Saturday, September 26, 2009

MEPS 9/25/09: The M-I Team Gets Goose Eggs or the Case of the Purloined Prize

Capítulo #15_?

First, the obligatory rewind: Babs and Gonzo make plans to visit Cadmilo in the calaboose the next day as long as they get back home before 7 PM, since she has a meeting at the Association afterward. Alone, the conscience-stricken Gonzo considers what a shattering blow it will be for Santiago once he finds out that Aurora’s baby is actually Cad’s. Fernanda tries returning Aurora’s call later that evening, but she only reaches the mother superior. They discuss Fer’s suspicion that Barbara now knows Fer’s been visiting Aurora at the convent. Barbara is determined to get Aurora out of that convent come Hell or high water. As she holds up the bottle of Gonzo’s knock-out drops she says she is certain she has a means to guarantee it.

The next morning Damian gives Lucio Jacobo’s phone number to set up a meeting for further instructions on the plan to get Aurora out of the convent before Barbara can lay hands on her. He tells Lucio that for some unknown reason, the girl has turned into an obsession for Barbara. “She is Barbara’s Achilles heel. We’re going to grab the candy before she can get it into her mouth.” Lucio, our illuminating literary, promises to do whatever it takes to see Barbara Greco crying and broken, hiding in the corners and afraid to be seen, “like the doll in La Muneca Fea, [The Ugly Doll = a Mexican children’s song]. (Uh, sports fans, if you doubted this guy was mentally or emotionally stunted before, this is proof positive.) He and Dam shake hands, now that they’re best buds in the Big-House, and Lucio lights out of there like the Devil to freedom. Dam is left to gripe to himself about Barbara. He tells himself he’s going to spend every minute of his time there planning a way to get even with La Hiena for stabbing him in the back [puñaladas traperas, and another slobber-in-your-cervesa song reference, if it matters].

Barbara calls Artemio and tells him she’s just put the properties from Gonzo into his name per their agreement and, at noon the next day, she’ll be there to hand the notarized documents over to him in exchange for the file on Rebeca Sanchez. Artemio says that was the deal and he’ll fulfill his end of it. She wants to know what his plans are now. He tells her about his meeting with Padre Bosco at 8 PM that night to dig up and verify the remains of Eduardo Juarez. If those are his remains, then he’ll be handing over Lili, “—or what’s left of her!” He allows himself a few snickers. Lili walks into visit with him at that point and he hangs up.

Lili is all smiles and asks Artemio if he’s still angry with her. He gripes at her that he’s still disappointed in her for handing over his mother’s diary to Franco Santoro without permission. Because of it, he says, she’s signed her death warrant.

Across town in Santiago’s hotel room, Fer says she’s getting nervous thinking about having to rescue Lili from Bravo’s place considering it’s got to be full of guards, guns, alarms and security cameras. They’re waiting for a call from Estev once he leaves for San Rafael.

Back at Las Animas, Gardenia shows up to make a play for the affections of Eduardo one last time. “Eduardo, why didn’t you marry Errika?” He says apparently some obliging person stuck their oar in and told her he was interested in somebody else. “—Did you fall out of love with Fernanda?” He is sick of going over the same old same old, he says, but she says she’s hoping she might still have a chance with him. He tells her she’s got to accept the fact he only thinks of her as a sister and that’s all he’ll ever think of her as. He is in love with Fernanda Elizalde and that’s something he cannot change. As for her, he hopes she’ll find somebody to love and who will love her as much as he loves Fernanda. He admits then, that since his love for Fer has no future, he’s now decided to leave there for good and he’s not ever comin’ back. Denia runs off crying. (Could it be that Denia finally gets it?)

Back in the big city, Slick, aka our favorite slimeball, Lucio, enters the Shanghai Chinese restaurant for his big meet with Jacobo. Jaco seems to think about as much of him as the rest of us. Think Pink Panther rejects south of the border. “Damian Gallardo sent me. I am coming to put myself at your disposal.”

It’s visiting hours at the county calaboose and Cad gets a visit from Gonzo and Babs. (From the looks of it, he has apparently heard about those group showers cuz he doesn’t seem to have gone anywhere near soap and water.) He is whining to Gonzo that he’s got to get out of there soon because they’re getting ready to transfer him to prison. Gonzo says Cerisola is doing his best to get a stay so Cad will be kept in the county jail for a while longer. Cad wants to know if Fer is coming to dismiss the charges like Gonzo was supposed to have asked her to. Gonzo can only tell him that he’s told her already. Cad gets angry. He warns his father off the two of them and to be careful. Then he threatens Loafly if he ever comes face to face with her again. Daddy Doofus shakes his bony finger and scolds him. Cad’s got to mend his evil ways. What he’s done to Aurora is unforgiveable, blah, blah, blah. Cad zones out.

Babs tells Cad his father is right. Cad gets the hint and says, fine. He’s ready to give the kid his name and even marry Aurora. Just get him out of that hell-hole and fast. PLEEEEEEASE, Papi? He promises never ever to do anything nasty again.

Ninja Night, 7 PM: Eduardo is in Padre Bosco’s office at the church and the two wait for Artemio Bravo to arrive. Santi and Fer show up at Las Animas. The gang's all there: Martina, Venus, Estev, and Jacinto. They thank them all for agreeing to take such a risk in helping them rescue Lil. Estev tells them that Fr/Ed should be with Father Bosco by now and then if Bravo shows up as planned, he’ll call them all in one hour.

Eddie and Bosco walk out to the graveyard. Bosco admits to Ed that the grave is a fake. Bravo can dig all the way to China but he’ll come up empty. Once he realizes that, there’s no escaping him. Ed says that at that moment then, Eduardo Juarez is going to make his appearance. Bosco shakes his head in despair.

Back at Las Animas, the A-Team (looks more like AA with those ball caps and parkas) goes through the equipment: a lock pick, a portable sound amplifier, walkie-talkies, and a handgun with rubber bullets. (That’s right. This is a family friendly firearm--even though they could still shoot an eye or two out if they’re clumsy enough. Disclaimer Time Out for the kiddies and the emotionally retarded. Beanies off, class? PSA #J-654: Do not try this at home. Duh! If you ain’t been properly trained, then you’re just askin’ for trouble, y punto! Ok. Beanies back on everybody while I jump off my suds-box.) Estev asks if anyone has doubts at this point. Naturally, nobody backs out.

Ninja Night, 8 PM: At the parish church, Bosco takes Eduardo to a side room for him to hide from Bravo. He gives Eddie a rosary and tells him to pray. Suddenly it’s Maria Callas or some such blaring out operatic strains that nearly hide the sound of the doorbell ringing. (Seems that sound tech’s been tokin’ again.) Bravo has arrived. Bosco gives Ed his blessing and asks God to protect them both. He leaves to answer the door. Ed makes the call and tells Estev that it’s time. Operation Lili-pad is a go.

Eddie picks up the rosary. Bosco opens the door and lets Bravo in. The Mission Improbable Team springs into action as the disco-electrico beebops in the background and the screen splits into 2, 3 and even 4-way. So, it’s a tow-truck with a hydraulic lift and a basket from the Cable Guy.

(OMG! Timewarp alert!) Bond flick flashbacks! We’ve got Jaws Borja doing the digging for Hugo Dax Bravo. (Hubby and I can hardly wait for the steel to start glinting the second the guy opens his mouth.) Once the cadaver’s dug up, H.D. Bravo’s trusted eeevil Dr. Higadera will do the necessary tests on it for verification. Padre B. and Bravo’s baddies head outside to the grave.

Estev calls Eddie and tells him they’re on their way. Ed makes sure that Jacinto knows he’s not to take his eyes off Fer the entire time. He tells Estev then to figure on two hours to complete the operation. He hangs up and prays for their protection.

Jaws starts to dig but Bosco stops him and stalls for time by praying. He and Ed begin the Lord’s Prayer in stereo (well, it would have been if the sound editor had been sober at the time).

Outside Bravo’s manse, Fer and Jacinto sit in the yellow FJ as lookouts. She radios Santi to tell him if they don’t come out in an hour she’s going to call the police. Jacinto tells her not to worry because God and the virgencita will protect them and get them all out fine. In back of the manse, meanwhile, the rest of the gang gets into the lift basket. Estev’s no tow-truck operator, but he’s apparently spent a few nights at the Holiday Inn Express. He starts the lift and puts Martina, Santi and Venus up top without a hitch. Martina and Santi go inside. Venus stays out on the roof and waits to signal.

Inside the church, Eduardo bravely fights back the tears as he remembers the letter his mother wrote him (4/3/09 -cap. 34) warning him of the enemy she’d protected him from and reminding him she’d always be at his side, watching over him. At the same time, Fer remembers listening to the taped recording of Lili’s tearful, first interview with Obregon at the clinic when she revealed that it was Barbara Greco who had really killed their mother. “Jacinto, life has been so unfair to Lili.” ‘Cinto reminds her to trust in God and that soon it will be over. She covers her eyes and tells him she is anxious to make it up to her sis and fill her up with love. (Ok. Ok. I admit to pausing for a Kleenex moment here.) Marge, prays that the virgencita will protect them all and bring them back safe and sound. Most of all she prays that she will protect Eduardo from the merciless man who threatens him.

Santi and Martina begin to silently search upstairs for Lili’s room. Martina whispers that the place is so large it’ll be extremely difficult to find it. Fr/Ed calls Santi to see how things are progressing and says he’ll keep Bravo entertained while they continue looking.

Venus radios Estev that there’s still nothing. He tells her no news is good news and to stay calm. (Personally, I think she was just looking for an excuse to play a little with their new toys.) “Cambio y fuera! [Over and out!]

Borja gets tired of digging. Imaginary scissored steel sparkles as he tells Bravo that they’ve sent them to Hell and back digging and it’s long past time since they should have hit pay-dirt (so to speak) and that casket. Bravo signals to Bosco it’s time to ‘fess up [tener la palabra = speak up] cuz he smells a scam in the works. Bosco assures him there’s no deceit and that today is the day he will find Eduardo Juarez. Borja keeps digging. Ed keeps peeking out the window to check on Borja’s progress and gets antsier by the minute.

Back at the mansion, Santi says it’s strange that there doesn’t seem to be anyone there. Martina thinks it’s because they’ve already realized they are there and just want to catch them red-handed. Santi doesn’t agree because he says the alarms would have already gone off by now. Martina takes another look see and says she thinks she’s found Lili’s bedroom.

Meanwhile, Borja stops digging and concludes the gravesite is empty. (It took 7 feet worth of dirt to figure that one out?) Bravo tells Bosco he hopes the priest wasn’t stupid enough to try to fool him. Bosco says he is definitely right about that. “Priests are not that dumb. You don’t have me digging for oil, now do you? Tell me. Should Borja continue digging or not?” “—No! Not now. No.” Bosco throws his hands up in the air in frustration while inside Ed checks his watch and looks to the cross on the wall for answers. (Viewerville waits on pins and needles hoping the diosito is checking his messages this time.)

Upstairs at Bravo’s, Martina and Santi finally enter Lili’s room, but it appears to be empty. Martina finds one of Lili’s sweatshirts on the floor, but the rest of the room is empty. Santi realizes then that they’ve taken her and left. “She’s gone!” Martina weeps in frustration as Santiago immediately calls Fr/Ed to tell him the bad news.

Outside the digging stops and Bravo asks Bosco what they’re waiting for. “--To resolve your anxieties, Artemio, and I assure you that is what is going to happen here.” Bravo orders Borja to fill in the grave. “Are we leaving, Padre? There is nothing else here for us to do at this point.” Bosco tells him to wait. Bravo asks if he’s going to pray a bit more. “You can pray here for the rest of the night because you’re going to need those prayers.” Bosco asks what he means and Bravo wonders if he really needs him to explain. “You are very bold [osado], Padre for having agreed to meet me here just to open up an empty grave. But, I shouldn’t think we will waste the time. Why? Because now I haven’t the slightest doubt. I am absolutely certain that you have always known where Eduardo Juarez is!” (Viewerville bites its nails in angst.)

