Thursday, July 15, 2010

Corazón Salvaje WED 2010-07-14: 'Lulu Should Have Called In Sick'

Episode 103

With only a penetrating pair of eyes revealed by a shawl in the dark cell, Juan happily embraces the woman he thinks to be Regina. But when she springs back and the shawl falls away, it's the red-haired Aimee instead. "Of course - who else? Regina? she spits out derisively. Who else but Aimee would come, against all obstacles! You don't know how difficult it was to get this far.

The grimy, sweaty prisoner, Juan stares at her, stone faced, as she lowers her voice and tone. Who else but me, Juan? she whispers. Your Aimee, she emphasizes, reaching to touch Juan; but he jerks away. The one who loves you with all her heart, she continues; I love you, Juan! she vows. And Juan looks downcast.

On the bluffs where Griselda met her death, Fulgencio now retains his knife point at Servando's throat. The gypsy swearing on his mother that he knows nothing fails to impress Fulgencio, who insists that Servando would sell his own soul to the devil.

When Servando points out he can't investigate the identity of a possible assassin if he's dead, Fulgencio relents -- but expects results. If Servando discovers the secret enemy, he will be well paid, Fulgencio promises.

With Brigitte gone, they are short-staffed at the casino; and when Lulu pines to go directly to Remigio and reveal the truth to him now that he has returned, Phillip insists they need her there. Fifi points out she can go first thing in the morning, and Lulu intends to.

At Dr. Pablo's, he reveals to Remigio a promise made to Juan to take Remigio to see Lulu, if Juan could not do it himself. Remigio can hardly believe he'll finally be able to see her; and in her rooms at the casino, preparing herself for work, Lulu luxuriates in a bubbly bath, thinking of him.

Alone in his office, Noel mulls over Salma's situation: if she is not Mariela's daughter, then she at least knows who the real one is, he concludes. This girl must tell us the truth, he is thinking, when with a start he realizes he is due at the casino and prepares to leave. Just then there is a knock at the office door, and Noel is overjoyed to greet Regina with Renato.

Back at Pablo's, the doctor has managed to squeeze Remigio into a tuxedo for their casino visit, and he insists Remigio looks a perfect gentleman; but Remigio remains doubtful and very uncomfortable. His shoes are killing him, and as he exits rocking slightly side to side in his black and white costume, the soundtrack plays what seem to be penguin calls.

Finishing her bath, Lulu dutifully dons the uniform of her trade: black lace stockings, corset, black-ribbon garter, feather bonnet and crinoline dance skirt. With a melancholy gaze at the mirror, she wistfully imagines telling Remigio the truth, wishing he'll forgive her. He's her only hope for escaping this life; and if he agrees, she thinks happily, she'll marry him right away.

Later downstairs in the cloak room, Pablo chuckles when Remigio swears he can't imagine having to dance in those shoes that are destroying his toes. Inside, a drunken customer gives Lulu a hard time. He cajoles her that she's not very nice to him, despite him being a big roller; he promises big tips, shouts her name "Lulu" out loud over the din so everyone can hear.

Remigio and Pablo are just rounding the landing, when the old goat plants a big kiss on Lulu. Remigio can't miss the scene and is stunned, staring. When Lulu can come up for air, she spies Remigio immediately; and her mouth drops open in abject horror. "Malu," he says to himself and turns, escaping. "Remigio!" she rejoins, running after him, with Fifi and Phillip coming up the rear.

At Noel's office, he's still enjoying the pleasant shock of seeing Regina again. When he assumes she'll want to rest up at home, Renato informs him she refuses to go to the farm. Regina insists she wants to stay in port and has no desire to see either her father or godmother. She's not up for criticisms or sermons; her only worry at that moment is Juan!

When Noel is confused at her worry for Juan, Renato explains Regina insists on seeing Juan at the prison even at this hour of the night, and Noel is astonished. Regina has her rights as his spouse, she maintains. Renato can hardly believe she's sticking to that jerk after all the trouble he went to to save her, but Regina defends Juan and prohibits Renato from insulting him anymore.

The only thing she's interested in, Renato tells his father, is seeing Juan right away; please tell her it's impossible at the moment! he begs. And a criminal like Juan doesn't deserve to be visited! Noel does agree that they need more than the sheriff's authority; but when Regina pleads that she'll go on bended knee before the sheriff, Noel looks perplexed.

He points out that she left there with Juan without loving him, but returns speaking of him as her husband. What changed in you? Noel asks her. Regina turns to Renato and reminds him that he made her marry Juan; and now in the eyes of the church, they are together until death do them part. It's her right and obligation to see Juan! she begs.

Pablo catches up with a furious and wounded Remigio in the casino foyer, which becomes crowded in a hurry, as Lulu et al arrive, too. Remigio is just shouting that Malu is no cook for the casino; she's a ....! when Lulu pulls up next to him, weeping and begging to let her explain. But he cuts her off. Everything is clear, he says: she was just putting one over on some poor working stiff, who fell hopelessly in love with her.

Lulu pitifully croaks out that she does love him. Oh, yeah, Remigio mocks; you love me, gesturing into the casino, as much or even more than those guys you "entertain." Looking her in the eyes, he bites out in a low growl that she has no shame. He's about to say, you're a... when Pablo interrupts and halts him, warning he might say something he'll regret.

But the only thing Remigio regrets is ever pinning his hopes on this woman! Phillip gasps My God! in the background. Lulu tearfully begs Remigio to believe she was going to tell him the truth; but Remigio wants to know when she was going to do that -- after they were married? On their wedding night, she perhaps intended to mention that she had a surprise for him?

Such as "My real name is Lulu, and I belonged to a lot of men before you!" Lulu is horrified and smacks Remigio across the face, shouting Shut up! and pleading that he not humiliate her that way. But he grabs her wrist and spits out that she has humiliated him! And he never wants to see her ever in his life again! Don't seek him out! Remigio tells her as he cruelly pushes her away and exits the casino, with Lulu crying after him.

At Noel's office, he is surprised by Regina's resolve, and he's going to help her see Juan, which news delights and relieves her. Renato thought his father would help Renato himself; but Noel regretfully ceased doing that after Renato went to apprehend Juan, Noel says. If Regina is so determined, that clearly shows him that Juan treated her well, Noel concludes.

And Regina agrees; he treated her like a queen. With a faraway look, she remembers how he transformed her hatred into love. Juan is a good man! she effuses to Noel. And shyly she explains that she fell in love with this wounded man, persecuted since childhood.

She pleads that he already knows that despite all his suffering, Juan still retains a pure and generous heart. Renato can't believe his ears, but Regina's words relieve Noel. He had thought Juan had completely changed and intended to avenge himself on her; but he's happy to see that did not happen, Noel says. When Noel adds his belief that Juan is innocent, Renato has had enough and shouts, That's it!

Juan doesn't need you to defend him, too! His wife is enough. Noel relents and agrees not to argue the point with his son anymore; and when he and Regina rush off to the jail, Renato insists on accompanying them, whether Regina wants it or not. He didn't come all this way just to abandon her when she most needs him, he says; but agrees to let Regina see Juan alone.

Remigio rushes up to the beach shack, ripping his tuxedo jacket off. Dropping onto a seat in his stark white shirt, white tie and white waistcoat, he stares into space, dwelling on Lulu's deceit. She deceived me, he moans, lips quivering and beginning to cry.

She was only toying with me! He glances down and pulls the stopper out of a rum bottle with a pop, then lays his head back and turns it all the way upside down in his mouth, downing big drafts with a sputter. Malu! he cries, piteously, looking heavenward.

Back at the casino upstairs, Phillip tries to comfort Lulu, but she's sure she has lost Remigio now. He'll never forgive her. Phillip kneels and gently reminds her she never told Remigio the truth and now he'll never believe her. Fifi joins in to point out she warned her were Lulu not frank, instead of a happy life she could wind up in a tragedy. Lulu can only cry, "I've lost him, I've lost him!"

At the sheriff's office, he insists to Noel that he can't go against the orders of his superiors: Juan gets no visitors without special permission of a judge. He understands Juan's wife should have every right to see him. The sheriff surprisingly levels with Noel and admits that although Noel might doubt it, the sheriff respects Noel.

Despite that he can't let it get back to his superiors that he violated their orders. Noel tries a different tack and appeals to the sheriff, for the first time in his life to rise to the occasion and do the right thing. The sheriff also is a man of honor, Noel maintains. Something must click in the sheriff, because he draws Noel near to him to explain what they must do.

The next thing we see are two guards in the jail, coming to relieve the standing one. Back in a dark hallway, Noel, Regina and Renato skulk off to the side, waiting. Noel explains they must be careful, that the sheriff gave him a key to use during the changing of the guard. Suddenly, the sheriff appears and pulls all the guards away and takes them off with him somewhere, perhaps as if to brief or debrief them. Noel et al make their move out of the shadows.

