Thursday, June 07, 2012

El Talismán #92 Thu 6/7/12 Avocados & Abogados

Recap by Blue Lass

The Only Restaurant in Fresno:

We open on Pedro and Camila making Kissy-Kissy with a capital K in the middle of the restaurant. Between smooches, Pedro tries to get some info out of Camila, but she’s still making poor life decisions and won’t tell him anything. Meanwhile, Tony and Lu are over by the restrooms arguing about what happens next. If Pedro denounces me, Tony points out, I’ll go to jail and Camila will run right back to him – is that what you want? Lucrazy wants to know how she’s supposed to stop him, and Tony says – wait for it  – “I dunno, pretend you’re crazy or something.” Well, at least he didn’t ask her to pretend she was sane – that would have been hard.

Lu promises to think of something to distract him, but when they return to the table the Kissy-Kissy is still going on. Tony demands to know what’s going on, and Pedro just looks at Camila and utters a weighted, “I have made a mistake.” He grabs Lu and scarpers, leaving Tony in the rather awkward position of having to tell his wife that this is the last time, I mean it, the last time I want to see you kissing other men in public. Pathetic.

Apartamento María:

Elvira is still musing over Renato’s “offer.” I WANT and I NEED my own apartment, she says to herself. And that settles it, at least in her mind. When María walks in, her sister greets her marmot-style: “How much money you got?” María wisely declines this little investment opportunity. Elvira starts to build up steam.

María says that if Elvira doesn’t like living there with her, she needn’t worry; she’s going to be moving in with Manuel. Oh, and they’re getting married. OUT COME THE INCISORS. “You’re too old to get married! Do you want a man who slept with your sister? I will never allow you to be happy!” (Jeez, what happened to that nice promise to God? Do we need to give Armando a tumor now?) María stays admirably calm through the whole thing. That woman deserves a medal.

El Tal:

Pedro hauls Lucrazy into the house and tells everyone she’s alive and she’s his novia and whatever. Margarito is beyond confused and it sounds someone’s squeezing a peacock in the sala. Pedro gives Margo some over-the-top rolling-eye action and thought-bubbles to himself that Lu’s his ticket into El ‘Traz. Margo tells him he hopes he knows what he’s doing.

Lu certainly knows what she’s doing: getting naked in Pedro’s bed. Pedro tries to avoid the inevitable, but he can’t stop thinking that the only way to get to Camila is through Lucrezia. He pastes on a somewhat crazed wolf-leer and starts taking off his clothes…

Mercifully, we cut to commercial, and when we come back he’s lacing back up and looking grim. Lu tells him not to worry, it happens to all men sometimes. She still lurrrrrrves him and the important thing is that they’re together. He waits til she falls asleep and then sneaks out of the torture chamber. When she wakes up and finds him gone, she just starts babbling to herself about how she’s the Reina del Talismán and she has to get knocked up as soon as possible. (She does know there’s a crucial middle step, right? I’m never quite sure with her.)

The Only Under-18 Hot Spot in Fresno:

Angel is plying Flor with fro-yo, and it’s going well. He even gets her to make kissy-kissy with a small k. Doris walks in and demands to be introduced to her daughter’s “friend.” There’s some shuffling and blushing and Angel finally admits he’s Camila’s cousin. Surprisingly, Doris acknowledges that we are none of us responsible for the deeds of our relatives. Angel eagerly agrees but adds that Camila is a good egg – it’s Elvira they have to watch out for. Truer words were never spoken.

El ‘Traz:

The Pig wakes up from a terrible dream of Antonio spinning him around in a wheelchair and howling, “Are we having fun yet?” (Really? All that violence and depravity and that was the scariest thing he could think of?) Doris is there to calm him down. I have to get Antonio to largarse de mi rancho, he tells her – first thing tomorrow. She sweetly suggests he remind Antonio to take Camila with him when he leaves. Oh, and call me a lawyer, he says – I need to write a will. Doris looks pretty happy, for Doris.

There’s a knock on the door, and Doris goes to answer it – and comes back screaming. Lucrezia is back from the dead, with Pedro right behind her! The Pig is really, really, really, really, really pithed. I cried for you, he tells her – I cried for you! Clearly being caught crying is much worse than having a dead daughter. So, Pedro says, you’re dropping the charges, right? Well, DUH.

Around Town:

-        Manual mopes around the apartment looking at photo albums and getting all weepy-britches over Mariana.
-        Pancho refuses to rat out papa, while Tracy points out in an interesting bit of possible foreshadowing that she wouldn’t be surprised if the Pig found a way to pin Mariana’s murder on him.
-        Antonio tells Tracy and Alberta (who seems to have gotten into Doris’s makeup kit) that he and Camila are expecting. He refers to the baby as “Antonio Joon-Yair” and everybody looks nauseous.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

El Talismán #91 Wed 6/6/12 Pedro Has Avacadoes and a Logical Brain!



You see, mon ami, the voices of the little grey cells have begun to sing to Poirot. M. Hercule Poirot

We start off today, where we left off yesterday, with Pedro visiting the cabanas at Altrash, and guess who he finds?? Anyone, that's right Ms Crazy pacing and thinking, with the little brain she has left, and Pedro says so the dead are not so dead! She starts in with the "it isn't my fault", I love you so much, and finally it was all The Prince of Darkness' fault! Pedro is so pithed, there is smoke coming out of his ears. Pedro tells her you're sick and she keeps blaming The Prince of Darkness. Pedro is so pithed at her he is yelling in a threatening manner and she is cringing. Pedro accuses Ms Carzy and The Prince of Darkness of planning this all along so he would go to jail. She swears she never wanted Pedro in jail, but you know the Prince of Darkness he would do anything. Pedro threatens to go to the police. She is begging and pleading with him not to go to the cops and she stops him. Ms Crazy finally says go ahead tell the popos, but if The Prince of Darkness finds out you know I'm alive he will kill me. Pedro is insisting that Ms Crazy and the Prince of Darkness planned this setup a long time ago. Ms Crazy tells Pedro he doesn't know how evil The Prince of Darkness really is. He says he is still goin to the cops, tomorrow, she is beggin and pleading with him, no, no. She wants to know why is he gonna tell on her, why, why,? He is still yelling at her. The Prince of Darkness will kill me. He is going to El Tal and I think he wants her to come with him. She is crying her eyes out. He suddenly changes tactics (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above but instead of the gray cells singing to Poirot they are singing to Pedro), and apologizes to Ms Crazy and she comes and puts her head on his shoulder.

The Prince of Darkness and Cami are alone in the living room area of Altrash and he is telling her how much he loves her and that he loves that they are alone. (Note to Cameela: Grab the nearest vase, conk him on the head, and just run far away jus' sayin'). She tells him she can't stand him and doesn't love him. The Prince of Darkness wants her to understand how important it is for her to to know he loves her truly, and it isn't a fantasy to him. (Oh, Beltbuckle please, she hates your guts, look at her face, already). Cameela tells the Prince of Darkness he doesn't love her, and by the way, she can't stand him and would never stoop to love him. Well, the Prince of Darkness tells her I WILL be your husband for the rest of my days. (Hey Prince of Darkness ya testing fate here, or what???). Doris interrupts this little tete a tete and says oh, is this a lover's quarrel? She has a pleased, come hither look on her face as she gazes at him. Cameela looks aside and smiles too. Cameela says she is going to HER room, Doris is like, oh ya mean MY ROOM donch ya? Tonio tells Doris to LARGATE, MI RANCHO. Doris just looks at him and says oh, contraire, Piggorio wants me here. Doris is giving The Prince of Darkness her sexiest come hither look and he looks at her and tells her the only Duena of Altrash is Cameela, although Cameela says she doesn't want to be that. Doris tells Cameela remember that bed is mine. Doris goes, and The Prince of Darkness tells Cameela not to worry about Doris. Cameela says she is glad Doris is here. The Prince of Darkness says he doesn't like Doris bothering her. You are the Only Duena here. Cameela doesn't care.

Hawt Investigator and El Capitan are at the precinct talking about how El Capitan's jaunt went at Altrash. El Capitan tells him the Pig refused to answer any questions and the day after tomorrow he should have that supoena ready.

Piggorio and Valentin are having a little chat in the Pig's office. Valentin is worried the police will come back. Pig assures him he said nothing to El Capitan. Valentin is very nervous, he doesn't want to end up in the carcel. Pig tells him to be a man! Man up and stop worrying. (Note to Val: Just go see El Capitan and spill the frijoles, get a deal, jus' sayin'). Pig continues with the cops ain't got nothin', nothin' on me, well you get the gist. Now Valentin brings up Cameela, What if she talks? Pig says if she ever does, it would be very BAD for her. (Note to Pig: That anvil is comin' jus' sayin'). The Pig tells Valentin to be prepared for questioning by the popos. (Note to Pig: What are ya going to do; hypnotize Val: I will not talk, I will not be a rat, jus' sayin'). He tells him to relax. Valentin says the popops make him nervous, he says if he doesn't get ahold of himself, he will end up in jail. Then all of a sudden the Pig's muscles seize up. He tells Valentin to call the doctor.

