Thursday, September 06, 2007

Amar Sin Limites #36, Wednesday 9-5: Duck, bombshells are being dropped!

Mom and Diego speculate about whether Papa and Isela have a thing going on. Sounds like Mama's convinced they do and that Isela hasn't said anything to Diego because she's his friend. Mama brings up Diego's flitting from woman to woman. She understands that chicks dig him, since he's the perfect guy what with the sewing and the cooking and so on, but she tells him to respect them because he doesn't want people talking bad about him like they've been about his sister (!). Mama asks who he really wants. Diego hedges that they'd be the perfect woman if you put all their good qualities together. He finally says he'd take the only one who's not free (Azul--yep, that would be his one imperfection right there).

Andres comes home to Leo asking where he slept last night. His reply is to show off his dimples and say that he didn't sleep. I had to pause my DVR here to laugh. I'm kind of liking this devil-may-care Andres…well, at least when he's not killing defenseless old men. He says he's sick of giving her explanations for everything. Leo wonders what's up with his attitude and blames Ceci. She calls him an ingrate and he tells her he's sick of her, the house, all the secrets, Mauricio (yep, Andres is mad as hell and he's not gonna take it anymore!). Leo says she's going to "take care of" Ceci, but Andres says it's not her, it's him, he's going to leave. He says he knows too much about Mauricio and neither Mauricio nor Leo can put "una pie encima" (put a foot on him; they can't step all over him, tell him what to do, etc.). Leo waits for him to leave and says "We'll see".

Mauricio wants to know why Azul was bothered by Silvana being there. She says she just didn't know who Silvana was. Mauricio tells her the story about Silvana being Nico's mom and Liliana's friend and how she was in a psych facility after Nico's death. Azul thinks it sounds sad. Mauricio tells her Silvana's better and is going to be coming to the house more often to visit Caty, so Azul will get a chance to know her.

At Julio's Boutique, Gaspar fills in his boss, Julio, about the arrest of his godfather's (alleged) murderer. He says the neighbor had always been unpleasant and really nasty when he got mad, but Gaspar never thought the guy would kill anybody. Julio pretty calmly asks what you can expect from a guy like that. Arnaldo walks in and asks what they're talking about and they fill him in. OK, so just to fill in the "family tree," yes, all three guys are gay, Julio is Gaspar's boss and Arnaldo's boyfriend, but Gaspar and Julio never dated (I know there's been some confusion about that). I think it's pretty progressive of this show to have three gay characters, none of whom are there as comic relief.

Come to think of it, this show doesn't have any of the traditional comic relief scenes or characters thrown in--could this deviation from what's expected be part of what's turning people off?

Back in Mauricio's office, Azul asks how much longer Eva is going to be there. Mauricio thinks it won't be long since she likes her European luxuries and has never been fond of Mexico. Azul's phone rings. It's Arnaldo passing on the info about the capture of Abuelo's killer. Azul then passes on this info to Mauricio. He does a really lousy job of looking surprised. Azul, for no apparent reason, says she's got to go to the bathroom. Mauricio picks up the phone and calls Eva to give her the news. Ooh, is it possible that Mauricio doesn't realize this is all a set-up on the part of the Security Ninja Squad? Would he look that happy if he suspected that Andres is still in danger?

Azul calls Diego to tell him she heard the news (say it with me "el culpable de la muerte de tu Abuelo"…how drunk would I be by now if I did a shot of tequila every time someone passed the news on to someone else?). He's crabby with her for asking if he's ok after her showing up at the boutique opening with Mauricio. Azul stares at the phone for a few seconds before she hangs up. Andres walks by in the background and Alfredo comes up and asks if Azul can give him a ride home since his car won't start. He asks her not to take long saying goodbye to Mauricio because he's dead tired and hasn't slept in three days. Really? I didn't think it made much of a change to his usual charming demeanor. Once she leaves, he plops down in a nearby chair.

Mauricio tells Andres that he won't have any problems because they already caught the "chivo expiatorio" (scapegoat) for Abuelo's murder. I'm not sure I agree with Mauricio about Andres being off the hook. Andres wants to know if he can leave the house, but Mauricio tells him now is when he needs to stick close to the house, where Mauricio can protect him. Nope, still not sure what Mauricio thinks is going on here…whether he believes Andres is really off the hook or not…and what difference would it make whether Andres is in the house or not? The Security Ninjas can get him anywhere, can't they? Andres doesn't want protection, though, he wants to live his own life away from Mauricio and Leonarda. He declares that he's going and Mauricio loses it and slams Andres' head into the table. Andres says he's no longer needed since Mauricio has Azul, Diego, and Leonarda and tells Mauricio if he doesn't let Andres leave, his secrets are at risk. Mauricio says those secrets belong to all three of them-him, Leonarda, and Andres-and if he leaves the house, Eva will have him killed and Mauricio won't lift a finger to stop it. We see Azul come up to the office door through the mirror in the hallway and overhear Mauricio saying that Andres better not get involved with Ceci. Andres takes advantage of Azul coming into the room to leave. Azul gets affronted on behalf of Ceci, like what's wrong with her that Andres shouldn't date her. Mauricio comes up with some lame excuse that Azul's best friend shouldn't be dating his employee. Azul thinks that sounds like a load of crap and Mauricio loses it with her (although, he doesn't slam her head into the table) and says he just doesn't want it. Azul gets pissed and starts to leave, but Mauricio tries to sweet talk her, saying not to get mad and why don't they stay in and watch a movie and have popcorn. Azul's having none of it. She says she stayed last night and now she wants to go home. Mauricio asks her not to tell Ceci what he said (yeah, right). Azul asks if that's an order, since he's been going around using a dictatorial tone lately, which he knows she doesn't like. He says he just doesn't want this gossip to get between them. Azul says she's not in the mood to argue and she leaves. The moral of the story, according to my husband: Never tell your girlfriend that her best friend isn't good enough for your...whatever-he-is. Now Leo comes running in to report that Andres has left. Mauricio freaks her out by saying he'll call Ivan himself and tell him Andres is a threat. Leo begs for Andres' life, but Mauricio says Andres is a psychopath, he doesn't just kill on orders, he killed Diego's grandfather. And then we get a conversation so trippy that I must give it to you verbatim…hang on to your tequila and please insert the appropriate gasps from the audience and exclamations of "Que the hell?!"

Mauricio: He also killed your husband, have you already forgotten?
Leo: No. [pause] I also haven't forgotten that you killed your wife and Silvana's son.
Mauricio: *grinning manically* Ah, are you also going to threaten me with revealing my secrets?
Leo: No, no, never. They're OUR secrets. I just came to beg you, to ask you, that you not let Andres leave, please.
Mauricio: *laughing, still manically* What do you want me to do? Tie him to a tree? I already told him-- if he goes, Eva Santoro will kill him. [pause] Leonarda, don't suffer, use your power like before. You controlled him. He obeyed you like a dog. He's yours, Leonarda, yours. Your docile, obedient, adoring Andres. Are you going to let some stupid girl like Cecilia take him away from you?
Leo: *chin up, eyes blazing* Never that. I'd die first. [exit Leo]

That was one bizarre conversation. I don't know what I need more, a stiff drink or a shower.

Azul's driving GSD while he complains that she hasn't said a word and she complains that he's been asleep the whole ride. He asks her to drop him off "right here" which happens to be in front of Emilia's place. He tells Azul he's got a therapy appointment with her in 20, which is news to Azul. She seems really pleased at the thought of her dad getting together with Emilia and unconcerned that he's ditched Inés (yeah, she did ask "What about Inés?"). They have this whole joking exchange about "new paths" in life and Emilia's "curves" and GSD liking "dangerous roads". Azul wants details, which, EWWW! Boundaries, woman! Thankfully GSD isn't the type to do whatever and tell.

Diego goes to Eva's hotel. The Security Ninjas tell Ivan he's there and he tells Eva so she can go change out of her bathrobe and flip-flops. Can you imagine, Eva wearing flip-flops? They're probably $300 Italian leather flip-flops. Ivan opens the door for Diego and they talk about Diego's security. Diego's a bit weirded out that (a) they're following him around and (b) he's never seen them. Ivan assures him that they're watching him all the time and lists the places Diego has been since he last left Eva's clutches…digo, Eva's room. Ivan assures Diego that if they'd known Abuelo was in danger, nothing would have happened to him. Diego asks Ivan to call off the Security Ninjas, but Ivan says that can only be done on Eva's order. Diego wants to know if Eva is Ivan's friend or employer. Ivan replies that she's both, but he lists "boss" first. Eva comes in and greets Diego and he immediately says he wants the Security Ninjas called off. Eva says they'll leave him alone once she leaves, but he can't be unprotected while she's there. Diego asks Ivan to let him speak to Eva alone for a moment before they see Mauricio. Diego asks if he's just her chauffer. Eva says she wants to take him to Europe and give him a big, important job. She asks if working for a woman bothers him and Diego says it doesn't. Eva says, to clear things up for him, she doesn't sleep with her chauffer. Diego's like "um, ok." So what does that mean? He's not just her chauffer? He only thinks he slept with her, but he really didn’t?

Lidia and Piero scene, which means once again we get: sex, Piero wanting Lidia to come back to work with him, Lidia wanting him to divorce his wife, Lidia wanting her job description to include something more than sex, Piero saying he's not going to leave his wife, and of course, more sex. Like bunnies, these two, except for the actual reproducing.

Ceci's frosting the most beat-up chocolate cake ever and waxing poetic about Andres. Azul warns her that Mauricio told Andres not to date Ceci. Ceci gets pissed off and very angrily frosts the cake to within an inch of its sad, pathetic little life, telling Azul to tell Mauricio she'll date whoever she wants. Azul says to never mind and asks for details, but Ceci says "caballeras" (playing on "caballeros," gentlemen) like her never remember (i.e., don't kiss and tell) and continues decorating the cake with raspberries as Azul whines and begs for details. Sad that Azul's love life is so lacking that she wants the details of everyone else's. Oh, did I type that out loud?

Leonarda catches up to Eva at Mansión Malicia to beg for Andres' life. Leo asks Eva to order Andres not to leave the house so he won't do some other stupid thing. Eva catches on that it's really about keeping Andres away from Ceci. Leo says Ceci just wants to use Andres and that Andres has never been with another woman besides Leo (EWWWWWWWW!!!!! And also, he has now!) and he's innocent and naïve, etc. Eva calls BS on that description. She confirms that Andres is Leo's nephew by marriage. Leo says she's grateful Eva got the other guy framed for Abuelo's murder and that Andres realizes he made a mistake. Wrong thing to say! Eva says that doesn't undo the hurt Diego suffered. She agrees she'll keep Ceci away from Andres (oh, no! What does that mean?! ) in exchange for a favor she'll tell Leo about later. As she leaves the room, Eva says Leo's terrible, but she likes her, she's a strong woman. Leo smiles to herself as if she's pulled one over on Evil Eva. My question: Which of these two is scarier? Leo or Eva? Personally, my money's on Eva. What with the Security Ninjas I don't think there's really anything Leo can do to her and Eva doesn't seem like one to be taken in by Leo's string-pulling.