At the beach shack, a miserable Remigio continues drinking and torturing himself with sweet memories of meetings with "Malu" that led to their love and betrothal. Then remembering what horrible sights he saw at the casino, Remigio decides how right Juan has been -- that there's nothing worse than betrayal. Gulping more rum, he begins to say that without her, he'd rather... but trails off and turns to reach out to the little devotional niche, where he sadly eventually finds no solace and turns away again in dejection.

In Juan's jail cell, he demands of Aimee where Regina is and whether Regina sent Aimee there. Aimee neither knows nor cares and denies anybody tells her what to do. Except him, she vows. She came there for him! She's on his side, she says, and claims she doesn't want to be a part of this plot her family hatched against him!

He won't let her touch him and can't believe that she loves him, despite her protestations. Without him, nothing is the same, she claims. Meanwhile, outside the prison waiting in the carriage, Celia notices with a start that a carriage in front of them belongs to Renato and worries Renato may discover Aimee there. She decides to just have the driver turn around and wait and see what happens.

Pablo and Gabriel encounter the boyz on the beach, and Pablo explains the rough situation at the casino, asking if they've seen Remigio. Pablo is afraid Remigio's going to do something crazy, and this worries the boyz. They embark on a search for him.

In the jail, when Aimee begs Juan not to abandon her, he throws back in her face that it were she who abandoned him, throttling her with hands around her neck as best he could in manacles. Aimee admits she lied, but tearfully pleads that it was because she feared Renato for her life. She claims she truly loves Juan, and when Juan points out she married Renato instead, Aimee reminds Juan he discarded her as his enemy and didn't want to see her anymore.

Doesn't he remember?! she screams at him. Juan looks a little abashed. Aimee swears she doesn't know why, but he's like a dagger in her heart, a poison! If he only knew how she cried in regret for not leaving with him! Poor Juan looks confused, shaking his head. She knows she was wrong and deserves his hatred, Aimee says. Despite all that, she came to tell him that she loves him and can't live without him.

Rushing to hang on him and gaze into Juan's eyes, Aimee declares she'd rather die than lose him! When all Juan can think of to say is, And what about Regina? Where is Regina? Aimee looks like she wants to kill. Out in the hallway, the three skulkers draw nearer to Juan's cell. Renato tries to insinuate himself into Regina's visit.

Back in the jail cell, Juan angrily demands to know whether Regina is tied up in some plot involving the letter that revealed the Luzbel's location; but Aimee neither knows nor cares about that. Doesn't Juan care that Aimee is there for him? she shouts at him. Juan gives Aimee shake and growls he is only interested in where Regina is and if she's with Renato!

Up on the bluffs high above the ocean, a rum-muddled and inconsolable Remigio asks the night sky why Malu betrayed him -- why she toyed with him. Down in the beach shack Pablo, Gabriel and the boyz find the empty rum bottle and note that Remigio never drinks and is probably going to do something crazy. They search and find him on the cliffs and try to talk him back from the edge; but Remigio is determined.

The only thing he wants is to die, he says. He repeats that now he understands Juan and knows how betrayal can hurt. Remigio steps back off the cliff and falls down, down into the ocean, where all that can be seen is his stark white sleeve and cuff link in the inky water. His friends search for him along the shore in a boat.

In Juan's cell, Aimee explains that all she knows is Renato changed completely after he saw a letter from Regina. When Aimee asks if Regina wanted to get back at him for torturing her, Juan of course denies anything like that happened. In truth, Regina never hurt him at all; it's Aimee who's the liar. Regina is only a victim, Juan concludes, of Aimee's evil and intrigue. And of the selfishness and jealousy of Renato.

Aimee is laughing at him, claiming that for someone who is supposed to be such a savage, he's as naive as a newborn. The only victims here are the two of them, Aimee says. Victims of Regina and Renato. Outside in the hallway, Noel has had it with Renato and forbids him to go into the cell with Regina; Renato promised he'd let her see Juan alone, and he relents. So off Regina goes, inching down the dark hallway.

Remigio's friends in the boat finally discover him, clinging unconscious to a chunk of driftwood. But there's worse: they see a shark fin slicing through the dark water on it's way toward their unsuspecting friend. The friends are beside themselves with fear and screaming in terror for him. In only a moment the shark slams into Remigio, who awakens in shock and pain. There's blood on the water; lots of blood.

In Juan's jail cell, he's the one laughing at Aimee calling herself a victim. But she means both of them. Think about it; he's in jail as a fugitive from the law. Renato's been determined to convict Juan since he discovered from Regina's diary that she was in love with Renato, Aimee explains. Page after page about the ENORMOUS love she has for Renato, Aimee demonstrates by waiving both arms around in the air.

Juan doesn't think Regina loves Renato anymore, he says. Aimee's not so sure and alleges Regina sent Renato after Juan. She doesn't love him, Juan repeats. him. Well, Renato is definitely interested in Regina, Aimee says, and wants to get rid of herself. Whatever Juan says in court about their past together is going to hurt her; so he has to keep quiet, Aimee insists.

If he doesn't, they're going to throw the book at him for smuggling and piracy. If he doesn't cause a scandal, Aimee will fix it so that the family and Renato -- especially Renato -- leave him alone, she claims. It's she who can save him, if he keeps quiet. She can save him, because she loves him; she'll always love him.

She's his forever, like he is hers. Nobody can tear him out of her heart. Outside we can see Regina approaching Juan's cell door, just as Aimee sidles up to Juan and begins to give him a kiss to convince him. Juan pushes Aimee away, but only after lingering a moment, and the damage is done. Regina weeps silently, looking on.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dinero # 154 7/14/2010 The return of the black panther

Sorry this will have to be a short one tonight. Got home late and have an early morning. I know I missed a lot and didn't add much vocab. Please feel free to add and or correct.

We have last nights leftovers, with Marco overjoyed with Ale’s so called change of heart. She is asking him to be patient with her. Marco assures her nothing will ruin their relationship this time. Everything will be different. He tells her he will not make the same mistakes. Ale looks like she is getting root canal as Marco goes to kiss her goodnight. She tells him they will talk in the morning. He tells her to have a good night and dream about him. She walks to the corner and says a little silent prayer and we hear Marco’s inner demon saying “ It doesn’t matter what she feels or doesn’t feel for me I am going to get married under whatever conditions she wants.”

Is that birthday party still going on? Yep. Marino first gets mad at Ramirez for ditching the lovely lady he set him up with than gets mad at Pepito for dancing with her. Then Dandy sees an opportunity to take over from Pepito. Marino is less happy with this and goes after Dandy as well asking him what would his little vegetarian think about this. Our poor young woman just wants to have fun and she isn‘t having any fun with Ramirez. She tells Sandra she is leaving. When Sandra asks why she tells her because Marino ruined it, grabs her purse and angrily tells her they will talk in the morning. Ramirez is also off as he thanks Marino for the party. He has a lady waiting for him.

Over at Rafa’s house we have some one else who has ruined all of Vicky’s fun. Vicky has poor Rafa half undressed when Lenora walks in and tells Vicky it is about time she goes home. Vicky tries to talk Rafa into going somewhere else and Rafa begs off. Once Vicky leaves he gratefully thanks Lenora. Than he tells her he has good news. He got his car back. (oh the simple pleasures of life.)

Rafa, Lenora and Juliette all go outside to celebrate. They have a toast to welcome back the panther. Rafa also has to make sure it still starts. And they have another drink.

Ale tip toes to her new bedroom with her new roommate Tia Rosario, peacefully asleep. Ale says a little prayer to God to forgive her for using Marco like this. After all she has to do something to get Rafa to react. We have Rafa in his room praying to Santa Claus to help him not allow Ale to marry Marco.

Marino is now charming Sandra. She asks him if he is married, divorced, or separated. He tells her none of the three. He is single, that is until she decides otherwise. She asks him if he has any children and Marino chokes a little bit and says no but a little girl would make them both crazy. (Was that a pick-up line?)

Our cartoon rooster is on the picket fence letting us all know a new day has begun. Rafa’s phone rings and he is all excited thinking it is Ale. He’s not that lucky. It is Vicky. She wants some help with writing their wedding vows. Rafa tells her is he quite busy and Vicky says not to worry she will write them for the both of them. Over at camp Marco, Ale’s phone rings. She is all excited thinking it might be Rafa. Nope it is Marco calling from the bar telling her he loves her. She has no reply to this. He wants to know if he should come and get her later so they could have lunch together. She tells him she will be to busy but will call him later.

The Siglo crew have arrived at Auto Siglo. We have some talk about last night’s festivities. Claudia get’s a phone call from Marco and fines a secluded corner to talk with him. Gossip girl (Rosaura) not far behind, manages to sneak a listen. Marco is drilling her for information about Rafa and Ale. Claudia wants to know if something is going on between them. Marco offended by this tells her that he and Ale are getting Married. Claudia is quite surprised by this news, but not as surprised as Marco is to hear that Ale hasn’t told anyone yet. Marco informs her that Rafa isn’t the great salesman he is pretending to be. She can’t believe this.

