Thursday, January 24, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #3, Wednesday 1-23: Mili's first day at the Big House

Woo hoo! Here we are again on a Wednesday night, trying to comprehend both the vagaries of the Spanish language, and the insane logic of telenovelaland. I'll get right to the new stuff….

Mili loses it when Alejandro calls her Carlitos again. I wish they wouldn't bleep her so I could figure out what she's saying. Okay, okay, and so I can pick up new curse words. Mama flips out and says Mili's going, but Alejandro says he'll "take care of it." Abuela calls her a zarrapastrosa (a ragamuffin). Mili tells Abuela not to get into a "gacheses" fight with her because she'll win, but Abuela corrects Mili and says they're called "ofensas" (insults). Abuela doesn't think she can put up with "that," and Mili corrects her that she's a woman and you don't call a woman "that." Alejandro pleads Mili's case. Abuela says she'll give her a chance and Mili says she'll be the one giving Abuela a chance, because as of right now, she's had it up to here with her!

Rocky/Morgan struggles up out of the pool, much to Valeria's amusement. She tells him he couldn't be more "tarado," (retarded--in the sense kids use it as an insult) and now she'll have to disinfect the pool. Rocky/Morgan complains the pool was "refria" (way cold) and she shouldn't go in. He splashes her with water out of the buckets in the process. Good times.

Up in the servants' quarters, Braulio tells Mili he needs to take her clothes and burn them. This gets about the reaction you'd expect from our plucky protagonista. Brau leaves and Lina comes in to introduce herself. Mili confirms that she's there to look after "the old lady," assuming she lasts long enough and Lina replies that she's only there until she's done with her training to be a stylist. Lina warns Mili about Karla, the harpy. As Mili's bouncing around on the top bunk, unpacking her meager belongings, her chain gets hung up on top of her ear and Lina reaches up to fix it. Mili shows her the Virgen de la Soledad. Lina points out the coincidence that the house is named Soledad (loneliness).

Abuela talks to Braulio about how she prays every night that she gets to see Rosario again and see her grandchild before she dies. Braulio still thinks she needs to give up, but despite her persistent high blood pressure, Abuela won't. She reminisces about how she meant to tell Rosario the story of the Virgen de la Soledad, but never got the chance. Braulio changes the subject to Mili. Abuela calls her a "respondona" (a back-talker, cheeky) and says she'll get over it. She sends Braulio to go get her.

Apparently, on the way, Braulio meets up with Damian to let him into Hugo's room. Hugo bitches that he doesn't want to see him. Damian mentions he'll be getting lots of money soon. He wants to take Hugo to Houston to see a specialist, but Hugo doesn't want to . He says he lost everything and Damian might as well spend his money on chicks and booze. After Damian leaves, he says that this is Damian's punishment, seeing Hugo in a wheelchair. When Damian killed Carmen, he killed Hugo's life.

Mili comes into Abuela's room screaming about Braulio and Abuela makes her go back out into the hall and knock on the door. It takes some doing, but Mili complies. Abuela makes her knock twice, but then asks her in. Mili slams the door and then screams about Braulio wanting to burn her clothes and treating her like she's lice-infested. She makes a comment to Braulio, "cuando me buscan, me encuentran" (something like, if you come looking for me for a fight, you'll get one, as close as I can figure). Abuela dismisses Braulio. She talks to Mili about either using proper language or keeping her mouth shut. Mili tells Abuela she needs to quit making her lose her temper or she'll get wrinkles…and by the way, how old IS Abuela anyway? Aw, come on, she does have the appearance of an older woman, but she's not "wrinkly."

Hugo asks Braulio not to give the key to his room to anyone. He also doesn't want anyone coming into the room without knocking first and getting permission to come in. Braulio agrees. As soon as he leaves, Hugo puts on his homeless man disguise: a fake beard, moustache, wig, and dirty clothes.

Lina introduces Mili to the other staff. Karla starts right in asking what trash can Mili got her clothes out of; Mili: "One near the brothel where you work." They start getting verbal, but Socorro, the cook, busts it up and introduces herself as do Horacio, the gardener, and Rocky, the chauffeur…but the bosses call him "Morgan." This goes over Mili's head. She says she's never gone to the movies and Lina invites her on their next free day. Karla makes fun of them, calling them cats; Mili replies that Karla's a cat too, but she thinks she's a Siamese (meaning, I suppose, that Karla's in the same class as Mili and Lina, but thinks she's better than them?).

In the living room, Constancio asks Valeria what her plans are for taking a year off before college. He offers her a job at the company, but she laughs at that. He says he doesn't want her to waste her time, but she asks, doesn't he want her to be happy? He hugs her and replies that of course he does and she's the thing he loves most in life. Valeria notices Mili and asks what she's looking at. Mili very honestly answers that she was watching how Valeria's dad "la mimaba" (was sweet to her, fussed over her; you can use this word for "spoil" but that's not appropriate in this context). This is probably the first time she's responded to a challenge without going off on the other person. It's probably also the first time she's seen a father-daughter interaction like this. Constancio seems to recognize her. Valeria remembers her from church and calls her a savage beast; she demands Mili be thrown out, but Constancio tells her to wait. She leaves and Constancio remembers Mili as the girl he almost ran over in his car. He thinks she's there for money, but Luciana introduces her as the new maid here to watch over Abuela. Luciana summons Braluio and tells him he needs to get her into a uniform even if he's got to put it on her himself. Wacky hijinx music plays as Mili looks shocked.

Hugo, in his homeless-guy disguise, visits his mother's grave and promises her that he'll get revenge on Damian for killing her and Carmen. He sees Damian arriving and takes off. Damian asks Roberto, a groundskeeper, who he is. Roberto says he's a harmless homeless guy. Damian gives him money to throw the guy out if he sees him again.

Mili, now in her pink maid uniform is complaining to Regina (the character formerly known as "Abuela" now that I've looked it up) about having to wear said uniform. Regina says she's not going to give explanations to "una mocosa malcriada" (a snot-nosed, bad-mannered girl) and orders her out of the room. Regina laughs over how "contestona" (mouthy) Mili is and says that she reminds her of…but no, it's impossible.

Out in the hallway, Mili cries in frustration. Alejandro comes up and asks what's up with her now. She asks what everybody's got against her. Alejandro deadpans that he can't imagine, since she's such an angel. He brushes away her tears and kisses her. Mili asks what the look in his eyes is and he replies that he's surprised because she doesn't know how to kiss. I'm with the sound guy, who adds in a scratched record sound. That's just cold, man! He goes on to say that must mean he's the first. She calls him the first "tarugo" (hunk, block of wood, blockhead) and says "the first" in her life is the guy she's going to marry. Alejandro offers to be her kissing teacher. More smooching. Now he says she's getting better, but is going to have to keep practicing. Practice, practice, practice. She shoves him away, asking if he takes her for an idiot. When he says he doesn't, she says "ok, then, let's keep going," and they do. He asks for an evaluation of his teaching technique. She says he's pretty bad and he'd better cut it out--she doesn't want him getting the idea that she likes him passing her spit all day. They both agree they didn't feel anything. He compliments her uniform. She says it's uncomfortable and he offers to take it off…in his room, along with some more kissing practice. Wow, he's got quite a pair, this one. She shoves him into a potted palm and asks who he takes her for. "A servant." She reminds him servants don't go into bedrooms with their bosses (hey, I thought she met Karla already). He reminds her that servants don't use "tu" for their bosses. She starts calling him "sir" and takes off. He calls her Carlitos again to get on her nerves, which pulls her up short until he sneaks up and shouts "go" in her ear. They're kind of cute together, but I swear I've seen this exact dialogue in a trashy romance novel. Hm, must be why I like this show so far :) And also, where can I get a job where I get paid to make out with pretty guys all day?

Hugo comes back in from his trip to the cemetery just as Braulio comes knocking to ask if Alejandro can come in. Once he gets himself un-homeless-guy-ed and settled, he says Alejandro can come in. He and Alejandro talk about the painting of Carmen with no face. Alejandro talks to him about meeting Mili, without giving her name, and says her face would go perfect on that painting. Alejandro offends Hugo slightly when he says it would look better than Carmen's, but then corrects himself and says "different" instead of better. He asks why Hugo doesn't finish painting it and Hugo insists he doesn't paint anymore. Alejandro asks him to go out with him and Bobby. Hugo begs off on account of the wheelchair, or rather, uses it as an excuse not to go.

Lina and Mili make plans to go dancing. Well, it's Mili's plan actually. She says they'll borrow some of Valeria's clothes to go out in.

And we're back at the Rodeo Bravo, where Mili and Lina are having a good time table dancing (No, wait, that's not what I meant...I meant sitting at the table, dancing while the table). Lina wants to dance, but she thinks she's got to wait for a guy to ask her. Mili says they can go dance together, as "no necesitamos vejiga para nadar" (we don't need a bladder to swim…a reference to a fish's swim bladder, so…"We don't need bladders to swim with, therefore we don't need men to dance with?" I'm way overanalyzing this.) Bobby and Alejandro show up and see Mili and Lina dancing.

Damian asks Braulio for the key to Hugo's door. Braulio says Hugo's sleeping, but after Damian leaves, he goes to check out the room. He doesn't find Hugo and ends up shutting the door and leaving.

Lina points out Bobby and Alejandro to Mili. She wants to leave so she doesn't get fired and insists she'll wait for Mili outside. They're already calling each other "hermanita" (little sister). Lina starts walking out and runs into Alejandro, who gives her a look, but says nothing.

Constancio comes to visit Andrea to ask what she and Luciana talked about. Andrea tells him that Luciana asked about his lovers.

Lina and Mili are back at a table and Lina's telling Mili that, based on the look on Alejandro's face, he's probably going to tell Constancio to fire her on Monday. She can't convince Mili to leave, but Mili ends up following her as she walks away. Mili is intercepted by Homeless!Hugo, who grabs her. When Alejandro tries to come to her rescue, Homeless!Hugo knocks him out. Homeless!Hugo says "you've come back." to Mili…but who is he referring to? Commercials. He says again that she's back and that she's beautiful. Lina eventually pulls him off and he runs away. Lina points out that Alejandro is starting to come around and what should they do. Mili says they've got to think, but since neither of them has any ideas, Mili says they'll just have to run. Bobby comes over to pick Alejandro up off the floor and ask him what he's doing.

Andrea tells Constancio that she told Luciana that as far as she knows, Constancio doesn't have any lovers. Plus she can't suspect the two of them, since she's not his lover. She tells him the past is past, thanks for the apartment and all, but he's getting nothing more for her. Constancio growls some nominally romantic stuff, but Andrea kicks him out. He leaves.

Back at the house, Mili tells Lina that even though Alejandro saw her, she doesn't think he connects the girl at the club with "Carlitos." She also says that if Lina gets fired, she's going with her. Solidarity, baby.

The two girls are getting into bed when Karla comes in. She threatens to tell "the bosses" that the two of them are going out at night to do who-knows-what. She and Mili have words…again. Then they start with the grabbing and the hair-pulling, and poor Socorro has to come in and bust it up. There's a knock on the door, which Mili supposes is Alejandro. She grabs a nightcap to cover her (very heavily made-up) eyes with and answers the door. He asks for Lina, but Mili says Lina's asleep. Alejandro apparently goes away.

Constancio comes home and Luciana gives him a hard time about where he's been. He torments her, saying she's got such an imagination and she can think whatever she likes. She reminds him he's her husband, which he says he regrets every day and it's none of her business to find out whether he's got lovers. She asks if he's afraid she'll find some surprises and he drags her over to the mirror, grabs her by the neck/chin and tells her to look in it. He tells her he only sees a drunk in it, not a woman, and she doesn't move even a hair on him. She starts trying to hit him, but gets nowhere. He tells her he doesn't have a lover…right now…he always has before, just not now. He goes to the nightstand, pulls out a bottle of some alcohol, and tells her to drink so she'll quit shaking. She asks him why he stays with her. He replies that if he divorces her he'll have to give her half and he wouldn't do that even if he was crazy…he'd rather let the alcohol consume her. He leaves and she grabs the bottle and takes a desperate several swallows before throwing it on the floor and crying. So, how do you say "dysfunctional" in Spanish? That is one messed up relationship.

