Friday, October 26, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #142 Fri 10/26/12... Of time jumps, CUTE SWEET grown up kids, little girl and college age girl shipped away to school, did I say CUTE SWEET grown up kids? and 'where in the world is Pedro Campos'?


Rodrigo hugging Hanah, talking about how their parents now seem to be total strangers with very rotten sense of values.
Pato says 'our strength is in remaining together, loving each other, and our parents are our challenge, our dare. They are our biggest test of love.'

Luci tells Claudio about her meeting with little Mateo and how she felt to hold him and kiss him.  Claudio says it is strange, especially since their meeting was more emotional rather than rational. Luci says what if that were my son? They said he was 4 mos old but he looked smaller (she freaks out repeating what he it were my son?) Claudio reassures her they will never stop looking for him.

At Chelo’s place, Chelo reads Luci’s business card and then puts it away in a drawer. Then remembers Luci telling him she wanted to help them, no questions asked.

Lo Nuevo:

Hanah in her room laying crying, Max comes in… visibly moved/repentant. He tells her  she is grown up but there might still be things she does not understand about him, your mother and I have not been intimate for many years, no words of love, no physical intimacy… he has a need to be held, to be kissed…even for a little while… THAT is what keeps the world moving… to feel loved… I married your mother loving her, and look at us now. As if we were enemies. I hope you could forget/erase at least some of what happened today, and retain only the good things you have lived with your dad. Because your dad could come and go, he could be here and not be… but you will always be the most prized jewel, the most beloved woman of his life.(she is crying more while listening)
She won’t even turn to face him so he leaves quietly, visibly upset.

At Het Het, Teo is whining to Don Aq about his broken promises ‘if you scare Procopio I will give you his job at the funeral home’. Don Aq says Don Serapio wants Procopio to stay at funeral home and I can’t do anything about that.  … Don Aq says why don’t you try moving to another town and scare someone there… Teo whines some more… which finally irritates Don Aq into just leaving…

At Curvas Continuas, Vio, Selene and Delia receive an unsolicited visit, Gala. Gala asks about Luci, she left. Since I am here why don’t you wash my car… Vio makes a whole ceremony for it putting the soap in the bucket(I would have put in some other things as well, like crushed poison ivy, some sulfuric acid, paint thinner, itchy powder, rubbing alcohol and rubbing compound for starters), stirring with her hand and then splashing Gala with the entire bucket full. Gala is drenched, either Selene or Delia calls Julie ‘espaguetti mexicano’ when she comes over to protest… Gala threatens Vio some and then she and Julie leave in a huff…

Pato calls Luci to let her know they will fly to Het Het tomorrow. He can tell she is a bit sad so she also tells him the story of her meeting with Mateo. He does not seem to get the same vibe as Claudio, more like brushes it off saying a few days at SFeA will do her a lot of good… She asks him how he is… he sadly tells her ‘I am ok’. (not! Not after the new dinner party gone haywire.)

Janah calls Lorenzo while in her room with Mati and we get another sweet convo over the phone. She is sad and needed to talk to him. He even offers to come see her even if he has to risk being caught by her mom… they agree to meet tomorrow… Lorenzo does not let her hang up. He confesses to her, with sweet difficulty, that he loves her… Janah has not noticed her wicked mother has made it in the room… She tells Lorenzo ‘I do love you too’. Both of them hang up not able to contain the joy… Janah turns to Mati yelling that Lorenzo loves her… YIKES!!!
Predictably, RE is beserk with anger… Janah cannot dare even turn around to look her in the eye… you are seeing the ‘taquero de barrio’. And if I could separate your brother from his sister, I will DEFINITELY separate you from him! I warned you! I warned you!. (with that she leaves Janah to find some consolation in Mati’s open arms).

Gala arrived home and threw her purse/bag at Frigida telling her to empty the bag and throw it out… We now see Frigida emptying the bag and guess what she found?? … wait for it… wait for it… Baby Rod’s hospital bracelet name tag!! Frigida says ‘I smell something bad/rotten’ (literally! And I bet it was not exactly the actual bracelet tag)

Melissa confesses to Connie that she is in love with Claudio… Connie not too happy to hear it since Claudio  is old enough to be Melissa’s dad. Melissa tells her she also told Luci and Luci said the same thing Connie did.  Connie asks Melissa what is it you are after? Melissa seems to imply that she wants someone to tell Claudio that she is in love with him. Connie says Claudio is a great man, but he just recovered his daughter and part of his fortune, so it would probably not be in his plans to find a young woman to marry, so forget any hopes of seeing your feelings corresponded. Give yourself time. You just became a lawyer… you cannot force love. Both sides have to be on same wavelength. And this is not your case.

Ofelia and Estelita tell Marianita that they can afford better education for her so they want to ship her to Puebla to a boarding school. (YIKES!!) It takes some convincing but they are able to convince Marianita that they will see her often enough, not all kids have this opportunity, and that it will be great for her future… (hmmmm!!... didn’t Marianita live years without her mother and now they want to separate them again??)

RE makes calls from kitchen to arrange that Janah gets shipped to Florence Italy for her college education (5 yrs straight without coming home). Mati is beside herself… RE claims this is the only way to separate Janah from Lorenzo and retain her ‘chastity/purity’.  RE even calls Boris and asks him if he is willing to follow Janah to Italy to be with her these 5 yrs.  Mati asks won’t you even ask Max? RE says nope, it is my call.

At Nicole’s salon, Vicky has finally returned to work to get over her grief… Nicole is congratulating her on a good business day… but in comes RE the witch to ruin the day… RE gives Vicky a speech as if RE were an undertaker showing her all her sins… Better stay away from Max, because otherwise I swear I will help you meet your dad sooner rather than later… Don’t worry about your dad, he is happy now, rather than suffering in this valley of tears… Just as RE leaves, Max calls Vicky on cell phone to warn her that RE discovered their affair. Vicky yells at him that RE was just there to threaten her and not to call her anymore, that IT IS OVER!!!

Patricio and Luci have arrived at Het Het and they are taking a tour of the shop at Magda’s old house… everyone is really happy. Namurachi thanks them again for the resources… Luci says what is important is that they are getting their biggest goal, to get help for their local women and get them working…

RE tells Janah about her plans to ship her to Italy when they are already on the way to the airport. She tells Janah that she is going to Florence Italy, and that it is to separate her from Lorenzo. You should have thought it better before you dared me. Janah tries to beg and whine her way out of it, to no avail. Five years!! (Mati has called Lorenzo to tell him… He is frozen upset, buckles his knees and sits on curb, almost having difficulty to absorb/process the news he just heard…Later Lorenzo arrives at the private airport but is too late, he can only watch the plane she is on taking off on the runway.. he can only repeat Janah … Janita… crying quietly..

(oh no… here we go… 5 years later…)
Chelo is finishing preparing the meal for Mateo… then he sings loudly to try to get Mateo to wake up and get up to eat… Mateo is so cute!! Luci’s face with black straight hair, but wit h a boy haircut. He is turning 5 years old today. Chelo has made him a small (tiny tiny) cake shaped like a 5 with a single candle…and Chelo sings the mananitas to Mateo.

We see Luci drawing a sketch of what she believes her baby would be like… from looking at the newborn baby picture… she painfully whispers ‘5 yrs, it has been 5 yrs’.  She gets a call from Claudio to meet later, seems she has been able to survive drowning herself in work and her charity…

We see Mateo selling newspapers out in the rain at a busy intersection on the street when guess who drives to him… none other than Daddy Rodrigo himself!... they have a great joyful conversation… funny Mateo tells Rod that the paper is cheaper when there are bad news and more expensive when there are good news… they tell each other their names… Rod offers Mateo some gum, Mateo choses the berry one. Then they swap the money for the paper… SOOOO CUTE this Mateo is… SOOOO like Luci in the face… Chelo has been across the street selling papers to the opposite traffic and has been watching the interaction between Mateo and Rodrigo with a questioning / curious face.
(I have to say I did not like a 5 yr old boy in such a dangerous spot, selling papers at an intersection… but the face on this kid, and his interaction with his ‘don’t know it but you’re my’ dad was priceless!! And dad looks SEXY in his dorky black framed glasses)

At TL offices, Claudio is doing business as usual with Norma, Barrera has been in Argentina after the trail of Pedro Campos… Claudio is a bit flustered they have been trying to find PC for 5 yrs but not able to. 

