Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #65 6/12/12: King of the Toads

Episode 65 - King of the Toads
June 12, 2012

Date: Nine months earlier.
Location: Ciudad de Mexico

Deep in the bowels of the mysterious Televisa offices in D.F., a lonely and lowly scribe toils. He is not old, but his posture might make you think he is. He is hunched over an ancient desktop computer in a windowless basement room. The huge machine, running Microsoft Office 2004, lurches through yet another spell check. It’s running, running, running. His rheumy eyes roll heavenward as he spots the time—it’s 3:30 AM. He watches the little hourglass on the machine. It’s running, running, running.

The scriptwriter looks desperate as he falls to his knees beside the computer. “Virgencita, I swear, if you will keep this machine from crashing, I promise, I swear, I will stop using the ‘Elisa cries’ device.”

Tears fall down his face. He is ashamed. He knows he can do better. He cries, “But dear Lady Maria, What was I to do? They brought me a perfectly good script to refry, I admit it. I was so relieved! Our consumer research said the show was a popular favorite from the 90’s (we were able to find on-line comments from that bell-weather genius, Jarocha, from Veracruz, indicating that the original telenovela had been one of her favorites).

Then the MARKETING guys came down from the 19th floor. They said that updating the old script was all fine and good for us creative types but we needed to stretch the material by 20%—with no additional budget for extra writers to take up the slack! So, I spent a little more time on the La Anita business as product placement and if the camera lingered a little too long on the procesadora, the habaneros, the cenote, and the local scenery, well, I won’t apologize for that. Those things eat up screen time and we don’t have to pay them union scale.

“But then,” and the scriptwriter’s voice catches in a sob, then Carmina threw a crutch at my continuity person and now she’s out for a month, Gabino menaced one of the young writers and he filed a sexual harassment lawsuit (he wishes!!!) and my faithful co-writer up and got herself knocked up and is on MATERNITY leave? I’ll bet Caridad Bravo Adams never had to deal with this stuff back in the day! Who ever heard of such a thing?”

The Virgin, for her part, remains silent. “Madrecita, por favor, have pity on this weak man. I confess, here is how it came down. I was up on the set watching Angelique, and she had to redo a take three times. This is very unlike her, I must say, that woman is as ambitious as hell and a TOTAL professional, but CAN SHE CRY. She can cry while she’s telling a joke, cry while she’s pulling on her boots or cry while she’s having an in-between-scenes smoke.

I couldn’t help it, Santa Maria, the temptation was too great. My mind began to do the math. Let’s see, I have to write for 42 minutes of screen time, but if I add in an ‘Elisa crying scene’, say two-minutes, OK, three minutes, once, no twice a script. Whew, Mother Maria. I could just feel myself relax. Lady, that meant writing only 36 minutes of dialogue a day! After I added in a few more shots of Sergio lounging about shirtless and depressed (he’s always up for that), Alfonsina badmouthing Elisa (easy as pie—cut and paste) I was down to 30 minutes a day.

Holy Mother, I knew there were some risks. Those pesky fans on Caray Caray are always agitating for action and plot movement or romance.  Good grief. They also have a problem with stupidity and idiot heroines. I could tell them, if they would listen, Elisa isn’t stupid, she is just being written that way.

I know, Lady Mother that these last few weeks’ episodes will have pushed them too far. But if you will just let this computer not crash…I’ll try to clean up my act. I swear…”

The computer rumbles and whirls as if a baby bird is caught inside. The young writer’s rosary beads click at a furious pace as he continues to implore the Virgen of Guadalupe for her help.  Finally with a soft garumphh the computer screen changes, the small hourglass icon disappears, and a note pops up, indicating that the spell check is complete.

Immediately, the exhausted writer falls to his knees and sketches a quick sign of the cross, while placing his rosary back ‘round his neck and kissing the crucifix. Having said his thanks, he is already sending the script file to the printing room upstairs to be printed and bound.

He glances at the clock as he gathers up his things to go home. It’s 3:55 A.M. Perhaps he will remember his promises as he writes future episodes of Abismo de Pasion. Perhaps he won’t.

Today’s Recap
This Very Day In La Ermita, Yucatan

Don Augusto Castañon opens the door to ING who reintroduces herself as Ingrid Navarro, the mother of Gael—and Kenia. Augusto starts out with a bang, reminding her about of parenting skills, asking why, for example, she abandoned her child Gael with Lupe. But Ingrid fires back with the big guns—Kenia is a minor and he is much older than she is. If ‘Gusto doesn’t leave Kenia alone she will contact the authorities.

It’s a Bitch Being Under Age and Having a Bad Useless Mommy

Ingrid makes the quick trip to from Casa Castañon to Kenia’s. Right away she notices the beautifully set table, the flowers, she smells the cooking. Ingrid tells Kenia that she knows she is preparing for an evening with the Viejo Augusto.

Kenia complains bitterly to her horror of a mother for interfering in her life.  Sadly, here, for just this once, Ingrid has the right side of it. Ingrid, quite correctly says that Kenia is a minor and if Augusto continues bothering her daughter she will denounce him (to the police). Boy is that a mixed bag of ironies. Do they have an emancipated minor status in Mexico? Won’t Kenia be 18 sometime soon?

It’s a Headline! Gusto Catfood Wants To Separate From Carmina

Meanwhile, ‘Gusto Cat Food tells Carmina that they cannot keep fighting, so he has taken a decision. He wants to separate from Carmina. Yippee.

Here’s Augusto’s song. If you play an instrument, play along! If you sing, hum a few bars. All of us want to support Assgusto in THIS decision.

King of the Toads
Sung to the tune of Roger Miller’s ‘King of the Road’

Got me an orange wife for rent.
The garden’s big, you can pitch a tent.
Can’t make up your mind—Need some help?
Carmina’s got Five Stars on YELP!
It say’s right here, “Two hours of bouncing tan,
Made P. Landucci a happy man.”
Am I a bad man? By no means!
I’m the King of the Toads!

Child Elisa surely ain’t mine
All she does is weep and whine
The way that woman whinges
Is it any wonder if I cringes?
She’s always trying to hug on me,
Lookin’ for my sympathy,
Am I a good Papa? By no means!
I’m the King of the Toads!

Girlfriend Kenia’s hot for me.
Like I told Ingrid, “She’s WAY past puberty!”
“She’s 17 if she’s a day
Who cares about age anyway?”
Today I’ll tell her to back down
That’ll keep her from coming ‘round!
Am I a good amante? By no means!
I’m the King of the Toads!

Last week I shot Damian.
Firearms accident can really hurt a man,
Take him from a respected Don,
To an incarcerated Con.
Plus, if that shot’d gone wider and higher
Dam’d be the new soprano in ‘Lupe’s choir!
Am I a good shot? By no means!
I am the King of the Toads!

Girlfriend Kenia’s hot for me.
Like I told Ingrid, “She’s WAY past puberty!”
“She’s 17 if she’s a day!”
“Who cares about age anyway?”

I am the King of the Toads! I am the King of the Toads! I am the King of the Toads!

Elna June
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Masked Visitor with a paper bag on her foot hobbles her way over to the Augusto table…

Whew! OH MAN. Carlos por me a drink. This has got me waxing hopeful. I am giddy that he is leaving  the Tiny Brown Spider.

Now maybe he’ll have time to get to a Costco store and get his glasses fixed. That will make it easier for me to write recaps without having to consider the possible deeper meanings or themes implied in the broken/obscured vision trope suggested by the star shape in the ruined eyeglasses. (You people who find this meaningful can head over to the rickety table hosted by the Alan Ginsburg look-alike twin Profs from NYU and UCLA Film Schools. The drink of choice over there is a triple espresso with a straight up tequila chaser.

I’ll bet’Gusto can find AA meetings in the basment of ‘Lupe’s church. I know a whole table of really kind (and very funny) people who are ready to believe the best of him if he heads over to the Patio of Lowered Expectations.

The Boring Tovars

Edmundo and Begonia have lunch. They flirt a bit before she starts mindlessly discussing town happenings . He still has feelings for her but he gets mad when her incessant gossiping brings Carmina. Augusto, etc. to their table. He gets mad and walks out of the restaurant. Big yawn.

One Line Songs

·      Ramona tells Paloma that she does not own Gael. He is not her property. I LOVE RAMONA.

·      Ingrid strolls her annoying assets back into the Blue House of Shame. Gabino and Ingrid fuss and fight about telling Gael about his father. If they do that  then she won’t get another cent out of Alfonsina.  Gabino, thinking back, perhaps, to his ass-chewing by Alfonsina earlier, says she is not going to get another cent out of Alfie anyway, but Damian will put out. Not while Alfonsina is alive….

·      Alfonsina and Flo gossip about Paolo having it bad for Carmina  Bouvier. Meanwhile Carmina has dinner with Guido and asks for his help. She cries and mumbles something about her marriage being ruined by Paolo.

·      Alfonsina recruits Chente to be her personal spy. He is to report all meeting of Damian and Elisa.

·      Meanwhile anvils line up as Lolita reminds Horacio that she knows almost nothing about him. He looks impactada and then tells her he has never been married. Why? Because he takes marriage very seriously. Run, Lolita, run!

Gael Asks Elisa to Be a Friend but Elisa is Still Being Written as Stoopid

Gael asks Elisa to talk to Damian about everything that is happening.  Elisa continues stoopid. She she tells him that she prefers Damian to continue to believe that she and Gael have a relationship.

Whaat? Honest to Gawd, people.  This isn’t just stupid, Elisa, it is downright mean. But Gael, who is supposed to be the rube here,  gets upset and tells Elisa that is unwilling to continue with this farce. I love Gael. He tells her he needs to mature, too. He won’t play her game. After all he has done for her she just wants to use him. Ouchee. That must really hurt.

