Saturday, March 24, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #238 3/23/07 Luigi's bad, awful day

I want to say something to "Ret" and other people who are frustrated that they're not learning Spanish as fast as they would like: I bet you're learning way more than you think. Reading Spanish, understanding spoken Spanish, and writing/speaking Spanish are three different skills. Throw in Colloquial Spanish (like you hear in on TV) vs. the Proper Spanish (like you study in school), and there's an additional dimension of complexity.

There's lots of overlap, of course, but if this is what you're trying to do - learning all of these skills at the same time - you need to give yourself credit for making some progress on several things at once, rather than the results you'd get by focusing on just one skill at a time. For what it's worth, I'm getting a lot of mileage by concentrating on reading - it's slowly getting easier to understand spoken Spanish, too. But I still can't put a decent sentence together on my own. I'm WAY behind where I was in high school, [mumblemumble] years ago, if I want to write or speak Spanish. But I can read 10 times better now than I could then. Why? Because I've been reading the captions (not only on Univision, but also on the US shows I watch with Spanish captions).

So, approach learning any way you wish, but measure your achievement by the number of things you know - not by the things you don't know. The smarter you get, the more you'll realize how much you still have to learn, so if you worry about the stuff you haven't mastered yet, you'll go nuts. :-)

Enough lecturing! On with the recap!

Yeah, so, Lety is standing there with a bonsai tree and Fern's got a little fountain, because after a group hug, Saimon his mixed up their gifts. Saimon leaves, and Fern and Lety re-exchange their gifts. They testily question one another about their doings in San Miguel Regla and Nueva York. Naturally, both refuse to answer, and both claim that they're not asking out of jealousy. Oh, they are sooooo jealous. Fern says his friend's grandmother says that when someone gives you something, you have to take it and not be a jerk. So they go their separate ways with their gifts.

Fern kisses the bonsai tree and strokes it on his way back to his desk (he gets the captain's chair 'cuz Omar's out). He tries it out in a few different spots and begins trimming the foliage with loving care.

Lety carefully takes the little fountain and, after a few nanoseconds' thought, decides to put it on the table behind her desk where she can conveniently turn her back to it. She does so with exaggerated nonchalance.

Night falls, but quickly gets up again

Next day, Alicia tries to call Marcia, but is annoyed to hear that Marcia has checked out of her room. Alicia fears that if Marcia doesn't get back soon, she's going to lose her boyfriend, and Alicia won't be able to go to the big expo.

The cuartel comes off the elevator and Alicia takes off with her clown kit because hey, whose makeup DOESN'T already need freshening up at 8 or 9 in the morning, am I right ladies? PM tells her fellow gossips that they all need to get makeovers today, so as not to offend the tender eyes of their clients at the expo. PM admits she's hoping her new look will have Saimon at her feet.

Sara suggests asking the people who will be working with the dancers to work on them too. Irma stamps her foot and says no, Luigi would kill them if he found out.

Luigi and Aldo come in at that moment, and the cuartel pretends to be busy. Aldo mentions to Luigi that he'd like a favor, and Luigi says sure, anything. He tells Irma to join him in the studio when she's finished wasting time with the living dead. Aldo lags behind... to butter up the living dead, I guess. He offers to help them with their "problem." Irma explains the situation to him as they both head back to Luigi's.

Next off the elevator are Fern and Carloca. Hmm, what a coincidence - they just happened to arrive at the same time. Sup with that? Carloca bids the cuartel good afternoon - huh? Maybe we skipped the whole morning. Either that, or coming in five minutes later than the cuartel makes them terribly late. Anyway, Fern advises the cuartel to be a little more discreet with their persecution of him today. Grinning like children, they chorus "Sí, Don Fernando." His tie has yellow and blue stripes that match the colors in the lobby.

The Reluctant Genie

Luigi babbles a bunch of artsy-fartsy crap at Aldo to explain why he doesn't want to do the favor that Aldo has asked. "I know I said your wish was my command, but c'mon, Aladdin wasn't that mean to his genie." (Well, maybe that's because Aladdin's genie wasn't quite so rude to Aladdin's girlfriend!) "Please, what you're asking is Luigicide!" he continues.

Yes - Aldo has asked Luigi to do the makeovers for the cuartel, and the mere thought is giving Luigi the vapors. (BTW, according to Dr. Baker from Little House on the Prairie, "the vapors" was flatulence.) But, he says, he'll do what Aldo asks. He points out that this favor isn't even for Aldo - it's for those horrible magpies (urracas). Luigi says he's creative, but he's not a magician! He cries and says it will be bad for his career and his ego.

Aldo gets all touchy-feely around Luigi's shoulders. (At one point, Luigi looks at Aldo's hand on his shoulder, and reaches for it; at that exact moment, Aldo "just happens" to move his own hand to Luigi's other shoulder. Don't tell me Aldo isn't knowingly and happily exploiting the effect he has on Luigi. Not that I feel bad for Luigi. But it's not nice to do that.) Aldo says this favor will be good for the expo, which is important not only to Conceptos, but also for Aldo personally. Luigi sulks prettily, but Aldo's persuasive droning, rated-G caresses, and lightweight guilting ("if you make them happy, you'll make me happy") get the better of Luigi, and he gives in.

Aldo gives him a manly hug in thanks, which makes Luigi all shivery. I swear this is almost as romantic as the first time Fern kissed Lety. Luigi says he wants something in exchange - Aldo must be at his side at all times during this makeover. Aldo agrees, and Luigi high-fives him tenderly. You know Luigi's never going to wash that hand again.

The MLSoD is hungry and it must be fed

RoboPop goes to the batcave to do the accounting for the expo. After he closes the door, Lety sneaks another look at the inscription in Aldo's book and unhappily wishes Fern had written it instead of Aldo. She turns around and looks at the little fountain. Fern picks this perfect moment to come in with Carloca. He sneaks up behind Lety and whispers in her ear. She whirls around in surprise, nearly knocking him over. She says she likes the water because it reminds her of the sea. "The sea," she repeats, stroking Aldo's book. Yeah, right - who is she trying to convince? Hah. No one is fooled.

Fern introduces "Carla DomensaEEN." Lety prompts him, and he corrects himself without acknowledging his error. Smooth move, Ex-Lax! The women greet one another politely, and Carla admits she tried to meet Lety yesterday. Lety says she smelled Carla's nice perfume yesterday. Carla admires the fountain, and Lety says it absorbs the bad vibes. Fern looks mildly offended by this, and Carloca beams, enjoying the awkwardness.

Speaking of awkward, RoboPop pops out of the batcave like, well, not to mix metaphors too much, but like a cuckoo clock. He wants some invoices or something. He is taken aback by the sight of Fern, who bows profusely. RoboPop gives Fern a cold greeting, but is much friendlier to Carla. Fern makes a disapproving noise.

Lety asks Carla if she'd like anything, and Carla says "no, I'm fine." Lety raises her eyebrows, as if in sarcastic agreement. Carla says Fern gave her a tour of the company yesterday, and she saw the commercial, and she was really impressed by it, and especially by the use of people who aren't stereotypical models. Fern pipes up that he told her that that was Lety's idea. Carla asks how Lety came up with the idea. (Oh, Carla's being very naughty! She thinks she's going to get Lety to thinking about how ugly and unworthy she is!)

Lety says sure, they can talk about her ideas to save the company after the, hmm, how to say it (she does an imitation of Aldo)... the maneuvers Don Fernando made. ("WE made," Fern coughs.) Fern excuses himself, offers his hand to Erasmo who is still standing there admiring Carla, pretends he was only putting up his hand to smooth his hair, then gives Erasmo a goofy fist-bump on the shoulder and leaves.

Erasmo excuses himself as well, bidding Carla a needlessly fond farewell, which evokes another disapproving noise from Fern, who hasn't completely finished closing the door yet because his nosey nose is in the way. Fern leaves for real and Erasmo retires to the batcave, or the cuckoo clock, or whatever I'm calling it these days.

Alone at last, Carla wants to talk to Lety about Fern. Lety says she's not interested in talking about Fern; Carla says that's not how it looks to her - after all, Lety was the one who brought up the problems of Conceptos, to make Fern uncomfortable. Oh, touché, Miss Psychologist! Lety denies this, and says she only mentioned it because Carla had asked and she was with Fern in New York. Carla notes that Lety is well-informed, and asks if Lety investigated this, because it looked like she had a very good spy network. Lety says no, it's just that she's the president, so she knows about everything.

Carla says she's surprised by Lety's glibness. Lety says she only discusses her emotions with her friends. But if Carla really wants to talk about it, perhaps she, Carla, should tell Lety how she feels. Carloca gladly obliges. She says she respects Lety, and that she's confirmed the impression she had formed of Lety.

"As an object of ridicule, right?" Lety replies angrily. (Oh, dammit, Lety, you were doing so well!) Carla says no. "Then what's all this about respect?" Lety asks. Carla says Fern talked a lot about the marvels of Lety.

(Fern is at his desk again, staring at the bonsai plant and Lety's photo on his phone, wondering what Lety and Carloca are talking about. "I have to forget Lety!" he tells himself. Okay, so the first 4611 times he said it turned out not to be true, but perhaps the 4612th time will be the charm.)

Lety's eyelid twitches, and she asks what else Fern said about her. "Fernando told me more about you than you can imagine," Carla says. "Do you want details?" she offers.

Lety says no, they used to work together, she mostly as his protege... "and you fell in love with him," Carla finishes. Lety insists that there was only work between them, nothing else. Carla says they were a good team. Lety sadly confirms that yes, they were a good team - for work.

Carla says she's glad they had this chat, and that she now understands everything Fern said about Lety. (Lety looks confused and concerned.) They shake hands, and Carla leaves. Carla looks only slightly surprised to find Lola and Martha practically falling through the doors trying to listen. Those two pretend to brush invisible scuff-marks off the doors with their sleeves. Carla asks the rest of the cuartel where Fern is, and like a line of dancers, they point to Fern's door. "How nice you are," Carla says to them sweetly and sincerely as she leaves the Vortex. Oh wow. She really is an Aldette.

"What brutes you are, really," Alicia complains. "It's inborn," she tells them. The cuartel responds with brutish faces. "Inborn," she repeats, getting up for another round with her clown kit.

Just then, Irmita enters the Vortex with the good news that Aldo convinced Luigi to do their makeovers. They all squeal happily.

In the Rehash Room

Peeking out his own office door, Fern sees Carla approach. He hurriedly closes the door and pretends to look busy, and hums a few notes that might be the beginning of the Mundo de Fieras theme (or might not). Carla comes in and he nervously asks how her trip was. He wants to know what she and Lety talked about, too.

Carla tells Fern that he hurt Lety. She's profoundly hurt. What did he do to her? He admits that he used Lety to save his company, and along the way, he fell in love with her. But then she found out his original motive and felt betrayed. She had read this letter that was written by the stupid...

Just then, Omar comes in. He drools and babbles over Carla's beauty. Fern gets up to scold him, and Omar seizes his chance to take the big chair. Fern assures Carla that Omar's very mature, and not at all childish. They bicker competitively until Carla interrupts to introduce herself. Omar babbles some more about her beauty and Fern advises Carla not to even try to understand him. Omar keeps going, though; he says, "it's like, how can I say it..." (a la Aldo) and leans back in the chair. Fern grabs the chair right out from under Omar (I love his tie with green, blue, and white stripes; watching these guys' ties has become like a second hobby for me). He warns Omar that his techniques won't work on Carla.

