Wednesday, September 22, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #15-16 9/22/10 Lety Crashes the Gate

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 14 and 15. Cap 15 starts at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando tells Lety that the next morning.”

Capitulo 15

1. To reach Fernando, Lety calls Marcia’s cell, but she hangs up on Lety. Saimon takes Lety to the club. They crash the gate and Fernando signs the papers. Marcia is furious that Lety went over her head.

2. Fernando wants Lety at the Cine-Rent business lunch, and he calls her his assistant. She looks foolish when she orders, but she steamrolls Diana. Omar tells Fernando that he mustn’t take Lety to classy places because she’s too ugly and too low class.

3. Some ad agencies have stopped hiring Conceptos. Luigi says it’s due to lower quality. Fernando says it’s because they owe Conceptos money.

4. In the car, Fernando promotes Lety to assistant. He delayed promoting her to avoid problems with Marcia..

5. Alicia begs Marcia to get Fernando to promote her to assistant. She is horrified that Fernando took Lety to the club, and she speculates that maybe something is going on between them.

6. The cuartel is all atwitter because Lety had lunch with Fernando at the club. Lety announces that she’s been promoted to assistant.

7. Alicia insults Lety harshly, so the cuartel defends her. They tell Alicia that since Fernando promoted her to assistant, Lety is Alicia’s superior and can boss her around or fire her.

Capitulo 16

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Caps 16 and 17. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “The next day Omar is hanging out.” That marks the beginning of Cap 17.

1. Alicia tattles that Lety is now an assistant and Lety threatened to fire her or mop the floor with her. Marcia is determined to make someone pay, either Lety or Fernando

2. Marcia dramatically tells Fernando Alicia’s exaggerated version. She demands that he not promote Lety. The cuartel expects to be fired because of the frakas in the bathroom.

3. Fernando asks Lety why she threatened Alicia. Lety explains the true story. Fernando is as gossip-hungry as Marta. Lety says any blame should fall on her. Fernando is impressed by Lety’s moral fiber.

4. Lety reports that Lopez called the cuartel to a meeting. Fernando relishes the battle ahead. Lopez reprimands them for taking a long lunch and for aggression against Alicia.

5. Fernando joins the meeting, to Marcia’s dismay. He reports what Alicia told the cuartel and reminds Lopez that Alicia is always late. He formally promotes Lety. Marcia is beaten on all counts. Lety nominates Fernando for sainthood.

6. Marcia is mad because Alicia’s version of the frakas will now cost Marcia strife with Fernando.

7. Ariel calls for his spy’s report. The report is limited because much of the financial information stays in Lety’s hands.

8. Lety reports that Fernando won’t reach his goals. Fernando tells Lety to cook the books. Lety is horrified by the idea, but with devils on BOTH shoulders they wear her down.

9. Alicia and Olarte join forces to bring down Lety.

Vocabulary. Maquillarse la balance. Apply make-up to the balance, i.e. cook the books.

Generally I will post a vocabulary item when a word is important in understanding the day's episodes.


Llena de Amor #32-33 Tue 9/21-Wed 9/22/10 Menacing men, damaged damas, dolor over Dolores.

