Thursday, June 14, 2007

Juan Q 6/13 - Funeral Fight! (My money's on the dead guy!)

Update posted....

I’ll start with Ana, Paula’s mom, being overcome with distress and extremely upset when she heard that Samuel was dead. She doesn't understand why he did this. She saw him looking bad but she never imagined he do something like this. She decides that now nothing matters any more and what matters is that she loved Samuel and she deserves to mourn him so she wants to go to the viewing. Paula, upset because now she can’t ever tell him she was sorry for yesterday’s brat rant, and he died thinking she hated him, tries to talk her Mom out of going saying it's not a good idea. Her Mom says she'll go with or without her. Her Mom wonders again what could have led him to do this. Paula upset tells her that maybe it was her fault!

Nidia complains that her daughter is being too hard on her. She doesn't understand how she can accuse her so harshly as if she had no heart and wasn't suffering too. Juan consoles that she is just upset too and not to take it so hard because people say things they don't mean in times like this. Nidia praises how well his words console her and how appreciative she is that he is there for her as she slides herself all over him.

Ok now I see it's at this point in the circus, uh, funeral viewing, Alirio Perfan, I think a lawyer and friend of the deceased shows up to console Nidia. He gives his greatest condolences and says he's at her services. He tells her this is quite a tragedy and that not to worry, he'll take care of all the bills.

He is of course over the top friendly to her and tells her that he is very happy to help her through this difficult time (I’m reminded of Aldo leaning over the desks at Lety). Nidia actually sort of repels him and reaches for Juan and introduces him to Perfan who is not exactly pleased that Juan will be living with them for a while. He does however introduce himself quite formally to Juan. Nidia tells Alirio she doesn't know what to do with the government people over there that are watching her. Of course he says leave it to me. I'll take care of them.

An apparent beau of Yadira, Enrique, shows up and wonders how her mother is doing. Yadi says very affected as you can see. He goes over to greet her and she begs him to fetch a mariachi band, oh yeah, and some spirits to lift hers. Nidia says that she wants to hear “la Negra.”

Meanwhile in the airport, Cesar Luis is shoving his wife off on a plane. She expresses her sadness that this happened and that Samuel was very important to the business and to her husband, and maybe she shouldn’t go just now. Cesar doesn't want her to sacrifice on his behalf that she has her projects etc. For some reason Cesar just keeps on telling her it's ok to go and she should not miss her flight. Fly Fly he says over and over. It seems for some reason he wants her gone.

Enrique comes back and tells the band to wait for him outside. He goes up to tell Nidia he brought the mariachis. Yadira argues with her and that this is not a party and it would be inappropriate for the mariachis to be there. Nidia says she doesn't want this to be a sad occasion. Yadira then tells her that Marely doesn't want them here and if they play one note she said she'll call the police.

Some how Juan offers to go out and take care of them. Nidia asks Enrique if he brought the other thing she asked. He slides her a bottle of something. We see her taking a swig clandestinely as she says she needs to be alone for a moment and walks off.

Alirio then tries to get info out of Yadira and wants to know if Juan is really a family member. She says yes, the nephew of her aunt. Arilio is concerned that this Fulano is not of a high enough class level to be part of their family. He mentions something about the outfit giving him a bad impression and Yadi says those are her Papi's clothes. She says something to the effect that he may not look high society but he's hot from head to toe. They discuss something about him causing jealousy if Enrique sees her talking to him and she says she doesn't care because he needs to learn he has no future with her anyway. Arilio wonders why she gives him false hopes then if that is true. She appears to deny the importance of that.

Ana and Paula are still arguing about going in. P tells A that it is imprudent to be here and that his wife and children and real family are there and this is not the right time for all of that. Ana is unconvinced and thinks she loved him too, for 25 years, and that none of that matters anymore and that she deserves just as much to say goodbye, because he was the great love of her life, besides he gave her the best most precious thing in her life, her daughter and as his own flesh and blood Paula should be there too to mourn her father. She loved him more than anyone in there anyway and Paula doesn't know anything about his life. Paula still doesn’t want to go there, because now her Dad is gone so none of this matters. The Mom is surprised that she calls him Papa after all these years now that he's gone. Paula minimizes that and tells her she feels really bad about this whole thing too. Ana final word is that she's going in and that's that.

While Juan is walking out to deal with the mariachis, Paula and her Mom walk right past him into the viewing. He smiles, surprised this woman has crossed his path again, realizing it was the woman he passed in the cab. He says something about her being a rose and having eyes of honey. He tells the band to wait while he thinks about this.

Now that's a riot. I think I'll try that in the middle of a task sometime. "No, wait just a second while I thought bubble this what if contemplation to myself. OK, I'm done. Where were we?"

He wonders what she could be doing here in the funeral home and he thinks she could be an angel to help bring the soul of the deceased on his way to heaven. He asks that when he dies that she takes his hand and lead him through his last moments.

Juan then gets back to the task at hand and tries to set the band up outside near the window so that they aren’t in the salon, but that they can still be heard. Outside, the mariachis start up with “La Negra” (the black or dark one – female). They are playing in the courtyard, and Juan Q is dancing a very folky dance with a handkerchief in his boots to the song outside with the band.

When Paula and Ana arrive to pay their respects to the coffin, Nidia, now having taken plenty of swigs, screams and starts yelling that this amante has no business here and that she should leave and leave her husband in peace. Ana tells her that she didn't respect her husband in life she can at least respect him in death. Over top of the coffin, she begins insulting Ana, to which Paula starts to defend her. She tells the dirty woman to leave and then Yadira gets involved defending her mother. Nidia wants to know who Paula is and what business she has interfering. Arilio tries to stave off the fight.

When Paula sees that this is not going to go well, she again tries to convince her Mama to leave, referring to her as Mama, to which Nidia now realizes that this is her husband’s offspring. Many more insults fly and Nidia says that Ana should listen to her little bastard and leave. At this Paula hauls off and whacks her a good one! Now that’s cajones!! Whacking a widow at her husband’s funeral!! Go Paula!

This craziness continues with the four of them clawing at each other over the coffin of the husband, spinning it around in their haste to get at each other. We flash to Marely, who is sad and crying and is not involved in all this cat bickering. Finally, though, she has had enough and she intervenes crying for them all to cut it out. They separate and move away from the coffin. Paula finally convinces her Mama to leave and Nidia recomposes herself and wants the mariachis to play. Marely just hugs her Papa’s coffin.

Paula has an "i told you so" conversation in the car after leaving the viewing. Mom sort of agrees. Paula gets mad now and says if these people want war, then war they will get.

La Negra

Negrita de mis pesares ojos de papel volando
Negrita de mis pesares ojos de papel volando
A todos diles que sí,
Pero no les digas cuando
Asi me dijiste a mi,
Por eso vivo penando

¿Cuando me traes a mi negra?
Que la quiero ver aquí
Con su rebozo de seda
Que le traje de Tepic.

¿Cuando me traes a mi negra?
Que la quiero ver aquí
Con su rebozo de seda
Que le traje de Tepic.

After the fight I think Nidia begs the mariachis to come inside after someone goes out to tell them they shouldn’t be outside and should go away.

She yells that this was her husband’s final wish to hear them, so that's what he's going to get, that it would make him happy and life goes on, and that they should all be celebrating and not crying. So, now inside, the mariachis play Cielito Lindo (Beautiful little heaven or sky) a very happy tune actually which tells us to sing and not cry!:

Cielito Lindo

De la Sierra Morena,
Cielito lindo,
vienen bajando
Un par de ojitos negros,
Cielito lindo,
de contrabando.

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones.
Pajaro que abandona,
Cielito lindo, su primer nido,
Si lo encuentra ocupado,
Cielito lindo, bien merecido.

Ese lunar que tienes,
Cielito lindo, junto a la boca,
No se lo des a nadie,
Cielito lindo que a mi me toca.

Ay, ay, ay, ay,
Canta y no llores,
Porque cantando se alegran,
Cielito lindo, los corazones.

Nidia tries to get everyone to sing. Marely is apalled telling her Mom she hates her and says the mariachis shouldn't be playing this isn't a party and that's she's making a scene. Nidia says this is an homage to her Dad. M says this isn't an honor to her Dad it's an insult. Her sister tells her to stop being holier than thou and that this is who they are and she needs to shut up and take it or else the open door is right over there and she can be on her way.


In which life goes on in Puebla, the jail is a busy place, and Emilio needs Plan B

This is Jeanne, subbing for Lynn, and Margaret did a summary below in the notes, also. Just a note, 13 is one of my two lucky numbers (long story), but it didn’t seem to help Alina or Duelo much.

Duelo opens to a repeat scene of Sergio telling DL that here in jail we’re all equal, and you’re just a miserable as the rest of us. Even with all your money, you couldn’t escape. (What’s Sergio’s problem here? He knows DL better than anyone, including Soledad. He knows that he’s waving a bright scarlet cape in front of this bull. It doesn’t matter that he’s right. This is one of those places it doesn’t pay to be right.) Don Loco reminds him that sooner or later, everything comes out here. He knows that Sergio ratted. If Sergio thinks he’s man enough, come ahead and try it (referring to the shiny knife Sergio seems to have obtained in jail and is pointing at DL). Predictably, there’s a tussle.

We move to Coral’s backyard where lovely mariachi music is not enchanting Alina a bit. Not even such a fabulous singing voice does it for her (by the way, Sylvia, you’re right. There were definitely tonsils). Still, she loves the bum. Soledad and Coral come into her room to share the box seats for the concert. With varying degrees of conviction, they try to talk to her about him. He sends the boys away, and calls up to her window. Coral editorializes about his pleas.

We move to the hospital where Gaspar will surely die if they don’t find someone compatible, because Luba isn’t. Gaspar looks like he’s flat lining (NOOOOO! Say it isn’t sooooooo, Doc!) Nurses come running. They pull our screaming witch/healer out of the room while the doc attempts to help Gaspar.

Back at the jail, DL is telling Sergio not to try to yell, because he’s not letting the traitor loose anyway. This is how traitors end up, dying by their own hands. He cuts Sergio’s throat and Sergio convulses on the floor, blood gushing from mouth and throat. DL carefully places the fingerprint laden knife in Sergio’s hand and arranges it neatly to look like he did it himself, and Sergio is now part of the litter of dead or dying. Our question of the day, gentle readers: will Dra. Loca make the connection that DL asked to see his old friend, who is now dead from a slashed throat? Probably not.