The next day, at the office, Constancio handcuffs Rocky/Morgan to a suitcase full of money. Rocky/Morgan is nervous and tries to joke about it. He also asks what's in the suitcase, but at the point you're letting someone handcuff you to a suitcase, it's way too late to be asking that question. Constancio and Damian give him his instructions: go to a certain address, confirm that the other guy's Calvillo, and then once they're alone, unlock the handcuffs and give Calvillo the suitcase. Rocky/Morgan leaves and Constancio wonders it's a good idea trusting him with this. Damian assures him it's going to be fine.

Alejandro is quizzing Mili about Lina being out last night as Mili keeps trying to wipe away her eye makeup. Mili insists she was in bed asleep. Alejandro says Lina shouldn't have been in a place like that and if he busts her again, he'll have her fired. He says he isn't doing it now because he feels sorry for her, like he feels sorry for Mili. He walks off as Regina peeks out her door and Mili makes noises of disgust. Lina runs up to show Mili that she's gotten Valeria's dress dirty and is now going to be fired fo' sho'. Mili's sick of hearing all this talk about being fired and says she'll get the stain out of the dress.

Valeria's at school, taking a test, but she's daydreaming about Rocky/Morgan (Rorgan?) falling into the pool.

Rorgan meets up with Calvillo, requests ID, makes a remark about the hair confusing him because the guy's name is "Calvillo" which he thought meant something to do with being bald (calvo). It's much less funny the way I'm explaining it. Rorgan hands over the suitcase and confirms that the $2M is in there, in small bills, "because if the papers were letter-sized, they'd never fit, right?" He asks what Calvillo's going to do with the money--roll around in bed with it? Calvillo tells him to shut up. Rorgan fusses that he was just trying to make things less obvious, and hasn't Calvillo seen the Godfather movies. What is that boy talking about?

Regina is complaining to Milagros that Becker is a poet and she likes to hear his poems read, but Mili is apparently a "sonsa" (yet another variation of "stupid"). Mili tells her not to get angry and reminds her about the wrinkles, then makes a comparison to "those dogs who are so wrinkled they're useless." At Regina's shocked look, Mili asks if she stuck her foot in it. Regina nods. There's a knock on the door. Braulio came to see if Regina needed anything and Regina asks him to get this "pelada" (peeled, hairless) out of here. Mili is shocked that Regina called her that and Regina has to repeat it a few times. Mili finally busts out with "pelada las pelotas!" (hairless, my balls! I swear, she said that and they didn't bleep it). She won't let Braulio escort her out and leaves on her own. Braulio leaves as Regina laughs.

At the office, Andrea seems to be coming down with a cold. Constancio sends her home, but Damian comes in asking if they've heard from Rorgan and tells Andrea to find him. Constancio tells Damian to do it himself since Andrea's not feeling well.

Socorro peels potatoes while Mili tries to get the stain out of Valeria's dress. From the look on her face, I don't think she's having any luck. Horacio, the gardener, comes in and flirts with Socorro--something about the potato being cut by such pretty hands. He calls her a flower in spring and offers for them to go out together. She tells him that men are all alike and as soon as she says "yes" he'll be gone. Mili drinks this in and looks bothered--obviously thinking about blondie.

Damian is worried because Rorgan has his cell phone turned off. Constancio suggests that he call Calvillo directly, already. Damian, after half a second, says he's not picking up either. Constancio says he's going home and to call when he has news. Damian now picks up the phone on the desk and asks Calvillo if he's got the money. Calvillo insists he doesn't know what money Damian's talking about. Calvillo tells him to just try telling anyone that Damian tried to bribe him and see what happens, chump. Calvillo hangs up on him.

Mili tries to get Lina to leave the house for their free hours to go out into the street and make some money. No, not like that, and Lina's thinking it too. Mili "borrows" some eggs from the refrigerator and the two girls are off.

Hugo talks to his faceless painting of Carmen and tells her he's got to see her again.

Mili's scam is to have Lina toss eggs at windshields and then offer to clean said windshields for 5 pesos.

Valeria finds her dad in the living room and tells him she had to take a taxi because Rorgan didn't come to pick her up. Damian now comes in to tell Constancio that Calvillo got "nothing." Constancio tells Damian to try calling his cell again. He's got it on now, and Damian asks what he did with the suitcase. Rorgan comes into the room, talking on his cell, and says he did as he was told--hand over the suitcase with the papers. Damian grabs him and he and Constancio start demanding to know where the money is. These guys aren't the sharpest knives in the drawer.

Mili's still running her scam, but her next egging victim is Alejandro, who refuses to pay. Mili says she'll do him a favor and not make him pay, but now he's hung up over owing her a favor, so Mili takes care of it by re-egging his windshield.

Tomorrow: Constancio and Andrea's relationship is found out. Alejandro kisses Andrea and then runs into his dad at her place. Ewwwww!


Pasión, 01/23/08: What's the worst that can happen?

Cami tells Justo and Ofelia of Vasco's roll in the hay with Ines. Justo is hopping mad. He doesn't think Vasco needs "more time" for anything. He runs off to see Vasco at the mill, where Vasco is "consoling" Ursula at this very moment. Ofelia and Camila worry about how Santi will take it. Cami offers to tell him. Ofelia says better not, because Rita is more jealous than ever. They hope maybe it's just because of the pregnancy.

Fran admits to LaFont that Lis has always had a crush on Ric. He tells her that Ric and Cami are engaged, and asks point-blank if the Ric they know is the same as Ric the pirate. Fran wordily denies it. LaFont also suggests that Lis ought to get out more. Fran politely agrees with him, and fans herself as he leaves.

She goes in the house and tells Lis of LaFont's suspicions about Ric. She thinks maybe LaFont and Jorge sent their friend to La Mariana to dig up some dirt on their family - Ric would get sent to the gallows, and Lis would lose her inheritance. "How can you think about money when Ric's life is at stake??" "Excuse me if I'm more interested in your welfare than in his. By the way, he's engaged to Camila."

Lis is impactada.

Justo gets to the mill and rushes up the stairs. Vasco is sitting alone with a very contented air. Justo smacks him right off of his chair. "How dare you?! You ARE getting married this time!" (So I guess Vasco didn't marry Paco's mother... Santi mentioned in his chat with Ascanio last week that she died.) "Okay, so when do you want me to marry her?" Justo says he and Santi will decide. And if Santi wants to beat him up, Justo will let him.

Ines is crying her eyes out with Ofelia. It's been two weeks; they hope she's not pregnant. Ofelia says Santi doesn't know yet, so don't let on with all the crying. Ines worries that Santi will throw her out; she thinks she deserves it. Ofelia doubts that, but reminds her of all the things that are wrong with Vasco. "Maybe he'll change!" Ofelia tells her not to get her hopes up.

At the forge, Ascanio tells Santiago that he learned reading and writing from nuns as a kid. I think he's writing a business plan for selling the lanterns. Santi thinks they should offer turnip seed oil at the same time (as lamp oil). They seem to have some big plans for making a lot of money. Santi thinks that people treat you better when you have money. Memo to Santi: people also treat you better when you're not a selfish jerk.

Justo comes by and tells Santi they need to go to Ofelia's for a talk. He assures worried Ascanio that it's not about Camila. Ascanio says he can move in now; Justo says "okay, whenever" and wanders off with Santi.

They get to Ofelia's. Justo orders Ramona (the maid) away from the stove so they can speak privately. Santi pokes his head in to let Ofelia know he's there to talk to Justo. Ofelia tells Ines to go out there and face Justo. She doesn't want to, but it only takes Justo two seconds to explain things to Santi. "Your sister and Vasco are going to get married." (Ines cowers nervously behind Ofelia.) "They HAVE to." Santi blows up... at Ines! She invites him to hit her (or some less violent translation of "pegar..." I'll leave this to the Caray Caray Brain Trust to figure out!).

Santi hobbles over to the forge, looks around aimlessly, and leaves without saying anything. Ascanio and the twins look at one another in confusion, and then there's a lengthy shot of Santi going to the church. (Normally, when people on this show go anywhere, not only is there no travel time, but the edit is so abrupt that you don't even realize right away that they've moved.) He turns down a chance to give his confession, but the priest gets him to talk. Santi says there's no peace in his life. He talks about his love for Camila (the priest has already heard about that one). He's prayed and prayed to get over it, but it hasn't happened. The priest says maybe this is meant as a test. (If so, he's only earned himself a D at best, and it's time to move on to the next test.)

Next, he talks about Rita's jealous nagging, and Vasco taking advantage of his sister. He doesn't want Ines to turn out unhappy like him for marrying the wrong person. Santi says it's not always God who decides - sometimes it's the devil. The priest urges him to pray for all of these people in addition to himself, for peace. Santiago gets down and prays.

Vasco and Bernabe are hanging out at the bar. Vasco's telling him about the world of hurt he's in now that their parents know about Ines. And this all came down right after he was with Ursula, consoling her for being an almost-widow (though, he tells Bernabe, it seemed to him that she couldn't have cared less about that guy).

Bernabe laughs and then suddenly gets serious. He says money makes problems smaller. "A little money never hurt anyone," he says. (He reminds me of the little devil that sits on a cartoon character's left shoulder.) "Camila deserves it," Vasco agrees. They drink to that.

Ric, Mario, and their posse approach La Paisana's Home for Wayward Pirates and Highwaymen. Mario is saying that if Juancho's men are the ones who were robbing caravans and killing people, Ric'll get his fortune back, as well as a pardon, and then he can marry his beloved.

Ric isn't sure it will be so easy, and anyway, they don't even know how many of them there are. Mario says that each one of their guys is worth two of Juancho's. As for La Paisana, they'll just tell her to scram. Mario asks about the chat he had with Camila last night. Did they fight? Ric ignores him.

Lazaro asks to see La Paisana. A girl tells him LP hasn't left her room in days and has been acting strangely, but LP comes out to talk to him. She asks (or tells?) him that Pablo worked for Antillano. He was going to ride with the caravan for better security. (Looks like a strong paper towel would have been more effective.) Lazaro explains that it was Ric's money that got stolen from the caravan, so it's probably here. LP says no, Juancho came back with mules, but no big trunks full of money. There's no way he could have hidden them. (She says something about nobody messes with Foreman's stuff?) LP tells Lazaro that Juancho said some other people were waiting for the caravan too.

(This conversation is confusing... I thought Lazaro witnessed the whole thing! The ruckus woke him up!)

Manuela runs into her father in the plaza. She seems to shrink in her shoes when she spots him. She's dressed in her church duds, and he chastises her for prudish frumpy clothes, even though the kids she teaches are having their first communion today. "You're never around when I need you," he complains. She offers not to go. He wants her to invite Lis and Fran to the house tomorrow. She whines that she wanted to spend some time with Ursula after her fiance's death. He tells her to send the note first and then she can do what she likes, but he doubts Ursula will care much anyway.

Jimena is back at Camila's house - Fran told her that Ric ordered one of the servants to care for Pablo. (I hope Jimena confirmed that before leaving.) They talk about Claudio's little mishap, and how Alvaro deserved it but Claudio shouldn't have done it, and it's a good thing Ric was there and took him to the Iguana. Maybe they'll turn him into a rich and handsome pirate like Ric.

Santi brings home some flowers for Rita and apologizes for being testy with her. He assures her that he's all done with Cami. Rita says she'll have to see for herself. He says that what he did for Cami last night, he would have done for any friend. Rita says Cami is no friend. He changes the subject to the handkerchiefs she's embroidering and says he wishes the baby could be born tomorrow so he could see it. This cheers her up. She hopes this baby is the first of many.

Camila prays for Claudio. Ascanio comes in with his bags packed and she says she should pray for him too, that he does okay at her father's house. They talk about how they'll miss each other, and Claudio. Cami says it only takes a second to make mistakes that follow you for the rest of your life. Jimena catches them on their way out, and they walk out together, bidding fond farewells. The women realize it's just the two of them now. They say they're glad they have each other, even if they do bicker a bit. "Men come and men go, but friends are forever," Jimena says. Aw.

The kids have just finished their first communion service. Manuela comes out of the church and sees Ascanio. He seems to have the opposite effect on her that LaFont does. (That is, she can look at his face instead of her shoes when she talks to him. I think she likes looking at his face.) He tells her he's moving in with Justo. She says she's going to see Ursula. Also, she told her father that Ascanio didn't need the loan. "It was VERY nice to see you, Doña Manuela." "Me too."