Eva comes into Mauricio's office. He tells her GSD has gone home. Eva says Mauricio needs to let him rest for a few days. Mauricio balks that it will slow them down, but Eva says he needs rest so he can do his job properly. She asks where Azul is (she left already) and if she had a meeting/date ("cita" can mean both and Eva's playing with that) with someone. Mauricio wonders who she would have had a meeting/date with. He's either that dense or he's playing his cards really close to the vest. Eva ignores the question and says she doesn't want Ceci around. Mauricio says he's already given orders to that effect. Eva asks if Andres and Leo know what's going on, business-wise. Mauricio says they know some of it, but they can be trusted. Eva says Leo can, but Andres can't and she's watching him. She tells Mauricio she's going to New York for a few days and taking Diego with her. She says that will keep Diego away from temptation. Mauricio is still clueless. Eva asks how much GSD's research is going to cost her and Mauricio says it won't cost her anything, that's his contribution to the project.

On "What Not To Do As A Therapist": GSD is blowing smoke (both literally and figuratively--so much for not letting him smoke in your office, Emilia!) about the end of his relationship with Inés. Emilia thinks the loss of the clandestine nature of the relationship is really what did it. GSD tries to say they'd gotten into a routine, blah, blah, blah, he's interested in other things…like a friendship with Emilia. He wants to know if they can see each other in another context. No. No, you cannot. The correct answer is, NO. So what does Emilia say? They can try it. And don't give me the whole "friends" scam, either, she knows darn well what he's after. As the piano music swells, GSD promises he'll make time for her, even though he's in the middle of this research thing. As Mr. 5ft (who is not 5', but 6'2") says, "Why is she buying this?" Good question.

Azul's talking to Ceci about her dad and Emilia. She seems less enthusiastic about it now, saying it's kind of weird, like it would be weird if her dad dated Ceci. Ah, but Ceci belongs to another. They giggle a bit about this until the phone rings. Azul answers it and is less than thrilled that it's Mauricio on the other end. Mauricio tells her Ceci can't come to the house anymore. This goes over about as well as you'd expect and they have a fight about it. Azul says if Ceci can't come to the house, she'll work from home since she can do everything she does in the office at home (except for ogle Diego and get spied on by Leo, of course). She hangs up on him. She tells Ceci she's been banned from Mansión Malicia. They both agree they don't care. Ceci says it won't keep her away from Andres and Azul says it's strange, all this interest in keeping them apart. Ceci makes a joke about how she had no idea she was such a dangerous woman (which I found hilarious--it was all in the delivery).

IHoP: It looks like Isela and Flavio are going over the evening's receipts when Diego comes in. Isela wants to know if he's still mad at her. He says he wants to know if she was with his dad. She says it was a long time ago, but she won't say how long. He wants to know why Anibal and his Dad fought. Isela says she dated Manuel before he got married and then she dated Anibal after. Diego wants to know why they were hugging at the funeral home and tells her his mom saw. Isela's upset about his mom seeing. Anibal shows up. He's worried about Paco and says he's gone to report him missing.

Mauricio's office: Leo comes in and offers Mauricio and Eva drinks. She leaves and Eva says Leo's an intelligent woman with one flaw: she's in love. Eva fills in Mauricio about the conversation she had with Leo earlier--except for their deal. Eva says Andres isn't brilliant and he needs to come back to the house where Eva will be watching him. As she goes to leave, Mauricio asks if Diego's waiting for her. She says no, but remember, he's going with me to New York. Mauricio sits at his desk with his forehead in his hand.

IHoP: Anibal says he and Paco fought a lot, but he never wanted anything bad to happen to Paco. He asks if Lidia knows anything and Diego says they had a fight. Isela doesn’t think that's enough reason for Paco to have taken off without saying anything. Isela goes to wait on some customers. Anibal tells Diego the cops have been looking for Paco for a week. Diego asks why Anibal fought with his dad. Anibal says it was over something stupid. Diego calls BS on that. Anibal tells him that he and Manuel dated Isela at the same time: eight years ago, after Anibal's wife (Paco's mom) died. Diego does the math and the numbers don't look good for Manuel. Anibal says he and Isela had a big fight and then Manuel asked her out. Anibal confirms that yes, this all happened while Diego's parents were married. Diego asks Anibal not to call his dad a "desgraciado", but then he agrees, his dad is a "desgraciado." Don't believe your dictionary, he doesn't mean "a disgrace" he means "a cheating bastard." Dramatic music plays as the frame freezes on Diego's disgusted face.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Acorralada #164 9-5-07 Wednesday – Things Are Winding Down in Telemiami!

Chewkey is still pulling the wool over Roddy's eyes.

Octopus comes to with one heckuva headache. She's babbling about wanting to kill Iggy. Yolanda is trying to talk her out of it. Mucks shows up and tells Octopus not to worry; Iggy will end up in jail. Octopus wobbles her way out of the room and Mucks asks Yolanda, "When did you get back from your trip?" Yolanda tells Mucks she was imprisoned in the basement and Octopus made Iggy drug her.

Iggy doesn't want Dulce, the nurse, to call the police and report the bullet wound. Camila and Marfil show up and Iggy vents to them about what happened.

Fidiota tells Dimwit and Gaby the marriage is over between her (Fidiota) and Roddy.

Mucks is questioning Yolanda; he can't believe Octopus would drug and imprison her in the basement. At that moment the phone rings; it's Camila calling to advise Iggy is in the same hospital where Dimwit works. She doesn't think Iggy knows Mucks and Alejandro are one and the same. Mucks is on his way to confront Iggy and have him thrown out into the street.

Sylvie wants to enlist Emili-Oh's help to save Fidiota's marriage. Emili-Oh wants to stay out of it. Sylvie is still wearing her dominatrix costume and mask at Perfumes 'R Us.

Fidiota is still sniveling about losing Roddy because of ChewKey.

Roddy is whining to a colleague about losing Fidiota. The colleague tells Roddy to open his eyes and find out the truth.

Sylvie tries to enlist Caramel's help in getting Fidiota and Roddy back together. Caramel wants no part of that either. She then gives Sylvie a lecture about love and marriage. Something about yokes and oxen. Caramel uses a play on words, "Conyuge" which means "spouse" and "Con Yugo" which means with yoke.

Pasta is getting consoled by Lorenzo and Jorge. In saunters Dimwit. Fidiota is depressed and perhaps Pasta should offer to take her on a trip. They are discussing this wonderful idea when Octopus shows up. Dimwit asks how it feels to be humiliated the way Octopus has humiliated so many other people. Octopus is ready to tear out Dimwit's glassy eyes until Pasta intervenes. Dimwit takes some more pot-shots at Octopus then leaves. Octopus appears to be losing it. I wonder if she will end up being the token "evil person gone crazy" on this show. They had one on Peregrina and on Mundo de Fieras.

Iggy is still whining to Camila and Marfil when Mucks shows up. Marfil and Camila exit stage left. Iggy starts spouting off to "Alejandro" about that crazy woman, Octopus, who tried to kill him. "That ain't no crazy woman; that's my mom!!!!" Iggy is impactado!! Commercial.

Iggy doesn't believe Alejandro is really Mucks so Mucks takes off his glasses. Suddenly Iggy starts to see the resemblance. Iggy starts pleading for his life and Mucks faux punches him. Now Iggy starts groveling. Mucks announces he is going to repossess the apartment since Iggy never paid him back the $10K. Iggy could have sworn Mucks died in the fire. "You wish!" replies Mucks. Mucks calls Iggy a rat. "You act like a rat, you can live on the street with the rats!" Pobre de Iggy.

Marfil pays Pedro a visit and starts flattering him. He's so wonderful! Pedro goes along with it and they stroll out of the room arm in arm.

Octopus wants to get back together with Pasta. He's not buying what she's trying to sell. Pasta says he loves Fidiota and is going to try to get her back. Octopus is furious!!! Pasta will NEVER be happy with Fidiota. NEVER!!!!

More squabbling between Mucks and Iggy. Iggy is on the ground continuing to beg for mercy. Mucks announces he's going to go to the police so they can arrest Iggy for setting the fire which killed all those innocent people! As he walks out, he runs into Camila. He tells Camila he's on his way to have Iggy and Diablo arrested. Camila asks, "What about me?" Mucks tells her she's being evicted. She needs to pack her bags tonight because he wants her out by tomorrow. Camila tries to plead with him she has nowhere to go. Mucks gives her a choice: the street or jail. Suddenly the street looks pretty good to Camila. She then heads into Iggy's hospital room. Iggy is frantically trying to pack his things and get the heck out of Dodge. He wants to escape before the police get there! He runs out and Camila is left standing in the hospital room with her mouth hanging open. Commercial.

Sylvie, Mistress of the Night, has come to Psycho Mansion to help Fidiota get Roddy back. Gaby and Granny M doubt there is anything Sylvie can do to save Fidiota's marriage.

Lala is sweeping the floor at her house when the doorbell rings about 80 times. She answers the door and it's Iggy. "Where's Diablo? Is he here or not?" Diablo comes out of his room. Iggy tells Diablo that Mucks is alive and is on his way to the police to file a complaint. Diablo starts beating on Iggy, "This is for purposely paralyzing me and leaving me in a wheelchair!" Lala tries to break them up.

Sylvie tries to talk Fidiota into taking Roddy back, but Fidiota says it's too late.

Mucks is at the police station reporting that Iggy and Diablo set the fire at the asylum.

Dimwit comes home and talks to Gaby. Gaby tells Dimwit that Sylvie has come over to cheer up Fidiota. Dimwit says she went to see Pasta, suggesting that Pasta take Fidiota on a trip. Dimwit and Gaby talk about the irony of their love lives. When Fidiota was single, Pasta married Octopus. Now that Pasta is single, Fidiota is in love with Roddy. Gaby is finally single and Lunkhead is in love with ChewKey. Dimwit is single and Mucks has gone and married his secretary. Gaby asks Dimwit if she regrets not forgiving Mucks for raping her. Dimwit says she does.

Octopus comes home and pours herself a stiff drink. Before she can down it, she throws the glass on the floor. Yolanda comes running, but Octopus rebuffs her. Octopus tells Yolanda to go away and leave Octopus in peace. Octopus doesn't want Yolanda's sympathy!

Dimwit talks about wanting to call Mucks and forgive him. She still loves her slimy rapist.

Diablo is still beating the tar out of Iggy and Lala is trying to stop him. Lala finds out that Diablo was involved with setting the fire. She is impactada. Diablo throws Iggy out of the Little House in the Barrio and Iggy bounces off a wall. Diablo has to do something before the police get him.

Dimwit comes to confess to Fidiota. "I plan to steal Mucks back from his wife!" Orchestra of Doom. Glassy-eyed stare. Commercial.

Not only does Dimwit tell Fidiota she wants Mucks back, she tells Fidiota she was raped by Mucks who was in a jealous rage. Que the heck? Fidiota points out Mucks is married, but Dimwit doesn't care. Mucks doesn't love Marshmallow so it's OK to get him back. Like I said, "Que the Heck?!"

Lala is still trying to talk Diablo out of going into hiding, but he's furiously packing his bag. I keep waiting for Lala to keel over from a heart attack. How did she end up with such losers as sons?

Now Dimwit is explaining how at first she was kept from Mucks because he was married. Then it was Fidiota's fault they were separated. She can't let it go; that feeling in her chest. She loves him and wants a chance at finally being happy with the love of her life! Fidiota doesn't say much.

Now Lala is on her knees begging Diablo not to leave. "Too bad, so sad!" says Diablo. He loves her but he's got to do what he's got to do.

Fidiota lamely tries to point out the pain the Irascible brothers have caused her hijas, but Dimwit pleads with Fidiota to let the hatred go and help Dimwit get Mucks back. I'm ready to vomit.

Mucks is telling Marshmallow he told the police about Diablo and Iggy. He wants them to rot in jail. Finally he asks if Pedro left. Marshmallow has no idea.

