Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Dinero #167 Aug. 3, 2010 A ruined party, a (alleged) pregnancy is confronted and a job offer

Hey everybody! I wasn't exactly looking forward to tonight's recap. Not the way last night's episode ended anyway. I had some reception problems so I there might be a pool or two of unrecapped episode. Please fell free to fill in any missing details.

So we start it off with last night's scene from Rafa's bachelor party. Suddenly we have Vicky appearing out of nowhere exactly when we have our female gorilla dancing for Rafa.

Vicky throws her usual jealousy fit and demands to know everything. Rafa claims to not know anything. Vicky soon steps over the line with our lovely dancer and then all hell breaks loose! Everyone yells at everyone-except for Dandy who is suffering from a broken love and heart. If that wasn't enough once the band starts playing again Vicky tries to go for the dancers throat.

Back at Ale's place we have the whole family and Marco discussing a possible trip for Jorge to Switzerland. Rosario offers to go but is shot down by Ale: "you don't know English, french or German." Rosario is hurt and Ale patches things up pretty well. Marco steps in and suggests that Ale go with Jorge. Ale declines citing all the work that she still has to do. Jorge thinks for a little bit and comes up with another name: Manrique. So it seems our good friend Quintana will be one step ahead of Marco if he does go to Switzerland.

We are back at the bachelor party and things aren't that much better. That is until Bebe channels his inner Vicky. He tries to talk some sense into Vicky but she doesn't want to hear about it. Others try to jump in and finally Dandy comes in and gives a small speech about love and broken hearts. So sad...

Jimenez chimes in his own suggestion: why don't they let Vicky stay and see for herself? Everybody hates the idea, well everybody except Vicky who loves it and decides to stay. Two chairs are pulled up for Vicky and Rafa and everything is about to start up again until Vicky takes a seat in one of those patented chairs. Down she goes! Really everything was worth it just for this! Vicky comes up crying. Well since that chair didn't work there's always the other... Jaime should test it out though just in case... never mind down goes Jaime! Symbolic justice? Maybe but it sure is funny!

Back at Siglo Ramirez is just coming back from his chat with Beltran and Marino is waiting for him. Marino wants to know what Beltran said. Ramirez tells him that Beltran is not sure about accepting Ale and Rafa's resignation from Siglo. Marino goes into his own little tantrum about how the company is run by cowards. Just then our own Arcadia is on her way out and hears every word from Marino's mouth. She challenges him and asks him who are the cowards. Marino saves himself by saying that they were talking about Ale and Rafa. Marino outlines his reasons for calling them cowards. Arcadia tells him that they are careless not cowards. Ramirez pipes in and assures Arcadia that Marino simply misspoke. Isn't that nice? How many problems would be solved if people just "misspoke." Fortunately Arcadia isn't having this and asks Marino for more respect to his bosses.

Marino tries to get some information out of Arcadia and asks her if she has thought who will replace Ale. Arcadia responds that she's not aware that Ale is leaving.
Back to Rafa and his party. We have Rafa and Vicky sitting next to each other and the dancer getting ready to resume her dance. The music restarts yet again and the dancer is off! We now have Vicky covering Rafa's eyes so he can't see anything the dancer is doing. Meanwhile she dances and dances not just for Rafa now but for all the other guys.

Back to Marco's house they are still discussing the Swiss bank account. Ale asks them to suppose that Jorge does leave to Switzerland. What happens to the Hacienda and the house? Well Jorge can always leave Ale and Marco in charge right? Marco loves the idea! Good news is that Ale doesn't.

Back to the party. The dancer is still doing her stuff and Vicky still won't let Rafa have a peek. The dance finally comes to an end. Vicky is not impressed and claims she can do better. She climbs on a chair to prove her point and Rafa takes her down fast. Rafa says that its probably best if they leave. Our restaurant owner suggests they have a dance before they leave. Rafa doesn't like it but he goes ahead with it. Off to the side we have Dandy thinking of Susana.

We are transported to Vicky's house and the rest of the family has arrived. They are hungry and they want Vicky to serve dinner. She's nowhere to be found so the brothers go to her room to wake her up. She's not in there either. Well now is as good a time to pick up her magazines right? The brothers pick up her magazines and out come the results of her (supposed) pregnancy test. Positive? That means... Vicky's pregnant?!

At Marco's house Rosario reminds everyone about that wedding thing that they have planned. Jorge can't possibly miss that. Well if it's for money Marco doesn't really mind. Ale of course balks at the idea. What if the wedding is postponed? Absolutely not! Ale won't have it any other day!

We are at the party again and the piece is finally coming to an end. Dandy asks who is paying for this whole thing. Jaime raises his hand. Rafa is like a brother to him. And Vicky is... she's also like a sister or maybe a little more. She claims they are united by something greater than a friendship. In the end Pepeto assures Jaime that everyone will chip something in. Rafa and Vicky leave and everything behind. The party continues and Pepeto dances with Ovi.

Back to Marco's house Ale is asked why the wedding can't be postponed. she evades the question and directs the attention back to Jorge's trip.

We are again at Vicky's house. It seems Don Gaston already knows about the lab results. Rafa and Vicky come in. Don Gaston doesn't approve of the time they are returning. Rafa explains about the whole bachelor party. They ask them if that's true or if they were off doing their cositas. They begin to explain again and then Don Gaston interrupts and asks why he would take Vicky there. Rafa wants to know the same thing. Vicky says that Susana told her where to find Rafa. Rafa finally finds out who the mole in the operation was. Don Gaston doesn't like the fact that Vicky was there in the first place. Rafa is very appreciative. Vicky gets mad and runs off. Rafa finally weasels out of the situation-barely.

Back to Marco's house. Rosario wants to know why Ale doesn't want to postpone the wedding. Ale confides that she isn't sure Marco loves her. Rosario hits the nail on the head when she asks about Medina. Ale denies it and end of story.
Rafa gets back home and Leonor wakes up and they start talking a bit. Rafa wants to know if Susana told her on purpose or accidentally, but he's pretty sure it was on purpose. By the way Marian called to offer Julieta a job. Rafa complains that Marian is harassing him.

Back to Vicky's residence we have the brothers coming to Vicky's room. She wants nothing to do with them. They confront her with the lab results and she is finally left speechless!!! Now THAT is incredible.

We have Rafa in bed thinking about Ale. Everyday that passes he is no closer to clearing things up, quite the opposite they get messier and messier. We get a little flashback to Ale and Rafa waking up together the morning of the Cocoyoc deal. Then we get as flashback within a flashback to that time of Rafa's first deal. Back to reality and Rafa realizes that it was the best day of his life.

Back to Vicky. And it seems like Don Gaston doesn't have a clue about the (supposed) pregnancy. The brothers want to tell Don Gaston but are foiled by Vicky. But they do ask her how she managed to pull it off if they are never left alone. Apparently she is not two or three months in. So they can say the baby was premature.

The cartoon that announces the end and beginning of a day comes out.
Rafa is up and wants to talk to Julieta. He wants to tell her not to accept Marian's proposition. Julieta comes out and demands to know why she shouldn't accept the offer.

Marco and Ale are also up and Ale hasn't gotten much sleep. Who will talk to Manrique? Marco will of course. After they secure the power letter they will go to purchase the tickets. Marco suggests that Ale call in sick. Ale declines and Marco puts on his little act. Marco embraces Ale and is only saved by Azucena. Ale leaves and Marco says he is hungry. Azucena stays there for a bit until Marco tells her whats up. Azucena leaves but not before she remarks how strange it is that Marco is always hungry. Marco's thinks how perfect it is that Jorge will hand him the power to do whatever he wants with the Hacienda...

Advance: Rafa tells Ale about the proposition that Marian made to him.


Club Gancho... Dog Days of Summer

Welcome back to Club Gancho, Ganchodores. Take a seat and enjoy a little respite from the intense Summer sun as well as the cares of the world. I'll bring you a cool drink and we can chat about whatever you guys wish. This weeks featured drink is sangria (the recipe is a little different from that we used to drink here, but it looks refreshing). If you prefer something else, I'll bet we can scrounge up whatever you wish.

Bonnie Belle had an ultrasound yesterday in followup to an abnormal lab result (don't you just hate it whenever that happens?), but it turned out perfectly normal, so I'm in a celebratory mood. She rather enjoys her trips to the vet (Lord knows what they do with her after we drop her off) and is always happy to go. Even though she seems fine and is very frisky, we were still a bit worried and were very relieved by the results.Bonnie Belle... coolin' off

Last night the CCs on Dinero and STuD were amazingly good. The lady from Channel 45 said she was working on it when she called Friday, but results this quickly or simply por casualidad? I guess we'll soon see.

Thanks to Jack for taking time out of his busy schedule to host last week's Club Gancho. I notice that you guys barely touched the snacks he put out for you. He meant well.

This week's pictures, the pretty girls of Gancho.

Valentina (la Monita) López

Ximena Sermaño


PaulaGabriela Palacios

Lorenza (Loriloca)



Corazon Salvaje Ep. 116, 8/2/2010 Federico Shoe Shine Boy?

Review: Jimena and Gabe are having their own wedding ceremony. Somehow the waterfalls are lit with different colors. He is hers and always will be, she is his and his love has shown her anything is possible. He hands her flowers, white and red, a symbol of their love. Para siempre, para siempre. Lots of kissing, they are naked in the water, looks like a pretty strong waterfall for them to be under. Their theme song playing, I hope the water isn't too cold. Full moon., goes on for awhile. Then they are out of the water, dressed again except Gabe’s shirt, but then they are nude again in the flowers surrounded by candles, making love. They are united by love, immensely happy.

The Aguacil and his cohort are thrown into the prison, the prison where they keep people for life. Aguacil is being attacked by people that he put in prison, very bad scene for him.

