Saturday, June 23, 2007

La Fea Más Bella #298B 6/22/07 Thank God it's Friday... no, wait...

That's #301 by Univision's count; 298 hours that are somehow going to get wrapped up on Monday night. Yep, it'll be 300 hours on the nose.

Double Impact

Tomas and Lety watch our two galans go flying over the cliff, which turns out to be a lot less treacherous than we were originally led to believe. Tomas jumps out of the car to investigate and runs halfway down to see. He begins calling for Lety in a panicked voice. She hesitates a moment, frozen with fear. (I remember Guru Aldo's Deep Thought: when you feel love, there is no fear. Or is it when you feel fear, you can't feel love? I can't remember!) She snaps out of it and hurries to join him.

Aldo and Fernando have landed safely on the ground and resumed their argument, seemingly unaware that they have cheated death or at least a really bad fall. They blame each other for the mishap as they brush the dirt off their clothes. Fern says it's Aldo's fault for driving in the wrong direction. Aldo says it's Fern's fault for distracting him. Finally the tension between them becomes too much, and they begin kissing. Um, not kissing... what's it called... um... fighting! Yes, they're fighting, just like old times.

Tomas calls for Lety; Lety is afraid to look. He convinces her to come down and see for herself. She scolds them for fighting like little kids. They commence blaming each other and tattling to Lety like little kids instead! Aldo says Fern managed/drove the bikes the same way he managed/drove Conceptos. "I'm sick of both of you!" Lety yells at them from halfway up the hill. She goes back to the car, telling Tomas to leave them there. Tomas protests. Fern smacks Aldo in the helmet and complains about the low blow, mentioning Conceptos. Aldo points out that Lety has left. They pick up the fight where they left off. Tomas watches helplessly.

Later, Lety comes home to her parents, who have returned from their second honeymoon. She asks them to tell her all about it. (C'mon, Lety! Boundaries!!) RoboPop says it was super and they had fun like teenagers. (Lety's teenage years were not so enjoyable!) Julieta worries aloud that Lety will think they were like crazy people. Lety laughs and says she's glad they enjoyed their trip. (That reminds me - did RoboPop ever get his severance from his old job? I wondered if maybe Humberto didn't pull some strings in RoboPop's favor after that time they bonded, but I don't recall any follow-up.)

Lety says she missed them. "And my son-in-law?" Erasmo asks. "Fatal," Lety sighs. "Aldo and Don Fernando went crazy, Mom, all they've done is fight."

Julieta says that "poor Don Fernando" hasn't resigned himself to losing Lety. Erasmo tells Julieta not to start. He reminds her that they weren't going to meddle in Lety's life; that she was going to make her own decisions. Julieta agrees that yes, Lety is responsible for her actions. Lety thanks them and they all join hands for another round of mush.

Meanwhile, Tomas is leaving Aldo's place and thanking Aldo for letting him borrow some clothes. He says he had some trouble getting around in those heels. They joke around about how nice Tomas looked and how silly Aldo looked fighting with Fernando. Tomas asks Aldo if he'll talk to Lety. Aldo says he has to, but it's going to let it be for the night, and talk to Lety tomorrow when she's calm.

Tomas thanks Aldo for getting him a taxi and says goodnight. Aldo asks what Tomas is going to do. "Take the taxi, no?" Tomas answers, but Aldo won't let him evade the question. Tomas says that considering how much love he feels for Alicia, it's better if he stays away from her forever. Aldo says that anyone can make a mistake, and it looks like she regretted it, and she returned the money. Tomas says that doesn't justify anything, and there's more... Aldo cuts him off and says he knows, and advises Tomas to listen to his heart. Tomas says his heart is telling him to be strong, because he should get a separation from his wife.

Tomas wants to leave. Aldo just tells him to think it over carefully.

Marcia & Octavio

Octavio the Guapo is telling Marcia that it moved him to see her during the last movement (of whatever concert or opera they're at) because she was so intrigued by the music, she's so sensitive. She thanks him and says he probably thought that because she's pretty, she'd also be shallow. He admits this to be so.

She says that's not the case, but that she is confused. She has an admirer - no, a suitor - from the Internet. He asks if she's saying this to make him jealous. She says no, she's telling him because he writes her beautiful things that she likes, that move her.

"So I have a very strong competitor?" Octavio the Guapo asks. Marcia says no. She's telling him this because she is honest. He asks what this guy has written for her. Can she recite something from memory? She says she has memorized all of it, but she is a lady, and she's not going to tell him any of it. (A lady never tells?) He begs her to at least share one phrase, but she refuses.

Octavio the Guapo asks, "Did he write you something like, 'Your name is the beginning of the sea'?"

"How did you know?" asks Marcia the Clueless. Then her jaw drops, and a clue flies into it. "It's you! You tricked me?!"

Yes, Marcia, he tricked you. Unfortunately, that's not hard to do.

"I never that that this would happen to me," Marcia says, walking away quickly. He follows her and insists that his intentions were honest. Right. He knows what she looks like, he knows her name, he knows where she works, etc.... while he doesn't give his full name, follows her around and lies to her about his appearance. Yeah, that sounds like a great way to begin a relationship. "I only wanted to know if you are the kind who prefers a pretty exterior or a person's essence."

Well, Marcia could ask the same of him, since he got interested in her based on knowing her face but not her personality. (Sorry, I want to be happy for Marcia, but I really don't like the way this guy is written.)

She tells him that she learned from Fernando, who is "like a brother" (I think she skipped a few pages of history, there), that beauty is not always discovered with the eyes, but also with the heart. "Great! This makes me admire you even more," Octavio answers.

Marcia points out that they don't really know each other, except for a few emails. He asks what she means. She tells him she had a very long relationship and she needs some time. She says they can get to know each other a little at a time, with no hurry. He agrees to this and invites her to dinner. She wants tacos!

A Moment with Fernando Mendiola

Fern is just getting home. He's on the phone with with the motorcycle owner, saying "tell your friends not to worry, we had a little mishap with the motorcycles, but I'm going to have them fixed... oh it's no big deal, they'll be like new. Tomorrow you'll get them back. And just the same I'll pay you for lending them to us [he puts the phone down and stifles a sarcastic laugh] because I have lots of liquid funds from Conceptos."

After the call, he flops backward on the bed. Oh... but it gets better. He sits up again and mumbles that if Omar were there, Omar could give him a massage.

I would like a poster of that.

Fern takes his diary out of the nightstand and begins to write. "Today I was almost killed, but after my Lety gets married I am going to stop living anyway, because I am already without hope."

But but but I'm almost out of Kleenex...

Alicia finishes packing her bags and rubs her belly. (Alicia, you'd better loosen your corset, or you'll end up with a bonsai baby!) She tells the baby they have to leave.

She sits on the bed and caresses the bedspread. "Tomas," she sighs. "Papa doesn't love me, and I don't blame him. Why didn't I realize sooner how much I love you, Tomas? But now I can't say it. I shouldn't tell you because I don't want you to suffer over me.

She rubs her belly and speaks to it. "Forgive me, mi vida! I feel so badly for you, I want you to know your father. That's what I would like the most. But now it's not going to be possible. Forgive me! I swear that my heart is split (?). (Or I know I'm breaking your heart?) I love you, baby, I love you. Tomas, I love you so much. So much."

Tomas fumbles in the hallway with his keys. He's sniffling sadly and still wearing Lety's old shoes. "Why couldn't I get to you, with all I did for you? I did the best I could, but it wasn't enough. It's better this way; we must each choose our own path. I thought the most important thing in life was love, but that's not true. Love is a fantasy that I made up myself."


Oops, I meant "dawn." It's morning. Fernando lets himself into Marcia's office just as she and Octavio are about to kiss. "Sorry, didn't know you were busy," he says, but he doesn't leave, either. He says Lola told him that Marcia wanted to see him. She invites him in, but he says it looked as though she was about to do something, and he offers to leave and wait until she's finished. Noting his nervousness, Marcia asks if he's jealous. "ME? Of whom?," he asks with a touch of venom. He catches himself and offers his hand to Octavio. Octavio introduces himself, and immediately Fern's attitude comes back. "What do you think you're doing, kissi-"

Marcia reminds Fern of her secret admirer. "Oh, so you were the one who was writing those pretentious, uh, those declarations of love. OK, man, really, Octavio?" (Fernando slowly walks around Octavio.) "Is that what you told me? Octavio Serrano, and what pretensions do you have with Marcia - excuse me." (Fernando lets go of Octavio's elbow.)

Octavio asks if Fernando is Marcia's father. (Marcia gapes delightedly.) Fern says he's her older brother. "And I'm going to warn you just once that I am going to watch you. Poor you if you make her suffer."

Octavio says he's not going to make her suffer. On the contrary, he'd like to make her the happiest woman in the world. (But that isn't possible. Aldo already said that he was going to make Lety the happiest woman in the world. They can't both be the happiest woman in the world.) Fern says it'd be worth Octavio's effort: Marcia is a great woman. Sensitive, beautiful, tender, lovable, hot... Marcia is touched. She thanks him for recognizing what a marvelous woman she is. Octavio says this only proves that he wasn't wrong to seek her out.

Fern babbles nervously that he has a rule about mixing business with personal matters. Marcia clears her throat politely. Several times. Finally Fern takes the hint and leaves them alone.

They are just about to kiss again when the door pops open and Fern warns them not to take advantage of being alone. He reminds them that all the people at Conceptos know everything about their friends. He wishes them luck and warns Octavio about Ariel. He leaves them alone and Octavio tells Marcia that he likes Fern, but he seems a little jealous. Marcia tells him that Fern is an extraordinary person, but he's lost the love of his life. Octavio thanks Marcia for letting him meet him. She thanks him for getting to know Fern.

It's going to be very interesting when Octavio finds out who Marcia's last boyfriend was.


Tomas finally goes into the apartment and finds his wife sitting upright on the sofa, asleep, with a box and some other things on her lap. He forgets himself for a moment and starts to greet her enthusiastically, but then stops himself.

She wakes up. He tells her he thought she had already left. She says she was going to go, but she waited for him to see her out. He tells her it wasn't necessary. She tells him she wanted to give him some things. First, the car keys, and the jewelry she bought with his money. And the papers for the car. "So they weren't gifts from your father?" She shakes her head sadly. She takes his hand and promises never to bother her again.

Tomas looks like his heart is breaking all over again. "May I give you a hug?" she asks. He turns away from her to avoid temptation. "I understand. You deserve someone better than me," she says. Tomas struggles to keep his emotions in check as she touches his shoulder lightly. "I'm so thankful that you loved me, even though I didn't deserve it."

Tomas turns around to face her again. She touches his face but he pulls away, avoiding eye contact. She grabs his chin more firmly, and this would actually be funny if it everyone wasn't crying so hard. "I will never forget you, Tomas." He still refuses to look at her. She takes her hand away, wipes her own face, grabs her things (only one bag this time), and leaves, sobbing.

Tomas loses control and crumples to the floor in tears. "Chiquita, chiquita." He throws the box of jewelry to the floor. "If only you had loved me just a little bit, just a little bit. I would have forgiven you!"

I really don't want it to end like this, but there's the golden circle of goodbye.

Penultimate words
Somehow, this is all going to get wrapped up in two hours on Monday night.

Before that... I still wouldn't bet on anything either way. Some TV listings say that there's a hour of La Fea instead of Duelo, but I haven't actually seen anything on Univision advertising it, and at the end of tonight's Duelo they just said "Monday through Friday" for Duelo as usual. But, after the "gran final" is the Cristina show.

Just to be on the safe side, I recommend taping the whole four hours and then if you end up with an hour of Duelo, no harm done. They're in Ultimos Capitulos, so maybe you'll get to see someone get whacked. Or married. Sounds like fun either way.