Now she's done it! Marfil is strolling along the beach with Pedro. She cherishes their friendship. HA! Anyway, he asks what she thinks about their age difference. She thinks his age means he has more experience. Blah, blah, blah. She begs him not to say a word to Mucks about their friendship. Mucks wouldn't understand. Pedro gets really mad; "You have no right to tell me what I can and can't tell Mucks!"

Fidiota finally agrees to support Dimwit in her quest to win back Mucks. After dealing with ChewKey, she's tired of hating the Irascible brothers. If Dimwit can forgive Mucks for the horrible things he's done; so can she!

Thanks to Marfil's talents, Pedro finally agrees to not tell Mucks about their "special" friendship.

More of Dimwit talking about getting Mucks back. Marshmallow is a good woman, but Dimwit finally needs to think about herself and what's good for Mini-Mucks. Glassy-eyed looks all around! Love theme.

Credits roll!


Destilando 9/5 - "It costs a lot to look this good," Francisco explains.

Aaron is going on a trip to capitalize on the success of Rod's tequila (I think) and is taking Minerva.

Dani visits Gaviota, "Not as my brother's emissary, but as a representative of the Montalvo Corporation. I have samples of Rodrigo's new tequila for Big Boss and Dr. Blondie." "What's it called?" "Ardent Passion! Catchy, dontcha think?" "It's his golden dream come true!" "He has two golden dreams - this tequila, and you." Gav says she'll help. Dani has another mission - she produces a lipstick and a piece of paper - Rodrigo has asked that she get Gaviota to cover the paper with kisses. Gaviota doesn't like the lipstick color he picked but she complies, asking if Rod's still mad at her for hanging up abruptly when Dr. Blondie shouts. "I guess if he's asking for a page of kisses, not so much."

Gaviota asks about the baby. "First, about the mother," says Dani, "he's trying to tolerate her until he can leave." "But the kid, he must be crazy for him?" "Sure, but I haven't seen them since he left the hospital, I'm not allowed at the house." Gav is going on about how lovely this child must be, with the beautiful Isa for a mom and the beautiful Rod for a dad (except I hate his new haircut) when the Dr. shouts in a panic: Gav cleaned his office while he was away and now he can't find his archives and his books and he's going crazy and (they follow him into his office) "You can't put the coffeepot in the sunshine!"

Gav introduces Dani, who charmingly says: "I'm part of the disastrous Montalvo family but please don't call the police." He tries the new tequila and says it's great: "Oh! I smell the agave! The taste! Sweet and bitter in equilibrium! Soft, a prolonged taste..." He starts beaming at Gaviota and beams this identical beam every time he looks at her for the rest of the episode. (It's like there's an on/off switch or something. High beam.)

As Dani is leaving, she says in private: "Any woman could fall for that Dr. Blondie." "Not if you work for him 19 hours a day." "Do you have a message for Rod?" "Tell him thanks for the tequila." "That's for the corporation, what about for my brother?" "Say I hope he likes the lipstick kisses, and why did he want them?"

At the hacienda, all coo over the baby. SanJuana says to Rod, "Oh, he's cute but he doesn't look one li'l bit like you." Frankie coughs. Roman comes for Rod, Frankie says he'll come too but Rod says "no need" and leaves quickly. Isa pulls Frankie aside and says, with a leer, that she'll be a most accommodating landlady.

Somewhere James and Rod are exulting over the report card their tequila got from the tasters - 19 out of a possible 20 points. Rod says two special people will be trying the tequila tonight, and he has an important decision to make. James and Rodrigo discuss Isa via dichos about a rattlesnake and a cobra. "She's blackmailed me over the baby ever since the hospital and last night gave an ultimatum: if I ever see Gaviota again, she'll destroy her. I'm sure she called Gaviota and threatened her. I've realized that Isa has two faces." "Will you separate from her?" "Of course! I need to get away from her and save my energy for work and for getting Gaviota back." There are other problems, like Isa's profligate father.

I notice rick-rack on James' shirt, I haven't seen this since junior high. He has the worst shirts in the world.

Gaviota calls her ma and says she'll be working till 10 getting that balance (erased by Suzi) back together. Clarita insists that if Dr Blondie gives her a ride home, he should come get formally presented.

Isa tells Sofia she threatened Rodrigo when she was in a rage, "But don't worry, I won't do any damage to the family. Besides the small problem of Gaviota, I have no complaints, your brother is good to the baby." "Your plan [unspecified] sounds dangerous," Sofia warns.

Sofia asks what time it is, and told it's 7:30, she panics. "Oh no, I haven't made Francisco's dinner!" "What about the maid Pilar gave you?" "He fired her." "How is your husband behaving?" "I don't want the family to know, but this marriage is not going the way I'd hoped. He leaves in the morning, he's obsessed with work, he goes shopping, meets with the farmers, then every single night he stays out till early in the morning."

"Sofia - is your husband, perchance, unfaithful?" "Don't even joke about it!" (Sofia is wearing what appears to be a black lace teddy over her bulky button-up white blouse. She and James are meant for each other, with these horrible shirts.) "He loves me, but I feel abandoned. I have my pride, I can't reveal to anyone that I detest life locked up in this hacienda, taking care of Frankie's clothes and cooking his dinner. He's so fussy, only I can do it right..."

Isa points out that Sofia dumped James because she didn't want to be at the hacienda, and now look! "He treats you like an employee, why do you put up with it?" Sofia makes some lame excuses and then reveals that she and Francisco can't make ends meet on the salary Rod provides!

Isa is going into full impactada over that revelation when all the boys swarm in. It's time to go over the books. "Where's Frankie?" "He's resting up [with cucumbers over his eyes] for the meeting, I'll go get him."

Dani calls Rod to say she got the kiss-paper and he's all happy and wants to know how Gaviota is, and all the details. Dani says she'll come to the corporation next day and tell him in person and he's getting all bent about that when Isa bursts into the room, saying she's been waiting for him in the dining room. He shoves her out. Dani says, "It's your gendarme wife, see why we can't talk now?"

Dr. Blondie, predictably, offers to take Gaviota home at 10 and she tells him Clarita wants to meet him. "My mother wants to know if you're decent and educated." He pirhouettes: "Do I look presentable enough to meet your mother?" He and Gaviota get to her apartment and Clarita's wearing a housedress. She goes to get dressed properly. Dr. Blondie says he'll make the supreme sacrifice and drink some of their no-doubt-inferior and possibly horrible coffee. Clarita makes nice to Dr. Blondie, then asks if he's married or has a girlfriend, no he doesn't, well have you thought of marrying? Gav is mortified. "No woman could tolerate me," explains Blondie, "my work leaves me no time. It's been my salvation, distracting me from the death of my wife. Lucero's death left me empty." Oddly, Clarita suggests they toast the health of his dead wife (seems a little late for that). After embarrassing Gaviota once more by asking her to sing for the Doctor, Clarita says he can come back any time. He tells Gaviota: "I haven't gotten the 'Boyfriend Inquisition' since I was a teenager. He kiss her. She is impactada. Clarita leaps for joy.

The boys are hunched over the computer, going over tonnage of harvest, inventory of cattle, vaccination costs etc. and all that seems in order. Rod turns the page and sees a huge list of other expenses: hotels, bars, restaurants, facials!? Francisco explains: it's important that he, as representative of the Montalvo family, look specially cool. Rod barks: "well, it's excessive, cut it out."

Frankie, whose timing is erratic, now asks what his cut of the profits is going to be, seeing as how things are going well. Rod blows his top: "Are you crazy? You're a well-paid employee." "I thought I was part of the family."

Isa sends Sofia to calm her brother down, while she "explains" to Frankie thus: "I told you marrying Sofia wasn't a good business move. I have a better proposition."

Rod can't believe Sofia and Frankie can't live on the lush pasture Rod has provided, including a Jacuzzi and a nice jeep. Rod scolds James, who's been covering for Francisco. "He has to control his expenses, he could ruin us in three months." James says Frankie is a city boy, doing the best he can, but he just doesn't seem to be able to learn the work. "If he's betraying my sister, he's out of here, I can't take any more." Then Rod says he's thinking of Gaviota.

Gaviota scolds her mother and says to Dr. Blondie she is just a working machine. Clarita disagrees, she saw how Dr. Blondie's eyes sparkled (that's the beam machine in the "on" position) whenever he looked at her. "You know I only loved once. There's nothing between me and the doctor." "Does he know about Rod?" "He doesn't need to know everything, the story embarrasses me. Anyway ma, is this another of your telenovelas?" Clarita gets the last word: "Does he get jealous when you talk about Rod?"

My machine cut off before the previews, sorry!


Juan Querendon 9/5: in which Paula shows us how to get a Really Big Raise

I have to pinch-hit tonight for your usual recapper. I don't have time to look up the dichos, but hope somebody else caught some of the juicy ones and shares them with us!

Cesar Luis to Gaitan: "You were right. Monica told her before I did and Paula didn't like it much. I gave her a thousand excuses, but no, she took her stuff and split." The only solution is to separate from Monica completely. Gaitan says Cesar will end up like the dog with two cakes (guess this is a version of the Aesop's Fable in which the dog carrying a steak over a river looks down, sees a reflection of his steak, lets go of the one he has to grab the other, and loses both). "Then I guess I have to get rid of Paula. Let's send her to Monterray, she needs work AND she needs to get away from me, this will solve both her problems. Fire that guy in charge down there."

Juan to Paula in the car: "You're a strong woman, you'll feel better." She tells him: "I've quit the company." He's so impactado he pulls the car over in a scary screeching stop. Paula gives The Speech (and I'm just going to write this once), she needs tranquility, she has a thousand good reasons for leaving, "in fact the only reason to stay is you." This also hits Juan, who thought-bubbles: "It's hard to stay quiet and not say I can't live without her, especially now that I have no rival!"

I see that Kike is now honestly employed lounging around in the parking deck with Fernando and Juan - does he actually have any duties? Fern and Kike are all over Juan when he gets back and Kike teases Juan about messing with the boss's woman. Juan goes ballistic. Kike asks to be forgiven. Juan asks to be left alone. "Has my big mouth cost me your friendship?" "Nobody messes with my licenciada, she's suffered enough, the woman I love is weeping tears of blood. I have to tell her I'm in love with her." Fern and Kike try to hold him back, saying he'll make everything worse and get fired. To no avail: "I should have told her the very first day. I can't poison my soul any longer hiding these feelings." He strides towards Paula's office.

Paula gives the Speech to Marely, saying "You and Juan are my only allies. I'm so tired." They rag on guys for a while. "They all like to adorn their egos with women, they're so insecure. I could never love a man who would leave his pregnant wife."

Marely goes back to her desk and Juan breezes past her before he loses his nerve. He bursts into Paula's office and looms over her silicone cleavage which has been artfully enhanced with dark blush. After trying to get the words out he finally says: "I need you to stay! I can't live without you!" Then he adds: "Many people here feel this way," and mutters CHICKEN to himself. She gives him The Speech. She thinks he's worried he'll lose his job, he says that's not it, Marely comes in with the typed up letter of renunciation, Paula privately tells Marely Juan is acting very odd, so she'll go give her letter to Cesar Luis, Marely should stay and talk Juan down.

Kike rushes up and tells Marely they have to save Juan from himself. Marely says, "He's in her office alone, he tried to tell her but failed."

Cesar Luis holds up the letter like a dead rat and says, "What's this?" "My renunciation." "This is the third time you've quit." "This time it's for real, irrevocable." "You said that the other times too." She gives him The Speech. He says, "You're letting a personal problem affect your work." She yells some more. He accepts her resignation and says she can leave right away if she likes. She forgot to sign her letter - she signs it. He rings for Gaitan.

