his face.

Santi lies in bed, unable to sleep, thinking of how he should be spending the night making love to his bride.

Candy calls Pat to say goodnight to Chava, but he’s already asleep. More tears. Max calls Pat to remind him about the important meeting tomorrow morning. They need to present the movie project to the investors, and this meeting is critical to the success of the project.

Candy meets Pat when he drops the boys at school, and she discovers that he is caring for the three boys alone. Ever helpful, she says she’ll take Chava and then he’ll only have Patito and Beto. (Wouldn’t it be more “helpful” to take Beto and the baby, instead of the only one who is court-ordered to stay with Pat? Or maybe to stop being such an amargada with him?)

This little scene was fun, and we could all use a fun scene in this cap, no? Hortensia tells Santi that she filled his schedule today so he wouldn’t have time to be sad. He thanks her, “You’re the only woman who understands me.” She says he has consultations all morning. Then he takes her out for lunch. Two surgeries. He takes her out for a stroll in the park. Two more surgeries. He takes her out for ice cream or coffee. He breaks in with an ad lib – gaznate (a filled pastry)! Horti doesn’t miss a beat, but Camil falls into his own trap and has trouble stifling his giggles.

First he wants to call Detective Ambrosini, but before he can find the number in his agenda, Horti has already dialed it from memory. Santi warns her that she has the attitude of a serial killer. Hortensia tells him he’d better be careful then, and she makes Norman Bates style mechanical hacking/slashing gestures.

Ambro says it’s not easy to find someone who has fled the country. Santi understands, but considering how much money he’s paid, he should be seeing some results. Ambro has some bad news. Santi needs to make another payment of the same amount into the account. Santi says, “Wait a minute!” He has already paid a huge sum, and nobody has accomplished anything. Ambro says there are a lot of expenses. Can Santi make the payment or not? (Does anyone else smell a rat?) Santi says he doesn’t have that much in liquid assets, so he’ll have to figure something out.

At the office, Candy discovers that today is Charly’s AIDS presentation, and the front room is filled with teenagers.

At the investors’ meeting, Max is apologizing for Pat who hasn’t shown up yet. The investors are all looking impatient and frustrated. Just then Pat enters, briefcase and diaper bag on one arm, and baby carrier and toys in the other. Everyone turns and stares at him.

tal para cual - made for each other, or two of a kind
Genio y figura hasta la sepultura - a strong personality until the grave, or a leopard never changes his spots.
casco ligero - flighty or fickle, literally thin of hull or helmet.


Saturday, June 06, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 6/5 And off the Cliff We Go! Or, never say para siempre with Two Weeks Left

When there are two weeks left in a novela, but everything seems to be resolved, it’s time to go crazy! In this episode we have the highest highs, and the lowest lows. We also have a complete disregard for anything approaching justice. It’s beanie time! Let’s get this party started.

We begin with a recap of last night’s classic novela coincidence, in which Santi (with Rocío) has stopped by Paulina’s house (she said she didn’t feel well). Of course, Candy’s right behind in a taxi. Of course, Pau needs “comfort” from Santi, and Candy thinks it’s a hug. And what’s more, two seconds later, Candy sees two shadows upstairs kissing. It’s Santi and Paulina. Santi’s a traitor!

Turns out, it was Mario and Paulina, as many of us guessed. After a few more kisses, Pau hears the taxi leave, and abruptly pulls away from Mario. Downstairs, Santi and Rocío are playing a clapping game. Pau leaves a frustrated Mario, and comes downstairs to Santi’s question of what’s going on. She says she was dizzy, maybe had tachycardia. Santi isn’t buying this, and sends Roc into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He tells Pau to quit with the pretexts, and she doesn’t push it (because she’s already accomplished her goal). Santi and Roc leave, and Paulina congratulates herself on her little plan.

Candy, however, is distraught, and has come to Santi’s house to confront him. She tells Donato she’ll wait in the study.

Cut to Eduardo, who after being unable to shake his jealous suspicions about Chayo, has stupidly gone to a bar, and stupidly gone to (I think a hotel room) with a hottie in a sparkly purple tube top and pink silk hotpants. She basically attacks him, throwing him onto the bed. Ed is surprised that he’s not turned on.

Mario tells Paulina he doesn’t like being used. He’s found someone who’s way sexier than she is. She tells him to go for it. As he leaves she tells herself, OF COURSE I’m using you.

Santi arrives at Candy’s house, but she’s not there, so he calls her cell. Meño and Gregoria observe with baited breath, but there’s no answer. Meño half jokingly remarks that Candy could have been kidnapped, but it IS strange that she didn’t answer, so HE calls, and Candy answers. No, she doesn’t want to talk to Santi, he’s to come meet her at his house immediately.

In the bed of sin, Ed had “performance problems”, and wants another chance, but the hottie’s had it, and leaves to find someone else to ring her bell. Ed has an epiphany – he must love Chayo so much that he doesn’t even desire an amante. Hooray!

Pat and Beto have just finished watching an action movie in the theater, and Pat’s giving Beto a piggyback ride. Beto notices that Pat still has popcorn in his hair. Beto thinks Pat should make a movie. Pat says it’s really hard to make movies, when (what a coincidence) who should run into them but Pat’s old friend Maximiliano, who’s a FILMMAKER. Hmmmm. Pat introduces Beto as his guarura (bodyguard – I finally have my captions back, people!), and jokes that he has 3 guaruras now. Beto’s excited that now they can make a movie. They go to the coffee shop to talk about it.

Santi arrives home, sends his cute little lemon Rocío upstairs (she’s wearing a yellow coat), and enters the study to find out what Candy wanted. She gives him a chilly look.

In the coffee shop, Pat explains that he likes his artisan import business, but he’s looking for a more creative outlet. Well, what is he interested in? He likes kids (Beto adds that Pat IS a kid!). Maximiliano is working on a movie, and needs financing. Beto wants it to be a children’s movie. Max isn’t so sure, but Pat and Beto are persistent, and Max finally agrees (he says me rindo, or I give up). It can be a kids’ movie. Pat and Beto tell him about Beto’s idea of a superhero, who can fly, who has big wings like an angel, and you can’t lie to him, or his eyes light up. He has a blue suit, and silver armor, and what’s his weapon? A sword! shout Max and Beto in unison.

It’s time for Candy and Santi to clear the air. Candy relates how she took a taxi to Santi’s house to tell him the kids accepted the marriage, but when he left in his car, she followed him. Santi sees where this is going. He went to Paulina’s house, so Candy must be jealous again. But why? He was only there a few minutes. Yes, but long enough to kiss Paulina. I saw you!

Ed arrives home, and Chayo is sitting on her bed doing her psych homework. She’s upset that he’s late, and that he was spying on her earlier in the day, but he continues with his blind jealousy, accusing her again of two-timing him with Osvaldo. Unfortunately for him, Chayo sees red (lipstick on his collar, that is). She’s mad as hell, not gonna take it anymore, and tells him the marriage is OVER.

Candy’s on her way out, but Santi isn’t giving up. He relates how Pau made up the tachycardia stuff, and tricked him into going to her house. So what, says Candy, you were in her house, and she was kissing someone. Santi says he was in the living room with his daughter the whole time, the only explanation could be that Paulina was kissing some other man in her bedroom. Candy doesn’t bite. Another man? Sure, right. Santi the wise reminds her that Pau has an ex-novio named Mario, who’s his same height, hello! Candy sees he may be right, nervously bites her nails, turns away from him, taps her feet, starts thinking. Santi asks why is she tapping her feet (zapateando)? This isn’t flamenco. Candy mulls it over, and agrees to believe him. They kiss, and as we go to commercial, “últimos días” (final days) flashes on the screen.

