Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pasión de Gavilanes, Tues. 8-5: Juan to the rescue!!

Finally Norma is out of the Hacienda and Juan practically had to drag her. It was fun to see Juan beating the snot out of Feonando. I liked how Malcom scuttled off like a bug to hide when Juan showed up. Juan seems to have no fear that Feonando will actually shoot him. He just walks right up and knocks the gun out of his hand. Of course, when Feonando told his version of what happened, he had to say that Juan took him by surprise and that was why he couldn't defend himself.

Norma hiding in the bathroom with Juan David

After his encounter with Juan, Malcom tells Feonando that he will protect him.

Juan tells Feonando to come out or he knows how to break down doors, too.

Feonando being ministered to by Malcom and Carmela. If I have to seem them smirking at each other one more time, I'll scream.

Abuelo and Sarita watch Norma and Juan David drive away with Juan, Óscar and Franco.

I peeked ahead and watched this on You Tube. Interestingly, the scene where Grabiela takes Armando and his friend on a tour of the hacienda was cut. In that scene, Armando tells Grabiela that Feonando has offered to sell land from the Hacienda. Grabiela says that they must be mistaken but Armando assures her that Feo has offered Hacienda property for sale and told them he was going to go live in Europe. So he's selling the Hacienda horse stock and now trying to sell land on the Hacienda.


Querida Enemiga Tuesday Aug. 5 '08 Chalo Takes a Licking and Just Keeps on Ticking....and So Does Sara

Could only watch this once, folks: unbearable to watch out two sociopaths at work twice! so if I leave anything out or garble something, blame the writers. They have created the most vicious duo in telenovela history (not that I've seen that many....but still....)

Brief rehash of Lorena sobbing quietly. Quiet crying is somehow more painful to watch than loud dramatic boo-hooing. Brief but gut-wrenching.

Don Toribio and Alonso are chatting at breakfast after a sleepless, tossing and turning night by our doc. Papa can't believe that Lorena would do the awful things she's accused of. He wants to talk to her, try and clear things up. Alonso forbids it..."it's a personal matter"..".stay out of it Dad. " Then he leaves to take a walk. Guess who's lurking outside the door?..our lovely Sara...ready to pour more poison in the wound.

She plays the victim, soooo disappointed to find out what the real Lorena is like. Yes, everything Chalo told you is true. I'm so disillusioned and blah blah blah. Stupid Alonso just laps it up and finally concludes "The Lorena we thought we knew and believed in is dead".

Back at the apartment Don Toribio is considering calling Lorena in spite of his son's protests. Not sure of her number so he fumbles around with the phone book.

Back to Alonso and Sara. There's one snag in her plan. Alonso doesn't want to see Sara anymore either! Too painful. Reminds him of Lorena. No can do. More clever crap from Sara. How she doesn't want to lose their "friendship" and so forth. This arch-villaness is good...very good. And her prey all seem to be IQ deficient. Not fun to watch, not fun at all.

Alonso gets back to the apartment and catches Dad talking to Lorena..."another Lorena, not your Lorena". Don't say that name! Alonso calls her a "cualquiera" (hussy, floozie, tart). Don Toribio had made a date to have coffee with Lorena but his son talks him out of it. Our poor lamb, already suffering, is stood up by papa.

Back at Maruja's house, Lorena is sitting there looking like a half-drowned puppy. Man, she's breaking my heart! Rossy and Mom want to go set Alonso straight...'"He'll listen to me!" insists Maruja. But Lorena thinks he won't and that it will do no good. (She's right on that point)

Zulema and Omar are having a cozy breakfast( with a wee bit of afterglow going on )but Omar's concerned at how little she's eating. Zulema smiles blissfully and says "La belleza cuesta" (being beautiful takes work, "costs")

Sara's at her desk, gnashing her teeth and vowing to get Alonso back in her clutches somehow. Jacqui asks her how her replies to the banquet invitation are going. Sara's only got two, (because Jacqui gave her the tough ones) while Jaqui has fielded a bumper crop.

Vasco and Diana are at the obstetrician's office. When Diana's called in, the doctor asks Vasco if he's the dad so he can come in too. Vasco says "yes; Diana says "no". The doctor looks puzzled and Vasco looks peeved. Sorry...can't see this as a problem, given what's happening to Lorena folks!

After the ads, we're back at casa pobre. Lorena is giving herself a sad little pep-talk about being strong and not giving way... but she's dragging.

Little snit between Diana and Vasco continues at the office. He's offended...and disappointed because he thought "they were on the same wave length". She protests that she can't just shunt Bruno aside like that.

Back at the casa, Zulema notices how distracted Lorena is, repeats that a client needs two extra portions of rice and sends her and Julian off to deliver. He cheerfully reminds her that the last one to finish the deliveries has to pay for the drinks. Make mine a hemlock, waiter.

Hortensia is reviewing the progress Jacqui and Sara have made on the invitation replies. Clearly Jacqui has become VERY efficient after her little "vacation". Smiles for Jaqui, not so much for Sara.

Brief scene with Paula and her dad. She says she's afraid to look for work...but she's going to. Very sorry though to hear about the breakup with Alonso and Lorena.

Now for the one good scene in the whole darned show tonight. Rossy tells Julian about Chalo's lies and she and Julian and Maruja head over to Chalo's like the Three Musketeers to set things right. Slugs and punches, more landing on Chalo than Julian, although both score. Landlord arrives to try and break things up and after Chalo sucker punches Julian, Rossy breaks a vase over Chalo's head. They leave but not without adding, "This isn't over, punk!"

Okay, let me pause for a moment and just relive and savor that scene. Mmmmmmm Because that was it! Everything else was pretty much awful tonight. I'm fantasizing about punching out a few of these writers myself.

Now we have a scene of Alonso brooding. He does the brooding bit fairly well, doesn't involve a lot of histrionics...although come to think of it, he does red-faced rage well too. Gotta give the guy his props. Then he says those classic telenovela words..."I'm going to forget (him, her it). I'm going to drive (him, her, whatever) out of my mind." We've heard 'em a gazillion times, we'll hear them again. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Patti's trying to work on a study project with a nearly comatose Lorena. She finally pries out of her the news of the breakup but Lorena won't say more because she'll cry if she talks about it.

A little light relief: Bettina's on the phone with her buddy, dishing about the potential romance between buddy's dad and Bettina's mom. They plan to throw them together again after their dance lessons that week.

Omar comes home, looking good in his suit and with even better news. He found a job in administration! Not at as high a salary as he would have wished, but still! Smiles and hugs.

Switch to Diana and Vasco. Do you forgive me, she asks. Do you love me or not? he replies.

Julian, with Rossy and Maruja in tow, arrives home and there's a big brouhaha about his injuries and then the whole sordid story of Chalo's lies about Lorena is revealed. More brouhaha and outrage.

Now a Sara and Chalo scene. (Gawd, I hate these two!) She wants to know what happened when she sees his injuries. Chalo brushes that aside and threatens that if she doesn't bring him money....DI-NE-RO! he's going to rat her out to old lady Hortensia.

Now we're back at casa pobre. Zulema wants to go talk to Alonso and straighten things out. Omar tries to nix the plan. They need to solve their own problems. (this is exactly what a husband would say and exactly what a wife would ignore). She steams ahead and goes to Alonso's apartment. Omar says he'll wait outside since he hardly knows the guy (this really rings true as well. It's exactly the way my husband would react).

Zulema excuses herself for meddling but she just can't let Alonso believe Chalo's lies. She KNOWS Lorena and she's a girl of integrity. Alonso assures her sadly that she's blind. Lorena is none of that. Just ask Sara. Lorena has been envious of her and deceitful all along. The only liar is Lorena herself. You can't be serious, protests Zulema. Believe me, the truth hurts me even more than you, answers Alonso and then more blah blah about how "he must forget her".

Maruja and Rossy come home to a moribund Lorena and mess each other up with conflicting stories about where they've been. So the truth comes out. They tried to get Chalo to confess his lies but no luck. But Rossy DID break a vase over his head. But there's hope, maybe Zulema will convince Alonso of the truth.

Okay, just let me take another little break and relive that vase breaking over Chalo's head again. 'Twas my only happy moment tonight. Join me, won't you?