Undaunted, Omar tries to make a date with Carla for this evening. She reminds him that she's going to the expo, which begins tonight. "Aw, forget about the expo, who cares about that?" replies the diligent former VP of finance. He babbles some more (Fern imitates him) and complains about Lety's "image." Curiously, Carla asks Omar what his problem is with Lety - she seems like a surprising woman. (I'm starting to really appreciate Carla, even if she is up to no good!) He says "let's just say she's not a saint of my devotion." Fern points out that he's not a saint of her devotion either - more like a demon.

I have to admit, all the fighting over the chair does brighten up the rehashing somewhat.

Later, Fern and Omar continue rehashing without Carla. Omar drools about her a little bit more and reaches to move the bonsai out of the way. Fern panics and screams at him, grabbing at the plant protectively and picking at it with the scissors. Omar is saying something about using Carla to forget about Lety. Fern's not listening. Omar wants all the juicy details. Fern tells him to calm down. Omar wants to know if it was love at first sight. Fern says please, she's a woman and you must respect her! Mumbling, he leaves the room, complaining that Omar doesn't respect the female sex.

Omar grabs the plant and the scissors and prepares to make some adjustments of his own. Fern catches him before he can do any damage.

Bad news

Aldo confirms to the cuartel that Luigi will indeed be giving them makeovers. In the salon, Luigi has donned a surgical gown, bonnet, and gloves. At his command, he and his staff put on surgical masks. He crosses himself, puts on protective dark goggles, and goes in. His staff cross themselves as well.

Luigi inspects his subjects and complains. He says he's going to show them that Dr. Frankenstein isn't just someone in a movie. Today he's going to do what Dr. F did. He'll give life to these... mercifully, Aldo interrupts. Luigi assures Aldo that he'll do as he promised. He asks Martha to smile, and says he needs to file down their teeth! Irmita asks about the protective gear, and he says he needs to shield himself from their ugliness, especially his eyes. (He's saying this lightheartedly - everyone's laughing, including Aldo.) He adds that he's also protecting himself from parasites, protozoa, rotovirus, etc. Sara starts getting offended, and Juana reminds her that they're getting free makeovers.

Luigi asks to see their hooves (pezuñas), oh all right, their claws (garras). Their hands, he finally requests. They wiggle their fingers at him. He talks about Aphrodite and Venus and says he's going to need the help of all the gods. He begs the gods' forgiveness for violating the laws of nature. You know what, this is all very cute, but I'm starting to WISH they'd run an Emagrece Slim ad at this point... I guess Aldo feels the same way, because he nicely suggests that Luigi get started. The cuartel takes their seats, the surgical team beauticians come in with their masks, and the magic begins.

(What? No product placement ads for the makeup and hair care products??)

Luigi and a female beautician step outside to sneak some kisses. Kidding! I guess they're just takin' a break. Absolutely no effort is required on his part to hear what the cuartel are saying in incredibly loud voices - they want to get Aldo a gift for convincing Luigi to give them makeovers. One of them (Juana?) says "if he did that for us, just imagine what he must have written in that book he gave to Lety." Martha suggests that they sneak into Lety's office later, when no one can see, and check it out.

Luigi's day is ruined. Not only does he now know that the book wasn't meant for him - it was meant for the PLATYPUS. He pulls off the medical garb and hurries to Aldo's office for a scolding, but Aldo's not there. He has a mini-hissy-fit and petulantly scolds Aldo's chair instead. He sits in the chair and looks at some "flavor of life" artwork on Aldo's desk. "Flavor of wretchedness," Luigi moans. "Flavor of disgrace."

You know what, Luigi, your dog's not dead, so why don't you just shut the hell up right now.

Aldo's desk phone rings, and Luigi takes a message. It's the publisher of Aldo's book. He knows the event's tonight, but there's going to be a slight delay. He knows it's a serious problem, and they're working on it. He promises that the books will arrive. After the phone call, Luigi fusses some more and decides to confirm whether what he overheard was true.

Free makeovers - you get what you pay for

In the Vortex, Alicia is answering everybody else's phones in an irritable tone. More irritable than usual, I mean. She tells one caller that the beachball (Lola?) went to the pool to give herself a bath. She tells the next caller that Martha and her witch friends are getting ready to scare people at a midnight show. She tells the third caller that the constipated giraffe (Sara) has gone to the bathroom to see what's going on there, since there's nothing going on in here.

Lety (I love that white jacket - is it just me, or is that actually not too frumpy?) and Aldo come out of Lety's office. Lety asks Alicia (who looks nice in that color, I think) where everyone is. Just then, Sara loudly announces the cuartel. Aldo hurriedly covers Lety's eyes as the newly made-over cuartel marches in. (A little less goose-steppy this time, fortunately.)

I got a "free" makeover once. I don't know if it's still the case, but you used to be able to make an appointment with the makeup ladies for the brand of your choice at the "finer department stores." The object of the "free" makeover, from the makeup lady's point of view, is of course to build rapport with you and make you feel pretty so you'll buy some products. She works on commission, and they don't pay her to stand around giving out free makeup.

My pal made an appointment for the two of us to get "makeovers" from a brand which I will call Unique. The makeup lady put foundation all over us and then drew totally new faces on us. It was both amazing and grotesque. My friend was happy with the result; I was, to put it politely, "fascinated" by it. It wasn't just any new face; it was the face of a Precious Moments figurine. As drawn by cartoonist Gahan Wilson.

When I heard that Luigi was giving makeovers to the cuartel tonight, I wondered if he would be heavy-handed like the Unique lady. Instead, he basically waved a curling iron in the cuartel's general direction and called it a day. Nice job!

The cuartel line up in the usual way to show off the fruits of Luigi's genius. They've all got new clothes, new hairstyles, and I guess the makeup is different (I don't see a big change).

Irma looks a little more elegant and her hair is down. Sara looks more girly, with curled hair, jewelry, and a pink outfit. Lola's hair is down too, which makes her look younger, and PM actually looks sluttier than before, in a new Bic Banana outfit with no blouse and they've taken out the curls and crimped her hair instead. Martha's hair is in a ponytail, which makes her face look fatter.

And Juana? She has a new purse, and that's it.

Lety tells them they're the most beautiful women on the planet. "The planet of the apes!" Alibooby retorts. Lety is surprised to hear that Luigi did all of this. (She's probably surprised because she would have expected him to do a better job.) They tell her that Aldo got him to do it. She thanks him, and they begin singing his praises (literally).

Fern and Carloca enter the Vortex. Carloca seems cheerfully perplexed. Looking suspiciously at Aldo, Fern asks what they're celebrating. They (Fern and Aldo) approach one another as Aldo tells him to ask the women. Lety and Carloca haul their men back to safety.

The cuartel explain that they're getting ready for the expo. Lety snottily tells Fern that thanks to Aldo, Luigi fixed 'em up really pretty. Aldo and Fern approach each other again and are hauled back again.

Carla diplomatically tries to break the tension (again) by introducing herself to Aldo. The two of them hit it off and elope. (Don't you wish?) They are hauled apart by Lety and Fern. I am sad.

Carla tells Fern she's going to go back to the hotel, because she's tired. She approaches him for a kiss, but Sara gets between them! She asks Fern if he likes her new 'do! (Someone bleats like a sheep - I'm not sure who!) He tells her she looks very nice, but I think she has a nauseated look on her face. Fern and Carla leave, and Carla tells the cuartel they look super-nice. "We'll leave together too," Lety hollers after them, clutching Aldo's arm possessively.

Aldo says he has to go get the books for the big event. He calls the cuartel "princesses" and they squeal at him. Gag. He kisses Lety's hand, provoking more squeals. Again, I love her jacket and I want it! Except in a color that will camouflage spaghetti sauce stains.

In the main lobby (the Vortex of Boredom?)

Yazmin is admiring her reflection in the mirror. Or perhaps she's feeling jealous of that pretty girl in the round window and plotting her death. Either way, nothing interesting ever happens in the main lobby! Fern and Carloca step off the elevator. Fern is complaining that they're not a cuartel of ladies, they're a cuartel of disrespectfuls, and they belong in, not a cage, he loves them, so maybe a fishtank(? "pecera"?). Carloca adds that they won't let her kiss him.

Carla suggests that maybe this isn't coming from them, but from "someone else." Fern says the cuartel love Lety, but they would never behave like that for her, because she's so well-behaved herself. In fact, he says, she's probably scolding them right now. Carla says that the secretaries defend Lety in every way, because Lety knows how to win people's hearts.

They agree to meet up later at the expo. Carla tries to give him a kiss. Fern's hand gets in the way.

In the exec lobby (Vortex of Stupidity)

The cuartel ask Lety if Carla's explained her strategy to keep Fernando. Lety pretends not to be interested. (Juana's now wearing a sweater, but I think that's her old sweater, not a new one from the makeover.) Lety tells them that Carla is not the woman they think she is. Well, I don't know what woman they think she is, so I'm not sure what Lety means either.) They try to coax some concern out of her, but she says that if Fern and Carla have a problem, it's their problem. The cuartel groans skeptically when Lety adds that Fern and Carla look good together. They cheer Lety and she runs back to her office.

Saimon then comes out of the turbolift and practically drops dead when he sees PM. He doesn't even notice the other women. Apparently, the no-blouse, crimped-hair does something special for him. How unusual. PM slyly asks, does he remember that calendar he got her with those colored pens? Because tonight she's got a date with a guy in green. Saimon looks sadly at his blue tie, then tells her he forgives her for that other thing. "Oh, so NOW you pardon me, huh?" PM replies. She tells him it's too late for that. Lola says the women are united. Irma takes out a pair of sunglasses and tells him they're going to the grand opening of the expo. The rest of the cuartel put on their sunglasses too. They jeer at Saimon and send him away.

In the cuckoo clock

Mom's on the phone. Lety is distracted, and RoboPop prompts her to take the call. She tells Mom that of course she and Pop are invited to the expo. With all the work she's put into preparing the moles, how can she not go? She tells mom to fix herself up and they'll all go together.

A pressing issue is on RoboPop's mind - he wants to know what happened to "the executive." Lety says she's gone back to the hotel to change. RoboPop is worried that she may not be receiving the kind of hospitality befitting of a stranger among Pueblans, or somesuch. Lety scolds him for staring at her. RoboPop angrily replies that Erasmo Padilla Galarza has never looked at any woman besides Julieta Solis for many years, since that one afternoon he met her, he's never betrayed her, not even in his thoughts, even though temptation is everywhere.

This appeases Lety, and she tells him to go home and get ready. "Me with your mother?" He asks. "No, I'm going to have you go with Carla," Lety answers sarcastically. RoboPop shakes his head. (Kids these days, I tell you what.)

More scenes in the Vortex

Lety tells the cuartel it's time to go. She asks Alicia what happened to Marcia - isn't she going to the expo? Alicia says Marcia's been on a waiting list for a flight, and she's not sure whether she caught one or not. (Are you telling me that suddenly Marcia's phone is broken? After all this time, it only just now has broken? The way she abuses phones, I figured either she'd have broken it a long time ago, or else it was made of cast iron and couldn't malfunction. Maybe her battery ran down while she was nagging Fern about something.)

Alicia fishes for an invite to the expo. Lety tells her she shouldn't go to the expo without knowing what happened to her boss. "I think you'd better wait," Lety tells Alicia. "And then you can go together!" The cuartel behaves obnoxiously, as usual. Lety leaves, and Juana asks Alicia to please take out the trash. Lola tells her to answer the phones.

After the cuartel is gone, Luigi tries to sneak into Lety's office. Alicia catches him, and he casually moves away from the door. Suddenly he exclaims, "oh! You're losing some neurons!" As Alicia looks down in alarm, Luigi steals into Lety's office.

