Friday, March 16, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #57 Thursday 3/15/12 The Woman Who Couldn't Admit to Being Jealous

We start right in with Gus and Cinthia.  He wishes he'd sent the flowers, but he didn't think of it in time.  He's got three dinner options, though…he's interrupted by the maid, bringing in the card for the flowers.  David, of course, promising not to cause any more problems.  She doesn't tell Gus who it was, but he doesn't blame the guy, whoever he is.  Cause she's so hot and sensitive and decided.  Pfft!  He's glad she's actually trying to give things a go instead of just running her mouth.

Rogelio doesn't know Gustavo's last name.  He talks about him being an engineer and maybe coming to work there.  Rog remembers that Paula's boyfriend was also named Gustavo.  They start to get into an argument again because of her conviction that he had Gustavo beaten.  Rog flips his wig and breaks some knickknacks before wheeling out of her room at high speed.

Esteban and Chio have finished their date and she tries to get him to come upstairs.  He's definitely buying what she's selling.

Cinthia comes home from her date all giddy and is startled by Efrain, waiting up for her.  He tries to suggest they get it on in the living room, but she insists it's O-V-E-R!  Well, Efrain doesn't care.  He says she'll always be his and earns himself a slap.  Cin threatens to rat him out to Rogelio.  She tells him to go hang out with Ulises and his family on their vacation and just leave her alone already.

Ana Paula is really freaked out thinking Cin's Gustavo is also "her" Gustavo.  Dany doesn't think it's possible, but Ana Paula is doing the relationship map and coming to the correct conclusion.  She's distraught to think Gustavo could love anything but her.  Dany says she'd better get used to the idea.  "You broke up!  You can't expect him to wait around for you for an hour and a half!"  Well, AP can't stand the idea of him loving someone else.  "He can't be with Cinthia! He can't!"  Hey, look who's sounding like big sister Vanessa.

Cinthia tells Elsa about her hot date.  She's sure they would have kissed, if she'd wanted.  They discuss strategy.  Elsa thinks Cin should send herself flowers and turn down another date with Gus.  "He'll forget all about that ex-girlfriend, and for good.  He'll be all yours!"

AP calls Gustavo, but the connection isn't great.  He asks if she's divorced yet, hopefully, but she says she won't be divorced so soon.  He wants nothing more to do with her and asks her not to waste his time.  AP says she has to know who he was going out with while they were apart.  "Where the hell do you get off asking me that?!"  He tells her to quit bugging him so he can get on with his life.  AP passes the sentiment on to Dany and Dany agrees with Gus.  She defends her decision not to tell Gus the truth, which Dany doesn't agree with.  AP finally agrees that Gustavo has a right to be happy, even if it's not with her.

Rosaura tries to play nice with Rogelio, but he's having none of it.  "What do you want now?"  A favor, of course.  "Don't turn me against my niece."  Rosaura insists she's on Rog's side.  She read the contract and she thinks it was good Rog is getting the extra days.  "The thing is, I read how I can be her representative…"Rog tells her to quit pimping out her niece.

AP can't stand the thought of her and Gus being apart when they love each other so much.  Dany reminds her she made her self-sacrificing bed and now she's gotta lie in it.  "Set him free and quit tormenting yourself!"  Dany says if she goes looking for him after this whole contract is over and they still love each other, then nothing can keep them apart.

Rosaura says pimpin' ain't easy…even though she swears she's not pimping!  She says she doesn't have a power of attorney, but she thinks she can get it.  Rogelio tells her to forget it.  He only put that clause in there because she told him she had power of attorney already.  Rosaura thinks he'll be singing a different tune when he needs her to help him extend the contract.  Rogelio is sneeringly amused.

Esteban and Gus talk about Vanessa.  Esteban is pissed that Van went to San Gabriel.  He admits he's trying to give it a go with Chio.  He reminds Gus that he's wanting kids for a long time and he thinks Chio is an ideal brood mare.  Esteban opines that it's possible to love many different people in different ways, and if Vanessa didn't want to be the mother of his children, then it's time for him to move on.  Gus agrees, "It's one thing to love a woman and another to pine for her when she doesn't want you.  Enough waiting around for these women!"  "Yeah, they'll find someone to love them, but not someone to beg!"  I roll my eyes at the two of them.  They say that now, but by this time next week, Esteban will be whining about Vanessa again and Gus will be back to his chest-heaving scrunchy-faced alter-ego again.

More whining on AP's part about Gus wanting someone else, thinking the contract is unfair, etc.  And Dany telling her to get over herself.

Vanessa likes the look of her new San Gabriel offices.  There's even room for her to live there, if she doesn't want to live at Bruno's place.  David encourages her to not stay at Bruno's.  He offers to handle the remodeling, but Vanessa only lets him be in charge of putting up a sign for the office.  She tells the boys that they need to get to work already so that Rogelio can quit having everything his way.

Ana Paula, wearing the tangerine version of the red dress Vanessa's currently wearing, sashays into Rogelio's office. He wants them to go into town and AP figures she'll use the visit as an opportunity to pick up supplies for Don Abel's visit.  Rog says they'll be making a lot more public appearances now.  He needles her about wanting to be rid of him.  AP muses that she wishes things could be different between them, but "You don’t get to choose who you love."  "Yeah, don't I know it."

Team Evil continues to strategize.  If they want to buy Rancho La Negra, but David's flat broke, Bruno doesn't have more than a fourth.  Vanessa's going to have to bankroll Team Evil.  She agrees and tells Bruno to start the negotiations and keep things quiet.  Then they'll cut off Rogelio's water supply.  But what about telling Cinthia?  Vanessa offers to explain to Cinthia that it's only temporary and they'll turn the water back on once she has her part of the hacienda back.

Yes, Chio and Esteban did the nasty.  Mercedes is happy for them.  Chio swears she's in luuuuuuuurve.  Mercedes is still determined not to get back together with Ernesto.

Rogelio's in town, at the fonda, and he sees David.  He calls him a jerk for sending the cops to the hacienda.  "I told you to drop the thing with the truck." "No, you told me to harm him."  Rog warns David to leave AP and her family alone.  David waves his big…ego…around, talking about how Rogelio wll be sorry when he sees what David builds on the land that Rogelio wanted to buy.  Rogelio knows David can't afford to build on it himself, and cracks up laughing at the idea of someone forming a business partnership with David.   "What idiot would do that?!"  Vanessa walks in and announces that she is that idiot.

Bruno's hench sees Maripaz in Tuxtla.  She tries to get away from him, but without her parents around, he won't back down.

Vanessa and David try to make Rogelio nervous about their partnership.  Vanessa tells Rog that she bought the land in Boca del Cielo.  Rog just laughs, saying she has no idea what kind of scorpion she just let climb onto her back!  Vanessa looks nervous.

Rosaura tries to talk AP into signing over power of attorney, saying it's just a thing rich people do.  Plus, then AP won't have to discuss her contract with Rogelio…her loving Pimp can take care of it for her.  Rosaura encourages her to ask Bruno.  AP says no way will she ever sign anything else without having a lawyer explain it to her.  Justino, who’s been left in charge of the store while Ulises is away, and who is unfortunately played by an actor whose agent couldn't get him a better deal and therefore has no lines, just shrugs and shakes his head when AP asks if he's heard anything from the family.

Rog tells Vanessa he doesn't think her dad would have approved of her getting into construction.  David and Vanessa keep trying to get the better of Rogelio, telling him Cinthia is working with them.  Rog says he won't allow that.

Rutilio is still trying to make a play for an increasingly nervous Maripaz.  Efrain comes up and gets Rutilio to go away.  Maripaz tells him that Rutilio scares her.

Rogelio says he knows they're trying to piss him off.  "What do you think you're doing?  Turning my sister against me?"  Looks like it's working. He angrily warns them that they aren't going to take advantage of Cinthia.  Vanessa completely disingenuously tells him that they have no ill will towards him…"Besides, we're partners.  There's no reason for us not to get along."

Gus visits Cinthia and brings her a rose.  "I shouldn't have forgotten about you.  I hope there's still time to fix that."  Cin starts to kiss him, but pulls back and gives him a peck on the cheek.  She plays it cool, saying she's glad he's moving on with his life.  Gus moves in for the hardcore smoochies.  Which might be more convincing if he didn't look like he was having to work so hard to talk himself into doing it.