Okay, back to ugly reality. They're dosing Julian with "chuchitos de arnica" for his wounds. Arnica seems to be big in this household. I've had some New Agey friends try and give me that after I had surgery but I didn't take it. Maybe I should have. Our good folks are all pondering the same question: "If we all believe Lorena, why doesn't Alonso?"

Another scene change. We're at Paula's. Pop's hanging around waiting for Alonso to pick him up. Alonso's late because Zulema's been talking to him. Paula hopes that he's reconciled with Lorena. Big Alonso snit. What she's done is unforgivable!!! Pop tells him to calm down and stop yelling. Paula looks perturbed.

Sara's also looking perturbed...for about a microsecond....while she ponders how to get some money for Chalo. She quickly thinks of a solution...blackmail Barbara!

Now some sad black and white memories for Lorena, thinking back to when Alonso loved her so. Why don't you believe me? she wonders.

Back at the casa pobre, Zulema is talking to Omar (with Sara listening behind a convenient pillar, naturally) while Zully worries that Sara, their daughter, is not a good person. She's mercenary, she's hard-hearted and she's made things worse between Alonso and Lorena by what she's said. There's something "feo" in all this, muses Zulema.

Back to Don Toribio and Alonso. Pops is now referring to Lorena as "esa" and wondering how they're going to eat if "esa" isn't bringing them food. Son is going to die of bitterness ("bilis"...literally bile) and Dad's going to die of hunger.

Maruja's on the phone with Paula, trying to talk to her about the Alonso-Lorena situation but Paula's on her way out to her first job interview and doesn't have time to talk. I'll spare you the wait and tell you that the job interview turns out to be for a sex hotline telephone job. She turns it down after a string of insults to the head honcho.

Now we have the confrontation between Zulema and Sara...for which Sara is well prepared, having eavesdropped on the Omar-Zulema conversation. The way this was portrayed in the previews, we had the hope that Zulema lowered the boom on Sara. But of course Sara manages to convince Zully that Lorena's a dangerous, conniving skank. Sure she "loves" Alonso...because he's paying for her tuition and she told you it was a scholarship, right?! And how about what she did to the mayonnaise...ruined it so you business would fail! Why I even bet she set that fire at Omar's!. She's mercenary, dangerous, we can't have her around! You've got to let her go...tell her you can't pay her salary anymore, what with the mortgage costs. C'mon...think about it! How did Chalo manage to find her in a city as big as Mexico City! And why's he always hanging 'round? And finally the clincher, pouting out her over-lipsticked lips, "It hurts me that you don't believe me".

Ugh. Excuse me while I go retch.

Okay, back to Diana and Vasco. He asks "Me amas?" She replies "Te quiero". Not the answer he was hoping for. Then things get cosier as he tells her she's beginning to "show" and if anyone asks, she can tell them "he's the dad". She seems to like this idea.

Now we see poor little miserable Lorena on a bus and suddenly Alonso gets on and asks if he can sit beside her. NOT!!! Alas, it was just her imagination. A total stranger is beside her. Her vow to "get him out of her heart" is not going well.

Enough of that. Now we're at the office. Jaqui's having a little spat with Dario on the phone. Oversexed Arturo walks by and gives her the eye. She gives it right back. Then he goes into the office (Jaime's? Hortensia's...dunno) and finds Barbara and starts laying the moves on her. "Are you crazy" she wheezes in that awful high-pitched voice of hers. He moves on to a cozy little fantasy about doing away with Jaime so that she's a rich widow...what could be sexier!? She reproves him..."Not wanting Jaime and wanting him dead are two different things", she corrects.
More icky flirting and promises of punishment of no kisses when Sara walks in. Barbara beats a hasty retreat and Sara, all smiles, starts grilling Arturo about his work background.

More Vasco and Diana. He's been promoted. Now we can get married! He notices she's not excited. She wants him to slow down. Okay....but just sayin'...I've got more to offer you now.

Sara's let up on Arturo and is successfully manipulating Chalo again, promising to get him the money but just do this one more teeny-weeny little thing for me....call Lorena again.

Lorena drags into Zulema's house, asking if Zully wants her to go to the market. Nope, done already. Cellphone rings. It's Chalo. She doesn't answer but the fact that he's calling her just confirms the doubts Sara has planted in Zulema's head. "I'm sorry to say this...but you can't work here anymore," says Zulema. Impactada look from Lorena.

The End

Forget the previews!...I mean, who wants to know what's coming next? If you watched this too, I hope you're pouring yourself a big glass of wine about now, and forgetting the whole darned thing. ( Except maybe Rossy breaking a vase over Chalo's head.) Hold that thought.


Guapos: Monday 8/4/08- "A Round of Impactado for All"

Mili gets over her fantasy of running into Alejandro on the beach and realizes that it is Rocky she sees. The two friends hug and each launch into a discourse on what are the chances of them meeting up in Puerta Vallarta (pretty good as it is plot device to throw our main characters in some “silly” situations and to attempt to move the story forward, all be it slowly). Rocky tells her he’s there with Valeria and Mili is happy for the couple. They decide to meet up for dinner later, but in the mean time, they’ll go look for Val together.

Val, meanwhile, has run into her brother poolside. They also launch into a conversation about meeting up in PV. Val tells Al she’s there with Rocky and he says he’s happy that his sister is with the man she loves. They decide to meet up for dinner later as a foursome, with Rocky and Flo. Val fills him in on Ramses & Nefertiti. Al has a good time mocking Ramses. Val tells Al that Nefertiti has been hitting on Rocky. They decide to go look for Rocky together.

Constancio is on some talking head show. The actor has that perfect “political spin” pitch to his voice and I have to admit I went into a catatonic state listening to him talk, pretty much what I do whenever I hear a politician speak. As far as I could tell, my capt text could have just repeated the word mentira throughout his soliloquy and we would have all gotten the point of it. Basically he emphasized how he’s honest and open to the people. The host tried to call him on the appearance of a man in drag (Brau) and Constancio attempts to explain that away. The subject of his family comes up and Connie says that Luci’s had a nervous breakdown, he loves her, he wants to protect her and all he wants right now is to protect and care for her. That’s pretty much the gist of it, if I missed anything of importance, please add it to the comments (some how I doubt I missed much of anything, since it all was a bunch of lies).

Back at the mansion, the police show up with a search warrant (or the Mexican equivalent). Braulio doesn’t want to let them in and tries to tell them that the owners aren’t home, but Andrea shows up and says she’s the mujer of the casa and the police take that as their “in”. Andrea insists that she will accompany them on their search. They go into the study and begin to pull books off the shelf, making quite a mess. Brau is in such a state over the mess they are making. The main detective earns his keep that day, by opening a drawer in Constancio’s desk and finding a folder that apparently contains the proof he needs to link Connie with Domingo’s death.

Back at the TV studio, the police burst in on the broadcast (which is apparently live) and arrest Connie right then and there. Connie is impactado and outraged. Then as all people do when arrested, Connie professes his innocence and exclaims that he’s been set up.

Luci, in her drunken stupor, sees this play out on TV with very little reaction---no impactada for her, as the booze has pickled her emotions (at least for today). There is a knock at her door and it is Damian. He knows what’s happened to Connie (didn’t it just happen on TV?). Damian mentions the police finding the evidence in Connie’s desk. This has no effect on Luci, she just wants to be left alone with her bottle. Damian takes this opportunity to blackmail his sister into giving him a blank check in exchange for keeping her whereabouts a secret and keeping up the rouse that she’s in rehab. Talk about a dysfunctional family. Damian gets the check and leaves and Luci’s back to the bottle.

Marisela and Mateo are in bed (ick) and watching TV (I think the sizzle has left their romance, oh wait, there was never a sizzle). She sees Connie getting arrested for her papa’s murder and she gets upset. Mat takes this as an opportunity to bad mouth Al and to once again maneuver to getting control over Flo’s inheritance and business interests. Mari calls Flo.

Horacio is lighting into Socorrito about keeping Lina’s pregnancy a secret. She explains that she couldn’t betray Lina’s confidence, but Horacio thinks that marital ties trump secrets. They have words back and forth about this and finally Soco tells her husband that right now Lina needs him to step up to the plate and be a dad and be there for her in her time of trouble. Brau comes into the kitchen and tells them that Connie’s been arrested. They are appropriately impactados.

