Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Llena de Amor #87 (Mex. 92) Tue 12/14/10 Horndogs run amok.

Caveat lector, folks. I was reconfiguring my various entertainment apparati and now I can’t get the closed captions to work. May have more mistakes than usual tonight. As always, please offer corrections if you’ve got ‘em.
Repeating from last night, MariVicky has stayed late at the agency to finish her proposal for the campaign. I’m glad she has finally called them out on the crappiness of their publicity work…we shall see whether she’s any better. Emanuel is impressed with what she’s done, but I don’t know whether that’s saying anything. She’s ready to leave, but he says there’s a nuclear war and they have to stay in the shelter. Well, not that, but the doors are locked and CANNOT BE OPENED FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT A KEY, which he left at home. Alrighty then, they’re stuck here for the night, together. MariVicky rolls her eyes.
Over at the police station, Oliver complains to Brandon some more about the handsy newshound. Brandon is not as sympathetic as Ollie would like. Brandon gets a call on his radio about a 5-4 in progress and heads out, ordering Oliver to stay. Good dog.
MariVicky is hyperventilating, calling for help at the front door of the agency. Emanuel strolls after her, unconcerned. He reiterates that the night watchman is definitely not coming; Emanuel gave him the night off since he and his wife just had a baby. Mari resumes yelling and banging on the door. Emanuel tells her to stop shouting, because no one can hear her…just like the murderer says to the lass he’s kidnapped in horror stories. Mari suggests they call the firefighters to get them out. Emanuel pretends to be excited about this great idea…but wait. He “remembers” that there’s a security system on the phones so they won’t work after hours (as if), and his cell phone battery is dead. Well, darn, they have no option but to spend the night here together. No freaking way, says Mari. Emanuel seductively munches chocolates at her.
Across town, Mauricio is also held hostage, at the end of Ilitia’s gun. He tries to calm her down and talk her out of shooting him. Don’t listen to him, Ilitia. Plug that orange full of holes like bullets were cloves. Ilitia cries that because of what he did, she hasn’t been able to enjoy any intimacy with her new husband. “I told you being with me would ruin you for all other men,” he smarms. He doesn’t think she’ll actually shoot. Besides, he tells her, she shouldn’t get her hands dirty and go to prison; he’s the one who should go to jail. Ilitia says she doesn’t want to get him sent to jail just for him to get out two days later; she’s going to put an end to him here and now. She pulls the trigger…but the gun isn’t loaded. Agent O laughs. Ilitia huddles against the wall and he creeps in close and grabs her.
Oh, gross, Axel and Lorena are in bed, basking in…whatever, I don’t want to know how they went from that big fight to this. Did Axel lose his memory again? Oh, wait, guess not. Lorena wants a second chance at their relationship. Axel says he got what he wanted and he’ll call when he wants more, but in the meantime, he doesn’t want to see or hear from her. He tosses some money at her and heads into the bathroom.
Back to the police station. GretelMan apologetically tries to explain his/her behavior at the raid to Oliver. He was just nervous, first time out reporting during big dangerous action and all. “Oh, so we hired a reporter with no experience? You lost your virginity with me?” Oliver asks. Manolo/Gretel is totally flustered. “What?” Manolo/Gretel says he was just worried when he thought Oliver was hurt; that’s why he messed up the operation; so sorry. Oliver says if they’re going to work together, Manolo needs to manage his meandering manos, understand? He marches around the desk and grabs Manolo by the collar, pulling him up close to reinforce the threat. Doris bursts into the office and Oliver pretends to be friendly with Manolo. He says he’s going to teach Manolo to be a proper manly man, like so: Oliver grabs Doris and pulls her close and does his best seductive sweet-talk act at her, while Doris alternately cooperates with the demonstration and shoots alarmed looks at Gretel. Steam is pouring out of Gretel’s ears.
Lorena encounters Delicia in the hallway on her walk of shame. She claims everything is hunky-dory with her adoring hunk, who forgave her everything. So how about Delicia fetches him a glass of juice to replenish all the energy he expended?
Mari paces the agency foyer, trying to forestall the nervous breakdown. I am still stunned by her choice of office attire. Her skirt, which is only about two inches long to begin with, seems to have a slit right in the front. I guess in publicity school they don’t teach you to leave anything to the imagination. Emanuel drives around the corner in a little-kid electric car. Mari decides she’s locked in a manicomio. Emanuel says he’s going to find them something to eat. Mari says she’s not hungry, she just wants to leave. Eman wonders why she can’t stand to be around him. She must like André instead, right? “Sure, he’s a hottie,” Mari agrees. “He has what you lack.” He-manuel jumps out of his hot little red convertible and grabs Mari, pulling her tightly against him. I guess he figures since she’s already accused him of sexual harassment, he may as well actually do it. He tells her not to provoke him, or she’ll pay the consequences.
Another office, another unwanted abrazo. Doris tries to get Oliver to leave her alone. She reminds him they are just friends. Oliver shoots pointed looks at Manolo while pinning Doris against the door and lustily saying they should be more than friends, because he can’t stop thinking about her. GretelMan can’t take it anymore and launches a gentlemanly defense of Doris. Oliver is ready to settle it with fisticuffs, but GretelMan says something about him being on guard all night (I think?). GretelMan puts his/her arm around Doris and says they’re going to dinner together. They waltz out. Oliver entertains us with a spirited impersonation of Manolo, then chases after them.
Agent Orange throws Ilitia onto the sofa and starts on round two of rapey snakiness. She fights hard, to no avail.
Mari tries to throw a phallic objet d'art through the glass to escape. Emanuel takes the thing away from her. He’s got dinner. She does not care to join him. He asks why she’s so hostile and bitter. He takes a seat and invites her to sit down for a little therapy chat. He’s got some theories about her psyche he’d like to discuss. Oddly, Mari is not interested in that. Emanuel suggests they toast. He picks up the big soda bottle he’s been lugging around and jiggling, opens it, and naturally shoots most of the contents all over Mari’s inadequate clothing. {Total aside here…is that fire extinguisher case behind Mari empty? They’d really better hope they don’t have a fire, with no extinguisher and no way to call the bomberos (ha, as if).} Mari accuses him of spraying her on purpose. He claims innocence, not at all convincingly. MariVicky says this is just another of the terrible mean jokes Mari told her he loves. He does find the whole thing very funny, which makes her more mad.
Here he comes to save the day. Rapus interruptus as Ilitia’s knight in shining pink polo shirt swaggers in, gun pointed at Malicio. Bet this one is loaded, too.
Emanuel tells MariVicky she deserved this because she’s been so rude. But she can take a shower in the dressing room. “And then what? I have no other clothes.” She says he set the whole thing up. “Do you really think I planned all this, so you’d have to take off your dress and I could hop in the shower with you?” “Don’t even think about trying to get a look at me naked, because it will be the last thing you ever see. I’ll tear your eyes out.” She stomps off toward the shower while Emanuel covers his eyes with his hands, peeking through his fingers.
Which, coincidentally, is how I usually watch Malicio’s scenes. But this one I can watch with eyes wide open, because the skunk doesn’t have the upper hand. Ilitia cowers behind Brandon, who still has the gun aimed at the vermin. She urges him to shoot, which Mau offers as proof that he’s the victim here. Brandon demands an explanation of what’s going on. Malicio says Ilitia came here with a gun and shot him, and it’s a miracle it wasn’t loaded and he’s still alive. But he and Ilitia have been lovers for two years. “Liar! This ratbastard ruined my life!” Ilitia tells Brandon. Malicio claims she’s just trying to erase her history now that she’s married. Brandon holsters his gun and says they’ll both have to come down to the station and file a report. Mal says he’s not going anywhere. Right here, he is going to accuse Ilitia of attempted murder, and if she isn’t thrown in jail, he’ll accuse Brandon of covering it up.
Delicia sadly gathers up Axel’s strewn bed linens. He comes out of the bathroom, clad in only a towel, and tries to approach her. “Don’t touch me! What, did Lorena leave you unsatisfied, and now you want to have a little fun with me, too?” He wants to explain, but she doesn’t want to hear his lame stories. He recovered his memories, but he still is with Lorena, and Delicia is left all alone. “Stop telling me lies about how you like me and want to kiss me,” she says tearily. “They aren’t lies! I really do like you!” “That is not true. If it were, you wouldn’t still be carrying on with that slut, especially after what she did to you!” Delicia departs, and Axel tells himself he’s an idiot. He is not wrong.
It’s getting late, and Netty is worried that Vicky hasn’t come home from the agency of vipers yet. Also, she wants to ask about Eva’s ashes in the suitcase. Gladiola suggests they ask Vicky’s brother. Well, he hasn’t turned up yet, either! He must still be at the police station with Oliver. Gladiola says Doris went down there to find him, and speaking of…that silly girl wants to be Oliver’s novia! What a terrible idea. Netty says he’s a great guy…but yes, there is the minor roadblock of his being helplessly still in love with Gretel. However, Netty thinks that’s even more reason they should date…it might help him forget Gretel. Gladiola doesn’t like the idea of ruining a good friendship for a noviazgo that will never work. It’s as ridiculous as if Brandon and Consuelo were to suddenly decide to be novios!
Doris, Oliver, and GretelMan are in a bar with a dance floor. Oliver is shakin’ it to the music, and Doris nags him to go get the beers. Oliver thinks Manolo should do it, but oh, wait, the only man here is Oliver. Apparently only men can walk to the bar to get the beer, so Oliver heads over. Once he’s gone, Doris and Gretel scoot together for a confab. I am really having trouble hearing clearly over the music…captions would be nice here…but I think Doris asks about the articles GretelMan is writing and GM remembers having left something in the police station…or needs to send the article before morning…or something…and Doris suggests they go back to Brandon’s office to take care of it. Gretel says she can go by herself and Doris should stay here with Oliver. Doris warns her to be very careful, out by herself at night. GM flings his/her arms in a flamenco-style display of manliness just as Oliver returns to the table.
Still at the dance bar, an emcee announces a dance contest. Oliver says Doris could sign up with this louse Manolo, although he probably has two left feet. GretelMan suggests Oliver isn’t exactly qualified, either. Oliver says he’s not only qualified, he will win. GM heads out to the police station (with another “be careful!” from Doris), and Oliver and Doris go to sign up for the contest.
Delicia’s doing the laundry. Axel comes in and wants to explain. She says he doesn’t have to explain anything; she’s just an employee and he can do whatever he wants. His hair looks like he sprayed it whilst being struck by lightning. Axel insists that he was just very angry and acted without thinking. He just wanted revenge against Lorena. “Great revenge. She left grinning from ear to ear.” Axel reminds Delicia that she was the one who insisted they just be friends. “But I really like you, and not just to have fun with for a little while. When you decide you want a serious relationship, let me know.”
Fedra punches at her calculator and cackles over the amount Netty owes on her mortgage. She’ll never be able to pay that off with an actor’s salary! Hahahahaha. Bernardo flounces in and tells her Axel has recovered his memory. “Do you know what this means?!”
Mari’s in the shower at the agency, wondering how she could have fallen in love with that jerk, and wondering even more why she’s STILL in love with him, even though he tried to kill her. She decides she’s got to cure herself of this illness. Out in the dressing room, Emanuel approaches, asking himself why he’s so attracted to this woman. Well, it can’t be helped. He strips off his jacket and shirt. Mari steps out of the shower and shrieks when she sees him, quickly clutching a towel against herself. Emanuel tells her to relax; he sees women mostly undressed all the time; it’s part of his job. He neglects to point out that she’s had the goods on display all day long. He just took off his shirt so she could wear it, since her dress is soaked. Mari reluctantly grabs the shirt.
Alone in Brandon’s office, GretelMan calls Jairo and tells him s/he’s got a hot story for him. Fedra Curiel is dangerous, but they will not rest until her evil deeds are brought to light.
Fedra’s flipping out. Spiderus reminds her that the doctors said Axel could regain his memory at any time. Now that he has, what do they do? Fedra wants Spidey to erase Axel’s mind. “Erase what, mom?” Axel asks, strolling in. Spidey scuttles away and Fedra puts on her best caring mommy act. Axel is not falling for it. “Who do you think you’re fooling?! You are not going to manipulate me again!” Fedra reflexively falls into her pouty “I only ever wanted the best for my children” routine, but Axel lets her have it with both barrels. She ruined his childhood with the whorehouse visit; she wrecked everything else about his life like she did to his siblings, and he regrets ever having defended her! The Momster says he’s an ingrate; who is he to judge her?! If it weren’t for her, he wouldn’t even exist! “Well, it’s not my fault I was ever born! But if God had asked me, I swear I would have asked to be born to another woman!”
When Mari reappears wearing the shirt that is completely indecent and yet covers more than the dress she was wearing all day on purpose, Emanuel has a romantic dinner all set up in the stark white studio. The studio curiously seems to also contain a bed. Getting ahead of himself, isn’t he? Emanuel admires Mari’s hotness and invites her to sit. Mari hesitates and has a little flashback of the romantic night they spent together in the studio. She starts to walk away, and Eman hurries to remind her that they can’t leave, so she might as well eat something, and he’s even fixed up a bed in case she wants to rest! Mari remembers the day she and Kristel “caught” Ilitia and Emanuel in a compromising position. She gets annoyed and Emanuel assures her his intentions are pure. She asks how many women he’s had in that bed. He thinks about that for a few moments, then changes the subject. If they’re going to work together, they should agree to a truce. He gets all close and flatters her while she gets all hot and bothered. Just as he’s about to kiss her, she pushes him away angrily. Mari says she’s really uncomfortable, being half naked around him when he can’t control his impulses. To make things more fair, Emanuel takes off his pants and offers them to her. Somehow, that doesn’t help. She orders him to put them back on and behave himself.
Fedra follows Axel into his room, spewing her usual crap. Axel is mad as hell, and he is not taking it. He is furious that his mother took advantage of his vulnerable state to pay a girl he didn’t even like before to be his girlfriend. Fed insists she was just trying to make him a man, to save him from the ugly things people were saying about him, that he was [something censored]. Axel says now he remembers every one of her lies and deceits, and how she turned him against his father and Marianela. She made him believe Mari was destroying the family, but it was Fedra the whole time! Fedra slaps him across the face.
Emanuel has declined to wear pants. He pulls Mari over to the table to eat. They continue to fight and Mari yanks the tablecloth, knocking the food and wine all over the floor. She struts out, and Eman nearly falls off his chair to get a good look at the rear view.
In the home office, Emiliano pulls from his briefcase a copy of TV y Novelas with Netty Pavon on the cover. He reaches into his drawer and takes out some of his collection of other magazines, all of which feature Netty, and smokily intones that he can’t forget her. He feels like he’s failed her family, though, and his brother, by not protecting Marianela. Ever since she left the household just hasn’t been the same. Emanuel even went through with a terrible marriage to drown his loneliness. And Emiliano is stuck in hell with a woman he doesn’t love. In another drawer, Emiliano finds the papers about Netty’s mortgage and is stunned. No, he won’t permit this. {I am stunned that he keeps the Netty magazines in an office Fedra uses, and the whole place hasn’t been burned down.}
Netty’s sitting on her bed with the case of Eva’s ashes, crying. Gladiola tells her this is kind of rude, and she should just wait until Vicky gets home to ask her about it. Netty shows her the framed photo of Eva she also found while rudely rooting through Vicky’s luggage, and says Mari would never have parted with it unless she were dead. She will not rest until she finds out what is going on!
Mari and Emanuel fight some more. She’s annoyed that he seems to be fixated on prettiness in women and doesn’t care what’s in their heads. He insists that although he is stunned by her great beauty, he is absolutely interested in her mind. But he thinks she’s cold, empty, and insensitive. Mari picks up a metal ball and threatens to throw it at him. He treats this as a game, not believing she’ll do it. “I’m going to kill you the way you killed me, Emanuel Ruith y de Teresa,” she thinks, and she chucks the ball, hitting him square in the forehead. He collapses in the chair, unconscious, and she runs over and grabs his face, trying to wake him up.
Brandon escorts Ilitia into his office and agrees that he knows Malicio is a ratbastard, but he doesn’t have any proof. If Ilitia has any, she should cough it up. Ilitia cries and says it wouldn’t do any good; he’d probably just spend a few days in jail and he’d be out again with vengeance on his mind. He already ruined her life. Brandon says as far as he knows, Ilitia and Malicio have been lovers for years, and Ilitia must have liked it. He’s tired of her little tantrums.
Emanuel wakes up with an intense desire to kiss Vicky. He pins her against the wall. Fin de capítulo.
Mañana: Ilitia catches Emanuel sneaking into the house, wearing Marianela’s dress. Marianela makes a threatening anonymous call to Fedra.