Coral and Soledad are still trying to comfort a crying Alina. Coral asks why she’s crying, since she had nothing to do with Emilio breaking his marriage to Thelma up, not really. Alina is unconvinced, of course. Soledad adds her two cents’ worth and Emilio calls up that he’s waiting. Alina whines, “what will I do?” and brings up Rodrigo.

In the little tiny shack out in the boonies, Hugo and Alfi have tied Ricardo, Mariana and Malena up into conveniently available chairs with conveniently available rope (although it is remotely possible these two actually had a plan when they came up here and brought the rope with them). Mariana asks why Alfi hates her so much and doesn’t get much of an answer. Gentle readers, let me pose this thought: is this really the time to be asking stupid questions? Alfi tells her that she owes Alfi something. Mariana accused her of bringing all this about, starting this mess. Alfi reminds her that she’s the one who hid the relationship.

Luba cries to the Virgencita to find a way to save her son, and give Luba strength. The Virgen appears, and reminds her they are not alone and they can depend on her. Luba smiles and looks hopeful.

Soledad and Coral ask Alina what she’ll do. “Tell him to go.” It’s too painful when he looks for me. Coral reminds her to let her heart search for the answer.

In the cabin, Mariana makes an impassioned recounting of all the tragedy in her life, and “is that too little suffering?” Alfi leans over her and say, “oh how sad” with a big smarmy smile. (Gentle readers, at this point, nearly any final demise we have suggested for anyone so far, starting with the whirlpool, will not be bad enough for Alfi). Mariana yells at her that she’ll get hers, and Ricardo says, “don’t inflame her any more.” Hugo pours fuel around and they set fire to it as they leave, with our three detained second team heroes screaming for mercy.

Alina has come down to the dark yard and she and Emiliooo are having an impassioned discussion. He reminds her that every time they see each other, it’s clear how they feel for each other. He dares her to look in his eyes and say she doesn’t love him. She can’t. He tells her they can finally be together if she wants it. He kisses her. Rodrigo comes into the yard, watching this, commercial impactado in a Rodrigo-sort of way.

Emilio yells at him not to come and get involved with what doesn’t pertain to him. Rodrigo begs to differ and points out military code of conduct stuff and tells Emilio that all he’s given this girl is grief. He accuses Emilio of using Alina just like he has used many women. Emilio belts him, and makes a nasty (and very unnecessary) crack about doing to her like you did to your own wife. A full-fledged fight ensues.

At the cabin, the flames are getting intense and the smoke is filling the place. Apparently, Hugh and Alfi are no better at tying knots than they are at any of their other schemes, because even slightly disabled Mariana can get out of hers. Ricardo pulls Mariana out first, but Malena is having a bit more trouble. Will she get out?

Coral and Soledad come down to the yard, with the fight underway and lots of yelling. They try to intervene and Emilio tells them to butt out. Rodrigo yells that he’s carried this pain about his wife for years and what does Emilio know of it? He’s just adding Alina to his collection and doesn’t really love her. (At this point, gentle readers, I am really liking Rodrigo and thinking Alina should really end up with him. If you put a moustache on Emilio, he’d look suspiciously like DL and she’d be marrying her Daddy’s tipo de hombre, IMO. But I digress). Soledad finally chimes in to tell him to just go, already. Emiliooo goes.

Back at the cabin, Mariana begs Ricardo to go in after Malena, and the cabin blows. She panics that her cousin is lost and screams. Ricardo holds her on the ground.

In Coral’s living room, Rodrigo is getting cleaned up with Alina’s help. Alina leaves for a moment. He apologizes for exchanging blows with Emiliooo. Rodrigo tries to convince himself, Coral and Soledad that Emiliooo doesn’t really want Alina for herself. Coral points out that he has no real idea of the long history between the two. Soledad just wants peace. Rodrigo agrees, gives Alina a little kiss, and leaves. Soledad, finally looking like she may be getting some sense, tells Alina to rest and get her thoughts in order. It almost looked like stern admonishment to get her act together.

At the cabin, Mariana and Ricardo are back on their feet. Mariana is still fretting over Malena, screaming “no!” The cabin should be ashes by now. It was just wood. Apparently, it was treated wood. Aha! Here’s Malena! She’s alive but very injured and burned. They run to her to help.

At Coral’s boutique, Soledad, Coral and Angel are talking about the scene with his brother the night before. Soledad knows Alina loves Emilio but Rodrigo is a good man. Angel doesn’t want to see his brother suffer. Soledad leaves with a rack of clothes, and Angel is fretting about Claudia. Coral lets Angel see Claudia’s confidential info – they smile conspiratorially.

Sleazy lawyer Mauro, meeting with DL, hears that there was a sad event at the jail the night before (busy night, huh, in Puebla?). There’s a body. DL informs him it was Sergio’s. Mauro figures that DL had something to do with it. DL says it could be that Mauro knows him well, and what happens to those who betray him. Mauro sits back. He finally tells DL that Alfi and Hugo bopped him and escaped. DL shakes his head. It’s clear, gentle readers, that it isn’t going to go well for Mauro from here on and it’s only a matter of time.

Back at the jail after the commercial, DL asks how could it be that Mauro failed to get the job done. Mauro – with as much bravado as he can muster when faced off by a bully in a jail jumpsuit, tells him that as absurd as it sounds, that’s what happened. I told you I’m no killer and there were two against just me. DL does what every good schoolmarm knows to do to warn a kid without getting ugly…..lowers his voice to a whisper and walks slowly up close behind Mauro. (For anyone who wants to know, gentle readers, this is a time-honored instructional strategy that works up to about middle school. Then the kids have your number). He gently puts his hands on Mauro’s shoulders. Unlike any schoolmarm I’ve ever known, DL squeezes those shoulders; Mauro sweats and grimaces. DL advises Mauro he’s getting out one way or another. Mauro massages one shoulder.

Rodrigo, with prominent bruises on his lovely face (he really is a looker, and getting less wooden every day—I did a freeze frame on him in this scene and whew, what eyes! Remind me of my hubby’s puppy eyes), is telling his uncle the General about Emiliooo’s bad behavior. He wants to impose sanctions from the military code of honor.

Luba tells the Lucha Libre Master (LLM) that things are bad; the doc comes in to tell them he’s stabilized Gaspar. But, they have to send Gaspar back to Puebla because they don’t’ have what they need to save the boy there. Luba asks what if there isn’t any donor? Then, only a miracle will save him.

The General asks his nephew about the altercation. Rodrigo doesn’t exactly tell his uncle the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the reasons Emilio had, and he reminds Uncle that he was supposed to be protecting Alina from harm. (Hm. That’s a twisted rendition of the facts if I ever heard one, gentle readers). But Uncle says he’s no fool. He knows what’s up here. Don’t abuse that privilege you have. Yes, we’ll sanction him, but watch it.

The prosecutor guy is questioning Dra. Loca who sticks to her story about DL needing to be out of solitary, etc., etc. He tries to call her bluff but she is righteously indignant about knowing what her patient needs. Same old, same old.

Singing Auntie, playing with the baby, talks with Emilio as he walks in to find Thelma gone. Why is she gone so early? How strange!

Tina is talking with another woman, and Gaby notes Thelma in a bright blue car. Thelma is throwing a stuffed bear up and down, Gaby is pulled to the bear, and thus, Thelma. (She looks older than that. Most kids her age wouldn’t be falling for the stranger with candy/stuffed bear routine, but this is telenovelaland, gentle readers). Thelma chitchats with Gaby and tells Gaby her cat had kittens, you want to come see them? Sure! But I have to tell my nanny. No, she’s busy (very slick, Thelma). Gaby gets in the car with her. Tina is done talking and sees Gaby has disappeared. She panics. (She should. She’s dealing with a maniac).

Alina is taking her test for the entrance to the nursing school and hearing Emilio’s voice, then re-living the kiss with “their music” playing. She admonishes herself to get focused and forget him.

Tina explains to passersby that Gaby has disappeared. She calls Rodrigo, who is at home now. These military guys sure keep weird office hours. Tina cries on the phone, and Rodrigo gets alarmed, “Is everything okay?” No! Gaby’s disappeared! Don’t move, I’m on the way!”

Gaby has finally registered that “this place is really out in the sticks! (Muy solo, very isolated)” Why are we here? Thelma has stopped. Geez, Louise, what a well-thought out plan. What’s she gonna do with a 10-year old? Make Rodrigo comply with her demand to pressure Alina so she can have Emilio all to herself? Gaby gets panicky and cries. Thelma, always the nurturing mother-type, yells at Gaby to shut up.

Singing Auntie and Emilio talk about where Thelma might be, and about the divorce. SA is worried about what Thelma might do when she finds out about the divorce being filed. Frank comes to inform Emilio that the General wants to see him RIGHT NOW!

Dra. Loca is still fussing with the prosecutor. I’d love to see that smirk wiped off her face, gentle readers. The prosecutor asks her if DL is confronted with the real proof of the DNA, could it make DL worse? No, she has a theory that if he learns the truth, he will be allll better. (Sheesh.) It’s a risk they have to take for her patient. (We are reminded, gentle readers, that her most recent risk on behalf of her patient resulted with a dead body).

An ambulance is speeding to Puebla with Gaspar and Luba in it. He tells her he hurts, and is going to die. No, she says, you are not going to leave me and you are going to know your cub. She tells him about his cub, with Gaspar’s eyes. She cries to the Virgen and thought bubbles that he cannot die without knowing his baby.

The General is lecturing Emilio about his altercation at Coral’s the night before. He is disgusted with the bad behavior he heard reported. (Like Emilio doesn’t know who reported it). Emilio says he tried to prevent the fight. (Gentle readers, I remember distinctly that Emilio personally threw the first blow. Some attempt at prevention). The General is shipping him off to Siberia for a while. Okay, maybe it’s just a remote project. Still. He is concerned that Emilio’s demeanor is reflecting badly (even though he’s aware that E wasn’t in uniform, because Rodrigo told him so). Emilio’s getting a punishment, and all this is an order. Emilio accepts this assignment with no more retorts.

The prosecutor guy is with Tina and Rodrigo getting info about Gaby’s disappearance. Tina can’t remember anything and the prosecutor guy (does he double as a detective?) wants her to try to remember a suspicious vehicle, something! Well, that car was bright, royal blue and the woman who got out of it was playing catch with herself with a stuffed bear. That’s pretty distinctive in my opinion. What’s more, if Tina had paid a little attention, she’d have seen Thelma’s face and remembered the witch who burst into the apartment demanding to see Rodrigo a day or two ago. But, no such luck. What!!??? They have to wait 24 HOURS to start looking for a missing 10-year old??? Well, kids do run off. Rodrigo panics, then he knows what he has to do.

