Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Eva Luna #11 Tue 11/16/10 Deadbeats and the slinging of manure abound.

Eva Luna Episode 11—November 16, 2010

Please note: Some descriptions of scenes were “condensed” because it is too exhausting to try to recap every.little.edit of this telenovela! (They cut back and forth between several scenes rapidly at times.)

Eva is in her room, and can’t stop thinking about The Kiss that she shared with Daniel. Leonardo comes in and interrupts. He wants her to take his gift of some earrings. They go just perfectly with a necklace she has. She doesn’t want to take the earrings but he keeps flattering her and presses her to accept them. Leonardo finally gets Eva to accept the darn earrings, and then creepily says that maybe she’ll wear them when she goes out with him. Slimeball. Eva looks slightly disgusted at his suggestion.

Victoria is trying to patch things up with Laurita, after really ripping into little Laurita for accidentally running into her with her bike earlier. Laurita says how upset Victoria made her, and Victoria smiles and says that she didn’t mean to be rude, and let’s make up and don’t tell your dad what happened.

Tony the lollypop-sucking deadbeat is trying to lure Alicia by offering to give her his newly acquired motorcycle, and after some temptation on Alicia’s part (IDIOT!) she somehow finds the strength to refuse him and hurries off, saying that she’s got to study.

Renata is telling Marcy (Gloved weirdo) about how Julio wants Eva to have a room at the house, because Eva is his assistant. Marcy is not happy and walks off to do something about it.

Victoria is continuing to suck up to little Laurita. She is suggesting that Laurita learn about modeling, but Laurita is not keen. Laurita figures out that Victoria wants to ship her off to Europe. Victoria denies this, but when Daniel comes in, Laurita tells him what Victoria suggested.

Daniel notices that Laurita is a little warm, like she’s coming down with a fever. She says she’ll go to her room. Victoria tells Daniel that she didn’t mean to upset the girl, and Daniel, vexed, tells her to please be careful what she says to Laurita, because she was really scared about being shipped off to Europe. (Victoria, dear, you are not going to separate these two. Father and daughter are stuck together like Super-glue!)

Marcela is grilling Julio about how come he wants Eva staying at the house, and what’s going on here. Julio seems to be enjoying this. He doesn’t see what the big deal is. Marcela gets angry and says to not play games with her in her own house. Julio reminds her that it’s his house, as he holds the title. Also he says he wouldn’t mess around with a woman in the same house where his kids are, and besides, Eva could be a sister or a granddaughter. Marcela seems mollified but expresses anger at the thought that her husband would mess around in her own house. Julio laughs.

It’s morning, and Francisco is trilling on to Jackie about his True Love, Marisol. Oh yeah, Jackie is thrilled to be hearing all about this! Jackie is going away for a few days to visit her mother and Francisco will have to cover, like helping Laurita with her homework. Francisco doesn’t want to, of course. Francisco’s phone rings (it’s Marisol!) and he wants Jackie to answer and say that she’s his secretary. Jackie refuses, disgusted. Francisco and Marisol exchange big whopping lies to each other, and then finally make a date for dinner that night. Jackie overhears all of this and tells Francisco that he is the worst of the worst.

Renata is chewing out Eva for being three minutes late. Eva reminds Renata that their clock is three minutes fast. Renata tells her to not talk back. Renata spews some bitter nonsense and then huffs out of the room.

Laurita has a fever and a sore throat. She’s got to stay in bed and take medicine. Daniel offers to stay home from work to look after her, but she says that Jackie can do that. Jackie looks like she’s going to cancel her visit to her mom and looks unhappy about it.

Daniel is talking to Victoria and saying that he’s going to have to cancel because he’s got to stay with Laurita, since Jackie has postponed her visit with her mom twice now already. Victoria says she can’t be there, because she has a photo shoot and can’t risk getting sick. She assures Daniel that she’ll find a solution for this.

Victoria visits her dad Julio and asks him to lend Eva, so she (Eva) can tend to Laurita and free up Daniel so he can go on his trip. Victoria then tells Eva to go get a change of clothes, she’s staying at Daniel’s house that night to look after Laurita. Eva is a bit impactada by this, but Victoria assures her that she’s the perfect person for the job. (Victoria is obviously still buying into the myth that Eva is interested in some other guy and is no threat.)

Eva still is unsure of this, but Victoria assures her that she’ll only be looking after the girl, that Daniel is going to be away working. Eva looks a little more relaxed about the idea and agrees to go.

Marisol is talking with Alicia and continuing to gush over how great Francisco is and is looking forward to their date that night.

Jackie is welcoming Eva to Daniel’s house and telling her where everything is. Jackie thanks Eva for covering for her, so she can visit her mom. Laurita walks in and hugs Eva and is thrilled to see her. She’s glad Eva is here instead of that other witch. (She stops herself short of saying “witch” but we know what she meant to say!)

Marisol and Alicia are chatting some more. Marisol talks about getting some cheepie prepaid cell phone, which will work for her purposes. (I guess for fooling Francisco?) Then the conversation strays to Carlos. Alicia is going to study at Carlos’s house and his mom is going to fix them dinner. Ah! Living with his mom? Marisol likes the sound of this. Carlos is much better than that Tony. (I agree!) Alicia says that she doesn’t think she’ll tell Tony that she’s going to Carlos’s house. (I think?) Marisol says that maybe Tony will finally leave her in peace if he figures out that she’s a person who intends to keep studying.

Laurita wants to show Eva a surprise. It’s Daniel, flat out on his back in bed, having caught the same bug that Laurita has. He’s too sick to travel so Eva is going to have to look after both of them.

After Laurita scampers off, Daniel apologizes to Eva for The Kiss from the other night, but she doesn’t want to talk about that. Eva is a bit freaked at the idea of playing nursemaid to Daniel too. She wants to go and see if Jackie can find someone else to take care of them, but Daniel pleads with her to stay. He doesn’t want to have his daughter to be looked after by some stranger.

Tony the lollypop-sucking deadbeat accosts Marisol at the pension and starts arguing with her about her trying to turn Alicia against him. Tony says disparaging things about Marisol’s profession, like she’s basically a prostitute. Ugh, this guy is such a jerk.

Daniel lets Francisco off the hook so he can go on his date with Marisol that night. Eva will be taking care of them and Daniel doesn’t want to get in the way of Francisco’s latest conquest. Francisco is elated.

Tony wants to know where Alicia is. Marisol says that she’s with Carlos, who is a really good guy, unlike Tony. Of course this upsets an already-jealous Tony.

Laurita is showing Eva her drawings, which have a picture of a woman that is supposed to be Eva. Laurita says that before she met Eva, she could draw her. She’s so glad Eva is looking after them instead of that Victoria. Her dad likes Eva a lot, too!

Marisol and Francisco are both on the road, going to meet for their date. They are each talking to themselves, giving themselves pep talks about how they can pull their respective huge lies off!

It’s late, a full moon, and Victoria is having a chitchat with her mom and sharing a brandy. Victoria can’t pinpoint why, but she knows something is wrong and she has this feeling that she needs to drag Daniel to the altar soon. There is no time to waste.

Daniel wakes up from his sick bed, has another remembrance of The Kiss. Then we cut to Eva, also having memories of The Kiss. Eva is telling herself to forget The Kiss. It never happened. Good luck with that, dear.

Eva is in Daniel's kitchen in the middle of the night, still thinking about The Kiss they shared the day before. Daniel comes in, wants to have a "talk," but she says that nothing happened. It was a big mistake. Then she snaps and says how does he expect her to believe him? She doesn't want to be one of his collection of women. He's got a girlfriend already, so leave her in peace! Daniel looks impactado.

(I was able to do a video capture of this episode and have made a streaming video clip of this scene. Since YouTube seems to want to block many telenovela clips, I hosted this on my own site. The site is very barebones—no viruses, I promise! It’s just a Flash clip—like what you get on YouTube.)
Daniel and Eva talk in the kitchen. (Right-click to have this link open to a new window.)

