Friday, March 11, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #249-250 3/11/11 ¿Me dijo Don Fernando? (Did you call me DF?)

Capitulo 249.
Read k-Fuego's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Teresita tries to convince Fern to stay. See the transcript. He tells her that he resigned so Lety might stay. Lety won’t believe him, and he has no way to show his love is true. MamaT gets an idea.

2. Ali thinks Ariel will be the next president so she asks to be his assistant. He tries to pimp her but Tom punches Ariel in the face. Alicia fusses over Tom.

3. Marcia says they need Fern to stay to be president, or Ariel will sell off the company. MamaT says Fern needs Lety – they make a good team. Marcia needs to accept that Fern’s never coming back to her. MamaT knows she loves Fern; is she willing to sacrifice for him and for Conceptos? Everyone’s future is in her hands.

4. RoboPop assures FrostyPop that Lety won’t resign, and she’ll give everything she’s got to save Conceptos. Ali tells Tom she’s evicted. He says he’s not rich and can’t pay five months of back rent.

5. Marcia begs Fern to stay and be president. He refuses and says she should convince Lety instead. She’s the best for the company. Marcia says he’s already lost Lety. He should stay here with those who genuinely love him. She says if he goes he’ll ruin the company. He says he ruined it long ago.

6. Caro bumps into bitter Omar at the gate. He says that Conceptos makes him sick, and she suggests that it’s the other way around.

7. Marcia’s finest hour. She tells Lety (paraphrased), “After Doomsday, Fern confessed that he loves you. You left, he couldn’t find you, and he wanted to die. After his other affairs, he always returned to me. But after you, he never touched me again, nor any other woman. The night he left me, he was very clear. He loves only you. I’m telling you this because I love him and want the best for him.” Six times, Lety tried to tell Marcia she’s staying, but Queen Marcia shut her up. See what bad manners can cost you?

8. Aldo sells his restaurant, and we hear that he’s selling his house and boat too.

9. As Lety eavesdrops, Fern tells Irma how marvelous she is. Saimon begs Fern to stay. Fern counsels him to make up with Paula. Saimon offer a deal – if you stay, I’ll marry Paula and have 15-20 children.

10. Paula remembers to give Lety Aldo’s note. “Remember, I love you, and love is liberty.” Irma urges Lety to admit that she loves Fernando.

11. As Fernando is getting into his car, Lety runs out calling, “Don Fernando!” He freezes, walks to her, and says, “Me dijo Don Fernando?” She nods and he gives her the kiss of the century. Caray, caray!

Capitulo 250.
Read Amanda's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando and Lety drive off. The cuartel weighs in. Irmita thinks they belong together and she’s sure Fernando loves her. Juana says it’s Lety’s turn to be happy. Paula, Sara and Lola think he’s going to hurt her again. Marta says nothing. Alicia is shocked.

2. Lety says that coming from Marcia, she believed it. Fern confirms, “I love you, Lety.” Lety says she never stopped loving him. On the phone, Mama warns her to be careful. Fernando butts in, “Hi, mother-in-law!”

3. Ali wants to tell Marcia something and she won’t like it. Marcia says, “Nothing can be worse than having told Lety that Fernando honestly loves her.” She did it to save the company, so Lety wouldn’t resign. Ali says that everyone knew three hours ago that she rescinded her resignation. Marcia blames Lety for not telling her because she always blames her problems on Lety.

4. Fern says, “Just tell me that you’ll come back to me. That we’ll live our lives together. That you’ll accept me again (he probably means intimately).” Lety says they need to work through a lot of things first, and it will take time. His skin and hers need to meet again. He says he doesn’t need time. He needs her with him now and forever (not just until the tide goes out).

5. Fern says that if Lety hadn’t stopped him, he would’ve left for Rio for years, because she wasn’t with him, and because it was the only way he could leave her alone. She’s worried about Marcia suffering (Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!), but he says that their own suffering must not be in vain. He asks what happened between her and Aldo.

6. Teresita suggests to Marcia that maybe Fernando was never really hers. With distance she’s seen that he was never truly committed to her. Marcia refuses to accept that.

7. Lety says she and Aldo kissed twice, and Fern is worried that it was the horizontal kind. Lety explains that she wanted to die and Aldo saved her. Fern admits that he’s insanely jealous.

8. He gets awkward and asks if her skin has met his yet. She stammers then agrees and he starts an ignition kiss, but she scampers away and says it’s all too much. Launch aborted. He waits until she gives tacit permission before he follows her. He takes her hand and gives her space. He takes her face and looks for a green light to kiss her again. When he doesn’t find it, he holds her warmly and she is very content.

9. He writes their names in the sky. In the morning, he says it’s like the dawn of their lives, too. He asks her to marry him. See the transcript. He has to ask six times before she finally says, “It’s what I want most in my life.”

10. Back in DF, he’s eager to get married as soon as possible. He doesn’t want anything to get in the way. And now he wants to get back his dignity by putting Conceptos right.

11. Aldo tells the judge he wants to pay off Conceptos’ debt.

Spanish Lesson: Teresita Shines

Teresita: What are you going to do?
F: What I should’ve done when I lost the presidency. Resign.
T: No, you can’t do that. Now with the resignation of Leticia, we need you more than ever. You should assume the presidency.
F: I have nothing to do here. The most sensible thing I can do is leave. Because maybe Lety will decide to stay, and that will be the best thing for the company.
T: So your leaving is her fault?
F: No, I’m leaving for my sins (culpas). Besides, I don’t want to bother her any more with my presence.
T: Ah. And how do you disturb her?
F: Mama, Lety and I are in love. I hurt her a lot, and she’s still suffering.
T: You really love her?
F: With all my soul.
T: You know I’m not at all pleased with your relationship with that woman.
F: I know. But it finished. I’ll never get her back.
T: Fernando, whether or not I appreciate that woman, I can’t stand to see you like this. Leticia should give you another chance.
F: Lety doesn’t believe me. She’s gone a long time not believing me. She doesn’t trust me, and there is no way to show that my love is true.

The Proposal
F: It seems like the sunrise of our life, doesn’t it?
L: Yes, DonF. What a beautiful thing to say. Like our lives are dawning.
F: Lety .. let’s get married. Do you want to marry me?
L: It’s that.. I can’t believe it.
F: Lety, answer me. I’m asking if you want to marry me.
L: Do you mean it, DonF? Are you telling me the truth?
F: Yes, Lety, of course. Tell me. Do you accept?
L: I believed nobody would ever ask me that.
F: I’m not just asking. I’m begging. Marry me, okay?
L: Don Fernando, tan divino. I’m happy, DonF. This is the second happiest day of my life. The happiest was my last birthday. And now today.
F: Then tell me yes, okay? Tell me that you’ll marry me. Please.
L: It’s what I want most in my life. It’s the only thing I live for, Don Fernando.
F: Lety. Mi Lety. Gracias. La amo.


Eva Luna #88 Thu 3/10/11 flowing truth serum, complicated love triangles, growing slimy nose, IDIOT MAN (a.k.a. No. 5) IS A-LIVE!!!!‏

This recap is brought to you by Marta Ivett:

Marce: (drinking heavily as if with water) Everyone has been mocking me! Everyone! Beginning with the stupid step father of yours!! He gave my inheritance to Eva!! To that lowlife!! (inmunda) Because I should have finished her from the beginning! Stupid me for not doing it!!
Leo: Stop shouting, someone will hear you!! Stop!
Marce: I don’t care that they hear me!!! Let everyone hear me!! Darn Julio!! He gave her my inheritance!! IF it weren’t for him Eva would be in jail!! She would be locked in there!!
Leo: Mom, what are you talking about??
Marce: Julio left a letter with his lawyer saying that if I removed the accusation, he would unlock my accounts!
Leo: That is why you did it!
(Dano gets to Marce’s door)
Marce: Why else would you think I would do that? He forced me!! Your sister and I planned it all very well!! The signature on the check I did turned great!! And this disgraced Eva fell hook line and sinker!! And she went to cash it!! I almost got her locked in jail for burglary!! (Dano is making faces) But… but I still can do it! I will go to the police right now and accuse her again!
Leo: No, mother, you are not going anywhere, mom! (Dano opens the door slightly)
Marce: Let go of me!!
Leo: Stop shouting! Control yourself and lower your voice!
Marce: You are right, my son. No one should find out that Eva did not steal those 25K… least of all Daniel!! I know, I know!... It was so easy to deceive him too… both of them are just stupid…

Julio is calling Justa… she insists they don’t see each other and he keeps insisting she promised to visit again. She changes her mind, now I have a life, I am married and have another life. Julio rebutes he won’t accept that, he feels she still loves him, and he will still pursue her until he convinces her to visit him again. Justa gets upset, tells him not to look for her again, and hangs up. Ricardo comes by, he overheard her calling the one on the phone.. ‘Julio’?

Leo: Stop, mom. Listen to me. Enough. you are saying a lot of silly things. Please stop.
Marce: I am not telling anything but the truth. Eva was an embezzle… when she went to cash the check for Victoria… and Daniel! He is just an idiot who believes everything! He is just like his whole family!
(Dano has had enough, he barges in)
Dano: Shut up already, Dona Marcela!
Leo: Dano, when did you get here?
Dano: Just in time to hear everything!!
(Leo runs after Dano, reaches him in the car, while Marce stays alone laughing…)
Leo: Dano, listen to me!! My mom is delirious from the alcohol! She is not well because Bruno ruined her!
Dano: Just about that is what I came to talk to her and look at the surprise I got!
Leo: Dano, don’t listen to what she said! (grabs Dano by arm to pull him out of the car)
Dano: Never put your hand on me again, you hear??
Leo: She is drunk! She doesn’t know what she is saying! She is just talking silly!
Dano: She said very clearly that She and Victoria planned the check trick! That Eva is innocent!! And that I fell like an idiot!!
Leo: She has drunk a lot!
Dano: Stop defending her, Leonardo!! I am two seconds from believing that you knew everything from the start and kept quiet!
Leo: No! I swear I didn’t!
Dano: Your mother has always been capable of the worse deeds to get what she wants!
And your sister also lost her mask! But I will not forgive her for this one for sure!! (gets in the car quick)
Leo: Daniel, what are you going to do??
Dano: What I should have done a long time ago!!