Rafa shows up to Siglo and tells Susana to get everyone ready for the meeting. Then he asks her to get the door fixed to his office.

Rosaura wants Claudia to share her gossip. Who is getting married? Claudia tells her it is Ale and Marco. Rosaura is stunned at this news. Aren’t they fighting? Claudia tells her they are getting married at the end of the month. Now it is Claudia’s turn to grill Rosaura about Rafa’s resume. Did she see it? Does she remember what it said? (for all of you who didn’t see this from the beginning Rafa’s original resume wasn’t up to Ale’s standards and she and Susana made up a bunch of things so Beltran would hire him. That‘s the resume that Rosaura saw.) She tells Claudia about all his wonderful experience and all of his schooling. Claudia’s little brain is a whirl as she takes this all in. Rosaura wants to know why she is interested. Claudia says just curious, and slyly changes the subject.

The funniest scene of the whole night. Marco answers his phone and can barely hear who is on the other end. It is Chavez. Marco wants to know where in the devil is he. He is in Bagdad sitting crossed legged sucking on a rubber hose dressed in a white gown complete with a checkered head dress. (I fell off my chair). He tells him he can’t imagine how much he misses Mexico. “The people are really strange. And the women are covered up to their heads and you can barely see their eyes and she can’t say anything witty to them. And no they don’t sell whiskey any where and every so often bullets go flying by. I just want to come back, no matter what happens.” Marco tells him he has good news. He is going to get married. Chavez asks “Who, Carmela?” Marco tells him not to be an idiot, who else, Ale. Chavez is quite surprised and wants to know how that happened. Marco tells him it was Ale who asked him to marry her. He tells him that in order for the old man to make it to the wedding it is really important to find Ruby (yes!!) and make her return to Mexico. He tells Marco he doesn’t speak English and if he tries to speak English everyone gives him ugly looks and yells at him. He doesn’t think they really like the gringos. And of course he doesn’t speak “Iraqui”. Marco yells at him and tells him to call him when he finds Ruby and hangs up him.

Chavez is left thinking that this all sounds quite strange. Marco tells him he is going to marry Ale but it is important that he find Ruby and in the meantime Marco is having a great time (pasar la bomba ) while bombs are literally passing over Chavez head. Maybe he was lying about Carmela and he just wanted to get him out of the country so he could take his place at the Hacienda. Just than bombs drop and Chavez tells himself to stop thinking bad things about his good friend Marco.

Ale has arrived dressed in a very smart royal blue pantsuit. She asks Susana if Rafa has showed up yet. She also wants to know when they are going to put the door up in her office. Susana informs her that Rafa has already asked about this. Ale seems miffed at this and heads off to the meeting

Trapito drops off a few things for Susana. A care package for Rosaura and a manila envelope for Ale. Inside is a wedding invitation. We are given no further information.

We have our little meeting. Ale is disappointed in the sales. Everyone has an excuse. Marino certain he has the most sales is quite outraged when Dandy corrects him and reminds him about the deal they made regarding the sales to Sandra. Rafa and Marino almost come to blows a few times. Marino starts on about all the improper mingling that is going on. He refers to Dandy and Susana and Rafa and Ale. Rafa ends up grabbing Marino and kicking him out of the meeting.

Marino huffs up rudely and tells Susan he needs to talk to Beltran. Susana puts him in his place and tells him not to talk to her like that. She tells him Beltran hasn’t arrived yet. We have a scene with Dona Arcadia and her secretary who is telling her Marino wants to talk to her. She doesn’t want to see him. She tells him to tell Marino she can see him in the year 2020. She would rather talk to her dogs than him.

Our final scene is back in the meeting room where Rosaura is asking Ale about her wedding. Isn’t she getting married at the end of the month? Rafa has the same root canal expression on his face as he looks over at Ale.


El Clon, Wed., July 14 - Summary for Discussion

Zamira tells Carlos a raft of lies to conceal the fact that she is a Muslim. Alone she asks herself, '¿Cuando Carlos se entere que soy musulmana, se va a alejar de mí?' When Carlos finds out that I am Muslim, will he leave me?

Tío Abdul gives his usual rant about the perfidy of Westerners but now he includes Ali, Mohamed, Said and their families. Hmm, since Abdul thinks all women are evil, the only righteous person is him!

Amina sets up the incense baby-boy fertility cure. [Zoraida did something similar for Latifa but she had to step over the smoke so that it went to the area that needed the treatment.]
Amina confronts Said about spending the night with the Westerner. [Why write new dialog when you can just use the same dialog again?] Said and Amina have exactly the same conversation as Said did when Rania confronted him - don't accuse me without 4 witnesses and a false accusation means the accuser gets the lashes.

Jade and Said have their usual conversation. Jade asks Said to let her go. Said says that his head says yes and his heart says no. He says that he is giving her a last chance and she better not blow it.

Estela has made a doctor's appointment for Dora. Now we know why Ramoncito saw Daniel and the sKank. He goes to tell Dora about it. [When did Ramon, Gloria et al ever meet Dora? The sKank knows Osvaldo, of course. More cut scenes?]

The priest is collecting more info on the strange behavior of Albieri. He is going to travel to Morocco without his wife and he told Daniel not to contact his mother until they return from their trip.

Ali goes to see Lucas. He assumes that the Lucas' love for Jade will fade and is concerned for Jade's fate when that happens. Lucas assures him that it won't happen.

Leo wants to have dinner with Marisa. Lucia tells Marisa that Fernando is involved in drugs. Marisa is sure that Nati isn't involved in that. She believes that Alej is Nati's problem.

Nati assures Alej that she isn't doing any drugs. They rehearse her answer when someone approaches her with drugs, 'Voy a pensar en ti y voy a decir que no quiero y que no me interesa', I will think about you and say that I don't want them and that I'm not interested. Alej tells Nati that he is close to realizing his dream to be a champion fighter.

Albieri gives Daniel a cloning 101 lesson. Daniel asks if Albieri knows how to clone humans. Albieri and Daniel go to Albi's house to get his luggage.

Dora goes to Albieri's office and tells Luisa that Daniel has returned to Miami. Luisa hasn't heard that from Albieri. Dora tells Luisa that Albieri told Daniel that Albieri was his father. Luisa is impactada. She calls their house.

Daniel remembers Albieri's house. The phone rings. He answers. Luisa thinks it is Lucas and asks what he is doing there. Albi snatches the phone away. Daniel finds some photos of him as a child and one of Lucas or Diego and Leo [an obvious photoshop job of Leo with dark hair and the Aztec baby. We don't see anything about Albieri finding his suitcase unpacked - more cut scenes?]

Luisa can't get through on the phone. She and Dora decide to go to Albieri's place.

Daniel asks who the guy in the photo with him is. Albieri says that it is a family friend. Daniel says that he thinks that he should know him.

Leo wonders to Enrique about what Diego the adult would be like. Enrique takes the opportunity to bring up his 'vision' of Diego. Leo doesn't want to hear about that again but he says that he would like to believe that Diego is out there somewhere.

Daniel asks what the name of the guy in the photograph is. 'Leonardo,' replies Albieri. Daniel wants to meet the guy and keep the picture.

Nati asks Leo to talk to Alej and persuade him to go back to the job Marisa got him fired from. Leo temporizes and Nati leaves in disgust. And just to make sure that Nati's drug story is as obvious and unbelievable as possible, Enrique perceives a great similarity in personality between Nati and him at that age. Leo says that Nati doesn't have any problems and he should stop comparing himself with her.

Alej's good influence certainly didn't last very long. Nati goes up to her room and in short order is calling Fernando to get the drug dealer's phone #. She says that she can't stand her family.

Luisa and Dora arrive at Albieri's house but there is no one there.

Returning to the priest's house, Daniel says that he can't wait to go to Morocco. Albieri replies that after this trip, he will start a new life.

Zoraida is reading the coffee grounds again. Same old prophecy but she says that now its completion is very close.

Said is punishing Rania with a month of no marital visits. He says that he should double it for the impertinence of Amina's accusation. He says that all women are the same - 'claridad por fuera y sombras por dentro, light on the outside and darkness inside.

Said won't let Zoraida in with Jade and he won't let Jade out. Nobody is happy in this house.

Zein explains Muslim marriage customs to Rogelio. Once again, Zein says that he is happy to experience a wedding celebration as the groom but not end up married.

Luisa asks Lucas why he was in her house. She begs him not to protect Albieri. Lucas protests that he hasn't left the office all day. Carolina and Clara back Lucas up. Luisa can't understand it.

Alej tells Pablo that he is concerned that Nati is still taking drugs whenever she is depressed or upset. He wonders if this will continue when they are married and have kids.

No going to the scary drug barrio for Nati. She gets her drugs delivered to her house.

Enrique tells Clara and Carolina that he is convinced that the voice Luisa heard when she called her house was Diego. He says that the ghost is now trying to use electronic media to communicate.

