Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Amar sin Limites #24 Monday 8/20/07 Mom's in the hospital, and then she's out

Diego and Azul are reviewing their sad situation in the hospital corridor. She says she now realizes he didn't show up before because he had family obligations and he didn't deserve her lack of trust. Suddenly they see Mo walking up and they hurry into a supply closet. If he sees them, they will have some e'splainin' to do. Diego has a great idea. He calls Mo on his cell phone from three feet away with the closet door partly open so he can see Mo. Azul says that if he talks on the phone Mo will hear him. Doesn't matter. Diego talks and Mo doesn't hear him. I don't really get this nonsense. Diego claims he's in the ICU. He then goes to talk to Mo.

We cut to the rest of the family waiting in the waiting room, waiting for mom to get out of the quirafano (operating room).

Heavy breathing as Diego and Azul look at each other in the closet. She leaves.

Arnaldo and his father continue their argument. Father is a hypocrite for disparaging Arnaldo's sexual preferences.

Azul seems nervous around Mo. Diego comes up. She didn't expect him so early. They discuss a job offer. Mo will offer Diego a 50 percent reduction in salary as he pays him back. Diego doesn't want debts to Mo, but he accepts immediately. I listened to this three times to see if I missed something, but no, he just accepts without explanation.
Azul says: You can't accept. She doesn't want him around. Cut to commercial.
He says he must take the work because of his mom. We hear the piano of doom.

GCSSD and Ines discuss living together as their secret is out.

Diego wants to sign a loan document. Azul will be giving him an intake interview. Seems like typical HR stuff, but after the fact! We hear barking dogs Sounds like they are not meant to be part of the scene. Mo holds Azul very tightly. He says Diego will be great for them. It's still not clear what Diego will be doing. Maybe PR. He has no experience but a suit salesman, but Mo seems to think this will transfer into some kind of merchandising talent.

Silvana is playing the jealous girlfriend with Diego. She is upset he will see Azul every day. I would be too. Diego blows it off. I still don't get this. He is still trying to get Azul back, but he claims to be serious about Silvana. Discussion question of the day: This makes him very unlikable, I think, and another problem as a hero. What do you think?

Azul and Mo are sitting in the living room at opposite ends of the couch. The King Kong soundtrack plays in the background. He then moves over and rubs her leg.

Gloria advises Silvana to dig her claws in to fight for Diego.

Diego, Abuelo, and two other guys I don't know eat a meal and discuss Diego's new job.

Diego calls Azul, and they have another one of their pissy conversations about scheduling the interview.

Andres and Leo are pondering what to do about the arrival of Diego. Andres says that he's afraid Diego will take his place, but Leo says, no, not while she's around.

GSD has an argument with the kids over dinner. It ends up with him telling them it's their problem if they can't accept his situation. (But he can't accept Arnaldo. Creep!)

Mom is upset that Diego has taken on debt for her, but he is happy to do it. Dad slumps out fo the room.

Diego goes for the interview. There is a large photo of Mo and Azul on the desk. Azul dons her glasses to look serious. Now we see a big picture of Mo. Their hands keep touching while they play around with borrowing a pen.

She says Mo is very generous. But not enough to risk his life for a stranger, says Diego. Why won't she look him in the eyes. Stop bothering me.

Lidia and Paco bring nighties to Mom in the hospital. They are now getting married again. I have skimmed the previous two recaps, but I don't see how this happened. What happened?

Back to the interview. She looks hot and bothered. He won't answer her questions. She asks why he left his last job. Doesn't she know? He says he "couldn't work there."
We switch to Azul, Mo, and Diego leaving the premises. She will write a report tomorrow about his position in the six-person company. Memo to self should read: Don't wear white pants with bright red twin set. Mo volunteers Azul to drive Diego home. She is obviously going home herself. It's not clear when or why she sleeps over at Mo's and other times goes home.

After they leave, Andres asks Mo if he isn't worried about Diego and Azul being together. Mo gets angry and takes a big drink, then tells Andre to shut up and don't say such stupid things. Then he beats him up a bit and says that no one can take Azul from him. Andres threatens him that he knows too much about Mo and Mo knows too much about him. They are stuck with each other. Mo says get out. Leo says that Mo didn't really mean it.

Diego and Azul have a dumb spat in the car, of course. He makes fun of her driving, and she makes him get out of the car. He calls her neurotic as she leaves him in the rear view mirror. I cant stand this couple!

Andres and Leo plot what to do. Andres is upset because Mo regards him as a fiend after so many years of dirty work.

Mo now meets with GSD. GSD thanks Mo for his great lab and new salary, but it bothers him that he doesn't know anything about Mo's business. Mo says it's something very important and extraordinary. It's great for the world He proceeds to launch into a grandiose pronouncement about how they will solve the terrible global problem of drug-resistant bacteria and viruses. Huh? In this dinky one-man lab? Even if GSD was a Nobel prize winner, he wouldn't work on this kind of problem alone. Either this is a idealized TV version of science, or it's some way to mask some villainous plot he has, or both.

Azul confesses her foolish behavior to Ceci. Ceci essentially calls her an idiot, and rightfully so. Azul defends herself. Ceci calls her hysterical and neurotic. Azul calls her a clown.

Diego and Paco rehash.
Diego doesn't want to talk trash about the guy who's enabling him to help his mother.

Azul calls Diego 'cause now she's sorry, the twit. Is he home? He pretends he's still on the highway (carretera). He forgives her because she's the patrona (boss). Ha ha. He's very tired and has blisters, but he feels better when he talks to her.

Mo tells Andres that he spoke to Architect Escobar about a big plan he has--they'll have a conference tomorrow. Wow, would it surprise anyone to know it is our old friend Piero?

Silvana has another jealous fit about Azul. She doesn't want to lose Diego, she tells him, but he makes her suffer.

In the morning, Ceci and Azul get ready for work. Ceci jokes that Azul is late for Diego.

Mom is home from the hospital. The family sets up streamers. Paco comes over with flowers for his suegra-to-be.
Pop says that someone should stop the wedding.

No sooner has he uttered those words than we see Lidia flaunting herself before Piero in a slinky red dress. They exchange some double entendres that are somewhat confusing. She seems to be saying she wore it to show that he is out of her life. But he wants her to take it off. But not until he has a meeting with a very imporant client (Mo, I guess). She gets angry and picks up some money and throws it down on the desk. My recording cuts out here.

Well, folks, that's about as detailed a recap as you will get on this show from me. This week I'm on vacation, but I won't likely have time to do this in future.


A Cultural Holiday Turns Into A Novela Excursion

El Angel Soler

I was in Mexico City last week to see a great exhibit on Frida Kahlo. We also took a side trip to visit her home-turned-museum in Coyoacan. You can imagine the flash of nostalgia that hit me when, on the way there, I saw this from the tour guide's van window!

It's a billboard ad for the national lottery; it reads "You too can be an angel."

More than anything, I was happy to see Juan/Aldo's hair had been cut back to a pleasant and managable length.

More Angels

From our hotel we also had the best view of the Angel de la Independencia, which was just a block away. The brace-face is my daughter, the giggling one is my niece. The golden Angel is in the background.

In addtion to appreciating it for its cultural and historic significance, I was excited to recognize the angel from the novelas, which usually show it to indicate that the story is taking place in el D.F.

Money doesn't grow on trees, but sometimes creepy dolls do.
On another side trip, we visited Xochimilco, where we got a close up view of the Isla de las Muñecas Perdidas (Island of Lost Dolls). Die-hard novela fans will of course remember this from Heridas de Amor, where one of the villians was taken to meet her end.

While resting between outings at the hotel one day, I caught a very nice TV talk show interview of Angelica Maria, along with a cool montage of her in her many novelas through the years. She was in them way back when they were still in back-and-white, and she looked gorgeous.

Another interesting surprise came when we went out to dinner. The restaurant was classy, despite the TV on near the bar. The program playing? None other that that day's episode of Destilando Amor. I tried to look away, as they are several months ahead of us here in the U.S., but I couldn't help it; I just had to watch! I tried to be discrete for the sake of my fellow travelers, who hopefully did not notice that I was not paying attention to them at all. While I couldn't hear what was going on, I did get to watch almost the whole episode, which was filled with many scenes of characters in varying degrees of impacto.

As you can see, I got double my money's worth on this trip... and I thought of you all at Caray, Caray! often!

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8/20 Juan Querendon

[i want to apologize for my lateness in posting. our air conditioner went out on monday which completely threw off my week. happy to report all is well again. let me tell you, north texas heat is not fun. ]

Juan is about to ask Ana for Paula's hand in marriage just as Paula and CL enter together. Juan is muy impactado.

Alirio, at having seen the painting of Juan in all his glory, is upset. He asks why they need it in the house, more specifically hanging in the study. Nidia asks where he would prefer it. He answers in the garage or a myriad of other places that I didn't quite get. Nidia says she likes it there and that is precisely where it will stay.

Paula notices and compliments Juan's new do. CL says he agrees. Juan thought bubbles "who asked you?" Paula asks Juan if he would like to join them in having dinner with CL. CL says that he and Juan are best buds so of course Juan does not mind. CL says he will pay for dinner, Juan says no, he will pay. He says since he issued the invite, he will pay. Paula says that they can figure it out at the restaurant. Juan is really bummed about Paula and CL's relationship and thought bubbles again that this has turned out to be the darkest night...

