Saturday, May 16, 2009

MEPS 05/15/09: Eddie and Fer Make a Date While Denia Gets Ready to Meet Her Maker

Capítulo 64

First a bit of repetitious review:

Prissy, who quite obviously has married beneath her intellectual station in life, threatens Anibal. He’s got to hire the accountant she chooses (and we all know who that will be) or she’ll pay a visit to Franco Santoro and tell him the guy he wants to do business with steals money from his own wife; Babs, once again up to her old tricks, plays the victimized and long suffering wife for gullible Gonzo, who seems to be aging with each episodio; and Rene Manzanares walks into the room where Gardenia's being kept prisoner to find Denia in dire straits because the lecherous Lucio is liquored-up and in full lust and thrust mode.

Manzanares, who apparently has his limits and his principles, gets angry and tells Lucio to back off Denia. Lucio tells him to get lost. When Rene tries to untie Denia, Lucio attacks him. The P.I. pulls a gun and the two fight for it. Suddenly there is a shot and Viewerville waits an ever lovin’ eternity before one of them finally hits the floor. As it turns out, it’s Lucio’s lucky night. Rene hits the floor with an artful, if overly anticipated, thud and breathes his last.

Over at Las Animas, Estev, aka Dewey, and Eduardo have just returned from Barrera’s office. Eddie cannot believe that $170 million dollars has just fallen out of the blue and into his lap like this. There’s got to have been a mistake, he says, because it’s unbelievable that he should have received a fortune like that from a man he practically met on his death bed. The old guy had to be delirious to do such a crazy thing. Dewey tells him Ciro must have had his reasons, but Ed says no. “To be perfectly honest, the money really belongs to Lili Elizalde.”

At that very moment, the ghost of Ciro appears to Lili in her room at the asylum and tells her “the white king now has the weapons he needs to fight with.”

Eddie now tells Estev that Ciro risked his life to save Lili, and that that is the best proof he was committed to saving her. He says it was a serious mistake to have accepted something that didn’t belong to him. (So, what’s so ignoble about taking half, I ask? Or maybe just a “finder’s fee”?) Eddie starts to call Barrera to give the money back but Dewey tells him to hold off. “Perhaps Ciro left you his fortune in order to help Lili. What was it exactly that he said to you when he handed you the white king?” Ed thinks back and remembers Ciro telling him that inside the head of the king was the weapon for battle and then ordering him to do everything possible to free Lili. Eddie, our prince of a virtual pauper, stands on principle. “That doesn’t give me the right to touch a dime of his fortune!” (Where’s a good two by four when you need one?)

Back at his cottage, Lucio still looks like he just sh!t his shorts. Denia makes her move towards the door to escape. Unfortunately, Jairo reappears and pushes her back onto the bed. He looks down at the floor and sees that Manzanares has assumed room temperature. Jairo is horrified and looks immediately over at Lucio. “What did you do, you humongous idiot??? You just sent a government agent to the hereafter!!!” Lucio whines back. “What did you want me to do? Let the guy kill me?” “—This guy wasn’t just anybody! [cualquier cristiano] He was police!” Lucio yells back don’t blame him cuz it was Jario who had the brainy idea to do business with the guy. Jairo says, yeah, it’s one thing to do business with the guy, but it’s quite another to do him in!

Lucio frets and says they’ve got to get the body out of there. Jario reminds him not to do it in the light of day or there’ll be witnesses. Lucio says then they’ll have to get rid of Gardenia, too. Denia is listening at the door. She knows she’s about to be toast and she starts praying for a miracle.

Across the way Jacinto is a busy little bee. He’s fixing things around the house. Margarita wonders what’s up. He says that he’s had his belly full of Cadmilo Elizalde [llenar el buche de piedritos= literally “filling the belly with little stones"]. He’s not going to go back to work for the Elizalde’s. The next day he’s going into town to look for work somewhere else. Margo looks worried.

Over at the hacienda, meanwhile, Cad is in the stables yelling for Jacinto but can’t find him. He orders one of the other stablemen, in his endearingly affable way, to go over to Cinto’s house to fetch him.

Jairo warns Lucio not to involve him in this mess—his mess-- and to never set foot in his bar again or he’ll run straight to the police and let the fecal matter fly. “The best thing for you is to convince Gardenia to follow you and the two of you get away from here, very far away,” he says and walks out the door. Meanwhile, Denia is frantically searching Rene’s pockets, albeit with her hands still tied behind her back, for keys on Rene's body. She only finds some cash and a passport. She throws the passport on the floor in frustration. “The keys! He’s got to have keys on him!”

Jacinto tells the worker from the stables to tell Cad he doesn’t work for him anymore and he’s not coming. Margo is worried that he’s just gotten them into another jam. Cinto says no, he’s actually keeping them out of one because the next time he finds himself in front of Cadmilo Elizalde, the guy is going to know he’s met his match [encontrarse con la horma de su zapato].

Jairo goes back to Rene’s hotel room and furiously starts packing up his things to get rid of any trace of the supposed federale.

Back at Las Animas, Eduardo remarks that it’s strange that Denia hasn’t returned yet. He’s put together something to eat [moyete=an open-faced sandwich that soldiers in the field eat] since she wasn’t there to cook for them. Estev returns to the topic at hand. He tries explaining to Ed that if he doesn't accept Ciro's money then he can’t possibly follow through with either the $3 million advance for Grupo Lactos or Barbara Greco's $1.5 million commission. (No duh! Seems Eduardo has fallen victim to Telenovela Alpha-male Malady: a skillful, dazzling, inspired, super-stud suddenly turning dense as a doorknob and seeing any good fortune as misfortune, particularly as it pertains to his receiving a fortune.) “So what am I supposed to do with it?” Dewey suggests that for starters he should throw a huge party. Just then there’s a knock at the door. Fr/Ed goes to answer it and sees that it’s Fernanda standing in the doorway and smiling at him. He melts instantly and the sparkle in his eyes matches hers.

Meanwhile, Lucio gets ready to bury Manzanares and threatens Denia with killing her afterwards. Denia starts praying for deliverance.

Fer apologizes for showing up unexpectedly like this. Fr/Ed has a smile a mile wide on his kisser and says he told her that it’s no problem; he’s told her to feel at home there and he loves seeing her (more like feasting his eyes on her cuz he’s just devoured her whole). She gets a bit flustered and tells him she’d rather continue to think of Las Animas as the home of her family’s business associate, then quickly explains that the reason she came was to tell Fr/Ed that now they are getting the drafts of the new community center drawn up with the architect so she wants to take him there for a look-see. (Ri-i-i-ight. She didn’t have to come over in person to do that. They’ve got phones in this novela, a point not lost on Eddie.) It will be built in the old warehouse, she says, the place the kids used as their secret hideout, a really beautiful building and one of her favorite places. He’s secretly impressed that she remembers “their place” that way.

Of course, Fr/Ed just stands there drooling with that sexy boyish grin on his face. He can’t get enough of her. He walks around his desk and leans over her shoulder. “Terrific! I’m free then. When do you want us to go?” This move isn’t lost on her, either, and she shifts a respectable few inches backward as she turns to look at him. The size and intensity of her smile now equals his. “Tomorrow morning? --I think the sooner the better. So, is early tomorrow morning all right?” “—Yes! I’ll go. Do I stop by for you at the hacienda?” The subliminals between these two are flying non-stop now. “—No! No. I prefer to come get you.” It’s a date! They’re in full flirt mode but don’t quite realize it yet. They continue staring at each other till suddenly Fer does realize it and she says a bit awkwardly that she’s got to go. Fr/Ed offers to walk her out.

While Fer and Fr/Eddie flirt with each other, Errika listens as her daddy, Augustin, is on the phone with Gonzo telling him that he can count on him for whatever comes up. When Augie hangs up Dolly asks how Gonzo seems to be doing. Augie says “like a train just ran over him.” Dolly says that’s not the least of it because Damian Gallardo has destroyed them socially with the scandal. Err tells her mama not to count Fernanda out because she’s not the kind of female who lets herself get done in by a deceitful man. Dolly says she hopes this new boyfriend of Err’s isn’t going to do something similar to her. Errorika, oblivious to the heap o’ hurt she’s headed for, swears to Mama that Franco has a solid job and an income in “dollars”; and, even if he were a simple farm worker, he would still be her boyfriend. Augie’s ears pick up at the word “dollars”. Dolly misses the remark and laughs at Err. “Ha! You go off with a farm worker and you’d be back at month’s end! Like they say, ‘When poverty comes in the door, love goes out the window.’” Err informs the two of them that Franco is, in fact, going to be Grupo Lactos’ new business associate.

Denia finally manages to get her hands free, meanwhile. She peeks through the cracks in the boarded up window and sees Lucio digging a grave.

Back again at Las Animas, Estev asks Fer to call him by his first name and offers her his friendship, kiss-kiss. He asks Fr/Ed if he’s gotten around to mentioning the party to her yet. Fr/Eduardo explains that he’s giving a big party to get the news out about their new business partnership. “When we were making up the list for the party, the first name Franco wrote down was yours, Fernanda.” He looks over at Ed. “Wasn’t it, Franco?” “--Yes. It was,” he answers as he and she share another flirtatious stare. (No lie there, that’s for darn sure.)