I guess Andrea is defying her parents because she is at a club with Fernando and Nati. Nati is high (está en la luna). Fernando claims that he didn't give her anything. Pablo is there as well with Diana. He calls Alej. '¿Qué hiciste, Natalia? What have you done, Natalia? asks Alej.

The credits roll.


Corazon Salvaje, Tuesday, July 13: Ep 102--All she Juants is Juan, get it through your thick skull already!

Jimena and Jacinta try to soothe MdR who is mumbling for Juan.

Juan sits in jail, remembering his conversation with Reggie at the clambake. Despite her hearfelt declaration of loyalty to him, he still thinks she's lying…no, wait, he has doubts, I think! Yay! He says she couldn't have been lying!

Regina remembers that she was sick in this very cabin, and Juan saved her. It's not a sad place for her, it's full of beautiful memories. Renato thinks she's lying and defending Juan, but he's sure she suffered. He disses Juan's upbringing and manners. He digs the new look, though, which she doesn't like him liking. He tries to get her to confess what a bad, bad man Juan has been. She just wants to be left alone. He asks again, if Juan is really her husband, if she slept with him. Regina admits they didn't, but she loves him anyway and belongs to him anyway. So there.

Juan declares to God that she's not a hideous lying cow like her sister! Yay! He's convinced she couldn't have lied! Keep the dream alive, Juan! We're counting on you!

Aimee lies to Leo that she was nauseous all night and can't go to the port with her. Leo gives up and says she'll go alone, but Aimee needs to stay there. Aimee coughs pitifully until Leo leaves. She struts around, thinking she's got her own plans now that Juan is back. Cow.

Santos goes running into Jacinta's hut, but she's not there. Pedro says they should be worried about Juan right now. Remi can't believe they're still going to put him on trail. None of them know where Regina is.

The hired captain annouces they're ready to leave and Reggie is so excited she looks like she'd get out and push if it got them there any faster. The guy gives Renato a cablegram, which he reads to Reggie. Now they both know that Juan is alive, that he's gotten to Veracruz, and that the Coast Guard captain is asking for Juan's actions in saving the ship to be taken into account. Reggie is thrilled. And then the ship starts moving and she gets even more excited. It sucks all the life out of Renato. But he says he won't lose her again, now that he's found her. Oh, shut up, Renato! We need the Greek Mariachi Chorus from Soy tu Dueña to wander in and just keep up a running "Que te callas" every time he comes on screen. Don't get me wrong, I luuuuuuurve Cristian de la Fuente, but I will jump up and down and cheer if someone kicks Renato overboard before they get to Veracruz. Te lo juro!

Doc Miranda says MdR fainted from her years of malnutrition. She needs rest. Jimena goes to town to see if Juan has arrived yet.

Salma and her fake family are all packed and ready to go. Mariela still looks doubtful. The grandparents are grateful to Raul for everything. He's sorry to see them go, but he hopes they'll see each other soon. Grandpa invites him to Puebla. Raul advises Salma to be good to her Mami after everything she's suffered. Mariela thanks Raul and then they all head for the front door.

Jimena runs down the beach and hears the Coast Guard captain talking about Juan. He tells her that Juan is prisoner when she asks, but that the crew are all free. Jimena hesitates and then goes running back the way she came.

Mariela is hesitating inRaul's house. Everyone else has left, except Raul. She touches her palm, presumably remembering Jimena, and then tearfully says they should leave.

Jimena sees the family leaving and gives Salma a dirty look. She calls to Mariela, but there's a drunk guy and a couple of soldiers in her way. She busts through and calls again, but they're gone. She realizes they believed everything Salma said.

The sheriff tells Leonarda they're out of options for keeping things quiet. He can't tie people's tongues or shut off their imaginations. Everybody knows what's going on and they're all on Juan's side. The captain says they ought to reward Juan instead of locking him up, and unfortunately, the public sees him as practically a saint. Juan himself has refused to speak other than at his trial. The sheriff says they can't avoid a trial now. He tried to stop Renato for this very reason, but Renato wouldn't be stopped. Leo asks to speak alone to Juan. The sheriff doesn't think she can bribe him, but Leo isn't convinced. He tries to warn her off, but she insists.

Jimena finds the crew, tells them Jacinta is at Doc Miranda's and insists they all come with her. She says a lot has been happening, Jacinta is fine, and she has life-changing news for Juan.

Regina is looking out the window. She gives Renato a hard time for coming in without knocking. He tells her they'll be in Veracruz tonight. She's happy, but Renato begs her to come back to the finca with him. We all know what the answer to that will be!

Jimena brings them all into Doc Miranda's office and says this is her surprise. Remigio says it's Arcadio's wife, but Pedro says it's a miracle…this isn't Arcadio's wife, of course not! He gets teary and finally tells the guys that this is Maria del Rosario! She's Juan's mother!

Noel remembers the scene between Salma and Branko when Branko said that she and Griselda were cheating that family out of money. What if the accusation is true? What if Salma really isn't Mariela's daughter? Noel goes to find Gabriel and talk it over with him.

Yes, she's really Juan's mother, and yes, she's really alive. Remigio says finally Juan will have some hope in his life. And maybe a little peace and happiness in his soul. MdR sleeps on.

Juan is going crazy being cooped up. He starts using a torch to bust himself out, but hears the guard coming to escort Leo. He hides behind the door with his improvised club, but unfortunately doesn't attack her. He does give her a scare, though. He asks what she wants.

Santos now realizes why Juan had those feelings for this woman. They all agree to go find Juan and tell him his Mami is alive. They see Clemencia on the way out and tell her that Juan is in jail. She came to see the doc and ask about Rosenda. Pedro brings her to see MdR. She looks a little confused, but realizes it's MdR. And she's aliiiiiiive! Clemencia tells them not to tell anyone about this! They'd be putting MdR's life in danger. If she's alive and everyone said she was dead, this is the evildoing of the Montes de Oca's! They'd do anything to kill her for realz if they hear that she's alive. Gabe agrees with her. Jimena points out she's in danger in the port. Jacinta wants to take care of her back at her hut. Clemencia agrees and says they'll take turns taking care of her and hide her away until they're sure she's not in any danger. Clemencia keeps crying over her and calling her "mi güerita."

Juan shoos Leonarda away, but she says she's there to ask him to be a gentleman during his trial. That it will hurt Renato, who was only a victim of Aimee. Leo reminds him that Renato drove them all nuts insisting on treating Juan fairly. Juan and Aimee betrayed Renato and now he's in danger of being exposed as having married a ho. Juan says that's what Renato gets for chasing him down and making him come home, so too bad! He tells Leo someone else can save Renato, because he's planning to tell the whole truth. Leo calls him "soberbio." Well, he says, I am a Montes de Loca! Leo says he's cursed because MdR gave herself to his father. He threatens to choke her to death with his chains. She tells him to go for it. She'll do anything to save her precious Renato. He tells her to beg.

The carriage with Mariela, et al, drives down the road. Mariela says she can't do it. She can't explain it, but there's something…. Some powerful force telling her to go back. She starts crying and it freaks her parents out, but Salma shakes her head "no."

Juan backs off and says he won't fall into her trap. On the day of the trial he'll tell the whole truth and the family will be a laughingstock. Leo tries to threaten him. He says he's living proof of how far she'll go. He accuses her of hating everyone because she was never happy. She can't handle the truth! If he decides to behave as a gentleman, it will be to save the one person who deserves it--Regina! He tells her to get out and take her money elsewhere. Leo gets let out by the guard.

Reggie refuses to go back to the finca. She wants to be near Juan. She begs him to take her to see Juan as soon as they get there.

Noel tells Gabriel he wants to talk to him. He's sure Gabe was right to suspect Salma of not being Mariela's daughter. He tells him that Branko accused Salma of deceiving the family to get money, but they don't have proof. Gabe tells Noel that Branko has left and they have no way of proving their suspicions. Noel is confident they'll find some kind of proof, but for now he thinks they shouldn't say anything.

Grandpa apologizes to Raul for their return. Mariela says she knows she seems crazy, but she was feeling lost again, like when Angela was first taken. Grandma says she's hurting Angela with her words and Mariela apologizes to Salma. Salma whines about being rejected. She says she never should have come there. She thought she'd finally found a home, but now she's without her gypsies or her family. Mariela tries to go after her, but Grandpa tells her to get a grip. Mariela can't deny the invisible force insisting to her that she's still waiting for the miracle. She can't explain it, but she knows she has to stay and wait. She apologizes to Raul, but he's ok with it. He says they can stay as long as they like. He backs her up on listening to her heart. Salma thought bubbles that she's got to get them out of there before she gets found out and loses everything.

Celia knocks on Aimee's door. Aimee is ready to go sneaking out. On the way, she asks Celia to get undressed and switch clothes with her. She gives her a tug on her braid to encourage her.

Fully meets up with Servando on the cliff. He says he likes this place and enjoys being there, because it's like his private cemetery. He tosses people who betray him off this cliff for the sharks to eat. Like he did Griselda.