Alirio is still going on about the painting and how inappropriate it is and how Juan took advantage and was amoral, etc., etc. Nid says that Alirio know nothing about sensuality or art. He says that painting has nothing to do with art. They argue more about the painting, Alirio comments that he still does not know the nature of his relationship with Nidia and sarcastically says that all they need is for Juan to move back in with them. Nidia says "hmm, that's not a bad idea."

At dinner, Juan slowly comes to the realization that Paula and CL are engaged. He is heart broken and does lots of thought bubbling, not all of which I could get. One saying he did impart was "No hay peor ciego que el que no quiere ver." (There is no worse blind person than one who doesn't want to see.) He meant that in reference to how he didn't see Paula and CL relationship developing.

Alirio asks Nidia not to invite Juan to move back in. Alirio says Juan's deceit does not warrant him being asked to move back in. She reminds him of his deceit with the will and cheating las Davila out of their inheritance. Yadira is listening at the door and overhears. Nid says Juan's lies are no match for Alirio's. She reasons that Juan did more good than harm and how he helped everyone and took care of them, got Marely a job, etc. She says it is her house and she will ask him to move back in.

Marely arrives and sees Yadira standing by the door. Yadira tells Marely that Alirio and Nid were talking/arguing about Juan.

In the bathroom, Ana and Paula are talking about CL's presence at dinner. Ana asks why she allowed CL to join them. Paula says there was nothing she could do about it and that he insisted. Ana tells Paula that Juan is a decent fellow and he doesn't warrant the intrusion or being blindsided by their relationship.

BAck at the table, CL and Juan are talking. CL confirms that he and Paula are a couple and that even Ana knew of their relationship. Juan thought bubbles that he was the last to know. CL asks for Juan to be discrete and not discuss it at work. Juan thinks to himself that if he was dating Paula he would be shouting it from the rooftops and doing some Tom Cruise-like couch jumping rather than hide it like CL does.

Yadira tells Marely about the fight Alirio and Nidia had and how she is going to ask Juan to move back in. Marely looks happy about the turn of events. Marely is happy that Yadi shares her opinion that jUan is not such a bad fella.

The check arrives, Juan does not have enough, but insists on paying even though CL want to pay. Juan pays for the meal and tip.

Juan drops Paula and CL off, they thank him for the dinner. Juan is sad imagining his Paula with CL.

CL tells Paula that he thinks Juan is in love with her. She says no, they are just friends.

Ana and Juan arrive back at her house. She asks if he is ok. She wants to know what he was going to ask her when they were waiting for Paula to join them. (he was going to ask for P's hand in marriage.) He said he forgot.

Juan goes to his bedroom and gets ready for bed. He feels stupid for thinking someone like Paula could be with him. He is sad and having a nice pity party.

At breakfast, Ana asks Juan if he is going to eat something. He says he is not hungry. He tells her he is sad and wants to tell her the truth, but instead tells her that he misses the ladies Cachon.

Nidia tells Marely that she is going to the office and she is going to ask Juan to move back in.

Ana tells Juan that it is okay to have feelings and that he should feel free to share them. She tells him that if there is a way to remedy the situation with the Cachon's, he should try.

CL is complimenting Paula's breakfast making skills. The phone rings, Juan has arrived to drive them to work. CL opts to arrive at the office separately. Paula gets pissed and says that his desire to make their relationship public was a big fat lie. She is fuming and is tired of hiding. CL says its imprudent and wants to avoid comments from the office folks. Paula says she does not care what people think. She wants a normal relationship, and to be out in the open. He says he is keeping their relationship secret for her own good. Um, ok...big red flags there Paula.

Juan helps her in the car and notices she is not in a good mood.

CL calls Monica. She says she misses him, he says he misses her, blah, blah. She asks him if wants to have lunch, he says yes.

Alirio arrives at the casa Cachon to talk to Yadira. He wants her help in convincing Nidia not to invite Juan to move back into the house. He tells her that despite his charm and innocent face, underneath lies shadiness. He tells her to tell Nidia that she and Marely do not want him back at the house. She counters that she knows about the will and how he used that to make Nidia marry him. He is muy impactado.

Paula apologizes to Juan for CL's presence at dinner. She wants to explain. He says that she does not owe him any explanations.

Fernando takes some good natured jabs at Juan about his hair and if he declared his love for his woman yet. Juan says no, he is just wanting to have fun, etc, etc. Fernando does not buy it.

Yadira tells Alirio that she will not be helping him. She accuses him of being jealous of Juan. He says no. She draws his attention to the painting of Juan, paying close attention to his assets. She does a little compare and contrast between him and Alirio. Enough said.

Nidia arrives at the office looking for Juan. Nidia reminds Paula about the party and Paula says she will be going.

Nidia compliments Juan on his new look. Juan tells them he has missed them. She does some breast hoisting.

Paula is anxiously awaiting for CL to arrive at the office. She calls his cell, however he is with Monica. She asks if he is going to answer it. He says no. Paula is growing more anxious.

Nidia tells Juan she has thought things over and realizes that they need him back at the casa Cachon. She is getting a bit grabby, telling him he is like a friend, a muy close friend. She tells him come back, papi rico...:-)


Monday, August 20, 2007

Destilando Amor 08/20/07 "In the Jungle the Mighty Jungle"

Part of this episode was spent on the "Tribute to Don Amador", it is now year three since his demise. My how time has flown. Let us have a moment of silence reading...I'm serious here..stop moving your lips..Also feel free to throw down a shot of Tequila.

Okay now continue..

The story begins with Dani getting out the big box of primary color crayons and drawing a stick female and a pack of wild savage animals..to explain to her much older brother why he must stay in Mexico DF. The family of female hyenas (Dani dubbed them with name, but I will be happy to carry on) will swoop in and ruin Gavi's life for what it is now? The twenty seventh time?
Rod tries to say he will just go to the ranch and take Isa. There he will be a good father and husband. ***Okay, now really Rod, three years and as a husband, well you pretty much suck. I personally don't see any real reason to believe you'd change, but hey that's just me.***

Rod says Isa is only interested in Rod and the little bundle of joy they will soon have.

At this point Dani is forced to do tuff love, she literally give Rod a “Cerebral Bitch Slap”, “Isa keeps you for the money” “She does not love you and it isn’t for the baby, it is to keep her father out of jail”
Rod has the look of Muy Impacted. Like damn, I thought it was for my serious good looks and winning personality. Some more arm twisting and Dani convinces the “slow” Rod to agree.

Meanwhile over at some Café, Minnie has brought out every insecurity in Isa and has her just whipped up into a forthy foam of craziness, okay okay, says Minnie, I got a great idea, we will put the screws to Pilar and bring her over to the dark side. ***Girls you don’t stand a chance against that dark force***

Now we are all in the church for the “Don Amador” memorial. Everyone looks contemplative except Aaron who is sleeping through the whole thing. When it is time to stand Pat & Minnie have to jab Aaron to get him to wake up.

Over at Gavi and Clarita’s, Clarita is having a special time of remembering Don Amador. She thinks of him and how much she misses him. He is the only man who ever cared for she and little Gavi. Once again we hear very confusing things..so we will be left to wonder for a year of TeleNovela time if the Don did Clarita and was Gavi the spawn of said union.

Gavi is slaving away at the job, Nancy gets ready to leave and asks Gavi to go for coffee. Gavi can’t cause her new boss has given her mucho filing. Nancy says he has had a hard time keeping secretaries.

At Pilars house, everyone is there. If swarm were a color, they would all be covered in green slime. Frankie is laying it on thick, oh how he wishes he had known Don Amador. Frankie goes to conduct the dinner layout that he has orchestrated. Dani and Rod talk in one corner, about the three hyenas in other corner. Bruno comes over and tells Sofie, Isa and Minnie to leave Gavi alone..they just blow him off.

Aaron is weasling around trying to get Vidregaray to open the will, ha-ha foiled again, now twirl your mustache cause Vidregaray says no deal..another year to go.

Now over at Gavi’s work, Alonso (Rene Stricker), has been keeping her quite busy. Filing & listening to him drone on. He can’t get her name straight. This guy has a serious caffeine buzz going. Alonso screams for Gavi. She is rushes in. “Who taught you to make coffee?” “ My Mother”. Well this coffee is horrible. That is when our little spunkmeister cuts loose. You would try the patience of a saint. Dude I am your secretary not your slave. My name is MariAnna Franco (she sounds out each syllable). She tells how she hasn’t eaten and how he has no consideration of other people. I fear the Sister Goodperson or whatever her name was, forgot that class on tact, while teaching Gavi her various language skills.

Now it is the giant dinner table, Pilar is all shades of happy, as center of attention for her family of cut throat, back stabbing, cross boinking spawn…but hey let us allow the old woman a moment of glory. She toasts the family, Bruno’s return from the tunnel of white light, Aaron & Minnie’s reunion, Isa & Rod’s happy little bundle of joy on the way, Sofie & Frankie’s wedding and Pat & Lluve’s to be wedding. Poor Lluve, I always feel sorry for her, she always looks like, please don’t look at me. Please keep directing your hatred elsewhere cause she knows it could turn in a second. Well now Pilar one, Bruno and possibly two Pat & Lluve the rest well you sucked at that.

Now Bruno says he is going to NewYork, Fedra tries to stop him, she is worried about his health, Rod says he will step up to the plate and remain in Mexico DF after Dani pressures him.

Now Pilar drops the big bomb..yeah Sofie and Frankie are staying & moving to the hacienda..many thanks to Frankie who gave up huge opportunities in Japan just to make Sofie & the family happy.