It’s bedtime now at the Elizalde’s and Rory tells Santi that since things have certainly changed in their relationship she is going to be sleeping in a different room. It was just a big game before, she says, but now it’s real and she wants a decent relationship. He smiles and sweetly thanks her for giving him a second chance. The two kiss good-night numerous times till Santi has sense enough to finally leave. FF>>

Estev makes sure to invite both Fernanda and her hubby. Fr/Eddie frowns as Nanda makes her apologies for Damn and says, a bit stiffly, that he won’t be able to attend. Dewey ducks out and Fr/Ed must apologize for “his boss” mentioning her husband like that since Estev doesn’t know about the problem with her husband. Fer says it isn’t important since he’ll have to find out eventually if he’s going into business with her family. Fr/Ed asks her then if she’s heard from her husband yet. She says no, he hasn’t had the guts to call and give her at least some kind of an explanation of things. She abruptly breaks off the conversation and says not to take it badly, but she’d rather not continue discussing it. It’s best, she thinks, if she goes her own way and that she and her family manage now the best they can since that’s all in the past. She says good-bye, kisses him on the cheek and leaves. Eduardo is impactadisisisimo! He touches his cheek and moves that kiss to his lips. He smiles and sighs (along with the rest of us). “Fernanda!”

At Vlad’s place, Damn tells Vlad that Nanda is his wife in name only because he never had the chance to actually consummate the marriage. “For one reason or another something else always got in the way.” Vlad says he wonders why his story and the Elizalde’s differ about the business with the money. Damn gives Vlad a line about him having had a contract with Barbara Greco to find ways of avoiding paying the tax man. He saved them millions of dollars at Lactos in taxes, just like their professor in accounting school taught them to do, but Barbara played crooked. Instead of paying him his commission, she accuses him of embezzlement. So as long as he doesn't have sufficient proof of his innocence, he says, he must continue to hide out. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door and Damn has got to hide in the bedroom. Vlad opens the door thinking it’s Pris, but it turns out to be Damian’s mother. She starts begging him to tell her where Sonny is.

At the hacienda, the Barbinator is now on the phone in her bedroom with Art the Courageous (a misnomer if ever there was one, come to think of it, especially for a rich guy who hides in the dark in his own office all the time). He orders her to scuttle the business negotiation with Powhere Meelk. She manages to put down the phone only seconds before Gonzo walks in so she has to think fast. Gonzo is giddy with relief. He smiles and gives her his great news about Augustin offering him his unconditional support. Babs looks over at him and suddenly starts sobbing. Totally overcome with guilt, Gonzo starts apologizing. Through crocodile tears she says that her love for him hasn’t been sufficient enough for either him or his kids. Yes, she’ll learn to live with it, but (sniff, sniff, sob) it just. hurts. so. much!

Gonzo takes the blame for making her the victim of all his recent mistakes. He implores her to forgive him. Babs says it’s not important, that she can’t blame him for not feeling the way she would like him to feel about her. She sobs again and then says with an uber-melodramatic pause, “ It’s very apparent that you have no confidence in me now. There’s a divide between us it seems, and now with what’s looming….” Gonzo wants to know what she means. Babs answers him: it’s the the business with Franco Santoro and she does not trust the man. The music swells as we break for crass commercialism…..

Once we return, safe in the knowledge that Uni’s bills are paid and that the show that must go on can…..Gonzo wonders why sweet Babs would suddenly “discount the word of Santoro.” Babs purposely makes Gonzo jealous by telling him that she spoke with Santoro privately and subtley stringing him along. He asks if the guy made advances towards her. After a another pregnant pause she says no, nothing like that, but he is dishonest; and she has a feeling that Santoro is going to betray them. “It would be a terrible mistake to sign a contract with him!” Gonzo needs a minute or three, maybe four, to process. (Somebody needs to get the old geezer a Kleenex. I think he’s drooling.)

Ed gets mad at Estev for inviting Fernanda’s spouse to the society ball of the season because he knows perfectly well that the guy is a fugitive from justice. Duckworth says he was sounding her out is all. (Ok. I'll bite.) When Dewey supposedly mentioned her husband her reaction was “annoyance”, he says, meaning that she is not in love with Damian Gallardo at all. “Ah, don’t tell me that you didn’t notice!” Ed stands there frowning at him. “You put her in an uncomfortable position.” Dewey apologizes and promises never again to make the love of Ed’s life feel uncomfortable. Ed is muy impactado to hear the feeling actually put into words. Estev smiles wryly and pats his BFF on the shoulder. “That is what Fernanda Elizalde is, isn’t it?” Eddie doesn’t disagree with the sage Estev.

Back at the cottage, Lucio comes in to get Manzanares’ body. He notices that Denia has gotten loose and he pulls out his gun to threaten her. “Don’t try anything!” The once defiant Denia is not about to. She cowers in the corner as Lucio drags Rene’s body out of the room and locks her in. Denia starts looking around now and notices the passport still lying on the floor where she threw it. At first glance she thinks it’s Don Santoro’s passport, but then she reads the name “Eduardo Juarez Cruz” written in it and suddenly she realizes that Franco Santoro and Eduardo are one in the same. Just then Lucio comes back into the room for her and she manages to hide the passport in the back of her skirt without him noticing. “You’re next!” he tells her. Denia begs him not to hurt her. She swears she’ll obey and won’t open her mouth if he just won’t do anything to her. Lucio drags her outside to the open grave anyway.

Viewerville is left in suspense because we’re suddenly shunted back to Vlad’s apartment as Ursula, now on the couch, is still begging Vlad to tell her where her son is. Vlad tries to evade her questions. He looks down and realizes that Damian’s car keys were left on the coffee table. He tries to cover them over with his hand but it’s too late. Ruh-roh! Ursula has seen them and asks why he’s got Damn’s keys. Vlad’s got to think fast. He searches for an answer…..

It’s mealtime. Margarita tells Jacinto at supper that she feels bad about arguing with Gardenia. She really misses her little sis and wishes she hadn’t read her the riot act over Jairo the way she did.

Poor, unfortunate Denia, however, at that very moment is futilely trying to reason with a barely lucid Lucio for her life. She tells him she’ll make a deal with him and if he unties her she’ll tell him what Rene Manzanares found at Las Animas. He pushes her down on her knees, points the gun and yells at her to spit it out. [¡Desembucha!] “Out with it already!” “—Just one thing, though, Lucio. If I tell you and… it interests you…let me go and then a little later….the rest …okay?” (Methinks she means doin’ the nasty and with him it’s gotta be an ugh-fest.) He shoves the gun threateningly at her again and she is terrified. "I-I-I discovered a secret about Don Santorito!!!” Lucio’s wild eyes go wide and he licks his lips. He hesitates for just a second to consider his next move. Will he or won’t he shoot her? Maybe, just maybe Denia’s bought herself a little time…..


Tontas no Van Friday 5/15 If you talk, you’re busted. If you’re silent, can you be trusted?

Tonight’s episode was filled with truth and consequences. Unfortunately, we seemed to have more consequences than truth. Let’s see how everyone’s utterances have turned some lives into an utter mess.

We see the scene in which Meño tells Gregoria that Christian, the gay guy who was the impresario at Santi’s male stripper show the other day, reminds him of himself in his younger days. Greg was preoccupied, and reveals to Meño that Patricio wants custody of Chava!

Okay, now with the new. We start off happily enough, as Ceci delivers a present to Candy, from Santi. I note that she DOES still have her engagement ring on. The gift is flowers, plus a little suede bag with a drawstring. Inside, Candy finds some sand. She smiles as she reads the card, which relates that the sand is from Puerto Vallarta, from a special night, where they were united in one single soul. (So there to those of us who thought Santi had slacked off on the special gifts!)

Candy’s happy for 3 seconds, when the phone rings. Darn! It’s Pat, who wants Chava to spend the weekend with him. Candy doesn’t agree. Pat says he knows Candy is upset since he won’t give her a divorce, but Candy shouldn’t put the boy in the middle of that (Hah! That pot’s sure calling the kettle black). Candy hangs up on him.

Gregoria needs advice from Meño. If she tells Candy that Pat’s trying to get custody of Chava, Alicia will think she’s a traitor. But if she doesn’t tell Candy, then Candy will think she’s on Alicia’s side. She and Meño decide to keep quiet for now, but they’re both worried, trying to find a solution. Both think it’s terrible of Pat to try to take Chava away from Candy.

At an outdoor café, Gabino is meeting with Santiago. Santi actually does remember him from eight years ago, his father wanted a new face, and Santi said he couldn’t do that kind of surgery. Gabino says Mario the traitor did the surgery. This surprises Santi, he didn’t know that, and Mario, although a doctor, would not have been capable of that kind of operation. The main thing, though, is that Santi doesn’t know anything, didn’t know there even was an operation. And by the way, he adds, why did you call Mario a traitor? Gabino doesn’t answer, and the meeting is over. But guess who just happens to be watching this meeting (out of earshot, though)? Pat, of course. Yep, can’t leave Chavito with a dangerous Mafioso like Santi.

Cuau and Lulu are walking through the park. It finally comes out that she’s the cook at Meño’s restaurant, and she hugs him (not too easy with their big tummies).

Pat’s in Santi’s office angrily asking what Santi has to do with Gabino. Santi feels it’s none of his business. Pat asks “Does Candy know that you go around with Mafiosos”? Santi responds “how do you know he’s a mafioso?” Well, Pat can’t share that info, for reasons of security. Santi thinks it’s more like anger. And if Pat wants to know when he’s leaving Candy, the answer is never. Pat agrees that he’s angry, and he’s not letting anything happen to his son, ever. He leaves.