Paloma’s SQUEE is Heard All the Way to Petaluma

Gael seeks Lupe’s advice because Gael is hopping mad.  He has feelings for someone who doesn’t correspond. Padre assures him that this has happened before and that Gael should move on.

Right at this moment, Paloma comes to see Gael for a talk. Paloma is confused. Damian and Elisa have told her two different stories—Dam told her that Gael and Elisa were novios. Elisa said this was not true. Gael tells her that Elisa told the truth. Gael and Elisa are NOT novios.

Paloma starts to cry. She wanted to believe Elisa. She has always been her friend.

Then she starts babbling  Does the girl have NO pride? I guess not…Well, after seeing the People in Español photo of Mark  I would probably grovel too, if a) My spoken Spanish were better, b) I was 30 years younger, c) and 30 pounds lighter. “At least you are free,” Paloma natters. “I wish I could respond”, he says gently. “Why can’t you try to see me with other eyes?” Paloma asks Gael to be given an opportunity as a NOVIA. After some wrinkling of his handsome brow he says yes, they're going to try! She SQUEES and kisses him full of happiness .......

Kenia Comes Calling For…Elisa

When ‘Gusto told Elisa that nothing is going on with Kenia, naïve Elisa says that she knows this (more stoopid from the bad writers) as she pledges her misguided loyalty to Augusto with a Buenos Dias and leaves his office to the front bell ringing.

She opens the door to Kenia who wants to see…ummm..yeah…Elisa. Yeah, she is worried about Elisa. No, of course the rumours are exxagerated, there is nothing going on. Oh, the scandal that Carmina is making.

Elisa says Augusto is in his study and doesn’t not want to see anyone. Maybe he’ll see Kenia? No, Kenia thinks that is a bad idea. Later, she calls him on the phone. He does not think they should talk. She is a minor! (Well. ‘Gusto, she was a minor in age when you kissed her in front of the Mayor, his Horse and everybody on the street last week! What were you thinking then????) He is not looking for any more problems in his life. Yep, Ingrid has him spooked. Guess he did not think much of that carcel chow.

Augusto runs into Camina as she comes in late. She tries to explain where she has been, but ‘Gusto is not interested. Desamor for sure.

Paolo Is A Loser Except When He Looks In Mirror

Moments after Augusto has bid Carmeana goodnight and headed to his room,  Paolo, who has been following Carmina,  tries to push right past Carmina into her house. (LOCK the door behind you, Carmina.) She resists him, calls him stupid, berates him and shoves him right out the front door. When he is not being a rapey-snake what does Paolo do?

Bereft, Paolo goes down to the Cantina and makes friends with a good looking bottle of tequila. They become intimate as he finishes at least one bottle and sleeps prettily at a table in the bar. His head is turned to the side and not face down with slack arms in ‘Gusto Catfood’s favorite overnight position. No, we in Vierville do not feel sorry for him as the proprietor offers him a cafecito with his bill as morning sun streams in through the bar’s open shutters.

The Tovar Family Sup Together

Begonia gets all dressed up for dinner at home with the whole family but Edmundo is delayed. It almost doesn’t happen.  At dinner Begonia had to stop Sabrina from gossiping for Edmundo’s sake. Edmundo doesn’t stay for dessert. Meh.

Guido and Alfonisina Breakfast Together

They talk about Paolo’s problems with Carmina and Guido’s recent meeting with the Tiny Brown Recluse. Alfie wants to know why Guido did not trust her with this information before.

Guido is worried about Paolo. He is obsessed with this woman, Carmina. When their parents died, he tells Alfie, he felt responsible for Paolo, his little brother. If Paolo goes back to Mexico he, Guido, will go with him.

La Procesadora

Thirty second shot of peppers being processed in a machine. Really eats up the screen time. Damian and anf Flo walk in to the office. Damian has a visitor waiting. It is Elisa!

Elna June
June 12, 2012
Happy Birthday Margaret!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #25-26 Tue 6/12/12 He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother, But Rosa's Pride Weighs Heavier Than Her Guilt

I'm giving just bullet points tonight and I organized by themes.
Rosa’s Guilt Does Not Make Her a Better Person/Luci’s Origins Become Less Murky
-Rosa confesses to Padre Honesto that she gave away Claudio and Aurora’s daughter, without consulting Claudio, and now she can’t tell him the truth. Yet, she keeps whining about the guilt she feels. Padre gets majorly frustrated and ticked off at her and tells her she had no right to do what she did. If she won’t come clean to Claudio, well that’s just on her conscience.  He later tells her he can’t help her further and she best see a shrink.
-Rosa tells the Padre that she knows the baby was not Claudio’s, and that’s one reason why she can’t bring herself to tell him the whole truth about the child. She admits to the Padre that the only other people who know what she did with the baby are Connie and Mati.
-After finding Hannah, Melissa, and Luci in the library with Lorenzo, who’s using the phone to call his new boss at Inferno, Rosa blows her stack and majorly reams Luci out for letting her insignificant relatives into the house. Hannah and Melissa are absolutely shocked. The only other time Hannah has seen her mother act this way was the first day Luci came into the house. The two girls tell Pato what happened. He’s just as flabbergasted and perplexed by his mother’s behavior towards Luci.
-Luci wonders why the heck Rosa hates her so much.
-Rosa meets with Connie and asks for her help in finding the little girl. To do that, she needs to find the gardeners, Galdino and Paz!
-Back at Casa Torreslanda, Pato is asking Luci if she finished high school/secondary school. She just had one exam to go, but then her dad died and all this other bad stuff happened, so she didn’t get to take it. Pato offers to help her register for and take the exam. Then he asks her to tell him more about her mother and father. Mati has come into Pato's room with fresh towels. She drops the towels and nearly faints when she hears Luci say her parents are Paz and Galdino Jacinto Flores. Mati immediately knows that Luci is the daughter of Claudio and Aurora Linares!
-Luci helps Mati to her room, and Mati pumps Luci for more information about her parents and childhood. She seems especially concerned about whether Luci had a happy childhood. Luci only has good things to say about her parents. She tells Mati about her father's dying words/wish, for Luci to find Rosa Torres...

Everyone’s Talking About and Visiting El Inferno
-Aldo is keen to go see Lorenzo and hang out at El Inferno, which is one of the hot clubs at the moment. Hannah wants to go too, which causes Rosa to have a fit and yell at everyone. Max takes Aldo aside privately to warn him not to go to a place like that or to take Hannah there. I’m sure every Torreslanda and relative will have hung out at Inferno by the end of this tn.
-Lorenzo gets a job at Inferno.
-Don Aquiles shows up at El Inferno, totally by coincidence, and does not understand the concept of valet (he thinks the guy is saying ballet) parking.
-Lastra and Ivan can tell from a mile away that Aquiles is a hick from the sticks with lots of money. They want to relieve him of that money, so they serve him the best and most expensive mezcal, introduce him to the private salon in the back with the gambling, Lastra exchanges cards with him and invites him back whenever he is next in D.F. , and they get their best girl, Coral/Violeta to serve him. He doesn’t recognize Violeta, but appreciates her assets, but she recognizes him.
-Another regular customer is totally crushing on Violeta. He wants to walk her home, but she tells him Polo’s already got that job. She clarifies that Polo is not her boyfriend (poor guy) and she seems to like the customer too. She is not freaked out at all the next day when he just shows up at her apartment building. Stalker!
-Seeing how much she attracts customers, Lastra wants Violeta to start working in the private salon. Seems he’s thinking that she may be willing to offer more than drinks and snacks to the customers. She tells him her only *other* talent is singing. He agrees to try her out as a singer in the private salon.

Emperor Max of Empresas Torreslanda
-Although everyone else, including Pato, and especially Rod, want to invest in the new business venture, Max puts his foot down and refuses to agree. Rod is pissed and wonders why Max has no faith in him. He's sure he must have even trusted his first business partner more, who cheated him. Oscar wonders if perhaps that's why Max has such a hard time trusting others.
-Oscar reports back to Max on Linares, who's determined to clear his name. Oscar doesn't see the harm. Since he's guilty he won't be able to prove his innocence. He's guilty, right? Max assures Oscar of Claudio's guilt and he wants him to stay on the case. Oscar confides in Connie about his unease over this whole Linares matter.
-Looks like Max may have some competition for Vicky's heart in the form of that lazy, walking disaster, Aldo. Aldo drops by the beauty salon to score some money off of Connie, and takes the opportunity to flirt with Vicky. He makes her smile. 

Het Het
-Fabian tells Magda and Paz that Ariche is so depressed about Luci being gone that he’s even stopped putting an effort into his school work. Fabian brings him around to Magda’s so that she and Paz can love him up. He just wants to know if Luci is coming back.
-Magda and Paz call Lorenzo and tell him Don Aquiles is in the city looking for them. They all need to be alert and careful.
-Paz finally asks Magda why she seems to know so darned much about Don Aquiles. She admits that she was once involved with him, when she was young and foolish, but then she realized what kind of man he is.
-Don Aquiles gets a flat tire on his way back to Chihuahua. A perfect end to his unsuccessful trip to the big city.