Rod is all muy impacted..plus a big helping of Que the Helled? He invites, Villegaray, Bruno & Frankie into the den, library, sitting room? Whatever oh how the rich do live, at my house it would be the back deck.

Now like hyenas that they are, they see the old one Pilar and begin to circle. Pilar may be old, but she is a match for our scavengers. The women start in on Pilar, she must talk to Avellaneda. Each tries their plea, but Pilar is stone faced. She will not do it, after the whole debacle of Pammy & Aaron, has this family not had enough scandal? I think she tells Isa, you screw up with Rod this time and it will be the last time. ***As for the Scandal reference To this I say No, Pilar! You’ll look back on these as the family’s salad-days before this is all over***

Francisco is told that he will be under James and he will have to report to Rod weekly. Francisco is none too pleased with this turn of events. He thought he would be in charge. (No one in this family ie. Aarron & the MariAnne Franco no papers debacle & now Francisco..ever checks papers on these people). Everyone kind of laughs at Frankie, like “As if”, the hacienda will always be in the hands of a Montalvo.

Sofie comes in to talk to Rod about her wonderful future in the country & she is muy impacted to find out that James is living at the ranch. Really Sofie acts all concerned about this, like listen lil Jan Brady what were the chances you ever have two boyfriends, much less them live in the same house…enjoy. Rod tells her don’t worry about it, everything will be fine.

Isa then comes in to get Rod, time to go home. Isa makes the statement that it is just the best news ever that Sofie & Rod are staying in Mexico, probably the only people happier about this would be actual persons living in Japan. As Rod and Sofie are conversing Francisco touches his fingers to his lips and gives a little wave to Isa, their eyes meet. It’s like, I may be boinking her, but if not for her vast riches; I’d be thinking of you. Isa says that the decision for Frankie & Sofie to stay is just the best news ever. Now we the audience get the whole under current, but Rod and Sofie remain in a permanent state of stupidity.

When the boinkless couple leaves, Francisco is a bit brusque with Sofie, she can’t understand why. Frankie’s dream of setting up a “Princedom” in Tequila will have to be put on hold for a while.

Alonso has made fresh coffee, now see this guy is going to totally annoy me. I don’t want him turning Gavi’s head with thoughts of “fresh ground premium”. Besides that he smells the coffee before he takes a sip out of his tiny child like teacup. Yes I realize he is a connoisseur, but for the love of Gawd, he is in a macho profession, stop it. Well he apologizes more or less and after all tomorrow is another day. He tells Gavi to go home and says he will teach her how to make coffee tomorrow. He then asks if she has a car, Gavi says no she takes a taxi. He says okay well see you at seven AM. ***I’m thinking this guy is gonna offer the ride, cause this is a TeleNovela after all and he has been around her for like twelve hours so surely he must be totally in love by this point. No I am forced to face the truth..I can’t predict every single twist, he just says goodnight as he lets her go off into the dangerous night in Mexico City. Damn you Alonso.

Gavi gets home and steps out of her stiletto heels, she then collapses on the couch. Her boss is a tyrant, so demanding. He is a smart guy but a bit of a geek. Poor Gavi falls asleep at the table. How hard could this have been? She cut Agave then drank it all night, she lugged 50 lbs of encyclopedias all over Mexico City.
Jeez Gavi, what happened to your can do spirit?

Now over at the Hacienda, San Wanna is talking to Ofelia about what a nutjob Acacia is. Roman comes in and the three of them are talking when James comes in and overhears. He is furious that San Wanna would say such a thing, Acacia isn’t loca, she just has bad nerves. James stamps out. Roman follows. James bascially tells Roman yeah Acacia is BSC.

Okay Next Day……
The maid is leaving she wants out before Minnie comes in and raises hell…the two other servants looked thrilled at the thought of Minnie.

Pammy is crying..he father is all down on Aaron, but alas says Pam, it was all my fault. I knew he was married and I chased him, I set up meetings…I never told him I was sick. Well at least she didn’t say “I needed to lose ten pounds or if only I was prettier”, her mother says how can you be in the wrong? He divorced Minnie. Pammy keeps saying it was her fault.

Now Isa is on the phone with Minnie, they will hook-up and go talk to Avellaneda, ***is this just not the most embarrassing thing you could ever imagine? This Avellaneda guy gets to relive junior high. Minnie lies to Aaron, who tells her they have to leave soon. She says she is gonna help Isa with something for the baby.

Rod goes to work. Elvira is a bright blue pantsuit does her suck-up job telling Rod how happy she is to see him. Take note Gavi, you don’t think Elvira has worked for them all this time cause of her 15 words a minute typing skills. Rod tells her he expects her to use discretion and quit telling everything to the hyena cartel. Elvira agrees, readers do not place any money on this, this is known as a sucker’s bet.

James calls Rod and believe it or not, Rod actually asks how Acacia is. I don’t think he cares, but it was nice to ask.

Over at Gavi’s place of employment, she arrives and Alonso has coffee ready, Gavi passes and there is opera music playing. He is a fan, Gavi not so much. He tells her that certain composers used to lock themselves in rooms for days drinking only coffee and write beautiful music. Okay Alonso, I maybe being judgmental here, but you are so not fun. I am shaking off the pom-poms and Rod if this is your competition I am totally back, at least in a cantina with a few bottles you were amusing. He tells Gavi he likes her, but I think in a hey my secretary is all right, kind of way, not in a Aaron, I’m gonna nail my secretary before lunch, during and after kind of way.

Sofie is on the phone telling Isa she will go with them. Here comes late riser Frankie, he pouts that he did not get breakfast in bed. She says ask the servant, no he would rather she make it. No can do, she has to go meet Isa. Frankie is upset that Sofie is taking the car. Now first on his list is to get a new car.

Somehow over on the phone with Rod and James, we have completely skipped over Acacia complete and descending spiral into total madness and moved right on to “Dude how can you be in the same city as Gavi and 19,999,999 other people with out running into each other constantly?”, Rod tells him, “ I must control my impulses?” ***I am having a most awesome LOL moment here, oh you mean like when you asked someone you didn’t love to marry? Like when you went to the Jizz doctor? Yeah Rod you are the picture of control***

James and Rod talk about how successful the organic Agave is. I guess they are gonna make Organic Tequila. I am having a Homer Simpson moment here. Does that not like defeat the purpose, I mean it is alcohol right? Pretty much isn’t that like it is just alcohol? Okay so maybe I am a heathen, but doesn’t organic kinda clash with something that is giving your liver a workout? Or is like doesn’t contain any further chemical to damage your liver? Like a pharm. Commercial, studies show our alcoholics delayed onset of cirrhosis by 42 months? Anyway if they sell it, I’ll drink some and let your know.

James is all upset that Sofie is coming to the Hacienda, but Rod says it is okay, just keep an eye on Frankie.

Nancy is talking to Gavi at work, she says Gavi was her inspiration, not to mention her fashion ideal. Gavi is flattered as Nancy continues that she took some classes and the when the evil lady at the Hotel made her life too miserable, she got out and got a good job at the CRT.

Gavi gets a call that Avellaneda needs to sign a paper, she is told to bring it too him.

Finally the Hyenas arrive, they circle the wounded Suzy, who rather than give up her own life will allow them to talk to Avellaneda. He is like to what do I owe this pleasure. He is old and weak and the threesome can smell a kill, they begin to circle…
Gavi rounds the corner..she see the scavengers, Gavi having lived on the “Plains of the Serengetie”, knows she is in danger and she backs up hiding around the corner…..

Stay tuned….
Tomorrow Ranger Rod..calls in help to Gavi


Sunday, August 19, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #22 Thursday 8-16-07 – The Jig is Up!

This is going to be a very brief recap; I encourage any loyal viewers to fill in the nuances.

GCSSD is at Azul's apartment and gets introduced to Emilia. He gives her "the look." Emilia and GCSSD swap flatteries and mutual admirations.

Morticia is reading Diego's tarot cards. Things heat up and they end up in bed. As they're basking in the afterglow, Morticia actually smiles and laughs. I didn't know she could.

Inez is in bed when GCSSD walks in. He tells her he's met Azul's advisor, Emilia, and how enchanting he's found her to be. Inez wants to know if Emilia is married; GCSSD says he didn't ask. He then accuses Inez of being jealous. Inez denies it. GCSSD starts getting frisky and tickles Inez.

Lidia is getting dolled up; she's on the telephone and is frantic. She can't wait until tomorrow. She needs to meet the person in the office immediately.

Gloria comes home and discovers Morticia and Diego asleep in bed. She closes the door and walks away. Spectral music plays.

Mo is telling Andres why Diego should join the enterprise. Andres isn't sure it's such a good idea. Mo tells him why it is. "Don't be jealous, Andres. You'll always be my confidence man." Is that the beginning of a smile tugging at the corners of Andres' lips? I bet he's cute when he smiles.

Lidia tells Piero she thinks she's pregnant. Piero isn't happy. Lidia, who is clutching her EPT box, goes into the restroom to find out. Suspenseful music. Commercial.

Gloria tells Clemencia she just saw Morticia and Diego together. "Together, together?" asks Clemencia. "Sure enough!" exhalts Gloria excitedly.

Lydia walks out of the restroom glum, then starts laughing. Piero wants to know the results. "You've been punk'd! I just wanted to see the look on your face!" They end up swallowing each others' faces.