Since this is my last regular La Fea recap, I want to thank everybody - readers, fellow recappers, Melinama - for making this weblog the awesome place it is. A special thanks to Chris Ferro, who isn't even following La Fea any more that I know of, for starting the La Fea recaps. If he hadn't done that, I never would have found this blog, I wouldn't have had the slightest clue as to what was going on or what I had missed, and I wouldn't have offered to write some extremely sparse and sketchy weekly recaps "until someone else volunteers to take over," and I probably wouldn't have had any reason to continue watching the show or visiting this blog. I wouldn't know what "impactado" is, for example. The implications are horrifying.

Folks, you have more than 48 hours to replenish your supply of Kleenex, ice cream, and tequila for the last time... but don't wait till the last minute, because the stores just might run out.


June 22, 2007 - In which we learn just how fit Juan really is, and how well he can dance…….

I gotta take a second here to say how much I like the last scene of the intro to each episode. You know, the one where Juan gets away from all the muchachas and walks away from us in his bright orange shirt that fits to a “t?” Yeah. That scene. Whew, does that boy have a nice walk…..…..oops, who said that? (looking around over my shoulder)

We open to see Juan, who has been getting driving lessons in Enrique’s bus, facing off with another bus driver for a big dust up. (In the previous episode, as Sylvia noted, that bus driver cut him off and Juan rear-ended him). They exchange insults, and Juan dances at him, yelling, “come on, come on!” He taunts the driver while Enrique tries his best to keep Juan under control. Obviously, he doesn’t know Juan well enough yet.

Juan continues to insult the man, his family, and tells him to go back from whence he came. Juan dogs the guy like a pit bull, and Enrique tries again to calm him. Juan’s fancy footwork makes me wonder if he’s already been on Bailando por la Boda de mis Sueños. If not, sign the boy up fast.

The other driver just glares at him. One wonders what he’s thinking? “Is this boy as loco as he looks/sounds?” His moustache twitches, surely a Bad Thing. Or, he could be trying not to bust out laughing.

We move to a nice cozy restaurant, where CL and Paula have nice big glasses of red wine in front of them. The Breakfast of Champions. CL is waxing philosophical. He sees that they’re going to get along famously. Paula wants to know when they’ll get down to business in the office. He asks why is that important? She wonders if he’s always so irresponsible (clearly a rhetorical question to us, gentle readers, but apparently Paula has an enquiring mind and wants to know). He replies that our one responsibility in life is to be happy. (One wonders how he defines “happy.” No, on second thought, no real need to ask). She retorts and he says he has one thought, to enjoy life to the max. Paula is still smiling…..Money is for buy it (enjoyment to the max), and the body is to give pleasure. This is a philosophy that is very simple but practical and has given him lots of good results. Paula is still smiling……..

Paula asks him what of the consequences? He retorts, “to whom are consequences important?” “Me, for example.” She’s still smiling….sort of…… CL laughs cynically to the ceiling and tells her that he cannot understand how a woman so intelligent, and beautiful, can live so on the defensive. The smile is fading…….He leans in and a frown takes over her lovely face. “What are you doing?” He replies, with a look of total sincerity on his face, “I’m breaking the ice.” [Ed. Note: The CC said “I’m breaking the heavens” – cielo vs hielo -- and is a perfect example of a closed caption blooper I should send in to Barry at “DeafDigest” for his column on the subject, except that very few DeafDigest readers would understand since they mostly speak English]. “Now you’re going to see how we’ll feel if you drop this unsociable attitude.” Paula is no longer smiling.

She jumps to her feet and turns away. “What’s up with you?” “Paula,” he says as he grabs her by the wrist, “take this calmly! Why is everything with you such a tragedy? I am doing nothing more than making sure things between us are agreeable.” He looks over his shoulder and fiddles with his coat. [Ed. Note: I suppose the novela would be over if she just kneed him in the cajones and never looked back. So brace yourselves, gentle readers, for the long haul].

Paula turns back and asks him if he thinks she is stupid. He denies it. She tells him she doesn’t know what he is thinking (oh, c’mon, honey….it can’t be that hard to figure it out) but she “repeats” (from the incident yesterday) that she is not inclined to drop her principles and no way would she have sex with a man she doesn’t even like. CL looks a little nervous. The folks at neighboring tables are eavesdropping, since she’s now escalated to about 95 decibels and the ambient noise is only 85 dB. They have a good audible gain of 10 dB of info, just enough to make lunch interesting. He sees that he may be not only losing this battle but losing this war. He retreats and recalculates his route. “Who’s talking about sex?” [Ed. Note: who’s defensive NOW?]

Paula tells him that it is more convenient for her if she doesn’t work with him. [Paula, not to split hairs here, but he’s not inclined to work anyway from what we’ve seen so far.] She moves away from him and the table. They glare at each other. Trouble in paradise, CL.

We return to the lovely street scene, with two buses almost bumper to bumper, and the old guy who is calling to his buddy to bring his machete so he can send Juan to the Garden of the Balacas??? (Help with translation! The slang is killing me here!) The guy brings a flat piece of metal that looks more like a rectangle than a machete shape, but could still do some serious damage to Juan’s person. Juan taunts some more about this being a fight with weapons and asks Enrique to bring him something. Enrique, ever the levelheaded one, tells him they can resolve this by talking it out. There is no need to go to such extremes! Juan whips out of his jacket, and wraps it around his left arm, twirling it. I guess he figures to deflect the “machete?” He keeps egging the guy on, twirling his right arm. The other driver just eyes him, moustache twitching. In fact, that’s his best move so far. Juan dances, he twitches. Nice contrast, but his partner’s not going to have the wedding of her dreams. Juan’s partner, on the other hand…..probably won’t need or want one after dancing with Juan……

Juan, keeping his eye on the target, asks Enrique what’s up? Enrique says they’d really better go. Juan ignores him and eggs the other driver, who makes a lunge. Juan begins to circle him, asks him if he’s afraid, and kicks his bus. Oh-oh. Wrong move. He really p’d the guy off now. The guy tells him not to mess with it!

Juan unbuttons down almost to his waist, a totally gratuitous but effective ploy on the writers’ parts because it now has us viejas totally entranced, and continues to taunt the guy, who brandishes his weapon. Juan thought bubbles that here he is, with his heart ready to jump out of his chest, ready to “take to my heels,” “confess my sins,” and they continue to face off. Finally, the other driver reaches over his back with his “machete,” and scratches. “You know what? I’m not going to dirty my hands…..and I really appreciate that you have such little courage.” Juan snaps back at him while they trade places again, both posturing for the crowd…..while still not drawing blood or even getting bruised. Enrique steps in, seeing the chance to de-escalate this little scenario and get out with his life, while Juan saves face by yelling that this is the guy’s pretext for leaving. [Ed. Note: when Juan postures and struts with his chest thrust out, it gives us all a real appreciation for his daily workouts. Pastor is really going to be sorry he missed this one when he sees the re-runs]. They back apart, but keep on yelling insults—“whenever you want, Papa!” Enrique, sensing the real danger has passed, pushes Juan back a little. The crowd that has gathered is grinning at all this and egging them both on for the sake of a good afternoon’s diversion. The old driver disappears to his bus, and the muchachas clap for Juan, who struts forward with chest at full sail. He postures for them, too, and thought bubbles that all he has to do is look at Enrique’s face to know that he will now look at him with other eyes: eyes of respect. The applause continues while Juan makes the rounds, kissing muchachas, giving them the high five, and generally displaying a bodacious chest with MUCHO pelo oscuro. [Ed. Note: there’s also this lovely shark-tooth on a leather strip……be still, mi corazón…..]

He assures the crowd that everything’s fine and nothing happened. Enrique claps, in awe, with the crowd. He gives them the thumbs up as Juan disappears back to his bus. Enrique is apparently thrilled to be associated with this new hero.

Omigosh, Paula is STILL with CL at the restaurant. She tells him that it’s just not going to work for her to continue working with him and she’s not inclined to pay the price and there is no need to waste any more time on this. He really sees this deal going south, and gets her to sit down again, looking very conciliatory and telling her he wants to talk this out calmly. [Easy for YOU to say, CL.] “Okay, I was wrong, but that’s no reason for you to resign!” She retorts that each time the situation becomes more uncomfortable for her. [Ed. Note: if she really wanted to make that thought stick, she could wear something that didn’t look like she’s going to pop right out of it every time she breathes. I’m just saying.] CL really has to backpedal fast to pull this one out and he knows it. He’s seeing the same cleavage as all of us, and doesn’t want to miss the view. [Another Ed. Note, discúlpame: I guess it’s just a tad hypocritical to enjoy Juan’s open shirt and condemn Paula’s cleavage, but there you have it.]

He begs her forgiveness. She points out this is the second time he’s begged for forgiveness in a short time, hasn’t he noticed? And, she’s going to find it very difficult to work with a person she doesn’t have any confidence in. He says they could talk a little more calmly. [Sheesh.] He tells her again it was not for real, it had to be done. (What? Another “test?” That’s so lame.). She tells him he has very strange ways of testing folks. He’s not accepting her resignation. She tells him that in any case, she is not interested in working in a business where this is how business is done. [Attagirl!] She gets up and turns to go, and he grabs her. Again. He tells her not to be this way, and she says, “Thanks for the meal.” She takes off. He sits back down, takes a sip, and works on Plan B.

Enrique and Juan are off in a shopping center. Enrique and he are still re-living the “fight,” and Juan tells Enrique how once he fought off ten guys. He demonstrates, complete with karate chops, kicks, and a head butt to Enrique, who is jubilant. Suddenly, Juan sees our heroine, who is coming down the escalator from her unsatisfactory first day of work for CL. His goddess of the sea with eyes of honey, so slender, so divine, he thought bubbles. He is fascinated with her lovely visage. This time he WON’T lose her!

It’s now or never, he yells, while he cuts through the people, barely excusing himself. Enrique, conspicuous in a VERY orange shirt, grins and tells himself that this loco is that very same devil Juan he knows. Juan runs for dear life chasing Paula until he skids to a halt near a curb on the street. Juan thought bubbles: What? Where is this divine apparition who is in every palpitation of the rhythm of the song? (Song? Must be the song in your head, or else you have head noise. Better see an audiologist about that, my boy). She is my reason for living! [Not to put too fine a point on this, Juan, but you have one at home, too. You can’t have it both ways, unlike CL.]

Enrique is doing the twist in front of a display where he sees his reflection. Two muchachas giggle and point. He’s embarrassed. Juan approaches and he asks what bug made him itch (when he ran down the escalator)? It was the bug of love. He tells Enrique to touch him and grabs his hand to make Enrique do it. Right there. In the middle of Macy’s. Or its Mexican equivalent. He makes Enrique’s hand slap him. “Well, it’s just that I saw the woman of my dreams, of my fantasies.” He’s looked everywhere and never known her. He flashes to seeing Paula in the taxi, Paula going into the funeral home. Enrique’s face tells the tale: he knows his bud is crazy. “You didn’t do anything bad?” Juan reassures him and waxes sentimental about Paula, seeing her on the escalator illuminated by beautiful stars. The singer chants about his heart…..

……and we hear the grating voice of Pastor, who is sitting across a desk from Ivonne, gossiping….er, chatting……. “where could he be now, what is he doing, is he thinking of me?” Ivonne tries to bring Pastor back down out of the clouds. “Excuse me, Pastor, but from what you have told me, Juan is a….” [did this idiom mean country bumpkin or something like this?? Please help with translation, anyone!!! ¡Es qué no tengo ninguna idea!] He replies that this could be one way of interpreting it, but there is another that I like better. Okay, she asks, what? Well, Juan is a discreet, subtle young man. [Ed. Note: of course you prefer that, Pastor.] Ivonne remarks that to her, he seems quite the man. They disagree on what kind of man Juan really is, and Pastor warns her that Juan is already spoken for. (Tiene un dueño, my interpretation). I love Pastor’s music, it’s so cute. She warns him that he is very disillusioned about this. They exchange differing views and he tells her that Juan is different, he knows it in his heart and it’s that innocent expression, so sincere. This boy is incapable of hurting anyone. [Ed. Note. He’s right about that, but Pastor still read the boy totally wrong, which will make for a chuckle every now and then, my friends]. She reminds Pastor he doesn’t know this boy. He wonders why she has to say this---well, it’s because she doesn’t want to see him suffer. He tells her not to worry, because this time he hears the bells of happiness. [Ed. Note: Pastor apparently has head noise, too, and we’ll have to get him to the audiologist, too. Maybe they’ll give us a discount two-fer.] He giggles until he coughs, “Ay!” Ivonne just shakes her head fondly at him.