Rogelio knows they're up to no good.  AP walks in with Rosaura, announcing she's got all the ingredients she needs.  Vanessa mocks her, saying she's not only a nurse, now she's also a cook.  She and AP start to throw down, but Rogelio tells them to quit fighting like a couple of greengrocers.  Vanessa tells them that she's opening an office in San Gabriel, so they'll be seeing quite a lot of each other.  Vanessa tells AP she's just upset because she knows that Vanessa is more of a woman than she is…then she lays quite the liplock on Rogelio.  And the dumbass participates quite enthusiastically, leaving AP to just stare at the two of them confused.  Screw that…I want to see some hair pulling already!

Cinthia is glad she's together with Gus again.  She tells him if his ex shows up again…"Don't worry, she already looked me up and I told her I was getting on with my life.  Not that I'm proposing or anything."

Rosaura's the one who pulls Vanessa off of Rogelio and continues the verbal banter.  Vanessa brings up the blackmail money Rosaura took.  She plays innocent and drags AP out of there.  Rog starts to go after them, then turns back and tells Vanessa not to pull another stunt like that.  "I love my wife."  Vanessa says if he loves his wife, he wouldn't be responding to her the way he was.  "You married her because she reminds you of me."  As she paws his face, Rogelio ponders this.

Gus is ready to get on with his life.  Cin is ready to help him.  By smooching him.

AP fumes and Rosaura tries to talk her down.  She's pissed that Rogelio let her kiss him.  She's grossed out that he's been macking on 2 sisters.  Rosaura insists she's just jealous.  AP wants to get the heck out of there.  Rosaura looks like she's thinking that little display from Vanessa wasn't such a bad thing.

Ernesto comes over to visit Mercedes and bring her flowers and insist they should get back together again. He's sure with a little family therapy, his daughter will get over it.  Mercedes isn't going to see him in secret.

Hugo tells Rog that AP already left with Jacinto.  He borrows Hugo's phone to call Cinthia.  She finally answers and he asks her about working with David and Vanessa.  "They're only using you to piss me off!"  He reminds her that she has no work experience and they have no reason to hire her.  Cinthia is determined to prove to him she can do it.  She hangs up on him after refusing to come home.  Gus looks bothered by her side of the conversation.

Mercedes finally talks Ernesto into leaving her alone until after Marcella's ok with them being together.

David doesn't think Vanessa's display was such a good idea.  Bruno comes in with bad news--La Negra's owner's sister is on her way.  I don't understand why this is bad news, but Bruno says they have to keep it from Rogelio that the hacienda is up for sale or he'll definitely try to buy it so he can expand.

Miguel and Dany are having a nice quiet chat when AP comes home in a right snit about Rogelio.  Rosaura gives Miguel the gossip.  Maria fumes about Vanessa upsetting Rogelio.

Cinthia pouts about Rogelio not believing in her.  Gus thinks what Cin is doing proves that she's not just trying to get married to get her inheritance, but is trying to make her own way.  Cin says she doesn't care if the guy has money or not, she's going to marry whoever she wants.  Efrain comes in to announce he's going to drag her home, even if he has to do it by force.  He grabs her arm, but Gustavo intervenes.

Maria continues fuming about Vanessa.  Rosaura tells her to quit fussing and get work.  She refuses to give Maria the recipe AP was going to use, since she figures Maria can't read.  Maria shoots back that Rosaura doesn't seem to be too educated herself.  She tries to get Rosaura to help her with the cooking, but Rosaura swishes away, saying she has to go comfort her niece.

Efrain doesn't want to have to explain to Rogelio why he came home without Cinthia, so Gus says he'll do it.

AP continues her jealous tirade to Miguel.  He offers to quit therapy so she won't owe Rogelio any more, but both AP and Dany say he's got to keep going.

Rogelio's cell rings. Efrain tells him he couldn't drag Cinthia away, but Gus got in his way.  Rogelio bitches that he always has to do everything himself.  He fires Efrain.

Gus insists on confronting Rogelio and insists on Cinthia coming with him.  He says no one will lock her up, and if they do, he'll spring her!

Rogelio asks Dany and Miguel to clear out so he can talk to Paula.  He's pissed at her for leaving and taking the truck.  "Well, you said whatever's yours is mine, right?"  Rogelio agrees, it's all hers, starting with him.  AP fumes that he's the one ugly thing  on this beautiful hacienda and slaps him.  Well, I knew someone was getting smacked, I just think it was going to go down quite like that.

Tomorrow: Rog accuses AP of being jealous; Gustavo confronts Rogelio at the hacienda.


El Talismán #32 Thu 3/15/12 Beware the Ides of March (or If you think you're the emperor don't turn your back on anyone)

Recap by Anita, Editor In Chief of the Fresno Underground Gazette

Scenes in Tijuana—Pedro & Camila spend some quality time on the sofa in the church office. They go together to visit Sister Luciana’s grave. They promise her that they will return to TJ to open a Casa de Huerfanos.

Aunt Pat calls Pedro to tell him that Lukrazy was arrested for attempted homicide. Pedro and Cam natter on about Lukrazier. They find out the Mariana phone call came from a public phone in Fresno. Camila thinks that Mariana is very close to being able to be found (think, girl, think about it some more…). The Padre comes running up to tell the pair that someone in TJ will buy ALL of El Tal’s grano. Yippee, no bancarota for Pedro.

Scenes at Rita’s—Renato gets the money (it was in the fridge). He lets Tracy go, but hedges about leaving her and her familia en paz. She’ll just have to trust him. With nowhere to go, Tracy goes to see Panchito at El Al.

Scenes in El Alcat—The girls are nattering on about boyfriends. Panchito and Valentin natter on about whose side Valentin is on and oh-ho, Pancho has had his eye on him and he’s onto him, he KNOWS he’s on Antonio’s side (woe be to him now). Valentin tries to show him the logic behind his decision—Antonio is younger and healthier while Gregorio is old and sick. Uh-uh, says Panchito, WRONG.

Panchito leaves Valentin with a warning—make up your mind whose side you are going to be on, and make it up quick. If you choose Antonio, rest assured Panchito will tell the patron on you.

Panchito and Tracy come to an acuerdo—she will not share his digs, although they obviously need a woman’s touch. Panchito uses his influence with Greggy and gets her old job back. There’s lots of squealing when he tells her.

Oh, somewhere in the midst of all this a lovely leg protrudes from a vast bubble bath, what can we hope? Oh, shoot, it’s Brigitte taking a phone call from Greggo wanting to know wassup with Lucas.

Back to Panchito. Daddy-O tells him to get over to El Tal quick as a bunny to find out if LuLu really is going to give part of the ranch to Pedro (Greggy, my friend, you don’t need to worry about this just yet…she is going to do this, how? what’s the hurry, anyway). So, Gregorio doesn’t know LuLu went to jail. Alberta and Tracy natter on about Antonio and the rancho.

Scenes in El Tal—Lucrazie natters on to Claudio about Flo and how it’s all going to work out. Later, Clau, Gab & Sara natter on about the Mariana phone calls. Sara thinks it was a set up engineered by Lucrezzi. Claudio defends her (duh). They check out La Viejita with the Hon. Detective Teniente. He’s sure that whoever tampered with it didn’t know what they were doing, so instead of cutting the brake line, he (or she) just disabled it. Aunt Pat is sure it was Lukrashia. We see LuLu running around her room trying to hide the infamous pincers. Well, she and the pincers are caught in flagrante delicto and she’s hauled off to jail for some ‘splaining.

Scenes in the Jail—She protests her innocence. It doesn’t phase El Detective, no siree. Rules are rules and he can’t just let her go because she says she’s innocent. She needs to get a lawyer and post bail.

LuLu tries blaming Camila—That zorra is full of jealousy because Pedro has a thing for her. For Pete’s sake (Not our Pedro), officer, she doesn’t even live at El Tal, so how is she going to know where stuff is kept (like pincers). La señorita doth protesta demasiado (are you listening Mr. El D?). Guess so, Our Little Lulu is put away for suspicion of intent to commit a homicide, oh my. She drops her dime on Antonio to get her out of there ASAP.

Antonio visits Sis in jail. Do the writers think this is Mexico, where any old person can come and go and sit in a holding cell with someone accused of attempted homicide? Anyway, they have a rough embrace—ya, glad to see you, too, brylcreme head, but I’m not going to touch it.

Bro warns her not to do anything to Camila, while LuLu doesn’t want anything to happen to Pedro. Quandary—dilemma. El D. tries to pump Tonio about his sister’s past. Tonio finds the line of questioning offensive and doesn’t answer (but he’s running it around his empty head as viewerville is treated to some commercials). We don’t see what he decided because we don’t see him any more tonight.

Finally, Daddy-O has been informed LuLu is in jail and comes to the rescue. He puts things straight. Daughter, you’d better play the game my way or you are going to end up in a manicomio, and I’ll be the one who sends you there. (This is actually the last scene of the evening.)