Manuel and Maria are over at his place, just having come back from the funeral of Mariana, and he wants JUSTICE for his Mariana. He is sick of waiting for the police, to maybe, coulda, woulda, shoulda do something! Maria is telling him to give the police time to investigate and don't go jumping to doing something estupido (My words not hers). Maria wants him to go talk to El Capitan. She has loved Manuel all these years, and doesn't want anything to happen to him. Manuel wants to marry Maria sooner rather than later. She agrees, she can't wait. Maria leaves. Manuel is talking to himself and says sorry Maria going to the Pig Sty to see the Head Pig.

Padre, Sarita, Gabe, and Santiago are eating in the dining room of El Tal when Padre notices Pedro isn't there. He asks all around the table and noone has a clue where he went. Padre, being Padre, is looking for the guilty face that cannot tell a lie, of course it is , wait for it, Sarita, nah, its Santiago. Padre has been trying to get Pedro on the phone and he isn't answering. Santiago finally explains to Padre that he went to Altrash earlier in the day and told Cameela that Pedro needed her help to see if Lulu was alive over there. Padre is so not happy. Santiago tells him about the note Cameela sent thru Tracey about Lulu being in the cabana over there at Altrash and then Pedro must have gone over there. Padre is still not happy, he is so agitated he can't dial Pedro's cell number, so Santiago does it for him. Padre finally talks to Pedro.

Rennie, Rita, and "Doc" Jaime are having a little meeting in Rennie's apartmento. They will have some good business dealings with the Prince of Darkness, cause the Pig will die soon. (So this is chantaje time, I take it). Just about this time Valentin is calling "Doc" Jaime. Rennie tells the "doc" why don't you answer, it could be important. Nah, I can't be on call 24/7.

About this time, Pig who is leaning on Valentin comes into the living room and the Prince of Darkness asks oh, so sweetly, oh Daddio are you sick, you don't look so well, as he is giving him a smarmy grin. The Pig says so how does it feel to force Cameela to marry your sorry ass, not really, but you get the gist. Oh, Cameela is with me, cause she lurrrvves me foreva. Pig laughs and says, Hey I may be sick, but stuck on stupid I'm not. She hates your friggin' guts. So all of a sudden the Prince of Darkness gets a phone call from, wait for it, that's right the devil, nah, its from the newly minted brain, Pedro! He wants a meet with him. The Prince of Darkness is like no, way, yes way from Pedro. As a matter of fact Pedro, of the newly minted brain, wants to have dinner with the Prince of Darkness and the little Misses so he can introduce them to his new amiga, in fact his new novia. Ms Crazy is standing right by Pedro's elbow and is in 7th heaven. They agree to meet in the Only Restaurant in Fresno. After Pedro hangs up the phone, he tells Ms Crazy of course I am your novio, I just know you are a victim of your Papa Pig and your brother Prince of Darkness, and besides Cameela married your brother the Prince of Darkness.

"Doc" Jaime has left and Rita and Rennie are talking about his divorce from the Virus. Since California is a community property state, (in real life it is), she wants him to go after the Virus' part, LOL. She wants to make sure he divorces her. He tells her of course Mi Amor.

Pig is finally in his bedroom and "Doc" Jaime has come to see about the situation. He keeps telling the Pig this is a normal side effect of these new pills. The Pig tells him he hates being in his bed, he wants out of it, to be normal (yeah, wishful thinking), well "Doc" Jaime finally says if you want a second opinion you can get one. Pig says he should have felt way better by now. "Doc" Jaime is about to leave, when the Pig tells him to wait. He will give these pills a couple more days. And I beleive he asks "Doc" Jaime if he knows about Mariana? The "doc" looks like he wants to hurl. "Doc" leaves and Valentin and the Pig are together. Valentin tells the Pig that he has worked for him for many years and never seen him like this. The Pig tells Valentin he wants Doris, and Valentin tells him she isn't there, she went somewhere with Flor.

Panchito is looking all kinds of bummed out and Tracy comes in the room and wants to know what's wrong. What is he thinking? He says he has a lot to think about. He tells her he is glad she is with him. She is trying to wrangle it out of him, but he ain't talkin'. She keeps trying, and finally he says he knows a secret of his Papa Pig. So, Tracy says oh, you mean that he killed Mariana? Well little Panchito is aghast, befuddled, unhinged, he can't beleive she knows! You know he killed Mariana? Yah, Yah, don't ever breathe a word to anyone, capiche??? Tracy tells him he ought to go to the cops. Little Panchito is so scared of Papa Pig, he won't go cause he just couldn't stick it to the Pig.

Army and the Virus are at Maria's place. The Virus tells him about the deal with Rennie to get his apartmento. Army is flabbergasted, wowwed, blown away by how stupid his mother is, jus' sayin. He doesn't want her to take the deal. And now the most illogical thing of all she tells him, oh Cameela will help me! (Listen Virus, what planet are you from???? I don't think you are from planet Earth at all. I thought Capitan Kirk and Mr Spock destroyed your planet of Estupidos a long time ago). The Virus says she wants her MIA APARTMENTO and she wants Army to live with her. He looks at her like she just grew red horns and tells her no, and I mean no with a capital N. He wants to live with his Tia Maria and Angel. Well now the Virus says oh, that Maria is such a liar, say what???? Army calls her on it and says it is so NOT true, and besides why are you against your own sister. You are illogical Mama (he actually said that) to go with what Rennie is sayin' (Note to Army: You still haven't lost your avacadoes, good for you. Go and tell Pedro how to keep them).

We are now in the Only Restaurant in Fresno. Cameela and the Prince of Beltbuckles are about to enter said Restaurant. The Beltbuckle reminds her he is protecting her baby and she better behave. Then he tells her to take his hand, like she means it. She rolls her eyes and away they go into the dining area. Pedro is sitting in a chair at the table, very non-chalant and with a smirk on his face. He tells The Beltbuckle and Cameela he invited them to dine cause he has a new novia he wanted them to meet, and in walks, wait for it, Ms. Universe, nah, it's Ms Crazy! Cameela stares and there is hate radiating from the eyes of the Beltbuckle. So the Beltbuckle, he of the illogical brain, says Your ALIVE, its a miracle, I tell you a miracle, not really but he did says she was alive. Well, Pedro, he of the now LOGICAL brain, says oh, Lulu told me everything, and I mean everything. You could go to the carcel. Of course, the Beltbuckle says watch you talkin' bout, Pedro??? I know nothink, nothink I tell you. Pedro looks right at Cameela and asks her how she is? She has a sudden thought of the Beltbuckle beating her. She says she is fine. Pedro looks at Lulu and tells her they can be together now. So now starts the game of one upmanship between Beltbuckle and Pedro. Cameela says she is sooo happy with the Beltbuckle, and Lulu says she is so in lurrvvee with Pedro. Cami is looking at the ceiling, looking like she is in a galaxy far, far away. Now she looks down and the Beltbuckle gives her a kiss, right in front of Pedro and calls her Chula. Lulu says in her wildest dreams she never imagined Pedro could love her so! (Oh, please, what planet is she from??? Probably the same as the Virus, Estupida, I guess Kirk and Spock missed her too). The Beltbuckle has draped himself all over Cameela and says he can't wait to have hijos with Cameela. She is looking very uncomfortable. He kisses Cami again and she looks like she wants to hurl. Pedro is smiling.

Doris has gone to Brigette's. (Look on bottom of recap for where Flor went). She needs Brigette's help. She tells Brigette about how weak and sick the Pig has become and frankly she is worried that the Beltbuckle will get everything and she will be left with nothing. She really thinks she ought to marry the Pig. She tells Brigette it is horrible at Altrash right now with the Beltbuckle in charge. She also tells Brigette that the Pig killed Mariana. Brigette wants to know who Mariana is? Doris reminds her that Mariana was Pedro's 1st wife. Brigette is like no way. Her? Then Doris tells her that Cameela hates the Beltbuckle. She tells Brigette she has to find a way to stop the Pig from going to jail, cause then the Beltbuckle will have Altrash. She is determined to marry the Pig, before he gets any worse.

Pedro, Cameela, the Beltbuckle and Ms Crazy are still attending this farce of a dinner. Lulu is going on about how handsome Pedro, with the newly minted brain and avacadoes, is and how good he has been to her. (Say what, all of a couple of hours I say). Pedro and Lulu are drinking champagne, and he's got his arm around her now, Cami is giving them the death ray and of course the Beltbuckle is drinking Mi Whiskey. Pedro is smiling and says oh, look at the four of us, sooo happy, well I got news for you. I am telling the cops that Lulu is alive and you Beltbuckle will be in jail. He looks at Cameela and says how is it going to feel with hubby in jail. Cameela is looking sick and Pedro tells her so sorry you and hubby will be seperated. The Belbuckle is getting huffy and says to Pedro that you have always been against me. Lulu says but we have to tell the cops that I am alive and not dead! The Beltbuckle calls Lulu crazy. (I really thought at this point he was going to say the same old, same old, what you talking about Pedro??? Like she is really dead, and that is a ghost sitting with you, jus' sayin'). At this point the Belbuckle takes Lulu off and that leaves Pedro and Cameela alone at the table.