I am amused at how both Daniel and Laurita, who are supposedly afflicted with a horrible flu and fever, can become amazingly perky when the scene calls for it. For instance, Daniel is feverish and ill, but when he sees Eva he suddenly seems perfectly well and even looks like he’s moving in for a kiss. (I kept on thinking that he had better not kiss her and give her all his cooties!)

Francisco and Marisol are shoveling verbal manure at each other at the restaurant. Marisol talks about some ex in Spain. She also says that she thinks some guys are not interested in her for herself, but for her money. Francisco knows what that’s like. Oh these two are too much!

Francisco is so totally full to the brim with manure. He tells a story about his poor dear departed wife, Jackie, who was killed by a lion while working in Africa.

Marcy is smelling the flowers Bruno gave her and wondering what’s going to go on with him. Meanwhile, Bruno is gambling with Leo and Bruno wins. Leo is vexed.

More manure from Marisol and Francisco. They dance at the restaurant.

Victoria is talking to herself, wondering why Daniel hasn’t called. Then she says to herself that she’ll call the house the next day, acting all concerned about Laurita’s health. But there’s no way she’d look after the girl. Eva can do that.

Daniel walks down the hallway and stops in front of Laurita’s room, where Eva is. Then he slowly and regretfully walks away. Eva is inside crying. Laurita wakes up and wants to know why Eva is crying. Eva tells some lie about waking up from a bad dream.

Carlos the hottie and Alicia are studying math, but Alicia is having trouble with it. Apparently Alicia sucks at math. They call it a night and as they are picking up their pencils and stuff, their fingers touch and they have A Moment. Alicia starts in with a little speech about how she has a lot of complications in her life and all she can offer him is friendship. He says, sure, sure, he understands. But you can tell he secretly has other desires.

Here’s a clip of this scene with Alicia and Carlos.

Tony the deadbeat sucker boy goes to the bar where he hangs out and finds some fellow deadbeat friends, and has a request. He wants them to “take care” of a waiter named Carlos (oh no!). Fellow deadbeat friends will be happy to get right on it. Wow, I knew Tony was a creep, but he reaches new heights all the time!

It’s morning, and Victoria is at her precious photo shoot. I don’t think the lighting is very flattering to her (her eyes look all squinty) but whatever.

Some semi-flamboyant coworker of Marcela is telling her about some really important client that is waiting for her in her office. She seems amused by flamboyant guy’s enthusiasm. Flamboyant guy ushers her in to see this mystery guy, and then he sighs in relief.

Leo is talking to his secretary and she tells him that Daniel never went on his trip, he stayed home with the flu. She then goes on to tell him about Eva being there, yadda yadda, and that Victoria set it all up. Leo laments to himself as he picks up his phone that Victoria messed up and he’s going to have to fix it.

Eva is seeing to Laurita who is much better. Laurita wants to get up but Eva nixes that. Then she goes in to check on Daniel, who is flat in bed asleep. She tucks him in under his covers and lovingly touches his feverish brow as the phone rings. Victoria wants to know what’s going on and why is Eva in the bedroom of her boyfriend?

A clip of this final scene from the show.

That’s it for this episode!

As always, please everyone, correct any errors I make. I thank you. And as always, everyone, please check this recap’s comments for further corrections or elaborations on this episode.



Llena de Amor #68 Tue 11/16/10 Fedra joins Emanuel’s Besos4Pesos scheme.