Scenes in The Only Hotel Inn™ Fresno/Oscar’s Place—Elvira and Armando are nattering on about “the girl” who came to see him. She knows he’s not forthcoming with the truth. He finally spills the beans about the boda being in two days time. The music freaks out; Elvira freaks out.

Armando is invited to the Renato’s mansion (I mean Oscar’s mansion). Renato prepares the staff and prides himself on how easy it is going to be to manipulate mama and her son—and the heck with Camila, he’s not afraid of HER.

Secretario-guy has a hot chisme for Renato—that Camila’s novio, PI Man, murdered his wife, sí, sí, it’s all over town. Meanwhile, Armando’s amazed at all the lujo in the house. Renato’s definitely rich.

Back to Antonio who’s still in bed at the Hotel. Next to him is the little tart who dressed up as Camila for him, but it turns out she’s the same one that provided the voice for Mariana.

The room phone rings. It’s sissy from jail. Antonio is furioso with her. He flings the receiver down--It’s all Pedro’s fault (he uses a disparaging remark to describe Pedro). He throws money at the little tart and tells her to largate, but reverses direction when she reminds him that she is playing Mariana. Great, he has another idea.

Elvira is ready to leave the hotel and runs into Antonio in the lobby. He reminds her that he still OWNS her. It doesn’t matter one whit that she is starting a new life along side her husband-to-be, Renato. Uh-uh, you will live your whole life knowing you are UNA ASESINA. Gulp.



Una Familia Con Suerte #165-166 Thu 3/15/12 We come to bury comedy, not to praise it.

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears (or eyes), but not for long. Just a quickie tonight.
Chela and the kids wail and moan like professional mourners because Chela’s moving down the street.
Via phone:
Pancho: I love you!
Rebe: You have a strange way of showing it.
Pancho: You started it!
Rebe: *Click.*
Pancho: Waaaaahhhhh!!!
Next morning, the mafientourage arrives at the Lopez nuthouse as Chela is leaving, sad little suitcase in tow. Napo is way concerned with Chela’s wellbeing and insistent on pampering her. Napo decides he loves the big house and makes himself right at home, sitting down for breakfast, offering Ana help selling her CD, buddying up with Temo, and acting effusively polite to Fernanda. Temo breaks the news to Fernanda that they’re going to have a new little cousin.
Moni and Pepe seem to have settled right in at Enzo’s apartment. Moni hates keeping the secret from Enzo, even though Pepe keeps telling her it’s just for a short time while Chela wraps her swiss cheese mind around the situation.
Lidia tells Rebe she’s falling in love with Enzo. It’s going around, apparently. Out in the lobby, Midori outrageously hits on him. Note that they have JUST met. “Your place or mine?” she asks. Enzo crawls over the furniture to escape.
Chela settles into her new apartment amidst dizzy spells. Selling lotion and eye shadow must pay a lot better than jobs in auto mechanics and graphic design. Chacho drops by with groceries and a baby gift and they go out to breakfast.
Vins kisses Pina on the lips. Freddie and Meli: PUM! Vins encounters the gangster gang in the driveway. Candy is cold to him and ostentatiously affectionate to Napo. Napo stages a big show of Gracious Manners to Vins.
Tom’s face is all healed up and he says goodbye to his prison buddies. Street cred 4eva, dude. Outside in the free free air, he hugs Elena and kisses Lupita! Then he nearly gets barfed on by Chela. They take him back to the palace and Lupe and Elena peel grapes for him and fan him with palm fronds. They take him outside to be a free-range stud. The other girls notice Lupita’s dying sheep eyes.
Moni tells Enzo he’s going to be a dad again. He is THRILLED. Lidia asks whazzup and Enzo tells her. Sadness de Lidia. Moni finds out from Pepe where Chela lives and Enzo goes and confronts her. Why didn’t she tell him herself? Does she think so little of him? No, just the opposite, Chela says. She thinks the world of him and made a huge disaster of everything. Plus she saw him besuqueando Lidia. They have a long and cordial talk.
Midori moves on to her next prey: Pancho. It looks like something on Animal Planet. Pancho tells her she’s way too forward.
Midori: You’re right. I have a problem.
Pancho: Only one?
Midori: I tried to get therapy, but I just wanted to eat up the therapist!
Pancho: You’re a cannibal?!
Midori: No! A sex addict!
Vins bursts in and Midori throws herself at him instead. Celeste and Ketita decide they have to defend the menfolk from the shark-toothed bottom-feeder.
Napo gives Candy wedding night lingerie, which disgusts her. He talks about having Napoleoncitos and she hates that, but he’s just thrilled when she says she WAS afraid of him. Past tense! They’re soul mates!
Pina tries again to sic Kari on Freddie and he is NOT having it. Kari isn’t entirely on board either; she seems unwilling be a Midori but Pina pooh-poohs her thinking this is pointless if Freddie just isn’t into her.
Rebe and Lidia try to unravel their love triangle sex hexagon naughty Gordian knot. No, never mind, they want to keep it tangled. Rebe encourages Lidia to fight for Enzo. {Or, you know, I hear there’s an orange in Miami in need of another half.}
The DNA results are in. Pancho is officially Fernanda’s long-lost son. She cries. She tells Pancho and he cries. Then he cries more because apparently he didn’t know he was adopted, and OMG, Candy isn’t really his sister (I’m not sure he grasps the adoption concept. Lemme short-cut it for you, Pancho: Candy is your sister). Somehow he seems to think Candy will be upset to find she doesn’t share his DNA. I would think she’d be relieved.
Fernanda decides her mission in life is to get Rebe and Pancho back together.
Vins tells Pina and the lawyer he wants to cancel the divorce. She agrees, with one condition.


Abismo de pasión #4 3/15/12: Pop Goes The Sleazel

Yeeks! We open with a refresher of Medusa in confession. She acts so possessed I keep waiting for her head to turn 360s. Even the background music sounds Exorcisty. “Es me cuñado” never sounded so satanic.

We then get the expected griping about sis stealing what Carmina deserved and Car being driven crazy by jealousy. Lupe bravely refutes the demon (well, it’s his job isn’t it?), Augusto always loved Estefania, he says. He really lets her have it while she strangles her rosary. Then she starts hissing some drivel about getting money, power and position through Rosendo. Her  green eyes bug out as she bares her white fangs and pronounces that Padre Lupe is now her accomplice because he can’t tell her secret to anyone. He jumps out of the confessional, grabs her and manages to wrestle the rosary out of the infidel's grasp, but otherwise he’s pretty impotent.

Rosendo and Fina argue loudly about Damian and Gael getting caught red-handed pilfering from mom’s purse. Damian overhears and explains the money was for him, not Gael. He lost the money pops gave him and he had to pay for the amulets. He got them so that mom and dad would remember they love each other and stop fighting. Oopsie, out of the mouth of babes.

The pugilistic parents are humbled and dad asks Damian to promise never to take money without asking. He believes his son won’t steal again and to prove it dad reveals to Damian where he keeps the petty cash “in case of emergencies”.  As heir to the ranch it’s time for Damian to know this and act responsibly. Damian gets his 100 pesos from the cofre and they hug, awwwww what a sweet scene.

Over at Casa Castañon they are getting ready for mass. Augusto gets on Estef’s case for confronting Fina but Estefania holds her ground. She says that sort of nasty chisme could affect the children! “ (Would someone please turn that darn music box down!?) Augusto backs down and admits he had a conversation with Rosendo. Fact - Ros is fooling around but wouldn’t say with whom. Elisa joins them and the temporarily happy family heads off to church. Bad hair dad asks will Carmina join them? Estef says no way would Carmina go into a church, not by accident and certainly not for Our Father’s mass. She forgot about option #3.

The local watering hole - Creepy Carmina sees Creepier Gabino ride up and go inside for a snort. Gab spies Lucio at a table and decides to ruin his night. Gab says Lucio might have won the battle but the war’s not over. Thanks for the warning, says Lucio, slamming his drink but looking like he'd rather slam Gab's head into the table.

After Lucio leaves Carmina slithers in and shakes her bootie, I kid you not. Gab bites, he wonders why she’s not at mass with the others. He’s pretty sure Rosendo wouldn’t like to hear she’s at the cantina. “Hey, I’m single, right?  Ya wanna dance?” she coos. Nopis, says the perplexed Gabino, so Carmina grabs another dude and hits the dance floor.

Fina and Rosendo are arguing AGAIN about Gael being Damian’s pal. She just wants to know why Rosendo insists on usurping her authority at every opportunity. (Uh, because you’re an insane, hideous witch who is trying to turn your son into a snotty butthead?) They agree on one thing, living with each other in this house is hell for both of them. Fina rues the day she married him, she should have married a Don Nadie, maybe another man would value her! He calls her hysterical and then hysterically slams the door behind him.