Isabel and Lucía have a little chat (about sex). Isa tells Luc that when Isa first met Luc's grandpa, it was the hippie days. Things were a lot more open back then, and the boys would give each girl a love test (prueba de amor). This pretty much went that if you slept with a guy, you loved him, if you didn’t sleep with him, you didn’t love him. Luc breathlessly asks what Abuela did, if she’s willing to tell! Isa reassures her she really loved Luc’s grandpa, the only boy who DIDN’T ask her to prove her love by sleeping with him, until AFTER they got married (yeah, sure, but it’s makes for a good story). Isa adds that whatever you decide, do it for love. Lucía admits she slept with Charly for love, and although Fred makes her laugh, she still has feelings for Charly.

Now, we’re in Candy’s office, and Pat loudly insists that it’s best for Chava to live with him. But why, Pat, tell me why? Pat can’t tell her, but he won’t allow Chava to be with that lowlife Santi (he uses the word tipo). There’s no other option. Candy demands to know what is going on, but Pat says he just can’t tell her now, and she has to trust him, he’s doing this to protect Chava. He’s sorry, one day she’ll understand, and he walks out, filled with angst, since he wants to tell, but can’t endanger Candy by mentioning the mafia thing. Candy is frustrated as hell, as we see the two of them suffering in a split-screen shot.

In Santi’s office, Santi wants the truth from Mario. Mario tells him that the less he knows, the better. But Santi insists, and Mario tells all. He did the operation, Gabino’s Dad died, and Mario paid the bodyguard the $1 million to keep quiet. Also, adds Mario, if Gabino knew his father died on the operating table, he wouldn’t just kill Mario, but Santi, too, because he thinks they were working together. The operation was done in Santi’s clinic, after all. Santi wants Mario to tell Gabino the truth, but Mario says he’d be killed. Besides, there’s the matter of Lozano. Who’s that? asks Santi. The bodyguard he paid the million to. Santi has had enough. He demands that Mario tell Gabino immediately that Santi, Ed and their clinic had nothing to do with the operation.

Meanwhile, Isabel is continuing her sex talk with Lucía. At 15 years old, it’s a big decision (this is nuts, can’t she even raise the possibility of waiting?). Sex is a decision that involves responsibility, if you have a warm heart, you must have a cool head. And always use a condom. Well, Lucía now knows how bad AIDS is. Yes, but it’s not only that, says Isa, can you imagine what it would be like if you had a baby at 15? No, I never thought of that, responds innocent Luc. Well, it wouldn’t be good, counsels Isa, adding that since boys might forget the condom, we girls have to be ready to protect ourselves. She whips out a condom she had ready, gives it to Lucía, and the problem is solved. How nice!

Barb and Sole are consoling Candy. Barb can’t believe Pat would go so far, but Sole and Candy say that when Pat gets worked up, he’s capable of anything.

Santi now tells Ed about Mario’s mafia problem, and that it’s their problem, too.

We now see Meño and Christian in Santi’s office. Apparently Christian’s nose got hurt when Santi stopped the act, and he wants a free nose job from Santi. Meño is hoping Santi will throw in a little fix for Meño’s ears, too, to avoid a lawsuit. Meño wants to look 30 years old. Santi tells him he’s no miracle worker, how about 40, like Christian (Meño hadn’t realized Christian also lied about his age). Christian still thinks Santi is too aggressive, and Santi disagrees, saying he’s well under control, if he weren’t, he’d throw Christian out the window. Christian then thinks he knows why Santi is so aggressive, it was bad upbringing by his Mom! Well, this is a federal crime, according to Santi (insulting a Mexican mother), and he kicks them out of the office.

Osvaldo and Chayo are doing a little late-night cramming (studying, I mean, what did you think I was saying :)? Osvaldo lays on the charm, and Chayo asks if he’s ever been in love. Os says not really, he feels that if you aren’t slayed by love, love dies (los amores que no matan, se mueren), as Joaquin Sabina says in one of his songs. Os thought that such loves didn’t exist, but he’s changing his mind, maybe he’s found one. Of course naïve Chayo has no idea who this could be.

Meño and Christian have a funny conversation, in which Christian cries a lot and Meño tries to console him. Christian’s face is very important to him, not only does he want to fix his nose, but he’d really like thicker lips, too, sort of like Angelina Jolie! Meño wants to cheer him up with a dance class. But Christian has a problemita. No job. With no job, he can’t buy the clothes he needs, Don Manuel (Meño corrects him, just Meño). Meño fumbles a bit, but before he can really say anything, Christian says, I can’t permit it, but if you insist, I accept! Huh? Yes, thanks for giving me a job in your restaurant, he says to the shocked, sympathetic (but trapped) Meño. So now let’s go shopping!

Soledad is in Pat’s office, not to talk about Beto, but to wonder why Pat wants to take Chava away from Candy. Pat repeats, you all have to trust me, I know what I’m doing, as Sole walks out, disappointed.

At Santi’s house, he has told Paulina the Mario saga, and she says she knew nothing (liar!). Pau counsels kicking Mario out, demanding that he leave. Santi finds this strange, as isn’t Mario her novio these days? Well, noble, self-sacrificing Paulina assures him that all she cares about is the safety of their family.

It’s shopping time, as the boys have hit the mall, ready to make Christian’s dreams come true. He’s sort of a mini version of Meño, and buys all sorts of bright colored outfits, spinning and preening to Meño’s consternation (especially when he sees the bill). Meño tell Christi he’ll have to pay all this back from his salary, and Christi says “but of course” as a candy mint falls out of his cherubic mouth.

In Pat’s mansion, Margarita is holding Patito while sitting on the couch, and Alicia is stretching in her warmup outfit. Marg asks if Ali thought about a baptism for the boy. Ali has, and she wants Candy to be the madrina (godmother). Marg thought Ali didn’t like her, but Ali says she’s family, and has already agreed (true, but Candy felt weird about it). Okay, what about the padrino? Well, replies Ali, it’s supposed to be a friend of the father, Pat doesn’t have too many friends here, how about Santiago? My surgeon? The very same. Marg forgot her pill, hands off the baby to Alicia, and after Marg leaves, Ali tells Patito I think it’s a really good idea for your real father to be your padrino!

Santi’s laying down the law to Mario in the garden outside his house. Mario’s going to have to leave town. But I thought I was your friend, whines Mario. You WERE, replies Santi. But after you did this, forget it. If I had to balance my friendship with you as against the security of my family, my family is a thousand times more important.

Isabel has come to see Zamora in the restaurant. Since she’s almost sure Z is Jaime’s son, she has a question for him. She starts out lamenting that they rarely see each other, even though Zamora is now living in their house. After a little small talk, she asks “if you re-met your real father, what would you say to him?” Zamora surprises her when says he’d punch him out (I couldn’t understand the word he said, someone with captions help me out here), a thousand times, for the pain he gave my mother. Isa is taken aback, didn’t your mother leave him? Yes, but remember, he had two houses, he was tricking my mother. So much for Isa’s family reunion plan.

Christian loves Meño’s house, comes prancing downstairs with his new scarf, saying it’s a shame Meño doesn’t live alone. The two sit down to tea. They both lift their teabags, daintily dipping them into the cups. Then it’s three big spoonfuls of sugar for each, taking turns. The tea is stirred, pinkies properly extended. Then a few unison taps of the spoon on the cup, and we can see these two were made for each other. Meño tells Christi now that he knows Chris’s real age, Chris should have his own apartment. Chris then thanks him again, profusely. He accepts again. Huh? First the nose job, the clothes, the job, now this, thank you so much Meño (is he hinting that Meño will get him an apartment, or let him live in Meño’s house? I gotta hand it to Christian in the chutzpah department!)

Santi has the tickets for the Alizée concert. Remember he was only getting three? Well, who’s going to go, as Isabel, Jaime, Lucía, Rocío, Paulina and Mini West gather around. It was Santi’s idea, so he’s going. But who will be the other two? Paulina votes for her and Rocío, their “family”. As Santi hugs Lucía, Isa points out that they’re ALL family. Isa and Jaime then bow out, they’ve seen enough concerts at their age. And Lucía has too many exams. So that seems to leave Santi, Pau and Rocío anyway. But Santi nixes that, he wants to go with Candy and Rocío. And believe it or not, Rocío agrees, after some smooth talking by Santi, leaving Pau to walk off in disgust.

Mario is right outside waiting for her. Santi’s kicking him out because of the mafia thing, he knows everything now. But you didn’t tell him I helped you dispose of the body, did you? asks Pau in an agitated tone. No way, says Mario. Pau not stupid enough to tell anyone she was involved, she might just leave the country, and she advises Mario to do the same. Mario then gets a flash of insight. Could it be that Paulina is behind all of this (maybe he even means bringing the mafia guys to Guadlajara!), to get Santi upset, and get rid of Mario from her life?! Paulina smiles cryptically, gives him an evil kiss-off with her hand, turns and leaves him to stew. After 5 seconds of stewing, he’s fully cooked, and in desperation, calls Gabino.

Isabel needs some advice about the Jaime-Zamora thing. Since Donato already knows about her hunch as to their relationship, she asks him for some help. She’s almost totally sure, and if she were completely convinced of the truth that Zamora was Jaime’s son, she’d tell Jaime. Well, turns out that Donato has an idea. They quietly go over to to Zamora’s room (Don has a key), and on the nightstand there’s a picture of a woman, obviously Zamora’s mother. Donato says if they show that to Jaime, his reaction will reveal the truth. Donato will make a copy.