Andres is whining to Leo over dinner that Mo wants to hire Diego. Leo tells him not to fret. At least they didn't look like they were about to make out this time.

Piero brings Lidia home and they look like they're about to get it on in the hallway when Papa shows up and demands to know what the heck is going on. Papa throws Piero out and starts reading Lidia the riot act. He says, "Abuelo was right about you!" She says she doesn't want to be like Papa and Clemencia, to which Papa slaps her. He's yelling at her when Clemencia shows up to see what the fuss is all about. Papa storms off. When Clemencia asks Lidia, Lidia stomps off in tears. Clemencia is confused.

Clemencia goes into Lidia's room to get answers. Lidia lies about what happened. Clemencia points out she's not stupid, "What the heck is going on?" Lidia tells Clemencia to leave her alone. Clemencia leaves and Lidia cries.

Diego walks in and sees Clemencia at the kitchen table. Clemencia tells him something happened between Papa and Lidia and no one will tell her what it is. Diego volunteers to ask, but Clemencia thinks it's better to leave well enough alone. She then asks about Morticia; she smells Morticia's perfume on his hands. EEEWWW! Diego wants to know if it's intuition or if a little bird told her. He looks like he's about to say something when he suddenly gets up with a smile and tells Clemencia he's going to bed.

Gloria has fixed breakfast for Morticia. Morticia is still walking around with the high-pro glow. Gloria is thrilled! Gloria admits she saw Morticia asleep with Diego.

Diego also has the high-pro glow. Clemencia asks about the mother of his kids. "That's over. It's dead!"

Papa wants to know what Lidia is doing with a married man. Lidia replies he's not happy with his wife. P-- "Then why doesn't he divorce her?" L--"Because he has a little girl."

Mo is talking to Andres about the business when Azul walks in. "Do you two still think we don't need Diego in the business?" Spectral music.

Piero is comforting Lidia when Papa shows up. Papa wants a word alone with Piero.

Diego and Morticia are having a pleasant walk when Azul shows up and wrecks everything. Morticia excuses herself and goes inside. Azul begs Diego to not accept the job with Mo; "I know Mo and you'll not be able to do the things he wants done." Diego is mad; she has no confidence in his (Diego's) abilities. Azul is in tears pleading with him. They stand one millimeter apart and look like they are going to kiss. Diego accuses Azul of still feeling something for him, after all, she's trembling. This goes on for awhile as Morticia is staring glumly out the window.

Papa asks Piero his intentions with Lidia. "Is it true you are separated from your wife?" Piero says things aren't great with wifey, but they aren’t separated. He has no big plans for Lidia. Papa basically tells Piero to stay away from Lidia or there will be unpleasant consequences.

The teary reunion between Diego and Azul continues. He says she can leave if she's said everything she's come to say. She thanks him for saving Mo's life and leaves. Glycerine tears of true dolor course down Diego's cheeks.

Piero yells at Lidia. He does not want a repeat of her father's visit.

Azul tries to set up Inez with Andres. GCSSD is in the room and drops a glass when he hears this. As Azul runs to clean up the mess, GCSSD says he wants to talk to Inez alone in the bedroom.

Morticia is arguing about Diego's talk with Azul. She's jealous. Diego says Azul only came by to beg Diego not to accept Mo's job offer. Some how the conversation goes downhill, because they start talking about him not wanting her to get pregnant because he's afraid their kid would be crazy like her. There's probably more to the conversation than this, so anyone is more than welcome to weigh in.

Clemencia is splayed out on the bed clutching her chest. Papa comes in babbling about whatever. Clemencia says she's not feeling particularly good and gets up to get a glass of water. She collapses and Papa is frantic. "I can't breathe!"

Inez and GCSSD are fighting. Azul walks in and wants to know what the fight is about. Inez tells GCSSD that it's about time Azul learned the truth. GCSSD is furious. He asks what does she want him to say? That he and Inez have been lovers for over 15 years? Before Azul's mother died? Azul is muy impactada!

Morticia and Diego are walking along the street. Papa calls and says Clemencia is not doing really well. He stutters a bit and Lidia picks up the phone. She gets right to the point. Clemencia is in the hospital; she's dying!!

Azul is hysterical. Arnie comes in and wants to know what the ruckus is about. Azul tells him that Inez and GCSSD have been lovers for over fifteen years. Arnie does the math and isn't happy. Azul tries to slap Inez. Inez and GCSSD leave and Azul sobs uncontrollably in Arnie's arms.

Diego, Morticia, Papa, and Lidia are hanging out in the hospital waiting room. Clemencia needs heart surgery. Papa doesn't know what to do; they have no money. He'll have to sell the house. Diego tells him not to worry, Diego will come up with the money some how. Perhaps by making a deal with the devil.

Lidia is either begging Piero for money or for time off. Whatever it is, he's blowing her off saying Clemencia is strong. She'll be fine!

Inez and GCSSD are back at Inez' house. What are they going to do now? Nothing is going to be the same. GCSSD lights a cigarette and says he's going for a walk. He needs fresh air.

Azul is whining to Mo about Inez and GCSSD. The lies they have told. Azul says she doesn't want to be like them. Mo asks if she's lied to him about something. Azul admits she has.

Credits roll.


Amar August 17 - Mauricio the smarmy bastard to the rescue

I always set my recordings to start a couple minutes early and end a couple minutes late, that ensures that I don’t ever miss the beginning or ending to an episode. This really helps when I like to record episodes of “The King of Queens” that play in syndication. What that means for Amar is that I catch the end of Yo Amo a Juan Querendon everyday. At first that just meant that I got to watch a minute or two of whoever is that amazingly hot dark-haired acress on that show. Usually she’s wearing some kind of dress or suit, but still manages to show off her body. So, I’m good with that. Today, however, I got a little shock – Juan Q cut off his ridiculous hair! I was too blinded by his horrible tie to get a good look, but as far as I could tell he looks waay more normal. He’s still sporting the hubcap sized belt buckle and questionable wardrobe, but he’s headed in the right direction.

As I write this on Sunday afternoon, there isn’t a recap up for Thursday’s episode yet. So, to briefly go over what happened that day – Emilia (ha I actually reflexively wrote Emiliaaa – my Duelo readers will get that) and GSD make googly eyes at each other. Later GSD tells Ines what a great fantastical smart hottie she is, which is a really stupid thing to say to your girlfriend, and naturally Ines gets jealous. The next day at Azul’s place, the four of them (Arnaldo, Azul, GSD, Ines) are going to have dinner and the truth of the GSD/Ines relationship comes out – including the fact that the relationship started before Azul’s mother died! Needless to say Azul is super pissed, she even punches Ines in the face.

We left off Wednesday with Silvana telling Diego to do her good – he proceeded to do so. Gloria comes home and barges into Morticia’s room to find her and Diego asleep post-coitus. Unlike every other mother who would be horrified to find their daughter fornicating, she runs over to Diego’s mother and tells her, they have a little happy dance. “Yay! Our kids are screwing each other!” Later Azul shows up to tell Diego not to accept the job so she doesn’t have to see him any more. Diego figures out that she doesn’t want to see him so that she doesn’t have to confront her feelings for him, they go on about this for some time.

Lidia plays a bad joke on Piero, she calls him and demands that he meet her at the office (it’s late) where she pretends to be late for her period and takes a pregnancy test. Before telling him the results, she reveals that it was a joke. WTF? For some reason this doesn’t cause Piero to run for the hills. Dude, this chick is crazy. Run. Piero takes her home and follows her inside, where they start fooling around in the exact same spot that they got busted by Abuelo last time. How stupid are they? So, of course, someone comes in – it’s Manuel, who tells Piero to get the hell out after seeing him feeling up his daughter. Later Manuel confronts Piero in his office, Piero confesses that while his marriage isn’t great, he has a kid and won’t leave his wife. Manuel says to leave Lidia alone or he’ll regret it.

I think that covers the important events of Thursday. OH – one more thing – Clemencia has chest pain and is taken to the hospital, they say she needs an angioplasty but it costs 500,000 pesos, Diego says he’ll get the money. I was wondering how they would write him into needing the job with Mauricio, now we know.

After hearing the news of GSD and Ines, Azul tells Morris that she can’t live in a relationship that has any lies. Morris asks if she has lied to him, she says yes she has lied. He looks kind of pissed and curious at the same time. Notice how when she said that, he automatically assumed it was HER that had lied, even though he apparently lies constantly? Anyway. She says her lie was that she almost broke up with him and that she still has a little of that feeling. They talk a little and apparently decide everything is fine and hug each other.

Diego talks to his mother, he lies and tells her everything and everybody everywhere are just fine, doing great, don’t worry about anything.

Morris leaves Azul at her place, she wants to rest. Arnaldo comes out of the back dressed to go out, Azul can’t believe he’s going to go have fun after the day they had. He says he doesn’t want to just stay home and be sad. Azul won’t say what is bothering her and Arnaldo says she has to face it sooner or later. She snaps at him but then apologizes.

Abuelo, Lidia, Paco, Morticia, and Abuelo are in the kitchen. Abuelo kicks in some money for the operation. Diego says with all the money from everyone, they have 28,000 pesos. Considering they need 500k, it is nothing. Lidia says they need to sell the house. Paco asks about Diego’s severance and he gets mad and goes outside. Morticia follows him and suggests that now is the time for Morris to repay the debt he owes Diego for saving his life – money for mom’s operation. In the morning, Diego calls Morris and agrees to go to his house and meet with him. He gets up and leaves without his cell phone, which starts ringing. Nosy metiche Morticia grabs the phone and listens to the voicemail. It is Morris, saying that he had an emergency and has to now meet him downtown. Of course, Diego is already gone. Silvana looks impactado, though this is a very minor thing to get impactado about.