Al’s cell phone rings, it is MP2 and she’s upset but won’t tell Al why. He can’t say why Flo isn’t answering her phone. They hang up with each other and Al goes to hunt down his insipid wife, to tell her about the phone call and also Rocky and Val’s being at the same hotel. Just as Al walks away, Mili and Rocky find Val. She’s happy to see Mili there.

Al finds Flo and gives her the 411 on Rocky and Val. She’s snobby enough to be appalled that Val would be on vacation with the chauffer. Al tells her that Rocky makes Val happy and that’s all that’s important. He tells her that he’s made dinner plans with his sister and Flo agrees to go. He tells her about Mari’s phone call. Flo tries to call her back but gets a busy signal.

That’s because Mat’s using the phone, talking to Connie, and agreeing to meet him at the jail. Mari’s upset that Mat’s even thinking about helping the man accused of killing her dad. Mat says he’s doing it for her. That he’ll use his powers for good, not evil, but we all know he’s lying. He tells Mari that he’ll make sure that Connie’s not going to do anything underhanded or use his connections to get out of it. Mari makes him promise that when Connie’s found guilty he’ll rot in prison for the rest of his life. Mat makes that promise. Mat leaves and MP2 calls Bobby right away. He doesn’t have time to talk because he’s in the middle of planning his wedding. Mari is impactada upon hearing this, today just isn’t her day.

Bobby’s in a conference with Padre Manuel, Chamuco, Gloria, and Lina. They are working out the details for the double wedding that will be taking place in a month. Lina almost blurts out Gloria’s unpregnant secret, but Gloria cuts her off before the big reveal. They talk about Mili and Hugo on their honeymoon and Bobby tells them that Flo and Al are also in PV. Impactado-looks from the entire group (because apparently there is only one hotel in PV, so they are bound to run into each other).

Mili tells Hugo that Rocky and Val are at their hotel. They play in the surf together….still not feeling it between these two, oh yeah, that’s because the idea of being with Hugo gives Mili the heebee jeebies and that translates to the audience.

Flo finally gets a hold of Mari. She can tell her sister is upset, but she’s selfish enough to not want to hear about it while on vacation. Mari keeps quiet, as to not ruin her sister’s obviously good time (snarky tone implied). MP2 hangs up with MP1 and has a good pity cry.

Val and Rocky talk about Mili and Al both being at the same hotel and how Flo and Hugo would flip if they knew (could we say that they'd be impactados, to keep with the theme?). They go to get some spa treatments and Ramses and Nefertiti kick the attendants out and take over giving the treatment. Each uses the opportunity to get a kiss in with Val and Rocky, respectively. Val and Rocky react by being impactado and rejecting the advances and running away….meeting up in the spa waiting room. They rehash what just happened to each of them----each upset to hear that the other was kissed by the Mexican-Egyptian wonder twins.

Back at the convent/church. PM tells Lina and Bobby that his wanting to marry her is truly an act of love. Bobby fills the good padre in on Connie’s arrest. Once again, the news leaves someone impactado, this time both Padre Manuel and Lina.

Damian visits Connie in the slammer-the pen-the big house-the can-the clink-the cooler-the coop-the joint. Connie asks for Damian’s help, but he professes to be turning over a new leaf and becoming an honest person. So no can do. Connie is steamed and tells Damian he’ll pay. Damian leaves and his exit is followed closely by Andrea’s arrival. She’s shedding the appropriate amount of tears. Connie tells her he knows who is behind all of this and just at this point Mateo arrives. His guilty conscious shows, not that Connie and Andrea can see. Connie tells Mat to leave for a bit and he and Andrea discuss if Mat will be effective as Connie’s lawyer. Outside the detective (the one who earlier earned his keep finding the file in the desk) asks Mat if he’s Connie’s lawyer. Faster than Peter denied Christ, Mat denies it and takes off. Back in the other room, Connie’s telling Andrea that he thinks Damian is behind all of this. Andrea doubts that Damian had anything to do with Domingo’s murder and Connie agrees, but he does think Damian took this opportunity to set Connie up as the fall guy for the crime. Andrea whines that the nights will be lonely without Connie and he urges her to be strong. On her way out, the detective wants to talk to her. She mentions that she’s Connie’s wife, well almost wife. The detective finds this as interesting of a conversation as I do, which isn’t that much. He tells Andrea he’s looking for Connie’s lawyer, to discuss some procedural stuff. Andrea tells him she’s looking for the lawyer too, but Mat is long gone….

He’s sitting on his motorcycle (it just looks all wrong, this skinny twerp being on such a big bike). Mat calls the Lobo guy (?) and tells him that Connie knows the truth and that the police are now looking for him. He no longer wants any part of this whole thing. Lobo guy tries to talk sense into him, but he’s not listening. He throws his cell phone down on the street like a three year old throwing a temper tantrum and he drives off. Meanwhile, MP2 is trying to reach him on the phone, no luck as the phone is in pieces on some DF street. Bobby arrives to talk to her and he tells her that he doesn’t think Connie had any part in her father’s death. She’s upset to hear this, but that aside, she wants to talk about Bobby’s plans to marry the servant. Bobby reminds her that Lina has a name. MP2 says you know, we dated for three years and you always freaked at the word marriage and now you’re marrying Lina. Bobby says, well she’s knocked up, so that kinda fixes things (although he doesn’t mention that he’s not the father). Marisela is visibly impactada.

Back in Puerta Vallarta, Val and Rocky hatch a plan to get Mili and Al together while they are there in paradise. END OF EPISODE


Fuego, Monday 8/4 (#69): Helloooooo Pedro!

Alternative titles:
Four! Four Reyes Boys! Bwahahahaha!! (lightning)
Franco's Replacement Arrives
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Sarita
Sarita Pulls an Oscar

Eva and Gabi are fighting at the bottom of the stairs, so there's no hope that Gabi will fall to her death. At least not tonight. She's wearing dangly earrings now, and makeup and a ponytail. There is a spring in her step and a twinkle in her eye... wait, I think that's just new gel inserts for her shoes, and her regular gleam of hateful insanity.

Eva warns Gabi that she may have to pay for Libia's death, "that poor innocent girl whose death you ordered."

Dr. Specialist tells Juan and Oscar that Franco and Rosario need to be moved to the dispensario because the special equipment has arrived. He can't promise they'll survive. They need a miracle.

Feonando is at a fancypants bank in Puebla, Puebla making a suitcase-sized withdrawal. Coincidentally, Grandpa has just written a check for a couple of uniformed men at his cottage.

Gabi's looking for Sarita. (I just noticed that Sarita's room is chock-full of dolls, shelves and shelves of them.) Jimena tells her that Sarita left last night.

Sarita's at the convent. The Mother Superior tells her they were happy to take her in last night because she was desperate, but now that she's calmer, does she still feel the same way? Sarita says she's sure - she wants to stay on as a novice (nun-in-training). She doesn't want to know anything of the outside world. Her mother will be very happy to know about this. Sarita hasn't been lucky at love, so she's going to dedicate herself to helping others. (I think you're supposed to play cards when you're unlucky at love, but maybe it's different in Mexico.)

A mystery man with awesome pants stops to pick a pebble out of his horse's shoe, or something. Then he continues on his way.

Raquel walks down the street nervously, sensing that some jerk is tailgating her in a big truck. It's Feo. She doesn't want anything to do with him or the Elizondos. He wants a chance to explain, preferably in place where they can speak "intimately." She reluctantly agrees and gets in his truck. He drives her into the woods and cuts her into many pieces and buries one piece in every state at an address that coincides with Sofia's birthday.

Not really. But I still wouldn't get into a truck with that guy. However, Raquel does.

Grandpa's check has bounced. The medical equipment guys aren't happy. If he doesn't pay up, they're going to have to take away the equipment.

A few weeks before Grandpa signed anything, Feo said something about slipping a few extra things in there and Grandpa wouldn't know what he was signing. He outwitted Grandpa after all. So I guess it's true that NO ONE is smarter than Feo.

The mystery man with jingle-feet (it runs in the family) and a big bag comes into Fr. Tadeo's office. Tadeo has his back turned; he looks nervous about the footsteps behind him. The mystery man asks where he can find three brothers who have a bakery. He can't tell the padre what he wants with them, because it's personal, and very important - a matter of life or death.

