Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Abismo de pasión #66 6/13/12: The younger villains have a bad day, Tangel-Ho better brace for the big reveal... good guys huddle and put their thinking caps on

Recap by Marta Ivett

Guido and Alfie conversation about Paolo and Tangel-Ho… Tangel-Ho should feel flattered that Paolo is jealous of her.  Guido is more worried about Paulo. He asks her a favor, to fire him from the procesadora.
What would you get out of that? Maybe he will want to return to Mex. And what would that mean with the offer I made you?  Guido tells her he has watched over Paulo as a parent since their parents died, if Paulo returns to Mex, he would have to go too. Alfie is not a happy camper with that response.
The procesa…
Dam and Flo arrive. Flo offers to stay with him, he says no need, just like there was no need for her to walk him there. Maru tells him he has a visitor waiting. Flo turns around interested.
IT’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s cry me a river Elisa!
lo nuevo...
Barbie, haven't you heard you should think about it before you sign on the dotted line?
Dam is very cold staring at her, she seems a bit sorry.
-You came alone? Where is Gael?... what can I do for you?
-we need to talk about my lands. Why did the works continue?
-Because there is a signed contract.
-But I don’t want anything to do with your business…
-Even if you don’t want it, we have invested money and we won’t lose that investment. You more than anyone should be interested in having the lands produce.
-In the end all of you will end up keeping the lands and everything they produce!..
-why do you say that?...
-because I know, and that’s that!
one of my favorite scenes of the night... where can we find diva wrestler outfits for these girls? or at least boxing gloves!! ding ding!!.
When Elisa leaves Dam’s office, Flo confronts Elisa … Flo wants to know what she talked with D…
-It was a business matter…
-I am sure D won’t return with you. he understand his place is with a woman like me, not with the daughter of the woman who killed his father!...
-(slap!) This is so you won’t talk to me like that ever again. (Slap!) And this is so you don’t mess with my mother again!
Talk to the hand!
At rectory, Loopy/Gael..
Gael overslept, Loopy is doing his fav pastime, having coffee and eating… Loopy mocks Gael… you went out late last night and came back late.
Maybe you have something to tell me.
Nope. I will just go to work now.
Don’t you want breakfast?
Lost my apetite!
next time fill out request for time and call the absence line and turn your 'out of office' on.. btw, feel free to just run out anytime.
 Inmundo at office, Paloma arrives, she is very happy.
What happened to you yesterday?
I had something urgent to do and had to run out.
You could have told me.
 I swear it wont happen again.
Did you fix the issue?
Yes! I talked to Gael… (she is ready to give him the two hour explanation but he cuts her off)
-don’t worry, I am in a hurry. Could you organize the records file? All in all, I am glad you are ok.
I couldn't sleep so i dont 'want anyone to sleep at my boo boo's house either!
Paolo arrives at Casa Castigo, yelling he wants to talk to Augie, he is drunk. He walks right over Lolita. Augie comes out of studio to face him.
Nothing to talk about. Leave my  house.
I wont go until we talk about your dear wife.
(Pop! Goes the sleazel)
Well Hello, Mrs Carm Bouvier. Why don’t we tell your husband what we have?
Are you crazy?
Why don’t you tell him about how many times we met alone, and made love?
The hacienda was the whiner hot spot for the night for sure!
At hacienda, Tonia catches Alfie heading out, heard they fired Gabino.
Nope, you heard wrong. He still works there. Vicente’s issue is solved, from now on he will work for my son.
Flo arrives to hacienda mad. She ran into Elisa at procesa…
she hit me! The wild one hit me!
Back to Casa Castigo… the argument/confrontation hot spot... the more the merrier
Guido arrives right in middle of the cock fight…
That’s enough! Paolo, get out and wait for me outside! I am sorry mr castigo for any trouble my brother caused.
I am thankful but tell your bro that next time I won’t respond.
Guido and Paolo leave, Tangel-Ho opens her excuse no’s 563 and 334 and blames it all on Paolo… Don’t worry, I don’t feel like getting it cleared up. But remember what I told you earlier, it still stands. Augie goes back to studio. Lolita just stares and nods to Tangel-Ho from wall.
too many chiefs, indians confused...
Dam and Chente at Dam’s office at procesadora…
Sorry, Charlie but I don’t need assistants.
It was a favor my parents asked Alfie for.
In that case I will talk to Braulio to see where we place you.
Your mother said…
My mother’s orders are not my issue.  Shouldn’t you be studying instead of working? I will let you work for me with the condition that you study in afternoon. If you want to work here you have to continue with your studies.
So you will let me be your assistant?
I already told you I don’t need an assistant, but you can be a messenger.
Chente feels offended taking it as a demotion. Chente leaves, Dam smiles.
back at whiner's hot spot for the night...
Flo arrives to hacienda in a huff and whines to Alfie…
That wild animal Elisa hit me! my dad should hear about this.
Alfie says no way, surely Dam will defend Elisa.
And what? We just forgive and forget and nothing happened her just like that after what she did?
Yes, you will need to keep quiet. We don’t want to re-unite Elisa with my son. Don’t complicate things, the one that might end up losing is you.
Guido and Paolo arrive at hacienda.
Paolo is offended at lack of support from big bro. But Guido wants to hear none of it.
-This is the last straw. You will go back to mex with me today. How far do you want to go with this lie?
-You really think it is a lie? Would you believe me so stupid to talk to her husband if it were a lie?
-Even if it were not, it is obvious you don’t matter to this woman.
-Leave me alone.
the aftermath debriefing after the confrontations...
Elisa arrives home mad about the confrontation with Flo. Tells Lolita about it, Flo told her Dam went back with her. Lolita already knew, Horacio had told her. Elisa questions why she did not tell her before.
-Didn’t want to hurt you. it is obvious Dam wants to forget you in another girls’ arms.
-That does not justify him! Why Flo, or at least why not wait a while?
Lolita reminds Elisa the problem (the lie about not loving Dam) is getting huge and when she wants to fix it it will be too late.
-With so many problems, this house seems like a nuthouse. When it is not one issue, its another…
-what happened now? That Paolo came to make a scandal here about Tangel-Ho and him.
Elisa impactada.
(first comm brk)
Sorry, Gael, just when you thought you were beginning to know your sister... she starts acting a bit loopy...
At Cielo abierto fields, Gael is leading the workers, Kenya arrives.. Gael greets her with a hug. She is looking for Augie.
-What are u doing here? Why ask for Don Aug?
-I was at Elisa’s and was going to invite her to eat, she asked me to take a message to her dad. Nothing else.
-yah right. Nothing else.. 
-I was going to ask you why you are in middle of the issue Elisa/Dam?
-I already told her I don’t want to play that script anymore. I am trying to take her out of my heart. I accepted Paloma.
-No, Gael, that notion of ‘one nail takes another nail out’ doesn’t work.
-Ah! ah you too are in love. Tell me who it is.
(Kenya is smiling happy that he seems to worry about her life)
-I love it.
- what?
-That you talk to me with that big brother jealousy rage.
Ramona the voice of conscience... love her! 
At cemetery, Ramona is at Estefie’s grave, sees Augie arrive, she tells him where the toumb is, tells him:
-Stefie must be smiling in heaven because you finally decided to come see her. It’s the first time, right?
-yup. Didn’t know besides curandera you are fortune teller.
-You are here because of the love you once felt for her.
-I found a picture of Elisa’s mom in her room…
-And you realized you haven’t forgot her.
-Haven’t forgot her betrayal. I ended up with a dry empty heart. 
-But something has changed, no?
-I have begun to feel again, to love. It feel like I am betraying her now, her the worst of women. What hurts most is that I have the certainty I won’t love any woman as I loved her. Estefie doesn’t deserve my love.
-Careful what you say, maybe one day you will regret it.
-I hope one day I will be able to forgive her.
-And if that is a hard concept, think how hard it will be to forgive yourself, because one day you will want to. One day the whole town will know Stefie was innocent of what everyone had said about her. I assure you next time you come here you will be kneeling at her toumb asking her for forgiveness.
 (Augie leaves, Ramona remembers the accident…and stefie’s words: I had to stop them)
Dam, please learn a little from your old pals and start using some brain cells...
At procesa, Lucio arrives. Maru tells Dam Lucio is here.
Dam happy to see him.
-How’s the drumstick?
-Leg is good now, thanks.