At Italy, Janah is more mature looking, with wavy hair… packing to return home.

At TL offices, there is a meeting where they spent more money than Max expected (almost 10 % over) on a hydraulic system to reprocess ‘black’ waters… Everyone else, including Claudio is for the tradeoff of doing ‘the right thing for the environment’ in exchange for the 2% reduction in profits… Even one of Rod’s friends reminds them that they also have a commitment/duty as a company to the environment, which overall is beneficial to the company since it has got a ‘environmentally responsible’ rating with the government. Max is still miffed, THIS IS A BUSINESS so we have to find a way to meet the goal for the environment without sacrificing the BUSINESS… Claudio just smiles…

 At TL manor, RE is more anxious than ever with the arrival of Janah, even tells Mati to throw away a tomato that to me looked perfectly red and shiny…

Lorenzo and Fabi are doing well with a business they called ‘la canasta de Lorenzo… deliciosos tacos’… Lorenzo is on the street in the business van talking to Fabi checking on how things are going in the kitchen… He sees a plane fly by above and seems to smile, maybe he knows Janah is due to come back home anytime…

But in Italy, we learn that Boris and Janah are engaged, at least from what Boris says and Janah does not challenge… But she is definitely not very excited about the engagement… probably a forced engagement, maybe even RE told her either you get engaged or you don’t come back home (that was a guess on my part, not on the episode).

At Het Het Paz and Magda wonder if baby Rod would already be in Kinder at school somewhere since he is already 5 yrs old..

As if on cue, on the streets sitting at a park bench, little Mateo/Rod is asking Chelo why he is not in school. Chelo promises him he will home-school him to read, write and count, then later on will register him in school.

At the sky suite furthest from heaven, little Alexia looks very pretty, but has a very screechy voice… just arrived from school with the nurse. Frigida is there… Gala comes but is very distant from Alexia, is not even interested in seeing her school work, instead rudely sends her to her room with the nurse. Frigida is observing all this quietly. Gala asks Frigida if Rod called… Frigida very sarcastically says no ma’am, he has not called. (seems this is the usual routine of every day for Gala, who looks more un-happy than ever). Gala calls Rod at office, he is at a meeting with Claudio and the boys on a new project… Gala puts Rod on phone with Alexia… he asks her how school went… he can’t come home right now but will be happy if she tells him the story when he gets home tonight. Alexia hangs up with Rod and runs back to her room without saying a word to her mother. (sad to watch this as a mother that i am).  Rod gets sad and tells the other men in the office that today would be his son Rod’s 5th bday.  

Luciana is at an orphanage, speaking with the one who looks like a mother superior, about it having been 5 years and no word about her son yet. The MS is trying to prepare Luciana for the disappointment, the more time passes, the more difficult it will be to find your son… Luci says all she hopes is that whoever has her son is treating him right…

At that very moment we see Mateo and Chelo eating at a diner, talking… when Chuy and others come with a birthday cake surprise for Mateo… ‘this is the best birthday of all my life!!’

VO: Time passes… time does not forgive but does not forget either…
we see flashes of Luci and Rod about to kiss, then Luci and Pato talking, then it seems Mateo and Alexia end up at same school, shake hands, then Luci meeting Alexia


Blog mom recommends a video. Have a look, please!

Please watch: You Don't Own Me

The song is Leslie Gore's hit from the 1960s. It seems very pertinent in view of the many recent comments about the male-dominated world of telenovelas.

I have been asked to keep this blog non-political, and by and large I do, but I've thought this over carefully, and - it's my blog. Agree or disagree as you choose - but just take a look, it's a lovely video.

I love all our bloggers and commenters, big and small, male and female, red and blue. I am disallowing comments on this post but you may write to me directly at


Amor Bravío #51 (Uni 46) Thu 10/25/12 Amor Valiente

D'Andres convinces Camila to let him talk to Luzma alone first.  Camila reluctantly agrees, but she wants him to do it right away.  He vows to make the responsible party regret being born.

Isadora refuses to go to Las Vegas to make believe it's a real training trip.  Basically, Dionisio just wants Agustina out of the way so he can make a play for Camila without her mother hanging all over him every second.  He doesn't care how low Isadora thinks he's fallen, the sod will rise again.  Isadora decides she'll cancel at the last minute so that Agustina still has to go and Dio can make his move.

Rafa was a little worried about how Camila would take him moving in with Vivi, but Vivi's more preoccupied with the knowledge that Cam and D'Andres have done the deed.  Vivi lies to Rafa, telling him nothing happened, but Cam just isn't for him.  It's too late to keep her from falling from D'Andres.  She advises Rafa to stop suffering over his impossible love.

Osvaldo is glad to see Camila so well recovered.  She reviews her will and only asks for one change--if she should happen to re-marry, she wants her husband and children to have part of her goods.  Osvaldo says she's welcome to change her will as many times as she wants to, so no worries.  He'll bring a fresh copy for her to sign the day after tomorrow.  Agustina giddily announces she can't sign then because she'll be in Vegas, baby.  Osvaldo is thrilled to hear it…not!

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Abismo de pasión #154 10/25/12: Damian rejects, Carmina reflects, Gael neglects, and Elisa connects with Carmina’s face.

Refrito: Who knew there was a piranha in the cenote? Certainly not Dam, but he knows now.

Lo Nuevo:  Fina visits Lucio. (Great eye roll gramps.) He wonders why she’s there. Last time, he says, it was to talk about Blanca and Stef. To her surprise he also knows about the plane tickets, but he says patooey on them because they could be fake just like the DNA results that Carmina once falsified. Fina sighs and says she lost the only person who could help her, her brother. That’s why she’s come, she needs Lucio’s help. They are seeking the same thing, the truth. She wants to talk to Lucio about his doubts concerning Blanca’s death and to put Gabino Mendoza behind bars until the end of his days.

The Citrus Octopus tells Dam that she heard Elisa tell Lolita she wasn’t going to meet Dam at the cenote. She suggests they get it on, “Let’s kiss, let’s cuddle, let’s go to hell together.” (Direct quote, no paraphrasing I swear.) He calls her Señora and says the only thing she provokes in him is lastima y verguenza. She looks like she’d like to have a knife, gun, or rock in her hand right about now.

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #72 10/25/12: Tell Her That You're Never Gonna Leave Her, Tell Her That You're Always Gonna Love Her...

During his evening of romanticus interruptus (the guy is like Wile E Coyote), Plutarco convinces Helena to throw the mementos she has of Juan Carlos out the window; "Do it for Lalito," he tells her.  Helena is green from cyanide poisoning and tells Pluto she feels bad.  He tells her it's just the emotional wear and tear she has just experienced, but she tells him no, she really feels ill.  He goes to take her out for some fresh air and Helena faints.  Pluto is scared and he calls an ambulance.  Pluto calls Silvia, and Silvia in turn calls Bastardo who has to find the phone under a pile of clothes.  He is his usual charming self.  Instead of concern for Helena he wants to know what's she doing out so late.  He says Helena doesn't exist for him anymore, but he shows up at the hospital anyway.