The church bells ring and the whole town gathers for mass accompanied by the choir of angels. Padre Loopy prays about the heavy load he is carrying. Then padre and Gael prepare themselves for the mass, so cute.

Rosendo goes to the stables for a ride just as Gabino trots up with the 411 that Carmina is over at the cantina behaving like a medusa in heat. This causes Rosendo to saddle up and gallop off. He's a busy dude, pithed off wife, demanding slut on the side, life's tough for the hot sauce king.

Now we pay a little visit to the yerberia in the woods where Ramona is giving Paloma a hard time for losing the canasta (basket) of bread and not earning a peso. Paloma says she didn’t exactly lose it and she’ll retrieve it tomorrow. Also, it looks like the birdies died so Paloma thinks Ramona should return the money. (She hasn’t actually been paid yet, has she?) Ramona tells the kid to mind her own business but the poor tyke says her grandma is her business. She doesn’t like it that everyone calls granny una bruja and a bad person. That’s why she doesn’t have any friends, boo hoo. Gran gets nice and tells Paloma not to worry about the birds, she’ll see what she can do to make Elisa happy.

Rosendo finds Carmina strolling into Rancho Castañon. He blusters that she’s his, all his. Prove you love me then, she demands. She wins, he’ll do whatever she wants. “Good, get me out of this damn town,” she hisses. They smear each other with “kisses” or their disgusting version of such.

Fina visits Damian’s room to apologize for the fight but mostly to try, yet again, to stick it to Gael. Why can’t Damian have other friends? He says she doesn’t like any of his village friends. She crazily insists he’s better than all the other kids and she wants to send him away to a good school where he can meet others of his class. Damian’s not happy about mom’s Dickensian dream.

Rosendo and Camila have taken it out of the street and are now snoodling in the bushes. Under a bright light. Yeah sure they don't want to get caught. Ros says he needs a couple of weeks, think of the scandal, no way to avoid it, blah blah blah. That’s why they need to be gone when the mierda hits the fan, says Carmina. He definitely wants to split with her but he can’t help thinking about his son, how much he loves him and doesn’t want to leave him. She feigns sympathy, says she would love to take the boy with them but...but...Rosendo agrees it would be too cruel, not to mention Damian will probably never forgive him.  He says it’s an impossible situation but he can’t break the Tangel-ho habit. More clumsy kissing ensues and I can't bear to watch.

The mass is over and familia Castañon arrive home. Estefania peeps out the back door in time to see Rosendo and Carmina snogging under the trees. Busted!

Carmina sees the lights go on and fears they’ve been discovered. Rosendo says he’ll make up some half-a$$ed tale to explain his presence. She makes him promise on the name of his son that he’ll escape with her. For some reason he doesn’t seem to find this demand completely distasteful and inappropriate.

Elisa is setting the table when Carmina and Rosendo walk in alleging that Rosendo was waiting to talk to Augusto. Elisa stares at aunt Carmina who looks like she just ate a flock of canaries. The kid knows something is up with creepy Tia.

Que haces aqui? asks Augusto. Oh, er, Rosendo was just talking to the cuñada waiting for Augusto to get home. Augusto says that’s kind of weird considering Rosendo and Carmina can’t stand each other. Rosendo claims he stopped by to let Augusto know he’ll sign some contract at work tomorrow. “And you had to come to my house at this hour to tell me?” wonders Augusto.  He asks why Ros is so nervous and preoccupied, did he want to say anything else? Like about the woman he’s in love with?

Estefania confronts Carmina, Car is Rosendo’s secret lover, right? Carmina tries to deny deny deny but Stef stands firm. She saw them kissing in her own garden. How could Carmina steal another wife’s man? Uh, correction, insists Car, Ros and Fina were terminados long ago, she ain’t stealin’ nuthin’. Estef insists Car has no right break up a family. “What? I don’t have a right to be happy LIKE YOU?” whines Car. Estef asks why Rosendo when there are a thousand other guys around? El corazon se manda, retorts Carmina. Estef says Car sure is a great actress, pretending she hates Rosendo. And thanks to Carmina’s affair Fina thinks Ros is having it on with Estef. This misunderstanding is all Carmina’s fault. Carmina pretends to care and weeps her apology. She says what Estef saw was a good-bye. She broke it off with Rosendo, it’s over, she promises, and vows it on the memory of their father. The sisters hug and we get the classic telenovela over-the-shoulder hateful glare from bug-eye Carmina.

The halftime credits roll, mighty car crash, arm wrestling, boobs and biceps, fire and explosion!

Lucio tells Blanca about seeing Carmina blasting out of Rosendo’s office in a fury. They must have been discussing something very serious. Gee, wouldn’t it be weird if she and Rosendo have a thing going?  Blanca pooh poohs him, what would a cualquiera like Carmina see in a married man like Rosendo? Uh, how about Rosendo being a rich businessman and Carmina being an ambitious hussy, Lucio says.

Back to the Fur Elise (For Elise, get it?) music box, signifying we are in Estef’s room. She’s got Excedrin Headache #49 going strong. Elisa hits mom up for the money to pay for the bread. Dad joins them to find out why they’re not at the dinner table. Honestly, says mom, I’m not hungry and I, uh, miss my dad.

Rosendo is back at Hell House. Fina spies on him as he kisses young Damian goodnight. She douses herself with perfume and arranges herself seductively on the bed, but no joy. Rosendo approaches the door, then turns on his heel to sleep on the pull-out sofa. Fina promptly assassinates the perfume bottle, the scent of which causes her to convulse in coughing.

Next morning Elisa visits the church looking for Gael. She has a favor to ask, will he go to take the money and basket to Ramona? He wonders why she didn’t ask Damian? Because it’s very early and his mom’s always mad about something, she astutely observes.

Speaking of witch (not a typo), she’s cheering herself up by abusing the staff. (Reminds me of another Fina I used to  know.)  She sees Damian trying to sneak out, wonders why he’s leaving so early, but lets him off easy because she’s still sucking up to him and hoping he’ll side with her instead of dad. Maid Antonia cheerfully tells Fina that mister Rosendo left very early this morning and was in a big hurry.

Rosendo gallops over to the love shack having been summoned by Carmina. She’s in a dither and says they need to step up their escape plans. Sis discovered they are lovers and is ready to tell the world! Augusto could find out at any minute! Ros momentarily wonders why that matters. He says he’s been thinking, maybe it would be better if they acted like adults and were up front. He would just tell Fina and Carmina could tell Estef how things really are. “Are you crazy?” shrieks Car, “This is a telenovela and we have to run away and endanger the lives of everyone we know!” (OK, I made up that last part.)  She whines about small-town scandal, yada yada, crocodile tears, I want my way.

Damian comes to Padre looking for Gael. Padre Lupe says he left very early with Elisa. Damian tells Padre about the amulets he bought and why, so sad.

Over at the yerberia Gael shows up with the money and basket. Paloma excitedly discovers a doll in the basket and Gael asks about the birdies. Uh oh, Abuela says tell your little friend they’ll come back when they’re all grown up. Ramona gives Gael the stinkeye and wonders if he’s the kid that threw mud on Paloma the other day. Paloma, now friends with Gael, denies it but I don’t think Gran believes her.

Estefania, making yet another plain dress look impossibly beautiful, asks Lolita about Elisa. Lolita says she left very early, just like every other person in town. Estef goes to look for Carmina and finds her own perfume in Car’s room. Que? Augusto discovers her there and wonders what’s up, why is she acting so nervous? Estef admits that she’s worried about her sis, it's that Carmina, well the truth is Carmina...Ack!! Carmina just popped into the room and scared the heck out of me! Anyway, Car tells Estef to shut it but Estef says she doesn’t like to keep secrets from her husband. Carmina pipes up that the truth is, she is leaving the pueblo forever.

Over at the pepper plant Gabino’s back in his work duds. (Why does he wear Deliverance to work but a decent long-sleeved shirt to the cantina?) Rosendo orders him to go to Merida and purchase two plane tickets for New York. Gabino assured Ros that he will demonstrate the utmost discretion. Ever notice how the only people who say that are blackmailing snakes?

Car tells Augusto that she feels like a load always mooching off of them. Nonsense, he replies, she’s a part of the family and is entitled. Where does she plan on going? Oh, maybe France to look for her papa’s family. Augusto asks the obvious question, why so much mystery surrounding such a stupid and inconsequential decision? Meanwhile Estef looks on in disgust. After Augusto leaves Car says she thinks it would be best to put some distance between Rosendo and herself.

