Tuesday, February 15, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #213-214 2/15/11 El corazón manda.

Capitulo 213.
Read Julie’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

Note, I always try to keep these summaries under 20 lines. Today, forget it! I won’t even try!

1. Aldo tells Ariel he chose Conceptos for his project because of Lety and her capabilities.

2. Fernando steps into the vortex and Ariel tells him he stinks, so Fern wipes his stink on Ariel. When Sara recoils at the smell, Fern says it’s Ariel. Fern’s in a great mood now that he found the bag. In the boys’ room, Fern vaults the desk beautifully and nabs the chair. He tells Omar he plans to return the cards to Lety. Marcia’s in Lety’s office so he hides the bag and leaves. In the vortex he cradles it like a baby.

3. Omar tells Fern that if he wants to get Lety out of his system, first he has to get rid of the bag. Omar asks if Fern thinks he has any chance with Lety. Fern says she’s changed. From here on, he’ll work to get her out of his head.

4. Marcia tells Lety, “You broke your word. The cuartel knows all about your relationship with Fern.” Lety doesn’t know how they found out, but it’s a story she’s left in the past. Marcia asks if that means Lety’s forgotten. Lety repeats that she left it in the past. With this, Marcia knows Lety still loves Fern.

5. Marcia: They know specifics. They’re saying I broke the engagement because of you. L: Did you really cancel it because of me? M: What did you expect, after you showed me all Fernando’s cards? L: I didn’t want to show you anything. Remember, you wanted me to open that bag in front of the cuartel. I asked that we deal with it in private because you accused me of stealing. Did you forget that? M: Whatever! (IOW, yes, Marcia conveniently forgot that part of the story, and how dare Lety force truth to invade Marcia’s worldview?)

6. In the project meeting, Lety asks Fern if he’s met with Tom as she instructed. (IOW he begged for an office so he could help rescue Conceptos, but he’s not working a bit.) She hands out further assignments.

7. Ariel reports to Marcia that his office closed and he’s out of work. He was driving a company car, and he lost all his disposable cash in the failed venture. He needs an advance on his draw (it’s not really a draw, but I don’t know a better word other than the Spanish mensual). Marcia enjoys telling him he’ll have to ask for a favor from the woman he ridiculed and tormented since Day 1. She warns him not to look down on Lety. They’re in her hands, and she’s changed. Ariel’s sure she hasn’t, but Ariel hasn’t seen her in action.

8. On the phone, Luigi tells Ruli his faults.

9. Caro tells Aldo to be careful of his heart because Lety’s heart still belongs to Fernando. No Chicklets today. He says that if Lety is still stuck on Fernando, he’ll fight for her. He loves her, he wants her at his side, and he wants to dedicate his life to making her happy (whether she likes it or not).

10. Ariel invites Lety to dinner. He insists that they go out, and she insists that they meet at the office. See the original recap. There is an intense psychological between the two. (It reminds me of when my interrogator friends used to verbally spar. Boy, they were good!)

Capitulo 214.
Read Chapel Hill Fiddler’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Tom watches Ariel harass Alicia. He reminds her of his rich friends who could pay her well. She tells him to stop but he keeps going, so Tom steps in and yells at Ariel to shut up. Tom’s knees are knocking, but he won’t let anyone offend her. Tom asks Ariel if bullying women makes him feel like a man.

2. Ariel turns his abuse toward Tom, and Aldo steps in to defend Tom (not Ali). Ali gushes to Aldo for defending her and leaves poor Tom in the dust. Aldo tells Lety, “I want to talk about US.” Later Marica tells Ali that Aldo defended her because he’s a gentleman, not because he likes her.

3. Lety tells her diary that Aldo has become very special to her, while Aldo gazes at her picture and says, “Don’t you realize that I’m in love with you?” Lety says Aldo enables her to resist Fernando. She’ll keep trying until she can forget him.

4. Luigi complains to Caro about Ruli, but Caro suggests that his discontent is because of Aldo. Luigi says he thinks Aldo is the man of his dreams. Caro asks if Lui thinks Aldo feels the same. Lui says, “I’ll make him feel the same.” Gee, sounds like Aldo. Caro tells Lui that Aldo is in love with another woman, and she tries to tell him Aldo’s not gay, but Lui plugs his ears and hums.

5. Fern surrounds himself with Lety photos, Lety cards, and Lety peluches. He says he can’t possibly get rid of them because they are the memories of a beautiful love. It’s sad now, but it was beautiful.

6. Tom complains to Lety about Aldo stealing his victory. Lety says Tom’s only defect is that he wants Ali. Tom says, “El corazon manda – the heart rules.” i.e. you can’t order your heart around, telling it who to love.

7. Ali railroads Aldo into taking her to dinner, and everyone is stunned. Aldo insists on choosing the place. Lety tells Mama that it’s strange that Aldo would take out Ali.


Llena de Amor #129 (Mex. 134) Mon 2/14/11 Read ‘em and weep

Friday: The medium tells Fedra that the love of her life, who has a scar on his cheek, (Fedra looks rattled) has come back from the dead. Now we’re in Veracruz with a shot of the seashore and we expect Jose Maria Sevilla to rise dripping from the waves, toothless and ghastly, studded with barnacles and draped with seaweed. But instead we cut to a prison cell, where there he is, warm and dry, a little jowly with the years, and he is getting the news that he is finally being freed.

Awesome. But before we start, it’s Valentine’s Day as I write this and so first a little love note to my astonishingly talented fellow recappers, to the delightful commenters, and to Melinama for setting up this site where we have so much fun and telenovelafellowship. Long may we wave!

Back to our story…

Jose Maria has been in the lockup for 25 years for homicide. Howzit feel? the guard wants to know. JM says he feels like somebody with a death sentence hanging over their head who has suddenly been given a second chance. He tells the guard there’s nobody to call to meet him when he gets out, no family, nothing. But there was a woman, Juana Felipe….

That woman, in her Fedra incarnation, blusters to the medium (Angela, I think her name is) that it’s all lies, but the medium says the cards don’t lie and neither does she, but if Fedra wants to stop there….. Of course Fedra wants to hear more. And there is more, of course. This man from her past is coming back to stir up old embers; he still thinks of Fedra as his woman, and he’s coming for her and his son. Fedra protests that he’s dead. No, says the medium, but (holding up the death card dramatically) that is your fate. (It’s pretty much everyone’s fate; hardly worth paying for that prediction, but I guess here it Means Something More.)

At the big house, Ilitia tells Eman that she’d rather see him dead than in the arms of that other woman. He asks if that’s what she really wants, him not in love with her (Ilitia) while his heart is elsewhere? Ilitia counters that that’s the way it’s always been before, only it was Marianela, who at least was far away. And now instead of falling in love with Ilitia, he falls for somebody else. Tearfully she implores that she wants to stay together, it’s what she’s always dreamed of. He tells her not to hurt herself further, that she deserves somebody who really loves her. She says she’ll change, but he tells her she shouldn’t. Ilitia’s eyes are brimming with tears while she complains that that woman messed things up for them and that she hates her.

Eman tells her that Vicky isn’t the problem; they had problems before and that it was a huge mistake to marry. There will never be love between us, never. Ilitia reminds him how she helped him after his accident, and now he’s the only thing holding her up. Can’t he help her in return? He’s all she’s got. She doesn’t have a family any more – her father had a child with some other woman and Muñeca is not her real mother. He has no idea what it’s like to find out your whole life was a lie.

Yeah, I do, thoughtbubbles Eman. I wonder if Emil or that Jose Maria guy is my father.

The guard wants to know who Juana Felipe was, and JM smiles that she wasn’t his wife, but she was the woman who made his nights sweet and his days a torment. They have a manly laugh, but then the guard makes some comment about her being the type that’s just good for bed, and JM explodes, then finally admits that she wasn’t the type you’d want to parade around wearing a wedding ring. Ah, but she was my biggest vice, he says fondly, her and tequila. I’d give what’s left of my life for just a few minutes with her again.

So why don’t you go look for her? the guard wants to know. JM says She’s no longer among us. She had the best legs in Veracruz, you know. But the sea swallowed her up, her and my most faithful friend, Bernardo. They were my family.

The medium tells Fedra to take the cards’ predictions seriously, and Fedra scoffs extravagantly until the medium mentions fire and water, and tells her they were about to die in a shipwreck, but a faithful servant saved her, and the child she was carrying. Fedra looks sad and reflective, but a sudden wind blows the window open and the gauzy blinds billow out into the room, scaring her. She jumps up and waves her hands around frantically, saying she doesn’t want to hear any more

You are destined to engineer (labrar: to dig, as in to dig your own grave) your own death. This man from your past has come to sentence (sentenciar) you. No, protests Fedra. I kill my enemies, nobody kills me. I will beat that death you see there. Another blast of wind and Fedra clutches her giant purse to her. One thing I like about this show is the women actually carry purses. In other shows, we’ve seen purseless women walking the city streets in skimpy skin-tight outfits where even a folded bill would show, not to mention a coin.

At the police station, Mano is telling Oliver how Bernardo almost carried her/him off. Oliver promises that he’ll protect him/her, and Mano says the one they have to protect is Netty. Mano knows that Netty has been in love with Emil for years, but Fedra has an even worse reason to want to hurt her.

Brandon bursts in, telling them it’s time to work. He waves around a report from the people who are watching Garduño and Mauricio, and says Guess what! Lorenzo is in with them. He figures if they’re all over at Mau’s, they must be planning something. Mano suggests that he might be just the mole to send in. He’s a journalist, so nobody would suspect him. Oliver thinks it would be a bad idea, but Mano/Gretel, who as we know has a stunted sense of self-preservation, thinks he’s just the guy to help nab some baddies.

Bernardo is driving Fedra and trying to calm her down. She tells him the medium recounted her life like she was reading a book. Bernardo doesn’t believe that JM is alive; they both saw the fire and the explosions – nobody could have survived that. Bernardo scoffs and tells her to focus on the here and now, namely that Victoria has called her into a meeting. Fedra thinks he’s too familiar calling her Victoria, it has to be Victoria de la Garza, does he have the hots for her?