Marely tells Juan this is the wrong time and place to declare his love. "She'll blow you off. When a woman is wounded, she has to heal from within." "What if I never see her again?" "Well, you know where she lives, you can go visit, and there's always the telephone. I love you like a friend, like a sister, and I'm trying to help." Then Marely goes to the bathroom and cries, "Juan, if you only knew how much it hurts me that you're in love with her!"

Juan gets in the elevator. At the last minute Paula slips in too and whispers, "just embrace me." He apologizes for telling her how he feels at such a bad moment. "I've felt the same ever since we met, Juan, but I was trapped with the wrong man. I love you so much." They kiss passionately. Of course it was all a daydream. He feels like a lost child.

Kike and Fernando say "We told you so." Juan says he wants to be alone and thoughtbubbles: "I have to get my happiness back, my matador's smile." He practices his moves.

Paula yells more and tells Marely: "I hate him! He'll come crawling back on his knees and I'll laugh." However, Cesar is simultaneously crowing to Gaitan: "It's perfect! I'm an artist in managing women! I'll let some time pass, prudently, then when she's calm she'll be suffering for my absence." He practices the speech he will then lay on her: "I can't live without you, but I can't leave Monica while she's pregnant - but within me, everything is yours." He looks nobly into the distance. "How did that sound, Gaitan?" Gaitan thinks Cesar has been very lucky. Cesar says, "Oh, hire that guy back in Monterray." "That might be hard, he's pretty peeved with you." "With ME? You're the one who fired him. Give him a raise. I don't like injustice." Gaitan leaves, muttering about injustice.

Then Monica comes in. Cesar shows her Paula's resignation letter. Monica asks how it happened, Cesar spreads his arms in frank bemusement, "I gave her everything, I have no idea." "Well, she's a great executive and I like her, she can't quit." He says Paula is stubborn and always has to have the last word. "Oh, like me? What happened to that 'Farell is a family' thing?" "Oh, that's just motivational baloney to keep the employees happy. Anyway, I'm sure she just wants more money, I'm not giving in to this blackmail."

"She's worth it." Monica says she will talk to Paula, woman to woman, find out what's really wrong, and convince her to stay. Cesar says no you won't, Monica says she's co-owner and she will. Cesar is speechless.

Paula and Marely pack up - "I only want my essentials, I don't want any memories of this place. How's Juan?" "Worried for you." "Oh, there's nobody like him, he makes me feel so taken care of, he laughs, he's sensitive ... if I ever want a man again I'll look for one like Juan."

Nidia shows off her frilly white dress, Yadira says she looks ready for her quinceanera (15th birthday big bash). Nidia chooses to think that means she looks very young and says Yadira can wear this wonderful dress when she gets married, and then Marely can wear it next. "Fuggedabout it Ma, and anyway marrying in white is for pure virgins." "Well, I'm 1 for 2 - I'm pure. Maybe this dress is the only good thing I'll get from this marriage. I always wanted to marry in white." Nidia gabs with her seamstress about Children Today (they'll make all the mistakes we did). Perafan comes in and Nidia hides from him - it's bad luck to see the bride in her wedding dress before her Special Day.

Monica has her talk with Paula and asks if money's the problem. There's a weird cut after which Paula tells Marely: "The only thing I could think of was to ask for such a ridiculous amount of money that..." Another weird cut and Cesar is telling Monica: "No, no, no! Nobody pays this much, you want to ruin our business?" Another weird cut and Monica is telling Paula: "Good news, you got your raise!" Oops.

I think that was the end, but I'm not totally sure, because now I have to rush off and recap "Destilando."

Signing off -


Acorralada #163 Tuesday 9/4/07 The funniest episode ever

In this episode, we see the continuation of Silvia's and Diana's torture of Iggy in the hotel room. In case you missed it, on Monday's episode, Iggy was getting ready for his wedding, but Diana called just before to lure him to the hotel room for their plot. Thinking with Little Iggy, off he went for his date with destiny.

There he was met with Silvia in a weird S/M getup, complete with black ram's mask. But I think she was meant to look like Diana if you didn't look closely. She got him in the bed and straddled him. Then she began torturing/tickling him with a whip and a belt. Finally, she handcuffed him to the flimsy brass headboard. I was flabbergasted to learn that handcuffs are called "esposas" in Spanish!

Then Diana came in, and the two of them got him to beg to be released. Finally, in Tuesday's episode, they leave him alone with the keys just out of reach for one of the staff members to eventually release him. Who should be the head chambermaid--you guessed it, none other than our favorite transvestite, Mariposa. She says that flamenco dancing at Paco's doesn't pay enough, so she needs a day job. Later, Silvia and Diana regale the family with the tale, and all get a good laugh, including Fedora.

Emilio delivers a letter to Max from the absent Larry. Larry wants Max to ensure that their madre does not marry that miscreant Iggy.

Camila and Diego are still fighting over Iggy. Camila reminds Diego that Iggy is the one that caused Diego's paralysis and he should be removed.

Roddy tries to make up with Fedora, but he still thinks Sharon is a good girl, so no go for that.
Give him a clue, saying it's all her bad son's fault. She asks him if he understands what it means for her as a mother to have to turn on her own son. But still he doesn't believe. Exit Roddy and enter Paco with some flowers. Roddy isn't happy about this.

While all this is going on, Octy is all dressed for her wedding. She actually looks good for once. She is humiliated when Iggy doesn't show up (even though she only wants to marry him so she can kill him). She banishes all the guests. Maricella takes blind godmom out to the pool and tells her to stay put. Marfil goes out to the pool and starts to talking to godmom. She lures her into walking forward, and Mom goes into the pool. Marfil beats a hasty retreat. Max comes out and rescues here. At the same time, we see that Yolanda has been able to loosen her bonds in the basement.

Finally, Iggy is released and goes over to the wedding. He tells Octy that it was
all Diana's fault. This is not something Octy wants to hear. She shoots Iggy. Just then, Yolanda comes up behind Octy and knocks her on the head. Octy is out cold, and Yolanda lets Iggy go. She then tries to revive Octy.


Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Destilando, Tuesday September 4: '...and you pucker up your lips, like this'

Ok, so If you find gaps between the words, it's because I was trying to catch some ants that were spontaneously walking up my arm as I was trying to follow Gavi's fast chatter. It's so darn hot here these days that even the ants are trying to find shelter on my carpet. Anyhoo, here it goes:

At the CRT, Nancy does what she's best at: weeping. Susie conveniently interrupts, only to tell Mariana that if she needs anything, just anything at all, to ask her for help, "cuz that's what friends are for".

Right then, Rod calls and asks to speak to Nancy. Gavi: Rod it's me!. Rod, serious: yeah I know, but Nancy is the one in charge of taking my call, please let me speak to her. Gavi apologizes for her attitude with him earlier; they talk about Organic Tequila, and Rod gets his smile back as he talks of his dream project, and she wishes him luck on his trip to the hacienda. But that smile doesn't last long...cuz Alonso calls Gaviota out loud...and our compulsive Rod gets very jealous that anyone other than him is calling her 'Gaviota', and that her boss won't wait until she's done talking to HIM. It's like, hey Gavi, your boss needs to understand that you are having a personal conversation and CANNOT work right now, OK?? Gavi says sorry Rod, I gotta go it's my boss, Rod reluctantly asks to speak to Nancy.

Alonso needs the spreadsheet in 1 hour. He says him and Nancy will work on the balance sheet. Gavi tells him to go home and she'll work on it. Alonso says no, we haven't got enough time. Nancy walks in, and informs Alonso that Rod will bring him a sample of his O-tequila project. Gavi puts in a couple of good words for Rod and his project. Alonso realizes it will soon be time for the tequia festival; Gavi thinks that O-tequila will do great during the festival. He reminds her that their priority is to get the spreadsheet done for Avellaneda.

At the hacienda, James finds Sofia ironing Frankie's shirts. They seem to be getting along great now that they're both married to someone else. I hope this doesn't evolve into YET another affair. James tells Sofia that he just cannot believe she's become her husbands slave...he's upset about this, and leaves.

At his office, Frankie pretends to work. They tell him something about copper sulfate...Crispin mentions a formula to illegally sneak in lots of money on the Copper Sulfate business. I am assuming that Crispin and Frankie will now become best friends...

Isa and Mom talk about how Rod and Ricky get along so well; Rod loves him. Isa's mom is happy that Rod and Gavi aren't really seeing each other, but Isa tells ma not to think so highly of Rod 'ma, as soon as the O-tequila project concludes, Rod will run to Gavi's arms'. She tells mom that when that happens, she will divorce him. Nuria, thinking of the diamonds she'll have to give up if that happens, freaks out, but Isa says 'no worries Ma, I know what I'm doing!' Phone rings, it's Sofie, looking tired, she wants Isa to come to the hacienda. They manage to talk about how Frankie is gone so much...Isa looks attentive...not sure if she's thinking of Frankie's cheating, or of the boinking-sessions her and Frankie will be undergoing when she's back at the hacienda.

Rod is instructing Elvira about O-tequila. Tio bruno walks in, Elvira leaves, Rod shows his tio the samples of O-tequila. Bruno congratulates him. They talk about New York, and how tequila prices will go up. They're both happy, cuz finally the Montalvena is developing big crops and will have lots of Agaves without plagues, just like 3 years ago and lots of $$$ will start to flow... by this, I fear that we are being warned of a disaster....with a good-for-nothing like Frankie working at the hacienda, will there remain any fortune in this family??... Tio Bruno smells the tequila and starts thinking about Aron's loss of opportunities because Agave turquesa is not going well.

Aron and some Cuban guy are talking about the poor sales of Turquesa. Aron wants him to make sure Turquesa gets most demands. After placing his wish, he rudely tells C-guy to get the hell out of there.

At their home, Pammie wants to know what her dad found out after dissecting Aron's USB Drive. Apparenlty dad took this drive to some experts, but they couldn't find any concrete proof yet. Pammie says 'no Pa, we're going to find a way to find proof of Aron's fraudulent business!!! Daddy, if you don't to it, I will.' Dad is scared...'what if Aron finds out before we get to discover anything?? He'll tear us to pieces!!'. But Pammie is not so worried, cuz when Aron finds out, he'll be behind the bars of prison!! MUHAHAHAHAAAAA....

At home in Miami, Minnie walks in and tells Aron that she has great news. Aron immediately slurs out his most famous sentence yet in this novela 'are you pregnant!!' M: Nope, but I'm going to be working with some special doctors that will put me through special treatments that'll increase the chances that I have a varon! A: ah, finally you make a smart move my love! Minnie: but honey, I need to be in a calm environment during my pregnancy... A: amorcito, you know I've always been great to you! M: but i'm worried, when our varon is born, what will you do about Rod's baby?? A: no worries honey, I won't dirty my hands with that.

At the office, Bruno compliments Rod on his extraordinary tequila. He predicts a great future for this Ardiente Pasion product. Rod is happy, but not too excited about the label design...he feels its lacking something.

CRT: Gavi is typing a bunch of numbers that Alonso is reading to her. He notices she's tired, and tells her to take a break. Gavi walks out of his office, and asks nancy to stop working on the balance sheet and check on invitations for the annual tequila festival. N: But if the boss finds out he'll kill me!! Alonso walks out, and calls Gavi back into the office. I guess the break was only meant to be 97 seconds long.

