Friday, July 08, 2011

Teresa Thu 7/7/11 #93 Snits in Spain, Hernan is THE Galán.

Episode is finally done! Sorry, no screencaps this time, I'm going barebones. But it is DONE!!!


LO SIENTO, I know I am going to miss parts. PLEASE feel free to correct any errors or add stuff that I missed because I'm going to try to go through this fast.

We start with Rubigote giving Aeeeeda a hard time about Mariano, but she's not having any of it.

Aurora having a heart-to-heart with Mariano about her abandonment issues with missing mom. Mariano comforts her with a hug. He seems a bit touchy-feely to me.

Pati tries to counsel Espe in the hospital, about getting Rubigote to help pay for expenses. Espe is not receptive to this and Pati is flustered because she realizes she's stuck her foot in it.

After their touchy-feely talk, Mariano leaves Aurora as Juana and Hector the Director come to see her. Juana notices Aurora's tears and listens as Aurora talks about her unrequited romance woes with Mariano.

Conversation between Pati and Espe continues in hospital room. Espe is worried about paying the bills, but she can't be indebted to Rubigote. She says that Johnny is a good brother who wants to help his sister. Pati agrees that Johnny's quite the wonderful fellow.

Juana and Aurora have a bonding moment, where I think Aurora talks about Juana's losing her baby and the affect it had on her. Comforting coming from both sides in this pseudo mom-daughter moment.

Mariano tells Hector the Director that Espe is on the verge of losing her baby because of this infeliz, Rubigote.

Teresa and Professor Hottie are now finally in España. Teresa is thrilled at the sights as Prof. Hottie looks on, pleased.

Johnny comes to Espe's hospital room. He got a lot of money. Espe and Pati are worried about where he got it. He assures them that it's okay, he didn't get it from Geme.

More with Prof. Hottie and Teresa roaming around España.

Cutberto visits Refugio. I missed some of it here. He gives her money to (I think) give to Espe to help pay her hospital bills. Refugio decides that they both need to go to the hospital.

Mayra and Rubigote. He tries to placate her and assure her that he's not Espe's baby daddy, but Mayra is very skeptical about his and angry.

In Espe's hospital room, Hernan the Galán is checking up on her. She's asleep and Hernan whispers sweet things to her bebe, about how much both mom and he love said bebe. Sweet.

It's been a long day in España and Teresa and Prof. Hottie go to their hotel room. But wait, what's this? What are Prof. Hottie's bags doing in Teresa's room? She doesn't want them to share a room because they are, after all, separated. Poor Professor Hottie looks absolutely crestfallen at this.

Luisa and Fernando's b*tchy mom are talking. The conversation goes to Teresa. Luisa puts in a good word for Teresa's worthiness, but b*tchy mom isn't too sure.

More argument between Teresa and Prof. Hottie about the whole sharing the room thing. I missed something there, but basically he lays it out—let's cancel the trip and go back to Mexico if you aren't on board with all of this. That's telling her!

Luisa and b*tchy mom. Talking about marriage to Fernando. Mom would like Luisa to marry him right away. Luisa admits that he would like them to move in together first. Mom says (I think) something about go for it then!

Professor Hottie says they don't have to make love, but at least they can share a room. They have to show some intent at being together and working on reconciling. (I think.) Okay, says Teresa. The whole "having sex with Prof. Hottie" was apparently the deal-breaker for her, and so with that off the table, she can cope. I don't understand this woman. LOL!

Luisa is surprised by mom's advice to live with Fernando. Mom is very casual, hey, that's what they're all doing these days. The world is changing, yadda yadda. Luisa is a little surprised to hear this from Fer's mom, but she admits she'd like to live with him. Oh, we see that this is going to be a trainwreck, don't we?

Mom encourages Luisa to move in with Fernando while Prof. Hottie and Teresa are off in Europe (so presumably Prof. Hottie won't hit the roof quite yet at the news). See how things work out. Luisa seems a bit skeptical about this plan, but smiles.

Rubigote and Mrs. Rubigote have the brilliant idea to go harass Espe in her hospital room. Fortunately Hernan the Galán stops them at the door and tells them to stop bothering "mi mujer" which makes Mayra look pointedly at Rubigote. Rubigote doesn't look pleased himself.

Refugio and Cutberto see Aurora napping in one of the offices at the hospital. They start to leave, but Aurora wakes up and invites them in. There's some talk about the time change in Europe? FF>>

Hernan the Galán is the MAN. He is not taking any BS from Mr. & Mrs. Bigote. Mayra wants to ask about how many months Espe is along in her pregnancy. She seems to think that it's her God-given right to barge in there and find this out right now. But Hernan is like no way. Stop bothering mi mujer. Go Hernan! Of course in the background, Aeeeeda is listening in, unseen.

It's bedtime for Prof. Hottie and Teresa. She's wearing some skimpy nighty and he is showing off his hot bod. They start to get snippy with each other (something about what side of the bed do you want) and start to snipe about bad memories regarding Paloma and Mariano. Blah blah blah. Teresa goes in a huff to sleep on the couch in a snit and Prof. Hottie says good night and turns out the light, returning to the bed. Teresa pouts. I guess she expected him to beg some more.


Mariano and Aurora are talking about Mariano's struggles to keep his clinics going. She gives him the business card of some company (or organization) that helps out people like him. He says something like he'll do this, but only if she's there with him (?). She always helps him and he wants her to get credit for it.

Fernando's back from wherever he was and Luisa says that now that Hermano (Prof. Hottie) and Teresa are away for a while, why don't they move in together and see how it goes. Fernando actually jumps and recoils a little at this news. Then comes along mom and says what a great great plan it is, and how she'll go alone to Cancun (I think?) and leave them by themselves. Or something. Basically mom is totally giving them the green light. Fernando seems a bit shocked by all of this.

In the middle of the night, Prof. Hottie goes into where Teresa is sleeping, gently carries her (blanket and all) and places her in the bed. She doesn't awake. He kisses her forehead and then goes off to (presumably) sleep on the couch. Sucker.

Aurora and Mariano are talking about Espe's bebe and how Hernan is working hard to save it. Aeeeeda barges in and says something which I THINK means that as far as she's concerned, let the baby die. Mariano gives her such a look of disgust.

Fernando says of course he wants to live together! Luisa's bro and Teresa are trying to make a go of it, now is the time for them too. They kiss.

Big drama between Aeeeda and Mariano. My hatred for Aeeeda reaches new heights. Basically yeah, she wishes the kid were dead. Mariano is appalled because: 1) He's a DOCTOR, he's supposed to save lives, 2) This kid may be Aeeda's half sibling, que the hell? and 3) This kid is innocent, dammit!

But Aeeda is on a rampage and says something like if you can't be on my side, adios. Mariano looks beyond disgusted. Finally he sees her for what she is.

Teresa wakes up and goes to the living area where our Professor Hottie is sleeping on the couch, looking adorable and like a hottie. Teresa looks fondly at him, shaking her head slightly, as the romantic song plays. It looks like Professor Hottie made the right move if he wants to try to secure her affections. I still think he's a sucker, though.

Hernan and Aurora are talking about Esperanza's delicate condition. And, no worries, Hernan can get the bills taken care of. But Johnny the Dimwit comes up and says in a roundabout way, "No offense doc, but I don't want my sister to be beholden to you." Poor Hernan's face falls.

More ranting and raving between Mariano and Aeeeda. He just can't understand her horrible attitude! He seems absolutely astounded and disgusted. He says maybe they shouldn't see each other anymore. She seems amazed at this.

Breakfast in España. Some chitchat about not eating too much and getting fat. Then they talk about shopping. Teresa seems to have warmed up to Prof. Hottie and he looks pleased. Romantic song playing in background. We then show a montage of scenes of Teresa and Prof. Hottie wandering around Madrid, hand-in-hand, looking happy.

Mariano barges into Rubigote's office and reads him the riot act, about bothering Esperanza. Also, it's Rubigote's fault she's even in the hospital at all! He needs to be a man and deal with the consequences of his actions. Mariano then says that Aeeda is smart and is almost sure that Espe's baby daddy is Rubigote. Mariano also warns Rubigote that Aeeeda wishes the baby were dead. (I think that's what was said!)

Some discussion between Aeeeda and Aurora about Mariano. Aeeeda asks Aurora to help get Mariano back. Aurora has an uncertain look on her face.

Mariano lectures Rubigote about all the stuff he's done. I missed some of this. Rubigote says that in truth he wants the kid to live and wants to take care of it (I think he says this). Mariano warns Rubigote to leave Espe alone because her pregnancy is at risk.

Prof. Hottie and Teresa have more bonding moments in España. They get their picture taken in front of some statue, as Teresa thoughbubbles how she misses Mariano. Professor Hottie, oblivious as usual, gives her a kiss on her forehead.

Aeeeda and Aurora talking. Aeeeda says that Mariano interests her more than she had anticipated, and Aurora is her best friend and she can help. Aurora says that Espe is also a friend of hers and I think she is reluctant to help. Aeeeda says something I missed and then says that she suspects that Espe's bebe is her dad's and she wants to know for sure. (?)

Back in Madrid, Teresa is walking along the street with Professor Hottie and looking pensive. He asks why she is crying. She says that she's thinking about how perfect it is to see beautiful places with someone you love (she of course is thinking of Mariano). But poor Professor Hottie jumps on this, all hopeful, thinking that she means him. He babbles about how he knows he's done things to hurt their love, but maybe now they can have a new start. She says she won't let her feelings dominate her and he says that love is most important. He seems so hopeful and she looks away with a cold look on her face.

Aeeda talking with Aurora some more. More complaining about Espe's kid. Aeeda admits that she spoke rashly and without thinking to Mariano about not wanting the kid to exist. She asks Aurora to help get Mariano to forgive her, and Aurora says she'll talk with him.

Hector the Director and Hernán talking about Hernan's sincere interest in Espe and her baby.

Mariano talking with Espe. She's worried that Johnny got the money to pay the bills through Gema (the loan-shark lady). Mariano looks concerned.

Back in Madrid, they seem to be having a good day sightseeing. Teresa says it's cold. Maybe a hot cup of coffee would do. Professor Hottie has a better idea—a hug from someone who loves you. She smiles at this, receptive, as he give her a big hug. End of episode!

Avances show that Aeeeda gets into some altercation with poor Espe. Espe looks like she's having trouble, clutching her stomach. Professor Hottie and Teresa look like they are getting closer. Same with Mariano and Aurora. The next episode is apparently Monday.


Triunfo del Amor #161 7/7/11 A triumph of PJP over his mother's will.

I'll admit, I was going to FF through the "last night on…" but I had to stop and watch the slap again.

That's a tiny, tiny bed…reminds me of dorm days. Max and Maria smooch postcoitally and declare their luuuurve.

JuanJo and Nathy smooch. Ewwwww. She whines about being left behind, but he wanted her to be where the baby could get care, just in case.

Fer and Cruz fight to feed each other food…and keep their hands off each other. EPIC FAIL!!!!! I need popcorn. And a cold shower.

Party at Mili's. It's taken her days to give back all the money. Now it's "form an orderly line." Good grief! One of the Jarochas suggests they donate the money to a good cause. The other one suggests the telethon for I don't care enough to go back and figure out what.