Fedra rants about Vicky being the instrument of Marianela and probably Gretel too. No matter, she’s tougher than the three of them put together.

Oliver is having a fit about Mano/Gretel going to Mauricio’s, but she thinks she can pretend to be doing an interview about an up-and-coming entrepreneur. She says that Kristel is about to marry the jerk, and that’s her sister after all, let her do something to save her. Brandon likes the idea and tells Oliver that the two of them can protect her.

Lorenzo comes in, furious, brandishing his cane and saying he came to talk to Brandon.

At Muñeca’s, she is comforting Ilitia who tells her that Eman wants a divorce and has never loved her. What did she do wrong? Muñeca tells her sometimes there are things that are out of our hands, and that she hopes that Ilitia will find a new love.

Ilitia points out that her mother never left Lorenzo. Muñeca says that was for her before, and for Christian now. Ilitia observes that Muñeca never stopped loving Lor, even if she denies it, and it’s the same for her. Anyway, Eman has a lover, she caught them together. Muñeca is shocked, then tells her that Lor has a lover.

After that impactadafest, we join Lor himself, who is telling Brandon that his little jewel Ilitia deserves a man of her own class, not scum like him. Brandon, unruffled, says she did marry just the right guy, but he’s not making her happy, and it’s not his fault she’s chasing him. Lor takes a fit and Brandon tells him to lower his voice, or he’ll yell louder. Oh, yes? yells Lor. YES! yells Brandon. Oh, YES? yells Lor. YES!! yells Brandon, even louder. Lor stops, stunned.

That was like watching water buffalo bulls bellow. Anyway, it’s over and Brandon says he’s not interested in frivolous women. Lor, insulted, comes at him, swinging his cane, but Brandon grabs him by the lapels and tells him he could have truckloads of women like Ilitia, because he’s a good guy and knows how to treat women, not like Some People.

Lorenzo retreats to the door, and tells Brandon he doesn’t want him within 100 feet of his Ilitia, or he and his family will disappear like (he snaps his fingers) that! Like Begoña disappeared? asks Brandon. Lor counters that that was Garduño’s orders, and then look, Brandon let him out of jail!

Brandon scoffs that he’s not buying, and what’s more he knows that Lorenzo is hiding something and that he and Mauricio work for Garduño, so he’s going to threaten back: He’s not going to rest until the three of them are in prison.

Oh, you’re just acting brave because you have that badge on, says Lorenzo, shaken but trying for some bravado. Step careful, says Brandon in warning, and Lorenzo, shaken, leaves.

Carmen, Eman’s secretary, has brought MariVicky some papers and asks MV not to tell, or she’ll get fired. MV promises that her job is secure. She leaves and MV looks at the papers for half a second. Not only she is the artistic director, but apparently she’s a speed-reading business whiz as well, because she tsks that Carmen was right, and what Lorenzo is doing to the agency is pure theft.

She picks up the phone to dial, but Eman lets himself in. She reproaches him for not knocking, then lies that she was talking to Marianela. That clams him up. She pretends to say goodbye and hangs up. Eman sits down and says he had wanted for so long to talk to Marianela, but now he realizes he doesn’t care.

He wants to know if MV told Mari what happened between them. Of course not, says MV, but I bet you blabbed all over the office about your big conquest. Of course not, says Eman, taken aback. What happened between us was pure magic. (How did MV get to be so good in the sack that Eman is talking about magic? She’s slept with a man only twice in her whole life, and it was the same man. I guess some folks have natural talent.)

MV scoffs that he probably says that to all the girls. He says he’s serious, so serious in fact that he asked Ilitia for a divorce.

Now we’re back with said rejected Ilitia and her mama. Ilitia is shocked that Lor has yet another lover. He just had Christian with Begoña not that long ago – is he out to populate the entire planet? Muñeca tells her a medium told her. Ilitia tells her she should have spent the money on a purse instead – they’ve always known her father was a womanizer. Muñeca says she thought things had changed, they had a few wonderful nights, but apparently she’s not enough and never has been.

Leave him! says Ilitia. You leave Eman! says Muñeca. Don’t change the subject, says Ilitia. Muñeca says she wants to stay for Christian like she did for Ilitia and she asks if Ilitia felt she had a happy childhood. Yes, very happy, says Ilitia. Muñeca points out that Ilitia and Eman don’t have children, so that’s not a problem. Ilitia’s not giving up – MV has no idea who she’s dealing with.

Manzanita and Christian come in, and right away Muñeca coos over Christian, not paying attention to Manzanita. But Ilitia does because she has a sudden brainstorm. She calls reluctant Manzanita over and sits her on her lap and pets her, saying Eman adores her.

Eman is still blathering on about his big love for MV and tells her how he never loved Ilitia. Love fled when Marianela left and now it’s returned with her. MV flashes back on drunk Ilitia faking that she and Eman had nights of passion.

Looking at him icily, she tells him that they will never have a future, and to get ready because there’s a meeting soon. Why are you doing this to me? he asks, and, braving the ice storm, he takes her hand and tells her he’s going to bring her to where she can love again. He leaves.

I guess we ought to cut her some slack. She thinks Eman is lying to her about his relationship with Ilitia, she thinks Ilitia needs him to help her recover from rape, and, the knottiest problem of all, she’s cheating on herself. All these things might make a girl testy. Still, I’m struggling to be sympathetic when I see those cold eyes.

Eman runs into Fun Guy Jorge in the hallway. Jorge starts off by telling him the shoot was great, but soon they are posing and preening about who can offer MV more. Jorge tells him to stay away and Eman tells him he’s asked Ilitia for a divorce, so there. Oh yeah? says Jorge. Marinela just asked me for a divorce and I’m going to fight for MV’s love, so the playing field is even. This shuts Eman up. Jorge warns that he’s not un enemigo fathil, which somehow doesn’t come across as threatening. Apologies, Spaniards one and all.

At the pension, Brandon reads a letter from Consuelo telling him she’s gone home with her son. Netty and Gladiola reproach him for leading her on, but he swears he was very clear and honest with her. They tell him that the little boy looked sick with something.

Just then Netty’s manager/lawyer Eugenio walks in the always-open door and announces to all of them that he can prove that Fedra falsified the papers that signed all of Eva’s money over to herself. Jubilation!

Kristel bursts into Lorenzo’s office and his eyes go soft with lust. But too bad, she’s just there to ask him if it’s really true that Mauricio and MV have something going. Lor says he didn’t actually see anything, but the rumors are flying around, and it’s obvious MV has the hots for him. Kristel is furious at MV, and Lor strokes her hair and lightly kisses her neck, telling her it’s not too late to get out of her wedding. Kristel swears that Mau’s the only man she’s ever loved, not just physically, but with her heart and soul, and she wants to be married like a princess to him and live happily ever after until death to them part.

He’s nuzzling her and telling her there are things a man like him could teach her when Fedra comes in and is livid to see them together.

Eugenio tells breathless Netty and Gladiola that he’s a great lawyer, if he says so himself, and he managed to unearth the documents about Mari’s inheritance that were said to be lost at the government offices. In fact, he found out that the judge in Fedra’s pay hid them in his own office, information he was able to discover because the judge’s secretary (a lady) is a friend and ahem, thinks highly of him. Brandon is stoked – this will mean that Mari can get her house, and Fedra can get her jail cell.

At the big house, Paula tells Delicia and Nereida that they have to clean the house top to bottom in preparation for Kristel’s wedding. Nereida is unhappy, but Delicia swoons over the idea of a wedding. Nereida reminds her that Axel dumped her for Lorena, but Delicia just smiles deliciously. Nereida leaves and Paula tells Delicia not to be so transparent. Delicia throws her arms around her and tells her she’s going to marry Axel.

Mano is trying to get his wire into his shirt and Oliver is very worried. Mano says Kristel may not be the greatest human being on the planet, but Mau is a crook and he/she has to save her. Oliver still isn’t convinced.

At the agency, most of the principals are getting ready to go into the meeting room, but Eman is staring gloomily at MV’s door because she’s in there talking to Jorge. Inside, Jorge asks her why she’s crying if Eman has asked for a divorce, and she says she ought to play dirty with Ilitia like Ilitia did with her, but she just can’t bring herself to. Besides, she knows that Ilitia was raped, and also that she stayed by Eman’s side after his accident and where was she? Not there because she was mad due to his mother.

Don’t be so hard on yourself, says Jorge. MV says for her, no matter what Ilitia did, Ilitia is a person who matters to her and she just can’t bring herself to steal Eman from her. I’m so stupid! she tells herself. Jorge tells her that those ideas make her such a splendid exemplar of humanity and that’s why he’s in love with her. He’s at her feet, he wants to make her forget everything in his arms.

Yes, he actually said that stuff. Anyway, he kisses her and just then Eman and Mau, who’s not to happy about Jorge being with her either, come into the room. Jorge and MV look uncomfortable.

Lor and Kristel try to explain to Fedra what was happening, but tells her daughter hands off. In this delightfully comic scene, Kristel puts together an elaborate story about how she tried to convince Lorenzo to break off with Fedra because she was cheating on her daddy. Lorenzo assures Fedra that Kristel couldn’t talk him into it, no way. Kristel continues that she had another idea – to give Fedra the idea that Lor was after her (Kristel) so that Fedra would be so mad, she’d dump him. Neat huh? Fedra looks very skeptical.

Lor asserts that he’s always thought of Kristel as a daughter, nothing else. Steely eyed Fedra tells Kristel that she’s done everything for her happiness, including letting her marry Mau, so why can’t Kristel do the same for her? Kristel says okay, but pretends that it’s just killing her to have her father cheated on. She sweeps dramatically out of the room, while Lorenzo looks after her with a small smile of admiration. Then he turns to face the formidable Fedra.