JC and Mimi are with a friend of Mimi's who helped them break into Pluto's house, which is in the middle of construction.  The women are doing their "life is roses" song, but JC wants them to get serious and help find Pluto's safe.  He discovers a hole in the wall where Pluto's safe used to be and gets angry.  Worse yet, he finds a photo of Helena and shouts that he knew it, Pluto is in love with her!

Lucia is pouting silently in the office with Renato, and he asks if it's because of the question he asked her in yesterday's show, does she want to sleep with him or not?  She says that although she's a modern woman, she wants romance and to be treated like the princess she is.  He says that's not how she behaved with her previous boyfriends (ouch).  She gets indignant and wants to know where he heard such a thing.  He says from Mauricio in Human Resources.  Renato admits to having a secret and Lucia tries to get him to tell her.  She runs through a list of women at GI with whom he might be involved, but he says he has other priorities- work.  They are bantering and in the process Lucia accidentally erases hours of his work off the computer.  He's not happy.

Back at the pension, JC is ranting about that vulture Pluto having eyes for Helena.  JC goes to call Helena to tell her about still being alive.  Mimi talks him out of it (again) and JC goes for a walk leaving his phone behind.  Alone in a park, JC cries thinking about all the times he's run into Helena and the Putz together.  "Por que, Helena, por que?" he asks.  Then he daydreams about their time together.  JC shows up at Helena's apartment as himself, apparently ready to confess everything.  The sitter tells him that Helena is in the hospital and he rushes off.

At the hospital, a doctor is telling Pluto, Silvia, and Ed about Helena's condition.  She has food poisoning and they've pumped her stomach.  But while doing scans they found a tumor in her ovary.  They have to do more studies.  Mad Dad snaps at Silvia for crying.  He tells her she is as irresponsible as ever.  (you know, this used to really bother me but now I just see it as more nails in his coffin.)  Mad Dad observes that Pluto must be very much in love with Helena to be hanging around like this.  Pluto acknowledges Helena's importance to him, and Bastardo tells him, "Learn to control her or she will do foolish things."  While all this is going on, JC sneaks past the lot of them.

At home, Marcela is asking Fernando about a broken sink, which he has "fixed" three times already.  He just wants to eat his breakfast (if you have a mustache in this show then you're always eating.  maybe the 'stache needs feeding).  He tries to fix it again and the water just runs.  Marcela goes to look at it and he calls her "superwoman" and mumbles that now she is going to show him plumbing.  She fixes it.

Renato tells Lucia she has erased 80% of his work and he needs to concentrate to redo it.  She rattles on and on about promising to be quiet until he gives her a look.  Later, they both fall asleep from exhaustion.  Lucia wakes up and cuddles in against Renato who is sleeping on the floor.  In the morning an Evalette wakes them up and asks an embarrassed Lucia what's going on.  Silvia calls Lucia to fill her in.

Silvia calls Eva's phone and Mimi answers.  Silvia tells Mimi about Helena, and Silvia gives her the description of the man who talked to the sitter about Helena last night.  Mimi realizes it was JC as himself, tells Silvia it was her driver, and she goes to the hospital to find him before he does something foolish. 

The doctor tells everyone the tumor is not malignant or life-threatening, but he wants to remove it before it causes complications.  Mad Dad continues to demean everything Silvia does and Pluto, to his credit, covers his face in discomfort (although better if he'd said something).  Silvia has had enough.  YAY!  She tells Bastardo never to dare to speak to her that way again, in public or in private.  He doesn't seem particularly put off by it, but viewerville is ecstatic. 

Juan Carlos is dressed as a doctor and gets a nurse to tell him everything that's going with Helena.  He approaches a sleeping Helena and takes off his mask to kiss her.  He is giving her words of comfort and, uh oh, in walks Pluto.  JC keeps his back to Pluto, while Pluto puts his hand on JC's shoulder and takes his arm while asking him to do everything he can for her.  JC is sweating bullets.  JC tells Pluto he has to wait outside and Pluto asks if he can give Helena a kiss first.  No way! 

Bastardo continues to fawn over Pluto and I swear he's watching Pluto's ass as he walks away.  Pluto returns to the hotel room and kicks out all the cleaning staff.  He calls Onesimo, tells him what happened, and gives him an assignment.  Rebeca is holding the USB port she stole from Pluto's room.  Onesimo saunters into Rebeca's office, leers at her, and puts his feet up on her desk.  She is angry and confused by his behavior.  He tells her he knows what she did.  She pretends at first to not know what he's talking about (desentenderse) and then tells him he has no proof.  Onesimo says not now, but she better step carefully.

Mimi is at GI and is still looking for JC.  Adriano comes in looking for Eva.  Mimi wants to talk to him and Adri says we'd better not.  He tells her he told Eva about Mimi's feelings for him.  He goes to call Eva and the phone rings in Mimi's hands.  He gives her a look.

Avances:  Helena wakes up with JC in the room, and says, "Juan, estas vivo?"


Refugio Para el Amor #141 Thu 10/25/12 Rosa's Plan Backfires, Luci Sees Her Son But Does She Recognize Him?

Funeral Home, D.F.

We open this epi tonight with Rosa just having heard the "Osito" word she has been so hell bent on finding out. She saunters into the room and Max greets her. Rosa la loca goes right up to Vicky and expresses her condolonces on behalf of her and Max. Vicky is lookin' scared and Rosa comments what a hard worker and great man Don Jeronimo was. Vicky is really crying and Rosa says it's best if they leave Vicky to her grief. Vicky thanks them for being there. Rosa and Max go and Vicky is left alone with her grief.

Nicole and Aldo have a little cafecito outside and Nicole can't beleive that Max and Rosa came, and Vicky is really taking this hard. Aldo says Don J worked for the Torreslanda firm many years. They go back inside to be with Vicky so she isn't alone.

Oscar, Conny and Claudio are standing together and can't beleive that Don Jeronimo is dead. Was he sick, they wonder? Claudio says he was talking with him just the other day, Oscar gives him a funny look.

Rod and Pato are talking and Rod asks how Pato is doing? Pato says by the grace of Dios he would be here too, if he hadn't had quick care after his accident. Rod says he is glad Pato is still with them. Rod asks after Luci, look dude couldn't you ever ask her yourself? Really! Pato tells Rod that Luci is looking for her son, Pato was going to go with her, but since Don J died, he came to the wake/funeral instead. Rod says the P.I.'s have checked everywhere but nothing, absolutely no new info. Rod says they and he will never stop looking he swears. In come Vicky and Aldo. Rosa la loca holds out her arms to Vicky as a show of condolence and Vicky has no choice to be embraced by this viper of a woman. Rosa loudly says I am so sorry for your loss, and then pulls Vicky close in her arms and whispers in her ear, but it's a shame you are alive "Osita"! Vicky is shocked, she can't say a thing. Then Rosa la loca goes to Max and tells him, I know you want to be here in Vicky's time of need, but you got more important things to do, like talk to Hanna. Max gets a puzzled look on his face, and Rosa la loca goes close to his ear and the viper is spitting her venom and says Adios "Ostio", Max is shocked, I tell you shocked! The look on his face, like busted! Vicky cries in the background and Vicky watches as they leave and Rod takes Max's place by the coffin. Rosa is stomping out of that funeral home and Max wants to know what talk with Hanna? Rosa tells him you had an affair, you made me confess all to the children (Ahem: There are more sins piled up than you can shake a stick at lady, jus' sayin") and now it's your turn. She leaves Max stranded as Gennaro takes Rosa la loca off. This is her new planes! Make Max confess all in front of his children about the amante!