Leonela is sublimating with ice cream. I could go for that. She starts to head out the door, but stops herself.

Vic is channel surfing. She gives up and tries to get comfy in her cold lonely bed.

Time passes.

Maria walks into the dressing room at Nueva Casa Vic, which is filled with pale yellow (or maybe cream?) roses from Max, por supuesto. He's buttering her up to beg forgiveness for Victoria. Maria's having none of it. She is sick to death of the pressure and wants everyone to back off. Max changes the subject and suggests a fun family outing with the babies. Maria has an idea.

Fer wants Cruz to dress a little differently for classes, but Cruz is ranchero and proud. He tells her she needs to take care of herself while he's gone--get some exercise, but not too much. He's going to go tell the neighbors to keep an eye on her. Fer starts on her PT, but there's a knock at the door. She assumes it's Cruz... which means it's actually Dr. Voice.

Maria arranges a picnic lunch on a blanket while Max manfully brings over both babies. That's right…real men parent their children. Be a good dad and you too can be as hot as Max. Rock hard abs and a kayak don't hurt either.

Dr. Voice begins his house call, following up on Fer's progress. I really wish they'd given her a cane or something. He tells her to keep taking her meds, doing her exercises, and going to CRIT once a week for strengthening exercises. He reminds her the she never answered his question--does she resent him for what happened with her mom? Damn, Dr. Voice, the world doesn't revolve around you, you know! Fer says she's over it. Her mom has a right to do what she wants. Os walks in and backs her up. It's all in Vic's hands and no one should pressure her.

Vic admires Max's additions to the dressing room. Toni walks in. I love her dress. Vic gets a little whiny about Os having left the house. And left her a free woman. And said he respects her decision.

Since both of her mom's suitors have invaded HER house, Fer is now going to let them have HER living room in which to have a private conversation. Os talks about how Fer has matured. Dr. Voice cuts to the chase, "I hear you've left your house." He says it was never his intention to be a home wrecker, it just happened.

Vic feels a little sorry for herself for being alone in the house. She figured everyone would move their families into the house and it would be full of her grandbabies. Toni reminds her that she didn't neglect her family for nothing--she did it to build her empire, so she could find Maria…who now won't speak to her, but hey, 2 out of 3.

Maria sings the lullaby to the boys. She tells Max that Vic used to sing it to her. Maria is glad the boys are growing up together as brothers. I wonder when they'll be getting another sibling. Max talks about how awesome it is to have sibs. Maria agrees, she likes having Fer as a sister. Max brings up Vic AGAIN. These people have no boundaries.

Vic whines some more about how she neglected her family and now she's alone. Whine, whine, Fer's accident, whine, whine, Osvaldo cheated, whine, whine. Toni says it's time for Vic to just be herself and stop hiding her emotions. It's never too late to find happiness, and Toni is always there for her. She'll support her if she wants to shag Dr. Voice. Ok, I embellished a little.

Os tells his rival he screwed up by getting involved with Linda. He figures he'll focus on his work and spend time with his kids and grandkids. And Dr. Voice's plans? Cause, you know, Os and Vic have been divorced for a while. Thanks for the reminder, Os. Doc says Vic asked for time and he's going to give her time. Os is grateful to Doc for what he's done for Fer, but he hopes Doc understands that they can't be friends. Oh, no Os/Doc bromance? They are just heaping the compliments on each other and being hyper-civilized. Oh, shut up already! They can't even say they're both leaving Fer's without taking five minutes to say goodbye. It's like fighting over who's going to hang up the phone first! They both flash back to their conversation just to prolong the moment that's already gone on far too long.

The hoodlums with the footage of Linda's death: The one guy is looking for Gui. It has something to do with him promising his mom on her deathbed that he'd straighten up and fly right. And once he turns the footage over to the cops, he'll have kept his promise and his mama can rest in peace. And so he's looking for Gui why?

Max tries to have a conversation with Maria about home improvement, but one of the boys is fussy. Maria says she wants to fix up the boys' room first. Max talks to the baby about making lots of food to make Maria get fat. Ah, that's romance. Smoochies.

At the theater, Gui and Leo rehearse. Leo says she won't follow him blindly anymore. She brings up Doc and Gui, in a ridiculous beard, gets upset. He threatens to test her resolve with a bottle of vodka. She points out that if she gets drunk again it's not going to help his career. The hoodlums are sneaking in. Gui threatens her not to screw with him. He thinks he's pulling her strings. Leo whines that they need to quit wasting time and rehearse already.

The boys are all strapped in and the baby paraphernalia is loaded into the minivan. Max and Maria take off.

Leo and Gui rehearse, but Gui is distracted by the hoodlums. He tells someone to turn on the lights, but he can't find them. He finds an envelope with the cell phone in it. He thinks himself a lucky bastard for having the footage. Stupid hoodlums. If anyone knows why they thought they should turn it over to Gui instead of the cops, please explain it to me!

Bernarda denies PJP her permission to…what? The same old arguments about filial piety. Oh, he wants to formally recognize Maria as his daughter, but Burnie says it would be too shameful for her. Bite me, Burnie. Maria walks in and greets PJP as Papa. I swear, I can see the steam rising off of Burnie. She just can't stand it! It's sacrilege! (You keep on using that word…I do not think it means what you think it means!) PJP is ready to start fixing the mistakes of the past.

Leo asks what's going on--are they going to continue rehearsing or what? Gui gets back to work. In costumes and still holding scripts? Seriously?

PJP takes Maria down to…if it were the US, I'd call it the county clerk's office. The documents are ready. It's an "acto de nacimiento extemporánea" (an after-the-fact birth certificate). PJP presents his ID. He wants her name to be listed as Maria Desamparada Iturbide. Hugs and tears. The official presents Maria with her birth certificate. She says she finally likes her name. She's just a girl like any other, with a last name. PJP says she can now confront the world with no shame and without feeling bad about herself. I think she could have done that before, if she'd made up her mind to, but ok.

PJP and Maria talk about the whole Alonso thing. Maria needs to go visit someone and thank them. PJP is on his way back to church.

At Casa Bernarda, they talk fashion. Burnie hates everything she's looking at.

Maria visits Fausto in jail. He says he's paying for someone else's crime. He admits burning Tomasa's body, but he insists he didn't kill her--Burnie did. Maria says she'd heard that, but she has a hard time believing her sweet old grandma would kill someone. Fausto says he's paying his debt to society so he can become a priest.

And there my DVR cuts off, so no kayaking for me.


Thursday, July 07, 2011

Cuando Me Enamoro #57 Thursday 7/7/11 The Sour Grapes of Wrath

It’s Grape Harvest night! We’ll have surprise guests, surprise behavior, and much plotting, scheming and threats amidst the celebration and wine-drinking. So if you are so inclined it would be appropriate to pour yourselves a glass of red and settle back to watch the antics. If you really want to fit in be sure to wear white...

Last night Adri spilled the frijoles to Renata about Matias marrying Rob because he is the father of her baby.

Tonight we cut to Roberta who weepily remembers Rafa. She fondles her engagement ring and tells his memory she’s marrying another so his son will have a father. “Why did you betray me Rafael? You’re the only man I ever loved.”

Over in the La Bonita kitchen the staff (Manuela, Mati, Hermi and Laz) discuss the Kari situation. Lazaro does not agree with Herminia that a wife should stay with her husband no matter what. He had resolved to accept the Kari/Doc union because he thought Doc was the better man but now he knows that’s not true. But if Kari prefers to be with that guy who mistreats her, as opposed to being with one who treats her with love and respect, what can he do? Manuela advises Laz that his story with Kari is over. The town is full of beautiful women and he should move on.

Adri tells Nata that apparently Matias “consoled himself” with Roberta after Nata dumped him. Rob got pregnant and now Matias is going to marry her even though they don’t love each other. Adri suggests that Roberta planned all of it to get revenge on Renata for marrying Jeronimo.

Team Bonita (kitchen gang plus Carlos) gang up on Jero to convince him to attend the Vendimia. He says he’s not in the mood to party. Laz says he’s not in the mood either but tradition is tradition. Mati urges that it will be bad luck and he’ll be viewed as an outsider. “Está bien,” Jero relents.

Manuela excitedly says all the baskets are ready. It’s tradition to have baskets full of all the grapes of all the vineyards in the region.

Doomed Diego walks down a dark street where he is mugged by Fina’s thugs. He hands over his phone, wallet, car keys and jacket but hey, they didn’t even beat him up! I feel cheated somehow. Dude, you got off SO EASY, you don’t even know.

The next morning Jero and his peeps gather in the vineyard where he congratulates them and gives credit to Rafa for growing a type of grape that has never been grown in the region before. He predicts that Rafa’s dream will be the pride not only of the region but of all Mexico. He chokes up, tells Rafa he loves him and begs his pardon for not being there when Rafa needed him. Carlos and Mati scold him, saying Rafa loved Jero. Mati reassures him that Rafa is looking down right now, happy and proud that Jero is there. It’s a good excuse for her to hug Jero. He shrugs her off and cuts the first bunch of grapes, dedicating it to Rafa and all his staff.

Over at Cruz de Amor Renata is finally out of her neck brace and walking on Augie’s arm followed by Arely (of course) and Adri. He has a surprise for her, the awesome grape earrings (that he designed for her). Uh oh, Arely is pithed, “Those earrings are for me!!” “I never said they were for you,” Augie corrects, “They are for the madrina of the vineyard and that would be Renata, NOT YOU.” Nata and Adri are all WTF weird trips incorporated and Nata tries to give the earrings back. But Augie tells her he hasn’t asked anything of her and it will be a huge offense to him if she doesn’t accept them. Arely grudgingly relents and snips “Oh go ahead and wear them, I don’t want them anyway.” Adri tries to joke out of the weirdness saying she’ll be the madrina next year, heh heh. She helps Nata with the sour grape earrings but the BFFs make major eye contact like “are these people on drugs?”

Funny how everyone is all in white at this red wine festival. Team Jero walks through their dusty vineyard also wearing white. Carlos and Mati advise Jero that to be part of the town and tradition he must present his baskets in front of everyone. “Including HER,” Jero adds acidly.

At Cruz de Amor they go through the same grape-cutting fol-de-rol with Renata getting to cut the first bunch. Smiles (except Arely) and clapping (except Arely). Adri pulls Nata aside to warn her that Augie still has the hots for her and everyone can see it. She doesn’t understand why Arely puts up with (aguantar) Augi’s crapola. Oh well, they should just try to have fun at the Vendimia and forget all their problems. They frolic through the vineyards, seeming to forget that Nata was hobbling around in a neck brace yesterday.

Empresas MR - Daniel mentions to Honorio that everyone has abandoned them including Blanca who had something important to do. (Ruh Roh!) Honorio asks to see Marcos of HR; finally he is acting on this. Let HR help you fire her crazy butt! He opens an office door and sees a guy cleaning inside. I think it’s Blanca’s office, likely he’s dreaming of when it becomes empty.

Uh oh, Blanca is over at Consti’s trying to become her freaky friend. She says Hons has talked a lot about Consti’s work with unfortunate woman. Blanca sucks up and says Cons is an amazing woman and has inspired her. How can she (Blanca) help out at the center or with Consti’s altruistic works? She wants to follow Constanza’s example. (Cue Psycho music.)