Eva Luna #29 Tue 12/14/10 Noisy kisses and glove porn, aka "Nobody take my mitt off."

Eva Luna, December 14, 2010, Episode 28—Noisy kisses and glove porn, aka "Nobody take my mitt off."

As always, the video clips are streaming (like what's on YouTube) and are hosted on my own barebones site. Right-click on links to view clip in new window. PLEASE NOTE: Clips are in high quality (not quite HD). If your Internet connection is not fast, please wait a little while for clips to finish loading.

We start with a review of yesterday's episode, where Eva is in bed, thinking to herself about the events of the day. Alicia is in a snit and has taken herself and her bedclothes to Marisol's room, so Eva's all alone. Comes a knock on the door and Eva assume's it's Alicia—but it's DANIEL! Woop woop woop! He wants to clear the air. Eva is impactada.

Alicia is in Marisol's room (I guess Marisol is not there) and thinking that it's not fair that she gets flak for Tony but Eva's involved with an engaged man.

Said engaged man is trying to convince an agitated Eva that he's got stuff to say and he doesn't want to leave until he says it.

Leonardo is talking with Icky Vicky. She wants to know the truth of what happened between him and Daniel and their juicy fistfight. Leo hasn't got time for this, he says.

Eva is royally ticked off. He tries to tell her that she's more important than she imagines. She's not buying it. She keeps on making unsubtle suggestions that he leave, but he's not leaving. She wants him to explain the whole bet thing. He acknowledges that there was a bet. Eva slaps him. (She's such a slapper!)

Adrian is in the kitchen getting some milk. He can't sleep. Alicia comes in and starts chatting. He talks about his dad and she reminds him that everyone in the pension loves him. Adrian then spills the beans and says he saw that guy that Eva says is not her novio knocking on her door. Alicia is impactada about this and rushes off to see.

Daniel is desperately trying to explain what's going on with the bet. He reasons with her and asks her if she thinks that Leonardo is the kind of guy who is going to repent for what he does with women. Eva says she doesn't care about what Leo does, she cares about what Daniel does. He then says that yes there was a bet, but Leo's bet wasn't the same as the bet he (Daniel) was making. Eva is not going for this and says that both guys are cowards and that the only reason Daniel punched out Leo was because Leo was telling the truth. Alicia walks in just then and everyone looks busted.

Video clip of these scenes. (Right click to open link to new window. This is an HQ clip so it might take a while to load, depending on your internet connection. Has English CCs.)

Bruno the gigolo is preparing for the big night with Marcela. So is Marcela.

Alicia confronts Eva and Daniel and whines about how it's not fair that she gets nagged about Tony but here Daniel is in Eva's room. Daniel tries to explain but it's no good. Alicia leaves in a huff and Eva follows right after her, leaving Daniel alone in the room.

Skanky porn music plays as Bruno and Marcela prepare for their date. Marcela is leaving the house and Renata asks where she's going. Marcela gives some evasive answer and Renata is suspicious but wishes her a good evening.

Francisco and Jackie are talking in the kitchen. Francisco recovered all the dollar bills that Eva threw at Daniel (I wondered about that) and is relating to Jackie all the drama that happened that day. He talks about how "blanca, blanca, blanca" Daniel's face was when confronted by Icky and how he (Francisco) just had to save him!

Cut to Icky telling Claw about the whole episode, with the money in Daniel's car, blah blah blah. She tells about how Francisco got involved. Claw thinks the whole thing is weird and so does Icky. She's determined to find out the truth.

Francisco and Jackie are figuring out that Eva has something to do with this. They both deduce that Eva is in love with Daniel and Daniel feels the same about Eva. And that Daniel's wedding to Icky is not a done deal yet, is it?