Episode 32.
Emanuel sits at the table at the fashion show with André, still swilling wine and moping over Marianela. André tells him it’s obvious he’s in love with his prima. “Ha ha ha ha, no way,” says Emanuel. André advises him to spend less time obsessing over Marianela and more time on his fiancée and their wedding planning. Emanuel chugs more wine.
Over at Netty’s, the group sits around crying. Comisario Tejeda thinks something doesn’t seem right about the intrusion. The guy didn’t even steal anything. Netty remembers that the killer clearly said the only thing he was looking for was her. He must have been a paid assassin! Someone is out to get her! And poor Mamá Dolores got in the way!
Fedra lurks in the basement outside the General’s room, muttering that she needs to get rid of that old coot. Bernardo skulks down the stairs and chokes out that there’s a bit of a problem. He shot, but some old lady had the gall to interfere. “How do you always screw this up, Bernardo?!” Out of sight, the General is shouting at the murderers, aka the nice young men in the clean white coats, to leave, and Benigno and Paula come downstairs to see what’s wrong. Fedra tries to wave them off, but they won’t leave. Gretel comes clattering down the stairs, too. They rush into the General’s headquarters and see Emiliano looking on while the manicomio men force Don Máximo into the camisa de fuerza (straitjacket). They all freak out. Paula and Benigno say Don Máximo is not going anywhere and they start to free him. Gretel, who knows a thing or two about unfair accusations of insanity, tells her father that he was wrong to throw Axel out, and if he sends Tio Máximo away as well, she will follow behind him, and he will never hear from her again. Paula says she won’t allow this injustice, and Benigno devotedly proclaims he will protect his General with his own life, if necessary.
Brandon, Marianela, Doris, and Oliver drive home. They get out of the jeep and Brandon tells Marianela she seems a bit down, and he knows why. Oliver, a tad intoxicated, rambles about those babelicious models and says he knows what he wants for Christmas, heh heh. Doris is fed up with this line of chatter from him and lets him know it. He flirtily tells her to use her hotness or lose it.
They all go inside, where Netty, Consuelo, and Gladiola are all crying. “Hey, why the funeral faces?” Brandon asks. Silent hand grabbing and hugging while the new arrivals become increasingly worried, and finally Netty tells them that an intruder killed Mamá Dolores.
The next morning, Benigno and Gretel are asleep in chairs in Don Máximo’s room, and Máximo is asleep on top of his covers, fully dressed. Delicia comes in with the breakfast tray and wakes them up asking what’s with all the mess; was there an earthquake down here? Don Máximo accuses her of being a traitor and Fedra’s spy, which Delicia finds most insulting. He insists that she act as his food taster, and if the food is poisoned, then she’ll die for her betrayal!
Fedra whizzes down the stairs on her broomstick, shrieking at Emiliano for letting that old thing remain in her house. “I had to let him stay! You should have seen how upset Gretel was!” he defends himself. “They should have taken her away, too! Two birds with one stone!” Fedra cackles. “She is your daughter!” Emiliano replies, somehow still shocked by her cold, uncaring ways. Fedra whines that she’s just trying to protect herself. Emiliano forbids her to even go near the basement anymore. She poutily agrees. Then she asks him what he’s going to do about Axel. “I have no son by that name,” says the jerk.
Gretel goes up to the kitchen, and Paula thanks her for defending the General. “You really care about him, don’t you?” Gretel asks. Paula diplomatically says she cares about the whole family…but admits she does have her favorites (consentidos…the ones she pampers and indulges). Gretel grins and hugs her.
Hugging but not grinning…Netty and Marianela, all dressed in black, Marianela trying to offer comfort. Netty sobs that Mamá Dolores is the one who took care of her and Eva after their mother died. She never married or had children of her own, she just worried about their well-being. Doris comes in, also sobbing, and says she doesn’t think she can hold up. Netty says she has to, because there’s no one better than her to fix Dolores up pretty for the funeral. Doris agrees. Netty says there must be a party in heaven today, because Dolores has arrived.
Bernardo gloatingly delivers to Fedra the newspaper, with the front-page headline declaring Eva’s death an accident. Fedra is so delighted she is almost willing to forgive him for failing to kill that actriz yet again. Bernardo has more good news: he’s found a doctor who’s willing to take that viejo (aka Don Máximo) out of circulation. Fedra chortles that once he’s declared insane, she’ll have no trouble getting her greedy little paws on his money! Bernardo the suckup busy bee has also contacted the judge who’s in charge of verifying the documents they faked regarding Eva’s money, and there is a little something he might like in return for a favorable judgement, heh heh. Fedra tries to act sexy and tells him to invite the judge to La Mala Noche this evening. {It will be a bad night indeed for the viewers if we have to visit that wretched club and watch Fedra strut her stuff.} Gretel has crept up around the corner and heard this, and she is most interested when she hears Fedra instruct Bernardo that she wants a hefty dose of knockout drops so the whole clan, especially that meddler Gretel, will be out cold.
Marianela is on her way out of the house to turn in her papers to the university, so she can take the admissions exam the next day. Netty advises her not to talk to strangers, with all the stuff that’s happening in the house. She also says that in the midst of all this sadness, one thing she’s happy about is that Marianela and Brandon are novios. Netty heads into the kitchen as Marianela agrees not to talk to strangers. Emanuel has walked into the patio (if they’re worried about security, maybe they should lock the gate) and said maybe she won’t talk to strangers, but she has to talk to her friend.
Princesa Ilitia breakfasts in bed, her daddy-in-waiting next to her. She tells her mother, who is sitting across the room, that if she throws Lorenzo out again, Ilitia is going, too. Muñeca says it won’t happen again. Lowrenzo pulls out the gossip paper Espectáculos, whose front-page headline story says that Ilitia and Emanuel are going to marry. Muñeca says she didn’t realize they had set a date, and Lorenzo wonders how it can be official when that young man has not come to formally ask him for his daughter. Ilitia admits that she is maybe pressuring him just a bit, because she is determined to be Mrs. He-Manuel. Muñeca’s expression of disbelieving disgust does not impress Ilitia in the least, even when it dissolves into a dead fish look.
Marianela asks Emanuel what he is doing there. They had agreed to not see each other anymore! That is impossible, he says. She insists that she wants to just forget about the whole Ruiz y de Teresa family and live her own life. He says but they are friends and cousins! She can’t just throw him aside like a ratty street mutt! He puts his arms around her shoulders and looks deeeeeep into her eyes and says, “Tell me the truth. Are you really in love with Brandon?” Mari gets all shifty-eyed.
Benigno is digging in the flower bed, planning to put in some new plants, when he uncovers a strange object. He jumps back, thinking it may be Satanic (not an unreasonable conclusion in that household). Just in case, he says some little incantation (Vade, vade, retro Satanas) and mimes pulling something out and tossing it aside. Now that it’s safe, he picks up the handkerchief and unwraps the brooch. A lirio, made of real silver! He can’t imagine who buried it there, but decides the General must know of this development immediately.
Tia Carlota calls the Viper Pit, and fortunately Gretel answers. The two of them seem fond of each other. Gretel tells her that Fedra took Marianela’s inheritance and wants to take the house as well.
The General accuses Benigno of being a traitor. Benigno protests that he stopped the manicominions from taking Don Máximo away to the funny farm. “But you also stole my ammunition! You left me defenseless!” growls the General. He tells Benigno that Fedra came down and they fought, but he couldn’t shoot her. Benigno thinks he did well in saving the General from going to jail, but the General says he would have done the family and all of humanity a big favor by getting rid of that witch. The General decides that Benigno needs a punishment for his disobedience. One hundred laps around the house! Benigno meekly whines that a hundred is a lot. “One hundred and twenty, then!” snaps the General.
Marianela tells Emanuel she doesn’t have to explain anything to him. She doesn’t ask about his personal life, and he has no right to interrogate her about hers. He says he’s not asking, he’s questioning. Totally different. He’s just worried about her. She says he needn’t worry. She’s fine and happy with her novio Brandon. Emanuel says he doesn’t believe that, and demands to know what’s really going on. “Two can play this game,” Marianela says. “I demand to know, what is this news that you are going to marry Ilitia?”
Ilitia is now out of bed and telling her parents they have to help her railroad Emanuel into a wedding. Muñeca wonders why she’s so determined. Lowrenzo makes a showy display of support, saying they may marry tomorrow if she’d like, because Ilitia’s happiness is the only thing he cares about. Ilitia appreciates that, but says it won’t be tomorrow because she wants them all to plan a spectacular wedding, like a happy family. Muñeca and Lorenzo roll their eyes at each other. Lorenzo agrees that his precious princess’s wedding must be the event of the year. Ilitia nags her mother to avoid spoiling it with scandals. No drama, no divorces, and no suicide attempts, por favor.
After Ilitia heads to the club, Muñeca thanks Lowrenzo for returning to the house. He says he’s there for Ilitia, not for Muñeca, who threw him out like a dog. {I’m not sure why these writers equate dogs with things you chuck out and ignore. Second reference this episode.} Muñeca cries that she wants to start over, but he cries even more that she hurt him by not trusting him, and he has his pride! She says she’s already gone to the bank, and now he doesn’t need her signature to get more money! He sobs all tragic-faced that he just can’t get past this betrayal, and how would he explain things to his princess daughter, who is affected by all this? Muñeca continues begging him not to leave as he walks away with a smug grin. {I’m also not sure why they call her Muñeca. More like títere, and he works her like a master puppeteer.} Flora tries to reassure Muñeca that he will return. Muñeca says she may be a fool (no, she is definitely a fool), but she loves him.
Emanuel says what Marianela heard about his engagement isn’t true. She says she heard Ilitia announce it directly, and he was right there and didn’t deny it. He claims it was just a publicity thing, to distract from the scandals Ilitia has had. Marianela still thinks he’s lying, but she doesn’t want to talk about this anymore, because she’s already feeling terrible. She tells him about Dolores’s murder. He is stunned. Marianela wants to get going to the university, and Emanuel insists on driving her, even though she is totally mean to him.
Bernardo/Spiderus tries to eat his breakfast, and Delicia throws the black ski mask down on the table and asks what he was doing the night before.
Brandon and Oliver are in Comisario Tejeda’s office, tearfully insisting on heading up the investigation of Dolores’s murder. Tejeda isn’t sure that’s the best idea given the state they’re in, but Brandon says he can’t rest until the guy is caught. Oliver worries that maybe the intruder was after the two of them. Comisario Tejeda says he suspects it has more to do with Netty, and they need to talk to her.
Bernardo tells Delicia to stay out of his business. “In addition to abusing women, are you also a thief?” she asks. She says she’s going to show the mask to Emiliano. Bernardo pins her down to the table and threatens her. “Are you going to kill me? Is that what you are, a murderer?” {NO! Not our adorable Delicia!} Bernardo hisses in her ear that if she says one word about this, he will cut off her tongue.
Fedra has already broken her promise to Emiliano, and is in the General’s room with her hired headshrinker doc. Don Máximo tries to throw her out and get her to take this monigote (stuffed suit) with her. The doctor introduces himself as Claudio Peralta, mucho gusto. “Mucho gusto is what I will have when you go back where you came from! I do not receive lacayos (lackeys) of this hyena!” shouts Don Máximo. Doc Peralta says he’s only there to help. Máximo brandishes a dagger and says he doesn’t need help, so they should get out! Fedra does her pouty sweet-talk thing some more, putting on a big display of concern for poor old crazy uncle. Máximo keeps trying to get her to stop calling him “tio.” Doc Peralta and the General finally succeed in getting the harpy witch out of the room. Then the doc tries to gain Don Máximo’s trust, also calling him “tio.” “I am not your tio!”
Lowrenzo gets the results of the paternity test. He looks upset and asks the lab guy how accurate the tests are. 99.99 percent, says the guy. “Then there must be a clone,” Lowrenzo jokes. “He’s my son. Cristian is my son,” he mutters to himself, looking none too happy about it.
Netty worries about the cost of Dolores’s funeral. Gladiola says they’ll all split the cost, but Netty fusses that it’s still too much. She asks Consuelo if she can have a month’s rent in advance, but Consuelo says she had to pay some expenses for Javier and doesn’t have a centavo left. A mysterious shades-wearing man walks into the living room (again, great security for a household that just had a murder the night before) and says he needs to rent a room.
Emanuel waits on a bench and plays with a limp stick. Uh-huh. Marianela returns and cheerfully reports that everything is taken care of and she can take the entrance exam tomorrow. He’s glad to see her so enthusiastic and asks what she’s going to study. Publicity, she says, the same thing her dad did. Emanuel says then she can join the family agency. No way, says Mari. She wants nothing to do with them. He thinks it’s Brandon putting these ideas in her head, and tells Mari that guy does not suit her. What she needs is… Carolina runs up and Mari introduces her to her cousin. Caro is so excited she leaps on Emanuel and wraps her arms and legs around him in greeting, shrieking. He is rather startled. She climbs down and tells Emanuel she knows all about him, from all the articles and whatnot. Marianela was an avid follower of his athletic career when they were at the boarding school. “Oh, reeeeeeeally?” asks Emanuel, delighted. They are interrupted by a crowd of people running past, saying that someone is shooting. They run, too.
Over at the police station, Tejeda and our favorite cops are perusing the Wanted poster. They’re worried about some criminal, Jerónimo Martínez, known as “El Dandy.” He is a very tired-looking middle-aged guy with serious eye bags. They get a call about the trouble at the university. Brandon wants to head right over, because Marianela is there. Oliver has to inform the comisario that Marianela is Brandon’s novia. The polis are on the move.
The ladies in black whisper to each other that this new guy wanting to rent seems suspicious. Besides, don’t criminals always return to the scene of the crime? Netty has a bad feeling about him, but Gladiola says if he pays three months in advance, Dolores’s funeral expenses will be covered. Netty grudgingly agrees, and they all cross themselves and Netty asks San Antonio for protection. The guy tells them he likes the place. When he finally steps into the light with his shades off, we can see the same saggy eyes previously seen labeled as “El Dandy,” but on a younger-looking guy.
Ilitia and Kristel are in the middle of a low-impact dance aerobics class. This is too challenging for them, so they step out of line to gossip instead. Kristel says that Axel was always a little strange, but his being gay? Too much! The whole household went loco when he came out of the closet! Ilitia tells her to look on the bright side: with a gay brother, she could save a fortune on makeup and salons! {Oh, I would LOVE to see Axel give her a makeover. “Payback” would be an excellent look for her.} Mauricio drops by the class to join the gossipfest.
Begoña admires her new necklace. It goes perfectly with her necklace-length dress, I guess. Lowrenzo comes to visit and says he has the results of the paternity test. She’s glad it’s settled. Yes, he says. “You are a lying opportunist! This is not my son!” Begoña is sad and mighty confused.
The new renter pulls a huge wad of cash out of his pocket and hands some over to Netty. She says that’s too much; she only asked for three months’ rent as a deposit. He says he paid double so they’ll respect his privacy. Netty claims with a straight face that in the pensión they respect everyone’s privacy and never meddle in each other’s lives. The guy tells her to keep the money. Also, he’s expecting a visitor, Gerónimo Martínez, and asks them to send him up to his room when he arrives. The ladies nervously agree.
Begoña tells Lowrenzo that she’s never been with another man in the five years they’ve been together. The laboratory must have made a mistake! He laughs and tells her he’s not a fool. She knows very well this isn’t his son, so why continue with this farce? The test results are super-accurate, so that’s that. He’s outta here. Begoña begs him not to abandon his son. All she asks is a little bit of his time, and she won’t complain that he’s still with his wife and daughter! She swears on her life that this is his son. Lowrenzo says her life is worth nothing to him, and the little brat’s is worth even less. He takes the necklace and says it will look even better on his wife, because she isn’t a slut. He leaves; Begoña cries.
Doctor Peralta tells Fedra the old man seems severely psychotic. She wants that report in writing. Licenciado Rivas is escorted into the house for his meeting with the General, and Fedra tells him not to waste his time. General Máximo is completely loco, the doc sez so. “If that is true, all Don Máximo’s money will go to Emiliano,” remarks the lawyer. Fedra nods sadly.
Emiliano is hard at work. His secretary buzzes him and he yells at her and says he doesn’t want to be disturbed. Axel bursts into the office anyway.
The police gather in the university parking lot, in full riot gear. Brandon goes to find Marianela, so Oliver takes charge. The police line up and march forward, beating their batons on their shields with every step. They advance toward a rather small crowd of running students.
Emanuel and Marianela huddle with a squirmy crowd against a wall. Emanuel swears he will protect Marianela and nothing will happen to her. She doesn’t think he will make an effective barrier should a bullet come their way. They hug tightly, and Marianela says she has something very important to tell him. He doesn’t think this is the time to talk, but she insists. “Okay, what?” “Emanuel, ever since we were children, well, from the very moment I met you, I…I…”
End of episode. My recording didn’t catch any promos, so I have no idea how to entice you to watch tomorrow. It will be intense, though! I am sure!
Camisa de fuerza – straitjacket
Consentido/a – pampered, indulged
Vade, vade, retro Satanas – get back, Satan
Monigote – stuffed form, botched painting or statue, sap
Lacayo - lackey