Fortunata tells Sofia that Ursula must be very sad. Sofia says yeah, not even for two whole days... a servant saw her sneaking out in the morning. Sofia says she wants to ask Justo if he knows anything about Alvaro's cousin, Claudio, whose mother Alvaro had been married to. Fortunata wants to know if they're going to find Ursula another man. Sofia says they'll talk about it when Jorge comes back, but she thinks it's better to leave it alone... Ursula doesn't want to get married. The only other man she was interested in was Ric, and he preferred Camila - and Sofia can understand that.

Fortunata says it's just a shame that the Mancera fortune should default to the crown because Jorge doesn't have an heir. She starts to ask if Jorge would try to make an heir with another woman, but Sofia cuts her off only to finish the sentence anyway. She mysteriously says maybe there's someone else who has priority. Fortunata is intrigued to hear that there might be some boy-baby-bastards she doesn't know about. "Eh, I'm just sayin'," Sofia says. "You never 'just say,'" Fortunata protests. Sofia gives her a dirty look.

Ursula is reading something from Spain (as evidenced by the second person plural verbs) when Manuela shows up to offer condolences. Ursula laughs at her and says the only thing that upset her was the spoiled wedding plans. "I had only just met him, and anyway, he wasn't all that handsome." She liked the idea of being a duchess and partying with the viceroy, and putting on pretty things, and having everyone look up to her as a queen. (Excuse me, Ursula, that's duchess.)

"Well, sorry anyway," Manuela says. She asks if they caught the guy who did it. Ursula thinks Camila is protecting him, and that she put him up to it. Because she's a tramp. She coaxed Ric into dumping Ursula. Manuela protests. Fortunata listens at the door with her mouth open. Ursula gets angry with Manuela for not agreeing with everything she says. "Fine, I'll leave," Manuela says meekly. Ursula impatiently tells her to sit down, and tries to pump her for information about Lis. Is she still drooling over Ric?

Ascanio arrives at Justo's house. Justo looks like it's the only good thing that's happened to him all day. During their tour of the house, they run into Ines, who is playing with Paco. Paco is happy to have a new roommate and asks if Ascanio will play with him. Ines looks like she wants to disappear.

Justo shows Ascanio his room. Ascanio says it's okay about Paco - he likes kids. Justo says the room used to be Cami and Rita's. Ascanio says he noticed Ines looked a little downcast. Justo says she's going to marry Vasco and join the family. (After which, they'll all be downcast.) Ascanio looks confused. Justo changes the subject to suggest lunch.

Fortunata whispers in Sofia's ear as the two descend the staircase. Sofia warns Ursula not to mess with Camila. Ursula asks, "who told you about that?" even as Fortunata's legs are still vanishing back up the stairs. "She's suffered enough," Sofia tells Ursula. Ursula scorns this with, "I've always said she was a dead fly." Sofia warns not to defy her.

Team Ric scopes out Team Juancho's camp from afar. They see the mules, but not the wagons. A couple of guys are carrying a big trunk, but it's obviously not heavy enough to be filled with gold. They don't see Juancho or el Tuerto, but Ric thinks they must be inside.

If I'm not mistaken, el Tuerto is dead. Someone else (is this Juancho?) is telling Lazaro he still doesn't trust him. Lazaro just wants to know when the captain (Foreman?) is coming, so he can bum a ride on his boat.

Lazaro tells La Paisana she's got a good business going there; does she work for Foreman? She says she works only for herself. She asks him if Pablo had a wife or kids. Lazaro asks, why so much interest in Pablo, was he a customer at your old bordello or something? She tosses a bucket of liquid in his face and calls him a dog. She walks away as the saloon patrons snicker at Lazaro.

Justo reminds Vasco that they're going to Santi's house this evening to make a formal marriage proposal.

Ursula is practicing archery... on living things. She lets one fly at a groomsman, who ducks just in time. The horse whinnies in terror. Fortunata tells Ursula they're having a Mass for Alvaro. Ursula snidely says he's not her fiance any more. Fortunata asks where Ursula went in the morning. Ursula says she went out and she's done it before and it's none of Fortunata's business. Fortunata tells her not to be rude and asks if it was to see Vasco. Ursula aims an arrow at her. Fortunata warns her that she was seen out in broad daylight within hours of her intended's death. It was shameless. If her parents found out...

Ursula leaves, guffawing.

A lady is singing and dancing at the Bad Pirate Camp when the Good Pirates ride in. "It's the Antillano!" The bad guy pirates surround them. "Is that any way to greet your colleagues?" Juancho says he's not sure they're colleagues. Did Foreman send them? Ric says yep. "I don't believe you," Juancho says. "I haven't heard from him." "Why would he write you if you don't know how to read?" Mario wisecracks.

LP comes out to investigate. She is much happier to see them. Juancho warns her that they're lying about being sent by Foreman. She tells him that he can go ahead and hide if he's afraid. She's the boss around here, and if he pushes his luck he'll have no food, drink, or women. She sends him to his room and invites Ric and Mario in. Mario tells his men to arrange the horses around the front door, and if they see anything suspicious, to take off.

LP brings them into the saloon, loudly orders the ladies to bring them food and drink, and takes them to a table in the back where she tells them she doubts they're here on Foreman's orders - this is Ric's own business and he doesn't want to discuss it with anyone else, because unlike those guys out there who'll do anything, when it's Antillano it's always something big.

They ask her why she left La Coralina. She said she got tired of it; too many people. They ask where El Tuerto is. "He was here, but I killed him," she says, because he murdered a colleague who had begged for mercy during their last caravan heist.

"Do you mean Pablo?" Mario asks. She looks like she wants to tell him everything, but instead she answers "that's what they told me he was called." Ric tells her that Mario found him and he's out of danger now. She gasps with relief. Mario asks if he's the son she'd told him about. "What's going on with our damn food?" she yells at one of the girls.

Juancho and another guy are wondering what's going on. He repeats that he doesn't think Foreman sent them. He thinks they should kill the whole bunch of them. "But they haven't done anything!" the other guy says. Juancho doesn't want to wait for them to do something. The other guy says Juancho's nervous around Antillano because he killed El Negro, but Juancho killed Manolo, and Antillano's not even pirating any more. They're here for something else. Juancho isn't so sure that the rest of Ric's team is in agreement. He thinks they're all afraid of him.

The full moon looms heavily over the earth. I.e., it is nighttime. Ric, Mario, and LP are still talking about the heist. She knows Ric's money was taken. He tries to play dumb, but she doesn't let him. She denies that the money is there, though. Ric says Pablo saw El Tuerto take off with it. She insists that all Tuerto brought back was mules and loose change. They think Juancho must have hidden the wagon, then. LP doesn't think so. These guys talk a lot, even more when they're drunk, and no one's mentioned any money.

La Paisana says Juancho mentioned something about another group, but they weren't "colleagues" - as far as she knows, they're the only "colleagues" in the area. Juancho didn't see them, he only saw something moving. But if anyone took his money, it had to have been those other people.

Ric wonders, if Juancho knew about the wagon, why didn't he bring it? She says she hasn't discussed that with him. In that case, Ric asks, how does she know about his money?

"Lazaro told me."
Ric is impactado.

Vasco and Bernabe are discussing the intended blackmail. Vasco can't go through with it tonight because he has to go get engaged. Bernabe is getting frustrated with Vasco for not being able to make up his mind about the blackmail. Vasco points out that it's his sister at stake, not Bernabe's. Vasco says he's got to go and they'll talk tomorrow.

Ofelia is waiting for him. Justo and and Santi aren't home yet, and Ines didn't want to be there for this. Rita comes out to say hello. This is how she finds out that Vasco is going to marry Ines! From her tone, it sounds like she thinks they're all out of their minds. Vasco nods sheepishly.


  • Santi warns Vasco that if he fools around on Ines, he'll break every bone in his body.
  • Ric makes a formal appointment with Justo.
  • Lis, still impactada, turns to her dolls for comfort.
  • Camila receives an unstamped piece of mail that's read and white. And black. So, so black.


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

1/22/08, Tuesday -- Yo Amo Juan, His future is with Susana

Juanito is doing is homework and tells Juan's buddy that Susana kissed Juan!

Susana and Juan are continuing with their swimming lesson at the river. Juan is nervous in the water unless he holds onto her -- he grabs her and almost kisses her, but then stops. They lean away from each other and start to make their way out of the water.

Paula and Cesar Luis are at the table. CL stares stone-faced into space. Paula asks what the problem is. CL tells her that he's decided to have the operation as soon as possible. Uh-oh. She asks him if he wants to get a second opinion. He's ready to go ahead with the operation now, as long as she's at his side. Of course!

Juan demonstrates his new swimming and diving skills and shouts to celebrate. Susana, sitting on the riverbank, smiles and sighs. Alas!

Monica and her cuz are discussing the latest with Juan and Paula. The cousin reminds Monica that Paula told Juan to go to hell. Exactly! That's why Monica thinks that Paula's love for Juan won't die. In fact, she's sure that Paula will continue to be obsessed with Juan and Paula's relationship with CL will inevitably die.

It is evening and Juan and Susana are dancing. She says that no one has sung for her, ever. Juan leans over to sing in her ear, gazes into her eyes, and pulls back. She is gazing at him, slightly sad.

Romance is in the air at Casa de Alirio. He's got the rows of candles and rose petals on the bed. Nidia steps into the room. What's this?! It's not working, Nidia wants to go to sleep! They scuffle and yell at each other, waking the baby.

Juan thinks about how this is a key day for him. He told off Paula and now he wants to try to dedicate himself to Susana.

It is morning. The clowns are drunk and make their way on wobbly legs with musicians toward Susana's apartment. A local resident tells them to get lost. Susana opens her window and steps out in her PJ's. She goes down to the street and tells them she has no respect for them, her respect belongs only to Juan!

Juan is in a phone both making a call. Monica answers the phone at Farrell. He talks in a fake voice, but she knows it's him. She wants to talk to him. He tries to put her off, but she insists. He makes a hissing sound into the phone, shouts over the fake static that he hears, and hangs up.

Out in the street, Juan is talking to his buddy about going to DF. His friend tries to remind him about Susana, how Juan just sang for her the night before. Juan snaps at him! Juan can't get Paula out of his heart, but insists his future belongs to Susana.

Yadhira asks her mom about the craft project Nidia's doing. It's the latest style. Yadi looks doubtful and tries to do some reality testing with her mom.

Juan rushes over to Susana's place. She opens the door in her robe with her hair in a towel. Juan grabs her, kisses her, and breathlessly asks if she will be his girlfriend. She is taken aback and says she'll have to think about it. Juan plays it cool and offers that she should take her time to think about it. He steps out. On the street, he tells his friend that he's not sure how it went with Susanita.

Clown number one is back at home -- with lots of alcohol bottles and horse figurines on the shelves. The clown's dad yells at him for being drunk at this time in the morning. Clown tells him what Susana said about Juan. Dad calls Herlinda into the room and chastises her for not winning over Juan. Herlinda's letting the competition get him! Herlinda wants to take a more subtle approach, but her dad threatens what will happen to Juan if he doesn't do right by Herlinda.

Monica asks Merily about Juan's whereabouts. Merily can't tell her, and wants to know why Monica would want to get in touch with Juan.

The doctor tells Cesar Luis via phone to relax and to call with any questions. Don't worry! CL's doctor's assistant comes in with CL's test results. The doctor gets flustered with another patient's chart and a new phone call, knocking papers to the floor. CL's results, unopened, have fallen into the trash. The janitorial staff comes in just then to empty the trash.

Merily is talking to Paula on the phone and mentions that Juan called the office when she wasn't there and Monica answered. Monica then wanted to know where Juan is -- M. couldn't tell her. Paula is still trying to understand why Juan was not thrilled to hear from her and yelled at her on the phone. Merily asks Paula what was she expecting, under the circumstances.

Aliro's esteemed business partners are making their sales pitch to Cesar Luis. Monica and Gaitan look on. The tech guy manages to lose CL's agenda on the computer then lets slip that he's not sure how to get it back. CL explodes in rage and tells the presenters to scram. CL yells at Gaitan. Monica asks Gaitan to step out, so that she can handle CL. She tells him he's going to have to relax. She starts to give him a back massage. He protests, but she insists.