More drama and multiple cuts with Alicia having a tantrum. It's not fair, is the reason it's okay for Daniel to be in your room is because he's got money? More whining about unfairness from Alicia, but she and Eva finally iron it out. Eva nags and pressures Alicia because she loves her. Alicia needs to learn from her mistakes. (But Eva has no idea HOW many mistakes there are!)

Creepy Marcela goes to Bruno's house. I like the glass window on the door.

Sisterly accord is finally achieved and now Alicia says that what about her happiness with Daniel? Not looking good says Eva. Daniel really hurt me today.

Bruno's got champagne and roses all laid out for Marcella. She likes it.

Eva's told Alicia about the bet and the drama with Daniel. Alicia is impactada. She says Daniel is still waiting in the other room! Eva says, he can wait until he gets bored!

Leo is doing well at the gambling table. He leers at some cocktail waitress as Tony and Gallo look on and comment on his good mood.

Daniel's still waiting in her room, Alicia reports to Eva. What a stubborn man, Eva laments. Why won't he leave me alone? Well, I'll finish it! she says with resolve.

She goes back to the room where he's waiting and tells him to go, forget about her, don't come back, blah blah blah. He says he can't do that. She says, why, is it because you've got another bet? He says that no, and he only got into that bet to protect her. But something else happened—he fell in love with her. "I'm in love with you, Eva!" he proclaims, looking at her deeply with sincere, puppy-dog eyes.
Daniel gives sincere puppy-dog eyes to Eva as he professes his love. (Click on picture to see HD-quality!)

More slimy love scene between Bruno and Marcela. They're both repulsive, but my vote is on Bruno because as far as I know he's not a serial killer.

Eva is not buying Daniel's declaration of love. Why should she believe him? "Did you forget that you're getting married? I served champagne at the party where the engagement was announced!" she says, and she can't forget that.

Eva is not buying what Daniel is selling.

Daniel has the grace to look abashed by this and explains that yes, she has reason to doubt him, but it's the truth. He's been a coward to not admit it before (YES I WILL AGREE WITH THAT DANIEL!!) but now he's not afraid and he's going to admit it. He loves her!

More creepiness with Bruno and Marcela. They are revving up to their night of love. (Ugh!)

Eva is still not believing him but Daniel asks for a chance to prove it. How can you prove it? "Cancelando mi boda" (Canceling my wedding) he says! Well, WOW, finally we're cooking with gas, Daniel. FINALLY! Took you long enough.

Now comes the most hilarious scene of the whole episode, especially if you turn on the English CC. Bruno seductively starts to slip off Marcela's glove, but she protests. English CC translates this as, "No, no, nobody take my mitt off." That is so priceless that it belongs as part of this recap's title. She goes on to explain that without the "mitt" she loses power. "Whatever" is what Bruno basically says and they start to swap spit. Mercifully we are spared any more mitt porn.

"Nobody take my mitt off." Whatever, Bruno says.

Daniel is urgently assuring Eva that he is going to tell Icky that the boda is off and it would be crazy to deny what's going on with Eva and him. He's loca for her. She is still in shock and not believing it, but he gets closer and insists that he knows what he wants and he wants her. Then he commences to kiss her noisily. Then he walks out of her room, leaving her breathless and impactada.

Clip of the past few scenes, including "Nobody take my mitt off" and noisy kissing. (Right-click to open to new window, and please be patient if the clip takes a while to load.)

Justa is having a nightmare where she approaches a baby crib, but the baby is not there. She wakes up suddenly, screaming, and prays to accept that she lost her baby and asking why she keeps having this nightmare.

Icky and Claw are talking still about the drama with the money being thrown at Daniel. Claw advises to just watch and wait. Then conversation strays to what Leo is up to. He's out, not sure where, but Icky is glad that Claw is at home because she needed to talk to her.

Leo is at the gambling pit and Gallo is saying that Leo has almost won back all the money that he owes. Leo then goes on to say that there's a woman he is determined to win.

Alicia brings her bed clothes back into hers and Eva's room and gets the latest juicy drama of Eva and Daniel. Eva tells her that Daniel loves her and is going to prove it by calling off the wedding.

Daniel has obviously shared his news with Francisco, who for whatever reason seems puzzled at first. (Por qué, Francisco? This is what you've been wanting.)

Marcela is now talking to herself and saying how much she likes Bruno, but she won't let a weakness of the flesh make her weak. She seemingly sniffs her mitt for a moment but I think she's just brushing her hair from her face.

Bruno is speaking of his triumph with Marcela with the Mystery Person, who is apparently his cousin, and is one of the secretaries (I think Leo's). They drink a toast.

Eva is still chatting with Alicia about her hoping against hope that this love thing with Daniel is real and is going to work out. Of course you know this means that it's not going to be smooth sailing, right?

Daniel and Francisco are still chatting, Francisco seems happy with this latest development. He asks what he thinks Ictoria is going to say.

Fellow dancer and Marcela are in the dressing room. Fellow dancer is complimenting Marisol about her costume but she's being a bummer about it. Then they talk about her problem of finding a suitable mansion to borrow so that Marisol can keep up the facade of being a millionairess.

Francisco and Daniel are chatting over whiskey. Daniel knows it's going to be a tough moment when he has to break up with Icky. Francisco says he could just buy a ticket to Cairo because when Icky finds out, everything is going to burn. (Not sure I follow this.) Daniel says it was so hard to leave Eva's place—he wanted to stay all night, he wants to eat, sleep, always be there. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Francisco gets it. We're gentlemen so we're not going to talk about what else you're thinking about, right?

Francisco then goes on to remind Daniel of a little detail he forgot. What is that? Daniel asks. Miss Ictoria is going to kill you. Then Marcela is going to revive you so she can kill you again! I don't care! Daniel says, they can do what they want, at least I'll be happy. He goes on to say that Leo did him a favor, because he pushed him more towards Eva. He knew at that moment how much he loves her. Daniel and Francisco drink a toast and Daniel has a peaceful, boyish smile on his face. Well, we know that this kind of happiness can't last, right?

Daniel is happy. Obviously this can't last. (Click on picture to see bigger version.)

Marisol's dancer friend thinks she may have some friends who can help with the mansion thing. Then Damian comes in and breaks things up. Then he threatens dancer friend to tell him what they were talking about the next day or she (dancer friend) will get fired. (Thanks to Juanita for the correction!) 

It's morning and Eva can't get her clothes on right. She needs Alicia to help her tuck in her blouse. She's worried that things are going to go bad, and maybe things are not as they seem?

Daniel calls Ictoria and wants to have a talk with her. They'll meet and talk in person. Ictoria looks completely and cheerfully clueless while Daniel looks resolute.

Eva is worried because this whole thing is going to impact another woman's life. Alicia assures her that Daniel won't be happy without her, Eva. Eva says she'll just die of pain if this turns out to be another lie. She'll be in love with Daniel forever.

Marcela had a good night and Renata comments on how well she looks. Renata then spills the beans and says that Leo and Daniel got into a fight the day before. Icktoria comes in wearing what an especially plump fake butt and Marcela asks about the fistfight. Marcela is disappointed that Ictorica is believing the official line that Daniel gives about the fight. She's going to find out more.

In Eva's room at the mansion, a gift has been left. It's chocolates from Leo. I have to admit that I had a cross-TN flashback and wondered if perhaps Fedra from Llena de Amor had given Eva poisoned chocolates. But I digress.

Daniel comes to the mansion and meets Icky at the door. Still clueless, she kisses him and greets him. He looks grim and resolute.

Eva thanks Leo for the chocolates but says he shouldn't have bothered. Leo says he wants forgiveness, that it's important to him. She forgives him. In walks Don Julio.

More cluelessness from a chirpy Icktoria as OF COURSE Marcela walks in and interrupts before Daniel can get down to the business of Dumping the Bruja.

Don Julio has some papers for Eva to deal with. Leo makes pleasant chitchat with Don Julio, then goes. Once alone, Don Julio wastes no time asking Eva if this is the guy she's in love with?

Marcela is insisting that there is some important meeting that can't wait. She also wants to talk to him in private for a moment. Meanwhile, Ictoria talks about some nice restaurant they can go to tonight. Daniel, feeling trapped, says sure.

Eva assures Don Julio that Leo is not in love with her and she is not in love with him. Don Julio feels better about that. He says he knows Leo since a child, and warns her to not fall into his trap.

Now alone with Daniel, Marcela asks what's going on with him and Leo. She doesn't want a guy who gets into fights in her house or her daughter's life. Daniel boldly says, then maybe your daughter should look for another candidate! (You go, Daniel!) In walks Leo wanting to know what's going on. She tells him it's about the fight, and wants to know what he has to say about it. Daniel looks busted and we leave it right there for tonight.

Link to Avances clip for tomorrow night. It looks like Daniel is getting close to Dumping the Bruja.

Also, note the blooper in this episode—Daniel's disappearing and reappearing cut on his cheek. See evidence in the picture below:
Notice the missing wound on his cheekbone in the picture on the right. He has a cut on his cheekbone in one scene, but it disappears in the next.

PLEASE NOTE: I made some downloadable HD video samples from three popular telenovelas, including Eva Luna, which you can find on this page.


La Verdad Oculta EP65 12/14/2010 – Lionheart joins the Fantastic Five

* Leonardo visits Mario in the tunnel house, but instead of him he finds the long lost fugitive inside. Now he’s the mouse and Fausto is the cat: the old actor alters his voice and tells the shocked cop that he’s Mario, then he shows him the make-up room.

* Félix and his little friends spend the whole day in the hall of the hotel where Roberto lives. Ex-Patchy call Adolfo to tell him that when Roberto left the building they scanned through his room but they didn’t find anything. However, guess who’s just arrived at the hotel? Carlos!

* Julieta and Gabriela talk about David and their father who should be there with them. Will Gaby ever reconcile with David? No, never, he fooled her around. The girls open a newspaper and look for a job… Just like the good old times.

* Adolfo is worried about that Carlos and Roberto may meet since they live in the same hotel and orders Yolanda to call the boy. She tells her hurt muñecito she’d like to meet him, please, visit her in her flat.

* While Fausto is transforming into Mario in front of the mirror, Leonardo watches the famous tape with Roberto and David. Yeah, it’s ugly, but David loves Gabriela. And now that he knows everything he congratulates to Fausto for his extraordinary acting skills. He learns many valuable information from Faustiago: the security guys guard the house because the Genovéses suspect Mario’s death wasn’t an accident; Dora is David’s mother and she knows Juan José is innocent; but the letter was stolen (either by Bertha or by the maid, says Leo), oh, and there was a policeman called Víctor Águila 20 years ago who promised to help him, but he was murdered. Leo promises to investigate after his death.