Hooray! It’s parade time in the wine country. I love parades. The church bells ring, the clarinets (lots of them) and horns play, baskets of grapes are displayed, and the lovelies are paraded through town. Gonzo and Matias have arrived and move through the crowd, I think Nata sees them, then Jero makes his way to the Cruz de Amor carriage featuring Renata so he can glare at her. She stares back. Augie glares. Arely glares. Here a glare, there a glare...

I stand slightly corrected, turns out Jero has come to save his own ass Renata from having to tell her dad and bro the truth. He helps her down from the carriage and they head for the Monterrubio males. Augie follows.

Nata is thrilled and gives dad a huge loving hug and a less enthusiastic greeting to her bro. Augi struts up and announces he invited them just as he invited all his clients. Nata pointedly tells Jero that he would be thrilled to put them in La Bonita’s guest rooms, correct? Gonzo tells him they got a hotel but Jero insists. Then Augi butts in and says he wants them to stay at Cruz de Amor. Then Gonzo decides they will stay in the house of his daughter and her spouse.

Dum da dum dum music. Berta is on her laptop as usual when Fina stalks into the room and hands over Diego’s cellular. Mom tells daughter to be more careful in the future, destroy the phone and tell Diego that his so-called position at the Monterrubio business has gone up in smoke. Happy cackling ensues.

Nata observes that Fina and Berta didn’t accompany Gonzo and Matias. Dad says they weren’t invited because they wanted to tell Renata something. She supposes it’s because Roberta is about to marry Matias. This news is a shock to Jero. Adri apologizes to Gonzo for telling Renata, but she didn’t know that Gonzo and Matias were coming. Gonzo says no prob, they came to tell Renata personally but they should have told her before. Frankly his statement is so reasonable that it shocked the heck out of me and I had to rewind to confirm.

Nata pulls Jero aside and thanks him for being gracious to her family and covering for her. He says it’s the least he could do after all the unfortunate things that have happened. Nata says seeing them is a surprise. Jero asks, is it seeing them or hearing that Matias will marry Berta? Jero offers his full support, La Bonita, a truce (tregua), whatever. I swear I’m going to start calling this guy Ping Pong at how quickly he changes directions. And after the truce, what then, she asks?

Andresito visits his hero Tony at the hospital. The little conehead (sorry, so tacky, I couldn’t help myself) drops the soup (soltar la sopa = spills the beans) that there are guards hanging around outside. Oopsie, Regina admits they are for her because of all the scary things that have been happening to her about her daughter. “And WHO arranged these guards?” demands Tony, glaring at her with his mean little eyes. He’s not happy to hear that Gonzalo Monterrubio has inserted himself into Regina’s life once again.

Kari happily announces to the padre that she and Alvaro are going to adopt a baby. For once the padre doesn’t look happy and he sternly advises that prospective parents should make sure to have HONESTY and VALUES before starting a family. Doctor Dud leads his Stepford wife away.

Gonzo and Augie amble through town enjoying big glasses of red wine. Gonzo is thrilled to be there and to see his daughter happily married. Augie says “ya think?” He offers his opinion that Jero is a good businessman who takes risks. “And as a man?” asks Gonzo. Augie thinks Renata could do better and he’s sure that Gonzo will come to share the same opinion. Hmmm...Gonzo’s not looking pleased with this statement.

Ezequiel and Alfonsina are laughing by a big vat of grapes when Ez presents Alf with a lovely bracelet for their anniversary. Awww, poor Alf forgot, guess she’s got a lot on her mind, eh? And here comes Doctor Buzz Kill to ruin the moment. Alf and Ez make lovey-dovey but Doc glares at Alfonsina who frowns and slinks away. Kari supposes that Alfonsina’s not happy that she and Doc have gotten back together. Lady, you have got to pull your head out of the sand.

Lazaro sadly watches Kari and Doc Ick walk away arm in arm.

Nata agrees to Jero that they will pretend to be a happy couple while Gonzo and Matias are there. They toast to their truce.

Not surpisingly, Doctor Scumbucket has circled back to grab Alfonsina. She pushes him away and threatens to tell Jero that Doc was completely drunk when he operated on Rafa. He grabs her throat and hisses he wants to make it clear that HE is the one who controls this relationship (EEK!). The one who pays will be her son. Alfonsina is shocked and distressed. Kick him in the nuts!

Nata accuses Augie of inviting her family so they could see that her relationship with Jero is not good. He feigns shock and insult, he invited ALL his clients. Nata apologizes but she is clearly not convinced. She tells him she would like to have her and Adri’s stuff moved to La Bonita while her father is there.

Auggie orders Ezequiel to take Adri’s things and SOME of Renata’s things to La Bonita as they will stay there while her father is there.

Arely approaches Augie and tells him she’s glad the women are leaving because finally she’ll have him to herself. She advises him that at the next fiesta SHE will be the guest of honor, not Renata and not her friend. “Let me make it clear Augustin, I am your woman!”

Matias and Adri talk about how disappointed Renata is in both him and Roberta. Matias stalks off just as a bubbly Carlos jumps in to introduce himself. Go Carlos! Adri tells him that they have been at Augi’s but, ssssshhhh, they are coming back to La Bonita because Nata’s family is there. She asks him to help maintain the facade of a happy marriage between Jero and Nata. He agrees and excuses himself to join a lonely Matilde. Silly boy, stay with Adri and make Mati jealous!

Mati snaps that she wants to be alone. She’s pithed because Nata the brother-killer once again has El Hermoso’s attention. Carlos asks when will she learn that Jero is madly in love with Nata in spite of everything?

Matias wants to talk to Nata. She snaps she’s surprised he’s there when he should be preparing for his wedding. He tells her he and Berta made a mistake and he gives his word he just wants to be a good father for the baby. Matias asks is Nata happy with Jero? “Very happy,” she replies glumly. Great camera angle of two very sad profiles.

Manuela asks Lazaro didn’t he swear to forget Kari? He says he’s trying but she is the love of his life. One nail drives out the other, she advises. Kari joins them. She’s smiling joyously which I find to be in very bad taste. Laz announces he’s going to hang out with the Grape Girls and excuses himself. Manuela tells Kari he’s disappointed because he thought she was a free woman. Kari wonders if he’ll ever forgive her. Manuela thinks Kari still loves Lazaro and hopes Kari won’t regret going back to her rapey snake husband who dreams of boinking another. My words not Manuela’s.

Padre announces it’s time to thank the earth and the hands that convert grapes into wine. He prays and blesses the grapes. All the Grape Girls jump into the vats and start their happy stomping. Does anyone remember that great Lucille Ball stomping grapes episode? But I digress...

Gonzo’s glee at watching Renata stomp is interrupted by a phone call from Regina. He gushes about the fantastic wine country and how happy his daughter is. Regina thanks him deeply for his protection but Tony is bothered and jealous so she can’t accept any more help from Gonzo. Tony has contracted for her protection.

Padre announces it’s time for the men to dance with the grape girls, Jero gets first honors. Ping pong man jumps in the vat and stomps with Nata while their CME song plays. Arely watches and remembers kissing Jero. All the other characters look on with varying degrees of delight and loathing.

The crowd yells “Beso, beso, beso” and Jero holds Nata close. Will they kiss?

Avances: Oh my, it looks like Jero and Nata get drunk and nekkid. Arely yells at Augie that Renata and she can’t live in the same house, it’s Nata or her. Bad move Spare Girl. Jero threatens Augie that Nata is His Woman.

Dicho of the day, an old familiar:
Un clavo saca otro clavo = there are other fish in the sea (lit. one nail drives out the other)


Teresa Wed 7/6/11 #92 Baby Mama Drama and Rough Weather Ahead

Emarie, Blusamurai and Anon207 each posted great mini-recaps in the comments section. I'm going to post Blu's here, as it's the most detailed, but thanks to all three for jumping in to fill in for Samantha last minute!

Recap by Blusamurai:
Hector chastises the two full grown men (Art and Ruben) about allowing their personal differences with Mariano affect their business decisions. He will not allow them to use Aurora as a go between because she is busy with her own work. Mariano assures Arturo he's leaving Teresa alone and then he tells Ruben that he is seeing Aeeeeeda and that's personal.

Ruben sees Espe with doting and adoring Dr. Hernan he is ready to blow a gasket, or in his case, the Bigote, off his upper lip.

Espe walks through the park alone and is accosted by and angry Ruben demanding to know what she is doing with Hernan. Espe tells him off-- none of his business-- as Ruben threatens to take his child away from her. Espe threatens back to expose his affair with Geno to all.

Ruben, enraged, throws Espe down on the ground and she lands hard on her side. He runs off like the coward he is leaving her there. Espe clutches her stomach.

Teresa talks to her Mariano Teddy bear as Arturo comes in asking if she will take it with her on their trip but she says no. He then says Fernando and Luisa are taking them to the airport.

Espe groans in pain as she continues to clutch her stomach.

Arturo and Teresa come down stairs as he says he will be in his office until Fernando and Luisa come to get them.

Reina interrupts a reveling Teresa who thinks about her trip, telling her that "ese" from the other day showed up again. Teresa panics trying to get Reina to get Fito out of there.

Reina thinks it a good idea to tell Arturo, but Teresa says no quickly as she shoos Reina away to the kitchen. She worries and wonders about what to do. Up pops Fito in her house.

Mariano and Aeeeeeda discuss the problems he's having concerning her father. He let's her know, under no uncertain terms, he's not in the mood for her moods and he doesn't want any problems at the hospital concerning their personal life. She agrees to help out at his dispensario and do her public relations work for the foundation, as he tells her doesn't want anymore problems with Arturo or her father- good luck with that Mariano.

Teresa tries to get Fito to leave as he is looking for another handout of cash. Teresa says she doesn't have any cash as Fito doesn't believe her and wants his money threatening to expose Teresa to Arturo.

Fito says he wants his money as Teresa uses her father as an excuse because he is working for her husband now and may come by the house at any moment and recognize him. Fito thinks her husband lawyer and his firm could help him out of his legal bind. She puts off Fito for now but the threat remains to blow her marriage up with what she has done.

Fernando and Luisa show up and interrupt them as Fito scurries out of there. Fernando goes after Fito as Teresa stops him. Both question why she is so nervous and acting scared. She says Fito is a poor boy from her hood who has been pressuring her for a job. He left his resume for Arturo.

Teresa uses the excuse she is acting this way because of their trip. Arturo comes out talking to someone on the phone greeting his sister and Fernando. Juana comes down the stairs talking about the difficulties traveling to Europe right now from the airport- bad weather in Paris. It was shown on TV, she says.

Ruben calls Espe's cell-- no answer as Espe lies unconscience. Geno wants to know how she is because of the baby, as she talks about taking Espe's baby.

Geno talks about Espe not being stupid and that she will suspect him if her baby is missing, but a agitated Ruben doesn't care. He says that the baby is his.