Alina is done with the testing and filling out forms. She has a nice chat with the nurse in charge. She tries to tap dance around where she spent the last two years. NO problem, you lived in a cave with a witch who made herbal concoctions for everyone who asked. Including one for you to look dead and one to get revived. This is a vital pre-requisite for nursing school. It’ll be good on your résumé. The nurse cuts herself. Filler.

Angel is walking down a back street, looking for Claudia. A greasy guy answers the door, and Angel asks for her. Who’s asking? Angel introduces himself and sticks out his hand to shake. (See comments, I think it was Sylvia who noted the guy was zipping himself so it’s not a good time to shake hands). They face off with glares and hands on hips. Very macho. The guy says she is not here, and you need to get out and never return. He shuts the door in Angel’s face. Angel wonders what’s up with him.

At the boutique, Elias, Coral and Soledad discuss the bad night. She thinks DL won’t be quiet and stay in jail. He tried to escape once…..(Soledad, you may be on to something). Elias assures her that he is going to take care of her, and go see DL. She tells him, no! She’s afraid he might try to have Elias killed again.

Mariana and Ricardo are in the waiting area at a hospital, where Malena is recovering. Mariana wants to get back to Mexico City. She won’t rest until she feels Hugo and Alfi are dealt with. Ricardo agrees things cannot remain as they are.

Alina is with the General, talking about her excitement to start training. She appreciates his help. Rodrigo enters, upset, and advises them that Gaby has disappeared. Alina is impactada.

DL sees Elias seated in the waiting room at the jail. What the h*** are you doing here? Elias is so glad to see him in jail. He just wants Al to know he’s going to protect Soledad. DL knocks him down to the table and chokes him.

Coming: Emilio comes into the General’s office and asks permission to help look for Gaby. Rodrigo looks at his uncle, stone-faced with displeasure about this request. Alina, predictably, is impactada.



Duelo Wed June 13 - no recap - can you help?

I wasn't able to watch and recap. Hopefully someone else can tell us what happened in the comments.


La Fea Más Bella #295A 6/13/07 FER proposes to LETY!!! A million dollars, and Lui and Orni bond, and yes, believe it or not Ariel actually pays a compliment

The announcer Pepillo ends by saying this show will be a success. Fer congrats Lety, but she says it’s his success and he says it’s both of ours. Omar congratulates Fer saying we did it and Fer points to himself and Lety as he responds that they did it more than him but thanks. Everyone claps.

There are congratulations all around. Jacques calls over Lety and tells her he is really sorry about what happened with the periodical but he has a surprise and requests a meeting with Lety and Fer and Tomas and asks them to go to the president’s office. Alicia follows them. Tomas wonders what Ali wants and she tells him to assist himas in her job. He thinks that’s great but only lets her stand by the door. Jacques tells him it looks like a success, and he starts chuckling about what happened the other night with Aurolety. Fer chastises him and he says he’s already asked forgiveness. Fer backs off.

Jacques continues to tell them that the show has been purchased already in various countries and so he tells them they are going to make many bucks and he hands over their first payment, a check for a million dollars! Tomy says now for sure you saved the business Don Fer. Fer thanks Tom. Alicia overhears this and thinks about the shoes and cars and dresses she can get without having to rely on her husband.

Irma goes in to get Luigi and tells him he has to come because she has a special guest here to see him. He wants to celebrate his success and says he has no time for visitors so tell them to come back. He looks up and recognizes the man. He wonders what that man is doing here, “I don’t want to see him. Make him leave.” Irma tries to convince him he should see him but to no avail and he walks out. She goes over and tries to tell his Dad that he is unavailable, but Dad knows that Luigi doesn’t want to see him. He tells Irma he only came to give Luigi the message that his mother is very ill in hospital and dying, and wants to see him for the last time.

Back in the studio, the whole Mendioroel Clan is there, including Ariel. Papa says that Fer is their pride and joyand Helmut Bozo alias blow up porn doll agrees. The cuartel applauds him. Mar tambien. Ariel actually congratulates Fer and tells him that he did very badly, but not that bad, that he isn’t a thief, and that he saved Conceptos and brought it back to the family.

Now that’s something, Ariel even turning a new leaf. Sorry, he is just not believable. I think I still want to despise him with a fervor. Fer says it wasn’t just him, everyone is a part of it and a part of Conceptos and he has to go for a moment. Ana Leticia asks what could be more important than taking the photos.

We next see Fer on the phone. My signal broke up here but I think he caught Carmina in a lie, that she really wasn’t in Acapulco with Aldo. Please feel free to fill in. I did catch that he said he wouldn’t tell Lety anything, but not because of her, because of Lety.

Gordo Lobo surprises his ex Gordita with their own home!!

Lety calls Fer in. She tells him she’s very proud of him. He doesn’t want to annoy her but he admits that he’s as proud of himself. He says he’s gotten back his self esteem and his family has regained their confidence in him. He said today could have been the best day of his life. She asks why this isn’t the happiest day of his life. He said it would be if he had one thing. He says he wants her to marry him. He kisses her hands and she gets a dreamy look, heretofore reserved for gazing at Aldo. Is it a dream?

At first I wasn’t sure…but no he continues explaining how all this is great and he has the business back and his family respects him again and everything would be just right if he could get her back too. He begs her to marry him. She cries and asks why he’s doing this to her. She tells him she can’t marry him. He apologizes that he’s been thinking of himself again and he’s sorry and he’ll go to his office.

Luigi wants to know why that man came. He’s bawling. He doesn’t want to see his Papa ever. Irma comes in and says it’s very important. He doesn’t want to see anyone and begs her to leave, but she insists she has something important to say about his Mom, and he says why my dad is the one who came. She tells him his Mom is in the hospital and she is going to die and she wants to see him. He is distraught.

Lety runs into the bathroom where half the cuartel comes in and they want her to take her glasses off and to know more about how she got to be Aurora. Finally she takes them off and they see the resemblance. She wants to leave but Sara stops her, calling her Auroralety and wanting to know about Aldo. The cuartel bicker again about Aldo and Fer now being here to take care of her. Juana, once again my astute buddy, asks, “Are you crying about Fer now?” She says it’s just that he asked me to marry him. They ask what she said and she says she can’t because she loves Aldo Domensain and she walks off. The cuartel argue about going after her, but decide that she wants to be alone.

Dona Julieta comes in to see Don Fer she asks if he’s seen Lety because she wants to say goodbye before they go. He says in his best sad voice that he doesn’t know where she is. Juli realizes something is wrong and she asks him what the problem is. He tells her he just asked her daughter to marry him. Juli lights up all happy and wonders then what Lety said, yes of course, right? Fer answers she said no. Frowns abound.

We then see Erasmo sneaking in to eavesdrop in the office. He overhears that Fer is telling Juli she knows how much he loves Lety. He says he’s mad at himself because he knows she loves Aldo but he still can’t forget her. Juli tells Fer that since Aldo took off to Aca. then he has every right to try and get her back. He says no, he wants her to be happy and she is only going to be happy with Aldo, so he’s going to have to help her to marry Aldo. Erasmo nods behind the door as Juli consoles.

Luigi is sittin’ out on the curb when Orni walks up. Lui tells her that in these times he’s not such good company. She’s not worried because neither is she. He wonders what’s wrong, and she says she’s making two marvelous men suffer and she can’t forgive herself for it. Lui tells her that’s not a problem and that she’s lucky. He’s suffering because of a man too.

She says she never thought she’d see him suffer. He tells her well she’s seeing it, because everyone carries their baggage that they don’t confront and they evade with foolish acts. She thinks he should confront whatever it is. He says that his situation isn’t grave, it’s the gravest, because he might live with this pain for the rest of his life. She says it’s still better to confront them, and wants to know what is wrong. He says he’s upset and startled and she makes a boo sound to scare him more, but he’s not joking. He has to go see his, well, he stops, and says some people who need him and he has to go see them, but he is afraid. She tells him fear is the path to darkness and that it really only exists in our minds anyway. She says if he wants, she’ll go with him.

Alicia looks through Tomy’s briefcase and notes all of the photos of her and for that Tomy has good taste. She finds the check and studies it. Tomy comes in and asks what she’s doing. She mentions she’s looking at so many zeros wishing it were hers. He says look quickly because soon he’ll have to deposit it. She says she’ll take care of that as his assistant. He says he has to do that himself as part of his duties. She imagines all the things they could get if it were theirs and asks him to contemplate it. He says well dreaming doesn’t cost anything.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Destilando 6/13: in which, happily, we are treated to some more kisses before the anvil drops.

The first fifteen minutes: total reruns!
  • Gigolo Frankie and Isa in their luxury hotel (he doling out fakely passionate kisses and slobbering, she doling out lots of efectivo, which I think is a great word for cold cash). At the end, she says she has to go home, he can stay longer if he likes, he can't take her to the airport 'cause somebody might see. "But I'll need..." suggests Smarmy, reaching for her purse. She shakes out a pile of shekels with a disgusted look. As she leaves he counts the cash happily.
  • Minerva stamps around telling everybody Isa picked the wrong time to go on vacation, because Rod took advantage of her absence to run off with Mariana/Gav.
  • Aaron tells Patricio, "enough already of your scruples, get with the program," and mutters to himself that the investigations Rod and Mariana are making in the ports are costing Aaron dearly - he's having to hold back his illegal shipments, he can't release them till Rodrigo is back in the city.
  • Also rerun: Pamela shocked at the idea of having Aaron's child, Minerva's wonderful scene with the pillow under her nightie, Dani leaving Pilar's house because of the "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?" scene and Pilar's subsequent unyielding racism.
On the island, I'm happy to report lots of lovely photogenic frolicking in the surf. Rod pouts at the idea of going back to the city - he can't face the mess - Gaviota, adorable in her hat, the voice of reason and responsibility, says they have to deal with his family and the corporation.

Finding out about Amador's will, Gav decides she and Rod should keep things under wraps for a while - she is afraid of Aaron's reaction, and of the wildwomen Isa and Minerva. "Let's wait for the right moment. Tomorrow is the last day of the year - I'm sure your family wants you with them." Rod cries, he's terrified something ugly is going to happen (is that the sound of anvils?).

Gav says they can't go back on the same airplane. Rodrigo watches her leave and sobs with terrible foreboding. He's doing what she commanded, but he doesn't agree with it. "When you told me to go back to England to finish my postgraduate studies, I did as you suggested, and look what happened!" "It won't happen again, nobody will separate us," she reassures him, but of course since we've all seen a lot of tv and movies we know that's the comment made just prior to separation.