The Monster Ladyparts Seashell of Doom Sees All

Luigi starts to sit in Lety's chair, but hops away at the last second, not wishing to catch any ugly-germs. He quickly finds the book and feels sorry for himself. "The flavor of life," he whines bitterly. "For me, it's the flavor of bile, the flavor of deception." He still holds out hope that the cuartel was joking about the dedication.

He looks inside the cover and discovers, with a sinking heart, that the only joke was on him.

Next week
Luigi, Fern, and Omar compete for "World's biggest fool." Who will win?
Will a fairy godmother turn the clown kit into a Technicolor stagecoach so Alicia can go to the ball?
Will Marcia ever get back to Mexico and have a catfight with Carla?
And hey, where'd Tomas go?
Find out next week on La Fea Más Bella!


Friday, March 23, 2007

Acorralada - #49 3/22/07 – Thursday – Let the Rumpus Begin!!!

To recap the end of yesterday's episode, Diana calls Psycho Mansion and "just happens" to get Nancy. I can't remember who pointed it out, but why is it that whenever someone calls The Big House, the appropriate person always answers the phone. But I digress. Diana wants Nancy to go into either Larry's or Peyote's bedroom and find Kike's phone number on one of their phones. I'm not quite sure why Lunkhead would have Kike's phone number, but I suppose they were possibly friends before I started watching this show. Nancy asks Diana what on earth she wants with Kike's phone number. Diana says Larry snubbed Little Doormat, now it's payback time.

Marfil and Debora are having a showdown at the jail. Debora wants Marfil to bail her out, "I'm your sister!" There's also some of the "I hate you!"--"Well, I hate you MORE!" exchange. The best part is when Debora starts begging Marfil to help her. Marfil tells Debora to apologize and beg…on her knees!

There's a meeting of the Irascible clan; Yolanda, Max, Lunkhead, Peyote, and Octave. Peyote wants to know why they've all been gathered. Octave announces that only Yolanda and Max know the story. Lunkhead pipes up "I know everything, too! Max told me!" Poor Peyote realizes she's the only one who has no idea what's going on, once again proving her point that Mama likes the boys best.

Octave tells Peyote there's a woman who is out to get the Irascible family, and in fact, is protecting Diana and Gaby. Peyote wants to know why this woman, F/G, hates the Irascibles so much. "What did you do to her, mom?" Octave tells her to quit asking questions. Finally Max steps in and tells Peyote the Irascibles will be hosting a party at Psycho Mansion, honoring F/G and the Soriano sisters. "Too much!" says Peyote, in what sounds like unaccented English.

At first Debora refuses to get on her knees and apologize for stealing Marfil's identity, but finally she does. Debora is still wearing her pink and black bathrobe-looking short dress. Marfil looks quite elegant in her all white outfit. After Debora apologizes and begs for forgiveness, she tells Marfil, "now pay my bail and get me outta here!" M--"It sucks to be you, Debora, because you can rot in this jail for all I care!" Debora is muy impactada!

Lala walks into the house where Pancho is sitting. He tells her to sit for a moment. Lala tells Pancho that she can tell by the tone of his voice that something is wrong. "Are you and Caramel fighting?" Pancho at first tries to deny it, but Lala says he can't hide it from her. "Marriage isn't honey, but making up is sweet." She then leaves and Pancho tells the camera, "If only Mamacita knew that I'm in love with two women! Peyote wants to get married – and I want to marry her – but I'm already married." What's a poor Panchalon to do?!

Lala enters Caramel's room and tells Caramel she knows about the fight. Caramel asks, "He told you?" "Yes," says Lala. Caramel goes on to tell her that Pancho said all these mean and ugly things to her and she doesn't understand why. Pancho was fine when he left that morning, but returned furious. Lala suggests that something must have happened out in the streets. Caramel asks Lala if she thinks Pancho is in love with another woman. "Of course not! I'm sure it's nothing. Perhaps you should go to the mall and buy yourself something "corte de tela." I'm sure in a few days everything will be fine." Caramel tells Lala she's crazy in love with Pancho, and if he leaves her for another woman, she'll just die!

Back to the showdown between Marfil and Debora. This scene is now getting boring to me. Marfil keeps whining that Debora is now going to pay for all the evil things she's done in the past. Debora then spits on her. Pretty good job of blocking that scene. I'd hate to be the stand-in! Debora then says she's going to kill Marfil. Marfil has "spit" dripping down her forehead. Marfil responds Debora is never going to see the light of day, when all is said and done. The scene thankfully ends with Debora screeching, "I hate you! I hate you more than ever! I hate you!"

We're now at Casa Soriano—not Casa Diego, as he'd have us believe. The doorbell rings and a voice off camera tells Gaby to get the door. It's Kike. Gaby asks what he's doing there. In walks Diana to explain everything. "I know you hate Larry, and now you're going to get the chance to humiliate him again." Kike has a look of "bring it on, sister!"

Octave is slugging down a drink of something, brandy perhaps(?), when there's a knock on the door. Nancy announces Octave has a visitor. Octave barks at her "I don't want to have any visitors!" "Not even me?" asks Reynoso as he walks into the room. Licencio Reynoso is bringing a list of names that F/G wants invited to the shindig. Octave is clearly not happy with this development.

Kike has now heard Diana's plan and loves the idea. He's going to escort Gaby to the fiesta. Gaby doesn't like the idea. Luckily for Diana, Gaby is such a pushover. Diana railroads Little Doormat into bringing Kike to the party and making both Pilar and Lunkhead jealous. Apparently Gaby is the only voice of reason, but since she has no spine, her half-hearted protests fall on deaf ears.

Octave tells Reynoso there is no way she's inviting Camila, Sylvie, or Kike to her soiree. Reynoso makes some sort of threat and Octave caves. She will include these three losers on the invite list.

Lorenzo is talking to F/G at Paco's bar. He tells her Paco is hurt that he can't escort F/G to the party. F/G says she wants to go alone with her daughters. She doesn't want her enemies to think she needs a man to protect her. That's not the image she wants to present. Lorenzo tries to be PC saying Paco loves her so much, and has been waiting for her for years. I believe he alludes to F/G stringing him along and F/G defends her actions saying Paco has known all along the way she feels.

Meanwhile, back at Psycho Mansion, Octave is saying how much she still loves Paco. She keeps repeating his name.

Good news for Debora! Some poor saps have finally come to bail her out! Heaven only knows why. It's Lunkhead and Yolanda, the Big Doormat. Octave gave them the money. She's free!!!

Max is skulking about in his room, when Octave barges in. She tells him she sent Yolanda and Larry to bail out his "wife." Max is not happy and tells her as much. Octave says FM is an "Irascible," and as such, is not going to stay in jail. She needs to be at the party. Octave goes on to say that Max had better stay away from Diana and play the role of devoted husband. Max all but stamps his foot proclaiming, "NO!!! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!!"

Peyote is leaving a message on Pancho's phone, saying she hopes he's thinking about marrying her. Just as she makes kissing noises into the phone and hangs up, in walks Emili-Oh. He tells Peyote she is looking particularly pretty today. She replies she knows. After some small talk in which he says he wants to help the family, he finally gathers up the courage to ask Peyote if she'd like to go out to dinner with him. She dismisses him completely saying dinner is annoying – dancing is more fun. Talk about raining on his little parade! He wants to help her get off the drugs. It's bad enough she casually dismisses his heartfelt proposition, she then goes on to stick a knife in his heart by telling him he's "gray" and "boring." Emili-Oh says he wants to help her, be a leader to her, blah, blah, blah. Peyote laughs at him and sinks the dagger even deeper saying he's got a nice body and is cute, but he's "gray" and she doesn't like the color "gray." She'd never be interested in someone like him. She flounces out and poor Emili-Oh looks devastated.

Pancho walks into the bedroom where Caramel is standing in front of the mirror. She is wearing a floral robe that is covering some lingerie. Pancho asks why she's not at work. Caramel, clearly sad, says she doesn't want to fight with him. Pancho feigns ignorance. When she asks where he's been, he tells her at the gym. Caramel asks if he doesn't want her any more. "Of course I do," says Pancho. "You're my little hembrita (which the dictionary describes as meaning female, doe, cow, hen), my little woman." I won't speak for Caramel, but I'd not be happy if my husband referred to me as his little cow. At any rate, Pancho says he's going to take a bath. Caramel sadly realizes there must be another woman, but what type of woman would catch his eye? Then it slowly dawns on her…Peyote!

Debora blows into Max's room shrieking as always. How could he leave her in jail for so long? Max says it wasn't that long, and besides she deserved to stay there after stealing the baby. Debora screams back that it seemed like a 1000 years, and besides, "She stole the baby and pretended it was me!" Ooops! When Max asks what the heck Debora is talking about, she hastily replies "nada." Max tries to get her to explain, but Debora is doing the Chihuahua thing. Finally Max throws her out and tells her to spend the night in her old bedroom. Debora is incensed and squawks and yips the whole time as the door closes behind her.

Debora stomps into her old room where Bruno is fixing the bed. Debora is ranting on and on about Max. Bruno is trying to calm her down. Suddenly Octave appears in the door. "My adored mother-in-law," exclaims Debora. "Thanks for bailing me out; your son Max wanted me to rot in my cell!" Octave asks if it's true that Debora stole the baby. "Of course not! Believe me!" "Whatever, forget it" says Octave. "I need to tell you about a party we're having." "Party?" asks Debora. "What party?"

Reynoso is in F/G's dressing room reporting he gave Octave the list of invitees. F/G asks if there were any problems. "Nope," says Reynoso. F/G tells him that Paco has agreed to pay for fancy dresses for her and the girls, but she doesn't know what to do about the jewelry. "Don't worry," says Reynoso. "My wife just happens to own a jewelry store and once I tell her the situation, I'm sure she'll help you out."

Debora is now mad about the proposed party. She starts yelling at Octave, who tells her to put a cork in it, "you're getting on my nerves!" Octave tells Debora she doesn't like the idea of the party either, but she has no choice. F/G has her over a proverbial barrel. Octave leaves and Debora is now ranting to Bruno. She tells Bruno Marfil is the one who stole the baby and framed her. Bruno is impactado! "But Marfil can't walk!" Debora breaks the news that Marfil is completely cured and out for revenge. Bruno grabs her heart and collapses on the bed. Debora goes on to say Marfil hates Debora and the plan was to bury Debora in jail. "She hates me!"

F/G is at Granny M's house telling the girls she's made arrangements to get dresses and jewelry for everyone. They are going to be queens. Diana is excited. Gaby is nervous. F/G states "Right now, I bet Octave has her henchwoman, Yolanda, inviting everyone." The scene fades to Yolanda on the phone, checking something off in her little black book.

The doorbell rings at Isabel's apartment. It's Bruno. She's come to talk to Marfil. Bruno tries to explain why Debora took Marfil's place. Marfil yells at her and calls her a traitor. You tried to hide me here with Isabel, but Isabel helped me get better and now you all are going to pay for your treason. Debora can rot in jail now! Bruno, in between sobs, begs for forgiveness. She then tells Marfil that Debora got bailed out and is back at the mansion. Not the best thing to tell Marfil. Lots of yelling, Bruno groveling, and Isabel finally throwing Bruno out.

Gratuitous scene of Max and Larry in skimpy bathing suits discussing the party. Larry asks Max if Diego will be there.