Repeats…Fedra crams the cash back into the safe. Brilliant idea, Fedra, since you know that someone who is willing to steal can get into it. She and Spiderus snicker over the impending doom of la gordita. Then, yay, we get a repeat of Delicia telling Brandon and Oliver that TomCat is a goner, surely it’s the bruja’s fault, and if she finds them in the house she will skin them (despellejar) alive. Then we wing back over to Netty and Emiliano snoozling in bed all desnudos and discovered by Axel.
New stuff. Emanuel asks Marianela if she really thinks he would try to hurt her. She’s confused and doesn’t feel well, but it seems pretty obvious that the poison in the soup was meant for her. Eman remembers that he went out into the garden and left the soup unattended. A light bulb flickers in his head and he tells Mari he knows what he has to do to protect her. Unfortunately, he does not fill her in on his plan. As he leaves, he just tells her, “no matter what happens, don’t forget that you’re everything to me. I love you.”
Down in the office, Fedra tells Spidey she knows it wasn’t actually Marianela who stole the money, so who was it? He claims he doesn’t know and he found it hidden in the garden. Fed thinks he’s protecting that fulanita Nereida. Emanuel bursts in.
In the kitchen, Oliver moans that this is a waste of time and they have no idea where Gretel is. Delicia says of course they know! She went on vacation to Switzerland! “You see? That witch is even lying to her own family!” says Oliver. Brandon asks Delicia to tell Fedra that the police are demanding to see her. Delicia hesitantly agrees, but only if she can borrow a bulletproof vest.
Fedra’s busy insulting Marianela in her usual uneducated fashion. She tells Emanuel she’s not in the mood to hear him defend his musa de goteros. Emanuel just laughs and says the painter is Botero. He reminds Fedra that he is her favorite child. “Not while you’re in love with that whale, you’re not,” she says. He gets all giddy and confidential and laughs that Mari almost died but the cat was poisoned instead. “Hee hee! Tell me how you did it!” She is shocked and can’t believe he is accusing her of such a thing. He snickers some more and chuckles, “You really think I’m in love with la gorda? Please!” Fedra isn’t quite sure what he’s getting at. “I don’t care about her! She can keel over dead or blow up like a balloon for all I care! I just want to marry her so I’m left with all the money when she croaks prematurely! I’ve got to get all that money!” Well now, this is a language Fedra understands.
Axel storms down the stairs at the pensión, having apparently stood upstairs in shocked fury long enough for Emiliano and Netty to put some clothes on. They chase him down, wanting to explain. He thinks it’s all pretty obvious. The yelling draws the other ladies out of the kitchen and they are also shocked. Netty tries to defend herself, but Axel says she’s not his mom; his mother is a lady and Netty is a slut! Netty tells Emiliano to get out of her house and stay away from her forever. Yeah, that makes it way less like a cheap fling.
Emanuel is still chummily wheedling Fedra into his little “conspiracy.” He throws in a few fat insults to be extra convincing, but asks Fedra to stop saying stuff like that when he’s with Marianela, because it’s too hard for him not to laugh. “This is why you’re my favorite, mi amor! That’s my boy!” But then he goes too far. With Mari now hovering outside the door listening in, he confides to Fedra that he actually hit the sheets with the gordinflona and acted like he was in love, but it was horrible. Marianela cries as Fedra agrees that this was gross, but a necessary sacrifice. Together they are going to snag the money and eliminate Marianela!
Outside the pensión, Axel yells at Emiliano for taking up with this loose woman who has destroyed the whole family! Well, along with her awful niece, who has turned Emanuel and Gretel against their mamá. Emiliano says that is not how things are; maybe Axel doesn’t remember, but the marriage to Fedra was destroyed some time ago and Netty had nothing to do with it. Axel says fine, do whatever you want, but you will never be happy.
Emanuel is still going on and on, telling Fedra how easy it was to fool Marianela into believing he really wanted to be with her. Mari is still eavesdropping and crying. He claims all his displays of anger toward Fedra were just part of his brilliant strategy. They toast to their master plan. Fedra swigs her whole glass in one fell swoop and then can’t swallow it all and looks like she’s going to spit, the way all the elegant ladies do it. Emanuel explains to her that his plan won’t work if something happens to Mari before they marry, so stop with the attacks, okay? She agrees. He says then he’s off to bed to dream of his future as a merry widower. They hear a sound at the door and Eman opens it, but only Delicia is there, to tell Fedra that the police are there to see her.
Fedra slithers out to the foyer and asks Oliver, “how dare you set foot in my house, you garbage, after you kidnapped my daughter?” Brandon tells her they have no case against Oliver unless Gretel testifies against him. Oliver pipes up that Fedra is the one who kidnapped Gretel. Where is she stashed? Emanuel says there is nothing amiss; she has just gone to Switzerland to recover from all the trauma. Oliver says he knows that isn’t true because Gretel called him. She’s locked up somewhere, and he doesn’t know where because the call was cut off and the Telenovelaville PD has no caller ID or access to phone records. Emanuel looks concerned and suspicious.
Marianela cries in her bedroom, wondering how Emanuel could have deceived her and thinking back to their enchanted evening, now believing that all Emanuel’s lusty words of love and seduction were lies. She sobs about all this at length but I refuse to listen to anything she says in that awful whiny voice. A few flashbacks of Ilitia telling her Eman is only with her out of pity and Doris wondering if he really for real wanted to be with her break up the whining. Mari decides Netty was right. Emanuel was nothing but bad news. He tried to kill her!
Marianela packs her suitcase, with more flashbacks of the times she previously believed were happy.
Emanuel tells Oliver not to insult his mother. Fedra tries to physically attack two armed police officers, but Emanuel holds her back. Oliver states again for the record that he loves Gretel, would never harm her, and will not give up searching for her. Brandon and Oliver decide to leave, and Mari runs down the stairs and demands to be taken with them.
Gladiola brings Netty tea and tells her to stop being such a drama queen. Her life is not over. Netty cries that she’s wanted Emiliano for so long, and now that she finally had him, she has to give him up again. Gladiola decides she needs cookies, too. Netty takes a sip. “Aaaaah! It’s super hot!” “Yeah, I figured, from the state he left you in!” “I meant the TEA!” Gladiola tells Netty that no one is asking her to give up Emiliano. Maybe he’ll divorce the witch and live happily ever after with Netty. But Netty is afraid if they divorce, the kids will hate her, and she doesn’t want that. She is not a homewrecker. She is declaring war on love. Emiliano is dead to her.
Emanuel tries to stop Mari from leaving. “Let’s go, Brandon,” is her response. She leaves with the polis, and Emanuel is all distraught.
Paula asks Delicia what happened with Gretel and the policeman. Delicia says Fedra found them and separated them and sent Gretel off somewhere…to that place with the enchiladas they sprinkle cheese on top of. “Switzerland,” says Paula. Yes. Well, that’s what Fedra said, but Oliver swears she has Gretel locked up somewhere. Poor guy, he’s so in love with Gretel, he must be really suffering.
Emanuel rants to Fedra about how much more difficult it’s going to be to woo Marianela if she’s living in the pensión, with Netty and Brandon yapping their anti-Eman talk at her all the time. He needs to have her nearby! Axel lurches in and tells them he found Dad and that cabareta in bed at the pensión. They are amantes!
Netty apologizes to the other pensión ladies for compromising the decency of their happy home. They don’t seem particularly offended. She swears it will never happen again. The polis and Mari walk in, and Mari gets a very warm welcome.
Lowrenzo tosses and turns in bed and dreams of zombie Begoña asking why he had her killed and reaching out to grab him. “Nooooo!” he screams, waking Muñeca. He’s drenched in sweat.
The next day, Ilitia is asleep in a chair in Kristel’s hospital room. Kristel is up and dressed and takes advantage of Ilitia’s deep slumber to sneak out. She’s got to see her puchunguito.
Fedra’s upset. Emanuel assures her that she will not be usurped by that actress. She settles down a little. Emanuel says he’s got to marry Marianela as soon as possible. Emiliano walks in then and says he will not permit it. Fedra yells at him for hopping in the sack with that trashy cabaretera. Traitor! Emanuel tries to get her to calm down, asking whether she wants the whole world to know their problems. “Yes!” she yells. She wants the whole world to know that her horrid husband betrayed her! “I’ll kill you!” she shrieks, but Emanuel holds her back so she can’t. He reminds her to always be elegant. Ha. Emiliano says they need to talk. Fedra doesn’t want explanations, she wants to kill him. She acts rabid. Where’s the doc with the tranq jabs?
The gang is breakfasting at the pensión when Mari staggers in and faints.
Emanuel is still trying to referee the battle. Ilitia calls and tells them Kristel escaped from the hospital.
Don Máximo is mad that Mari moved out without saying goodbye to him. Paula isn’t listening to him because she’s worried about Gretel. Max remembers that Fedra wanted to lock Gretel up in a manicomio. He says it’s like Fedra isn’t even Gretel’s mother. Paula suddenly has something important to go do.
In the manicomio, Nice Nurse offers to help Gretel. She says she can get a message to someone outside. Gretel asks her to tell Oliver Rosales where she is.
Muñeca is trying to call Begoña, but she isn’t answering her phone. Lowrenzo tells her Begoña quit her job at the agency and left the country. Muñeca says Low will be in big trouble if she finds out that he ran Begoña off. He says he didn’t fire her.
In the prison, Agent Orange thanks Caimán for protecting him from the bullies. Kristel shows up to visit. She hugs Agent O.
Finally rid of Fedra, Emiliano tries to explain to Emanuel how things are. He’s in love with Netty! “Then why can’t you accept that I’m in love with Marianela? You do what you want with your life, but respect that I want to be with Mari!”
Mari has been tucked in bed, but she’s feeling vomity and runs off to the bathroom. Brandon goes to get the doctor.
Nice Nurse writes down all the information and promises she’ll see Oliver tomorrow. When the doctor comes in, Gretel pretends to be zonked out.
Malicio tells Kristel she should be glad about what happened, because they didn’t want that kid. But he’s missed her, oooh, she looks delicious. Kristel cries that she’s not the same as before. Maybe she was freaked out about that baby, but now she’ll never be able to have any kids. “Well, who told you I wanted to have children?” he asks, unconcerned. He just wants to enjoy life with only her. So she needs to get him out of prison.
Ilitia has gone home and is still worried about Kristel, but not too worried to tease her parents about looking like they didn’t get much sleep, either. Have they made up? Lowrenzo heh-hehs that they were up really late, um, chatting, nudge nudge, wink wink. Not so much, says Muñeca. Everything is not hunky-dory yet. Ilitia tells Muñeca she is lucky to have Lowrenzo there. If only Emanuel were so accommodating. Lowrenzo tells Ilitia she needs an ally to help her get the chains around Emanuel. Who better that Fedra? “Sure, she certainly knows how to do it,” snarks Muñeca. Ilitia wonders what the ironic tone is about. She thought Muñeca and Fedra were friends. Muñeca just says Lowrenzo knows Fedra really, really well, much better that she does, so he would know her skills.
Paula tells an officer at the station that she urgently needs to see Oliver Rosales. The officer goes to get him. Nice Nurse hands Paula a note and says it must get to Oliver, but she can’t wait and get mixed up in the matter.
Agent O tells Kristel he’ll marry her as soon as possible, but she needs to get her mother to buy his ticket out of prison. Kristel doesn’t think Fedra will agree to help him, but she says she will convince her. Fedra walks in and looks evil.
Doctor Arnoldo won’t really look at Netty as he tells them to make sure Mari gets lots of fluids, and he’ll get back to them with the test results. He leaves. Mari says she feels bad about showing up here, only to inconvenience them with her illness. She’s sure it’s her diet that made her so sick. “Really? Are you sure it isn’t…something else?” Brandon asks. Netty gasps. “The night you were with Emanuel, did you use protection?” Mari is annoyed at the intimate question. “You’re PREGNANT, Marianela!” Netty exclaims. Even though that was just a few days ago.
Avances: Mari tells Brandon about Emanuel’s hideous scheme. Emanuel visits the pensión and demands to see her. Drama…will it ensue?
Despellejar – to skin or flay; also to slander
Fulanita (fulana) – dismissive and disparaging term for a person, with no real specific meaning.
Musa de goteros – Fedra’s latest Mari-insult; it’s nonsense. If she said goteras that might mean muse of drips, or muse of aches and pains. But she really meant Botero. Fernando Botero is a Colombian artist who depicts people in a distinctly chubby style.
Puchunguito – affectionate nickname for one’s romantic partner
Enchiladas Suizas – They aren’t actually a Swiss dish; the Swiss just refers to the cream sauce on top.