Azul talks to GSD, GSD tries to explain everything. He says he loved Azul’s mother but they never worked right as a couple. He talks some more but it doesn’t seem to mean anything.

Diego arrives at Morris’s house and Leo welcomes him in while simultaneously giving him the cold shoulder. She brings back Andres, who says Morris had an emergency and left Diego a message, didn’t he get it? Diego says he forgot his phone, will Morris be long? Andres just stands there like a palace guard and doesn’t answer. Sometime these scene cuts don’t work – they have something like this, where a person stands there looking mean or angry or whatever when all they are doing is answering a yes or no question. It’s weird.

Morris arrives at Diego’s house, Morticia is cleaning in the kitchen and gets a little freaked out at the sound of his voice. Manuel had opened the door and invites Morris in while he checks if Diego is home. Morticia rushes away so Morris doesn’t see her. Morticia is in Diego’s room when Manuel checks. She begs Manuel to just tell Morris that Diego isn’t home, she’ll explain later why she doesn’t want to see him. Manuel says fine, but damn calm down! She’s all hyperventilating and everything. Morris is just getting off the phone, turns out Diego is at his house, Three’s Company continues. I can only imagine that this whole deal was to get Manuel to know what the deal is with Morris and Morticia. Otherwise it makes no sense. Or, something is about to happen with Diego at Morris’s house. Let’s see.

Andres tells Diego that Morris is on the way. Just then Azul sees Diego and starts a fight with him. She thinks he is here to take the job, he says jeez woman the whole world doesn’t revolve around you. He is here for something else, nothing for her to concern herself with. She sees that something is wrong and starts being nice. Andres looks in on them suspiciously but Azul sends him away. Instead of telling her what’s up, he starts giving her a hard time about her relationship with Morris. She says whatever she knows he isn’t alone either, Diego asks her if she is jealous. Cripes I’ve had enough of these two as of right now. How can every show make it so we don’t even care if the main characters get together? Even Luis and Hipolita in Alborada – she was so stupid so many times I just wanted her to get in a carriage with her impotent/potentially gay husband and leave. Heridas, Duelo, every show makes the main couple look so pitiful, why should we care if they end up together? Bah.

Piero counts out some cash and gives it to Lidia, it is only 10k pesos. He says that’s all his wife would let him give. She tries to make him feel like less of a man for having to let his woman decide everything. She makes an interesting comment – “I comply with everything you ask, things your wife won’t do, and you humiliate me like this?” Hmmm – are we getting a hint at the kinky unseen antics of these two? Their relationship has been a bit strange, he keeps fondling her in her own house so they can keep getting caught, they aggravate each other on purpose, the whole thing is weird. I guess we’re seeing why it is worth it for him, he gets to do things with her that his wife won’t do. I guess she was hoping for money or presents for providing those services. Piero’s wife walks in on the conversation and wants to know what’s going on.

Diego says that at least fighting with Azul distracts him, she says she’s glad to be good for something. He says she is good for more than she can imagine, I tried to figure out what exactly he meant by that, but it was just one of Diego’s grand sweeping statements, he is full of them. Morris arrives. Bleah his smile is so fake, it drives me nuts. Diego asks to speak in private.

Lidia continues to say that it isn’t enough money, Mrs. Piero says it’s 10,000 pesos! She’ll have to work forever just to pay that back! She finally says tough luck Lidia, that’s all we have to give. Lidia storms out, Piero tries to explain that her mother is dying.

Diego tells Morris what is going on. He tells Morris that this is his last option. Morris thinks he should have been an earlier option, he told Diego before to come to him for anything. Diego says he’ll sell the house and pay it all back. Morris says they’ll discuss that later, besides he owes Diego his life and that is worth more than 500,000 pesos. Morris says he wants to help but his money is all tied up. He’ll make some calls and let him know what he can do. Azul knocks and enters, even though nobody told her to come in. She looks like she opened up her sweater and adjusted her bra to make sure she is showing as much boob as possible, perhaps to make Diego jealous. Diego looks upset but says fine, thanks. He leaves. Azul wants to know what’s up and Morris tells her. She says you’re going to help, right? Morris the ass says he doesn’t know, he asked for a lot. We are seeing his true colors here, perhaps so is Azul.

The doctor tells Diego that they can’t wait any longer. Tomorrow the family will have to authorize some other operation that is much riskier, since they can’t afford the angioplasty. Morticia arrives and Diego tells her they have to do the other thing. She says it will all be fine. Lidia shows up with her 10k pesos. He tells her too that they are doing the other operation.

Morris asks Azul if he should help, she says of course. He says he thought she didn’t like Diego, she says it doesn’t matter, his mom is dying! He says it’s a lot of money, she reminds him that Diego saved his life. Morris says he doesn’t understand why Diego is suddenly so important to her, she says just help him and you won’t owe him anything any more.

Back in Diego’s little room, he is complaining to Morticia that after all the times Morris kept asking how he could help, now he won’t. Morticia says yeah, now you see he’s evil, and oh, uh, did you see Azul? He says yes. She is jealously fishing for info, but there’s nothing to tell. Lidia comes in and says Manuel wants to speak with all of them. Manuel says he got a loan for 450,000 pesos from the bank, it will just take a few days for the paperwork. Diego says there isn’t time to wait, she’ll die. Abuelo says he understands that Manuel is doing the right thing, but there isn’t time. Manuel goes on a little rant that he won’t permit her to die, because her death is his death! He’ll kill, rob, whatever, to get the money. But still, there isn’t time, even if he robs and kills for the money. Manuel starts feeling sorry for himself, for not having the money.

I guess GSD and Ines have the whole world against them, so they might as well be with each other. We see them lying in be, both looking shocked at the recent events. GSD is smoking in bed, no no no! You’ll catch something on fire! GSD tries to blame everything on her, she wanted to tell everyone. He treats her like shit. He basically tells her how stupid she is, puff puff, so naïve, puff puff, I don’t want to hear any more. He leaves. She begs him not to leave. Maybe he decided that the middle aged thesis advisor with a body 20 years younger is a better option.

Manuel is up in bed asleep, downstairs Abuelo comments that he never realized how much he loved Clemencia, what a time to find out, huh?

Arnaldo and Azul discuss the GSD/Ines deal. Azul says she isn’t ever going to forgive them, what upsets her most is that it started before her mother’s death. Which reminds me – why did GSD admit that part? Why didn’t he just say they got together after his wife died? What an idiot. Another thing – what is with Arnaldo’s poor excuse for a beard? Does he trim it with his eyes closed? That thing is so patchy, it looks horrible. Well, to me at least. I understand why the prevailing opinion of this guy is ‘muy guapo’, going back to his Duelo days, but damn that beard is the worst. Anyway, Azul swears to never speak to them again. Arnaldo says so then what, we’ll just stay here alone with nobody? She says if she can’t have that family, it’s time to start a new one with Mauricio. Arnaldo says, what then of me? Huh? HUH? They cry together.

The family, plus Morticia (who has somehow infiltrated this family in a way a CIA operative could never pull off), is gathered around Clemencia the next morning at the hospital, all looking at her like she’s going to die. The doctor says it’s time to get her ready. Clemencia tells Manuel that she won’t leave him. They all cry and act like she’s already dead anyway. She and Diego have a tearful goodbye. Abuelo finally drags Diego out of the room. After they are gone, Clemencia finally breaks down and cries. The screen goes fuzzy, not sure if that means that she already died, or what.

Ines shows up at Azul’s apartment. Azul doesn’t let her speak, she just goes on a long rant. Ines tries to tell her to understand, Azul doesn’t want to hear it. Arnaldo shows up and tells Ines that she should leave. Finally they slam the door on her.

Diego goes to look in on his mother, he sees Morris sitting by her bed. Morris tells Diego that he got the money together to get the angioplasty for Clemencia. Diego is ecstatic. Is this some kind of dream sequence? In the hall, Diego thanks him. He swears to repay every cent. Morris tells Diego to give his thanks to Azul, she is the one who said he should help.

Now that Ines is gone, Azul snaps at Arnaldo instead. She confesses that part of her bad mood is knowing Diego’s mom is sick and how he must feel.

Morris is talking to some guy and saying he needs money, for an angioplasty and for the best doctor in the country to do it. So – he promised everything to Diego without first having lined it up. I smell a disaster coming. Morris tells the guy to ‘haz un esfuerzo’, which I guess means “do me a solid.” The guy wants to know how to justify that much cash for an operation, Morris says whatever, just do it, and hints at their less than legal/moral business that they have together, just a reminder I guess. The guy says he’ll see what he can do.

Manuel is concerned with paying the money back, Diego says they’ll worry about it later. The doctor says that whoever this Senor Duarte is, when he calls, people jump and start working!

Azul is trying to find where Clemencia is being treated and how she is.

Silvana isn’t pleased that Morris is helping, but she’s glad Clemencia will be ok. Clemencia is wheeled down the hall, they all fuss over her again. Lidia and Abuelo take Manuel off for some coffee, he looks like he’ll pass out. Diego stays behind to be pensive, who approaches but Azul. She wants to know how mom is, and apologize for being mean to him lately. He accepts. She says she came to be with him in this difficult time. He thanks her for convincing Morris to cough up the money. She is surprised, she didn’t realize Morris had come. Just then, Morris walks up to the nurse’s station, in view, Diego tries whispers to Azul that he’s right there! She just freezes and looks impactado. Yeah, I can imagine what he’ll think if he sees them together!