(Justa finds Ricardo laying in bed)
Justa notices Ricardo is worried and asks what is wrong. HE tells her he is not feeling bad but is worried… No, it’s not about Adriancito. … Justa asks then what is it?
Ric: who is that man who called you today?. Who is Julio?
Jus: I don’t understand. Why are you now asking me about Julio?
Ric: Tell me who is he. Why were you asking him not to look for you, not to call you anymore?
Jus: Because it is for the best.
Ric: Julio is that man from your past, right?
Jus: Yes.

Dano gets to his bedroom, he is packing Vicky’s things as he shouts:
You are a liar, Vicky! And a cheater!! How could I not realize the type of person you are?? But it is really over now!! You are leaving for good!!

Damian finds Marisol when she gets off the taxi… tells her he realizes she was not on a trip like she had said. Marisol tries to talk her way out of it, but Damian won’t buy any.
Better show up to work tonight.

Eva is checking on Tia Tilde… Eva asks her not to worry about their mother. They will not forgive her for abandoning them or for trying to muddy up their father’s memory.

Vicky gets home. She is in disbelief when she sees the suitcase packed and hears Dano tells her she is leaving RIGHT NOW!!
V: You can’t do this to me! (martyr act again)
D: Pick up your stuff and leave my house right now!!
V: I have loved you too much!! You can’t push me away from your side!!
D: You have never loved me!! All you have done is betray me a thousand times!! You agreed with your mother to come up with the check story and accuse Eva of burglary!!
V: That is not true!! What are you talking about?? Eva is a liar!! Surely she…
D: IT was not her who told me!! IT was your mother… (V is shocked)

Marisol is scared pacing around her room, she tells herself Violeta is right, she has to go. And if I don’t go Damian an take revenge on me, and he could also harm Francisco!!

V: Forgive me, I did it for love… I did not want to lose you!
D: For God’s sake, cut out the drama! Get up and leave already!! I don’t want to see you here one more minute!!
V: (gets to his knees and begins to shout nonsense and repeating she loves him)
D: Victoria, please! It is over!! Understand it once and for all!!
(Vicky faints and Dano again gets scared for her… FF>>>)

Ric: Why did you lie to me, Justa? Why did you tell me he had died when it was not true? He is alive, and has come back to your life.
Jus: I did not tell you because I did not want to anguish you. I thought that issue was over. I also told him I did not want to see him, that I married you and I rebuilt my life with you.. and I begged him to leave me in peace…
Ric: And even then he insists in contacting you?
Jus: Yes.
Ric: Alright, if he tries it again I want to know. I want to meet him so he will have it clear that now you are my wife and you love me.

At Newville, everyone is in 911 mode… (Dano, Fran and Jaqui)

Deborah tells her assistant everything that has happened at Misery manor lately… Without Ismael’s support, Eva and Alicia will never believe me.

V: (wakes up and is acting crazy) Don’t come close to me!! You want to kill me!! Those are your accomplices!! Go away, Daniel!! What did you all do to me??
Dano asks Jackie to call 911 and Fran comments that it looks Vicky has a loose screw (LOL! That is what I say when someone has gone coo-coo)

Leo tells Eva about Bruno ‘s deed on Marcela and that Marcela is now acting and talking crazy… Again Leo puts on his charm and asks Eva not to let Marce’s old deeds harm their relationship.

Carlos calls Alicia again, he got her phone number by contacts in jail. He keeps trying to get her to listen to him and apologize for his initial approach… HE just wanted to see her. He insists he wants to regain her friendship and her trust. She says she can’t forget his threats about getting revenge for his jail time. She cannot complicate her life anymore. He asks for just one outing/date… She finally gives in…

Doctor comes to see Vicky… Dano tells him what happened…(Vicky lifts her head while Dano tells the doctor so we know she is just fine and putting on a Hollywood act on them) Dano leaves the doctor alone with her and she immediately gets up and tells Doc she is making it all up. Vicky tells him she is about to tell him what she wants and then he can tell her how much it will cost her.

Downstairs at bar, Fran thanks Dano for the honeymoon, wants his old job back. Dano tells him what happened and just when he was kicking her out, she fainted.
Fran: Now that we are both here drinking and we are friends, don’t you want to tell me?
Dano: Fran, Evan never stole money from me. The check she went to cash at the bank was written by Marcela and it was Vicky who gave it to Eva!
Fran: (gets excited) I told you, boss! She was innocent!! I told you!!
Dano: Everyone! All of you told me!! Everyone knew it except for me!! You! Laurita! Jackie!! Everyone told me!! But I let myself be deceived like an EMBEZZLE!!
Fran: Well, you are right about that, but don’t take it so hard on yourself! Remember the evidence said the contrary, that she was guilty!!
Dano: It doesn’t matter, Francisco. I have no justification. I know Eva, I should have never doubted her innocence!
Fran: You are right about that. You are regretting it, right, boss?
Dano: OF course, Francisco.
Fran: Then cut it loose, go apologize to her!

(Vicky explains to Doctor what is going on, she needs time to get Dano back and her mother had told her what to do … Dr says let me guess… Marce also suggested to you to fake craziness when you woke up! And my job is to back up your ‘play’!..
V: Will you do it?
Dr: Faking craziness is not that easy to do.)

Dano: you are right, Fran. What I have to do is to divorce Victoria and apologize to Eva and try to reconquer her! She is the only woman I love!
Fran: Yes it sounds simple, boss, but I would not like to be in your shoes… But you will see, after a storm the sun will always appear and will shine.
Dano: Not that quick. Still have to resolve the Victoria issue.

(Doctor comes to see Dano… diagnosis: severe post-traumatic shock… Dano willing to take her to best hospitals, but Dr recommends the patient not be moved… need to keep them in a stable environment to avoid more crisis… )
Dano: Doctor, forgive my asking, but knowing Victoria like we do, could she be making all this up to avoid my taking her out of the house?
Dr: Don’t think so. (this is same Dr who was giving Marce the poison to kill Julio with)
Dano: (more irritated) Then God forgive me but I don’t believe her!! And I won’t let this hinder on my plans to get divorce!!
Vicky is around listening ‘you don’t think I am crazy? Then you asked for it, Dano. I will have to do something to show you.

(Eva is remembering the night of the awards show and her first kiss with Dano outside)
Eva: why since the day I decided to advance the wedding to Leonardo… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you Daniel?
Dan: (behind her) your wedding to Leo… is a mistake.

Damian is mangling Violeta accusing her she knew Marisol was not ‘on a trip’. In comes Marisol and yells at Damian to let Violeta go.
Damian threatens Marisol she won’t tell it if she lies to him again. He wants her to get dress to go work. She says she did not come to work. She came to quit. He is shocked. She repeats what she said, he says it’s too late for her to walk out and reminds her of the money she owes him… and keeps trying to intimidate her, but she says she is tired of fear and having her mistakes control her life… she will regret it… she says she went to the police to tell them if something happens to her or her husband it was Damian’s fault.

Eva: What are you doing here?
Dano: I came to talk to you. Renata told me you were out here in the garden.
Eva: it is not time for visits. What do you want?
Dano: There are two very important things I want you to know… and after I heard you say what I just heard you say, to ask you not to marry Leonardo tomorrow or ever.
Eva: let’s not start that again.
Dano: Eva, my divorce from Victoria is definitive!!
Eva: What do I care about your divorce?
Dano: Because I will be a free man again!
Eva: Perfect! Then you can date Liliana and even marry her then!
Dano: (discouraged) Well, that is possible. But I was not thinking precisely about her.
Eva: Look, I have it clear that that woman is after you. I got it very clear the night you were kissing as we were eating. Remember? And this afternoon during the commercial recording, you were pretty charming with her. You even offered to take he to her hotel, right?
Dano: Ja… And you say you are not jealous?
Eva: No! I don’t care about that.
Dano: Well, you can’t believe that yourself.
(Eva tries to leave but he won’t let her…)
Dano: Eva! Please… sit down…
Eva: Tell me what you have to tell me and then leave.
Dano: Eva… I came to apologize to you.
Eva: Apologize?
Dano: Yes… I doubted you… and I beg your forgiveness…
Eva: I don’t understand. What are you talking about?
Dano: I know now you are innocent of what you were accused of! That you did not steal the $25K!
Eva: Of course not, Daniel! I thought… that you knew it was not true!
Dano: Well, I always kept the hope it was not true, but I have to confess that there were moments where I doubted your innocence!
Eva: Well you are a cynical! How do you dare make up that story?
Dano: It is no fake story, Eva! I am telling you the truth!
Eva: I know very well that you made up the story of the check to undermine my credibility and get me locked up in jail, Daniel!
(Dano stands up in shock)
Dano: Eva, please, you have to believe me! I never faked the check story to ruin your reputation! How would I? I was shown pictures of you cashing a check with a fake signature of mine! And then when you disappeared, I thought the worst.
Eva: I never went to no bank to cash no check of yours!!
Dano: Yes, Eva. The check you got from Victoria! Remember?
Eva: What are you saying?
Dano: Yes! We both fell in a trap! The check you cashed was not from her personal account, it was from the agency! Marcela signed that check and made me believe it had been you!!
Eva: Why did they do that to me? Why??
Dano: To split us, Eva! And at that moment it worked!!

Vicky is at Newville anxiously waiting for Dano.. she wonders if Dano is with Eva… no, Leo would not allow it… what if he is being stupid and those two are meeting in hiding?