Love Quadrangle 1: Lalu-Boris-Hannah-Lorenzo
-Boris is blowing up Hannah’s phone night and day trying to convince her to give him a chance.
-Both Lalu and Boris want to drop out of their school group project- Lalu because she can’t bear to be near Boris if she can’t have him; Boris because he can’t bear to be near Hannah if he can’t have her.
-After he gets run over by a pizza delivery bike on his way out of Casa Torreslanda (he was warning Luci about Aquiles), Lorenzo gets rescued by Hannah and Melissa. Lorenzo and Hannah are hit by the love bug, big time. The girls bring him inside to tend to his bumps and scrapes, and H & L can’t take their eyes off each other. Too bad Rosa would lock Hannah up in a convent before she’d let her get involved with a poor, uneducated guy like Lorenzo, and especially since he’s the brother of her favorite punching bag, Luci.

Love Quadrangle 2: Pato-Luci-Rod-Gala
-Rod tells Gala that he can’t marry her because he realizes that he doesn’t really know her. For example, he never knew she was such a cruel person. When she presses for details, he keeps mum about what he learned about her war against Luci. Gala points out that he’s the one cancelling the wedding for no reason, and yet he’s calling HER cruel.
-Gala proceeds to yell in anger, whine, cry, beg on her knees, and then threatens to take her own life. Rod can only beg her not to do anything crazy and tells her they will talk the next day when they are both calm.
-Julie admits to a surprised Gala that they are in debt, and she had to take a loan out on their NYC apartment, so Gala better do something to get Mr. Torre$$landa back and down the aisle.
-Rod goes home and tells Pato that he doesn’t want to marry Gala. Pato, being the most intelligent character in this tn, asks Rod if he had the guts to tell Gala he can’t marry her because he’s in love with Luciana? Rod is shocked that Pato knows, but Pato says it’s obvious. He asks Rod if he’s spoken with Luci, and is not surprised that she wants Rod to leave her alone.  Pato understands that Luci doesn’t want to suffer, and warns Rod not to hurt her.
-Since he can’t fight his feelings for Luci, Rod decides to move back to his apartment permanently, that night. When he gets there, and has taken off his shirt in preparation for bed (thank you director/writers), Gala, wearing nothing but a fur coat and her highest, black do-me heels, jumps his bones. He does not resist. Well, he *does* weakly beg her to not do this to him.
-The next morning, Gala is still playing seductress. She must be really good, because Rod has been completely subdued back into a cooperative bridegroom. Gala glosses over her Luci antics by pointing out that Rod wouldn’t have be pleased had she been flirting with some guy, like he has been with Luci. Rod doesn’t deny this. Looks like the wedding is on again.
-Later Rod feeds Pato dinner and Pato tells him what happened that day when Rosa bit Luci’s head off about her brother. Rod wants to see her and comfort her, but he’s keeping his promise about keeping his distance. Well Pato wants to see her too, and nothing would happen if they are both there.
-Luci hears a knock on her door late that evening. She is shocked to find Rod at her door, holding Pato in his strong, manly arms.

Avances: Mati believes that it’s God’s will that Claudio and Aurora’s child, Luci, was brought back to them. She asks Rosa, “What would you do if the child showed up here?” Gala gets ready for the big day, but overhears Rod say that he does not want to get married. 


El Talismán #95 Tue 6/12/12 The Just Desserts Cart Is Beginning to Roll In and Why is Everyone Wearing Blue*?

Recap by Rosemary la Otra

Antonio is pondering how in the diablo Pig figured out he was poisoning him.
Rennie*, in a deep sea blue shirt, and Rita and Dr. Doh-mo are arguing amongst themselves.  When Doh tries to exit, Antonio is there at the door and asks “Where do you think you're going?”, and pushes Doh back onto the couch. Antonio tells them they could all go to jail.  Renato begs to differ that he and Rita aren't involved.  Antonio tells them “of course you are, so listen up, here's the plan, but first where's the bottle of poison?”

Pedro tells Margarito about the phone call he overheard and that Lu and Antonio are poisoning Pig, and he wants to go to the police.  Margarito points out the irony that Pedro wants to save the man who has always hated him.

Maria and Manuel*, in his turquoise tie, are still basking in the afterglow of their wedding with candlelight and toasts.  Her hair is pinned up into a cute curly bob that is attractive on her.

As Camila*, in a teal sleeping tank top, dreams of Pedro, a new day dawns and Pedro*, wearing a navy blue tee,  is sleeping on the couch.  He is dreaming of Camila*, wearing a light blue skirt, and even mumbles “Camila” aloud.  He is awakened by a presence and Pop! Goes the Sleazel (oops, wrong tn), there stands Lu in her thigh high F-me boots.  She had overheard his mumblings, but will play sweet for the moment. She asks why he didn't come sleep with her, and he tries to change the subject about her needing to go visit her dad.  He also talks to her about changing her attitude, and living in the real world, and being honest with him, if she wants this to work.

For our daily dose of comfort food, Army and Angel are noshing on fries.  Elvira comes out wheeling the match to Doris' suitcase.  She's saying she can't stay there since Angel kicked her out, which he denies.  Then she goes off about how Maria is worried Manuel will leave her for Elvira.  The boys say as simply as they can “Manuel no te ama” as if they were talking to a kindergartener.  She isn't hysterical, but she is walking around with that proverbial stick up her butt.  Forget the Sleepytime Tea, give her some Laxatea.

Of all the loose ends that need to get wrapped up, we waste time on the Sarita / Gabe relationship.  Santiago*, in a blue rasperry shirt, is giving love advise to Gabe.  I kid you not! 

Meanwhile, Sarita*, in a blue denim jacket, and blue belt is talking with Geno*, in her blue plaid shirt that is over a robin egg blue cami, about poor Sarita's single status.  Sarita says she is going to try to get pregnant so Gabe will have to marry her.  Geno hurries and puts the kibosh on that idea. Great PSA.

While Pedro* is changing into his blue-button-up dress shirt, Lu stands out on the veranda berating Sarita for not being able to get Gabe to marry her.  Sarita screams a CALLATE and just then Gabe and Santiago walk up and Gabe informs todo el mundo, including Rude Lu, that he is going to marry Sarita. First Sarita says “en serio?”, then she turns on Lu saying “now who are you going to marry since Pedro is already married to Camila?”.  Really, isn't rubbing someone's face in it the best part of getting engaged? 

Pedro and Padre walk up and both think it is maravilloso, but when Padre has Gabe alone he asks him if he's sure about this as it's a very serious matter.  WAIT!  Isn't Padre the one who has been hounding Gabe just as much as Sarita has?  Gabe admits his doubts, so Padre says he won't marry them, but then when faced with the prospect of not marrying Sarita, Gabe panics and realized her really does love her.   


But wait... Geno is doing her work and those peacocks* are blaring again.  No, that's Sarita running up to tell Geno the good news.  Geno is a bubble bustin' voice of reason saying given the circumstances of the proposal, she thinks it was just a Pity Proposal. 

Commercial:  Has anyone actually ordered the Fir Slim?

Antonio comes in and takes Camila's cell phone out of her hand and locks her in the bedroom.  Then he tells Doris and Poncho they need to run some things to the post office for F1, and finally he sends Domitila and Tracy*, in a blue hemmed skirt, to the end of the ranch to clean the farthest cabin. 

Here come the hoi polloi of Fresno, Rita, Rennie and Dr. Doh, to El Alcatraz.  Why have they been called there?  They hope to get paid.  When Maria (not Tia, but the nun from Sound of Music) made those clothes using the drapes, she must have left the valance.  Rita* is wearing it as a blue-gray ruffled dress.

Pig, sitting on the edge of his bed, takes a gulp of water and runs with his mouth covered to el bano. We know from past shows this means he has morning sickness and is pregnant.  Antonio sneaks in right then and takes Pig's gun from the nightstand and shoves it in his back waistband.

Pig comes out of el bano sweating like a... well, sweating like a pig. Pig tells Antonio he is not going to get away with poisoning him.  Antonio aims the gun at Pig and says “Oh ya?”.  They get into a fight with lots of wrestling and screaming.  Camila is listening from her locked door.

The pig is on the floor, Antonio is hollering that no one will come help him because nobody loves him.  He's pointing the gun.  Pig is calling him a coward for bullying him when he's so weak.  Antonio replies “just like you did to me when I was a little boy, you hit me and spat on me....”  Pig blurts out that Antonio isn't even his son, he is the bastard child of his mother and Antonio surprises us with the answer that he always knew that.  Sad.

Pig make a laughable grab for the gun just as Dr. Doh-Mo walks in with a huge syringe.  Pig tries to tackle Doh and Antonio calls for Rennie.  The three guys hold him down while Doh sticks the syringe in Pig's neck.  Yes, the pig got poked.

Camila is hollering to get out.  Rita hears this and thinks “Is Camila here?”

 Antonio pays Renato and tells him to go far, far away.  When Doh asks for money, Antonio throws lots of bills at him.  lol

Pig, the bloviating ignoramus, has been silenced and is immobile except for his eyes.  His mind is alert, though, and as Dr. Doh fluffs pillows, Pig thought bubbles:
    -As soon as I can move I swear I'm going to kill you!

    -Bastard, you betrayed me!

    -I hope both you and Antonio burn in hell!

    -I will rise as the 12th Imam!   (well, maybe not that one)

Antonio gives his best diabolical laugh yet and puts the gun back in the nightstand.  What can Pig do with it, after all?  He then goes to Camila's room and tells her that despite the screams she heard, she is to act tranquila in front of people.  Oh, and Pig had a stroke.

Ho-ris is at the Fres-Ho House, engaging in pillow talk with Lucas.  He tells her that Antonio and Dr. Jaime have bad intentions for Pig.   I hear The Incredible Mr. Limpit dolphin sounds as background music. 