Back to MV’s office, where both Mau and Eman look outraged. Mau, who I though was one of the shareholders and was going to go to the photo shoot, yes? demands to know who that guy is kissing MV. Boy, is this guy out of the loop. Eman sarcastically introduces him as a man in love with MV but married to Marianela. Mau tells MV she’s really horrible to be messing with the husband of her best friend. Look who’s talking, says MV.

Mau says some more insulting stuff and Eman shoves him out the door, then tells MV that he just told her he’s asked Ilitia for a divorce and here she is kissing on Jorge. MV coolly tells him that she and Jorge have a long history and that doesn’t change overnight. Eman reminds her that she told him she didn’t want to be the other woman, yet here she is being the other woman in Marianela’s marriage. MV gives the weak argument that Eman is cheating himself on Ilitia, but she gives it with her usual cold conviction, then tells him to re-think his divorce because (stop me if you’ve heard this one) there can be absolutely nothing between them.

Outside the meeting room, Mau is annoyed and Kristel, flush with her recent mama-duping victory, arrives. Mau explains that Mari’s husband is there and he’s aggravating. Kristel guesses that he must be a real yucky guy who couldn’t do any better than a fatty, but then she spots him coming down the hall with MV and Eman, and her eyes pop. She sweeps forward to introduce herself as a R y de T, and a top model, but Mau yanks her back.

In the kitchen, Delicia tells Paula she wants her to teach her some really good recipes. Paula is worried that Delicia’s going to be hurt like she was, but Delicia isn’t worried and Axel comes in and puts his arms around her and says he’s going to make her the happiest woman in the world.

Back at the office, Lorenzo’s line about how Fedra has matured so fabulously is working. She wants to get amorous, but ouch! His knee! His back! She wonders what’s wrong with him. She promises him more delights, but the others are at the door for the meeting so they jump apart.

Everyone sits and Lorenzo asks MV why she called this meeting. She goes around handing out copies of something, and calmly said she found out somebody has been stealing quite a lot of money over the past 10 years. Lorenzo, in fact.

Avances: Mau tells MV she’s his. Jorge looks lustfully at the ad footage. Mau tells Jorge to stay off his territory (I think) and Jorge gives him a light thlap on the face, which Mau follows with a slug on the shoulder.


Triunfo del Amor #31 2/14/11 ¡Feliz día del amor y la amistad! Yeah, right.

Padre Juan Pablo’s heart seems to be in the right place. It really does. But all he can do is throw empty platitudes at Victoria’s anguish over the fate of María Magdalena. Hey Juan Pablo, wake up and smell the sulfur! Victoria’s not making it up. The fate of this particular María may not be Bernarda’s fault. But tu mami really is the devil!

And speak of the devil – there she is, sporting yet another of her ghastly pleated stand-up collars, this one in bruise purple. Damn you, Victoria, she snarls, you should have died the day I ran you down! Now I’ll have to stay closer than ever to Juan Pablo to protect him from you!

Victoria’s not buying what JP’s selling. She knows St. Bernarda is not sorry. And one day she’ll pay for what she has done. But right now, Victoria doesn’t understand why the moment of her longed for reunion with her daughter left her oddly unmoved:
No sentí esa llamada de la sangre que tanto esperaba.(I didn’t feel the instinctive closeness/‘call of the blood’ that I expected).

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d say una llamada al laboratorio de la genetica would be in order. But not Victoria. She’s too busy wallowing in guilt. And she’s worried about how she’s going to tell the family, especially Osvaldo.

If she’s concerned that Osvaldo may feel betrayed when he learns of her past, well, she needn’t be. Right now Os is squandering all his moral capital revolcándose with LindaHo.

At the Casa Sandisfuncional, the FerBeast picks up the single red rose from her pillow, the one left by the jardinerito. She smiles a little as she inhales its fragrance, then assumes her usual scowl. She walks outside and sits on the steps. Max follows her and asks her why she looks so down. Is something wrong? (¿y esa cara? ¿Te pasa algo?). When she answers that she’s upset because ScuzzBoy hasn’t called, Max tells her she deserves better than him. [Although frankly, I don’t think she does.] Back at you, brother, she says. That María Desamparada that you’re seeing – I can’t stand her! It just so happens, he tells her, that she’s the woman I love. And the woman I’m going to marry.

FerBeast insists she loves ScuzzBoy. If her mother disapproves, it’s because she’s a snob. Max corrects her: he doesn’t love you. They say when your Prince Charming (principe azul) kisses you, you’ll know it’s love.

Cut to el mismísimo principe azul, o sea Cruz, (Prince Charming himself, that is, Cruz) doing his rake dance in the garden below.

And Max delivers the money line:
Te va a hacer florecer tu corazón como esa rosa que traes en la mano.(He's going to make your heart blossom like that rose you're holding in your hand.)

To Fer’s complaints that her mother is unfair with her and very bossy, Max replies that she’s just trying to protect her children. And like all parents, sometimes she makes mistakes. But they still owe her love and respect. Sometimes, says Fer, I get the feeling she doesn’t love me, that I’m not the daughter she hoped for. Max reassures her, and gives her a brotherly hug.

And Cruz rakes on.

At the Casa de Modas, the models do their runway clump clump for Victoria. They leave and there’s a sudden chill in the air, then a whiff of brimstone – it’s Bernarda, there to gloat at Victoria’s misery. She’s not surprised her long-lost daughter is an immoral creature just like her mother. That’s the punishment for seducing a man of God – a child who has lived in filth!
Shut up! says Victoria. [Yes, do!!] But unfortunately that evil maw keeps spewing hate, telling Victoria she ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Don’t threaten me, says Vic, or I’ll tell the whole world that JP is Magdalena’s father. Replies Bernarda: You don’t know what I’m capable of doing to protect my son’s honor. [And she does something interesting with the final ‘r’ in ‘honor’ – it’s a trill with a guttural sort of aspiration, like it could easily be carrying a spitball. I’d keep my distance if I were you, Vic.]

Back to OsvaldHo and LindaHo. What excuse did you use to get away? she asks. He whines that he didn’t need an excuse. Nobody cares what he does.

The merry elves of the barrio – Milagros, Don Napo and JuanJo -- are getting ready for the Fireman’s Day festivities. Cruz is invited too. JuanJo looks forward to this chance to show off his new girlfriend.

The audience gets a preview of that show: the camera lingers on LindaHo’s thong-clad bottom as she leans over OsvaldHo, still tangled in the sheets and still whining that no one cares about him, especially Victoria. If I were your wife, smiles Linda, I’d treat you like a king. I’d pamper you (mimar), I’d spoil you (consentir) all the time. That sounds like a sweet deal to OsvaldHo. Maybe we should live together…

María is telling Nathy that she feels bad that she and Max are going behind Victoria’s back. The conversation is interrupted by a call from Nathy’s mother asking for money to pay for dad’s medicine. Nathy has no cash. She’ll have to see about getting a loan.

After the phone call, she explains that her dad is very ill and the family is needy but she resents her mother’s assumption that because she lives alone, she is expected to come up with the money. Meanwhile:
Mis hermanos se hacen patos.
(My brothers (and sisters) act like they don’t know what’s going on.)

María D won’t let Nathy get away with her mild grousing. Just be grateful you have a mother, she says earnestly, one who took care of you and loved you all your life. You’re right, says Nathy. It’s just so hard when I’m still a student. I can’t wait to finish my degree and start my career.

And back in the boudoir -- where another roomie's career is well underway -- we and LindaHo exclaim in unison:
¿Estás hablando en serio?(Are you serious?)
It turns out he is and he isn’t. He wants to rent a little hideaway for them. But he can’t abandon his family. His children need him. And he still loves Victoria and he’s not about to leave her.

At the Casa de Modas, María joins Max in his office. Smoochies. Well, it is Valentine’s Day.

Guillermo at home: It’s kind of like the set of Masterpiece Theatre in its heyday or would be if Alistair Cooke were a sleazebag and wore a white bathrobe on the show. Triumphal brass in the background. Gui is reading Othello’s speech, the part just before he murders Desdemona (Act V, Scene II):

It is the cause, it is the cause, my soul,--
Let me not name it to you, you chaste stars!--
It is the cause. Yet I'll not shed her blood;
Nor scar that whiter skin of hers than snow,
And smooth as monumental alabaster.
Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men.
Put out the light, and then put out the light:
Apaguemos la luz y después apaguemos su luz.
[Actually, I thought we had Gui pegged as Iago, not Othello. But speaking of Shakespearian references, what’s with snide reptilian Mrs. Pedro as Ofelia? Ximena should be Ofelia! But I digress…]

Anyway. Enter Ximena who should be Ofelia. She’s lost the beret but now she’s caught scarf fever and has a long, black number that looks a bit risky to wear around a creep like Gui. They kiss. She pulls away. I was a fool, she says. How could I leave Max for someone like you? Because, says Gui, you are as perverse as I am and you love danger.

At the office a messenger hands María D a small white envelope. Alas, it’s not a valentine. The anonymous note inside says:
María Desamparada, aléjate de Max. Si no, se entera la sra Victoria de la relación que mantienes con Max.(MD, stay away from Max. If you don’t, Mrs. V will find out about the relationship you have with Max.)

A messenger leaves a similar envelope on Victoria’s desk.

Pipino and Toni are goofing on the mannequins when María walks in and, eyes brimming with tears, shows Toni the note.

Xi is still with Gui. I just came to tell you it’s over, she says. So go, he says.

Now Victoria opens her anonymous note:
Sólo quiero informarle que su modelo “consentida” mantiene una relación sentimental con su hijo Max.(I just want to inform you that your favorite “pet” model is having an affair with your son Max.)

A day late and a dollar short: María shows Max her letter and tells him he needs to be the one to tell his mother about their love before she hears it from someone else. He’s on it.

Victoria, having read the poison pen letter, is indulging in a good old-fashioned berrinche in front of her faithful sounding boards, Toni and Pipino:
¡Max tiene que casarse con Ximena y con nadie más!(Max has to marry Ximena and no one else!)