Celia hates how Aimee's clothes don't let her breathe. Aimee hates the smell of Celia's clothes. She wants Celia to let herself be seen going to Rodrigo's house, but keep her face covered with the veil. Meanwhile, Aimee will make it look like Celia is a skank ho who likes to get it on with men in jail. Celia needs to let herself be seen around town, but not talk to anyone. Aimee calls to the coachman that "Celia" will be getting out now. Aimee gets out and starts walking.

Fully threatens Servando to see if he can find out who wants to kill him.

Aimee is freaked out by a rat at the prison. No, not her own reflection, an actual rat. A couple of soldiers stop her, but she claims to have the sheriff's permission to see Juan. She gives the guys some coins and they let her pass.

Reggie finally makes it to Veracruz.

Juan eats his dinner and thinks of Reggie. He has to see her! She couldn't have betrayed him! It wasn't her! He has to talk to her! A soldier calls to him and says a woman came to see him. He hopes it's Reggie, but he gets Aimee instead. She keeps enough of her face hidden for it to be ambiguous. Except we all know Reggie doesn't wear that much eye makeup.

Que te callas=shut up already, Renato
Te lo juro=I swear!
mi güerita=my little blonde girl


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

El Clon Tuesday July 13: Summary for Discussion

In which Jade becomes increasingly reckless, and Said becomes increasingly abusive...

Said is trying to explain to Abdul that he has learned from his errors with Jade. In the past he was condescendiente with her, but that is going to change. (False friend alert: in this context, the word means overly accommodating, or understanding.) And Abdul replies:
Allah repartió el deseo sexual en 10 partes, Said, le dio 9 partes a las mujeres y una sola a los hombres. No se puede ser débil con ellas, ¡no se puede!
Allah handed out sexual desire in 10 parts, Said; he gave 9 parts to women and only one to men. One cannot show weakness with them, one cannot!

At Salamandra, Rogelio hears Zein’s wedding plans, and tells him he’s crazy. Malicia tries to tell tales about Cris to Zein, but he doesn’t pay any attention to her.

Cris wonders why Pablo hasn’t come by since they were going to go to the beach. Vicki suggests that Malicia may have said something to him; Cris doesn’t believe her. She tries calling Pablo. He’s at the gym with Pedro and won’t take her call. He doesn’t want to get Malicia in trouble for telling him that Cris kissed Zein. Pedro is sceptical about Malicia’s motives.

Zoraida and Rania are stranded at the mall, but Rania is losing patience and is ready to spill the beans to Said.

Lucas and Jade are in their love nest. She insists that the only way to get custody of Jadiya is to take her out of the country; Lucas wants to do things legally. Jade says no, she will appear to go along with the marriage Said has arranged but then she will take Jadiya and flee. Lucas must have three tickets waiting for him, her and Jadiya. (I’m a bit confused here. Is she saying that she will go to Morocco or is she intending to run away with Jadiya before then? That would make more sense to me)

Albieri joins Padre Andres and Daniel. Andres wants to know if Albieri is running away with Daniel and asks if Daniel’s mother is aware of the travel plans. No, I'm not running away and Yes, of course, she knows where Daniel is, lies Albieri.

Luisa is disturbed to find Albieri’s packed suitcase at home.

Just when Rania is insisting to Zoraida that they leave the mall, Jade comes running up to them. Rania says she’s going to tell Said what really happened. At home, the servant informs them that Said has gone to the mall to look for them. When the sisters are alone, Amina advises Rania to tell Said everything. I can’t, says Rania, I lied to him

Lucia, meanwhile, meets Said in the mall and tells him she just saw Rania and Zoraida and, no, Jade wasn’t with them.

At Mohamed’s place, Ali talks to Amin about his gifts to Karla and tells him that Allah will forgive him if he is truly sorry. And Latifa tells Mohamed that indeed, Amin really is sorry. What about you? he wants to know. Are you sorry for not trusting me? For threatening me? She asks his forgiveness.

Ramon tries to get Gloria interested in gossiping about the Hilda – Karla – Mohamed kerfuffle, but she tells him to get back to work. It’s not easy, baby.

Samira, Zumaya and Jadiya tell Amin they are going to the supermarket, but actually go to the park to see Carlos play.

Said comes home, summons the women, and explodes in rage. I know everything, he says. It’s all a lie!
Turning to Rania he says:
Yo te repudio. Yo te repudio. Yo....
Before he can say it three times, Jade interrupts him and takes full responsibility, saying Rania didn’t know anything. Where were you, Jade? he asks. I think you know where I was, she answers. He smacks her across the face with such violence that even Amina appears shocked. To Jade he says: You’ll never come back to the US again. You’ll never see Jadiya again. And to Rania: If you run afoul of me again, I’ll send you back.

Daniel sees Karla in a club, makes a move on her and after an unconvincing protest, she yields. Ramon sees them making out and appears shocked. (Why? Does he know Lucas? or Daniel?)

At home, Andrea tries to get Roberto to soften his position on Fernando; he stands firm.

While at Empresa Ferrer, Carolina is giving Fernando a not very convincing talking-to. You get one more chance, she says. Next infraction and you are out.

Escobar tells Malicia he’s done pressuring Fernando to see him. Malicia tells him she’s taking on more and more of Cristina’s work responsibility. Soon she’ll have her job.

At Salamandra, Cris is still trying to call Pablo, who refuses to answer her calls. Lucas comes in and Vicki points out Zein to him. From the way he narrows his eyes, he must know that Zein is the chosen bridegroom for Jade.

Amalia and Leo are in a restaurant when Marisa walks in, followed by Said. Leo is shocked to see them kissing. Amalia and Leo leave.

Marisa and Said have their usual conversation about their need to hurt Lucas and Jade. Hate is their favorite aphrodisiac, it seems.

At Salamandra, Vicki suggests that Cris ask Malicia why Pablo’s not taking her calls. Lucas greets Cris, but they are interrupted by a call from Leo asking Lucas to come home right away.

The frequently odious Daniel beds the always odious Karla. (I just hope these people are familiar with safe sex. Where is a public service announcement when you need it?)

At Casa Ferrer, Leo looks so distraught that Rosa offers him Valerian root tea. When Lucas arrives, Leo says he is worried about Marisa’s behavior:
Acabo de verla besandose con otro hombre.
I just saw her kissing another man.
So what, says Lucas. We’re separated, we’ve both been unfaithful. No, says Leo, it’s her choice of lover that alarms me. She’s out to hurt you.

And in their hotel room, Said and Marisa go at it like two wolves hungrily trying to devour one another. (If only they would – it would spare so many other people so much misery!)

Jade has discovered that she is locked into her bedroom. Said has taken the key. Amina thinks she deserves the treatment she’s getting, but Rania is upset by it.

Daniel shares with Karla his plans to travel to the desert and his hopes of meeting the veiled woman he has dreamt of, the woman with the green stone, a jade stone. He ‘remembers’ Lucas’s first sight of Jade dancing in Ali’s house.

And the imprisoned Jade beseeches Allah: Ayúdame a encontrar mi destino.
(Help me find my destiny).


Dinero, July 13. VVV is a brazen bridezilla. Ramirez and Marino bore their dates. Urdiales is to be guest of honor at the wedding.

I was a bit late to the TV because Superman the Miniature Horse had escaped and was eating a neighbor's grass... I entered as Jorge was gasping...

  • Rafa's posse wants to know what hold that ugly nymphomaniac has over Marco. Clearly one of them must sacrifice his virtue in order to pry the secret out of her. Nelson says he can't do it because he has his own "particular police." After much guilt-tripping, Pepeto reluctantly "volunteers" to take one for the team and offer his fair form to Carmela the Ardent.

  • Jorge and Rosario are so happy with Marco, it's a lovefest! OK, so why don't THEY marry him? Jorge wastes no time in handing over all the legal papers (including the lien on Rafa's home) and Marco is licking his chops over having the hacienda (I believe he's already lined up a buyer) ...

    ... When Ale appears with some serious buyer's remorse, quite repulsed by Marco. He, however, is euphoric and relieved - but eventually realizes he's not feeling the love, Ale looks like she's chewing on a lemon. Could it be - MEDINA?

    Marco assures the family: he will take care of all difficulties and rid them of the detestable Chavez (who may be in Iraq at this very moment looking for Rubi)...

    "So few guests?" Jorge asks. "The first time you invited 200." They all sent presents, too, which were never returned, so wouldn't it be bad form not to invite them to the wedding? Ale thinks she can't invite them a third time having cancelled the wedding twice before. She lies and says Susana will be at the beach and can't attend, and in fact she doesn't want anybody from Auto Siglo.

    All, however, agree the famous Urdiales must be there, must in fact be the guest of honor. "Give us his address so we can send the invitation." Marco chokes.

  • Rafa hassles the bank manager: can't they approve his loan sooner than the end of the month? If he doesn't pay back Vicki's dad, he'll have to marry her!