Jacinta is telling Gabe and Jimena that MdR is very sick and doesn't have long to live. Gabe wants to go look for Juan. He kisses Jimena who then comforts Jacinta and then he is very quickly with Juan and hugging him. Juan thanks him and the other pescadores saying they are his true friends. He just asks that they don't let MdR know how ill she is. I want her to be as happy as possible in her last days. Pedro says he can count on them. Santos says they are as much his brothers as Remigio, who is also there. Colibri says we will always be with our capitan, hugs Juan and Juan is crying. Juan asks Gabe what is happening with his property, the house by pinon del diablo? Gabe says you have it all back and gives him keys. They ask him what he is going to do? He says he is going to change his clothes, he has to go see an old friend - ominous music and Remi looks concerned.

To Fulgencio's house where they are setting up the card table. Fully is telling himself it can't be that Eloisa is lying to him, she has prepared everything perfectly for the party. Eloisa says so you see that I love you, and Fully says I know you love me mucho, as he kisses her hand.

Jimena is telling Regina she knows about MdR, and MdR has the light of love in her hand, she is waiting for that love, that she will be fine,- Jimena tells Regi she will be there to help her. Regi is grateful, but she tells Clem that it hurts so much that MdR is ill, that Juan is suffering. Clem asks where he is and Regi says he said he had something to do and he would be back later. Uh Oh. Clem hugs Regi who is crying.

Raul is talking about something Norte at Fully's party. Eloisa says don't they want to toast, they do salud. Raul is wondering if the other people are coming, it's getting late, Fully says of course they are. Juan arrives pronto. Raul and Fully are happy to see him, Eloisa not so much. They are still waiting for Renato and Juan says if the fourth player doesn't come maybe we will have to cancel or go get him. At that moment in walks Renato saying they don't have to do either one. Awkward moment between all of them, Ren and Juan stare daggers at each other. Juan says it's gentlemanly to arrive on time, and Renato says because of that he apologizes for being late. They sit down, Juan and Renato looking challengingly at each other.

Regi is talking to the pescadores, she is asking them where Juan went, that he was mysterious about leaving. She says she is sure they all know where Juan is. Gabe tells her the truth, that Juan went to Fully's to play cards. Regi looks surprised, and asks why would he go to such a gathering? What was important about it? They don't want to answer, but she is insistent. Gabe tells her he wanted to go because one of the players is Renato. Regi looks disturbed and upset.

To said party, where Fully is saying it they all agree the bets will be high and Raul says they all have enough money to cover their losses. Juan suggests they put all their money in the middle of the table. Renato asks if he is doubting their honor, Juan says no, let's just do that to avoid unpleasantness later. They all put their bags of money on the table, and Ren ask Juan if he is satisfied? Fully says I don't think Juan is doubting anyone's honor, this way we just see what we have to lose. Raul suggests Eloisa hold on to the money. She will gladly do it and they don't need to worry about their money. Fully says good luck, gentlemen. Ren looks worried. Juan deals.

Regi is asking how they could let Juan go, especially Remigio, Pedro says don't worry, Juan told us nothing would happen, and by the way would you like some coffee? Remigio tells her he knows how much she loves Juan, but she should adjust to the way he is and learn to have confidence in him.

Back at Fully's, Fully and Raul fold, It's Juan and Renato and Juan wins the first hand. After more tense card playing, Juan wins again, and then Ren takes the next one.

Leo is drinking and pacing in her room. Clemencia enters and Leo yells at her to get out of her house especially since she quit. Clem says she didn't come because she wanted to but because she had to ask her a question. How could she treat her sister that way? Leo denies it, says it isn't true that she shut MdR up for all those years. She tries to blame Arcadio, but Clem doesn't buy it she says Arca was just a dog who followed her orders. You could have been a nice girl, but you have turned into a murderer! Leo looks shocked, Clem says because now I know you poisened Costanza. Leo drops her wine glass.

Rodrigo is pacing in his bathrobe in his room repeating Maria Del Rosario to himself, the only true love of his life. He observes that the lives of MdR and Regina and Leo and Aimee are similar (funny he should notice now). Regi and MdR had intense love, but in contrast Leo and Aimee never knew true love. He tells himself, of course, he must look for Regina and find MdR, he must look for her.

We go back to the tense card game, lots of money on the table. Ren has dealt and asks how many cards people want. Raul thinks he has won and puts his cards down, but Juan has a better hand (pobre Raul). Ren wins the next hand - Raul is looking more and more dismayed and worried but he's not twitching.

Regi is sitting in the hut thinking about what Remigio said and feeling okay about it. In walks Aimee, saying she doesn't understand how Regi can live in a place like this. Regi asks her what she is doing here? I'm your sister and wanted to visit you and see with my own eyes how you are living. Regi says it may not have many comforts but it is my house and I am very happy with my husband. Aimee sarcastically says, your husband, you say it like it is a proper marriage. Regis says because it is, Juan is mine and I am his. Aimee tries again, and says it is proper in name only. Regi says nope, you're wrong, we are husband and wife in more than just name, we are husband and wife, totally, with all that, that means. Aimee is seething with jealousy and Regi looks sweet and happy - I love it!!

Servando and dressmaker are awfully friendly but I think he said something about it going according to plan, and she said yes Servando. Fully is still thinking he refuses to believe Eloisa has betrayed him, especially with that imbecil Federico. Servando and the dressmaker must have made it up for money. Eloisa is a lady and she loves me - as she she simulates a kiss from across the card table. Raul comments on how loving Fully’s wife is, and Fully says yes I love her, and Eloisa says and I love you, mi amor. Juan talks about how he and his primo hermano are married to such wonderful, beautiful virtuous women. Renato says I don't know why you have to talk about our private lives. Let's concentrate on the game. Juan says you're right. Ren says speaking of women and puts down some cards, (must be queens) he has won this hand. Raul says it's not our lucky night, Fulgencio. But Fully says the night is long, and Juan says and luck can change as can women.

Aimee doesn't believe Regina that she and Juan are lovers. Regi tries to explain it again, but Aimee’s denial is monumental and she doesn't believe her. She says Regi is just saying it to make her angry.

The doorbell rings during the poker game and Fully says who can that be? Eloisa goes to answer the door. Guess who? Feddy comes in and Juan says I trust such a gentleman as yourself won't be offended by my presence. I think Fed is a little taken aback by that. Fully is watching every move between Feddy and Eloisa intensely. Eloisa is pouring champagne for Fed and Fully is distracted from the game. We have another moment where Raul thinks he has won and puts his cards down, only to be beaten by Juan, again. (Couldn't they let him win once?)

Back at the hut Aimee is still trying to tell Regina that Juan really loves her instead. But Regi tells Aimee Juan loves her, with his soul, real love, he only desired Aimee. He and Regi have it all.

Back at the cards, Fulgencio says the boys need more champagne and Eloisa says she will get it, but he insists that Fed pour champagne for everyone at the table. Fed does as he is told, and when he pours Renato's from the left, Fully corrects him and tells him to pour it on the right. Eloisa is watching this with a worried look on her face. Fulgencio then goes even further and insists Feddy shine his shoes with his handkerchief. Again, he tells Fed to get the toes as well, both feet, doing everything he can to humiliate him. Feddy has to do it of course, but he tells himself Fully will soon be dead, he will get his revenge for this humiliation. The other guys keep playing but they are uncomfortable and confused about what is going on as Feddy is under the table shining Fully’s shoes. Eloisa looks horrified, but when Fully looks at her and smiles lovingly she has to smile back.

Back to Aimee and Regi, Aimee is still going on about how only the strong and audacious succeed in life and that she, Regi, is neither one of these. That Juan needs a woman like that at his side, and that a woman's heart can't be won by force. Regina says he didn't win my heart by force, he won it with tenderness. She tells Aimee she knows a Juan that Aimee could never even imagine, and that they are very happy together. Aimee then says they won't be happy for long because Renato has prepared something that will separate them forever, para siempre! Dun dun dun.



Monday, August 02, 2010

Dinero Monday August 2, 2010 More Monkey Business From The Dinero Gang

There were a lot of disparate scenes tonight. Not sure if I can really find a unifying theme. Dandy and Susana's relationship continues to deteriorate. Alejandra's family is in a dither about the Swiss bank account and the possibility of Jorge heading over to Europe to see what's up. Carmela does her best to violate Dandy but he's saved by Alejandra's phone call. And at the bachelor party, just when a sexy dancer jumps out of a gorilla suit to swish her tush in Rafa's face, we hear an ear-splitting"Pajarito!" screech from Vicky.

Stop here and you'll know all you need to. Or you can suffer through the details with me.

When last we saw Marian Celeste, she had dried her tears and was offering Rafa the post of corporate director of sales. And also offering some advice. You don't love your fiancée and your relationship with Alejandra is impossible. Come to work with me and be happy at my side.

Rafa does some stuttering and dithering and Marian's had enough. (Me too.) I'm not going to humiliate myself in front of you anymore. Frankly, I expected better of you. Get back to me with a definite answer sooner rather than later. And after slugging down the rest of the tequila, she leaves.

Cognac is the drink of choice with Jimenez and Doña Arcadia and they're both looped. He's attempting to explain why his business failed before (not because he was inadequate as an architect) and she's trying to make sure he doesn't step on her pooches' tootsies as he stumbles out the door. He lurches out of the office, manages to breathe alcoholic fumes on the rest of the sales forces, but mercifully escapes the eyes and the wrath of either Alejandra or Beltran.

More drinking going on at a bar with Chavez and Marco. (Hey, maybe there's the unifying theme. A lot of bottled spirits flowing in this one.) Marco is convinced they've now reached their goal. The Alvarez de Castillo family wants nothing to do with the hacienda. Maybe not, but Rosario still needs Marco's counsel and breathlessly calls him about the Swiss bank account letter, begging him to hurry over and advise Jorge. And off he scoots, leaving Chavez with the bill again.