Diana walks out of the bedroom into the living room where Diego is sitting. Diana babbles on and on about how great the baby is. Diego tells her to sit down, they need to talk. "For the 1000th time, I don't want you going to Psycho Mansion to that party. "I'm sorry, Diego. I'm going whether you like it or not," says Diana petulantly.

Marfil and Isabel are discussing the party. Marfil says tonight she's going to reclaim her place as Max's wife. Isabel doesn't understand how she's going to pull it off. *** I don't understand either. Can someone explain their exchange to me? I'm just too tired to replay this scene 50 times to figure it out myself. ***

F/G walks into Paco's office, but Paco isn't there. Only Caramel. F/G has an updo and a long black dress with a bunch of dead-bird feathers around her neck and shoulders. Caramel does a double take and tells F/G she looks "mah-velous. Simply mah-velous!" F/G says the only ones she wants to see with open mouths are Octave and Yolanda.

Switch to Granny M's house where Diana and Gaby are getting ready. They both appear to be wearing bridesmaid's dresses. Gaby's is lavender and has an empire waist and lavender gauze over the top. Diana's dress is red with a pink gauzy thing and some faux bauble in the middle that is attached to a string that ties around her neck. It reminds me of the type of dress Cleopatra would wear. There is no shape to Diana's dress. At least they're not wearing dead animals. Gaby still has on her ubiquitous glasses. Diana takes the glasses away and demands that Gaby put in contacts. I must say Gaby cleans up nicely, so you can imagine where this is going. Diana is excited, Gaby is nervous.

Paco walks in and tells F/G how wonderful she looks. He warns her to be careful at the Irascibles. More discussions about how she's using the girls as pawns and her telling him the girls will be fine. Does this woman ever think of anyone besides herself? I am truly losing sympathy for her!

Pancho is at Granny M's house getting Diego all riled up, as if Diego wasn't already riled. Pancho tells Diego that F/G is a crazy woman. I must agree with him on this point. Gaby walks out and pours salt in the wound by telling Diego he's not going to believe how beautiful his wife looks. Diana walks out and Pancho announces she must be all dolled up for Max. Diana asks Max if he's got anything to say. ***Diana truly is dumber than a box of rocks. She can't honestly think Diego is going to be happy.*** He tells her, yet again, that he doesn't want her going to the party. Pancho stands there smirking. Diego sits there sulking.

F/G and Paco are still fighting. Actually, F/G is droning on and on again about how Octave stole her house and killed her husband. Poor Paco is just standing there taking it. Paco really needs a good woman who can appreciate what a wonderful, tolerant, faithful guy he is. This world truly needs more men like Paco! Anyway, he finally suggests they leave.

Debora is whining to Max about the party. She says Octave's face looks bitter. Given that Octave's face never moves, I'm not sure how Debora can tell. Max says the evening is going to be hard on Octave. Debora also refers to Diana as a tick (Una garrapata). ***What a wonderful description!*** Debora is also wearing a black dress with what appears to be the clone of F/G's dead-bird feathers. Her hair looks like something out of Petticoat Junction or Gunsmoke. She also has some bright pink lipstick that glows in the dark and looks like it was put on with a trowel. Max tells her "First of all, Diana is not a tick!" Secondly, you'd better be on your best behavior."


Lala opens the door and in walks Camila in some skanky peach dress exposing her navel. Her dress has the same tacky bauble between her breasts as Diana's, along with the attached string that ties around her neck. She is clinging to the arm of Doc Evil.

Sylvie, ah Sylvie. Never the one to disappoint!!! She shows up on Andres' arm wearing something out of a cabaret, complete with three huge yellow plumes sticking out of her blond wig. There are also lots of Mardi Gras beads hanging from her wig as well. They appear to be the first arrivals. Andres is mocking Sylvie's outfit. She tips her head to hit Andres in the face with the plumes and calls him indiorante. This word is not in my dictionary. None of them can figure out why they've been invited to the party.

We're now at Isabel's apartment. The camera is focused on the fabric that passes for a door. We hear Isabel asking if she can come in. As she walks in, she says how elegant and beautiful Marfil looks. The camera slowly pans from the floor up to Marfil, who is dressed in a pink dress with dead Easter bunnies around her shoulders. Marfil announces she's ready to go to the party and reclaim her spot as Max's wife.

We return from commercial break to see the party that has been hyped for three days or so. There are maybe 15 people in the room, and boring cocktail music is playing in the background. There are a bunch of extras passing as guests. Now there's a job I'd like – play the role as a guest at a party. Bruno is dressed up and actually looks like a woman. Her hair actually looks normal when it's not slicked back. Poor Yolanda is dressed in a hideous lime dress that laces up the back and, I believe, has some long fringe that hangs from her hips like that fringe in the infamous lamp from "A Christmas Story." It is not flattering and I feel bad she got stuck wearing it. I wonder if she earned extra pay to wear the get-up.

Max pulls Octave aside and tells her she'd better change her expression. Unfortunately, I don't think she can help it. She tells Max she's dying from humiliation. It's hard to focus on the conversation because Sylvie is in the background sticking her feathers in everyone's face. All I can focus on is yellow feathers.

Debora is asking Emili-Oh when that pelusa, AKA "lint," is going to arrive. Emili-Oh tells her to mellow out. Debora whines to stop defending that "zopilota." Zopilota is not in my dictionary either, but I can tell it's not flattering.

As Debora walks off, Andres stops her and says to meet him in the library. Debora says "no way!" Andres promises to make a scene and tell everyone she's an imposter if she doesn't do what he says. The library is suddenly looking pretty good to Chihuahua-on-crack-girl, and she heads in that direction.

Once in the library, Andres follows her in. He comments how good she looks in her dress with the dead-bird feathers. Debora says they can't stay there for long or her husband may catch them. "Let me remind you, I'm the only husband you have." With that, Andres grabs her and forces her to kiss him. It turns into some face-sucking event, with the day-glo pink lipstick smeared everywhere. Yuk! In the midst of all this passion, who should happen to catch them in the act, but Camila. At first she is impactada, then she starts smirking!

The doorbell rings and in walk Rene and Pilar. Pilar hones in on Larry and kisses him on the cheek, thoughtfully wiping off the lipstick she's left. Larry looks none too happy that Pilar is there. Peyote makes a snarky remark and Rene tries to get everyone to calm down. At that moment, the doorbell rings again. . .

F/G walks in with her nose in the air, followed by her faithful stoolies, Diana and Gaby. Reynoso brings up the rear. I now count 17 people standing stiffly on this sound stage. So much for this huge society party. What a joke! The cheesy cocktail music continues to play. I'd rather watch paint dry than hang out at a party as dull as this. "Buenas Noches!" states F/G. Lots of glares, stares, and dopey looks. F/G and Octave shoot death-ray looks at each other. Doc Evil is staring at Diana. Max has on his best "bitter beer face." Close up of Pilar staring. And so it goes. The only one who seems truly happy is Peyote. But that's probably because she's high.

I'm really disappointed with this party as the credits roll. What a letdown!


Zorro Thursday March 22, 2007: Public Service Announcement--Drinking can damage your relationships with others.

On the street, Esmeralda runs into Diego and Mariangel. At this moment the little apple boy from the day before runs up to Diego to give him Esme’s message. Esme stops him, now isn’t the best time. Diego, drunk, says some things to Esme about how they made an error. This upsets Esme and makes Mariangel’s smug smile even smugger. One of Montero’s soldiers, who is guarding Esme, tells her that they should head back inside. He touches Esme, to physically guide her, and Diego flips. He yells at the soldier to not touch her and to show her no disrespect. The soldier tells Diego it would be in his best interest to stay away from Esme. Esme leaves with the soldier, but gets in her parting shot. E-“Diego, I was happy to see you. Enjoy your time with Mariangel.” Once Esme is gone, MA plays upon Diego’s emotions. She tells him he shouldn’t do anything rash. To be careful, because if Monty discovers that he and Esme were talking, Monty might do something to harm her. Esme, on her way back home runs into the apple boy again. She gives him a gold coin and tells him to deliver the note to Diego later, when he is absolutely alone.

At the de la Vegas, Marquesa Carmen goes on about how much Yumali looks like Alejandro’s dead wife. She speculates that the two are almost identical, they must be related. Al says that the women are from different tribes. MC asks about Yumi’s family and Yumi says she does not talk about the dead. Al goes on to explain that’s Indian custom and that Yumi is the last of her tribe. MC is impressed with Al’s knowledge of Indian customs, but then she remembers he was married to one. MC says aloud that Al was living with and loved a beautiful Indian woman and he had such sorrow when she died. Almudena is visibly upset over the direction of this conversation. MC tells Dena that it is really good that he has found someone new to love and that he’s moved on.

In the gypsy camp, Renzo and Liesha (Miguel’s wife) are talking. He’s upset that Esme had to marry Monty all to save Diego and his family. Liesha says that Esme didn’t do it to save anyone, that’s just an excuse. L-“Esme is a whimsical girl, she likes to play with men’s emotions.” Renzo warns Liesha to be careful, she’s talking about their princess, Sara Kali’s daughter. Liesha wonder why Renzo cares about SK so much, after all she isn’t from their tribe, she only married a gypsy man (Ed. Note, so perhaps Sara Kali is somehow related to the Spanish crown. I vaguely recall something being said about SK’s mother being a fine lady who defended the gypsies and came to live among them. In their gratitude for her help, they made the lady their queen). Liesha goes on, Esme has very little gypsy in her bloodline. Renzo warns her to be careful again. Liesha-“What’s happened to you? You used to be happy and now you are so sad. You used to be full of joy, and played beautiful music.” She laments for the old Renzo who she remembers fondly. Renzo-“What we had was in the past, and I still think of you fondly, too. Out of respect for Miguel, we need to leave this in the past.” Liesha-“Well for me it will always be a beautiful memory. You know, even if it was just you and me, you wouldn’t see me as a woman because you are crazy for Esme. You should forget her, she’s a dream that has turned out to be impossible and now she’s completely out of touch—married to the enemy.”

At the de la Vega home, MC sends her entourage away, she wants to talk alone with Alejandro and Dena. They rehash what’s been going on with Diego and Esme. They talk about Monty and how bad he is. MC says she disinherited her niece in order to prevent her from marrying Monty and he’s a lowlife because without her inheritance he didn’t want to marry her. MC gets the low down on who’s related to who and what else has been going on around town. They talk about how Fernando gave Monty permission to marry Monty, even though Diego was courting her and Esme had no interest in Monty. MC says that the time will come soon when women will be able to be in charge of their own destiny, and perhaps someday they’ll be in charge of the world. Al, never one to segue very well, says that MC would be surprised to see how much Diego has changed for love. They rehash some more, all stuff that was covered in yesterday’s recap. They talk about Esme and Monty’s marriage. MC says that as long as it hasn’t been consummated she has the power to annul it. She says that her title can work miracles.

Monty and Pizarro, across town, do some rehashing themselves. Monty fills Pizarro in on his conversation with Fernando. Monty is upset because FS laughed at him and he’s not sure if FS will help him with MC. Pizarro says that FS cannot be trusted. They discuss how they could mess with Sara Kali and that would really get to FS. Pizarro wonders why MC came to town. Monty says that Al probably asked her and she came running to help him. She couldn’t have come at a worse time, Monty says, but even though she has a title she can still die. The two men are interrupted and Monty finds out that Esme ran into Diego and the two of them were talking. Monty is boiling with rage. He heads home and confronts Esme, accusing her of going back on their deal. Esme tells him the truth, it is a small town she’s bound to run into Diego at sometime. Monty calls her a liar and says it’s obvious that Esme was trying to communicate with Diego. Esme asks him what’s he going to do? Lock her up for the rest of her life? Monty says he has been thinking about that. He orders/calls out to the soldier guarding Esme to come into their quarters. He tells him that Esme is not to leave their quarters, if she does, then Monty will make sure that the soldier gets hung. On a power kick once the soldier leaves, Monty tells Esme that it would be in her best interest to honor their agreement---she won’t be able to leave until she can prove that or until she completes her wifely obligations. He promises that if she is nice to him, he’ll be a good husband. Monty leaves and Esme cries.