After the commercial, it’s time for some total joy. Sin límites! To the tune of the theme song, we have a super montage. First, the kids have to study for exams. Rocío gets an A, and a hug from Santi, Chava and Candy get all the answers, and Pat helps Beto do his test on a table painted like a soccer ball. Then, in the judge’s office, the divorce papers are signed. Back at Santi’s, Candy shows off the invitations to the boda, to everyone’s delight. Next, Candy, Gregoria and Meño pick out the wedding dress, followed by Candy, Santi and the 3 kids picking out the wedding cake. No words are needed to show how everyone feels.

In the restaurant, Zamora and Toño are delivering flowered centerpieces bigger than they are. Toño’s crying, though. Zamora thinks he’s crying because now that Candy’s getting married, Toño has lost his chance for her. But he counsels Toño that in pining for Candy, maybe he’s shooting too high. Not so much, counters, Toño, she’s only about 40 centimeters taller than I. Our two clowns continue to set up the decorations.

At Candy’s, Chayo is putting the finishing touches on Candy’s makeup. It’s the day of the wedding! Lucía is wearing a white strapless dress with a pink sash and colorful stars, Gregoria looks very fine in a red satin jacket over a pink blouse, a three strand pearl necklace, and her hair up. The girls debate the makeup, some saying Candy needs chapas, which means red cheeks.

Over at Santi’s the guys are getting ready, too. Santi is wearing his typical white shirt with cufflinks and a blue tie to go with his light tan suit. Ed starts raining on Santi’s parade, warning of the perils of marriage, but Santi reminds him it’s the happiest day of his life, and they hug.

A beautiful jeweled pin has been fastened to Candy’s hair, pulled back in a simple but elegant bun, and Meño is overcome with emotion. He tells her how stunning she looks. And he’s right, she looks absolutely regal in her own strapless gown, which shows off her amazingly slim waist. She flashes a radiant smile. Meño comes downstairs to tell the girls Candy is ready, and they rush upstairs to gush over her. Everything is perfecto, right?

Wrong. The doorbell rings, Meño answers, and it’s a court officer! He gives Meño a summons for Candy. Apparently our judge was, in fact, paid off. (I think JeffMN called it correctly). Although they got divorced, it seems the custody thing was never completely terminated, and the officer says the judge has ruled in favor of Patricio! Also, Candy must appear IN TWO HOURS for the judge to deliver his “sentence”! Meño pleads, can't they wait, she is going to get married in two hours. Sorry, says the officer, if Candy doesn’t appear, there will be strong sanctions. Meño takes the summons and walks slowly back into the living room, completely deflated.

Upstairs, the ladies (and the two kids, Chava and Rocío, also looking cute in their dress-up clothes) are admiring Candy, unaware of the gathering storm. Chayo thinks Santi will faint when he sees her. Candy tells them to stop complimenting her (chulear) so much, but when Chava says she’s the prettiest bride in the world, she bends down, almost crying with joy, to give him a kiss (Chayo stops her – the makeup!). Also, don’t cry. She says after today, she’ll never cry again, and they’ll be happy para siempre (where have I heard that before?). The whole crowd bustles downstairs. But why is Meño so glum? He gives Candy the envelope. It’s a summons (citatorio) from the family law judge.

Over at Santiago’s, we have another group of well-dressed wedding guests. I’m especially impressed with Tina’s green and white dress and chic hairstyle, and with Isabel’s black dress with long white sleeves, a white choker with a single black opal and matching earrings. Wow! They, Jaime, Donato and Zamora await at the bottom of the grand staircase for Santi’s triumphant entrance. However, he saunters in BEHIND them, wondering what they’re all looking at. They’re startled, and he laughingly tells them the last time someone came down the staircase, it was Marissa, and that was a disaster, so they’ve changed strategy. Santi finally calls Jaime “Dad” and he calls Zamora “brother”, to the delight of all.

Candy doesn’t understand why there’s a summons. Meño gives her the sad news, that the judge gave custody to Pat. She can’t believe it, Pat dropped his demand, so there must be a mistake. Meño gives her the envelope, and there’s no mistake. What’s more, she has to appear at noon at the judge’s office. As she starts crying (and saying no puede ser), Chava hugs her, not understanding what’s wrong with his Mommy.

After the commercial, we’re back at Paulina’s house (pretty nice house, I might add – sure is convenient to be that rich), Mario doesn’t understand why Pau looks depressed, until he realizes she’s lost her battle for Santi, he’s really getting married, and there’s nothing she can do to stop it. Pau tells him she has accepted it, and let's go back to New York! Mario leans in for the kiss, but Pau says she just meant they’d travel together, she’d sooner die than reconcile with him. He doesn’t care, he’s got big plans (with Alicia).

Candy has gone upstairs to cry, and the little ones ask Lucía what’s going on. She just tells them everything will be okay. Meño asks her to call Santiago.

We then switch to two happy villains, Arturo and the judge, slapping each other on the back. Art’s only regret is ruining Santi’s wedding, since Santi was very helpful to him, but family comes first, and now Pat will have a chance to get Candy back (as if!) The judge adds that they had to stop the wedding, because if Candy were married, his custody order wouldn’t have worked. He tells Art that Candy will have to turn over Chava to Pat today.

Speaking of Pat, he’s playing video games with Beto, and the two boys are in boy heaven, as Beto wins again (it’s a racing car game). Beto wonders why they’re not at the wedding, though. Pat can’t really answer, says it’s not sexy for the ex-husband to go, but Beto doesn’t understand. The doorbell rings, and of course the court officer is delivering Pat’s matching summons. The man tells Pat the judge has awarded custody of Chava to Pat, and he, too, says there has to be some mistake. The officer says to tell it to the judge, and Pat signs for the paper, Margarita right behind him with a concerned look. Pat reads the summons, and realizes this ruins Candy’s wedding. He’s not happy at all.

Gregoria and Chayo are trying to cheer up Candy, who has changed out of her dress, telling her everything will be cleared up at the judge’s office. Candy’s not so sure, Pat has betrayed her before, he could do it again. Meño tells her Santi is here. Downstairs, Santi asks Lucía, Chava and Rocío what’s going on. The little ones tell him that Candy is crying but they don’t know why. Lucía says she knows, but he should go upstairs and Candy will tell him. Meño, Greg and Chayo come down, and Santi goes up to see what’s wrong. In her room, Candy is crying, her finger lightly tracing Chava’s photo. Santi enters, Candy tells him it’s Patricio, he’s taken Chava, and they have to cancel the wedding. Santi hugs her in support.

Back at Santi’s, Isabel hangs up after receiving the news from Santi, and sadly tells the others that there isn’t going to be a wedding today.

At least someone’s happy, though, as we see Alicia and Mario in post-coital bliss. Mario says Ali has changed his life. The last few days, he’s been completely obsessed with Paulina, but now he feels nothing for her. Same here, exclaims Ali. I was obsessed with Patricio for years. But today, I haven’t even thought of him. They both agree, it’s destiny.

At Chayo’s and Ed’s house, she’s packing. Ed comes in, what’s up, he thought they were fixing up their marriage. She responds that a week ago, she told him they were “separated”, and since he’s not leaving the apartment, she is. He doesn’t want her to make such a quick decision, but she’s been thinking about this for a long time. Well, says Ed, if it’s because of the other day, with that woman, he didn’t even make love to her! This doesn’t impress Chayo one bit, and when Ed thinks it’s a pretext for her to go to HER boyfriend, she tells him to think whatever you want, I’m out of here, and she leaves, slamming the door.