Dandy meanwhile, is sidling into Carmela's office, midst the leers of her office staff. Lust is in the air and Carmela can't wait to get in the file drawer back room to discover just how good Señor Nelson is at "organizing". Dandy sputters some highfalutin' nonsense about needing to get the lay of the land file-wise. It's all fine with Carmela. The more time he spends there the better. She's briefly called away but before leaving, warns him that he can't take any of the records out of the office or make photocopies. No indeed.

Back at Auto Siglo, Marino and Maestro Mustache are coming to an agreement about payment for pleading Marino's case to Beltran. If Mustache does it, he's allowed to have a few hours privacy in the apartment so he and his lady love can have a romantic evening. Marino grumbles that it's HIS apartment after all. Yes, but I wash the sheets, snaps Mustache. Agreed. "Trato hecho." Elsewhere the gals chatter about the bachelorette party.

And back at Marian's office, she and her secretary muse about men and their strange behavior. How can Rafa think of marrying a woman he doesn't love? And what can I do to make him love me instead!

A question which must torment our lusty lonely Carmela. Because she's not making much headway with Dandy. Whoops. Spoke too soon. She's back in the file room, and she's goosed him. Now she's got him pinned against the wall and has pulled his jacket partway down pinning his arms. Yowza, she's loosened his tie with a flick of her wrist, nibbled his lips with hungry kisses and pulled open his shirt to the waist. For you fans of chest hair, Dandy is all you'd want and more. Me Tarzan You Jane.

Alas, only one person is enjoying herself here. (Well, besides me.) Dandy looks like he's being burned at the stake. Fortunately his cellphone rings, and over Carmela's strident objections, he answers it. It's the office. Gotta go. Bye.

Another failed mission. For Rafa's gang and for Carmela.

Of course a seething Susana and an anxious Alejandra has already figured out that Dandy is missing and must be carrying out that secret mission they overheard Rafa discussing. There's a veiled threat to write Nelson up for absence without permission but Ale finally relents.

A brief scene with Vicky on the phone.... and I love how she refers to herself as "su jefa" when she talks to Susana. Once she finds out that there's a bachelor party tonight those crazy fingers Carlos mentioned start drumming again. SOOOOOO....IT'S GOING TO BE AT THE TRANCAZO, THAT RESTAURANT NEAR AUTO SIGLO. BUENO! I'LL BE THERE! Fireworks in store.

In the midst of all this, Ale gets a phone call from Rosario asking her to come home early. This potential trip of Jorge to Switzerland requires a fully family council. Can't she forget the bachelorette party and come home early? Ale tries to beg off with the sales gals, triggering some hurt feelings and accusations of hoity toity bourgeoisie too good to hobnob with the proletariat. Well, actually could we just postpone it for one more day? pleads Ale. The girls sniff a bit but then agree.

No agreement in Beltran's office though. Mustache is valiantly pleading Marino's cause as Head of Sales and Beltran's annoyed. Well, aren't you going to fire Alejandra? No, Doña Arcadia and I haven't made any final decision so if you have nothing more to say, adios!

So who's going to be at Rafa's bachelor party? Well, a downtrodden Dandy who, upon his return, still can't get a civil word out of Susana. And a nervous and already drunk Jimenez who gets grudging permission from his wife. Bebe, who was invited at the last minute. Pepeto, of course and Jaime.

And......drum roll, Ovida and her two beauty parlor pals. They're in the mood for a wild night and strong arm Jaime, who shows up at the shop for some odd reason, into inviting them.

There's a great band but the party is funereal. Dandy is glum. Rafa even more so. Even while dancing with Ovida whose incredible silicone melons are practically jumping out of her dress. Bebe is dancing with a granny with urinary tract issues. Pepeto is briefly mesmerized by Ovida, the blond hairdresser is equally mesmerized by Dandy, and just then Jaime proposes the lame entertainment of the evening by putting a gorilla mask on Rafa. Then two other gorillas jump into the fray dancing around him and throwing bananas. (Are we having fun yet?) One gorilla suddenly strips off her suit and emerges in little more than dental floss and turns and shakes her nubile tush right in Rafa's face. At the very moment when VickyVickyVicky arrives shrilling "PAJARITO". And there, mercifully, we end.

es una jefaza a todo dar = she's a great boss ( a drunken Jimenez talking about the Queen)
está tomado = he's drunk (Jimenez)
contrincante = opponent (Marian talking about Ale, her "real" competition)
velada romantica - romantic evening
cochinadas = dirty nasty doins' (Marino's opinion about Mustache's romantic plans)
echar más leño al fuego = throw more wood on the fire (Susana gloating about telling Vicky where the bachelor party was)
en media faena = in the midst of the task, job (Dandy when the phone call came)
la dura faena diaria = the daily grind (not in the episode but I thought it was an interesting expression)
asunto de faldas = woman trouble, or something concerning women
palabras rebuscadas = affected words (Rosaura chiding the General for her overly politicized speech)
pachangona = a real blowout party
decaidos = low, glum, gloomy (Rafa and Dandy)
eres un frégon = you're a pain, a bore
sacudir la polilla = lit. to shake off the moth. I'm guessing this means to have a wild ol' time but I'm not sure. Jarocha...help!

Dicho of the Day
Nadie sabe el bien que tiene hasta que lo ve perdido. No one appreciates a good thing until he finds himself without it. (Could apply to any number of our characters in this one who seem to be about to lose what they love the most. Stay tuned.)


El Clon, Mon., August 2 - Summary for Discussion

Clonites - I am going away next week. I should have internet but I doubt very much that I will have access to Telemundo and I won't have my TiVo, of course. Under normal circumstances, I would do the summaries of Monday's and Wednesday's episodes. If someone would like to volunteer to do one or both of those summaries, that would be great. The summaries needn't be as detailed as ours. They could focus on the important story lines of Jade and Lucas/Daniel and Nati and Alej and leave the rest out. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Now back to our exciting episode-

Has Judgment Day arrived?
How many women could fit into a belly dancing outfit they had worn 20 years ago?
Would you give your drug addict daughter a bunch of money to buy household stuff and then let her go alone to the store?

Daniel feels like he has been in Ali's house before. Zoraida reads the grounds in the broken coffee cup and tells Jade that, 'El destino se cumplió hoy, Jade. Todo va a suceder hoy. Dos caminos que se unen,' Your destiny will be realized today, Jade. Everything will happen today. The two roads are uniting.

Ali doesn't think Daniel is a human because Allah didn't create him. Albieri replies that Daniel is as human as anyone else. He does not believe in Ali's religious concerns.

Jade repeats the prophecy, 'Cuando el pasado y el futuro se crucen delante de la figura de un hombre,' When the past and the future cross in figure of a man. She says that sees two Lucases - the one she fell in love with and the wussy one who has let her down.

For sure Lucas and Rosa don't get the problem with Nati yet. Lucas gave Nati money to get stuff for the apartment and let her go alone to the appliance store. Rosa tells all this to Alej. He, and maybe Lucas, are suspicious.

Jade reminisces about how it all started on the day she arrived from America and borrowed a belly dancing outfit from Latifa. Amazingly enough, the outfit is still in the wardrobe! While Albieri and Ali argue about science and theology, Daniel wanders off.

Amazingly enough, the dancing outfit still fits Jade after twenty years and a child! She remembers how she danced to bring happiness to her life .
'Hoy voy a danzar para enterrar un amor o voy a danzar prar enterrar a Lucas,' Today I will dance to bury a love, or I will dance to bury Lucas,' says Jade.

Jade dances. Daniel follows the music and sees Jade just as Lucas did before. Jade sees Daniel. Zoraida sees Daniel. They are impactadas.

¡No puede ser! screams Zoraida and runs out of the room. Albieri hustles Daniel out of the house. Daniel says that he saw the woman he has dreamed about dancing for him. Albieri doesn't seem to have been aware that Jade was in the house. He asks Daniel to describe her and Daniel mentions the stone she wears as a pendant.

Jade thinks that Daniel was Lucas. Ali is afraid that Judgment Day has arrived. Ali goes to the mosque to pray that he won't burn in hell for what he has done. Faced with the physical impossibility, even on Aeronovela, of arriving in Fez so quickly, Zoraida has concluded that the man they saw wasn't Lucas, 'era la sombra de Lucas, que se despegó de su cuerpo, como estaba escrito en tu taza de cafe,' it was the shadow of Lucas that has become separated from his body as the coffee grounds said. Jade faints.

Ali prays to Allah saying the nothing happens without His consent and will [so since Daniel happened, it must have been with Allah's consent and will. This is a problem with predestination.]

Daniel wants to know the name of the woman he saw. Ali tries to tell Daniel that the customs with women are different in Morocco and the woman he saw probably was terrified that he showed up in her room. Daniel, however, is sure that the woman had seen him before.

Luisa and Cristina have been looking for Albieri all day. Cristina wants to rest but Luisa is sure that Albieri has returned to his hotel. They meet Zein who offers to take Luisa to Albieri's hotel.

Vicki brings Dora to the club to cheer her up. Miguel is gallant.

Malicia gives the report she copied from Cristina to Rogelio and tells him that she is efficient and competent.

Luisa tells Zein that since Albieri had been dependant on her for 20 years, she hoped he had fallen in love with her. Zein says that love can come or go in a second. Luisa says that the one thing that she cannot forgive Albieri, 'es que le dé a otra mujer le que nunca me dio a mí,' is if he gave someone else what he wouldn't give her.

Albieri lets Daniel leave the restaurant to follow some musicians.