Damian and Gael are fighting about Gael going to the curandera’s without him. Gael says he couldn’t go to Damian’s because his bruja of a mother doesn’t like him. They push each other a bit and argue who is Elisa’s best friend. Elisa thinks they are stupid boys so she runs off. They make up and Damian tells Gael about his father trusting him. They confirm they are best friends and do their BFF handshake.

Ack! There SHE is again, popping up and scaring me! Carmina surprises Rosendo at his stable, “Hola mi amor,”  scream-whispers the succubus. He nervously assures her he is moving forward with their escape plans except for one minor detail. He’s owes it to Alfonsina to tell her he’s leaving, but he won’t mention Carmina’s name. Car keeps sliming him with kisses, getting off on the danger of discovery. Suddenly they hear Fina and Carmina scuttles off, leaving the thick aura of betrayal behind. Fina tells Rosendo they need to talk, but then she smells The Perfume of His Lover. It’s on his shirt! It’s in the air! “She’s around, isn’t she??” demands Fina, “That damn woman is around here, hiding somewhere!"

Avances: Elisa overhears Carmina telling Augusto she loves him. The town gossips claim Estefania is Rosendo’s lover.

Dicho of the day:
Antes de que te cases, mira lo que haces: Before you marry, better be wary. (or maybe Look before you leap)


Thursday, March 15, 2012

La Que No Podía Amar #56 Wednesday 3/14/12

Lo Refrito
(without benefit of OPENING credits. There is a reason we don't call them "in the middle of the episode credits grumble grumble)
David reminds Rohell that he is no black-clad saint. The wheeled one had his fair share in the Miguel funny business. He said some other stuff too, but being the dumb asp that I am I rarely understand a word that comes out of Jorge Aravena's mouth (and it doesn't help that my comprehension skills get steadily worse the later it gets.)

Lo Nuevo
(which really isn't so nuevo. It's still more of the same underhanded, lying, dirty-dealing, out-for-myself kind of crap that has been going on for way too long)

Hacienda Happenings
Dany visits Miguel in the workshop. She asks how he's doing. He says he doing fine...hasn't had a drink. Dany thinks that's dandy and if he feels like taking a drink he needs to remember what he promised Ana Paula, 'cause you know, getting over alcoholism is as simple as keeping promises. They blah blah about what went wrong with them. He rejected her. He hurt her. He went out with Maripaz. So yeah. All his fault. He asks if she can forgive him. She blahbitty blahs and says maybe, if he works his but off to make himself worthy of it.

David gets cocky with Rohell and asks how things are going with the little wife. Rohell wonders if David is threatening him and David says he doesn't threaten...he DOES! Rohell doesn't want David to do anything stupid. David says Rohell wasn't a very good friend when he didn't support him in the role of Cinthia's boyfriend. Rohell is all "Dude! She dumped you." David thinks Rohell should have pushed more for the relationship. Rohell says it's Cinthia's choice. Funny, he doesn't act like it really is her choice. Must be "her choice" when it is convenient for him. Jackass. David leaves. Rohell instructs Hugo to follow the bastard and make sure he doesn't talk to Cupcake.

As David leaves, he sees Miguel and comments on his freedom. Miguel reminds David that, no, he did not steal that truck. David gives him a veiled "we'll see" threat. Dany asks what that was all about and Miguel says he doesn't know (wha? Wow. He is about as smart as a box o' blocks.) Dany says that all that matters is what Miguel does from now on. Her Suzy Sunshine bit makes me want to puke.

Marcaria et all walk arm in arm and run into Effer. They are all going to hang out together. FF>>

Hugo reports that David left, Miguel is working on posts and Cupcake is in her room. Maria bursts in and reports the police are there.

Bruno is telling Ana they have to find a way to get her out of that contract. Cupcake asks Bruno if it's possible which sends Tia into a fit. Cupcake asks Tia to support her because Rohell says that Tia is capable of selling her out. Tia sputters. Whatever, you TACKY b*tch. Connie runs in (and tack b*tch of an aunt fusses at her for not knocking.) She tells Cupcake about the arrival of the police and that they want Miguel. Ana Pau asks Bruno "wasn't he out on bail?" Bruno says yeah, he'll try and figure out what's going on. Don't say anything in front of the police. Connie says it has something to do with a truck where he used to work. Bruno surmises David must have filed a complaint and Cupcake figures out that yes, Miguel can still end up in jail. Skeletor has weird eyes.

Rohell deals with the police.  The police rehash.

The Tuxtla Triad of Terror
Vainy and Cin eagerly await news from David. They are dying to know how Rohell reacted to the land being sold. They would love to see the look on his face. David calls and happy happy joy Rohell was furious. He will wait a bit to drop the "we're business partners" bomb. Oh, and the police are on their way to arrest Miguel. David will make sure the guy rots in jail. Vainy will meet up with in San Gabriel. I hate these people.

Rohell tells the police about his argument with his wife and her departure. He explains that Miguel left around that time as well...on his on. Cupcake come in and is about to meter la pata, but Rohell grabs her hand and as politely as possible shuts her up. She is one hot-headed Cupcake...hmmm, like one Rohell Montero. Bruno acts like a lawyer and Rohell explains the cops are just doing their job. Cupcake starts defending her brother and again Rohell gently shuts her up and says he's already explained that Miguel left. Tia throws in a line, too. Meanwhile Hugo gets Miguel and takes him to an undisclosed hidey hole on the hacienda. Rohell stalls a little bit more with refreshments. Bruno acts like a SMARMY lawyer.The cops go to search the hacienda. Ana Pau doesn't understand why there was all the theatrics about not knowing where Miguel is if the police are just going to find him and take him. Rohell says "you still don't trust me?"

Dany runs into Connie in the hall and gets filled in. Everyone is supposed to say Miguel has been gone about a month.

Undisclosed Hidey Hole
Miguel wants a drink. Hugo hands him a bottled water.

Tuxtla Tarts
Vainy is headed for San Gabriel to mess with Rohell. Cin wants to go, but Vainy tells her to stay in Tuxtla. She runs the risk of Rohell locking her up. It's better for Cin to stay in Tuxtla and deliver blueprints and hard-drives to Gustavo. Oh, and watch mama Elsa. She's nervous.

Ernesto and Maricela. She's having trouble at school. She hates Mersnotty. She's wants to live with the grandparents. FF>>

The police did not find Miguel. Rohell hopes they find him since his wife is so worried about him. The fuzz (ha! One of them is bald) leaves their card. Rohell will of course will offer any help he can. They leave and Cupcake is relieved. She thanks Rohell and apologizes for doubting him. Bruno fusses at Rohell and informs Ana that Rohell could go to jail if the police find out what he did.

On his way to Marcaria's restaurant David finds out from his lawyer that the police went to the hacienda, but no Miguel was to be found. David insists the dude was there. David waits for Bruno and is informed that the Skeletal Slimeball will be late.

Ana is upset that Rohell may go to jail. Rohell gives some orders and is about to leave. Ana offers to take him, but Rohell tells her to stay with her aunt...who is surely just as worried about Miguel as she could be. You can tell the Cupcake might be softening up a bit.

In Tuxtla, Gustavo has come to pick up the stuff. Apparently the project is not in Tuxtla. While he's there the maid informs Cin that Elsa will be eating lunch out. Rather than have Cin eat alone, Gus invites her to eat with him. She accepts.

At the hacienda, Rohell conjectures that it was David who sent the police. It's just too much of a coincidence that it happened the same day he came to see Rohell. Bruno says he also suspects David. Riiight, Skeletor. Keep talking. You'll get yours, you tie-dyed bastard. Rohell admits he did ask David to press charges, but later asked him not to. Rohell says they have to be careful with David. Yo, Rohell! See that bastard sitting in front of you? Watch his little beady-eyed a$$, too. Crazy-haired little focker. After said focker makes his exit, Rohell says to himself that he is just as much to blame as David.

Commerical break and QTH middle credits (grumble grumble)

Mersnotty and Ernesto. Marcela blah blah break up FF>> Sorry, I refuse to detail recap boring stuff after 11 PM CST.

Tia thinks Rohell must really love Ana to keep Miguel out of jail like that. Ana thinks it's just one more way for her to "owe him." Bruno brings Miguel back and Cupcake slathers him with  sweet frosting hugs. Bruno, being the cunning bastard that he is turns the situation into a way to make Rohell look bad. "Oh how easily he conned the police. What a two-faced guy. He's so deceptive. Now you are just more committed to him (comprometer)."