The Beltbuckle takes Lulu by the restrooms and starts giving her hell. He tells her it will be HER fault if he goes to jail. He also tells her you are my accomplice and if I go to jail, so do you honey. She explains that she told noone she was alive, that Pedro actually just showed up out of the blue, doncha know. Lulu tells her Beltbuckle bro that she warned Pedro that Beltbuckle would kill her if he knew Lulu was alive and she also tells him that Pedro told her he never tried to kill her in that barn, he tried to save her. She tells the Beltbuckle that now Pedro is her novio and she is very , so very happy.

Meanwhile back at the table, Pedro is looking at Cameela with such longing in his eyes, and asks her if she is ok. She says she is. He wants to know if she was forced to marry the Beltbuckle. She tells him she really can't talk about it. She wants Pedro to leave her in peace. He is begging her with longing eyes to tell him, just tell him already. Pedro also tells her, he can't stand Ms Crazy but is only doing this to help himself out. Cameela still won't talk. She says she is sooo happy with the Beltbuckle. Pedro says he knows she is not. Pedro's cell phone rings and it is the Padre. Padre wants to make sure he isn't at Altrash. Pedro says he isn't over there. He tells Padre to calm down he isn't at Altrash but with Cameela somewhere else. He tells him not to worry. Pedro hangs up and looks at Cameela. In the best scene of today's epi, Pedro tells Cameela he can't help her if she refuses to tell him anything, so he reaches for Cameela and kisses her right there in that restaurant in front of Dios and everybody!!!!!! See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above.


Flor and Angel are talking somewhere and Angel says you are my friend and I want to go somewhere with you. I think he wants her to be his novia, but she isn't ready for that. She also can't go anywhere cause she is waiting for her Mama Doris. He says fine, we'll be friends and we'll go somewhere another day. They smile at each other.


The Pig is rolling on the floor and is unable to walk, and he accuses the Beltbuckle of trying to kill him.

Valentin brings the Pig a wheelchair and as soon as the Pig sees it, he proceeds to scream like a girl!


Abismo de pasión #62 6/6/12: LOVE STINKS!! sorry but can't come up with a better way to reflect frustration.

Recap by Marta Ivett

II repeats her story to Loopy, that Alfie’s threats are true and started long ago… and that she accepted money from Alfie in exchange for leaving La Ermita… she is repentant but she is now back to try to get close to her son… why tell me all this now?... I want you to know that I want to get my son back. Need to ask you a favor, don’t tell anyone you saw me, cannot let Alfie find out I am here in La Ermita, she might fulfill her threat… she leaves padre very pensive…
Elisa and Carmeana argue… and Augusto arrives, not in mood to hear more arguments… Carmeana questions Elisa in front of Augie if Paolo was forcing the kiss on her. Yeah he was…  Carmeana tells Augie she was defending Elisa from the loser Paolo… Augie not really buying what she is selling… what interest could I have in a loser like Paolo?… Don’t know. You tell me! The problem is not only Elisa and Kenya know about this, your deals with Paolo are public knowledge…
Lo Nuevo:
Heard it from a friend who… heard it from a friend who… heard it from another you’ve been messing around…
Continuing with scene at Castanon foyer… whoever it was that told you, they lied… pleeezzz! I know I have not been the ideal husband. I am even willing to set you free to do with your life as you please… but I love you. loved you all my life, it is so unfair that you doubt me, and yes you have not been a good husband, and I have suffered through it all. Don’t you think I could have left you long ago?  … Carmeana leaves in a huff and Elisa tells Augie she is sorry she might have caused this hard moment... wait, Elisa! need to talk to you about something else.
Ramona senses Bad vibes all over II…
II walks through town, Ramona sees her with a very suspicious face… Ramona goes to see Padre Loopy… Who is that woman who just left the church?... Ingrid Navarro… then she is Gael’s mom?... how do you know that?... he came by last night asking If I knew her… why … cause he wanted to see if I knew who is his dad. And now that I see her, I know she has been hanging with Gabino M. That woman is not to be trusted… who knows. That woman Ingrid says she was forced to do unimaginable things.
Don’t tell me you love me! Don’t tell me, I don’t wanna know!!... (THERE!! that’s what WE ALL SAY!!)
Elisa and Augie argue about her deal with Alfie… he says she can’t do away with what she got from her mother. I thank you for what you did. But my position on the dam situation has not changed. … I still can’t understand what is your motive behind your animosity(or flat out death-curse?) with Dam. but you are capable of even hurting him again…. You go ahead and think what you want.
Don’t think you are ALL THAT… btw, what’s your beef with my sisteh?…
Augie goes to visit Gael. Gives him a happy thank you hug for what Gael did to keep his fields going… Glad you came back to work with me. Missed you while you were gone. … I did not come back to work for you, I  was only lending a hand while you were not around…. Why didn’t you tell me Kenya and you were siblings? … I did not know. You seem very interested in what happens with Kenya. … why don’t you stay until the end of the harvest and help me sell my lands?... why??... because I need to help Elisa repay the debt she has signed with Alfie… what debt?... you did not know what Elisa agreed with Alfie?... no, but now you can tell me about it!
Where do broken hearts go?... can they find their way home?
Gab calls Carmeana… tells her Paolo has the blues because she left him… but don’t worry I understand Paolo is no pot of gold catch like Rosendo… (Carmeana has to hang up because Elisa comes over).
Later Elisa catches Carmeana in kitchen… don’t know if your story is true, but I do know your life with my father has not been easy. Maybe you should consider his offer… I know you want me to leave this house, but you won’t get it so easy. The one that will leave will not be me, but you.
And Alfie wanted to keep the secret?... too many folks on the pro-ElisaDam team…
Lucio goes to Arango hacienda… came to see Damian… he called for me to come over. Alfie is not happy but Dam comes over to confirm he wanted to talk to Lucio… Lucio wastes no time and tells Dam the works at Elisa’s hacienda stopped by orders of your mother.  Alfie can’t deny it. Of course you don’t think I would continue supporting her project. Those lands are almost mine, anyway. (woopsie, Alfie! A little slip of the tongue?) Dam catches that and is interested in the story. Alfie is honest telling Dam since Elisa won’t be able to repay the loan, those lands will be mine. And you won’t be able to do anything about it. The owner of the procesadora is me, and until I die you won’t be able to outrank me.
Don’t try running from your destiny…
Gael is arguing with Elisa about same thing… not only she signed off her lands, Gael digs out of Elisa that she also promised she would leave Damian. Gael is doubtful she will be able to if she still loves Dam. Elisa says will have to, even against herself. Gael says Dam will find out and will not allow it. Elisa says Gael or Lolita are the only ones that know about the ‘giving up Dam’ part of the deal. So if Dam finds out she will know it was them.
If it comes back to you its yours…
At hacienda, Flo is looking for Dam in his room and asks Tonita where Dam is, Flo is not happy to know Dam went to see Elisa. Tonita smiles as Flo leaves mad. Flo runs right to Alfie’s room to tattle at her. Alfie already knows Dam would go right to Elisa.  Alfie tells Flo take a chill pill. If Dam went to see Elisa, then the situation between them will be settled for good, and you can start planning your wedding again.
Dam arrives at Castanon manor, Lolita happy to see him…  Elisa is with Gael… ok will say hi to him too.
Come back after lunch, will ya?...
Horacio also arrives, Lolita says not a good time… pushes him right  back out…
(guess this new arrival slightly delayed Lolita from letting Elisa and Gael know Dam was here)
Ok the most ridiculous scene … in more ways than one…
Dam walks right into Elisa and Gael sitting at the kitchen table… I was dying to see you my love… (she is frozen, he notices)… D: what is wrong? Are you not glad to see me?... E: its not that, I was not expecting to see you here. ..G: I will go now… E: Don’t go!... D:besides wanting to see you I wanted to say I found out about the works stopped at your lands, but don’t worry I will take care of that… E: you don’t have to worry about it, we decided to not have any more deals with Arango procesadora… D: We?... (Elisa by now is standing by Gael, holds Gael’s hand and makes Dam believe Gael and her are an item now).. Elisa tells Dam while Gael was away she realized she missed Gael much more than she thought she would … Gael is very silent and stares at Dam, but is not quite all sold on the whole idea… Dam is in disbelief… Elisa has to kiss Gael for Dam to buy it. Dam very impactado.
After commercial…
Back to the awkward scene in kitchen, part II… Dam is mad, crying, throws crutches… D: why do you do this to me, Elisa? why?? … G: I can explain… D to G: shut up!!... D to E: you told me you would marry me!! You were going to marry me!!... E: I never loved you. you were more an obsession. Good thing I realized in time… D: I am sorry to find out my mother was right about you all along…(OUCH!!!). G: Be careful what you say because I won’t let you insult her again!… D: my friend Gael! My soul friend! You don’t know how much I curse the fact that you saved my life!... (Dam leaves broken)… G: you were very hard with him, you did not have to treat him like that… E: I know, but I had to make Dam get disillusioned of me. I am sorry… (she is too upset and leaves)asf  G: come back chamaca! what do you mean I am sorry?...
The Que pasa in La Ermita headline of the week:
GG is at her daughter’s job, along with II, they are gossiping about what Elisa did to the Arango’s… Don Augusto stopped the wedding by shooting his shotgun at Dam at the wedding… Gael saved his life, donating his blood… the girl who was going to marry Dam, Flo, came back to care for him… Sabrina says she feels sorry for Gael the most, its no secret he has always had the hots for Elisa…
Awkward!... poor Maru…
At Procesadora, Lucio and Maru greet each other… Lucio came to ask a favor, a copy of the contract Elisa signed with the procesadora.  This could cause you trouble.. Maru is not worried about that, but Gabino arrives just in time… puts Maru on the spot telling Lucio Maru has always had the hots for him.
Lucio yells at Gabino to shut his mouth or I will!... Lucio ignores what he just heard and asks Maru not to worry. Maru is very embarrassed and excuses herself.
I kissed a Gerd and I liked it!...
Kenya is thinking of Augusto’s kiss… she is smiling, seems she is feeling things for him too. Door knock. It is II…. Were you expecting a ghost?... what did you come for?... did you think about what we talked about the other day?... there is nothing to think about… About Damian as a potential catch… Dam is in love with Elisa, there is nothing to look for there… if you don’t hurry, that little pest Flo will get him first.
You would do Gael a favor… don’t be hypocrite, all you want from Gael is his inheritance… all I expect is that you are not seeing that broke loser of Augusto..
I got your number… and it is coming up soon…
Gabino finds Ramona in his office… whats up brujita?… I came to talk to you. Many years ago I warned you that your day would come. And I came to tell you that your end is near. Ingrid is your undertaker. She will make you pay for everything you have done… no one can escape their destiny. And remember, you are damned/cursed.
The truth hurts… didn’t you know?
At Dr Tovar’s consultorio, GG arrives looking for DrT. He’s not there, she will wait. Paloma tries to tell GG a piece of her mind about not trusting her husband, one of the most honest men in town. GG doesn’t want to hear it but Pal still says her peace.
Starting over is a hard thing to do…
DrT comes out, Gg goes in to talk to him, why didn’t you come back home with the kids? … not sure I should come back. Maybe we should think about whether we do want to stay together, not really convinced you really want that. Ever since we split we have had nothing but trouble, at least now we are talking, that Is a good start. Try to understand the kids. I promise I will try.
Poor pitiful me… what’s love got to do with me?
Elisa tells Lolita she split with Dam. Dam will never forgive me for making him think I love Gael. He saw us kissing. Dam will never forgive me. Surely he now thinks like his mom, that I am the worst of women.
Kenya finds Dam in town benches… she wants to talk but he is not in mood… nothing you can do for me.
Kenya is not so convinced to stay out of it, from her facial expression.. or is she thinking her mom is right?
You wanted to play the invisible woman?...
Gabino returns to blue house.. have you talked to Ramona? The old witch that hit me on head!.. I have seen her a couple times. Why?. I ran into her on my way to church. I went to tell Loopy about Alfie’s threat, Gael would have told him he saw me anyway… Gabino is not happy with II’s ‘brilliant’ ideas. You stroll through the whole town and when Alfie finds out you are in La Ermita I will pay the broken dishes. … Then if it bothers you so much that I get around, go see what you can do.
Sorry, sis, can we talk later?
Kenya finds Gael at rectory… did you argue with Dam?. Let me guess, its about Elisa, right?... All I can tell you is that Dam and Elisa split and this time it is for good.. but I don’t feel like talking now. Can we do it later?... ok I will be back later and don’t forget you can count on me.
Friends worry about friends…
Lolita and Paloma worry about Elisa… Lolita tells Paloma Elisa split with Dam… Paloma worried. Lolita says not good time to talk to her. come back tomorrow… ok but tell her I came by. … sure.
Loopy.. you are now in the twilight zone…
Loopy visits Alfie… came to find out how is Dam… suppose well, he went out not sure where… good. I thank God that Gael came back just in time. Btw, I still find it strange that they both have same blood type. .. you can’t avoid it sis, you don’t like the fact that Gael saved your son. Why have you always hated him? Since they were kids… you are imagining things, Loopy… (Dam gets home but is not in mood to talk to either, goes on to his room, not in good mood)… who is this? This is not my Dam! He is acting real strange. You really don’t know where he went?... I am not sure, I think to see Elisa, why don’t you talk to him to see if he will tell you what is wrong?... Loopy runs to catch Dam but Dam gets flat angry at Loopy, surely you know about Elisa and Gael. OR didn’t you know they are in love? … what are you talking about?... they both told me. Elisa told me flat out that the one she loved was Gael. And to show me, she kissed him in front of me. … wait, we have to talk!... leave me alone, you better go give your blessing to Elisa and Gael!.. (Loopy totally clueless/confused at what he just heard)
Hey, can we do that again? But let me go talk to your daughter first.
Nighttime… Augie is pacing pretty wasted around his house… now switching to lemonade?... door bell rings.  (boy pretty horse sculpture on coffee table… a bit more lighted than usual).. its Kenya… I did not come to reprieve about today’s kiss… I promise it won’t happen again…  I won’t ask for apology for something I did not dislike… (gets close to his ear) the kiss I liked very much… Carmina comes to confront them… Kenya says she came to see Elisa, and is invited in by Augie right on Carmeana’s face.. Carmenana confronts Augie who says ‘you have no reason to reprieve after the kiss with Paolo.’
What love triangle games are you getting into now?
Gael remembers the kiss with Elisa and smiles… Loopy arrives very concerned about what he heard… what was that I heard from Dam?.. .yes it was true… and you tell me with that calm face?... I am not calm! I feel real bad. It is true, Dam saw me and Elisa kissing, but that does not mean she loves me… and what does all that mean then ?... I can’t tell you and don’t insist… I won’t insist but I have to say I don’t agree with that game!. Surely you are so glad that they split  and now … I am not that type who enjoys the suffering of others!.. That Elisa kissed me means nothing, because even if it breaks my heart to admit it, the only one Elisa loves and will  always love is Dam!!
LOVE STINKS!!... even when dressed up with a mariachi serenade…
Kenya talks to Elisa and seeing her cry, she realizes it is true that she split with Dam… Yes, and this time it is for good. My story with Dam Arango is over for good… (they hear a serenade) … It is Dam!! The song is ‘Ella’ by JAJ. Dam is confronted by Augie with the shotgun in hand, Carmeana and Lolita are very scared, Dam says don’t worry, what I came to do is very brief. Yells: Elisa C! you are the worst that has happened in my life!!
 Elisa very afraid of her dad facing Dam with shotgun… this time I will kill you! (some comes running out)


