Friday, June 08, 2012

Abismo de pasión #63 6/7/12: Bewitched, bothered and bewildered (or The Patio of Lowered Expectations is becoming crowded)

Props to Marta for her lyrics inspiration and Novela Maven for opening up the Patio behind the Cantina.

Old beans:
The Hate Serenade, squeeee!!! I love it. 

I got tired of pleading.
I got tired of telling her that without her I would die of sorrow.
She wouldn’t listen, if her lips opened it was only to tell me “I no longer longer love you.”

I felt my life was lost in a deep, dark abyss, just like my luck.
I wanted to forget, Jalisco style, but the mariachis and tequila just made me cry.

Elmer Fudd gwabs his wifle and appwoaches Dam. He is accompanied by his own feminine serenade of “Dios Mios”. 

“Elisa Castañon, you are the worst thing that ever happened in my life!” Say what you will about Dam Stupid, he can deliver a message in Dam Fine style.

New Beans:
Lolita begs Dam not to say anything he will regret. Too late mamacita. Dam keeps bellowing until Assgusto fires a shot at the moon. Assg points his gun at Dam and calls him borracho, as if everyone deals with their problems Assgusto-style. Dam denies having a drop and tells Assgusto he doesn’t need to shoot him, Elisa has already killed him. “You hear that Elisa? You killed me!”  

Kenia runs out and convinces Dam to leave. Assgusto’s not happy with her departure and Carmina is not happy to see him being not happy, hee hee. And kudos to those mariachis for keeping their cool while under gunfire. Those guys are heroes.

Useless leering Vicente finds Sabrina in the Pro Ce offices. The little slimeball introduces himself, Sabrina notes he’s the kid of a servant, and he brags he is GABINO MENDOZA’S Asistente Personal. Sabrina pretends to be waiting for her bro, but is really hoping to run into Paolo. Chente says Paolo is frequently absent, a subject that he and Gabino have been discussing muy seriamente. He asks Sabrina out, he earns more than his dad and can treat. She flatly refuses, he’s just a kid (escuincle). Ouch, smack down. Gabino, who has been spying, is highly amused and advises Useless not to take that vieja seriously. Chente can get whatever he wants if he puts his mind to it. In fact, Chente reminds him of himself. Ah, young rapey snake in the making.

Over at Hacienda Harangue-O Tonia is still kvetching about Chente working for GABINO MENDOZA.  Fina advises Tonia to forget about the promise she made. This job is good for Chente’s future and doesn’t Tonia have more important things to worry about? 

The mood at Casa Castigo is no happier. In fact Carmeany is in a high dudgeon, castigating Assgusto for playing with his guns again. Didn’t he learn from almost killing Damian? “That was an accident,” he anemically explains. (LOL, what a doofus.) Carmeany says he could spend the rest of his days in jail.  

Oh man, now things get a little weird. Assgusto starts rubbing all over Agent Orange, suggesting his going to jail would be convenient for her. She denies it and he, glasses cattywampus, says not according to GABINO MENDOZA. El Ass admits he has never been happy with her.

Speaking of Paolo, ooh la la he is sulking, shirtless. Tonia interrupts his grumps to tell him that same chica is on the phone for him. Run hunkalicious, run! But it’s not sweet nothings Carmeany has in mind. “You’re an imbecile for telling GABINO MENDOZA about us!” She reams him a new one and vows he will regret blabbing.

Paolo yells Carmina’s name just in time for Big Brother to hear; he wants to know who Carmina is. Paolo goes back to sulking so Guido asks Tonia. The only Carmina in town is married to Augusto Castañon, the father of Elisa.

Speaking of whom, Elisa’s got the water works turned on full blast. Tonight we have tears and high-volume wailing. “Perdoname mi amor!!!! WAAAAAAHH!” FF>>

Horacio is parked outside 527-B Baker Street (Kenia’s casita) and watches Assgusto ride by and note that the Arango truck is present.

Inside, Kenia tries to calm Damian. She knows exactly how he feels and she was surprised that Elisa ended things with him. Dam’s got his own water works going, how could Elisa exchange him for his best bud? Kenia says she really thought Elisa was in love with Dam. Isn’t he going to fight for his love? He says she’s not worth it and he’ll jump start his heart somewhere else. Kenia reassures him that he can count on her. Ruh Roh.

Fina happily informs Flor that she thinks Elisa and Dam are terminado for good and she hopes Flor makes the most of this. Fina also reveals that she offered Guido a job at the Pro Ce and is trying to get him to stay in La Ermita. Wouldn’t that make Flor happy? At this point Flor, rolling her eyes, pretty much concedes to the master and reluctantly agrees to help with Fina’s plans. Fina is miffed to discover Guido has gone out and Flor doesn’t know where he went. 

Carmina is also miffed but strangely lovey-dovey with Assgusto when he finally gets home from his evening ramble. He repels her because she is, well, repellent, and ambles off to the shower.

Lolita announces that someone wants to see Carmina. Not surprisingly, it is Guido, Paolo’s big brother. He’s come to find out the nature of her relationship with Paolo. She feigns ignorance but suggests they take it outside. “Why can’t we just talk in here?” he asks, way too sensibly I might add. She bugs her eyes at him and tells him it's outside or nuthin’. 

I give Carmeany credit for at least being truthful to Guido and admitting she doesn’t want her husband to hear them. Guido asks if she is afraid of her husband. She’s not afraid of hubby, she just wants to avoid conflict. (Snort!! Avoid conflict, that’s a good one. I felt I really had to include that sentence because we needed a laugh.) She instantly goes back into mentira mode and says Paolo has become a nuisance to her niece. Guido is way too much like a normal person to be in this telenovela. He calmly asks if Paolo is after Elisa then why is Carmina making phone calls to him? Carmina says Paolo wasn’t content with harassing Elisa, now he is bothering Carmina too. Unfortunately, given Paolo’s past history Guido is inclined to believe her. 

Moving Target Maru, dressed up and made up, visits Lucio to deliver those papers he asked about. He goes into Aw Shucks mode and tries to laugh off what Gabino said earlier, about her having the hots for him. Maru tells him it wasn’t nonsense, she has been in love with Lucio for many years. She tells him he doesn’t need to say anything and she’s not trying to embarrass him. She knows how much Blanca meant to him. (That’s it, I just opened up the I Love Maru table on the Patio of Lowered Expectations. I’ve loved this actress ever since she was a Madam in Alborada.) 

Assgusto is lurking indoors and ambushes Carmeany as she re-enters the house. “Where were you?” She answers, he doesn’t believe her. While she was outside spinning more web lies he was getting cleaned up. He has his own sneaky business to take care of and he leaves Carmina desperately looking around for someone or something to trash.

Aha! She spies Lolita carrying a tray to Elisa’s room. Be careful opening the door Lolita, you might get washed away in the flood. 

Luckily she safely enters and the expected conversation ensues. “I love Damian more than my own life, boo hoo.”  Lolita wonders what did Elisa expect after making Dam believe she loves Gael? And what is she going to do now about Gael? Elisa admits she was very unjust and egotistical for involving Gael in all this. “Yes, mi niña, unfortunately I completely agree with you.” (That’s it, I just opened up the I Love Lolita table out on the patio. Novela Maven, is it getting too crowded out here?) Lolita scolds Elisa some more and suggests that Elisa find Paloma and explain all the details to her.

Damian is hanging out at the stables, head in hands, when Braulio strolls by and wonders what’s up. Problems with Elisa? Dam says all his problems with her are over. They discuss the contract and Dam says he wants to show mom that he is a man who keeps his word. He promised Elisa he would help her with her tierras and he wants to keep that promise. 

Fina (and her fabulous figure) interrupts and wants to know what they were talking about. He’s only too willing and angrily admits they were talking about the contract that HE signed with Elisa. Fina is so not on board with doing favors for “those people”. Dam says then do it for him. He doesn’t want Gael and Elisa to think he broke the contract out of vengeance. He and Elisa are over, she is with Gael now. 

Any guesses where Assgusto went? Sho’ ‘nuff he went right back to 527-B Baker Street. He asks Kenia what was Dam doing at her place? She is tickled that he lies about “just passing by” and noticing Dam’s truck. He finally admits he’s jealous. He tells her he adores her, she fascinates and bewitches him, and urk, he lays a big old real kiss on her. Ack, I had to shut my eyes, tell me when it’s over! Oh wait, you guys don’t have to because Pop! goes the Sleazel! Bwahahaha! I love this. “Am I interrupting anything?” demands the Tangel-Ho. 