Mersnotty and Ernesto continue to break up. See note above FF>>

Tia wants Miguel to thank Rohell. The whole family is just so grateful to the guy. She nags Miguel. He says he's not a kid. She says he's acting like it. He says "look who's talking." Bruno keeps working on the Cupcake. "See how he operates? He acts like he's helping, but really he's just doing what is convenient for him." Cupcake thinks maybe this time he was really sincere. Bruno continues to mess with her head.

Tia and Miguel go to thank Rohell. Rohell wants to talk to Miguel in private. Miguel thanks him. He wantd to pay Rohell back. Rohell tells him to stop drinking and says he'll support him. Stop worrying his sister.  They have to be proactive. This latest threat came from David and he will want to make sure Miguel goes to jail.

Bruno tells Ana not to worry. He'll see if he can't work on David and get Miguel out of this mess. He'll work on his own independent of what Rohell wants to do. Ana says she'll just end up owning Rohell more. Bruno encourages her to try to get along with Rohell. Maybe the dude will let up some.

Bruno meets David in San Gabriel. David lets Bruno in on the "it was me who warned Ana in Boring del Cielo" secret. Bruno sees that David et al are hell-bent to screw Rohell over. He lets David know he is hell-bent to get his lands back. Now, let the intrigues begin. Apparently there is this ranch adjacent to the hacienda: La Negra. There is water on said ranch. Water that is needed at Hell Fuerte. Now if David were to own that little bit of water, no cattle (btw: water dispute needs to be added to the bingo cards if it hasn't already. I've seen this plot device in STuD and LFDD.)

Maria wants to know why Rohell won't eat with the others. He's too ashamed to. She reminds him of all the good things he's done for Miguel: got him to stop drinking...sort of. Got him working...when he wasn't slashing his wrists. Rohell even risked going to jail. Rohell comes clean about his part in the whole Miguel business. Maria is disappointed.

Miguel rehashes the accident with Connie. You can sort of understand why the dude drinks. They talk a bit about Maripaz and Dany. Miguel won't be able to deal right with folks until he gets right with himself.

Maria fusses at Rohell about his part in the Miguel business. Rohell just so wanted Ana with him that he was a dumbass (loose translation. ) Maria says he needs to tell truth to Ana. He doesn't want to because if he does she'll never love him. Maria insists the truth is the way to win her. I sort of see her logic, but I kind of don't. Hey! Ana Pau, I'm the reason your brother was sent to jail, got the crap beat out of him in jail and continues to live under the threat of jail *puppydogeyesbutiloveyou!* Uh. No. He says he needs to win her love before he can tell the truth. Maria says surely she will realize all the good he is doing for her family. He wants Cupcake to talk about him the way she talks about the Guscake.

Tuxtla Heifers
Elsa explains to Vainy how years before she paid Tia a fortune to break up her sister and Fed. How did that work out Vaca and where's the money now? hmmmm?

At the hacienda Maria is STILL talking to Rohell. He is pretty pissed about the David thing and plans to go to Tuxtla right now to 1. Put David in his place and 2. Take care of wayward Cinthia. They blah blah about Cinthia. Same conversation as always. He doesn't want her to be a rogona (we've had this before, a woman who aks favors of men. Ana Pau used it many episodes ago while her aunt was trying to convice her to take Rohell's deal.) Rohell is worried Vainy is putting all kinds of ideas in Cin's head.

Ana talks to Gus' voter ID card. She cries. She needs him. I cry. I need her to shut up.

Maria wants to go get Cin. She might not listen to Maria, but at least there won't be yelling. Besides, Vainy probably wouldn't let Rohell past the front door. Ana enters and tells him to treat his sister like the grown woman she is. Rohell explains that Cin went running after some guy while Ana Pau was away.

Effer stares at Marcaria's boobs while she yammers. FF>>

Rohell is sure Cin has seen the guy while she is "supporting" Vainy. Cupcake wonders if the guy is so bad. Rohell doesn't have so much of a problem with the guy. He just hates that Cin is disobeying him. Ana Pau aruges that Rohell should not control Cin and every woman should be allowed to make her own decisions. I think Cin is an idiot NOT to be on Ana's side. She could have gotten her way about 15 episodes ago and saved us all a lot of trouble.

Mersnotty and Guscake. She still feels like crap because of the Ernesto garbage. FF>>

Ana Pau thinks if Rohell keeps controlling Cin, the girl will never learn to live on her own. Rohell argues that he needs to make sure the guy she dates is "good enough." They blah blah. He "tús"and "tes" and she "usteds" and  "le-s". He gets mad about it. She starts using "tú" again.

Tuxtla Twits
Guscake picks Cin up for dinner. She looks great. She gets flowers, but they aren't from Gus. It's a seriously hideous arrangement.

Hacienda Jailhouse
M-grito wants Ana to ask Rohell to get rid of the bars. Ana says no and they will see each other and read tomorrow. While M-grito is saying good-bye, Rohell comes in. He tells M-grito to come through the front door or kitchen if he wants to see Ana and to stop climbing the balcony. He really isn't being mean to the kid. He remarks that it's late in a tone of  "a kid needs his rest". It's kind of cute and M-grito is smiling the whole time. Rohell has come to tell Ana that he doesn't want her to think of him as prideful and as part of his campaign to be a better, gentler man, he's going to be supportive of Cinthia's dating GUSTAVO. Cupcake is muss my frosting impactada with the news of novio's nombre.


Abismo de pasión #3 3/14/12: Secrets Revealed-Sorry but Cruelty towards children should be a crime... punishable by permanent humiliation

