Saturday, July 14, 2012

Abismo de pasión #88 7/13/12: If Whuppin' A$$ Was an Olympic Sport, Agosto Brought Home the Gold-Which Will Be Awarded Posthumously, Of Course.

Casa de Castanon Home Office:  Agosto recalls the conversation between Gabby and himself in the cemetery.  Gabby told him not to feel so sad about the baby.  Agosto replies that Gabby doesn’t know what it’s like to lose a child.  Gabby informs Agosto that that the baby wasn’t his.

Casa de Tovar Living Room:  A hearty welcome to the newest member of the Dumb Chick List, Sabrina Tovar.  Sabrina is encouraging her “amor” (Paolo) to ask for her parents for her hand.  She wants to get hitched before she becomes noticeably pregnant.   Paolo gently caresses her face and encourages her to relax.  He doesn’t want to rush things; they have a couple of weeks left before her belly gets big.  Cautiously, Paolo looks around, making sure that no one hears their conversation.  He wants her to travel to Merida with him in the morning.  He has a surprise for her.  Mrs. Kravitz (Begona) bounces down the stairs and into the living room.  She seems overjoyed that the only eligible child molester/rapist and part-time extortionist in La Ermita has taken an interest in her nubile daughter.  Gleefully, she takes the seat across from canoodlers and tells Paolo that he has her support.  Sabrina and Paolo cuddle on the pink paisley love seat while Mrs. Kravitz asks Paolo about his intentions, his hopes and his goals for the future.  Does he plan on expanding into serial killing anything time soon?  Paolo, still holding Sabrina’s hands, charms Mrs. Kravitz by answering her eager questions.  She asks Paolo to call her by her first name since they are practically the same age.  Sabrina protests, but Paolo diffuses the situation by telling Mrs. Kravitz that he appreciates her confidence.  Mrs. Kravitz says that he hopes that he won’t abuse it.  Paolo asks permission to take Sabby out for breakfast.  Mrs. Kravitz hints that she would like to go with them.  Sabrina shuts her mother down and tells her to call one of her own friends for breakfast.  Paolo salutes Mrs. Kravitz with a kiss on the cheek.  She insists that he call her, Begona.  Paolo is so dessssspicable.  Mrs. Kravitz rushes to the phone and dials. 

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Destituted, Carmina, dressed only in a dirty grey robe with her pants around her ankles, is walking towards the front door.  I don’t need you and I don’t need anything!  Except this!  I need this ashtray, and this paddle game and this remote control and these matches and this magazine and this chair and this lamp and that’s all I need too!  I don’t need one other thing!  I need my dog (the dog growls).  Well I don’t need my dog. What are you looking at?  What do you think I am some kind of jerk or something? *

Carmina heads toward the door, pulling two pink suitcases behind her, when the phone rings.  She opens the door, but decides to turn around and answer the phone instead.  She walks past the discarded shot gun standing in the corner.  Mrs. Kravitz invites her out to breakfast.    At first, Carmina turns her down, but agrees to go for coffee at the Casa de Tovar. 

Case de Mickey and Mallory:    Gabino has bought Ingrid her favorite gift (and mine) which is an enormous roll of Benjamins fresh off the press.  This is totally against the pimp code.  Is Gabino slipping?  She wants to know if Gabby is going to give her the rest of her money.   Hell no!  If I do that, you’ll bounce.  She assures him that she will not leave until the Castanon’s are destroyed, but  she doesn’t like being locked up in the little blue house.  He tells her that everything is about to change because he is going to buy Cielo Abierto.  He suggests that she take the money and go buy something for herself.  She agrees.  Even when he pushes her back on the bed, Ingrid keeps a death lock on her greenbacks whilst Gabby attempts to get his freak on.  He kisses her neck, he rubs her legs, but she does not let go of those bills; not one single one.  He’s interrupted when someone bangs on front door.  Gabby begrudgingly gets up to answer.  Agosto bursts through the door and marches into the house.  Ingrid eavesdrops from the bedroom.  Agosto demands to know if Gabby told the truth about Carmina’s son not being his.  Gabby tells him that he was just joshing with him.  Agosto demands to know if the baby belonged to Rosendo.  Gabby pauses, so Agosto grabs his shirt and tries tossing him around a bit.  Ingrid steps out of the bedroom and tells Gabby to answer Agosto.  Gabby doesn’t answer quickly enough for Ingrid, so she confirms the story.  Carmina was indeed the lover of Rosendo.  Agosto turns to Gabby again and asks him to confirm the story.  Gabby confirms it.  Agosto rushes towards the door, then stops when Gabby asks how found out.  Agosto tells him that it doesn’t matter how he found out.  Gabby growls at Ingrid.  She tells him that Agosto might be able to kill Carmina since he couldn’t.  Gabby’s upset because he just destroyed Agosto’s life. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom:  Elisa is taping the torn picture of her mother and godmother back together.  Dolores attempts to cheer Elisa up as a dead, stuffed and mounted yellow bird looks on at the conversation.  What chick who loves pastels would decorate her room with taxidermy?  Dolores tells her to look at the bright side; the picture can be fixed.  Elisa reminds Dolores that it’s the only picture that she has of her mother and her godmother.  Carmina had no right to rip it up.  Dolores tells Elisa that she doesn’t have to worry about Carmina anymore because her suitcases are packed and at the door. Elisa tells Dolores that the amulet is beyond repair.  Dolores suggests that Elisa ask Ramona to fix it.  Elisa complains that the necklace has only brought her bad luck.  Elisa finally gives in and the two women leave the bedroom.

Casa de Mickey and Mallory:  See what happens when you don’t follow the pimp code/manual?  Your woman gets out of line and talks too much.  Gabby, who has been driven to drink from all of the honesty and forthrightness that occurred today, opens up bottle of Tequila and pours himself a double shot.  Ingrid wants to know how Carmina got knocked up from Rosendo.  Gabby says the baby is dead, so it doesn’t matter.  Ingrid demands that he tells her the truth.  He tells her that it doesn’t matter because they don’t even know if the baby belonged to Rosendo.  Ingrid wants to know why he keeps defending that nut.  She points out that he has kept Carmina’s affair with Rosendo secret for years.  She wants to know what he owes Carmina.  He says that he doesn’t owe Carmina anything.  He’s kept quiet because she scares the bejeebers out of him and he doesn’t want her as his enemy.  Gabby, please turn in your pimp card to the corporate office immediately, if not sooner.  You don’t deserve it.  Gabby’s concerned that Agosto may not be willing to sell him the property anymore.  Ingrid says that she wouldn’t sell it to him either.  The two sit at a little table.  Ingrid twirls her hair.  There’s another knock at the door.  Ingrid, wearing a pair of fabu black Christian Loubotain shoes, opens the door for Gael, who has come to escort her to Kenia’s funeral.  Sidebar:  Gabby was trying to get his freak on with a woman who is about to attend her daughter’s funeral. 

Casa de Arango Damien’s Bedroom:  Alfonsina is trying to play a Jedi Mind Trick on Damien and it looks like she’s succeeding.  She wants to know when he wants the wedding to take place.  He tells her within a couple of weeks.  She tells him that she is going to throw an incredible shindig.  He doesn’t want a big party.  He just wants to get this death sentence over with.  He’ll pull the electric chair lever on himself.  She asks if he’s concerned about Elisa.  He says yes.   She tells him that everyone is responsible for their own happiness.  He says he’s trying to do that by getting married to someone who’s second best and then their moving to Mexico.  She says that he’ll break her heart if he moves to Mexico.  His mother knows that he doesn’t have to live with her, but at least stay in La Ermita.  She tells him that she will give him a great gift and asks if they can talk about it later.   Commercial.

Theme Song:  While I’m waiting for the show to resume.  I wonder what the singers are thinking about Elisa.  Geez, in every other shot she’s making out anywhere and everywhere with either Gael or half- naked Damien.  She’s a little vixen and an exhibitionist.  Virgin my big fat fanny!

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Dolores spots the shotgun in the foyer.  Agosto returns from speaking with Gabby and Ingrid.  He asks about Carmina's whereabouts.  Dolores tells him that Carmina left with her pink suitcases.  He then asks about Elisa.  She went to visit Paloma.  Agosto looks as if he’s been crying.  He tells Dolores to go find Elisa; he needs to talk to her.   It’s very important.  Dolores rushes out of the house.  Stricken, Agosto walks into his office and opens the liquor cabinet.  Quick!  Someone call his AA sponsor!  He pours himself a big glass of whiskey while waiting for his daughter to arrive.  He almost puts the glass to his lips, but throws it to the floor instead.  The whiskey bottle follows.  Soon, he returns to the liquor cabinet, decides to get rid of his entire stash and tosses all of the bottles to the ground!   He determined to stay on the wagon!  Hurray!  Sponsor not needed after all.  I bet his office looks and smells like Times Square on New Year’s Day.   He walks out. 

Casa de Tovar:  Mrs. Kravitz gives Carmina a napkin for her tea.  Mrs. Kravitz asks about Agosto and Carmina breaks down in tears; her marriage is falling apart.  She blames Elisa for Agosto asking her to leave the house.  Carmina tells Mrs. Kravitz that she has no one and nowhere to go and Agosto doesn’t care.  Mrs. Kravitz tells her that someone is selling their property and suggests that Carmina buy it.  I don’t have any money, Begona.  Carmina asks if she can stay with Mrs. Kravitz, her dear friend (who doesn’t know that Carmina slept with her husband).  It will just be until she solves the problem with Agosto.  Mrs. Kravitz agrees and the two embrace.  Carmina runs home to get her things.  This is not going to be good.  I can tell. 