Suddenly Fr/Eduardo appears out of nowhere and yells over at Bravo. “Artemio! I have Eduardo Juarez!” (Good timing cuz Viewerville’s nails are now down to the quick.)

The M-I team is in a shambles. Operation Lili-pad’s a bust. Everyone is now out front yelling because Lili’s no longer at the mansion. Confusion is the name of this game. Fer and Santi are totally distraught. Fer frantically screams that Lili has to be inside and they just didn’t look hard enough. Martina explains to Fer that the house was totally empty, even the woman who guards Lili was gone, she says. Santi blocks her from entering and says somebody got there ahead of them because the room was messy and looked like Lili’s things were taken at the last minute. All they found was her sweatshirt. Venus thinks it was the guards because the whole house was completely abandoned. Estev asks if Fr/Ed was told and Santi says yes, he told him. They’re supposed to meet him back at Las Animas. Fer cries at the news. “Santi, how long is the fate of our family going to be in the hands of Artemio Bravo?” Santiago hugs her as she screams in frustration and hugs her sister’s sweatshirt.

Back at the gravesite, Fr/Ed tells Bravo that from now on if he wants Eduardo Juarez, he’ll have to deal with him. “--With you?” Bravo turns to Bosco and threatens him. “—This is going to cost you dearly, Padre, and you know what I’m referring to.” Fr/Ed yells back at him. “--Are you referring to Liliana Elizalde?” Bravo looks back over at Franco and raises a bushy brow as Fr/Ed gives a viable explanation. “It was I specifically who asked Padre Bosco to fake this grave because I have extremely formidable reasons to believe that YOU were the one deceiving us and that Liliana is dead!” “--So that’s what you think, Santoro?” Fr/Eddie stares him straight in the eyes. “—Do you have any proof to the contrary?” “—And what would I get in exchange?” “—What you so greatly desire: I will hand you over Eduardo Juarez. Yes. That’s right. I have him and you will have him in front of you the moment you prove to me that Liliana is alive.” (Heart palpatations. Whaddaman!)

Bravo cracks a slight smile and turns to go. “—Think it over well, Artemio!” Bravo barely turns before replying over his shoulder. “—I have nothing to think about.” He begins to walk away. Our boy Fr/Eddie yells back and ups the anti. “—I wouldn’t be so sure of that!” Bravo pauses but keeps his back to Santoro. “--No?” Fr/Eddie plays his high card. “--If you are declaring war against me, I will destroy your plans for revenge by handing over your mother’s diary to Gonzalo Elizalde!” Now he’s got Artie’s attention!

Speaking of Gonzo, he’s eating din-din alone at the hacienda. Tomasa comes in to tell him Pris is coming down. Pris sees the empty table and asks where all the others are. He says Babs is at one of her Association meetings and Fer hasn’t stopped at home all day. Gonzo thinks Fer is avoiding him because he asked her to withdraw the charges against Cad. She still hasn’t, though it’s high time she should have, he adds. (What is it about rape or assault and battery this grizzled old goat still doesn’t get? I just want to throw my hands up in the air and scream!) Pris avoids the obvious and mentions Anibal is off at the Dairy Industry Conference in Rio. Gonzo apologizes for completely forgetting, all things considered. She tries to comfort him and says things will get better for everyone soon. (Cue the violins.) He says that he’s come to think his family is falling to pieces. (Pinch me!) What hurts most is seeing his children suffering.

Back at the gravesite, Bravo starts a game of chicken. He threatens Santoro saying that all he has to do is give the order and he can fill that empty grave with his and Bosco’s bodies. Fr/Eddie counters and says he knows that perfectly well, but (in another classic and most satisfying Mexican standoff) he adds that Eduardo Juarez already has orders that if he does not return in a couple of hours, he’s to give that diary directly over to Gonzo. All he asks is proof that Lili Elizalde is alive. In exchange he’ll give him over Eduardo Juarez. Bravo asks if Juarez will be alive or dead. “--Alive.” Bravo accepts and suggests they go to his house immediately to prove to him that she’s perfectly fine. Fr/Ed agrees. Bosco looks at both of them like he’s ready to hang up his spiritual spurs. Bravo adds a condition that Santoro’s not allowed to leave until Eduardo Juarez is there in front of him. Fr/Ed says fine, but he’s got a condition of his own: the moment Eduardo Juarez appears, Liliana Elizalde is to be set free. Bravo accepts the deal.

At Las Animas, Fer has finally lost it. She pulls out her cell and starts screaming to Estev that she’s got to call Franco immediately and have him demand her sister back. Estev stops her at the last second and makes her realize that a single call can cost Franco his life. She joins the rest of the sullen group and they sit and wait, wait and sit, for some word from Fr/Ed.

Fr/Ed and Artie return to the manse to find it completely abandoned. Bravo wonders where his guards have all gone. He starts screaming for Hilda. Eduardo starts looking and yelling for Lili. Realizing Santiago was correct, Eduardo grabs Bravo by the collar and demands to know what Bravo has done with her. Bravo throws him off and yells back that he has no idea where she is. The two stand there huffing and puffing at each other.

At the summer house, Barbara is pleased as proverbial punch with herself as she pulls tape off Lili’s mouth. She literally has her eyes on the prize.


Sortilegio: STILL still need two recappers!

Well, Connie volunteered for Thursday (hurrah!) but Jody dropped out on Wednesdays. So we need a Wednesday recapper and I'd like to have somebody take the Monday slot (or half the Monday slots) as well. Takers?

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Gancho Friday Sepember 25th. Comfort, Consolation and a One Day Acting Career

This week my wife and I were in Las Vegas. Since we don’t really bet much, we didn’t lose much, and we enjoyed the sunbathing (perfect weather every day), shows (David Copperfield, Rita Rudner and The Beatles Love), and lots of nice meals. But if I did bet, I’d lay good odds that Un Gancho al Corazon will almost always have humor, silliness, and a bit of tenderness. Tonight’s episode fit the bill perfectly. It started just like a prizefight, as…

Monita rings the bell (literally, it’s a hanging bell) of the picturesque house in Moroleón. The lady who answers says Moni’s the living picture of her mother.

In a bar, Oscar greets Jerry, who’s mad that Oski betrayed him by not backing him up in his grilling by Mau over whether he slept with Connie. Although Oscar thinks it was no biggie, together they’ll get tons of money, Jerry cautions him that the student always defeats the master. Oski’s not impressed. Just then Connie arrives, tearfully proclaiming that Mau was in an accident on the highway.

And now it’s Ximena’s turn to shine. Her producer and director (aka the big crook and the not so big crook), ask if she understands the scene. Well, sort of, she fumbles, but could you remind me again? Sure, look across the street. A man’s going to come out with some diamonds. You take them, bring them to us, and give them to us. But no matter what, don’t stop acting until I yell, “Cut!” They give her what she thinks is a fake gun, she waves it all over the place in fun, and they frantically duck. But here comes the “actor” she’s supposed to rob!

Across the street, a well dressed gentlemen takes a little jewel bag from the jewelry shop owner, and is about to enter his big black car, when the fat crook yells “Action!” and gives Ximmy a push. She scurries across the street, points the gun at the man, and tells him she has 3 things to tell him. One, this is a robbery, Two, hands up, and Three, give me the diamonds (she add porfis, or please in fresa-speak). The guy says don’t kill me, but just then the cops arrive! Our two crooks turn tail and run, leaving Ximmy to whisper to the victim, asking where the cameras are, since she wants the best angle. When he agrees no one has said “cut”, she points the gun at him again, big smile on her face!

Despite Connie’s tears, Oscar and Jerry are cold and not very comforting. Jerry callously informs her that Monita was in the car, too, but this doesn’t exactly cheer Connie up. She assures the two that Mau will be okay, although they’re doubtful. She does have a deal for Jerry, and asks him to meet her in the parking lot. When she leaves, Jerry doesn’t deny Oscar’s suspicion that Jerry had something to do with the accident. Jerry then asks Oscar, if the news of this accident became public, what would happen to the price of the Grupo Sermeño stock? It’ll plummet, of course. Jerry then informs Oscar that he’s got a friend ready to buy up shares at the lowest point, which will give Jerry majority control of the company! Today, he adds, the student has graduated. Bursting with self -love, that rat Jerry exits to see what Connie wanted, reminding Oscar to notify the press.

Ximmy’s holding her hostage by the tie, asking how much they’re paying him. The police tell her to lower her weapon. This just prompts Ximmy to improvise, yelling “Give me the diamonds, or we’ll all die!” She points the gun at her own chin
and the guy is so freaked out, he hands her the little velvet bag. She thanks him, goes to give him a hug, but he runs. She then starts running, and crashes right into Estrella! Estre tries to tell the cops it’s a mistake, but they’re not listening, and neither is Ximmy.

In the vecindad, Beto’s helping Nieves with the laundry when Paula rushes in, tearfully telling them that Mauricio’s car was found in a ditch, and Monita had been with him!

And she’s still with him, drinking milk in Alicia’s house. Alicia brings in a photo of Moni’s Mom, from long ago, before she left the town. Mau and Moni look at the photo and smile. Moni asks where her Mom went, but Alicia says they lost track of her, and it’s been 18 years. Mauricio asks if he can use the phone, but guess what! In true novela fashion, there just happened to be a big storm last night, and all the phone lines are down. Of course a half hour away there’s the city of Morelia, they could call from there. Mau starts to get up, but Moni doesn’t want to be left alone. (Guess they’ll just have to spend the night!).

Our very fashionable robber/actress is flouncing along, gun in one hand, big white bag and little jewel bag in the other, getting pretty good speed out of her little white boots. Estrella, in heels, can’t keep up, and calls for help. She calls Rolando, and he drops everything to save the day. Not! He does bring up Tano’s name though, so Estre calls Tano for help.

At the office, Salvador is upset about the company, saying we’re sunk, we’re up to our necks (hasta el cuello) in trouble. Someone told the press about Mau’s accident, and the shares are plummeting (desplomando). Sal’s so desperate he accuses Gabi of leaking (ventilando) the info. Gabi’s offended, she doesn’t even care about the shares, just whether Mauricio is dead or alive. Sal keeps yelling, so Gabi goes to get him some tea, hoping that when Mau comes back, Sal won’t have gone so nuts, he’ll be in the same nuthouse as his wife!

Tano and Estrella both try to convince Ximena she was tricked, there’s no film, I mean, where are the cameras? Ximmy knows they’re cleverly hidden, and when the cops arrive again, she tells Tano not to steal her camera time, this is the scene of her capture. The cops say lower your weapons, Tano takes the gun and gives it to them, disappointing Ximmy, since she wanted to do that, and Ximmy proudly marches to the squad car to be taken away to jail, while Estrella and Tano continue protesting it was all a big misunderstanding.

It’s night now, and at Alicia’s house, there’s only one bed. No problem, says Mau. I’m sleeping in the bed, and you, Moni, can either sleep in it, too, or sleep with Alicia, and all night, she’ll be breathing on your neck like this (he sensuously breathes on Moni’s neck, which she enjoys for a second, but then comes back to reality). Moni suggests a game of rock, paper, scissors, match (piedra, papel o tijera, they apparently don’t have the match, but it’s the same game we play). Whoever wins gets the bed, the loser gets the couch. Mau says he’s a champ at this, but Moni’s not scared. The first hand goes to Moni, her scissors cuts his paper. Second round, he wins (it’s two out of three). They’re tied (a mano) at this point. Next, they both come out with rocks, another tie. Then both have paper, and his hand caresses hers. Final round, Moni has paper, Mau has scissors, he wins.
However, as a gentleman, he gives her the bed anyway, and goes to the living room to sleep on the couch. Before he leaves the bedroom, though, Moni calls him over, tells him that when they jumped from that car, she wasn’t afraid, she knew he’d take care of her, as always. He was also unafraid, because she was together with him. He was just upset they were fighting. Yes, but now we’re not fighting, she points out. He moves in for the kiss, but at the last minute, she turns, see you in the morning. Ah, so close.