  • The Siglos go to their favorite hangout to celebrate Ramirez' birthday. Marino invites his intended next spouse and tells her to bring a friend. He only offers to buy one bottle of tequila, what a cheapskate. But when he tells his co-workers they must be on best behavior so as to impress the mother of his future daughter, they say they'll name all his sons for her, one by one, unless he pays for everything all night!

    The ladies arrive. Marino bores Sandra; Ramirez bores Caroline - saved, she leaps up with alacrity when Pepeto invites her to dance.

  • Jaime tells Julieta he needs a little money and needs to write his thesis and then BANG BANG BANG it's Vicki Vicki Vicki at the door. She sweeps in, throws them all onto a couch, and proceeds to describe in minute detail all her plans for the wedding day. E.g., Julieta and her mom will wear the same dress, one which Vicki will design. They have all been stunned senseless by the time Rafa gets home...

    ... Rafa tarries outside: The guy who currently owns "The Panther" meets him at the curb and takes 1000 pesos and signs over the title. Rafa is overjoyed. At this moment there is no human being who's offering him such unalloyed pleasure. He kisses his car and admires its "new shoes." He should have stayed outside longer because...

    ... when he opens the door VVV jumps up, sucks on him like a remora, then throws him onto the couch and goes on with her dictatorial pronouncements. They all fall asleep but as VVV sings the Bridal March to her self ...

    She notices her snoozing audience and wakes them with a scream - all melt away leaving poor Rafa in her clutches.

    But wait! At the door she collars Jaime and tells him he will be padrino, "THE SECOND FATHER," to her first son. Rafa finds this odd.

  • At this point there was a tremendous crash of lightning and my tv went out. Is it gone forever? I'll keep you posted.


Corazon Salvaje, Ep. 101 7/12/2010 - A Beautiful Farewell, A Murder, and Secrets Begin to be Revealed

Review: Regina is telling Renato how generous Juan is. Ren doesn't get it and asks how Juan won her over, Regi replies, with his goodness. He has taught me to see life in a new way. Renato is trying to tell Regi that he really loves her. Regi says please Renato, he drops his hand in disgust, I know what you are thinking, that I am your sister's husband (well, duh), but the error I committed in marrying Aimee can't erase these feelings. Renato! she walks away and he comes up behind her, putting his hands on her arms - say what you will, I am not convinced. I know that you still love me as I love you. He puts his arms around her, ack, kick him already!

Lightning is striking over the military ship, Juan and the guys are struggling valiantly against the storm, struggling to keep the ship from capsizing. Lots of shouting and dramatic music, more lightning strikes, rain pouring, the ship is rocking on the waves. Colibri is hanging on to Juan piggyback, looks to me like it's making it harder for Juan to steer.

At the Puerto all the gypsies are back at the camp with Branko, he is thanking them. They ask him to be their new leader, they don't trust Servando, he has never been good, he has not honored their way of life. Branko says it's a big responsibility but he accepts. Everyone cheers! Tonight the camp is going to leave on a new adventure, more hurrahs.

At the Finca, Celia, unlike everyone else in the house, knocks before entering Aimee' s room. Celia is laughing at the conversation between Aimee and Leo that she heard part of before Leo left. Aimee grabs her pigtails, and says, so you were listening. I couldn't help but hear some of it. My Madrina wants to go to the Puerto to see Aguacil and interfere with the trial of Juan, but I don't want to go! She can't make me. It's better if you go, though, because if you don't, who is going to support you? Renato. He isn't jealous now, but I know how to get him back. I have a marvelous idea (oh please). I need your help and discretion. I'll do whatever you ask, you can count on me, as she kisses her necklace. You can't let me down, Celia. Because, as Aimee returns to her mirror and talks to herself in it, because everything is going to be alright, it will be as I always dreamed. She caresses the mirror, I am going to make Renato love me again, he won't deny me anything, you'll see. We'll move to the puerto, away from that bruja of a Madrina, and everything will be peachy. But how are you going to explain that the child you are expecting doesn't exist? That is the only problem with this plan (really?), and gazing at herself in the mirror, she says we'll just have to find a way to fix it.

Noel is telling Leo and Rod that there is more bad news, that Juan is at the port being detained. Rod says he's just getting what he deserves. Leo is worried that Renato will end up being humiliated and more there will be more scandal in the family. Noel says it's simple, just drop the charges against Juan and there won't be a problem, you all have the solution in your hands. Rod says no way! Juan has to suffer his consequences just like his father even though it has created an infierno. Leo doesn't like this idea, she wants to protect her precious Renato.

On the ship Colibri is steering the ship in calm weather and telling Juan how he was afraid but when Juan took the wheel he wasn't, awww. Remigio tries to convince Juan to steer the boat to an island so they can escape. But Juan won't do that, he says he gave his word to the captain, and he doesn't know why, but he doesn't want to go back on that. Remi still tries to convince him saying that when they get to the port, they may go free but Juan is going into the mouth of the wolf. But I have to go the port, I have to find Regina and find out how this happened, at whatever price.

Jimena and Gabe are being happy and lovey even though he is still in pain. There is a knock on the door, and it is Branko come to say goodbye. He is happy to see Gabe is better. He tells them he is going, and all the gypsies with him except for Grizelda and Servando. He reminds Gabe that their blood pact is for always, no matter what, and it supercedes any rivalry or rancor that they had. He asks to sit down, and says to Jimena that he knows she loves Gabe and that she would never love him, that it's too hard for him to stay and he is going to leave so they will be happy.

Mariela tells Salma she needs to forgive Jimena as it isn't good for her soul to hang on to resentment. No, I'm never going to forgive Jimena! I want something terrible to happen to her! Abuela says hija, what are you saying? Salma, realizing she has revealed too much, says, I'm sorry Abuela, but Jimena deserves it for all the bad she had done. After she leaves, Abuela says even after all the hurt Jimena has caused Angela, I can tell you still care about her. Mariela says, yes, even with all the terrible things Salma has told her, she can't really believe it, and she still cares deeply about Jimena. From the moment she saw Jimena she had a place in her heart, and I asked her to look at me as a mother. I can't explain it. Abuela doesn't know what to say. Mariela says she doesn't know what is happening to her, she can't explain it but there is something between her and Jimena.

Gabe is telling Branko he admires him, he is a man of honor and wishing him the best. Branko hopes to someday find a woman like Jimena. She says Branko! He says I love you even though it isn't returned. All I ask of you Gabe is that you care for her and protect her. Gabe gives him a hug and they have a brotherly shake. He tells Jimena she is in his heart. He so very nobly leaves. Wow. After he is gone, Jimena asks Gabe if she can go to the camp and say goodbye to Branko in the traditional gypsy way and say goodbye to her people. He says of course. His trust in her is so refreshing.

At the camp the gypsies are dancing and celebrating. Jimena shows up and Branko is moved. They dance together. Then Branko tells her to keep dancing, that he wants his memory to be of her dancing. She looks like she is going to cry and Branko is crying. He bows, and leads the whole camp off into the night while Jimena keeps dancing. Once they are gone, she stands in the camp remembering and crying, and looking up at Orion.

Back at the Doc's place he is checking on Gabe who is still in some pain. Doc says he is getting better faster than he expected and Gabe says for sure love cured me. Gabe asks him what's going on at the Finca with the MdOs? How is Senora Aimee? Doc remembers Aimee's attempt at seduction and says, nothing, nothing worth talking about. Now if you'll excuse me, I have things to do.

Grizzy has arrived at the cave and is suitably impressed with it. Fulgencio says come in, I've been waiting for you. Don Fulgencio, what a surprise, what a marvelous place! He kisses her hand and she says she's dying of curiosity to know the surprise he has for her. You can't imagine, but it's outside, not here in the cave. She says outside, what kind of surprise is it? I can't say, come with me. They head out of the cave arm in arm.

At the dressmaker's, Federico and Eloisa are in the throes of passion and the dressmaker is listening at the door. Fed asks her how much she trusts this dressmaker? Eloisa says of course I trust her, she is a poor idiot, she won't ever betray us. Dressmaker says to herself, so I am a poor idiot, it's time you learn what I am capable of.

Fully has been dragging Grizzy on quite a hike to the top of some cliffs above the ocean. She says she can't go any further. Standing on the cliffs he says, here it is. Griz says she doesn't see anything. Fully pulls out his knife and tells her he trusted her. She gets the past tense, and says I haven't betrayed you. I asked you if you had been hanging out with Servando and you said no, but I saw you when they freed Branko. She says he must be mistaken, but Fulgencio is never mistaken. Flash for a moment to Servando wondering why all the gypsies have left him. Fully asks Grizzy who paid you to fool me? She tries to deny it and I think says something like it's bad juju to kill a gypsy, he says he doesn't believe any of that. He'll give her one chance to save her life. Again, tell me who paid you? She says, I can't, I can't! He stabs her and after she falls he says I'm sorry, but I'm not a patient man, you lost the chance to save yourself. He pushes her with his foot off the cliff. Flash again to Servando now wondering where that maldita Griselda has gotten to. We go back to see her body some way down the cliffs and Fulgencio telling himself he still didn't get an answer as to who betrayed him.