In the restaurant, Meño introduces Christian to Toño, Zamora and Lulu. Christian will be a new waiter. No one’s too happy about this, and Christian takes Meño aside to complain, the job’s a little beneath him. Meño jovially tells him take it or leave it, and he leaves. Immediately, Mr. Chutzpah tells the others that he’s just talked to Don Manuel (they correct him, Don Meño). Anyway, he’s not going to be a waiter. He’s the HEADWAITER, and they’d better get to work pronto, as he claps his hands to get some action.

Gregoria is on the phone with Alicia, criticizing her for going along with Pat in trying to get custody of Chava. Unfortunately, Candy hears this, and is mad at her Mom. She knew, and didn’t tell Candy? Candy grabs the phone, tells Ali she’s never giving up her Chava. Relax, says Ali. And get yourself a good lawyer. Bye! She hangs up, Candy throws down the phone in exasperation. Greg tells Candy she’s on Candy’s side, but Candy wants to be alone, and goes to her room. She flashes back to good times with Pat and Chava. She remembers when Pat agreed to the divorce, even gave her the papers, and at the time (pre-Santi-love-admittance), she tore up the papers. A tear slides down her cheek, as she then remembers when Santi proposed on the boat, and how they’re now in love, but now Chava’s upset, now Pat won’t give her the divorce, and she’s distraught. But she wipes away the tears, thinking crying will not help her keep her son.

Isabel is looking for Lucía, who’s not in her room. Paulina comes up from behind, did I scare you? No, you make me nauseous, is the reply. Pau then roughly grabs Isa’s arm, saying she’s fed up, but Jaime comes in to defend his wife, let her go, let’s see how you treat a man. Paulina says you haven’t been a man for a long time, old man. Isa stops Jaime from anything further, prompting Paulina to declare it’s a good thing she stopped him, or Pau would tell him many things! After Pau leaves, Jaime really wants to help, and Isabel declares “no puedo mas”, or I can’t do this anymore. I think she may be about to confide in Jaime.

In the mafia car, Mario has decided to tell “the whole truth”. He didn’t do the operation. It was Santiago Lopez Carmona! And there’s a witness right here in the car, Lozano. Is that true, Lozano? asks Gabino.

Santi is reading a story to Rocío. Paulina approaches. From behind, Jaime and Isabel walk in, his arm around her shoulder in support. He says to Santiago, “Your mother has something to tell you.” Paulina is muy impactada, and we have to wait ‘til Monday for the truth or consequences!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Thurs., May. 14 - 'It's a bad day for trusted sidekicks' or, 'I'll never have to type Melquíades again!'

To protect the people at the cemetery from Sapo, DB stops the funeral and tells everyone to leave. Marisela doesn't want to leave but Santos insists. He leaves Pajarote to keep watch and let him know if anything happens.

Tigre tells the Inspector the gory details of how DB murdered the rapists.

There 's a handy abandoned church next to the cemetery for DB, Melquíades, Sapo and Facundo to sneak around in and shoot at each other.

The Inspector tells Santos and Antonio that he has a witness statement and that is enough to arrest DB. He goes to El Miedo to find her.

Melquíades kills Facundo.

Pajarote gets scared being left alone in the cemetery. He returns to the hotel and tells Santos that although he didn't see DB leave, there is no one in the cemetery.

Santos goes to look for DB at the cemetery. Marisela wants to go, too but he has her locked up in prison next to Tigre. "Didn't he stop loving her?" Mujica asks Antonio as Santos leaves to go after DB. "That's what I thought," replies Antonio, but I'm not sure any more."

Melquíades is shot by Sapo.

The Inspector goes to El Miedo where a terrified Juan Primito is all alone.

DB finds Melquíades and he tells her that he can't protect her any more. He is dying.
Sapo obligingly makes himself scarce so that Melquíades and DB can have a long goodbye scene. Melquíades tells DB that he loves her; she is his queen; he is proud to be the only man who wasn't afraid of her. DB cries for him and Melquíades is moved that she would shed tears for him. He dies.

Tigre manages to grab Marisela through the bars of the cell. She gets free and demands to be let out of the cell.

Santos goes to the cemetery looking for DB but it is locked up. When he hears shots, he climbs over the fence. Although he is unarmed when he goes into the cemetery, once he is in the abandoned church, he has a gun. Sapo gets the drop on DB and Santos.

Antonio has Marisela handcuffed to a chair when the Inspector returns to say that he can't find DB.


Las Tontas Thurs 5/14 - Pau pouts, Santi sways, Meño moons, and Alizée!

Santi hears a gunshot interrupt his PI's voicemail. Candy hears something she doesn't believe from Amanda. Greg hears Al putting a bug in Pat's ear.

Santiago asks Hortensia did she bring what he asked? She proudly hands over a megaphone. She asks him can she borrow it when he's done (why?) and he yells into the megaphone "No Hortensia No, ha ha ah ah, look it works!" Boys and their toys...

Chayo pines next to Lalo's picture, "You'll never change." The attentive Osvaldo "drops by" to bring her coffee and some books. She asks if it's typical for teachers to visit their students. When he tells her she seems angry and sad she admits Lalito was hanging with a teibolera. She cries on Osvaldo's sympathetic and handy shoulder.

Greg begs Patricio not to do this to Candy. Pato promises he's only doing what's best for Candy and Chava. Greg knows Al is behind this and Al basically admits it. Greg scolds,"Are you sick? You love a man who doesn't love you!" Al asks her mom who is she to talk? Good point there.

Santi blasts into Candy's office blasting into his megaphone. He goes through various amusing accents, British, American, and tells her he's got many shortcomings but jealousy is not one of them. He'll prove it with a little surprise he's got for her. She laughs that she's afraid of his surprises. He drags her into the lobby blabbing loudly into his microphone to Candy and the Institutas that the show is about to begin.

Some DJ named Christian struts in and starts the music. In come two hunks stripping to Sexy Smile. They start to dance with Candy but Candy is interrupted by a phone call. It's Santiago calling from 3 feet away. Candy enjoys dancing (if you can call it that, where's El Intocable when we need him?) with the strippers to Santi's dismay. Santi tells them the job's over but they remind him they're hired for an hour. "Are you jealous?" Candy asks while the strippers make their pecs do calisthenics in front of Santi's amazed face.

Amanda tells Pau that their plot isn't working because Candy loves Pau's ex too much. Pau nastily says fine, no results no payment. Amanda demands payment or she'll tell Santiago. "I'll be waiting for your call" she tells a sour-faced Paulina.

Commercial time and it's an ad for what is probably our next Telenovela - Un Gancho al Corazon. It looks really stupid but sometimes the stupid ones are the easiest to recap.

Osvaldo comes to the Institute to pick up Chayo and sees Meño comforting the crying DJ (I think he got hit in the nose or something), the strippers, Santi and Candy Bickerson, and finally Chayo. He seems unphased by this madhouse. Candy makes an "ooh la la" face as Chayo and her cute teacher leave together.

Charly and Luc argue about Frederico. Charly thinks Fred's a clown. Lucia says Fred's always in a good mood like Charly used to be before... She says she just wants to laugh. Charly says that's what he wants too. He stomps off as Luc chases after.

Pat and his sons play and talk in the park. Beto comments that he didn't see Patito in Al's stomach. Dad tells them that Patito was not in Al's stomach. He explains in length about adoption; sometimes there are abandoned babies in the world and parents like he and Al adopt them and love them. Beto and Chava are thrilled to both be the brothers of such a kid and Pato leads them in a cheer about saving the abandoned kids of the world. They race off to save the world.

Candy tries to leave work and discovers the elevator isn't working. Naturally she runs into Santi on the staircase and they play the you first, no you first game. He sits on the stairs and says a gentleman doesn't go before a lady. She plops down next to him and comments that he has to make everything so complicated. I love the face he makes. (I was trying to fathom why she would not go first and I think she's trying to be "liberated". She hasn't learned that liberation and common courtesy are not mutually exclusive.)

Back at the restaurant Meño flirts with the DJ who has a bandage on his nose. Christian is very impressed that Meño runs the whole big restaurant. They formally introduce themselves and lie about their ages.

Santi and Candy are still not budging from the stairs but Santi seems to be running out of time as he keeps peeking at his watch. He finally suggests they descend together in total equality but when Candy gripes about not keeping up in her heels (I think) he finally throws up his hands and heads off down the stairs. She yells after him that he's failed as a gentleman (but she's laughing so just kidding).

Chava and Beto play soccer in the house to Greg's irritation so she allows them to go outside to play.

Santi walks through the garage and is confronted by Gabino. Gab asks about Mario and Santi says yes he knows Mario but he can't talk because he has to go home and help his kid with her homework. Gabino ominously agrees that family comes first. Of course Pato happens to drive by and comments "My worst suspicians are realized."

Santi walks off and Pat jumps out of his car, "Gabino, I want to talk with you."

Uh oh, a little girl leaves her baby brother alone in his stroller while she runs into a store. Chava and Beto run by, spot the cute baby, and after some discussion deem him to be abandoned and decide they must adopt him. Little girl and mommy run out and are horrified to find baby gone.

Pat wants to know why Gabino was with Santiago and Gabino says he and Santi have something in common but it's a secret, get it? Gabino warns Pato (he snaps his fingers and his guards go for their guns) that anything can happen. Pato warns Gabino that if anything threatens his kids he will become Gabino's worst nightmare. They glare and Gabino makes a civil but tense departure. Pat thought bubbles "I vow to protect my family."

