Tuesday, September 07, 2010

La Verdad Oculta EP05 06/09/2010 - Santiago Guzman, You're So Busted

* Ávila residence
From previous episode: Adolfo and Félix discuss the association with the Genovés family and agree that Mario should die before their contract expires.

* prison
Juan José agonizes in his cell. He desperately tells Gregorio that he had so many plans, he wanted to give so many things to Piedad for all the things she did for him.

* Genovés villa
Mario sadly tells Abelardo that after working so hard and so long for the business it would be deeply unjust if Adolfo gained everything. They start to talk about Fausto/Santiago. Abelardo assures him that he can't escape since he's under monitoring 24 hours a day. Abelardo doesn't understand why doesn't Mario report Santiago to the police. If he's the murderer of Marta then Mario could get rid of Adolfo's backmail. Mario says that he considered this possibility but if the investigation was reopened then his son and daughter would become aware of the whole truth.

* Guilléns' flat
Gaby receives an enormous bouquet of flowers. She loves it but when she learns that it's from David she furiously tears his cover letter and states that he only wants to have fun.

Doorbell rings, it's Abelardo looking for Fausto. (Come on man, you spend half your life in that flat, why don't you move in.) The girls leave and the men start the "Mario wants to get acquainted with his daughter. - Forget it, she's my kid I raised her." conversation. Abelardo assures Fausto that Mario doesn't want to tell Gaby the truth, he only wants to get known her. He defenses the interests of his boss so fiercely that Fuasto eventually gives in. He tells him that the girls work in a restaurant called Club Sagitario.

* cemetery
The devastated JJ and Elsa stand next to the grave of Piedad. Elsa cries that what happened was her fault, JJ protests and thanks to her for being so kind to him. They hug and then the guards bring JJ back to the prison.

* prison
JJ visits Marcos who's in detention for having weed. The big guy tells his friend that Piedad died and they discuss Elsa's case again.

* law office
Elsa finally meets the notorious lawyer (another slimebag) who tells her that getting her brother out of the jail will be very difficult, especially if he commits more crimes in the prison. However, the other guy's case is much more promising, he may be released conditionally. Elsa's happy, but not for long. But, of course, the lawyer needs more 25000 pesos. She doesn't have that much money. Okay, then give me what you have and sign debenture of 10000. Elsa agrees.

* David's office
Roberto visits Blondie and begs for a job. He's going to marry Alejandra soon, blahblahblah. And do you have any kind of profession? Not really, but he could be personal assistant. David understands him perfectly: Roberto wants to gain money without making much efforts. He hires Rob but states strictly that he'll have to work hard.

* Guilléns' flat
Julieta and Gaby bring Yolanda to their flat. She continues inquiring and asks if they have a photo of their mother. Unfortunately they don't have any. Fausto arrives home and the air freezes when they recognize each other. She leaves the flat quickly and Fausto starts to yell with the girls for inviting strangers to their home. Doorbell again: Leonardo, the macho police officer from the previous episode came to have a look at one of the empty flats. The neighbour who rents out the apartment had to leave for a while and gave the keys to the girls. Gaby picks up the keys and accompanies Leonardo who can't take his eyes off of her. Fausto learns from Julieta that Yolanda is the friend of Adolfo Ávila, the owner of the Club Sagitario. Daddy's jaw drops.

* Genovés
Mario bitterly confesses to Abelardo that he has inoperable tumor. His servant tells him that Gabriela works in Club Sagitario.

* street
Leonardo likes the flat Gaby showed him and definitely wants to lend it. They shake hands, smile, and he asks her name.

* prison
Elsa visits JJ and fumes over the irresponsibility of Marcos. She tells him the good news: ha may be released soon! JJ is depressed and says that it doesn't matter anymore, nobody waits for him outside. Hey man, open your eyes!

* Alejandra's office
Roberto finally visits his injured lover and brings her his best manners and a bouquet of flowers. Ale isn't impressed and they argue over their last conversation. Ale is fed up with him and says that she doesn't love him. Adios, Roberto. Jerky Jerk begs her to remain friends. She agrees.

*Guilléns' flat
Fausto brings up the notion again of moving to another city. Gaby and Julieta finally agree but Gaby insists on working one more month. They need money and they should prepare the trek properly.

* Ávila residence
Yolanda innocently asks Adolfo what he would do if he found Marta's husband. Adolfo likes the things as they are now, Santiago disappeared and he's fine with that. Why, have you seen him? Yolanda lies, of course she hasn't! Carlos drops in and tries to talk to Daddy about Roberto's job but Adolfo doesn't care about it. Yolanda tries to solace her favourite boy. Carlos doesn't understand why his dad treats him like that, he did everything for him. He did even things he didn't like! The start to talk about Gabriela. She's a lovely, polite girl, but unfortunately David harasses her. Yolanda is surprised: Oh, really?

* Club Sagitario
Blondie tries to engage Gaby in conversation, but she announces that she'll leave in one month and wants peace. David apologizes for his behaviour and says that he didn't want to make fun of her and definitely doesn't care that she doesn't have money. Mario arrives and notices Gaby and David. He rapturously nears to them but is unable to say a word. Gaby excuses herself and leaves.

* Guilléns's flat
Fausto opens the door. Yoland stands on the doorstep with a huge smile on her face. Hi, Santiago. They start to cry and fall in each other's arm. The old friends talk about Gabriela and how much Santiago/Fausto suffered in the past 20 years. Fausto says that maybe he should report himself to the police. Yoland protest, what would happen to his daughters then? Fausto asks her if she believes that he killed Marta.

* Club Sagitario
Gaby brings coffee to Carlos and tells him that she'll quit soon. Carlos is angry and sure that David molested her and that's why she wants to leave. He storms out and starts to yell at Blondie who's talking to his father. Mario calms them and they all four go back to the camera room. Mario asks Gaby why she wants to quit the job. Because their father decided to live in another city.



Monday, September 06, 2010

La Fea Más Bella Character Profiles, 9/6/2010

Fernando’s people
Fernando Mendiola. Handsome, charming, and very rich, he is the only child of the co-founder of Conceptos, a company which produces TV commercials and video clips (e.g. music videos). Surrounded by models and dancers in his business, he uses his attributes to seduce a bevy of beauties. He has to be careful to keep all his andanzas secret from his fiancé, Marcia, because without her support he’ll never secure the most important thing in his life, the permanent presidency of the company.

Omar Carvajal has been Fernando’s best friend and co-conspirator since they were schoolboys. His life goal is to bed as many women as possible, and not have any personal involvement with any of them. He supports Fernando in everything, covers his back, and enjoys the crumbs that fall from his table. He is Fernando’s vice president.

Alicia Ferreira. aka Alibubbi. Fernando has his Omar, and Marcia has her Alicia. She is Marcia’s best (and only) friend. Beautiful and stupid, she’s obsessed with social status. She snagged a rich executive husband in college, but he soon divorced her. She constantly brags about her six semesters of finance, her only accomplishment in life. She is deeply in debt because all her money goes to designer clothes, jewelry, and her Mercedes.