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Amor Bravío #50 (Uni 45) Wed 10/24/12 “Love is in the Air While the Storm Brews”

This evening’s capitulo begins with Pablo and his Nana.  Nana observes his sad little face because nothing escapes her because Nana knows the brothers Albarran like the back of her hand.  Rocio comes in as Pablo is departing to go work with Mariano.  Moms would prefer Pablo not linger over at El Malquerida for any reason.  She tells him that she wants him to have some pride and ditch that Luzma who left him plantada at the altar.  Pablo tells Moms, again, to butt out while Nana listens around the corner.  After Pablo departs, Nana chides Moms and tells her Pablo is no longer a child and that she needs to leave him to his own decisions.  Rocio worries that too much time spent across the street will lead Pablo to discover his family relationship to Camila.

We yawn for now and then we get to the good stuff.  We see our star-crossed lovers awakening in each other’s arms.  Camila is happy to see that this is not “another” dream.  “Another, que?” questions Dandres.  Camila sheepishly admits that this was not the first time she has had “sweet dreams – wink wink” with Dandres.   Dandres’ ego just cannot resist the impulse to ask, “How was it?”, to which Camila responds “Uff”.   Somebody translate Uff please!  Well, Dandres assures her this was not a dream.

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Refugio Para el Amor #140 Wed 10/24/12 Everybody is Busy Doing Something; Don Jeronimo is a Goner; Max is Unmasked

Ayer – 
Oscar and Conny repeat their delightful arrival at Oscar’s place where he welcomes her to their new home.  Ay, amor, says Conny as she watches him turn around to face her, arms open wide.  Te amo, he says, as he swings her around and pulls her suggestively toward the bedroom where he has a surprise for her. 

Fab & Lor have been joined by Aldo, seemingly at the car wash, after hours.  They share bottles of soda.  Lor wants to know if Aldo really wants to discuss business.  Nope, he wants to invite them out to the best hamburguesas in town.  Lor insists on paying, though.  If he and Fab can’t pay, no hamburgers.

Rod is looking down at Alexia, still awake in her crib in a large rather sterile nursery room.  He promises that she will get to know her brother.  In contrast, LilRod/Mateo is sleeping peacefully on Don Chelo’s bed (I hope he’s been as diligent at washing his sheets, blankets and spreads as he has the diapers.  I just wish he’d wash his gloves and snitch some of RE’s or Alonslow’s hand sanitizer before picking up Mateo).

Hoy –
The Drip Drab Dungeon in the Sky Where the Sun Don’t Shine
Rod has picked up Alexia and is holding her.  Nitey-nite Nurse comes in to tell him his esposa is waiting for him for dinner.  She’ll stay with the baby.  He whispers to Alexia to sleep with the angels.  As he blesses her he says, mainly to himself, that the blessing is for little Rodrigo as well.  He kisses her and tells her he loves her.  (Note:  they haven’t changed the blue crib linens, or the mobile, but Alexia has some pink on.  I wonder what Gala did with all the clothing in boys size 0-3 mos, 3-6 mos, 6-12 mos, 18 mos, 24 mos and toddler 3’s she bought.)

Brigida (ok, here’s hoping there is rehabilitation in her future) is serving Rod wine. Gala comes in, wasting no time in telling Rod how much she luuurrves her baby and he was right.  She wants the crib moved right into her bedroom so she can be near her.  Skeptical, Rod says he thought she didn’t want her sleep interrupted by the baby.  Gala gaily announces that’s all behind her—she fact-checked the internet and what she had was post-partum depression (if you ask me the symptoms describe Gala’s normal state: irritating, disagreeable, intolerable) and now the symptoms are slowly going away.  She can’t wait to have Alexia close to her.  While they are alone, Gagme gets to the heart of what really matters—is Rod going to continue sleeping on the sofa. (With Brigida, and the night nurse there, it must be a little embarrassing his not sleeping with her.)  No, he’s going to sleep in Alexia’s room (I guess he means with or without Alexia in it).  Gafarza’s face tells the whole story.  She can’t stand him, the baby or the whole mamacita role.  Wonder what she’s cooking up—can’t be anything edible.

From Luci’s Apt to Het Het
Luci is on the phone talking to Paz about coming to SFdeA to take pictures of all her pottery pieces for the catalog.  (Luci has a wan smile on her face, but the light has gone out of her eyes.)  Paz worries that they might be overwhelmed with orders, but Luci tells her that they’ll only do as much as they can.  The catalog is a marketing strategy to reach far beyond the area.  Luci wants to know how Ariche is.  He’s busy with school, exams and working hard on his piggy banks.  She misses them.  Paz asks her not to get sad, Luci and LilRod are always in her prayers.  She’s sure that wherever he is he’s being cared for.  Luci tells her she also asks the Virgencita who, in protecting all her children, protects Luci's, too.

TL Mansion – Patricio’s Bedroom
Pato is tucked up in bed and Jana has squeezed in beside him.  They’re talking about her love life and teenage angst—but she has a point, Boris is being a pest.  She doesn’t know what else to do about him.  She’s told him she’s not his novia anymore and doesn’t want anything more to do with him, but he keeps popping up in the wrong place—like the brouhaha at the car wash.  Pato isn’t much help in the advice department (after all, he’s a guy, pursuing someone whose heart is somewhere else).  He tells her that it’s Boris that has to back off.  She thinks he needs therapy or something.  Pato teases her for being such a heartbreaker.  She’s sure it was Lula that set up the car wash confrontation.  She’s going to talk to her tomorrow.  Pato hopes Boris hasn’t gone to RE first, or things will go badly for her.  Jana is firm that Boris had better not stick his nose in where it doesn’t belong.  She kisses Pato goodnight and is off.
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Abismo de pasión #153 10/24/12: some truths/evil deeds unveiled, but the bad guys are not done... Horacio is dead man walking...a serenata for Elisa... ah! and Gael walks away from a fight and comes home in time for dinner... UN BE LIE VA BLE...

Braulio and Damian compare notes/theories about Horacio and whether or not he is a cold blooded murderer… Dam not believing Horacio is a murderer. Braulio says Horacio told him while in jail that he was forced by Gabino to go after Lucio and got Nina. Gabino comes into the bar, and Dam comes to stand behind him when Gab asks bartender to let him know where Horacio is. Dam spills to Gabino right away that he knows he was behind Nina’s death.
Horacio scares the eyeballs and boobies out of Tonia. Horacio needs to talk to Alfie, Tonia is sure he trumped the Padrecito.  She goes on a freaked out (as usual) shouting that he is a murderer.
Carmina teases Elisa that she can seduce Damian just to get at her…
Lo Nuevo:
Gabino tells Dam that Alfie ordered him to go after Horacio. Just like she asked him to go after Ingrid when Ingrid showed up in town (of course in comes Gall to hear that last juicy detail). Gall grabs Gabino by his plaid shirt neck, suddenly missing his mommy a bit, asks Gabino not-so-nicely what he did to ‘Miss Ingrid’… Gabino says you know Ingrid was my boo… Don’t cry for the bad mother life handed you. She never cared about you, and if she left town, it was to avoid going to jail.    Dam prevents Gall from beating the teeth out of Gabino. Gabino takes his leave. Dam and Braulio agree that they can’t prove anything against Gabino. Braulio leaves to meet Lolita for dinner. Dam invites Gall to a drink, but Gall suddenly feels the need to report home to his lovely wife in time for dinner.  Dam asks the bartender for the trio musicians…  (he doesn’t have a wife to come home to for dinner… so he is coming up with an alternate evening plan)
Tonia tries to beg Horacio to leave. He won’t leave without his Lolita. Tonia asks him to swear if she helps him he will go away WITH Lolita. He swears.
At quinta, Carmina continues to tease Elisa about Dam needing a woman like her (Carmina). Elisa warns her ‘don’t go near Damian’. Elisa is certain Dam would never do the tango with a woman like Carmina.
A while later Carmina and Gabino pace anxiously at blue house. They brainstorm ideas of where Horacio could be hiding after fleeing their house, he could have killed them. They argue. Then Carmina gets a lightbulb moment. If they scare him by taking Lolita, it will remind him why his best move is
Lolita is cooking some yummy chicken breast fillets for Braulio at his house… he teases her to do some eating up each other in bed instead of eating the chicken… But Lolita, knowing her husband is alive, is feeling very uncomfortable because she is, after all, still a married woman.
At Lucio’s Elisa receives a serenade by Dam and the trio musicians… they play ‘contigo aprendi’
(With you I learned…that there are new and better emotions…
with you I learned… to know a new world of illusions/hopes…
I learned… that the week has more than 7 days… (I learned) ..
 to make bigger my few happy moments…
and to be joyful, I learned with you…
With you I learned to see the light at the far side of the moon…
with you I learned that I would not trade your presence for any other…
I learned that a kiss can be sweeter and deeper…
that I can leave this world tomorrow… (because) …
the good things I have already lived with you…
and with you I learned… that I was born the day I met you…)