Witch Mountain:  Sitting at the kitchen table, Ramona is holding her head in her hands when there is a knock at the door.  Elisa steps in without so much as an "andalante" from Ramona.  Ramona tells her that Paloma isn’t there.  Elisa asks her to fix the amulet.  She informs Ramona that Carmina broke it.  Ramona says that she’ll fix it and send it back with Paloma when she arrives.  Elisa notices Ramona depression and asks her what’s up.  She asks Elisa if she has spoken with Agosto yet.  Elisa says no.  Ramona tells Elisa that once she speaks to her father, her life will completely change. 

Cemetery Kenia’s FUNeral:  Padres conducts the burial service.  Only Gael and Ingrid are in attendance.  Gael thanks her for not inviting Gabby.  Ingrid thanks him for not inviting the riff raff from La Ermita.  Padre says that Gael’s friends should be there.  Ingrid blames one of the families for Kenia’s death.  Padre believes that Kenia killed herself and blames Ingrid for her suicide.  He says that Ingrid sucked as a mother.  Ingrid tells Padre not to make her cuss him out at her daughter’s FUNeral.  Padre says that they all know what type of mother she is.  I’m not putting you down for abandoning your son (I’m just rubbing it in); however, I’m talking about how you treated Kenia.  He tells her that Kenia told him everything about how she was raised and Singrid should be ashamed of herself.  Gael tells them that the FUNeral is not the time to argue.  Four men lower the coffin into the ground.  Um, normally I’m on Lupe’s side, but at her daughter’s graveside is not the time to kick Singrid when she’s down.  She looks as if she would like to hit Padre Lupe with the flowers she’s holding, but she tosses them into the gravesite instead.  She’s had it with the conversation.  She tells them that the person responsible for her daughter’s death will pay.  She leaves.  How convenient!  Dr. Tovar is waiting in jeans and a t-shirt with a bouquet of yellow flowers.  She acts surprised that he came.  He’s disappointed that he arrived late to the FUNeral and sighs.  She tells him that they’ve already buried Kenia and acts appalled that no one came (she's evilicious).  He gives her his condolences along with a bouquet of yellow flowers.  He wants her to go with him to lay the flowers on the grave.  She says no because that little angry priest is there and he’ll blab about her abandoning her child and being an unfit mother.  Hell, he told the pallbearers and she don’t even know them.   They embrace and get into his car.  Those Loboutains are not made for walking; they are made for looking fabu.  Commercial.  P.S.  This is not going to be good.  I can already tell. 

Casa de Castanon Elisa’s Bedroom:  Agosto is searching Elisa’s room.  He finds the picture in her night-stand where she usually keeps it.  I really don’t know why he didn’t look there first; he’s found it there before and threatened to destroy it.  He takes the taped up photo of Estefania and Blanca and walks out of the room.  Next, he takes the picture into his room and lays it at the foot of his bed.  He gets down on his knees in front of the photo and tearfully begs his dead wife for forgiveness.

Restaurant:  Our newest inductee is having lunch with her “SSSsssssamor”.  Their having a glass of milk since she can’t legally drink yet.  She asks how long he and Kenia dated.  He’s says a couple of months.  She wants to know why they broke up.  He wants to know why she cares about that.  She tells him that she knows that he knocked up Kenia too.   SsssPaolo denies paternity and says that Kenia was trying to trap him.  She wants him to swear; he’s a good Christian.  He doesn’t swear.  He tells her to stop comparing his relationship to her with his relationship with Kenia.  He gets a little testy and she tells him not to get all worked up.  She won’t bring it up again (this is how she earned her spot on the list).  Kenia has been on her mind since her body was identified floating in the cenote.  He’s totally stunned. 

Cemetary:  Damien stops by the cemetery to pay his last respects as well.  The four men have finished manually filling in the grave since there are no backhoes available in all of La Ermita.  Damien brings in the headstone, a large cross.  He had it made.  Her full name was Kenia Jasso Navarro.  Gael asks how Damien knew.  He hadn’t even told Elisa.  Padre Lupe Kravitz told him.  He felt it was important that Damien knew.  Padre walks off, and Damien and Gael lay the headstone down flat on the pile of dirt.  Damien looks at the grave and recalls his father’s funeral.  Young Damien is hugging his father’s casket.  Gael walks in and touches him on the shoulder, they fist bump and Gael hugs Damien.  Young Damien had tears in his eyes.  Now in the present, they both have tears in their eyes and this time, Damien hugs Gael. 

Bench:  Dr. Tovar and Ingrid are sitting on a bench talking.  She is holding the pretty yellow flowers and intently listening to him.  Little Dr. Tovar really enjoys this attention because he normally can’t say anything when his wife’s around.  Dr. Tovar has to leave; he has patients waiting for him.  She realizes he’s a very busy man and asks to see his bank statements.  You must make a lot of money, says the Gold or Grave Digger.  Yeah, I do pretty well.  She thanks him for coming and hanging out with her.  Dr. Tovar walks away but returns to the bench.  He asks can he see her later on.  She agrees and kisses him on the lips, grabs her flowers and walks away.  He touches his mouth and smiles.  This man is a diabolically insane chick magnet.  We may have to add Dr. Tovar to the Dumb Chick List as well.  Just in case, someone please draft an orientation letter. 

Casa de Castanon Guest Bedroom:  Agosto is still down on his knees begging Estefania to forgive him when Psy-Car-Tic walks in.  Seeing him down on his knees, she walks over and wants to know what’s going on.  She tells him that she’s leaving now and that she’s come back for her things.  Agosto calmly rises to his feet and slaps her into a nearby wall.  Didn’t she learn anything from the Don’t Never Accept her word incident?  Agosto continues to stare at her as if she were a bug.

Procesadora:  Maru is leaving when Don Lucio calls her name.  He tips his hat to her and tells her that he has been waiting to walk her home.   The two walk off arm and arm together.   Instead of going home, he ask her to go to the “Inn” for dinner.  Hmmmmmm  She’s going to a hotel to eat dinner.  Tramp.  She’s old enough to know where that will lead. 

Casa de Castanon Guest Bedroom:  Carmina is sitting on the floor holding her cheek and wants to know why she’s been slapped.  Where should I start?  There’s so many reasons… Oh, she wasn’t talking to me.  Agosto tells her that she’s busted and the jig is up.  He knows that she was the one boinking Rosendo.  He grabs her by the hair and pushes her into a wall.  She begs for forgiveness and tells him that she loves him.  He kinda sorta shoves her onto the bed (more like she voluntarily jumped.  The stunt coordination team didn’t work that out as well as they could have).  Anyways, he climbs on top of her and chokes her.  Agosto pauses to reflect on the accident.  He tells her that she’s the one who should have died in the accident.  She jumps off of the bed and runs out of the room.  He runs after her, but finds her in the hallway (conveniently, right outside of his bedroom door).  He grabs her by her hair and shoves her against the wall again.  He tells her that he isn’t finished killing her yet.  He knows that the baby belonged to Rosendo.  Sueltame!  Basically, he was just knocking her butt down the hallway.  How dare you falsify the Don’t Never Accept it test.  He takes a break (he must be worn out from all of the physical exertion), and grabs a Gatorade before starting round two.  While his is rehydrating, she admits that during the marriage, she might have done a few things wrong like preparing to run off with Rosendo.  She blames that on Agosto for not loving her.  He adored her sister and she couldn’t stand it.  She did it for love.  Ding Ding!  He does a couple of quick stretches, cracks his neck, grabs her hair again and slams her into a wall.  Sueltame!  She frees herself and runs into the office, but she’s just not quick enough.  “You are going to take this whuppin like a man!”  They struggle into another room.  Ohhhh there it is.  Just what were waiting for…another crotch shot.  Once again, she is on her knees and her face firmly planted in his boy bits section.  She begs his boy bits to release her.  She tells him that she has never lied about loving him.  She wants a chance to explain!  I know what you’re thinking, but I can’t add her on list because she’s technically deranged.  She’s the only one with a legitimate excuse.  The others really are dumb.  He tells her that she is going to leave the house with nothing.  He is going to tell everyone what she did to Estefania and Elisa.  Everyone will know that she was Rosendo’s true lover.   He keeps trying to choke her but he can’t get a good grip on her neck.  Geez, I really wish she would quit squirming and let him get her well-deserved murder over with.  He throws her to the ground, but he didn’t think the logistics through.  She falls in front of the shot gun, grabs it and cocks it.  He looks shocked and tells her to drop the shotgun.  He tells her that she is responsible for Estefania’s death and she will pay for what she did to her.  Well, this just may prove to be the last psychotic chick that Agosto ever beats up.  Commercial. 

Casa de Castanon Kitchen:  Horacio has never looked like the kind of guy that is concerned about his hygiene, but OK I’ll take the leap.  Anyways, Horacio is in the kitchen washing his hands when he FINALLY hears all of the commotion in the foyer.  Anywho, Horacio peeks into the foyer and sees Carmina sitting on the floor pointing the shotgun at Agosto .  He steps towards her and tells her that she will pay for what she did to Estefania and demands that she get up so he can expose and beat her a$$ again.  She pulls the trigger and kills him.  Well, I hate to say it, but he had it coming for whuppin’ her like it was an Olympic sport.    Personally, if it were me, I would have shot him twice. 

Witch Mountain:  Meanwhile, over a Witch Mountain, Ramona drops a water pitcher after feeling a sharp pain in her chest.  She picks up the pieces of the broken pitcher from the floor. 

