Saturday, January 15, 2011

La Verdad Oculta 84: Adolfo Ávila is Behind EVERYTHING

Valentín has told his story of JJ stealing Garnica’s safe with the money and the map. The presence of two Goons With Guns, Belial (Dante) and Beelzebub (Adolfo) are enough to make him stick to that story (for now). Adolfo has the two goons leave, leaving him and Dante to further question Valentin. Adolfo thinks Valentin is lying through his teeth, even as he insists JJ came there with two of his own goons to rough him up and steal the safe. Adolfo wants a description of JJ, and Valentin gives a response that could describe a quarter of all the men in Mexico- dark hair, tall, nice looking. He gives a sigh of relief when Adolfo confirms to Dante that this description matches JJ. But Adolfo wonders what JJ could have been looking for- the money Garnica stole from him or the letter. Dante’s very interested in this stolen money, so Adolfo explains it’s the blackmail letter he spoke about. Dante looks even more interested.

After this brief distraction, Adolfo’s brain cells once again kick into overdrive. He tells Valentin he doesn’t believe a word he’s saying. He’s sure that once Valentin saw Garnica wasn’t coming back from Puerto Vallarta, he decided to keep the money and the letter for himself! Valentin thinks fast on his feet. He spoke to Garnica himself lately. Oh really?! Dante thinks Valentin must be an expert aquatic athlete (considering where he would have to go to talk to Garnica). Adolfo agrees. In fact, he thinks they’re going to have to make him a part of their aquatic team so that he can…continue practicing. But beforehand they’ll continue talking to him, so that Dante can retrieve his map and Adolfo his letter. They drag the poor idiot out. Knowing the jig is up, Valentin volunteers to give them back the money and the map. But he swears he does not have the letter. Garnica took it with him to Puerto Vallarta.

Juli and Paulita are in the Guillen living room having a mother-daughter chat. Juli asks Paula if she remembers her mother. Paulita was very little when she died in a car accident, but her dad has lots of photos and videos that Paula has been able to look at. Her grandparents were also murdered soon after, and shortly after that her dad left the ranch in Durango to become a police officer in Mexico City. Juli is shocked to hear about the murder of Paula’s grandparents, and surprised to realize Leo has money. She and Paula both wonder why he left the ranch to become a police officer in D.F.

Adolfo and Zaida are having lunch and he’s obviously just asked her to work with him and Dante. She’s ticked off. She doesn’t want anything to do with that guy! Adolfo commands her to sit down, because she doesn’t have much choice in the matter. With Garnica gone, she would be alone and unprotected without Adolfo. Now she’s got to work with Dante as part of this new order. She points out that it’s Dante’s fault she was in prison. Adolfo points out that Dante never wanted to kill her. Prison vs death. Zaida seems to accept the lesser of the two evils. Adolfo gives her his assignment—bring Dante in on the Puerto Vallarta deal with JJ. Speak of the Devil, in walks Belial himself!

Zaida stares at Dante with a mix of fear and hatred. Adolfo pretends they are in polite society and turns on the charm. “I believe you two know each other.” Indeed they do, and Dante thinks he owes the lady an explanation.

At Genoves Manor, the doctor is checking David as Dora looks on. It’s good news! David has been doing his physical therapy, with good results. He feels the tickle the doctor does on the soles of his feet, and he is able to wiggle his toes. With the continued therapy, and David’s excellent physical condition, the doctor predicts only more good things to come. Dora accompanies the doctor out happily. David immediately calls Gabi with the good news. She’s very happy to hear it and wants to be with him to celebrate, but she’ll be a while yet at work. She explains that she’s with Urbina and JJ, deep in hotel management learning.

After she hangs up and the three get back to work, an impactado Adolfo comes strolling in and wonders what the hell they’re doing there. JJ stands defiantly and wants to know what’s it to Adolfo (que te importa?). Well, Adolfo’s a partner in this business! Of course what goes on is important to him! He thought things were going badly with the business, and now he knows why (looking directly at Gabi). And what’s JJ doing here? Now Gabi stands up. JJ’s there because she wants him there, and David approves. Adolfo insults her by saying all she knows how to do is serve tables. JJ takes offence at his insulting the lady, but Adolfo doesn’t back down. And JJ better not dare lay a finger on him, or back to jail for him. Plus, they don’t have a shred of evidence against him! But he has the right to defend his interests. Mario is old and decrepit, and David’s an invalid, giving Adolfo the right to take over, which is what he intends to do. He orders them out. Gabi refuses, since it’s her husband’s business, but Urbina points out to them that Adolfo is an important partner in this business and urges them to go. JJ leaves with a threat to take Adolfo down, somehow, someway. Adolfo chuckles evilly, and tosses to the ground a framed photo of Mario from David’s desk.

At the prison, Leo speaks to Marcos, telling him they’ve found the diamonds and the money at Susana’s place, but no Susana. They want to know where she is because she could be in great danger. One of the people she had been associated with, Roberto Zarate, has been murdered. Marcos doesn’t know where she is, but swears he would tell them because he loves her and doesn’t want her to get hurt. Do they know who murdered this Roberto guy? Leo claims they don’t, but what does Marcos know of her association with him? All Marcos knows is that she had this photo of a woman, wearing the diamond shoes. Did Marcos know if Susana was going to sell the diamonds? Marcos explains that she was working as a servant in the Genoves home, and he advised her to sell the diamonds and leave the country, but she didn’t listen to him. Then she told him she had found this letter in the Genoves house and she was going to sell it, because it mentioned the names of some people guilty of a murder. Leo begins to line up all the puzzle pieces. He asks Marcos if Susana intended to sell the letter to Garnica. Marcos confirms this. Leo realizes the money they found in her apartment must have been from selling the letter to Garnica. He tells Marcos that Garnica has disappeared, is likely dead, and the letter is missing. If he knows something more, and he doesn’t want Susana to meet the same fate, he better cough up that info, now. All Marcos knows is what he advised her to do—sell the diamonds and leave the country. He knows nothing more and doesn’t know where she is. Since the money and diamonds are still in her apt, Leo knows she could not have left the country. He asks Marcos how many diamonds where left in the shoes; Marcos thinks around 20. Well, they found three in the butter, the shoes are still missing.

At JJ’s, Caramelo is now finally experiencing the pain of homesickness. Seems she wants it all. She wants her mommy Elsa, but she also desperately wants to stay there with Limon and Chicles and doesn’t want to return to her new home just yet. She cries, Limon cries, even Chicles cries! Limon tries to comfort her.

Things are a lot more cheerful across the way at Casa Genoves. David is sharing the good news of his recovery with Fausto. They expect him to eventually be back to normal. He shows Fausto how he can now move his toes. Gabi comes flying in, with JJ at her heels. Through angry tears she tells “Mario” and David what Adolfo just did. David is so angry he lifts himself up from his wheelchair! Gabi and JJ forget their anger for the moment to marvel at what David just did. David is more concerned about hearing exactly what went down with Adolfo. JJ explains. David is adamant that Adolfo has NO right to take over the presidency when he and his father rightfully hold that title. FaustiMario says he’ll go over there tomorrow to straighten things out, but the boys think immediate action is required. What Adolfo is trying to do is illegal, and Leo can help them. Plus, David says, they have evidence/proof against Adolfo. Gabi is confused, and wants to know what kind of proof they have. The men all give each other and Gabi guilty, nervous looks. She repeats the question and then wonders if they are going to keep hiding things from her. She repeats that she wants that talk with Mario and her dad, together!

At the Club, Leo waits for Carlos in his office. Carlos immediately starts denying any affiliation with any crime. Leo wonders if he’s sure. Carlos clarifies. He’s not involved with anything that has to do with smuggling. Leo wonders if he knows Roberto was murdered. He admits he does and it was Bertha who told him. And just because she is living with his dad does not mean that she’s involved in any way in Roberto’s death or anything else. Plus, they don’t even know how Roberto was killed. Leo reveals it was poisoning—juice destined for Mario. Carlos is impactado. He wonders how Roberto had access to the house, and Leo explains about the dirty security guard. They were both likely working for the same person. Leo sees Carlos’s ring and asks if he knew Roberto had one just like it. That’s news to Carlos—he never saw it. Leo wonders when last he saw Roberto. Carlos claims it was a while back when they happened to both be staying at the same hotel. Well, what if Leo told him that a jewel like that was the proof of a crime? That would be news to Carlos. They are interrupted when Leo’s cell phone rings. Carlos’s ears perk up when he hears Leo mention his father’s name. Once off the phone, Leo tells him his dad is up to his usual tricks, causing trouble. He urges Carlos not to lose or lose track of that ring, as it could be needed as evidence. Carlos promises to make it available to them and Leo runs out to help the Genoves with their Adolfo problem. Carlos immediately calls Yolanda to meet later that evening to talk.