Mariano and Aeeeeeeda are in a restaurant talking still about his problems with Arturo and her father. She tries to bring up when he's going to stop hanging around Espe, but Mariano shuts her down quickly on that way of thinking as he tells her he's not going to stop being Espe's friend. He then proceeds to tell her about Johnny taking on the vecinidad superintendant position and apartment (meaning Espe will live with him and Pati in the larger apartment) while also doing his taxi business. She then asks when Espe is going to marry Dr. Hernan, but Mariano doesn't know. He wants what is best for Espe. A disappointed Aeeeeeda looks on.

Teresa complains about her plans being ruined to Fernando and Luisa because of the planes. Really it's just her nervousness from wanting to get away from Fito as fast as possible right now.

Luisa and Fernando assure her, with Juana, not to worry so much. Arturo tells her that their plans have to be canceled right now.

Refugio prays for Teresa's marriage to get better with Arturo on their trip.

Fernando offers use of his plane to help out Arturo and Teresa to go on their trip. As Arturo ask if this will be a problem with his mother Fernando assures him no.

Dr. Hernan says goodbye and starts to leave as he learns about Espe.

Ruben, bigote and all, worries about what is going on with Espe. Geno consoles him but Ruben is worked up going on about Hernan being around his child. Geno catches on that his worry isn't about his child but Hernan being around Espe.

Espe is being tended to on the hospital as Hernan visits her. He asks her what happened. She tells him it was Ruben and that they argued. Espe asks how is her baby as she is told to be calm and rest.

Johnny worries where is his sister to Cuteberto, Pati and Refugio, as Refugio leads another prayer for the safety of Espe.

Mariano and Aeeeeeeeeda comeback to his office as he changes back into his coat. Aurora comes in with the news that Espe had a accident and she might lose the baby. As Aeeeeeeeeeeeda hears this she has a happy glad expression on her face. I so hate her.

Espe tells Hernan how scared she is that she might lose her baby. Hernan tells her not to worry and that she can't work now, just rest and be careful about the baby.

Aurora and Mariano discuss Espe's condition some more as Aeeeeeeeeda interrupts and excuses herself. Aurora is sorry she mentioned this in front of Aeeeeeeeda but Mariano tells her not to worry, that Aeeeeeeda understands this time that Espe is what matters right now.

Johnny comes running up with Pati asking about Espe.

Hector is with Juana at dinner as she is nervous in his company. His phone rings telling him about Espe.

Hernan takes care of a resting Espe as Johnny and Pati come rushing in. Johnny asks how she is doing. Espe tells them not well and she worried about her baby. She tells them she can't work because of her condition.

It's Aurora calling her dad looking for Juana to tell her about what happened to Espe.

Fernando comes home to Momzilla. She asks about Arturo and his wife because of their trip and what is happening at the airport. Fernando then spills the frijoles about loaning them their plane, otherwise they had to cancel their whole trip, and Momzilla doesn't take this news well as she forbids him to let them use their plane.

Espe worries about their finances as she can't work now. She thinks she night have to go to Ruben. Johnny says absolutely not, but Espe pleads that Ruben is the father of her child and should take responsibility and Pati agrees with Espe, causing Johnny to not like hearing this from his new bride. Espe and Pati explain to Johnny about the hospital costs that insurance doesn't cover. It could be thousands of pesos! Johhny tells Espe not to worry, he will figure out something in the meanwhile. Pati says she will take care of his sister while he goes to figure something out.

Fernando asks his mother please, that the captain of the plane will drop them off in Europe, then come back and take her to Cancun. Momzilla is not in agreement with these plans and lets sonny boy know she doesn't want to help them out of their dilemma because of that slut Teresa.

Fernando pleads with his mother and says that Arturo is his best friend and not to speak about his wife like that. Momzilla remains adamant as Fernando can't understand her attitude. Momzilla latches onto his feelings towards his best friend's wife and how much he likes her.

Fito is hiding out, keeping a look out for the cops with his gun on hand, as Johnny comes banging on his door asking for help with Espe being in the hospital and not able to work. He needs money and fast to help her out.

Fernando defends himself against his mother's accusations, saying Teresa is the wife of his best friend that's all. The only woman he is interested in is Luisa.

Momzilla says she is not fooled by Fernando and that she knows him well. Whether she believes what he is saying is true or not, she knows him and how many beautiful women he has liked. He has never talked about any of them like he has Luisa. He wants to know then why is she so worried. Momzilla seems to accept this reasoning and backs off a bit.

Fernando asks her again to help Arturo out, but Momzilla refuses. Despite the affection she has for Arturo, she won't help out that tipa (meaning Teresa).

Fito gives Johnny a wad of cash saying he's just helping out because Espe is in the hospital (and he's always liked her, wink, wink). Johnny ask if he has to sign anything for this loan, but Fito tells him no, it's for all of the work he's done for him. Johhny swears he will repay Fito for helping him out.

Johnny leaves Fito as Fito speaks out loud that he's fallen into his trap. The one he really wants to pay is Teresa, and luckily, Johnny is her friend. He congratulates himself on this bit of good luck, gun in his hand, sitting in the dark of his living room.

Ruben is drinking as Aeeeeeda shows up. Ruben goes after her right away on attack mode about Mariano, asking what did she say to him about her working with the foundation. He doesn't want Aeeeeda getting more cozy with him, and he doesn't want to work with him either. He tells her that he and Arturo have no choice but to work with Mariano bit he and Arturo will have to because the director of the hospital wants this. Aeeeeda is happy about this and thanks him but Ruben is not. Ruben says he likes nothing about what is going on.

Fernando and Momzilla are still at as she says Teresa is just out for what she can get (una interesada). Fernando disagrees, but Momzilla points out how Art paid for everything that got her where she is. Fernando says Teresa paid for it by working for Arturo and by being the top of her class. Well, at least Arturo didn't throw his money down the garbage, Momzilla responds. Teresa's much more intelligent than she thought. Fernando calls her brilliant, and has gotten ahead despite the many obstacles against her.

Fernando asks Momzilla to not just do it for Arturo, but also for Luisa and for him, he'd appreciate it. Momzilla can't make any promises but will try to at least control herself. Fernando suggests a compromise- tomorrow the plane will drop her off in Cancun first and then continue to Europe with Arturo and Teresa to Europe. "No hijo. El avion me lo llevo yo." (The plane will be taking me.) [Not sure what exactly she means. Is she going to Europe too?!]

Ruben and his evil spawn on still going at it over Mariano as he blames him for all that is happening in his family. Aeeeeeeeeeeda chooses to blame Espe- now we see where she gets it from huh? But Aeeeeeeeda brings up how all Espe has to do is marry Hernan after she recovers. Ruben ask what the heck she is saying. Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda says that if Espe gets with Hernan they don't have to ever worry about her or her baby again. Ruben and his bigote don't like the sound of that.

Hernan- aka alleged baby daddy, but really isn't- is talking to Mariano and tells him it's Ruben's fault that Espe is in that condition. Hernan asks him to forgive him, he didn't mean to upset him because he knows Mariano is dating Ruben's daughter, but Mariano agrees about how shameless Ruben is.

Ruben asks his daughter what rumors is she trying to tell him now? No Aeeeeda says it's not a rumor they found Espe injured in the park and that she is in the hospital now. She was with Mariano when they found out about this.

As Aeeeeeeeeda continues how they were discussing Espe's condition, Mayra creeps up listening to their conversation. Aeeeeeda plays a cat mouse taunting game with her father asking if he's sure he's not the father of Espe's child, as Ruben stammers of course not and assures her that he is not the father!!!! He then asks her to be discreet; he doesn't want her mother to hear this, and not to say nothing about it to her! Ha too late for that bucko!

Aeeeeeeeeeda is in agreement and says her mother won't hear about this from her, and that the baby's daddy must be Hernan's even though that gata is three months pregnant.

Mayra comes out from hiding from around the corner and exclaims three months! She is three months pregnant?

Pati tries to keep Espe calm- she doesn't look like she is doing a good job with this task. As Juana and Hector come to ask how Espe is. Hector doesn't think Espe should have so many visitors.

"Three months! She told me she was one month pregnant." screams Mayra. Ruben lies it's not true, and Aeeeeeeda tries to calm down her mother who asks if Aeeeeeeeeeeeeda knew all along how far along Espe is with her pregnancy.

Mayra isn't hearing anything both father and daughter are trying to say to her and she right away accuses Ruben of being the father. He lies and says it's not his. Mayra hauls off as Ruben comes close and almost smacks his bigote off. Ruben lies that Espe's baby isn't his, it can't be, he swears. How he lies and manages to keep that bigote straight while doing so, i am amazed and impressed.

Mayra calls him out again on all of his lies as Aeeeeeda chimes in trying to cover for dear old lying dad by saying Espe is with another man, no telling who is the father of her child (because she has loose morals that's what she is implying).

Mayra tells Ruben if she finds out he is really the father of Espe's baby he is out of her life forever, does he hear her, forever. She then runs upstairs.

Ruben looks back at his evil spawn who shrugs like it's out of my hands as he runs after Mayra. Aeeeeeeeeda does look upset by what just happened to her family.

Juana fusses over Espe and she wants to stay with her, but Hector tells her she needs to stay in the hospital and needs rest.Juan and now Espe are both worried about her condition and the baby. Hector calms them both down and tells them Espe will be alright with rest.

Hector escorts Juana from Espe's room because she is upsetting Espe. Juana demands to know the truth about both Espe and her baby- is the baby really alright she ask again?

Hector wants to know what's behind all of Juana's worry and concern as she tells him about losing her baby and how she felt.

Mariano and Aurora look on as he tells Aurora how Juana lost her baby a week before Teresa was born which is why she thinks of her like a daughter. Aurora comments upon how Juana is such a goodhearted person and she deserves to be a mother. This leads her into thinking about her own mother who abandon her and is nothing like Juana. She then tells Mariano that her mother isn't dead but alive somewhere.

Aurora tells him how her mother left her and her father. As Mariano hugs a heartbroken Aurora, we see a close up of the same of Hector hugging Juana.

Ruben comes stalking down the stairs as Aeeeeeeda wants to know what happen? He tells her that Mayra doesn't believe him and thinks Espe's baby is his. Then he blames his hell spawn Aeeeeeeeeeda for what just happen with Mayra learning how far along Espe is with her pregnancy.

Oh No!, says Aeeeeeda it's not my fault. It's your's entirely, you're to blame for taking up with that woman and I don't support you. You better find out for sure if that baby is yours. I can't stand the idea that another woman is having a child that carries your blood, especially from THAT woman.

Ruben doesn't want to hear her foolish talk and asks for her help in calming down her mother. He says that none of this would have happened if she had distanced herself from Mariano. Aeeeeeeeeeda won't hear this and says it's Ruben and Espe's fault for the state of his marriage and family. Both she and Mariano are free/single, and she is not leaving him no matter what Ruben says.

Previews: Teresa and Arturo go on their trip visiting different locales a I guess Momzilla gave in. Arturo asks Teresa if she wants to go back to Mexico, as i think he overhears her talking to Mariano or saying his name. Why does Arturo look so sickly like a zombie? That's all folks.


Alborada, 7/7/2011. Cap. 27.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #8 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 27 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for today's picture, Los Tres Caballeros.


