Saturday, October 27, 2007

Amar Thursday and Friday

Karen (Thursdays) mentioned that she might be out a while from recapping Thursdays. So, if anyone wants to post in the comments here what happened Thursday, please do! I'll copy it into the main post.

Friday - I have a horribly busy weekend and an exam for school coming up this week and I have this nagging feeling like I won't be able to recap Friday's show. If anyone can chip in with what happened Friday too, I would be forever in your debt. Thanks to all you Amar viewers (all 10 of us) for your patience and support!

EDIT - Jestena has saved my bacon once again, she posted a detailed recap for Friday, I'll copy it here. (If anyone can let us know what happened Thursday, Jestena has a lot of info here but feel free to add, that would still be great, thanks.)

jestena said...
Friday, October 26. GSD Gets to Have a Dialog with Ines Instead of a Monologue

Previously, Julio sent bridal gown designs via Ceci for Azul to choose from for her soon-to-be wedding. One of those happens to be Diego's creation. I wonder which one she'll choose?

Casa Mo 2: Mo and Azul talk about Ines' continued coma. Mo offers to pay the hospital bill but Azul doesn't accept. They discuss Silvana's visits with Caty. (I now recall that yesterday Silvana brought a doll for Caty that looked like her deceased mother, in an effort to get Caty to talk about the accident. Mo didn't like the idea and as I recall discourages Silvana from visiting. Silvana thinks it's because of Azul.) Now Mo asks if Azul has had any issues with Silvana. Azul admits she doesn't like Silvana and that Silvana is one of Diego's little honeys. Mo seems surprised by that info.

Hospital: Julio is telling Arnaldo that he'll gladly help with Ines' hospital expenses, when a doctor tells them he must speak with them urgently.

Casa Emilia: GSD is raging to Emilia for suggesting (in yesterday's episode) that they disconnect Ines from life supports. All the Toscanos were furious with her for butting in with that suggestion. Today, Emilia is saying that since Ines took pills to kill herself, they should not try to go against her wishes. (Which from a therapist, I just don't know what to say.) Just then GSD gets a call from Arnaldo saying Tia Ines is awake at last. GSD says he's on his way there, while it's Emilia's turn to look impactada at the news.

Casa Mo 2: Mo spins a yarn to Azul regarding the dear departed Leo's disappearance, saying that she felt displaced and could not accept that Andres planned to marry Ceci. He also claims Leo just confessed to him her amorous adventures with Andres. Mo has an envolope which he pretends is a goodbye letter from Leo in which Leo said she'll only return for Mo's funeral. He conveniently doesn't let Azul see the letter, of course.

Hospital: Arnaldo and Julio welcome Ines back to the land of consciousness. Ines recalls that she was very lonely and could not think of one reason to live. Even though Arnaldo tells her he adores her and wants her to get well,she shouts out that she didn't want to be saved. I'm just glad Emilia wasn't there to say, "I told you so", as Arnaldo would have really gone off. And I would have been right there with him.

Boutique: Diego and Chucho are discussing designs for Julio's fashion show when Ceci basically tells Diego he should just stick to being a tailor and leave the designing to Julio. Gaspar puts her in her place. And by the way, Ceci has some kind of mullet top hairdo which I think makes her look kind of weird and severe.

Hospital: Arnaldo continues to encourage Ines to try to regain her will to live, and to once again play her cello. He says that everyone, and especially GSD, has been at her bedside concerned about her. Suddenly Ines realizes she cannot move her right hand or arm.

Anibal's office: Clemencia has been talking by phone to Diego who cannot come to help her move back to Casa Moran because of his work at the boutique. Anibal overhears and offers to help Clemencia with the move.

Hospital: The doctor is explaining that Ines' paralysis is only temporary and should pass with time and treatment. Ines is agitated thinking they are lying to her and she'll never be able to play her beloved cello again. In the midst of this angst, Emilia arrives and I'm thinking that in her place I'd feel like an interloper or a pain in the butt.

Boutique: Diego and Chucho cannot find Diego's wedding dress design anywhere in their little workshop. Now where could it be?

Casa Mo 2: Azul and Ceci are looking over the wedding dress designs sent over by Julio, when lo and behold, Azul falls in love with the (unbeknownst to her) Diego creation, calling it the wedding dress she always dreamed of. After a commerical we see Ceci talking disparagingly of Diego's designer ambtions. Azul says the shame of it is that Diego is truly talented and could have made it without riding the coattails of Eva Santora.

Boutique: Diego and Chucho promise Julio they'll work around the clock if necessary to get his collection done in time for the fashion show. That Chucho is such a sweetie. I love his friendship with Diego.

Hospital: Emilia assures Ines that she's glad to see her so recuperated as everyone has been worried about her. Ines snorts that she appreciates the sentiment but doesn't believe Emilia is really sincere. Arnaldo with cold politeness shows Emilia the door. GSD goes to arrange Ines' dishcharge from the hospital for the following day (Anyone else think this is a tad premature?), Ines says "Nothing has changed", GSD is still with his new woman. Emilia feels neither Emilia nor Azul really care about her, but Arnaldo assures her Azul does care and would have been there already except for their worry about her recent fainting spells.

Casa Mo 2: Azul, Ceci and Caty discuss wedding plans. Caty will be a flower girl but for now Azul says they will just have a civil ceremony and a church wedding later. Just as she's wishing Tia Ines could be there, she gets a call from Arnaldo with the good news of Ines' awakening. She shares the tidings with Ceci and Caty. Smiles all around.

Hospital corridor: Emilia apologizes to GSD for interloping, and for having suggested disconnecting the life supports. GSD says that yes, even though Ines' arm is affected, what counts is that she's alive. He's smooching Emilia and saying he's glad she came, when the doctor interrupts the love fest to remind GSD that Ines needs much moral support to prevent a suicical relapse. GSD looks to Emilia as if for understanding. She nods in agreement.

Casa Mo 2: Andres and Mo are discussing their cover story about Leo's departure when Azul comes in to tell them her aunt has awakened. she has a sudden bout of weakness but she and Ceci leave for the hospital. Caty has shown Mo the sketch of the wedding dress and Mo tells Andres he'll take charge of the dress himself to prevent Azul from seeing Diego at the boutique.

Casa Diego & Chucho: As Clemencia is retrieving her suitcase, she assures Anibal she'll continue to work for him even though Manuel does not approve. Anibal doesn't want to cause any problems for her, but she says she's happy to be able to earn her own money and not be dependent on Manuel if she wants to buy as much as a stick of gum or "tutti frutti". They both laugh and I'm thinking they make a nice looking couple.

Casa Moran: Piero comes by to try to make up with Lidia. Manuel says his daughter does not want to see him now that he's getting intimate with Lucia again. Is he? I don't know. Manuel somehow manages to let Piero think he's on his side and will work on Lidia and also keep his reconciliation with Lucia a tomb-like secret from Clemencia in exchange for a well paying little job. Piero agrees to get him in on work he's preparing to do for Mo.

Hospital: Azul and Ines have an emotional reunion. Ines tries to apologize and explain about her relationship with GSD, but Azul says that she's promised God she'll forgive and forget and she loves Ines. They hug and cry some more.

Hospital cafeteria. GSD tells Emilia he recognizes that he was unjust to Ines in all their years together as he never acknowledged her before his children and kept their relationship a secret because of his cowardice. Plus he basically just dumped her without even trying to arrange things between them. Emilia asks if he's going to arrange things now with Ines while hurting her (Emilia). GSD swears that Emilia's his woman and that he loves her and only asks for her support as he helps Ines. They nuzzle a little.

Casa Moran: Manuel is sprawled in a chair like the lord of the manor as Clemencia struggles in with her heavy suitcase. Rather than helping her, he demands to know who belonged to the male voice he heard outside. He goes a little ballistic when he learns it was Anibal and warns Clemencia that Anibal is a wife-chasing degenerate or something of the sort. Clemencia says she's a faithful wife, and slyly adds that besides, Anibal is going out with Isela. Manuel does not look delighted at this news flash. Clemencia asks for his help taking her suitcase upstairs, and ever the gentleman, Manauel huffs, "Who, me?"

Casa Silvana & Isela: Silvana is telling Isela she cannot continue with Flavio as she doesn't love him. just then the man of the hour arrives with groceries to prepare them a nice meal to celebrate a surprise he has for them. Silvana turns away from his kiss saying this is no time to celebrate. Just then the door opens and who should dance in happily, but Gloria. Silvana's mouth makes a perfect "O" and she says incredulously, "Mama?"After a commercial break, Flavio has cooked his meal and he and Gloria are chatting merrily away while Silvana and Isela sit with dour expressions. Gloria annonces she has returned because her prince charming turned into a toad. Flavio tells Gloria that Silvana is now his girlfriend and Isela his mother-in-law. Gloria is happy about the girlfriend thing but says the only suegra in the room is herself. Silvana straightens Gloria out that while she was off with her toad prince, Isela had become a mother to her and was in fact her new roommate. Silvana and Gloria wind up arguing in the bedroom with Gloria demanding that Silvana tell Isela to pack up and go.

Boutique: Azul and Ceci are showing Julio the wedding gown design Azul has chosen when Diego enters and sees that it's his very own design. The girls praise Julio for his talent in creating such a wonderful gown and Azul says it's as if it were designed just for her. Julio does nothing to diaabuse them of their mistake while Diego looks as if he's in physical pain.

Hospital cafeteria: Arnaldo agrees to spend the night at the hospital but wonders why GSD wouldn't let Azul stay as she had offered. GSD says something about her health, but then gets vague when Arnaldo asks why he's so preoccupied about Azul's health. GSD denies it's anything serious but he and Emilia exchange looks.

Boutique: Azul asks to have the wedding dress made up for the next day, and Ceci says, looking pointedly at Diego, that Aazul has to get married immediately to avoid temptations. When did she become such a little witch? After they leave, Diego wants to know cómo the hell Azul got her hands on his design. He doesn't want her to wear his design to marry Mo, but Julio says trabajo is trabajo and Diego has to help him out here just as Julio did in giving him and Chucho work. Diego does a double nose wrinkle of frustration.

Casa Silvana, Isela, & now Gloria: Silvana and Gloria argue back and forth in a bedroom that Isela is or is not going to leave. Silvana says she's not going to change her life every five minutes on Gloria's whims. In the living room poor Flavio is leaving. He tries to kiss Silvana but she turns away and he looks hurt. After he leaves the Isela-is-or-is-not leaving argument continues with Gloria saying Isela will have to sleep on the couch as not even God and all the archangels could move her (Gloria) from her own bedroom. She does turn a colorful praise, that one.

Boutique: Chucho verifies to Diego that Julio had asked if the wedding dress design was Diego's. I think Chucho says Julio will have to give credit to Diego during the fashion show.

Hospital: Julio gives Arnaldo a substanial check to pay Ines' hospital bill. Arnaldo is touched but reluctant to accept. Julio gently insists. He's really good with Arnaldo but when Arnaldo asks how Diego's doing at the boutique, Julio says he's an o.k. tailor but has no creativity as a designer. What a liar. They both agree that one has to keep an eye on Diego and work him like a dog, otherwise he'd be expecting to have everything handed to him on a silver platter as per his sugar momma, Eva.

Casa S. I. & G.: Gloria is splayed out on her former bed saying she won't be moved and Isela will have to sleep in the armchair. Silvana says Isela will sleep in the spare bed in her room. Gloria is dismayed Silvana prefers to share a room with Isela than with her own mother.

Boutique: (Last Scene) Diego tells Chucho that Julio said he cannot give Diego credit in this fashion show because his clients are paying for the exclusive Julio brand, but has promised to give him credit in the next collection. Chucho worries that Julio is taking advantage of Diego, but Diego says he's at least being given the chance to learn. He vows that someday he'll have his own business, no matter how long it takes. He and Chucho do that cute knuckle-tapping thing. Twice. I'd really like to have Chucho as my old pal.