Refugio Para el Amor #17-18 Wed 6/6/12 Ezra goes comatose while blogging and you're going to have to fill in the blanks

Luciana has been enjoying her day off! She calls home. Her mom is worried, but she assures her that she knows a good lawyer (Linares?).

Frigida is, well, frigid to the girl when she gets back in.

Who's this dude who brings them the cake?

Mean mom finds out Luci is just 19. That's actually believable.

Rod has a gift for her, the fiancee dares her to hug him. He accuses her of jealousy. She is still a bitch.

Evil mom gets a headache. Uh-oh.

Aldo, the cousin who got so drunk, has now lost his truck. But a cop helpfully informs him that it got towed because it was in an illegal zone.

The mistress is freaking out, about being in the wife's house doing her nails.

Jana gives Luci a big hug when she returns. By the way, the present was from Pat.

ya volvio la "patrona." Frigida is a jerk, but Luci just wants to see her present. There's some kind of jewelry in it, and the lame theme plays.

Rosalena and Max fight. Her headache is worse. She met up with Claudio Linares, who is out of jail. Yikes, she's eaten up by regrets over what happens. She screams at Max... it was HIS FAULT! breakdown. Flashback to "HIS FAULT" - some game of dice and beer.

July (Gala's mom) and this other weird lady have a boring conversation. They decide to go shopping in Miami.

The nicer maid warns Luci how dangerous the necklace is. She wears it anyway, but tells frigida she doesn't know where she got it. Frigida gets a twitch.

Mom finally takes an interest in Luci. She knows something about her Dad.

When the boss leaves, Frigida goes a-snooping, investigating Luci's stuff for the origin of the necklace. I think she's gonna steal the cell phone.

But the real danger comes from Gala - she wrecks the letters, flushes the necklace, and makes some threats. Luci gets in one good line: having respect for others is worth more than all your fortunes.

She's sobbing and frigida comes in and says "that's what you get when you mess with me."

Gala's mom congratulates her on handling the "situation."They're chuckling together.

The lawyer has news for Luci: she is completely acquitted!

Back in Indianville, Paz has a bad feeling - she knows her daughter is hurting. Oh noes, this kid is so awful.

Violeta just got dumped.

Pat's parents come to yell at him for giving the servant a day off. Seriously?

An MRI for Pat. Haha the novela set includes a very accurate MRI.

Oddly, she's saying her pueblo is in the north, despite having mentioned a bus to Chiapas.

Rod sees the necklace is gone. Awkwardness ensues.

Pat gets carted straight to the hospital. Rod gives him a pep talk, and Pat admits that he is in love.

The kindly lawyer has taken Luci out for Lunch, and she gives him the story. He realizes that she loves Pat, but she realizes that she loves Rod. I'm totally unconvinced.

Evil mom goes to padre to try and get the Luciana away.

Haha, the designer is here, and Rod "yes, dear"s her. This show really puts me to sleep. I found myself nodding in and out.

Now for our silly/cuddly clown of a villain. I'm so amused that I forgot what he said.