Over at the big house Lucia tells Santi and Rocio that her BFF Mini West who moved to England is coming to visit. Mini shows up, hugs all around, and Lucia asks what brings Mini to Mexico. Mini tells them she's come with her father who plays in Alizée's band. "WHAT?!?!?" gasps Santi. Alizée? Alizée?? Alizée??? He loves the French singer Alizée!

To prove it he starts swaying his hips and singing her song J'en ai Marre, i.e. I'm Fed Up. (However her line in French is "I have soft skin" and the way he sings it in Spanish it sounds like either "I'm stuffed" or "I'm your lint" or something entirely different I think. I'm not sure because the closed caps weren't working tonight.)

Santi is impactado and Lucia says if Mini can get tix to Alizée's concert her dad will be the happiest man in the world. To prove it he does his funny hip sway and bats Rocio out of the way. Donato joins him and they sway in duo until Santi bats a giggling Rocio again with his hips. (Will Alizée be a guest on this show? If so what a coup! Moi Lolita is probably her most famous song.)

Art tells greg that he's mixed up with the mafia and asks her not to tell anyone. She's upset and he tells her he loves her. She wants to help him but he insists she get out of the car. She departs in desperation.

A family helper drops off the Alizée tickets to Mini and the Santi family stands around wondering how many tix are in the envelope. Pau thinks certainly enough for all of them. Mini gives a reality check and says dad probably couldn't get that many. Santi snatches the envelope and peeks inside, Mini counts 1, 2, 3 and Santi says "what's with your miserable papa?" Lucia scolds and Santi composes himself, who will be the lucky ones to go with him to the concert?

Candy comes home and sees Beto and Chava with their newly adopted baby. Candy is impactada, the boys are proud the baby seems delighted with the change of scenery.

Isa and Pau get into it. Isa tells Pau to keep her mouth shut or she'll shut it for her! Santi walks in to see Isa give Pau a mighty pow across the face. Oops, mom's got some splainin' to do. Pau invites Isa to tell Santi what happened and Isa says she's going to do just that. Pau gets the sour face again.

While Candy dandles the happy baby the boys explain that adopting a baby was their dad's idea. Candy says they didn't adopt the baby they stole it and his mama is probably very worried. She leads the charge to return the smiling baby to its mommy.

The ladies hem and haw and Isa finally says she suspects that Zamora is Jaime's son and Paulina was butting in. Santi tells Paulina to stop stressing his mom out. "Paulina, stay out of my business," threatens Isa as she leaves the room.

Jaime and Zamora (singing a bit sharp) practice over at the club. They're going to invite all their friends for their show and Jaime encourages Zam to invite his mama. Ruh roh...

Pau, who clearly does not know when to leave enough alone, confronts Isa saying she sees she's not the only liar in the house. She tries to threaten Isa into helping her separate Candy from Santi but Isa refuses. Paulina can blab to Jaime all she wants and let the cards fall where they may. "Point to you this time," mutters Pau, "but next time it will be mine."

The adorable baby is reunited with mommy and a policeman kindly scolds Candy and the boys. The mommy is so nice about it she even kisses the boys and shakes Candy's hand.

Lucia begs Santi to go out with her friends, specifically Frederico. Santi's not happy but he grudgingly consents.

Candy writes on her laptop that tomorrow is a special day because it is the two week anniversary of her trip to PV and she loves Santiago very very VERY much.

Greg comes in and acts like she wants to talk about Arturo but instead tells Candy that all of a sudden she wanted to come in and give Candy a big hug.

Freddie picks up Lucia under the watchful eyes of Santi and Isa. Pau can't resist asking "Don't I know you from somewhere? Maybe a photo in this house?" Santi tries to follow them out but Isa pulls him back.

Fred and Lucia drive off and he continues to attempt seduction by asking for a little kiss.

Alicia tries to comfort Pato regarding his dad. He stiffens when she kisses his cheek.

Back in Fast Freddie's car Lucia stiffens when Freddie tries to kiss her. They argue and she demands he take her home. Good girl.

Isa sees Lucia rushing in early from her date, what happened? Lucia relates the age-old story that repeats itself through the generations. Freddie said she was a little girl and not a woman because she wouldn't... Isa comments to herself she'd better not tell Santi or Freddie's a dead man.

Meño chatters happily to Greg that Christian reminds him of when he was young la-dee-da. Meanwhile Greg's thoughts have returned to her earlier confrontation with Alicia. Meño busts her and Greg shares what's on her mind, she's dying of fright because Patricio wants custody of Chava and Alicia and Patricio want to take Chava to live with them.

Mañana: Angst


MEPS, Thursday, May 14, 2009, The Pot is Stirred and the Plot Thickens

Good gentle reader, please post this for me. Thanks.

Barb continues her act with Anibal. Things are really bad at Grupo Lactos.

Gonzo, Fer and Santiago await word from Barb. Santi and Aurora are in luuv.

Barb tells Anibal that everything depends upon him, including her marriage. Gonzo wants to know who gave up Damian. She’s about to tell him when Anibal grabs the phone from her hand and says it was “me.” Gonzo is shocked. Damian has violated their trust and deserves the worst. Gonzo tells Fer that it was Anibal. Both Fer and Santi condemn him. Aurora tells them she’ll wait outside. That girl has such good manners for someone who was raised by a witch.

Vlad, who only has eyes for Pris, is just eating up everything she says. He steals a kiss, she backs away. He is overcome with love. Damian comes out of the bedroom and claps at Vlad’s performance. Damian will show him the way.

Barb asks Anibal why he took the blame since he already has plenty of problems. Anibal says it was for a good cause and stops Barb from calling Gonzo and supposedly telling the truth. Stupid Anibal gives her many reasons why Damian should have been exposed by him, the older brother. She’s so grateful and such a liar.

Artemio talks to Manzanares who has news for him. Half the problem, the Franco Santoro part, is solved. Tonight he’ll handle the priest. Manzanares reveals that with what he knows about Eduardo Juarez he has won the lottery.

Steve tells Ed there is no way the Cayman Bank will tell them anything about Rebeca’s accounts. They’ll look in the Yellow Pages. Steve asks if the Grupo Lactos’ receptionist will help them. Ed tells Steve that she’s related to Jacinto and Gardenia and that none of them will betray their bosses. They are still talking about Rebeca being a friend of Barb. Ed asks the waiter for a phone book and Steve makes up a message for Rebeca on behalf of Barb just in case.

Jairo and Lucio return to Lucio’s place with food and drink. Gardenia is still locked up. She still can’t keep her mouth shut. Now she’s getting scared.

Manzanares has gone to Padre Bosco’s church. He tells the good father more lies about his supposed son. Manzanares is digging for information about who is around and about the church at night. When he finds out nobody, he leaves and says see you later.

Camilo climbs out of the bushes when he sees Aurora around the pool alone. Wouldn’t it be nice if she pushed him in. He wants to accompany her into the house. She declines. She tells him she’s waiting for Santi. The snake says he’s going for a walk just like her. Fortunately, Santi comes out and breaks up Cam’s fun.

Dominga curses Aurora. She thinks Aurora will return with her tail between her legs. Just then there’s a knock at the door. She thinks it’s Aurora and gets a stick. Surprise, it’s two thugs who say they are from the phone company. They are installing a phone on the orders of Artemio Bravo. Dominga knows she has now won the lottery, too.

Steve admits that so far their plan to find Rebeca Sanchez was a failure. So, they’re going to talk to Isaac Newton.

Fer wants to talk to Cam. She wants to know what he did at Las Animas. She warns him not to stick his nose in her business and that he has no right to mess with Franco Santoro. She says the truth, “you’re an imbecile.” And, if you hit Jacinto again, you’ll answer to me. Cam is shocked.

A licenciado tells Steve and Ed that he has no idea who they are talking about. He’s the only Isaac Newton in the area. Ed asks if the name Ciro Palafox means anything to him. Isaac denies it. Then Ed shows him Ciro’s riddle, and with chin quivering, Isaac reads the riddle. The old man cries. Ed asks him if the note means something. He finally says, yes, a lot. Isaac reaches into his desk and pulls out an envelope. He says that note means that he is the “elegido” (chosen, heir) of Ciro Palafox. He nervously opens the envelope, pulls out a paper and booklet. Isaac tells them that the note means that his mission is over and that theirs has just begun.

Mrs. Ciro and Simon can’t find anything in the room where Ciro’s effects have been stored. Finally she pulls out the Birth Certificate with the name of Artemio Bravo on it. This is going to be the next card she plays. She doesn’t know she’s just jumped on a train that will take her straight to Hell.

Ciudad de Toluca. Isaac shows Ed and Steve the Last Will and testament of Ciro Palafox and tells them that Ciro committed himself to Miraflores to get away from his family. Isaac pulls out the Prince by Machiavelli. The message that Ciro marked in the book refers to winning by force. Ciro wrote the message 30 years ago. He now hands Ed the will. Ed will get an inheritance that will change his life.

Jairo and Lucio, who’ve been to Happy Hour, great Manzanares and invite him in for a drink.
They say something about Gardenia that I didn’t get. Sorry.

Gonzo chews up Anibal. Gonzo accuses him of betraying his own family. He asked for discretion and forbade anyone mention Damian publicly. Barb listens in the background and finally comes out and defends Anibal. Pris enters and wants Anibal to tell her what happened to thousands of her dollars. Anibal, as they say, is now between la espada y la pared. I love that expression.

Finally Issaac asks for Ed’s complete name. Ed says that Ciro knew his real name and tells Isaac that he is Eduardo Juarez Cruz. Isaac tells them he should go to the bank with the papers and his official ID. Isaac tells him it’s going to be $160 or $180 million dollars. So, now where will Ed get his official ID since Manzanares has stolen it?