Lu and Pedro arrive at El Alcatraz.  They walk into Antonio and his Chula.  Antonio announces that he and Camila are expecting.  Camila concurs.  I am trying to read the expression on Pedro's face.  Does he know it must be his?  Is he doubting the pregnancy?  Whatever, it's a shame he covers that gorgeous smile of his with a thin lipped closed mouth grin.

Camila is very incomoda with Antonio's hand around her.  They talk about if they want a boy or girl and what about a name.  Camila says she wants a girl and to name her “Mariana”.  (Okay, who here suggested ust that this past weekend?)   Antonio says “too bad she died”.  Pedro says “no, she was murdered”.

Incidental:  F2* and her friend* are at the ice cream shoppe.  F2 is venting about everything and everybody, except for Camila, who she kinda feels sorry for now.

*Who Wore Blue:
  •         Rennie
  •         Rita
  •         Pedro, twice
  •         Manuel
  •         Camila, twice
  •         Santiago
  •         Sarita
  •         Geno, layered
  •         Tracy
  •         Primer Impacto commercial gal
  •         Noticiero Univision commercial gal
  •         F2
  •         F2's friend
  •         The peacocks
  •         Doris (is excluded, as she had on no clothes)

Recap by Rosemary la Otra                 posted by Madelaine


Amorcito Corazon Discussion #9-13 June 11-15

Main Events:
  • Doris makes a grand entrance and announces she and Fernando are engaged. Marisol, MariFer and MariLu are not happy. They call dad to come home. They call Hortensia to come over. Fernando tries to tactfully explain that he is not engaged and Doris is not his girlfriend. He gets nowhere. The oldest and  youngest daughters don't believe him. The middle one does.
  • Doris is dense and doesn't get it. He's just not that into you, chica.
  • Fernando tries to explain to Isa that it wasn't his fault she got fired; it was his suegra.
  • Hortensia is a real metiche.
  • Willy talks his way out of the stain. He and the monjita have a nice little walk.
  • Zoe's lawyer is slimy, but she gets a waiter at the bar to video the slimy lawyer moves and says she'll put them on the internet.
  • Isa visits her mother. Mother seems to be making progress.
  • Fernando doesn't believe in curses and tries to prove to Isa they don't exist. Too bad the earth started to shake...literally.
Other stuff
  • Poncho bids adieu to Doris' games. He's not willing to lose his job.
  • Willy's friends get a lesson on Karate Kid waxing methods.
  • Who is the random woman who came up at the church and overheard Willy y cuates' conversation about the mojita? Jaibo's wife/girlfriend or the lady who dressed like a nun?
  • We are reminded that Cecilio has it bad for Zoe.
  • Willy has to fast talk to the mother superior and explain why he isn't in his sotana. 
la tintorería: dry cleaners (hey, it's new for me)
flacucha(-a): skinny (not really hard to figure out, but I liked the sound of it)


Abismo de pasión #64 6/11/12: Lowered Expectations Continue

  El Refrito
  • Elisa hugs Assgusto. Assgusto recoils and leaves. 
  • Elisa hugs self. Huddles in the fetal position on the bed. Hugs pillow.
  • Gab and II blab about Gael and II getting caught by Alfonsina. They argue about telling Gael who his daddy is.
  • Dam gives Paloma the sad news that he saw Elisa and Gael passionately kissing. (Paloma needs to be added to the list of characters needing a peinado make-over.)
Lo Nuevo
Breakfast Table: Casa Castigo
Carmina fishes for info about Gael and Kenia's mom. Elisa is suspicious. Carmina tells her she's going to head to Sab's place and find out the latest chisme. Elisa asks her not to get into Gael's business since he's sensitive. Carmina says she's really more interested in getting dirt on Kenia since *mumblemumble* your dad is so interested in her *mumblemumble* Elisa says Huh? Carmina plays it off. Nada. Nada. Ask your father when you see him.

El Consultorio del Doctor Toofar
Doc is glad Dam is getting around without crutches and is confident Dam won't need the cane much longer, either. Dam is Dam Grateful for all Doc has done. Doc reminds him about his awesome friend Gael who was literally a lifesaver. Dam wishes that blood had come from anyone BUT Gael (Dam ungrateful if you ask me.) Dam won't explain to Doc why he said it, though.  Doc is sure that things are going to be just like they were in a few days. Dam doubts it. Things have changed forever.

La Estética-Un Toque de Glamour
Sabrina is helping mommy get gussied up to win back daddy when Pop! Goes the Sleazel! She explains needing to get her nails done and is asked to wait. She takes a moment to cry fake tears (*eyeroll*) and wish Be-gone the best of luck with resolving her marital problems. The Artificial Orange flavor then explains the she, too is losing her husband. Be-gone takes the bait and asks for a few more details. After asking for discretion (*snort*) Carmina explains that Assgu has a lover. Be-gone is shocked that such an upright and distinguished (*snort*) man would do such a thing and asks who the lover is. Some Kenia chick who was pregnant with Paolo Landucci's child, Carmina responds. Did you catch that Sabrina? Be-gone calls Kenia a "fichita"...whatever that means. Carmina has a few choice words as well (golfa among them) and is incensed that this little chit (fichita?) came into her house...her house(!) under the guise of being Elisa's friend just to lure her husband away. Be-gone is not at all surprised. What else does one expect from Elisa and her ilk? Be-gone tells Carmina she is living through the same pain Alfonsina must have felt when Carmina's own sister was running around with Rosendo. Without missing a beat Carmina says "or how you felt when your own hubs stepped out on you!" (She wisely didn't get into the details of WHO that was he was with.)

La Casa De Dios (y Gael y Padre)
Alfonsina comes calling. She is ever so grateful for his help in saving her son. Now, would he be willing to take a little bribey-poo and take himself and Elisa the heck out of La Ermita? Gael tells her that 1. He can't convince Elisa of anything and 2. He doesn't want/need her "help." Alfonsina knows he's always loved Elisa and if he took her away maybe she would realize that he is the one that is really best for her. Gael repeats he doesn't want her help and Alfonsina asks him not to ignore this "opportunity." She comes face to face with II as she leaves. Gael is a little confused to see they know each other and while II is indeed irritating, it is especially nice to see her irritating Fina. ji ji. II explains that they are they old friends and they met when she was preggers with Gael. Gael wonders if Fina knows who his daddy is. Fina says she knows nothing about his father and explains that II was in quite the economic straits when she was pregnant. Fina claims she really didn't know Gael was II's and II must have had a pretty powerful reason for dumping Gael on her brother's doorstep. Gael gets so frustrated about all the mystery that he tells II that she isn't his mother and he doesn't even care who his father is. His real family is Padre Lupe. He asks II to leave and not to look for him again. He throws both the old broads out.

Foyer-Casa Castigo
Well that was disappointing. Paloma, honey, didn't you learn from the best: Begonia? So yeah, Paloma slaps Elisa. I give it a 4. No real wind up or follow-through. Paloma yells at Elisa for not telling her about Gael. Elisa tries to explain. Paloma cries. Elisa swears there's nothing going on. Paloma never wants to see Elisa again. Paloma says Elisa deserves it that people have always criticized her based on her mom's actions...because Elisa is just like her and worse. Ouch. Now that was worse than a slap.

The Only Café in La Ermita
Fina wants to know why the fly (II) is back in her ointment. She tells II that not only will she not blackmail her again, she will pay her back the money she gave her before. II refuses and says Fina ruined her life. Fina thinks II did that on her own when she messed with someone who didn't belong to her (Rosendo.) Fina is no dummy. She knows II is just out for a buck and really not that interested in Gael. Fina says even if Gael were to find out, she wouldn't give him anything since Rosendo never claimed Gael as his (oh I can't wait until she finds out otherwise.) Fina makes TN threat #345 "You don't know what I'm capable of." II counters with #67 "You aren't going to touch a hair on my chinny chin chin because there is someone who knows about everything and if something happens to me, they will know who hurt me, so you better leave me in peace."

First commercial break and a "muy pronto" for Por Ella Soy Eva.

La Casa De Kenia
Um. This scene is a little nauseating. Surely it is enough to tell you that Kenia tells Assgu she loves him and Assgu tries to explain to her why they can't be together. She's sure she lerves him. He has to go to work, but she asks him to come back after work. Cheesy saxophone mood music sets the tone for this scene. Blergh.

Un Toque de Glamour-Parte II
Be-gone and Nem-HO share chismes. Mrs Carefully Calculating Loose Lips tells Be-gone all about Kenia and her brother in town and ask Be-gone to be discreet. Be-gone vows she is a very discreet person (*snort*) They both know what it's like to be betrayed by a husband. And Steffie's "behavior" gets dragged out again, and Elisa's behavior gets dragged out again. Be-gone mentions it's such a curse Carmina has been living (excuse me while I discreetly gag.) Mrs CC Loose Lips informs Be-gone that none other than Gael is Kenia's brother. Be-gone's little brain cells starts firing and she tells Nem-ho about II and her recent trip to the beauty parlor and all the questions she asked about Gael and how gossipy she was.

Pro Ce Sa Do Ra
Gab fusses at Braulio about the continued work at the Castañon tierras. Gab insists he's the one that "manda" and Braulio insists he's only going to listen to Joven Dam. Gab says these instructions are from Fina herself. Dam arrives. Gab explains he's following orders from Fina and doesn't want to get into trouble with her. Dam says he will fire Gab, but Gab is pretty sure he has Fina's full support and leaves. Dam wants to honor the signed contract and sends Braulio to oversee the project.

Cocina de Castigo-I heart Lolita
Elisa whines to Lola. Lola tells her straight up she's hurting a lot of people and it's not fair. Neither Gael or Paloma deserve it. Lola doesn't care her reasons, it doesn't justify what she's doing. What Elisa needs to do is confront Fina. Elisa has to take some responsibility.