JJ returns home to find a down in the dumps Limon. He wonders what they will do if they never find that letter. He also wonders if they can get Elsa to renounce adopting Caramelo. [Recapper interruption: And then what? Limon and JJ still couldn’t have her legally. Who was it that said these two guys need a course in critical thinking?] JJ thinks 8 years old is old enough to decide where you should live. He thinks perhaps Mauricio could convince Elsa to give up on the adoption, since he obviously knows how to handle her. Limon talks about how sad Caramelo was to leave. “Sure she loves Elsa, but she loves me more.” Our two big kids chuckle at this. Of course she does! JJ has it all planned out. They’re going to find the letter, JJ will adopt Caramelo, and she will come back to live there with them. It’s her home! If they don’t find the letter, then they will have to convince Dora somehow to change her mind.

JJ’s doorbell rings and it’s our favorite neighborhood long-legged, blond smuggler at the door. How did she find his address? She claims, Elvira, Elsa, whatever, gave it to her. (Really?) Limon makes himself scarce after being introduced. Zaida wants a whiskey before getting down to business. She ran into a friend of hers from NY, and he’s interested in investing in their Puerto Vallarta deal. JJ wonders if this new “friend” of hers is like her old one- that blackmailing scoundrel Garnica. Zaida feigns ignorance. JJ doesn’t know if he’s alive or dead. Zaida feigns ignorance. JJ points out that Garnica introduced her as a good friend. Zaida feigns ignorance, and pretends they just said that so that the others would accept her into the deal. How did they meet? Garnica found her. Dante Sevilla, the millionaire investor she just mentioned, was the one who spoke to him about her. She’s hurt that JJ doesn’t seem to trust her, and tries the seductive flirty approach to convince him of what a wonderful time they’ll have as partners. JJ partly playfully, but mostly deadly seriously, responds to her attempts at seduction with a long hard stare.

At the Guillen apartment, Faustiago, in Fausto mode, takes a call from Juli, who is watching Paulita across the hall at Leo’s. She’ll be there a while longer until she puts Paula to bed. Nope, Leo hasn’t arrived yet. Right after that, Leo arrives at Fausto’s door. He wants to know exactly what happened with Adolfo. Fausto explains. Leo doesn’t think Adolfo has a leg to stand on since David is still the head of the company’s board. All the same, they want Leo to accompany them to confront Adolfo. Leo thinks what they need is not him, but a lawyer to accompany them. Fausto explains they need him because of the fear he inspires in Adolfo. Leo can’t deny he has this particular skill, and agrees. They decide to meet at 11am the next morning. They say good night, and Leo returns home to the hugs of a sleepy Paula, and the kisses of a very awake Juli. “Hola guapo.” “Hola hermosa.”

Juli asks him what we’ve all been wondering for some time now. Why did he leave his ranch in Durango behind to become a D.F. cop? He realizes she’s been talking to Paula. He explains his motivation was a misfortune in his own family—his parents were murdered. Who did it? It was…Adolfo Avila, who was attempting to take his family’s assets/properties. He gets upset and tells Juli he can’t talk about it any more. Juli wanders if he hasn’t thought about leaving the police force. Indeed he has. He’ll leave the force and return to Durango when he marries her. This is music to Juli’s ears. That won’t happen until he’s resolved these problems that her family and the Genoves are having, but he thinks it will be soon. Juli blesses this plan with a few deep kisses.

Yolanda seems in deep thought about her life over breakfast, and she doesn’t seem to like what she’s concluding. Carlos arrives and she apologizes for not meeting him the evening before as she had promised, but she had a headache. He joins her at the table and asks why his father took the ring from him. She doesn’t know, and she didn’t know that Roberto had one just like it either. He shocks her with the news that Roberto is dead. She didn’t know? He explains about the poisoned juice meant for Mario. Yolanda tries to hold herself together after hearing there was yet another attempt on the life of her one true love, as Carlos explains that Roberto got what was coming to him. He was a no-good, who then associated himself with Adolfo. Carlos is sure his dad had something to do with his murder, and the ring also has something to do with it all. Leo told him that the ring is proof of some crime. Carlos wants to know if Yolanda would be put in danger if he gives the ring to the police. Yolanda resigns herself. She doesn’t want him to worry about her. She’s run the risk of getting hurt a long time and she’s tired now. Carlos urges her to get out of this life; there’s still time. Yolanda says she can’t. He begs her to tell him what it is that ties her to his father. “I can’t! I can never tell you! Never!” She runs from the table, leaving a worried Carlos calling after her.

At the Genoves Casa, David is finishing up physical therapy. Abelardo arrives and they speak about the good news of David’s rapid recovery. They then speak about the Adolfo situation and Leo accompanying FaustiMario to confront him. David wants Abelardo to go as well, since Fausto knows nothing of the business. David just wants them to make sure they stay firm on the question of the presidency. Leo arrives, looking sharp, and is greeted by Dora at the door. As usual, she is obviously not happy to see him, but he tells her he must speak to her seriously. She stands firm in her refusal, and her fear of more bad things happening. Leo understands, but if she testifies, all of this will end. He could force her to testify, but he doesn’t want to do that. He wants her to do it of her own free will. She walks away telling him she’ll inform the others of his arrival. The old men leave David’s room, and David asks Dora what’s wrong. She avoids the subject by speaking of the happy news of his standing up the evening before. Soon enough he’ll be walking, and she’ll be able to be much more at ease. David looks at her strangely and wonders what she means by that. [Me too. Does she mean that once he’s walking again she’ll go into hiding once more? Or does she just mean he’ll be better able to protect himself and won’t be as vulnerable?]

Ale descends the stairs and greets David, also happy with the good news of his improving health. He speaks about how well Gabi is doing learning the business, but that Adolfo is trying to take over the board presidency. He explains about the meeting that day, with Leo in attendance. Ale is worried about her sister living with that dangerous man. She knows she’s a pain, but she’s her sister. David agrees and tells Ale to ask her to come back to the house (I would ask Gabi about that first). Ale agrees with me. She thinks it best to avoid Bertha-Gabi problems by putting Bertha in an apartment. David offers to help her out. Ale thanks him, but refuses the financial help. Bertha is her sister, so she’ll pay for the apartment. David wants the update on her and JJ. “Mas o menos.” She explains about her recent revelation to JJ that she dated Roberto, and the problems this caused. David urges her to be understanding with JJ, considering that Roberto was one of the reasons he was put in jail and the cause of so much of his suffering. Ale is frustrated. She’s trying, but JJ won’t let her in/let her get close to him! David advises her to approach JJ/make the first move. He’s worth it. Ale seems to take his advice to heart and thanks him.

Over at JJ’s, Lucha is busy making dinner and Chicles is busy making trouble. Lucha puts a stop to the trouble making and is just about to read THE LETTER for Chicles when Limon interrupts and asks for Lucha’s assistance elsewhere. Chicles then asks for Limón to read him the letter, but once again Limon can be of no help. He wonders why Chicles has the letter if he gave it to Caramelo as a gift and he knows how much Caramelo loves letters. Yeah, well Caramelo stole his pencil from his backpack, so he took the letter in retaliation without her knowing. Limon thinks it was wrong of them both. Anyway, they have many pencils of all kinds of colors at the house. He’s keeping the letter and will give it back to Caramelo. He guards it in his breast pocket.