After she's gone, he pokes at the sand with a stick saying her name over and over.

Isa gets back to her apartment, opens the door and instantly snaps at the maid. She's disturbed to hear Rod is still AWOL. She calls Elvira who report happily: neither Rod nor Mariana has resurfaced nor called for quite a while. She then calls Minerva, who says "You're losing ground with the family. You have to be with us tonight, forget the idea of going to your parents." Isa says she'll wait for Rod and asks: "Do you think he's run off with Mariana?"

Poor simple Clarita is praying at her altar when Gav shows up, happy and excited, talking a mile a minute as she enters the apartment, announcing: "I'm going to live with Rodrigo."

Ma nearly faints but is revived by Gav's reassurance that all three of them will live together. "It will take some time to work a lot of things out. We'll live on Manzanilla Island." Poor patient Italian Bennie cooks them dinner while Gav burbles on about Rodrigo.

Isa and Minerva call to see if Rod's home yet. After Gav says, "Oh, I thought he'd be back tonight," they hang up. This reminds Clara - an elegant lady came by, while Gav was at the beach, wondering where she was. Didn't leave a name...

Gav announces they're staying home tonight - no more drinking bouts for Clara - and no TV either! - but Clara insists on TV, because it's the final night of her soap opera [I forget the name] "and it's just like your story - they're so in love, they've suffered so much - but in the end, they're happy - he's like Rod, handsome and rich, she's like you, pretty and humble..." [I wouldn't have said humility was one of Gaviota's characteristics.] "... and they go to live together in a castle and ..."

Suddenly, from the tv set a SHOT is heard! The hero is down! Clara and Gav are both impactada, could this by any chance be an omen? "... ah no, they've killed him! It was the ex-girlfriend, she got out of jail! ..." "This story is too cruel," snaps Gaviota as she turns off the television. "Why do they make these shows so violent?" Clara asks rhetorically.

In the country: a fiesta in the town square. Meliton has his arm possessively around Acacia, James is lurking, Acacia looks longingly at a piñata (after her coma she's on about a 9-year-old level), James rushes to buy it for her, she is frightened when he thrusts it at her, Meliton shouts: "Don't abuse my niece!" "I never hurt her, you did!" Acacia wants to go home. After she's gone, James picks up the crushed piñata.

Just so you don't forget they exist, SanJuana and her mother-in-law-to-be are in the kitchen. Ofelia wants SanJuana to learn how to be a good cook - so she'll be a good wife - but SanJuana bounces off to get dressed for partying...

And back in town, it's another joyful get-together at Montalvo's. Isa arrives, alone, kisses Pilar's frozen face, Sofia instantly takes her aside and counsels: "Don't listen to Minerva, she's getting worse every day," Isa says, "No worries, while I was ALONE IN ACAPULCO I did a lot of thinking and I don't want to risk my marriage, I trust Rodrigo completely."

As it happens, Minerva, YOUR husband isn't at the joyful get-together either! ... He's with Rubberlips, telling her he has to leave. She says "Don't go, I cancelled a night with my parents to be with you, and I'm leaving tomorrow - or, I could stay ... ??" But he tells her no, go, he has a lot to do. "I'll see you in a few days." "Won't you take me to the airport tomorrow night?" He says of course he will, and in fact since she begs for some time alone with him they arrange to meet mid-day for some substantive discussions prior to her departure.

Clara is worried about living on an island but Gav reminds her they've picked up and changed their lives before. "Remember when we cut lemons in [I missed the name]?" Not to mention, of course, leaving the agaves altogether in order to move to the city! That worked out ok...

Gav invites Bennie to go live on Manzanilla island with them too, but he announces he's, in fact, going home to Italy next day, for "business reasons."

As Gav and Clara digest this sad news, the phone rings, it's Sofia: "Have you seen my brother?" "No, I thought he'd be home tonight!" Gav scarcely has time to start getting worried when the doorbell rings - surprise, it's Rodrigo in a blue pointed hat with streamers! Oh, how nice, a last batch of sweet kisses before the tequila hits the fan!


Zorro, Tues. June 12 - MP has a new beau; Mangle hears from an old beau and Camba has a new suit

Garcia can’t bring himself to tell Diego that Esme is alive. Instead, he tells Diego that he considers him a friend, almost family. Garcia says that he has had to do bad things and asks Diego to forgive him but he says that he has never betrayed Diego’s trust. Diego, who is still drunk, asks Garcia what bad things he has done but Garcia won’t say any more. Diego looks confused.

Back in her captivity in the cabin, Esme asks for God’s help to keep Diego from being ensnared by Mangle’s lies.

Mangle and Olmos attend the séance with Selenia.

Catalina begs Pizarro not to kill Tobias. She says that everyone will know it was a crime of passion. ‘Fine,’ says Pizarro, ‘I won’t kill him but you have to continue to do what I want.’ Catalina is trapped.

His servants bring the beaten-up FS home. FS rejects an offer of vengeance from his henchman. When he is alone, FS says that he would endure 1,000 beatings like this one for MP’s love.

MP meets Don Alfonso, the guy whose gallantries incensed FS. He is just passing through town. He continues to compliment MP and they end up having a drink together.

PT tell Bernardo that he is worried that Diego’s feud with Montero is putting his identity as Zorro in danger. PT is also worried that the succession of bad news (death of Esme, finding out that FS killed his mother) will cause Diego to do something that will put his life in danger. Bernardo tries to reassure PT.

Garcia brings Esme some food and urges her to keep fighting.

At the séance, Selenia convinces Mangle (and Olmos) that she is communicating with Santiago Michelena (ST) . ST doesn’t say much and Mangle is told to return for another séance and this one will cost $$. Selenia winks at Olmos as he is leaving but it isn’t clear whether he understands that Selenia was deceiving Mangle. Once they are gone, Selenia tells her dwarf that once she hypnotizes Mangle and Olmos with her ring, they hear only what she wants them to hear.

Almudena dresses Yumalai up in a sexy little corset (that is totally period inappropriate – it’s more Victoria’s Secret than Versailles). Almudena tells Yumalai that this is what white women wear under their clothes (if Yumalai hasn’t been wearing a foundation garment under her gowns up until now, she certainly doesn’t need one. When Almundena goes to get something for Yumalai’s hair, who should walk into the room but Al. He is obviously muy impactado at the sight of Yumalai in the corset. Meanwhile Almudena feels faint and asks God for the strength to live until Yumalai is ready to take over for her with Al.

Pizarro convinces Montero to make Garcia a sargeant again and keep Esme alive. Montero leaves the guarding of Esme in Pizarro’s hands saying only that if her baby is born, he will make it disappear.

Esme apologizes to her baby for failing to get out of captivity. She tells the baby that she knows that Diego still loves her and the only reason that he isn’t busting through the walls with his sword and whip is because he believes that she is dead. [Well, Esme, you had a fantastic opportunity to let Diego know you were alive and you blew it because he was kissing Mangle. So now you tell your baby that you are sure that Diego still loves you???]

Garcia is made a Sargeant again in a ceremony. When he is asked to swear allegiance to Montero, he crosses his fingers behind his back while watching Diego in the crowd.

Catalina blames her situation with Pizarro on the fact that Tobias is not a normal man – he hasn’t fulfilled his marital duties. Tobias denies he an ‘normal man.’ His father was the Conde del Valle. Tobias has a plan to take vengeance on Pizarro that doesn’t involve challenging him to a suicidal duel.

Diego tells Al that he fought with FS because FS killed his mother. Al tells Diego that he almost killed FS when he found out about Regina but in the end he didn’t because he isn’t like FS and the hands of the de la Vegas shouldn’t be stained with blood. The love of MP is keeping FS alive but Al says that his obsession is driving MP away. Al tells Diego that MP has changed.

Cut to MP and Alfonso in a restaurant. Alfonso tells MP about his fight with FS when he admired MP and expresses his continued admiration for MP.

At the gypsy camp, NAC thinks that tomorrow she can walk and won't have to be carried by Renzo. Renzo is disappointed. NAC and Renzo discover that they both like violin music. For once, we don't see Laisha scowling in the background. Azucena brings over some food and NAC asks if anyone has seen Camba. It turns out no one has seen him for a while.

Cut to a boxing match between Camba and some other guy. After a lot of unpleasant fighting scenes, Camba defeats the other fighter and is hailed by the crowd.

Tobias and Agapito are meeting for a drink. Tobias confirms with Agapito that Pizarro's actions concerning SK were a betrayal of Montero. Tobias tells Agapito to bring SK to him from the leper colony.

The gypsies enter some town (I don't think it is LA) juggling and dancing for the population. All of a sudden Camba appears in a very spiffy suit. A guy tells the gypsies that Camba is a great fighter. NAC fusses over Camba and Renzo appears to be jealous.

Meanwhile SK is begging in the town all wrapped up in her leper costume. [Wasn't the idea at the time that leprosy was so contagious that lepers had to be shut away - not standing around in the streets possibly infecting people?] SK tells herself that she has to get out of town before she is recognized by the gypsies and puts them in danger. However, her former cellmate, Hermes, or whatever his name is, seems to recognize her.

Agapito tells Tobias that SK has left the leper colony and he doesn't know where she is. Tobias is very upset because he believes that without using SK as a weapon against Pizarro, Pizarro will kill him. Agapito is confused at his un-Zorro like behavior.

Olmos has agreed to help Pizarro get Esme to Spain. Pizarro tells him to prepare for all of them to flee but that for the present, he can't get Esme out of captivity. Olmos says that it is dangerous for Montero to have Esme since he hates her so much for humiliating him by running away with Diego on the day Montero was to marry her. Pizarro says that Montero has taken his vengeance against Diego. Olmos wants to know how and the whole point of this scene is to have Pizarro tell Olmos that Mangle and Montero are lovers. Olmos is impactado.

Back at the hacienda, Mangle puts something in the Yumalai's medicine for Almudena. She says that since Almudena wants to die, she will help her along and then she and her child will inherit all of the de la Vega fortune.

PT tells DIego that he has heard that Montero's men are buying weapons in Mexico with money from FS. PT believes that FS has allied with Montero to protect himself from an attack by Diego or Al to revenge Regina's murder. Diego says that he will destroy them both.

MP is out walking with her new beau. FS appears and wants to talk to her. She tells him to go away and by the way, this guy is my boyfriend. He is impactado.

Yumalai tells Al about Almudena's dreams that Regina is waiting for her on the other side. Al says that Almudena must survive. Yumalai moves to comfort him and we see Almudena watching.