The Villarroels. Marcia, Ariel, and Anna-Leticia were orphaned by a car accident when they were children. The Mendiolas raised them thereafter.

Marcia is beautiful, intelligent, and very capable in her career as producer of Conceptos. She loves Fernando and has always seen herself as his future wife, so she is willing to overlook his skirt-chasing. He may have lots of affairs, but she’s sure she’s the only one who will get to be his wife.

Ariel is aggressive and arrogant. As the only son of wealthy parents, he feels his birthright was stolen when his parents died and he was taken in by the Mendiolas. Since then he and Fernando have obsessively competed, each determined to dominate the other.

Ana Leticia is as dumb as a stump, but she has a good heart. She lives on the profits from her Conceptos stocks, and she travels the world, shopping, getting her nails done, and getting boob jobs.

Humberto & Teresita Mendiola. Fernando’s parents. They, and their friends the Villarroels, founded Conceptos 30 years ago, and they built it from the ground up. Our story opens with Humberto about to retire from the company he loves profoundly, to turn it over to his son with some apprehension.

Lety’s people

Leticia Padilla Solis has been La fea de la colonia (the ugliest girl in town) since birth, and she has received merciless abuse because of it. She is an only child from an extremely close, supportive family. Because of their love and support, she is kind, good, and full of love to give. She is very well educated in finance and has a natural gift in that area.

Tomás Mora. They have been best friends since childhood and they are closer than siblings. Each is an only child, each is a financial whiz with a strong education, and each is feo and rejected by society because of it.

Julieta, Lety’s mama, devotes her life to her home and family. She is wise, patient, loving, supportive, and a marvelous cook. The role is played by the famous singer and actress Angelica Marie who is the real mother of Angelica Vale who plays Lety.

Erasmo, Lety’s father (aka RoboPop), is strict and dominating, but he loves his family very much. He lives in the past and thinks everyone else should. He is very protective of his daughter to the point of treating her like a child. His moral sense rules everything he does.

Conceptos PeopleThe Cuartel. These women work in the beauty industry where they are treated as nobodies because they are neither rich nor beautiful. They have drawn close to support one another.

Paula Maria is the receptionist and a single mom. She’s loose and she dates various rich men, hoping one of them will marry her and support her and her son.

Lola has two children. Her husband left her for a little home wrecker when he hit the midlife crisis. She is bitter about all men. She is Marcia’s secretary.

Marta is happily married to a taxi driver, and they have one daughter. She loves gossip and is obsessed with food. She is Lopez’s secretary.

Sara is single and can’t find a man because she’s too tall. She is protective and hot-tempered, and most of the time, she’d like to knock someone’s block off. She is Omar’s secretary.

Juana is friendly and supportive. She is the office cleaning lady.

Irmita is grandmother-aged. As Luigi’s assistant, she is not as involved in Cuartel antics. She is wise and proper, and frequently shows her disapproval for the cuartel’s lack of propriety.

Luigi Lombardi is the artistic genius of Conceptos. He is flagrantly gay, self-centered, and childish. He lives for praise and attention, and if he doesn’t get it he throws tantrums. The only thing that matters to him is superficial beauty, so he is cruel to anyone who doesn’t have it. Although he is difficult, there would be no Conceptos without his work, so he must be kept happy.

Saimon is the perpetually cheerful, energetic company messenger who literally dances through his work. He adores Paula Maria but she disregards him because he’s not rich.

Celso is the young security guard who never seems to go home. He has not yet learned the wisdom of keeping his mouth shut at times.

Lopez is the creepy head of personnel. He will take the side of whoever is in power.

Olarte is the vice president of finance. He was installed in his position by Marcia's brother Ariel.


Dinero Mon. Sept. 6, 2010 Of Cookies And Cake, Love And Desire, And Throw In A Little "Buleria" To Boot

Another crazy evening with our mad, mad, mad buddies on the Dinero show. Dandy gets a minimal meal but a fabulous evening of yogi lovemaking....off camera. Jaime, Vicky, Marco, Milagros and Marian all strike out in the romance department. Rafa thrills Ale with a return to their early morning phone calls. Jorge still can't remember a goshdarned thing. And David Bisbal shows up at Auto Siglo and gets mobbed by the sales force. Don't ask me what that cameo appearance was about 'cause I don't know. Maybe we'll find out tomorrow. I do like his Buleria song and it's very danceable. And that's all I have to say on that subject.

But I've got lots more to say about what happened tonight. So settle in and we'll get started. New stuff begins with Dandy and Susanita chanting "Om" and looking very cosy. Well, one is concentrating and meditating; the other is twitching, asking questions, thinking about dinner and sneaking candy out of his pocket. (Dandy meditates like I do. Whadda guy.) Anyway, his "Om" morphes into an "Ummmmm" but Susanita wisely ignores it.

And Rafa would like to ignore Jaime but our hysterical sidekick wedges half his body in the front door and eventually pushes his whole neurotic self in. Rafa's suspicious now that he knows Julieta found Vicky in Jaime's apartment. Even if it was a trap....why does Jaime always fall in it? Multiple excuses, explanations and regrets fly out of Jaime's mouth at a million miles an hour. Here's the short version: Vicky forced me. Her brothers intimidated me. And just today it came to blows. But my cousin, the boxer, defended me.

Back to our lovers. Finally our hungry man gets to eat. One little ball of tofu covered in yogurt with some alfalfa sprouts on the side. Yum! Well it seems one musn't eat heavily at night. The metabolism slows and it could give you nightmares. Well heck, he wasn't planning on sleeping. Same deal. No heavy meals before heavy exertions. With the promise of a fabulous new sexual pose to come, Dandy not only makes do with one miserable ball of tofu, he even offers half of that to Susana. Ah love! Who can understand it?

Well, not Julieta. We get the classic telenovela question when she arrives to find Jaime twitching in her front room. QUE HACES AQUI? And she threatens to go to her room without eating (even though she's starving) if Jaime doesn't get out. Señor Twitch deflates suddenly and slinks off, tail between his legs. Poor poor Jaime.

Because whom does he meet going out? Vicky Vicky Vicky coming in. Hoisting a big sheet cake she's made as a reconciliation gift. Before making the peace offering though, she sneers at Jaime "I thought I forbade you to come to this house." Yep. Poor poor Jaime.

But not Dandy. Dinner has ended. Kisses and erotic promises have begun. "Esto es vida" (this is the life) he exults and off they go.

We'd love to go with them (always ready to learn something new, right?) but the cameraman leads us back to Marco and Ale. Dang! He's quizzing Ale on what happened between her and Rafa. She's saying it's none of his business. After all, he's certainly had relationships with other women before her. That's different! I'm a man! Well, think what you like, snaps Ale. But before we get involved in a destructive relationship, maybe we should just divorce. Time for the ads while we and Marco think that over.