Cuando Me Enamoro #56 Wednesday 7/6/11 CITY:stalker lady picks it up a notch, everyone suspects everyone else. COUNTRY:men are from warzone, women marriage counsel each other

Tonight's recap courtesy of MartaIvett:
earlier eps review: nata and jero tell each other hate you. nata says back the only one lied to was me.
jero tells carlos he found nata with augie, carlos barks back at him its your own fault!
areli tells jero nata left him for augie, neither of them should feel guilty. Jero says when he loves a woman he loves until his heart pops out. she can't believe he can still love nata when she is going after another guy.

areli tells nata that Augie makes no stupid moves, he is a great seducer and knows how to trap a woman.
Nata: Is that what worries you? dont worry about me, augie is and always be my friend, no more.
Areli: yeah right, you thank him for saving your life, and whom you hide behind to shield you from your issues with jero! and you find consolation, attention, caring!
Nata: Yes, but i only look for that as a friend. and i have always been straight with him about that.
Areli: I know Augie, and know how vulnerable you are right now. you got a broken heart, and he knows well how to glue it back together. I swear before you know it you will be crazy about him as I am!
Nata: Maybe that was your case. But i am sure that won't happen with me because what i need the least right now is a man to substitute the one who, unfortunately, is still the love of my life.

Manuela and herminia in kitchen... fixing some spicy salsa to try to take the hangover effect from jero... Lazaro asks where Kari is, Manuela tells him she is concerned she did not spend the night here... Lazaro sends Herminia to call Augie's hacienda to find out if she slept there. Nope... Lazaro guesses the 'desgraciado' did something to her.

At breakfast at Hono's house, things are so sharp you could cut a vegetable with it... Hono asks when the charity gala is, Connie says at the end of the month... are you going? Hono says of course, why you ask? Connie says i prefer to ask than to be surprised at the last minute (but with a very ironic dry tone, which surprises him). Adri will be glad to go with them if invited. She likes Regina very much.

Hono gets a cell phone message with a very compromising picture (them in bed) from Blanca saying 'I woke up thinking of you'. He gets really nervous and stands and walks away from the table. Adri notices that their relationship is affected and she tells Connie she is afraid it is because she is there. Connie says no its not about you. Hono calls Blanca at office, but she won't answer the phone, smiles witchfully instead...

Connie asks Adri about Matias. She would love for him to be with her, but Roberta won and still don't understand why he is marrying her. Connie says Matias is the most noble being she knows (and remembers when he told her why he is marrying Rob). Connie tells Adri Rob and Matt won't be married too long, and she might have a chance after that. Adri says love Matias, but not sure he loves me, and i can't put my life on pause for something that might not even happen, that i learned from my mom. Connie compliments her on her maturity. Then looks back when she hears Hono pace around behind them. Then remembers Chema inviting her to spend the day at the farm with him (with Francisco Cespedes 'Senora' song playing).

At La Bonita, Jero wakes with a huge hangover...tells Carlos that to see Nata in Augie's arms was beyond what he could stand... (well, that is the logical effect of how you treated her, dummy!) Carlos asks how it went with Alvaro. Jero says he denied being drunk when Rafa died... Carlos says there is no way to confirm that Alvaro was not fully functional or not at the time. Jero remembers Alvaro telling him when he arrived that he 'avoided' having Rafa's autopsy made for Rafa's sake. Jero says he will order the exhumation of the body and the autopsy made on Rafa. If something was clear to him today is that Alvaro and Rafa were not such great friends.

Gonzo tells Fina and Rob that he and Matt are going on a small business trip. Fina and Rob bark back because they are suspecting it is another 'favor' for Gina. Rob demands that Matt be back soon to help with the wedding stuff. Matt says go ahead and make all decisions without him. He doesn't care about the details.

Gonzo tells Fina that he wants Dr Zuinaga to come see her. Fina is frozen. he says he wants her under medical supervision all the time, and assigns Rob to arrange the appt. Fina is not happy at that. Fina changes the subject and says she found out they came to get Nata's horse, la Gitana. Gonzo tells her Jero sent for it. Fina says maybe that means Nata is very happy over there. Matt says thats the way it should be for Nata and all of us.

Jero is surprised Augie is there... why are u here? strictly business... jero says its so two-faced move to come back as if nothing happened yesterday. Augie says nothing happened, so much that i am here... Jero does not trust Augie or his intentions.. .Augie says too bad, your brother did. Hands him an invitation to the party, which Jero tosses down to table as a hot potato. He won't go. Augie tells him in the contract his brother signed it states that the grape producer will have to deliver the product personally at his hacienda. Jero asks what will he (Augie) do so that I will fulfill that clause? (as if saying i won't go unless you can force me). Augie saying Jero's own hacienda staff will be very disappointed in him if he doesn't, since it is customary, just as disappointed as Nata is right about now. As if he touched a sensitive spot, Jero points finger at him saying don't bring up my wife in this. She is my wife, whether you like it or not. Augie says fine. But i warn you that if you don't do it, the folks around here will see it as a disrespectful action. I am a man who respects tradition, just like your brother did, and that is why he was so liked by everyone around here. Here is the contract, in case you don't believe me. Good day.

Carlos tells Manuela there won't be vendimia party at La Bonita. Manuela says if things were working out between Nata and Jero, Nata would make sure that the tradition was followed. Mati jumps in and says but things between them are worse than ever, and Nata does not live here anymore... thank GOD!! Manuela reprimands her, Carlos just looks at her totally deflated. (poor Carlos) Mati says all we have to do is convince Jero. Carlos sees that very hard to do. Manuela tells them what if we tell him about the superstitions about not having the celebration? Maybe he is not aware of the disgraces that could come to us if we don't honor the ground and the fruit it gives yearly! Mati says the biggest disgrace we have is La Bonita! La Sra Renata! She will talk to Jero and will convince them. Mati goes away.

Carlos is still depressed, tells Manuela that Mati will never change, right? ... Manuela asks him if he loves Mati. Carlos asks if it shows so much...
Manuela says even if Mati believes she is 'cursed' with all the boyfriends that have died, she needs Carlos to confess to her he loves her, there is nothing that true love won't heal, and Mati needs her soul to heal. Think about it, please.

Gina and Ines at a restaurant... Ines comments it seems Gonzo can't forget her. She says neither can I. Ines says it seems Antonio's accident got Ant/Gina close again. Ines guesses the accident puts pressure on her. What is going on with Gonzo's divorce? Gina tells Ines Gonzo's wife has a fatal illness... they all found out days after he asked her for the divorce. Ines immediately puts two and two together, what if it is her way of keeping him close to her? Gina does not think that is the case. Ines says why not? Connie does not like her and she must have her reasons. Maybe Fina MR is not a good wife. Gina says haven't met her yet, but i would like to even if just for curiosity. Good or bad, I am intrigued by her.

Isidro is visiting Antonio... apparently tells him about his suspicions of Fina's voice?... Antonio strongly asks Isidro not to tell Gonzo any of this... Isidro says he feels Gonzo is a good man and trustworthy, Tony says don't doubt that, but don't want to see Gonzo near Regina, I am not blind, he knows Gonzo is interested in Regina. So please while I can't, keep an eye on her. Isidro says ok.

Fina meets the licenciado out in the street. He tells Fina that Gonzo hired security folks for Gina at her house and one to follow her.

At La Bonita, Carlos has read the contract and asks Jero what he will do. Are you going to fulfill the contract? Jero says no. Carlos says think about it, it might be your last chance to get Nata back. Carlos says you were drunk last night, and they say children and drunk folks always speak the truth. Jero just walks away irritated.

At the fields, Augie brings Nata a white rose... a flower for another flower... Nata tells him they are friends, and she asks him not to misinterpret her friendliness, her spontaneity, and her personality. He asks if Areli told her anything. She denies it. But it is something that has happened to her before (with Matt?) and she does not want it to happen again. He says it is clear to him that she only sees him as a friend, for now. She is glad. He walks away and bubble thinks 'but that will change with time'.

Somewhere else, outside Cruz de Amor, Alvaro and Kari are walking out... he says it was wonderful to have you home again. Kari says i am believing in you, please don't disappoint me again. He touch kisses her and leaves... Lazaro is nearby and comes out.
L: Why did you go back with him? You told me you were going to see him to settle your situation.
K: And that is what I did. Please understand, Alvaro is my husband.
L: A husband who mistreats you and abuses you. And a drunk.
K: He promised he would not do it again
L: And you believed him?
K: We are going to adopt a child!
L: (disappointed) So that is how he convinced you?
K: :Lazaro, please understand.
L: No, no, Karina. I don't understand anything anymore. But if you prefer to live blindfolded, I can't do anything but to respect your decision and to forget you. my word of honor. Karina, my word of honor that i will forget you. (he walks away, leaving her there teary-eyed.)

Jero rides a horse to the tree... Areli is there, but she wants to just leave. He apologizes to her for what happened last night... you are very pretty...
Are: I know what you are going to say... it was not you, just me...
Jero: It might be a very worn out statement, but i let myself go with that kiss yesterday, but... sorry Areli, I have nothing to offer you.
Are: I know, and i would like to say i did not feel anything either. But it is not so. I did feel something. By the way, I have already asked Nata to move out of my house. I don't want her to be between Augie and I anymore.

At MR manor... Rob is going through Fina's clothes again and finds that cheap blouse she bought at the airport and comments again mocking how 'exclusive' it is. Rob leaves and Fina is there remembering killing Rafa and then tells herself that 'that is what I have to do with you, to kill you with no mistakes, Regina, you and I don't fit together in this world together.'

At the office, Daniel invites Adri to the party (the charity one?). She turns him down, she is leaving on a trip this afternoon. Daniel goes away and Matt comes out of his office, he says he will be on a trip and wants her to stay in charge. She says can't. i am going on trip too. She asks him where he is going, he is sorry but can't say. He asks her where SHE is going. She says can't say, now we are even.

Matt: Adri! I miss your friendship, your company, your chats. Do you think some day we could recover that?
Adri: No, Matias, I dont think so. Maybe later but not right now. You can't have everything you want in life. One question... everyone knows you are getting married and you and Roberta are expecting... but... does Nata know that?
Matt: She doesn't yet but soon will find out.
Adri: Course! It's not a secret for anyone, doesn't have to be for her either, right? see you.

Jero is waiting for Alvaro at his doctor office. Jero came to tell Alvaro that he will order the exhumation and autopsy of Rafa's body. And warns him that if it is found that there was a chance Rafa could have survived the shot and died because of you, i will get you in jail for negligence, and I will get Dunant for being your accomplice!
Alvaro not a happy camper, tells Jero not to threaten him. Rafa shot himself. And no one was involved in his decision. Jero barks back that they all agree on that. But when you avoided the autopsy, you took decisions that were not yours to take, and now I think I know why. Alvaro insists he did it for Rafa, to avoid everyone who loved him such a painful process. Jero barks louder that is not true!! You and Dunant are hiding something and I will find out what it is. Alvaro insists they are not hiding anything. Whatever you do, you won't bring Rafa back. Jero knows that but at least justice will be served. Let Dunant know so both of you are aware of it. Excuse me. Alvaro sits back on his chair and is about to p__ his pants.