Friday, October 26, 2007

I Love Juan - Thursday 10/25 - In which Pastora reveals her secret and I fall in love with Juan all over again.

Moni surprises Cl by announcing that she will give him a divorce. She instructs him to tell his lawyer to call her lawyer...and the only thing she asks is that she be allowed to continue working at Farell Industries. Stupid CL's radar should be going off like crazy but he immediately agrees, saying it's her business too. She tearfully wishes him the best of luck and leaves. He looks amazed and impactado, but not necessarily relieved or happy.

Alirio dolefully tells Nidia that there is no explanation for his firing, he was treated horribly. Nidia and Yadi roll their big, heavily made-up eyes and Nidia insults him. He tells her that he uncovered a serious case of fraud and when he reported it CL became furious and fired him. Nidia doesn't believe him. She leaves in a huff for Farell Industries, presumably to negotiate Alirio's rehire.

In a split screen, CL invites Paula to lunch, they need to talk. She agrees but insists that they leave separately, sin chauffeurs, and meet at the restaurant. No one must know. CL licks his lips.

Moni takes her rage out on Fernando. She tells him that all men are cut with the same scissors. Fer tries to play dumb but Moni says he has known of CL's activities all along. She really lets him have it.

Juan calls Paula but Mari answers since Paula has already "snuck" off to lunch. Juan fills Mari in on the Pastora situation; he doesn't know when he'll be in.

Juan comforts a weeping Pastor. Pastor tells Juan that they have to operate on his mamita, however there is a huge problem. They need blood before they operate and unfortunately they are all out of her type, O-negative. Juan is impactado. He goes through a silent and short moral dilemma then makes his decision...he himself is O-negative and will donate his blood!

CL leaves his office for the private Paula lunch. He stops by the wretched Ivonne's desk for his daily dose of beeatch. She knows what he's up to and tells him so.

It's time for the bloodletting. Pastor pats Juan's shoulder while two comely nurses (wearing the required telenovela nurse caps) comfort and prep him. Juan has whiny thought bubbles and obsesses about the huge needle s-l-o-w-l-y p-i-e-r-c-i-n-g h-i-s s-k-i-n.

Moni tells Chelo that she's leaving the apartment. Chelo retorts the CL is the one who should leave. I think Moni says that if she gives CL the same treatment that Paula gave him, she'll see whether he realizes that, by her absence, Moni is serious.

CL and Paula are at the restaurant being their usual boring selves. They can barely communicate with each other and neither are truthful. It's pretty painful to watch. CL says they should be together. Paula plays hard to get and says she's confused. CL says she's lying because deep down she loves him. She says he no longer interests her.

Juan and Pastor have a sweet scene - Pastor brings Juan lunch. Juan says since he gave Pastora his blood he is now one of the family. Pastor tearfully thanks Juan for everything, Juan was divine. Juan says it's no problem, they are friends. Juan refuses to leave Pastor until he knows that everything is fine with Pastora. Enter the doctor who announces that everything is under control and Pastor is ready for her operation.

CL tells Paula that now there is nothing in their way. She informs him that there is something much greater than his wife that stands in their way, it's his lies and dirty tricks. He says she's wrong, he's a new man. (Oh puhleeeeze!) He presses his case. He accuses her of not caring for Juan. She only used Juan to make him jealous. He demands that she look him in the eyes. Did she or did she not use Juan to provoke him? CL is an ass but when he's right he's right.

Back at the hospital Juan thought bubbles, "Who would have thought ... here I am preoccupied by Pastor and his mamita, in a matter of life or death. In the meantime my Licenciada and CL were defining my life and my death, too."

CL and Paula continue arguing ad nauseum about Juan. Finally CL decides to take another tack, he suggests they forget Juan and concentrate on themselves. He wants Paula to return to him. She says she needs time so don't start singing Victory yet. She purses her lips and does a perfect impression of a cat's aft end when the tail is up.

Pre-op Pastora tells Pastor she's worried about him if she dies. She has always managed his life for him. He weeps and begs her to stop talking like that. Pastora feels the need to get something off her chest...there is something that she doesn't want to take to the tomb, she has many secrets. Pastora gets to the point, bless her heart. "You have a brother Pastor, or should I say, a half brother!"

"A brother???" asks Pastor, "how, when, who is it?" Pastora tells her story, before she met Pastor's father she had a suitor with whom she was deeply in love. She surrendered her love to him. Then she says something I don't understand...she fell at his feet when he (or the other?) painted her little birds of gold (pajaritos de oro), and thus she became pregnant. Help anyone?

Fer and Nidia enter the restaurant where CL and Paula scowl over their expensive wine. They see the glumbirds and debate whether to say hello or not. Nidia wants to approach them but Fer holds her back. CL sees them in a clinch and smirks.

Nidia tells Fer she has a surprise for him, it's a little box. Fer is surprised, she bought him an expensive wallet that must have cost a lot. She tells him he's worth more to her than all the gold in the world. He seems genuinely touched. Nidia acts like she's having a hot flash.

Pastora admits that every time she escaped from the house she went off to call Pastor's brother. "That's the last straw," he exclaims, "escaping, hiding, don't you think I deserved to know the truth?" Pastora says she can't change the past, but if something happens to her she wants Pastor to look for his brother. She's afraid Pastor can't survivie on his own. Pastor weeps; she gives him his brother's contact info and Pastor promises he will try to find him. Pastor and Pastora say how much they love each other. Actually I found this scene very touching.

Pastor returns to the waiting room and tells Juan that things are bad, very bad. Juan suggests they go to the chapel to pray. Pastor says it's been too long since he's prayed, it wouldn't be ethical to ask God for help. Juan pooh-poohs that thought. He suggests Pastor pray to his favorite pal, the Santo Niño de Atocha. He should do it for his mamita.

Cut to the operating room...ominous music, a pile of clamps, serious doctors...Pastora's heart does something abnormal. "Doctor we have a complication!!"

Commercial break to a Destilando Amor ad - cat fight between Gaviota and Minerva in the ladies room! Go Gavi!!

Back to Pastora's dire situation - the doctors whip out the, two, three, bzzzzzap! The doctor shakes his head.

Juan helps Pastor pray that Pastora's life be saved. If she dies then Pastor will die too, so Juan is praying for not one miracle but two.

Kike is interested to see a very chummy Fer and Nidia return from lunch. Kike teases Fer about becoming his father in law.

Juan calls paula. She lies (again!) and says she had lunch with a client. Juan tells her that Pastora is under the knife and poor Pastor is a mess. Juan gets goo-goo with Paula, kisses the phone and says he's loco loco loco for her. He wants to tell the whole world how he feels about her! When they hang up he looks ecstatic and hopeful while she looks bitchy and confused.

Nidia is outside CL's office. Mari tries to talk her out of seeing CL but Nidia will not be swayed. She bursts into CL's office unannounced. "What a surprise," he says wearily, "yet again."

Fer helps Kike study. He pulls a pen out of his jacket and his new wallet flops out. Kike admires it and teases Fer, it's pure calfskin, not fake naugahyde. He calls Fer 'father-in-law' again.

CL tries to tell Nidia he let Alirio go because Ali's potential was stifled at Farell. Nidia doesn't buy it and she begs CL not to fail her in her time of need. "For the love of God," she wails, dropping to her knees, "don't play such a dirty trick on me by sending him back to my house!"

Pastor and Juan pace, they wonder why they heard news yet of the operation? The doctor arrives, sweaty, glum and serious. He tells Pastor he's very sorry, they did all they could, but lamentably Pastor's mamita passed away.

Pastor breaks down but luckily Juan is there to comfort him. Juan thought bubbles that he felt Pastor's pain as if it were his own. He still remembers and his heart shrinks. And what did he say to Pastor at that time? Nothing. What words could fill the void left by his mother? So at that time the only thing he could do was to stay with Pastor and hope, little by little, that time would do its work.

That scene should have been the end...poignant, sad, emotional, but nooooo. Instead CL arrives home. He walks around and sees that Moni has left. He stupidly asks Chelo where Monica is and did she say whether or not she would return? "You would know better than I," retorts Chelo. CL looks kind of impactado, more like constipated, or maybe he's just a little surprised at Chelo's subordinate and accusatory tone.

eso es el colmo = that's the last straw (lit. that's the height)


Destilando Amor - Oct. 25, 2007 - the stinky stuff hits the fan

EPISODE - Oct. 25, 2007 - Now in its 'ultimas semanas':

* Rod and Gavi finally reunite at the assembly. As they are catching up, the witches enter and interrupt. They make their usual snide comments and Gavi is very cordial and leaves quickly. Rod and Fedra exchange commentaries about why the three witches actually appeared and then Rod leaves.

* Gavi and Alonso talk as the witches spy on her from across the ballroom.

* Lluvia stands with Dani as she talks with Fedra and her witch students about Don Amador's memory and the threesome's real reason for appearing there (to cause trouble for Gavi). Minnie drinking martinis states she welcomes the fight with Gavi.

* Don Roberto starts the unveiling ceremony and walks Granny P to the stage area. Rod stands at Granny's side while Don Roberto gives the presentation speech. At the appointed time, Don Roberto asks Granny to pull the cord and the curtains open to reveal the plaque with the building named in honor of Don Amador Montalvo.

* At home, Clara has her own little crying party while holding her photo of Don Amador.

* The assembly starts - everyone is sitting along each of the long tables. Don Roberto is speaking then presents Granny P to give a few words on behalf of herself, and her family. As she finishes, everyone stands and applauds. Pancho and Isa take the moment to sneak out into the alcove. Isa stops Pancho to rehash a new plan to throw off Sofia's suspicions about them.

* Gaspar stops Rod to congratulate him and the family. Sophia looks around the ballroom for Pancho.

* Isa and Pancho are still in the alcove discussing Sophia's suspicions and her idea of what to do about it. Pancho doesn't like the idea and tries to dissuade Isa from going through with it. Isa is forceful. As he agrees, Sophia appears and stares at the two of them together. Pancho starts to spout the cover story explanation for why he and Isa have been together all this time (as Isa had just told him to do). Sophia grimaces at the late-blooming explanation. (Ed. Note: All I taste is bile and barf.) As Pancho and Isa continue the story of half-truths to Sophia, Sophia stops them, smiles and says "let's let bygones be bygones, shall we?" Pancho is half-relieved. Isa plays happy that they are still friends. She gives Sophia a half-hearted hug; Pancho takes a deep breath and gulps as Sophia watches him like a hawk.

* Everyone in the ballroom has broken up into small groups around the room. Isa meets up with Fedra and Minnie and the witches watch Gavi and Alonso with the press corp.

* Rod says his good-byes and tells them he has to leave, he has another pressing engagement to attend tonight. As he leaves, Minnie and Isa gossip about Rod and Gavi. Before he leaves, Rod finds Gavi to say good-bye.

* Erika and her friends are having a sing-a-long at her apartment.

* Rod talks with Gavi - he advises her to be careful around Minnie. She tells him about her trip tomorrow to Guadalajara. He wishes her best of luck and then leaves. Alonso goes over to Gavi to talk with her about Rod - she's too irritated with the witches and their horrible attitudes - she needs some tequila shots to get through the event with them present.

* Erika and her friend talk quietly about Rod, as the songfest continues in Erika's apartment.

* Mama Barbara is with Pammie at the hospital - Pammie had another epileptic episode. Mama explains to Pammie where she is and why she's there, as well as that Papa Gaspar had to attend the assembly and unveiling ceremony for Don Amador in Mexico City. Mama tries to get Pammie to give up her vengeance plot against Aaron but Pammie adamantly refuses.

* Gaspar talks with Don Roberto. Gaspar has to return to Guadalajara to be with his wife and daughter. Gavi approaches as Gaspar leaves. Don Roberto tells Gavi about Pammie's epilepsy and to be discrete with the information. Gavi promises.