-I am here to talk about the contract with Elisa. Read it and came to conclusion that the procesa must comply with it.
Dam is in agreement. Elisa came by to talk about it too. Also, Alfie is in agreement, since putting the lands to produce will be good for the business of my dad.
Lucio does not understand what Alfie is getting out of it. (Lucio’s brain gears might be old but they still work) unless… it is not a simple loan…
Dam asks what he is thinking…
Lucio is sure Alfie loaned that money to Elisa in exchange for something else…
hasn’t Elisa told you anything?...
we barely talked, guess you don’t know we split. 
Why? What happened?
(Paolo is making a scandal at Maru’s desk and they hear it from inside)..
Dam and Lucio come out as Gabino is firing Paolo. Paolo turns to Dam, and tries to eat him up since he thinks it is Dam’s order, but Gab says it is orders from Alfie. 
Dam surprised Alfie wants to fire Paolo.
Paolo whines to Gab,Thought you were my friend.
Orders are orders, man!.
Go to hell! All you go to hell! (I can see Paolo walking out, telling the truck ‘And that goes for you too!!’)
Dam, Lucio and Gab are there still,
-What are you doing here, Gabino? I fired you.
-Excuse me but you  better talk to your mother.
Lucio laughs it off… we will keep talking another day.
a little surprise visit... surprised me even!...
Gael arrives at dr office … stands behind paloma. Tippy toes around her desk unnoticed. ‘IF you leave everything messy, he will fire you.’ She is so happy to see him, big hug. Gael extends Kenya’s invitation to Paloma, but Paloma is busy fixing the Dr’s files, all the records are out of order. But she won’t let him off easy…
- But if you want you can come see me tonight.
He leaves but first she demands a kiss goodbye.
- See you tonight.
Paloma is in la-la land.
orangina's bad day is not quite over yet...
Tangel-Ho in bed, depressed… Elisa comes in.
Elisa asks about the Paolo scandal, heard something from Lolita.
Elisa is not really happy with what is happening with Tangy-ho,
-It doesn’t make me happy because it affects my dad. I never liked the idea of you two married, but I would have wanted to see it work out.
Tangel-Ho accuses her of poisoning her marriage and her baby’s death since she was a kid. If the baby was not dead, things between Augie and her would be different.
-You have blamed me for it all my life. It has been many years of carrying that guilt.
Tangel-Ho repeats her accusation recording..
-no, you don’t know how much I would have wanted to have a little brother. And what I would have given to have him here now. And don’t blame me for his death and for the life you have led.
-So easy to say that, you wanted a little brother and I wanted a son. No, you have not suffered what I have. …
-I only know what my dad’s life has been like at your side. In any case, the only one to blame for her disgrace, is you, tia. You tangled him up and confused him until he married you, but he never stopped loving my mother, because not you nor anyone will get her out of his heart. …
-(the wounded animal still has some fight left in her) If it were true, why does your dad have a lover at this time in his life?
-lover? no, my dad has no lover…
- It is the talk of the whole town. …
-you know I don’t care about the latest cover story of the Ermita enquirer…
-you are so stupid, don’t even realize one of your ‘amigas’ is in bed with your dad…
-you always blame everyone else, because you can’t accept your own errors…
-it is Kenya, you stupid…
-leave Kenya in peace, how can you think of her…
-you need to open your eyes, realize what happens around you once and for all!
Kenya the stalker... going after her prey in public?
Kenya finds Augie in middle of town square… She wants to hug him telling him not to avoid her anymore, he tries to shake her off him… he realizes people are looking at them… she keeps saying she loves him, - I like you as a woman but I can’t love you, can’t love anyone!...
Augie is trying to shake her off him so violently, Gael comes to them..
-Don Augie! Let go my sister! What is going on here?
(comm brk)
Back at Dr office…
Nancy Drew-wanna be finds a clue...
Paloma is still working on the patient files, runs into the one for Carmina…… she at first resists, but can’t help it but open it. She must have found something amusing enough, from her facial expression.
Ramona walks in and catches her with her hands on the dough…
-I came to the market and figured I would stop by to check out your workplace.
Paloma visibly scared.
-I noticed you got scared when I came in.
-I was just distracted.
-no, you got scared, as if I had caught you doing something wrong.
-I was just filing away some records. And ran into Elisa’s aunt’s record… hey, grannie, do you remember the exact date when Stefie died? ..
-yes, why.
-Because according to this record, Dr Tovar said Carmina was pregnant right after Stefie died, but that was well before Carmina got married.
Big bro realizes he might have a stalker for a sis... 
Back outside at plaza, Gael asks Kenya and Augie What is going on. He seems a bit miffed now… Was Augie bothering Kenya? Kenya jumps in Augie’s defense, says she was asking him about Elisa and Dam. Augie follows her lead, gets a bit irritated and says Kenya has no right to meddle in my daughter’s business… all but orders Kenya to leave that matter alone… Augie leaves. Gael stares at Kenya  suspicious.
Ramona keeps putting the puzzle together...
Back at Dr Tovar… Paloma says Augie was such a two-faced jerk… he was acting so offended about Stefie’s death but he was already sleeping with her sister (hold the presses!! Wasn’t Paloma only 9 or 10 years old? She seems to have a great memory then)…
Ramona is mad at her
-Don’t talk to anyone about this.
Ramona takes a few steps away.
Paloma tells Ramona that she and Gael are dating..
We see that Ramona feels herself out of breath…
-Did you hear me? …
-yes, we will talk later…
Ramona leaves, Paloma mumbles: I have a strange grandma.
Kenya took the cookie from the cookie jar! Couldn't be!
At Casa Castigo kitchen, Elsa tells Lolita that Kenya and dad have something going on. Lolita laughs at the thought. That is crazy! Sorry but your aunt comes up with some stories! Elisa had asked Kenya and Kenya assured her there was nothing between them. Lolita says Tangel-Ho is crazy to confront Kenya. Elisa is sorry for TangelHo, dad has never loved her. Lolita wonders how Augie has tolerated her so long. Elisa is wondering how true is the Kenya story. Lolita says Tagel-Ho would lever allow it. Elisa is sure that the only woman her dad has loved and will ever loved is her mom. Lolita agrees with Elisa.
Don't worry Brau, i will teach Chente some toughness... but neither of us has figured he is a chip off the old block
Dam/Braulio at procesa… Dam tells Bra Chente will work in afternoon with the condition he will study in the mornings.  Braulio surprised Chente agreed. You all owe my mom the favor. Brau was concerned while Chente was Gab’s assistant. Btw, Gab won’t leave. He still has my mom’s support. Brau content with seeing Chente away from Gab.
Meanwhile we see Gab and Chente buddying up. Gab laughs that Chente will get his salary cut in half. Chente wanted to work for Gab, not Dam. And the worst is will have to go back to school. Give me a hand.  Gab refuses, … welllll…. unless you want to win money working for me, unofficially… very quietly.
Those two share a sneaky smirk smile…
Alfie has found a new target to whine at and talk down to... will Guido take this for long? Isn't he a bit old to allow her to manipulate him?
At hacienda, Alfie is reprimanding Guido for talking to Augie… you are worrying about those folks too much. Guido sorry for what Paolo could be doing to them, Alfie asks what if Paolo is telling the truth? It is those women and their reputation. Guido says besides Tangel-Ho what he is worried is what could happen to Paolo, what Elmer Fudd could do to him. Remember what happened with Dam. Yup, that is true. Augie has always been violent… angry Paolo comes in, confronts Alfie about firing him from procesa.  Guido defends Alfie. Paolo yells at him: if you think you will make me go back to Mex, you are wrong, I will go back whenever I feel like it!
Alfie stops Guido from following Paolo.
Advance confession... what a concept!...I am about to do something REALLY explosive that will open a HUGE old can of worms!...
At church, Ramona goes to see padre… reminds him what she had talked to him righ after Stefie’s death, reminds him at the time she thought Stefie was riding in Rosie’s car by mistake. (poor padre is in such a tough spot here… but he hides it very well) Padre confirms he remembers that. Ramona says ‘then I came to ask for advanced forgiveness(what a concept!!), what I will do now is serious. I am about to unmask the real woman who should have been in that car. I will talk to Augie to tell him who was really Rosie’s lover… I will tell him it was his own wife, Carmina Bouvier.
… Credits roll…
Augie: SHUT UP Carmina!!
Carm: (in front of Elisa) Didn’t I catch you kissing Kenya?
Flo and Dam plan wedding…
Seems Kenya arranges a meeting with Dam… but is she really arranging a meeting of Dam and Elisa?