At Grupo Lactos Anibal tells Daddy that he has some business with Pris. Gonzo and Barb leave Ani and Pris alone. Ani tries to fake her out. She says you aren’t going to get away with it. She wants her money. He can’t come up with it. She trusted him implicitly with her money. She threatens him with telling Franco Santoro that the man he’s about to do business with is a thief. She says – come up with the money or I can be as bad as you.

Barb is fake crying again. Gonzo asks her why. She tried so hard to save him from this pain. But, my son contradicted my orders. She says I’m not their real mother, but I’ve done everything for them. How can anybody think she’d try to hurt Fernanda. She’s worked 15 years to gain the goodwill of his family and they are always ready to throw her in the garbage. Gonzo, the Dumb, tells her how much everyone loves her. She’s so hurt. Gonzo begs her not to think such things. She’s so hurt that she doesn’t know if she can forgive them.

Fer greets Aurora. Aurora says she had to return because she realized she loved Santiago. Fer says at least she knows that such a love exists. Aurora assures her that some day she will find the love she deserves.

At Lucio’s Jairo and Manzanares share a drink. Manzanares slides Jairo’s compensation across the table. Manzares says that Santoro is clean and not a trafficker. Jairo opens the envelope and counts the cash. Manzanares asks about Lucio. Jairo leaves to pee. Meanwhile Lucio is feeling up Gardenia who is bound and gagged. Finally, Manzanares opens the door and stops Lucio. Lucio threatens him. Apparently Manzanares has some standards. He won’t hurt women. Manzanares tells Lucio to get lost and finally pulls a gun on Lucio who keeps fighting him. Gardenia cowers in a corner. The gun goes off and we are left to wonder who got shot.

Avances: Sparks fly between Fernanda and Ed and Gardenia realizes she has to escape somehow.


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Wed., May 13 - DB comes armed to the funeral

At the poza, DB tells Santos that she has the soul of a wild beast (fiera) and that he should run away. Santos says that he won't leave. He tells her that she is doing something crazy and she asks if that is so because his highness Santos decrees it, or because he is civilized and she is a savage. She says that she used to fear his judgment and sentencing but no more. Now everyone who isn't with her is against her including her daughter. She will bury Eustaquia and then kill Sapo.

The Inspector says that he wants to talk to DB. Antonio tries to divert his attention to Sapo but the Inspector insists.

Pajarote tells Genoveva that he will be her beast of burden (buey, 'an ox') and asks her to marry him but she refuses.

Melquíades goes to El Miedo and finds that Los Mondragón have trashed the place and split. He says that now DB only has him.

Santos tells Marisela that DB is crazier than ever and says that she wants to kill Sapo but Santos thinks that Sapo will kill her first. In his typical high-handed way, Santos says that he will take care of protecting DB and that Marisela should go away since she is in danger from Sapo. Naturally, Marisela refuses. He then asks her not to leave Altamira alone.

DB gives the priest a pile of money to give Eustaquia the best funeral in the Arauca. The priest wonders why she bothers since she doesn't believe. DB says that she lost what faith she had when she lost her baby but Eustaquia used to love to pray and for that reason she wants to give her vieja a beautiful farewell. The rest of the money he can use for the poor.

Antonio brings the Inspector to interview DB. DB is very uncooperative. She says that he has no proof of the things that are in Danger's diary. She leaves.

We have the velorio for Eustaquia and everyone comes. DB stands there like a statue. Melquíades leaves. Santos follows.

Sapo and Facundo go to La Chaparral [didn't Antonio sends guards there? They're not doing a very good job] and attack Don Encarnación to get money.

In a tone of reverence and admiration, Melquíades tells Santos that DB's vengeance is an unstoppable force of nature.

The Inspector tells Santos that he knew about DB's crimes and lived with her as her lover and that makes him her accomplice. Santos denies that. He admits that he lived with DB but says that when he found out about her crimes, he left her and gave the diary to a judge. He tells the Inspector that he should know that the diary isn't proof of DB's crimes and suggests that he focus his energies on Sapo who is the real danger to El Progesso.

Cecilia is saying goodbye to Antonio to return to San Fernando when they are told about what happened to DE. Dr. Arias wants DE to go to San Fernando for some tests. He doesn't want to but Cecilia insists on taking him there.

Genoveva tells Pajartote and Melesio that she doesn't want to be the owner of anyone (she uses the word 'buey,' ox again but that is hard to translate in this context.) She wants to live with a man who loves her. She'll live with him but she won't marry him until she is sure that he is a man who will love her forever. Melesio, usually a big supporter of marriage especially when a baby is on the way, agrees with Genoveva.

Santos tells Marisela that he is worried that if the Inspector continues to investigate, DB might have to go to jail. Even worse, her desire for vengeance is totally out of control. Marisela doesn't want to see her mother go to jail. She tells Santos that they have to do something.

DB speaks to Eustaquia's coffin and says that she recognizes that Eusataquia tried to keep DB from fulfilling her plan but she failed. DB says that if she doesn't have Santos, no one will, including her daughter.

Santos warns DB about the Inspector. She asks why he doesn't want her to face the justice he believes in. He says that he has come and against all his convictions to tell her to flee. DB says that she is staying. When he leaves, DB says that it is proof that he still loves her.

The Inspector is still fixated on DB. He tells Antonio that if he could find one of her accomplices, he could get the proof he needs to arrest her. Mujica volunteers that an accomplice of DB is in prison right now and might be persuaded to tell him what he wants to know.

The Inspector comes to speak to Tigre. He tells Tigre that he can get a lighter sentence if he cooperates by giving information about DB.

DB gets ready for the funeral by arming herself to the teeth. Melquíades gives her two darts - one to put someone to sleep and the other to kill. She says that the fatal dart is for her in case Sapo catches her.

Before they close the casket, DB tells Eustaquia that she isn't saying goodbye. She will see her soon.

Tigre wants to be taken to the Capital to escape DB's vengeance. He starts to tell the Inspector about DB's crimes.

At the funeral, DB tells Melquíades that she can feel that Sapo is hiding nearby waiting for her. She says that there isn't much time left.


Las Tontas no van - 5-13 Wed. A shot in the back, a shot in the heart, and a shot at staying in the house

We open with Candy still trying to take off her ring and wanting to cancel the wedding to Santi‘s surprise. She never gets it off, and instead runs off after accusing him of still thinking she sent the e-mail. She accuses him of talking to much.

Investigator finds out Marissa is in Miami…he won’t give up the name to his helper who gave him the info… turns out PI is watching the mafiosos too. He calls Santi and tells him they found the girl but not the babe and his working but will come to tell him more tomorrow. He then follows the mob. Mob notices they are being followed and boss says take care of him in the white car tonight..ruh row. Bedtime for Bonzo.

Cuau brings Lulu to one of his restaurants, and tells her he likes her very much. He also doesn’t really like Meno’s place as it’s competition. Lulu says that’s silly, his place is full of people and nice and there is no competition. He wants to know if she knows who Meno’s cook is, because he wants to woo her and make her his. She thinks he means bed…and that he’s talking about her and says that she needs to touch up. His buddy asks if he's gotten the cook to come over yet, and says not yet, because Lulu is smarter than he first thought. Apparently Cuauh is just conducting old fashioned espionage and wants to steal Meno’s cook for his restaurants.

Lulu spies and salutes Gogo, who is there with Arturo because he wanted to talk about the two of them. She says she does too, and before he can say anything she admits she’s very in love with. Down comes the anvil, and he replies he’s not and never wants to see her again. Smack.

Jaime sings again Senora de Nadie as both he and Candi are remembering asking her to marry him. This is an orange flashback for sure...

Chayo is studying with her instructor Osvaldo “Intro to Psych” and Lalo comes in and is jealous so over kisses his wife. He wonders if she started dinner yet and if not when. She tells him he‘s free to start it but he replies he doesn‘t cook…she says in that case order a pizza, and goes back to studying. Oz finds it amusing that Lalo works at putting people to sleep. She says she wants cheese, and Oz says he wants pepperoni. Lalo thinks he wants to slip the pepperoni to Chayo and mutters off irritated.

Lulu chats up Gogo about Cuah, how wonderful he is and even he has some money. Go asks her if he’s asked for “you know” yet, but Lulu says no he’s been quite the gentleman and he hasn’t made any moves, and isn’t that great? Gogo is a little suspicious and isn’t sure if that’s great or not, in her day guys were more respectful but also more boring. Lulu thinks it’s more romantic not to eat the torta first. Lulu wants to know about Gogo’s meeting with Art. Gogo tells Lulu how awful it went with her galan and starts crying.

Raul is with Sole on the computer. Brabi thinks they make a great couple and is happy they are together. Raul thinks she should find someone, but she says she’s been married and doesn’t want that anymore, but yes she wants a kid. They try to tell her she needs a husband first, but she tells him to stop being so macho,silly boy, she’ll look for a donor and she marches off. Raul turns to Sole that he wants a kid, but first a wife. They kiss.

Mario is with Pau who again tells him to get over it already, they are through. In his bag of tricks this time he pulls out a white envelope and tells her what‘s in here she won‘t want Santi to see because they are of them in NY that will clue Santi in, but he will if she doesn‘t stay with him.

Next thing we know they are at the house greeting Shanti. Pau screams he shouldn’t see them but it’s too late. He ends up giving a photo from their graduation from primaria. Mario threatens the real thing next time. She hits him. Issy sees from the doorway.