Assgusto goes on the offense, “¿Qué haces aquí?” Carmina thinks he has his nerve, what is HE doing there making out with a girl young enough to be his daughter? They have their usual conflict non-avoidance and Kenia even pops in to remind Carmina about Paolo. Their relationship is more than a stolen kiss, Paolo is in love with Carmina. Carmina hisses that Kenia just wants to create (create, hah!) conflict between Car and Assgusto. Assgusto yells at them to stop. He apologizes to Kenia, says it was a mistake and it won’t happen again. 

Guido gets home where Flor is waiting up for him. She urges him not to accept Fina’s offer to liquidate his business and work at the Pro Ce. He would be a mere employee of Fina’s and she manipulates everyone. She wants to get back together with Dam and then all of them move back to the DF. Guido tells her he’s sick of her pretending to be concerned about others when she really only thinks about herself. OK, tantrum over, he’ll think about what she’s said. Whew! I’m glad to see Flor is still her devious old self. I was afraid she had finally buckled to Fina.

Speaking of conflict avoidance (we were, weren’t we?), they dispensed with that over at Casa Castigo and are in full-contact Conflict Perseverance mode. Shouting, shoving, “All those years I was totally unsatisfied at your side and I never once was unfaithful.” That lie came out of Carmeany’s mouth by the way. Assgusto says Gabino and Elisa think otherwise. She rips on him for going after a mere child; if she hadn’t interrupted they would have ended up in bed. She claims he cheated on Stef (with her) and now he’s cheating on her. Just another pleasant evening at Casa Castigo.

Guido storms into Pathetic Paolo’s room wanting to know why he’s been pouting in his room all day. Guido says he just spoke to Carmina, not only was Paolo bothering Elisa but now he is bothering Carmina, which doesn’t surprise him one bit. Paolo jumps up and flexes his manly pecs in indignation. Lies! True about Elisa but not Carmina. Paolo thought they were having a real relationship! Guido warns Paolo to shape up or else. (Dang, Paolo looks like he’s already in excellent shape. Just sayin’, but I digress.) Paolo pushes it, and what if he doesn’t, er, shape up? Guido says he will personally press charges against Paolo for knocking up a minor (Kenia) and for attempting to rape Elisa. To wit, Paolo will go to jail. Oh, and I just pulled another table out onto the Patio, this time for the I Love Guido group. 

Carmina stares at herself in the mirror as if she’s seeing Ugly Orange for the first time. She snots and snorts into her hands and smears it all over her face as she recalls Assgusto macking on Kenia. She babbles something, I couldn’t tell you what it is, but she knows she’s toast of the most over-toasted variety. 

Assgusto visits his pal Edmundo Tovar, he couldn’t stay in his house and didn’t know where else to go. He says he is having big problems with Carmina. He’s not certain but he thinks she’s cheating on him. Urp, doc asks who the other guy might be. Assgusto says who is not important, what counts is that he thinks it’s true. He says he hasn’t been the best husband and in fact he’s got the hots for another woman, her eyes, her voice, blah blah blah. But he’s got to stop this relationship because the girl could be his daughter. Edmund says they all make mistakes (thinking’ about boning’ Orangina). He suggests Assgusto try a separation from Carmina while he sorts things out, and maybe at the same time he can start reassessing his relationship with his daughter.

Down at the herbal hut Paloma tells Ramona she’s sad because Elisa and Dam broke up. Ramona says that no matter how many obstacles present themselves, Elisa and Dam were destined to be together and it's no use fighting destiny. (DESTINY! DESTINY! NO ESCAPING THAT FOR ME! ) Paloma hopes Gran can say the same thing about Paloma and Gael. Nope, Ramona says that’s different because Gael’s heart isn’t feeling it and Paloma should just accept it.

Assgusto gets home, goes into Elisa’s room and finds the pic of Stef and Blanca. He tells Elisa to hide it before he burns it. She says he has no right, the pic belongs to her. He retorts that Stef had no right to cheat on him, yet she did. (Huh?) Dad starts to leave but then turns around and says he wants to thank her for what she did for him. Elisa gives dad a big hug and he recoils. Ugh. Dude, I just figured out who the victim of my Hate Serenade is going to be. Now I just have to choose a song. I wonder if I could get mariachis to translate Radiohead’s “Creep” into Spanish? 

Dedicated to Assgusto, as sung from his perspective:
But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doing here?
I don't belong here.

Next morning Gabino treats us with his lovely nekkidness from the waist up, sigh. IrritatIng announces she wants to find her son. Gab warns her about showing her face in el pueblo. She shrieks irritatingly (of course) that she’s tired of being cooped up and she’s decided it’s time to tell Gael who his father is. No, no no no, Gabino doesn’t agree, if Gael finds out he’ll take it out on them. Ingrid says Gael isn’t like that, he’s not ambitious like Some People. Ingrid thinks if Gael knows his dad’s identity then he can work to get what is due him. She’s made up her mind.

Dam visits the clinic and Paloma happily greets him. She’s impressed at how quickly he is improving. He thanks her for her friendship and she assures him she cares for him a lot. She says someone told her that he and Elisa are over but she didn’t believe it. He confirms it and she wonders why. “You don’t know?”  asks Dam. Nope, she hasn’t seen Elisa yet. Dam tells her that she has been betrayed too. “Your friend has a new boyfriend, Gael.” Paloma can’t believe it. Dam couldn’t believe it either...until he saw them kissing very passionately. 

Darn, I didn’t get the slap tonight. And no Abismo on Friday. We are denied!

Previews for Monday: Paloma slaps Elisa. Assgusto asks Carmina for a separation.


Thursday, June 07, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #19-20 Thu 6/7/12 Note To Gala: Ever Heard of Karma, Jus' Sayin'


We start off today, where we left off yesterday with the cotton candy pink dress and the five inch heels left in Luci's room so she can go with Pato to the Torreslanda Company Anniversary party. She is very happy with these things and thanks the Virgincita for them. She thinks maybe Conny got these for her. She is extremely grateful.

Back in Het Het, Lorenzo is going to Mexico City to see Luci. Paz and Magda are sorry to see him go there, but happy he will be carrying letters from them for both their girls. He assures them he will be fine, in the big bad City and not to worry so much. (Look dude, Mom's worry that's just what they do, jus' sayin'). Meanwhile down the road, Copio (ole Don Aquile's little henchman) is packing the Don's truck up. Seems the Don has the brilliant idea of following Lorenzo to Mexico City to find his little dove. Don Aquiles is trying to hurry up the process and Copio tells him to be calm, everything is in order. Don Aquiles leaves, and I'm pretty sure Copio is laughing in relief. (Note to Don Aquiles: Hope you get a big ole flat dude).

Lorenzo can't get out of that door fast enought. The women are clinging to him, telling him to be careful, he has to keep assuring them, he will be fine. He gives both of them a hug and Paz tells him she will miss him very much and he tells her he will be back soon.

Mati has come to Luci's room and Luci is still wondering who could have given her this beautiful dress and shoes. Mati knows but won't say. Hanna comes to Luci's room and tells her, it was her that got the dress and shoes for Luci. Luci thanks her so much. Hanna tells her Pato wants her to be beautiful for this party. Hanna is running late and she's gotta go.

The guys, Rod and Pato, are talking and says Dad Max is nervous about this party. Pato wants to know if Rod will dance with Luci. Rod doesn't know. Pato says he has a big surprise for him.

Of course, Julie and Gala have got to get primped at the salon. Julie wants some brunch, and she assures Gala she will be the queen at this ball, uh, I mean this party. Julie wants to know if Luci is coming to this event. Evidentially Gala didn't get the chisme, cause she says if she were a nurse she could see it but Luci is just a, wait for it, SERVANT. (Note to Gala: Ever heard of karma??? Jus' Sayin').

Luci is about to bring a tray to Pato, when Rod says Good Morning to her and starts sayin' Luci you got some 'splain' to do, not really, but he does ask her who that guy was that was with her. He saw them. She says it was her lawyer and what about it? He is acting very jealous. She goes. Luci goes to Pato's room and Hanna is there. Pato asks her how she liked the surprise. She loved them, and of course unbeknownst to them, who is listening at the door? Of course its the chisme queen Frigid. She hears it all and the small hamster wheel in her brain is turning.