* In a restaurant Gabriela pours her heart on JJ and tells him everything about the almost fake wedding. She wants to divorce and she’ll work again. No, she doesn’t want to be a waitress anymore, she’s looking for another job. What about hotels, asks JJ. No, she doesn’t want to get involved in David’s businesses. Come on, Juan José has a hotel, too! Would she be interested in working for him?

* Leonardo asks Fausto and Abelardo not to tell David anything about their conversation, They all know he’s a very impulsive man. He’s going to talk with him because he needs information about Roberto Zárate. Oh, Roberto. Fausto says he discovered the scam and they had to give him money in exchange of his silence. And by the way, he’s sure Rob’s got something to do with the maid’s death. Dora said it was Carlos who killed the girl but those two looked very similar when they were younger.

* Susana tells Roberto the newest rumors: guess what, she heard Bertha and Alejandra talking about Leonardo Faidella and the cop had an interesting conversation with Alejandra.

* David is depressed because Gabriela doesn’t want to see him again. Fausto comforts his idiot son-in-law and says Gaby is a proud woman and he has to keep fighting for her. After Blondie leaves he calls Yolanda. They have to meet.

* In the study Leonardo asks David about Roberto’ whereabouts. And what kind of relationship does he have with the Ávilas? Carlos and Roberto are friends, says David. Leo suddenly changes the topic and tries to convince him to cooperate with the police. David knows about the smuggling because he kicked Bertha out BEFORE Leo told him about the investigation. And only two persons could’ve told him about it, the smuggler or Fausto Guillén. Where. Is. Fausto. Guillén? Leonardo knows the Ávilas aren’t smugglers, Adolfo Ávila is the real criminal. Actually, he as an impression that he’s pressurizing Mario… with revealing a secret about Marta Sardíval. David denies everything.

* After long hesitation Alejandra calls JJ to find out exactly what “everything” is he knows about Fausto. He would like to discuss things with her in person, but she isn’t fond of the idea and denies that she wants to meet him, too. The discussion ends in the usual childish insults (you’re arrogant! –and you’re a princesita! – go to hell!), and JJ’s so desperate about his messed up love life that Asunción has to give him a few advices on how to treat a lady.

* Fausto is about to leave to meet Yolanda when David shows up and tells him what he and Leo were talking about in the study. Then he shyly asks his father-in-law if he’s going to visit Gabriela. Maybe, says Fausto briefly.

* At Guilléns’ flat the girls learn from Doña Pachita that Abelardo Sánchez’s already paid the rent and probably it was Fausto who ordered him to do so.

* David shows up in the Ávila condo demanding to end the partnership for good and all, and when Adolfo informs him that he isn’t interested in stupid photos, he mentions the investigation after his dirty businesses and that he knows a thing or two about Marta Sandíval. Mario isn’t murderer of anyone, it was Adolfo who killed the woman when he realized he couldn’t use her for smuggling diamonds. The Genovéses have a proof of his guilt and if he doesn’t obey they’ll give it to Faidella. Fine, says Adolfo. The contract is over.

* Alejandra visits Bertha who’s so scared of Adolfo the Smuggler that she wants to return to the Genovés villa. She begs Alejandra to help her, talk with Mario and David, please, please, please!

* Sue tries to sneak out of the house, but runs into Abelardo who scolds her for leaving too many times.

* Roberto is in the driver’s seat again: although his flat and the hotel room he booked are in ruins, he doesn’t disturb himself, he just calls Adolfo to tell him very politely that it was unnecessary because he doesn’t keep the photo and the shoes in his possession. Oh, and the girl who visited him last night? She’s the wife of the man whose truck he used when… Dolphie knows what he’s talking about. And one last advice: be careful with Faidella because he visits the Genovés family way too often. Adolfo accepts his defeat and promises he won’t hurt neither Roberto, nor Susana. Wise decision, says Roberto. Very wise.

* Mina calls Alejandra to tell her excitedly she has to come to their office right now!

* Susana calls Marcos. She tells him she’s living in the Genovés villa and he find many interesting things like the letter that proves JJ’s is innocent and Carlos is the murderer. Fine. Let him think things over, and he promises that he’ll invent a plan.

* Alejandra arrives at the design studio nervously. She’s afraid on finding something disastrous inside her office… But there’s nothing special inside, just a few hundreds of red “please forgive me” roses that Juan José sent her.

* Fausto and Yolanda meet in a park. The old man confronts her with the list of her sins: first, she told Adolfo about the photo. She mumbles that she has no idea what he’s talking about, but he isn’t finished yet. She’s been helping that man for ages! He’s sure Adolfo wanted to use Marta the same way he used Gaby, but in the end he killed her! No, Santiago, that’s not true! Of course it is! How could she stay silent, Marta was her friend. No, no, no, please… She always protected him and his daughters, Adolfo doesn’t know who they are. Yes, maybe now he helps them, but how could she let Adolfo to use his daughters while she knew perfectly what he had done to Marta 20 years ago? She ruined his life! Yolanda swears she doesn’t know something. Liar! She’s a liar and a bad woman. Mario told him everything, now he knows Yolanda was in love with Mario and for his safety she sacrificed Fausto! And one more thing… Carlos is Marta’s child and he is a murderer, too!



Tuesday, December 14, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #127-128 12/14/10 A Taste of Paradise.

Capitulo 127.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia calls, yelling right out of the blocks. She asks, “When are you going to admit you have no interest in marrying me?” Fernando answers, “Never!” One step forward, two steps back.

2. Fern asks Lety to run away with him for the whole weekend. She worries that her father will never agree, but the thought of spending two entire nights with him, waking up at his side, is too wonderful to imagine.

3. Tom tells MamaJ to go to bed; he’ll stay up with the drunks. Lety doesn’t want to lie to her pop, and she doesn’t want to disappear and leave them to worry. She calls her drunken Pop and he won’t even let her say where she’s going. He says, “Go ahead. I have total confidence in you. Take the whole weekend. Be free!”

4. On the road, Fernando says, “You have no idea how long I’ve planned this weekend and waited for it. I want you to see the part of me you don’t know.” They get a flat, he doesn’t have a jack, and his cell phone has no signal, so they sleep in the car. They wake up in the middle of a herd of cows (Holsteins).

5. Julieta discovers that Lety never came home. Pop tries to blame Mama, but she says he got too drunk to notice. Tom explains what happened. Pop tries to blame Lety – she took advantage of him while he was drunk. He’s not one bit happy, not knowing where she is. MamaJ says that will be his punishment for getting drunk hasta unconsciousness, and he’s doing it more often. For once, José José acts his remorse well; I suspect he’s drawing from his life.

6. At the resort, Lety feels like she’s in a dream, and Fernando enjoys seeing her so happy. He tells her to not even mention Marcia; this is their escape.

Capitulo 128.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando and Lety get to their cottage. The employee thinks they’re on their honeymoon. Alone, Fern looks at bed and says, “The place Lety and I will be united in our souls. Where we become one.” Lety wishes the moment could last forever (anvil alert!). There is an intense silent passion between them, but he says let’s leave that for later.

2. They get to breakfast and people stare at the fea. Fernando asks for an out-of-the-way table, and Lety thinks he’s uncomfortable to be seen with her. She feels out of place, and she says, “The happiness doesn’t last long (anvil alert!).” Lety spots Ariel on the grounds.

3. In the Marienplatz, Omar tells Marcia that he juggles lots of women to keep from falling in love and suffering. She says Omar has never been on her side (duh!). She asks if Fernando really wants to marry her. Marcia says Omar misses out on the joy of love, and women want a solid relationship, not just a fling. She tells Omar to stop messing up her relationship.

4. Fernando tells Lety to forget about Marcia and related topics. They’re in paradise, he’s Adam, she’s Eve, and all they’re missing is (something? maybe fig leaves?). Lety reminds him that Adam and Eve were expelled from Paradise. Fernando adds, “For eating the forbidden fruit (anvil alert!).”

5. Fernando gets Lety to promise to forget about everything from the outside world. He buys their whites but Lety can’t bear to be seen in a swim suit because she feels so ugly and everyone there is so beautiful.

6. They try various activities at the hotel. Fernando thinks the meditation master is talking nonsense and he falls asleep. At the amphitheater she tells that as a child, she got the role of Alice in Wonderland, but the principal said it couldn’t be Lety because she’s too ugly. She sings for him and he performs for her. Fernando says that he was in a school play as a child, and Lety guesses Peter Pan. (Actually Jaime Camil played Captain Hook on the stage in 2007.) Then tai chi – doesn’t Camil move beautifully? Then a cleansing and rebirth experience in the sweat lodge, but Fernando almost has a seizure and suffocates when the guide talks about purging lies. Then the pool, but Lety is afraid to go in.

7. There are several near misses with Ariel and his babe. He spends the whole time ignoring her and attending to business on the phone.

8. Omar admits to Marcia that Fernando proposed because his parents wanted the families united. Marcia asks, “Is our marriage a business arrangement? My brother thinks he proposed to get my vote.” She asks Omar again, “Is Fernando using me so he doesn’t lose the presidency?”

9. Walking the grounds, Fernando tells Lety, “I feel very content. Free. In this place, thanks to you, I feel like I can show what I feel. I don’t feel pressured. I don’t have to hide from anyone. And all that, thanks to you.”


Eva Luna #28 Mon 12/13/10 Slumber Party For Two?

Daniel returns to his orange convertible and gets ready to start the car. Eva races over with an envelope of dollar bills in her hands and throws them all over Dan and the parking lot. That's at least what's she's worth, she says. Here's what you bet on me! She angrily explains and gives Leo's version of the wager and lets it be known she doesn’t trust him any further than she can throw him. Dan doesn't catch on very quickly –till he sees Leo walk up. (Did Leo plan this with Eva?) Leo “dares” him to deny it, especially “to his face”. Dan is confused because he realizes Eva’s version of the bet is backwards. (Dano, you need to find a new gang to hang with.)