La Verdad Oculta 013 2010-09-21: The First Kiss

At Mario's, he is forced to wonder whether it was David's idea to drum up a supposed prize trip for the girls, when Abelardo fails to unearth any information about it from the personnel director -- and wouldn't dare ask Carlos. Abelardo exits to catch a flight to L.A.

At their L.A. hotel, the girls enthuse over the wonderful time they had with David the past evening; Julieta says she learned his being there was no accident and is excited he really likes Gabriela. Gabriela wonders to what end, though. When David reappears, he convinces them it's OK to blow Déborah off and sight see with him instead.

Juan José visits the prison physician and learns Gregorio was taken to the hospital in serious condition and may die.

When Déborah meets the girls again, she is relieved to be blown off. After they exit, she sneaks back into their hotel room to plant the smuggled diamonds in the infamous pair of Gabriela's shoes.

On visitors' day, Juan José greets a distressed Elsa and explains about Marcos's fight and worse trouble if Gregorio dies, which upsets Elsa even more. Juan José advises her more money will do Marcos no good now, but gives her a comforting embrace.

Déborah phones Adolfo in the D.F. to confirm she planted the diamonds and relate she's happy to spend as little time with the girls as possible. He agrees and instructs Déborah to just get them a cab to the airport for their flight home and be done. Adolfo thanks her and says with a grin that they'll see each other soon.

David plays tour guide to the girls all day and into the evening, to their delight.

Yolanda visits Carlos at the club office; and when he distractedly informs her about the girls' "prize" trip, she is mystified.

That evening, Julieta begs off dinner, exhausted; but David insists Gabriela must spend their last evening together with him. They agree to meet later, and despite herself Gabriela is happy when Julieta claims David likes her.

Yolanda visits Adolfo at the condo and becomes furious and terrified for the girls when she learns what he has them involved in. They could spend years in prison, if they are caught! But Adolfo was desperate with Félix down.

At the restaurant in L.A., to the beautiful theme song, David and Gabriela sit and speak with their eyes. David covers Gabriela's hand with his own, then lightly caresses her forearm and then her upper arm. Gabriela's eyelids drop, as though his touch were a drug in her veins. David closes his eyes when Gabriela caresses his face. They move closer, each seeking the other's lips, and kiss the first kiss.

Next morning, Leonardo's subordinate, Ramón, comes by at home during breakfast and explains all of the captured smugglers insist the boss is Patch (Félix); but Leonardo's sure there's someone higher up than he. Too many millions invested to not be someone important. When he learns that Patch was supposedly in the truck but escaped, Leonardo is sure they are highly organized and involved in lots of other smuggling: jewels, arms, etc.

David and Gabriela spend a blissful day at the beach and motorcycling around Santa Monica -- and kissing in each other's bare arms.

Juan José tips a guard to talk to an unrepentant Marcos in solitary who's philosophical about ruining his parole chances; so what if he has to spend a little more time in there? When he's just interested in getting more money to pay the low lifes to do jobs for him, Juan José advises against it; those guys just want to set him up as the patsy, he insists.

Déborah stops by the girls' hotel room only to make sure Gabriela is wearing the diamond shoes home on their flight and exits. At her departing back as the door closes, the girls have a mutual giggle mocking Deborah's perfunctory pleasantries.

When Leonardo drops by Santiago's place on the way out to work, he encounters the phone men installing a unit in the apartment. Leonardo invites Santiago and the girls over for dinner and drinks that night when they return, and Santiago genially agrees.

As Leonardo exits, he passes Yolanda on the way in. She wants to warn Santiago once again to get the girls out of town; that the trip was actually Carlos's idea and not a workplace prize, because he likes Gabriela -- as David does also. If they stick around, someone could discover Santiago's identity. Get Mario to fire them, she suggests; he can do it!

So far Adolfo hasn't mixed much with his employees, she says; but he could start any time. He could nose around and find out everything. Yolanda is afraid for Santiago and the girls, too. She protests too much when Santiago asks if she knows who murdered Márta. Of course not! she exclaims. If she knew, doesn't he think she would tell him? she asks.