We're at Raquel's. I'm jealous of Feo; I wish I had my own retro-jazzy theme music. With my luck, however, it would probably be written by Weird Al Yankovik. Feo explains that Gabi was made a fool in front of everyone. They should have been warned sooner that Octavio had left. Raq says she was afraid to postpone Benito's wedding. She doesn't understand how Sarita could be in love with a bricklayer. Her husband won't forgive her for this - he's a violent man; if he doesn't get what he wants, he becomes a wild animal.

Feo says it must be terrible to have fear rather than love for the person with whom one lives. And she's such a fragile woman, sensitive (moving her brandy glass out of the way), gentle ... a woman who deserves to be treated with love and affection.

She doesn't know what to do! She doesn't know how she'll tell her husband there was no wedding. He'll kill her!

Feo says he'll help her find a way to tell him. He can't stand to see a woman as lovely as herself suffer. She looks so much better smiling.

He kisses her. She lets him. Many scenes later, Raquel snaps out of it and acts all demure and contrite. "I'm a married woman, what if my husband found out?" Feo says he'll run any risk for her. She thinks they should forget about this. Feo says OK, but he doubts that he can forget her kisses... nor will she be able to forget his.

He leaves. She touches her lips, has a flashback, and admits it's true... she'll have a hard time forgetting those kisses. (Raq, just take up cigar smoking. It's probably better for you than playing with this creep.)

Sofia goes home to give her mom hugs and kisses. Actually, she wants to know why Gabi made Eva give up her baby. Gabi says this story has something to do with Sofia's own origin. "Do you really want to know?" Sofia's ready to hear everything, anything, but Gabi says other people might not be. She'll think about it. Sofi asks what's with all the half-truths.

Gabi says she'll say what she wants, when she wants, and no one can reproach her. "I reproach you in the name of Eva!" Sofia declares. Gabi says Eva deserves it for betraying her. Gabi trusted her, and Eva repaid her by going to bed with her husband. She'll suffer to the last day of her life not knowing who her child is. She'll die with that doubt.

Sofia realizes, "So Rosario isn't Eva's daughter?" Gabi clams up and kicks her out.

Juan's now at the church. (I can only assume that Tadeo sent him an owl.) He demands an explanation. Pedro Reyes introduces himself... a moment that would have a lot more dramatic impact, befitting the tense music, if only we hadn't been told last Friday. He's their cousin. "The Reyes aren't fools [bueyes, rhymes with Reyes]; we don't have cousins." "So you're one of them," Pedro says. Juan introduces himself and wants to know who Pedro really is. Fortunately, Pedro has a note from his mommy, which proves his identity. She's the one who told Pedro to find them.

Pedro's father was Juan's mother's brother. He was always a restless dreamer (exact same words Juan and Oscar used to describe Franco in early episodes). He went up north to the USA looking for a better future. He promised he'd come back for them, but he never did. "We'll never hear from him again," he predicts. (You know what a prediction is worth in a telenovela... I wonder if Dad could be the Big Boss...)

His mother was resentful, and never told Pedro about his cousins until just recently. As for the matter of life or death... finding his cousins was his mother's last wish. She just died.

Anyone else think Pedro resembles Ted King a little bit? Maybe it's just me.

Pedro says he had to work from a very early age because his dad abandoned them and he needed to help his mom. She asked him to find them. They're his only family. He has no one else. He shows a photo of Juan's mom and Pedro's dad when they were very young. (Anybody recognize Pedro's dad?) They're cute. He lets Juan keep it.

Pedro asks if there's a cheap place he can stay. Juan kisses Tadeo's ring and leaves. Pedro kisses Tadeo's ring too and gives him a longing look... no, I'm sure that's just my imagination, but I swear it looks like a longing look. The cousins leave for that cheap room Pedro was asking about.

"Another Reyes," Tadeo muses dreamily. "If all goes well, as we hope, and Franco survives, then there will be four. Four Reyes!" (He reminds me of The Count from Sesame Street.)

Juan introduces Pedro to Quintina, Pablito, and Mariachi. (Mariachi seems unimpressed.) Quintina lets Petey-Pie know that there's a family tradition that the Reyes must kiss her on the mouth. He obliges, and she swoons in a flurry of cartoon effects. She says any silliness helps them slightly forget the tragedy they're living. Juan explains that his youngest brother is dying on them.

Dr. Specialist and Good Dr. #2 talk about Franco. He's young and strong, and he's got many people hoping for him to live. And they're using tepescohuite, aka mimosa tenuiflora, which is supposed to be great for burns. What matters now is for him to get out of the coma, not have any neurological damage.

Juan tells Pedro about the attack and the fire, trying to burn Franco and Rosario alive. "We still don't know who it was, but when we get our hands on them..." Pedro offers to help in any way possible.

Oscar comes home. He seems skeptical of Pedro. They leave for the dispensario. Pedro kisses Quintina on the way out, saying he doesn't want to break with the tradition. She fake-swoons again.

Sofia's at the cottage with Grandpa. She rehashes about how mean Gabi is to Eva. Grandpa doesn't think it's a good time to tell Eva the bad news that Rosa's not her real daughter; they should wait for a while, and then get Gabi to tell the truth. (She hasn't told the truth yet in 25 years, but maybe the 26th will be the charm.) Sofia also mentions Gabi's unsettling references to Sofia's "origin." It gave Sofi the feeling she's not even an Elizondo. Grandpa thinks it's another attempt to torment her, and tells her to dismiss these silly thoughts.

Eva and Ofelia are at the dispensario. Ofelia says "you really are like a grandmother to Luisito." This doubtful comment offends Eva. "I am Luisito's grandmother!" Ofelia doesn't back down; she asks Eva what if it turned out she wasn't Rosario's mother? Eva finds this inconceivable.

Good Doctor #2 (Good Doctor #1 is the younger one with the glasses who helped Franco the last time Feo tried to have him killed) lets the boys visit Franco one at a time. Juan goes in first. Pedro looks a bit frustrated at having to wait a little longer to meet his cousin, but Oscar will help him pass the time; he has "a few little questions."

Feo comes home later than Gabi would have liked. She demands to know where he's been. He impatiently explains that running the hacienda involves many time-consuming responsibilities. He reminds her that she told him to find a woman who wouldn't give him any problems; is she going to give him problems?

Cowed, she apologizes and kisses his hand! "Forgive me, but for the first time in my life, I love, and I feel loved. I'm afraid to lose you." Feo says he's not like Bernardo; he could never cheat on her. Gabi says she hopes so, because otherwise...
"Otherwise? Otherwise what?"
"I could kill you."

Juan tells Franco to fight and get better. They miss his joking and laughter and singing. More... it's sweet and mushy, with lots of warm memories, but no new information. Franco had trouble learning to ride a horse, it threw him into a tree, but he always got up and tried again, and now he's the best rider in the area, besides Juan. A similar story about his schooling (cute flashback); Franco didn't want to go to school and tried to skip, but Juan found out, and I guess Franco was a slob too and they had to hose him down. Etc. It was hard bringing up Franco and Oscar, keeping them fed, protecting them from danger, from people wanting to hurt them. Franco has to get better because the time has come for them to carry out justice for all the wrongs that have been done to them. The time has come for them to show who the Reyes brothers are.

(But evidently it would be too soon to show anyone, like maybe Grandpa, that the Reyes brothers are the Robles brothers.)

Grandpa tells Rosendo about the bounced check. He's mystified. R says he'll look into it. The check is to pay rental on the special medical equipment for Franco and Rosario; those guys will take it away if he can't pay.

Feo, who was listening at Grandpa's door (which needs a few deadbolt locks if you ask me), intercepts Rosendo, claiming that he's going to the bank and will find out what happened with the check. Rosendo doesn't exactly want to hand it over, but has no reason to refuse.

Oscar tells Pedro that after hearing his life's story, he understands his brother Juan. The Reyes are cursed to lose the people who love them. Pedro asks if they know who killed their parents. Oscar doesn't remember, but they were saved because Juan saved them, he was like a father to them. Pedro wishes he'd had a father to care for him. Oscar says Pedro can be another Reyes brother - one of Juan's "sons."

Eva tells Rosario not to worry about anything. Luisito's okay. Don't leave us, be strong, fight for your life. Sofia shows up and tells Eva to have faith that Ros and Franco are saved. Sofia explains that she was giving Gabi a hard time for being so mean to Eva; Eva says the damage is done, and it was her fault too for letting Gabi give away her child. She has faith that Rosario will be saved and they can be happy. She adds that Ofelia doubts that she's Rosario's real mom, but Eva thinks that's impossible. Anyway, she can't go through all that angst again, not knowing who or where her daughter is.