MA and Diego are still together and she takes advantage of the situation by trash talking Esme. Diego, wounded but still in love with Esme, tells MA to stop, she shouldn’t speak of her sister this way. They run into Catalina who suggests that they go for a picnic, surprise surprise she’s got everything they need all ready, even the champagne. Diego says he’s not interested but the two women gang up on him and tell him he needs to have a diversion. They take off and later we see MA pouring Diego champagne. He’s already drunk, but she keeps plying him with more alcohol. Diego says he just wants to forget. Cat decides now is a good time for her to go, Diego makes a protest that she shouldn’t go alone, he’ll walk her home, but Cat tells him it’s not necessary. While this is going on, MA take out her vial of potion and puts a few drops in Diego’s glass. He tells her he can’t drink any more, but she convinces him with “one more for the road.”

Olmos, FS’s hunchbacked accountant, is somewhere drinking himself into a frenzy. He practices his swordsmanship to the mirror. He goes on about how MA will probably marry Diego now that Esme is wed to Monty. “She won’t even be happy with that, she’s also set her sights on Zorro and wants to take that outlaw as her lover.” Olmos has a serious lack of self-esteem. He turns his vile attack inward. He yells at himself, how he’s ugly, a freak, a circus clown, he ends his rampage by telling himself he is worthless and not important. BUT, he knows that MA is meant for him, she is meant to be his. He opens up a locket-like device (is it his pocket watch?) and inside is a little image of MA (almost said photograph, but that’d take a time machine to get). He says “Someday you’ll be mine one way or another. I’ll keep waiting. Even if I have to take you to your grave.” (Did I hear that last bit correctly?)

Maria Pia is in her room, asking God what she should do (wow, is this woman a broken record or what?). She finds a note under her pillow, it is in Fernando’s handwriting. It says that he’s accepted that she is going to take her religious vows, but he needs to see her on last time to say goodbye.

Nutty Nun (Sister Suplicios) sees the slave from yesterday and screams for help, but then he disappears. One of the other sisters heard her scream and asks her what’s up. The other sister, Carola I think, says that NN has been acting really strange lately. Carola’s noticed that NN has been pretty cold to Maria Pia lately, she wants to know what’s happened. She gives NN some advice, if there is something she needs to confess, she should do it. NN goes to see the Cardinal. She tells him that he’ll get his proof that MP is a sinner and not worthy of becoming the Mother Superior. If he goes tonight, he’ll see with his own eyes that she’s meeting her lover.

Maria Pia goes to see Padre Tomas. She tells him about the note, he questions its source, it could be from anyone. MP tells him that it is in FS’s handwriting. PT tells her to not meet FS that night, he warns her that the Cardinal has been questioning her former relationship with FS.

Dena tells Fernando that they’ve been invited to the de la Vega home for a party with MC. FS tells her he cannot attend, he has an important matter to tend to (his meeting w/ MP). Dena makes a fuss that he’s the governor and MC will be offended, besides Al is his best friend. FS says something to placate her, like maybe. Dena tells FS that Monty and Esme have been invited as well.

Pizarro gives Monty the invite and that MC expects Esme to attend the party. M-“She (MC) thinks I’m stupid, it is some sort of trap.” P-“Don’t go.” M-“I’ll go to find out what’s going on and to show Diego and his family that Esme is my wife.” P-“Be careful, all your enemies will be there.”

Meanwhile, Dena goes to Esme and tells her about the party and that MC says she can annul the marriage. Esme is happy. They rehash Esme seeing Diego in town with Mariangel. Monty comes in and questions Dena being there. He tells Esme he bought her a new dress. M-“I want to show MC the beauty I married and Diego everything he lost.” Monty leaves the room and Esme says to Dena-“We’ll see who loses tonight.” She is very hopeful that everything will work out for her and Diego.

Al gives Yumi a new dress for the party and tells her that they’ll be announcing his and Dena’s wedding date. Yumi tells Al that she feels like servant and that she’ll be out of place at the party. Besides, she really doesn’t want to see the one-eyed man. She starts to cry and Al wipes away her tear. Yumi asks Al who does he really want at the party, her or his dead wife. Al tells her that the two women are very different. A-“You saved my life, I’m fond of you, but I don’t make comparisons between you and my dead wife. And besides, Dena really would like you to be at the party.” Al leaves the room and Yumi throws a bit of a hissy fit.

Mariangel brings Diego back to her house. He can barely walk and she says that he should rest. He comments that he must be really drunk, he doesn’t even like MA. MA kisses him and Diego tells her that it isn’t right. MA asks him to forgive her impulse, it’s just that she can’t help herself. He asks her what she put in his drink, she says nothing. She gets him up to her room and he tells her he doesn’t feel well. She starts to unbutton his shirt and pushes him toward her bed. She tells him to rest and he passes out.

Al’s party has begun and he is upset because Diego has been gone all day. He asks Bernardo where has Diego been and Bernie doesn’t know. Al comments that it is important for Diego to be there. (And I’m sure that he’s worried about Diego too, but doesn’t need to say that because we can just assume that Al is always worried. He’s going to give himself high blood pressure if he keeps up under the stress of all of this worrying.)

Esme is dressed in a beautiful red dress, and she looks really good in red. Monty, ever the control freak, gives her the rules for the night. She’s not to talk to Diego. He goes on to tell her that if she were to live up to her end of their agreement, he’d never try to force himself on her again (how noble of him). Really the two of them could have a lot of fun together, if she’d be willing (I don’t think she will). Esme questions why he is being suddenly so decent toward her, then she remembers that MC’s arrival is probably the cause. Monty doesn’t like being so transparent and he reminds Esme to act like a lady and don’t provoke him. She tells him she’ll be a good wife when it is necessary.

Maria Pia leaves the convent and mutters that this will be the last time she’ll see Fernando (because they won’t run into each other in town ever again? How dumb is she?). NN comes out behind her and runs to the Cardinal to tell him that MP has left to meet her lover.

Fernando tells Dena to go to the party without him. She whines about going alone, FS tells her to take MA. Dena says that MA isn’t home, FS says she’s probably up in her room. Hey, I know, let’s go look for her!!

Esme and Monty arrive at the party and MC is very enchanted with Esme. Monty tells Al that he looks well and must be recovering quickly (I agree, it seems that he’s healed rather quickly, but what do I know, I’m not a 19th century doctor). Marquesa Carmen stands up to Monty—“I’m sure it is all thanks to you because if my son was imprisoned and tortured and my land and property threatened to be taken away, I’d probably get out of my own tomb.” Esme likes what she hears. Monty tells MC that there must be some serious mistake and he tries to explain. MC tells him that she doesn’t want to hear about his mistakes, especially in front of a beautiful lady (Esme). MC turns to Al and asks how his cultured and refined son did not end up with such a woman as this (way to go MC, stick that knife in Monty and turn it a little bit more). MC says, “Oh well, we can arrange all of that now” (and the knife goes in deeper). Monty esta impactado.

Dena and Fernando head up to MA’s room and they catch her in bed with Diego. MA’s got the sheets pulled up over her bosom and appears to be naked next to a shirtless Diego. You can almost hear Fernando tell Dena to go get the gun. Me thinks that a shotgun wedding is in the works. END OF EPISODE


Mundo de Fieras, Thursday Mar 22--Are we there yet?

Leo is getting the stuffing kicked out of him at his clinic. He’s on the floor, conked out & bleeding.

Wile E Joselyn is waiting for Demian to come around the corner in his Hummer so she can blow him to smithereens with the ACME tv control…good for all kinds of demolition work. She blows him up and then goes to rub his nose in it. He tells her that no, you haven’t won, and you aren’t the strongest because I have a little surprise for you. He tells her we’re goin’ to hell together. She laughs maniacally. The car blows up one more time for good measure as D yells Stella….oh I mean Regina and Jossie walks away laughing.

Nicolas, Ingrid & Dolores are having a little Mensa meeting of the minds.

Jos comes home and tells her mommy what she did at school today…she blew up Demian. Miriam isn’t all that happy. But they start planning MA’s demise and suffering and Jos sees a happy reunion for her and Gabe. Miriam tells her she’s kind of an idiot if she thinks it’s going to be all daffodils and ice cream cones.

Gabe & Nico are in the office and receive a phone call from the police that D just died.

A nurse is cleaning up Leo. The cowboys are telling the head cowboy about what happened and they’re all laughing about it. Yeehaw!

Gabe delivers the news to Paulina and JC (I had actually forgotten that D was JCs father). JC, as always, is broken up appropriately (not too much, not too little...just right). He goes to talk to a fat sheet, telling it that they never got along well but he’s sad that they never got the opportunity to be a real father and son.

Ingrid is psyched that their plan is almost at an end. She wants to yell it in Miriam's face and take a picture. She gets a big fat paycheck from that other fashion chick (I can’t remember her name) and tells her she plans to go far far away.

Gabe goes to say goodbye to Demian. He says the same stuff as JC, I wish our relationship had been different, but you really are important to me and I wish you the best. Blah blah blah.

JC & Paulina go to the casa de horrors where they find that Demian had Regina’s favorite red dress laid out on the bed all creepy and Vincent Price-like. JC’s a blubbering mess by now and just asks Dolores to take care of everything. Naturally she obliges with saint-like smile on her face.

Nico tells Gabe that Miriam and Demian were lovers and accomplices. Gabe’s shocked that his brother would do such an old bag. They see the possibility of her implication in the misdeeds as a way to free Tiberio.

Ceci goes to visit Leo and sees him all bruised and battered. He says maybe he should go door to door, since no one is bringing their kids to him for vaccinations and medical care.

Nico & Dolores are packin’ up. They worry how poor crazy Tiberio will react when he learns that Demian’s dead. Not well is the general consensus. As Dolores is packing up, she finds a “smoking cell phone” under Regina’s Bible. Strange…very strange. Come on guys! Even Shaggy & Scooby know that’s, like, a really important clue man!

JC breaks the news to his crazy brother. Who breaks down. JC tells him, basically, to settle down, at least you still have a mother to take care of so stop worrying about Demian. Tiberio agrees but keeps crying anyways and they give a little prison handshake. Ahhh….a brotherly bond.

Gabe is tossing the office to find some kind of implicating evidence. Cue the music, he found a manila envelope full of documents that can free Tiberio. He calls Nicolas. Nicolas, having taken the Evelyn Wood Speed-reading course, looks at the documents for two seconds and then agrees that they are just the proof they need.

Leo & Ceci are walking along happily and they see the mean cowboys. Leo wants a rumble, but Ceci realizes, um maybe we should get the police. She realizes that these guys work for her daddy. Uh oh…conflict of interest. She goes to confront daddy, they yell at each other and she threatens to go off but he says, well I’ll try and change. She says, okay then let me go to the capital to study. He says he loves her a lot, but okay she can go study.

Tiberio is free and has started being a good son to sweet Dolores and gives his blessing that Lola & Nico tie the knot or shack up, or whatever. Nico’s psyched!!!!

Silvestre & Cande are chatting about moving to the ‘burbs. Silvestre thinks this will really help Elsa, to be away from the vices of their little ‘hood. Apparently Silvestre has never lived in the 'burbs...they've got vices too.