At Mau’s house, Jerry informs the three kids that they have to leave, taking all their tattered rag clothes (harapos) and other things with them. And if they disobey…..he takes off his belt! He’s gonna hit them with the buckle side (el lado de la hebilla). Teresa says she’s known Jerry since he was little, and he’s always been bad, but she’s the only one who’s going to deliver any hits! Jerry threatens Terry, too, and the kids are scared until right on cue (remember Connie had a plan with Jerry), Connie pops out, defends the kids, even SLAPping Jerry, demanding he leave, which he does. The kids are in shock that Connie would do this – Aldo and Luisa stare at each other, Dani’s eyes are as wide as moons as Connie ingratiatingly strokes her hair, fixes her collar, telling little Dani that Connie will always defend them, she loves them all.

A woman with short dark hair, clad in a long white nightgown, creeps surreptitiously through the darkened house. She first checks on Mauricio, fast asleep on the couch. The low cellos and ominous bells make one think of Edgar Alan Poe. Next stop – the bedroom. We only see the stranger from behind. She strokes the face of the sleeping Moni, saying Valentina, daughter.
Moni opens her eyes. Mamá? She gets up, but no one’s there. But it couldn’t have been a dream, she saw her! Moni puts a blanket over her head, runs to Mauricio. She’s upset, she saw her mother, but it must have been a dream. Mau says to calm down, he’ll make room for her on the couch. She’s not so sure, but he reminds her that she told him she was never afraid when she was with him. He’ll even protect her in her dreams. She’s still using the formal usted with him (he, of course uses the familiar), but she agrees, he makes some room, she crawls onto the couch, he covers her with his strong arms, as she says yes, hug me tight. He does.

At the police station, Ximmy, arms handcuffed behind her, STILL has three things to tell everyone. 1) the bars (barrotes) of this maximum security prison can’t keep me from getting out, 2) my partners (secuaces) are far away, and I’ll never betray (delatar) them, and 3) they’ve probably crossed the border (la frontera). Hah! Tano, Estrella and Cristian are there. Cristian thinks Ximmy’s a bad actress. Estre says she’s no actress. In that case, Cristian thinks we’re gonna have to medicate her. At this point, the two crooks are brought in, having been captured. Cris asks if she knows them. Sure, they’re the direc and the pródu of the peli (film), hi, guys! Cris soberly informs our gal that these two are professional robbers. Sure, that’s what it looks like, counters Ximmy, but this is the new look of independent film, right? Well, right? Cris sadly shakes his head over and over until finally – Ximena gets it. How could you guys trick me? Cut, cut, cut, everybody, cut!!

Jerry tells Connie that slap was a bit much, but Connie says it had to be credible. Jerry tells Connie that the shares are way down, and who knows who could buy them. Connie thinks Jerry’s like the devil, but Jerry says he IS the devil. However (he adds quietly), Aldo and Ivan are right behind you, having just stuck out their heads. Connie, back in character, SLAPS him again. Get out of the house! The children have suffered enough! She literally kicks him out with a well placed high heel. Aldo remarks to Ivan that Connie’s sudden change is quite strange.

Nieves is sitting alone, worried about Moni, when Estre and Tano walk up, laughing about Ximena, unaware of the accident. Nieves tells them, and Etre starts crying, no puede ser, as she clutches Tano for support.

Ximmy’s home, safe and sound, drinking a strawberry daiquiri, as Jerry comes home, too, talking on his cell, apparently he bought the shares, and grabs the drink right out of his sister’s hand. He wants to toast to his victory as majority shareholder. Cool, she says, and they should also toast to her debut and farewell as “primerísima actriz polifacetica”. This silly title causes Jerry to spit out the daiquiri (right back into the glass). Ximmy goes on to explain her fun day, but Jerry says, sure, you were playing cops and robbers, while our cousin could be dead! Dead, what do you mean? She gasps. Dead, as in chupó faros (sucked headlights), caduco (outdated, expired), se petatéo (kicked the bucket), pasó al otro mundo (passed to the other side), in other words, his body is ashes at the bottom of the ravine. Ximmy still doesn’t fully understand, so Jerry illustrates, using his cell phone as the car, adding the appropriate sound effects. Ximmy is horrified, grabs the phone, praying for Moni and Mau to be okay inside it. Jerry says since they haven’t found the bodies, they’re probably okay anyway, and goes off to bed, grabbing the phone back, making a car engine sound as he guides it out of the room.

In Estrella’s pink room, she’s sitting on Tano’s lap, desperate with worry, as Tano consoles her, hugs her. That must have been some hug, because a few clouds and transition scenes later, they’re in bed, apparently after a night full of consolation. (I guess since Tano never could get back with Ximena, Estrella is his “consolation prize” :) ) It’s morning, and Estre opens her eyes, her mouth comes open, what has she done? She hopes Moni will appear. There’s a knock on the door, maybe it’s Moni. Whoops, it’s Aldo! Noooo! He comes in, sees Tano, and leaves, how could she? Tano doesn’t understand, but Estrella says she just broke her puppy’s heart.

Mau and Moni are up, enjoying a delicious breakfast. They both tell Alicia they slept well. Moni goes to tidy up the bedroom. Mau asks Alicia if she really told Moni the whole truth about her mother, but Alicia denies it, she’s incapable of harming Moni. Mau gives her his card, in case she remembers or finds out anything. Moni and Mau are ready to go, they thank Alicia, who gives Moni a colorful knit bag for the photo of Moni’s Mom. The minute the door shuts, though, the music changes, and Alicia turns and says “Everything’s over now, Isabel. You saw how beautiful your daughter is”. All right, new plotline. What could be the deal with the mysterious Isabel? Could she be disfigured and afraid to show herself? Deaf and dumb? Just embarrassed that she abandoned Moni? Inquiring minds want to know.

Nieves is upset because her baby boy Beto was out all night looking for Moni. Paula tells her not to worry, Beto will turn up. Nieves says if she lost her Beto, she’d lose everything. Paula says, with all due respect, your everything is almost nothing, then realizes how THAT sounded, and tries to console Nieves again. Well, here comes Beto, drunk as a skunk (and smelling like one), being led in by Cris. Where’d you find him? inquires Nieves. In front of the station, he was stumbling back and forth, asking for asylum, and since that’s his second home, how could we refuse? Nieves takes Beto home, and Cris tells Paula “we have to talk”. Uh oh.

Estrella is upset she slept with someone she didn’t know.
Tano says we knew each other, didn’t you make me a sandwich one day? Yeah, but that’s not enough, and besides don’t you, Tano, have something going with Ximena? Well, she was the great love of his life, but wants nothing to do with him now. He has the right to build something with a special person. Estrella is moved, laments that he arrived so late (her timing is always off). Tano wonders about Estre and Aldo, and she tells him the truth, Aldo loves her, and she likes him, no one’s ever treated her with such tenderness and affection. Well, that's because I hadn’t gotten here yet, says Tano. Estre’s phone rings, it’s Moni, she’s okay!

Turns out Cris got a promotion (un ascenso), but he has to move to a city up north. He clasps Paula’s hands, and in a wavering voice, asks if she would leave everything, and come with him.
She has to think about it a little. He pauses a few seconds….well? No, she really needs to think about it a little more. Why doesn’t he go back to work, she’ll call him later. He stands up, says in his official voice, “Understood. Over and Out” (Comprendido. Cambio y fuera). He salutes her, goes off to do his duty, but not before blowing her a kiss. (He’s really an adorable young guy, and I hope he and Paula do end up together).

Paula’s awakened from her reverie by Estrella’s shout, “she’s alive”, and it seems the whole neighborhood gets the news at the same time. Everyone’s happy, everyone’s dancing, Nieves and Beto have their own little dance, until Beto realizes Moni must have spent the night with Mauricio, and he kicks a toy bicycle. Beto and Nieves go into their apartment and proceed to argue about Moni. Nieves thinks he should have more trust in Moni, no one’s stealing his girlfriend. Maybe not stealing, more like borrowing, but he won’t stand for it. Nieves convinces him to calm down, be happy for Moni, and when she returns, he can ask her whatever he wants.

And here she is. The whole crowd screams as Cinderella returns to the barrio. Estrella can’t believe it, she’s so happy she has to pinch (pellizcar) Moni. They ask if she found her mother, but the answer is no, and Moni doesn’t even want to search anymore. Beto comes up, gives her a big hug, saying Monita, my heart, my life, my little cutie, and Nieves hugs her, too. Beto says he was so worried. Yeah, so worried that you got drunk, adds Estrella. Moni apologizes for not calling, but the lines were down. No matter, says Beto, I just have one question for you. It’s very important. Between you and Mauricio, is there something? That is, did you sleep together last night? Well, Moni HAS promised to tell the truth, and it looks as if she’ll answer this one………..on Monday.

Previews: Sal gives Mau the news about the stock shares, Connie and Nieves make a deal, and the Fantasma Vengador and pals decide to kick butt!


Hasta el cuello – up to our necks (in something)
Desplomarse – to collapse or crash (the stock shares did this)
Ventilando – airing, spreading around, we would say leaking (info)
Harapos - tatters
Barrotes – bars, as in prison bars, or bars on a window
Secuaces – henchmen, followers, partners in crime
Delatar – to give someone up, betray them
Chupó faros, caduco, se petatéo, pasó al otro mundo – various slang ways of saying someone is dead
Un Ascenso – a promotion
Cambio y fuera – over and out (as cops would say) or others on a walkie talkie, literally, change and go out


Friday, September 25, 2009

MEPS, Thursday, September 24, 2009 Steve Will Operate a Crane !Creeme!

Gonzo hands Barb the documents that transfer the property that belongs to her. She thinks that when she turns these over to Artemio Bravo as Rebeca Sanchez, there will be no connection to her.

Aurora tells Fer that Barb is her mother and that Artemio Bravo is her father. Fer asks her if she has any proof. Aurora tells Fer that he was the person who sent money to Dominga who brought her up. Fer can hardly believe it.

Ed tells Fr. Bosco that he went to see Erika. Bosco wants to know what made him change his mind at the last minute. He says Fernanda Elizalde. Erika found out his real feelings for Fernanda. And, he says, that Erika said that Fernanda was in love with Franco Santoro, a man who does not exist. Franco says that he’s the person who is there to deal with Eduardo Sanchez’ enemies. Bosco tells Ed that Artemio Bravo will come Monday night to see the body. Ed tells Bosco to lead Artemio to a false grave and to let Artemio’s men open it. He will take advantage of that time to free Lili. Bosco wants to know who will carry out the plan if he’s there while Artemio is opening the grave. Franco says his trusted friends will make sure Lili is safe, and he will tell Artemio Bravo that he is Eduardo. Bosco begs and hopes there will be no massacre. Ed says he will do anything for his friends.

Steve and Jacinto are planning the caper of a lifetime. They have maps and plats of Artemio’s fortress. Steve says everything has to be secret and well planned. Martina and Venus want to help. Steve says it’s too dangerous. Martina will take any risk to free Lili. Jacinto says they could help.

Fer tells Santi that Barb is so smart he has to be careful and make her think he’s in Florence. A knock on the door – it’s Franco. Fred says what’s up, Barb told me that you was out of the country. She explains why Santi is hiding and tells Franco that Barb is Aurora’s mother.

At casa Elizalde Tomasa tells Barb that Fer is with Erika. Gonzo then reveals that Erika and Fred did not get married. Anibal is worried about business, and Pris takes offense. Gonzo says that Fred is a good guy and Barb shares his opinion and that Franco would be good for Fer once she’s rid of Damian.