Mientras tanto, Vicky and her mega cake aren't making much progress. Rafa wants to know why she's there. After all, they've broken up. Does your dad know you're here? he adds. The whole family is trying to hustle her out when the doorbell rings again and it's Marian. This produces a mega-explosion. Vicky wants to know why she's there. Marian wants to know why Vicky's still wearing the veil. BECAUSE I WANT TO! AND I'LL BE LEAVING NOW shrieks Vicky, and mercifully, that's all we get of crazy jilted fiancée tonight.

Unless you count Marco. Because that's where he's headed. Though he reminds her of all the good reasons (family) that Ale decided to marry him, she's stamping her little feet and saying "But what about me!? (¿Y yo qué?) What about my happiness? I'm tired of thinking about everybody else. I'm fond of you Marco and I'm grateful for all you've done. But I'm not in love with you. Marco makes a bid for time and intimacy. We'll look for an apartment for just the two of us, and leave this one to your dad and your aunt. But if it doesn't work out, we'll separate. But we have to TRY, Ale. She seems to consider this (No Ale! noooooo) when Jorge wanders out thinking that someone is yelling at him. Once up, he decides he wants to play poker or some other card game and Ale off loads him on Marco while she scoots off to bed....alone.

But the evening's drama isn't over yet. We find ourselves at the hacienda where Camarón, Chavez and the cowering hacienda help, are facing the fearful headless horseman. Camarón whips out a gun and fires two shots at the ghost. And nothing. Head for the hills folks because this fantasma is real. And the hacienda is truly haunted.

After another round of ads, we return to our terrified menfolk. Seems the prospective buyer is quite a marksman. He never misses. So fer' sure the property is cursed. And all those gunshots are probably going to put the cows off their milk (les va a espantar la leche). Curioser and curioser.

Goodness, let's get back to a more cosy reality. Marian, Rafa, Julieta and Leonor are now gathered round the table enjoying Vicky's cake, sans Vicky. Marian has to admit crazy novia is a good cook whereas Marian can't even boil water (se me quema hasta el agua). Well, we're not really here to talk about cooking are we? Julieta and Leonor fade away and Rafa and Marian are ready to talk turkey.

R: Where's Daniel? Didn't he come with you? Or is he about to burst in and interrupt like he always does when we're alone together?
M: Are you jealous?
R: No way. (para nada) But what's the game here? One day you like me. The next, you have a boyfriend.
M: Well, it's true, we were novios for a few months. And since you came on the scene, he's become very attentive because he knows he could lose me.
R: If he's the one for you, go for it.
M: Are you telling me I don't interest you at all?
R: Look Marian. I'm just trying to get myself back together. The woman I loved got married. I'm still a mess.

The evening ends with Marian being understanding (and disappointed) and Rafa being awkward and twitchy. He reminds her that the trucks are bing delivered tomorrow and they bid each other good-night with a few botched cheek kisses and a walk to the door. After she leaves, Rafa talks to himself: How can I explain (to Marian) that today I finally have hope of getting Ale back?

Someone else has hopes as well. Milagros is busying herself around a fusty old parlor, awaiting the arrival of Ramirez who is startled, and horrified, to see her. She's whipped up a platter of cream cookies because his "sagrada mamita" said those were his favorite. They are not! Well, let's talk then. Did you go to Mass this week? No. Never go. Have to work on Sunday. But if you work on Sunday you'll never have time for your wife and children!!! Who said I wanted children!? That's it for Milagros. She denounces Ramirez as an atheist and a brute (grosero) grabs her cookies and whisks out the door. An outraged mama sends sonny off to bed with no dinner (and no cookies) muttering that his girlie magazines and his bad companions have led him astray. Crossing herself before the mini home altar, Sagrada Mamita heads off to bed. So does Ramirez.

Ale is tossing and turning in bed herself, realizing that she doesn't love Marco and will only have a chance at happiness if she divorces. But if only Rafa would stop hurting her! But could he be right? Is Marco not what he seems?

To borrow Private 057's phrase...." Just like that, it's a new day." And Ale's telephone is ringing. She sees who it is. She's thrilled. She's hesitant. She's excited. She's.....(Answer it already Ale!!!!) She finally does.
R: Are you with your husband?
A: No.
R: (in a delighted, warm, intimate voice) I have to pick up the trucks and collect the money today. Do you think you could handle the meeting for me? I'd sure be grateful.
A: Of course. My morning call to wake me up. Like old times.

We have nice shots of both of them looking punch drunk and crazy happy in love. Ah it's been too long. Let's just stop here and enjoy it for a moment.

Nope. Sorry. More ads and then back to business. Rafa wakes up hungry as a bear (un hambre de léon (lion). Although hearing about the new guy at work almost cuts his appetite. Cesar? Cesar who. What's his last name? Is he decent? Julieta accuses him of planning to research the guy on the internet. She's probably right. And I'm sure Carlos would agree that big brother Rafa has reason to be concerned. This guy looks like a preppy snake.

At Marco's apartment, Ale is equally hungry and radiant with happiness (and wearing a cocktail dress to the office!?...well it's very fetching anyway). Marco wants her to go with him to look for apartments but she counters that she has to work. He'll have to look by himself. He cozies up and strokes her bare arm suggestively, murmuring that he'll be on the hunt for their own little love nest (nido de amor). Ugh. Ale's so blithely happy, she doesn't even notice the attempt at fondling.

Back at Auto Siglo, our perpetually incompetent carpenter still hasn't put the door up between Rafa and Ale's office. No problem. Rafa's thrilled. Susana though has some questions for our galan. What do you feel for Ale? I love her. I'll do whatever it takes to get her back. Then why did you agree to marry Vicky? Her dad lent me the money to pay Ale back. But in return he demanded I marry Vicky. Susana is horrified. See, that's why I don't tell you the truth, protests Rafa. Well, you should at least tell the truth to Alejandra, counters Susana. I DID! I told her the truth about Marco and she didn't believe me. As they both conclude that Ale doesn't deserve a scum like Marco, she arrives and wants to know what they're talking about. Hey must be time for more ads!

Jorge the Confused is sure of one thing. Once Ale and What's His Name move out, and Rosario and What's His Name get married and decamp, he'll be left all alone in the apartment. And that's not right. Marco promises that he and Ale will move back in with him when that happens. But his phone rings right then. He pretends it's Urdiales but he's not going to answer. Too early. But Jorge scoots off so he does....and it's Chavez. Drunk and terrified, cowering in the wine cellar of the hacienda and ready to beat a fast retreat. As long as his buddy Camarón is still ready to pose as the fake buyer, Marco doesn't care. Now sober up, get out and go home, he advises.

Our final scene? Trapito is brandishing a mop and gouges yes, none other than....the great Spanish singer David Bisbal. I'd know those curls anywhere. One of the hospitality gals butchers his song "Brujeria brujeria..." she warbles. It's "Buleria, buleria" he corrects and then gets swarmed by all the salesfolk, Claudia and her cleavage in the forefront. And on that cozy note, we end.