Refugio Para el Amor #27-28 Wed 6/13/12

Well, Friends, it looks like there's no end in sight for the 2-hour episodes! I have an awfully hard time staying awake enough through two hours of this "stuff" to write a recap afterwards!

In fair Mexico, where we lay our scene, Pat gets a little field-trip when Rod hoists him awkwardly down the spiral staircase to see Luciana (thereby getting around Rosalena's decree that he stay away from Luci). He drops his brother off and makes himself scarce, but not before receiving the ugly clay heart she made the other night while thinking of him. It must be special Indian clay, because it's looking pretty solid for not having been fired in a kiln or even given time to dry. Also, Jana and her friend are in this scene, but they don't contribute anything of interest. Anyway, Pat wants a few words with Luci in private. He explains that his mom doesn't necessarily hate her, but rather is jealous of the girl's importance to her son. Then he explains that he really wants Luci to be with him, but only if she does it freely. He tries to ask her an "important question," but chickens out and mutters something about how much she means to him.

Maximino, meanwhile is sipping wine with his young bud and fretting about the risk of his affair (which one?) coming to light.

Linares is at the Church, finding out that maybe his daughter isn't quite as dead-and-buried as was previously assumed. He plugs the guy working the graveyard desk-job for info, which cannot be found.

Frigida, for her part leaps at the chance to tattle on everyone for the little field trip downstairs., the instant Rosalena comes home. She makes that smug face she always makes.

Now it's Rosalena's moment to "act" (as in, a melodramatic display of over-performance that could only come from an actress determined to show strong emotion). Everything is going to hell! Not even her children respect her wishes! Matilde tries to defuse her ("at least they're in your house, right?"). But Rosalena just freezes like a deer in headlights and shows the camera just how wide and teary she can become. She blames herself for that business of Linares' daughter, whatever that means.

If you make a clay heart, it means you're in love. So what are we to take from the fact that Luci is now making some cruddy little vases? Is she dreaming of keeping flowers fresh?  She's an ok sculptor, but her true strength is in how she manages to make all this pottery without getting her bed or room messy. Frigida pops in and threatens her some more. Ho-hum.


Gala overhears Rod talking about how little he wants to get married. They is some scary muisic, even though she already knows how he feels about the wedding. He tells his buddy there's no other lady, he just doesn't love Gala (though he's too much of a wimp to confront her again without sleeping with her.). He's 100% sure. Once she has heard enough, Gala strides in and humiliates herself some more by exercising her powers of denial and rubbing herself all over Rod.

Lastro calls up to threaten Luci. Matilde thinks she should ask Pat or Rod for protection, but she really doesn't want anyone to know that she once worked at el infierno.. She asserts that she cannot ask the boys for help, especially not Rod!

Maximino is beginning to develop an idea about the lost child of Linares - the kid's age would be just right. right. He also grumbles some more about the fraud. He sees himself as the victim and Linares the villain.

In a brief but enjoyable interlude, we are treated to the delightful sight of Violeta dancing terribly in her new sexy devil outfit and singing something.

Rod is releasing his anger at the punching bag, and Gala comes in to refresh him and to act even more needy! God, Rod is weak!

Rosalena yells at Luci some more. Blah. Frigida makes that smug face again! She has Luci come out to receive and wait on Gala, just to torture the poor girl. There is an interminable scene here where they badmouth Luci, and Gala gushes about how much Rod "loves" her and "can't bear to be without her." Frigida intercepts an airmail for Luci from a courier on motorcycle.

Later, in private, Gala begs Rosalena for help! She needs to keep Rod, and wants some mommy-manipulation to seal the deal.

The world-business mag has a story about Torreslanda fraud, and an odd cover. Max says "this means war!" Linares released the story to the press.

Back at the house, Frigida gets a-snooping into Luci's letter! But we don't find out what's inside. The big cliff-hanger is that Max shows up at Linares' for a confrontation. Also, according to the advances, the wedding is tomorrow!


El Talismán #96 Wed 6/13/12 The Pig Is Roasted, Toasted and Crisp But LuLu Has Found The Way


Well My Friend.....As one approaches the end, one begins to see life as it truly is. M. Hercule Poirot

I've rewritten a little ditty for you to sing while reading this recap. It is sung to the tune of "Don't Cry For Me Argentina" from Evita. (Kind of imitating EJ over there at Abismo).

Don't cry for me El Talisman

The truth is Caray Caray never really left you

All through the mad days

We were not left unfazed

We kept our promise

To recap this *hot mess*.

Now on to the recap.

Pedro, Lucrazy, the Beltbuckle and Cameela are in the living room talking about Cameela's baby. The Beltbuckle is insisting he is happy about the baby, and Cameela says she wants a girl, named Mariana. Pedro seems to get the name right away. The Beltbuckle is so not happy with this name. He says she died, and Pedro says not only died, but murdered.

Jamie the "doc" is in alone with the Pig who is now sequestered in his bed, unable to move or speak, he can blink his eyes but that is about it. Jaime is saying, you are now truly incapacitated. The Pig is thinking maybe Doris or Valentin will figure out what Jaime did to him and help him. Jaime must be good at reading thoughts, cause he tells the Pig, noone will figure this out, so noone will be able to help you.

Lucas and Doris are having an after en flagrante little convo and Doris wants to know exactly what Lucas was hired by the Beltbuckle to do. Well since Lucas in the afterglow of the en flagrante tells Doris that the med the "doc" is giving the Pig is meant only to incapacitate the Pig, but not to kill him. He says he will marry Doris and the Pig so she can attain her very grand ambition of becoming the Duena of Altrash.

The Beltbuckle, who for some strange reason, is looking fine today, gone is the scruffiness of his habille, is telling his company that his wife Cameela is very happy with him. She is trying not to roll her eyes, and is uncomforable having his arm around her. Valentin comes in and tells the Beltbuckle the workers are talking and want to know about the Pig. The Beltbuckle's company is looking at him enquiringly and he tells them, oh, didn't I tell you? The Pig had a stroke.

Army and Angel are having a meeting in the kitchen, of their apt, and Army is worried that the Virus is going to cause problems, now that she has hit the street. Angel says we can't do anything else for her. Let it be.

The Beltbuckle tells his assembled company that "doc" is with the Pig as we speak, monitoring him. Lucrazy is suspicious and asks to speak to the Beltbuckle alone. She pulls him into the hallway, which leaves are unhappy couple Cameela and Pedro, quite alone. The first thing Lucrazy asks the Beltbuckle if he is doing something, like maybe killing Papa Pig? Lucrazy says you did all this just to get Altrash.

The workers of Altrash have assembled, Panchito, Tracy, Alberta and Val are all talking about what has happened to the Lord and Master of Altrash. Panchito is the only one that is truly concerned. Val tells them, noone can get in to see the Pig, per the orders of the new Patron, The Beltbuckle. Panchito is truly upset and wants the truth. Valentin tells them he is under orders not to speak.

Sarita and Gabe are having another meeting about are you marrying me, yes or no. Sarita is not looking like her usual perky self. She looks like she hasn't slept in days. She wants to know, if by bugging him constantly about getting married, if that is why he suddenly wants to marry her? (No actually it was that little belly dance that did it, but he isn't telling her that). He tells her now he wants to marry her, truly, and it isn't an obligation. She wants to know seriously? He says yes, seriously, (and now the annoying peacocks are screaming for all they are worth) he loves her forever. Many kisses.

Lucas has gone, and Doris is back talking to Brigette. Doris tells Brigette about what the Beltbuckle's plans are regarding the Pig and incapacitating him. She tells Brigette that Lucas will marry her and Don Pig so she can be the Duena of Altrash. Brigette tells Doris not to trust Lucas, he is very bad and he makes Doris nervous. Doris says that the Beltbuckle will not deter her from her ultimate misson. (Note to Doris: Too late honey, should have stayed at Altrash and protected your investment, jus' sayin'). Doris leaves and Lucy comes in and says she heard the whole thing.