* The witches sit and gossip and watch Gavi (their favorite subject). Alonso and Gavi chat with the assembly guests. The witches are drunk, especially Minnie, and interrupt Alonso and Gavi and the guests. Minnie starts to spout her mental picture about Gavi the whore in Paris and London. Alonso starts to sputter but Gavi stands up and defends herself by spouting the whole entire truth about her life in Paris and London. Everyone is very interested and intrigued except for the witches who yawn and are bored. Bruno is shocked and horrified and tries to make the witches leave right now. They refuse - Minnie and Isa try again to put Gavi down as a gutter-snipe but Gavi steps up to the challenge and gives her "check-mate" to Minnie and Isa as she expounds on the truth behind their and Aaron's illegal activities at Montalvo Corp. and about Ricardo's huge debt that Rodrigo had to bail him out of. Bruno is totally impactado and humiliated.

* Across the ballroom, Gavi vents to Dani her anger. Dani tries to calm her down. Alonso comes over to offer his support to Gavi.

* Bruno confronts Isa about Ricardo's debt and scolds the threesome. He orders them to leave now. Bruno leaves the group. Fedra and Isa walk away. Minnie goes to find her purse and go to the restroom.

* Gavi calms down with the help of Dani, Elvis and Alonso. Gavi watches Minnie leave for the restroom.

* Gavi follows Minnie inside the ladies room. Minnie looks up in the mirror and makes a crack about her husband. Gavi approaches angry and starts to shake Minnie to get her to answer the question about how many lovers was it? (Catfight!)

* Gavi calmly strolls back to the ballroom and asks someone to call her a taxi as she then approaches Dani, Elvis and Alonso. Alonso says he will be happy to transport her back home, but Gavi declines.

* Fedra and Isa wait at a table for Minnie; Aaron comes over looking for his wife - they don't know where she is. Aaron walks around. Minnie comes out all disheveled, drunk and upset. She starts to whine, cry and shriek about Gavi beating her up in the ladies' room. Aaron and Bruno are mortified and in disbelief. Aaron picks up the shrieking Minnie over his shoulder and carries her out of the building. Gavi talks with Alonso. Bruno and Granny P ask Fedra and Isa what that was all about - Fedra tells them what Minnie had cried, that Gavi beat her up in the ladies' room; Bruno decides the family needs to leave right now!. Isa leaves. Fedra stands there, stomps her foot and says they need to get Gavi fired right now! Bruno and Granny P. negate that immediately. Granny and Fedra leave together. Sophia and Pancho leave behind them. Bruno approaches Gavi for her side of the story. Dani steps in and gives Gavi an alibi, as well as reveal that Minnie had been drinking heavily all event and is pregnant; Gavi is impactado. Gavi then answers Bruno's question. Bruno leaves. Alonso and Elvis join Gavi and Dani. Gavi tells Alonso if he wants her to resign, she will do so. Alonso says not to think about that. He tells her good luck on her business trip tomorrow and not to worry about her mother, he will take care of her and help celebrate her birthday.

* At the apartment, Erika tells her friend, she thinks Rod stood her up.

* Elvis goes to get the car. Dani talks with Gavi about Rod and Dr. Erika - Gavi is upset and presses Dani if there is a serious relationship building between Rod and his psychiatrist. Dani won't answer completely. Taxi arrives. Dani cheers Gavi up about the family reunion tomorrow and about Don Amador. Gavi leaves in the taxi. Dani thought-bubbles to herself.

* The party continues at the apartment. Door bell rings. Erika answers. Surprise! Rod finally arrives, bringing tequila gifts and a mexican polka band. Rod and Erika start to dance together.

* Clara is waiting up as Gavi finally arrives home. After Clara gives her own telenovela rendition of the evening, Gavi corrects her with the truth - she vents about the witches who provoked her all night long, especially Minnie.

* Aaron plops Minnie, who is totally drunk, on the bed. He is fuming angry and scolds her. She so drunk she's not paying any attention.

Tune in tomorrow for: The mystery letter from Don Amador is finally opened and read -- Granny P asks who is Clara Hernandez; Rod thought-bubbles to someone that he is in love with his AUNT (Gaviota)!


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Juan Q Wed 10/24 - Murphy's Law in the DF, and Moni's long road to revenge-classy?

Pau starts off in response to CL’s confession: Are you crazy? What about the consequences, especially for me? Why now? It doesn’t help anything now. He continues how he didn’t do it before because he couldn’t find the right moment. He says how in love he is, and he wants to demonstrate in actions not words. She tells him it’s the stupidest thing he’s ever done in his life and the most dangerous and she takes her leave.

Chelo consoles Moni. She says with time this pain will fade too and you might even look back on all this and laugh. She tells her the story of her own husband's betrayal when one of her sisters came to live with them and ended up stealing the husband. They moved out together. She said it was horrible and she even ended up in the hospital. But after a while she resigned herself to move on, and six months later her husband came back like a sorry dog because it turns out her sister had cleaned him out of all his money and ran off with someone else. Moni agrees this was divine justice, and Chelo says that God knows what to do with people, and he hands them what they deserve. Her grandmother always said: he who kills with the sword will die by it (essentially) (Quien a hierro mata, a hierro muere). This gets wheels rolling in Mon’s head as she decides she will give them what they deserve.

Juan tells the boys they are wrong, that he and Pau talked and came to the conclusion that they are not going to mix work with pleasure and are going to have a mature relationship, professional at work. Juan tells himself how wonderful that sounds and Juan tells himself he’s the best.

Alirio, pitying himself over his wound, reads off a list of legal charges he wants to send Juan’s way for the punch. Nid says that if someone doesn’t respect her, well, someone has to defend her, but he’s mad that it’s Juan.

Marely listens to Paula’s rant. Pau complains about CL being stupid for doing this and that he’s really not showing her anything about his feelings for her and that he’s wrong if he thinks this is going to make things better. Merely doesn’t get it because Pau was the one always pushing for him to tell the truth. Pau says now isn’t the time, and Marely asks her, well, if you still love him, why isn’t it the time? Mar continues, or is it because you are starting to have feelings for Juan? Pau flashes us her signature blank look.

In the kitchen, Chelo notes that Mon looks better and that the tea must have done her some good. Mon says it wasn’t the tea but what you said: "You gave me the key to making CL and Pau pay for what they did to me. Their lifetimes won’t even be enough to regret what they did to me and they will pay dearly. " Chelo looks a little freaked.

Mar asks Pau to tell the truth. Pau says one thing has nothing to do with the other. Mar says yeah right, and says she knows Pau left with Juan in front of everyone. Pau says she always leaves with Juan and Mar says don’t play me for a fool and forces Pau to admit she left with Juan to pick on CL. Mar says "and you made him jealous, but that did require sleeping with him, so why did you spend the night with Juan, and don’t deny that you did. Now see how one has to do with the other." Pau doesn’t know. Her feelings before were very clear that she loved CL and respected Juan, but now she’s confused. Mar says that’s how love is. Sometimes it’s not understood. It can’t be proven scientifically. Pau says something about maybe she’s supposed to look at herself and figure out if she really is supposed to deny being with CL or if she should accept what Juan can offer her.

Kike tells Juan of last night’s class, and that the profe was mad he wasn’t there, because he’s absent a lot. Juan tells himself in many adjectives all the virtues he has a student. Kike tells him he knows that’s not true but whatever. Juan wonders why happiness can’t be complete, that just when things are going well, that old flirts twists things up and tricks me. “Rabo = old flirt, like Nidia too” Kike reminds him that’s just Murphy’s Law. Juan, like the good village boy that he is, doesn’t seem to get it and says it’s his law with this woman not that Murphy.

CL is telling Pastor what a tragedy this is; he doesn’t know if he did the right thing. Moni doesn’t want to speak with him and Pau is furious that he told the truth. Pastor tells him this is just fine that both women reacted. If they were indifferent it would be worse. He says this is the best outcome because if Moni had discovered you with your hands in the masa you’d be lost, and besides you then wouldn’t even be able to offer your love to Pau. He tells him not to despair; he’ll see the fruits of his acts soon, just have patience.

Juan tries to get the scoop out of Fer as to where he went when he left the party last night. Fer plays him off and says, "well I didn’t go hang out with your madre postiza (like a substitute or unofficially adopted mother, a pseudo mother if you will)."

Monica marches past and the boys both give impactado looks as she addresses them only with a hand wave. Next she is up in Pau’s office and the two CL love bunnies are staring face to face at each other. I’m hearing the growling and hissing begin.

Moni says, sorry, she’s late but she had a little problem at home, but she’s a hard worker and they have a work arrangement, so she’s here. Pau says she owes her no explanation. Mon asks where they stopped and if they want to get a coffee. Pau looks quite confused at her.

Pastora is leaving her house. A neighbor runs over and says hello and Pastora bites off her head. She says she feels like her bilirubins are up because she thought it was an old lady killer after her. The lady says fine go off then. Pastora tells her she’s going to faint and smacks to the ground. The lady screams for help thinking she killed her.

CL, knowing Moni is in with Pau, wants to know what to do because he doesn’t hear even screaming. Pastor tells him to be calm that everything will be fine. The door cracks and they both look at it with fear. Just then Ivonne enters to tell Pastor he’s got an urgent call from home.

Pastor talks to the neighbor on the phone and complains to Ivonne that the neighbor doesn’t really know what’s wrong, but he has to go home. Just then Juan comes upon him and offers to take him home.

The neighbor is glad that Pastora wakes up. Pastora reacts to the neighbor with great disdain. She accuses her of stealing her shoes. She tells her to get out, but the neighbor tells her she’s in her own house. Pastora beats her repeatedly with pillows from the couch.

Juan tells Pau the news and she sends him off with her blessing to be with Pastor as long as needed. Moni asks why he still addresses her as Licenciada if they are dating. Pau blows it off, as that’s how it started, so they are used to it, plus, at work they respect their positions this way. Outside of work it’s different. Moni leans in and asks Pau very seriously how it’s going between them. Pau says that she thinks they need to talk and Mon asks if they aren’t doing that. Pau says you know what I mean; we need to clear some things up. Mon says she’s all ears.

Alirio wacks Fer as he passes by. He’s waiting for Gaitan and accosts him when he comes up with Juan. Juan is trying to fend off Alirio, but of course he is clueless and insists that Gaitan give him the time of day right now. Gaitan calls him a cheap clown and tells him to leave him alone. Alirio remarks, how about these filthy pigs!! (Guarros)

Ali runs into CL’s office and accidentally smacks him in the eye with the door becauseCL is trying to spy on the ladies. Ali is there to break the news about Pastor’s betrayal. CL already knows and tells him he doesn’t care, and basically tells him he’s a despicable opportunist that takes advantage of other’s misfortunes and gets mad that he calls him Cesarin, a term of endearment. They bleep a curse word that CL calls Ali. CL also calls him an imbecile and a miserable being and kicks him out. I swear during this whole exchange Roberto D’Amico is trying his damndest not to laugh. Something fell off the door when CL slammed it, cheap set.

Pau continues that she supposes that CL has discussed their relationship. Moni confirms yes, he told me everything. Pau starts with her sob story that she was new to the city, and CL treated her very well, and special, and little by little her attraction grew for him but she tried to fight against it because she knew he was married and the last thing she wanted was to come between the two of them. She says he kept pursuing her and her feelings kept growing until they were much bigger than she and she gave in. She knows it’s not an excuse, nor all the blame on him, but this whole thing has now turned into a painful memory for her and for him and now for Moni too. She says she’s really sorry and that hopefully one day she’ll forgive her. Pau says that she hopes Mon can understand and pardon her.

Pastor tells him Mom he’s taking her to the hospital. She argues and kvetches, of course. She refuses to go and gets stiff like a board.

Back in the office of doom, Mon says she appreciates Pau's sincerity but can’t give pardon when she doesn’t feel it. Mon takes the high road and says that they are human beings and they make mistakes but that she expected more from Pau, especially the way Pau treated her when she lost her baby. She says all three have their blame, but she says she never should have opened her home etc to her. Monica changes from “tu” to the more formal “su” when she says Pau’s friendship doesn’t interest her in the least bit. She says she never would have done anything like this to Pau. Pau says she understands that Mon sees things in this manner now, but… Mon cuts her off and says but nothing really. Except, they made a deal to work together, so that is what they will do. I expect nothing more than for us to work together to move this project forward.