At the prison, Lucio tells Damian that he is going to be paroled. His sister mortgaged her house to hire a lawyer for him. Damian offers to help. He says he has a job for him. Lucio is all ears. Damian says it has to do with Barbara Greco. Lucio says that’s been his dream, or a nightmare he would like to bury. Damian will get back with him when he is free.

Franco asks how long Barb has known Gonzo. 16 years – since Barb found her with Eduardo. They discuss AB’s vengeance and why Barb would hide the existence of a child. Santi is disgusted because he realizes that Barb would be his child’s grandmother. Fer also tells them that Barb wants Aurora to leave with her. She’s keeping it secret. They have to be very sure that Barb doesn’t get away with Aurora and the baby. Santi is having a fit. Fer says she won’t leave the convent. Franco is afraid that if she leaves, they will lose Lili.

Ani reminds Pris of a convention she forgot about. Pris tells him she knows that Barb has been listening in to their conversations. Pris isn’t sure what she knows, except that Vlad is dead. Ani, always the hothead, wants to fix this situation. He’s still burning that Barb has 60% of Lactos. He is going to prepare a montaje so that his father will know about her infidelity and divorce her. Pris says that Barb is a monster. Do you want me to tell what you are, asks Ani. Well, he’s one character who will never let go of the past.

Aurora doesn’t like to tell lies. Fer asks Aurora if she knows about Lili and that Franco is going to free her and that Artemio Bravo has Lili. She also tells Aurora that Barb and Artemio Bravo have done her family a great deal of harm.

Fer tells Aurora that it’s true that Santi returned for her and is hiding in a hotel. Fer tells her they have to be careful of Barbara. Aurora asks if Barb is capable of hurting her and Santi. Aurora wants to see her father, but Fer explains that Barb won’t understand.

Franco tells Santi about how they will storm the mansion and get past the guards. Santi doesn’t care about the risks. Franco tells Santi that it’s even more serious because you’re Gonzalo’s son. Santi says don’t you think it’s about time I did something for my family.

Aurora has a hard time understanding that her parents are trying to destroy the Elizaldes. A nun runs in and tells Aurora that Barb is there to see her. Barb is at the door with packages. She’s been shopping. Fer has parked her car two blocks away. The nun doesn’t know what to do. She tells Aurora to go to her room and tells Fer to go down the hall and that she can leave when Barb is in Aurora’s room.

Steve is renting a crane without an operator and states that they will pick it up today. Enter his troops, Martina and Venus. He wants to emphasize that this is a dangerous, risky mission. They have studied the plan and they are ready. They beg him to accept their help. He gives in and will talk to them.

Meanwhile Ed clues Santi in on the part they will play. They don’t want the police in on this. Apparently Steve will operate the crane. Did I just write that? Steve, the effete Harvard grad. Go, man, go. Venus and Martina call Franco and tell him he can count on them. Franco says, with tongue in cheek, I hope, that he couldn’t think of better people to help him.

Steve says, what do you say. Martina and Venus accept.

At the convent, Aurora is opening the packages and tells Barb everything is beautiful and Barb is too generous with her. Barb wants her grandchild to lack for nothing. Aurora presses her about her father. Barb, says that as far as AB is concerned, you are dead. He thinks you died in the fire with Dominga. He sent his men to blow up the cantina. Aurora is visibly moved. You were never important to him. Barb asks her to pay attention. Aurora says she needs more time in order to comprehend what Barb is saying. Aurora says she’ll decide when they meet up with Santiago. Barb cracks a smile.

At the prison, Pris visits Damian, who says he never expected her to visit him. She says, you wrote me this note. Damian says it was a little trick to get you here.

Barb tells Aurora that they will have a beautiful house with a garden and place for the baby to play. The four of them will live together. And, Santiago, too, says Aurora. Barb chokes on that. Aurora says, why not call him. Barb reaches into her big red purse. What a shame. I forgot my agenda and don’t have the number. Aurora asks why she and Fer don’t get along. Barb goes into her speech about how much she has done for the Elizalde children, etc, etc. Barb asks Aurora where she got the idea that she and Fer didn’t get along. Just curious, says Aurora. Barb is getting suspicious. Barb says, I’m your mother. Nothing can come between us and hurt you. Barb wants to know if Fer came to visit her. Aurora gets around that one. Barb says it’s hard to get through to Fer, but she doesn’t want that with Aurora. Aurora has a problem hugging her and Barb’s curiosity is working overtime.

Damian is working Pris. Pris tells him that Barb overheard her and Anibal. Pris says can you find out. He says do you think the Hiena will come to visit me. She set me up and that’s why I’m here. He says Pris has to do something for her. Tell your jerk of a husband that I’ll tell the world that your child is not his if he doesn’t help me get out.

At Casa Elizalde, Barb thought bubbles that Fer has been visiting her daughter. Barb lights in to Fer about Steve Norton. She says that Lovely is not what she says she is and that Camilo is in jail because of them. It’s all making Daddy sick. Gonzo is trying to talk to Santi and they can’t reach him by phone. Barb wants Fer to call him at his studio in Florence and hands Fer a phone that she removes from the big red bag.

At the prison, Pris agrees that she will ask Ani to use his influence to help Damian who tries to kiss her hand. Lucio says, so you are connected to Pris. Damian is going to explain to Lucio what he’s going to do, but they have to go to a more private place.

Fer calls Franco and tells them that they are looking for Santiago. She’s going to visit Franco because Santiago made an arrangement with Franco to get in touch with him. Fer says that if they go, Franco may be more inclined to tell them where Santi is. Gonzo then tells Fer that she must withdraw her complaint against Camilo.

Damian says that Barb is planning to leave with the girl. Lucio wants to know if the girl is a nun. They want to get the girl before Barb does.

Barb is yelling at Fer to tell her Santi’s location. Fer says, you’re the one who ordered him out of the country. Franco knows where Santi is staying. So she invites Barb and Gonzo to go to Las Animas with her to talk to Franco. Barb tells Fer and Franco that it is their duty to keep Santiago as far away as possible. Franco writes something on a paper and says he’ll call. Barb says, no, I’ll call. She asks Fer if she has anything else to say to Franco since Fer has not made any attempt to move, and they both leave. Franco is furious.

Fer drives Barb and says she thought you would call Santiago immediately. A donkey passes in front of Fer who has to stop and suddenly a red truck hits her from behind. The driver was distracted. The truck is borrowed. While Fer is talking to the other driver, her phone rings. Barb sees it’s a call from the convent. Aurora asks for Fer and when Barb hears her voice she is muy impactada. Ed: Now what? We know that Barb gives birth and eats her young. What do you think could happen now. This may become a parallel plot to that of Artemio Bravo and Lili.

Fer tries to arrange things with the man. She’ll pay him. Of course he agrees and she gets back in the car. Fer will send the truck to be fixed. Aurora says, how strange to Mother Superior. Aurora expected Fer to answer, but she hung up. MS tells her to call again. A recording says the phone is off.

At casa Elizalde, Pris rethinks her conversation with Damian and that he’ll sell his silence for freedom. She says that Ani is right, Damian is doing anything (dando palos de ciego) throwing sticks like a blind man (or using the buckshot approach) to get out of jail.

Team Franco reviews their plan to storm the castle. Fernando and Jacinto will work together while Venus will give the signal when Santiago and Martina have gotten Lili out of her room. Just then, his phone rings. He tried to call Fer, but her phone was off. She says everything is OK. She wants to know what number he gave Barb. He says his friend Paul in Cortina D’Ampezza is helping him. Fer is getting anxious. He reminds her that there is a six hour time difference between Mexico and Italy and that this will work to their advantage.

Barb is trying to call someone (Paul in Italy). Gonzo enters. No one answers the phone at the place in Italy. She tells Gonzo that it’s not strange that Santi wouldn’t want to deal with them since they made him leave. Gonzo wants her to accompany him to visit Camilo. Of course she would go, but she has something to do. Gonzo says poor Santi when he finds out his great love is bearing his brother’s child.

Fer calls Mother Superior and MS tells her that Aurora tried to call her to advise her that Barb tried to get her to leave, but fortunately Aurora was firm. Fer tells MS to look after Aurora because she realized that Barb has seen her cell phone and knows that she’s been in contact with Aurora.

Barb is furious with Fer and says she better be careful. Barb is pulling off her jewelry and is very pleased with herself. She says, you, Fernanda, will deliver Aurora to me. I swear that my daughter and grandchild will not be taken away from me until death do us part.

End of chapter.


En Nombre del Amor, September 24, 2009

(For some reason the first 15 minutes of this episode consisted of clips from the past couple of weeks.)

Cristobal has come to the House of Horrors to confront Carlota the Horrible, but Macarena prevents him from entering because she doesn’t want Paloma to know what’s going on. Cris insists that he has to talk with Carlota about what she did to them. Mac begs him to talk with Carlota another time and somewhere else. He doesn’t understand why Mac is afraid Paloma will find out about them and what Carlota did, but of course she doesn’t tell him why. Mac doesn’t want Paloma to be hurt by this and proclaims she’s capable of doing everything to prevent it, and when Cris asks “you love her that much?” once again invites an anvil to come crashing down on her head by answering “I’d give my life for her.” Cris finally agrees not to go in.

Emiliano wants to know why Romina has come with a suitcase, and she weepily explains that she fought with her mom and left home. Diana comforts her and promises that this will always be her house. Romina doesn’t want her mom not know where she is and when Emil tries to protest, Diana tells him not to pressure Romina, and then dotes on Romi some more while Emiliano looks on suspiciously.

Angelica Dario that Luz (one of the ladies from his office, I guess) came to see her and offered her a job, but she’s not going to take it. But why, isn’t your future--and mine--important to you? Angelica tells him she’s only responsible for her future, not his. He guesses that she doesn’t love him anymore and wonders if there’s someone else. She answers “maybe”, but it has more to do with her than another person. She realizes that she doesn’t have room for him in her life and doesn’t want to get back together with him. He asks what if he left Georgina, but she says no way, it’s over, forget about me.

Rafael tells Orlando that although he knows he can’t offer anything to Camila right now, he’s going to fight for her. Orly thinks Rafa should just accept that he came into Camila’s life too late, she’s with him (Orlando) already. Rafa points out that Orly and Camila just started going out, anything can happen. Orlando demands that Rafa keep his distance from Camila, but Rafa refuses, saying only Camila can demand that of him.

Both Macarena and Cristobal wonder why did everything have to be like this? She tries to get him to ask her instead of Carlota if he wants to know more, but he says there are things that he can only say to Carlota. Before he leaves he asks her to promise that she’ll be all right, and for a second it looked like they were going to kiss.

Joel and the lady from Camila’s shop (the stranger he kissed in the street) are chatting over drinks and he confesses that he was just so happy to have some good news that day, because lately he’d been feeling down because of a woman. But he doesn’t have anyone with whom to share these things, no family, no girlfriend, not many friends. The lady offers to be one of his new friends.

Paloma tells Aaron that their pretend relationship has to end—she doesn’t want anyone to be hurt by this. Aaron claims he doesn’t care if he gets hurt because . . . time for a commercial break.

While Romina waits in the living room, Emiliano asks Diana what she’s up to, it’s not good that Romina’s here, you know she and I are finished. Diana thinks they could get back together and shooshes Emil when he tries to protest. She orders him to try to talk with Romina while she’s at their house, the pobrecita is so alone, and gives him a tray to take to Romina. He just plunks the tray down in front of Romi and leaves the room.

Paloma asks Aaron to forgive her and she laments that she doesn’t know how to fix this. Aaron suggests maybe it could be fixed if she starts to think of him as a romantic interest, not just as a friend. Paloma says there can only be friendship between them, nothing more.