The judge tells Pat, no, there’s no error, the verdict is final, as of today Pat has custody. Pat can’t believe it. Candy yells at him that he promised to drop his demand, SLAPS him, and heads for the door. The judge stops her, deliver your son today, or else he’ll use public force. She walks out.

Over at the restaurant, Paulina looks at the decorations when a waiter tells her the wedding is cancelled. Well THAT brings a smile to her face!

Pat is furious with the judge, Pat had told him to cancel the custody procedure, explain, please! The judge says “I’m not authorized to answer that question”. When Pat asks who is, the judge says if Pat doesn’t take custody of Chava today, he’ll go to jail! Fine, put me in jail. No, that’s not all, adds our mean judge. Chava would be sent off to an Institution! (Okay, this whole thing is so ridiculous. A hearing the same day? Ignoring the wishes of both parents? Threatening to put the father in jail and the kid in an institution? Give me a break! Okay, Hombre, just relax, think about those peach halves, floating gently, gently…..Okay, I’ve adjusted my beanie, I’ll be fine).

Back home, Candy tells Chava he has to live with his Daddy. What a change in Chava, because now he’s sad about this, wants Candy to stop crying. He promises to live with Pat for just a few days, and then come back to his Mom. He swears it.

Santi is ranting to his Mom about how disgraceful Pat is. Isabel implores him to calm down. Santi adds that if Santi and Candy get married, it’ll be easier to fight for custody, because they’ll present a stable home, lots of financial support (this is why the judge told Arturo earlier he had to make his ruling before the wedding). Isa agrees.

Pat is alone in his big house, head in hands, can’t understand what happened, when he hears the baby cry. He calls for Alicia, but there’s no answer. He calls for Margarita, still no answer. Finding no one, he picks up Patito from his cradle, only to notice a note! Here’s what it says. “Patricio, I’m tired of your scorn. I’ve found a person who values me, and loves me, and for that reason, I’ve decided to leave and abandon you. I’m leaving your life forever. You can have Patito.” (this is really what it said, I don’t make up these telenovela goodbye notes). Pat looks as if he’s been through the wringer. I think I feel that way, too. What a day!


Guarura – a bodyguard, Pat used it to refer to his sons
Me rindo – I give up
Zapatear – to tap your feet, or stamp your feet
Chapas – red cheeks, I guess like rouge
Chulear – to compliment
Citatorio – a summons


Friday, June 05, 2009

Las Tontas Thursday 6/4 - The truth hides in your nightmare

Redux: Ali calls Mario to discuss their destiny but he's busy lounging half-clad in Pau's bed. Candy and Santi have dinner Chez Santi to tell the family they are getting married. Lu loves it and the little ones loathe it. Rocio breaks out in her convenient rash. Santi insists they will all be happy. Rocio scratches her reply.

Mario, now with a t-shirt but still fetching, compliments Pau. He's amorous and she's tired. She rudely pushes him away and he threatens to leave. "Whatever you want," she mutters. After he leaves she happily calls Ali, their plan worked and Mario should be calling soon.

Lu tries to calm Rashio, I mean Rocio. Santi gives her her pill and makes her smile by telling her that of course Chava will live with them and Papi needs her help decorating Chava's new room. Papi scores a goal.

Meanwhile, in the colorful house Candy tells Chava she and Santi are making the best decision. He's worried she'll stop loving him. He says this twice. Candy tries to reassure him but after she leaves he tells Merengue "you love me, but my mama no."

Pato plays with Patito and is interrupted by the phone. It's Candy to ask a favor. She wants him to take Chava to school. Pato can tell she's crying. It's that Chava is mad at her because she and Santi set their wedding date instead of succumbing to the little tyrants (my words not hers). "'s so hard to be a mother and a woman," (like she's the only one). Pat says he will try to talk to Chava then he rubs his face and moons for Candy.

Mario meets Ali for drinks. They flirt shamelessly and he strokes her arm. He can't believe she lives with a man who won't give her the time of day. He comments she's good enough to eat from head to toe (tu estas como para comerte de pies a cabeza) and if she gives him they chance he'd love to demonstrate...they kiss.

Santi tosses and turns in bed. He dreams that Interpol brings his son to him but it turns out to be Patito. "What kind of sick joke is this?" Suddenly Pat comes to claim his son and takes him away while Santi yells for clarification. He awakens from his strange nightmare in a cold sweat.

Next a.m. at Candy's house of miracles Candy complains to Babs that Chava is sad living with her. Barb cheers her up, "the kids will come around, a happy house makes kids happy."

Santi is at office seeing some poor kid that broke his nose playing soccer. Santi tries to cheer the kid up by saying he can operate right away and give him the nose of Sebastian Rulli or Tom Cruise. The kid looks like he wants to cry. I don't know why this scene was included.

The three children talk at school. Beto is tired because Patito cried all night. Chava is sad because his mama doesn't love him. Rocio says she knows something that will cheer him up, however Chava is determined to be sad.

Santi tells Lalo about his weird nightmare. Lalo asks could Patito be Santi's son and Patricio stole him? Santi acts like he's coughing up a hairball then he mocks Lalo, what a crazy idea! He has a plan, he'll steal the kid because he'll be a lot happier with Santi than with Pat, ha ha...ha? Lalo coughs up his own hairball and tells Santi not to obsess about Patito. They both start to sing the theme song from Fuego en la Sangre, "Vale mas..."

Santi can't stand it so he pays a visit to Pat. He, uh, happened to pass by and thought he'd say Hi to his godson (ahijado). Passing by from the other side of town? Pato knows Santi's full of it.

Santi's dying to hold Patito and Pat complies. Santi never looks happier than when he's holding and bonding with Patito. Santi asks Pato's advice on how to decorate Chava's new room. Pato advises Santi that Chava loves animals. He likes Giraffes in particular.

Looks like Art and the judge are in bed together figuratively speaking. "I'm at your service," says the smarmy judge as he and Art shake hands.

Over at Santi's he, Don and Roc are getting Chava's new room ready for him. Rocio wields a mean paint roller. Many split scenes with Santi painting the walls a solid color and Roc painting pictures, then they are all painting and rolling over each others' graffiti. They lie on the floor and admire their work. The final's a complete mess and Roc pronounces it perfect. Suddenly she says "segunda mano?" and they jump up to start painting again. (This confused me because I thought segunda mano meant "second hand" so I'm not sure what the context is here.)

Pat drives his two older sons home from school. Beto misses his mom and Chava is slightly crabby. Pat asks Chava why the long face? Chava thinks Candy will marry and abandon him like Sole did to Beto. Pat gives him a pep talk and sets him straight, Santi is not a mala onda and he'll prove it. Pat cheers them up by driving like a crazy man. Not very safe but my grandpa used to do that with my sis and me and we absolutely loved it.

Santi and Roc are exhausted and resting on Chava's new bed; Donato brings Chava up with his eyes covered. Rocio is excited for him to see his room. Uno, dos, tres..."It's incredible!" Chava pronounces. OMG Santi kept saying Clopp-err and he means The Clapper. The lights turn off and on with clapping, he's got lava lamps too! Cool! Chava is as impressed as I am. Donato is pretty excited too and Santi keeps calling him Niño Donato. Funny.