Juan comes out of Franco's room, and Oscar goes in. Pedro tells Juan that Oscar told him the story of how he's not just a brother to them, but also like their father. (I know Pedro's hearing it for the first time, but for me it's VERY VERY OLD.) A father like Pedro never had.

Oscar has brought Franco a little boom box, with the doctor's permission. It's a tape of Franco's music. (Note to friends: Don't play my karaoke at me when I'm in a coma.) Oscar tells cute stories about their childhood, something about skipping school to swim in the river, the water was too cold for Franco so he sang. (?) And the time when Oscar's heart was broken and Franco sang him his favorite song. He tells Franco he got the gift of song from their mother. He remembers them looking up at the clouds shaped like animals (including roosters, of course!).

Oscar tries to sing. We'll excuse this poor effort due to crying. He mentions that Sarita didn't get married - she took off running to see Franco, she was so worried about him. He tries again to sing, but breaks down crying.

Sofia mentions the "origin" thing to Eva. Eva doesn't exactly remember Sofi's birth - Sofia wasn't born at the house. Shortly before Sofi was born, Gabi went to Puebla. She was upset with Bernardo. Thus, Sofia was born in Puebla, and not in Serdan. "None of us saw your birth."

Jimena and Gabi are on their way to the convent. Jimena wants to see Rosario. "After all, she's my sister," she says, smiling hopefully. Of course this hope is squashed by Gabriela: "That woman is not your sister. And Sofia stopped being your sister the moment she went to live with that bricklayer. We're going to visit Sarita, who is your ONLY sister."

Sarita is moping at the convent. The nun wants to know what's on her mind. Sarita says it's Franco, a boy who's in bad shape. "The boy you're in love with?" Sarita admits she's confused. The nun says she's here to clarify her thoughts and decide if she really wants to become a nun. Being a nun isn't about escaping from the world. "This house is not a refuge for cowards." (I half-expect her to launch into a killer rendition of "Climb Ev'ry Mountain.") Sarita must take this decision about her relationship with God very seriously.

But first, she must become governess to seven unruly children whose strict but handsome retired Navy captain father doesn't let them play or sing... I wish. I'd like to see that telenovela.

It's finally Pedro's turn to see Franco. "Cousin, if you're tired of being alive, feel free to let go - everyone seems to like me a lot and I'm sure I'll be a great replacement. By the way, I can sing too, and my beard's way better than yours, so... you know... think it over, no pressure."

Sorry. I'm still feeling mean and traumatized from tonight's Querida Enemiga, and I'm OD'ing on all this sweetness.

What Pedro really says: "I'm very sorry to meet you in these circumstances. If you can hear me, I want you to know that with all my heart, I hope you get better."

Gabi tells Sarita she's really proud of her dedicating her life to God. Sarita says she's confused. She'll decide when she's put her thoughts in order. Gabi says for the nth time that she only wants Sarita's happiness. That's why she's okay with her being at the convent. Else, she'll have to marry Benito. "As always, I'll respect your decision. You're free to decide between these two things."

Sarita needs to see Franco one last time before she decides. "No no no, you're never going to see that miserable loser! I forbid it!" The nun tells Gabi she should let Sarita see him; it's the only way she'll know if her calling is for real. They can't accept her as a novice otherwise.

I love these aerial views of Serdán.

Grandpa is studying the Robles map again. He doesn't remember these people at all. He'll ask Raquel about them.

Here comes Feo. "Don't you understand I don't want you to come into my house without asking permission?" Feo ignores this and says he went to the bank and they had made a mistake with his account. Feo covered the check and paid what Grandpa owed. Grandpa says he didn't ask him for a favor, so he owes Feo nothing, and it's also very strange to him that Feo offered to do this for him. He sent Rosendo to take care of it!

Feo says Rosendo was too busy and Feo was going to the bank anyway. But to Grandpa, everything seems bad! Grandpa replies with some dicho like "the mule wasn't mean, so they beat him with sticks." (I don't think this is correct, but it was the best I could do.) Feo is merely amused.

Oscar, Pedro, and Juan are together when Sofia shows up. They are introduced, but Sofi doesn't get a very good look at Pedro before Juan gets in her face for some kisses. (Seriously, she barely had a chance to say hello to this Royal Hotness cousin.)

Gabi shows up with her only two daughters and Feo. Naturally, she's grossed out by this public display of affection. Pedro naively takes her arm when she seems dizzy. As expected, she's mortally offended and shakes him off. She complains about all that she's having to endure for Sarita's sake. She shoves Sarita away...

...right into Pedro's arms!

(Ha! I knew it!! Soon she will be in love with two men. That'll teach her!)

Next time:
Gabi and Feo go out of town on a date and run into Raquel. Awkward!
Feo acts like a jerk.


Monday, August 04, 2008

Querida Enemiga Monday August 4 - partial, please fill in, I'm in a tornado warning

No that's not a joke - I watched about the first third of the show but I'm going to have to call it quits for the night - Chicago area is experiencing horrible weather and I have to go take apart my patio gazebo that is blowing across the yard. I think the gazebo is a goner, looks like some of the iron bars got bent, I need to dismantle it before it blows around and breaks a fence or something. Here is what I got so far, please help in the comments and I'll paste in the body tomorrow. Thanks!

Alonso and Chalo beat the crap out of each other, Chalo spins his yarn of being lovers with Lorena, oh yeah she never had sex with YOU though did she? That leads to more punching from Alonso. He gives a great description of Sara, how she's greedy and self-centered, but of course to Alonso he says it's Lorena that is that way. He also manages to throw in that Lorena wanted to use Vasco for money but couldn't pull it off, so she settled for Alonso. And yes, he knows that he is paying for her school. We are surely headed for this week's installment of "Oh no my beca!" Also, Chalo says she now has her eyes set on her teacher. Alonso is stupid so he believes it all.

Meanwhile, Lorena is worrying and checking her phone every 30 seconds.

Outside Chalo's room, Alonso sees Sara, who puts actually tells the truth for once about how nice Lorena is, but only because she knows Alonso won't believe it and all her trust in her friend will make her (Sara) look good to him. She pretends to call Lorena but says she must be in class. Alonso asks if she shouldn't be in class too, she says "yes but I couldn't leave you alone this way." She is really playing this well, I have to give her that.

At school, Lorena's friend is reading Ernesto's book and raving about it. Lorena just keeps saying 'uh huh' and not paying attention. Ernesto arrives as Lorena is checking her phone yet again and he tells her no phones in class. She proceeds to spend the whole class staring out the window until Ernesto finally tells her to leave if she has something more important to do, she says no, sorry. He asks her to tell the class any cooking secret she knows, she says something about marinating meat and Ernesto is impressed. He says sounds good but he would have to taste it. Whenever you like, she says. Sounds flirtatious right? Not if you saw it. Lorena is lacking the flirt gene I think. For being so pretty there isn't anything really overtly sexy or 'interesting' about her, I can't think of a better way to say it. She's just blank. Like her soulmate Alonso. I guess they are perfect for each other.

Julian studies for his quiz show. He remembers how much he kicked ass on the show and feels proud of himself.

I liked this scene - Hortensia shows up at Mundo y Vida, where Diana gives her the usual ice queen look. She's good at that look, the only time she lets up on it just a little bit is with Vasco. Anyway, Hortensia offers her money to leave Vasco alone.

Outside after class Ernesto catches up with Lorena and chit chats, then he smiles and is nice to her. Lorena says he's not such an ogre after all, then clamps her mouth shut hard. Oooops. Since Ernesto has the hots for her, he just laughs and tells her to not tell anyone, it would ruin his reputation. Ha ha oh Ernesto you kidder.

Of course as they are chatting nicely Alonso and Sara show up, Alonso sees them talking, which as we all know is secret code for "they are having dirty nasty sex of a kind that you couldn't even imagine." He pouts.

Hortensia gives Diana a check for 2 Million Pesos, which she promptly tears into pieces. Hort says she'll regret that. Diana says regret keeping my dignity? I think not. She tells Hort to keep the money for the lawyers she's going to need when her parents denounce her and Jaime to the cops. Then she tells her to get out before she calls security. That was a great scene. Finally someone who doesn't kiss Hortensia's butt all the time.