At home, Isa is talking to Elvira on the phone about some documents she needs. Elvira says, sure thing!

At the hacienda, Sofia notices that Fran is late and tells James that once again, they will eat dinner alone. James notices Sofie is looking kind of tired. Sofie confesses that it's because Frankie wants noone but her to take care of all his things and she hasn't been able to spend any time on herself. When she moved to the hacienda, she thought she'd have more time with him. Sofie starts crying, as she realizes that Fran wants her to be nothing other than a full time house wife. She feels ugly...James says noooo Soooofie, you are...are...hermosaa!! Right then Fran walks in, looks jealous, but prefers to ask if his wife has made him something to eat. Fran wants to talk to James, so he asks sofie for a margarita, and Sofie leaves the room. You'd think he wants to ask James to stay away from his wife, but no, he doesn't really care about her (sometimes I wonder he'd even mind if Sofie and James had an affair); instead, he tells James that he needs his help with his job, since he's too busy to take care of the accounting part that corresponds him. James reminds him that they don't really need him at the hacienda. James then coldly says, no problem, and leaves. Sofie comes back with his Margarita, and has him taste it, just like they do at the professional food contests (or during the end if the Iron chef)... she patiently awaits for him to drink, taste, savor, and tell her what he thinks....he likes it, applause!!! Sofie now gets her prize: she gets to give Frankie a 1 hour massage, which she is happy to perform as long as she gets to touch her husband. And I can't wait for Frankie to get beaten up by someone, anyone, at this point! Even Crispin could do the work....anyhoo...

At home, Isa tells Rod that her and the baby are going to travel with him to he hacienda. She's being nice...until they talk about tequila organico. She tells him to feel free to fool around with Gavi...Rod is not sure if he's more impactado or confused about this. Rod: are you SURE?? Isa: yeeeaaah...??? Just letting you know, I won't keep my arms crossed if you do that though. Remember she falsified her passport in the past, and what would everyone do if they knew of her false documents?? I swear that I will destroy her life if you leave me for her. I was keeping quiet sofar for your family, but it depends on how long you stay with me.

James, Roman and Frankie are adding up numbers...Fran ends up falling asleep. Roman says it's due to all the partying. James tells him to keep quiet; he agrees that that's not his business.

Clarita and Maria Jose are watching novelas together. They then see Hilario on TV......he looks like a typical Rico Suave sitting in a Jacuzzi, with the glasses sliding down his eyes, a side-smile, and some cheap techno playing in the background. But anyhoo, we'll pretend he's doing a very good commercial. The ladies talk about how much money he must be making. Clarita wonders about Gavi and Alsonso...something must be going on. Even when she believes Gavi will never forget Rod...but that Alonso, he seems to be calling an awful lot.

Gavi and Alonso are looking through the spreadsheets. Nancy is ready to leave. He tells Gavi to leave too, since it's late. Gavi decides to stay with him. He likes that she's a workaholic. She asks if he wants coffee, cuz she'll make some. He says nooooo! I'll make it. Apparently she sucks at it. And there we go again with a new conversation about some brand of coffee. He says something about 3 grains representing health, money and love. Gavi decides she only wants 2 grains of coffee then, cuz if she has health and money, she won't need amorrr.

Rod, at home, gets a flashback to that famous tree where him and Gavi made love...he gets an idea for the o-tequila label design...somehow he wants to incorporate Gavi into the label design. Later on that night, he's in bed playing with Ricky. As Isa sleeps, he tells her he won't let her hurt Gavi! And you little one, I'll make sure to take care of you always, and never ever leave you alone. I must say Ricky is adorable...he has some cute chubby cheeks...geez, it must have been a long time since I've watched cuz they managed to swap in a bigger baby than the one I'm used to seeing.

Next morning, Rod asks Dani to meet up soon. Isa comes into the livingroom, and asks Rod to think about her.... she's playing nice. She repeats the same thing she said the day before, but in a nice way, as if that will make a difference. After Rod leaves, she calls Susy...Susy is confident that Mariana will be fired cuz she'll never finish the sheet ontime. Isa promises a juicy cash compensation. Henriqueta then brings Isa Mariana's CV, courtesy of Elvira.

Nancy is calling people for the tequila party. Alonso hears her and gets upset....she's scared, he yells at her, Nancy ...well, cries. Gavi overhears and takes awfully long to step in, but eventually does so, and tells him that she's the one that asked Nancy to do it. Alonso realizes she's just trying to make sure every one is there for Rod's O-tequila. A: All you care about is Montalvo!! Meanwhile me, Avellaneda, and everyone else can just get screwed over and noone will care!! He runs into his office, shuts the door, and tells them to forget about him cuz he's DEAD!!! Nancy, crying: should we slide our resignation under the door?? A: You don't have time!!! You have a lot of work to do on the balance!! ( I know some might not agree, but this is where I notice a difference between him and Aldo from La Fea Mas Bella... This guy is grumpy and has an attitude, and is a nightmare of a boss. I didn't watch la fea too much, but didn't Aldo have eternal patience and wouldn't he never raise his voice at anyone?)

At Montalvo Corp; Rod wants Dani to take some Ardiente Tequila packages to CRT; one for Gavi and one for Avellaneda. He wants Dani to ask Gavi to put on some red lipstick and kiss a blank sheet of paper many times. He also wants her to spy on Alonso. He doesn't like that Alonso is calling Gavi, 'Gaviota'...

At CRT, the ladies are still trying to get Alonso to talk to them. He bursts out, and tells nancy to continue calling the invitees for the festival cuz he doesn't want the festival to end up ruined because of him.

In Miami, Aron is on the phone. Minnie walks in.....Aron was justing talking to his dad about Rod's O-tequila/Ardiente Pasion, but A doesn't think it'll do well cuz Rod is too slow for advertisement. Just then, he gets the invitation to the festival in his mailbox; Minnie doesn't want him to go, he says, porsupuesto (of course) that he's going!! All the tequileros will be there!! And he'll take Minnie....Minnie is excited, not because she gets to make sure her hubby will not cheat on her that night, but because it will annoy Isa to see her rival again...

Dani brings a copy of Ardiente Pasion to Gavi, and reminds her that Rod has 2 golden dreams, tequila, and her. She asks Gavi to kiss the sheet of paper as she hands her the red lipstick..."Rod wants your lips on the paper"... Gavi is impactada.

Tomorrow...tum tum TUUUM:

-Sofie is complaining to Isa about Fran's behavior...Isa suspects he's cheating on Sofie, and her :)

- Rod tells Frankie to reduce his expenses....Frankie tries to talk but Rod gets real mad...ya go Rod!! I love it when he yells at the right people.

- Alonso comes over to Mariana's house, Clarita talks about marriage as Gavi chokes on her drink

- Rod is tired of Isa, he wants to separate.


Amar #35 Tuesday 9/4/07

Tuesday's episode begins with Clemencia asking Manual about Isela, and being shocked to hear his reponse that they were once novios. She wants to know why he never told her that.

Creepy Silvana is moping over Nico again, when her mom enters and asks her if she'd like to spend the day shopping with her. They can get some lunch and see a movie or something. Silvana has no energy for such things, so Gloria leaves by herself. As soon as she's gone, Silvana calls Katy and asks if she can come get Nico's drawings. "Oh, and don't tell daddy that I'm coming, sweetheart. I want to surprise him..."

Everyone's talking about the opening of the elegant new boutique that Arnaldo's main squeeze is opening. Apparently this is the same guy who broke his heart back in Brazil, but now he and Julio are back together and he wants Azul to come to the opening and bring as many people as she can. She tells him that she'll bring Ceci and Mo.

Ceci invites Andres, who seems surprised at the invite... then Diego runs into Azul and wants to wax poetic over how he trembles when he sees her. He mentions that he's been invited to the opening of a new boutique and she tells him that she was too! So she guesses she'll see him there - with Mo on her arm because she hasn't found the right moment to tell him that they're through. Diego is seriously ticked about this and says that she'll never find the right time (ya think?). When he leaves he calls Eva and invites her to go with him.

At the opening, Azul and Mo arrive first. Arnaldo introduces them to Julio. Next we see Ceci with Andres. Here's a creepy scene: picture Mo with a big toothy grin telling Andres what a good idea it was for him to come with Ceci, except that he told him that it was dangerous for him to go out. Ceci's confused, but distracted by Diego's entrace with Eva.

Mo and Eva manage to break away to discuss how stupid it was of Andres to leave the house, and apparently they don't notice that Ceci is standing behind them straining to hear every word. Andres returns with champagne and she asks him what's up. He says that Mo and Eva think they need to control everyone and everything, but it's probably best that he leave. She wants to go with him - she hates these boring parties anyway. That's why she invited him. Oh, you flirty girl! She gulps down most of her champagne and they're on their way.

Mo and Eva are discussing how this store is a European style, and Diego admits that he's never been to one. Eva mentions that he should go now that he's working for Mo, and Azul agrees. Diego's surprised that she wants him to leave Mexico... hasn't he figured out that this is one spiteful chica that he's in love with? Anyway, the Europe discussion is interrupted by Arnaldo's introduction of Julio to Eva, and tells her that she's exactly the kind of client that he needs. This irritates Azul and she tells Mo that she's not feeling well and wants to leave.

Eva and Diego quickly follow after he agrees to have dinner with her.

Next we see Azul and Mo in the car. She admits that saying that she's not feeling well was just a pretext to get away from Eva, which prompts him to give her a sermon about playing nice with Eva.

Meanwhile, Eva & Diego are back at her hotel. Now that he's over his grief, she's ready to sink her claws into him.

Back at Ceci's place, she and Andres are having a beer and getting to know each other. As soon as they confirm that they're both single and that Andres isn't gay, they're making out.

Next we see Eva and Diego sitting on the floor of her hotel room, drinks in hand, looking dejected. She repeats that she wants him to see Europe, and he agrees that he'd like to. Next she wants to know about his feelings for Azul... he says he's not sure, which prompts her to crawl up into his lap and promise to make him forget all about Azul. (What's up with the creep carnival music that plays during sex scenes on this show?)

Azul and Mo are getting it on tonight too. I'll spare everyone the details.

Efrain learns that his neighbor is the one who killed Diego's abuelo.

In the morning, Eva looks almost normal - the racoon eyes have faded. She's curled up on Diego's fuzzy chest and is just starting to ask questions about Azul when Diego's cell phone rings. It's Efrain, calling to say that he knows who the killer is. Diego runs off to see the guy's face.

Silvana arrives at Mo's place. Mo's surprised to see her, but Katy explains that she ran into Silvana at the cemetary and invited her. While Katy runs to get Nico's drawings, Silvana and Mo have an unnerving talk where he tells her that although he and his wife had some problems, he loved her deeply. Silvana responds that she "knows how she felt for Mo." Katy returns with the drawings and asks Mo if it's okay if Silvana comes to her room to play. Silvana uses the play date as an opportunity to torture the girl by making her reenact the car accident with her barbies.

Leo is worried when she realizes that Andres didn't come home, and runs to tell Mo, who tells her that he was with Ceci last night. Leo's impactada.

Diego goes to see the guy who killed his abuelo, and arrives just in time to see him leaving in a cop car. The neighbors are all there yelling at the guy as he claims to be innocent. Ivan is watching the scene from a nearby car and calls Eva to let her know that it's all arranged.

Diego goes to tell Clemencia the news about the arrest. She and Diego go to the kitchen for coffee and she asks if he knows about there being anything between Manuel and Isela. Credits roll.