I'm taking over for a minute while Ezra eats his dinner.

Pat looks happy, he's full of hope. He tells the padre he can never hope to love or be loved. However, if he can't recover completely, he prefers to die.

The awful ice-cold parents look at each other with desprecio. I came into this too briefly to know what's going on. "Claudio lost and I won," Max says. [Claudio either could now take all their good stuff away or perhaps that was in the past.] Him: "You were always jealous of Aurora." Her: "And you were always jealous of Claudio."

Rod and Gala walk along, Luciana and her lawyer see them. He's jealous - who is that man she's with? They continue talking in the car and he asks her how the family she's working for treats her. She says the kids are great but the mom, Rosalene is - a little - odd. Roselene Torreslanda. Finally he knows who she works for - and he shows shock and horror.

Gala bribes Brigida with a new pocketbook. "You deserve it for loyalty to ME and for all the future spying you will do for ME."

After the commercial the lawyer leaps out of the car with tears in his eyes. Max ruined his life.

Here Ezra began again. But he didn't finish exactly ...

Linares continues telling Luci: "Max accused me of fraud and I went to the jail for 20 years. It was very bad for my wife and daughter. I'm worried that his kids are just as bad. He was my friend, then stabbed me in the back." Oddly, Linares remembers the wife as a good woman. Luciana reassures him that the sons are nicer than their dad. She and the lawyer hug.

The padre tells Roselena it's a bad idea to try and convince Pat to abandon the woman who gives him ganas de vivir. She looks as thoughtful as you can with a frozen face.

Pat's finger is working better: he can write again! Well, he can make two marks with a magic marker. 

Back in "het het," the conniving goofballs (Aquiles and his sidekick) have a plan - they'll follow Lorenzo, Luci's brother, when he goes to the city and surely seeks her out. Aquiles grabs Archie and fails to get any information out of him.

No one will tell Luci what the mystery about the lawyer is.

There is a silly montage.with club music.

FINALLY! Pat can work a remote control! Maybe he can change the channel and we'll be done with this nonsense! But actually, Jana brings in a motorized wheelchair with a big bow on it. He says that, wheelie or no, he won't attend the big super special party. They beg, and then he says he'll go, but only if Luciana goes with him! Gasp! Frigida, now on the payroll of Gala, eagerly listens in. She calls Gala and tells her the bad news is, Luciana is invited to the party, the good news is, she doesn't have anything but crummy peasant clothes to wear.

Gala, preening and preening, plans for her grand night and says no photos will be allowed of anyone but her and Rod. She wants to be the center of attention AS ALWAYS.

Luciana finds a mysterious pink satin strapless dress and 5" heels. She looks up and happily thanks her virgencita (would the virgencita approve of this outfit?). Cinderella city!


Abismo de pasión #61 6/5/12: In Which Carmina Rattles her Jewelry ... but Ends Up in the Cheap Seats*.

*In a 1963 London performance attended by the Queen, the Queen Mother and Princess Margaret, Beatle John Lennon famously addressed the audience: “For our last number, I’d like to ask your help. Would the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands. And the rest of you, if you’ll just rattle your jewelry.”

Our dear Elna June has the night off. I like to think of her poolside, sipping Tequila Sunrises with sympathetic friends and practicing her flex and point technique ...

The old:

Padre Lupe won’t budge. The only one who can reveal the name of Gael’s father is “that woman”.

Thanks to Florencia’s expert Wheedle, Simper and Whine technique, Guido agrees to be her beard for a few more days in Casa Harango. The Eurotrash Landucci clan won’t be going anywhere for a while.

Lolita and Elisa (who is still dressed for the Baton Twirling Event in the Junior Miss Chile Pepper Pageant) greet the head(case) of the family with more warmth than he deserves.

Carmina, who was conspicuously absent from the “Free Augusto” Conga Line is now nowhere to be seen in the “Welcome Home Augusto” receiving line. Augusto confronts the rotten citrus in her room. He wants to see those “family jewels” she was supposedly going to sell to raise money for his bail. Reluctantly, she pulls out the small coffer from its hiding place ...


What is the Orange one doing with Estefanía’s jewels? Didn’t she tell him her sister had taken them all when she left with Rosendo?

Carmina babbles that Steffie left the jewels with her because she expected Rosendo would buy her new ones. Augusto treats her absurd lie with the contempt it deserves. When he stalks out of the room, her face contorts with self-pity and she throws the little chest across the room,: “¡Para lo que me han servido!” (For all the good they’ve done me!)

(You think Augusto will beg Ramona’s forgiveness for his bass-ackwards accusation of theft earlier? Oh yeah. What have you been smoking?)

Paloma returns from her coffee date with Enrique and fends off Ramona’s questions. Enrique is a good guy but Paloma only has eyes for Gael. Besides, Enrique has his own amor imposible. Who? Paloma’s not saying.


When a chastened Begoña comes knocking on their hotel room door, the doc and his son and daughter refuse her unexpected invitation to come back home. When she leaves, obviously hurt, Doc T reams out Enrique and Sabrina for clinging childishly to their grievances. Don’t they realize how hard it was for their mother to ask them back? Are they waiting for her to get on her knees and beg? As for his own choice to live apart, that is a different matter...

Maru stops by don Lucio’s to ask after Damián’s recovery. Lucio ends up inviting Maru to join him for supper. And she accepts. (This makes me nervous. Two nice people hanging out make a bigger target than either one alone.)

Are You My Father?

Paloma is thrilled to see Gael on her doorstep. Unfortunately, he’s there to see Grandma. Bummer. Paloma is sent out of earshot and then Gael peppers Ramona with questions about Ingrid. Does Ramona know who his father was? No she doesn’t, she says, and in her firm but not unkind way, tells him not to pick fights with Lupe about this.

Paloma wants to know what the conversation was about. Ramona’s not saying.


Casa Castigo

Elisa has finally changed out of the pageant costume though has wisely left her fake eyelashes in place (you never know). She remembers accepting Damián’s proposal as if it were only yesterday. (Um. Maybe it was only yesterday.) She kisses the photo of Steffie and Blanca, kisses the love amulet, and tucks both precious relics in a drawer:

Ay, Damián, te voy a querer toda la vida.”

A tear streams prettily down her face. (I think she must have a no-snot crying clause in her contract. Very prudent, I say.)

Hacienda Harango

Damián, now in his jammies, hobbles around the bedroom obviously looking for something. Florencia, in robe and nightgown, ever-helpful, ever-present and ever-so-annoying, offers to help. He’s looking for the amulet? What’s so important about it? He had it for so many years? Ah well.

She kisses him on the mouth and wishes him goodnight. Why did she do that? he asks. Habit, she answers. Damián thinks she should find Enrique and kiss him. And he’s not reproaching her; he’s just thinks she’s barking up the wrong tree. Flor is undeterred.

Casa Tovar

It’s morning now but Begoña answers the door in robe and nightgown. The kids are back – they didn’t use their keys because they wanted their mother’s permission to come home. Begoña smiles with real warmth. The smile fades momentarily when she realizes that Edmundo isn’t with them. But she keeps it together.


Hacienda Harango

Alfonsina sits before her mirror and applies her warpaint. Toña knocks, enters meekly and delivers a message: Don Augusto is here to see her. “Why did you let that man in my house?" fumes Alfie. "He nearly killed my son!” (Well yeah, if you want to get technical about it.)

She storms into the office and orders him to leave. He won’t go until they have talked. He wants to negotiate for Elisa’s land. But why did Alfonsina offer the money to get him out of jail in the first place? What use does she have for the land?

Alfie tells him the real price Elisa paid for his Get out of Jail at a Jacked-up Bail card – she agreed to give up Damián. Apparently:

Su amor de hija fue más fuerte que su amor por Damián – y francamente, no entiendo porque tú siempre la has tratado con la punta del pie. (Her love for her father was stronger than her love for Damián – and frankly I don’t get it because you always treated her like dirt).

How can Alfie be sure Elisa will keep her word and stay away from her son? Alfie turns her dead black eyes on him: “She’s terrified you’ll try to hurt him again.”

"Perdóname", replies Augusto, abashed but also satisfied. (The Black Widow seems to have accomplished what he was unable to do – separate definitively Dam Stupid from Miss Junior Chile Peppers.) “I never meant to hurt your son.”

Casa Castigo

Elisa wears another Junior Miss pageant costume. She is not yet crying. She is still insisting that Lolita screen her calls – she’s not home to Damián. But the call that comes now is from Dam’s dam, that is Alfonsina, with a not so friendly warning. She knows that Augusto is free so Elisa better not try to pull a fast one on her (tomar el pelo). If their agreement is breached, Augusto goes back to the pokey!

Her message delivered, she hangs up abruptly.

La Iglesia

Gael apologizes to Padre Lupe for his angry words of the day before. Apology accepted with grace and affection, of course.

Gael heads off to work but is stopped at the foot of the church stairs by Kenia. When he tells her he has had no luck in his search for his father, she tells him not to give up. They’ll figure it out together. (Although she knows, right? She’s such a convincing liar, I get confused.)

They hug. At that precise moment, Augusto walks up. “You make an attractive couple” he remarks and then continues on his way.