After Ernesto leaves, Alonso roughly grabs Lorena to take her away someplace private to talk, and it will be their last talk ever! Watching this from afar, Sara calls Chalo and says he's going to get a BIG prize for being a punching bag.

Ok that's as far as I got - thanks in advance for your help.

Edit - Margarita has already come through with the rest of the episode, I'll copy it here. Thanks Margarita! I came out of the storm unscathed, but tomorrow I'll have to try and bend a couple of the metal poles for my gazebo back to their original shape.

- Alonslow takes Lorena to what looks like a coffee shop, but they never sit down. He calls her a tramp, and she tries to swear by Mother Asunsion (Mother Superior) and he tells her not to sully that name. She gets a good slap in, but alas, he never listens to her and finally dumps her. Wonder if he will cancel his check for her tuition or if it will be two months before Lore finds out the truth about her "beca."

- Sara comes to give Chalo his "prize," but he wants more than sex, he wants lots of money. Then he decides he wants the sex in the meantime.

- Sara thought bubbles about how she's having the best day of her life, Lorena thought bubbles about having the worse. Then Sara shows up to find out what's up and rejoices to find out they are split up. She tells Lore that she's going to talk to Alonslow and Chalo and clear this whole thing up. Lore foolishly apologizes for ever accusing Sara of trying to steal him from her.

- Alonslow has a montage of memories of runing into Chalo, etc., and decides it was all right there and he just never caught on. Doc Val comes in and he pours his grief. She tries to console him with coffee. This makes her late to the house and her cheating husband wants to know where she was (as does her meddling MIL). When she says she was taking to Al, MIL is aghast that she was talking to another man! Her boy's cheating is justified, but God forbid she talk to another man!!!

- Omar finally finds time to talk to Zule and she finally tells him she's worried he doesn't find her attractive 'cause they haven't done the deed in ages. He apologizes and says he just got caught up in the business and then the catching up on his credentials, but he still finds her attractive. Later on we see them in bed, apparently ready for round two. Guess it wasn't ED after all...

- The next day, Toribio tries to convince Alonslow to talk to Lore, and offers to go talk to her, but Al forbids it and says all that's left is for him to forget her.

- Neto sits at his couch and plays his phone messages. All are from women who want him back, and one who plans to get even because he stole a family recipe (tsk, tsk). He makes witty remarks of disdain to each of them. His latest ex comes by and tells him she had come to try to get him back, but now she realizes she was just another notch on his bedpost, like the rest of the sorry losers that left him messages, which are still going!

- Sara meets Al at the clinic, and tells him that it was all true. She just saw Lorena last night and she confessed to all the evil things Chalo said.

In tomorrow's preview, Sara's (actually Lorena's) family all attack Sara and Chalo respectively for the lies they told about Lore.


Pasión de Gavilanes, Mon., Aug. 4 - Feliz Cumpleaños Juan David!!!

First, some pics from Friday's episode:

Leonidas gives Melissa a serenata. What the heck is Benito wearing?

Poor Leonidas. I think Leandro was a little too mean. Melissa seemed to enjoy the serenata.

'You didn't have anything to do with Feonando 'slipping on the stairs,' did you?'

Norma lies to Juan about what's going on at the Hacienda.

Óscar and Jimena receive the Fruit Sons in Óscar's 'office.'

Óscar calls Jimena in for a consulation.

Monday's Episode:

Rosario fails Dínora's evil school by refusing to shoot Sarita

An over-the-top party for a one-year old

Blowing out the candle

Dancing with mom and dad

Juan: For my beloved son in his first year, with all my heart - his first horse.

Happy family

Ruth takes the group photo

Grabiela is devastated that she can't have her own birthday party for Juan David. Does she have to do it on his birthday? Couldn't she have a party on another day?

Thanks for the heads up on the 1 hour episodes this week, Margarita. I should have guessed as much when they start a new novela.


Sunday, August 03, 2008

Al Diablo Con Los Guapos #134, Friday 8-1: The Puerto Vallarta getaways aren't really and another wedding is in the works

So, the setup for tonight is that Flor-n-Al, Mili-n-Hugo, and Vale-n-Rocky are ALL at the same hotel in Puerto Vallarta, allegedly having romantic times. Also there are Ramses and the skeevy guy who seems to be following Valeria and Rocky around. So, obviously, something's hitting the fan tonight.

Back at Casa Belmonte, Damian practices his campaign speech. Karla, the woman who can blemish his reputation comes up with the vacuum cleaner and almost drops it on his foot. Damian tells her he's up for party president. Karla says he's not the best option of anything, unless it's biggest jackass and dirty old man. Damian retaliates by dropping his brandy glass and tells her to clean it up and not raise her voice to him again. Dude, that's harsh. Broken glass sucks to clean up. I'd be more careful if I were him--there's no telling where that glass will end up…between his sheets? On his chair at the dinner table?

Looks like Luciana has made it out of her hotel room and is down at the bar. I can't imagine why. Couldn't room service have brought up a few dozen bottles for her? The bartender is one of those helpful chatty types. He tells her to (a) forget her ungrateful family and (b) go shopping, since isn't that what makes all women happy? Ergh! Luciana looks rough, not like she's been holed up in a hotel room drinking non-stop, but like she's got a nasty flu.

Spy Guy watches Alejandro and Flor set up their lounge chairs by the pool. Alejandro can't stop thinking about his mommy, but Flor tells him mommy's in the hospital getting better. She offers to put some sunscreen on him. SpyGuy then watches Rocky and Valeria go over to the pool. Baby Rocky has his floaties on and a blue rhino inner tube thingy. Mommy Valeria won't let him go in the water without sunscreen. Ramses is having himself oiled by the girl who tried to come on to Hugo. She complains about it and we find out she's his sister…is this the infamous Nefertiti? Poor girl. SpyGuy continues his spying.

Constancio tries to talk Peralta out of making Damian party president. He says he's got an interview set up the following day to clear up the scandal. Peralta says if they spin it right, maybe he can get the party to reconsider Constancio as president. He tells him he's got to manage the interview well. Constancio's phone rings and Guevara, aka SpyGuy reports that Alejandro and Florencia are "there". Constancio's confused. Guevera says all the kids are there. Constancio is pissed that Valeria is there with Rocky. Guevara then breaks it to him that they are (a) in the same room and (b) the bed is king size. Constancio says he's going out there tomorrow, interview be damned.

Villalobos tells Mateo that soon the cops will go to Casa Belmonte and Constancio will be more sunk than the Titanic, especially after that scandal the other day. Villalobos tells Mat to get over his little friend Fernie, he had it coming. Marisela comes in to tell them that she just talked to Flor. She worries about their relationship. Villalobos tells her it'll be fine, they're there alone, right. Oh, Wolfman, if only you knew. He tells her that the cops are closing in on the guy who killed her dad.

Rocky is finally all sunscreened and Valeria gives him permission to go into the pool. Loud shorts and all. He does a brilliant acting job of bad swimming…oh, the flippers, I hadn't noticed the flippers! Ramses walks by and sees Valeria…and commercial.

Rocky is splashing water all over Ramses' sister. She gripes at him and he offers to go away, but then she starts flirting with him.

Mili and Hugo walk by the beach. Hugo blah, blah, blah's about their relationship and how it's going to get better. He's essentially trying to talk her into having sex to save the relationship. He says it would rock to conceive a kid there. Florencia calls him and asks how it's going, have they done it yet? They talk to each other about how great it is and how their respective spouses haven't said anything about each other. Mili attacks Hugo, so he hangs up on Florencia and then buys Mili an ice cream.

Ramses is hitting on Valeria as she looks incredibly uncomfortable. She finally tells him she's not there alone, she's with her boyfriend and she's really happy with him. Ramses is upset about her being there with "the chauffeur." Valeria corrects him, she's there with the love of her life.

Rocky finds out that her name really is Nefertiti. And no, she's not Greek or Polish, she's Mexican, but her parents were into Egypt. She's thoroughly enchanted with Rocky. Ramses comes over to criticize her taste in men and tell her that Rocky is his ex-girlfriend's chauffeur and boyfriend. Nefertiti is disappointed.