Ines comforts Angelica as she cries about what happened with Dario, and counsels her to have faith that God will help her to overcome this pain. Angelica thinks she also has to ask herself why she always chooses men who have eyes for someone else.

Liliana is on a date with her new boyfriend Eric when German comes to the same café and sees them. When Eric leaves for a moment German goes over and says he’s happy she’s going out with someone. I didn’t get a lot of what Liliana said but I think she basically says she’s over him, and she disparages his “affair” with Romina--if you like to be treated badly and to be second best (ser plato de segunda mesa), that’s your deal.

Diana is quite the hostess, unpacking Romina’s clothes for her and saying she hopes Romina will like it there. Romina sighs that she’d be happy to be there if Emiliano would change his attitude towards her. Diana tells her to give it time.

Aaron arrives home all upset and breaks out the booze to drown his sorrows. Really, I cannot fathom why he or Emiliano like Paloma so much, other than that she’s the protagonista. Ines comes in and wants to know what’s wrong, and when he tells her that Paloma dumped him, she says I told you not to get involved with her, her boyfriends and the people she loves die, so it’s better to thank God. That’s easy for you to say, replies Aaron, because you don’t know what it’s like to be in love. After he leaves Ines says maybe I don’t know, but you should be a man and not take refuge in alcohol. Then she wonders what it must feel like to be in love and gulps down the drink Aaron left on the table.

Camila finds the note Romina left saying she’s outta there, don’t look for me, I'm of age now so I can do whatever I want with my life.

Macarena tells Rufi about Cris coming to the house and frets some more that Paloma could have found out everything. She’s afraid that Carlota will follow through with her threats, and Rufi points out that that is what Carlota has always done, scare Mac so that she doesn’t do anything. Rufi tries to give her a pep talk, don’t lose the courage you’ve recovered in recent days. Mac can accept anything, but not that more harm is done to Cris or Paloma.

Angelica talks with Paloma on the phone--she remembers that Paloma had something important to tell her. Paloma denies that there’s anything important right now and they agree they’ll see each other soon.

Camila has come to ask Paloma if she knows where Romina is, but is first subjected to Carlota being a jerk and smirking “oh, you don’t say, your daughter abandoned you too.” Carlota refuses to call for Paloma so Camila starts yelling for her. Everyone comes running and she begs Paloma to help her.

At Camila’s house, Paloma tries phoning people to ask if they’ve seen Romina. Camila cries to Macarena that Romina is getting more and more rebellious and she doesn’t know what she’s going to do with her. Mac thinks if Samuel appears that will cause even more problems. Camila says Samuel ruined their lives, and laments that Romina hasn’t been able to overcome being abandoned. For many years Camila felt so small, so devalued--it’s terrible to wake up one day and have your husband tell you he’s leaving because he’s in love with someone else. Macarena asks, just like that, from one day to the next? Camila answers that she saw it coming. We see a flashback of Samuel coming down the stairs with a suitcase as he and Camila argue--he says he’s leaving because their relationship isn’t working, they don’t understand each other. Camila tells him she knows that he’s been going around with another woman, and she was hoping he’d change. Samuel asks if you knew, then why didn’t you say anything? Camila answers that she didn’t want to break her daughter’s heart telling her that her father doesn’t love her and is leaving. Samuel accuses her of exaggerating everything. Camila warns him that if he walks out that door, he’s not coming back, and his response is “and who told you I want to come back?” She yells at him to get out before Romina comes home.

Back in the present, Camila explains that ever since they married, Samuel was cold and indifferent. They had a bank account in both their names but he didn’t have much money, so she helped him set up the shop. She basically supported him. When he left with the other woman, he had more money than she did. Camila wonders if he really loved her, or was it her money. Mac is sure that he loved her, she’s a woman that any man would love. Camila cries that she hasn’t been able to be a good mother, she turned Romina into a willful (caprichosa) and hard-hearted (insensible) girl.

Previews: Paloma comes upon Macarena and Carlota arguing, and Carlota reveals to Pal that they’re talking about the daughter Mac had.


Gancho #68 Thurs 9/24 - Jero gets the sack, Ximena gets to act, check out Rolu's back

Redux: Moni makes the call and finds out her ma's friend lives in Moroleón, Guanajuato. (Thanks to Kris we know where that is.) Her ma was born there!

Over at the barrio Nieves calls coast clear but Beto and Coni delay a little too long in their farewell and are caught by Moni and Estre, then Mau. There is lots of begging, arguing and finger pointing. Coni doesn't think Mau should yell at her in front of THAT! (Moni). Mau tells Coni to shut up, he and Moni have never ended up in bed unlike Coni and...(looks at Beto, Beto gasps, fist in mouth, busted)...and Jeronimo! Beto double gasps, Estre and Moni are impactada.

Ximena drags a drunk Rolu ("kiss me kiss me") into a shady-looking tattoo parlor and tells Mr. Tattoo Face they want matching tattoos because obvio they are in love. She wants a tasteful "cora" (corazón) on her shoulder and Rolu wants an ENORMOUS one on his back with her name. No way would a reputable tattoo artist ink up a drunk, but Xime and money talk.

Beto complains to Mami that all his old ladies have betrayed him. He tries to hang himself on her beaded curtain. Nieves calls Coni "Flauta" and points out he's doing the same thing to Moni. The flauta is too far above him, she says. He whines about his ma also sleeping around with strangers. She scolds him and says they weren't strangers, she was Hilario's girlfriend in her youth, his shrink was also like Beto's dad (?) and Costeño Morales...Beto gasps and eats his fist again. Nieves backpedals, no no no Costeño wants to talk to him. Nieves tells him (again) to try to get back together with Moni. He says no, her eyes light up too much when she sees Mau, he just wants to go hang out with his buds. He heads off to see Costeño.

Moni asks Estre does she think there might be something between Beto and Coni? Nah! But the hint of suspicion is in Moni's head and we know it will only grow as such things do.

Moni says the only thing she wants to do right now is go to Moroleón to find her mother's friend and tomorrow she's going to try to find her. She wants to go alone.

Mau tells Coni he wants to cancel the wedding because according to his cousin, Jero spent the best night of his life with her. Coni cries and denies it, Jero lied to him. She doesn't know how to tell Mau this because Jero is his cousin BUT for a long time Jero has been pursuing her, haunting her, and she's tired of it. She demands they confront him face to face.

Xime and Rolu stumble home entangled with each other. He thinks he's a cowboy. Xime has three little questions. 1) You're never going to hurt me again? 2) We're going to be together forever? 3) We're going to get married? He says Yes, Yes, and Hell yes! He has two little questions...1) Will we go, 2) To bed? Like Topo Gigio she squeals. He carries her off to bed.

Mau tells Coni they'll reconvene tomorrow; he leaves in a huff and Coni mutters to an invisible Jero, You'll regret this! She calls Oscar.

Good morning! Oh my, someone's in bed and it's Xime and Rolu. She peeks under the sheet to check out his hardware. He groans what in the hell did he do? He rudely tells Xime she's the result of the worst drunk of his life and she's the last person he'd want to see in the morning. Oh wait, there's the tattoo! (No way would he not feel it it.) She shows him her tiny tattoo and happily suggests he check his own out. It's perma...nente! He insults her some more and he can't leave fast enough but Xime's smug, he'll be back.

Over at Grupo Sermeño Sal forces Jero to take the hot seat in front of Mau. Even Oski turns on him saying he believed Jero's lies. Coni slaps Jero. Twice. She tearfully defends herself until Mau believes her. Mau kicks Jero out of the company and nobody is happier than Salvador. Jero tries to defend himself, but "Out of my sight!" commands Mau.

Moni comes in and overhears Mau telling Coni that yes they are still going to get married in a month.

Xime goes to Estre for sympathy but she is diverted by the lovely color of Estre's nails. Back on track Xime says her problem is with Rolu. Estre keeps trying to escape, she has a casting and her only choice is to drag Xime along with her. Estrella's shapely tush hits all the points of the compass on her way out.

At GS Moni tells Pau her plan to find ma's friend Rosalio Morales. Mau shows up and comments he heard she's takaing the day off for personal problems, is he the reason? She says no it has nothing to do with him. He refuses to give her permission to leave. Fine, she'll quit, she says. Great eye roll from Mr. Doll Hair.

Oski and Coni are at lunch. They giggle at Jero having to leave GS and shooting daggers at them on his way out (making eyes lika a Chinaman is how Oski put it). She's a little nervous about Jero exacting vengeance, but she assures Oski that nothing and nobody will come between her and Mau. Can she be sure Oski's not playing her? He used to be so close to Jero. Oski says that idiot is a wimp (pelele) compared to her. Besides, with his help she can achieve whatever she sets her mind to. She'll get rid of the brats and marry Mau, "But if you betray me, if you do not share with me the benefits of the fortune of your future husband, you will sink so far into the mud that not even a miracle will save you."

Mau summons Pau to ask her what's up with Monita. Pau says she's sick, sick in the head because she's got it in her head to go find her mama. Mau rushes out and Pau congratulates herself.

Mau ends up in the same elevator with Jero who tries to suck up to his cuz and takes one last stab at accusing Coni. Mau says starting today Jero is nobody.

Estre and Xime are in the casting office and it sounds like they've already tried out. Xime says she was inspired by María Félix.

The directors enter and spy Xime reading her magazine upside down. "You've got the part!" the director says. Estre jumps up, thinking it's her. "Sorry about the confusion, I'm referrring to her" he says, looking at Xime. He tells Xime she was stupendous. Happy happy joy joy, Estre not so much.

Coni finds Beto eating cookies, he calls her traitor. How dare she have an affair with Jero, he's her lover. She complains about what Jero did to her. "What, showed you Kama Sutra?" She tells him Jero was filming them in the hotel, when Beto left he came out of the closet and then he extorted her, then he raped her. Beto crumbles his cookie and says he'll kill him with his own hands. He comforts our Coni who gives a sly little look.

Moni is packing her bag when Mau shows up to surprise her. He explains she's Beto's girl and he's engaged to Coni but she's still the most important thing in his life and he wants to help. Their romantic music plays, she agrees to let him drive her and even carry her bag out.

Director is kissing Xime's hands, he's gonna make her a star. Estre is pissed, SHE'S the actress! Director whispers to the producer and tells Xime they are off to their first location. Estre wants to see the script. Director tells Xime to get rid of the redhead, she's a distraction. Estre tells Xime she smells something funny about that guy. She doesn't trust him. Xime says three things: 1) if you smell funny see the doc, 2) consumate actresses don't mix with extras (ouch!), and 3) I'll ask you to dress in red against envy, mala amiga! (I didn't get this last one, sorry.)

Mau and Moni are careening happily through the countryside, trees on either side and anvils overhead. Oh no, suddenly his brakes have stopped working. (Try your hand brake you idiot!!!!) There is a truck blocking the road up ahead! He tells her to get ready to jump. I love you I love you! I love you too! One , two, uh oh the big truck, three!

Amazing, they jumped from a speeding car and don't even have torn clothing or messed up hair. They are limping a little to add a touch of reality. They hobble over to the edge of the cliff just as a random M-80 explodes. Oh, I guess it was supposed to be Mau's car exploding. "That could have been us!"

Interesting, after the initial explosion there is no smoke or flames. Whatever. They have to continue the journey on foot.

Jero is enjoying a brandy and talking on the phone to someone named Tomás. Good work, he says, you'll have your money this weekend. "Ah cousin, that's what you get for trying to get rid of me." he snickers into his brandy.

Over at the gym Beto rallies his fellow luchadors to come to his aid, somebody abused his one of his viejas! They have to break the bones of Jeronimo Sermeno! Costeño says count on them, the boys love nothing more than a group fight.

Back at GS Gabi is looking for Beto and Sal is looking for Mau. "They are both missing, hmmmm...everyone is looking for someone in their life Salvador," she muses.