Nata and Kari are walking the fields. Nata can't believe Kari returned to her husband. What happened? Kari says Alvaro is right when he says we all deserve a 2nd chance. And that is what i will do.
Nata: Why are you doing it? Cause you love him, cause you feel pity for him, cause he forced you, or just for co-dependency? ... it is generally when you need something or someone to feel good. For example people who drink need the alcohol to feel good and capable. They feel that without the alcohol they are not well, they are not happy. Then... most of the wives of these drunk men are also co-dependent. You already got used to this lifestyle. To live with a drunk is very hard. But you already are used to live in the hell and to devalue yourself.
Kari: That is why I left Alvaro, cause i did not want to keep living in that situation.
Nata: Thats why you put a stop to the co-dependency. You did not mind leaving your house, your things, because you loved yourself more, right?
Kari: That's right.
Nata: Then my question is... do you still feel the co-dependency?
Kari: Nata, Alvaro hurt me badly. But I still think there are things that can be rescued in our marriage. I want to try it. I want to forgive him really. I want to have my conscience clear that I tried everything i could to save my marriage.
Nata: No, then against that I better shut up. Just be careful, karina. Don't believe you can change Alvaro. People can change, obviously. But they have to decide that and do it for themselves, not for anyone else.
Kari: Thank you Nata. I will consider it. And... tell me something. Are you convinced that there is nothing to rescue in your relationship with Jero?
Nata: I really don't know. To rescue a relationship, you need the will of the two, and ... i dont know. it is not the same thing that is going on with yours. Don't know if Jero and I have the same ideas of the future.
Kari: But if Jero asked you for another chance, what would you do?
Nata: (big deflating sigh) Kari, Jero has not been very honest with me, and even if you say he really loves me,... no, forgive me, but I don't feel that, I have my doubts. Besides, it is not the same case as with you two.
Kari: I know it is not the same case as with us but... don't give up yet, Nata, not before you have tried everything... everything.

Lazaro goes to church and begs the virgin to help him forget Karina. if she wants to stay with her husband there is nothing he can do so he needs to forget her.

Connie arrives at the charity, Sele finds her and tells her she is not coming back... Connie says better tell Gina. Sele throws back at her that she was here for Chema and since he told her he won't come back often either, she sees no point in coming back. Connie asks who told you that? Sele says HIM!! he told me there is nothing here that interests him! goodbye ma'am!

At MR office, Honorio barges into Blanca's office demanding that she quit right now and not to look for him again. She won't quit, he will have to fire her, and if he does, everyone will know what happened... He says enough with blackmail! We are two adults who made a mistake and we must remedy that. Blanca says it was not a mistake on her side. She wants to stay in his life in whatever way possible. He insists he doesn't want her in his life. Dont want to be linked to you in any way, love my wife and there is no space in my life for you. She insists. He yells enough! You will leave or I will make you leave my life forever! (she just smiles and giggles as a good stalker)

At club pool, Sele asks roberta to get rid of pix of chema/connie pix... roberta says can't do it, i also want that marriage to end badly. Sele threats Rob that she can spill the beans on her... Rob is mad. reminds her 'we are friends' Sele says then show it by destroying the pix.

augie, alvaro... alvaro nervous about the autopsy... augie yells at him to stay calm. the autopsy will only reveal suicide. linares is kicking around cause he is drowning. i had nothing to do with that death... he can do what he may.

Carlos asks Jero if he got the order for the lifting of the body and autopsy... Jero did. anyone who had to do with his death will pay, even if they were only indirectly related. Carlos asks if Nata is also included there. Jero says 'EVERYONE' means nata included.

Adri arrives at Cruz de Amor... nata very happy. Areli uses the opportunity to hang on Augie's arm. Augie is trying to smile and giggle as a good host. You two must have lots to talk about. He suggests they celebrate with drinks, but nata says tomorrow is the vendimia and we can't be drunk...

Alvaro shows blindfolded kari the house full of flowers... and gives her a ring (wedding?) a bit late, dear...Kari says dont want jewelry or gifts or flowers, just for you to fulfill your promise the child. Alvaro swears again, but remember how much I love you. He wants to do the deed, she is very scared. He tries to calm her down and gives up on it. offers her a slice of cake and coffee.
He leaves there alone, she is shaking nervous.

Adri is in disbelief that Jero turned out into such a jerk... but she guesses nata still loves him for better or worse, Nata can't deny it. Adri already caught on that Augie is interested in Nata. Nata wants to go back to MC with Adri on Sunday. Don't want to continue with this farce.

Nata asks Adri about Matias. Adri is reluctant to tell nata why she broke up with him and slips that Matias will be married soon. She tries to back up on it but Nata wants the details. Adri says you won't like it, Nata still wants it. Matias will marry Roberta. He is her child's father.

Nata is shocked... end of ep.

previews: the vendimia is here... and nata is beautiful in a white dress on an open carriage... Areli confronts Nata, seems Augie gave Nata the earrings, Areli tells Nata the earrings are for her. The voice-over says 'Areli got fed up with standing Nata, and Jero got fed up of watching Augie court his wife! (Jero with a few friends face)...


Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Triunfo del Amor #160 7/6/11

Woo hoo! We get to relive Fer's miracle! It never gets old. I was back on the edge of my seat, silently cheering and begging the bus driver to open the door.

Fer and Cruz marvel that she is standing and walking. Fer says she did it for him. Smoochies and mi riqueza. The crowd applauds. Fer says she loves him. Please forgive her. Cruz says all that matters is their future. They will be together and no one will separate them. (Now if she will get preggers my happiness will be complete.) As they are leaving a bus station employee asks about the chair. Fer donates it for future passengers who may not be able to walk. She is praised for her generosity.

Maria walks into the hospital room and discovers Fer is gone. She makes like a tree and leaves.

Leo thanks Dr. Voice for confessing that he was once an alcoholic. He says the hardest thing about being an alcoholic is accepting that you are one. Leo starts to make excuses..."pero..." No no, says Voice. No buts. You won't be able to move forward until you admit it.

Maria informs Vic and Max that Fer is gone. Momentary panic and OMG Vic says "¿Dónde está mi hjia? I didn't think we'd hear that again. But all is well, Fer and Cruz walk in and everyone stares at each other happily. There are tears and happiness. Where the hell is Os? It's a miracle Vic proclaims. A miracle of love Fer confirms. Group hug.

Nati and Millie blah blah. Nati fills Millie in on the Cruz/Fer reconciliation and subsequent walking miracle. She also tells Millie that Cruz is giving up the gig as the next Ranchero Idol. Millie thanks former popes, the virgencita and all the saints.

Vic is yammering about Fer and Cruz coming back home and Fer lets her know that she'll be moving back to the vecindad. Max says mama has to cut the apron strings. Vic says she'll be lonely. Fer reminds her that papá is still there. Vic lets her know that Os left for reasons she doesn't want to discuss. Vic says Max is right. Fer has to live her own life.

Napo comes in search of an answer to his proposal. In the course of conversation, he and Millie discover the JuanJo/Cruz postal matchmaking plan (remember that?) FF>>

The random dude who conveniently recorded Linda's death on his phone is playing pool with a buddy when he sees Gui being interviewed on TV. He recognizes him as the dude that was with the lady with the wig. An aside: I am thoroughly confused. Last night this guy was saying he would recognize the chick who pushed Linda 'cause she looked like the blonde hailing a cab in front of him. I thought Xi was wearing that black wig at the time. Tonight this guy even says she was wearing a wig. Help please? So guy moves closer to the TV and at that moment Gui says his full name. It's the interview after the theater failure so he is saying that he, Guillermo Quintana will personally make sure blabbity blabbity. So random guy blabbity blahs and I don't catch it. I assume blackmail is afoot.

Napo is trying to get an answer out of Millie. Millie accepts, but Napo heard "no" and continues to yak. Nati has to shut him up to tell him Millie said yes. Napo channels Gomez Addams and sings a little Florecita.

Cruz and Fer go to the church and thank the Virgencita for Fer's being able to walk. Fer thanks her for her marvelous man. Marvelous man thanks her for Fer and says he doesn't need anything for himself.

Millie, Napo, Chente and Nati dine FF>> oh. Blockhead is home.

Pip spreads the good news about Fer and pushes Fab and Luci together.

Burnie is not happy with the designs that were done during her absences. Xi argues its the latest stuff. Burnie says Casa Bernarda creates the fashion, not follows it. Xi says she knows what she's doing and wants Burnie so trust her. The designs are fresh. She has been the top model in this house for a long time. She tells Burnie that the fashions she likes are a little de passé. They need to be more innovative. Xi reminds here that the best and brightest will be at the bienal. Burnie broods.

JuanJo and crew. Don Joel tonterías. JuanJo finds out Napo is gonna be his stepdaddy. Millie wants a Jalisco style wedding.

Burnie tells Xi she'll trust her, but Xi better not fail her.

Pip lets the crew know that Oscar is in New York taking care of business-y stuff. The crew decides they are going to kick arse and the fashion event and Burnie needs to watch it. it comes!!!!

Cruz and Fer have returned to the vecindad. Everyone is thrilled that they are back and that Fer is walking. Cruz tells them all he is giving up the singing career and continuing his studies in veterinary medicine. Don Tonto and his Jarochas do a dance for Fer but it is interrupted by Diana-ho. She knew he wasn't going to leave. Cruz wants to know what she's doing there. He told her he doesn't want to see her again. She tells him to think. Doesn't he realize he has a brilliant career ahead of him. How many people would love to be in his place. No. He would rather throw it all away for this woman who doesn't support him. That just brings him shame or was that Fer was ashamed of him (?) Fer jumps up: Basta! Oh, are you surprised I can walk? Fer says the only shame she feels is being in front of a HO like Diana. THWAAAP! (I wish we could have gotten an echo on that)  and then a back-handed THWAAAAP!  for good measure. Yeah!!!!

Fer throws Diana-ho out of the vecindad and everyone joins in with jeering. Cruz declares Fer the winner.

Vic reminisces about her big braid days, her labor, Padilla, getting hit by a car, Linda-ho, Fer's accident and cancer. She returns to the present. She is Victoria Sandoval. A strong woman, maybe a bit down but not beat. She's gonna get her life back and her position back in the fashion world.

Max and Fer talk bout the 'rents. We have to let them live their lives. Cruz brings dinner. Fer is sad about her parents, but Max is right. The kids can't interfere with the parents. Let them live their life.

Millie and the vecindad are talking about the money they collected for the ransom but I can't figure out what they decide. Max comes and thanks them all for their help and support.

Commercial break: no TdA on Friday. They are dragging this out.

Fer is eating dinner with Os. He is tickled pink that she can walk. She thanks him for supporting her. She is sad he's not at the house any more, but like Max says, they have to respect the decisions they made. Os says she knows he loves Vic with all his soul, but his heart can't control her. Life is like that.

