Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #1 1/3/11 The Story Begins

Capítulo 1: In which an innocent is betrayed, a sinner is cloaked in piety, and a lot of skinny girls get work.
Present-day Mexico City:
Fireworks. Fountains. We are at a high-end fashion show in an exclusive mall. It’s all very glam and energetically percussive. The beautiful people behind the scenes are getting ready to strut for the beautiful people in the audience. A fortyish blonde runs around putting out fires in a back-stage atmosphere that is breathless, frantic. She glances at her watch and thinks:
Victoria debe estar por llegar.(Victoria must be about to get here./She’ll be here any minute now.)

The scene shifts to a church, an image of the Virgen de Guadaloupe. An elegant, dark-haired woman prays for her daughter’s return.
Tú eres madre como yo y conoces el dolor de todos estos años.(You are a mother like me and you know the pain I’ve suffered all these years.)
This is Victoria. In her prayer, Victoria blames herself for her suffering: she should never have become involved with a man who was of the church. She moans: Juan Pablo!

Twenty years ago:
By crying out his name, she seems to have conjured the past. For now we are with the young seminarian himself. He is holding an image of Christ while another voice – older and harsher – calls out: Juan Pablo!. The door to his study opens and we see an imperious figure radiant in ecclesiastical purple. It is Bernarda, Juan Pablo’s mother. She reminds her son he is chosen, privileged. He deflects her praise. He is just one seminarian among many. No, she insists, he is unique, special. He is her salvation and his vocation as a priest will save her soul. (Not to put any pressure on him or anything.) She kisses his hands, she touches his face, she embraces him. It’s too bad he has to go to Monterrey to buy her a ticket to heaven.

Her quasi-incestuous rapture is interrupted by the entrance of Juan’s father, Octavio. (Eduardo Santamarina). Bernarda’s expression sours when she sees him although Juan’s face lights up with pleasure. Octavio has his doubts about his son’s vocation. He asks:
Juan Pablo, hijo, desde el fondo de tu corazón, ¿realmente el sacerdocio es tu vocación?(JP, from the bottom of your heart, is the priesthood really your calling?)

Octavio reminds him how limited his life has been: he has never had a girlfriend; all his life his mother has wanted him to be a priest. He pleads with his son to decide for himself. What does he want? Bernarda looks on and fumes.

The scene shifts to the kitchen where young Victoria, now a family servant, is wrapping a farewell gift, a small carved crucifix for Juan Pablo. She is with an older servant, Tomasa. [In this age of High Definition TV, it takes a certain amount of viewer goodwill to accept forty-something actors playing late adolescents. But with a twist of the old beanie, I’m there. Besides, I’ve been a fan of Ruffo’s ever since she triumphed over that bunch of Looney Tunes in-laws in La Madrastra.]

Victoria has the task of picking up JP’s seminary clothes from the tailor, but when she gets to the shop, she finds Juan Pablo has beat her to it. He obligingly gives her a ride back to the house and on the way he quizzes her on her times tables. We learn he has been her tutor. She was illiterate when she first arrived and he has taught her everything she knows. Well almost.

In the car, Victoria timidly gives him his gift and tells him how much she’s going to miss him. He dries her tears and tries to reassure her, telling her she is a very talented girl, capable of doing whatever she sets her mind to.

Time warp back to the present:
Fashion Diva Victoria is still in the church lamenting the sin of loving Juan Pablo. Her penance: losing what she most loved – her daughter.

Meanwhile… the show must go on. When Victoria enters, she is instantly in command. The blonde assistant breathes her relief. This is Antonieta, faithful friend and colleague. She knew Victoria would be there on time, she says. She passes a cloth doll with dark pig-tails to Victoria. Hmmm.

Victoria is checking out every detail and wants to know who chose the accessories of one model. They are all wrong! It was Antonieta’s decision but her male compañero takes the rap for it and agrees to make the changes Victoria demands.

You stopped at the church to pray, didn’t you? asks her friend. Victoria tells her she goes to that same church whenever she can:
Me he encariñado con una imagen de la virgen de Guadaloupe que está ahí.
Durante tantos estos años le he pedido que un día me haga el milagro de volver a ver a mi hija.
(I’ve grown fond of an image of the virgin of Guadaloupe there. For so many years, I’ve asked her to one day grant me the miracle of seeing my daughter again.)

Antonieta, momentarily losing sight of telenovela plot conventions, suggests it might be time for her friend to forget the past. Never, says Victoria. And above all, I will never forget that heartless (despiadada, sin piedad), Doña Bernarda Ituribe.

Yeah well Bernarda the Church Lady doesn’t see herself as despiadada. Even now she is reading from the Psalms:
Mi alma está pegado al polvo; reanímame con tus palabras.
(My soul cleaveth unto the dust: quicken thou me according to thy word.)

But her pious exercise is interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. She calls out crossly to the servant:
¿Quién es Tomasa?...(Who is it Tomasa?)
And then smiles delightedly:
Juan Pablo, hijo!And I have to say, except for a little bit of stubble, he still looks pretty frisky twenty years later.

Elsewhere in town, the fashion show proceeds, the models appearing appropriately anorexic and edgy and the rich, snooty crowd duly appreciative. An assistant tells Victoria that the show is nearly over and they will be waiting for her on the runway.

But just before Victoria walks out, Antonieta shows that she is a true friend. She says something that Victoria may not want to hear:
Pay attention to your husband and family or one day you might get a nasty surprise. Osvaldo is a very attractive man!
Cut to a bedroom scene. The indeed very attractive Osvaldo is in bed with an equally attractive woman. The action is hot and heavy.

Cut to a pensive Victoria holding and stroking the ragdoll.

We’re back with Osvaldo again and… Wait! It’s only acting! Osvaldo is a galán in a telenovela and they have just shot the final scene. He hops out of the bed, undies still on, and now we see the tv crew all around him.

Back at the fashion show, we catch a glimpse of actress Helena Rojo sitting on the sidelines holding a bouquet. Then it is Victoria’s moment. She glides gracefully down the runway as the crowd stands and applauds. In a nod to telenovela royal lineage, Rojo, who last played the Ruffo role, presents a bouquet of red roses to the current Reina.

At home, Bernarda is having her own moment of joy. Juan Pablo has been transferred from Monterrey back to Mexico City and he will have a parish close to home. Says Bernarda without a trace of humility:
No cabe duda que Dios me premia por mis buenas obras.(There’s no doubt that God is rewarding me for my good works.)

His mother leaves Juan Pablo to get some rest. In a room filled with religious imagery of all kinds, it is the small carved crucifix that Victoria gave him so many years ago that catches his attention.

His mind wanders to the night of his farewell dinner (cena de despedida)--

--and the winsome Victoria, white ribbons woven into her dark braids.

He also recalls an unsavory incident from that night. As the guests are leaving, one woman lingers and tries to seduce the virginal Juan Pablo. She teases him for his innocence and inexperience. He tries to edge away but she continues to taunt:
No me tengas miedo -- no voy a comerte…aunque ganas no me faltan.(Don’t be afraid of me – I’m not going to eat you… not that I wouldn’t love to!)
Immediately Mother Bernarda is there to defend him:
Patricia! ¿Te la pasaste bien?(Did you have fun?) asks Bernarda as she smoothly takes the wine glass from the woman’s hand and tries to lead her away, reminding her that foremost among the vows Juan is to take is that of chastity. The resourceful Patricia manages to plant one on Juan Pablo before Bernarda ousts her more forcefully. Afterward he wipes his mouth, seeming more confused than disgusted.

Sweet Victoria, the image of purity with her beribboned braids, her little black maid’s uniform trimmed with a white apron, collar and cuffs, steals into Juan’s study and tearfully leaves a note for him.

A moment later Juan enters the study – apparently fresh out of the shower – and finds the note. He looks particularly fetching with that devilish lock of hair falling over his forehead. He smiles as he reads the note and then looks for Victoria to thank her for it. He finds her weeping. He gently wipes her tears away and tries to get her to tell him why she’s crying. I can’t, she says, it’s a sin. He smiles:
No creo que tú seas capaz de ningún pecado. Eres tan buena, tan dulce.(I don’t think you are capable of sin. You are so good, so sweet.)

He confides that he has never before been so close, physically, to a woman and he feels so comforted by her presence. He needs to talk to someone, he tells her. She invites him to share his anguish with her. He can tell her anything. He says:
Me estoy despidiendo de un mundo para entrar en otro.(I’m saying goodbye to one world to enter another.)

She is pained by his leaving, she tells him, and she weeps on his chest. He is about to close the door on material things, he says. And yet:
Hay cosas que no he vivido, que no he sentido.(There are things I haven’t lived, that I haven’t felt.)
Sometimes, he continues, they say we should experience a normal life before taking our vows, to test ourselves, just to be sure... I wanted to be pure, I wanted to be chaste…

But oh my. Things are getting warm in here. That nasty Patricia seems to have lit the pilot light under Juan Pablo’s reservoirs of carnal desire. And now alone with the adoring and naïve Victoria he feels things he has never felt before. They kiss tentatively at first, and then with more conviction.

Bernarda goes into Juan Pablo’s room and is satisfied to see his clothes laid out on the bed. She’d be less smug if she knew that the owner of those clothes was in Victoria’s little room. Testing himself. Just to be sure.

When he finally returns to his room, a bit out of breath, his mother is waiting. In the dark. She senses he looks different somehow and asks him what’s wrong. He confesses he has begun to have some doubts. Maybe his father was right…

Octavio happens to be passing by his room and overhears this conversation. His face brightens at the idea that his son is thinking for himself. But inside that room, Bernarda’s mouth hangs open in horror. She manages to convince him he is just nervous and confused right now. He was born to serve God, she tells him. And he ends up agreeing with her.

We see Juan Pablo kneeling, holding the carved crucifix, and praying: Perdóname.