Phone rings and she is impactada, the police ask for Sal. What??? An accident? Mau drove into a ravine!!

Cut to our carless cuties trying to flag down autos by the side of the road. Mau's up first and almost gets hit. A La "It happened one night" it's Moni's turn. (The youtube link is a few minutes but worth it.) The truck stops immediately and Moni hops in up front while Mau leaps in the back. My, he's very nimble.

Don't forget everyone, you may purchase your Obama, Washington, Lincoln, and Statue of Liberty (with lighted torch) Chia heads at the CVS pharmacy!

The faux Director and Producer take Xime to a street, she wonders where are all the cameras? He says it's cinema verdad so cams not needed. She says oh right, the cams are hidden. But where are the other actors? Also all hidden. He explains it is a police drama and in this first scene she'll walk up the street and do NOT look at the cams. She logically points out how can she not look at them when she doesn't know where they are? When he says action she starts, when he says cut she stops, and whatever happens she must remain calm. She gives it a trial run, looks around, looks ridiculous, pretends to have a gun, and then runs back. She's a natural! Next up is the assault scene and they are off to the next location. Producer whispers to the director she's a complete idiot, it's incredible, she believes everything. They can't wait to get to the robbery scene, bwahahahah.

Moroleón, Guanajuato - Mau and Moni walk along a serene and lovely alley with flowers, trees, and colorful stuccoed walls. They approach a residence, it's the one. Moni is very nervous, she takes a deep breath and rings the bell.

A woman I recognize answers the door. (Was she one of Don Torbi's girlfriends from QE?) She recognzies Moni, "No puede ser. You look just like your ma, you're Valentina, right?"

Tomorrow - Aldo finds Estre in bed with someone else. Moni's ma comes to her in a dream. Everyone is impactada because they think Mau and Moni are dead. Mau and Moni almost kiss. Again.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

Gancho Wed 9-23-09 Blasts into the past??

Hey there... a bit of a brief one tonight. I've had the good fortune of being super busy helping to host an expert this week who is here from Honduras and has been speaking on the current political crisis. He is currently unable to return home now because the airports are closed. Please let's all hope and pray that this situation will not erupt into horrible violence. Sadly we are losing ground in that respect. I share my hope that the people will be safe.

So on to the recap....

We start with the cat fight and Mau telling Moni they need to talk at the office. She says they talked enough already and leaves. Coni yells at him for not just letting her go.

At the office Pau is lecturing Beto for reading the girly want ads and not working. She says she has to take that paper to Mau and he sees something in the paper and gets up suddenly and runs out.

More yelling from Coni about Mau worrying about Mona and him saying he has to go see Oski in the hospital. He leaves, she stays. He escorts drunk Rolo, who wants to confess something, that he admires Mau physically and as a pilot and he's too drunk to drive, he passes out.

At Oski's hotel room. Gabi is testing Xime with Vanidades tests, like the Cosmopolitan questionaires, and she thinks a partner could go out for cigarillos and after a year missing might still come back. Jero insults her as always. Oski moans and Gabi and Jero fight over who has been more dedicated. Oski gets nice to Gabi but she says she's sick of men. He doesn't give up so she agrees to be his friend.

Mau barely gets Rolu to the car when he drops the drunk because he sees Mona crying. He doesn't want to see her cry so she tells him to look away. She's used to abandonment. He wants to take her to the office but she wants to go home by herself. I was cracking up at this in the background, we see drunk Rolu fall off the car to the ground.

Now we find out what spooked Beto. He shows Estrella at the neighborhood the paper, then Mona comes home, and he tells Mona her Ma is looking for her.

Oski and Jero discuss their plan to strip Mau of his money and precisely when Jero mentions his own stripping (pun intended) Mau of his girlfriend, Mau comes in and hears this. He yells at Jero, who tells Oski to cover for him, but O doesn't and confirms Jero and Con had a wild night. Mau punches Jero and says all is true people said about his bad qualities.

Beto and Estre try to talk Mona out of her room to go see her Ma but she doesn't really want to. After Beto fails to break down the door she finally comes out and agrees.

At the hosp., Xime is muy happy to see drunk Rolu and goes on that Gabi told her they should get back together. Gabi tells her no way, she misunderstood. Mau comes in announces Coni cheated on him and watch Rolu for him. Xime calls Coni to warn her Mau knows she cheated with the Fantasma Vengador.

Jero yells at Oski for ratting him out and swears if he double crosses him he'll pay. He goes to blow out the vigil light in the chapel that he lit for Oski.

Xime keeps up with Rolu and confuses why Jero is so upset, thinking he's sad for Mau.

Mau runs into the thong store and can't find Coni. That's because she's at the commun looking for Beto and arguing with his Mom about whether or not he's a little boy. Insults fly. Coni finally loses patience and proclaims that Mau knows what's up and will kill them both. Nieves is impactada.

Mona, Beto and Estre approach the house where the Ma is listed to live and she freaks out, they help her to go through with the meeting. They ring the doorbell, an attractive lady opens and immediately asks "Valentina?"

Turns out she says she's her aunt. Another woman appears and Mona runs away and doesn't answer her question. Beto thinks the aunt looks like Dora the explorer. Both of these ladies are famous actresses we've seen.

Gabi and Oski argue again about her agreeing to be with him again. He lays a guilt trip on her and begs her to take him into her home. She agrees for only tonight.

Pau complains about why Sal has asked for so many capps. Turns out he's sulking about losing Gab. They chat about Oski not being so bad after all, he guesses. Pau tells him to get divorced already.

Jero comes in and teases Sal about gaining more wrinkles. Jero wants to chat about Fer and thinks he has an accomplice, that he and Sal need to cooperate to find out about this person.

OK, did anyone else get the commercial about an Obama Chia Pet??? WTF?

Nieves continues to yell at Coni for not controlling herself and Beto shows up and learns Mau knows. Outside Mona is crying about the woman not being her Ma or something, and always still hoping her Ma would want her. Nieves asks if she in fact saw her Ma. Estre says no, only God knows where she is, but Nieves anviliciously says to herself, hmmm, not only God knows, and she begs divine forgiveness.

Beto and Coni discuss what will come of the situation and Nieves tells them to calm down their hormones, she's going to talk to them.

Mona continues whining about how her Ma could have abandoned her and how could one do that to a child. Eventually Mona decides she has to look for her Ma to put this to rest. She doesn't know who her Dad is, and maybe even her Ma doesn't know. She has a foto of her Ma and a super good friend. She thinks the friend might know where her Ma is, and the friend's name is Alicia Rosales. Estre tells her to wait a second and comes back with the phone book.

Nieves gives the sex talk to her "kids" and says that not everything is sex well maybe sometimes but anyway Mau and Mona are guilty of the same thing. Eh, not quite.

Nieves thinks the pair should tell the truth and be pardoned. Coni is worried about the wedding being canceled and Beto is worried about the same with Mona. Coni thinks they should deny everything and Mau has no proof so this could be gossip by Jero or Xime. Nieves thinks he might and yells again for Beto to be honest. He pulls Ma out to talk alone. She keeps yelling at him and then notes something happened with Mona and her Ma and wants more info. Beto tells her the story about it being the wrong woman and she says of course because that witch Isabel would never put out an ad and anyway she doesn't even live in the city. Beto catches on that she must know something then. Nieves swears he'll be without a Ma if he says anything to Mona and he says she'll be without son if she tells anything of him and Con to Mona. They go in to talk.

Mona goes through the book calling every Rosales to see if they know of an Alicia. Imagine that... she's about to give up, but the last callee says they do have a relative or aunt named Alicia but know nothing of her for many years since she went to live in Moroleon, Guanajuato.

Beto sneaks Coni out but then Mona rus up ready to tell about her interesting news and wonders what Coni is doing here. Likewise Mau shows up and calls out for Coni. Beto swears he did nothing.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

MEPS - Wednesday, Sept. 23 - Erika stops the wedding then plays matchmaker with Fer and Fr/Ed; Fer learns Barbie and Don Artemio are Aurora's parents

EPISODE #151 (Mexico #156):
* Alone in the rectory office, Erika talks with Fr/Ed about how he is marrying her to keep his promise like a gentleman. She understands the conditions to their relationship and their marriage, but at the same time, she thinks about her friendship with Fer. She asks Fr/Ed if he loves Fer? He sighs. She asks again. He says yes, he loves Fer. She thanks him for his honesty and then she tells him they need to get back to the church and their guests.

* Jacinto and Flor are trying to hold back raging bull Gardenia. Margie tells them to let her go. Gardenia is still fuming mad. Margie scolds her sister about how she being a capricious, spoiled runt only out for herself.

* Fr/Ed and Erika return to the church and the service. Daddy Gus is curious what happened - Mommy Dolly holds him back so he can't approach the couple. Erika asks Padre Bosco to repeat the vows to her. He does. She then asks him to repeat the part about love and marriage that he stated earlier in the service. Padre is confused but does so. Erika then blurts out her answer "NO ACEPTO!" (She can't marry him!) and then runs down the aisle to the front doors. The crowd and her parents are stunned.

* Outside Jacinto, Flor, Gardenia and Margie are still standing and arguing when they see Erika run out of the church with her parents on her heels. Jacinto assumes that the wedding was stopped after all. Gardenia smiles and does a little prayer of thanks to her lord 'Chuchito Lindo'.

* Steve leaves Fr/Ed at the wedding kneeling benches in front of the altar. Fer comes over and kneels beside Fr/Ed.

* Parents Gus and Dolly catch up to their daughter Erika at the coach and ask her what happened. Erika cries.

* Fer wants to know what happened. Fr/Ed says Erika asked him if he loved her (Fer). He had to tell the truth and say yes.

* At the hacienda, Jacomo with motorcycle helmet on his head gives Tomasa a note to give to Priscilla.

* Fr/Ed tells Fer that he still plans to rescue Lili and then disappear from their lives and Mexico forever.

* Priscilla opens the note and is stunned as she reads that she should visit Damian Gallardo and it's signed by Vladimir.

* Fer is stunned and wants to ask more questions. Fr/Ed stops her and tells her not to worry, just trust him. They stand up. Fer thanks Fr/Ed for everything that he's doing for her and her family; that The Lone Ranger would be proud of him; all that she asks of him is that he kisses her and tells her good-bye before he leaves. She leaves the church. Fr/Ed kneels down, cries and prays to Jesus for help, strength and courage to continue his plans to the end, he's scared, nervous, doesn't think he has enough strength; he feels so alone; he asks Jesus not to abandon him; he pleads for a sign that he isn't alone. That's when the hand of Jacinto touches his left shoulder - he turns to see Jacinto smiling down at him, he smiles back - then Steve's hand touches his right shoulder - he smiles up at Steve. He stands and the three musketeers leave the church arm in arm.

* Anibal is outside the stables telling the stablehand about the arrangements to sell Camilo's favorite black stallion. Stablehand leaves with horse as Priscilla approaches and hands Anibal the note from Vladimir. Anibal grumbles as he reads it. He asks when did this arrive? Priscilla says Tomasa received it from the messenger today. Anibal storms off - Priscilla yells out "where are you going?"

* At home, Mommy Dolly is crying hysterically and is confused. Erika is calm and in control and consoles her mommy. Mommy leaves. Fer enters the room. Erika looks at her - Fer is confused about what happened at the church. Erika says Fr/Ed loves her. Fer says that isn't possible - he's confused and reading things wrong - there's nothing but a close working friendship between her and Franco. Erika then reveals THE PHOTO of Fer and Fr/Ed at the restaurant and shows it to Fer. Fer is stunned.

* Anibal interrogates Tomasa in the living room about the note and the messenger. Tomasa is scared and nervous.

* Fer tells Erika that isn't what you think. Erika says then what is it? She wants the truth. Fer can't tell her the truth; she can't explain anything to her best friend. Erika pleads and asks for Fer to tell her the truth. She asks Fer if she loves Franco Santoro?