Eva: My God, how silly of me! Why didn’t I realize that before??
Dano: No, Eva, the one who should have realized it was me!!
Eva: No wonder Victoria’s attitude when I saw her in front of your house!
Dano: When was that?
Eva: When I went to see you to clarify the story between us!
Dano: Then you came back?
Eva: Yes, Daniel. But she was able to manage the situation so that I would not see you.
(Eva remembers Victoria intimidating her in front of Dano’s house)
Eva: She told me she was giving me a chance to escape and if I did not, she and her mother would support you to get me in jail!
Dano: Wait a minute… there is something here I don’t understand… what made you think that I had made up the check story to harm you??
Eva: Leo told me that.
(Leo on phone with Victoria, Victoria is telling him Eva and Dano might be meeting)
Dano: Then he lied to you, Eva!! Leo lied to you!! He must have told you that to make you hate me more! To split us!!
Eva: No, there must be an explanation!!
Dano: For God’s sake, what??
Eva: I don’t know!! But it is horrible for him to have lied to me that way!!
Dano: Yes, as horrible as what his mother and sister did, right? Now I will definitely not let you marry him!! (approaches her, possibly holding her arms) Eva!! We need to forget about them! What we have to do is be happy together!!
Eva: (crying) No, Dano… it is impossible for us, please…
Dano: Why do you keep denying it? If you and I love each other, we have a son!! We are dying for each other!! Wanting each other!! As soon as I divorce Victoria there will be nothing to keep us apart!!
Eva: There is a huge reason … huge and hopeless reason for us not to be together! Understand it!!
Dano: What is it Eva??
Eva: You know it, Daniel!!
Dano: I don’t know!! For God’s sake! Tell me, please!!
(she is crying very upset now)

Ali is in her room wondering about Carlos’ intentions… what if I ask Tony to come along? No, those two hate each other…

Dano: Eva, for God’s sake… what can be so serious for us to stay apart??
(Leo walks in) Leo, don’t budge in!! This is a conversation between Eva and me!
Leo: I mess in because it is my right! Eva will be my wife, Dano.
Dano: We will see about that. Because first you will explain to Eva why you told her that it was I who made up the check story to ruin her reputation! Why did you tell her that?
Leo: Because that is honestly what I believed at the moment, Daniel! Neither Eva or I could understand that you thought she was a burglar! I figured it was your way of getting back at her for everything that was happening…
Eva: Enough about the issue!! I don’t want to hear anymore!
Dano: Well, I do! And I won’t leave until you tell me the reason we can’t be together!!
Leo: The reason, Daniel, is that she loves me deeply!! (some nose is growing longer while Dano takes a deep breath so he can control himself from punching that growing nose right out of Leo’s face) Understand it!! That is why we advanced the date of our wedding!! Did she tell you or not??
Dano: Yes, she told me!!
Leo: Then accept it!! Accept it and reconcile with my sister! Eva will marry me, Daniel!
Dano: My marriage to Victoria is already over!! And as soon as she is over her crisis, she will leave my house and my life!!
Leo: What crisis are you talking about?
Dano: Apparently she is faking being crazy but I am not buying it!!
Eva: Enough, Daniel, please! Leave! Leave me in peace, I beg you!!
(he grabs her arms and gets close to her)
Dano: I want to be with you and with our son. Our happiness depends on you…
(she looks down upset)
Leo: I would not have left. If he knew you know about the barbarie he committed, he would not say that, right?... Eva.. you were about to accuse him of your dad’s death, right?
Eva: Yes, I know… but something stopped me.
Leo: Whatever it was, I am glad. I understand it was not the right moment. But don’t worry. Don’t worry, it will come.
Eva: You are right, Leonardo… But you know what? The moment has come for something… for your mother to leave this house.
(Leo does not look happy…)

At the board house, Mari arrives home… Fran keeps playing the abandoned husband. Called you. My cell phone battery went dead… where were you? Or can’t I ask you that?... I love it… Did you go with Giorgio to the movies… nope… she went to the cabaret to talk to Damian and tell him she will not go back to work there anymore. Thanks to you… to your support…

Leo: Have pity (on her) Eva! I beg you! Please!
Eva: I have had enough pity for her.. And if I don’t kick her now is because she is drunk. But tomorrow she is gone!! Do you realize what she did to me?? She almost got me in jail!!
Leo: Alright. Give me a few days. Give me time to buy an apartment and get her settled. I know she has harmed you. And I support your decision. But she is my mother. Understand me. And as bad as she has behaved I can’t abandon her.
Eva: Alright. You have a month (Eva, I hope you won’t have to bury someone in that month)

Leo comes to Newville next morning and asks for Victoria… he tells Jackie maybe Vicky will eat for him.
Leo chats with Vicky, now you are playing crazy.. but Dano is not so convinced… Vicky says don’t worry, I got this… Does mom know? Yes. She went hysterical when she found out Bruno was my lover. Leo tells Vicky Bruno ruined Marcela.

Full circle? (now Renata waits on a sick bedridden Marcela)…
Marce thinks that neither Dano will divorce Victoria nor you will get your way, Bruno!

Vicky hints Leo that Rosaura (the cousin?) might know Bruno’s location, she is the one who told Vicky Bruno had left on a trip.

Marce remembers threatening Bruno whoever betrays her might even die early on.
The Buick folks are back in agency to meet with Eva, she is anxious to show them their work so far.

Dano makes it to Misery manor with a gift for Pablito. Tia Tilde lets him in to see him.
Dano: I love him from the first moment I saw him. And now that I know I am his dad,
I want to be with him all the time..
Tilde: I can imagine. But Eva will never want to go back with you. I can assure you.
Dano: Well I won’t lose hope. Besides, I want to fulfill my fatherly duties. And even if she denies my rights, I think I would be capable of any crazy deed to be with him. Right, papi?

At NewVille, Vicky leaves… Dano is leaving Misery manor… Vicky is peeking in the window while Tilde fixes something in kitchen. Vicky is mad looking for the kid… finds him in foyer in playpen… (end of ep)

Previews: the end is coming… Critical phase… we see Vicky taking the kid… Eva nervous asking everyone where is her son… Eva yells at her aunt someone took him. Last we see is crying Eva about to hug Dano…
The final episodes begin tomorrow!

-Marta Ivett


Triunfo del Amor #53-54 3/10/11 A triumph of overworked tear ducts

I can't believe they've given us two-hour episodes all week. I want you to know I am armed with coffee and snark, the opposite of "tea and sympathy," as I wade into this episode…

*****This recap is now complete. The recapper is not responsible to any damage to screens, keyboards, or other personal property as a result of reading this recap. Please consult a qualified TN professional for any necessary beanie adjustments or fortifications.*****

Part I:
Oh, look, Maria D's married ex is at the door. He has no idea why he's there. She tells him to go worry about his wife. "Don't treat me like this, please!" Oh, come on, dude, what do you expect? She asks him to wait before he leaves.

Padre JP doesn't think it's possible for Maria D to be his daughter. Mami Dearest says she has no doubt.

Maria D won't let Max touch her, and she doesn't care that he's a married man who doesn't love his wife (psh! Like we haven't heard that one before!)

Linda likes the "vibe" of the theater. Osvaldo agrees…it's got a lot of presence and magic. Juanjo is not feeling the magic as he follows them.

And how does Burnie know? Providentially, of course. She reminds him that she promised she'd help find his daughter. But how does she know? "Before Sor Clementina died…" Burnie flashes back to killling her, but she says Sor remembered finding 2 girls named Maria: Magdalena and Desamparada. The nuns took them to Guadalajara. And? So? She says she knows which one is which, but Sor C gave up her life in the telling. Not that she knows that fo sho, but the emotion of describing how they found Maria D upset her so much, so maybe that's why she died, yeah, that's it. Sor C said Maria M was walking near the train station, but Maria D was two blocks from the place Vic had her accident. And also, Sor C and Sor Rocio were the ones who found Maria D. Therefore, there's no doubt that Maria D is his daughter. Gee. Burnie should have been a lawyer, with that grasp of logic.

Maria D wants Max to feel bad about everything she's given him--hope, love…her virginity (what? You were thinking it!)…and then he went and married a crazy skank. Max still won't explain why. Maria D tells him to go get going with his honeymoon. No smoochies as we go to the first commercial break.

Part II:
The theater tour continues. Os asks someone to pull the curtain back. Os is waiting for the owner to review his counteroffer. Juanjo hears Linda call Os "mi amor."

Max's lips are moving, but all I hear is "blah, blah, blah." He ends up kissing MD on the forehead, then he leaves. She remembers him saying they belong to each other. Loser.

Linda buffs up Os's ego. She says she'll show up every night to see him do his thang. She starts kissing on him and Juanjo interrupts before he can get the rest of the free show.

Nathy tells Milagros she's feeling sick from all the stress. She's got a nasty cold. Milagros recommends a hot tea with lemon and honey, and then going to bed with 4 layers of covers to sweat out the "miasmas." I concur. Nathy got a prescription for some injections from the pharmacy. They're waiting for Juanjo to come home and giver her an injection. Of hot lovin'!

Ew. Or not. Os tells Juanjo to talk to him and not Linda. Juanjo tells him to shut it. They played around with his feelings. He was making wedding plans while they cheated on him. Os tells him not to get upset. JJ reminds him he's a married man. He doesn't want explanations. "Were you going to leave your wife for her? Or did you just want to keep her as a mistress?" Looks like Os prefers option B.

Max comes back to the office to whine at Fabian. Fabian tells him he's really sorry that Max's life sucks. Max can't stand that Xi took those pills on purpose to emotionally blackmail him into sticking around. He can't stop thinking about Maria D.

MD lies in bed crying.

Padre JP asks who else knows. "Just you, me, and God. And no one else can know. You can't break the seal of the confessional. You'll keep this secret your whole life." "Why are you doing this to me? Victoria has to know!" "No. I don't want her to know. I can't stand to think that my pure son could be contaminated by sin! Mother and daughter are both impure. Stay away from them." "That's not possible! My mission is to bring God to all his children. He's the only one who can judge. You're being unfair and they don't deserve it. Who gave you the right to judge? Only God can do that."