And Victoria sits on her bed in her chaste white nightdress and prays: Dios mío, perdóname, perdóname.
It is the following day and it’s time to say goodbye. Octavio again asks his son if he’s sure of his decision. After all, he says:
El celibato lo inventó el hombre y no Dios.(It was man, not God, who invented celibacy.)

When Juan Pablo answers that yes, he is sure, Bernarda can’t suppress a triumphant smirk. Victoria watches from her window as Juan Pablo and his father drive away to the airport.

Monterrey, 20 years ago:

So the time you spent away from the seminary confirmed your vocation! says the priest as he welcomes Juan Pablo back into the fold. Well sort of:
Necesito confesarme cuanto antes. Soy pecador, un gran pecador.(I need to confess right away. I’m a sinner, a terrible sinner.)
In the confessional he admits to carnal sin. The priest tells him that since he has not yet taken a vow of chastity, the sin is not as grave as it might be. But are you sure this is what you want to do?

Present-day Mexico City:Juan Pablo holds the small carving and thinks of how he has prayed for Victoria all these years. He kneels, begs forgiveness for his sin and asks that Victoria be blessed, wherever she may be.

As it happens, she is back-stage after the fashion show, holding her roses, savoring her moment of success. Antonieta suggests she call Osvaldo and invite him to join her. But she doesn’t have to: there is Osvaldo himself holding out a single red rose to his wife. And the couple leave together for a private celebration.

They are dining in an intimate restaurant, rose petals strewn on the table. Osvaldo tells her they should do this more often, that lately she’s almost obsessive about her work as if she is using it as a way to avoid thinking about something. I love you, he says, and I need you. She answers:
Tienes toda la razón. Te he tenido muy abandonado. Perdóname.
(You’re completely right. I’ve been neglecting you. Forgive me.)

Then we see them in bed together, a loving couple, entwined.

More Scenes in Present-day Mexico City: Salt of the Earth Division
El Mercado:
An elderly woman – this is Milagros – is picking out her fruits and greens when she is approached by a woman who needs help. Milagros, thinking it is an affair of the heart, reassures her:
Nunca falta un roto para un descosido.(There’s someone for everyone or literally: there never lacks one who is torn for one who is ripped.)
But that’s not the problem. It turns out someone cast an evil eye on her taco place (taquería) and Milagros agrees to take care of the problem with a cleansing ritual. She has an interesting skill set, this Milagros.

The Firehouse:
In a friendly card game, a young fireman wins the third hand in a row. The game is forgotten when the alarm sounds and all slide down the pole, grab their gear, and are off to the rescue. When the young guy grabs his stuff, we see his name: Juanjo. And he calls his older friend ‘Don Napo’.

The Taquería:
Milagros is performing a complicated procedure involving bunches of grasses, spitting in the face and breaking eggs. Ni me lo preguntes.

Back up the Social Ladder:

The Gym:
Osvaldo is working out, and pretty strenuously, when a friend comes along to remind him they have a breakfast date. Osvaldo ducks out for a quick shower. As soon as he’s out of earshot the friend hisses:
¡Maldito! Crees que mereces todo! ¡Si tú supieras cuánto te odio!(Damn you! You think you deserve everything! If only you knew how much I hate you!)
So I’m thinking he’s maybe not such a close friend.

We get to peek at Osvaldo soaping up in the shower. Big fellow.

Victoria is working at the Casa de Moda when she gets a call from Osvaldo inviting her to join him and his good buddy Guillermo for breakfast. But she has to beg off. She’s preparing the benefit show she does every year for abandoned girls (niñas abandonadas). He teases her that she should do a fashion show for the benefit of abandoned husbands. But he’s just kidding, he loves the way she worries about the needs of others.

Bernarda’s house, the dining room:
This lady definitely does not love the way her son worries about the needs of others. When she hears that Juan Pablo plans to devote much of his pastoral time to abandoned children, she says (and I’m not making this up):
No, tú no tienes porque dedicarte tanto a los demás; tú tienes que dedicarte a mí – rezar por mí, por la salvación de mi alma!(No, you have no reason to dedicate so much of yourself to others; you have to dedicate yourself to me – pray for me, for my salvation!)
She goes on: I’m your ma and you owe me!

Juan Pablo tells her he prays for her all the time but also for the sick, the poor, the homeless. And besides her soul doesn’t exactly need saving.

The servant Tomasa enters the dining room and Juan Pablo asks her if she knows what has become of Victoria. Tomasa says his mother is the one he must ask and politely leaves the room. Bernarda’s face shuts down. To his insistent questioning she finally answers that Victoria quit her job as soon as he left for the seminary – the ingrate! They never heard from her again, but she expects she married some guy and probably has a houseful of kids. I hope she’s happy, says Juan Pablo.

Meanwhile Tomasa is back in the kitchen fuming. If la señora Bernarda won’t tell him the truth, she says, I will – even if it costs me my job!

Tomasa’s thoughts travel back to that time twenty years ago when Juan Pablo had just left for the seminary:

Victoria is crying and Tomasa is telling her she should never have set her sights so high. Bernarda comes into the kitchen prepared to fire Victoria, but when Victoria tells her she knows how to sew, Bernarda decides to try out her skills. She asks her to alter a very fine blouse. If she damages it, she is out. Victoria passes the test and soon she is at the sewing machine taking care of all of Bernarda’s clothes. Like Snow White, she pricks her finger, but this witch’s venom doesn’t act instantly.

While Juan Pablo prays in the seminary in Monterrey, Victoria is Bernarda’s slave in Mexico: she cleans, she dusts, she polishes the car. And Bernarda stands back and smirks.
Five months after Juan’s departure:
Juan Pablo is serving his God and Victoria is serving Juan’s parents. Coffee, that is. Victoria isn’t feeling too well. But Octavio is feeling even worse. He has an attack of sorts -- it looks pretty scary -- the doctor is called, and he is diagnosed with very high blood pressure. He is to be given drops morning and night. The precise dosage is crucial. Too much could be fatal.

While the doctor is attending his patient, Victoria comes in to tell Bernarda she has a phone call. Then she falls in a dead faint. The doctor examines her and announces his diagnosis: Victoria is pregnant.

Bernarda goes berserk:
¡Maldita infeliz! ¡Desvergonzada! ¡Habla de una vez! ¿Quién es el padre de ese hijo?Damn you! You have no shame! Speak at once! Who is the father of that child?
She slaps the young girl so viciously that she falls over; and finally she tells Bernarda what she wants to know:
Juan Pablo. El joven Juan Pablo es el padre de mi hijo.(Juan Pablo. Young Juan Pablo is the father of my child.)

For no reason other than to make us all feel better, we end with a scene of William Levy paddling his kayak.


La Verdad Oculta #075: And the children shall lead

Santiago admits Mario knew Márta, but hastily distracts Gabriela with the theft of the cuff link. When he posits Adolfo sent someone to seek the infamous shoes who stole only the trefoil instead, Gabriela is busied with phoning Julieta to see if she ever remembered where she lost her keys that day.

But Julieta can't recall, so Gabriela hangs up and returns to the topic of Mario and Márta; but his stress relieved, Santiago has time to invent a story of Mario being taken with Márta's beauty on one single occasion of seeing the theater troupe.

Asunción attracts Mina to Juan José's on an architectural pretext to ask her help finding the extortionist's helicopter. He plays her the video and must divulge the reason for it, which Mina doesn't like the sound of. At Mario's, David and Santiago discuss Gabriela's name problem; but Santiago refuses to reveal the truth.

At Adolfo's condo, Yolanda reports Carlos's desire to return to work; and if Adolfo asks nicely, he may give him the ring. At Leonardo's, Paula lobbies for him to make Julieta his wife to take care of Paula, at which the dad must affectionately lay a few ground rules. For starters, Julieta's not even his girlfriend yet.

In Puerto Vallarta, deliciously anguished Juan José sees Alejandra's dainties laid out on the bed and needs a nano-second to think about joining her in the shower, where he makes her a very happy woman. Back in the D.F. at the club office, harried Adolfo sits amid messy stacks of paperwork, just waiting for Carlos to arrive.

When he does, Carlos declares he wants his life and his office back, where he'll take care of business as usual. All Adolfo wants, Carlos insists, is not to see him -- which they can arrange; and Adolfo agrees. He earns enough to live elsewhere, but there's one other condition.

Carlos jumps to conclude and refuses to partake in Adolfo's clandestine deals; but Adolfo merely means the trefoil ring. His son was loathe to return it as the regretfully single affectionate gesture he thought his father had ever made. Before Carlos returns it he relates how he never understood Adolfo's hatred for him.

He's not the loser Adolfo always accuses him of being; he's always worked hard and tried to make his father proud. When Carlos suggests earnestly they try to get along better, without insults and hostility, Adolfo agrees -- but not without the ring. Ring in hand, Adolfo clasps his son's shoulder on the way out.

Back at Juan José's, Mina phones around to learn to what office to bring a photo of the helicopter's model and registration number for identification. During a companionable stroll on the beach in Puerto Vallarta, Garnica charges Zaida with promise of good pay to cozy up to Juan José and learn his plans.

Mina impresses Asunción by printing out a helicopter picture from the video on Juan José's computer and assures him Juan José and Alejandra won't mind her taking time out to go and have the aircraft identified. It makes her angry to hear of the blackmail.

Gabriela phones Julieta, and after learning she spent the whole day with Leonardo and Paula, wishes Julieta wouldn't mention recent developments to Leonardo, even though he offered to help Santiago and doesn't think he's guilty either; Santiago wants Adolfo to be proven guilty.

Speaking of which, Julieta explains Carlos's visit of the other day and suddenly becomes enraged realizing Yolanda knew all along. Julieta's intending to brace her on their next meeting, and Gabriela is just squelching that when the doorbell rings, and it's Leonardo asking Julieta on a date to the movies.