Violetta is coaxing, Ophelia?, to eat and Estella is glad she is doing it. Ophelia is missing her mama. Violetta, the cute bartender ( I think his name is Paolo), Estella and Ophelia are at the park. Violetta and Paolo take Ophelia off to the swings I think and Estella thinks about how much she misses her daughter.

Rosa, Hanna, Melissa and Conny look like they are having a sale for charity. There are all kinds of things here, Hanna is looking at a beautiful blue dress, evening gown type, that is hanging on a hanger, someone donated. Rosa tells her to put it back.

Meanwhile, Rod, Oscar, and Max are at a golf tournment on that beautiful golf course.

Gala and her mama Julie have moved on to massages now (What is it with these people, anyway, you need a massage to attend a party, REALLY). Anyways, the phone rings and it's Gala's of course, and guess who is on the other end, Rod???, Prince William, no of course it is , wait for it, the chisme queen who can't wait to tattle on Luci, about how she is coming to this party. Gala tells Frigid to find a way to stop her from going. Frigid is pleased.

Lorenzo is on the bus, and Don A's truck is still following. The bus is about to pull in the station, and Don A is still following, when the cops stop Don A. They tell him he cannot, absolutely cannot use this bus lane, buses only. Well Don A, who thinks he is all that, argues with the cop. The cop tells him if he continues on they will impound his truck. In the process he loses sight of Lorenzo. The bus is stopped now and the passengers are getting off and Lorenzo is looking around, when Aldo calls him and asks him if he wants to help him out, he'll even pay him. So Lorenzo ends up getting a dolly and carts his bag and Aldo's boxes and they go.

Conny, Rosa, Hanna, and Melissa go get their hair done at the salon Vicky works at. They are done, go home and start getting ready. Hanna and Melissa are together, when Tia Conny comes and gives Hannah that dress she way eyeing at the bazaar. Hanna is over the moon.

Rod is thinking about Luci and that lawyer chap. He is sooo jealous. Pato is ready and goes in the car with Rosa, who, I'm sorry looks like she has a stick up her butt, jus' sayin'.

Melissa and Hanna have come to have a look at Luci and love the way she looks. She does look so beautiful in that dress. Mati comes in and tells her she looks so beautiful. They all have smiles on their faces. Meanwhile, ole chisme queen Frigid is in the hall, doing some indoor gardening, not really, but she is digging wet dirt out of the potted plants and putting it in a bucket..

The party has started at the Torrelsanda business.

Mati is helping Luci get ready. Frigid comes by to see how much longer it is going to take for her to get ready. Mati reminds her not to be late. Mati leaves and as soon as she does, Frigid takes that wet dirt bucket, sets it right in the pathway of Luci's door, goes to the end of the hall and turns off the lights. Luci, meanwhile, is still in her room and prays to the Virgincita, that she would like to have a good time, and for Gala to leave her alone. Well it seems in this instance the Virgincita couldn't intercede for Luci, cause she walks out the door, trips on the bucket, the hallway is really dark,and falls straight into that yukky dark mud, ruining her dress, she starts to cry. She goes back into her room, shoes in hand and looks at the ruined dress and she is filthy from that mud, from head to foot. She is really crying now. Frigid is watching in the hall and is so full of glee. (Note to Frigid: Hope they get wise to your little games soon). Frigid goes and is in the kitchen with Mati. Mati tells the driver that Luci will be down soon. Mati goes up to Luci's room to see what is taking so long. Frigid follows. Mati goes into to Luci's room and can't beleive what she sees, she asks Luci if she is ok. Frigid stands in the doorway with her frozen face of glee and says oh so sorry so sad you can't go to this party and says goodnight and she will send the driver away. Luci stays in the room and cries to the Virgincita, this must not have been meant to be. Luci cries over the ruin of that beautiful dress.

Jeronimo wants Vicky to go to the Torrelanda's party with him. She isn't too happy, but will go with him. He says he has worked for the Torreslanda's a long time and is expected to be there.

Aldo and Lorenzo finally make it to this party, but the staff tells him he has to park elsewhere, and Aldo gets out and looks for a dolly for those boxes. He tells Lorenzo to wait in the truck. Aldo comes back and moves the truck again. Aldo tells Lorenzo , that Aldo has to go to somewhere else, so Lorenzo goes with. It is the Torreslanda house. Lorenzo is impressed that Aldo lives there. Aldo admits its his Tio and Tia's house and he tells him about Pato's accident.

Conny, Melissa and Hanna all come to the party together and Hanna has dropped her little scarf for her dress. Lorenzo sees this and gets her attention so he can give it back to her. The girls meet up with Jule and Gala and Rosa. Hanna is looking for Luci, she can't beleive she isn't there yet.

Frigid and Mati are in the kitchen, and Mati wants to know what Frigid was doing in the servants quarters. Frigid tells her she was looking for Luci. You can tell Mati is not buying what she is selling. Frigid leaves and Hanna calls the house and wants to know where Luci is. Mati explains what happened to the dress. Gala is standing near Hanna when she hears and Gala can't contain her glee either.

Mati comes to Luci's room brings her another dress to wear. It looks like the dress that Hanna liked so much, or one similar. Mati is like the fairy godmother, she helps Luci get ready. Luci is finally ready and looks even better than she did the first time. She is all ready to go, but before she does, Mati has a look around to make sure Frigid isn't lurking around to wreck more havoc on Luci.

In the middle of this party, Oscar, Max, Rod, Pato, and Gabriel and Marco (thanks jlk) are meeting. There was a business deal that Rod, Pato, Gabriel and Marco wanted to do with the Canadians, but Max and Oscar nix the deal. They say now isn't the time. The boys are not down with that.

Back at the party, Pato makes a grand entrance in his new chair and the whole company applauds. There is lots of press there and they are taking tons of pictures. Pato asks after Luci and Hanna assures him he will be in for a surprise. There is a toast. Aldo back at the Torreslanda's has changed his clothes and they are back to the party.

Gala and Rod are together and she wants to know how she looks. He tells her she is beautiful (Just wait there Gala, that karma is comin'). Now there is a film about the company Torreslanda with really heavy beat music. Max is up on stage and introduces Rosa as his wife. Announces it is the 20th anniversary of the company. About this time, as Max is about to say something else, here comes Luci, who is very very beautiful. Rod is agape, he can't close his mouth, and Hanna, Melissa and Pato love how she looks. They are very happy. Everyone is staring and Rosa is way pithed off, that the speech was interrupted, so Oscar, bless him, starts clapping to break the tension. Everyone joins in, including Max, and Hanna, Melissa and friends start chanting Luci, Luci, Gala is coming unhinged she is ROYALLY pithed by this time. Julie isn't happy either. Gala can't understand why that SERVANT should DARE be at this party. Rod tells Gala to be discrete and stop yelling. Oscar, the gentleman that he is, escorts Luci to Pato. Pato is very happy to see Luci. Conny tells Oscar, Luci is very beautiful and he agrees. Max thanks everyone from podium, where Rosa looks like she swallowed ten lemons. Everyone claps for Pato.

Lorenzo meanwhile is still out in Aldo's truck .He is feeling chilly and wraps himself up in a blanket and goes to sleep. Lorenzo wakes up from his little nappy poo and gets out of the truck and stretches. He starts walking around and comes into the kitchen of the party. Lorenzo makes it out to the ballroom, sees Luci dancing with Rod , about this time Aldo comes in too and he is carrying a tray, I guess it was doing waiter duty during this party.

Gala is still very pithed off that Luci actually came to this party. Everyone is trying to make her calm, but she is sooo mad, there looks like there is smoke coming out of her ears and she is growing horns on her head, jus' sayin'. She is sooo jealous.

Jeronimo comes and introduces his daughter Vicky to Max and Rosa. They are flabbergasted that Vicky is Jeronimo's daughter. Rosa remarks it's a small world cause she already knows Vicky. Max tells Jeronimo he has a lovely daughter, ya think?? After they go, Max warns Rosa he doesn't want Vicky at the house again.