Maria D watches kids play in the park.

PJP asks Burnie to tell the truth to Vic since she's condemned him not to be able to say anything. Burnie refuses. "That will be her punishment! I'm not going to reunite her with her daughter. She'll never know! Never!" PJP appeals to her sense of mercy, but Burnie doesn't think Vic deserves any. She's upset that Maria D is following in those footsteps and having a child of sin. PJP asks why she can't forgive. She doesn't answer, just says she's got to get the hell out of there. Pobre Padre JP. "Why's it gotta be like that, God?" Uh, because bitch crazy? He looks kinda happy to think that Maria D's his daughter.

Part III:
Vic comes into Max's office and dismisses Fabian. She wants to ask him how long he'll be on his honeymoon. He hasn't decided. She wants him to take a whole month. He thinks it's time he lives his own life and the last thing he wants is to hang out with Ximena. He needs to find them a place to live. "But your bedroom is big enough for the both of you!" "Do you really not understand me or are you pretending?" He says he's been up front with everyone that he's going to stay with Xi until the baby's born and then the deal is off. What he does after that is up to him. They picked his wedding, so the divorce and the rest of his life is his decision. Ay, Max. When will you learn that discretion is the better part of actually carrying out your plan?

Maria D cries in the park and remembers Max's visit from that morning.

Cruz comes into the living room as Nathy is sneezing like crazy. Cruz can also give injections, luckily?

Linda tells Juanjo he's not part of her and Os's relationship. Os says she needs to go back to Juanjo because it's over between them. Linda tells JJ she's grateful for what he's done, but she doesn't love him. "Why'd you wait until now to tell me?" She says she tried, but he wouldn't listen. JJ asks Os why he took away what JJ wanted. JJ calls Linda another man's trophy. "It's not like that?" "Then what's it like?" Os's reply is to go ahead and hit him if he wants to. JJ asks how his wife is going to take this news. This scene has gone on far too long.

Maria D comes back to her apartment and cries. She promises the baby she'll fight for it. The doorbell rings and it's Padre JP. She tells him she's alone and cries. "You'll never be alone again. I'll always be with you to protect you." Maria D says what she needs are real parents. PJP waxes rhapsodic about the mysterious ways of God. Whatevs. Maria D is convinced and agrees to see PJP "as" her father. More tears.

Part IV:
Max says he's not mad at Vic. He understands he has an obligation and it was all his fault, so he's not going to blame anyone else. Vic is proud of him for being a man and not abandoning a woman who's expecting a child. She never would have allowed him to evade his responsibility. "A child is a major commitment." Max agrees, but that applies to children born out of love. He's manning up, but he'll do it his way.

Maria D tells PJP she crashed the wedding. She hoped he'd change his mind. PJP says he crashed the wedding too, to ask Max to quit making her suffer. MD asks why PJP is taking care of her. "I promised to look out for you and I just spontaneously decided today that I'd step that up and really do what I promised." Cryptic comment about life before the priesthood that she doesn't understand. MD says she really needs a father's love. But what about Max? MD says she saw lots of kids in the park. She's not going to make Max give up Ximena and his child. "No one has the right to separate a father from his son…or daughter!" MD says she'll send him a letter asking him to forget about her. PJP tells her to look ahead and forget Max. She's not sure she can live without him. OK, so, let me indulge in a little beanie slippage because this has been bugging me all week. It's wrong to separate a father from his child, so let's not separate Max from his baby with Ximena, but we can separate him from the one he's having with Maria D? Nice logic, there. I can see the apples aren't falling far from the crazy tree.

Gui says Os has been distracted since he got there. Os says something just happened. He doesn't want to talk about it. Linda's still there watching. Os isn't in the mood for a lecture from Gui. They'll talk later. Gui agrees and gives Os the program for the play "El Engaño" (the deception).

Maria D writes Max a stupid letter about how he done her wrong. She takes off her engagement ring and puts it in the envelope. Uh, no, that's yours to keep (a), and (b) it would bring in a pretty penny to help care for your fatherless child that it's perfectly acceptable to raise without a father so that Ximena's kid that isn't really Max's can be used to emotionally blackmail him into staying in a relationship with that crazy bitch. Just saying.

Nathy doesn't want to let Cruz give her an injection. He tells her not to be "pollona" (chicken). Milagros asks him about injecting cows. Yeah, Cruz is multitalented. Nathy freaks out at the huge needle.

Linda wants to "explain" to Os, but he's had it. He's done hurting people with a relationship that's not going anywhere. He says he doesn't love her and he can't stop loving Victoria. It's time for Linda to leave him alone. He never promised her anything and if she doesn't feel bad about cheating on JuanJo, he does feel bad! He drives off and leaves her in the street to be picked up by Gui. Gui says it looks like she needs a friend. She jumps right on that.

Nathy comes limping into the apartment, with Cruz behind her. She says it didn't hurt, but she's not a fan of showing off her ass…ets. Unlike her roommate. Maria D asks Cruz to deliver the letter to Max's office. He's like "What? Do you think I'm crazy?" Cruz wants to out her about the baby. MD begs him not to and then goes off to work.

Max and Toni review some drawings. He tells her he doesn't know how he can keep up the farce. Blah, blah, blah, I'm so in love, woe is me, this isn't how I dreamed of having a baby.

Gui takes Linda to his house. He gives her a drink and flatters her. He agrees with her that JuanJo can't give her anything. She coos about how awesome Os is. Gui says she deserves the best of everything and they toast. He says he wishes he could find a young, innocent thing like her. He hates that she's suffering over Os when she could be with another great guy. He's totally gonna hit that. He says he'd like to get to know her better, but stops short of kissing her. Well played, Gui!

JuanJo comes home and mopes. Milagros says they should go to dinner and a movie. No, JJ didn't tell Linda, and by the way…it's over. She's with another guy. A rich guy, with status. Milagros says he's got her love and the love of his friends.

Max meets Cruz in his office. Cruz calls him "patron" (boss). They're not friends anymore, since Max broke up with Maria D. "If I told you, man to man, what actually happened, you'd understand me perfectly." Cruz says maybe and maybe not, here's your letter, and I'm out of here.

MD and Nathy tell Linda "We told you so." Loud. And repetitively. Nathy is glad now everyone will realize she's not the one who was making out with a married guy in a car. More scolding. Linda says she knows what she wants and she won't be poor again. Nathy says that means she's not sorry and she'll do whatever it takes to get what she wants. Linda agrees. She won't sacrifice herself for anyone or anything. MD says she's not going to keep covering from her. "Respect other people's pain or find yourself another place to live."

Max reads the letter and cries. Or maybe he cries because the screen squishes him vertically.

Linda cries that they like JJ better than her. "Well, you just can't go around hurting people!" Linda swears she won't and she'll apologize to JJ. MD says they'll give her another chance, but it's the last one. Nathy agrees. "If you don't change, then you'd better leave."

Padre JP tells Os "I told you so." Os says Linda insisted. "What? She pulled a gun on you?" Heh!

"You've been warned! One more time and you leave the house!" MD leaves for work. "Do you think she'll really change?" MD insists if she doesn't, she's out of there. Nathy feels sorry for JuanJo.

Milagros wants to go beat Linda with a spoon, but JJ doesn't want it being even more obvious that Linda broke his heart. Milagros agrees. "Let's pretend we don't care." JJ says this is the worst thing that happened since his dad died. Milagros tells him if they can deal with that, they can deal with this "vieja" (lit. "old lady," but figuratively, "bitch"). They're going to deal with it together.

PJP tells Os he keeps hurting people and he's not going to keep listening to this. "End the relationship already!" He wants Os to make more of an effort with Vic. Os says he does still love her, but she's "voluble"(fickle) and only offers him love on her schedule, and she wants everyone to bow to her will! It's enough to shrivel a man's penis! Padre JP practically sneers at him, "And you think your lover actually loves you? Come on, you're only with her to soothe your wounded male ego." PJP proposes a deal. "I'll talk with Vic, the first chance I get, without revealing anything, but if Vic changes, you've got to let the other woman go." That's a deal? Well, Os agrees to it and gives his word.

Maria D is all dolled up in a wedding gown at her new job…to model for Xi and Roxanne. She takes a deep breath and struts her stuff while Norma narrates. Xi says she'd like an original dress for her church wedding. MD tries to hold it in. Roxanna brags about Xi's happiness, while Xi says the dress is too plain. Roxanna dismisses MD as Norma notices Xi giggling maliciously.

Oscar asks to talk to Toni. He notices she looks worried. She's thinking about how difficult love can be--finding it, maintaining it. She's thinking of Vic, and Max…and herself. Sometimes she thinks it's better to be alone, but some days, she really misses having someone else in her life. "Are you happy with your loneliness?" No. But he tries not to worry about it. "How do you manage that?" She reminds him that what he's waiting for won't happen. She thinks he's afraid of love. Oscar thinks a long conversation between them is overdue. He invites her to dinner and says he'll pick her up at her place. Seriously? All of a sudden he changed his mind? Cause I think he's going to spend all night talking about Vic.

Padre JP remembers Burnie telling him MD is his daughter. He doesn't know what to do about his preggo daughter. He's got to help her, but how? Does he need to quit being a Father so he can be a father? He shaves and cries. "Maria Desamparada is my daughter." he thought bubbles.

Pippino is going to make Maria M a complete wardrobe. "Well, I'm not really used to dressing well. Can you make me something kind of, uh, simple?" "You can't go around dressed up like a superhero!" MM and Pip are getting along well. Toni says maybe tomorrow they should just go shopping. MM agrees and Vic gets all weepy again at getting called "Mama." Are we going to stop and cry every time she does that? Everybody's crying.

Max tells Fabian about the letter. He's beating himself up over it. Fabian reminds him that he always said all women were liars and look at him now. Max is all weepy that she's probably crying over him and he can't go be with her…but his poor innocent child can't suffer for having stupid parents, so he's going to have to deal.