Adolfo seems just as inept at paperwork in David’s office as he was in Carlos’ office. “Mario”, Abelardo and Leo come strolling in and he wants to know what they want. “Mario” wants to know the same of him. “What does he want?!” Nothing, just to fix the problems of their business that’s falling apart thanks to Mario’s ineptitude. Mario begs to differ, and Leo points out that only Mario, the owner of this business, can make these decisions. Well, Mario hasn’t been making those decisions for a long time, and his invalid son hasn't been working for weeks now. FaustiMario loses it. It’s Adolfo’s fault that David is in his condition. His fault! Leo holds FaustiMario back. He advises Adolfo to back off, since Mario is here now and fully able to make the necessary decisions. Adolfo pulls out the ace up his sleeve. He questions if Mario is really capable of making the decisions, considering he has an inoperable brain tumor! FaustiMario is left impactado.


El Mundo de Telemundo: Week of Jan. 17

¡Hola a todos! Thanks for the great comments last week. With Alguien at an exciting point and Herederos beginning, there was a lot comment on.

HEREDEROS Thursday - Juliéta finally picks up on Paula's intentions towards Juan. They quarrel. Meanwhile Paula is searching for more information about the brothers to further her plan. After she finds out that Pedro is in love with Juliéta, Paula asks him to be her ally in a campaign to break up Juan and Juliéta. Pedro refuses. Paula finds out about Jose and Guadalupe and is looking for information about Gaspar.

There is a riding competition. I would have thought these hunky guys would do steer roping and things like that but no, Juan and Jose compete in dressage and Juan wins the prize. Paula sows the seeds of discord between them.

Rosa catches Consuelo with Jonny and Eleuterio catches Guadalupe and Jose.

Sofía makes friends with Rosa and makes things awkward for Miguel.

Finally, Juan succumbs to his feelings for Paula and they kiss. (I'm already really tired of their song.) Juan tells Juliéta that he wants to postpone the wedding.

You folks take it from here.

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Friday, January 14, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #169-170 1/14/11 How can you mend three broken hearts?

Capitulo 169.
Read Amanda’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia calls Caro to say the wedding is canceled, and Lety blames herself. She tells Caro that Marcia found out about their relationship, and the disaster at Conceptos was her fault too. Lety is anxious to tell everything because she’s sure Caro won’t want Lety as her assistant anymore.

2. Lety says she got thrown out of Conceptos for work-related things, and she’s not the Lety Caro knows. Caro affirms her confidence in and admiration for Lety, and she’s satisfied since Lety recognizes that whatever she did was wrong. They toast Lety’s new life.

3. Lety is enchanted by the ocean and thanks Caro deeply for taking her away from DF. Lety gets her feet wet.

4. Alicia’s car is liquidated today. I think that means she no longer will have a chance to redeem it.

5. Señor Daisy Dukes watches while Lety tells the ocean that she feels so empty and she doesn’t know how to survive. She was deceived by the one she gave all her love to unconditionally. She’s sure she’ll never recover. Dukes is moved by her profound level of suffering.

6. Lety calls home and lets her parents listen to the ocean. MamaJ says Fernando came looking for her. MamaJ pushes Tom to tell why Lety is so mad at Fern but he refuses.

7. Lety feels intimidated around all the bellas. Caro says her job is to accompany the bellas, make sure they’re well taken care of, and handle other administrative tasks. Lety tries to run away.

8. Sr. Dukes cooks his fish on the beach and ponders the crying woman. It’s as if she lost her way and has nothing left. He tells the ocean, “You and I know how it feels when the one you love most betrays you and lies to you.”

Capitulo 170.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando is getting drunk. He tells Omar that Lety left town and he doesn’t know where. Her family won’t tell him anything. Fernando is sinking. All Omar hears is that the owner of Conceptos skipped town. Omar implies that Lety intends to keep Conceptos. Uh-oh. We know what happens when Wormtongue starts working Fernando. Fern tells Omar that the disaster is all Omar’s fault.

2. Fern says Lety would be perfectly justified to keep Conceptos after reading that foul letter. Omar refuses to take blame for Fern’s actions. And the worst news of all: Omar promises to be Fern’s friend forever.

3. The Angels sing Dueña de mi vida (see the lyrics below) and Fernando remembers how sweet Lety is, then he remembers the meeting and watching her leave. He takes a napkin and writes, “Lety, Solo Dios sabe cuanto la amo. Solo Dios lo sabe. (Only God know how much I love you. Only God knows it.) His classic single tear is followed by many more, and he whispers, “Lety. Mi Lety.”

4. Luigi takes Irmita home where she finds Rafael unconscious on the kitchen floor.

5. Fernando cries over Lety’s photo, “I miss you. I need you so much, Lety. Where are you?”

6. Marcia reveals to Alicia that Fernando’s amante is Lety. Ali can’t believe it; she’s sure Lety bewitched him. Marcia shows her the letter. Ali suggests that Fernando stopped relations with Marcia because he fell in love with Lety. Marcia says it seemed like the amante was someone important to him, and not someone he had to force himself to kiss.

7. The buddy of Aldo (Sr. Daisy Dukes) coaxes him to meet them in the bar. It’s been two years since he’s shared their parties and the buddy hopes Aldo joins them again soon.

8. Lety can’t sleep because she can’t stop thinking about Fernando’s touch, but she’s determined to forget so it stops hurting. She remembers his beautiful words and screams, “It was all a lie!” She feels out of place and wants to escape back to her old world.

9. Marcia cries over her photo album. She concludes that she will forgive him and get him back.

10. PG tells Fern that to find Lety, first he has to find himself. See the transcript.

La dueña de mi vida

Me enamoro sin querer cuando menos lo esperaba.
Cambió mi forma de ser, me enseñó a amar con el alma.
No es su cuerpo ni su belleza lo que me hace enloquecer.
Es lo que hay en su cabeza y en su corazon lo que la hace tan mujer

La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida.
Para mi no hay mujeres feas. Todo depende del cristal con que las veas.

Me enamoré de verdad aunque nadie me lo crea.
Me vale aunque los demas digan siempre que ella es fea.
No es modelo ni es perfecta, pero me hace enloquecer.
Es lo que hay en su cabeza y en su corazon lo que la hace tan mujer


La vida te da sorpresas, sorpresas te da la vida.
Para mi no hay mujeres feas, aunque le digan fea.
Tal vez es fea, eres mi fea, y es la dueña de mi vida.

I fell in love without wanting to, when I least expected it.
You changed my way of being; you taught me how to love with my soul.
It is not your body nor your beauty which makes me go crazy
It is what is in his head and in your heart that makes you such a women

Life gives you surprises, surprises give you life.
To me there are no ugly women. It all depends on the lens you see with.

I fell in love genuinely, even though nobody believes me
I value you even though the others always say that she is ugly.
You’re neither a model nor perfect, but you make me go crazy.
It is what is in your head and what is in your heart that makes you such a women.


Life gives you surprises, surprises give you life.
To me there are no ugly women. Even though they call you ugly
Perhaps you are fea, you’re my fea, and you’re the owner of my life.


Triunfo del Amor #9 1/13/11 NO Triunfo del Amor.....only apologies!

Hola Gente,

so, he new girl already has some bad news......

I am writing about tonight's recap for Triunfo del Amor. I'm embarassed....
> I recorded tonight's episode and when I started watching it was only black
> screen the whole way through! Idk what happened, as this was while I was
> still out of the house-I think I lost power at some point and it messed up the recording
> settings.
> That means I don't have a recap for you to post. I'm very sorry!
> On another, just as pathetic, note, I will have to resign from my pitiably short time as a
> recapper. I have had a major change at work that has impacted the time I
> previously had set aside to enjoy this novela.
> I will, alas,have to prioritize and my tv addiction is the first to suffer.
> Sorry to have not lasted any longer, but I can't imagine how I would get
> this done.
> My apologies. I hope there is a replacement recapper waiting to step up.
Lo siento tanto. In writing Jane, she suggested I simply post this msg instead and ask that those who did see it add what they remember.

Seriously sorry ya'll.