Juan Q 9/4 "The hottest love has the coldest end"*

Sorry, guys. I missed Monday’s episode and for some strange reason my DVR decided it didn’t want to watch it either. Sorry if I’m a little behind! Here goes!

Pastor and Yvonne discuss the events that occurred in the Paula-Monica-CL triangle. Yvonne’s quite satisfied with CL’s pain.

I have to admit that Juan looks rather dapper in his light sports coat. Paula packs her stuff, but the doorbell rings. Juan volunteers to get it, but Paula opens the door. It’s CL. There’s dramatic music and I’m not sure why. Because Paula’s with Juan? She asks him what he wants. She doesn’t want to hear another of his explanations. (That makes two of is, Paula!) CL asks if he may enter. Paula reminds him that it’s his apartment. She sarcastically tells him to make himself comfortable. CL asks Juan to leave the couple, but Paula won’t let him leave. She doesn’t want to hear one word from CL. She demands that Juan bring her the suitcase. CL won’t let him and tells him to leave. Paula holds him back. It’s become a game of Simon Says. The only problem is that Juan can’t be sure who is Simon.

The Cachon women sure seem to have some emotional tragedies in Farrell’s lobby. Nidia’s more classy than Yadira and tries to hide her tears. She approaches Marely, who’s surprised to see her. Nidia asks for a water; no, a tequila. Marely helps her mother out of the lobby. Yvonne walks by the desk and notices that something is wrong.

CL demands, this time with a loud voice, that Juan leave. If Juan doesn’t go, he will be jobless. Juan thought bubbles that despite how well CL has treated him in the past, it doesn’t give him the right to treat Juan poorly now. Simon Says continues. Juan finally decides to leave. Paula’s still pretty hostile.

Nidia tells Marely that she’s crying because no one loves her. She’s not talking about familial love; she’s talking about the love of a man. She laments how she’s fought against the current and been rewarded with tears and suffering. Marely reminds her mother that there have been happy moments. Nidia thinks those moments were so small.

CL tells Paula that she just thinks that he told her lies. He was telling her the truth the whole time. Wow, does that man have some cajones. Paula’s tired of CL’s lies and upset that he thought she was so stupid to fall for his lies. She wants to know why he didn’t tell her about the upcoming baby. CL replies that he didn’t think it was important. You know what? I think that may actually true when it comes to CL’s thoughts on having a baby. Paula doesn’t believe this and what’s to know what type of man would say that. CL backs off and says that he’s just nervous and that the pregnancy was an accident. Paula can’t believe that he was lying to her while having sex with her. He did the same to his wife. CL denies that Monica is his wife. Nope, she’s just the mother of your child, Paula replies.

Nidia thinks she frightens away men. Maybe it’s her hair; her laugh; or her eyes. Marely thinks the problem may be that Nidia compromises herself. Nidia doesn’t know, but it hurts all the same. She can’t believe she’s this age and with these problems. Nidia apologizes for being a bother to her daughter. Marely doesn’t mind, but she wants to know if Nidia came just to speak with Marely. Marely asks if Nidia spent last night with Fernando.

Monica enters the lobby and asks Yvonne for CL. Yvonne says that CL is gone. She doesn’t know why he left, but she thinks she knows where he went.

CL says that he didn’t tell Paula because he was afraid of her reaction. Paula makes it perfectly clear that she doesn’t believe him. CL says that Paula has been his only love. The child will not change his sentiments, because he loves Paula. He again insists that he loves Paula. He’ll be a father to his child, but won’t continue his relationship with Monica. Paula won’t have it. Needless to say, CL doesn’t display the qualities that Paula wants in a man.

Yvonne writes down the address and rushes it over to Monica. Monica gives the address a strange look, but won’t say what’s on her mind. Yvonne volunteers to call ahead, but Monica wants to go look for CL instead.

Paula tells CL that he’s confirmed that he’s not the guy for her. He’s so ready to leave his wife when her attitude is so different from his. Paula turns to leave, but CL holds her back. He keeps telling Paula that he loves her, but Paula says that he’s lost her for forever. She goes to the bedroom and takes her suitcase. CL half-heartedly follows and says that he’ll wait in the apartment until Paula comes back. She hands him the keys and walks out of the room. For once, CL looks defeated.

Juan patiently waits for his palomita outside. He’s dying to know what’s happening. When she exits the building, he rushes over to take her suitcase. Paula turns and looks at the building and then asks to go to her mother’s house.

Nidia goes home and runs into Yadira. Nidia’s still upset about and sounds sad. Nidia says she made the decision to go ahead and marry Alirio. Yadira doesn’t believe it. Yadira thinks that Nidia should wait to make the decision.

Paula tells Juan that he can leave. He wants to help her, but she doesn’t want to waste anymore of his time or patience. He insists on staying, but she won’t let him. He lets her know that she can call him with any problem at any time. Paula grabs Juan’s hand, thanks him and says that she doesn’t know what she would have done without him. He awkwardly leaves the house. Outside, he thought bubbles about how difficult it was to leave her there, depressed as she was. He thinks that she’s in pain, but at least she’s free. Paula sits on her bed and cries.

CL walks around and molests the apartment while thinking of memories of Paula. He sees an earring left on the dresser. He holds it to his mouth. The doorbell rings, and guess what? It’s Monica! She enters, looking as though she expects something or someone.

Paula calls her mother. Paula tells Ana that she’s back home because the relationship with CL is over. Paula tells her mother that she never wants to see CL again. Paula says that she’s dying. Ana tries to calm her mother. Ana says she has a couple things to do and will come straight home.

CL wants to know how Monica knew how to find him. Monica replies that she has informants. Monica comments that she hasn’t been in the apartment since it was CL’s first episode. She asides that she can’t believe he got it set up so quickly. CL says that he could not continue sleeping on the floor. Monica notes that there’s a womanly touch. CL remarks that living alone has awakened his artistic vain. He lists other things that he’s learned; things that Monica taught him. Monica asks him to invite her to dinner. She volunteers to help. He’s so sexy when he’s in the kitchen. He reluctantly comes around the corner and does not answer.

Juan comes back to the garage and Kike immediately wants to know why he’s so gloomy. The men invite him out, but he refuses. The men think this is strange. Juan plays it off like he’s just not in the mood. Once Juan leaves, Kike wants to know what’s wrong. Fernando comments that it has something to do with women. Fernando volunteers to talk about it some more in the bar. The men happily leave work. They seem to be the only ones having a good day.

Juan approaches Marely and asks if she’s ready. Marely reminds Juan that they have to rush to catch the movie.

Ana must have wings, because she’s already home. Paula immediately starts about how stupid she was. Ana reassures Paula that love does this to everybody. She comes over to the bed to comfort her daughter.

Pastor scolds Yvonne for giving up the address. It totally destroyed the possibility of a reconciliation.

Paula continues her tears. Ana reminds Paula that the most important thing is to pick herself back up. Paula thinks that she should have listened to Ana and been less stupid. She deserved what happened. Ana says that this was the only way that Paula could have learned the lesson. Paula resolves to resign and never see CL again. CL and everything about him died for her today.

CL and Monica “enjoy” a quiet dinner. CL’s oddly quietly. He comments that Monica’s been very surprising lately. Monica’s acting very strange. Monica agrees that she’s been unfair, but now she wants to stay with him tonight.

CL doesn’t reply and this bothers Monica. He comments that he just doesn’t like her game. She denies playing a game. He comments that one day she throws him out of the house and then the next she wants to sleep in his bed. Okay, nobody shoot me, but I have to agree with CL on this one. Monica says she just wants to sleep in his bed like he wanted to do the night before. She smiles and comes over to him to massage his shoulders. He’s not responding, but does half-kiss her.

Kike wants the dirt on the vieja. He begs. Then he catches on that it’s Paula. Kike claims that he always knew. Fernando tells Kike about the relationship between CL and Paula. Juan can’t do anything against CL.

Marely notices Juan’s mood and asks if the movie was that bad. Juan says that’s not it. She asks if it was the company, but he tells her not to say that. Juan tells her that it’s been a bad day. Marely replies that she sees that he’s suffered. She notes that it could possibly be because of CL. Juan admits it and that he’s hurting.

Alirio complains to Nidia to that he’s tired of her games. Nidia replies that it was just pre-wedding jitters. She asks him to leave it alone. Alirio lovingly says he’ll do whatever Nidia wants.

Juan thanks Marely for the date and her patience. Marely wants Juan to return to his former personality. She wants him to get a good a rest. Juan thought bubbles that Marely deserves all the love in the world.

Alirio leaves the office and runs into Juan. They’re friendly again. Alirio wants to ask a private question. They go to Juan’s room. Yadira spies this and thinks about…something.

CL and Monica sleep in the bed. Monica’s naked, but CL has something on. Did the producers grow tired of his lack of man-scaping? CL reaches for the phone, but it falls from the nightstand. Surprisingly, Monica does not wake.

Paula wanders around the house and grabs the phone. She dials, but Ana stops her from calling CL. Ana tells Paula to resist the urge because if she hands herself over to CL she’ll regret it for the rest of her life. Paula agrees and thanks Ana for her help. They tell each other good night.

Yadira rushes to the office and tells Nidia that Juan and Alirio are making friends. Yadira’s worried that Juan’s going to give up the dirt on Nidia. Nidia looks worried too.

As a side note, I think the little mini-clip of Alirio counting his money is Juan of my favorite commercial break clips. The pure joy on his face just makes it for me!

Alirio starts talking, but Juan doesn’t want nice language. He just wants to know what Alirio has to say. Alirio sits on the couch and tries to get the dirt on Nidia. Juan insists that nothing happened and that he and Alirio are friends. Alirio tells Juan that he needs Juan’s help. Juan acquiesces to listen, but just so that Alirio will go and Juan may go to bed. Alirio wants Juan to be a guard of type. Juan doesn’t understand at first, but then catches on that Nidia’s the treasure. Alirio thinks that Nidia might have a man. Juan comments that Nidia doesn’t have the capacity to do something like that. Alirio falls for it, and leaves. Juan changes his thoughts to Paula. All he can do is think about her.

Ana’s phone rings. She answers it, and luckily it’s Juan. He asks about Paula; he’s worried about her. Ana tells Juan that Paula’s more calm and that she’s sleeping. Juan once again volunteers his help. Paula comes down the stairs just as they hang up. Paula asks if it was CL. Paula looks disappointed when she finds out that it’s Juan. She does comment about how good of a man Juan is. She wants to know why she had to fall in love with the worst of men.

CL still tries to escape Monica’s iron grip, but without success.

Nidia accosts Juan in the living room. She wants to know about the conversation with Alirio. Juan assures Nidia that he didn’t tell Alirio anything. Nidia asks if Alirio believed him. Juan truthfully says that he doesn’t know, but he wants Nidia to know that Alirio isn’t as stupid as Nidia thinks. Nidia’s obviously worried about the wedding night. She comments that Alirio doesn’t inspire any fire.

CL comes into the office and tells Pastor that he was right. Pastor sympathetically listens to CL’s explanations. Pastor reminds CL that this situation always had the chance to happen.

Juan drives Paula to the office. They talk about the problems from the day before. Juan reassures Paula that she’s a strong woman. Paula tells him something. She’s going to resign. He’s so impactado that he has to stop the car and turn around.

Tomorrow: Is it possible? Will Juan come clean about his feelings for Paula?



Amar #34 Monday 9/3/07 Murder will out

Santoro's henchman Ivan is asking around about Andres, as they suspect him of the killing. They seem to be asking about the hotel receipt from Acapulco.