Enrique sits on the sofa in a store while Juan tries on suits. He twirls out of a fitting with a light gold jacket, brown slacks, and shades, his shirt still unbuttoned down to…..there….and stops with a pose. Enrique gets to his feet….”well, good, good, but did you look at the price?” “Yes, but Juan Dominguez never obsesses about the prices—that’s bad taste, bad manners.” (How he would know this is anyone’s guess). It’s all about an impressive look, Papa. But Enrique says it’s better to pay attention to how much it’ll cost. He twitches nervously. He wonders why Juan is talking like that (so do we, Enrique, because it makes it darn difficult to recap). He tries to talk Juan out of some of this shopping. Juan says he’ll leave the shades behind and drops them on the sofa. But, there are lots of suits on the sofa to choose from anyway. He picks one, and hands it to the clerk….”Señorita, this blue, and this gray, and this one (he’s wearing)” Enrique sits down, stunned. “The three?” He puts his head in his hands while Juan models with the now infamous belt buckle thrust out.

We return to Casa Cachón, where Juan and the muchachas (in Nidia’s case, I use the term “muchacha” loosely) are eating dinner. They’re discussing football, Latin style. Nidia asks if he like it. Oh, it enchants him. What team does he like, Yadira wants to know? His homeboys, of course! But, they must be at least fifth division. Nidia actually tells her not to be offensive. (She notices?) He thought bubbles that this is the surprise of the day, these women understand AND like football. (Think about it Juan. They liked you in your running shorts, too.) They’ve organized their trip to the stadium. Hm. This might bode well for interaction with Marely. He asks her if she like football, too. She gives him a sarcastically sweet smile and tells him yes, can’t you tell by my emotion for the topic? Her sister snipes and her, and Marely wants to know why they can’t just leave her in peace. One wonders if this is a source of family discord? They fuss with each other a bit more and Juan apologizes for even asking. She tells him not to bother defending her. Juan thought bubbles about the interaction (and to be honest, I am lost with the slang, so feel free to jump in here, anyone, or anyplace you feel like clarifying to help us all out). Nidia snipes at Marely about being rude to Juan, and Juan thought bubbles that it’d be better if she didn’t try to help him out. Marely tells him that no, she doesn’t like football, and she gives him an earful about how stupid she thinks it is.

Yadira says, oh, boy, the Sermon on the Mount, Amen! Marely isn’t done, though. She wants to know if he has any other questions. He holds out his hands and grunts, “uh-uh.” Marely says, fine, I don’t want to be rude with this gentleman so I’ll just leave. I lost my appetite anyway. Nidia tells her, do whatever, we’ll talk later (young lady! I can just hear my Dad saying that). Marely gets up and huffs out. Nidia makes light of it, and Juan excuses Marely because she is still upset by her father’s death.

Yadira wants to know if Juan will come with them to the stadium. Enrique is taking them. Nidia tells her that no, she, Nidia needs Juan to go with her tomorrow…..if it’s not too much bother. He assures her it’s no bother. (You’re going to be sorry you told her that one of these days, Juan). Juan thought bubbles to himself about what this widow is up to, but he’s really more worried at this moment about little Marely. He’s losing ground here. He’s not getting much love, though he feels pretty happy. He smiles nervously.

Paula, at home eating with Ana, wonders if men have such a big problem controlling their hormones. [Ed. Note: As they say in the South, she ain’t went much. This muchacha’s got a lot to learn.] She tells Ana that even though she really needs the work, finding other work like this would be extremely difficult. They discuss (well, it’s a very impassioned discussion) what she should do regarding this job and CL’s pressure. She tells her mother that Ana should trust that after today, CL will understand how she sees things. (Fat chance). Ana tells her that people like this have nothing if not persistence. Paula insists she has more and they’ll see who wears down first. Ana shakes her head and mutters, “well, whatever you say.” They eat. (Probably a Good Thing, since all she did at the restaurant was drink).

We find ourselves voyeurs, peering at the almost-naked, very fit legs of a joven who apparently always wears his lovely brown hand-tooled cowboy boots, even when he is working out. We the legs, propped against the dresser at an angle, move. Oh! It’s Juan in his room, with his booted feet propped on that dresser, hands behind him on a bench at the end of the bed, and okole OFF the floor. He’s doing reverse push-ups without ever touching any part of his okole to the floor, going down to about six inches off of it. He’s clothed in bright blue boxers with a pattern that has red hearts on a white square periodically printed on the boxers, and his trademark shark-tooth necklace (sounds sort of wimpy to say this when we’re talking about Juan. Necklace? I can’t think of a better term). We hear the grunts with the movement, and the camera pans down the visage of Juan pushing up and down with his arms behind him, counting to himself. Pardon me a moment while I clean the drool up under my chair. We get a side view of the chest, etc……..the camera pans out so we get a full view. (¡Ay, mimisqui! Can anyone actually do this is real life? Is this just spectacular special effects?)

Suddenly, there is mariachi music pervading Casa Cachón. Juan drops on his okole to the floor, looking startled. He jumps up and runs down the curved staircase, carrying his t-shirt, and dressed (okay, undressed) as previously described. Yadira, Nidia, and Marely follow in various states of dress/undress. (Can you guess who has been to Victoria’s Secret most recently?) They stop midway down the stairs and assess each other. Actually, the muchachas Cachón are doing the real assessing, and some targeted commenting on Juan’s apparel. Yadira, who finally gets her mouth closed, is certain that it’s Enrique out there, serenading her. Marely asks her why she’s so sure it’s for her. Nidia poses in her black lingerie for Juan. (Somebody, quick, tell her she’ll never be on the Victoria’s Secret special). Nidia postures for Juan, who looks distinctly uncomfortable……as we move into the yard.

No! It’s not Enrique! It’s our favorite sleazy lawyer, Delirio/Alirio. He’s drunk and trying to drown out the wonderful singers, who are singing that they can’t forget you……Delirio takes a swig and sways to the music. Life is good. Yadira, still inside, tells her mother, “it’s for you.” Nidia is impactada!

Monday: Juan stumbles on Nidia in a bubble bath, and Marely comes on Juan in a compromising position with Mamacita. ¡Ay, Caray!



Friday, June 22, 2007

The badder you are, the worse you die: terrible deaths of telenovela villains

A couple people asked me to publish the link to the two posts I did on terrible deaths of telenovela villains.

Sadly, I can't find the first one, but here is the second one: Satisfying Reprisals.

And here is the third one, with suggestions from readers: There is a rule in telenovelas: the more dastardly the villain, the more extraordinary the demise. Why isn't life like this?

Why don't you come back here after you read those and, if you have a favorite death from the novelas, leave it in the comments here.

I think there may be a move away from these ghastly but ever-so-enjoyable rightings of the cosmic scale, do you agree?

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Zorro - June 21, 2007 MA and Olmos kiss; Esmy finds buried treasure

* Z makes a second surprise visit to ML. This time, Jacomo is there with sword flourished and ready to fight. Z shakes them up by revealing how much information he knows of Mercedes and her daughter who are both presumed dead. Jacomo and ML call for back-up to defend against Z. Monty leaps inside with his sword brandished and ready to fight. Z smirks and gives a warning to ML.

* Esmy in forest with Baldy - she cares for his fever as he tells her about his pain and his memories of her mom and the map that is in the burn on her hand. The map reveals the secret location to her family's buried treasure; her mom knows all about it. He can help her find it.

* MP visits the sisters at church to tell them about her engagement to Don Alfonso.

* Fer is mounted on his horse; he rigged up a rope around a tree branch and a noose around his neck. He thinks he's trash and think the world would be better if he wasn't in it. He kicks the side of his horse; the horse takes off; he is left dangling in mid-air.

* ML stands behind Jacomo and Monty as they defend her against Z who has a lighted torch in his hand and has maneuvered his way to the door. Monty calls for soldiers to help - Z swipes around and pushes the soldiers backwards. Z swooshes out of the room and closes the door behind him. Monty screams at the soldiers. Z holds the doors closed and successfully pushes a closet in front of the doors. He holds the closet up by himself as a troop of soldiers approach him. Monty continues screaming and ordering the soldiers to open the door. When they are able to push the doors open and the closet over, they find the troop on the ground and Z has disappeared. A soldier rolls down the stairs; Monty orders the soldiers to charge in that direction; Monty curses Zorro.

* Z outside swings his whip at several soldiers and the soldiers fall to the ground. He shoots out two of Fer's guards and signals for Tornado. PT comes from hiding to light a hay rack on fire (a distraction); PT goes back to his hiding place; soldiers shoot and miss Z and Z mounts Tornado and rides away. Monty continues to curse Z for escaping.

(cue theme song and credits)

* Dena sits on side of bed; Alej enters and is surprised. She asks him to ask Yumi to leave the hacienda immediately. Alej is impactado and baffled by the request.

* Bro Aaron breaks Fer down from the noose and lays him on the ground. Bro Aaron gives encouragement to Fer to continue living.

* MA confides in Olmos how she put poison in the herbal remedy that Dena had been drinking. Olmos pledges his undying love and loyalty to MA. She's still hypnotized to thinking he's a handsome prince. Cata bursts in without knocking and is impactado to see Olmos and MA together.

* Alej tries to make sense out of why Dena want Yumi to leave. He needs an explanation. She explains briefly her reasons; she has no confidence in the herbal remedy Yumi brought from WB. Alej is still baffled and bewildered. Dena wants him to send of Agapito to treat her from now on; she asks again that Yumi leave the hacienda. Alej agrees to send for Agapito, but still isn't sure to tell Yumi to leave. He leaves. Dena mutters about knowing about him making love with Yumi on her wedding night.

* Selenia and assistant discuss how well she was taught by her mom and about the hypnotic trance she used on MA and what disastrous thing will happen when the trance wears off.

* MA, in trance, watches Olmos as he backs off the bed and promises to take her to see her son at the hacienda. He blows MA a kiss and leaves. Cata is so impactado by the sight of MA and Olmos she has to ask what happened. MA goes to the doorway and watches Olmos leave before approaching Cata. MA explains her enchantment with Olmos. Cata can't believe it; how could she be enchanted by Olmos when she is married to the most handsome man in town, Diego. Cata thinks MA is crazy; MA agrees - she's crazy for Olmos.

* SK sits at the gypsy camp with Jonas. She's frustrated because she can't remember what the pendant and the map look like. She explains the significance of the map to Jonas. Jonas says that there's only one thing she can do - confront ML personally.

* As Camba fixes fish to cook for dinner, Esmy talks with Garcia about what Baldy said of her burn mark being a map to her inheritance. Garcia isn't sure to believe the story. Esmy wonders the same thing. She asks Garcia if he knows where her mom is; he doesn't know anything. She thinks if the story is true, then she can use it to get her vengeance against Monty, Piza, MA and Fer. Garcia vows to help her find the treasure and get justice.

* Carriage rolls down the road. Z whips guards off the carriage and they run away. Z checks the storage compartments for weapons and finds dirt and sand. He realizes it was a dummy trap set up by Monty!

* Fieldworker guard gives news to Monty about Z and leaves. Monty chuckles in delight over Z falling for the trap and his weapons safe and sound hidden in another location. He can continue to plan his war in California - a war greater than anything anyone has ever seen. He will also assassinate Z himself in the town square.