Eva Luna #49 Thu 1/13/11 Two lonely but not alone souls across town compete for the 'pitiful me' award ... but hope is lurking around the corner

--- recapped by marta ramos

At the boarding house, Tony keeps feeding Dano the bucket of lies… only to get back at Eva
Dano (who is clueless-ly upset): what are you talking about?
Tony: She stole money from you, that is what I was told by the police, that her intention had always been to steal from you!
Dano: But how do you know that?
Tony: The police were here looking for her and I felt obliged to see the warrant. And I know there is evidence of Eva cashing the check…

(we see Eva sitting in the garden, remembering the accident and when the doctor told her her dad was dead… and when she saw Dano getting out of the car and Leo telling her Dano was the one who ran over your dad, he is the one that killed him, Eva…)
Eva: You took from me what I loved most in life… (she is mad… Leo is spying on her)

Tony: Ali told me it is not the first time Eva does something like this.
Dano asks for Alicia,
Tony: She is not here either. A while back she left with a case full of clothes, chances are she was going to meet with Eva… but I doubt Alicia will be back either… Know what else Alicia told me before she left?... Alicia confessed it all to me… Alicia told me they went from one town to another getting jobs at rich houses as yours… and then they seduce one of the men in the family, steal a good amount of money and then flee… right before the engagement is formalized…

Leo: Before I take you to meet your sister, you should never tell her you are with me or how to get to this place. … the less she knows, the less she can be compromise or slip about your whereabouts… see how I always worry about you… you know I would help you with anything you need…

Tony plays the samaritan telling Dano he does not want to tell more because Dano is so upset… Dano demands he tell him all he knows… Tony says Eva will change her name, get a new ID at another town, get another house job, seduce another man, and add another name to her list… (Dano leaves devastated)… jajaja ay, Eva… I really finished you now… You thought you could confront Tony… well, you found me…

Justa is meeting with the priest and telling him about her meeting with Renata… and all the things she can remember now about her dreams… She feels a little better now that she confronted Renata about all she did to her. It also helped her more details about her past… and she went to the town… but could not find the grave of her daughter in the cemetery.

At Arizmendis, Renata is pacing in her room
R: NO, I cannot feel remorse now about it. Justa deserved what I did to her! She stole Julio from me! And if he was not going to be mine, neither would he be hers! .. that is why I agreed to steal the baby from my sister. So that Marcela would adopt her and marry Julio. My reward… to stay working here… near Julio… With the consolation of being able to love him… even in silence.

Justa contines telling the priest what she found out at the place where the clinic was and that Renata assumed her dead after the earthquake.. Priest says that explains why they did not come back for you… But Justa does not buy that easily. Her mind says she should accept the baby is dead.. but her heart continues hoping her daughter is alive… it would be wonderful if my daughter was alive…

Leo drives Eva to meet Alicia, tells her to remember the police is looking for her so don’t take long or say anything about him or where she is staying… Alicia is very anxious/scared… Eva arrives.

Julio remembers how Vicky reproved him for not backing her up on the Dano plan, insisting that her happiness is at Dano’s side. Julio insisting she was wrong. He looks really sad… Marcela comes in with the old bla bla about how much she cares about him and gives him the new bottle of medicine she got for him. He says leave it there… He says he will take it when Eva gets back. She says don’t count on Eva coming back this time. Marce says she has a feeling this time Eva left to never come back. Julio is impactado…

Alicia tells Eva about the police coming to the house… Eva swears to her it is not true.
Alicia asks what happened with her plans to marry Daniel… As Eva is about to answer that, a cop patrol stops by. The girls get really scared… but the cop came to just check that they were ok. The cop leaves.

Fran and Mari are walking through park… Fran tells her he loves the chain… bleh!... he is faking being so ashamed about leaving her stranded at the rest. She says she at first worried about him, then got mad at him but when he called she was ok with it. IT is forgotten… he does not want to be without her much longer… yada yada…

Eva and Alicia go into a coffee shop… plastic chairs and tables but crystal glasses… go figure!...

Dano in his bedroom keeps torturing himself… how could he be so blind, how could he allow himself to be tricked like an idiot by Eva!!! You mocked me!! (the suitcase goes flying to the mirror…) I will never forgive you… YOU TRICKED ME!!! (he trashes his room some more… in comes Laurita scared to see him so out of control)

Eva tells Alicia that Dano did something very grave… but she needs to deal with the police about it first… Eva tells Alicia she has to accuse Dano first… Alicia is afraid they will not believe Eva a house help over a distinguished executive like Dano. We have to be realistic, we have no money and he must be paying a fortune to buy false evidence and witnesses. Eva says she saw what he did and Dano told a person what he did and that person can be out witness… Alicia insists they don’t have money to see this through. Alicia is very afraid if Eva turns herself in she will never come out. She does not want to be alone (its all about herself, isn’t it?)

Dano tries to tell Laurita, but she does not recognize him as her dad.. what is wrong with you??
Marisol tells Fran about Giorgio her friend… Fran gets touchy-feely and asks how much she has told Giorgio about him… she has told him about the businesses and that he is the best thing that ever happened to her… Fran uses the momentum to propose they set a date for the wedding… in two months. (Fran thinks YEY Finally I will be rich!!!... Marisol thinks YIPPY! Finally I will be a millionaire!!) they swear love to each other…

Dano tells Laurita he allowed himself to be betrayed, made a huge mistake and almost put her (Laurita) in the hands of someone very evil. Laurita asks who, Dano says Eva. Laurita is in denyal, Eva is really good. Dano says no, she is evil and you must know the truth… Dano ssays he did not want to believe it either… but it is true. She approached us for money, stole some money and then abandoned us…

Eva keeps telling Alicia she will not know where she is so she does not have to tell the police if asked… Eva insists all this that is happening to them is Daniel’s fault and before he destroys her, she will find the way to destroy him!... She swears she did not steal anything, doesn’t understand why Daniel accuses her, and insists she will destroy him… He will regret everything he did to her. Alicia is afraid the last time she saw her like that is when she swore she would avenge her dad’s death… Eva says ‘exactly!’ but does not specify why. But she tells Alicia she has no idea how evil Daniel really is. (Eva remembers the accident for the 23345th time)

Dano keeps talking to Laurita… he was about to marry Eva but she deceived all of us. She is a proffessional thief and she deceived all of us. Laurita is still in denyal. Dano says he did not believe it at first either, but with heavy heart he has been convincing himself slowly.

Alicia tells Eva Dano came by and was very worried about her, Eva makes her promise she will be careful. Alicia is afraid of being left alone. Eva says this is the disgraced life Daniel has built for us… but I will come through.

Laurita asks if it was Vicky who told him Eva is a thief. Dano says Vicky has nothing to do with all this (boy how wrong you are!) Eva stole money from the company. He saw the photos when she cashed the check… Laurita insists Eva is not like that… Eva is not like that… Dano tells her he knows this all hurts her so… but they have to accept it. Laurita asks him what if he forgives her for the little money she stole, you have told me that people must learn to forgive. Dano says he cannot forgive the betrayal to their trust in her. She deceived him and mocked the love he feels for her. Laurita insists Eva really loves him. Dano says Eva never loved him. And even if he wanted to forgive her, he can’t. She left. She is gone forever. Laurita says she does not want to see him so sad.

Eva says goodbye to Alicia… hug… Alicia asks Eva to be careful.

Leo celebrates that Eva came back to the car… She is not happy leaving her sister alone again. Leo keep splaying the supportive friend… Eva hopes she is doing the right thing. Tells Leo she was thinking of turning herself in. Leo says don’t even think about it, police are like dogs after your tracks… She has to stay hidden for a while until everyone gets calmer.

Dano is still with Laurita, he says they will be able to get over it and forget. Laurita says no, she will not be able to forget anything, and she knows he won’t either… they hug…

(again we have a commercial about the young woman laying on her couch telling her aunt on phone how the little girl was consoling her dad… it broke my heart…)

Drunk Dano tells Fran he will ask him a question and if he responds correctly he will give him the red sports car… Fran says don’t get like this for a woman…
Dano: For the prize of a car… Do I have an embezzle face?
Fran: (hessitates a moment LOL!) No, boss.
Dano: Wrong answer! You just lost a car!!! Because look!! I do have an embezzle face. It is the same face Eva saw…
Fran: If you say so, boss… but Why don’t you go back to your room?
Dano: I don’t want to go to my room!! I don’t want anyone to go in there!!