Gabe is sitting on the bed reviewing the good bye to his bff Branko. Jimena is back and tells him Branko and all the gypsies are gone. He says you look sad, and tells her he is sure Branko will find someone to love him, she agrees. Then he starts clutching his chest and bending over in pain, Jimena is starting to freak out. He sits against the headboard, still appearing to be in pain, and she wants to know how to help him. He starts telling her to kiss him here, kiss him there, he was just fooling. Gabe! Lots of happy kissing.

Ren is still hassling Regina, but now telling her he is going and she should try to relax. But before he leaves he has to say that she is denying her real feelings, tells her not to fight it (OMG), whatever you say I know you love me. I want to slap him! After he leaves she tearfully says to herself, why now Renato? It's too late, I love only Juan even though you keep denying it.

The Captain is talking to Juan and saying you had control over the boat last night and you could have escaped, why didn't you? Juan says I gave you my word and I didn't want to deceive you. You'll complete your mission, although a little late. The Captain says what a man of honor Juan is, another bromance is born.

Ren comes to tell Regi the Luzbel is ready and they can go. She begs him to take back his accusations but he insists he doesn't have the power to do that, it is in the hands of the law now. Riiight. Juan is looking at the ring and thinking of Regina Montes de Oca. He says to himself, like a star, and flashes back to being with her on the beach and her telling him he is now Juan de Dios. Back to Ren saying to Regi that if Juan is as innocent as she says he will go free.

Servando and Federico are talking about where Griselda could be. Servi is worried and is sure she didn't go with the camp. They agree it is very strange, and say something about Fully which I didn't get. Then Fed is talking to Fully and asking about Griz, and Fully is suspicious, why do you care? Fed tries to back up and say it was just concern for him, that she is good at reading the cards. He asks Fed about Servando and Fed probably knows more than he should about where he is. Fully asks Fed to tell Servando to meet him at the Cueva de Santa Cruz tonight on a very important matter. Uh Oh. He tells Fed he is sure of Servando's loyalty.

Clem and Noel are concerned about Juan, didn't get much of this.

Jacinta and Maria del Rosario have gone to the church and on their way in the square they see Rodrigo. Maria del Rosario's scarf just happens to blow in the wind and get caught on a branch revealing her face to Rod. Both are muy impactados. She quickly covers up and she and Jacinta scurry off to the church.

The Villareals are getting ready to leave. Fake Angela and the Abuelos are all happy together but Mariela is increasingly troubled. Abuela tries to tell her she'll be happy in Puebla and forget all about Jimena. Mariela can't accept that.

Back to Rod who is stunned and has to sit down. He tells himself it can't be, she is dead, must be his imagination, because of that bastard coming back. It's always Juan's fault. Jacinta and Maria del Rosario are in the church, and Maria del Rosario is having flashbacks to her interrupted wedding and Juan Sr. fighting with the soldiers. She is crying and asking the virgin to protect her son so she can at least see him once. Then she collapses suddenly on the floor.

Back to Mariela talking to her mother and Raul and saying she can't abandon Jimena, that she feels something in her heart and she doesn't understand it. Abuela says after all the terrible things she did to Angela? Mariela says I can't really believe that, Jimena is a good person. Raul says do you think Fake Angela is lying? Mariela says I don't know what to think. (Yay.)

MdR is being carried into the Doc's place with Jacinta and a few people. Gabe says isn't that Arcadio's wife? And Jimena says, no, this is the mother of Juan del Diablo. Gabe and the Doc look disturbed.

On the beach, the Captain tells the fishermen they can all go, there are no charges against them. He regretfully has to arrest Juan and tells him he is only following orders. He knows Juan is valiant and honorable and he will be there for Juan in his trial.



Monday, July 12, 2010

Dinero Mon. July 12, 2020 Love Hurts and Technology's A Killer

Hola folks. It's another hot sultry night in Ohio and thanks to a neurotic laptop, I've just lost the first four pages of my notes. Even my computer savvy son can't retrieve them so this will be a short recap. I did note down a few Spanish expressions by hand so at least we'll have some vocabulary!

Here's what I remember. Alejandra is obsessing and crying about Medina and his various adventures with Marian and his novia. Here she is, kicked out of her house, living in Marcos' apartment while Rafa is off having a blast with Ms. Celeste and planning his wedding with Vicky. But hey, she decides to take action. Once she finds out from Susana that Rafa's wedding is set for the end of the month, she proposes to Marcos that they get married and she'll plan it for the very same day. Susan is so appalled at this stupid development, she refuses to help Alejandra make the arrangements. So our little prima donna does it herself. And now Rafa will have to pay her back. After all, weddings take money!

The used trucks arrive. Trapito announces that Marian's (indicates this with curvy hand motions describing her bodacious figure) camiones are in and Rafa rushes out to the work bay area to instruct the mechanics to fix them up FAST. He has to sell them pronto.

Meanwhile, out in the sales room, our scholar vendedor is waxing poetic about his romantic early birthday celebration last night. Marino figures that it's a good time for his buddy to move out and move in with his new lady. Please! German Ramirez is "chapado a la antigua" (old-fashioned) and one can't presume to live together at this delicate juncture in a relationship. Marino backs off, but one senses not for long. His deep-seated narcissism doesn't make for being a good roommate....or anything else in the friendship line.

His attention is diverted though by a new arrival. Shapely brunette, slick pair of legs, awesome high heels...ah yes, it's the mother of his next child!--a daughter of course. Dandy gets there first and is well on his way to making a sale of not one but two camionetas but he has to go look for the relevant brochures. While he's gone Marino moves in. When Dandy gets back, we have the usual antler-bashing, chest-thrusting, eternal pissing contest between these two. And finally we get down to business. Marino will give him one of his sales. No. Well two. No. Well, three then and you're killing me! Done. And the killing's not over. Marino is handing this babe free insurance for a year and so many discounts he's not going to get any commission. But it's all good. He finagles her into a coffee across the street (cheap tequila actually) and then a date for that evening (she's thinking dinner, he's thinking Ramirez' birthday party). And he has a good deal of info about our beauty now. She has a couple of warehouses for women's clothes, she's been working by day, studying business administration by night, separated for two years from her husband and has three kids...all"varones" (boys). Surely it's time to make a new life with some man and have a little girl child, right? For some insane reason, she seems to consider this idea. Flee, woman, flee!

On the random front, the Queen, flanked by her dogs and the hard-working Chapito, runs into our aristocratic slimeball from Marian's party. I keep thinking of him as Jeronimo (that's what he was in Gancho). Anyway, he's flanked by some Eurotrash he picked up in Colorado skiing....or was it somewhere else?...Las Vegas perhaps? Well, no matter. He knows the Queen from way back and she's like a mother to him. They josh around a bit and he quips that he thought she was going to offer him a job. Oh my goodness, how could I do that, Queenie laughs, since you've never worked a day in your life! now we've got the goods on this guy. He's another Marcos. Charming wastrel with nothing to do but swan around and use up his inheritance...or somebody else's.

Back to Auto Siglo. Ale, bent on revenge, has received the fax confirming her reservation for the wedding and reception and has left it on the floor where Rafa can't miss it. As he comes in, conferring with the mechanic, she sweeps out, informing him she's just going to touch up her makeup in the bathroom. By all means, make himself comfortable in the office. Mechanic finds the fax, gives it to Rafa and sure 'nuff, he's impactado. But also stuck. As he explains to his posse in the, meeting room, he can't tell Ale the whole truth or Marcos will put his mom in jail. And as for the allegations of sleeping with Carmela, no pictures, no proof. Again, his hands are tied.

And Carmela? Well, she's anxious for her money since it's obvious she's not going to get any nookie. Marcos, emboldened by his marriage plans, is ready to negotiate a deal. Once he's married, he'll sell the hacienda and then can pay her the agreed upon amount. She insists on more, and frankly, even if I had my notes, I'm not sure I could explain it. He has to give her a cheque en blanco (a blank check? that sounds dangerous) and sign some sort of document and....well...suffice it to say, she has him by the short hairs. The final blow? Her derisive laughter and pity for poor Alejandra who's going to marry a con artist who not only will sell her hacienda out from under her but won't get the job done in bed either. What a swindle!

Some more whining, crying, storming and kvetching. Ale is bound and determined to go through with the wedding unless Rafa mans up and does something to stop her. Susana is incensed she's even thinking of such a crazy plan. Throwing away her life and marrying a man she doesn't love. Insane. Unmoved, Ale wails that only Rafa can make her change her mind and he has until the end of the month to do it.