"Doc" Jaime still in Pig sty , gets a call from Lucas. Lucas wants to know if the Pig is able to sign any papers. Jaime tells Lucas not to worry. While the "doc" is on the phone, the Pig is thinking to himself, maybe Doris or Val will get wise and save him.

Now that Pedro and Cameela, the unhappy couple, are alone, Pedro keeping his voice to a low hiss, wants to know if this baby is in fact, his baby. Cameela says yes, mi amor, the bebe is yours. Pedro grins his first big grin since Cameela left him. He is over the moon. Cameela raises her voice, to a normal tone, and asks Pedro if he wants coffee, he says no, also in a normal voice. They are trying not to get caught doing the low hiss. Cameela warns Pedro that they can't be caught hissing their little intimaticies, cause the Beltbuckle will suspect, so they kept up the inane convo. The Beltbuckle and Lucrazy come back into the room, and Cameela is on one side and Pedro on the other. Noone would ever know they have been low hissing each other. Doris comes into the room also,and wants to know what is going on here? The Beltbuckle informs her the Pig had a stroke. Doris wants to see him, like yesterday. Lucrazy or someone wants to know if it bothers The Beltbuckle that his ex wife is with his Papa Pig. They don't think it is the right thing to be done. Cameela asks after Sarita and Gabe. Lucrazy tells her they are indeed getting married, and soon her and Pedro will do the same, si mi amor? The Beltbuckle tells Pedro and Lucrazy that Altrash is in a bad way right now and something about tomorrow. Someone please fill in.

Doris goes into the Pig's sty and Jaime tells her the Pig is truly incapacitated, cannot move or speak. Doris wants him to go to the hospital, but Jaime argues with her and says it won't help him. He is truly done and stick a fork in him, he is truly roasted, toasted and crisp. I think Jaime tells her the decision for the Pig's treatment rests with the Beltbuckle. Doris tells Jaime to go. She will stay with Don Pig. Don Pig is giving her the stinkeye. He can express with his eyes and mind, but that's it. After Jaime leaves, Doris says you are marrying me, come hell or high water. She reminds Don Pig that they discussed getting married. The Pig, you are not going to beleive this, truly after Monday's recap, I can't beleive they did this to me again, but the Pig is, are you ready, ya sure, wait for it, PRAYING!!!!! I swear. He asks Dios to Ayudi Mi. Really not kidding. Now he decides to pray. Should have gone to Padre and confessed. Doris is telling him then she will be the Duena of Altrash. The Pig is thinking Maldita of Doris, The Beltbuckle is a disgraciato. Doris is saying we are so getting married. The Pig is saying to himself I'll kill you and I will have my revenge on everyone that did this to me. Lucrazy turns to Doris and asks what she is doing here. She says she is helping the Pig to look after him. Lucrazy wants alone time with her Papa Pig.

Panchito has cornered Jaime and is asking after Papa Pig. He wants to know what is being done and the condition of his Papa Pig. Jaime tells Panchito his Papa Pig had a stroke and is now incapacitated and there will be no reversal of his condition. For as long as he lives, this will be forever. Panchito is very upset. Jaime tells Panchito, his Papa Pig needs lots of rest.

Army and Angel have gone out to the Only Ice Cream Shop in Fresno and they meet up with Flor and her friend. Flo gives Army her laptop so he can contact Fabi. Angel is hinting around that he wants some alone time with Flor, so her friend leaves and they giggle at each other.

Lucrazy wants to go in to see her Papa Pig, and The Beltbuckle takes her off to the side and warns her again not to say anything. She goes to see Papa Pig and Pedro, Cameela and the Beltbuckle are now alone. The Beltbuckle wants Pedro to go, but Pedro says he will wait for Lucrazy. All of a sudden the Virus has shown up at Altrash. She comes into the room and the Beltbuckle wants to know what she is doing here? He hustles Cameela out of the room and puts her in her room. While the Beltbuckle is hustling Cameela to her room, the Virus is asking Pedro what the heck he is doing at Altrash. He lights into the Virus and tells her, it is her fault Cameela is stuck in a marriage she loathes with the Beltbuckle. She tells Pedro she would have ended up in jail, if Cameela hadn't done that, so the solution was to marry the Beltbuckle. Meanwhile the Beltbuckle is telling Cameela to stay in her room, not to come out and be exposed to the Virus. He doesn't want that indio to have any inkling the bebe is his. The Beltbuckle tells her this bastardo bebe is mine, all mine. Cameela is disgusted. Meanwhile, back in living room Pedro is telling the Virus and oh, by the way stop this fiasco, enough is enough already. He tells the Virus that Cameela is pregnant with his bebe. The Virus says, oh now I'm a grandma? Back in Cameela's bedroom, Cameela is telling the Beltbuckle to see after his Papa Pig. It isn't good just to have Doris looking after him. She tells the Beltbuckle that his Papa Pig needs more help than this "doc" is giving him and something about a year from now. And something else I didn't get, please fill in. Meanwhile back to Pedro and the Virus, she is happy to be a grandma, but Pedro warns her, that Cameela's pregnancy will be bad at Altrash. The Virus isn't fazed. This baby will be a Negrete (she is so clueless, the name has no prestige anymore and they do have money, but by the time the Beltbuckle leeches it out, there won't be anymore). They are interruped by the Beltbuckle coming back into the living room. The Beltbuckle wants to know what she is really doing at Altrash. The Virus says she came to talk to the Beltbuckle and gives him congrats on the bebe. He asks her what she *really* wants. Pedro excuses himself from this convo and goes outside. The Virus says she came to Altrash for, wait for it, not Mi Cheque, but Mi Dinero!!!!!

Lucrazy is now with Papa Pig. She approaches the bed and tells him she is sorry he is this way. She truly looks concerned. Doris is in there too. Lucrazy tells her Papa Pig he needs to get better. He is following her with his eyes. He thinks to himself he doesn't want to be this way, but maybe his daughter can help him. Noone else is attempting to help him, and everyone is an imbecile. Now Lucrazy is doing something really smart and I have to say, I didn't think she would ever do, but she tells the Pig to close his eyes if he understands her. And I think once for yes, twice for no, which he does. Now he can communicate. Doris can't beleive Lucrazy has figured this out. There was something about not permitting him to I think, please fill in. The Pig is saying to himself maldito again, and everyone there (Lucrazy and Doris) know the Beltbuckle is responsible for his condition. The Pig is thinking, no hija this guy is not my son. Doris says does Lucrazy think she is protecting the Beltbuckle? Lucrazy says she'll come back to talk to the Papa Pig again, Lucrazy leaves and Doris tells the Pig she isn't going anywhere.

Pedro is now in Val's office on a mission of his own, now that everyone at Altrash is busy, he can snoop around looking for proof of the blackmail that the Beltbuckle used against the Virus. Pedro is pulling out doors, looking in the desk, just everywhere. He sees the locked credenza but can't open it. He hears a noise and hides and it is Val and some guy. Val is showing this guy a gun and telling him what a sweet little pistola it is. They finally go, and Pedro comes out of hiding to continue his mission. He is searching some more and finds his gun, the one Val stole. Pedro wondering how his pistola wound up at Altrash. Now he wants to shoot open that cabinet. Pedro aims at the cabinet, but doesn't shoot it. He can't; he is thinking of Cami and the bebe and is afraid of what would happen if he does it.

The Virus and the Beltbuckle are now alone, continuing their convo. The Virus tells him she needs money and the Beltbuckle tells her that's her problemo. The Virus really needs the Beltbuckle to help her. She tells him he got his ultimate prize, Cameela of course, and this would be a big FAVOR for her, oh please, where is the sleepytime tea???? He tells her he'll give her money, but he isn't supporting her, evva and to leave him in paz. He also tells the Virus he doesn't want her anywhere near Cameela. Meanwhile, Cameela is in her room, praying to the Virgincita to ayudi mi. The Beltbuckle and the Virus are continuing their little convo and she tells the Beltbuckle she wants her own house, can't live with her son, his cousin or her sister. He tells her he will give her the money and wants her to leave he and Cameela in paz. He tells her this is the end of the gravy train, no more dinero. He tells her the Pig had a stroke and is completely incapacitated. She gets a sh*t eating grin on her face about that and is most amused. She thanks the Beltbuckle for the money. Lucrazy comes in the living room and the Virus tells her she is glad to be a grandma. Lucrazy is snippy with the Virus about Cameela, but the Virus tells her, she has to respect Cami now that she is married to the Beltbuckle. She also tells Lucrazy, hey now that Cami is married to that Beltbuckle of a brother of yours, the path is clear for you to marry Pedro es Mio. Lucrazy goes.