Toni tries to reason with her. If she tries to keep the couple apart she’ll lose her son and her best model. Well then, says Victoria, I’ll have to bring Ximena and Max together somehow. She is the right girl for him: cultured (educada), considerate (atenta) –
-- pero sobre todo con una gran calidad moral!(But above all, of the highest moral caliber!)

These telenovela writers do love their ironic segues, don’t they? Cut to Xi and Gui. He tells her: You can’t live without me; I’m like a drug in your blood. Then lots of heavy breathing.

Max’s neck is naked! No scarf, no ascot, no tie. He and María are in an idyllic garden somewhere. Smoochies. Vows of love. It’s a perfect place and there are no witnesses, says Max. Replies the sweet, but prim even in passion María:
Solamente Dios será nuestro testigo.(Only God will be our witness.)

Oscar is driving in the city and talking on his cell phone to Victoria when he glances at the car in the next lane. Yikes! It’s Linda and Os osculating:
¡Osvaldo tiene un amante!(Osvaldo has a lover!)

OsvaldHo shows LindaHo their love nest and explains the rules again. She has a little flare of temper but quickly settles down and accepts the idea – for the next five minutes at least – that it’s their little refuge but he can’t live there with her.

At Casa Sandisfuncional, Cruz can’t figure out why Micaela seems to be so mad at him. Turns out she’s mad at his gender. Don’t make me tell you about the Mister, she says. So you know about that too? answers Cruz. (Remember, both of them have seen Os and Linda together). The worst of it, says Cruz, it that the woman he’s fooling around with is my cousin’s fiancee.

Os and Linda are closing the deal. He presses some money on her (una mensualidad, a monthly sum like a salary or an allowance). She makes a big show of turning it down but greedily fingers the bills behind his back.

At home, the FerBeast is trying to talk to ScuzzBoy on the phone but Cruz’s singing is drowning out the conversation. Scuzzy has a pretty low tolerance for frustration, it seems. He gives up and ends the call. The FerBeast is mad and when Cruz shows his face, she slaps it. This, apparently, is what he was hoping for. You know the price of a slap, he tells her. Then her pulls her close and kisses her. Fer’s friend Gaby walks in and catches them in midsmooch.

A bloodied and beaten but still ticking Papa Padilla crawls home. He stains the nice new furniture, the pig. Padilla tells ScuzzBoy they have to pay the loan sharks or else. Time to sell the watch he stole from Fer.

Fer has Gaby as a witness that Cruz has been forcing himself on her. (And actually, he has. In the real world, he’d be in a whole lot of trouble, the FerBeast being a minor and all. But anyone who thinks we’re in the real world just hasn’t been paying attention!) She’ll tell her parents and he’ll get fired. He’s willing to leave right now. Uh oh. That’s not what FerBeast wants. And it’s not what Gaby wants either.

Gaby has heard about his singing and asks him to sing for her. She looks at him adoringly as he begins:
♫ Florecita de mi vida ♫
♫ Eres dueña de mi amor♫
(Little flower of my life, you’re the owner of my love).
And the FerBeast looks on jealously.

Oscar has arrived at the office and goes straight to Victoria. He can tell she’s been upset lately and offers his shoulder to cry on. It’s Oscar, isn’t it?

Victoria looks up with a start. Why? Have you heard something? she asks.

At Bernie’s No Fun at All House: Our suspicions are confirmed. Eva and Fausto are out to get Bernarda. We need to find proof, says Eva. No, says Fausto, I’m sure Doña Bernarda killed them! But Eva wants to find evidence among Bernarda’s belongings.

Bernarda sees them together and wants to know what they are whispering about. Are they conspiring against her? She doesn’t trust anyone. Well, maybe Fausto. But Eva is still on probation.

We left poor Oscar sitting with his foot stuck in his mouth. Luckily for him, Victoria is distracted by a phone call from OsvaldHo. He surreptitiously removes the offending appendage and slips away while Victoria is saying: As long as we’re together and we love each other, everything can be resolved.

Bernie goes to the church looking for JP. The older priest tells her JP is probably visiting that girl. Lately, he’s been obsessed with her.

Yup. Juan Pablo and the other María are together. She doesn’t understand why he’s there. Or that fancy lady who thinks María is her daughter – what does she want? She admits to JP that she had trouble with the law in the past. She stole some clothes and went to jail for her crime. María, assessing JP’s pained expression with unexpected shrewdness, says: Don’t tell me you’re looking for a lost daughter too?

Bernarda, who has been lurking in the doorway and listening to the conversation, now bursts into the scene and says with a sneer:
Y si así fuera, ¿qué? ¿Te molestaría?(And if that were the case, so what? Would it bother you?)

Sweet William in a kayak.


La Verdad Oculta #105: Édgar and Valentín conspire to double double-cross the bosses

Carlos learned of his parentage and ran straight over, Gabriela tells incredulous David; and now Santiago must hear she has a half brother, too. At Santiago's, already privy, he admits to Gabriela that his time-burnished idealized image of her mother was mistaken, as he recently also found out.

Julieta enters, and Gabriela reveals she must change her poor opinion of Carlos now that he's family. Across town at a bar, former pals henchmen Édgar and Valentín re-encounter each other over the restroom urinals. Back at Santiago's, tearful Julieta hears that Roberto killed the maid and Carlos is as much a victim as they.

Julieta's horrified that Carlos must realize his father killed his mother; and the girls now appreciate Santiago's sheltering them through the years. At the Mirador bar, Carlos and Juan José tie on an excellent one, courtesy of limes and the bottom of several tequila bottles.

Juan José toasts his dear mother in heaven and sympathizes with Carlos's tragic lack of one, whereupon Carlos amazes Juan José with his new relationship with Gabriela, which old one fortunately never went anywhere. Even though Carlos was crazy about Gabriela, he assures Juan José nothing occurred between them.

When they toast that happy happenstance and that life is good, even if they're poor but honorable, Carlos objects. No way does he want to be poor: he always loved money! And when Juan José assures Carlos he can help him a lot around the Mirador, ever ready Carlos dares to ask if perhaps he doesn't have something even better?

Back at the cross-town bar, Édgar and Valentín discover they have things in common: family they need to take care of -- and nasty bosses, who coincidentally also have an operation in common. At Alejandra's, she and Asunción agree to use informal address together over their mutual worry at Juan José's lateness.

They're concerned to hear from the office that he and Carlos took off early; and Asunción is glad Juan José has Alejandra now. Back at the bar, the two henchmen hatch a plan to engender distrust between their bosses by way of a frame-up robbery and make off like bandits with the spoils -- with no one the wiser since they ostensibly don't know each other.

Jorge admires Dora's comfortable but modest hotel room, noting they could afford to live in luxury for a month on the money David gave her. Jorge intends to make sure Dora stays there until she's back at home with David; he won't lose much being away from his little pastime of a shop at home. He's enjoying being with Dora now.

Later at Alejandra's, she's frantic at not raising Juan José at David's or anywhere and is just about to phone Leonardo, when suddenly the strains of mariachi trumpets waft through the curtains. Peering over the bedroom balcony affords her a view of two drunken, happy men, belting lyrics and backed up by a full roving orchestra.

At Adolfo's penthouse, in supposed consideration of his health, Dante aggravates him by offering to make Édgar talk; but Adolfo needs the jewel information too badly for ham-fisted methods. Back at Juan José's, Alejandra is relieved the boyz are alright and makes Carlos stick around to sober up before leaving.

Asuncion stumbles out from bed, and Juan José sings Carlos's praises to him. Back at Dora's hotel cafeteria, Jorge opines David could set Dora up in a nice business like that; and she asks him to check tomorrow what happened with the letter she wrote.

Next day at the women's jail, Mauricio reassures Elsa she's a good person when she frets she must have done something to deserve her terrible luck; she earnestly apologizes for her past indifference toward him. Mauricio reminds her he'll always be by her side as they join hands against the dividing interview room glass.

Elsa's distraught for Caramelo to hear her jail status will send Caramelo to social services. Meanwhile at Juan José's, the social worker emphasizes Alejandra's good reputation doesn't change Juan José's. And since none of them can manage to meet the legal requirements, despite good intentions, Caramelo will go to an orphanage.

In a restaurant, Jimena urges Bertha to hurry and marry Adolfo as soon as possible to become rich when he cacks. But Bertha's still pondering the horrible effect hearing of their impending marriage had on Carlos; and though Jimena insists Bertha should forget Carlos, Bertha isn't convinced.

Juan José and Alejandra have a plan when they visit David, Gabriela -- and Abelardo at Mario's. Meanwhile out on the street in the city, Dora takes Jorge on a double-decker bus tour and plans a rooftop luncheon with a view. Back at Mario's, Juan José and Alejandra delight Abelardo with the idea of him being Caramelo's temporary guardian.

Abelardo views it as an honor and a pleasure. On the tour bus, Dora dives under the seat in irrational horror of being seen by someone at the Mirador as they pass. At Mario's, David and Gabriela also love the idea of Abelardo's guardianship and insist that Abelardo move into the house with them there at Mario's.

Jorge is really loving being back in the city; and Dora is ecstatic, too -- especially considering that in the short time David's known she's his mother, he's given her enough love for a lifetime. In the kitchen at Mario's, joyous Abelardo's singing and whipping up a sumptuous feast for everyone's lunch.

At the rooftop restaurant, Jorge astounds Dora explaining he phoned and learned the letter she wrote was successful in its mission to put Adolfo in a fit of anxiety -- and in the hospital, in fact. At Dante's, he charges goon Carmelo to make Édgar confess the location of Gabriela's shoes, while conspiring Valentín listens attentively at the door.

And back at Mario's, the family is just enjoying Abelardo's feast at the dinner table when suddenly Gabriela spoils the mood asking "Mario" for a photograph of her mother.


Monday, February 14, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #211-212 2/14/11 El Divino as Dumpster Diver, El Domensaín as Detective

Capitulo 211.
Read k-Fuego’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Lety thanks Aldo with a hug. He stands close and asks if Lety’s heart is still broken. She hides behind the desk, folds her arms in defense, and admits that it still hurts to be near Fernando. He changes the subject, so she’s safe to come out from behind her desk. Again he moves in close, she turns away, and he takes her arm and turns her toward him again.