David stops by the girls' hotel and offers to take them to last-minute shop for a little something for their dad. When he tries to kiss Gabriela and tells her he adores her, she's wistful but reluctant.

Santiago calls Mario to give him his new telephone number, and Mario explains about Abelardo's trip to L.A. to pick up the stuff Santiago needs for his disguise role. They decide to fix up a place for it in the adjacent house Mario plans to buy. Mario startles and puzzles Santiago by asking if Adolfo paid for the girls' trip.

Yolanda goes to meet Adolfo at the condo, and she balks when he orders her to pick up the shoes with the diamonds from Gabriela upon her return. Adolfo reminds her forcefully that jobs like this are their bread and butter -- which feeds her, too, he might add.

Her objection is that it involves innocent people. And don't forget what ensued the last time this happened, she reminds him -- with Márta. Márta didn't know about it and was discovered. He explains about the special shoes and that nothing is likely to happen.

He has no choice, Adolfo insists; Faidella has caused him massive losses, and he must recoup them. She has to figure out some excuse to retrieve the shoes and bring them to him tomorrow: they're worth $60 million pesos!

At the scheister lawyer's, he's got bad news and good news and bad news for Elsa: Marcos's case is near impossible if the old guy dies; but Juan José's is looking good -- and unfortunately he will need more cash. Elsa is resigned to coming up with it; and as she exits, the lawyer on his side of the closed door grins his evil grin.

Shopping in L.A., Gabriela's diamond shoes are so painful she can't walk in them anymore. When she sits on a bench to remove them, David goes off to buy her a better pair. Returning with them, they throw the $60 million pesos, diamond-filled shoes in an ordinary trash bin on the promenade.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

El Clon Tuesday September 21: Summary for Discussion

Capítulo 154: We’re now officially in las últimas semanas and tonight, instead of Grimm’s Tales, we get grim tales: the only one smiling is Malicia; and Natalia finds her way home. Again.
We open the episode at Casa Ferrer where Marisa complains to Rosa that Leo and Lucas have abandoned ship and now no one is looking for Natalia. Someone has to stop her from doing harm to her baby. She can’t involve the police because they would arrest Nati for using drugs. Maybe she should hire a detective to find her and bring her home. But why, wonders Rosa, didn’t Leo’s doctor do a pregnancy test when Natalia was hospitalized? (Good question!)

Enrique reminds us that recovery depends on the addict and not on those who are trying to help him.

Carolina is with Clara at the stripped-down house when a strange scary guy shows up looking for Fernando. (Why do they let him in?) He tells Clara that if Fernando doesn’t pay him what he owes, he’ll pay himself with whatever he can! And he leers menacingly at Clara. When he leaves, Caro urges her friend to call the police.

Again Enrique: I was numb when reality came knocking on my door. Reality also knocked on my family’s door, but they weren’t numb to the pain.

As Caro is encouraging her friend to tell Escobar what happened, Rogelio calls. Clara tells him she can’t go on the trip to Paris with him. After the call, Clara tells Caro that she can’t be away just now. Fernando may need her.

Natalia is walking down the street with Paula, telling her she will raise her child by herself. She’ll get a job. As what? Paula wants to know. A crack dealer? Nati tells her she speaks three languages… Paula’s attention is diverted when she catches sight of Fernando. She attacks him like a rabid pit bull. (The Many Moods of Paula -- spin-off possibilities?)

Enrique tells us how the addict loses all sense of reality as very quickly is close to hitting bottom. He has to make a choice: live or die. And to chose life, he has to acknowledge the power his addiction has over him.

Back at Gloria’s, Andrea and Alejandro continue their conversation. Alejandro is ready to bring Nati home, even if he has to tie her up to do it. He is surprised by Andrea’s question:
¿Será que ese hijo es tuyo? Do you think the child is yours?
Why would you ask that, Alejandro wants to know. She admits that she just doesn’t know about Natalia’s life right now. Alejandro asks where Andrea last saw her so he can go out looking for her.

At Albieri’s clinic, Anita looks pityingly at Escobar. Luisa has no sympathy:
No fue por falta de aviso. Él se lo busco.
It wasn’t because no one warned him. He brought it on himself.
Escobar calls Malicia but hangs up when she answers and tells them: Voy a buscar un abogado. (I’m going to look for a lawyer.) Anita smiles. It's the first sensible thing she's heard him say.

At Salamandra, Zein has been watching Malicia. Who called? he asks with a smile. Someone who doesn’t like my voice, I guess, she answers playfully.

As usual, Malicia is listening in while Rogelio complains to Zein that Clara backed out of their trip to Paris at the last minute without offering any explanation. He has bought the tickets, reserved the hotels, everything! Zein, who seems to subscribe to the “Love the One You're With” philosophy, tells him he has time to find himself a nice companion. Malicia has entered the scene by this time and confides dreamily that she has always wanted to go to Paris. And when she leaves, Zein says to Rogelio: Why not invite Malicia?

At Empresas Ferrer, Carolina is advising Clara to tell Rogelio the truth about her situation, but Clara can’t find the courage to do so.

Leo is irritated that Roberto seems to be dragging his feet on writing his demanda. Of course, that's because Enrique is the one writing it. And everyone's favorite passive-aggressive has, indeed, finished the job. He hands it to Roberto for his inspection. It's estupenda says Roberto. Enrique takes another swig from his flask. (The therapy hasn't quite done the trick, has it?)

At Casa Ferrer, Rosa takes a phone call from Alej and tells him there’s no news on Nati. Lucas comes home in a foul mood. He can’t stop thinking about what Dora told him – that Daniel is (also) obsessed with Jade – and he calls Clara: Get me a ticket to Morocco, he tells her. For today, if possible. Marisa watches and shakes her head. She can’t understand how he can leave precisely at this minute when his daughter needs him. He says:
Tengo que hacer algo por mí. Ya no aguanto más!I have to do something for myself. I can’t take it anymore!
He goes on, now clearly over the border and in Rant country: What do you want me to do to show I’m a good father? Kill myself? Then you can all be happy with the copy!

Nati has no sense of how she looks to ‘normal people’. Like most pregnant women, she now looks at children with far more interest than she used to. Unfortunately, as she approaches little kids in the street, they back away and their mothers threaten to call the police. When she is attracted by the window display in a toy store, the security guard won’t let her inside.

In Fez, we see Jade doing the candelabra dance. At first she seems weirdly alone. But then the camera shows Said scowling. Then there is Zein watches with an unreadable expression. Next is the dazzled Daniel. And finally -- a love-struck Lucas. Jade is overwhelmed as the four surround her and move closer. She screams… and she wakes up to find Said worriedly attending her while Alí, Zoraida and Rania stand by. Said will buy their tickets for Miami, he says, maybe they can even leave today.

When Alí and Said have left, but Rania is still skulking in the background, (like Malicia, Rania is always listening) Jade tells Zoraida she has to go to the ruins one last time to say good-bye. Zoraida tries to stop her but cannot.

Then Rania comes out from the shadow and with a nasty smile says: ¿Jade va a encontrar con el occidental? …Tío Alí y Said van a saber de eso! (Jade’s meeting with the occidental? Uncle Alí and Said are going to hear about that).

Jade and Daniel are at the ruins.

Lucas is just getting ready to leave Casa Ferrer, when Nati shows up: Papá, ayúdame (help me) she says and then collapses in his arms.

Jade and Daniel are kissing.

Lucas carries Natalia to the couch, and sets her down with her head in Marisa’s lap. I don’t want to die, says Natalia. Her parents assure her that all will be well and they will take care of her.

Jade and Daniel are still kissing.

Rania accuses Zoraida of conspiring with Jade. She is going to tell Said everything. When Alí enters, Rania takes great pleasure in telling him that Jade went to the ruins to meet the occidental. Zoraida says it’s not so. Alí reminds Rania that when you accuse someone without sufficient proof, you are the one who deserves punishment. And what about silent witnesses? shoots back Rania. Allah will see to them, answers Alí.

Alí’s not happy about this. He laments to Zoraida that for all the things he’s done to cover for Jade, Perdí mi lugar en el paraíso. (I lost my place in heaven). Not so, Zoraida assures him:
Su corazón va a pesar más que las culpas. (Your (good) heart is going to carry more weight more than your faults.)