Ceci gives Leo the good news about going to the city and tells him that she has special feelings for him. He’s shocked but psyched.

Jos is swigging down some tranquilizers with alcohol…always a good choice. And Gabe & Nico realize that they have a hidden camera? Or at least footage of Jossie’s confessions.

Join us tomorrow for the exciting and much-anticipated (as in when the heck is this crap going to be over???) conclusion. Will MA ever return from Chile and finish recording this novela?? What about contractual obligation?? What about the other novela she’s recording with Televisa…will she be in the last half of those episodes, or will she bail out again? Find out the answers to maybe one or two of these questions tomorrow on….Univisión.


To "Anonymous" who beefed that the Mundo recap is not yet up. And to all others who are tempted to complain.

Hello readers,

Rude, impatient "Anonymous 11:02" just wrote: "WHERE IS MUNDO?
We struggle through these things for months and then when it's the next to last episode, no recap."

Oh I am so steamed!

As one of my team members responded:

"My recap is going to be a little late this weekend. I am definitely going to be doing the recap this time, but I'm warning about the lateness now so that people like Anon 11:02 don't whine when it's not there at the exact moment they want it.

Like the rest of the recappers, I really appreciate the kind words. That's why I'm always shocked by the handful of people who don't realize that we're doing these recaps for free, on our own time. I can understand being disappointed, but a "hey where's my recap???" attitude is really inappropriate."

To remind you, gentle readers:
  • You do not pay for these posts.
  • We do not get paid to do these posts.
  • We all, surprisingly, have real lives -- and our real lives take priority over satisfying ungrateful, impatient readers.
If you can't wait, then feel free to go find a recap someplace else.


Thank you,
Melinama (Blog Mom)

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Acorralada #47. Wednesday 3/21/07 Fedora is still planning a party

Not much happening in this episode either, folks. We’re in waiting mode for that big party.

Diana is talking to Max. She’s still in the hospital room. She wants his wife to go to prison for a long time. Max apologizes. Fedora comes in and asks what he is doing there. She tells him to leave and tells Diana she shouldn’t have received him.

Sylvia is still in her purple wig. She also has those lacy wristlets. She looks like she is a Cyndi Lauper impersonator, circa 1983. Camila is wearing her 1967 Carnaby Street outfit, complete with John Lennon hat. I have no idea what they are talking about. It's not important.

Fedora comes to the hospital with Paco to take Diana home. She says she has good news.
Dr. Reynosa says we have the Irascibles in our hands. Now all is going forward for the reception. They will receive us at the mansion. (Maybe this revenge plan involves Gaviota taking over the mansion by using the party as a cover to gain entrance. Otherwise, still don't get the point, except for the psychological torture.)

O is thinking to herself. Fed has me in her hands. If we don’t go through with this invitation, she’ll put another article in the papers. (Since we couldn’t read the original article, we have to assume it didn’t give the whole sordid story. BTW, Octavia does not let her troubles keep her from keeping up appearances. She is wearing giant silver hoop earrings with gypsy coins dangling and a very low-cut purple halter.)

Now there’s a flashback to the mansion when Fedora came in and accused FM of the kinapping. Octavia got her first glimpse of Paco in many a year. “It’s Paco,” she says to herself. “The only man I ever loved, and the father of my daughter Paola. Paco. But how does he know Fedora, and why is he with her? Paco, I still love you with all my fuerzas. I never forgot.” (I guess she was standing at the top of the stairs or something, because Paco still hasn’t seen her.)

Gaviota is talking to Diana. Olivia has accepted the party in your honor. When Max knows that you want to come to the party, he will pressure his mother to have you there. In exchange, I will offer the better prize, the presence of you and your sister. You are like daughters. Diana says she hopes the plan works as she wants.

Cut to a scene of Debora in her prison cell. It is surprisingly clean, and plenty of sunlight is coming through the window. What’s more, there are no other prisoners, and it’s really quiet. Exactly how I've imagined the holding pen at a major city like Miami.
Camila comes in and taunts her with a “Hi, kidnapper.” Of course, she enters the set in the usual way everyone does here. She just walks in. It's like Mayberry, when Barney Fife is guarding the one cell.

Bruno answers the phone at the mansion. It is Andre, saying he has just visited his wife in prison. Bruno wants him to help get her out on bail (fianzas). She has some savings, and he could borrow the rest. He refuses. In fact, he still wants his $5,000. She calls him a sewer rat (“rata de alcantarilla”) but promises to get the money.

Diana is now home with the baby. They have moved the crib into the bedroom with the twin beds. They are talking about moving to the mansion.

Max comes down to breakfast and gives some boxes to Nancy. He is wearing an ugly chino suit with a powder blue shirt and white bucks. He loves powder blue. Maybe the boxes contain a bunch of old powder-blue sweaters he is donating to Goodwill so he can get some new ones.

He helps himself to the breakfast buffet. (Wouldn’t it be nice if you came downstairs every day and someone had prepared a buffet? I don’t even have a downstairs. I live in an apartment.) He is talking to his mother about the party. More of the usual rehash. Fedora will give evidence to the press, blah, blah, blah.

Pancho is on the beach with Paola. Flashback to the day they met. He splashed mud on her with his car. (Caramelo was there too. I had never seen this scene, so it was good review for me. Paola was wearing torn white short shorts and a torn white belly shirt. She looked like the famous poster of Raquel Welch in One Million Years BC.) She tells him she wants to get married. He is torn. (Remember, folks, he is already married. Oh, yeah, you knew that. But he doesn’t seem to remember.)

Back at the pool, Camila has made it from the jail to the house and is talking to Max. She tries to kiss him. She says she is running the risk of getting caught by Olivia, but lucky the side door was open.

Back at home with baby in crib. Diego says he hopes the new baby has all her good qualities. I hope he is not high, despotic and proud. They are having the usual argument about the baby’s name. You know he is not really my son. When he was born, I knew in the depths of myself, that he is not my son, and that he will never love me like a real father. Where are you getting that idea, she says. Now Diego is obsessing that the baby will grow up to be bad, like his true papa, Max, an Irascible. He says he is filled with poison. He starts into one of his rants about being a useless cripple in a wheelchair.

Back to Paola and Pancho’s wedding plans. He tells her that marriage is serious, they have to prepare. Nonsense, she says. Look at my brother Larry—he got married in a matter of hours by going to Vegas (there's a real model of wedded bliss). (Paola seems to have forgotten that Pancho has to get divorced first. Maybe she wants to have a crossover episode with Big Love.)

Pancho asks where would they live. She is used to luxury. She lives in a mansion, and he lives in a little humble slum house. But we will be happy, she says. All the happiness I never had as a rich girl. He agrees to marry her.

Max is giving Camila the heave ho. She reasons that they went together for two years, but he is having none of it, because she has been a liar about that poor, innocent Diana. How could she have done it knowing perfectly well she was innocent?

Diana has now realized the truth. She says to Granny M that “Diego is unbearable.” Granny M counsels patience. But then she becomes annoyed with him too. How can he say those bad things about my newborn grandson, that innocent angel.

Bruno meets Andres outside. He jumps down from a wall above her. And scares her. She has the money. And throws it on the grounds. She asks him to take her to the jail to see Debora. In the doctor’s car? No way. That would bring me ten years of bad luck. Take a taxi or walk.

Camila vows to get Max back.

Max advises his mother that she must throw the party.

Back at the jail, Bruno is comforting Deborah, but she can’t pay the bail because she gave the money to Andres. Octavia won’t give the money either. She is crazy. She is up against the wall. She tells Debora that she thinks the Irascibles will be out on the street

Gaviota on phone. She learns that Octavia has accepted the party idea.

Paola is talking to Rene on the beach. She tells him she is getting married.

Gaviota is telling Diana that the partay is on. She puts Diana in charge of getting Gaby to agree to go.

Pancho comes home and sees Caramelo cleaning. He cruelly tells her that she looks like a mess and he doesn’t like to see her like that. He doesn’t want to be married to an unkempt woman. She is upset. He goes in the bedoom alone and regrets talking so cruelly to her. This woman (Paola) makes me crazy. I am now in love with two women. Hmm, he says, rolling the idea around in his head—and liking it. Yuck.

Lunkhead is pondering the party with Max. You’ll forgive him if he doesn’t understand the logic, because even Einstein couldn’t get it. A party to honor Gaby and Diana? No, to honor Gaviota. Who is this Gaviota? An enemy of Mom’s. A woman who our mom swindled in the past. She has returned to take us down. Larry envisions seeing Gaby at the night of the party. You want to see her? Max asks. I don’t know. I haven’t stopped thinking about her. I went back with Pilar, but I don’t love her.

In today’s next unannounced visit, Pilar suddenly shows up at Diana’s house. Is your blind sister at home? She asks. Diana and Pilar exchange a variety of boring insults. Mostly, Pilar wants to know why Larry and Little Doormat aren’t divorced yet. Diana points out that whatever, Larry is still married to Gaby, and he’s not hers. After more boring exchanges, Pilar leaves saying that no one will have her Larry.

Gaviota is talking to Paco. She needs a big favor. She wants to borrow money so she can buy an expensive dress and jewels for herself and the girls for the big partay. Of course, he says. She promises to return every cent when she recoups her fortune. He wants to come too, but she says she’d rather he’d not. She offers some nonsensical excuse about how it would make her look weak. She wants Octavia to be confused by her increasing power. Okay, anything you want, honey. But he goes to the back office and moans, when will you have time for our love. He pulls out the picture of Octavia/Alicia. So now we know he hides the picture in the drawer so Gaviota never sees it. He won’t go to the party, so he still won’t know that Octavia is Alicia.

Diana tells Gaby that Pilar was there. Gaby says she still loves him. Diana wants her to go to the party and show all their enemies they are superior. Gaby vows she will go to the party and show him how much she hates him. But inside she is dying of love.

Back at the jail, RM shows up. Now the light bulb goes off in Debora's steel-trap mind. (Didn’t someone see RM come in. Didn’t one of the jailers see a lookalike and wonder what is going on. You'd think that someone would think about the possibilities. But no.) (It’s interesting how they make RM look different from FM. RM wears different eye makeup and a society-girl velvet headband. Where FM has a wild-eyed weasel-on-crack look, RM has a glassy-eyed stare.) Well, anyway, they have a long-repetitive exchange ending with RM's pointing out the delicious irony of how she got back at Debora--I stole a baby, because you stole my identity. Now you're stuck here. (Oh, but there's a problem with your plan, Marfil--if Deborah is in jail as Marfil for kidnapping, you can't go back to the mansion and resume your position. Oops. You forgot to plan for that contingency.)

Gaviota calls Diana. Diana tells her the good news. Gaby will go to the party. Diana is really ecstatic now. She seems to have gone into full Cinderella mode. Gaviota is planning the guest list she will demand from Octavia. Who does Diana want? Camila and her cousin Sylvia (why not Emilio? Did she invite him? I’m not sure). Doc Evil, and his chofer, that trash Andres. Pilar, so she can die of jealousy when she sees my sister. And why not ask Kiki, the guy who Pilar left Larry for. And also Bruno. There is some confusion about telephone numbers. Diana calls Nancy at the mansion and asks her to sneak into Larry’s room and Peyote’s room and look at their cell phones to get the cell phone number of Kiki. (This part really seems ridiculous. Kiki has been hiding out, but he’s going to show up at a party?) Larry humiliated my sister, so I will humiliate him. I plan that Gaby will despise him.

Tune in tomorrow.