2. Inches from her face, Aldo asks, “Do you believe that Fernando never loved you?” She runs behind the desk again and says she doesn’t want to talk about it because it hurts too much. He pushes, she begs him to change the subject, and he pulls her out from behind the desk. He can’t stand that someone would hurt Lety like that. He moves in for a kiss and the phone rings.

3. Fernando broods outside Lety’s office.

4. Marcia hears the cuartel discuss how Marcia must feel, losing her man to a fea. In the vortex they look at Fernando with scorn. Marcia is sure Lety told the witches everything. Lety tells them to stop spending so much time in bathroom meetings.

5. Aldo asks Caro if it’s possible that Fernando really loved Lety. Caro says no way. If he loved her, he wouldn’t have done such awful things. Aldo says that he acted genuinely jealous.

6. Fernando discovers that the bag of cards is gone, and he’s gotta’ find it. Omar steals the comfy chair. Fern says to himself, “Even if Lety doesn’t care about those memories, I do,” and he heads outside. Meanwhile Lety says the same thing and determines to recover them, but Caro interrupts.

7. Lety tells Caro that she’s glad for Aldo’s help. She’s getting used to Aldo rescuing her. His food project saved the day. “He’s an angel fallen from heaven.” Lety continues that even seeing Fernando makes her feel awful.

8. Tom watches while Ali practices throwing herself at Aldo. She takes Aldo out of Luigi’s meeting to ask him out. Luigi finds Tom l’eavesdropping on them.

9. The US embassy calls for Fernando, but he’s out. Sara sends Saimon to find him.

Capitulo 212.
Read Alma’s original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando digs through the trash to find the bag of cards. He defends his trash from the janitors.

2. Tom tells Aldo that he doesn’t like him because he’s guapo. Aldo does “Sassafrass-afrass-afrass” like Tom and it’s funny! Tom says the guapos are the source of all the world’s ills, and no one ever discriminates against guapos.

3. Saimon finds Fern, who tells him they’re not barhopping anymore and Saimon can’t call him “tú.” Fern says he’s looking for important papers he lost. Saimon says Fern is above that; Saimon will dig through the trash for him. But when Saimon picks up the first bag, Fern rips it from his hands and holds it like a voluptuous woman.

4. Tom gives Ali new stockings, but she throws them in his face. Ariel harasses her about her stockings and gives her money but she refuses it. She goes back to Tom and orders him to give her the stockings.

5. Fern needs to find those cards. They are the witness/evidence (testigo) of their love. He finally finds the bag and hugs the stuffed toy saying, “Lety, mi amor, finally we’re together again.” Meanwhile Lety tells Caro that Fern threw their cards in the trash. That says that to him, their relationship belongs in the trash.

6. Lety fantasizes that Fernando brings a card, reads it to her, declares his love, and begs forgiveness. Meanwhile Fern reads the same card to himself. He’s stung by his own words, “I’m more convinced than ever, of my decision to cancel the wedding.” If only he would’ve. Lety tells Caro she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be able to forget him.

7. Ariel steps into Luigi’s meeting. Aldo tells him about the project, and asks if Ariel thinks that Lety is the only one at fault in the loss of Conceptos. Ariel abruptly tells him to mind his own business.

In honor of Valentine's Day, here is a bright red heart formed by Alicia's dress and her, um, assets.


Eva Luna #70 Fri 2/11/11 "Beware of the Screaming Banshee"

Eva makes her debut and announcement. She’s the new owner and president of the company. Daniel is shocked, Marcela is pissed and Victoria is confused.

Francisco proposes to Marisol that they give their marriage a go.

Eva is being interviewed by the press as she’s walking to her dressing room. Suddenly Victoria appears like a screaming banshee asks her what right she has being their? You are a freaking thief, you should be in jail. Eva’s bodyguards ask Eva what to do, but she says let her make a fool over herself. Victoria tells Eva that things are not going to be this way. She will not stay with everything. Eva smiles, says “Excuse me” and leaves with the bodyguards pushing Victoria out of the way. A photographer tries to take a picture of Victoria but she slaps the camera away and storms off.

Eva goes into her dressing room and congratulates herself.

Marisol decides it’s not a good idea. Francisco asks about a divorce. Marisol asks why? Are you thinking of getting married? Well, yes replies Francisco. Really says Marisol. Because I am going out with someone and we’re thinking about getting married. They bid adieu. Francisco realizes he doesn’t know where she lives and tries to run after her, but she’s gone. These two idiots just keep lying and lying. When will it stop?

The press wants a statement from Daniel. Everyone fawns over Marcela. She yells at everyone to leave her alone. Nobody wants to talk to the press. Employees are gossiping.

Victoria wants to talk to Eva and demands the bodyguards open the door. They refuse. The screaming banshee aka Victoria says I’m the owner, open it now. Press all around taking pictures and recording everything. The bodyguards again refuse her entrance. “Idiots” she yells and leaves. Leo comes around the corner and runs into Victoria. About time idiot. Can you explain to me what is going on here? What we were all expecting replies Leo. The return of Eva. The dressing room door opens and Eva is led away. Victoria tries to follow, but Leo pulls her back. Victoria asks where Daniel is. Then runs off. Leo sneaks into Eva’s dressing room.

Eva is led outside to a waiting car and runs into Daniel.

Leo the perve smells an article of clothing left by Eva. He says “Finally you have returned Eva.” Nice surprise isn’t it says Alicia who is right behind him and caught everything. BUSTED!! Is their another surprise I don’t know about?

Daniel, what a nice surprise says Eva. Did you come to congratulate me publicly? Daniel says we need to talk right now. A lady from the press asks for a picture of the two of them. Eva obliges. She tells Daniel that she can’t talk right now and heads to the waiting car. Daniel follows and begs to talk to her. Eva again says no and leaves. Victoria finally finds Daniel outside and wonders why?

Back in the dressing room with perve Leo and Alicia. What are you doing w my sister’s things asks Alicia. With a stupid look on your face. As if she had broken your heart. Don’t say dumb things replies Leo. What are you talking about? It’s so obvious replies Alicia. What, do you think that I am in love with your sister? That I’m going to leave you for her asks Leo. No! yells Alicia. I don’t even want to think about those things. Let me give you some advice says Leo. It’s best if you don’t think about nothing. Nothing at all.

Marcela goings nuts in her office.

Ricardo and Adrian tell Justa that Marisol did wonderful singing. They also tell her about Eva.

Eva returns to the house and tells Tia Miranda and Julio about her evening.

Ricardo asks Justa why the mention of the company Eva now heads affected her. Because I use to work their with Julio as his assistant.

Julio tells Eva there is more to do. Eva knows and promises they’re going to win. So what’s next? The second part of our plan replies Julio.

Justa tells Ricardo that she’s happy she didn’t go to the event. It would have brought up to many unhappy memories. My mind if full of Marcela. Eva has to watch out with that woman.

Marcela vows to destroy Eva.

Eva tells Julio that she saw Daniel. How did it go asks Julio. He tried to talk to me replies Eva. What did your heart say asks Julio? I completed our plan, but my heart stayed here with my son. Good!!! says Julio.

Deborah wonders what is going on. She has a strange feeling when she’s around Eva. Something that binds them together. Her eyes remind her of her and her daughters. She recalls an incident where she bumped into Eva in the street. My god, have you finally put me in the same path as my daughters? Alicia comes up crying. They both stare at each other.

Daniel recalls the first time seeing Eva on stage. He mutters out her name and Victoria the screaming banshee overhears. She comes up to him and asks what is he going to with the past that has just presented itself tonight? Just like I thought. You doubt. What are you talking about asks Daniel. I’m clear that what I have with that woman is war (Guerra). But you just stay quiet. Did you not forget that she robbed from you, that she cheated on you and that she left you at the alter and ran away with your money. Unfortunately, no I have not forgotten about that replies Daniel. Well then why are you not saying how much you hate her? Why are you there re-living the moment she reappeared asks Victoria. Because your still in love with that woman. Don’t say that asks Daniel. Then tell me that I’m wrong says Victoria.

Eva gives Tia Miranda more details about the evening. She still feels love for Daniel. You still don’t believe that Daniel killed your father do you asks Tia. My heart says no, but my head says yes.

Daniel tells Victoria to stop. In your eyes I can tell that the story between you and that woman hasn’t ended. How do you suppose I will be able to sleep with you tonight asks Victoria. What are you trying to say asks Daniel.

Tia wants to know about Alicia. Eva tells her that she put on her make-up and she’s really proud of her. Tomorrow starts phase 2 of their plan.

Deborah asks Alicia why she’s crying. Nothing replies Alicia. Then Alicia recognizes her as head of a prestious company. Blah, Blah, Blah.

Renata welcomes the loving family. She soon finds out that Eva has returned. Marcela goes into her room with Deborah and says she has to finish Eva off. And you’re going to help me right? Deborah says well…. Marcela doesn’t hear any of that and says you promised to help me.

Victoria comes in looking for her mom. Renata tells her that she’s in her room in a terrible state because of that woman. It’s so awful. What’s so awful is Eva. And I’m going to eliminate her as soon as possible. Leo comes in and Renata exits. Victoria asks Leo his opinion about what has been going on. Right now I can’t believe this is happening replies Leo. Me neither agrees Victoria. So let me know what you think? What’s going to happen? Leo swears he doesn’t know. Right now just wait and see. Well I’ll tell you one thing replies Victoria. If she tries to take Daniel away from me, neither you or anyone will stop me from killing her.

Daniel thinks about happy times with Eva and then when she left him at the alter and the pictures Leo showed him of Eva and him together. Why? Why did you do this to me when you knew I loved you? Now Eva is thinking of Daniel. The houseful of flowers he sent and dancing under the stars. Then finding out he is the one that killed her father. Eva vows to make Daniel pay for killing her dad.