Mo ominously tells Andres that Ivan is from Russia, and you know what that means . . . Anyway, he tells him not to do anymore stupid things.

Diego is riding in a truck with his friend Flavio. Eva calls, and Flavio takes him there.
Diego sounds drunk.

Abuelo's friend is very drunk, and breaks the window of an old Lincoln Continental, then gets into a fight with the owner of the car. His son comes out. Something later comes out about how he may have been paid by Ivan to stage this fight. Did anyone follow this?

Diego talks to Santoro. She promises the guilty will pay for Abuelo's death.

Santoro tells a story about being an orphan. She lived in Hungary and Germany. She begins kissing Diego. She is wearing a strange white suit with mirrors sewn in--is it a weird take on a matador's garb? I know this history is important, but I don't have time to review it. If someone else has watched, please fill in.

She tells him he is a great temptation and then sends him home. She is letting him off the hook for sex because of his grief.

Ivan went into Andres's room and found a 9 mm gun? (Guys, I really did not have time to watch this carefully last night. I could not follow this investigation of Andres closely--mostly because like everything else on this show, they never tell you everything, so you're simply guessing. After a while I just lose patience.)
The bottom line is I'm not sure if they (Santoro's gang) have real evidence against Andres or if they suspect him and have some evidence and will plant it. The police don't seem to be doing much.

Ivan flies to Acapulco.

Azul and Ceci arrive. Ceci is going to sunbathe while Azul works. I guess she's given up on job hunting. Didn't Azul get her her job back a while ago? I guess not.

Abuelo's friend laments that his friend was killed for a cheap watch--now he's fighting with the neighbor (the car owner).

Andres offers Ceci a drink. She flirts with him and orders a lemonade.

Ivan goes to the hotel in Acapulco seems to have found Abuelo's keys there. It's not clear why the hotel people were so easy about letting him into the room.
Ivan calls Eva to fill her in. Diego comes in just then.

She now tells Diego how much she wants him.
Mo talks to Eva? (I have bad notes here) about how he met Diego. He says he met him at the place his Abuelo worked?

Ivan gets the keys and the rental truck that Andres was driving and seems to plant the keys in the truck then he calls the police to report the murderer's identity.

Ceci chats with Andres.

Diego and Eva arrive at the mansion. Azul stomps out, as usual. Eva warns Ceci that Andres is not good boyfriend material.

Eva continues strutting around in her matador costume. She calls GSD in the lab, and he seems to have some partial results.

Ivan finishes the phone call to the police and then throws the phone under the car and runs over it.

Azul now talks to Diego in another room while Eva is talking to GSD. She asks after his mother, and the police investigation. She asks about the jefa, and he asks about her father. She says the work is secret, and Diego is surprised.

Then he asks: Tell the truth--are you in love with Mo? She asks Are you in love with Eva? They now reveal that they love each other, etc. You love me? He asks. What are we going to do? They want to figure out how to tell the truth. They begin kissing madly. How will they tell Mo? Etc. Just then who should come in, but Piero! They pull apart guiltily. Dumb! Then Mo comes in with Eva. Piero somehow decides he's going to keep their secret, as it must be useful to him.

Mo introduces Eva to Piero. Azul stomps out. Eva and Mo call GSD. Eva asks Piero how he knows Diego. He says he met him in a cafeteria (Isela's?) Azul and Diego now have moved to another ill-concealed location for more talk and kissing. He says he wants to eat her--to devour her!

Andres asks Ceci what Eva said.

Clemencia is looking at the fotos of her dad. Manuel comes in. Suddenly it is revealed that he and Isela used to be novios. She is impactada! How could she not have been told? There is something about Anibal here also. I just don't have time to rewatch this. I still don't understand : Did Manuel work for Anibal? Did he quit his job?

Eva warns Mo about having Ceci there. She even thinks it's not the greatest idea to have Azul there (I think we know why). And waht about this Piero guy, she asks. He's the lover of Diego's sister, Mo says. He thinks this is useful info to him. I am with Azul, and I have Toscano in my hands! My DVR cuts off here, as it is the end of the one-hour period.


Destilando Amor 09/03/07 "Always Something There to Remind Me"

Our story begins with Rod in a meeting with James, Pat (yeah he is hawt) & Tio Bruno..they are talking about the new “Organic Tequila”, I feel a flutter is it my heart? No, not mi corazon, but my liver is standing up and taking notice..Organic Tequila…it’s organic I feel so green. Damn maybe if I buy this I can put a Prius off way into the future. There are the juvenile giggles about Rod having an “in” at the Public Advertising with the CRT, our Rod blushes yet does not deny.

Also briefly during the "isa vs Sofie" moment..gawd Isa STFU & by the by..give Major Tom back his Space Jacket...Please Shut the hell up.

Now over to luncheria with Dani and Gavi…Oh Dani gives some bad news….(Rod will seriously be involved in the “Organic Tequila” development for the next three he won’t be able to bother you)..Get it Wally Yuck Yuck.. Excellent segue. Anyhow like all “Oh my gawd Gavi has the look of “as soon as his kids finish high school..we will be together”, Amantes, Gavi just smiles)..Here comes Elvis, he is introduces himself and it is Mucho Gusto all round….***Actually I do think that any racism is a thing that is learned here, cause once I asked my husband if blacks (Vera Cruz area, east coast of Mex and very tropical..had a lot of slaves) intermarried with Mexicans and he just looked at me like I was crazy. It was a class thing not a racial thing, so yes descents of slaves did marry with indigenous peoples…just not with the higher European class..(Jeez I feel bad just relating that). Anyway Our three Amigos take off & go to the local hang out. I was so wishing they’d call Ron, damn you I’m totally thinking that was your job..But no it is just the three Amigos.

Meanwhile over at Montalvo..Abuela calls Rod..I guess the Bats were on strike and she could not just send a message with one of her minions …Anyway she relates to Rod that Frankie is all shades of distressed over James living in the Hacienda and hangin out with Sofie..Rod needs James at the ranch. He relates the tale to Pat (geez did I say he is kinda hawt & Tio Bruno(really into Fredra, but still a very nice man)..both wonder if Frankie is the best choice, but Rod was the ranch or “Domo arigato Mr. Roboto”..(for those of you who wonder a 80’s shout out to the USA fear that Japan would someday buy us out and own us..See WalMart and China/Or the best laid plans of Mice and Men). Anyway it was stick Frankie on the ranch or lose “the lovely Sofie to Japan”.

Now then over to Tequila….
James is driving with Crispin in the passenger seat and in the back are two (young girls), young for Frankie, but yeah like it could never happen young for Crispin. The girls like some bad porn movie are kissing first on Frankie then on Crispin..Crispin pulls out the bottle. I’m thinking “Okay Tequila whores? Cause the Crack market isn’t there?”, but no these girls just hang on these “AssHats” and they don’t even get a drink “Que the Hell?”..I am a firm believer in “Nobody rides for Free”, so I just can’t imagine what enticed these two young maidens?

Ewwww, Pammie & Ma..
Mom is like for the love of Gawd..forget him…(referring to Aaron)
Pammie vows he controlled her for years, she will waste him…Revenge is mine saith the Pammie..
(Good point well taken)..Payback is indeed hell.,

Speak of the devil…Aaron (and excuse me….do they not understand what his cornucopia of stripes does to my AADD? Actually I believe his pattern mismatching may have led to Pammie’s seizures, this is just a theory, but I am working on it. Rod & Aaron have alittle mix-up..Rod leaves. Tio Bruno, chastises his son…threatening to pull the plug on the evasive Turquoise tequila. Speaking of which; sorry Aaron if this chaps your already sad display of “Chaps Stripes Collection Fall 2007”, but anyway, hasn’t this little intrigue been going on for years? Wasn’t the last time this liquor was seen like prom 2007, then they pulled it off the market? “Que the Hell?” Pa, Bruno & Aaron (the fur ball) argue..Aaron says big hawt contracts from Europe are only 4-5 days comes down to..Aaron has four months to make it right or the plug is pulled.

Over in Mx DF..Dani, Gavi & Elvis head to Gavi’s favorite hangout…Elvis does Karoke to what I believe is a Reggae song..he dances over to Dani, then Dani says Mi Cunada, and we ( me , my husaband, the day-players and the at home audience) look over to Gavi..I’m laughing here thinking Wow she doesn’t look a thing like her brother..anyway all get up and dance..yeah funky-town

Now do the going into the future 3 months hands thing…like Wayne & Garth (I am dating myself old SNL)

Three Months Later.. See three months has passed which makes me all shades of happy (yes especially the red and orange), but I gotta say WTF happened to Rod’s head? I am having a muy impacted moment? You just wait Rod, once I get you to the ranch it will be long flowing locks once again…

Rod comes into the nursery..Damn Rod what the hell happened to your hair? Rod is sporting the short I must deal with saying goodbye to his curls..we were on a first name basis..

Anyway, Rod comes in with Skankster, Isa..maybe I’m wrong, but come-on no need to mince words here. She is sharin the Varon cause right now it can get her what she wants..which is dinero…not to say that a girl doesn’t have to look out for herself, but Isa…too bad you didn’t know a Trojan cause their horse got you..anyway beware of freaks barring gifts. Now anyhow, the supposed rents of the young “Ricardo Montalvo” are all upset cause all the kid does is eat and sleep. ****Disclaimer**** See I don’t have any kids, but like isn’t that their goal at that age? Like isn’t cheating on a spouse and picking a College major supposed to be a bit down the line? Rod tells Isa to ask Pilar, the patron saint of the family cause she is really a good person and cause she actually knew Christ..true she was a child, but the memory is still what it is…

James is opening the spigot to the new Tequila…it is awesome..dude I think we have a winner..He calls Rod..Rod says tell Frankie that Rod is coming to the Ranch.

Next thing…Granny Pilar is hanging out with Granddaughter by marriage not by boinking Isa. Basically Pilar always rich, graceless and blunt inquires like WTF is up with that kid? He sleeps all the time..Damn my two boys and my Grandsons were like freaking spider monkeys, I’m telling you they weren’t the ripest bananas on the tree, but damn there is something wrong with that little monkey.
Isa tries to just pass this all off..Soon the doctor arrives. This is like real doctor pediatrician; not like scary gyno/friend doctor. Isa tells the Doctor that the kid just eats and sleeps instead of doing anything productive..Pilar is like staring at the Doctor..Pilar’s need to inspect the Dr’s bag for a fresh supply of blood is so strong, I can feel the longing in her soul as well as her sharpened incisors.

Okay we just had the lazy ass 3 month old Varon…all he does as sleep..then the next scene….
Francisco sleeping…
Okay I will give you a minute to dispose of the anvil, which just hit you directly on the head…

Frankie is sleeping..I’m not sure it is three months later since the “Tequila Whores” were driving around with the boys, but isn’t that the same clothing that Frankie was wearing like 3 ekkkk months ago? Crispin wakes Frankie up to share a beer, some food and make new chica plans. Here comes James. James just mocks the boys (Crispin & AssHat Frankie), Rod, the Sheriff is coming to town tomorrow.

Over at the Hacienda SanWaanma now San Gotahava…is grilling someone on the phone for Hil’s number…well it is not happening, what with the privacy act and all. Sofie comes in wearing her newest outfit from “Amish Amor”, a girl can’t have two many denim mid-length never know when a hoe-down looms. Anyway SannaGotaHava tries to get Sofie to call & get Hil’s numero, but Sofie says NO GO.