Morning at hacienda… Dam meets Alfie at table for breakfast, Alfie immediately questions him about coming home late… another meeting with your childish friend?... yup. I don’t mean to ruin your breakfast but I suspect that my status with Elisa will be settled sooner rather than later… (Alfie insist Elisa is unstable in her feelings/decisions)… You realize nothing you tell me has the same effect it used to anymore?... I know my decision to marry Elisa is not in the top 10 of your christmas wish list for this year. But answer me something. In case I marry Elisa, will you disherit me as you have warned me? If that is the case I don’t want to wait and will leave the hacienda. (Alfie puts up the pitiful me victim act and brings up the recent death of Lupe,’ so would you leave your threats of abandoning me for later?’) I am no longer willing to put my life on hold for you or for anyone… (Alfie asks if what he is aiming is at hurting her, why not go for the home run and leave on the anniversary of her husband abandoning him for ‘una Bouvier!’) … (Dam gives up sitting in same room with her, but before he leaves he asks her about Horacio’s whereabouts… he thinks she hired Gabino to find Horacio before police does, (she claims she hired a pro P.I.)… by the way mother, there are suspicions that Gabino and Horacio are responsible for the death of Don Lucio’s wife!...( A hidden Tonia impactada)…
At quinta, Lucio, Lolita and Elisa arrive to remove the ‘for sale’ sign, Elisa is elated to have recovered the quinta FINALLY!!… they are quietly observed by Gabino from outside the gate.
Tonia brings Horacio food and questions him immediately on the Nina incident she just heard about….Now she believes him even less… if you outed Dona Blanca, surely you also outed Padrecito! (Horacio has to get rough with her and begs her again to help him… if Gabino finds out that Dam and Alfie know about Nina’s death, then Lolita will be in grave danger… he has to get his wife out of this town before Gabino hurts her… begs Tonia to help him… Tonia nods yes.
Alfie in her bedroom, remembers when Horacio telling her that he was responsible about the horse accident where Dam and Flo fell off the horse.  … then remembers when Horacio warned her to be careful with Carmina… that both she and Gabino are not only business partner, but are together in other ways, including holding each other’s secrets. They cover each other’s back.
Dam goes to get his horse… Carmina basically assaults him there in the middle of his memory of the first kiss with Elisa…  (Horacio watches the scene from behind wall)… Dam has to push her away hard to break the vacuum seal of her fish-plunger kiss… She continues to believe she can turn anyone on, but Dam tells her all she inspires in him is sickness (asco) and above all else, a bit of pity on her. … Dam leaves. Carmina remembers her smooching with Rosie right at the same spot.
Inside, Horacio scares the eyeballs out of Alfie in her studio. He tells Alfie he is desperate, my Lolita is in danger… Alfie refuses to give him a peso… you deceived me!!.. you swore me more than once that you are no murderer, and it was not true!!... (Horacio confirms he killed Nina, but how it happened, that he meant to kill Lucio and he did not realize Dona Blanca was inside)… and my brother? (she decides to fill out an application to play the quiz show game… ) Did Gabino order you to kill him?... (poor Horacio will never touch a knife again in his life, after everyone remembers that little boo boo mistake he made)…Did Gabino kill my brother? …  Horacio tells her Gabino did not kill Loopy but he was also there… (aaannddd her third and final chance/guess)… Did Carmina Bouvier?... yes ma’am! It was her! (Alfie can’t believe it…)  Horacio warns Alfie that Gabino is a timid white pigeon compared to Carmina Bouvier. Alfie still doesn’t get it… why would they do that to my brother… Horacio has to explain to her that Loopy always suspected / knew about Carmina. He was sure Carmina had killed Augie… And it is true, I was a witness to that too. Alfie asks why didn’t you denounce that woman?  Because she knew I had outed Blanca, and she would say I also outed Augie… It would be her word against the word of a runaway criminal. Alfie yells at him that you had the choice but you were a coward!! Horacio not willing to go back to jail for the rest of his life. (STOP the film!! I, the caray editor/recaper, have to say here that I have to agree with Horacio here, not even an all- star suite to include Perry Mason, Petrocelli and Matlock putting their heads together would be able to get Horacio out of this mess alive and free) Alfie says you will turn yourself in and say all you know. He refuses. Maybe his life is not worth much but he has to protect Lolita, if he talks her life is in danger. Alfie (shallow headed as she is) says Lolita is not guilty of anything, and she won’t allow him to flee with Lolita. (Horacio pulls a gun and points it to Alfie, who, by the look in her eyes, believes he is very capable of putting a bullet between her popped eyes.) Alfie tries to convince him that his best move is to talk so Gab and Carmina will end up in jail before they hurt Lolita. Horacio says no, that won’t stop them, besides Carmina is now going after your son, just saw her kissing him outside.  He asks her for 5 mins leadtime and then she can call police. She threats him she will find him no matter where he hides.
Gabino is alone at the blue house, grunting in pain… Carmina comes in, he asks her where have you been?... Carmina acts offended, you are not my owner… did you do your job about Dolores?... they both start shouting to each other… Carmina is super paranoic about what Horacio could do against them.  Gabino did not see Horacio, he just saw her niece (Elisa), the crippled old man (Lucio) and the maid (Lolita)… and followed them to Lolita… Ay ojitos… they played you for a fool. Your niece bought the quinta!
Dam visits Elisa at quinta, he is very happy she was able to get her quinta back… She admits it was a bit dirty but there is no other way with my aunt… He agrees and asks her to meet him at cenote in a couple hours… he teases her for a little sample ahead of time, but she leads him to door…
Enrique visits Flor at DrT’s office and asks her to work on a second chance for the both of them to grow old bored together (aburrirnos juntos), but this time with no lies… Flor more than happy to oblige… (boy, I still think these two are the only ones with a chance of a long lasting relationship, besides Lolita and Braulio)
Elisa tells Lolita she is heading for the cenote… As Elisa is leaving, she runs into Botox-queen at the door… Alfie is looking for Carmina, and when Elisa says she does not live here anymore, to look for her at the blue house, Alfie is ready to leave. But Elisa wants to talk to her… she gives her a very sincere ‘I share your pain for Loopy’s death’. Alfie asks Elisa what Loopy was doing next to Stefie’s grave when he died… Elisa tells her Loopy arranged for a meeting with her there, was going to tell her something about her mother and the past…Elisa also tells her his last few words for her and Dam, about them staying together to be able to face the evil.  Alfie whispers ‘he knew’, but won’t share the secret with Elisa just yet, and gives Elisa instead her final word of wisdom for the day, mentions to her she wants Carmina to tell her why she was kissing Dam at her hacienda stables…  Elisa impactada…
Flor and Enrique keep smooching out on the street outside DtTs clinic, will meet for dinner at a restaurant… Flor goes back in clinic, Gall catches up with Quique and confronts him about quickly finding a replacement for ‘my wife’… Quique won’t take that quietly so he tells Gall he is better at respecting/accepting/stepping aside when a woman tells him all she can be is his friend… oh by the way, did you read the latest headline??  Elisa and Dam are now 50/50 partners at Dam’s procesadora, Elisa did that to save it from bankruptcy.  And whether you like it or not, that will be a long term bond between them… Got that?
At quinta, Carmina barges in… Lolita blocks her right away.. Carmina ‘orders’ Lolita to go get Elisa… Lolita just laughs at her face… Elisa is at cenote… and now just leave, this is not your place anymore. Carmina warns Lolita that Elisa, herself and that darn old hag woman (Carito) will pay for what they did to her.
Outside Carmina leaves but not before leading Gabino to do ‘his thing’ with Lolita… she will not help him because she could not control herself (from outing Lolita for good), she has something else to do…
At cenote, DamGoodInBlack changes into DamGoodinBlackUndies… and walks into the cenote… Carmina gets there before little red ridinghood and whispers to herself that she will hurt Elisa where it would hurt her the most… Carmina gets naked (whoa!! Did she steal an undie short from Elisa? I did not know she likes same style undies)… and gets in cenote  approaching Dam from his back so he has no chance to see her coming… she hugs him from behind and he has his eyes closed so he thinks it is Elisa and lets her go at it… When he finally opens his eyes and pushes her away with a sickened face, it is too late, Elisa has seen them together, of course believes the worst, and has walked away crying.
At quinta, Gabino puts Lolita to sleep with a cloth to her face and carries her away…
Previews: Carmina has taken the place of Elisa to hurt her… but… Elisa confronts Carmina for ‘lo que es mio’ (what is mine)… and a slap fest/hair pull fest ensues…  Elisa seems to be up to the challenge (after all she had practiced with both Alfie and Flo and even Kenya … oh no wait!, that was Paloma… I got carried away)…