Celebration for Marisol’s first singing debut. In comes Alicia to rain on the parade. She tells everyone she’s here to pack. She will go into more details later. She heads to her room with Tony following. So are you moving in with that rich guy? No answer. Tony threatens to tell Eva that she’s kicking it with Leo. Alicia doesn’t care and leaves. Ricardo talks about Eva and Marisol wants to know what’s going on. JoJo comes to pay a visit to Marisol.

Daniel asks Victoria how her mother is doing. Not well. We barely could talk with all the rage she’s in. Victoria warns Daniel to back up the family and not Eva.

Marisol and JoJo celebrate.

Jackie and Francisco talk about Eva news.

Marisol warns JoJo not to talk bad about Eva to her because they are friends. She use to live at the pension. Wow replies JoJo. It’s such a small world. It is replies Marisol. When I was leaving I ran into Francisco.

Francisco tells Jackie he ran into Marisol.

JoJo wants more details. I felt anger. I told him I wanted him out of my life. I no longer wanted to hear another of his lies. Well done replies JoJo. But tell me something. Are you sure you didn’t feel anything more. Well. No. Maybe. Yes. Nostalia.

Nostalia. You know Francisco after everything that has happen; I can’t believe that you would feel nostalia. Well, yes. That’s the way it is. And if I can be frank. Perhaps more says Francisco. Even though she has treated me bad, I feel that she loved me.

JoJo points out that this past year she should have forgotten about him. That’s true, but then we would now be divorced.

Marcela reads the paper and finds out that everyone knows she’s no longer president of the company and goes nuts. She throws things off her desk and dresser.

The happy family Villanueva is eating breakfast. Laurita wants to know if Eva is come over for a visit. Victoria sarcastically tells Laurita how can she ask that? Doesn’t she know that Eva stole from her dad? Well I don’t believe it says Laurita. Well it’s true replies Victoria. Jackie brings the phone to Victoria. Renata is on the other end and tells Victoria that her mother has gone crazy.

Daniel and Victoria arrive. They rush to Marcela’s room and find Leo there trying to reason with her. Leo finally breaks down the door and is confronted with Marcela with a pistol in her hand. Leo begs Marcela to drop the gun. She then points the gun and Daniel and blames him and Eva’s accompliance. Finally Daniel is able to get the gun away from her and Leo grabs her. Victoria tells Daniel all this is Eva’s fault.

Jackie tells Francisco that she can’t believe he still is thinking about Marisol. Francisco wishes he knew where she lived. Laurita says I know. Jackie gives her the evil eye. Then it dawns on Francisco with some glues from Laurita that Marisol lives at the pension. Jackie stomps away and Francisco wonders out loud what is up with Jackie. Laurita spills the beans and tells him that Jackie is completely in love with him.

Everyone is in the living room trying to make sense what just happened. In walks Eva. She has come to take possession of her house.

Francisco wants to know how Laurita knows Jackie loves him. Duh. My the way she serves you your coffee, your meals and the way she looks at you. And it really bothers her when you talk about other women. So don’t’ go to her and tell her I told you.

Victoria tells Leo to call the police. So they can arrest the thief who stole $25,000 from her husband. Eva says yes call the police. So we can clear up a lot more things. Victoria is about to go after her, but is pulled back by Leo and Daniel. Victoria says then I will do it myself and leaves. Eva turns to Renata and tells her that a chauffer will be arriving shortly with her family. As of today they will be living with her. She needs to prepare two rooms for them. And she will have Don Julio’s old room. Renata protests. Eva says this is my house. If you don’t like it then gather you things and leave my house immediately. Leo pipes up and tells Renata it’s best to do what she says. For the time being, my father left her this house. Fine replies Renata. I will do what you asked. Oh and another thing says Eva. You will address me as “usted” and not “tu”.

Victoria finds out there is no warrant out for Eva’s arrest.

Leo tells Eva that as of last night she has impressed him and couldn’t get her out of his mind. You are more beautiful then ever. Thank you, Leo replies Eva. I just want to let you know that you can stay. You were good to me before I left. I can’t believe you says Daniel. I offered you my love and you betrayed me. You, Daniel, are false and a liar replies Eva. Victoria storms in and says that she can’t believe it. How did you make the warrant disappear? I didn’t do anything replies Eva. It was Marcela. That’s not the truth says Victoria. I’m going to talk to her now. Leo stops her and tells her that their mother is not feeling good. Eva says so I had that much of an affect on her. Suddenly Alicia, Tia Miranda and baby show up. Victoria can’t believe that the make-up lady will be moving in. Eva clarifies things by telling her that Alicia is her sister. Victoria asks Daniel why didn’t you tell me. Leo asks Eva about the kid. Eva informs everyone that it is her son.

Monday: Marcela tries to hit Eva with a statue and Eva throws her out.


Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mujeres Asesinas 3, Thursday February 10: The case of the suspect suspicions…settled.

Tonight Aislinn Derbez is Martha, Manipuladora (Martha, the manipulator).

Martha watches her mother, Teresa, go into her nightstand for a pair of scissors, then start begging her stepfather, Alberto, not to leave. Teresa threatens not to kill him, but to kill herself, and her wrist looks like it has old scars. Alberto smacks Teresa around some, and when Martha takes the scissors, he dares her to kill him.

Teresa sits in the interrogation room and says "I killed him, I killed Alberto." Moran gives Capellan the 411: "Divorced, 44 year old, born in Argentina, but living in Mexico since 1994, married the second time to Alberto Alarcon--the victim, history of psychiatric problems." The whole time, she's sitting on the other side of the glass, rubbing her hands and saying she killed him.

Teresa wakes up, griping at her husband for being up so early and being dressed so well for a Saturday. He laughs and says it's Friday and he's already late. Somehow, this leads her to believe that he's cheating on her. He says he doesn't have the time or desire to argue with her today . She asks him again why he looks so handsome and where he's taking the "piruja" (whore) he's going out with. He ignores the question and says it's late and he has to go. She complains that he never has time for her and doesn't love her. He's still finishing getting dressed as he says he does love her, and she says he doesn't, etc. Finally, he pulls his shirt aside to reveal a scar and says "If this isn't love…."

Three years before…Alberto sits out on the patio with Martha and Hernán. Hernán asks where his suegra (mother-in-law) is. Alberto says she wasn't feeling well and she went to lie down.

Actually, she's inside, in the kitchen yelling at a "mocosa altanera" (high and mighty brat) that she's "harta" (tired) of something I can't make out because she's screaming so loud. The young girl she's yelling at backs away and the maid comes to her defense. Teresa accuses them both of lying to her, "just like everyone else does!" Oh, "mentiras" (lies), that must be what she's tired of.

Hernán asks Martha if she doesn't want to check and see why Lorena hasn't come out yet. She agrees, but doesn't look very enthusiastic. The guys start talking business.

Teresa is angrily explaining to Lorena (aka, the mocosa altanera) that her father is cheating on her with any woman who crosses his path. "Haven't you seen the way he looks at your sister?" The maid says she's his daughter. "No she's not!" Lorena says she might as well be--he raised her. Teresa is convinced he's liked her since she was little. Lorena calls her crazy. I don't disagree with that, but you're in a kitchen and there are a lot of potential weapons around, so please don't bait her! Martha comes in to see what's going on and Teresa grabs a knife out of a drawer, holds it up to her wrist and says "Confess or I'll kill myself!" Martha says she doesn't know what Teresa is talking about. Lorena helpfully chimes in "She says dad likes you!" When Martha starts "Dad…" Teresa insists again that he's not her father. Hernán comes in and Teresa tells him that his wife is trying to steal her man! Alberto comes in as Martha is saying that Teresa is having a "crisis" (just what it looks like, except you say it "creesees") and Hernán says he'll go call the doctor. That leaves Martha standing next to Alberto. "Look at them, see how good they look together! You're not gonna steal my man!" She starts to go after Martha with the knife, but Alberto gets in the way and gets stabbed for his trouble.

Back to Alberto looking at his scar. "If this isn't love, I don't know…" he gets muted out, but I think his lips were saying "que carajo es" which would mean "what the fuck it is."

Capellan walks through DIEM's shiny new computer area (does anyone else get the impression that the crew is so excited about their new sets that they're having people walk around and have conversations in random places just so they can show it off?) and runs into Gerardo. Gerardo smugly hands her a folder and says he doesn't think there's a lot to investigate. "Teresa stabbed her husband 3 years ago. We have her confession, her mental state, her daughter's statement, the presence of gunpowder on her hands. And besides, she'd tried to kill him before, Sofia." Sofia says that doesn't mean she did it. "With all due respect…" "With all due respect, I'm going to keep investigating." She sashays back out of there in her swishy little printed skirt with her "I'm a hot, powerful woman who can throw your ass in jail" leather jacket. She and Gerardo totally need to hook up, but I'm afraid he's not man enough for her.

Back in her office, she shows Martha and Hernán a picture of Alberto's scar. Marta says her mother did it. "She stabbed him with a knife. She didn't kill him this time." It wasn't a very deep wound and they did what they'd done several times before--had her admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She'd been admitted 4 or 5 times before for one or two months at a time, depending on how she was when she got there. Martha looks at the picture again and says "We should have done something. Poor Alberto. Now I'll never see him again." This sets Capellan's Spidey senses a'tingling.