By screams, Juan shoves Pastora into the car to go to the Hospital. Pastor is upset that she might die and yells at Juan to hurry.

Mon ends the Pau discussion with work issues and says ok fine, see you, and leaves. Mar runs in and asks Pau what happened and Pau says really she doesn’t know. She says that Mon is either the epitome of civilized or cold blooded and she doesn’t know how to interpret what happened, and is afraid something more is behind this. Mar says yes, it’s weird because Mon should have at least yelled at her, and that if this had happened to herself, Mar would have wanted to come right in there and kill her. Pau says she’s not sure what to do now and wonders if CL really has changed with all this. Ugh, here we go again.

The doc tells Gaitan he needs to do some studies on his Mom and asks if she’s been taking the anticoagulants. He says it’s a drama, but she ends up taking them. He wonders if she’s going to die and doc can’t say, she’s delicate right now and doc leaves to check her out. Pastor gets very upset. Juan consoles him. Juan tells him that he needs to throw heaps of his positive energy towards this, and that she’s a strong woman and all of this will turn out ok. Pastor just doesn’t want her to suffer; aside from her character he still loves her. Pastor tells Juan how much he appreciates that Juan is there to support him and comfort him and tell him such kind words. Juan tells him to be strong and cheer up. This was a great scene.

Yadi is in bed sprawled out with horrible nausea. She never knew it would be this difficult. Nid takes this opportunity to remind her what parents have suffered for their children. Yadi notes she’s dressed up and wonders donde the heck she’s going. She tells her she needs to stop by the market and do a few things out in the streets. Yadi tells her she’s sick, but not in the head so knows she’s up to no good. Nid tells her they’ll have this discussion later. As Nid is about to walk out, Alirio walks in and announces that he’s been fired. Nid and Yadi are impactada.

Moni goes in to see CL, tells him she talked to Pau and says she made a decision. She says she gave him all her love; everything to make him happy since she met him and even wanted to give him a baby. She says she’s made many errors but everyone knows what they do. She can’t make him love her so she will give him his freedom and give him a divorce.


Destilando 10/24 - during which cymbal crashes are wasted at a prodigious rate.

I don't care how much scary music is played or how many cymbal crashes are cued, none of us care whether the witches attend the party at CRT.

Minerva, Isa and Fedra, however, are very pleased with themselves, imagining how their absence will be of such great importance to everyone at the Don Amador memorial bash...

Rod doesn't trust his father-in-law who's barely paying interest on his huge debt. Videgaray reminds Rod: Don Amador's will does not allow the hacienda to be mortgaged. Rod muses: maybe I can leverage factory earnings somehow to avoid the worst consequences of my own stupidity in signing for Ricky Sr. Videgaray reminds us: tomorrow is the opening of the special codicil of Don Amador's will. Rod tells him (again): prepare the divorce papers.

Isa asks the new doorman (or manager) of the condo: Why was my sister-in-law asking about the other guy? (The one she got fired cause he knew too much about her dalliances.) "I dunno, but I gave her his contact info." Isa is furious.

At the hacienda, James is sitting alone, impactado because the telephone bills Sofia has been waiting for arrive. Looking at them crosseyed he muses portentously, "Sofia's matrimony hinges on these bills." To cut to the chase, he opens one and finds many calls from Frankie to Isa's apartment. He calls Sofia and tells her, but says he can't possibly open Frankie's cellphone bill. She says she'll open it herself when she gets back to the hacienda. Frankie was sneaking up behind during this conversation and asked what was up, Sofia says James was just asking if he could prepare a welcome feast for the harvesters.

SanJuana flounces around the hacienda, as irritating as ever. Ofelia wants to throttle her, as we all do. "Ofelia, I know you don't think this baby is Hilario's, but there are ways of proving that it is." Hil, in his apartment, brooding over her pregnancy, also does not believe her - "It's a vile lie," he thoughtbubbles.

We now come up to the most hilarious and preposterous product placement I have yet seen on television in my entire life. Nancy is in tears again, she's just so so upset that the Montalvo wives are not coming to the homage and are going to write a complaining letter to Avellaneda (see, I can spell it if I try). I was thinking "dang, that girl needs tranquilizers." But, instead, she says she has a stomach ache and Dr. Blondie leans over her desk, reaches into his suit's inner pocket, and whips out a huge box of antacid. The camera zooms in for a loving closeup and he says it's a very effective remedy against gastritis. Needless to say, Gaviota and Nancy are both astonished by its wondrous powers.

Oh, we just can't go through this again, can we? Gaviota wants to quit again. Blondie tells her to hold her ground. The witches toast their own cleverness with malevolent glee. Pilar arrives and reams them out. "If you care more about humiliating Gaviota than you care about honoring Amador, you are not part of this family. If you're not at this homage tonight, you will not be welcome at my house tomorrow for the reading of the long-awaited codicil to Amador's will."

[When I paused my tape, Fedra's mouth was extremely wide open in indignation/astonishment at Pilar's pronouncement. As I have bragged before, Fedra's dentist in real life moved from Mexico City to Chapel Hill and now sings in the chorale I direct. Nice work on those teeth, Becky!]

[I detect little or no motion on the witches' faces. Was it Botox day on the set?]

We are given a new opportunity to hate Rodrigo when Dani asks if he's nervous about seeing Gaviota and he replies cheerfully: "Oh, I'm coming to the homage for Gramps, not for Gaviota, and anyway I'm seeing Erika later." He chuckles to himself at the very idea that Gaviota's presence could possibly have mattered to him. Don't you want to just smack that complacent puss of his?

Minerva gets off the phone with Aaron and whines: he's glad she isn't coming - he's probably gonna be with one of his so-and-so's. Fedra says she's not sure "their" plan is working... so maybe - better they should go to the party and provoke a fight with Gaviota's inner jimadora. Let her get wild (ooh, catfight!), they might get beaten up a bit, but having her lose control in front of everybody will be worth it.

Everybody dresses for the party. The witches have a little beauty fest. The party starts. Blondie and Gaviota greet all the arriving guests, and a TV crew, and Pammie's daddy (who pulls Avellaneda aside to tell him he has disquieting documents from Eastern Europe and they should meet soon to discuss them)...

And kudos to Susanlynn for reminding me that there was a brief shot of Pammie in a bed somewhere (I couldn't tell if she was wearing a bikini) looking like hell with her worried motehr holding her hand...

... and Patricio and his fiance, and Aaron. (Patricio tells Aaron he'll be happy to assist him should his business ever be legitimate, but count him out of future adulterated shipments of tequila. Aaron says he made so much money on the stock market he's set for life. He brushes off Patricio's complaint that he risked corporation money as well as his own.)

... and Pilar and the granddaughters, who speculate over whether Blondie and Gaviota are an item. Pilar is very gracious to Gaviota and tells her the behavior of the Montalvo girls is not her fault. She reminds her grand-daughters: "Gaviota told me her love for Rodrigo is eternal."

The ceremony is about to start. Rodrigo strides in late. Gav gives him tearful puppy dog eyes, but he's sort of chipper and businesslike with her as with everyone. He gets lots of congratulations for the success of "Ardiente Pasión." He apologizes halfheartedly for his crass rejection of CRT's help but says he still doesn't want it - "I'm into being independent." He takes a look at Sofia, says she looks sad, and says, "Oh I get it, you must be pregnant!" Way to go, boob.

Dani pulls him aside to ask how he feels about seeing Gaviota. "She's more beautiful than ever," he says.

At another location, Erika is setting up a big party; Rod will arrive later. Or wait, is that the sound of an anvil whistling towards her apartment? She and her friend remind each other that Erika is in love with Rod, but Rod is in love with another woman.

Back to CRT. Frankie is telling a little circle of uninterested people: "I have an English assistant, but basically the whole weight of the hacienda falls on my own shoulders, and though my POLO CLUB FRIENDS tell me the work is below me, I do it for the sake of the family." Rod overhears some of this and says, "Gee, you must be tired, working so hard."

Rod gets a moment to tell Gaviota she looks beautiful, and then the witches stride in like Charlie's Angels, though instead of wearing spandex they sport frumpy, fussy frocks. They are already a bit boozed up and immediately commence drinking more. Gaviota, seeing them, immediately throws back a shot of tequila herself against Dr. Blondie's advice that "tension aggravates the effect of alcohol."

Tomorrow: Isa is telling Frankie, in a corner somewhere: "Someone will discover us," when somebody does - Sofia. Gaviota chokes Minerva in a bathroom, asking how many executives she's been with. Then she asks Dani if Rod is in love with Erika. Stay tuned for the answer to these and other gripping mysteries.


Amar Sin Limites #71, Wednesday 10-24: The body count is up by another one

Recap from last night: Mauricio promises Leo that once he gets married, they can get rid of Ceci. Arnaldo and Julio are moving in together. Doña Clemencia is convinced to let Anibal give her a ride home. Azul warns Arnaldo about "those people". Arnaldo tells Azul that half the boutique has been purchased for Diego.

Casa A&C: Azul takes this as proof that Diego's with Eva. She tells Arnaldo she's going to marry Mauricio. She says she fell in love with the wrong person. She wants to make Mauricio happy and find some peace.

Emilia's: GSD finally admits he smells bad. He complains about his research and his kids. Emilia rubs his shoulders while he complains about Arnaldo being gay and Azul getting married. Emilia is surprised, but not necessarily impactada.

Boutique: Andres lies about why he didn't answer his cell phone. He swears he only loves Ceci, which makes her a little suspicious, but not suspicious enough.

Emilia's: GSD is worried Azul's getting married for the wrong reasons. Emilia tries to talk GSD into telling Azul she's sick, but GSD doesn't think it's a good idea.

Casa Moron: Diego has come to gripe Manuel out about making up with Clemencia. He warns Manuel that if they break up for realz, Manuel's the one who has to leave the house. Clemencia walks in and gets a slightly desperate greeting from Manuel and a protective stance from Diego.

Emilia's: Emilia tries to explain to GSD that he needs to accept Arnaldo's homosexuality. GSD is as hard-headed as usual. He wants to introduce Arnaldo to a hot chick who can get him to switch teams. Seriously, the level of stupidity of this man who's supposed to be such a hot shot scientist just blows my mind. This barely fazes Emilia. I think she's getting the idea that for a smart guy, he's really pretty stupid.

Casa E&G: Gaspar and Arnaldo have brought home groceries and wine for the dinner Arnaldo's going to cook for Gaspar. Gaspar sighs that since his sainted mother died, qdep, nobody's cooked a meal especially for him. On behalf of his dear dad, Hey! I doubt Emilio ordered out every single day.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Mauricio tells Azul that he's asked GSD to hand over all the information to Eva because he doesn't want Azul to be in danger. I don't know quite how this is a "speaking of", but Azul tells him she wants to get married ASAP, like this weekend, if possible. Mauricio is thrilled and would do it right now if he could. Azul thinks they should talk about their expectations for the marriage. Azul says she agrees with him about not having sex…wait a second, when did they have this conversation? I'm sure I would have remembered something like that! She also wants to finish her degree. I'm not sure what that has to do with either getting married OR not having sex. Mauricio agrees…cause what guy wouldn't give her everything in return for no sex. Mauricio wants honesty and whatever crumbs of affection she can spare. Azul starts with the honesty by saying she wants to get married this quickly so that Diego will stay away from her. Mauricio says she should move in as of this minute instead of later.