A slew of scenes. The only one that stood out was Claudia on the phone to Marco, telling him that Ale and Rafa at work were thick as thieves (come uña y mugre).

vamos a comer un pollito = we're going to have a little talk
los fantasmas me pelan los dientes = (lit. ghosts skin my teeth) (fig. ghosts scare the s**t outta me? help....)
esto es vida = this is the life!
correr a patadas = kick him out, run him off (Julieta about Jaime)
galletas de nata = cream cookies
embriagarse = to get drunk (Chavez)
les va a espantar la leche (the cows will be "off" their milk)
se me quema hasta el agua (I can't even boil water)
un transa, un tranza = a crooked guy (Marco)
un mujeriego = a womanizer (also Marco)
nido de amor = love nest
despeinado = bedhead
qué mosca te picó = what's got into you?
como uña y mugre = (lit. like fingernails and dirt) (fig. thick as thieves)

Useful phrases

ser un higado = to be totally obnoxious (Marco?)
ser encajoso(a) = to be pushy or try to take advantage of people (Marino?)
se hace guaje = to pretend to be stupid (any of these characters at one time or another)
ser largo (a) como la cuaresma(Lent) to be very long, interminable, very slow to conclude (these telenovelas when they extend them!)


El Clon, Mon., September 6 - Summary for Discussion

The pregnancies advance to term
Daniel does a bunk
Everything else is pretty much the same

Rosa tells Leo that she and Daniel (of course, she calls him 'Diegito') are going to the mall to buy some things for his room. Leo tells her that if the kid wants stuff for his room or to remodel the whole house, 'que lo haga', let him do it. He also tells her to buy Daniel a lot of clothes.

Marisa and Lucia come in with shopping bags. (I guess Marisa has decided to try shopping therapy for her problems). When Leo leaves, Lucia says that she has never seen Leo in such a good mood (buen animo). Marisa replies that the appearance of Daniel has changed everything. Lucia confesses herself to be dying to see Daniel. Marisa says that she is impacted every times she sees Daniel. 'Me estremece,' he makes he tremble, she says. She tells Lucia, 'es que me toca el corazon,' he has touched her heart and reawakened everything that she had thought was over with Lucas. Lucia asks if Lucas feels the same way. Marisa doesn't know. Lucas refuses to see Daniel.

Daniel arrives at Leo's house.

Andrea is with Pablo talking about Natalia. Pablo does not want to see Alej go down with Nati. If she doesn't want help, there's nothing that they can do. Diana arrives and tells them that Paula has been arrested numerous times for drugs, assault and robbery. She found this out on the internet. Andrea decides to go tell Nati about this. When she is gone, Diana says what we have been suspecting - that Andrea is in love with Pablo. Diana thinks Andrea would be great for Pablo but he says that, 'Alicia es muy buena novia para mí', Alicia is a very good girlfriend for me.

Luisa and Anita double team the Chump. They ask why he put the apartment in the name of someone he just met when he has known Clara for 20 years. The Chump trots out the old story of Clara dating younger men and doing crazy things. '¡Exactamente!,' says Luisa, 'Si no puedes confiar en alguien, que conoces hace años, ¿cómo vas a confiar en una persona que conoces hace meses?' Exactly, if you can't have confidence in someone you've known for years, how can you trust someone you have known a few months? They advise the Chump to get a good lawyer right away to try and get his apartment back. When Escobarde hesitates, Anita can't contain herself and tells him that Malicia has shacked up with a guy who is, 'mucho más joven que tú ... incluso... ¡mucho más guapo!' much younger than you, and also.. much handsomer than you!' The Chump is impactado.

Clara tells Carolina that the celebration the previous night was wonderful. Fernando and Rogelio talked for hours and seemed to get along. Fernando went out afterwards to find his friends in the band. She didn't have an opportunity to speak with him in the morning because he was asleep. Carolina is sure that her relationship with Rogelio will develop ('tu historia con Rogelio está yendo lejos,' literally, 'your story with Rogelio is going far). Clara is thinking about living with Rogelio. Carolina tells her that means that she has gotten over the divorce.

Leo gushes to Enrique about how his life has changed since Daniel came into it. He can't understand why Albieri didn't tell him about Daniel before. Then he tells Enrique what an amazing job Roberto is doing in preparing the paternity lawsuit. He says that he thought Roberto was mostly a business lawyer and is surprised at his hitherto unknown abilities. Enrique makes some sarcastic comments about how sometimes we don't notice the people around us who are talented and competent and they get treated like garbage but fortunately that has never happened to Leo. Leo asks what he is trying to say. Enrique replies that if he had something to say to Leo, he would say it. He says that he hopes Leo values the person behind the lawsuit.

Rosa and Daniel are shopping. Rosa shows Daniel a shirt in the style and brand that Diego liked. Daniel says that isn't his style and Rosa doesn't object.

Lucas is astonished to find the Diego shrine room practically empty. Marina, the maid, tells him that Leo ordered that whatever Daniel didn't want to be removed and that he and Rosa are buying new stuff at the mall.

When Leo comes home, Lucas asks him to explain what is going on. No one could even enter Diego's room for 20 years and now he want a stranger to live there? Leo protests that Daniel is not a stranger, he is his son. Lucas says that Leo doesn't even know that Daniel is his son. He just looks like Lucas and Leo has not insisted on a DNA test. Leo tells Lucas to see the boy before he makes any decisions. Leo tells Lucas that he knows that Daniel isn't Diego and that he isn't crazy. He says that the kid is so much like Lucas that it is like having Diego here all over again. Lucas finds the whole thing suspicious. He wonders whether Leo refuses to have a DNA test because he is afraid of the results. Lucas says that a person can be identical to someone else and not be related. Leo repeats that when Lucas sees Daniel, he will understand. Lucas says that he doesn't accept Leo's plan to take Daniel from Dora and that he told Dora that he would stop Leo from pursuing it. Like it or not, says Leo, I'm asserting my parental rights and bringing Daniel to live in the house.

The Chump forces his way into Malicia's apartment and tells her to get her stuff and leave. She dares him to call the police. He has no proof that the apartment isn't hers. The Chump can't contain himself and blabs that he knows Malicia is seeing someone else. Somehow, Malicia manages to convince the Chump that she is being maligned and he apologizes to her (!).

Jade, Zoraida and Ali return to Fez. Jade tells Zoraida that she misses Jadiya so much. She says that if she had known that she would end up barren and alone without a husband, she wouldn't have cared as long as she was with Jadiya.

Without realizing that he is listening, the Naz tells Zumaya and Zamira that Mohamed is more like Tío Abdul every day. He doesn't live in the present. In Cairo, women walk around unattended, they have men friends and go to university. Zamira says that she just wants to go to university and be independent. '¿Y sabes qué mas?' And you know what else? says the Naz, 'Ellas van a las discotecas y a los bares solas. ¡Solas!' They go to discoteques and bars alone. Alone! Mohamed accuses the Naz of spreading corruption and says that he doesn't want any Cairo feminists in his house.

Dora tells Estela that Daniel has left the house with all his things.

Daniel has done a bunk on Leo, too. Leo orders Roberto to find him.