Gael realizes that Augusto doesn’t know that he Kenia is his half-sister and he picks up on Augusto’s jealousy.

Hacienda Harango

Alfie smarms over Guido and offers to take him on a tour of the Pro Ce. Guido’s anxious to see baby bro at work.

Pettish Paolo languishes in bed, the only audience for his bare chest his none too sympathetic niece. He’s too depressed to care about Guido and Alfie. Hah! Flor gets it! He’s in love! Is it Elisa? No? Then who? He's not saying.

She smirks. For the first time in his life, Paolo is in love. And he’s suffering ...

Casa Castigo

... While the citric source of his affliction offers a cheery orange greeting to Augusto, now back home and grouchy as hell after seeing Gael and Kenia together. She leans in to kiss him and he recoils.

“Are you still upset about Estefanía’s jewels?” she asks coyly. She insists it’s really not a big deal. Maybe not, he agrees. But he has suddenly come to realize she’s not the person he thought she was. And it’s not just one thing, it’s a lot of things – like Paolo Landucci ...

Carmina kicks into high dudgeon mythomania mode: “I suppose Elisa filled your head with her lies”, she begins.

“No” says Augusto. “She didn’t say anything”.

Here Elisa enters. Now Augusto wants the story.

Elisa speaks: “A few days ago, I came out of my room and saw my aunt and Paolo kissing.”

Carmina’s mouth hangs open. She turns from Elisa to Augusto and protests:

¡Pero eso no es cierto! (But that’s not true!)

Oh man. The zest is gone, the juice has been squeezed. It’s all pulp and pits for you, OrangeHo. Because Elisa has a witness – Kenia, Gael’s sister!

Gael’s sister?

Yes, Augusto, there is a Santa Claus! Kenia and Gael are brother and sister. O frabjous day! Callou! Callay!

“No, no”, the Orange one continues to protest. Paolo was forcing himself on her. She wasn’t kissing him. (True. But do we care?)

Augusto has left the building. We catch the mean little smile on Junior Miss Chile Pepper’s face.

Hacienda Harango

Braulio slips past security (that is, his wife) and gains access to Damián. Dam stupid is stunned (stunned!) to hear that his mother has cancelled all the work that was to be done on Elisa’s lands.

La Ermita

Augusto sits alone in the cantina and downs a shot (or three) of tequila.

La Procesadora

Since Guido finds the Pro Ce so interesting and since his business in the DF is circling the drain and since Paolo has found his calling here and since Flor is going to end up marrying Damián ... (“La vida da muchas vueltas” (I’m a manipulative bitch who gets people to do what I want them to, sooner or later)) ...

...How would he like a job here?

Guido agrees to give it some thought.

La Ermita

A sad old guy and his horse. A lovely young woman emerging from a modest pink house. The old guy – and now we see it’s Augie – walks up and kisses Kenia (yes, it is she) mwa! smack on the lips. She seems surprised, maybe even shocked. But she recovers quickly: “¿Quieres pasar?” (Wanna come in?) she asks. But he is already shambling back to his horse. “Perdon” he says over his shoulder. Kenia smiles to herself.

La Iglesia

Apparently no one has had the heart to tell Ingrid that the casting is complete for the production of “Yentl” in Mérida. (Or at least that is the only explanation I have for her sidelocks.) Bueno, como sea ...

Ingrid comes calling on Padre Lupe. He tries to turn her away and refuses to hear her confession. He’s furious that she told Gael that knowing the identity of his father would get her and Gael killed. Ingrid insists that Padre’s own sister, Alfonsina, really did threaten her life.

Now Lupe comes as close to thundering as he can: “¡Mientes, mujer! ¡Mientes!” (You’re lying, woman, you’re lying!) “My sister may have many faults, but she’d never do something like that!)

But it’s true, insists Ingrid. And the threats go years back, back to the time of her pregnancy. That’s why she had to abandon Gael and leave town.

Then why didn’t she go to Rosendo? asks Lupe. “¡Contéstame!” (Answer me!)

“Because” confesses Ingrid, “Alfonsina gave me a lot of money to leave.” Now she regrets what she did and she is really, truly, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die earnest about wanting to recover her son. But Lupe can’t tell anyone he saw her because Alfie would kill her if she found out she was still in La Ermita.

Oh ick. Now she’s kissing his hand and begging for his help. (The sad part is he doesn’t believe the truth – that his sister is a monster – but may be buying into the lie – that Ingrid really feels something for Gael.)

Casa Castigo

When Augusto comes home, the Orange Harpy and Junior Miss Chile Pepper are engaged in a heated discussion of moral philosophy.

At Orangina’s prodding, Elisa acknowledges that Paolo was indeed forcing himself on the tía. That’s all the Orange one needed. She affects The Voice, the one with the irritating tremolo that warns us she is shoveling as fast as she can. And she tries to shift the blame to Elisa. Paolo was there to see Elisa and somehow ended up forcing himself on her.

For the second time tonight, Augusto tells her flatly: “I don’t believe you”. It’s not that Elisa and Kenia know. It’s that everyone knows. Her affair with Paolo is common knowledge.

“Whoever told you that is lying” maintains the mistress of mendacity. But it’s no use. Augusto is ready to give her her freedom so she can do whatever she likes with her life.

Carmina’s face goes all pouty and her lips begin to quiver.

A deep breath. Lie back and let yourself float in the cool waters of the cenote ...

Avances: Damián and Elisa defend their love (for five minutes). Elmer Fudd gets out his shotgun.


Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #15-16 Tue 6/5/12 Hot Rod Gives Luci the Gift of Stalking for Her Special Day

After guessing that Luci is the girl from another class that Rod is talking about, Oscar reminds Rod that he has a fiancé and he better be careful not to hurt Gala or Lucia. Rod thinks the real problem would be hurting Patricio. Oscar begs Rod not to hurt Luci because she is a good girl. Gala comes in to cling all over Rod and pressure him to pin down the wedding date already. Rod looks like he’s been condemned to life in prison.

Meanwhile at the prison, Lastra is flipping his toupee because the judge has thrown his behind behind bars for his lousy attitude. Violeta and the cute bartender arrive to support Luci and testify against Lastra, even if it means they get fired from Club Inferno.

Rod’s bffs (I should learn these guys’ names if I’m going to recap this show regularly) work with Pato. Aldo brags he’s now part of the company too. When Luci returns and checks in on Pato, Pato puts a stop to their man talk about how attractive she is, and now they know why he’s gotten better so quickly.

Vicky is super nervous while doing the nails of her lover’s wife. She barely holds it together when she hears Max is on his way home. She tries to get the heck out of Dodge quickly before Max returns. Too late! She and Max can barely hide their looks of shock as Rosalena introduces them. Vicky leaves, and Rosalena gives Max a suspicious wide-eyed stare.

Paz and Magda wonder what the heck Aquiles wants to come speak to her about. They sure as hell won’t give him Luci’s address. “He may be someone in this town, but outside of here, he’s a Mr. Nobody” (Don Nadie).

Don Aquiles offers Paz the house and land back, and shoots Ariche a comment about following through on his promises. (Remember, Ariche wrote Aquiles a blackmail note—Lucia’s address, after Aquiles gives her family back their property.) Ariche feels guilty and later tells Lorenzo about his bargain with Aquiles, but Lorenzo doesn’t take it seriously.

Melissa and Hannah get the 411 on the outcome of Lucia’s court case from her, much to the annoyance of Frigida (who still has no idea where Luci went that day).

At the dinner table, the family talks about planning and promoting the 20 year anniversary of the Torreslanda biz. Pato will be helping to plan, Gala will be doing the promotion, and even lazy Aldo thinks he’ll have some important role.  Gala announces that she and Rod have finalized a date for the wedding. No one seems happy about it.

Upstairs, Luci reads Pato an article about the 20 year anniversary. He’s proud of his father’s achievement, since the business has always been so important to him, as has the idea of Rod taking it over one day. Luci speaks about her own father and how wonderful he was.  Pato thinks back to when they first met—her father was still alive and he could still walk. Their conversation is interrupted by Gala and Rod. Gala proudly announces that they will get married in a month. Rod once again looks like he’s a dead man walking. Pato is happy for them. Gala tries to gloat at Luci, but Luci has a total poker face and congratulates them.  Rod claims a month is too soon. Gala ignores him and shows Pato the invitation mockups. Luci can’t take it anymore and leaves with tears in her eyes.

Vicky calls and texts her little bear (osito), but Max, who is assuming that she came to his home on purpose, refuses to answer her. Her boss at the salon tells her to think about what she’s doing (seeing a married man). At the house that night, Max takes his anger out on Rosa and tells her not to invite strangers into his home, especially when he’s coming home from a long, hard day at work. He continues his overreacting by taking his pillow and storming out to sleep in the guest room. Rosalena is totally confused.

Violeta brings her wigs and boas to Estela’s apartment to cheer up her granddaughter.

Oscar, bless his soul, takes Conny and Julie out to dinner. Julie flirts inappropriately with Oscar and lays some drunken kisses on him.  Conny and Oscar try to act like they’re at dinner with a normal person.

Rod once again gets in Luci’s personal space in the kitchen, late at night, and asks if she’s mad at him. She gives him her best poker face, tells him no and goodnight (buenas noshes), and leaves.