La Fea Más Bella #93-94 11/17/10 Things are unreal.

Pata, thank you yet again for the terrific pictures. Pata says no theme today, just some shots that she thinks are very fun. I agree!

Capitulo 93.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 93 to 94. Then come back here to discuss it.
Ha ha, you smelled the plastic flower:

Capitulo 94.

Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 93 to 94. Then come back here to discuss it.

Fernando's uncle shows up. It's Jaime Camil's real dad so I guess it's his daddy uncle. Or uncle daddy.

Fernando shutting the door when Lety tried to leave:

Did we get your attention? This is Luigi making a great face at the museum when he's imitating Picasso.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Eva Luna #10 Mon 11/15/10 Cinderella Makes It To The Ball After All

Capítulo 10

[I missed the opening scenes. Juanita fills that part in very aptly --in the blue. ! Thanks! --ed.]
Since Eva's dress is ruined (with chocolate milkshake courtesy of the disguised Claw-dia] she thinks she'll have to miss the awards dinner. She asks Marisol whether she has a dress she could lend her, and Marisol lends her a red dress. (And here I thought Eva was going to have whipped it up in 5 minutes from some material Dona Justa had lying around. Oh well, I guess I don't have to tighten my beanie just yet.)

Eva surprises everyone when she suddenly appears in a raspberry number and looks divine. The two bimbutts, Victoria and Claudia, act sympathetic about the accident with the dress and pretend to be glad she’s managed to get there. Daniel invites Eva to sit down next to him. He agrees with Vicky and smiles at Eva. Victoria notes that eager smile and secretly frowns.

At Daniel’s place, Jackie and Laurita are discussing Eva’s being invited back. Jackie thought they didn’t like each other after the problem with the pool dunking. Laurita says no, Daddy smiles when speaking about her so he still likes her. Jackie says yeah, after Eva left that time he did stare after her with a peculiar look on his face. Before she can explain that “look” to Laurita, Francisco walks in beaming and telling them how he’s in love. Jackie frowns and tells him he says that about all the women he goes after. Franc says this time it’s different, and no, he didn’t meet her at some nightclub. He avoids the details about the pick-up, but does tell them that she’s an actress and teaches acting, tho’ the student didn’t show—all sooooo respectable.

At the same time in the dressing room at the stripclub, Marisol is telling her friend about meeting Franc and that she’s never believed in love at first site --until today after meeting the man of her dreams. She’s thinking about wanting to get married and having her as a bridesmaid. All the better if he’s got some money, too. They giggle.

Waiter Guy comes to help Alicia with her studies. Tony’s with her and goes berserk. He pitches a tantrum and throws her books and notebooks all over the place. He pushes Waiter Guy down and kicks him around and screams at him to scramola. Alicia screams back and says no, Tony’s the one leaving! Tony heads out, though none too happy about it.
At the awards dinner, Daniel receives his award and invites his entire team up to the stage along with Victoria and Eva. Eva makes a short and sweet speech about how her daddy taught her to use simple words and sentences. She’s happy to have added a “grain of sand to this campaign”. Daniel laughs and tells the crowd that it was a grain of sand that sold millions of apples. Everyone applauds. FF>>

Back at the boarding house, Justa is typing up recipes she’s getting online. She stops to think about Ricardo hugging Marisol and is jealously thinking he’s got something on the side with the girl. Ricardo comes by to chat with Justa and she gives him a hard time. She gets upset when he asks if Mariso went back to work at the cabaret, aka, the stripclub, and asks her why she’s angry at Marisol. Justa says she wouldn’t care except now her “work” is coming home with her. She says it seems she’s hitting on her boarders, in particular him! She saw the two of them in his room and him caressing her face. She storms out and he smiles to think she might be jealous of him.

After the speech Dano leaves the table to mingle. Claudia and Vicky chat till Claw wants to catch up with Leo. Vicky and Eva share a toast to overcoming adversity and Eva’s managing to get there despite her dress problems. Eva says she didn’t want to disappoint Daniel. Vicky starts frowning again and asks if she really did it for him and if he is that important to her. Eva realizes how it sounded and quickly adds she didn’t really want to disappoint either of them. Vicky gets friendly again and asks Eva if she has some guy she’s serious about. Eva says not really. Well, actually there’s someone but he’s interested in somebody else. Vicky tells her to fight for him then. (Yeah, we’re all thinking that if she only knew…..) Eva then decides to get some air.

Tony is waiting for Waiter Guy as he starts to leave. He pulls a knife and they start fighting. Waiter Guy finally wins when he gets Tony’s knife away from him and holds it against Tony’s throat. He tells Tony next time to fight like a real man with his fists and then walks off.

Eva looks up at the moon and worries about her feelings for Daniel. Dano walks up to Eva. He tells her he thought she might be leaving without saying good-bye. Eva explains she was there for some air is all and he was with his girlfriend so….. Dano tries making small talk and invites her back for a visit sometime to see Laurita’s drawing. They kid about pushing each other into the pool. She finally says it’s late and she’s got to get going. He asks her to stay a while longer. She asks why he wants her to stay. He looks up at the moon and tells her that under the moonlight she looks more beautiful than ever. She asks why he’d say something like that. He lets himself get taken away with the moment and kisses her. She lets him. It’s true love under the stars and moonlight. Finally they break to catch their breath and they stare at each other. She is a bit shocked and embarrassed and races out, leaving him there. He starts to run after her and then stops. He gets angry at himself for not going after her. He finally starts to chase after her but Vicky finds him and starts chattering. She tries to get romantic but he isn’t into it. He stutters a bit and looks around. Finally he mentions that Leo and Claudia are coming over. This saves his bacon.

Outside while waiting for her cab, Eva smiles to herself as she remembers her various semi-romantic encounters with Daniel and the kiss they finally shared.

Back at the patio area, Vicky mentions the room she’s got reserved for their private celebration. He begs off saying he’s tired and needs to get some sleep because he has to be in early the next day. She tries to get him to change his mind but Leo agrees he’s worn out and does need to get back. Claudia and Leo decide to leave and he takes Vicky home. We get another signature frown from Vicky.

Once she’s home, Eva again thinks of Daniel and The Kiss. She wonders why it had to happen. He’s engaged. She’s thinking she might quit working at Leo’s but that would mean she’d never see Daniel again.

Once Dan gets home he thinks back to their kiss also and worries about protecting Eva from Leo and his bad intentions. He tells himself he’s got to get control and that he can’t get involved with her. Then he realizes that he already is.
Vicky, meanwhile, is getting ready for bed and is thinking she doesn’t have to worry about Eva any longer because she’s interested in somebody else.

Eva gets ready for bed and tells Alicia about The Kiss. Alicia’s ecstatic! She wants to know the details. Eva does tell her that it was a terrific kiss and made her feel warm and tingly all over. Alicia wonders if he said anything afterwards. Eva says she didn’t stick around to hear; she ran out right afterwards before he had a chance to say anything. Alicia says the guy must be in love with her. Eva says no and what does it matter since he’s already got a girlfriend. She might as well forget it. Alicia says no, she thinks they’re both in love and just refuse to accept it.

The next morning Eva’s taking care of Don Julio while Marcella and Vicky are out for a jog in the park. The two talk about Eva’s managing to get to the dinner after all. Marcy tells her that’ll teach her to come up with a better plan the next time! Vicky asks about the dinner date Marcy’s got that night. Marcy’s excited about it and says she’s feeling frisky.

Don Julio finishes typing a report and hands it to Eva. He says it’s a history of the Arismendi ad agency and has a lot of helpful information in it. She thanks him and promises to read it when she gets home. He asks her how the dinner went and she says something happened that was a bit frightening but she doesn’t go into it. She helps him with his filing and such. He compliments her deftness with his things. They share a tender moment which puts them in a compromising position when Renata barges in with clean towels. Don Julio tells Renata that he wants Eva to have her own room there in the manse to be able to read and review his papers since she’s his personal assistant. When she’s got free time from other duties she’ll be reviewing his work for him now. Renata suspects the worst but has no choice and huffs her way out of the door.