* PT is delighted by the visit of MP and Alfonso to his office. Alfonso asks for his blessing for their wedding. PT asks MP if she's sure - she says she is. He then asks Alfonso if he is serious - he is. PT happily gets wine and glasses to toast the engagement. When PT mentions marriage should be entered into for love and only love, MP gets a sad, strange look over her face.

* Bro Aaron works and talks with Fer to get him to breath and drink some water. Fer chokes back to life and mutters he wants to die, he is trash and has sinned to greatly for anyone to forgive. Bro Aaron has to convince him that he isn't trash, that he is worthy of forgiveness and life.

* In the gypsy camp, around the campfire, Renzo asks Ma Azucena and Pa Jonas and SK for their blessings for his marriage to Camila. Azucena asks if he is truly in love with Camila and not rebounding from Esmy; he assures her that this is true love. Laisha voices her objections over Camila being an outsider to the gypsies. SK defends Camila because she too is an outsider. Jonas agrees with SK and then asks Camila about her feelings towards Renzo. Camila is in love with Renzo and vows to be loyal to the gypsies. Jonas blesses the happy couple.

* Garcia and Camba carry Baldy on his make-shift stretcher through the forest. Esmy leads them; they stop so Esmy can show Baldy her burn mark. Baldy points in the direction they are to go.

* ML scolds Jacomo for his actions against Z last night. She is unnerved by the things Z knows of her cousin and family. Jacomo tries to defend himself. She needs proof that says Z can't hurt her or her family. She trust Jacomo, does he trust her? Jacomo is stunned silent. ML wants an update on the masquerade ball - Jacomo gives her the report on the plans so far. She dismisses him.

* Javier and Maro in town and see the poster for the ball - they decide it is perfect for their plans.

* ML writers a letter to her sister back in Spain about everything that is happening in Los Angeles since her arrival (her suspicions over Jacomo; Zorro's visits; she asks her sister to pray that G-d protects her).

* B shows D the ball poster. D suspects it may be to draw Z out in the open. He will wait for the formal invitation. B asks D about the carriage outside. D says that his father sent for Agapito to examine Dena. D mentions to B that he suspects Monty and the Duke to be setting another trap for Z.

* Agapito meets with Alej and Dena in the bedroom. Aga looks at the liquid and the container from Yumi's tribe as Dena tells him her suspicions and symptoms. Alej listens to the conversation. Agapito agrees to take the liquid and examine it for anything unusual. Agapito leaves.

* Agapito stops by Yumi and Dolly waiting in the hallway and gives them a very brief note before leaving. Dolly is baffled why Alej won't let Yumi inside the room. Yumi suspects something bad is happening and Alej and Dena aren't the same.

* In the room, Alej is still bewildered by everything that is happening. Dena asks if Alej has sent Yumi away from the hacienda yet. Alej says no, he hasn't found a valid explanation. Dena says fine, they will wait for Agapito's report, then he will have more than enough reason to send Yumi away.

* MP comes to the sitting room and joins D. She brings up Esmy - D is comforted by his memories of her. As they are talking, Prudencio bursts in and asks them where Fer could be - he hasn't been home all night.

* MA is enchanted to see Olmos again. They kiss. She makes him promise that no one will separate them. He says they will be together forever and the sole owners of the de la Vega fortune. They kiss.

* Esmy leads the group through the forest. Baldy has them stop - he breaths in the air and looks one more time at Esmy's hand. They have arrived at the spot where the treasure is buried! Baldy points to the spot where to dig.

* Jacomo steps outside and stops Misael as he mounts his horse. He has a letter from ML. Jacomo asks to review the letter. Misael has to dismount and go inside with Jacomo.

* Dolly watches D with little Alej as Olmos brings MA inside. D asks if MA is better; she says much better. MA is enchanted by her son. D hands little Alej to MA to hold. MA is overjoyed as she continually looks over at Olmos.

* Esmy, Garcia and Camba dig a pit looking for the treasure chest. Camba feels something - Garcia and Camba pull it up. Baldy says he's never wrong. Esmy opens it up and reveals all the coins and jewels inside. Esmy realizes it's all the fortune her mom told her about, and now she can get her vengeance for herself, her mom and her son.


Anybody want to share Thursday Destilando with Susana?

Susana would like to do every other week. If you'd like to try recapping Destilando on a THursday (we could also try having occasional one-time bloggers) let me know.



Destilando Amor 6/21/07 “She used to be my girl..”

Clarita is at their apartment, grabbing their luggage and praying to the Virgencita for protection as she rushes out the door.

In the parking garage at Montalvo Corporation, Aaron is running after Rod. He tells Rod not to leave without hearing what he has to say. Rod doesn’t want to hear it. Words are exchanged. Aaron roughs up Rod, but then tries to cool off. Rod says that he was Gavi’s only man. Aaron asks, how can you be so sure? How do you think she rose up in the corporation so fast? Rod says that Aaron doesn’t know his Gaviota. Aaron says she came back from Europe better knowing how to play the game and trapped Rod. Rod hits Aaron.

At the apartment, Minerva tells Isa not to give up on her marriage to Rod, but Isa’s had it with the humiliations.

The cousins Rod and Aaron are now fighting in the garage. Aaron tells Rod, remember when I called you at the hacienda and told you about the new woman in my life, my new acquisition? And Minerva lost the baby because of their affair. Mariana was so efficient at the office, but I had to tell her to back off. Rod imagines Aaron peeling off Gavi’s jacket at the office and kissing her shoulders. Rod is crying. He says, how could I believe that Gaviota and Mariana Franco could be the same person? He flashes back to Gavi’s confidence as the entered the tequila cocktail party and to all of her admirers at other events.

Aaron goes on to say that Rod doesn’t have a lot of experience with women. Gaviota was a real professional. Rod says, it’s not true! Aaron tells Rod he hates to see him suffer, but Rod will thank him later.

Rod gets into his car, breathing hard and crying. Aaron curses Rod as he drives away. Rod tries to call Gavi, but there is no answer.

At the Malquerida, Gavi is drinking at the bar, devastated. Clarita rushes in, what happened? Gavi says she feels like she’s dead. Clarita gives all of their luggage to the bartender. They sit down.

Gavi feels worse than the day she came back from Europe and found out that Rod had gotten married. She feels like a trapped dog. Clarita counsels to let the tequila help. Gav says that they’re back to where they were before, no car, no nothing. Clarita wants to know what happened. Gavi tells her, Aaron Montalvo discovered who I am! Clarita is impactada.

Back at the Corporativo Montalvo, the family is gathered for a junta, minus Daniela and Rod. Aaron holds court and presents the facts on Mariana Franco. How she told him a sob story about losing Rod’s baby, how he threatened to call the authorities and she took off. The family is shocked. Aaron tells them he told Rod about Gaviota’s betrayal.

Rod arrives at Gaviota’s apartment and asks a guy cleaning the windows if Mariana Franco is in. No, she’s not there, and her mom just left. Rod steps back to his car. He says out loud, you have to explain!

Back at the bar, Gavi tearfully tells her mom that Rod had promised not to tell anyone in the family about her secret, especially his cousin Aaron. But Aaron knew everything, even about Manzanillo. Aaron told Gavi that she was only good enough for a weekend fling and that Rod had to fight to get rid of her. Gav says, I’m such an idiot! Clarita doesn’t believe that Rod would tell tales merely to get Gavi to go to bed with him. She’s sure that Rod loves Gavi. But Gavi fumes, remember what you told me when I got pregnant? That a man will say anything to a woman to get her to go to bed with him?

At the junta, Aaron continues with his story, how he told Rod that Gaviota is not the woman for him. He also mentions that Gaviota hit him when confronted! Minerva comments that of course, she behaves that way because she’s always been around men. Aaron adds, Gaviota even demanded 10 million pesos to leave, but then settled for five million. The family is horrified! Pilar says, how ambitious! Patricio helpfully mentions that falsifying documents could land a person in jail. Aaron wholeheartedly agrees.

Bruno and Pilar don’t want word of this scandal to get out and cause the company to lose prestige. They’re concerned that Rod would go find Gavi in prison. She could be very dangerous to the family. But Aaron doesn’t think Rod will go after her now, because of the final blow. What was that? Aaron says that he and Mariana were lovers! The family is shocked. Sophie rolls her eyes. Minnie gets tears in her eyes.

Show some respect for your wife! Minnie gets up and strides across the room. She shouts at the family that she knows they already have a low opinion of her. Then she starts hitting Aaron with both hands, crying. Minnie blames Fedra for turning a blind eye to Aaron’s indiscretions. Fedra tells her to behave. Minnie steps out of the room and the family sends Patricio after her to make sure she doesn’t do something stupid. Patricio grabs Minnie’s purse and scurries after her.

They tell Aaron to sit down. Pilar tells him he was too cruel. Someone says, so many women… Aaron says, you know about my weakness, I’m not healthy. They speculate that Rod and Gavi may be together now, but that’s a risk they’ll have to take. Bruno is unhappy that they lost both the director and the general manager of the corporation in one day.

At the bar, Gavi says that if the Montalvo family sees her again, they’ll put her in prison. Clara notes that they’re back to the street now. But what about the severance check? Gavi hesitates and gets more tears in her eyes. Aaron said that Rod was giving me the check for my services to the company and for my services to him in particular. Clarita curses Aaron. Gav says, we can thank the Virgencita that at least we know about the Montalvos now. She just has to get Rod out of her heart.

Rod is still in the car outside Gavi’s apartment. He remembers what Aaron said about Mariana being agreeable to his advances. Rod’s phone rings. It’s Daniela, she was trying to get in touch with Mariana to warn her about the family’s investigation. Rod tells her it’s not a good time to talk. Daniela is concerned for him, but he tells her he’s going to handle the situation his own way, by himself. They’ll talk later. Daniela is sad, but Elvis tells her to listen to what her brother wants to do.

Back at the corporativo, Aaron puts on his earnest face and tells Sofia that he is very sorry that she had to hear about this sordid matter. But she must remember not to tell Daniela how they found out about Mariana, or Daniela will take Rod’s side. Sophie agrees and says that she knows what she has to do. But in the meantime, she’s got to get ready for a date. They ask her, now can you leave at a time like this? She says that there have been other crises with Rod, and he’ll be back. She leaves.

Fedra and Bruno want to know why Sophie is so happy. Pilar say’s it’s because of the dignified and educated young man, Francisco de la Vega. He comes from a good family! And by the way, how did Isa take the news about Rod? Fed says Isa was totally disillusioned.

At Isa’s apartment, we see her ripping Rod’s shirts out of the closet and throwing them into a suitcase. Isa screams for the maid to help her, but then she changes her mind. She’ll take care of this herself!

At the corporativo, the family continues to share some deep thoughts. Isa is very wounded by the situation with Rod, she could be dangerous….Rod and Gaviota have a very strong attraction to each other still. Pilar says they have to stick together.

Back at the bar, Gavi is plotting her revenge on Rod. She'll run him over with a car! Except that now they don’t have a car. Maybe a tractor instead. Rod’s going to pay!

Rod’s still camped out in his car. Where are you? Damn it!

Isa tells the doorman to call a cab and deliver the luggage to the address she gives him. But if the cab doesn’t show up in five minutes, toss all of this in the trash!

Frankie is dressed for a date and strides happily across the lobby towards Isa. He plants a kiss on his finger and touches Isa’s chin.

At the bar, Gavi laments that there’s no one who has it as bad as she does. Actually, Clarita says, there is. Clarita recounts a novella character that was left penniless with a bunch of kids to support. Gav wants to know what she did? Killed people, Clarita says. Gavi’s not going to kill Rod, she’s going to find a better way to punish him.

At nightfall, after an afternoon of heavy drinking, Clarita wants to leave the bar. Gavi wants to stay, she’s anesthetized now. She shouts to the bar staff and the patrons cheer her on as she sings a song of betrayal. Clarita joins in the chorus.