Julieta happily forgets to mention it's Gabriela on the phone and hangs up on a "friend" in a hurry to get back to him. Bertha meets Adolfo exiting the club to bring him Mario's doctor's name; and he convinces her to visit the doctor to learn the reason for her uncle's care, before leaving Bertha to stay and visit Carlos.

In his office, Carlos doesn't need to be buzzed twice to admit Bertha; and when she wants a kiss in greeting, newly daring Carlos knows just how to thrill the thrill seeker. After threatening the receptionist with no admittance -- especially his father, Carlos and Bertha get busy right there on the premises.

Later in his apartment, Carlos promises an ecstatic Bertha that this is only the beginning. When she regretfully must take leave of her artful lover in favor of his father's house, Carlos becomes irritated at the reminder; and she must explain Adolfo's just helping her, and nothing's going on -- for the moment.

So before Carlos drives her home, he wants to put his stamp on her one more time. Far away in Puerto Vallarta, Garnica introduces Zaida at the business lunch as yet another investor; but Mauricio assures Juan José there are enough profits to go around -- and also prevents Garnica co-opting Elsa as his own secretary.

During a tour of the marina, second-most important only to Los Cabos's, Zaida lags behind to eavesdrop on Asunción phoning Juan José about the chopper. She feigns horror at his blackmail tale of losing $10 million pesos -- incidentally the sum total of her net worth she claims -- until he insists he was just teasing her and actually intends just to buy a helicopter.

After Alejandra pointedly repossesses Juan José from the blonde, Garnica draws Zaida aside urgently to spill what she learned; and she hears Garnica decide to rid himself of the chopper right away. In Carlos's car outside Adolfo's condo building next morning, Bertha can't prevent herself from asking Carlos if he's a smuggler.

Surprised, Carlos suddenly claims it's the truth, after learning Adolfo alleged that; and decides they shouldn't be seen together on penalty of Adolfo ordering him killed. Annoyed at her connection to Adolfo, he dumps Bertha out like a sack of potatoes; but not before suffering a quick farewell peck.

Back at the beach hotel, while playing "airplane ride" with Caramelo, Chicles decides he needs more manly accoutrements than her girlie luggage and goes to find a handcuff-chained briefcase instead. Out in the breezeway, he notes Garnica enter his hotel room with just such a wonder.

In his suite, Juan José is hanging up with Garnica calling to arrange a business dinner when Chicles appears; and after some requisite roughhousing, he lobbies Juan José to buy a briefcase -- so he can lend it to Chicles, of course. He's not to keen to hear Juan José planned to buy him one anyway -- for school.

Chicles planned on selling gum for a living. Over in his suite, Garnica urgently calls Valentín and charges him to get rid of the chopper -- destroying it if necessary -- and to claim it was done three weeks ago already. Outside, Chicles reappears at Caramelo's with a briefcase "chained" to his wrist with a necktie.

When she teases him about the tie, Chicles rushes out in a disgruntled huff. In the breezeway, though, he ducks behind a corner and watches Garnica drop his room key on the ground after using it, distracted by kissing Zaida goodbye for the moment. Chicles bounds over a planter to retrieve the card; and while Garnica showers, enters.

Stealthily, the boy makes off with the infamous security case and returns with the genuine article this time to impress Caramelo. Instead earning him a threat of tattling to Elsa, Chicles rushes out again to return the case. But in his haste, it pops open, spilling the contents out on the ground.

After shoving the papers back in, Chicles quickly replaces the case in Garnica's room, him none the wiser. But outside on the sidewalk, Chicles spies one last thing he missed -- a letter, which he retrieves to show to Caramelo. Claiming he found it on the beach, as she holds it up, it plainly says: …I am the mother of David…


Monday, January 03, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #151-152 1/3/11 Two's Company. Three's a Crowd.

Capitulo 151.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Caro observes that Lety is doing better, but she still needs to think through her problems. Luigi is working Irmita to exhaustion. Saimon looks into a computer science night school course so he can get a promotion.

2. Tom sees Lety and Ali leave Conceptos at the same time. In his fantasy, Lety smacks him and takes the car keys and his money from FI, so Alicia is no longer attracted to him. He flirts with Ali as he helps Lety into the car. Lety’s bitterness is splashing onto Tom now too.

3. Fern follows Tom and Lety to Le Noir and spies on them, hiding behind various people. Seeing them together drives him nuts. Lety lays into Tom for going out with her enemy and making her look like a fool. Lety thinks she sees Fernando, and she confirms it with the parking attendant.

4. Lety tells Tom he can’t resign, and she holds it out as a test of their friendship. Tom declares how important their friendship is to him. They stage a hug for Fernando’s sake, and he nearly explodes.

Capitulo 152.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern follows Lety and Tom do out of the restaurant. Tom asks her how much farther she’s going to take this; she’s driving Fern nuts (desquiciar). She says she’ll stop when he stops playing games with her, and she doesn’t know what extremes he’ll go to, to get the doctored balance and save his company. Lety says Fern knows she doesn’t care about money, so he promised to cancel the wedding after the meeting, but she knows it’s another lie. He can’t cancel the wedding and he doesn’t want to.

2. Tom doesn’t answer Ali’s call. Lety warns that Ali only wants his money. She warns that Ali will hurt Tom the way Fern hurt her. Tom says that he knows Ali only wants his money, but this is the only chance he’ll ever have with a woman like that. He’s living a dream and he’s not willing to miss it. (Sound familiar?)

3. Lety’s heart softens a little, and she lets Tom go on his date, but with three conditions: No more lies, don’t give Ali even a peso, and don’t promise her anything because this is a game he will have to abandon soon. She tells him to enjoy the short time he has, but don’t let himself get hurt. Ali calls again and Lety laughs through their entire call.

4. Lola tries to talk sense into Paula. If she loves Saimon, quit chasing the ricos. And if she doesn’t love Saimon, quit leading him on and breaking his heart.

5. Fernando confronts Lety at her door, quaking with jealousy. See the transcript. He says he saw her, caressing and hugging Tom. Lety says he has no room to talk, since he spends almost every night at Marcia’s, and not exactly sleeping. Fernando tells her earnestly that he hasn’t touched Marcia nor any other woman since their first night together. She says she doesn’t believe him but you can see she wants to. He’s dying to kiss her and she almost lets him, but Pop interrupts him.

6. Tom arrives at Alicia’s apartment, and she fakes a call about her car. She sheds some tears and he says he will find a way to get her the money.

7. Mama tells Lety that if she’s not going to tell her the truth, don’t tell her anything. Lety says she has to make important decisions. She knows her life must change, but she’s afraid she doesn’t have the strength for what she needs to do. Mama says that change is always frightening, but Lety has the strength inside.

Spanish Lesson

Fernando Confronts Lety
Tom drops Lety off. Fernando stops her cold. He’s quaking with jealousy.
L: Listen, Tom & I are very close friends.
F: Sí! Buenisimos! Even something more than friends, it seems to me.
L: We’ve known each other since we were small.
F: Claro, and you played doctor too, right?
L: You know we had a fight.
F: Yes. Over a woman. An Oxigenada. Try to tell me no!
L: No. Over FI money.
F: Yeah, you clarified things amid hugs and caresses...
L: Y’know what? You don’t have any room to criticize me. You come to my house spying on me and my friend, but you’re kissing Marcia at the office. And you go to her house almost every night. Not exactly to sleep. Your complaints don’t sit very well with me.
F: (Very clearly, so she doesn’t miss a word.) I have not touched Marcia again. Leticia, since you and I were together the first time, I have not touched Marcia again, nor any other woman. You don’t believe me, do you? Well, that’s my problem. It’s what is eating me from the inside. (Lety hangs on every word, slackjawed. A part of her believes him.) I am not able to make love with any woman who is not you.
L You don’t have to give me that line, Don Fernando. I know very well the conditions of our relationship. Don’t lie to me! Now if you’ll excuse me, I need some sleep. I have an early morning tomorrow, to work on the balance.
F: (He pulls her back again, and trades places to show his good.) I swear it. I swear by what is most sacred in my life, which is you, Lety, that what I’m saying is the truth.
L: Yes. Of course.
(She tries to turn away, but she can’t resist him. He almost kisses her, but Pop comes out, ready to deck him. Pop asks if he was yelling at Lety.)
F: No! I was singing!
Pop: Let me tell you something. I don’t like how you sing, not one bit.
F: Well, coming from you, Don Erasmo, that’s.. that’s.. Thank you!


Sunday, January 02, 2011

El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of Jan. 3

Hi Folks: Feliz Año Nuevo-Happy New Year!!!!

Thanks to all the commenters this past week who kept us up to date on the Telemundo novelas. If Telemundo tweets are correct (thanks Canuck Fan), Elena has only one more week to go. Let's hope so.

While we wait for next week's episodes, here are some more pics from my Argentina trip. We went to the Magellanic Penguin breeding colony at Punta Tombo on the Valdez Peninsula near Trelew. Most people think that penguins only live in Antarctica but many species live in other places. The lucky penguins in this colony make little burrows under bushes, the rest just make holes anywhere and lay their eggs.
Visitors to the colony have to walk on designated paths but the penguins can go anywhere! Here is one investigating my tripod.
On a boat trip in the Beagle Channel in Tierra del Fuego, we also saw Gentoo Penguins.
Finally, a Black-throated Mango Hummingbird in Iguazú.

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Friday, December 31, 2010

1/1/11 Newsflash! From India: It's a Boy! From Brazil: It's a Boy! From Dubai: Oh... Boy!

Happy New Year to all you denizens of Caray Caray. May the coming fifty-four weeks be filled with rippling abs, bulging biceps, heaving bosoms, long legs, unbuttoned shirts, tight pants, short skirts, deceitful husbands, cheating wives, switched infants, comas, amnesias, cute smart kids, even cuter and smarter animals, steamy kisses, long showers, tasteful gratuitous sex and violence, bad wigs... well, you know what you like... hurry home each evening to see... then on your coffee break the following morning, feverishly consult the computer to discuss, dissect, and deride.