It's an intergalactic super electra-especial room with a big screen behind the bed. Chava tells Roc a secret, "but we don't want them to get married." Rocio asks her papa to help. Santi explains to Chava that he doesn't want to replace Chava's family, he wants them to have a family in addition to his other one, it will be a family full of unconditional love and understanding. Will Chava be cool with that? Chava tells her another secret. "Chava says yes!" shrieks Rocio.

Now it's Beto's turn; he asks Pat why the long face? Pat kind of explains about Candy and Beto says "don't be sad I love you a lot." They agree to cheer each other up whever one of them gets sad. Pat hits the gas again.

Over at the instituto Chayo and Candy are talking. They are interrupted by cacaphony in the halls. Candy can't believe her ears, Santi and Chava together? Santi, Luc, Roc and Chava want to tell her something. They've decided they are cool with the marriage. Chava says Santi can be his friend and his papa won't be mad. Santi does the happy dance. The guys buddy punch and all is OK because Chava wants to live in his new room.

Lalo intercepts Chayo on her way out. He wants to be with her but she has to go to class. He'll go with her! She tells him not to say stupidities, he's just jealous, outta the way, bye.

More noise in the halls and it seems all the ladies are wearing red outfits today. Meño is thrilled at the news, lots of fast talking and fun. Santi kisses Candy and makes the kids giggle.

Chayo walks with Osvaldo complaining about her husband while Lalo obviously stalks them. Chayo sees him right away. They duck behind a stairwell until Lalo scurries by.

Santi and Candy take Chava over to Pat's house. Chava explains to Pat that he wants his mama to be happy, isn't that what Pat wants too, verdad papa? "Uh...I think if you're happy I'm happy" hedges pat. Santi wants to visit his godson, Pat says he's sleeping, Santi tries to insist and Candy pulls him away, "you really like that kid don't you?"

At the restaurant Meño tells Sven and Ole that he has news that's finger licking good, he yells for Greg. Great news, Chava and Rocio are behind the wedding!!

Beto draws a super hero for his dad. His superhero has wings and people cannot tell lies in front of him. He and Pat design the superhero costume.

Lalo looks for Chayo and he tries to solicit the help of some students. They guys tell Lalo she's probably with the teacher, they always hang out together. Doh!!!

Chayo and Prof go to the library and catch Lalo peeping at them through the window. Chayo wants to confront him but the prof tells "Chayito" not to act like the hysteria they are studying, she should just calm down and try to forget about their peeping pal (cuate).

Santi and Candy are still making out. Oh, they're kissing goodbye. She asks if he's going straight home and he laughs, "No I'm going to a strip bar first ha ha ha." Candy forces a laugh and I'm wondering will she end up catching him with a stripper or something? This episode has been way too happy so we know the anvil of anger and misunderstanding is about to drop.

She calls her mom to say she wants to invite Santi to eat so they can celebrate. She puts a pic of her and Santi on the desk so it's official...official that the anvil will drop that is.

Santi advises Rocio that although he doesn't support mediocrity it's not the end of the world if she gets an 8 or 9 from time to time. She wants straights 10s. Santi comments sometimes she's a sangroncita, meaning she's a little full of herself, uptight, stuck up. The phone rings and of course it's mami dearest. ("Hola mami" Santi mocks behind her back. He's funny!) Rocio says her mami isn't feeling well and wants to see her. Papi says no, Rocio scratches while smiling impishly, Santi tells her to quit faking her rash, Papi knows he's being played but agrees anyway.

Candy, all dressed up and ready to surprise Santi, arrives at his place by taxi just as he leaves. She laughingly follows his car. This will end badly.

Meanwhile Lalo goes to a bar to drink and complain about his wife. He tries to call Chayo, cries into the phone, and vows he won't let his woman treat him like that. He straightens his tie, spies a hottie and starts to wink at her.

Pau pretends to be sick so Santi will touch her tender head. Of course Candy arrives just then and instead of jumping out of the taxi, jumps to conclusions. Why is Santi fondling his ex-wife? When Candy finally gets out of the taxi it's too late, they have already gone inside and Candy sees their silhouette. She thinks she sees Santi and Pau kissing. Kerplunk! The anvil has fallen.


Thursday, June 04, 2009

Las Tontas no Van Wed. 6-3-09 - One wedding and one divorce down...more to come? Ali actually sees other fish?

Raul and Sole marry. Hugs and kisses all around.

Mario sneaks up to the grounds to find Pau.

Santi tells Raul to run. He says you should too then, you are on the same path. They toast and laugh.

Pau and Mario continue arguing. The gist of this argument is that he needs to leave because Pau told Santi the whole truth about leaving for him not the career. She tells Mario she told Shanti Mario is Roc’ real Pa. He is po’d because now Santi wants to kill him, not just the mob.

Sole chats with Beto to make sure he won’t miss her too much when she’s gone. He won’t, he lovews her. She too and she cries.

Santi spies Mario departing and calls him on his betrayal with Pau. Mario studders and wanders off after Santi says don’t bother explaining, just leave. Pau watches from a distance the exchange.

Arturo & Gogo chat and Art says he gave Pato a great surprise but he can’t tell about it yet. Hmmm….

Issy and Jaime come up with Tono and Zamora, whom Jaime introduces as his son frijolito, Tono makes a joke about being adopted and called little lentil and together they could make a legume salad.

Santi walks up to the girls chatting and smooches on Candi, he notices Ali standing without the baby and goes up to the house.

Turns out Santi can’t contain himself to hold the baby. He tries to do what he can suggesting all things to Pato to wander off. Finally, he tells him to go warm the milk, he's more in practice these days and he'll hold the baby. He coos to Patito he's finally with his Padrino and shys away from giving him back to Pato.

Pau takes Ali up to her room to moan about Mario returning. She tells Ali that she fears he’ll ruin her plans, and she tells Ali that Roc is Mario’s child. Ali actually sounds concerned about Santi because he loves Roc so much.

Lu runs into a nicely dressed Charly and Fede comes up apparently uninvited. Charly smartly leaves so fist won’t fly.

Pau decides to sic Mario on Ali at her suggestion to interest him in another woman and shows her a pic. No esta mal she proclaims, he‘s hot. Ok, she’ll seduce him.

The new family chats over at Meno’s about the wedding and how happy and beautiful it was and how happy Beto was and smart etc to see his Mom marry another man, and he’ll still have his Dad. The kids don’t buy it and think Beto is happy because Raul has been so good to him. This prompts Santi to contemplate the benefits of spankings again. He gets a call from the Agente that they found Marissa in Sao Paulo, so he will go there. Roc proclaims suki suki again that she’ll maybe get to be with her brother finally. He leaves Roc at Candi's and jokes she’s going to live there now.

Issy can tell something is bothering Lu about her boyfriend. Lu is upset with Fede she tells her G-ma - he always wants to you know and I don't yet. She says good for fleeing, you shouldn’t sleep with someone you don’t want to. Now there's a profound telenovela thought.... :)

Pau plans the encounter with Ali and Mario sending him to meet her at a bar after telling him on the phone to meet Pau herself/.

Lu thinks she’s still in love with Charley, but she’s scared to get close to him, despite knowing that’s bad.

Raul and Sole start their honeymoon…..well not quite….the taxi is downstairs to take them to the airport. For a ten hour flight they will have to wait. He reminds her there is a bathroom….huy!!

Pato chats with Beto to make sure he’s not missing his Ma too much. He tries to cheer Beto up with all these great things they will do and tells him how well he behaved and he should be proud, his Ma is happy.

Sex pot walks in and Mario instantly notices her. We get a panning up her leg. Boys liked that I’m sure.