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Carmina has dropped the gun.  Horacio steps into the foyer, walks around and surveys the body.  Hmmm Horacio could have saved the day, but I guess he had other things to do (like hide) behind the door.  He asks why she did it.  Sprinkled with her husband’s blood, Carmina picks the gun back up and points it at Horacio.  You murdered Don Agosto!  says Horacio.  Carmina continues to point the gun and shakes her head.  She says that she didn’t want to do it.  Technically, I think she can claim self-defense, but then I’m not a lawyer.  Horacio wants to call the police; he looks towards the office.  She cocks the gun again.  Maybe we won’t call the police.  She tells him that if he calls the police, she will tell them that he was involved in Blanca’s murder and that he killed Agosto.  He points out that she is the one holding the shotgun.  She will tell the cops that she took it from him as soon as she saw him kill Agosto.   He says it will be his word against hers.  She says that they will believe her over him because she’ll say that he killed Agosto to prevent him from going to the police about Blanca’s murder.  He asks her not to do that to him.  She thinks it will be better for her if she kills him too.  It will prove that she acted in self-defense.   She keeps the gun pointed on him.  Blood is still on her face. 

Cemetary:  Damien and Gael are walking towards their horses.  Damien asks Gael to break up with Paloma and hook up with Elisa.  He tells Gael that he is going to marry Florencia to get over Elisa.  He admits that he has been using Florencia’s body to make him forget wanting to boink is faux sister (gross again! Man she's your faux sister, get over her!).  Gael tells him that he’s already dumped Paloma and begins to tell Damien that he has made a big mistake by sleeping with Florencia.  Well, somebody had to say it. 

Casa de Castanon Foyer:  Psy-Car-Tic still has the gun on Horacio, but he slowly inches up to her and wrestles the gun away from her.  He is not going to let her pin this whack on him.  She tells him that she has a way out of this, but they both have to agree not to bust one another out.  Carmina notices a paper lying beside Agosto.  She kicks his arm, reaches down and grabs the bloody document. Horacio gives the gun back.  He says that he doesn’t know how they can get out of this one.  She says she does, but they have to work quickly before anyone arrives. 

*Steve Martin (The Jerk)


Friday, July 13, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of July 16 - Discuss among yourselves

¡Hola á todos! We're on a roll with three novelas: the two new ones - Rosa Diamante and Pablo Escobar and Corazón Valiente continues. Thanks to Novelera, Hombre de Misterio and Novela Maven for their recaps. Over to you.

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Weekend Discussion: Telenovela Villains -- More Parental Toxicity

Dirty Dozen #2: Toxic and Controlling Fathers

The other side of toxic parenting is the Controlling Father. While his female counterpart typically controls through guilt or other forms of emotional blackmail, he typically controls through the purse strings, sometimes also with keys and locks; insults and emotional blackmail are often his last resort. Most are wealthy and powerful, some are insecure and merely selfish, and some still are perverse.  Not as common as the Controlling Mother and usually less deadly, but perversion can compensate for that.  Some of these are candidates for redemption, although most usually pay the ultimate price.

It is rather surprising also, that this is the province of specialists and there are fewer actors cast in these series-length roles than for controlling mothers.  Why do you think this is?  I think it must be the deep voices.

Who is the most evil of them all?

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Abismo de pasión #87 7/12/12: I desire you, but you’re my brother. Even if you’re not, you’re marrying another. Your brother loves me, but you don’t know he’s your brother.

Announcement: Great news! Y'all are in for a treat. Novela Maven will be filling in for me the next three Thursdays while I take a hiatus. 

Last night we left Ramona on the verge of telling Augusto The Truth, Augusto not wanting to hear The Truth, and Marta feverishly swinging her skillet in his direction. I quote: “You won’t go anywhere until I tell you everything I know about that  night, and then you make your own conclusions about who was supposed to be in the car with Rosie, if Stefie, or her sister.. Carmina.( THERE!! FINALLY!!! Now lets see if he can handle the TRUTH!! Good, cause I am tired already of swinging that skillet at his head by now!)”

Tonight the question lingers...was it Estefania or Carmina who was boinking Rosendo? Ramona says she has reason to believe Carmina is behind all the the trouble concerning Stef lo these many years. Remember Carmina was about to leave on the exact day that Stef and Ros had their accident. Didn’t Stef lock Carmina in her room that day? Elisa was little but she remembers it well. Maybe Stef was trying to prevent Carmina from running off with Rosendo. Also, Stef told Ramona something just before she died. Ramona didn’t understand it at the time but Stef said, “I had to stop them.” “Detenerlos.” Poor, dense Augusto tries hard to sort through this new information.

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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #68-69 Thu 7/12/12 Everyone is Pithed and Lorenzo and Luci Have Lots Of Guardian Angels

Part I

Mexico City:

Gala, Julie and Frigid are meeting in the cafe. Frigid is telling them the latest gossip she heard while listening in on the phone extention, between Max and Rosa. She tells them what she has will be worth alot of money. Julie doesn't want to pay until she hears the dirt. Well, Frigid says ok, then how about this. This Luci is not a Nortena at all, but wait for it, the daughter of Aurora Linares! Julie and Gala are so shocked! Julie wants to know how Luci ended up in the North then. They don't want to think about that, could be a crime. Frigid has really rubbed it in, and Gala says, oh noes, she could be in our class! The horror! Gala gives Frigid a check, but it looks like she doesn't like the amount.

Rosa has gone to the cemetary and is talking to the guy that takes care of the graves. He tells her he put baby clothes in Aurora's grave, but since Rosa never told him if the baby was a boy or a girl, it is a hodge podge. He also warns her that if anyone ever finds out he desecrated that grave, he ain't goin down alone, and they will end up in jail. Rosa is shocked!

Rod goes to Lastra's office and punches him right in the face, hauls Lastra's butt over to his desk and smashes his face right on that desk top. Rod wants Lastra to admit Luci never robbed him. Lastra yells right back that Lorenzo certainly robbed him and he is Luci's brother. By now Hot Pithed Rod has Lastra by the throat and tells him Lorenzo has plenty of back up and stop with the robbing accusations. Hot Pithed Rod, who is still DEAD TO ME, by the way, tells Lastra the next time Lastra makes accusations he will end up in the hospital or in jail. Hot Pithed Rod leaves and Lastra is sitting at the desk, yelling Maldito Torreslanda! He has a huge bruise up side his face!

Hanna, Melissa, Lula and Boris are hatching a plan about getting Luci and Rod to talk to each other.

Julie is thinking and (when doesn't she ever plot and plan?) says we really need to find out this secret, is it Max or Claudio? Gala of course doesn't really beleive Frigid got it right. Gala is still stuck on the fact that Rod and Luci are probably sibs. Gala now says we have to find out if that domestica (drink! Thanks Vivi, we will be drunk by the time this epi ends, jus' sayin, lol) is Max's or Claudio's and even if Aurora had a child. Gala says if we find out she is Claudio's daughter, he is the #1 enemy of Max, it could effect the future of Torreslanda. This is very serious! Julie is only thinking of the money that will sadly NOT come her way, if this is true, but Gala is worried about the future, not the fortune. Julie wants to enjoy that fortune, um, I mean Gala to enjoy that money, but Julie is worried that chacha will really benefit. What to do? What to do?

Rod has made it back to the office, and Marcos and Gabe are giving him hell for going to confront Lastra alone. Rod says he has to confront this alone. Rod says he wants Lastra to stop with the lies (Note to Rod: But not your loca mama or the other two b/witches)? Marcos tries to tell Hot Pithed Rod that he and Luci are the victims of chisme, Yay, Marcos. Well Rod says did you know Luci is a very good friend of Claudio Linares, my dad's #1 Enemy! How could she be friends with him? (Note to Rod: Poor little Luci has no idea about the fraud).

Vio and Polo are having a big yuk at Lastra's expense. Seems he won't leave his office. He has had a couple of visitors and isn't happy. Ivan sees them yukking it up and tells them to get back to work, already.

Het Het:

Don Aquiles is very pithed at Copio for his handling of things while he was away, plus Dona Luchita met him at the bus stop, instead of Copio and he trusted Copio. Don A says something about seeing this with his own eyes. Don A tells Copio to Largate and gives poor ole Copio a kick in the rump! And guess who has come calling on Don A again? That's right Dona Luchita who has flowers in her hair and a bouquet just for the Don. She calls him Bishon. Copio hightails it out of there. She is wanting to recipercate that noche di amor, but he tells her, she is pretty, but not for him. She is on the chase. She tells him it isn't important what he thinks and she hugs him. He looks like he wants to barf.

While ole Don A is distracted by Dona Luchita, Magda, Paz and Ariche are at the bus stop waiting for that bus to take them to the D.F. Ariche is excited to finally see Rod and Luci, Magda is excited to see Vio, who she hasn't seen in years, and Paz is excited to finally see Lorenzo and Luci, who she is very, very worried about.

Boston, Massachusetts:

Max is phoning home to talk to Rosa. Max gives Rosa the latest update on Pato. He wants to know how she is and how is Hanna? He hasn't heard from her. Max says, Rosa sounds preoccupied. and she says its personal. He tells her, her craziness is keeping HIM preoccupied.

Max and Pato are having a little convo in the hospital room. Pato wants to know what happened to make Max fall in love with Rosa. Max tells him it is the way she talked and her eyes! (Are you freaking kidding me? Well, maybe that was "before" she became loca.). Pato asks him, well since you are so in love with Mama, why are you looking and hooking up with a woman that is way too young for You? Max is shocked! Max tells Pato not to ask him these things, and Pato says, oh, so you won't answer, huh? Max says he wants Pato to think of how he is helping Pato get well.