The Virus goes into the Pig Sty and sees the Pig all trussed up in his sty, all folorn looking. She mocks the Pig. She tells him Poor little you. She tells him you are nothing now.

There is a shot heard at Altrash. Cameela in her bedroom is worried about Pedro. She says oh Dios Mio and runs out of her room. It wasn't Pedro shooting his gun at the credenza, it was Val shooting that gun for his pal. The Beltbuckle comes out to see what is going on. Meanwhile Doris runs into Cami and they are wondering about that shot. Lucrazy has come out too, looking for Pedro. Pedro, meanwhile takes a quick look around the office and says Manana I will be back to find the proof.

Cameela and Doris go outside and Cameela says she was looking for the Beltbuckle to find out why there was a gunshot. Doris tells the Beltbuckle to knock it off his Papa Pig needs rest and calm, not gunshots. He tells them Val was testing a gun. Cameela wants the Beltbuckle to come back in the house. The Beltbuckle tells Cameela to get used to the guns. They all carry them at Altrash, see he even has one, and the bebe will be learning to shoot one too. Cameela is so not happy with that. The Beltbuckle stays and Cameela goes. She goes to the office and finds Pedro. She wants to know what he is doing there. He says there is so much keeping them apart, through no fault of their own, and that they love each other and nothing ever, ever will seperate them. Many passionate kisses.


Abismo de pasión #65 6/12/12: King of the Toads

Episode 65 - King of the Toads
June 12, 2012

Date: Nine months earlier.
Location: Ciudad de Mexico

Deep in the bowels of the mysterious Televisa offices in D.F., a lonely and lowly scribe toils. He is not old, but his posture might make you think he is. He is hunched over an ancient desktop computer in a windowless basement room. The huge machine, running Microsoft Office 2004, lurches through yet another spell check. It’s running, running, running. His rheumy eyes roll heavenward as he spots the time—it’s 3:30 AM. He watches the little hourglass on the machine. It’s running, running, running.

The scriptwriter looks desperate as he falls to his knees beside the computer. “Virgencita, I swear, if you will keep this machine from crashing, I promise, I swear, I will stop using the ‘Elisa cries’ device.”

Tears fall down his face. He is ashamed. He knows he can do better. He cries, “But dear Lady Maria, What was I to do? They brought me a perfectly good script to refry, I admit it. I was so relieved! Our consumer research said the show was a popular favorite from the 90’s (we were able to find on-line comments from that bell-weather genius, Jarocha, from Veracruz, indicating that the original telenovela had been one of her favorites).

Then the MARKETING guys came down from the 19th floor. They said that updating the old script was all fine and good for us creative types but we needed to stretch the material by 20%—with no additional budget for extra writers to take up the slack! So, I spent a little more time on the La Anita business as product placement and if the camera lingered a little too long on the procesadora, the habaneros, the cenote, and the local scenery, well, I won’t apologize for that. Those things eat up screen time and we don’t have to pay them union scale.

“But then,” and the scriptwriter’s voice catches in a sob, then Carmina threw a crutch at my continuity person and now she’s out for a month, Gabino menaced one of the young writers and he filed a sexual harassment lawsuit (he wishes!!!) and my faithful co-writer up and got herself knocked up and is on MATERNITY leave? I’ll bet Caridad Bravo Adams never had to deal with this stuff back in the day! Who ever heard of such a thing?”

The Virgin, for her part, remains silent. “Madrecita, por favor, have pity on this weak man. I confess, here is how it came down. I was up on the set watching Angelique, and she had to redo a take three times. This is very unlike her, I must say, that woman is as ambitious as hell and a TOTAL professional, but CAN SHE CRY. She can cry while she’s telling a joke, cry while she’s pulling on her boots or cry while she’s having an in-between-scenes smoke.

I couldn’t help it, Santa Maria, the temptation was too great. My mind began to do the math. Let’s see, I have to write for 42 minutes of screen time, but if I add in an ‘Elisa crying scene’, say two-minutes, OK, three minutes, once, no twice a script. Whew, Mother Maria. I could just feel myself relax. Lady, that meant writing only 36 minutes of dialogue a day! After I added in a few more shots of Sergio lounging about shirtless and depressed (he’s always up for that), Alfonsina badmouthing Elisa (easy as pie—cut and paste) I was down to 30 minutes a day.

Holy Mother, I knew there were some risks. Those pesky fans on Caray Caray are always agitating for action and plot movement or romance.  Good grief. They also have a problem with stupidity and idiot heroines. I could tell them, if they would listen, Elisa isn’t stupid, she is just being written that way.

I know, Lady Mother that these last few weeks’ episodes will have pushed them too far. But if you will just let this computer not crash…I’ll try to clean up my act. I swear…”

The computer rumbles and whirls as if a baby bird is caught inside. The young writer’s rosary beads click at a furious pace as he continues to implore the Virgen of Guadalupe for her help.  Finally with a soft garumphh the computer screen changes, the small hourglass icon disappears, and a note pops up, indicating that the spell check is complete.

Immediately, the exhausted writer falls to his knees and sketches a quick sign of the cross, while placing his rosary back ‘round his neck and kissing the crucifix. Having said his thanks, he is already sending the script file to the printing room upstairs to be printed and bound.

He glances at the clock as he gathers up his things to go home. It’s 3:55 A.M. Perhaps he will remember his promises as he writes future episodes of Abismo de Pasion. Perhaps he won’t.

Today’s Recap
This Very Day In La Ermita, Yucatan

Don Augusto Castañon opens the door to ING who reintroduces herself as Ingrid Navarro, the mother of Gael—and Kenia. Augusto starts out with a bang, reminding her about of parenting skills, asking why, for example, she abandoned her child Gael with Lupe. But Ingrid fires back with the big guns—Kenia is a minor and he is much older than she is. If ‘Gusto doesn’t leave Kenia alone she will contact the authorities.

It’s a Bitch Being Under Age and Having a Bad Useless Mommy

Ingrid makes the quick trip to from Casa Castañon to Kenia’s. Right away she notices the beautifully set table, the flowers, she smells the cooking. Ingrid tells Kenia that she knows she is preparing for an evening with the Viejo Augusto.

Kenia complains bitterly to her horror of a mother for interfering in her life.  Sadly, here, for just this once, Ingrid has the right side of it. Ingrid, quite correctly says that Kenia is a minor and if Augusto continues bothering her daughter she will denounce him (to the police). Boy is that a mixed bag of ironies. Do they have an emancipated minor status in Mexico? Won’t Kenia be 18 sometime soon?

It’s a Headline! Gusto Catfood Wants To Separate From Carmina

Meanwhile, ‘Gusto Cat Food tells Carmina that they cannot keep fighting, so he has taken a decision. He wants to separate from Carmina. Yippee.

Here’s Augusto’s song. If you play an instrument, play along! If you sing, hum a few bars. All of us want to support Assgusto in THIS decision.

King of the Toads
Sung to the tune of Roger Miller’s ‘King of the Road’

Got me an orange wife for rent.
The garden’s big, you can pitch a tent.
Can’t make up your mind—Need some help?
Carmina’s got Five Stars on YELP!
It say’s right here, “Two hours of bouncing tan,
Made P. Landucci a happy man.”
Am I a bad man? By no means!
I’m the King of the Toads!

Child Elisa surely ain’t mine
All she does is weep and whine
The way that woman whinges
Is it any wonder if I cringes?
She’s always trying to hug on me,
Lookin’ for my sympathy,
Am I a good Papa? By no means!
I’m the King of the Toads!

Girlfriend Kenia’s hot for me.
Like I told Ingrid, “She’s WAY past puberty!”
“She’s 17 if she’s a day
Who cares about age anyway?”
Today I’ll tell her to back down
That’ll keep her from coming ‘round!
Am I a good amante? By no means!
I’m the King of the Toads!

Last week I shot Damian.
Firearms accident can really hurt a man,
Take him from a respected Don,
To an incarcerated Con.
Plus, if that shot’d gone wider and higher
Dam’d be the new soprano in ‘Lupe’s choir!
Am I a good shot? By no means!
I am the King of the Toads!