Rod is still in his car, and we hear the lyrics to Gavi’s song. He has a flashback to the rainy day at the hacienda when she was singing the same song in the worker’s shelter. How she told him she did everything for love, not money. How she told him in Manzanillo that she had not been with anyone else, she loved him. How Aaron said that he and Mariana had been intimate. Rod cries, it’s not true!

Just then, Minerva pulls up in her car behind Rod. She approaches Gavi’s apartment. Rod gets out and tells her Gavi’s not there. Minerva wants to punish Gavi. Rod says, it’s not worth it, go home.

The junta continues late into the night. Bruno and Aaron are discussing who should run the business now. Bruno can’t be away from his clients in New York. But Aaron says he can meet with the clients from Miami. Bruno will stay to take over for now. Onate enters, and Aaron tells him to get Bruno up to speed. Onate starts to mention Mariana, but Bruno cuts him off. Don’t ever mention that name.

Gavi and Clarita are outside the bar. Gavi is animated, but she can’t find her purse. Clarita has it. They pay the barman, and Gavi plots. She’ll meet Rod on a bridge and push him off. Then he’ll drown! And she’ll drown in tears over his betrayal.


-Frankie is kissing Sophie, with restraint
-Isa is mauling her wedding pictures
-Clarita asks Gavi if it wasn’t all a misunderstanding


Juan Querendon - Thursday 6/21 - Juan can kiss!

We left Juan and his big belt buckle washing dishes and murmering about Marely, his "boquitas de caramello."

Next morning: Paula, her bust busting out of her business suit, has breakfast with her mom before work. Ana thinks Paula has the same expression as she had her first day of college. Paula reminisces about the fun day they had, her mother's big hugs, they ate in a nice restaurant, Paula got new shoes, then she had so much ice cream she got sick.

Ana feels guilty about having packed Paula off to school in the U.S. but Paula reassures Ana that she's the best mom in the world. Ana cries tears of happiness and Paula runs off to work without touching breakfast. Good thing, I think the buttons on her jacket would have popped otherwise. After she leaves Ana digs into Paula's huevos rancheros; no point in wasting an entire second breakfast.

Yadira, in a mini-falda and, ahem, interesting silver boots, gives Enrique an earful for loaning Juan the Microbus for the driving lesson. He tells her not to rub salt into him so early in the morning, i.e. not to put a jinx on him.

Enrique jumps into the bus where Juan is already pretending that he's driving the Indy 500. Juan gives Enrique some advice about women: Women like it when men are tender with them, but once in a while you have to shake them up a bit. (Actually, I'm not exactly sure what Juan said, help anyone? "De vez en cuando hay que pegarle sus zangoloteadas.") In effect, all women are themselves hell, just with a different devil.

Enrique's tired of the yada yada. It's time to begin the lesson. Juan puts it in gear and careens away from the curb. In front of the house Yadira clucks her disapproval and Marely worriedly observes from the upstairs window.

Paula is at the job and it's time for the Paula/Pastor face-off. It's Pastor's unfortunate duty to show Paula her new office, one of the most beautiful in the company he jealously points out. Paula's got his number. She tells him as long as they treat each other with respect they shouldn't have problems in the future. "Spare me the warning," he sneers. He doubts he'll ever be visiting her for fun. "Good," she retorts, "then we understand each other."

Cesar rushes in to welcome her. He effusively gives her a kiss and calls her lovely. He tells her anything she needs, just let Pastor know and he will get it for her immediately. Pastor's mouth goes completely horizontal and his eyes blaze.

Cesar wants to take Paula to the wine bar to network and celebrate. As they leave he makes a va-va-voom face behind her back. Pastor hopes they get drenched by rain, then he gazes around her office and touches her desk. He should have such an office.

Juan and Enrique survived the morning and are pigging out at the taqueria. Enrique knows a guy at the marketplace who can sell Juan a suit. But no-o-o-o-o, Juan wants to go to an elegant place, one where they actually take measurements. (Oh, I can just see the taking-the-inner-seam-measurement scene now.) Enrique complains that Juan will make him poor. Juan's response is so Juan: "Being cheap will cost you a lot." Juan lays into a big molcajete of guacamole and makes a yummy sounds.

Cesar gives Paula and us a tour of Farrel industries. He introduces her to the worker bees and says she has just graduated from school in the U.S. and will bring many innovative ideas to the company. I'm sure she would if he would ever let her get to work. He tells her that her ideas are just what his company needs, then he steps back and hungrily checks out her shapely behind.

Juan and Enrique gas up the minibus and Enrique relates the story of how he met Yadira. He worked for Mr. Samuel who treated him like a son. In fact Samuel loved him more than Yadira does. Juan asks info about Marely, specifically about past boyfriends.

Juan daydreams about the perfect married life he could have with her. He has a good job, lots of kids, a mountain of kids in fact (six in his dream). He comes home from work and is greeted by his adoring family. They eat together and read bedtime stories. Then later his wife, not at all exhausted from caring for six screaming brats all day, seven counting Juan, is waiting for him on the bed. She looks fantastic. He leaps on her like a panther and kisses her. (And the verdict is in folks, this galán can kiss!)

Juan pantomimes his lovemaking, eyes closed, at the gas station. He's very free with his emotions. Enrique walks up and witnesses Juan's performance so of course he teases him. Juan tries the "I was just pulling your leg don't tell me you fell for it" excuse before he jumps into the bus. Enrique knows Juan's full of it.

Back at Farrel Industries the personal tour is over. Paula's ready to get to work but Cesar wants to take her to a good Italian restaurant. As they get into his limo he asks, "do you like the Tango?" He knows of an Argentinian disco. As the scene ends Cesar drools over Paula while a tango plays in the background. This is going to be some lunch.

The driving lesson's not going so well. Juan is an erratic driver. He tells Enrique to fasten his seatbelt and he begins driving like a maniac. Another bus cuts in front of him and Juan rear ends it. If you ask me the other bus totally cut Juan off, but Juan's lack of a license will no doubt go against him.

Cesar plies Paula with wine and he admits to trying to get her just a little drunk. She's nervous about getting close to someone she hardly knows who also happens to be her boss. He lays it on, starting today she's going to be his right hand. (Oh I swear I will not make a nasty crack!)

Cesar decides not to push her. He says he'll gain her trust. They gaze at each other and clink glasses. They gaze some more. It's a going-into-commercial sort of gaze.

The driver of the other bus jumps out. He threatens and yells at Juan. Juan yells back that the other guy was driving down the middle of the street. (True.) Enrique cautions Juan to be careful, he has no license. The other driver and Enrique survey the damage but the other guy's a jerk and Juan can't help himself, he butts in and the guy tells him to shut up.

Juan fumes and thought bubbles that he's going to prove to Enrique that he's a man, not a sentimental fool. He yells at the other driver and taunts him. The driver tells Juan to butt out, he's arranging things with Enrique. Juan makes an obscene gesture and calls the guy a fat swine, or maybe a common swine, not sure which. Then Juan starts prancing around like a boxer. Juan calls the driver out, "Come on, let's go!" He postures, he struts like a rooster, puts his fists up.

Advance - Paula and Cesar drink more wine. Juan gets serious with the fight.

Echar la sal = put a jinx on (literally rub in the salt)


La Fea Más Bella #298A 6/21/07 Hot Heads & Hotrods

Tom tells Ariel that yes, he was the one who transferred the ONE MILLION DOLLARS (sorry, I keep thinking of Dr. Evil in Austin Powers whenever they mention this money) to his Swiss bank account. Ariel wonders what the authorities will do when they discover this. Tom walks out of the room, leaving Alicia looking most uncomfortable.

In Lety’s office, Fern tells Aldo that as Lety's assistant, he must tell Aldo something. He tries to sit down but Aldo stands behind the chair and wiggles it around until Fern finally gives up trying to sit. Instead he turns around to Aldo and says that Lety had a nightmare. Aldo asks Fern if he’s ever stopped to wonder if maybe he (Fern) is the nightmare. Aldo asks Fern when he will accept the fact that Lety loves him (Aldo), and that his (Fern’s) train has left the station. As he talks, Aldo goes for Fern’s tie. Fern thinks Aldo is trying to choke him. Aldo says he just wants to fix Fern’s tie. He says Fern can’t even put his tie on right. Fern suavely leans on the desk and calmly rebuts that oh pa-lease, he was born wearing a tie. Aldo (going back to the script) , repeats that Fern’s train left the station because he was a liar, egotistical, manipulator, vain… Fern repeats, "I was born wearing a tie, and with gel in my hair – I know, very extreme gel, you don’t have to tell me." He slicks back his hair for effect. He adds that regardless, this is not el caso (case ). Aldo touches Ferns hair and says it looks like a casco (helmet). Fern in turn calls Aldo fritangas (a nice variation on his now standard insult "burger flipper")

Tomas sneaks into the lobby grabs Lety as she walks by. They sit in a couple of big, high-backed, wicker chairs which I’ve never noticed before and he tells her that Ariel just notified him that the cops are coming to get him. Lety is surprised that Ariel is going through with his threats. [Duh! Why would she not take it seriously? It is Ariel, after all.] Tom says he needs to hide out. Lety says that if he goes, she goes too. Just then the elevator door opens right behind the chairs they are sitting in. Two cops walk out and order everyone to freeze. Lety and Tom slouch down so they can’t be seen, while Lola and Martha put their hands up. The cops say they are looking for Tom Mora. Lola and Martha act dumb while Tom and Lety sneak away. They make a pit stop at a door and grab what appears to be a big white bag, the kind that you find in a mercado filled with enough frijoles (beans) to feed the familia for a week. Martha says she thinks Tom is with Lety. Tom and Lety tiptoe away as the cops stand around looking menacing but basically doing nothing.

Ariel walks in and asks the cops if they got Tom yet. They advise him that no one will say where Tom is. This causes Ariel to start stomping around screaming. Martha asks why they’re looking for Tom. They say they can not divulge that information, but Ariel says that the employees should know so that Tom can serve as an example of consequences of dishonesty. All the while, Alicia is listening in from the other room. She thinks aloud that Tom’s only sin was to love her too much. Ariel tells them that Tom has stolen the ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Alicia says to herself that she must be the one to pay because it’s all her fault. Ariel yells at the women to look for Tom, and they walk around calling "Tommy" and looking for him under seat cushions and behind potted plants.

Alicia’s got the water-works going. She cries that Tom will never forgive her. The saddest thing that could happen to her is that Tom not forgive her and that he stops loving her. She doesn’t think she could bear that. She holds her belly.
One of the cops remembers that someone mentioned Lety, and thinks maybe they should look for her. Lety hears this from the ladies’ room and winces. She hands a reluctant Tomas the frijole sack and sends him into a stall.

Fern asks Aldo if he is 100% sure that Lety wants to marry him. Aldo seems uncertain for a split second but then answers that of course he’s sure. Fern asks why anyone would want to be married to someone who smells like kitchen grease. Aldo says he’s no burger flipper, and that Lety is marrying a chef. He tells Fern to just accept that he lost Lety way back when she was in love with him, but he was too dumb to admit that he loved her too. Fern interjects that he was a different person back then. They are yelling at each other when Ariel and the cops walk into the office looking for Tom. They can’t come up with a good answer. Ariel is sure Lety is trying to protect Tom. Before the guys can stick up for Lety, Ariel shuts them up and walks out in a snit with the cops following. Fern explains to Aldo that as a baby, Ariel fell on his head, and he’s been in a sour mood ever since.

The cops check the bathroom stalls in the ladies' room. Tom squeals like a fake girl and he sticks out his arm out of his stall to hit the cop with the frijole sack. Realizing that going into the ladies’ room may violate acceptable police department protocol, the cops high tail it out of there. Lety pulls Tom out of the stall, but we don’t get to see him, we only see his hand, shaking with anxiety.

In Tom’s office, Alicia is on the computer. She transfers the ONE MILLION DOLLARS back to the Conceptos account. She says that no one will know she stole… she corrects herself "no, not stole, just borrowed" that money. She laments that she will not get to be a Swiss natural blonde.