Witch Mountain
Paloma whines and rails about Elisa stealing Gael from her. Abuela tells her straight up that Elisa hasn't "stolen" anything. Gael has always loved Elisa.

La Casa Azul
Pop Goes the Sleazel AGAIN!! Nem-ho tells II to keep Kenia away from Assgusto.

El consultorio-Parte II
Elisa comes to see Paloma. How does that girl keep her job??? Conversation turns to Dam and the wedding. Elisa explains there won't be a wedding. Doc wonders if the now in town Flo has anything to do with that. Elisa says no and wonders why Doc asked. Poor Enrique, he has it bad for Flo.

Pro Ce- Parte II
Enrique conveniently explains to Dam how much Flo loves him and that she has no interest in Quique.

Padre Lupe's Study
Don Lucio comes to talk to him about Maru and guilt about Bianca having only died a little while ago. Padre likes the Lucio/Maru match (and his basket of snacks) FF>>

El Consultorio-Parte III
Be-gone arrives and tells Doc Tovar to cancel all his appointments.

La Casa Azul
Nem-ho tells II to keep slutty Kenia away from Assgusto. II says she can't control Kenia. Nem-ho says II is living in her house. Get that kid under control.

Witch Mountain-Parte II
Elisa...Paloma...tears...earnest explicating. It was the only way I could get Dam to forget about me! I had to! Dad would go to jail again! Whatever.

Casa Harangue-o
Fina comes in calling Gab an imbecile and he explains about the Braulio/Tierras issue and she tells him she's berating him for a different muck-up. Why didn't he get rid of II???? Gulp. Fina wants to know where she is!  Gab tries to find out Fina's problem with II. Fina shuts him down. His job is to obey. Well, for obeying he just got in trouble with Dam. She figures its about the lands. Just forget it and let them work the lands. Elisa owes her a bunch of money anyway and the lands are the guarantee. Fina tells him to get along with Dam and not try to play smart with him.

Hacienda Castigo
Gael discovers work is continuing as usual on the greenhouse. He asks Braulio about the canceled contract, but Brau doens't know anything about that.

Back at the house, II has come to call and yes, Assgu recognizes her as the lady with the pearl necklace AND Gael's mom.  II informs Assgu that he should lay off her UNDERAGE daughter or she'll send him to jail!! Gulp.

Foyer Casa Harangue-O
Ugh. Another scene I couldn't stomach. Dam is home and Flo is waiting. She admits that she made mistakes that hurt the relationship. She wants a chance to win his love again. Dam admits he made mistakes, too...but it won't change how he feels about Elisa. Flo wants a chance to help him forget about Elisa. She starts to leave, but Dam stops her and asks "Do you really love me?" She answers "Let me show you how much. " They kiss. I wretch. Ji ji. Off key clunker as the scene ends. An auditory QTH? if you ask me.

Avances of a Capítulo Decisivo
  • Paloma cries and begs Gael to at least give her a try. 
  • Gael caves and gives her a kiss. Padre Impactado looks on. 
  • Did you get the impression Elisa saw the slimy Flo/Dam kiss?


Monday, June 11, 2012

El Talismán #94 Mon 6/11/12 The Truth Goes Round and Round


People like to talk, and in doing so they tell the truth. It puts less strain on the memory. M. Hercule Poirot

Pedro and El Viral are still going round and round about the Cami married the Beltbuckle problemo. Of course Cameela married Tonio for love says the El Viral and Pedro continues to give the gaseous one the stink eye. Pedro tells El Viral that is so not true. Cameela is in love with me, he says and not with The Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness.

Manuel and Cameela are still talking at the wedding. He tells her it is very important to tell him, anything she knows about Mariana being at Altrash. She doesn't know anything she swears. She keeps looking over her shoulder to see what the Prince of Darkness is doing. Manuel is begging her to please help him. The Prince of Darkness must have some mind antenna or ESP cause he senses something is up, so he comes over to see what Manuel and Cameela are talking about! Cameela says she is just offering her congrats to Manuel and The Prince of Darkness says he came over cause he wants to get to know his bride's family better, (Yeah right sure, sure).

El Viral is giving her best lying, wheedling and ingratiating voice and tells Pedro, Cami, certainly does NOT love you. Oh, the horror of the lie, really, jus' sayin'. She says there is no chantaje. He wants to know if it is because of something the Virus did. Who, me, oh noes it wasn't because of me, it isn't my fault, notice something funny??? Her nose is growing by the second and the headband is getting tighter by the second too. Somebody call the hazmat team, there will be a gas leak soon, jus' sayin'.

Camella and The Prince of Darkness are standing alone now and she wants to talk to her brother. The Prince of Darkness is keeping her on a tight leash.

Not even 3 feet from them, is Army, Angel and Flor. They are talking about, are you ready??? Cameela is preggers!!!! They want to know where she got this info. She says she knows, cause it is well know all over Altrash, but she was told not to say anything, whoopsie!!!!!

Doris and Brigette having a little meeting at the Only Ho House in Fresno. Doris tells Brigette that the Piggy One is very sick, but she could care less about it. She just wants Altrash.

Rita, Rennie and Jaime are having a little down time together. Jaime says we should go to Florida, guffaw!!! (Aren't we really in Miami, jus' sayin'). They have lots of women there, with money, that are so willing and able to be scammed. They even have pics and everything, (Wonder if Rita did the research???). Jaime's cell phone goes off and it is Panchito on the other end. It is urgent for Jaime to come to Altrash the Pig is ailing.

El Viral is really getting desperate now, (Note to the Virus: The hazmat team is on the way, just in case you blow, jus' sayin'). She tells him to vete mi casa (since when is this YOUR casa), anyhoo, Pedro is so NOT leaving until he gets the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the TRUTH from the Virus. Pedro says Tell Me! El Viral tells him she can't tell him. Pedro says this is your daughter we are talking about, rememba her, do you? (Note to Pedro: she could care less, show her that money again.). He tells her again, Tell Me! She says, finally, without blowing, thank Dios for that, it is her fault.

Doris wants to know where this new Doctorocito came from, all of a sudden. Is he a client of Brigettes? She says no, but Lucas knows him.

El Viral is spilling all the frijoles to Pedro now. She tells him Tonio convinced her to buy the poison and she will be accused of trying to kill the Pig, but it is really the Prince of Darkness that is doing the deed. So Pedro says oh, so that was the chantaje, sending your lappy ass to jail???

We are back at the wedding and Cameela is thinking about the wedding interruptus with Pedro and she is crying. The Prince of Darkness wants to know why she is crying. She says she is thinking of her lovely aunt.

Manuel and Maria are seated and there is a judge and they are acceptoing each other and now they are married. Big Hug. Cameela is so happy for them.

Jaime has made it to Altrash and the Pig is in his sty. Jaime tells him once again that what he is feeling is the side effects of these new pills. Pig is done with that already, and tells him he doesn't beleive him anymore. Pig tells him he has been taking this med in one form or another for years, and it has never done this to him, evva. Now he tells Jaime to , wait for it, LARGATE Mi Rancho. The whole time Jaime talked to the Pig, whatever strength the Pig had, he used for a headlock on Jaime. He physically throws Jaime out of his sty. Panchito is right outside the sty and wants to know what the heck is going on? Jaime tells him to get another doc, he is so done with the Pig. Panchito goes into the Pig's sty and Panchito wants to know what is up, Papa Pig? The Pig can barely wallow. He tells Panchito he wants another Doctorocito and to tell NOONE, especially The Prince of Darkness.

Back at the wedding, The Prince of Darkness is talking to his lovely daughter Flor, the one with the avacadoes, jus' sayin'. He wants her to get along with Cameela. Flor tells her Papa Darkness she will try, oh so hard, to be a good little girl, she doesn't want to cause any problems and she will be nice to Cameela.

We are back to Pedro and El Viral. Now she is in her pleading mode, begging and pleading for Pedro not to runtelldat, to the cops. She so doesn't want to end up in the carcel. She says the Prince of Darkness may still put her there, if he finds out she confessed to Pedro. She says Cami will never forgive her for telling Pedro, and she'll be mad at her. (Say What??? Cameela would really love to wash you right out of her hair, jus' sayin'). By the Way, Pedro did NOT give her the dinero.

Manuel tells Maria she doesn't have to go back to her place. Maria says she needs to go, cause she doesn't really have anything at his place. He thinks that's alright, wink, wink.

Sarita and Lucrazy are coming down the stairs at El Tal. (Note to Sarita: You blew it girl, shoulda stuck your foot out and said , whoopsie, ah well). Sarita is telling her to get lost, she can't stand the thought of Lucrazy living at El Tal. Lucrazy is starting to answer when Pedro comes in and wants to know what is going on?? And of course she greets him with Hola, Mi Amor, Pedro es Mio, not the Pedro es mio part, but you get the idea. He wants to get her a spot of tea, she says she's good, but he goes to the kitchen anyways. He also said something about something being important, her Papa Pig and fiasco. Someone please fill in.

Maria and Cami have some alone time, and Maria wants to know how Camella is doing? Is the Prince of Darkness bothering her much? (Note to Maria: You can tell by her face, she hates him, jus' sayin'), Cameela says nah, I'm so with him. That's Cameela's story and she is stickin' with it. Maria tells Cameela she knows very well this is all the Virus' fault, and Cameela tells her never to tell a soul.