Por ella soy Eva #71 10/24/12: The Episode Where There is Lust, Door Locks and Poison

Rebe injects the rat poison into the wine bottle. "This will be an unforgettable night!"

In Marsela’s office- Marsela looks over Fernando’s report and he teases her as if he was in school.  It’s better.  Marsela lets Fernando know that when she was the receptionist, she helped him but times have changed.
Rebeca is putting her poisonous finishing touches on the romantic dinner and Oneismo opens the door. (This room is like Grand Central station, no one needs a key?)  Rebeca feigns tears of jealousy over Pluto’s romantic dinner.  She insults, both he and Pluto.  She acts like she is trying to find out about the dinner but Oneismo is paid to be discreet.   He can’t share that info.  She yells-naco in the lobby and he says oh, she is calling me flaco. 

Mimi enters Helena’s office and Renato is at the computer with Lucia (drooling over him) watching him work.  Mimi is looking for Helena who just left.  Lucia gives Mimi hands some binders to give to Eva.  Mimi notices the paint swatch wheel and asks about it.  Lucia tells her that it’s Pluto’s. He is renovating his house and living at a luxury hotel in the meantime.  Mimi is the last to know what is going on at the GI.

Daniel wants to go to Jennifer’s house while her parents are not at home.  She tells him no, but he says, oh we aren’t going to do anything bad and anyway your parents know me.  He just wants to watch a little TV and kiss.  Jennifer doesn’t want to make her parents angry but it will be for just a little bit.

Eva is still struggling with the thought of being Adriano’s girl. Mimi shares that Pluto is not living in his house but in a hotel.  Eva is ready to spill the beans to Helena, get rid of the wig and the heels,  but Mimi isn’t hearing it.  They have to go home and plan on what they are going to do and wear tonight, for Project Pluto’s house.
Adriano comes to see Eva and invites her to dinner.  He is not taking no as an answer.

Helena reviews Lalo’s homework and he did it well.  She is proud of him.  Lalo is doing better in school.  Silvia is happy to see Helena in a good mood.  Silvia feels that Pluto be a part of a new family for Helena.  Silvia has such a good feeling about Pluto, (remember that I previously said that she also had a good feeling about Bastardo too, many years ago)  Once Lalo goes to sleep, Helena is going to have a romantic dinner with Pluto.  Silvia is happy for her but doesn’t appear to be too happy inside.  Tomorrow, Helena is going to look at larger apartments.

At the Eva and Adriano dinner, Adriano tries to hold her hand and his hand is slapped.  (These two make up such a  hilarious team!!!) Adriano asks Eva for a kiss and she says- under no certain terms- no way!!!  Eva lets him know that she was educated with cloistered nuns, etc. etc.  but he needs just a little proof of her love.  Well, dinner is over. Check , please. The waiter comes over. No, never mind and to me it looks like Camil is holding back laughter and has to focus. She is reminds him of the sphinx. Adriano wants to travel to Egypt with her.  Don’t be ridiculous.  She tells him to dream about the company instead of her and they joke about her being a workaholic.    He said that they work but they should also enjoy.  He begs again for a little kiss.  What’s the rush?  Close your eyes.  Adriano closes them and gets his face mushed.

Helena is getting ready for the date and has memories of Juan Carlos.  Then she thought bubbles with Pluto and when he told her that he loved her.  She looks in on a sleeping Lalo and takes the silver memory box with her.

Adriano is whispering in Eva’s ear and Eva reminds him not to take advantage of her and draws attention to him from the other restaurant goers.  Adriano got excited because Eva’s face was close to his and once again, the waiter came over because Eva yelled, check, please.  She wanted to go, she was sleepy.  Poor Adriano, he is just being a man and he has physical and spiritual needs. Eva told him that no one has died from not having sex and she is living proof.  Adriano’s great grand parents, grandparents, parents, none of the women in his family thought like her.

Pluto brings Helena to the romantic dinner.  (He does not have any swag, he looks like a cat ready to pounce on a mouse)   He is thrilled that she is there.  He opens the dreaded bottle of wine and pours it into the glasses.  They toast for love.  She doesn’t drink.  He offers her champagne but she prefers not to drink.  (Stay strong, Helena!!!)  She is the most beautiful woman in the world and she just appreciates him.  ( I wish that I could ff)

Eva lets Adriano know that she comes from a respectable home and they keep their feelings to themselves.  Adriano apologizes saying that his grandmother and the women in his family enjoyed what they felt they weren’t repressed.   Eva treated him like a dog,  she told him to sit, stay, etc.  Eva said that JC was a gentleman.  She asks about JC and Adriano wants to continue to speak romantically.  He compliments her eyebrows and they joke about her painting them on.

Renato and loose Lucia are burning the midnight candle.  He is working and she is giving him a massage and trying to distract him.  He asks her if she wants to have sex or not??

Eva and Adriano are at dinner and Eva pushes the JC theme, she says that Adriano never wants to talk about him.   He didn’t want to discuss, JC so it was time for the check, for the third time.  Talking about JC is painful, he was like a son to him.  He changes his mind and Eva thinks that he is going to confess something. But he lets her know that Mimi is after him but he only has eyes for Eva.  She is the only one that exists in his heart.

At the Escuderos apartment- Santi looks like a boy that lost his puppy and Angelica is trying to figure out what is wrong with him.  Is he still mad about her missing the in laws or is there a problem at work?  He is ticked about the conversations that she is having with Renato.  She is telling him things that he doesn’t need to know. She is broadening her horizons and is making new friends for Santi, then they have make up sex.

JC tells Mimi that there plan is not working because Adriano loves Eva to the bone and  only has eyes for Eva.  Mimi has a plan to go to Pluto’s house and JC does not want to go dressed as Eva, he wants to be able to breathe.

At the romantic dinner- Pluto is talking about some experiment that he did that exploded when was in school. Pluto just wants to talk about the present.  Helena enjoys talking about his background and they continue to drink.  They make a toast and drink and drink.

Thelma and Louise, oops, Mimi and JC arrive at Pluto’s house.  Mimi wanted to break in but JC has the keys.  The police cruise by and stop.  They want to know what are they doing there and why are they dressed in black? (So much for where’s a policeman when you need one?)