Xi and Rox haven't had such a good time in a long time. Bitches. Roxanne…you don't have to turn on the red light….

Fabian gives Luci some paperwork for Vic. Luci tells Fab she's going to lunch with her boyfriend. Fab says he's torn between two women. She advises him to make up his mind so he doesn't end up "como el perro de los dos tortas." ("like the dog with two tortas"…the dog couldn't make up it's mind and spent so long going back and forth between the two that in the end he didn't end up getting either one because someone else snatched them up while he was hesitating in the middle.)

Cruz tells MD he handed over the letter, but Max didn't say anything. He leaves and Linda comes into the living room. She hasn't talked to JJ yet. Nathy's in bed with her cold, but she'll be sleeping on the couch tonight so MD doesn't get sick, she and Linda have already decided. Linda asks forgiveness again. The doorbell rings and it's Fab with a huge bouquet of flowers for Nathy. Linda says she's really sick. She comes in in her bathrobe, sneezing.

Xi is getting ready to go out. Max sneers that they're not going anywhere. Not even their honeymoon. They're going to stay at the hotel until they find a house. Xi whines. "A honeymoon is for couples in love. We're not in love. When are you going to understand that I don't love you and I never will?"

Fab says he brought her flowers and candy to thank her for going to the wedding with him and to apologize for kissing her. "Well, I was surprised, but it didn't bother me." And away he goes again, after kissing Nathy on the cheek. Maria and Linda can't wait to hear about "the kiss!" Nathy remembers it and smiles.

Fab talks himself into crushing on Fer and thinking of Nathy as just a friend.

The girls giggle over "the kiss." Linda wants more details, in exchange for the whole story of JJ at the theater. The leave Maria D alone. She apologizes to the niblet for leaving it without a father. The doorbell rings again. It's Padre JP, who calls her "hija" (daughter) and hugs her. She calls him "padre" and Burnie hears and gripes "The seal of the confessional is sacred! Why did you tell Maria Desamparada the truth! Why?!" PJP says nothing and MD asks what the hell she's talking about. "Juan Pablo shouldn't have told you that…" "I didn't tell her what you think." Dumbass! Why didn't you let her finish! MD backs him up and says she has no idea what they're talking about. "Why are you accusing him of telling me the truth? What truth are you talking about?" Not falling far from the dumbass tree either, are you?

Part V:
Vic gets soppy about her friendship with Toni and Pip, MM's honorary aunt and uncle.

Burnie blames it on her nerves and says she didn't mean anything. She has no idea what she's saying or doing. MD sits her down and Burnie asks for a glass of water. PJP is royally pissed off that she would even think he'd break the seal of the confessional. "I already apologized! Don't be hard on me! I didn't say anything to compromise you." MD comes back with the water. She's so grateful to PJP and Burnie and she wishes they were her real family. Burnie looks maliciously at PJP.

When will MM come meet the rest of the family? She doesn't want to seem ungrateful, but she's afraid of rejection. "No, I know them, they'll welcome you with open arms?" Delusional, much? And what if they don’t? No answer from Vic.

Fer shows Os the picture of Xi and Max at the wedding. She thinks Max looks sad and Xi looks like she just caught a big fish. It's not that she doesn't like Xi, but she doesn't think Xi will make Max happy and she won't allow that. Os remembers JJ confronting him at the theater and PJP confronting him at the church.

Vic says the family will accept her, especially when she tells them the whole story. "I didn't abandon you! The accident made me lose you." Toni backs her up on that part. MM wants to know who her father is. Dun, dun, dun.

MD tells PJP and Burnie she loves them both, and loves the nuns, and can't believe Sor Clementina is dead. Burnie pretends to care. MD says Sor Clementina was like a mother to her. "You must hate your mother. She abandoned you. A mother who abandons her children doesn't deserve the love or compassion of anyone. If you ever see her, you'll have to bitch her out." PJP tells her not to talk like that. "Remember the fourth commandment! Honor your mother and your father! What you're saying goes against God and the Holy Church!" Heh!

Part VI:
Vic tells MM she has a father, but she can't tell her yet. "When you trust me, we'll have a nice long chat. I promise I have nothing to be ashamed of." Toni backs her up, as does Pip. Pip swears on the honor of his family the Vic is a great woman. Pfft!

MD never imagined life outside the orphanage would be so difficult. People keep coming to work to harass her. I can see the wheels turning in Burnie's head. And I won't be sorry when she takes Xi down. It's news to PJP that MD has been getting her relationship advice from Burnie. He is very, very disturbed. "Wouldn't it be great if you were really my granddaughter?" MD says for that to happen, she'd have to be PJP's daughter and that would never happen, of course.

"If Max isn't in love with Xi, why did he marry her? I didn't like Maria Desamparada, but I would have made an effort if Max married her. Oh, I get it, since she's not in our 'social class' mom rejected her?" Os tells her not to blame it all on her mom. She needs to be discreet about this, but, um, well, Max knocked up Xi. "I should have guessed it! Why didn't you tell me before?" Os says because he figured she'd throw it in Ximena's face. Yes. Please do.

Max watches TV. Xi whines that if they aren't going to go on a honeymoon, can't he at least take her to dinner. "I'm going to sit here and watch a movie. If you want, you can join me, or you out by yourself." Oh, you're going to regret that. I bet she's going to whine through the whole movie. And hog the popcorn. Bitch. Actually, she opts to go out. He asks her to please not drink, for the baby. Whatevs. She plans to have a good time, so, phooey on him!

When she leaves Max pulls out the letter to torture himself some more, while we're treated to a cover of Melina Leon's "Que Será de Ti" from the Spanish-language soundtrack to the original "El Clon" redone by Thalia. I hate it. Also, this is a "missing you" song that just doesn't fit Max having seen MD just this morning: "What's going on with you? I need to know about your life. I need someone to tell me about your days. Night has fallen and I need to know."

The gals get the living room set up for Nathy to sleep there. MD says PJP and Burnie are really supportive. Linda is scared of Burnie. MD says Burnie's full of blessings. Linda says they could use some, what with MD being preggers, and Linda and JuanJo's breakup, and Nathy's nasty cold. MD says she and Linda did it to themselves and they knew they weren't doing right. Nathy says she did it for love, while Linda did it for money. Whatever. "We're paying the consequences of women, cause men never pay. I never should have set my eyes on Max!" Linda says it's not worth it to suffer over men. Nathy tells her to shut it. MD wants to be left alone. So she can cry. Again.

Max can't live without MD and he has to see her.

MD's doorbell rings. It's Max. They cry. She shuts the door in his face. They stand on opposite sides of the door and cry. They both sit down on the floor and cry. MD asks God for help and cries. Max asks God for help and cries. MD resigns herself to living without Max and cries. Max asks how to live without MD and cries. MD loves Max. She cries. Max loves MD. He cries. MD rubs her belly and cries. Max rubs his head and cries. My giant bowl of coffee is empty! I cry!

Part VII:
Ximena wears yet another ugly hat and drinks. A guy hits on her. He's never seen her there before. She tells him to just shut up and buy her a drink. She doesn't want to tell him her name. She is drunk as a skunk already. She didn't even remember asking him to buy her a drink. She throws it in his face and he starts to go after her, but Gui is there and chokes the guy to get him to back off. He hassles Xi about her awesome honeymoon.

MD cries. Nathy asks if it was Max. "How did you know?" "Because he's been standing outside the building since he left. Go look." MD cries. Max is out in the rain, crying. Nathy says he doesn't look like he's leaving until she lets him in. MD cries. She won't let him in. Nathy reminds her she was supposed to sleep on the couch. MD says Nathy needs to go sleep in her own bed and she'll stay on the couch. MD looks out the window and cries. Max stands in the rain and cries MD runs outside in the rain. Max stands outside in the rain. MD comes out to the sidewalk. Max stands her under a tree. They both cry. MD tells him to go home and quit hurting her. He says it hurts him to be away from here. "Please go! Don't make this more difficult!" "I can't do it! I need to be near you! I need to see you! I need to feel you!" They hug. And cry. In the rain.

Xi wants Gui to go away. Gui doesn't want to go away. Gui toasts her marriage. Xi whines that he's not going to buy her a drink. Gui says she's to dangerous with alcohol in her hands. He gets kinky with the straw. Groooooosssssssss! He invites her back to his place and bribes her with alcohol. She agrees, after she finishes his drink. She's literally falling all over him as they stumble out.

Max and Maria in the rain, the same conversation, more tears. "I could never ask you to abandon your own child!" But you can forcibly separate him from his own child with lies. Sad, teary, rainy smoochies. More "go away" "No I won't." MD goes back inside at a rate of about 1cm per second.

No more William Levy in a kayak?! Now we get smoochie replays.

Tomorrow: Max finds out about his dad's affair; Xi finds the letter and the ring and brings it to MD as "proof" that Max wants nothing to do with her.

OMG, I'm exhausted! What do people eat after running marathons, cause I'll take 2!


Llena de Amor #146 (Mex. 154-155) Thu 3/10/11 Too Much Air Time For The Nasty Orange One--Arrrrgh! And The Real George De-Cloaks

(Llena de Amor Capitulos 154 & 155 re-edited to 1 hour, aired on Univision 3/10/2011) Recap by Audrey

Continued from last night, Jorge and MV have been sitting on a park bench where MV declares her undying love for Emanuel and suggests that maybe Jorge should just return to Spain. Jorge leaves very upset with a parting shot “I just hope you realize the huge mistake you are making opening your heart to Emanuel again.”

“Oh Jorge, Jorge - forgive me!” cries MV as Jorge walks away. And who should show up in the park but el Big Orange Meany (BOM). He nabs MV AGAIN! [Duh - why doesn’t MV have a bodyguard when everyone knows BOM is on the loose!] Mauricio forcibly drags MV away.