At the boarding house, Tomas is holding Adrian and threatening Don Ricardo with a gun pointed at him gangsta' style and threatening to kill him. (--‘course, I wouldn’t worry unless he’s standing a couple feet away. The bullet’s more likely to hit the wall with the gun held like that.) Don Ricky threatens to go to court and get custody of Adrian from him. Tomas says they’ll see about that! He’s taking Adrian with him right now! Adrian is whining he doesn't want to go with his daddy (presumably to that rat-hole he was held at before). It’s total chaos.

Back at the parking lot, Leo continues the act in front of Eva. He tells Dan he knows he feels like killing Leo, but Leo “just couldn't deal with it anymore and had to tell her.” Dano, who not only has been thrown under the bus but has had it back up over him a couple of times for good measure, now tries to give Eva the true version. She refuses to listen to him. Leo steamrolls over Dan and continues talking about how guilty he felt “having toyed with Eva’s feelings like that”. Eva thanks Leo for demonstrating that at least "HE has a conscience, unlike this other Señor!" She turns around in a huff and storms away. Dan yells at the smugly smiling Leo and angrily asks Leo to explain the point of the dirty trick he'd just played on him and Eva. (Like the old saw says, with friends like this who needs enemies?)

By this time at the boarding house, Tomas has drug Adrian down the stairs. Justa notices the ruckus and sneaks up behind and conks him over the head. He drops his gun and then Tony grabs him and pulls his jack-knife on him.

At the parking lot meanwhile, Dan gets all over Leo's case for lying to Eva and playing dirty. (It’s really taken Dan five years to realize Leo's a backstabbing skunk?) Leo tells him to back off or the next person that hears the story will be Victoria. “My business is Eva and your’s is my sister!” If he doesn’t lay off Eva Leo will also tell Icky about the big smooch-fest in the study the day of Laurita's party! It's a fisty-cuffin' free-for-all after that till Ictoria breaks them up. She screams at them to tell her what this fight is all about.

At Justa's, Don Ricky threatens to go to court to get legal custody of Adrian after the way Tomas has put his son's life in danger. Tomas says “nun-uh-“and elbows Tony and then goes for his gun he just dropped. Tomas gets hold of it again and tells them all not to consider telling the police or he'll take it out on Adrian. Tony warns Tomas about El Gallo and Tomas threatens Alicia if he thinks of letting El Gallo know he's back. "The streets are dangerous things. Your little girlfriend could get hurt!" Tomas then races out the door and everyone finally takes a breath.

Back at the parking lot, Leo sneaks away when Icky demands an explanation form Dan. Dan tells her it's just guy stuff and that he’s in no mood for the third degree. He's going home. She says fine that she’ll meet meet him there. (I don't think that's what Dan had in mind.) Ugh! This woman is as irritating as fly-paper, and just as clinging! Dan speeds out of the parking lot.

A bit later, the police talk with Don Ricardo about a description of the intruder, but Don Ricky lies and says he can't really remember. (So why bother calling the police in the first place if you’re not going to file a complaint or give a description? Must have been the C-team writing this scene. )

Eva returns to work. Renata smarts off at her for taking part of the afternoon off and having to fill in for Eva. Eva tells her she had Don Julio’s permission to take care of some personal business. Renata sniffs and accuses her of putting on an act so she can get to do whatever she wants whenever she wants. Eva offers to take him his meal, but Ren refuses.

Once the police are gone at Dona Justa's, the group discuss Adrian's situation and Ricardo's plans to get custody of him. Ricardo tells them the kid will never have a decent upbringing living with his father. They all agree that no responsible parent threatens a kid with a loaded gun. (Another Univision PSA?) Tony suggests that assuming the care of a child is a big responsibility; Alicia wonders where he'll get the money for a lawyer to fight in court; Marisol gives Ricky a big hug tells him what a gem he is to do this for Adrian (much to Justa's bug-eyed dismay). Mari offers the services of a lawer "friend" of hers who can give them a discounted price. Suddenly Adrian reappears on the doorway of the living room and surprises them all by asking why they don't consider his opinion first.

A bit later, Francisco brings Laurita home from school. Jackie is in the kitchen and picks up her cell. She pretends she's talking to a guy she's really interested in. All the while Franc gets more and more upset. He complains he wants his food and that this is the patron’s phone and it’s not to be abused. Turnos out that Jackie is really hamming it up with Laurita on the other end, trying to make Franc jealous. (Laurita has really got it goin’ on. The girl has got to have been switched at birth cuz she seems so much more with it and intelligent than Daddy Dufus.) Jackie finally hangs up. Franco razzes Jackie about the phone call. She razzes him back. "--Since when does it matter to you whether I have a guy interested in me???" He yells back that of course it doesn't matter, but then he stops a minute wondering why he is so agitated all of a sudden. Maybe it just might.

Over at Justa's again, Don Ricardo explains to Adrian why he thinks it's best for him to stay with him instead of his daddy. Adrian tells him he's torn between the two of them. Although his daddy treats him bad a lot, he still loves him. Don Ricky tells him it's best to wait till his father's solved his other problems before living with him again. Adrian wishes the three of them could live in peace together there. He asks Don Ricky to try to convince his father to return to live at the boarding house. Don't quite think Don Ricky or any of the others would exactly be overjoyed to have the barrio’s Menace Numero Uno living back under the same roof with them again. FF>>

Back at the manse, Eva is stuck in her little servants' quarters crying over the incident at the parking lot and Dan's supposed philandering ways. Don Julio comes in to ask why's she's crying. He thinks she's got to be in love with somebody and asks his name and whether he’s told her he loves her. At first Eva tries to deny there’s a man problem, but she eventually admits he is right and that it's gone badly from the start. He tells her things could change at any time and for the better and if not, well time has a way of erasing the hurt. Ok, pops.

At Justa's again, Ali and Mari are dusting and cleaning their rooms. Ali tells her about the fight over Eva finding her kissing Tony earlier. She complains that she's tired of taking orders from her big sister but realizes she will have to as long as her sister is supporting her financially. Alicia decides she needs a high paying job and fast. She asks Marisol again to take her where she works and perhaps she could get on there. Marisol does a two-step backwards and finally talks her out of it. She tells her that there's no easy fix. As long as Ali doesn't have a degree there's very little she can do that has a big salary attached to it.

Meanwhile, Dan arrives back home with Bimbutt hot on his tail…er…trail. The harangue picks up from where it left off. She accuses him of the fight being about another woman since only a woman would throw around dollar bills like that in a fit of anger. “It’s such a feminine thing to do. So don’t try to fool me! I know what I’m talking about.” He is worn down and worn out. He admits it was a woman and just as he's about to tell her the truth about Eva, Franc runs out to save his hide with a whopper about some girl Franc's been dating and gotten preggers but refuses to acknowledge. Ick-toria acts like she believes him and eventually leaves. Dan thanks Franc who tells him it was obvious he was having a hard time of it because everyone could hear the ruckus from one end of the house to the other.

Across the way in the Arismendi's kitchen, Eva pours herself a glass of water while she remembers Leo's telling her about the bet Dan made with him over her. She feels the humiliation all over again.

Leo, successfully adhering to the "all is fair in love and war” Machiavellian method of dealing with friendly adversaries, comes in to the kitchen to sprinkles a little more salt into Eva's emotional wound. He twists the facts again telling her how Daniel got mad at him after she left because Leo told her the truth; and that now he couldn't continue the bet weeks of strategic planning were totally wasted now. Eva couldn't be any lower if she were six feet under and digging up. (How about giving him a knuckle sandwich for lunch, Eva?)

Leo says he and Dan fought and they're no longer friends--but he'd rather lose a friend than be a part of something like this. "--You don't deserve it. Who would have thought it of Daniel?" Eva quickly reminds him through her gritted teeth that he was as much a part of the whole thing as Daniel. "--True enough, but I sure hope you haven't fallen in love with him." He starts to go on about flowers and the notes Dan sent, but she cuts him off at the knees and tells him she won't speak about it any further. He leaves, but stops a minute to insist that if Dan treated her badly he doesn't deserve her forgiveness.

At the same time, Dan is putting ice on his lip and thinking to himself that he has got to do something after the dirty trick Leo played on him.

Back at the boarding house, Marisol points out an administrative assistant job in the want ads for Alicia.

Meanwhile, Ick-toria returns to Dan's and ambushes Franc in the drive. She tells Franc she didn't believe his story earlier and whips out a checkbook. She’s ready to pay him whatever amount he wants if he'll tell her the truth about what's up with Dan. “Everyone has a price for their loyalty. What’s yours?” Franco thinks about it a couple minutes, says no, he didn't tell her the truth. "--Fifty thousand will be fine." Icky smiles and says, well hey, we all have a price. I even have mine--tho' it's much higher than this, of course." He talks her into handing over the check first before giving her the “real version”. Once the check's in his hands he makes up another story about the pregnant girl actually being involved with Dan. Icky's ready to be driven over there so she can claw her eyes out or something. Franco does more fast-talking and tells her that's a lie also. He tears the check up and tells her his daddy taught him that his loyalty isn't for sale. "Not everything is for sale in life. Now, if you'll be so kind as to take your hand off the car since I've just finished washing it? Have a good afternoon." He leaves Ick-toria standing there hyperventilating more determined than ever to get to the truth.

That evening at the casino, Tony tells El Gallo that he's got a favor to ask; he needs him to get a friend of his girlfriend's out of jail. El Gallo tells Tony he thought he'd be a bit more possessive with "his personal belongings." He asks Tony if he's sure he wants the guy out of jail if he's a friend of his girl's. Tony admits he'd just as soon the guy rot in there till Hell freezes but.... El Gallo chuckles over the fact that that is what he'd feel also. He says he might be able to do something for Tony about it. --Speaking of which, Carlos is hunkered down in his cell and covering his ears from the noise his fellow inmates are making. He whimpers pathetically about Alicia's not coming to visit him there yet. He gets up then and yells through the bars and snotty tears that he has done nothing wrong. (Ugh!Time for Carlos to get in touch with his "Y" chromosome. Wimp-dom is so unattractive.....) He whines with the rest of the monkeys in the cage now that he’s done nothing wrong. (Excuse me, but since when is breaking and entering and falsifying documents not a crime?)

Eva arrives home and goes to her room. Alicia’s there and still angry with her. "--Are you in a better mood or do I need my boxing gloves?" Eva is ready to apologize to Ali for hitting her, but Alicia's not ready to forgive her.