Olmos is spying on Mangle hoping what Pizarro told him wasn't true. Unfortunately, his suspicions are confirmed when he sees her going into Montero's house. Olmos conludes that Mangle's baby has to be Montero's not Diego's.

Diego asks Garcia, in the name of the friendship that Garcia professed last night, to tell him what happened to Esme.

The credits roll.


More "out of context quotes" as Chris calls them.

You can see the next batch of funny quotes from this blog - many of them picked by Marcelis, thanks dear! - at my other blog Pratie Place. And remember, if you have a favorite you'd like me to include next time, send it my way... thanks all for being so funny...

P.S. in particular, I don't follow Zorro or Accorolada so those shows are not represented, which is unfair!

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Duelo - Tuesday 6/12 - The Sword of Damocles hangs over Puebla

Emilio tells Thelma not to try any of her dirty tricks to keep him around. He stomps out and she runs after him calling him "imbecile." Angel looks like this scene just gave him a bad case of heartburn.

Orlando, in military prison, pokes at his mashed potatoes in a desultory fashion and flashes back to when he discovered the truth that Gaspar is Emilito's father. He says Emilio is in for a big surprise when he finds out. Yummy Frank shows up and Orlando complains about being stuck in prison for like forever; he wants out. Frank advises him that he can get out sooner by earning merits for good conduct, but he knows that's not Orlando's style. Orlando harrumphs, glares at another panful of mashed potatoes and thought bubbles maybe it wouldn't be so bad to act good if it gets him out of jail sooner.

Emilio picks up the baby while Thelma the harpy shrieks at him. He says she's a crap mom and he's going to hire someone to take care of the baby. She yells, cries, and hits him but he ignores her. Auntie Rebecca volunteers to watch the baby day and night. Emilio-how-could-you-be-so-stupid agrees to let auntie babysit and orders her to never leave the baby alone with Thelma.

Luba gets tested to see if her kidney will be compatible with Gaspar.

A shocking thing, Alina is actually smiling. She tells Rodrigo that she's excited about becoming a nurse and helping others. They plan to go to Gaby's school the next day to have lunch together, just the three of them.

Malena and Mariana are hanging out in the hotel room in their nightgowns. Malena is twittering with plans for Mariana's wedding. I fully expected her to break into her rendition of "My Favorite Things" at any moment. Mariana pulls the plug on the fun; she wants to have a simple wedding. She looks forward to a happy life with Ricardo, a life free from dangers and obstacles to their happiness. Anybody else hear the Acme anvil creaking overhead?

Cut to Alfonsina and Hugo in the bus headed back to Puebla. He asks if she wants to go to Puebla to see DonLoco. She tells him to keep his nose out of her business but then admits she has unfinished business with Mariana the cripple. He asks her if she plans to give her watercress? eh? (Piensas darle mastuerzo? Has anyone heard this phrase?) Alfonsina says she's already dispatched one christian and it costs her nothing to dispatch another.

DonLoco is in solitary and hallucinating like crazy. His injured and rotting father tells DonLoco he's a gross caricature of his former self, Soledad says she hates him, Alina asks why...why..., Elias says he loves Soledad ha ha ha. DonLoco freaks and yells at them to leave him alone. He drops to his knees, broken and completely bonkers.

Thelma is alone with the baby (?!? Where the heck is Auntie?), she paces, curses and vows that she will find out if it's true that Alina is engaged to Rodrigo.

Dra. Loca is in the process of telling Rodrigo that she doesn't want to hurt Mauricio when she gets a phone call. She has to leave immediately; her patient DonLoco is in crisis.

Alina and Soledad are on cloud nine, happy and free in Coral's house and on the verge of realizing their dreams. (I hear that creaking anvil again.) Elias arrives and tells them DonLoco tried to escape from prison that afternoon. They are going-to-commercial impactadas.

After the commercial Elias gives them the skinny on the jailbreak. A guy died but not DonLoco. Soledad panics but Elias assures her that they are still safe. Puebla isn't like Escondidaville where DonLoco controlled everything.

Cut to DonLoco spewing blobs of whipped cream out of his mouth. The guards restrain him as he foams and shouts "that bastarda is not mine!" Dra. Loca rushes in and tranquilizes him. I think his white frothy sputum is yogurt, not whipped cream, it's getting runny and dribbles down his chin. Dra. Loca orders the nurse to draw his blood and then thought bubbles "only the truth will cure him." The truth never worked too well before. She's in for some nasty surprises.

Thelma shows up at Rodrigo's house and rudely demands to see Rodrigo. Tina the nanny instantly dislikes her but reveals that he is at Gaby's school. Thelma stalks out and Tina frowns.

Angel is at the boutique and tries to give Claudia some lame-ass excuse as to why he stood her up. She reminds him about that invention the telephone. He promises next time... She cuts him off, "No promises, don't look for me again," and walks away.

Alina and Rodrigo drop Gaby off at school after lunch. Alina tells him she's preoccupied because her dad tried to escape. Rodrigo tries to comfort her with a kiss but she pulls away and says she's not good company for anybody today. She grabs a taxi and leaves him forlorn on the sidewalk. Dude, you should SO get free of this albatross right now.

Thelma, spying on them from a cab across the street, witnesses the above snub and finds it hard to believe they're engaged. She follows Alina.

Dra. Loca brings the prosecutor/warden/whatever (his name is Vargas) DonLoco's blood sample and insists that due to his insane and dangerous outburst he should be freed from his cell immediately.

Rodrigo gets home and Tina tells him Some Woman came looking for him. Thelma strides in (oops, guess she followed him, not Alina) and gives him a hard time because he lied to her about his friend Alina, when Dra. Loca pretended to be Alina Montellano. She tells him Emilio is determined to get back with Alina.

Emilio meets with his divorce lawyer Mauricio (Dra. Loca's novio) and asks what are the worst things he can accuse Thelma of to win a divorce from her. For example, what if she held her son over a raging river, threatened to drop him, then later used suicide in order to blackmail him? Lawyer Mauricio says cruelty to children is the numero uno good reason to dump the skanky ho. Emilio tells him to file the papers ASAP.

Vargas tells Dra. Loca that DonLoco stays in solitary as he was the mastermind behind the escape. When he tells her to stop defending Loco's actions she reverts back to her "I am a professional" speech that we're all sick of. She tells Vargas she will go over his head.

Angel is hang-dog and follows Claudia around while she works. She tells him to stop bugging her and he finally gives in, "OK, but only for today." Claudia gets sad and tells Coral it's not Angel's fault but rather hers; she fears love.

Gen. Ochoa divulges to Alina the story of how Rodrigo's wife died. Thanks to Alina, Rodrigo and Gaby have a new zest for life. He knows Alina will be happy by Rodrigo's side and will help them forget all their past pain. He has confidence in her. She smiles wanly. How can the entire world not see that this girl is a terminal wet blanket?

Rodrigo keeps asking Thelma to leave and she keeps haranguing him about Emilio not resting until he conquers Alina. She suggests that she and Rodrigo form an alliance. Dude, you SO do not want to go there.

Rodrigo tells the rat-faced harpy that he knows Alina doesn't love him but he will deal with his problems himself. He tells her to worry about her own pathetic life and leave him out of it. She sneers that whoever is not on her side is against her. She kisses her finger and waves it goobye to him. Rodrigo looks like he might be having second thoughts about getting mixed up with these wackos.

Dra. Loca visits DonLoco. He tells her he hoped all day that she would visit him. He says he's doing badly. "The's the voices in my head, the voices of all the traitors who are making fun of me." He says he has nobody but her and he kisses her. Ick!! Her big head tells his little head that she'll do everything she can to get him sprung from solitary. Just think, all that time and money spent on an education only to end up a complete asshat.

Auntie Rebecca loudly tells Emilito that he'll be strong like his father whom he will never know because mama has denied him the opportunity to know his true daddy. Nasty old Thelma gets home and tells Auntie that stupid idiot Rodrigo will pay. She has a plan and it won't be she (Thelma) who carries it out but someone else instead. Auntie thinks whatever it is it's gonna be bad. She tries to get Thelma to reveal the details but Thelma won't ante up the info. Even stubbornly stupid Auntie is concerned about Thelma's evil wretchedness.

Orlando works on his merit badge by disconnecting the gas line to the stove. He sneaks out as some guys come in to clean the area. Orlando locks them in and remarks that thus begins his good deed for the day.

Dr. Love and Mariana make out on the hotel steps. Malena runs up and the happy trio jump into a cab. The driver turns's Hugo the Horrible. They are impactados, especially when Alfonsina pokes her head in the window and points her big gun at them. She jumps in and Hugo drives away.

Back at the military prison the unlucky recipients of Orlando's heroism are gassed up and coughing. They yell for help, hear Orlando on the other side, and tell him to call the firemen. Orlando yells "no time, stand aside" and pretends to break the door in. He runs in, pushes them out, quickly reconnects the gas line (leaving the grate askew), and carries a passed out victim to safety.

Dra. Loca gives the prison guard a written order to release Don Loco from solitary confinement. An angry Vargas storms up tells Dra. Loca she doesn't understand how dangerous DonLoco is. She says she has the papers ordering his release so open up. DonLoco listens at the door.

Angel, mooning over his dreadful portrait of Alina, says her love wasn't for him. He covers it up and throws it aside.

An unhappy Vargas tells DonLoco that he is a great manipulator. He leaves in disgust. DonLoco and Doctora smile at each other in triumph. She asks him not to try to escape because she is solely responsible for him. He tells her not to worry, right now he wants to visit his good friend Sergio to tell him no hard feelings.

Emilio tells Angel that since Rodrigo the Righteous is his rival he will fight clean in the war for Alina's love. Tonight he wants to do something that he should have done long ago. Does Angel remember his friend Chuco...?

Alina studies in her room. She tells herself that if Emilio divorces Thelma then nothing will keep her from his side. On the other hand she doesn't want to do "that" to Rodrigo. "That" being hurting him I suppose.

DonLoco pays a visit to Sergio's cell. Sergio jumps from his bunk, says he knows DonLoco has come for vengeance, and whips out a big knife that he brandishes in a dim beam of light.

Hugo parks the cab in front of a shack out in the country. He pulls Dr. Love out and beats him unconscious. Alfonsina orders the women out of the car and pushes them into the shack.

A Dr. tells Sra. Lopez (AKA Luba) that he has bad news. Her kidney is not compatible with her son's. Luba is impactada and weeps over her beloved Gaspar. As the camera goes in for a close-up I'm thinking this would be a good time to go at him with the eyebrow tweezers.