Lety walks into the Vortex with Tomas. The sight of Tomas causes Lola to shriek. Tom is sporting a long, camel-colored, big-shouldered jacket, a skirt, white tights, and Mary-Jane shoes (you can’t see them here but you could see them under the stall back in the rest room)… Oh yeah, and he’s wearing Lety wig: a long, black, slick braid. [Well we could pause here to discuss why the heck Lety happened to have this outfit conveniently lying around, in Tomas’s size, natch, but let’s not, okay?] He says "hoooolaaa" like Lety and does the flimsy-wristed Lety wave. The women think that this must be Lety’s sister. Ariel runs in and calls for the cops to grab them. Tom and Lety make a run for it while Lola and Martha try to get in the cops’ way.

Lety’s office door opens and Fern and Aldo struggle to be the first out of the door. They finally both get out and run through the Vortex calling for Lety. Then Alicia runs by as well, calling for Tommy and trying to juggle her gold lamee purse and her dead dog… woops, sorry, that was her hideous fur jacket.

In front of Conceptos, Tomas and Lety jump in her car and zoom away [let’s assume her car just happened to be sitting right in front because she’s the prez]. The cops jump in their squad car and follow them. [Hmm, their siren went on but the blue & red police lights didn’t…] Fern and Aldo run out and ask Celso where Lety went. Celso responds that the two young ladies just took off a-that-a-way in Lety’s car. Aldo asks Fern if they can take his car. Fern reminds Aldo that he (Fern) sold his car to pay Aldo. Aldo reminds Fern that he has not been fully paid yet. Fern concedes that Aldo is right, however, he was able to pay some of it. Then Fern points to another car sitting in the driveway, and says they can take that one. Aldo runs to the car, but Fer make a fast turn and runs to another guy nearby with a motorcycle. He asks the guys if he can borrow the motorcycle, and gives him his wallet as collateral. Meanwhile Aldo is already in the passenger seat of the parked car when he realizes Fer pulled a fast one. He jumps out of the car and runs back to Fer and the motorcycle. The scene is poorly edited here because suddenly Fer is already on the bike taking off and Aldo is sitting on a second motorcycle. The owner of the bikes seems kinda worried. Fern yells "Wooohoo" and the bike-owner calls out "may God bless you" -- not sure if he’s addressing Fern or his bike.

Okay, so far everything in this outside scene has happened in less than a minute! The camera is shaky, and I am so-o-o-o-o dizzy! Also, I am rolling around on the floor in hysterics!

Celso stares off after Fern, and Lobo (Mr. Martha) walks up to him and hits him to snap him out of it. Alicia runs out and demands to know where Tomas is. Celso, understandably confused and probably as dizzy as the rest of us, says Tom has not passed through here. Alicia grabs Lobo and tells him she has to catch up to Tom. The two get into Lobo’s cab and they burn rubber as they take off.

On the road, Aldo and Fern are now riding side by side on their motorcycles, presumably looking for Lety. The other cars in the street were apparently really excited to see this scene being taped, because they are all beeping like mad, so that we can barely hear what the guys are saying – either that, or it’s just another typical day on the streets of Mexico City.

Inspired by the scene assinged to them, Fern sings a verse from Parace que va a llover (It Looks Like It’s Going To Rain), which is a song from the movie "¡¡ A toda máquina!!", one of the best movies from the golden age of Mexican film. [If you’re a Fern fan, you will love Pedro Infante in A toda máquina. Now that I think about it, the Pedro Infante influence in Fern's character is clearly evident. Put it on your Netflix list!] Aldo loves the adlib so much that he gives Fern a high-five! Trying a little adlib of his own, Aldo tells Fern to stop having fun and look for Lety, then he spots her and they speed up.

Tomas tries to calm Lety down, as she is super-nervous. They turn on the radio and the announcer is reporting that some guy stole A MILLION DOLLARS from Conceptos and has flown in women’s clothing [we could pause here to discuss the many, many crimes that go unnoticed by both the authorities and the media in novelas, which make me wonder why they would care about this one in particular… but let’s not, okay?]. Tomas is freaked out, not so much by the fact that he is a fugitive from justice, but by the fact that he has been reported to be in women’s clothing, so he starts pulling off the clothes and throws them out the window. Good thing he doesn’t care about the fugitive part, because the cops are now right behind them.

Fern and Aldo see the cops and follow. They decide to pass the squad car, one on the left, the other on the right. This confuses the cops and they swerve. Fer calls out "Ay Caray!" followed by an apology to the cops. Another "Ay Caray" when he realizes they’ve lost them. Aldo says "and Lety too." Fern says that’s who he was referring to.

In Lobo’s cab, Alicia confesses to him that her husband Tom is in big, big trouble, and it’s all her fault, because she stole the ONE MILLION DOLLARS, and Tom took the blame. Lobo says that Tomas is an incredible person. Alicia agrees. She says he’s a marvelous man and she loves him so much, but she only now realized it. And now it may be too late to get him back, even though she’s pregnant with his oxi spawn.

Tom thinks they lost the cops. Lety wonders what they’ll do now. Tom thinks he’ll hide out 10 years or so, until this storm blows over. Lety reasons that it won’t be necessary, since the police investigation will confirm that he is innocent. Tom says he doesn’t want them to do that, and that he did take the money. Lety says she knows very well that Tom is incapable of stealing a single cent. She thinks he must be protecting someone. She realizes it must be Alicia. Tom breaks downs and admits that it was her, and that she lied to him all along. Lety says that he must denounce her, but Tom says he can’t do it. Lety looks worried.

Back to the motorcycles. Aldo starts to swerves around Fern. I think he’s trying to show off. Fern tells Aldo that Luis Aguilar (the co-star in A toda máquina) never pushed Pedro Infante. As they ride along, Aldo asks Fern if he likes mole (you know, that Mexican sauce served over chicken and rice). Fern responds that of course he does. Aldo responds "good, because there’s your chicken" as he swerves his bike, making Fern swerve onto the ramp of a parked truck. Fern wails as he goes up the ramp and Aldo rides off on his own (non-Aldo fans might say this makes him an asshat).

From outside the truck we see chicken feathers flying up all over the place and we hear chickens clucking in surprise. Luckily, Fern is not hurt. He’s still on his bike inside the truck, covered in feathers and holding a feisty chicken in his arms. He mimics Aldo’s mole joke and pets the chicken, telling it not to worry, he will not let them make chicken soup out of him!

Lobo says he thinks they lost Lety and Tom. Alicia is worried that the cops will find him. Lobo says there’s no problem, since she already returned the money. Alicia clarifies that no one knows she returned it yet. Lobo, the smartest man on this novela, tells her not to make life more complicated than it has to be; all she has to do is call and tell them that the money has been returned. [Duh!] Alicia immediately pulls out her cell phone and dials the office. Ariel answers and demands an update. She tells him that the missing money was all a mistake. She orders him to call off the cops.

A girl in a red card drives by, and Fern, who has managed to catch up to Aldo, says there goes Lety [no, it wasn’t Lety; I had to rewind about 10 times to confirm it]. Aldo follows the car and Fern laughs [non-Aldo fans might say he laughs in righteous retribution] before riding off in the opposite direction.

The cops catch up to Lety and cut her off, making her stop. Tom tells her to stay in the car and gets out of to give himself up. I just noticed he's wearing make-up -- he doesn't look half-bad! They cuff him as Lobo and Alicia drives up. Alicia jumps out of the cab and tells them Tomas didn’t do anything. She stops to ask Tom why he’s dressed that way (like a woman). She repeats to the police that he didn’t take the money, it was her… she then adds that it was her that just confirmed that the money is not missing, and it’s all a mistake (Lety rolls her eyes and raises her arms as if to say "Can you believe this oxi?").

The police get a call from dispatch as Alicia tries to get Tomas’s attention. Tomas cuts her off, saying they have nothing to talk about. She tries to explain but he says all he ever wanted was to make her happy. The cop comes back and says dispatch confirmed that there is no crime (uh, except for the high-speed O.J. chase through the residential streets of el D.F.-- in a car with no license plates, BTW) and they leave. Lety tells Tom they need to leave too. Tom tells Alicia "You don’t know how much I regret the day I fell in love with you" before walking off.

In the car, Lety asks Tom what he thinks happened. Tom thinks Alicia must have returned the money. Lety starts to say "I told you so" but changes her mind and just tells him he should not show up work crying.

Just then Fern and Aldo ride by, trying to kick each other and smack each other's helmets. Lety recognizes them and follows them. The boys are showing off again, with lame (and dangerous) tricks like standing on their bikes as they ride and riding sideways. They don’t see Lety driving right behind them. She’s worried that the boys will get hurt. Tomas adds that, because they are so busy smacking each other around, that they haven’t noticed they’re riding en el sentido contrario (the wrong way, against the traffic).

They are on a curvy road now, on the side of a hill. Fern tells Aldo his mole joke was pretty good. Aldo asks if he picked out a nice fat chicken for his soup. He calls Fern on his joke of sending Aldo after the wrong car. They debate whether Fern knew it was the wrong car. Fern then nonchalantly adds he thinks they are driving in the wrong direction, and hopefully, a car won’t drive up towards them. Right on cue, a car swerves towards them. The guys swerve away. Lety and the other car screech to a stop, just missing each other. But the guys ride their bikes right off the side of the road, in an inadvertent Thelma & Louise tribute. [I’m hoping there is a river or something to catch their fall, but it looks like a long and rough way down.] They float through the air in slo-mo and Lety screams in disbelief "se mataron!" (They killed themselves!) .

Tomorrow: It looks like Lety may not have any grooms left to choose between!

My queridos amigos, this is my last regularly scheduled Fea recap. I've really enjoyed it and am having a hard time letting go, as may be evident by the fact that this half-hour recap is longer than most of my 1-hour recaps. It's been a blast! I hope you all continue to visit to see what's going on with the other novelas, not to mention Melinama and this excellent blogging team; I sure will!


Thursday, June 21, 2007

Acorralada #111 Wednesday 6/20/07 another quickie recap

Sorry this is late again. I have had a temporary computer malfunction.

Eduardo gives Fiona a new ring. She gives it back. She wants to end the farce of their marriage. She loves another man!

Rene and Yolanda talk about shopping.

Marfil, still wearing the purple eyeshadow, questions where Max is. Diana, still wearing the tube top and lots of green eyeshadow, assures her that Max went to Chicago --yeah, Chicago, that's right.
Marfil is not happy.

Diana is now sitting in her room and begging forgiveness from Maxi telepathically for making him think she slept with Diego. Max is still hanging from the ceiling. We now see for the first time that he is still wearing those white shoes although shirtless! He cries out to the Diana gods: You shouldn't have made the sacrifice. He vows to kill Diego. He really looks creepy to me.

Eduardo wants to talk to Fiona, but she isn't buying. There's no romance, and she's tired of his attitude.

Puncho and Diego plot strategy. The realize that Caramelo, Lala, and Diana know about the plot, but Diego is positive that none of them will call the cops.

More of a boring scene where Rodrigo tries to seduce Fedora. He tells her that he always respected her husband, and that's why he never tried to seduce her before. She asks him to help her forget her love for Paco.

Diana calls Diego. How does she have the number? She berates him for reneging on his promise to free Max.

More talk between Rodrigo and Fedora.

Iggy, Camila and Eduardo are chatting. Camila reveals that the other man is Max. She smirks.

Diana is still begging Diego to spare Maxi. You are a monster, she says. Only the monster that you made, he tells her.
He continues his trademark fume.

Rodrigo and Fedora continue. He accuses her of wasting time. Paco has a new wife. You should take a new path.

Eduardo rails against Max for taking his wife.