Luisa finds Albieri in a restaurant. He is impactado. She asks who the woman is with him. He replies that he is with Daniel. Luisa asks why he is running from her. She wants him to tell her that he is sick or having a crisis so that she won't have dedicated her life to him in vain. Albieri says that Luisa has dedicated her life to a man who doesn't exist, whose life was a farce and a lie. Not really listening, Luisa decides that Albieri is having a crisis and says that she will be with him until the end.

Jade wakes up and is, not surprisingly, very confused. She has a lot of resentment for Lucas but when she saw this 'Lucas' she felt like she did when saw the Lucas that she loved so much and who made her so happy. Zein comes for Jade.

Zoraida tells Zein that Jade fainted. He goes to see her and now Jade wants to go to the States immediately and leave her past behind.

Nati tells Rosa that she bought everything she needed for the house. Alej overhears part of this.
Rosa tells Lucas and Marisa that she is sure that everything is ok with Nati now. Marisa is not that sure. Lucas wants to know where Nati is living. Marisa is pretty much back to normal - she blames Alej and wants to force Nati to move back into the house. Lucas wants to talk to Enrique and Marisa doesn't see any value in that either.

Daniel sees Jade leave Ali's house and hears Zoraida say her name. He follows her and Zein.

Zoraida tells Zumaya that she is afraid that the appearance of Daniel is an indication that Judgment day has come. Tío Abdul says that unless Zoraida heard Allah sound the trumpet then it's not Judgment Day.

The Chump shows up at Clara's house and says that he is putting the apartment in Fernando's name so that there is no question of him cheating his son. 'So where are the papers?' asks Clara.

Andrea tells Fernando about her visit to the rehab clinic. She says that she saw that the people there started out just like her and Fernando, experimenting. Then it got out of hand and they couldn't stop. Fer replies that he isn't like that. He just does a little cocaine on the weekends with Nati. Andrea says that both times that she has seen him this week, he was high. Fer says that he was stressed out. Andrea say that she is worried that Fer and Nati are addicts.

Roberto tells Lucia about his visit to the clinic with Andrea. He says that he is sure that Andrea will never do drugs.

Fernando denies that he is an addict. He accuses Andrea of ruining his life and being worse than his parents.

Albieri wants Luisa to see Daniel but he asks her to remain calm when she does.

The credits roll.


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Corazon Salvaje Episode #115, Ren is raped, Leo gets a dosage of her own medicine, Gabe and Jime profess their love for eac

Aimee is helping Renie to bed. I don't think how she pretends to do it with him. He is almost unconscious.

Serv is with the dress maker. The dressmaker gives him Elo's letter and he gives her a little bag of money.

Salma is thinking about what Jime told her about love being the most important thing in the world. Salma's "abuelos walk in the room and apologize to her for delaying the trip and thank her for her understanding. Los abuelos think Salma is doing this out of the goodness of her hart. Abuelo gives her a brazalette that was Mari's at her age. Salma, says no, no I can't. They insist and also give her some money. Salma can not resist.

Aimee is having sex with Renato's corpse, eeer, body. Aimee is really sick. Renato's sees a distorted image of her. Aime keep asking him where is his will and he belongs to her.

Salma is paying up Serv. Lulu is hot on her heels. Lulu sees how Salma gives Serv more money for Intel on Branco. Serv tells her Branco is in someplace called Costa Esmeralda.

Remi is back with the fish folk. They happy about him being back. The big guy asks Remi if he made his peace with Lulu. Remi tells him not to mention Lulu to him anymore. Remi is going to get some water, Eusebio is going to help him, but Remi gives Eus a look of "don't you dare". Poor Eusebio steps back. Pedro asks Remi why didn't he wait to be pick up by them. Coli says, yes we would've picked you up. Remi tells them listen, unfortunately I am the bearer of bad news. Remi tells them about MDR illness and the Juan needs now more than ever.

MDR is taking a ride around town. Juan and Reggie promised her from now on they'll do whatever she wants.

It seems the love potion only renders Renato limp for love making. Renie is back on his feet getting dressed. Aimee is asking him giggling (I can not stand her giggles) if he liked it. That woman has no shame. Renato is not a happy camper. Renato tells her she disgust him and tells her to go away. Renato tells her he'll pay her to go away. Renato leaves the room and Aimee tells herself, the money she paid the witch was a good investment.

Salma is thinking about the generosity of the abuelos, then she thinks about Serv giving her Barnco's location, then she thinks when Branco telling her to go to hell. Salma is convinced that she is a bad person.

Juan and Reggie have taken MDR shopping. They are treating her like a spoilled child buying for her everything she put her eyes on. Fully comes to talk to Juan about the trial. Fully tells Juan that his testimony, Fully, at the trial was neutral. He wants to become friends agian with Juan. Fully invites Juan for the soiree at his house tonight. Juan declines the invitation, but has second thoughts when Fully tells him that Renie is going to be there also. Juan joins the girls back. MDR gives him a taste of something she is eating. Juan takes it and gives her a hug.

Renie is taking a bath thinking about what happened to him. It seems he is not using any soap. Renato is thinking about Aimee and she gave him something to make him lose his will. He's pretty upset he says "maldita sea" and goes underwater. Renato if you could do every one a favor and stay down. sigh a gal can only wish.

Fully is someplace I don't know where. It doesn't look like home. He signals someone to join him, me thinks is Serv. Yep, is him and Serv gives him the letter Elo left for Fed with the dressmaker as a toke of his loyalty. Fully is very surprised about the content of the letter. it really sucks now to be Fed or Elo. At the same time Fed is thinking about how pretty soon he'll everything that is Fully's, his money, his wifey, and power. I thought Fed had Fully's wife already. Back to Fully, he instructs Sev to have the letter delivered to the intended recipient. Sev try to protest but Fully orders him to do as he is told. Good move by Fully. It seems he does not want to arouse any suspicion. Serv leaves. Fully is still not believing what the letter says.

Juan and Renie arrive home with their child. Juan just bought the whole store. They are overwhelming her, I think. MDR wants to have some alone time with Clemencia. Juan asks Reggie that he some alone time. Reggie understands his ply. Juan leaves the cottage for a walk. MDR tells Clemencia about how she is trying to hide her illness because she doesn't want them to find out about her. But they do not fool her. MDR know they know. MDR doesn't want them to suffer on her account. She is happy she is going to see JD soon. MDR has a cough attack and we see blood on her hanky again. MDR want to be hugged by Clem the same Clem hugged her when MDR was a youngster. Clem hugs her and MDR talks about wanting to be with JD. JD is outside the window waiting for her.

Juan is ridding on the beach. MDR and Clem continue their crying fest. Clem asks her about the letter. MDR tells that Arca had the letter. Clem asks her about her content. MDR tells her the letter said that Constance suspected Leo poisoning her.
Clem asks MDR if she sure. MDR tells her she read the letter more than once. MDR didn't who Constanza was but she knew the mentioned in the letter was Leo her sister. Clem I didn't know Leo's evilness would go this far. God forgive her.

Juan is walking on the beach blaming Leo and Rod for what is happening to him. Juan is also thinking about the promise he made his mom and that he won't break it. Then Juan thinks about Fully invite to play cards and that Ren is going to be there. I see Renie losing everything tonight at Fully's house.

Celia knocks in Renato's door. she brings the invite to the poker game.

The dressmaker gives Fed the letter Elo left for him. Fed talks to himself, since the casino was closed there's nothing to entertain a man other than banging his best friend's wife in this town. Now that Elo is not coming there's nothing to do, unless I go to her house and play cards with the cuckold of her husband as if nothing is happening.

Jeeez, the weather and tine in this TN changes so rapidly. I thought when Aimee and Ren where doing the deed was night, well it seems it was the middle of the day. It was nice and sunny. As it was just seconds ago when Juan was taking his stroll on the beach. Now is pitch dark at the finca. Leo is thinking how alone she is now. Then she takes a sip of cognac, uh oh. MDR is in Leo's room. Is Leo hallucinating? MDR startles Leo. Leo drops the glass, which probably is a good thing knowing what we know about the cognac in that house, and asks MDR What are you doing here. Leo tells MDR you have nothing to do in this house and tells her to leave. Leo tries to drag MDR and force her to leave. MDR tells her I'll leave but first you have to accompany me. MDR tells Leo how a bad cat she has been. MDR wants to take Leo to the dungeons. Leo of course doesn't want to go there. MDR drags her. Wow! MDR is very strong. Hard to believe that sickly woman would be able to drag strong Leo as if she was a kid. She drags Leo. I hope MDR know what she is doing. What about if Orca is down there.

Jim is contemplating her engagement ring. Gabe approaches her and cover her eyes. Jime recognizes his hands. Gabe asks her,where she's been. She said she wanted to be alone. They profess their love for eac other. Jime is concern about heir marriage because of her being a gitana and he being white. Gabe placates all her concerns and to seal the deal gives a kiss. I've noticed since Jimena was sold to the tavern guy, she doesn't dress like a gitana any more. She is fully dressed now. She is looks prettier. Gabe just has have and idea to proof his love for Jime.

The sisters are in the dungeon. MDR takes Leo to the room where she had her prisoner. MDR throws in Leo's face that all Leo did to MDR was for Rod's love. But nothing worked because Rod is still in love with MDR. Take that Leo hateful cow. Leo can't believe her ears. Rod still in love with MDR? MDR my poor sister, the only thing you accomplished was the destruction of your family. But Juan and Reggie are going to be happy the same way JD and I are going to be in eternity. MDR tells her how Arca tried to rape her and how poor Mirta saved her. MDR tells Leo that was the day when all her suffering ended. MDR tells Leo who she trusted her and how much che loved. But Leo only did bad things to MDR. MDR forgives her and pities her because Leo is going to end up alone. MDR leaves her in the room. Leo cries out to MDR not to leave her alone. Leo just sits in bed begging MDR no to leave her alone there.