Kristel is at the RyD Casa pool talking to a wet and sneezing Lorenzo (after his pool fight with Emiliano). “Neta, te pasaste!” (You truly outdid yourself!). Kristel is furious that Lorenzo came and asked Daddy for her hand. A sneezing Lorenzo is totally confused - he thought that was what she wanted. She’s mortified. She denies she ever demanded that. “But we were going to flee together my love. But everything changed when you gave Muñeca my son.” complains Lorenzo. Kristel is totally not interested in raising HIS escuincle. “Please - keep away.” she demands. “What happened to our plans, my love?” he asks. Sorry - she’s changed her mind. It would be foolish to have a relationship someone who has a thousand problems like him. He’s just too old and now she’s got other plans - namely her super model career. She’s not interested in being an old man’s housewife or nursemaid - no thanks! “Sorry, it’s over! Please leave.” Lorenzo is devastated.

José catches Netty going through stuff in his room at the pension! “I can’t believe you had to look through my stuff!” he cries. “I have a right to know who enters my house,” sulks Netty. “I would have been happy to answer all your questions but you snooped in my room.” “But those papers say you are a murderer! I don’t think you would have been honest.” she replies. José proclaims his innocence. “Twice I have risked my life for people in this pension. Would a bad person have done that?” No matter, Netty asks him to leave her pension today.

Gretel is talking with Paula and Delicia in the Casa RyD foyer. The doorbell rings. Oh! It’s Doctora Chelatina! “¡Hola Tesoro!” “Time for another session” over Gretel’s protest. “Last time I was very clear that there would be no more sessions,” scolds Gretel. “I know, mi amor, and I heard you perfectly, but I was also very clear with you!” says the hair-flipping doctora as she pats Gretel’s hand and chin. “Netty has already paid for the sessions, mi corazón. Just an hour. We need to get your ‘cabales’ back - poo koo ja ja!” [I ADORE doctora Chelatina! I wish (s)he would come visit my house! I could listen to her talk all day! I’d even let her pat my face, LOL!]

In her bedroom, a crying Kristel is begging daddy for forgiveness. “Perdóname, Please! I was soooo confused and hurt...... But it’s all over with Lorenzo.” “I’m going to make sure it is” swears Emiliano. “This is the lowest thing you could have ever done. You have no idea how incredibly disappointed I am in you” and leaves in disgust. Hmm - wow, those were crocodile tears! Kristel wipes them away as soon as Daddy leaves.

Back to Gretel in session with Dra Chelatina. “I want to talk about my sister because I just found out she was involved with Lorenzo who is an awful guy with criminal connections.” “Oh yes, ‘lacras’ like Fonseca and Garduño.” replies Chela. “How did you know?” asks Gretel shocked. “Oh - I’m a well informed woman, I read the papers. And your sister suffers from trastorno de erotomanía y concupiscencia. And you committed the worst error by breaking up with your boyfriend because of her, corazón.” “I know, doctora, if I had Oliver in front of me right now I would give him a bunch of kisses and forgive him.” admits Gretel. “Really?” asks Chela getting all excited. “Excuse me, mi corazón, I need to leave right away - I forgot a conference!” “But doctora you said we had an hour session and that was only 15 mins!” says Gretel, confused. “But you progressed a whole year, mi corazón!” Chela assures Gretel as she breezes out the door.

Cut back to BOM dragging MV away from the park as she struggles and complains to let her go. Mau warns for her to behave herself or else it will go very badly for her. MV resists, and he takes out his gun. “Your destiny is to die in my arms!” and he forces her into his car. Doris sees this and runs after them yelling for help.

José is packing to leave the pension. “Que ironía! I returned to the city to die in peace, and it turns out I get in the middle of a hell worse than what I experienced in prison!” “It’s not my fault you were hiding your life!” complains Netty. “I didn’t hide anything from you. Fine, I’m leaving. And don’t worry - I’m not capable of hurting any woman much less one as lovely as you.” “You lied to me and everyone in this pension.” replies Netty. “I never lied to you - I just kept quiet.” explains José. “There was no reason to tell you the whole story of my life Netty! Besides, if I had told you everything about me, would things have been different?” “Maybe not,” mumbles Netty. Oops - looks like José is having a heart attack! He collapses in a dead faint on the bed. Netty hysterically yells for help.

Kristel is meeting with Mayela in her office. Mayela is going to help Kristel become a supermodel. “The camera loves you, you look terrific” Mayela tells Kristel. “I’ll do anything you tell me!” gushes Kristel. “You’ll be the most sought-after model in Mexico.” promises Mayela. “You can become a even more famous model than Ilitia.” to Kristel’s delight. Mayela is tired of Ilitia’s tantrums and lack of professionalism. “You are coming with me for a week in new York!” Mayela tells Kristel.

The bathing suit fashion show in Acapulco. Brandon looks all fancy in black, shades, and headset while bathing suit models parade past. “Here comes our top international model, Ilitia Porta-Lopez!” says the announcer. “There you are, Ilitia Porta-lopez, standing on your pedestal.” narrates Brandon to himself. “Who could know that behind that smile and apparent self-confidence is a woman frustrated, alone, who doesn’t accept what she is,” he says derisively. But he sure checks out her derriere as she slow-mo saunters past him.

Manzanita and Cristian are at Muñeca’s and Garduña plays Santa Claus outside with the kids. A beaten Lorenzo looks through fence and weeps.

MV is passed out on bed in a room with big evil Mau. “You thought I was going to kill you, but you are no good to me dead! I want to make you mine.” Big nasty thing wakes her up. “Here is your prince and I swear to you I am going to give you much more than a kiss!” She wakes up disoriented. “Here we are in a hotel.” BOM tells her. “What are you going to do?” cries MV. BOM starts to undress - yuck!!!! “People are going to realize I’m gone and they are going to call the police.” MV tells him. “They won’t find us. “Don’t worry - Victoria I’m going to be so patient with you.” [OK - enough already with Mau being such a gross-out sleazoid! ¡Estoy harta!]

Gladiola and Netty are tending a very feverish José at the pension. Netty is thinking they may need to give him an ice bath to bring down the fever. José is delirious, saying stuff, begging for his son. “Tell me the truth - where is my son? What did you do with my son Fedra Curiel?” he demands. Netty and Gladiola are shocked to hear this.

Ug! - OK another horrible scene with Mau this being revenge for Victoria double crossing him and Victoria begging. “Why don’t you like me? I’m handsome enough. I’m the best lover in the world.” asks Mau. “You are bad, violent” explains MV, “some women don’t like that.” Mau complains that he wanted to marry Victoria. Now he wants to see her in a wedding dress.

Over at Casa RyD, Kristel is complaining. “Why is my house filed with police?” Kristel doesn’t believe BOM took Victoria by force. “Oh - Victoria had something going with my ex-puchungito!” “If you don’t have something more intelligent to say - say nothing.” admonishes Emiliano. Manolo reports for duty to help. “Lets go get them! It’s my sister, dude!”

Emanuel is at the pension with Netty and Gladiola. He has come to tell them that BOM kidnapped Victoria. “Please find Brandon Moreno for us.” The ladies totally freak out! “Emanuel you have to do something!” cries Netty. “I need to talk to Morena so he can help us find her.” Gladiola, a little embarrassed, tells Eman she thought he already knew that Ilitia had hired Brandon as her bodyguard and took him to Acapulco with her. Emanuel looks pretty surprised.

We cut to Brandon’s office where Ilitia and Brandon have just returned from Acapulco. Brandon is hugging Ilitia as she tells him she feels safe in his arms. Just at that moment, Fedra walks in [of course!]. “Ilitia Porta-Lopez de Ruiz y de Teresa! What are you doing hugging that man!”

Back at Netty’s. No, Eman didn’t know anything! “Why did Ilitia hire Morena as her guardaespaldas?” Netty thinks if a woman doesn’t tell her husband it’s because she’s hiding something. Eman agrees. Gladiola thinks that’s too harsh. Netty directs Eman’s attention back to the urgency of Victoria’s situation. She thinks el lirio de plata is the one for the job. Eman agrees. He knows Victoria is really important to her. “She’s more important than you even think. You need to do this for her - and yourself too! For now and forever!” cries Netty. Eman is impressed but mystified. “She is...... She is la mujer de tu vida!” Netty finally declares. “Uh-huh?” says Eman, confused. [Those brain wheels looks stuck there again Eman!]

In Brandon’s office Fedra accuses Ilitia of having a roll in the hay with Brandon, which of course Ilitia vehemently denies. “What are you doing with this guy who only wants to ruin our life?” scolds Fedra. Brandon protests he’s just with Ilitia in a professional capacity and they were saying goodbye when Fedra walked in. This is not fooling Fedra for one minute! But Fedra is there with papers to show that Bernardo’s fine has been paid and all Eva’s money has been returned to Marianela, so Brandon should release him right away.

Now Victoria is tied to a chair in Mau’s hotel room. “My god I have to get out of here!” she cries and manages to get her wrists free and calls Eman on the nearby cell.

Back at Casa RyD Jorge gets a call. “This is not a good moment! Oh - now it turns out you need help!” He exits claiming an emergency. Kristel is annoyed about all this fuss over Victoria. She complains how men turn into such apes - i.e. their neurons quit functioning - whenever a woman is in front of them. Andre explains that this is not a game - Victorias life is at risk. “Whatever” says Kristel. She thinks everyone is here all stressed out, but Victoria must be having a great time with her “ex”. Andre looks away disgusted.

Mau returns to the hotel room. He sees that Victoria has managed to unbind her arms. Wow - he’s brought her a wedding dress! He wants to watch her undress slowly and then put it on. Go on - what is she waiting for? Victoria starts begging for mercy. Mau starts kissing on her - she tries to escape. Mau manages to throw her on bed and starts up the kissing again. “Who goes there?” “It is I!” says el lirio de plata! BOM is impactado.

Casa de RyD. Kristel thinks Andre has got the hots for Doris. No way says Andre. Kristel suggests Andre come up to her room for some fun.