Amina and Rania are effecting some ritual to nullify Jadiya's dream and ensure that Rania has a boy. Jadiya tells the maid that she is sure the spell won't work and Rania will have a girl as ugly as a frog (sapo). The ritual involves giving pastries to boys and saying each time that she hopes her child will be as strong and healthy as this kid. Evidently, these kids have not been told not to accept food from strangers.

We leap forward in time. Rania is great with child, Said is attentive and Jadiya is sad.

Alej has won some fights. He wants Nati to go to Atlanta with him for the next one but she says that she has to study for finals. 'Tú sí sabes que esto es por ti,' You know that all this is for you, says Alej, (the emphasizes the verb) It's for their future. Alej says that Andrea is coming over and Nati gets angry, accusing Alej of sending Andrea to keep an eye on her. As soon as Alej leaves for the airport, Nati gets some money and heads out to see Paula. She tells Paula that she needs a hit (pase) because of the stress of waiting for the results of Alej's fight. Paula needs a hit, too because of the stress of living with her mother. [I thought her mother threw her out?]

Andrea comes over but no Nati.

Fight night at Gloria's. She says a prayer that Alej will succeed. He does. Alej returns to Miami. He calls Andrea and tells her that he can't contact Nati.

Nati is in the scary drug dealer place. She doesn't have the money to pay for her drugs and we get another PSA from Enrique. Nati tells Paula to call Alej and tell him to bring the money to the drug dealer.

Big welcome at Gloria's for Alej. Gloria says that she loves seeing him on TV. It's beers all around. Paula shows up and tells Alej that Nati is being held a prisoner until he brings what she owes. Alej wants to call the police but Paula tells him that these people are dangerous and will kill Nati if the police are called. She says that Nati owes the dealer $600. Alej tells Gloria that he will go get Nati and be right back. Paula demands that he buy her a hit before she takes him where Nati is.

It seems like Karla is is diverging from the sugar daddy religion of Hilda. Hilda doesn't think much of Alej's achievements in the ring. She says that the best profession is, 'aquella que dé mucho, ¡pero mucho dinero! al hombre que me pueda mantener,' is one that gives lots, I mean lots, of money to the man who has to support me. She says that Karla would rather be pregnant by some poor guy like Alej. Karla agrees. Alej loved her and she loved him. 'Los hombres no se enamoran de uno; no uno se enamora de ellos. ¡Sencillamente, te usan! ¡O tú los usas a ellos!' Men don't fall in love; and one doesn't fall in love with them. They simply use you or you use them, says Hilda scornfully. Karla says that she would rather spend her life with a young guy that she likes rather than the old guys Hilda wants her to marry.

Alej goes to the drug place but without any money. The drug dealer is a little irritated, as you might expect. He says that if Alej doesn't come up with the money, bad things will happen to Nati.

The credits roll.


Llena de Amor #20 Fri 9/3/10

Mauricio finally tells Mari that he and the vampires will leave her alone if she enters the beauty contest, she agrees just to be left alone.

Emiliano tries to explain himself to Fedra, who ignores him and reads a book. He has to do what’s right for Mari, it is his duty! He finally tells her that Netty is right, when Fedra gets mad, she acts like someone with no education. Fedra says fine if that’s how you feel, leave our bedroom and forget you have a wife. Dude this is the opportunity you (I mean all of us) have been waiting for! Take it! TAKE IT! Of course he doesn’t, but he does say “is she asking for a divorce?” He should have said “CON MUCHO GUSTO!”

Netty is trying to contact the dead through the medium again, who apparently can hear the dead but not everyone else right in front of her talking about her. Juan Pastor makes an appearance. He warns that the enemy is strong and wants to destroy Netty. She knows who it is, the enemy wants her dead. Same message as before, but everyone reacts in huge shock like they forgot the last time Juan Pastor came to visit.

Fedra is getting a drink in her office, The Mask is there looking unhappy. Fedra says “is it really so hard? Do I have to do it myself?” I guess she is referring to killing Netty. He says she better watch it, one of these days he’ll get tired of her rudeness and bad treatment, does he have to remind her of all he has done for her over the years? She says oh yeah? You would abandon me? She gets all hysterical and he says he’ll take care of it, chill. Also she better start acting like La Dueña that she is, or everyone is going to find out that she is really Fedra Curiel. I guess the name Curiel should mean something, or it will eventually.

Lorenzo takes Muneca to a fancy restaurant and acts all nice. Blondie at another table must be the mistress, of course she is in the same restaurant. She says she’s going to show Lorenzo that he can’t mess with her.

Eman and Ilitia talk in bed after getting busy. He talks about her working at the agency, she says Mauricio also offered her a job, which he finds hilarious. She is going to work the beauty pageant and crown the champion. Wouldn’t it be funny if la gorda won? Hahahaha. Predictably, Eman freaks out at this and says they are all nuts.

Lorenzo toasts to their happiness. Muneca says if only that were true and not just a dream. He says what do you need to believe in me? He proposes a second honeymoon. She says the only thing she needs is to know that there are no other women. He swears up and down that there will never be another woman. Of course, right at that moment, Blondie approaches and says hello to Lorenzo. The look on his face is priceless. Muneca is not pleased.

Outside the bar Mari whines. She says she will go find Axel, then sees him across the street being hassled by vampires.

Lorezo tries to laugh it off, Muneca recognizes her voice as the woman who called and said she was his lover.

Ilitia is upset that Eman cares so much about Mari. He continues to be upset that they treat her so bad. He has a message to call home, so he does. He gets Delicia on the phone who tells him that Mari went to a club to try and find Axel.

The vampires tease Axel, Mari tries to defend him. Wow a lot of time is spent on this show with “leave me alone” “hahaha”

Lorenzo is trying to play that Blondie works for him. Muneca says surely she is the one who (I accidentally typed ‘ho’, I guess that’s true too) makes him so tired and keeps him so late out of the house, right? Blondie gives Loreno a look too, she doesn’t seem like she’s going to play along with his ruse. I guess she wouldn’t, she already tried to get him in trouble once already.

Kristel finds Mauricio and they watch Mari and Axel across the street. Lots of nothing happens. Axel is super drunk and Mari tries to take him home. The vampires follow.

Fedra says if you want out, leave then! That is her strategy for the day I guess and everyone is too dumb to take her up on it. He says no, but quit acting like a nutjob. Then she cries and whines again. Her fake cry is as annoying as Lucero’s in Manana es para siempre. The Mask falls for it though and vows to help her.

Netty yells at someone for causing her trouble, but who? Some doll on her window? Maybe it’s a statue of a saint. She rambles on for a minute or two.

Muneca says ‘you called the house, right?’ Lorenzo tries to cover, but Muneca invites her and her friend to sit at the table with them. Lorenzo argues no, but blondie says sure, of course! I guess Muneca wants to make him suffer at least, if she can’t get what she wants.