DonLoco and Sergio circle each other. Sergio says DonLoco was the boss in Escondidaville but here they are equals. DonLoco taunts Sergio, tells him to proves he's wearing the pants, then promptly disarms him and kicks his ass, just like in Escondidaville.

Yikes! Cut to blaring Mariachi horns and the smartly-dressed TWELVE piece band plus Emilio in the center. A sleeping Alina dreams of happier days with Emilio. Her eyes pop open as he begins his song: "Wait until the moon rises, wait until the sun sets, wait until night falls, because then our love begins. Wait until the little stars fill me with inspiration, to tell you the beautiful things in my heart..." Alina runs to the window and swoons, "I love him and I can't stop. I have to tell him I can't live without him!" Emilio brings it home with the crescendo: "It's growing moooore and mooooooore." (No kidding, that's what he says.)

This is where I'm supposed to make fun of Emilio, but I have to admit the band sounded incredible and Pablo Montero did a very respectable job with the song. Even at the end when he over-emoted and we saw his tonsils.

Advance - Alina comes down to kiss Emilio and Rodrigo sees the big face-suck.

tullida = cripple
mastuerzo = watercress, also oaf and oafish
bomberos = firemen


Destilando -- Tuesday, June 12

Hi everyone! I'm glad to be blogging on Tuesdays. Thanks to all of you for coming to the site, and especially to those of you who have been blogging. As I'm in the west coast, please bear with the time difference while I post the blogs. Oh, and today my cable box got messed up so I couldn't record it, but I will try my best to blog all that I can live, from California =) here it goes...

Our novela starts with Gaviota in her toga singing on the balcony overlooking the ocean while Rod kisses her neck. Rod: I feel I'm dreaming. Gav: Me too, but we have to call the city because people must be wondering. Rod: doesn't matter; about time people find out about us. Gav wants to be responsible and wants no problems with Rods family. Rod wants to send a telegram, etc...they pretend to be writing a telegram about how Rod is currently caught in the eyes of his secretary and they're never coming back...PUNTO!! (period). They pretend to write the telegram.

Back at Montalvo Corp: Minnie is STILL nagging to Aron about how Rod and Mariana are together. Elmira...I mean, Elvira tells Aron he has a call from Rod. Aron: where are you!! I cannot move on without you and Mariana. Rod says Mariana is being transferred to some port (sorry, forgot the name), and Rod plans on visiting the other ports to check on the working conditions there. Rod says things are doing great at the ports. R: oh, and please cover my back if I'm not back by new years, and I have no clue where Mariana is...oops, gotta go, bye... he looks at Gav dreamy eyed saying she looks beautiful. Gavi is worried about the lies about them. Rod promises that she's not going to hear anymore lies...they kiss.

At Montalvo corp...Minnie: I think Rod lied to you Aron. A: mamasita, please find another thing to keep you busy, i've got too many things to do. (Sorry, but this is the villian I hate to love).

In Acapulco: Francisco is trying to romance Isa with some poem and lots of sloppy kisses.

Back at Manzanillo...Rod and Gavi are in little boat that lands at a deserted beach. Rod points to a little hut and playfully says this is where they will live while they build a house. Gavi wonders why he brought her to this beach. Rod promises to devote his life to make her happy. They hug..

Back in Acapulco...Ice and Fran are having dinner (on Isa's expense of course)...Fran pretends to know about wine... tells the waiter to get them a ceirtain kind of expensive wine, and teaches Isa about wine, but the waiter tells him that wine does not exist...I chuckle... Anyhoo, Fran wants to take Isa to champs elysees in France to eat lobster... (sorry Fran, contrary to what you think, Paris is not by the beach). Isa asks him what he does for a living. Fran says something I don't undrestand... I don't think he understands it either.

Back at deserted beach, Gavi and Rod are embracing by the ocean. G: my mom must be worried and people at the corporativo must be wondering. Rod: Good thing we figured that the irregular exports were just a mistake and Aron is innocent. Rod wants to stay at the deserted beach with Gavi forever. Gav (flipping hair): you can't ask me to change my life in a day. Rod: don't u want to be with me? Gav: of course you idiot (OK I made that up)...Gav says of course she wants to stay with him, but not just like that. G: We need to take things slowly...I'm scared ur going to regret it later. Rod: so much time has gone bye I don't want to wait. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But Gav insists on going back. Rod: OK, tomorrow a boat will come bye and u can leave, but please think about it....take your time, but think about it... he SMACKS a kiss on her and leaves, in a way that only Rod can, and my heart skips a beat..sorry, couldn't help it, his hair is all messy and his shirt is half unbuttoned like a true Rico Suave.

In Acapulco....Fran: I want to work at companies with good personnel and great views. For me, work needs to be like love and provide pleasure and love....grrrr. Isa seems to be buying into his stories. He tells her dum poems and details about making love to her. Isa, learning from past experiences, asks him how much it'll cost? He says, no worries, I'll pay you every penny when we get back to Mexico. He sings to her. Isa is not crazy about it, but hey, its better than what she gets from Rod.

At the mansion Montalvo.... Sofie gets back from the gym. Grandma is calling Dani but no one answers and Granny is going nuts with Dani's move-out situation. Sofie is worried about friends finding out about Dani living with "that guy". Granny is too embarrassed: my family is falling apart. Sofie: no worries granny, sis is going to get bored from living in poor circumstances. Granny: Nopes she's not, you know how stubborn she is. Granny, crying: I had hopes that I would enjoy her company when she came to Mexico. This is the saddest year of my life since gramps died.

Meanwhile, Dani is excited about going into an audition (I didn't catch this very well, if I got it wrong please correct me :) ). Boyfriend smacks a yummy Veracruzano kiss on her and wishes her luck.

At Montalvo corp: Elvira is flirting with whats his face...?? Oh yeah, Onarte...he tells her how he missed her when he was by the ocean and gives her a shell as a souvenir... Aron interrupts cuz he wants to speak to Onarte. Oh, and by the way, he asks Elvira what Minnie was doing there? Elvira fills him in on Minnie's secret spy skills. In the office, Aron and Onarte discuss the trip. Onarte is happy that he did such a great job and tells Aron that nobody will ever suspect them. Aron wants numbers, but Onarte only cares about their reputation and tells him to calm down. Aron suspects that Rod can show up by surprise at the Veracruz port. He wont rest until Rod and Mariana are back in Mexico City.

At her home, Clarita is worried about Gav and is asking the Virgencita to protect her.

At deserted beach, Gav is coming out of a hut... she's looking for Rod but cant find him....tum tum TUUUUM!! dramatic music plays in the background... Gav walks on the beach that looks like the blue lagoon, alone looking for him and the producers lead us to think that some spy killer will suddenly show up....gulp, its Minnie!! ok, I was just kidding...

Back at the Montalvo Mansion: Minnie's attemps to find proof about Mariana and Rod resulted in a Mission Impossible, so she reports back to her other networking spies Granny--"the godmother" (Imagine Granny with dark black glasses wearing a leather jacket) and Sofie. She attempts to convince Granny and Sofie that Mariana and Rod are together. However, now that Minnie is telling the truth, noone wants to believe her. Sofie practically tells her to get a job (??)... hehehe... Sofie also tells her to see a doctor... Minnie gets mad..Granny is worried about escandalos (scandals). Minnie: you're going to regret this! Sofie, one day you'll have to swallow your laugh. I care about Isa!! Your silence make you complice of Mariana while she destroys the marriage of MY friend.

Back at twilight zone/deserted beach...oh wait, now there's mariachi and no twilight music. Gav is sitting on a hammock, and Rod is walking towards her, singing together with a mariachi...Rod can kiss, but he cant sing... hehe...i'm loving this...he's SO trying. Of course, the song they're singing is the theme song "...pooooor amarte...daria hasta mi vida por encontrarteeee"....

After commercials, we are back to Rod's singing. Rod leans into the hammock and Gav kisses him. The Mariachi leaves. Rod: I only sing on islands so I don't make anyone sick (geez, thanks!). Gav and Rod promise to never again separate. Rod, with his typical squinchy-eye expression, begs her to never never never leave him.

At the auditions, Dani is happy because she got accepted. Boyfriend is happy too.

Back at deserted beach: Rod has no phone signal. Gav, under the hut wonders what they will do. Rod: tomorrow you call your mom and I call Videgaray to start the divorce. Gav: what are you going to tell your family...? Rod, smiling, starts talking with an accent saying tomorrow he will tell his family he became a costen~o (someone who comes from the coastal region), and will be staying at the beach from now on. Gav nags about how they have to go back. Rod gives her a coconut and tells her to please enjoy the trip. Gav notices that he's avoiding facing his family. Gav asks why his family hates her. Rod says they know everything, how they met, how he loves her, how she got pregnant. Gav: that's why they hate me? Rod: I don't want to talk. Gav: its important. If we get together, your family will be mine and our children's. Rod: I'm going to renounce my family. Gav: why; what are you hiding? Rod: they hate you because they think ur a bad person and that you went to Europe as a prostitute. Sorry, I didn't want to hurt you. There are many things about the Montalvo family you don't know, and it all revolves around the testamento. He tells her the juicy details about the testament. Gav: Now I understand why they're freaked about about a jimadora being pregrnant with your child. Rod: thats why Aron is messed up about me having a baby, because you are the only person I can love. Gav: thats why your fam sees me as a threat.

Back at montalvo corp; Pamela comes running to her Bichieeee. Aron is happy to see her, cuz he couldn't find her in Miami and started wondering if she's cheating on him.

At deserted beach: Gav and Rod continue to talk about the issues at Montalvo family. Gav now understands why Minnie is bitter about having a child. Gav asks if Rod liked Isa. Rod says NOOO!! She's pretty, but I never saw her like that. Just a friend. Gav: really? There was nada, nada nada??

Acapulco: Fran kisses Isa and tells her he has plans with her for the following weeks (and lets bill it to your room...hmmm... just commenting). Isa says she cant stay that long.

Again at deserted beach: Rod and Gav are talking about how Isa could be with Rod for that long. Rod says Isa would refuse to find a man who could give her what she deserves.

Ironically, in Acapulco: Isa and Fran exchange lots of sloppy kisses. Fran aks isa for a yacht...(!). Isa says I'm married to a millinaire but don't have my own money, DO YOU MIND?? He says no, he doesnt care about her money and he's going to show her dancing the horizontal mambo with her.

Back in a hotel room at Mexico City: Bichie and Pam are in bed. Pam cannot live a moment without Aron: Bichie, r u going to marrie me? Aron with chestshire smile: if you give me a child, of COURSE! Pam is worried... a baby??