Girlfriend Kenia’s hot for me.
Like I told Ingrid, “She’s WAY past puberty!”
“She’s 17 if she’s a day!”
“Who cares about age anyway?”

I am the King of the Toads! I am the King of the Toads! I am the King of the Toads!

Elna June
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A Masked Visitor with a paper bag on her foot hobbles her way over to the Augusto table…

Whew! OH MAN. Carlos por me a drink. This has got me waxing hopeful. I am giddy that he is leaving  the Tiny Brown Spider.

Now maybe he’ll have time to get to a Costco store and get his glasses fixed. That will make it easier for me to write recaps without having to consider the possible deeper meanings or themes implied in the broken/obscured vision trope suggested by the star shape in the ruined eyeglasses. (You people who find this meaningful can head over to the rickety table hosted by the Alan Ginsburg look-alike twin Profs from NYU and UCLA Film Schools. The drink of choice over there is a triple espresso with a straight up tequila chaser.

I’ll bet’Gusto can find AA meetings in the basment of ‘Lupe’s church. I know a whole table of really kind (and very funny) people who are ready to believe the best of him if he heads over to the Patio of Lowered Expectations.

The Boring Tovars

Edmundo and Begonia have lunch. They flirt a bit before she starts mindlessly discussing town happenings . He still has feelings for her but he gets mad when her incessant gossiping brings Carmina. Augusto, etc. to their table. He gets mad and walks out of the restaurant. Big yawn.

One Line Songs

·      Ramona tells Paloma that she does not own Gael. He is not her property. I LOVE RAMONA.

·      Ingrid strolls her annoying assets back into the Blue House of Shame. Gabino and Ingrid fuss and fight about telling Gael about his father. If they do that  then she won’t get another cent out of Alfonsina.  Gabino, thinking back, perhaps, to his ass-chewing by Alfonsina earlier, says she is not going to get another cent out of Alfie anyway, but Damian will put out. Not while Alfonsina is alive….

·      Alfonsina and Flo gossip about Paolo having it bad for Carmina  Bouvier. Meanwhile Carmina has dinner with Guido and asks for his help. She cries and mumbles something about her marriage being ruined by Paolo.

·      Alfonsina recruits Chente to be her personal spy. He is to report all meeting of Damian and Elisa.

·      Meanwhile anvils line up as Lolita reminds Horacio that she knows almost nothing about him. He looks impactada and then tells her he has never been married. Why? Because he takes marriage very seriously. Run, Lolita, run!

Gael Asks Elisa to Be a Friend but Elisa is Still Being Written as Stoopid

Gael asks Elisa to talk to Damian about everything that is happening.  Elisa continues stoopid. She she tells him that she prefers Damian to continue to believe that she and Gael have a relationship.

Whaat? Honest to Gawd, people.  This isn’t just stupid, Elisa, it is downright mean. But Gael, who is supposed to be the rube here,  gets upset and tells Elisa that is unwilling to continue with this farce. I love Gael. He tells her he needs to mature, too. He won’t play her game. After all he has done for her she just wants to use him. Ouchee. That must really hurt.

Paloma’s SQUEE is Heard All the Way to Petaluma

Gael seeks Lupe’s advice because Gael is hopping mad.  He has feelings for someone who doesn’t correspond. Padre assures him that this has happened before and that Gael should move on.

Right at this moment, Paloma comes to see Gael for a talk. Paloma is confused. Damian and Elisa have told her two different stories—Dam told her that Gael and Elisa were novios. Elisa said this was not true. Gael tells her that Elisa told the truth. Gael and Elisa are NOT novios.

Paloma starts to cry. She wanted to believe Elisa. She has always been her friend.

Then she starts babbling  Does the girl have NO pride? I guess not…Well, after seeing the People in Español photo of Mark  I would probably grovel too, if a) My spoken Spanish were better, b) I was 30 years younger, c) and 30 pounds lighter. “At least you are free,” Paloma natters. “I wish I could respond”, he says gently. “Why can’t you try to see me with other eyes?” Paloma asks Gael to be given an opportunity as a NOVIA. After some wrinkling of his handsome brow he says yes, they're going to try! She SQUEES and kisses him full of happiness .......

Kenia Comes Calling For…Elisa

When ‘Gusto told Elisa that nothing is going on with Kenia, naïve Elisa says that she knows this (more stoopid from the bad writers) as she pledges her misguided loyalty to Augusto with a Buenos Dias and leaves his office to the front bell ringing.

She opens the door to Kenia who wants to see…ummm..yeah…Elisa. Yeah, she is worried about Elisa. No, of course the rumours are exxagerated, there is nothing going on. Oh, the scandal that Carmina is making.

Elisa says Augusto is in his study and doesn’t not want to see anyone. Maybe he’ll see Kenia? No, Kenia thinks that is a bad idea. Later, she calls him on the phone. He does not think they should talk. She is a minor! (Well. ‘Gusto, she was a minor in age when you kissed her in front of the Mayor, his Horse and everybody on the street last week! What were you thinking then????) He is not looking for any more problems in his life. Yep, Ingrid has him spooked. Guess he did not think much of that carcel chow.

Augusto runs into Camina as she comes in late. She tries to explain where she has been, but ‘Gusto is not interested. Desamor for sure.

Paolo Is A Loser Except When He Looks In Mirror

Moments after Augusto has bid Carmeana goodnight and headed to his room,  Paolo, who has been following Carmina,  tries to push right past Carmina into her house. (LOCK the door behind you, Carmina.) She resists him, calls him stupid, berates him and shoves him right out the front door. When he is not being a rapey-snake what does Paolo do?

Bereft, Paolo goes down to the Cantina and makes friends with a good looking bottle of tequila. They become intimate as he finishes at least one bottle and sleeps prettily at a table in the bar. His head is turned to the side and not face down with slack arms in ‘Gusto Catfood’s favorite overnight position. No, we in Vierville do not feel sorry for him as the proprietor offers him a cafecito with his bill as morning sun streams in through the bar’s open shutters.

The Tovar Family Sup Together

Begonia gets all dressed up for dinner at home with the whole family but Edmundo is delayed. It almost doesn’t happen.  At dinner Begonia had to stop Sabrina from gossiping for Edmundo’s sake. Edmundo doesn’t stay for dessert. Meh.

Guido and Alfonisina Breakfast Together

They talk about Paolo’s problems with Carmina and Guido’s recent meeting with the Tiny Brown Recluse. Alfie wants to know why Guido did not trust her with this information before.

Guido is worried about Paolo. He is obsessed with this woman, Carmina. When their parents died, he tells Alfie, he felt responsible for Paolo, his little brother. If Paolo goes back to Mexico he, Guido, will go with him.

La Procesadora

Thirty second shot of peppers being processed in a machine. Really eats up the screen time. Damian and anf Flo walk in to the office. Damian has a visitor waiting. It is Elisa!

Elna June
June 12, 2012
Happy Birthday Margaret!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #25-26 Tue 6/12/12 He's Not Heavy, He's My Brother, But Rosa's Pride Weighs Heavier Than Her Guilt

I'm giving just bullet points tonight and I organized by themes.
Rosa’s Guilt Does Not Make Her a Better Person/Luci’s Origins Become Less Murky
-Rosa confesses to Padre Honesto that she gave away Claudio and Aurora’s daughter, without consulting Claudio, and now she can’t tell him the truth. Yet, she keeps whining about the guilt she feels. Padre gets majorly frustrated and ticked off at her and tells her she had no right to do what she did. If she won’t come clean to Claudio, well that’s just on her conscience.  He later tells her he can’t help her further and she best see a shrink.
-Rosa tells the Padre that she knows the baby was not Claudio’s, and that’s one reason why she can’t bring herself to tell him the whole truth about the child. She admits to the Padre that the only other people who know what she did with the baby are Connie and Mati.
-After finding Hannah, Melissa, and Luci in the library with Lorenzo, who’s using the phone to call his new boss at Inferno, Rosa blows her stack and majorly reams Luci out for letting her insignificant relatives into the house. Hannah and Melissa are absolutely shocked. The only other time Hannah has seen her mother act this way was the first day Luci came into the house. The two girls tell Pato what happened. He’s just as flabbergasted and perplexed by his mother’s behavior towards Luci.
-Luci wonders why the heck Rosa hates her so much.
-Rosa meets with Connie and asks for her help in finding the little girl. To do that, she needs to find the gardeners, Galdino and Paz!
-Back at Casa Torreslanda, Pato is asking Luci if she finished high school/secondary school. She just had one exam to go, but then her dad died and all this other bad stuff happened, so she didn’t get to take it. Pato offers to help her register for and take the exam. Then he asks her to tell him more about her mother and father. Mati has come into Pato's room with fresh towels. She drops the towels and nearly faints when she hears Luci say her parents are Paz and Galdino Jacinto Flores. Mati immediately knows that Luci is the daughter of Claudio and Aurora Linares!
-Luci helps Mati to her room, and Mati pumps Luci for more information about her parents and childhood. She seems especially concerned about whether Luci had a happy childhood. Luci only has good things to say about her parents. She tells Mati about her father's dying words/wish, for Luci to find Rosa Torres...