Diego is now with his mom. She wants to know if he freed Max. The police come. Diego points a gun at the door. Who told the police--was it you? No? Then it must have been Diana. Diego finally is persuaded to lower the gun. Turns out the cops are not there for the kidnapping--they've got a warrant to arrest Puncho for the major crime of bigamy. Psych! Condensing this sequence: Lala really has a chance to chew the scenery. Sooner or later, both her sons are going to prison. I was always a good mother, she laments. Maybe we were humble and didn't have luxuries, but I set you on a good path. Diego interrupts: "mama," Don't touch me with those filthy hands, she says. You kidnapped a good man. He is a million times better than you. Wow!

Meanwhile, Puncho is still torturing Max. He waves some food in front of his nose but won't give him any.

Silvia is in the jail cell. She indulges another one of her fantasies. She's Eve, and Puncho is Adam. Puncho has a live boa constrictor around his neck! Man does not live by bread alone, she says. She gives him the apple. This scene, like so much else, makes no sense.
Just in time, Emilio comes to bail her out. I had forgotten that he was her cousin. Anyway, it was a nice thing to do.

Diana plays with her baby on the bed. His daddy's life is in the hands of the Virgin of Guadalupe, she says.

Octavia and Paola continue arguing about Paola's drug use and no-good husband. Paola can't believe they turned him in. (I can't believe the police sent someone with a warrant for arrest for a minor crime like this! I also can't believe the police didn't recognize Octy and arrest her for murder when she went down to the station. Remember that warrant for her arrest?) Octy tells Paola that that disgraceful Puncho will be locked up for years for the lacra (scar or blemish) that he is. Paola wants to know why her mother butted in. It's my problem, says Octy. Paola asks why she couldn't let it go. You never loved me. Octy gently responds: You're trouble. You need to dry out.

Fiona shows up at Casa Irascible. Lunkhead answers the door. She wants to wait for Max there. She has no money and can't go to a hotel. What about Marfil? No matter. She pulls her rolling suitcase in and comes in.

Caramelo and Diana plan a way to help Max escape. Since Diana was blindfolded, she didn't know the location of the hideout. But now, they will follow Diego the next time he goes there.

Diana and Caramelo catch up. Everything's the same. They vow not to call the cops.

Back at Emilio's Silvia thanks him for taking her back to the apartment.

Paola tells Octy she needs Puncho because mom never loved her. Mom tells her she must go to rehab. Paola tells Octy that it's too late for her to play the role of mother. I hate you for never being a mom! I hate you for turning Pancho in. Orchestra of Doom swells.

Paola calls Puncho to warn him about the arrest. She tells him that her own mother did it. Puncho says he will escape and find her. He loves her. Diego brings Puncho more clothes. Puncho points out that he has plenty of experience getting away from the cops, so Diego shouldn't worry.

Meanwhile, Iggy and Eduardo go to the fabrica to look for Max. They meet Diana, who asks Eduardo "Who are you?" Cut to credits.


Duelo de Pasiones, Thursday June 21 - Don Loco says he's sorry

When Gaby saw Thelma in Emilio's living room, she began hyperventilating. Emilio asked her what was wrong. Thelma said Gaby must be hungry. Emilio dashed out of the room.

When he was gone, Thelma hissed at Gaby, "I am capable of killing you. Quiet!"

Emilio came back and put something under Gaby's nose, to calm her down no doubt, then told her she'd soon be with her father.

The doorbell rang. Gaby told Emilio she wanted to leave his house because she was afraid. Emilio was confused (what else is new). Rodrigo rushed in (with Alina and Tina) and embraced Gaby. Alina thanked Emilio.

Gaby begged Rodrigo, "Please, leave here, marry Alina, leave Puebla! Let's go far away from here!" Listening to this, Thelma smirked.

Angel brought food for Gaby, but she refused it and left with Tina. Emilio asked Rodrigo and Alina when they were getting married. Alina said it wasn't the right moment to discuss it.

At Coral's house: Soledad asked Aida (aka Dr. Loca) if Alvaro (aka Don Loco) felt guilty for what he'd done to her and Alina. Dr. Loca said yes, so Soledad agreed to visit Don Loco in jail, saying she'd once loved him and hoped he would recover.

After Dr. Loca left, Soledad told Coral she didn't want Alina to know she was going to see Alvaro because it would worry her. Coral said maybe afterward Soledad would give Elias a chance. Soledad grimaced.

In the hospital: Gaspar had a vision of the Virgin Mary. He told her he wanted to see his little cub. She blessed him in Jesus's name.

Commercial break: Finally we get a promo for what seems to be the next telenovela in this time slot! As predicted by Roseanne and Sylvia, it's "Amar Sin Limites," starring Karyme Lozano, Valentino Lanús, Mónika Sánchez, and René Strickler. "Ambition! Corruption! Desire!" says the commercial. "Muy pronto!"

Back to the show: Two guys in cowboy hats -- Bernal and Fidencio -- discussed buying a ranch (apparently the ranch belonging to Vicente, who just died, and his Alina-lookalike wife Raquel).

Raquel approached and Fidencio took off. She asked Bernal if he'd been talking to Fidencio. Bernal said no. Raquel looked suspicious.

At the hospital: Gaspar sat up in bed, looking healthy, while the delighted Luba fed him breakfast. The doctor said it was incredible, but Gaspar was cured!

Nearby, Mariana and Dr. Love helped Malena out of bed to go home. Luba spotted Mariana and they gasped each other's names.

In jail: Don Loco told Dr. Loca that his problem with Soledad was not a mental problem but a problem of the heart. A guard announced that Don Loco had a visitor. Of course, it was Soledad.

After Dr. Loca left, Alvaro told Soledad, "I know I was stupid, a real imbecile. I don't know how I could have doubted you. I was blind, driven crazy by jealousy."

Soledad said she'd waited years to hear that. Alvaro went on, "You never cheated on me, Soledad." He admitted that Alina was his daughter.

Crying, Soledad said, "I told you! The damage you've done to your own child."

Don Loco knelt beside her and said, "Soledad, forgive me." He admitted he could never make amends for all he'd done but begged her again to forgive him.

Soledad stood up and asked how he could ask for forgiveness. It wasn't so easy. "As always, you're only thinking of yourself."

Don Loco said, "I'm thinking of you, of us. We can begin again as if nothing happened. Forgive me, Soledad."

Soledad spluttered, "How can you want me to forget so many humiliations? How can you want me to forget what you did to your daughter, imprisoning her in a cave?" She pointed out that he'd even threatened to kill their daughter. "No. No, no, I can't, Alvaro. No, I don't forgive you."

Don Loco said other men had always been more important to her than he was. Soledad asked sarcastically if this was his way of asking for forgiveness.

Becoming ever more loco, Don Loco replied that she was a flirt! Her father had warned him about her, and her father was right! Then he had a vision of his bruised zombie father standing behind him, saying, "She never loved you! Kill her!"

Alvaro yelled at his father to shut up. Alarmed, Soledad asked who he was talking to.

Don Loco kept yelling at Zombie Dad. Instead of fleeing for her life, Soledad kept asking him what was going on. (This woman never knows when to quit, does she?)

Finally she got his attention. Don Loco turned to her and asked, "Why can't you forgive me?" and, of course, accused her of being in love with Elias. Again his father ordered him to kill Soledad.

Alvaro warned Soledad to leave (yes, even Don Loco in the midst of a fit of madness has more common sense than Soledad!) but Soledad stayed put, so Don Loco called the guards.

Dr. Loca came in with the guards. As they took Don Loco away, he shouted at Soledad, "You have to forgive me!"

In General Ochoa's office: Emilio told the general he wanted to fight for Alina's love. He asked for a new assignment.

The general said, "Very well, Emilio." I didn't understand exactly what he told Emilio to do -- something about a river and strengthening bridges.

At Coral's house: Alina showed her nurse uniform to Rodrigo, who said she would look beautiful in it. Then he produced an engagement ring and put it on her finger, saying, "With this I ask that you marry me next month. What do you say?"

He explained that he was worried about Gaby, who wasn't eating or sleeping. Leaving Puebla was the only way to restore her tranquility, and he'd be the happiest man in the world if Alina would go far away with them.

Alina said, "I understand your situation, but I don't want to rush things." Rodrigo asked if she loved him. She said yes, but it was too soon for this. Rodrigo asked her to think it over.

She promised to give him an answer that day, then said she had to go to school because she didn't want to be late.

Back at the hospital: Mariana asked Luba if she knew that Don Loco was in jail. Luba said it was about time. Mariana asked about the cofre (coffer). Luba went into Super Mysterious mode and told Malena this was between her and Mariana. Malena dutifully left.

Luba then told Mariana her name wasn't really Luba. (At least, I think that's what she said.) She said she'd been hiding on Don Loco's lands, and Alvaro would go completely loco if he knew the truth. She said it was better he learn the truth from Mariana.

Mariana said Alvaro didn't want to see her anymore. She asked Luba to be the one to tell him the truth (whatever the truth is). She told Luba about Alfonsina and Hugo's attempt to kill her.

Nobly, Luba said she would go back for the cofre and tell Don Loco what was in it. She assured Mariana that nothing would happen to her.

In Claudia's neighborhood: Angel and Claudia discussed Rosendo's arrest. Angel asked Claudia if she wanted to date him now. She said yes. Rosendo arrived and saw them kissing.

Angel told Rosendo to leave Claudia in peace. Rosendo said he was free because he'd told the police that the mute guy kidnapped the girl on his own. He and Angel snarled at each other, but Claudia pulled them apart and said she had to go to work.

In jail: Alvaro banged his bloody head against the bars of his cell, calling himself an imbecile for losing Soledad. His lawyer, Mauro, arrived. Alvaro said Soledad hated him.

Meanwhile, in Dr. Loca's office: Soledad told Dr. Loca she'd never seen Alvaro like that, he seemed to be hearing voices. She asked, "Is he crazy?" (Soledad, if you have to ask that question after all this time, you're crazy, too.)

Dr. Loca took off her glasses and simpered dramatically, then said it would be irresponsible of her to diagnose Alvaro yet. (Since when does she hesitate to be irresponsible??) She asked Soledad what she'd said to Alvaro.

Soledad said she had refused to forgive him, but she wasn't to blame for his reaction. Dr. Loca asked if she still loved him. Soledad said no, she'd stopped loving him years ago, then repeated all the terrible things he'd done to her and Alina.

Dr. Loca said, "You have many reasons not to love him," but said it seemed Don Loco still loved Soledad. Soledad said she'd seen him for the last time, that chapter of her life was now closed.

After Soledad left, Dr. Loca told herself that she doubted Soledad would get free of Alvaro so easily.

In nursing class: Alina, wearing her uniform, zoned out, remembering Rodrigo's proposal instead of listening to the teacher. The teacher asked her if nursing school wasn't what she had expected.

At the Valtierra house: Emilio came home and told Thelma he was going on a mission. She taunted him about being Rodrigo's rival.

Singing Aunt Rebeca came into the room and asked about Gaby. She was glad to hear the girl had been found.

Emilio gave something(?) to the aunt -- I didn't catch what it was -- and asked to her to take care of his son. Thelma snapped that it was her son and SHE would take care of him.

Back in Alvaro's jail cell: Mauro said Alvaro looked strange, like a different man. He told him to sleep, then left, saying, "Till later, friend." Alvaro didn't reply. He appeared confused, his eyes roving around.

Dr. Loca strutted into his cell, wearing her so-professional low-cut red dress, and said, "I know your relationship with Soledad is over. That is very healthy for you."

Alvaro snarled something about not thinking it was so healthy. Dr. Loca said he wouldn't recover if he kept feeling that way, then said coyly that someone else could give him the love he needed.