Beto wants a song to help him to sleep. Pato doesn’t know a song except Alejandro Fernandez or Miguel Bose, but Beto doesn‘t know these guys so he‘s going to miss MA even more.

Mario and Ali are instant twin souls…yeah right. They talk about NY and how it is the center of the universe.

Issy thinks maybe Lu is with Fede to forget Charles…things don’t work that way, she should figure out if she really wants to forget Char

Charly chats with Meno about Lu and feeling bad to have her be with a guy infected like him. Meno tells him he has the right to love. He’s going to submit his film and do other things to take his mind of his pain.

Santi gets flight to Brasil the next day. Pau comes in and chats nicely to him while they are packing. He is impactado. She offers to help with the wedding. He thinks that’s maybe not so good, but they’ll talk later.

He wakes up and says goodbye to everyone when the agent shows up. Ooops, false alarm no flight to Sao Paulo they were confused by a Mexican lady hiding there for robbing a jewelry store.

Pato plays super padre again and they talk about making Banderitas…Beto misses his Mama

Ali shows up in the am, apparently still drunk. Pato isn’t face. Margarita thinks she should have shame and that Pato won’t be attracted to her like this. She’s not concerned there are other prospects.

The big house family is having breakfast and Pau announces to much impactedness that she is going to move out. Roc is the only one bummed

The multicolored house is also having breakfast. Candi gets call from Pato and gets an impactado face…and we go to commercial.

Ah, he’s giving her the uncontested divorce. They are at the judge’s.

Ali and Pau chat about Mario’s virtues. Pau tells of her plan to be nice and try to convince them to let her help plan the wedding. Then she’ll drop the bomb.

Divorce PSA. The judge spews about broken homes and reconciliation etc. Candi is upset that things might not be final today, but Pato agrees with her and thinks it best that they just finalize it, and agrees with her that not all families have problems and they will work together for Chava.

Mario chases down Pau, he’s mad she flaked on him. He tries to find out what she really wants and thinks it’s the money. She invites him to the house for a “session”… Hmmm where will this go

Pato chats with Chava about the divorce and how happy Candi is with Santi so we need to be happy for her. Chava is impressed being picked up at school with such a car. Hell yeah….we even get to hear it’s low hum engine… how fun.

Horty announces Candi who brings flowers and tells of the divorce. They joke about their wedding being soon and other kissy stuff.

Pau goes to the office of Candi and wants to help with their wedding. Candi will “let her know…” :) yeah right...obviously this has to go somewhere though...

Ali calls Mario and gets the slip, but he does promise to call her after his er “commitment”

The “family” is all dressed up at dinner and the kids wonder what the elegance is for, they decided to set the date for the wedding. The kids are not happy about the wedding so the parents actually say, heh, tough, like it or not we are marrying. Hurrah!!!


Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Las tontas no van #123, Tue 6/2, Emergency Recap

Judy couldn’t find a substitute recapper so I’m posting a bare-bones emergency recap.

Pat and Candy meet with the judge for custody. The judge asks why she passed for dead for seven years.
Candy tells her wedding catastrophe.
P: You didn’t have the right to take my son.
C: It was your fault for cheating on me.
P: The one who suffered was Chava.
C: That’s why I let him know you.
P: After seven years. When you needed me.
C: No. My son doesn’t need a father.
Candy pretends to be the hero martyr for keeping Pat away from Chava.

Raúl & Sol pick up Beto from school. Chava has to go home with Ali.

Secretary Ratched has Santi nervous because she’s so harsh. Then she finds out he’s a plastic surgeon and she’s all charm. Then the other women in the office also want his attention. Santiago goes into flirting sales rep mode.

Raúl and Sol tell Beto they are getting married ASAP and taking him on their world trip.

The two witches take Chava and Roc to lunch. Ali explains the custody battle from her point of view.

Pat started the custody battle because he thought Santi was involved with the mafia. Don’t I have the right to know and raise my son, too? The judge says he will decide. Candy starts bawling, gets down on her knees, and begs Pat to relent. Tears work. Pat says he will not pursue custody.

Soon Santi is surrounded by women all clamoring for his attention. Just another typical day for Jaime Camil.

Raúl and Sol go to get a marriage license. Everything is fine until Beto realizes he has finals next week.

Candy comes out of the judge’s office to tell Santi that Pat has dropped the custody battle. Pat comes out and says he’ll give her the divorce too. Santi does a happy dance. Pat signs the papers dropping the suit. Pat suffers.

Beto tells Sol she can go on her trip. He’ll stay with his dad. She talks to Raúl later, undecided.

Pau tells Santi she left him, not for her career, but to be with Mario. Santi blows a gasket. He asks, as do we, why is she telling him this now? Roc comes in and asks why they are fighting.

Chava is depressed about the divorce.

Isa and Jaime bring friends to the restaurant. Meño tells Sven and Ole he needs lots of customers so he can pay his debts.

Pat tells his mom about his rough day while Ali the Exile looks on.

In a bar, Ali tells Pau she’s so happy that Pat is giving Candy a divorce. Pau says, “Great for you, rotten for me.” She also realizes Mario could return. Ali’s surprised they were amantes. Pau says she told Santi. Ali asks, “What, are you nuts?” Pau says she did it so that if Mario returns, .. I can’t figure out what she says. Some plot to win Santi. Ali says she’ll never pull it off. Besides, Pau’s dark side shows. By the way, Ali asks, who is Mario?

Santi and Candy decide that their problems are resolved and they can get married ASAP. They don’t realize there are still 16 episodes left.

Art visits Pat to tell him he’s closed all his business ventures and he’s now retired. Later Raúl and Pat ask if he can take care of Beto for a month. Pat’s glad to do it.

Luc takes Fred and two amigas to the restaurant. Charly is pissy and spills Fred’s drink on him. When the food arrives, Fred flips the plate onto Charly. Meet me outside.

Candy and Santiago do some serious kissing and serious flirting.

Art visits the Family Court judge. He wants Pat to get custody. What is the judge’s price?


Monday, June 01, 2009

Las tontas no van #123, Mon 6/1, The Day is Always Brightest Before the Anvil

Things are looking up tonight. Chava accepts Santiago, Rocío is on the verge of accepting Candy, Pau and Ali have been essentially neutralized, Pat is reconsidering his battle, Candy is ready to get married, and Santiago has been ready to get married for months. With 16 episodes left, we know the contentment can't last, but let's enjoy it while we can. Carpe capitulo!

From Friday, Pat overhears as Chava throws another tantrum, telling Candy that she loves Santi more than him. He runs away and crosses a boundary line (literal and figurative) into the path of a falling limb. Candy runs and pushes Chava out of the way. Because “the greatest mom on earth” raised a boy who ignores limits, the limb falls on Candy and knocks her out. Pat displays more intelligence than all of Mexidoon combined; he calls an ambulance immediately.

Isabel and Jaime are trying to revive Sven. Isabel says, “Say something!” Jaime says, “Don’t say that. He’ll send me to the devil!” Jaime is scared that Sven will hate him, but instead Sven just wants to give him a sweet hug, to a duet of “Frijolito!” and “Papa!” Fred, Luc, and Roc walk in. The girls are happy for them; Fred just looks constipated.

In a restaurant, with a flower vase that looks like a cauldron, the two witches are plotting. Ali says she can’t leave Pat because she loves him. Pua thinks she can manipulate Ali as easily as she pulls strings with the children, but she’s way out of her league. To drive that fact home, Ali stiffs Pau with the restaurant tab.