Gabe put a crown made of flowers on Jime's head. They are inside a hart made of candles near the water falls. Gabe profess their love for each other. Too sweet for my taste. Yeah, yeash, yeah we get it you guys love each other. I think Gabe is getting lucky tonight. they are in the water now. Seriously?

That's all for tonight.


El Clon Friday July 30: Summary for Discussion

Tonight, in Fez, Ali is profoundly troubled by Albieri’s science project; Jade loses her faith in Lucas; and a cup shatters. And in Miami, Lucas proves to be a well-meaning but largely clueless father.

We are back in the ruins with Albieri, Ali and Daniel. Daniel plays while the grown-ups talk.

Albieri tries to defend his science against Ali’s faith. Cloning is a way of overcoming death, claims Albieri. But every living soul must experience death, says Ali. And besides, Daniel is neither a young Lucas nor a Diego brought back to life. He is simply a man without the bonds of family (lazos familiares). Who, after all, is his father? Lucas? Lucas’s father? Worse still he doesn’t even have a mother. (Nisiquiera tiene madre).

Does he know yet? asks Ali. No, says Albieri. That’s why I’m here, so you can be there when I tell him. Albieri is afraid of Daniel’s reaction to the truth, but perhaps even more afraid of the world’s reaction. At the same time, he is anxious to hear what the world has to say. That need to know has kept him from suicide in his most desperate hours.

Albieri has committed a grave sin, believes Ali. It is a sin that might cause Allah to remove the pillars that support the world. Just as Adam’s sin drove all of humanity from paradise, so will the whole world pay for Albieri’s sin.

Abrupt segue to the Casa Ferrer in Miami, where the unwitting clone progenitor, Lucas, continues his conversation with his presumably (although not obviously) ensouled daughter. He talks optimistically about her future, reminding her that drugs are harmful. The two of them can use the bad experiences and learn from them, says Lucas earnestly. We’ll try to listen to each other… I need things for the house, Nati says flatly. And I’d like you to find a place closer to home, says her father. Fine, says Nati. [Are these two listening to each other right now? I think not]

Lucas comes back downstairs where Marisa is still posing in the same white broccoli band. [This is one loooooong day]. She thinks they should demand explanations from Natalia, but Lucas says they should simply be supportive. And lay off Alejandro, okay? (No hostigues más a Alejandro.)

In Ali’s house in Fez, a euphoric Jade is looking forward to being with Lucas. But when she phones him, her joy quickly turns to despair and anger. He says he won’t be there for her when she gets to Miami:
Se me presentó un problema en la casa.
I have a problem at home. (Literally, A problem at home presented itself to me.)
She rages against him, reminding him that she also has complications in her life, and a daughter to think about, and she has sacrificed everything to be with him. My uncle never believed in you, she tells him, and now I understand he was right. I never want to see you again.
Zoraida then tells Jade that Said will never take her back. Estoy perdida, laments Jade. (I’m lost)

In a church in Miami, Dora is praying to the virgin to spare her life. Her friend Miguel happens to be there (he prays there every day, he says). He sees how distressed she is and asks if he can help her. He invites her to the bar for some distraction. No thanks, says Dora (but nicely).

In the Casa Ferrer, Nati is frantically pawing through her stuff, apparently looking for drugs or money or both, but when she hears her father coming, she quickly takes her seat at a small table. Tell me what you need, he says. She gives him a list: air conditioner, fridge, tv, washer.

Alej has a chance to buy a good used car from Pedro’s aunt with the money he earned at his last fight. But he decides that Nati’s needs are more important. He’ll hold off on the car. But a car’s not a luxury in Miami, Gloria reminds him.

Hilda and Karla sit at a table at Gloria’s and discuss the best way to part fools from their money. Ramoncito listens eagerly. Somehow he has gleaned from their conversation that Miss K is with child and the baby’s father is filthy rich (literally, swimming in money) (El padre está nadando en dinero.) He runs to Gloria with the chisme but she shuts him down quickly: ¡A trabajar! (get to work!)

Roberto and Andrea get to observe a group session at a public drug rehab clinic. One by one, the participants describe the banal horrors of their lives on drugs. The conclusion: if you’re in trouble with drugs, get help! (Pide ayuda!) [I thought they did a good job here and the stories rang true.]

Nati joins Alej at their new apartment. He’s excited about the surprise he has waiting for her. With the money from his fight, he’s filled her wish list, starting with the most important thing, the air conditioner. Weren’t you going to buy a car? she asks. Yeah, but it was more important to do this for you. So… you spent the money? she asks. Alejandro is chattering happily about brownies and ice cream and freezers. He proudly brings a gloppy whipped cream creation to the table – where Nati has fallen into a very druggy looking sleep.

In the hotel room, Malicia is hard at work at her laptop, plagiarizing Cristina’s report. Escobarde gives her the good news: they can move into their apartment. Don’t you think we should wait until it’s furnished? she asks. But Raulito doesn’t want to pay rent on two places. Oh and by the way, I’m going to put the apartment in my name, you know, for Fernando’s sake…

Luisa and Cris are walking through the medina trying to track down the slippery Albieri. Cristina is talking on her cell to Rogelio, telling him she can’t understand why Malicia can’t find her report, that she should keep looking for it because it’s there.

And we are back in the ruins. Daniel tells Ali how he has dreamed of this place and he has dreamed of a woman with a veil, although he could never quite see her face. Albieri asks Ali if he thinks Daniel’s experience is una manifestación de la memoria genética. The most important question for Ali is whether Daniel can be said to have a soul. He has feelings, Albieri tells him. No sé, no lo sé, says Ali.

Leo, now left alone in the resort, remembers Amalia’s accusation that he was comparing her to Cristina. Then an image of a dancing Cristina flits across his mind. No, he tells himself sternly: Cristina está fuera de mi vida. (she’s out of my life).

In a gorgeously posed scene in Ali’s house, a disconsolate Jade sits on the floor with her head in Zoraida’s lap, while the women of the house stand by like a silent Greek chorus. Zoraida is telling her that el amor es una serpiente (love is a snake) that wraps itself around you like a necklace and then, when you’re not paying attention, it bites you. (cuando no te das cuenta, te muerda.) Lucas, says Jade, is going to pay for this. [Maybe Zoraida should be giving this lesson to Zein.]

Our grumpy family group is sitting in the airport in Fez -- perhaps their Aeronovela flight is delayed -- doing their best to keep the foul mood going. You better not tell anyone in Miami about this novio stuff, Samira warns Jadiya. Me, I’d love it if Tio Ali got me a novio, answers Jadiya. Prince Amin is caught mid-ogle by his sister and cousin. The Naz is so annoyed, she is actually silent. Amina is still looking for excuses to interact with Mohamed and drive Latifa crazy. And of course Said is still bemoaning his loss of Jade:
Arrojé a Jade al viento pero con ella arrojé mi corazón también.
I cast Jade to the wind but I cast out my own heart with her.
Rania is still jealous of Jade and Amina is still telling her: You’re Number One!

When Fernando shows up late at Empresa Ferrer, Clara tries unsuccessfully to make him take responsibility for his actions. Enrique tells her that after his recent relapse, he doesn’t feel he has the moral standing to talk to Fernando. That’s ok, says Clara, it’s something Escobar and I have to do.

Lucas is at home with Mama Rosa. He opens up to her, tells her he would love to fly to Morocco to explain to Jade that nothing has changed between them, but he simply can’t leave Nati right now. He wonders if:
por haber estado pendiente de Jade, descuidé a mi hija.
...because of being so concerned with Jade, I neglected my daughter.
Reluctantly, he concludes:
No me voy a reunir con ella hasta que me hija esté bien.
I’m not going to get back together with her until my daughter is well. [And that's not looking like it's going to happen any time soon!]

Tonight’s final scenes: Ali leads Daniel into his house in Fez. Esta es mi casa, muchacho, he says. Daniel scratches his head, looks around wonderingly. Meanwhile, in another part of the house where Zoraida and Jade are sitting quietly, a coffee cup (the coffee cup?) falls to the floor and breaks.
¿Cómo se rompió esta taza si nadie la tocó?
How did this cup break when nobody touched it? Zoraida wants to know.
Déjala, ya no tiene importancia. Lo que está escrito ya ahí se cumplió.
Let it be, it’s not important anymore. What is written has already been fulfilled/come to fruition here.


Friday, July 30, 2010

Dinero #165, 7/30/10: Marian makes a desperate plea and Susana plans revenge with glee.

Susana interrupts the daily meeting to tell Rafa that Marian and her posse have arrived to speak with him. The employees hoot and holler while Ale looks sour. Rafa is hesitant to leave the meeting but Ale prods him into going.

While Julieta primps for a night on the town, Jaime pours his heart out to a portrait of Jesus. He knows what he is doing is wrong and begs for forgiveness. Suddenly Jaime has an epiphany and knows what he has to do.

Jorge and Rosario have a pleasant breakfast at the apartment. Rosario is still shaken up over the ghost at the hacienda. Jorge assures her Marco will handle it as well as he has all of their other affairs.

Rafa sits down in his office with Marian and an engineer named Abelardo Mendoza Torres-Mocha. Rafa offers Mocha a deal on the used trucks that he readily accepts. (I missed the particulars; the subtitles were way off tonight.) Later, the engineer shakes Rafa’s hand and leaves with a smile. Marian asks Rafa to lunch to celebrate their good luck and he excitedly accepts.

Ale unsuccessfully tries to convince the employees that she isn’t bothered by the relationship between Rafa and Marian. She cuts the meeting short when it gets too uncomfortable for her. Ale tells Susana she heard Rafa and his boys club talking about Rafa’s bachelor party. Rosaura, Claudia, and Generala can’t help but butt in and offer to throw a bachelorette party for Ale. After all, she’s getting married too. Ale wants to turn them down but has to give in once the girls put a hard sell on her. (If only they could sell cars as well as they sold the party idea.)