And now for an episode of "Bizarre and Somewhat Inappropriate Workplace Conversations":

Gerardo: Camila, puedes venir un momento? (Camila, can you come over here for a minute?)
Aranda: Dígame, doctor. (What's up, doc?)
G: Cuantos años tiene usted, teniente? (How old are you, lieutenant?)
A: Usted debería de saberlo, doctor. Tiene acceso a todos los expedientes. (You oughta know, doc. You've got access to all the records.)
G: Y vio bien a la victima? (And did you get a good look at the victim?)
A: Digo, la vi…lo que se dice bien? Dentro de lo que cabe, lo vi…muerto a balazos. (I'd say, I saw him…what you'd call well? Within limits, I saw him…dead from a gunshot.)
G: Y le pareció interesante? Un hombre guapo? (And did he seem interesting to you? A handsome man?)
A: Era un cadáver, doctor Trejo. Que, no tiene limite? (It was a dead body, doctor Trejo. What, don't you have any boundaries?)
G: Estoy haciendo un trabajo estrictamente y puramente policiaco. Digo, ya se que era un cadáver, pero…imagínalo con vida. Usted vio fotos de el, muchas. Te pareció, le parece, un hombre guapo, atractivo? Hasta para una mujercita de su edad? Que si se cual es, eh, aunque no lo crea. (I'm strictly and purely doing police business. I say, I already know that it was a dead body, but…imagine him living. You saw pictures of him, lots of them. Did he seem, does he seem like, a handsome, attractive man? Maybe even for a young woman of your age? And I do know what it is, eh, even if I don't believe it.)
A: Bueno, si, me parece que en vida el Señor Alarcón fue guapo, es bastante guapo, con un cuerpo moldeado… (Ok, yes, I think that in life, Mr. Alarcon was handsome, is very handsome, with a chiseled body…)
G: Bueno, ya, ya, ya, no es para tanto. (OK, enough, enough, enough, I don't need that much information.)
A: A donde quiere llegar, doctor? (Where are you trying to get to, doctor?)
G: Teniente, usted tendría un romance conmigo? (Lieutenant, would you have an affair with me?)
A: Usted sí no tiene limites! (You really have no boundaries!)
G: No se ilusiones, es puramente policiaco. (Don't get your hopes up, this is strictly police business.)
A: Muy bien, bueno, pos no. Jamás tendría una romance con usted. (Very well, ok, well no. I would never have an affair with you.)
G: Por mi edad? Hasta cuantos anos tiene que sacarle un hombre a una mujer para que lo considere…un rabo verde, o un viejito? (Because of my age? How many years does a man have to have on a woman before you consider him…a pervert or a dirty old man?)
A: A donde quiere llegar? Porque, sabe que, estoy un poco ocupada. (Where are you trying to get to? Because, you know what, I'm just a little bit busy.)
G: Es que, para un hombre tan guapo, exitoso, con dinero, termina con una loca así? Por que mejor no se va con una… (It's just that, for a man so handsome, successful, with money, to end up with a crazy woman like that? Why didn't he just go with a …)
A: Por amor, doctor! (For love, doctor!)
G: Eso carece completamente de fundamentos científicos. (That's completely lacking in scientific foundations.)
A: Entonces? (Well then?)
G: No se. No se. (I don't know. I don't know.)
A: Con permiso. (With your permission; excuse me)

That's the kind of conversation that gets the whole office sent to sexual harassment prevention training.

Martha comes to Alberto's office and gets introduced to his secretary as his eldest daughter. Alberto also corrects his secretary that she's "señora" (Mrs.) and not "señorita" (Miss) because "ya se me casó" (she already got married on him--it's that taking it personally construction again, the same way cars break down "on you" or people die "on you"). Martha came to invite him to Hernán's birthday dinner tomorrow. He pretends not to know who Hernan is, ja ja ja. He suggests, since she said she wanted Hernán's birthday to be a good time, that they send Hernán and Teresa out to dinner together alone and the two of them go have fun. Cause between Teresa and the boring Hernán, he's already dreading it. He does agree to go, though. He offers her a drink, but she was just stopping by long enough to invite him to dinner. He walks her out of the office and innocently kisses her on the cheek before she leaves. A smarmy guy in a turtleneck comes over and tells him he's liking them younger every day. Alberto just laughs. Okay, if not for the fact that Teresa keeps accusing them of being together, I don't think I'd be reading anything into that. It's all very vague.

Aranda is hanging out with Lorena, the younger sister. She asks who Lorena is texting. "Daniela, a friend. I'm telling her what happened." And she does know what happened, she says. Aranda says she doesn't seem too bothered. "Do you understand that you father is dead?" "Aja." "Your mother could go to jail." "Aja." Lorena refuses to go around crying and screaming like her sister Martha. She gets teary, but struggles to hold it in. "Do you know when I've been the calmest in my life? When my mother was in the psychiatric hospital. So if she goes to jail, that will be even better, right?" "Did your mother ever attack you?"

Teresa digs into her wrist with the point of a knife, then starts kicking at the dining table yelling "Come out from there!" Lorena is hiding underneath. The two of them start screaming at each other, Teresa saying that Lorena's dad is cheating on her with Martha, and Lorena saying that she's crazy. "I'm not crazy! I'm the only one in this house that knows how things really are!" Teresa grabs a box of matches and some alcohol from the sideboard and starts splashing alcohol on the rug and on Lorena, yelling, "You want to do the same thing she does! You want to take him away from me! I won't let you steal him from me! I didn't raise two daughters to be a pair of whores! I'm going to kill you, you hear me?! Whore! Whore!" Holy. Crap.

Gerardo shows Aranda the two bullets that were extracted from the body. She says there's one problem. Ballistics checked out the gun and it wasn't fired twice, it was fired five times.

"Five shots?" Capellan repeats. Gerardo confirms that he only took 2 bullets out of the corpse. Aranda requests permission to have the trajectory of the shots figured out so she can look for the other 3 bullets. Capellan smiles at her, "Shouldn't you have done that already?" Aranda leaves to go get it done. But before she goes, Capellan asks how Mrs. Alarcón is doing. Since Aranda reports that she's calmer, so Capellan asks to have her moved into interrogation. Gerardo says he's got a previous stab wound and she's got 3 missing bullets. I guess he thinks the score is in his favor. Capellan just grins at him and nods.

Capellan starts interrogating Teresa. Teresa says that Alberto is dead. She says she killed him, but it almost sounds like a question. Capellan says she's trying to figure that out and asks if Teresa really can't remember anything about what happened. "We argued. He made me mad. He always made me mad. But it was Martha…she's the one who…It was Martha's fault. Martha and Alberto had an understanding." Capellan reminds her that they're talking about her husband and her daughter, Martha. "Yes. Alberto isn't Martha's father. Martha is the daughter of my first husband. Alberto isn't her father. That's why she took him away from me." Capellan says her daughters have said she's obsessed with this topic. "I'm not obsessed. I'm sure. As sure as I am that the baby she's carrying is Alberto's and not her husband's." "Why are you so sure? Do you have proof?" Teresa says she does. The person who told her is never wrong. "Madame Marion. She's never wrong." Oh, this just keeps getting worse and worse!

Madame Marion reads Teresa's Tarot cards. The Queen of Coins is Teresa (a mature, wealthy woman who shares her wealth). The Devil is the next card out, but Madame Marion says it could mean a lot of things in that position, so she reads on. "Here's your husband" the King of Coins (a powerful man). "And, oh, you've got a matrimonial crisis!" She lays Temperance (a need for moderation) over the King of Coins. "I can't tell you who it is, but the Tarot doesn't lie, and the Tarot says that you know who it is," she says, pointing to the Hanged Man (divinity, knowledge). Judgment (does exactly what it says on the tin) is laid out to the right of the Queen. Madame Marion says she can't tell her if the other woman is going to take him away and that there's some confusion (sitting to your left, there, Madame). She can't interpret it well, because there's some bad, negative energy (again…to your left!)…. Teresa yells at Lorena, sitting in the other room, to get out of there, please. Madame tells her to calm down. "Does her name start with an M?" Madame pulls another card, Death (the end of something, but not necessarily a death), and nods. Just for the sake of reference, The Devil can signify being chained to an old idea that keeps you from being healthy.

Outside the interrogation room, Gerardo says to Sofia, "Madame Marion? Sofia, por favor!" She shrugs and walks off.

Alberto, Lorena, Marta, and Hernán are having dinner together. Hernán is holding a baby. Marta asks him to put the baby to bed already, since he looks tired. She gets Lorena to agree to go with Hernán and help him change the baby's stinky diaper. When they're gone, Alberto asks her what's wrong. She says she's worried about her mother. "Because she didn't show up? She's at an appointment with Madame Marion." "Again?" Alberto says she's been making appointments with her behind his back. They both know that seeing Madame Marion messes with Teresa's head. "All she does is get money out of her and fill her head with nonsense." "Well, with the new pills they're giving her, she goes to bed earlier and gets up later."

Teresa gets up out of bed.

"We've never been so happy, right? Something else is going on with you and it's not necessarily about your mom. What is it?" Marta says Hernán got offered a better job, but they'd have to go to Monterey. She won't go. "Why not?"

Teresa is sitting in a corner of the kitchen crying that he's cheating on her with her own daughter and she knows they're together right now! The maid finds her and tries to calm her down, but Teresa insists that the maid is being deceived the same as she is. Teresa demands that the maid call Alberto and demand that he come home or she'll kill herself.

"You don't care if I go to Monterey?" Alberto says it's not that he doesn't care, but if it's about her well-being. She rushes around the table and grabs his hand, saying "I would never abandon you!" Their faces are pretty close together. Lorena comes in and Alberto and Martha turn to look at her, but they don't let go. "I would never leave you and Lorena alone with my mom. I wouldn't leave the two of you for all the gold in the world!" She hugs Lorena.

Teresa is making shallow scratches on her arm and shouting "I'm going to kill myself!" while the maid tells whoever answered the phone at Marta's place what's going on.

Alberto gets his jacket on to leave and turns down Hernán's offer to call an ambulance. Alberto and Lorena leave and Hernán rubs Marta's arms briefly, before she walks away.

Lorena comes running into the kitchen and calls to her dad. Alberto comes in and tells her it'll be ok. Toña, the maid, reports that she scratched her arm. Alberto asks if she cleaned it with alcohol and what the pretext was this time. "The same as always." He thought she was sleeping, but it's the same stupid shit as always. He roughly tells her to get up and starts dragging her to her room. He tells Lorena to call Daniela and ask for a ride to school. "I'm not going to be able to drop you off or pick you up tomorrow, and your mother will be asleep all day." Lorena says she will and watches him dragging her mother out as her mother keeps smooching on him, half-drugged out of her mind. "How long are you going to keep doing this?" he asks.