Soy Tu Dueña has wrapped, no new episodes of anything on Friday, so it's a good time to catch up on the goingson in India and Brazil, and let's also take a side excursion to Dubai since the most interesting couple in this TN is currently residing there. Unfortunately, there are not enough board certified recappers available for this show to be featured daily on Caray Caray, but it is, after all, almost certainly the most colorful and lavishly produced TN currently available here in the USA, so an occasional update here is not unwarranted.First let's see what the principal characters have been up to. As you recall Raj (handsome son of a wealthy Indian family) fell in love and mated with the skinny Brazilian girl, Duda (there must be an interesting story behind her parents' choice of that name) and she had high hopes of spending the rest of her life as an Indian princess... but Nooooo... Raj's old-fashioned parents had other plans for their brooding brown boy. He was roped into an arranged marriage with the pampered, gorgeous daughter of a similarly wealthy family.

Poor bastard. More about his plight later.

Duda's EPT turned blue (no rabbits were harmed in the detection of this pregnancy) and she turned even bluer when Raj announced his change of plans before she even had an opportunity to announce the joyous news. She considered, signed up, and even skipped breakfast for... an abortion. As she was donning the fashionable hospital gown, she had second and third thoughts, "Do I really want anyone to see me in this getup?" and bolted like a frightened bunny leaving the clinic with the little bun securely baking in her warm oven. Her BFF, Kiara , never a big Raj fan, was dismayed but supportive so... on to plan B.... wait till we have a bump to show off, then off to India to shake down Raj's family.

Raj married Maya in a modest week-long ceremony which I described in the Who's Watching India? He vaguely remembers Duda and their fun times together but that was then and this is now so let's make the best we can out of being married to perhaps the most beautiful girl in all of India... sacrifice for tradition. And sacrifice he did. He gritted his teeth and consummated his union with Maya... "Hey dude, that wasn't half bad! Duda who?"

In India, Duda and Kiara make their way to the fabric shop to begin negotiations with Opash who is devastated by the news that some of his Eastern genes have found their way into a Western womb and are busily doing their part in weaving a little bit of Indian silk into the fabric of Brazil. Having heard somewhere that the best defense is to be offensive he wonders aloud if his precious Raj is indeed the babydaddy... could be any one of the boys from Ipanema. Duda quickly offered DNA testing to assuage his doubt. Not understanding such things, Opash offers money... lots of it. He just doesn't want his happy family bothered by a little detail such as a bastard child. When she balks, he even offers to assume the child's paternity himself. Kiara thinks that a satisfactory deal can be reached so they return to Brazil to await a visit there from him.

The family priest, Pandit, who is adept at astrology sees an illegitimate child in the stars for the family, so Opash fesses up that he is the father of said child. His wife Indira is humiliated and vows to starve herself. After she flees to the bosom of her own family, he chases her down and admits that Raj is actually the culprit and that he is sacrificing himself to maintain harmony. She is utterly charmed and more in love with him than ever. The rest of he family is stunned but pleased by the reconciliation.

After an eye-opening trip to Brazil by Opash, further negotiations are pursued but he returns home with no final deal being struck. Duda makes a number of calls to India and even talks to Raj but does not reveal the pregnancy... yet. She also talks to Maya who is very jealous and sternly orders Duda to leave her man alone.

Maya, however, as you may recall, has a much bigger problem to deal with. She came into the marriage with luggage of her own in the form of a little bun in the oven placed there about two months too soon to pass off as Raj's. Her mother, upon learning the truth is scandalized but, like any good mom would... she hatches a plan with some rural kin whom she has aided in the past and who owe her big time.

Ladies, the best place in the world to be pregnant may well be India. While Duda busies herself with the mundaneness of day to day, Maya lounges about getting massages, soaking in a perfumed bath, snacking on sweets, having oil rubbed on her stretch marks, and watching the little girls and other women dance. If this were Raj's child, she wouldn't have a care in the world.

Apparently, with the first child a bride returns to her family around the seventh month so her mom can help with this difficult time and with the birthing. Before she leaves there's a little party in which everyone in both families takes turns adoring her, sprinkling flower petals on her belly, giving her gifts, feeding her sweets, and regaling the fetus with family lore. All in all, pregnancy's really not a bad gig in India.

But Koshi has a plan. "Don't unpack your bags," she tells Maya when they arrive home. Maya's all "¿Qué the Hell?" Joined by Harima, they pile into a cab and head for the boondocks. Good thing, 'cause Maya goes into labor upon arrival

and quickly (and rather easily) gives birth to a bouncing baby Dalit
Koshi takes the baby and gives him some honey (this is not a good idea, by the way) which is usually Daddy's job (again, honey is not recommended for infants). Maya holds and adores her child even as Komal and Raj, after discovering that Maya and Koshi have gone country, hurry to catch up to them.

They arrive in a tizzy, but melt on seeing the baby, even as Maya's demeanor goes dark. "That's not my son," she grimly mutters as a premature infant is passed amongst the gathered in-laws who have arrived as well. Yikes!

Raj wants to arrange for an ambulance to take the baby back to the city where there are doctors and nurses. "Not gonna happen," Koshi warns, "The kid stays here for ten days... punto." Now everyone is scowling, but Maya's scowl is the most toxic. What the heck does Koshi have up her sleeve? A double infant swap?

Meintras tanto, Duda is having her child under more familiar (to me) circumstances. Delivery room, blue drapes, bright lights, stainless steel, Dr., nurses... reminds me of my days abirthin' babies.

No swaps, no honey, no Ganges water. What to name the little critter? Maya had planned on Nihash Her friend Aida thinks that is not a good idea, too Indian. Hey, his daddy's Indian... oh, I see, that's the problem?... nevermind. Maya thinks Nihash... Enrique. Kiara thinks Enrique Nihash... ... Next!

During the past few months, Bahuan has been chasing the dollar and nursing a grudge. He set up business in the USA. He returned to India to retrieve Maya... failed. Stayed to open a restaurant (out of spite, next door to Raj's family's fabric store)... failed. Now he is in Brazil setting up a business deal with the Cadore family who are already doing business with Raj. He is insisting that Raj be in on the negotiations. He is consumed with a desire to humiliate and ruin Raj. Raj, meanwhile, is too busy being a daddy to Bahuan's son, who, for the moment anyway, has been swapped out for a more creditably premature stunt baby... Next!

Sylvia, Raul's widow is feuding with Ramiro, Raul's brother, who is trying to evict her from her home. Meanwhile Yvonne has stashed Raul in Dubai and has returned to Rio to help out her BFF, Sylvia, with her problems. She begins the aid by doing a little cleaning. She cleans all the money and Sylvia's jewelry out of the safe in Raul's study, leaving it spotless... and empty, just in time for the locksmith that Sylvia has called to open the safe (Raul died without leaving the combination for Sylvia). Oops, time for Yvonne to head back to Spain, busy, busy, busy, you know. She does tell Sylvia that it was probably the family's faithful housekeeper/cook who emptied the safe. Ondina is offended and quits, prompting Señor Cadore to leave as well, taking Ondina with him. while Ramiro helps out by cutting the power lines and water to the house.

Murilo, who has a thing for Sylvia and has already been helping her with business concerns, offers to let her stay at his place... temporarily, of course. She, who has lately been seeing him in a new light, reluctantly agrees... temporarily, of course.

Ramiro's son Tarso, who is pretty but crazy, has reached critical mass. He is hearing voices and has gone fetal. At Señor Cadore's request Dr. Castaño has been helping but Tarso's mom Melissa, a card carrying ditz has discovered and ditched the meds. His novia, Tônia, is very supportive and very much in love

but is discovering that Tarso is a long term project and very high-maintenance. There's still time to run away from this nightmare, sweetheart.

Ramiro has his problems. His feud with Sylvia is escalating. His son Tarso is deteriorating. His wife, Melissa, copes by keeping earplugs stuck in both ears. She is a real hoot, but can't come to grips with the fact that Tarso is deeply afflicted, denying that he has a problem. His dad, Señor Cadore has decided to move in with Ramiro and his family and has brought Ondina with him. More and more Ramiro is turning to his personal assistant Gaby for comfort and now realizes that he has a lustful interest in her. She shares this interest, but feels like he needs a therapist more than a mistress right now.

I'm disappointed because I thought that he is a faithful husband and that she is a loyal friend to Melissa. Oh well...

Ravi, Raj's little brother is anxiously awaiting the arrival of Camila, his computer-novia, to arrive in India with her sister and friend. He's hoping to put them up at the family manse, but that looks about as likely Osama bin Laden playing a shepherd in next year's Christmas pageant. In fact Amithab has the family priest/matchmaker looking for a suitable wife for the lad. He wants to preserve Chanti's virtue (he found her studying in a locked computer room at school with a little boy... kids these days!) by marrying her off, but because Ravi's older, he must marry first. Sorry Ravi, fair's fair.

In Dubai, Humberto is alternatively exuberant over his exciting new life and wistful over the old one with a loving wife and family. The grass is always greener... Well, it may not matter much because I don't think Humberto/Raul is destined to walk this earth for much longer. As I've said, I think that Yvonne has long-term plans for his money and sort term plans for him. While she was away helping his widow, Sylvia, he busied himself by purchasing a condo. "Good boy! Now sit! "
Meanwhile, the Motta girls, Camila, her sister Leiña, and Raul's daughter, Julia have a layover in Dubai and have decided to check out the city. Will they run into Raul... er... uh... Humberto and Yvonne as they explore? Well, the show is still young, sooo... maybe not, but you can bet they'll come close.

César, Camila's dad was arrested for non-payment of child support after his first wife filed a complaint. His current frisky wife, Ilana, enjoyed showing Opash Rio de Janeiro's points of interest while he visited, maybe just a bit too much, he was scandalized when he found out she is married, "Are baba!" César's churlish son Zeca is still a bully prompting a PSA concerning... bullying.