Pato and Max are in the hospital room and the Dr. is giving Pato his excellent prognosis. He should be getting more range of motion in his hands and little by little his arms. But he needs therapy. Max says there are excellent therapists in Mexico City. The Dr, tells Max he wants to see Pato in three months. He assures Max and Pato, that Pato has an excellent chance at recovery.

Mexico City:

Vio brings Lastra a drink to his office. He has a really big bruise on his face, that is turning colors. She wants to know what is up with that. He says five wretches that's what!

Luci is at home, trying to occupy herself with studying for that prepa test, when Hanna calls her. Hanna says to meet her at the cafe near her prepa so they can have coffee, (Now Hanna and her gang of friends, Boris, Lula, Melissa are listening into this convo and are so proud they are setting this up). Luci agrees and hangs up. As soon as Hanna hangs up with Luci, Hanna calls Rod and tells him the same thing, to meet Hanna for coffee. He also agrees. Luci goes to the courtyard and sees Marianita,and guess who strolls in, that's right, Claudio is back! Luci tells him she is going to meet "Hanna" for coffee and he offers to take her there. She doesn't want to bother him, but he tells her come on let's go.

Vicky is in the salon, crying her eyes out, over her papa being fired, and Nicole is trying to comfort her, which doesn't last long. Aldo comes to see Vicky. She is way pithed at him. Aldo insists on talking to Vicky alone. Vicky is running away from Aldo. She tells Aldo this is the consequence of seeing Aldo and being Max's lover and that's why her Papa Jer got fired. Vicky says all your stupid pranks caused all this grief for me, (Note to Vicky: Too bad you didn't lower your voice cause your boss Nicole just heard every word you just said) and now Vicky is truly pithed.

Claudio and Luci are now in the car, going to that cafe, and Claudio is asking her why she is so indignant about love. He tells her love isn't correct, it just is. Love also involves respect. Luci tells Claudio she thinks Hot Pithed Rod doesn't love her anymore. Luci switches the subject to Pato, and tells Claudio Pato is the in the States, getting treatment, and Pato is like an angel, just like Claudio. Claudio then tells Luci to put Lorenzo in his hands and he will take good care of him. He asks Luci if she is really prepared to divorce Hot Pithed Rod. He tells her to be sure she knows what she is doing and to be calm. Meanwhile, Hot Pithed Rod has pulled up behind Claudio's car. Claudio tells Luci you should really look for Rod and talk to him again. Meanwhile behind them Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod sees them hug. Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod, leaves after seeing this. Claudio tells Luci she so reminds him of his dead wife Aurora, she is intelligent, and listens to him. Claudio tells Luci he will handle her divorce, take care of Lorenzo's case and not to worry bout a thing. Luci thanks him. He has brought her back a present from Europe, it is a beautiful porcelian doll. She thanks him for that, and says she'll go now. He gets out the car and opens the door for her. She hugs him and goes.

After Claudio drops Luci off he goes to see poor Lorenzo in jail. Claudio tells him Luci told him he was there. Lorenzo tells Claudio he is sorry for screwing things up , not really, and he's sorry and please don't leave him in the hoosegow. Lorenzo tells Claudio that Lastra really has it in for him, and Claudio tells him not only you but your sister too, and I'm going to talk to him cause he ain't gettin away with it this time.

Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod is hopping mad, how could she be hugging that Linares dude in public (Note to Rod: Oh, Dios Mio get a grip already) Rod seems to think there is a little somethin', somethin' goin on with Luci and Claudio. How could she hug my papa's #1 enemy?

Meanwhile Luci is waiting at that cafe, all alone. She asks the waiter the time and he tells her it is five past three, way past the appointed time. Luci goes to a payphone and calls Hanna, who is with her gang minus one, Lula, and asks Hanna if everything is ok, cause she is like waiting for her. Hanna lets it slip, oh, what Hot Head Rod didn't meet you there. Now Luci is pithed, she doesn't want to talk to Hot Head Rod and hangs up on poor Hanna. The gang can't figure out what went wrong. Hanna immediately calls Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod, who basically says he didn't want to talk to Luci either. She was hugging Claudio Linares, you know that dude is papa's #1 enemy, Hanna tells Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod that he adores Luci and Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod isn't hearing Hanna, she wants to explain about Claudio being with Luci , but Hot
Way Beyond Pithed Rod hangs up on her too!

Luci has made it home with her little dolly and Vio is there and sees it. Vio thinks Rod gave it to her. Luci says no Hanna the sly girl, tried to set up a meet with Rod, but Luci is pithed cause she thinks Rod could care less about her or love her anymore.

Aldo goes to see Hot Pithed Rod in his office and informs him that Don J was let go on the orders of Tio Max. Hot Pithed Rod can't get a break today. He tells Aldo that that can't be true, his Papa Max is in Boston with Pato. Aldo explains that Don Jer was probably let go cause he was "seeing" Vicky, and Hot Pithed Rod is remembering the time he and Pato saw Vicky with Papa Max. Aldo tells Hot Pithed Rod that Tio Max is very strict, but this is way too much. Rod is pithed. Don J is very respected and Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod tells Aldo it's all his fault and NOT Don J's. Rod tells Aldo he is not to see Vicky anymore.Rod really wants to know if Aldo likes Vicky. Aldo tells Rod he truly likes her, but she is involved with another who is better than Aldo, and has lots of money. (Note to Rod: hint, hint).

We are back at the salon now, and Vicky is getting her clip job from Nicole. Nicole is pithed to find out that not only was Vicky seeing Aldo but that she now finds out that Vicky is the amante of Max, the husband of her best client Senora Torreslanda! She wants to fire Vicky. Vicky begs her not to, since her Papa just got fired. Vicky is begging Nicole. Nicole says ok, but I give you a week, straighten out, or I'm done with you. Vicky is now very pithed and crying.

Pato and Rosa are talking on the phone. She is happy Pato is coming back. She wants to talk to Max. Max gets on the phone and tells Rosa they will be home manana. She is very happy and tells them she'll be waiting. She turns to Frigid and Mati and informs them Pato is coming home. She wants to make sure his room is properly prepared. Mati is excited, Frigid, eh not so much.

Rod calls Max. Max tells Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod that he has called Rosa and informed her, he and Pato are coming back first thing in the am. Rod is happy to hear this and tells Max he hasn't spoken to Rosa. Now Hot Way Beyond Pithed Rod is telling his Daddy, so I guess you must be justified in firing Don J all cause of Vicky eh? Max is now pithed. Hot Head Rod has calmed down somewhat and tells his daddy this so aint right, fix it already.

Frigid, Hanna, and Mati are all in the kitchen and Mati is making Pato a cake for his happy homecoming (Ed Note: I swear she is making a pound cake, due to the amount of eggs she is cracking into that mixer, jus' sayin'). Mati asks after Rod and Luci, and Hanna wants them to reconcile. Frigid is openly listening, no need to hide behind the pillar this time, and hears every word.

Gala is in her office and tells her assistant, whose name is Bella, that she wants her to look into Claudio Linares and to see how he and Max are connected. Gala specifically wants the info on the fraud and how/why Claudio ended up in jail for twenty years.

Hanna and Melissa have come to beard Hot Head Rod in his lion's den. Hanna is pithed at him for not waiting around for Luci. Well, Hot Head Rod is so not into Hanna's little games. Melissa tries to intervene to get Hot Head Rod to listen, he is yelling he is sick of lies and Melissa tries to calm him down. Missy wants him to listen to them, at least. Missy tells him he will regret not listening to them, and by that time it will be too late.

There is a short scene here of Luci and Fabian, about how Fabian is worried for Lorenzo and Paz, Luci is worried about Magda and Paz, showing up for the wedding that isn't and if Claudio can help Lorenzo out of this jam, if not they are up the creek without a paddle. Luci is waiting to hear from Claudio.

Magda, Paz and Ariche have finally arrived in the D.F. They stop at a statue of the Virgin of Guadaloupe and each prays for a different reason,except Ariche. They thank the Virgin for getting to the D.F. safely, Magda prays for happy to be seeing Vio at last, Paz is praying for Lorenzo and Luci to be ok (sorry that pie cart has already hit all of them) and Ariche just wants to go already!

Luci is in Claudio's office and he has the paperwork all ready for her divorce. He wants her to really think about it before she signs it. Luci says its best this way, and he hands her the pen. She thinks about the happy time, not long ago, when she and Rod were getting married and signing the registar. She gives not one more moment of thought and signs the divorce demand!

Part II

After signing those divorce papers, Luci puts down that pen and cries like a baby. Claudio embraces her and cries too. One of Luci's big fat tears falls right on the line, Hot Head Rod is supposed to sign! Claudio tells Luci he wants her to be happy. She tells Claudio that marriage to Rod just can't be. She wants to know what happens next. He says the papers will be presented to Rod and that then both must appear before the judge. Oh, Luci is so NOT down with that. Claudio tells her, he is sorry about that, but it is part of the process. Luci doesn't want to see Rod at all.

Ok, now we have a lucious looking Rod, in just a teeny towel, too small for him, strutting around in his apartment. Oopsie, sorry, got carried away, forgot for a second ROD IS DEAD TO ME. Okay, now Rod is seeing that wedding dress box left on his sofa and takes it and puts it in a credenza not too far away and pouts that it is just wrong!