Leo and Eva are back in the cabin…
Leo: You will not be safer anywhere but here. The important thing is for noone to see you. Don’t even peek out the windows.
Eva: I don’t’ know how I will be able to repay you.
Leo: The way to repay me is for you to forget that pain… forget Daniel.
Eva: I want that, but I can’t! I can’t yet!
Leo: I will always be with you, Eva…

Fran is still insisting Dano stop drinking… Dano wants to go out instead, he wants to show himself to everyone as the greatest embezzle, why don’t we find a circus where people will be able to see the face of pain for fifty cents… and that way they won’t make the same mistakes… Dano is heading out and Fran has to go grab him… If he wants to go anywhere, Fran will take him. Dano says I will stay then… I will stay alone… and without Eva. (Fran throws himself in a couch exhausted) (I have to say this scene reminded me of Guy as Sebastian getting drunk in Café and having Arthur to play the role of Fran here… he can play the drunk-by-blues guy in a comic way to a tee!...)

Marisol tells Alicia at the house that she will marry Fran and will be a millionaire soon. Alicia says I wish you were a millionaire already. She tells her about the police looking for Eva for a burglary charge she obviously did not commit. Marisol says I can arrange for a meeting with my friend the lawyer… Alicia is still concerned that Eva would not be joining them because she can’t even find Eva.

Eva tells Leo she has been thinking and Leo is right, she won’t be able to fight Daniel alone. Leo again offers to be her support, her ‘exit’. He tells her just ask what you need. Eva says she wants him to help her to avenge from Daniel Villanueva. Leo is more than happy to oblige.. it is only fair. Eva blames Dano for her not being able to be with her sister. She wants to destroy him as he destroyed her family. Leo says he will help her make justice, they will destroy Daniel together.

Renata is serving Marce and Vicky breakfast… Marcela tells Renata about Eva stealing the money. Renata is in disbelief. She says it does not really surprise her, she never bought Eva’s ‘good girl’ façade. Anyway, she is gone and life in this house will go back to being what it should… Renata and Vicky toast to that… Marce asks Renata to find a replacement woman for house help. Renata asks Marcela to make sure Leo will not pick up another charity case in the street. Marcela asks Renata to make sure she does not tell Julio anything about this issue. But of course Julio is a few steps away and comes in saying Marcela has such a striking voice that he can’t help but hear her. Later Julio tells Marcela he is still against a marriage of Vicky and Daniel. He says that idea of that marriage is fabricated by her. Marcela says you are so wrong. Julio rebuts I was wrong on the day I chose to marry you over Justa, who, as a human being, is much more valuable than you… (Marce chooses sarcasm and tells him he has the ‘gift’ to take away anyone ‘s appetite.) Julio insists in Marcela telling him what is it that she did not want to tell him about. Marce says if you insist… it is about your protected assistant… Santa Eva. Julio asks what did you plot against her? Marcela says besides stealing your daughter’s boyfriend, she stole from us! Santa Eva is a thief!! Julio says no way that is not true. (Marcela leaves) J: Marcela, I don’t believe a word of it!! (smiling)

Leo calls Tony to come meet him at the house… Later Tony arrives and Leo gives him the memory card from the camera that he took the bed pictures with… stressing several times to him to take it somewhere to print the pictures without opening the envelope (really?? He doesn’t know Tony by now??) As soon as you have them we will arrange so you can bring them to me.

Adriancito tells Ricardo and Justa about the police coming to look for Eva. Ricardo and Justa say they are certain Eva is innocent. Justa tells Ricardo her findings give her a new hope in life, she has decided she will give herself another chance to be happy.

Next day Eva tells Leo she could not sleep. He says he will fix her breakfast… Leo insists in support words for Eva and she keeps thanking him for everything, but she feels everything is against her and does not know what else could happen to her.

Tony gets the pictures… of course he has to open the envelope… WHAT??!!! It can’t be!!! Eva and my boss are lovers???
(end of ep)

Previews: Seems like Leo shows Dano the pictures, marcela keeps swearing she will make sure Eva is convicted to many years in jail. But Julio gets to talk to Eva on phone and asks her where she is so he can help her get out of this mess… Eva swears now we will see who really ends up in jail!


Llena de Amor #107 (Mex. 112) Thu 1/13/11 Vicky, change your dress!!

Ahoy all, I'm feeling a bit punk tonight so if I've left anything out or gotten anything wrong please let me know. Some fun stuff happened tonight so let's get started...

Last night we left our two two-faced protagonistas glaring at each other through the bars of the local jail. EmanueLirio is outside with coffee and a sandwich and MariVicky is inside with a sneer and a no thanks.

But first let’s go to a couple that’s warming to each other a bit more quickly. Brandon helps a hobbling Ilitia to some stone steps where he can tend to her scraped knee.

And tend to it he does, after a few impish pokes he soothes her wound with salve and urges her to be more accepting of little Christian. But then she admits that when she was little she pretended she had a little brother called Christian. She wonders if her dad named the little tyke after that but forget it, she’ll never ask him. (At least I think that’s what this was all about.)

Over at the cell block MV is surprised, she thought Eman would have moved heaven and earth to keep her locked up. He laughs, even though she’s a pain, a buffoon, a spoiled brat, unbearable, and cold as ice, he’s there to prove she’s innocent. After some discussion about El Lirio, he thanks her for sticking up for him when he was robbed, she says maybe she just did it to throw off suspicion, Eman claims he just has to look into a person’s eyes to know who they are. (!?!? Dude, open YOUR eyes!) Her eyes are full of hate, the same unjustified hate that Mari had for him. And after two years of torment today at least he knows why; it was a lie, a trap to drive Mari away.

Ilitia thanks Brandon for saving her life, AGAIN. He tells her he knows something is bugging her, what is it? She doesn’t want to say, it’s too personal, but I guess she just can’t keep it bottled up any more. She reveals that Eman is very nice to her but she hasn’t been able to spend one night with him. The day of her wedding, before the ceremony…a man raped her.

Eman tells Vicky that Netty told him why Mari hates him and then he remembered how he was tricked that night. As a single tear rolls down her cheek he tells his tawdry tale…at work they were celebrating his engagement to Mari and they got him drunk. He was wasted but he is completely sure that he would not make love with Ilitia because he was totally in love with Mari. Vicky loses it and yells “Shut up, you’re not going to betray me again; I’m not the same idiot I was before!” Eman squints his eyes like he’s thinking REALLY hard. Think Eman, think!! But no, “When have I ever betrayed you?” Doh!

Nope, he didn’t figure it out during the commercial. VM quickly goes into full blown Ethspanol, uthing it ath a thmoke thcreen. He falls for it and I’m getting tired of these two. She’s bitter, he’s a liar, blah blah blah.

Let’s return to Brandon the volcano who’s rumbling wrath is about to erupt. He apologizes for saying all those horrible things to Ilitia about being a loose woman. She’s right, he is a gorilla, a stupid naco; he kisses her hands and begs to know who did it. She shakes her head sadly, she doesn’t know, he could kill her and her family. Luckily someone’s little grey cells are working overtime. “It’s him,” Brandon growls, putting two and two together, “It’s that stupid Mauricio Fonseca!”

Hablando del rey del infierno, and who should come knocking at the prison door but the rapey snake himself proclaiming he’s come to help Vicky out. Seems this is her day for unwanted assistance. She tells him to beat it, Mari told her all about him and his dirty tricks. She brings up Kristel and he sneers. Kristel is just a hobby; he’d dump her in a second for a hot roll in the camita with his Espanolita chiquita, amorosita; he gives her an air smooch as he slimes away.

Two doors down Eman is in a face off with El Comis insisting that Vicky is innocent, a trusted employee. El Comis wonders why Eman isn’t more concerned about his sister who is missing.

This is only a momentary setback. Somehow Emiliano found out about Gretel, fine but Eman is there for Vicky. El Comis throws out his zinger; did Eman not know that his trusted employee has no papers, no passport, no documentation? Sorry but apparently she doesn’t exist at all. (Think Eman, think!)

Finally, a welcome guest for our little jailbird. It’s Delicia and she’s the first to stick up for Eman. She believes he got tricked because he’s not a bad man and he loves Mari. Dee wants to know what’s all the hullabaloo between Doris and the skinny guy pretending to be Mari’s brother? Shhhh, MV says keep it on the down low, everybody has to think that Gman’s her brother. Dee says there’s something about the guy, hmmmm. But Eman on the other hand, that’s a guy you can really trust.