Voice is paying a call on Victoria. They make small talk about Fer for a bit. Vic explains it was love that did it. Fer heard Cruz was leaving and she used all her might to walk so she could stop him. Voice says love is the strongest medicine. Voices excuses himself, sure that Os wouldn't be happy. Vic tells him Os doesn't live there anymore (hey, did I mention I'm team Os?)  Vic explains that she told Os herself about the smoochies. She tells Voice that Os left her free to decide. Dr. Voice wants to know what she decided, but right now she doesn't want to talk about her personal life. (When this convo started I thought it would be a little more important. It really isn't. ) Right now, Vic is all about the hijos and their stuffs. Dr. Voice takes a moment to advise Vic how to deal with Maria Desamparada. Give her space. Vic says she's decided to back off. Voice says Maria has always been alone and persevered alone. Vic's need to be forgiven could overwhelm her. Vic isn't going to pressure her. Dr. Voice says look at Fer, her passion for Cruz helped her walk. Maria needs to face a similar situation and that will bring a reaction.QTH? I'm not translating it well, but even in Spanish it makes no sense to me. Weren't they in a life threatening situation together? Didn't that soften Maria at all? Anyway. Voice leaves.

Max and Maria smooch and make lovin'. Why exactly are they not married yet?

No cliffhangers tonight.

Max in a kayak with his six-pack.


Alborada, 7/6/2011. Cap. 26.

Today's episode is covered in Melinama's Recap #8 at this link.

On YouTube, haguilar78's clips for Cap 25 start at this link.

Thank you, Carlos, for another great picture. I can't wait to see what it means.


Teresa Tue 7/5/11 #91 Europe beckons but Tiburoncita still can’t ignore The Boy Next Door.

Outside the vecindad, Teresa tells Aida she’s only going on that vacation because Arturo begged her to. But she can still cancel that trip and tell Mariano she’s giving it all up for him. Then they’ll see who he’ll choose. She’s so involved in aggravating Aida she doesn’t notice Papá has popped up out of nowhere demanding to know what she means by that. Ruh-roh!

Casa Barrera: Hector has arrived to speak with Arturo regarding the oversight of the Pediatric Ward during his absence. Hector reminds him, as he did Ruben, that Mariano oversees that project. Arturo obviously doesn’t want to deal with Mariano and asks if they can instead work with Aurora. Mariano can make all the medical decisions but he and Ruben would rather have all contact be with Aurora.

Vecindad: Teresa tries to brush off Papá, telling him to forget it, it’s nothing. Aida won’t let that happen and tells him he shouldn’t forget about it. She doesn’t understand how it’s possible they all don’t know what type of person Teresa is. She reminds him how she tried to tell them all about it that night of the loteri ́a (awhile back). She wonders if it’s possible he’s in agreement with Teresa’s attempt to renew her relationship with Mariano. Armando asks to speak with his daughter alone. Aida would love nothing more, saying she’s on her way to see Mariano and that’s where she should be instead of wasting her time fighting with Teresa. She excuses herself but not before telling Armando she hopes he gets a grip on reality. Armando wants an explanation from Teresa about this and Teresa of course tells him it’s a misunderstanding. She only said that about Mariano in a moment of anger. She reminds him how much Aida has always bullied her. He doesn’t feel this gives her the right to say such things. If anything, she should be happy Mariano is with Aida as that will keep him from stalking her again and coming between her and her husband.

Goodness, the wedding ceremony. I’d forgotten about that. Judge is proceeding with the ceremony, and of course Johnny & Pati have no rings. Aurora and Juana come to the rescue. Juana hands over the ring from her deceased husband to Mariano since he’s the padrino of the rings. This puts Mariano and Aurora side by side with the happy couple.

Chavez apartment: Teresa continues trying to convince Armando she was provoked by Aida who accused her of to Europe only as a means to travel and not as a means to save her marriage. Armando doesn’t understand why she cares what Aida says and then asks Teresa to confirm that she’s going to Europe to save her marriage. Teresa swears that of course she wants to save her marriage. She concedes he was right in saying she was immature in responding that way to Aida. He’s very concerned and tells her she needs to consider what would happen if Aida told Arturo what she’d said.

Wedding: They exchange rings and the judge declares them man and wife. Cheers!

Armando now advises Teresa she should be going on that trip with the goal of saving her marriage or not go at all. Armando took notice of Arturo’s reaction after she was assaulted. He’s convinced Arturo truly loves her. He has no idea why he was unfaithful but he saw true love in his eyes.

Wedding: Everyone is congratulating the couple. Johnny profusely thanks Juana and Aurora for the use of the rings and promises they’ll return them as soon as possible. As he’s thanking Aurora and she insists it was nothing, Hernán says it’s true she is a good woman and it’s time everyone knew she’s the one who convinced her dad to accept Pablito at the hospital. (For you newbies, Pablito is Johnny’s and Espe’s lil bro who had kidney problems. They’re very poor and couldn’t afford treatment. Thanks to Aurora’s intercession, the hospital treated him pro bono). Johnny and Espe thank her, saying that without her help, they never would’ve been able to hospitalize him. Aurora continues to humbly say thanks aren’t necessary. Mariano disagrees and says that’s Aurora for you, always wanting to help others anonymously. She’s generous, good, and now she’s a doctor! He congratulates her and caresses her face. They share an all too brief moment when Aida appears, spoiling Aurora’s moment with Mariano and making everyone else uncomfortable.

Back to Teresa and Pops. She doesn’t want to talk about this anymore (phew) and suggests they head on over to the wedding. After what just happened, Armando doesn’t think that’s such a hot idea since Aida’s sure to be there. What if she repeats everything in front of everyone, in front of Mariano? It would be terrible. He stands firm that they shouldn’t go.

Wedding: Aida is congratulating the happy couple and makes it obvious she would rather be anywhere than hanging out here. She approaches Mariano and Aurora who excuses herself, saying she needs to call her dad. Aida tells Mariano she came to get him because she doesn’t want him to be near Teresa. And it’s a good thing she came now because she ran into Teresa downstairs and he won’t believe what she told her! Ramon is standing nearby, listening. Over Mariano’s objections she tells him about Teresa’s thoughts of divorce after her return from Europe and seeking out Mariano again. She even tells him that Teresa wondered how many minutes would pass before he dumped Aida after he found out that she wants him back. Mariano tells her not to pay attention to anything Teresa says. She just says these things to annoy her. Aida knows this and then tells him she’s so happy as long as he’s with her. She proceeds to paw him and cling to him. Ugh. Aurora witnesses this as she’s calling her father.

They’re running out of sodas (refrescos) and Mariano offers to go to the store. Aida chooses to stay behind with Aurora. Armando walks in just as he’s leaving. More salutations to the newlyweds.

Mariano is now outside and he runs into Teresa just as she’s getting to her car. Mariano tells her Aida spilled the frijoles tells her not to speak for him. If he ever planned to return to her, the first person he’d tell would be Aida. Teresa says she was provoked. She only came by to give JohnPat a check as a wedding gift. After the scandal that Aida caused, she can’t show herself at the wedding. Mariano can’t believe she brought a check as a gift, telling her she thinks she can fix everything with money. JohnPat would’ve preferred she attend their wedding. She’s Espe’s friend and wasn’t even there for her brother’s wedding. Teresa blames it all on Aida. Besides, that marriage won’t last long. Mariano feels they’re very happy and Pati was radiant with happiness. Teresa scoffs at this wondering how long this happiness will last. Mariano tells her that during the ceremony, he thought of them and how happy they might have been. But she was never satisfied with what he had to offer. Teresa has to admit things continue to get better for him. He’s not talking about that. He’s referring to love and understanding; to be willing to do anything for her. But that was always a problem. It became clear to him she was only interested in material things and not feelings. She can’t believe he thinks Aida is interested in feelings. He tells her Aida is learning that despite everything, she can still be happy. She lost Paulo and he lost Teresa and they’re working on building something from that. She tells him they shouldn’t be so sure it will work out. Mariano says the important thing is that they’re trying. He says Teresa had the same chance but she went after the sure thing and look at her now. She’s notably unhappy. She just stares at him puckering her pink frosted lips.

Teresa tells Arturo she’ll be gone for a few months and he tells her that was her choice. (Is that equal to “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn?”) Teresa says he decided to despise her even though she told him she was going to get a divorce. That no longer matters, he says. He tells her to enjoy her trip and everything that Arturo can give her. His rejection (rechazo) really hurts her. She doesn’t want to leave thinking he hates her. He doesn’t hate her, he could never hate her. She’ll never stop thinking of him as her first love – her true love. Their theme song plays as she leans her head on his shoulder. She makes her signature move, leaning back and putting her lips ever so close to his. Doesn’t work this time! (nyah, nyah) He steps away from her and again wishes her a good trip and walks away. Oh yeah!

Uh-oh. Aida is confronting Espe, saying she hasn’t forgiven her. Espe tells her now is not the time to talk about this. Aida thinks it is and tells her not to think they’ll ever get along because they’re not equals and gives Espe the once over. She starts to tell her she aims to take Mariano out of this dump so he doesn’t have to continue to socialize with people like her. Espe reminds her that Mariano was born and raised in this vecindad. He has roots here, his father is here. He would never turn his back on them, not even to live in a palace.

Casa Barrera: Fernando and Arturo discuss the upcoming European trip (tomorrow!) Arturo is convinced that since she agreed to the trip, their reconciliation is as good as done. Fernando mentions Paloma and Arturo gets upset at the mention of her name. He just wants to look forward. His future is with Teresa and he’s determined (empeñado) to win her back. He’s sure their relationship will be even better than when they first married. Fernando, looking like a Gloomy Gus, agrees that it seems that his relationship with Teresa will continue as his with Luisa. Arturo wonders what’s up, why does he say it like that?

Wedding: Aurora asks Refugio if Teresa is coming. Aida says of course she is….to see Mariano. Both Refugio and Aurora take exception to this. Wow, Aida with her green dress and black stockings is itching for a fight today. Armando tells her Teresa has no intentions of coming.

Mariano returns with the refrescos, the crowd starts calling for the cake, and Hector arrives. Juana greets him warmly (hooray) and he tells her she looks lovely.

Back at Casa Barrera: Fernando explains he was thinking of Teresa (I’ll bet he was!) and how Paloma hurt them both by casting a shadow on their marriage. Teresa doesn’t deserve that. Arturo says he can’t undo the past but he’s not ready to lose her and will fight for her. He doesn’t want what happened to Mariano to happen to him, saying Mariano wasn’t able to keep her because he didn’t know how to fight for her. He feels he needs to fight to keep her before someone else falls in love with her. (Too late, Artie). Fernando tells him to make Teresa happy and Arturo assures him he plans to and asks Fernando to do the same for Luisa.

Back at Wedding: FF>> Pati & Johnny silliness about what they’d like as a gift from Hector.

Casa Barrera: Teresa arrives, looking as though she’s lost her best friend, or her first lover. She thought bubbles about being away from Mariano for months and not being able to steal at least one kiss from him. Luisa greets her from above asking if she’s excited about the trip. Luisa’s made her a list of shopping venues. Teresa tells her Arturo suggested she pack lightly since he plans to buy her anything she wants. Luisa tells her she’ll see many sites, making for an unforgettable trip. She then gets serious, telling her she knows Teresa will end up forgiving him and falling even deeper in love with him.

Wedding: Armando tells Espe Teresa couldn’t come because she didn’t want to run into Mariano. He gives JohnPat a check from Teresa. They cut the cake.