What an awesome opening to Hil pumping iron..yes our young Hil Duke is working out and two steaming hawt young women come on to Hil, but he is still a farm boy at heart and freezes up. See maybe I am way too jaded..but Que the Hell? He is a young male and he has been a “body model” for nearly a year..sorry Hil you are not being asked to explain Quantam Physics..How could he still be shy? I mean a couple of after parties, enough alcohol etc…and this guy acts like the shy young virgin? Do you think the “Gaydar Alarms” wake his sleeping neighbors? ****Sometimes I just get all incensed when the writers do that “Golly Gee” crap with the locals who come to the big city. For the love of Gawd these people grew up in the country..not in Pleasantville.

Aaron is having another “Don’t Make Me Destroy A Phone Moment”, he is on the phone and needs to know the info on little Ricardo Montalvo…
Well is he or isn’t he?

Poor Aaron..he keeps producing sperm
Neither he nor the involved audience gets the answer,
But we learn in the event of bad in case; Timothy isn’t from the “diamond incrusted golden segments of DNA” belonging to the Mondalvo Clan well…once impregnates the satanic cave of Minerva patroness of evil…then it will be time to spring the “Hey Primo, your first born is a bastard” news…with any luck this will happen at a fun filled traditional holiday..Yeah Christmas sounds good.
Just because I feel it is time for another shout-out the Clash..
Ill be here til the end of time
So you got to let know
Should I stay or should I go?

Over at the CTR… Our newest young hellion..Suzy is giving indigoes peoples everywhere a reason to rise up and kill all non-indigoes peoples.. Suzy gets on the computer and apparently deletes all Gavi’s data about her department.

In her office Gavi has a little fond reunion with the ever boring Dr. Blondie (I am not mocking, but damn he is so boring I forgot his name.) He is happy to see Gavi. He gives her Hawiian Coffee. Now I too am confused. I thought he went to Belgium, which is awesomely close to Amsterdam..but what the hell? Did he buy those crushed beans in a Walmart right before he came back to work. Dr Blondie is very happy to Gavi and he needs a report. Gavi calls Nancy, Nancy jumps on Gavis computer..why I am not not sure..was there a finger injury that escaped me? Meanwhile..Gavi’s phone rings…It is Rod…Rod is like the “Tequila Organico is hawt and nasty and will burn down to parts you thought you forgot”, Gavi is like well tell me about about it Sr Tequila….feel your way, as if, no in reality she is happy to hear from him, but must cut off the conversation. Rod keeps talkin to Gavi about his good fortune with the new “Organico Tuquila”…Yeah Whatever Rich Dude with a trophy…

Say by the way…the Doctor reports it is quite common for babies to sleep a lot and eat…maybe the Montalvo family is unusual…but most children don’t start trying to kill their relatives for monetary gain until at least the end of middle school.

Now then over at the CRT..Rod is still just yammering on..he hasn’t called in three months, but hey he must have some down time now….Now Nancy is yelling..Gavi gives her a few instructions, they don’t work so well. Rod is all the sudden trying to hook-up, enamour, whatever with someone he hasn’t talked for three months. It is like the total melt down from Hell, Alsonso, the prince of coffee has a report is totally missing dude, like let’s get the hell outta here before the FBI shows up…Seriously this led to some serious Rum & Tequila party…Oh yeah let them join..
Avellaneda is back from his vacation and he demands the repot..Alonso can not produce the report..Lil Skanky white girl Suzy is very happy.

This whole intrigue goes against Gavi…Damn I’d be getting real tired of being constantly accused of everything..Yes indeed I do have to say at this point Well, it does seem MariAnne was involved with the assassination of our beloved Mr. Lincoln..but I digress…get the stake and the wood for a big fire..seems we got some scrapegoatin to take care of.

Oh Gavi once again we leave with you in mortal danger ….


Monday, September 03, 2007

Acorralada #161 Friday, 8-31-07 – Lunkhead is Engaged... Yet Again!!!!

Dimwit is still lying on the bed whining about how sad she is about Mucks. Sylvie tries to cheer her up without success.

Mucks continues to string along Marshmallow.

Yolanda says if Octopus kills Iggy, she's going to turn Octopus into the police.

Fidiota is lying in bed whining that ChewKey was stronger. ChewKey has managed to destroy her marriage. Roddy doesn't believe Fidiota, but believes everything ChewKey tells him. Fidiota wants to start drinking again. Little Doormat and Granny M tell her not to. They tell Fidiota to be strong!

ChewKey is at Perfumes 'R Us when Lunkhead shows up. She's excited he's come to visit her. Lunkhead has come to ask if it's true she's trying to break up Fidiota and Roddy and is carrying on with Kick Me. ChewKey denies it and accuses Lunkhead of listening to Gaby. Lunkhead is definitely giving her a chilly reception. She starts making excuses when the elevator opens up and Roddy says, "We need to talk!"

Octopus and Yolanda are fighting about Octopus' plans to kill Iggy. They are even coming to blows. Yolanda starts to run off to call the police when Octopus pushes her. Yolanda falls and hits her head on the corner of the fireplace. Octopus tries to revive Yolanda without success, so she drags Yolanda across the floor as an alternative. Orchestra of Doom.

Dimwit rushes to Fidiota's bedside to beg her not to start drinking again. Fidiota says Roddy won't listen to any explanations; Roddy believes everything is Fidiota's fault and that Fidiota cheated on him. As a means of being proactive, she's going to divorce Roddy. ***That means she can get back together with Pasta soon and the show can then end!***

Roddy tells ChewKey the marriage with Fidiota is over. ChewKey feigns sadness over this news; meanwhile facing the camera, she gives us an evil grin.

More of Fidiota bemoaning the fate of her marriage. Now Little Doormat is begging her to fight for Roddy.

Lunkhead gets a call; they want him to star in a movie and want him to leave for Hollywood tomorrow. Lunkhead is luminescent!

Roddy is telling ChewKey they need to move out of the mansion. ChewKey wants to know if she can help by talking to Fidiota. Roddy says, "No." Now ChewKey is rambling about how she and Daddy can rent a really cool apartment; just the two of them! Hugs all around.

Octopus has apparently dragged Yolanda to a bare mattress in either a storage room or a basement. Now Octopus is tying Yolanda's feet together with rope.

Lunkhead interrupts the Hallmark moment between ChewKey and Roddy to announce he's off to Hollywood tomorrow. It's with a very famous director and is a golden opportunity. He'll call her when he gets there. Now ChewKey is crying real tears. Roddy tells her that's the life with an actor. She needs to be supportive.

Yolanda has now come to and is yelling at Octopus, "Why are you doing this to me?" Octopus promises no one will know she's down there. In fact, Yolanda is never going to see the light of day again. Yolanda is impactada! She must be in the basement. Octopus, in one of her cheesy Charlie's Angel's get-ups, is now gagging Yolanda. Yolanda looks like she's been wrapped up in a rope cocoon by a spider.

Dimwit announces to Granny M, Gaby, and Nancy she's moving home tomorrow with Mini-Mucks.

Octopus uses her feminine wiles to talk Iggy into "taking Yolanda out of circulation" by keeping her drugged. Iggy doesn't think this is such a good idea, but after being plied with kisses and promises, Iggy caves and agrees to do it.

Sylvie and Emili-Oh are discussing the evil ChewKey when Dimwit walks in, flinging her head/hair. She tells them Fidiota has fallen off the wagon because Roddy doesn't believe her. Because of this, Dimwit has decided to move home so she can keep better tabs on Fidiota and keep her from drinking.

Iggy injects a struggling Yolanda with some sort of sedative to keep her sleeping. Did he stockpile all these medicines when he lost his medical license? He asks Octopus why Yolanda needs to be drugged. Octopus tells him she hates questions. Iggy wonders to himself what Yolanda knows.

More good-byes among Emili-Oh, Dimwit, and Sylvie. Group hugs!

Lunkhead and Octopus are having dinner. Lunkhead wants to know why Yolanda isn't joining them. Octopus explains Yolanda left suddenly on a trip. Lunkhead thinks it's odd that Yolanda would leave without talking to Lunkhead and Mucks. Octopus says Yolanda isn't happy about Octopus' upcoming nuptials and wasn't planning on going to the wedding. Lunkhead says, "Guess what? I'm not going either. I've been called by a famous director to star in a movie. . ."

As she's getting ready for bed, Dimwit laments she, Gaby, and Fidiota are all unlucky in love.

Lunkhead is saying his good-byes to ChewKey and they are swapping spit. In walks Gaby and Emili-Oh; Gaby is impactada!

Lala is apologizing to Fidiota for Puncho being a blackmailer. Fidiota says she didn’t want to trouble Lala, and besides, Roddy chose to believe ChewKey over his own wife! She can never go back to Roddy.

Mucks points out to Pedro tomorrow is Octopus' and Iggy's wedding day. Pedro wants to know if Mucks plans on having Iggy thrown in jail. "Nah," says Mucks. "Jail is for Diablo. It would be worse punishment for Iggy to be thrown out into the street!"

Gaby tells ChewKey the office is not the place to be kissing her boyfriend. Lunkhead announces he's going to Hollywood to make a movie, and when he returns, he plans to marry ChewKey. Gaby tries to warn him, but it's in vain. Lunkhead doesn't believe a single evil thing about his ChewKey. He tells Gaby to get over it and struts out, giving Emili-Oh a letter to give to Mucks. ChewKey purrs, "I'll take you to the airport." As she leaves, she turns around and makes an "L" sign (for loser) on her forehead for Gaby's benefit. Pobre de Little Doormat.

Lala announces Fidiota has a visitor. It's***no big surprise*** Pasta! He heard about Roddy from Caramel, who heard it from Gaby. He begs Fidiota to return to him. ***Yes!!! The end must be near!*** No one will love her the way he can. Especially after he got rebuffed by Yolanda. Fidiota doesn't think now is the time to start a new romance after her marriage has just ended. Meanwhile, a maudlin violin tune plays in the background. Pasta again begs her to return.

Gaby is crying on Emili-Oh's shoulder. Lunkhead is going to marry ChewKey when he returns from California and she will lose him forever!

Fidiota continues to play the victim role. Boo Hoo!

Iggy comes to see Dimwit, who has now set up shop in his old office. He is intrigued by Dimwit's come-on. He reminds her he's getting married "tomorrow."

Pedro runs into Marfil on the beach. Marfil's bathing suit looks like a big black "X" on her. They discuss Mucks' new marriage to his secretary. Marfil states, "Mucks will never be happy with her." Pedro responds, "He was never happy with you either!" Ow! That hurt! Marfil tosses her blonde mane and walks off.

Iggy wants to get it on with Dimwit before the wedding; he asks her to meet him at his apartment. Dimwit, now inches from his face, says she doesn't want to do "the deed" at the apartment because Camila is there. She wants to meet him at a hotel suite; fitting for a princess such as herself. Iggy agrees.

Marfil and Camila are sitting on the beach discussing how rich Pedro is. After Camila leaves, Marfil thinks to herself, "If that mummy got married and died, his wife would inherit a fortune!"

Dimwit tells Iggy it's up to Iggy to get a good room. She'll then give him her body as a wedding gift. She leaves, blowing him a kiss. Iggy is now breathing heavily. Clearly he's not thinking with his brain.

Fidiota escorts Pasta out. She tells him the doors of Psycho Mansion will always be open to him.

Dimwit is bringing coffee to Doc V. They have a banal conversation about her coffee making prowess. Finally he asks Dimwit how she's feeling about Mucks marrying Marshmallow. She gives her signature glassy-eyed stare. Doc V takes her hands in his and assures her they will both get through it.

In walks Mucks.

Credits roll!


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