Ramirez agrees to put in a good word for Marino to Beltran and Arcadia. Secretly, Ramirez dreads the day Marino finds out about his relationship with Marino’s ex wife. He’s sure Marino will kill him.

Marco tells Chavez about the horrible time Rosario and Jorge had at the hacienda. Chavez is unnerved when Marco tells him they saw two headless ghosts. Now Marco has to have El Gran Brujo perform an exorcism to get things back to normal.

Meanwhile, Quintana is discussing the ghosts with his business partner Rendon. One of the ghosts was a fake but both guys are frightened when they can’t figure out who the second ghost could have been. Quintana snaps out of it and vows to find out what’s really going on.

Jaime arrives at Rafa’s with bags full of goodies for the bachelor party. He promises Leonor the party will be good, clean fun. Julieta warns Jaime that it better be. VVV calls and screeches at Leonor about not being able to talk to Rafa. Leonor tells Vicky Rafa is going to be busy since tonight is his bachelor party. “QUÉ?!

Marian and Rafa order lunch but the fun deflates when Marian places her hand on Rafa’s. Rafa gently pulls his hand away and tells Marian he is getting married. Marian bursts into tears which makes Rafa feel horrible. Marian is crushed she lost Rafa to Ale. Rafa tries to correct her but her sobs drown out his explanation.

Susana tries to snap Ale out of her blue mood over Rafa. She’s depressed that Rafa is out having a good time with Marian. Susana wonders if Marian would be invited to Rafa’s wedding then comes up with a devious idea. “What if Marian received an anonymous invitation to Rafa’s wedding? Rafa destroyed both our lives so why shouldn’t we play dirty?” (Bad karma for you, Susana!! I’m so disappointed.) Ale is impressed at Susana’s underhanded plan.

VVV paces and screams herself into a frenzy over the bachelor party. She will not allow it!! Vicky calls Jamie but he lets it ring. Julieta is tired of VVV’s constant calls and makes Jaime answer. Vicky demands Jaime tell her where the party is going to be but Jaime truly doesn’t know.

Rafa paces around the table trying to think of something to make Marian stops crying. Marian stops sobbing but still begs Rafa to break off his engagement and come work for her.

Azucena gets back from a visit to the del Castillo house and gives Rosario a package of paperwork the neighbor collected. The information is from Ginebra, Suiza, which confuses Jorge because he can’t think of anyone he knows there. (I couldn’t piece this together very well. Can anyone clarify?)

Marian apologizes for making a scene. She thought Rafa knew the depth of her feelings for him. Marian loved Rafa from the moment she met him. But she was constantly in Ale’s shadow and had to fight for Rafa’s affection. Now Marian is upset that Rafa has been so unfaithful to his girlfriend. “You can’t love your novia. You love Alejandra.”

Jaime calls Pepeto to ask where they should have the bachelor party. Pepeto agrees to figure it out and later they’ll plan the, ahem, entertainment.

Ale is still kicking herself over believing Rafa’s lies. She’s still going to marry Marco even though she loves Rafa. She can’t think of anything else to do.

Marian demands to know why Rafa isn’t with Ale when he obviously loves her so much. Rafa flatly replies that they both have their own lives, families, and significant others. Marian says it isn’t fair for Rafa to marry Vicky when he does not love her. “Your relationship with Ale is impossible and your relationship with Vicky is going to fail. Leave the both of them and come work for me. I can make you the director of corporate sales. You could be happy by my side.” Rafa’s reply will have to wait until Monday.

Avances: Susana enacts her evil plan. It's too ugly, I can't look.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

El Clon Thursday July 29: Summary for Discussion

In tonight’s episode, Amalia and Leo call it quits; Lucas agrees to unite forces with Marisa for Nati’s sake; Malicia takes credit for Cristina’s work and gets ready to elbow her out; and Ali comes face to face with Albieri’s handiwork.

We are back on the street with Lucas and a flat, numbed-out looking Natalia. He is desperate to know that she is okay. She is desperate to get money. They head back to the Casa Ferrer.

At her gynecologic visit, the doctor asks Dora to describe her symptoms. Then we’ll do the exam and Pap smear, she says, and you can come back in a few days for the results. For now: No nos adelantemos todavía. (Let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet.)

Luisa catches up with Cristina at the hotel in Fez. Cris tries to prepare Luisa for the possiblity that Albieri may indeed have a lover but if he does, it’s meaningless. One may be dazzled momentarily (dejar deslumbrar)… We’re not like that, says Luisa. (But you have to forgive her, Luisa. Being in Fez and remembering her fateful dalliance with Diego has distorted her perspective a bit.) Hmm, on second thought, says Cris, if he were here for a honeymoon, why would he take Daniel with him?

Today you get to meet my friend, Ali, says Albieri to Daniel as they wander through the medina together. Daniel is glad to hear it although he admits that what Albieri has said so far about the mother who died me tienes muy confundido. (has me very confused). He loves his mother Dora, she’s the only mother he’s known, she raised him and:
Yo no quiero que mi madre Dora salga lastimada.
I don’t want my mother Dora to end up getting hurt.

Lucas brings Nati home and asks Rosa to fix a meal for her. I’m not hungry, says Nati. She never eats anymore, offers Rosa. The girls these days think it’s beautiful ser hueso y pellejo (to be skin and bones, or literally ‘bone and hide’) she says indulgently. When Lucas asks Nati about her arrest, she denies any responsibility. The drugs weren’t hers, someone put them in her bag (morral). The only one who heard the policeman say she was drugged was her mother and she’s a liar…

Marisa comes downstairs and tells them Andrea heard what the policeman said as well. Nati repeats her litany of abuses suffered at Marisa’s hands. (Interestingly, on repetition, it loses force and Nati just sounds like a drugged out, spoiled brat while Marisa can play the injured party.) Rosa slips away and calls Enrique. Nati is possessed by a demon, she tells him, and you are the only one who understands about spirits. One Ghostbuster on the way, he assures her.

Clara is trying to find Fernando. He hasn’t shown up at work and no one answers the phone at home. She calls Andrea who tells her she hasn’t seen him, but tries to cover without exactly lying, saying they just have different schedules.

Clara tells her friend Carolina how worried she is about her son and Caro confesses that indeed she has noticed he’s been very distracted lately (está muy disperso) and she’s concerned about his behavior too. She suggests finding professional help for him.

Nati’s argument with her parents is becoming increasingly shrill. I want money, you make me crazy (me sacan de quicio), I’m tired of your stupidity… Enrique walks in on this sorry performance and Lucas asks him if he knows anyone who can help them.
No me van a mandar a ningún loquero!
You’re not sending me to any shrink! screams Nati.
Enrique tells them she is high on cocaine (está llena de cocaína). He is sure because looking at Nati is like looking in a mirror. Parents always want to hide the truth at first because of shame and guilt…
It’s true, says Marisa, I do feel guilty. Did you hear what my daughter said to me? Enrique tells her she shouldn’t feel guilty [Excuse me? Yes, she should feel guilty, even if Nati is ultimately responsible for the course of her life!]
In his case, he says:
El único responsible de haber entrado en las drogas era yo; y el único responsable de salir de las drogas era yo también.
I was the only one responsible for getting into drugs; and I was also the only one responsible for getting away from drugs.
But, he adds:
No hacemos nada lanzándole una cuerda a Natalia si ella no se quiere.
We accomplish nothing throwing a lifeline to Natalia if she doesn’t want it.

It’s time for family farewells at Ali’s house. Poor deluded Mohamed says they’ll be back soon for the weddings of the children to the novios selected by Abdul. The Naz repeats that she’d prefer to die barren (seca) than married to a mummy. When the group has left, Ali tells Zoraida that he is worried about Jade. He is troubled by Said’s plan to keep her from seeing Jadiya. He doesn’t trust Zein, calls him un aventurero, and says he’s only interesting in seducing women. Asking Zoraida not to say anything to Jade about Said’s threats, he heads off for a walk in the ruins to think.

And of course at that moment, Daniel is telling Albieri, as they walk through the ruins, that he feels as if he has been here many times before. [Of course we’ve seen him there before at least once.]

The turtledoves Amalia and Leo have stopped cooing. Amalia is on her way back to Miami. Leo accuses her of behaving like a spoiled brat (malcriada) and she tells him it’s clear he isn’t over Cristina. The engagement is toast.

Escobarde phones Fernando for a man-to-man conversation. Fer hangs up on him. Then the moronic Escobarde turns to Anita and complains that Clara is behaving badly and Malicia is sweet, good and honest. (Anita must have taken an anti-emetic before coming to work because she manages to listen to this without puking.)

That sweet Malicia has just assured Cristina, on the phone, that she has a Very Important Report (VIR) in hand that Cristina prepared before she left. To Rogelio, however, she says the VIR is nowhere to be found. She will do her best to write it tonight. But that is weeks of work, he says. Hey, if you have that VIR for me tomorrow, I’ll give you a promotion! (So is Rogelio a sly fox or a fool?)

At the gym, Alej confides to Pablo that he is getting distracted by Natalia’s problems. He’s afraid Rudy (I suppose the new trainer) will notice and tell Michael Gonzales.

And in Fez, Albieri is giving Daniel a history lesson about the ruins, originally a kasbah or fortress. Who should come walking along but Ali…

Jade bounces happily into Ali’s house and tells Zoraida all about her plan to get together with Lucas in Miami. She confesses she hasn’t told Zein about Lucas for fear he would return her to Said. Soon Lucas and I will be together forever! (Oh Jade!)