Gala and Julie are off to the side and Gala has figured out that Hanna was the one to ensure that Luci made it to this party. Julie is trying to calm her down. Gala says that girl is only a SERVANT. Julie tells her to lighten up, put a smile on that face, cause she's in public, doncha know. She wants the press to gets lots of pics of Gala, but of course Gala is still being bitchy. Now Gala is starting to really lose it, cause Pato calls over to Rod and says look at Luci, so beautiful and Rod agrees. He tells Rod he is so happy she is there. Well, Gala has had enough and is really, really being a biotch, in public of all places. She is about to confront Luci, when she bumps into a waiter, and she bumps his tray of drinks and gets them all over her, (Gotta say here Yay!!!!!! I was so waiting for that). Anyway the poor waiter gets an earful from her, how he is an esptupido, and an idiota and she is screaming at him like a loon. Everyone looks at her and thinks of her bad manners in public. The waiter tries to apologize but she is soo not having that, oh no, she would rather humiliate the poor waiter in public. So Max steps up and has the band play to drown out her screeching and tells Rod to dance. In all this mess, Gala runs off to the bathroom with mama Julie and her friends having a hissy fit.

Well, since Don Aquiles has lost sight of Lorenzo, he decides to stay at a hotel. When the desk clerk tells him how much a room is, Don A is just flabbergasted, appalled, struck dumb by how much a room is. He pays it, but complains the whole time. Then on top of that, he wants his change back, LOL. No tips for you buddy. Then of all things he inquires after a valet, LOL again. The desk clerk tells him there are NO valets at this hotel. Don A mutters he should have brought Copio with him. He has to carry his own bag, who wouldna thunk!

So of course Rod goes right up to Luci and extends his hand, and she waits the longest time, but finally lets him lead her to the dance floor. Everyone is clapping and they have a very romantic dance. So Romantic in fact, that you would think they were the engaged couple and not Rod and Ms Snotnose Gala. This dance was so lovely, it reminded me of old movies from the 30's and 40's where the main romantic couple were dancing, but I digress. Rosa of course is looking at them and it looks like she has swallowed twenty lemons by now. She is watching them closely and can't seem to look away. Rod keep telling her how beautiful she is and she explains how Mati and Hanna helped her. Rod and Luci look like they are made for each other. Everyone is looking at them dance. Pato says he never saw a woman as beautiful as Lucy, and Rosa, Max want to know where Gala went, Hanna kind of giggles and says oh the bathroom lol.

In the bathroom, Gala is witching everyone out. Its all THEIR fault, not mine I didn't do anything blah blah. There are other ladies in the bathroom that tell her just clean it and it will be ok, the dress that is. Julie chases them off. Her friend Valentina tries to talk to her, but Gala calls her stupid, all her friends are stupid and one of them tells her, guess who Rod is dancing with???? Gala comes unhinged. She sees Rod and Luci dancing and she wants to go yank Rod away from Luci. Max grabs her arm and tells her to sit down and callate, not really callate, but he should have. The dance ends and everyone claps. Lorenzo is wandering around at this point and sees Luci and calls to her. She is looking around. Well here comes security and they want to throw Lorenzo out. Hanna and Aldo try to stop them. Aldo tells security Lorenzo came with him but security still throws Lorenzo out. Luci follows Lorenzo out and so does Julie,. she wants to see what all the ruckus is about. Luci finds Lorenzo and attempts to give him a great big hug. He is really mad. He says oh, you look like the hoi poli you do, Here we are in Het Het, struggling and look at you! She tries to get him to understand what she has on isn't hers and that she is only a maid for the Torreslandas. He tells Luci he came to Mexico City cause their Mama was worried and little Ariche the nino was worried too. Julie overhears and sees everything. Lorenzo is still not beleiving she is a servant, no matter how hard she tries to explain. Then he asks after Violetta, the nurse. She tells him that Violetta is so NOT a nurse, but works at a club called Inferno. She writes directions for Violetta's place of work and her home. She also tells Lorenzo that Violetta is a good girl and only works there for the money. Lorenzo finally asks Luci to forgive him and she does and gives him a playful slap on cheek and hugs him. She asks Lorenzo how he got there. He says Aldo brought him. Here comes Aldo with a tray of leftovers from the party and tells Lorenzo that this is for him, for helping him out. Luci goes back to the party. Aldo wants to know how Lorenzo knows Luci? He tells him she's my sis, man. Aldo and Lorenzo leave.

Well Gala is back in that bathroom, getting changed into a new dress and she is really roaringly pithed about everything. She continues to call her friends stupid. She is also mad at Frigid for not preventing Luci from coming to this party. Everyone is stupid to Gala. (Listen Gala, tape is too good for you on that mouth, jus' sayin'). Gala is now all primped and ready and happy that Luci is gone from the party or so she thinks. Gala comes out of that bathroom finally and goes to where Rosa is. She wants to know where her Hot Bod Rod went to. Rosa says he went looking for Hanna.

Rosa wants to find Hanna she can't find her. Security came to Max and Rosa and told them about the party crasher, Lorenzo of course and that Hanna tried to intervene. Rosa also wants to know where Luci went. Hot Rod says he will go look for Hanna. Luci comes back to the party and Hot Rod gets her alone and wants to know where the necklace he gave her is. She gives him some type of lame excuse and she says you are marrying soon. He takes her hand, and tells her he loved dancing with her. Luci tells him it was like a dream. He tells Luci she is very beautiful and he leans in as if to kiss her. She is breaking away,when Hot Rod asks her why she is so mysterious, why all the secrets, she is an enigma, by gum. He gently touches her cheek and is leaning ever closer to her face and finally we have touchdown. They proceed to kiss, and it one deep soulful kiss.

Of course Gala is looking for HER Hot Bod Rod, when guess who saves her from finding Hot Rod and Luci kissing??? That's right, mama Julie from her spying mission. She tells Gala all about something incredible she has to tell her. Meantime, Hot Rod and Luci are still kissing. Anyway, Julie tells Gala that she saw Luci with her lover Lorenzo and that Luci has a child, say what???? (Note to Julie: Get a hearing test, so not right). Gala is sooo happy to hear this. She can't wait to tell Hot Bod Rod. Meanwhile, Hot Rod and Luci are STILL KISSING!!!! Finally Luci breaks away and goes. After Luci leaves, here comes Gala and of course ask, Que Haces Aqui??? Rod tells her he is alone and she wants to dance with him. So they go back to the party. Gala kisses Rod and hints about Luci's "family". Hot Rod doesn't get it.

Luci has gone to Pato and she asks him if he needs anything. Max and Rosa are there too and want to know if Pato is ok. He wants to go home and get some rest. Rosa agrees with him and thanks him for coming to the party. Hanna finally makes it back and Max and Rosa wants to know where she's been. Hanna does a loud whistle for Melissa and Rosa is so mad. Pato and Luci are ready to go, and as they are, Gala and Rod come up and Gala does the hinting about Luci's "family" again. Hot Rod is looking funny at Gala again.

Luci is finally home in her room and she thanks the Virgincita for such a wonderful night, and tells the Virgincita, she knows it was wrong to kiss Hot Bod Rod, but she can't help her feelings. She asks the Virgincita to ayudi mi.

Rod and Gala are in Rod's room and Gala wants to stay, but Rod says he is bringing her home. She tells him there is a problem about the guy that crashed the party. He is, wait for it, the lover of Luci. Hot Rod is very upset.


After Lorenzo leaves mama Paz and mama Magda worry for their children in the big bad city and decide to pray. They are sure all the kids will be fine. They are worried cause noone has called to say Lorenzo made it there safely.

Violetta at Inferno working and she asks the bartender where ole Lastra is. Paolo thinks they may get a new owner, but speak of the devil, here he is with his bad toupee (thanks Vivi) and Violetta is very polite to him and leaves. Paolo asks him what is happening now, and Lastra tells him if it is the last thing he does, Luciana will pay!

That gentleman Oscar loves to dance and he is getting Conny to dance with him all the time. He cuts quite a rug. Sigh!

Rosa runs a bingo type cage and the winning numbers get to dance with Hanna and Melissa.


Hot Rod is begging Luci not to leave, to stay for Pato. She is in her native clothing again.


El Talismán #92 Thu 6/7/12 Avocados & Abogados

Recap by Blue Lass

The Only Restaurant in Fresno:

We open on Pedro and Camila making Kissy-Kissy with a capital K in the middle of the restaurant. Between smooches, Pedro tries to get some info out of Camila, but she’s still making poor life decisions and won’t tell him anything. Meanwhile, Tony and Lu are over by the restrooms arguing about what happens next. If Pedro denounces me, Tony points out, I’ll go to jail and Camila will run right back to him – is that what you want? Lucrazy wants to know how she’s supposed to stop him, and Tony says – wait for it  – “I dunno, pretend you’re crazy or something.” Well, at least he didn’t ask her to pretend she was sane – that would have been hard.