Must be a problem in Brazil as well. César did agree to foot the bill for the girls' Indian excursion.

I realize this is complex and confusing. There are characters I have not mentioned. If there is anything that I've omitted that you would like to add or correct or to ask about, please feel free.

Friday's episode had a live performance at the dance club of the romantic theme of Maya and Bahuan, Não Se Esqueça De Mim, by Nana Caymmi and Erasmo Carlos.

Earlier in the week Ademir (our more compliant schizophrenic) helped Dr. Castaño in his quest to win over Suelen by suggesting that he dance with another lady. He did and Suelen became jealous and broke in. They make a cute if vertically mismatched couple.

At the end of Friday's show it was announced that we are entering a nueva etapa (a new phase). If you've not been watching, this is a good time to jump in.



Eva Luna #40 Thu 12/30/10 Gun-ho BimButt hunts Tall ridinghood through the woods

martaivett wrote:

We see Gunho-BimButt driving Eva to a very secluded/out of the way but painting-worthy nature place (lugar muy pintoresco).

Leo enters Gunho-BimButt’s bedroom, he is shocked at what he sees, he spots the bullets box, realizes Gunho-BimButt took his dad’s gun.. ‘It Can’t be!’, he runs out…

Dano keeps on trying to get info from Renata about Gunho-BimButt, but all she can tell him is Gunho-BimButt and Eva left together, and that Gunho-BimButt was in a hurry.. This all worries Dano…

Leo enters Jolly-O’s bedroom, he is sound asleep (must be a heavy sleeper), Leo confirms Gunho-BimButt took his gun.

Renata tells Marcela about Daniel’s calls asking for Eva. Marce says it is the pits. Renata nags that Dan was offended when she would not put Gunho-BimButt on phone or give him info, and she even offered to take a message for Gunho-BimButt.

Leo comes over, says Gunho-BimButt is not in her room, Renata tells Marce Gunho-BimButt left with Eva.

Dano keeps calling Eva’s cel (since when does she have a cell?) but it is in her room night table.

Gunho-BimButt and Eva arrive at a place which seems very out of the way. Eva insists that the place is empty and she would rather wait for the production staff. Gunho-BimButt convinces Eva to get out of the car and look for the other staff people for the photo session.

Back at Misery manor, Renata and Marce keep crossing notes with Leo about Gunho-BimButt …

Dano calls Gunho-BimButt, Gunho-BimButt says she is working. Dano acts curious and hides his anxiety as much he can but he is not doing such a good job at it. He asks her why is it such a mystery about her location. Gunho-BimButt replies we all have our mysteries, things we don’t want others to find out. He says he heard she took Eva with her. Gunho-BimButt asks if he wanted to contact her or Eva. Dano insists he just wanted to know where they are. Gunho-BimButt ends up putting Eva on the phone with Dano. Eva is surprised at Gunho-BimButt giving her the phone…

Back at Misery Manor, Marcela is mad that Gunho-BimButt did not want to wait for her to take action. Leo says she took dad’s gun.. Leo tells Marce Vicky is out of control! Marce asks why he says that, he says Gunho-BimButt trashed her room and took his dad’s gun with her.

Dano asks Eva where they are, but she says only Gunho-BimButt knows… Said Gunho-BimButt insists in not giving Dano their whereabouts and acting very casual about it being a regular photo shoot. Then Gunho-BimButt fakes that the connection broke and she cant hear him. Dano is worried sick.

Back at Misery Manor, Marcela tells Leo that if Gunho-BimButt is planning on going through with killing Eva, she hopes Gunho-BimButt chose a secluded place with no witnesses. Leo has a flashback of their childhood and realizes Gunho-BimButt took Eva to a house/property that belongs to them out in the countryside. ‘the woods, where we have our house’. Marce is very worried that if Gunho-BimButt does it in a property that belongs to them, the police will investigate. Leo agrees with her. Marcela hurries Leo to go there to find her.

In the car Gunho-BimButt insists in it all being alright, wants to talk about her life, Eva’s life and Daniel. Isn’t Daniel handsome? (well, do we need to answer that?? LOL) Eva does not feel like engaging in a conversation about Daniel. Eva asks if maybe they postponed the photo shoot, since she does not see anyone else around. Gunho-BimButt again sends Eva walking on her own, stays behind to get her things and purse and will catch up with her.

At Villanueva manor, Dano talks to Fran about Gunho-BimButt’s dissappearance with Eva, Fran wants Dano to calm down. He does not understand Dano’s anxiety. It is not the first time Gunho-BimButt takes Eva as her assistant. But Dano is concerned this job came suddenly, he has a gut feeling something is wrong. Fran asks if Gunho-BimButt already suspects about Eva and him, Dano says no, but still he feels very uneasy, something tells him he has to go find Eva… Fran is not able to hold him back.

Marisol and Alicia exchange stories about their big adventures and announcements. Alicia says she met a spectacular man who might even have more millions than Marisol’s man… the possible problem is… he is Tony’s boss. He gave her his phone, she called him… Marisol asks if she is sure of what she is doing. Alicia says she thought about it and he is the only one that can get her out of the poor ranks.

At Villanueva manor, Fran is doing same with Jackie. Jackie is surprised he proposed to her. Jackie is trying to build some sense into Fran, he keeps insisting his girl will forgive his ‘white lies’. Fran tells Jackie that she will need to get a nice dress and a makeover because he is going to invite her to his wedding, and then his pockets will be full of money. Jackie is so upset she shrieks when he leaves and takes it on the onions she was cutting up… Fran peeks back and she claims the onions are making her mad/upset.

Back at pension, Marisol says be careful, Tony will get angry when he finds out. Alicia says she doesn’t care. What about you? Marisol tells her he declared his love and proposed to her. They both get jumping for joy in the couch. She is getting married!

Dano has made it to Misery Manor, He anxiously sends Renata to let Marcela know he has to talk to her. Marcela tells Renata not now… But when Renata comes back and tells Dano Marcela won’t see him, he tells Renata she has to oblige to Marcela’s orders but he doesn’t so he barges toward Marcela’s room.

Meanwhile Eva is out in the woods getting lost (doesn’t this woman know she should stay close to where the car is to not get lost?) Gunho-BimButt is pointing the gun at Eva and saying ‘it is your time, Eva’. Just as she is about to pull the trigger, Leo arrives to prevent it and they wrestle for the control of the gun. Leo tells Gunho-BimButt she must be thankful to him for arriving in time to prevent her from doing something crazy.

GBB: She would never notice what I was about to do!!

Leo: Maybe not her, but perhaps the police would! This land is ours! And if you commit a crime they would be investigating us!!

Gunho-BimButt won’t bulge, she still wrestles him for the gun to kill Eva.

Eva is still lost, there is noone here, she thinks Gunho-BimButt took them to the wrong location.

Dano finally gets to Marcela’s room… Immediately asks her where did Gunho-BimButt go. Marcela asks him if he is suddenly interested in her daughter again. Dano is in no mood for games, he needs to find out where Gunho-BimButt went.

Leo is driving Gunho-BimButt back but all she can think of is jumping out of his car to go kill Eva, She really looks like she lost some marbles… Leo is having a hard time controlling her and driving at the same time… (I guess he decided to leave Eva behind and send for her later) Gunho-BimButt is mad at him for getting in her way. He won’t allow her to commit a crazy thing. If she kills Eva, her life is over. Gunho-BimButt replies she doesn’t care, all he cares is that she doesn’t kill Eva because he too is crazy about Eva. But sooner or later, she will kill her!

Eva finally makes it back to Gunho-BimButt’s car and now Gunho-BimButt is nowhere to be found either, she is undecided as to where to find her. She decides to go look for Gunho-BimButt around.

Marcela is telling Dano she is confused about his sudden interest in Gunho-BimButt again.. first he breaks the engagement, tells Gunho-BimButt he does not love her, never loved her, and now he is back looking frantically for Gunho-BimButt. Doesn’t it sound weird? Dano insists that whatever happens between her daughter and him is only of their own concern and is not willing to give her any explanations. Marcela keeps asking why he is so interested and Dano insists he simply needs to find her. Marcela keeps trying to confuse him with guilt trips, asking him if he is not looking for Gunho-BimButt to take her with him to choose his tux for the wedding. Dano says No!! HE did not change his mind!! He will not marry Gunho-BimButt, he will never marry her. Marcela says who knows, Dano… who knows. Then she tries to offer him a whiskey or cognac. Dano stares at her wondering if she herself has a loose screw.

Leo and Gunho-BimButt arrive at the driveway, she is shouting loud enough that if the house walls are not sound-proof, everyone inside should hear them. Leo keeps asking her why do something so dirty, they would wind up dead and Gunho-BimButt in jail. Gunho-BimButt insists she wants to see Eva dead. Leo says if she really wants to see Eva dead, then fine! but hire someone to do it for her, don’t dirty her own hands.

Inside, Marcela keeps insisting all she is after is her daughter’s wellbeing, and Dano says that was never his intention. Marcela claims that her daughter was a happy, positive, successful woman until Dano finished her off, he caused her a lot of harm in the last few days. Marcela insists that Gunho-BimButt is desperate and needs his love to get out of this hole. Dano says no, you are wrong! she is ill (esta mal) and you (Marce) are unwilling to understand that!! Gunho-BimButt tried to kill herself and noone in their sane judgement would try to end their own life! Only someone who is totally out of control goes to that extreme! And he will not keep making her believe they will get married and be happy!!

Leo asks Gunho-BimButt if Eva or Dano know that she has evidence of their betrayal. Gunho-BimButt says no, they don’t know. Leo says it has to stay that way, she cannot let them know it. Be patient. Gunho-BimButt is not willing to be patient. Leo insists that they will fall for their own betrayal. They need to find a way to get Eva to hate Daniel and for Daniel to hate Eva. But Gunho-BimButt is not willing to wait for long and have to withstand what she is feeling. Leo asks her to trust him. HE will take care of it. Neither of us like to be betrayed, right?… but we won’t risk ourselves either. Gunho-BimButt asks him if he will really come through for her. He assures her. Gunho-BimButt threatens him that if he does not come through for her he will pay, and he already saw how far she can go.