Back at the park Jackie and Laurita are getting their exercise. Jackies jogging and Laurita’s on her bike. Laurita accidentally rides into Vicky and knocks her over. Vicky starts yelling at Laurita. Jackie and Laurita explain it was an accident but Vicky is too angry to care. When the two finally leave, Marcy scolds Vicky for going off on Laurita. She tells her she’ll have to apologize before the little girl tells Daniel and turns him against her. Vicky says can’t make herself get chummy with Laurita. It’s just not in her makeup. Marcy reminds her it’s the only way she’ll be sure to keep Daniel on her good side.

Bruno has another visit at his hotel room from Mystery Guest. He laughs and tells Mytery Guest that the dinner was good for business and soon Marcella will swallow the hook.

Renata takes Eva to the servant’s room she readied for her and tells her she’s not sure how Sra. Marcella will react to the news when she’s told. Eva seems worried.

Alicia runs into Tony at the boarding house again and tries to ditch him because she’s got to study for a test. Tony says he’s got a surprise for her first. She gives in and follows him.

Eva tries to read the file she was given but can’t because she can’t stop thinking about Daniel and that kiss the night before. She is smiling to herself when Leo peeks in. “—You’ve fallen in love with him, right?” Eva doesn’t know exactly how to answer him.


Llena de Amor #67 Mon 11/15/10 Furicide

Friday: Eman rustles up a breakfast soup for Marianela, and while he’s not looking, Fedra pours a whole vial of her potion into it. Gretel calls the police from the nuthouse, and actually reaches Oliver. Eman brings Mari the soup.

Before we start, I just can’t help griping about Mari’s hair which yeah, is the same as always, but tonight I hit critical mass with it, I don’t know why. What’s with the Betty la Gorda bangs? Are they real? She always has a headband or little braid across the top of them, so maybe they’re just glued on or something. And those ringlets. Barf barf barf.

Okay, I got that out of my system.

Mari thanks Eman for making the soup, but says she feels a little urpy and can’t try any.

Gretel is hiding behind a reception desk and the doctor finds her but just in time crumples from the sedative she stabbed him with. A moment to pause and reflect on that most gratifying scene on Friday… Okay, onward! The nurse finds Gretel too and tells her to hide better. Gretel is amazed to hear Oliver on the other end of the phone she’s clutching. Just then other staff find her and she screams for Oliver to save her, of course omitting to give the name of her location.

But Oliver is at the police station – he could just get the records of received calls, no? No. The police’s intermittent skills are slaves to our plot line.

Eman sets the uneaten soup on the bedroom dresser.

Oliver is very upset about Gretel’s call – he says he just knows she’s not in Switzerland. The Comisario tells him if he’s going to be bouncing off the walls like that, he’s going to take him off the case (or off work, I’m not sure which). Brandon tells Oliver to go with the guy who’s going to examine the bullets, and don’t let them out of his sight. Oliver’s worried Gretel will call again.

The Comisario tells Oliver that the first step is to get the goods on Fedra and Bernardo, then they can find Gretel. Meantime, Caiman is in the office hearing all these police insider goodies. Of course it’s natural that the police would keep a mascot in their office who’s had ties to organized crime because we’re in telenovelaland. See “intermittent skills” above.

Orderlies are strapping Gretel down while she begs them not to and insists her boyfriend is going to come get her. The Good Nurse looks on, troubled.

Seems there’s a prison gang the police have to deal with. Caiman says he’ll work as a mole.

Emil has showed up at Netty’s sunny, cheerful place, and Netty says she’s worried about Eman and Marianela, and about Oliver, who’s like a son to her and not what Emil thinks he is. Emil says he didn’t come about all that, he came about Us. He wants to forget about the outside world – it doesn’t exist. Netty says it does, and he’s married. He says but he feels so alone.

Man, the writers take the cheesiest, sleaziest, most worn-out seduction lines and put them in the good guys’ mouths. Where they actually work! Here’s more: This morning (sez Emil) I was driving to work but I ended up here, without having planned to. Tell me that I’m not alone!

Of course, if Cesar Evora told me the sun rotates around the earth, I’d say Yes, it does, and mean it.

Netty tells him he’s not alone, and as long as she lives, she’ll be by his side. They hug.

Lorenzo and Mauricio are being escorted out of the local jail, to head to prison. Brandon exults and Lorenzo and Mauricio throw threats. Mauricio tells Brandon that he’s going to pay. Just then Fedra appears and tells Mauricio that the one who’s going to pay is him. She hopes he molders in jail for the rest of his life. Lorenzo and Brandon arch their eyebrows in surprise and stare at Mauricio.

Emil blames himself for his family’s troubles – he is the man of the house, so it’s his fault. Netty reckons it’s Fedra’s fault. He tells Netty their marriage is over, and she suggests counseling or something. Nope. He takes her hands and tells her how tender and understanding she is and how he wished he’d formed a family with her. She would have loved that, she says, and adds he would have always felt loved and respected. He says that’s what he feels when he’s with her – loved. Oooh, nice kisses!

Fedra tells Mauricio that Kristel’s at death’s door, and all because he used her. She loved it, retorts Mauricio. Brandon has to hold Fedra back while Mauricio is taken off.

Okay, he’s gone and now Fedra tells Lorenzo about Kristel’s hysterectomy. He’s sorry to hear about it, and the next thing we know, Fedra is hanging on him, right in front of the cops, distressed that he got mixed up in a bad business. Of course just then Muñeca comes in, along with the comisario.

Fedra says it’s nothing, just hugging an old friend, and Muñeca wryly observes that Lorenzo is full of surprises lately. He swears he had nothing to do with the illegal liquor – it was Mauricio. An official comes up and says Lorenzo gets to be freed. Lucky, says the comisario, glaring at him. Muñeca looks doubtful. Lorenzo is thrilled – maybe his Farmville crops haven’t withered yet!

Netty’s worried Consuelo and Gladiola will come back from the market. Emil suggests a day together – lunch, theater, something fun. Netty’s ecstatic. They leave, laughing like kids.

Ilitia’s at the hospital with Kristel and she gets a call from Muñeca, telling her that Lorenzo has been sprung. Muñeca says maybe the police didn’t look hard enough for evidence or he hid it. Ilitia tells her mother to knock it off, then tells her she’s been with Kristel.

Kristel begs her not to hang up – did Mauricio get off too? Ilitia’s very happy to hear he’s off to the big house. Kristel thinks he’s been let go, but Ilitia tells her he’s going where he can’t hurt anybody any more, and she hopes he gets molested there.

The orange kitty laps up the chicken soup.

Mauricio gets checked into prison.

Mari and Em are jogging. Of course she falls, which makes him fall right on top of her, so they can kiss some more.

Mauricio, now in prison khakis, enters a big cell full of inmates who check him out. Caiman is there among them.

The kitty has more soup.

Netty and Emil are having a lovely lunch. They chink glasses, talk, laugh.

The police scientist in a lab, which looks very sophisticated and has four, count ‘em! four guys in lab coats working there, scans the bullets using fancy software.

Oliver looks worried. Gretel is strapped to a bed and despairs.

Netty and Emil neck in the back of a theater, and we see Mari and Eman up front, eating popcorn. They kiss too.

Mauricio tries to make macho chit-chat with a couple of prison guys and offers them money to be his protectors. They come close and tell him somebody’s already hired them to give him a welcome – Fedra Curiel.

Fedra and Bernardo have a debriefing session, now they’re home. He reports that Caiman had no trouble switching the bullets at the station, and that he’s there at the prison. Fedra says the guys she’s hired are going to make Mauricio’s life hell, but nice and slowwww-like.

The two guys slug Mauricio and tell him that’s what he gets for raping girls. Caiman comes in and pulls them off.