Monday: Diego accepts work with Mauricio, Azul tells him “No you can’t!”


Acorralada #151 Friday 8/17/07

We open with a reprise of Max and Marfil's endless argument.

Also, we're back at Granny DS's bedside. Octy is insisting the Granny go to a nursing home, and Diana insists that Max would never allow it. Oops! Iggy did not know about Max.

Chucky is leering evilly at a photo of Fedora. She hatches a plan that makes about as much sense as any of the plans in this show. Kike has seen Fedora visiting Pancho at the warehouse. If he tells Roddy about it, it will be the end of Fedora. "Papito" will think that Fed is cheating with Pancho. What fun it is to make them break up. But isn't she worried about alienating Kike herself with her new attachment to Larry? I hope Kike gets violent with her eventually.

Gaby calls Chucky a "higadito," or little liver? I suppose it's some kind of insult to call someone a liver. In response, Chucky says she is filled with bilis, or bile. Chucky accuses Gaby of jealousy, and then she begins her usual singsong taunt: Larry's coming over, and he wants to see me, and I'm going to kiss him. Then she tells Gaby "don't mess with me, cretin, or you'll find out who I am." Gaby says she already knows. Pobre de Gaby.

Back to Granny's bedside. Diana recovers by saying she meant to say Larry would never allow it. Just then Larry comes in. He tells Iggy not to butt in. Octy calls Diana a marginal, which appears to mean marginal, but must have a more negative connotation, e.g., a muerta de hambre. Granny tells Octy where she could go.

Diana is in some office and Marfil comes in. They continue their endless boring dialog about Max. Just then, wouldn't you know it, but Diana feels dizzy. Wow, big surprise. The one-sex-act-leads-to-pregnancy gods are working double time in her case. Doctor V comes in. I guess he's no longer going to rely on the emotional fever diagnosis. He wants to do blood tests, but she won't allow it. She's just tired.

Lala and Fedora are waxing rhapsodic over the ugly plant that Roddy brought. It still has that ugly foil wrapper on the outside, and they don't bother to remove it. Isn't it wonderful that she is falling in love with Roddy and forgetting Paco. Chucky observes from outside the door.

Maricela and godmother have another one of their boring conversations about Max. Maricela describes what he looks like. This long scene is broken into by literally just a flash of Pancholon talking about a bank robbery he is planning. Godmother points out that Max has a big love that is very strong. She advises that Maricela still marry Dr. V.

Gaby goes to the bar to hang out with her friends Silvita and the trannies. They cheer her up by doing a Miss Venezuela spoof, complete with a rendition of the great Broadway anthem "A Wonderful Day Like Today" sung in Spanish. I love the trannies, and I love the way Silvia turned into a nice girl who has two good friends in Gaby and Diana despite her quirks. Gaby thanks them for making her smile and forget her troubles.

Mariposa and the girls fantasize about throwing Sharon out on her ass using karate, but Sharon wins. Back to the drawing board.

Sharon is whining at Larry that he must come to the mansion. He doesn't want to because of all the reasons we know. He reluctantly agrees.

Shirtless man alert! Max and Larry jogging together on the beach, both sin camisas!
They rehash as usual. Sharon will help Larry forget Gaby.

Fedora is now comforting DS at the hospital. Don't worry, DS, you'll be able to come home to the mansion, she says. Good thing, says DS, because her dolls miss her.

Diego speaks to a photo of Diana. He wants to get her off his chest (?) (arrancarte de mi pecho)
(Arrancar is pull up, as by the roots.) He loves and hates her. He can't love another. He wanted to love Marfil, but he couldn't. He has a grand and sick love for Diana! No kidding!

Iggy and Camila are sitting on the beach. She is wearing an itsy bitsy teeny weeny black and white polka dot bikini and a red cowboy hat. Why doesn't Octy have him on a short leash? He is too tall for his sand chair and sits with his knees perched awkwardly in the air. He's still trying to figure out the Max/Alejandro situation. He gets the numbskull award now. Suddenly, he sees Fiona and Max/Alejandro kissing nearby. Why would Max kiss Fiona? Camila gets on the cellhorn to Marfil immediately. Marfil in turn calls Diego to inquire why he hasn't killed Fiona yet. She is tired of waiting. He claims that the situation has not been right yet--it has to be exactly right. She will report him to the authorities for his other killings if he doesn't do this one fast!

Fiona meanwhile thought bubbles about her need for a fake pregnancy certificate.

Silvia and Caramelo go to the bank to cash Silvia's first paycheck. She is very excited that she has received her first payment as a performer. In honor of the occasion, she has donned her orange fiberoptic cable wig. You don't have to be a genius to know that Pancho's about to rob this bank! Yes, he comes in in a Tootsie version of a burka. He is wearing a Muslim headdress with eyeliner and a dress with large fake boobs underneath. No matter: Caramelo would recognize her true love anywhere. Pancholon, she cries! He and his accomplice (in full burnoose) call out for everyone to freeze, etc. Maybe they should yell "Attica! Attica!" But I digress.

Over at the Munsters' house, Larry has arrived for the infamous lunch. Sharon is exulting in exaggerated phony way about how happy she is with him. She is learning all about the world of the "farandula," or theater, stage, entertainment. Gee, she could have asked Silva and the trannies! Lal and Granny M roll their eyes. Fedora looks uncomfortable. Mr. and Mrs. Kick-me come in. Kick-me holds Gaby in the usual stranglehold he uses when they appear together as a couple.

Max calls Maricela to ask her to eat lunch on the beach.

Silvia is upset that the robbers are going to take her first sueldo (paycheck).

Kick-me asks Larry if Larry and Sharon are more than just friends. Yes, he says. He asks Roddy if she can be his novia. I don't get the meaning of novia/novio. Sometimes it means boyfriend/girlfriend. Sometimes fiance. Sometimes bride and groom. It's in the early stages of relationships that I am sometimes fooled on these shows.

Maricela and Max talk about his strong love for Diana.

Yolanda pushes Diana to take Max back again. You never know with men, she says. If Diana rejects him, he'll go to another. Diana says she doesn't care. Yolanda says she is lying to herself.

At the beach, Max asks Marcela if she has had any boyfriends. She tells him about Dr. V. She hasn't had any others, because she was working 15 hours a day as a hairdresser. Her godmother wants her to marry Dr. V. Max advises her not to do it if she doesn't love him. I know the hell of a loveless marriage, he says. Would you like to be with Diana? she asks. Yes, he replies.

Back at the bank, the guards shoot Pancho, but he escapes.

Mucosa is laying it on thick about their delicious lunch, and how Larry can come over anytime.
Kiki says that he not only can come for lunch but to use the gym and the pool. What fun the two young couples will have, Sharon whoops with enthusiasm.

Max continues his weird platonic wooing of Maricela. He invites her to play golf and tennis or some such.

Diana thought bubbles Yolanda's last warning: Max could love another! Orchestra of doom/or Diana/Max love theme.

Larry thanks Kiki and Sharon for the invite. SFedora gives her a piece of jewelry from Fedora's own mother. Sharon is just like one of her daughters. haron thanks everyone effusively. She is so phony it's nauseating. I have a cousin who always does this at family outings, and my mother and I always follow with the international symbol for gagging me with a spoon. I do the same here.

Paco and Lorenzo are conveniently discussing Caramelo and Pancho. Looks like she has forgotten him finally! Just in time for Caramelo to rush in and announce the robbery. She clearly wants to go after Pancho or something like that. No, says her father.

Marfil is lounging by the pool in her gypsy bikini getup. Diego rings in with a plan to kill Fiona.

Sharon continues to taunt Gaby. Then Larry plans to go visit Granny DS at the hospital. Saccharine Sharon begs to go along.

Max comes to the hospital to see Diana. They give glassy-eyed stares at each other as the credits roll.


Acorralada #150 Thursday 8-16-07 – Mucks v. Dimwit Revisited!!! I'm Appalled!!!

A continuation of the kiss between Mucks and Marcela. Godmum walks into the room and asks if Marcela is there. She and Pedro have been waiting in the dining room. Mucks excuses himself and Godmum wants to know if something is going on between Marcela and Alejandro. Marcela reminds Godmum that Alejandro's real name is Mucks, and Mucks is totally in love with Dimwit. Godmum says Mucks in nothing but trouble and thinks Marcela should marry Doc V. I think Marcela really believes Mucks' feelings for Dimwit can be changed.

Emili-Oh tells Dimwit it must have been hard seeing Mucks at the hospital. Dimwit admits it was.

Pedro wants to know how things went at the hospital when Mucks was face to face with Dimwit. Mucks says things were very tense. He continues whining about how tormented he has been for raping Dimwit. Pedro counsels Max to continue begging for forgiveness.

Lunkhead is chastising Octopus for agreeing to marry Iggy. He storms out and says if he ever sees Iggy at the house, he'll punch Iggy's lights out. Octopus says he'll do no such thing. The Big Doormat is also aghast that Octopus has agreed to marry the man who tried to kill Mucks. "Don't worry, hermana," says Octopus, "I have my own plans for Iggy. I'm going to kill him like I killed my hubby Horacio all those years ago." Orchestra of Doom.