Inside, Marce keeps insisting in the guilt trip for Dano telling him she never expected his treating Gunho-BimButt like this, and nags about how much they have done for him and how much they love him. Dano says he loves them too, he has always done right by Gunho-BimButt but lately she has dissappointed him and has gone to such extremes that… Marce keeps on twisting the knife that if Gunho-BimButt has changed and is now crazy it is his fault. Gunho-BimButt was a perfect girl, normal! And he changed her. If she changed it was his fault! He cannot abandon her now. Marcela says she is afraid Gunho-BimButt will try to commit suicide again. Marcela claims that Gunho-BimButt asks him for help and he comes up with excuses to not be at her side. Dano says no way, the only help she needs is proffessional. IT is out of his hands. Marce insists it is, … at that moment Gunho-BimButt comes in. Dano asks Gunho-BimButt where she was. But Gunho-BimButt just gives him a huge slap and huffs away to her room.

Meahwhile Leo has summoned Armando the driver to go to the house in the country/mountain to find Eva. Leo asks Armando not to tell anyone about it, least of all Daniel. But Aurelia heard it all, apparently.

Marce digs more into Dano asking him if he can see that her daughter is begging for his help by her shouting (a gritos)… He rebutes rather by her pounding him. (a golpes)… Marce claims her daughter would be incapable of that unless he provokes her… Dano loses his cool and shouts back at her that her daughter needs psychiatric help. Leo comes to them and tells Dano the story that Gunho-BimButt’s car broke and Eva stayed in the car waiting for the towtruck. Marce makes a smart-ass remark saying it is logical, since Eva is house help (it would be her place to be the one left behind). But he sent Armando for Eva already, so don’t worry. Dano is angry, asks Leo where the car broke. Leo insists that they are already on the way to get the car and Eva. Dano leaves in a huff.

In the happy woods, Eva is still lost…

Aurelia catches Dano at the Misery Manor driveway (she was about to run to his house to see him). Dano notices she is anxious and she tells him she heard something that worries her and she knows where Eva is.

Marce asks Leo to explain to her what happened. Leo tells her the truth, that when he arrived Gunho-BimButt was about to shoot Eva. Marce insists Gunho-BimButt was just defending her love. Leo says what love? His sister is crazy, only a crazy person behaves that way. We already lost her. If he did not get there in time she would have killed Eva. Marce says Eva asked for it. This surprises even Leo (why?). How can she say that?? HE can’t believe she would say something like that. Marce insists she would never allow his sister to sink herself for someone like hungry-nobody Eva. Leo insists Marce do something to stop Gunho-BimButt. Gunho-BimButt is really in trouble and only Marce can end her crazyness.

Armando has arrived at Gunho-BimButt’s car, calls for Eva but no answer.

Marce is with Gunho-BimButt in her room, after the storm comes the calm. During the calm is when we get what we want. She won’t reprieve Gunho-BimButt anything, she understands her. Gunho-BimButt says she wants Eva dead. Marce agrees. But there are many ways to kill someone. You can annull her, hurt her, take her out of the way and watch her suffer, without the need to get your own hands dirty. Less for some ho__ like her. Gunho-BimButt cries, What can she do to get Eva out of Dano’s heart? Gunho-BimButt knows Dano fell in love with her and that is why she wants to kill her. Marce will help her. Marce asks her if she told Eva anything about the photos. Gunho-BimButt says no. Good, says Marce. Remember the enemy should be kept nearby. Eva will be received as if nothing happened. Meanwhile, she will think of something to sink her in Dano’s eyes. Just give me some time. You will see that Dano will come back to beg Gunho-BimButt to go back with him.

Jolly-O is with Max, just woke up from a nap. He is curious that Eva has not arrived with his dinner. Renata comes with dinner, tells Jolly-O Eva left with Gunho-BimButt for a job. Renata serves him his dinner and goes to fetch him his medicine. Jolly-O is mad that they took Eva away again without first consulting with him. Renata repeats that Eva must have been in a hurry and that is why she did not tell him. Renata insists that she can do everything and there is no need for Eva in this house. Jolly-O says, oh yeah? You can do it all?? Then take Max out for his walk. Renata obliges, Jolly-O laughs watching Renata haul Max away.

Armando arrives to the house and tells Leo he could not find Eva. Leo asks him how he expects Eva to make it back alone. Armando says maybe she will with Mr Daniel. Leo is not happy to hear that. Armando cannot assure him it was Daniel but he thinks so.

In the not-so-happy woods, Eva begins to see some wild dogs run around and gets really scared. Then she grabs a long wood pole and tries to defend herself with it. But she falls down and begins to yell ‘My God!! Help!!’

As if feeling that Eva is in danger, Jolly-O is about to dump his coffee in the plant but does not make it, seems to have a breathing issue and yells for Renata. When an alarmed Renata rushes to him, he asks her for water. She insists to call the doctor but he says it passed already, don’t bother. Meanwhile Max is slurping the spilled coffee…

In the woods, someone approaches Eva by shoulder and she turns and screams… After commercial break we see its DANO to the rescue!! She is super scared… she hurt her ankle. He is very conforting for her. She is so glad that he is there.

E: How did you get here?

D: Aurelia told me where you were.

E: Aurelia?

D: I will tell you later. But I could barely find you! Why did you get deep in the woods? Why did you not stay close to Gunho-BimButt’s car waiting for the tow truck?

E: What tow truck? What are you talking about?

D: What do you mean what tow truck? According to Leo, Gunho-BimButt called him because her car broke. He came for her! You had stayed in the car waiting for the tow truck!

E: That is not true! Gunho-BimButt sent me to the forest to look for the production staff and she went back to her car to get some things! And then I could not find her and got lost! Then something terrible happened! (leans on his shoulder) I feel so bad… I am really scared! (Visibly worried about her, he holds her tight to make her feel safe)

Renata is checking on Jolly-O, he says it is good now. No need to call the doctor. IT was just a scare. Or a temporary muscle spasm. Renata insists in calling doc. He gets more loud saying NO!! he tells Max not to lick any more of that stuff.

D: Take it easy. My love, I can’t believe that all this was just coincidence! There is something very strange behind all this!

E: Why are you saying that?

D: I don’t know why I am saying it. But you have had enough happening for one day. Let’s go. I will take you to the car. Can you stand up?

E: No… it hurts too much… ay… I can’t.

D: Hug me. (put your arms around me)… That’s it. Come… (he carries her to the car)

Jolly-O insists he will take his medicine with water. Renata insists it tastes too bad to take it with water. Jolly-0 yells at her to just go and come back later to clean up the mess. Once she leaves he tells himself he will never again take that nasty medicine.

At the car… Dano drops Eva right at the door.

D: Does it hurt much?

E: No, it is much better now.

D: (he is caressing her hair and back) When we get back I will take you to the doctor to look you up.

E: That won’t be necessary.

D: Shall we go? (he holds her door for her)

Armando tells Leo he saw Dano drive over to the road that leads to the country house. Leo gets mad at Armando… and then after Armando leaves he talks to himself calling Dano stupid and calling himself an embezzle for not having gone to get Eva himself. He thinks correctly that at this moment Eva and Dano must be together alone.

At the car, Dano goes to turn the car on and realizes he is out of gas. Eva is worried.

Gunho-BimButt is with Claudia asking her if she remembers when Gunho-BimButt said she was suspicious of Eva being Dano’s woman and Claw thought she was crazy. Claw says yes, I remember. Gunho-BimButt says I was right, and shows her the pictures. Claudia is shocked.

At the car…

E: What are we going to do.?

D: I don’t know. Can you walk to the main road?.

E: No. Why don’t you go on your own and get someone to help us and I will wait here?

D: NO! I would be crazy to leave you here alone again! (she smiles) I think … we have no option but wait until daylight to go get some help.

E: Alone you and me all night?

D: Yes… you and me… alone… You trust me, right?

E: Yes…

D: Good. (holds her hands) Don’t worry. Everything will be fine. I will stay here with you all night.

E: You promise?

D: I swear it to you.

At pension, Alicia catches Marisol on her way to work. Alicia asks why she is going. Marisol says as long as she is not a millionaire, she has to keep on going after the pork chops (seguir yendo a perseguir la chuleta, meaning she has to keep on making her living) Alicia again insists in Marisol taking her to work. Marisol gives the same excuse as always, long night, many drunks, loud music, she would not be comfortable there…

Claw is in disbelief… Gunho-BimButt tells her she was half a second away from killing her. Claw says her revenge would have cost her years of jail. Gunho-BimButt says that would have spent all her life locked as long as that couple traitors were not together.

At car, Dano has built a bonfire. He goes back to the car and embraces Eva and they hear some wild dogs…

E: A coyote!! IT is dangerous if it is close, no?

D: Hey, hey,… I can protect you, no?..(she smiles and he embraces her) Take it easy.

Claw tells Gunho-BimButt it is curious that when Gunho-BimButt was telling her that Leo was interested in Eva, it was Daniel who was involved with her. Gunho-BimButt rebutes that for her information, Leo is also drooling for Eva the ‘naca’. Or why do you think he dumped you? Claw says it doesn’t matter, I got what I wanted. Gunho-BimButt asks what that is. Having his child. Yes, my friend, you will be an aunt soon.This does not seem to go down easy on Gunho-BimButt.

At car, Dano has turned it up a notch, this is major smooching and foreplay at its best… Eva is visibly out of breath and uncomfortable.

D: What is the matter?

E: Nothing…. Why don’t we rather rest so we will be fine tomorrow?
D: No, no,no! Forget about tomorrow… are you afraid?

E: Afraid of what?