Bernardo is smooching Nereida who complains that he’s been neglecting her. Why doesn’t he ever take her out? He flops on her bed, saying they’ll be fine here. The pillow has something hard in it, he complains, picking it up. She tries to get it away from him and suddenly cash is flying everywhere.

Nereida says she won the lottery! Bernardo realizes it’s Fedra’s money. Nereida tells him that Kristel stole it and gave it to her to buy her silence. Bernardo thinks she ought to give it back. In fact, she’s to hide it in Marianela’s room so everyone thinks Mari took it.

Emil and Netty come home to her place, happy. They kiss, but she says they should stop at that. He kisses her some more and begs to stay the night. Next thing we know, they’re in the bedroom. Netty pulls away and says she’d always dreamed of coming into her room in his arms – but the dream had her in a wedding dress, not as the other woman. He tells her she isn’t the other woman. He feels lost until her looks into her eyes, then he knows that life is smiling on him after all. More kisses. Yum! Brandon should take kissing lessons from Emil.

Nereida stuffs the money under Mari’s mattress, then hears her coming and hides in the closet. Mari comes in and pets the surprisingly still alive kitty, noticing that it licked the soup bowl clean. The kitty jumps down off the bed and stares at the door Nereida is behind.

Fedra and Bernardo are having wine, and she says she’s upset about this Eman and Mari thing. While they’re talking, Eman approaches the door to talk to her, then stops, listening through the crack. Fedra laughs that Eman’s going to get high cholesterol from kissing that fatty, but fortunately they have meds for that. She says she’s going to take care of the problem, and she’s going to look great in the black dress for the occasion.

Outside the door, Eman is shocked.

Mari picks up the orange kitty and takes it to the bathroom for some water because unlike the rest of the planet, she didn’t leave down a water bowl. Nereida slips out.

Eman asks Benigno if maybe Maximo would be a good person to consult about his mother being so upset about him and Mari. Benigno doesn’t know. Eman asks him what military strategy is good for an enemy that’s closer that your own shadow. Pretend to be one of them, advises Benigno.

Fedra and Bernardo toast one another. Mauricio’s in prison, Gretel’s in the nut house, Axel’s on Fedra’s side, and Mari is soon to be dead. Most excellent. Fedra tells him about the potion she put in Mari’s soup. He tells her it takes 12 hours to act, and what’s more Mari’s going to exit the world in humiliation. He tells her about the money Nereida had and what she did with it. Everyone will think she’s a thief chortles Bernardo. Bwaahahaha.

Bernardo and Fedra burst into Mari’s room. Fedra accuses her of being a thief and sets Bernardo to searching the room.

The scales have fallen from Muñeca’s eyes. She’s on to Lorenzo and Fedra and nothing he cooks up as an excuse convinces her otherwise. She tells him he’s low-down scum and the only reason she doesn’t throw him out of her house and her business is because she doesn’t want to hurt Ilitia.

Eman and Benigno, Axel and the two maids show up in Mari’s room too. Eman tells them all to get out, Mari’s no thief. Fedra says no, they’re going to search. Mari tell them to go ahead and look. Bernardo lifts the mattress, and voila! Delicia looks the most amazed.

Oliver hands Bernardo the report – negative. Now they have nothing to hang on Fedra, Oliver wails. He’s frantic about Gretel – where is she? Bernardo promises they’ll find her.

We see Gretel despairing some more.

Back to Mari’s room: Axel wants to tell his father, but Fedra says he’s probably cavorting at Netty’s. She wants to call the police, Eman says he won’t let them accuse Mari, and Mari says nobody’s going to throw her out of her house. Fedra yells that she’s wrecked the family and all she wants is money. Mari calmly replies that she’s incapable of stealing, unlike Fedra who destroys everything she touches. Fedra lunges at her, but Eman catches her and tosses her so hard onto the bed that she rolls off the other side.

Eeeww! she says. What’s this? She’s fallen on the poor orange kitty, dead now. Fedra accuses Mari of killing it. They are all grossed out. Benigno looks closer and says that the color of its ears means that it was poisoned.

We don’t have long to contemplate what Beningo’s past was that provided him with this sort of esoteric Holmesian knowledge because now we see Lorenzo outside Muñeca’s closed door, proclaiming that he loves only her and he wants to go back to being the picture-perfect family they were. Since she can’t see him, he can punctuate his speech with some eye-rolling. From the other side of the door, Muñeca retorts that they’re not picture-perfect, her daughter is rejecting her.

He says that if he talked to Ilitia, she could see Muñeca for what she really is, her real mother. This last bit makes him roll his eyes so much they look like they’re going to fall out and bounce along the floor.

Muñeca has opened the door. You really think so? she says, but she looks very wary. Of course, he oozes, kissing her.

Fedra thinks fast and accuses Mari of poisoning the cat. Mari protests she just kept it in her room because it was lonely. Nereida says that when she came in with the laundry, the cat was eating from the bowl. All eyes turn to the soup bowl.

Eman says he made the soup. Fedra says that doesn’t matter, the point is that Mari wrecks everything. Everybody leaves, including Benigno who is going to go bury the cat, and Eman rushes to Mari’s side to comfort her. She pushes him away, saying the soup was poisoned and he was trying to spoon-feed it to her!

Fedra is stuffing her money back into her safe and mumbling at Bernardo. Looks like her poison idea didn’t work and Bernardo’s chocolate-lacing didn’t either. Bright side: Others may start to suspect Mari. But still, it’s been a flop. Bernardo suggests that accidents happen every day, tee hee. Fedra lights up.

Brandon and Oliver show up at their home away from home, the Ruiz y Teresa digs. Delicia is alarmed to see them. I didn’t do it! she says, putting her hands up. They’re puzzled and she tells them that somebody did the kitty in, and they’re next if they see them here. She draws her finger across her throat for emphasis. They say they want to speak to Emil. She tells them he’s out.

Ceiling shot of Netty and Emil in bed, content and love-talking. Still, it troubles her that he’s married. Oops – we hear voices – one of the ladies is yelling “you can’t come in!” and the next thing we know, Axel (who mysteriously knows which room is Netty’s) has burst in on them.

Avances: Eman, trying Benigno’s strategy, tells Fedra that Mari’s a fatty and means nothing to him. Apparently Mari gets downwind of that, for she’s heartbroken. She packs and phones Brandon to get her out of there.


La Fea Más Bella #91-92 11/16/10 Happy and sour.

Capitulo 91.
Read Amanda’s original recap which covers Cap’s 91 to 92. Then come back here to discuss it.

Paula asked me to post this link to dialog translations for these episodes.

Huge thanks to Pata for today's screen shots and observations:
Fernandos mission was to convince both Lety and Marcia not to break up with him. When he is in the car with Lety he has a very happy face after she agrees not to break up with him. He is more than happy to kiss her.

The first two pictures demonstrate that:

While talking to Marcia, he has a very sour face when agrees to not break up and a less content face when they kiss.

Capitulo 92.
Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 91 to 92. Then come back here to discuss it.


La Verdad Oculta #44: Juan José wishes Alejandra no harm -- quite the opposite

Gabriela and Alejandra joyfully greet living, breathing "Mario;" and as Alejandra runs to phone David, "Mario" and Abelardo explain to the stammering Adolfo that "Mario" took a plane to Veracruz -- that the chauffeur and relief-driver friend died on the highway.

When clearly incredulous Adolfo draws near for inspection, "Mario" escapes, claiming fatigue. Returning Alejandra failed to find David's phone in-area; but when she and Gabriela marvel in relief that sometimes incredible things happen, both Adolfo and Bertha clearly agree -- struggling not with joy but with cognitive dissonance.

Meanwhile in Mario's chambers, Santiago can hardly escape fast enough, before Abelardo reminds him emphatically that David still has to see him. Santiago's started this and can't go back now! Across town, nervously giggling Roberto returns Marcos's truck and so much cash that Marcos shrugs off the fender damage.

At the condo, Carlos bitterly questions to Yolanda why Adolfo's suddenly interested in keeping up appearances regarding the Genovéses; Carlos himself is just glad the honeymoon was ruined -- and he hopes they're never happy. At the bedbug hotel, Marcos considers the risky business of selling another diamond to get an apartment.