Night falls and Johnny carries her over the threshold. They talk about needing to work on deepening their relationship before sleeping together. Pati says there’s one more thing they need to do. We next see them at Refugio’s altar to la Virgen the Guadalupe to thank her for their marriage and Pati talks to Rosita, promising to take care of Johnny. FF>>

Back at Juana’s, Cutberto, Juana, and Espe finish cleaning up. Espe complains about her swollen feet and goes to bed. Cutberto and Juana talk about the wedding. He asks about the type of wedding she’d like and she asks if he’d help her plan it. He says he will if she marries him. They predictably bicker back and forth. He mentions her being involved with a married man. Scene ends as usual with her sending him out.

Hector and Aurora at home: He’s still wondering what to get the happy couple since they have nothing. He decides to buy them a bed and Aurora agrees to pick it out for him. She notices he’s been very happy since his arrival at the wedding. He’s very happy and she’s the first to know about it. But first….

Evening turns to morning at Casa Barrera: Hector has come to see Juana. Juana chatters on and on about a breakfast for Teresa and Aurora. She’s been helping Teresa pack for her trip which starts today and she’s going to miss her terribly. She’ll feel so alone. Hector tells her she won’t be alone, she’ll have him. She starts to protest but he hands her an envelope that holds his divorce papers. It’s come through! Free at last! Although not for long, he tells her. She’s confused. He comes out with it, “Casate con migo, Juana!” Juana looks as though she’s been punched in the stomach. (I’m sure she’s going to say no, but please Juana! Marry him! Cutberto’s a payaso!)

House o’ Hunks: Madam O and Fer are enjoying breakfast. He mentions they’ll pass by for Luisa who’s hosting a bon voyage breakfast for her BFF, Teresa. Oriana talks about how much she likes Luisa. She’s so lovely, sensitive, and delicate. Fernando thinks back on how he viewed her as such a child. Oriana comments that she’s now a full grown woman who will soon be his wife. Speaking of which, any thoughts as to when the happy event will take place? He tells her they haven’t yet talked about marriage. She’s surprised to hear this since he’s said how much he loves her and wants her to have his children. He tells her he does care for Luisa but they’ve decided to take things at their own pace (ritmo). They’ve already told her they want to wait and asks her not to pressure him (no me presiones). She wonders what’s wrong with him, he seems really annoyed (molesto). He responds, “It’s just that we’ve already talked about this.”

Hector & Juana: She’s shocked. Get married? Isn’t he taking it a little fast? He’s just now divorced. Well, since yesterday when Arturo gave him the papers, he says. He tells her he rejected the idea of telling her at John/Pati’s wedding as it didn’t seem appropriate. Juana is flustered and readily agrees a wedding isn’t the appropriate setting to celebrate a divorce. Teresa comes down the stairs just then and congratulates her madrina saying she sees that Hector has given her his surprise. Oh, she’s surprised all right. She’s downright flabbergasted! This is so sudden, she didn’t expect this to happen so soon. Hector notices how nervous she’s become and he says he’s as excited as a chamaco. He wants an answer to his question, will she marry him? She nervously tells him she’d like to think about it. Teresa butts in and reminds her that the only reason she was holding back before was because Hector wasn’t divorced. Juana stammers and stutters saying they really haven’t been dating very long. Hector is willing to wait longer. However, he asks Juana if they can go from being novios to being comprometidos. Teresa applauds. Juana looks downright scared. Aurora and Luisa arrive just then and Aurora immediately notices something’s up. Teresa proudly announces that Hector and Juana have just entered into a more formal relationship. Aurora happily hugs her daddy. Everyone congratulates Juana who looks like she’s going to be ill. Aw c’mon Juana!

Oh bother – back at the vecindad, Johnny arrives at Refugio’s for breakfast with his true love. They exchange cute nothings with Pati saying she would have gladly slept with him last night, if only to be abrazaditos (embraced). Refugio comes in and reminds them all in good time. They have to wait until they learn a few things. Oh, please! Sorry, I just don’t get this whole get-married-but-wait-to-consummate-marriage bit.

Back at the Barrera’s: Hector is relating how desperate he was that the divorce wouldn’t come through without the presence of “she-who-shall-not-be-named”…Aurora’s mother. But Arturo was able to get it done. Luisa’s happy that there is now nothing to get in the way of their relationship. Juana wants to make sure Aurora is in agreement. Aurora is very happy that her father has found his partner and she has already begun to see Juana as a mother. Juana is very moved and goes across to give Aurora a big hug. She hopes to live up to her expectations and promises to be there to advise her and help her. She tells her she has a lot of affection for her. Teresa looks on jealously. Hector says there’s no doubt they will be very happy. Teresa agrees halfheartedly. Luisa jokes that this comes just when she’s become so accustomed to Juana and tells Aurora she’ll have to share. Teresa chimes in and says they have to discuss that with her because Juana has been there since she was a baby, not just as her madrina but much, much more. She asks Juana directly if she’s just like her daughter. She is jealous! Juana responds that of course she is but who would’ve known that she would end up with three daughters. Everyone laughs but Teresa, who sits there pouting. Arturo joins the happy group. Hector happily tells him the divorce has totally changed his life. Juana nervously says it’s changed her life too!

Chez Geno: Genoveva adds to her adoption story and tells Mayra she’s begun making inquiries about adoption and has found the process can vary in length. She’s interested in a newborn. Mayra tries to open the discussion to include older children who are also in need. Geno is adamant she wants a newborn who will only see her as his/her mother.

Casa Barrera: Aurora and Teresa are in the library alone talking about the European trip. Teresa offers to look up Martin while she’s there. Aurora reminds her they’ve agreed to take a time out on their relationship. She does ask Tere to do one thing while in Europe: give her marriage a chance.

Hospital: Mariano and dad are talking about John/Pati’s wedding. Mariano is deep in thought and recalls the time he was saving money to marry Teresa. When he broke open that piggy bank (cochinito de barro) it was as though he destroyed a dream, one that will never become reality. Ramon tells him things happen for a reason and he’s already seen there are other women besides Teresa. There’s a chance he can be happy with Aida and he should take it!

Casa Barrera: Teresa loves Arturo but doesn’t know if she can forgive him. Oh, please, says Aurora (and I). She knows Teresa still loves Mariano. Aida told her what she said yesterday. Teresa repeats her story that she only said that to stop Aida from bothering her. If anyone knows how Aida has harassed her, it’s Aurora. Aurora admits that’s true but she also knows that that Teresa continues to love Mariano and they both know it. She points out she’ll be on a months-long trip with her husband and should just leave Mariano alone. Let him start a new life and find happiness with Aida. Teresa should try to be happy with Arturo because neither he nor Mariano deserves this game.

Casa Caceres: Geno is visiting and now Aida is hears the adoption story. Geno feeds her the line that she’s very lonely and wants to fill that need to mother. Aida’s always been like a daughter to her but it’s not the same thing. Geno observes that she’s been spending a lot of time with Mariano. She can start a new life and have children, something that Geno can no longer do. Aida concedes but says Geno can’t adopt just any baby; she has to know who the parents are. Geno says that’s exactly what she’s planning to do – focus on the father….oh, and the mother too, of course. Of course.

Barrera Home: Teresa is sad to realize Aurora prefers Aida and therefore she’s going to ignore everything she’s just said. Aurora tells her to forget about Aida and think things through. Mariano and Arturo are both good men who both love her. She needs to come to a decision and stop playing one against the other because in the end she’ll never be happy. Hector and Juana interrupt because he needs to go back to the hospital. Aurora tells Juana she’s so happy they’ve become so close and she’d be grateful if Juana doesn’t mention anything that she said about Mariano. Juana promised to keep her secret and keep it she will. She also tells her that independent of her relationship with Hector, she really cares for her. They embrace and Teresa comments that it looks as though Aurora is the one who is headed for Europe. They all hug again and Aurora asks Teresa to remember their conversation.

Casa Caceres: Ruben arrives just as Aida is telling Geno that the Rrrrrrrrrata de Vecindad and Arturo are leaving for Europe today for a lengthy vacation. Ruben confirms they’ll be gone for a few months. He mentions Mayra would like to take a similar trip. Jealousy literally moves Geno out of her seat to ask when this trip will take place. Ruben figures he can’t go anywhere while Arturo is gone and has left him in charge of the foundation and other responsibilities. Aida offers to help him and then leaves. Ruben assures Geno he will hold off the trip with Mayra. Geno’s glad to hear that and hopes that Arturo’s trip will be lengthened so that Ruben will have the ability to fix the adoption of Espe’s baby as the acting head of the foundation. Ruben isn’t sure how they’ll get Espe’s baby to the foundation. Geno ponders this and says, “there are ways.” Scary lady.

Casa Barrera: Espe has come to see Teresa before her trip. Teresa apologizes for not attending the wedding. Espe says Armando explained everything. She tells her Aida is so jealous she probably showed up at the wedding just to make sure Mariano wasn’t there alone. Teresa asks Espe if she thinks Mariano still loves her. Espe suggests that instead of going on that trip, she should seek him out instead. Teresa feels it’s too late for that, Mariano hates her. Espe insists that since Teresa can’t seem to forget him, they should at least give it a try. Teresa says that for now she is going on vacation and swears she will do what she can to forget him. She changes the subject abruptly and talks about the baby, assuming she will be the godmother. Espe asks if she’d like that and Teresa responds that she’d like nothing more than to spoil him, shower him with gifts and above all, defend him from Ruben. Espe thanks her and Teresa thought bubbles that she hopes the godfather will be Mariano.

Hospital: Mariano and Aurora are talking business and she asks if he knows about Teresa’s trip. Mariano wishes she’d leave the country for good so he would never have to see her again. And like a bad penny, Aida turns up. Aeeeeeeda! Her entrances are starting to remind me of Kramer on Seinfeld! She announces that now that Ruben is in charge of the foundation, she will head the public relations department. She’s excited about lining up more donors, promoting the pediatric ward and thereby promoting Aurora and Mariano. She kisses him again and Aurora looks away. Avert your eyes!

Casa Barrera: Refugio is there and Juana tells about Hector’s surprise announcement regarding his divorce. Refugio asks what she plans to do about her feelings for Cutberto. Before she can answer, Teresa and Espe join them. They talk about the trip and she asks Refugio what she’d like from Europe. Refugio only wants for Teresa and Arturo to be reconciled. Arturo walks in saying he’s all packed and ready to go as soon as he returns from a meeting. Refugio takes her leave and tearfully blesses Teresa. Everyone leaves and Teresa comments on how everyone has come by to wish them well on their trip. Arturo says even Oriana called but figured it was best not to pass her on to Teresa. Teresa complains they will be in Spain for a month and that woman didn’t even offer one of her houses for their stay. And why? Because she knew Teresa would be there as his wife!

Speaking of the Momzilla, she tells Fernando she spoke with Arturo by phone earlier. Fernando wonders why she didn’t go in person. Oriana admits she didn’t want to pretend (fingir) in front of Teresa. Fernando is frustrated and asks if she’s ever going to try to get to know Teresa. Why should she when she’s not a hypocrite like Tere? It’s a good thing he found such a nice girl like Luisa because if he had chosen Teresa as her daughter-in-law, she would disinherit him! So there!

Previews for tomorrow show Fito coming to ruin Teresa’s trip and possibly her marriage!


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