Luci, meanwhile, has left Claudio's office and is in the park. Suddenly, out of nowhere she hears the voice of Sabina (the Het Het bruja) telling her about all the many tears she will shed. Luci tells herself she has already cried all kinds of tears for her Mushashon already. She tells herself she was wrong and takes her ring off. Sad, very sad.

Gala's assistant, Bella goes to the city library, (Note to Blue Lass: They are always in a library in this TN, you would love it, jus' sayin'). She is asking the guy for info on archived files many , many years old. He asks for her I.D. and wants to know specifically on what/or whom? She tells him Claudio Linares and it has to do with fraud against Max Torreslanda. The guy is thinking and then remembers the case and exactly where the files are. ( I have to say here, this guy is one hell of a researcher if he can remember where these files are, jus' sayin'). He goes to get them.

Claudio and Lic Bar (am shortening his name, too many r's) are meeting and Lic Bar is the one that will be delivering those papers to Rod. Lic Bar so doesn't get why Luci is divorcing Rod, when you can tell she still so loves him. Claudio tells Lic Bar that she feels it is best to avoid future suffering. Just then Norma comes into the office and informs Claudio that finally, wait for it, the exhumation has finally come through. Claudio says, por fin, (finally) and now he can move their bodies to the family crypt. Norma, bless her heart, says this will be difficult for you Claudio, want company, cause Lic Bar and I can go with. Claudio says no, it's ok, I won't be alone, cause, wait for it, Rosa is coming with me, THE ONLY TORRESLANDA I REALLY TRUST, oh, poor misguided Claudio, if you only knew. At this point, Claudio calls up Rosa and asks her to do a special favor for him. He asks her if she wouldn't mind coming to the exhumation with him. Well, does she ever have a shocked look on her face! She actually wants to know from him if he is sure. He says he is and it would be SPECIAL (oh gag) if she were there. She agrees to go. After she hangs up, she says with that cold, dead voice, she wants to make freaking sure he sees that his wife and DAUGHTER are dead.

Luci has found a little church and goes inside to pray to Jesus for strength, lots of strength to forget about Hot Bod Rod. Meanwhile, Rod is thinking of Luci and remembers she said that her love for him was an emotion she had neva, eva felt before.

Frigid and Mati are having a little standoff about Pato's homecoming. Mati wants lots of flowers about, Frigid says flowers are for the dead, and Pato ain't dead. Mati puts her foot down with Frigid, who wants to know by the way, did you get permission from Rosa, Conny, Mati basically tells Frigid she don't need no stinking permission, she is doing it anyway, Gennaro is taking her to the market, can't be late, hasta la vista, Frig. After Mati goes Frigid says one day it would be good if Mati just shut her mouth,(Note to Frigid: Same to you, you cold hearted beyotch).

Vio and Luci are hanging together in the hood and Luci has that old wallet of hers and is telling Vio she is for sure divorcing, lucious Rod, oopsie, sorry, he is still DEAD TO ME. Anyway, Vio thinks it is just so wrong they were the victims of this chisme that caused all this grief, and to please think about what she is doing. Luci says, no its done now and Vio cries right along with Luci. Vio just thinks this is so wrong.

Bella has come back to the office,loaded with stuff for Gala on Claudio. Gala is surprised she got the info sooo fast. She tells Gala there is a ton of stuff in the library on Claudio. Bella tells Gala that Max and Claudio were partners at one point. Gala says she already knew that, it was a major scandal cause they were not only partners, they were more like brothers. Gala tells her Claudio protested his innocence even in jail. Bella thinks that is interesting.

Pato is at the airport and calls Rod. He expects Hot Head Rod to be reconciled with Luci already and then he hangs up on Rod. Ha!

Pato and Max have made it home, and Satan's minion, oopsie I mean Rosa is there to greet them. She tells them that Mati was in charge of decorating, and the room is filled with flowers and balloons and a huge welcome home sign, crafted by Hanna. Gennaro, Mati, Max and Frigid are all in the room. Pato loves the decorations and thanks Mati, Frigid even tries to get a word in by welcoming Pato home, he thanks her, then ignores her. Max tells them that Pato will be doing therapy again, and Rosa says she will comply with all the dr's orders , she gives Pato a kiss and tries to slide out of there. Max wants to know where she is going? Why not spend some time with Pato who just got home. Pato tries to deflect that and says he'll be here when she gets back. Max wants to know if she is going to a funeral? (Oh, Max, if you only knew what the loca is up to now). Mati asks Rosa where she is going. She won't say. Rosa is in the hallway now and Max wants to know why she is in a hellfire hurry to go. He says he is sick of her secrets and lies. Rosa tells him she has only wanted to protect her boys, oh yeah right, sure, sure; Max tells her you only want to protect your own conscience and your mistakes of the past and its driving her loca. She flips back at him that he is crazy. He still wants to know where she is going. She says she is going to meet Claudio Linares to fix one of those mistakes. She goes. Max is sooo pithed he has to sit down. Mati goes.

Lastra is in his office when he gets another Luci supporter come to call on him (First Lic Bar, then Rod (even though he is DEAD TO ME he tried to do damage control) and now Claudio. Claudio wants to know what kind of trumped up charges he has against Lorenzo. Lastra says nothing. It is payback time for Luciana Jacinto Flores! Claudio is pithed! Lastra is laughing at Claudio and Claudio says Lastra is a perverted wretch. He warns Lastra he will kill him if he even comes near Luci, and Lastra says good, then Luci will be in la carcel with Lorenzo. Claudio then takes that marvelous cane and puts it to Lastra's throat. Claudio lets ole Lastra know that now HE is in charge of Lorenzo's case and will ensure the police know all about the previous crap he tried to pull. Claudio wants to talk to the Big Cheese that actually owns Inferno, Ruh Roh. Lastra tells Claudio, he "doesn't know" who the owner is. Well Claudio tells Lastra that the police will be investigating the antro and casino and all of his dealings. Lastra is so not laughing now. He knows the crapola has hit the fan. Claudio tells Lastra that all his clandestine dealings will come to light and he wants to meet the Big Cheese face to face and Lastra has two hours to provide that info. Claudio goes and Lastra is looking like infarto material.

Hanna and Melissa have come to call on Luci to try to explain the cafe fiasco. Luci doesn't want to hear it, she is going back to Het Het soon. They tell her Rod is upset too, she doesn't want to hear that, or talk to him. But she will talk to Hanna and Melissa they aren't on her shit list. Sorry I hope I didn't offend anyone with that. Hanna and Melissa want to see Lorenzo and they tell her this is all Aldo's fault. Luci is suprised.

Gala is in her office, reading an article about Claudio and Aurora Linares. It is saying how Aurora gave birth to a daughter and both died two hours after the birth took place. Aurora had a heart problem and this was her cause of death. So now we know how Aurora died. She reads further on and sees that Rosa, a dear friend of the couple, arranged the funeral for mother and daughter. Gala can't understand how Luci could be the daughter of Aurora if the baby died. Then Gala gets a thought and crosses herself, and thinks oh, noes Rosa couldn't have done that, (steal the baby).

Now your recapper apologizes for this part of the recap. Frankly it creeped me out so much, I had to have a glass of wine while watching so if I got something wrong please forgive.

We are now at the cemetary and Claudio is coming from one direction and Rosa from the other, they meet up in the middle, by Aurora's tomb and the digging begins. It is a man with a shovel, no heavy equipment. The digging continues and then finally the casket is revealed way down. Claudio grabs some clumps of earth and rubs them through is fingers. Claudio is crying and Rosa has the death ray going. They have finally hoisted that casket up and it looks very deteriated. Claudio wants to look in the casket, they are all at this point wearing dust masks of blue. Rosa, the mean evil, one is telling him not to do it, and that it would be way too hard for him, yeah right. There is a gentleman there in a white coat, not the manicomio guy, but I think maybe an official that says they really need to open it to ensure there are the remains of a woman and child in there. Rosa tells Claudio it is better if he doesn't look down, let them rest in peace. Claudio asks Rosa if this is in fact the coffin with Aurora and his baby's remains, with her cold dead eyes she stares down at that coffin and assures him that yes, that is them. He thanks her for the chirstian/catholic burial she gave them and she says it is good he wants to move them to the family crypt. He says she is right, he won't look down and he actually thanks her for visiting the grave all the time he was away and now it is at an end, and then Claudio actually hugs Satan's minion, uh, Rosa. She is smiling that cold dead smile, dead as her eyes, and the cemetary worker is smirking right with her, Creepy! Digusting!

Julie is at home, drinking her daily, hourly draft of champagne, talking to Carola on the phone for a meet later, when Gala comes home. Julie gets off the phone and Gala hands her all those articles on Claudio and Aurora. Julie says she didn't know that Rosa knew the Linares' and this must be the thing that is driving Rosa loca. Gala says think about this, suppose that baby didn't die and came to work for the Torreslandas' years later. Julie isn't getting it, does this involve a crime? Gala just wants to find out what is going on with Claudio and Luci and how it effects Rod. Julie thinks that Luci married Rod for his fortune,and she doesn't want Gala to blow it by telling Rod about Rosa. Gala says she is only looking for dirt to seperate Rod from Luci foreva. Besides, Rosa is gonna help her marry Rod.