At the casino, El Gallo tells Tony that the next little operation of theirs will pay him double. Loyalty there is always well paid. Tony says, well speaking of the disloyal, guess who showed up: Tomas! El Gallo wants to know the next time when and where Tomas is. El Gallo says he still prefers a dead Tomas to a live Tomas. (Yeah, that would make it easier for everybody involved for sure!) He gives Tony the contract on Tomas. Ruh-roh!! Tony may be a tough guy and wily as a fox, but he knows he is no assassin.

In their room again, Alicia tells Eva she's tired of taking orders from her. They must live their lives as they both see fit. After all they’re both grownups now, though she'll never be what Eva wants her to be because they're two different people! Ali grabs her things then, and tells Eva that tonight she's sleeping in Marisol's room. She emphasizes that she’s NOT sleeping in Tony’s bed, but not because of Eva, but because she chooses not to.

Meanwhile, Mad Marcy looks like she is getting ready for a dinner date. Bruno sends her a toasty-warm text about how he's dying to get with her. He's getting ready himself and stops to read some sort of racy text himself. He smiles.

Alicia has dug into Marisol’s drawers and now plays dress-up with a number of Marisol's personal things.

Ick-toria barges into Leo's bedroom after a hard day of gritch and grind. She demands to know the name of the woman he and Daniel were fighting over this afternoon.

Back at the boarding house, Eva's gone to bed early. She is feeling low and she feels especially guilty over being so harsh with her sister, an tells herself that she hopes eventually Ali will realize it was only for her own good. Well, lights out. There's a knock at Eva's bedroom door. She thinks it's Alicia and tells her to come in, adding that she's sorry for being so harsh earlier today. Instead, Dano walks in and shuts the door, ready for a little pillow talk and a surprise slumber party for two. He tells her he’s the one who needs to ask for forgiveness from her for what happened earlier today. Eva's jaw drops to the floor. Will Eva’s moods turn out to be as mercurial as her ditzy sister's now that she’s facing the man of her dreams once more in her p.j.’s? Stay tuned!


Llena de Amor #86 (Mex. 91) Mon 12/13/10

Friday: Vicky, who has decided that sleeves or even straps are burdensome office wear, gets hired at the agency, but her boss will be Eman, not Emil. She has to shake hands with him and it’s a miracle nothing pops out of her little dress when she reaches over the table.

And off we go! Ilitia, who, as you recall, has arrived at the agency to redecorate Eman’s office, is telling his assistant that the drawing of Mari has to go. The assistant protests that Eman was quite specific about nobody touching it and if she did, she’d get fired. Ilitia says she’ll let that go for now, but that the assistant is to be her eyes and ears and is to let her know if Eman is messing with any office ladies. The assistant is none too pleased with this addition to her job description. First getting coffee, and now this!

It’s always fun to watch Fedra curse somebody, so we get some delicious moments while she heaps abuse on Netty to Bernardo who tells her not to get all worked up. Fedra snarls that she wants to hurt her good. Plus she’s just sure Gretel is in the pension somewhere. Bernardo points out that he looked in every nook and cranny.

Emil introduces Vicky to a half-dozen staff members, half of whom are probably thinking “put something on, you little hussy” and the other half, “yay, they’re relaxing the dress code!” Emil thanks them for being such a splendid team and Vicky beams and swears that if one wins, they all win.

Bernardo shows Fedra a document that shows that Netty’s pension is in foreclosure. Poor thing! says Fedra and they both chortle.

Gladiola and Netty have checked out every room, and don’t find anything missing. They can’t figure out who or what Fedra was looking for. Netty looks in Mari’s luggage and finds the little old chest that held Eva’s things. How is it that Vicki has it? asks Netty, suddenly suspicious.

Eman and Mari enter his office, she giving a lot of attitude. He finally asks her why she’s that way with him. She notices the Gordita portrait on the wall and asks about it. He smiles and affectionately taps it and says that that’s his gordita. She tells him not to blow smoke, she knows what he did to Mari, how he tried to destroy her. It’s a lie! he says, grasping her by the shoulders.

Netty is raving about Vicky having her sister’s remains. (I didn’t realize her ashes were in there! How did that get through customs?). They both figure Vicky is lying about something. Netty wants to ask her point blank, but Gladiola suggests that they say nothing and just wait and watch. Then they hit on the shocking idea that Vicky is a spy for Fedra.

Back to Vicky and Eman: He’s furious and says he could never hurt the woman who he loves more than anything in his life. Vicky calls him a coward and a liar. He reminds her that he’s her boss and he won’t put up with disrespect like that. Okay, boss, she says, take this as a goodbye. He slaps him. I quit! For good measure, the door hits him in the face when she swings it open and he’s left holding both his check and his nose.

Ilitia shows up in Brandon’s office, and he says she’s the last person he expected to see there. She rags on him, telling him it’s and it’s all his fault her reception was a disaster, because the Lirio robbed everybody and he didn’t catch him. She tells him she’s had it with him. He just smiles and tells her not to come into his office to tell him how to do his job, calling her little hysterical one. Say, on your wedding night, did you think of my body and my kisses, huh? She tells him to shut up. Did you come by to get a kiss? She reminds him that she’s a married woman.

Good thing you dropped by, he says, because I wanted to ask you about this. He holds up her earring that he found at Mauricio’s.

While Bernardo watches, Fedra, on the phone, tells off some poor secretary, saying she’s a great friend of her boss, and no, she won’t hold. If she has to, she’ll pull all of her money out of the bank. Good move, chortles Bernardo. He owes me from La Mala Noche, too, whispers Fedra. The boss, Santillian, comes on. Fedra tells him to fire the secretary. Okay, she’ll forgive it this time, but she’s calling about her great and grand friend, Ernestina Pavon. Fedra makes a patooie spitting face.

Mari is stomping down the hall, thoughtbubbling that she just can’t believe Eman hung that picture there to make everybody believe that he loves her. And they don’t know that he tried to kill her! Oops, she runs into Eman who must’ve been lying in wait, and tells him not to even think of touching her again.

He says he realizes he was rude and he wants to apologize. How ‘bout they sit down and chat a little bit? Not a chance, she says, turning away. He grabs her arm and she yanks it away. Just then his pal Andre passes by and tries to butt in, but Eman tells him to butt back out. He tries a little humor, telling Mari she can’t really quit because she hasn’t started yet.

She tries to walk away, and the staff, who are now watching, all rise and crowd around to see what happens next. Eman grabs Mari by her departing hips telling her he doesn’t want her to leave before they clear things up, and she swivels around and tells him that she told him to keep his hands off, that’s what his wife is for. Or haven’t they started their honeymoon yet? The staff love that one.

Ilitia tries to snatch the earring away from Brandon, but he says not so fast. Apparently he has not only a policeman’s nose, but also a policeman’s eye, because he remembered seeing those earrings on her. Does she remember the day she lost it? Ilitia is starting to tear up. Yes, her wedding day. He says that she must not have been having her hair done or her dress put on, because he found it in a very compromising place, Maurcio’s house.

Mari is punching below the waist now. She asks Eman if his wedding night was maybe a flop. Did he have to sleep in a separate bed, or did he have trouble delivering the goods? The staff think that’s a hoot.

Eman tells Mari, look, there’s the door. Go on home. His pal tells him that’s no way to treat a lady. A lady! Eman says, astonished. She some wild animal, all teeth and nails. She lunges at him and he grabs her wrists. You’re boring me now, he says. Go. You can’t throw me out, she says, because I’m leaving.

She turns to go and comes face to face with Emil, and tells him she’s quitting. And for extra effect, she accuses Eman of sexual assault.

Ilitia tells Brandon it’s none of his business where she was on her wedding day, and she wants her earring back. He says it’s evidence – evidence that she’s just a woman who collects men. Was I just one of your playtoys? Ilitia looks at him sadly and says it’s not true. He tells her he figures she and Mauricio have been lovers for a long time, and she hauls off and suh-LAPs him a good one. He grabs her and kisses her by force, which you’d think would turn her into a PTSD hysterical case, but the music swells, so maybe it’s going better that we would expect. It’s fortunate nobody walks down the hallway just then, because the blinds in Brandon’s office are open.

Eman protests his innocence, and Mari says she kept telling him hands off, but he kept putting hands on. Emil finally says basta, and says she stays because they need her, and Eman will behave. Mari smiles triumphantly.

Ilitia shoves Brandon off and tells him she hates him. He tells her she doesn’t. Is she having trouble in her marriage? Idiot, she responds, you just think below the belt. So I’m the villain in the movie, huh? he says sadly. You’re the one who goes around leaving earrings in your lover’s house. She tells him she doesn’t want to talk about it. He lays his hands sympathetically on her shoulders. She shrugs them off, saying Don’t touch me! The commissioner barges in, wanting to know what the hell’s going on.

Eman paces up and down in his office, furious with Mari. He hears voices on his phone’s intercom and listens. It’s his secretary complaining to someone else about Ilitia asking him to spy on him and report to her. And he’s been so crabby lately, it’s the last thing she needs to have to babysit him.

Eman sits down and realizes now there are two women who had accused him of chasing after models (Mari had earlier). Well if that’s what they think, that’s what they get, he declares.

Brandon swears he didn’t do anything. Ilitia tells the commissioner that she came because she’s in desperate need of help, and she got treated like trash. She heads out tearfully and Brandon calls after her, but the commissioner snatches his arm and yells at him to get that woman out of his head and get on the trail of the Lirio de Plata. He doesn’t want any hanky-panky in his police station.

The commissioner storms out and Brandon raves, wondering what’s wrong with him, and then he wonders what’s up with Ilitia and Mauricio.

Oliver is the next to burst in. He doesn’t want to work with Manolo one more second. That guy runs in reverse (does he mean he thinks he’s gay?).

In a little patio at the house, Axel is a-strummin’ and a-singin’ to Delicia. She claps her sleeve-covered hands. It was so cute how she always tugged at them, and now, after two years, they’ve stretched to where her fingers don’t even show any more. Great for polishing the silver! Oops, here comes Nereida, who sashays around, asking what Fedra would say if she knew. Delicia tells her if she blabs, then everybody’s going to hear about how Nereida spends every night in Bernardo’s bed.