Just then, Paula steps into the lobby outside of CL's office. She opens the door to his office and sees Monica helping CL to relax. Apparently she is interrupting something! They tell her it was nothing. She snipes at CL. He tells her she can't be watching him 24/7, doesn't she trust him?!? She replies that watching him is not such a bad idea. Maybe she should come back to the office.

Juan's buddy is trying to console Herlinda and gives her a hug. She is devastated about the turn of events with Juan and Susana.

Susana approaches Juan at the job site and he stays turned away from her, fussing and directing the workers. She asks if he is mad at her. Juan finally turns around, and she says she has to think about the two of them carefully. She feels lots of things, she's not sure if he's love, and she doesn't want to get hurt. She asks Juan if he is in love, he pauses a moment thinking of what to say. She asks him if he is afraid -- of course he isn't! They finally kiss and Juan's buddy starts to interrupt them, but backs away when he sees that they are busy.

Later, Susana is walking away from the jobsite and Juan catches up to her. They have a much more serious embrace, it looks like things may heat up very soon!

*Note: Any similarity to real events is purely coincidental.*


Pasion - Jan. 22, 2008 - declarations, allegations and investigations galore

* Ascanio escorts Santo into the salon of Cami's house. Ascanio tells Cami, Vasco, Justo and Santo about all the guards at the mansion; he doesn't know anything about Alvaro. Santo asks if they know or are searching for where Claudio is. Vasco seconds the question. Cami covers with excuse that they aren't searching for him. Ascanio backs her up. Santo starts to scold them both for hiding something about Claudio's whereabouts. Justo has to stand up and defend his daughter. Cami says that one afternoon Ursula and Claudio met each other. Ascanio reminds Vasco of that meeting on the plaza near the market store. Santo apologizes to Cami.

* Everyone leaves the bedroom so Padre and his alter boy can perform the 'last rites' prayers over Alvaro's body.

* Jorge and Alberto join the chief of the guards and Marcelino in the front entry. Chief and Jorge discuss the notion that the boy is living at Cami's house. Ursula comes downstairs and tells the men that the boy's full name is Claudio Fernandez de la Cueva, he told her so himself and he is the protege of Cami - so she wants Cami to arrested also for this crime. Jorge says they'll see; the chief is a professional and we'll let the guards to their jobs. Chief leaves. Ursula is adamant about Cami being arrested also. Jorge tells her to stop with the stupidity and return to her fiance upstairs now. She leaves. Jorge and Alberto talk about Claudio being one of Alvaro's lost cousins. Jorge turns and orders Marcelino to organize a search party. Marcelino leaves. Jorge and Alberto continue to talk - Jorge mentions that Paulino said that Alvaro called him Claudio and the boy called him murderer. Alberto chuckles at the coincidence that Jorge's daughter is first engaged to a pirate and then a murderer. Jorge and Alberto go to office for drinks and to wait for the inevitable death.

* As Padre, altar boy and ladies encircle the bed where Alvaro lays; they continue to pray; Alvaro takes his last deep breaths and dies. Doctor proclaims him dead.

* Cami, Ascanio, Vasco, Santo and Justo are in the salon - anxious and nervous. They hear the horses stop at the front gate. They all have to hold Cami back and convince her to stay inside. Vasco stays with her.

* Ascanio, Santo and Justo let the chief and the guards in the courtyard. He's there to search for Claudio. The men say Claudio isn't there; they play buffer for Claudio and Cami. Ascanio offers up his knowledge of Claudio, since he knew the lad in La Mariana. The chief asks Ascanio to come with them to make a declaration tonight.

* In the salon, Cami has been listening to the conversation from the door. She decides to go outside and talk with the chief; despite Vasco's best efforts to keep her inside.

* Cami walks out and starts to talk with the chief about how she knows Claudio. Vasco comes out with his sister. As the chief orders Cami to come with them to the municipal building and make a declaration, he also informs her about the accusations coming from Ursula. Vasco calls Ursula an insolent liar, and defends his sister. Justo has to come to Vasco's defense.

* Rico tells Mario that he found Bermejo and he confessed to setting him up for murder, and Tim and Fran were part of the scheme. Rico says that he asked Don Gaspar to leave Fran's name out of the official report because of Lis. Mario objects - Fran deserves to be punished. Rico changes the subject to the ambush and stolen money chests - wonder how he will be able to confront Jorge without sufficient funds. Rico asks who else knows about the theft - the crew, Cami, Jimena? Mario says no one but Pablo, he and Rico. As Mario talks with Rico about their life aboard ship, Antillano still is in disbelief over the theft - he was going to use part of the money to help the residents at La Iguana. He mentions Claudio sent there. Mario warns Rico that love and piracy don't mix. Rico can't stop himself - his love for Cami is the one thing that has kept him going while he was away.

* Sofia talks with Jorge and Alberto in the office about the investigation and search for Claudio - no luck finding him yet.

* Rico tells Mario to make sure they have enough pesos/coins left to last for the next three months. Rico mumbles about what rotten luck he's having.

* Vasco and Santo stand outside the municipal building. Justo comes out and says he can't go inside to be with Cami during her declaration. Santo is angry that Justo, her father can't be there.

* Rico rides his horse, alone, at night.

* In Pablo's room, Mario informs Jimena about Claudio killing his cousin tonight. Jimena is shocked - she knew of his threats but never thought he'd go through with it. Just then Pablo wakes up. Mario and Jimena run to his bedside. Mario asks Pablo who ambushed the caravan? Pablo mutters the name, El Tuerto. Jimena wonders if that's the same man who kidnapped her and Cami. Mario works to keep Pablo awake and talking to him about the incident, who did it - pirates like us?

* Rico arrives at the municipal building. Justo tells him that Cami and Ascanio are inside making their declarations. Rico goes inside. Santo grumbles why does Rico get to go inside but not him or Justo? Justo and Vasco have to argue that Rico is Cami's fiance and plus he's rich and has more power.

* In the hallway outside the chief's office, Rico talks with the guard - he wants permission to sit in with Cami, he's her fiance. Guard goes into the office.

* As Cami is arguing and giving her declaration to the chief, the guard enters and whispers to the chief that Rico wants to enter. Chief goes out to the hallway - tries to turn Rico away; Rico makes several very good, substantial arguments to get himself inside the office. Chief tells him this declaration is for a special reason - the murder victim was the fiance of El Senor's daughter. In the end, Rico wins the argument. Chief and Rico enter the office. Rico hugs Cami and tells her everything will be fine. They sit down and she continues her declaration.

* Ascanio finishes his declaration and joins Santo, Vasco and Justo outside.

* Mario rides to Cami's house and knocks on the front gate - no answer.

* Rico and Cami join Papa Justo, Vasco, Santo and Ascanio outside on the street. Santo leaves. As papa and Vasco leave, Vasco shakes Rico's hand and calls him 'cunado'. Ascanio, Rico and Cami walk back to Cami's house.

* Outside the front gate, Rico sees Mario standing there. Cami and Ascanio go to the door. Mario whispers to Rico that Pablo remembers El Tuerto. Cami calls out to ask if Mario and Rico will be coming inside. Rico excuses himself from entering, he's tired. She understands. They whisper to each other, and give each other a good-night nuzzle. Ascanio has to clear his throat to break it up. Ascanio and Cami go inside and close the door. Mario and Rico talk about what Pablo remembered - they decide to go see La Paisana tonight. Mario reminds Rico about the lack of money and worries about confronting Jorge. Rico knocks on the door. Mario tells Rico to come up with whatever "fish" story he can about missing documents in order to leave town. Ascanio opens the door - Rico needs to see Cami - Ascanio escorts Rico inside. Mario stays outside with the horses.

* Rico waits in the salon. Cami appears. Rico tells her that he has to leave; they have a lead on his stolen important documents. Cami asks if its dangerous. Rico says yes. She asks if they know who stole them? he says delinquents. Cami wonders how much longer before they can be together. Rico assures her. She's scared, for him and for her safety - she likes how he cares and protects her. Rico asks her why she doesn't also think the same about her dad or Vasco? Cami is caught off-guard.

* Mario returns to Pablo's room. Mario checks on Pablo - sleeping soundly. Mario then watches Jimena sleep in her chair near the bed. He whispers a compliment to her.

* Outside the hacienda, Jesus and Guerrero saddle up the horses.

* In the hallway the next day, Mario informs Rico about all the belly-aching Fran and Lis had been doing about him, Pablo, the men and Jimena while Rico was away. Rico and Mario enter Pablo's room.

* In the room, Jimena is feeding Pablo some soup as Mario and Rico enter and watch. Jimena places the breakfast tray on the side dresser. Mario and Jimena leave. Rico sits by the bed. Pablo asks about the chests; Rico asks Pablo to tell him what he remembers about the ambush and who did it. Pablo distinctly remembers El Tuerto, and that the gang were pirates. Rico stands and thought bubbles to himself.

* Everyone in town watches as Alvaro's casket is loaded onto the funeral cart. Jorge talks with the chief of the guards about Cami and Ascanio's declarations last night - Chief says that Rico was present during Cami's declaration. Due to lack of evidence, chief had to release Cami and Ascanio. Chief leaves. Jorge and Alberto talk about Alberto starting a secret, private investigation of his own. Jorge will leave to escort the casket back to Salvatierra (the trip will be for one day).

* Fran and Lis stop Rico in the hallway. Rico apologizes for yesterday. Lis asks him what's wrong? Did he get some bad news on his trip? Fran and Lis want to talk. Rico stomps into the salon, and the ladies follow him.

* In the salon, Rico blasts Fran about Bermejo's confession to the frame-up scheme. Fran and Lis are stunned. Lis asks what are you talking about? Rico says our aunt Fran knows very well what I'm talking about. Fran stutters and tries to deny the allegations against her; says Tim hated Pedro, from the day Pedro stole his girlfriend from him. Rico is still fuming mad. He yells at them to never interfer with his men and the ladies who come to care for Pablo - it is HIS house after all! Rico storms out. Lis is stunned and demands that Fran tell her the truth about Bermejo and her dad. Fran tells her about Bermejo being the kingpin of the illegal drug and slave trade in La Mariana. They argue. Fran pleads with Lis for compasion and to believe her. Lis doesn't believe her and leaves. Fran sits and cries.

* Cami talks with Justo at the house - Rico had to leave on a one-day trip but when he returns, Rico promises to make the engagement official. Justo mentions getting Don Castulo to handle the arrangements. Justo leaves. Cami sees Ines - they sit on the garden bench and talk about Vasco completing his duty with Ines. Ines is upset and doesn't think he will. Ines asks Cami about talking with Ofelia and Justo - she doesn't want to force a marriage on Vasco but if she's pregnant... Cami assures Ines how beautiful and caring a person she is, also Paco adores her. Ines questions why she had to fall in love with someone like Vasco.

* Ursula meets with the chief of the guards. The guards haven't found Claudio anywhere yet. Ursula is convinced that Cami knows and isn't saying anything. Ursula then makes her one special accusation that Cami was an accessory to the murder of her fiance. The chief is aghast and wonders if Jorge knows. Ursula tells the chief that she is Jorge's only child and he always defends her. Ursula leaves.

* Alberto visits Lis and Fran at the hacienda. Fran and Alberto inform Lis that Ursula's fiance was murdered last night in the square by the protege of Cami. Lis is shocked. Alberto asks about Rico - they briefly mention his latest trip he is on right now and then change the subject fast. Lis asks Alberto about the medical letter. Alberto says the original hasn't turned up, and unfortunately, they weren't able to get another one because Don Bonifacio died before their man arrived in town. Alberto assures Lis and Fran of his loyal friendship to them.

* Cami finds Justo at work outside the market. She needs to speak with him and Ofelia about Vasco and Ines - it's important. shall they meet at his house or Ofelia's? Justo suggests they meet at her place.

* Ursula climbs the stairs outside the mill.

* As Ofelia and Justo walk passed the shop, they mention to Santo that they are going to talk with Cami - something about Vasco and Ines. Santo half-explodes about his adamant opposition of Ines having anything to do with Vasco - he is a slacker and womanizer and won't ever change. Justo agrees with Santo; Ofelia says they are still going to go and talk with Cami. They leave. Santo stews in his spite.