Santi calls Leonardo the PI and gets the machine. Something tells me Leo is pushing up daisies.

Ma wants to talk to Candi, and tells her Art rejected her and doesn‘t want to see her ever again. Candi thinks the same as what happened to her. Ma says no way, Santi would die for her, she’s a fool and has to go after him.

Issy is with Mario again begging for the truth. She faints when he admits he’s the Dad of Rocio. He screams for Pau and Donato.

The Club Abandonados is in session again with Santi. The testosterone is flowing in this room. They tie a bikini top on Santi and make him dance to welcome him back to machoness. Sexy sexy smile plays again, and a dancing girl shows up. The door bell rings and then so Candi shows up too. Busted. Santi can't see, so of course keeps dancing, not knowing who is even there. Zam finally rips the top from his eyes and of course Santi is impactado. First at teh dancer, then at Candi. Santi hands Zam the bikini top but Zam hands it back says it’s going to get cold in here…and we flash to Candi’s face.

We see PI leaving Santi a message that he gets all out except where Marissa is staying before pow, right in the back. How awful.

Candi lectures Lalo that she thought he changed to be loyal to his wife. Lalo was only having a look. He tells her they hired her for Miguel’s birthday and they are having a tres leches cake with extra meringue if she wants a slice. Everyone else watches from far way...

She asks if he has anything to say and he tells her he is afraid of her in that signature “tengo miedo” way. She’s trying like hell not to crack up, for sure.

Pau learns that Mario confirmed Rocio is his and that’s why she fainted. Issy is doing better and doesn‘t want a doc.

Candi chugs tequila and Santi calls her Gaviota for this. He thinks Marissa somehow sneaked into her office and sent the e-mail. She wonders if Mari is back and he pulls out his phone mentioning the PI called, but looks like it was off, so when he turns it back on Don calls to tell him of Issy’s fainting. They leave to go to the house.

Issy says she’s crying because she’s happy to have her grandaughters there together and tells everyone she’s fine, but tells them to be off now. Jaime wants the truth why she fainted. He knows she wouldn’t faint for no reason, only bad news. She only reveals that she argued with Mario because she doesn’t want them here. She doesn’t want to see Santi and gets mad at Jaime for calling him.

Lalo shows up at home. Chayo is just hanging up from Candi. Lalo thinks she knows about the dancer, and mentions it, but Candi hadn’t mentioned it so he gets in trouble. She spews Psycho babble at him that he is trying to psychoanalyze her. Chayo calls him a mami’s boy and that he sees his mom in everything even that dancer, that he has Oedipus complex. He says he’s not, but then picks up the phone to call his Ma and tell her he misses and loves her.

Santi gets home to Issy and knows she’s faking and makes her to wake up. She wonders how he knows and he says no one sleeps that way, it looks like a sarcophagus, Egyptian with the cup in front like that.
Candi was about to go, but issy asks her to stay for a minute she wants her to hear what she says to Santi.

Don has orders not to let Pau pass. She tries but he doesn’t let her and she threatens he’ll eat garbage in the street.

Santi knows she is upset about something because Don told him she was with Mario. She says that he wants to take Pau to NY and she is afraid for Rocio being away from her Mom. Santi knows this isn’t the case but plays along for now it seems. Issy says she wants Candi to marry Santi and move into the house. Santi likes what he hears. The house of half hippies.

Pa and Pato discuss Santi’s link with the mob and how he needs to take care of Chava.

Pa shows Pato some photos, and says he knows he doesn’t take photos, instead he tells Pato someone is following him. He fears that something might happen to all of his loved ones. Pato gets pissed off that his Pa put his kids in jeopardy. He says he will kill anyone of those thugs who lays a hand on his sons. He throws the pictures at the chess game and walks out, Pa swears he’ll do the same.

Issy and Jaime think Candi should try living with them. Candi tells them she won't if Chava deosn't want to, and oh guess what your son did last night with a dancer...

Donato told Issy that Pau wanted to speak with her so she calls Pau in. Pau knows she’s said nothing yet to Santi since she’s still in the house. She says if Pau promises not to tell Santi anything about Mario being Rocio’s true Pa, then she’ll let her stay. Pau says fine, and you’ll work on getting your son to forget Candi then.

Santi and Candi have some weird meaningless (at this point) scene at the office where she teases him about the dancer and threatens to do the same and he’ll get jealous. He bets not, and walks out in mystery

Catalina looks for Meno and tells him she thinks Ric has a lover and he’s sending love letters that aren’t for her. Meno’s the only one in whom she can confide. This will be interesting.

Santi seeks an officer's advice as to whether or not there is a gunshot on the message the PI left him. He thinks yes it is.

Amanda is back and is getting frustrated because Candi won’t denounce her novio. She looked at the proof and isn’t convinced so isn't helping. Thank heavens.

Ali is is digging in her claws again. She thinks it’s great to bring Chava to the house. She slips and says Candi doesn’t matter to her. She takes it back but says it’s best that Chava comes and live her. Gogo overhears this and wonders if Ali wants to separate Candi from Chava.


MEPS, Wed. May 13, - Eduardo, Franco, Rebeca, Barbara - What's In a Name?

Capitulo 62

Opening: Manzanares sees the barely, badly hidden passport in the wide open or is it? inside Las Animas and knows Santi is Eduardo while EduardoSanti is pushing Hipólita (oops, update that to Barbara) to tell him who Rebeca Sánchez is.

We return to the hoods breaking the lock at Las Animas, Manzanares orders the two burly boys to stay outside to keep vigil. Who is he to give us orders? boasts Lucio. Jairo, strangely compliant decides to follow orders.

Gardenia beats on the door at Lucio's hideaway and cries out to no one at all.

Vladi says don't you have something important to tell me? Damian gets the unhappy news that he is being pursued for the $3million. His mother hears and disolves in grief. When Vladi returns from the copy shop, he wants to know why Damian lied to him and hid the real story. Dami insists in apoplectic gasps for air and between abusing liquor bottles that Barbara is blaming him for this theft and won't pay him what she owes him. Vladi looks at Damian like I look at ant invasions, what to do with this plague, what to do?

Don't you know about Damian? How did you find out about it? Erika tells Fernanda and Santi that Damian's fugitive status is all over the TV. Fernanda goes inside furious since Gonzo and Barbara promised her they were not going to make a public case of this.

Erika compliments Santi for saying the exact right thing required as he assures her she is a faithful friend to Fernanda, she can't help that she had to give Fernanda bad news about the bad news, just in time to be abused by CamilHo who strides across the well cropped lawn hurling insults and trying to belittle his brother and former girlfriend in one sentence. He asks if she is already going to be unfaithful (ponerle los cuerno) with her new boyfriend. After he is brushed off Erika assures Santi that Cami is no longer her love interest but Franco Santoro is and it is really getting serious. Santi registers surprise with his eyebrows, keeping any doubts to himself.

Fernanda jumps her Papi for taking the case public. How could this be turned into a circus (circo) He insists he was very precise with Commander Lozoya that his orders were to keep this quiet. Who could have gone to the media?

Franc and Steve show up at Grupo Lack.Tows and Flor informs Barbara who immediately adjusts her makeup and smiles lovingly at herself in the mirror.

Meanwhile Manzanares continues ransacking. He is an expert at breaking open locks at Las Animas while the boys sit on the patio drinking juice straight from the pitcher. Jairo is sure Franco will be found guilty of drug trafficking.

On the phone, Barbara is pretending innocence, who could possibly have told the media? Barbara interrupts to greet Steve and Franco. Fernanda decides that if Barbara is innocent as the driven snow, it must be Anibal who did it. Who contradicted my orders. Both Papa and Fernanda rant and rave looking for an answer.

Franco explains that Mr. Norton insisted on coming to supervise this operation himself. Barbara enthuses that Mr. Norton's presence here will augur well. Steve says its just an excuse to escape and to know el, la, su pais, (who hasn't had trouble with gender and chosen su to avoid being wrong)

Steve offers Barbara that he is going to grant (va otorgar) $1.5 million as a voucher (bono) for her special services and support. She says it isn't necessary. Steve feigns great shock, will she look down on (despreciar) the quantity of the bond by refusing it? - Break-

Rifling open a lovely large cabinet, produces the diamond ring Eduardo intended for Fernanda, but Manzanares throws it back in the drawer, and then he finds and opens another closet that has the passport. [So it wasn't lying out in the open like the previews hinted] Outside, the boys argue if he is trying to trick them when Manzanares emerges and says he found nothing of interest. He wants to go back to the girl. Jairo and Lucio had big ideas and are so disappointed.

Barbara decides that she will not accept a separate check and Steve throws a small tantrum when he insists that he must make a deposit directly into her a personal account. Eduardo promises Barbara to fix things with Steve and rushes out the door too. They act out a bit more in the lobby then disappear in the elevator. What were you doing there, I am helping you . At this moment Barbara is thinking that she has committed an error in turning down $1.5 million. I have no doubt that she will provide us proporcionarse with the account. Steve promises that this will lead to her letting down (descuida) her defenses.

Erika comes in the house to ask Fernanda, why didn't you tell me? Well it really just happened. So did Damian really abandon you and rob your family? Apparently so says the cool headed not at all lovelorn Fernanda. After the break, Fernanda continues telling Erika that mostly she feels like such a fool for believing him. However she is not dying for lost love. They discuss how to love someone who can become someone you don't know (desconocido) at all .