Fedra is at a cafe with Ilitia. “What’s wrong with you! You think you are so refined, but it turns out the girl likes chacalones”. Ilitia protests that it was just business with Brandon. Fedra tells her her obligation is to keep her marriage afloat - forget her modeling career. Jorge shows up. “What’s he doing here?” complains Ilitia. “I asked him to come,” replies Fedra. “You don’t need to explain anything to Ilitia,” announces Jorge, “she knows that I’m just as interested in keeping Victoria and Eman apart as you two.” “OK - what stupid things have you been up to now?” he pointedly asks Ilitia. Ilitia protests innocence while Fedra declares Ilitia is having an affair with that policeman Morena. Ilitia then defends herself that Eman refuses to sleep with her so who can blame her for seeking a little affection. Ilitia gets the oft-repeated “you are a woman you have to convince Eman so he won’t go to another woman” speech from Fedra. Jorge tells Fedra to calm down. He’s already told Ilitia she has to do something - but no! “OK - you both keep telling me I have to do something ‘definitive’ but - what?” demands Ilitia, stumped. “I haven’t been able to think of anything!” “Think, mi reina, think!” responds Fedra. “You need to get pregnant by Eman as soon as possible.” “Ahhhh - that!” says Ilitia amazed “Si, mi vida, eso!” snarls Fedra. Ilitia’s brain really has to process this stupendous idea.

In the hotel room, el lirio de plata is beating up BOM. “I’ll not let you abuse a woman again.” BOM grabs his gun but wants to know what is going on between el lirio and Victoria. “It’s none of your business.” replies el lirio as he kicks away the gun.

Andre is definitely revolcandose half-naked on the bed with Kristel when Jacqui bursts through the door to Kristel’s room to harangue Andre once again about his mujeriego ways.

El lirio has BOM down and he has the gun. “What are you going to do, kill me?” taunts Mau. MV must be passed out on the bed again. “No, I’m not garbage like you.” el lirio answers. He disarms the gun. “What did you do to Victoria?” el lirio asks. “That’s how all women are after being with me.” boasts Mau and he gets some real good punches for that nastiness.

OK - we’re back to Kristel’s room again with Jacqui and Andre. We get the typical loud escena de celos with tons of insults exchanged. FF>> Oops - but Doris walks in to announce el lirio found Victoria, and what is happening here? More insults ensue.

Back at the cafe. “You need to tell Eman that you are pregnant as soon as possible.” lectures Fedra. “Yeah - that’ll work!” answers Ilitia sarcastically. “Eman will know I’ve been with another man because your son doesn’t touch me.” “Well - you’re going to have to find a way to be with him - you need to get pregnant as soon as possible. A woman’s job is to conquistar her man.” Fedra tells her. [And here is delicious pivotal bit that was cut: Fedra tells Ilitia - “Well, maybe Eman won’t be with you for love, but he might be with you for spite (despecho).” Fedra then turns and asks Jorge if he is suficiente hombre con “h” to get Victoria into bed with him. Jorge looks extremely annoyed at the question.]

El lirio de plata is beating up on Mauricio some more while MV passed out on the bed. El lirio threatens BOM if he ever messes with that woman again he’s not going to live to tell it and knocks BOM down. He wakes up Victoria. “You’ll never live a nightmare like this again,” el lirio promises and gets ready to carry her out of the window when the Brandon and his policemen burst into the room guns drawn.

Out on the hotel grounds el comisario is giving orders to a pair of policemen to watch the back of the hotel. He notices that the short one of the pair has been eating way too many tacos and tortas - “What a huge belly you have!” That pair goes off to follow orders as Tejeda watches wonderingly. Manolo is ready to take pictures of Fonseca captured!

Up in the room Brandon tells el lirio “You have no escape. Let go Victoria and turn yourself in!” “You’re surrounded!” adds Oliver. “I already told you where we were” el lirio tells Brandon “Victoria is already saved thanks to me. If you had arrived this would not have happened.” Brandon and Oliver don’t care - the hotel is surrounded, if you try to leave you’ll be shot. “Let Victoria go and I’ll let you go.” Brandon tells el lirio to Oliver’s shock.

Now Brandon and Oliver are back down outside at ground level. Brandon is wondering how it is possible that no one has seen el lirio who left out the window with Victoria. Tejeda admits that he didn’t recognize the policeman with Ramirez watching the back of the hotel. Oliver tells him it couldn’t have been Ramirez as he is in the hospital.
Eman shows up at ground level. “Welcome, welcome, may I know what you are doing here?” demands Brandon. Eman claims he is just here to find Victoria. Tejeda arrests Eman over Manolo’s protests.

Jorge is meeting with Fedra in a study at Casa RyD. “Here are the fingerprints - left and right. Blood sample.” Fedra hands this stuff over to Jorge. “Thanks.” says Jorge, “Now lets talk about money.” “You’re dying to know where I hid the inheritance from Luis Felipe, right?” sneers Fedra “Well here it is.” She hands a brochure to Jorge. “I invested that money down to the last cent.” She’s really proud of this luxury resort in Cancun - it’s even bigger than that huge Tower of Babel they constructed in Dubai! Jorge comments on the other investors - Lorenzo, Pantoja, Garduño. Jorge wants 50%, seeing as how he’s Marianela’s husband, or he’ll take it all away from Fedra. “ Look George! 5%” responds Fedra. “Look Fedra, 30%, or the investigation by Luis Felipe will come to light.” “OK - but I want the original of the investigation right away.” answers Fedra. Jorge laughs. “No way! He knows perfectly well that the second he gives over the originals, he is a dead man!” Fedra reminds him what he needs to accomplish with Victoria. Here as some ‘gotitas de sueña feliz’ (little sweet dream drops) and hands a small vial over to Jorge who takes it. “Look, you take care of your part with Ilitia. I know exactly what I need to do.” says Jorge.

At Muñeca’s, she and Garduño are toasting each other with wine. Muñeca is so grateful for the divorce and Garduño giving her Cristián. Muñeca admits that bad guys like el lirio de plata and Garduño bring out her rebellious side. She loves the daring feeling of being with men like him. “I always dreamed of having a woman like you,” Garduño croons at Muñeca. “intelligent, cultured, refined, elegant. Muñeca, I am capable of putting the world at your feet!” and Garduño goes in for the kiss just as Kristel arrives to see it. “Mamá!”

Mauricio is now behind bars. He whines to Brandon. “You think I had something to do with Victoria’s kidnapping?” He claims he was at the hotel to rescue Victoria. This gets a growl and shirt grab through the bars from Brandon. “There were witnesses that saw you force Victoria into your car!” Mauricio claims he and Victoria have a relationship - that he would never force her to do something she didn’t want to and Victoria loves certain little (wink) games. That gets another growl and grab out of Brandon who tells BOM that he is going to see him behind bars for the rest of his life for what he did to Victoria but ALSO what he did to Ilitia! Brandon looks quite impactado at that!

Nereida calls down the stairs at the RyD mansion. Victoria is in her room, but she thinks Victoria is dead!

Back at the pension. Netty can’t eat any of goodies Gladiola tries to hand her because she’s too worried about MV. Oliver comes in with the great news that they found Victoria! “But then we lost her again! El lirio de plata got there first, rescued Victoria and carried her off.” Netty cheers at this news and tells Oliver not to worry because she’s in the best hands ever! Now Netty bites into the goodies in celebration much to Oliver’s puzzlement.

Eman is in Brandon’s office being interrogated. Brandon says he knows Eman is el lirio de plata - why waste anymore time?” “If I’m el lirio, how could I get Victoria to her house if I was detained here the whole time?” challenges Emanuel. “It’s obvious you had help from your accomplices - Fidel and Benigno.” says Brandon disgusted. Eman turns the tables on Brandon by asking about the Acapulco trip where Brandon was supposedly Ilitia’s bodyguard. This totally flusters Brandon.

Jorge is in MV’s bedroom comforting her. She’s very traumatized about her cruel treatment at BOMs hands. “It’s all over now” croons Jorge. In her hand MV has a lirio de plata that el lirio put in her hands when he brought her home. Jorge is annoyed - he doesn’t understand why that guy has so much interest in MV. “What was that important thing you needed to tell me?” asks MV. I have great news Marianela, something you aren’t expecting. I took on the task of investigating Fedras financial dealings. It wasn’t easy” he boasts, and he shows Marianela something inside the brochure he took from Fedra’s study. “Look at this construction company - here is the name of Juana Felipa Pérez. Fedra is investing in a mega tourist complex in Cancun.” “Oh my God!” says MV stunned. “You found it! You found the inheritance from my Dad that Fedra stole from Tia Carlota.” She is delighted. “Thank you! Thank you!” Marianela enthusiastically hugs Jorge who then, over her shoulder, shows the rest of us a truly evil smile!

- Ilitia slaps Kristel for daring to sleep with her Dad. Kristel threatens Ilitia right back since she knows all about Brandon.
- The nefarious plan to separate Eman and Victoria progresses. They show Jorge and Victoria at dinner. Then Victoria wakes up in Jorge’s bed.


estar en sus cabales - be in one's right mind

trastorno de erotomanía y concupiscencia - pathological eroticism and concupiscence (unhealthy lust) disorder

resbaloso/a - slippery, flirtatious (in Mexico)

halagos - cajolery

la más cotizada en Mexico - the most sought-after (model) in Mexico

¡Estoy harto/a! - I’m fed up!
revolcarse (con un(a) amante) - wallow; to have a roll in the hay

fregarnos nuestra vida - to ruin our life

eres sumamente mentirosa - you are an extreme liar

¿Quién anda ahí? - Who goes there?

chacalones - big jackals? maybe

mujeriego - womanizer, skirt chaser

conquistar - to win over, make someone fall in love with you; conquer

travesura - mischief

lacra - blemish, scar

guardaespaldas - bodyguard


Thursday, March 10, 2011

La Fea Más Bella #247-248 3/10/11 That Aldo’s a nice boy, but you, you’re DON FERNANDO!