* In the bedroom, Anibal and Priscilla talk about the note - Barbie is outside the door eavesdropping - Anibal says Vladimir couldn't have sent it, he's dead, it must've been Damian. Barbie is rudely interrupted and called away by Gonzo. Anibal explains to Priscilla why he suspects Damian is behind this note and why he believes Vladimir is gone for good.

* Fer cries and explains how uncomfortable she is with Erika's question. Fer cries and explains how she can't tell her the truth - all she can do is plead forgiveness for keeping secrets from Erika; she never wanted to hurt Erika's feelings. Erika tells Fer that what happened at the church is for the best for all three of them. Now she and Franco won't be condemned to a love-less marriage. At the door of the living room, she tells Fer that now they all can seek and find the happiness and love that they each deserve.

* Outside at the fountain at Las Animas, as Jacinto takes the white horse from the stables, Fr/Ed talks with Margie about the wedding being cancelled at the church. Margie blames the capriciousness and big mouth of her little sister Gardenia. Fr/Ed doesn't blame Gardenia or anyone. Fr/Ed tells Margie his plans with Don Artemio.

* Gardenia is in her room, writing and reading and thinking about Eduardo.

* Fer and Santi are at the hotel room hideout. Fer tells Santi about Fr/Ed's plans to rescue Lili and with Don Artemio. Santi is desperate to see Aurora. Fer has to do all she can to calm her brother down and make him realize that to leave the hotel room now would be way too dangerous - Barbinator is still walking around and could spot him. She needs to leave to visit Aurora. Santi gives her a message to give to Aurora and their baby. Fer promises and leaves. Santi thought bubbles about Aurora.

* Aurora kneels and prays for forgiveness.

* Fr/Ed waits in the living room and tells the housekeeper that Jacinto is there with the white horse. Housekeeper leaves with the message. Erika enters. Fr/Ed apologizes for visiting and doesn't want to cause her any more pain. He asks her to listen to what he has to say. She agrees.

* Barbie stops Priscilla in the front room and asks how Vladimir died. Priscilla, stunned, says Vladimir died in an auto accident. Barbie then asks if Damian knew a secret about her baby. Priscilla is really shocked, and covered beautifully, telling Babs that they were hiding the fact that her father planned for her child to unite Prolasa (his company) with the 40% of Lactos. I think Babs bought it. (thank you novelera for the correction.) Barbie leaves. Priscilla grumbles thinking Damian told Barbie about her baby isn't an Elizalde.

* Erika tells Fr/Ed her parents are in shock and don't understand what happened. Fr/Ed thinks they must hate him. Erika tells him not to worry about that, she understands completely and is content with her decision. They discuss his love for Fer. He says it's an impossible love that can never be. She says that's not true, Fer told her that she loves him.

* Fer arrives and talks with Aurora in her room.

* Erika and Fr/Ed discuss Fer loves Franco, almost like she loved Eduardo long ago. Franco tries to explain that he can never be with Fer, it's impossible, it's complicated, he just can't be with her at all. He then changes the subject and asks Erika about her plans. She says that she will travel to Argentina to live with friends and work at a fashion boutique there. She will also work to turn her life around so she stops making the same mistakes she had been making with love.

* Fer talks with Aurora - Aurora is anxious to talk and see Santi. Fer calls Santi on her cell phone. Santi is like a tiger in a really small cage right now, and grunts his disgust to Fer on the phone. Fer starts to smile and tell Santi clues to where she is. Santi starts to perk as he realizes she's with Aurora. Fer hands the cell phone to Aurora. Santi and Aurora finally talk. (Aw! how sweet!)

* Fr/Ed wishes Erika the best with her plans and offers to help her if she needs anything. Erika thanks him and wishes him and Fer all the best also. Fr/Ed leaves. Erika cries.

* Aurora gives the cell phone back to Fer. Fer assures her that Santi will return. Aurora then starts to tell Fer about Barbie's latest visit and how she asked Aurora to leave with her. Fer is intrigued to hear what happened. Aurora explains about Santi helping her find out her mom's name is Rebeca Sanchez, and then Barbie just revealed to her that she is Rebeca Sanchez. Fer is shocked as she realizes that her evil stepmommy is Aurora's mom. (WHOA!)

* Gonzo waves as the police commissioner's car leaves.

* Flashback - Aurora wailing and scolding Barbie about her revelation that she is Aurora's mom and Don Artemio is Aurora's dad. Barbie is in the office, crying and grumbling and determined to convince Aurora to be with her forever. Gonzo enters the office. He goes to the desk and hands Barbie all the paperwork for her inheritance of his estate. Barbie thought bubbles how she will use the papers to double-cross and get revenge against Don Artemio.

* Fer and Aurora continue their talk about Barbie's revelations to Aurora. Aurora tells Fer that the name of her father is Don Artemio Bravo. Fer is shocked.

* Fr/Ed talks with Padre Bosco in his church office about his visit with Erika. Erika told him that Fer loves him. He is frustrated because he knows that Franco Santoro doesn't exist. Padre Bosco asks him about his plans. Fr/Ed is determined to complete his outstanding promises in town - to rescue Lili and to award Eduardo's cadaver to Don Artemio. (UY!)

ADVANCE -- Countdown to the Series Finale at 8/7 p.m., Monday, Oct. 5.


ENDA, September 23, 2009

Paloma admits to Emiliano that she loves him. He asks her if she wants to be his girlfriend. Yes, she replies. They kiss. Young love. So cute. He screams out loud because he says he is so happy. He asks again if she really loves him. Don't you believe me asks Paloma. I don't doubt you. I just want to hear you say it several times. She tells him again and pretends he can't hear. He runs off saying he can't hear her and she yells out "Te Amo!" He runs back and they kiss again.

Aaron is at the cafe waiting for Emiliano impatiently. He calls Emiliano's cellphone, but no answer.

Back with Emiliano and Paloma. Emiliano wants to talk to her aunts. She remembers that she's late and calls to tell Rufi that she had errands to run and to start eating dinner without her. Emiliano again tells Paloma that he wants to talk to her aunts. Why asks Paloma. Because I don't want you to get into trouble with them replies Emiliano. Paloma says that she does not want anyone that they are dating.

Macarena tells Camila that Carlotta is back. Camila says now the peace in the house is gone. Macarena says Carlotta knows that Cristobal is back. How did she react? What did she say, asks Camila. Carlota never thought that we would see each other again replies Macarena. I am so scared. About what asks Camila. She's scared that Paloma will find out the truth. Camila tells Macarena that she should not worry about that. Paloma will understand. Macarena says it's that the great love of my life is Padre Juan (Cristobal). Camila is muy impactada.

Romina gets a call from Aaron. He tells her that he cannot believe that she is in love with a coward (cobarde). What are you talking about asks Romina. Aaron tells Romina that Emiliano never showed up for there meeting. He was too scared to confront him. Romina tells him don't make me laugh. Emiliano is much more of a man that you. So stop saying stupid things. Aaron asks why does she defend him? Doesn't she realize that Emiliano is leaving you for her? Romina tells Aaron that she is not in the mood to listen to his foolishness. And no one is leaving me. Aaron asks what do you call it when Emiliano wants to be with Paloma and not you? Romina gets pissed, hangs up and throws the phone. Romina doesn't understand why Emiliano does not love her. She's beautiful and intelligent. First her father leaves her and now Emiliano wants too. But she will not let that happen. No matter the cost.

Macarena tells Camila that after Cristobal's death, she could not love anyone else. At the time he was not a priest. Can you imagine if people found out that I had a great love with Padre Juan (Cristobal). Camila says that she understands that would be difficult. But he wasn't a priest when that happened. And also there was no consequences during that grand love. Macarena looks like she wants to correct Camila, but doesn't. Camila goes on to say that she believes the relationship should stay in the past. I know it must be really difficult to see him again and now that he is a priest. I can see that you have never forgotten him, but don't be embarrassed by that. Macarena says that you are right, but it's not easy. Camila wants Macarena to keep her updated. Wants to know how she is feeling. Then asks how Carlotta is doing. Macarena responds by saying that she doesn't know who is more affected by all this her or me." Well her, no doubt replies Camila. Why do you say that so assuredly asks Macarena. Before I tell you, replies Camila, answer me this one question. Did Padre Juan become a priest because he believed that you were dead? Yes, replies Macarena. Well there you have it. He gave himself to god thinking you were dead. You had a great love with him and Carlotta had nothing and knows that he preferred you over her. That must really be hurting her.

Carlotta is remembering her seeing Cristobal in his priest garb. She can't believe that he is now a priest. She believed that when he found out Macarena was dead that he would have come for her. I so wanted to console you, to kiss you. But no. You went with other women then turned to god. Where did I end up in your life? She cries.

Paloma tells Emiliano that she knows that Romina would be very hurt knowing that they are together. Although I don't think she is as in love with you as she says she is. Emiliano understands because she is so possessive. He feels really bad about all that happened between him and Romina. Because of a stupid choice I made. I marked her life forever, but I am not going to punish myself forever either. I can't really hear with all the water falling behind them. Paloma says that Rufi always tells her that no one is perfect. We all make mistakes. But today we are together and that is all that should matter. They kiss.

Romina blames Camila for her father disappearing again. What are you talking about asks Camila. I called the number that I had for him, but he left. Why didn't you say anything asks Camila. It's obvious that you don't want me to find him replies Romina. You got upset with me for keeping the letters from your dad from you, but you just did the same to me responds Camila. Romina says it's not the same. Camila tells her that her dad knows where they live if he ever wants to stop by. Romina tells Camila that she no longer trusts her now that she has Orlando. Camila yells at Romina that Orlando has nothing to do with the situation and she no longer has/wants anything with her father. Romina says that is what you say, but I am no longer sure. I will tell you one thing. No one has the right to take me away from my father not even you. Camila says your distrust in me really wounds me. Romina tells her that she earned it. Along with the hatred that she is feeling for her now and then stomps to her room.

Paloma tells Emiliano that she wished everyone could know about them. Just not now. Of course. How can I tell your aunts that we are novios if you are still with Aaron replies Emiliano. Paloma tells him that she is not with Aaron. It was just a lie that they came up with to distance him away from her. Emiliano says I knew that you didn't care for him, but why did you go along with the game? Because he is my friend responds Paloma. And he wanted to help me. He knew how I felt about you. Sure replies Emiliano. Especially since he is in love with you. He's not says Paloma. Well I know that he at least wants to be with you replies Emiliano. I swear that Aaron is just a friend. I only love you responds Paloma. They kiss. Why did you finally tell me the truth asks Emiliano. Because I realized that I was fighting what would make me happy. That is why I do not want anyone to find out. So that nothing could separate us. I just want us to be the only one's to know. Okay, replies Emiliano. They kiss.

Aaron shows up at Emiliano's office asking Angelica if he's in. No, replies Angelica. He had an appointment and left awhile ago. Aaron tells her that Emiliano had an appointment with him, but did not show up. So tell him that I always complete what I promise. Also that we will see each other again whether he wants to or not. Aaron storms out with Angelica following him.

Emiliano takes Paloma home. Well close by anyway. She wants to know how and when they are going to see each other. Emiliano gives her his phone. That way they can talk easily. She tells him that she has a phone that Inaki gave her, but doesn't know if there are any minutes left. Emiliano tells her to stay with his phone and the next time they see each other give him the old phone so that he can activate it. What if you get a call asks Paloma. Don't answer replies Emiliano. Paloma gets ready to get out of the car and Emiliano tells her that he loves her. Me too replies Paloma and gives him a quick kiss. She runs off, but turns around and blows him a kiss.