Alí is going out. If Said comes home before I do, he instructs Zoraida, tell him Jade went out with me. Rania watches and burns. Right here on earth.

And back at the ruins, a strange encounter of the clone kind continues. Jade thinks she is talking to Lucas and Daniel keeps telling her he is his very own self. She managed to forget him – why did he have to come back and make her remember? She’s not 18 anymore and she wants to be with her daughter. The puzzled but persistent Daniel declares his love over and over. As they are kissing (again!), Alí appears. He thunders:
¡Jade! No puede ser! ¡Otra vez lo mismo! (Jade, this can’t be. The same thing again!)
To Daniel he says:
¿A qué viniste? ¿Quién te controla a ti? (Why did you come? Who’s controlling you?)
Go back where you came from!

Daniel slips away and Alí grabs Jade roughly by the arm. This is your last chance, he tells her. Make your future or bury yourself in the past.

Enrique reproaches Roberto for telling Amalia about the clone. What were you thinking? She’s a journalist! Enter Carolina with Escobar. The chump has come to Roberto for legal advice about his pilfered apartment. (Too bad, since Roberto seems to be singularly ineffectual as a lawyer. He may be the Worst Attorney in Miama (TWAIM) He should be asking Enrique!)

I want to have my baby, Natalia tells her parents, and she wants to stop using drugs. All you need is will power, says Lucas. You’re a strong person, says Marisa. (We have to assume that they are just talking to fill in the silence. At this point, neither can be serious.) Natalia takes out her remaining stash and hands it over to Lucas.

They go up to her room. She asks her parents to remove anything that she could use to hurt herself or the baby, and then lock her in the room. Ignore my screams, she tells them. (She does sound serious.)

Enrique reminds us that in the struggle between him and drugs, the drugs always won. They were stronger than he was. To battle them, the addict needs something larger to hold on to – religion, psychotherapy, something…

Nati is screaming and tearing up the room…

… My family suffered, says Enrique, but I did too. Withdrawal was so painful…

Nati is screaming: ¡No me voy a morir! (I’m not going to die!)
Marisa, Lucas and Rosa stand miserably on the other side of the door. Why us, why my daughter, wails Marisa.

Lucas has talked to Enrique. If Natalia will enter treatment voluntarily, he can arrange admission to rehab. It’s the only way to save her life.

Credits roll.


Dinero 9/21: Cotton candy, whiskey, love potion, and an over-ripe blonde lawyer...

I got quite a delicious episode tonight! I have to be up all night working after this so I better hustle and crank out your recap!

Ale and Rafa are happy and googly eyed. She says she'll go to the end of the world with him. They almost meet with the very inebriated Marco - but while he's busy yelling at Susana they slip out the back door and hide in one of the showroom cars while Marco ("that blond over-ripe fish") staggers around.

Fleeing, they run into Doña Arcadia and she teases them about their covert activities. And as they are about to slip into Ale's car, Vicki drives up!

Rafa hides in the trunk and, though VVV is suspicious, our happy couple escapes to a park and to a proper fair, "not one of those gringo fairs you probably go to." Many kisses, and cotton candy.

Meanwhile Vicky, in her usual rage, sees Marco. He staggers over, grabs her love potion and drinks it. She's horrified. So is he, because it tastes terrible!

He wobbles off in search of whiskey to improve the taste in his mouth, then staggers home, astounding Rosario and Jorge again with his level of intoxication, and falls asleep on the couch. Tabled for tomorrow.

I have to say Marco and VVV have been HUGELY ENTERTAINING lately!!!

Vicky stomps home, finding her men consuming 50 tacos. She says she was watching horror films and calls them orangutans.

Zetina shows up with the camera chock-full of incriminating photos, but Rafa isn't there, it will have to wait till tomorrow. Zetina had to buy so many sandwiches while stalking Marco, he is flat broke and had to walk to Auto Siglo - he has holes in his shoes.

Ramirez isn't pleased to find Milagro at his house waiting for him. He says he's a simple mortal, not her sort, but she says simple humble men achieve the portals of heaven. She wheedles him into inviting her to go to a concert tomorrow night - of a church's childrens choir. Oh great, he thinks. Gloria calls him, worried about Marino's sixth sense that she's been up to something. Ramirez promises to see her next day and shoves the "boring nun" out the door, dodging the cheek she offers up for a kiss.

Ale gets home and, in the face of Rosario and Jorge's demands that she tell them what's going on, says she wants a divorce, that she doesn't love Marco; marrying him was a mistake. They are eloquent in trying to dissuade her and say she must reconsider etc. She says her decision is final. They say (1) sleep on it; (2) Marco gets a say in this. Tabled for tomorrow.

Rafa goes home jubilant and tells his ma, "We are in love! She's getting a divorce!" "You are of different social classes, that'll be a problem, but since you're happy, I'm happy for you!" "I have to help her get a divorce, and I have to have proof for her that everything I've said about him is true!"

Julieta comes home, crowing she'll get her first paycheck tomorrow. Rafa says, give half to mom, mom demurs, Julieta says she has loads of things she wants to buy, Rafa: "Oh, so I didn't provide well enough?" "It's not that, it's ... I want to buy clothes and shoes..." "Tell a woman not to buy more clothes? Might as well tell the ocean not to make more waves!"

Morning! Ale and Susana share a happy moment. Ale says they're not telling the sales staff now, "after all, office romance is prohibited, but then YOU..." They laugh.

Ale says she's sure there is somebody else here, somebody besides Marino, who's against "lo nuestro" (I love this elegantly short description of "whatever it is that is us.") Rosaura demands gossip but receives no satisfaction other than what she can guess.

Ale tells Rafa she needs a lawyer for her divorce. "Oh, I know a good one - Marco Valenzuela!" Hah hah. Ale suggests Jaime. I think she needs somebody with a little more experience.

Finally Zetina catches up with Rafa. The camera is indeed brimming with wonderfully incriminating photos of Marco smooching Carmela.

As Rafa dashes out to find Ale to show her the goodies, Zetina pushes many, many buttons on the camera. Has he erased everything? Stay tuned.


La Fea Más Bella #13-14 9/21/10 The Adventure Begins.

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 10 through 13. For Cap 13, start at the paragraph that begins, “Alicia goes on a dinner date.”

Capitulo 13

1. The executive meeting considers how to produce more commercials.

2. Marcia says she didn’t defend Olarte because she’s not willing to risk her marriage over it. Alicia worries about who’s next and advises that Marcia should worry too. Alicia begs Marcia to set her up with Ariel, to make Omar jealous.

3. Lety daydreams about Fernando. She finds out from Sara that Juana’s predictions are very reliable.

4. Paula encourages Saimon’s advances until she gets a call from a richer prospect. She tries to find an amiga for double date, and she settles for Lety.

5. Marcia sets Alicia up with Ariel. Alicia tries to make Omar jealous with it. At the date, Ariel tells Alicia that the only thing they could have in common is sex.

6. Paula and Lety go to an antro with their dates. Rafael ignores Lety. Fernando shows up and dances with Lety.

Capitulo 14

Read Chris's original recap. Note, that recap covers Episodes 14 and 15. If you don’t want to read ahead, stop at the paragraph that begins, “Fernando tells Lety that the next morning..” That begins Cap 15. I know this scene list has more detail than most; but some parts were so fun, I just couldn’t bear to leave them out!

1. Paula interrupts Lety’s fantasy. Lety tells her that Rafael can’t stand her. Fernando shares a hot bath with Marcia.

2. RoboPop is angry because Lety went out without his permission. Lety paints the date much prettier than it really was.

3. Lety tells her diary that she has given up on love because men notice beautiful women. But Don Fernando needs her and doesn’t pay attention to her ugliness.

4. Alicia tells Marcia that since Ariel treated her badly, he must be gay. Marcia advises her to forget about both Omar and Ariel.

5. Fernando wants to buy two studios for three million, USD, so they can produce more commercials. Both Lety and Marcia counsel against it, but Fernando decides buy them with a loan.