In their dining room, Jaime and Sven rehash their story with the family. Jaime tells how afraid he was that Sven would reject him. Sven tells his memories from childhood. They promise they will make up for all the time they’ve lost.

Pat is consoling Chava at the hospital. Santi runs in, followed by Meño, Greg and Charly. Santi dashes off to check her condition but not before thanking Pat for contacting him. In her hospital bed, a delirious Candy mumbles, “Nobody is going to take my son from me.” Santi skims her chart and looks worried. In the waiting room, Chava tells Abue that it was his fault. Pat confirms; Candy got hit while she was saving Chava. Pat says Candy could give her life for Chava because she loves him so much. Go Pat! He’s proving to Chava that he’s wrong to think his mama doesn’t love him, like he claimed in his tantrum in the park. Big contrast to how Pauline treats Rocío.

Santi reports to the family that Candy suffered a serious blow to the upper back. If it had been a bit higher, it would have.. He pauses, looks down at a scared little Chava, and detours his report: she’ll be able to return home soon. Now it’s Pat’s turn to give Santi a heartfelt thank you. They may be rivals but they honestly respect each other. Anyone want to join the Santi/Pat Admiration Society?

The office staff gets the call from Meño. The girls want to rush to the hospital, but Barb advises that now is the time for them to focus on their work, and it’s the time for the family to be together at the hospital.

Raúl takes Beto out for burgers after school. Notice that Beto is cheery and chattery when he has someone’s full attention. I think Chava and Roc usually overshadow him. Raúl wants to talk man-to-man. He’s going to ask Beto’s mom to marry him, and he wants Beto’s help with a surprise. The boy couldn’t be happier with the news. Raúl takes Beto to help select a ring. When they get back to the apartment, Raúl confesses to Beto that he’s terrified that Sol will say no, so they think good thoughts together.

Santi takes Chava to Candy’s room. He sees the machines, the neck brace, and the tubes, and he hugs Santi for strength. Santi answers his questions about the tubes and whether she’s conscious. Then Chava cuddles up to his mama, thanks her for saving him, and tells her how much he loves her. I’m surprised that, in true novela fashion, Candy didn’t waken at that moment.

Gregoria, Meño, and Charly join for a meeting of the Candy Admiration Society, as they tell each other how wonderful she is. Anyone want to join that society? Don’t all yell at once.

Pat goes to talk to the unconscious Candy. He tells her he still loves her and he wishes he had been the one to be injured. He allows himself to reflect on what a loss he suffered when he lost Candy. Getting ready to leave, he strokes her face. Then he kisses her forehead gently, looks at her up close, struggles with himself, and yields to the temptation to take advantage of her unconsciousness and kiss her on the lips. This is when Candy awakens at just the right moment. She tells Pat not to kiss her.

Out in the waiting room, Greg knows something happened between Pat and Candy. Pat won’t answer. Pat says Chava can stay with him while Candy recovers. While Santi listens, Chava asks if his dad would mind if he stayed at Rocío’s house instead. GOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!!! Chava has moved onto Team Santi. One down, one to go. Pat says they need to ask Santi first. Santi pokes his head around the corner and says that’s fine with him, but the decision is Pat’s. Then Santi retreats around the corner again to give Pat the privacy he needs with his son. Note the difference in how Santi respects the space of Pat-n-Chava, in contrast to how he dealt with Pat-n-Patito at the baptism party.

Now it’s Santi’s turn to visit Candy. She’s glad Chava is okay, he loves her endlessly, blah, blah, blah. She’s worried that Pat will take Chava. She thinks he was following her to gather evidence against her.

Ole shares Sven’s joy at finding out that Jaime is his father. He can’t believe that now he has a complete family. Ole recommends that he tell his mother. Meanwhile Jaime tells Isa how glad he is that Donato interfered. Chava arrives. As he tells Roc about his eventful day, isn’t it nice to see that Rocío is not Miss Centro Universo? First she’s concerned that Chava got hurt, then she feels bad that Candy got hurt. Roc, the smart one, concludes that Candy is not a bad person. Chava says she’s like an angel. Pau is listening at the door and doesn’t like this development.

Soledad arrives home and finds her apartment filled with flowers and a beautiful table laid, but the room is empty. She sees the jeweler’s box on her plate. She opens it and sees the ring, and she starts crying. Beto enters in a suit and asks her if she wants to marry Raúl. Raúl enters, also crying, and repeats the question. She accepts, he puts the ring on her, and they kiss while Beto watches. He’s patient with all that kissing stuff, but when it goes too long, he interrupts them with, “She accepted!” Then we have a grammar lesson on the conjugation of aceptar.

At work the next day, Sol shows off her ring to the staff. She says they intend to get married within a month. Lulu asks if she’s pregnant and everyone is embarrassed about such a delicate question. Sol doesn’t answer and they don’t know how to react. But then she laughs and says, “Of course not!”

Over breakfast, Raúl tells Ed that he’s getting married. Ed tries to talk him out of it. Marriage is the loss of your freedom and the end of your life. Ed got married because nobody warned him. Raúl asks Ed what’s really bothering him. It’s that things aren’t getting any better with Chayo.

Candy goes to the Family Court judge to ask for a meeting with Patricio so they can discuss these matters directly. She’s tired of the uncertainty. The judge says that if she does that, she risks losing custody. At least I think that’s what was said. She begs for an appointment as soon as possible. He tells her things are not done that way. She tries to explain that doesn’t matter. She’s Miss Centro Universo and things must be done her way. At home, Pat reflects on Candy saving Chava.

At school, Beto reads his essay to the class. It says he loves his mother and he wants her to be happy. She has been happy since Raúl came, and Beto likes playing with him too. Last night they got engaged and they cried from happiness. Then Chava reads his essay about how his mother saved him from the limb and how much she loves him. All this is working on Rocío and it looks like she’s about to switch sides too.

At the office, Candy prays that she gets custody and Pat gives her the divorce. I have several serious problems with her prayer, but I’ve complained enough about Candy for one recap.

The office staff updates Candy on what’s happened while she was out.

Raúl gets an e-mail inviting him to a conference in Vienna. Afterwards he would continue to “Asia” to investigate new technology and consider updating his equipment. (To do list: flight reservations. Destination airport: Asia.) The problem is, he has to leave next week. When he tells Sol that they have to change their plans, she’s afraid he’s backing out. Quite the contrary. He wants to get married in two days, and the trip will be their honeymoon.

Agent Rossini calls on Santiago. His friend has located Marissa and they are just a step away from finding his son. But when Rossini shows Santi the fees, Santi is truly stunned. And that’s only the initial payment! (The statement lists a numbered account into which to deposit the payment. Does this sound fishy to anyone?) Santi fumbles a bit but he knows that finding his son is worth any price. He’ll shift funds tomorrow to cover it. When he tells Candy, she’s also astounded at the cost. They joke about having to live in sleeping bags in the park.

Gregoria is cleaning house and flirting with Art on the phone when a process server brings a summons to family court for Candy. Candy goes into a panic that she’ll lose Chava. She says if that happens she’ll die. Gee, imagine how Pat must feel, having his son taken from him for all those years. Not that that matters.

Pat gets a summons as well. When he realizes it’s for today, he’s stressed. He knows he can’t delay his decision any longer, and he prays for direction.

Candy snipes at Pat in the lobby of Family Court. She tells him she doesn’t care what the judge says, Pat’s not taking Chava. Oh, that Candy. She’s such a card, bless her heart.