Frantic Roberto leaves a curt phone message with Yolanda for Adolfo, saying thanks very much for everything: but he hopes he never sees Adolfo again -- and Roberto's leaving the D.F. At Mario's, Alejandra warns Bertha about her attitude toward Gabriela; but with the uncle alive, Bertha doesn't have anything to fear now, she says.

Presently David returns, Gabriela rushing to embrace him with the fabulous news; and David speeds to "Mario's" chamber -- while Abelardo stands aside unnoticed, tears streaming down his face. In the darkened chamber, David embraces "Mario," getting the story and explaining he escorted the bodies to the funeral home.

"Mario" makes headache excuses; and as soon as David exits, Santiago heaves a relieved sigh and dives into the tunnel. At the hotel suite, Elsa surmises what tardy Juan José is up to when Asunción won't plainly say; and when Juan José does return, Elsa nags him with a crack about possible dinner plans with some "lady friend."

Before exasperated Bertha sneers at having to send a dinner tray up to the honeymoon suite, David instructs Abelardo about "Mario's" wishes to arrange the two funerals. At Roberto's, Adolfo lays on the bell and pounds on the door to no avail. At Santiago's, he apologizes to a worried Julieta, just as Leonardo appears at the door.

Breathless Adolfo hits the bar at home before even noticing Yolanda; and he amazes her with the "Mario" news, without letting on he arranged the hit and his confusion at what went wrong. When Adolfo mulls absently that "Mario" had actually too much luck, Yolanda's preoccupied with happiness for David.

After learning the content of Roberto's phone message, Adolfo flies into a rage at being cheated out of $5 million pesos and storms upstairs, warning Yolanda not to breathe a word of this to David. Not a word! he shouts. At Mario's, when Gabriela snuggles up and wonders if they can't have their own place, David says with hugs and kisses that he must stay with his dad now.

While Julieta and Leonardo run out a moment, suddenly Santiago notices with a start the trefoil cuff link box is missing from the shelf. Upon their return, he's frantically searching for it; and from Santiago's explanation, Leonardo instantly connects that indeed something was stolen during the robbery -- which robbery is news to Santiago.

At a nice jewelers, Roberto brings the cuff link to be made into a ring. Back at Santiago's, Leonardo insists that the robbery is significant and achieved by experienced thieves who took nothing else; and he's very curious. Santiago claims he lost the mate maybe five years ago; and Julieta -- who can't remember either one -- confides to Leonardo that Santiago has always been mysterious. Leonardo ponders pointedly.

Abelardo brings flowers to the funeral home and weeps bitterly over the casket of his employer and friend, dismayed at the unfairness of Mario being all alone there. At least Mario can rest assured that everything will work out as he planned, Abelardo murmurs.

At the hotel suite, Juan José orders Asunción to take flowers to the Genovéses and ask about Alejandra for him -- whether Elsa likes it or not. When Asunción brightens that at least he'll see Dora, Juan José ruins that by leveling about Dora's non-interest in him and suggesting he back off; but Asunción isn't convinced of that.

With Abelardo returned from the funeral home, in the kitchen Dora notices his depression even though "Mario" is not dead. They talk privately, and he astounds her with the true story of the accident -- that Mario is truly dead. And not only that, she learns Adolfo was blackmailing Mario and that Gabriela is Mario's daughter!

In a flashback, we see Mario's beloved showgirl Márta; but that when Mario intended to divorce and marry the pregnant Márta, Santiago beat him to it! The most awful part: when Mario found her murdered body with the cuff link in her hand -- and Adolfo and Yolanda encountered him there, leading to the blackmail.

In turn Abelardo is surprised to learn from Dora of her witnessing Adolfo frame Juan José, and Juan José's true identity. Upstairs, Gabriela invites Julieta on the phone to visit and explains their plans to continue the honeymoon at the weekend. Hanging up, Gabriela pulls David down on the sofa for a quick ravish; and though he has to work, promises he's never stopped thinking about her since the day they met.

Santiago is back at the tunnel house, applying his disguise; while at the kitchen table Dora explains she was happy David had a better life with Mario -- and they decide that even though Santiago is a genius at his art, they must apprise David of the deception. Abelardo reveals the explanatory letter in reserve from Mario.

Santiago negotiates the tunnel and jumps into Mario's bed with a spring. Meanwhile, at the front door Dora greets Asunción and the flowers; and she surprises him with the supposed news. Despite that, astute Asunción notes Dora still looks sad. He leaves the flowers for Alejandra in Juan Ocampo's name, and Dora actually smiles indulgently at Asunción making a little time with her.

Elsa and Mauricio look forward to dinner together and with Caramelo and his niece, Angela; when he asks if Juan José will mind, Elsa denies Juan José has any say in her life. Mauricio is glad to hear she claims no interest in him.

Juan José visits a decidedly reserved Alejandra at the studio; and when he asks what's wrong, she demurs at first. But when he presses, Juan José is surprised she reveals her suspicions about his name, his choice of her firm, his murder conviction -- in fact, doubts about his innocence. How did he get his money? she demands.

Juan José quietly explains everything; and when Alejandra laughs derisively at the treasure story, he invites her to check with Medina! Two thousand kilos of gold ingots. When Alejandra jumps to her feet, still indignant at being used, Juan José gently protests that he only wanted to draw near the family to learn the truth.

But then, he says -- then he met her, and liked her so much. Alejandra is so fine -- so intelligent, he whispers. When Juan José swears he never meant to hurt her, Alejandra rounds the desk to make for the doorway, objecting. But Juan José gently backs Alejandra to the wall, whispering earnestly he only meant to draw close to her, because he likes her -- so much, he insists, lowering his head to kiss her.


Monday, November 15, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #89-90 11/15/10 A lot of talking

I copied Julie's recap title because if there is as much talking as there was Friday then, well, it's the perfect title.

Capitulo 89.Read Julie’s original recap which covers Cap’s 87 to 89. Then come back here to discuss it.

Capitulo 90.Read Julie’s original recap. Then come back here to discuss it.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

Eva Luna #9 Fri 11/12/10

Daniel informs Eva that he wants her to accompany him to the awards ceremony since she is the one that submitted the winning line. Eva begs off and Victoria backs her up. Daniel won't take "no" for an answer and Eva finally agrees. Victoria is none to happy.

Claudia is lying in bed with Leonardo and saying to herself how much it will cost him to play with her. She gets a phone call from a very pissed off Victoria wanting to meet with her tomorrow.

Victoria tells her mother about Daniel inviting Eva to the awards ceremony. Marcela can't believe that he would invite her to such a prestious award ceremony. Victoria whines that she wanted it to be a special night just the two of them and now it's ruined. Marcela says we need to think of a way to avoid this.

Eva gets home and Dona Justa tells her that alot has happened today and wants to fill her in.

Marcela thinks about the flowers she received today.

Marisol warns Alicia that Tony is bad news. Stay away from him. Alicia says Eva tells me the same thing and I finally am starting to agree with her. Eva comes up as Alicia is telling Marisol what happened with Tony and the failed five finger discount fiasco at the convience store. Eva walks in and shouts "Alicia!". BUSTED!!!

Eva can't believe Alicia didn't tell her. This is ridiculous. Alicia yells back that I don't tell you anything because of the way you act. She walks away with Eva calling after her to come back. They go to their room where Eva lays the guilt trip on Alicia saying what would our father think knowing you almost went to jail and you hanging out with a delinquent? Alicia tells her not to bring up her father. I miss him so much. Why did he have to die? Eva says I miss him too. They cry and hug. Eva tells her to take care of herself and stay away from Tony. Alicia promises.

The next morning Eva comes across Tony and warns him to stay away from her sister. He starts being a smarty pants and gets bitch slapped by Eva.

Victoria and Claudia are at the gym. Victoria tells Claudia about Daniel's "invitation" to Eva. Claudia thinks perhaps he made up the whole thing just to take her out. Victoria tells her to quit making up things and making her more nervous. I need you to help me come up with something to avoid her coming to the awards ceremony with us.