Lu promises to think of something to distract him, but when they return to the table the Kissy-Kissy is still going on. Tony demands to know what’s going on, and Pedro just looks at Camila and utters a weighted, “I have made a mistake.” He grabs Lu and scarpers, leaving Tony in the rather awkward position of having to tell his wife that this is the last time, I mean it, the last time I want to see you kissing other men in public. Pathetic.

Apartamento María:

Elvira is still musing over Renato’s “offer.” I WANT and I NEED my own apartment, she says to herself. And that settles it, at least in her mind. When María walks in, her sister greets her marmot-style: “How much money you got?” María wisely declines this little investment opportunity. Elvira starts to build up steam.

María says that if Elvira doesn’t like living there with her, she needn’t worry; she’s going to be moving in with Manuel. Oh, and they’re getting married. OUT COME THE INCISORS. “You’re too old to get married! Do you want a man who slept with your sister? I will never allow you to be happy!” (Jeez, what happened to that nice promise to God? Do we need to give Armando a tumor now?) María stays admirably calm through the whole thing. That woman deserves a medal.

El Tal:

Pedro hauls Lucrazy into the house and tells everyone she’s alive and she’s his novia and whatever. Margarito is beyond confused and it sounds someone’s squeezing a peacock in the sala. Pedro gives Margo some over-the-top rolling-eye action and thought-bubbles to himself that Lu’s his ticket into El ‘Traz. Margo tells him he hopes he knows what he’s doing.

Lu certainly knows what she’s doing: getting naked in Pedro’s bed. Pedro tries to avoid the inevitable, but he can’t stop thinking that the only way to get to Camila is through Lucrezia. He pastes on a somewhat crazed wolf-leer and starts taking off his clothes…

Mercifully, we cut to commercial, and when we come back he’s lacing back up and looking grim. Lu tells him not to worry, it happens to all men sometimes. She still lurrrrrrves him and the important thing is that they’re together. He waits til she falls asleep and then sneaks out of the torture chamber. When she wakes up and finds him gone, she just starts babbling to herself about how she’s the Reina del Talismán and she has to get knocked up as soon as possible. (She does know there’s a crucial middle step, right? I’m never quite sure with her.)

The Only Under-18 Hot Spot in Fresno:

Angel is plying Flor with fro-yo, and it’s going well. He even gets her to make kissy-kissy with a small k. Doris walks in and demands to be introduced to her daughter’s “friend.” There’s some shuffling and blushing and Angel finally admits he’s Camila’s cousin. Surprisingly, Doris acknowledges that we are none of us responsible for the deeds of our relatives. Angel eagerly agrees but adds that Camila is a good egg – it’s Elvira they have to watch out for. Truer words were never spoken.

El ‘Traz:

The Pig wakes up from a terrible dream of Antonio spinning him around in a wheelchair and howling, “Are we having fun yet?” (Really? All that violence and depravity and that was the scariest thing he could think of?) Doris is there to calm him down. I have to get Antonio to largarse de mi rancho, he tells her – first thing tomorrow. She sweetly suggests he remind Antonio to take Camila with him when he leaves. Oh, and call me a lawyer, he says – I need to write a will. Doris looks pretty happy, for Doris.

There’s a knock on the door, and Doris goes to answer it – and comes back screaming. Lucrezia is back from the dead, with Pedro right behind her! The Pig is really, really, really, really, really pithed. I cried for you, he tells her – I cried for you! Clearly being caught crying is much worse than having a dead daughter. So, Pedro says, you’re dropping the charges, right? Well, DUH.

Around Town:

-        Manual mopes around the apartment looking at photo albums and getting all weepy-britches over Mariana.
-        Pancho refuses to rat out papa, while Tracy points out in an interesting bit of possible foreshadowing that she wouldn’t be surprised if the Pig found a way to pin Mariana’s murder on him.
-        Antonio tells Tracy and Alberta (who seems to have gotten into Doris’s makeup kit) that he and Camila are expecting. He refers to the baby as “Antonio Joon-Yair” and everybody looks nauseous.


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

El Talismán #91 Wed 6/6/12 Pedro Has Avacadoes and a Logical Brain!



You see, mon ami, the voices of the little grey cells have begun to sing to Poirot. M. Hercule Poirot

We start off today, where we left off yesterday, with Pedro visiting the cabanas at Altrash, and guess who he finds?? Anyone, that's right Ms Crazy pacing and thinking, with the little brain she has left, and Pedro says so the dead are not so dead! She starts in with the "it isn't my fault", I love you so much, and finally it was all The Prince of Darkness' fault! Pedro is so pithed, there is smoke coming out of his ears. Pedro tells her you're sick and she keeps blaming The Prince of Darkness. Pedro is so pithed at her he is yelling in a threatening manner and she is cringing. Pedro accuses Ms Carzy and The Prince of Darkness of planning this all along so he would go to jail. She swears she never wanted Pedro in jail, but you know the Prince of Darkness he would do anything. Pedro threatens to go to the police. She is begging and pleading with him not to go to the cops and she stops him. Ms Crazy finally says go ahead tell the popos, but if The Prince of Darkness finds out you know I'm alive he will kill me. Pedro is insisting that Ms Crazy and the Prince of Darkness planned this setup a long time ago. Ms Crazy tells Pedro he doesn't know how evil The Prince of Darkness really is. He says he is still goin to the cops, tomorrow, she is beggin and pleading with him, no, no. She wants to know why is he gonna tell on her, why, why,? He is still yelling at her. The Prince of Darkness will kill me. He is going to El Tal and I think he wants her to come with him. She is crying her eyes out. He suddenly changes tactics (See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above but instead of the gray cells singing to Poirot they are singing to Pedro), and apologizes to Ms Crazy and she comes and puts her head on his shoulder.

The Prince of Darkness and Cami are alone in the living room area of Altrash and he is telling her how much he loves her and that he loves that they are alone. (Note to Cameela: Grab the nearest vase, conk him on the head, and just run far away jus' sayin'). She tells him she can't stand him and doesn't love him. The Prince of Darkness wants her to understand how important it is for her to to know he loves her truly, and it isn't a fantasy to him. (Oh, Beltbuckle please, she hates your guts, look at her face, already). Cameela tells the Prince of Darkness he doesn't love her, and by the way, she can't stand him and would never stoop to love him. Well, the Prince of Darkness tells her I WILL be your husband for the rest of my days. (Hey Prince of Darkness ya testing fate here, or what???). Doris interrupts this little tete a tete and says oh, is this a lover's quarrel? She has a pleased, come hither look on her face as she gazes at him. Cameela looks aside and smiles too. Cameela says she is going to HER room, Doris is like, oh ya mean MY ROOM donch ya? Tonio tells Doris to LARGATE, MI RANCHO. Doris just looks at him and says oh, contraire, Piggorio wants me here. Doris is giving The Prince of Darkness her sexiest come hither look and he looks at her and tells her the only Duena of Altrash is Cameela, although Cameela says she doesn't want to be that. Doris tells Cameela remember that bed is mine. Doris goes, and The Prince of Darkness tells Cameela not to worry about Doris. Cameela says she is glad Doris is here. The Prince of Darkness says he doesn't like Doris bothering her. You are the Only Duena here. Cameela doesn't care.

Hawt Investigator and El Capitan are at the precinct talking about how El Capitan's jaunt went at Altrash. El Capitan tells him the Pig refused to answer any questions and the day after tomorrow he should have that supoena ready.

Piggorio and Valentin are having a little chat in the Pig's office. Valentin is worried the police will come back. Pig assures him he said nothing to El Capitan. Valentin is very nervous, he doesn't want to end up in the carcel. Pig tells him to be a man! Man up and stop worrying. (Note to Val: Just go see El Capitan and spill the frijoles, get a deal, jus' sayin'). Pig continues with the cops ain't got nothin', nothin' on me, well you get the gist. Now Valentin brings up Cameela, What if she talks? Pig says if she ever does, it would be very BAD for her. (Note to Pig: That anvil is comin' jus' sayin'). The Pig tells Valentin to be prepared for questioning by the popos. (Note to Pig: What are ya going to do; hypnotize Val: I will not talk, I will not be a rat, jus' sayin'). He tells him to relax. Valentin says the popops make him nervous, he says if he doesn't get ahold of himself, he will end up in jail. Then all of a sudden the Pig's muscles seize up. He tells Valentin to call the doctor.