Lulu and Pedro have come to Altrash. Lucrazy has come to see her Papa Pig in his Pig Sty and Pedro is forbidden to come with. So he stays out in the living room and here comes, Tracy. He asks Tracy about why Cameela married the Prince of Darkness, Tracy tells him, her lips are sealed she can't tell. Swore to Cameela she would never tell. Pedro says it involves chantaje, doesn't it? She will not say. She says it is very peligroso and if she tells Cameela will pay a terrible price. Pedro wants to know what terrible price will Cameela have to pay. Tracy tells him very well. He follows her out of the room. Pedro is following Tracy when he is intercepted by Panchito of all people. He asks Pedro, Que Haces Aqui? He asks Panchito how he is? Panchito is very watchful of our Pedro. Panchito wants to know what he is doing in the hallway? Pedro is fast on his feet, and tells Panchito he was looking for Lucrazy. Panchito tells him you don't belong in this hallway, cause A). You could overhear something, B). There might be a killing you wouldn't want to be a witness to, or C). Doris might be doing the hootchie kootchie dance and you really wanna, oopsy, I meant you really DON'T wanna be seeing that. Panchito tells him he really shouldn't be wandering the hallways and leads him back to the living room. He asks Pedro to sit. Pedro starts asking little Panchito about Mariana. Panchito wants to know why Pedro wants to know? Pedro is really good at this I have to say here, Panchito is sweating. (Note to Pedro: Go to El Capitan and tell him you'll go to the Police Academy, but your speciality will be as a closer, jus' sayin. There's a woman named Brenda Lee Johnson that can teach you some technique, doncha know). Pedro asks Panchito if he is nervous. Panchito has the deer in the headlights " luke". Panchito wants to know why Pedro wants to know about Marina. Cause she was murdered, that's why, and if you know anything, anything at all you need to call the cops, right away, capiche. It would releive your conscience, in other words confession is good for the soul. Pedro also lets Panchito know that he knows that the Pig is Panchito's papa. Pedro says he has known for awhile,and reminds him to call the cops if he knows anything. He tells Panchito he won't tell anyone that the Pig is his Papa. He thanks Panchito and goes.

Meanwhile, speak of the devil's associate, Val is in El Capitan's office, being grilled about Mariana. El Capitan wants to know, what did you know and when did you know it, not really but he is making Val sweat bullet, er blood, er you get the pic. Anyhoo, Val's excuse is, are you really ready for this, ya sure, he was watching TV of all things a telenovela on the night in question. Not a telenovela but TV for sure, dude. El Capitan is being rather kid glovy with ole Val. He wants to know if he knew Mariana was in town. Val knows nothink,nothink I tell you, but is sweating those armpits up.

Manuel and The Prince of Darkness are having a little convo, and Manuel starts right in on the Beltbuckle. Didn't you know Mariana when you were kids? Oh, sure I knew her. Our ranches were right next to each other. So then Papa Pig knew her too, right, right???? Manuel explains to the Prince of Darkness that he is just trying to find out what happened to his Mariana and why she was murdered. The Prince of Darkness, I think, tells Manuel El Capitan was already out to see them, and that his Papa Pig is very sick (yeah in more ways than one.).

Papa Pig is in his pig sty ,in his pen and Lucrazy comes in. Papa Pig tells her to LARGATE. Pig tells her the only thing important to you is that Pedro. She tells him she is here for him. He wants to know why she played dead for so long? He tells Lucrazy she doesn't care nada for him. The Pig tells Lucrazy you put your half of Altrash in The Beltbuckle's hands and he is trying to kill me. He tells Lucrazy she doesn't care if he dies. Lucrazy says she does so care, and he says why did you give your half of Altrash to the Beltbuckle? He isn't even my son, or your brother. She is like say what??? The Pig tells Lucrazy it's the truth or his name isn't Greggorio Negrete (he really said that lol). She tells her Papa Pig to get some rest, and he tells her he is glad she is alive, cause she is truly his daughter, Lucrazy leaves, very verklempt. She meets Pedro in the living room and he asks how she is. She gives him a big ole hug.

Brigette and Doris are still talking and Doris thanks Brigette very much for telling her that Lucas knows "Doc" Jaime. Now Doris is on a mission to find out if the Prince of Darkness hired "Doc" Jaime to fiddle with the Pig's pills.

Jaime, Rita, and Rennie are together again, and Rennie is reminding Jaime that unless he finished the job for the Prince of Darkness he won't be getting any dinero out of him. Jaime wants to leave, like yesterday, he's done, he's had it, he's gone. He says he gottsta go, the Pig is dying in his sty and he is loco to boot. Jaime really wants to go. There are a whole lot of reasons why, and the sooner he gets to Florida, the better. He says someone is gonna call the police. He says those pills he gave the Pig are truly bad. Rennie is like wait a minute, the Beltbuckle is really trying to kill his Papa Pig? Jaime is like oh, yeah, didn't I mention that, gotta go. I smell some chantaje here from Rennie.

El Viral is still desperate. She is now calling Cameela's cell phone and can't reach her. She is wayyyy out of sorts. What if Pedro ratfinks me out, I'll go to la carcel (Just where you belong, better yet, how about the mental ward of la carcel).

Manuel, Maria, Cameela and El Beltbuckle are now together and he asks Cameela if she is ok. El Beltbuckle wants to make an announcement. Cameela says whatever you want dear, while she rolls her eyes. El Beltbuckle is about to make an announcement, gets everyone's attention, when he is thawrted by the door bell. Manuel goes to answer, and it is, really wait for this one, are you ready, ya sure, ok, it is El Viral of all people. She wants Cameela cause it is a big tragedy about to happen and she needs to see her alone, por favor. Manuela and Maria are pretty pithed off and want to know what El Viral is doing here. How dare she interrupt. Cameela leads her out of the room and they go to another room, and Cameela wants to know why she was interrupting. She tells Cameela Pedro knows it all, about her marrying the Beltbuckle because of chantaje. Maria has stepped into the room too. She begs Cameela to tell Pedro not to tell, or she is afraid Pedro will spill the frijoles. They want to know why the Virus thinks Pedro will spill the fijoles, because he knows about the chantaje that's why. Maria advices El Viral to go to the cops herself and lay it all out for them. oh perish the thought. El Viral calls Maria crazy, as if. Maria reminds the Virus she is a married woman now and is in love with Manuel so take that, ya bloody bird. They don't think Pedro will spill the frijoles.

Angel, Army and Flor are still in their little gang of three, and Army says his Virus of a Mama has GOT TO GO. His Virus mama just wants ATTENTION doncha know. Flor rolls her eyes.

Lucrazy and Pedro are back at El Tal. She doesn't want to be alone and is squeezing poor Pedro. He says he is going to the kitchen and will be right back. Pedro goes in the kitchen and tells Margo and Domitilla that Lucrazy is stayin' but not to worry he is fooling her until he can get some answers. They don't get it and so are not down with that.

Meanwhile Manuel and the Beltbuckle are talking and the Beltbuckle is telling Manuel that the Virus is very theatrical (ya think) and Manuel tells him she's just jealous cause I married her sister.

The Beltbuckle comes to join the ladies and they tell him it is all about the Rennie apartment excuse and she just needed some advice. (Oh, that will really go over, and this is a tragedy???). The Beltbuckle congrats Maria for her marriage to Manuel and says he and Cameela gotta be goin'. They go, and Maria and Manuel tell ole Virus she gotta go, cause she ain't welcome anymore.

Cameela, The Beltbuckle and Flor have come back to Altrash. Flor tells Cameela nighty night and is very nice to her. Cameela is nice back. Cami is on her way to bed, but the Beltbuckle wants a little kissy poo for his dreams. Cami says oh sure whaevva ya wants, she comes close to his lush lips and goes sideways and pecks his cheek. She goes to bed, he doesn't look happy, not enough for his dreams, lol. Anyhoo, his cell phone rings and it is Lucrazy. Lucrazy wants to know if he is still trying to kill Papa Pig? The Beltbuckle tells her not to interfere. About this time, Pedro has come back into the living room of El Tal and overhears what Lucrazy just said to the Beltbuckle. Pedro says oh, so now The Beltbuckle, Prince of Darkness is trying to kill your Papa? Lucrazy is like what, what, oh noes he isn't. Pedro, the closer, wants to know if that is the truth? No, No honey, honestly you misheard. He argues with her and she is Mi Amoring him to death. Pedro wants the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth of The Beltbuckle trying to kill their Papa. Pedro says he won't go to the cops, but wants the truth.

Get this, you will not beleive this in a million years, but Val is in his office, praying, yes that's right, praying to Dios that noone, especially the cops find out he was an accomplice to Mariana's murder. The Beltbuckle comes in and asks Val if he ever told the Pig about those pills. Val says of course not and not to worry. The Beltbuckle is scared that if the Pig has his blood analyzed or those pills that will tell the pills were poisoned. The Beltbuckle says the problem is you know all about them. That's another reason.

Cami is in bed sleeping when she is woken up by, no,no, not the Beltbuckle, but by Tracy. Basically the convo was about Pedro knowing some of the truth, but not all. Tracy tells her that Pedro wants her help. Cameela tells her not to tell or it will be a fiasco. Cameela tells Tracy she will find a way out of Altrash sooner rather than later, (ya only got four more days, jus' sayin').

Pedro and Margo are talking and he says he has to confirm thru Lucrazy that the Beltbuckle blackmailed the Virus into getting Cameela to marry him. Pedro also tells Margo that the Beltbuckle is try to kill is not Papa Pig.

Angel,Army and Virus are now together in the soon to be Angel's apartment, and Virus tells the boys that Pedro now knows the truth. The boys tell her that Pedro is so in love with Cameela and she has never, evva loved the Beltbuckle. Virus, it's all about her, doncha know, is just so sure Pedro is running to tell the cops as they speak. Angel tells the Virus basically, You did the crime now do the time (Really he did. Love the avacadoes on this young man). Army heartly agrees with him. The Virus is not amused.