Speaking of trust, MV asks Dee to go back to the Casa de Crazies to be her eyes and ears. Dee’s not too keen to return to that vulture’s nest, MV know how she hates gossip, nudge nudge wink wink say no more.

Back at the vulture’s nest Axel admits to Eman that he blabbed to their dad about Gretel’s escape. The two brothers scratch their chins; somebody must have helped her, but who?

Moments later Eman finds Fedra and confronts her with the truth about Gretel. How could she keep a member of the family trapped like an animal for two years? She tries the same crap she tried on Emiliano but it doesn’t work out quite as well with Eman. She’s not his mother, she’s a monster.

Oh goodie, we’re at Malicio’s blechelor pad and it sounds like a pissed off gorilla is thumping on his door. He opens up and is nearly flattened by an explosive fireball of fury. Brandon doesn’t even hear Mauron’s feeble attempts at threats. With his gun up the rapey snake’s nose he yells that nobody will hear him and nobody will save him, he’s going to pay for what he did to Ilitia. Get ready to die!

Ha! The way Mau is craning his neck to get away from the pistol he really does look like a snake.

Brandon decides he’s not worth becoming a murderer so he’ll beat the RS within an inch of his life. He shoves his gun down his pants (dude, really?),

and tells Orangey to stop caterwauling and proceeds with the thrashing.

Back at the vulture’s nest Fedra is still whining. She tries the “I sacrificed everything for you, you’re my life” crap but Eman rejects it. What about her other kids, his brother and sisters? “Here we are…Fedra Curiel,” he whispers ominously, vowing to never forgive what she did.

After a small break we return to the jail where El Comis is telling MV that he’s about to let her out when hurricane Netty blows in and demands MV’s release. El Comis indicated it’s because of Eman that she’s free which prompts MV to grab her flowers and vow to never thank that hypocrite for anything.

Oh dear, Eman is sitting on the diving board blaming his mom for Mari leaving. “Mari where are you?” he wails to the sky.

Nereida tells a newly-arrived Emiliano that Eman’s in tears so Lowrenzo decides to walk on ahead.

Cut to Fedra weeping and wailing to Bernardo about the recent turn of events. He has no idea the pain she feels, what it is to feel such love for another being. He massages her arm and thought bubbles “Oh but I do, I do, and I’ve had to be silent for so many years.”

Lowrenzo comes through the door and ANOTHER hurricane hits. He can’t stand to see Bernardo’s hand on his mujer and he lunges. Bernardo deftly twists Lowman’s arm and even takes a full-on punch to the face without flinching. Lowrenzo is left crying to mommy cuz his hand hurts.

Out by the pool Eman is conserving water by filling the pool with his own tears. Mari hated him and he didn’t know why. “Oh dad, I can’t talk to her and I can’t find peace.”

Inside, Lowrenzo’s ineffectual posturing is no match for Bernardo’s calm confidence. The servant is dismissed but everyone knows who the bigger man is. Fedra twists the knife by telling Lowrenzo that Bernardo has been with her all her life and would do ANYTHING for her. “Would he kill for you?” Lowrenzo asks. Pretty much, yeah.

Wow, Brandon’s been beating Malicio to a pulp all this time. He makes Mau stand and says he’s decided not to kill him. Instead he’ll make sure he never hurts another woman. He lowers his gun toward the offending weapon while Mauron wails for Dandy. (Sounds really stupid, doesn’t it?) Brandon is momentarily distracted by…

…the scared little boy wet his pants, aw! Thus answering the question we never wanted to ask, the Rapey Snake dresses his junk to starboard.

Whew! Let’s take a break from all the yelling and join Ilitia in calm conversation with her shrink. He says he’s not there to judge her, just to help her. He’s interested in her relationship with this other guy. She says he’s a nobody, a naco, but those eyes, those arms, his six-pack you wouldn’t believe, and he listens to her, he rocks her world. Is she crazy? The doc says no, he just thinks she’s not in love with her husband; she’s in love with the other guy.

Now we’re at Netty’s house where MV continues to natter ad nauseum about how he slept with Ilitia and betrayed Mari. She accuses Netty of being brainwashed by Eman. She wasn’t on his side before, what does she know about him?

Eman has stopped bawling and is having a productive conversation with dad. They let mom get way too out of hand and now they’re paying for it. Emiliano vows to return the house and every last cent that Fedra stole from Mari. The optimistic bells ring in the background and Eman says he’ll also return everything that belonged to his gordita.

MV and Netty are having an argument, with Netty saying Mari was wrong to just leave without saying anything, when they are interrupted by Gretelman who is thrilled to see MV out of jail. This derails MV who pushes Gman upstairs for a talk.

Netty, on the other hand, maintains her focus and follows them upstairs. She shouts at MV to stop applying the law of ice to her in her own house (see vocab below). And by the way, Mari’s stuff belongs to Mari, not to Vicky, so stop trying to be Mari, OK?

Netty exits and the girls with fantastically French-braided hair rip off their wigs. They feel the noose getting tighter. Brandon is starting to suspect MV and Gman is, well, let’s just say her loins are on fire. MV talks about kissing Eman at the office. Gman talks about kissing Oliver at the hospital. I’m very distracted that Gman has sideburns. What are they going to do?

Gman has an idea. La Mala Noche! At that place the dancers dress up and wear masks. There, she can be with Oliver without putting him at risk. Mari is still confused, la Mala Noche? Oops, there is still one little thing that Gretel has not told Mari about Fedra Curiel.

Tomorrow: Fedra gets a gift in a box.

And Thank You Miss Judy for the help with my first screen shot, hooray!!

asi que a deja chiller = So stop your caterwauling
Asta aqui llegamos = Here we are
Jolgorio = hubbub, hullabaloo, revelry
La ley de hielo = to be indifferent to someone, to cut them off, to ignore them (Lit. the law of ice)
Meto las manos al fuego por ello. = I trust him completely (Lit. I’d put my hands in fire for him.)
Nido de buitres = vulture’s nest
Se moviendo el mundo = He rocks my world

Starboard = the right side of the boat (when one is standing at the helm and looking at the pointy end)
Port = the left side of the boat (when one is standing at the helm...)


La Verdad Oculta EP83 01/13/2011 – Bad boys, bad boys, watcha gonna do

* Early in the morning Leonardo visits his girl who asks him about Roberto. Is it true he was killed? Yes, he was poisoned. Julieta hesitantly tells him she used to date with that guy… but don’t worry, nothing happened! However, she’s sure he took her keys one day and he’s the one who stole the cuff-link. Leonardo flashbacks to the day when met Roberto in the jeweler. *Viewerville: Smeagol, we miss you!* Julieta says now she’s the one who wants to interrogate: does Leonardo love her? Because he was pretty interested in Gabriela before. Leo admits he used to think he was in love with Gaby, but later he realized he felt only fondness for her and for Fausto. The only woman he’s in love with is Julieta. Kiss, kiss, kiss! *Viewerville: sigh*

* Zaida, her wide smile and her long legs show up at Hotel Mirador and attempt to flirt with Juan José, who’s very busy with trying not to delete every single file on his computer and telling Asunción by phone where Elsa and Caramelo live now. Since Garnica’s disappeared she’d like to associate with JJ. Well, he wouldn’t mind it, but there’s one thing he doesn’t understand: does Mauricio know about her plans? Oh, come on! But she just said a few minutes ago that Medina had given her his address. Busted.

* Asunción visit at Elsa’s flat becomes another nightmare for him: recently Caramelo is much more interested in the cool painter set Mauricio bought to her than in spending time with him. After heartbroken Limón leaves both Elsa and Mauricio feel horrible about the situation.

* Mina and Alejandra discuss the death of Roberto. Ale thinks Rob was always looking for trouble and he was in cahoots with dangerous folks… And that’s why she’s so worried about her sister who lives in Adolfo’s condo now. Then Miss Pride talks about her favourite topic: Juan José. He told her he loved her and she loves him, too. She’d like to explain him the situation, but she won’t look for him, it’s his turn to call her. And although she understands his anger, his insecurities make her worried about their future.