* Ursula arrives at the mill office door - make I enter for a little consolation from a friend? Vasco welcomes her in with a loving embrace. He asks where her father is? she says away. He asks if there will be any engagements soon? she's not sure. They start to kiss right their on the desk. Jeremias walks in the office, sees them on the desk and backs out closing the door behind him.

* Ofelia, Justo and Cami talk in the courtyard. Ofelia and Justo sit down. Cami starts off by saying she loves her brother, but on this occasion she can't continue to support him. Cami reveals that Vasco and Ines had slept together. Ofelia and Justo are impactado. Cami isn't sure when it happened; just that it was not rape. Justo wants to kill Vasco. Cami attempts to calm her dad down. He leaves to talk with Vasco. Cami and Ofelia cry with worry - over Justo, Vasco and especially Santo when he finds out about this. Then Ofelia tells Cami about Rita, her pregnancy and her continuing jealous rage against Cami and Santo. Cami and Ofelia cry and walk together.

* Fran and Alberto walk outside. Alberto surprises Fran with the news about Rico and Cami's engagement. Fran hopes the news will finally make Lis stop fantasizing about Rico. Alberto then asks if nephew Rico and Rico Lopez are the same person. Fran covers by saying that it's just a coincidence the two have similar first names, plus it's been many many years since she's even received word from her nephew. Alberto mentions the possibility of Lis going into town sometime. Alberto leaves.

* Fran returns to the salon and gossips to Lis about Alberto's questions concerning Rico. Fran is concerned about Alberto and Jorge investigating and suspects their man they sent to La Mariana must've uncovered something about their family. Lis is worried that they will try to get her inheritance. Fran then shocks Lis with the news that Rico and Cami are engaged.


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

01/22/08 Al Diablo con los Guapos, "She's so deliciously low"

Shout out to Professor Higgins, that be Henry Higgins.

Greetings viewers this is my first night of Guapos. I do believe many fine points may have slipped past me, but let’s not get bogged down in trivialities when there is such an abundance of cheating, lying and so on going on amongst the upper classes and so much good naco fun amongst the lower.

We open with the rehash of the kiss on the street between Al de golden locks and Mili de Naco. He stuns her with a kiss, she backs away and then when he teases her, she sweeps in with a seductive eye, puts her arm around his neck, her eyes are saying yes, yes, yes. Unfortunately for Al her knee says no no no. Al doubles over and he may be out of action for quite a while. Mili laughs and runs off with her friend.

Hugo, the “crippled” shut in is trying to paint, but no luck his hand trembles and he can’t go on. This guy has a serious scam thing going. Maybe he is on disability and is afraid the camera will catch him being able and then what?

It pretty much seems that once you end up in one of the bedrooms upstairs in this house, you pretty much never see the light of day again. Mister Gloves just brings you food.

Down in the kitchen Karla (the lil servant who was hanging on Damien), is arguing with her mother. I don’t know Ma’s name, so for now I will just call her CookLady. Ma wants lil Karla to stay away from Damien. He is a drunk, a womanizer, lives off of his brother-in-law, killed his wife and son’s girlfriend and doesn’t floss. Karla is like “Whatever, I ain’t wearing this pink uniform forever.” Karla sees Damien as a stepping stone to getting what she wants.
---I believe there is a lesson to be learned here, see when you give your kid a name with a letters that aren’t in your native tongue, it leads to unrealistic expectations. Had she named her Carla; she would be much more willing to accept her lowly place in life & possibly hit on the younger male members of the family---

Al has apparently recovered and there is at least a 30% chance he can someday father children. He & his best buddy Bobby are pacing in front church. When the ever-loveable kindly rotund Padre appears, Al inquires after “Carlito”, the name he dubbed Mili. He gives the Padre a business card and says to send Mili to the address. He has a job for her.

The Padre is thrilled and passes the message on to Mili. Mili doesn’t know it is Al de Golden Locks, but she still doesn’t seem thrilled.

The groundskeeper gives Morton, the chauffeur, love advice. Seems Morton is in love with Al’s beautiful sister Valeria. He tells Morton that a guy has to be mysterious, women love a man of mystery. He has to have some deep dark secret like a TeleNovela galan. Poor Morton, he has been dubbed the comic Naco relief in this TeleNovela.

Later when he is driving Valerie he tells her that he isn’t what she thinks. I’m not sure exactly what the deal was, there were gypsies mentioned, a break with the family and he is next in line for some huge inheritance from maybe European Royalty. Yes, folks it was that believable. Valerie regales us with peals of laughter and tells him, he must only have five neurons left. He has brain damage from alcohol. I guess this is an inside family joke since her mother is an alcoholic and her uncle is a vehicular manslaughter alcoholic. Big family dinners must be a riot in this house.

Damien is meeting with another businessman, it is something about the deal with buying the land. I guess the guy wants a cut. Damien offers him 50,000 pesos? They agree they have known each other for ever and they are businessmen. Now that the point is out of the way, yes he is a whore, but wait the price is 2,000,000 pesos. Damien is going to have a tough time laying his hands on that much scratch. Hindsight is always twenty-twenty when it comes to spousal life insurance.

I guess it is the next day and Mili arrives at the destination she was given. The secretary questions her and Mili goes all urban urchin gutter on her. I think the secretary is Const’s amante. She sends Mili (who is wearing her “good” clothes, cargos, tee shirts, but her hair is down) into Al’s office. She walks in and Al & Bobby are talking about her, mocking her. She then continues to go all gangsta on his ass. He threatens her with the police and makes her ask his Pardon. There was no job, it was all a ruse to make her apologize and learn her place. She is furious, but rather that go to juvie, she complies. Damn you Al, you will never break her spirit.

She exits the building, her friend Gloria is waiting. Mili won’t even answer Gloria, she walks into the street in front of a car. She has guttersnipe in the headlight eyes. The car doesn’t even touch her, but she falls to the ground. The driver gets out and runs to the front of the car. Why it is Const. Now if you watched yesterday, you see threads weaving this “Greek Tragedy”, she has already locked lips with her possible brother and she was a Zeus lightening bolt away from being run over by her own father.
I’m not even sure why she fainted unless it was a Zeus bolt unseen by human eyes. Ah the Gods are toying with us.

Const helps her up and all is well.

Meanwhile back at the home of twisted secrets; Damien is in his room. Karla comes in. Damien tries to get her to leave, but she says her mother is at the market and Karla won’t take no for an answer. She is all over Damien, they fall down on the bed.
Foiled again, Brau (the gloved majordomo) comes in with another servant girl. The new girl is like “See See, I told ya”.

Brau says he is going to tell Karla’s mother. Damien yells at Brau, but it doesn’t carry much weight.

Luci, Al & Valerie are all at the Church for some memorial service for I think Valerie’s father. There is an ad-hoc choir in front and Mili is singing. She is wearing her usual Carlito outfit. She starts singing all crazy and off key. Padre stops her and she leaves. Al follows her out.

----Okay Okay, I gotta interject here. We get it, she is spirited, but for the love of Gawd was she raised by the “Sisters of Lobo”? She is so over the top. She is nearly eighteen and appears to have this duo identity thing going. I mean she gets all dressed up to go to a club, but basically runs the streets like a twelve year old boy. Was she on a sabbatical to the Holy Land when basic manners were covered back in like the second grade? I know she was raised a poor orphan, but so was everyone else in there. It looks like it was a pretty fun place. This makes you rethink a good Catholic School upbringing. Maybe we haven’t seen the dark underbelly, was she forced to make knock off religious trinkets in a child sweatshop? I truly doubt this cause when I was in Mexico City, most of the religious trinkets that were being sold on the streets around the Basilica were made by unchristian children in Chinese sweatshops. If attitude flowed like sweat this girl would be soaking wet----

Al follows her outside and there is more verbal sparring. Princessa Valerie comes out and she joins in baiting Mili. Mili takes off after her. Now my money is on Mili, but really that isn’t saying much.

Now Luci approaches the Padre, she wants to employ a girl to be a companion to the Ol’ Lady, Const’s Ma.
The Padre’s face lights up. “Satan get behind Thee”, alas it is too late. You know he is going to send then Mili. Anyway it is three squares, a room and a few ducats, besides she will be out of their hair. Well I think this could work as the Padre most likely knows Luci is a drunk & besides this will teach them the meaning of tithing.
(As this whole conversation is going on we can see behind Padra & Luci, outside Al is running around outside with Mili over his shoulder). Ahhhh the promise of mucho Naco hijinks to come.

Back at the mansion, there is a shout down in the kitchen. The groundkeeper guy is all up in “The Pingueno’s Face”, hey it was his words not mine. Karla & Damien come in and Karla says it is all lies that Pingueno doesn’t like her. Well Karla neither do I, but that has nothing to do with why I think you are a skank. Damien threatens Pingueno and Pingueno exits. CookLady Ma, once again gives the laundry list of why Karla shouldn’t screw around with Damien. Karla being youthful, greedy and a smartass, thinks she has all the answers and Damien is her way out. I see no good coming of this situation.

At some point, Brau or the Penguin is up in the recluse Hugo’s room. He tries to talk to Hugo about Hugo’s dead girlfriend. Hugo laments his lost love. He tells Brau to take the untouched tray and go. He then glides his electric wheelchair over to the unfinished picture of the girl. Ah my love we well never be parted. See I think Mili would make a most excellent companion for this guy. Once she finds out that Const is her Pa, she will ready to go totally Goth on their asses and what better partner in crime?

Padre tells Mili explains her new job to her. She is crushed. She never wanted to leave the home, it is the only home she has ever known. She runs outside crying and runs into Al. He is surprised to see her crying and he hugs her. A kiss follows. She tells him she has to leave to parts unknown. Al is muy impacted. The tough veneer comes back up and the verbal sparring begins again.

When Al arrives home, Luci, Const & Damien are discussing the business. It is a no go, Damien owns 40% and he won’t give in. Al forces a vote, he thinks Luci will throw in with he & Damien, but she backs Const. Maybe Const has the keys to the liquor cabinet. Poor Al foiled again.

Meanwhile Damien tries to weasel a loan (yeah a loan, right) out of Const. “To go drink with your friends & play cards, as if”, Damien answers. Oh it is hard to live on the crumbs of others.

I think it is the next day.

Mili cries with Gloria about how much she will miss her and how she never wanted to leave the school. Gloria is overcome, the girls hug.

Over at the Mansion, Al talks to Granny, he tells her he is enamoured with someone who is very different from all the women he has been with. Ya think? I don’t see Delta Delta Delta, inviting Mili to pledge week. Granny talks about great love and makes some comment that I miss. Al says was it dead gramps? She is no, it was someone else. I think she was referring to Brittney and Kevin.

Downstairs, Luci is talking to Const’s amante. She is asking if he has a girlfriend, does he call anyone, see anyone? Amante lady says no. Const is a Saint. The wife is always the last to know.
Const while doing his best “Cesar Evora, “No Puede Ser” look inquires, “What are you doing here”. Luci says, “She is my friend and I invited her.” She then excuses herself to go and take some medication. I guess she is popping pills as well as drinking. Const grabs Amantes arm. Luci comes back in. Luci is called away as the new charge has just arrived.

Luci and Mili walk into Granny’s room, Luci introduces her. Granny’s mouth drops and Al’s face lights up. Mili cops an attitude.

In true TeleNovela form, I can see Mili becoming a combo of Liza Doolittle & what’s her name from “Sound of Music”, maybe Mili will lead the family thru the mountains to escape the Nazis. In the closing scenes it shows Mili all dressed up and almost touching Const’s shoulder as he looks out the corner of his eye. Don’t think it Const, you will feel so guilty when the truth is revealed.

Anyway…sorry if I missed parts, I am doing it from memory as I still had my recorder set for Pasions.

Stay tuned cause looks like Const tries to get a little with Amante in the living room.


Monday Jan 22, 2008 Juan Q Where Paula learns to lose, CL learns to cope and Juan learns to swim

We begin with a little (or a lot) from Friday (Ed note. Is it me or the bit that they add at the beginning of the show that was shown the day before is getting longer and longer?)
Here is what happened on Friday from Jeanne’s recap. It is now complete.