Emiliano wants to know what’s up with Fedra and The Mask, Mask starts kissing ass and Fedra says she just asked him to serve her a drink. What is The Mask’s actual job here anyway? Do they really have a chief of security AND two security guards? Unreal. Emiliano asks The Mask to leave him alone with his wife, please. After he leaves, Emiliano tells Fedra that if it weren’t for all their years together and the trust he has in her, he would swear that there is more between Fedra and The Mask than just an employer/employee relationship. She looks very very slightly guilty at that.

Mari walks Axel home. She tells him please not to puke in the street, they are almost home. He lays down on the hood of a car an she goes to look for a taxi. In the background the vampires reappear and mess with Axel. More of the same “leave him/me alone” “hahahaha”

Fedra tells Emiliano to chill out, he’s being stupid. Emil says whatever. Fedra says something about Netty for some reason. They argue about whether Eva was awesome or a drunk. He says he hopes that tomorrow, after Mari gets her money, Fedra can quit with all this crap. She tells him back that tomorrow he’ll understand so much, why she has so much hate for Mari.

Ugh more Mari yelling at the vampires. MAN this is tiring. I only actually watch the show on Fridays, I read the recaps the rest of the week to keep up (great job everyone sorry I haven’t commented, I haven’t been able to keep up current enough) and I’m sick of this device, I can’t imagine how tiring it is to see 20 minutes of this every single day. Mari tries to wake up Axel to go home, the vampires push him back on the car. She calls for Benigno to help.

Delicia is in Gretel’s room, trying to reach Kristel to tell her about the family meeting tomorrow. She is acting like a baby and complaining. Gretel says the one who will be in trouble if he doesn’t show up is Axel, she is sure something happened with him. Delicia wants to know what’s up with him, tell me! Tell me! Gretel won’t tell. Delicia says fine, whatever, we do everything for you guys and you don’t even say thank you. Gretel says (rightly) “don’t act like you’re trying to help, you just want all the gossip.” Then she tells her it’s not good to know everything, it can ruin your life. Like knowing some truths about Fedra, I imagine. Gretel gets out of bed and Delicia yells at her “where are you going?” like she is her mother or something. Wow some nerve this girl has. Gretel says to take a shower, does she need to ask for permission? They yell at each other some more and then my captions went out so I’m not sure what Delicia said after Gretel left. More complaining it sounds like.

Blondie makes a toast to what a great man Lorenzo is and how lucky Muneca is to have him, such an important man in Mexico, in all of Latin America! Muneca says did you know that Lorenzo really wasn’t anything until he married me? I own the business with my brother, Emiliano Ruiz y de Teresa. Lorenzo just represents my ownership. Hey another bottle, huh? Lorenzo says no, no, but Muneca says don’t worry, I’ll pay the bill! Oh BURN! That was awesome. Blondie says ok sure, let me bring my friend over. Muneca tells Lorenzo to get another bottle, she’s going to freshen up. After she leaves, Lorenzo wants to know what Blondie is up to. He tries to get her to leave, she won’t. Muneca shows up again, “did I miss anything important?” Lorenzo looks just a bit uncomfortable.

Fedra tries to spin Emil’s care for Mari – too bad you don’t care for your own kids so much! He says what are you talking about? She tells him to get ready, because there is about to be a lot of trouble with Axel.

Muneca goes on and on to Blondie about how poor and almost homeless Lorenzo’s family was when she met him, they had lost everything! I get her point here, telling Blondie that if she steals Lorenzo away, he is worthless. He won’t be her rich boyfriend, he’ll just be some dude with nothing to offer, not even a job. Ah, finally she just comes out and says it. Then she toasts, to love!

More yelling with Mari and the vampires. Cripes these writers suck when Mari is involved. Just awful. It’s like they have different writers for different parts of the show. Eman drives by in the background and sees what is going on.

Emil wants Gretel to tell what’s up with Axel, she says she doesn’t know. Then they find out he isn’t home. Fedra reacts like he is a three year old escaped from the house. Isn’t he a grown man?

Kristel has had about enough with the whole Mauricio/Mari thing. She throws a drink at him, she is getting jealous! She calms down a bit and her phone rings, it is the announcement of the family meeting.

Eman saves Mari from the vampires, she immediately says “it was nothing.” Ugh I hate her. I know she is the star of the show, but ugh. Eman wants to know more about what is going on and one of the vampires pulls a gun on him.

Fedra is sure Axel is hiding something and that Gretel knows what it is. Emil wants to know if it is something about school? I guess he wants to be a musician but Emil says first he has to get a real career, like medicine, then he can do that. Are we supposed to feel bad for these kids that want to play music instead of going to college? Most of us aren’t from rich families where that would even be an option. Lucas in El Clon is the same way. Waaaaa cry me a river, my daddy has a company where I have a guaranteed high level job that pays lots of money but I want to play guitar. Whatever, get a clue. Delicia reports that she talked to Eman and Kristel, but can’t reach Axel. Ominous music and Gretel looks guilty.

Eman teases the gunman for hiding behind a gun. Lots of yelling, mostly from Mari, being a whiner. Mari keps trying to step in front of Eman. Eman pulls a ninja move, stealing the gun away and using the guy who was holding it as a shield, another vampire kicks him (the gunman) and he goes down. Now it is just Eman and two vampires, no gun. He pulls the clip out and throws it and the gun to the side. Now who’s first, he says.

Séance lady tells Netty that she has a ghost friend who wants to talk to her. Is she a friend of Juan Pastor? Lady says she doesn’t know, her name is EVA. Dum dum dummmm.

One vampire grabs Eman, when the other one charges Eman kicks him in the nuts. He knocks the other guy over and then chases them off. Our hero. Benigno finally shows up, arm in arm with some young hottie he must have picked up at the bar.

Netty and Séance lady try to reach Eva. The candles go out, she is here! Eva has a daughter, who is very alone. Netty wants to know what to do. The spirit of Eva says something about the silver flower. I can’t decide if this lady is for real, or if The Mask sent her over, or what.

The vampires report back to Mauricio the boss vampire that Eman kicked their butts. Kristel wants to know what’s going on and she isn’t happy. He tries to say it was a misunderstanding, but then one vampire pulls out a gun and says “next time hire someone else.” Kristel goes crazy on Mauricio and takes off.

Muneca and Blondie enjoy their dinner, they say we have to do this again! Lorenzo wants to kill himself. Muneca talks about her charity work at the orphanage. Blondie says there is nothing worse than a child that has been abandoned by his parents, RIGHT LORENZO? Lorenzo has no comment. Blondie says she’ll help with anything Muneca asks. She wants to help with the orphanage. Lorenzo screams for the check. He can’t believe what is going on. I guess Muneca has given up on Lorenzo and is going to make him suffer.

Eman and Mari show up at home, carrying Axel. They can’t believe the state he is in. Fedra yells at everyone. Emil tries to lecture Axel right now, in his state. More yelling. Kristel shows up. Axel says to everyone that he is drunk because nobody here knows him. He has something secret, kept inside of himself. And he’s going to tell them.

On Monday, apparently.