Recap by Super Marta

the plot thickens,  secrets revealed... the good the bad, the cruel and the contrast between the 'how to' parenthood example (Lupe, Ramona, Este, Rosendo) vs the 'how NOT to' parenthood example (Fina)...
In Rosendo’s office, Padre gets dropped into a surprise ‘guess who’ game of mitaken identity… Carmina runs away… Rosendo comes in, Padre lupe has to remind him of the monthly help for Gael’s education… Rosendo asks him to continue keeping the secret… he does not want his wife Fina about his supporting Gael., she can’t stand Gael. Rosendo says have enough problems already to add on to the arguments with her. Padre mentions he has noticed their relationship is worsening… Fina swears he is involved with another woman… Rosendo denies. Padre says I was ignoring it until a moment ago… a woman came in here while I was waiting for you in the dark.. she thougth I was you… Rosendo denies denies… Padre won’t tell him who he thinks the woman was… Rosendo keeps trying to brush it off as a confusion. Padre says can’t force you to confess… but my duty as priest and your brother in law and friend is to warn you not to jeopardize your relationship with your family, especially with your son… he is not to blame for your problems with Fina.  I know my sister has not been the ideal wife, but she might deserve another chance… In Gael’s name, that boy who has not been blessed with a family like yours, thank you for the check… and thank you from me too.
 Don Lucio and Dona Blanca at home   … he is tired… she suggests he retires…  he says he would die if he did nothing… he is still strong… she suggest they could start a business, a fashion house (she can make dresses for the women…).. he can’t see himself in the middle of a ‘casita de modas’.. he is used to dealin with workers, not with women spending their husbands money… she says different would be story if we had kids… we would not be lonely and bored… Lucio argues that Elisa our goddaughter is like our granddaughter…  Blanca agrees that Elisa is adorable, like her mom. Julio says can’t say the same for Carmina… Blanca says Carmina is not that bad, but you have never wanted to see her virtues.. Lucio says they must be deep in the bottom of the barrell…  Blanca tells him Elisa and Este came by… they were sad, seems Augusto gave her a jealousy rage scene and the little girl noticed… Lucio says Augusto should control himself because if not, one of these days Este will tire of him… Blanca assures him Augusto is Este’s great love…
In bed at their house, Este is giving Augusto the silent, talk to my back treatment… she is hurt by what happened, how he accused her.. He tries to appologize… she says he always swears the same… he admits he is full of defects, but she can’t deny his love. If he lost her he would go crazy… he sometimes feels that he does not deserve her… she says she too has defects… no… he fell in love from the moment he first saw her… same here… (Carmina is eavesdropping at door, gets jealous/envious at the scene/dialogue she just heard so she knocks hard (obviously she might want Rosendo’s money but she hates Este too, maybe wants Augie for herself)… Este goes to door… Carmina plays dumb, says have a headache… cannot find the meds… gets Este to leave room, in walks Carmina .. asks Augie if he is still mad at her… He brushes it off… she kisses his cheek (yup, this woman drools for her brother in law)… and says good nite..
Rosendo gets home.. Antonia (Alfo’s loyal maid) tells him Damian waited for him all afternoon to ride together … Rosendo runs to stables to find Damian… tries to appoligize and Damian forgives him… Rosendo will go riding with him early tomorrow before going to work… Damian gives him the other amulet that he got from Ramona. Rosendo puts it on right away… laughs when Damian asks him for the 100 pesos…  remind me tomorrow… Damian asks him if he was at the blue house by the celote… Rosendo again denies denies denies…
Este finds Lolita in kitchen, she just walked in but seems she was stood up by Braulio.. her boyfriend (oopsie, she has no clue Braulio had the accident)… Estefania is very comprehensive with her… we all have out faults.. when we love a man we forgive much. Lolita refuses… Este says consult it with the pillow.. lol…  When Este leaves, Lolita rages a bit more …
Rosendo gets home… Fina does not wait to bring up the ‘someone saw you at the house by the cenote’… when he says he already told Damian he was not the man he saw, Fina begins trying to seduce him.. says I want to change… really I want to change.. I want us to get back to the way we were when we got married and were expecting Damian…
At the Castano home, the ambience is very different, seems Augie and Este reconciled.
Once Augie leaves, Elisa asks Este if Carmina will stay with them forever. Este expects Carmina to leave when she gets married, don’t you like her staying with us? No, she always tells me ugly things, that I don’t behave, that I will go to hell… Este asks when she said that, Elisa says yesterday when I found her in your room putting your perfume on… she is seeing someone…  Este says she has not told me anything about  a boyfriend.. but last night she got home late… Elisa goes ‘see?’
At Arango hacienda, Gael is looking for Damian… he wants to warn Damian that they might get ‘mal de ojo’ (curses) because the witche’s daughter already tattle-told about them!  .. Fina comes out and immediately gets accusative with Gael. She won’t listen to reason, she does not want Gael to come to the hacienda or looking for Damian.
Damian rides with Rosendo in the chile fields tells his dad that Fina says Gael is ‘less’ than them… Rosendo says that’s silly, tries to explain that Fina does not know Gael that well. Damian says but my uncle Lupe lets him stay in his house. Rosendo explains Lupe has taken care of Gael since he was very little. Damian asks why. Where are his parents? Rosendo avoids the answer saying they could have died, noone knows… Damian says ‘and that is why my mom can’t stand him? It is not his fault.’ Rosendo agrees. And I give you permission to be his friend. I think he is a very good kid. Rosendo tells Damian have to go to work. Damian thought they were going to the cenote, Rosendo says no, even left someone waiting to come riding with you.. have to go. (of course we see Carmina getting impatient at the blue house waiting for Rosendo).
At Ramona’s shack… Ramona is feeding the birds with a dropper… Paloma is putting the bread in the basket… Ramona won’t tell her who brought the birds, and gets a bit irritated when Paloma says she will have to return the money if the birds die…  but nags at Paloma for not being able to sell all the bread yesterday. Paloma wants to go sell the bread at the procesadora… Ramona won’t let her go anywhere near that procesadora…  does not want anyone to treat her bad or say things about her. Paloma says people already say bad things about me for being your granddaughter because they say you are a witch. Ramona warns her that if she goes near the procesadora, she will BECOME the witch everyone says she is…  I won’t let you go there, to maybe run into… who? … nobody!... (when Paloma leaves) God protect you my child. From that evil man who killed your mother (I don’t know you all, but my guess of fill in the blanks here is Gabino).
Carmina runs to Rosendo’s office to nag at him for having left her waiting…  Rosendo says it was his son.. She says ‘now you are the father of the year?’ She tells him Damian saw them together at the house… Rosendo says Padre Lupe possibly recognized her at the office last night… she says priests don’t talk.. Rosendo says only when it is a confession secret…  but Lupe is also my brother in law… She brushes it off… Rosendo is really scared that everything will be discovered… she tells him ok then lets call this quits… Rosendo gets anxious, can’t live without you…  She is not willing to be his lover forever… he is not sure how to handle his son and this… she suggests they flee, they can be free and happy elsewhere… would you be capable of abandoning your family for me? … he stays quiet… didn’t you say you can’t live without me? … he is reluctant to leave his family just like that…  Carmina says Fina will raise a scandal… Rosendo says this land and business has been in the family for many generations… it is his duty to care for them until his son can take over… he pleads with Carmina.. I adore you, I love you, I idolize you… but he is not prepared to do what she asks right this moment… she says fine, then I will go look for someone with the BALLS to give me what I deserve!!
She huffs out of there…
She walks out and right into Lucio, who greets her, but she just walks right by him…
Damian lost / dropped the money… Elisa and Gael get scared about the witch… Elisa will try to ask her mom for the money…  She leaves Gael and Damian hugging at the town center gazebo… Damian has an idea…
At the house, Este confronts Carmina… why are you tormenting my daughter about going to hell and stuff like that? … Carmina calls Elisa a gossip… Este says once I thought of you as a 2nd mother to my daughter if I ever was not around.. but not anymore. Carmina says I have enough problems to take on your daughter… Este insists Carmina was using her perfume and came home late last night. What is going on? Nothing!! I am your sister, why don’t you tell me what is going on??
Lolita comes to get Este, … Sra Tovar is here and wants to see her.. Este leaves Carmina huffing about the ‘escuincla’ (Elisa)
Begoña (what a name!) came to appologize to Este… she won’t be able to invite her to the charity group… Fina banned her… she didn’t directly say why, but I think it is because what is being talked around town about you and Fina’s husband having a relationship… Bego denies Fina told her directly but ‘sort of implied it’
Elisa runs into Paloma…Paloma offers bread, but Elisa forgot her money at home… asks Paloma how are the birds… so it was you who brought them? .. well, me, Damian and Gael… are they ok? .. did they die??  No, not yet… my grandma says they miss their mom but they will be ok… want to come to my house? I can ask my mom money to buy your bread… and to pay your grandma what my friends and I owe her…
Augusto visits Rosendo at office… brings the new contract with ‘errors and ommissions’ as excuse to talk to him… Augie is rather abbrassive so Rosendo asks what’s the problem? ..
Aug: the problem is you have to control your wife. She can’t go around raising false gossip about people.
Ros: so that was it… look, I heard what my wife said about Este and myself.. of course it is a lie.. you have no idea how embarrassed I am about it.
Aug: it is your fault, Rosendo. If Fina doubts you she must have a reason.. (Rosendo rolls his eyes) then it is true! You are messing with another woman!
Ros: I am hopelessly in love with another woman. Which is different.
Aug: That does not justify deceiving your wife.
Ros: you don’t know what it is like to live with a woman like Fina.
Aug: You should have thought about it earlier, before you formed a family and had a son with her! Who is that woman? Who has made you lose your mind?
Ros: it doesn’t matter anymore… it is over.
Elisa brings Paloma in her house… Lolita sees them… Elisa asks about her mother, she went out. Lolita is very friendly with Paloma… Paloma wants to leave but Elisa takes her to her bedroom…
Este is visiting Fina…
Es: I want you to explain to me what is it you are after telling everyone in town that I am with Rosendo?
Al: Who told you?
Es: Augusto.
Al: What happened that night is that I was not feeling well and…
Es: You have no forgiveness possible, Alfonsina. And if indeed Rosendo is unfaithful to you, you can be sure it is not with me. Because I have no need to go find lovers. Fortunately I am very happy with my husband.
Al: Este, don’t get like that. My intention was never..
Es: Your intention has always to harm my reputation. And not just recently. Its been like that all your life. And I have never understood why you can’t stand me… I only will tell you this… I don’t know how you will undo that gossip.. you know how ‘purist’ everyone in town is… and I am not worried about myself because I have nothing to hide. But I am worried about my daughter. And you should also worry about your son Damian. Sometimes children are the most affected by their parents mistakes… Excuse me.
At Fina’s bedroom.. Damian and Gael come in… Gael is scared of being there, but Damian convinces him to look for his mom’s purse… or do you want the witch to put a curse on you? (te del el mal de ojo)?  Just when Gael has Fina’s purse in his hand, Fina walks in.. goes beserk. Yells for Antonia to go fetch Lupe to come get this ‘burglar’ out of her house..
At kitchen in ElTal, Braulio with bandaged head and arm comes to see Lolita. At first she doesn’t believe him, even threatens him with smacking him with a  pan… he tells her about the accident… she finally believes him after he says go ask Lucio if you want!... she gets really TLC with him, offers to fix him a chicken soup… will you forgive me?
When Padre Lupe comes in, Fina has let Damian go away, but is arguing with Lupe accusing Gael of planning it and convincing Damian… Lupe is not so convinced the only one to blame is Gael.. in any case they both are to blame, she surprised them BOTH in her bedroom. She won’t call Damian because he would take the blame for Gael..
Lup: how convenient, right? … Look, Fina! I don’t justify that Gael and Damian wanted to take money from your purse! But they are just kids! You can’t judge them so severely! And that goes for Damian and Gael alike!
Al: No, no, don’t compare them! They are not the same! I don’t understand your obsession to defend that ‘mocoso’!!  (all this right in Gael’s face, which is full of tears)
Lup: Fina, better not force me to speak…
Al: No wonder his mother abandoned him at the church.. what mother would want to care for that boy? (OUCH!! Can’t wait to see how Mark T portrays a man carrying such a burden of complexes, insecurities and painful growing up.. despite Padre Lupe;s love… )
Lup: Alfonsina…
Damian wants to go see Lupe to explain what happened, that Gael did not steal anything… Antonia won’t let him go.. if he goes, the one that will be ‘fired as in a fair’ Is her!)
Lupe: Stop crying, Gael.. go ahead to the church… (once Gael leaves) Listen, Fina.. if you don’t want me to forget that I am a priest and that you are my sister, don’t you ever hummilliate Gael that way! For God’s sake, sister! What type of catholic woman are you??
Al: No, forgive me… My religious beliefs have nothing to do with my feelings toward that ‘escuincle’. I am certain he is a bad influence for my son, and I don’t want him near him.
Lup: God forgive you, Fina. I see it is no use to keep talking to you. And don’t worry, you won’t see Gael again at your hacienda. But regarding his friendship with Damian, I am afraid you won’t be able to do anything about that to avoid it. In the name of God, sister.
Lolita runs into a Estefania coming home… Lolita is happy telling her she reconciled with Braulio and about his accident. Este is tired/concerned… Este asks about Elisa, Lolita says she is in her bedroom with a friend. In Elisa’s room Paloma is admiring all her dolls and her room… When Este enters the bedroom, Paloma gets really scared and runs away…   Elisa says ‘ay mama, you spooked her!’ LOL
At church,
Gael: You do believe me, right?
Lu: I do believe you. But you and Damian did wrong. Should not have taken money without permission, that is like stealing, and that goes against the word of God… Fina was right to be angry. Of course nothing justifies what she told you.
Gael: Padre, do you think my mom abandoned me at church because she did not want to have a child like me?
Lup: No, don’t say that. I assure you that is not true. My sister has had many problems lately. Just don’t look for Damian in his house, meet him somewhere else. Agreed?
I better go to the church, there must be lots of people waiting for confession…
(what a great scene.. after the nasty one with Fina)
At confession booth… first in waiting for Padre Lupe is none other than Carmina… Padre begins ‘ave maria purisima’ twice with no response… until Carmina says she came to tell him she was the woman at Rosendo’s office.. not only that, Rosendo and I are lovers… / why do you come to tell me that? / because I had to get release… you have to keep the secret. / but what is it you expect of your relationship with Rosendo? He is a married man,  What can he offer you? / LOTS! Like getting me out of this darn town! That is what a woman like me deserves!... / then your interest for him is not about feelings / ah no… since we are in the confessions line.. the man I love with all my soul is another.. someone you also know… it is Augusto Castañon, my brother in law.
(and we leave the ep with the bomb just dropped on Lupe’s lap)
Previews: the confession repeated…
VO: But on a night where jealousy releases forbidden passions…
We see Rosendo meeting Carmina outside the gate, swearing he will go with her…
VO: Falls the veil of lies… (seems Estefania sees Rosendo and Carmina kissing outside)