Thursday, March 22, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #237 3/22/07 Aldo-itis Spreads Like a Plague

PM is still depressed over her break-up with Saimon. To cheer her up, Lety tells PM a story: Once, an ugly girl was in love with a man, but her heart was broken. But then she realized she had to learn to love herself. Although her scars are still healing, she knows that she can still find happiness. PM listens with tears streaming down her face but she agrees to stop moping.

Lety tells the cuartel she is holding a meeting and that, although it’s late, a secretary must stay until meeting ends. The ladies look over at Alicia, who is admiring herself in the mirror.

In the meeting room, Lety sits down at her spot just as Fern gets call from Carla. Fern makes sure to say Crazy Carla’s name many times to annoy Lety, “Hi Carla… What’s up, Carla… that sounds great, Carla!” As he talks, Lety taps Fern on the arm with her finger to remind him that they are supposed to be conducting a meeting. He ignores her. Finally he hangs up and announces that that was Carla on the phone. Omar and Lety sarcastically pretend to be surprised.

The cuartel determine that they won’t be able to practice their “show” routine if one of them has to stay late. Sara has an idea to get Alicia to work late. They go over to Alicia’s desk and tell he about Lety’s orders. Sara says they will determine who has to stay late by pulling a name out of a coffee cup. They give her the honor of picking a slip paper from the cup. She takes a slip of paper from the cup and of course it’s her own name. The girls jump for joy and leave. Alicia laments her bad luck as she goes back to the cup. She opens up the rest of the papers in the cup and sees that they all have her name. She calls them ugly witches but they are already long gone.

Luigi and Aldo walk into the meeting room. Lety calls for the meeting to start. Just then Carla walks in. Fern stands up and calls “Carla, Carla, mi amor, Carla!” He grabs Carla and gives her a dramatic hug. Lety attacks Carla like a lion. She growls as she tears into her. Fern yells for Lety to “sit! sit!” (in English). Omar throws imaginary chains on her. Fern continues to hold Crazy Carla tight (but with her face to his chest so you cant see her face). Lety wimpers like a wounded puppy. Luigi yells at Lety snap out of it – it was a daydream, of course! Lety-- who after that run-in with her runaway imagination needs some comfort -- asks Aldo to sit next to her. This means Fern has to move over. Everyone scoots over a seat and Tomas falls off the seat at the end.

Finally, the meeting starts. Luigi describes his vision for the entertainment at the inauguration of Aldo’s book at the expo. He describes lots of pots and pans used as drums, fireworks, music, dancing girls and a big Mexican flag. Tomas asks how much this production will cost. Luigi is offended that cost is a factor.

The meeting is interrupted by another call to Fern from Crazy Stalker Carla. Again, he makes sure to state her name at the end each sentence. Lety is both annoyed and hurt. After the call, Omar remarks that Carla calls Fern as much as Marcia does.

The cuartel go to what I think is the roof of the building. It’s got that green synthetic grass carpet stuff but it’s otherwise it’s pretty nice, with benches and tables and a view of the city. They practice their dance routine, with PM leading them. A guy jogs by and PM follows him happily. [This girl is a pendulum… swinging this way and that way, happy and sad, love-sick and lust-sick...]

At the meeting Fern does not think the book should be introduced at the expo. Lety points out that the decision to do so has already been made. Fern grabs a big piece of easel paper. He dramatic and exaggerated excitement, he begins to describe his vision for the presentation of the book at the expo, involving a huge wooden book on wheels. And guess who pops out of the book like a stripper out of a cake? Aldo!

Aldo says that it would be like the Trojan Horse, except it’d be a book, not a horse. Fern enthusiastically agrees. Lety tells him to stop teasing. Fern insists it’s a good plan. Aldo agrees that it is a good plan, but can make it even better. He describes himself breaking out of the Trojan Book in a taquero (taco maker) outfit, bringing out a big platter (he folds the paper and holds it like a platter). He says on the platter there will be a huge marrano (pig), seasoned with spices (he waves the imaginary marrano in front of Fern’s face). He says he will have a big fat apple stuffed in the marrano’s mouth. He asks, “What do you think, Fernando Marrandiola?” Fern looks like the imaginary marrano has made his stomach queazy.

PM is still chasing the jogger on the roof. The women grab her and chastise her for chasing the first guy she finds when she’s supposed to be depressed over Saimon.

After the meeting, Lety, Aldo, and Tomas walk into Lety’s office. Lety and Tomas are chanting “Aldo! Aldo! Aldo!” They remark that Fern was obviously trying to bug him with the Tojan Book idea, but Aldo sure showed him! Aldo says he has to go work on the presentation. He goes in for a kiss from Lety. Lety leans in too but then hesitates and turns her head so Aldo kisser her on the cheek. After Aldo leaves, Lety shows Tomas the book Aldo gave her. Tomas says he doesn’t understand why she hasn’t fallen head over heels for Aldo The Hero yet. By the look her face, she’s asking herself the very same question.

Lety is in her office talking on the phone with her mom when PG walks in grabbing Fern by the elbow. He says that they have to talk NOW, because the bad karma in this office reaches way over to his house. Fern and Lety are very uncomfortable with the idea of group therapy session, they both think they should speak to the PG separately. PG says no way, they need to discuss this together, and he is going to clear everything up RIGHT NOW. And he then he tells them that their love for each other it the real deal and that they must immediately stop playing games and start up the hot romance again because that’s what the viewers want! …Oh, wait, that was my own imagination getting carried away…

Actually, PG comes down with a case of Aldo-itis and gives them a Deep Thoughts speech about encircling themselves in good energy. He says that the workplace can often be stressful and the bad energy spreads amongst co-workers. Lety agrees that this sometimes happens to her, giving Fern a pouty look. Fern returns the look and mimics her. They make faces at each other like adorable kindergarteners. PG says he has the perfect solution for the negativity that hangs over Conceptos heavier than the Mexico City smog. All they have to do is alimentar (nourish) their work place by adding more natural elements like water, plants, and light to the new deco -- seriously, this was his advice to resolve their crisis!

The cuartel go back in the building and find one of Luigi’s rehearsal spaces. For some reason, there is a funhouse mirror there and they waste a lot of time being goof. Lola says they will look ridiculous if they do their show. Irma says they must learn to laugh at themselves because what’s more important is how they are and how they see themselves. They agree that they are all beautiful… and talented... and great friends. The Aldo-itis is spreading like malaria.

Alicia waits for the microbus in a bad mood. Tomas drives up. Alicia claims she is waiting for her ride. Tomas gets jealous and demands to know who. Alicia says it’s her dad. Tomas offers her a ride, tempting her with the opportunity to feel her ex-car, her ex-seats, her ex-steering wheel, etc. She pouts. He gets out of the car and asks if she wants to drive it. She suddenly gets excited and jumps in the driver’s seat and begins to drive off before he can get in. He runs after her and jumps in.

The cuartel continue to goof around as they practice their routine. PM choreographs but they basically seem hopeless.

In front of Alicia’s building, she butters up Tomas with a sweet “Ay To-o-o-o-ommy”. She asks if he has money… so he can get himself home. He is good-naturedly agrees to take the bus and gets out of the car. She shouts victoriously and then Tomas jumps back in and reminds that it’s his car. Alicia asks what his deal is. He says he just wants to spend more time with her. He offers to pick her up in the morning. She tells him off yet again for all the promises he has broken (i.e. all the money he did not give her). She gets out of the car and stomps off. He is happy anyway because any Oxi interaction is good interaction in his book. As he drives off just as Alicia runs back out but he’s gone.

Saimon walks into the lobby with a miniature tree and a miniature fountain he found in storage. He runs into Fern, who reprimands Saimon for calling Fer “tu” again. Saimon says he found the fountain Fern asks for and hands it to him. Fern asks if Lety is still around. Just then Lety walks into the lobby. Fern jumps behind a couch. She asks Saimon if he’s seen Fern. Fern signals “no” to Saimon from behind the couch. Saimon pretends not to know where Fern is, but adds that he found the plant she asked him to find. Lety mentions that the plant is for Fern. At hearing this, a huge grin spreads across Fern’s face. He comes out of his hiding place. He says the mini-fountain is for her. They trade gifts. Saimon exclaims how sweet the exchange is. He insists that Lety and Fern kiss and hug. Fern hands Saimon his gift and gives Lety a huge bear hug, and a grin now spreads on Lety’s face. Lety then gives Fern an awkward hug. Saimon is satisfied by this and leaves.

Tomorrow, it's the cuartel's turn for a make-over!


Acorralada #46 Tuesday 3/20/07 - Fedora plans a party

Open to the ending scene from Monday's episode, where Faux Marfil is arrested at psycho mansion for the attempted kidnapping of Diana's son.

In Octavia's bedroom, she's pacing like a cat because Paco was with F/G. Paco, who is Paola's real father!

Back at Granny's house, Gaby is telling her about the attack in the hospital garage. She ran and ran, and she managed to get away, but she feels so dirty.

At Bar Don Paco, Jorge, who's dressed like one of the Village People, is serving Andres a drink. Caramelo joins Andres, who tells her that because he missed a meeting tonight, he's going to miss out on $5,000.

Meanwhile, at psycho mansion, Bruna is begging Max to pay Faux Marfil's bail, but he refuses. All of the commotion wakes the lovely Paola, who wants to know what's going on.

In Octavia's bedroom, Octavia is telling Yolanda that Paco was her grand amor, the only man she ever loved.

Granny is trying to console Gaby, who says that she's ashamed and doesn't want Granny to tell anyone. She didn't recognize the guy because he was wearing a ski mask, so there's no point in telling the police.

Real Marfil and Isabel toast over a glass of rum. Real Marfil is fantasizing about her sister in a jail cell.

Next we go to the jail cell, where Faux Marfil is screaming like a banshee, como siempre. She's literally climbing the bars while wearing stilettos.

Octavia and Yolanda's talk about Paco is interrupted by Paola, Max, and Larry, who want to know if she knows that Marfil's been arrested. Max tells her that she's not planning to bail Marfil out, because she needs to pay for what she's done. Octavia says that of course he would side with Diana.

The next day, Paola and Max are hanging out by the pool discussing the Marfil/Diana situation. Paola wants to know if the baby is really Diego's, or if it's his. He says it's Diego's, he knows that Diana wouldn't lie to him. Paola says that anything is possible...

At the hospital, F/G and Paco tell Diana that Marfil has been arrested.

We're transported to Miami beach, where Rene and Pilar run into Kike, who has returned from Mexico.

Now we're back at psycho mansion, where Isabel and Real Marfil are sitting in front of the house like a couple of stalkers. (aren't they worried that somebody will see them?)

Bruna goes to visit FM in jail, and FM throws one of her world class tantrums when Bruna asks her why she's been accused of this. She's actually stomping her feet and screeching like a 3 year old when she hears that Max has said that she must pay for what she's done.

At the perfume factory, Max is packing up his office because he says that they've stolen everything and they should give it back. He tells Octavia that they're thieves and they should stop hiding. Octavia wants Max to talk to FG for her, but he refuses. She begs him not to leave her when he needs her the most. He says he's sorry, but he can't do anything.

FG is visiting Diana in the hospital, when she tells her about her latest plan for revenge against the Irazabals -- she wants Octavia to host a party in Gaby and Diana's honor! *Is it just me, or is this a ridiculous idea, even in TeleMiami?*

Back to the beach, Pilar is hiding behing Rene while Kike wants to know why she left him in Mexico. Larry arrives to defend Pilar's honor.