Back a penthouse: Minnie stuffs a pillow in her PJs pretending to be pregnant...she's crying...gets a nervous breaksown, and throws the pillow at the mirror...

Clarita at home, is still worried about Gav talking to neighbour Dona Jose. They talk about New Years plans. Clarita tells Dona Jose that don Benvenutto is going to make them dinner and invites her. Dona Jose says she can't cuz she works. Clarita asks her: isn't your son going to visit you? Dona Jose: no, mi Panchito travels a lot and will be in France...somewhere Esque mi Panchito is very chambeador (workaholic). Twilight music plays in the background.

Talking about Panchito, back in Acapulco Francisco and Isa are drinking chanpagne in bed. She tells him they're going back tomorrow, and they start the horizontal mambo ONE more time as Fran sreams: auxilio! Dang, Isa is really catching up with what she has been missing for the last couple years!

At deserted beach: Gav and Rod Are STILL arguing about going back vs not going back, and all the things they need to do in Montalvo Corp. She persuades Rod to go back and get their work finished. Gav: me too I gotta get my stuff done there. For our good, we gotta do it, let's be discreet. Rod: until when are we going to hide [this relationship]??!!! Gav: your family will always be part of you for life. Even if we escape, you will continue to be responsible for your sisters and the be the favorite of Dona Pilar (Rod smiles). I only respect them and am thankful, even if they hate me. Aron helped me grow, Bruno and dona Pilar have been nice to me. I cant be unthankful, much less let them think that my only reason for entering the enterprise is to distroy your marriage.

Avances to the next capitulo:

- Mariana is going back to Mexico and leaving on her little boat. Rod: I love you! Gav: Me too. But Rod is crying unconsolably...

- Plus, Isa gets back, and she is one angry woman....


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Cast of "Juan Querendon" with pictures and summaries

The material in quotation marks is translated from the ESMAS site.

JUAN DOMÍNGUEZ - Eduardo Santamarina - "He's attractive, tall, hyperactive, corpulent, happy, and poetic. More than religious, he's spiritual. he's a hopeless romantic, a brave man, hardened and charismatic, a bit of a liar, but with a good heart. For him Woman is most important, he considers her a marvellous being who should be praised."

At the beginning of the story, he's escaping his tiny home town two steps ahead of men who are tired of his womanizing ways and has come to the house of Samuel Cachón on the very night that Samuel shoots himself dead with only poor Juan, in his running shorts, as witness.

At some point in the past Samuel Cachón had an affair with Ana Dávila and got her pregnant. He never spent any time with his illegitimate daughter Paula and now regrets it bitterly. His legitimate family is Nidia and daughters Yadira and Marely.

PAULA DÁVILA - Mayrín Villanueva - "Paula is Juan's great love; she is a young attractive kindly executive. Despite her having studied abroad, she is ingenuous. Her need for tenderness, affection and acceptance lead her to be imprisoned in the lies of a married man who will make her suffer."

ANA DÁVILA - María Marcela - "She's a sweet, pretty, sober, honest, decent woman. Her error was to fall in love with a married man (Samuel) with whom she had a daughter (Paula) the man never recognized. She fears her daughter is committing her same error and struggles to protect her."

NIDIA CACHÓN - Sylvia Pasquel - "Nidia is a happy widow, ambitious and too impulsive, which gets her into trouble. Her preoccupation with looking young sometimes makes her ridiculous. She's obsessed with Juan." her husband, just before offing himself, told Juan "My wife is a "cualquiera" (a common ie loose woman) and so is my daughter Yadira. Marely is the only one who can be saved - take care of her."

MARELY CACHÓN - Florencia de Saracho - "An introverted university student, noble and affectionate, with a highly developed sense of justice and responsibility. She is the most sensible one in her family, but she has a strong, impulsive temperament, though she is not resentful. 'Marelita' is Juan's second grand love."

YADIRA CACHÓN - Dacia Arcaraz - "Yadira is a spoiled, vain, extroverted girl, selfish and "easy," a lazy student but very ambitious. she's pretty and knows how to accentuate her sensuality. She thinks her future depends not on her personal efforts but rather in marrying a rich man."

CÉSAR LUIS FARELL - Alexis Ayala - "He's very attractive, a seducer drawn to any woman who's in front of him, despite being married. He's astute, an opportunist, able to look ahead, sure of himself, extroverted and with a great sense of humor, but he's also a manipulating lying hypocrite." This is the guy who, much later in this novela (maybe in the ultimos capitulos), will be waiting at the church to marry Paula (who looks very reluctant).

PASTOR GAITÁN - Pedro Romo - "He's a bad-humored, resentful, abusive blackmailer. He's a repressed homosexual hopelessly in love with Juan. He likes to sow discord and is servile with his boss (César) but also betrays him. He lives with his mother whom he loves but also hates for controlling his life."

PASTORA GAITÁN - Alejandra Meyer - "She's a controlling and overprotective mother. She has a love-hate relationship with her son. She spends her life reproaching her son for the sacrifices she's made for him and ridiculing him in front of others."

ENRIQUE BUENO - Eugenio Bartilotti - "He's Juan's best friend and considers him his brother. He's generous and well-intentioned. Even though he likes to entertain himself, he's very responsible, works tirelessly to improve himself and is capabable of sacrificing everything for Yadira, the woman he loves." (This show's Tomás Mora?)

FERNANDO LARA - Arturo Barba - "Fernando is Juan's close friend, a good guy despite his surly appearance. He has a volatile nature, speaks little, but when he speaks he says a lot. Disappointment in love left him unconfident and reluctant to get close to others. He has an elevated idea of what friendship is and therefore is capable of sacrificing a lot for those he considers his friends, Juan and Enrique."

MÓNICA BERROCAL DE FARELL - Reneé Varsi - "A classy woman who speaks several languages, with licenses and postgraduate degrees earned abroad. She's successful and hardworking, and seeks above all professional recognition. She can be tender or hard, according to what's necessary. She'll ferociously defend that which she thinks is hers. She is rancorous and vengeful in the face of betrayal."

ALIRIO PERAFÁN - Roberto D’amico - "An unscrupulous lawyer who always looks out for his own interests. He's not very attractive and has hangups, and his eternal love for Nidia leads him to fulfill all her whims, and to feel very jealous of Juan."

IVONNE MOSQUERA - Arleth Terán - "A provocative and sometimes vulgar woman, obsessed with getting her former lover César Luis to get a divorce and marry her. She hates Paula and always tries to make her life impossible. She's scheming, poisonous, and very dangerous."

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Juan Querendon 6/12 Johnny Q falls in love

I can’t figure out what’s shorter. That woman’s dress or Juan’s shorts. Juan checks out her view from the rear while she pays the cab. She turns to him and admires those oh-so-short shorts. Juan thanks her for paying for the taxi. The lady feels Juan’s chest and says that her cousin recommended him well. The lady leads Juan into the house and says that it’s his.

The woman leads Juan into the house. She says that her husband is more or less Juan’s size. She says that she look for something for him to wear. The woman introduces herself as Nidia. She says that they’re going to celebrate his arrival with some tequila. She rushes over to the tequila. While she pours, Juan admires her “form.” He also thinks to himself that these people must be wealthy, considering the house. Juan sees a photo of Nidia with Joan Sebastian, who Juan considers to be the most famous Mexican poet. (Joan Sebastian is really a songwriter of pop songs. Kind of like the Mexican version of the guy who wrote all those Britney Spears/N’Sync songs or so I gather.) The woman just stands there holding the tequila.

Paula asks her mom if her father is sick. The mother says no. She even accompanied him to all his medical tests and nothing was wrong. Paula says that he talked as though he was going to die. Ana thinks it’s because of what he did to Paula. Paula thinks she was hard on him. Her mother just wants them to reconcile. Samuel is Paula’s father and that will not change. Paula can’t believe that her mother still defends him. Her mother thinks that Samuel is a good man. Paula thinks he wasn’t there in the way she needed him to be. Her mother begs Paula to give him a chance. Paula says that she will one day, but not now. Ana reminds Paula that Paula came from Ana and Samuel’s love.

Nidia sings and dances for Juan. Juan says that he can tell she’s very caring. She approaches him and says that he’s practically a part of the family. At that moment the family enters. Their names are Yadira and Mareli, and Juan likey likies. Nidia introduces Juan as the friend of a cousin, so he’s practically a cousin himself. The women squirm in their spots while Juan checks them out. He likes them all, but finds the youngest (and blondest) to be the most beautiful. The older sister asks Juan if he’s a mute. Juan takes his shot and introduces himself to the girls. Nidia shoos the girls away so that she and Juan can talk. The girls stay in a spot where they can watch. Nidia re-approaches Juan. At that moment, the husband enters. It’s Samuel. Nidia introduces the gentlemen, but Samuel’s a little cold. He asks Juan to accompany him to the study so that they can talk. Juan reluctantly follows. The girls run down the stairs and asks if he’s really their cousin. Methinks they like him. The only one who doesn’t seem that impressed is the youngest.

Juan and Samuel sit and talk. Samuel says he’s very happy that one of his wife’s relatives has come at this time. Samuel goes into a seriously depressing spill about how all of his efforts were in vain. Juan congratulates Samuel on having such a nice family, and such a lady for a wife. Samuel stands and says that his wife is a nobody. Juan looks a little nervous. Samuel pulls out a gun. Juan asks Samuel to put the gun down. Juan tries to run out of the room, but Samuel points the gun at Juan. Samuel tells Juan to take care of his children. Especially, Mareli because she is the only one that can be saved. He asks Juan to also take care of Paula. Juan says that he doesn’t know Paula, but Samuel just tells him to take care of them. Samuel shoots himself in front of Juan. The women rush into the room to see a dead Samuel and Juan shaking his head no. Wow. What a nice, happy novela.

Juan’s in the interrogation room. The police want to know who he is and how he was related to the deceased. Why did he kill Samuel. Juan was sure that he would be put away for life. Oh, it was just a daydream. In real life he’s sitting with Nidia talking to himself about what just transpired. The police want his statement and Nidia’s. Juan understands why they would want his but not why they would need one from Nidia. The policeman explains that they’re going to initiate an investigation. Yadira runs over to the couch and says that Mireli wants to enter the room to see her father. The family rushes to the door and stops Mireli from entering. Mireli cries for her father. Nidia pushes the women away.