D: OF letting yourself go with this we are feeling?

(more foreplay and necking… she stops him again..)

E: Stop it, please, Daniel.

D: Why? Eva, if you and I love each other… and we will love each other forever… for the rest of our lives… (more smooching) … Eva, my love… do you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Eh? … eh? (this opens up Eva’s eyes, she is shocked)


[after living a hell, Eva was rescued by Daniel… and this coming Monday…]

D: I want you to be mine forever…

E: Swear to me you are not playing with me.

[The declaration that will change the direction of the story]

D: I need you at my side!...

[the question everyone was waiting for]

D: Do you want to spend the rest of your life with me?

[This is the moment!]

D: Tell me yes (that you will)… (she has deer in the headlights shock stare)


Llena de Amor #98 (Mex. 103) Thu 12/30/10 Talk, don't sneer; act, don't fear; wear camo, and hear.

Feliz Cumpleaños a JudyB!!!

Last night we left Ilitia and Eman fuming at MariVicky’s rebuff, but Eman’s got a bigger problem than his damaged ego. Ilitia declares war on MariVicky and I’m thinking Eman will soon feel like he’s trapped in a sack with two feuding felines.

Speaking of rebuffs, Axel goes to the jail to apologize to Delicia and he strikes out again. He swears to get her out of jail but he’s too late because our Delicious has already been released. She scampers off as Brandon advises Axel to comb his hair. Just kidding! He advises Axel to chill out.

Uh huh! MariVicky can’t stop thinking about Eman’s big blubbery kiss when suddenly she is interrupted by… the unshaven one himself. I don’t mean to sound cranky but is he becoming a stalker or what? He tries to apologize for the kiss (that it happened, not the technique) and she tells him he’s much worse than Mari ever said. He’s a liar, a manipulator and ambitious. He tried to steal Mari’s inheritance so that makes him a thief!

Speaking of thieves (Don’t you just love these TN segues? I sure do.) Lowman thanks Malicio for helping to find his son. They are friends again, brothers in fact. Lowman has another favor to ask. He needs help finding another person, he wants to find the jerk-off who violated his daughter on her wedding day so he can kill him with his own hands. Malicio breaks into a sweat and starts exercising his neck in anticipation.

Muñeca is playing hide and seek with Manzanita and Christian; the playful music suddenly turns sinister signifying that something foul is afoot. Christian is missing. Fidel shows up to help and I feel better already. Do I perhaps have a tiny crush on our dapper chauffeur? The cutest part of this scene – Muñeca and Manzanita do an ‘uno dos tres’ and yell for Christian in unison.

More nose-to-nose arguing between Eman and MV. Andres interrupts them to say the photo shoot is ready, Mari smirks and Eman announces Ilitia is the model and Vicky had better behave herself. At least this time she gives him an uber-smirk instead of the dead fish stare.

Over at the pension Oliver tells the ladies that he’s trying to get Gman to stay but the poor stubborn fool is packing his bags. Gladiola advises that Gman is rather, um, unrestrained with Oli and his unbridled passions will eventually explode, right Consuelo? (Insert stink eye.) Oliver tells the ladies to be careful and not compare apples and oranges! He only wants to watch out for the poor little dude’s back. Gman rapidly skulks downstairs but is stopped by Oli and the dames. Nety insists s/he stay and is rewarded by the signature Gman clinch.

Fedra thanks Bernardo for taking care of Max but now they need to attend to Gretel. She’s sure that Benigno is somehow involved so she summons him and tells him to fess up or he’s a dead man.

MariVicky whines to Andres about Eman hiring his wife. Andres sets her straight, Ilitia is an international model in her own right. He tells her to cut the guy some slack because he’s had a tough couple of years. He lost his true love Lna Gorda and he was crazy for her. Andres assures her that he knows his best friend and he was in love with his Gordita Hermosa, period. MV likes the sound of that.

Brandon, the only cop in town, is at Muñeca’s investigating Christian’s disappearance. Lowrenzo shows up, hears that the kid is missing, and totally freaks out. True to form he blames “stupid” Muñeca. Punch him Fidel!! Muñeca is the only one with a plan and advises Lowman she will go to his office to make a public plea. Fidel glares at him and is rewarded with a “what are you looking at, idiot?”

Lowman’s phone rings and it’s Garduño with the threat du jour. Gardo wasn’t happy about Lowman’s friendship with Malicio but at least it led him to the kid. Now Lowman has twelve hours to pay back all the money that his “pal” Mauricio owes Gardo if Lowman wants to see his spawn again.

Oh how sweet, Bernardo is giving Benigno a neck massage. Not! It’s some sort of pseudo-strangle-threat designed to make him confess. He swears he’s innocent as Spidey starts pulling out his cornucopia of weapons trying to decide which one he’ll use. (This reminds me of a scene from some movie, what is it?) The guns and knives pile up on the table and Fedra announces that THIS is the one; I think it’s the knife she found way back when. Benigno throws some green fluffy algae thing at Fedra which allows him to make his escape. I’m confused, this was supposed to scare them?

So we get some Keystone cop chase scene through the house, outside the house, around the house, hiding in the house. The best part is watching Fedra try to run in her super high heels, really makes her butt look big. Luckily Benigno gets away and Fedra is sidetracked by a frantic Lowrenzo who pleads, “Please, you have to loan me three million dollars!” Just another day with the filthy rich.

Let’s move on to another stupid commercial at the studio. This time it’s Ilitia making love to a shampoo bottle and so far it’s the best commercial they’ve done in my opinion. Oh hell, the rapey snake just showed up to clap for his favorite victim. She looks like a whipped puppy and cowers in the protective embrace of Eman.

Fedra suggests to Lowman that he get the money from his rich wife but the dude is seriously desperate. He begs, he wheedles, he whines, he gets on his knees, for the sake of their relationship pretty pleeeeeeeze? She guffaws and lays it out for him…not one centavo will she pay for having him in her bed, and when she wants him around she’ll call him, now beat it!

Lowman stares out the window and swears Fedra will regret this. He’s going to hurt her where it hurts the most. He spies Kristel sunning herself and approaches her like a lion stalking his prey. Wow she looks lovelier than ever, even prettier than her mother. She’s perfect, just perfect for his new campaign. She’s ready to sign! “I’m perfect,” she sighs happily, a little crazily. She’s doomed.

Ilitia begs Eman to get rid of Mauricio and Eman, for all his density, just does it. Thank goodness cuz Orangey is the creepiest ever.

Muñeca and Brandon rush in and announce that Christian is missing and they’re about to issue their version of an Amber Alert.

MariVicky is in her office obsessing over the memory of a distraught Eman who misses his Gordita Hermosa, the love of his life. She recalls the orphaned kiddies doting on him and Delicia singing his praises. More man tears and she sighs Dios Mio did our love die because of me? We’ve got to talk!

Eman’s studio is prepping for Muñeca’s announcement and Ilitia can’t help but needle Brandon for once again showing up with her mother. Brandon accuses her yet again of being jealous. She deliberately kisses Eman to annoy Brandon and bonus! MariVicky shows up and she’s annoyed too.

Delicia is free, her little bag is packed, and Nereida throws D’s final check at her. Paula’s worried, where will Delicia go? It’s hard to find work. Axel enters and begs her not to leave but it’s too little to late for the delicious one. She tells him to sing his songs to some other sucker, she’s outta here.

Helloooo, its commercial time and everyone is waiting for Eman and Ilitia to stop making out. Is this weird or what? Muñeca’s waiting. Brandon’s waiting. Doris is waiting. MariVicky faints, which is one way to break up the smooch fest and piss of the wifey. Muñeca’s not happy either, she just wants to record the commercial!

Lowman shows up at the office all in a dither about Christian and tells the folks to let Muñeca know he’s in his office. Moments later Kristel scuttles in. She’s looking for her big break and the office staff is just looking down their noses. Money sure can’t buy respect.

MariVicky comes out of her faint and she and Ilitia bitch at each other. Right now I’m thinking they are both totally useless.

Lowman pumps up Kristel the until she is ready to kiss him (on the cheek), he’s like a father! Who should walk in to witness these fatherly kisses but Orangey and he ain’t happy. Kristel’s on cloud nine because she’s going to “top model" the biggest brand of intimate apparel, w00t! And out she flits like a delirious mariposa.

Orangey tells Lowman to keep his hands of his little caramel candy, aren’t they friends? Lowman retorts that thanks to Agent O the traitor he’s lost his son. This is where I get a little confused. I think Lowman announces to Agent O that he’s no longer associated with the company’s campaign? Bad news for Orangey because he owes money to Garduno ever since his stolen merchandise was stolen by el Lirio de Plata.

Emiliano tells Eman that Lorenzo recommends Mau be off the campaign due to dirty dealings. Eman is thrilled, Mau not so much. Mau begs his dad in law (suegro) to cut him a break but Emiliano advises Mau that his relationship with the agency and his daughter is on shaky ground.

Fedra and Spidey are drinking (again) because Benigno escaped. They highlight their recent successes (Max, the inheritance) and downplay their recent failures (Benigno, Gretel). These two are a scream. He: You’re marvelous, brilliant! She: Shut up.

They recap their nefarious escapades and discuss what Fedra will do with the money. Vacation in Cancun? As they snicker, someone disguised in camo is hiding behind a flower arrangement listening to their every word.

Orangey thinks Garduño should forgive his debt but Gardo says all Orangey has done has bought himself two weeks. Pay up or die. Kristel breaks his revery so Orangey whines to her to convince daddy to bring him back into the fold. She says easy, ask for her hand! He says no way, marriage kills love, got it? She says then I’m not talking to daddy, got it? He becomes mean, he’ll never marry her, her lip quivers.

Muñeca makes her commercial pleading for Christian’s return. Doris comments to Brandon isn’t it strange that the kid’s name is Christian just like Begoña’s kid? Brandon thinks it’s even weirder that they haven’t heard from her in two years, kind of like Marianela.