Refugio Para el Amor #23-24 Mon 6/11/12 Mati Selectively Spills the Soup, and Luci Has Bigger Rocks Than Rod (But We Already Knew That)

I wrote way too much tonight. Tomorrow will just be bullet points style. Enjoy!

Rod shocks his buddies by saying he doesn’t think he can go through with the wedding. He denies that it has to do with another woman—he’d be doing it for himself. The guys think it’s just pre-wedding jitters—just a symptom of his upcoming loss of freedom. They remind him of another friend of theirs who freaked out as he was putting on his tie before going to the church. But he made it to the church, and has been happily married ever since.  Rod doesn’t look convinced.

In the kitchen, Gala is telling her girl friends about how she turned on the waterworks and the drama to get Rod back in line and with the program. One friend wonders what happens if Rod decides to back out last minute. Gala is not about to let that happen.

At Chapultapec Park, Estella tells Matilde and Claudio about how her granddaughter has stopped crying herself to sleep, but still asks every night when her mother is coming back. Estella hasn’t yet heard from her daughter. Claudio and Matilde try to cheer her up. Claudio turns the conversation to Matilde, pointing out how many years it’s been since they’ve seen each other, and it’s Luciana who’s brought them together. Mati takes a bite of food, looks shifty eyed, and keeps mum.

Rod’s buddies are still trying to talk him off the ledge. With this attitude it may be Gala who dumps him! (Rod wishes he were so lucky.) Gala comes in just in time to hear her name and asks what’s up. The guys tell her that they think she just might dump Rod before the big day. Gala sets them straight. She would NEVER do something so low down dirty, so horrible to someone. (Ahem, Rod!) It looks like that pair of rocks Rod was just growing have shriveled back to pebbles.

Claudio tells Matilde that Luciana is an angel. The three talk about how Claudio met Luci in that awful place where that man tried to take advantage of her. Claudio thinks it’s an interesting twist of fate that it was Rodrigo Torreslanda who came to her aid in Club Inferno. Mati points out that Claudio helped her as well. Claudio can’t explain it. Luci just seemed so fragile and vulnerable, and something inexplicable drew him to want to protect her.  That’s why he’s so concerned about her being in Casa Torreslanda, since he fears the two Torreslanda boys are like their papa Max and could harm her. Mati sticks up for her niños—they’re good people. Claudio is glad to hear it, but in any case, Luciana is no longer alone.

Gala tells Gabriel and Marcos to butt out of her and Rod’s private life, and lays a possessive kiss on Rod. It looks like his pebbles have shrunk further. The other ladies come out of the kitchen with the snacks and lighten the mood. They talk about the pre-wedding party, which will be for family and friends in the Torreslanda house. Rod makes an escape with the boys to buy ice (I bet the freezer is FULL of ice). Maybe that’s what his cojones are made of, since they seem to melt so quickly and easily.

As the youngsters bump little cars (no, not in the way Beto and Connie used to in Gancho), the older folks continue to chat. Claudio thinks meeting Luci has been a catalyst for him confronting his past. He tells Mati and Estela how he ran into Rosalena at his wife’s gravesite, crying with much feeling.  “Matilde, you know what Rosalena meant in Aurora’s life. Had it not been for her, the time I was in prison would have been even more hellish for Aurora.” Matilde stuffs her mouth with more food, and continues to remain mum. He’s grateful that Rosa accompanied his wife in her final days, and he’ll be grateful to her his whole life. Matilde is saved from a longer trip down Memory Lane when the young people come back to the table to snack.

Rosalena questions Frigida about where everyone is. Seems they left, except for Pato who’s locked up in his room. Even Frigida asks permission to leave for a while. Rosa is surprised that Frigida has any friends to go see. LOL! Frigida confirms that she has no friends—friendship doesn’t exist, at least not for her.  Her grandfather always told her that friendship is like a flower that you water (regar) and care for, but she’s never wanted to care for it, nor waste the water.

Gala’s scolding Valentina (blond friend) about even suggesting that Luci might make an appearance at the wedding like she did at the anniversary party. Valentina thinks she was the prettiest girl there and quite lovely. Gala puts the blame on stupid, useless (inútil) Frigida. Speak of the devil. Julie calls Gala to give her the update on Frigida. Valentina is as aware of karma as we are, and tells Gala the things we do to others are like a boomerang—comes right back at ya. Gala is not pleased that her friends won’t get with her obsessively bitchy program. 

 Luciana and Lorenzo tell the group how they ran into each other at the Torreslanda party. Lorenzo brags about how beautiful she looked, and Luci stops Mati before she spills the beans about her bucket of mud mishap.

Aldo and Pato are in Pato’s room playing a tic-tac-toe video game. Pato is really making great progress, but he’s starting to get a bit of cabin fever (this is a good sign). Aldo offers to take him wherever he wants to go, whenever he wants, except for work hours since his uncle is treating him like a Roman slave.  Aldo starts talking about what a looker Don Jerónimo’s daughter is. He wants to befriend Don Jero so that he can get to know his daughter. Pato puts a stop to that line of thinking. His father would kill him for fraternizing with the employees, and especially not with the daughter of respected Don Jero.  (Oh, that’s rich!) Aldo says it was a joke (broma).

Oscar brings Connie home and gets a big goofy smile on his face when she invites him in for coffee.  They join Max and Rosa who are also having coffee. The men go off to have something stronger, and Connie and Rosa kvetch about how handsome Oscar is.

In the library, Max begins to confide in Oscar about Claudio Linares. He wants Oscar to review some documents related to Claudio for him. He’s worried because years ago Claudio swore revenge, saying that he was accused and imprisoned unjustly. Oscar asks if it’s true. Max gets defensive and says that’s every criminal’s excuse. Oscar looks skeptical.

Mati continues her “mis niños son muy buenos” campaign about the Torreslanda kids when Luci explains to Claudio how Pato and Hannah planned and helped her with everything so that she could attend the party in style. Marianita bumps into Don Aquiles near the popcorn stand. He makes such a fuss that Violeta’s ears perk up and she immediately knows who he is. He has moved out of sight by the time she gets around the other side of the stand, however.

Claudio, Lorenzo and the gang talk about how hard it is to find work in small towns and also in Mexico City. Violeta breaks the news to Luci that she just saw Don Aquiles. Luci begins to freak out. They all try to convince her that it must have been someone else.

Meanwhile, Don Aquiles is hugging a stuffed killer whale (LOL!), while getting the Het Het update from his flunky on a pay phone.   I wish they had shown him playing all those carnival games to win it. Actually, he probably stole it from the hands of some little kid. He thinks the big city is just weird—men dressed like women, and women dressed like men! He waves his stuffed friend around as he describes losing track of Lorenzo. He’s going to go home soon.

Rod and the boys talk business over dessert (that deal Max won’t agree to) and bore the girls to death. The door porter rings about someone being there to see Gala, and she gets all mysterious about it. Rod is suspicious.

Back at Estela’s, Mati refuses a ride home from Claudio. He leaves, and everyone else mentions what a good, kind man he is. Mati keeps mum. This time she has no snacks on hand.

Max continues to tell Oscar about what a resentful person Claudio is. As his lawyer and his friend, he wants Oscar to be on top of this. Oscar doesn’t think it’s worth the effort for Max to be drawn into something like this. Does Max really think that Claudio is going to risk his freedom to do him harm? “No hay enemigo pequeño.” (There are no enemies who are insignificant/All enemies are major enemies.) “Claudio Linares is my enemy.”

Claudio says goodbye to Polo and Lorenzo. He wants to talk to Lorenzo soon about Don Aquiles, and he especially wants to talk to him if he starts working for the Torreslandas.

Inside, Mati is ready to go, and Estela wonders why she didn’t take Claudio up on his offer if she’s leaving so soon. Luci is sure it has to do with the beef between Claudio and Max. Mati doesn’t want to look for trouble if she can avoid it, and she doesn't want to talk about it.

Julie has taken Frigida, who refused to be taken out for a meal (why pay for something that she can get for free at work?), for coffee. Frigida has her designer bribe purse clutched to her bosom. Gala’s pissed and Frigida needs to fix it. Frigid explains how she ruined Luci’s dress. It’s not her fault that she made herself pretty all over again. Julie says it’s a shame, because they could have filled that “nice” bag with bills, bills, bills. Frigida is determined to make it so.

Now we see Gala’s mysterious guests. It’s the fricking press! She’s called a hostile takeover press conference, forcing Rod to play the perfect, expectant groom to the whole world. (Nicely played Gala.) After the press and their friends have left, Rod’s ready to blow his top. He doesn’t like surprises.  Gala tries to kiss his anger away.

Hannah’s friend Lula has found out that her crush, Boris, has a crush on Hannah and she is ticked off. She bitches and whines, and blames Hannah. She thinks Hannah was trying to make a fool of her. Hannah swears that she’s not interested in him, and she’s going to tell him.

Aldo whines to his uncle about all the heavy lifting he’s had to do and that he needs an assistant. Max tells him to go to the gym and get in shape instead.  Aldo keeps trying. He has the perfect candidate—Luci’s brother. “Do you know what no means? I make the decisions here!”

Melissa’s wrapping up a visit with Pato who wants to know where Hannah’s been. Melissa and Aldo get him up to speed on Hannah’s love life complications. Max comes in and continues to scold Aldo, while Pato looks on with an amused smile. Later, Aldo continues to put more effort into getting out of work, than doing work. This time he’s whining to his mom, and pretending to have back problems. He thinks he should be doing more important work.  Connie’s not buying it. She tells him to get one of those mover’s back braces, take an aspirin, and get some rest. She goes to bed and turns the light off.