* Nervous Bertha tells her BFF about the false testimony and her fear of Adolfo. She realized he’s a mysterious and dangerous man, and geez, that conversation between him and Yolanda! The phone rings and big sister tells Bertha to get the hell out of that condo. Does she know Roberto was murdered? At home JJ tells Lucha the good news: Chicles and Caramelo are going to the same school. And where Limón? He hasn’t arrived at home yet. Great, it means he has great time with the little girl, doesn’t it? In a restaurant Zaida and Adolfo discuss Juan José and she tells him about the blackmail, the 10 million pesos, the backpack filled with paper and the helicopter. Adolfo is afraid that eventually the police will find out that Garnica is dead. However, it would be magnificent if they could frame Juan José with the murder. By the way. guess whom he is going to meet tonight? Dante Sevilla! Zaida’s face freezes.

* The bunch of problems called Bertha storm into Carlos’s flat to tell him she wants to leave Adolfo’s house. What did he do to her?! Nothing, nothing, but he killed Roberto! WTF? Back at JJ’s the big guy is sitting in his favourite armchair looking very troubled. Asunción arrives at home and starts to cry about Caramelo who doesn’t care about him anymore and who’s going to forget them. In her design office Alejandra sits in her chair looking very troubled, too, but no, she won’t want to call JJ. After Mina leaves Bertha shows up and Alejandra learns her little sister has a relationship with Adolfo’s son. Bertha, Carlos and Roberto killed a woman 11 years ago! Enraged Ale scorns Bertha for everything she’s done and tells her again to leave that condo for good and all. But Adolfo won’t let her go because she knows too much. And last night he said something horrible… What? He called himself the devil’s spawn, a freak of nature.

*At Sagitario Adolfo and Carlos bicker about their relationship and the ring again. Carlos is about to reproach him for the death of Roberto when Dante Sevilla shows up and daddy kicks Moustache out of the office. Dante enter the room and the Alpha Male Fight begins. They start with insults (you’re an arrogant tyrant, Ávila – but you’re worse than me), then Sevilla asks Adolfo about Garnica. When he learns Javier is studying underwater life recently both men burst into the classic evil laugh. Look, that bastard Garnica deserved his fate, the problem is that he offered a fantastic business opportunity to Sevilla: a place from where one could get marvelous archeological stuff. Why did Adolfo get rid of him? Dolphie tells Sevilla about the letter and Garnica’s blackmail. Sevilla asks him to tell him everything and offers him his help but Adolfo says he could never trust a man like him, a man who kills and betrays his helpmates… Does he remember Zaida? She’s a touchy topic for them. Anyway, Adolfo’s is also interested in that seaside touristic-smuggling paradise so why don’t they become associates? And what about Zaida, asks Sevilla. Don’t worry, Adolfo can control her.

* At JJ’s we get another scene that proves that Chicles, who’s just arrived home from school, is a demanding but funny little rascal and Lucha is a steady and wise mother. Sevilla and his armed henchmen show up at Garnica’s flat and order Valentín to open Garnica’s safe. There’s a map in it and it belongs to Sevilla. Sorry, sir, but there’s no safe in that flat anymore, it’s been stolen. *Viewerville: What?* And who stole it? A man called Juan José Victoria. One… one night he showed up in the flat and took the safe away, but Garnica ordered Valentín to keep his mouth shut. *Viewerville: Seriously. WHAT?! Make up a better lie!*And where is that Juan José Victoria now? Ask Adolfo Ávila about him.

* Leonardo visits David who shows him the business card Juan José found in Roberto’s suitcase. Leo’d like to know how could David send JJ to Roberto and why do they want to take the law into their own hands? It was stupid. And illegal. David silently gives Leonardo the business card: Susana Gómez. Tío Juan José brings Caramelo home for a visit which makes Asunción beside himself with joy. He finds out the first painting Cara ever made portrays him and the little girl. Together. Forever. Adorable scene! Juan José gives Chicles a shiny new backpack then he leaves. The kids start to talk about The Letter and Cara shows it to illiterate Asunción. This is the point when Viewerville start to cry of frustration.

* In the meantime Leonardo and Ramón arrive at Susana’s flat and start to explore it. Back to JJ’s: Lucha asks the kids if they want to eat. Of course! Caramelo puts the letter back into her bag and when Asunción asks her when her tía Elsa will come for her she corrects the old man: Elsa isn’t her aunt but her mother. The Merry Men, aka Sevilla, frightened Valentín, armed gorilla 1 and armed gorilla 2 wait for Adolfo in his condo. What happened, Dante? Well, Garnica’s safe and his precious map was stolen by a guy called Juan José Victoria.

*At Susana’s the supercops find the money… and the diamonds hidden in the box of margarine.



Thursday, January 13, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #167-168 1/13/11 Clear the deck. Dump the ballast.

Capitulo 167.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Marcia demands Lety’s bags or she’ll call security. To her, Lety is a criminal. Lety suggests they open the bags in private. Ali is delighted that Lety got fired with the dishonor she deserves.

2. Lety warns Marcia that it’s all part of Fern’s strategy to save Conceptos. Marcia reads the first card, “.. I’m surer than ever of my decision to cancel my wedding,” and the next one, “Many nights with many bodies but only one night with a woman, only one night of love.” (Oooh! That’s gonna’ leave a mark!) She asks, “Don’t tell me that Fernando is in love with you. You’re the amante? You had relations with him?”

3. Sitting in the meeting in disgrace, Fernando remembers their first night together, how much he loves Lety, almas in the moonlight, and how deeply he feels Lety’s love for him.

4. Lety tells Marcia that Fern never loved her. She says, “If you read this letter you’ll understand. I deserve everything that has happened because I was wrong.” She leaves the bag with Marcia.

5. Fern protests Humberto’s direction, but stops and takes a humble tone. Pop tells him he has no right to an opinion. MamaT says they can’t let this ruin the wedding. Marcia says, “There won’t be any wedding. He deceived me, not just with the company, but he’s been playing me for a fool all along.

6. Fernando begs his father’s forgiveness and Humberto answers, “Don’t say another word to me ever again. In less than a year, you destroyed 30 years of work. You demonstrated that you’ll never grow up. You destroyed your beautiful relationship with Marcia. I’ll never forgive you. Have you been able to sleep at night?” Fern answers, “No, and I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep ever again.”

7. Fern calls the house and Tom tells him Lety can’t talk to him. Pop asks why she’s hiding.

8. MamaT consoles Marcia, reminding her that Omar wrote the cards. Marcia corrects her and says Fern had relations with Lety. MamaT refuses to believe her son is capable of such depravity. Marcia says, “Today, to me, he’s a different person.” MamaT says, “At least he doesn’t love her. That, I could never accept.” And Marcia cries quietly.

Capitulo 168.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fern tells Omar that he has to find Lety and explain everything because she thinks the letter is the truth. See the transcript. Omar asks why, since she left them. Fern answers, “Por mi mismo (for me myself).” ARRGGG!!! Omar tells Fern he can’t possibly be seen with Lety, and Fern blows him off.

2. Lety finishes packing and leaves her diary behind. MamaJ realizes that diary is significant. Boy howdy!

3. The vortex finds out that the wedding is canceled. Marcia tells Fern, “Lety did me a favor, saving me from marrying a desgraciado. You trusted Lety who betrayed you today, instead of the woman who’s always loved you. Fern swears he’ll recover everything he’s lost and asks her forgiveness. Marcia says Lety gave her the letter, Lety the one he gave his life and his confidence. Fern begs her to stop; the board already crushed him. She slaps him and drops the ring to the floor.

4. Alicia hears that Fern isn’t president anymore. She says, “Now I don’t have to tolerate your gritos,” and shoves her way past him. Fern swears to MamaT, “I’m going to recover everything I lost.”

5. Omar again pressures Fern to forget about Lety since she gave Marcia the letter. Fern answers, “It wasn’t her fault.” That’s his first glimmer of taking responsibility.

6. Marcia tells Ali about the meeting. Ali is jealous because Fern and Tom each gave Lety a company, and nobody gave her one. Marcia explains that Tom is just some chavo that manages FI. Ali: You mean he’s poor? I did all that, for free? M: Did you sleep with him? Another one falls very low.