Eman tells MariVicky she can’t go with Brandon and Doris, she has to stay at the studio and complete the details of Muñeca’s ad, duh. They argue. Again. Ilitia is satisfied because MV hates Eman.

MV gripes so much about Eman that Brandon is supicious. Why is Eman so important to her and why did his kiss with Ilitia bother her so much? Is she in love with him? Oh wait, that was our finale…”ARE YOU IN LOVE WITH HIM?”

Aguas, aguas! = Be careful! (From the days when people threw their, ahem, dirty water out their upper windows, they would yell “Aguas” to warn the people below.)
Desbocado = unbridled, rampant, unrestrained
Engendro = spawn, monster
No confundas la gimnasia con la magnesia = Don’t confuse apples with oranges
¿Qué me ves idiota? = What are you looking at, idiot?



La Verdad Oculta EP74 12/30/2010 – Ridiculously good-looking folks in the seaside Paradise

* Bertha sneaks into the Genovés villa to ransack Mario’s desk. When she leaves the study, she meets David and his admirers, who’s just arrived back from the hospital. Busted. However, she plays the innocent girl whose intentions are purer than snow till death and leaves the house. Alejandra shows up at the stairs with a suitcase and she says goodbye to everyone.

*In the neighbouring house there’s another pretty girl who says goodbye to her family. After she leaves very depressed Chicles begins asking Juan José about the sea. The big guy notices the kid’s sadness and he decides that Chicles is going with them to the sea.

* David tells Abelardo that now he completely trusts Gabriela and he knows how stupid his jealousy was. Abelardo says his feeling were natural, there were so many people who tried to mess with his mind. Dora and Gaby enter the room and the young couple make Dora melt twice by calling her Mom and mother-in-law.

* Caramelo, uncle Mauricio and auntie Elsa arrive at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco. Cara can’t wait more, she wants to see the water! The two girls run to the beach and they look at the beautiful sea like they were standing in front of the eighth wonder of the world.

* While the girls are having fun in the water, Garnica, Juan José, Alejandra and Chicles also arrive at the hotel. Alejandra becomes very jealous when she realizes Elsa is going to spend the holiday with them and Chicles shows too much interest in Garnica’s strange suitcase.

* In the Guilléns’ flat Gabriela learns more details about her mother’s death. Fausto tells her Adolfo did the same to Marta as he did to Gaby, he tried to use her for smuggling. Maybe she threatened him with calling the police and that’s why he killed her. He begs Gaby to not tell Julieta about it but Gaby says her sister has every right to know about their past, and by the way, she’s already told her everything she knows. Her father has to trust the people who love him. Fausto thanks to her for understanding and loving him.

* Late in the night the lovebirds take a walk on the shore. JJ would like to know why doesn’t Alejandra want to stay with him in his apartment. Maybe because he has to work and they can’t leave Chicles alone anyway? However, he can visit her anytime in her room. That sounds great! And now let’s talk about her famous tiny bikinis…

* Zaida calls Garnica: guess who’s she just met? Adolfo Ávila! She heard a few things about their businesses… and a letter. Garnica warns her to be careful and don’t dare side with Adolfo. Don’t forget, he got her out of prison! Anyway, the letter is about Carlos Ávila and Juan José Victoria’s innocence, yaddayaddayadda.

* While Gaby and Dora are building the perfect mother-in-law/daughter-in-law relationship in the kitchen, FaustoMario and David talk about how strange life is. If he hadn’t fleed, he would’ve ended up in a prison and his daughters would’ve been raised in an orphanage. David objects, Mario wouldn’t have let that happen, he would’ve taken care of her. Yes, but then they would’ve been raised as siblings, says Fausto. Gaby comes in with dinner and FaustoMario leaves. David mentions his father is very tired, that’s why they need her help so much. Gaby swears she’ll do everything she can to be useful. Oh yeah, smiles David, he knows she will.

* Next morning Alejandra shows up at the swimming pool wearing one of her cute, tiny, small, little, chiquitito bikinis. Juan José eyes almost pop out of his head, and after accepting the fact that he has work to do and he has to leave his hot, sunbathing girl alone and 85% naked, he joins Garnica and Medina.

* In Mexico City Leonardo and Paulita, aka Team “We are cool, we are brilliant and we want a new wife and mommy” show up at Julieta’s doorstep to ask her to join them on their entertaining father-daughter day at the funfair. Of course! While she’s looking for her purse in the bedroom, Paula says she likes Juli and thinks she and her father should become a couple. Shh, shh, psst!

* The members of The Rich Club have their first official business meeting. Medina and engineer Gustamante know exactly what they are talking about, Garnica knows what he wants to achieve with the project, but Juan José doesn’t understand much about the negotiations. He gets a phonecall from Asunción and they are talking about “that guy” while Garnica is listenting to his words tensely.

* Julieta and the Faidellas have a great day together. Sunshine, fun, delicious food, meaningful stares, caresses and a heartwarming hand-kiss.

* At the seaside JJ goes back to Alejandra and he admits he sucks at business stuff. Alejandra offers him her help, which he gladly accepts. Now they can be together day and night... Especially at night. Their conversation is interrupted by Moby Dick of Jalisco who wants to join Caramelo on the beach. The air freezes for a second as Alejandra imagines Juan José and his ex best friend spending time together, but JJ quickly gets rid of both her jealousy and his clothes. *Viewerville: two awesome bodies*Down on the beach they meet sunbathing Elsa *three awesome bodies* and Caramelo, whose beautiful sand castle is immediately ruined by Moby Chicles. The adults act like puzzled teenagers from high school: jealous Alejandra plays the seductive alpha female cheerleader, JJ tries to act like he isn’t even there, and Elsa wishes she was on the other side of the world at the moment. Medina shows up, too *four awesome bodies but we hate that shirt*, he notices Elsa’s strange expression but he manages to cheer her up by paying her sweet compliments.

* In the snack bar mini detective Paulita asks Leo about what happened to his arm. Oh, it was just an accident, a colleague of him shot him while they were practicing. Does he like his job? Very much, darling. Isn’t it dangerous? Yes, a little bit, but nothing bad can happen to them in their home. Doesn’t he want to return the ranch? Que? A ranch? The Faidellas tell Julieta they have a farm in the countryside and they invite her and Fausto for a vacation someday. *Viewerville: that would be Soy tu stud 2*

*After a short truce the kids bicker again – now about letters and writing. Mauricio asks Elsa about Chicles and invites her for a romantic dinner. Juan José surely would take care of Caramelo while they are away.

* Speaking of Juan José, he is in his apartment talking with Asunción on phone. The two furious kids storm into the room, and after giving the phone to Caramelo JJ tries to teach Chicles how to (and how not to) treat a little girl.

* In the Genovés villa Fausto visits his Gabriela and David. Everything goes well until Gaby asks him why he is so sure that Adolfo killed her mother. Because she ripped off his cuff-link. Does she remember the cuff-link that was stolen from their flat? And Carlos’s ring? They look exactly the same. Great… But he did he got that cuff-link? He said he hadn’t seen Marta dead. Es que, es que… A friend of him found it. Who? Oh, don’t ask more, my child. However, this time David also encourages Fausto to tell the truth, so he confesses it was Mario who found the cuff-link. WHAT? Don Mario knew her mother?! And did he know Fausto, too?



Thursday, December 30, 2010

La Fea Más Bella #149-150 12/30/10 Setting up the dominoes.

Capitulo 149.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Ali calls Tom and sets up a date tonight, so she can get Ariel off her case. Ariel reminds Marcia he plans to sell his shares in Conceptos. Marcia tells him that Lety’s novio works for Filmo Imagen. Ariel tells Ali that she’ll end up selling her body to survive, with one guy or another.

2. Fernando gets the call that Conceptos won at Cannes. He runs past Marcia to Lety’s office to share the excitement with her. Marcia follows and is she mad!

3. Marcia tells Fern that she knows he took Lety to Mesón, and Lety was muy cariñosa with him. Marcia thinks it’s out of line for Lety to be at a place like that, and she tells Fern to put Lety in her place. She also reports that Ariel plans to sell his share of Conceptos. She suggests that then he’ll stop competing with Fernando.

4. Marcia orders Lety to take her wedding invitations to Saimon, to rub it in that she’s marrying Fernando and Lety shouldn’t be cariñosa with him. Fern tries to stop Lety and he says, “I know what you’re thinking.” She answers, “You don’t have the slightest idea.”

5. Fern tells Omar that Ariel plans to sell off shares that are embargoed, and Lety put a condition on making the balance report – that he cancel the wedding. F: And I can’t handle the idea of marrying Marcia. O: Are you seriously considering canceling? F: Yes.

6. The witches calls Le Noir and finds out Ali was there with Tom. They report it to Lety.

Capitulo 150.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. The witches tell Lety about Ali and Tom, and Lety pretends to be hurt. Lety is furious when she calls Tom, and she gives it to him with both barrels. Fern and Omar hear it, and they assume it’s a fit of jealousy. Omar tells Fern to talk to her calmly, get her to do the balance, then crush her like a tick.

2. Fern tells Lety she seemed very jealous, and Lety denies that.

3. Tom resigns Filmo Imagen for ethics violations. He remorsefully says goodbye to his chances with Alicia, when Lety calls. She knows about his date tonight with Alicia, and he hides in the bushes. Verrry interesting! Then she arranges a date at Le Noir with him just to torment Fernando who is listening from his office.

4. In Lety’s fantasy, Fernando tells her he’s dying of jealousy, and it’s for her, not Conceptos. He doesn’t care about the company or the meeting, only about her. Fernando remembers PG’s words again, and again he chooses Conceptos.

5. Lola tells Efren that he can’t claim half of their house until they are divorced. Her motive is that she can’t force him to pay child support until they are divorced.

6. Fernando tells Omar, “Game over!” If Leticia is going to clarify things with Tomás, she is going to clarify things with him, too.


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