Gonzo yells in the phone at Barbara that the commander acted against his orders. He will get to the bottom of which irresponsible person gave the order . She puts him off saying it will be better if she is the one to talk with Lozoya as Franco reenters. She is sure this transaction is not exactly legal. He assures her that his boss wants to have a private account to keep the transfer perfectly discrete. She smiles.

Fernanda tells Erika she would like to discuss something else. She proudly tells Nanda that she saw Camilho and felt almost nothing and she knows from him that Franco came to Mexico to look for a WIFE.

The taxi pulls up and the pouting Aurora gets out looking a bit more hopeful than usual. She has already paid for the taxi but wonders if Santi is irritated with seeing her so has told the driver to wait, She tells Santi she has to tell him why she came back, He seems too grateful for her coming back.

Fernanda tells Erika that Camho lied, he doesn't know anyone inside Power Milk, he threatened Jacinto and broke into Franco's house to find the papers.

Aurora shows Santi a handkerchief embroidered with RS, Santi beams, that is Rebeca Sanchez!

Just in the Grupo Lacktos, Barbara says this account is in the Grand Caimans, Franco scans the paper asking Barbara, just who is Rebeca Sanchez! The drums tells us this is a big conjunction of events.

RS is a person who has my entire confidence. Franco hesitates, don't you have an account in your own name? Barbara goes on she has my complete confidence, it is just like you were doing business with me myself. Franco smiles, count on me.

Finally Aurora tells Santi that she is sorry for all the rejections (rechazas) She came to see if Fernanda knew where he was but she would have looked under every rock for him. and now she realizes she is in love with him because he is the best thing since sliced bread. She understands if he doesn't want to know more of her. Abruptly she stands, steps away, now I must say good bye. Santi stops her, wanting to tell her something. The telling is a really warm kiss.

Franco says if he can't come up with all this money at once he will have to disappear. Telling Steve in the car, Steve says Rebeca Sanchez is the name we have to verify, just who Rebeca Sanchez?

Barbara is worries alone that Gonzo cannot find out that she told Lozoya to publicise Damian's dastardly deeds (sorry, I just had to say it once).

Camilho surprises San and Aurora with snaky comments on the return of Romeo and Juliet kiss.

Damian hands Vladimir the folder of papers with what he must tell Priscila who is ringing the door bell. or he will never help him again. Vladi goes to door, Damian dashes across the room in oh so attractively tight t-shirt and jeans, he hides in bedroom.

He asks the pouty faced Pris for a little kiss, then shrieks like a little girl, giddy and says her presence is making him rise to the heavens. We roll our eyes with Damian who watches from a crack in the door.

Anibal points out that the only time Barbara has knocked on his door before entering. She starts the croc tears and says she is in his hands. Anibal has a dazed puzzled expression that looks so much like Gonzo. But, Gonzo is in a fit and tells Flor to find Barbara, she puts Gonzo off for another 5 minutes she will call him back. She cries to Anibal that her marriage will be over if Gonzo finds out.

Vladimir tells Pris he has a contact in GrupoLack she wants to know who that would be, he says he can't tell her today. She wants to know when he can tells her who. . He shows her all the papers, financial statements of her investments (inversiones) and says they show what Anibal has been doing with her money. Prisc holds back acting like she is kissing a frog, Damian grins, Pris begins to fold, she has to come back for more info.

Barbara continues the tears while Anibal tells her what she already knows, how did she have the audacity to defy Papi's orders. Someone else in trouble seems to be the only thing that makes Anibal's eyes gleam. Barbara says she couldn't watch Damian rob the company and the family.
a criminal of the worst sort (delincuente de la peor calaña).

I was wrong because right now your papa is having a conniption fit and (hacer energumeno) [Go Apeshit, remember this from the side bar.]

Things between Gonzo and I are very difficult. the difficulties are leaving the bedroom and beginning to affect all of you. I am afraid the marriage is over. Anibal looks oddly sympathetic, here is something he may actually understand.

Gonzo is ranting about people disobeying his orders when Santi bursts in with Aurora. Fernanda and Gonzo turn from ranting to beaming happy times at Aurora. Santi jokes about going on their honeymoon which falls like egg on Fernanda's pretty face. Papi notes that the renegade has found someone who is going to domesticate him? lots of laughter. Embezzlement, what embezzlement...

Barbara was supposed to call him in 5 minutes and now that is passed, Gonzo gets back to his tantrum. Still in Anibal's office Barbara has an analgesico for her headache. Anibal hands over the phone the last thing the GL needs write now is to destroy my marriage. She begins her sweet talk to Gonzo, before I tell you who defied your orders. she says this person is of good will (buena voluntad), just and did it for the best reasons. And we repay him with a betrayal. Anibal grabs the phone and says the person is me Papi!. Anibal? says clueless Gonzo.

Save our Gardenia, she is smearing her makeup and thinking she should get to Jacinto and Margarita but can't seem to get out of that smarmy hideaway of Lucio's.

Next scenes: Camilho says Fernanda is jealous because her friend Erika is going to marry Franco Santoro when Fernanda accuses him of threatening Jacinto and burglarising Franco's house. Hmmm, both right for a change.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Doña Bárbara - Tues.,May 12 - Eustaquia leaves DB; Pajarote gets Genoveva a ring

[According the NBC/Telemundo Media Village, DB will have its grand finale next Thursday, May 21.]

DB finds Eustaquia with her wrists slashed but she isn't dead. She begs Eustaquia not to leave her alone.

Sapo and Facundo are on foot and pursued by the remaining Mondragón. When Facundo says that they should leave the area because DB knew they were there, Sapo says that he isn't leaving until he kills DB.

Not too surprisingly, Marisela chooses a life with Santos.

Juan Primito shows up and says that he hid when the bad men came. DB yells at him for hiding while Eustaquia was bleeding to death but Eustaquia tells DB not to blame JP. Eustaquia tells JP to wash his ears or she'll come at night and pull his legs.

Marisela asks Santos how he feels about DB. Santos says that at first he loved her passionately, then he thought he hated her. Now he's not sure. He thinks he might admire her because she's unique but most of the time she bewilders him because he thinks she is crazy. Then Santos tells Marisela what she feels about DB. He says that she wants to hate her but she can't. He says that Marisela can't help but love her mother even after all she has done to her. Marisela agrees and replies that she always wanted a mother's love but she knows that no one will ever fill that void.

It's love in the hammock for Pajarote and Genoveva. He tells her that he has learned from the León episode that taking lives is God's business, not man's. Geno approves of his maturity and says that she will be happy to spend the rest of her life with Juan Palacios.

The two remaining Mondragón give up searching for Sapo and Facundo and return to La Chusmita. Melquíades calls them a worthless pair.

Pernalete and Mujica hole up in the hotel guarded by the police and send the rest to search for Sapo and to shoot him on sight.

Dr. Arias tells DB that he can't do anything for Eustaquia. She only has hours to live. DB is taking it out on the doctor when Eustaquia tells her to stop. She tells DB not to be sad for her.

Mujica and Pernalete tells Antonio, Cecilia and Captain Delgado how they were held hostage by Sapo. They don't tell Antonio that it was they who told Sapo where to find Eustaquia but Federica mentions La Chusmita and Antonio decides to go there.

Pajarote is telling Geno that she smells like freshly cut flowers, May showers, the sun, mountains and ripe pineapple when Juan Primito comes to Altatmira with the news about Eustaquia.

Eustaquia tells DB that she wants to says goodbye to Marisela. DB is jealous but she agrees.

DB plays dumb with Antonio and Captain Delgado about Sapo being around but she does tell them that it was Sapo who slit Eustaquia's wrists. She tells them that she has no idea where Sapo is. She says that she wants to be alone with her 'mother,' the only person who has always been with her, the only one who has never betrayed her and the only one who has loved her in spite of her faults. [I'm sure it is no coincidence that we see Melquíades right behind DB while she is saying this. What is his devotion to her - chopped liver?]

Marisela comes to see Eustaquia. Eustaquia tells Marisela that she hasn't been good to her and wants to ask Marisela's forgiveness. She says that when DB kicked Marisela out of El Miedo, Eustaquia should have gone with her. Marisela was a defenceless 2-year old and needed a mother to protect her. She tells Marisela that she was a coward and has always regretted it. She says that when she sees Marisela so beautiful and strong, she realizes that things happen for a good reason ('no hay mal que por bien no venga') and she asks for Marisela's forgiveness. Marisela says that there's nothing to forgive. It wasn't she who should have been taking care of DB all those years. Eustaquia tells Santos to make Marisela happy because she deservess it. Then she sends tem away.

The remaining Mondragón have decided to take a powder and are ransacking El Miedo for money and valuables. They have heard that DB buried money in the walls of the house and are about to start looking for it when psychic winds blow open the windows and we hear the witchcraft music. Los Mondragón make tracks.

Eustaquia tells DB that when all this is over, she should go back to the river where she can laugh and sing. DB holds Eustaquia and sings to her as she slips away.

Pajarote gives Genoveva a nose ring for an ox as a of the fact that she has tamed him.

Facundo tells Sapo to forget his obsession with DB but he replies that he is in charge. He says that he knows where her can ambush DB.

The Inspector arrives at at the jefetura where Antonio and Captain Delgado are about to go out looking for Sapo. He has Danger's diary [presumably it was found in a search of Sapo's house.] Antonio confirms that the DB mentioned in the diary is Bárbara. The Inspector wants to find her.

DB is at the poza, naked, painted all over and calling on her gods with a pineapple.


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