The two witches chatter as they go get the kids from school. Ali’s just glad she’s not at the house changing diapers and listening to the brat cry all day. When the kids come out, Pau tells Chava that his mom is in court to see who he is going to live with.

Santi tries to talk to the secretary at the court, but she blows him off. He tries good manners, then humor, then friendliness, then charm. Nothing works. A regular Nurse Ratched. Then he makes noises in his chair just to annoy her.

No previews for tomorrow.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Tontas no Van Friday 5/29 The Son Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Dissonant chords crash down outside a church at night, so we know something’s afoot. Turns out we revisit the two baptism talks, in separate churches, Pat, Soledad, Raúl and Beto in one, and Alicia, Candy and Santi (with Patitio) in the other. Then, boom, it’s morning, we’re all in the same church (thanks to PaulaH for explaining what was going on, because I didn’t understand it yesterday either) and it’s time for the actual baptism. Of course, when the priest asks the padrinos to come forward, we get double trouble, with both Raúl and Soledad, and Santi and Candy, answering the call. Confusion reigns, as Alicia says she asked Candy and Santi, and Pat asked Sole and Raúl. Candy realizes Alicia was manipulating things, and she and Santiago gracefully excuse themselves, not wanting to cause trouble. The padre counsels waiting a few minutes, so everything can be worked out.

Meanwhile, back at Santi’s house, Jaime’s upset that Isa’s mad at him for accidentally kissing Felipa, Zamora’s mom. Donato tries to calm him down, taking the blame, which only causes Jaime to call him a meddler or busybody (metiche).

In the church, Alicia, dressed in a nice white top with silvery streamers, and Pat, looking strong in a tan suit and holding a big white blanket that’s supposed to have Patito inside, are loudly arguing in front of a large picture of a serene Jesus. Margarita is hiding about 10 feet away, taking in every word. Pat’s livid at Alicia for asking Candy to be the madrina, he feels it’s either a game, or making fun of him. Alicia disagrees, Candy’s her sister, and he has to accept that she’s going to marry Santiago. They’re family now. Besides, what Pat did is worse, she adds, asking the mother of his other son to be the madrina. They’re not getting anywhere in this discussion.

Outside the church, the four godparents are far more cordial. Santi and Candy look especially nice, Santi in a white sweater over a blue open-necked shirt and black pants, Candy in a red empire waist dress and white shawl. Soledad is wearing the longest dress we’ve ever seen her wear (almost down to her knees) a white string around her waist, and some sort of doily on her head. I guess Raúl’s wearing a suit or something. Anyway, the four agree to go with the flow, and join hands in unity, sort of like a soccer team. Just as Margarita was listening to Pat and Alicia, Gregoria and Chava are listening in on this other group. They’re busted, but no one really cares.

Back in front of the Jesus painting, Alicia pulls out the big guns. Alicia told him about this weeks ago, and he promised that if Candy accepted, he’d go along with it. Being an honest guy, he admits this, and Alicia strides back into the church in victory. Pat’s right behind, but not before he catches his Mom spying (she says she was just admiring the plaques).

There’s a knock on Isa’s door. No, it’s not Jaime, it’s Donato, who wants her to reconcile with Jaime. She won’t, Jaime’s mad at her for being jealous. But you ARE, says Don. She protests, she, jealous? After a few more protests, her expression tells us that Donato was right.

Peace finally reigns in the church, as it turns out that Candy and Santi will be the godparents. We see the beautiful baptismal ceremony, with candles, smiles and tears of joy. There’s applause, and lots of hugs.

The party continues at Pat’s house, Candy cradling the baby, then handing him off to Santiago, who is in love! After Pat apologizes to Raúl and Sole (no problem, they say, we’ll be there for the NEXT baby!), we see Santi again, who won’t let go of little Patito para nada.

The next step in Donato’s peace plan is a culinary attack. He’s gathered Isa and Jaime in the dining room for a delicious lunch. Unfortunately, they’re sitting far apart. But guess who’s coming to dinner? Zamora shows up, bubbling with happiness. He greets them, but notices Jaime’s a little quiet. Jaime relates that they had a little argument, but Zamora doesn’t want to hear that, they’re the perfect couple, and he physically moves their chairs next to each other. Okay, beso! The first kiss by Jaime is pitiful, but after a little challenge, he bends Isa back and plants a BIG one on her. This works so well that Jaime and Isa decide to continue their reconciliation upstairs. As they leave arm in arm, Zamora spies the food just sitting there, and Donato graciously gives him the green light.

Santi is still holding the baby, flashing back to the ultrasound for his own baby (if he only knew), and after a while, it’s time to go. Alicia tells him he really looks like a father. Santi gently transfers Patito to Pato, reminding Pat to support the head, and I’m thinking this whole episode could be a happy one (I’m probably wrong, though).

It’s nightime, and Isabel and Jaime are about to go to bed. She convinces him that he should tell Zamora the truth, and he’s just about to march off to tell Z, but Isa says it can wait until morning.

At Pat’s house, Alicia can’t stop talking about how great the baptism party was. Pat stops her cold, saying it was the last straw. He can’t bear it anymore, the way she manipulates things. She keeps saying calm down, but he’s had it. She says he has to accept the fact that Candy is his son’s godmother (she says comadre, instead of madrina, both can mean godmother, madrina can also be bridesmaid). He shuts the door, sighing goodnight.

Santi and Candy enter Candy’s house, Candy's holding Chava’s hand. As little Chava goes upstairs, he also shakes Santi’s hand, which encourages Santi. They’re making progress with Chava! Santi is gratified they could be godparents, it’s their first official act as a couple. Santi admits he had mixed emotions when he was holding the baby, since he really misses his own baby.

Alicia must have learned a lesson about people listening in, because she’s retreated to the bathroom to call Marissa. She recounts how Santi’s holding his own baby in his arms, but not knowing it, was a masterwork of a plan. She tells Marissa that Mari has succeeded with her revenge.

By this time, Candy and Santi are kissing, both professing their love. Santi can’t wait, he wants to be with Candy tonight, guesses her morals are preventing her from saying yes. She assures him that as soon as their kids accept their relationship, they’ll never again be apart. He asks her to swear to it, and she does.

Eduardo is pacing back and forth in the semi-darkness of his apartment, mad as a hornet that Chayo’s late again. Finally she arrives, and he’s sure she was with her “lover”. But she says no, guess why I’m a little late? He turns on the light, and Chayo has HER new look. This involves a stylish haircut and much darker, sexier eye make-up. (I gotta agree, she looks hot). Ed gets the message, too, they start to make out, but then he pulls back. How come she did a makeover? For her lover? No, of course not, I did it for myself, and for you. I’ve changed myself outside and inside, and the proof is under the television. He’s confused, as she goes to the bedroom. But under the TV is a box with a picture of a woman in lingerie on the cover. There’s a note: “Venadito (dear), Today I want to share with you my changed interior.” (I could be wrong, but I think Chayo bought sexy lingerie, too, and Ed’s about to get lucky!)

Candy puts Chava to bed, telling him how much she loves him, and that they’ll never be apart. Over in Santi’s house, he checks on Rocío and Lucía, both already sleeping. You can see how much he loves them, and he quietly promises to find their little brother.

It’s morning, and instead of going right to the office, Pat’s been waiting at the breakfast table, sipping his coffee. Alicia comes in, happy. Unfortunately, Pat utters THOSE words “We need to talk”. Uh oh. She says he didn’t have to wait, they could talk over dinner. He responds, No we can’t talk over dinner, because we’re never going to dine together again. He’s had it with her manipulations, they’re through. He won’t kick her out of the house, but he wants nothing to do with her. She’s on the verge of tears, he’s resolute, he grabs his briefcase and leaves. She knocks over the coffee cup in frustration.