Lorena tells Capellan that her mother would do that every so often. "Aren't you worried about who you're going to live with now? That is, if your mother ends up in jail?" She figures she'll live with Marta, Hernán and the baby. Sounds like she maybe has a little crush on Hernán.

Alberto gives Teresa some pills, but she accuses him of wanting her drugged out so he can shag her daughter. Alberto says he wants her to feel better and well-rested. He reminds her that the company party is tomorrow night and she was supposed to go with him. She sounds pathetically grateful about going out with him, but he says that Martha and Hernán will be there too. He's getting an award and he wants the whole family to be there. Lorena will stay home with the baby. "Oh, so you're inviting Martha, but not your own daughter?" He says it's a grown up party and Lorena will be bored. Besides she's too young. "Young. Pretty. Both my daughters? I can't believe you're doing it with both my daughters?!" He tells her to calm down, she's his daughter. Teresa cries. Alberto says she's really going to kill herself the next time. "If you let Madame Marlene in the house again, I'll kick her out." "I'll kill you first. I'll kill Martha, and then I'll kill Lorena and your bastard too."

Capellan tells Martha and Hernán that she's trying to find out what set things off. "My mother is a sick woman. What more do you want to know? She's been that way for years and nothing out of the ordinary happened." Hernán said a lot of things happened at the party.

Martha and Hernán hand the baby off to Lorena. Alberto comes in and Martha says he's looking good. "I suppose my mom's not coming?" Teresa comes down the stairs, laughing, and says she supposes wrong. Hernán tells his mother-in-law that she looks beautiful. "See? Some men still want me!" She flirts with Hernán. Martha says maybe they shouldn't go. Alberto says no way, they're all going. "No, let her. If you don't want to you, I'll go with my husband and yours. You take my husband away from me and I'll take yours away from you." Alberto asks Marta not to pay any attention to her and let's go. Teresa tells Alberto he's looking very handsome. "Isn't your father handsome?" she asks Lorena. Lorena grins and says he is. "Well, you're too young for him." OMG, every time this woman opens her mouth it just keeps getting worse! This is psychological torture, constantly accusing your 13-year-old of wanting to sleep with her own father! And I have yet to see any of Martha's "manipulations," even though Capellan seems to suspect something. Martha takes the baby to say good night, then carries him over to Hernán so he can say good night to his daddy. Teresa pulls her over and says, "no, no, to his daddy" and pulls the baby over to Alberto. Argh! This woman! Alberto tells Teresa that she's a "pesadilla" (a nightmare).

"My mother-in-law had this obsession" Hernán tells Capellan, while Martha looks at him, horrified.

People mix and mingle at the company party. Smarmy guy greets Alberto and Teresa, then stupidly says he didn't realize that Martha was Alberto's daughter. Teresa has been allowed to drink (Why? For the love of my sanity WHY?!!!) and says, "Well, daughter, stepdaughter…I'm sure they're something more, though I don't know what." Alberto asks her if she'd like some fresh air, but she'd rather dance with Jaime, AKA, smarmy guy. Alberto (WHY?) lets him take her. Hernán offers to get drinks for Martha and Alberto.

"Do you know how long it's been since Alberto even took me down to the corner?" Jaime asks if he can tell her something, with all due respect. "Your daughter is so beautiful." YOU'RE. NOT. HELPING! She gulps more champagne and says the younger daughter is beautiful too.

Alberto accepts congratulations from another coworker, who also wishes him luck. Martha wonders what that was about, but Alberto says he'll tell her later. "I'm worried about your mother. She won't stop threatening."

Teresa has finished her glass of champagne and tells Jaime that she's feeling sick and can he get her another glass of champagne. Insert silence and a blank stare on my part. In what universe do those two concepts connect logically in that order?

Alberto and Martha are standing really close together and he's very quietly telling her that Teresa has threatened to kill her and the baby. Teresa comes over and shoves Martha away, asking what she thinks she's doing. A predictable scene ensues. The guests get a free show. Martha and Hernán leave so they can check on the baby. Jaime takes the floor and calls for a toast to Alberto. He announces that next week, he's going to open a new office in Bogota. Teresa gets faint and Alberto calls for a doctor. Martha, who apparently hadn't left yet, tells Alberto he's going to be sorry.

In the car, on the drive home, Teresa is falling asleep and Martha is half curled up in her seat, teary eyed. Alberto is sneaking glances at Martha in the rearview and Hernán is just looking sad and confused.

"I think your mother wasn't the only one surprised and angered by the news." Martha angrily demands to know what it was supposed to matter to her if Alberto left or didn't leave. Capellan says she's out of line. "You have no idea what my mother has done to all of us." She leaves and Hernán starts to follow her, but Capellan asks for a word with him. Martha wonders what more she could want to know. Hernán stays behind.

Capellan takes her fancy schmancy DIEM folder in to see Gerardo. He jokes that she's bringing him Madame Marion's testimony. He looks in the folder and says "This is illegal! You can't ask for a paternity test without the permission of at least one of the supposed fathers." Well, Hernán signed the authorization.

"Why not put your doubts to rest?" Hernán says she's got a point, and signs the paperwork.

"The baby is Alberto's son. After all, his wife wasn't so wrong." Gerardo says that's only more of a reason for her to have killed him. Capellan admits it was a low blow not to have Gerardo run the test, but she was right. Capellan calls to Aranda to get "Mrs. Alarcón's" daughter in there (though she didn't say which one) and an order from the judge to test for gunpowder residue. Gerardo reminds Capellan that the results have nothing to do with the murder. She wiggles the folder at him and walks out.

Capellan hands Hernán the test results and he cries. She walks out of her office and takes the gunpowder tests from Moran. She smiles and thanks him, saying this was the missing piece.

Teresa and Martha are both sitting in the interrogation room when Capellan walks in. She asks Teresa if she's sure she killed her husband. She is…no, wait, she's not. "I didn't have a gun. I had scissors. I don't know where I got the gun from." Martha says it was in the chest of drawers where Alberto kept it. "But how do you know that?" Teresa says Martha was there. "What were you doing in your parents' bedroom?" Martha said she helped Alberto get her mother upstairs because she was drunk.

Alberto and Martha help Teresa up the stairs. Martha shouts down to Hernán to go to Lorena's room and get the baby ready. "Ready for what?" "Ready to go home, what do you mean for what?" He complains that it's really cold, but she tells him to just do what she says.

Capellan asks if Martha and Alberto talked about anything specific. "Yes, I complained about him leaving. He'd be leaving my mother alone." "No, you were demanding he not abandon you." Martha calls her crazy. "No, I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. If you want, I can tell you everything that happened."

Teresa is sacked out on the bed. Marta is telling Alberto "Everything I've done for you? And now you're going to abandon me?" Alberto says what they've been doing is wrong and someone has to pay for it. Martha asks if their love and their son are wrong. She starts desperately kissing him and saying she loves him and begging him not to leave. Teresa wakes up and says she knew it. Martha shoves Alberto away and tells Teresa, "You don't know what your husband did to me!" Teresa says she knows he got her pregnant. "And do you know how? He raped me! He threw himself on me and attacked me!" Alberto gets pissed off and demands she tell her mother the truth. "Tell her you've been after me since you were a girl! Do you want to know the truth? You've demanded the truth from me many times, so no, I didn't rape your daughter, she's been my lover for a long time." Martha says the baby was Alberto's and they had the baby because Alberto said he didn't like Teresa anymore, because she's old and crazy and sick and made him sick. Alberto says they're both nuts and yeah, he's a piece of crap, but the two of them have been good company. Alberto starts to go and Martha demands that Teresa do something. She grabs the scissors and we get a repeat of the scene from the beginning. This time, we see what happens after. Martha gets the gun out of the drawer, puts in in her mother's hands and screams at her to kill him. The first three shots miss.

Aranda laughs at Gerardo and says she thought he was flirting. "I was trying to convince myself that things weren't as they seemed, and I didn't want to think Capellan was right." He says it's being confirmed right now in interrogation. "I made a mistake with you, Lieutenant. Because the question wasn't why a man like Alarcon would put up with a crazy woman like that." "For love. I wasn't wrong." "The question was 'for what'…to stay close to the woman he loved, and his son."

Capellan asks, "Then what did you do?" Martha says she didn't do anything. "My mother had a gun in her hands. What did you want me to do?" Capellan points out that Teresa was in no condition to fire the gun and she didn't even know what it was. "You're the one who opened the drawer and put the gun in her hands." "That's not true." "What did you do when you realized your mother had botched her shots? You wanted to keep the father of your child from leaving you." "I don't know what you're talking about." "I have a paternity test. Your husband authorized it." "Hernán?" "You fired the gun. There were five shots: the last two, the precise ones, you made. You have gunshot residue on your hands. Do you want to tell us what happened?" "I killed him because I loved him. I'd loved him since I was a girl. He was the father of my child. I sacrificed myself for him and to be by his side and to protect him from this crazy woman. And what did he do? How did he repay me? He wanted to go to Columbia and abandon me. He broke my heart. Well, I destroyed his heart, too."

Martha takes the gun away and shoots Alberto twice in the heart. The bloody butterfly flies away. Martha turns to the camera.

"Martha fue condenada a 25 anos de prisión, acusada por homicidio en primer grado, con todas las agravantes. Su madre permanece internada en un institución psiquiátrica. Hernán Carrasco se divorcio de Marta y obtuvo la patria potestad del pequeño Alberto. Solicito también la tutoría de Lorena. Ambos menores llevan sus apellidos y los educa como a sus propios hijos."

Martha was sentenced to 25 years in prison, convicted of first-degree homicide, with all the aggravating factors. Her mother remains interned in a psychiatric institution. Hernán Carrasco divorced Martha and won custody of little Alberto. He also requested guardianship of Lorena. Both minors carry his name and are raised as his own children.

Next week: Premios Juventud. Mujeres Asesinas will be back on the 24th.


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