Lorenzo is still in the jail when he learns he has some visitors. It is Hanna, Melissa and Luci, Luci goes in first. He tells Luci that Claudio came to see him and that Lorenzo is fine. Luci tells him she didn't come alone and brings in Hanna and Melissa. Hanna immediately goes up to the bars and strokes Lorenzo's hand through the bars. Lorenzo looks at her hand. Melissa steps up to the bars and tells Lorenzo they know Claudio is now in charge of his case. He says he hates waiting in jail. Melissa and Luci are ready to go and Luci gives Lorenzo the blessing and they go. Hanna stays with Lorenzo and tells him to completely trust Claudio Linares and that she knows Lorenzo is in jail due to Aldo. Lorenzo says he was trying to do Aldo a favor, he paid the money back, but is in jail for his own actions.

Melissa and Luci are in the waiting area at the jail, and Luci is blaming herself for what happened to Lorenzo. If she hadn't been so occupied with planning for her wedding she could have kept a better eye on Lorenzo. Luci tells Melissa that if her and Lorenzo hadn' left Het Het,none of this would have happened.

Magda, Paz and Ariche are looking for the street and house number of Vio's place and Ariche is leading them around and telling them he knows the way. That is one smart cookie. Ariche has found the house, he is sure cause he and Fabian were there before.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Marcial has come to call on Vio. She wants to know Que Haces Aqi and to get out, she doesn't want to talk to him eva. He says he is staying until he hears her out. Marcial is telling Vio he is divorcing his wife and that this has been going on for two years, they have many problems, none due to Vio. Had these problems way before he met Vio.

Our Rod has gone to see Oscar. He wants his help. He tells Oscar that Lorenzo is in jail due to Aldo, that Lorenzo gave the money back, but Lastra insisted on these trumped up charges. He tells Oscar that Lastra is one mean jerk. Rod wants Oscar to go talk to Lastra and get him to drop the charges. He leaves it in Oscar's competent hands. Oscar wants to know if Rod is doing this for Luci. No, he isn't. Oscar assures him he will be the soul of discretion, no worries.

Hanna has made it out to the waiting area at the jail and they assure Luci they will not give up on Lorenzo. till he is free and cause he is part of the family. Luci thanks them for coming to see Lorenzo. Luci gives them a big ole hug.

Magda, Paz and Arichie go up to Dona Estella's. She is pleased to meet them, mixes up the moms with the daughters, about who is who in other words and offers to make some coffee. After about three rounds of I'll help you, no you won't, blah blah they finally settle that,and as Dona Estella is going to make some coffee and a little breakfast thingy, Paz says she is worried about her Luci and Lorenzo and Magda is bragging about Vio the nurse and how she hates her to work at night. Dona Estella wants to know if the girls knew Paz and Magda were coming, no it is a surprise and Dona Estella is thinking, yeah the surprise will be on you.

Luci goes to Inferno, she is so pithed she wants a meet with Lastra. Polo, fortunely is NOT going to let that happen. He tells Luci you know he will never listen to you, you will only harm yourself and besides Claudio has already been to see Lastra and now as a matter of fact there is an elegant gentleman meeting with him about Lorenzo. Luci wants to know who that is. Polo tells her he doesn't know. Polo tells her just to go, to avoid trouble. She goes. Meanwhile, Oscar is that very elegant gentleman meeting with Lastra. Oscar wastes no time in getting down to bidness. Oscar wants to know all the details about the charges against Lorenzo Jacinto Flores. Lastra says there are many reasons he is against the Jacintoes and he doesn't want money, he wants, wait for it, JUSTICE! Oscar whips out that check book and basically asks Lastra, how much we talkin about here? Lastra is thinking (ya know he is thinking more than 30,000 pesos).

Vio and Marcial are still arguing in her apartment about how he lurvves her, she hates him, doesn't want to see him ,he lied to her, when in walks Magda and Paz, right in the middle of the arguement. Vio is shocked to see her Moms and Paz too. She quickly introduces Marcial as a "friend" who has to go. He does. Both Magda and Paz look uncomfortable. Vio is sooo happy now to see her Moms and its been sooo long. Vio has both ladies sit down. Paz says she wanted to surprise them. Paz says she was worried about all the kids same with Magda. Bout this time Luci walks in and is shocked to see them. Mama Paz wants to know where Lorenzo is, Luci doesn't answer. Now Paz is in worried mode that is in overdrive, where is Lorenzo already. Luci tells her that Lorenzo is in the jail. Paz has to sit down, she is about to pass out.

Rod, Marcos, and Gabe are in a meeting, when Oscar comes in and lets Rod know on the sly things went well. Max comes in too and Pato is on the phone. Pato tells them all about his decorated room, Rod wants to know what the doc said, Pato tells them about more hand and later arm movement, Mati is with Pato holding the phone. Marcos and Gabe are pleased and Max mentions therapy and Oscar says they have great therapists in the capital when Rod gets a message to go out of the meeting for a minute.

Rod goes to the lobby and it is Lic Bar come to see Rod. Rod wants to know if Lic Bar is an associate of Claudio Linares. Lic Bar says yes this is so and that Lic Linares is representing Senora Luciana Jacinto Flores. Rod wants to know why Lic Linares is representing his wife. Lic Bar tells him, Claudio is representing his wife for divorce. He gives our Rod the divorce demand and tells him that his wife, Luciana Jacinto Flores wants a divorce from his, wait for it, sorry A$$. Rod is shocked!


Claudio and Oscar meet, Luci wants a divorce.

Rosa wants a confession that Max is the father of Luci. It's true isn't it?

Pato wants Rod out!

Vio is dressed like a nurse, as well as Serena and they are going to"work", Luci is shocked.

Rod catches Rosa telling Julie that she has seperated Rod and Luci foreva and Rod is pithed!


Refugio Para el Amor #66-67 Wed 7/11/12 Lorenzo goes to jail and EVERYONE SHOUTS ABOUT IT

Hi, readers! It looks like this is my last two-hour Refugio. Starting next week, I'm hopping onto the Eva-train...

But as for this episode, we get a lot of Frigida's smug eavesdropping. I still don't really get her motivation. Is she just an evil witch? She licks an awful lot of boots (Gala, Rosalena, etc...) but no one cares about her.

Rod and Luci are wistfully thinking about each other, in their respective locations. Surprisingly, they were not gazing up at full moons. The funny thing: both Pat on his hospital bed post-op (it was a success, by the way) and Luci's friend out in het het say the exact same thing: don't blow your only chance at happiness! 

Speaking of that hospital scene, there's a little gathering around the bed for everyone to talk about Rod and Luci. Pat scolds his mom: he's your son. Aren't you supposed to like, look out for his happiness? With all your scheming against Luci, it's time to help Rod a little. He asks her to help convince Rod to get back with Luci. Amusingly, she replies "what, meddle in my son's love life? I would never stoop so low!" Lol. Then Pat tries Maximino, who looks a little more receptive, but Rosalena shuts him down, too.

Gala and her mom go to visit Lastra. They are clearly behind the impending arrest of Lorenzo (but I thought he really stole the money), but the part I don't get is why they think that keeping Lorenzo in jail will ensure Rod and Luci's divorce.

Gerardo's, Vicky's dad, gets fired. Aldo heads to Boston to try to un-muddle the huge mess he's made aaaaaand go shopping. Unsurprisingly, his mom thinks he's going to screw it all up.

Now comes the shouting part! The cops come to arrest Lorenzo and everyone yells at them, especially Luci's friend who fancies herself a lawyer - "let me see that warrant!" "he has rights!" There are many scenes of this. Then, Paz and her friend, who had been calling Luci at the moment of the arrest, get a busy signal and spend several scenes throughout the rest of the show wandering around town and wondering if something's wrong.

Maximino feeds Rod his jello, but sympathetically tries a bite and realizes how awful it is. For this, we came all the way to Boston?

Rod goes to apologize to Luci and make everything right, but she's not having it. "You were supposed to protect me!" Him: "you were supposed to be with me forever!" So much for that. Rod goes back to his huge empty apartment for an angry topless workout.

Rosalena finds Aldo snoozing in the airport. She yells at him and calls him a dope. Then he comes to the hospital, where Maximino yells at him and calls him a dope (I only hired you on account of your mother!). Aldo is confused. "Are you only mad at me because I dated your youthful mistress?" Then he flies home where, not to be outdone, Rod yells at him and calls him a dope and much worse. He's all jazzed-up and muscly from his shirtless workout of remorse. He extracts the tale of Lastra's involvement (Lastra helped set this up, and has been waiting for Luci to come begging for mercy for her brother) and heads out with an evil look on his face.

Most of the evil ladies of the show are gathered together at a picnic table to complain about Luciana. Frigida hovers and, after Rosalena leaves, lets Gala and her mom know about some juicy flaming dirt she's got for them about Luci if they can pay.

Meanwhile in Berlin... we get a quick cutaway to see what Linares is up to. He's in a dark room with a flashlight, rifling through an aluminum briefcase, and uncovers a document signed "Linares, 1991." That's odd, because he was in Prague in '91! He grins, and announces to the security cameras that "this is the tip of the iceburg that will sink Torreslanda!"

Poor Procopio is having trouble holding down the evil empire in het het, and nobody will eave him alone, especially the large lady.

Rosalena's pet priest is losing patience with her. "You can't judge others the way you do! It's not right!" Then he tells her that he's getting ready to tell Linares THE WHOLE TRUTH!

At a cafe, wearing absurd sunglasses for secrecy (though Gala makes her take them off), Frigida spills the beans, though she fails to extract any money for them.  According to some half-overheard conversation, she is CERTAIN that Maximino is the one who was unfaithful, and that Luci is his daughter. Though she is most likely wrong, Gala is of course happy to hear this, as it would pretty much invalidate any of Luci's claim on Rod. What, does she think Rod will take her back?