While Jade is in Fez dreaming of her happy ever after with Lucas, Lucas is in Miami with Marisa proposing that they join forces for the sake of their daughter. Does that include forgetting about Jade? she wants to know. Whatever it takes, he says.

This is the day for the fieldtrip to the rehab facility. As Roberto stands by, Andrea calls the Casa Ferrer looking for Natalia. Rosa tells her she’s sleeping. Fernando is sleeping in today as well. Why did you want Natalia to come? asks Roberto. Is she using drugs too. [Looks like the only one who’s getting the lesson today is the one who doesn’t need it!]

Back in the ruins, it finally happens! A wandering Ali encounters the clone! As he stares at Daniel, Ali’s face is a study in bewilderment, disbelief and vague displeasure. Lucas? he asks uncertainly. Daniel turns to Albieri and asks why this man is calling him Lucas, says he’s the second person to do so. What did you do Albieri? says a horrified Ali. You defied Allah! Why is he looking at me like that? asks Daniel. He’s not looking at you, Albieri says, he’s looking at me. To Ali he says: Now you know!

Jade and Zoraida continue their conversation. Jade is sure that Lucas loves her. He has proven that to her. She was afraid he wouldn’t have the courage, that there would be problems keeping them apart as in the past. She is convinced that this time it is different. She knows Said will try to pressure her with Jadiya’s custody, but she’s confident she can prevail. She believes that Allah has sent Zein to her in order to reunite her with Lucas.

In Miami, Lucas is telling Rosa that although Jade is very important to him, Natalia is his priority right now. He’ll have to postpone his plans with Jade but he’s sure she’ll understand. He knows Natalia has emotional problems and her behavior has been difficult, but now he is there to take care of her. [It sounds as if he is at Step One in Enrique’s Parental Reaction Manual – he is minimizing the extent of Natalia’s problems and what it will take to deal with them.]

Marisa, meanwhile, seems to have rebounded nicely from her momentary bout of self-doubt and guilt. She tells Rosa that Lucas should feel guilty because he knows he is responsible for Nati’s problems.

Lucas goes up to Nati’s room and offers to set things straight with Alej if she will promise not to take drugs anymore. You know I’d do anything for you, he says.

And the final scene belongs to those who have met at the Kasbah:
Ali: ¿Es tu ahijado, Albieri? (Is this your godson, Albieri?)
Albieri: Daniel es el clon de Lucas (Daniel is Lucas’s clone.)


Corazon Salvaje 7/29/10 Time is Running Short for Everyone

Ep. 114

We start with Aimee putting the luuuuuv potion in the liquor decantor and glass. She looks very pleased with herself.

Juan and MdR are out in a boat. You couldn’t pay me enough to get out in that little boat. MdR is telling Juan that the sea was the beginning of her happiness. She remembers back to getting her shoe stuck and toppling over into the ocean. JDD was her savior. They have a conversation but I can’t hear it over the waves.

Clemencia and Reggie are in the hut on the beach. Clemencia thinks the story of MdR and Juan De Dios is a very sad story of love. Reggie agrees. When JDD comes for her they will be eternally happy.

Back on the little boat MdR tells Juan that she needs to be beside his father JDD. Juan tells her not to say such things. Juan cries.

Back in the hut Regina is happy to be in love. Clemencia is very happy for her. Reggie says sit down. I have something very important to tell you. MdR told me about a letter. A very important letter from my mother. Remember you were looking for it? But that’s impossible MdR didn’t know about it. Clemencia remembers back to when Constanza gave her the letter and made Clem promise she would give it to her children. Clemencia tells Reggie yes, there was a letter. Your mother told me to give it to you when the time was right. It contains a terrible truth. Reggie is on the edge of her seat as is Viewerville.

Juan is back and talking about his mother. Clemencia thinks they need to get Doctorcito to come by and see her.

Abuelo is telling Fake Angela and Abuela that he’s got some business with Noel. Mari says ok if you say so. Fake Angela says there is no hurry. Man, I hate her.

MdR is over at the doctors talking to Remi. He’s still wallowing in whatever emotion he’s wallowing in. She tells him that he is young and strong. She knows it was he who saved Juan from the jungle that night. Thank you. Thank you so much. Look at me. Look at me Remigio. He starts to cry. She wants to give him a prayer. He gets down on his knees and cries. She gives him a big hug.

Mari is over at Noel’s office. She thinks its just super that her father is going to spend more time in Veracruz thanks to Noel. He’s happy that she gave Lulu a job. She thinks Remi is a good man. Noel agrees. (Will there be some hot monkey love in their future? Hmmmm…) Noel thinks it is a shame that there had to be a deception. Noel gets all tongue tied as he tries to say something. Mariella interrupts him and moves closer. She thinks love is the most marvelous emotion that ever existed. And she has no doubt about it.

Juan is pacing. Reggie wants him to calm down. Pablo comes out and Juan wants to know the truth. What is wrong with my mother? Her condition comes from being in the dungeon so long. Her condition is very grave. She doesn’t have much time. Juan is shocked to hear that. There’s got to be something that can be done. We’ll do whatever we have to to save her. Pablo understands his desperation and he can get a second opinion but that doesn’t really change anything. Juan begs Pablo to save her. To do whatever he can. Reggie tries to calm him down. How’s that for a kick in the head? You just find your mom after all these years and then learn she’s going to die. Reggie says he’s got to accept what is happening. He’s like--NOT. Reggie keeps trying to console him which only makes him more agitated. You have to be strong and enjoy her. Enjoy what little time she has left. Regina is going to help him.

Back in Veracruz Noel is walking with Mariella. She asks if it is ok to use the familiar with him and takes his arm. He stammers and stutters like a dork as he says oh sure. I think we know who Noel is going to end up with. Whoopie! They both deserve some happiness. She says something about Leo and we cut to said harpy.

She thinking to herself what will happen to her if they find out the truth about MdR. Frankly Viewerville doesn’t care what happens to you. We’d prefer that your fate be, well, uh--painful.

Back to Mari and Noel. He’s sure that he is destined to live without love. Mari thinks they are alike. Waiting for something that never happens.

At the jail the sheriff is pulling out bags of coins. It looks like he’s been saving for a rainy day and the weatherman is calling for rain.

Over at Pablo’s MdR looks concerned that Juan and Reggie look so worried. It sounds like they are so busted for talking to the doctorcito. Juan stammers that they uh, just came over to talk to Remi. MdR using her finly tuned mom lie detector skills knows that Juan is, well, lying. She says she just finished talking to, uh, Remi. She was thanking him for taking care of Juan all those years and she wanted to be there for Remi also like his mother was for Juan. She wants Juan to be happy and she is so glad that Reggie is there for Juan also. Pablo looks like he’s going to cry.

Jimena is running through town when she runs into (literally) Fake Angela. I personally would have like to see Jimena give her a gold old fashioned body-slam right there in the street. They insult each other and Jimena says she is happy because she has love. What does Fake Angela have? Money and things. Gabriel asked me to marry him and I accepted. See my engagement ring? For Jimena the only thing important is love. Fake Angela thinks to herself that for Branco’s love she would give all this up.

Back to Noel and Mari. Noel is telling her that she is a good person and very pretty. He’s sure that she will find a good man. She says the same about him. She gets a little flustered.

Juan is still hugging his mother. Regina says she and MdR need some girl time so she says she’ll see them later and leaves. After the girls are gone Juan looks really bummed. He jumps up and tells Remi that he needs him to be strong. He needs his help right now. Remi swears that he will be there for Juan and nothing and nobody can stop him. Juan is upset that he just found his mom and now he’s going to lose her again. I’m sad too. I hate it when he cries. Remi swears by his mother that he will be by Juan’s side.

Noel and Mari are still talking. She wants to confess something to him. It’s about Jimena. She feels something strange inside when she is with her. (Too much noise in the background. Reminds me of when my boss dictates a tape while floating in his pool and tells me he‘s at a meeting.) But I digress. He wants to ask her a question. How much do you remember about your daughter? She remembers a song that she used to sing to her. (Could this be our magical link to Jimena and Mari?)

Jimena is on the beach singing the same song. Well, I guess that answered that question. Jimena finishes singing that song and wonders why she remembers that song. More song singing. FF>>

Fake Angela arrives home and shouts at Lulu. Lulu stands up to her and says that if she is pretending to be someone she isn’t, she will burn in her own little special place in hell. We can only hope. Fake Angela glares at her.

Noel is meeting with the judge who says that there are rumors going around town that the Sheriff has committed many injustices and was bought off by the rich families in town. Noel tells him for sure that is true. He thinks the captain will help them. The Judge says he will think about it.

Reggie and MdR are walking along the water. Rod comes up and calls Maria’s name. Reggie and MdR turn and look. Dun, dun, dun.

Juan is still trying to figure out how they can help his mother. Pablo doesn’t have much hope. Such is life. Remi wants to thank Juan for all he does for him. Juan says no thank you for all you have done for me. FF>>

Rod approaches MdR and wants to know what happened. MdR says it is all his fault because he couldn’t stand her loving JDD and the the son she was carrying. Rod says he loved her with all his heart. Too bad, so sad for you Rod. She scoffs at that. She says to him love is possessing someone. He tells her it was all Arcadio’s fault. Leo had nothing to do with it. Ha! Tell me the truth right now. Dude, you can’t handle the truth.

Meanwhile, Leo is at the finca all alone. Sitting on the couch thinking to herself that everything is lost. Damn straight it is. There is no salvation for me. That’s right sister. I’ll spend the rest of my life in jail. Maybe you should just off yourself right now and be done with it. I’m sure no one in Viewerville would stop you. Anyone? No? Good. There is a loud knock at the door. It’s Renato. She tells him she doesn’t want to talk to anyone for the rest of her life. I’m sure everyone would be happy with that situation. My father abandoned you but I’m still here. You have enough to worry about without worrying about me. Your skanky wife for one. Tell me everything but don’t mention Aimee. Speak of the devil in walks said Skank.