Rocky comes out of the pool and Valeria tells him Ramses is there. Rocky threatens to drown him in the ocean if he comes near them. With all those floaties, I'm thinking not.

Alejandro comes back from swimming in the ocean and collects Florencia. They make plans to go get some food after they clean up.

Karla tells Lina she's not going to let Damian get away with what he's doing. Lina tries to be nice to her, but Karla's back to her own self. Lina's feelings are hurt. She figures out, though, that Karla's jealous of her relationship with Socorro. She tries to tell Karla how much Socorro loves her. Gloria comes in and snarks that Karla's change of attitude didn't last long. Karla walks out. Gloria tells Lina that Bobby's waiting in the garden for her. Lina takes a few moments, then runs out to find him.

Andrea is cleaning out Luciana's closet and orders Braulio to burn Luciana's stuff. Braulio's heart breaks. Andrea announces it's her house and she's redecorating.

Luciana goes grocery shopping. She makes sure to get all the major food groups--whiskey, rum, tequila, and vodka. But no mixers--you wouldn't want to dilute the potency of the natural flavor compounds.

Karla fixes herself a sandwich. Horacio wonders why she doesn't behave herself already. Karla can't take it anymore and tells him that she won't be compared with Lina…"your daughter, who everyone thinks is such a saint, has more prizes in her than a piñata." Er, ok I guess if we're talking in terms of individual cells rather than just one baby, right?

Florencia lays out clothes for Alejandro and then goes in to take a shower. Alejandro goes out on the balcony in his towel and thinks about Mili. He wonders why she's not there with him. Hee hee. Mili goes out on her balcony and thinks she would have liked it better if Alejandro were there with her. Commercials.

Before they see each other, Mili goes back inside. Hugo is waiting for her by a little pool with some fruit and champagne. She says she was just looking at the sea. Hugo offers to move there if she likes it so much. He tries to be romantic, but Mili says she's hungry. And no, she doesn't want room service. Mili horrifies even me by telling Hugo to "behave" himself when he tries to kiss her again. This is driving me nuts. I don't think she owes him sex, but how naïve is she that she thought he could hold out for even a few months waiting for her to be "ready." That's one of those stupid clichés that goes right up there with "I'll learn to love you." Anyway, he tells her he's just kissing her, not undressing her, and is she going to reject his kisses too? He tells her to forget Alejandro and let's go to dinner.

Horacio and Karla argue about Lina being pregnant. She's being pretty nasty to him, calling him stupid, filthy, etc. Horacio tells her she can say what she wants about him, but leave his daughter out of it. Karla goes on this long rant about how Horacio's so stupid he'll just think that Lina's belly is growing because she's putting on weight and that the baby is just a doll. Then she twists the knife a little more, telling him that everyone knows but him, even Braulio, and he's an idiot for not realizing it. Horacio tells Karla that she doesn't need anyone to ruin her life, her nastiness and bitterness will do it for her. Braulio hears the argument and comes in to tell them to shut it. Horacio asks where Lina is and Braulio says she's out in the garden with Bobby. Horacio takes off and Braulio asks Karla to help him with what Andrea asked him to do.

Bobby tries to talk Lina into telling him what's up and why she's rejecting him now. She tells him she just doesn't want a boyfriend right now. Bobby's hurt that she doesn't trust him. He says he's tired of being an idiot, falling in love, and then getting rejected. He tells her he doesn't deserve that. He says he likes her and knows how to see her for what she's worth, he realizes she has everything he's always looked for in a woman. He says he forgot that in order to be a couple, she would have to feel the same way about him. Lina hugs and kisses him and right then Horacio comes up and says "hands off my daughter! You already got her pregnant, what more do you want?" Oops.

Rocky and Valeria have dinner outside. Valeria's having a great time being there alone with him. She remembers that "date" they had where he was both Rocky and Morgan. Ramses and Nefertiti send over a bottle of champagne, and then impose themselves on Rocky and Valeria. Ramses picks on Rocky and Nefertiti hits on him. Valeria's a little pissed off that Rocky and Nefertiti already met at the pool. Ramses starts pouring the champagne. Rocky makes a comment about Ramses getting spots on his face and he has to check. Once he confirms he's ok, he toasts to their lucky encounter. Valeria's claws come out as she tells Nefertiti that maybe her BOYFRIEND is a flirt, but he's a complete dear to her. Ramses talks about the wonderful spa they have at the hotel, so Valeria says that of course, she and her BOYFRIEND have already made appointments for relaxing massages and mud and honey treatments. She makes kissy faces at Rocky. She says she and her BOYFRIEND do everything together. Nefertiti thinks maybe they can skip the "honey" part of the treatment. I think all the loveyness is making her sick. Valeria says they've got places to go, so bye now. Rocky follows her lead and they leave. Ramses and Nefertiti toast. I notice she calls him "Ram." I wonder what his pet name for her is…"Nef?"

Horacio gripes out Lina for being pregnant. Dude, it's already done, quit making her feel bad. Bobby asks if this is why she was trying to get rid of him. She admits it's true and she's pregnant. Horacio still thinks it's Bobby's though and Lina has to get between them and say it's not Bobby's. Now Horacio really lets her have it and says he'd expect this from Karla, but not her. Somewhere, on a shelf in the kitchen, his "#1 Dad" mug is falling off and breaking on the floor. Bobby tells Lina not to try and defend him and tells Horacio he really is the baby daddy. I know, right! Go Bobby!

Constancio thanks someone on the phone. The doctor at the clinic has lied to Constancio and told him that Luciana is doing great. Constancio says there's no way he's going out there to see her, though. Damian is relieved. He says he'll go out there and check up on her. Constancio is surprised that Damian gives a crap. Damian says he's got to keep Luciana from causing scandals for him. Constancio tells him not to get too comfy thinking he'll be the next party president, because Constancio's interview might put him back in the running. Dude, if you wanted even a prayer of that happening, you shouldn't have told Damian. Idiot.

Hugo blah, blah, blahs about what a lucky guy he is to be with her, he wants into her…uh, heart…but we all know he means "pants." Mili is grimacing in pain as he goes on and on. She finally says she can't take it anymore and she's got to pee. Dude, what adult person waits so long it gets painful, unless there's no access to facilities? Maybe she's got a UTI, I don't know. That'll certainly serve as an excuse not to have sex with Hugo. It'll be a refreshing change from "not tonight, dear, I'm not ready." On her mad dash to the bathroom, she runs behind Alejandro's table as he studies the menu. Hugo grins. Because Mili's just so darn charming.

She runs into the bathroom stall and quite loudly exclaims about how great it feels. Florencia convinces herself she's just imagining things as she comes out of her stall and then washes her hands. She takes her time, checking out her outfit. Mili emerges just as she leaves. Mili recognizes Florencia's perfume and says: "Huh, it smells like Florinda…or maybe she smells like a bathroom?" Ha! Commercials.

Horacio, Lina, and Bobby go inside to the servants' dining room. Horacio tells Bobby he'd better not be making a fool of his daughter. Bobby says he adores Lina and he won't lose her, least of all now when they're expecting a baby. Horacio says they'd better be getting married and Bobby says he'd like nothing more. Horacio mentions his long pointy gardening shears and Bobby says he won't need to use them, he always wants to be with Lina. Horacio finally calms down and hugs his "son-in-law." Poor Lina is in shock. She asks for a minute alone with Bobby, which, hey, she's already knocked up, so what more can happen. Horacio says he'll be right nearby in case she needs something since he's always going to take care of her. Oh, whatever, dude. (A) This does not erase all the nasty things he said about her a few minutes ago and (B) I love that Bobby stepped up like this, but I think Lina needs to have a say in the matter instead of having these two men decide the rest of her future for her. Horacio leaves. Lina asks why he did it. Well, duh! Bobby says he said all those things because they're true, he loves her and he wants to share everything with her and her kid will be his…if she wants. Thank you. He asks her if she wants him to be her baby daddy. And marry her. Lina gives him a big teary hug and a kiss. I guess that means yes, right?

Florencia, with her presumably virgin piña colada, blah, blah, blahs about how it's so great to be there and how she wants Al to be more romantic and affectionate, etc. And how for the rest of this trip she'd like him not to think about Milagros. Lady, you're the one who brought her up. Alejandro says she thinks about Mili more than he does. He promises not to think about her as long as Florencia doesn't bring her up.