IHoP: Silvana fills Isela in on her meeting with Clemencia. Anibal's there too, so now he gets filled in on the gossip. Anibal says that the shadow of Isela and Manuel not getting married way back when is what keeps Anibal and Isela from being happy. Silvana takes that as her cue to disappear, borrowing Paola (aka Peyote)'s favorite phrase "multiplicarme por cero" ("multiply myself by zero"). Anibal wants to talk about "the shadow," but Isela says she never wants to talk about Manuel again…it's over forever. Anibal's happy about that and they both look hopeful.

Casa Moron: Manuel admits he was stupid. Clemencia lectures him about truth, faithfulness, and respect. Manuel says Isela's out of his life and promises they won't have any more problems. Clemencia says they can start over. No! Run, Clemencia! Run the other way! She says she needs to know he really loves her, but not in the sex way. I think she wants to date again. Manuel suggests they start by going out to celebrate. He can pay for this because he claims to have found a job and Clemencia believes him.

Emilia's: GSD has fallen asleep in front of the couch while still holding a cigarette. Emilia lovingly plucks it from his fingers rather than slapping him upside the head and screaming at him for almost burning down her house. He wakes up and she complains about how hard it is not to tell Azul that she's infected. She starts telling a story about her ex-sister-in-law (Silvana) while grabbing a piece of cheese off a plate, putting it in her mouth, and having him bite off half. I will admit that I myself have done this with my husband, but at least I never forced anyone to watch. Anyway, she tells him about the kid dying and the couple breaking up and he wants to know who it is, but she won't say. She says it's hard for her to know all this stuff and keep the personal separate from the professional and she knows some poor girl's having problems because of her e-s-i-l and it would be better if the girl were her client instead of the e-s-i-l, but she's not. GSD takes away her glass of wine and says she's had enough and isn't making sense anymore. Word. Ew, I just agreed with GSD.

Mansión Malicia v 2.0: Caty wants Azul to put her to bed so she won't have bad dreams. Azul makes a bunch of promises about not letting anything bad happen to her. Caty goes off to have her bath and Mauricio comes in to give Azul the good "news" that he's starting to get his sight back.

IHoP: As Silvana's returning some empty glasses to the bar, Flavio takes advantage of the absence of his "mother-in-law" and Anibal to smush his face against Silvana's. And she's about that into it. Diego sees them and backs away, but then peeks around the corner to watch before he knocks on the wall to interrupt them.

MM v 2.0: Maurico had Leo write a check to Azul so she can open her own account and have some money for her expenses, or for the wedding, or for whatever dang it, just take the money! She tells him she'll let him know how much the wedding dress costs and he can pay for that, but she doesn't take the check.

Casa E&G: Dinner is ready and Gaspar is bragging about how much he can eat when there's a knock at the door. Uh-oh. It's Julio. Gaspar goes into overdrive trying to explain, but Arnaldo had actually called Julio already and invited him to dinner. Oh, bless him for that. I was afraid they were going to keep going the way of Diego and Azul.

IHoP: Silvana actually thanks Diego for busting up Flavio's face smushing. Diego makes an inappropriate comment about wishing he'd met Silvana before Azul. He mopes and whines about Azul, her impending marriage, and how he can't let her get married.

MM v 2.0: Team Mauricio plus Ceci and Azul are at the dinner table. Caty is excited about the wedding and she wants to hold the train of Azul's dress. Azul breaks the news that she wants to have the wedding this weekend, but Ceci protests. Saturday is Julio's fashion show and she and Arnaldo can't be in two places at once. Azul says that Ceci will be the maid of honor and Mauricio and Leo exchange a look.

Casa E&G: Now Efrain's at the dinner too. It's kind of sad that Arnaldo's getting more support from his partner's employee's dad than from his own. Arnaldo tells Efrain that both he and Azul are getting married. We get a PSA about civil unions in Mexico City ( and how they're not just for gay couples, but any two people who live under the same roof, but don't share blood. Efrain says it's only right that there should be legal protections for the people you love and share your life with. The guys toast. That was sweet.

MM v 2.0: Ceci is vainly attempting to toast the happy couple, but she sticks her foot in it with a wish for a long life together. She wishes they have lots of happiness and surprises, which ha!, and Andres says he'd like nothing more than to marry Ceci. Whoa, was that an actual proposal? Caty seems to think so. Leo gets really pissy and storms out of the room. Mauricio says not to let Leo spoil everyone's happiness, he'll send her on vacation for a few days. I swear Mauricio's feeling guilty about either having to kill Ceci like he promised or intending to break his promise and not kill Ceci, I'm not sure which.

Emilia's: Emilia has to bring GSD his glasses so he can see the screen on his laptop. She doesn't want him to turn over the information, but he says he has to. Emilia wants him to hide out at her place, but he doesn't want to put her in danger. He says he's going to stay up all night, finish what he's doing and turn over the information--then everyone can stop worrying. The orchestra disagrees.

Eva's suite: Ivan has finished putting away Eva's clothes (or at least that's what I thought he said…shouldn't he be out killing someone with only his left pinky?). Eva muses that she's silly to think Diego would run off with her since he's in love with Azul. Ivan suggests killing Azul. Eva finally agrees. Yaaaay! Mr. 5ft thinks Azul should serve as the body double for the Allegedly-Dead version of Eva. Waste not, want not.

MM v 2.0: Caty, Ceci, Azul, and Mauricio are all in one of the guest rooms and Caty is begging to be allowed to stay. Azul says she promised she would put Caty to bed either there or in Caty's room. Mauricio fumes that Azul is spoiling Caty too much. Ceci says if they're all going to stay there, she'll need to find another room to sleep in ha, ha, just kidding…but she does leave and say she'll be right back. As Azul gives Caty a bunch of kisses, Mauricio looks furious.

Casita Malicia v 2.0: Andres says it's the last time Leo is going to make a scene in front of Ceci. He reiterates that what they did earlier wasn't "love" and Leo slaps him. He goes on and on about how he wants out of the relationship. Why does he have 5 o'clock shadow? Is that part of the new younger look? Leo throws their/his past in his face and says she's not going to allow him to put the past behind him. She's going to tell Ceci that Andres is an Abuelo killer and also a Paco killer. Andres really chokes Leo long and hard enough that she could possibly be dead, but I kind of doubt it. We'll see after commercials. Well, she's passed out, at least, and she won't come to. Andres cries and begs for forgiveness. He starts kissing her and asking her to talk to him and saying he loves her and he's sorry, but surprisingly she doesn't wake up. Andres cries and freaks out. Okay, it's not that I'm a heartless beeyotch, but she did make him what he is, so I'm not really feeling the sympathy for Leo. Mostly I feel sorry for Andres, who's so screwed up, and Ceci who's going to end up suffering for it.

Ceci comes looking for Andres in some part of the house, but doesn't see him. Um, he may be starting a new rose garden out back, if you know what I mean.

Eva's suite: Eva confirms that she does, in fact, want Azul dead. She's not ready to order the actual death yet, though. She wants to wait until after they fake her (Eva's) death and then do it and make it look like Mauricio did it. That will be her revenge. And also, if she's allegedly dead, that's supposed to convince Diego that she had nothing to do with it. And when she miraculously returns from the dead, then what?

MM v 2.0: Ceci's outside looking for Andres. He comes up behind her and scares her. He says he was in the kitchen getting water. He says he doesn't know how it happened, but he feels like crap all of the sudden and is looking for some medicine. Ceci leads him inside to lie down for a bit. No, not like that… but I was thinking it too. So, did he bury the body already or just leave it there?

Casa E&G: Julio and Arnaldo take their leave. Awww, Gaspar's all weepy cause he hasn't found his prince yet. Efrain has, I swear, the exact same conversation my dad used to have with me when I'd come home all weepy from a school dance:

G: Good night, dad.
E: Wait, son. I know one day you'll find someone who loves you and you'll make a good couple.
G: You really believe that, dad?
E: Of course, son. My gordito is worth his weight in gold.
G: You think I should go on a diet?
E: No, it's not a diet thing, taking care of your appearance is important, but it's not for your body that someone's going to love you. Someone will come, son, cause Arnaldo? He's not for you, son. Don't cry on me! Be macho!...Okay, well, whatever, but you're my son.

Okay, maybe not exactly the same conversation, but close enough.

MM v 2.0: Ceci brings Andres into his room and tells him to rest for a minute. He flips out a little bit and says he wants to take a bath and go to sleep. Ceci keeps trying to pet him and get him to relax, but it just makes him even more jumpy. He tells her he wants to be alone. She tells him she's happy that he said he wants to marry her and it's the first time she's really felt like his relationship with Leo is DEAD AND BURIED. Oh. My. Choice of words! I don't know whether to be impactada or laugh. I'm doing both. Andres just stares off into space while his facial hair gets longer. Truly.

Casa S&I: Anibal walks Isela to the door. She had a good time. He thinks they can have a good time all the time. Awwwww, middle-aged-couple smoochies! They get busted by Flavio and Silvana. Hey, Flavio, you could learn a thing or two here, so take notes. Silvana gives them a hard time and as Anibal moves to stand against the wall with Isela, it looks like Isela's still really affected, like maybe she shouldn't move too fast or her knees will give out. Flavio tells Isela that when she busts him and Silvana she won't be allowed to give them a hard time. Yeah, good luck with that fantasy Flavio, since I think Silvana's just stringing you along until she can get Diego back. What? You were thinking it. Isela and Anibal grin giddily.

MM v 2.0: In Mauricio's office, Andres tells him, after some incoherent babbling, that he killed Leonarda. He says he doesn't know what happened, it was a fit (un arrebato), they argued, she threatened him, she said she'd never let him be happy with Ceci, she'd tell Ceci he's an Abuelo killer and a Paco killer. Mauricio screams at him that Leo would never betray them, but Andres is convinced that Leo really meant it and he tries to convince Mauricio of this. He says he tried to keep her from going off and he couldn't stop himself. Mauricio tells him not to try to justify his actions. Andres cries that he loved her, but he's an animal and he and Leo could never control themselves (ew!). Mauricio says he's always been able to control them both and Andres didn't need to kill her. Mauricio says Andres has fallen very low. Okay, okay, I know, killing is wrong, but I'm sort of glad she's dead, I can't help it!

Azul and Caty kneel by the bed and pray before Caty goes to bed. Azul asks about Caty's nightmares (which she says she's still having) and whether she remembers everything about the accident, but Ceci walks in before she gets an answer. Ceci jokes about it being 12 and her prince turning into a pumpkin. Caty says she wants to hear the story of the prince who turned into a pumpkin and Ceci and Azul laugh.

Casa S&I: Isela explains to Flavio and Silvana that Anibal asked for another chance and she couldn't say no. Flavio gets cheeky, but Isela says that whether she "couldn't" say no or "didn't want to" doesn't matter since Flavio and Silvana busted up the party. Flavio says it's time for him to go, so Isela leaves so that can say goodbye without any spectators interrupting them. Flavio is way happier about this than Silvana is. The end is near for these two, I predict. Silvana won't even let Flavio give her a kiss on the cheek without complaining that they're not alone. Flavio complains that he really, really wants her and he's a man, not a saint. She gives him a look and he says it's fine, he'll be patient and wait until she wants him too. He knows she still has feelings for Diego, but he's determined to win her over. He leaves.

Casa C & D: Diego is drawing and Chucho is packing their stuff to move it to the boutique. Chucho likes the new design. Diego crumples it up and says it's for no one. He was thinking about Azul getting married, so he drew a wedding dress. It's not his head he can't get her out of, it's his heart. He goes off to bed and Chucho rescues the drawing and sticks it in a folder that's going with them to Julio's.

Casa Julio (soon to be Casa J&A): Arnaldo tells Julio that he passed on the information that Eva bought half the boutique for Diego. He couldn't let Azul think the Julio was cheating on him. Julio seems only mildly annoyed, even though it was supposed to be a secret.

MM v 2.0: While Caty sleeps, Azul and Ceci sit at the foot of her bed whispering. Azul fills Ceci in about Eva buying half the boutique for Diego. Ceci thinks that makes a lot of other things make sense, like why Julio is making such a fuss over Diego's work.