Fern has bent down in front of Marely’s desk to face her, and they have a little tête-à-tête. She’s concerned that her boss has asked for her in hysteria. He tells her she’s lucky; he hasn’t seen anyone else yet, not their bosses nor Pastor. He’s been waiting to give Monica his report. She’s jokes about what saint to thank for this miracle. Ivonne walks through the lobby in the background, eyeing them suspiciously. Fern makes a sarcastic crack when he notes her presence about how nice the day had been until this moment, what a shame. He smiles mischievously down at Marely who smiles back equally mischievously and rolls her eyes.Juan gets a lovely little kiss from Susanna across the desk and tells him she’s going to the hotel. Will he come by later? They could eat together, or something. He thought bubbles as he gazes at her, preoccupied by that “something,” and aloud tells her yes, they’ll talk. But his demeanor changes and Susanna notes it as he goes off in his thought bubble again. He didn’t want to give her hopes, because not even he himself knew what would happen. Susanna nails him-Why? Has something happened? He hurries to tell her it’s not that, he has lots of unfinished tasks. She eyes him with a question in her eye, while he thought bubbles that what he’s really thinking about is calling his Palomita again. [Ed. Note: apparently Paula knows Juan better than her mother does.] Susanna touches his face and tells him fine, if he decides, she’ll still be there. She has No Plans. He thought bubbles that this is how he likes them, well behaved. He tells her he’ll let her know one way or another in a little while (te hablo o te caigo, my loose interpretation, tell me if I’ve missed the meaning, someone). Juan ushers Susanna out of the office in a little bit of a rush, with his hands on her shoulders, while he thinks about calling Paula, because according to her mother at this hour the marble rose would be at Ana’s house.Well, Juan is right and probably a mind reader, because she’s there to answer the phone. Unfortunately, so is Laura, who is painting some little artsy objects with Ana. Juan thought bubbles when he hears her voice that his legs were turning to jelly at the moment. Paula asks who is it several times while he’s lost in thought and not responding, but is predictably ecstatic to hear his voice when he finally finds it. Laura is totally tuned in as soon as she hears Paula yell “Juan,” too—she and Ana turn around to look at Paula, in unison. Paula babbles on…. she’s so happy to hear his voice, so how has he been, etc. Juan is all business, fine, he’s simply returning her call—Licenciada. Paula doesn’t pick up on the tone of voice or choice of words. She thanks him for calling and tells him Ana had let her know he called, what a shame she wasn’t there. Juan’s spine stiffens as she stands tall in his office, listening to her voice and steeling himself to not fall into a trap. His voice gets harsh. “Yes, yes, she told me about you returning to your house with Don César Luis.” Juan thought bubbles that after that moment he doesn’t know what happened to him. But, he felt the urgency to tear this woman out of his heart (lit., let go of this woman), and all the irritation, spite, doubts, that had immobilized him such a long time. His face screws up with rage as Paula continues softly –with a rapt audience behind her – that she wanted to talk to him. He asks about what, Licenciada? Paula, still not registering the bad vibes, says she doesn’t know, for nothing special, but to now how he’s been. She’s excited that finally she can talk to him. Juan cuts loose and lets her have it with both barrels: frankly, he doesn’t understand her insistence in looking for him to call just to ask such stupid questions. Her face falls, she’s finally getting it. She stutters and he interrupts. Did she just need to tell him how happy she is with CL? Paula protests, no….and he interrupts again, yelling, what is it you want? To see if you still have the power to mess with my mind? Do you want to know if here, at your feet, I can offer you anything? Paula feels desperate; she’s lost control of this conversation and doesn’t understand qué the heck is happening. Why is he talking to her like this? He tells her they better drop the stupid games, because they’re not going anywhere, and do him the favor of LEAVING HIM IN PEACE because though it’ll be hard for her to grasp, he’s better off far from her and he’s succeeded in regaining his life there and he has no place in his life for her, nor for her damn memory. Is that clear, Señorita? He quiets and breathes again, while Paula’s tears come.

Paula tries to defend herself, she says that she understands that Juan is mad at her, but … Juan doesn’t let her continue. –You used me Paula, you used me to marry the rich guy that gives you anything that you need or not? At this point of the conversation Paula is crying hard, she can hardly speaks and says that He is right, that please forgive her and that she is never going to bother him again. Juan is beside himself, yelling at the phone like his life depends on it. –I’m glad that you understand, because that is exactly what I want. I don’t want to know about you, and I don’t want to hear your voice ever again! Paula hangs up and runs to her room. Juan is crying and still yelling to the phone –I want to tear you from my chest, I want to forget your voice, your body, because if I see you again, I swear to you! I’ll die! This was quite a scene, and very rewarding to watch, it was about time Juan told Miss I-don’t-have-a-clue (or would it be Mrs. I-don’t-have-a-clue) how he felt.

At the Cachon residence, Nidia is trying to make Yadira feel guilty; she keeps on repeating what a BAD grandmother she is. Is she allowed to at least pick up the bib that is on the floor? Or is it to dangerous for the baby to have her grandmother that close to her. Yadira just rolls her eyes and tells her that yes; she is aloud to pick up the bib and to please do it. Nidia says “Ahora resulta que la niña se va a asolear por decirle solecito” –The girl is going to get a heat stroke just because we are calling her little sun, in other words that they (Kike and Yadi) are overprotecting their child. Yadira once more rolls her eyes and tells her to cut it out and help her with the child. Nidia says she’ll do it just because the own mother of the child asked.
At Farrell Fernando is giving his report. Monica is all flustered and apologizes to Fernando for keeping him waiting. Fernando wants to know if there is a problem. Monica says that no, everything is fine, and wants to know what happened with the business. Fernando tells her that apparently Don Pastor didn’t have anything to do with the business, it was just a coincidence. Monica is not convinced about that, but changes the conversation; what about Juan Dominguez? Has he heard from him?

At the marketplace Remoacha tells Kike that Don Angarita came by and was very mad, because he wasn’t taking care of the business. Kike says that Don Angarita has to understand that he had to rescue his daughter from the hands of Godzilla. He also says that is not fair that Don Anga shows unannounced and not gives him a chance to explain himself.

At Farrell Anga is talking to an uninterested CL. He is explaining that Pastor didn’t have anything to do with the business, everything was just a coincidence. Pastor says see? I told you.

Fernando is telling Monica that he doesn’t know anything about Juan. The last he heard is that Juan came to the baptism of Kike’s daughter and then disappeared. He wants to know why Monica is so interested in Juan. Monica plays dumb. –Who me? Not at all. She says that she just thought that Juan could be an asset for the company. Fernando says ok with his lips, but “I don’t believe you” with his eyes.

Molondron is supervising the work in the field, apparently is lunch time, he opens his lunch and decides that he rather sing that eat. He starts a sweet tune. Herlinda approaches and hears the song, she asks him about his lunch and his guitar.

Juan is in his office still thinking about the phone call. He can’t believe he talked like that to his Licenciada. He says that it is like somebody else that only looked like him was the one doing the talking. It was like if an exterior force told him enough is enough, was it maybe the voice of his hart? He says he is not sure, but when he was talking he felt like if a bag full of rocks was lifted from his chest, he felt pain and happiness at the same time, because he knew now that after he had told Paula off, that chapter of his life was now close forever. (One can only hope).

At Ana’s house Paula is maaaad; she is as annoying as usual, everything has to be about her, I think, Why me? Is her mantra, but I digress, she says that Juan is a stupid (insert personal interpretation here). Ana is trying to talk some sense into her (give it up as a bad job, Ana) –Did she think that Juan was going to be happy and waiting for her phone call?. Paula whines some more –Didn’t he said he loved me? That I was the love of his life? (Earth to Paula, you are married darling, or putting it in the unforgettable words of Ferro; um, hello dude! (Or dudette) HUSBAND WITH CANCER?). Ana tells her that everybody has a limit and Juan reached his when she married CL. But, but, why did he treat me like his worst enemy? Ana tells her that she behaved worst when she used Juan to get to CL, she further explains that the reason she (Paula) is so mad is because Juan had never told her “sus verdades” the naked truth, and it hurts her because she is still in love with Juan. Paula does what every mature person does when she is loosing an argument (not); she accuses Ana of siding with the enemy. (Is this what is like to have daughters? A never ending argument about how unfair you are? Because if that is the case I’m so happy I have sons) Ana says that it was better this way, now that relationship is dead and buried.

At Achichipico, Juan is walking down a beautiful path lined with trees, he finds Molondon and Herlinda. Molondon asks him why is he so down and where is he going, Juan just replies he is going to pick up Juanito from School. Molondon asks Juan if he can go with him, Juan says sure whatever. Molo says goodbye to Herlinda and walks with Juan. Juan tells Molo what happened, how he just heard her voice and he didn’t even let her speak, how he “se la puso como camote, como chancla” (Ed note. Usually the phrase “me lo puse como camote” is used to denote a physical attack, it lit means “I put him like a sweet potatoe” I’m not to sure about this one, but I think it has to do with the color of “los camotes” made in Puebla, they are purple, hence I left him all purple. The “chancla” bit is a little easier, lit. I left her like an old sandal)
Juan is mad at himself because he feels he might have been a little too harsh on her, but Molo says as long as you did not disrespect her and told her everything from the heart, it is ok. Juan says no, I was very civilized and concrete. Molo then says to calm down or does he want call her back and ask for forgiveness? Juan says no, he said what he said and good riddance (Good for you Juan!)

2nd part

Angarita arrives at the Cachon residence. Yadi opens the door; he presents himself and asks to see Nidia, after a few minutes of hesitation she agrees to call her. Nidia is at the baby’s room, Yadi tells her that Angarita Calvo is down stairs to see her. Nidia doesn’t remember him. Yadi tells her he used to be an old boyfriend. Nidia still doesn’t remember. She wants to know the whole story about her and Angarita before going to see him. Yadi says she doesn’t know what happened. She needs to ask him herself.

At Achichipico, Juan and Susana are on their way to pick up Juanito. They are going to eat together. Juanito picked the restaurant, and Juan doesn’t know if Susana is going to like the place. Juanito wants to eat “tacos de pata de Dona Silvia” Lit Doña Silvia’s feet Tacos. Realizing how strange this sounds Juanito clarifies that the Tacos are made out of pork’s feet not Doña Silvia’s feet. Susana laughs and says that she doesn’t mind, she’ll give them a try. Juan thought bubbles that that is the kind of women he likes. “Leidas, pensantes y jaladoras” Lit. –Well-read, thoughtful and bold. Juanito is very happy too. He suggests that after eating, they could go swimming. Juan laughs nervously and thought bubbles that he doesn’t know how to swim. He says that they shouldn’t because there are crocodiles. Juanito says no, there are not crocodiles, is Juan afraid? Juan says no, I’m not afraid and nerviously accepts.

At the Cachon residence, Nidia comes down the stairs; when Angarita sees her he is impactado. She is dress to impress, he takes her hand to kiss it and right then Delirio walks in asking for an explanation. We go to commercials.

Back from commercials

CL is sitting by himself at his office. He is remembering what the doctor told him about the operation, he is distressed.
Outside the office Yvonne is talking to her friend. –What happened? Why hasn’t she given back the right exams? Erika tells her that he urologist didn’t open his office today; they’ll have to wait until tomorrow. Yvonne says that the joke went long enough. Pastor comes by and over hears, he asks what joke? Yvonne plays it down, --a joke I’m playing to a friend. Pastor wants to talk to CL. Yvonne says to enter under his own risk. Pastor enters and he is received by CL yelling at him to get out of his office and leave him alone. Pastor runs out of the office for dear life. Closes the door and looks at Yvonne. She is laughing at him with an” I told you” look.

Delirio asks for an explanation and Nidia has one; --I don’t remember anything, Yadi told me that Mr. Calvo is a good friend of the family and she invited him to eat. Delirio is not happy about this. Nidia lays it thick –you are so well mannered, I knew you would accept. Anga says that if his presence makes Delirio uncomfortable, maybe Delirio should go, but he doesn’t mind one way or the other. Nidia excuses herself to go to check on the food. As she is leaving, she asks Delirio to be a good host and to offer Don Calvo a drink. Delirio says with pleasure, what about a cup of arsenic. Anga politely refuses. (This whole scene was really funny)

Marely and Fer are eating together. Marely says she is happy that Fer is back because now she doesn’t have to eat by herself; Fer wants to know if that is the only reason. She says that she likes his company; Fer feels bold and after a few compliments, asks Marely out. Marely is surprised but politely refuses. She tells him that she is still in love with Juan and she doesn’t want to use him. –What if I want to be used? I don’t mind, as long as you are with me, he says. Marely is surprised and thinks about it, she asks him if he would be willing to go slowly and if he promises not to pressure her. Fer says yes.