Bad move, Doctor. Don Loco demanded, "How can you compare to my woman? It's you're fault I'm locked up!" He grabbed her by the throat and started strangling her, saying, "You separated me from Soledad, damn it!" It looks like Dr. Loca is a goner.

words/phrases from this episode:
aferrarse a = to cling to
borrar = to erase
puente = bridge
veneno = poison
trastorno = upheaval
migajas = breadcrumbs
apartar = to separate


Acorralada #110 Tuesday 6/19/07 Quickie recap

Folks, I apologize, but I lost my notes for this episode, and I was only going to do a quickie recap anyway. Here are some basics from memory:

Diego forces Diana to tell Max (falsely) that she slept with Diego the night before. He takes Diana to see Max, who is still strung up. He leaves them alone for quite a while, and they kiss. Then Diego comes back and reminds her to tell Max what they planned. Of course, Max, the dolt, believes her and says he never wants to see her again. It's just like what happened when at Diana's trial he believed she tried to seduce Iggy. She would be justified if she didn't see him again now, but then she wouldn't be Our Dimwit, would she? Oh, yeah--Diana has a new weird getup: a long red tube top worn over a white cotton (woven fabric) blouse.

Camila goes to the new Irascible house to meet with Marfil. They plot about getting rid of Fiona, who they think is a worse rival than Diana. Marfil seems to feel that troweling on gobs of purple eyeshadow is a surefire way to get Max to notice her.

Debora goes to visit Isabel to discuss her proposal of doing something to get back at Diana. They will make much money, and Debora will be able to afford plastic surgery for her scar. Meanwhile, she is just putting her hand and a scarf over it.

Larry comes to the fabrica to find out about Max. He meets cute with Gaby in the hall and gets her in the elevator, where he shuts it off. Despite her protests, she leans in close and he tries to kiss her. He says that if she is fainting he will give her mouth to mouth resuscitation. Very cute scene.

There's another boring scene where Rodrigo is trying to seduce Fedora. I barely pay attention to these.

Silvia and Paola are arguing with the victim of the car accident. The cops drive up, and Silvia tries to run away, but her style of running is more like running in place, hence she is caught immediately. She and Paola are arrested. While the cops are putting them in the squad car, who should walk by but Mariposa the tranny--but he's dressed in male clothes. Silvia tells him to inform Diana of their plight.

Octy and Paco are PO'd at the car situation. They decide to go down to the police station and denounce Puncho for bigamy. Once there, they learn that Paola is in the pokey. They bail her out, but not Silvia. Paola doesn't want to go with them.

Mariposa, now in drag, goes to the fabrica to look for Diana, who is not there because she's busy tending to Maxi-moron's wounds. While she's waiting, facing the camera, Puncho comes up behind her and starts rubbing up against her and trying to seduce her. Then she turns around, and he gives a horrified grimace. This may be one of the funniest moments ever in this show, right up there with the time Camila had her dress cut off.

Puncho and Caramelo then proceed to have a discussion where she reveals she knows what he's done. Looks like she's going to get rid of him for good.

That's about all I can remember, but if anyone has anything to add, please do!


6/20 Juan Q - the unemployment rate falls in the DF, everyone dreams, and favors are requested

We open with Paula happily rushing into the church to give thanks to El Santo Niño de Atocha (Besos a mi gente en Zacatecas!) and telling him that she's sorry she wasn't very optimistic at her last visit, but she was wrong and he is more bountiful than she imagined. She promises to keep coming and more often and thanks him profusely for helping her to get employment and telling him her mother will be so happy. She exits stage right.

Juan enters stage left (and just managing to miss seeing her) and picks up right where she left off. He promises to bring a gift and apologizes for doubting his generousity and calls him his "Gallo" (which means rooster but is used as a term of affection and appreciation here) and tells him he'll see the change in him and be proud, and not just of him, but of all the Cachon ladies. He promises to stick with him until death! And he exits stage left equally enthusiastically with a new form of a genuflect/ arabesque, complete with sound effects.

Next we see Juan approach Enrique as he is bonding with his La Consentida (his microbus - means favorite) and talking to it lovingly. Juan wonders why he is talking to himself but he tries to flatter him telling him how handsome and kind (and a bunch of other things that I can't remember right now) he is. Enrique admits La Consentida is like a part of his family. Juan tells him he's his buddy and then finally asks if he'll please teach him how to drive. He rehashes getting the job and explains that he's going to be driving all over the place. Enrique makes fun that he doesn't know how to drive. Juan covers that it's not that I don't know how to drive, rather it's just that I'm out of practice.

E wants to know what kind of car he's going to have. Juan explains that it is extremely fine with air conditioning etc. and Enrique says there is a big difference between driving a micro and that kind of a car. Finally Enrique says that because he himself is good people, he will agree to help him. Juan adds thanks and oh I have to be ready by Monday (apparently only a few days away)! Enrique looks puzzled and is bewildered that this guy could get such a job.

Paula greets her Mom and tells her the great news of her recent employ with CL, that she is going to be the new commercial manager. Smart Mama wonders if he wanted anything "special" from her for this great position. She responds that there is a difference between what he wants and what I want. Mom tells her nonetheless to be careful.

Juan goes back to the house to share the news with his defacto harem, and poors them all Corona in a champagne glass to toast to his success. He asks them to guess why they are toasting. On the second try Yadhira guesses he got work. Marely is not charmed and gives him an uninterested reception. He notices this and tells them, look, I didn't just get mouse work, I'm going to be very prestigious as the sales manager of a food sales company.

He notes to himself in his now famous thought bubbles the unimpressed look on Marely's face and imagines to himself that one day he will get her. He says something about even Cortes eventually removed Cuauhtemoc (Strong and powerful Aztec ruler of Tenochitilan which stood, as you may know, where Mexico City is today). She then waltzes over to him and tells him she's loved him all along or something and plants a fat one on his cute but big face. But it's just a dream, and the other ladies snap him out of it. She just looks at him with semi disdain.

When then rotate around the cast with more dreams after we see CL with his amante who is shocked that he contracted Paula. He asks if she's bothered, and she says no if he stays away from her. He assures her she's there to work. Uh huh.

Ugh, Paula is day-dreaming of CL, Juan is day-dreaming of and talking to himself about Marely, then Marely is actually fondly day-dreaming of Juan recalling that he said he would protect everyone. GAYtan is sleeping and dreaming of Juan and muttering his name with a smile.

Juan decides he needs to go bug Nidia and checks if she's awake. Of course she's always awake for him as he finds her in lingerie in a sexy pose. He tucks in his clothes better and thinks maybe instead he should just let her sleep. She mourns that her days and nights have been so long and lonely without her husband around, and that her bed is big. He tells himself that this woman is throwing herself at him and ordinarily he would go for it but he can't go after the mother if he has any chance with the daughter, so he tries to shake her off like a wet noodle and suggest that they pray instead.

She is surprised he is so devout. He says for sure, he is like "this" with El Santo Nino de Atocha and his father too. He finally gets away and tries to leave saying he's sorry he even dared to bother her this late but he just wanted something urgent but, really, nevermind anyway.

She wants to know what he wants. He says he's ashamed to even ask, but he wonders if he can borrow some money from her because he needs to buy a new suit, one in his size because he can't show up everyday in the office looking like he does now. She reminds him that her husband left her nothing, may he not rest in peace, and so she has nothing to give out. He says it would just be a loan until he can get his money out from the bank. She says she'd be headed down the same path as her husband (dead) if it weren't for Juan offering to take care of them so he can ask her for anything at all that he wants, except for money.

Juan dejected goes downstairs and finds Enrique and Yadhira messing around, or messing up each other's hair, it's a little unclear. But he wonders if he's bothering them. She says no and heads out. Enrique tells Juan something about looking like they don't understand him and he says well I need a loan from you. Enrique tells him he should a least get a kiss or something before Juan sticks it to him. E says look, I don't know you well enough for that and besides you are taking advantage of my generousity here.

Juan assures him that he's only asking because he's desperate and that he promises that he will pay it back with interest even, that he needs to buy the suit. Enrique finally agrees to this too and jokingly asks him if he needs anything else. Juan of course replies that, yes he needs to earn how to drive as quickly as possible. Enrique in effect rolls his eyes.

Juan goes into the kitchen where he surprises Marely who rudely tells him he startled her. He tells himself he is reminded why life is worth living when he sees this beautiful creature and why he is in this house. He asks why she is always so rude to him when all he ever wants to do is help. He continues that they helped him in his worst moment and Marely interrupts and says no I had nothing to do with that. My mother helped you and she has her ways of making sure that her favors are well paid for so he should watch out. She says she doesn't trust him, and that no one gives something for nothing. He wonders what he can do to change her mind, and she says don't do anything. Then she decides instead that he can finish washing the dishes for her and she walks off. He smiles as he washes the bowls and thinks to himself he'd do anything for her, his little boquita de caramello - mouth of caramel (sweet lips like sugar, essentially). And we close.

I wanted to post a treat so I've included the words to the opening song El Rey Tiburon by Mana. They are one of my favorite bands and I can't wait to see them in concert in a few months. They are very heavily involved in environmental causes in Mexico, so if you are not already a fan, I urge you to support them and buy their CD if you like their music. I had the good fortune to visit a turtle sanctuary suported by funds from their foundation. For more info about their causes and their foundation Selva Negra (Black Jungle) etc. you can go here: (I'll try to find something in English too)

El Rey Tiburon - Mana

Todos me llaman el pez tiburón
Everyone calls me the shark fish
El rey de los mares salados
The king of the salty seas
Todos me llaman el pez tiburón
Everyone calls me the sharkfish
El rey el amante dotado
The king the well equipped lover
Voy desafiando el amor
I will go around defying love
En busca de algunas sirenas
In search of some lady sirens (hot mamas)
Voy mordiendo el amor
I go around biting Love
Cuidado sirenas ya ha llegado y esta desenfrenado
Be careful the lady sirens now have arrived and they are wild

Ya llego el tiburón
The shark has arrived
Soy el rey de la mar (tiburón)
I'm the king of the sea, the shark
Que te come a besos
Who eats you with kisses
Pero yo soy el rey del mar tiburón
But I am the king of the sea, the shark
El que te come mi amor
The one who eats you with kisses
Bom bom mi sirena de amor
Bon bon my siren of love
Y ten cuidado del beso
and be careful of the kiss
Ayayay ayayay es el beso de amor que ya llego el tiburón
Uh oh it's the kiss of love that now the shark is here

Cantan la vida que soy tiburón
Que estoy del amor enamorado
Encanto la vida y encanto el amor
Que yo soy un tiburón enamorado
Ayayay ayyaya que te como mi amor
Te entierro mis dientes
Mi ardor
Ayayay bombón que te como mi amor
Cuidado sirenas ya ha llegado
Esta desenfrenado ya llego el tiburón
Soy el rey de la mar tiburón
El que te come a besos pero yo soy
El rey del mar
Tiburón el que te come mi amor
ayayay bombón sirena
De amo y ten cuidado del beso
Ayayay ayayay es el beso de amor
Que ya llego el tiburónY viene el tiburón que tiene
Todo y todo es su vidaQue en realidad esta en soledad
Y viene el tiburón que nunca
Encuentra salvando en busca
Busca su presa amor
Ya llego ya llego el tiburón
Soy el rey de la mar (tiburón)
Que te come a besos
Pero yo soy el rey del mar tiburón
El que te come mi amor
Ayayay ayayay
Bombón mi sirena de amor
Y ten cuidado del beso
Ayayay ayayay es el beso de amor que ya llego el tiburón


Okay, La Fea Final on Monday, one more time...

I'm almost afraid to post this, because every time I do post something, it turns out to be wrong! Maybe the third time will be the charm.

This is mostly for the benefit of people who read only the posts, and not the comments. If you've been reading the comments, you already know this stuff. But here is what people have figured out:

The thing to do on Monday, June 25, will be to set your VCR/DVR for the time when Duelo normally begins in your time zone, and then let it roll for the next four hours.
  • The first hour will be some type of La Fea "episode."
  • The second and third hours will be the thing that Univision is touting as the "gran final," but the content of these two hours is not clear either - Univision is doing it a little differently than Televisa did it in Mexico.
  • The fourth hour will be the Christina show. There will probably be another Christina show at some point, but we don't officially know when yet.


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