Mauricio says they've got to do something with the body. Andres very nonchalantly says he would have liked to give her a big funeral, but he supposes they'll just have to bury the body in the garden so no one will know. Mauricio objects to burying her as if she were a dog, but he says there's no other option and Andres better do it carefully so Azul and Ceci don't realize it. Andres says he'll be careful and quiet. Mauricio says he shouldn't leave any traces, because if anyone finds out, this time he'll turn his back on Andres. Mauricio says he would have backed Andres for killing anyone but Leonarda. He says he'll never forgive Andres. Dun dun dun.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Amar Sin Limites, Tuesday, October 23. Arnaldo and Julio Clear Things Up -- No Such Luck With Azul and Diego

Previously, Arnaldo slammed Julio in the face with a cake after mistaking Julio's lunch with Burgay as a téte á téte. (But seriously, who could be jealous of Burgay, the Rodney Dangerfield of this novela?) Meantime, Azul threatens Eva with the police or the media if she tries to harm GSD. Eva responds by almost telling Azul she is infected. After Azul and GSD leave, Diego goes off on Eva warning her not to interfere with GSD or she won't live to tell the story. Naturally Ivan jumps to Eva's defense revealing that the head of their organization wants to kill Eva for trying to get the proof of Mo's shenanigans for Diego. Diego thinks all this is just a cover for them not having the proof in hand and warns Eva that she has one last opportunity to get the documents or he'll never believe her again. Well, at least that's milder than his previous death threat.

First new scene: Ceci calls Azul from the restaurant where she and Arnaldo pulled the Julio caper and tells her she needs Azul to bring money to help her out of a jam as Andres is not answering his cell.

(Neo)Leo's room: (Warning: brain bleach moment coming up!) We now see why Andres is not answering his cell, as he is under the sheets with Leo in his boxers, after one of their kinky sessions. Andres says Leo promised this would be the last time, but Leo says she was just drunk and telling lies. She wants Andres to continue their affair but gives him permission to sport around with Ceci every now and again. Andres angrily leaps out of bed, pulling on his pants and saying that he's not Leo's property to be given her permission or not. He says this brief relapse into passionate depravity wil not happen again as he loves Ceci. (I played this scene over several times, but just go get the dialog correct, you understand.)

Arnaldo and Julio are having a confrontation in some part of the restaurant. Julio's face is still dripping with frosting, but he's doing his best to mantain dignity while trying to convince Arnaldo that Burgay is a business associate and not a lover. Arnaldo is hurt that Julio will not tell him the exact nature of the business he is conducting with Burgay. He breaks off their relatiionship (again) and walks away. Julio calls him back and says he'll tell him everything.

Eva's balcony: Ivan apologizes for spilling the beans to Diego about the threat on Eva's life, but says he could not contain himself when Diego disrespected Eva who loves him so much. Eva then defends Diego, saying he has values and principles enough to confront her and her group without even realizing how really dastardly they are. Ivan is like, "Yeah, he's not like me, you mean." I was feeling sorry for Ivan about then, but he soon starts saying they should use Azul to keep pressuring GSD, and Eva should forget about competing fairly with Azul woman to woman for Diego. In fact, it would be more convenient for Azul to die. That way they could continue their plan to pretend Eva is dead, let Ivan get the Mo-destroying proofs for Diego who would then escape with Eva to some far off mafia-free land where they'd live happily ever after. Eva seems to be considering this idea.

Casa Mo 2: Mo gets a call from Azul who fills him in on how Diego intervened to save GSD and was even injured in the action. Mo accuses Diego of having pretended to be on Azul's side. He then lies, saying that he (Mo) had called Eva and threatened her with the police if she didn't release GSD. Dumb-dumb Azul believes him and says she'll see him after she resolves Ceci's restaurant problem.

Lucia's house: Manuel seems to be about to pocket a silver ashtray he spies on a coffee table when Lucia comes into the room and warns him not to touch anything in her house. He tries to act offended she thinks he's a thief as well as a sleaze ball. Lucia is angry that Piero is still seeing Lidia and thinks Manuel is not doing his job in separating them. She finally agrees to insure that Lidia will be well taken care of financially if she leaves Piero alone forever. Manuel agrees to continue his dirty work in this regard. He leaves, while Lucia shakes her head at him disgustedly. Manuel is not exactly an abuelo-killer, but still, he's crying out for a mighty comeuppance.

Restaurant: The manager is explaing to a shocked Azul and GSD that Ceci and an accomplice had attacked two prized customers, Señor Burgay and Señor Julio Curso. Azul and GSD are impactados that Burgay and Julio even know each other. Ceci then admits that Arnaldo was her accomplice and thought he'd catch Julio in the midst of a rendezvous with another lover.

Casa Diego and Chucho: Diego tells Chucho about the GSD rescue and Chucho says Azul owes her father's life to Diego. Silvana arrives and is horrified to find Diego wounded. She sends Chucho off to get first aid stuff and tends to her little Diego while gazing soulfully into his eyes.

Casa Mo 2: Mo is all worked up telling Andres how Diego came off as a hero in the GSD incident while Andre was off lollygagging with Leo. However, he soon is downright chuckling when he and Andres celebrate how easy it was to manipulate gabby Ceci into telling Azul the fake story that Eva and Diego had conspired to have Diego pretend to fall in love w ith Azul. Andres can't believe that Ceci has already blabbed, but Mo says the proof is that Azul now wants to marry him.

Casa Moran: Manuel tells Lidia he knows that she and Piero are not living as husband and wife but just as lovers. He pretends he knows this just because he's so attentive to her as a father and promises to keep the information from Clemencia and Diego, who wouldn't understand. He then lies to Lidia, saying Lucia approached HIM with a deal to give him money to separate Lidia and Piero. He tells Lidia he'll pretend to go along with Lucia in order to get the money that rightfully should be Piero's. Does Manuel even know when he's lying, or is always lying?

Piero's Office: Piero is annoyed that Lucia keeps pretty short hours for a secretary as she announces she's leaving for the day to pick up her daughter. Since she's taking their only car, Piero is reduced to taking public transportation which he hotly protests as being beneath his executive dignity. He demands to know where his promised new car is. Lucia roughly tweaks his nose and says she's no longer going to buy him expensive gifts or give him the life of a milliionaire he previously enjoyed with her since she's paying so much to resolve his immigration problems.

Boutique: Julio and Arnaldo are glad they have cleared up their misunderstanding, and Arnaldo proposes that they begin a new formalized stage of their relationship by living together. Gaspar overhears them and laments that unlike the lucky couple, he is alone without even his work pal at the moment. It's then Arnaldo and Julio realize they've left poor Ceci at the restaurant holding the cake plate, so to speak.

In Mo's chauffered car, GSD is holding forth about how humiliated he was in the restaurant that the staff and "half the world that was there" now know that his son is a "deviant". (This man was just kidnapped by masked men, drugged, threatened with a gun in his face, and was witness to a shooting, not to mention having his daughter and former lover supposedly dying, and this is all he has to worry about? Why don't you get back to the lab, you dolt.) Anyhow, Azul says that what's really important is knowing why Julio was with Burgay, one of Eva's criminal cohorts. GSD grumps that someone of Julio's caliber would quite naturally hobnob with criminals. Ceci suggests that Burgay was just on a clothes buying errand for Eva. GSD and Azul look skeptical.

Casa Diego & Chucho: Silvana tells Diego she doen't want him to work for Eva anymore, even to get proof agaisnt Mo, as it's too dangerous and she doesn't want to lose him as she did her son. He tells her not to worry as he's no longer working for Eva since she has not come up with the promised proof against Mo. Silvana is absently stroking Diego's arm. He notices.

Casa Mo 2: Mo and Andres are discussing some plan to have Piero construct secret laboratories when Leo walks in. Mo, pretending he can only see shadows, asks if Leo has indeed glamorized her wardrobe and hairstyle. He asks Andres how she looks, and Andres glumy answers that she looks fine. Leo then tells Mo that she and Andres are going to relive all their kinky moments together. Mo, like the rest of us, doesn't want to hear the gory details. Andres looks daggers at Leo, saying he's cleared all that up with Leo and hopes she understands. Mo then tells Leo the happy news of his impending nuptials and how Leo will be helping with the preparations. She tries to sound happy for him and asks what he wants for a wedding gift. Mo says Boris is giving him the best gift of all: Geting rid of Eva and putting Mo in her place. Mo says all he has to do now is tighten the screws. Cue trademark evil smirk.

Eva's balcony: Burgay is giving Eva the documents signed by Julio at the resaurant. Eva has apparently heard about the cake-in-the-face incident and scolds Burgay that her image at the restaurant may have been tarnished. Burgay says it's not his fault Julio's little boyfriend thought he was Julio's lover. I think he says something like, "Give me a break!", as if the thought of him as Julio's lover was a most ridiculous notion.

Boutique: Julio clarifies with Azul that he loves Arnaldo and no one else, and was just having a business lunch with Burgay. Azul then demands to know the nature of his Burgay business. Julio seems a little taken aback by her bossiness.

Casa Mo 2: I believe Mo lies to GSD saying that out of concern for GSD and Azul, he told Eva and her group that GSD would continue to cooperate with the toxin investigation. GSD reproches Mo for planning to marry Azul knowing she doesn't love him. Mo readily admits he knows that but wants to separate her from Diego whom he and GSD despise and provide a guardian for Caty. GSD bluntly tells him that might not happen as Azul as well as Mo may not survive if he doesn't find a cure. Mo says he had decided to tell Azul she's infected as then she won't want to go through with the marriage. He's just pretending he'd let her slip through her fingers. A commercial comes up, just when we need time to prepare for more Mo melodrama.

Sure enough, after the commercial, Mo tells GSD it was Azul who in fact did the proposing. GSD is surprised as he thought she still loved Diego. Mo says he's tried to convince Azul that this is not the right time for a marriage, what with all the Eva and Diego drama. He reaches his emotional sride, declaring his love for Azul and his wish to protect her from harm. GSD sensibly points out that it's a little late for that as "they" have already infected Azul. Mo whines about how he shares Azul's suffering from this horrible disease and could not even muster the strength to rescue GSD as he would have wanted to, but still it unites him and GSD in their noble fight against the disease. GSD, as gullible as his daughter, falls for Mo's faux earnestness and vows to fight on to find the cure. Mo says, while you're off doing the cure finding, I want to offer Azul peace and refuge here in my cozy household of loonies.

Boutique: Julio tries to convince Azul that he is only supplying clothes for Eva and Burgay. Azul warns him these two are dangerous and that he should avoid letting himself or Arnaldo get mixed up with them.

Eva's Suite: Ivan and Eva are discussing having Eva's fake death take the form of an explosion so Boris wouldn't be expecting to see any remains. Ivan says she'll then be free to start her new life with Diego. Eva thanks Ivan for being the only person in the whole world whose love could free her, allowing her to die and be resurrected, as it were. He says that she too has given him a wonderful gift, albeit only once. I guess he means the tumble in the woods. Eva gets a gleam in her that I thought might have meant she was preparing to surprise him with an encore.

Boutique: Azul is filling Ceci in on the horror of GSD's kidnapping and tells her to thwart any reprisal from Eva & Co., she and Ceci will stay at Mo's for a few days. Ceci smiles at the idea. Azul takes a call from Diego. They tentatively ask each other how they're doing after the kidnapping/rescue ordeal. At Diego's end, we see Silvana modeling a dress and anxiously easedropping on the phone call. Azul quickly hangs up and collapses in tears as she recounts Diego's heroics and wounding to Ceci. Azul believes it proves Diego's love for her but Ceci does not want to board that roller coaster again and mocks Diego as being a wannabe Batman who appeared out of nowhere to save GSD. She even doubts he was in danger, noting that Ivan barely grazed him.