Everyone’s Talking About and Visiting El Inferno
-Aldo is keen to go see Lorenzo and hang out at El Inferno, which is one of the hot clubs at the moment. Hannah wants to go too, which causes Rosa to have a fit and yell at everyone. Max takes Aldo aside privately to warn him not to go to a place like that or to take Hannah there. I’m sure every Torreslanda and relative will have hung out at Inferno by the end of this tn.
-Lorenzo gets a job at Inferno.
-Don Aquiles shows up at El Inferno, totally by coincidence, and does not understand the concept of valet (he thinks the guy is saying ballet) parking.
-Lastra and Ivan can tell from a mile away that Aquiles is a hick from the sticks with lots of money. They want to relieve him of that money, so they serve him the best and most expensive mezcal, introduce him to the private salon in the back with the gambling, Lastra exchanges cards with him and invites him back whenever he is next in D.F. , and they get their best girl, Coral/Violeta to serve him. He doesn’t recognize Violeta, but appreciates her assets, but she recognizes him.
-Another regular customer is totally crushing on Violeta. He wants to walk her home, but she tells him Polo’s already got that job. She clarifies that Polo is not her boyfriend (poor guy) and she seems to like the customer too. She is not freaked out at all the next day when he just shows up at her apartment building. Stalker!
-Seeing how much she attracts customers, Lastra wants Violeta to start working in the private salon. Seems he’s thinking that she may be willing to offer more than drinks and snacks to the customers. She tells him her only *other* talent is singing. He agrees to try her out as a singer in the private salon.

Emperor Max of Empresas Torreslanda
-Although everyone else, including Pato, and especially Rod, want to invest in the new business venture, Max puts his foot down and refuses to agree. Rod is pissed and wonders why Max has no faith in him. He's sure he must have even trusted his first business partner more, who cheated him. Oscar wonders if perhaps that's why Max has such a hard time trusting others.
-Oscar reports back to Max on Linares, who's determined to clear his name. Oscar doesn't see the harm. Since he's guilty he won't be able to prove his innocence. He's guilty, right? Max assures Oscar of Claudio's guilt and he wants him to stay on the case. Oscar confides in Connie about his unease over this whole Linares matter.
-Looks like Max may have some competition for Vicky's heart in the form of that lazy, walking disaster, Aldo. Aldo drops by the beauty salon to score some money off of Connie, and takes the opportunity to flirt with Vicky. He makes her smile. 

Het Het
-Fabian tells Magda and Paz that Ariche is so depressed about Luci being gone that he’s even stopped putting an effort into his school work. Fabian brings him around to Magda’s so that she and Paz can love him up. He just wants to know if Luci is coming back.
-Magda and Paz call Lorenzo and tell him Don Aquiles is in the city looking for them. They all need to be alert and careful.
-Paz finally asks Magda why she seems to know so darned much about Don Aquiles. She admits that she was once involved with him, when she was young and foolish, but then she realized what kind of man he is.
-Don Aquiles gets a flat tire on his way back to Chihuahua. A perfect end to his unsuccessful trip to the big city.

Love Quadrangle 1: Lalu-Boris-Hannah-Lorenzo
-Boris is blowing up Hannah’s phone night and day trying to convince her to give him a chance.
-Both Lalu and Boris want to drop out of their school group project- Lalu because she can’t bear to be near Boris if she can’t have him; Boris because he can’t bear to be near Hannah if he can’t have her.
-After he gets run over by a pizza delivery bike on his way out of Casa Torreslanda (he was warning Luci about Aquiles), Lorenzo gets rescued by Hannah and Melissa. Lorenzo and Hannah are hit by the love bug, big time. The girls bring him inside to tend to his bumps and scrapes, and H & L can’t take their eyes off each other. Too bad Rosa would lock Hannah up in a convent before she’d let her get involved with a poor, uneducated guy like Lorenzo, and especially since he’s the brother of her favorite punching bag, Luci.

Love Quadrangle 2: Pato-Luci-Rod-Gala
-Rod tells Gala that he can’t marry her because he realizes that he doesn’t really know her. For example, he never knew she was such a cruel person. When she presses for details, he keeps mum about what he learned about her war against Luci. Gala points out that he’s the one cancelling the wedding for no reason, and yet he’s calling HER cruel.
-Gala proceeds to yell in anger, whine, cry, beg on her knees, and then threatens to take her own life. Rod can only beg her not to do anything crazy and tells her they will talk the next day when they are both calm.
-Julie admits to a surprised Gala that they are in debt, and she had to take a loan out on their NYC apartment, so Gala better do something to get Mr. Torre$$landa back and down the aisle.
-Rod goes home and tells Pato that he doesn’t want to marry Gala. Pato, being the most intelligent character in this tn, asks Rod if he had the guts to tell Gala he can’t marry her because he’s in love with Luciana? Rod is shocked that Pato knows, but Pato says it’s obvious. He asks Rod if he’s spoken with Luci, and is not surprised that she wants Rod to leave her alone.  Pato understands that Luci doesn’t want to suffer, and warns Rod not to hurt her.
-Since he can’t fight his feelings for Luci, Rod decides to move back to his apartment permanently, that night. When he gets there, and has taken off his shirt in preparation for bed (thank you director/writers), Gala, wearing nothing but a fur coat and her highest, black do-me heels, jumps his bones. He does not resist. Well, he *does* weakly beg her to not do this to him.
-The next morning, Gala is still playing seductress. She must be really good, because Rod has been completely subdued back into a cooperative bridegroom. Gala glosses over her Luci antics by pointing out that Rod wouldn’t have be pleased had she been flirting with some guy, like he has been with Luci. Rod doesn’t deny this. Looks like the wedding is on again.
-Later Rod feeds Pato dinner and Pato tells him what happened that day when Rosa bit Luci’s head off about her brother. Rod wants to see her and comfort her, but he’s keeping his promise about keeping his distance. Well Pato wants to see her too, and nothing would happen if they are both there.
-Luci hears a knock on her door late that evening. She is shocked to find Rod at her door, holding Pato in his strong, manly arms.

Avances: Mati believes that it’s God’s will that Claudio and Aurora’s child, Luci, was brought back to them. She asks Rosa, “What would you do if the child showed up here?” Gala gets ready for the big day, but overhears Rod say that he does not want to get married. 


El Talismán #95 Tue 6/12/12 The Just Desserts Cart Is Beginning to Roll In and Why is Everyone Wearing Blue*?

Recap by Rosemary la Otra

Antonio is pondering how in the diablo Pig figured out he was poisoning him.
Rennie*, in a deep sea blue shirt, and Rita and Dr. Doh-mo are arguing amongst themselves.  When Doh tries to exit, Antonio is there at the door and asks “Where do you think you're going?”, and pushes Doh back onto the couch. Antonio tells them they could all go to jail.  Renato begs to differ that he and Rita aren't involved.  Antonio tells them “of course you are, so listen up, here's the plan, but first where's the bottle of poison?”

Pedro tells Margarito about the phone call he overheard and that Lu and Antonio are poisoning Pig, and he wants to go to the police.  Margarito points out the irony that Pedro wants to save the man who has always hated him.

Maria and Manuel*, in his turquoise tie, are still basking in the afterglow of their wedding with candlelight and toasts.  Her hair is pinned up into a cute curly bob that is attractive on her.