At Farrell Monica brought food for CL. She is trying to making him eat. He just stares and doesn’t say anything. Monica is almost pleading. She takes his hand and tells him that everything is going to be ok. CL finally speaks and tells her that he is going to go thru with the operation, Monica congratulates him and says that she’ll be right there with him. CL says that he is terrified. Monica comforts him. Right then the phone rings. It is Mrs. Why me. (I guess after finishing with her tantrum she realized her options have been reduced to CL and decided to give it a try) She is inviting CL to eat. CL says that he already bought food. Pula wants to know who else is there. He says nobody I’m eating alone. Monica’s face says it all. After he hangs up, she asks why he said that. CL tells her that he doesn’t want any more problems with Paula. Monica says she understands and leaves the office.

Juan, Juanito and Susana are eating ice cream. Juanito asks if it is time to go to the river. Juan is giving more excuses, finally Susana and Juanito start taunting him; is he afraid? Juan says no and valiantly accepts. They go to their house to change and to the store to buy a swimming suit for Susana.

After dinner Nidia, Anga, and Delirio are talking. Nidia suggests that it is time for Delirio to go. (Ed. Note. Seeing this scene I remembered about Mexico’s meal schedule. Usually you eat breakfast at about 6 or 7 in the morning, and then you had a little fruit or a sandwich at about 11 am by 1:30 pm kids where going back home from school, and business and offices where closed for about 2 hours so that everybody could have enough time to eat dinner at home. Everything was open back at 4:00 pm and finally closed at 8:00 pm. At that point you would drink a cup of coffee and a piece of bread and would be ready to go to bed. I’m not sure if this is still done this way, but judging by this scene, it looks like this is the case.) Delirio says that maybe he should stay, but after a while agrees that he should go. As soon as Delirio leaves, Nidia goes to the point. How was their relationship? She wants to know everything.

Juan and Juanito are finally at the river. Juanito jumps into the water right away. Juan doesn’t want to get in. Susana comes with an itsy bitsy bikini. Juan is so impactado that he falls into the river. Juanito and Susana panic when Juan doesn’t come back to the surface. Finally Susana jumps in as Juan comes out for air. She grabs him by the armpits and drags him to shallow water. Juan is out for the count, and Juanito is yelling to Susana to give him mouth to mouth. Finally Juan revives and starts laughing saying that everything was a joke. Susana and Juanito are not laughing. Juanito goes back to swimming and Juan explains to Susana that he doesn’t know how to swim, but doesn’t want Juanito to know. Susana says that she’ll teach him to swim.
At the Cachon residence, Anga has told Nidia all the sordid details of their romance, how Nidia told him that she was pregnant and how he had to go because it was very painful. Nidia, then says that since the impediment was the baby, and there is no baby, then maybe they should pick up their relationship where they left it. Anga is not that sure. He says he has to leave. Nidia says fine, but I want you to know that the doors of this house are wide open for you. Anga leaves.

Juan and Susana are back at the river. I guess they took Juanito home to Molo, because in the next scene we see Juanito doing his homework. Susana tells Juan how to float, while she holds him. He thought bubbles that this is it. It is now or never. He kisses Susana.

The end


Al Diablo con los Guapos Monday 1/21/08: An introduction.....

Here's the first recap.....posted in haste. If I missed anything please add it to the comments.

At the soccer field we discover our heroine, Milagros, out on the field playing the game with a bunch of boys. The Padre (didn’t catch his name) is explaining to some woman that the star player is really a girl from the orphanage, who is about to turn eighteen and will have to be leaving soon. The woman questions how she ended up at the orphanage and Padre tells her that her mother died giving birth. Just then Milagros scores a goal and Padre says that her name is Milagros, but they call her Mili, Mili gol. She sees the woman watching and says “what are you looking at?” with some attitude. She actually puts the woman off and the woman leaves.

Meanwhile, across town Constancio Belmonte arrives home from work. His son, Alejandro, is hanging out with his friend (think his name is Bobby). Const goes to get ready to leave for the evening and his wife Luciana finds him and says they need to talk. He wants to know about what….that he lies around at night wondering how he ended up in a marriage with an alcoholic? She slaps him and he tells her that never again will she do that or she’ll be cut off. He goes to leave the room, she goes to find a bottle. Her bottle is empty and Const says from the doorway that he emptied it, so she’ll have to have a little glass of water. Luci throws the bottle, which smashes against the wall. Const passes his son in the hallway. Al tells papa that he needs to talk to him, but Const doesn’t have time and says ask your mom about what happened. Al implores Const with a “papa” and Const looks at Luci and says… “papa, papa?” (if you’ve read the synopsis, you’ll know what that’s all about). Const heads downstairs. Al tries to talk to his mother, but she just breaks down crying.

Downstairs, Const is stopped by the majordomo/butler (not sure what he is exactly), Braulio. Brau tells Const that his mother would like to speak with him. Const says have her come down here. Brau says you know its been years since she’s left her rooms and you know the reason why. Const states he’s tired of Brau and his mother. And need he remind Brau that it was his sister that left, not him that threw her out. So remember that and tell my mom to remember that too.

As Const heads out, his daughter—Valeria—says she needs to talk to him about Morgan. He doesn’t know who Morgan is, is it a new boyfriend? Nope, it is the chauffer. Apparently she’s decided to christen the chauffer with a new name. Const doesn’t have time for her, but seems to have a better relationship with her than he does with Al.

Brau goes to talk to Regina (Constancio’s mom). They discuss how Const used to be happy. Regina mentions Brau’s sister. Brau says she’s dead and Regina says no, she’s not dead.

Horacio, the gardener, brings flowers to the cook (who’s name I didn’t get, but imagine it is something close to Flor because of his playing on the word flor when he gave her the flower). Rocky aka Morgan, the chauffer, is also in the kitchen. Valeria comes in and gives him a scolding for not being ready with the car at the time she told him to be ready. He jumps up to attend to her. He questions Val as to why she’s calling him Morgan. She says she saw a movie with a chauffer who was devoted to his mistress. She liked it and it had her favorite actor, Morgan was his name (Driving Miss Daisy, I assume). So she decided she would either have a chauffer or a dog named Morgan.

After bed check at the orphanage, Mili and her room mate (Gloria I think) sneak out to a club. Mili isn’t wearing her boy clothes, she’s got her hair all nice, and is wearing a skirt. The girls are dancing and Mili’s singing….they’re having a great time. Alejandro and his friend are there. Al notices Mili and later she runs right into him and walks away without a second glance. While she’s up on stage, another guy tries to woo her with lewd comments. Al intercedes and almost gets into blows, but Bobby defuses the situation. Mili barely notices.

Const is with his secretary, Andrea. He tells her that she’s driving him crazy. He promises her that he’ll make sure she’s got a good future. She tells him that right now he can’t offer her a future, perhaps someday if he were to divorce his wife….she launches into how she’s sick of taking the taxi and really wants a little car. At first I thought she was asking him to buy a car for her, but I realized she was talking metaphorically.

Hugo is Alejandro’s cousin. He lives in the Belmonte home. He’s in a wheelchair. He talks to drawings on the wall. He’s obviously depressed.

Regina discusses hiring a detective to find Rosario. Brau tells her she’s hired 23 before and they all found the same thing----nothing. Regina gives us a little background….apparently her husband made Const marry another woman (Luci) when Rosario was pregnant. This broke her heart and she took off before the baby was born.

Mili and Gloria are caught sneaking back into the orphanage. Mili comes up with a couple whoppers to cover up their being out. The nun doesn’t fall for it and she tells Mili that she's got a week and then she's got to move out of the convent. This comes as no shocker, since the Padre already told Mili she needed to leave the nest [thanks for the correction, 5ft.].

Damien (yes it is Manuel from Amar), Luci’s brother, also lives with the Belmontes. He’s Hugo’s dad. He’s having an affair with Carla, one of the maids.

Al notices his father coming back home in the morning and he questions where he spent the night. Const says “what’s it to you”. Damien tries to step in to help his nephew, but Const shuts him off with a “should I follow your example and kill my wife and my son’s girlfriend?” Luci walks in on this and tells Const not to be cruel. Const tells her to have her brother not mess in his business.

At the soccer field, Padre is coaching the boys. Mili begs to play, but Padre tells her that she can’t , it’s a boys league. She can, however, go sell beverages to the crowd.

Back at the Belmontes, Regina also asks Const where he spent the night. He tells her that she may be shut in, but she’s got good information. Regina gives us more background---yes your father ruined your life. C- I’m remaking it now, how many times have I told you. R-Don’t you ever think of Rosario and the child? C-why don’t you bite your tongue (a polite way of telling his mother to shut up?).

Al is at the soccer game with Bobby. He orders a soda from a vendor. It’s Mili. He looks at her strangely and calls her Carlito. She dumps the soda on him. She gets scolded by Padre. Al walks over and asks Padre if that was a girl? Padre says much more than that, she’s Mili gol. Al looks perplexed.

Brau and Regina rehash some more about what we’ve found out so far about Constancio. Regina mentions that Luci was a victim of the whims of Regina’s husband and Luci’s father. Then Regina has a flashback to talking to Rosario before she left (Rosario is played by Monica Sanchez---the actress who played Silvana on Amar—FYI). In the flashback, Regina is happy about her soon to be born grandchild and she gives Rosario a medallion, with Const’s initials. Rosario mentions that she grew up without a mother because she died when Rosario was born.

We then see Mili showing said medallion to Gloria. She has her own flashback of what the nuns told her about what happened on the day she was born….her mother died. Mili says it had to be from heartbreak. Mili blames her father, whom she doesn’t know. She hates him and someday she’ll find him and let him know what she feels.

The Belmontes have a business. It seems like it might be in real estate development. Constancio has 40%, Regina has 20%, and Luci & Damien 40%. Const and Damien are at odds over some deal. Regina has just given her proxy to Alejandro to vote and Const is ticked. He and Al talk aside. Al wants to know what it is he did to get such disdain from his father. Const tells him that he was born.

Mili sells saint cards to stopped cars along the street. She happens to approach Al’s car after he left the business meeting. Al says “hola Carlito”. She screams, pulls his hair and then takes off running.

Const goes home and asks his mother for an explanation for why she gave her proxy to Al. C calls Al immature but she really knows his reasons for not wanting Al around…he’s reminded every time he looks at him. Regina says that Const lost one child because of his cowardice, is he going to lose another because of his arrogance? C- I want him out of the business. R- he’s staying, like it or not.

Damien apparently is also a bit of drinker because we find out that he killed his wife and Hugo’s girlfriend in a drunk driving accident. Hugo is furious with his father over this and Hugo can walk!!!!

Alejandro finds Mili and tells her that she's bad mannered. He calls her Carlito again. She says, can’t you see I’m a woman. A-let me check. He kisses her. She pulls back, then goes in for another kiss, but ends up kneeing him in the family jewels. She says she needed to check if he was a man. Al is down on the ground, still trying to recover when the episode ends.


Pasión, 01/21/08: When It Rains It Pours!

While Ric and his horse are galloping toward San Fernando to the rhythm of something a bit more sinister sounding than “24 Hours from Tulsa” in the background, Jorge and LaBouffant have been discussing the shocking possibility that these two chests they five-finger discounted might belong to Ric, that secretive li’l bugger! Just then, as Jorge is pondering the possibilities that presents, Gonzo returns from his failed mission to La Mariana and tells Jorge and LaFont that Dr. Bonifacio died, but the good news is that he did find out from a couple of local “bidnezmen” that Lis has a cousin who is a pirate.

Jorge says that’s old news. So Gonzo asks if they ever once bothered to ask either of the women what his name was, duh. Before Dumb and Dumber can answer Gonzo tells them that his name is Ricardo too, Ricardo de Salamanca. Both Jorge and LaFont stare at each other and then at Gonzo in coinkydink- impactado unison.