Nereida huffs off. Axel is astonished to hear about it. Delicia then tells Axel she gave him the guitar in hopes that it would help him remember. He said it does, and he’s had some very disturbing memory he’s not even sure is true. He’s had some bad nights waking up with it, so maybe it’s a nightmare. Oh, never mind, he says, going back to playing.

Bernardo is lying on his bed reading a book that looks like it might have pictures and big print. Nereida comes in without knocking and announces that Delicia has given Axel a guitar, and if Fedra found out, whooeee. Bernardo pops off the bed and heads out the door, saying he’ll take care of it.

Back to Axel, happily singing, but not for long, because here comes Bernardo, Nereida in tow, demanding that Axel give him that guitar because his mother has a bad heart. Axel says no, but Bernardo wrestles with him for it. Suddenly Axel flashes back on himself as a little child and Bernardo dragging him off to the prostitute. He gives Bernardo a hearty slap and tells him never to touch him again. Bernardo comes back with a powerful backhand slap that lands Axel on the ground. Off Bernardo storms with the guitar. Axel has another flashback – Gretel telling him that their mother is a monster, that she’s been fooling them all this time.

The floodgates open, and this memory is followed by another, of his now-girlfriend Lorena then yelling at him to get out of the closet. Then he flashes back on his father slapping him and calling him a degenerate and disowning him. Next he remembers telling Mari that he couldn’t stand being with a woman, that he doesn’t know why. He remembers being beat up. Delicia keeps asking him what’s wrong, what’s happening?

Brandon can’t help smiling at Oliver’s complaints. Oliver says Manolito is stuck to him like bubblegum, he just can’t stand it. He’s looking into my eyes so funny, says Oliver, he’s touching me, ewww. Just then Manolito comes into the office, and Oliver insinuates himself around behind Brandon’s desk for protection. Mano says he just wants to apologize for today, but Oliver says no apology necessary. He tries to slide along the walls to the door to escape.

Brandon thinks all this is a hoot. He tells Mano that he wants him to work with the police by doing a series of articles about Fedra Curiel. Mano strokes his fake moustache. While he’s doing that, I’m thinking about Gretel’s distinctive set of chompers which we’ve discussed before. Wouldn’t Oliver have recognized those?

Axel is striding across the lawn, Delicia after him. He remembers now – it was all his mother’s fault. They were right when they said he was that way. Delicia appreciates right away that this is a step back and tells him that was before, and it’s not true, and not to think about those things. I can’t help it! he says.

Lorena comes across the lawn and throws her arms around him. He pushes her off and tells her it’s over. He wants to know why she’s been playing this game with him.

Eman’s secretary brings him some coffee, but he gestures at the wrong moment and ends up with it down his shirt. Ow! He tells her can change his shirt at home, but she starts unbuttoning it when of course Mari comes in. She ironically points out that it’s hardly businesslike. He says it’s not what she thinks. He has on a fresh shirt, and his secretary, embarrassed, holds up the coffee-stained one, then leaves the office. Mari says she knows those kind of accidents – her mother and father had one like that, and nine months later she was born.

Lorena has trailed Axel and Delicia into the house, begging him to explain. He says there was never any love between them, and she was taking advantage of his situation. She blames all this on Delicia for putting ideas into his head. Delicia retorts that he’s just started remembering. Suddenly sober Lorena asks if it’s true. Axel sends Delicia off and folds his arms, ready to confront the truth with Lorena.

Eman decides to have fun with Mari. His shirt is still unbuttoned, and he can see she’s having a look. What was it you needed? he asks, rubbing his chest like he’s not noticing what he’s doing. He even gives his shoulder a rub, pushing his shirt off it a little. Mari stammers something about the art in a production. She plops a folder on his desk, bending to inadvertently show about as much chest as he is.

Lorena tells Axel she was always in love with him, and she realized when he got out of the hospital that he didn’t remember the way he was before. Axel says that’s not real love. If she loves him, then tell him the truth. And so she does: Your mother paid me to be with you. Axel is stunned.

Take the money and go! he tells her. She admits that it started off bad, but she realized how special he is and every day she’s fallen more and more in love with him. She loves making love with him! He kisses her forcefully, then drags her upstairs saying if she’s been paid, she better get to work.

Mari tells Eman the concept could have been done by a three-year-old. Okay, says the still unbuttoned Eman, insulted, let’s see yours on my desk first thing tomorrow morning. She says that’s an impossibly short time, and for him to button up. He clutches his shirt closed for a minute, then drops it off his shoulder again with more rubbing action. He tells her she’s supposed to be some super star – she can do it! She says she needs a couple of days. Twenty-four hours or you’re fired, sez he. She smirks and leaves and he does some fist pumping in victory.

Brandon tells Mano about Jairo, a fellow who works at a magazine and can will help him get the articles published. Oliver is quick to point out that Jairo is a macho guy who likes girls. Brandon explains that he’s a neighbor and he studied acting with Netty.

Mano is on fire! He tells Brandon that Mari told him about Fedra and he can’t wait to help bring her to justice. Brandon likes his enthusiasm, and says if they get Fedra, they’ll get Mauricio along with her, and find out about the money of his the Lirio stole.

Oliver wonders why Brandon is so interested in Mauricio’s stolen money. Does he think it’s dirty? No, I think it’s been laundered, says Brandon. He’s Garduño’s man. What Brandon wants is for the two to be pitted against each other. Mano says So you want me to publish contradictory things about them that get them blaming each other? (I think that’s what he said.)

Smart guy! Says Brandon happily. Oliver is doubtful, but Mano says he’ll prove himself.

Mauricio, who has the creepiest ring tone ever, gets a call on his cell. What to say to them? he wonders. If I don’t get them their money, they’ll kill me. Curse that Lirio de Plata!

Muñeca’s maid Flora has showed up at the orphanage with another box apparently from the Lirio. Muñeca is afraid the police might have seen her with it. Flora begs her to open it, she can’t wait to see what’s inside. Oh! they both say in excitement as they open it. It’s chock full of neatly stacked bills. Muñeca is excited at the sight of it, but tells Flora to shut the case quick, so she’s not tempted. She’s going to call the Brandon at the police station.

Flora tries to talk her into keeping it to help the kids. Muñeca, though she’s struggling with her conscience, says it’s dirty money, and stealing is a crime. What’s more, she’s just sure it’s the money stolen from Mauricio.

Mano is on the phone with Jairo, telling him that the articles have to be published under a pseudonym, namely El Lirio de Plata.

Ilitia has showed up at Mauricio’s. Whoeee, he says, you’ve come for another round. Right, she says smiling. She turns her back and pulls a giant gun from her purse and points it straight at him. I’m going to kill you, she says steadily.

In his office, Eman is thinking about Vicky and wondering how Mari picked such a bitch for a friend. He takes a bite out of a piece of chocolate in Mari’s memory and goes over to her portrait, remembering how she was so different from Vicky. She was so sweet and kind. He tells her how much he misses her, and remembers their romantic night.

Vicki barges in, saying she’s finished, and early. He reproaches her for her bad manners and she gives him some lip back. He glances at the work she has submitted and says it looks okay, pretty good in fact. She tells him now he has a sample of her talent and hard work and she’s going home.

No, you’re not, he says. Everybody’s gone and the doors lock automatically and oops! I forgot my key at home. Welcome to Ruiz y de Teresa Inc.!

Avances: They do stay at the office. He squirts soda on her by mistake, etc. Pretty soon he’s come close and he says there’s something about her. Looks like they’re going to kiss.


La Verdad Oculta #064: The Lion Not Sleeping Tonight

Leonardo halts Juan José's lynching party at the club, where Juan José had already decided worthless, old Adolfo could better spend his remaining days in prison. Leonardo clamps Adolfo's indignation after letting Juan José exit, assuring him and Carlos that they as smugglers are the big fish.

Adolfo must silence Carlos spilling details of Adolfo's testimony against Juan José when Leonardo's curious why the ex-con would attack him. Leonardo's gaze drills them as he points out what excellent vision Adolfo must have to recognize a murderer several floors up -- but not across from him at the wedding reception!

Both Carlos and Adolfo speechless at that, Leonardo exits, warning them not to leave the country. They'll be watched. At Roberto's hotel, he tells Susana his work for Adolfo brought him to this pass; and it dawns on her it was Adolfo set Gabriela up with the shoes. Dangerous, but they can work their advantage.

They only need to guard the shoes and the photo, and of course they're being watched. For her trouble, Roberto splays a handful of bills on the table, popping Susana's eyes -- she earned it, he assures fondly. At Mario's, despondent David enters Mario's bedchamber to unburden himself to hardly sympathetic Santiago.

David doesn't expect much -- just to talk to someone. He recounts his growing love after meeting Gabriela, the painful gossip and jealousy surrounding it, his desire to strike back; pacing disconsolately, he admits his big, ugly mistake. Tearfully he swears his regret and fear of losing Gabriela.

David sobs to think of spending his whole life without her -- he has no one else now: his father is dead, he has no other family, no friends, not even his family name. Weeping David complains ruefully he doesn't know if his mother is dead or alive, whether she has brothers or sisters. He pleads to Santiago he's so alone.

What he did just seems so stupid -- and everything Santiago accuses him of. In the end it was his call, not Roberto's; and David swears his immediate relief at Mario fixing things. Santiago doesn't know what to advise him; and David relents on Mario's plan, saying weakly he doesn't care about it now and exits.

At Roberto's hotel, he advises Susana to stay working at Mario's and keep an eye on things. For starters, she reports Gabriela and Julieta's departure. And when asked, Roberto shrugs and wonders what good would come of talking about the wigs and tunnel -- he can't help it if some old nut wants to dress up.

Roberto points out Susana's "husband" sold hot diamonds, when she ponders if Adolfo could help Marcos. He's relieved to hear she thinks the police aren't hunting her -- she hasn't even visited the jail; but Roberto looks suddenly thoughtful to learn Leonardo has been calling the Genovés house repeatedly.

It's late, and Leonardo lays on the bell at Mario's to see him, insisting that they traced a call from the (tunnel) house by Santiago. When David resists, Leonardo demands whether he knows Juan José, which David denies -- but entering Alejandra admits knowing him, at Leonardo's raised voice and objections.