We see Vicky’s dad’s home. She brings her father lots of brand new shirts (bought in Miami with Max’s money). He is proud of her because he thinks she was able to buy these shirts with her hard work at the salon.

At the office, Aldo asks Max about getting his own office. Max chuckles and informs him that his job is downstairs with Don Jerónimo (who is also Vicky's dad)—the doorman whom Aldo callously left his car with the other day.

Rosa’s whining to the priest again about having to suffer, seeing Luci everyday. She looks like Aurora, the woman who nearly destroyed her marriage!

Gala and Rosa meet about wedding plans.  Rosa still doesn’t look happy about it, or how soon it’s happening. Gala ignores her. Gala warns Rosa that it won’t be so easy to get rid of Luci, even after Pato gets better, because he’ll become too attached to her. Rosa looks pensive.

The physical therapist shows Luci how to help Pato with his exercises. Rod comes in, and the therapist has Pato close his eyes and visualize moving his right hand. As Luci and Rod watch, Pato moves his right index finger, ever so slightly. Luci jumps into Rod’s embrace in her joy. Pato didn’t see or feel his accomplishment. Later that evening, the whole family gathers to watch him do it again. This time, only Luci’s words to him do the trick. “Love, gives you the strength to do anything,” she whispers in his ear. The family thinks it’s a miracle. Pato thanks Luci, using her manner of saying “mushas gracias.” She gets a call on her cell and announces she must leave. Pato sweetly tells her to put on a sweater since the weather is getting nasty.

A bit later, outside at the bus stop Oscar sees Luci waiting for the bus in the rain. She refuses a ride but finally accepts his umbrella. Stalker Rod watches from his car and starts jumping to all kinds of conclusions about Oscar and Luci. He follows her bus in his car. She daydreams about his kiss. He sees when Luci gets off the bus and runs into Lic. Linares’ home.

Luci and Linares discuss her case. Turns out Lastra can still get his way and throw her behind bars if he continues to press his case. However, her witnesses make all the difference. In the pokey, Lastra isn’t happy to hear about the witnesses or to hear that Club Inferno may be shut down (clausurado).

When Luci gets home, Frigida is waiting to make her life miserable. She accuses Luci of going off to see men and stealing that fine umbrella she’s carrying. They take the argument to the kitchen and it’s obvious Luci is fed up. She tells Frigida that she was taught to respect her elders, but if Frigida “keeps looking for her, then she’ll find her!” (In other words, bring it on, bitch!)  Frigida threatens back and tells Luci she doesn’t know what kind of scorpion she’s just stumbled onto. Luci tells her to go to hell! Just as things get really heated, Rod comes in and puts a stop to it. He tells Frigida to shut it, when she tries to lie, and orders her to leave Luci alone and to leave. She shoots them both a dirty look as she leaves the kitchen. Luci apologizes to Rod, but she has had a crap day. He understands and lovingly wraps his coat around her wet shoulders so she won’t get sick. They get within kissing range.

In his library, Max agonizes about his young mistress and finding her in his home.

Rod pulls away from Luci and tells her he won’t disrespect her again (by kissing her). She turns to leave for her room. He tells her how lovely she is and she wishes him a good night. She looks at him all moony eyed, and goes to her room to sniff his jacket and sigh while smiling. What’s a girl to do after such a trying day, and an encounter with her hunky boss? Well, light some candles, take a long, hot shower, and daydream about her hunky boss.  Said boss lurks creepily, with his mug of coffee, outside her bathroom window. He then stands outside her bedroom door, and thinks about opening it for about 100 hours (i.e. TOO LONG!), and then places his hand on the door knob. He walks away. Then he walks back. He’s having way too much trouble deciding if he’s going to be a stalking, rapey snake. Inside, our pure heroine prays to the Virgin, thanks her for Rod helping her, prays for her family, and goes to sleep in her pink jammies. Rod finally lets go of the knob and then thinks of knocking. (Really dude? Is that much better of an idea?!)

We come back from commercial and he actually OPENS the door and walks inside to stare at her as she sleeps, and nearly touches her! He covers her loveliness with the sheet, takes a final look, smiles, and walks out the door.

Papa Max has come to the kitchen for a midnight snack and senses someone else is lurking about. He wonders where Rod is coming from when he comes into the kitchen from the general direction of the servants’ quarters. Max doesn’t believe Rod’s story about just going for a walk in the garden with his coffee. Since when does he drink coffee this late? Max tells him to be careful. “That girl who’s robbing you of sleep is a true temptation.” He leaves Rod with that thought.

Aldo is in the home office whining about the crap job Max gave him to his mom Conny. She’s not having it. He’s been playing her for a fool for too long. It’s time for him to become independent and work, like his sister.

The next morning, Luci’s first call is from Lorenzo wishing her a happy birthday. He tells her everyone is well. She arranges to call the funeral home at noon so that she can speak to everyone.  In the kitchen, Mati wishes her a happy birthday. Luci’s sad to be away from her family on her birthday. Frigida comes in to rain on her birthday parade by rubbing it in her face that she has work on her b-day, like any other day. Frigida threatens to warn Rosa to keep Luci off the phone that day, but Luci will be making her call on her lunch break, in her room.

Lastra continues to freak out in the jail, and won’t listen to his lawyer’s advice. The lawyer tells him that Luci can now accuse him of sexual assault because she has witnesses. He wants to know who these witnesses are.

Lucia works with Pato on his tablet computer on plans for the 20th anniversary. Max comes in, but then gets a call from Vicky. He excuses himself. Mati brings Luci Ariche’s birthday letter. Pato is surprised to learn it’s her birthday, and for a second is even more surprised to think she has a child. Luci quickly explains that Ariche is her little friend, not her son, and that Pato has met him already. Pato remembers with relief. He says he wishes he could give Luci a birthday hug.

At their apartment, Rod tells the architect to take all the time he needs to finish the renovations. Gala contradicts him, and tells the architect to do the work as quickly as possible. Rod looks like he’s going to be sick.

Linares meets with Lastra’s lawyer in his home office. Lastra’s lawyer is trying to convince them not to press charges against Lastra, and he will convince Lastra to drop his charges against Luci in exchange. Linares calls Luci on the house phone, but Mati answers. The name Torreslanda doesn’t seem to ring a bell with Linares, but Mati is knock-me-over impactada to hear his name.

At Aurora’s gravestone, Rosalena brings flowers and begs Aurora to forgive her, while crying buckets of tears. She tells Aurora she’s sorry for not fulfilling her promise. Linares walks up and kindly places his hands over hers. Rosalena is shocked. He asks her not to cry anymore. Aurora has nothing to forgive her for.

Oscar and Max discuss the invitation list for the event. Oscar has been able to track down most of the company’s old clients and contacts from the early days of the business. The only person he hasn’t found is Claudio Linares, his partner. Max emphasizes that Claudio is his EX partner. He prefers that Oscar NOT mention him again. Claudio got into some accounting trouble. It’s all too painful for Max since Claudio wasn’t just his partner, but also his friend. After Oscar leaves, Max vows that Claudio Linares will NEVER come into his life again. (Never say never Max.)

Meanwhile, at the grave site, kindhearted Linares is thanking Rosa for all she did for his child and his wife in Aurora’s last days.  Rosalena’s face makes it pretty obvious that she wasn’t the angel of mercy that Linares thinks.

Aldo is not adjusting well to his job as messenger boy, especially when he learns he has to drive himself to pick up a package. He seems lost and confused once he gets to the address.

Pato, the physical therapist, and Rod discuss Luci’s 19th birthday. The therapist is impressed by how young Luci is, given how much responsibility she’s taken on. Pato asks Rod to buy a gift for Luci. Downstairs in her room, Luci tries to call her family, but the call doesn’t go through. Frigida is not happy to learn that Pato has given Luci the rest of the day off. Frigida is going to tattle to Rosa. Luci rolls her eyes at her.

Julie bugs Gala at work, again. Gala still has a bee in her bonnet about Luci. Julie thinks she’s obsessed and exaggerating. Frigida calls Gala and gossips about the events of the night before when Rod put her in her place for insulting Luci. She also gossips that Luci has the day off for her b-day and will likely be spending it with some man.

Rod buys a book for Luci as a present (I guess this is supposed to be from Pato). Then he goes to a jewelry store and buys a heart pendant necklace (his present, I presume).

Luci arrives at Violeta’s and she wants all the gossip about Hot Rod. Luci puts a stop to that talk, because Rod is ENGAGED. On Estela’s phone, Luci talks to Paz and Paz tells her about Don Aquiles all of a sudden offering to give them back their property. Luci tells her not to accept anything or make any deals with that devil. She’ll speak to her lawyer friend and see what can be done legally. Violeta then gets on the phone with her mama.

Estela and Violeta speak about how hard it is to cross over to the States illegally and then find a job where they treat you well. Violeta assures Estela that her daughter Ofelia will call when she can. Marianita asks Luci where her mother is. Luci explains that she’s way up north, and Marianita wonders if she’s in the same place where they say her mother went. She asks if Luci’s mother will come back for her, like her mother plans to for her. The adults try to hide their worry. Later, Lic Linares brings Luci a yummy birthday cake. Yay! They all rejoice.