Pluto asks a tipsy Helena to dance.  She is thinking about JC and Pluto (who is not smooth) is trying seducing her and he just loves her more than any other woman.

They are dressed in black because they just came from Aunt Cahata’s funeral who choked on something.  (I didn’t catch)  Mimi thanks them for their concern. The policeman tells her to go inside and they try to enter with the keys.  Is there a problem?

Pluto (who is like an oversexed teen) is ready to jump Helena’s bones and her phone rings.  She is holding the silver box and Pluto takes JC’s photo from her.   She always carries it with her.  She was going to throw it away but she can’t.  (Talk about being hosed down with cold water.)

Pluto has put all of  his best  moves on her, how can she still think about JC.  (Maybe Rebecca’s right, he doesn’t have any mojo) Helena needs more time.  Pluto disagrees.  He has forgotten about Antonia and he tells her that Juan deceived her and she still thinks of him.  He tries to throw the box away and she stops him twice.

The lock is not turning.  Are you sure that you live here?  A woman comes and tells them that someone is robbing a store. And they have a gun. She is s friend of Mimi’s.  Whew!  This woman can open anything and one, two, three, the door is open.

Pluto tries once again to throw away the box and Helena, takes the box and thinks about it.  It was the first memory that she had. Pluto coaxes her, throw it away.  She says that it was the last letter that he wrote to her before he died and she remembers every word.  Pluto tells her that she has to start with a zero like him, oops at zero for her’s and Lalo’s sake.  He swears with his lying breath that it’s the right thing to do.  Helena is having difficulty breathing.  Her breathing is very forced.  Her eyes are like  saucers.  Pluto gets her bag and thinks that maybe she should get some night air.

Coming attractions:  Helena is in the hospital and JC appears at her bed.


Abismo de pasión #152 10/23/12: In which Elisa gets a house, Horacio gets a hand, and the blue-eyed demons get naked.

Lo de antes:
·      Stinkin' liar Gael swears he'll never betray Paloma. 
·      At the ProCe El Yucateco, Braulio and Lucio lament the cost of the new machine; and both notice Chente's absence. 
·      In the street, Gabino smacks Chente upside the head for being too obvious in Operation Destroy El Yucateco

Lo nuevo:

Carito and Elisa think fast:
Carmina surprises Elisa and Carito in the midst of an affectionate hello at la ProCe El Yucateco.  "How do you happen to know each other?" The conspirators come up with a plausible explanation:  Carito introduced herself to Elisa the day before after Carmina told her Elisa owned one-quarter of the quinta.

Double BubbleHeads at Doc Tovar's consultorio
Blubbering Paloma falls on Florencia with her tales of Gloomy Gael.  Her grandma was right -- she should never have married him.
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Amor Bravío #49 (Uni 44) Tue 10/23/12 Presenting Daniel and Camila performing the mambo, the tango, and everything in between (the sheets)!

Dos Caballeros, Un Camino
Daniel tells Rafa and Vivi that he delivered the flower to Cam, not Alonso--- Rafa goes ballistic!  Daniel  tries to explain el amor won them both over-- it just happened.  Rafa’s not taking this lightly:  “She doesn’t even know who you are! This isn’t a relationship, it’s a farce!”  Daniel tries to calm him down and apologizes for not keeping to their agreement but Camila confessed her love for him the night before Don Daniel’s homenaje.  She also expressed her wish to do things right and wait until she’s divorced. Rafa says it’s obvious Daniel doesn’t wish to do things correctly; otherwise he would have told her then and there that he’s actually Daniel Diaz Acosta!  Daniel reminds him that he intended to tell her everything but Julian’s death ruined everything (especially for Julian).  Daniel swears he will tell Cam everything as soon as she’s fully recovered.  Rafa doesn’t believe him.  Daniel’s already broken his promise to tell her the truth before declaring his feelings, why should he believe this promise?  Rafa accuses Daniel of taking advantage of Camila’s vulnerability, of his proximity to her.  He accuses Daniel of breaking their deal for fear she may reject him when she knows the truth.  Daniel agrees.  Yes, he’s afraid she’ll reject him.  He loves her more than anything in the world.  But that’s not why he didn’t tell her.  He wanted to live their love, if only for one moment.  That’s it. Rafa can’t hold back anymore and charges at him!  But Vivi gets between them and holds him back.  Daniel says he’s only human and he loooves her, he looooooves her.  Well, Rafa says he loooooves her too and if Daniel hadn’t professed his love for her, it would have been he, Rafa, that had professed his love for her.  Vivi tells them both to shut their traps!  Whether one or the other professes his love for Cam, she’s in no condition to confront the truth right now.  So now we have a standoff between our two caballeros.  (Oooooh, all hot and steamy , just like I like ‘em!)

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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #70 10/23/12: Helena and Eva Continue to Stall as Their Suitors Press Forward

I missed the very beginning.

In the "office of two childish boys and one competent woman" Santi and Fer, that useless duo, are (of course) doing nothing while Marcela works. The atmosphere is icy. Renato brings in papers. Fer wants to grab them but Adri has sent them straight to Marcela. Santi first pouts at Renato and later pounds on him (ineffectively) because of his "friendship" with Angelica. Eva breaks it up: "Listen, you animals, go ahead and break each other's noses, but not at work, or I'll adjust both of you." Later: "Santi, you've never been aggressive, what's up? I can help. I believe in your abilities, more than you think."

Product placement for cellphones. Eva sets up an appointment for Silvia. Rebe chuckles: "Snow White is going to get a poison apple."

Pluto calls Helena to his office. Eva vainly tries to keep her from going. S/he thought-bubbles: "Don't shout, don't run after her. But how I'd like to send Plutarcho to his grandmother's refrigerator!"

Mimi brings her advantages into Adri's office. He looks away -- my son has trained his dog to do the same thing when bits of hotdog are waved at him. Mimi leans right over Adri and shows him her (product placement) Blackberry. Sweating profusely, he sends her away.

In his office, Pluto doesn't want to hear about the second stage of construction at the beach, he just wants to squeeze Helena. They kiss.

Mimi reports to Eva that her attempts to seduce Adri are failing. "He has no eyes for anyone but Eva," complains Juan Carlos, who then commences shouting about Helena and Pluto.

Fer tries a red rose to cheer Marcela. He also admits his macho nature is humiliated. She looks amused. He goes on his knees and asks her to look over his work: "I'll accept corrections with no resentment." She is somewhat mollified.

Plu and Helena are still kissing. She likes his compliments. He presses forward: "But if you don't want to make love with me, I'll try to understand." She stalls but reluctantly agrees to a dinner muy romantico that night. "I can't promise anything. I want to be alone with you and be embraced, but don't be importunate, I beg you."

Eva knocks Rebeca over. After joking around s/he leaves whistling - Rebeca remembers someone whistling just like this long ago - Juan Carlos!

Adri growls compliments at Eva: "You radiant beauty, you statuesque Greek statue, you." "Don't be a clown." Eva wants those fired women rehired. Adri just wants kisses. Mimi comes in, Eva insists that she stay, Adri wants her to leave. Heh.

Fer is doing nothing in the office of useless boys. Marcela comes in with his report, she's marked up his many mistakes. He deems them unimportant details and whines. She points out he even misspelled "playa."

Lucia senses Helena's hesitation about the night of love and predicts that if she just "lets it flow" nature will take its course.

Co-dependents Anonymous! Silvia gets a good public service announcement re: not allowing people to be awful to you. Silvia admits she's wanted to call Ed and the lady says: "we all understand about being attached to creepy jerks."