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #163-164 Wed 3/14/12 did you know grownups could gossip so much?

As usual my computer recorded only most of the two hours. I don't know which 25 minutes are missing, so fill me in...

Also - Let me complain that I came home from doing a St. Patrick's day gig at 9:15, exhausted, to find out that my dear son Ezra, after losing his glasses and going to work with one contact lens, on the way back into our hacienda left his car in "drive" when he got out to open the deer fence - so it (the car) ran through the deer fence, then the donkey fence, and finally ran over Ezra's own foot when he was trying to recapture it. Luckily, no bones broken. And now, to the show!

Pina can't imagine having the low-class Lopez-uns as in-laws. Freddy's first two children will be named Vince and Pina, obvi - but how much better for the bloodline not to be "contaminated," to have the blond Karin as the mother, with the classy name Limantours - and for the babies to have blue eyes. This aryan elitism, which makes me very uncomfortable, unites Vince and Pina, but in general Vince isn't listening because he's drooling over her!

Cute, how Pina has converted Freddy's nickname for Ana - "ojitos" (little eyes) - into "piojitos" (little fleas).

There's a meeting at Avon with Lidia representing Belle Face, I guess. I think the company shares are doing well. A familiar well-siliconed form enters; Pancho says, "good morning Rebe" before doing a predictable double take. She says "Fer did not accept my resignation."

Pancho throws Beto, Enzo, and Lidia out, Rebe insists they stay, he says no, so she leaves, he follows. Furious, she says she didn't go to Miami because she doesn't love Mike and doesn't want to run from her problems. She is not moved by his story of failing to find her at the airport. She reminds him how disappointed she is in him and that he can't really love her. "From now on, our relationship is purely professional."

Tomas's prison roommate el Tanque (what an interesting looking guy) has somehow disattached the Gargoyle (who beat up Tomas) from his henchmen. El Tanque is so grateful (Tomas has gotten him lawyer help), he holds the Gargoyle while Tomas lays down laws (e.g. "don't harm the defenseless") and punches him. The Gargoyle is crying! "Hah hah, what if all our fellow incarcerates saw you now? Law three: your reign of terror is over."

Midory (she who sexually harrassed Arnold hence causing him to turn faux-gay) meets Pancho and starts flirting. He things she looks familiar. She suggests they met in a past life. "What, you don't believe in reincarnation?" "No, I'm a Catholic."

Arnold gets a friendly welcome from Rebe who laughs and laughs at his Midory-Raymound predicament. His two pursuers catch up with him. He flees like the fox from the hounds and takes shelter with Vince and Enzo.

Chela, complaining to Candy in Napoleon's house, faints, which we know means she either has leukemia or is pregnant. This is a comedy, so I vote for #2. Napoleon offers to ship her off to a hospital in his private helicopter.

Pancho invites his daughters to lunch. He tells them Rebe's back. Ana nags him to help sell her cd. He gets all the kids (and Nenene) to stand in the street and shout and wave cds. It's lame but they have some success. This seems like some recursive product placement - because this is a real cd, right, and Univision reaps the profits if people buy it!?

Enzo tells Lidia he's thinking about Chela. Lidia claims she has no expectations, as long as he tells her the truth.

Fer is happy to hear Doc Oc arranged for a second DNA test. So happy, in fact, that she accepts his marriage proposal.

Pina gets a very complimentary card from Vince inviting her to dinner. He orders up a private room, two waiters and champagne.

Candy cries about Vince FF>

Napoleon, at the hospital, calls Pancho to say Chela's in the hospital. He tells Chela (why isn't the doctor the one to tell her?): "You're pregnant." He assumes Pancho is the father. He'd like to get Candy this pregnant.

Pancho and various kids come rushing into the hospital and get a look at Napoleon. They then rush into Chela's room, she tells them she's pregnant. All rejoice. "Napo" shows up with a gigantic stuffed bear. Temo becomes a big Napo fan when he's offered a helicopter ride. Moni asks Chela: "This is going to be my little brother, right?" Chela admits Enzo's the dad.

Ana goes to see Rebe, Rebe rehashes her anti-Pancho ire. Ana, a little embarrassed that she's been part of the problem, says "Temo and I were like dogs with a slipper." She said she didn't come exactly to convince Rebe to go back with her dad, but because "you have earned our affection." Both cry. Lidia comes in at the end of their love fest.

Pancho and Napo talk in the hospital hall. Pancho says "the concept of forcing Candy to marry is a bad concept. She loves the demon himself, Vince." Napo tells him Vince is going to reconcile with Pina.

Elsewhere, this very same info makes Arnold jealous. Then Midory shows up and begs for a few Arnold minutes. She grabs him and tries to take a few bites. "Stop menacing me!" he squeals as he runs away.

Enzo tells Ana he can't compete with Pancho for Graciela's affections.

Rebe tells Lidia she will NEVER reconcile with Pancho.

Napo goes out (for a night of dastardly deeds perhaps) and leaves Candy a cellphone "because I trust you." Candy immediately calls Vince. In the VERY VERY FANCY RESTAURANT, Vince has gone to pee, so Pina answers. Candy: "Why are you answering Vince's phone?" Pina: "Because he's in the bathroom. We are at a VERY VERY FANCY RESTAURANT. Vince is STILL MY HUSBAND..."

and... my recording ends.


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