As Camila*, in a teal sleeping tank top, dreams of Pedro, a new day dawns and Pedro*, wearing a navy blue tee,  is sleeping on the couch.  He is dreaming of Camila*, wearing a light blue skirt, and even mumbles “Camila” aloud.  He is awakened by a presence and Pop! Goes the Sleazel (oops, wrong tn), there stands Lu in her thigh high F-me boots.  She had overheard his mumblings, but will play sweet for the moment. She asks why he didn't come sleep with her, and he tries to change the subject about her needing to go visit her dad.  He also talks to her about changing her attitude, and living in the real world, and being honest with him, if she wants this to work.

For our daily dose of comfort food, Army and Angel are noshing on fries.  Elvira comes out wheeling the match to Doris' suitcase.  She's saying she can't stay there since Angel kicked her out, which he denies.  Then she goes off about how Maria is worried Manuel will leave her for Elvira.  The boys say as simply as they can “Manuel no te ama” as if they were talking to a kindergartener.  She isn't hysterical, but she is walking around with that proverbial stick up her butt.  Forget the Sleepytime Tea, give her some Laxatea.

Of all the loose ends that need to get wrapped up, we waste time on the Sarita / Gabe relationship.  Santiago*, in a blue rasperry shirt, is giving love advise to Gabe.  I kid you not! 

Meanwhile, Sarita*, in a blue denim jacket, and blue belt is talking with Geno*, in her blue plaid shirt that is over a robin egg blue cami, about poor Sarita's single status.  Sarita says she is going to try to get pregnant so Gabe will have to marry her.  Geno hurries and puts the kibosh on that idea. Great PSA.

While Pedro* is changing into his blue-button-up dress shirt, Lu stands out on the veranda berating Sarita for not being able to get Gabe to marry her.  Sarita screams a CALLATE and just then Gabe and Santiago walk up and Gabe informs todo el mundo, including Rude Lu, that he is going to marry Sarita. First Sarita says “en serio?”, then she turns on Lu saying “now who are you going to marry since Pedro is already married to Camila?”.  Really, isn't rubbing someone's face in it the best part of getting engaged? 

Pedro and Padre walk up and both think it is maravilloso, but when Padre has Gabe alone he asks him if he's sure about this as it's a very serious matter.  WAIT!  Isn't Padre the one who has been hounding Gabe just as much as Sarita has?  Gabe admits his doubts, so Padre says he won't marry them, but then when faced with the prospect of not marrying Sarita, Gabe panics and realized her really does love her.   


But wait... Geno is doing her work and those peacocks* are blaring again.  No, that's Sarita running up to tell Geno the good news.  Geno is a bubble bustin' voice of reason saying given the circumstances of the proposal, she thinks it was just a Pity Proposal. 

Commercial:  Has anyone actually ordered the Fir Slim?

Antonio comes in and takes Camila's cell phone out of her hand and locks her in the bedroom.  Then he tells Doris and Poncho they need to run some things to the post office for F1, and finally he sends Domitila and Tracy*, in a blue hemmed skirt, to the end of the ranch to clean the farthest cabin. 

Here come the hoi polloi of Fresno, Rita, Rennie and Dr. Doh, to El Alcatraz.  Why have they been called there?  They hope to get paid.  When Maria (not Tia, but the nun from Sound of Music) made those clothes using the drapes, she must have left the valance.  Rita* is wearing it as a blue-gray ruffled dress.

Pig, sitting on the edge of his bed, takes a gulp of water and runs with his mouth covered to el bano. We know from past shows this means he has morning sickness and is pregnant.  Antonio sneaks in right then and takes Pig's gun from the nightstand and shoves it in his back waistband.

Pig comes out of el bano sweating like a... well, sweating like a pig. Pig tells Antonio he is not going to get away with poisoning him.  Antonio aims the gun at Pig and says “Oh ya?”.  They get into a fight with lots of wrestling and screaming.  Camila is listening from her locked door.

The pig is on the floor, Antonio is hollering that no one will come help him because nobody loves him.  He's pointing the gun.  Pig is calling him a coward for bullying him when he's so weak.  Antonio replies “just like you did to me when I was a little boy, you hit me and spat on me....”  Pig blurts out that Antonio isn't even his son, he is the bastard child of his mother and Antonio surprises us with the answer that he always knew that.  Sad.

Pig make a laughable grab for the gun just as Dr. Doh-Mo walks in with a huge syringe.  Pig tries to tackle Doh and Antonio calls for Rennie.  The three guys hold him down while Doh sticks the syringe in Pig's neck.  Yes, the pig got poked.

Camila is hollering to get out.  Rita hears this and thinks “Is Camila here?”

 Antonio pays Renato and tells him to go far, far away.  When Doh asks for money, Antonio throws lots of bills at him.  lol

Pig, the bloviating ignoramus, has been silenced and is immobile except for his eyes.  His mind is alert, though, and as Dr. Doh fluffs pillows, Pig thought bubbles:
    -As soon as I can move I swear I'm going to kill you!

    -Bastard, you betrayed me!

    -I hope both you and Antonio burn in hell!

    -I will rise as the 12th Imam!   (well, maybe not that one)

Antonio gives his best diabolical laugh yet and puts the gun back in the nightstand.  What can Pig do with it, after all?  He then goes to Camila's room and tells her that despite the screams she heard, she is to act tranquila in front of people.  Oh, and Pig had a stroke.

Ho-ris is at the Fres-Ho House, engaging in pillow talk with Lucas.  He tells her that Antonio and Dr. Jaime have bad intentions for Pig.   I hear The Incredible Mr. Limpit dolphin sounds as background music. 

Lu and Pedro arrive at El Alcatraz.  They walk into Antonio and his Chula.  Antonio announces that he and Camila are expecting.  Camila concurs.  I am trying to read the expression on Pedro's face.  Does he know it must be his?  Is he doubting the pregnancy?  Whatever, it's a shame he covers that gorgeous smile of his with a thin lipped closed mouth grin.

Camila is very incomoda with Antonio's hand around her.  They talk about if they want a boy or girl and what about a name.  Camila says she wants a girl and to name her “Mariana”.  (Okay, who here suggested ust that this past weekend?)   Antonio says “too bad she died”.  Pedro says “no, she was murdered”.

Incidental:  F2* and her friend* are at the ice cream shoppe.  F2 is venting about everything and everybody, except for Camila, who she kinda feels sorry for now.

*Who Wore Blue:
  •         Rennie
  •         Rita
  •         Pedro, twice
  •         Manuel
  •         Camila, twice
  •         Santiago
  •         Sarita
  •         Geno, layered
  •         Tracy
  •         Primer Impacto commercial gal
  •         Noticiero Univision commercial gal
  •         F2
  •         F2's friend
  •         The peacocks
  •         Doris (is excluded, as she had on no clothes)

Recap by Rosemary la Otra                 posted by Madelaine


Amorcito Corazon Discussion #9-13 June 11-15

Main Events:
  • Doris makes a grand entrance and announces she and Fernando are engaged. Marisol, MariFer and MariLu are not happy. They call dad to come home. They call Hortensia to come over. Fernando tries to tactfully explain that he is not engaged and Doris is not his girlfriend. He gets nowhere. The oldest and  youngest daughters don't believe him. The middle one does.
  • Doris is dense and doesn't get it. He's just not that into you, chica.
  • Fernando tries to explain to Isa that it wasn't his fault she got fired; it was his suegra.
  • Hortensia is a real metiche.
  • Willy talks his way out of the stain. He and the monjita have a nice little walk.
  • Zoe's lawyer is slimy, but she gets a waiter at the bar to video the slimy lawyer moves and says she'll put them on the internet.
  • Isa visits her mother. Mother seems to be making progress.
  • Fernando doesn't believe in curses and tries to prove to Isa they don't exist. Too bad the earth started to shake...literally.
Other stuff
  • Poncho bids adieu to Doris' games. He's not willing to lose his job.
  • Willy's friends get a lesson on Karate Kid waxing methods.
  • Who is the random woman who came up at the church and overheard Willy y cuates' conversation about the mojita? Jaibo's wife/girlfriend or the lady who dressed like a nun?
  • We are reminded that Cecilio has it bad for Zoe.
  • Willy has to fast talk to the mother superior and explain why he isn't in his sotana. 
la tintorería: dry cleaners (hey, it's new for me)
flacucha(-a): skinny (not really hard to figure out, but I liked the sound of it)


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