In Santi’s office, he’s looking at the empty picture frame, telling it he misses (the baby) a lot. Hortensia comes in (with very squeaky shoes!), announces that agent Rossini is here. Rossini hasn’t found a thing. Santi desperately shows him the empty frame. Rossini says he has a friend, a former Interpol agent, who has lots of connections, is very expensive, but might be able to help. Santi doesn’t care about the cost, and instructs Rossini to contact his friend.

Pat visits his divorce lawyer, who tells him that if the divorce is voluntary, it’s quick and easy. The child custody part is what gets more complicated. Pat surprises the attorney with the news that he might not fight for custody. Formerly, he wanted to protect Chava, thought Santi was tied up with the mafia, but that turned out to be false. Also, Candy’s a really good mother. But it’s a big decision, and he’s not really sure. So for now, start the divorce procedure, but go slowly, and he’ll decide later what to do about the custody.

Jaime’s idea #1: He has decided that the way to tell Zamora that he’s his Dad is by writing a letter. Isa gives him some tila tea, leaves him to figure out how best to approach Z. Here’s his letter. “Dear Zamora. I have something to tell you, and I think the best way is through a letter. In life, sometimes, things go out of control. Sometimes even though we love people, circumstances cause us to make mistakes. (At this point, we switch to the restaurant. Jaime has delivered the letter in person, Zamora is reading it, Jaime is right there with him). “I never wanted to abandon my son Frijolito, because I love my son. I’m your father”. Zamora looks up, saying “You’re my father. My father. (he starts getting mad) The father who abandoned me (he tears up the letter) and who abandoned my mother! It’s all your fault! He starts choking Jaime, he won’t stop, suddenly we’re back in Jaime’s bedroom, it was just a dream, he’s sort of choking himself. Guess a letter isn’t the way to go.

In the restaurant, Felipa, Zamora’s Mom, has come to visit, and Z is very happy to see her. She tells him she visited the house where he’s living now, it’s really nice. And Isabel is such a fine woman, and Jaime….she stops herself from saying more, but he doesn’t pick up on this. She has to leave now, blesses him, and on the way out, she stops. She almost tells him the truth about Jaime, but hears Jaime’s voice in her brain, where Jaime said if Zamora knew, Zamora would kill him, so she just blesses him again, and scurries out. All of a sudden, Zamora has severe stomach pains.

We switch to Alicia, crying in the baby’s room. He’s crying, too, and Margarita comes in, telling her to hold the baby. What’s the problem? Ali tells her, same old thing, Pat’s mad at me. Margarita replies that Ali caused all this, setting up the baptism to annoy Pat (fastidiar), and the result was that Ali ended up getting annoyed. Ali says she’ll think of something, and Marg reminds her to consider the baby first, then herself.

Jaime’s idea # 2: He’s rehearsing speeches in front of the bathroom mirror. However, it’s not working any better than the letter idea.

Alicia, wearing a black trenchcoat, is walking outside toward the gate, followed by Margarita, asking where she’s going. She tells Marg to mind her own business, but right at the gate, there’s Paulina (all right, we haven’t seen her all episode. I was starting to miss her. Not!). Are you Alicia Molina Arizalaga (not sure of that last name), wife of Patricio? Yes, I am. They go to a restaurant, and we notice that not only did Ali have on a black trenchcoat, but her strapless dress is black, too (except for a royal blue belt). Her pocketbook? Black. Paulina is wearing…. A black pantsuit. Her pocketbook? Black. (Are they trying to tell us something here?). They start comparing notes. Santi wants to kick Pau out, Pat wants to kick Ali out, so far they’re twins. Ali orders a martini very sucio (dirty, I’m guessing that means a “wet” martini, lots of vermouth, but I could be wrong). Ali starts talking about Marissa (does Pau know Marissa? Of course she does). Marissa tried to separate Santi from Candy, but that didn’t work. And that’s actually fine with Ali. Paulina isn’t so happy about this.

Jaime’s idea # 3: Video! He’s set up a camcorder in the bedroom. He presses record. “Dear Son” Ooops, he didn’t mean to start out with THAT. Or maybe he should. “When you see this video, I may be in Pakistan, or Timbuktu…” No, that’s no good. He fumbles a bit more, starts again, but hears Zamora’s voice in his brain “I don’t love you, I don’t love you, I don’t love you”.

But someone else IS in love. Santi and Caaaaaaandy, kissing in the offfffffice. She’s looking better and better. Today she has a nice orange jacket over a white turtleneck, and sparkling metallic diamond shaped earrings. Her hair looks great, even her manicure looks way better than what I remember from early in the show. She has to go, he wants her to stay for 15 minutes, he says she can go if they promise to have lunch. Nope, she promised Chava. Santi pretends to be upset he has to compete with another man. Okay, she relents, she can stay for 5 more minutes, and they kiss again.

Zamora’s stomach pain seems serious, but Meño and Toño aren’t too worried, and kid him a bit. Maybe it’s the 8 chicharrones he ate. They start listing all sorts of other food it could be, and this isn’t helping Zamora AT ALL. Meño advises him to go home and rest, and if he feels better, to come back. He leaves, tying his apron on Meño, which causes Toño to sit down, then demand that Meño bring him a soda, right away! Meño almost falls for this, then gives an angry look to the mischievous Toño.

At the Institute, Pat has come to see Candy. He has an important decision to make and wants to be sure it’s correct. He needs to know if the best thing for Chava is to be with Candy at this time. Candy’s been hurt by Pat recently, and her response shows her doubts. I think she says “What do you want me to say? Are you going to spy on me now?”

Back to the malicious martini Moms. (I really don’t see the point of this meeting). Ali just wants to get Pat back, Pau tells her that will never happen (Pat doesn’t love Alicia, Pat still loves Candy, but Candy doesn’t love Pat). Paulina then tells Ali she’s good-looking, why not get another man? (this could be advice to Pau, too). Ali doesn’t want to, but Pau repeats her advice, adding that Alicia is being foolish (necia).

Okay, only a few minutes left in the show, and this is Friday night. Someone has to be left impactado. And our writers didn’t disappoint us.

Jaime has left himself short of breath with ideas 1,2 and 3 to tell Zamora the truth, and Isabel and Donato help him to the dining room table to calm down, maybe a glass of water will help. Isabel thinks he needs to eat something. Donato wants to help him resolve his dilemma. Jaime suddenly stands up, and says “Now I know what I’m going to do. Or rather, I know what I’m NOT going to do.” In the background, Zamora has arrived, still holding his tummy. Jaime continues, “I’m NEVER going to tell Zamora that he’s my son Frijolito! Que!!! gasps Zamora, and faints, dropping to the floor with a plop.

Cut to some men in town cutting tree limbs. Candy has picked up Chava, and they're walking along, holding hands. She asks if he wants a hamburger. Pat’s about 20 feet away (I guess he IS going to be spying). He thinks to himself that he’s been overreacting. But once again, Chava gets into a little argument with Candy, yelling, “you care more for Rocío’s Dad than you do for me!” He runs off, right under the tree cutters. Candy sees the danger, frantically lunges forward, pushing him out of the way, just as a HUGE tree limb crashes down on her! Chava screams for her to wake up, and Pat is in shock!

Next Monday: Candy has amnesia! (Just kidding, but you never know!) :)


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