Ricardo takes care of Mariol's wound and asks if she's going back to work. How am I suppose to live replies Marisol. Dona Justa will be asking for rent soon and I have other bills. I don't have someone to take care of me like you take care of Adrian. Ricardo says if he could he would, but doesn't have the money to do it. You are so nice to me says Marisol. I wish my father was just like you. They hug and Dona Justa sees this and gets sad.

Leonardo comes to see Daniel and says he found out about the "invite" he issued to Eva. Daniel reminds him that he wanted to find the person who came up with the slogan and share in the award with him. That person just happened to be Eva. What a concidence replies Leonardo. I don't believe in concidence replies Daniel. This all happened for a reason. So you believe that this is destiny asks Leonardo? Yes replies Daniel. Eva entered my life to stay.

Victoria gets home and tells Eva she wants to talk to her about her novio and the awards ceremony.

Marcela and Bruno flirting on the phone. Gross.

So Victoria has offered to dress Eva up for the grand awards ceremony. Eva thinks it's not such a great idea, but Victoria persists. Think about mi novio.

Tony sees Alicia and tells her he's been missing her. She says get use to it, because she's avoiding him. The other night was horrible and she almost went to jail.

Victoria tells Eva that at the awards ceremony the magizine and newspaper crews will be there. If you are not looking your best then you will not be doing him any favors. Your right replies Eva.

Tony turns the tables on Alicia and says I came back for you. I turned myself in to spare you and this is how you repay me? None of this would have happened if you didn't get the bright idea to steal in the first place shouts Alicia. The least you could have done was come back for me. Yes, I felt better that you returned, but I am going to change my life and find good friends. Friends that are not as bad as you.

Victoria pays a visit to Daniel in his office. She came to invite him to lunch, but his secretary told her he is meeting with clients. How about tomorrow asks Daniel. I can't replies Victoria. I promised Eva that I would go shopping with her for a dress to the awards ceremony. His secretary comes in the the invite for Eva and Victoria takes it to give to Eva. When Daniel leaves she rips it up.

The next day Eva brings Don Julio his breakfast and finds Victoria with him. Victoria tells Eva that her dad is pleased that Daniel has invited her to the awards ceremony. He has also agreed to give her the rest of the day off so they can go shopping.

Victoria, Claudia and Eva are coming out of a shop, but Eva emptyhanded. Turns out she did not find a dress. Victoria vows to keep looking until they find one. They drop her off at her house after Victoria buys her shoes and a necklace to go with her outfit. Victoria reminds Eva that professional make-up artists will be arriving the evening of the awards ceremony. Eva thanks them and leaves. Now they know where she lives. Victoria reminds Claudia not to forget about the plan. Claudia assures her that she won't let Eva go.

Laurita helps Daniel with his tie. Daniel is really nervous. Cute scene.

Victoria talks to Claudia who reassures her that she will take care of Eva.

Laurita asks Daniel if has seen the lady from the drawing again. Why do you ask replies Daniel. Laurita replies because I have never seen you smile like that before. I would like you to invite her over again. Well when I see her tonight, I will tell her promises Daniel. So your going out with her and not the witch...I mean Victoria asks Laurita.

Fernando sees Marisol at an outside cafe and flirts with her.

Daniel tells Laurita that he asked her not to call Victoria a witch again. I know, but I forgot replies Laurita. Well don't let it happen again says Daniel. Let me tell you that Victoria has been really good with Eva.

Victoria shows up at Daniel's on time. She asks if Daniel sent the chauffer for Eva and says they have to leave. They don't want Eva to get their before them and have to wait alone.

Eva is walking outside excited with Dona Justa and Alicia in a pretty white dress. Claudia in a fake red wig and big sunglasses walks by and "accidently" spills her iced coffee all over the front of Eva's dress.

Eva is open mouthed impactada at what justed happened and Claudia says she's so sorry and walks away. Dona Justa says perhaps we can clean it up.

Bruno and Marcela flirting FF-->

In the car Victoria asks Daniel for his cellphone to call Claudia. She left her cellphone at home and wants to know if Claudia is on her way. She calls and Claudia said everything went according to plan. Victoria hangs up and slides the cellphone in her purse. She tells Daniel that she can't wait to see Eva in her pretty gown.

Dona Justa is scrubbing away at the dress but it's a lost cause. Eva is visibly upset. She tells Dona Justa that this is the first time since her father's death that she has felt excited. Dona Justa wonders what will she do? Nothing replies Eva. Alicia comes in and wonders what to tell the chauffeur. Tell him to leave replies Eva.

Monday: Victoria and Claudia are happy with their little scheme; Eva shows up and Daniel kisses Eva?


Llena de Amor #66 Fri 11/12/10

Once again I am completely out of time to do a recap, in fact I'm starting to think I won't be able to honor my weekly commitment to Friday nights. Sylvia and Sweeney did a fantastic job filling in last week, thank you! I would be much obliged if someone can put some comments to fill in what happened this week (I'm not even caught up on the story, I have been trying to read the recaps to keep up but I can't even find time for that). I think it isn't fair to keep everyone waiting every week only to have me bail out, so if there is anyone who wants to take over for me please let me know. If not, I will keep attempting to get a recap done. Thanks for your understanding.


Sun 11/14/10 Club Gancho opens again

Hello Ganchodores. It's been too long since we've gotten together here in Club Gancho, so I thought I'd open the doors and see if anyone drops in to have a drink, chat, and share experiences. It was so good to hear from Kris the other day and though Emilia has been commenting regularly, it has been too long since we've heard from Mikey as well as many other old friends. I haven't heard from Hombre since the Gran Final of Dinero.Soooo... I hope you Ganchodores (and anyone else who wishes) will drop back by and catch us up on what you're up to.

Bonnie Belle and Jack are thriving and the Lovely Linda and I recently celebrated 40 yrs. of wedded bliss. Doesn't time fly? We just returned from Waco where we witnessed the disastrous Baylor defeat at the hands of a bunch of farmers from Texas A&M. The first half was great, but unfortunately, the game lasted for 60 minutes and the Bears entered hibernation for the last 30.

I've been trying to cut back on TN watching but I'm finding it very difficult to do. Though I resisted Eva Luna when Dinero ended, I did add India over on Telefutura at 9:00 pm (CST). It is beautifully crafted and I recommend you take a look if you receive Telefutura. It was produced in Brazil so the original language was Portuguese and it is dubbed in Spanish for the US audience. The actors doing the dubbing speak with extraordinary clarity, for those of us learning by listening it is truly wonderful. The Spanish CCs are virtually perfectly timed and accurate and there is an added plus of English CCs available with CC3. It's gorgeously filmed in both India and Brazil with overlapping plots in both venues with the occasional excursion to Dubai. The plots are familiar with all the typical TN cliches (though no coma or amnesia... yet). The characters are very attractive with lots of walkons by cattle in the Indian segments,

very colorful,

and of course a bit of steamy romance.

Some new vocabulary... anybody know what the heck thik hai, are baba, acha, or namaste mean? Those are said a lot in India and the young women in India seem to pray to Lord Ganesha in much the same way and for the same reasons that our Mexican ladies go to the Virgen de Guadalupe. (the Virgen is prettier but Ganesha is kinda cute).

In any event, if you have the opportunity, give it a look, though be forewarned, I was only going to take a peek, and now...

The featured drink this week has no Mexican or Spanish origins, is not particularly suited to winter climate, but was mentioned sometime back by either Sylvia or Jardinera and I remembered that when I was very young, I really enjoyed them. Not even a manly drink, but very refreshing. I'm talking about a Tom Collins:


juice of small lemon or 1/2 large lemon

1 1/2 oz Beefeater Gin


ice in tall narrow glass

top off with 7up

stir and garnish with cherry and lemon slice

A sissy drink to be sure, but memory evoking, tart and tasty, and kinda fun. So drink up and see if you remember this couple:



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