Casa Diego & Chucho: Silvana is modeling a gauzy whitr dress from the Diego-Chucho Collection when Diego approaches with scissors and snips at the halter top neckine, exposing a little cleavage. Chocho declares Diego "daring" and Silvana teases that if he gets any more daring, he'll have to find a new model. Diego goes out for a bit, much to Silvana's disappointment, but she and Chucho celebrate that he and Diego will be working out of Julio's boutique. They are both proud of Diego's designer skills.

Arnaldo's job: GSD stops by the restaurant to talk to Arnaldo about the scene with Julio and winds up insulting his relationship as being "perverse". Arnaldo holds his own, saying that even if he were to break up with Julio, he'd still be with a man as this is who he rally is. GSD looks disgruntled, but that's pretty much his normal expression.

Boutique: Julio asks Ceci if she's finally finished gabbing with Azul and can, you know, get to work. He also docks her salary for all the times she's come in late or left early, and especially for going around spying on innocent people in restaurants. To me, Ceci seems to have a pretty cavalier attitude about holding down a job. I'd have fired her little busybody self.

Casa Moran: Manuel and Lidia come in from somewhere and both comment that they want Clemencia to come back as the house is a mess. How sentimental.

Anibal's office: Silvana drops by to clear up matters with Clemencia regarding Isela as she loves both of them. She says that Isela resented Clemencia for stealing Manuel away from her when they were young, but regets having an affair with him after he was married to Clemencia. Clemencia tells Silvana she knows Manuel made up the story about getting together with Isela at the billar, and in fact, she and Manuel are meeting later in the evening to try to reslove their marital issues. Silvana says she's glad as she knows Clemencia's marriage means a lot to her. Clemencia does not look too sure of this at the moment.

Casa Moran: Manuel pursuades Lidia to try to iron a few shirts for him as he hasn't been able to manage this task in Clemencia's absence. Lidia has no clue how to iron but courageously agrees to give it a shot. Manuel tries to borrow a little money from Lidia for his dinner date with Clemencia. What a loser. In fact, what a pair of losers.

Anibal's office: Clemencia tells Silvana she's kind of sorry to hear Silvana has a boyfriend even though she is happy Silvana has someone who appreciates her. It's just that she had thought Silvana would be the perfect woman for Diego and can't understand why Diego is still so attached to that Azul girl. Silvana is practically purring.

Casa Azul & Ceci: Diego is waiting at the front door when Azul arrives and asks him sharply what he wants. He says he had to come to see for himself how she is doing. She sarcastically notes that he seems to be recuperating since Eva attended him. He corrects her that it was Silvana who did the attending. Azul wonders what he wants from her since he is surrounded by all these concerned women. They do their usual tiresome routine. She says she's engaged now and this time won't fall into the game of thinking that Diego is her true love. She slams the door in his face. He does a quick nose wrinke of sadness; she tries to squeeze out a tear.

Casa Mo 2: Mo sends Andres to pick up Ceci from the boutique and tells him to send the chauffer for Azul. After Andres leaves, Leo says she's sick of all this crap. Mo promises that as soon as he marries Azul, they can rid themselves of Ceci. Leo says she's been loyal to Mo all these years and hopes he'll pay her back in kind. Mo just kind of smiles to himself and you just don't know what he might be thinking.

Casa Azul & Ceci: Arnaldo tells Azul of his meeting with GSD. He also reveals that he and Julio are thinking of making their relationship more formal. Azul is happy for him.

Anibal's office: Anibal offers Clemencia and Silvana a ride home. He is on his way to take Isela to a movie.

Casa Azul & Ceci (Final scene): Azul continues to worry to Arnaldo that Julio is involved with Eva and Burgay who are criminals and part of a mafia. Finally, to relieve her mind, Arnaldo spills the details of the supposed secret Julio told him. So much for trust within a relationship. So Arnaldo reveals that Julio said he was approached by Burgay on orders of Eva, and that Eva has bought one half of the boutique to for Diego. Azul is way impactada.


Destilando Amor - Tues 10/23: Dumbest. Idea. EVER.

Gaviota is having lunch with her mother and Doña Jose. She breaks up an argument about Frankie by changing the subject to Jose's job - turns out Jose's been promoted. They seize this opportunity for a tequila toast. Gavi mentions that her mother's birthday is the day after tomorrow. They agree to celebrate that, and Doña Jose's promotion, at a nice hotel restaurant. They take another shot of tequila to seal the deal. Clarita squeaks out a feeble "como así."

Elvis and Dani have lunch and she teases him about some drawings he's done of ballerinas. He says he wants to put an ad in the paper for a model - he's going to do a mural on the history of glass. Actually, Dani is the model he wants. Surprised, she agrees.

Isa, Fedra, and Minnie meet at Minnie's to discuss their continued campaign of horror against Gavi. Isa doesn't have the baby with her - she explains that he's slightly feverish (again? wasn't he grippy last week too? should we be concerned, or is he teething or something?), so she left him at home. Smirking, Fedra says he must be growing and changing - does he look like Rodrigo? Isa says no - each time she sees him, he looks more like her father. Minnie warns that Aaron is still there - she urges them to keep there voices down so he doesn't hear what they're planning. They decide to call Sofia.

Frankie and Sofia arrive at Pilar's. Frankie immediately starts complaining about the unpleasant plane ride over, the filthy wine they were served, the chaos at the airport, and the nasty immigrants working there. He says the Montalvos should really have their own plane. As Sofia covers her face, shocked at Frankie's crassness, Pilar tactfully explains that they did have one, and it crashed with Sofia's parents on board. This shuts him up just long enough to mutter an apology and walk Pilar to the door. Then he confides to Sofia that they should buy their own apartment in the DF so they don't have to stay at Pilar's house, because when he's there he feels smothered by her relatives.

"If you want your own apartment, you'll have to wait," she tells him very seriously. She opens her mouth to say more, but just when you think she's gonna give it to him good, Imelda comes in with a phone call from... drum roll please... Isadora!

Frankie suddenly becomes very interested in his wristwatch (or is it his smarm bracelet - I can't tell) as Sofia asks Imelda who the call is for. Why, it's for Sofia, of course! Sensing that he has just dodged a speeding anvil, Frankie excuses himself with a smarmy grin so that the sisters-in-law can speak in peace.

"Hola, Sofia, you could have at least called and let me know you were coming to Mexico." Sofia coldly replies that it was a last-minute decision. Isa asks why Sofia hasn't been calling her all. "Well, why haven't you called me?" Isa brushes this off, saying okay, Sofia's right. She invites Sofia to come over and hear Fedra's latest plan. Sofia says she's tied up right now, but will call or come over later.

Aaron breezes through his living room, greets the brujas, and leaves. Fedra gets down to business and says they're not going to the event. Minnie and Isadora leap out of their chairs in surprise. What? But they've already RSVP'd! (Ha... after all they've done, apparently the one thing that they would be ashamed to do would be to say yes to an invitation and then not show up at the party.) Isa is more concerned about Pilar's reaction. Fedra agrees, but says this is the chance she's been waiting for.

All this time, the CRT has been snubbing them; now they're supposed to just pretend like nothing ever happened. They have pride and dignity, and if the CRT thinks they are just washcloths that they can use and throw them away, well, they're not. Gavi even sent the invites via special messenger because she's so afraid they won't show up to the Don Amador tribute.

Isa points out that Gavi will probably be relieved if they don't show up. Fedra says no, she's wrong. Gavi is playing at being manager; what will the agave union folks think when the Montalvo women aren't there for a tribute to their esteemed relative? When people notice that they're not there, they'll see it as a protest against all the injustices Gaviota has committed against them.

Isa still looks puzzled. You probably do too. No, you didn't miss anything. This plan is so dumb, it's embarrassing. Fedra is beyond BSC if she thinks everyone in the agave/distilling/tequila business doesn't realize by now what a bunch of nuts the Montalvo women are.

Minnie is not sure how they will pitch this to their husbands, since Pilar has pressured them all into going. Fedra says they should just say they're going to go, and then back out at the very last minute.

Isa says Rodrigo's not going, in any case. He's got important plans. Fedra rolls her eyes and says of course he will go. No one dares defy Pilar Montalvo, the Dictator. Minnie and Isa giggle.

The grownups (Pilar, Bruno, and Rodrigo) are having a meeting at the corporativo. Aaron shows up late, and Bruno coldly tells him that they started without him. Aaron snottily hands out his financial reports.

Bruno explains that Patricio isn't with them because he went to Japan. He'll be back in time for the CRT event. Pilar reminds them that the CRT and the National Chamber of the Tequila Industry (CNIT) is honoring her husband and she wants the whole family to be there for it. PLEASE, she says, tell your wives to put aside their grudges with Mariana Franco and comport themselves with altura (i.e. rise above it). "Oh yeah, you bet," the men hastily agree.

Rodrigo shows his own personal report to Aaron. I think he says that Ardiente Pasion has made enough money to offset Aaron's debt to the company. Aaron merrily says he'll answer to that in a moment. Bruno is thrilled with Rodrigo's numbers and congratulates him. (Aaron clears his throat loudly and impatiently.) Pilar is surprised to discover that he's sharing a portion of his profits with Montalvocorp. He says it's only fair, since he used the corporativo for most of his efforts. (In fact, it was a long while before I realized that Ardiente Pasion wasn't an actual Montalvocorp product, myself.) Pilar tells Rodrigo he's just like his granddad.

Bruno then tells Aaron they all know his company is doing well, so he ought to be able to pay back his debt. They don't want to pressure him, but it'd be better if he paid it back now, before he gives in to the temptation of the stock market and loses everything. Offended, Aaron says he's already taken care of that, and shows his bank statement to Bruno. Bruno points out that this money Aaron's paying them was just deposited into Aaron's personal account earlier today. "You didn't just invest YOUR capital - you invested OURS too!"

Aaron tries to throw a tantrum, but having no phone handy to throw, has to settle for making funny faces. He is shocked that Bruno doesn't admire his GIGANTIC transaction. (Aaron is waving his crazy finger indignantly.) Bruno is shocked that Aaron doesn't get why it was not cool to use the company's money for personal benefit - they could have lost everything. Aaron is shocked that his father is so upset about something that didn't even happen.

Pilar mildly tells them to calm down. In a slightly more civilized tone, Aaron reminds his father that he is "a man of risks." (Ha!) Buy low and sell high, that's all he did, and that's what Rodrigo should do too, and not be selling all these puny little boxes of organic tequila.

Rodrigo says "That's funny, because you tried to do that with Tequila Turquesa and failed." And if he, Rodrigo, were going to crash and burn, he wouldn't want to risk taking the family down with him. Aaron crows that the price of agave is going to fall (due to the faster maturation), and then what's Rodrigo going to do to cover his losses?

Bruno says if they don't knock it off, they'll have to end the meeting. Pilar says she doesn't understand why they sound like enemies when they should be cousins working together. Rodrigo says they're not going to be working together, because he's resigning from Montalvocorp. Pilar and Bruno shake their heads in disbelief. Aaron's mood improves considerably.

Rod assures them that Aaron can take over as general director again. Rod wants to start a new business, be independent, have his own office, maybe even start his own distillery. He's left everything in order. He'll still continue to be a member of the family, run the hacienda, attend meetings and such. Aaron sarcastically offers to attend meetings too, to keep up on how Rod is running the hacienda. Rod gamely agrees to this and offers to share all the paperwork with him. Aaron hints that perhaps not all is as straightforward and honest as it could be.

Bruno gets angry and tells Aaron he has to take over Montalvocorp, but he's going to watch him and make sure he doesn't play with the company's money again. "Fine, whatever, old man" Aaron replies like a sulky adolescent. Bruno angrily drinks a glass of water in Aaron's general direction.

The meeting breaks up and Rod tells Pilar he won't be able to stay very long at the Don Amador event. Pilar says all that matters to her is that he shows up and brings his wife.

As Pilar is leaving, Margarita tells Rod that Dr. Robledo is on line 2. Rod and Erika compare notes on their day. They make small talk, he tells her he resigned, and asks to come over and see her.