Capitulo 247.
Read Alma's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Alicia leaves with Tom. It seems like gradually, she is becoming less disgusted with him, much like when Lety first started working for Fernando.

2. At the club, Aldo pressures Lety to go to Acapulco with him immediately, but she wants to check the status at Conceptos tomorrow. That boy’s running scared! Tiziano Ferro sings “Y estaba contentisimo.” He gets blindfolded and searches with his heart to find a woman to kiss, and he picks Lety.

3. Fernando asks MamaJ to let him talk to Lety. See the transcript. She says he can’t fool her. He says he fell in love with an angel, and he begs to know where she is. MamaJ refuses until she sees the “Solo diós sabe” napkin.

4. Omar tells Caro he fought with Fernando. Omar doesn’t see how Fern could hit his best friend after all they’ve been through.

5. At the club, Fern tells Lety that Conceptos is a family that loves her, and he loves her most of all. She tells him to leave her alone. Fern tells Tizi that Lety doesn’t love that dude she’s with; she loves him, Fernando. He’s desperate and he can’t lose her. He asks Tizi to dedicate a song to her. See the old board for a translation of the lyrics. See this link to hear the song.

6. Fernando cries. Lety suffers because Fernando is suffering. And Aldo cringes because his one hope is that Lety believes Fernando will never love her, and that one hope is gasping for breath right now.

7. Fern begs Lety for one more chance. See the transcript. She says she doesn’t love him anymore. He says that’s not true and reads from her diary. He says he wants to share the rest of his life with her.

8. Mama reports her conversation with Fern. It started as a game and turned into love, he left Marcia, he never touched another woman after you, he honestly repents, and MamaJ believes him. He brought the bag of memories and says it’s all true. Lety says he read her diary and that was the last straw. But she reads the message on the napkin and allows herself to hope it’s true, for just a moment.

Capitulo 248.
Read Julie's original recap, then come back here to discuss it.

1. Fernando is home alone, very alone. Lety’s not alone in her room. Like a demon and an angel on her shoulders, visions of Aldo and Fern appear. She wants to burn the cards and diary. Aldo says “BURN!” while Fern says, “Those are my tears.” She snuffs the fire.

2. Ali finds an eviction notice; she has ten days. Irma tries to convince the cuartel that Fernando loves Lety, but they all desert her. Ali offers to move in with Marcia. Yeah, Marcia will do that when the devil takes up figure skating. Next she tries to scam money out of the cuartel.

3. Tom reports that they didn’t make enough from the expo. Lety tells the board. Humberto asks for her solution but she has none. She failed and she resigns. Los dos padres tell her she can’t. In her office, she tells Aldo she has to fulfill her commitment. See the transcript; note the contrast between Lety’s and Aldo’s world views.

4. And now for something completely different. Fernando tells Lety he recognizes that she quit to get away from him. He won’t let Conceptos pay for his errors anymore. He resigns so she can stay because she’s the only one who can save Conceptos. He tells her, “From now on you can safely open your office door because I won’t be there. You can go to your house without problems because I won’t be waiting for you. And you can answer all your calls because it won’t be me calling you. You asked me to leave you alone, and I’m going to do just that. I’m not just resigning Conceptos. I’m also resigning you.”

5. Aldo leaves for Acapulco. While he’s swimming in the bay, an amorous octopus clutches his arms and legs and won’t let go despite his attempts to pull away. She carries him to her lair because she loves him and wants him all to herself. He suffocates and dies, and Lety lives happily ever after.

6. Now it’s Erasmo’s turn. He says, “I never thought you’d be capable of running away from such an important responsibility.” She’s afraid to fail but she’ll stay until Conceptos is out of debt.

7. Irmita to Fern: What hurts most is that you’re going away from Lety.
Fern: Yes, but she has Domensaín, and that’s the best option for her. .. Or no?
I: Could be. He’s a nice boy. He’s the ideal man for any woman.
But you, you’re Don Fernando!Fern says he’s changed, but he deserves what has happened. Irma says that finding true love is hard; and they love each other like crazy. “Don’t let her go.”
F: Because I love her so much, I don’t want to hurt her. I’m leaving so she can be happy.

12. Ariel stomps around the vortex. Ali denies any romance with Tom. Ariel yells, “When I’m president, everything will change.”

Spanish Lessons

Fernando and Julieta
F: Good evening, Señora Julieta
J: Tell me. What are you doing here?
F: I need to talk with Lety.
J: She left, and I don’t know when she’ll return.
F: I suppose she left with Aldo?
J: Yes. And if you want to talk with her, wait until tomorrow.
F: Doña Julieta, it’s that, Lety is going to resign Conceptos for that Domensaín. I can’t let that happen. It’s critical that I talk with her. Please.
J: My daughter already made her decision. Leave her alone, please.
F: No, I can’t I can’t because I love Lety. I love her and I’m not willing to lose her.
J: You can’t fool me. I know very well the you caused her. I know it, tear upon tear.
F: You only know Lety’s version, with all due respect, Doña Julieta. Not mine. I beg you, please, to hear me out.
F: Believe me, I know it was horrible, everything I did to Lety. I repent profoundly. You don’t know how much..
J: It’s too late.
F: But look. What started as a deception, unfair, reprehensible, turned into the greatest thing to happen in my life.
J: You fell in love?
F: Yes, Doña Julieta. With Lety I met (conocer) love. True love. At first I believed I could control the dirty game. But little by little [the treasure of Lety won me over? XG the garbage at Lety?]
J: I don’t know if I believe you.
F: Look. Nobody has ever loved me like Lety. Her kisses (and other stuff!) were the most sincere that I received in my whole life. I felt their tenderness XG. I guy like me understands tenderness. Doña Julieta, I fell in love with an angel.
J: I don’t understand. Why didn’t you you tell Lety you’re in love with her?
F: I told her many times. Including, I started writing the messages in the cards myself. For that reason I brought those memories. But Lety found that maldita letter from that idiot Carvajal, and since then, she doesn’t believe a thing I say.
J: Not even in your dreams will she believe you.
F: I know. But look. Ever since Lety got angry at me, I never went back to going out with other women. NEVER. I broke up with Marcia. And I did it all to show her how much I love her. And now Lety wants to leave with Domensain. She’s going to make a mistake.
J: It’s that, the way you deceived my daughter, now maybe it’s beyond repair. Get away from her. Forget her.
F: I can’t I can’t because if Lety doesn’t give me another chance, my life doesn’t doesn’t have a purpose anymore. I wouldn’t have a reason to live.
J: No. No, don’t say that. Don’t say such things. No.
F: Look. I’ve asked forgiveness from God. From life. From Lety, many times. Now I ask your forgiveness.
J: I forgive you.
F: You know that she still loves me. So I ask for your help, DoñaJ.
J: Don Fernando, don’t even say that to me, because I know my daughter.
F: Nothing more than to tell me where I can find her, okay?
J: No.
F: DoñaJ, I won’t be able to sleep without talking to her. (She shakes head no.) Okay. I understand. And thank you for listening to me. (He walks toward door, then pauses.) Just one last favor, okay? Give Lety the memories. I already took out all the trash. What’s left is entirely the truth. Oh! Above all, this. (Takes napkin from his pocket.) “Lety, only God knows how much I love you. Only God knows it. Fernando.”
J: You wrote that?
F: Yes, when Lety disappeared, when she went to Acapulco. Give this to her for me too, okay? Thank you. (He opens the door to leave.)
J: This time I’m going to believe you. If you honestly love my daughter, she needs to know it.

Final Plea At The Restaurant
L: I don’t know what you’re trying to do, but I beg you. Let me leave.
F: No, you can’t leave until you give me a chance to show you how much I love you.
L: Do you really think you’re going to convince me? What kind of fool do you think I am? Get it into your head (darse cuenta – realize, notice). The only thing I can feel for you is.. compassion.
F: You’re still in love with me. And I know it.
L: How (conceited?). Tell me, how do you know that?
F: That doesn’t matter, Lety. Give me another chance. And I’ll show you how long I’ve loved you. How long you’ve held the key to my heart. Because you’ve suffered for me as much as I’ve suffered for you.
L: Sr. Fernando, it took me a lot of work to get you out of my heart, but I’ve managed to. I don’t love you anymore.
F: That’s not the case (no es cierto). (He takes out her diary.) Your drawing is very pretty. (Reading:) Today my heart beat like crazy, with only a look from him. With his voice, I felt so weak. My heart is not able to renounce/let go of him. It’s a traitor that doesn’t recognize the other (is a) traitor in front of it.
L: You dared to read my diary.
F: I know I did wrong, but believe me, when I read this, I stepped up out of Hell. And by every single page, Lety, it gave me back my life. A life that now I would like to share with you.
L: I have forgiven you a lot of things, Sr, Fernando, but this I will not forgive. I want nothing more to do with you.

Aldo & Lety’s Contrasting Value Systems
L: My father’s right. I promised. It would be much easier to run away from it all, but I can't go to Acapulco with you and forget about everything. I’m obligated to stay.
A: But why? They knew XG the money. Besides, you accepted my invitation. (IOW you should ignore commitments to others but abide by commitments to me.)
L: I’m sorry, Aldo. But the big thing is that.. there’s something important that I’ve just been thinking about. In this company they’ve humiliated me a lot. I won’t let that happen.
A: You’re totally right. Why do you insist on saving this company?
L: If I don’t move Conceptos forward, I won’t be able to feel satisfied / at peace with myself. If I leave now and let the company fail, I myself will agree that they’re right. I’ll feel useless.
A: So you’re willing to sacrifice your happiness for them? (Wasn’t he listening?)
L: No. On the contrary. I want to be happy, but I can't leave here because I would never forgive myself. I would carry this huge failure with me for the rest of my life. A person can't run* from his mistakes. One has to confront them. You know that.
A: That's why I love and admire you more every day. (In a pig’s eye! If that was true, why’d he try seven ways to Sunday to dissuade her??)

* She says “vivir” but I think she meant to say “huir.”


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