We have the Addams family sitting around in the living room; Granny M, Little Doormat, Mocosa, Fidiota, and Roddy. Mocosa says she's totally in love with Lunkhead. When they hang out at the beach, she's the envy of all the girls. She'd really like to have Lunkhead visit her at Psycho Mansion. Roddy jumps in and begs Fidiota to allow it. Meanwhile, Mocosa tells everyone how virtuous she is. Fidiota caves; Mocosa gloats; Roddy beams; and Little Doormat's big doe eyes water as her lip quivers. Mocosa runs off to give Lunkhead the good news.

Mocosa is sitting at the desk with her gold CFM boots propped up. She calls Lunkhead to give him the good news. Lunkhead says he could use some good news after his dinner. He suggests they go out, but Mocosa convinces him decent guys would come to her house. Lunkhead finally agrees.

Roddy thanks Fidiota for agreeing to allow Lunkhead's visit. Fidiota says she's only doing it for his and Mocosa's sake, so Mocosa will feel she belongs. Roddy says it seems Fidiota appears to be falling in love with him finally. Fidiota agrees. Roddy is glad Fidiota is finally forgetting. . .

Princess Fi is telling Caramel and Pasta about the showdown with Marfil. Caramel warns Princess Fi to be careful; Marfil is capable of anything. Princess Fi says she's not afraid. She's as much a fiera as Marfil; she's not a spineless wimp like Dimwit. She's willing to fight tooth and nail for Mucks.

Emili-Oh is trying to counsel Dimwit about Max. Dimwit is still conflicted.

Pasta once again warns Princess Fi to be careful.

Dimwit and Granny DS are having a heart-warming talk. Every time Granny DS wakes up, Dimwit is with her. Because of Dimwit's care she's getting better. The hospital room door opens and in walks Mucks with a bunch of yellow roses. He tries to hide behind them. No surprise. Dimwit tries to leave but Mucks begs her to stay. They need to talk.

Beefcake shot! Lunkhead is in a very tight bathing suit on the dock. Marfil is lounging there as well. He asks if Marfil believes Princess Fi is pregnant. Marfil says it's something that can be found out easily enough, but Princess Fi will never have Mucks. Lunkhead then talks about Iggy and Diablo getting their just rewards from Mucks. Marfil thinks to herself she could care less about Iggy and Diablo, as long as Diablo kills Princess Fi first.

Mucks follows Dimwit out of the room and grabs her arm. They fight as usual. He begs for forgiveness; she calls him a sleazebag womanizer. He then drags her into an office and she asks him if he plans to rape her again. He says something about the irony not being lost on him. "No, I just want to talk!" She tries to leave and he blocks the door and continues to grab her arms. More fighting as he grovels for forgiveness, how he can't live with himself for what he's done. He then grabs and holds her, while he forcefully kisses her. Dimwit stops fighting and kisses him back!!! I'm speechless!!! I'm aghast!!! This show is disgusting!!! I want to throw the remote through the TV screen.

Kick Me brings Mocosa to Perfumes 'R Us. He tells Mocosa about seeing Fidiota at an abandoned building. Mocosa doesn't care; she only wants to split up Fidiota and Roddy. Kick Me leaves and Beatriz tells Mocosa Fidiota is in her office with Roddy. He's just brought Fidiota a beautiful plant. Mocosa sneers.

Mocosa walks in on Roddy and Fidiota kissing. Fidiota gushes about the beautiful plant. Roddy suggests they grab some food at the cafeteria. After they leave, Mocosa spies Fidiota's purse. She figures she can help herself to some checks and forge Fidiota's name. She's clutching the checkbook when Fidiota suddenly walks back in and catches her. Fidiota demands, "What are you doing with my purse?" Mocosa is impactada.

Iggy and Camila are discussing Iggy's plans to marry Octopus. If they're married, she won't be able to testify against him. Camila thinks to herself that Iggy is cruising for a bruising. Iggy asks if Camila thinks Alejandro will evict him if he doesn't pay.

Dimwit finally breaks free from Mucks and leaves the room, with Mucks in hot pursuit. Who should show up but Marfil. She wants to know what the heck is going on and why her hubby is running after THAT nurse. Mucks tries to explain Dimwit is the mother of his kid. Marfil then yells at him that apparently so is Princess Fi! Is he one of those macho Latinos that beds every woman that crosses his path? Lunkhead shows up and tries to quiet them down; after all, they're in a hospital. Finally Mucks tells Marfil he doesn't owe her any explanations and stomps off. Orchestra of Doom.

Mocosa talks her way out of getting caught with Fidiota's check book. Fidiota promises not to tell Roddy; it would hurt him, but she wants to know why Mocosa needs more money when she has a perfectly good job. Mocosa turns on the waterworks telling Fidiota how wonderful a person she is. As creepy as Fidiota has been in the past, it's kind of fun watching Mocosa manipulate her the way Fidiota has manipulated everyone else around her. One word; Karma!

Mucks is laying on the hospital bed with Granny DS. Marcela walks in and suggests they eat breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most important meals and Mucks needs to keep his strength up. She then apologizes for the kiss the evening before. It was just an impulse. Mucks tells her she's the best and kindest woman he's ever known; she says she's just returning the kindness he's shown for her and Godmum.

Now Mocosa is telling Fidiota that Puncho made her do it. Puncho made her steal the purse so he could forge Fidiota's name and cash the checks. Mocosa is afraid of Puncho! Lots of drama, but it works. Fidiota believes Mocosa's lies.

Lunkhead tells Marfil the family is NOT going to move Granny DS to another hospital just because Marfil is jealous of Dimwit.

Mocosa continues to work her story. Fidiota says there's no reason to steal; Mocosa just needs to ask her for money. "Now don't do it again!" Mocosa sniffles and says Fidiota is the best. Fidiota then suggests Mocosa take the rest of the day off. As Mocosa is leaving, behind Fidiota's back, she grins and pumps her arm, "Yesssss!" In the elevator she snarls, "Fidiota, you're an idiot!"

Octopus is thinking about her plans to kill Iggy when her phone rings. It's Iggy. He's telling her how excited he is about marrying her. She wants to go to the hospital to see Granny DS. Iggy agrees to pick her up. He holds the phone back and looks at it in disgust. He then swallows hard and says, "I love you!" "I love you, too!" chokes Octopus. Now this is a match made in heaven.

Mucks tells Lunkhead he "stole a kiss" from Dimwit. Lunkhead said that was a bad choice. Mucks is convinced one day Dimwit will forgive him.

Granny M is telling Dimwit to forgive Mucks for the rape. "It's obvious he loves you and is repentant." I missed the rest of the conversation because I was too busy throwing up.

Fidiota is talking to Gaby about the purse incident. Fidiota doesn't completely believe Mocosa's story. Mocosa is a horror and is going to wreck her marriage with Roddy.

Marfil and Mucks are standing in the lobby when Octopus and Iggy show up. Iggy wants to know why "Alejandro" is there with Mucks' widow. Orchestra of Doom.

Mucks says he and Marfil are just friends. He's not there to see Granny DS either. He just happens to be at the hospital to get the exam results of Godmum. Octopus plays along with Mucks and suggests she and Iggy go see Granny DS.

Dimwit tells Granny M she'll never forgive Mucks' brutality. We then see a flashback of the rape scene.

Marfil points out Iggy is either stoned or stupid if he doesn't realize Alejandro is truly Mucks.

Gaby wants Fidiota to tell Roddy how evil Mocosa is. Fidiota says Roddy will never believe her. True to form, Fidiota's Narcissism appears. She was happy with Pasta until Octopus ruined everything. Now she is just starting to love Roddy and Mocosa appears, ruining everything.

Mocosa and Kick Me are gloating about Mocosa's diabolical actions. Kick Me wonders why Fidiota was at the abandoned warehouse. All is well in their little worlds.

Granny DS is telling Octopus that she (Octopus) is a bad person. Granny DS doesn't remember Iggy, but if Iggy is with Octopus, he must be bad too. Suddenly Dimwit walks in with Granny M in tow. Granny DS is thrilled to see Granny M.

Marfil and Mucks are fighting about Dimwit. Marfil wants Mucks back. He wants her to quit nagging him.

Octopus wants to put Granny DS in a nursing home, but Granny DS doesn't want to go. Dimwit says "Don't worry, Mucks will never allow it!" "Mucks?" asks Iggy, "I thought Mucks was dead!" Orchestra of Doom!

Credits roll.


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Acorralada #149 Wednesday 8-15-07 – Another Woman Falls at Mucks' Feet! What Gives?

Granny DS is in the hospital and doesn't want to die without seeing Dimwit with her rapist grandson. Dimwit and Mucks are standing side by side; Dimwit has tears streaming down her face. They don't want her to die. Their love theme plays.

Marfil is trying to talk Diablo into killing Princess Fi. Diablo claims he's not a killer. Marfil points out that just because he hasn't succeeded yet doesn't mean he isn't capable. After all, he kidnapped Mucks and stabbed Emili-Oh. They fight about it and Marfil struts off, "Just do it or I'll tell everyone about the fire!"

Fidiota tells Granny M she has an appointment and swears Granny M to secrecy. No one can know where she's going, especially her daughters and Roddy. Granny M swears to take it to her grave, but is concerned for Fidiota's safety. Kick Me overhears the conversation and wonders where Fidiota is off to. He's bound and determined to find out.