Hugo extracts the same promise from Mili. She says she didn't even think about him until Hugo brought him up. Hugo says he wants them to have "an unforgettable trip" which really means "sex." Mili says the trip is already unforgettable for her, isn't it for him? Heh. He says it is and asks for the check.

Back in the DF Andrea has Braulio set the bundle of Luciana's stuff on the steps--not the ones directly in front of the house, but the ones on the other side of the fountain. Karla douses it with gasoline when Braulio can't bring himself to do it. They all retreat higher up on the steps and Andrea throws a lit match. She and Karla enjoy the burning, but poor Braulio may never recover.

And finally, the inevitable happens, Mili walks along the beach in the morning and runs into Alejandro. He is as delighted as a kid at Christmas.

Monday: Constancio's interview doesn't go as he hoped--he gets arrested on live TV for the murder of Domingo Echavarria.


Querida Enemiga Friday August 1, '08 Operation “split mueganos” SUCCESS!!!

Hi everybody!, Here is Friday’s recap. I did it from memory because I’m being lazy and didn’t want to see the show again. I hope I didn’t miss anything

After walking around, Lorena finally arrives to Alonso’s house. Tiberio tells her that Alonso has been looking for her and he is right now at Zulema’s house. She calls him and tells him what happened. Later we see them talking in a restaurant. She explains again, but he is doubtful.

Chalo and Sara are together. Sara is very upset because her plan didn’t work exactly as expected. Chalo tells her that he has done everything in his power to separate them, but they stick together like “mueganos”(For those that don't know what are mueganos here is a little info http://www.latradicionaldesalgado.com.mx/html/mueganos1.html. However I liked this picture better. It gives you an idea on how hard is to try to separate them http://turismo.hidalgo.gob.mx/jpg/gastronomia/muegano.jpg ) Sara tells him that she has a plan to separate them for good.

Next morning at the clinic. Bruno comes into Alonso’s office. He asks for a list with the name of his patients. Alonso asks him if he is not going to congratulate him. Bruno tells him that he new that he was going to get the award, but he didn’t vote for him. He leaves the office telling him that he wants the list right away.

Bruno asks Jacky to go with Betina to buy a dress. Jacky tells him that she is very busy preparing her wedding, besides, she says, that girl has a mother. Bruno gets upset and tells her that “that” girl happens to be his daughter, and he wanted them to spent some time together, but he understands and won’t ask again. He leaves and Jacky enters her office.
Betina is chatting with a friend. She is looking for sites where she could find a date for her mother. Her friend tells her that she has the perfect candidate; her father, he is divorced too, and he is very handsome. They decide to “hook” them up. Betina is very happy.

Jacky gives an invitation to her wedding to Hortencia. She takes it and thanks Jacky for inviting her, but her body language is saying that as soon as Jacky turns around that invitation will go to the round file. Jacky then tells her that Sara is not there. Hortencia gets mad at Jacky again and tells her to stick to her work and stop trying to get Sara in trouble. She informs her that Sara asked permission to go make some payments.

Sara is at her school making her monthly payment, when she sees Alonso, she hides and hears when Alonso tells the secretary that he is coming to make the payments for Lorena. One more thing that she could use to separate them. She calls Chalo and tells him to meet her at the clinic.

Sara and Chalo arrive to the clinic. Face one of operation “split mueganos” is on. Chalo enters Alonso’s office and tells him that he got his job back, but he needs a doctor’s note for the days he was unable to work. He then lets slip that he saw Lorena last night. Alonso looking indifferent but sounding really mad jumps at him and tells him to repeat what he just said. At the beginning Chalo denies seeing Lorena, but later he “confesses” that he is Lorena’s boyfriend. He tells her that Lorena has been using him(Alonso) and that they have been an item for a long time. Alonso hits him. Valeria enters right then and stops Alonso. Making the most of Valeria’s intervention Chalo leaves the room. Sara is waiting outside the clinic. She enters as Alonso is coming out trying to chase Chalo. When Alonso tells her what Chalo just told him, she feigns being outraged. She tells him that Lorena is not capable of deceit, and that Chalo is lying. Alonso wants to go talk to Lorena but Alas Lady Luck is on Sara’s side and Alonso is interrupted by a nurse telling him that there is an emergency. Alonso needs to go to surgery and Sara uses this opportunity to tell him that he needs to talk to Chalo and that she’ll go with him. Alonso goes into surgery and Sara goes outside to start face two.

Outside she tells Chalo that he needs to go the pension and wait for Lorena, meanwhile, she calls Lorena and tells her that she just found out that Alonso is very upset at her. Lorena doesn’t understand why. Sara tells her that it is because of Chalo and his web of lies. Lorena is very upset and she wants to talk to Alonso, but Sara convinces her to go talk to Chalo instead.

Diana talks to Vasco and convinces him that he should forgive his father.

Betina and her friend meet at the ice skating place. They plan together how to get their parents to meet, finally the decide just to introduce them and see how things develop. Betina then talks to her mom and her friend introduces them, Both girls encourage their parents to have a good talk. The girls are happy because their parents seem to be kind of compatible.
The girls congratulate themselves and hope that in the future they could become sisters. They are trilled with the idea. Meanwhile Mom and Dad seem to like each other… We’ll see.

At casa pobre, Zulema is concerned because Oscar is not doing her …wishes. She remembers that the way to a man’s heart is his stomach, so she enters the room with a plate of goodies. She asks him how are things going. He is surfing the web, end tells her that he is learning very fast. He thanks her for the food, and when she tries to kiss him on the lips, he makes an strategic move and ends up kissing her on the forehead. She is disappointed again.
Later she is delivering food to Tiberio, he is very happy to see her and comments that her food is delicious. She asks him in behalf of a “friend” about what to do when hubby is not responsive and seems to have lost sexual interest. Tiberio tells her that her “friend” needs to talk to her husband about her needs because otherwise their problems will increase.

Vasco goes to see his father. He tells him that he wants to help him. Jaime asks him to go to the office to pick up some papers. He goes to the office and meets Ickturo. He gives Vasco the papers he needed. When Vasco is about to leave Valeria arrives. Arturo introduces her to Vasco. They exchange pleasantries and Vasco leaves. Valeria is impressed with the job.

Betina and Paula are back at their house Betina asks her if she liked to talk to her friend’s father. Paula says that he is nice, but she doesn’t want to have a relationship right now. Betina then remembers that Tiberio suggested to tell Paula to find a job. She does and Paula realizes that her daughter is worried about her. She is touched and tells her that she would look for a job, but she doesn’t have any marketable skills. Betina tells her that there are some jobs where there is no need for experience or skills. They look at the paper together for a job. Betina is very happy.

Back at the clinic super Alonso, the fastest surgeon on earth is done with an open heart surgery and is ready to go talk to Lorena, but Sara convinces him that is better if he talks to Chalo first.
Meanwhile Lorena arrives at Chalo’s house and confronts him. He gives her a sob story on how he did it because he is jealous and he has been in love with her since they were little. Lorena is hoping mad and slaps him. She tells him that she hates him and wants him to tell Alonso the truth. He says that he’ll do that, but please forgive him. Lorena says she can’t forgive him. She tells him that she is leaving, but she is coming back later with Alonso, and he better tell him the true. She leaves the building, but as she is leaving. Alonso is arriving and sees her.

Zulema is back. She decides to follow Tiberio’s advice and goes to the room to talk to Oscar. Se finds him exactly the same way she left him. He tells her that he took a test online on how to use the internet and he thinks he did great. Zulema asks if he is done because she needs his full attention. He says that he’ll be ready in a minute, he just got an answer from his e-teacher. Zulema waits impatiently.

Alonso is beyond mad. He gets off the car and goes to Chalo’s house, meanwhile Lorena is calling Alonso, when he doesn’t answer, she leaves a message telling him that she knows what Chalo said, and it is a lie. She’ll explain everything after classes. Alonso left his phone in the car and Sara sees Lorena’s missing call. She listens to the message and then erases it (How does she know his pin?)
Alonso bangs at Chalo’s door, Chalo opens the door with a bra in his hand and saying something like “my love you forgot this”... A brand new bra in Lorena’s size $20.00 the look in Alonso’s face…priceless.
And to finish this recap in the words of the great Borat. Operation “split mueganos” SUCCESS!!!


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