FG is leaving Diana's room when she runs into Gaby in the hallway and tells her about the fiesta at psycho mansion. Gaby says she can't go. She's had enough of FG's hate and revenge, she doesn't want any part of it. She still loves Larry and she's not going to the fiesta.

Octavia is looking quite humble as she begs for Max's help. He says that FG is filled with hate and determined to bring down the Irazabals. He suggests that she go to FG and try to work something out, but she responds that she will die first.

Gaby is in tears as FG tells her to forget Larry and all of the usual "anti-Irazabal" stuff.

Kike tells Larry that Pilar aborted his baby in Mexico! Larry is impactado.

Gaby tells Diana about her talk with FG, and how she's so filled with hate. Gaby still loves Larry, and Diana still loves Max. Surprise, surprise. Diana tells her about the party, but Gaby says she already knows and she's not going. She walks out.

Max is still packing and thinking that the it's natural that FG would want revenge for what's been done to her and her daughters. Her daughters - Diana - his amor. Cue Max and Diana's theme song.

There's some serious screaming going on at Miami beach as Pilar swears that Kike is lying and Larry swears that if Kike doesn't leave her alone, he'll kill Kike.

Diana tells Diego about the fiesta, and needless to say, he's not on board with this.

Today Sylvia's decked out in a purple outfit and matching purple wig - she looks like a blueberry shortcake doll! She' intrigued when Camila tells her that Ignacio is taking a shower, so she sneaks in to get a peak.

Andres has Bruna in a headlock. He wants his $5,000 and is impactado when he hears that she's in jail.

At the jail, Max arrives and wants to know why she tried to steal the baby. She swear she didn't do it.

Back at the hospital, Diego is telling Diana that she's forbidden to attend the fiesta, but Diana is not taking no for an answer. He doesn't understand why she continues to love Max after all that he's done to her. He knows that Diana cares for him, but she doesn't love him. He leaves the room and Diana asks God why she doesn't love Diego. Cue the Max/Diana theme song, and cut to commercial.

Max is telling FM how different she is since she came out of the coma, and she can't believe that she did this. She says she's the same Marfil, who loves him with all of her fuerzas. He knows that she arrived late last night... and he turns to leave, causing FM to go into chihuahua on crack mode. SOY INNOCENTE!

Andres arrives and suddenly FM wants to remind him that she's his wife, and he should help her. Not only is he not paying her bail, she better pay him $5,000 or he's going to tell Max that she's an imposter.

FG, Paco and Reinosa are discussing the plan to force Octavia to host a party in her daughter's honor. Paco doesn't think Octavia will do it, but FG is confident.

Reinosa goes to talk to Octavia about the fiesta. She says she is not hosting a party for FG and her bastard daughters. He says that she has 24 hours to change her mind. *I'm sorry - I missed what he threatens her with if she refuses. Did anyone understand this?*

There's a knock at Diana's door, she says "come in Diego," but it's not Diego. It's Max! Cue the theme music.

Andres is taunting FM, telling her that she's an imposter, really working her into a frenzy. (which isn't difficult) She pulls herself together and promises him that Bruna will pay him the $5,000 from her savings.

Ignacio comes into the living room carrying Sylvia, who's fainted at the sight of his spactactular naked body. He tells her to stay out of his bathroom!

Back at the beach, Pilar is trying to convince Larry that Kike was lying about the abortion. She wants to get married as soon as possible, but he tells her not to pressure him.

Max has come to tell Diana that Marfil is in jail. He's sorry for what she tried to do. Enter FG, who wants to know what Max is doing there.


Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday March 22 - Maximo is not trustworthy, and neither is Thelma

After receiving the news of Rosita's pregnancy from the doctor, Santos said to himself, "Rosita pregnant? But by who?"

One of the soldiers (Frank?) told Elias that the man they had captured was Arcadio, not Jose. Elias returned to Alina and told her Jose had escaped.

Emilio brought the unconscious, bleeding Jose home and told Thelma that he was supposedly Alina's father. Thelma started shrieking that all Emilio ever thought about was Alina. Emilio asked her to take care of Jose while he went for the doctor. Thelma said she would do it because she loved Emilio.

After Emilio left, Jose said feverishly, "Mariana, my life, my life, I have returned for you. It is me, your Jose, my life, I am here."

Thelma perceptively said to herself, "It is him. This man is Jose Gomez."

Jose continued reciting his entire life story. "Mariana, I've returned for you and our daughter. I need to talk to your brother, with Alvaro. I need to tell him Alina is not my daughter."

Somehow, I can't imagine how, Thelma cleverly realized that Mariana was Jose's real lover and Alina was really Alvaro's daughter. She said, "No one can find out that Alvaro is Alina's father," and ordered Jose, "Die! Die!" Then she said, "I can help him die," grabbed a pillow, and approached the bed to smother Jose.

Fortunately for Jose, Dr. Vasquez and Emilio came into the room just then. Thelma volunteered to "help" the doctor treat Jose and started cutting bandages.

Rosita told Alina she couldn't bring herself to tell Santos that she was expecting another man's child. Later Santos confronted Rosita and asked whose child she was having. "You were with another, right?" (Why is he so sure it isn't his?) Rosita said, "Think what you want!" Santos left and she cried.

Later Braulio came home and told Rosita that Maximo had confessed to the rape and wanted to marry her. Rosita called Maximo sickening and said she wouldn't marry him.

Sergio told Alvaro that Jose had returned to Sierra Escondida. Alvaro snarled, "Infeliz! I'm going to look for him, and I'm going to find him!"

He went to Soledad and asked, "Are you expecting your lover?" Soledad begged him to talk to Jose, but Alvaro said he would kill him. Soledad took his hand and Alvaro snapped, "Let go of me! You are not going to save your lover."

While talking to Emilio, Thelma saw Alina approaching them. Thelma said, "Emilio, hug me," then started kissing him while looking at Alina over his shoulder.

Alina went to Vera and cried about what she had seen. Vera tried to tell her Emilio didn't love Thelma. Alina said, "I have to see reality, and the reality is this: Emilio loves his wife."

The soldiers went to Edelmira's place and announced that they were "looking for a man." Granillo said, "Really? Me too!"

At Luba's cave: Gaspar woke up and told Luba he wasn't going to die, then said he was going to steal his baby from that lying woman Thelma. Luba begged, "Forget that woman!" but Gaspar insisted, "No, this child is mine, mine, Ma."

Thelma told Emilio she would stay with Jose because he shouldn't be alone. Suspecting nothing, dunderhead Emilio agreed. When he was gone, Thelma told the unconscious Jose that he had to take his secret to his tomb.

Alvaro, meanwhile, went to Jose's house, didn't find him, and told Sergio they would search for him all night if necessary.

The next day, Elias and Maximo showed up at Alvaro's house at the same time. Maximo told Soledad that Alvaro wouldn't like it if he knew Elias was visiting her. Elias assured Soledad that he and Alina wouldn't rest until they found Jose, then left.

Maximo said he would return when Alvaro was home, and also left. Soledad commented to Adela, "Maximo is not trustworthy."

Emilio found Alina brooding in the garden and asked her if she was OK. Alina said, "Go to your wife and leave me in peace!" Emilio looked confused (what else is new).

Thelma went into the still unconscious Jose's room and said, "Damn it, I can't permit you to talk!" On cue, Jose said feverishly, "Mariana."

Thelma said, "Quiet, quiet!" and covered his mouth with her hand, then said he had to die. She started tearing off his bandage while Jose groaned. Once again Dr. Vasquez saved the day, coming into the room and asking Thelma, "What are you doing?"

Thelma said Jose had been moving around a lot and was delirious. Dr. Vasquez accepted this lame excuse.

Jose said, "Water, water," but the doctor warned Thelma not to give him any because it could kill him. Of course that gave Thelma ideas. She asked him to sedate Jose and the doctor agreed.

Thelma thought, "Poor devil. I know already what I'm going to do to you," then thought that Jose would die in a "lamentable accident."

Alina talked to Angel and thanked him for giving her hope. Angel said, "You are so pretty," and kissed her hand. Alina said, "Don't say any more," but Angel said he loved her even though it was impossible because she loved his brother.

Alina insisted she didn't love Emilio because she couldn't love a married man, "much less one who loves his wife." She said she saw Emilio kissing Thelma.

Orlando told the soldiers to look for Jose in San Mateo, saying he would stay behind. He went to see Emilio, who told him he wanted Jose to set Alvaro straight by telling him he wasn't Alina's father.

Orlando mentioned that Angel wanted to marry Alina. Emilio brushed that off. Orlando told himself, "Everyone wants Flor, but she will be mine. This is the way of winning her trust: telling her where Jose Gomez is."

Emilio went off for some target practice, but was distracted and muttered to himself that he was jealous at the thought of the woman he loved marrying his own brother.

Meanwhile, Alvaro returned home with Sergio after a fruitless night of searching for Jose. Sergio mentioned that they hadn't had any sleep, and Alvaro barked that Sergio would stay awake for five days if he said so. Sergio meekly agreed.

Maximo arrived and told Alvaro, "I can help you. I know where this animal is. Jose Gomez is at La Rinconada." Alvaro said, "What this desgraciado deserves is death" and that he would kill Jose.

Maximo said, "I don't want problems with my nephew." Alvaro replied, "Don't worry. I'm not going to say anything to compromise you."

Alvaro went to Sergio and told him he intended to kill Jose in Soledad's presence.

Thelma found Vera gossiping in the kitchen with Nurse Susi and curtly told Susi to get back to work. Then she ordered Vera to take care of Jose, saying he had a fever and Vera should give him water.

Braulio visited Maximo's office, hat in hand, and said, "I came to tell you, with much pain, that my daughter won't marry you, even though she is expecting your child."

Maximo urged Braulio to talk to Rosita, saying if she didn't marry him people would talk about her just as they talked about Soledad. He chuckled and added that Alvaro was on his way to kill Jose.

Orlando, on horseback, encountered Alina and offered to take her to Jose.

In Soledad's prison/bedroom: Alvaro said, "Soledad, come with me. After today you will never see your lover again. At last you will forget him when he is dead." Soledad tried to argue, but he dragged her out of the room.

Santos burst into Rosita's house and said, "The only thing I want to know is why you forgot me so fast!" Rosita cried, "Because I never forgot you!" and blurted that Maximo raped her.

Meanwhile, Braulio encountered Orlando and Alina. He told them Alvaro was on his way to kill Jose.

Also meanwhile, Alvaro was driving with Soledad toward Maximo's hacienda in a small carriage and bickering with her, "I'm going to kill your lover," "No you have to talk to him and straighten things out," bla bla.

Dr. Vasquez told Emilio that Thelma was very worried about Jose. He mentioned that he had told Thelma not to give Jose water. Emilio observed that it was strange that Thelma was worried about Jose. The doctor said, "Motherhood changes a woman's character."

At that moment, Jose asked Vera for water and she gave him some. He instantly started foaming at the mouth and went into convulsions. Vera ran into the hallway and called Dr. Vasquez and Emilio into the room.

Thelma gloated to her aunt that Jose would die, then headed for the sickroom and sent Vera away before she could tell the doctor that she had given Jose water at Thelma's command.

Alina and Orlando arrived. Alina said she had to speak to Jose, and Orlando announced that Alvaro was coming to kill him. Alina begged Jose (who was still busy dying), "Talk to me, Jose, please!"

Emilio said, "This isn't the moment," but Alina insisted on asking Jose who the letter was for. Jose said feverishly, "The letter, the letter." And the episode ended.

supuesto = supposed
amante = lover
rechazar = to reject
asqueroso = sickening, disgusting
de fiar = trustworthy


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