Sylvie, in one of her more normal-looking wigs, stumbles across Roddy. Roddy is out for a run on the beach. Sylvie is flirting up a storm. As if. Roddy asks Sylvie to befriend his daughter. Mocosa needs a friend to help her through the trauma of losing her mom. Sylvie agrees to help.

Dimwit is telling Mucks to leave Granny DS' room. Just as he's ready to walk out the door, Dimwit tells him to wait. Mucks is all excited that perhaps Dimwit has forgiven his raping her. Dimwit wants to know who burned down the manicomio.

Princess Fi is telling her hairdresser that yes, she (Princess Fi) is pregnant by Mucks. The hairdresser points out Marfil and Octopus are also clients and she finds it hard to believe. Right on cue, Marfil and Octopus show up. Princess Fi says, "Hello future mother-in-law!" Octopus and Marfil scowl.

Roddy meets Mocosa at the beach. She tells him she doesn't want to cause problems, but…she still feels like an outsider. She continues to weave her little web around Roddy until he says how good and wonderful she is. They hug and Mocosa cocks an eyebrow at the camera. Roddy is such a dupe.

Mucks fills Dimwit in about the night of the fire and how Iggy and Diablo are involved. He knows because he unmasked them. Dimwit wants them to pay, but Mucks stops her. She tells him Diablo is a psychopath. Mucks points out, "Aha! You're worried about me!" Dimwit says she isn't. After his brutality THAT night, her feelings for him died. Mucks shuffles out dejectedly.

Insults continue to be exchanged between Marfil and Princess Fi. Mayra, the beautician, tries to get them to calm down. Marfil wants Mayra to kick Princess Fi out.

Mocosa complains to Roddy that Fidiota won't let Mocosa's boyfriend, Lunkhead, come to the house to visit her. Roddy says he'll talk to Fidiota. Mocosa is all smiles and chants that Roddy is the best daddy in the whole wide world! Ugh!

Fidiota has come to visit Puncho at the warehouse. Kick Me has followed Fidiota and wants to know what she's doing at that place. Meanwhile, Puncho invites her to sit so they can chat in a civilized manner. I find it hard to believe Puncho knows anything about civilized manners.

Sylvie and Gaby are at the hospital when Lunkhead comes out. Sure enough Mocosa shows up and zeros in for a kiss with Lunkhead. Clueless Lunkhead goes along. Mocosa nasally drones on about how she came as soon as she could. She needs to be there to support him. Etc. Lunkhead suggests they go down to the cafeteria for a drink. After Mocosa and Lunkhead leave, Sylvie wants to know what up. Gaby tells Sylvie that Lunkhead is in love with "Chucky." "The devil doll?" asks Sylvie. Sylvie says they need to devise a plan to get rid of Mocosa. She talks about a war with grenades, but Gaby envisions Mocosa winning. We get to see this little comic sketch with Sylvie and Gaby in war paint, shooting at Mocosa with toy machine guns. Mocosa is firing back. They throw a grenade at Mocosa, who throws it back. Gaby and Sylvie get "blown up" and we see their hair all frazzled. Gaby decides a war won't work.

More insults are exchanged between Marfil and Princess Fi, until Mayra evicts Princess Fi from the salon. Princess Fi isn't happy.

Pedro is telling Marcela about how he passed Mucks off as his grandson. Marcela and her blind Godmum are in the garden. Pedro tells Marcela that Mucks really needs her; perhaps she can go to the hospital to support Mucks. "Don't worry; I'll take care of Godmum!" says Pedro.

Mucks is telling Tia Yo that he forced himself on Dimwit out of rage and jealousy; now Dimwit wants nothing to do with him. Tia Yo says no woman should be attacked like that. "Now you're going to have to really work hard at begging for forgiveness!"

Godmum is trying to warn Marcela. She doesn't want to see Marcela hurt by Mucks. Mucks is apparently tormented and loves Dimwit. Mucks and Dimwit even have a child together. Godmum is probably one of the smarter characters on this show. She tries to get Marcela to forget about Mucks, but Marcela won't listen. The only pain Marcela feels is for Godmum's suffering.

More of a showdown between Puncho and Fidiota. If Fidiota doesn't pay him, Puncho is going to tell Roddy Mocosa is a jewelry smuggler. Why does Fidiota care? Mocosa is nasty to Little Doormat, yet Fidiota wants to defend Mocosa? It's not like Fidiota even loves Roddy. But that would make sense and the writers are capable of anything BUT that.

Princess Fi storms into Pasta's Palace and tells him about the scene Marfil created in front of everyone at the salon. Pasta wonders if Princess Fi is sure she's pregnant. "Of course I am!"

Marfil is whining to Octopus about Princess Fi. She's tired of Mucks having kids with everyone but her. After Octopus leaves, Marfil calls Diablo. "When are you going to eliminate Princess Fi?" Diablo tells Marfil to quit bugging him. Marfil points out that Diablo's freedom is in her hands; if he doesn't kill Princess Fi, she'll turn Diablo over to the police.

Dimwit is still standing next to Granny DS's bed. The kindly older doctor suggests that Dimwit go home and get rest; her shift ended two hours ago. Dimwit would stay all night if it wasn't for her son. Reluctantly Dimwit leaves.

Lunkhead is lurking in the lobby. He tries to get Dimwit to give Mucks another chance. For now she's holding out. No second chances for Mucks.

Marcela is telling Mucks he can count on her to help with his plans of vengeance. He takes her hand to thank her and Dimwit walks in.

It's late and Fidiota is nowhere to be found. Roddy tries to get answers from Granny M, but Granny M is vague. Roddy makes Granny M promise to let him know when Fidiota arrives.

Kick Me doesn't want Lunkhead coming to the house. Mocosa points out the only reason she invited her "boyfriend" Lunkhead over is to make Little Doormat jealous. Suddenly Kick Me thinks Mocosa is wonderfully evil, which turns him on. They start making out.

Lunkhead tells the camera he hopes Mocosa can help him forget Little Doormat.

More conversation between Marcela and Mucks. After all the kindness he has shown her and Godmum, she'll do anything to help him. Mucks can count on her help, friendship, and love. "You're a dang fine woman!" says Mucks. I'm about ready to hack up a fur ball.

Mocosa is lying in bed next to Kick Me. I couldn't catch if she thinks he's good in bed, or if she's just using him to further her diabolical plans. Either is possible. She can't wait to get Lunkhead to marry her; Little Doormat will just turn gray with jealousy. She starts laughing to herself, which wakes up Kick Me. She tells Kick Me he'd better leave before they get caught together. Kick Me sneaks out of the room, but Gaby (who is hiding around the corner) catches him. She walks into Mocosa's room and insults are exchanged. Gaby calls Mocosa a tramp. Mocosa gloats that Lunkhead's going to be coming over to visit and she hopes Gaby and the witch Fidiota squirm. She loves making Gaby jealous. Gaby calls Mocosa "Chuky" and stomps out. This apparently gets to Mocosa and she throws something in anger at the door as it closes. It appears Mocosa is jealous of "Saint Doormat."

Princess Fi is correcting Pedro, "His name is Mucks; not Alejandro!" Mucks shows up with Marcela clutching his arm. Princess Fi runs up and plants a big wet sloppy one on him. Marcela doesn't seem too happy with this. Before Marcela can say anything, Pedro says Godmum is asking for her. Mucks wants to know if Princess Fi has received the paternity test results yet.

Fidiota shows up at Emili-Oh's and Dimwit answers the door. Fidiota has a white seagull pin strategically placed on her chest. It doesn't even closely match her red and black outfit. Fidiota wonders if Dimwit is still worried about Granny DS. Dimwit than breaks the news. Mucks is alive! The Orchestra of Impactada strikes an ominous chord.

Mucks is still pressing Princess Fi for the test results. She changes the subject and says how much she loves him. "Do you love Mucks or Alejandro?" Princess Fi claims she's known he's Mucks all along and has loved him for years. Her marriage was a mistake. Whatever. Mucks still presses her for the paternity test results. She wants to know if he's going to marry her. "Show me the test results then we'll talk."

Fidiota asks if it's true that Iggy and Diablo set the fire at the asylum. Dimwit assures her it is. "Pobre Lala, her sons are delinquents!" Dimwit begs Fidiota to not say a word to Lala; it will hurt her terribly!

Kick Me and Mocosa continue to torment Little Doormat. Mocosa laughs evilly.

Fidiota arrives home and Granny M says Roddy is waiting for her. Roddy then appears in the room. "Where have you been? I've been worried," says Roddy. "Are you checking up on me? I've been visiting Dimwit." Roddy says she should have told him, he'd have gone with her. He just loves spending as much time as possible with his beautiful wife!"

We see Lunkhead, Yo, Octopus, and Iggy having dinner together. Yo and Lunkhead have dour expressions. Iggy is going on about how wonderful it is to join them for dinner. Octopus flashes back to when she poisoned her hubby during dinner after stealing everything from Fidiota. Iggy is gushing. Lunkhead insults him. Finally Iggy drops the bomb. Octopus has agreed to marry him. Yo and Lunkhead are impactados! The Orchestra of Doom plays.

Dimwit is in her room as her and Mucks' love theme plays. Dimwit flashes back to seeing Mucks with Marcela. "Are you going to knock her up too?" asks Dimwit to herself.

Marcela walks into the living room, where Mucks is clutching his cocktail. Marcela says she needs to tell him something. She then proceeds to profess her love for him and starts kissing him passionately. Yuck, yuck, and triple yuck!!

Credits roll.


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