6. Fernando convinces the clients to film with blue screen instead of at Iztaccíhuatl. Marcia gets mad about the picture Luigi Photoshopped, as revenge. But hey! He’s only surrounded by three hot babes, not, like, FIVE or something! (see link)

7. Fernando tells his banker that Lety is his assistant (an executive position). Olarte refuses to give Lety the bank forms, but she invokes the name of Don Fernando. Fernando says that Olarte is dangerous because he’s Ariel’s ally. See transcript.

8. Fernando signs the loan request, and he realizes that he’s taking a huge step with the company. He tells Lety he trusts her, she’ll practically manage the company’s finances, and he needs her at his side permanently.

9. Weeks pass. Fernando tells Lety to not interrupt him at the riding competition. Conceptos is behind on loan payments and the banker needs papers signed by 2:00 or he cannot extend their credit.

Spanish Lesson

Fernando asks Lety about the bank forms.
L: I’m late because I checked through the copies and, well, Lic. Olarte didn’t want to give them to me.
F: And why not?
L: He told me it’s his job. But don’t get angry. In the end, I got them. I’ll bring them to you right away (enseguida).
F: No, Lety, wait a minute. Olarte isn’t just disobeying my orders. He is undermining my authority.
L: No, I don’t think it’s anything against you. No, I think it’s against me. He resents it because he thinks I’m displacing him.
F: No. He is Ariel’s ally.
L: Ooh. Then we need to be much more careful with him. He threatened me. He told me that if I make just one error, that my reign is finished.
F: No. Not only yours, Lety, mine too. L: No. F: Yes. L: No. F: Yes! Bring me the filled in forms, for me to sign, once and for all!
Lety goes to her office.
F: I detest having people like Olarte in the office. One enemy in the house is terrible! But he’s making it easier for me to fire him.
O: For exactly the same reason, I wanted to keep Alicia under control. It would be risky if she became another spy for Ariel.


Llena de Amor #31 Mon 9/20/10 Shortage of ammo in Mexico! Who knew?

Friday: Lorena has announced to the family, in a nutshell, that any man who doesn’t want to sleep with her hot mama self is gay. Emiliano must agree, because he slaps Axel and calls him a perv. Mauricio is in campus rapist mode, even though Marianela tells him she has a novio. He pulls a knife on her.


Her school chum Carolina and three gratifyingly fit guys spot what’s going on and rescue her, and the guys knock Mauricio down and kick the hell out of him.

One of the family reminds Emiliano that Axel is his son, to which Emiliano replies that he doesn’t have weirdos for sons. Fedra asks how Axel could do that to them – what are they going to tell their friends? Never mind that their only friends are Lorenzo and Muñeca who heaven knows have their own problems, like a daughter in jail. Kristel is sure they’re going to be social outcasts. Emanuel reproaches them all that they’re supposed to be family, united.

Gretel tries to say that they should support Axel, but Emiliano says that he had two sons, and now Axel’s wrecked everything. He orders Axel out of the house. All right, says Axel. If you are disgusted by me, I feel sorry for you. He leaves. Whoa – I had to rewind and yes! That’s an actual tear coursing down Fedra’s cheek.

Carolina and two of the guys are having cokes in the cafeteria with Marianela, who tells them Mauricio is trying to force her to be in a beauty contest. Caro lights up at the idea. You should do it! You’re beautiful! Who says a person has to be skinny to win?

Me, I’m just relieved to finally have a scene where nobody gets hit.

Back to Homophobia House… Emanuel tells his father that he just made the worst mistake of his life. Fedra says it was the right thing to do. Emanuel pleads that Axel needs their support. Forget it, says Gretel, this home is all about appearances. Emiliano proclaims that nobody gets to question his decisions. Axel is an outcast, doomed to wander the desert of familylessness for the rest of his life and that’s that. Fedra can’t believe this is happening to her. She goes off, calling for Bernardo.

Kristel, also tearful, tells Emanuel and Gretel that Axel just wrecked everyone’s lives. Emanuel wonders what’s happening to the family. They’re the same, Emanuel, they’re just in full bloom.

Apparently Ilitia’s been released from jail, because here she comes out of the police station with her mother when the press descends. Is it true you spent the night in jail? Oh, no no no, she laughs, I was just here about my car. Lorenzo shows up and hugs her, then takes her to his car, Muñeca trailing them, dragging Ilitia’s little rolling suitcase behind her.

Brandon and Oliver come out of the station too, and we note the press going in. Anyway, Brandon says he’s glad he’s done with Ilitia. He assures Oliver that even though she’s a model, she can’t hold a candle to his Marianela.

Mauricio comes into the house bruised and bleeding and doubled over. Kristel runs to his side and calls for Emanuel. Mauricio tells them all that it’s Marianela’s fault – she sicced like ten huge guys on him at the university. Emanuel and Gretel don’t believe it.

Fedra is lamenting to Bernardo that Axel has none of her character, her backbone. She tried to make a man of him, Bernardo saw her try! Bernardo tells her there’s nothing she can do. He knows how she hates to have things slip out of her hands. Is there a cure? No, says Bernardo.

Fedra sighs and says she won’t let this polish her off. That’s the spirit, says Bernardo, and besides you have much more pressing things to worry about. That lady? She has a one-way ticket to the great beyond.

Some back and forth with Mauricio and the unbelieving Emanuel and Gretel. Gretel asks him what he was doing at the university anyway. Emanuel says okay, well yeah, he did go to the university, but not to bother Marianela; he wanted to talk to her about the beauty contest. Guess what? She told me she has a novio!

Doris is admiring Brandon, who has dressed up a bit because he’s steppin’ out with his novia. Marianela says she’s not a fashion person, but Doris says she’ll love the fashion show. Netty, in a bathrobe, comes in and tells Marianela that she and Doris are going to get her looking like a princess.

Emanuel and Ilitia have arrived at what I guess is the fashion show. Ilitia tries to charm him out of his glum mood. She spots Kristel and Mauricio with Andre and waves. Whew, what happened to Mauricio? she wonders. She takes Emanuel over to them and asks them to keep an eye on him – so many gorgeous models will be there. Off she goes. Emanuel tells them he’s worried because Axel has disappeared.

There he is with his pal Aldo at a party, telling him what happened at home. But it’s all for the best – he’s tired of pretending. Aldo tells Axel he’s cool with him the way he is, then leaves and sits with a girl, putting his arm around her (okay, Aldo’s straight, we get it) and another fellow, a stranger, comes up to Axel and says he knows what he’s going through; he’s been through it himself.

The press is questioning Emanuel about his maybe upcoming marriage to Ilitia, it’s supposed to be the event of the year! He says she’s terrific, but they haven’t set a date yet. He spots Marianela, who is being told by Brandon that she’s the prettiest one there. Distracted, he tells the press that they’ll be the first to know the date.

Marianela has spotted Emanuel too. Kiss me! she orders Brandon. He complies and Emanuel’s eyes bug out.

Poor deluded Muñeca is making a giant heart out of red rose pedals on her bed, sprinkling a few extras around for effect. Flora the maid comes in with a champagne bucket and exclaims over the preparations, but asks if Muñeca’s sure Lorenzo will be coming home. Muñeca’s sure! With Ilitia off at the fashion show, she and Lorenzo are going to have a fabulous, romantic reconciliation! Flora doesn’t want her hurt again. Muñeca enthuses that she’s going to work hard to make her husband happy, and she’s not going to make any more mistakes.

Cut to Begoña opening her door to Lorenzo, who guess what! has champagne too. He comes in, leaving a trail of slime behind him. He pops the cork and says they’re going to celebrate, then opens a big jewelry box to show a necklace he’s bought her to thank her for helping him get Muñeca eating out of this hand again.

Marianela and Brandon are still kissing. Emanuel thinks it’s too much, and so do I. Who necks at a fashion show? Kristel is amazed that a good-looking guy like that would go for that whale. Doris notices that Emanuel is staring. Marianela has to give Brandon a tiny shove to get him to stop kissing her. He looks like he’s surprised to be back in the real world. She tells him he doesn’t have to kiss her like that. He says he likes to do things right, and she asked. Would she like another kiss? She looks over to Emanuel, and says sure. They kiss again and Emanuel sputters.

Benigno and Paula are in the kitchen, discussing how the general brandishes his pistol. Paula tells him next time to come get her and let her handle it when he gets gun happy. It just scares her to death when she hears that thing go off. Fedra is eavesdropping. Paula asks him if she’s sure he emptied the gun. He assures her he did while the general was sleeping. Fedra skips off, happy.