In the big house, Rosa is upset to learn from Frigida that Pato gave Luci the day off. She complains to Pato, but is silenced when she learns that today is Luci’s 19th birthday. Duhn, duhn, duhn!

Linares drops Luci off at the house. Rod stops her on the lawn and gives her the presents, just as Gala drives in through the driveway. Gala watches them and dares Rod to hug Luci in her presence through clenched teeth.

Avances:  Max waxes poetic about what a wonderful woman Aurora was, to Rosalena. She spits back accusations of him having a child with Aurora. Luci admits to Linares that she’s in love with Rod. Gala does something spiteful to Luci, and tells her it’s just a taste of what she can do to her.


El Talismán #90 Tue 6/5/12 The Return of Rita and Rennie and Who Shivs a Git about the Rest?

Recap by Rosemary la Otra

Camila has her ear to Lu's door.  She hears Antonio say that in order to bring Lu back from the dead, they'll say she lost her memory.  “Like Mariana?” Lu asks.  Antonio gets up to leave so Camila faces the plants and faceplants.

The door is ajar so Camila sneaks a peek startling Lu.  Oops, Camila faceplants again just before Lu gets to the door to look out.  She is met by Valentin with the food.  She blames him for spying on her.  He denies it, but she is convinced someone was out there.

Camila runs away through the peacock field, showing another advantage tall women have:   they don't have to wear spiked heels as their daily casual walk-around-an-hacienda footwear.   Mumbling her disbelief that Lu is alive, she is dizzy, praying for help and trying desperately to get back before Belt realizes she's gone.  She runs into Valentin who asks if she's been out to the empty cabanas.  She pleads ignorance (so basically Camila being Camila) saying no, she was only out for a short walk.  He tells her to be careful, lots of dangerous animals (Has there been a death by peacock attack yet in any of the telenovelas?)

Pedro is filling Manuel in on Santiago's activities with Mariana.  Manuel says he is not ordinarily a vengeful person, but now...  Pedro explains how the Negrete's have gotten away with so many crimes because nobody dares cross them.  Manuel combs his fingers through his hair channeling his not-so-handsome-brother-of-Juan-Soler-look and says “Well, that's over!”.  Super Pedro sides with Mighty Manuel while Reasonable Maria encourages them to not take risks. They talk about having a funeral.

Doris is recommending Pig stay calm, don't worry about Antonio.  “How can I not worry about him when I know he is trying to trip me up?”  “Don't worry.  Antonio is busy trying to get back Camila.”  She presses TB+50 for an explanation as to what he was doing last night.  He says “I told you, I was at the Fres-Ho House”.  She says she doesn't believe him.

In walks Pancho with a genuine Kool-Aid pitcher and Pig's Bigger/Faster/Stronger meds.  Pig says he needs them so he can give Antonio a fight.

Antonio gets a call from Dr. Doh-mo that Pig should be completely paralyzed in less than 2 weeks.  Good!  Since WE won't be here in 2 weeks, and want to see this!

Antonio goes storming into Camila's empty room with Doris on his heels taunting him with “Ah, she abandoned you?”

You know that tingling you get when you sit with your legs crossed too long?  Well, Pig has it big time. Pancho reminds him the doc said to expect this side effect. “Give it a few days and you'll feel like a champion.” Pig oinks “I hope so because I'd rather die than be left paralyzed.”  LOL

Flor's baaaaack and pulls up in her car just as the primos pull up in theirs.  They say they came to visit Camila.  Flor is sweet with them and says “Make yourselves at home”.  As if, in that place. They follow her in.

Domitila dressed like a lemon is sour to Tracy dressed like a lime.  “Don't be mean.  Tell me what's going on.  Is Camila okay?”  Just then Belt barges in with a “Where's my wife?”.  They say last they saw, she was in her room.  Here comes Camila in the nick of time. He gets mad and she retorts that she is his wife, not his prisoner.  Oh ya?  He says she needs to ask permission before leaving her room.  He grabs her and is pulling her along when Armando, Angel and Flor hear the daily obligatory “Suelteme”. Army is concerned and tries to defend his sister. A heated exchange between the youngens and Belt occurs. Camila talks everyone down saying she's fine.  Belt tells them to all mind their business and, when alone with Camila, commends her for “behaving”.  She says she only did it so he wouldn't hurt her brother.  He said “I'm glad you know I can hurt all the ones you love, especially your baby.”

Have you ever wondered whatever happened to those One-Hour Fotomats?  Well, they do One-Hour Funerals now.  There is Padre conducting a service.  Santiago's got the trembling mouth thing down. This is sad.

Elvira sighting!  She walks in unannounced to Maria's office.  Maria is at the funeral so just her assistant is there.
        Elv – Is she with Dr. Manuel?
        Asst. - I'm sorry, I can't give you that information.  You may leave a message.
        Elv – Let me ask you something.  Mi hermana y Manuel....are they happy?
        Asst. - perplexed
        Elv – (in a huff) Ah, you don't have to answer me. 

The funeral is over and the aforementioned happy couple are standing about talking about getting married sooner than later.  Reasonable Maria says “okay, but let's wait for this to go away”.  (Grief?  The coffin?)  Also, she needs to tell Elvira.

Santiago is telling Pedro that he saw Camila.  He says they are trying to find out if Lu is alive.  Pedro doesn't want them to get involved. He asks Santiago to promise he won't go to Alcatraz anymore.  Santiago honestly says he cannot make that promise as Camila is expecting his help.  Ahhhhhh.

The pig is feeling a bit better and saying he doesn't have time to lie around.  But let's hope he has time to talk to Captain Bomber Jacket (does this count as one of UA's men in uniform?) who just showed up to question him.  He tells him of Mariana's death and that he has proof  Pig was the last to see her alive (does Luminol work on grease splatters too?). Pig says the one you need to question is Pedro.  He gets rid of the women who love him.  Look what he did to my daughter.  First solve my daughter's murder, then we'll talk about Mariana.

Out comes Belt after berating Camila and asks what's going on.  The captain said he came about Mariana.  Belt's loose lips say “we don't know anything about how she died”.  Captain says “I just now told your father she'd died.  How did you know?”   Antonio quickly covers his arse with a reply of overhearing workers gossiping and we're done here.  The captain leaves with the threat of a subpoena.

Valentin goes running back to Lu saying he didn't see anybody but Camila on the grounds, and she was up closer to the house. Why is he so loyal to this kook even after she popped him over the head with that Festivus Pole, or rainstick, or  whatever it was?

Elvira is sitting in a chair contemplating why Manuel couldn't be happy with her, like he is with Maria. The doorbell rings.  It's RENNIE!!!  Elvira gets overly dramatic and he tells her to calm down.  He just wants the divorce.  (Please please please get back together!  Look into each others eyes and see the promise (if not the dollar signs) of what you saw before.)(Think how enjoyable these last 2 weeks would be if we had a Renvira coupling.)

And now, as an added bonus, here's RITA!!!  She's wearing a cute swimming suit cover as a dress and opening the door to Dr. Doh-mo. They have an interesting proposal to discuss.  It involves getting money from Elvira!!!  LOL  LOL

Rennie is offering Elvira his apartment in exchange for a divorce.  He says he's tired of Fresno (ain't we all?).  All she'd have to do is pay the rest of his mortgage for one year, and she'd own that apartment. Elvira balks at this.
      Ren – Okay, well even if we don't get divorced you cease to exist to me.
      Elv – Oh , so you can run around with other women?
      Ren – No, so I can marry Rita.    (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA)
      Elv – Con tu sobrina? 
      Ren – No, she is not my niece.  She is the woman I love.

Elvira struggles for breath, then goes ballistic.  “YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS!” 

Back with Rita, she's asking Dr. Doh “Oh btw, did that handsome Antonio ever hire you for your medical services?  And does that include killing people?”  “Yes and yes”, says Dr. Doh, “but in Pig's case, he is a bad guy so I am doing the world a favor by speeding up his death.”  LOL!  

Back at El Tal, Pedro is talking to Margarito when a 20 watt energy saver light bulb turns on.  “I bet Antonio blackmailed Camila into marrying him.”  Duh!!!!!!!!  He thinks he'll go talk to Elvira.  Sigh.

Los Dos Hogs (not to be confused with Dos Hogares) are in Hog I's study.  Hog II is telling Papa Hog to calm down and don't worry about the police.  It's not like Papa had anything to do with Mariana's death.  Hog I says “Callate, Pancho, you don't know anything.” Pancho's all “huh?”.  Hog I says “Listen, Pancho, would you want to know if I had something to do with her death?”  Pancho scurries away with church music blasting in his head.

Lime Tracy comes to visit Camila, who gives her una carta for Santiago, but don't ask any questions. Tracy delivers it as promised.  It reads:  “It's true, Lucrecia is in the cabins at the end of Alcatraz.  Please tell Pedro.”

On the way back, Tracy sees Shattered Pancho who only wants a hug.

Santiago runs to tell Pedro that Lu is alive.  Pedro shows up at the cabana just as Lu is freaking out about being caged up.  Pedro says “The dead one is not dead.  She's more alive than ever.”

Recap by Rosemary la Otra          Posted by Blue Lass

Lu is happy to see Pedro.  Pedro sets up a meeting with Belt and Camila and introduces his new novia, Lu.


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