Manuel and Maria are over at his place, just having come back from the funeral of Mariana, and he wants JUSTICE for his Mariana. He is sick of waiting for the police, to maybe, coulda, woulda, shoulda do something! Maria is telling him to give the police time to investigate and don't go jumping to doing something estupido (My words not hers). Maria wants him to go talk to El Capitan. She has loved Manuel all these years, and doesn't want anything to happen to him. Manuel wants to marry Maria sooner rather than later. She agrees, she can't wait. Maria leaves. Manuel is talking to himself and says sorry Maria going to the Pig Sty to see the Head Pig.

Padre, Sarita, Gabe, and Santiago are eating in the dining room of El Tal when Padre notices Pedro isn't there. He asks all around the table and noone has a clue where he went. Padre, being Padre, is looking for the guilty face that cannot tell a lie, of course it is , wait for it, Sarita, nah, its Santiago. Padre has been trying to get Pedro on the phone and he isn't answering. Santiago finally explains to Padre that he went to Altrash earlier in the day and told Cameela that Pedro needed her help to see if Lulu was alive over there. Padre is so not happy. Santiago tells him about the note Cameela sent thru Tracey about Lulu being in the cabana over there at Altrash and then Pedro must have gone over there. Padre is still not happy, he is so agitated he can't dial Pedro's cell number, so Santiago does it for him. Padre finally talks to Pedro.

Rennie, Rita, and "Doc" Jaime are having a little meeting in Rennie's apartmento. They will have some good business dealings with the Prince of Darkness, cause the Pig will die soon. (So this is chantaje time, I take it). Just about this time Valentin is calling "Doc" Jaime. Rennie tells the "doc" why don't you answer, it could be important. Nah, I can't be on call 24/7.

About this time, Pig who is leaning on Valentin comes into the living room and the Prince of Darkness asks oh, so sweetly, oh Daddio are you sick, you don't look so well, as he is giving him a smarmy grin. The Pig says so how does it feel to force Cameela to marry your sorry ass, not really, but you get the gist. Oh, Cameela is with me, cause she lurrrvves me foreva. Pig laughs and says, Hey I may be sick, but stuck on stupid I'm not. She hates your friggin' guts. So all of a sudden the Prince of Darkness gets a phone call from, wait for it, that's right the devil, nah, its from the newly minted brain, Pedro! He wants a meet with him. The Prince of Darkness is like no, way, yes way from Pedro. As a matter of fact Pedro, of the newly minted brain, wants to have dinner with the Prince of Darkness and the little Misses so he can introduce them to his new amiga, in fact his new novia. Ms Crazy is standing right by Pedro's elbow and is in 7th heaven. They agree to meet in the Only Restaurant in Fresno. After Pedro hangs up the phone, he tells Ms Crazy of course I am your novio, I just know you are a victim of your Papa Pig and your brother Prince of Darkness, and besides Cameela married your brother the Prince of Darkness.

"Doc" Jaime has left and Rita and Rennie are talking about his divorce from the Virus. Since California is a community property state, (in real life it is), she wants him to go after the Virus' part, LOL. She wants to make sure he divorces her. He tells her of course Mi Amor.

Pig is finally in his bedroom and "Doc" Jaime has come to see about the situation. He keeps telling the Pig this is a normal side effect of these new pills. The Pig tells him he hates being in his bed, he wants out of it, to be normal (yeah, wishful thinking), well "Doc" Jaime finally says if you want a second opinion you can get one. Pig says he should have felt way better by now. "Doc" Jaime is about to leave, when the Pig tells him to wait. He will give these pills a couple more days. And I beleive he asks "Doc" Jaime if he knows about Mariana? The "doc" looks like he wants to hurl. "Doc" leaves and Valentin and the Pig are together. Valentin tells the Pig that he has worked for him for many years and never seen him like this. The Pig tells Valentin he wants Doris, and Valentin tells him she isn't there, she went somewhere with Flor.

Panchito is looking all kinds of bummed out and Tracy comes in the room and wants to know what's wrong. What is he thinking? He says he has a lot to think about. He tells her he is glad she is with him. She is trying to wrangle it out of him, but he ain't talkin'. She keeps trying, and finally he says he knows a secret of his Papa Pig. So, Tracy says oh, you mean that he killed Mariana? Well little Panchito is aghast, befuddled, unhinged, he can't beleive she knows! You know he killed Mariana? Yah, Yah, don't ever breathe a word to anyone, capiche??? Tracy tells him he ought to go to the cops. Little Panchito is so scared of Papa Pig, he won't go cause he just couldn't stick it to the Pig.

Army and the Virus are at Maria's place. The Virus tells him about the deal with Rennie to get his apartmento. Army is flabbergasted, wowwed, blown away by how stupid his mother is, jus' sayin. He doesn't want her to take the deal. And now the most illogical thing of all she tells him, oh Cameela will help me! (Listen Virus, what planet are you from???? I don't think you are from planet Earth at all. I thought Capitan Kirk and Mr Spock destroyed your planet of Estupidos a long time ago). The Virus says she wants her MIA APARTMENTO and she wants Army to live with her. He looks at her like she just grew red horns and tells her no, and I mean no with a capital N. He wants to live with his Tia Maria and Angel. Well now the Virus says oh, that Maria is such a liar, say what???? Army calls her on it and says it is so NOT true, and besides why are you against your own sister. You are illogical Mama (he actually said that) to go with what Rennie is sayin' (Note to Army: You still haven't lost your avacadoes, good for you. Go and tell Pedro how to keep them).

We are now in the Only Restaurant in Fresno. Cameela and the Prince of Beltbuckles are about to enter said Restaurant. The Beltbuckle reminds her he is protecting her baby and she better behave. Then he tells her to take his hand, like she means it. She rolls her eyes and away they go into the dining area. Pedro is sitting in a chair at the table, very non-chalant and with a smirk on his face. He tells The Beltbuckle and Cameela he invited them to dine cause he has a new novia he wanted them to meet, and in walks, wait for it, Ms. Universe, nah, it's Ms Crazy! Cameela stares and there is hate radiating from the eyes of the Beltbuckle. So the Beltbuckle, he of the illogical brain, says Your ALIVE, its a miracle, I tell you a miracle, not really but he did says she was alive. Well, Pedro, he of the now LOGICAL brain, says oh, Lulu told me everything, and I mean everything. You could go to the carcel. Of course, the Beltbuckle says watch you talkin' bout, Pedro??? I know nothink, nothink I tell you. Pedro looks right at Cameela and asks her how she is? She has a sudden thought of the Beltbuckle beating her. She says she is fine. Pedro looks at Lulu and tells her they can be together now. So now starts the game of one upmanship between Beltbuckle and Pedro. Cameela says she is sooo happy with the Beltbuckle, and Lulu says she is so in lurrvvee with Pedro. Cami is looking at the ceiling, looking like she is in a galaxy far, far away. Now she looks down and the Beltbuckle gives her a kiss, right in front of Pedro and calls her Chula. Lulu says in her wildest dreams she never imagined Pedro could love her so! (Oh, please, what planet is she from??? Probably the same as the Virus, Estupida, I guess Kirk and Spock missed her too). The Beltbuckle has draped himself all over Cameela and says he can't wait to have hijos with Cameela. She is looking very uncomfortable. He kisses Cami again and she looks like she wants to hurl. Pedro is smiling.

Doris has gone to Brigette's. (Look on bottom of recap for where Flor went). She needs Brigette's help. She tells Brigette about how weak and sick the Pig has become and frankly she is worried that the Beltbuckle will get everything and she will be left with nothing. She really thinks she ought to marry the Pig. She tells Brigette it is horrible at Altrash right now with the Beltbuckle in charge. She also tells Brigette that the Pig killed Mariana. Brigette wants to know who Mariana is? Doris reminds her that Mariana was Pedro's 1st wife. Brigette is like no way. Her? Then Doris tells her that Cameela hates the Beltbuckle. She tells Brigette she has to find a way to stop the Pig from going to jail, cause then the Beltbuckle will have Altrash. She is determined to marry the Pig, before he gets any worse.