Angry Rod bursts into Lastra's den of lasciviousness and pins his head to the desk. This looks good! Stay tuned...


Por ella soy Eva- Where and When

According to TV Guide, the new show will start at 8:00 on Monday!


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Abismo de pasión #86 7/11/12: of waterworks, blunt objects (or ones we would like to have at hand to hit AssGuss and Dam on head) and gag bags...

 Recap by Martaivette
Tonight’s ep is all about different levels of three things: waterworks, blunt objects and gag bags…
waterworks (5 levels): small bathroom faucet drop by drop leak, water fountain stream, kitchen sink faucet stream, firehose and Niagara falls
blunt objects(5 levels): finger tips, big cooking spoon, skillet, caveman club and full size hammer
gag bags (5 levels): bakery single donut bag, lunch paper bag, groceries paper bag, 13 lb trash bag, and contractor bag
ah yes, we did have some treat with shirtless Paolo, Damian and at the end an even better shirtless Gabino, but I will digress. I was not in mood trying to send consolation to Gael via telepathy…
BeGoneYa gloats to the other woman (well, you would be laughing so hard at her expense you might have the 1st level waterworks going but she deserves to be hit with blunt level 2 object)… ‘my husband is a great man’ then walks in the cafeteria and finds Inmundo and II hugging, makes the wrong conclusion and then has the ‘wanna get away?’ moment (she probably wants to hide her face in gag bag no. 3) when Inmundo tells her II just lost her daughter, the dead woman floating in the lake. ‘pobre mujer!’
Gabino at blue house receives a very traumatized II(ww #2), Gab spits his tequila all over (needs bo #3)… it was my daughter!. the dead body of a woman in the lake was my daughter! And Carmina killed her!! I want you to kill her!!
AssGus arrives home and is miffed at still finding Carmina there… (AG, I will gladly hand you BO # 4)
What are you still doing here?? GET OUT!! / what can I do to have you forgive me? / nothing short of winning the top prize for disappearing act. / (CHA-SHUN!!, out comes her armed with the shotgun) /what are you doing with that? / it was in your study. / it was locked with key! /not anymore. (C points the sg at herself own neck in a show of intention to commit suicide, ok woman, spare us any more anxiety and do it already!)/ I will shoot and you will deal with the remorse for the rest of your life / go ahead (andale!)
Lo Nuevo:
A:If you think you should do that is because you cannot live with your conscience. andale! Shoot!.. what are you waiting for?... (Carmina falls to the floor either a) stressed out, b) low on iron blood level, or c) overwhelmed and exhausted at lifting the shotgun ) it is the last night you spend here at the quinta. No more extended reservations. I have been already too lenient with you.
Gabino arrives to quinta… brings Assgusto the contract of sale of Cielo Abierto. AssG wants to keep it to read it over. Gab tries to convince him to sign now.. here is the CERTIFIED check!.. I told you I want to read it. / I hope you don’t back off on the deal because you won’t find a better buyer/deal.
At Lucio’s, Lucio argues with AssGusto, you are an idiot If you sell the farm to Gab… But I need the money to pay Elisa’s debt! (get BO no. 3 ready, please someone!)  Gab is willing to buy it! / you are making a huge mistake! / I have no choice (ok, HIT HIM with BO #3! Or hand over GB no. 2). It really hurts to have to sell the lands I have worked since I was young (believe me, man when I am done with BO #4 with you you will REALLY be hurting!). I feel like a failure, as a farmer, as a man, and even as a father. (WW no. 2 moment for audience.. NOT!) / you don’t have to feel that way, I know your daughter feels proud of you despite everything. (now it is ww no.1 moment for audience) / even if she has forgiven me I have been away from her so long that I don’t know how to deal with her (Another blow with BO #3, please!) / that will come naturally. How is it going so far? / well, we have been getting close and we talked calmly. All we need is for Carmina to leave. After that we will be fine, I want to dedicate completely to building our relationship / happy to hear that.
Elisa/Lolita… they are still discussing Carmina’s lies about Elisa’s origin.. Lolita mad about Carmina’s lies for so long. / you are right, I have plenty reason to hate my aunt but I don’t want to waste my time in hatreds that will only make me more bitter… (ok BO no.2 with Elisa so she will stop that pitty ride!) / ’ahi viene la senora’ …(looks at Carmina) you have not packed your bags, right?... (in runs BeGoneYa to tell Carmina in front of Elisa and Lolita that the dead woman is Kenya, the one that was your husband’s lover).. Elisa and Lolita impactadas (ww no. 1, if any, they are totally frozen with the news), so is Carmina (this one needs a half dozen valiums, or to be knocked out with BO no5).
At bar, AssGusto is drinking again, tells waiter he is waiting for someone else …  In comes Damian. AssGusto had called for him to come meet him.  AssGus puts out his hand for a handshake, Dam reluctant to accept since last time was not so nicely received. Don’t understand why you called me to come if all was said last time we met / no, not all was said. I wanted to talk to you face to face as once you requested it.  I know you are a man through and through, not as your father. (COUGH COUGH!) / I am not in mood to talk about my father (ok, bo no.3 with him) / we have to talk about him! He put his passion ahead of everything else… You have no idea the pride I feel about my daughter, my Elisa, she is a warrior, a fighter. She has lived through struggles she did not deserve, but she is still going on. She is beautiful, strong, loyal, has many qualities. / Don A, I know who is Elisa real well. I fell in love with her for all you are saying and much more. And for the same reasons my life is falling apart for having to force myself to stop loving her. / you don’t have to. / Why are you telling me this? / your dad is not here, I don’t know if it is much value to you, but I am here for you. I know you since you were kid playing in my backyard. You climbed our trees to get the birds for Elisa. I respect you. I recognize as an old man I still have things to learn from you. Dam, I am not your father but from now on I want to consider you my son (arm stretched again and this time Dam smiles and shakes it) (awww… ww no. 3 at least on audience’s side, well, at least for those who can stomach AssGusto’s rebirth and Dam’s opinion of Elisa even with his acting so stoopid).
CB 1
Gael walking down sidewalk, near clinic, sort of stressed, runs into Inmundo..
G: Do you all know who it is?/ yes we know now… (I guess we never see the moment Gael finds out.. sigh!)
Still at bar, AssGus thanks Dam.. / well if you are happy for what I told you I need to tell you something else../ (Gael comes.. upset) /G:  the body we found is my sister Kenya… (Dam stands and hugs Gael in support. Gael visibly upset…)
At Castigo quinta, the four women are still slowly reacting (like in slow-mo)… Lolita reminds Elisa about the letter she found that Kenya had written for AssGusto where she wanted him to meet her at cenote… Elisa tells Lolita AssGus told her he never went to see Kenya. (Carmina is very scared)… Elisa says Kenya was desperate to talk to him… Elisa leaves, she has to go find Gael to be with him.
Carmina tries to make her exit to her room… BeGoneYa offers to accompany her, but Carmina says thanks but no thanks… BeGoneYa leaves. Lolita will go make tea. /thank you Lolita / but I will fix it for myself. All this has impressed me. If you want one go make it yourself. (one of my fav moments of the ep for sure, Lolita sure knows how to act defiant to Carmina, esp now that they know about her lies. Lolita is welcome to grab any BO she desires to smack Carmina on the head with it)
Gabino calls Carmina… II left him, she left town. / when did she leave? / last night. I came back and she was gone. But why so curious about her? / nothing, but her daughter showed up dead. They just identified the body a few hours ago. / do you want the blue house or not? / I don’t know / if you don’t need it I can stay / I need a place to live, besides that is MY house. / understood. (he hangs up, turns out II is there, seems they have a plan against Carmina or at least he is making II believe he is on board with it.)
CB 2
Ramona and Pal at hut, Ramona hopes they already identified the body. Now will you tell me what happened with Gael? / there is nothing to say, we just broke up. He will never stop thinking of Elisa. (would someone hand me BO no. 3 so I can smack Pal out of her pathetic attitude?) / So much worse for him, Elisa will never look at him, her love belongs to another and that will never change. / That changed, because Elisa and Dam can never love each other… funny you have not heard, it seems both are children of Rosie’s. (boy Pal, you are so behind in the town gossip… but you have been stuck on yourself) / where did you hear that nonsense? / Ah sure, THAT is silly (no, girl, YOU are stoopid, which is a different problem altogether), it gives Gael a hope to still be with Elisa. But I am the dumb that can never get anything right.. (You said it, girl!) / time to fix all this. Now even my own folks are involved-affected by it / what are you going to do now? / I know my game. But this time only death will stop me from telling the truth. (another empty vow from Ramona? We will see)
At Rectory Elisa comes to find Gael.. tells Loopy that Kenya was found dead at the lake… Loopy impactado (Gael and Dam come in, Loopy looks at him wordless, total eye to eye communication there) .. Elisa offers her support for Gael. I love you.. / I love you, Elisa. (hug) My Elisa. (Dam watches the hug/crying from behind, he closes the door and leaves). (ww no. 2 for audience?) Loopy suggests to Elisa to go find Dam. Gael begs her to stay for 5 min. (sad puppy face on Gael… here here, let Elisa go, I will  hug you myself) Loopy tries to say something else, but Gael tells him AssGus is waiting for him at church, Loopy hugs Gael and offers some comforting words, then leaves. (I’m on WW no.4, can’t help it)
E: I am sorry for what happened to Kenya. I imagine how you feel. You met her so recently and she was your sister.
G: Not only that. She was the only family I had.
E: We all are here, and we are (your family) too. Loopy, myself, Ingrid is your mother. (ww moment no 3 at least)