When Leonardo explains Santiago knows the real criminals who set Juan José up, he won't be denied; and David goes to rouse "Mario" while Alejandra keeps the policeman company. In conversation Leonardo learns Alejandra remodeled Juan José's house behind them, that they had a relationship, and that she's uncertain of his guilt.

In Mario's office, Leonardo surprises "Mario" maintaining they traced a call from the (tunnel) house by supposedly absent Santiago, warning them of Juan José's confrontation at the club -- and proves it with the correct phone number on a card. Beaten "Mario" agrees to tell all at the (tunnel) house tomorrow morning.

Outside in the hallway, before exiting, Leonardo informs Alejandra Juan José could be in trouble for accosting Adolfo while on probation. Worried, she consults with Santiago, who astounds her by revealing he himself told Juan José the incendiary news about Carlos, contained in Dora's stolen letter.

At Roberto's hotel room, he throws the decoy shoes onto the patio below as Susana dons the real ones. He gets ideas watching her stow the photo in her bosom; and Susana must then shyly turn down his oddly gentle advances, which he strangely doesn't push. They exit with the cash case and Félix on their heels.

In the lobby, the other goon watches the couple kiss goodbye as she exits and Roberto disappears to stow the cash case in the hotel safe. At Juan José's, Asunción helps him ice his injured duke and answers the door to Leonardo, who notes the palatial digs.

From Juan José he learns of the cell-mate's inheritance, which story Leonardo is fascinated to hear one day. But for the moment, he's more interested to be told that a woman named Dora apparently witnessed the maid's murder, that she worked at Mario's and disappeared, and that Mario revealed the news to Juan José.

Leonardo warns Juan José that someone on probation has no business pulling a stupid stunt like tonight's and that Leonardo can help him. If he persists taking matters into his own hands, he could lose everything. Before exiting, Leonardo reminds pointedly he'll be back sometime for the inheritance story.

Juan José phones to talk to Santiago; and when be-robed Alejandra doesn't like his tone and he threatens to appear in person, she hangs up on him. At Adolfo's, Félix reports back as Carlos listens in the shadows above. He hears Adolfo doubt the shoes were in the case in the hotel safe, hotel room or apartment.

Félix describes Susana, and just then Adolfo looks up, stopping short to see his son looking down. Braced on the railing, Carlos fixes his father with a look and declares now he knows just what sort of business he's in. At Mario's, a nicely redressed Alejandra is surprised to hear from Juan José at the door that he learned all.

At the condo, Carlos asserts that Adolfo has been tired of him since the day he was born. When he continues that he's leaving the house, because his father is involved in dirty deals he doesn't want to be mixed up in, Adolfo nastily points out Carlos is already mixed up in murder and a frame up.

Outside Mario's office door, Juan José is overcome by Alejandra's beauty; and as they search each other's faces, they draw near; but Alejandra departs, leaving Juan José looking disappointed. Inside, Santiago insists to Juan José it would be much easier to find Dora and solve things by telling Leonardo everything.

Back at the condo, Carlos bitterly admits he knows Adolfo thinks he's useless, but he still wants to leave before he implicates Adolfo. He could tell the police everything he knows, Carlos says, choking up; but he doesn't want to -- because in the end Adolfo is still his father.

Hateful Adolfo doesn't care and is glad to learn Carlos is also leaving the job. When Adolfo berates further saying he's a coward who messed around having the good life for 30 years without knowing how to get it, Carlos bitterly asserts he does know how to get it -- but the decent way!

Adolfo laughs and points out the stupid waitress caper; and Carlos angrily insists there's a big difference between pranks -- and being a career criminal! Carlos shouts at his father, stopping Adolfo from pulling back to strike him. Admitting he was an accessory to the maid's death, Carlos vows it's Roberto who caused it.

Carlos exits with a stiff lip, almost sobbing, to hear Adolfo order him out forever even if he starves. Across town, Leonardo visits Julieta and learns the scene of the DVD looked like Mario's office and that she knows nothing of any closed-circuit TV there -- only about recent security placed outside on the grounds.

Later Gabriela pours out her heart to Leonardo about the ugly revelation. She's hurt -- and confused how Mario could have made everything legal and then yesterday know nothing about it. When she relates David called and insisted they were married, Leonardo offers to investigate so she'll feel better.

Leonardo gets the DVD from Gabriela to watch and learns from her even if they are legally married that Gabriela wants a divorce. When sympathetic Leonardo kneels to assure her there are those who truly love her, he suddenly rebounds in embarrassment for how that sounded at that time.

He digs in deeper starting to explain it makes him angry, but just grabs the DVD and exits promising to get back to her. Presently Santiago phones Gabriela, who cries and begs him to return from supposedly Chihuahua. At Mario's, Bertha phones a relieved Alejandra, who will meet to discuss Bertha's luxury hotel room.

David brings a copy of the marriage license to reassure Gabriela, who won't even look at him. He explains desperately it was precisely for that DVD that his father made everything legal -- and that he has no excuse. But he wants to stress how sorry he is, how he loves her more than anyone else in the world.

Gabriela insists she's never going to forgive him and that she'd a thousand times rather he just told her he wanted to sleep with her instead. David swears he ran off afterward for feeling disgusted and was so relieved that Mario fixed things -- and he would have told her himself if Mario hadn't.

When Gabriela smartly demands -- before or after the honeymoon, David won't say anything that would make her doubt his sincerity, because he wants to be married for real! Well, nice way of showing it, she retorts. When David begs her to forgive him and pounds his heart swearing his love, Gabriela is not impressed. So what.

What's it worth to be loved by someone like him! If it's true they're still married, then she's getting a divorce. She never wants to see him, his father, his family or anything of them again! David exits, dejected; and Gabriela sinks to the upholstery weeping.


Monday, December 13, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #125-126 12/13/10 I Don't Want to Suffer.

Capitulo 125.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Efren’s big surprise is to introduce his kids to his girlfriend. The kids are unhappy about who it is, but Jazmín tells them that she’ll let them do whatever they want. Which means they play soccer inside.

2. Lety calls home to tell Pop she’s at the “ballet.” MamaJ reminds him that he decided to give her a bit longer of a leash. The show is sold out, but Paula and her girls convince the doorman to trade a kiss for admission. Saimon and Paco follow in drag.

3. They show plenty of “fan service” as the beefcakes warm up for the show. The cuartel finds the dressing room and the women flirt. Fernando tries to enter the theater to find Lety, but he is barred because he’s a man. Alicia follows him. Sergio joins the rest of the troupe as Sergio, not as Luigi.

4. Fernando begs the doorman because his novia is inside and he thinks she’s betraying him. The doorman refuses, so Fernando mows him down and rushes in. Alicia is stuck outside, but she hears Fernando and later reports what he said to Marcia. The show starts, while the Keystone Kops chase Fernando through the building..

5. Lety remembers her day and wishes she were patching things up with Fernando. Fern ends up on the stage and he calls out for Lety, reminiscent of Lety in Cap 2. He finds her and she’s happy to be whisked away. Irmita tells the cuartel to leave them alone and not follow.

6. It’s a cute scene between Fernando and Lety in the hallway of the theater. He’s mad at her because he made a fool of himself, and Lety giggles at him.

Capitulo 126.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. It’s a test of wills between Lety and Fernando. His method of reconciliation is, “I’m here now, so we can leave.” That works for Doormat Marcia, but he’ll need to do better with Lety. He recognizes that and turns on the sweetness, “Where do you want to go?” She knows she won that round and she grudgingly leaves with him.

2. The kids are brats at Jazmín’s, and she throws a tantrum. ‘Nuff said. Saimon goes on stage with the beefcakes. He protests so Paula eagerly replaces him. Saimon gets mad, pulls off his wig, picks a fight, and gets kicked out. The others leave and argue in the street. Two men cruising for babes try to pick up Saimon and Paco.

3. In the car, Lety asks, “Why’d you take me from the show if you’re still not going to talk to me?” Fernando answers that he’ll talk when they reach their destination, so he can look her in the eye.

4. Lety says the DVD was about the commercial. Fernando says, “Don’t lie to me! Not to ME!” (He taught her everyone else, but not to him.) He tries to take the upper hand but she refuses to answer. He says, “I know you’re going to marry Tomás! Why? For revenge against me, right?” She’s stumped. “Why would I want to take revenge against you? For WHAT?” Now he’s really stuck.

5. The HaHA’s come to Lety’s house to ask why she hasn’t yet completed the embargo. Tomás tries to shut them up. Pop offers them tequila, and the rest is history.

6. Lety realizes Fernando saw the DVD. She says the marriage talk was a farce to defend Tom, but Fern asks about the other DVD. She reluctantly explains her househunting assignment. Lety says, “Do you really think I could work against you? I can’t imagine what it would take for me to turn against you.” (Fernando can!) He says he was jealous, and she answers, “You obviously don’t know me very well.”

7. Fern calls Omar, but as Omar starts his advice, Fernando shuts him down (the third time he’s rejected Omar’s advice). He goes back to the table and overhears Lety. See the transcript for the rest of the scene; I can’t summarize it.

Spanish Lesson

In the bar.

L: (On the napkin) [break up with him].. I feel that that is the correct thing. It’s what I have to do. But Don Fernando has shown that he loves me. And his love has [poisoned? gotten in the veins of?] my soul. (He comes up behind her, unheard.) Because of that, I’ve consented to be la otra. But the saddest thing of all is that I didn’t intend to hurt Doña Marcia.
F: Perdon, Lety. I didn’t mean to overhear you. Lety, every day you amaze me more. You’re suffering for Marcia. I would’ve expected you to be happy that I’m not going to marry her.
L: It’s that I can’t be content, knowing that she will be so sad.
F: Do you really prefer that you and I suffer more? I mean, do you want me to suffer, marrying her without love?
L: No! No! The only thing that matters is that you’re happy, Don Fernando. Nothing else.
F: My happiness is you, Lety. Not Marcia. I don’t want to suffer.
L: I don’t want anyone to suffer either. (Note the difference.) I know that for Marcia, it will be very painful. Unbearable that you break up a day before the wedding. I’m in a diliema. Please, forget everything I said. You have to decide what’s best for you, not for me. For me, the only thing I want, is that no matter what happens (anvil alert!), I want you to know that my love for you is eternal. (She falls to crying.)
F: Leh-ty. Lety, look at me. I promise you one thing. As soon as Marcia returns from Germany, I will break the engagement.


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