Pedro, Cameela, the Beltbuckle and Ms Crazy are still attending this farce of a dinner. Lulu is going on about how handsome Pedro, with the newly minted brain and avacadoes, is and how good he has been to her. (Say what, all of a couple of hours I say). Pedro and Lulu are drinking champagne, and he's got his arm around her now, Cami is giving them the death ray and of course the Beltbuckle is drinking Mi Whiskey. Pedro is smiling and says oh, look at the four of us, sooo happy, well I got news for you. I am telling the cops that Lulu is alive and you Beltbuckle will be in jail. He looks at Cameela and says how is it going to feel with hubby in jail. Cameela is looking sick and Pedro tells her so sorry you and hubby will be seperated. The Belbuckle is getting huffy and says to Pedro that you have always been against me. Lulu says but we have to tell the cops that I am alive and not dead! The Beltbuckle calls Lulu crazy. (I really thought at this point he was going to say the same old, same old, what you talking about Pedro??? Like she is really dead, and that is a ghost sitting with you, jus' sayin'). At this point the Belbuckle takes Lulu off and that leaves Pedro and Cameela alone at the table.

The Beltbuckle takes Lulu by the restrooms and starts giving her hell. He tells her it will be HER fault if he goes to jail. He also tells her you are my accomplice and if I go to jail, so do you honey. She explains that she told noone she was alive, that Pedro actually just showed up out of the blue, doncha know. Lulu tells her Beltbuckle bro that she warned Pedro that Beltbuckle would kill her if he knew Lulu was alive and she also tells him that Pedro told her he never tried to kill her in that barn, he tried to save her. She tells the Beltbuckle that now Pedro is her novio and she is very , so very happy.

Meanwhile back at the table, Pedro is looking at Cameela with such longing in his eyes, and asks her if she is ok. She says she is. He wants to know if she was forced to marry the Beltbuckle. She tells him she really can't talk about it. She wants Pedro to leave her in peace. He is begging her with longing eyes to tell him, just tell him already. Pedro also tells her, he can't stand Ms Crazy but is only doing this to help himself out. Cameela still won't talk. She says she is sooo happy with the Beltbuckle. Pedro says he knows she is not. Pedro's cell phone rings and it is the Padre. Padre wants to make sure he isn't at Altrash. Pedro says he isn't over there. He tells Padre to calm down he isn't at Altrash but with Cameela somewhere else. He tells him not to worry. Pedro hangs up and looks at Cameela. In the best scene of today's epi, Pedro tells Cameela he can't help her if she refuses to tell him anything, so he reaches for Cameela and kisses her right there in that restaurant in front of Dios and everybody!!!!!! See M. Hercule Poirot's quote above.


Flor and Angel are talking somewhere and Angel says you are my friend and I want to go somewhere with you. I think he wants her to be his novia, but she isn't ready for that. She also can't go anywhere cause she is waiting for her Mama Doris. He says fine, we'll be friends and we'll go somewhere another day. They smile at each other.


The Pig is rolling on the floor and is unable to walk, and he accuses the Beltbuckle of trying to kill him.

Valentin brings the Pig a wheelchair and as soon as the Pig sees it, he proceeds to scream like a girl!


Abismo de pasión #62 6/6/12: LOVE STINKS!! sorry but can't come up with a better way to reflect frustration.