Emanuel is nervous and keeps shooting glances over Marianela’s way. Andre tells him to knock it off, it’s Ilitia’s event.

Meantime, over at a little table, Brandon and Marianela look cozy but what they’re actually doing is talking about running into the primos and friends. Just my luck! Says Marianela. Brandon tells her this is the sort of thing rich folks like, so it’s not surprising they’re there.

Doris and Oliver show up at the table with the program where they’ve found out that Ilitia’s going to be in the show. Brandon is bummed.

Emanuel is taking gulps of wine and can’t stop looking over Marianela’s way.

The general is in a suit and tie (why?) and Fedra comes in, startling him. He calls her a poisonous vipor and demands to know what she’s doing there.

We see a shadowy figure in the dark. Something falls over with a thud. Netty bolts awake. She runs to her bedroom door and there’s Gladiola. Netty is relieved, until Gladiola tells her she thinks she heard someone on the patio. Gladiola thinks they should get Javier to take care of it, but Netty reminds him that he’s just a child. Netty says she’ll take care of it and she grabs Gladiola’s hand while Gladiola tries to hang onto the bedroom door knob.

Maximo has pulled his gun on Fedra and tells her to get out. She says she’s had it with his theatrics and he should be kissing her feet for letting him stay. He says that it’s not her house and he’s not going to fall for her tricks. She says Throw me out if you can. The only reason I’ve let you live is because you stay down here like a rat in a cage. Maximo yells that the reason he stays there is to not have to shrivel up his eyeballs seeing her. Out! She approaches him and leans towards him so his gun is touching her throat. What’re you going to do? Shoot me?

Maximo pulls the trigger. Boom! says Fedra. He tries again. Boom! she says again. She smiles broadly. He looks at the gun, disbelieving, then growls that she was lucky.

There is someone in the patio! He’s all hooded in black. The two ladies come into the living room, look around and nervously assure themselves that it must’ve been a cat. Outside, the stealthy figure (who we of course know is Bernardo) opens the electric panel and cuts the wire. The house goes dark and the ladies shriek. They decide to go look for candles. Gladiola heads off in one direction, and Netty in the direction of the patio where she thinks she has some candles. (Of course, that’s exactly where Gladiola thought she heard someone. Don’t ask.)

Brandon has noticed that Emanuel doesn’t seem happy to see Marianela and him together. Tough, he says, pecking Marianela on the cheek. Oliver wonders to Doris why Gretel isn’t there with her siblings. Doris tells him to forget about her and keep an eye on Brandon because Emanuel might start something with him.

Kristel notices that it’s bugging Emanuel seeing Marianela and Brandon together. Emanuel says not at all, and heads over to them, despite Kristel’s protests. Kristel grabs Mauricio to follow.

Hi, says Emanuel to Marianela and Brandon.

The figure in black grabs Netty from behind. She tells him to take whatever he wants. He says what he came for is her. He shoves her away and raises his gun to shoot her. Mama Dolores runs out of nowhere in front of Netty and is shot, falling into Netty’s arms. Bernardo, instead of shooting Netty, the one witness, and of course his principal target, runs off. (Again, don’t ask. Aw, I gotta ask anyway. Did he have only one bullet?)

Emanuel tells Marianela that he’d never have thought he’d see her at a fashion show, particularly with that police guy. He smiles, trying to look light-hearted. Brandon says that “that police guy” happens to have a name, Brandon Moreno. Doris angrily says that she’s his sister, Doris. Kristel laughs and says Brandon and Doroty! Your mama sure named you to grow up to be nacos.

Emanuel asks what they’re doing there. Marianela says they have as much right as anyone. Brandon waves him away, telling him to go back to his group and leave them alone. Emanuel tells him he wasn’t talking to him, he was talking to his cousin. Your cousin? says Brandon. Well, your cousin just happens to be my novia.

That’s ridiculous, says Emanuel. No it isn’t says Marianela. Last night Brandon took me to this great place, we were talking and dancing, and he asked me to be his novia. She kisses Brandon’s cheek and they laugh and he kisses her and says te amo.

Gladiola, Consuelo and little Javier appear in the patio. Netty tearfully tells them what happened and tells Consuelo to run for help.

Maximo is going through his desk drawers, frantically looking for ammo. Fedra tells him there isn’t any – does he think she’d be stupid enough to come in with him armed to the teeth? Stupid, crazy old man.

I’m the only one here who isn’t crazy, he fires back at her, because I’m the only person in this house who knows what you really are. Benigno! he calls. Fedra tells him nobody’s going to come because nobody can stand old men like him. Maximo has a framed velvet piece on his desk with his medals displayed on them. Fedra starts picking them out one by one and throwing them over her shoulder. He begs her to stop.

In the living room, Emiliano is wondering out loud why Axel did that to him. He hears shouts – Fedra shouting Leave me alone! Don’t touch me! and Maximo shouting Old witch! Emiliano runs to see.

Netty is weeping over Dolores, who, startingly, answers, saying she’s lived long enough and who are they to mess with God’s plan? Anyway, she’s left Netty surrounded by good people. Her chest hurts, and it’s not the bullet, she says. It’s the pain she feels at Netty being alone (what about the “good people”?). Netty tells her not to talk, it’s too much work. Dolores says she doesn’t think the doctor’ll make it, but he likes Netty, but that lawyer, he’s nice, and he’s been checking Netty out. Promise me that you’re going to have a man, one who loves you and takes care of you. Don’t stay alone. God bless you all.

And with that, this show’s payroll dropped. Weeping and wailing.

Fedra is going around, picking up Maximo’s tchotchkies and throwing them. He says he’ll kill her and grabs her by the throat. He must be weak from living in a cellar like a mushroom, because she doesn’t even try to grab his hands away and yells “help!” Emiliano bursts in and then she acts like she’s really being strangled. He pulls the general away and demands to know if he’s gone nuts. Get out, both of you! yells Maximo.

Well, there’s poor Muñeca, alone with her candles and rose-decorated bed, having champagne alone. She dials the phone. We see Lorenzo making love to Begoña, while his cell phone goes off. Muñeca leaves a message, saying please come home. This is where you belong. I want to show you that I’m your Muñeca, who loves you and misses you so much.

More weeping over Mama Dolores. The doctor is there now, but it’s too late. Netty mourns that Dolores did it for her, to save her life.

The fashion show has finally started – the models are vamping down the runway. Emanuel tells Andre he can’t believe Marianela’s with that cop. Andre guesses that he likes full-figured gals. Kristel wonders how Marianela got such a handsome guy, which ticks off Mauricio a little. Kristel assures him he’s a different kind of handsome.

Doris crosses the room to say hi to Andre, who barely acknowledges her. She returns to her side, while Brandon tells her that guy’s a giant fake. Brandon tells Marianela that probably Emanuel will back off after tonight. Marianela remembers her friend telling her to make Emanuel jealous.

But here comes Ilitia down the runway and Emanuel glows at her. Marianela deflates.

Emiliano is on the phone with somebody, alarmed about Maximo. He hangs up and asks Fedra why on earth she went into the basement. All fake hysterical, she lies that Maximo sent for her, and then insulted her, shot at her, and tried to kill her. She can’t live with the fear! Emiliano assures her that it’s all taken care of, an ambulance is on the way and he’s going to have Maximo committed this very night.

Where is Benigno, faithful caretaker of the grounds and the general too?

All the models parade out for the finale, Ilitia leading them. She is given the microphone and she thanks everyone, then says she has a big announcement. She and Emanuel are engaged! He looks stunned, but steps up to take her hand. The press crowds around and one asks if she’s pregnant. Oh heavens no, she says. I keep my figure perfect. Heaven forbid that I would deform my body like that. Nobody looks good with a big body, she adds, cutting her eyes at Marianela.

Emanuel notes that being a mother is a privilege. Marianela suddenly decides she wants out of there, and off she hastens, Brandon following. Although the photographers are still snapping shots of him and Ilitia, Emanuel tries to go after Marianela, he says to see what’s wrong. Ilitia grabs him by the arm and tells him through gritted teeth that he’s not going anywhere. He’s hers.