G: Ingrid. She is not my  mom just because she gave birth to me. (hmm... I guess II had that coming, even if it is rough to say about the grieving mother at this precise moment)
E: She must be suffering too. (exactly)
G: What suffering?! I am sure she is not feeling anything for what happened (well, Gael, you don’t really know, do you?)… everything is wrong, everything is … tangled… Ingrid came a while back asking for my help. I sent her away…(precisely why you should give her some slack right about now, ww no. 3 moment)
E: I know how it must hurt you .. I know it hurts to know she abandoned you. but she is your mother and she needs you. don’t let rancor drive/blind you. You don’t know what I would give to have my mother with me. (Memo to Elisa: this is NOT ALL ABOUT YOU! IT’S about GAEL, remember?) Don’t waste the chance to be near her. ( I am still trying to troubleshoot my ww no. 4 issue, not quite at no. 5 yet though)
Loopy/AssGus at church
Loopy: I thought you had forgotten how to make the sign of the cross.
A: its been a while but I did not forget. I remember when you told me I had gone away from God.
L: and I remember telling you that you had lost your faith.
A: It is not until now that I dare get on my knees and ask God for forgiveness for my mistakes.
L: You are a good man. ( ww no. 1 heading to no.2)
A: I not only ruined my daughter’s life but also the life of a young girl who died for my cause.
(ok first Lucio and now Loopy have to hear him on this self-blame stance.. GB no.3!!)
L: Don’t say that.
A: Maybe coming here is no use. (you are so far messed up, man, that you may be right, GB4!! GB4!!)
L: Don’t doubt God’s mercy. He will always give us forgiveness. God always listens, forgives and offers redemption to whoever is repentant of their sins. (is he somehow talking to Carmina as well?.. anyway sounds like GB no. 2 or ww no.3, depending on how you feel about AssGusto)
CB 3
Outside the butcher shop Horacio is just closing and walking away… runs into Dam on street… Dam is happy Horacio is doing well with the business… Horacio notices Dam is sad.. its Elisa (oh no, here we go again with self pity ww or gb no. 2). I knew she would go to Gael’s arms and I knew it would happen sooner or later but it is still tough to watch. / I know from Lolita that Elisa is suffering too / Yeah maybe but I knew Elisa would get over it. … about AssGus, I knew she would be able to forgive him… (Dam leaves not wanting to talk about Elisa anymore). (ww or gb no. 2)
At confessional in church.. (the ww and/or gb continues… but I still say hit AssGusto with BO no.3 and take him out of his misery)
A: Kenya was pretty and seductive. She confused me. I could not get her out of my head.
L: For the love of God, she was younger than your daughter.
A: I could not help it.
L: Did you have anything to do with her?
A: Not further than a kiss… I think she killed herself when I broke up any contact with her.
L: (not agreeing that AssGus is to blame for Kenya’s death.. loudly) in any case, if she killed herself, it was on her own initiative/decision. She always knew you were married and much older and your relationship was impossible.
A: I could have dealt with her in a different way. I did not have the sensibility or the reasoning to do things the right way. I feel responsible.
L: YOU are not!! Even if you keep blaming yourself, … (makes the sign of the cross to finish rite of reconciliation..) .. I hope your soul will find some peace.
CB 4
Ramona shows up at Castigo Manor’s backyard. Lolita finds her.
Ramona came to find AssGusto. Lolita has no idea when he will be back. Invites Ramona to coffee in kitchen. Ramona accepts. But at that moment Horacio gets home, Ramona gives him the sting stare ( I am sure she would rather have BO no.3 at hand) tells Lolita she changed her mind about the coffee, will leave instead. Just tell AssGusto to go find me at my house, have something very important to tell him. Lolita barks at Horacio  and reminds him that Ramona always said there is something fishy about him.
AssGus and Loopy at church.
Now that I am here, wan t to talk to you about something else… about Carmina. When everything was cleared, at that moment I was so confused I could not ask you… what?... how you knew Carmina had lied about Elisa’s origin. … Just my intuition.... But you were so sure, you were willing to talk if she would not. She only talked because she felt threatened… I already told you, it was just a sixth sense! I will repeat to you what I told Elisa. I knew your wife Stefie very well, and know she would not have lied to you about something so important. You have always believed the contrary, but Stefie never failed you, never betrayed you, she only loved YOU. … what are you trying to tell me father? Don’t give me half stories… so sorry, AssGusto, but I can’t tell you anymore than I have already told you (dang! That is just like hitting AG with BO no.3)… I feel like you have something else important to tell me… I only can tell you to go talk to Ramona… Ramona? What does she have to do with all this? … you just do as I say, go find her! It is time to clear everything up!... (and please!! For the love of GOD!!, don’t have any accidents, get accidentally shot or thrown from your horse on the way, lets get this done once and for all!! Or I will kill you myself with BO no. 5!!)
Quique arrives home and finds Sabrina with Paolo there (Ok, Paolo is shirtless but I am not in the mood, sorry), gets mad and wants to kick him out. But Sabrina does not let him kick out Paolo. Quique goes on to his room, Paolo tells Sabrina not to worry, that Quique is just mad that Flo sent him packing again (someone please hand me BO no. 3 and I will kick Paolo out of the Tovar house myself!)..
At Dam’s bedroom Flo is planning their future life in Mex City (yes, again!!)… Dam says WHOA!! don’t go so fast, we will talk to my uncle Loopy to begin the planning of the wedding… I am dying to be your wife, to sleep with you every night… (they sleep together again, again Dam is shirtless but I am more sick than turned on by it because of his company… excuse me I have to run to the bathroom or look for GB no.4)… During the lovemaking, Dam calls her Elisa, Flo gets mad and  shuts the door and yells at her that it is the pits that he thinks of Elisa… I will remind you Elisa is my sister, my love for her cannot exist, so you don’t have to be jealous. Right now the only woman for me is you.  (GB no.2 or better moment)
AssGus goes to Elisa’s room, notices she hides something when she realizes he is there, he gets mad and reminds her they agreed to have no secrets for each other(ok, is this the man who kept to himself that he believed her to be Rosie’s child for how many years? Hit him with BO no.3 please!)… Elisa was hiding the letter she had found from Kenya. AssGus asks why did you not tell me until now?…you did not want to hear anything else about Kenya, and I did not want you to fall in her game again… I had no idea Kenya’s situation would go so far with me (BO no.2 moment or GB no.2)… what happened with Kenya was not your fault (oh please, don’t start again!)…. Some time you blamed me about your mother’s death… lets not talk about anything bad… I talked to Dam… (Elisa not happy about that) what did you tell him? … the truth, that I cared about him, that I respected him… I don’t want you to talk to him about me… but dear, Dam is a good man, and he is very much in love with you, and I would like you to find the happiness you have never had (hmmm. Gb no.2?)… thank you for worrying about me… I love you… I love you more dad.. (he leaves, she cries and grabs her amulet… FF>>)
 (ww no.2 AND gb no.2 at same time)
Lolita runs into AssGusto… Did Carmina leave? / yes, but she did not take her bags/oranges/passionfruit/ apricots/peaches/habaneros/orange no.3 self-tanning spray with her. Dona Ramona came looking for you, said for you to go see her because she has something important to tell you. / about what? / she just said that. (again, please no accidents, getting shot, falling off the horse, or rescuing anyone on your way please!)
Carmina finds Gabino digging a hole… / what are you doing? / I am digging your grave, Carmina. Sorry but Ingrid asked me to kill you for what you did to her daughter. (shoots an empty gun? .. had to laugh this was the funniest moment of the episode, Carmina’s face is priceless…)
AssGus sitting by the edge of the lake, which is a creepy location for reading Kenya’s letter, which is mostly a love declaration, ‘my life has no meaning without you..’ (no word about Carmina or about wanting to talk to him about Stefie or Elisa or anything else)
Ramona comes to him and says she had been waiting for him... here is where they found Kenya, right?… Kenya? I Did not know they had identified the body… Lolita told me you came looking for me, and Loopy wanted me to talk to you. It is for the same thing, right? … what I wanted to tell you was that Elisa and Damian are not siblings… I know that already. I am just surprised you know all these things… (Ramona tells him about the night Stefie and Rosie died, that the car was coming inbound, not outbound. AssGus does not want to hear whatever else she has to say (and if you don’t listen, man, I will personally kill you with BO no.5 right now and get YOUR and OUR agony over with!!)… You won’t go anywhere until I tell you everything I know about that  night, and then you make your own conclusions about who was supposed to be in the car with Rosie, if Stefie, or her sister.. Carmina.( THERE!! FINALLY!!! Now lets see if he can handle the TRUTH!! Good, cause I am tired already of swinging that skillet at his head by now!)
A: What did Stefie say before dying? …
Gab pointing gun to Carmina.
Elisa walks into church to find Dam and Flo, Flo happily announces to Elisa that she and Dam will get married. Elisa very upset but dry eyes… Dam sad. (GB no.4 final moment of the night)
I was so busy getting all the wording but I did get to see some of the wordless facial acting on Gael, Loopy, Lucio and even Lolita… very nicely done… LOVED Salvador’s and Sabina’s faces in the last scene with Gab and Carmina too.
I am jumping for Joy that Ramona FINALLY was able to get with AssGusto!!


Por ella soy Eva- Really Starting Monday?

According to titan tv, no. Opinions? So far only Ezra and I are signed up to recap. Any other takers?

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