Lorenzo tells Polo about his boring, uneventful work at the funeral home. Polo doesn’t think the crap they have to put up with in the club is that great either—just ask his sister. Lorenzo is wide-eyed impactado.

Mati and Luci talk about Frigida and Gala being in cahoots to ruin her dress to keep her from the party. Luci finally tells Mati about Gala ruining her book and flushing her necklace.

Rod interrupts Frigida’s late night snacking to ask her to get Matilde. He wants to speak with her in the library. Mati tells Frigida that she’s in a tattling mood, and just might tell Rod what Frigid did to Luci the night of the party.  When Mati enters the library, Rod says he wants to talk to her. Well, Mati wants to talk to him too, and it’s about Luciana. What a coinkidink! That’s who Rod wants to talk about too. He’s crazy in love with her, but he’s getting married to Gala in 10 days. Mati begs him not to hurt Luci—she’s a good innocent girl who doesn’t deserve to be hurt. Rod swears he wouldn’t hurt her. “Perhaps not intentionally, but your girlfriend sure would.”

Frigida tries to convince Luci that SHE was the one who left the mud filled bucket in front of her own room. (Now how exactly would that work?)

Luci feeds Pato dinner and Hannah enters and tells them about her fight with Lula. Pato and Luci are sure that a friendship as old as theirs won’t end over this. Luci thanks Pato again for the surprise of the dress and Hannah and Melissa’s help. Pato wants to know why she was so late, and why she wore a different dress. Ruh, roh!

Lorenzo is not pleased to hear about Luci’s one night in El Inferno from Polo and Violeta. Lorenzo wants to make Lastra pay for harming his sister, despite Violeta and Polo telling him to stay clear of Lastra, who already paid with a few days in jail.

Meanwhile, Lastra is still plotting with Ivan to get Luci back in his clutches. He wants Ivan to offer Luci’s brother a job. In fact, he thinks he can get both Luci and her brother to work there. No one puts him in jail! Plus she humiliated him and scarred him. She deserves what’s coming to her.

Oh, now Mati is finally letting it all out. She tells Rod about all of Gala’s antics—the book and the necklace. “A jealous woman is a very dangerous woman.” Rod can’t believe his ears.

Gala is at work looking over the pictures from the party to put in the magazine. The problem is that all the photos are of Luci or Luci and Rod. She’s not a happy camper.

Lorenzo continues expressing his small town thinking to Polo. He thinks Violeta’s work at a place like El Inferno is shameful. It’s not the same for Polo because he’s a man. Polo (who is quickly becoming one of my favorites), tries to set him straight. Violeta is good, positive, and has a good heart.  Lorenzo admits this is true. She even accepted him into her home, after not having seen him for years. Polo loves Violeta. He is sure she’ll make a great mom someday. Lorenzo says he’ll be the godfather of their kid. Polo’s not so sure Violeta’s interested in him. Plus, he has nothing to offer her. Lorenzo advises him to get a move on before some other guy swoops in and snaps her up.

Luci and Hannah have just finished telling Pato the tale of the ruined dress. Pato wishes they had told him before, but Luci is so over it now. Luci leaves them alone to talk. Pato tells Hannah she can’t blame Boris for not falling in love with Lula, and instead falling for her. “You can’t give orders to the heart.”

Rod and Mati continue to talk. She’s not telling him this stuff to gossip. It was he who provoked all of this. Does he expect his fiancé to just accept him giving gifts to another woman? It was just a b-day gift, Rod says. “There are no good things that appear bad.” (No hay cosas buenas que parecen malas.) “Don’t play with Luci’s feelings! Don’t hurt her! If Gala did something like this, it’s your fault. You’re about to get married. Why are you sniffing around someone else?” After another plea to not hurt Luci, she leaves him to sulk.

One of the town gossip ladies has coming knocking on Paz and Magda’s door late at night to tell them the hot chisme. She helps herself to an elephant ear cookie, and tells them Don Aquiles left town. He’s surely in D.F. chasing after Luci. Paz is sure Lorenzo will keep her safe.

The next day, Golden couple Gala and Rod, looking mighty spiffy, appear on the cover of Caras magazine. Luci looks at the magazine and remembers her last round of hot kisses with Rod. As she returns to the house with the magazine and groceries, Rod drives out the gate and hops out of his car. She tries to ignore him, he wants to know why she never told him about the necklace, she doesn’t answer the question, he grabs the magazine and looks at it, then he demands that she get in the car, she refuses.

Mati’s still in a truth telling mood and tells Pato her theory about Frigida being the culprit behind the ruined dress. Later in the kitchen, Mati and Frigida trade insults. Frigida says if Mati tattles on her to the big bosses, she’ll just tell them who paid her. Mati says she’s no gossip (well, only when she wants to be). She’s no saint, but she has ethics. Anyway, when Rod goes after Gala for all the crap they pulled, Gala might just throw her under the bus.

Rosa’s guilt is now affecting her appetite. She tells Connie that the terrible thing she did is eating at her. Padre Honesto told her to be, well, honesta. She needs to confront her guilt head on, in order to be at peace with herself. The only way to do that is to tell Claudio Linares the truth. Rosa tells Connie about Claudio being out of jail and finding her crying at the tomb. Connie tries to make Rosa feel better and tells her to think before she acts. What she did with the baby is better than that child growing up knowing that her mother was dead and her father was a criminal.

Rod continues to behave like a caveman and forces Luci to get in his car and go with him, so that she can tell him the whole truth. (Dude, didn’t you just hear the whole truth from Mati?) He takes her to a park and she stalks off angrily. He demands to know why she didn’t tell him about what Gala did. She says it was her business.
R: These things shouldn’t be hidden. It’s abuse that should be reported, don’t you realize?
L: You know what I realize? That you are going to get married. And I don’t want to get myself mixed up in your plans. And there was no reason for me to do so.
R: You know quite well what I feel for you!
L: And you think that I’m happy in this situation?
R: No! This thing about me getting married…
L: You are getting married! And you’re going to get married and go live with HER! And I’m going to remain in your house, working!  And you know what? I want to do that in peace!
R: No one could be at peace in a situation like this. I can’t permit an injustice like this.
L: Injustice? What’s unjust is that you’re doing this to me when you’re about to get married. You know what? You’re girlfriend is right. She’s just defending what’s hers. I know my place very well.  I beg you to not approach me and tell me these things.
R: What are you saying? That you want nothing to do with me?
L: Exactly! And I don’t want any more problems, and especially not with your mother. I’m sure she’s going to ask where I am, and if she doesn’t find me she’s going to be really angry. So TAKE ME HOME!!!

Whew! We just found out who has the boulders and who has the pebbles between those two. Rod is totally whipped. He apologizes for causing her so much trouble. She begs him to understand that she needs this job. She doesn’t want to leave Pato, Hannah or Mati. And now her brother is here and she needs to send money to her mother. Rod seems to finally get it. Luci marches back to the car.

One of the gossip ladies gossips with Paz and Magda about Don Aquiles, who never goes anywhere, going to the big city, just when Lorenzo left. How curious…

Lorenzo is cool with Aldo not being able to give him a job. They shake on it as amigos. Don Jero comes up with Vicky on his arm and Aldo tries to flirt with her. Don Jero shoos him off to work. “Don’t even think about letting that kid chat you up. He’s a real disaster.” Don Jero explains that Aldo is Don Max’s nephew.

Claudio meets with Lastra’s lawyer about clearing his name. The other lawyer thinks it will be difficult. Oscar comes to see him. Oscar says Max is very generous and wants to come to an agreement, to avoid problems in the press. Claudio is not playing that game. Max may be rich and powerful, with a good reputation to protect, but he (Claudio) has nothing to lose. He shows Oscar to the door.

At breakfast, Lorenzo tells Violeta about winning all that money gambling. Violeta tells him about the gambling in the back rooms of Inferno. Lorenzo wants in. (DON’T DO IT!)

Hannah lets Boris down gently, while Lalu stalks them in the background. She listens as Boris begs Hannah for a chance, and then approaches them and agrees with Boris! She wants Hannah to give him a chance. She loves Hannah lots and will never stop being her friend. The three of them are cool with each other again.

Magda kicks Don Aquiles’ door down, roughs up Procopio, and makes him tell her where Don Aquiles is. Magda seems way too upset for this to just be about Luci.

Frigida is doing damage control with Pato and putting the blame on the chauffer for the misplaced bucket of goop. She then calls Gala and tells her the cat’s out of the designer bag. “Estúpida!”

Aldo’s telling the family at dinner about Lorenzo. Luci gets to listen in as Aldo says he’s sure Lorenzo will get a job at el Inferno. Luci nearly drops her platter.

Gala decides to make Rod forget all about the mischief she’s been up to by greeting him in her apartment with sexy lingerie and passionate kisses. Rod’s not in the mood to play. “We can’t go on like this.”

Padre Honesto comes for a house visit. Rosa speaks to him alone in the library and still refuses to tell Claudio the truth.
PH: Why? Do you think Aurora would have survived if you hadn’t failed her?
R: It’s not that. Aurora was going to die. There was no remedy for that. That’s why I was to take care of her daughter.
PH: And you didn’t take care of the little girl?
R: No. Not only did I not take care of her, I gave that little girl away.

Avances:  Mati realizes that Luci is Aurora and Claudio’s daughter. Gala cries about losing control of everything. She greets Rod wearing only a fur coat, and seems to be in total control of that situation. Rod admits his great love for Luci to Pato.


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