Ana comes downstairs to see Paula cooking. Paula explains that when she lived in New York she cooked in a restaurant where she learned many things. Ana thinks that Paula’s going to make her fat. Paula thinks her mom still looks great. Paula tells her mother that she thought about their conversation. She wants to go to the office with her mother today and speak with her father. She wants him to know that she cannot hate him. Ana hopes that Paula’s heart can pardon Samuel. Paula wants the same. Ana thinks that Samuel will die of happiness if he sees that Ana brought Paula to the office.

Paula can’t believe how big the business is. Ana explains that Samuel has prospered. Paula says that she’s very proud. They women enter the office and Paula marvels some more about the office. Ana greets Charito, who is on the phone and crying. Charito explains that Samuel committed suicide. Ana passes out in her daughter’s arms.

It’s the day of Samuel’s funeral. Nidia thanks Juan for all he’s done, but he won’t hear it. Nidia seductively hugs Juan. He just wants to offer help. Mireli thanks him. Yadira and Nidia launch into a tirade about Samuel not caring for his wife and children. Mireli can’t believe they’re talking like this when they’re father is dead. She thinks the other should have more respect. Juan tells us that this is the day that he fell in love with Mireli because she was the only one who really felt the death of her father.

We see the guy from the beginning of the novela, who was about to marry Paula. He’s with his wife and hands her a package for the family. He’s going to Madrid. The pair talk lovingly to each other. The man with glasses enters and he’s crying. (Pastor) Pastor announces that Samuel Cochon is dead. He killed himself with a pistol. The man and the woman can’t believe what happened. (I do believe the man is Cesar Luis.) CL wants to send flowers. Pastor takes charge of this.

It’s the time of the viewing, and all Juan can focus on is Mireli and her grief. He wonder what he should do, say. He decides to console her, but she cuts him short and asks him to leave her in peace. His game is slowed but not stopped. He likes grumpy women and as the moments pass he’s falling more and more in love. He wonders what will happen.

Tomorrow: Johnny Q & Paula meet again!


Acorralada #104 Monday 6/11/07 Maxito's still missing

Monday's episode begins with Diana on the phone with a woman (Isabel, but Diana doesn't know this) who says that she has the baby, she didn't kidnap him, she took him from Bruna, who asked her to watch him for her. Just as she's about to give Diana her address, the police knock on the door and she hangs up. The scene ends with the police coming in and looking around the apartment suspiciously.

Next we're transported to Paco's apartment, where Octavia is daydreaming about destroying Fedora when Paola walks in saying that she's leaving. A fight ensues - Octavia tells her to have some pride and dignity and stop this fooling around with her naco husband.

Back to the mansion, where Fedora is trying to console Diana. She's sure that the woman who called will call again.

Back to Isabel's place, where the police explain that they received a call about a woman being beaten. Isabel looks oddly relieved when she responds that it must be the neighbor, who doles out daily beatings. The police leave, but Isabel's friend tells her that she needs to return the baby to his parents before she ends up in jail.

Back to the Octavia/Paola fiera contest. Octavia's trying to tell Paola that she'll stay in her room, she's not going out looking for the naco. Paola says she's not staying there with Octavia's husband, who she hates. There's some pushing and a lot of hair flying when the doorbell interrupts their cat fight. It's Rene, and Octavia tells him that she hopes he can convince Paola that she doesn't need to be out on the street looking for drugs. Rene, the new improved Rene, who doesn't act goofy anymore, tells Paola that she's not going anywhere.

At the fabrica, Pancho is screaming for Emilio to come out so he can show him who's boss, is met by Caramelo, who tells Pancho to beat it. It's the same as always with these two -- Pancho's telling her to stay away from the "munequita de pastel" Emilio. And she's asking what difference it makes, he has another wife.

Back to Rene & Paola, where Rene is telling Paola that she needs to stop taking drugs, he wants to save her, he wants to give her the same advice that her aunt Yolanda gave to him. Drugs are bad, Paola. But Paola needs drugs because her husband doesn't love her. Rene tells her she must fight this addiction! It's a disease!

Next we return to the fabrica, where Caramelo tells Pancho that all of the love she felt for him is turning to hate. Of course Pancho the super macho doesn't understand this. As he rants about Caramelo going to Orlando with Emilio, Beatriz is just looking at him with disgust, which prompts a nice kiss on the lips from Pancho the macho.

Caramelo tells Emilio that Pancho has left the fabrica, and Emilio is upset to see that she's crying again. He tells her that she needs to have a little dignity, and gives her a big hunky shoulder to cry on.

Meanwhile, Paola is also crying over Pancho as she tells Rene that she needs drugs. Rene tells her to fight, resist, and although he tries, he falls just short of squeezing out a tear of pure dolor. Violins take us to commercial.

Back from commercial, Diana is telling Fedora that she's afraid that history is going to be repeated - that she will be separated from her baby for all of his life. Fedora's sure that the woman will call back, then she mentions that it's logical that Diana and Maximilliano are upset, but she's noticed that Diego doesn't seem to be bothered by the baby's disappearance. Diana hadn't noticed.

Speak of the devil, we're transported to TeleMiama hospital where Diego is in Bruna's room when Marfil arrives. She tells him that she's not sure she can trust him, and he responds by walking across the room.

Rene and Yolanda are at the new Irazabal house, discussing Paola's drug problems. She needs to go to rehab before something terrible happens.

Meanwhile, Isabels's neighbor tells her that she's going to return the baby if she doesn't do it herself. Isabel is impactada.

Back to Rene and Yolanda, where Yolanda says that she can't bother Max with Paola's problem because his baby is missing. Rene suggests that Larry can help, because Paola needs help immediately. They're interrupted by Max and Larry's arrival, but they have no news about the baby.

At the hospital, Marfil is impressed to hear Diego's plan to stay in a wheelchair so that Diana will never leave him. Now she knows that she can trust him.

Isabel and Eugenia are arguing about what to do about the baby. Isabel is afraid that they'll be charged with kidnapping if they return the baby, so Eugenia suggests that they leave him in a park and then call the police. They go to pick up Maxito and find that his fever is back, so now they can't just drop him off at a park. Eugenia says that they'll have to return him.

Diego and Marfil are scheming about how to keep Diana and Max apart - he suggests that she convince Max to take the baby from Diana. Then Diana will hate him forever. Marfil thinks it just might work - she never wanted to raise the little nurse's baby, but at least she won't have to deform her body by getting pregnant.

Isabel and Eugenia are freaking out at the latest news in the paper - that the baby has been stolen. Now the police will think that they're baby thieves and they'll end up in prison!

Speaking of prison, we return to TeleMiama jail, where Camila and Ignacio are still arguing with the transvestites and Silvia. Ignacio and Camila are thrilled to hear the news about Diana's baby being stolen, and the trannies are outraged at their heartlessness.

From San Francisco, Roberto is trying to reach his cousin Ignacio by phone and doesn't understand why he's not getting an answer. Fiona is whining to him about how he doesn't give her enough attention, he tells her that he's got to arrange the trip to Miami and will be back in a few hours. No problemo, she's looking forward to the trip because she'll get a chance to rekindle an old flame when she sees Maximilliano. Cut to commercial.

We return from commercial to Isabel and Eugenia, where Eugenia convinces Isabel that she needs to call Diana and arrange to return the baby. Isabel agrees, but says they should check on the baby's fever first.

At the mansion, Silvia is telling about how she ended up in jail because of Ignacio and Camila, but Lala tells her that with everything going on in the house, her absence didn't matter. Silvia's a little flustered by Lala's comments, but manages to ask if there's been any news about the baby. When she learns that there hasn't, she suggests that they call a psychic she knows!

Meanwhile, the baby's fever has not gone down, and Isabel is worried that he's going to die.

At Bar Don Paco, Paco is telling someone on the phone that his marriage is a disaster when he's interrupted by the arrival of Yolanda and Rene, who want him to help Paola because she's never had the support of her mother.

Speaking of her mother, she's prowling like a cat around Paco's living room while Paola's curled up on the couch crying over Pancho. She says her only happiness is at the side of Pancho, and says that she misses her papa, who always loved her. Octavia thought bubbles that if she only know that Paco is her real father...

Paco isn't interested in hearing about Paola's problems. She's the one who ruined Caramelo's life. Yolanda hints that he would feel differently if he knew the truth - the truth that she's not authorized to tell him. Paco isn't interested, he just wants Paola as far away from him as possible.

Diana is laying in bed crying over Maxito when Silvia and Gaby enter and suggest that the psychic that Silvia knows may be able to help. Desperate times call for desperate measures!

Rene asks Yolanda why she didn't tell Paco that he's Paola'a father, and Yolanda tells him that Octavia's capable of anything if she knew.

Estrella Cosmica has arrived, and I see that she's wearing one of Caramelo's earrings on her turban. She reads the cards to Diana - she sees two women, two women who are identical like two drops of water - these women will cause Diana a lot of pain. Diana tells her that one of them is dead, but Estrella says they're both alive and they intend to destroy her! Diana is impactada. Estrella has no info about the baby.

We're transported to Max's rental house, where Marfil's home and wants to talk to him about the baby. She's sure the baby will return, and when he does, maybe they should get custody of him and raise him together. Max looks confused by this suggestion.

Estrella tells Diana that the baby is in the arms of strange people, and the cards are not clear, but it appears that many people want to harm Diana, including a beautiful woman who wants to win back a lover from her past. Jump to San Fran where Fiona is daydreaming about Max.

Eugenia is telling Isabel that they need to call and arrange to return the baby. They're both worried about the baby's fever.

Fedora is not happy to hear about the Estrella's card reading in her house. The woman is a charlatan, and all she's done is make Diana more nervous. They're interrupted by the phone - Eugenia tells her that she's called to give her the address of where the baby is so that she can come get him. Diana has her usual glassy eyed response, and we go to commercial.

Back from commercial, Eugenia tells her to come soon, the baby has had a fever. She also asks Diana not to call the police, as they didn't take the baby and they didn't know that Bruna had taken the baby. Diana promises that she won't call the police.

What Diana doesn't know is that her hubby's up to his same old tricks - he was listening in on the phone call. He's not happy at this latest development and calls his buddy Marfil to see what to do next.

Max is pacing around his new library in his ugly blue sweater as Rene, Yolanda, and Larry try to keep him calm.

Lala is telling Pancho about the baby's kidnapping, and Pancho wants to know how Diego's taking it, as he knows that Diego loves the baby. She says she doesn't know, he's behaving strangely, he's acting tense. He's not the good man he used to be - he's changed so much. Pancho says of course he's not, he's paralyzed and he's not loved by his wife.

Max is crying on Yolanda's shoulder in the company of Rene and Larry, who are telling him not to worry, when the phone rings. It's Diana - she knows where the baby is! Credits roll.


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