Speaking of creepy jerks: Oh, Ed, you have crushed cheese doodles all over the table! Blegh! Pluto comes to visit but refuses to sit down - he probably thinks he'll get rancid jelly donut stains on his aluminum pants. "I've come to tell you I am beginning a serious relationship with Helena." "Fine, I don't care - but if you marry her, don't come to me with complaints if she is as rotten a wife as her mother is."

Rebe dances and skips down the street with a precious little bottle of rat poison in a tiny cute gift bag.

Lucia is so pathetic, she wants to stay late and help Renato with his last-minute improvements on the report due first thing next day. He allows her to stay.

Adri tells Helena it's fine with him that she is having a relationship with his once-brother-in-law. "We men are not made to be alone for long. You're a grand woman with all my respect and support."

Rebe shows up at the desk at Pluto's hotel and is cheerily escorted upstairs to see the preparations for the romantic dinner. The receptionist leaves and Rebe thought-bubbles: "We'll freeze your hypocritical smile with THIS RAT POISON, Plutarcho!" She injects it into the wine bottle. "This will be an unforgettable night!"

Tomorrow: Mimi and Juan dress like bandits and break into Pluto's house.


Refugio Para el Amor #139 Tue 10/23/12 All Great Stories Begin With A Journey....

...If not all, then most of them do. The main character, through circumstance or choice, is led to leave the comfortable nest of childhood and seek his future destiny elsewhere. The trip involves hardship and joy, triumph and defeat, hope and disillusionment....and God willing a happy ending!

So let's take a look tonight at all our characters, not just Luciana, and see where they are on this long and eventful journey.

Roselena: She seems to be moving closer to her destiny of emptiness, loneliness and abandonment. We see her walking through her soulless house, checking for dust on the banister, and stopping to study the picture of her with her two sons. The vacuity of her life is underscored by the total absence of background music. She lives and moves in utter silence, other than her complaint to Mati about her sister Connie leaving the house.
R- How ungrateful she is, biting the hand that feeds her! But you'll see, she'll come back ashamed and humiliated, abandoned by her younger lover.

Mati defends Connie, noting the courage she showed raising and supporting her children alone after her divorce when Aldo was only one. But none of this cuts any ice with Roselena, who thinks if Connie were decent she'd forgo men altogether and devote herself to raising her children....chastely.

She is daily sinking deeper into criminal cruelty and contempt. And her sessions with the psychiatrist still revolve around her desire to discover the identity of Maximino's lover. When the doctor questions why she persists, when the private investigator has discovered nothing, she mutters “We all know that aparencias engañen (appearances are deceiving) and I will find out who she is.” She is never motivated by love or tenderness. Vengeance and destruction are her only driving forces.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #69 10/22/12: Rat Poison on the Horizon.

Rebe and Angelica are spying on Pluto in a fancy restaurant and in comes Helena, she kisses him on the lips!

Helena doesn't want to eat there, she'd rather go walk and talk in the street. Meanwhile Santi calls his wife and wants her home. Rebe is furious to be deserted and says Angie ("you naca") can just take a taxi home. Meanwhile, Helena and Pluto have disappeared.

Mimi is sure her enchantments (she adjusts them) will eventually win Adriano away from his lust for Eva.

Pluto tells Helena: "This is the first time I've been in love with such intensity." She is still hurt by Juan and not throwing herself into this new relationship: "I'll believe in love again eventually." He gives her a fancy bracelet and many compliments. "I never thought I'd meet a man as good as you." She wants to go home early. He is annoyed.

Angelica came home too late, Santi's parents are gone. She lets it slip that she's friends with Mousse boy. He is jealous but her enchantments distract him.

Fer the useless claims he's going to fix one of the kids' computers. Marcela says we have the money to have somebody competent do this work now. While they fight, the kids leave the room.

Once again JC tells Mimi he has to get into Pluto's place and blow his safe.

Rebe sneaks into Pluto's apartment - he catches her there and he yells that he loves Helena! "You promised to marry me!" "I spent 10 years with an intolerable woman and I'm not going to do it again." As he continues to insult her she responds: "I wanted the money but also the social status, I never loved you and you're lousy in bed. The only good man I've had was -- Juan Carlos!" They hit each other. Etc. He asks what she wants to leave him alone. She says, a monthly salary, half his shares, and a place in Miami. Or she's going to wreck everything for him. "She is such a materialist, all she cares about is money!" he sounds surprised.

Helena shows her mom the bracelet and says Pluto is so great but her eyes say "???"... Silvia says Lalo wants to see his grandfather and she'll take him. Evil gramps is brooding alone in his messy room. He can't sleep. Neither he nor Silvia can call the other.

Marcela says she doesn't want to sleep with Fer because he's a macho, insecure egoist. He stomps out, she cries.

Helena calls Pluto, he insinuates it's time for them to bonk. Meanwhile, JC says he can't waste any more time, he has to get back to her and Lalo.

Onesimo reassures Pluto that some film Rebe says she has - and which she's threatened to put on the internet - doesn't exist. Then Onesimo visits Rebe. She is boo hoo hoo - he offers to console her and she almost yields but then yells that he's a mere chauffeur. She calls Adriano and says she wants to see him tomorrow first thing.

Lucia thinks Helena's horrible father is sexy!

Pluto is too late to stop Rebe from having her meeting. Adriano calls him in. Rebe had intimated that Pluto had some hand in the three-mill fraud. Adri: "Where's the money, Pluto?"

Pluto runs to Rebe; she says she just dropped this tidbit on Adri "to show you I'm serious. I want my monthly salary, my house, and my shares, or something else is going to occur to me [to tell Adri]."

Eva introduces Helena to an important interviewer.

Silvia calls Eva: "I need to talk to you. Can we have lunch?" Silvia says "I couldn't take my exam - I bailed - then I lied to Helena about it. Ed was right, I'm useless and old." "No! He's a caveman. You're wonderful." "I'm almost 50 and just got my first job. If it weren't for Helena I'd have nowhere to sleep. My husband was everything. Every day I think of calling him." "Custom is stronger than love. Codependence can't disappear overnight." They talk about Ed as if he's a puss-filled wound.

Turns out Rebe does have a movie of one of the Jacuzzi "corporate meetings." Angie: "Outing Pluto will also destroy you. Why don't you, instead, seduce him again?" But suddenly Rebe has a better idea.

Rebe hears Pluto say he's got to get rid of her. She looks up rat poison on the internet. "Once consumed, there is no trace..." "We'll see who gets rid of whom," she mutters.


Refugio Para el Amor #138 Mon 10/22/12 Frigida Gets a New Gig; Mateo Has a Bad Day; Rod and Luci Have a Sleepless Night; But Barrio Business is Booming

Doña Chuy has just chewed Don Chelo out for falling off the wagon and getting drunk after two months of fatherhood and sobriety. She leaves in disgust. Not being able to walk yet, Baby Mateo has no choice but to start bawling to voice his own disappointment in his adopted papa. In order to cope, Don Chelo makes a beeline for his trusty bottle and takes a sip, but he stops mid-sip when he sees Mateo’s disapproving little face.

In her hospital suite, which is three times bigger than Chelo’s trailer, Gala is also doing her best to ignore a baby in need. Baby Girl TL is swaddled and forgotten in a hospital cart next to the bed, while Gala checks her messages on her phone, and G-Ma Julie contemplates her next shopping spree. Frigida comes to visit, and you know it’s a sad day for a kid when Frigida pays more attention to her than her mother or grandmother. Frigida starts kissing up. This is the first time she’s asked time off from work during the week, dontcha know? She asks after Gala’s health. Gala’s being released so she calls Rod to come pick her up. Frigida makes herself busy packing Gala’s things. Julie and Gala wonder what’s up with the uptick in butt kissing from the Frigid one.

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Amorcito Corazón Discussion #134-138 Oct. 22-26

Buenos Dias

I hope to have a mini-recap up in a few hours.  Thanks for your patience.


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