Monday – Mari yells at Fedra for being a bitch. Mari thinks Eman is falling for her, but then she sees him kissing Ilitia (in a swimsuit, thank you writers, sorry about before) and freaks out.


Sunday, September 05, 2010

A comment on the genesis of a novela, by Yiddish author Sholem Aleichem

Hello friends, I'm in Berkeley where I can't watch Univision, que colmo, but I'm working on a translation of "Khasrileke Progress." In the passage below, the author, ostensibly visiting the town of Kasrilevke, notices how they draw in their readers with a crazy novela that sounds like the ones we watch!

During the time I was in Khasrilevke, both local newspapers, "The Yarmulke" and "The Cap," published a highly interesting and thrilling novel. One called it "The Forbidden Kiss from the Stolen Bride" and the second called it "The Stolen Kiss from the Forbidden Bride."

As the above-mentioned Khasrilevke highbrow led me to understand - confidentially, as usual - the said novela was taken from an old Russian book through the efforts of two literati, who endeavored to stretch its plots out as thinly as possible in all directions to make it longer, and - in order to keep the public in suspense - they were constantly thinking up new sensations, suddenly coming up with a fresh, healthy hero, lively right off the bat, who was not slow to bring a couple of women down from the Other World if it suited them.

And if you like, they'll start right over again from the beginning...

The truth must be told, however: in Kasrilevke the said novela was being read with great eagerness. People lick their fingers over it, looked forward to it. Morning barely passes, they throw themselves at the "Forbidden Bride."

In the normal course of things, there'd have been an end to it long ago. The authors themselves were hard-pressed to continue drawing out the suspense. They'd killed off the novela's protagonists long before: some had been hung, some poisoned, some shot. But in the course of their dismal competition, the editors demanded the story be drawn out still more: neither wanted his story to end before the other's.

During that time I was in Kasrilevke, it happened that some of the story's heroes were being shot for the THIRD time, and the Forbidden Bride had been stolen twice - kidnapped and tortured, thereafter sought and found, then stolen again, and again murderously tortured. There was just no end to these authors' atrocities - I have no idea what they were thinking!

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Saturday, September 04, 2010

Hasta el Dinero nos Separe Fri. 9/3/10 Introducing: Milagros Saldaña de Escandón

What better place to begin today's wacky excursion than the office of Valenzuela and Chavez, the Oasis, where we find them seated at their usual table deliberating. They are unobtrusively observed by Secret Agent Zetina,

attempting to take a successful candid snapshot of the two. His photography skills are legendary. Chavez is observing how nifty it would be if Marco's little soldier were able to stand up and salute as nature intended. Not only would he be able to fully enjoy the attributes of his beautiful new bride, he would have the treacherous Carlota eating from his hand. Not surprisingly, Marco doesn't want to discuss it. He's working on that with a capable therapist and a cure is imminent. Changing the subject, Chavez point out that when Quintana weds Rosaura and acquires a similar control over the hacienda, matters will become more difficult. Marco is not worried, "Quintana will be quiet as long as he is receiving his monthly hush money." "What will happen when he learns that you are selling the source of those funds?" Hmm, food for thought.

Over at Autos Siglos, serious girl talk. Has Nelson given Suzy a clue about what Rafa and his Merry Band are up to? No, she's back with Nelson because she loves him. Ale notes that Rafa was happy as a little rattlesnake (cascabelito) during the morning sales meeting. Ale whines that now she can never be happy with the "man I love." Susana says, " I warned you, but you married Marco like a capricious child." Ale will just have to talk to him and ask for a divorce. "At least it was only a civil ceremony," Suzy observes. "And uninspiring," Ale adds, "Daddy and you weren't even there." Borrrring. Well at least we learned a useful new word, desangelado (uninspiring, dull, borrrring)... next!

Saved by a happy little rattlesnake, "Hola, hola, hermosas señoras, or should I say beautiful señoritas?" Rafa is bubbling and babbling which is baffling Susana who finds his exuberance odd (raro). "Odd is too close to ugly (feo), strange (extraño) is more like it," the manic Rafa burbles. Ale thinks that Marian must have agreed to be his novia. Nopis, la licenciada Celeste has nothing to do with his bright mood. Rafa leans close and shares a secret, "It concerns the woman I love." He exits singing. Ale gapes, then smiles an encouraged yet uncertain smile.

More serious girl talk at Groupo Celeste. Marian's leggy pal Monserat can't understand why her friend (whose attributes affords her the pick of the best Mexico has to offer) would prefer the naco (not her word, but the intent) over her more desirable and cultured brother who has asked her to marry him. Marian notes that was troubling for Rafa. "Then why hasn't he asked you to marry him? You could then choose fairly between them."

Marian doesn't know. "And you don't want to know." Bitch. (Albeit a very comely bitch.)

We've heard all that before. Let's see what the simple folk of Groupo Celeste are up to. Julieta arrives to find her cubicle infested by a proud pretty preppy, who has made himself at home. He sits in her chair. He has his feet on her desk. He is holding forth on her phone. She claims her territory. He flirts.

She is polite. He is Cesar. We're not impressed nor do we care... next!

General and Claudia offer Rosaura romantic advice. Girl bonding. They spy Ramírez mom. Oops, so do Jiménez and Marino. Marino recognizes her and turns Ramírez to face her. He greets his sacrosanta mom with a flourish of pomposity. She is fulfilling a promise. She has brought a virtuous señorita to meet him and save him from perdition. Presenting... O. D. M. (OMG)... Milagros Saldaña Escandón.

Yikes! Is there a dentista en la casa? We have an emergency over here! Ramírez suddenly realizes the impropriety of such socializing in the workplace. On the other hand, Marino seems charmed. He invades her space, smiles the Marino smile, offers his card, and introduces himself, " They call me the master of pleasure." She responds by making the Sign of the Cross.

Meintras tanto, Dandy is working on shoring up his recently rescued rocky relationship with his noñita. She takes advantage of the situation by seeking the reason for Rafa's current manic state. To tell her would betray a pact of friendship. "Well which is it buster, friendship pact or our relationship?" He waffles and waivers for the sake of appearance, but she knows, he knows, and we know, he will cave.

Vicki's shrink has his work cut out. She'll quit wearing her veil once wed to her Pajarito. He explains obsession to her.

She briefly ponders, "People like that are ugly..." Nope, doesn't apply to her. " I WILL MARRY MY PAJARITO! UNDERSTAND? UNDERSTAND? UNDERSTAND?"

Doña Quieta admits her social faux pas by bringing Milagros to Germán's workplace. She and the lovely Milagros will await him at home. Dodging Marino whom Milagros thinks is ugly (perceptive lass) the two make their way for the exit, but not before a brief pause for the sainted mom to flirt with Bebe.

As they leave Bebe gently observes to Ramírez that he does not think she is well suited. The others join in with doubts, with the exception of a smiling Marino who contemplates the future mother of German's children... nude.