Back at Pilar's, Frankie is fixin' to visit his cousin Estefan. "You weren't going to tell me?" Frankie says he didn't want to bother her. Sofia says "wait - I'll go with you!" Frankie is taken aback by this, then recovers and says Estefan is bummed because he broke up with his girlfriend, and Sofia doesn't want to hear all about that, it'd be boring. They'll just stay home instead.

Dani and Elvis show up just in time to prevent some grisly crime - not sure whether that would be Sofia killing Frankie, Frankie killing Sofia, or me killing both of them. After a round of warm greetings to Sofia and a reminder of the upcoming reading of the last part of Amador's will, Elvis taunts Frankie not to get his hopes up. Amador never met either of them, so they don't stand to gain so much as a pin. And even if he had met them, he probably wouldn't have left either of them anything. (That's Elvis's way of telling snotty Frankie that Amador wouldn't have held him in any higher esteem than he would Elvis. Actually, I get the impression that Amador would have enjoyed both of them - Elvis for the sincere laughs, and Frankie for the fun of mocking him.)

Frankie haughtily brags that he's here because he was invited to the CRT event. Elvis says he was invited too. "You'll look like a fly in milk," Frankie laughs. (I bet he stayed up all night thinking of that one.) Elvis says he's not sure if he's the fly or the milk, but he's certainly going, even if he is on the council's "blacklist."

Oh my gosh! I just realized something... Elvis is BLACK! Why wasn't this brought to our attention sooner?

The women giggle, and Elvis (who is BLACK!) excuses himself to visit Granny-Fish.

Frankie's cell rings. It's Isa, now alone at home. "What is going on? I'm waiting!" He greets her as Estefan and says okay, we'll get together some other time. He then hangs up and tells Sofia that Estefan and his girlfriend got back together and they'll be too busy for company. Frankie's going to watch a movie. He tells Sofia to get him a glass of dry sherry and some prosciutto. He strides out of the room with a huge smirk on his face.

Sofia tells Dani she knows he's lying. Dani offers to listen if Sofia wants to talk, but it's okay if she doesn't want to talk, except she might get an ulcer. Sofie says she'd like to explain, but she doesn't want to until she has proof. Which is too bad, because if she and Dani were to compare notes on their suspicions about Isa, this telenovela could be wrapped up by the end of the week.

Isa tries to call Frankie back and is angry to find that he's turned off his phone.

Minnie tells Fedra she's not feeling well. Fedra laughs knowingly and jokes that it must be the pregnancy. The joke is somewhat cheapened by the fact that only Fedra knows why it's funny. Aaron comes home and sarcastically announces that he hasn't lost a penny of the family's money. Plus, he's regaining control of Montalvocorp. Fedra hugs him and says she's proud of him. Then he tells them about Rodrigo's resignation.

Rodrigo meets Erika at her office. They talk about the situation with Ricardo not paying his debt. Nothing new is revealed, except that he's worried that Aaron will find out that the hacienda's earnings are at risk. He wants to solve the problem before he has to report the hacienda's finances. Erika points out that once he solves this problem, he won't need anything from his wife; and after all, none of this is her fault.

Erika senses there is something else on his mind. He admits he's not sure of his wife's fidelity either, but still has no proof. He ponders the divorce, hopes they'll come to a fair arrangement and that he won't have to fight for the right to see his own kid.

Pilar and Sofia interview Dani about Rodrigo's progress with the therapist. Ha. Ha ha. He's trying to make a change in his life, and trying to forget about Gavi. The big test of that will be at tomorrow's CRT event. In other news, Rod and the psychologist aren't dating, but their relationship isn't strictly professional either. They are "friends." Pilar looks hopeful. Sofia looks skeptical.

Rodrigo tries to set up a dinner date tomorrow with Erika. She already has plans with some friends, and she reminds him of the CRT event. He's looking for a reason not to go - she says he can come to this thing with her friends too, if she wants. But she wonders why he's so reluctant to go to the CRT. Is he afraid he'll lose control when he sees Gavi? He admits that he feels more at peace now that he's not seeing her. Not to mention Dr. Blondie. Erika tells him he should take this opportunity to see whether his feelings for Gavi really have changed. He kisses her cheek goodbye and leaves. She seems bemused by the kiss.

Clarita and Gavi talk Dr. Blondie. He hasn't said anything to her directly. Clarita says something folksy about hot salsa and cockfighting. They wonder about Rod's therapy. I think Gavi points out that the psychologist she went to wasn't able to cure her. (Guess what Gavi - Rod's seeing the same exact quack.)

Ofelia and Roman talk about how spring is coming, and with it, the jimadores. They reminisce about Don Amador, and how different things are at the hacienda now. Rodrigo getting married, and Gaviota's face when she found out. According to Mr. James, Rodrigo fell sick with jealousy and had to get away from Gavi; that's why he threw himself into his work. Ofelia says it's like their love was cursed.

The word "cursed" is barely out of Ofelia's lips when SanWanna bursts in. She seems surprised not to get a warm welcome. Actually, they yell at her and tell her that if she came for some type of severance payment, to forget it. She shrugs this off and proudly announces that she's here so they can "resolved things" for her child. They try to kick her out, and she asks if they really want to fire the mother of their future grandchild, since the squirt she's expecting is Hilario's. Hilario didn't take the news well, said nasty things, and said it wasn't his, but she swears it is.

Ofelia doesn't believe her either. She says this is all because Hilario changed his luck and now SanWanna is trying to get a piece of the pie. SanWanna insists there wasn't any other man. Ofelia again tells her to get out.

But Roman sticks up for SanWanna and says that since his son isn't man enough to do it, he'll take responsibility for his grandchild. (Ofelia waves her hands around in disbelief.) SanWanna's gonna stay! Ofelia runs out in a snit. Stunned, SanWanna can only say "Thank you, Roman." But Roman refuses to meet her eyes.

Rodrigo gets home. Henrietta hands him a piece of paper and a phone. The wife and kid are in bed, and the piece of paper is Ricardo Sr.'s new phone number. Rod calls Ricardo Sr., who is in a private poker lounge at this very moment (Ricardo does not know this) and answers in English. He insists that his financial situation has improved considerably, and not to worry. After he hangs up, he jinxes himself by telling the others at his table, "tonight's my night!"

Here is what I've learned from this telenovela so far: gambling is an evil vice that cannot be enjoyed in moderation, but tequila is very sophisticated and mostly harmless. Folk remedies aren't effective in keeping agave plants healthy, but love potions are extremely powerful. And if you're black, you should make lots of jokes about your race, to put others at ease. (Because it's your fault if people are uncomfortable.) What else?

Rodrigo and Gaviota sit alone in their living rooms. Then they both get up and start pacing. Then they each have a tequila. More pacing, couch-sitting, faces in hands, sighing, crying. (This is done on a split screen to make sure that we totally get that they're, like, joined at the soul and junk.) Each turns sideways on the sofa so they're facing each other on the split screen. They gaze into each others' eyes in absentia and murmur each others' name.

The next day: Dr. Blondie is briefing Gavi on the agaves-maturing-too-fast problem. Gavi's old boss (Demetrio Urban) will go to Guadalajara first thing in the morning and Gavi will join him there later. It'll be a super-quick visit, like lightning. Gavi is bummed because she won't be able to take her mom out for her birthday. Dr. B says no problem, he will take Clarita out himself. Gavi reminds him that he's got another event to attend.

He asks if she's made sure the Montalvo women have been invited. Gavi confirms that they have. He leaves her alone for a moment and she makes a quick prayer to Virgencita for protection against the nasty Montalvo crows who will try to pluck out her eyes.

Frankie finally calls Isa. She's angry it's taken so long; he says Sofia wouldn't leave him alone for a minute since they got there. Fortunately she's out shopping now. He scolds her for calling on the house phone, but she says that's what he gets for turning his cell off. He reminds her that it's dangerous to keep calling, and all these "wrong numbers" are making Pilar nervous. She says they'll never know the calls are coming from her, since she's calling from her own new secret phone that nobody else knows the number to. He points out that it's still in her name, and someone could report it (for making harassing hang-up calls, I guess).

Isa wants to see him ASAP. He says they'll see each other at the CRT thing for Don Amador. She says nope, she's not going. And she needs to see him because things are getting very complicated.

While they're talking, Sofia arrives at the lobby of the Basurio (whatever it is called, where Isa lives) and asks Belisario (the concierge) about the night man. The concierge says they recently got a new one. They had to get rid of Pascual because Isadora had some unspecified problem with him. Apparently this happened on the same exact day as Sofia's last visit. She asks if there's some way to contact him. Belisario gives him the business card of the agency that employs Pascual.

Isa is still on the phone with Frankie, saying that she needs to get out of here before all the anvils come crashing down (maybe not in so many words), when the doorbell rings. As Enriqueta lets Sofia in, Isa says "oh, gotta go Mom [the captions incorrectly say "Dani"!], I just saw a ghost, it's my sister in law Sofia, talk to you later, kissies" and hangs up. She tries to act casual, but Sofia is stiff with her. Isa tells Sofia about the brujas' plan to not attend the one and only important CRT event they've ever been invited to, the one that will honor the man whose big bucks allow all of them to live in cushy penthouse luxury.

Meanwhile, Minnie is giving Nancy hell over the phone and retracts the RSVPs on behalf of herself, Fedra, Isa, and Sofia. Nancy tries to clear things up, and Minnie lets her know that there's no confusion. They're going to send an open letter to Av* to explain their reasons. She hangs up and Fedra snickers happily.

"You can't do this!" Sofia tells Isa, because it'd upset Pilar rather than Gaviota. Before she can point out any of the other many fatal flaws in the brujas' plan, or maybe turn the conversation to something much more interesting, the phone rings. It's Minnie, saying she made the call to the CRT. Isa urges Sofie to go to Minnie's with her so they can congratulate one another on how clever and evil they are. Sofia says "count me out." This is about her grandfather - and for her, that's sacred.


  • Frankie catches Sofie on the phone with James. (Sofia, if you were thinking of making an ironic comment, now would be a good time to do it.)
  • Pammy's dad tells Avellaneda about some documents he dug up during his trip to Asia. "You're scaring me," Av* says.
  • The brujas commit the ultimate social faux pas - they attend an event they said they wouldn't.
  • And oh yeah, Rodrigo and Gaviota meet face-to-face.


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Call your senators! Wednesday, a Senate vote on the DREAM Act, which would let immigrant children move toward college education and citizenship.

I know this is not a political blog, but - my daughter sent me this announcement, and I called my senators today. I mentor a wonderful seventh-grader, a Latina. Her family came to this country when she was less than one year old. She wants to go to college and become a nurse. Isn't that the sort of citizen we want?
Did you, your parents, your grandparents, your siblings, or any of your friends attend a public college? Did you/your family/friends choose this school because of the chance to get a good education at a reasonable price?

Do you want to give another generation of immigrant students the same chance?
The Coalition for Comprehensive Immigration Reform and other ask us to call our senators today to express support for the DREAM Act, which allows high school graduates who came to the US more than five years before to attend college as in-state students and to begin a path to legal residency and eventual citizenship.
From the CCIR:
The DREAM Act will likely come up for a vote on the Senate floor this Wednesday.
ALL DREAM ACT SUPPORTERS: CALL YOUR SENATORS, send an e-mail message and fax them, do it all over again on Wednesday morning first thing. Call the senate switchboard 202-224-3121 - They can connect you to your two senators' offices.
The cloture motion will require 60 votes to pass. If it fails, the DREAM Act will be pulled from the floor. If it passes, there will be more votes on the DREAM Act as well as on possible amendments. The outcome of these votes will determine the fate of the DREAM Act for this Congress.
Word is already getting out about the vote on anti-immigrant websites, talk shows, and cable TV who are spreading their usual falsehoods, and there is little doubt that their angry and fearful base will respond.
If you care at all about the future of DREAM Act students who have grown up here, then you must make your calls today and tomorrow, forward this message, and get on the phone to make sure that everyone you know does likewise.


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