Okay. Here's my question. Where in the Sam Hill is Rubi? We need a good dose of comedy to juice up this novela. And while we're at it, from now on I'm taking my notes in long-hand. This infernal laptop has betrayed me for the last time! I feel just like Ale. Led on....and then let down. A sadder but wiser gal.


pasar bomba = have a great time (Ale thinking about Rafa off with Marian)
se divierte come enano = to have a blast (lit. to have as much fun as a the court jesters of old)
se armó un problema gravisimo =there was a terrible problem, or a terrible problem broke out
trapear el piso conmigo = wipe the floor with me (Ale complaining about Rafa)
deshice de yugo de mi sagrada madre = slipped out of the yoke of my sainted mother (Jimenez talking about his happy homelessness)
chapado a la antigua = old fashioned
voy al baño a retocarme = going to the bathroom to touch up my makeup (Ale pretending to leave the office so Rafa can find the fax)
no comen tierra, salen lombrices = don't eat dirt, you'll get worms (part of the charming conversation between the Queen and "Jeronimo") If there's a deeper meaning here, it escapes me)

Dicho of the Day

Más tiene el rico cuando empobrece que el pobre cuando enriquece.
The rich man who loses his wealth is richer than the poor man who attains wealth.

In other words, somewhat like our saying" The rich get rich and the poor get poorer." Or "You just can't get ahead for trying."

Somehow, all the well to do folks in this one, even with money troubles, still have a lot more than the poor folks who are scrambling and working just trying to make ends meet. But will things change? Sure hope so.


El Clon, Mon., July 12 - Summary for Discussion

The bad news is usually when a novela is going to end. Here it's the other way around. I reported last week that the El Clon entry on Wikipedia said that the novela was going to end in August to be replaced by La Fantasma de Elena. Well, it's nearly the middle of July and obviously if the novela were ending in August, we would be in 'ultimos' something. Also, Fantasma is going to replace Perro Amor. The Wikipedia article now says that Clon will run for 160 episodes, into October and be replaced by La Reina del Sur. So if this is true, it's not as bad as the 180 odd episodes on the Globovision site and we are at episode 104 so it's more than half over but there's still a lot left to go.

Onward and upward with tonight's exciting episode:

Said explains why he is asking Sein to marry Jade. Sein is reluctant but agrees. Sein then tells Said that he has never thought of marrying but if he is going to do it, he should do it big. He says that it will be the opportunity, 'vivir la fiesta del matrimonio sin tener que atarme a ninguna mujer,' to experience the marriage celebration without having to be tied to a woman. He wants a big wedding in Morocco at the end of the month. [The commenter from Friday's episode guessed right.] Now Said is reluctant but he agrees.

Leo wants Albieri to see a shrink but Albi refuses. Leo mentions that Albi was delirious and said crazy things. Nervously, Albi asks Leo what he said. Leo says that Albi was saying that he could have returned Diego to him and felt guilty that he didn't do so. Albi tells Leo that he should have made a clone of Lucas and raised it to be Diego. He asks Leo what he would think if Diego suddenly appeared in front of him. Leo is obviously attracted that the idea but he dismisses it as crazy. He makes Albi promise to see a shrink.

Daniel tells the priest that he feels that he has already been in Morocco in another life. The priest poo poos the idea of reincarnation and tells Daniel that his feeling of familiarity comes from remembering a movie or an old photograph that he has seen.

Ali tells Jade that she wants the 20-year old Lucas and you can't return to the past, etc. etc.

Said tells Jade that she will be married in Morocco to a friend of his at the end of the month.

Mohamed asks Said if he has chosen the right person to marry Jade. He mentions that Sein's is not a strict Muslim. Said replies that it doesn't matter. He is only going to be married to Jade for a day.

Jade calls Lucas, tells him about the new development and says that she has to see him. After she hangs up, he looks confused.

Dora is worried about Daniel. She doesn't believe Dr. Albieri that he went to the Keys. Estela urges her not to worry about Daniel but to make an appointment with a doctor. Estela will give her the money if she needs it.

Albieri writes a 'Dear Luisa' note. He says that he couldn't tell her the truth out of fear.

Luisa tells the staff that Albieri is seeking medical attention for is problem and urges them to be discreet.

Vicki can't believe that Cristina kissed Sein. Cristina says that it was just an impulse but it was a beautiful moment. Vicki replies that, 'Por culpa de esos momentos bonitos es que arruinas tu vida', it's because of those beautiful moments that you have ruined your life.

Malicia shows up and fawns over Cristina. Vicki is unimpressed. Then the Malicious One calls Pablo to 'congratulate' him on how well he is handling the fact that Cristina kissed Sein. She feigns surprise that Pablo doesn't know about this and begs him not to tell Cristina so that she doesn't lose her job when she is pregnant, yadda, yadda, yadda.

More of the same. Jade pretends to have a headache and claims to have an appointment at a hospital. Said is suspicious as well he should be with such a dubious story. He sends Rania with Jade and Zoraida and tells her to keep her eyes open.

Gloria wonders what is up with Alej. Ramoncito suggests that Alej and Natalia are having problems.

Hilda asks Mohamed if he carries nail tips (uñas postizas). He tells her to cover up and they can check out what is in the store. She reacts badly to this suggestion. Latifa and Amin come down to see what is going on. Hilda says that Mohamed wears a long clothes has an innocent face (esa carita de yo no fui,' literally, this face of 'it wasn't me.') but he gives expensive gifts to Karla. This sets Latifa off. Mohamed protests his innocence to no avail and it goes on and on until finally Amin mans up and confesses that it was he who gave the stuff to Karla. He doesn't explain why he gave stuff to Karla only that he pretended it was from his father so that she wouldn't laugh at him.

Jade goes to the mall and tells Rania that there is a medical office there. However, they run into Lucia who puts them straight. Jade then acknowledges that she is going to see Lucas and leaves. Zoraida initiates Rania into the 'liars to protect Jade' club.

Jade goes to Lucas' and instead of getting legal advice on child custody issues or discussing her problems, they just hop into bed. Ali was wrong. Lucas is exactly the same as he was 20 years ago - doesn't think, doesn't plan, just has sex!!!

Marisa asks why Nati isn't up and Rosa tells her that Nati doesn't eat either. Of course, Marisa blames it all on Alej's influence.

Nati has a terrible headache. She calls Andrea who is not too sympathetic.

Roberto finds some kinds of drugs, I guess it is a joint, and confronts Andrea. Roberto concludes that Andrea got the stuff from Fernando. Andrea denies it but Roberto demands that she not see Fernando again.

Fernando is not showing up at work and Clara is worried. Carolina offers to speak to him and Clara agrees.

Alej is waiting for Nati outside her house. He says that he knows she was taking drugs the previous evening. She says that she can't breathe in her house, her plans to live with Alej have fallen apart, etc. etc. Alej says that she has to fight for what she wants and that she taught him that.
She says that she can't overcome her problems. Alej replies that she should get strength from him. He will always be there for her. She promises not to take drugs again.

Now, we have the parallel of Enrique's and Nati's situations as he talks to his shrink.

Rania doesn't do a good job of lying to Said when he calls.

Tío Abdul thinks Said is crazy to marry Jade again and since all women are corrupt, he figures Rania is doing bad things as well. Said says that this time it will be different with Jade and that Rania and Jade are very different.

Lucas and Jade are in bed.

The credits roll.


Club Gancho... raise your hand if you think the CCs are fine

Welcome Ganchodores. This week's featured drink is the Tequila Sea Breeze as we continue tracking Sylvia's amazing voyage while struggling to stay cool in this heat which most of us are enjoying in varying degrees.

Let me take this opportunity to update you on my efforts to try to encourage Univision to improve the quality of the CCs. I filed a complaint with the FCC and did stimulate a lot of attention from our local Univision provider. To make a long story short, a lawyer for channel 45 sent a response to the FCC which asserted to the investigator that they had looked into the matter and found that... surprise surprise... that they were in compliance with the law. He said that there were lapses of 6-8 seconds, which he thought was fine and apparently so did the FCC lady. I received a letter from her today declaring the matter resolved unless I pursue it further. I did get a phone number to call if I disagreed or had other questions. I've sent another Email to the lady representing Univision and am waiting for her reply. I plan to call the FCC lady, Cheryl King, if I don't hear from Ms Oliveres at channel 45 in a few days.

Meintras tanto... if you guys would like the phone number or Email address of Ms King, I'll post it in the comments. Now, once more, let's see a show of hands of those who think the CCs at Univision are just fine.

Elna June, you asked about the effect of the oil spill on our seafood from the Gulf. Thursday I had some oysters that were very good for this time of year, but learned that in a very short time, all the oyster beds along the Louisiana and Texas coast will be closed. The gulf shrimping appears to be close behind. I'm afraid that they'll not be back within my lifetime, so for me, and even more so for those whose livelihoods depend on Gulf oysters and shrimp... it is a very sad thing.

Now a few pictures representing young love

Luisa ... lamb

Andres ... wolf

Aldo ... puppy

Estrella ... Cougar?

Dani ... crowd pleaser

Ximena ... making a point

This has nothing to do with anything but for some reason I love this picture... one of those Walmart shoppers

Estrella... mama bear?

el Fantasma Vengador and Friend

Paula and CristianGabi and Coni... serious accusation



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