7. At the airport, Pop tells Caro Lety has the highest morals and he doesn’t want her to throw that all away in Acapulco (too late!). Tearful good-byes.

8. Fern waits for Lety at her house. Pop tells Fern that Lety left DF. Tom says, “Don’t look for her. That’s what Lety says. I’ve told you twice now.” And it starts raining.

9. When Lety left the house she said, “I’m going far away to change my life. Above all I’m leaving to forget you.” She smashes his picture, trying to break free of him and says, “Fern hurt me yet again.”

10. Lety arrives in Acapulco. We see a shirtless guy in Daisy Dukes inspecting a ratty boat. Nice back!!! Later we see him throwing a fishing net. Not a hook, mind you, but a net.

Spanish Lesson
This is the jist of Fernando and Omar’s conversations.It actually spans three conversations.

O: Why’d she do this to us?
F: You really don’t know? She read you stupid letter. Isn’t that enough?
O: How long did she have it? Why did she wait until now to give us away?
F: She heard you decide to send her out of the country. What better revenge than to “unmask” us to the committee?
O: Where are you going?
F: To look for Lety. I called, but she refused to talk to me.
O: What do you want from her?
F: Do you know what she must think? That your letter is the truth.
O: Well it was! Even though NOW you’re in love with her.
F: I have to explain it all to her.
O: And Marcia?
F: She canceled the wedding. She wants nothing to do with me. And I don’t intend to ask her back. Y’know, maybe what happened was for the best. I couldn’t take the stress one moment more.
O: Marcia said you betrayed her intimacy. Do you think she knows about the romance?
F: No, if she wanted to do that, Lety would’ve put the letter in Marcia’s folder. And what’s it matter what Marcia thinks?

O: Lety left. Why do you want to look for her?
F: Por mi mismo (for me myself). For what I feel for her. For my emotions. Yeah, I know for you it’s a cursi because you were born without a heart. And to you, anything that comes from the soul is a cursi.
O: Are you hoping for anything more than forgiveness?
F: Yes. I need her with me.
O: Wait. You intend to continue the relationship?
F: Of course.
O: Are you nuts? Do you know what will happen here when they find out?
F: What else can happen? What’s left?
O: And Marcia?
F: We’ve all but broken up. I don’t have to explain to her what I do with my life.

O: What did Marcia say?
F: Lety showed her your stupid letter. What a perfect ending to a day like today.
O: But didn’t you tell her it was to save the company? It looks to me like Lety did it to tear you to shreds, and you still want to look for her?
F: Of course. It wasn’t her fault.


La Verdad Oculta #82: Loose lips sink ships

At Mario's, Gabriela heads out to her dad's apartment; and Abelardo heads out through now-David's bedroom to bring Leonardo back through the tunnel house. On the return through the tunnel, Leonardo points out that cyanide kills in about five minutes and learns it only takes about one minute to traverse the passage.

Once inside David's bedroom, they note a flashlight on the bedside table that becomes fingerprint evidence. At the prison, Ramón confirms from Marcos their suspicions that Garnica probably heard through him via Pedro that Juan José is wealthy enough to be an investor -- and a blackmail target.

Back at Mario's, Leonardo learns from an anxious and confused Édgar that he should be questioning maid Ramona about events of the previous evening. During the maid's inquiry, Leonardo hears about the partially drunken apple juice; and to his dismay that the maid just washed the pitcher. He wants her to come downtown and give a deposition.

Across town, Mauricio takes Elsa to meet Ulises, his hairstylist who owns her prospective apartment. Predictably, Ulises thinks they're both gorgeous -- but in need of a good cut. Elsa is tickled the lovely building is so small, with few apartments.

She is blown away by the beauty of the apartment -- and unfortunately the monthly rent of $20K pesos, too. But Mauricio tries to allay her fears; and as they sit companionably, Ulises muses that once they two are married, she'll be living in Mauricio's awesome digs, as he's the best architect around.

Back at Mario's, mystified Édgar is stunned when "Mario" enters the front door in the pink of health. Outside Mario's office, Abelardo admonishes Santiago for never being around and risking Adolfo learning he doesn't live there. Then he terrifies Santiago with news Roberto was killed with poison obviously meant for himself!

Over at Juan José's, Caramelo refuses to eat greasy street food Asunción brings home, having learned about healthy eating at school. But Chicles has no such reservations and digs in. At Adolfo's condo, Bertha enters furious at him for her ordeal that morning at her deposition.

When she wants yet another drink to calm her nerves, Adolfo warns her against losing control and saying something stupid. She resents his tone after she did him such a big favor; and he regroups and apologizes. Taking a frantic call from Édgar about the blunder at Mario's, Adolfo orders Édgar to the condo right away.

At his hanging up, Bertha observes crossly that things have changed with him: Adolfo used to be confident, but now he's insecure -- obviously disturbing Adolfo. Back at Juan José's, Caramelo plays with the infamous letter again, claiming she wrote it -- which Chicles derides as impossible since she can't write yet.

When he whisks it away, she threatens him with tattling that he stole the briefcase in Puerto Vallarta, and Chicles reluctantly returns it. Sad Asunción overhears Caramelo call Chicles a dummy for being illiterate -- and say matter-of-factly that she's going to live with Elsa and Mauricio without her uncle.

Édgar visits Adolfo in his condo office, relating the strange events that resulted in "Mario" still being alive, with apparently no other dead body anywhere! Adolfo is sure Ramona will incriminate Édgar in making the apple juice and instructs him to leave David's employ and go to a designated safe house to lie low.

Alejandra is astounded to learn about Roberto's poisoning during a visit to David's bedside. At Santiago's apartment, Julieta finally remembers to tell Gabriela she and Leonardo are a couple -- setting Gabriela off, frustrated that she's always the last to learn everything! Tomorrow she's going to grill "Mario" and Santiago together!

David phones then and also astounds Gabriela with the news about Roberto. Across the way at Juan José's, Asunción's concerned the police may suspect Juan José. When they argue Juan José shouldn't pick up Caramelo and irritate the situation, Asunción's satisfied to hear Juan José vow angrily she's going to return home to live with them.

At Adolfo's, he's disregarding his own advice and become a sloppy, talkative drunk. Yolanda enters, and he spills his anxiety to her. At David's bedside, when Gabriela assumes everyone hides truths from her because she's sheltered and can't handle situations, he maintains he's experienced -- and he can't handle everything either.

Gabriela declares she's going to take advantage of her training and help him manage the hotels and fend off Adolfo's advances, to which David insists he married her not only for her beauty but her intelligence and determination and will be the proudest guy when she does.

Back at drunken Adolfo's, he claims his failures are due to being surrounded by idiots! Yolanda points out it's his own arrogance and cruel domination at fault and that he should give up the life of crime -- unless he just wants to be the richest corpse in the cemetery. He has more money than he can spend in a lifetime!

They list out loud the heinous crimes Adolfo's committed; and he sweeps them away with a hand, lamenting he can't help it -- he can't help it! What can he do! Grabbing Yolanda, he shouts they are both the same! They two are in a pact with the devil. The devil! And up above on the landing, the noise has brought Bertha to listen at the railing.

With Abelardo and Santiago attending, Leonardo visits David's office to fill him in on the investigation; that they suspect now-missing Édgar and that hapless Roberto was collecting photographic evidence and got thirsty. David's furious as it becomes clear Adolfo intended to poison "Mario."

Bertha visits Yolanda and finds her with a hangover. Things don't improve when Yolanda learns Bertha overheard their conversation last night and fears for her life now. Yolanda repeats she warned Bertha to stay away from Adolfo and should still flee. The worst is: Bertha observes that Yolanda and Adolfo together are apparently hiding a very dirty secret.

In his condo, Adolfo takes a call from Garnica-associate Danté Sevilla and plans to meet him at the club that evening. Juan José visits at Mario's for David and runs into Alejandra, who is frantic to explain; but evidently she misunderstood. He never broke up with her, he clarifies; and they still love each other.

In David's office, Juan José reviews everything he knows to David and hands him the card from Roberto's luggage that has Susana's name on it, which they will give to Leonardo. They agree Roberto's inadvertent poison was meant for "Mario" -- and renew their determination to work together to bring Adolfo to justice!


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