Eloisa is handing an envelope to the dressmaker. She wants her to give it to Fed. She won’t be able to meet him tonight. She’s hosting friends of her husband to play cards. If I was the dressmaker I’d be sick and tired of those two doing the wild thing in my bed.

Two guys are walking along talking about being free when they are ambushed by some soldiers. Are we supposed to know who they are?

Back at the finca Her Royal Skankness says she can see by their faces that she is not welcome. Ya think? Renato says he’s just worried about his mother. Leo tells her to go to her room she doesn’t want to see her face. And frankly, we don’t either. She says she found an invitation to play cards at Don Fully’s house. She laughs as she swishes out of the room. Leo can hardly stand it. She doesn’t wait for the door to close to start blasting Aimee.

Rod is still trying to convince MdR that Leo had nothing to do with her disappearance. It was all Arcadio. Whatever! She doesn’t bother trying to convince him. She really doesn’t even want to talk to him. He wants to make it up to her but she’s not having any of that. She and Regina leave his happy ass standing in the street. He looks like he’s been sucker punched and he starts to cry. Awwwww-NOT!

Leo asks Renato if he’s going to accept the invitation to play cards tonight. He doesn’t think so. He doesn’t really feel like being around people. He thinks he’s going to stay home and go to bed early. Aimee is waiting for him with a glass in her hand. She still trying to get him to drink the luuuuuv potion. They bicker and he takes a drink. More bickering, another drink. She convinces him to go up and look at baby stuff. His glass is empty. Uh oh. He doesn’t feel good. He sits down on the couch. Aimee tries to get him to get into bed. She starts kissing him and undressing him. He keeps saying he feels bad. She gets his shirt off and goes for the pants. End. No!


Dinero #164- 7/29/10: The Scooby Del Castillo Gang and the Headless Monster

Ale and Rafa have just shared a lovely embrace and kiss after their successful sale of half of the Celeste trucks. Ale immediately regrets it and wants them to stick to talking about business from now on. Rafa assures her that he will always do as she wishes. Well, counters Ale, then don’t get married. Rafa balks and Ale says forget it. They've got to go. She’s got a lot of preparations to make for her wedding and she’s sure Rafa has the same.

Rafa doesn’t have to worry about wedding prep, because Vicky’s doing it all. In fact she’s taken it upon herself to deliver wedding invitations personally to all his co-workers. At the moment she’s chatting up the Queen in her luxurious office. Vicky is sufficiently impressed, although she critiques the furniture as being for old people. When the Queen remarks that she didn’t know Rafa had a girlfriend and was getting married, Vicky gives her the third degree about possibly thinking someone else was his novia, and if so, whom. The Queen informs her she doesn’t know and doesn’t care about such petty things. She informs Vicky that she also doesn’t care to hear her ear splitting voice. Vicky is unfazed by the criticism, gives the Queen an invitation, and bids her farewell with a kiss, a jocular shove and calling her Arcadia, as if they’re old friends. The Queen tells her dogs how relieved she is to see her go, declares that love is indeed blind (and so must be Rafa to marry such a loca), and admits to the dogs that she was sure there was something between Rafa and Ale.

Vicky makes her grand exit from Siglo screeching the wedding march. After she’s gone, the ladies make fun of the low class invitations and vecinidad (neighborhood) wedding plans. They also think it’s strange that Rafa and Ale are getting married just 24 hours apart. Rosuara wonders if they have some sort of agreement, Claudia wonders if they’re getting married out of spite (por desprecio). (Well ladies, it’s a bit of both.)

Carmela calls Dandy, and he gets on his revolving treadmill. She’s back from her trip and she wants him to come and show her his “products.” Dandy tells her he will call her tomorrow to arrange a time, which is music to Carmela’s ears.

When Rafa and Ale return, the sales team congratulates him on his upcoming wedding. Rosaura asks Ale if she’s going to go to Rafa’s wedding, but Ale flees before answering, barely able to control tears. When she gets to Susana’s desk, the emotional assault continues when Susana hands her the invitation Vicky left for her. Ale throws it back on Susana’s desk and tells her to suggest to Rafa that he give it to one of his other girlfriends, like Marian Celeste. She marches to her office in a huff, and Susana passes on the message to Rafa a few seconds later when he arrives. She then flounces off to join Ale.

Marian Celeste, the woman who wants to be Rafa’s new girlfriend, is talking to her assistant about getting Rafa working with her sooner than the end of the month. Her assistant suggests she help Rafa sell all those trucks by introducing him to some of her many contacts that would be interested in buying. Marian agrees that this is a good plan.

Rafa meets with his posse to discuss the day’s progress. Rafa is pleased that Dandy will be meeting with Carmela soon. Dandy thinks this is both good and bad (channeling Pata from her recap yesterday). He’s happy to be helping Rafa, but he’s scared of losing his Nonicita if she finds out. Rafa tells him tranquilo (don’t worry), Susana’s not going to find out. And we all know what that means. Poor Dandy.

Night has fallen and the del Castillo family, including Marco, Quintana, Rubi, and two of the groundskeepers, are in the Hacienda Alejandra’s pool house. The del Castillos remember the old good times. Jorge wonders where his two friends, Naughty Hacienda Guard and Naughty Housekeeper, are. Rubi thinks it’s paradise and wants to jump in the pool. She thought bubbles that “this place has to be mine.” Rosario starts to notice all the missing valuable items. Marco blames Chavez, and Quintana agrees.

Suddenly, the lights go out, fog rolls in, and a headless figure appears outside of the French glass doors. The del Castillos have a Scooby Doo Gang worthy freak out. Chucho takes the opportunity to basically say “I told you so.” Marco admits he didn’t believe the stories till now. Rosario faints. Rubi thinks they should get her a nurse, and they point out to her that SHE is a nurse. Rosario wakes screaming, “AY, EL MONSTRO!” (The monster!) Which makes Rubi respond, “Don’t call me that, please Rosario.” (Lol!) Rosario assures her she was referring to the headless ghost, and Rubi admits she wasn’t even this scared in Iraq. “You were in Iraq?”, wonders Jorge. Uh, oh. Rubi quickly covers her slip though and prescribes they all have a strong drink to get over the scare.

Marco suggests they all get the heck out of the hacienda and they all agree. He thought bubbles that Chavez did his job well (looks like they planned this particular visit from the headless ghost). Marco also wonders why Quintana didn’t look too affected by the apparition (as do I). Marco suggests that he bring in the local witch doctor, El Gran Brujo Molongo, to rid the hacienda of the ghost. They all agree to this plan. When the headless ghost appears again at the French doors, the group flees to the other exit, only to encounter another headless ghost in the balcony above the pool (Could one of them be Marco and Chavez’s planned ghost, and the other be Quintana’s?) The group makes a mad dash, Benny Hill style, for the car, bumping into each other and running in circles. Jorge gets stuck in the car trunk, butt first, as it drives off.

Jaime, meanwhile, is slapping himself around at the local bar. Calling himself a coward. He freaks out when the waiter asks if he’s ok, and then accepts a bottle of tequila. He continues to talk to himself out loud about Rafa and nearly jumps out of his skin when suddenly Rafa appears behind him. Rafa wants to know what the heck is going on with Jaime, calls him loco, and tells him he needs to be put in the manicomio (insane asylum). “What’s wrong?!” “I’ve been a bad friend.” (Is Jaime going to tell the truth?) Rafa assures him he’s been a great friend to him. In fact, his best friend. Actually, more than that. A brother. His baby sister couldn’t have found a better boyfriend. (Yikes!) Jaime chickens out after this speech. He asks Rafa if he really loves Vicky. Rafa doesn’t answer. Rafa wants to know why he asks, but Jaime deflects and tells Rafa he doesn’t want Vicky’s brothers to kill him. He’d rather see Rafa unhappy than dead. (Oh Jaime!) He then asks Rafa if he wants a bachelor party (despedido de soltero). It will distract him and give him a bit of joy before he becomes Vicky’s prisoner forever. Rafa agrees and Jaime goes to plan it.

The next morning, Ale arrives at Siglo, jumping at her own shadow. She tells Susana about the ghost.

The rest of the sales team have also arrived and Rafa assembles his posse for an early meeting before the sales meeting. He informs them about his upcoming bachelor party. Jimenez wants to ask his wife’s permission to go. Pepeto is excited for the prospect of some lovely ladies at the party. Meanwhile, Jaime has called a dancer to contract her services for the party. (Could we get an unexpected Rubi appearance?) Rosaura and Marino want to know why Rafa is always meeting with those three secretly. Claudia gives Marino the evil eye for reneging on his deal. Bebe wants to know why they all can’t just get along without all the negative attitude and clandestine dealings.

Marino calls Ramirez over to ask a favor. Since Beltran listened to Ramirez’s advice last time (the horrific Ale dummy incident), he wants him to talk to Beltran again about giving Marino the promotion. Ramirez’s answer: No. This time, he’ll only do it for a price. “What?” “I have to think about it.” Marino reminds him that he is living under HIS roof, but Ramirez is unfazed. They all head into the sales room for the meeting, just as Marian comes into the show room with her guards and a distinguished looking older gentleman. Turns out he’s one of her contacts that might be interested in buying some trucks. She asks Susana to get Rafa.

Jimenez has just let the news of Rafa’s bachelor party slip to Ale (who is not happy to hear about it), just as Susana walks in to announce that Marian Celeste is looking for Rafa. Ale’s morning has just gone from bad to worse.

Tomorrow: Susana and Ale consider telling Vicky about Marian Celeste (they wouldn’t, would they?); Rafa and Marian have a liquid lunch.


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