Angelica follows Aaron outside. Aaron tells Angelica that he will not allow her stupid boss to be with the woman that he loves. Angelica tells him that she does not like the manner in which he talks about Paloma. How asks Aaron. Like she's your responds Angelica. Aaron tells her that Emiliano had his chance, but didn't take it. And he will not stand back and let him come between Paloma and him. Angelica asks if perhaps it was him that got in the middle of them instead? So now your defending him asks Aaron. Emiliano is playing games with Romina and Paloma. Angelica tries to defend Emiliano again, but Aaron interrupts her. He tells her that in the end he is sure that Romina and Emiliano will end up together and stomps off.

Paloma returns home all happy. Rufi tells Paloma that Carlotta wants to see her in the library. Paloma wants to go change first. Macarena asks Paloma why is she so happy? Paloma tells her that I'm just normal and runs off. Macarena sighs and tells Rufi if only Carlotta had not interfered. I feel such anger towards her.

Rafael visits Joel. He wants Joel to follow him.

Carlotta again is talking to herself about Cristobal. How that before he was a priest he was a man. How she will convince to give up the priesthood so that he can be only hers.

Rafael takes Joel outside and they look at the building. What do you see asks Rafael. Why offices replies Joel. Rafael tells Joel that he's grateful that he went out and got an investor for the factory. And also turned down Pablo's offer for a partnership in another business. So because of him the factory is doing better and he wants to give Joel 10% of the business. Rafael leaves and Joel shouts with joy, grabs a lady that walks by and kisses her. She slaps him. He asks her if she works with Camila.

Diana is at home with Inez. Diana complains to her that Emiliano does not want to help her. Inez says that he's smart. He doesn't want to get in the middle of both his parents. But I don't ask him to be in the middle replies Diana. Just on my side. Children always belong with their mother. I should never have sent him to Monterrey to study. Now he is so independent. Inez says that is good. Children should be independent and make their own lives. Diana gets nasty and tells Inez that that is why god never gave her children. She has no idea what she is talking about. Inez gets pissed and says that she's leaving. Diana quickly rushes to her side and tells to stay. She wants help in coming up with something so that Emiliano will be on her side. Inez says sorry, but as you pointed out I have no children. Diana whines that she really didn't mean to say that, but Inez pushes her off and leaves anyway.

Rafael visits Camila and sees that she's upset. Camila tells Rafael that Romina hates her and she doesn't know what to do.

Paloma goes to visit Carlotta. Carlotta reminds her that in this house they eat on time. Do not let it happen again. Paloma asks Carlotta about the ring. Did she sell it? No, replies Carlota. They were going to give me little money and I didn't want to sell it for that price without your authorization. She goes into her desk and takes on the the red boxes holding the ring out. Looks like she was trying to remember which one it was. Carlota gives her the ring and a estimate on the price of the ring. Paloma looks at the report and can't believe the low amount they wanted to buy it for. The jeweler in town said that it was a very expensive ring. Carlotta says that the jeweler must have been mistaken. How can you give the jeweler more credit then one from the city? Paloma is sad and her dreams are broken. Carlotta says perhaps destiny does not what you to study at a university. Come let's eat.

Rafael tells Camila not to believe Romina. She was angry and just wanted to say hurtful things. You have to be honest with her and yourself for the things that will come. Camila tells him that she has to be honest with Orlando and tell him what's going on between them. (Rafael and Camila) Rafael tells her not to worry about that now. You have other problems. Just know that I will be here for you. Just not in the way I want too. Diana will not give me the divorce. It will take awhile. Camila tells him that Diana came to see her and told her that she would not give him a divorce. Why did she tell you asks Rafael. Perhaps because we are friends replies Camila. That will not deter me and no matter the cost I will divorce her responds Rafael. Never doubt that I don't want you. You are what I care about. They kiss.

Diana yells at Juanita about her cleaning. Phone rings and Diana says to the caller that she feels bad and that she is in total agreement.

Paloma looks at the ring that Inaki gave her. She cries and remembers them at the church were Inaki proposed to her. She says that Inaki was her first love and that her life would be so different with him. She believes that Inaki has brought her and Emiliano together. She will always be grateful for the wonderful memories he gave her. Rufi calls out to Paloma to come to dinner.

Emiliano proposes a big huge advertisement idea to Orlando. Orlando wants to slow it down a bit. What's up with the happiness? It has to be about love. Emiliano says I'll tell you, but not now. Orlando understands and they resume business.

Inez asks Macarena why god blesses certain women with children while others are not? Macarena gets uncomfortable and leaves. As she leaves Cristobal is outside reading his bible. She says a child? Only with you and no one else. She leaves and he didn't even know that she was there.

Rafael tries to kiss Camila again, but she's afraid someone will see. They talk about Joel and the partnership. She thinks it's a great idea. They kiss. A costumer walks in that looks very much like Romina.

Paloma calls Aaron and wants to see him. Aaron says that he likes to hear that and will see her after work. He gets another call and says "Paloma"? No, it's Emiliano. Oh the coward (cobarde) replies Aaron. Never replies Emiliano. I offer an apology and if you like we can meet up tonight. No, can't responds Aaron. Paloma just invited me to eat at her house. Emiliano laughs and says so you are going to see her tonight? Yes, replies Aaron. She wants to see me and be with me. Emiliano says so you don't want to see me? No, but I just want to tell you to quit coming up with stupid ideas so that you can be near my girlfriend. Emiliano says if you are so sure of her love then why are you so scared that I get near her? Aaron throws his glasses down and tells Emiliano that he is not playing with him. Leave my girlfriend alone or there will be consequences. Emiliano laughs and hangs up.

Carlotta is back in the library and says out loud that she has to come up with a better plan to keep Paloma exactly where she is at. She cannot allow the return of Cristobal to change anything.

Pedro tells Cristobal that he had some visitors today. Who asks Cristobal. Pedro says Orlando, Chava and his friends, Rufi and Carlotta. Cristobal is impactado about Carlotta coming to see him. Pedro mentions that she asked for him by his name and not his priestly name. She probably doesn't know that I am now a priest replies Cristobal.

Rafael goes to Joel to tell him about his visit with Camila. He says he's sorry, but Camila was not in agreement. Joel says that's okay. Rafael busts out laughing and Joel realizes that he was just messing with him. Rafael says that Camila was in total agreement.

Paloma tells Macarena and Rufi that the ring was not worth as much as they thought. Macarena tells Paloma that she will figure out a way for them to leave and pay for school. The doorbell rings and Macarena leaves to answer it. Paloma tells Rufi that she does not want to move to the city.

Emiliano comes home. He asks Diana where the flowers came from. She doesn't want to talk to him because he will not side with her against Rafael. He tells her that he's happy today and he wants her to stop being upset. She wants to know why he's so happy. Because of everything replies Emiliano. She tells him that she will be happy if he talked to... (couldn't understand the name). She asks for a kiss. He kisses her all over her face. To the best mother he says and hands her a flower. He leaves and she wonders what has made him so happy. She says that he will be even more happy with the surprise that she has for him.

Rafael drops off Joel. Joel wants to make sure that Rafael knows what he is doing. And reminds him to keep his calm.

Emiliano is watching TV, but not really. He is remembering what happened between him and Paloma today and THE KISS. He is grinning like an idiot and the doorbell rings. It's Romina. Diana comes out and greets her. Emiliano is looking suspicious.

Orlando is at the office when Rafael comes in for a visit. Rafael wants to talk to him about Camila. He wants Orlando to know that he is interested in Camila as a woman. Orlando is impactado.

Cristobal came to pay a visit to Carlotta. Macarena begs him not too. They argue.

Tomorrow: Romina brings her suitcase to Emiliano's house and Cristobal wants to talk to Carlotta


Sortilegio - we need two more recappers

Hi all,

Ferro is not on board for Sortilegio, and Pasofino is also leaving, so there are two potential recapper spots. Any volunteers?

UPDATE: Connie signed up, but Jody dropped out - so we need at least one more person, and I'd be happy to give up my spot or share it as I did this time.

Anybody else?

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MEPS finale is Monday October 5: really 3.5 hours?

Hi all,

How can I find out if it's true that the finale is 3-1/2 hours, and if so, when it begins?

We have six volunteers:

Chris (it's his last recap since he's rejecting Sortilegio, sob)
Julie, Kat, me, Jardinero, Jody

I would prefer to go first or second.


Sortilegio (English plot summary)

I found a synopsis or two and cobbled this together. "Sortilegio" means witchcraft, charm, fortune-telling.

Antonio Lombardo, successful in the construction business and married to an infertile woman, falls in love with Victoria, wife of his best friend Samuel, without intending to.

Learning of her pregnancy, Antonio wants to get a divorce and marry Victoria, but Samuel finds out and carries Victoria away to Europe before the babies are born, leaving no trace of their whereabouts. Twins are born, Bruno and Raquel, but Antonio doesn't know them. Meanwhile, Samuel accepts the children happily and raises them lovingly.

Antonio's wife Adriana undergoes fertility treatments and dies giving birth to a beautiful son, Alex. When the twins are six years old, Samuel dies too.

Victoria and Antonio, now both widowed, meet again and decide to unite their lives at the side of Bruno, Raquel, and Alex. They decide the time is not right to tell the twins Antonio is their true father.

Bruno - greedy, frivolous and calculating - never accepts Alex and, not knowing they are brothers, is his constant rival. The children grow up.

Antonio, disappointed by Bruno's rebellious and irresponsible acts and Raquel's frivolity, names Alex as his sole heir. When Antonio tells Victoria what he has decided, they have a big fight. Antonio dies unexpectedly and Alex becomes head of the family and the Lombardo business, which deepens Bruno's hatred.

Bruno meets a simple and beautiful provincial girl, María José (I dub her Mary Jo to avoid the accent marks) who lives with her loving father Pedro and her ambitious sister. He asks her to marry, pretending to be his younger brother.

Mary Jo excitedly awaits her wedding with "Alejandro," not realizing he is actually Bruno. Bruno's sinister plan is to marry Mary Jo, kill Alejandro so the young "widow" will inherit the fortune and then - because he is sure Mary Jo loves him - get her to give over the money.

After the wedding, Bruno returns to his house in the city of Merida and orders his half-brother's assassination. Alejandro is declared dead in a terrible car accident.

Bruno pretends to find the marriage document of Alejandro and Mary Jo. Victoria, his mother, contacts Mary Jo and tells her of the death of Alejandro. Overwhelmed by sadness, the young woman travels to Merida for the funeral; meanwhile Bruno goes to her village, reveals the truth to her father Don Pedro, and blackmails him into accepting his plan.

Bruno then presents himself to Mary Jo and tries to convince her to share the inheritance, but the girl is frightened and runs away. Bruno follows and makes her come back with him, assuring her that her father's life depends on it. The supposed widow is unwillingly tangled in his blackmail from which it isn't easy to escape because her liberty, and that of her father and sister, are in play.

Upon returning to Merida, they meet up with Alejandro, who is alive (to the surprise of all, especially Bruno), having been rescued by peasants who took him to a hospital.

Victoria is very surprised that Alejandro has married secretly, especially considering his engagement to Maura, and her doubts grow when he doesn't remember anything about his supposed marriage, but they attribute this to his partial amnesia from the accident.

Alejandro finds Mary Jo very attractive and decides to wait and see if he can remember her. He treats her kindly. Mary Jo realizes she is falling in love with Alejandro and her conscience will not leave her in peace. Meanwhile Bruno - who is dying of jealousy - is more threatening and violent all the time. His behavior awakens Alejandro's suspicions and when finally Mary Jo asks for a divorce, Alex pressures her to tell the truth.

Mary Jo knows that Bruno is a man without scruples and that, if she talks, she puts the lives of her loved ones at risk. However, she also knows that if she stays quiet, she risks the life of Alejandro, the man she loves.

The couple's love will be tarnished by the dirty games of their enemies, Bruno and Maura (who has always been in love with the galan), who will do even the impossible to separate them.

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