Once more we find ourselves back in The Oasis, this time Jaime is sitting alone at the best table sipping a frosty beer. Trumpets herald the entrance of our second fresh character of the night. Clearly an athlete, sort of a Lobo (Gancho) Lite, it's Jaime's cousin who ecstatic to see his primoso whom he hoists in a warm manly bear hug of greeting. They catch up on old times.

Jaime knows that his cuz is pursuing a sports career (gamasos, boxing? karate?) and confesses that he almost abandoned his pursuit of becoming a lawyer. The cousin is a positive thinker and offers encouragement and inquires about Julieta. Once again, Jaime must admit that things aren't going so well. The waiter asks what Jaime's guest will have. Water. Jaime seems a bit disappointed and even more so when he hands the waiter Jaime's beer. Life is a matter of good choices. Water... OK, with ice.

A beaten appearing Jiménez stands head bowed, hands folded , before the imperial doña Arcadia. He admits to being a mediocre. She is firm with him. She wants him to handle the building project in Vera Cruz. Is he up to it? He whines that la licenciada Alvarez del Castillo has warned him about his poor sales record. She gives him a firm pep talk, then asks, "Do you want the job in Vera Cruz?" Of course he does. Then he must work hard to be a success at both. "Now get out there and sell! Money! Money! Money! He sprints to the door, stopping briefly to thank her profusely. She calls for Chatoooo! to bring her doggies water as she lavishes them with affection. If only the whole world were like them, she chortles.

In the empty sala de juntos (conference room) Nelson is ready to tell Susana why Rafa is so happy, but insists that she promise to keep the secret. Ummm...sure. She agrees, having no intention to do so. He tells her that it's because Rafa has learned that Ale has had no real physical contact with Marco ( nada de nada con su peor es nada... ummm... OK... that makes sense to me). "How did he find out?'

After commercials he tells her about Jiménez running into Marco at the sex therapist's office. She asks if Jiménez has the same problem. Dandy tell her that for Jiménez to have sex with his wife, he doesn't need a therapist..." he needs to put a rag in her mouth..." Susana understands, knowing said wife, but nonetheless accuses him of being grosero (crude). She doesn't understand why what Rafa knows must be a secret. Nelson explains, leaving Susana and us as well... confused. "¿Ah?"

As she exits the shrinks consultation room, Vicki emits a long sigh, then inquires of the receptionist about Marco. He moved his appointment until later. Vicki is not pleased but maintains composure... almost. Just a quiet (for Vicki), short shriek. As she excuses herself to leave, the receptionist asks about her next appointment. "Ask the Dr. and let me know."

Back in the conference room, Susana wants Dandy to tell her what they have learned about Carmela and Marco. He tells her about the run each of them, Jaime, then Pepeto, and finally he himself each took a run at her with similar luck. "She is a giant octopus..." and offers to demonstrate. No need, she saw it with her own eyes. When he tells about the enlistment of Zetina, she pronounces them all crazy. Comparing notes, they both know about the embargo of the hacienda, and not much more. Susana doesn't think it strange for Marco to be meeting with her. Dandy thinks that the kissing and such need not be part of the negotiations. He manages to recruit Suzy to Team Rafa... Yea! "But only in the interest of Ale's happiness. I don't trust you guys, para nada." They seal the deal with a sweet kiss...Awww.

In The Oasis, Jaime has been pouring out his woes to his primo. The failed marriage attempts of Rafa and Vicki, his own Vicki problems. The cousin can't believe that Jaime would be helping Vicki after all this. Jaime tells him about the Brothers Grimm, orangutans. "That's why I'm here." The cousin, Rizos (Curls) is training for his next fight. He'll be on call for Jaime. As they exchange cell phone information, who is walking through the door? None other than aforementioned orangutans, looking to make Jaime miserable.

Well boys, there's a new sheriff in town and his name is Curls. As Rizos fiddles and fusses with his phone, the boys molest and rough Jaime up a bit. Rizos is annoyed and complains. From his choke hold, Jaime manages to indicate that these are Vicki's murderous brothers. Rizos warns them, as they hurl taunts, then he begins a little clock-cleaning. As we go to commercial, the boys are cowering behind a bar patron as they continue taunting Rizos.

The bartender Pascual intervenes and calls for calm. Rizos protectively embraces his cousin. He's peace-loving, not looking for trouble. The brothers are not used to this type of treatment. They try to menace, tossing out more feeble threats as they back out, "¿Qué? ¿Qué? ¿Qué?" They leave to regroup and lick their wounds.

At the therapist's office, Marco is seeking fast results. She insists that it's up to him. Since he hasn't actually seen Ale intimately involved with Ale, he needs to get her to confirm that nothing has happened between the two. Hmmm, that is a problem that Marco doesn't want to confront. He's actually pretty certain that they have been together... in that way. " Well, then we are dealing with the problem of excessive jealousy." Wounded, he asks her what she would do if her novio had slept with someone else? "I'm not the patient with the problem," but then she goes on to tell him that her novio slept with many women before her and they function just fine, thank you very much. "Maybe you can, but I can't." So, he's going to have to confront his problem with tact, tenderness, and patience. "Well, patience is not possible because I don't have a lot of time." As he's leaving she reminds him to be careful, this is a very delicate matter. As the door slams behind him, she doesn't look hopeful.

Marian has taken her cares and woes to the loyal Chepis, who offers sage advice, "Want to get close to Rafa? Get close to his family. Thanks Chepis, I knew we could count on you. Marian sees this as both wise and doable. "Buena idea. Muy buena idea." Heck, she's already in solid with Julieta.

In Marco's apartment, Rosauro is helping Jorge with his homework to improve his memory. He is memorizing a page of the phone book and doing quite well, I might add. He hands her the book and asks her to check his accuracy,

"Garcia, Garcia, Garcia, Garcia..." She is exasperated. Fortunately Marco arrives and Jorge explains their method. He asks about Alejandra just as she arrives. Greetings all around, then Rosauro broaches a delicate subject,. She and Jorge think that Ale and Marco should have the privacy of a bedroom shared by the two of them. Awkward responses from the newlyweds who finally agree on the propriety of waiting until after the Church wedding. "How decent," Rosaura weakly observes.

We're in the homestretch here and fittingly, Rafael is home. Leonor is setting the table. An ebullient Rafa is ravenous and ready join his family for dinner. Noting his extreme happiness she inquires. He tries to dodge by telling her of the successful truck sale but she knows better. "Guess." "The licenciada is divorcing." Very close. He tells her that since her wedding , la licenciada has had nada de nada with her husband. With Pasión playing on the TV behind them, they rejoice together.

At Marco's place, the four of them are enjoying dinner."No Mexican food in Croatia, just hasscakes," Jorge grouses. "Switzerland," Rosauro corrects. "Same difference." Tia then coaxes and coerces Jorge from the table, "Time for bed." With a little pinch from her Jorge gets the cue. They leave Ale and Marco alone. She inquires about the therapy. "Fine. Well same old thing... worrying about you having relations with Medina. " Then he drops a little bomb, "Mi amor, have you had anything to do with that man?"



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