Gonzo explains that he ran into Ric on the boat during his trip back to La Mariana. Ric himself told him he was from San Vicente Island nearby. However, neither the innkeeper nor the local merchant he got chummy with had ever heard of de Carvajal. Gonzo apologizes for the lack of results and leaves.

LaFont says then the guy remains a mystery, but they should think it through a bit. They agree then that Ric is in fact Lis’s pirate cousin, the women lied and the two coffers are his. Jorge worries then that someone might have seen them during the robbery, but LaFont says even so, they all had their faces covered up to their eyes. Jorge then says they’ll confront Ric once he returns with all the things that Gonzo has just told them and he’ll be forced to give them an answer. “Rotten luck, though, that that doctor had to die when we needed that letter the most.”

Don Mateo and Don Uriel arrive then to see if they’re going to some party at one of the other guy’s place, but Jorge says he’s got a house guest so, no. Then one of them brings up divvying up the loot in the dungeon. Jorge says the cash yes, but he nixes the jewels saying that someone might recognize them, making it too risky. However, he’ll pay them the equivalent in cash. The two dons wonder who determines what each is worth and they aren’t too happy with Jorge’s “Don’t you trust me?” response.

Ines comes to check in with Cami about Vasco. Cami says she’s spoken to him and he’s going to come through for her but it will take a few days. First the two of them need to speak to Ofelia and Justo. Ines senses that Vasco is just not really up for the idea and was hoping he’d feel just a little something for her. What else can Cami do but hint that there will always be another to come along for her?

They have a tearful heart to heart while Cami tells Ines how she’s finally gotten over Santiago now that a new man has entered her life --Ric--and when she least wanted it or expected it. He came just at the right moment and she’s fallen in love with him. Love’s a scary thing, they agree, but Cami has got to trust and oh well, they cry together. Enough said. (This scene is so lame. Somebody shoot this writer, please?)

Meanwhile, that afternoon, Claudio wanders around the fairgrounds and catches a glimpse of somebody with Ursula who looks a tad like his cousin, Alvaro de la Cueva. He shakes it off and goes on about his business.

Night falls.

That evening Ascanio goes to visit Cami and tell her about his plans to take a room at her father’s but only after Ric returns. He asks if Jorge’s been by and harassing her lately. She answers no. He tells her he thinks that Ric is the only guy who can protect her against Jorge’s unwanted advances.

Ascanio returns to the fair looking for Claudio, but no one has seen him. He’s gone to Ofelia’s for a motherly chat with her.

At the palace, Sofia encourages Ursula and Al to go to the fair for a little bit to have a little fun. After a little coaxing, Ursula allows herself to be persuaded and goes for her wrap. Meanwhile, Sofia advises Al that the guy needs to get busy and get Ursula pregnant ASAP. Jorge wants that grandson. They also chat about Ursula’s uh...capricious... nature. Then the talk turns to his two missing cousins. Sofia asks Al if the two were to return would that mean the loss of his title and fortune. Al manages to avoid a direct answer: “I would gladly give it all up just to have them back again.” (Are we gagging here?)

Bernabe, Vasco and Ascanio kid around about whether Ascanio is truly interested in Ines. He says sure, she’s a great catch, but he understood she was interested in someone else. Vasco says a guy has to fight for the girl at times. Ascanio cuts the conversation off and says he’s going to look for Claudio and heads off. Vasco tells Bernabe the guy is definitely in love.

Ric rides in and heads immediately for Cami’s place. She answers the door and they fall into each others’ arms and kiss. He stops a second and asks her if this means she accepts and she nods yes and they kiss again. He laughs and says he’s acting like some kid on his first date. She says they need to talk and he says fine, but first he needs to eat something.

At the fair again, Ines notices Vasco gambling, surrounded by willing women. She frowns. Ursula and Al arrive at the other end of the square. Justo and Ofelia show up also.

Back at Cami’s she and Ric talk about the trip and it having a positive outcome. Ric mentions that he ran into Gonzo on the boat on a job for Jorge. He explains that it was probably to get another ED letter from the doctor, but unfortunately for him, the guy passed away.

Cami is certain it was to force her into something and Ric agrees. She tells him then about Jorge’s black hearted blackmail and how he has threatened not to give his formal approval to their marriage. Cami tells him how Jorge sent for her father while Ric was away, telling him that he was sponsoring Gonzo and wanting to arrange her engagement to de Oca. Ric, jumps up and says, “Over my dead body!”

Cami continues that since her father didn’t know about Ric’s proposal, he had no other option but to agree to it. “—But you hadn’t said yes,” Ric mentions. “—Well, afterward I thought better about it,” she replies and then cries. “Then, Jorge came over here later on to tell me that we need his approval to marry and unless I go to bed with him first he won’t give it.” He swears that if Jorge lays a hand on her again, that hand will be minced for chum.

Still at the fair, Ines, GRita, Paco and Claudio are now at the knife-throw when Ines mentions Ursula and her fiancé are there. Claudio stops in his tracks and stares. He’s unaware that the carny has handed him the knife for the game for a throw. He turns and walks in a daze towards Ursula and his cousin, the knife in his hand.

Ophelia watches in horror as she sees Claudio walk past with a murderous glare in his eyes. Alvaro is surprised to see him, “Claudio!” “—Murderer!” Claudio, with a two-handed jab, stabs Alvaro in the chest and runs off, covered in blood. Alvaro falls and Ursula screams. Ophelia tells the family what she just saw. Ascanio races after Claudio.

Ric is telling Cami that there are so many things he needs to tell her, some not so pleasant, but necessary for her to understand him. She says good idea because she’s still a bit frightened by him, all things considered. He assures her then that despite the life he’s had to lead, he’s tried to be just throughout. Just then Claudio starts banging at the gate. Ric lets him in and sees immediately the kid is covered in blood and he starts demanding to know what he’s done.

Claudio tells them what he just did to de la Cueva in the plaza. Ascanio races in then to tell them that Ursula knows Claudio and knows he lives with Cami. Ric tells them that when people show up, to tell them they have not seen the boy. He then races out with Claudio to help him escape.

Cami’s family, Ophelia and Ines show up first. Cami and Ascanio explain that the Duke was his cousin, the man who had him and his brother kidnapped and sold into slavery. When they ask, Ascanio and she swallow hard, then answer they’ve not seen Claudio and don't know where he could be. Justo sends the others home then but he and Vasco stay.

At Ric’s they clean Claudio up, and Claudio tells him what happened and why. He is not sorry in the least. Ric screams in frustration at him. “You made a mistake and you pay for mistakes! You cannot go back to Salvatierra now and from here on you’re a man and you’ve got to make your way by yourself on your own.” With a final fatherly hug he sends him off with El Guero to La Iguana.

As if that wasn’t enough, Mario gives Ric the news that while he was away, everything that could go wrong did. First Mario explains that while he was occupied with Ric’s aunt's and cousin’s demands, Lazaro escaped, apparently after seeing Cami and Claudio here and realizing the rest. Ric knows there’s something more. “What? What else?” “—That’s not the worst of it.” “—What is, then?” He tells him how the caravan with all his hard-won booty was attacked and stolen. “--You mean my whole fortune is gone? That’s impossible!!” Ric wonders why in the world Pablo didn’t bring the chests with the crew instead of with a caravan. (Sorry, Ric. That's why you're the captain and Pablo's still just one of the crew.)

Lis and Fran enter the living room once they hear Ric’s screaming at Mario. He says nothing and stomps off in a fury. Mario excuses himself and follows him out. The two women think that Don Gaspar must have given him bad news.

In Ric’s room Mario tells him that all were found dead save Pablo who is gravely wounded and unconscious. Mario blames himself, but Ric says no, it’s just Ric’s own bad luck that constantly follows him.

Meanwhile Cami tells Vasco and Justo that she hopes if the Duke lives then Jorge would pardon him if he understood the circumstances, about the kidnapping and so on. Justo doesn’t think Jorge would pardon the boy for any reason. Justo wonders how she knows all about the Duke and the kidnapping. Cami covers and says she didn’t talk to the captain, but Claudio did and he heard the kidnappers tell this to the captain. Vasco finds it hard to believe Ursula would marry a murderer and thinks the kid was justified. Justo is impactado to hear this from Vasco.

At Santiago’s GRita and the others explain what happened earlier and Santi wants to rush off to offer his support. GRita yells that it isn’t necessary because her father and brother are there. He says Cami's family, his sister-in-law and he has to go. GRita screams (Gawd, woman, give it a rest!) that he still cares more for Camila than even his own child. She accuses him again of having been with Cami that night because neither of the two of them showed up at the fair. Saintly (because by now he has redeemed the title, having put up with this and so much more for lo these many months since Cami’s return) denies it. He tells her she’s sick in the head from jealousy and he’s going; he doesn’t care what she thinks about it and he storms away.

Ophelia scolds GRita again for arguing like this and putting the baby at risk from so much upset. (A warning like this most certainly does not bode well when delivered from on high by the telenovela gods.)

Back at Ric’s, he and Mario go to see about Pablo. He’s angry to see Jimena there and wonders what Mario’s game is, possibly wanting to shack up with her there. Mario won’t take the bait and says she’s been looking after Pablo. Jimena wakes up and says he’s only said a few words, calling for Ric and is still very weak. Mario says Ophelia’s been to see to him daily and this frustrates Ric even more. He says the guy should have been seen by a doctor, but Mario explains they couldn’t risk it. Jimena says that if Pablo’s still alive it’s due to Ophelia’s skill. Ric just snorts and tries uselessly to wake him.

Saintly arrives at Cami’s to offer help. The discussion turns to whether or not Claudio came through there earlier all upset and whether or not she and Ascanio saw him. Cami and Ascanio say not, but Santiago doesn’t believe them and accuses them of knowing but refusing to tell anyone in the family where he is. Cami tells Santi she does not know where he is and even if she did she wouldn’t tell him. Justo says it doesn’t matter. They’re only there to back her up when the guard and Jorge show up.

Meanwhile, at the palace the priest is called to give last rites to Alvaro. Ursula tells her father and the captain of the guard that Claudio was to blame, he’s a certain relative of de la Cueva because that’s the last name he introduced himself to her with, but that he lives with Cami and is her protege. She says certainly that means Cami’s involved and probably egged Claudio on. Jorge wonder’s exactly what in the heck for. Ursula says she’s hasn’t the foggiest, but she wants the woman arrested too. Jorge hasn’t decided if this is such a good idea (guess he hasn’t figured out a good way to force her to sleep with him over it yet). He sends Ursula back up to stay with her man till he breathes his last, which should be soon. She runs back upstairs.

Alberto wonders if Claudio isn’t one of the two missing "nephews" Alvaro mentioned. Jorge says could be, since Paulino mentioned that Alvaro called him by name just before the boy yelled “murderer” at him and stabbed him. LaFont laughs at Jorge’s rotten luck in choosing husbands for Ursula: first a pirate and now a murderer! Jorge says well, that's the the way it is so, hopefully this unfortunate sad sack dies quickly because he is ready for bed. But, hey, since it obviously is going to be a while they might as well get a drink.

Upstairs the women are praying. Al takes a last pained breath then goes to meet his maker, and it’s back to the drawing board for Sofia for there will now be no parties at the Viceroy’s for the unfortunate Fortunata nor a dreamy Duchy for daughter Ursula.


Monday, January 21, 2008

New (Nervous) Recapper on Board

This is my trial see if I know how to post. I'm JudyB and I'll be recapping on alternate Tuesdays for Juan Querendon.

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New shows, new sidebar, recappers please check, and - we need a new recapper:?

And now, on to "Guapos" - you will note we don't yet have a Thursday recapper for Guapos AND we don't have a Tuesday recapper for "Juan" unless I've missed an email ...

... speaking of which, recappers, please look over what I've put in the sidebar and if I got it wrong - if I've left you out by accident or you are mistakenly listed - let me know quanto antes!

Anybody new or old want to give recapping a try?

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A ***SPECIAL*** thanks to our brave and patient Amar recappers....

... I never watched Amar Sin Limites so I never commented on their posts -- but I think the people who slogged through this show deserve heaps of praise and appreciation! Readers, please feel free to add your own praise and appreciation below.

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