Kristel makes snotty remarks about Marianela and Mauricio tells her that Marianela’s jealous because she’s in love with Emanuel. Kristel is stoked by this hot gossip.

The police chief is at Netty’s along with some cops. She explains that Brandon and Oliver are out for the evening. He wants to hear exactly what happened.

Emiliano comes into Maximo’s room, the guys in the white suits following. He tells Maximo he’s going where he can’t hurt anybody. Maximo pulls a big knife from his desk drawer and says he’s going down fighting, and Fedra, who wants to get rid of him, is the one he wants to kill. Emiliano, standing quite close, tells him to hand over the knife. Or kill him – go ahead! Maximo is sorrowful and says Emiliano shares his blood, he just can’t. Emiliano sadly tells the guys to do their job. Don’t touch me! says Maximo, putting his hands up in weak defense.

Delicia is putting things away in the fridge, and when she closes the door, she spots Bernardo and jumps. He asks her what she’s doing up so early, and she asks him what he’s up to himself, her eyes scanning him. He has his black skulking outfit on and after he scoffs and walks off, he drops his black ski mask by mistake. She picks it up and realizes what it is and guesses something’s going on.

Emanuel seems to be in the cocktail lounge of the fashion show. He looks dejected and tells Andre that Marianela can’t be in love with that cop. Andre wonders why not, and wonders if he’s jealous. He says it’s not that, it’s that he doesn’t want anybody in his family taking up with that guy. Andre tells him a person doesn’t need glasses to see that he’s in love with la gorda.

Avances: Ilitia prepares for the boda of the century. Emanuel goes to see Marianela, smiles at her, puts his hands on her shoulders and looks into her eyes.


La Verdad Oculta EP12 09/20/2010 - Bertha is smarter than a 5th grader

* prison
From previous episode: Goyo pulls a Gollum and tells poor frightened Abe that he won't sell his house and he's capable of doing anything to protect his property. The guards lead the angry old man out.

* Guilléns' flat
The sisters are ready to leave. Both are very pretty though Gaby hates her uncomfortable (but zillion dollars worth pornstar shoes). Fausto excitedly tells them that the taxi arrived and tries to give them money which they don't accept. Daddy cries, the girls cry, they'll miss each other much.

* Genovés villa
Abe reports Mario what a crazy, unreasonable geezer Goyo is and that he'll never sell his house. They'll have to find another solution. Mario has a new idea: there's another house in their neighbourhood, is that empty? In the hall Bertha continues her investigation over Mario and his mysterious visitor. Abelardo lies to her that Fausto was only a poor man who was looking for job. Bertha doesn't seem to be convinced. In the study Alejandra and Mario talk about their secret uncle-niece reconstruction project. Mario innocently asks her if she's able to construct a... for example, an underterrain tunnel? A what? No, she hasn't done anything like that but she studied about it in the university. She could finish it in two weeks. Ale is still very enthusiastic about the project, in spite of that Mario doesn't want to tell her why he needs that tunnel and he asks for complete discretion.

* prison
Marcos and Puff Piggy, the leader of the low-life population of the Reculsorio Oriente argue about money, que sorpresa! Has your sister given you the money? Not yet. Since Piggy no es una hermanita de caridad (he's not a Charity Nun) Marcos had better give him the dinero quickly. Marcos is upset and when Juan José asks him what they were talking about he basically tells the big guy to go fly a kite.

* Genovés villa
Bertha may be a useless and spoiled child, but she ain't stupid. She reports to Ale the strange happenings she noticed: first a badly dressed pauper visited Mario and he spent hours in his study, second, Mario said that he was talking with a businessman about a contract, but Abelardo said that he was a poor guy looking for job. Third, she met this man in the cemetery next to a tomb... Aaand when they buried their mom she saw Mario drawing near to that tomb. Interesting, isn't it? Ewww, be careful with this gal.

* Alejandra's office
Elsa shows to Mina the new dresses. Hermina notices that Elsa is nervous and asks her about her problem. Elsa's lines: Marcos, prison, money, blahblahblah. She politely refuses Mina's offer of lending her money. Mina says that she likes Elsa, so she'll buy a dress and please consider her as her friend.

* Los Angeles, airport
The Guillén sister arrived at LA. While Julieta is in the toilet, Déborah, the telenovela impersonator of Cruella De Vil shows up and identifes Gabriela from her shoes. She's very displeased at hearing that she has to take care of two waitresses instead of one and her attitude make the girls very uncomfortable.

* prison
While Goyo is worrying about his preciouuuuusssss at the other end of the cantina Marcos, Piggy and the low-life brothers are talking their filthy plan that they want to achieve that night.

* Genovés villa
Mario tells Fausto that he'll buy one of the neighbouring houses for him and also tells him about the tunnel. Fausto gets cold feet again, this is madness, he'll get caught and will be imprisoned... Mario pushes the "this is your chance to discover the killer of your wife" button again.

* prison workshop
Juan José works alone. He looks around then shyly draws near to the picture of the Madonna. He starts to pray tearfully: it's been a long time since he stopped believing in her, but please forgive him and take care of his mother whom he misses so much and take care of Gregorio as well. A friendly guard shows up and asks why he prays for a murderer but JJ insists that Goyo's a good man and he repented what he did (I wouldn't be so sure about it...). He also declares firmly that he, JJ didn't kill anyone, he swears it in front of the Virgin!

Los Angeles, hotel
Sour Déborah lead the girls into their room, they love it.

* Genovés villa
The men continue their conversation. Why do you think that Adolfo is the culpable for the death of Marta? Because he gained the most from the situation. Maybe he's innocent but he may know who the murderer was. And P.S. don't trust Yolanda, she's Adolfo's friend. They start to talk about Gabriela. Mario learns that she and her sister are in Los Angeles. Mario is surprised.

* Ávila residence
Dolphie is talking with Déborah on phone, Deb nervously tells him that Gaby came with her sister. Dolphie calms her down and quickly asks his precious little son about how much employees he sent to LA. Well, two. Adolfo scolds him but Carlos gets angry too: he paid Julieta's accomodations, okay? Adolfo calls Déborah and tells her that the plan hasn't changed.

* Guilléns' flat
Leonardo visits Fausto who's very happy to see him. They talk about their family: Leonardo is a widower and he has a daughter who lives with his family in Durango. Fausto says that he couldn't separate from his children, they're the only reason why he lives.

* Genovés villa
Mario and Abe discuss their plan again. The owner of the neighbouring villa will sell them the house. Mario tells his loyal friend that Ale will construct the secret passage.

* Los Angeles, hotel
The girls have dinner. Déborah leaves them but promises to return next day. The girls don't mind it since they don't like her much. Suddenly a familiar face shows up: it's David holding two roses, and he's absolutely lovely. The girls' jaws drop and the boy joins them. How small the world has become, he came to LA for a few days and he ended up in the same hotel. Ay, a otro perro con ese hueso.

* Genovés villa
In the study Mario starts to act strangely, his head becomes dizzy and doesn't understand what Abelardo tells him. Poor man. Abe tells him again that he's going to LA next day. Mario wonders why his daughter, Julieta and David went to LA at the same time. This can't be a coincidence.

* Los Angeles, hotel
David is suspicious about Adolfo's generosity towards his employees because he never cared about them. Gabriela tells him that she won the prize but Carlos let Julieta accompany her. Blondie asks them when Carlos will arrive. Baaad question. The sisters get peeved at his suspicions they would've never accepted this trip if they had had to well, entertain Carlos. He asks for theis forgiveness and changes the topic: lets's have fun together in Los Angeles! The girls gladly agree.

* prison

Marcos and the gangsters grab Goyo in the bathroom and bind his mouth. It's Marcos's turn to take revenge but he hesitates (thanks for heaven). Piggy snatches the weapon out of his hand stabs Goyo by himself. Damned rascal! Suddenly Juan José comes in and he's shocked at what he sees. Piggy threatens him but Marcos doesn't let him to hurt his friend. The men leave and JJ shouts for help while he holds Goyo. When the guard arrives he says that he doesn't know what happened. He gently holds poor Gandalf. Don Goyo, it's me, Juan José, listen to me, please!



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