Recap by Marta Ivett

II repeats her story to Loopy, that Alfie’s threats are true and started long ago… and that she accepted money from Alfie in exchange for leaving La Ermita… she is repentant but she is now back to try to get close to her son… why tell me all this now?... I want you to know that I want to get my son back. Need to ask you a favor, don’t tell anyone you saw me, cannot let Alfie find out I am here in La Ermita, she might fulfill her threat… she leaves padre very pensive…
Elisa and Carmeana argue… and Augusto arrives, not in mood to hear more arguments… Carmeana questions Elisa in front of Augie if Paolo was forcing the kiss on her. Yeah he was…  Carmeana tells Augie she was defending Elisa from the loser Paolo… Augie not really buying what she is selling… what interest could I have in a loser like Paolo?… Don’t know. You tell me! The problem is not only Elisa and Kenya know about this, your deals with Paolo are public knowledge…
Lo Nuevo:
Heard it from a friend who… heard it from a friend who… heard it from another you’ve been messing around…
Continuing with scene at Castanon foyer… whoever it was that told you, they lied… pleeezzz! I know I have not been the ideal husband. I am even willing to set you free to do with your life as you please… but I love you. loved you all my life, it is so unfair that you doubt me, and yes you have not been a good husband, and I have suffered through it all. Don’t you think I could have left you long ago?  … Carmeana leaves in a huff and Elisa tells Augie she is sorry she might have caused this hard moment... wait, Elisa! need to talk to you about something else.
Ramona senses Bad vibes all over II…
II walks through town, Ramona sees her with a very suspicious face… Ramona goes to see Padre Loopy… Who is that woman who just left the church?... Ingrid Navarro… then she is Gael’s mom?... how do you know that?... he came by last night asking If I knew her… why … cause he wanted to see if I knew who is his dad. And now that I see her, I know she has been hanging with Gabino M. That woman is not to be trusted… who knows. That woman Ingrid says she was forced to do unimaginable things.
Don’t tell me you love me! Don’t tell me, I don’t wanna know!!... (THERE!! that’s what WE ALL SAY!!)
Elisa and Augie argue about her deal with Alfie… he says she can’t do away with what she got from her mother. I thank you for what you did. But my position on the dam situation has not changed. … I still can’t understand what is your motive behind your animosity(or flat out death-curse?) with Dam. but you are capable of even hurting him again…. You go ahead and think what you want.
Don’t think you are ALL THAT… btw, what’s your beef with my sisteh?…
Augie goes to visit Gael. Gives him a happy thank you hug for what Gael did to keep his fields going… Glad you came back to work with me. Missed you while you were gone. … I did not come back to work for you, I  was only lending a hand while you were not around…. Why didn’t you tell me Kenya and you were siblings? … I did not know. You seem very interested in what happens with Kenya. … why don’t you stay until the end of the harvest and help me sell my lands?... why??... because I need to help Elisa repay the debt she has signed with Alfie… what debt?... you did not know what Elisa agreed with Alfie?... no, but now you can tell me about it!
Where do broken hearts go?... can they find their way home?
Gab calls Carmeana… tells her Paolo has the blues because she left him… but don’t worry I understand Paolo is no pot of gold catch like Rosendo… (Carmeana has to hang up because Elisa comes over).
Later Elisa catches Carmeana in kitchen… don’t know if your story is true, but I do know your life with my father has not been easy. Maybe you should consider his offer… I know you want me to leave this house, but you won’t get it so easy. The one that will leave will not be me, but you.
And Alfie wanted to keep the secret?... too many folks on the pro-ElisaDam team…
Lucio goes to Arango hacienda… came to see Damian… he called for me to come over. Alfie is not happy but Dam comes over to confirm he wanted to talk to Lucio… Lucio wastes no time and tells Dam the works at Elisa’s hacienda stopped by orders of your mother.  Alfie can’t deny it. Of course you don’t think I would continue supporting her project. Those lands are almost mine, anyway. (woopsie, Alfie! A little slip of the tongue?) Dam catches that and is interested in the story. Alfie is honest telling Dam since Elisa won’t be able to repay the loan, those lands will be mine. And you won’t be able to do anything about it. The owner of the procesadora is me, and until I die you won’t be able to outrank me.
Don’t try running from your destiny…
Gael is arguing with Elisa about same thing… not only she signed off her lands, Gael digs out of Elisa that she also promised she would leave Damian. Gael is doubtful she will be able to if she still loves Dam. Elisa says will have to, even against herself. Gael says Dam will find out and will not allow it. Elisa says Gael or Lolita are the only ones that know about the ‘giving up Dam’ part of the deal. So if Dam finds out she will know it was them.
If it comes back to you its yours…
At hacienda, Flo is looking for Dam in his room and asks Tonita where Dam is, Flo is not happy to know Dam went to see Elisa. Tonita smiles as Flo leaves mad. Flo runs right to Alfie’s room to tattle at her. Alfie already knows Dam would go right to Elisa.  Alfie tells Flo take a chill pill. If Dam went to see Elisa, then the situation between them will be settled for good, and you can start planning your wedding again.
Dam arrives at Castanon manor, Lolita happy to see him…  Elisa is with Gael… ok will say hi to him too.
Come back after lunch, will ya?...
Horacio also arrives, Lolita says not a good time… pushes him right  back out…
(guess this new arrival slightly delayed Lolita from letting Elisa and Gael know Dam was here)
Ok the most ridiculous scene … in more ways than one…
Dam walks right into Elisa and Gael sitting at the kitchen table… I was dying to see you my love… (she is frozen, he notices)… D: what is wrong? Are you not glad to see me?... E: its not that, I was not expecting to see you here. ..G: I will go now… E: Don’t go!... D:besides wanting to see you I wanted to say I found out about the works stopped at your lands, but don’t worry I will take care of that… E: you don’t have to worry about it, we decided to not have any more deals with Arango procesadora… D: We?... (Elisa by now is standing by Gael, holds Gael’s hand and makes Dam believe Gael and her are an item now).. Elisa tells Dam while Gael was away she realized she missed Gael much more than she thought she would … Gael is very silent and stares at Dam, but is not quite all sold on the whole idea… Dam is in disbelief… Elisa has to kiss Gael for Dam to buy it. Dam very impactado.
After commercial…
Back to the awkward scene in kitchen, part II… Dam is mad, crying, throws crutches… D: why do you do this to me, Elisa? why?? … G: I can explain… D to G: shut up!!... D to E: you told me you would marry me!! You were going to marry me!!... E: I never loved you. you were more an obsession. Good thing I realized in time… D: I am sorry to find out my mother was right about you all along…(OUCH!!!). G: Be careful what you say because I won’t let you insult her again!… D: my friend Gael! My soul friend! You don’t know how much I curse the fact that you saved my life!... (Dam leaves broken)… G: you were very hard with him, you did not have to treat him like that… E: I know, but I had to make Dam get disillusioned of me. I am sorry… (she is too upset and leaves)asf  G: come back chamaca! what do you mean I am sorry?...
The Que pasa in La Ermita headline of the week:
GG is at her daughter’s job, along with II, they are gossiping about what Elisa did to the Arango’s… Don Augusto stopped the wedding by shooting his shotgun at Dam at the wedding… Gael saved his life, donating his blood… the girl who was going to marry Dam, Flo, came back to care for him… Sabrina says she feels sorry for Gael the most, its no secret he has always had the hots for Elisa…
Awkward!... poor Maru…
At Procesadora, Lucio and Maru greet each other… Lucio came to ask a favor, a copy of the contract Elisa signed with the procesadora.  This could cause you trouble.. Maru is not worried about that, but Gabino arrives just in time… puts Maru on the spot telling Lucio Maru has always had the hots for him.
Lucio yells at Gabino to shut his mouth or I will!... Lucio ignores what he just heard and asks Maru not to worry. Maru is very embarrassed and excuses herself.
I kissed a Gerd and I liked it!...
Kenya is thinking of Augusto’s kiss… she is smiling, seems she is feeling things for him too. Door knock. It is II…. Were you expecting a ghost?... what did you come for?... did you think about what we talked about the other day?... there is nothing to think about… About Damian as a potential catch… Dam is in love with Elisa, there is nothing to look for there… if you don’t hurry, that little pest Flo will get him first.
You would do Gael a favor… don’t be hypocrite, all you want from Gael is his inheritance… all I expect is that you are not seeing that broke loser of Augusto..
I got your number… and it is coming up soon…
Gabino finds Ramona in his office… whats up brujita?… I came to talk to you. Many years ago I warned you that your day would come. And I came to tell you that your end is near. Ingrid is your undertaker. She will make you pay for everything you have done… no one can escape their destiny. And remember, you are damned/cursed.
The truth hurts… didn’t you know?
At Dr Tovar’s consultorio, GG arrives looking for DrT. He’s not there, she will wait. Paloma tries to tell GG a piece of her mind about not trusting her husband, one of the most honest men in town. GG doesn’t want to hear it but Pal still says her peace.
Starting over is a hard thing to do…
DrT comes out, Gg goes in to talk to him, why didn’t you come back home with the kids? … not sure I should come back. Maybe we should think about whether we do want to stay together, not really convinced you really want that. Ever since we split we have had nothing but trouble, at least now we are talking, that Is a good start. Try to understand the kids. I promise I will try.
Poor pitiful me… what’s love got to do with me?
Elisa tells Lolita she split with Dam. Dam will never forgive me for making him think I love Gael. He saw us kissing. Dam will never forgive me. Surely he now thinks like his mom, that I am the worst of women.
Kenya finds Dam in town benches… she wants to talk but he is not in mood… nothing you can do for me.
Kenya is not so convinced to stay out of it, from her facial expression.. or is she thinking her mom is right?
You wanted to play the invisible woman?...
Gabino returns to blue house.. have you talked to Ramona? The old witch that hit me on head!.. I have seen her a couple times. Why?. I ran into her on my way to church. I went to tell Loopy about Alfie’s threat, Gael would have told him he saw me anyway… Gabino is not happy with II’s ‘brilliant’ ideas. You stroll through the whole town and when Alfie finds out you are in La Ermita I will pay the broken dishes. … Then if it bothers you so much that I get around, go see what you can do.
Sorry, sis, can we talk later?
Kenya finds Gael at rectory… did you argue with Dam?. Let me guess, its about Elisa, right?... All I can tell you is that Dam and Elisa split and this time it is for good.. but I don’t feel like talking now. Can we do it later?... ok I will be back later and don’t forget you can count on me.
Friends worry about friends…
Lolita and Paloma worry about Elisa… Lolita tells Paloma Elisa split with Dam… Paloma worried. Lolita says not good time to talk to her. come back tomorrow… ok but tell her I came by. … sure.
Loopy.. you are now in the twilight zone…
Loopy visits Alfie… came to find out how is Dam… suppose well, he went out not sure where… good. I thank God that Gael came back just in time. Btw, I still find it strange that they both have same blood type. .. you can’t avoid it sis, you don’t like the fact that Gael saved your son. Why have you always hated him? Since they were kids… you are imagining things, Loopy… (Dam gets home but is not in mood to talk to either, goes on to his room, not in good mood)… who is this? This is not my Dam! He is acting real strange. You really don’t know where he went?... I am not sure, I think to see Elisa, why don’t you talk to him to see if he will tell you what is wrong?... Loopy runs to catch Dam but Dam gets flat angry at Loopy, surely you know about Elisa and Gael. OR didn’t you know they are in love? … what are you talking about?... they both told me. Elisa told me flat out that the one she loved was Gael. And to show me, she kissed him in front of me. … wait, we have to talk!... leave me alone, you better go give your blessing to Elisa and Gael!.. (Loopy totally clueless/confused at what he just heard)
Hey, can we do that again? But let me go talk to your daughter first.
Nighttime… Augie is pacing pretty wasted around his house… now switching to lemonade?... door bell rings.  (boy pretty horse sculpture on coffee table… a bit more lighted than usual).. its Kenya… I did not come to reprieve about today’s kiss… I promise it won’t happen again…  I won’t ask for apology for something I did not dislike… (gets close to his ear) the kiss I liked very much… Carmina comes to confront them… Kenya says she came to see Elisa, and is invited in by Augie right on Carmeana’s face.. Carmenana confronts Augie who says ‘you have no reason to reprieve after the kiss with Paolo.’
What love triangle games are you getting into now?
Gael remembers the kiss with Elisa and smiles… Loopy arrives very concerned about what he heard… what was that I heard from Dam?.. .yes it was true… and you tell me with that calm face?... I am not calm! I feel real bad. It is true, Dam saw me and Elisa kissing, but that does not mean she loves me… and what does all that mean then ?... I can’t tell you and don’t insist… I won’t insist but I have to say I don’t agree with that game!. Surely you are so glad that they split  and now … I am not that type who enjoys the suffering of others!.. That Elisa kissed me means nothing, because even if it breaks my heart to admit it, the only one Elisa loves and will  always love is Dam!!
LOVE STINKS!!... even when dressed up with a mariachi serenade…
Kenya talks to Elisa and seeing her cry, she realizes it is true that she split with Dam… Yes, and this time it is for good. My story with Dam Arango is over for good… (they hear a serenade) … It is Dam!! The song is ‘Ella’ by JAJ. Dam is confronted by Augie with the shotgun in hand, Carmeana and Lolita are very scared, Dam says don’t worry, what I came to do is very brief. Yells: Elisa C! you are the worst that has happened in my life!!
 Elisa very afraid of her dad facing Dam with shotgun… this time I will kill you! (some comes running out)


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